; MISdMg. •'““St® irffle, L«urf f®k d« to. Beeffe BA W®-* Tt ¥ SSjTinJ 4ji ?ro»t>«cU, ’ Dr. Wood** L«fr KfiSSi™. Holt’* MudonaTyAbw*- ta addnfoa ££tf^™Ki«nn«r^ S?WS- v,c^--'“r3J ftEJ!S?!KBS3W*i3^S —>• rOTTiofsiiiiic. •■••.. y A^iSiSraci'S&ffiS®® what pcrpo*6.n> fcd ®** too j, - rfl d pal rel ay expexiweau eobitanee*} l*J»f it, m 3 wra P < 2i2^£s*d.Ht5othmitfcere 0 thmitfcere WE# u*^ a o and ao atrerkfraiwyo f“\. .mt f)*int in tb*> ta d.tb|ilffwv*ggJ3 I S*yr^S*nS S^aaS^flfesSiSiins ,l, t >; «aiiiatt!fa gttbn«pcewfae»t«tppUodtra<>cttt«lly SJa { 0 aliquid Mute, end the laree axanint of aili?n, SStofc nuneui arid black oxWeof ironthai Jlc#n- ISuned, rendered it both weather tod ire prooQ u the tester exposed, tie harder and more seem to becotse, end u the coating 1 after it tarn* to •late) I* of luelf Indeairaetible by fire, eonrequenuy u protects’the wood covered wlinit from the air, tod where tWre'i* no air, there U ao W*xa or eombujt|oa, therefore yfo wood will aetaauy char, before the arnte. coTiriog will el?e way. , I considered the discovery of the aeee, end applied to Government for a patent for my or diswtery, fondly boplo* that 1 aboa.a bow be remunerated for ell my.ouiUTlatimeendoo* •Bey; Thegovenmieet, withoutanyjieiiutlDn,gr«J . ;ea to mejitters Patent for the tWe rijht to wmrjg’ tare, *>»l end aae ay imptoverwat in themaaefaetqe of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or, Am , ficlal Kate.® fir foaneen years. _ , A«#MC14,164». WM. BLAKE. ••{£*£!£& eUumratofMr. Blalte, er.d beturrc *J?fi22S& tUIly eorrcct,u we«re kuawur ta&^ of Uoiu^ meau therein eonudned; and w» “£“l^ we <0 not believe that mere ever we* • W“* l ®2E boaeitlr had laborlonaty earned, or mo» i?Sud; u be pumtedhU the i bo* Soluble perßTonuieonnder the meat diacoarajb-JC eireumtUnees, u the pmbtle tad cot the tout cjw dense that there eoald be any far fro« tbeittbitanee. I He therefore had toeoeo*i|urtjr veer* the leen asd acofle ofaearlr the whe.e contmn nity. NMwitbitendiM »H Sonat iu the prwccutioa of.hie expeniaonu,. believe that there H ono man biuUouMmdwhowou a have arnevfTf'l under oil the ctrcujn-'tlneet. Bat lie SSltbStmSpbS over all ob.taclea, b* Hove there i* now but one opinion in awarding him the merit of thii valuable djasorcry. . , GKO. W, CRANE, 7 JaaUoeact HORACEtUUB, > - ' £& WM. EVERETT, TowiuUpCiert . ALLEN HOWE, Treaaurer. CAUTION TO THE P.UBLJC. I have ascertained tb*i their are indmdaala engaged asssris^AS"tg , s lhcr ,eo pet-Ibie&d to-infringe #r-ire»pM«-jpoji nT xlthtti that tier fawn aright in dig,grind,and 2iSr,i/.ui=r *“ brand to know what they are to do with «“•*£»* no infringement mill It U mixed with the oil » the compound; add that thou who hay, mix air4a»e man tale the reeponaibUity. Molt ot them ur th. , they belle to that the patrol 1* food against tho'e mix and ue the compound, andi eomii bare «*M wot what they wanted to aw they ahoald certainly oee o t me. na they dJ3 sot intend to make tbemwjee Sableinuay way. Nowlfeelmyulflodatyboandto expoad thla harefaced fraud onoa the pnbUe, a» I e call it by no milder name, where a ceirea pay fcr an article, the n*e ef which hewnu ' know* eaWecU the purchaser anduurto apredeeo lion and fine Borne nf thou who tre engaged iattui oefnrioua.trafio, wUI aaqaemonabljr contend W tie ' pohlia that my patent will not fund, ana that I 'dare not proaeeate/ Sow,to takethitargaaeptawayfipin * jiem, I weal to eome of thou who wereTneeinnnrs that my patent wa» of no.talae, and made the voaort in|T proposition: that they mightwleetajodge radtwo lawyerswbo have bad foae practice laP*^ l nnd we would submit the patem to form, and tOyr decided that the patent wa* good, that they ehoald «tcp all farther proceeding* in tho buelneie; bat iMOt T •braid decide that it would not, in their opinion; bo.-i, I would agree to let then go on and *eU without saying any thing to the public This proportion they would not aecede to/ eojpr « » the validity of my patent i* concerned./! do ifctdn pend entirely upon my own Judgment, although ifaave the fullest confidence in it; but I hard »ubolB»«•» many of the Judge*, and severe! of the moat eminent patent lawyers, who hare, withou>4tception, deed'd that iit their opinion itwasgood.juid would prolyl mo in my discovery. / . ] I grind the article to a fin/power. aadpuiuupin barrel*, the which are marked: “Buna* raTmir rtu* .*» WviTnra Pappy AaTiihciaL SLXTK.'- 1 - 1 therefore, giva notieif to all wbo-boy and_BU we above mentioned minerfil for the purpoae set lona in my patent, except from me or my auibonxed agynt<-, that I shall hold them to a *inct accountability r ana ahall.eoamence jruit* at law againattbouwhottu*. infringe tmfP rny4iahL — r —■ Wll . ILL? hh *~~ ~~"' it l^ x VVo't6X9 of the above Oreand WeatVr. llr* 'v,V, bum na hand* and for •»«• *Th«- proof AWfi)W olote far^re bave been using it a bore »•/“ SfSSfanow itio be what ilia aet form for «*5* ¥e "?? 11 ? td j&il. puiLUPA Agt, in every panleoiar. J - Nod Wool at _ _ —*e —” EXCELS I OB! E H. EATON & CO., So. C 9 VoortU Street, PKtaß»T*fc, lUtb bow InS-.ore their foil a*wtimentof TrimmiMV<>to ?(f i .Boriery and Luce Goodi • ; r\ wa&u of every cla»«of Merchant* A® No paint tovo been jparedn tbß'a'Wrrt and moU fashionable »iyle «-f Oood* m Their «toekcon*uu in pan »f iho teUowinr-, y£EsS TRIMMINGS. - v.w*+* Wi Cifflpo. of eveiy varieiyinew*tylr« .. '“fr.noirt Al«rin« and Impenai Braid,; wiHu fitarea Worf|od j&breUerfng Braid.; Ribbenr; plain do do; Cord«i plain Satin Ribbon*,Tor trlnami . bloc a, Sijk-Laeea; extra wide do-do, for ' *• o*u asMrtmeiU of Drew Bauonsj suroped or Embroidered to order. . LAOE GOODS. - 'tfJnliwA Lace and Moalin Cape*, Chemiictt^-, and J&UrfnrCapa and Half SteeTt«,Prench |Ked Collar* ffrealTajiety;Uee Veil-, •'Veu andOpenfT**; Moumnff ChemiaeOda, Co-- Caff, ana Ualf Ltwn.Lawn HdkK Sk embroidered au nu»t «,-prov,d Mnr> ini ctoiceil colon. : AN cilcn.lt. 02 ba^JJ. hosiery. j A f rest mirty.ofStlk, Mrtfnoij'- Csslu.'jere. for Ladies .md fancy Si.d l u, " < h b Jr. Tea’s Mylrs'luf*''** 4 «n«l *»<-«•» Gwitk’ Lruapunj Vijpjiiitt, AlcftuOj *n»t»« *ud fci« AVcwl iUli llo*e.' - ~ GLOVES. - • . A foil as-.oiUß'-nt for men, »" ,o < n •“* e ‘* li “' c ;|; itUdii' wuieb *j* Wrrbr WObed. Poloselte Mifcr rlbbrd «o*l pljuu Uutaon Ijuftd Krf ru»;'Ctt**i»er«j Menao. Fsr*l(nni l»*av«r. iy»iT “ lllJ Due LB«k*kUi, Military a»l IJs.a.rhresd *a* Cotfo.i. #J \' WOOLEN GOODS, * , 'Snell”** Ladies 7 .ni.-4 CkUareu** Hcto4*, Ciildren■ Weofon Sacks, Knit Scarfs and ChUiifrii» Oaii* ettaud Long Wilts, Worsted Cudi. KruUiuf Worsteds *ud Woolen Yams, California Comforts; *-»o, £»« -Caslanre Scarfs, for Ladies. V LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. -ZeabrrandTai'esJry Worsted*. Csurius Paueni*, ' 0 FiOTtaad Kmb’g s'llk. UrUiol «n : 1 i’errd litsrds, I*- .* «rFUwrr«aililaW,'l.»uJP »!«'. Ttdl*j^ u, v K m •. broWered Work. AW<>—l-adick’ *lk ani Metino Vr, it ■ and Drawers;KmlroUtredtlaeks amlFiannels, Prtni-.h Worked Cspssad Waists for infants; ana swauVOowu TliotT n l T ‘ff* r * ••* GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. „ Finn Shins, Crarats and Collar*; ’Merioo/flilk find Cottoii Wrappers and Drawers; soif>enders,Shoit , dor Braeet and Dressing (towns; Silk and Lipen Hdkfsj • GieTCiatidHosierj. . .... QOWS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. ■ ■ French patleruieamdanatilidnefieil Back Combs; BaShso acdlra. do; i’heUSide ind Long Combs; Ira. fio;'U«tffslo,fiatyiandßosewood llalr Biases; Stull, Baflelb and Eag.llpra Drenluraad ftt» leery Combs; wiib'en auortmem of Nall and TeetK Broshe*. WefWiT* MColdSledal" Ferfamery., VARIETY GOODS. i Needles. Flna« Tapes, ■ Steel Bur arid Parses, Buuoas and Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Baskets; Par** Twist *ad Sewing* Furo'BosewoddLDeiksaud Coat Ifladlaisft <3*U6ous, FaneyWork Basket* Cloak Cord and Tassels, Portfolios, Papierae* and. Blind S Shilde Trimmings, Ladles’. Stationary, • Palolt Jt Banner Tassels, French Cork Soles, CokaltUtet’a Fringes, 5,1 k & (jine'm Umbrellas, K»U««o,W, wait*. MuJip,gHoU»cd«, EiucUsaWctdtlWs Elastic BaadedrWobUtig, : FitfdCtdau Bindwr. Corset and &00 Laecrs. 7T‘*‘ni*ltt'rl! CAUPtTs”—HeeM this day.at W. .V- G CUntock’a Carnet Ware Loose, No. 75 iWib st, a ' ftrtber wpplr'Of Cifpeis, of tbs taint and most «p -• SZa .w-le*.’ to wWeb we lnsilo tbo otiemton at SSs^aiadbgssw£sass£. :SS«“ I : - - AoaralßK Loag»l«jrli. ' H XXT R. MURPHY uatrecM aaupjriyof tiio »bo*e SILKS, : erf JFetrth *B* M wket ; W^*w * lw s # V*°?« : 7T. of Key Good«fan Icriy *«a jeeerts«L_l«*V rTTr njl* JAYMJB ALTfSAXrpi i ' * - . w» hive been Informed by Mr*- Ro*e <5T® core per* 'toSSSKt D*‘ J«y®*** AU*rmUr«, wE«e* * lu wpemritj orer*v«7 diet itoel? #f tie I : : .: : la-”,;; ■'■. tauSiXSjt'PPretot v*™ t». sSatt=ss sHSs:^^,* r BLOAN«,S COLUMN.' 1 the Medicinesadvertised by W.B.' SLOAN * B. luuLl>GßB,WMdstreet,ud JOHN P.5CvsT .Liberty si, Pittsburgh BlralnrWa,byJOnNG, SMTOI. AUegbenyCttr. by HENRY P. SCHWARTZ an D.M.CDRRY. , v 'fjn Battiad ChMpMtßom atadlclM WMBmiDt ILOAB'B OnfTMBNTAJTO COSDITIOI • . POWPBR. •• • ■ Han itfMfA great MM :F«r Pwrire. WMrutl.S&ft -+m[*±&T**n*&nat, SLOAN’S OINTMENT Krai* And it rapidly supensdiacalLptber Ointmentsahd UdfinoßU d«w In nsa fer.the care of the following (lit eases:! , Fresh wtntxls. galls of gif imekad heels, ringbone, windbone,' wind gaits, del I aril, e tiles spavin** Bwa&ncy,.liMnlx, xitfast, (tram* Igmenfss, rend-ersek, foundered -teti, srtaichet or |rea»e niaiife or bone distemper,'. n",} . Tbe Powder .will renqrro all inlitcirotiioa and fever partiy-ito Wood, fopeenflieskin, eleinse tbe.’wiier tad the body: and hupreved a sovereign remedy tb» the following diseases: • Distimper, hide .bound, lou of appetite, inware strain* yellow wiar, inftaimnmioD.ofthoftYCK.-fhtigae from bard exorcise; aliOtTheuimtism. (commonly cal* led (tiff complaint.) which prove* *ofatal to many vaJ. sable bones la this eoentry; • It it also-a tnie anil ccr tain rtmedy (of boughs ana eolds which generate so atony fatal diseases. . .W.B. SLOAN, Grand Depot, 40 Lake lllinois. THE PROOF. Extract from the “Galena North Western Gazette. , .By the use of Sloan**. Ointment and Condition Pow der, ljhave entirety cured,a fistula on my horse and otherwise improved his condition mote than 500 pc bent, on the cost of the medicine ' And a cow whic n .was to feeble at to be considered worthies* by myself and neighborikwas restored to good health and strength by the use offess than half a package of the powder, and U now doing better than any ether cow 1 have. Small Pox, May 13,1&4?. WM. VINCENT. THE SUFFERING CHILD. - ' ■ | hereby certify'that One of my children, when ns ked, fell into a large fire of live coals, and was burned severely from bead to feet The best of medical aid and attention was given to -the child for war er five days witbont any reKef-eaeb doy** sufferings increas ed till hi* groans could be beard at a great distance, at which critical period otto of my nitghbora recommen ded Mid preaemed to me a box of.Sleait’i Ointment and : in leas than fifteen minutes after the application ifthe ointment to the aggravated sores oftbesuffenrig ehilfl. the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began to recover. My residence -Is in Hell township, Ver* ““1“ B “"4Sw.se l. taylor.- Chicago, August 44,1545. . . - EXTRAORDINARY CURE. . ‘ April 13, ISIS. * Fbnr miles north of Chicago (on the road to Mil winkle,) Cook connty, Illinois. Mr. Sloan—Dear Sit: One of my horses had & lam bony tumor on bis breast.bone, Immediately under the eollar, which lamed Mm and. rendered hit services of very little value. Hhtthfully applied several bottles of Dr. Taylor’s Nerve and Hone Liniment, without the lent benefit I then procured Wilder’s Celebrated Horse Ointment, and used that until I became fully satisfied that U would never relieve the animal. Ft nally-l obtained b box ot your trulr valuable Oint ment and In lest than GO days from the first applies* lion the tumor entirely disappeared, and th* boric wai well. Yoors, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opinion it any criterion of the worth of on aniele, we Invite the incredulous to read at least afew of the many voluntary certificates that appear in ©or columns respecting uio great variety of remarkable cares effected by the use ol u Slo«’b Celebrated Oint ■tent and Condition Powders." / There remedies no longer remain among those cl doubtful utility, they have passed from the tldn'of ex* leriment, and now aland higher in reputation -and are tecomlng more extensively used than all other arti cles of the kind.—Mich. City News. / THE HALF DAS NOT BEEN/TOLD. .Fax Rrrx* v jar.e 13, Xfii3. Dear Sloan—Sin Piense send by the bearer a ntv ■apply of your lions Medicine*. /They ore the bet snides of the kind that I hare ever used, never bay tog been disappointed is their effect, as I bate been u. the use of others, even the mop^celebrated Ointments, Liniments, Ac-, of ths day. Mike eery much this fea ture Is then, Tic that they do all that u pronlied, tnd Upon s thorough trial on* la oontrained to add, tbs’ “half bae not been told .*/ . Recpeotfaily, / TILE DIFFERENCE. . The ordinary and liniments It is ei known are severe and partial In their operation.- > Sloan’s Ointment-U «»<* yet thorough—lt reaches and removes the canto, hence it gives real and permanent relief For/purity, mildnets, safety, certainty, and thoroughness, Sloans Ointment exeels, and U rapidly fsrperceding all other Oinanents and Liniments now CAN’T GET ALON’O WITHOUT IT. ■, / Bsxsx's Ooovx, IIL, 0cL34,16<3. M,. Sloan—Sir; I bare tested the virtue of your Ouanent in the cure of ranlesoske bites, sore throat, ,barnt, and many other injuries, and in every cate it •has surpassed oar expectations. At a family Oint ment, ! have never seen its equal,and for beast* we MtLES JOHKSON . ‘ EXCELLENT OINTMENT- Blr Sloan—Dear Sin For a considerable lengtn of im « 1 was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com plaint, and applied freely the various liniments, paint 1 killeri, without obtaining any relief. After.wtueh your agent at this place influenced me to try yous Ointment, and within two weeks from the time I com menced using it, the pain eeased, and I was effectually eured, and shall recommend all who are similarly a:- flieted with the distressing complaint, to procure your “‘fecß* y. MOTT. Priteevule, Peoria co., May I, IMS. rrr- From the Hon. 11. V. S- Brooks, Agent of thej Illinois and Michigan Ctutal Packet I’-ovt Company. ■ Cuicaao, Jane SI, letjj Dr W. B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the taa do year* I meat for injuries oa bsnos. Within the i»« two months 1 have applied yooromtm-ntto some SO hones, fat vsrions injuries, and In every instance it has pro ved a sovereign remedy. A. FINGER BITTEN ENTIRELY OFT. Twomiks loath of Chicago, Sept. 14, J 919. Dr- Sloan—Sin On the Sth instant my son had a fin rer biuer entirely off by a horse. We immediately ap plied year celebrated ointment, which relieved him tl palnin a few minutes, and presented «he finEcr irom * welling the least parucle, and *V * lapidly. Retp’y your*, 8. BHOCKWA*. DOCTORING IN GALENA Mr. Sloan-Dear Sin About three years «£> j was severely injured in one oftny leg* by the fnlbns of • i pile of wosd which occasioned large runninc Neariy every doclor in Galena tried to cun- them, hot \ Uied in vain, until from tynpaihy and improper ire* • ; taenl my other leg became aa bad a* the oneon/pra- ' ly wounded. 1 despaired of ever being well nga;j bmin order, that I might neglect no mean* wtthtc or, reach, I purchased of yont agent in Galena some <■» Toai ointment- and you can judge of my snrpn*e »n gratitude belter than.! can express u, to findtayacH entirely weQbefore Ihainnwheduemy the•efeondU a These faeta I mahe known that other* aflUcted may believe and not delay using so valoablh an oinuncn. «. yocre ha* proved to be Resp’y you/ J ’ Galena, IlL,Pec. 19, l&li. EVA-N DAVIS. ONLY2t> DAYS. Before the followinc order- Messrs. Vaughn A Co purchased a large S If. Hibbard—Dear Sin lam ont of Sloan's Condi tion Powder and Horse Ointment The sal#-far ex* eeed* my expectation. Ifyon can manage to send me 4 doant Outtowav* 11 P*T 'll 6 ™ ** Pu ,„ ?ii (bat yna are Kero, and presume I shall be ab eAo■ veil a largo rjoamlty m the courre of the year. H will l>‘ n 3 aeair.*l a rock, crushing toy Wl leg and «herwt*cse rinnslv injuring me, so mach that 1 ion aU renjibillty. When consciousness reinrned J foundmyiclf tu.fct. Lou,*, surrounded fa my weeping family. Good nurs ing and medical aid* enabled me Tu about two monthi tohobofn ■rounillvrttb the assistance of acruteb. Inc wounds only partially_ hewed, leavtug Urge riresat the kOeei wbich for many months discharged bltiod and mailer of |!ie most ottcuitve character, ftly pains were inexpressible- at Utae*, wiy L „ost thaUieatb wtiuid-havoreecived a hearty we! come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, <©oe of my ne«hoj»w. advired ihe'to try your Owimeat I obtained al-oi atiolieil it according us direction-the sore* soon began I was entirely cured, and enabled to do hard labor- We the undertigned, neighbors of IL W. Thomas, were accounted wlththe care above iiaied,andk|jo*- SX W «ix=a»,. r iu. ««• Tbunui mument SiffiS; PETER LAMB. good NEWS.’.>I •CHicaorfiJas/sih, 1319 \Y. n. Slom-Sli: Oat army I S-U SiftWcn waaolUool tuid J£uJiy aaperu. disc all ether rmeediea for iR disease* cr bOTses ahfi trp»*. The becsty of the aedieinea consist! in theh noty and aafsty, towic they may be used ever ac fredy withMt any danger of taking eeid, orhxyothti V&SgjiIEZgSZSr TSKSf* StI^FLLANEOUS- B r On Prulbu at tlw Unlit nuu, T« mna »[l«, I.ZACHARY TAYLOR, Fret jLuenjlofthe United states of America, do hereby L C fi ,r/. Townships and sixty nine, of range twenty,. Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, ©1 range twenty-one./ _ Town-hips sixty-eight andsixty-nine, of range twenty-two. Townihtp acventy-oae, of range twenty-eix. Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range twentv'-aeven. Townships seventy end of range iyea;y»cight. / At ibeLand Offi«.at lOWA CITY, commenc ing on Monday, twenty-first day of January nexi, fbrthe disposal ofthe Pablio Lands within tbefol* lowing townships, vir. JVwty* of the late Unhand vut tf tAefftkynnetfal Township seventy-sfXjOf range twenty»«even.. Townships wv'cnty*ax, seventy-seven, aad.aoT’ eaty-eight, ot range tweniy*ight • Township* wventy-eeven and seventy-eight, or range twenty-nine. , Linds appropriated by law for the-aso of schools, mililary, or other purposes, will bo exaluded froia the sales ~ , The offering of the above mentioned land* wul be commenced on the day appointed, and proceed in the order in which they are advertised,-with all convenient derpatch, until the whoio.ahali have been offered, end the salearthns -closed; bot no tale shall bo kept open longer rtban two. week*, and no private entry of say-of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two Given under my band, at the City of Washington, this fifteenth day of September,' Aono Ddmtni one thousand eightbondred and tarty-nine. 1 . By the President: Z. TAYLOR J. BurnanaLD, M. DUDLEY Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of pre-e®p lion t o any ol the lands within the townships abova enumerated, is required to establish the same to' the satisfaction o! the Register and Receiver of the proper Land Office, and make payment therefor ai soon t* practicable after teeing this notice, and be. fare the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale ol the lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise «ueh clstm will btf loffelted. , J. BUTTERFIELD, Commissioner of the General Land Office. POSTPOSEBtBST Of th« Public band Sales as Do Boqae ( NOTICE i» hereby* riven, that the Pabl Lind, ord -red by proelatßauon of ibe Pret United Stitts, dated the fifteenth day of IbJjj, lo be held at the LAND OFFICE AT T lOWA, on the ?lh amt Slat .days of Janaat jecian l to i>e po»ipbne*l nmil further nnti >“ c - ,s “i-' ■ fay ilie prcriCentt-'* -*" J. I'UTTKRFIIiLD, „ . Corami* to rare base rs. fn Ladle* Dre*» Good* «d! Sbav.-l*. the most splendid and faahirnaole Good* of tho *ca-on are row offered, at remarkably low pnee* EfSoSifooiß. New *tvle Brochafis'd Camelian Silk*; Col* and Black Satin Do Cheoes and lure Sittti*; Cos'd C*ioe'.»*n Groderhine*. of the beat qualttie*; lluc< glossy Grodcnen* of the celebrated • Eagle manjfaettjrc. . . , ■' _ The above named Black Silk* are warranted not to col jit ibo wear, Cor dreuci and mantilla* they are the 1 be.'-t iiiipnrted. , . , Neat fiy'd Camelian Satin Do Cbeoe, the haod*omr«i Silk-.pi ihe *ea«Cn. N«w «trle BrnchaSiik figured Preuch i'ertno*, a new and splendid artiste for ladtea* walking dresses. Silk Embroidered French DoLaine*,for»._ ' DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A l3rre-«t»d ccnpiew.***on , B66i,iM>w Many of our prn«nt _ itooS of Staple Ooodijwcre from ttuMueuufMlurora Previ.iu* to the mlviiiie ».» price*. A principal part of oar •»«*•« French a .id‘iin ß ti-l. goorti .haje t*«» Rre.ii Auction Salei in I’luliidelphi* and New JVork, vihirh enable* o» to offer decided bargain* tit almo*i ewtr .lr«fi|.tion of good* in our line of buvincii. Country Mercuonu, Merchant, Tailor*, and all wMledc id r.u*ll MW «• imtMl» •*•«•» ctmiuil u’tOll Of-OUr *’OCk UtpMMt. x McRXANDF.K A DAY, 75 Market pt, nciS.’ ’ north «mi ron»cr of the Diamond. 1»r nonlicMl corner of Foilnb \V . Bi’it Market «u,U* new receiving bt» aeccnd l.arch urelv to be wet with. Hi* LADIES’DRESS GOODS In ven full, cnneUiini o(r/euch Mrriiioi / Ca>hmere», Coburr*, Lyeiir»c Cloths, *uper Printed I at jitier* eonaidetably lower than they c^uld Is Uree, and embrace* many of the beauUfaUiylc* r.ow on exhibition at PrankUn Inititutc, Fliilad *, BONNET AND JIECIUIIBBpNS, . Of ue’-r ami very handaomo *tyle*, Velvet Trim- SACKING FLANNELS. , Of vax.mii itylct and quinta*, plain and embroidered i ||!ack Lacea, Needle Wovted Coilari and Cuffa, Itounri Satina and Velvet Flower*, Featbcra handsome dress silks, of Ute neweat atylea, and at lower prieea than daub iai rteh changeable H«lka and Satin*, for Marjtllaa, fcC STAPLE* AND HOUSEKEEPIN GOODS, at lowest price*. And t:l the gcctleraen’e dephrtmem. fbenchblS* and fancy ooi.'B m-ornts, nincfc DoeiktM*, Winter Veq«, I Undenhlrt* and Drawtr:. t*.!r cravuta, Fotket^and S&AU ......J -«« «* Itnomr. Ul’* l *ir*. _ i iip^ l ' ~Y~~vy.{LY WONUEUFUI. CURKI—»DILIISttS • A VKKM yk£S, Mrrcct co, F.„Sept.29, ISM. R K. Seller*: Dear *lr 1 bought one bottle# *oor Vermifuge at tho Iron Cny Furnace etore.althWplace, Md it htw performed what we roßftder out here h won* s«fu cure on one of buy* eight year* o!d;,hehad 5rr.1l pppr, of hi..ltem,. IWM.dcu.lLWo.. 1 i\m..riltW»« , !> * "f TO»r Vemlft*.- .. ii.m n,,„T to iolotiu yu*i of It Karine thft dettretl t,ooi», 1M worn,., .oino of them ttcion * - JoXATHIS 8. r.TTWfc t and *ol«l »>y n. H. SELLERS, ST Wood f ,JE£ hud Sid by. Drug{l»u geoerally !*£■»»» . clue*. vr K >Di "doutai aY- I K l rra>-FrrraW. K. ltod*a. Ero, Cittk of the P 1 rSeMion« of Bearer Coantri ! R ? Slew “Bi*» aoroß U ®?i n nW | .fflJetttl trilh a wvere and di»tre«*bireoB*h, \ Wl rt tTarin?of roar lnral«»Me Urn*b flTnfiy I paJ- | and hearing «[ » „ .» T ritn bU, ofEndiowaier. Cbl ukin/apontoo of it two or tireHreaiog • 11111 miied. the found immediaia relief M alao. on.goUi* • “ l(e€nrcl i eTO jj ll «e»u»paw. \ * e,r ?»fil/fa«t*UiCod that UnaaaleandTaJiiiabJe me «eomm«d itto flew who to«j bo SELLERS, SI Wood ■(feet, and la Uio twoduea and.TielaliT. ruiTHa—3 ’ca*e» Blae ; a»l Crab'.l*3 F^Jottre^^ld^,. |- ‘ :• ' ■••• -48 Wooart 1 i Wko Unde loom* ap«tn- ® na - [SPORIATION LISES. HASTEN A CD’s ■ txo BtaltUlM OflM. iEN It CO. eommso to bring pefsons r pan of ErucUnd, Ireland. Scotland o ipos the nnt libenLiems, with their r tad attention to the wants and eon* u Wedoootalknrovrpateenrenio swicdling scamps that infest the sea s charge of them the moment they re and aeo to thoir wellbeing, anojte io»t any detention by the first ships.— leuly, as we defy one of our passen gerrto Show that they were detained 48 hun by ns in Liyerjxlol, whilst thousands of others»'Ve,detained montluj until they coaid be sent In *oa# *«d at a chSprote, which too frequently proveC their coffins.- - we intend to perform oar contracts oonorably, cost what ii may, and'not act as was the ease last season, with, officers,—who .either perfonsed not all, or when it satted their convenience. . ' Drafts drawn at Pttuburgh forany-sspsfram £1 to £lOOO, [payable at any of the prori aeiai Banka in Ire land. England, Scotland and wales. ' r • JOSHUA ROBIi*BON, European and Goes tal Agent, fehl . Fifthatraat-onodoorlmlowwaml -1849 a aflha Warisiiand Clsvtlaad rauintit JLiaa. Cana! Packet—SWALLOW. - ' | “ “ —OCEAN. TyfU of Utb-«AoyeP*efce» leave Beaver every day \l (Sondaya excepted) and arrivenezt morning at Warrqn, when they eonaeethvlih the Mail Sages for Akron and'Cleveland, arriving at each of these places before night.* One of the pdekott leave Warren daily at 5 P M., and arriveaat Beaver In time to take the morning boatfor Pittsburgh. ,C K S.LEKFINGWHLL A Co, Warren, > /M BTAYLOB, . __ .•*: do j" 0, / , , JOHH a CAUGHKV. Aretn, . / ap l'3 corner Waierond StniihCeld st» - . fit .fit UNION UNE, OH iTHE PEMN’A ANO OHIO CANALS. OKAwruktrA Cimnta, develand,o ) plot's. E-U-fots, Beaver,P». | r p rpHIS Lind will be prepared on the-opening of navi- I'i cation, to transport freight and Passengers from PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on the Canal and Laktsi ■ . • TUe facilities of the Una are unsurpassed in number, quality and capacity of Beals, experienced captains, and efficiency of Agents. . . Ode Boat leaves Pittsburgh andClevelaad daily, ran* nine in connection with the steamers • *• LAKE ERIE AND MICIIIOAN,j Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first class Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the L*h£ a - Aoxnre—R G Parks, Beaver, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio. M B Taylor, warren, “ Crrus Prenasstßavenns, Wheeler A Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, C . 'arid, O Sears A Griffith, Buffalo, N. • JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Office, cor Water and Soithidd sis, Piusbargh, mchluiy weight, tnd lixty- BKAVER PACKETS. BtsamcT MICHIGAN No. d-Capt Gilson. “ LAKE ERIE,. ** Gordon. ITIIIE above regular and well knewp .Beaver Pack -I,' ets, bava commenced making their daily trips to and front ’Beaver, and will continue to .ran between Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as No. S leaves Piu-bnrgh dally at 9 o’clock, A. M,, and Boaver at t,p'clocx, P. M. Lake Kne leaves Beaver dally at 9 cftlbck, A. ML; andPittiboigh atSo’oleck, P. M. ' These steamers will run In eoaneeden with R G Parka* Express packet Line; for Erie; Taylor A Leffitagwell’s Warren Paekeu; UnLa Line of Freight Boau for Cleveland; Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lisa Freight Parks daily New Castle Packets. CLARKE, PARKSA Co, Beaver, Agents. JOUN A. CAUGHEY,'Agent, Pittsburgh, Try.tili cor Water ami Bmlthfiow tts ■iig££- 1849. ! ’ PITfSBDMH AXD CLKVKIiIIU) , UNE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA ANDtHfIOCANALS: ripHE Proprietors of thii old established and popular L datlv line, consisting of SIXTEEN first class Canal Boats, turned by themselves and ranmnr jneenuee- Uonwlth the steam boats BEAVER. AND CALEB COPE, aro enabled to. offer unequalled faetUues for the transportation of freight and passenger*, on the opening of Canal navtgauon, to all point* on the Penn sylvania and Ohio and' NYork canals and the Lakes. 7 E- M. FlTOn A-Co, Cleveland. - BIDWELL A BROTHER, Arena, Bearer. J. C. B 1 DWELL, Agent. . att i Water street, Pittsburgh i.c.aiuwjuA, . . *• *i» c ' Pinsbuiitb. B I DWELL a BROTHER. Ferwurdlnt BinhaDts, UEAVER.PA., Ararat far tJa PauLargkaniClmlaad laju, Pitt* tuTgk andEru lam* via Erit , Ond far steam tacts Hotter and Colts Cape. ■ Having parehaeed the-targe and sabstanual Wbart Boat iast built for-the Mooongakeln packets, hare with the addition of a WarehCtrse, tte most ample ae eommodstloas for fecerving aad'forwarding, and oledxe their utmostatientios, promptness and deipateh to eonsigumena to their care, and rely *n thei ?^“‘‘ u for a trial, - t martMly B. A PBO^ Bltw rianw« jS"ffsSfcu::rsKS£FfiBi PULNO STOOLS, for aaid u manuiacrarer'a priee».bT • JOHN H. MELLOR, 81 Wood «. * Sole Atenl for Chiekenrr’a Planoa, for Weatrra Feanariaarja. ONP.aeeond band moo, 0 odtre*, pries j : - » Si “ j »T >“■?„ p -' f’,hV. 1 "iotk f ■„. ■rrnnter.il are required to recommend tola »•»«» ll maybe obaernd tkat Spokr Wmailf adhere* atnetly o tkearatem laid ..’own in tba aboea wort, and that kakaabytta aamo mode of inatroedon. produced a skater/umber ofdiitinguUked paplli than any other * Jl'iopplyo”?® aho to Jail ree’d, (price * 7 «) and for nJ. ht 7 do°7 J « MELLOR, SI Wood ai. A N EMINENT «n 4 wJtjKef»en«d ’jiipiciiif from th« of K*ycEii-JUmei^j,offer* lotrwnt *l!cwe* a Delicate aiere With pfonsptnesr and secrecy. His success in Buffalo and other tarfe aueshw been proverbial; Hu charges are moderate, and hu e*ieM>ennan«at. Old eases of filed, Stricture, Scro fula, Fluor Allmi.fihriimauaSjAisae.SyphUK oram chronic or fnreteraie Cases solicited. A cere se&nartcdi ax char re refunded. Ojdcm, 8t Claireircct, Btfoora from the Bn«vre. TceiliKJrtracted. Adnce to the poor frretis. 1 N- If Dr. A. solicits th* worst easel o* any diseeae I jo |»iuihiugh arll:olT [ PJOTJLOIsBUH' OBrBOCK OIL. ‘•There ere aorfiikuiytin heqven n«d earth i Than are dreamptot in philosophy.” i *HK VIRTUES of' tins remarkable remedy,, and lh« .tonsiaat application <©f «, to Ike proprietor, j ha* niduecd hunt© nave it pat up in bottles with la bel* and directions for ih-benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM i* procured from a veil in this connn. at a depth of four aandred feet, Is a pure nna daltcratedartiele, wlthoat any cbemicaJ change. bat just as flow* from Nature's Great Lofirainrvll That it contain* propertiei reaching member of diseases, l* no longer a natter of uncertainty. There are man/ thinxa m the sroaa* of natare,whlcb,if known, might be of Tu*t u»cfalne*» in alleviating Suffering, and re- Itniinr the bloom of health and vigor to nvuiy a terer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting it up in bottles, It had a reputation for the cnrhof dt*- eaia. The occiuet and daily increasing call* for it, and several remarkable cure* it baa performed, la a aure indication of lt« future popularity and wide' •oread application in the vara of disease. We do not wish to make a (on* parade of certifi cates. a* we are eonselotfsthal the aedleiae can soon work its way into th» favor of those who suffer and wuh to bo brand. Wh-lti we d.T not 'claim for it a omruitsl application ia ever* diwasc, we pnbesma unjly t a* mot id n number of Chronic Disease* it i« «nnval)«ni. Among ttieMs may be eoumeraied—all diseases: of the mucous tissues, .-such **.CHRONIC BRONCHITIS. CONSUMPTION (id its early stage.) Asthma, and olidiseusekof tbaair passages, LlVh.lt COMPLAINT, DYSpEFtiIA, Diaihcea. Disease* of Ibe Bladder ami Kidneys, Paihl in the Baek or Side, Nervous Diseases,Newulgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Feins, float.Erysipelas,Tetter, Ringworms, Burns, Seulds, Untises, yld'Pore*, Ac., Ac. In eases of debility re selling from cxpoeure.ar long and protracted cases of disease, Uiismedjcino wilt bring relief. It will act a* a ««WtOSIC Wild ALTERATIVE In such case., imparting tone and energy to ihn’*hole frame, remov ing obstruction*, opening (be sluggish functions, which cause disesse and a broken coirsihnllon. and giving increased and renewed energy to ail the organs of L)fe’ The proprietor knows of several cures of FILES tbsi rcM.red every otlier treatment, get welt muter toe. use of tßc FETROLEUAI for a siwi lime. Tin ptv»l "an »e given u. miy person who denies n. Nuue genuiiiv wiibont the stguature Of the propnetui. Bold by the proprietor, S M. KIEK. Oaoui Railn, near Seventh it Alao lirHh SELLERS, 57 Wood at; etul-KEYSER* M’DOWRLb, comer Wood »t. and Virgin alley; who are hi* novd-dly rtgtuarly appointed Agents PINE. A?® CEUAB WAKEMANUIJAeI'OHY. No. 117, corner Market and Fifth—«it4v Matkel, tween Third and Fourth SU. THE subscriber keeps constantly oh hand, whole sale ami retail, the following article*, vit: Wash Tabs, Stoif .Chants, Meat Tubs, BarreiCburts, Bath Tubs; Half Bushels, Wooden Bowls, . Peeks and Half Fecks,' Wash Boards, Brats Bound Backets,’ 1 Clothes Fles, . Towel Bailers, Wooden Imdles, Bread Rollers, Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ac., Ac. > SAMUEL KROESEN, sovU . - No CJ Diamond alley, FlUtbargh 1 j, HupraU * leas* Faunc Beda Ash. •lftX CASKS Glass and Soap makers* Boda Ash, ij&O imported, direct from ute above celebrated man&fecuirer*,£> percent American test, arming and forsafoby cord WAMMITCHELTREK ' ankiNEßua; ' _ TO w t ?At. b .km g We dAriJU/hUspran's- Hoda -AahT-w=‘ |Offloa*Mag^owd«4aniredFaaalL£A>*it.ri4|e > •»* “» “ bJ ’t'.ffiiv; ~Je' N. wUreoUw, ijno aHankßnaaa , : ;r ' Sellers family MEMOiNEs-“TUj.re ** B. Ejtfeilera: 1 think U tdstaw wine facts la relation to ycor excellent Fim> ‘ tT j ht« « n S T«w Vormitof* I*S»T« &»■ , SSS.j» «& £ui&™ wuMd By«p *2 . m/faJily.andiLyhnye in ewy Iwfcce prodoced < in mecehandisin£i fJw/ih-re •••la t(iai [ li”> yet lo hear cf the Srstfaitore where 1““ „edo“.iir. been mi .n of tl» JJJJSluwndiwoo, I m»Y «UM tb»l they »n> I*. ■ *®a?=es.feSsS VKrl'U^^^RU SsafterUkln*fonT boxes 7SS VJ dISK* ta 'fyj± e *£2 ted 1 act now pcrftcuy well- ■HerpectfalLyj m.EMAW. Weit Liberty, March 28, tttt. i en-u'r that 1 eat personally acquainted with Mr '* ¥bSHABp“ tu j£* i-SSeSwPin* »W prepwed eadaoMby Rji-1 1.1.KR8, No 97 Wood street, and by dragpju I °TO-riI.K < HJUUc:--The irifibal. only tree and feo* t-ox, and his signature oa the caUlde wrapper-all IItJAVHB’d CAWWATjVB'BAIigAtt ration! | wttlioa: niei>n > «_ *i«fanuihed wiiha.bpttls EriiwWdijr-; r^aVdtt“n^blya^; orfoarmLn- Htemc«necMSP«»u i nuunlcscYerr uneasy S!” 35 «»£Srf3 CBSBfcsagOj# .sgsg^iSali COWSOTtf aUAED. COBffIBSD BVBIIP OP WILD CiIBEBY. TSe Heart, Influenza, •liwtion, Sot* Throat, Nem>a» >•*„. tv. and aUDise®*** , j * breast and Lung*: the most*** * - feotHtl and apeedy cart \ He; known /or, any of 1 tht abo»a 4‘W"* «*. l* - co» £ o r £f^v«L'?r^*oSu f i Usnched lfttiocu ud («incoming mow extensive- WSWSrSta p Ut.Uo» .r medlom. 2ra»™iT 1“”rt li» ss sissrts importance For proof of the foregoing donee of it* t®°T, _.» ne efficacy of this medf •tafcments, •$ "ifMSSen i few of the manv Uwo ewe. t* l ® w jueh hate been presented to him by **** who have higher sen of the 6»J "»^ ntibUU ' junto, than to cer -1lcca»« it wilUo another a favor, and lify *° f Such testimony prove# eon tjj®l?*;.lj e Jj.«?itstorpriiingexcellence is established ♦losivuly ,that JrF Bm jTj, e unquestionable author!- by Its ininJUic rnortUh instantaneous relief it af »«» «SS£« £?««• dLfinaed through the S&^bfffSh Were ft * “®« a^calse *scdyfortlw*fflie«ji^ BER , rTOBhS&SS SSSfR 3*2 woilJlyintereau* P ,peclal manner to iu truth, I » fl l«?®CT32 a £a M.rel Maxima BrT * rT certificates; n V° ££ST«m* "r»«*”■ “ Dr - »"•»»•’• !? nTWiM Cherry, It strengthen* lire Com•>oar.d I ™P ._ h«al the* ulcere on the long*, uU l»«' ***> *“ el “- CB»Ti> Co, April t9lh. «... n.*v Bir-'1 verl>*r believe your Cotn- Dr. Sa to™* u*ihia «vere cold,which' rrada -"i KSJS 2^553gSS£53aS5S • year invalpablehSthe effeet m loosen tho 'py resulta.rijt?fi^\®^L^ja rilB freely; and by the ssSMSSSvsr^sJWa ease, tliat other sa&njf* ®*T of tu above wbichlmm «0 Ruah, Oroear, West statement, 1 refer you medlelna. Che^r,l^ofwhflmlj?» h “*° RcpWffuiiy yoore. jff&Sft.uwSrMiW d». tty huod»la three yean since I was ; nip of Wwd and Inlananation of the; violently with a distreanng Loner, which «* “* JJ head, a very, consider*- couph, vain in racaa from the lungs, espes bleitiicbargeof®ff«“‘”"^ bcft however slight- At eiallT upoii f£ al condition, Uvw pretty hot I fo'iav rapidly going into eonremp ■oofr at length was scarce tfon. I rc w sneah above a whisper, such i y übl-u* walk about, or *?* f l(ui poring this wu» £•«*< and prosenpuous, time I had tned *axm®“ Ume worse. Jost but found R 0 . TeU *jT*J? by* a dear friend in bare | of WiMCher- Wiittingtan » Lj” 4 ‘ I had been pteju ry. I ««»* 1 «“ * tiU »^ nr dtead agutnst me o f f inperiea, but under lhv=o coming the iprofeaaien and practice of sUndtng your faith in the saying of my oedicmo,of »r. Shaw, one of your friend'., V e Kd «n.me«eed its use. My dre ar *'»*« * ofSOor -kj month*’ standing.eon -sarewasatths*ti®« oI found, however, *e,;uMitiy it w “* f d LfJyte as* of the first four or live relief fro bUc | frequently ai bottle*. But wing • l' jjicreaamg strength, and tempted to ffAwWiwU that had ainSdy begun thereby veare mytM yrMM grc »iiy to iit-U; in this ■ way. of ih«, imprudent retarded. l " c ,_fr ir fitteen bottle* before I waspo lhadw«Mtw*" e .®? * question, a muchsmail teeUv rustorej l roßl ie me wood, bu number ofhottius The Synip allsyed the fev. O™S4 «««*. r«> *«. jsUh.ihlLtooc -W 7 from the lungs, end gaV tbe ‘ s V 0 1 good health. Ihavwdufo thruiandlbeeii.ifo > for the purptw. red offering thi* s^l!?;,ted tvtUi the permanency of tho ufnctng t>?tf S rr L u no B penon need ai*U*e>d By fL ( _i M tack bottle of; the genuine re wJ' uSsnUful steel enkravirig, wtthjthe UkeurssofWiinitn Fent^Oif«on; also, Br.fiwaype>i Uio gre.it«rei**e.preperue* » WJd persons Cteo. ta oi»4 n M of 11.00 mt»u, 1 Ftefilowbo- =«l« -“I 1 ,t “ U „ t ' y i < s!Swi«'rojK A Eljla Aliegbon. tlty, and by all respectablo dealersut medicine. __ , _ _OCU? ■ ok. WTf. lalaad's Prsmlum Plutsr. W.-r INLAND, ofthe Medical College bfKtil- I) aifelpbia, now ©d era to the puhltc his Indian )Vef- Franuam.Fla*ter, the quahues of whieh, [after lorn-and irtkd experience, has been satisfaefonlT ea tnbitched. To all women who may. bo adlictetf wsth. P;plap*a* L'teria or Fallen A\omb, he recommend* his timer, ruanutteeiag a sore and speedy core if tho short snaceof from two to thee weeks, if applied with card and rest— I discarding all thq co&tiuets uistruqteut* oudcxpensife-handageatolongiuuse. TUie bo feels cunsomniioot in iiatinp, inastnush as be has' not failed (n one ease out of Uireehaudted and fifty-three pa . foT Rheomautm and Weak Breast or Book, at- Mi-led with pabi, there is nothing to-excel this Piaster in uffupling relictwr cffcctiiij? a cure. For sate Iq i. \V linir i’i,.n:rr of Diamond and Market »t | : (>ruun & Ki-i'er, " |,ii,i-rty and BL Clutr its ] lit J Sargent u Federal mt and Disntoru, Alle gheny city j JirqocsftCo, Denman and Dtaioond OuXatog bam. Eli. SELLERS, No 07 Wood Street, , Bole Agent for the saloofDr.Townaend’sGen utne gureapanlia, has Just received SOU dozen of this Great Spring and SutnEer Medicine. purchasers should recollect that B E Seilers p sole •genli'orFiUsbargh, and DAI Curry for Allqgheny. city' .. . EXTRACT OF COFFEE—An anlcto whielj is ra pidly coming into use as a wholesome, nourishing and ddicious beverage, being more pleasant and pal atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, ms a small paper coating only ten ceus, will go as far Ire four pounds of Cc2ec\ AlsnuTactared by ' ' , poouuswi. .JOHN S. MILLEB. Pittshurgm Pa. Sold at wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK, fc Co, eorner ofFirst and Wood and Sixth and Wood lireels, Pittabanrh. ' 1 1 'Op'M _ CALIFORNIA: RUBBER GOODS—Jom received,' 39 Camp Blankets: 20 officer coats; l?pri Pants; 13'patre nett lined Mlalog Boqts; u Isthmus Bags;'3 water TankK * *nd tall ana each: fio eanieens,* rollon eacm 1 dox-Sttckslca Money Belts; 1 dootlod 1 csiabrie do do. 'The above good* for sate at the Call fornlaOutfilingEstahliahment, NofiVVoodahi mchlH. I k II PmijlJW A SSOBTED BPICEB—Put npibr family du, iu tia A ease, flnelowd in * ilidjnj Ud box. eonuluiuf Muittjd, Alepiee, . ' rinnt""". Ginger, : Ciovei,*- - Pepper, [ Warranted pore.« For isle si Urn new Spleen sad Murtaed Fsetory, eoiaer of Ferry fc Liberty da ayig^' 1 ' ’x} —rttcfctlaa AarUs. Crattm*t'emp**- ftneerille work*! wVTuUedj wiU b* cctwtratJ/ “^•“ IWP, |* 4 aScBoW« w «i lt BOOK TBADE- SKW-BOOKBI-. HTHK WAR WITH MEXICO, fcr ;R. 3. RipUlTi « ' EleoToriu of Bhototici compniißJ K the Lawn of Moral Evtoenee *nd-of Fersaasioiij by Riehsrd Wbalely, D. D. - , _ '. , w . xr Euay on Christian Baptism; by Baplut W. Noel, M. A. ’ Fafr^rilesTfrom > 3 l Natioi«J>T Aolh'oay R- Mon deip comer Third and Market streets Mow and JElaffUkt Gift BookiV I C ACRF.D SCENES AND CHARACTEB3; bT J. T. O Headley, with eleven origmrt design* by^rtoy. Peem. find Prow Writing*, by Richard H. Dana;* Illuminated Gems of Sacred withlii UluStra* lioiui engraved on ttceL.by JohnSantifl-' __ Jo,I rb«i»cl by ioHNSTOS tSTOCrrON, ncta earner Tbhomd Market at*." PIIVSICIAN AND PATIENT; or *,P»elicaI v »* of me antoal duties, relsJion*and iuletMwofthe Medical Profession and the CflgiPUttjtXi, by Worth ington Hooker, M-D.' ' ‘ - V ‘ ‘ '''. The Work* of Michael Do Mbni*lgne;tco«utfiaing Us Essays, Lenera,A«. By . Nineveh and its ILcmam*. By. .AujUit HenryLay art, E*q., D. C. L. L'jU Glimpse* of Spain: or Notoeof .an Unfinished. Too/ In 1547. By S*T.,Wralii». " Tapper 1 * Proverbial Philosophy, hew edition;- illn iraied. Just rccelredby’ • *• •.•••• --i JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, novtl 1 corner Market and Third streets 1840-AOI LOCKWOODS ILLUSTRATED WORKs—llla minaied Book*—Booki In richly carved binding, Illuminated and iUn*lr*»d~B©ohs.aopcrbljr bound ia Velvet. Silk, Morocco, and Cojnpoai.tion. ln Imitation of the Middle and Prayer Books, Waa tifuily bound In^elvetand^ordMo, -magnificently or namented andilluminated. : For *al*by i; JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, de» Bookseller A Importer, . Avood *u Clirlatma* arid Neyr.Toar Approaolil»»t I ELEGANT AND SDBSTA«XU.L3pOKSi In Magnificent Ajeti^JSinimgtfbethlilelid^t. JAMkS D. LOCKWOOU BooVaeller aid importer, Pearls of American Poclry; magnificently U hums a n*l2ysof lia Western World; illuminated la gold and colon. . . . Wordaworth'a Greece; richly Ulnttraud. - The Owen Jones, and bound in carved-wood; —- -~-'-"*±. 4 r , The Song of Song*; illuminated by Jones., Flower* and their Kindred Thoughts; UiuTnlnatea by Jonea. •'• — ir • . Heroine* of Shakipeare; illustrated. Mrs. Jam Ceos's CbametericOet et Women; Illustra ted. For tala by JAMES D LOCK WOOD, del3 83 Wood street Nsrsv Book** TJEDBURNi nitFlrst Voyage.by Herman UellviUe ifi author of “OmooJ 1 Ae«/ History of King Alfred of England, by Jkcob Abbott; with fine engraving*. . ‘ \ • Sidooia the Sorceress; by Wn. Membolo. JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, novtll ' eonter Third.and.JtfafketstTeeu • "Qjie Of the Mott Remarkable Werie of the Age. n I NINEVEH AND ITS BEflAlNft.wUh an account of a visit to the Chahdcan Christians of huruie- I tan, aud the Yexidis, or DevU-Woohlppers; and an Inuuirv into the Manners and Art* Oftbc Aneienl As* 1 •yrians. JJy Austen Henry Levari Esq., D. C. L. ] With Introductory Note by Prof. & Robinson, D.D-, 1 LL. D. Uluftraied with 13 plate* and maps, and 00 I woodcuts. ,*velaBvo.cloth,Bl,so:' ‘•The book ha* a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pie- ] tnresoue narrative n „—Tribune. 1 • ' 'The work of Layard is tho most prominent contri bution to the ■ tody of antiquity, that ha* appeared for many year*.”—Christ Inq. “Not one excel* in interest the account , of Nineveh and iw Reins, -given by Mr. Layard.”—Washington Intelligencer. • “As we follow the diggers with breathlets interest in their excavations, and suddenly find ooreelvea bo- Inreamassive figure curved with.mlnnie accaraey, now lifting tt* gigantic bead Iron the dtut of 3*o yean, we are ready ia cry dot with Ihq astonished Arab*,- 'Wallah,, it i* wonderful, but it ia true!* In dependent. ' For *ele by JAMES D. LOCK^VOOD, noyie 1 • 63 Wood «x Hew Book*. THE WOMEN of the Old and New Teatameot-1 Edited by E. B. Sprague, D.D. .J voL Imp. »vo., I elegantly bound; 18 exquisitely finished engraving*; I with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen. I POEMBBV AMELIA,iMre. Welby, anew I and enlarged edition: illustrated byengravatgs from 1 original design* by Wler. I vol. square elegant-1 ly fioond and gill.. Also—A variety of als and Gift Books. " Sewell's Child's First Book of the History of Home. | 1 vol. JBmo. ' ; ' THE MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT, adapted lOtlbe use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwright*, Saw yer*, lumbermen. Students, and Attixana gen erellyr being h thorough and practical Treatise on Me nsuru- and thtf Sliding Rule. By D. &L Kaper, A. bl. Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. - OUendotiPe Elementary FrenchGrerarasr. ByProf. Grrerje. of Brown Oniveraity.. I ytd. lfimo. _ ttoedirer’a uesenius’ Hebrew Grammar, by ConoDt. Ge*etuuv Hebrew lexicon. . . mv , loomls 1 Trigeuometry and Logariuimio Tenses. I vol. (sheep.; ... The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol. (mus lin-1 Antbcu'« Classical Series: Webster’s Dicuooary, revised ©d. 1 vol. tv e. do 1 ’do unabridged. lvobdtD. Barnet Note* and Questions on New Testa, went. Wbateljt Logic. , a Mosbeim's Ecelesiastical History. 3 vols. aud 8 vol*. (abeep.l . ' Creation- t.yal.lflraiv---. - ■■ where the Tempter h»* l roL, Theological Lecture*. 1 voL Bvo. getoth.l Aldert Pronounclag Bible. Boyer’s Freaeh Bietlonary. 1 Smart’s Horace. For salo by R HORDNB, ooyia “ Apollo BuHdint*.Fourthsx. XTKW'BOOiW'Jttfr HKCtaVi-Ui.-ltio woras o N Monutgnc, edited by |L HaxliU, eomifrislng hi* Eueys, Uuers, and Joniywr through Oe rmauy and Italy, with notes from all the Commentators, Biograph ical and Bibliographical Notice*, Ac. „ Srf - Theory andPraeuee of Teaching; or, the Moure* and birthed* of Good School-Keeping, by David Plage, A- Paineipal of tho Bute Nor mai Sehooi, Forester'* Rth and Fishing #f ’ioU. Slate* and British Provinces of North Aiaenf *, by Henry Wm. Herbert JOHNSTON. A i’T' ootq _ corner Third anil Market sis . Olden Time* . JAMB* D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller?*aJ Importer,. IVo. 03 Wood ureet, h»» for »ale »I ew copie* com plete. (the remainder oi the edition,) t »f thi* valuuMo work, devoted to I'ic i’rejemuon of Document*, *nu other mthenue Information Telexing to the early ex-; ploricior.*, Vettlementacd improveme etoftho country around the head cf the Ohio. Dy Neville U. Craig, "“^d.xocswood,. ROMAN LIBERTY: a Ilitiory, %riit & Tlew Cf the Liberty of otbet Ancient hat iont.- lly Bamnel blltou. Em. Illßrtrtied with twel* e eajTavtnft, cnted st Roms. 2 volt., Bvo., uaifoim with frctci lliiioriet) Wotiu. Jtuipi inbUahed and for aele by . s| JAMI& It LOCKWOOD* BnokaCllet and nori* • Importer, E 3 Woodal ltAL'/j MthqfueleSi’llnn;, lino. TSeuTMOa. FANNY KEMBLE'S YEAR *•• CONSOLATION. ■ . , _ . ... ‘•Tbe reading of this book haa iopretaed u with 5 tea higher opinion of luanthor than aroltad formed oat peruing bar other writing*. Ldiiplayandeeper no sir theotht, eniied to more para womanly grace of time then any other production of the Cemaw mina •Uh which we are acquainted.”—Era.-Mirror.. u lt la a Trrr agreeaw* and readable book, wrtuen la p«iu.r Ktoibk l . w*t .plriitd taming. Wo raeommend itteoatreadersoa u»« beat Dublicutioa of the aeaaoii.”—Reading tiax. -Itcoutamathe Journal of airarel through Europe, and realdeneo In La!y> and U one of ike plcasaineat and moat intere«t»rbook»ol tho aeuan. I '—ur. and ehafielerirtic;boo t. Wo havw read it from tide panto Colophon with unabated inlexeu.. A ri rid pieuire of lift to Romo. • laaUyeappet* emm®nily r '"«.‘s^ l! “ ,tod S™a " LOCKWOOD, | norlS ’ 7 ‘ Bookseller Atm porter! V“- Wb ‘'* STia. b^cawfjelp MOUS. de )LAIN r S-3casei good style, (J ffiicoloted'M. do tuns.nto citxemdy low t”?khau VttDM'r-* cauTdresh t*caches; ‘ : I 5 *■ bcttlea do. 4 - •* Piilo Applci, a “ - Ohetrit*r ' a “ *• strawberries; 3 “ ** • TomMoe*;' a •* half pal, bottle* rickles; s * quart ' do. 3 *' lanoy ‘ do. Boo’d tad for sale •VUdPekln..TV« Store,7o Foorih tuert. •: ■' * , - --- nYR FLuUK-ltf bbl* teo’d »>ad lor*»le by ijjgaf w.m it joawsrowaia second «i TVtfcEIVED THIS t)AV, at tho Indiaißabba De* K. Ml—l Woman's Metafile Bobber Sandals; x - 4.. h . “ »* Wippers; l » •• “ Buiaian i *• Mi»ic*' “ ** .Slippers; I** Men’s -*• •* Ovenboeaj I u i. ** , *» - Handels; 1 >t “ leatber.*oieJ ' “ Overshoe*; Ail of which will be sold, wholesale or retail, lower than at any heute In Ihe eity. Jtc H PHILLIPS, jiov.'l ' No 3 Wood street TsEiClThu FKAOitta—* u>iaju»t n-c'il. iur suit i»y x Jcli* Bte W HAUDAI'GH WINDOW 4iL»AS9—$66 U i<, su'd sizes, reo'd and forsale bv dalfl ; i Ste W HAKBAUOII BUTTEQ— til b!3t and.au kegs, packed,' In prim order for sh’pj'tujr, ibrsalu by - &-u r< L B.WATI'.KM A N rT7Ti>T~A^H—a> esaht to'arrive prr-Kuiggoid, tor; S saleb7 . dc« .- TABBKVfcUBsI* . TsTACVi WADI3INU —10 bales lerjre size sindbeavy K lost rec’d by SHACKLETf* WHITE, jigai '••'•,• •■ No ftP Wood st 1 tri^ULTBS— J e««» super French Black Bilk Vt’ V tetlcs l eliratrnanungs,reB I dperezpress t at . dcUD ■ : A 'AMASoN&CQte * jKltii—a boles Cotton; 44 b«*» F«uber»: ISMckftWeel;••• - adoxLunbßkins, with wool; 3 4ax Sheep Skins, u 3Uoi’ “ dressed;- To irri*c on *ifi«netTon Pitt I sTid for sole by , deli ISMAH DICKEY «■ CO, PrOpin "S* JNBE^Q—4 bin ClUlfiedVfor wdotiy — " VjTdcn - - WICK ft MeOAWDLESS. iKATHfcas—lBssekspnow. for sale by 1 rtcl7 i ■■■ i WtCKfcMcCANPLE93 UUltab cuVtatt—« «iam Kluoo Horn Co*ei*,» -very he*vy and fDbodW *Ricla, jnu ree’d mo *” **co° Wr - * 1 , No ' g vr ° oi stTCS^Sw , «5 1 kU * Offi«‘No. 6S Market atreeL.-Ve.WeM. Piusbuith.Pa. Y , • : _ oct ” [ • .fil»Elfill KICHABO**..- • TSILLS pa England,lreland,*niScotlandboughri; SON, European and Oeneral Agent, office M»J} «»■ Uoor writ of wopd. • oclWl_ mmm!CLi<,' fnuraM»as* KIUWUB A- F*nß, BROKERS J 5 in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer- Hficates oflkpesUe, Bank.Notes.and Cplo, eonterof 3d and Woodicreets, directly opposite 8t- Chail^g^*. FUNDS— • 7 T. •' :• ..'P T.‘.. ” “w , Kantaeky, Missouri,; , < JJtnkNoias;. . purehased at the lowaw raUs, by - „ V • • • •N. HOLMES A SONS, - .iepii as Market street. . ‘DttLfi_OFBiCTJXNQE— KgWCKcck*--oa - • j;; : J i - : . Baltiaore, ■ Cotuianftr fbf aaU by- N. A SONS. «eptn ' ! 3S Market at MISCELLANEOUS BAULB gQPMDaY. ,uih .(.i. a. w. o. rirU' ri'BE iuiaer»igMd,saeecrJpr« to Arthur* A-Niehpl -I i.eg leave to inform the ciuzcni orPritsbbrgh iSdpirtn.-generally, thallhey have'rebuilt the EA GLE FuF.NDRV aud are now in .full operation, and have p in of their patterns ready, for tho market.--; Among,i which are Cooking. Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves! with a splendid mir-BJtht Coal Stove, which is i how TupcrcediM in othcx eltici rmred i Stove. Also! achetp coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted foreman families, wirt.* .fun.aMortmcntofeoin. sou and mantel Grate* Wo J?! Nile thd aoention of person* bntldmg to e kß rat«« wardumeo before purchasing, wtd examina akploidld article of cnammelled Grates, finished in .fine ityle- I entirely ntw in thismarkeu ■ , - .1 • ”iiigaf N °- m ■^BSBtagflgnS?■ ~ Office of th* Dslawar* auiusl Bafityia< atxrance'Campsrtsy, . ,PqtuU)Ririiu, Nov.''fitb.lfrU>. - THE n-.anl of DirreU>T* have, this day. 'declare** di»,d. ..d of TEN PER CENT- m » ? r]p. 00l of 0.0 profit# it Uic Company fortho year ending October 31, 1&1P, erriifieaics for which will be issued on and after lh !u« r o!i!aiTW^ i »fBlX'TKßCENT..ii.cMb l onllic. C K , ; M.in A. MADEIRA, A»l. Piltfg. FITTSBDHOH IMFOBTATIOHS. PV EAGER, importer and-Wholemde Doaler U; . FAROV AND VARIETY GOpDS: n of the Gill Comb, 10d Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa. "'Western Merchant*, Pedfars, and where yutOn* Pittsburgh u purchase Goods, are respectfully tnvuea to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng lish, American, French and German Fancy . I YOl foreign Goode at this establuhment are import ed direel by myself, and purchasers mav jely oa get-. ting goods from first hand*. I have the jargeslasson- B, c ,ifo| article*, iu the variety line, in the eity of Pituburgh—all ofVhlch will be sold tow tor cabh or aceeiitincrs,'. The Stock part, of . liwr.o Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbon*. •.. , . I Silk Gravels, and patent Thread'i Sewing BlUr, [ Spool Cotton, Tapes,T#ußpcnders,-BuuoU», Dias, Nee- Gold ami Silver. Watches, Gold Jewelry, ail kinds of B Cap». HcTolvcr.% I'lstoU, Cloeks, Silk A Colton' Parsea, PenvMaam, Boxes, Carpet Bags ami Baskets. . I Bindings, Finding* andTnmmlngs. ■ ► Tors ani Faney Oeodr, together wuh utarge.varto |ty of Fnney and Staple DRY GOODS.., ;. - . - I c YEAGER i* also agent for the celebraled Laa- I carter Cotahs. . . . r Rsadt Bsadl « j SELLERS’ COUGH SYRUE.—From \V-K.Hoden, -•'I iCourt of Quarter Scuton* of K Bel’.a a -^l,' 1 Some u meiu tho wintermy wi;e wo# aiflletsd snu. a severe nnddirtresilng Cough, 'annhearintsf /eiir jivaluablo Congh-Srtop, I r nr * , chased a bwjie rtl »nid by R. E. SFfiT,ERB>S7 Wpod sl» and told by drug gista generally, in PiiWb«gh And.jAJ . leghny. i_- • Tix« Uhurtluru Coal Company* (INCORPORATED.] ; BOOKS will J>a open for subscription to the stock ofi “Tlie'Chatilcrs'Coai Company,” on and after, human", tiie Wit-Jay t»f September insU al the cffic*. of a. W.:Rqgtingisti t I’ecn st, | 1^ n gg^ TT^qyo?f • ," , . Groat K»gUat».BqniJ*ay». !. ; TJIOR Coocbu Colds, A»thra*»n , wa(yplai t . e °Seld ta Itugeiwule*, at SI per will ' tall, dim*' lion*fortl»restoration©fhealth. -■> - J ■ Pamphlets, ©outatabg a Ahta»|* eaa-certificates, and ether e?wience, the no- J?before—w- i*PP»v andia-»if**luoaablfl EafiernpatuniaaadeolOM. 4‘<§ TUE r.iilSj HOLU or IJOSrON BLIND, on litad orraiuiuuj, order of alfiiaeJ.aadatallprieai,. Country werdiaoi* aad other* are taaitfed to tali aa« examine (he above for lhem«lvei.a* all will be fold •whoJenale op retail,aorf a libaral \ . SELLERS* IMPERIAL COUGfl&YftUftrfayms’s Noruirto Lite I*l > , -* r -T’yJ c s' . rtTwacaatf, March 87,XM7. 'Mr. R. !i Seller*—lnjustice to joaond your incom paraP.e Cough Syrup, i beg leave id state, for the Uen* odor the eomrnunity, that zay wifi has been seyeral times afflicted; with smoit distressing cosgh.,ljpor* chased, in January last, a.bottle Of ynar SjTUp,*thich cured a cotujn of two months’ standing. Appal on* month since, the couch returned, .and ww eo severe that she could hardly move, from weaknessia the: brrasi} I sent for one bottle of year Cough.Byntft tad a part of one bottle eared the cough •• I gave tha other to u jodmeyaan'who-'waa severely *ffliciad, who bad,' to uae'hi* o*m words,-‘•eaten anouhcoogh candy to; sure oli the pcopiu tn Pittsburgh,” if ute candy had been as good as represented. ' VcarViespeetfally, ■ Altud B. Koto. :. Prepared,and sold by R. K. HELLERS,47 Wood street, and sold by Druggists.generally inti* two elites " , ' J ' ■' . -- - data j- ACAafl. G.RATEFUL for the very liberal) encouragement l i have received for so many years, I have deter* mined to enlarge niy business considerably; Having engaged aeomßetent Foreman,; I will-be enabled to fill ail orders promptly,and.do the work in oar usoal style end at fur prices,'and ask the attention ;®f chant* and citizens to my.large stock of UPHOLSTt* RV GOODS and Bed*, -Mattresses and Bedding, Cur-.- taiu Materials, Damasks and Moreens, Cornier?, Inn* ges, Horde tings, Teasels,, S?UI and Roller Bunds, and every article usually kept m an esiabUshmeiH «f the kind. Order* respectfully solieited and protapU) at-, tended to. T‘ ‘ ■: J - N u , «^ nrpet * #nJ p . aU “ m W Nom.K.. ALLEGUK&r VEWITIAS BLIND, ANDCADINET WA.IfcUOOM. . 4. A. HKoWN would re*pert- iuform the public, that he ' u.ili.inJ nt kii ,iaod on the weal ride of the Diamond, Alls* rheuy city, a complete nuort* - ■BB&apq&flsftjixsnt of VeitiUon Uiiadif also Ve |in««E&&E^Knitian Shutters' are. made to or* best-Style,, wanaated equal to any in the United States. IUI siiuds ean be removed woh* |HHHE££sKeitt the aid of a serewldriver. ‘ Having pareUased the stock,' JHKMBBtooI*, and wood oflhccsbincte*- of Ramsay AM'Clel. I am preparedlto furnish old customer*, -aa well as every thing in thru One. thfrpoblie *t #ue et, Pittsburgh. Ageney, No »>y° od * ... J.A, DROWN. -For.jMo by . / ' ' . •at J. W.Weedweßs. - TTmlUamTltory PKMit. Taorn powdeil W ft7mSr>«? Taiur, Soarrr, Cinkir. u4ui cm »tko Totlk- - aozaarttukstcadFoankstzaeti.. ia for *•» #7 •lIIDPtCO MEDICAL. - , -. ifa.it, though.itshoeld,be dace in five miaray.of' even • 'i. ... ,1V * rr ’'l SALTER'S GINSENG PANACEA! • : . K T 6 THOSE SUFFEMNO .WITH DISEASED LUNQSc-Tha unprecedented saccau which katf ►'• Bended the use oT the : -V GINSENG PANACEA Ban the various forms which irtitation ofthotuagita- ••'■* nnu, has induced iba proprietor again to call «Qu. .. . . lion (o PRKPABATION. . ■- He changmUc *•& *M r.-, winter KOQtlUj U alwsysu fruitful soiree of . . X!OII>S*AND COUGHS. ' • "" ? ’- Thess, if neglected, an bat the procunon of thalaU—j. Smtss : ~ " iWiUU foandlMheeinienS'Piaaeyu InjpwWtW*. v. i • iwa have from tune to tune ptNlshed tha esitifioalai©* ** tasssysp sasMssft^: r. af tha Gospel, with n*l ..... f ce.ln>n omSils O rTITCDAY, ii,-re oifoodfod to pmphlMtoiß,mlmimma , . ;.A h *”ijou°ajSnMsH§’&i3 ,j throueboutthe United plate* and Canada, and «•»,.., leses toyman to point out a ' , • 1 ■ QNOLS INSTANCE . * . f~ a wtfrh; when taken accordlt* » diraeQoa*. aa* h^,. • ■ 1 fore IV. loi»> lad t»wn» ttalir diMWiud, u Ju« .. ""•'““'lfracr irenFECTOYM. . ... Why; fot», need foe earned Aeiifoul Why ™en» i the miserable nostrums, geoeaep by oat i •. ■also ler the assumed natheof cose oa thfKW paT-’ tlciar, and paffpdinto notoriety by caiifleste# a par ■fmshti'itHTunknown! Whilst a medielaetf , i.-. ... -i • UNPABALLKLED EFFICACY. . • , . is u> be hndi whoso vooehers ore at hems,—Oar naifs| . ‘ t, ”r"S!i«HS&Tm a BA VE . _ _: - Inori'erthat this.invaluable medicine mittbopmssi i,. -within' too reach of tha poor as well tha rich, w* TOFTT CBMM. . / : lost coo half the anal east of cough medicinea. n u focsalobyoar agent»fa , n#ar!yeTerrtownandjiUag* . . •r ifca west, who are prepared to give ntlt monna i relative to it T. SAIiTE®, Pn»pn«*S£u;,v : - Broadway, Cincinnati, _ hs&sUMMI-:' haw miniitera ©tihe io*J*l»i?fh?hih«tt ' : WM^3j| 1S 'nnoic*- ihf/nflammatioa ao4nrelUn«»^rt*«* i8 P ,uo ** ir‘ •-ihedireeUoo*»roaadui*.DOfcK _ i -1 D-ACHB-Theaalwta^JWja!«"««« “® g.*," ca hit children withon any benefit, waea a.wif : V“ •? . T< BUIINS—U ia on* of ton test llitagi In *■ world n ere’feertr cared by-thl* Clai ' jnenL'.-Il Sira fails io Batosasvsag?^* U cOßNS^Occuioaalof .yjc-Oiimaem - were keep eoraa from growing. People deed '?**« ■ ■' Oinmcotwill liegcuaTpeadrieiha n«Tn»i nrJAMKS McaLLISTEK H a pen on every label.' ’. OSw, No 29 rortl *““ phla ' pßicr.acEjrrerKßßox.: 1. ..I ' Aetna Prtrnnraßn—Ptmnnt'BriW/.Wnuloi Liberty and St Clair ataj.ead L.WileOxrlt,-' coiner of' _. Market i end thfr P N«*ley. "EcesMtO dAlexandorfcßoaj'JUOßoagaaaavinK, « SuSJmU k Co,and J.T lto«r», ( Brownnrin^%ha. Uarklcy, Bearer?Pni' are wbolaiaie afentaJri.ti feb37rdcpdly '. -•••:.•• Fuu tor tfc* Pmlblio* - ; /' j - Ib relation lottatanri railed family 8a1te,,,. DALLBi’SIUGiCIL'PAISEITSiCfOR. rpiiTIMONY cr & re*peeUlrte : .Phyaiejaa.--Rc*i X > thb following,'mdY esterawa- - ten. Mr. Glime,"' the-weil and taroraMy-kudwalpro prictOC of tbararkertborg-Hotel, is hosbaod to the toy;wli^letierr4nh«xij^-:^if.-nj^| 4 • . ’ il|irljl7iiri? . . V ; To ; Henry DMley, ChemUu-4fce.--*Sirj flaring Car- - mexly ..teen-long atfiictcd With violent itmarntylory Rheadmtita,'w£ich ippo«»d;safinnlToe»ted«» » deCf *ll ordinary appliances -to allay the aevera-naia attendinrft/I waaindimjd- to try yewMagteaf?«« Eztncton'and IthavingeSeeted, almostaiif;bymi ffiCjir Immediate'TelW,'iadalso,to all ippcinujces id entire sM porftet eorei I am indueed for the.mm* fit of others who may be afflicted withpein,eta»edbjr any kind.cflnfltmmition* to write to . that, in my opinion, roaodeaoa'sctnil experience your Made si PalaTixtraetorls thetnost-valaibloms* corery o? Lite present age ibr the immediate axtraeno/v. ofWily paimf It is an almost. iiamedi*t» *RdJ P?l- . _ -ftet care for -Bums and bealdi,: atitHffl **» • flammiUoa.7. >.: • • • • <» • • ~ Haring manyiiipodaiotanees Tonhed'hrtwi l at.myhwbahdthoieJtn-thUplace, I hsm»_MW~- by your showing them these lew tones* it pomuuy be of benefit bout to . poMcHTljirolo hwletrefi if hncuuutv u ctlu Mnf He .oral ®“l“* ll to the notice of her friends.—B. DfifW-I;. -•- • r .. -■,\F4an'Cvr^l':::.^ ‘ '■ eiu.« or. • Mr H. haliers “I hare tried yoni pain Extractor in : V;“S: & ‘ Broken Breast; Ernption%-Bores* Vt'oand*; and aU|n rfi«JS*snj?»islw»atmi.«o the wondarfhl properties • «rSuMwlkdfrmily salee. lint,iutfieaaffle pro*- . D nwtolr«me benefit fromthe geamne, : “alunoSS'«»re«nj»P*>»"><» mJl»ln.enl*- Uumzri WW-' ..-ctaeral Depot, Hiul-Jiv F jKm?iSe'.ct nd ‘‘r^' o '> T N IL-J" Ih* JCTera' B«M*pd Se»M. It iitnutu ■htnila in e f..omßtci.u Ofeer fail. I ialt A -- “• "• v - 0,1 UI. citj ml Titlvtailcrsicni *ro flXtcnklvtlj/aogsfed Jatha N, Amerieaa Miaior, W*rwfcK*ntet*» Chemical*, (of their m ar-ottutiaa) as* tiltifeet aifecleiiaiheu.iiiuof bu*>- • rspttto E3*alttr«» law wtheyiaß-berar. th»*«illoiliuof*aT»*i«meltf. ‘ ■ * * * Vnrt. ft- A.F4UNtiyrtk r CUEEFOBWOHMa! B. VEBaUPCGE. .tuisoiwtXTTCuiwkAtriß. - IN order** tfordalt poniblfl Kwuy to ihepoVUe, m wdl «*Tottwn«sive*. » S »io«' wtloa from counterfeiting, mndj r wrapper or table of their Yfci-, mlrtigc. The p«w HpeitWucfc ia a met eoartvm* of. the roost er«iuuite donga wuJ'Wßrtaumhip'vbn* btc. iWod b«4- Al a very gtcet-cipcme, uijJ tt trow -tw h£tl« ofan actU t oftft©firortalent Thodeu*n 11 M «, aod. the. dxeaatisn elaborate.' Mere rat - itcarea tod • pdrtraU aro; moat ritct&inent, : bmi the w®id-Veaai »CM»* P«Medttrwhita letumfon b red andAoely ea* arnvea- sroaody, abauld bo Particular! reiatm nod" •men held up loathe tight the kuera, Shading of ** lettoraßftd every hoe, however xaiuate, ihnsnghcal wbole-of ihia part of the eugraving iuKh ha e*a*W aa.il the iscprea&oa had been made upon one aide?’ Iy, altltoughiiiaactuallyprintedoobitk aide* paper; Tuiaihoatd, In ail casea beobtefycd- 4i!t .bel upon each doaeai* also primed iaTrd :'apoa ® oUl sides? and should be examined in the nar w ...ThU:preparation.haa now stood tht uH M of ®*“7 year* tnaV»nd 1 la confidently rcrotntacnrind and ei&ctaal medicine foe expelling wofPp>"®“ I”? system* ihe unexampled aaeceaathat ila administration in every case where reaiiy alttieted with worm; Certainly ; render* » 90T ‘ thTtboattentldnefphyaieiaDa. • • . Thaproprictor has made it', c point wu malt of Ua tue ia aueb eaaea pa «•**.*P knowledge sudobaervatioa—aci: he inwaMy fo«& it to produce the tnoataalniarv eflcCta—flQt naneijmeai* iX,ftfter.j»aily ail the ordinary prepanmoh* J««n toended for trortni had been *prcnoarir-rtaorted J* withoutany pehnaaent'advantage. TrtJr tested by the certificates and • statement* of respectable persona in of ikrewm* operation-nad raay.bo admaiswredwitk peneet aaio* ty to the moat delicate mihnW} rYi