The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 23, 1850, Image 1
rUBUSIUjaf BY ‘ (r_T|‘'V WHITE & CO;, jl' ». It. WHM.J . » - • *‘£ f. i , aaxrrrc •uiu>t,\osj tsitti mor, rxst soon to^ . /[titk wr-pirjrTO.^''i |o -J Tn-JSSS-—•— Wrekly,4iu advfcnc4)~~—-f.•••.*. *»o® "Do. lo Q8l»,»t «.wdaced rtie.' *| HATES OP' ADTSKTMINO AGREKD tIPON* - I BV TUB PITTSBURGH, PRESS* L, : Oue Hu a «fr, (10 line* o f Noaparefl orleM)" !.'?•' : . ono iiwertioa*—?••••••£•/»•• One esen idoiUoßajrisMrtlOß*** (UP Ho. oneweek-»..4i-i 1|73 1>». twowcck««~»f~ «»■ 3)2 I to. thr*eweek*»-V~ ..••••••• 4;®'. (to. one oiinik”**— Vt. tbfee montn* “"J'"''!®" I>j. lour monih* lOJjO |)«>. aixmoniha--*-4—‘— ISjO! ' Du. twelve months. (••- •• 18,00' StariJin* Card-(0 line* or left,) per anncm- 10,w Use Square. changeable aiploenm (pel an* U ; OBfflj excloiive or the paper4~v*vv **. > For each additional aquare, ln»o«ade«toaaTnauh, ana for each 'additional aqshre utwrtcdttßda»tM|y««K It rales. • ,l - ; f "''V •(•' "*-•• • AdveiuM-inenu exceeding** wprarrpaadnotef *r fifteen line*, lo be charyc4 a* a twro and a half— _ PaL Ushers nct«ecoßattUbfe**C»trtTamMwpU -vbeyond u>« aa»uia charged for^eMpubbcauoml Announcing eandloam* fM afficd, ;io 1m charged the Mao &» other adveiustmenu.:.,L- Advertisements not marked on Mpe«> ' fied Bomber of insertion*, will be contliused till JocfeUf andpaymentexactel accord • . .... .4 , ■ The privileges of yearly advertiser*, wll be emafiAg; rigidly to ihtiritK*farba*iM#«,>»d ***•? *£?***, tisctaouu not pertaining to.lheir regular WJinwtt, as agreed tor, to ire paid utra. . . . j_4/ All adverojcmenu lor fifa companies ward. town&Mp and otberpibUs raeiuoga, and tuck like, lo be cttnrgtd hnlfpndr, payable itnctty In advance. . '••'•'• ..I ..*<-’■'■••-•.•‘41?, Marriage notice* lo be ebaijti »lewd*,-, - ' Dcaik oouec* wetted wiibeuiehatge,»ale*»d*edm* paaied by fuucrai Invitation*or obituary-notice** hdfi Brhenao arctwpaiutd to to raid tor., Regular aJreruMr* and ail otherssending comas nieauoni, or requiring notleeo designed to call knea* lion to Fair*, Soiree*, Concert*, or-aaypubUocnteis taiaoest* where charge* are made tor ailßotieia ot'piivalo u**ocinucnt—-every notice ; de clined to call attention to private enterpnsca ealcaUtr ted or Intended to promote individual Interest, canon*. ly be Inerted with tbe undemanding that the *nu»ia to b* pmd tor. If (mended to bo Inserted in the lee* ectasia, the sure enUbe charged auto raU> of not lew thaaluo u per line, • •■ J ■ DUiop jr KirtNcdee* to be charged triple pnre, - Tavern Ltee&Ye Petitions, fid each. - Lrgaltuid Medical advtnlartncD's to be charged at fkil prices. - [ Seal Cttate Agent* and AacUoitecra’ Advertisempnu n«Aiobecia*?cU yearly rater, but lobe allowed discount ol thirty thtee and one third pervert, from the amount «| Nils. ' - .1 ' ; wxxslv oa nu-yrxxkLT xa.jutiur rarn*.[ One three jn*ertioOT*—-----*-»*fil r w Do. vacu addiuonalincrtios-*** 37,. anvKXTSxacxnacr.'wnu.TrarQa.' : | . One Squats, (lOlutetJ one insertion- • • -50 cu." Do- each additional inte|ii6n--2S u .. All irantren; adTciusemeuts to be palfflit advance. WiIITKACOnUoxeUC. 1 L. IIARPER, Post,' . ' , ROUT M. EJJDDLKs Joe rnal. JAMES r. DARK A CO.. Chronicle. FOSTER A BROTHER, Dlspach.- JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. P ; JAMES W. BIDDLB, Amerieiut. ; - PHTMtMII, Dec. 1,1 &i». |;r ; HtiSINKSS OARttS. ; ALEXANDER M. WATSOM, i ATFOKNBY AT LAWt-OJEcc, on Foanh itreei, above Lowrie'» Uuiliiir^i—op nalrji juH>-V ; _ • '' -if AXKXANDhE FRANKLIN, AllomefiLtW, •.< oovia-ir ■ »aVii> c. TotTLE* '~~rr:~ Attorney at law and commissioner -Fur I'ICVNSY^VANIA,Hr. Lorr«, Mo. I’ i All conunmiicatiiun jifompflj aniweml. • octoly ARMSTRONG & CROZKHtCoiunluum Merchant* ami ix-alrj* m troiiucij, No t *ia MirktX irtrtet PuuhonrL • i. ' ’• dceS : JUIVJiTI.RANRJH, ATTORNEY ami Lair. «nl-06&tti*- •ioier tor IhOfc'mc of' St. L*ui», >lo. (lau i*l Tm*baij;b.J . 1.. Rufnstcv.—l’ituburgh: )lon.\V.To:irar£)iiinp ton &'Miller, M*C«ndleM & M’Clure, JoLu ILTarVi:, j-fjetla A Semple, ;.PConl A King.. aagßjdty' _ .. - - ■ rojiLuuafr.' T.U.BAJOO. J. rt ,/.( BAIEU> * STKIUIKTX.. . I Attorneys asd COUNSELLOR* Af 14 \v, Fourth itrcct, I'ctwcen Sjoilkfieiil and' Grant, •nnitrargb, Pa. . 1 | JOBS X.-XAX6L — wu.fvrzixjj&: LABOIC fe FRZSBD, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Foortli etrecL &e*r Grui. .... : 1 ; J akj&s f. Kilim, .. , Attorney at ©nfoerthuL. be-' twees flmithfceld tod si,;K4i-bi»rfcW 1 ~ spOfcgly . . :.j ; ' ,-,w r i- : W. IAQALCT- JOU!» *. CCMITI. • V. I. WOCOOrAQ--——~SALTU lUJiltr- ■ WOODWARD & c*f Wholesale pro ecrm,>io.eU Market erect, -Philadelphia. ggtsi . .... Pimbarth aitnll WorW. 1';". BENNETT, WBUhf* CO, Ma anjactexem <* b«I d Aii. Bleaching Powders. Mb riitie BltfSaTphctig Acids.. :Werehea*eNo. —Vvnldr RreeVhefaedVirTt.. hoTgur ,-•♦•• nzsicsiit sxacv. '*soxn : ttßXUL -- BRAUb A HOTEB, Wholesale and Retail Dr»g gua, t srner of Lawny end to. Cl«r eutw^Tm*. n A. iAiiNESfOCi tail Drnggiate, comer Wood aadCUmta j._JH _. rt AVli<«i<. AUonicy u L*w, rT RJMT* > i Ist door above bni'infiehL* . '. uotJSr 3m o. iC^autiudgi£7ain>., \ ! i< "• no. w spruce axKKgr, Philadelphia, .. CONTlNUEsugtvo Li. p&iucol&r attention to the treatment of Diseases ot the SKIN, SCROFULA",, and Diseases of the THROAT.-.A .» :■. [ " Office hours b A'. M-, IP. M., end 7P. i; I ocuctton* • -•' ~ . • • - I ’ roojiXcjuta. ;':y w-titinu. iUIMI A. MMIH, • r . r J "* ■ ' ClfiLAiG ft SKINNER, Forwarding and Conumslioa / MercbaßU. NoiSflJjUfltejjrt, Pmsbargli;,' ?pts • • CA/MeANULTY ft Ca, Forwarding „"«i& Coin M mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pmjburglei'u . , "atcia CU, UHANT, WnnlesaicGxocei/CommiiaUmlilid ■ Forwarding MerßhuntiNo.jl Waterst' Anlll biqaiiii? Su<l uS^lxoa (-fiif.KMAN, r IIAILMAS ftCo;'‘m«anlk4lu«hj sf j Coach - and' Klipiic Springs, Hammered 'AklcJ, Spring and Plough Bice), , Warehouse joa Water and Front erects, Pittsburgh/ ' ''..".7 -j * • ' Also,.dialer# is;Coach Trimmings and'Ualieshl*. •• ■■•;. T \ acui • ~ wtc a. ceuau, a , jams j. raskrr, ; ENGUBII ft IIENNKTT, (latd-KngUchr U«H(tghcr f Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission nhd'For warding Merchants, and dealers m produce aud fill** barga Manuiaetnres, No. 37 Wood si, between vd aiid Jdstreeu. '. , , - octll~. j; HENRY, Alio nicy and Cooncetiorat Latr, Pi. Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections LnßdutfccniUliio, and in Indiana, and InKenlaekyj promptly and eatffc-; faliy attended to. Commissioner lor the Bute of Peim aylvanla, for uking ' Deposition*/ acknowledgment fte-ftc, -.-4^—•••..> . Rxm to—Hon-Wm. Bell ft Bed, Cams, Church Carothcrs, Wa. Hays, Ksq., W>ihxkft Pans. 'j ma J. C. Ureyio-lc----■ .../..'.a, ICularke. BHETFOOhi: ft CIiABKE, : I FORWARDING AND 'COMMISSION, MERCO* » ANTS, and dealers. m Window Glut,' White' No. 10b second «t. • " ;1 jad»*y r . “ ~\VH. H. JUUKHTUS; IHORWAKDfNU ft COMMXSiJIO.V MEBCiIAffJY } No. lUi Boooml street, Pittsburgh: _dc!4 ’ j toSOKOS W. SJttnJ, . ..ISXBNfUmT GiEORUE W. SMrril ft Co., Urcwerv,' flaJiters f and Hop Dealers, Put si. Fitubaigh/ •. > g't’EUKGfc COCHRaN, Comn&sum'andFonrardißf \7 Metcbaut, No. HO Wood street. Pittsburgh* n>yl7 UWR^BiTuWFAOTOtty. HAMILTON STKWAKT,mattnfactarer'of Heavy Shirtings, Checks, Ac., Uebecca *ue±L city til AUegbcny. • _ novlS-diy* Tf r L'EFr(aicccsforto'Morphy ft Lee,) Wool Deat- Xl« er and Commission Merchant, for the sole dl American Woolens, Lil*ny. oppoiiieAh febn wM.'dKjli» t Dam'roorc.'." 7. T ‘ ftj.kccaso*, *mra3»ii**id>» {pitiiad*...- < • Mftc.n’caaciioa, jonaa.wusn, J > ~ EALD ft UUCKNOK,Tobacco Oummisfioo Mer* caantML North Water st/A X# North Wharves, s. • • . _ 'novOO-tf .a.s.aaxni. wi f. joniu* ■■ HARDY, JONES ft Co.. (successor# to Atwood, Jcaea ft Co.) CocimCtttna and. Forwarding hier ■ chants, dealers lu Pittsburgh Manufactured Atowli F«***X'B.t|b,ra 1 7__ .jt, ' . •• jacht.7 v _.. NOTICK* r . I HAVE asiocia:ed i. ii, MeVAY wtlh-mo in ih< Exchange and banking busines*.' • : -’ i ; ‘ January Ut,1550.. ; - WM. IL WlLlil A MS. «’«. ll.Winjin S ......LD;WcVny wm. n. wXbLuas * ODii HANKERS AND EXCHANGE North Eau corner ol Wood und TTilrf'sirceis, ' l* l * l ----- . Fmaagacn. VjS insUU Cimcat," ' •>»- i*. It mcxOv. id* jrSAJAH DIChEV ft X mission Mwchaau,and dealers in i*,odncc3i'St-sfl Water, and 1W From streets, Fitubargb. . novt? ! AJiebigan Lipe lo Uciver »iid tic La*o*.—Office ou the cottier of water tod gmiiHfoM ff)1 ; ; j a ni . John H.'iD»/worib*-—.<♦—.. ~.~iSSnjil«onh r B. DJLWORTU ic CO., WhotaijJgSSS?£a V •. Ar ? ufor u »w4Powder Co-,N0. -Jl WockJ «L fltubargh. ; dcS-r IOOtfB- imWOSJTJi 'lUDn^nt/Woni'* 1 8. DIbWOBTII ft Co, WiolnsJe Urftrrrf, I’r<v • duee mid CoaiiOLHlea AJertbanu/rtvL Ac«»u forth e llaxard rcwder Co. of N. y“sl« W wd n I'ilUt'gTKb. _'_' - - njtf John m. TOWUbi&iLonicgm aad No. 45 Naiket »t, three door* shore Hurd n. pittrf bsrgh.rrJl bare constantlyentaod awcU*e!ccied!3 Wjrtmcntof the best and frethcu will sell «» the “?« -»*»oasblo term*. PftjSns Ceding orders.will be prompUy attendedtp, endue- KSwiti KtCk. Ui.jr WW'/ turn .. : >“gV ptytiaioj I‘re>crfßUo!i« wiUl*, « c rt, llt i, . r Jfck.,-MiKe<lfttmUi. tatrautnK^ujajjj,,", “Iko * >«.» f.tK tarjtMii tad t ood PerfC e tiff. '■ —L-:-!' —i •- -•• " : laid . BKtyHUU Cosnsetlor ■I ’ fiee on Foanh u- shore SmhhfteUL .I.norMy - cXNFIKLD, (late of Warren, Ohio,) Comal*- aian and Forwarding *laxchant.'nnA.wboletsie Ji* r in Western Boserro Cheese, Bauer,, Pot and ».?/Ash. and Western Prodoee generally, Water Sel tad Wood, Pitts burgh, -a P3 JOHN WATT. Csueecim to KwaJtvftrOebbaft) Grocer and Oirnnusdan • Merchant i-V in Prodoee and Pittsburgh Wanaf*eure*, .eai ,ZtUbertyandHemT-ftrcebCPittslnrn*Pa. Tag: • '-o^mePaT” to J unieW«D * CO- CooiaiMioa. Merelitm*,- Atinti of the Bt tools Steam 6 agar Refinery.; *“«^ f^ r andM .froatatreew.flftslmfgh^ J. §SHm Wood ratu,lSuWt*li. fcLWk- j : .'CARPS. ftOHN CrWoHoiNt-VniDleialfi DWMIJt, and deal- J jOflfc- VwnMc*, ic, N®. W one of Diamonif, AJley, Pitt*- Ea»nh,.d •■^^a_LuL-yy,- m iJ“L i y-* m v**~itkhr, t± Co.. (*occ®attr to Joseph C. V DMtUSkipCbanitarfctt fttierdreei. , oc3l = —~ «“* - r Wo4d MIS {TuiJN I). coractSth *n<T’ »}' \ ' ~ l ,-V ' .’TODN-n.KKLLOS, Wholesale tad dealer f*f- toflJbrlbhhdMarieal. lrutroaena,-School Boea. ;t**nerTBl»ieif, , SMeer QaflU,Primm»Carda, and jSudenaryfenertlfiftNo.olWdodtlj'Pitubutrh? ; •• ; trade. «ept» JOHNSTON 4 tflX>CKtoST'lkwk*el(eriTPrtiwli and Paper MatiuttCtorettcilo. 44 Market at-™iS •‘ißnclu , -i y. • "" ' j c ® > .F J M^S,SSnASS?? c, 2^;9 roeer > CcomiHaloa i£spS^St£^%issfftSiSi “ d Cotami**jon Mer- lfcaler* is Prodaeo aad Pitubareh nann. K l '^S,T’. 0 J a lr 3 * t '° t Mannf.ctarer* of. eapcripr.4-4 Bhceucr*, Carpet-Chain. Co°cy Tguie • r m » iron Works. r -EWI& /t Co, oanataetaren of all «• iml*!' JJ ?t icr ol * “<* Nail* of Ike best tV ' Warehoaw,« water and ICJ front *L _janlo . -_iAV/ *'£ ■ • f» .“■£> Grocer, Forward* • XJ*Jt?£-* ndCaa,ml, * i#a ' Morel, * n, » Dealer in Pittr bD iw.^'?J f *F l,lre * 411,1 Produce, No*. 31 Water *L> aaflOTHttnabr- joy S®fiiita®sS3s^s pl J ro °' &cT*c. con ttantlr on band. ■ . ;■;/.. angU -> r**,». wsui.- v.w*ma cTao*. \l 4 Wbole*alc Grocer*and Commu- I»B°“ ¥* rcA “ ,u » N ? 1W Libert J *L,Pittsburgh. MUIU-H Y. WILSON * (lue * Lteotenf m Dry Good*, No. 4S A>is< , *tf«t.fitubVfih. ... • • - nbT» JlflA'lTilKW WUlSk>NPortraitapdMmiaFurcPaii Mnwr ? r **«« Office Alley ; and eytraneg en4Ui near Market. : di-i - 1 *. I * ' t PfI&HVRGU "WOkKS A^»“BPRING •~ r, ~ : . ''AND AXLE FACTORY. . «JUeroi«L-' :•- / - rottn t. ectoo TM^ANinSACTPEERS ertprinjf and blister »trfU iJX.plotirt iteel pleogh wing*, coach and clip! jii Hf ll1 **’.aamiacred-iron'axies, aud dealer* in mal! £•"** eaaung*, firo cngißelarapa, and coach uimininxa comer of Ron and Front «*, Pitubutjh, N^-UULMhS. fc“ SON, No, U Mnket *t_ veeond • door 6pm comer of Fonnh, dealers m Forebm rMESS ta *'’ wta^ 4c §?‘ N- AL&n&LL''—Office, Fourth il. a • third door above SmiihEeld, routh side. • .Corjvcyancingpr&l! kind* done with the neatest xarefeadlenl ptfcpracy. T.TtUostelieai .Estate, examined, &c. *•: Pttoy, HXJtOT BUHBOCK, EENN STBKCT, between. Wayne and Hand, bu . Teaniaediup-professional duties, ginn» in«iruc uom o« U» Piano, Collar, and iu Vocal Mciio. ( 'l «■ tegUldtf ■ - ggyßg&iir - jiiA sYoiura?orjo~Fswaj Bytn atjTtw W md—AU quantities or Green "mi Teas,‘done up la qßaner.-faitif, cad oaepotQtd'puektgot, nuiring-from£o.cis. v pert>ound H«stl }. tj* • | - ; A.-JM~Nh3,-Ant. for Pekin Tv* Co. IjibUNy.-LLtffJrffca ft C(l>j Wo. ivu liibeny unsu XVil’iUsUEicb.Wholcsak Grocery, Produce cud Coretßigtoo-iMcrchcata, and dealer* ir •Pitlsbnnrb Mannlactures. jyi ' TBoa. uttlx. V ukl. a. acßuon. >)iwa!BT.Mi>OIUS. Wholesale Grocer.Tkec&fvlajr £V Distiller,, dealer in Produce Pittsburgh Manufna lure*, and all of Foreign and Domestic Wines U.Liberia street On band a rery arge stock, of superior, old Moaongohela whiskey, *bicfc w»U be sold ipw for cash. . arnrou*, • >ITV IVOLDS A 6 HES, Forwarding ud Coauniuior . Ar.Jaerehanj*, for the Allegheny Hirer Trade, deil rr*in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Mnnafactara .oidUalyridCofiliine. ' Tor highest price*, ih oash, paid at all lime* for coon .*y ~Oanrerof Penn ana l twin «ik. j*in3 R" oiiEßr’is££m. a. ci, Groeeri Coibhu*«ob and-Forwarding n rroJnce ojidiPilulißreh Manufacture*,.Libertr at. .htUbain-U. fa, " '-fe&M >OUT. A: CUNNINGHAM, WholeiaißOroeer, IV lender in Piodvewend-Puiabargh Manufacture* >*»• N-TUheffr Wr :<*, iyjg *- C. tilitT TTT, - THOI. E. WIQT*. S““ UACiCLEJT- A, .WHITE, Wholesale Dealer* In Foreign and.Dometiic Dry Good*. No. 99 Wood at. ■ yauMrrgH. ■. • ’ ' " .febiar • R*. HAKDAUGH, Wool Merehabu, Dealer* Oja * a Fiocr fend Produce gene rail jr r and Forwarding, ana -Coauaiaaian Merchant*, No. a Water at, Pin*. ■■ burr t-. ■ ■•.»• - ....... .. ' * t. muse Mraxotoß. .•. ;ph3 hicbcis, ms>tt.sbp. iQ ELLERS ft NICOLS, Produce and General Com ‘o,toS»ioaMerehaet*;N». 17-Liberty ft-, PUtsbargh. • hpc my Lin teed and Lard Oil& » ’ S-~y. YON BONNHOKST, ft Co., Wholesale Gro- Forwarding and Commission Merchants, - DeaJqrs In Pittsburgh Manufactures and Westers Pro ds ct. hare removed to their new-warehoase,(old stand) N«».^,corner > o£ProatM.aad ChaneeryLane. - cot? ■; T ft IIiST, Wholesale Grocer* amfCoamis “JL e!o3 Mcrehama,and dealcn in Frodace. No. 35 Woojigt, Pittsburgh. ' p«S2 .. w. saoam - jobs mcosaiavs.' , tt.'O wotnrwiaD- iuoalzt. (ir jL ft CO.,.Wholesalo Groears, 19 ; gf • oiolW WoodstreetPuiabnrgli. bot 27 W. ft H. RITCHELTRKE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, RECnFYING DIS TILLERS, and WINE - and LIQUOR MERCH- A I*o—lmporter* of Soda Ash and Bleaching Potrdotj No.loo. liberty su, (opposite Sixth am Pina ~bai t gli- ! -- • • • . *ct23 I OH* S. ■OfICX, ' SATIS XXAHSLKtS • li&riCK &■ iPCANDLESS, (nccesMn to L. Jb J. D. * yy “Wiekd-Wtolesale Grocery Forwarding and Commiaiies .Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nall*, Glut, ' Otwii Tarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, wow r of Wood and Water *treeta, Pitubur*h- ' W.WALLACK, Will stone and Mill Furnuh- No. 344 Liberty cl, near the canal. . • • -marts • "ITfr, Silver Were, ' TV # " and Military Goods, corner of Market nad 4th •treet*. Pinaberjh.J’a. N- B.—Watches end Clock* MrefeJlyjtefcaired. deel • TX/'EST . IIOWEN—-ConunJwion and Forwarding y v /McfQb*m,'No. 00 From it between Wood and Market street*. • ' fcb34__ Xtr. rTMUHPhY, WSoUmIc aad itetSl dealer ifl -Tf V-Fo«u«a._ajid i)omejue Dry GcfxU,north east ennier of Alfttketeod Fourth rU. j _*br2l '• ww 1 . tocsu, ” “ • '~ r ' i tfcrnT XtriV TOTKG * Co.—Dealer* in 1 either bidet, t». W , 143 Liberty at _ _J__ janS-Iy —w’crrcin’ Nnf.-* , cmnnwsr. • Boar. ~ m 'fc R. M’CUTCHEON, tYlolesaJe Grocery, dea ” T f Vlerain Prodnee, Iron, Nails, Glass,and PUu. bvrphMasufaclnrea acnerally, ifis liberty at, Pills* ■btttjih.' .. ' '__ _ deca TXT W %VILSON. Dealer in Watches. Jewelry . Tt « Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac., No. S 3 Mar -krXM,- ' | MV7 ■7~7TtT - --- -AVSORSET AT LAW, ; V ‘ -V i Butler, Fa - ~TlfII*L.&!ao attend to collection* and, all.other iiani -dess entrusted lotto in Butler and Armstrong. eountle*,Pa. Refer to . . •- 7- J.fcJLFlord,Libenyst.} W. W. Wallace, do 1; e ;< : James Marshall do f Mtsburyh. dJy. . KayfeCoyWoodsi J| Jan 7 "immlw ‘ PETTIGREW * CO., Vl[ I T?ftfiTEAM BOAT AGENTS - CgftOPwS OmctuentL Alum A Co, MOBBBI ocUll No. 4 i Water street. HOTELS - . FbuBTAISTHOTKIi* ~ LIGHT STREET BALTIUOSR. row asp TCrsjTOS, raorxncnois. mTHIS establishment long andwidely known as' -being one of ilia nett commodious in the city of Baltimore, has recently dndergone very extern'- sivo alteraliona and Improvements. An entire .new: wing haabeen, added, containing numerous and airy, sleeping eparandnis, and extensive bathing room*. ' . Tub Ladies’ department has alto been completely feorganind and fitted up in ame ainnUjoe and beautt faTstyle. In fact the whole arrangement of the Uoure ' has beca remodeled, with salngle eye on the part of ,thd proprietor!, towards, the comfort and pleasure' »r their Gtesta,and which they, confidently assert will Challenge comparison with any Hotel in [the Union. . Their table will always be supplied with every sub ,'stanitl and laxury >wtteh the market affords, served ap la a superior style; while in the way of Wines, Ac., Jbey will not ba surpassed. . j ■ In eorlelasion «ho proprietors begio say, that nothing; Will ho left undont on their part, and on the part of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy qie continued potranogo of their friends and the public generally. -- -The prices for board have also been reduced to ilie followtne raw: • _ 1 . _: LadSs’ Onlinaiy, 91,79 per day. Genlleaen’Si u : ifiO ■ PLIWThe Bagguge Wagon of the House will *l-: ways b*'toned at the Car and Stcacobaat Landings, which will convey baggage to and from the Hotel, free: efctiajfre, "• 5 tAHAUTUf KUO CSK ~ ' mum o* wovtttt Atn> cun riun, nnutraon. w. 'THE-subscriber respecUallf annonnces that' CBlialiMninr opened bis new and excellent Hotel; /■“•forthe acctnranodaiiOD.of travelers, boarders, asd the' pnbtia generally. .The house and ftmutare are entirely new, and no pains c; expense bare been! spared to render it one of the mo»; comfortable and: pleasant Hotels in the city. The tabietifcerfi determined to deserve, and there fore solicits, a abate of public patronage.' : oetH-dlr JACtifi HUUtiH, Proprietor. :• Itunfirlok Work*for S«l«. TM£E wb«fiber Cffen Cor **!e, tic STEAM BRICK 'JL 'WORKS, above-LawrenceviUe, eonpmta* e SletttEhgtne, 3 Boilers, 6 Mould Machine, capable of nwEractan&gSO/)00 Presaeilßricka («mi oftirr clay, the bank,) per day; with three' acre* of Uitd on iho Allegheny river, on which ere 4 kiln* and •ge«, otaehine and elay *hed*. wheelbarrows, truck*, *<V every thing requitita to com -1 M -*° hoar* »«!“. Trricc, Including machine, BlfXMmat of “ y - “>» (oni K.U™: Foi „ IIENEY MERRITT, * i Nona MooongalieUUoooe. 'iJt^~ rbls Rrm ' aon * of the Croat; by the Rev. Dr. Spnag. - jtni PITTSBI INSURANCE, „ life INBI Trenton Hntnnl Life Sana or nun u Capital, • JAMES DUH.NO A CO., , apaao o* maxcnos, aj 'S3&2?&£: I John A. AVearu f Jonathan FDI Jweph C. Pctu, Prei’u O. A, PertieMU, V. p. . EU Mania, SbereUrT. it, Treuarer. - REFEREES. Ksw Toaa. Comptroller of New York. George Wood. John F. Machto.- ~ „ David Dudley Field. * Ja*eph Hoxie. Hl* Eze. Gov. Hainea W.L. Danon, u. 8. Sen. G. D.WiO,Ez-U.B Sen. Fjt-Gov. M. Diekenon. . -., ' MEDICAL li A. Sidney Doane, M. D | 3t Wma^N.Y. Wm : fiPK.JSetnn, M. IX, George RTCook, &1. IX, ' ■ Fltubargh, Pa., Joe A jentiof Lhi» Company, at Pi tabu rah, aro asih to take every firat dan riak on Liie at a rtrfire "°. n V twtntffm ftr (at from the tuna! rate* of pre außta. ai charged try other Companies. To fin for one year, para only 59,80’ <!o wren “ “ “ •Hi^O-anonnlly. »...*> Ufctimn, ** » (17,60 « ' *na la the tame proportion for any tom ep to BSQOO, wmch it the extent taken on any one life. , Jfc* company commenced operations on the fit Oet, iwb, ana its monthly business np to the Ut Oct- imp snows a progress ezxatdfnf that of any other Life Com pany on record. The fint dhrideod of profits will be declared to the assured on the lit Janaary, 1950. .«^py? to CoDUiain « *k« ▼erioua tables of rates, necessary information on the important' subject of UCBiAssanroce will be famished on sppli-- cation to . JAMES DURNO A CO- Aaenuf P " c *' Odaon Buildings. ISIVBAHOE. TRETfTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN- J. SI RANCE COMPANY will issue Policies of In suraneeiuium Lossoa Dasuosby Pow, upon Dwell “c“ Odeon Balioiiig*. HEALTH IBSCHABCS, u PUblnr|t. Tbe Spring Garden Health Inmrnnte UO4 OF PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, TNSURES Males aud Females against the Exi'enic X and Leu oeeaaiened by Bicknea or Accident, br an immediate allowance of from S 3 to 83 per week, forone, two, three, or four yean. The method of effecting this Insaranee, and the m*nner of awarding the siek allowance, will be folly explained by the AgenL A P* l *®? minii Sieknei. or Aecident Wbieo will detain him from hu ordinary btuineia. 'as follow*, vie . - For one year, by paying 84,80, and receive S 3 r week, r or two “ “ « *. 4' ' •* For three “ “ 7,84, *» ; « 6 For four «• “ 10^5, Or, for*period of font year*, the sum of 814,40 paid •■TOally, wiHaecnre 88 per week while sick. , Every orccnary Information will be afforded 0,1 the abject of ItUßrance generally, by JAMES DU HNO A CO, Agent*, Odeon Betiding*. T„„ *£*• Health laraitao*. l isJSi t “ l Health Insurance Company' of Philadelphia, Incorporated br the Legitimate ot. Pennsylvania, March, 18*8. Charter perpetual. Capital. 0100,000. Ram lows* ntas avt PiataYL rana CoxrasT, and fall 20 per ecu. tower than the nsaal race of Life I entrance, u the following cem panaon will show; That, a person of the ago of 30 in sane* for 8100 for life, mast pay In the Girard 83,30 r.SS. n *Z lTai l i . E » 82 ' 38 » peno Mutual, 8%38j Equitable, England, New York Life, 83JG; M. bton, Luo and llealth, Philadelphia, 81,#iT Dtaacroas.—gamael D. Orriek. Charles D. Mali. W P. Bocme, Robert p. Kiaa. Charles 1». Mayes, if. \Y. Baldana, M. M. Reeve, M. D_ Ckas. O. B. Cimpbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker. K. 11. BnilerTlSlwin R. Cope.- President—Samuel D. Orriek: Vice Prcai- J eni—RobL-P. Eng; Secretary—Frmncla Blaekbame. . Applications willbo received, and every information given by gAML. FAHNESTOCK, Art, Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh KISS IJIBOKAJICK. ~~ fwlwnpn PROTECTIOM fibjb asd MARINE INSURANCE CbMPA- P gSTIkT NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. MflbQntS . bkoufouatub xa 1525. Annual Premiums, Capital Slock, and SarplusFund, 91,000,000. ' This old and rexponaible Company continues ts I*. sue policies on the most favorable term* on Dwelling Houses, Household Furaiiare r &iores,BtoeksofGoodf T Warehouses and contents, hulls and 'Manufactories, *c. Ac., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. •Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandize, against thehaxardsof InjUisTUASurosyanaii, andupoulhe Cargoes of Sea Vessels. The Protection Insurance Company haring, in the last SS yean, paid majty hluoss or souass at their Mrerai agencies throughout the United Slates and the British Provlnees, bare established a just reputation for solvency and lair dealing, which challenges com* parison with any other insurance company on the continent of America; The annexed extract from an I article on the subject of Insurance Companies, token i from tho “New York Day Booh,” exhibits briefly the ■ i standing and policy of the Company. “Tho ‘moneyed men’of the ancient and always pros* i perms city of Hanford, hare for hair a century been famous throughout the Union for ihe care, discretion, rigid honesty, and unvarying sueeets, with which they hare formed and managed corporations of this de scription. No Hanford Bank or Insurance Company has ever failed! These Companies hare for more than a whole generation scattered their riiks in near* ly every State of the Union, and hare cover failed to pay the innumerable lessee which they hare insured against.” All tosses arising upoopolicie* issued by the under signed, will be promptly adjusted and paid at the Gen eral Ageney office, located at Cincinnati, O. A large portion of the funds of the Company, (including all premiums received at tho Western agencies,) is de posited with the General Agent of the Company st Cincinnati, for the payment or Western and Southern losses. Apply to FAYETTE BROWN, I Agent for the . city of Piusbnrgh, and for Allegheny i county. oetCtdSm nfliottnefiT' THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.—Office, North Room of tbe Exchange, Third street Philadelphia. Futs iksEßiUra—“Buildings, Merchandise and other property in tows and eocarui, insured against loss or damage by fire at the lowest rale of premium. Mason Imsaasnu-They also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreigner e-oasrwiso, under opener special policies, ns the assured may desire. ItiL»«">TtAaaPO>»" “ -Thej also ins*" ItCL«JQ>TCAa». oasanos.—'They lira insure merchan dise transported by Wagons. Railroad Can, Cana) Boats and Steam Boats, on nvers and lakes, on the most liberalism*. DIRECTORS—Joseph U. Beal, Ed in and A. Bonder, John C Davis,-Robert Barton, John R Penrose, Bamu el Edwards, Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington, Dane RDavis, William Folwell, John Newlin,DrfiM Jins, ton, James C Hand, Tbeophiiu* Paalding, II Jones Brooks, Henry Sloan, Hugh Crair, UeorgeSerrill, Spencer Mellvmin, Charles Kelly, i G Johnson, Wil tiom Hay; Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PirrsBUSGH-D. T. Morgan, Wn. Bagaley, Jno. T. Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, President Riabutn 8. Ncwsold, Secretary. ITT* Office of-tho Company, No. 43 Water street, Pittsburgh. Jol&dtf P. A. MADEIRA, Agent . FIBK AJYD MARLSEINBCaANCB. TUB INSURANCE CO. ei North America 'will mako permanent and limited Insurance on pro perty in thi* city and vicinity, and on (hipmetiu by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. Tho properties or this Company are well invested, and famish an avail* able fond for the ample indemnity of all person* w lio desire to be protected by Insurance. myli WM. P. JONES. Agent, 44 Water st. UTDKfIXMITT. The Fraailin Ftrt 2/uuranee Co. cf Pkiladtlphui, DIRECTORS,— Charlea N.Baaeker, Thamu Hart, Tobias Warner, Samaei Gnat, Jacob R. Salih, Oeo. W Richards, Mordeeai D. Lewis, Adolpho E. David 8, Brown, Morris Patterson. Cbhim N. Baiccua, President. Charles G. Baaeker, Secretary. . Jjuuoa w. woonVcitL, f L ' V J Sodern and rAnUaurfaraiiirMi> • v./^/^TtajbamfegftggMfc'' j*'— X “W* assortment of-FprdnPi SISHSBMEr. ■ for‘Sieamb(^tMGBSSSKfc-. Hotels afidprtvate- did- ‘ ™;«' • j • vr •„ j Unrs, constantly oo hand’ and®nde'te • brder, ' '• ~ The present stock on habdumoUbeeicdeditlVy* toy maumsctoiT iathttwe<ro'country, Perron*’’ wishing to.ptireftase woald V Well forive me.a'ealL aslsm determined ay.prig* »hallpkassr^Part:pi lie stock consists la— •••■:/ < ! •’ r;j .-' ' .. TclesTete; lUretEtaqefejll : ! Louis XIV Chain; ' #fle*h'EUJaJ>eifi-ehajri; TeaPoyae; .... FindtTable* "-?Sf V ! ToiletTablei;:; .; ; -o ; Lods XVCommoderf -i -»: . Plttrio Bu>oU; -‘• ' , . r 1 SOMsliMsny'fioiuik ChairtiV ' ' * 40do«nilojr. do r ’• ; *» w Finer;.:7::'. • ’do’v '' j ’’ • 25 centre Tshief . • 30 pur JXvsast I pur PlerlUteK -15 marble top i*wngs«tresnt;’'-:i -i e Wardrobes'* Secretaries and 'Book cute?:; * 8D marble tojAash-Stands;-- - ! . ; ' 4 pair Otton>o*> 8 pair fancy York Stand#;, „ . .•■ •*- .< A very large furniture too mmjfoo* to mention. ••'••• ID-SKuaß®* (iniUhctoiito.rtßnai nolle,, amTon the mo«t**»oaablo terms. •r\ ; 4e015 Dlßp>irsFi^U^fornElFarut:tSFAi¥r.' A Ji™fb'2**nur thst Ihavenpj. noggen *'ci>. W6OT*T u, « salaof Jenalog’s W Maprehm Filter,, for the dj •V t t®* °^iP»tt»bnrr£ and Allegheny, mBAI ,' „ , JOiLN GIIISOV, Agent, , wf wn »®*V Broadyray, & . Pet. 10,1918. ' r - :/ We bat oeennunir one oftheidbeye articles at the oSee of t* Novelty Works for three months, on trial, aadfoeliyfeetly satisfied that it is a nsefal.tnvention, and re.*" pleasure in recomraendirfg them as a user fttlanit* to tore paro water. Orders will be; thankfiUr received and promptly.exeeued; «*» -Lrvnv'GaTory. ROC G Kfr 4Ca •' fttfuilbU FUttriae (tfookT*" - a Jl Fospuaimßo water, > ' -B '• Which render* tortld .wateibtre by . JiiV remoricgall substance*notsolublom /HjEA ' water. • The croton water in N. York, ■#*WBfllP>taUhogjth dear tad pare to the eye,-yet WNgyryWwhen It passes an hoar through tMs , BESBaf' filtering eodk, shows a. largo .deposit —^———i—^— —I 1 1 Impure substances.worms, 4c. Tbs' HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. =■:■ ... ■; ~ FUtercT*, as it is cleansed withoat being detached from Mironn 4 cO.< mm the water pipe,, by merely taming the key or handl*" J 8 (Successors to KPCord 4 King) BMP from caestda ta the other. By this easy {not***,; the Vftsblomftfela course of water is changed, and-**±l. aceumolailonsfo of Wood and Fihh Strteu. tmpaw snbttanteg’are drtten ftff alatosj inaiamlT, -siißrimAßtiwntiM „.M m a«r Retail Tradr without unscrewing the Filter. It also possesses tha ™^ssr“sss’effi«s.^; i ssss nasaagw;, ure can aay twith confidence that as regards qtf** XTEW HAIHIWS and^Coeam.aiwlUifrJO.flr^bffaeii.. aqd will not safisrla a comparison wuH*&7 Xv fresh Hililas: 8 bags Coco* I shells anq frr f>l7 ; sals ailheFekiA fea Store, 78 de<lB ■ u. nsaeker, Secret—, otinao to make Insurance, perpetual or limited, evttj description of property in town or coomry, . rate* ai low u are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a largo contingent Fnud, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely Invent ed, afford ample protection to the assared. The assets oflhe company, on January Ist, IS*», as published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as fellows, tin *■ Mortgage* tI|MM3B 41 . Bcal£state. M,74* 83 Temporary Loans' W,ooi Bft Stocks... Cicalas -Cash, Ac,..-... 38,80*37 7l ■ / Since thelMnecrporatlon, aperiodqf 19 yean, they have paid upwards of ooe miluoa four hundred thons ■and dollars. leases by fire, thereby affording evidenee eftfcn advantages efinutrance, u well •» the nbility *ll^abilities. mart-dly, ,' OfficeN*E corner Wood sn/ai «a ■ IheP«Ui)rIT*BI«OOBpMF Fo* IsnoAßcs os Lnrxs *»» Gjuatw* I»UE first life Insurance Company in the U. Stale*. Incorporated March 10, ISlS—charter perpetual. Capital ssofcoQO—allpaid m. Having anthemed the undersigned to receive appli cations urlnstuiuice, on which poUcieswill be issued, according to their proposals ana rates, which will be gmif tßnww in »pnii>»m« at his office, No.SSWood street. sptl OEft COCURA2I. DEL&WABS BfUTUAX* ISBCBAHCECO* FA. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dcla • wore.Uautal Safety Insarance Company of Phial adciphia.' Firoßisksopon boildings'aaa merchandize of every description, and Marine lUsks upon halls or eargoes of vessels, token upon the most favorable ln the Warehonse of W. ft Holmes & Dro., Koi 37 Water, near Market street, PiUsborgh. pf. B.—The sueeess of this Company since the eatab lishmtnt of the Agency in this city, with the prompt neasandliberality with which every claim upon them for loss has been adjusted, folly wnnant the agent in inviting lbs confidence and patronage ofhis friends and the community at large to the Delaware M- ft Insu rance Company, while it has the additional advantages as aninstltntion among the most flourishing ut Phnsdel* phia—as haring an ample paid-in capital. *hich by the operation of its chatter m constantly Increasing, os yielding to each person insured his due share of the profits of the company, without Involving bun in any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mntuul principle divested of every obnoxious tea* •ure, and tn its most attractive form. nflY * PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY -MCTBMBgjFpiTO CO-PABTNERBIDPS. lURANCE! : Inwrante Compsnj tMDvcsD 26 rxz otxr, 9150,000 . Agentru Pittsburgh, Pa. §^!SiS&SSJS:£SSSSfS^ ing hi* enure interest in said firm to John McGill. All l>uojn<i«ii connected with (he firm ofßuahfield ft Lead d** 8 : B; Buihldld ft Co 7 Wbo'oie: ddy outhorised to makc 1 B T 9 - b - DUBHFIELD & ccr. will continue De 2 fo? SdriSi < ?22 d » “ d Grocery btuiness,- win Wo ™ lr oom f - No.a)Ubany»v.whcro they I?n "°f le,ued *0 Here their friend* and cummers wffl. B.iigiainmtT.n^rji: wn-»'"»ini non. - James Campbell. David 11. White. Alexander Commlnri. wTj.P. White, P. JL T' . DUioinuoixi ' ~ 'jr.v.'JJ H s p S rtne , nh! P o{xh * BBdflMh*£m °\ “Glw* Snuih, wudissolved by icons* t^ I *?*?* oaSSih September, W. Btsaiey pnrchftstiljf ir “Mi f- Sm Pi * t » 'rtS'-’-TtebaiSS i’uniiurjb, Oa. t, M». IaAAC H^MlTr'^' jgsfflssßSfcajasa as*®; Qnd ,2L W . ood funder tln*nrof---‘----~ •** »■•> andBAGALEY, WOODWARD k Phil^y., Dlisr' Ex-Gov. Vroom. I bue Wildriek, M. a Wm. A. Newell, M.C. Han. & R. Hamilton. XAMINERB. - W. w. Gerhard, M. D. 301 Walnut cl. PUl'i H. B. Bell, M.D7 Allegheny dry, Pi —«oluuoa or 00-Paxtovrshlpw ; co-pmnenliip heretofore exlstioff between "tie X (shfcnbers, under the' ityte of .Drown JcColberi •od, waa ditMlved 4Q ibe lstldti. by siatul conaea. JLB.BROWN.... A- CULBERTSON*. Pittsburgh, Ocus, tS4fl. Thei subscriber will eominoe the Wholesale Groce* ij and Commission Basincta, u heretofore, at the old: stand, tii Liberty »u pctf A. CULBERTSON. .. . .. . ► • »ma Auinsun. _ SOAIFB fc ATCTWQg, * •••'« ; v!l* gji iuaiw Woen isu SlAim, .Pniutm, pwOTIINUL to manufacture all hind* a t> COPPER,; ‘V ™ ANDBUEEriHON,>VAHE. AUo, Vlup Steam Boats buOt to order.- - - •. ~ .. ...r rk fecial attention oven-to steam boat work. ’ nave on hand* a Can assortment of Copper and Hr*U Aettlc^ Tin Ware, Ae.&e. SteamboarCookinirStove*, I ortable Forge*, various'sizes—a eery eonTenient ar ticle for steamboats, California • earigranu, or rail root companies. We would respectfully invnestram boat fcren'anc others to call ana tee oufhrtleles and price* be fori paWihhaißtel*»whOTO.^‘ t ' 3 fif:V7 " 'VtiielutlDnofPartMrihlßi I* HE copartnership of HENRY UANNENftfcO. .• loracrlv Hanneo, Muller A Co., in the' Winder* a d CotoreadasS'bnn&esa, tsthisddy dissolved by ibe withdrawn of Mr. Prudery* . 0 • He business will be continued by the onUersiriied, under the firm of HENRY HANNkN ft CO/ 'Were' Home No. 109 Second it, where we win b*T«.«-rt*rl supplies of ssperiw Window Glam •> <. ; _ HUGH ROBERTSON, PSmbenth. Aar. 87, - UKNRY UMSTKA |> Cop*rtainlri]k -7.:*, ( fft HE undersigned nave this day associated with them -1 in bmineis JACOBLBCIIWARTZ,ond will con tinoe the boaineaa a* heretofore, under the firm of B. A. FAHNESTOCK ft CO. ; Jaly 2,15*9- fria - -..-n : fpHE partnership heretofore «viwr»» antler the firm’ X of A. AC. BRADLEY, Is dissolved by the deeeaae' of Mr. C. Bradley. The basinets will be eazriod on by A. Bradley, who will settle the basiness 'of the late firm. • - REMOVAL.—A. BunLXTho* removed ha Foundry Warehouse from No. 11* Second street, to No. 19: 1 Wood street, between First and Second ttreeta, 10 the , warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he trill keep constantly on bond a general assortment of Castings, Grates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Ac, jyj3 , XMssoiwtloa* fpUE co-partnership hereto lb re exiftlngbetwean th $ X subscribers, in the name of 'Constable, Borke A Co., i* this day dissolved by mutual consent.- Messrs. Borke A Barnes'wlß renle the business of the cm* ecru, for which purpose they ore authorised to use the name of the concent. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, . EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. - The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the nsme ot BURKE A BARNES, for the purpose, of manufacturing Fire Proof* Safes, Vault Doors, Ac.. Ac., at the stood of theTste firm or Constable, Burke A Co., where they will be Bleaicd.lo tceeivo the pa tronage oftbecustomersofwnt house anithelr friends. '■'-L : EDMUND BGBKS, , 1 THOMAS BARNES.-: In retiring frost the firm qf Constable, Burke A Co',' I with sincere pleasure' recommend Messrs. Burke A Barnea to the confidence of my friends wad tho public. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE-'- FORWARDIKG : & COMMISSION 1 . STUART A SILL, Grocers, snd Produeoand Com* mission Merchants, No. did Wood st. Pinsborith.-' Timothy and Flax Beeds; Iron, Nall*, Gloss, 1 Ac. Ac; attention jpaid to the of- Westehf ttariiririra—Menra. Myers ft Hunter, RobL D&. . loli ftCo., M’Oilis ft*Roe, : Ue*»ion, South' ft Ga? Klnf ft Woothead, Pittibuigh. Fenner *5 M*MiHan. 'Maatfloa: yJatTSi MArri«an.-F«, g L ' _ -u ... j^paakir rojia a. cuts, late of N.&sbon, O. w.ft _ . OHAIO ft IKUXESt ENERAL AGENCY,! Oafttmiaiisn and- Forward \jTinr Merehaau, No.* Market Pittsburgh, Pa. JLrPrompt aueatioa given tot the purchase and sale otHl kinds of Product, ’ ' " ; . , Rxrato—John Watt -ft Co- Murptrr. WUsenftCo. Htubarrh, Pa.: Lawsow ft'lim, hUhtoa Nanin, Well*rule, 0.; John 11. Brown ft Co., Oser, HUion ft' Co n Philadelphia; It W. ‘Snodgrass ft Co- Crfff 4' Nacc, New Lisbon, O.; Kr. Skinner, Hon. C. D. C&mn, ; Cincinnati; J. P. KelW, Youngstown, O.; W. L. Stan dart, Cleveland, O. - - •. .-aagil GEORGE COCUIUS, Commlaalon and Forwardlag Jftnlußt* »o. 88 wood *s n rnmmasa, H /CONTINUES to transact a general Commission bail \J ness, especially £n the porelaeeand sale of Ameri can Manu&ic tares and Produce, and in reeeising dnd forwarding Goods consigned t» his care,; As Agent for' the Blanatketnres, he will be consiamly anpplSd with the principal article* of Pittsburgh AlanalaQUuo atihe; lowest wholesale Orders and consignments are respeieifaliy solicited, - , ; #7. MISCELLANEOUS-^ Ftnn H^cklkiiHop. HWiOHTMAW— of cot’’ « lOQud-«roHen UMUnem AUerhenrcitTtfV' Tbe nbove works being no* in Ml S£d*utc<«fxi » er&iion. I am prepared 1 to exmv«i(trs with diipam for ell kind* of machinery in«.y hci, saeh —wjiTgat, prefccTS,, gyjadrcf ffi*st liri,rallwjLV dr*win* frames, ihlas lddmSj wain 1 card*, double norelaQior’toßßtrr wfk. males, jacks, slide and hand laU* toc». end. All kind* of shafting made to order, ernJaHsfiv*. en for Rearing fseiorie* orinilla aiTenaanidJa ci»rge. JOHN g. iTCKß*|vJ^SsSfl , „lM lul „ f i ! ,rt,; Jta. XU toil OTSttnWifmei; NEW YOSfrOiw poi No. 3 Spruce street—Would ceil ifce r altittlea of . Printers to hit Improved' Prindng'lnii'©/vanoas kinds and orders, attbefollowfurpHcesi - 1 Eatra fine Jet Jllaalr, for Card and Wood Cats. • : • • : --f»<joandffioper.HL^ Fineßooklflk •• . 0 747 0(»; r' Booank . ..0 “ News Ink - . 0 Fiseßedbik..-«... 75c 1 OQI o u: '-Nm ' Bine, YellMrifi«asi ind;.Wme 7ft IVI 60 Ooldnixe Bronze m*V7s&*aod : 91 pCr OX* t: ' v ‘ * **—_ i.* A tpeclnien dfjfew» lnk<*a fcrt«£m this paper. Far ula if ; . /OHNBTON at STOCKTON.. ' "-• • • i ; jitrtttifefc.'pi.-v O. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. *. >-•••*, •- sst fc, Horton AGrinronid, Logjsrillg/ y. ASar .• 4 - 4i 1/ -«*»K -.tJtJLantn «qj ‘ - ; ■ ' BbqßrgDtaOT. TSJTSare-stm engagedßriM tfiftvsbalneai«eiq*r : Tt' we^j s rrajsw d.todoany wp*ii“ ©ur?Un«,,wita «**' patßfc*; -;¥»*• AUead.4o persoa&ny, and- fsettaa will bo dTcnVla regardto its' neatness and •** raiQiVTv 7 t ’‘7' 1 *'- ,w ‘''‘■'-■‘•■a* a.-Jj ;• .-.-.r-Vr.C , Jllant :7 Boenhde3>ld , aiiy«aaaartßd.-49Wul sib?.. mho Hilly; - Bobksininuhbers omldlwoksposiidcari* raifyor rt^Hred.)-,Nana:* n*v on.,book* fa "gHi leuet«7 Those, thatvbaTejTrwJt. in onilinsloc Invited to eail- ttygttfi : »MtlA»Tcoplcinß fltOTO*l Orator IWr^. : ft Ctt," BhondCbßieb, . iyr' ccrnrr libehY andWood'Srieet*, maaitfseoire, sfta offer for kale Hitfumf floor aod-Cpiusr Seales*. cetflJnop Ac. Tbey alio maiutfactare the Bichetf RaorSfWfiiel has gtreasoeh jeriisral'asHsfitetion to tbos* to *U«t which tlie aucmJnajxC GW Citttens land lha poplin generally,.,.- ’ VTAtJufACTtJ RED * TOCA'CCO^Thi 9 nbserlbe 7 JaLwWOttUcall jhe attention' of-the eity trsda'and gciUeriCgenenUly/wthe following braadsTobadhbi, In kiott aiUf to' arrive, 'Which beat consignments di« yeei'frobxtn*aa£ac»xera*h9 Is.eaifiledto sellat. esst- M-- { b»J^CrenphW, 4,, ... ,70 ** 'James BHaduotf^-fc:* • sm.-** S* P^; J ljatartind , “' -<Ui; , * il *■'» .. . . t'-'i &e 4 .^Paoiaia'jii:- u *j • fi*aadl*i'- . -Roberts ASiasori ,’s*;' •*"■.•■ ,<,‘OacnjJlorl ‘'fit,'" • ■'* ■■ Z'* 1“ Johhs&Tjewis* ip - 5 i M '- - W*iirteli'*npr - 1 lap- : .-,. v •"V*- ,49-j .* iHenryArjamct rfialaande*;! , _., , -cy.,,- L&WATKILMAX S.|luhilii WCtki uui Viaadri'* > ». .ti *• Tirmi'inß, Wtiv?.! ..._> : WRH2HT.A ius prepared Couoh Woolen Jdacbinerp Of every, ileaeriptlon,sneli; according &la<J>uie*t Imtwing Railway' He Spootere,: DreuiOg Frames, Loom*, OatfGiinden, Ae,-Wronbt' frttr Shafting tsttied; alt cadi of Cactlno»F*lUeaaod J Hangers of the latest pane mi, slide.anil.hand lAthes,v aad-tdnU ofalljdnd*, .pastings of every^eseriptkm : famished onahort , nolic*; Patterni nads to order for dill Boiling. &ci‘ : fiteaia Pipe fbr beSt ini Foewiei, Cast Iren wledotr Sash ana faacyCai- Hnri •gehefouy.'tOrdeTs tbe. Warehoosaof J; ' Pauaer * Ateey will proapt, attenr : RcfetJo. tlaeksiniirj.Bcn A'Cdl S.'S. HoOrehead fc Co« G.E. Warner, John Irwin Aeatta'PitUbngbi Jj. C,aj. li:Wamcr' stßtibetrrtUg- . ■ ?.■ jsaia. ; , BKW COACn pACTOaT| v - “ . ~ J - .'Xujwncnr.-a ■llA A-'WHITfc& QOy-wtFOid TeSpcctfbUy iafond 'JH.» tb4‘'pßblie viO'urey; bj|vo oreeted a ihra or] Latoch^banreenftdotal aivl fiaadasby streets, jhei amjanaßrahisgandare prepared to receive orders for a»OrTjdcscfipUpn of vehioJeij Cooehes, Chari6t*Sf 'Bal roacnes,‘ Buggies ; Pistons, tto, wbkhltogttbeir long experience iu the iaamiUcQne«f theaboje.wotk, sod the fuutides.tbcj have, they, feel confident they are .enabled work on the soil reasonable terms will thi* w trau dog articles hr thdrlinar-t. I- »■< " Paying particular, atu tha septum of sato ri al*,.and baaing nope bin ccmpetent . they hate w waoantlng iheir woTk - . * We .tfaereJbreask the atte&u'on ofiho pabiic tothls tnaiter. ■fif- done fa th« ben manner, andoftlhh tacalfenaonablotereta• - i . •i. t > r?, *,.‘ishCQskYl JOHN UANNEX, HENRY HANNEN, [■ ~Z - PIAHOSI • *-••••« t■ « - fTIHE Bubeeribor offer* for Bale aieft andiiplendid l' i> ftttortßteafof rosewood end taahofany. fran4 Ac*. |ttaafitooß,wuli BStl wuboat.ColecißD’B .celebrated .The.aboTaiaatniaiesU'are'wai*: rawed io be equalio'imy mannCutßred in thit'eeaa* try?and will tw coldiewer-tha* ahf fcroMtrv from lie &uu. ; • F; BLUMEj-No UH.ifOod BOTIO'B. ... •- ...... ,dOOT ab©V«3th, 5.8.-City Senp. will baukeo,ii.par for a few of ;heahovo aasoruncrt., , ,myB. • " P. B. • f" ; WA*T*bT— • r'l ”.’ --': . F|AILy. alike BA LTL2dO UK, .PHILADELPHIA, Jj/JSEVVYO&K. BOS rOtfAND NEW ORLEANS UitftEKAL AGENCF ANDOOMMHKJTON omen eitng SIRNifl wholesale and retail ktoreaiand other tOjrtctablohoKiaett, to act eeUeek-fcecpery, Sale*' &en t -|*ortere, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmeta. Coach* ao%Oar Afoou. Book and MnpAgenu, Collectors. Overseen in all branches of bonnes*,' Ae. We have' uu time* a largennniber efgood^Jtnatiomionhtnd, whAh pay ftftm g» to wa,mo pwnmm i Those in wut or titaations of asykiad woold do weU.tognre at aeall, aa weiave agent* in each of the above ei tte£*(fcich will enable os to place every armUeaiiius situation at the shortest notice, we have is large .acquaintance in ' all the* above tuned attics, which we trial will'enable is to give entire salisfac tiotfto ail who may favor as with a calL . * TAYLOR ATA YMAN, No. SO Second *l^ bctweoo South aod Cat. ‘ >.it Jl—persons living In any'pan of lieU. Blaica, aadjrisblng w obtain a pitoattou-ifl Baltimore, orei. therofthe-abovecities, wtU'hava.theirlraoisinme* diaily attended to by addressing ara liny, (peat-paid) - ao doing they will canaiTtoth trouble and eg. they otherwise yroald incur by eoolog to.un cityi and seeking employment for themseivea. AdCtss, . 1 ' TAYLOR A TAYMAN,- -•. {'* No.fitf Second street, taygfcdtf • , ; • ... - , BaltiraorcJHd- ; TUeNNETT 1 BROTHER. eauwAitK : pgbain.Lue&YPUCabnrjrti'TPa. . Id Vi tod itreet, I*L constantly, keep on hand a good luaort.' it q( .Ware; of sbt own minniaenre/asd trlorqfcaltty.' Wholesale and coamry iicr: htrare respeettkily tnritsdt° call and ex-* hemseta*, a*, we are determined to aelL tUduever eafera.beea eShrvdjo th> pub* 13" order* scut byntaH l eeeorapin!edbytheeak!i,«E iiy reference.'will bepromptly attended to.jayW 1 T|XS*TUK LaDI KS-*Jo»l Tecdvod. a filf iiaaoetinVn' JL cfcold arid silver Thread. Card and,Braid; also> Spanns* had'BalUoty for eaoroideriM andointr or : naffiriril work. Also, go|4 ondsilverTassd*. Fringe aodLtce. ... .. JewJry.o( the latest fhshlwts, in great' T'irtoy, Wochesof snpertor quality andoeaatifnlpatterni md foi sale at Eastern prices. - W W WILSON,... aa,'? corner Market and Founh'sta iTiKS£tSß&Tznsomiu.isa« |J3I KENT— Open from *A‘. MU)1I P.U.' Single luiiii a cents; ortt Tor i oolUr. • Ladies departmSn ' epen'fom to 11 A> M. sod Bto 4 Jf. AL ’ Tlnla/re*im>ent flakwiu an aaegullcd La itf]c 'teidmrg. ttccbeicho Xcc Cicanl»! " uuli _ T^jPFALUPTopricTof.- : ;~~"^aEAKE6MfiVsdaf^ - ' ~ rfZlE.ettentfrm of the public 1j resettnuiy emßedHa X Ihetollcrwingeeni&ettast •'■ -■ : . i .. c- At: 8, mad • qunniy Of Gold 'wished 6yyo*r find the ro*sltprore# yw r ioftnoeAt correct; mwrrccomjneniJ the bio of it v Iboee going to. Califorflie.'-ds the but method fcr cb lunlurf the reel VmJue of Gold. ! Beep. yoan. •>- . J. •'FnwbergbfMerefcS^lSdli, ■ J -\. J’nnucaau, March 7, : 1aw..,. • ,Na. Eaxue—Dear Sir JUvihy examined the“Arei>- f fflcur,” manafactutcd al yeor Toirtna, Ido sot henttfe to'ccnimend ll to 0»e eaoof thosanutlejuea who tie , abdei mooting toCali&mUiaaearchof Gold. 1 '.nUcllrei a eloae •mtozumUod to the anodic 'matt tK«Tneu]«,Aßd«illcertuo}y:ediLto the adtonturat jU$ aacertaw wheahii placer tryieUlinirGold."' 7 ■ “ y > CUITIIIND-3B«feectttd.fqnuc- X' Call ftmriaEXped men, a eoraUcia «tsom*ent of UtnaJSlaatic Clothing,at price* rant in* from s&£o to msssassssmiA^ ; <' . ' lit hpiULura? Mfii Uurrcarofthe JCoocai*hd*.‘Hoa»<s; .wt&anexntrdyninratockof HotteajuxdCarrja**r of tl»iw*tftt»^«i>dUtejtMyJei.Jjfarseii keptatUT*. iy t tn the b<nU.m.tutncr., s ' l ,■ ~y ') »aa3E3"«SSTf»DTiB rpUi. Sewnd Mien j?fUia:fpad tatioa/ninisi-Xfi*' and Mr»,"Gatm>iafti»r y tft* rproaeot acideßieTear, arlQ eomaeiMaoß the fimof Febrai 7 ry. lie ttmelmUduigvNo. fi3 liberty atreet,'; v ■ AiTtogentedta tare been made, hr which - they will yoangJAdiea facflitida eghal ta any in the WeaJjfor obtaining a thorough -EnglfkhJ Closu eai|tu4.omaineiitil foUeoarae ofi'ii* UaophieataadChemieaTLecimrea will; be delivered etrrinj tbeVriatctviUaatralod bj apparaou.* Thod©*- aronanaotypcaland tf Modem. £*°S!W*»D**wi»g andTatntktg, will each be‘tinder* float pe tent'. Profeawr. - Bf elowr attention ■ to thoffloYitandrattllectnriißjpTOTeirientef their pa* jiWrOto.PnntipaJs hopeto menu* coatmudon of the ibomp*>ttft*ffo*thoy:hate kitberto;.enjoyed. For taliaa,oei eiwaiar t)r apply totha Prindpia.'. . ty# •. PoniOUß, tfepUß, 18*0. , Afe£iffi§" Kj-UIBOERT:—DaarSir, Toir WRT HXWU^IOJra^Uip I wi lift e now betn otm^morfifcaa- 1 'a Midy anfroniookihr oir*rk tid antries. brieve .flnd-ma_ coWr dTbrigntblae blaef.-JlUfdeuaniio sait doea-DotQlag.uflpsa ilka tfascrdiscrriaktuMue. Wuhiofyouihe reiayiaJe'- 1 it|ia?pi*»J«ajmd,sircarejjroßr«feigec^^^ , -" :r • r < For *ale,UMethe» with Hibbert’rßfcdlak, udMfr> chijmCcpjr Ink,’by "B. A. Fahnettdck 4Ca- Seb#artz, Allegheny t2ty» and by-illw Jd&au/juturtr,' Tv K. Hiboen. Dntggisl and CbemiiL cornel 6f-LibeT* *y and tSmithadd eUyPitubargk ~ ' „ ; o6tl3 f ■ «<TCDus fiuin. • jcurcx turcu- wh.*.hi*7- :ti - PAUUBO, UAIHIA A CO.V - 1 ; rtSueecuors to Hauer.' llhnnaf &~Ca) ; . U ANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, anddeaJex* J> ia Foreirn and Domestic Exehiuiwil'Cdrtiacalc*' e/Depostiej Bank . Notes,, and Specie—Foa«t'street,’ •jlcarty*ppo*iie the Bank of Pittsburgh. Cufrenfmo nerrecovcdon deposit©—Sight Checks for; sale, and . collection* nude on nearly au the principal (points,in thd United Stales. ' ; • ' - . . j ’ The highest premiumpaid tot Foreign mad Ameri am Gold' ‘- -i :• ~ ... > " v Adrancca node on consignmf nit .of Prodace, ship. on liberal terms. . ' ' , ; ' J v j aj>3 CHEAT rNVENTIOJT—VAU7ABLBJIS(ioVHm ' l VatETT StCTSTD JIHCAAT Uj,:lßtfl.-■.* Patent crtsebvercetensun* Book Comm, Writing Dais. 1 . LEVER OP WfIOUGUIT IEONi - % - ' qiEUB TABJUKS tu mipoMiof evert othecin •Ju v«niooofuie*indnonr extant Tiry tan beer- 1 : tended Iron ten to twenty-five reet/iad when etoaed the leave* are el) contained laiide: they ahTW*. All uzei and tbapes, and-art adaiftnftf». BteamboMt, Eotr.lH*nd .large private <aaiijl3k Ana. inß.irhfO«in»cd »eoiDplete.«entie table. T ” . BUREAUS—Thece articles uta'infvkl noble,’piftidiflcrl)’-torxtoMßr.iilio wiihi tff'ertbo^ mi*e*p«®ti Pad convert a jleepin* anortßsar porforar «mng ekSWqpenCAttdahit ol convenient e f ; and’whett shot, toe be&lni iaaoaWT t<L Afreet asvtax fa roonand renLi.AH ! S^£f.fS3JrSi* ' !W “ W *3 #nMi ssstesSSs --:.'.-.J LQWKLL ' >U^4cj»*OOTT twsmir: iM ? waj£i*n«Ak Co mer Frirti tmadVbi* «ias«*i Ciadnnirfj <).; ? ; SSSSSgfSS®: 2;.ys> : .. • ■ U;;t 4.. i;.-.*/* ‘,j i ,K9TIL£ T'VTS -i ..T,,.-. ..a'ij -«'! ; ,!*«««»• ; : * 1 — 5 -vlfrvy ? ‘ }?a ** ?-'■ i il «u .iriw *!«.^l« twa j,VsS r**? B®* 8 ®* Vr *•> r. r»? r ! 'A Ir - jjfßW'll* l «*•«# Wiiitas^ui dSatty; jWe MWael4i>ia bleaching, thgtjLoitgei jjwtgQqdK par object h*t«gtapra<>in»wjjyqd« not lor MtowXHwJV bat for eomfon wo <t*rabiuty.'<tn4JCTiSeb they re* 'eeived the exhibit* *d at the Axtfefthani Js»Hw:,*.j -•> I F<Vsatß'|rtjhrltnh(||emti T Nfc<9tfvkcf«!,aa4 .ot the wore room* of (lie Fa yetiaTaifluiho taring Co. r !Ne.-iaßeedM*t ;:j,-«3itnws fr': rj«* Wiaaot»i,«» , zitfMj aii r£:r-.g-><>c4*: : rrnßnbfetftcrlm ate# d*e©*T*t fce wajgni* X- •cuaa,}£9sxuried from the miflafictar<ri,Thcfo>* ttyurti*dtofclc*e«grifSft ’^pieeMytrj wjdoßarrpd jftnlsif? ~*f' r^*3t J Min wMte *p«dc** P*‘**We te tho jtiT-1 r.t v .. Ic uefiOp aix»B atmboat'’ BllnVrtt, flmnf bWriM. «* _ *9 ’* %#it «** >J««» G^*n4ffioeßU^k^ffl! 1 40pfcec*TVeed, BteßtearUle i££&~f 9h4ttM»; hu comnieaeegio'reeetVa'g l 5& J tes£ f . t S£Ss e s*: c^/Weoted^mflmswß* gso^sgsaEg^Bg^s goWJewdfyjroW isdtfnfWatde^CMhkpvl!, eotutry. tad city Merehtau era re»p*eti*ily<la«Uetf oeimtu .kuiiaatd ' *' viTntmt'iAflWMiTDiUse TLfAWUFACTUHBtSI willfecpWhitH'Ptoily lrl «nriSiraa'Bettt : Binil^£cil)oaiMde&Ftawu>lh: bias) browntod dnb iflaakei Ceatiaffi- Sttiaetaand .W»l*n Y»M, which they will ielt ttEntcfmpne6fc ~W»T>linln> Wn n« fl*»"r« Ttr P{nrtinTlr Pw. I P«- «pU3 I TTTT2 hire’lair rMefoefra tuck t Jfl- mita*. blefpr toe ftiitrtde, to which, wiihetery'-deteripiio&t ofLeokina'OUnei-iatntftettteai ■tauaviutteun ouT.yre taanrion of West era Merchaafa tad other deafen} ‘‘ • ■; “*-*• «» { «PU9 - -comer Wood tadPonnh »u i w DRV aOODBiv; /■M V BPHY, iWIUOS *, 00., ..No.46WpppEx^Prrnoms.B,,• A RE now receiriof their nsnaJsßpplic*’ 6T Good! -Ax. for the Fell season, which the? will b*3hkn#».tc w theiMid«*taaw», «sd.*s *<*l indued to present ihemseltex " * Alwaji t*Hur|Teetjmirfr to i 7*j'ifl**hh‘w64»ei •reedepadAoiSewvita tff.lbe Western sj*de, whic tj •"Of experience enable* then to do. they can taTwhb ranch eoafidenee;- end’withedfeottoinf Isn«dn»i C ?hfi WeeterOvnuii.aereheat wjl -find.with then.ell that hi* easterner! 'rtquiri.' Thosj who have formed theanprofitAbUThaMt of; npainpi lo the Ea*tanjcitJe»,iar their .stocks,of Dry (foodi wonld dowel! to call, as a'eaadid ‘coaipirisoa of pri ce*'wonld ia marry cues' (Anfcria. the eonTiatjonthai ■ ! * dry aooDSsjoeaEßa, .; •*-' -- - • » WOOD STREET,, ■ V f , • A WeeiTlnf . Terylarjekiw^ofifreth' xRr Goods, of ttrot jMurtmjiaii«part«ion,whic they wi4 »eil to. the trade etauchptlces ts cpanptfsll to rise entire utisfitotioti: «--• r *T-'?L--;f - 'dvr had Coentrjr Mwtlaunrmm tirttod andi efciineppreroth before pomhaainx clsew>»«- > ’" i . * nyo j TAKISLNGEa, WELLS .4. CO- Mannfaeiareri Vf 9 1 *" Were, No. *T Marker ■tn»tI’'Pittss«g 1 ’'Pitts- s«g Water Bottles,-of npemriaul!ty> < * l: * iKr-'fcs }•* otyartatoxfaaaiteaina t©Jurats Jdoalfc, ’! IwnMj '■** ! " ul ciit irKitUiiiii. i «rasste»!ttsr3aßb* fashionable designs for Iran Reftm* had 'eenetetfesuftoaßa* vbhiag *>pn»ewß.!h3dt - - A.^Kyoh; 1 4 o&DailTExpreas Uaow renlnrlrdo* JP Urcnng Can and SheUOYSTERS," whlchatecf-' fcwd. to dehters' tndKkalUhhrM thej^^tp^^-, Bassssaaawjssa^las ffioEEinrooira AHBejr —rjt. TirlLL re to am opea for TiiUert B&tll ttolifJaina* ! JL&s; stfsss. , st?aaasst . tainiu a Urge caHeetub of Tart -and will b* opca 10. BidaißJ-'fiDqßea.'Bauij'jmiat «u .atet/sotiAfr An Odudbu leatea the AUe*heny r eßd'of tbe'-Ct 4*' from'dio’***--- *fld Sttlthfield . WT'B t fc*W toaß- POMFSi njßle.' ee -J-lt pi*a,«>»* iiot t 4 .freessintljscoWettwjeAlier. rcrio&s.wuting taeh utfele*, - *ro isvitaHoftali tea U*t» u ■< ■■■■*!>; -i ■,■} SCAIFE* ATKINSON'S, - - UWb<tweeaW«glM»ran«& ; •> • YH>w.orpuubur|iL -f : j MY VilfiW win W'p&bUibed la utbdrrt tln& « poWbte; ,*M. U» 4 Mtblie,. p nut, Ui« jtjSuJt both.ln fidelity cr d«uif anff fieitnf •nrptberwha£mr4 L*ttho*e,wtodo*bt, wdl a few .. . ...’k.wihtepieu).'- , .Naw '" ’ .»■»’» > STLEHDID ASSOUTM'EOT OF' j SWT. BUOSS ASD ABSCAUIroi^SHit qiHK GEM OFTilfi XEASCW, WliS iuti&n ilEtut -jLtMiMMWiiaMttrw.-R.Wma. <,aj; i ivS? BMn r^ ll^>iHPi »rW. Tli«. Floral K«M«li»(toJSai.>rilEMnj Mllieiiii W enteredsnjrrwU^.ediwd by,J.Krew:. , LeaflcU of l!lansniceid Annas! for 1650, OmßVntaatf^or.UiettiTOinfor^tjaqbjrE. £*rc<vav .... , v, . • ].. Tbe Opal,'a Pan: Giffftrr i&i flo!y ; l>ajr»;''V , m/A. , , j, ' .! 1,..-;. orlmerieatf rogtrj;*»&itßdSrft. W, :! *' The Bam*nce of Nature,‘or*Poe2cii x lianmai«iof Rowers; byTkottolttWeft*-'-” k-ST* , t: 2£'2S*s‘ p,l &r colored fcngra* OUmpsea. of by” . ■ Takes Bemembrueet ■--TheHykeinOi,dridlfectioaN.ciifufoc 1&50.- r, v -TtoOca, for ISStt edited by Father Frankl'•: '•• Apple* or Gold ta Pieojrerf'of filTerj "by B. wwr, *" ~ ** “ ..*,-.. >* i.i *[ TarPrawimThwiu Du a» flock, wldtKTtaty.niua- by Mr*. Jatteeoa,’ j_TM UcTPiflg*-qf fih*jiycare;.wiii forty, fire eogra -’!9BSMsS^B^alUa “iSSar , * ,wl ®fe«aa^ No, 79 Wood street, beraneei(Fo»ih v , and Puuaoi)dj»BefrJ A . 7 . - \.. RosEUin'Df.Nttsn^ilrttiaeV-^CUSrcbettnke: ChfUtsas Blo*poa»j Gxft&enreaof Aol PoauT ■* •. , ;/Re*do s *'F)em*Je Poeu«Anseneai •-- \ \ * ~,; T hnflriliUirt{-ProTart)lfs ftdloocnnjffclU ; ... : ; * Baow Raiser Kjap>att}of-raeßd»fc»n -j mo- j • .won - j_So»> Third st*. T7&OU&~lSObbl*ln*tonaadfor*aJaby: ; • v. WMHJQm(9T9N > Uj»,B«eand .1 Ciiriilmaiani .fehr-ITeaft Ijpipwhing l ANF AMD BUBSTANTIAIiBOOIG, taiia- J3i bla for the enmtec holiday* at fcOCKWOOD’S: /JfEUtS orWaminostUXl l)lamin.{ed Mapleaca, eleeamlr booed in jlaih ityfes <ft > “ “Scma onholjojrfMjjfflmoM ef Cm** fellow, Bryant,.Willi* ■ Wfettriar, Sprtme, Dani w Mrvßi*epnjay,an4 Mr*. Dabuiy.aiaon*oth er*r«niich the▼oTome. Vatehmao. 1 tjo; SSSSS^X 7^ win* Sants* by a riab ilia linated mjp3d,suvcr ( .anH,c»)oTi; with nWettr-wtouchi in ihaionieb.«-{C6Buitoda yTf&r.-jur* ?Tspn Eftethxthaarbeeaibuspt' eita ttttaiddbf flat .All an sdr--nwtwyl» regard u>Us a bouity af 4a^m t ; *as the.exocaiinn a { ikoin, may*© snd.«wilytl £ u-not ‘of, th« Hp 4 la *x^w^rtgWwW^orufa4a«Miii- Beqaiem , l* by Chttlaaßmc* Hofioasx rika MottoofMoiea/» fry Mra* Oaro©<k riba Laiid of D«ts», a by_W». Cop of iybyJAns at & raxyi--Bmil' -a, tto tteir soperi* 3Btmi*t;bj-..’Mspka9h with. Tigneaea printed in fe*4*ilTer, anitoior*; . bond la u * x&auiTe ttylayi-fbtninf tho stoat aMtaot inf -to*- ehcfche booktrf thaJdfld ofornfodaonus Utfacoßn* try. -Prifr* BU-'-^y^yaraaicby ■,-i ~. 1 !ii fit as>^ZMMßaiitl<>Stvtijs^^ dots Bookwoer and Importer,~«3 Wood at. V;;:, 5 ■« - v t»«ir SYSTgStdfAsfeiMU ■nJJfaUrQ j/Vto-rti#**eof BctooU io4-QoHcgtas jA^nmw(wq<riulit^|>£^ga^j^Jnbti;w' - r •.M°#w*s#>J :■ ■ , L, f Ucscsl;:>i7- ) > 1 - ,T ? t /,., , i *■■ "' „ - SVP*y^ b39 »« yT4 '- J ; 2^. w • .juifciu, w r«ai I r.Mvwtfi: iaaSSS 'f *'**<«='! -acitt. J -*y»». U*mt nnlg gn IfTSBBBGH. GAZETTE. „ r “EATU AHD ITS SIOHS. 7^; «§ utEkcuks Mxa- r 'j' it-resiuiir* nr Lmiu.V Ur fOfc.] ... '•• ■ . • ■■■'"j gorNotth^iahia'LirB oftHis Lord ■taata* flut'ilm Turk., If a noiM SSS’f %op tha ootpee, tad, rthoTW chop *»k.,Ho add. that ;.omo Rnfii.R i Ja^zaiy > .passed 2 jQMf'wbQ jjas,rittihg on a sepal* FPP 9 " .titew^e^neYfir,doubted that of. ! tike right- to {Be ugaityffr -affection wile; jgttdmktriendwhDlsiiithe plot, appliesim jntenuCely fcr4he'Tacant post, • ana feigns a I ptxaiirmk side>.<wbich nothing can cure ex ioept thgeappheatimof . the dead man’s nose/ that a living lhan hue pand* .adrances to'the’Coffin with an open rjLZor tc[ takepossession of the specific, Zadig ! is wi*o;.eiiohgh tocoTer his nose with, one j hand,* whfle he' thrusts the 4nstmmeni aside ,; ’:t j"^‘‘Ssyeral' ! ah&dote*;tnra on thatlnez ntthdable theme for merriment—the sorrow* j WWitfimony: in p*—mg thmngh the street J ia ; t^flrcniaar , stmck‘^agftinst : .comer of a J hoase, «nLthe;cojpsejeanimated by ,the| *hpok*< Soma-yeara afterwards, when the )w«a»<4ied‘mgopd earnest,' her hnaband S&M& jhe i bearexs, < Pray ; y gentlemen/ be .c§rpful,in 2 biim^ i dte comers? ”' ! ' 1 more 'excites. the snpersti tpona fears pf a Ba3br thana cat that is thrown isnot; and reiy tjhbrtly after de&th’oocms it is'txstia} to (ran* fer ihe ihip'tothe deep.. ..On occasion a;man, with concttssion of the “*isb who had lost the power of speech and feotim? overheard; what'musthave been’ to t him the .moat . interesting conyereatian! tnaterer foil nponhisears—a discussionhei-!j *ween Jus brother and the captain of the ves-li sel; whether, he .should be immediate--' Jy consigned to the waves, or to be carried' tp.Bptterdam to be buried on shore. Lucki-: Ij.their predilections were for a land finer and, although a colloquy so alarming might'have • been expected to complete the Injury to'the - poor man’s brain, he recover ed from the double chock of fright and die .. ... '•““ Th® ceasing to breathe is not the on* lycriterion-of death antecedent to corrap* h°*- ; There is «. second token specified by Shakespeare, and familiar to every village whicb is quite conclusive—die grad* .tuLtransitidn from suplenets to rigidity. . The fi& effect of death is'relaxation of the muscles:''Hie lower jaw- usually drops, the hang heavily, the joints :are flexible and- the - flesh soft.’ .The opposite state of contraeiidn ensuesj then the joints are stiff, •and thefleshfixm,and the body, lately yield-j ingaadpliant, becomes harp and unbending;, j .Tbe oonuaction cpmmehces in the muscles;! and trunkj appears next in the! upper, extremities,' then in the lower; and Jnally recedes in the same order in which it came "ph; It begins On an average five or .alxigars after death, and ordinarily contiii* tiesfeim'-sixteen to twenty-four. But the .gwod both of itsappearanee and duration are cohilderabiy varietf by the constitution of the person, the hature of the death, and the state pf the atmosphere. With the aged and. fe able,. with thus a who die of chronic diseases, and are wsited away by lingering aickne93, it cornea on quickly—sometimes in half. an'hour—arid remains for a period winch is short! in proportion to the rapidity .©Fite appearance. With the strong and the muscular, with the greater part of the per* sons who perish by a sudden or violent death >n the fullness of their powers it is slow da adranoiag_apdUlQw .ingoing.oft- -In cases, like these, it is often a day or two before it commences, arid it has wen known to last .a week.” ; •7T* r Crsaj desired the death which was most sudden- and'tmexpected. His -words were spoken at- supper, and the following morning the Senate nousa witnessed the ful. -filment of the wish. Pliny also considered fastantaneoua death the highest felicityi of life ; • and -Augustas held a somewhat similar opinion. When he heard that anybodyhad : died quickly and easily, he invoked the like good lojliine for hiinself and his friends.— ; 'Montague' wasaltogether'of Ctssaris party, and, to use his own metaphor, thought that the pill was swallowed best without drew* ingv-If Sir Thomas .Browne had been of ■ Caesar's religion,s he would have shared his 1 desires,, and preferred going off at a single i blow to being grated to pieces with a tortar* 1 ing disease.” 1 , - We once heard a recruit assign as his j 1-reason fox enlisting that he should now at J | least; see something of life. 'And/ added 1 |iiis companion, of death.’ The \ , poor fellow, tike many others, had forgotten > that any such contingency was included in ‘ the bond/” - ' ‘ ;,~"lrwaa 'the usage in Ireland in rude times.'■when' rebels perhaps were more plen tiful than rope, to htng them with willows. In the reign of Elizabeth, a crim inalofthis deseription'ipetiticned the deputy against the -breach oi the observance, and begged the fa vor to. suffer by.the time-honored ‘wyth 1 , in stead,.of. : the new-fangled baiter. Wen Elizabeth herself expected Mary to put her to death, ; ahe had resolved on the request to psi beheaded with a sword, and not wjth an .axej. which* seems a distinction without a difference: - In the'same category we may place Cord Ferret's prayer for. a silken rope atT^bura;” 5 —OldFullmyhavmg- pondered all the modetbf* destruction, arrived at a short and decisive conclusion*—-None please me.'” , - The act of dying is technically termed 'the agony.' The' expression embodies a common and mistaken belief, which has giv en birth* to many cruel and . even criminal practices,. -The. Venetian ambassador in Ecglandy in the reign of Queen Mary, men lions among the regular usages of the; lower pxders, that:, a was.placed upon the mouths of , the dying, on which their nearest relations sat or leaned till they were stifled. The office tVßß.held-to be pions and privi leged*;’ father performed it for son, Sou for father. They considered they were curtail ing the dreadful death-struggle—that a head- long fall from the precipice was as much easier as<it.was quicker than the winding descent by the path.” — <l A mode of suffocation less murderous in appearance than the smothering with a row was prevalent for centuries, both oif Confluent and in England. The supports were withdrawn by a jerk from beneath the head; which Joeing suddenly thrown back, the respiration that before was labored ana impossible. ” —ti dying must be distinguish ed frtmi the pafrt of tire previous dimyn. for whenever '• Ufa ebbs sensibility destines. Ax ’ death is the final extinction of corporeal feeling,-so numbness increases ha* death comes cn. . The prostration of disease, tike l»3lthfrti.fatigue, engenders a grouting stu por—a sensation of subsiding softly into a coveted repose.” ’ . ? . .1 lamentations disturb' many a last moment: and the dying often (remon strate bylocks when they cannot by words. Hard as it maybe to'control emotions with the very heart-strings ready to crack, pity demands'ah effort, m which the strongest affection will be surest of success* The grief wiQ'notbe more bitter inthe end,; than to khtyit back hadbeen the last service of love. Tens are a tribute ef whfoh those who be stow it should bear allthecoat.” —Hy.said Vu a short time beforebe died, ‘lharenopain >-onlya difficulty in keeping op life but this little difficulty become* a great fatigue when protracted without intermix*ion thro jwesks arid month**” ( . j —“■With aUthe kindnpas bestoped'upon thd edk. ihero i* wmetime* a dirooaitioa to judge them by the* etandard oTionr own ; &m3lKv Misation*, and blame them for foil* ’ion 1 wMchare the effects of disease. We complain that they arb selfish/ not always '? t - toiES*j4?av/ i; ftV': (whichmakea them arartipfriJgftjajL I them impatient—forgetful that;' threffi 6tt) : j tan afibni to waiL paincraVet immediaia : _ {relief: we think them capricious. lad.ortT;' [(look that fancy pictures vf lippMff"**** rwhichaggravateipaatrial, tadtdadinp* {f>ointment to distress. 17 • ■ j “itis pot always tlut sickneßttuzgetj | into the. agony.. The strainedthread may^ I break witaasuddea litis irby nflf* Beans rare in consumption.? 7 . Jwrceired that njy»Sm qrdi!^\ led'kis to.retire,>and. Bot to retain till a certain boor. The servant came hack* u find his aaster dead;- He had chosen to | breathe ont his soul J and would not be distracted bythfcpraewirt j pi man, since vain was his helpe r ji£j MEDICAL, ' . oAumn aESs^“^n f ißgSisa {vJW.Ti.*' ““ o aEM O I NE OBIGINA?bLD' lutare aeron the eoat ef am*. • -*• ■ • T? ™ “•“ v’. t>IJ, . ' -- noc»OB "c. 1 Jim WWMHgfa tJIK ORIGINAL Baßil BBCOVEHES 0f *** j- antra* ..i I TOffUBTO fIAaaaPART »>■> : • ■* f‘ P°° r i was eompflltaT tofiiimiti maiißfaet«re,-by whlek. means it haxbees *od too nlci flircamacritied to “JP* 0D proved Ur worth: and known la value. ThisGaun gno> p»*». manufactured bn the largest seale. tod is called tbr ihroorhoat the length and oresdlh oFthe Unuhe young's. P. Townsend's, U improves . with Lfhj!S?»HTS. r toa better beeaaie it- PMciples by'a ac&Btif email. Thehigbeat knowledge ofjlhemirtrr, undtbe latest diwbyener oftbeAruhave all been brought Into re the mannucinreof the Old BtfaSomp* • ipaHr,^ l6 Bar»ap*rilla root, U Is.well known lojaed ggwaa® tfgyS thev are not preserved by eadeatifle etwees*. g°“7 to tooro experienced in its manafretare; rer there volatile principles, which fly offin vn- J?„ r L”! " *j> ejluluion, «n iS uSK/sSS OUVIBE ' OLD DR, JACOB TO WNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA u to prepared; that all the inertpreS?Sroffiai; %. MPariUa root are fim removed,-ercry thlnreapaMe of becomiM acid or of fermentation, it rejected, then every particle of medical virtue U mm- • P O7O concentrated .form; and lhaa it It rendered incapable of losing any of Its valuable and heaUng properties; -, Prepared & this-wwlftsSK toemoMpoTrerftJaxentintto “v „ CURE OP INNUMERABLE DTgßrgpq-- - llencajhe reason why.wo hear.eoamendaiiima on VffiUjri i n >** tovor by men,, women, and .children. dotn* wondert in the care of Consumption, ‘““^aliont efficaeyinallcomplaints ' - • Indigestion, from Aeidtty or thefjlomaeb; £sjs • ciren J^ lo n. determination of blood tothe 0{ w* & 60,4 feotandcoldihandt cold chills and hot flathet over the body. nffiSt . had iu equal in coughs and colds; and phmbtnfeaSy w^nh M i on ’ *“•* S onl, o perspiration, relaxing strict utre ofthe lungs, throat, and every other part 1 Bat in nothing- ulu excellensemoremsWestiyaCen ■. the like, and it effiectnni In curing all forms of thoKid f ?‘* C3ICS - By remoYing obstructions, and rernla ■7,jeOj *t give* tone 'and airwunh to too "bote body, and cures aliformsol .NEßVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and that prevents or relieves a great varietyefother ea * c *i M Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia. 8L Vi tut Swooniny, Epileptic Ru. not this, then, rmt Manner* roe Pxa-ExnixxrrrNkra! Bctcan any oftheto thinga-boaaidof 8. P. Town tend t interior article! -‘rhityoQsxntanWliimldnrint--- tobe COMPARED WITIIthI OLD , bceautcof the Grand Fact, that iho one is incapable V l er n °f° npd ™SPOlLS, whitelhoXh! . i : er DOES, it tonn, fern ecu, and- bbwa-the-ibouloc iof^inS^itie *mu, acid ' . ctocrgoods! ijiutnotMirbor lohte compcandbe poisonaat to tho tytiemf . SvlJ^ 1 ““ri ■y«o« already diseased, wiih actdl &-£ aal ?' ?y»J*ep*i*but acutf Do we not all boy, Pi I"'** 1 "'** tood tourt ln oocKotnachs, what miadileii it predaeetT->flatolence, heartborn, palpitation- ofiho ver < royptoint, marrhaia. draentSy fK r A O .^L. Wh “ B sSofSiWhaSd What caasea Rheumatiam but a soar aeld flaiiLwhich msinuaiet itself between the JoinU and elscwimre, ir ntatxng and inflaming the tender and deiiealoUiaaea *hi°h it acts? So of nervous diseaset of bnpo-, n n y w f bt ®o d i of deranged eirettlationa,- ami: nearly all the ailmenu which affict h H m. n 7 Now, u it not horrible to make and aell. cod infinite* ly worse to ate this * .OSUEING, Sffis^s&Bfeßrsaaj^ , £ Itaiuuotrofhi* inferior ■'• J- Itieaven forbid that wo should detain. *» article i wluch would bear the most distant resemblance to 8. : LX°. 1 5^nS 1 n. artlC u ! “ d w^ehehSdbriSg doira upon the Old Dr. such a moon taut load of complaints and criminations from agenu who have *old; and pur- Compound! h4TB 8564 P * Town * cnd> * 1? «“CfltiEg \\c wuh it understood, because it iar too ibsoJute uoih, that 8. P. Townsend’s artielo and Old Dr. Jacob rowasenU’a Sarsapariila are beaven*wide apart; and infinitely dissimilar; that they are:anlikein Overypar ueuiar, having not one aingio thing taeommoa. It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope inthe act pairing bosom, to restore health and hioost-and vi gor iuto the crushed and broken and to banish Infirmi ty— toat old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to brine hia Ufuro UNIVERSAL CONCKN TRATED wuiun the reach, and to the knowledge-of all who need tt, that they may jparn and know,, by joyfaie*. penence. iu TXuiacmnmr roans m nn«, t ' For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholesale Ajrent for Western Pennsylvania: i.aMITH, jw J. SAKGEANT, Allegheny; Dr, /. CASSkr.T. ward.G. W. GARDNER, sth , x IU property hi the elty -oPl*ittthnrih, situated at ~ me comer of bt. Clair street and DuoaeanS'Wav hay inglhdfMtoaSt. Clair .itroet, ait teet on Dnquesne Way,andSlttfeetcaßarkertsaUey. . This property contains OYER ONE ACRE of vain ablo ground, u susceptible of a subdivision which would prove highly profitable to one wiaktogto ro-Hll in building lou af.iho usual size, ortolmprove. A plan ot the subdivision can be aeta at the^office of the undersigned. 1 » —r On the property are erected fire substantial Brick Buldutgs on St, Clair sueet, (Ineloding-'ike tavern known as the “Red Lion,") a nomberofamaJUar build lags on Dnquesne Way.ond Barker's aijoy (partly oe* euptcdiiy I'ownsend, Carr A Co-) and thestables at- lacked to the tavern.- . r P "‘ “?”!■. W ;p#cn, tat Apply to . , • - \IL B. WILKINS, . , dfr* _•_ Attorney at Law,FourtSstrSit. Sow Boolui J tut Arrived/ ~' ■' — ! SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS, bVJ T H«adiy„withorigutaldreSbyftSS 7 Tho Foe ms and Froso Writing* of R. H.Dana. Physician and ftitiont, oraPraefiealVlhwof the Morel Duties, Halations end Interests-of toe Mcdieal Professioaand the Community; by WiHcnker, M. Dc an Inalde Vlewmf and Cil- SxLwS“ i ' d gS, ta^S> <aUi “ 4 .f» 1 ”“^ Ml ELUOTT A ENGUgn. » VtnaS „ >ow U the time to SobcerLbe.. aPFICB of Beot£« Bdpriats of the Font Quarter lica and Blaekwood; 810 per year. ! Morris & Willi** Home Journal,' pubbihcd la Now York weekly; 83 per aanunL’ .• iloructtlmniitt, monthly; 83-per year. Invaluable. * .. The Cultivator, monthly; 81 per annum. The Ayrienlinratiii, monthly, si per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; 83 per annn«n. Tbeßanken’Magwioe, l do OS-'-'-do JAMES D LOCKWOOD, Jaa3 BookadlerA lmpqrttr,C3Wood at BELL AHD BBAB9 FOtVSET. A A FULTON, Bell and BnuaFoender. has ro bailt and commenced business at his old stand, where he will he pleated to seo hi*old eastern* era and friend*.. ....... - rl Church,Steambootiahd Belli oferery fixe, from IP to IQIOOO pounds, cast from patterns of the Bost appror* ed modeli and warranted to be of the best material*. wlnW Water Pampa. Counters, Bailiag, tern* th*T with every variety ©fßra** ealtiagajU repaired, £g*d and flushed in the nes trytainnrr.;. , •A. F. ii the sole proprietor of BaMTrtr Atm-Afro- - TmaMiraiieo justly celebrated .for tks redaction of friction in machinery. The • Dozer «sdCempociiien can be had of him a: all times. : JaJkly QIIF.F.P PELTS—O 23 In store and tor tfle by Njana . ' - 8h WHABBAUGH fee***, jut reehfEV BHAC&LgTC» WillTß dPilaain amra aa* toaalAfay L/Janl - SfcWJIA&BAPGB. nrUNNED HOG BKINS-4 dorrrtM and fer nle by 1 Janl >* WHABBAUOH: UperWjesdng.. G B MJLTBNHEaGIb^ - teM ■ .--Mo 87 grant ift ' ON HAKl>«adftr«al»l(nr4D«lda£«ftui«BmeßW •/■ lObMxEnjUxb'Venfctaßedj.s vi . . - 10 <* tblflod*; - t j I®.- * ::NoVBaCU>; . '..'l/ l. 3 *! ChloddoLUßS ■ B boxes Pmlq Seapi. •.* ' t: r. -Jot 100 « "ButtsiLoare/^ * jioro jtraAOSN * 00, : v,- ’■•.C«alßaca.Paaagreat i r ;> WlOti^ANl ; :s-y Attu* •>r .a? ichr# wrw «i#U mit -Pip;. 14XT"