THE mTSßP’ftig GAZETTE PUBLISHED .BT WHITE * CO PlttsßUßag. TUESDAYHOBmSO/JAN. > —-p*inwaww« mmQf . HtHnf«be*r«*r.&y u 4 metxljlathsdnu ’ " AAt«rte««Au aot utema fo#k sa«d -IMI tiu wfli farwaiibly be ekirt«4 otU orierej o*l ' niELi9lbraU SO&TB UDEBIOU. iusfl nbaehp&«u 10 tte Ncrti Am> u Dd Uaiudßtne* Ounie, PUlulelpkia, rwcini Ml fenrari«4fto»m» oflcc. 83WBKEXT PAOE FOB LOCAL MATTE** TKLFOBIFHIO WBWB, Ac. . W/J»me«,No.l H»niioa*W«»i ! • QiiOMtt,itopttgwlbfflutdtir. AtfmiiwwnnjV . >i»:. j . !>w*«fhwiflpHan»handadto hiaiwill ncttra piespt Aooer ar tn Oioni, niCnomn.-Ve ' : appointed aV. Jaws, general ; f«fSnMnn.f Hawill receive subscriptions dud idfrertlsemeau,make collections,*®. .There It i nti hniaeee transacted between the .., \,tw# Utfe*,and doubt Cincinnati busi next will find it to their advantage to use oar ... -«etaw to nuke known to oar citizens their occu patioo sad plsoe of basinets. To ell toeh, we »•' ArtoHr.Jamss&rterofydcc. r r Qua**—Does Judge Pattou’i term of oSee ’ expireto*d*y or noil Singular. that there should * ! :>"‘b**ardl*pat6 or uncertainly about suchemet* Tn Democrat* have elected J. M. Bickel, Bttte Treasurer, over Hr. Ball, the most excels lest officer lor the lastyearj We hope Hr. Bide* «4 wIH do u WeH U hl* predecessor, btti we " caahotsee the advantage to the Bute of the change. ' *- Otm readen wifi find the charge of Judge Pet- 1 ton, on the Allegheny .fire not case, in our local oolamn this morning. We have not had as op* fortuity of reading tt, bat heard it spoken of as a document of much ability. It ia probably the last charge of ledge Patton ftom that bench. CltvtUad usd Buffalo Railroad. ' We understand that under the excellent char* ter, granted by the Legislature of Pennsylvania tut winter, for the purpose, the section brtween , end the Ohio line was pat coder contract a , few days since; the road having been surveyed*' and located • short time ago; the work vill be pushed forward as fast as praCticabio.. We are rejoiced alibis; in view of the abeoltne neces sity a opening for travel and commerce, prompt means et eommnnicatioa wilhour neighbors at Dunkirk end Buffalo. Mo other impediment has ' existed to the ipeedy completion of the entire mad. Those engaged upon our own section be* tween Cleveland and the Pennsylvania line, are puhieg forward with an eareestneaa and deter* mloatkm of vill, which is a pledge of success. We shall be mistaken if they do not have it done, • tadii the crash of their locomotives is not heard ' in Pennsylvania, by the time the Buffalo train mantles the border of Western New York. We ask, however, tor information, whether a tie a *«»*, that certain interests at Erie have been endeavoring to defeat this connection between Erieud the Ohio Line; and whether the influence of that interest was brooghi to bear In the Penn* aylvaaia Legislature last winter, to repeal the charter there. If this be the case, the aooner ills understood the better; end we will try to aseer ' taln.whal public acaHmeßt is on the suhject. More : then this, we will endeavor to expand the limited vision of tome, who imagined that Erie most cer> tsialr be the great Western terminus of all BaQ> roads.—Cire. Btrald* We think U wUlfttber surprise the members of : the last Legislature of this Bute, when they lean from the editor of a Cleveland, Ohio, paper, that they granted an “excellent charter,” for the pare pose of constructing a railway from Erie to the ohinButeLlnel So tar from this, it is well known that a chatter for inch a purpose was rtptaUd by the legislature! If any Legislation granting sueh powers, was obtained, it was a fraud upon the Legiatainra, and contrary to its expressed and known w2l, and that of the people of the State. Tbe right granted to the Franklin Canal Compa ny, to rptutraet e railroad from tbe Allegheny river to Brie, cannot, and does not convey e right to cot street a Railroad along the Lake shore to the Ohio State line—lst, it take* tbe road oat of its’natural and direct course to Frank lin,*—2d, because, such a use of the charter is ia diHtotopparfttmtotheexpretaedwiilof IheLe giritture, and to. Us inteniand ineasing in the passage of the law. Ulhoee who are pushingen this fraudulent nebeme, presevere, they wfl!, witboot donbt, lose both poney and character, as the people of the Prate vilQßOt yield to ‘ deception and frand, what they have refused in a legal manner. On general priaciptee,we dislike the manger policy. We think the right of way aeroes tba Stale ought to be, underall ordinary cireuo* ttuees, courteously granted to the corporations cf abler States, with proper guarantee*. Bot to aßeapt/ by deception, what hat hitherto been re* faed, cafinot be home with. . There are some questions in this mstterwhicb intimately concern the people of Eri,e. It it, doula less, the interest of U e people of New York, and, possibly, of Northern Ohio, to have a continuous railway from Cleveland to Dunkirk and Buffalo. To the people of Erie, however, it seems to ns, the consequences would be exceedingly disastrous. They will then become a mere watering place far a great rail road, the can- of which will run through her, and she oust, hopelessly remain a mere country village. It is her interest to prevent any Western Gennection, that the may bring the 3Lake navigation to her beantifal harbor, and ren* der hersell a' terminus of trade, instead of a mere momentary stopping place. The road whiehahe aow it attempting to build, by fraud, will ptombte the prosperity of her great rival, Cleveland, and rein all her own fa la re prospects. By.ibo Pitts burgh road, ifaheeonfinesheraelfto that, she will have access to of the western trade, which she will match from the hands of Cleveland, •without peering through that plaes, and make hot* ■elf-a point of real Importance. Sueh we conceive to bo the position of Ene, ‘ and each are the views wo should lake were we advocating’her especial prosperity. To os, in Pittsburgh, it Is hot a mailer ot mueb moment, ex-, cept as iar u a certain degree of Stale pride is concerned, which place prospers moat, Cleveland or 'Erie. The fanner gives us the most business, and at present, more intimately oonneeted with* us. But we conceive that to Erie It is a subject cf life end death, and we are astonished that any men can be found In that community who are so ■tart sighted as to be willing to resort to decep* - lion tp accomplish its overthrow. Mc**ba Goto Cost.—We hod the pleasure or examining' yetterday, * gold coin israed by the Mormon Government at Beli Lake, from Califor ain goM,.without alloy* . On ope tide it the rep* mentation of the all teeing eye, beneath a figure • which look* to nothing l»k* a bishop's with a motto round the margin, “Holinesaiolhe in id/ on the reverse, it two hand* clasped, with the date, “1819, twenty dollar*/C. S. L. C. P. C.” It weighs ove^oee ounce.* TbUeoin wtsbronghf from Salt Xfke'by'Eoibert P. Pearce, a Mormon, jnu t froin Deseret. He give* a flattering account qflhe .progress of the new empire lathe R«ky Mountains. 1 The Newark, (Ohio,) Gazette paya uslbefob bvfag compliment. We hope to continue tode* eerre the good opinion of persons whose position and experience reader their judgment always ml* eaUe: “The Pitzborgh GaxeUe, says an exchange, has been published foe 61 yean. And we add, baa bees, and still is, getting better every week of iia existence. The Weekly Gazette contains more rending matter, we believe, than any paper west of •‘the mountains.* I ■] I.:: i i Aaron- Houm New Taos's EtirxnTommrr.— Vets* ftfrtP™* & Stetson, the liberal and gtotle* openly proprietors of the Aator House, New York, gave a noble entertainment In the shape of a dia ler to their guests on New Year's dty, the bill of fore was of the moat sumptuous character, and a carte blanche was given to each guest to call for whatever kind of wine be pleased to select from dM&r, some of which were marked at $lO the It (he evening a ball wan gives to the do mes*** *f tie establishment, numbering one han ds*# AS# sfjuy, os which occasion the proprieten cfcfoted m servants. The toene is described as ■- i ■ fcnSag few joyous tad gsy in, the extreme.— r|.Bcek«d» as Ihceetre worthy of bemgrecorded, especially as their occurence it “few and fat*’ tweea. " It was a noble expression of grateful* sen, os the put ofthe proprietor* to their guests tar their patronage, and to their domestic* (or * lmvingfirithfi% administered in their varioua cal* ling*tothepleasnreofthe thousand*who,during (he pat* year, hare enjoyed the comforts tod has* ■xtetofthat iaagßifieent eauhUsfaaeat'' V . A new line of can is shoot to be placed on tha ryrffymMa aad Philadelphia They .Will ffffpyp* all the modem improvements and cos* vminnrwi Thstoin the new Use, between tl» two cities, will be $349. FROM p««««MM B * Xsn. n, I*o. TheO^^SrhoolOoaVcn^icOTdMg^ aeatiOnstt day, andlsxtillfir ta to Ito HiUof lb. Hom* of SkL bi bee. oooleoßllT pwlei to Uatiptn „ -been_<iebTe i BitfaKer “ 4 Stop P«to. wto •« l« uwduo. « . member o< tto Cp.Te.lioo. The H*)eetofOGia. mm, School edoesto. wOMdotd* reoeiee u Impemetaa lbi» CoßTeotfai, which will eead it o*«.oo»of theSpettoj. ra, elotoeatlj odd lar htgto, “npcathe topmost maim of pragmas." lbs Vo never seena more earnest, harmonious, ouiy'exccDeat apirit displayed ia anyOooventiom, than hasprevailed in this throughout Us entire fining*. • . In the Senate to day, Mr. Sahfcoy reported, frith* out amendment, tbe MU to increase tbe compen sation of the Auditor General and Eute .Treaam er; which, on motion of Mr. Packer, waa taken up oa second lending. . Mr. Ives from the Committee on the Statd'LU brerj, repotted that Thomas McDowell htd been elected Bute Librarian for the eeaslngyear. > Mr. McDoweU,ti, ofooone a Loco foeo. He is a of Ctsrien County, and was Consul the fop* a to Port Bt. Catherine^ t think U was, in Braxil. He takea ihe.pUce of James Johnston, the brother of the Gover nor, and an and gentlemanly man, who discharged the duties of tbe office to the en« tire salislse&oa of all who had occasion to visit the Library.. Bit. Darrie read in Us plaoe, aad p*w®U«d to the Speaker, a hffl reUtive to' taxation on moneys at interest on ground roots. Also ebUl to in* corporate the St Mery's Cemetery. Also a bill to define the equitable jurisdiction of the District Court of Allegheny county. Mr. Fniley e bill to uiborise the Orimminior en of Schuylkill coaaty to opea aad cnlujo Lapis Port. *- Tbe Senate than resumed the consideration of the reeolotion relative to the proposed ot the Cauatiiatiou, sad after some remaps from Mr. King, the Senate adjourned. s In the House of Representativea, the flat thing in order, wu the aomination of candidates tor State Treasurer, aed the following gcntiemea were, pot in nomination. Mr. Snyaer nominated Gideon J, Ball « William Hopkins. Hemphill " E. A. Penniman. hTColloogh * John Snodgrass. 1 Foal her “ John U. Btcknell. rv>—n* “ J; B. MeCtintbek. •« B.N. Baley. ' Oonyngham 4 ' Asa Dimoek. > Brin die '• H. L. Dieffbnbeeb. Rhey “ Daniel Wdgans. TJnU. “ BL. A* .Banner.; Mars “ Asa Packer, v MeCnrdy “ W. A. Patterson. grfinfi* “ Arnold Ptttmmer. Chnroh M . Geo. MeFeely. Meek " Stewart Pierce. Nicholson a A. Ojlwira. “ J. L. GiQot. '• KUlenger " Jacob Weidle. Mr. M»»«> presented a petition tram dtixeni of Allegheny county, praying for the repeal of the $3OO law. \ Mr. the Committee ofWayi and Meant, reported a bill to, aala» rite of the Associate Judges of Allegheny county. COBDKN. Haxstsßuso, The School Convention, after baring transacted mock basinets ot a realty important character, dosed itsinteresting sittings lam night. On qciting the chair, Jndge Porter delivered a mMi efaqnfflt «"il thrilling address. We US SOT ry to ree this gentleman, so uneerepolouß and despoate a politician, for he is really a man of more than ordinary abilities. He la the-‘leader of hit party in the Home, and we regret 16 say, one of the moat unmitigated trickster* aqd jrire pnK lore io ttat large body. He has taken the initia tire In. all the party measures that haro-been pro pped this sessiott. It is a Utile remarkable, that a msaaf his distinction should consent w come to the Legislature at all, and the presumption is, that he has some great scheme in embryo, will derelope itself before the end of the session. It would be well enough, 1 think, to let the memory of the Porter corruptions pass into olilivion, with, outreriring them again in the history of the pre* sent session of the Legislature. In'the Senate, the presentation cfpetuicna oc* copied the morning boor. Severs! v rere'present* ed, praying for the re-ohtiter of But» ia various •ectioos of the Commonwealth, and tome for the creation of new ones; and Mr. Brawiiry presumed one from the citizens of Crawford County, pray ing for a general Ranking law. By the by, this question was Incidentally up in the House to day, upon a morion to refer it to the Committee on Banking, with Instructions to re port upon it, and ?l»c«M much strong opposition (fom . Messrs. Porter and Meeki, and several oths r in cofoeomembers. I was also surprised lose® that many of the Whig members voted against it, ee peoally those from the city of Philadelphia. The opposition however, was essentially Locofoeo in its character, every L' w, r tgw,a in.the House record* ing his oame in the negative. This show* pretty conclnaively who the Bank aristocracy are,.and who are in favor of the present rotten oration system, which enables polished villlsas to rob the .widow and orphan) of their mites-witlh impunity. ■The free {baeking-syalem would in a few yean ef .fcctnallx eradicate existing corporation*, 'send put the entire banking oporattanwaf the Bun > upon a sound baste • • After the presentation of petition nd b Qlt, the fcwris resumed the eonsideratioa of fito a mend* menttotbe Constitution. Mr. Dtinie took the floor,'anA gave his rl«w» on this question at length. Ha concerted is the imperattre command seed in tb e propoeod a mend* meat, which aaja that In eaae of address d>y the Legislators, the Governor “whall” Temov»» any Judge who may hare been arraigned on cl isrges preferred against Urn. He. atsoapprored. of the proTiainn to decide by lot, tbo gradea of tha- Cota* mi—iMi of the Jadgee of thofl opreme Coart, and the the portion ofChiefJo^tiee.— i Ho opposed any an4elN attempts to ameod the proposed anandionctenha 0 acatitation. U had paaed that stage ofiriprogra «, and mast betak en as it b,, h had been paaeo don by one bcferaibe peopli r, who elected repre* .iienlatiVe*inviewoftkat_.qßi wiion. ltwootdbe| ,a Eolation of (bo Ooaitiuaion to change or amend I it. If the Senator beta. Oreea > wanted tha amend* jnentahe lethal ring them Cwward, and tbry lhetrlpw ope» their Constitu tional eoonsk Bat bo weak 1 opjxao all amend* pyHi to the proposed ameai Imeat, and when the timoesnabe would vote op mil as the dictates cm iTictiona of dnty to* wdahiaconatimentawho hr id honored him with .s teal in these halls fer twei; re , years, shall die* late.- ' Ur. UeOaalin made tion of bir views, aaAt the adoption of which proposed amendment t jie remarks in explana efia ctvf hla propoeitton, ouhl postpone the one year. fjilowing as a anbatilote cod by the Senator from peadidf in the Senate, u Mrtfffltfoa of Common* • Committee qn the Fro> o nltef and anpply—whit , sol, eo.fer ai it relates to wil! have in referenoe to ; j yniUHniT, io lon, itfwi Qi'luimnn ri,hU owoi'l* opposition id tkn iltoot'*“"“ ofi,,i b » M, (Ur. “"had IfcinTotn Bp.HWUt.ptr Mir. King offered the to the raohtfjou latrodt Greene. ; (Mr. McCaifin. Thet b4Tj No!' 10, now an amendment to the Go wealth, be referred to tb visions it does purport t effbef the said amefidr * the removal of Judge s, the iodepeadeoea o' f’n; ed a* the chiefbahrax I Mr. Konigmachor fe | original reeolotloor, * ( the Senator from B at n unfortunately record » poeed amendment Ur a ieasJ|. Dot he wu 009 iattractedon thia q tuition by hit conat..^® 011 * who had :: .and approved of it. When he wu in the Reform Convention, h * TDtn£ in fevw of : the food behavior tenure; for Jodgee, inopporitfl .on tdihetomiied tenare. And he believed that srhewerefo vote again on the quartos, h* wr *l*'to to. The limited tenure bad MtWl«Mtf' J .pac*tal fcr!o*r mf iomtaiei lk» iMcrjwr.' Joa erW elealTO pjioHpl. wili il, Jqteuktn Swuottai, Ik, Senna mJ journo*. . - • ■ . v In tfaoF jhub, Mr. JeckstM offered a reaetoioft instraetin # the Goßxiaith'* B* o ** tboHou n ,t.«MWfflfsaci bank*o»have neg* lectad i to the ad of Aawn biy, l' jq of neh persons a» haw Aandisf to (hr depot* pnd dlvidAda onaaimoffi whi- tk wee conaitoi«d»*s•«*•«* *°* TuGSBBWiVOU. : .':.'--Genxipciideaee of the Pfsabargh Gt&tts. N*w Yoks, Jan. 18,1850. The meeting of merchants yesterday,!*} take ao> ttou BpoaJto jatuy laws, was largely attended, and by our most influential citiieu, among idiom may be mentioned Jonathan Btarget, D. S. Miller, R. L. Stuart, and Aug. Whitlock. The'remarka of every"speaker' tended to show that-these Igwv should be repealed. First, because they ere nae* je«L Second, because no violation of the law has ever been pioabcutedL Third,- because bor rowers bare declined lenders under U. Fourth* bwruew they are upjnst to borrowers as well as tenders, and, in short, because the law prevents ! capitalists from supplying • want of money through four of losing the whole, and the borrower from paying what nmey is temporarily worth. It was not pretended that lenders could afford to pay over six per cent-, but stiongly insisted that aU par ties should determine what money is worth. The legislature will soon get the affair in hand, and will giro us reform, if they hare the good of the State at heart. I Another meeting of merchants was alio held at I tho Exchange, yesterday, Jaa. Brown, ofthe house j of Brown, Brothers A Co., presiding, to take the preliminary steps .towards presenting a suitable testimonial to Capt. Cook, of the Br. bark Sarah,] who, at much peril, rescued the crew and pas» I sengen of the Caleb Grimshaw, by which he (ay seven days and nights. A committee of leading.! merchants was appointed to prepare a suitable testimonial, and the humane captain will eoon be la possession of an elegant set oi nautical instru ments, together with a piece of plate, which shall, in all time, demonstrate that Capt. David Cook potaened the heart of a true mao. Daring the I meeting Capt. Cook made the following speech: | •« You make me fed proad on this occasion; you cause me to feel as though I had done a great deal Bat I assure you that, io doing what I did, I thought I bad done nothing more than my Me. ker demanded of me. I shall never forget your kindness. I cannot aay what 1 wish to you, for I am not accustomed to public speaking. Accept my thanks. The Cherokee took out two hundred paasen< gets for Chagret, and her departure creeled a fu rore never before witnessed. A faint idea of ih« (or digging gold may bo had by remember log that those who atari now must wail mooihi before they can go to the mine*. Many of the paaeeagers who returned in the la*: ship hare come homo tj apend the winter, tod will return soon. Tee letlera of Bayard Taylor, in the Tri bune, have had more effect upon California emi. gratioa than all the other atoriea combined. Peo* pie believe what be writes. which ia more than can be uidoflbo letlera of other papers. Ido not wtin those of the Herald, which baa often been roagfaUy accutcd of *• manufacturing” but of papers which claim to be under the control o r honorable mad. The printer**! to*’ival, on the annivemry of the birth day of Frjaklin, waa a apleodid affair. Pul l three thonaand members of the “black an" filled the saloon of Niblo’a Theatre, to hear the remarks or Horace Greeley and the other printers. With commendable spirit, the fraternity which educate* and preserve* alt other classes ofaociety, depended upon their own member*, and did not run afte* a lawyer to apeak tor them. Step* have been taken to establish a printers' reading room, for ‘ which the proprietors ot the Sun have given the gum of $6OO. Among lie gema of the night wi the speech of Judge Edmond*. The business streets begin to wear nn active look, and people ere rspidty getting into stock. The jobbers are busy with the importer*, and will be ready for the southern trade, which In three weeks will commence. All kinds of cotton stuff* are in demand, *1 improved rate*, and large **lea /Financially, there is little new*. The bank* are of .cciD, hiring an amount far beyond their legitimate want*, with no fear cf a foreign de mand; and in foot with nothing in right to make them content. In the street money U cheap, and the banks seek customers rather thso sroid them- Stocks are firm, and rather improving. The gener ality of stocks are low that a man of nerve, with a moderate amount of capital could put many of them up fire per oent, with little trouble. The chief ol stock speculations are now made by broken, and outsiders rarely dip in. j Cotton baaadranced agalo, and there ia a large i demand. Fair upland baa sold at 14 cents,a price which has not been touebed before in a long time. There is a shipping demand for low priced Can adian floor. In common atate brands, no change. Wheat ia firm, as well as corn, for which the de mand is good. Pork it doll, and prices tend downward, for new. Lard, 61061- Iron ia up, end gales hiv'e been made at $2l per ton, cash, si the ship £de. Coffee bss risen, and prices are ie higher. A sale of 2,000 bags Rio was made for Philadelphia at 13; 1,000 bags Jars at and 1,000 bags St. Domingo at 101011, closing atllc, and cjeaiing-oot first hands. In other'groceries there Vs not touch doing. Sugar ia steady, with •ales (150 or 200 hhds., and small lota Cardenas molasses sell at 22c; New Orleans in lota sell* at 200261 c. lo freight* there U not * great deal doing, but the rate* *fo firm. Cotton, 105*32d; grain, 41d; flour, 18J; deed weight, 205022 s 6d. There is * good deal ofaclirity in California freights at 600 ■7od per foot to San Francisco. C. Brownsville, Pennsylvania, and iu environ*, by the cental of 1810, contained a population of twenty one hundred and forty. By a recent enu meration, it now number* newly tony five hun dred, being an increase, exceeding in tho grow, more than one hundred per cent. Few place* in the Slate of Pennsylvania have increased so much in the same period. Her destination appears to be onward—or, according to party tact, pnfmnn. We have heard of two glau factories and many other buildings in contemplation of erection, the coming season- The day is.not far distant when the whole valley or tho Monongahcla, from Pitto bnrgb to Brownsville,wilt bo a.conlinuona village. We obierve by tho report of sales of stocks in the Philadelphia papers, that the bonds of the city of Pittsburgh only command $9O, whilst U ooe of other cities in the West, and the district of Ken* aington for $96 and 100. Can any person for a moment suppose that the eity ofPittaborgh is not as capable or redemption as the others. She has always paid her interest punctually, and her loans, heretofore, redeemed at maiqrity. Her present bonds with coupons attach- lnterest of tlx percent and payable in the east, and we really believe them lobe as safe an investment as coold bo made—oven more ad vantageous to the Invertors than the United States Government bonds, boaUtse the latter, with sou poi, paying only six percent, in consequence of the]foreign demand, costs in tho market $ll3, fr*tnjr 13 per cent advance, and of course does not net the purchaser 8 per cent, whereas tho Kttatwfgh bunds, paying the same per centage a* the present price, will produce to the hslder about 6| per cent. We can see no just reason, there, forej, why they should not to at par. We hope tbepapUaliata of this city, and iboso wishing to in. look into this matter —and not permit the debt ol their own city tu be depreciated in the market, below that of rival*. C. Pxoms or Plahx Roads —An exchange paper ha, the following iu reference to the profits deri ved by stockholders in each road*: There isono gratifying fact In relation to the r | tn b roads, which eannot be said of railroads, cakalr. steamboats, banks or any similar stock, ud that is this:—Thou who have been interest ed in’ptank roads, and watched their progress have learned by experience, that no plank road bos ever vat been constructed that proved a losing B«lhoUe-—feip.ri«ic» h.. .town thiLt the pcopl° will •>». ■<>«>• will bib lh«n; “d unllko Ut» they, bw CBterprlKß lnTBri«l)ly M benefioi.l to Ihe Btockho.. dents 1° th. public. Watemile end Utica reed,nineteen nUlee tan, tnd onsUof *31,000, hne ju« deeiued n di.- S often per cent., pnMbto w Ut. etoekholden ondmnend.— ten per cent-laid h, for ropnln. The Utiea end Bridie water road, twaoly tmlo. lon,, and anting *lO,OOO, poye twenty 4.e per cost, regularly. _ The Boonyihe road psya twenty two per Watertown road pays twenty fire per Fores and Johnson road, four miles long, uj e ugting SBJOO, pay* regqlariy fifteen Important feeders to raifioads, and * ■i.Tnitwi* tagnationaofbsmaets hiihefco attends SiStmfwSV'. In abort, they are road. ?flllSe oeopto ot'«"T eoctioD, eren h>:f<n tied,can «« on din ant lor «d; ol timber not othewleo miSybylaSh' when it li lean needsd SmS’ISSu. indton alreadyaddedvaKly. nomfat ud mteanU.l ef oar people. Bnecen attend them! ltat'.aiaarv—The report of the Oer. |ie*i,oo,«3. 1 ’ GODS’ Gold.— The New Yc*k Express saya ge&lleoifl froo California cstintato* I the amount of Gold shipped tt the cuiaes at s3o,* 000,000 for the year 1819. 'He supposes t*** 001 more than one third of the amount dof Sods -It* way to lbs United States, greet deal, which is sent back there by her laboring peo* pie. phUi also receives vxstiumsr wad England also. A great quantity of gold also remains ii the conn try. Ebola-yd vsUhttxd Statu. —The Illnstraled London News speaks in the strongest terms of the growth of the United Stales in population and pros* parity; and says that hereafter the Anglo Saxon race will rale the world, not from the banks of the Themes, bat from those of the Potomac. The writer is; of opinion that England will rapidly de* cline in power and wealth, in the coarse of the I next half century, and that the transatlantic Repntt lie will as rapidly increase. The Boston Post states that the story, in regard to Pro feasor Webstar’s complaining that people io an adjoining cell disturbed him by their cries, Is wholly unfounded. Gooi Investment.— -Massachusetts bss about three millions ot dollars Invested Id school houses, | Mr. Everett it was who said sq quaintly, “if you I reduce tbo wages of the schoolmaster, you must I raise those of the recruiting sergeant.” The Canada brought 49,000 letters oo her last trip—the largest mail ever received in this country. The German population of the United Stales is estimated at 4,000,000. Leopold do Meyer, who created such a /ante in this country, is said to be completely disabled; no longer able to plsy the piano, he is now leader of a small provincial military band in Italy. This I is a sad fall for the “lion pianist.” I For the first time in many years, there is now I continuous sleighing from Albany to Buffalo. | Toaupply London, daily, with milk, 60,000 oows are required, yielding 100,000 galktua The population of Belgium is 4,537,196. Every ere maintains three meu. The Monongalia Mirror, speaking of the elec* lion of our'preseat Mayor, remarks:—"lf Barker has prudence equal to bis nerve, he will make a good officer. It was well said, not long since, by I an English writer, that no Yankee will, under any I circumstances, commit eumdej be has so mtny inducements to live 00, and tee takas he *nil come tff Barker’s case is a strong IHustralioe.” I Lis rumored that Jenny Lind is coming to this I country, with Mr. Balfe. Tax Cuba Invasion.—A letter to the New York Express, dated Washington, Jan. 17, says:—' News has been received here, for some days put, by the Administration, that the Cobs Revo* iutiooista are again at work—that they have raised luge snout of money—that their expedition la •gain pretty well under way—that they have plenty of arms, munitions of war. dec. &c., but that now they will set aaordatg to lew—that they - , will cot concentrate their farces here, is the United I States—nor rendesvous here—nor organise here I —bat assemble altogether, at • fixed ume, say on I ths Isthmus of Dameo, or it may be in Yocaiaa. or it may be on some island, this Item* a* quo, if I agreed upon, notyet being known. I The head quarterse! these Revolutionists is atone lof the Hotels in this city, from whence they are\ I carrying on operations upon s grand scale. One I of the largest theatres of their opperations is in | New York city. Thus as Sooth Carolina fit Co. insists upon walk* I lag out oflhe Union, Cuba and Cauada are half willing to fight to get is. Duastus os tm Laxis.—The Buffalo, New York, Commercial Advertiser contains a list of disasters that occurred oo the Lakes during the year 1819. The list was compiled by a gentleman connected with an insurance company in Buffalo,, and may be relied 00. According to the list, the number of vessel* emu dy lost and injured amounts ,to ninety four. The total amount of property lost lis $363,171. The lots of lie is thirty four persons. I The year l£4B was more disastrous to both life | and property oo the lakes. During that year fifty I five persona were lost, and the value of property destroyed amounted to $120A12.' Poet* like these demonstrate the necessity for the interposition of the Government to protect hfe and property. A majority ot both Houses of Coo . great'arc doubtless in favor of appropriations for the improvement of lake and river navigation, and this country rejoices that a man is now at the head o r l affairs who is anxious that needful appro* priationo shall be made.— Lotnevtlte Journal. IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON. Tax Rxcxxt learn from Washington that the Administration, in Cabinet Council, have resolved to begin criminal proceed* ings agaiast the defaulters that have been disco* vered, sioee the inauguration of General Taylor. The cabinet hesitated at firet, but the President, finding ihst the law ot 1846 was very positive in its enactments, look the matter in hb own inrisled that, as the people elected him to execute the lsw>, he would execute them, end lake all the responsibility. The several District Attor neys will probably be directed to prepare indict* ments agamst all the delinquents throughout the country. Great excitement among the office seek ers and office holders is expected.—JVitw York Herald Vaujzof Plus Roans.— from tbo Utica Sig7wi t io relation to the value of Plank Roads to the business o< that city, will epply here: The value to Utica of - its many plana roads, cotoomnicatiog wilh ihesurrounding country, at airtimes appareut, is strikingly so at* time like thi>;.ri>uddy seasons makes scarcely any percepti ble dimioction in tho trade of the city, whereas, on such a doy as was yesterday, two years ago, there would have been scarcely a country custom er in town Utica owes much to its plank roadr, though very little of the money expending build ing them has been contributed by its capitalists. They have Imparted toil life, energy, activity, and a bulling business air, in all of which, for many yean, it baa been sadly deficlcuu For At PitUburgk GattiU That AfmwSutvxaT Risowmon mruTxn to Oanun. —in our Isst issne we published this re solution, which has appeared in many papers; de nied its connection in any way with Oberlio, and expressed our opinion that it was a malicious hoax. . . We dow learn that it was passed at ao Anti- Slavery Convention, held in Berlin, (not Oberlin,) Mahoning county, Ohio, under the atupices of such men as Oliver Johnson, Parker Pilbary, tec. We bad hoped it could never have been actually passed by any convention of intelligent beings, especially in a Christian land. A full account of said convention, with this and other resolutions, appeared last antamn in the Na tional Anti-Slavery Standard. Will those papers which have published the re solution, as passed at Oberlin,please to honor the truth by making tho above correction f— OAvrfia Etsngtlist. For tkt GostOt. A Pixthojh or Gold’.—According to the Lon don Mercantile GaxeUe, of November 28th, Eng land is now suffering under a plethora of gold. In the coffers of the Bank 01 England there are near ly sixteen millions lying idle; there U no way or employing it It is pouring m from Russia and California,but atiH the price must beX3 17r.,10d. per ounoe, according to Sir Robert Peel’s bill; and more than this, the Director* of tho Bank of Eng land are obliged to buy it at thia price, whether (bev require il or not, or whether it ia worth U or qol It would be just as reasonable, says thia paper, to put a fixed price, by act of Parliament, upon wheat, cotton, or indigo, aa upon gold in the uncoined state. Vest Hakdsomx.—The Hon-Elisha Whittlesey, _ the Genera! Agent of the Washington Monument, baa received a letter from Capt. George W. Store er, commanding the United Slates frigate Brandy wine, at Rio do Janeiro, enclosing' the sum of three hundred and twelve dollars, contributed by the offioeraand craw of that ship, to the Wash ington Monument This liberal and patriotic sub scription was headed by Commodore Storer him* •elf with $3O, and several of Ihe crew subscribed $3 each. We learn that Allen A- Hall, Esq, late Register, has been appointed Assistant Sccretiry of the Treasury; and that Michael Noorae, Esq., has been appointed Register, in place of A. A. Hall, Esq. —fyashipgton litpuUie. Ia London, there am 12,000 children regularly under training to crime, 30,000 thieve?, 6,000 rc oclvere of stolen goods, 23,000 persons picked up 'n a state of drunkeuneas, 30,000 habitual gin drinkers, and 130,000 of both sexes leading an abandoned life. MAaxmczKT BcquErr to Gaxciocx.—The late Commissary General, Sir Gabriel Wood, has be queathed the munificent sum of £70,000, for the erection and endowment of an hospital it Green ock, for* shipwrecked and distressed mariners.— Bntuh Army DttpaUk. 07-ljvcm OoerLAixT.—The only remedy ever offer? ed to the pnbtir, which has never failed of working a care, when directions ire followed,is Me'Lane’sLive- Pill. It has now been several years before the pabliei end has been introduced in all sections of the Union' Where il has been osed,uhM hadthomoiitriumphAnt ■neecst, ami has actually driven oat of use all other medicines. It baa been tried under all the different phases of Hepaus, and has been fonnd equally effica cious in aIL For sale by J. KIDJ) & CO n No. 69, comer of Fourth and Wood Pittsburgh. [janl9-dkwlwS Improvements in Dentistry, . DR. G. O. STEARNSJ, into of Boston, Is prepared to manufacture and tel Blocx Trent in whole and parts of sett, npon Section or Atmospheric Suction Platea— TooTOACurcvtKO ta mi nmtrTis, where the nerve is exposed. Offieo and residence next door to the May or's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Raisa to—J. H. M’Fadrten. F. li. Baton. lalt oa. d< hoit, Deadit. Garner oftartk putter, iimtia -- - .- i— *^i-4Uto Hsiktt ts 4 Tttir wmo. A Cars tad Csrtffieau at Hanks. . _ fly Bias «xu b us er w Psrisiioii.-* I hereby eerufy that sbeat two weeks ago l was ads*' cd witii a violent attack of smffisc and ywg4ag Choi* era Morbus, wiiWeTT distressing pains in the stomach and bowels, which was completely relieved by two teaspconful doses of Petroleum, taken In a Uttle wa ter. After having taken the first dose, I slept soundly end eoaitonmblyftjrthree hoars. [Signed] (Osaslsgt. HENRY WISE, Jr., On board the steam boat Ariadna. Pittsburgh, Dec. lltb, 1849. . I tm Captain of the Ariadne, and was a witness to the astonishing effects of the Petroleum, in the ease of Benry Wise, who is one of the htndt on the bo*L 7 [Signed] NIMROD GRA3ELL. Pittsburgh, Dee. lltb, 1849. general advertisement in another ecluma f Pa swims Lsuos seoaa.—Prepared by J. W. Kelly William itreet, N. Y., and for talo by A. Jaynes,Tso. 70 Fourth street This will be found t delightful ara cie of beverage in families, and particularly lor sick roams. , , ' T Basie's Bjcoua.—An improved Chocolate prepara tion, being a combination of Cocoa nut; innocent, in- Tigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic ularly for invalids. Prepared by W Baker, Dorches ter, Mas*., and for eale by A- JA\ itEti, at the Pekin Hiorc. No. TO Fourth st mehl4 On Monday Slst instant,’Jams Snmn, in the 70th year of his age. jjy His mends are requested to euend bis funeral this morning at 10 o'clock, from Mr. Varner's Board ing House on 4lh street. • * WASTED, . A GIRL to do Housework. A permanent siiaaiioi at good' wages een be heard of by enquiring k a this Officer BOYLE a HATCH will continue to Lecture end Experiment, ai the Apollo, upon the wonderful, instructing and amusing developement of the Science of Mind every evening this week. Persons of undoubted character whocome forward voluntarily oat Of the audience, will be deprived of the power ol Speech, Hearing and Sight, at the word of tho operator. They will be made to forget tbetr own identity, and that of their neatest friends and rel atives. Water will bo turned to wine, or brandy, to perfectly, as to produce all the effects of intoxiesuon, and a a skat vaiisxY of ether siastjj no asd ttrrxxxsr ino xxrKaiMXVTS will be performed. The great importance of thin Bcienee as a ixmoiax, agent, is such as to demand the unbiased attention and serious investigation of every lover of truth sod of Vbs ECTERPEASS will crmtlmus CIIASTI ASO CnMtTAEUI EWruaTAJ**XBTS, v{ | At tho above Hall, on Monday, Tuesday and Wedne. day Evening*. January 21 st, Vtd, and 23d. I fT7Admission, •* cents | lCT*Forpkrticnlara see Programme. tan 29 FOR the sale of Domestie, Woolen and Cotton Goods, also, Dealers tn all hinds of Tailors Trim mings, No. I*7 Wood street, fourth door from Ftflh, Piilabarrh. m- Rktsurcx: Messrs W A Hill A Co. )*n£2 AUCTIONEERS A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fifth St., Cwcisssti, Obio. WOUUDreipcctfaliT solicitConsignment* fromthe and ftisnufscturer* orPiusborgh.snd would ifeCr to : MeiifrTw. A R.B. Phillips, rituboigh. “ Brown, Phillips a Co., “ “ Chambers, Arnew A Co John B MeFsdden A Co n Junes Dslieil, Eeq., BIOLOOT t A class for instruction will be formod as soon i ' jangl-31* WILKINS HALL IIiIUBBT, PLB9IIVO * CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GBST A BLIIT9, “ janß-Im* ■OTICK. rIE Managers of the “ House of Refuge, for the reformation of Javenile delinquents," in Fhiladei pnia, wish to plaee out as Apprentice* with Farmers aodMecbaniesinOhio *nj Indiana, a number of boys and girt* from 10 to 18 ye ary of age. For particulars, inquiry may be made of Elijah Cof* fin, Richmond, Indiana; Zadok Street, Salem,County, Ohio, or Kenj. W. Todd, Smithfield Jefferson County, Ohio. Jant*w3t COUNTY LOAN, *75,000, TUB ComaLicioaeri of the County of Allegheny haring been authorised,by an Act of Assembly, passed tbe Stli Jay of January, IeSQ, to borrow, on temporary loan, a sum of money, not exceeding ear* -x.vrr nvc Tusi'uia doll* as, to tie applied in the re* demotion of County Scrip, the certificates of loan to bo exempt from all taxes, except for Bute pur* ft PROPOSALS will be receired at the OffieC'-of said Commissioners, in the City of Pittsburgh, within three weeks from the date hereof, from such cor porrtions as may be desirous of taking the whole or eny pan of said loan. .... thousand of which to be redeemed on the Ist day of Apnl, IsflJ. thousand on the fitai of April, 1651, and aOthoaaand on the Ist of April, I*lss"interest to be paid semi-annually at ifie Offiet of tfce County Treasurer or elsewhere, as maybe agreed upon. ! THOMA* PERKINS, WILLIAM BENSON, JAMfcS MITCHELL County Commissioners. Commissioners Office, Pittsburgh, January trt, ISSO. jan‘J<*tf - (10FFEK— U3Ba*i Prime Rio amrim*and foraal J bT BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, J j/niJ 14* Liberty at. gUOAtt A m**Mf7Sl2l£££SSu j in *4 li4 Liberty i CLOVER SPED—l3obarrel! ” prime new" arrii lnE BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. isnM |«4 Überty it. FLOUR— 50 barrels “ Extra.” 160 barrels Superfine. 75 barrels fide, on hand and for sate by JinW BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. RICK— iftlierctM prime•• new crop”landing end f«T.U by BEDWN * KUUPATHICK. SI! MOLASSES —H barrel* Si. Jaraea' Refinery. _ It half do do do for ,il2b y BIiOWN A KIRKPATRICK. Imai _ OABULS SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSF-4—For wle oU lowby J a DILWORTJI A CO jan22 _ 100‘ir PLANTAT,OI S '<£l juiiJ &f\(\ A PIECES BULK PORK. OUUU seO far* Boner. 10 btl* noli d 3, So more end for ante by j«n2r J S DILWORJIIA CO 20 CO MOLASSES— 4b bbla receiving this day, *ad !< !.w »ci.«= to lot >r JAMEaDALZELb I'OBACCO—» kge- No. I fl Twist, receiving per steamer Hindoo, and for rale by JAMES DAI.ZKLL, j tu2 o No 21-Water at_ CRANQEKIUE5 —aObbli in *iora *nil for «ale by RIIEY, UATTUKWS fc CO jun'fj asWmier N, o, SUGAR— y hhda, new crop, landing froi „ steamer North River, uud for sale by , 4 n2i RHKV, MATMHEWB A CO r o. MOLASSES—43 bDls N O Molasses, landio I . from steamer North River, arid for sale by RIIEV, MATTHEWS A CO RICK-15 llereea, a prime article, landing fr steamer None River, and for sale by • jauid RHBY, MATTHEWS A C( FRESH ROLL BUTTER—7 barrels this day rc ceived. and lor sale by j>na ARMSTRONG A CROZF.R SU. MOLASSES—W half bbls 3.11. Molasses > 'in • store and for sale by ■ *uM ___ RUBY, MATTHKW3 ACO ROLL BUTTER— t bbls In store and for tale by jangd RHEV MATTHEWS A CO ritßE Eubacribera to the Stock of the Citizens lain- J_ ranee Company will please take notice that an Election for nine Directors of said Company will'be held in the Rooms of the Board of Trade on Monday the 4th of February at 4 o'clock, B M. lly order of the Commissioners, rjanSl tot Feb ' H. D. RING, See. j HUGH D. KIVO, . > IBANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, Coasts cv 4tu St*«t ann Dost Oma Allvt. DEALER in Coin,, Bank Notes, Time Bills, For* eitnand Domestic Exchange, Cenifieates of De- ponie, Ac. Kgenange on all the principal cities In the Unio for sale in soma to sail purehaaer*. Collections on all parte of Ute Union ai the lowc rates. Jarytl w3m FOa HALE. Q6ORRELL HORSES, wiih Boggy* and Uarnest, it will bn sold tegeiher or seperately. The Horses are vounir and welt,broken to harneaa. - Apply to \ ROUT. H. PATTERSON. jaudLddl ntouougahela stable. For H«nu THK l.ntge Brick MANSION, at Craddock's Field, with requisite grounds around it, suitable for ihe purpose of a resectable cummer boanlmg house. It is believed thal such an establishment-atthi* beautiiul locality would do well. Enquire at my office, corner Wood and Fourth streets. jaaVMf JAMES W, BUCHANAN. LARD— 14 bbls and 5 kegs for sale by jandl 8 F VON BONNIIOR3T A CO ROLL BUTTER—3 bbls for sale by janSl B F VON BONNHORST A CO CHEI-.SE-60 bxs W R, for sale by jandl 3 P VON BONNHORST A CO CI.OVFII A TIMOTHY 3KF.D—For sale by janlH S F VON BONNHORST A CO BROOMS —It Odor, various qualities, for salo by jsndl 3 F VON dONNHORsT.A CO SMOKED UERRING—SO boxes lor salo by land! ■ B F VON BONNHORST A CO IUGAK—D bhds new crap, for sale by \ janjl 8 F VoN BONNHORST A CO RICE— 4 tierces fur sale by land! . 3 F VON BONNHORST A CO SHOT— 50 bags, ass'd Nos, lor sale by iandl S F VON BONNHORST A CO ROCK POWDER—ICO krg« for sale by ) tn ai 3 F VON BONNHORST A CO FEATHEBS-SO sucks fior sale by (mat C If GRANT, 41 Water tt .RIED PBACHES —d 7 saeki t jandl . T\RIED APPLES —6 bbls for sale by JJjUSi C H GRANT FLAXSEED— 40 bo for sale by C H GRANT VianFD PEACUE3—Obu for sale by Pl£gr ; juOBAUr cHOBAKT n B.CKUNOS-. a ttU to .... b, cnOBAXT ir h SUGAR—** hhdsN. O. Sogar, just received N ud for tale by A. CULBERTSON, ■ i»S r i« üb«ir XT O. MOLAW&*— 4*|bbl» N. O. Molasses, ju*l i -Sr** f " ““ * *■ cu aßßsa tcm—init receiT9d a mperior lot of Groen and ' % *«cJtTc»Oi and for talo by mite, iu& O H.HOLAB3ES—33bbk. ». for tala bj :[ A. CTLBCT^,^ LAHTU.73 hhl* No 1. Ifl «>« •■lobfl jt . L ISSr ARMSTRONG A CEOZEB s , t tiiTP hpaNS—SO bbU in •loro nod far wle by W 'IIIS BEAJI ’ ABBISTBONO k CBOZKB hhl* Exit* Funily, in «tore nnd for ABMBTROMOtCROXEK_ 11 Tauasraoi^fc^gogEtt 'OPS—B title* j< POTATOES-** i for tale b L-jr, IN Q TOPi Roll butteb-s bt jtnai • JOHNSTON jamil . LARD— 93 kein jtnSl GS Al ' l ' LEa ~ l ° JOHNBTON flAra-* a * lia \TM*HiomS'lroN TNFALUBLK fo. '“•’^S^nSdfnfftSdi kr^“i«^SSr.- Etfffwse s^‘sssrassgsSS!£ sssES?iSSi3‘ssrSa%S3fto£ ■ntothe h»iT,er«d(?»ilnrMorf«w*.f» a n( u carta* ebntnSlona, iprain*, ctu>Sß.se.| ini diinSei of the akin, tho dull, and *• ...nit.ltkL no nnunjihomJnmdoofcom; ponnd. .dtonUtd In tl» pnbUc Pd”**. ° Tntn prscliee. In cknkpntM *• well *• cffiekcr, »"• "ala the akin, and the Lairwhichdraw* iu*Mwnanee fromthi*tripleenrelopo i»’exy cloMu AU of origmmtei in the akin ,‘J 1 ® ho *4vJ f _ t ?? porn or the aeslp are elo«ed, or If thei bloodland other fluids do not elreolaie freely throogh U» «n«lj vessel* which feed theroou withoolatore and impart life to the fibres, the re*ull i» tcarf, dandruff, »he<Wing of the hair, crayaei*, drrneo, and hamneia of the licamenu, and entire baldneaa u the caae mar be. Stimulate the akin to healthful action with the Trieop- | heroo*. and tbe torpid veraala, recprerin* their aen»- ity, will annihilate thn disease. j , , . . , In all affectiona of thoikin, tod of the anbatrmu or crasclet and intepiaents, the proeeaa and the eneet are the same. . . .. It is upon the thin, the muscular* fibre, and the eland*, that the Trieopherou* has iu specific action, vnd in all affection* and injnriea of the*: orptai, it U a aorerelra remedy. . . , Bold, in large bottle*, pries S 3 eeoU, at lb* principal Office, 137 Broadway, N. V ITT’For *ale by Jan« BQAOKLITT * WHITIi NO. 99 WOOD STREET, / HAVE now in •tor# a large and general assortment of DRY GOODS, whieh they offer to City and County Merchants at reduced price*; and whieh they will *ell a« great Inducement* to' e«ah buyers, or lot approved credit To tb* Itoekbalden off the Chartlari NOTICE La hereby given, that, in parananoo of the Act of the General Aaaembly of thi« Common* wealth, entitled u An Aet to Incorporate the Chartier* Coal Company,in the County of Allegheny,” an Elec* tion will be held at the Mononguhefa House, in the City of Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 7th day of Feb* ruary next, at * o’clock in tho afternoon of that dav, for the purpose of electing Director* of the eaid Com -1 pu, y . JAMES DUNLOP, [ 9 1 z. W. REMINGTON, jaol9-ie Commie*! oner*. PILLOW CASK HtJfflilßß. MUSLINS,' of suitable width* tor .Pillow Care*,' cooftamiy on hand. ... Also—Sheetings, from 1* to 3 yard* wide, and an as sortment of Towellin* and Tabu Diaper*, and honae mo|l manufacture, SS3 ""tv’s UUEPUV, O,7 Btii comer of Third and Market ala. I fiy Wholesale Rooms np stairs. IB&WLB. A VERY fine article of Mourning Long Shawls, >« co Market treet A SMALL COTTAGE HOUSE, in Allegheny city, on Esplanade street. Rent low. Inquire of janW rTASSEY A 11E8T, 3a Wood at for RtBL A KQOMi at the corner of Penn and Hand streets, A. now occupied by Mr. Janes, as a Drag Store. Potacsilon given on the first of i April next. BafUlM ud thTßriUiS < Itumrlr TosLuhms Qeaxxnur Kxnnr; Tub Kunntaß Bcvnari Tbi Noktb Bunsn Rxnsw; Tbb Wssntuurci Bnnr, i And Unatwoun’a EDtaocMH Mooezis*. TKBMyt j For any one of the font Beriewi, *5,00 per anirOm. For oil foarior the Berriaw*, B,«J “ ( For Blae kwood’e 51a jaxlae, 3£> For Blackwood andlhed Reetewe, 10,00 « Paytnehu to bo made ia ail eaaea In i Pabu*bed eimnltaneoiuljr in New lorkandPilu b"«* .Vy” w~a D LOCKWOOD , WSgfl * "SS" “VSSSS CYStSSt 10 tss •tn&Sstsr Blub CHECKS—I e«*e Terr dark ShirtiagCheck*, SBAcgLgrT ».V y^, BBOVVN SHEOTINGS-fißbaka heavy 4-4 Blown BLEACHED tiHIBTINIiS—A good assortment of “ir“ TICKINGS —25 bale* 'rarlowi grade*, oulmnd I for *alo by o SHACKLETf i»n!9 ; \ 99 Woodtrw c i °ji^ oc ° icm “ o ° ii " i ”vy^^ >Ct ’ , °'“ l §l y w HARBAUOU HF.fcI*'FKL.TS—SOO Sheep pclu. In More andfc , & * UABBAUGH ’"S’ *“WHAR^&H POTASH—S 3 bbl* jiu; reo*d and for sale by Jtnl o: -g>w uaeqadoh GUNNY OAGS—I,6OO in More andforsale br ,£,lO SA W HARBAUGH CHANDLER WANTED.—An experienced Chand ler will hear of a good situation by *PPW°f “ )anl» SAW HARBAUGH CIOFaL VARNIB —l3 bbU Fnnutnre; j 10 ht bbla do; 6 keg* do; i bl* Coach do; 2hf bis do do; d keg* do do; for sale by janlO ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Freni M Cl 11 EES E—3so bole* for *alc by ; iaul»____ ISALAH DICKEY A CO SUGAR— 6 hhd*. foriale low to close consignment injilfl ISAIAH PICKET A CO POTASH— 15 casks, tret sort, for *ale by jaclO ' ISAIAH DICKEY A CO iCORCUED SALTS—XO bbl* in store and for aalo by ) juU# ISAIAH DICKEY A CO Fire brick a tile—For «*io by So ISAIAH DICKEY A CO BUTTER— SO boxes dairy, made expreuly for fami ,, y, Hi. d,, tOT »iy, g FLOYD Buckwheat flour— 3o sacks «£ d I s»7 and for tala by jawlO JAR FLOYD HONEY— 300 lbs prime, in comb, rec’d this day and Jbrjalo by janlS JARFLOkP CORN MEAL—<3 sack* and 77 bbla arriving and for .ale by BURBRIDGE, WILSON A CO, ju,lo Water street CORN—« sack* and SI bbl* Shelled Com; for sale by jSIO BURBRIDQE WILSON A CO WHISKEY— 30 bbU superior Old Mon. Rye, for .Moby BURBRIDQE, WILSON A CO, Jto |p Water street XTEW BACON—4IO Ham*, 460 Bhcaldera, and 500 fit m •^r u '' nin &s^Tis^ 0 ' pOTATOKS-.W bbl. ML INDIA SENNA-400 lb* lost ree’d and forsaio by J KIDD A CO, CO Wood M S~ AIT SOD A—4ooo lbs in More and for »fe by -jartlfl A CO yMP 0-30 1,1,1 ‘ reC ' d “i'g'Bp *CO CIS* SAND-4 ™« i"> reeM “ d KlUnflt CO BUTTER— is bbls Holt, in doth*; 10 bgi do; IS kgs narked do; for ante by £nid 2. J D CANFIELD, Front st T^' Y ~” m ’ " f °/B CAtIRELD ri mRCHINGS-C casks m More and for ssle br SS J B CANFIELD , •firv'tr.-ldu bx» prime, in store and for sale by (J JunlS JBCANPHXo . ,'.. n «TtlS—7o bxs snd 10 casks, for sale by JD CANFIELD uSDua-.' -■ M °" lJ ' f °'“';y cANF , E ,. D LINSEED OIL—2O Lbl* for * janlS _ i^? OTES:^jaai^agB,T pun-TBa-*. j i n but* *ood,inU rectt for «»leby ffifilfl B BREYFOOLE fc CLARKE wd Sbbls fot&ateby t? II GRANT _ TEW BACON-6U.Q00 Ibf-Hoj Boand, prime. In N. hoa,C ’ f ° r tal ° by SELLERS * NICOia bar Palm Soap, jeer reel per eleemer S°„,. s JAME3DALZELL «abt colored prints. ■*TT r. MURPHY invites the attention of buyer, to W, hia present choice stoek of Print* at m centa nZr rard. of fast colon and neweit styles. P »'J'“ EmUti Cbinuu, fram-UI 1» 101 l UNiunenl of mull Spued UdU Pnnu Stones SeJ,blM,p.»»,l»loei 1 perple, oreMt, to. liy wWesalo Boom* QP stairs. w?l Ia.CBED'BALTd-.b.d.togm.gdto^b, P < j^ OES-U “ '“uSatioUailo MS Liberty at auction s. jeha D. OaviliAacUl Catalog** SaU tf 14 Tdostn On Wednesday morning, SWh 1u1, 5 Commercial Sale* Room*, corner of Wood andFiOh be told, without rererve, on a credit of SO dart, (or approved toms over tU3O —asexcelteui a»*ortmentof Fine ■'iff*®?.®** Drettly for thi* market, computing Matlm Shin*, La* S?be?«nv, rttched plain, Ac-; broad and narrow thiru with linen boom*, collar*, Ac-,-»up«nor Shin*, wim FrenehembroideTCd botottt;Ajjh with voke neck aad French *lecvei, extra tor* Mill Uulm and English Long Cloth Shirts; do.withiplen* 411 **• JOHN P.DAVIS,And p^Nirm-uo ioNE j t co Mould candles-soo b** ia ■ by jaalß HARDY, BACON HAMS—Cit? Cored in nor* and for sale by janlB STUART A SILL, 11S Wood »t SHOULDERS-City Cured ta■wri* jmt9 STUART A SILL H JOHNSTON GUNNY BAGS-SOO juit recM and/or' tale by JanlS STUART A SILL SUGAR-50 ohds N O, new crop, Joit we'd anTloi •ale by janl7 McGILLS A ROE DRIED I’EA.CHES—IW bu on hand acd for **le by ian!7 McOILLS & HObv .EIED Al’VliKS—A email lot, choice, for »ale or F couityncteot by JanlT McGILLS A ROE M’OLASSGS— 50 hf bbU NO, io »toro and for aato ■' MeC|LL3tROE POTASH— 8 c»»k* tor »«ie by i«n!7 McGILLS* ROE V a 12n *MI ken uul 6 bDl* r»o 1, oa baud indfoi L tSsby jatn!7 Meo'lLLd &. 808 bbU Crmb Cider; I shfbbU“ “ ja«» rec’i and forialebj ' OUKBBIDGG, WILSON 4. CO, i*nt7 Water itreet ■Tjot^rtHKa—3oo t»t>u NO, cew crop, Ju; iS? ( °' **** ‘’’iaPBBMIME. WILSON tCO TTfINDOW QI.ASB—IOOO bx», ii«*, Kt/cr- altg) j&gSuioii. WUSON t CO cuka reo’d and for «ale by V* iSI7 HURBHIPOE. WILSON i. CO gyg- 8 ” ». ".’ J , to "Ton* watt * t co b ° P ™JQHN wl^tCO . R. E. SELLERS, PiUlborg. | Brie* Tart* for Bent* ‘l**- -» P y jutlG Office over ihe Pent Office.. For Bant. A BOOM on the second ttcry of tho w * re £*“. f S ntf Wood street, * Jant -- A, Pretest for Tour Family* MORRIS A WILMS’ HOME JOURNAL. p»«rnitn WmLT—-Si rn aiaou. “The best paper in the Union." , „ Hi”?* 0 ® pi?! "Rather get in coal than go without it " [Button Pen ifßsaiassssa.'SiaS^is^Ss iy-*-° f r “ tu^r-L c ?^wooD. A LARGE BRICK DWELUNO HOUSE, wiUx A Eighteen Aette of ground in a good °J,5 B a l | tivationl together with good etabling, Ac-, wtnMcd 3| rules frotontuburgh, near the ore , c “*ba«h wrujiihe, and adjoining the Allegheny Cfnieteiy- i* an excellent spring near the dwelling. Fossersiou given °°Al^£-A P i£ee story Brick Dwelling House, on O’Hara and Walnut atreeu, at present occupied by'the subscriber, possession given on the Ist ApnL JbnQUireof Itaia if WM. VOUNO. ltl LibcWT . pto| m ; u 7 , im. .. _ Tt^ 8 ’ oii^,^ u D i ai , ELt’Jrw^n. IgOLE LEATHER—’.KB New bacon—hams, sides a shoulders- 3 30,000 lb* in Smoke Home, for we by. giEB fc JONES.CurnI Bm»i : iuia near ScTen'b FLOUR— 125 bbla in ator© ©ad for file by jialfl CRAIG A 2KlNNEH,*g_M*rt>j O^Sr 3 * 1 cfflgZ SKINNER QWgS 8 -" mi ” C ’ I ‘ “' l CTAM t'gPNKEB *" 1 cra*g Skinner IUITKB-10 bbli l m*A for »il©by jaalO _• ™“gjmo£ SINNBE DRIED PEACHES—as bn ioat and for Min by j«n|o CRAIOtSKINNER riCKORY NUTS—IO bbU in tiore and for »ale by CRAIU A SKINNER GREEN APPLES—2SbbI* instnro and for *al6 by CRAIG A SKINNER POTATOES— 100 bbt* tn *tore ahd for tale by janlß - CRAIG^.SKINNER, S', Market ct BUTTEBr-8 bbuTPlaingrove) Fresh «c’d andfor«aleby jarld JARILOVD PEACHES—»» bu, to elo*e eonsignmeauforaaluby iaslD 81'UART A SILL COBURO CLOTHS are *eiting very cheap (tone a* t CO'S LAMPBLACK— 3U bbl* in Store and for isle by TSU J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood st GUM KINU-rSS lb* iTrnefjust «o’d on! for tale jaaia J KIDD A CO CH PENCILS —£0 gross, OJi’d, jou rec’d and for • aala by jsnld J KIDD ACO _ TIN by j u !2 / J KIDD a CO ’l2,"' BOAF ~” *”"• “"iant co For Rant, , THE BASEMENT, comer of iha Diamond and Union streets, wall adapted many publie business. It baa been oe cooled as a Coffee, 01 Eating Establish- ment, for a namberof years. ALSO—SoTorai Offices and Artist’s Rooms, wel lirhted, with entrance Iron the Diamond, orer the sure of the subscribers, north west comer of the Dla *iea?ASDEBtDAY. SELLING OFF AT RBDUOED PRICES! ALEXANDER A DAY, eorocr of the Diamond and Market street, are now selling off at reduced priees, their stock of Winter Goods, consisting of Shawls and Ladies’ Dress Goods, in great variety. Also—Blankets and Flannels, Cloths, Casitmes. Saun* oils, and a full assortment of heavy Cotton Goods. Co aid cut that better bargains cannot bo bad else*" wh "*, W ° ,h “ 1 DA T, ianl3 73 Market street. 9BW BOOKS! S£W BOOKS! THE Constitution and Standard of the Associate Reformed Church in North America: Bro, bound Th?Bther 9ide, or Notes for the History of the Wa between hlexictf and the United Slates, written i Bdexieo, tad translated from the Spanish, with notei Bt A. C. Ramsey. Sketches of Reforms and Reformersof Great Britai ■nit Ireland: By U. B. Stanton-' The Works of President Edwards, in 4 sols; a rt ■'i of the Wo- -»er editir —ilh additions, and ptint of the Woreeater edition, wiL. copiona general Index. The Monntola* of Egypt, or Egypt« Wuneaafor iht Bible: By P. L. tlewka, U. D* L. L. D. Memoir* of .David Hale, iato eJuor of Journal ol Commerce, with selections from his Miscellaneous Writings: By Bos. J. P. Thompson. The Puritan and ills Daughter by J. K. Paulding. Los Gringos, or'an Inside View of Mexico and Cal ifornia: By Ueou Wise, U. 8. Navy. - ' Familiar Leue- Men. idassubj' Familiar Letter* teYoong Men, on Tartu— detirtied u a Companion to the Yoons Men’* Guide: By Wm. A-Aleott. j Tbe Poems and Prose Writing* ol R. A. Dent: 3t* Nineveb afid its Remains: By Layard. For tale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, janPi * No 79 Wood it IfiWTJBLBGa&FH OFTIOK. rpHB citizens ot(d basinet* men of Pittsburgh are Xj respectfully informed that the Morse Telegraph Line* ere now in complete operation between this city and BaltimoreiWuhioslon, and other Eastern Ciue», connecting et Washington City with the Morie Line, the only oho Sooth to Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston. Aagnlia, Savannah, Mobile and New Orleans—and eouttrelinr in this city with lines'rauning'West ana North to tne principal town* and cities in too Talley of the Mississippi, amt on the Lakes. These Lines will receire ana send messages as cheap 01 any ether, line, and the operators and clerks will Its found gen tlemanly and accommodating. in the lower itory of the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Wood street. J»"S- Sn THE Co-Partnerahip heretofore existing under the style of‘•Copo * Breyfogle,” J* this day di**olTf d by matual consent- The business will be .settled by J. C. rtreyfcglei at their old aland. No. street . 118 3 j"c. HttEVVoGLK. TC. DREYFOGI.E, bavin* a*«neia!ed wjth him « A. IL-CI.AKKK, for the j>urpoie of lraii/-acUns ibe Korwaidm* Ami Commiauon uu*ine*-S ~c o;l * lii.ue Uiai i<u*imci» .»« Uio o!d»taud of ‘-Cope X Ul'y. lonic,” uiul retiH-ci/ully aaka a continuance bf ito former |>atron»*e ot hi* fnenda and the puK.e gener ally. The bauneia will be conducted tir.uer the uono ana ctyleipf Dictvools X l t J. C. BREYFOGLE, A. U. CLARKE. ;h, Jan, 7,1=60— {jaua . la by J D CANFIELD f Fukluon, Machinist and manufacturer—-Lathe*, Tpbfi( > c», Uousit) and large Screw* of K (f kind*; Bnu Carting* end Unts Works generally. Corner of Ferry and Fir»i street*. THE tabacriber, having parchatod the Factory of Jeoea Pattenon, Jr, located ai U>e above«ind woald napeetfally inform hi* friend* ui<i the public lha) he iaprepared to fill any on 1 era t» b!a line, on the moat rcMoaabte term* and with dUpateb, and will feel graiefal fordteu palrpntce : THOMAS PARKINSON Pitiaborgh, Jan.), 19S>. »*uun-.un. HAVING dirpoeed or nr eiubliihment to Mr. Tbona. Purkijucn, I tiko the libettj to .glint for ltin lbep.tron.jd of me friend, end 11. nubile, feelinf eonident lb. I !unr Aron eonferred !rtlbo dulr .pproclated end P renin. tutended to. ..JJAIIE9 PATTEnZON, Jr. -oaa7-<l3m Phubcth. Jmu THE CfePartamhip; heretofore existing under the Am of JkXXM CfcxuJl * 80s, Is dissolved by the «*eeu* of Jesus Croatia. The basinets will be eon tiaioA by the eabeeriba, who will settle the eeeo&ats Of ths Uua In. JOHN M’D. CROSS AN. SCouapteU Boom, Doe. B, 19t1.-{d«S9-lm FOR ST. LOUIS AND ILLINOIS RIVER. Tbe fplendid fut paueager paeket ft NIAGARA, isF ; treS® A Cox, muter, will lure for ■BSaSafllkbe above and alt intermediate poru thi« day nt!o'o'clock, A: M. F.,nb»,b,bpg-y i^»¥l^a oEt I FOR ST. LOUIS. I i r- k The splendid steamer ff''7 ft* . WYOMING, Rod*er», router, wilt leave for tba ttSKS£S&Biabove and' alt intermediate pons oa this day, at 10 o'clock, A. M- For freight or passage a; The tplendid steamer , GEO. W. KKNDALt., ggaßjKreq; Norton, muter, wifi leave for the ■EaBSSSnS&boTe and all intermediate puts this day, at 10 A. M. •" . For lreieht or passage apply on board, or to janlS GKO IB MILTENBEBQEB, Agent* kre and for ufo IQNESACO " FOR CINCINNATI. ». The splendid ateamer > ftT- iJy RINGGOLD, feffiPtftSwi Cant. Cope, wilt leave for the abora ■BBB&SnBanu all intermediate pom. onThar*- day,the 17th init, at 10 A. M. For freight or passage apply on board. jafl!7 PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PACKET. . _ The iplctwHd fait miming iteamar Jk LOUIS McLANE, W. 8. ConweU, Uhtefwr muter, (having andergone a tbor--" repair,) wul ran hereafter aa a regular packet Pittsburgh and Wheeling,* leaving Pittibnrgh evefy"Monday,. Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock. For freight cr passage apply on board, or to iuj| 1 W. a WHEELER, Agent- DAILY PACKET LINE. mm 3 well knowaUne of splendidpassengerSteam* JL efa is now eampoied of the largest, *wifte»t,_beu J biubed anil furnished, and most powerful boats oa th« waters ofrlt’e West. Every accommodation ondecra* fort that money can proeare, baa been provided forpa*- ; eengora, The Lino ha* been in operation for ave yean . —ha* eoirird a million of people without the least nytt? I rytoibeir persons. The boats will he at the foot pi wood' street the day previous to siaruug, for the recep tion of freight and tho entry of passengers on the real*. I ter. in all cates the passage money mast b* paid l> I advtnee SUNDAY PACK**. ' T AAC NEWTON, Captain ..Uemphtll, wu leave Pittsburgh every Sunday mofuing at ilio'uloekt Wheeling every Sunday evening at 10 r. ** Mayas>,ia«. MONDAY PACK**.: | The MONONGAHELA, Capt BTOSB, will leave Pitt- I burgh every Monday morning at 10 o’clock;' Wheeling I every Monday evening at 10 r. a. TUK'BD'AYT»XSKfiK .. The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. KmcSUIV, wlp I leave PmslivVghevery Tuesday morning at 1o o’clock; 1 Wheeling every Tuesday evening at 10 r.g. 1 VVBDNKHUAY PAdKET. • The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. DB.B,vnll I leave Pnubureh every Wednesday comm rut It I o'clnck; Wheeling every Wednesday evening a |ot.* THURSDAYS A-titkT. Tlio BRILLIANT, Capt. Gilac*, will leav* Pina bnrgh every Thursday morning at 10o'clock;WhaalUg everv Thursday evening at 10 r. X. FRIDA V~ PXiSKSfT• The CLIPPER No. ?, Capt Pkkj Duval, will laav* Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o’clock; Whea n» every lARD-20 keg* No 1, ou hand and for sale by jjanlO J ARELOYD POTASH— 11 caaka in store and for sale by mlfl JAitPLPkB LIVER COMPLAINT.—An other euro performed by uaing tho onginal, only genuine Liver par. Rent. Aaranxxn, Drown eo., O n March 30,1517. Mr. R. E. Sellers—la April last my wife waaattaek ed with litver Complaints, and had tho advice of two. ohrsicians, who tried various remedies without pro ducing any good effect. Having-heard of Tear cele brated Liver Pills, I concluded w give them a fair. : i trial. I purchased one box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen,.: I and gave them according to the direction*, by .wnieu . ■he wcufgrcatly relieved: I procured a second box, .» which entirely eared her, ana she now e>uoy*,excel lent health. I have used them my*eH, and pronoaneo I them the bestfamily medicine I ever tried. , . I Your*. Ac- Maw IB otiiLT. 1 Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS. 47 Wood it; I sold also by Druggists generally tn the two ciUe*. I jsnttl . ; J O'CONNOR retires from on? firm from this data, . rrnnp into the house* of Atkina, O’Connor and O'Connor, Alk.iu 4.Co.PUubui,,. The “General Commission and Forwarding Busmotar I ba well as the “Pituburgh'Tfanspona'ion Line Ann ct.” wilt be continued by ns,’ ut our Depot, 70. North street, Ds-'ttmore. We return our tnanks » oerfrieed* and the frienda of the Line for past favors, and nope 1 in mcru and receive a and in«e«« of 1 ibe same. '■ O’CONNORS k CO. j Baltimore, Janaary Ist, 1930. . - j DIIBOLOTIOUf. CO.PARTSKftSniP. XDTIOB. en board. FOR NEW ORLEANS. 01HGUBAT1 * PITTSBURGH stmumk. iFARLASH-25 bblt Adams’, on hand and foraalo by jan!6 . JAR FLOYD PITTSBUttGiTTRANSPOaTATION iilNfi. * A TONS, O’CONNOR A CO, No*.Si9AB3lMar- A. Let street, Philadelphia; O’CONNOR, ATKINS. A CO., Canal Basin, Liberty it, Pittsburgh; O’CON'» t lony A CU-,70 North street, Baltimore. This old established LINE, having dunged its Slav and agent* as above, and extended it* arrangements, bees leave to inform it* friends and the pabuaihat it. will be : prepared, ou tho opening of the Pennsylvania Canals in the spring ef ItaO, to give all freight* un equalled despatch and care, at very low rates. jnnl6*9t ~ _ .Murslsal'BSAiCr Ihtnah, Gault A Co, against • MnChtncery. , Steamboat Telegraph No. 1, Ac. J And the same 1 . - , • against - . - .. .ylnCkanaery.’ I Steamboat TelegraplLNo.2,kc/3\' _ , » , BYt VIRTUE,of;nn Order of the LouiifUlo.Chaa-f eery Court, made in the above causes, we, ther I undersigned, or ooe of u*, will, on Monday, the ffitkt day of January,' If3o, sell to the hisbeit bidder or bid- I ders, at public auction, or board.ot ealo boats, at thr I wbarfin the city ofLouiivine, tho whole of the steam* } l/oat Telegraph No. 1. her cugines, tacklej Aej and,. also, three fourths', of the steamboat Telegraph‘No. cnctnes, tackle, Ac. " The term* of sale to be—one fourth cash in hand, tbai remainder on credits of 4,8, and 12 months (hr eqaall uartt I ~ Purchaser or purchasers will be required to give approved security, bearing iutercst trout the day of sole until paid. •, j ' Sale to take place about U o’clock, A. aL, of said day. JOHN A. CRITTENDEN, BLL.C.C. CHARLES J. MENG, Deputy. ; JanlO-dlOt ' • ' WINTER LARD OIL-10 bbls pare, (will stand f/eesinr |wint,)jait ree’d and tor tele byt JM»IS SELLERS A NIQOL3 CLOVER SEED— 4CO ba in store end tortile by jinja • JAMES A HUTCHISON k CO T 2XKHCER * AKTELO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I —Philadelphia— [E7“ Liberal advances made eaeontignnanU. janU-Ctn - i ~ " SLOVER SEED—3 bbli jnst ree’d and for sale by / jatiU BHEV. MATTHEWS A CO Window glass—at o boxc*a*«’dsize*, Frank* • lin, ud Smith A Henoh'a Brandi, in nete.ud ; for »alc by Jml4 HUEY. MATTHEWS ACO FLOUR— 2s« bbli Extra Fumljrmnd*BQp«sner 70 “ Fine; > ' ’ 7 M prirao Rye; in rtore and for**, u bjr L 9 WATERMAIi, 3t Water ana 63 Front «t in (tore and tor rale *7 L S WATERMAN A,TEAL—IS tl»l» Cora Me ill. janU LARD— 30 bbis No 1 Leaf, r 15fl Iren do for sale by 1 jajt U L ft WATKG3IAN Pittsburgh Sari gallon u« Flra ranee Compuf*. A MEETING of the Stockholder*of Navigation. and Firo iojanmro Company. will bo Held at the Office, Market atre^on^aaior ‘"HXS? imt ° f ‘^HNWEvfIA PEACHES— 1?0 i»ck« Dried Pe*eke»i : - l 46 bhU “ “ • < ■ \ o ba crime Pared; for tale by ianH P L 3 WATERMAN SAM&t ATUS-OI bus Aitmt', in *torau« by __ jshlfi * «_R *-r9X® C7T) vVr~SEFU>—40 bfil* extr* - prime, last **e>4 JOHN WAIT A CO itIKD Gated, jo*tree’<% and fo, ,mS by_jy>. l< 8&W MABBAUOU ciJAlt-35hbdt WO, in «tori ud for ule by ' SiMli StWHARBAVOII EHBROIDERIEg, A I.ARGE MMJrtraent of Preach Wro«xit Croe*, Collar*, tnd Cuff*, maybe found, TerreheukU jwli _ A |l —Tee BRICK—IS,OOO tee’d and for tale by T". ]»l4 ~ 8 & W HARDAUQ B KIEf) PEACHES A APPLES—A few"tranc {red bn rac’d anil for aale by 'l. janl4 ’3tWHAU3AEQ 8 Louisville lime—ioobw«iattoTe *ndf«r w)« by jtnl4 BA WIIABUAUO g_ BUTfER— 14 bbli Roll, part in ekrthr, IB «; Packed;. aokegt U J.-' for tale by/ jtnU •* *t LSW.TTBMA !!_ CIIEESB=-50 bx» W-!tJon band anil for salo by • iaulfl _ JtRFLOV D; FEaTHKIU3-~4J «l*l>Vi. I*»H f.ft WATFJtMAr*_ BKA\’S—• a« Llits. jn»li 'Tsaek* Wbiie,<or**lo by _ I.H\VATKRW»T £ S;:i:d —iioRW,, iaejlcw >• ■ 61) Ir, »ir, L 'iiy prime Ttmitthv •* ? e andfoT«a> uy L S WATE&MAI «_ “aORWAY PLAINS’* DtASKBTfc '‘l , HES | lj*nMriof Itlankeia, mads 0/ the wft**t • A. finest Wool, can always be found at Drf'' Go* ** lloQ<cof ' WRMURPUk, janltj N F. eom»*r Fonrth and Mark* *_! COUNTERPANES.— Colored nod White pane*, oHiandiorae "patient* and I**¥J *!?££« t, ratelnw l.y lan» WgHPKW^. C'IOUOHMD COTTON VELVETS—M**ans«“, g J light blue, eearlet, tnaroco, garnet, tro*«i ■*, »t and blaek Cotton Velvet*; an auortment * , *2fcm J by janU W — WOOIr-a ucka la *torc and tor tab » iax.« 27 DHAWI^.—a very cfaoice aruclcof 0 ShawU, at low price»,.al l j u |>4 . A A Wifi ~ QT CfASKSMoapraU A JSon'aSof* ■MWftf* Ct.?> oi for «ic »a * b *|J-Tfiannel* . ' 15 .-pp., of C'*’‘*zfssBgS£z=H s' ~ jt jQf §|tn i • iy JgIiCK.Wm.AT yPnONNg 1 /vPERA CLOTHS * No \J ceiT«dpereipre»*,*tA--A.®fjrof JlicbCaJ or - CO Market ©reel, another l® r Ereo l»f ed Opera Cloikt ,and Freaeii.*®® i*a# 1 Dre«»e*- .. • iti ~rZ£i 9 tlbnic* CASIIMERES& OEt.MNSrdWS', cpren, « f Cuhnerc* and Da L*^* l *? a »ASON fcO cow opening. iaa> • • FLINTS-3e*M!»U»i 1 ■.?y > *„-qsa?r ; Mßo4tcoSS ;•* OTEAM BOAT QOILTSc^J 5 * 6 *^ & »ad^||| l J cllßfc a i ABKB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers