TBE HTIBBP-dK GAZETTE- i PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 19, f 649. - **• «*rae*oy reqtesmd to hand to : *&fKnn.**y M 4 M eoriyiatbedayu JWreiflid»eBUaGtm*«TtedEB NSXT PAOB FOR LOCAL SCATTERS Hjnr-Bmuains za Nzw Yota, Psaonumu .in PittsKiiaK.—An active rivalry .exists be* ■ tvm'Nsw York and Plubutelpbis, sod the press* «sof the respective cities, in anticipation of the ‘censas to be likes this jremr, ire boasting of their - Aovth uj population, and insulating compari- £ r toskovtbenpid advance jof one over tho The Philadelphia Bulletin Uyi, that New Is fifty per cent, be Wad Philadelphia, ia re* - fjtrf to the ranher of new balldings erected dor* iflf the’ jw 1849. la New York, the buildings erected, of afl'classfrs,'ia 1495. la. Philadelphia, sad loooirpoiiUed froa March Ist to Beer Ist, 1849,2355 aew buildings were erected, and ■ *■ etfaiHe of the number in the unincorporated datrictsbriagitbe total up to about 3000. Mak* ■ i®f the moderate allowance of >aix inhabitants to each aew building, the year’s growth of the two cbsawlS stand aafbUowa: Philadelphia-•••. New York. k 1 -lafarorof Philadelphia, 1,505 10,030 If theaa statistics are correct, oar Quaker sister . la aowdicf hard oa the good city of Gotham, and . we of Flushorgb are not tar behind the American .. netropoUa in the number of new buildings erected • the last year. We have no official mode of arriv , tag tithe n amber in the city and surrounding dit* • Mots, bat have been at some pairu to arrive at a . jttat estimate. Maay ofthe Wards we hive eseer ' tailed, and hope to have the whole before long.— So far as we can jndge from the statistics already Obtained, we think that It wilt be (band that not. lees than cut thoueaud kou* cr were erected in Pbtaborgh and vicinity daring the yetrl64o. Nearly all of these were fine brick bnUdings, and many ofiboco of a very costly description. If we ■reeovreet, accordingto the ratio of six to a house, • oar population has increased, for the year, 6000; tad #e have erected only 500 hooees less than the 1 great City of New York.. If we do ao well now, . -tew will it bo: when onr rail roads and plan* feeds come into use? - ,The Hungarian exiles are now in Washington ttty* \ Oa Tuesday they were presented to the President and Secretary of State, by whom they were cordially received and kindly entertained.— Speeches were made on both sdet, and the Han* ffarftns expressed themkalves highly delighted, end were much affected with the dignified botpi taflty of their reoeptioo. - A letter in the Baltimore American says that they were informed that Government bad not only authorised in’ageat to acknowledge the independence of Hnngary, and ..to be the first to welcome her into the family of in case she had succeeded in the late rev* olotfoa, bat that car Minister at the Bublime Porte had also been instructed to ase bis good of fices in beslf of Kossuth and his brave compan* taufc and to send them, if in hia power, to the Uni ted Stales in one of onr vetsela of war if any Ahoali be about to retnni from the Where they woald find e heart; welcome,-and’ te met with a generous sympathy by every true; American. » PrnzsmsH san Ears ILlileoab.—We under stand that 15,000 sharer, amounting to $750,000, have been sabscribed to the Pittsburgh and Erie - Bailrosd, and $35,000 paid in. . This is a noble be* ' finniog, and in,ehergetichands wHI secure the. ■ esrtaia and speedy. constrnctidn of the road. Thia wiQ open np all that region to the Pittsburgh Market, and offer shortest roote to the Lakes. Oar great Western road will certainly commence with brilliant prospects. It will have connections with the Lake, by jßailroad, at Erie, Cleveland, and Sandusky, tap thus have immediate access to the Immense trade of thd Lake region. AttiovLToxaL Mahaz trail—Wo awindebted to Me. J.’ D. Loekjwood, of .Wood street, for the January numbers bf those, excellent Agricaltaral. Magnifies, the Albany Cahfvator and Horticnl* tortlist Oar friends iutto will find it to their edvastage Col call and eobssnte with Me* Loekwood, as they will thereby receive these works free of postige. ; L . Tu Eus Caail Coatrurr.—Seventh'annual Ycpoit of iko Frio Canal Company has' been pub lished. From it wp learn that the total receipts, from tolls and.wner rents,, lor tbo fast Tear, mmbaalcd to J.... 4O ToUl expenditures 37,847 25 Wbfe&jri!! psy about four per cent* oh the in debtedness uf the Company. The protpect* Jbr ftCCt year are said to be more flattering. * Bemoan wot Etit to the Ohio Stati Lob. “W# stated, mob daya tides, that the Franklin Canal Company hare advertised proposals to Ist the grading and bridging of a fiaiiroad from Erie tOtbo.Ohio Btale Line, that obtaining, by • fraud, the right of way otrt of the State. We perceive ' taaltbeErio Commercial isont against the scheme wbiciiMdcnouoeet et“one of the biggest ham*. tegsoaL” It expresses the opinion that the •Franklin Canal Company baa no more right to eositrael anil road from Erie to the Ohio State ~ line, Uua.il baa to Bridge' the Lake. The Wntmertlahd InteUigsnctr comes to ns enlarged and improved. We are glad to aee tbit evidence of prosperity da the put of this old Whig organ In Westmoreland. . ABrltiih Ohkr|« Cued by u AaiiiUia ... | . Casual. . A letter from .Washington to tha Baltimore American, gives the - following particulars of an 7. affair in Sooth; America, as disgraceful to the - feritish officer concerned, u honorable to the A •- meffean Consol:^— - News has jost reached this city of a persona] 1 leeeotre which took place at Lima, oh the 10th o! J, the hit mon’b, between year ieliow" ciUshn, Col. •Zsbdicl W. PoOeiylhe newly appointed Comal of f the United States at Valparaiso, and ,lhe Hon. - Henry Stephen Sullivan, nephew of Lord Palmer - Mot, and Her Briiganio Majesty's Charge d’affaires ' naar the'GoTermztent of Chili, tha particalars of • which, as well ts I cad learn, are as fallow:—On ~ thS'Mx December, last, it seems that CoL Potter p with his family, being en rente far Valparaiso, •! Mopped at .Lima; it being-necessary that the l etnas* ahoold lie by several days at Callao, in t <*dtr intake in n supply of coal. Colonel Potter ; py.wglagsfar himself and family at the French hotel. After having taken his rooms in the hotel, ; *2* which he was shown by the landlady in per . ** he sopposed,'comfortably lodged hfs : uttOy daring the stay of the steamer at Callsoi. he I - company with a *compagoott da : w tske a view of Lima and its novelties nmicarioiiue*. . not loag lift his lodgings before f . £•£&■««» Henry Stephen SatUm with his ! fteily Boypsd «I the hoW, and iollbmldr walk «4ulo tta room, which hid been mined to OpL FHletud fiun%,ind h»h forcible pomehuoit ' «rtheo, ud toned bin. Pooer .ad herdeAetrat .; rf doon. Mil Potter beeeo,bl him, with teen io «■»oTher hummed, who Wtteld mdrhe ihwaii for » few mieilei.hot it WMinianin. Hlißntiiheohilit,toldhertbit . ..’tits, was only n common -American cook, and ordered bar oat with her child in her arms, direct fag a aerrant to find other apartments for her Gen. Herrera, who oceopied rooms near «hrtn I taksa by CoL Potter, was appealed to by Mrs P. V ud he and his daoghter, Mrs. Mickle, went with her to the Charge and besought him to await the 1 return of CoL Potter—bat this appeal alsowui withoat effect- Mrs. P. was again ordered oat of tha roost, and as she left In tsars this accomplished 1 feaetibhary and chivalrie gentleman taunted her i with wordsofthis eart—*-Mams, don’t wfajpoo— - HI be good next time-IwilL" Some time afler this brutal, occurrence, CoL Potter returned to the hotel, when he was Lafarm ed of what had transpired, and as soon as he could bear the story be called upon Mr. SnUlvan, who bad gone out. Afier a abort time he called agaio, ■ bet was again told that the gentleman wtaaot in , Idka a true American gentleman, CoL P. dedioed to ditfnrb the family of this Royal offbedsy, or in' the least to take advantage of his abaeaco, bat - went immediately to a hotel in the Plait and pro* eared Other lodgings, it being then nearly night. Early the next morning he again , repaired to the xyoa of the Charge and loand him this time Anesc” He requested fafm very politely to aeeoo. penyhlmto the iputmeatsoi Geo. Herrers. in .order to have an explanation of the dirgraeafol eoadoot towards Mrs. Potter on the previous evening. Mr.SntlivaacoollydeelinedihereqaesL ud told CoL P. that it was he (CoL P.).wtu> most make the apology to His Lordship; Upon this GoL Potter administered to hia-a well -merited aba well applied chastisement, caning him until ■ (hey wen both completely exhatnted with tbe-ef> , IbrHHbe on* la the passive, the other In the to* tiro ammo. The just retribution waa wiaesaed by a large somber of gegltanep, among whoa were aeveral PITTSBOyOB, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, te. New Buildings. Inhabitants. .$40,397 21 Engliahmen, end every tody agreedl thst Potter was entirely in the right D is neodleas to add that as soon as the news spread over the city Of Luna, there was a universal burst of admirationdf Potter’s conduct, on the one hand, and of condeta* nailoo of Sullivan's on the other. Ills hoped that this affair will teach Lord Palmerston’s nephew thst an American eilisen, at home'or abroad, is oot disposed to brook anjrfnsnll, even from one Who is of blood km to bis lordship, and a high functionary ofber British majesty, and he may al *o profit by this lesson, and learn how to reaCnt an iqjary himselft hereafter. «_ The general sentiment here £•, that Col. Potter ought not to be allowed to enterupou the duties of hia eoosolate, bat that be ought at Once to be pro .'moled to be at least Charge d’Affaires, to- aome one of the South American Republics. PBOB WAIHDfGTOI. rcipoadeaco ofthe Hnabnrgh Gueoe. WaronoTat, Jan. 15,1850. We are getting along gloriously, having arrived at the middleofthe'.seventh week ofthe session, the House has legally and duly diosen its Speak er, Clerk, and Sergeant'll Arms. There remain to be elected, in order to perfect the organisation, a door keeper and post master. Mr. CHassbemer, whowastoday electedon the 10th beUotSer geant at Arms pj the Booae, by 107 votes against 103 for Mr. GHddingt, Whig, is a Pennsylvania Democrat, who baa been {or r. number of yean em ployed in the Clerk’s office.’ I think I have heard that he was*Sergeant at Arms in one or the other Honse ofyoar State Legislature, during the fa mous campaign, called the buck shot war. To morrow, 1 presume, the two other subor dinate officials will be elected, and then poasibly the House may gel to business, but there is no security for any thing of the kind. In the Senate, the Democrats owned op to the maixß, and quietly permitted the resolution over throwing their famoos law for restricting the coat ofcoUecting the revenue to $1,560,000, by* allow, ing the necessaryexpenditore of seven or eigbthand red thousand pass. Mr. Bradbury,of Maine, then made a speech two or three hours long upon his resolution, calling upon the Executive to fur nish the Senate with reasons and arguments for .the removals that hare been made. It is r a good enough theme to talk uponded when the Senate has nothiag better to do, it might be well eaoagh to act, but Governor Bradbury is one of those gen* tlcmen who bear a higV-repuiation.. &r courtesy and amiability, but who would not aet the Poto mao on fire, if they thundered within the gates of the capltol to the crack of doom. The organ for such a pur ‘pose—contains Bayly’s defence of hia neglect to call the Committee of Waya and Means; together for the transaction of business. The gist of the defence is, that nothing has been referred to the committee, ao that it baa no foundation for its cc lion. There are two points, however, upon which Bayly, speaking by his next friend Thomas Ritch ie, does not enlighten hit anociateej of the com mittee, ortho Honse, or the pobb’e. They are, first —whose iauit is it that nothing has beesi referred to the committee? and secondly, is not the com mittee empowered to act in tha preparation ofthe appropriation bills, wtthoot. specific instructions from the Honse. The rules of the House make it the duty of the committee to proceed at once to prepare the ap propriation bills, and ihey.acl upon the data con tained in the annual estimates of appropriations laid, before the Honse on the first day ofits assem bling, ;aod those bills must be reported within thir ty days after the appointment of the committee. If Bayly had moved to refer these estimates, it would have been done. For any other member to have done it, wonld have been an act of discourtesy.* Among the objects to be effected by-this extraordinary dels;, no doubt, is the pro traction of the heavy financial butiness of the ses sion, to ao late a period as to render any modifica tion ofthe Tariff impracticable,, and generally to embarrass the administration in respect to the war, and all its other proposed measures. I am glad to be able to pronounce the story of the recallofMr.Sqnier,Charge to Central Amer ica, unfounded and gratuitous, as Mr. Benton says, in his replies to Calhonn, The difficulty between our Government and Great Britain is in a train of adjustment, aai infer from the best, information I can obtain in premises. All claim to Tigre Is land will be abandoned by Great Britain, and it will be surrendered up to the United States. But this will bnly.be done by way. of reparation for the insolent and unwarranted conduct of the British agent ChatfieW, in seising the Island. As it is not considered of any particular importance by onr Government, it will be. returned to the pos session and jurisdiction of Nicaragua, or what ever other State iljostly belongs to. Not only is there no intention of recalling Mr. Squier, but his vigorous, prompt and efficient measures in protecting the rights of his government and its citizens, has been highly commended, although it has not been judged expedfeat to retain the little Island acquired by him. It is conceded, how ever, that by negotiating for the cetiion of it, at the time be did, be completely defeated the designs of Chat&pld, who was preparing to aeixe it; and had he done ao before the session to the United States, he would have held it, past all peradventure. It is said to be Important as a station for vessels, ly ing, as it does, at the proposed ittouthnau ofthe great canal . Junius. FBOH HABBIBBD&8B. of (he Pinsbwgh Gazette. Uauidoxoh, Jyn. 15, 1850. , Tin Honorable Thomaa H- Barm vs is in town, in atteodaaee npon a Slate Convention, to be held to morrow, on the subject of Common Schools.— He hat hit heart epoa tbit subject, having beta oneof the prime movers ofthe present school «ys* tern. Bat Mr. B. in politics, webelieve, now ranks as a Loco Foco. At any rate he has draft ed a-bfl), and through Mr. the House of Representatives, introduced it, jo form a depart ment of law iaseboals. It is apposed be may have an eye npon the situation, himself. Mr. Harris, the present Superintendent, is a very com petent and able man, aad U probable the Whigs will force any legislative movement tending to cat him oat of the position ho so creditably ills. • . i -' Yon will see t hat Mr. Forney, of the Penney! 1 vaaian, hat been sadly disappointed in reference to the clerkship of the Houtfe of Bepresentatiyes. In hit card of yesterday, he. his labored to tops .press the bitterness with which his heart was evi dently overflowing, but it was a most lame and impotent attempt. lake the Infimous.Brown, he has first courted aad shamefully truckled to the slave power, and then, when kicked and spumed by it in return, as a just reward for such infamous conduct, be has the unblushing impudence to so licit the sympathy of thefree white men ofthe North*- Out upon such base hypocrisy and prosti* lotion! ‘There should be put in every honest band a whip, to soorge such raseals naked through the world." u Dans Brown” and "used op For flay,” are a beautiful brace of dongb faces, truly, to ask the sympathy of a free people ! . . In the Senate, to day, petitions were presented by the Speaker,and Messrs. Crahb, Brooke, Eon* igmaoher, FraHey, Cunningham, Hugos. Danis, and Ivec. / After tbs reporta ofthe standing Committees, were made, the bill to erect a new school district in Somerset and Westmoreland counties, to be oiled Bridgeport; and the hill to authorise the Commissioners of Adams county to rebuild the county prison, wen taken up and passed. The following nominations were taken up and confirmed unanimously; Joseph Bufingto«, lb be President Judge of the 18ih judicial District. ' to bo Anoeiue Jaift of Heretr county* j Jacob Bur, to bo AnxUU iaigc oflovnnco county. I Jero Adams, to be Anodfcte Jadge of Bradford county. j i Bdw. Taylor, to be Associate Jadge ofLatene county. ) • « . The resolution oShred by. Mr. Mauhiu, to in* •tract the Judiciary Committee to report on the of so districting the State as to mate one hundred districts, each district to elect one membAof the House of Representatives, was •greed to. j J In the Home of Representatives the Speaker presented a letter from Townsend Haines, Secre* (ary of the Commonwealth, with an of the eontiogwßt expenses of the office as Secretary, and Scperinteadent of Common Schools. This was private bill day, and a large number of private bibs were paaaqd, among which waa the following: ■, , i» ' An Act toiacorperato the Pittsburgh and Brad* dock’s Field plank road company. NivJmm LwmaTuxx.—Bills hire been jotredueed ia both Houses (at a General BankUtf Lew. bwaistsiea that notices otapplkatiaas for have been given, the aggregate k womld aaoUatto $9,300,100, eptreiiefcarlc | atpkil sf «) Tor tk# Pimburgk Gaztttt. Tils Chareh Union Controversy. I have before me tbeGaxette of 15th inti., in which I notice an article on Church Union, siyned ‘‘lnvestigator* I would say to “Investigator,” be sure of your frets. He informs us that a plan of Union was devised in 1801, between-Preabyteriana and Congregation alista in the new settlements to ‘‘promote harmony and prevent alienation,” all this is right: here I have no controversy with “Investigator;” but took a little further, where he informs os thst “It was not a Union ratified between the General Presby terian Church, as a church, sod the Congregation -lif, bqt only a union between the individuals of each sect in the new settlements, for the purpose of rendering more efficient support to the ministry, and promoting kind feelings between those who were considered the same in doctrine, though not in discipline.* I wish the reader to remember two things in the above extract: Ist, Thst £he onion was not formed with the ohnrch, as a church, but with individuals, dec. Now, I assert that the Union was formed by the higher, authority known in the church: on the Presbyterian side by the General Assembly,' and on the other side by ao association composed of ministers and laymen, duly chosen and met together for the-traasaction of their own business. The Union was first pro posed by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church; it was endorsed and reindorsed from time to time for 34 years, and was the settled policy ofthe church, without aqueatinn ar to its correct ness, until 1835. In thst year, the General As sembly asked a repeal of the union, promising thst the repeal should not injuriously operate upon churches already formed under it. (I quote from memory.) What followed? In lS36,„the newachool had the majority in the Assembly; in 1837,the old echoed happened to have the all aul re-* member this extraordinary year of bank fsilores and money embarraesmenis; many of the diftr.r.t Presbyterians were not at the meeting of the A-* lembly. Dr. Breckenridge informed the A wcitibiy that they then had the power, and if they did not : use It they might possibly never have it sgoic. (I again quolo from memory, not having the doca meats at hand.) The Assembly did nsethe powei, and nearly one half of the church were cat off at one blow; more than this, the Geoeral Assembly caused the famous excesion acts to have a retro* spectiva operation; they not only declared that all the Churches, Presbyteries, Synods, fee., that had come in ouder this plan ol anion, to be oat of the chareh, bat all their acts void tram the tw ginning. Suppose Gen. Jackson, who was so decided an' enemy ofthe U. S. Bsok, should havem*bnr*h. |janl»-dAwlwS A Cur* and Certificate at (lam*. II:’ Hk*u wijat is paid or ?stx P ktbole Vsi.— I hereby certify thm about two weeks ago I was »e«r ed with a violent attack of vornihnEind purgtnf Chol era Morbus, whh very distressing pain* in the stomach fted bowel*, which was completely relieved by two teaspoons! do»e* of l'ctioleum, taken in a little wa ter. After having taken the first dose, 1 slept eour.diy aj-U rominriubly for three hour*. [signed] MKN'KY WISE, Jr, On board the *:eam boat Aiiodne. Pittsburgh, Dec. Uib, 1949. I am Cajiuiu of the Ariadne, and wa* a witness to the nrlnnkhing effects of ihe Petroleum, in the case of llenry W i*c, who U one of the hands on the boat. [Signed] NIMROD GRAHELL. Pittsburgh, Dec. Ilth, I*l9. general advertisement In another column dcl3 .-SaiSfe.. DR - D - I,OST - Denial. Oorncrofpourth *■’*?*' „ lld jfecata,, between Market e.:i*j Ferry *uc.ci.-i uell-dlyin MARRIED, ' In Cincinnati, oa Tuesday, tlto Isth mst., by the Rev. Mr. Fistci, Mr. Jotcru Dilvoxtu, of Pittsburgh, to Mis* Loitsa M. Biceabisox, of the former place. WILKINS HALL. By particular request, the Eaicrpears will remain ol tho above splendid Hall, for a few nights more, and commas their chaste asd i.mmitak.* extxitais tam, 6n Friday and Saturday Eve, Jan. IS and 19, appearing eaeb nlgbr a* the EUTERPE—COWBELL- LrOGiANS, also each night In Uieir celebrated qrur irnsß nvi rums, wtth new son(*, Dance, &«. Ac. sec Programme, Janl9 SBAOELITT dfc WBITsI NO. W WOOD STREET, H A Y I nuvwirJwl? * general anortOKOl ol DRX GOODS, which they offer to City sad County Merchants at redseed prices; sad which they will *eli a* great indueematrs to cash barer*, or for approved credit. jsitl# " ‘ARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber of*u for sale. ONE RL'NURPfi ACRfSOF LAND. aitaale in UWo? *5588 wiiFiailerrill*, Wsihington eoaaty, Pa_ withrood BARN, and all n&ee«sary oat building* OrehsnLSe On the Bail ding* there is so lasarsnee of S2.4oO—ssv further mformstion will be given on spoliation tn 7 jsalt-w7i*S EDWAHn RIGG9. To tbs Btoekboldsn or tbs ChartliM Cool Coapsap, v ,ri NOTICE is hereby given, dial, fo psrrasoee of the Act of the General Assembly of ihi* Common we a! in, eutiiiod “An Act lo loeerporsie the Chaniers Cost Company, in the County of Alleghenyan Elec tion will be held si the Monongahela House, in the City of Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 7th dey of Feb ruary next, st tl o’clock in the afternoon of that dav for t&e purpose of electing Directors of the said Com’ party. JAMES DUNLOP, Z. W. REMINGTON, janlSte Commissioner*. PILLOW CASE SHJUIBB. Muslins, of suitable width* for PiUow case*, constantly on hand. Also—Sho»tinga, from- li to 3 yards wide, and as aa *ortmet.t of Towelling ana Table Diaper*, and house keeping goods generally. Abo—Ticking* of the moat approved mnnofaetnre, including very superior of extra width, at the Dry Goods lionao of _ W H MURPHY, Ea*l comer of Hurd and Market >u. C3*Wbtlc»»le Boom np «uir». JanlC IHAWLSi AVERY fine article of Mourning Lou Shawls, full size, just received, former pneetM, and no* A A hIASON A CO, 60 Market sued A SMALL COTTAGE lIOUBE, in Allegheny eity, on Esplanade street Bent low. Inquire of janlO TAS3EY A BEST, 36 Wood it Fer Seat* A ROOM at the corner ef Penn and Band streets, J\. now occupied by Mr. Jones, as a Drag Store. Possession given on tbe first of April next jsnlO-tf A. W. LOO Ml 9. DisckWood 1 * Uagssitu and tbs Bratlal Quarterly Ustliwii TZ: Tna Loxoox Qcsstxzlt Rivtxw; Tub Edusciqm Rxvuw; Tbe Nobth Bxmsn Ravtsw; Tna Wxvtwxrrxa Rrvuw, And— Bu.cswoon'a Enintxas Maoaxim. For any one of the foot Beviaws, *3,00 per ■n-ittrn For all four of the Reviews, 8,00 “ Fer Blackwood's Magazine, 3,(0 “ For BJsckwoodandibe4 Reviews, IQJJO “ Payments to be made in all eases in advance Published simaltaneaosly in New York and Pitta* burgh: Office, 63 Wood street. JanlO JAMES D LOCKWOOD. EDOINGs A FRENCH MERINOS are selling very cheap at jaMt A A MASON A OP’S (TALICOES— 10 cases, fast eolore, at former J price lCc. janlP A A MASON A CO BLUE CHECKS—I casevervdarkShirtingCheckr, just opened by BHACKLETT A WHITE, Jml® 33 Wood street BROWN SHEETINGS—fIDbaIea heavy 4-4 Brown Sheetings, jsst ree’d and for sale *-t old prices or __janlfl ' BHACKLETTA WHITE Bleached SHIRTINGS—a good assortmsnt of Blenched Goods, irrttore and for sale by l*n!9 SHACKLETT A WHITE. 1 PICKINGS—2S bales various grades,.on hand and . for sale by SUACKLETT A WHITE, jm»9 On Wood street TALLOW —SO bbls, ree’d and for sale by • jwW SAW HARBAUGH /ClGARS—soJ»o(Comiaoo)jnjt rac’d and for sale by * ' J*mg SAW HARBAUGH LARD— 50 kegs No 1, for tale by SAW HARBAUGH SHEEP PELTS—OOO Sheep pelta. In atom and for sale by JanlP SAW HARBAUGH HOPS —7 bales prime, jost rac'd and for tale by ~ JanlO 8 A vYHABIAUGH POTASH— OS bbls jut rac'd and for sale by JmlP SAW HARHAUOn GUNNY BAGS—I,SOO in store and for sale by J*nlO* SAW HARBAUGH CHANDLER WANTED.—An experienced Cband* ler will bear of a good situation by applying to JanlP SAW HARBAUGH (10PAL VABNJS —l3 bbla Farnitnre; J 10 hi bbla do; 6 kegs do; Xbli Coaeh do; 3 hfblt do flo; S kegs do do; for sale by _ l»nlP ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front st pHEESE-OSO boxes for sale by ViJanW ISAIAH DICKEY A CO SUGAR— 8 bbdi, for sale low to close consignment* l«nlP ISAIAH DICKEYA CO DOTASH—IS casks, first sort, for sale by y .JanlP ISAIAH DICKEY A CO SCORCHED SALTS—BO bbla in store and for sale by JanlP ISAIAH DICKEY A CO FIRE BRICK A TILE-Fortale by Janlfi , ISAIAH DICKEY A CO BUTTER— SO boxes dairy, made expressly for faml lr ase, ree'd this day and for sale by jam 9 JAR FLOYD BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—3O tacks reo’d this day sad for sale by jtal9 JAR FLOYD HONEY— 300 lbs prime, in comb, ree’d this day and for sale by JanlO JAB FLOYD • CORN MKAL—4 sacks and 37 bbls arriving an* for sale by BURBRIDGE, WILSON A CO, jaal» Water street- pORNr-S sacks and 31 bbls Shelled Corn; for sale by V janlg BUBBRIPOE, WILSON A CO WHISKEY— 35 bbls superior Old Mon. Rye, for **le by BUBBRLDGE. WILSON 4 Co! .. i“W - Water meet NEW BACON—44O Hants, 490 Sboolders, and 530 .Side*, in tmoke home, end ready for delivery, for ««Jed>y jimlO- TAfISUY A BEST POTATOES—ISO bbls Balt. Blue*, for *ale by r . TASaEY 4 BEST INDIA SENNA—4OO iba Jaat recHl and for sale by )m» ' i KIDD 4CO, 00 Wood at SAL SODA —1000 Iba in a lore and for sa’e by • J*nl9 .... ; JKIDD4CO VEN. RED—SO bbU ree’d and for sale by J KIDD A CO CASTILE SOAF-23Q Iba for sale by i»al& J KIDD 4 CO SILVER SAND—4 bbla jut ree’d and for sale by JMlfl , J KIDD 4CO BUTTER— 13 bbl* Roll, in cloths; 10 bxa do: Ukn parked do; for sale by 1 J> n * 3 J B CANFIELD, From at TALLOW. —75 bbls La store and tor sale by J“! 2 J B CANFIELD SCORCHING 3— 0 casks in store and for sale by . J B CANFIELD CIHEKBE— ISCO bis prime, in stera and tor sale by JB CANFIELD SALERATUS— 75 bxs and 10 casks, for sale by J an » a J B CANFIELD CANDLES— 10 bxs Mould, for sale by ._i“!s _ JB CANFIELD Linseed oil-so bbi* for sale by J a °l® • J B CANFIFT.D GUNNY BAGS—BOOO just rec’d andforealeby ■ BREYFOGLE A CLARKE GREEN APPLES—3obbU(good winter) forsaieby J anl ! BREYFOGLE A CLARKE BUTTES— so firkins food Roll, in cloths, for sslo by l anltl BREYFOGLE A CLARKE • es 10 **u a go^. L g ya Jk, J* nla '■ SELLERS A NICOL 3 j • James dalzell FAST COLORED PRINTS* TTT R. MURPJIY invites the attention of buyers to yf • his prewnlchoice stock of Prinu at ltrft cents per yard, of fast colors xnefneweat *tyles. 4g Alw-Newe« styles !En f Ush Chintzes, from 12* to -Alw—A full assonmeni of small fijurediirht Priflls V? *l™™’ bßff > t h *“efpwk, lalock, wtrplj orange, *~j .CyiWiiolcßsJe Rooau up stairs. |anlS po rATOES-140 sacks in store and tor aal« by " -t- HARDY, JONES A CO PEA NUTS—I6O racks lor sale by l ßal3 1. HARDY, JONES ACO MOULD CANDLEs4IOO bxs In store and for sslo b > JMIB HABDy. joneS ffpo* HAMS —CkTCnredinstornanaforsaieby * atUa BTUART A SILL, n 8 Wood it kSW- 58 * 1 Cored » W" md for sale by BTUART A SILL eUNNY BAGS—soojust rec’d and far sale by *“«»§ ; STUART A RIM. Cl HEESE—3OO bxs-prime, in store and for sale by . STUART A BILL O UGAR—iuntids n O, new crop, jail rec’d andfar P-.» ie . b >-. '-- d«n!7 - - flcOlLLs g&tJtr DRIED PEACHES-iw bg ca JiZ - jag l7 ~2JcQILLSARfIR 8 D«w^mfih^“ A i k,aairiot l choicB i tor sale on P? cpnctpftfiarby ]an!7 McGILLS fc ROE MOLAS9ES-40 hf bbls N O, iu store end for .Me to cii ic consignment by l7 McGILLS A ROE POT Asffl-G casks for sale by J anl Z McGILLS A ROE LARD-a 3 kegs and 5 bbls No I, on band wtd'foi >lig h * fsul? ttoGILLBA RUE CIDER-23 bbls Crab Ciden 6hx rec,( *
* Janl7 , PCRJRIDGE, WILSON ACO —lOOO bxs, ass'd sizes, Eber heart’s make! for sale by _ jsnl? , MURBRIDOK, WILSON ACO PEARLASII— 5 cask* rec’d and for **■? by jsnl7 j HURBHIDOE, WILSON ACO GLASS— SCO bxs sav'd, in store and for sale by ia-UT JOHN WATTA CO CLOVER SEED—3OO bu prime new, for sale by i«nt7 JOHN WAIT A CO EU'iTKK— 0 bolt Fresh Kali, for sale by ;ai.l7 _ . JOIIN WATTA_CO CHELSE—Wbi* pome Wllj' 30 ck* Goshen; in store and tor sale by jsnl: JOHN WATT A CO DIUFd) FRUIT—SOObu new Peaches; 4q ‘l Applest for sale by Janl7 I JOHN WATT A CO Brick Yard! Cor Usati A LOT OF GROUND, suitable for a Brick Yard, and situated near the city line, in tha vicinity of Soho Bridge, will be rested far a term of yean. Ap ply to ED. GAZZAM, Thin street, - [ Office over the Poet Ogee. Wary el the Wuibaate I <. janlfi A ROOM cm i the eeeesd No. M Wood Boeet AUCTION SALES. Bp Joha O, Davis, Auctlouatr, Boats amd Peper at Axctun. On Saturday evening, tbe 19th last, at 01 o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, comer of Wood add 'Fifth streets, will be sold -a valuable collection of Books, American and European edition*, comprising Bmgraphv, Travels, History, Theology, Medicine. ]*tu. losophy, Mathematics, Ac. FamJy and Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, Letter and Csp Paper. jaalS JOHN D. DAVlS^Auet. Geld Watches as d JUann# Clods. r - At Cio Commercial Sales Rooms, corner cf. Wood and Fifth streets, on Saturday evening, at S o'clock, will be added to iho sale of Books, Ac —1 superior gold detached lever Watch, teller and ten holesjewel ed, ruby palettes, Adams A Liverpool, No. 3, same as above, Dubois’ make, fine engraved eases; l very superior gwmine Tobias A Co., detached lever, 13 jewels, with hunting case, and gold cap, No. SOU, nearly new, and coat *100; 4 fine silver cylinder es capement Watches: 4 marine silver timepieces, C. Je rome’s make. iaslS JOHN D. DAVIS, Aucu Catalogue Sale, rf 143 dastn Fine Skirls. On Tuesday morning, £2d Jnst., at 10 o’clock, at the t*ommercibls ree'd and for sale by Janlg CRAIG A SKINNER LARD —8 kegs, in store and for sale by janlfl -CRAIG A SKINNER BUTTER— 10 bbls Fresh Baltin cfoths, to day reo’d and for tale by Janlfl - CRAIG A SKINNER BEANS— 13 bbla Small White, for sale by janlfl • CRAIG A SKINNER DRIED PEACHES— US ba Just ree’d and for sale by Janlfl- CRAIG A SKINNER HICKORY NUTS—IO bbla in atore and for sale by JanlC CRAIG A SKINNER GREEN APPLES—S 3 bbls in (tore nod for sale by janlfl . CRAIG A SKINNER POTATOES— 100 bbla In store and for sole by janlfl CRAIG A SKINNER, 20 Market st BUTTER —8 bbls (Plairgrove) Fresh Roll, jast ree’d and for aale by jaclfl JAR FLOYD IARD— 80 kega No 1, on hand and for aale by J janlfl JAR FLOYD PEARL ASH—33 bbla Adams’,- on band and for sale by janlg J A R FLOYD POTASH —11 casks in store arid for tale by janlfl JAR FLOYD CHEESE —60 bxs WJLon hand and for sate by jams JAR FLOYD LIVER COMPCalNT,—Another care performed 5y using tbe engiaai, only true and genuine Liver Asnsxx»,Brown eo., Mareb 20,1&17.- Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln April list my wife was attack ed wiih Ltver Complaints, and had iho heivice of two physicians, who tried various remedies without pro ducing any good effect: Having heard of. your cele brated Liver Pills, I eoneluded ti give them a fair trial. I purchased one box of Mr. Scott, ef Aberdeen, and gave them according to the directions, by. which •be was greatly relieved. I proeured a rceoud box, which entirely eured her, and the now enjoys cxeei font health. 1 have, used them myself, and pronounce them the best lhmily medicine 1 ever tried. - Youra, Ac, JMssarx Doutv. ' Prepared and aold by H. E. SELLERS, 67 Wood s« sold also by Druggists generally in tha two ciiies. - Janlfl ' J O'CONNOR retires from our firm from this date, • going into tbe houses of Atkina, O’Connor A Cot. Philadelphia, and O’Connor, Aikins A Co., P’.tuburgbJ The w GeneraJ Commission and Forwarding Ba>tnesF, n as well as the “Pittsbargh Transportation Line Agen-. ey, n will be continued by ua at our Depot,.TlLNonh street, Baltimore. We retamourihankstooor friends and the fnenda of iho Ijne for past favors, and hope to merit and receive a cenunuanee and increase of the same. O-'CONNORS A CO. Baltimore, January Ist, 1550. • PITTSBURGH TRANSPORTATION LINE. A TONS, O’CONNOR 4 CO, No*. 840 4 251 Mar* AX ket;*tieet Philadelphia; O'CONNOR, ATKINS •Cg: • Canal Baain, Liberty at, Pittsburgh: O’CON IIORSA CU.,.7QNonh street Baltimore. s This old established LINE, having changed Us firms and agents aa above, and eztea led its arrangement*,' begs leave to inform it* friends and the public, that it wiJi be prepared, on the opening cf the .Pennsylvania Canals ta the spring of 1650, to give, ay freights un equalled despatch and care, at very low rate*. jpnld-gt ■ . - ■ • jHknhal'i Bale* Inman, G salt A Co. . agaiui >ln Chancery. . Bteamboat TciegraphNo. 1, Ac. A And the same V a •Falnet tin Chancery: Steamboat TelegrapbNo.9, Ac. j ■ BY VIRTUE of an Order ot iHcliCßiivtiltCban ccfT Court, made in the above causes, we, the undersigned, 0f one of ua, will, on Monday, the' tfcrih day or January, jeco, tell to the highest bidder or bid ders, at publte auction, on board of saia boeufat the wharf in the city of Looisville, the whule ofthe suam boat Telegrtph No. 1. her engines, tackle, Ae.; and, also, three foarths of the steamboat Teleimph No th ennnes, tackle, Ac. . . The terms of tale to be-«ae fourth cash in hond.tbo remainder on crediu of 4, 8, and Id months for cqnal Purchaser or purchaser* will be required to give bonds, with approved security, bearing Interest Horn the day of safe until paid. Sale to lake place about II o'clock, A. M- of sold dsy. - JOHNX CRITTENDEN, M. L. C. a CHARLES J. MENU, Deputy. < janlO-dlOt WINTER LARD OIL—IO bbjs eare, {will stand freezinf polni,) jurt rec’d and for tale W . - SELLERS A NfCOLS CLOVER SEED—4CO.I>u In store and for sale bv JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO XERCER * ASTELO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, —THHAOXIAHU— C7*Liberal advances made on consignments. Janli-Cm • - CLOVER SEED—3 bbls just rec'd and for tale by Jtal* BUEV, MATTHEWS A CO WIN DOW GLASS-4M) boxes ass’d sizes, Frank-' lin, and A Herron's Brands, in “store and tot sale by janll BHEY, MATTMEWs ACO jpLOUR—S 3 bbls Bjh* Family and Superfine} - T “ prime Bye; in store and for sale by L 8 WATERMAN, 4*°** 31 Water and G? Front«t \fEAVr 18 bb? * 0070 Meal * lo for vafc by ■«&■>«»*< i LS WATERMAN T ARD—M bbls No i Lea/; ' 7 ", , 09. , for sale by : ikOU ■ RSWATEGy.qtd WWwiMnlliMm ul Fir. r*net C«mp*njr v / ' . A MEETING of tlie Blttekholdcr' of ike Pituiarrb A Navigationjand Finlnwinee Company, wU , No «trect, on {Jalar dl**\ “•** d, r of JinasTy, 1850, at 9 o'clock, P. M. janl»id . Ft, FINNKY. Scc’y. JjEACHES—nOMcki Dried Patches ? M priaa Pared; for**!« by JftaH. _ LBWATEIUHAN QALEHATUS—3O bbli Adama', In *torie and for sale OJX janlO , JAR FLOYD /'tLOVKR SEED——iot) bn in store and for sale by * » lanK - g X WHABBAUGH on wharfby • "v 7“ saw iiardaugh i tl/HHB baJcj*, \ J janH OIKJAH-tChbd* f* O, fa store and for sale by O pwU SAW HARDAUGU RnBROIDERXBS. A LARGE axorimrai of French WroegbtCanes. A Collars, and Cuff*, may be f mnj, very chess •» isnir A A MASON it CO*. 601 fr.. FiRE MUCK— laOWiiec*dand?orsaleby‘““ —* 34wjynfi ATOII TißiEßTjscita * Appnffl^iKTEsasj 1 / t>u rec'd and for sale by . .*r“ SfcWHATIDArnu Louisville lime— loo bbisin store and &«V«b7^ by - ■ I ,nl< BA w IIARDAUOII JjUTTEß^4bbDEo^ptn"neJothq aoleea “ ’for sale by. ‘ ' ! pm. c,. TO - “aoawAT PitAingu du»hbtB ~ \J pues of boodsOmo poueiii, and fan. BloWbr ; •..j«U P ' life's!"' mi» AABUBONfcCO* steam boats. FOR ST. LOUIS. £• r.'-Ll'-?T Ik splendid ateu&er -£• WYouhjq if iffianilb ~ ~" fc**»ftr *• thi*K-JUnrOBLB&N& — • f (it-' u t*EO. W. tKiypit. t? fr FOR The (lOeodut return RINOGu? day, lie 1 7iU in»L, atIQA-M. PotU.enTkm- n For freight or pamga apply pa board. ' $ PnTSBUBGfi'ANDWHBELIiuj Packet P iOAMSS wassi _SS2aEBI_ t i b "' rla ?, eodtmae a Swift' repair,) will ran hereafter at a-5 ■ - IT pilar packet between HnibarahS aad Ule clirjf, - leaving PJltoburgh every Monday f's Wedoefday and Friday morning*, at 9 o’clock. Focir freighter paiuge apply on board, orto ft> j»n< - ] . W.a WUEELEB, Agent. CZNGUTSATI'A. PITTSBURGH jaaa 1 Ly- PAC K ET CINE. npillB well known lino of splendid paasengerfteMa.' V JL, era i* now composed ortho lugeaL swiftest, baa: finished aal famished, end most powerful boom os U»»\ * witters of (he West Every accommodation and cent-r. fort that isobey cut procare, has been provided senger*. The Line has bees in operation for five year-." —ha* carried a million of people without the least inje.'? nrto their jicraoaa. The coats, will be at the foot *:.v Wood street tho day previous to starting, for the reoep v non of freipht and the entry of passenger* en the regir ter..ln a!! oases the passage motoy mail be paid ir'? advance >■ *;& StXjIDAT PlCSfil l , T AAC NEWTON,'Captain, HemphilL wtfs : leave Piitebargh every gendny morolß* awO (Peloci';’ Wheeling every Saxday.eveaiar aflQ f. *, iV MayS£i,lM7.~ \ •' • '-l aomYPAckEV. & TbeMONONGAiiELA,CaptSToaz l wiUle«vePi!&? batch every Monday morning at 10 o’clock; \Vhteijr'.' everyMrtnJaycvenanRotto f.ic | ' M TtitisDAVYXcinC’Sv. v *i The HIBERNIA Na d,Capt. Jj *4- leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at 10. A l Wfieeline every Tuesday evemnadt 10*. il« $ .; wedNksdaVfAWket. ' I The NEW ENGLAND No. «, CapL 8. Ei . W S leave Pm-burt every : Wednenhy mnrnm aot £»' o CiPck; tVhcguhg every Wednesday evening a lOy^ „ TtfßiisiaraOTT. >r The BRILLIANT,' Ca.pt Guai< will leave pRrS bargh every Thufiday morning atlQo’elock;Whiatti'i every Thursday evening at 10 v.m. [ >i • ' a . The CLIPPER. No. 0, Cept Pxxel DcvaL, will letff Pittsburghevery Friday momlfljik 10 o’clock; Wh*3 n» every Friday evening,atlO*.>fr, P bU) -° * ‘flMconihmm e in, for talal.l lOBCRG CLOTHS in selling vpry cheap (»omo 5 i low as 23 cent* per yarijai \ - « J* Ria ■ • a a mason a ayey AMPBLACK—3O bbls in store and for «»Je by. 4' rf/anl;s_ J KIDD A CO, CQ Wood iff : GVM KINu-25 lb i iTroel im ree’d «nJ fey , ! janig- . • * j Kipp a co. 1; GII. PENCILS—£O gross, ail’d, ja«t ree’d and £ • calc by jan!2 . JKIDDkCCv ifUN FOlL—ls’lbi j asi ree’d and I ortale by ' it X ianlS J KIDPfcCC pAiycy SOAP—SO boxes su'd, for sahAbg /!* Ferß*M»' / * THE BASEMENT, comer of the D WmtmA r Urnen street*, well adapted to it nas been oceapled as « Co See, or RataUi! inert, for a number of years. - ALSO—Several Office* and Arrir.t’i rr~— ■ ,V. lighted, with .entrance from the fijamondTeMv? •tore of the subscriber*, north wr M comer of iVn ri mond an? Market street Amlv tn ■ “* h _J™l:!__: .ALEXANDER A PA* SELLING OFF At BiEDPCgn PH|[pg . A * DAT, comer of the Diamond* -tV Market street, at* sow telling c£itmdic pncea their stock of Winter GooL, «£££§ Shawl* and Ladies* Ty^ i , __f< Also—Bldnket* and Flannels,Cloths, ett*, and n full assortment of heavy Cotton Go? Confident that better bargains eaanotbehade* where, wclnvuetho attention of buyers. 1 - ALEXANDER * DAY, • - • ttMarkefatree! hkw books: skwbooksTl rpHB Coniiilatlon and Standard at Uio' iuJ Bto, be? The-Othef Side, or Notes tar the lUttory of the i between Mexico aud the United Elates, Vriued Mexico, end translated fiom the SpanuhVwnh nc B7.JL C. Itamsey. 1 ■ . • y * 25 , k 5 tc , bw . of Beforta end Reformers ofGrcat Br£ tend Irelocdt.By If. i£ Stanton. t yTiie Worn of President Edwards, in 4 tolk a! te^? C n'SihS , t , s:" 1 “'” , ’ * ia ““»«• 3 : Mcmou, cri>.rt(l iui v l,„ sF£s&*i£j » orma: By Lieut. Wire, U.& Nasy. • . Le «*»» Vrtia* Men. on ran/,£, ,*h' deaiped as a Companion to ike Ycoax ywr-o . By wm.A.AJeou. . . , "“•r* eu *y The Poems and Prose Writings ot IL i 11.’... iVncxe.*! and Ua Hemalnt: By Laya/dT^^ -SuW 1 . \ 1 ' 1-0 V/janti la nore ana ter Mali 8 A'W HABHAirr ULA3iJ—377 •aJelii t B UL .k PORK—woo lbs «c*d per Ctteb Cope s&le by Janli ' SAW, HAH BAH? rpODACi — — 1 . ,'ianll- )—lO bxtfof Mite, to eloa cnwt|rw«»T .STtJAItT-A. BILL. 118 Wot* 10 bf cfaean, to dote coniiynioent.tM^i La 86—60 bit 7xo, in store aad'tor uifTby ■ ■ STUART AR ®IEKSE— Guobx* in atore and fortiisby ' STUART AST >LL BUTTER—GbbUprimeFreih, ree’dthi: and for.ralo by. |»nU TaSSEYAPE If EG BUTTER—B kept la store and fcrwfeV JgL_ji«nll_ TA3SEVABE AK-U—3U Jceyi ami 1 bbl on bead uuk forMls jj ajur TAS3EYABB SCOKCHEi) SALTS—obbU,aprimo article,; aud for tale by janll TAE3EYA B P AEEK A't'US—B bbltand no boxes in tlora 10 LACK fcfiOUaH CBAPK, for ► Jooud at (he Dry OooCs Hoau cf _ _ N E cornet Fotmh° ndYSrtcll ;j: janu 1 ,TTTnln C*i - •-3S& . - • , W B MPTip; BL&CK SILK LACES, incladin; e few ££} extra width, t> be fonttd, at iowpriee*- KgJ liaall - - ■ WR jgU|S I>RES3bS—&. A. ALuon*£uo. t( u> -LJi «ei street, wiU thU day open ••jotber Jan yoiee of thou French Embroidered */Venice D~ _n very deairable anicio Ibr Fanieafaotfßea, *e, r P-OUR- jAH* saw opnoai i!!&Jr r ' iioc ** men of wiukwi? - aed U, * t Mor«oTeJ«. ' wv*^ tfple>a ®P«»«i®a between thf and other Eaitcta * Mhinyton City with tbs Komi »U» to Klehraond, Raleigh, CfcMlf Ancwta, Sr’.Tjjujti, • Mobl j e awl New OrtMn* i2*“f2*'«.• *» witb-linetrannLcgWe! : ti>l Mi-' .»*? lent and dlle»talk?*! ~® rr*\i»*ippu and oo the Lake*. The*, line "fr.ye and wad-meaetfe* aa chean u tsf, ■ r **'» and the operator»*nd dertu wSnwtari »iemaflhr tad accommodating. • - T ot - «“j ; ■ . ■Kassssiasarjfsfiisfi.j &vsSfr£g2gi£****± ■. PABQNB of “T ettablUhmeat v, •■■. ITmS? . ParUMoa* I take the liberty la f • fteli^>>«fli* ftln,n i ,|c * of “7 trtafidi and the pi dßlT° n^^ p l° ept reran conferred * ““ r appreciated tad promptly attended to. ••■ g • : •. ' : tec’d, u eddijj- . - dJ-topply of Cool:’* fine preosd Brown Pla«n"•' 1 • ■- '-■■■■’' •' W ' ' JOB? om “ _ !l||lllULS Fji^ll£X)I?T • ‘° r ““ 17 AP .MBTBONO A CSOZ ■ - jaa4 ■• -..— • : ■■ fl .• £ ■ . G'AUftQ* . , • • .. • B ■'« AFEWn nr Sm f/UrTAHSj Jut reett Crmff 1 celebrated raiCWpotory of C. F. ltutla. ao£ •? solo by j*&3 ’ Woods .-si k r