The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 21, 1850, Image 4

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    ■ ,-. i
ai --i
yusSMri'. '.-.wYtt
': 'MWiAWS.
of .tbe Bible, N“»‘Hi2Ji I SE'jL , 2SS22;SS:
tea; and aaiiT.»JMrjtaxBte»uu wcek*,.lnaddia*n
to the above, viuxisx names*. • 110 :
■'nown'Y.-wiii b« read*™
,&i£rt“erio l®d*r*. Person* who may
have view* of their country eeets fret an «*,
do so by making sppUeauoo u>
tUnf. before, the Mu?ln*t
23jffiiS3?lJg«J S’"?S?c?t3£?bSrom
sassewa™-? stsß asssi
.aisaMSa&efflSri sssst
myexpenmrßt* b wiAVmnon *ab«t»aew;
and. *° ,* u< ’s*J^f^ r inrenUn) time and meanstn the
U tt, thst.XlMejf fioerfinefttr, and ftom that time
busitta; hubeex-',
to tfe*,i «ars. I finally discovered; that,;
a fine powder sad miring It with Jin*J
SUrSiSfSSi the consistency,of thiekpeiat,and
jjStlm Util eoopohnd with a brush, thatt hi* costing
uieedf rendered It both weather and fire proof; as the.
looter exposed, the harder and more permanent il twme. and u the costing (arferit tarn* to
»!ate) i*>of-itaelf utdettraeuble by fire, eoa»eqo«tly it
protect* the. wood covered wila it from ibfl airland
. where then is no air, there laio Wareor combwoon,
. therefore the wood inll actuary ehanbeforotbealate
covering will give way. ’ . v . J'Y—l
■ l MMUlercdlbe 4iiMY.rr of lio
anee, and [applied » Government for a patent tor my
■ *J*«>‘ioo or discovery,'fondly hoping that 1 remunerated for all my outlay in timr> *admg» i
oey. The ROvernrntnc, witboat any g«ar
Mjo me Letter* Patent for the sole right
tare, sell and u*e my Improvement in ih* tt in ataemre.
*?a “tVehiher and Fire Proof ComposWw or Arti* :
ficlal Slate.” fir fourteen years. “ mf •„ $
.AmpWlitlbO. . WM. BLAKE, i
! T£ZTnT.
wo do no; belUv© that there ever waa • PS“**S!.
honesUy and laboriously earned, « moreiWiSJ
bepmsuedVicxpeiimemswUh themort
mdomitable pereeveraneetmdeithemort discouraging
circumstances, a* tire pabUo had not the foart ew|*
onto «11 Ito circoomumi, J? 1 . '
hasattesttriumphedover, ali obstacles, and we b®*
lleva tber* i» now bat one opinion ia awarding him
the merit efthl* valuable-discovery. •. - .«■
GKO. W. CRANE, > JusUce. of
BENJAMufjONE, - - Up ’’
WM. EVERETT, Township. Clerk.
ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer.
I have ascertained that there are individual*.engaged
tbor & not lotend to mfiinKO or uo>P»» RStK.
riahtar that they have a ngbi to dig, grind, and sell the
SSKr,ifthey can find pereharets; that thoy are.not.
bound to know what they are to do with re Omtjtir
no infringement until it is mixed with the oil to
’ tfce'eowsoand; and thatthoae whobay.mlxoadnaeit,.
mantaefoereapoadbUity. M«t of them ,«7 to*
they believe that the patent i* good «au
, nil and uae the compound, and gome have “d that.
* what they wanted to uae they should certainly poreh ,
aM of they did not Irfieml to make theTOelver
SiSin'Si T-w»7- ■Ntnrlfct>lm7«;'l»*»?, I S , i o f“i
expose thisbaretaeed fraud ooOa the public, ae X eait;
aUit by no milder name, where a man »eIU andre
eeivea nav for an article, the u*e ef which he well
knowa re&eeta portharernndwrtoapropecD
tfoo and flnt Some of those who are engaged tnthij»
'qefarioaa traffle, nnqueationahly contend. to^2
pttbUe' that my jntin* whl not atand, aad thai Harp
aotproieeate. Now, to take th i
mem. I went to some of there who were proclaiming
thatjny patent was of no value, and made tho ftdfow*
lag proposition: that they might aelect«Jodge and iwa
ImwTCTi who have had some praeueo inpaumte«M»,
andWo would submit the patent to them, and.XT.lhejr
decided that the patent was good, that they iho»J««op
all farther proceeding* in the boiinere, tber
ahould deelde that it would not, in their opinion, ho d>
. Iweuldagreetoletfoefogocnaadrellall^eycodd.
without saying aay.thing to the
Ttiii proposition they would not accede to. t» ur. “
the validity of ray patent is concerned, I do not no;
P»n<t entirely upon my owajutlgmeni,although » bare
Sefaiieat oonfidenco in it; bull have
- many of tho Judges, aad several of.the mp«
patent lawyers, who have, without exception, deeidwl
that in their optnioa u waa good, aad Would protect me
in my dueovery. , <
I grind the. article to a fine power, and pot UUP t» l
barrels, the vrtieharoiuarked:: u J3LaKa*PfT«tlTna
axn WxaTtJxa PnoorAnsmaaLgLaxs. ,
l therefore give notiee w all wbo buy.and use the ]
• above mentioned mineral for the purpose set forta in.
my.patent,except from mo or'my auibon*«l agent*,
thallshan hold them to a tufot accoMtabUity, *«d
shall commence cuiw at law
btfrmroupoamy nghu • , ULuAJvt * •
. arnuos, Medina Co, l4, l&P.
TONS of. ibe above Fire and Weaiher
. - Proof Artificial Slate on hands and for . sale. The
above we ean reeotnmaiid, for we have been using iit
• for some 4 vesr*. and know it to be what it fo set forth,
F. H. EATON & CO.,
Ho. AS Fourth Str««t, Pittsburgh,
; Have now la Store their full assortment of
[ , . |1 „ , Kn-paimi have-been vpaTeflo
BRKiit lfc* newest acJ mosi fashionable
Goods iu ikelr line. Their stock consists in partof the
Fringes ant Gimp*, of every variety; new style*
eAtoTGsJJob j*j Algerine and Imperial Braids; wide
and narrow dilk and Worsted Embroidering Braid*,
• feared and ent Velvet Ribbons; plain -no do; Corded
Maaua and plain Satin Ribbons, fpr trimming; - Mack,.
’ whim and colored Sil*Laees; caua wide do do,
“foanees; with a fuli assortment of Dress fiauons,
Dresaes Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Cbearixetw,
Breakfast and Retiring Caps andUatf Sleeves.Frerieh
Worked Collars and Caffs, in great variety, Lsce Vsils,
and Opera Tier; Moanung CbamueUcs, Col
. JartTceffa andTHalf Sleever; Linen Uwn Hdkb,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do,-plain Liaen do,
ttlLibread Laees and Edgiugs; Im. do do, Bobbin,
yj.ij. Eaeo Muslin and Cotton Edgings and Inserting*.
: Rieh new style Bonnet Ribbons, French FaeoFlow
era, BonaetTab*. Velvets, ftytn* and F-oruiees, buc
illations and TarUtons, Bonnet Frames and Tips.
Trimmings Qlorci
•B«K maaifaeiorc, with mew approred fsJteninjv
ud eboiccrt colors. An cxtcawve worucen' aJw») i
os band.'
A; mat variety of Silk, Wool, Colton, Menno an j
Caihaten:, tothvbe* and Muses; Tartan and
a fell uasortment other style; fancy and
Wool, Hiir Hot®. OLOVES .
' 1 IWI assortment for men, women
uiunur which are Dcthy RiW>ed, Fc.ow|le «nd P
SUk; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined lier
Merino, For-lined Bearer, heavy
£m Baekskin, Military and Lisle thread and Colton.
: Riteir *« Ladiea* *nd Chilercn’a HoodSj.Chlldreii a
Woolen Back*, Knit Heart* and Boa*; Children* GaH*
er*°aadLong Midi, WorriedCifliwKidjang Worses
tad Wocldn Yarn*,' California Comforts; nl*o, fine
imum Hearts for Ladle*.
- «-'■* • - LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. ;-i
tui Flower MalcriaU, Lamp Mats, Tidie*,* and Eifi
'brolderedWori. Ai*>— Ladies’&lk and Merino Ve»U
and Diai#eia;EmbioideTCdriaok* and Flannel*, French
- - WakedGopstnd Wauuforlu.anl^andbwan’a-MWB
T * mi “ CT ' GENTLEMEN'S WEAK, ' ' .
: Vine Shin*, Cravats and Collar*; Menno, Bilk and
Cotton Wrapper* and Drawer* Haipendeta, Shoulder
*i Braces and-Dressing Uownr, Bilk and Luien itecu,
Gloves and Hosiery. ■_
Trench pattern* carved and plaifpiheJl Back CoffiSa;
. , Ueffhio aod InL do;-£fcfiti£itte aiid-LongComLi*; im.
do;' Baffalo, Sarin and Rosewood Hair Bremen Snell,
Butfslo and Log. Mora Brewing and fin* lvery Combs;
with an awonment of Nnl uxfTccsh Brashes.
- t Wettoriir*:“fleld MMal" Fertomery.' *
. Needles, Pins, Tapes, Steel iUn and. Panes, ••
Bntxons.nsd ateeKJoods, Berlin wire Uaskete,'
/ . . Putsa Twist and Sewings Pine Rosewood Desks and
! \ Cost Bindings fc'Galloon*. Fancy Work Basket* ••
cioakOordaudTsssels, Portfolios, Papwnrc* and
jtiimt jfc shsdaTriaalngs. Ladles* Stationary,
puieit * Banner Tassels, French Cork Soles,
tjnhobterer’* Fringe*, Silk fc Ging'is Umbrellas,
i . . ,'Bntf Llasc, ats'd Widths,. Paper Msatinsfc Hollands,
f . I t>UCloths. Elastio Bands k. Webbing,
i ' FUrd Chinn Binding, Corset and *boe Laeeis.
jr,»ktt£l'>S! CAW-Wl'Kl-KeOl w »('-
I# CUaiodLte Cupel W*rehon»e, No. 7s Fbonh a
Artier iipply of tiarpeu, of ibc l*us« «td mottop.
Bmval -ttrb&i » welch wo lotub the attention of
bwo, *oi tho»« wiilurg » ftimUh.ltaMe*.
r «>iS mod 4siak«the lugett Miottmem tnlio ejfft
- gaffljgasr’aar 11
Homrnlßg lieae Bh»wlfc
•rrr' B.MtJKFUY«.»• tecHl aeupplyoflhe aborc
W'i article, of the b€,t . Wtc *
TfcibttLoiig sLawla; black tfotuUnrtnea,Mott«iV'g Al
iteSi.jSilan. Cloth, block Cobarya, Fanne ut,
SSSefeOlmt* «S« Lain? and French hfennoi, black
CraYatTaod Mourning Collar*, Mourning BonnetKib
boavneek do, and w fuU OMOitmaM 0/ Mourning
c^ s t,.^^^ LAOK EILKS]
£ifsS. , snsSii." ? ’ S“”2L?it
t WarthSutcornef of Fourth
lyiiflfttiii b«bm up stain. where a large assort'<
««nl of Hew Ooodi hasjatcly bead rccciTed. [oys»
We tare boen Infemcd byMr*.foseof heart set*
tanawl onher Dr* Jaywa’a Al«ot*uW» which
erorea lu- aapeiiorityow eTcrT ether reahdy of the
bad.- • Sbi feaa been afflicted tor the lastalxleea year*
with ulceration* and eaftliolon of ranmzJ^onej.dß
’ rinr which time ©any pice White been discharged iron
* tho irootal'bone ©1 the enutiem.fwabothlher armfc
- wnata end handa.aadfroa both.lcgr, and from the left
~ faaoraTbtma, and from the right-fcnee, betide* paJnftd
• ■lowa on matt partaof her pertcn,wh*h Mretieffled
- Sin ekiU of aaaaber of the soatetamest phnlciant of
rjl noil of the time her^afflfrlagebiYe
• he*nexoruatist*nd deplorable.. Abo b l three month a
irf try iAJtemiYe,
.. anaaloalthingirbappydiet t sponger,
'* ronemng all pain and swellings, and eiaaiM.lha
■Leera tn heal, while atthea&metlne hergeneralEeolUi
vjuTbocoiae eotnple teljr reiiortd, so that ahe now weigh*
—are t>«" ahe aid before ahe commenced the bm
F F« n »!lKit. FEBN TIA BTORE,.
•/yi rr, >•
U^^§^^» u HSi^" imVhRTZ "
,i. J>.,« ««ul Hor». Bedlcln.
IJ.IBB WflßtD.
.coA!T« onrrraawATO common
„‘ «*■*- > Fwjinit y. SnOfitw. fct/,
’.S'i, y^pf^ty«npe**eding all othdr Ointments-and
7 iT?mantjn*win use forUiecdreiPf toefollowing dis
etiest ’"' ', ‘.; . '•': ; '
fink, w«u>dvgnn»afi»ll .kinds, sprain*, bruise%
cricked beels,- nngbOne, windbone, windfalls, |>ol '-
tf»s7e*lliu, tpavist, tweeneyp b*tul*, sitfait, strain*
j«j£enes>,'Mnd-fiTvkrfOßaoer& feet, scratches or
grdsse mange.or Wr*e distemper. .’
: The Pqyroer rnffinmove amnflammatiem and fever
purify am blood,,1«o«n the akin, cleanse the water
and strengthen 'every part of tbe body: and baa proved
a aoreretga itoiwdy leg the following alieaae*;
: Distemper,- hide boend, lou. of appetite, lawaru
■ujain, yellow water, Inflammation of lie eye*, fatigue
to bard exercise j. alio, (commonly cal
led stiff wblen prove* no fatal to many val
ueblehoesesi* this country, Ic m«afe mn<l cer
tab remedy for eougha and colds which generate so
■many fatal diseases. W. H. SUDAN,
i ■ •Orand'pepot,WLakeat,Chicago,Ullnoi*.
Extract from the “Galena North Western Garetie, 1 ,
By the nse-of-filosuL’s, Ointment and Condition Pow
der, 1 bar* entirely cured a fistula on my horve and
otherwise improvsdyhi* condition more than WO pe
•eenton thoccit cftne meifeeine • 'And a cowwmen
«u *0 feeble a* to be considered worth lets by myself
and neighbonywas restored u> good health andstienjph
by the u*e oflesa than half's package of the powder,
and'ls now doing better than
*BmaUPox,MaylS,ie49. WM. VINCENT.
* I hereby certify that one of my children, when na
toed, foil into a large fixe of liveicoal*, and was homed
severely fhatf The best of medical «ud
and attention wa* given: to the child for foot cr-five
dayswilhosl any relief—each day’* suffering* inert**-
ed till hit noana'coaid be heard at a mat distance, M
which eiuicai period one of my neighbors recoulmen*,
dedtedprmmed a box of Ointment,
ind inlc*» than fifleoaminutes aller the application
of (he ointment to die aggravated tore* of ihe aattenog
Child, the pain ceased entirely, and bo speedily began
lo recovnr. My residence-1* in Helt township, Ve<-
Chicago, AugttKM,lS4a. . '
extraordinary CURE. 1 i
April 13, ISIS. Foftrmflda north of Chicago (on the
h>ad»Mtlwsokie,)o©bfc«oumy,lllinois. ,
Mr. Sloan— Dear Sir One jof my hor*e* had a large
bony tamor on his breast bone, Immediately ander the
collar, whieb lamed Urn and rendered bis servlet* ”1
-very little value. 1 fmhfally applied several boltle*
lofDr. Taylor's Nerve and Hone iJintmeut, wiihoot the
least'beneht- 1 then procured Wilder's Celebrated
Uoxse-Ointmept, and used that until I became fully
satisfied that it wo'ald nbvex relieve' tbe .animal. Fi
nally 1 obtained a box of your trply valuable Omv
msnuand in less thanoOdnfa!,fr<Qa.tne Erstapplica
*4»n ike tamor entirely disappeared,and tht horse wa*
If popular opinion JS anVAltierlon of the worth of an
aitiMe, we Invite the vncrMtUou to read at least a few
of the many voluntary ctnllieates that appear moat
Mhmwi respecting too great variety of remarkable
earas efleeted by live nse oi, “Sloan's Celebrated Oint
ment and Condition Powder*.”
Tfccse remedieos no longer remain among those o'
doubtful utility,they.have passed fromtheudeofex
perimeut, and now stand higher In reputation and an
fjwwwiinff more extensively used than all otbsr arti
cles of tbe Bndr-Mmh City Nows.
fox Birxx, Jane 13, IB4S.
Dear Sloan—Sin Plea*® eend by the bearer a new
-mpolT of Tow Hone Medicine*. They arethebesi
utieles oflhe'klad that! baT* OYer need, new hay
la, been diiappelnted'ln tbeir effect, as I have been In
the we of ether*, eren the most celebrated Ointment*.
Liniment*, Ac, of the day. I like Tery much this fea
tare in-then. rix: that they do ali that u promised, and
npoa a thorough trial one i* coatruned to aid,' tbs'
«h«ifAaa not been told. D
- The crdin*ry end liniments it ii. weu
known are severe and partial in their cperauofu-
Sloan’* Ointment ia mild yet thorough—il reaches and
removes the cause, hence-it gives real and permanent
'reflet For purity,- mildness, safety, -eenainty, and
Ihoroaghnns, But An's Otmment excels, and Is rapidly
1 nxpcrcodinf all other Ointments and Liniments now
IM WE cant<jet along without it.
Eros's Ckovz, IIL, Oct 24, IBIS.
Mr. Sloan—Bin I have tested, the virtue of your
Ointment in the core of rattlesnake bites, sore throat,
hams, and many other injuries, and in every case it
hiS'Sarpaaaed oar expectations. As n family Oint*
meat, 1 nave never eeen'lu eqoal, and for beasts ws
For a considerable length of
im e f was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com*
plaint, and applied freely.thejrurioui liniments, paint
killer*, Ae., yy«thoat obtaining any relief. After which
Sour sfietii af this place Influenced me to try yonx
intment, and within two weeks from the time 1 com
menced using it, ceased, and I waacffectnaily
enred, and ahail recommend all who are similarly af
flicted with the distressing complaint, to procure your
excellent ointment without delay. ,
> RcVr yours. OSCAR F. MOTT.
PrinceviUe, Poena May 1,IS4S.
irr From the Hon. 11. V. 8- Brooks, Agent of the
Illinois and Michigan Canal Packet Boat Company.
Cmcsoo, Juno 24, lot®
Dr. W.E Sloan—Dear Sin For the last 30 years 1
have had occasion to use many horses, and have used ,
the great variety of liniments and ointments in use,
but have never found any thing equal to /our oint
ment for injariea on harsea. Within the last two
months I have anpliedyourolnimentto some SO horse*,
for various Injanes, and In every instance it hts'pro
ved a sovereign remedy. j_
Two mile* south of CUfeago, Sept. U, ISM 3.
J Dr.Biota—Sm Ondha-fithinstanthit sonhadufin
ferbioerenfirtlT offby«b*r». Weimmediatelrep
pUedyocr celebrated ointment, .which relieved him«. I
ptin ui a Tew minutes, and prevented the finger from
•wellinrtho least panicle, and i« henlinj
tepidly. Resp*y yottrs, S. BROCKWAh.
Vr fflotn— p— * ai»»»WT-*gCT-ox tMUBtog-of*
rnnmor nicer*.
Newly every doctor la Galena tried to cure them; but
tried in vain, oatil from sympathy and improper treav
menfrmy other leg became as bad as the one original
ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well again—
batia order that I might negleet no means within my
reaeh, I purchased of your agent in Galena some irf
your ointment, and you t'anjuoge of my surprise an l
gratimdo'better than 1 can express it, to .find mysrlt
entirely wdllbefbre Ifcad finished using the second bf x
These facts I make known that others afflicted may
believe and not delay using so valuable an ointment
as yoort has proved to be. Resp’y yoor grateful fr'd,
Galena, 111., Dee. 19, IMS. EVAN DA Via.
Before the following- order, Messrs, Vaughn A Co
. Uq. nrpjl
S K» Hibbard—Dear Sin I ara out of Sloan’s Cqadi*
tion Powder aod Ilorsa Ointment. The salo tar ex
ceeds my expectation. If you can manage to send me
4 down Ointment, 1 will pay for them the first ldu
that yoa are bare, end presume I ahull be able to veil
a lane* Quantity in the course of theyear. It wm be
an object to you, as well as to myself, to keep me con
stantly acpplW Veryre^Yyou^^^^
St. Eon*, Fefc. 22,1319.
Dr. Sloan—Sir two year* ago, while ratting
on the-Mississippi river, In passing over tho rapids I
wa* planted into the water, and by the raft daihing
aruinn • rock, crashing my left leg and otherwise «•
rioasly ininnng me, so much that I lon all sensibility.
When eoasefeosness returned I found myself ui fcb
Louis, tnrradndedby my weepingfamily. Ooodnnr*-
inf and medical aid. enabled mo ia’Sboat two moßllii
tokobble aroond with the ossisunee of a eroich. The
wound* only partially hewed, leaving Urge miming
sore* at the knee, which-Tot many months discharged
~b]ood and manor of the most offensive character. My
pains were inexpressible. at time* my suffering was
soYTtat lhardeath would have received a hearty wel
come.* Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (oneor my neighbors)
adrisdd me to try yoar Ointment. I obtained a Ik>*
applied it according to direction—the sores soon began
to asinine a beahhy appearance, mad in three months
l was entirety eared, and enabled to do hard labor.
Y«ro^«, t »r..J IM w THOMAS
We tho undersigned, neighbors of H. W. Thomas,
were acquainted with the case above stated, ami know*
ing the eitennutanees, men conarm smd
ThAfflu* statement. REV. J* DOUGbASS,
Thomas siatemem. JAMEB WILSON,
CHtcaeo, Jan. dth, IM9.
' W D One of my horses was hoof bound
and-also wounded in the tulle, lo wbleh he took cold,
and became so crippled that he could scaraelytiavcl.
By the free application of your valuable ointment, hi*
hoofswere soon softeneff and the stifle permanently
cured 1 have alsonsed tho Ointment In the ewe ol
Toll-Evil and on severe gall* with equal success.
. testimony from little FORT.
Slaan’* Ointment and Condition Powdur
knowledged brail Who bavo ased them to be the »eft
JSSrtirtenM and Cattle that has been discovered.
Tmh wotthd*, gall* spavins, brjMCTt n/igbono, poll
evil irvf t" abort every outward disorder-or injury can
be eared by thi* wonderful remedy. The Powder !•
fefifelfrr inward ouaiw, distonpav, hidebound,
frtfgue from hard exorelee, diseased.eyes, Ac.—Late
■County Chronicle.
THOD ° U I_ h
Wicumi} Coot Co. Feb. IJ, ISO
' Mr. Sloan—Sir. I have a fine vouna horse that wo|
takenwiththe scratches last fall. J. P"|J o»t aboot
three dollars Cor medicine to care him, buthegrew
worm. I. then bought a bo* of your enntwent aivpju
ofico when in Chicago tut, rather ■doubtmgly, but I
thooghiiwould try iU; Judge of my. surprise ondmy
opinion of it* beneficial qualities, when I found my
hone's leg* smooth and'well iafoor day* from the time
I commenced applying il. Your obedient,
■ . * • E. F. COLBY.
More than fifteen year* of unrivalled success in the
cure of every variety, of external disease* and injuries
such a* sprains; braises, cuts, barns, cutaneous erup
tions, sora Ups, botq, breasts, chapped hands, chill*
bltins, biles, nicer*, corns, pain* in the back, sides, oi
other pan* of the system, rattlesnake bites, Ac., bean
ample testimony that Sloan's Ointment is yast the thing
for the hour; Certificate* without number have been
received by the Proprietor from disinterested individu
als, giving details of remarkable cures by its use.
A WISCONSIN witness.
• Granville', Mil waAie Co. ‘WU..OCU.T3-ISJ9
Mr Sloan—Dear Bin Recently my hors ft* nn away
with a log chain attached, whleh cut and otherwise
iajttfM tftem sertewly.* so ranch *o that I considered
my teas! nosed for b wines*. Ponunately n friei id re
commchdedthehsoofyour Ointment. 1 vgenttc-Mil-
Wnakwand ompliased .a box. It soon removed the
ififlaOtmaiion, and in a few day* the wound* ht sled
The groat benefit deritod from the use of your-Oral
meat, ob my horse*, induced me to acquaint you will.
thefact, b<UoTin|iu pobUelty would benefit yon and
pA. ; Sa, OECOMSTO( x
'AhA hts’lSeeomo a common iiytngjUltar'
Ointment and Condition. Powder are- rapidly lope rss
ding all other remedle* for til diseases of hones and
omtUß. The bounty of tho medicine* consists in U ieb
I parity and aa&ty, to trie they may ho wed ever - sc
; freely without any danger of taking cold, ov any oti :et
bjf the Prcaldomt of the. VuiUd Itatsii
1a n of law, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR, Pres
ident of the United States of America, do hereby
dealare add make known, that Publie Sales will be
held at the undermentioned Laud Offices, in Ibd State
of lOWA, atlte periods hereinafter designated, to wit:
* At .the Lapd Office at DUBUQUE commencing on
Mchday, the seventh day of January next,'for the dis
posal of the Publie Lands situated within the ander
mentioned.townships, to wit; ‘ . -
North of the hose lint, and wet of thefifth principal
Township ninety-eight, of range three:
Townships ninety-six, ninety-seven, and nioe%
■ty-e'ght, of range four. •
Townships ninety-five, ninety-six, Rinetv-sevs
ed, nicety-eight, and ninety-nine, of range five.
Townships ninety-three, binetydotir, ninety
five, ninety-six, nioety-eeven, ninety-eight, and
ninety-nine, ol range. *ix. .
' At the SAME PLACE, commencing on Mon
day, the twenty-first day of January next, for the
disposal of the Public Lands within the undermen
tioned townships, vie ■
North of the hast line, andwstofthe fifth principal
Townships ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six,
ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, of
range'seven. ' .
Townships ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety
«x, ninety-seven, and ninety-eight, of range
Township ninety-five, township ninciy»six,Jex
eepl the southwest quarter of section twenty-sev
en, the southeast quarter r’f section twenty-eight,
and Actions thirty-three and thirty-four, including
the Indian agency,} and' townships - ninety-seven
qjid ninety eight, of range nine.
■ Townships ninctv-two and ninety-four, of rang©
* Township ninety-one, 'ofrange thirteen. •
: Townships ninety-one and ninety-two, of range
fpurtceo. .
; At tne Land Office at FAIRFIELD, eommenc
fngon Monday,thfi fourteenth day of January next,
for the disposal of the Public Landseituated with
in the undermentioned townships, to wit:
North of the hast line,and vest of the fifth principal
Townships sixty-reven, sixty»eigbt, and sixty
nine, of rarge tixieen. . * *. ,
Townships sixty-seven, sixty-eight, afid aixty*
nine, of range seventeen.
Townships sixty-eight and of raiy.o
Townships aixty-cisi‘l nod sixiy-tiitie, of
nineteen. •' . '
Townships sixty-eight and 'sixty nine, of range
.Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, ot range
twenty-one. x
Townships sixty-eight andsixty-nme, ol range
Township seventy-one, ofrange tweniy?six.
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of rahgo
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of rsngo
At the J-and Office at lOWA CITY, oommeno
ing on Monday, twenty-first day of January next,
for the disposal oflhe Public Lands within the fol
lowing townships, viz:
North of the base line, and tent of the fifth principal
TownsSlp seventy-six, of.range twealy-teven.
Townships seventy-6.x, seventy-seven, and sev
enty-eight,'of range twenty-eight - .
Townships seventy-seven and
ranee twenty-nine. ,
Lauds appropriated by law for the use of school*,
military, or other purposes, will bo eroluded from.
The offering of the above mentioned lands will
be commenced on the day appointed, and P ro ®*s“
to the'order In which they are advertised, with
all convenient despatch, until the yrholo shall by 7 *
been offered, and the sales thus clo*eq;-but„.Tio
sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks,
and oo private entry of any of the lands will be
admitted until after tbo expiration tof the two
Given under my band, at the City of Washington,
this fifteenth day of September, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred aod forty-nine.
By the President: Z. TAYLOR-
J. BurmitxLD, ..
Commissioner of the General Lind Offlee.
Every peruon entitled to the right of pre-emp
tion to any olthe lands within the townships above
enumerated, ta required to establish the aame to
the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of .the
proper Lind Office, and make payment therefor as
soon as practicable alter seeing this notice, and be
fore tbo day appointed for the commencement of
the public sale oflhe lands embracing the tract
claimed, otherwise such claim will he torfeited.
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Of tta* Public Land Sols* at Da Baqae,
t: lowa. j,
NOTICE i- hereby given, that the Poblie g*ie«of
Land- ordrtrd by proclamation of ibeFreiidentot me
United Suids, dated the fifteenth day
1319, is Oe held at the LAND OFFICE AT DU BLQUE
|OtVA. oa the 7th and tint day» of January, low, are
declare! to be posiponed until farther notice. ur.fler ir.y bald, at the City of Washington,
tbia llih day of Dec- anno Donum one
hundred and forty-nine, i TA i LOU.
Ry the President:
J.fcUTTKRFIELD, . ' ', _ , ‘
Commissioner of the General Office
drtTUawtS. , . , . .
ALEXANDER a DAY, comer of the Diamond and
Alarkyt street, noufy their friends and the pubhe
that they baTc received their tfoek of. Fail and \ym
J tcr GOODS, direct from the importer*, manufacturer*
and auction* m the rast. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Good* is targe, and prereni* MtongaHrsc
lions to purchasers. In Lsdies Dress
Shawl*, the mod splendid and fasturnaoie Goods ot
the «ca*on are now offered,*?JCSSJteW"'. 1 : ”J _
--oaortJ PW»s«UOi».* •«*,*»'
Kow«vte BiiwlraXx’d'Cameßoa Silks, •. ,
Cord and Riaek Satin Da Chene* had Tors Sauns;
Col r d Cornelian Groderhinev of the :be«t .
Biaek glossy Groderieas ot the ieJebruted Kagie
Black Silks ariwarranted not to
cut in tho wear, for dresses and mantillas they are the.
Camelian Satin Dn Cheat, the hand.otncM
Silk* of the «ea*on.
New style Croch* Silk figured French MeriTV>«. a
new and .tilendid article for ladies' walking dresre*.
Silk Embroidered French DeLaiflCS, fordredse* anu
sock*, nn entirely new article. . J '•
Cashmeres, 1>- Lsine*, Meriaos, Alp areas and Far
metios, a large assortment ,
Broclia Long and Square bhawls. of the beet quail-
UC |*lnid Ixin? Shawl*, of ibc nettctl de*ign», remark-
Trckeri Shawl*, at greatly reJecci price*.
tftffiefion Brock* figM .•‘ilk Shawls, m ?reat vaw y
' CnitM* Shawla, while and colored, \u creat J, I **,";!**
c» e ,» <!o.dan real French Twilled Cloibft, *ll prices
Lett Sedan real French Ca»»iiper**; fiiew *tyie Amcr
““ •tt&SiSßSß&nam
French and Belgian Black and Olive Oloihs, for La
dies’ Cloak*,
A splendid iMortmeut of American and imported
B; *" l ‘MS™/Sd SFaple goods: ■
a iatffe and complete amortment now uu hand.—
Many o? oar present *u>ek of Staple Good, were
boocQl frofn the manufacturer* previous to lbe P« P *"J
advance in price*- A principal part of our suiekdf
French and good* have been purchnicd auhe
great Auction Sale* in I'hiladr.lphid and New Wk,
which enables as to offer decided bargain* tn alroo.i
everT de.crirUon of good* in oar lute of business.
Coat try Merchant., Merchant .Tailor*, and all
wholesale and retail buyer*, ere invited to an early
examination or oor .*oclc and price*.
• ALEXANDER ALA V%75 Market si,
north west cornerjof tlm Diamnnd.
ioiu* oar~uii V uuuuri'
W- IL MURPHY, at north eiwl corner of foun.t
. and Market its, it now receiving lit* second
supply for the season, and can.offer mducemen.s to
hover, rarclv to be mot with. His auortincnl 01
buyer. »' cl f“ n|ES , miEg3 (jog!*
Is ven- full, consisting of French MeriuoACasbmew,
Is larrc and embraces many of the beaimfeUtylea
r«w nn e ri.ihition at Franklin Institute, Fhilnd’a.
Of ncrTn 11/ very handsome style*, Velvet Trim*
Of various 1 r.yle* and qualities, and embroidered
MaX™“lNeedle Worked Collars ond CtttTs,
Bbnit San. .* and Velvet Flowery Capasmd Feather.
at .he now** a Ktvle., and ct lower price* than uinnl,
■t lowest prw t». And m femlcerf. ilepeiune.i
UUrtDM.tai». Wiate, v-r.n,s F..1C1«.
Undersiiirts and .Drawer*. :*.* ‘-ravuts, Fockeiiiand*
.re lntftte. 1 ° "Ae Wb.le.jl.
Room*, up «ts;rs. •_ _ .
. —v"|iKV NVsiSOEItKDL Diuhl-fl r.lkbHß
A VBBMireGH Mertc . * , M „.
R E. Seller* 1 Dent Air I .nqbl oee bollle i.t tou
Vere3.Se .1 me line iSl, ,u,re..lUue piece
■ ST, hS. perta-med wee, we ennmler bere .iM
1 one nc of ray bov* eight year, old: ho had
’ «? n. V n ritUtTore to Uf * homo of ¥ou» Vcnmiuge—
-1 -2nd t a u nappy to Inlonn yoo -»f It having the dc.ired
I tehcvfng rny son. Ho po.-rd, in the .hurt
I e £"‘°y.?ho£«, till worn*.. toir.o of them incur*
r ?nr < n» < rwu'r hoa U and U id-u*. long- 1 feel bound in
!!«[“" »C
*• «*—%«***,» _
rr7*P rtnarcd •'Y !»•
~JK i *S toU ty
duel. ■ ■ ■
—m-,v, mkaui-?kulkus‘ couuii sv-
R l &l£!vSaV K. to** *«., Ckik of the
O, Kl <l rro . of u „, vcr count?:
Court str , *.*«. umo in iha winter my
Wr-F. a*«v*reand dutte*«ngcough,
W 1 iuvulud.'n, Cough Strop, 1 pur-
MdhCßriOß Of , f Trunblfl( 0 f ifridgewmtcr,
chwed -i bottle I Crc u ~ wo or three evening*
mil aft-ir takia* P fa f oaiu j immediate relief; m olbo
on bed, «fi«‘ en tfXwy9i ia , eva „ C iue»..-1
«»<»«„ sri.LEr.?. 57- Wood itrept, uid
—rfv * nd Dnib f«
J?' Clotlu, )«« reo ’ d I SuK?UyIwILBON iCO,
<8 Wood »t
. dkIT-UNS—W-'K- Maipfty liM nfhi*h colored Most, do Lain*,
J"” ~SU &-««>• '«* p rf « « f ac
ioS" U'»". JtrowD,.te-, at'ial 10 lei
,Vrd°«i<l > «n°ruwp) of immylei
f S«M. do Lain*, nrvnmjui’ prices, together
fibred Mom- fV rtmeß *, 0 f ifreM Good* generally,
Mexino., **»».,
or*Fo«rth sad Market *u.
Wholesale Boca* ! “ rria
Paiitacir auu Rsnlttasea oseo*
HANRDEN tCO. conn cue to .bring persons
jKSyfrom any port of England, Ir-land. ScoUand or
Si£S\Valea, upon the ruast liberut ienss,with theis
usual punetaaiity : and uuentioa to the wants and com
fort of vnmigTunts Wedonotallowourpasseogersto
he robbed by the swio'diing scamps that infest the tjea
norta, as we take ehargo of them the moment they re
port thcmselvea, and see to their well being, and ae
apateh them without any detentiunby
we *ay this fear!e»»ly, as we defy one of oufc pmisen-
Gr» in show that they were detained 43 hT
verpoek, whilst' thousands of others » ‘ire detained
months, cntil they could be sent fa some *A a
ebSp rate, which too freqaently provetl dreir co ® D, r -
We intend to perform our conuaetr aonerabiy, coet
what *it may. and not act as was the case last **on,
with ether officers,—-who either performed not all, or
when it suited their conveniencA ’
Drafts drawn' at Pitiiburgb for any sum from £1 to
XIOOU. payable.'aiway oftho ptori.tcial Banksinlre
land, Eiigland,BcoUund and Wales. ..
' European auiGennsl Agent,
fabt ' - • Fifth atraat. eaa door below wood.
Warran tad OliTilkadFAUingir Un«»
Canal Packet—-SWALLOW.' ,
“ - —OCEWI. ' ,
SNE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day
(Sundays excepted > and arrive next morning at
rrtn, when they connect with the Mail :Stng« for,
■on and Cleveland, arriving at each'of these place*
before night. One of the paekotsJeave Warren daily
£l 6 P. Si* and orrirea at Beavqr in time \o take the
lorning boat for Pittsburgh.
,M I) TAVLOi^ orlw cftUGUEY. AjeM,
comer vVater and SmiUiileld
CExwrost>'&. CHJJtsxxU3,Clevehmd,O i propr l *.
I R.U.Pants,- : Beaver,Pa. J
T 11IIS Linc.wul be prepared on the opening or navt*
gallon, to traniport freight and Passetgera from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
thtfCanalaml’liaka*.’--- -•••-*.••-«, - ‘"t.
The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed in number,
quality and capacity of Boats, expenenee ot captains,
*' Ona"BtftUeavea Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, mn
"TaeTfSk ANDM?€raGAN, ,
BetweenTitubnrgh and Beaver, and a line, of nrstelas*
Bteamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Aourre-BG Parks, Beaver, Pf
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Taylor, Warren, “
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
Wheeler A Co, Akron, , , _
Crawford A Chamberlin, C . and,o
Scan X Griffith, Buffalo, N.
Office, cor Water and Smi infield its, Pittsburgh,
Steamer MICHIGAN No. S-Capt. GUton.
“ LAKE ERIE, u Goidoit.
milE Kbeve regular and veil known Bearer Pock
eu, hare commenced making their daily trips to
and from Bearer, and will continue to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly daring the iea*on, ai
No.9leaves Pittsburgh daily atllo’clock,
A. M-, and Bearer at 1 p-elock, P. M. Lake Ene
learea Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A. XL, and Pittsburgh
•f.P.'U; , . '
. tteuners trill run In canncouotiwim
R G r&rfcV Express faciei Line, for Ena,
Taylor & LeffiingweU*s Warren Packet*;
Union Line of Freight Boats for CteeeUnd;
Clarke Js Co’s Pittsburgh and CleTclaniLli* Fretf w
f°EG Park* dally Now Cattle Packet*.
• CLARKE, PARKS A Co* Bearer, Agent*.
JOHN A. CAtHiHEY, Agent. Pitubojgk,
mcb3l cor Water and graithfiela
1849. gfcaea
npHE Proprietor* ofthi* old c»tabli»bed and Punier
I "£w Une.eomlsting of SIXTEEN.fir*t tie** Canal
Boau,twnt3by tbemaelrea and JSIWb
uonrrita the *ieam boat* BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE,, ore enabled to offer nneqnailed facilities for
tlie traitsporiation of freight and paa-engers,
opening ofCanal navigation, to all point* ontho Penn-
Ohio and*N. York canal* and the Lake*,
co, Cleveland.
- Areni^Dearcr.
J. C. DID WELL, Agent.
_-w Water street, Pimbaigh.
r-c-nmu, ’ *' w ££S nU '
Forwarding merchant!,
Aemu for tA» Pittthn rgh andOntbnd Uns, Pats
, burgh ahdEru lAne via Ene, and far steam
boats Heaver and Caleb Cope.
Having purchased the large and .übstanual Wharf
Boat jott built for the WonOngahcla Paek e u, baTO
with the ttrtdJßomof a Warel.oaie, the
commodation* 7or receiving «d forwarding, mo
pledge their utmost attention, pn?mptne»*
focon.lgument. to their rare, and rely
for a triaL mart-dly [L^BKt^
Jitst «KGF3VBD.'a mw a»*onroeiu ©' riAnuss
f®T„ iM m. n if«torie. o( Curcuma, Bowa,
and B.coa A Newport. STOOL?
ALSO —A few«ie*w>t!y cirred HANO
j..'. pi*noiT ~
ONE aeeond band Piano, fl oetave., pnee *~O.
11 -Z ai “ <«•
, l ~ .. « s ** -.u
' ~ie f or caPl h at the above priori, by
Fatale lorcaw JOJ , N H MFXLOK.M
viiii'iN'PLAVHSS—Srona’i'tiai.vD Vious
!•£alteredand connected fnwi ih. Jwt Ena
k,.i,ooi 0 { Violin playmfr, by h» papilJU. C. HUI. Jf
.. v .r'ummtaar* reqmred to recommend tht» wot*,
K B,' \ f ob.erved 0.2 t Ppohi himtelf adhere* itnctly
r n ih/.r.trm laid >'vnn tn the above work, and tbal
•’ i N EMINENT and experienced Physician from ti« ,
J\. East, of2o year* Handing, offer* to ucal aJicaac*
of » Delicate Kata re with promptness and i
JC* success in Ruffalo and other large e,tl , JJ 1 i
been proverbial. His charge* are modrrsie.mi.thii
cure, permanent Old case. ofCleel, Stncwre, Sew*
fola, i’ttior Albus, Rheumatism, Agnc, Syph»li», or any
chronic ortnveterate eases solicited.
A cure warranted, or charge refunded.
Orrtcxa, J*u Clair street, 2 ooor. from the Bridge.
Tenh Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
IJ—Dr. A. solicit, .the wont case* of any dtsetM
m Pittsburgh to call. _ aMlidly
PETBOlsEUfilt 08. BOCK OH..
“There are more thing. in he.ven ar.d earth
Than,are dreamm of in philosophy."
ItHE VIRTUES of this remarkable repte-Jy, ann
the eonrtam application tor it, to the proprietor,
ha. induced him u» have it pat ap in bottle* with la
bels and directions for th» benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM i* procured from a well m tow
pounry, at a depth of foot hundred feet u a pur*una
dulterated atlicle, without any chemical chu'igo. but
ju.i a. flow, from Nature’. Great LabratoryU Jnuiti
ciniaiii. properties reaching a number of diseases, la
tm longer® mutter of uncertainty. There are ““by
tlunc* in the arcana of nature, which, il known, might
he o! vast usefulness rn alleviating tullering, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor jo many a sul
trrer Long before the proprietor though! of putting
it up in bottles, it had a reputation for the cure of on
ease. The constant and daily increasing calls tor it
and several remarkablr cures it has performed. Is u
mre indication ol its fumre popularity uud wide
spread application in the viire of disease.
* We do rot wish lo make a long parade of certiu
r,,-. R s wc are conseinps ihut the medicine canaoon
work it. wry into the lavnr of thn'C who suflnr end
wiili to he heated. Whilst we do not claim jot it a
universal application lu everv we
uiißly say. that in a numbur of Chronic Diseases It I*
.nrivallid Among these may be eauocn»ied-a b
ill wave, cftlie mucous ussoe*, auch as CHMJpm- i
HKONCIIITm. i’ONSUMPt'iON liniu early nace,)
Vilhnmi and all of the air passages, LI V r.K
COMPLAIN T. DV9PF.PSIA. Ihafbßa, Diaeaae* ol
the lliaddrr -u.d Kidnnva. Pains in die Hack or Side.
NcrvoosDi.eases, Neuralgia, Palsy, liheomatic rains,
Goal, Erysipelas, T« tier. Ringworms. Uunu, bcald*,, *>'d Hor-s, Ac., Ac. In cases of debility re
suiting from exposure, or long and protracted case* of
dueare, this medicine will bnng relief. It will
a general TONIC spd ALTERATIVE in such cases,
imparting tone nrirt energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opening the sluggish functions, which
cause disease and a br-kg* constitution, and giving
increased and renrwe'd-euergy u> all the organs oi
Life! The prnpnotor knows of several cufe ‘ "!
i’ll.KS-thnt re.i.ted every ollpitkroiitiacnl, grt wen
under tie u-c o' ti>« I’ETKOLEUALIor a short time,
lli.r urooi rm lie 10 anv pjMOir who dc«rCJ IU
None genuine witnoui the signatureof the proprietor,
fctold by the propnetor, , ,
S. Mf KIKR, Ua«ul Basin. near Seventh st.
Also by R. K.'SELLERS-57 Wood st;
corner V.'uui .l and Virgin alley; who ure hi*
rovj-dly regularly appointed Agents
No. S 7, corner Muriel and Fifth—or 40 Mallei,
twern Third and Fourth *u.
TUP. fubacriUrr kec|>s con*taiitlyoil band, whole'
vale and rcwil. the lollowiiitf article*, vu:
Wa*b Tin,-, jjU|J Cborni,
Meat Tutu. UritrlChun,*,
Hath Tub*, Hdlf Busholr,
WoodcuUowl*, pJclta and Half Peck*,
Wuh Dornid*, Bnu* Bound liockcu,
Clothes Pica, Towel Holler*,
Wooden Lniitrs, Dread Holler*,
Clothe* Basket*, Market Ba*ket». Ac., Ar
novU No M Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
J, Huiprati A Bona' Patent Soda Aah.
ODR CASKS tilmt and Boa» maker*’ BodaA*h,
OmJ impaned direct from the' above celebrated
: manufacturer*,i?J percent Americantest, arriving and
for *nte by ‘ nnvu \V A M MITCIIKLTRr.fc.
nt pipe* Dupuy.Aci
Holland Oin;
. Seiks N LKumj , .
400 bbl* Whiskey; for *ate by Tin „
norfl Will MirCHFXTREK
BLEA CIU N O casEifTa* Muspratt 4
gona* brand, a reperior ankle, for me by
Wp. CASKS Muiprait’* ’Soda -Ash, and it) ca>ki
/ 0 Bleaching Powder, arrived per ahlp Oxcnb ridge
“ d "" “ bT "^'tHMraWTREC
N.B.—Theywiilreceive,during tho.winterjUrgt
supplies via New OrieaA*. MT5#
Akd.nne»rt 5, Ohio, fj»7 fi, l&ia.
R. 1' iMlen* Lthink it right rorthobeftefitof ©there
to »u:r nmt fads Lfl relation to year excellent Fimi-
Vemifttge lergety In my ownfeet-'
i!y,ot:i?Viai frequently answering for expelliufl m
<roanuii«s (t*y Ito »00) worm* from two childua 1
have -iL«ob»ed yodr'Ltver Pills and UsfbSyrtpm
mj f*jui:y, cniut*rkrre in every imance produced
the cfloetdesirad. . • . . ...
- As l am sngaged Ifl merchandising, I am able to
state fiat l Save, yet to bear cf the first failure where
Tour medicates have been used in my section of the
ectmtrv. ‘ l>> etmeltaion, 1 may «ate that they are the |
mtdidnes«f Iho day, and are destined ;o hare a Tery
y ma : m VOtVamm.. ' 1
Frenared and sold by R. 11 l-.KS,NoS7 Wood
street! slid sold by Druggu * - cneia'ly m the two ei
tiefud vicinity. ■ _ • “T 3 ! .
? AkAt’CU RE-0 F UVBB^aIPnAtNt 1 , by he
(r. or.onal,on! y une, and gennlne User Pill.
'“*• J ~ Snox* Caxrx, Ohio county, Va. 1
March 28th r 1849. \
Mr K_ K. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a dnty I owe
fa von* and u» the public gvnora ly, U> state that I hare
been aidieted with the Liver Complaint for a long
uie x a-»lro badly that an abeess formed and broke,
»hf(ib led me in a very low stare.- Havihg heard of
Toot Liver Pdjs being for We by A E
hharo in West liberty, and reecomendtfd to me by
ttrpVyceian.Dr. E. Smith, 1 eoncluaedjto give them
■ lnurehased one box, and round them to
oK*™ TljK BEST Ll
wr viLtt EVER USED; and after takidgfonr boxes
l find the. disease has entirely left me, fcnd I am now
{.*«£«»■ <i OLEMAN .
West Liberty, March ‘
re«-.i:y that l era personally acquainted with Mr
Oolem • .and can bear testimony to thetrnfcof the
‘airrve ■ riifieate. 1 Vi L
.tiuine Liver Pins are prepared and sold by
it b i l.LtpS, No $7 Wood street, and by druggists
if X?« -I*" “O « f '“S
.SSiS'ii u«. Eintorc M. Ito.ctoto ™pp„—U
«“»" ; «c comiicrfciu.
ntEJAYftU'tl ciIUUHAWyidBAMAffI'
Tsnmiihettev a-‘A SIUNN, a wellknowu and pop
fiSfrXan ot ibiVrotfcstentMethWmCburch
rje tirderwgned having beenaffiicteddurmgihcpul
. *v»with" disease o. the «tonaeh,jom*tfme« pro
-1 ,r *r f-restp*'it in the ttoraachfor lenortwetvehiibri
jwr.Mgre ip , r bavmc tried various
SSTto ri?;S T tKSES SE3
sensation was indications ol the approach of
SS2^ U Sie?TS,«ad**P ,Uft ‘hereby prevent
j «««!
and sometimes n. .ne mor , *’,v. au n C ter was relic?
health wasso larr aewreil. *J»i »««« w £om e ] ,
edfrom* large amount«d n P^re denUy P fe<omßW .y u
pawnee,therefore. *e c l f rncdicm
■ For B»!e in I’Uubargto*. ‘labJoras
sura ?®2S*p^sjsrfS3fi».,
iiitution, Sore Throat,
' iv.ani all Disease* of th* Threat,
1 ureustiuid Lung*; i *
fsctual and *«/*
*Ter known 1 lor any of
the abflpr& diseas
mdßyr»pA°* WHdOhewyl .
OompoMd *fSJL 'amena inoae ef doublftil
Tto »5,«y lro«i ilic Ihiwuiuta
United BtMe ? eontain soma remarkable cvi-
Importance b *i!',"* l j ecU . For proof of the foregoing .
dene* of and efficacy of thismedt- 1
staietsents, and of tn n % of many tho»
eme. theproptict ™ been presented to him by !
m*° „!! responsibility'and justiee, than to eer-
Ttevrs of mora. respo w m j o aru jOier a favor, and
themselve* no cXceUeaM u ett^Uthed
elßMVcly, faat U» anqucuonable anihori
by its intrinsic me^nts, i n *ULTiianeoßs relief it nf
? ol P«“!E.Hta, TnnoSoiH-rf toouslito
remedy for the . :
■m.. sSr?
voluntarily hear tes‘mto^ o bcingeoßirmiy .u lh«r
particular fact, suchtf 1 coerces conviction bf
Worldly Interests u, a »p«clal manner to
iu inith, Mo»l Maxims. \
BllAl, l orPcwoimi Ooiwn*rn«w>-
Stiu. Asorao Cbtlx ' becn u successfal
Tliere never was aremooyur M dj, gwaynfa
w *«pew» .«-»*\Vild C&rfy,- It strengthen, the
Com’ioond Sy WOt 'Vti lhe ulcers oa the Junks,
!»«r po»e.«d b,V
other rdicine*
fSrorm-Co., April SSth, 1549.
iv.»f SirTverlSy Uhevc your Cotn-
Uf. S* ’ l>ecll m o an» ol
pound 6/rupof cold, which gradu-
my "'=• **“*,£* with n aeverc cou S b, tha
ally grew won*, -Xicfa’l hail reeourae to, Hid
rci«e4 »Jltho f^«‘^ e Kte d All »ha of
Increasing “iSica fctery thing 1 tiled »eemed
Pulmonary *o rapid
u, have no fare. Bp all hopea of
Ijr that (nenda a» well aa J recommended to try
my recovery. , AL r did so with the moet hap
y<rw invalanb^®ej^;{Sdiheofeclto loortmlhe
Jyrcaulta.. anjl by fate
cough, causing entirely well,andwa
dmp I had oi=d «tx botue^t ewr i u oy life, And
now a* hearty »
would he happy »£*« »* derive the bentSt for
i ca*e. that other For the truth of lh« *j}o T ®
1 which lam peter Bn»h, Grocer, Wait
tZgSStSZ; ~*SS%SS£i2J& I
| i/hwaUf,»“•»»» £,SJ'Jnt» re»*«““ •>“ 1
I nip of " e s7Xiis cold and inflammation of the !
: violently «J* k Slr£ C o2pSed With a diitiwaing ,
i Longa, which was *««£ b( . B d, a very consider*-:
coopt i pain in inueu* from the long*, Jape*
ble discharge of however *l%hU At!
elallT upon chanfie o' eon ditiqo, but wa» pretty
first l foltso »1«® *??J, r i p wiy going Into conaftmp- j
■oon conTinccdtbatl t ftt length wasic^rc*.
don. 1 or sneak above a whisper, noth |
ly able to walk abootnor # lun „. During this 1
was the « ! * CM: 4 ,, 'f r^o?lM ’arauoiu and presenphons,
doe I had wed-aw.rowing all the time , wor «T J “ it
but found no relief- g» -funded by 'a dear frieiid In
here 1 wa.adr.-ed and ay J„p 0 f Wild Chef-
Wihnmgmn to • c * k *u i r, nr rviou*l/1 had been preju
rr. I ««*» ahd t aa-atfU «| ainat
diced against oCemperlcs, bnlt&der
those conucg out ol “® : “ profession .and practice ol
itandinßyour ei^m* faith in the wymg bf iny.
medicine, and h-.v.i » j 1 , j Dr. BUaw. one of your.,
fttao., i fo«k«* '! '“l'nSimUcrtia ulorau afe
agent*, ah» l * k T'’ ‘rfthr•£» month*’ Handing, cqito
eicr wo* at lh*» « i »e «{^ af . d4 J found, bowwerV
ecquendy n *»• , d f. JX the use of the firstWdr five ,
eonsidertble reuef «oot “ic k ! frequently at
bottle*. I»itt rni hicicasms strength, and ,
tempted to pre.M* w«ui had already began;
““”'7 “mbU»«. =>y <=“” w "
to heal; In tots ’ *£S, thus imprudent’,
retarded. !"*“£**“fifteen bottles before 1 wupm\;
t had to a»e twU*e or n * mnc h small 1
feetly restored * made me sound, bo
Bomoer oMmitl*. Tlie Syrup allayed the for v.
lh« waSthc distreswng cough, putast
ishhubthto®* “ f y “ wr from the lungs, amj ea»
to lhedi«harpo oltnati« beillk
them and the < £ ,l, ° , Geale until now, for the rtirpos
red otTenng thi» c Jv^ &rd wUh u,c pennanenci ot the
ofbei«gp«too- r sa rfecUy wel I OtTerV with
suro, ai»d now .oat i i Kky. J. P- Jogoam
Dublin county
i Read?
/*£???. acnuine preparation of W ihl Cherry,
• “‘EM sssrys^ss
circumstance*. • person need mulake the
By » imlc 1 &X bottle of the gamine U
fCnU ! obcnuuful steel enmvliig,JwiUt the
eiweUMMrf wu a I ** ,hereon, alia, Ur. Bwayne’*
IlheneM. of ;'' , "* l “ L t F r.eunty, the portmft or Of.
JddShereener, <u to dijtwguiah
«wa>.ie willl- ® aiiothefi. Now, Ult wa* not lor
bis P re P“ ll ““{L properties and known. .virtues ol Ur.
the r»e«* «»**“«* 0 f Wild Cherry* person*
.... Yi od Ll
CIJ, and Ilf »" "“P““ ble ln
tne inland’* Prtmlnm Plaator*
,?« W >fINL.VNU, or the Medical Collen l»r Fhil.
l) n 'A.hia nowoaer« loth, public hi. Indian Veg
fikhle I‘remiim «■*«»»Hi* qualities ol wkjch, after
f Uhl «,!i tried experience, ha* been satisfactorily cs
'Stfiahrd To afl women who may bo oltUrtcdl with
rtnlnpso. Uteri* or Fallen Womb, lie recommend, hu
S£««, guanuiteein* a sure and speedy cure in the
K „ ,‘ w of from two u> the* woelts, if applied wuh
1 rest—discarding ail ihe eounUeaain.trwaents
■ i.rrwin«ive bandaces so long ut use. This ho feels
B 1 uu , ln -i.iiti., moamucli a. he ho. not foiled
”"X“™™l If fint. hundred ond Idl,-three r V
“IS;, for ond Week Brannl or Book, n't
inil-d wit. pom, there to nothin,; to ejeel <*».>»••?>
m ntfoehnit l-l'r/i’l eflectllljt “ U r " , , h '‘ r 'k (b > ;
I lYiiuoX rillin 'ol iJiuiaoiid and
*; vi« •• l.ib.MiV and t*t. Clair *U i
sigpui -’ “ Federal M and Diamond, All*
“ Henman and Diamond IftnnittS*
-C"N' J ' N « od ,lrt *>
K sZic Ajo:u‘ i«>r UIC ,aJc of Ur ‘ Towt.«en.ri.<Jcn.
rcrrWcd t-uodoten of «£u
5f" -t spn r* nml banter Medicine- .
a pSiehM*i»*»»oiiW recollect that R h Sellar* i«»ole
„i;frofPi»ubu»*l», and D M Curry for .Allegheny
T „ A( rr OF CUFKt'K—An article winch ii r»-
Koidir coming n»o u»e an n whoWowe.nourulung
-H nliou* beverage, being more pleasant *udj>af
> li? man common Coffee, mnl for cheaper 1 , ns a small
than comm ccllLv wU | go u lor a» four
potmd* of Conee B AIIU.EH, muborjjh, Pa.
floM at whole.ale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
corner of Firs* and Wood and Sixth and Wood aueets,
Pitubargb "
RUBBER. UoolW_Ju*t received,
Cm Camp Blanket*; tW officer coataj Upnl anl»i
V n ..« nett Uned Mining 800 In i U lithium Uagf? i
8 and I'd aallonacach; » canteens, I
A' rsORTED SPICES—I’at up fyr family uie. ia tin
Yani enclosed m 1 ,lidffi 8 containing
’ Ma»urd, Aiipicc,
Cinnamon, <JuUer,
Clo Tea, Pepper,
w«rr*nted d«& For *alc ad U»e new Spice, and
JEV* ofÜbeny. lV *
mylß '
Anviia, from the Temper-.
»ifeu«wor&,WßmniedgwiU to ccuunilr
•» ■^“ 4 “ w, ‘' d OB?ciioiuM, aswwitt
T , BOQggi , _
rpHK war! WITH MEXICO, hf R.B.RJplcjJ *
"gSj *m,u.
U J»n"?/l.V 11 “‘jO >
1 "!a ° T rcnxrTbiifl .cdM.lkcllU.c'-i
‘ sew ul BUgmat Gin Boolul
lltSey.'«Ui «•**“ oriArnltodsMblDuier.
Po«a. 2d Prw, Wrilinp, by BitinAl a Dun <
• ’uSSSSd Genu *i* Hl»m
eonierThitd and Market at*.
w-mv<MCIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View
i^ss’£?s afiJP sjffisw «-*
mWm of « 1M»«f TO”
Il *Tnpp«r’^’re«lbl»lJ , biJo»oph]r, new edition; iU.t-
Ml J«‘ r^ed J^3ro ri A STOCKTON,
nova i comer MhrkatodThWkreett_
~ | 1649-60!
llfullT bound ta^loeldddMorociiOimoijlboooDr»> I
“■“»o=?“ I
• dc» ‘ -Wood ft I
ChrlitmuMid Bmt Twi Approachlmfl I
fa Magnificent A«tiqus-Sisuiutf,/artM*HvluLift- 1
•TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, BoikMlkr ttd
J TO Wood *treet, has received a beautifoi '
fcf UloMrued Book*, boand. in the m »* x . , P le ndld mtn
ner ay uk best Londoji and Amtncanbludar*— among
n«u T dft£S&i Poetry; maguey Ob*dn» ]
fLaysofthe Wettani World; Ulamlaaiediagoldand
■j C °w7rd«worth*i Greeeej richlyTilustrated.
The Preacher; illuminated by Owen Jcae*, and
bound in carved wood. •
The Son* of Son**; illuminated br Jonet.
| Flowerirand their Kindred Thought*; lilumlnalsd by
Jones.. ' '
1 Heroine* of Bhakspeare; illustrated.
Mr*. Jameson’* Characteniuca ol W omen: Ulastra*
,| «A F« .”i by JAMES D LOCCwboD,
1 de!3 63 Wood atreot
Hew Books.
TbEDBURNi Hi» First Voyage, by Herman Mellville
X* anlkprof‘■Typee,” u Olno©,; , ke. ’ ..
•Hiatory or King Alfred of England, by Jacob Abbott,
wjth fine engraving*. •
* bov Jl comer Third and Market itteeta
u Onttfths Mott BmartaiU Work* oftke At*.'’l
ThtINEVEH AND ITS REMAINS; with thaeecant I
J\ of a visit to the Chaadman Christians of Knnßa-1
tan, and the Yexidls, or Detll-WoraMpperr, and an I
Inquiry into the Maanera andjAlttof the Ancient A*-1
Syrians. By Austen Henry JAyud, Esq, D. C.L. I
With Ibtroauetory Note by PvoDR. Robtaaca, D.Dj, I
LL.O. Illustrated with 13 plaus and map*, .and 90 I
woodcut*. SvolaSra doth, SW*k I
“The book-has a Tare amount of graphic, vivid, pie- I
tnresoßo narrative"—Tribune, , . I
“The work of Lnrard it the mestfcroament eonm- I
button to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for I
snL»y lnq ; - ■. ]
“Not one excels in miereVt the account of Nineveh I
and.lts Rath*,'*given bjrMr;UymnL”-Waahmg»n
we C foUow the digger* with bremthleaa ioternat
in their excavations, ana suddenly find ©uxselve* »e
-tore a massive figure earved ! with minute accuracy,
now lilting it* gtganlie head trora the du«t of Wh
vear*. we are ready to ery out with the asxomstuid
Arab*,’Wallah, it U wonderful, but »tl* true!’"—lo-
THE WOMEN of tbo Old and New Testament- I t
Edited by E. B. Sprague, D. p. 1 voL taP-S”;: 1
elegantly bound; 18 exquiattelr finished cugruvinga, I .
with desenplious by celebrated American Clergymen- I
POEMS MY AMELIA,(Mrs. Welby,cfKT,)*new-l
and enlarged edition; illustrated by engraving*- from I
origins! designs by Wier. I vol.*qa«J*B Ta j“ le «“ 1 ' I
Iv bound and gilt. Al»o—A vanety of aplendid Arum* I
al* and Gift Books. . _ . „ I
tieweU’t Child's First Book of the History of Rome, I
1 TriE B MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT, adspttd forth® |
rose of Camenters, Shipwrights, Saw- I
'vers, Lumbermen, Students, gooeruily* I
being a thorough and practroal Tr«usc oa,^Meusura- 1
tionanil the Sliding Buie. By D. M* Kaper, A. M. 1
Boise’s Treatise otx OreekProso Coapomoon. I
Oiiendorfl’s Elementary French Grammar. By F»u I
Greene, of Brown University. IvoLlfimo. . I
BoaSger** Oesenlus* UebrowOrammar, by Cenant- I
Geseiutts’ Hebrew Leilwn. _ KW , 1
Loomis’Trigonometry and Logarithmio Tables, a I
,o Tbe]SgLhman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol. (mus
lin.) ■*"
Anthon's Classical Series.
Webster’s Dictionary, revised ed- Itol.wo.
do •do unabridged. 1 vol. 4to. ;
Barne's Notes und Questions on Now Testament.
Modern’! Eeofeaiasttcal HUtory. 3 vols- arf 2
vol*.’(sheep.) ... *’*-■3*.
Vestiges of Creation. lvoLlfimo. I< .._ t c v
Morning* among the Jesuiu at Rome. 1 voL (c loth
the Tempter bit Triumphed, fc.? 0 *;
\ Hogue** 'Jhcolo*ie*l Lecture*. 1 vol ld»t.a.)
AMR's Prononnelag Bible.
Boyer's French Bictioaery. „ A .., Na
Smart's Horace. Foreale by E HOPMNS,
botl3 Apollo Bulldim*. Fonrth at
N Hoaiairne, edited by Ji. Uarliu, eo«pn*W. “•
KMarMLetlmna™! Journey through Germany and
Good.Behool-Ece& by JtvM
Plage, A. ofjthe State Normal Sehool,
Foreiter'* FUh and FUhiag of this V. Shim
and British Province* of North Amenea, by
noy# comer ITiird and Market »t»_
Th« 01d!*»'Tim«<*
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller mJ Importer,
No. <0 Wood airart, has tor saleefewcopieaccm
piete, idle remainder oi lie edition,) of this v *^ o ”**?
work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, l*»
other authentic information relating to the early ex* •
ploralioni. aetUemeot and improvement of the country
around the head of the Ohio. By Noville B. Craig,
Esq_ of IHiuoargb, in 3 voi* 9vo. ■ _
OMAN LIBERTY: A History, with a view of the
Liberty of other Ancient Nation!. By Samuel
Elliott, Eaq. itlorirated with twelve engraving*, exe
cuted at Rome. «voic,Bvo., nniform with Prescott s,
Hisiorieal Woika.
Jun pnbiithed and for aale by
James D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
POT }U Importer, <3 Wood «
r T,TANNtf - EEslfi£B IN.ITALY; *uthorUedeaitlon»
• «The reading' of th»* book haa impressed us with a
much-higher opinion of iu author than wo had formed
from peroaiog her other writing*. Itdiaplayoadeeper
-tone of thou pit, United to more pure womanly grace ol
i feeling than any other production of the female mind
-with which wo are acquainted.”—Eye. Mirror. |
•‘•liii avery agreeable and readable book, written in.
Fanny Kemblo'a beat atyio—bold, spirited and enler
laiomg. Wo reeemmedd it to onr readera aa tbo beat
and residence in Italy; and U one of tho ptoauantett
and moat interesting book* of the season.* I —Cour. and :
ehaxacterutio book. Wo have read it from
title naio to Celophon with unabated interest- A vi
vid picture ei life in Rome. In all reaped* eminently
novi* . . , Bookicllef A Importer, 83 Wood st
blthograpbJe Batabllalunaßt
OP WM. BCHUCIIMANN. Third at, oppcsite.the
Post-Office, Pittsburgh^—Maps, Landscapes; Bui
headA Showbill*, Label*. Architectural and Machine
Drawing*, liaaineti and Vmtiug Cards, Ae-,eurr»' rc “
or dnUui atone, and printed in color*. Gold, Broino
or Blaek, m the moat approved style, and at the moat
reasonable puces. ocUftty _
M U S’ N I ' AMS ~ l t ' bl * fol '‘*‘j_^ , c^WF | E LD
CttIEAP MOU3. DE LAIN 3—3 ca*e* good *tyle r
/fait eclored M. do Lams, at the extremely law
price of Uc. per yard. a A MASON A Co,
” dci4 No CO Market »t
YYKiujll KliUlT—d ndr. cam tiean Feachcr,
H 6 " bottles do.
6 u Pine Apple*} ,
3 f ' •* Chertie*;
3 “ mrawberriea;
3 i. “ Toroalfici;
3 “ half gaL bottle* Pickioa;
3 “ quart do.
3 “ laney do.
Reo'd and for sale at the Pekin Tea Stere, 7D Fourth
street. i -
l VYE~FLOmt-l3bbla recM and for sale by
l\dc3l WM U JOHNSTON. 113 Second »t
RECEIVED Till* DAY, at the India Rabba De
pot—l cate Wimioo 1 * Metallic Rubber Sandal*;
4 - •• “ •* Slipper*;
& - “ “ Buskin*;
1 •> “ “ Slippers;
1 - Mmi*« r “ “ Overshoes;
l - u M sandals;
j •» " leaiher.auled * Overshoes;
All of which wnl be sold, wholesale or retail, lower
than at any Bony: in the city. JA H PHILLIPS,
,inv2i ' > No 5, Wood street
l l i:\t.KU FhAGHkAi—a tiblsfttiv rrc'd, torsuleoy
X? dclti * . 8A W lIAIUIAUGH.
WINDOVV GLASS—AUU bxa,"asa'dYitea,*rec'd and
for sal* by " dcia 1 SAW HaKBaUOH
BUTTKH— ia bbUSuitt !Ai kcg», parked,
otdf r tor talc by
LiuDA’ASH—* cash* uj imvc per Ringgold, tor
B - LACK WAJjblPiO— 10 bale* targe also
just rtc'd by : '9UACKi«Krr& WHITE,
dr.tH NoJ)9 Wood «_
VJZKTTBS— a c*»es super French Utack.ttUk "Vi
3ette», extra trimming*, recM per ekprcsa, at
dr A) ’ A A MASON, A CO^
SUNUiUtS^abaJe* 1 Cotton; *8 fabU No 1 Lard,
« bag* Feathers; I tierce M
Id aacfc* Wool;
OdozLamb Skins, with wool;
3 dot Sheep Skins, “ u
3 dox u *» dressed;
To arriye on steamer Fort Pitt, and (or sale "by
dcM ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front »> _
GINSENG— 4 ban Clarified, for sale by
GASTOK OiL-1 bbl
bb '.‘ |n “ ree ' < ‘ "“fSSgplco
"°’ J ffu’ATfcgu.:',
Ll tahjeci io chuj.*, to fiSSC&IEIL “
B»»fcara r
COLLECnOSS<-D«ft}t N^>«A«ceßline\»
Sjahlo ia ut pniewaw:
rorable leim*- _ . n[‘ * >v -
EXCIUNOEoa Newport, fteljdk.knd Bal»
tiijorr: also, Cinciimaa, wai*T*“*a-iij)nii
NewOrlß#a*.-coB*»rtjy««®;. . V .- !
BANKNOTES,-^*kaH to lie
.United Sutt*di*counte<Latiholoww-
©f Foreijn and AmWtaCold.W» a srWn-bt»fl«'
ria. 45. Markßt'«tt*«t» bett ixd 4th{
I -Htubttryh. Pa.*' L ' —,* »ocfiß
7obxi6S£xch fkr-—' |
J I ills on England, Ireland, .
► any f aaoant at'tbo.Cntrentfl** Exchange.
S' £«
wiScat deduction or discount, by JOC ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, «u*h-st one
deor west of wood. ‘ , octlStf
fit-*" »Tnm.l _~ ‘y ti ■flm sa
T}ANKERS AND dealers
and Domestic Dilip. o^/lsie,- Cer*
tineaies of Deposit*, Bank Notes of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite Sk;loa Ho*
I tel. __Sfly "
Ohio, M
UdilM, « i ■ !*
TEenaeky, •
■ MiMQgrii-; ■ '
i tfaakNolfe
purcbsueJ at the lowest rata*, by -
v H. HOLMES * SC .
«epl3 35 Market a,
New York, ;
i Philadelphia, and
[ .. Baltimore,
f CoMtaoUy for aal* by EL HOLMES * SC
■ Kpl3 SlM*i«
BA«b» : POPBPftT.
Intr w mritnuoa -.1 . •• W. ft. TAIKI
imHß tunlenipjed,eacceisora to Arthurs ANieM
’ 1 soil, l*e* leave to inform the eiuxensdfPittsbtn!
Adp?t£«renerelly,thatthejr have rebuilt the,d
m v and are now in. fail operation, ai
hie irioftheir patterns ready for the m*rfcet>
AmSnm which are Cookinf SUives. Codttd Woe
Stovea with a splendid wrHijrh.t Coal Stove, whieh
artcte of enammeried prates, Jnlshed in fiae atyk
omo. orth. «£>£"*»*•*» i»-
lUtaei Company*
pmuujKLruu, Not. fith. 184#.
I S«Ss^S®fi?s , «sß
ft2s M«d'.“JS¥S CENT. r »M*
ftiiS n f the Gilt Comb, 10* Market tt ? PittibuTgh.P-a.
• Merrfaau. Fedlafa, oni oitrera vuitiM
Pilubargh w poreh*»e Goods, are * e *l*f^)l y nr n r£
E call and examine the exutmve noottment of Fmg
<T«h German Fancy-Goodt.
-Aviii**hvmvaelf and parchatef* may rely on yet-
'oSdtSteVwittiw.'ooUfcireinr.mntoU.i 1
Carpet Baft ana Baakets. , !
patter Comba . °-- ,
ntadl BaadV - ’ .
“"iriLeaeKs •-H &mra tlm« *"*>V
h r€S’H¥T^Jl‘ h .®|iJ'.“v,
*edtono, f «ad«o»'d iMonunaid ll^ h °"* 7
pAd“ 2d SSSi br.R- E- SELLERS, 57.W00d «,
auUoldbydrugjUtagenerally,la Puabarghpud Al
—*rf '*•
JEi Con compel
TIOOKa *lll bo “ ibo •wck
Coal CompwrS oa urf *£■
junior, tbe SUb <l»7 of W>9sKiSB?, **, >i« ofic
"f »;. | y/.«o^I°°-Fe^^z:'w.^aMCTON. 1 °°- Fe^^z:'w.^aMCTON.
Groat K»gU»n
Co&fo Cold*, Aithiire and Coiuomption! TM
" AND orhjV REMEDY for tire care of lh»
end introdneed Into tire DmtedEuuei
t eanbe found th tire eomflmnlty-ea*» Orel seek
in win from any of tho common remedies of the
State* thooid 'be- cupelled*
Honrarian Balaam ofclife, tun only to
Mcmtmettto , ct>nnSptivetendencies of tho climate.
1 {%♦ feWinM'** *preceatiTomedicinein. all• case* °j
*£,*? eonxfa*. *pil£w of Wood, pain in the aide and
/•hnctl irritation and aorenieia'of tire long*, broehttia,
difieilty of breatinf, heetifcfecer, nirtt ■weata.emact- •
San a&generaldebility, asthmaiiiaatnx^wW.cmf
"Sil .1 «I [*r boale, wilh fall Jirw ,
tions for the reatoration of health. - . . ,
pLnphleli, contjumnjamiueof BißMud Aaeri
SiS«££S? (SdEiipii Kamrfr, m»T 1« ’
£ S$l!BSB& & 0.. jjn»o
andltVoodLtdWoodaud Cth • • juBd&w3
on the moit approved Etittrnplau*--
.3^%^sai«iaiB; ,a JKS
'whoteaale perehtierf.
; p«.i »iJo of the Diamond, whererVewtinn
Blindt of&U the different sixes and color*
kepi on hand or made' to order alto.
the late*t and roost approved Eastern fcu*h
ions, at the shortest notice and on the mos
reasonable tone*. .. . _ '■
Al*o, iho cheap Boston roll dr split Blind Tranapa
“tTS- - "USM&ii&fi&SSff 1 .
r ff Q wots done urith lliobest material and
workmanship, and warranted- to please the mast fa*-
idioo*. aagUMlly
Allegheny city, Ang. 10, 16C- ,
Notuiso Ltia Itl
Prmscaoif, March 37,1517.,
Mr. R. E. Seller*—ln justice to you and yonr.iacom-,
parable Cough Syrnp,~l beg leave to slate, fir Ihc ben
efit of the eommonlty, that my wife ha* .been *eteral
time* atHicied with a most distressing congh. 1 par
chased, iu January la*t, a bonlcofyonr Syrnp, which
cured a congh oftwo months’ standing. About ono
month since, the coach retarned, and was so severe
that the coaid hardly move, frost weakness in the
breast; I sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bottle eared the eouth 1 gave the other
to a journeyman who was severely sfllictod, who had,
to use ius own words, ‘‘eaten enough cough eandy to
eare all the people m Pittsburgh,” if the candy had
been as good as represented.
Yours, respectfully, Altoxd B. Ksxvil. '
Prepared gad sold by IL E. SELLERS, $7 Wood
■ ttreet, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
cities, dels •
G\ RATEFUL for the very liberal encouragement I
T have received for ao many yean, 1 havo.demr
l«iii ed to enlarge my business considerably. H*v]ng
en*»tged a competent Foreman, 1 will be enabled .to
fiUa.U orders promptly, and do the work in °nr uraal
style and at fair prices, and ask the
®-snaTsas ■-
tended to- .
N. B. — Carpets made and put down- N , n :i,p.
. j_ ...
—rrrvflßXflV VK STTIA NBLi NB,
j. a. BROWJf would r^peet-
ru tuuul a: £n stand on the
sfdeof theXftairinnd, Alle
■ e«n>iei«^aMoft
• Shatters' are, made to or
< mSE&sSS* derio the best style,‘ warranted
U» any in the United States.
UMBBS-ebsssSa jj^ g fubid? eon tie Removed with-
HEssS5gE3 oht the aid of a' screw driver.
Having purchased the stock,
■ tools- sw wood of the cabinet es-
BEE9EiS3& tiblishKhntof Ramsay & M’Clol-
land, I am prepared to furnish
their '.old 'customers, as well as
™T with eve ry thing In their line,
the pabUe V ood street, Pittsburgh. -
VrsT P llu>n oeL Pianrf
•T L S» the celebrated manufactory of Nunns. ft.
Y, °* ■“s> criw tane,orul re pnee.
F« sate bT at 3.W. Woodwek.
del» — : ————
yofM CoTertj o
, [nit tic'll a*
to lemorins TnrUr, Scurry, Cukor, udaU
M h«unee> destrectire te the Teeth. It U deheiou* to
Jf, Site. cleaastD* the month, heeling and, urengt heo-
Sr the «»», end Rwifjlnf tke breeth.
U ?tortale,r»h©le»*iee»<lrei«Ji,by _ -
•”e» RESELLERS, S 7 Wood «t
Jaitttc**, anbwolen Of foll»j«welled patent le>.
veiWaiefeMilaearctsfioemea, which l can acll a»
low MiWity and thirty'five dollar*, and wait anted to
«55Sr«i Jale « .tylea, andbeitpauenir;
g ra»r w WTTJtON. Walciataier and Jeweitr,
£a]g ' oennXukfittiroiithMMta.
O. V. BDDLXt SttfllH
gg REMOVED tee new »h»*»*Bi*b*le«
ion below.
mXi i y t u- toeet. Teeth uuerod ftoarene
.„ ».mfa *51,011 Iho restion principle, vtiltkn>
■ fewsrsa«ssra®fs :
ten I. pn «tay.,«
oTea Intently*; _
T U uSg£-Tl>» enpieeetailed newnibtttat
uer.ded Iho PANACEA ' ~
t. i„„« <Vrrm« which Irritation of tit
ticm 10 *“V ON deIIFDL PRBPABi™N.- ' .
The “ “*
»i::lat ANDCOOCIiia ■
Tiese t if precunon of Ml
dC^ U ° y * * C^Si^2l 'woaip tta dextroytr ta
The eeeitloa, then, hw» khej" couihe «nl
SSei. of cor be* bio”" 5!5gfU£V«M»“ “ !
'"'SS’oFmffi ’
iceeffon 01,
we liifa ealK o^^Musito®gliC“ l * ls,co,no T‘
P** 1 of \
«»eT/«iled A pcRFECTT CUBE..
iho ““‘SSJ Sai 0'“”" coebtetedgj-
N *"■•
‘ leai ai-^.^STV.CT.mEFFICACV
J°* i -*”SATcma> fhom the gbave . -
fonßeuvettß. ttSS&ll.Obk..
@MEROUEY,ototbefMin ;
w^Npa.w t
«ilttcicex» for »ll owe*** l f declare ’
tie ciEt-danger wKi o££ ekse he* It \
hare of the roipel, Jwjg* ti*he*t e nation. J
■iemtn. wjtn. 8*°“*““ if iiTcrerr «* £
aadmnmtnof the P°® r ®?? *»oieo-«>ne «ai»ei*si j
way, and *
voice 6oyp—“fiPALLlST*"** * .. . ..i ■
I 8 GOODT .lttMt ImniftaUtety 5
EIIEUMTIBU-I! I “X?7£*_hs, to p»ia <***«■ |
ihe inflamitiott and fwelUnr,* ;:■:>•»•; ,1
(R • tic iro«n'' “" ««nofl» of to S
dlB «) MCTT to* known, « “ ld „le lill toM |
, -*»*.<»
™»UloSuuc. to o- «»■ - |
Tc m r ßNs-i. toM of to .** to*. t*to <*’ \
| S«s»»”-S2SS •
sZi Tkxoai, Bn*g*h £f^Xn£jSSB£®» «**■
r&3!®W A-uui. -ii= •»* ;
l.lmnulnllu Oo^S^^iMESMisilUSTß*.
' ■
•^ IJ,hi ‘- PBicEoraKraPEß^^^
•. Ao»s»DiiP”* , .* 5 21 8^Si J Wilcox,Jrl ««ro«of•-
Liberty and Bt% cumi of ,4th aid
B SSSft A cSand J T R«m:Brawuvg£&ig
RukktfOei*T,'Pa; «e Mv*l*
Faets for tb« P*W
(n relation to that nnriTaJled fe
raTIMONY.of n respectable
the following, addressed to ray.
rywcather, Cincinnati:
' Cotccux
'Sir. A cense of duty compds mo 7
to Dalley’a Pua Extractor. Being <
err and oil nosirnm* haring for tor
motive*—bat realising nock gf*
Pain Killer*'I—l 1 —I am indnced •
cate. I bare u*ed it in my fan
with all -the happy and wont
possibly bo imagined.
Dr. Brodie U the senior*
DrngSiata. •' •■ :
The following lestimor
miiHr m many of those trart
ten. Mr. Glime, the well anc
prfetor of (be' Parkersburg Hi
lady whose letter ( annex t
To Henry Dailey, Chemist,
merly been lone smicted with
Rheumatism, whieh appeared
<lefy'nll ordinary appliances to
attending it, 1 was induced to
. Extractor, and it bavin* effer
gie, nr umaeditte relief, and
an entire and perfect euro, I
fit of others who maybe omit
any kind ofinflamnuuion, to
that in my opinion, founded
your Magical Pain Extractor t
covert or the present age for ih
of bodily pain. Itiiaaaalmost
feet euro for Burns and freal
flanunatlon. ' , - ' *
' xlnving many acquaintance
at iny husband’s hotel in this l
by .your showing them these >
be of benefit both to them e K
{1 entertain the hopet
fublieity I give to her fc
nmanity u ofiw being
to Uie notice 6f her men
Extract of a letier, d<
■ Mf.H.
a case of felon, m
uni cured in «wf » orl ? 1
E&bo&iredby the de
C<I CAUTJON-De «ro and «.
II pAtLinr, 415 Broadway, Ni
ihorucd offeni*.
: Henry P. Schwartz, AUeri.
Wheelinr.-Vt.} Jame* W Jo!
p Merryweaiber, Cincinnati,
« B.—ld the MvereiiiSan
the paid in aTew minatea-tt
O.A-J-'Aiiatsrocs, j
n. u Fwusitoc*, >Piltiborsl
WboleteleDnte bosk
ih« «ur of New York. £
Unui<i«u «nd wastryMerc*..
Dili, UjmMi, Fcntfn ral
J4tn-:er ( tf***»r k >l*niet*a Qt
etfotusap) vu) all otbt? article* -
ocW-of a aspiiio vitality u low »
'hasedle this or aay eastern eUr.- __ • _
N*w.Y«»k. f«w« ba. Piyv»rrcOTTfc<*
chasosop nrasAL wum*.
IN to afford all poerible the public,
a« wel! as lo themselves, again*; trad am* impy
utioa from counterfeiting, the proprietor* hftve. »*“•
a chance tnthe exterior wrapper or fable of their ver*
mifupe- The new label, which is ft «\oel
the most cx«iui<tio deiign tutd wcrkmhnship, u»t W“J
Introduced at n very great expense, land |»irem»f
.bntinof&njLiilstofthe&rstialeiit. Tacdesifnj'S t
and the ‘execution elaborate. . Several,
portrait are-most prominent, but tim wordLJj ft a.
rrex,” printed in white, letter* on a rfd
graved ground, should be particularly'
When held uo to the light uuricUCr*. *•**“!?s gat the •
letters and every line, kuwdver minnfe, throve ertel | J ,
whole of this port of the engraving mate* - t^e on
«a itthe itnitreitioa had been made ofthe
ly, although it ia actually printed on A la
paper.- This ahonld in alt case* bo W**. gpaabotß
bel upon each dozen i* also printed manner,
aides, and should be examined urine gf many
This preparation has now stood u » safe
year* trial, and U confidently from the
and effectual medieine for «*P e ‘ ltn f h i. has attended
system. ‘lhn nnexampled success
Ur administration in every esse war" -oders it wor
• really afflicted with worms, certainty
thy the attention of physician*. . . gieertala the
The proprietor has made it *!"“ rtß> within hi*
result of it* u»e in neb ea«* «* I^ aTl rieWy feand
[ knowledeeaiid:ob*erratMro—iwi» >not unfrequeßt*
it loiirtmueeilieme«t*s^i.arr«»' ara jio a> .
iy alter neatly all tho owba*xyFj*2,j- resorted to
' mended for worms had beenjSs? This Cart i*»**
without any permanent •"T’fSejnenuof handreds
tested by the certificate? c ( the c«&*
: aas Bfflaagfejamas
, ty to the most delicate lrr
Theonly ProstW»_
; £eii£^Restf
ire at mbut*
tied to quek*
v *«ct Jfininnr
- t
>ua 1
*aln I
in Mpv?