The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 22, 1850, Image 4

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    tn u.-n
•: ■ i ~ iwnngTWinKH ' I
1 No.?* wood atreot, and ferial* atEaaiernpriee**
Oeaeiri**’ Hebrew Lexicon, Townaend’hArraßgeaeM
theTJlble,' Neander** Hiatery of theOinattiaßftU- 1
gfen and OrWeli,'MSHon 1 * Treason CenftmnDoe*
trine, Life of Jeremiah Evana,Babmaon’a Greek
Hirmonvoftha Goapelt, d° Enrltfe do do, Scott’* B*>
tuea da SiraienbOTgf antra, Holt’* MmlonaiyAnee*
- work*, in addition
totbeaboTejallatxmxwmcw. nov»
TIeGUBNYi AWO VICINITY, will be ready for
theenaraverin IQdayi. Fertona/whomay'wua to
hayeVrewi of their tommy teat* fret on fee m*J> can
doiobr maiinxappUcaUonto « ondeTvtgned, arr
tee beforethafltSifnM. To defray fe^**P« a ** ° n f
-ilL'be fecairrdMn. addition
toUepriceof tfceaae. aoriP _RKJdeGOWAN_
- \to the public* ‘ .
a BOCT ftar yean tlnce, I wk« Tel j£* dEFin
Atbe'Ststeof OhiotwhUe *pendingafewdayai»
Outran, I diieovered, a lingular .Metahc. {nerrt o for
and nbteqaemly learned feat it b “ 0^?2B e?birtfroni
yean, and loppoted to be ifw B *MirSee, I
iu aaifermity of textare and alngmar »PF*, J)nt (or
waa led u» believe li tnfeht be tat&e
what pareote 1 had nolthe ind pulver
' mr expeusunta by bwritojr aobiuaee*;
I*&j ft; and eompow*d»nfe w “ ,llue
««»s tlw and mean. In the
in u, tbat-I gave spiny c from feat tee
prooeestion ©ffeoieSatinet*; at ibeex
to thia,l have attended fe no«» 4}, eotere d, that,
pirajien of aboal two )"“«• I jinr it with Hn
ty•&»«•« » “ * MS£» woMblel plat, bed
■eodjrfJ 1 " l ai Sl , J^ D
v •PP , rt n *! J ‘ Ue ,?? l SSfd b«o»e a perfeet
• in a few month* tr.o«w _ h r£w*p£edwat actually
l .late; to tint «^^S 6 t Khreamount of alltea,
alate In a liqajd f iron feat itcon*
■jESftSSS WASH®»»* fire pao* a. fee
d 2^.u™?X r uSS.o
. a^ u i*^ss?^ 1
“T?wfitol5 1 ””«»t''y of it«‘SES:
ance. and applied .to Government for a patent fermr
jT-iiloa or Wovery, fend!* hoplnr * •»®“2
how be runanerated for all my oaUayln time androo
oev * The fovemmcm, without any heiitatioo, grant
“io ™L?"r.7."e> fo, .be .ole rtrt. » = bo
tare, tell and oto my improvement in
g[ “Weather and Fire Proof Competition or Artt
iclal Slate.” f*T foajteen year*. «rw nr kWL
A«CMtM,-1«49, / *_ WM- BLAKE-
WE,theinhabitant*BfEharon, |>*»
of Hr. Blake, and Where
Hally ocrTtei, *■ we are kuowto* \o ," J *
menu thprr- eonuined; and we will
we do tot believe that mere ever w “ * 1 and Üborion»ly earned, or more dejerwo,
as H|«»eed y
Ademltabte pereeverance under tlm ®?il i£rtcenh*
dreamatances, a> the public
utat there coeld be -.any f or
ftSTtkenbeunee. M«*H wl^?*sL, ?rtSS?S£m^
yean the jeer* and feoff* of *' tr, y “® indefailiable
nity. Notwith«aod«m all wo do not
to th* proaeeutiou of hi* erperuwmu,
beUeve that there 1* one man tn a thouwmdwn® »“«»“
hareponevercdandei w**.
4 ? I ?VATUAS U EVFjmißn, i 4V*™-
JifJciTr'k^ I'’ 1 '’
WM. EVERETT, Township Clerk.
. ALLEN 110 WE, Treaserer.
' IhaTea*c*itainedthatthe»careindiTldnalienga«ed
ssjss a asfts -r ssj£.»aß
they do’not tntend to ?■* Vriifu^andtellthe
theeomrSrtlndj andth«ltho»ewhoboT,t^t' *o*w>h
Woruibmty Most 5£
they beliere that the
mil and tue the eempciwd, and .uomt - haw
what they wanted to u*e they ehonld cerretmT F ,
aae of me, M they did not Intend to to
Kbteinwiyvnw. JfowlfrelmywKlnW*W£
expow thi* barefaced fraud C 2!b«\ “andre
i eaflilby no milder name, where a man _»
' «Itm pay tor an article, the m; ef wUehhe wtu
know* inhjeeu the purchaserthi*
Uoa and fine. Some of those to the
nefarion* traffic, wdl »
Dublin that my patent will not itana, nod tnat t
jjm, I went to eomh of tho«e who were
ihatmy patenewaa of noraloe, and mode the toltowv,
Isg proposition: that they mlght*e!ecta}ng® g||
lawyere who hare had semo practice in p ~( wy
IhouKclfeSit i!«OTld
■issu sr»
Thi* proposition they would noi tteecdeio. * de .
the validity of my patent u eoheefnrt. I• j bKTC '
pend entirely upon uty oJ?n?Thnsaed it ta
’ the fabett confidence in it, but t hate eminent
w«f isf % ,ss,toud
\ patent lawyer*, who hare, wubont protect me
• tbiuinihcu opinion it waa good, and would pro*,.
mwy dueetery.. i ••- ' . n< t nut Hnp in
I wind the article W Pa«»TFW
barrel*, the whicharemprtwL V*
axs Wtusn Pa oot A«mcui.SWTa. *«
I therefore.xtve notice to »uww h «_
above mentioned mineral tor the F B *I , {S5lix I i xo 4 aeehuL ,
. mypateot, except from me or my ujw«iSr£3
shall commence tint* at law*ffiin»t* m.ngy.. !
* infringe right. ,0.3
Bbjsw«. Medina Co, 0., An*. iw-.iLm'
UJTTWO TONS of the above
• FfSorATtificial- Slate on hand. «[* s* b jSidJii
above we can recommend, tor wo h*ve n«n
*'"*t BQ»ar*o3ni • • • _ ■ "
50. 09 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
flare now In Sure their fall assortment of ' [>
Ttimniao') Gloth, Hosiery and Late Good
ADAI’TKDtn the warns of every elasaof Merekaaf
and Ceimuoer*. No pain* hare been rparea,
-present tire newest awl most fashionable
'tfoods in theiriine. Their etoek consist* in pane .
Fringe* aiul Gimp*, of every variety;
figured Calloo;n: Algenno and Imperial
and narrow silt ami Worried KjnbroiOerin-i}. 1
figured and cat Velvet Ribbon*; plain do d- .. t
Manna and plain Satin Ribbon*, for iritntal®*-, " fa l
white and colored Silk Laces; extra wjdc.
(loanee*; with a full assortment of Drf* . . ‘
Dresses Pinked, Bumped or Embroiderei* o oa T ‘
. Embroidered Lace and Mtnrtin Cap* c w L f
Breaifcrt and Ketirin? Cap' and
Worked Collar* andCud*. lu great vaneiTt n«‘ v *‘“;
Lappet*' and Opera Tic*; Mcmnung Chernt- 7W/
larvCuff. anTHalf 8l?ad«;J^ Cn nlmu"n.&
plain embroidered and lienwUtehed do, pW‘ nothin
real thread Lace* aid. Wguig* I«- 2aiA*ertE
U»le, Lnco Maiiin and Cntion ' IJ *n*«™nß
: .-.yxomrsT TziAtwiff■ _
• Rich new stylo towirl feWon*, n
er»,Boan« Tubs, Velvet*, haun* air*
Illations and Tarleton*, Bonnet PnF cl anii n P**
Best manufacture, wiUTmo*t dP"" 4
and choicest eoldr*. An cxten«* aswruncoi b.’JT*>*
HOSIER?- , . .
. ,-ii.rp at mik. \Vd>l, Cotton, Merino and
Cato Sere, for Ladies tod
ft full assortment other »tylc». lc J. H r d
ren% I!o*e: nearest style* tuant* Uoots »aa*ws*i.
Genu*. Grampian! Vigou!ti, Mcr!.ia, cotton mid fine
Wool Half Hose. GLgVES _ ' .
lino Bnoknltii, Jlililarf a*d Wale Tltrend and coupfl.
f ; WOaLEIf GOODS, _ I;
Rnci n« Ladieo’ rad Citiltlreni* lloodj, Children.
• iflii Scarf* and Soa*. Ctiliwn’i Out*
SSfffitffcS- I ®SSid CuflAltai* \vor.«Jft
■SSd w»lca Yftni, California dun Urt* *!•<>,
Cashm* re Scarf*, for Ladiea. •
Z«nhyr and Tapertry Wonirii, "‘“Sf*
FtowSa BnvKWßiittol jnd Boards, *>*
I. ninirrijir Lama and Km.
£»ldered Wftrk. jU*»—Ltlue* , B'lktotfMerino\e*U
. isdPrftw«ri:KiDbroitlercdisaek« * n< lFUnnel»,Kn:nch
' > Worked Caja and Waisu forlpfunti; and Swan ft^wn
"““■“‘■'OKNTUaiENS WEAR. '
Fine Skin*, Cravat* and Collar*; Merino, &Ir tod
Cotton .Wrappers and Drawer*; Sounder* Shoulder
- Braces aadDre»*inj.Uowu*; Silk tod Linen Hdaui
: Cloves and Hosiery.
‘ French pattern* earved and plain Shall Sac k CospMj
• . riaffalo and Im. do, Shell Side and Long Combiilin.
do 1 UoJfald, Batin and Boiewood liairUnuhes; Shell;
Buffalo tod £ag..Uonk Dretsiuiranil Bn# IrsryCofabr,
, with an aMorunenl of Nall and Teeth Uruhs*.
1 -1 WetfeerilTu “Cold hlodal” Pcrfamenr.
Needle*, Plas. Tspes, Steel But end Pam*
Batten* tad-Bt*el Goods,: BetUo Wire Baskets,
v H f«« Twlitend Bo wiuf*, Une ttosewood Desksnnd
Coat Binding* A Gniloou* fancy Work ltfifets
ClAsk Curd end Tassels, Portfolio*, Pepienre* Sad '
«Sid fc ShsileTfimmlnp, Ladles; Stattojtsry, . •
S_i_:, * BannerTessels,' Freneb"CcTk Soles,. ,
Fridges,' Silk k Giag’m CabrilUs,
cSriSiedfim’d paper Musun.t HolUnds,
vTTiiO, Oilcloths, Eiasue llsad* fc Webbing,
yyij nhlHtS BliStac,-• Corset »nd Shoe Lncers.
C*Ki'ES r 3Siu'isrr»!:—Hee*d tnw w.M’. I
Cerpel Warehouse, No. 75 Fourth rt,a
of Carpeu, of the inert end «omi »p
-l» v»n iuuiio the ntenwm of
gg£lLo?iSni«d those wuhies to forniih Ucbks,
tha largest assortment to «iecitr,
'SgifSrwSSll ch.aper U«a
ySirftn.Bitlßt'' -.aoetfl AVhTCUNTUCK^.
tone sb*wl«- !
w -tffIKKS fflwas; js ,£s
de Lai ns and French Merino*, Hack
Cartmores, MM Btou r P^ n f Bonnet Bib* .
‘ i “? 3 “ e ""^‘tuN , BLACK SILKS, ~;
A large atiertmeci, including., few
■«/iui>efK>r. Bayer* arc urmed to iojk at them, at
• cenct of Fourth and Market it*. ,
Wholesale Boom* up stain, where a large “■«[£
- jjSJr New Coodajma laWyJwea received- JnvJQ
' tgjhavabefn interned fay Mra. Rose of acuta per*
*“S of nriou bo«yl»-
■•With alar.ratiogt piece* hate been discharged from
tttgwhlehlimdiaanyp' ;tfm .fromboth het arm*,
,Oa »nmi*J,U*« ®J Ve*«,aiMlftb«*a left
M »Jif&ftoaSfcB*hl kiee, betide* bninft*
f ? cof^« b 222>'r wrwof her perron, which havo baffled
B,w Jm“7^.^eroftbetramecuctaiiphy»‘Clan»o'
■ the J,, L UJ £j?^* > wMi <sfß»e time her tofftiM* hake.
by «® n L t ”*i^i health
'* M &s£&22MB&i rS3fedt«> thafihe now weigh*.
'H*FS^* ni,rEBNX “^'
Up- AlfihtfMttbAlM* *arertiiedlry W-B. SLOAN
■ &EJ3^LLE&S, Wood ittw£ »nd JO:HN f. SCOTT
, Loi »-»o, l iy§Ss'do SD r C «o ! «
•tSSomwS**hK &<2« Ji.
B»U««irkli'klna». ipwlm, broii«*
clSfd toU/nwb_»M,_rmabo ; t,
|^^^£?Smill^SpreS n fcevSt«iiiiie« or
JmMnun orhorsedutch pet.
- Tba powoer will »aor« all inflammation and Cerer
nrifr the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse. the water*
■ad strengthen every pait'of the body: and Improved
cnowreign remedy for the following diseases: .
; Distemper, hido.bonnd, lot* of appetite, litwam
cindoi yellow water, loflsnunslion ofthe'eyes, faiigae
front bard oterciset'al*©.rheumatlinu(eotaooaly cal
led stiff cempl tint) which proves eo fetal to many vat
■ablehorses imthbeaantxv. It is also a safe and eer
uln remedy tor oonths and cold* which jrtnerate to
Wasy fatal diseases. W. B. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, ttLafce tt, Chicago, Illinois.
Extract from the “Gelena. North Western-Careue.’,
By the use of Sloan's Ointment end Condition Pow«
der, I ha-re entirely ettredrafistnla on ray ham end
otherwise imoroted hie condition mow than 500. pe
cent. on the eestof the mcdieine And e cow which
tu to feeble u to be eonaidered worthiest by myarll
end neighbors,was restored to good health andxtrengtb
by the o»« of less then half a package of-the powder,
end l* now doing 'better than -any-other eow I hate.
Small Pox, May 13,1916. WM, VINCENT.
I hereby certify that one of my children, when na
ked, fell into a large fire of lire eoals, and wisborned
severely freni head w feet. The best of medical aid
end attention was'giveu to thaehlldfor bat or five
days -without any relief—eaeh day* inOennr* inert n*-
hd til) his groans could be heard at C-greet distance, at
which croieal period one of my nrigtoorafccpnmicn.
tied and presented to me a box of fclean’s o“}*“*°*;
add in leu than fifteen mlmiierafter the appUcauon
of the ointment to,the aggrarated sore* of ihe saffcnug
eliild, lie pun eeuedleallrelr, «adlie b lf“
to'recover. My residence is in Hell township, Ver
™ ,U “ edonlr, end L . TATLO R.
Chicago, August 94,1845.
April 13. IMS. Four mile* north ef Chicago (on the.
mad to Milwankie,) Cook eoanty, lUUjAhu !
: Mr. Sloan-Dear Sin One of
i bony tanior on his breast bone,
collar, which lamed tarn andrendered Msjinftotoj£
very little value.' 1 faithfully applied tSTßslbcWsi;
of Dr. Taylor’s Nerra and Bone Umraent,“S
least benefit. I then preowed
Hone Ointment, and nsed that until I beeame/tDj,
satisfied that It would never teller* The animal.
nally Lnblniwd a box ofyour_inilT T^nib^9 1 “ 1 '
ment,and in leas than 00 days, from the
" ta,y
Ifpopalxr opinion u any criterion of
mdntand Condition Powders. 0 . ~
These remedier no longer
doubtful unlity, they have passed tenn the Ude of ex-,
periment, and now stand higherA reputation and era
Keying more extensively wjdthan all othsr arU
clcs of the Wn d—Mleh. City. paw*.
■.rudei of So S
“&UUOO»tw“ U -"
’ *pk«- orfioJT ointment* and liniment* it U will
•nd'-pulU la IhtiT opojlfa!.-
SSSSSment U culd yet thtrteugb-ll reaches end
r*rooT*sV® e«°te> bene* L give* real and permanent
Sifr'pr purity, mildness, safety, oertainty, and
!?rriJn*»», SLOxal Ointment excels und is tepidly
nupeffi ln f ot^r olD ffl fgtl Liniments now
10 "Ve cant get along withdctit.
Beesk’s Gsorx, liL, Oct, 34,1&X5.
*t* Sloin-Sin I baud' toted the Time of your
ointment la tie ears of rattlesnake bite*, lore throat,
earn*,enduuty otherinjurie*,.and in e”ri e**e it
hei surpass*! our expeeuntms. A* * family Omt
ment, t navepeveT *een its equal, end far beasts w*
can't te^° m IU -MTi.Tgt M. JOHNSON.
Mr.Slo*»*DeaT Sin For a considerable length of
l_. t -w** erwusly afflicted with the rheumatic com*
rear *e«&*t this place influenced me to try your
OmtmenWid withintwo week* from the time-1 com
meueedcoff it* the P*in eetaed, And l wasefleemtlly
'euredTamahall rc«*tpfiend ell who are similarly ai*
Hictoawil the distressing complaint, to procure your
“"•osOAH P. MOTT.
FrineffdWj Peonae©:, May I.l&W*
try pom the Hon. n. V. S. Brook*, Agent of the
Middled C.^7.
rft- %B. Slo>a-&!.rSir. For Iho I«« 3aye.n J
have id occasion to use many horses, and bas e used i
the ettt variety of-liniment* and ointments In use,
but V® never found any thing equal to )«>ur oint
ment®* Injarie* -on horse*. Within the last two
mill I have applied your ointment to some SO horse*,
for/rious injuries, and in every instance tt has pro*
Te i»OTerelga.rem*47*
‘ Two miles south of Chicago, Sept. 11, IMA
Blnaa—Sir. On the filh instant my sou had a fie-
o?hy ahorse. We fmniediairly ap-
Scelebratedmatmeni, whiehrelieved hiraof
fn afewi minute*, and prevented thefingerfrom
[Jp. Rcsp’yyoars, _ ; S. BROCKWAb.
: Mx.Slnn-DwSifj'AboaUhrM years *s° 1 w **
g eve rely inured in one of my le« by the kjlm* *
pile of wood which oeeaaoned large Tunciny nlcera.
Nearly every doctor ia Gelena tried to eore
' *d in viin, ontil from rympaihyand improper treiL*
in my other le« beeatne oi bad a* the oneorigmaJ
mied- I Repaired of ever being weU
order that I might oegjeet no mean* withininy
1 purchased of. yuar . agent in Galena »oo*e of
liniment, and yon ean Jndge of my ”H>n«e an I
nnrade better than J can exprew iVto.findmwH
itirely well before I had Eniahed using »« « c °« d !* *
TheA faeu 1 make known that others aillieted may
believe and not delay twin* »e Talnable an otottnen.
i yours has proved to be. Reap f 5 Vvv io^
li«loi.,lli;,lMa. BVAN UAVIS-
fkfore Use fotlowiajr.order, Meaar*. Vaughn k. Co.
pnreha.ed-a'large Effigy* ■
S. K. Hibbard—Dear Sin lancm of Sloau’s Condo
tion Powder and Horse ©mUsenc Tbo aale rarer*
ceeds toy expectation. - If yorfeaa mmim
4 down Omtment, 1 will pay-for *{«*
lhai yon are here, and ptewme I «h«il **
a IttTTe mienliiy in the ronr*e of the year. H ■will be
an objeeuoyon, u weU a»tb myself, to keep me eon*
Kwirnnb*. VOl7 4 co.
if Bt. Locu, Feb. 23,131!). j
Dr. Sloaiw-Bin About two year* ago, while rafling
on the Miaaiwippl riter, in paaslnr over the rapid*, J
wasplutuced into the tralrrf and ty the raft darting
»r“Stiroci,cniil>i=B>»y lolUo!,*»l
Kble around with rtaimUtanae ofapretgh. fTte.
«a areal that death would hate reed ted a hearty wel-
Fomnatclr Mr; Wilson, one of nirndgiibori)
ad Tired rae to «T your Ointment I obtained » be*
,-niied Uaceording to direction—theaore* torn began
to awume a healthy appearan^aodia.threeMmh*
1 waa entirely cored, and enabled to do hard labor.
We. tha anderilyoed,' neighbor* ® l ' s f‘
Tkomii’ il.ucmenL ESismiSoN, .
Crocaoo, Jan- Bth, 180.
W2k Sloan—Sin Oneofmy hoi*e* waihoofboond
and al*o wounded in the stifle, in which he “»hxold,
*“5 ■/, crinnled that he eooid acsreely travel.
Slenn’*- Ointment. and Condition-Powder are «- I
Sf inir?d n *traJn*; dUwnP«T.J Ujjjjgjj
fadguefrombarderercise,<B*ea*ed eye*. *c«-Lahe
County Chronicle. 1 ; ,
Wourn, Cook-Co. Feb. 13,1*^
- Mr. Bloan—Sin I hate a fine ymuig hone [that wa*
takea wilh the scratehe* lail (aIL 1 paid out alxm l
three dollar* tor medicine toi cure him, bDI ha grew
worts. Ithenboughtaboxefyoux ointment aLvour
office when in Chicago last rather doubOngly,;DUl 1
thought l would try it Judge of my *urpriwi nod my
opinion of it* beneficial qniluics, when I found my.
bone's leg* amotfih and well in tour days from the time
I commenced applying h^^ovobedient'
More than fifteen yean of . unrivalled aacerisln the I.
cure oTevery variety of external diseases and Injuries I
such as sprain*, brutes, eats, barn*, cutaneous erup- I
lions, sore lips, sore breasts, chapped hand*, chill. 1
blaini, bilei, ulcers, eorna, pain* in the back, sides, or
otherptnsofthe system,raulesnake Ulss,Ac., bear* I
aopio wnunony ihat Sloan's Ointment tojusuhs thing I
for lie hoax. Certificates without number hare been I
received by the Proprietor bom disinterested Indivldn-1
aU, giving detail* oiTemarksble cures by its are. 1
■ Granville, MUwankie eo. Win,-Oci. 10, IMS. I
Mr. Bloa*-De*r Sir; Recently my hones ras away
srith a log chain attached, which eel wid atherwise
iulared them rexiously, so much so that 1 considered
~.m ia med tor butiseis. Fonunatoly a friend re*
Smmeodedthe use of your Cmtmcnt I went to Mil-!
«nkloand pßicbaaed a box. It soon removed ihs
jEKmmSSon.abdin a tow day* the wounds healed
Thsireeat benefit derived from the use of your Oint
ihe pmbiio. ; * tcs P^ ct/olJy CEokaECOMBTOCK.
And hsa boeomo a doanndn *ayiag, that SVmn’*
’Olatmeuv ual wier are rapldl|*upet»e
SomUAjuawal Bale af Dry Goo4a«
■ at thx ox* rates aress op
1 A. A. MASON a CO.,
is/ ILLeommenee on New Year's Day; IBGO, and
If continue through the month of January, flanng
Which rime (he whole of their immsusevtuonshawat,
(Including all their Wholesale Rooms,) will be thrown
open for Retail Trade; and their entire Wholesale
Sfock will be offered' at Retail, on this occasion, at
fully on ronra LIP than usual prices. '
I Their Shawl Saloon contains more than 3000 Shawls,
.comprising every description of Long and Square
fool Shawls, Cashmere, Broche, Ac. Also, Vixeues,
Cloaks, Mantillas. Sacks, Ae., at an immense reduo*
lion from usual-puces.
' DRESS and cloak goods.
i Their stock comprise* more than ICOO niece* Thibet
doth*. Merinos, ParameUas, Alpacess, Lyonese, Op*
era and Pelisse Cloths, will be sold from 39 to 40 per
cent, less than usual priees. __ „„ ,
Also—<3oo pieces rich plain and Cg’d BILKS, redu*
eed 30 per cent .
]2O eases Cashmeres and Do Lain*, entire i new styles.
Also—White Goods,- Mourning do-. Embroideries,
Laces, Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac.
•A) eases Flaanels, TO cases new style Calicoes, <W ea
3. Ble.ebed MruliM. 100 Brown do., 70 bjln.
Tlekings/Also, Cloths, Ousimeres, Jeans, Casttneus,
'teSffrEWfiLK .ftoO^dn
making an assortment one of the most extensive ut
the country—all of wbleb hsvo been marked down at
much lower prices than their extensive annual sale la
an early call, as msny of their choicest
Goods will be sold. *
i irj-The lowest price named at first.
; j.n-1 A, A. MASON A CO.. CO Market bl
«<2rorw»]MPialn*” Blanket*.
WR, MURFIIY, at North East corner of Fourth
• ud Market streets, baa lately received a tap
— nr the above superior make of Blankets, and la*
?iies those in-want of the .anlcle to look at than be
fore buying. He has alio on bund Home Made Ulan
kets, a good heavy anidle, which be ia telling low.
Alio—Home Made FLANNELS, brown,'barredand
white, of a superior quality.
1 Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he
Invites the attention of buyers. ,
I try-A lam supply of Goods recently opened In the
Wholesale Rooms, op stairs, makes his assortment
Very full and wortay the attention of dealers; ‘
i novl? ~
J 5 - “ ihmxm Pa.,SepLSS,l64#.
Mr. R-EReileri*—Deat Sin I feel it l» a daty I owi
to the public, as well as to the credit of your Liver
Pith, to state the good effects produced by their use in
ay own sue. During tho month of June, 18*5,1 took
very unwell, my appetite failed, and my strength was
entirely prostrated, with severe pain in my side and
sboslder*.' I was told by medlealmcn thru ray disease
wa a severe attack of Uver complaint. ' I wok sever
Tilbozes of M’Lane’s Liver Pills, and somesyriipt,
which twasioldwas good for that disease, but after
all 1 wma getting worse. 1 finally concluded to ptape
myself under the eare of a physician for better or
worse; but, fortunately, lost at this .time, I was told
by the Rev; L Nibloek, of this place, that a friend had
sent him a box of Belle rs’Ltver Pills from Pittsburgh
which had benefited him very much. 1. forthwith
sent for of yonrliver Puls, and by the time 1
was done using theta, I was satisfied that It was lost
the medicine that snited ray caso, l sept for more,
‘and took five.or six boxes, and (bond myseu almost
entirely eared; bat in March lastleasght a severe
cold, which brongbt back the disease, and in a short
time! was as bad as ever. I.again had recourse to
your Liver Pills, and took then every ether nlght-for
six weeks, and occasionally since, and l can now say,:
that I can now say, that I loci little if any symptass
of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is as
good now as it has been for the last 10 years.
My neighbors ask me wbo was my doctor.' I tell
them that Sellers’ liver Pills was my doctor, and by
the blessing of Divine Providence the means of coring
me. lam confident that when the public become ac
quainted with the value of year Uver Pills, the de
mand for them will increase. Many of my neighbors,
towhom I.bavc teeoutmended the pills, can testify to
their value, us well as to the facts above stated.
Respectfully yours, Gtoaos UlU.n.
To vox Pcauc.—The Original, only true and genu
nine Liver Pills are prepared' by R. K. Sellers, and
have his same stamped in blaek wax upon the lid- of
eaeh Kox, and tus signature-on the ontiide wrapper.
irj»AU olners are counterfeits, or base imitations,
speff TL E SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood «t
Sxlxx, Columbiana, 18*1.
DR. D. JAYNES: Daaa Ba.-—I feel bound to yoa
and the-afflieted public, to avail myself of this op*
po rtunity of giving publicity to the extraordinaiy effects
ofyour Expectorant onmyself. Having been asneted
for several years with a severe eoagh. hectic fever
ahd iu concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed
to Unger onl a short bnt miserable existence, until the
faU of 1839, when, being more severely snacked, and
having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pro
scripuoni of two of the most respectable physicians in
the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the
consolation of surviving hut a few days or weeks aj
farthest—when the- It A gleam of hope was about to.
vanish, ! had recommended u> me your Expectorant—
and blessed by that Being who does all things in tho
ase'oftheaeans-Hiad contrary to the expectations of
my physicians and friends, I was in a few days raised
from my bed, and was enabled by the nse of a bottle, 10
ttt.mi to my cashless, enjoying since belter health that
I had forten years previous. _ _ ■
Respectfully yours,Ac., Jsx. W.Eonti. .
' For sale in Pin*burgh,ai the Pekin Tea Store, 7ft
Fourth, street. i maflP
JAYNE-—This certifies, that immediately after
hiYtat attended my brother, who died of consumption
In March, lsti I vu taken tick with the Consumption
or Liter Complaint, nod was reduced eo low with the .
disease, that tor four yearrl was unable to attend I*,
my business, either at home or abroad, being lor the
most time confined to my bed. During the above pert*
od of time, i had expended for medical attendances ■
regular Phycciaa* and medicines, to the amount of
•3UO, wnboui receiving any benefit therefirom.. ta. .
July, l&ld. I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medt
und have taken them more ot. leu ever «mc4,
andbelieve that It was by persevering p their use,
that I can now truly MT that I have _ complete!/ reeo-.
vered my bealth. I believe that Jayne’s Sanative PdU ,
and Eapcctoraat are the best family medicine* now in
“iWiido ia SprlnefitU, Oucto com.!,, N. Y, ui
carry on a furnace and machine shop in . that place,
and am not interested In any manner ut the sale of the ;
above and make this eertiGcaln (ot the ben*
St of uSeamkted. 'ELIJAH EATON! [
•* Springfield, N. Vi Sept If tSIS. • JM
>AmnJODol I ' .
ALF3 ANDEK A DAY,cornerofthe IKu»rijuu
Market street, noult their
that they have received their stock of Fall *£“ i ”2® ;
ter GOODS, direct from the importers, manufacturer*
and unction* at the east. Their stoek of new •‘Tl*™ 1
feshimiable Goods is laige, and present* , W£s n 7 e :
.i/tf w purchasers. la Ladie* Dre*s Goods and
Shawls,; u>e most splendid and l e J^f r < |! * f
the season are now offered, at remarkably low prices
*" easys d^ssxjds.
' aISS; T.,= s.un.; ;
Col'd Catneliaa Grodcrhines, of the best qualities;
Black, glossy Groderieni of the celebrated Keg]®’
™The abovenamed Black Silks are warranted not to
calia the wear, far dresses «nd mantillas they are toe
Satin Du Chew, the handsome'H i
figured French Mcnnos, a
'new and splendid artiele for ladies’ , walking dresses.;
; Silk Embroidered Freneh De Laities, to.dreusesaad (
meitot, a large assortment. —•- I
w - Shawls and scarfs’; . s :
Brocha Long and Square Shawls, of the bottquaO-i
Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark-'
‘'JitaH'Tcrkwi sh.wK «l ,ic«Uy referf pilea.
Camclion JJmta H'i Sjk Ank in jmt "*•£•,
•Be»t Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, ail price*;
best Sedan real Freneh Castimeres; new style Affler*..
,e “ C^S^”fii B *K«GciOTHa
French end Belgian Black and Olivo Cloths, fat I*
dies’ Cloaks.
blankets: ,
A splendid assortment of American and
A lanre and complete assortment row on band;—
MahT of our present stock of Staple Good* werQ
booztil from the manufacturer* previous to the prateni
advance in price*. A principal pan of our itoek of
French andsftglish good* have been purebnaedaltbe
mat Auction aalea in Philadelphia and New Yolk,
which enable* us to*elTerdeeided bargains to almost
every deseriptioaof goods in oar Unoof baaineas. , ■
Counts? Merc hams, Merchant Tailors, and hi)
wholesare and retail buyers, are invited loan early
examination of our stock and prices. ....
“ ALEXANDER * I)AY, W Market at, ■
oct23 . north west comer of the Diamond. •
vo BUVk'iu uir UttJf
WIL MURPHY, at north can eoroer of Fonrth
; tf
mereaf at pricea eoaaiderably lower than they could
b ' b ”" ,, “" ji £gSSB!uWiLS ,
Of new and tery handaona atyletj Yelrct Trim-
Ol Tmrious «yle* W»d flaaUOei, and embroidered
Blaa* Stilt Laeea, Needla Worked Collar* andl Cnffa,
s*Ub» and VeluetFlowenkCapa and Feather*.
Of the hewert atylea, and at lower pricea than ureal}
and rieh changeable Silks and Satina, for hlartiliaa,
■i lowest price*, Afld la the gWtiemetfa.depanmenl
French n i?LA«ASDP*sovMVDCurTii9,
Bnomi. or* ■taira.
r—y jjiiv \VONOEHFUL CtKK!-a»L.
A. Mercer 6<pl. as, IB#.
R E. Sellers: Dear Sir, I boo*bl«nel*etUe of your
£LT,L«^- 7 H=V-rp. d
f , '“'.°B«h I, «'iai»iT<°i r “‘V“'»"E 0 1 f'“ £3S>"
l!£& uidwyM *l»«
Jf »I.»«*“/“ UUn,[ P "’ P "-
»«"■ vcrl S. tnu.
„j (Old by B. E. SELLEK3,K Wood
Draji-u <coM«ly tajjj^lwr
| cities.• ! i—— —-
wVcdaX wiU duuwb« ••■£■
dieine, uid wonld recommend nlo tho«c wbo l "
“»55«b afISST’ c °" ,l “ W- k. BODEN.
io-Soldly rT E. SELI.ERB, 67 Wood “ nll
.by *>rujs*Uu gener*lly la the two eiliet tad vjcinuy.
&LT cumia— a cate* Ulue wid F<
Cloth*, fast roc’d and for **lebT ‘ J_ (
BOTI3 , jS W<Xxi ll
SUAHriKI' MODS. UK IJUNS—W. K. Morphy &a
Jail rec*4 elm of high colored Mona. da Lain*,
inch u Cherry, Scarlet, 01 Iho low prlee of *Se..
per. yard. Alio, Plain Drab, Drown, 4c, atlij to IS|
cent* per yax4i and a large Maortment of neat atylea
fiaeredMoDi. de'LaJifc, at varioui ppee», togtitlier
with a choice eaaortmenl of Dreu -Ooeda ifene rally,
nek u Faney Silk a, French Merino*, Cuba* ret,
Cobam aad Lyoaeae CloUu, at the
N. E. comer of roeith and Meskei eta.
WkofaaafcftMCttvpttsin. rivna
PuMmcu urn Banlttue* OflU*.
!.» HAN EDEN A CO. continue to bring person!
■MjjK/rora any put of England, Ireland. Scotland or
SUCWalcs, upon the most Überal terms; with their
anal punctuality and attention to the wants and com*
fon oferamigrants WedoDoiallowoorpaasenfienlo
be robt>cd by the swicdling siaaips that infest the sea*
porta, as we lake charge of them the moment they re
port themaelvea, and see to their well being, andde-.
spateh them without any detention by the first ship*.—
we tay this fearlessly, as we defy one of oar passeh-
Cra to show that they were detained 49 Mu's by os in
rerpool, whilst thousands of other* »*\re detained
months, until they coaid be sent in some -t<d *rafl, at a
eh 2 P rate, which too frequently proved iheir coins. .
We intend to perform oar contract! aoßorabty, cost
what it may, and not act aa was the cose last season,
with ether officer*, 4 — I who either performed not all, or
when it sailed their convenience.
IhaAs drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to
£lOOO, payable at any oftheprovijtctal Banka in Ire
land, England, Scotland'and Wales.
Earopcan sud Genual Agent,
f*Hl Fifth stroal oaa door below Wood;
Wamn tad Clsvtlaad PaiiH|*r Lima*
. i CanalPacket—S W ALLOW. >
« « —OCEAN.
/“VNHof the above Packeu leave Beaver everyday
(Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at
Warren, when they connect sttth the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of thftso places
befofe night. One of the paekets leave Warren dally
at&P.M., and arriveaat Beaver in time to lake the
morning boat for Pittsburgh.
MB TAYLOR, ’ do- J rT0 >
, apt 3 eorner Water and Southfield st*_
ClawxnxD ACBAJnUUß,Clevclaud,o 1
R. G. Pxaas, Beaver, Pi- 1 9 .
mHIS Line will be pjeaa*ed on the opening <)( nagi-
I ration, to transport freight and Passengers from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, lb any point oa
the Canal and Lake*. . 1 •
The facilities ofhhe<Une are unsurpassed in number,
quality and capacity of Dopts, expertenee ol captains,
and efficiency of Agents. _ . , „
• One Boat leaves PilußorghftndClevelaad dally, run*
nlnr in connection with the'steamers
. Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and aline of firatelass
Steamers, Propellers and. Vessels on the Lakes.
Aonm—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa
Jesse Baldwin. Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Warren, '*
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
Wheeler A Co, Akron. .
Crawford A Chamberlin, C , 'and, O
Sears Jc Griffith, BuffaloiN. » ■
Office, cor Water and Snithfield its, Piittborfh.
. mobility
Stesmer MICHIGAN No. fi-Capt. Gilson. ■
“ T.av'K. ERIE, “ Gordon.
THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
eu, have commenced making their daily trips to
and from Beaver, and wilt coutinae to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
follows: -
: Michigan No. It leaves PitUburgb daily at 9 o clock,
-A. M., and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lake Ene
leaves Beaver daily alfi o'clock,, and Pmsbargb
at 3 o'clock, P. M.
, ThcM steamers will run In connection with
R G Parks' Express packet Line, for Erie;
A LeffiingireU's Warren Packets;
. Union line of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
CUuke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lise Frtigh!
Boats. 1
R G Parks dally New Castle Packets.
r).ARKR, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agents.
JOHN A- CAUGHEY, Agent, Pittsburgh,
cot Water and Smlth&eld »ts_
£££ 1849. Sfix&l
THE Proprietors of this ctd established and popular
dailv line, couslstingof SIXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, twned by themselves and running in eonnec
tmn with the steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passenger*, on the
opening of Canal navigation, to alfpoiutsonthe renn
sylrantaand Ohio and N.Yorkeanals and the Lakes.
7 K. M. KiTCJi ACojCleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
J, C. El DWELL, Agent.
mut W ale titreet, Pittsburgh.
i.cmnnu, . u.w.c-»n>w*u,
Fjttibarxh. Bc*wr.
f oraanlins HtrtlmnU,
fgr Ou Pittsburgh enpClntUni Puts-
iui£ni lint via Writ, and far /(«.
laau Braver and Celeb Cap*.
HaTinx mrcbaaed the Urye end substantial 'Vfcai
Beat ln«t built for the Blnnorfohela racket*, hart
With the addition of a Warehouse, the moil ample oe
eoaSbodatioas for’ wceSrin*' and forwanhcf, and
Dtata their stmoat attention, promptae** and despatch
u»e<>ajri*nment» to theircare^and rely on^ h i‘ r nn’^' 115 '
for atrial- matS-diy B- & pno :_
manufactori**» lot- CiQC**siso» Bonoi,
, V\™& piano stools,
for .ale *. Wood a.
Sole -Agent /or Otalekenrjt’a Ptaooa,
- <s rt 4 " for W—igm P-nmylvani*
Second Uaact Mano*. ~~
/%NE rccood hand Piano, 6l octave.,. pnyc *-0.
Hi «• ; s : : £
H.iivKii-S''. ““*»
School, altered aad ronnceifd from the la«t Kng‘
«rt 7SSS. » ,!!! “‘"‘i
«,wl of Violin plow, br hi j P«P“ **• «• ™ l __ J!
anT errnmenia are reqotred to lecomniend thit work,
n»ar^ ob «" rd >ohr h i*®‘ elf “**>*"* •' n f ll >;
t»ih/«v*wm laid down in foe «foo»e «fk. *"<*
Jioba* by the * ante, mode of irWaction, produced a
greater number of dj»im s n..ked pupU. than any other
**iaater In Europe.”
* -bf foe above
A N EMINENT andcxperient*-
A-'Emli of 20 years standing, offer* to treat all rue
cfaDclieatc Nstore with promptness and sccreey.
His success in Buffalo and other large cities has
been proverbial. Uis charges are moderate, and hi*
enrea permanent. Old cases offileet, Stricture, Re re
fills, FdOT A) bus, Rheumatism. Ague,fiyphiUs, or any
chronic or inveterate case* solicited.
A euro warranted;or charge fefonded.
Ovncia, SL CJaii street, *J doors from ibe Bridge.
Teeth Extracted. Adviee to the poor grain.
Pi. B.—Dr- A. aoileiu the wpm ease* oTany diseass
in Rjtuburgh to call. apMtdly
"There are more Bungs in heaven and earth
Than are dreampt of lu philosophy."
TUB VIRTUES of thi* remarkanle remedy, ami
the comtant application for it, to tho proprietor,
ha* Induced him to have it pot up in bottles with la
bels and direction! for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM i* procured from a well in this
eonnty, ut a depth of four hundred feet, is a pure una
dulterated article, without any chemical change, but
lost a* flows from Nature's £rcatLut>raiory!!, Tbaui
contains properties reaching a number of diseases, it
no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are many
things in the arcana of naiute,which,ifknown, might
tie of vast Usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it up in botUcsi it had a reputation for the core of dis
ease. The constant and daily inereasing.eaUs for it,,
and several remarkable curea it has perfpnoed, is a
sure indication of iu future Popularity and wide
spread application in the care of disease.
AVa do not wish to make a long parade of certifi
cate. m we are cohscii >u * ll,nt the medicine can soon
wotk Hs way into ihn favor of those who suffer and
wi>h to be braled. Whilst we do not claim for it a
universal application in cvrirv diarase, we unhesita
tingly say, that in a number of Chronic Diseases » i«
aiinvalled. Among t&e*« may be enumerated—all
diseases of the mucous tissues, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUMimON (iu It* early,stage,)
Asthma, and ail diseases of the air passagrs, LIVEU
the Bladder and Kidneys, Rains in the back or Bide,
Nervous Diseases. Neuralgia, Baity, Rheumatic Paifls,
Gout, Erysipelas, Teller 1 , Ringworm*, Burns, Scalds,
Bruises, Old Bores, Ac., Ac. In eases of debility rc
soiling from exposure, or I6dg and protracted cases of
dir case. Ibis medicine will bung relief It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE, in such cases,
impartltfg tone and energy to tho whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opening tho sluggish functions, which
eause disease and a broken constitution, and giving
increased and renewed energy to ail the organs of
Life! The proprietor know* of several cures of
pit .km. ihm fp.i.nrd ,-verv other treatment, get well
under toe use of Urn PKI'ROLEUM for asliortumn.
The proof can be given io ahy person wbo desires it.
None genuine without the signature of the proprietor.
Sold ny the proprietor,
ft. M. KIEK. Canal Basin, near Seventh »U
Alsol.y H E.SELLKRH.S7 Wood st;
corner Wood »u and Virgin alley; whonre bis
novi-dly regularly appointed Agents
No. 87, coroer Marketand Fifth—or 40 Market,
twern Third and Fourth si*.
THE subscriber keep* constantly on hand, whole
tale and retail, the lallowm* articles, vis:
WashTob«, Himf Churns,
Meat Tubs, Darrel Chums,
■path Tolu. Half-Umbel",
Wooden Dorris, Peeks and liulf Fecks,
Wash Boards, Brass Doom! Rackets,
Clothes Pic». Towel Roller*,
Wooden lnuller, Bread Rollers,
' Clothes Haskett, Market Baskets, Ac ,At
noT j4 No 63 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
jTfiupMU A son.' Pttint Bodk Aeh.
Otms and Soap maker*’ SodaAeh.
XxJ) imponril direct from the above celrbtalcd
,ce “w”MS^.vsK 4
1 V luuaK»-lJbt pipe* Urandy—Oiard, Dupuy, *r;
■ ipipeaHolland,tiinj-
•• " . ' ScekaN BKbA;
* aoo bbl* WbUkcyi for aale by
B'.kaMU SO o.M ■ j.. 4
jar*-*’- w^WsaSJSS&w
Seda -A-Ci, «nd 10 coiEi
7 P UZ ™ l ‘“ l, ° rNVtLB-Wreu.hl Iron An.iU, nonuio
ud BOW BOBlim on nr oanj * t j, MITCIIKLTKF.E | aneonllowor H., warranted; will bo eon.l.ntly
ao^-S i “ , ' ! ““ I°" wSSc&V.RAN, * Wo* ~
fcjrcU-Ktfa FAMILY arc tA* (
n Au-d'rmes ol the day.” .. wQ , f ,J M
, Gsstux'a statios, Ohio, May Pl*, 184#.
* RiKWlen: I think it rixbtforthcbcncfitofcthen
10 mate some facts in relation to year excellent Farm*
lv Medir;nt*. ,
11 have v»«d your Vermifuge lorgmy mmy own fom
i)y oti■- viti frequently answering for expelling! rge ■
Quantities (nay Ito »>». worms from two.ohtldrai l
hav# alsoaied yonr LiverVill" and Cough Syrup »n
my familT.'uid they have in every inxemce produced '
the eflvct dcaired. ... , ~
A» 1 -till rnffaged in merchaadirfng, I *m able to
aute that i Have yet to hear ef Aht first failnre.where
venr medic: nr* have been used in my section of the
eountr ; In conclusion. 1 map-state that they are t 4«
medicine* et the day, and arc dwuaeJ m hm a very
exteurivr ptpuiariiy Tour., rc. ccl.llT,
PrcparcJ col >old by tt. . i IKS,No® Wood
ItrcSfonC .old by Dru ss >< ■ -me,oily In the Mro cl
tie* »U'l vicinity. •• • 'Wx-tt
rfIuiATCURK-oe LIVBRCoMFLajNT, by he
lx oriental, only true, and genuine Liver PUL .
v 51 * > SHOW dxkxx; Ohio county, Va. I
.Match i!Glh,)B4D._ J
Mr IL M Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it'a duty I owe
to you to the puhlio mnenvly, tf>»tiUe lhat I have
been alllicted wilt the Liver Complaint for a long
Umc, ami *o badly that an abce.s tormed a'nd broke,
which im't me in a very low state. Having heard ef
your celebrated Liver Pillt being lor sale by AIL
Sharp, in WesiT.lbrrty, arid recommended to me by
my pVyrieian, Dr. K. Smith, t concluded to give them
a fair trial. I purchased one box, aud founj ihem io
o just wliat they are recommended, THE HLST U
VER pII.I.EVHR USED; am! after taking four boxea
1 find the disease has entirely left me, and I am now
perfectly well. Re.pectfttlly yourr^
1 West Liberty, March «t,1849.
I cr-.isy that lam personally acquainted with Mr
i.olem ■ .andean bear testimony to thetruih or the
aixvo ■ rtificale. A R SHAKr
Tv ciiuine-Liver Fins are prepared and sold by
RE < | I,EiIS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
'"TtyirHK^UBLlC— 1 The original, only true and gen.--
ulnc Liver I’ills are prepared by RE Sellers, and have
hi* name stamped in black wax upon the lid of each
'■ox an-; his signature on the cntside wrapper—all
other.,.-., counterfeits,
iTKaaVsii’» r cariSimativk b absam
I Irom the Re, A=A SIIIMN, . iccllknnunipmlpop
H .V- 1 a™iii.wtoilheProte.tttiltMetlii»lU(rai»rel
I'ue u'ndcr*igned hruirt bernalJUeleddunnglliepart I
-»ivci with a di*ease oithe stomach, sometimes pro-.;
luc - crcitp- ; nm the ripraach for ten or twelve hours
wUhoar nterdf • e«,*nd after, having m«d vanou*
h 'rhmhcu«dacV
terwanlsused wheneverindications oapprowhol
Jt J.yee’r C.™.n.t,.e « >r Autu,y.nte NNu
for dt»«s*e* ofibeftnmsc *'• »j, fK }, a „v ctiy.jy.*!
' JKr«.!. in Riinharjlt »t 1 ‘ [VAs?ltror
Tax oatsv uaxxnv roa
Iho Heart, Influenxa, Croup, Broken Con
rti.uuoi Sore Throat, Del "i
-i», and alt Disease* of the Throat.
Breast and Lungti Hiepiostef.
fectuel and speedy curs
aver known lor any of
the *tW»O diacaa*
el. Is
Bwruo of Wild Cb«rry* ,
oompou?I?? u,ufer ofdoflUfol
Vii* h faw paiscd away Jiom the th«und« dail*
®? ,n Y- i t JLn l ih-*Utlp Ot experiment, and now standi
launched!„ momextensive*
SSSau.™ •' "'I
importance ‘.utwn« jMU Vof proo f C fthc foregoing
denco of its f , a iu- and e&cacy of thismcd>
«*tsment*,»drf JMJ, iMeft a frw of v he many tho»
eme. have been presented to bimbj
lftß «herti»oujaU who hRTe higher
nea of *«• **J «.{S n «l.Uiiy, than to cei
VMwaofmora* r -r „ do another afa tor, and
-tUy “* I 4 *I*’ 1 *’ 1 in i U ..ite Such testimony prove# con*
n f' c^cUrticc ”
eluKvely. tnatu i , un( . nf «uonable authori
ty lt» intranaic ’ . riir lK >tajitaneou» relief it nf
'JJ 1 . P ,!jlSm influence difluwd through tt*
■SSHfiSbyl" .», "« ■»"«*“'
froin conicientious nnpnlsel.
When men, _ w u, e trniii of a thin*, ar
veloDUiniy testi bew* contrary to the»r
particular fact, *ucn ’ cact ce» conviction of
interest* an p ,j*. c ; a l manner ft>
iu, MOTI »-«•. .
"’"'l'Sto: iioMK'caiTinc.vrEs. ,
or VcLsienxaT Oosaramov—
-BTit— ASfrn ,ea j ia » been a* success!*
There never «* a "»£* “* p U * n , «.
m desperate e»««' *{ V m &«nr, 11 «»n , »s» hrn » tli«
CcmoouuJ syruj of « r u !cct» on the tones
p~-»* *M'
other {dtcinc.
. Cn**r«* Apnl-jA, t•• •
, n~*r Vir I verily believe your Coitt*
Dr. :H ayne--**** •■VhcTTV has been raean* *1
pooaJ »/"«) <> f cold,which frra<!»-
•aTine my ™* d "d\riil. * that
ally ß rrw ( frcour . c w ,
re *itv-d alt the T "® cxhihiteil nil the.symptom* of
incre*»insutiulray e _ j--. vc ry tiim* Hrie/rrem^a
rntmi-nnry j to rar'«-
itoharo tto effect, and my
ty that frimHl* a* . timel-w** recommended to tty
lay rrwvery • Atty | jid no with the most hap
rnli fill l.t, I J the nrdif'M. ;
iu»pwiuny >°« r *’
Wi»iAr/«'C“" «/ ” di.
say hvmhlatesuia" “> ~ ,i, rr ,. »<>ar.’ since I*U
rapofWnd L i‘ c » T '; l is- colli nmi niflauunmuon of tic
violently with * dittrcoios
Unw, w>‘eh B „d bead a very couwdert-
C»o*b, the * mß cn-. from the lungs, «*!+•
bJed:*cha««fl^d' :n „ lUfr however slight. At
eiallY opon «*«** fLScondition. Hut wn* pretty
first 1 f«*trw ah*'® into consumj-
UK3i> cntivincc-1 ui»‘‘ • • nl ,;' o t length wn* »C*Tcp-
Uon. 1' RWtl .
if able in wa,k 1 * l “j-k,,..,. i,finy lungs. Ifcmng tip*
wa*theex<*r<d«»ft .* c “‘“;’_. nU<> ,„ m:J prescription*,
: ijne I cried .‘ a «i thr ,i m o worse.. Jiisi
bu* fcnrd no ~y tt dear friend},,
h-ie l \v:w odswrd u.-U 1 ( WildOhnr-
Wilmlnrtnii tn “', wo.-l> 1 «■«>» P«jb*
ry. t most con r . -J :< 11 a ia still ugai/p;
dicad b(Ul»> P*“",, h _ {.asi'N ofrtnperir*, .but sindiir
«.;<■!••••'> * •' ** .“r.»i ot S 5 month*' standing, eon*
ea«« was «t , -® e r , t , lV d. I inund, however,
seqncuJy it "** f „Vthe tree of the first four or file
Misriaetahle tel.ef from ibe t- f re .,ueuUy is
.bold... Il»l L "V‘ P”! ScnL,\x tuiblUi, Mi
icmrind to {* r “?i 0 « vessel* ihuVbnd already began
thereby ruptorej -“ 0 dou my cure was grenty
to heal; tn this way. , nrime thus imprudent!
retarded. In coas«iu n |, ftU io» before I vras-p-j, -
| had W use twU-re question a much small
Jectly ressoced , lfty ‘ n mudo me sound,bu
haml'er of.boiUvt TUc aftiyed use f«v..
the distressing cohgh, piiiaat; .
irhbilbsi, ton* from the lijngt, and gnr
to the discharg* of esrod healthy Ihnvadef*.
them and now> ;(of p Ufp d.>
red offering tai or fi permanency oi the
of being r rffC '\n. I Perfectly well l otf-rll with
care, am! naw.ftaH ,c<rl j. y Jordan;
pleasure. M .. ’
Dublin cooaty, N. i-
f*n«w7narrt IImhI! ■
r eessume preparation of WsldCbCTTy*
feis »-»sk
cffe««*S n S no person need mistake Ibe
By a little o jiiieb bottle of the genuini is
, tfr! C n-nsvtnK, vitb the
enraloped wii aneauH tkert>on . Df
‘Sire" f am security, the portrail of Ur.
iiptature. a» , ol)dc(1 Uerpa ner. so a» to Uiilmgaish
gwayne , _ „ii atliera. Now, it Uwu not for
bit prcp»muo». . lic4 known virtue* of Dr.
lb*A Tcn ' C Syrup <*f Wild Cherry,perwii*
Swttvne’sOot n-ounu oy«H, currency to \%rit
woofil “ o »j t e :r.J?" by iiealttiß the name of Wild
™' “l U, ° n “ , ‘'''
rSJS.v.S *■"> *•«
y".' r uiaiu Wood, aiui dlb mid \\ ood flfi VVM
ELI“ Alicshcd. city, »«11’)' »U du11... .u
"•n?"iir.'pl Iniima'a'pJomiumplaMar.
Dn \V L* INLAND, of Hie Medical College, bf Phi!-
edolnhiiii uowoffer* to tba public bis Indian Veg
le Vrciniuin Blnsier, die <iunl*uc* of which, after
roTin and u edTipcricncc.has been MHaf./ionV e*-
“it d To all women who may be aillietcd
Pnilansus Utcria or Fallen Womb, bu rerommenda Ins
iISSr Manuiteeiiiß a sure and spoedv cure m the
jKf snuce of from weeks, if applied w.d.
£2d re *t—diacatdi.njl alkito coundw* m.iruniet.u
K‘ S«of .t'w. b«.u™a M>» l»-
U AUofor Rbromausmmid \VuukDreast or Hark, »t
-will. pain, there is nothin* i« race thin 1 .asier
in uflordinS relief or cffeeui.R bur di by
i Wilcox, corner of fJinrunnu uml Marks t»t
it,..,,, i Reiter, “ Laberty iuid HL Olatr su
Dr J U ' u Federal st and Diumojni, AUe
“ Denpti. .n.l Utoaond
bam. .... . .
-r*“P"SKl.l.lK*' DreugiM, N<» *7 Wood-street.
T< AKeiillortliesabMifUr. rownscnd s(
Aw Sureaparoia, has just received doken of ;ibl*
XISiK'E £.U< B 501'.,,, i, cl.
EXTRACT of COFFFb—AII uruole whieli if ra*
nidlr coming mto o-«c as u wholesome, nounsUrn*
.i«i; Jinn *he ve run e, indng nine ptensam und pal
p»»«a • r0li “- J '5iS's“h”lkS. ri«c.r,h. IV
o-m wholesale by U A A Co,
»m,“rir.lud 'V.i Mid Sixtl. Md W.,™i s
Pittabirgh —i — *—-
(J 33 Camp Blanket*: iW r»,i,m D *!
10 pairs nett-lined Mining lb>ot», ,
water Tnnt* fl and U aallon* each, J) entneens l
7.“"n do“ MkA™ M»cr ■...... do »U.d
Hubbri. do do. Tho obov. Keoi^ 'bn “!>■f» “« >•»'■-
' for ° l oe , Si /Ml rini.ul-s
ASSORTED BFICE&-Fa» U|* f° r family use., m Ur
•BOa, enclosed an a sliding lid |«W. conuuuing
Cinnamon, OingiT,
Cloves, . I’eppef,
Warranted pare. For tale at u>e new Spue. an<
Mastaed Factory, eomar of Ferry ALtuartr»}*.
grew books!
ij'HF. WAR WITH MEXICO, by R. 8. Ripley; t
Elements of Rhotoric; eempmingjan Analyais of
ih«Law* of Moral Evidence and of Fenoasion; by
Richard Whaiely, p-D. . . _ . „ : _
E* sa y on Chnsaan Baptism; by Baptin W. Noel, M.
Fairy falci, frotn all Nations; by Amhony R. Mon
tallw; wnb HI Ulniuaiioni byPoyjg- LJ ... '
tl c ,9 ’__ comer Third and Market streets
New and Elegant Gift Bookat
N Headley, with eleven anginal detigna by Dartey.
i P«™Sl Pt»» Wliliop, bjr EictuJ H. Du* S
"fcSS Goo. of SacredPooty, wjtb diißium-
Jl of un mutual duUe^rulauonl
Medical Profeasion and the CommoiUtTi by, WortA
'"r™ w“k"’o*f‘iffcbail Da Bonuinieii ccmpilli»«
lik K*t»y», LclieT*, By Wm- If*xlelL •
.Nineveh uid iu Remains. By Amien Henry l>*y
S^oa Nolo,of m Unfiuiabed ; To.r
‘Tcpper'a PfbTerbiaiPhlloaophT, new ediuon; illna
,eJ. g^^oN.
cornet Market and Third itrtctt
- 1849-SOS
midfcic l m ficbJf carrod bindlM*
jiilumtnaUK) intfUju»tfijc4--Bool« «P« T WT
Ivelm, 3M . Morocco, fthd to iniUOw
•of ibc Midi! e Age»—Biblci md fr«r* r **??*•« •?**“
ilirtlUr boon 1 in Velvet and Morocco, mttmficenuy or-
Uracmrt . ,d “j^krooa,
! (Ic it . Bootteller A Importer, Woodjit
ChriitßM and How Too* A]
j ib NagnijpaU Antujtu I Binding, for th? Bolirfey*-
Tames li. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and importer,
<r; Wood street. his-received abeaudfal collection
niu.trai. *1 Hook*. tioand in ibe most splendid man
: net by tire best Loado uoud American binders—among
ilicn uiky be found: ..; ,
I'rul, of American Poetry; magnificently illumina-
““ufys of the Western World; iUumlnatedin gold and
colors. ... • - ■ .
Wordsworth's Greece: richly Illustrated.
The Preacher, illuminated by Owen Jones, and
bound in carved wood.
The Song of Songs; illuminated by Jones:
Flowers and their'Kindred Thoughts;Ulumlnatedby
Jones. .
Heroines of Bhak«peare; illustrated.
Mrs. Jameson’* Cburaeterisucaol Women; illustra
ted. For tale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
drl3 * 63 Wood street
New Books.
REDBURNi His First Voyage, by Herman MellvUle
author of'•Typee,” “Omoo, ’ Ac. t ... ...
History of Kihg.Alfrcd of England, by Jacob Abbott,
with fine engravings.' .....
‘ Sidonia the Sorceress: by Wo. Memhald.
nov.’l comer Third and Market streets
t '(Jne of ths Most Ren&rkaiU Work* of ikt Agt? I
ll of a visit to tbo Chanda an Christians of Kurils- I
tun. and tbo Yezidli, or Devil-Woj»hipper*;;and an |
'lnquiry into the Manner»4nd Alts of the Ancient As-1
*vnnn« By Austen Henry Layari, Esq., U. C.L, 1
With introductory Note by PtW. R Robinson, D.D-,
■'LL. D. Illustrated wlifi-rt3 spates and maps,; and W
woodcuts. SfvalaSvo.eleih,B4,So. • .
••Tbe book has a rare ambuntof graphic, vis id,pic
turesque narrative "—Tribune. . .
• -The work'of Layari is.the most prominent eontri
bution-to the study of ahQquJty, that ha» appeared for I
many years.”—Christ. Inq. ■. ■ 1
“Nomr.e excels in Interest the account of Nweyen
and its Ruins, given by Mr. Layard.”—Washington
Intelligencer. .. .
“As we follow the diggers with breathless interest
in their excavations, amt suddenly find ourselves be
• lore a massive figure carved with, minute accuracy,
now lifting iu gigantic head Irom of WW
years, we are ready la cry out with the astonished
Arabs ‘Wallah,, it is wonderful, but it Is! truer* "-In
For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD,
novIG 63 Wood st
New Book*
rpjlK WOMEN of the Old and New Testament I
X Edited by.E. B. Sprague, D. D. 1 voL Ittp. frro*
elegantly bound; 18 exquisitely finished engTuving*;
‘with description* by celebrated American Clergymen. I
POEMS UV AMELIA, (Mr* Welby, of Kt*) a now !
and enlarged edition; iilailrated by engraving* from
original derign* by Wler. 1 vol. square thro., elegant
ly bound and gilt Alto —A variety of splendid Anim
al* and (lift Books.
Sewell’* Child'* Fir*t Book of th# ILitory of Home.
1 vol. iKtno. .
nae of Carpenter*, Shipwright*, Wheelwright*! Saw
yer*, Lumbermen, Student*, and Amzan* generally:
being a thorough and pracueal Treau*e on Meniura
lion and the Sliding Rule. By D. M. K»per_, A,. M.
Boise’s Treatise oa Greek Prose Composition.
OlicudoMl’s Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Green*, of BrowitUtiver»itr. I vol. ISmo.
Kocdiger’t <«e*eniu»’ Hebrew Grammar, by Conanl.
-Grseuins' Hebrew Lexicon. . •
Loomi*' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tablea. l
,< TbeEiiKiiihmaa’s Greek Concordance. I vol.(mu*-
Ambon's Classical Serie*., , ,
Webster'* Dictionary, revj*ed ed. t vol. Tto.
Jo do unabridged. 1 VOL dto.
Barne’* Note* and Questions on NewTetumenL
Wnately’s Logic. _ , : . -
Mo*heim’* Ecclesiastical HUtory. tf Vol*. and S
vol*. Ohcep.)
Vestures of Creation t vol. ISjao. ....
Morning* among the Je»ull* at Rome. 1 vol. (cloth
a, ti:c!ica r wbere the Tempter ha* Triumphed. 1 voU
(cloth and papery . , vtn.trro:\eiota7''
Alder’* Pronounciag Bible. ■■
Boyer'* French Dictionary. • "
Smart’s Horace. For*aleby R HOPKINS,
B „via Apollo Buildings, Fourth »t
NEW BOOKS JUVinLKDEIViiD. l’he vrorx* o
Mottuign<S edited by LL HaiUtt, comprising fat*
l£i:s«y*,»l-Mier*,r»nd Journey, through Gerrainy and
I Italy* with notes from all the Commentator*, IflOgrapa
icnl and Bibliographical Notices, Ac. .
Theory and Practici of Teaching; or, the M®***®*
and Method* of CoW School-Keeping, by Davld
Plage, A. M., Paincipll of the Stale Normal School,
A Frank Forester's Fieh and Fishing of State*
nnd BriUsh Provinces of North America, W Henry
M vo comer Third And Matket «t»
Th« Oldox* Tim«. .
JAMK3 li. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
No. 63 Wood street, ha* for sale a ley copiescom
pieto. (the remainder of the edition.) of thi* vaJuablo
work, dqroteJ to tho Preservation of Documents, and
oUiet autheuuc4nfotmsiioii relating to tho early eg
nbimuaiu, seutrmeni and Improvement of the country
uroui.d (hr bead of the Ohio. By Neville U- Craig,
Esq., of Piltt&nTgb, in t vol* Bvo. .
novii) J. D. LOCKWOOD.
K OMAN LIBERTY: A History, with a view of the
Liberty of other Ancient Nation*. By B*muel
I Eriiou, E»q. lliastriited with twelve engraving*, exe
cultd af Rome.' il voh., SfO., nniform with Prescott 1 *
HLtoncul Works.
Ju.l published and for sale by
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
uavlu Importer. tCJ Wood *1
i~ >A N N \MiE.tuTLKTN~frA LY; *nitioriied_eiluon,
► l'jtno. 75 eU. MRS. FANNY
‘•The rending of this book ha* impre**ed« with a
mieliStgbcr opinion of it* aoUor than wo had formed
from perusing lior other writing*. It display* n deeper
lone of tnouglit, tutited to more pure womanly grace of
feeling than any other production of the female mind
with which we are acquainted.' s —Evo. Mirror.
“It is a very agreeable and readable book, written in
Fanny Kemble’* best style—bold, *plmcd and enter
taining. Wo recommend it to our reader* aa the best
iiulilisaliou of the season.”— Reading Gat.
-it contain* the Journal of a travel thtonp.h bn rope,
and residence in Italy; and i* oae of the plea, an test,
and most interesting book* of the season.”—Co ur. and
"-a very characteristic book. Wo Itive read it from
lie page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vl
id picture of life in Romo. In all re»pecu eminently
For sale by JAMtS D LOCKWOOD,
nov!6 Dookieller A Importer, O Wood «t
Llthognpble KiUblUbmiat
OF U'M- aCHUCIIMANN, Third «, opposite the
Post-Office, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landsenpes, Bill*
heads. Showbills, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Drawings, Business and Visiting Cards, Aa-en*Taved
or draw n on stone, and printed in colon, Cold, uranxe
ur Black, in the moil approved style, and .at tho most
reasonable prices. octlatiy
KEti "BUTTER—33kegl for sale by
del7 *WICK fc McCANDLKSa
M«f? N »^“ IIfo '^CANHE I .D
CHIEAPNOUS. DELAINS-3 cues good style,
/ fast colored M. tie Lams, at the eairemely low
price of tic. per yard. A A MASON A CU,
' dctl No CO Market «t
I’“sHtJJtl _ FKonPido».c»ms Irettt Peaches; ‘
< - -5 *• bottles do.
5 a a Pine Apples;
a “ •* Cherries;
j *• * strawberries;
3 >• “ Tomatoes:
-3 “ half gal. boulesTickles;
3 “ quail do.
3 u lancy do.
Kec'd and for sale at tho Pekin Tea Stere, 70 Fourth
street dcclS
-1 » YH FLOUK-IJ bt>is rcc’d and lor sals by
lx dcdl WM It JOHNSTON, lid Second si
RFCEIVKD THIS LAY, at tho India Rubbe Le
cu*o Women’.! Sfetallic Rubber Sandals;
4 .. u “ “ Slippers;
<■, " “ “ Baskins;
1 *« Misses' “ “ Slippers;
l “ Men’s “ “ Overshoes;
t u - •• >• Sandals;
l “ *• ißatherlsoled “ Overshoes;
All of winch w,il be *aid, lower
than at nwy liuum' in the city. J A 111 HILLIPS,
tu>v3l No & Wood sired
BITITEU— 13 blii»* Bill au kegs, packed, in prime
OUUA A»il-W CMU U> « nT «,Ps'^“B?f‘ d »i or
O f»lr by deal TAtfShV fcllE&T
'YTAiTfiSv a DOING— 10 bale* Iwjro •l*e»nd heavy
Bwm"? shacklett* white,
fli-.M _ No W Wood >t
YrJ/ifriltJ 1 a c»«i »up*i’Silk Vi
V zcsie*, extra trimming*, rtc’d per <£pteu, at
* y r ai) a a mason a ctya
D j««' •
SUNUUIKS —3 bale* Cultou; 48bbl*wi
44 Last Feather*; 1 tierce
* IS lacks Wool;
0 dot Lamb Skins, with wool;
3 <lo* SUeep Skins, “ “
_ 3 doi “ “ dressed;
To nrrive on steamer Fort PiU, end for sale by
Gt INSKNO—I bsr* Clarified, for.sole by
v.iKA i iiKIM—W sacki prime, for nle by
Ij djtSh tyUVKtvS— O Uam I3a«ue Hone Cover*, a
11 very heavy and rplendid article, Jain rccHi and
lor rule low, at No. S Wool street, by
deta J ft H PHILLIPS
CtASTUtt OIL—l bbl ji! store a&d foraaloby
/ dc-a - J KIDD ft CO
ALCOHOL— U! bbtt just rce’d and for tale by
, dc-a 3 KIPP ft CO
EIiUS— Ci bbia Fre«h,Ja*t rec’d and toraalo t»y. ~
<J(rf9__ HTPA&T ft BILL_
L-Uliß CARTWIUGHT-l Oarpet Ba*. In ■tore;
i (object to charge*, fot Lake Cartwright, which ha
will please atU for.- 0 B HILTCNBKRgEB,
fogt Na 87 Front at
Rmnl&erl, Br#k«rl,
4.5 D PEALKM IS ’ '
COI I.KCTIONS.-DnrfU. Now Kid AcctptKitoo
».?Slo io Kir port ofUuiUmomoolleciod oo&omon
EhXuINOE on Now York, Philodtlphlo Kid Bol
tiS"l.o.t£.oim.Mi, Loalmllc, Sum Boon ond
“oiSl'Sio. a Morkeinieel, .bctwoen 3d
Pitubnrgh, Pa. : if£=.—,
J> any amount at the Carrent IU»» ®J§*J“*g*
AJm, Dnt/U parable in any pan of the Old .Coinuwp
from’ XI to XIOOO, at the tale of tMothe* |wrto£
without deduction or ducotrhti by JOSHVA
SON, European and General Agent,, ofice «h
door weal of wood. • • ***■ ■—»
ixumu imX-~ L anw*M aauic
- « aißßi
Bankers and exchange
in Foreign tnd.Domenilo Bill* of
tUicates ofiSeposite, Bank Notes
M and Wood streets, direct!? opposite St. CbulgiH®-
Wwrcini wius
°Wo, - * ’•
Kaatacky, .
P"" h "' J ■! 10W,, ‘ m S: HOLMES *£ON3,
•eplS 35 Market meet.
Blf.t.wninEiCtfißroK —SighTChcck* oa
. New York, ‘
v Philadelphia. and
Baltimore, .
I Constantly for «*!• l»T T, N * uoLSl sf B . •
..aeptS r 05 Market*!.
JO!!!* MCttOLSOH s. w. rjLTSK.
THE u miertigned, * uccef *ors n* Arthur* A Nieboi
*or/t*er leave to inform the ciurmsof Puuborgh
and public generally, that they have rebuilt the ‘ EA
GLE FOUNDRY and are now in fall operation,.and I
i have port of their pittenw ready for the wwj
: Amount Cooking fcWTea, Coal and Wood
Store *[wuh a iplchdid air-tight Coal Store, whieh_U
now rape reeding iii olherehie* the common round
Sure. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Blove, well ady
ted for email families, with a foil BMOrtmentof com
i m on and mantel Grate* Wo would P&ructilarly in--
rite the attention of person* building to call at our
warehonae before purchasing, and examine a aplecdid
article of enammelied Grate*, finished ia Cne ityle—
entirely new in lhi» market. ... .
"SS' N °' ls ‘ U aM^>gYNE“
iglci dftli* DiUw«r*Mntn»l Safety In
■nrtaci Oemptnyi
PfliLiDiirou, Nor. 6th, 1640.
THE Board of Director* have, this day, .declared a
dividend of TEN PER CENT, in “ r V?«h£St
profit, of the Company for the yw ending
1049, certificate, for which will be urued on and aflei
"‘if.'" CENT, in cjb, on Ihc
j “gs*
.5.111 ■’ A. MADEIRA. 18, PiM'r
(1 YEAGER. Importer and Wholesale-Dealer In
Sin of the Gilt Comb, in* Market *- P*;
Western Merchants, Pedlar*, and other* tnnilng |
Pittsburgh te purchase Good*, are respectfully invited |
to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng
lish, American, Frcneh.and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Good, at this e.tabluhmenl are import
ed dlreei by myself, and purchaser* may rely on get
ting good. from first hand*. I have the (arge.iaMort
! meniof article*, fa the-varlety line, m Urn city of
Pittsburgh—ell of which will be sold low for ca*n or
citT acceptance*. Tho Stock consists, la part, of
Good., Hosiery, Glovea, Ribbon*.
Silk Cravats, Sheeand Patent Thread., Sewing Silk,
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspender*, Buttons, Pins, Nee
d Gold audSUrcr Wamhes, Gold Jewelry, all kinds ol
I Broshes. Combs and Razor*. , • , . ..... .
I Pcreu.tu.Mi Caps, Revolver*, Puiols, Clocks,
I Cotton Faroe*, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Music Boxes,
I Carpet Bag* and Baskets.
I Binding** Finding. and Trimmings. - .
I Tovs and Fancy Goods; together with a large vane
I tv of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS.
I y c. YEAGER U also agent for tho celebrated Lan.
I caster Comb*. _ “SI 1 -'.—
Bisdl XUt<B , I
Eaq.. Cler «i*'t 'Uoart of Quarter be**ion* oi l
Sef.e . -«i Some time in the winter my 1
•Wife was affllotel war. a severe and distressing cough, I
Ed hearing *f /oar .ntfajoable Cough Syrop, I par- j
i thased a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
1 Wnd after taking a portion of it two or three evening*
bamingto bed, .bo found immediate relief; a. also
xevera’ friends nave been relieved In severe eases. I j
I Vb therefore satisfied that it Is fa sale and valuable
medicine, awl would recommend jit to those who may
be afflicted with severe Coughs and Colds. „
I 13-13. I W. K. UUbr«v.
I Prepared and sold by B- E. SELLERS, S 7 Wood *t*
I and .©ld by druggist* generally, ui Pittsburgh and AJ
teghay. °-afc"
I T4z* Chart Uri Coal Compaay*
BOOKS Will be Open for snbtcnpuon to the *toer of
“The Chartier* Coal Company,”: ©a.and aftei
| Monday, tho Ullh day of September lust-, at the oflic*
rC " l! jW°RtMINCTON.
For c©>
above disea-
LIFE, di*c?i
ear* of Pa>
Agent in aol
•ea that can
relief In vr
day, and 1
an Balaam
Of CtKI.
lUh medieii
Etc r? fat „ .
with Bachu.. • Hungarian Balaam pi mic,-
counteract the eonatunpuve tendencies or the dim.
bal to be wed aa a preTentrre Medicine itf all caaea ft.
eoldt, cottghi, ■pitting of blood, pain in the aide and
cheat! irritation and aorenes* of the longa, broehins.
difficulty of breatinr, heetic fetreii mcht Fweata. enact
ation and general debility, asthma, inflnenaa, whoopm
C °&old in htrgebottie*, at *1 per bioale, with fall dir*
lions for the restoration of _
THKCHEAP ROLL, or BolrpN’ BLINIT, on band
ormadctoorderof all eiie*. noil aialtprieea.
Country Merchant* and other* are malted to eall *n«
examine the above for (heraselve«ja3 all vrtll ue tola
Wboleaale or retail,and a liberal deduction made If
J, WKSTERvn ,T_-
TUfi STAB. 09 Tins. WEST
Eui tide of (ho IKiiraond, whore Vemtian
Blind* of all the different size* and colon
kepi on hand or made to order afte
' the latest and mort approved Eastern fWh«
w ions, at the shortest notice and on.the mot
reuonaolo terms. \ „ .... . _
AJso. the cheap Boston roll orlaplll Bund Transpa
rency and Paper Certains of all the different sizes and
patterns, on hand and Cor sale IoW for cash. OW Veni
tian Blinds painted operand repaired, or taken in part
payment for new II M WEdTF.BVKLT, Pro’pr.
fi. B All sou done with the best material and
workmanship, and warranted toj please the moil fas*
id) on*. augUMlly
Allegheny city, Aug. 10, IWS. I
NoTtnno Lub It!- _• [
PrTTsncgan, March 87, ISI7.
Mr. It E. Setter*—ln justice to jocund jroar incora
parable Cough Syrup,! beg tears to state, for the ben
efit of the community, that ray wife has been seseroi
limes afflicted wiut a most distressing cough. I pur
chased, tu January last, a bottle of your Syrup, which
cured ucongb of two mouths* standing. About one
month since, the cough returned, and was so severe
that she could hardly more, from weakness iu the
breast; 1 sent for one bottle of ypul Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bottle sured the cougg _I gave the other
lo a journeyman wb» «u severelyifflieied, who had,
10 uh his own word*, “eaten enough cough candy io
cnro all ike people in Pittsburgh," if this candy had
been as good as represented.
Your«*, respectfully,- Alfred I). KaxrtL. >
Prepared and .sold by R. E. SELLERS,S7 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists geuerally m the two
eiiiea j ; • del;*
GRATEFUL for the very liberal encouragement I
have received for so many years, I have deter*
mined to enlarge my business considerably. Having
engaged a compeleut Foreman, I will be enabled to
fill ail orders promptly, and do the work in our usual
style and at fiur prices, and ask the attention of mer
chants and citizen#'to my large stock of UPHOLSTE
RY GOODS and Beds, Mattresses arid Bedding, Cur
tain Materials, Damasks and Moreens, Cornices, Frin
ges, Bordering#, Tassels, Split and Roller Blinds, and
every article usually kept in an establishment of the
kind. Orders respectfully soliciled and promptly at
tended to.
N. B.—Carpel* made and put down.
—t.i» Wit. NOJtI.F.
IS. A. BIU'W.N would re*pect
fally* I u form the public, th** l b c
keep* o:i tinnd at bis »tand on the
west mile o( the Diamond, Alle
gheny city, a complete «•**«“-
ineut of Veuitian Blind#; olio v r
niiian Shutters are made to or
der in (he best style, warranted
cnutxl ti> any inthoLmtcd >tnte*.
His Blinds can bo removed until
(Savin* purchased the stock,
tools, and wood of the c^binclcs
ibeir old customers, as well as
ih ever)' ‘bin* in their line,
the public at I***':™, ~T ect , Pittsburgh.
Agency. No bwood street. j, A/ BROWN.
ZZZTrtu* Piano*
JUST ree’d, an elegant P maoiif4elonr of Nunns 4
from the f el ”?:', U ne.aEdveryinodcr*lPprice.
Clatk, N. V., of supcriortune.a K LEBEK,
For sale by at J. W. Wovdwells. '
tariLLIAJIS * Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, and all
“b" s ? rlfu ■! *' mouib, hr aUnp aad .Irer.gihrn
-1*" IS S p“hff i»* 5... bre.4.
In* the gums. “»j A reU iii; by
F dcW ’ ° R K SELLERS, S 7 Wood *t
W Just rte'd, an invoice of fall jewelled patent le-
Watches, 18 caret* fine cases, whieh I can sell a*
low a# thirty and thirty five doflan, and warranted to
splendid assortment of JEWELRY, Com
, fan' / «onic> Kwktt asd Focnk M«e«.
o< w. mm, Piinn —
REMOVED to * newtkna atary brink
BmitUd* ■treat, *ae deer Maw
77**4JLlJ Bixthatteet. Teeth inserted ftp* *ne
to*an entire oat, oa lie motion principle, with a beam
tlfai representatttß of ike natural gum—teatanag
origin*! shape of tho face- .. ■ . . *
'N. B.—Teeth extracted wfthUnleeenepetrt .
Decayed Teeth permanently oared by d*Cimt,p<»>
vcnnng the tooth adie, which i* maahbetter than ea»
ring it, though it sheaf! be done in Ire minima, ar
even inat*nUT a • ' - . .. _
. , •. VAI.raB’S
JL LUNGS.—The unprecedented neeees which ha*
.Uendedtheisoof.the •• -
o tfl tbevariotu form* which Irritation of the Uagiea*
nste*r' baa Oidaoed .the proprietor again to call enen*
Hrtn In f Hi* *
The. changmble weather which mark* oar fall ad
wintermonth*, iaalwayaaftuUfdaoateeof
These, Ifneglected,’ar* tmtihepreeanonoMtatfeU
aer -" ,a ' cosumption.
The qaeadoa,.then, how shall we nip the dcaaoytrta
the Lud* how .shall we get dear of aar ooagfcs and
will he found la the Glnaeng Ptaaeea.
we bore ftom tw* to tnao published the ecrttteuaeet
dozens of our beat knows dtixana, who have aD«t£
•need its curative power*. The*®, with a ami or tee
tlmoav from all parts of the country: ■v.-i-1.---
;Minister*, of the Goipe!, Ae., together with oepwin Mff
icea from 1 the •*• • <**-
we hare embodled'in pamphlet form, and say MAM
mtis of any of oaraienta throaghoat theeointrj. •'•
4f Hundreds of bottles
throoglioat the United State* and Canada, end w* »M
| lei«e any man to point out a •
n whiclt, when taken according to directions, as! be*
fore the lungs bad beqotae fatally disorganised, b hu
Why, then, seed theafflietedhesltata! Why mart»
1 (}iq miserable Bertrams, gotten ap byssa ■ own Individ*
aalaa ler the aaaumed nama of some eo abraledphy*
lician, and puffed Into notoriety by ceriifiettet m per;
I iooi CQually unknown? Whilst a medicine el
I Is to be had, whose vouchers era at home, -ell BflgM
>o '^ _ “sXjfreHSraoM
1 in order that this invaluable medicine may bapUead
r within the rdaeh of the poor as well the rich, are have
r“' 1< ’ Pri “OTIiT PISTT ’ ’ _
hurt one half the aacal eort of cough medicine*. B n
for sale by our agents in nearly every town and v»W**»
1 over the west, who are prepared to give »dl! mwma*
tion rel stive to it T. SALTER, Proprietor.' *
I Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
° f fhna learned in the
have ministeraoftbe gospel, *ja§fej£,
IB mnb?ujiATiBM-Ji o™™
1 the inflammation and awelUng, when the pain eeasqa.
I in . the direction* around the bOX-J ; f lh ~-
"Sell® imi^wVS™a«A
1 »?i° on withou anybenchl, whoa a fcw
«»;•» ;
I T 'IJUR.NS-It iron. oflM beet ttdngr In UmmiiTldfo'
“raEkS-Tlibamndn ore T'ABIT e ? ;eJ bT ° tal '
*pila*rtit Fat, Crvop, SvtßtierStoh*n Brvut^HetX
. I piio la lAa Che.t
. Sl&^* , A^-«S!£S2SyS
“SoSsi!occSS!“»a7to^oSLna •
,( 1 com* from crowing. People n&ed never
i I with them ff they u« it f reqncnUy.
• 1 Or?- Thi» Ointment is good for any part cf
or hobs when infinmedf In acme cue. it ahodd bo
I * P CAUT!ON—No ointment will be genuine anlwatho
I MCALLISTER i* written with apea
• I ° my Ageau in ail the prindpal eities^aad
*-| — Nbrth Third «txeet,Phfl
. od'lpUo. , WCEB cents PER DO*. .
.. Aom is Pssaooaa-Bms A Brils, comer ol
k Übcny ul St Clrii .Ui and L Wilcoi, Jr, comer of
, Market .1 and the Diamond, d*> ooroor of dlMutd
d Smitbfield ru; J H Camel, comer of Wrinaload ltam
i. Itr.sii ward; and mid or tie boriuuiro in Hmithdeld
a 103*1 door from Second rtt in All. theny eity by HP
sihwnm and J SateemTby JO Smith,DmaiKrljjr
-1 t-mia,hamt DNegloy.Eartlabertri URowra^Mri
,0 Kee.port J AlexandotA Son, Cltm N
to B lloVnmn ACo,nndJTßo«eti, Brornirymej Join
e. | itartifty. Bfln.vWp Pi; r arownoto*al*;*g*nti«-
oi febt*7-doodly i - .
Facts for tilt Public, -i;
la relation to that turn railed family Saive, i
mESTIMONY of a respectable Physiciaa>-Bead
X tho following, addressed to my Agent, Jai. F.Mer
ryweather, Cincinnati:
7 Cnrcunun,*b.LM9o.
Sir A sense of duty compels uo 10 give my.liibßia
to Dalley’t Pain Extractor. - Bela* opposed to mack*
ery and all nostrums having for their oWeet simsier
motives—but realising much good from the "King of
Pain Killers’ I —l amjnduced to tender yea this genu
cate. 1 have used it in my family, in my practice, aim
with all theluppy>and wonderflil effects that could
possibly be imagined. H. J.Booxsa, KrO.
Dr. Brodie U the senlorpartner of BrodiofcDevv
Druggists. • ■ , ?
Inflantmatorg Bheuvutum.
The following testimonial comes from a adaice fit]
miliar to many of those traveling on oar Western wa
ter*. Mr. Glime, the well and .favorably Ju?owp pro
prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, ts hatband jo the
lady whose letter I annex: . •• . j'
PasKmsauaOj Va, IBM.
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. Ac.—Sir Unriag for
merly boen long afflicted with .violent inflammatory
Rheumatism; which appeared *o firmly teamd-as to
defy all ordinary appUanees to allay the aerero pain
attending it, I was induced to try year Magical Pain
Extractor; and it haring effected, almost-naif by ni
ne, ar.lmmediite relief, and also, to all appearances
an entire and perfect care, I Bin induced for the bene
fit of others, who may be afflicted with pain, eansed by
any kind of inflammation, to write to yon, declaring
that in my opinion, founded-on actual experience
your Magieal Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis
covery of the present age for the immediate extraction
of bodily pain. It is an almost immediate aada Per
fect care for.Burn* and Scalds, and all external in
flammation. • . .
Having many acquaintances formed by tbeli visits
at my hasbtuuTt hotel in this place, I hare *»PP®**f
by yoar showing them these few lues, it msy possioiy
bo of benefit bout to them and yourself. • -
n entertain the hope that Mrs. Glimo will pardoe the
nubtietty I give to her letter, as well on the »«n> ««
bumanity as ofils being the surest mode of biiagmg «
to the uotiee of hot friends.—ll. Dutir.] .f.
Felon Cured. . [
Extract of a letter, dated • • ' _
Bit. 11. Dailey. “I bare tried ,o«r
a caw of felon, lo my own faradf,
andeoredinaTctT .rimitttoa. ln jsf jj Rm
endScalJ., Pdej,
of IhU onri.alled family
counterfeit salves. w the inventor.
thonzed . oelu .„| Depot, Plttabaijli.
p scltwmiu, Allefbeny, ArenvJ.sßober,
w i .i T . V. : tV' /ntn.LCa. M.riTtllo, Ky.;
W heeling, v *-> J nmelnnr’-,0-, General Depot.
1 fr'llßora. “ J
in. few ml.eie.-?t' laid
ill SYRUP—'Tam'i
U ■ v k A*B- iIBUnN. Y.Ctff
IL L. F/uhuwtoci, VPuubargh.
**• CUT •»
.iiu^dinUuserMr«utaratin. . .- •, *
n. A.yXHygtrocTfco
' ViiAnotor xxrtnasL'unurrxx. '
IS o.<lki to afford all possible security to tho public,
si well a* to themselves, against fraud ami impo
utioii frpm counterfeiting, the proprietors have made
a c)i»o«c in the exterior wrapper or table of their Ver
mifuge. The new label, which li a (leel engraving of
the most exquisite design and workmanship, has been
introduced at a very great expense, and is from the
Inain of an artist of the firm talent.. ThedeslgnUucw,
and the execution elaborate. Several 'figures and a
portrait are most prominent, bat the wordf'Yaun
rcaa,” printed m wuito letters on a red and finely en
graved ground, should be particularly examined.—
.When held unto the light the letters, shaAlrfc of the
letters end every line, howererminute, throughout tho
whole of this part of the engraving match as exactly
as it the impression had been made npon-Oneaide on
ly, although It is ■ctudlly printed on bith aides of the
paper. Tnls should in aU eases be observed- A la
bel upon eaeh doxen is also printed in rod. upon both
sides, and should be examined in the same manner.
This preparation has new stood the test of many
yean trial, and U confidently recommended as a safia
and effectual medicine for expelling worms from the
system.' The unexampled incests that has attended
its administration in every ease where the patient was
really afflicted with worms, certainly renaeri it wot*
ihytho mention of physicians. • '
The proprietor has made tt a point to ascertain ute
resell of tu aueb cases as came withU
knowledge and observation—and be Invariebry
it to produce the mostsahnary ejects—opt anfreq*”?
ly alter nearly all the -ordinary preparations reeom*
mended for worms had been previously. fc(ort*~-.
without any permanent* advantage. Thu fact •*.,
tested by the certificates and stateaeauof hsa»*"
of respectable persons In different parts' o£the emw*
try, and should indueo families always to keep •. **£
of the preparation in their poasenfon. It la *«d
operation, and may bo administered with pericct saw
tv to the mod delicate infant >-< .
. "Mp
j t ognwww»i. I i sffiag -»ggt