ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. PUBLISHED BY W HI T E a c o S. R. wfclTt-] iizmt bi _ „._,_*7.00 per •!;»«»• «a •; Weekly, U» —~* *•‘■ 7. IX>. to Clab*, at » reduced rat— RATES OF APVERTIS®’® AORF-ED UPON i BV TUB I»jTTSBUILPH PREBS» One Square, UOUhei of Nonpareil oih) insertion*—•'*•****. •Jfte o».c fqusrc, cadi additional iDicrtio.u*** o^s Uo. one week *% J>j. ' two week* ~***** ’** r!U I to. three weeks*- *** r’JJj L'o. otic month*— —•♦*-*-*•*** ”'}2 lh*. two months '»£ XU. three men*tu - u Vi |i.*. lour months fS?' j*\ stx/months '•"‘.7™ Do.' twelvemonths- *’** " iri'lSi Blinding Can! (JUiae* orle**,) per annum* l«,w One Square, changeable aipleaiuto (per an* , nit ml exclusive ol Uie paper’********** * - For each additional square, inserted over one month, and tor each additional square inserted under tkeyetr*: "iSfs.ssw^ fifteen lines, to be charged a* «square and a half. Publishers not accountable for legal advertisemeau beyond Uie amount charged tor then pub icuttcu. Announcing candidates lor office, to be charged the aaae as other advertisements. Advertisements nbl marked on the copy for a aped* fied number of insertions, will be continued ull forbid, -Ulb. conßned liridiy to their regular business, and all other adver tisement aot pertaining to their regular booness, os mff'it ior; to ce paid extra. ... , M All advertisements lor ehsTitftble uxsUtuUoni, fire eompnaiaV, ward, township and other public meetings, and such like, to be charged halfpnee, payable strictly kfitaMWga notieM to be charged 50 cents. nrtih uotiecs inserted without charge, nnleu nccom* panied by funeral invitations or obituary noueea,and. when so accompanied to be paid lor. Begnlar advertiser* and nil others sending comma* aleauons, or renaliing notices uesigr.ed to eall alien- Uoa to Fairs,Soirees, Concerts, or any public cater* yainments where charges are made lor admittance— all notices of private association— every notice do*, signed to coll attention to private enterprises caleula* , ted or intended to promote uidividaal interest, can on* j hf bo inserted with the understanding that Uie same is to be paid for. If intended to be inserted in the Joea Column, tho tame will be charged ut the rate of not less than 10 m is per line. Bisbcp -ar Fin Notices to bo charged tnple price. Tavern License Fetiuons.Sd each. r Legal and Medical advertisements to bo charged at Real'Estate Agents and Auctioneers’ Advertisements not to be classed ander yearly raws, bat to bo allowed diaeonm oi thirty three and one third per cent, non the amount of bills. ___ vxholt oa tw*wxexlt nt bsilt yaxm. tfae Square, three insertion*—*•:*••.•*.•“*»** Do. each additional insertion-*** •*> AnvxemxMrsrs xa wmiT raro. One fiuuare. 110 hues.) one insertion- •*•» ea* L>i f each additional insertion* •»» All tronsient adveruaement* ptidja atfraaec. WHITE A CO.* Gazette. L. IIAKPEU, Pest, . RyirrhL IUDDLI., Journal. JAML3 I*. IiAHU A CO., Chronicle. FOSTER & BROTHER, Dispach. ' JO3. SNOWDEN, Mercury. James W. BIDDLE, American. Pmsrcnoa, Dec. 1, J&45. . KIIMNKS-S OARUS. "A LKXANDER FEANRUN, Attorney at L*w, A Founh'st. . . DQIjS ly "DAVID C. fCTTLE, _ ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, St. Lorir, Mo. All communications crtnncur an«wttt»L ogcp-ly A* KMSTRUNU ACROZER, Commission Merchant* and Dealers in Produce, No. Maiket street Puuburfrk decS ~- _ Trolls'll. ttAKKINi ATTORNEY and roumtUor at Law, and Commie eioner lor the Stole of PtniityWama, fit. Low*, Mo.(lalsol Pittsburgh.) . „ Sxxesisces.—Puuburgh: H»n. \\. Forward, H-t-.p too A Miller, H'Cuodicis & M Clnro, John E. Parke, 1 wll* A temple. M’Uord A King. auglltdly ' t. a. EiXP- _ J.r«Tk»»rr. OAIRD& BTERRETT, Attorneys and counsellors at law Fouhh street, between SmimLcld tad Grau*. nuibargb' Pa- . _.. I“^*' joira *. ljtxo*. wts. c. rniEQ). I LARGE *. FB.IKSD, at LAW, Fourta street, near Gjaui. ATTORNEY AT LAW.—OGce on Fourth sc, be tween wiplthbf ld and Grant fit, iYOsburgh. sptlgnßy .juhjt a. coaoxavx. WO. BMtUI w. n. wood wake- —•xairnaaßxi.kT. k*n*tjJY. WOODWARD A Co., Whoieaaie Gro > eere, No.itMMarket street, Philadelphia, nov-» " PlUibßrgh Alkali Worki, , BENNETT, BERRY* CO, ManciacuireMof soda Ask. Bleaching Powders, Mu ii*«e andfcu.pticr:e AeldlT Ward ’o.-Wa{« »ireei,beicwPen3 • bo*»ljT_; • • raiitiurßificß. • e *3*2* £>RAUIuAKEUEJL Wholesale and Reuil D™h’* ienterot Liberty and Sc ijoeu, Pm.f- "a. I'AHMSSTUOR k. Uo n Wbtiieeaie andJ*'> • «»ti -DrujrrUU. cgruet“Wood md tila f)** J* l .. /“iHABLLa KiVLOfi, Auo'rceyat Law, Third *U UtdoeraboTe tfmiuiLelJ. nar»»3m "“orBTPAB'iItiUOE, nvD;. KO.IWSPKUCKKTREKI-, PUILJ^tLPUIE GONTINUE& lo give hi* patuealar altenUon jo tae n—rniftiiof Dtscaaea ot the SfclN, SI»RUPkLA> ■ mt Wnnti ef the THBOAT. .. Qfiee booxii U A.M., l i'. SL, and 7 P-M. ecrtianm* 1 ! - w.tsunati- C J RAICj aTs'IiiNNER, Forwanl/hg and CommiMion Merchant* No. 20 Market »t, 1 UUUJrgk. _«?U C‘ AT SIcANULTV & Forwarding and Cera pTu.inn Merchant*, Canal Uftwa, Fnuburgh hTuJULNT, WnotettrtOrocer, Oouumtiina *nt m Forwftnlmg Merchant, No. 41 Water it *uU Staal Iron COLEMAN, HAiLMAN. A Co, tnenaincrar*™ *J GeMb “»d Spraij*, Hammered Axle*, Spriarand Plough SiceL iron, Ac. W utboura on Wateras4 Front afieeU, Pm» jurgn. .. . \ Al*o, t'sftkr* mg Coach Trimaunga and Damn. J. mw". IJNOUSU & BENNETT, fla» lintlati. [i 4- Co.) Wiioleeale Grocers, Unamuucra »ndr«* waniuuc Merchant#, and dealer* in Prodaco and iu feSnSUnLaeiuc*, No. 37 Wood «t, between -M, nnd adroeeu. ' ocU - Ej. IIENiU, . Attorney an*. Councillor ai Law, - dncVnnali, OJuo- Collodion* ux Soulbem OSuo, ml ia ludiui*, ana in Kentucky, promptly and *are fkllr attended to. ConuciMxoncr for tie state oil enn* for uking Leponiioas, acknowleOfTEecu, *Enna TO— Hon. Wsl Bell & Son, Coru*»Cuarch A «rgb. >pd9 rTEokDHCOcUBiX CoEUDUiioneaia forwarding ft MereUatiNo. SO\<-goJ»ueet Pinabargh. myl? IiCAUOB FACi-Ottlf; Woolen,. Liberty, o;»po«a Cth *t. fcUH'? . ■ ytm w »U| Uilmootc 4»J.*SCISOB, JCJWA&2 ITXJXS, l PhiUda. ffiiS.fttffi'wiu.r 11C Kj> Hi mgc", ———- . —: : vntT r. joins. • “tV ardyJONCS & Co., (reewwrt *0 Atwood, H Co 1 CflxaiaiM»n and Forwafdtnr ilcr • »!-«*««£ <*»*• ; g^ ll ’ ! ‘- SoTidK. T-^ _ .T Hate 1. 11. MoVAV -111, » la Ihc ' U. WII.UA SI3. *a! 11l William ‘ wa. U. WILI*WM9 & 00*1 • • BANKER-5 AND EXCHANGE BROKER?,. ;, ; !t «.n» H-> c.n,c,onTcoC.aCg^;SL“y .—■ 11 nomrt DicxXT, v i'» ■iSa&fgaipr ■aßap ,fct LO " ” V>. ••J OI S. DILWORTH fc Co, WlolCMle C: °^ er T' <1 ;• 4we Md aifrcb&ciH, "" d St '*i lUttrt FotTUer Co. of N. Y., J«o. 2? ""T* *t Ctiwtmnh. . i -uiorfiTTroW! 'i«WN3KM>, WnJ«5« 4 Wo.« Market ft, ibw* too** alorc Tbln*• P«.wj bank, will haro eonuantly on luuui » w* il c >s Staten tef tie beil freshcit jltediane*, wttek k« Will *ell on Ike . won reuonablW term*. •vtdtaf oider»,will be promptly attended to, uul aap pla4 with titiele* tbey may rely ipon u , |fy PhyieUnt Pregctlpuont writ be aecarttely ana ataily papered fccw tii bfi»t cuirials, a', any bear o ae day l* . Alep tonic, alarjuioeiof fir’ wary. . and food Perfa; )ol3 1 HARaiSON BtAVELb, UouiiUiUofoi Law.—tlP t; « Cee oa Fourth abore Smut Cs Id. noT^-ly Ja CANFli.Lb7rchwi wid wholesale dealer la Western Rtferrc Cheesel llnurr. Pol and Pearl Asb, and Western Produce 'f'-ncrally, Water trreti between gaSthSeliM-l Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 JOHN WATT, (ireeesscr to juwau & Cct>l»art,) 'Wholesale {»Toeer and ConuJission Merchant, dealer la Prodaetand Pittsburgh jltnmii'oeiare*, eor gerof Liberty and Hard gtrcctt, Pittahurgh P*- J" ~AiIE3 A. HUTCIfiSON, A Co.—eoccejaoro -W, Lewis Hutchison h Co- Commission NitehanU, cad Agents of lie St I,oui» Steam Sugar UeSnery. Ho. is water and 02 /rent streets, Piiudmr.jti. Itnl- . JO UK a MORGAN, Wlu>loe«lo UruffCisi, and deal er In Dje Staff*, l*mnu-, Oils, VaraUhe v Ac, No.M Wood (treet. one door Sonih of Diamond Alley, I*»ui fcorgii. ’ }™L *f AME 3 KKRR.Jr., A Co, <«cc«borlo Joseph G. Dasit-lgw fiG Water street ocCl JOHN It MiXLOR, Wholesale nod Uciail denier InMuioandManical losirurcenw, Paper,BltUi, Steel Pen*, Quilli, Printers' Cards, and ei-iiiofiiiTreaerallT.NO' PI Vfoodav, Pittibaijn.. _ |ITRw bongbt or ttien iu trade. .*fPir_ ~l KcnWrVtfi--it a. Co- Wholesale 1 - NO.» Wood »ire» t, rimbargh. ~ - WEjxvr "Oltrt ,'fs, AnCDouecr, conterWi tai CARDS. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON. Booksellers, Printers and Paper AUn'etaciurCT*, No. 44 Market it., PiUw burgh. | {a. cxiotn. pfTT DOOR TO " JCU.I PLOTD. _ , _ _ • HJCUARS FUJTdT J J& R. FLOYD, Whole«o.e Grocers, Commission Merchant*, and DcaJem m Produce, Ronntf Church Buildings, fronting on Liberty, Wood and Gib street*, riu»Uur«h, P&; myg 71 JAMES IjaLZELL, Wholesale Oroccr, Ccramuaion Meiehant, and dealer in Prodnce and Pittsburgh Manatacinrr*. No.ill Water su, Pittsburgh. ’ janl6 ' JD. SWEITZER, Attorney at Law, office W st, « opposite SL Charles Pittsburgh, will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washiogtos; Fayette aud Green counties, Pa. . .. REFER TO Blackstoek, Bell A Co., Y Cnurch AGarmheri, . tPmsburgfc. D. T. Morgan, r _JU ocl3dly KIER A JONES, Forwarding and Commission Mer chants, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh mnnn- Acutted articles, Canal Rasfn. near 7th st. dSI • PRhH JttlLL, PITTBBUItUU, PA. ! KENNEDY, CHLLD3 A CO., Manufacturers of v i superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Co*cy Twine and Batting. • jabO-lyUon _ VesaTtua Iron. Worß*. f EWIS, DALZELL A Co n manufacturers of all si- JL4 set Bar, Sheets Boiler Irou and Nails of the best jaality. .Warehouse,&l water qjul 103 frontal. lanl!).- L 8 WATERMAN, Wholesale,Grocer, Forward* * ing and Comreiuion Merchant, Dealer tn Pitu* hurgh Manofactores and Produce, Nos. 31 Water su and ftl Front ' j^7 ws. fitILUX, PbilTda c. Piusbnrgh. MILLER A EICKLTSQN, Wholesale Grocers, and importers ofßrojidics, Wines nod Segura, No*. i;4atid'i?4, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pills. < borgh. Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac. Ac. con-j slantly on hand. • aug!4 JAS. D. U'CtLL. WALTKI C. BOX \,f cGILLS A ROE, Wbulesalo Grocers and.Cotarais ill. *ion Merchants, No. HM Liberty it_, Pttuburgte tad \/1 URI'HY, WILSON A (laic Jones,' Murphy A iVJ. Co.) Wholesale tn Dry Goods, No. « Wood street, Pittsburgh. _ AITBF.W WiLs5N, riTrualfand MuifaiurePain. ter. Ruunt, corner of Post Office AUey and Fourth street, entrance on 4th near Market _ dectLdtf. _ ... _ j._.. PITTSBURGIi STEEL WORKS' AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. «i tf joas, rocs v. iitnuo. JONES * 44U1GG, Manufacturers of spring and biinei steet, plough steel, alee! plough wings, coach and clip., tic springs, hammered iron uies, and dealers in mtu fcable easungishre engine lamps, and coach trimmings cenemilv, comer of Rost and Front els- Pittsburgh, Pa. • feby Vj HOLMES. A SON. No. 56 Market st, sccoacl ].*i » door from coturr of FojrUi, dealers in Foreign ■rd Dotsetuc Bills of Exchange, Ceruhceiu cf Depos it, Bank Nolo* and Specie. (£/“• Collections mad on all the principal cities tbr»u;:houltlic United States. ‘ . j dcel7 NiJUCKMASTKR, Auimiih-OtSct, Foonh »L, • third door nboT« SmhhScld, »oaih wiii. Conveyancing of ail kirnli done wild the created care and feral accuracy. Titles te Real Kstain examined, &• c. pnor. lU£KRY BOIiBOOK,- PKNN STREET, licmccn\Vi)Dtuid Hand, has remmed-his professional duties, fcivinj* instrue* Uona on the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Music. gaaa PbuKTSTTitA bTOKK.—No. ;u Fourth «L, near Wood—All quantities of Green and lfciwaSfc Dlack Teas, done up in quartet, half, and one pound packages, ranging from 50 eta.‘per pound 81,50. jyJ A. JAYNES, Agl for Pekin Tea Co. isOiilSUN, t-UTL-K A CO., No. umLiueny street, XV Pittsburgh, Wholesale Grocery Produce and Commission Merchants, and. dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures. }jl RUUEKT MOOIIE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying. "Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac tures, and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic. Wines and Liquors, No. 11 Libcnv street. On hand a very large stock of superior old Monongahela whiskey, winch will be told low for cars. apls;ly u o. asisoua, j. l. situ. REYNOLDS A BIIES, Forwarding and Cemxaiision Merchants, for the Allegheny River Trade, deal ers In Groceries, Produce; Pittsburgh Manufactures ted Chloride of Lime. Thchtgbest prices, in cash, paid at all limes for coon ry rars. Comer ofPtnn end Irwin tts. iantO ROUfcIHT DALZKLL A Co!, Wholesale Growers, Commission ami Forwarding Merchants, dealers n Ptcildcc and Pittsburgh Manufactures, Liberty «t. Ptttsl urch. Pa. lehtM O ITrr^A - CCNN‘INGI (AM, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures «o. 114 Liberty st. IVU CtUACKLLTT & WlflTß, Wholesale Dealcta In'. O Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. Wood si Piusi.urgh.. ; -feblTtl ■ rt rw. HARDAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealers O* in Flour aud Produce generally, and Forwarding and 'Jommission Merchants, No. &1 Water sL, Pitts.' r ; : r «» »«; prrnßvnoii. - joun siciiols, habtlsyd. SEI-LER3 A NICOLS, Produce and General Com mission Merchants, No. IT Liberty ft., Pilisburgh. f»pent, Linseed and Lard Oils. - ■ Sf. VON UUNNHOKSTV A Co., Wholesale Uro • eeru, Forwarding .and Commission Merchants, Dealt rs in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western-£h>- 4«ce, have removed to their new warchousejold. stand) No, Ci, corner of FronYfl and Chancery Lane. - nov7 ► 1 1AS3EV A BKSTT'Vholesale Grocers. and Commls- JL aioa Merchants, and dealer* In Produce. No. 35 Wood *L, Pittsburgh. v/. S WCODWA2S SAOALCT. WM. BIGALEV fc CO- Wholesale Grocer*, 16 and 90 Wood urect I’lUsbargh. nov97 W. & M. 9ITOQELTEEE, ITTHOLKSAI.E GROCERS, ttKCIIFYING DJ3- VV TILLERS, ond WINE and LIQUOR MEECH* ANTS. Ai*o—lmporter* of Soda A*h and Bleochiiiff Powder, No. ICO Liberty »•_, (opposite Sixth *m Pmv buig'x toil? 0. WlC*. SAVU) K’CAtrotaCl WICK i y.rCANT3L.ESS. (tueceMOr*lo Li &J. D. Wick,) Wholesale 6rocen, Forwarding end Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Nail*, Glass, Cotton Yarn*, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, enrt>p*r nf Wood and Water streets. Pittsburgh. \jtr W. WALLACE., Mill stone and Mill Farnish- W • Ist establishment, No. 2U Liberty near the cincl - . ' „ »»«» 1»r WTWU-SON, WaUthc*Jewelry.Silver Were, V\ Military Coed*, corner of Market and 4lh streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N- B-—Wacehea end Clock* care fa fly repaired. dec4 Srpjyr OOWKN—Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No. 00 Front st between Wood and ket street*. W T TC“MUfIPm, WaolessleanJlKetail dealerta A Foreign and Domerfe Dry Goods, north e«ut corner of Market and Fourth *». va. TOCTfS,. /no. B- M’CTJH*. limi- YOUNG k Co.—Dealer* la leather bide*, kc, W 143 Liberty u. j«p*-I7 wx. x CTTcaxua. _ .**'"*•““r* ■*t-> & ft. M’CUTCHEON, WboletaJe Grocer*, dee* VY s lers inProdnce, Iron, N*il*, and Pitu. borch Mantiiacture* generality, IW Liberty at, Pitt*- baryta. . . iec2 WW WILSON, Dealer in WatcOes, Jewelry - Silver Ware. Military Good*, &e. No. 57 Mar tft . "«*» WHTriSImjST ~ ATTOBHBY AT LAW, BulUr , Pa Wn,l, t ] |n mend to collection* and all ether tori* sect estnuied u> bin la Boiler ard Arcstron* eonntie«,Fa. Refer to J, &R. Floyd. Liberty tt.l W.W. Wallace, do { Jams* Mortball do f Fitubor^h. d’y Kay A Co., Wood «t. J 1*» 7 „ PBVTIOOCW at- COmi I BTEAU BOAT AOKNTS LwSSrti3fi» OrncKAUovs M»-Allei A Co, oci3l No; 42 Water «treft HOI 1 ELS FUDSTAia HOTEL. LIGHT STTtEET BALTIMORE rvGo Am Turasrox, rsorjuxross. mTHIS establishment long Bird widely known as being one of the most commodious in Urn city of Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten *i»o alterelious and improvement*. An entire new sring has been added, containing narriercus andgiry sleeping apartments, and extensive bathing rooms. The Ladies’ department has also bceu completelv reorganised and fitted up in a rs ■ unique and beauti ful style. In fact the wnote srcunfcemcDt of the House has been remodeled, wiib a single eye cm the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort ami piearare o. their Guests, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel tu the bnica \ ’ftelr table will always be supplied with every sub [mnial »nH luxury which the market atTords, served up in a luperior style; while in the way of Wines, &•?., they will not ha surpassed. lu conclusion ,ne proprietors beg id say, that no tarn g will be left undors on their part, and on the pan of their assistants, to render this Hotel worthy the continued patronage of their friends gnd the public generally. The prices fbr board have also been reduced to tuo following rates: Ladies’ Ordinary, . fIJS per day. CenUemen’a.“ . , ... . N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will al ways be found at the Car und Bteambot*. Larf.lmir*, wluch will convey baggage. to and from the Hotel, free gf Ktmrue. \ . liAMAUTIKK UUUS! •eoxs** or rocant *un traaiw, nnwotpi. i-j. , tHK subscriber respeetlully announces U.m he has now. opened and cxccUent Hotel Jr’fli-gy e accommodation of travelers, boarders, and the public generally. The. house aad'ftunituia are entirely new, and ao paint or expense have bee a Saredxo render it one of tho most comfortable and P^esubscri^r^B t dete i mined to deserve, and there- —" gtism lirloh Works for Hals. mtiE subscriber,offers for sale, the-STEAM BRICK I WORKS, above LawretceviHe, comprising a to..mVn*iiie 2 Boiler?. C Mould Machine, capable of Bricks (out cfdry clay, “"fuffVro.Bib* bank.) per day; with three acres of ,bo p*"'"'silS'SS'imiSftt.iS?”fl. payment made easy, wtrn ||KNRV MERRITT, paructtlujb:*«, V e» N S. Nrwaou>, Secretary ■ ID* Office of the Company, No. 42 Water atreei, Pittsburgh. JulS.dtf _P. A. MADEIRA, Agent HARWRISBCRASCB. THE INSURANCE CO. ol North America will make permaa-nt and limited Insurance on pry penyJnlhiacity and vicinity, audio thipmenu by Canal, Rivere, Lake*, and by Sea. The properue* ol this Company are well Invested, and fnmith an avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all penon* wli* dsaire to be protected by iniuranec. tnvlß WM. P-JONES, Ar ISDEBBXTr. The Franklin Fire liuutante Co. of Philadelphia. DIRECTORS.-^— Ch*ri»* N.Baacker, ThomMHaru Tobias Warner, sJamuol Grant, Jacob It Smith, Uec. W Richards, Mordecai I). Uwi, AdoJpho E. Bono, David ». Brown, Moms Patterson. . ’ , N. iiancaxx. President. Charles G. Banekcr, Secretary- . , Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on every description of property in town or country, at rate* ai low aa are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a Urge contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely invest ed, afford ample protection to ibo assured. i The assets of the company, on January Ist, lew, hi published agreeably to an net of Assembly, were as fallows, vis: Temporanr Loans Stocks f 17 \ fIJWS,4W 71 Since their incorporution, a period of M years, they hive paid upward, of one mltf.on four hundred thous and dollars, losrc. by fire, thereby affording endeii.c eflhe advantages ofTnsorance, as well as tbo ah Uty and diiuohlioa u> meet with promptness all liabilities. V J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, matl-dly Office N Econier Wood and 3d its ' Ths PsuniylTatti' l Compaay • Foa Isracanci o.iLivb axk Geasthiu Atincirtr*. ntljEfim Life Insurance Company m the U. Mates. 1 Incotparated Mareh 10, lJ>l»-oho.ter perpetual. Capital SfiOb.'JPU—all paid in. _ . Having autbonsfed the undersigned to receive appli cations for insurance, on which policies will be ...m d, according to their proposals and rotes, which will »»e made kabwn to upplicanU at bis officc. No tTO \V c*d street. spll GEO. COCHRAN. DELAWARE JIDTUALIfISURAKCBCO' IT A. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for th- lirVi i . ware Mutual Safety Insurance Company ofl liial- Aelpbia. Fire lUsks upon buildings and merchandise of every description, and Marine jliaks upon hubs or cargoes of vessels, token upon the most favorable Office in the Warehouse ©? W. 11. Holmes A Ilro., N0?37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. Nl o —The suecesr of this Company Since the e*.ab- Itshraentof llie Agency in this city, *»h die prompt ness and which every elaim upon them fur loss has been adjusted, tally warren the agent m inviting the confidence and patronage of his friend* and the community at large to the Delaware M. 9. Insu rance Company, while it has die additional udvantaget as nn institution among the meS; flourishing in Fltilanel ohiu—as having an ample paid-in capital, which by the operation of its charier is constantly increasing, as Yielding to each person insured his due share of the nrofitsof the company, without involving him lit any responsibility whatever, and therelore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea tare, and in iu most attractive form. nov4 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. Corner of Wood and Fifth Starts. P.oTtmn an auentiou paid to our Retail Trade. upon Benin, tei, Ihu ud OtlheMT UIBIIU did w'S^SS'.VfS. owiddaiee lt»l « rcfcaidi SS» toln,Mnp T llikmsnt. 4— ,^p v J,,,, t _ linKtu , „ • .... •:;: .■"!-,:■•• 'i%< Vi>4; k PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY' 19, 1850. INSURANCE. ■ ntSTOX, nttr JDS IT. Joseph C. Potts, Pre»*L O. A. Perdieari*, V P. Eli Morris, [secretary, c, Treat Brer. ‘ ritiLtOELrou. , Jlon. James Campbell. David tl. White. Alexander Cummuirk. > W.J.P. White, P.M; 1 KBIT. I Ex-Gov. Vroom. Isaac Wildrick, M. C. With A. Newell, M. C. Hon. 8. ft. llaoiltou. JCAMINER9. W. W. Gerhard, M. I). . 3CI Walnut st_ Pbil'n. 11. R. Bell, M. £>., Allegheny city, Pa. posy, at Pittsburgh, are a tub elm risk on Lite at a ndue from the usual rotes of prc r Companies. Ltt rut. FIRE INSURANCE. sponsible Company eontlnoes tils- CO-PARTNERSHIPS. Dleaolutlon of Partneralilp* T)Y MUTUAL CONSENT this day. the firm hereio 1> fore existing under the style of BUSH HELD A LEADER, hns been dissolved by Henry l.cejlrr set in< his enure interest in said Grin to John McGm. Aj« business connected with the firm of Barbfield A er will be artlled by 9.- U. Bosbfield A Co- wuo are duly authorised to moke all collections and nd’O't an claims. BUSHFIELD A LEADER. ‘Pittsburgh, Oet 27,1919. _ N. B.—S. 13. OUSIIFIELD A CO.- will continue the wholesale nr.dretall Dry Goods arid Grocerybusme**, at the old more room, No. sRW Liberty st, where they will be pleased to have their friends and customers call amfexamine their stock of good*. oent ' 8. B. BUSHFIELO A_CO.__ Dissolution. IHIK partnership of the undersigned, under the firm . of Bagaley A Smith, was dissolved by mutual coaseut on s!9ih Bcptember, W. Bagaley purchasing Ur« interest of J. R. Smith, who retire*. Thi business of iho firm will be settled by their successor*, Wm. Bagaley A Co., at No*. 19 and 20 Wood su ’ WILIJAM BAGALEY, Pittsburgh, Oct. B, ’49. ISAAC R. SMITH. COPARTNERSHIP.—Wm. Bagaley bavin* asso cia'ed with him Wm. H. Woodward of Philadelphia, John 8. Cosgrave and Ralph Bagaley of Pittsburgh, wj’ l continue the Wholesale Grocery Business, at No*. I* t nd VO Wood si, under the firm of WM. BAGALEY A CO„ Piiwburgh; a d BAGALEY’, WOODWARD A CO., PhUad'o. :*Ct9 Dissolution or Co-Partnsrsblp. r PUE co-partnenbip heretofore existing between the X subscriber*, under llie style of Brown A Colbert* sou, was dissolved on the Ist uist by mutual consent M. 11. BROWN, Pittsburgh, Oct 5, A - CULBERTSON. The »üb»criber will continue the Wholesale Groce* ry and CAramueion Unstuck*, a* heretofore,■ *t Uio old •land, 142 Liberty *t. oct3 A..CUI«HKHT^O?f. n. fCAIXK. JAMES STXTXMH. SOAIPE * ATKIRSOS. ftlirrr., bxtwkks Wood a:toM**x*t, rtpsJiJEani /*W.VTINUK to rannufapJutc all kind* of COPPER, V TIN AND SHEET fKON WARE. Also, lilnck smith Work. 1 Steam Uonu bnili to ortler. Special atieniicn riven to steam boat work. Have on hand* a fine oiiortmcntof Copperand Bran Kettles, Tin Wore,Ac. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forge*, various sises—a very convenient ar -oele for iteamboats, California emigrant*, cTYail road eompaniea. We would respectfully invite neam boat mm ami other* to call ana see our articles and price* before purchasing elsewhere. DtuolnUon of - P*rtner»hipT THE copartnership of HENRY HANNEN jfc CO, formerly llannen, Muller A Co., in the Window a d Colored Glass business, is this day dissolved bp tho withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Muller. The business will be continued by the undersigned, nder the firm of HENRY HANNEN ft CO. Wins ocse No. tte Second at, where we will tar. ippliei of superior Window Glass. JOHN HANNEN, lIKNRY HANNEN. HEtm ROBERTSON,. 27, MD. lIKNRY UMSTKAP Pittsburgh. Aug. Copartnership. THE undersigned Care tin* day a**ocinted with them in basinets JACOB L. SCHWARTZ, mid will con tinn&lhc business u heretofore, under the firm of ■ B. A. FAHNESTOCK A CO. July 3,1549. • jyta _____ notice; THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of A, AC. IiRADLKV, is dissolvedby the decease of Mr. C. Bradley. Tho business will be earned on by A. Bradley, who will telUo the business of the la:e firm. _ REMOVAL —A. Bna&LXt has removed Ins Foundry Warehouse from No. US Second street, to No. 19 Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the wnrehcnse.latcly occupied by G. A- Berry, where he will keep constantly on hand a genera' assortment of Castings. Grates, Stoves, Cooking Swvc*. Ac. jyl3 . BisSOlttUODi THE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name cf Constable, Burke A Co., is this day dissolved by mutual ffi/nseSi. Messrs Burke A Barnes will settle the. IfOaincss of the con cern, for which purpose they Are authorised to use the Dims of the concent. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated themselves in the name of BURKE & BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, Ac. Ac at the stnud of the lute fctni of Constable, Burke A Co„ where they will bcplcaied to receive the pa tronaesef the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, iturfce A Co , 1 with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Lurie A Uuriies to the confidence of tuy friends and the pui'hr Feb u, 1549. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, fcbli-dtf FORWARDING & COMMISSION. a. j. rreaxt. ruos a sill STUART A Slid#, Grocers, and Produce and Cum nuia.nn Merchants, No, ll* Wood si. Pittsburgh. Dealers tu Oio.-erics, Roar, Wlica-, Use,Oats,Corn, Harley, Pork, Bacon, Ilutier, Lard. Cheese; Clover, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron, Nails, Glass, Ac. Ac. Ae. Particular attention paid to the solo of Western Produce. Ririiaiw . Mi'sa/s -Myers A HuAter, Robt. zellACOy M'Gills A Roe, Hamptou, Smith'A Co., James Us/, Kuig A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. Fenner A M’Miilan, Massillon. Jos. S. Morruon, Esq., St, Louts. mint a. cans, late of S. LisboiuO. w. I. ezisski CRAIG * BEUH&RI GENERAL AGENCY, Oecmnltaion and Forward. I rtf .Merchant*, No. lift Matket ft. Pittsburgh, Pa. {£7*Prompt attention given to the purchase aua tuie of all kinds of Produce. Renta to— John Watt X Co, Murphy, Wilson X Go. Pittsburgh, i’j.; Lawvon X Hill, .Mai.lon -Martin, Weliivuie, O ; John H. Urown X Co , Gne not No. 3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of Printers to his improved Printing Inks of Vdriont kinds and orders, at the following prices: \ Rritt fine jet Ulaok, for Card and Wood Ca's- - - rJ 00 and 3fO per lb Fino Book Ink • . 073 “ 100 •* o is o so “ o ia Fine Red ink 75c l 00 1 60 jituc, Yellow, Green u* JjL pointed Livingston, Rnureh A * U>, Sole Accni» for tuvsaie of Jetinu.jr* Patent Dianrnhein Filter, for the eij . fW lie* of Pittsburgh and Allrghen). -a» JOHN frIBHPN'. Agent. f or Walter M Gibson, 3W liroodway Jb * Oct io, lsis. .; We have been umne one of the above article* at lit* office of the Novelty Work* for three month*, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that it is a useful invention, ai,d we take pleasure in recommending them a* a use, fut article to all who love jiurc Water. Order* wilt be thankfully received and promptly executed. octlO UVIXOSTON. KOOKI-.N k Co EUvaratbla FllurlngCoek, . F OE I’UBIPVINO WATER, fi render* turliid water pare by sZllh. removlnir all »uti*uuice» ooiiolublc in. water.' The crotnn water In N. York, ■!pfc®SV\' i *<«l , althoo*b clear and pure to the eye, ret »t PttJ>«e» an honrthrouch lint VSSSS/ filtering cock, show* a large Uenoril . tmpura *uUtanec*,worm», 4c. This “Tta HmenaS‘SiSuLaSdarabie,'aad !■' .br merely lominf the he/ or band!. JdPi. So oi?J. “j lS> car imeii, lli« it changed, and all accumulation* fo\ fZVJZ K.^nre. Je dnVen ofT.tltnort in.tantly,; wffilen.e“wi»jUio FUier It alao po,aeaaea Ita. .d.uiu,; of btin?» "WP »'¥‘i ■> t»*M bo T err convenient aadeconomical ' C Tcan bo attached whore there w aajr preaiaia o,lo“to.S, tank, tab, to: etua. To be too t'S*'*** oometof FoarUt aAd Martel ia ~TEVV 'RAISINS. and Cocoa Shell*.—SO qr bqxe* -9 ban Cocoa aieilareo'ii and for J& ! pSS* T» Biore, 70 Fuw* .treat. deotf. MISCELLANEOUS. W. A J, fILESSi Book Binder*. WE are hull engaged in the above business, comer of Wood awlThlrd streets, where wr a>e prepared to do any work iu our line wim des patch. \V«: uttend to dur work personally* and *atw* faction will be given ut regard to its ncoines* and du rability., •' . Blank Brinks ruled to anypattent and bound snb su.itiaJly. Bock* in-numbers or old books bound care- A: lyorrepaired. Names pat on book* in gm letters. Those that (have work in our line ara invited localu Priees low. my-Jfrtf ~ Scales,; Cooking Stores, Grata#* Ate. MARSHALL, WAIXACE A CO., Bound Church, comer] Liberty and Wood streets, manufacture ami oOerfor sale Plaiforin, Floor and Counter Scales, of the most improved quality; Cooking Stoves* for wood and coal; lEgg Stoves of various giies, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac. They also manufacture! the Kitchen Range, which has gtveu such general interaction to’those having it in.use, to all of which Uteyilwould respectfully invite the-attention of the citizens ’and the public generally. ccrJJ-dtl MANUFicTURED. s TOBACCO— The subscribe*- would tall tho attention of the city trace and dealers generally, to Uto following brand* Tobacco*, in store and to arrive, which being consignments di rect from ms lufacturers/ he Is enabled to sell at east ern price*:' I3i> i bxs R W Crenshaw ss; 70 | 1 James Madison Csi 61 } 1 Lam&nino Ss; 33 I 1 Mirabcau Ss; S 3 t • Pcutam 5s and Is, 15 1 * Roberts A Sisson St; - 9 I 1 Oscar Burl ss; 9 « V Johns A Lewis U; 3 | ' Warwick, supr It; 49 | “ Henry A James ss, lx and Ss; febia ' L S WATER-MAN Pitt Sla ihin* Works and Foundry. A rrmccxcu, ra. JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Chiton .and Woolen Machinery oteverv description, such •ts Carding Machine*, Spinning 'Frames, Speeder*. Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spooler*, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ae. wroujlii irou Shafting turned; all sizes of Cast Iren, Pulhei and Haugers of me latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes,- 1 and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for .Mill Gearing, Don Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe for heal ing Factories, Cast Irou Window Sash anu fnucy Cas tings generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt alien- Refer to Blackstoek, Bell A Co., J. K. Moo rebead A Co., G. E- Warner, John Irwin A Sons. Pittsburgh; G. C. A J. H. Warner, Steubenville. jsnlP HEW COACH FACTORY, MA. WUITE A C0 7 would respectfully inform fl the public that tney have erected a shop on Lacock, between Federal ai d Sandusky streets. 1 bey are now making ami are prepared u> receive orders for every description of vebieles, Coaches, Chariot’s, Ua> rouenesi Uuggies ; I’hmtoru, Ac., Ac., which from their lone experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the,facilities they have, they feel confident they are enabled to do work ou the most reasonable terms with those wanting articles in their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, ind having none but,competent workmen, they have rio hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask tha attention of the public to this matter. X. D. Repairing done in the best manner, and ou the most reasonable terms,' T PIASOSt 'era for tale a-large npd tplenuid ewood anil mahogany grand Ac* 1 without Coleman’* celebrated Tlic above iuttnuuculi are war* my manufactured in this coon* >wer tbu'' any brought /ran the K. IILUMK, No IUI wood »L 2d door above 6th II bo taken at par for a few of mya ■ F. U. A9TSIV LTIMUKE, PHILADELPHIA. UOSrON-ANDNEW ORLEANS ENEKAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE MEN m wholesale aud retail More*, and other e'spcrtabic business, to net ai Book-keepers, tjaie*- mtu, Porter**-Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmer*, Coach rueih'Car Agein*, I*oos” and Hap Agents, Collectors, Overseers in ell branches of business. Ao. \\ e have dt all times a large number of goodMluauuns on liv.-ai. which pay Horn 3u&to SS.UOO per annum. Those in want of sitnaiicmg of any kind would do well to give u» a call, aa we have agent* in each of the a K ovc ci* virs, which will euableu* to place every amditaui in n suitable situation at theshunesi notice. We u»*c ti large acquaintance in all (he above named ernes, which we u *jU will suable us to give entire satisfac tion to ell who may favor us with a calL TAYLOU A TAYA!AN, No. 5y Second st-, between South end (jay. N.D—Persons living in any pari of the U.Stat**, and wishing to obtain a situaiiou in Baltimore, or ei • her of the alHive cities, will have their wants Bruno Jialely attetided to hy addressing u* a line, (post-paid) as by so dome they will curtail both trouble and cx. ,ou»e, which limy cthcrwi»o world Incur by coining •o the city, and seeking employment (or ihcm-elvcs. Address,' TAYLOR A TAYMAN, fto.fibSeeoud stteet. * Daltitaore, JUd BENNETT *. BROTHER, yFEFNSWAKE MAN UFACTUBEKS, Blr»lnK»*»ni |“« Sr PHtabiu-ftt»,)FA«\ WarchiAiSi, So. 137, Wood ettui, fiiltlnirgh. keep ottisnia good tu«rt £»7yaiesi ot Warij of our owumanut&cinre. and Rm# supenorqoolity. '\Vhole*4» and Country M«r- VEX chants are respectfully mvAcd to call and ex amine for them* cl vet, ai wi lrtldetcncincii to veil cheaperthashaicrerbefora bee&pSeredlo the pufc- Itft” -r -- 177- Order* seat by mail,accompanied by the cash or ;iy rtfereaee. will he promptly attended f| 10 tTie LAUlV:s—Just received. a*Q»H axwrune a of gold and silver ’iptread. Cord and Uraid; also Spangle* aud Bullion, for embroidering aud other or ruacutal work. Also,guld omiwl »e rToskcU, Fringe .ml Lace. J Jewelry of the late*: fashions In great variety. Watches of superior duality anil bcaultfal patterns, 3d fur rale ai Euslcru prices W W Wlll>ON, , qorncr Market slid Fourth tit ATHENiELM UATUISG tTADLISU AUiVI—Open front 11 P.M. Mugte Bath hJccnts,ord for,! uo:lar. Ladies deparunent open from 9 to U A. M.’artd trwin 'i to i P. 31. flie Refreshment j»h|uori are unequalled in itylp attendance. Recherche lec Cream*! r • auald T. M’FALI, Proprietor. - "TU-t A'UIiOBETSR." THE attention of the public is rcspecttutly called the loliowing ceruitcates: Ms. s. tlaaia*— Haying tested a quantity of Gc weighed by your Areometer. 1 find the result pfuv vour instrument correct; anil recommend the me of to those going to Caiilontia, as ike beat method fbr C taimng Ute real value df Gold. Heip. yours, Ji B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pttuburgii, March 9,!1549. 7 ; firnn'Kiß) March 7, Itdtf. .\U.tlmas— DcarSljr Having examined the u Are4* meur,” Konuractorod At your rooms, I *f, ROBERT 11. PATTERSON has opened large stable on Ftm si, running ihroudi /if%\ to Second si, between Wood and Bmilhfietd in the mar of the’ Monong&helu Homi. with an entirely new stqck of Horses and Carriages furnish young ladies facilities equal t* nnj in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Cms»i[ cal, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of I'hij lisophical and Chcouea) lectures will bo delivered i during the winter, illustrated by apparatus. The do* carunents of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be undcf the care ofa competent Professor. By close aueiuion to the moral and intellectual improvement of their ptt- ; pils, the Principals hope k<» merit acominnauou of the) liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. Fori terras, sec circular or upplyto Uie Principals j lagMllf \ I’irrsßUSoit, Sept. ill, lbll). MK THO 9. K. HIRBKKT:—Daat air. Your WRI- Tl XG FLU ID wc have now born using more than a year, and on looking over the entries made by It, wc find the color a bright blue bract. It is pleasant to write with, |lnw» free, ami does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing VBu ihn ready sab* its merits demand, wc ore, yours respecttully, BIMFSON A CO. For sale, together with Hibben's Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy Ink, by U A. Fahnestoek A Co., 1L P Bchwant, Allegheny, City, amt by the manufacturer, T. K. inbbert, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Liber ty uud Srailhfirld su,j*lUsbutgh. oct?:f wxrxuta* r*uun.’ *»omcabamu. wn. x d*xr PALMBUi HANNA St GO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna & Co.) BANKER*, EXCHANGE UUOKEK*. and dealeTß i u Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Ccrtihcatis of Depositc, Bunk Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, ncuriy opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on deposite—Sighl Checks for salt , ar.u collections made b:t nearly all the principal points in the United Stales] The highest premium paid for Foreign and Atacrt'tn Cold J Advances made on consignments of. Produce;, ship ;>ed Eat.s on liberal terms- epi GREAT INVENTION!—VALUABLE IHsCOVRRY! PATKMiSxa.TtED JaStTABT Ist. IMU. Patent crossJevcr extension Toilet, Sofas, Bureaus, Host Casts, Writing Duls. + LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. “ = r|Hl£S TAUIiKS fur surpassing every other in* X vcniionoiihbkindnow extant. Tuey caujbe ex irmied irom ten io twenty-five feet, and when closed the Iravcs urv all coiitmaed inside; they are made to all sues ui.d shapes, and are admirably adapted for Bteamboats, Hotels, and large private families, form ing when closed a complete centre table. I SOFA* AN DJiUILEAUS—These articles aye inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment Into a parlor orsituiig they can be opened dud shut _at convenience, arid when shut, me bedding la enclos ed. A great saving in room and rent. All tho bed steads wheu closed torm n beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASES—A nsai and useful ariiele foy parlor or drawing room. I WRITING DESKS—Forlawofflees.countlngTooms, and other olficesj when opened a mosiconveiuebi bed stead. when closed a perfect Desk and Library) alone Is visible. . 1 . All these articles need no recommendation: the beauty ofthe whole is, they are woiranted noil to gel jut of repair. It will bp for your interests to call ana examine the articles, at the manufacturer's *tor<, No., ob Third street, Putshurgb. lnaddiliouto the above advantages, they arepnrafa^tbu^^^ LOWELL FLETOnitBs RiirerAEToaKß or ALCOQGI. AHD POKE BPLEITB;, Comer Front and Vine streets, Cincinnati, 0.. _ ORDERS from Pittsburgh for Raw or Rectified Whiskey, will b« &?£?,/ ** ended to at towtit.maikei pup«» ajcldwuy , DRY GOODS, &c. PAYETTE PHEMICJt BLANKETS, WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNELS TH7'E are now receiving from the factorya large VV supply of these goods, whieh we are veiling low er than each goods ca’i be had elsewhere i(i this city. We use no add? In bleneftinjf, thai lijurp* the goods oof object being to produce goods not. (dr show only, but for comfort and durability, and as each they re* ceived the first premium over all other goods exhibit ed nt the late Allegheny Agricultural Fair. For sale at the Blanket Depot, No. fid Market st, and at the ware rooms of ibe Fayette Manufacturing Co-, No. lid Second sl ..... Blankets of our Manufacture are sold in Allegheny City, by Mr. John Dean, and also at the “Two Big Windows.” Federal st. oetla American Woolen Goods* THE subscriber has on hand, (received tbo present season,l conngncd from tua manufaetn rers, thefol* lowing Goods, which ho is authorised tocloso at prices rery lows 3o pieces yard wide Barred FlanneL . 430 oairs White Bed Blankets, ribbon bound, six pounds to the pair. , 1 ease SO pairs Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound,» ▼cry superior article. 4 coses (VOO pairs) Grey Mixed Blankets. £0 pairs Bark Gemianella Blue Blankets, a very su perioranirle. ■> 8 cases Grey and Blue Blanket Coating. 4J> pieces Tweed. Steubenville make; l caio assort ed hlaiu and barred'Jeans, Steubenville manufactory. The above goods are all consigned direet-from the maker, and will be sold tf Goods tor the Fall season, which they will bs chappy to exhibit to theif old customers, and ua many hew ones u may feel inclined to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay in sueh goods as are adapted to the wants of the Western trado, whicli long experience enables them, they cat) aay.with much confidence, and without entering into a detail of their stock, tliat the Western retail merchant will find with them all that his.customer* require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of .repairing to the Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Goods, would do wull to cull, as a candid comparison of pri ces would in many cates result in the convletioa that the expense ofgoing further may be obviated by bay tng la Pittsburgh. , : spil3 SEIACKLETT * WHITER DRY GOODS JOBBERS, w Wood, street, ABE now receiving a very targe stock ;.of freak Goods, of recent porthoie and importation,which they will sell to the trade at suchprices as cannot Toil, to give entire satisfaction. .City trad Comity Merchants ore invited Iff - call and examine our COek before purchasing el6ewt*>*-« myw . •• r. , RKISINUER, WELLS a CU„ Manufacturers oT- Gicen Gloss \\ ere, No. 27 Market street, Pitts burgh, Pa, kc<*p constantly on hand sad make to or der all kiuds of Vials, .Mottles. Ac. Potter did Mine ral Water Rottlrs, of superior quality. 1 Particular attention paid to Private Moulds! iioviJO-ly ' • . > . Wrought tad CaitlronlUUlngi rpJIE subscriber* beg leave to inform the pebue 'hut I they have obtained from the East all inn lato au>l fashionable 'designs for Iron Railing, both forhoases ana cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hoed-' some pasterns will please call Sod examine*, and judge for themselves. Railing will be furnished at the short e«t notice, and in the beat manner, at the eonser of Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. . 'aurJ9-dtf A. LAMONT A KNOX. Oystcrat Ojratorit BURKR a co b Daily Express 1» uow_regUlarlyde- Uvcnnc Can and Snell OYSTERS,' which are of fered to dca'ers and fatuities at the lowest prices. Gustily warranted c-jual to anybjougbt lo this mar ket, and lor rale by J. C. BIDWELL, Act, Water st. Also?—At the following depbut— Reis A Huger, cor ner SmiUidcid and Sceond su; E. Ueaxieion, Diamond; Mercer * Rnl.lrtnn. Federal «1 Allegheny. oetls WILL remain open for Visiters until the Ist Janua ry, trSO. Oyitera and oiher Refreshments suit ed ti> the aeasou kept. The Greenhouse, con taining s large collection of raro.and choice Plauu, will be open to vi-Uers. lloquets neatly pat up st short notieo ikroucbout the season. An Omnibus leaves the Allegheny end of the 8t- Clair Street 'Bridge, every Half hour during the day, running to the Galien; anu (he ferry boat, Captain Walker; rons from tl* e, la ruling a shod distance sbovc the Gar den. Panics wishing to spend Uie evening, wdi bo accommodated wan a return Omnibus at lUo*cloe> P. M. Kept on Temperance principles, and closed on unday. apU3 J. M’KAIN. t* CT aon ,*h~ iMOVAU r LMy ri jj4l Q KQ B. MILTE VBEBOER BTkUfJi-rSJJ ®p orwart jing and Commtsalon Mer*' chant, has removed ;a No. 37 •Front, between Wood and Bmithfield «ircet«. • sntl il/t have *ome i'l'Mr'd, made on an improved VY plan, so as not to freeze U> the coldest weather. Persona wasting such articles, an invited to'Call and see them at „ &CAIFEA ATKINSON I S> • mv'JS Ist. hp(ww»nAVonH Market sts View og Pittsburgh. m* Y VIEW will be published' in as short a time iVX, as possible; and I can assure ray subscribers, and the public generally, thstlvshall besormax-r both tn fidelity rf detail and beeaty of execution—to snf other whatever. Let those who doubt, wait a few werksandsee. E WHITE FIELD. Naw Yoke, Dec. 6ih, I£4>-—Cdcll SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GIFT BOOBS AND ANNUALS Tor IBSOL TME OEM OPTIIE SEASON, with sUtee&elesul engravings; cdnedby N. P. Willis. Tae d acreu Annual, a Gift lor all Seasons; by 0. Weld. . . Tan Floral Keepsake, Tor l£&0j with forty Ux beaou fu! colored cnr'minp; edited by J. Keese. ' Leaflets of Memory, on Illuminated Annual for 1850. Uems of Beauty, or Literary Gl.t for 1890; by £. Perciral. The Opal, a Pare Gift for the Holy Pits. Harvest Gleanings,—a Holiday Book;—by A. Dwight. GmLeavesof American Poetry; edited by B- W. Gritwold. . ' The Romance of Nature, or Poetical Language of Flowers; uy Thomas Miller. The Forget-Me-Not,‘or IbSO; by Mrs. E. 3-Smith. The Mo«« Rose, by Mrs. E.P. Howard. The Snow Flake, “ beautifully itlastraied. The Chapin of Literary Gems,' with colored eagra- T> lhe Home Offering, or Glimpses of Home Life; by The Friendship,’ a Token of Remembrance. The Hyacinth, of Affection's (lift, for I$5Q. , •| be Gem, for 1850; edited by Father Frank, Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver; by E- B. Fel lows. Flora’s Gem, or the Bcquet for all Seasons; with beautiful embellishment* The Drawing Room Scrap Book, with seventy illdl rations. -s' Tim Charuclemnei of Women; by Mrs. Jameson. The Hcrouies of Sbakipesrq; with forty five edfcra* in«», from drawings hy cmineQLaniiU. Bibiev and Prayer Books. In'every stylo of binding o suit the taste of purchasers. ■ i For sa e by : ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, No. :o Wood street; between Fourth = dot! ' , j , and Diamond alley. AHBVALSI ABSVALBI lEAFLETSof Memory; Lady’s Gift; j Uema of the Season*'Gems of Beauty; •; •> Kassetai; Gift or Friendship; Floral Keepsake; Romance of Nature; llyaclneh -Chi d’s Keepsake; Christmas Blossoms,.GiftLeaves of Am. Poets: Golden Gift; Friendship’s Utfenng; Poet's Offering; Readti’a Femuie Poets of America; The Briltlant; Proverbial Philosophy, UL; Bacrcd Annuals; Harvest Gleanings: Snow Flake; Keejhake of Friendship; Young Lady's Offering; ■ Bales ami Prayer Books, bound in velvet and mo* i oceu, with clasps. Received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, dcJO carnet Market and Third sts. 7LOUR,—ISO bbls in store and for sale by JP Celt ' WM U JOHNSTON, 1L: Second tt Christmas and flew leafs Approaching! I ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, sttiia ll Ms for die coming holidays, at LOCKWOOD’S: PEARLS OF AMERICAN -lOETaYrUluminateU by T. W, G. Maptcaon, Esq., 4to, elraanily bound in dark morocco, gilt edges, anlidue style; *lB. “Some of thebapntest cffbunns.of Hoffman, Long* fellow, Bryant, Willis, Whiaier, Halleek. Sprague, Dana, Airs. Btgpurflay, and Mrt.'Embury, tuooug oth ers, cmich tbe-votarne.’'-—{Watchman. . . “These are piinted most delicately and perfectly, In lithographic German Text, on Btiatol hoard, each page being framed bv a rich illuminated arebetquo border, in gold,stiver, and cuJor*, dnth vlgneUs wrought in the border*.”-4Commercml. “The-fint illuminated voiaspo thathns been attempt ed. ou this lido of the Atlantic— and with regard to the beauty of deatgn*, and the execution of torn, may be aaid to rival, if not surpois, any.thing of. the kind in “lavs ofthe western we ? 1.0-- CoMAta ♦-Love’s Requiem," by Clisnea Fenco Hoffman; “The M?lhor ofToso..” bjr Mr. o«Mod; -Tbs Load of JDrcontr," by Wm. c. Bryony “Lot* in the Cap of Lift,’’by Mrs. 3. O* Howe; “Tbo Night Cometh, by Mm’ Embury; “Tbo Touraameul or Aero," by ,L W. Herbert; “sreeawooiV' by Mr, Bindon** Worship,” by Uiu Bayard; -Tbo Child’s Mlsuott." by Mr, Em- fod», iCnatla.ted la Ibo mo« aaperb MArM by M.rleion, synb holders aad rldootw. otiuied in aotd, silscr, and color, bouud lum»oeeo, fn am ass’re stylo,-rprminj On, moat ole.aal aad ro cherebaboofcof liahind eyer atodacedlalM«omm. uy. Tnce, «L, ’YaM E3l). LOCKWOOD, ,j cl g Bookseller and Importer. 63 Wood at. Btwjßookii . SYSTEM of Ancient and "Medio**! Geography, A lor ike u»e of Sfibooli tad College*; by-Ck&lie* Aniooru of Sp&niih LUfintnre; by Geo.Tlskncr.' 3 Uitioryo. - r -r—-- 1 recei»wL ■ Tne Wb«lo *ad Li* .Crpiires, or w WhileauV Ad»eniareq,.andtftß Whalo's lkojrtpfty, ai filtered inihc Homeward CrttiteoMhe “ComiaOGore i*r«blc; n by Ile». ticnryT; Cbeeter. Chtimers ImUtgio otThcoleff; 8 voVlait ret*d by . i JOHN9TON AttTOCICrONi dcS9 . tgpier Third and Market *t*i_ QlGllT&nd thort littoßl LLS OF EXCHANGE, p«y« O »tls la QnciaaMi, LcoiitiHo and SLLoms, p«u> ahMedoattoaenfiiTotabtotfmi. , - . • sptS N.UOLBIESJiB arm UxxqaaLLxs Paxntuvtoa is numafaetared on tho -largest seale, and Is called lor throughout the length tnd breadih of the land,- . Unltse young 8. P. Townsend’s, it fcopKrm .wlih age, and nrter changes, bat for the better; beeacsa h is prepared on srtennfio principles by a «■*. The highest knowledge of and the latest discoveries oftbe Art. have all been woagbt.intore* Guliiiien in the laaimractare o! 'the Old tnh Sarsapa rilla. , The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to med*' leal men, contains medicinal properties, and same proi : perues .which an Inen or useless; and others which. If retained in preparing it for bis, produce ferments* tlon and acid, which Is injßtioni to the system. Some ofthe : properties of Sarsaparilla an so volatile thtl they eniirelycTaporuio and are lost'ln the prepara tion, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in' its manufacture. Moreover these volatile principles which fiy-pffinva* : pdr, or as an exhalation, under heat,aro lha.very es sential medical properties of the root, which gives to -it allils value.-The ’ ' * • - s ‘ : : GKVCISB ... .. OLD DB. JACOB TOWNhK.ND’S SAB3APABILLA it bo prepared; tbtt altihe inert properties oftbeSar* sspariliaroot am first removed,-everjr thingeanablo of becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and' rejected; then every particle ofacdsealvlnao is teen* red /' * ' ' " ' reodi ib a pare and concentrated farm; and bias it is Jered incapable of lounff «ojr of it* valnable and healing properties.' Prepared in thisway,it ismane the moM poTeerftt) uat in the CUHK OF JNNUSJEBAIJLE DISEASES, ' lienee the reason why we hear commendations on every sideiu iu favor hr men,' women and children.' IVe uiul il.doingwonders in the core of Consumption, Dyspepsia, wtdJLiver Complaint, and in Bbeomatiim, Scrofula and Piles, Cosilveness, all Cutaneous Erup tion*, Pimples, KioTehest andsllaffectioas arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD.' It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, frotaACioity of the Stomach; from unequal dredtiiidn, deterainauon of blood to the head, palpitation of lhejheart,edld feet and cold hahda . eold chilis and hot flashes oyer the- body. It has.not had its equal in coughs dud colds; and promotes easy cipeetorotiou, and perspiration, relating sole uue of the longs, throat; and every other past. Bat in nothing is tie excellence more manifestly seen and acknowledged than in all hinds and stage* cf . . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of floor alba* Or whiles, Failing of ike Womb,Obstructed, Suppressed, sr Pain* tel Blenses, Irfcgulanry of the animal end ithelike; end U effectual In earing all forms ofthoKiiK ney Diseases. 'By reaovtfigobtpnciloujand reguls* •ting the general system, it gives (me and strength-is. the whole body, and ceres allforas of .. - NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, end thus prevents or relieves agreat variety ©/other diseases, u Spinel Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitas Dance, Swooning, EpflepiieFiu, Convulsions, tc. Ii uot this, then, tua Mamctas too PX»ExUusrtT Natol . But cos any of these things .he said of 3. P. Town send’s inferior eniele! Ibis Tonne men’sHianid u hoi lobe COMPARED WITH THE OLD Dll’S, because of the Grand the one u ‘tteapshle 'of Detenorailon and NEVER SPOILS, while the otb-‘ er .DOES;. it sours, ferments, add blows the boules. containing ilinto fragments; uto-socr, acid liquid ex plotting and damaging other goods! Most not this hor rible compoand be poisonous to the system! Whad put acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causesDyspepslabutacid! Do we cotail know, . that whenjeod sours ih ours tomichywhal mischief* it pn>dticesT-^flatule'nhe^heanbvrn r palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, dmnima, dysentery,'cholic and corruption of the blood! What üßcroftila but an acid humor in the body! What prodaecatU lhahainara. 'Which; bring on Eruption* pf the Skin, Scald Head, .Salt Rheum, Erysipelai, While 8 wellinjsj Fever-Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external! It is noth* leg under heaven bht an ac|d substance, which aoors, and thosspoilsnU the fluids of the body, more or less. What Causes Rheumatism bat a sour acid fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere,. ir* mating end inflaming the tender and delicatetissttei upon which it ecu! 80 of perrons diseases, of-iapu* ruy of the blood,of deranged circulation*, and nearly all the ailments which aiflifit human nature. Now, U it sot horrible to make and selL and infinite* hr worse to use this U3URING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND I OF B.P. TOWNSEND!, and yet tie would tela hare U understood that Old Ja cob Townsend's GenaiOe OrigihalSarstpurill*, U as imitation of hi* inferior preparation!! Heaven forbid that we should deal la aa article which would hear the moat distant resejobtanee to 8. F Townsend's aniela! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. each a mountain load, of complaints and elimination* from agents '#ho hate sold, and par* chasers w&o hare ased 8. P. seed's Fomenting Compound! ' * • v - ’ ‘ We wish it understood, because U is the absolute ; truth, that 9. P. Townsend 5 * article aadOliKDr. Jacob Townsend’s SartsparlUa are heaven*vide opart, and infinitely dissimilar; that they are unlikeiaevcry pnr* ticular, having not fine singleuunjlrieommaa. : • It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to 'pour balm into wounded humanity, to kiqdJe hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom ami vi cur into the crushed and broken and tobsaista infirmi-. ty-that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUUUf mid FOUND the opportunity and means to brine his UCiSD UNIVERSAL CONCEN PRATED REMEDY* within the reach, and to itha knowledge of all who need it, that they may leoruaml kiiow, by joyful ez* perienfea its ntaflscKNOKxr rowan to vaaLl For sale by J. KIDD ft CDu_Wholesale Agent for- Wcs«en> Pennsylvania: J. tShuTJI, Birmingham, Dr. J. BAHGKANT, AUecnedy; Dr. J. CASSELL, Flub ward,G. W.QABD.SER,tith ward, Pittsburgh. spul , Jaynes' Expectorant. " &ALXX,Columbianaco-,0., Apr. 24, 1841. BR. D. JAYNES; Dux'S®:-1 feel bound to you .and the alllieted publie, to avail myself of this op* portunhr of giving publicity to the eatraordi nary effects ofyoui Expectorant onmyselA Having been afllieied for several years with a severe cough, hectic fiver and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to Unger out a short but miserable existence, until the : fall of 1639, when, being afire severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, and the pro- , wripuoi l * of two of the mo tt« carry on a furnace and shop its that place, and am not interested in any toasnvr to too sale of the above medicines, and make thisiertifieate torthe ben* efit of those alMcted. . i?Ei4JAH RATON. ' Springfield, N. - nfionrsy- piaiatw -' r. WB- MUJlPHY.atNcnhEast corner of Fourth • .and Market streets, hai lately received a tup* piy of the above superior make of Blankets, and m vtie* those in want of the article do' look at them be fore buying. He has also on hand Uome Made Blau*, kets, a good heavy article, which he is selling low. t ,AU»^liomefiladeFLANNELS^browO|baizedand white, ® o * superior quality. . Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to whlch-te •invites the attention of buyers. ‘ ‘IDTA large supply of Goods recently opened In the Wholesale Rooms,-up stairs, makes Ms assortment very Call and. worthy the auenUoa of dealers.. ' POVIY- Brussels cahpet»-Iw. aih;u»w* efen» putehaserealorgeand handsome assortmeu: of the! most approved -patyernsof Brussels Carpets, cheaper tbsuever before odered In this market..-Call assgasftßagr POTAISH-ftbWAftpamoaroele. Ur sale toy tall - ' YOlfe XTIElii ■. 140. ir^rMSegEBWPS. f<7RgAFAßlij^ - A*aUA»T.«a£TLB§. rra tss noiorAL ax» nuuixsT cnso# allkhus ' ahumkto* Aftamsiknlts or m* bum? -., 1 MauaonmßWWg '" Seiofhla 97 Kin*’* KviU Kbeaminsm, Obstinate Cats* ’ neoai'Ernpuana, PtmpieaerFustnlesontho Face, , Blotches, btlo, Chronic. ScreEycs, Bigg Worm • or Teuer,'SeßU tieut.'Bblugeaeatioa Pain or tbo'Ben6sa&tiJoiatt,Kabpstn Ulcer*, SyphUtie - Symplons,. Sciatica «r Lambtgtv-end diseases arising &wn an injdaidon* trie or Mereary, Aei* - titeaor J>rop«?-'’kixpttmra:Oftlmpradesce Inliiej Also—Chrtmie Coxutit»uioiuu Disorders, Ac, In thl* preparation an stronglyeoaeeairated all th» Medicinal prapastiaasf'SaafipanUa, combined with jbo most effectual aid*, tho most salutary productions, the most pbtenViiAplea oftim vegetablekingdom; ana IfEpk been so fully tested, notoaiy by patients them* selves, bur also-by'phyutiiffs, tout ii baa received ihCif. anqapltfiiwl w»fftmnmn boy of mins with ' rtßrBarsapaxiUa, svb*wae-*ua«ked with Scrofula, andof a eerofoloas family.-. 7 ' • 7 ' «Ybare, : tralr, Isa N.W.aAttaiS. : : "Fredericks Uai]»-Yt,Jßlr4?, 18*9.” SAapFSAisArAaUiU^—H seem* almost uantteeeesa* ; • ry to direct attention tons article sonelikaowiij and ] . so daaerradly popular, A* this preparation, bßipaneata i. often who wish to use ins extinct of Smspo&Ua, are 1.. indneed to’uy wonttiem coapeanda bearing tba name, bat containing time or. none of Uis jmno o? this vain* able root; and ws think 'wo’cannot confer s greater benefit on oar reader* titan In-directing thetr uioauan to tbe advert teas: tof the Motera.£and4, in'another eolomn.' Tba bottle lias rertaUy been enlarged to beta acß«a,'andihoae.wb».‘9ub a really good article .will find concentrated in this nil tho medicinal value - of the expeiichee-Of thousands has proved tta eifieaey ia curing ue varittaa diseases for which it', ia recommended; and ailhe'preie&l Uiae more than any oiher ( 'perinpa,'istbla medicine tuefiiL in prepa* ring the system tor achango.of Jonr. 7 asi,»cptl3ii . ‘ :- :" - ' Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A- 0. A D- SANUS, ilruggist and glytmitt, ldu Fulton street, corner or Now York. 80M. also by Orag> gists generally lbraagtnat|Qb United Stales and Can* edar-'Prteo 8t per bottle; «x boule* fiur 83. : For tale by U-WUAXJdt, ri. A. FAIINESTOCS A CL), and bIDWAKI) PENUtIRLOH, t'iUsburKh. Al b,tiT or. 3.flMlTH.Brid<»»ur. Ildia? lota or me athal site, or to improve. A plan ortho sabdivuioa-eamhe seen at the ostae of tha .•undeuixoed. • ,r ' Do the property areßeTeeied ftve substantial Brick ■ Baildlags. ou tiw'Clair. KtraeVlineiniing the tavfiro kaovra as the u fie4 Lion,”! a mun'tcr 01 itnauer build* legs oh llaqaesno Way anil'll ox itcra alley tportly 00* eupied by'lowaseod, Ohrr.A Co-J, anii the stahica at* ticnadta Utntafem. ..Tho tasttUkiiSoOper annum, and the property otti' one thimlm*ro»ed. ' Tt ' “ AWIyW • ' I -i: U. B.WILKINS, . dcsU. , . Aitornpy at Law, Fourth street fiemudnnaal.JlKj* of Dry Goods, ax yua ou riuca srou 07 A. A. MASON & CP*, TT7ILL commence on. Nyw Year’s Day, IBSO,' and • yy eonllnue through the-moiah of January, oaring which lime the wfcfiicef Uscir immense eslaauihmenl, - liuciuiUnffaU their Wholesale Rootm,) will be in rows open.for-Retail Tredei-and their;entire-WhOleSal* • Stock will be odered- U* Retail, on this occasion, at folly cat soeaxa tx j > yasn uvjal prices. . Tacir Snawi a*iooa coiitaini mure than33o3Shawls, ' Comprising every dosertptiau of Long and Square Wool Ban wit, Cashmero.Broohs, Ac.. - Also, Vueties, Cloaks, Mamlilas, Sacks, Aft, a; ah Immense redao* - -noaftourssasl pitcfi*.";-:*' ..... DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS. , ' Their stock eomprtfei more than lovupieees.Tklbat Cloths,-Merinos, Paramcuss, Alpaecas/liyonete, Op* fcre and Pelisse Ctsths, will be sold irom Xb to 40 per eeukless than aaaalprieet. • Also—piedes pnhp.aia and fig’d SILKS, redu* ood3ope»canc' go aaaes Csshmerus and.DeLulns, entire new styles* P Also—White Goods, ~aßruratng do., EabroidemS). LaeeVßi&boos, Gloves and Hosiery, Trimmings, fto. uicaScs FiaMaeisj-yo efiscs new ryls'Calicoes, eoca* set Bleached Muslins,, jtxr bales Urowa 7O bales Tickings.'Also, Cloths; Cissune re l, Jeans, Catslnsus, Au, at exuemelr.k> # ««««** Together wiih au immense variety of other Goodly making an' of the most extauaive la the eouutry—ail qr vfhmhhavo been markedoo#a at nueb lower puses than Uieu extensive annul sale la January last- ! •'•■r* i b-L‘ They invito aa'eaxlixall, u many of their choicest'' Qeods will be sold."' E7*Tnd lowe*f prise, named tit fint. -jaffif : t. a^JL MAdUN ft CO Market C. 'j. Sew BeftlU Josa Arrlwad* CJAORED BOHNEA-AiND CHAR\CTiiR3, by J.T. O H«adJy, With original designs or Dxrley. - The Poena and Prese4Vrtuligi of R. H. Dana. - Physician and Paueut, or ftPraetieol Vie# of the of the Medical Proiessloo and iha'Oouimauiiyi by \Y. Hooker, AL R The Pdritan'audttisJkuighmrt by J. K, Paudtag, author or the Dutchmia’'s Fueslde. ' Uim Gringos, Or Ualuifda View of Mexico and Cal* Ifbnuai Wiui wandsxmgamPcrUtCtuUßiulPoiyuestsj br Lie at Wise. Fureaieby V; . dexi,-,.- ft KNPLISH.7B Wood cl ‘ &REEN APPLES—“S Übls tn store and fortaie by ; Jamf -V-.». -t A • fl ft W HARBAUGH .¥* ARD^Oljj— 20 bbis Winter SirtineS, for sale by““- Jjjtflg -.- fl ft W IIARUAUGtt CU£E3E-i® bxs T7TAL CORKS—I* baljs, long and short, us’d, .for' V tala by .. J SCiiUO.NfiLAKERftCU, ■ Ajanl' No »1 Wood street ■ tj FINE salo by I d ienl - ■ V? JPCiIOONkIAKERtCO -M ALUafL-10 bblsior.kalo by ;jsolu > v -- tf J aCBOQNMAgprn A ’ >, SFTB. TURPENTINE—4S bbis; in good order, for l( taleby ianPv-3 J eCHOONMAKER ft CO .ft iUWicams, vaiious suc%‘ • T Thai: ■ ■ J BCHOOXMAKER ft CO ll IVROOM3 flarga hand »nd for nit by - •£§ IXl*ai. - v , JOH.N WATJACO »W GUA&3—jQQbta, us'd «ixe*.lor ulabj *£;' V'''Vvr ■ •- - JOHN WATI' A CO ~sp ■\/f lOCtsuU Noi. U ©a ’ JJL *nd lot,, jtnl . JOriNWATf fcCJ, ” r^REFa&»liw,t)Xf pnmaßiUppun urt Cauiaji toruie By;*? V- '" J B g\fJFtKLP [ 1 \ALlsiW—4obajjjini rec a mil »ur Sts i>y - X lana;,; ; Bft. VV la ilore lad for ',... s * w HAaoAuaa Hemir, jo« I dt34 SUACKLfcrr c W vvhits r v jani;-. •»•»«» . TANNEDHoOBKm£-4dOX nc'i and fa nb s#|k Jißl ,T? . ;TT •- SA W HASBAUOHSvL WNKas l r*ra X/'jper WjomlttJt; ~ 'oBIUWJSNBKHOB#! " akr- . • . NoWF««»gfffe&,. AS HaSu aad fny aaie io«r-taciP*6 CO r»i^niirgS«iri; V ;W ma EogiiA-VeaiMA Bed; J, '.. -IWr K-lfojljSlflj -. ■sV4\£ t .... -;0 .CWpaSeTamei . -4how*WttB»pi - . * /..'•JV rv j * .5 «--v JOHtf APPABEff A Co*r>'|sjjli. JWI- ■■• Hf'tir-, Canal Bftiia. Pjm ww^S^^'i? 37. FrcßtWW^^^^p-' InurNaimen: • O: - ‘W*C*B»e»: : -SOiau*C*»»U; ' : . r'r.jfe. v..-‘ 1 cue'Mico; Car tale br , fleat• , JaCtiOuNMAKEßscawWaaly j*paq. Oqtci pctm, \> teceircdnto-fefiale by . t lan.3H.USPr - • - Mo. S 7. Front? JpEAJIIEHS-^Q.ftck*prlaw, forays by r umi to sahMVip*■ #”\FFl&£ feofA Bepriius of tbs FOK '■? vr~tle]i ■JuMStaMood; 6itip;r Test. - . 'ftferUfc.WilluJdiome JoaiatL la UliS-ffirag :YoU«cc*lj,r tipw taaseu - “ *f;>£§*& issssssssfeßsssr^i?-^#^ 1 i-'H#« ■yiAii •> • J •.•.. » f>'3 1 • ‘•-V-V-? Uowe'* extra, for utabj 8 fc W HaKUaUUU