The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 21, 1850, Image 2

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    JIM z '
EaPRVi?.-.-',;- >■' y;
.. enetpxeiay reqoestadtoheod in
bur &von before 8 r. tod u eorty laths day u
K»etlesbl8 r .'\Adtren!seßezOßeUBMTtedfera tpeei
uilUaa iSfutabty be ordered <ret
pmtiDBbFBU south aukbjoai.
•.- Adtettlxsaeaif end *iii*cnjraan»td H» North Amer
ao tad QdUed Stale* QtxoQc, Philadelpbl*, received
b 4 ftmoded ften ibis ofice.
>. Tn tjfcwwA-Were oflO to listen to the excited
; : 'epeecheadclirered atWeshington, tad to the cot
’ cocsmentscf tetter writers fromthe
. wMtmpialtiy w should consider tbe days
•' r «f eai glbiicsaUairipae cumbered, tad should
breathless, awaiitba apptpacUn* catastrophe
, wfcfah was te destroy alone fell blow, the hope*
* tad expectations of; the torers of frtedoo, the
„ world over,
Bat hyppßy the .exoitt went iaaeariy »U coa»
; dnsd to oar pabUoscmatßrwiio ittTo taken apoil
Ibeaaelvea o discuss' mtttemwilhwhich they 1
. bm no bwlDe*s, tnd fia' WtJcll lhey were not
‘v ■ delegated to 'Congress.; r They were elected to
• good lews and wire regulations, in tecord
- aiare with/the eonsthntion, for’ the good of the
< l •- Whole people, cad to promote the strength and
•••. " flgDr of tkb UhlcßLdf these Btateras one great,
r.; 6*o, ahd peoaperotia attioa.'*. .The . people, as a
' ‘fcaeral vale, a» and an wholly and
gf gftQ (o any.with it. .The Union
net, must' not,be and those
‘ who ere now aofond of declaiming about it, end
. , predicting tl,and achemingto promote It, will be
handed down to everlasting dishonor, aa the ene*
mka of their country and of tbe eatuie of liberty.
' We hare all heard el tbe Hartford Convention,
know .what disgrace has followed those who
; : engaged in its deliberation* Of tbe justice ofthe
> ” obloquy which has been heaped opon Us membersr
TPr^ 1 of whom hare bow passed away, we shall
expreas oo opinion) bttt' we will say that the
aopportersand memhera of the projected Southern
• CoorenUon,to meet at ukeinto coo*.
/ dderatfoft.the subject of dissolving the Union, will
receive from the sober second thought ol the 4-
people a condemnation far more severe,
." ■ < and certainly not less merited, than ever fell to
'the lot of the' Hartford Conventionista. Their
memory will be a political stench in the nostrils
,of this great people) when the bounds of the na
tion ahall extend from the shores of Hudson's Bay
to the Rio Grande;, when the Atlantic shall be
' ' joined to tbe Pacifiel&y telegraph and rail roads,
mhen one hundred millions of people wQI
ewetr Upon their domestic altars that the Uoion preserved, and. present tbe soblime
, spectacle of peaceably votlag for one Chief Magit
• train. '
Ltft these southern geaUemen pause before ilia 1
tbftlate. They cannot dissolve the Union, how-|
ever much they may desire to do so. They can I -
not prevent the predominancy of the free states, I
: as the next eenriswilL show in most startling I
■• '' tpW- They eaonot prevent the admission of I
CsUfismia and New Mexico, andultimstely Deseret!
end Minnesota, and Nebmki,a» free stales.• The I
■jmi—of the Cinadas and New Brunswick, I
WUeh is now close at hand, they rsTinot hinder. I
' They gave ua the precedent of Texas, and most
be content to submit to its action upon themselves. I
' "*"They cannot prevent any of these things. The!
nitvo holding power is destined to become, tn a j
very short time, a small minority in this Union,!
and no human arm *** n prevent is- no southern I
conventions ean avert it The highest wisdom I
would dictate to slave holders, under such cireum-1
, to rally around the Constitution which!
Aow throws its guardian shield over "the peculiar
institution." That is their only safety—that the
' majority of the people of the free states will sacred
ly respect. Bat if they wantonly destroy their]
only" ark of safety, oo their own heads be the con
. . sequences. The nation will, survive the shock!
ve wfQ still be one people, but where will be the
Institution of slavery t
Txx Locouonvs ci PrmaouoH.—We under* I
m»anA that it is the intention of the Engineer ofthe |
Western Division of the Central Railroad to have I
the fine from this diy to Turtle Creek finished, j
4Uid* Lecomotiv* running upon it, before'the
etoee of the next autumn. This is golcg ahead
lathe right spirit.
Oa the lmo of our Western road the most ener*
getio exertions are being put forth to have the
road under contract as soon u-the weather will
the work to be commenced. The Engi
neers are taxed to the utmost to prepare the work,
■■wfl arrangements for the right of way ere being
negotiated with all ibo rapidity the case will ad
mil of. By the 4th of July, next'year, we hope
to ride on the oars to Beaver, if we live so long,
and probahly to Salem or Cscton.
’ Pittsburgh ako Eaa Ran.. Roan.—A letter
from Erie, published in the New Castle Gazette,
signed byM- Coartright, states that it is the opinion
at Erie that the whole line can be located the
coming season, and the lower end from Enon
Valley to New Castle, put onder contract, so as to
be completed simcltaneoaely with tbe Ohio and
Pennsylvania road to Pittsburgh; and Ibat also a
portion of the northern end coaid be let Success
to the enterprise!
Faosrairr or tub Ison Buarasss.—The Kit
ttnlng Freo Press says, that ths extensive Iron
Workt m that place are about to be suspended for
«n indefinite period. How beneficent is the oper
ation of the Tariff of *4 6.
JHevuxs if til Mexican War, by Abbot Liver-
oxare~—Thla in an ably written work, and goes
Into a general review of tbe origin, causes, pur
poses, and malt* of oar late confiict with Mexico,
which is condemned in strong language. The
work la printed by the American Peace Society of
Boston, who awarded to the writer tbe premiam
af $5OO, far the ‘’best review of the Mexican War,
. ontbeprinriplesofChriatianityendaneoligbtencd
. | \Jeanagrafhia Enqfcloprdia qf Sdmee, LiUroture,
. m*d Astt— Mr. Lockwood haa laid upon oar table
a ntunaer of this very betotiful work, which is
worthy of tho attention of ail wbo desire know-
ledge upon tbe interesting and aseful subjects
upon which it treats. It la a Germaq translation,
brought out in this country through Dr. Baird, of
Dickinson College. It embraces all the branches
of bnman which can be illnatrated by
pictorial representations. These illustrations are
arranged in strictly systematic order, on 500 large
quarto steel plates, and are accompanied by letter
press, printed in tbe finest style. The work is
published in 25 parts, each containing 20 plates,
with 80 pages of letter press. Each number is en
veloped in a neat portfolio. Both of these works
eta be had at Mr. Lockwood's, an Wood street.
Oar correspondent “Junius,” a day or two ago,
referred to some atupendona frauds, in which B.
.P. Brown, Into Democratic candidate far Door
Keeper of the Home of Representatives, and •
Captain Nsglee were implicated, and in which
OtpL Naylor, of this city, was referred to as hav
ing assisted in ferreting oat the fraud. .Some in
affPfwy having oeearred in tho statement of
"Junius," we publish the. following statement and
from the Dispatch, at Cape Naylort request.
The feds in the statement were famished the
editor of the Dispatch byCapL Naylor himself.
UTit lizleaa Sarrle* Fraud.
We bare recently alioded to a «jstem of food*,
ioidiaoovered.aooocoiunmmaied and aomein
Drecrere. uainas- the Government of the United
State* and the Volooteer Captain* in service >o
the war with Mexico. TM*od, were dlaeoTer
ed and exposed by Captain Naylor, who, It seems,
had been indaeed, along with a great many others,
unite to a Cflpt-H. A> Nagiee of the New Jersey
VMaMwf, a power of attorney to oouect a small
aeeonnt against the Government under the Act of
Congress of the 3d of Juc, 1848. We have
leaned, on enquiry, that some, time after Captain
Naylor had given Nagiee the power of attorney, a
dieamstanee came to hia knowledge that excited !
a aospidon that all waa not right, and ihdceed him
to keep , his aocouts In the War Department la
tank a iimilioii, that not get the
money—determining to go to Washington in per*
■on, and himself examine into the Justice or hit
saspidona befitfe Nagiee should be permitted to
“ '• At the first opportnnUy, therefore,
•joand, Captain Naylor went to
a for***
N “*MWsed ant*
%f ' / x
inifM ; Of course, this developemenl
*6 tmmedistety dUdoeed to the awmßtog
ween* and m farther examination commenced. A
Urn nomber of ieoounts, fabricated'precisely in
the same way, were immediaiidy ascertained to
b» undoubted fotgnrire. AH oorPmabnigh c.p-
UIM-C*pUH* Herron, Porter, Bangley, end H.y,
bed bndnntonly their eccoonte forged, bot the
money linn oo tbemi nnd there were ftauddent
end forged eeeoonU, ..ranging aemelhing more
then (800 eeeb.eomo peldaodrame unpaid. &om
capteine in erery part of the Unmc. It wesaoon
elK> diecorered that eomo of the clerk* endofficer*
remoeed by Qenenl Taylor fince bu comln* Into
oower; were eonnected with Ibeao trend*, and bad
rwxiecd the amount* of aome ot-lbo forged *c-
above mentioned were account* set*
tied fa the office ofbut one of the Auditors.. In
the office of another Auditor, having the aetue*>
ment of another branch of the tecoania, other
fraudulent with forged voucher* were ex-
would swell the proposed amount
lobecUimed for each Captain, to the average
sum ofnearly $2OOO, the whole to be realized by
a cheap and frontless system of fraud—fraud not
only robbing the Government of its * money, but
which, bad it succeeded and been for a time con
cealed, would have toed more than a suspicion i
of dlabonor upon as gallant aband of men as ev* '
er Ulnstrated the armies of * nation? a suspicion
that it would have been after the efltax or year*, i
almoct impotaibio for ihjm ancCTaafully _to re
move. ■'What aooont of money has, thoa been
drawn from the Treasury we do not kßow?bui the
whole scheme ii one of the most extensive sod
daring in U» conception, and if fully and “^“ y
executed, would have been one of the most pain
fal and deplorable in Ua consequences, ««r *£
peuated to the country. To Captain Naylor is the
Volonteer Army indebted, for ihediacoTeryand
exposure of thU piece of toiqnity.the.expfosoa of
which so intimately concerned UA preservation of
iuiScwts honor —and ft behooves the
Volunteer.officers throughout the country, to take
«y»h mesnrea as will prevent the escape of the
W nought, in .hi.. m.nn^ .0
wb the government, and to ample their Chirac*
tors wfli the meanest and most unmanly of
Piritauws, Jatw 18,1850.
JVarSir—l hive just received yonr note ol
thisWdng, in which you kindlycaU my a«en
lioa to the paragraph cot by yoo» fro® * jf
the “Pittsbureh Ga*ette ,, cfto day, frotn>te W«h.
Ingtoo correspondent—and'aak me whether it ia
cortStl IhwUme.nttberreeent momeot.oa-
Ir to say, that a put of it, relating to
incorrect* It tt not tree as there «Uted, that Na
'■lee ever obtained any money on my account—
nor*ia it tree, as there atatod, that I was ever
witttea to by the ’.Department on the subject;,nor
had I received any information on the subject,
from the Department. Nor is it tree, »Or mJ
know, that the Department had suspected Nas
*^iatroe,however, that Idiscovered the fraud—
that I was led to the discovery from' suspicions of
my own—that, in .consequence ofthese susp
dotts, I kept my account at Washington in a sit
nation that it could not be drawn by Nsglee-and
that, on the close of the year 1849, I went to
Washington, at my own instance, and there made
the discovery of the (rand, in the manner stated
to too,‘a few days since. '
Yonr article of the 15th inst, on this subject,
(bonded, on information famished by me, is cor
rect. I gave yon the information, then, because
yonr paper had previouily pabluhcd sn muxnr
ate account of the matter. You will greatly oblige
me by republishing .that article, in connecuon
with this note, with my request to my friend Hr.
un.ii. of the Garette, to copy both that and tbU,
and have the matter, so far as I am concerned,
out right I write in great haste, as business pres
•es. at this moment, and leaves me no lime for
VcrTf S&-Loa.
To A W. Foot., Editor of Diipitcb.
ProflrandlT deaplaing Urn apiiit of “ >cl “” yl,m
.blob ia 10 apt to break out Huong oa, when «nj
thing foreign ia to bo feted or ttonlied, I hire
not heretofore reel irked npon the 1 , rail to Wuhi
ington, ofthoee dUtingniihed, unfortunate, end
expatriated Hunjariana, Governor Uahaay, (pro
nonnced Wekiry) end hii companion. in exile.—
They arrived on Monday evening hut, and were
called npon by many prominent gentlemen, among
them Sen. Cant. The next day they were receiv
ed at the White Home, by tbq Preddcnl, in a
very Battering manner, and afterward. went to
the Capitol, where they were politely introduced
npon the floor of either branch of Congrem, by
Senator! and Membera. ,Thil viail to tho high
placea of the only great errantry where tho prin
ciple! of public liberty, lor which they and their
countrymen' fought ao long and ao gallantly,
have been ealahliahed and put in practice, muet
have been fraught with a melancholy internal to
theao martyr! to freedom. May they hud in thin
Republic ahomom which they may forget their
own aorrowa,but not/ho wrengicf their lather
land* , .
On lh* preceding day, Mr. Seward bid mtro
dneed u resolution, covering the ground of Cass’s
puerilfl movement, so for as censure of national
cruelty and tyrenny were concerned; but not char
aeterixed by so extravagant and impolitic a spirit
u ft indicated by the attempt to retd Austria out
of the pale of nations, and proposing as aiubatao
tial mark of our sympathy, a grant of land to tho
unhappy refugees. 1 think it probable that it will
be adopted. .
-I have alio omitted to notice, the very singular
application.of Mr. Seely, of New York, for indem
aity for damn against the government of Hoi*
laod. Mr. Seely is a New York lawyer. Some
jWeaty yean ago, the jewel! belonging to the pria
eeu of Orange ware stolen from their plaeeV de
posit at'Brnuels,and fora long lime all the efforts
or the sharpest policemen in Europe werennavil*
ing to detect the thief, or recover the jewels.—
The valoe of them, was stated to be netrly/a mil*
lion of dollars. What made me matter mole com
plicated, waa the suspicion tbit the Prince of Hoi*
land bimselfhsd stolen the jewels and ginbled
them nwsy. At length s part of the were
trteed to the United Slates, and the Bsron kHog
gens was to use all his energies to recover them.
The Minister eugtged the services of Mr. Seely,
then a lawyer in good and lucrative practice, to
aid him In the pursuit. Ttislbniinesa he gave op,
and devoted his whole time and capacity to this
object, of hunting up and recovering the crown
jewels of Holland. His efforts were successful.
Nearly all the jewels were recovered; the thief;
was arrested and taken back to Holland, and ;
there executed. Mr. Seely presented his demand
for compensation to the Dutch Government. He
eiaimed indemnification • for'the sacrifice of his
business, as well as for the actual time employed.
His . demand was in substance denied; a pitifal
sum was dffered end refused by him. Ever since
ho has been unremittingly endeavoringfo obtain a |
fair compensation, without any success. It waa at
length suggested to him tbit this government is
annually passing aomojthirty thonsand dollars, as i
j interest on a Dutch loan, to the extlea of the Dis- j
I trim, assumed by the federal government, andthat;
the amount claimed to be doe him from Holland,
j might be withheld from tho appropriation of the j
present year. This is, at any rate, a very curious :
, affair. II the interest doe from our government ts
payable to indiv'doalt, of course the proposition
to divert it could not[be listened to for a moment,
but as Mr. Clay, In presenting Beely’s memorial,
observed, if any part of U-wentto the Dutch Gov
ernment, then the Senate pfght with propriety
consider whether Mr. Seely’s claim should bo paid
out of it.
I learn that another claim, eomewhat analogous
in character Jis pending against our Dutch friends.
A person in New York, named, I think, Eeharte,
probably a European, states that while the Baron
Huggens was absent in . Europe, on business con-*
ceded with this singular robbery, it became ne
ecssary that blazon, who bad-been left hero as fo
am taunt should also, return, and to enablo him
to do to„ he Echario aforesaid, famished him
with g2£oo, which he has not been able to collect
from either Cither or son, or their common
parent, Holland. He also wants to be remember,
ed out of the Dutch loan. It will be acknowledg
ed that these are pretty serious charges against the
elder land of steady habits; .the good old Dutch
countrie, venowned through many centuries for
her commercial honor and probity—end should
they be sustained, and the remedies sought for be
spplied, the (.Dutch loan will certainly "suffer
•ome." i \
Intheßenato,today,old Bullion introduced a
very important bill, the provisions of which are,
very briefly 1 these. It it is propoaedltoTTexts, to
to the United States all her territories
west of tho Io2d parallel of west longitude; and
north of the Louth fork of Red river, which terri
tory probably includes - all west of the Nuces,
claimed te belong (o Mexi«o before the war, and
i all of New Mexico. ThlsWeald leave in Texas,
ijiouloso bandied and four thonaand aqnuo
ntflea. Bat tho Mil likewiao propoaealo divide
dtia extent b, the 98lb parallel nf lonjitndo, ao
__ u the dlcrint between thatand Urn 102 d pw.
diaU contain one bandied thonaand inhabl
' vrbaa it aball band attained .that popnln-
Sow Pnblteolions.
j Vs **- v » „ -'! /».
—r -J_
Oorrapendeoeeef ihe Pittibaijh Ouette.
WiiHEiaTon, Jin. 16, 1650.
Now this, I’am compelled to cilia rather aw*
fhl pro petition. Whtl does old Missonriiu Vifil
trrto pay 5150,000,000 for? Not the land, for he
taya, or always h*s'«*id, that Texas never owned
a foot weal of the Nueces, nor noith of the south
ern bonndry of New Mexico. We conquered all
> region, and it belongs to the United State*.—
Bot suppose Texas to own westward to the Bio
Grande, are we to pay for those deaolalo plains,
tarxnaeh at we once bought all Texas for, togeth*
er with Louisiana, and all we now owa between
the Mlssissippiand the Booty mountains* At to
the great question ofSlavery at iasoe, nothing in
the world would be gained by this arrange
ment, except, perhaps, hastening the time for the
■ admission of another slave State. Because, sop
pose we buy : out the Texas claim toiha disputed
district, whai shall we gain? Nothing. The South
will still contend that having been as apart of
Texas, slave territory once, it cannot by mere ces
sion to the general Government, become any thidg
else. The samo old bittar fend will remein open.
I am against appropriating fifteen millions for any
■ mch pnrpose.
Mr. Benton made a abort, bnt practical speech,
full of sound and usefal information,in Introducing
the bill, which was referred to the committee on
! the Jadiciary.
When he had concluded, Foote, the most pes
tiferous little varmint tbit ever found its way into
the Senate, flew at him with the fury of a wasp,
andbnxxed about the old Senator with malignant
'activity for an hour and a half. But lbs • lion
heard him not, neither winking his eyes, nor
shaking his main, and when the gad fly had bus
sed himself oat, he signified neither by sound nor
movement consciousness of tho attack. Poor
Foote, pity that somebody would not condescend
to kick him. That would help him tome. Light
as he is, it might servo to tlnaU him.
_ Wastmwnoa, Jan.'H, 1860.
These appear to be melancholy days for the
Republic, and what the end will be no man
or hardly dares to conjecture. The prospect is a
dark one—darker, I trust, to the witneisea of
events at the capital, than to the people out of sight
and bearing of these scenes of turmoil and excite
ment In the Senste, to dty, Mr. Clemens, of
Alabama, made another exhibition of that bitter,
extreme, and violent spirit which has marked his
course from tho moment he entered the Senste,
which is scarcely a fortnight ago. Bnt fortunately
a most unwarrantable attack made by him npon
Mr. Douglass of Illinois, called forth a retort sod a
.deveiopement from that gentleman, which will
essentially cattail Mr. Clemens’ power for mischief
for the futare,by exposing in bold relief his system
of tactics. A week or two ago, Mr. Clemens pre*
aented a resolution professing to call forinfonu
ation in regard to California,hut In a manner con
veying a long series of very grave charges against
tho administration. The other day, Mr. Douglas*
wished to get tt some other matter, anti in order
to do that, it became necessary to lay this resolu
tion aside, ita author not objecting. He voted
. against it, however, and tho motion u> pass it ovt r
temporarily, was only adopted by the casting voto
l ofthe Vice President. Today, however, Donglass
| moved to take it up, and to the astonishment of
I every body Clemens, not only resisted taking it,
I and declared he did not wish it acted upon, but
made a most vindictive personal attaek upon
Donglass and all the northern Senator* for haring
voted to lay it on the table, declaring that they had
only done so out of pore hostility to the south, and
the desire to screen the administration from in
qoiry as to ita unauthorised proceedings in Cali
fornia. This reused Douglass, and no came out
-with the following statement—He had consulted'
with Clemens about passing this resolution, and
that Senator had absolutely refused’.his consent,
to its. feeing touched, because ho said the inform
ation sought for by it bad already been eo^muni-1
etted to the House, as 4 would soon be accessible
to all, and because principally bis chief design had
been already answered. 1 " He wanted to show that
j the north was unanimously opposed to an investi-
I gation of the manner In which the constitution of
i California came to be formed, and that sectional
vote he .bad now got on the motion to lay upon
1 the table. He did not wgnt to tqe U reversed,
nor should ho give the opportunity. That vote
eoold bo used with effect at the South.
Never jra* ihe'veD of s demagogue more rad<
iy or completely torn from hi* face, then by thia
exposition. There stood the patriotic Senator ]
from Alabama, Ue new fledged champion of
Sontberajrighta, even with lance In re*t,' and find
ing in each innocent wayliurer a deadly foe, a con
fessed trickiter. Nothirg cared he tor the alleged
usurpation! of the Executive in California, nothing
for the righti of the peraeanied Californians, bnt
he wanted a secional vote .of North against South,
and be bad got, and should uae it, and wantedi
nothin? farther! Asif conscious of the contempti
ble attitude in which this expoanre had placed,
him. Clemena had very little to say to reply to
Douglas*; bnt eagerly laid bold of a pretence to
quarrel with hia colleague, Geo. Shields, and for a
lew momenta things looked very much aa if there
would be a fight between them, bat the betlrr
■ewe of some of Clemens’ Southern friends Inter
posed, nod checked an invective ho wai about to
enterapeo. The resolution, then, after a alight
amendment, waa pawed, 48 to 3.
In the House the paiufnl spectacle waa again
presented of aoothera Whig! refusing to aid in
the election of a northern man to office, parely, it
seemed, because he was a citixen of a free State,
and not, in the abstract, favorable to slavery. On
the fourth trial, to day, for door keeper, Mr. Tufta>
or Indiana, agood Whig, and a respectable man,
received 107 out of QO7 votes, of coureo seven
majority over all others. Hts competitor, ran by
the Democrats, waa a person who ia said to own
Slaves, who is a native of the South, and a citizen
of this district, and who, having been for aeveral
years an under door tender on the Democratic
side of the hall, has been remarked for nothing
bnt a series of servile attentions to a certain set of
members. It was for aach a person as this that,
after Mr. Tofta had been (airly chosen by a clear
and decided majority, Cabell, Stephens, Morton,
and Hilliard, deaerted_ him. They were four of
the aix Whiga who.' vrted against Mr. Winthrop-
They not only leit bnt boldly went for
Stewart. Bnt thiajvas a--repeiilion of an outrage
onco tod often. The moment it wtt seen that
Stewart waa to be elected by such a m*ie, five
or six Democrats changed their vote ■ frm him
to a third candidate, and thus defeated he designs
of the seceding Whig*. So there was agiin no
election. I Tofta haviftg 99, Stewart 97, and other#
1 11 voteaJ The House adjourned in a very bad
1 temper, to waste another day in thla unseemly
' strife. |
At last the committee of ways and means have
meu By request, the Secretary of the Treasury
attended tbia morning, in the committee room, to
consult concent leg the important resolution first
passed by the Senate, for suspending the proviso
restricting tho amount payahle for the collection of
Ihe revenue to $1,560,000. 1 understand that
: ipnnff other interesting information furnished (he
committee by Mr. Meredith, was a atatement of
the amount ofjddlies. collected at Sah Pranciaco,
doring the eighteen days follow ng the arrival of
CoL Collier, the Collector, tecether with an ettl
of tho probable receipts for; the esrrent fiscal
year. It teems that for this period of-onl&threo
daya over half a month, there was reeled $113,-
000, andtho expenao ofcollectlnghad been $lO,-
000, leaving a clear net income of nearly $200,-
000 per month.
The collector occupies tho x»ld Mexican Cus
tom House, built of adobies, and thatched with
reed., about as fit for tho pnrpo.o u a leahy barn
would to for the Capilol. Ha could gat another
oua with four moderate nixed roomn for 82.400 a
month, or 523,000 a year. It will bo aeon that thorn
woold bn KOI little difficulty lo applying the re
trenohmeot scale lo Iho California
' Tie ladies of Mobile are hold a grand
baxaar, toralao fnnda In aid or tho Mobile and
Ohio Railroad.
We have no doubt, now tbo. ladie* havo se*
to work, that tho road will be finished.
Direr or Nxw Yoix. CiTT.-Tbo total net debl
of tho city of New York was twelve ipUlion five
hundred and twenty two thousand • seven
hundred and sixtyefght dollars ($l2 522,768) on
the 3lst day of December bsf.
A letter doted at Ptrft, Dee. 14, tayi:—
The winter bat set In on the continent, in fpeciu
ears eat The Elbe Is fasten over, and Use roads
S*aOM raw ;TOBK.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazelle.
Nnr You,' Jan. 16, 1850.
Agiia'ion ii lo be commenced, (o morrow, upon
a subject which baa long needed refarm, the usury
lava cjTtho State. The mercbanla have called a
meeting at (he Exchange, and our legislator! will
hare tbia qoeation pot before them in a common
sense light, and, it is to be hoped, that ibe good
sense ofour rulers will prompt them to sweep from
the statute bookao antiquated a law. Under the
usury laws, the, needy man, for whose protection
the laws are supposed to hare been made, is de*
barred/rom borrowing money. Why? Because
bis business enables him to pay ten per cent, for
the use of money, at timer, while the law steps in
and prevents the lender from supplying the money.
Usury says the man who owns a dollar, obtained
for a days work, may loan the tame to another
-and receive seven cents per annum for the use
thereof The sticklers for the usury law also say,
the man who eama two bushels of potatoes per
day. valued at fifry cents per bushel, may, at night,
sell them at one dollar a bushel, and sleep quietly
without thinking that be has been guilty of extor
tion. The potatoes and the dollar each represent
a days labor, and it Is a nice question to .deter*
minowhy a man ehall not use his dollar as freely
as his potatoes. Uoney is a commodity, like po
tatoes, and, except a rate of interest, where no
bargain is made no laws are needed.
Another boat is to be built at once lor the Cali-
fornia trade, to make n connection between the
boats on the Atlantic and Pacific, through the me
dium ol the Cbagrea river. Sho is to be owned
by Geo. Law, and will soon lie afloat. A boat o>
eleven hundred tons is also contracted for, to run
Atm, on the Norwich route, to Bostdn. She will
surpass aH the palaces now afloat, and be the
wonder of the season. All our shipyards and
machine shops are employed to the Tallest extent,
and the mechanics never more contented.
The California fever has brqken but with great
vinlmce again, and the next ahip will take a band
cf emigrants that no city Can well aflord to lose.
A large number of the junior partners of old houses I
are to leave, with funds at command. The last'
remittance by the California ship Was nearer one
and a half millions, than six hundred thousand, as
The Astor Place rioters ate once more up for
trial. One has been found guilty but commended
to mercy, and the Conrt is cow engaged with the
notorious Csptsin Rynders. The. employees of
the printing establishment which got np the infa
mous handbills calling Upon the mob to put down
Englishmen, fear this. Rynders was the chief
spirit, and vis the ostensible moneyed man of the
concern. The whole scheme will be ahdwn to be
. a pure focofoco trick, aud punishment, though late,
will fall where deceived.
One of the miscreants engaged in the Drury
case has been surrendered by his bail, apd com*
milted to prison. No sooner was the grasp of
the law upon him than he commenced a series
of disclosures which implicated the 'members not
only of the bar, but of tbe pulpit, and the profee*
•or* of the healing art. The District Attorney »
I bow looking about him, and, in a few days, tha
j sheriff will go to work.
A packet ship, called tbe New World, has alj
most beaten steamer time. She sailed irora New 1
York on the 20tb November, for Liverpool, where j
she discharged aa entire cargo, and loaded with
a cargo of 1600 toss weight, and measurement
goods, took on board water and provisions, and
316 passengers, and arrived back at this port,
making the entire vojage within the space of 53
The Couoa market was seldom ao buoyant as
now, and prices mas: be qaoted at one cent abovo
the figures of last week, an advazce as sodden as ,
it Is onnaualln the later period ofjbe history of the |
cotton trade.*-. There is a heavy feeling in'Flour,
and large sties .coaid not be made,except at • de*
cline. Aboot-1000 bris changed hteds, inclnding
common (o straight brands at $5 95121, with
parcels at $5 OS), other kinds remdn as ijeljic
A tale oflOO brls Eye Hour was madi from store,
at $3. Meal is $2 96 03, with talcs :f 150 brls.
Pork is without material variation; small sales
mesa at $10,73. Beef is in fair nquest at steady
prices. In Lard there were tales of 160 brls fur
quality, at 6fc. Prime common is 6|c. Batter
sells to a moderate extent at 100 ISe, for State.
There is a good enquiry far Wheat and the tales
are 7,000 bushels good Western asl 07. Eye
continues ,dnll-at 69f 0 61c. Corn isdolibat with*
out change in- prices. Oats in fur demand and
firm. Small sales Ohio and Prison Wnckey at 26 Jc-
Irafc has been more active, and we caice sales of
about 1500 tana jGarlsherrie, Collness. fifo, dec.,
on the wharf, at *s2l, eaah. The rap|]y is large,
and stock on hand is abont 30,000 tan?. Bars arc
nominal at $1250 per tn". Some considerable
negotiations far Rails are going on. Tovacco—la
held very firmly, bat the transactions are tot large.
Sales ISO hhds Kontncky at 3i & Sic, and 37
’ boxes new crap Pennsylvania Seed Leaf 9 1 lc, 6
, mouths.
Fnost HAmusßuno.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gucue.
Hakriibdio, Jan. IS, ISfO.
Oar (ova baa beea more thou ordinarily tnli
vened, ti> day, by the large ia.iux of atrangeraat
ljudini upon the State Common School Convin
tioo, which commenced ita sittings here tiis
morning, in puraoance of previous notire. Tha
Convention waa very folly attended, and many a
the ablest and most distinguished men in ibe Com*
moflsrealib were in attendance upon it, ea raem»
bera. U will continue to ait through to morrow,
if not longer. Many able speeches were deliver
ed to dny. Among the moat prominent of those who
participated, in this branch of the proceedings,
were, the Honorable Judge Kelly, the Hon. J. M.
Sutherland, and E. A. Penniman, Esq., of Phila
delphia, ihe Hon.Thomaa H. Burrows, of Lancaa
icr, and Menra. Evans, of Cheater, and Richards*
of Berks. The Hon. Townsend Haines, Superin
tendent of Common SchooU, by apodal invitation,
read his laat annua} report upon theeobject, which
is e most able and masterly' production. Judge
Porter, of Northampton, is the President of the
ft the House of Representatives, to day, Mr.
Porter, ofNorthampton, reported a bill providing
fortheelection of the Auditor General andSor*
veyor General by the people. Nothing else of
either general or apecial interest vru done in this
In the Senate, Mr. Darsie presented a raemorh ;
a), aignedjby i<s citizens ol Westmoreland co., tor
(be repeal of Ihe $3OO exemption act oi lost ees>
Mr. Walker, one from the citizens of Erie coun
ty, for a General Banking law, similar to that o f
New York; also, one for a new Bank in Erio, to
be called the Canal Bank.
Mr. Brawley moved a resolution that on Mon
day nexl the Senate will prodeed to the Hall
Ol the House of Representatives for tbo pur
pose of proceeding to the election of State Trea
On motion, iho Senate proceeded to tho nomii
nation of candidates.
Mr. Darsie .nominated Gideon J. Ball.
Jobs fid. Bickel.
A. Plnmmcr.
E. A. Penniman.
Jaa. McKee.
Daniel Weirand.
H. L. DiefTcnbeugh.
A»* Dlmock.
Daniel Cain.
J. Snodgrass.
« J. L. Oillii.
“ Wm. Hopkins.
0j motion, the nominations were closed.
Mr. Brawley was appointed m teller oh the pai
ortho Senate. '
Brawley, “
Forsyth, “
Ferron, “
Hufpi», u
Packer, “
Guernsey, •*
In Committee d the Whole, Mr. Saddlor in the
chair, the bill to prohibit the salo of intoxicating
liquor* In tho counliea of Waahingtoa and Welt*
moreland, tru taken up and amended by striking
out Wetttnoreload reported a» amended, and
read a second and third time, and passed.
Esonatooa Paoyna w CAurowtu. —A firm jn
ghu city, engaged in tho Boot and Shoe trade,
tent eeTeral month* unco a quantity of high top,
boaraed grained Boots to California, which coat
lh-m from 921 to 930 per doten. They recently
reeelved a bill of sale of the boots, which brought
from ninety to ono hundred dollar* a pair, and
accompanying this pleating document, wai a draft
on Willis® Co»for the money, amounting to aomo
thousands of dollars,—i?wt. Ev.GsxetU'
For tkt Fttuburgk GmaUt.
Ha. Warrx—ln the “Queen's own,” of this
morning, under the editorial lieid, with the above 1
caption, is on article designed to encoarage the J
workmen in ihe different rolling mill* to resist the
propot ed redaction of wages. Thla article, like
all others from the same quarter, on the same sub*
ject, characterises the movement of the mill own*
era as an act of oppression. Now, what are the
Ist—The price for boiling is $6 per ton—far
paddling $4 per ton.
- 2d—ln radls running doable turn, there are in
the week, six day and five night tarns.
3d—The time required far a turn is eight hoars.
4th—Each poddler and boiler makes in every
two weeks eleven tnrns, vim six day and five
night turne.
sth—A tarn’s work, at paddling, is one ton and
one hundred weight—at boiling, seventeen and
one ball hundred weights.
6th—Peddler’s price each, one helper, at $1,25
per turn, boilers pay,sl,so per turn, each, to help.
From these facts we learn that in two weeks a
paddler will make eleven tons and eleven cwts. j
ofiron, which, at $4 per ton, amounts to $4B 2®
Oat of which be pays his helpers, 13 75
Leavingfar hit two week’s work $33 45
or sixteen dollars and twenty two cents per
Now it is proposed to redneo the price of pud
dling 50 cents per ton, which would lessen the I
puddiei’s wages five dollars and seventy eight!
cents on every two week’s work t leaving him
twenty six dollars and seventy seven cents, or
thirteen dollars and thirty three cents per week.—
Is ibis “grinding men to the dust t”
Again—a boiler will make in two weeks cr
eleven taros, 9 tons, 12 cwts, 3 qn., of iron,'
which, at $6, amounts to, $57 75
Out of which he pays to hishclper 11 toms,
at $1,50. 10 50
Leaving him far two week* work $4l 351
Or twenty dollars and sixty two and a half cental
per week. Now it is proposed to reduce boiling I
one j dollar and filly cents per ton, which would I
leave tho boiler far two week’s work, tweniy six j
dollars acd eighty one cents, or thirteen dollars I
and forty cents per week. Is this oppression ?—j
But there is no other reason for paying a boiler’s 1
helper 25 cts per tnrn more than a paddler, hot
the fact that at present the former receives better
wages than the latter. If then the wages ofboiS
era aid puddlera are equalized, as is now propos- j
ed, that of their helpers will be equalized also, ibis
will increase the wages a - the boilers to 515;77
per week—certainly not bad wages.
It is supposed, however, by penons not ac.
quaieted with the business, that the labor isex-j
ceedingiy oppressive. This Is not the case. The I
whole time required for a tarn's work is eight I
hours, these ire divided between tbe boiler and I
his helper, far only one can work at one time, I
thus giving to each Tour hours work in the 34, |
but then again yon most deduct from these tour
hoars tho time required to melt the best which
is at lead 12 minulas far each beat, and there be
ing 5 heats in a turn’s work, this makes one boor,
so that tbe srlnal working time of these men is|
about 3 boors perday far ll daya in two week*—
let the public mavo its own comments.
So much for puddleia and boiler*. In another
communication I may give the atatiatica in relation
to the wages paid for other portions of the work ■
in our rolling mills, FAIR PLAY.
Tho detiils of the Canada’* new* have arrived,
bat we find but little injaddition to the accotmta
by Telegraph. The intelligence of the insurrec
tion in Scrvia ia confused, end we moat wait for
another arrival to ascertain the facts. We glean
eomc few items of interest.
The United Service Gazette says that another
North West expedition is probably determined
upon, and that tbe,command will be given to the
veteran Sir John Ross, who maintains that be ia
•till vigorons enough to sustain the rigort of an
ice campaign. The Gasetie, however, protests
against the command being given to him. It
; eays
Sir John most know that tbe day has gone by
when he could with impunity perch himeelfin a
state of mtflity on the top of an iceberg. With
reference to the ships already on the Pacific side,
we believe that the Plover, Commander Moore,
waa shortly expecied back at the Sandwich la*
lands. Here ahe has orders to refit, and wait far
ther instructional and the Herald, Captain Relief,
a B-, baa orders to snpplv her there with previa
ion*, and then return to England via India.
The Coatsty of Norfolk,especially in the neigh
borhood ei Norwich, Yarmouth and Lowestoft,
has keen Tinted by exlcnsive floods, to the depth
in some places cf four feet. Several sheep and
eallle have been drowned. In the neighborhood#
above, mentioned, a circuit of about forty miles,
twC'thirds cf the land was under water, and the
railroad insome pan* no! visible. Several crops
of youog-wheat were submerged.
An explosion took place ia a colliery near
Wrexham, Denbighshire, in wh'Fch forty men were
engaged. Three, who signalled the engine man
to draw then up, werejso burned "by !lhe flames
tjut two died, and the lifeeftbo third ia despaired
of. Tho others escaped unhurt, by passing into
another pil.
Stnrwaccx asd loss or Lira.—The Agnes, At
renrfelt, Iroitj New York' for Bremen, was wrecked
qa the coastofTcxel, on the 10th of December.—
Twelve of the crew and seven pasaeegera were
eaved: aud the master, nine men and thirty-four
wi'cngers drowned.
It is supposed that the decision of the judicial
cwtmiuoe of the Privy Council in the Gorham
c»e will not be given before tho middle of Febrn
ihe Sandwich Island Prince#, Alexander Lt
hfhfto and Lot Kamehameha, with the Hou. G.
P. Jldd, had arrived in England.
Tie British Parliament will meet, for the des
patcJtof business, on the 291 h of January.
Lori Denman's resignation of tho Chief Joa»
ticeshr? of the Queen’s Bench, in coaaequence of
'continued ill health, baa been accepted by the
Cabinet, and Lord Campbell, Chancellor of the
Grand Uicby of Lancaster, has received the im-
portant appointment.
A reward of £2OO has been offered lor the ap
prebeosi»r. of an individual named Kalx, who du
ring the ja<u week has absconded from tho_Loa*
don Stock Exchange with some thousands ol
W« extract tho following from a letter in thi
New York Commercial Advertiser from their Eu
ropean corrtspondent:
A eonnßunuaiion hat been published from Shamls,
which seems <7 a pieee with former slanders, although
iis anihenlicliyis reached fqr. Kosiulh, it is assert'
e?yii no longer leader of the Hungarian emigrants,
ahukjeneral Pe-czetjhas been appointed hiaaoeces-
circutmance it nitr.ibotod to disputes caus
ed by a LUtsos mween' Kossuth and the Countess
Denttiinski, a beteuful woman, the daegtuer -of a
trade*mtui at Teneswar. who accompanied Kossuth
in a male dress, outer the name of Kmi e Hogal. The
clipaie* are alleged to have been fomented by Bern,
ana it I* added that the refugees have all along been
divided into three tarries, the Uni consisting of the
personal adherents »f Kossuth, the second represent
ing the aristocratic dement, and the third the ultra
democratic, beaded b? General Perete). Notwith
standing the pretended accuracy of these allegations
they »re at present unworthy (of absolute belief, linee
it i« not J:-ng since similar stories of evil, vouched for
wnli equal solemnity, and subsequently disproved,
were circulated reganliicr Kossuth's friend, the Hun
garian Minister of thq hrerior, who was said to havo
absconded with a large .uttoani of treasure. That ac
tive dissension! may hsveoceurred among the refu
gees is, however, extremely probable, since, like all
other races, when compand with the Anglo-Saxon,
the Maygars are deficient in their power of union. .
The return of the Tope to Koma Is still delayed, but
it is said that difficulties ore tow removed. The Pon
tiff hr.« niidres><-d nit autogntjh let'er to Prince Louis
Napoleon, informing him of us [proximate return to
the Vatican, and lhankingthia “for having freed hi*
dominions from the opptessiot of on aonrehia! and
anti-Ciinstisn faction ” Another story, which is a
matter of laci, but which readi equally like a satire
on An? President of tho French Republio, Is that lbs
Empemr of Austria bos sent bin his portrait, richly
framed, accompanied by an autograph letter fall of
compliment* on'-the imporiaut crvices rendered by
thn President to the cause of onlet and ;soeiety. b Tbe
Preside,ii; n it is added, •* has comnanded the portrait
to be placed in the must conspicuous position In the
grand salob of the Elysee.
Cjy-LrvKX CouPLatirr.—The only remedy ever effort
ed to the puhlie, which has never failed of working a
cure, when directions are followed, is McLaae’s Live
pill. Itboi now been several yean before the public,
and has been introduced in all sectiens of the Union
Where it ha# been u*ed,lthai had the most triumphant
ruceett; and has actually driven out ef use all other
medicines. It has been tried under all the different
phase# of Qepaus, and has been found equally effica
cious in alt
For ire l * by J.'KIDD h CO., No. 09, corner of Fours
and Wood SL, Pittsburgh. (jonU-dfcwlwS
improvementa in Dentistry,
DR. C. O. STEARNS, lateof Boston, is prepared to
mannf»f mre and cel Blocc Txstu in whole and pans
of sets, upon Suction or Atmospherlo Suction Plates.—
Tooßucuaccttxo W ftvxwuftmes, where the nerve i#
exposed* Office and residence next door to the Way
Greco, thii
jdelegotw to
rillo to Nuh-
SFaad Ferry *»«&>
A Cmr* and CartidasU as Hem*-
Qpßits wur n asm an txa pinttioi--
I hereby certify thataboul two weeks ago I was «el*-
ed with a violent enaek of mmMif and pwgfag Chol
era Morbus, with very dlittcwing pains in the womaeh
and bowels, whleh was completely relieved by two
teaspoonfol dotes of Petroleum, taken in a little wa
ter. After having taken tho first dose, I slept soundly
and comfortably for three hours. [Bigsed]
* On board the steam boat Ariadne.
Pittsburgh, Dee. tlth, 1W-
I am Ceptain of the Ariadne, and was a witness to |
the astonishing efiseti of the Petroleum, in the case of!
Henry Wise, who ia one of the hands on the boat.
Pittsburgh, Dee. 11th, IMP.
ID-See general advertisement in snot
rumv« Lxxojttscaaa^—Prepared by I
William street, N.Y n end for aalo bv A.Jarnes, No.
TO Fourth street This will be found a delightful arti
cle of beverage In families, and particularly for siek
r °Baua , e improved ChoctOate prepara
tion, being a eombiaatioa of Cocoa nat; ln-
N. d &&
«h* ROTKRPBAn wUI esatUus thilr
cassia abb nraoraaia snzmxmiXßß,
At the above Hall,on Monday.Tuadsy and Wee
Slit, Sid, and 13d.
ny Admission, ** eents.
For particulars sea Programme. ... JW
mHE Bob*eribera to the Stock of *e CJge» lm»
ranee Company will **«••• ukoottiM that an
fcjeetlon for nine Director* ofJtald Company
held in tbe Room* of lire Board of Trade oa fljondiy
the 4ih of Febraary at 4 o’clock, PM.
B 7 order of the Coaßunooer*^
jinn toiFcb
Coairxi or 4ts St**** tMOlfat^ Offic* Aiaw,
Dealer la cdA, B*»k Notes*. Tim* Bills, For
eign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Do-
P °KMbange on mil the principal cities In the Union, I
for sale in anas to sail pur*ha*ifc , .. ,
Collections on all parts of the Union at the lowest
nut lanH-wSm
2 SORRELL HORSES, .with Buggy* sad atznt **
will no sold together or separately. Tue Horns **•
young and well broken to harness.
7 Apply to. ROBT. H. PATTERSON.
jarolLdih aioaonguhela stable.
Far Ribl*
rTIHEUiU. Brick MANSION. Jl BnAtakNi FtoU,
I with reqnlsita grounds aronnd it, ini table for .the
porposo of a respectable rammer boarding house. It
is believes that such an establishment atlhiabeaatiial
locality would do well. Enquire at ay office, corner
Wood and Fourth streets. . w
T A^r 11 tb " -tVSßtfiaaßwr ACO
ROLL BUTTER—a bbls for sulo by
OSr Wbfe'SftßMW ACO
BROOMS —ICO do*, yerioea qualities, for sale by -
j» o ai g P VON dONNHORST A CO;
i UOKED HERRING—«O boxes lor sale by
SUGAR— fl hbdt new crop, tor sale by «
ffij* '“"“‘TrYcfo BONNHOBST A CO
,‘liSr” fc CO
,OCK,POWBEB-I«. v k^g ;
Feathers— do aaeki for «■!« by
).n*i . Q H GRANT, 41 Water st
DRIED PEACHES—27 saekaandebbUfarsaloby
(RIED APPLES—6 bbls for tala bjr „
jin]l C H GRANT
tLAXSEED—4B bu far rale by .
PARED PBACHEB-0 bu fox amloto
jinti C H GRANT
ARD—69 bbls Leaf, Car aale by .
Cracklings— u bbu far *afa by .
j.w,i C H GRANT
NO. SUGAR—34 hhdsN. O. Sugar. Ja*t reeeivsd !
and for aale by A. CULBERTSON,
,'uA 144 Liberty st. _
O. MOLASSES—4O (bbls N. O. Molasses, Just
reeeired and far tale by A. CULBERTSON,
itatt W Liberty w.
aS 11. MOLASSES—33 bbls 8. H. Molasses, on hand
„ and far aalo by A. CULBERTSON,
i y.*M ltd Liberty tb
TEAS- Jest reeelvud a superior lot of Green and
Black Teas, and for sala by
jaaS! 144 Liberty st.
LABD— 74 bbls No l, in store mad far sale by
WHITE BEANS—aObbls in store and far sale by
tLOUR-tSO bbls Extra Family. in (tore and far
HOPS— 6 bales just rac'd and far aalo by ARMSTRONG A CROZER
FLOUR— no bbti in atora and for Ilia bj
itaa WM H JOHNSTON, lit Soccud at
P < %an° 83 btl * *wi^HJOH&gTON
lOLL BUTTER-* bbla for aala bT
TOMATOES—3OO jap for ule by __
LARD— S) fcep /rub, for a ala br
; REEN- APPLES—In store and for tale by
f janffl ffM H JOHNSTON
i AFE9—a seeoad hand SafeMpr tale lew by
) janffl WM H JOHNSTON
INFALLIBLE for renewing, invigpratteg, and beau*
ty Tying the Hair, removing Scurf, Dandruff, and all
ideations of the Scalp, and caring Eruptions on the
Skin, Diseases of the Glands, museles and Integu
ments, and relieving Sting*, Cats, Braises, Bpnins,
ke . Ac. With this preparation, "there is no such
word at fail." The Srst journals In America, medical
men of the highest eminence, prominent cilitent ef all
pr ofesaions, and ladles who nave used it for years in
their dressing rooms and nurseries, admit with one ac
cord, that, for imparting vigor, gloss, luxurisnce and
curl to the hair, eradicating scurf and heal
ing wounds, cuing contusions, sprains, stings, Ac.,
and relieving dlseuea of the skin, the glands, and the
muscles It hss no equal among the multintde of com
pounds advertised in the public prints, or used In pri
vate praetlee. In cheapness as well as effiSZfey, Bar
£■ Tricopherous n unrivalled.
[•ho affinity between! the membranes which consti
tute the skin, and the hair which draws its sustenance
from this tripleenvelope is very close. All diseases
of the hsir originates in the skin of the head. If the
pores of the scalp are clogged, or if the blood and
other fluids do not circulate freely through the small
vessels which feed the roots with moisture and impart
life to the fibres, the result is scurf; dandruff; shedding
of the hair, rrayness, dryness, and htneness of the
ligaments, aim entire baldness as tho ease may be.—
Stimulate the skin to healthful action with the Tricep
herous, and the torpid vessels, recovering their activ
ity, will annihilate the disease.
la ail affections of the skin, and of the substrata ef
muscles and integument*, the process and the effect
are the same.
It is upon the skin, the musettlorjfibre, and Ute
the Tricopherous has iu specific action,
and in all affections ana injuries ef these] organs, it is
a sovereign remedy.
gold, is large bottles, priee S 3 cents, at the principal
Offiee,~T37 Broadway, N. Y.
fTTFor isle by R. E. SELLERS,
jairti _ ; Piusharg.
HAVE now in store a large aud general assortment
of DRY GOODS, which they offer to City and
County Merchants at reduced priee* and which they
will aell as great inducements to cash buyars. or for
approved credit. ~ Jaal9
To tiso Stockholders of tko Okmrtlsrs
Cool, Csnpasy,
NOTICE is hereb7 given, that, in pursuance of the
'Act of the Genera) Assembly of this Common
wealth, entitled u An Aet to Incorporate the Chartiera
Cool Company, in the County of Allegheny,” an Elec
tion will be held at the Monongahefa House, In the
City of Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 7th day of Feb
ruary neitet t o'clock in the afternoon o( that day,
for the purpose of electing Directors of the said Com
JaniP-UJ Commissioners.
MUSLINS, of suitable widths for Pillow Cases,
constantly on hand.
Alio— Shortings, from 14 to 3 yards wide, and an as
sortment of Towelling end Table Diapers, and. house
keeping goods generally.
Also—^tickings of Use most approved manufacturer
including very superior, of extra width, at the Dry
Goods Ffoute of W R MURPHY*
East corner of Third and Market sts.
HTWholcsslc Rooms up ataiis. . janlP
AVF.RY fine article of Mourning Long Bhawls,
f o h site,jest received, fonaerpnceSlt, aud now
only Ji. A A MASON s CO,
j, n l9 <0 Market street
To Lot.
A SMALL COTTAGE HOUSE, in Allegheny city,
on E*nlonhde street Rent low. Inquire of
jin!!) P TABSEY A BEST, 33 Wcad SL
a ROOM at the corner of Penn and Hand streets,
A now occupied by Mr. Jones, as a Drug Stoic.
Paueuion given on the first of April next.
Jtnt9-tr A.W. LOOMIS.
Diaekwdotf'e Hagailas and tko British
Ruarwrly Bavlswi,
TZ: ThxLosdos Qcakxht Rryixwi
Tus Ecnrecxoß Rxyngw,
Tux Nirnstt Bxotiß Rjtnrw;
Tux WxvncißSTXi RxvtKw:
And — Rlscswoos's Eoixxtrxaa MaoaaHi.
For any one of the four Reviewx, S3JX) per annum.
For all f ur of iho Beviewt, «
For uia< kwood's Msgaziue, “ .
Forßls(kwoodandthe4Reviews, “
payments to be made in all easeg in advance.
Published slmnltaneausiy in New York and Pltts
bureh: Office, S 3 Wood street. -
EDGINGS & FRENCH MERINOS are setunc very
chetpat ‘janiP A A MASON Rep'S
/NAUCOES—IO cases, fou colors, at die} former
Utericclbc. Jaatf A A MASON * CO
Bjlne r.UKCgft—lease very dark Shifting Checks,
juxtepenedby SHACELETT A WHITE,
ianl9 r ‘~- 99 Wood street
[oWNSHEETINGS-SDbaUa heavy 44 Brown
Sheetings, jest rac'd and for aalo at old prices oy
BmttTiwas—A rood assMttaccl u
Blotehod (foods, ia sure and for sale hr_
ntisl. Comer ofFourth
d Decatur, between
Bp John P» Paris, Assllomm,
fWffgirr Sols <if 143 rCaxms Fuu Shim.
OnTuesdty morning,33d test* at to o’clock, at the.
Commercial sales Rooms, corner Of Wood and Fifth
streets, will be sold, without reserve,nn * credit of 90
dsysTfor opprored endorsed paper, on mas over gioo
—an excellent assortment of Fine Shirts, i elected ex
pressly for this mxrkat, comprising WBilin Shins, Un-.
en bosoms, stitched plaits, AN broad and natycrw
plait shirts, with linen bosoms, collar*,’ Ac.; sopenor
I thins, with Preach embroidered bosoms;
with yoke neck and Frenek sloeves; extra York Mill
rMustin and English Long Clo tit Shuts; do. with splen-
D. DAVIS. Accl.
qULLOW-» bbla, nc’d uirir
T ARD-BO kegs No 1, for sulo by M ' t . na
REEP PELTS—SOO Sheep pelts, in store and far
> sate by janlfl SAW HARBAUGH
TTOPS—7 bales prime, just rec’d and far sale by
POTASH—S 3 bbla jut rac’d and for tale by
GUN NT BAGS—I,SOO in store and for tale by' "
CHANDLER WANTED.—An experienced Chand
ler will hear of a good situation by applying.!©
COPAL VARNIB —l3bbt» Furniture;
10 hi bbls- do;
0 keg* ‘ do;
d bliCcaeh do;
flfafbla do do;
5 kegs do dm far sale by'
ian!9 . ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front st
CHEESE— 350 boxes far sale by '
SUGAR— 8 hbds, far sale low'to elnte consignment
janlfl • IBAIaH DICKEk ACO
POTASH- 15 casks, first sort, far sale br • _
SCORCHED SALTS—SObblsinstoreandforaaleby
FIRE BRICK a TILE—For sale by _'
BUTTER— SO boxes dairy, made expressly far fatal.
jl, -CM oa. -* ‘"■l VXi, FLOYD
Buckwheat ploub-cd s*eks w «c\Lthij day
and for sale by Janlfl- JARFLOYD
HONEY— 300 lbs prime, in comb, ree*d this day and
for aalo by janlfl JAB FLQVP •
CORN MEAL-0 saeka and 37 bbls arriving and for
julfl Water street
CORN— 8 sacks and 31 bbls Shelled Com far sale by
WHISKEY— 35 bbls nperior Old Mon. Bye, far
jialfl Water street
TKTEW BACON—44O Hams, 460 Shoulders, aod
i.l Sides, in smoke bouse, and ready far daivery.for
sale by janlfl TABBEY A BEST
POTATOES —150 bbls Balt. Blues, for stlei by ’
fNDIA SENNA-400 lbs Just rte’daed far Mb by
L Janlfl J KIPP A CO. CO Wood at
SAL SODA—IOOO Iba In store and far sale by
Jsnlfl . J KIDD AGO
TTEN. RED-30 bbls rec’d and far «sle by •
Y janlfl J KIDD ACO
GASTTLE BOAP—KO lbs far sale by L,
janlfl J KIDD A CO
HLVER SAND—4 bbls just rec’d and for mlo-Uy
> Janlfl ;. : J KIPP A CO 1
UTTER—I 3 bbls Roll, lit cloths; 10 bxs do; 12 kg
paeked do; tor sale'by '
janlß • t: JB CANFIELD, Pronvat
ALLOW—7S bbla in store and far sale-by_ _
SCOBCHINGS— 0 casks in store and for «»Jebr
bxs prime, in store, and for ulo by
t j.wtft jbcanfield
g.LEHATO 3 -,, 1.
f l^bE 3 -..I.x. 1 .x. M~M. '‘"•*s CiSnE L»
T.?.°g° ° II - Mbt ' ,f " ,tl^ T ßCriNF l FXl,
IUNNY BAGS-3000JastrecM.andfor taloby
Green apl
BUTTER— 1 30 firkins good Roll, in eloths.forsaie by
Chkmk— a. small lot, forsale low to close eoasfan*
ffk.nt. by janlfl bHEYFOOLE A CLARKb
T7GGS-10 bbls good, Just reh’d and far silo by
B breyfoolsaclabkf.
XTEW BACON—OO,OOO lbs Hog Bound,, prime, i
Ivi smoke house, far tale by
SOAP— 50 bxs Palm Soap, just rec’d per tteamei
Pike No 9, and lor sale by ' v . r
TIT &. MURPIIY invites the attention of buyer* to
YV • his present eheiee'stoek of Prinu « r.’| cent*
per yard, or fast color* and newest nylss,
Ali»—Newest styles Bogtish Cniaties, from 121 to
against' • Jin Chine try.
Steamboat TelegraphNo.«,de.> ' • ’ l r v^^
BY VIKTUE of an Order at the LoiUtviUß Chaa
-eery Court, made la tie above earnest, we, the
underriimed, or one of os, wJl|-ea Honda?, the-88th
day ef January,l£so, tell to the highest bidder or bid*
dew, etpablia anetten, on beard of eaift boats, at the
1 wharf inihe city of Loaiavile, the whole of the steam
beat Telegraph No. 1. her eeginea, tackle, *©.: and,
alto, throe fbnnh* of the etmmbodt Telegraph No. %
enatnet, tackle, he. . * . ••
The tome of sale tube—•ctaftonh each la hand, the
remainder on eteditt'of4,B»aaitt«onlhhfi>re4atl
1 Pn Fnrehnur or yuchaaen wU be required to rive
bonds, with approved security .bearing/Intermit from
the day, of anle nrnfl paid. - y .-i >■ ~
Sale to take place about U colock, A. M-: of taiA
»diy? ■ , /OHNA.CRm3NDEN,M!ZaC.
- —| * . CHARLES 3. SENG, Deputy.
HOULDERS-C.y O^d.. i\
|w. cent*.
Also— A fall assortinont of small figured light Pnnu
and Chintxetr bait blue, pink, laloek, purple, orange;
Ae. GrTWholesale Booms up stairs. Isnla
SCORCHED SALTS—4 bbls in store and for sale by
Cpkum CHEEBE—47 boxes large, in store-and for
pt« ty jmlß HABDY, JONK3ACO
POTATOES— MO aacka in atore'and for aale by
PEA NUTS—ISO aacia tor taJe br i '
jiuitß HABDv, 3QNFB I OO
MOULD CANDLES—too bxa is ate re and for tala
BACON HAMS—Citr Cared in a loro and fox tale to
JanlB STUART k. BILL, H 8 Wood at
GUNNY BAGS-JOO just ree’d and for sale by
Cfjgg 8 - 300 b " prim " " rt
UGAB-SQ bluia, NO,
DRIED PEACHES—ICO bn' on baud aid Tor salt
hV laniy McGILLS A ROE
D~~Rn-:n APPLES—A small lot, choice, for talo ot
lo&xtxuM*r laa!7 McGiLLSA ROE
MOLASSES— 60 hf bbU NO, in aod for tale
P^ 11 ~‘r lafo, " lel,r M.G.LLSfcHOE
ABD—3U ken and 8 bbls WO 1, onhanaandfor
nip by j»ni7 MeGILLS A ROE
CIDER-35 bbls Crab Cider; ' . '
Bftfbbl»“ “ JQ« rte’d and for silo by
lint? Water street -
MOUA3SES— 3l» bbls NO,
and for tale bjr ..._. llLtrLJ
TTriNDOW GLASS—IOOO bxr, ass*d sites, Efier-
W * heart’s moke) for tale by
PEARLABH— 5 cults ree’d and for sale by
LASS—SCO bzs us’d, In store and for tile by
' jtal7 JOHN WATT ft CO
ILOVEB SEED—SOO bn primo^ncw.^^salc^s^
IUTTER—S bbls Fresh Roll, for sole by
k janlT JOHN WaTBA
IHEESE—SO bzs prime WRj "
i - sacks Goshen; in store and for solo by
jini? JOHN WATT ft CO
DRIED FRUIT—SOO ho new Peaches;
40 “ Apples: for sale b]
jinl7 . JOHN WATT ft C (
A LOT OF GROUND, suitable for a Brick Yard,
and sitaated near the city line; In the vicinity of
Bridge, wilt be seated for a term of years. Ap
ply to E. D. GAZZAM, Third street,'
jaald Office over,the Post Office.
A BOOM on the second story of the Wtrehsuse
No. gfl Wood street ■ Janlfl
A Present for Year Comity.
Prstunsa Wzzatt— 9l *tk j-hotm.
“The best paper In the Union.” fEvcoingSur.
“Rather get In coal than go withontit 1 " [Boston Posh
Newf eabsciibers can be supplied from Jan. 1,1350,
if immediate application be made [either personally or
by letter) at the Office of Pablieauan, to Wood si.
Janlfl J. D. LOCKWOOD.-
Eighteen Acres of ground is a good state of cul
tivation, together good stabling, Ac., lilaaied
miles from Pittsburgh, near the Greentbunth tnrnpil>,
1 and adjoining the Allegheny Cemetery. There ii r an
ezeellent spring near the dwelling. Possessio£givcn
on the Ist April.
ALSO-A three story Briek Dwelling Home, on
Liberty street, between O’Hara and. w final streets,
Fifth Ward, at present occupied, t>y the subscriber.
Possession given on the Ist Esquireof
JantO-tf „ WM t YOUNG, ltd Liberty st.
VTEW NEGRO SONG. byS.C. Foitxjl—“Ob.Lem
i.l uel, go down to de Colton Field,”—a new Ethio
pian Melody, juil ree’d and for sale by
janld JH MKI.LOR, £4 Wood «_
TANNERB’ OIL—SO bbls Strait’s Oil, foraale by
janlfl • James DALEELL, 24 Wu'st et
For Rsatt
sty LKtTntiE - ao ’■'"gaShsaaK-'?
Jw 30,000 lbs in Smoke Home, for sale »jy
1 XIEH ft JONES, Canal/Ruin,
janlfl ' near Semi »-h street
FLOOD— liffibbli in store and for by
CRAIG ft >KINNEP„aa Mirkct ,t
OATS— 2W bn in store and for role by: •
l«nlO - CfjuoisiONNEß
ONIONS— 10 bbls ree’d and for sale by i *
Lard —s kegs, in store, and for sale by '■ ,
BUTTER-10 bblr. Fresh RoU,lne'oths,bo day rut’d
and for sale oy janlfl CRAIG ft SKINNER
BEANS— labbia Small White, for sale'W ..
DIUED FEAOHGS—3S bujttst ree’d and for sale by
lanlfl * 1 CRAIO A SKINNER
Hickory NUTS—to bblsin store and for sale by
Janlfl • •- • CRAIG ft SKINNER
f'tRKKN APPLES—2st>bt*instofeand for tale by
POTATOES— 100 bbls In stars sad for sale by
Janlfl CRAIO ft BRINNERgfI Market st
T> UTTER- S kbit [Plaingrove) Fresh RolLjut ree’d
J)aft4foxateb£ juts. Jftß Floyd
The splendid steamer I
,<1 “'lOl Wyoming! .
vSt3't& S Rodgers, master, will JeaVt far the
■■BBBMMiebeTe end ell in tannediala ports an
this da<r, at 10 O’clock, A. M. i
Per freight or apply an board. .-} ‘ lent!
' ! 7®rai i
jgShjitfSa Norton, tauter, will leare for the
■aißweiwwi.i«i»« »iui ell intermediate ports tkia
day, it 10 A. IL i
For freight or passage apply on boanLer to .•
, janlB oBQfl MILTENBEBGER, Agents
ITho splendid steamer
flF•te Jr ! - RINGGOLD,
mISBjBWB Cant. Cope, will leave for the above
■HBEaBBana ail intermediate, porta-ea Than
day, the 17th tnn^-at 10 A. M. . *
For freight or passage apply on board. - Jani?
_ The splendid fast mania*steamer r-
LOUIS McLaNE, W. 8. Ownreli,
. LBotSSSI 1 master, (having nnder*cae~. a- thor-
ough repair,) wul ran hereafter as a
1111 regular packet between Pittsburgh
-and Wheeling,* leaving Pittsburgh ey**T Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, at • o’clock. For
fretsht cr passage apply on board, or to
Jan* 1 WHEELER, Agent. •
rpIUS well known line of
I ere is now composed of the largeat>fwumst,oaa
Gished and fanrisheSi and most powerid bows • tha
waters of (he West. Every accgmttodarioaMd
Sbqsi^ , s!!?s¥sSS'Si|-
ter. Jt'.alfcases the passage money mnstbapeidi*
advance. , . . /'
T AAC NEWTON, Captain HemphflL wU
leave Piiubargh-every Sunday morning atwoMbek;
Wheeling every Bhnday evening at 10F. m.
Uayiß»,l&l7. __ . .
bokSlt packet.
Ibe MONONGAHELA; Capt Bronx, wfllleave Pitts
burgh every Monday morning at 10 o’clock; Wheaßag
levefy Monday evening at lOrje. J...
[ r;. ..
The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capl/J. KlctotM, Will
leave Pittsburgh every Tueedav morning at 10 o’clock;
I Whet-l-nsrevervToesdaTevealngailOF.*.;. --
; WBDNEBoiSf MS&ST. •••.
The NEW ENGLAND No. 3, Capt. S* Dl.B,will
I leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday - motnin—»at id
I o’clock; < ff ) y ag *
I lie BRILLIANT, Capt. Gaac*. will leava'PlUM
I-burgh every Thursday morningailOo’eleek; Wheeling
I The CIJPPER No. % Capt, Pm DtrvaX, vrtllleava
I PittsbaTgb every Friday morning el 10 o'clock; Wltee-
I a» every Friday evening at 10 >. M.
Tilg'V” N ° *’ °°
pOTASH-U eaike in store and for J *J c B b J LOY D
LIVER COMPLAINT. —Anoihet eereperfonaedby
nsiitg the original,. only tree end genaine Uva*
* ’ Asaanaxa, Brown
Mr. TL E. Seller*—ln April lastmy wife was snack
,ed with liver Complaints,and had (ho tdv eecrf tare
i physicians,who tried various remedies without pro-
I lacing any good afleet.. Having heard of yourcete
i bratcd lirer Pills, I. eoneladed w* give lnemaWr
trial. 1 porchtied one box of Mr. Scott, of Abcidsoo,.
aad gave them according to the directions, by which.
Ixhewas greatly relieved/ I procured a second bo
which entirely eured her, and the now enjoys- sxeol*
I lent health. 1 have,tued them rajsell, and ptoaoanee,
I them the best family medleine 1 ever tried. • -1
I Yours. Ac., Mamr* BJUJiT. .
I prepared and mold by R- E. SELLERS. ST Woodsy
1 sold also by Druggists generally in tfce_. two dtles.
I * ianlO ~
J O'CONNOR retires from oar firm from this dido,
. going into the boases of AtJms, (PCoanorfc Co*
Philadelphia, and O’Conner, Atkinilt
I The “General Commission and Forwarding Badness,"
as weU u tha “Pitttbnrgh TraasponatlonTJaa Agan
ey,» will bo continued by us at oar Pspo*, W Nortb
I sieet. Baltimore. We ret urn oar thanks to o«r/riend»
and the friends of the Lloe tor past favosa, and hope
t».mem Ml «■>".« ““‘tBSS^KSS -
0 bbla (rood winter) toxaale b y
op, Just ree’d and for
crop, jrnt rec'd
Briek Yard for Kant.
Par Boas.
iEARLASH-2i bbU Adams*, on hand indjbreala
the aame.. (
Baltimore, January Ist, ISSO.
ATEINB, O’CONNOR. A CO. Nos. Bt* At.lSl Mar
ket street, Philadelphia; OkjONNOR. ATKLNS
& CO., Canal Barin, Liberty su, Pitlsbargm O’CON
t (ORS & 7O North street, Baltimore.: t v
This old established LINE, bavin* ehanged Its firms
and agents as above, -and extended tie anexunmeate,
begs leave to inform Its friends and the public tharu
writ be prepared, on the opening ef the Pennsylvania
C,p.i« fa the spring ef I&S9, .to give alt freights an
equalled despatch aad cart, at .very low rates,
janld-dt ~' ■ '. *
.;aanbu , i iti«i
* Ism*aiOMltACo< .1.1"). _•
■ytn«i '■! sin Cuafierj&
SltaiobofttTeleynph No.l, ts. J
'And tbo tame.-' V-
TTTTNTER LARD OlL—lObbls pure,(wflL stand
nLOVER SEED—4CObu itslore and for site by
—FmUSBKnA~ . ..... .
advance aade.on contignmeftto.
Jant*-Cm - ' ;i"
CLOVER SEED—3 blajust ree’d and foe sale by
WINDOW GLASS-910 boxes usa’dtiat, Fnak
lin.and Smith ft lemn’a Brands, in stare and
for sale by Janlfl IHEY, MATTHEWS ft CO
FLOUR— 235 bUs Ettre Family and Superfine;
» “ Fke; • •
7 “ pone Bye; in stare and for saw by
janli 31 Water sad A 3 Frootst
R TEAL—IS bbla Con Meal, in store and for safe b
M janli L 8 WATCHMAN
LARD— aa bbls Not Leaf, ' , , ■
1M kegs . So forsaUhy -
PlUsbarslx BovlffaUoß usd Vlfo lam*
rnmaCnmpaay. '
A MEETING of tie Stoekholders of the Pittsburgh
f\ NaviraUon and Fire Insurance Company, will
beheld at the Offiee.No Sl.Markct street, on Satur
day. the SSth day of Jannnry, 1850, at 3 tfefock, P. n.
i ■ ■ tLFINMET.Bte-,.
PKjACHKs—itowcki Dried Peaches;
• fl ta prime Pared; for saj*
jan!4 LflffAn
SA I.RP^TtIK—3t hbli Adana*.in stare andfor ioia
CLOVER BE&D—« bbls rreM
and for sale by Janl* - JOHNWAyfftCO-
DRIED BEEP-flcasks Sugar
for aale by ; .BnU Bft W HftRRAr n n
G LOVER SEED-200buiaf«*ja'by ’
GOITUN— s bejot, !br sale on wha?yr-: >—
janli idWTtannH
SUG AB-35hhds NO, in “
A LARGE Wrought Capet,
Collars, and pWLafy be focmA cheap, st
Janli AAW ft st
FIRE rec’d antf’forsaie’by
Janli' ' - .-8 ft W HABBAUOH
ft APPLES—A few hundred
\J by ‘
JmM r ’-■■■■ SfcW HARBAUOH
T LIME-100 bbU in store and Tar sola
-Xj by. __ Janli Bft WHARBAUOH
I^UTrEQ— 14 part in cloths; ”
20 kegs “ for sale by -
lanli • ' LBWATERMAM
fiIHEESE— 60 bzs WB, on hand and for sale by
V J«»V Y'* " ‘ Jfc-U FLOVD
FtvATHßlty^— 'lx maelf pnma by
BEANS- bbls and 5 tacks White, for sola hv ~
S E^D-.aio bu prime new Ciovet Seed;' •
- CO ba strictly prime Timothy Bead; in •***.
and for taleby Janlfl ■ LS WATERMAN
TV.lESEsuperior Blankets, made of the seflesi' snd
X Atsit Wool, can always be found alDry.®®*?*
jania N E comet Fourth and-Markct sts _
COUNTERPANES^— Colored utd WBie Counter
pane*, of handsome patterns and targe sixes-tor
talc low by Janli • WHMURPHk
J ligbt blue, scarlet, maroon, garnet, brown, green
and black Cation Velvets; an aisortmeat *i w *Z* t J£' t
by lanld ■ . , WRMUBPn^
WOOI. — U tacks In tiore and for sals
JanB CRAIU jtflPNW^-
Ct HAWCS.-A Very efcoiee wiicleeraottrnlnf ***
O AAM^t og
Ql A Bob’*8od» Art.«
Ol for lalo by Un9 J.BZ»l*Wpßrß*jsa
•apply of Cook 1 * fine prewd *»wf £JWa#d it
jgUCKWiikAT FCpUR-fiO^eirawo^g^iiar
Thoms* PsThUtfQ»iv •
IVI Tobacco, Ibrann and large Censer
Brass Callings and Brass Works posis* 1
of Feny aad Finl streets.
1 ■ -_j a. pittury af
THEsobscriber, basing aboTetwad*-.:
James Pane mm, Jr.,. tocmd **, ■‘v.a tbe pabUe .
would respectfully inform hXifw»* on fb»
that be is prepared to fill match, and «01
non min&le lern, «od
feel (nuefiil tor fecir PABBNBON.
-Pittsburgh,Jan.l,MSD»’ • - >;
HAVING dtapond of “* .JPumKmo
Thomas- Parkinson, :l l»k*_jjg» < u *adthi public,
for Wm the patronsge of will b*
feeling confident that any “"EJgato.* ; •
duly appraeiated and * T ’
Pimbmtb, JM.
■ .Jii#