The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 18, 1850, Image 3

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f Waamagrua, Jan. 17. ■ - -- •“
Senate, 'yesterday, the appointment of AnlraU and D«F*rturaa of Halls,
Charles Marlin t. p*!. Pi.niL.iK. nt.r,w Ew*tn Util, via Philadelphia, das 3a. sc closw 18 sc
alChlUieolhe,oluo» Western Mail, Cincinnati and Lcoisvilte, doe Sr. sc,
**• confirmed. cloaca 3a. K. , „
Sooth, sis Baltimore and Washington, doe 8 p. a, elo*
Mmim. t. 81. Lorn*, Jbb. 17. NortMVasJarß,via Cleveland, doe 10 a. ■ ,elo*cs Ba. m.
aoaroe, Vr ho wm recently anrealed el Louis- Erie tod Western New York, dee Sr.L eloaes Ba. sc
»ak t tad brought io this city, troder charge of rob- KjUaonla »* die 7a. sc, closes 3 r.«.
CUre’a store, hat been re-atresled tot robbing Worraa Aiaanaxsasm or tk* Crsaao Sntaana
*M«et»er Amaranth. $2,300, a pirt of the mon- “Owing the winter month# the steamers composing
•y,Wa* foontl on him. 7 the Cttosrd Line will aail from Now York, Boston and
r , _ Liverpool, as follows!
Joseph Clegg, recently arrived from Caburalr, . , ~ , , _ :
r - rir ~ , ”, i , , . , ~ Cambria, from Liverpool, for Boston, Dee. IS. l&ia
reports that Cot. F/emont’a lock lo gold digging Canada? u far New York, “» loi9
M* been exatreraledLhat ho fa doing no better : “ “ “ for Jan. 12,’1630.
for New hoik. “ on
thaA others. *• “ .for notion, p.k V
— ■ for New York, » *£
I . * • “ for Boston, March l£
| u it u . f or New York, “ as,
: CutOt, fton New York, Si ]}
. Korops, from Boston, for fli « if tBV *'
Hibernia, Pm New York, for “ «
Cambria, rm Boston, for “ imViMu.
Canada, from New York, for “ ‘ V®* J|’ 1850, ,
“ from Bottom for « F ob ft! !
“ from New. York, for - 2\£ !
“ from Boston, -for “ m.«.k *
' - • from New Vork/for *• u h .£
“ trom Boston,- for. “ inrii*
- from New York,
ft™ Bo«on, f ot . , ,J. r
Plttibv,. Stock., cod Hen*; Mork.t
HHU»t 10, 1830.
New Yoas,Jao. 17.
Ploct—TLe maiket i* Leary, and the demand limit-
Graio—Wbmt ilia demand for miilißj porpoie*'
TVr* ia b fair inqairy for Cora.
Provitfous—Tiirro U a better feeling la Pork, bat
•apptfet being Urge, the market is easy.
■ Nsw Yoax, Jan, 17.
Flaw U wtthoat chuge since arrival of the stesm*
w. Ohio and Indiana 11 telling at per bbl.
Grata—Sa'ei western Wheat at 107 c; sales Cora at
«*«• ■
;,.ProvWoß»—Old Mess Pork
aad Rrime‘aiSS£o; New Hess 9U, Prime $84?!.
Cotton iratjisfj.arUh »aie» Mite ftrtfrieans fair.
Lard, Bajur, Cbeete, Groceries, and Whiskey, are
without change.
Ax AuxookT.—The helve of the hatchet ois*
potsd ag*»n»l tite. Nado which was the worthier.
“Nty/vaid the wUc raven, (which listened to
the argument, “ thaateelwUt hew a hundred han
dles far itself, hut the handles could never rbape
I harass It— into one blade.”—CArom'sL.
or msecs* xnux aso tacxabb,
, • wtth non iaa cxrr*Dfrr, nnrta.
HOOP? forwarded by this Lice axe earned la tho
W, «nd are Immediate
ftxJSJS. 1 " w *S°“foi»A night and day throxgh to
i Tfc* Dprte* are stationed every IS miles,'which
prompt delivery of goods withintho «■«"* ;
. Wagons will leave oor warehouse daily. Ooa.
atSo’elock.P. AL ' .
Shippers are adored that no. more goods will be I
***tt oath day than can be ipoactwlly earned I
through.... | I
427 Market street, Philadelphia.
Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
JOHN MePADEN A CO., Fonrusna& Cojaci*
*°* Mnntajns, Canal Basin, Penn street, Pitttbnrgh.
James m. da via a co., Ftoe* factors asp cox*
Mociuirii, 227 Market, and M Co amerce at,
rhiudelphta. .
, Itz-Aavances made by either of the above, cm Flour,
; and other, merchandize, consigned to them for
l jan4
„ . 1860.-
’l']®® »nh*e , ibera,now having in successful opera*
4L»fef a i VP”** w ** on L **e between rtltsborgh
ud Philadelphia. an prepared to receipt for fltt® lbs
might daily. Each-way deliverable through in six
days, Sanders excepted.
6anaJ Dasin. Pittsburgh.*
_ J*aB:dim 107 Market it. Phil’s.
EIIHE nLecriber* are prepared to receive 60C0 pounds
■ 'A Freight daily, after Monday, 10th inst, to forward
»or from Philadelphia sod Pittsburgh, by Wagon,
akroagh in Flye T>sys. Rates as low as by any othe'r
■conveyance at this season of the year.
john McFaden a co, •
• • • “ 'Canal Batin, Pituborgb.
ded ,• ■ No Sg Msikct st. Philadelphia, j
"*o» ljr : T>SCjifel X• ■ Staging.
Via Brownsville and CumSerland to Baltimore and
*, Philadelphia.
boat leaves-tha.,wharf. above.the
evsaißg boai, wili ctßsa the,mountains In stageacext
<dST,a&d thus avoid,night travel.
•v „“ J ' B «• Officii, hloaonyahel
Charles Hotel
>■ scUAir ’ i.MBtgtMEN, Agent
iuk mliKriben, baring (upended their canal op-
J. cnuiou «mU the opening of the Spring Naviga
dob, here eatabliihed an Express Line by Railroad and
'Wages between Philadelphia and Ptiuborgh, by
which they an prepared 10 forward tfooe ponndi »n<jb
-day. aad receipt for the delivery of the' tamo in ft day*.
They beg leave to aacure their friend* and the pub
lic that lheir arrangement* regarding rates, regularity
iand despatch, cannot fail to give caxiafaetion to all who
xhyor them with their command*
corner Penn and. Wayne tta, Pitubarth.
g7s Market rtrect, Philadelphia.'
' , a*?
;* GEE, WOIGEE, W 0«
184 ft.
,- r v ms 000 to old csihiml
PltUtar|li and PUladalphlft.
Aft the harness oo the easal U about Min# closed
fa lbs aeasea, we wo aid inform the public that
era ktn again brought the Conestoga Wagons Jato re>
ealsition, and will be prepared to forward 0000 peands
daily, (commencing oa Monday, foe SCih init) A.Car
laCTtog Philadelphia dsily by iho mail train for Cham*
- benbarg, aad the Wagons trawling day-.ftad. sight,
armies the delivery or Goods in five days. Apply to
WM. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh,
BtNGIIAM A DOCK, No. 183 Market street,
1 Philadelphia.
Ta m Flts Days, '(Sandals excepted,) maaiag^Daj
fTUJE eublio Is respectfully Informed that this Line,
<A which has been 40 saeeessfol eperation the two
previous winters, will again commence running on
■eadayjtbo 96th of November.
A Car will leave Philadelphia aad Chxmbersbsrgh
daily each way with the Mail Train, and from Cham*
benourgh with relays of horse* running dsr and night.
Ws an prepared to forward 60po lbs might daily, iy ,
the above Line. Apply to ' * • ..-f.':
D. LEECH A CO, Pittsburgh,
• • ' or to—Harris a leech.
No 13 Boau Third sueet, Philadelphia.;
aovtt-dtf ’ ' • '■ . • •
TOST ON HAND-300 Jbs Com. Arabia and for sals
V by . J KIDD A CO,
__*a* 60 Wood st
|JACON->6O pieces now UaconT
Ay 'SO do do ' rac’d aad for sale by
land • ARMSTRONG fc CROZE ft
f/14>ub-*u btfi* Fresh.
-»?' ICO do Old Wheat Extra, is alore and for
in store andfSTsale bp
XpTt&-n bbls Boil Boner Fre*^
69 kr* prime do do jut received
iijformleby *■ AEMSTBO*NG * CROZER
T. uSTV* » wore aa4 tor »*le"bT "
TSlCfflioßiJ HI
■ t*nT
IN(iS—fl tibia in store amPfo
N* w,a * W. OTtfßglf
uSf*** r Brilliant and for aal« by
• HM JAMKtt OALZELu, 13; Water at.
•CTUVUN BARX-73 Ibajut ree’d and foi«Je'by
Ijui .1u... J KJDD *rCO
tba Slcilr Lignorlce;
*•9 u Calabria *• for tale by
j KIDD A CO, «0 Wood »t
1 "iSikIS'SKL **“UNO-J«ii ieeM f SCO fJSSi
Lftp&'zzsssiz 1 ~
* , iM-iThn I | , J * " p » ni TP«
la Ml t>t>u uti *«fOlder, for .»le low by
HOU bent«
BO»lS_ ___ _
WANTBi^\V'ttiri^Ktii _ tr ?=^= s*' 5 *'
. liiiday udfor u!e«t ; .Tjlffiups” *
. ~ • WoSWefld itreet
•JTJBT RECEIVED—2 Eton WLtar’m n»t. tm ~TO i |V
No CO Wood ttf4#t
FEATHERS—* m<*« to day ree'daod for Mia hv
«i* y
(?gv ,m,^aaa‘r
FLOUR—S 3 bbl» Gtaui'i Eitra;
40 “ lUmUrea* Kstrs: to 4ar ree’d fo,
■bib tiT JeT7 ARMiraoNWAnji*.
AJR CUSHIONS—W Air Caihloa*, aq Kt re &nd
rtTuad, diflercot (izet, ree’d and for sale u
jt*7 J *. IIPIULI.IPg.Wo i Wood it
i JR PARLOR BALLS—Just reeVx, a few dozen of
A. different sites, a splendid article, sold wholesale
uTreuilatNoSWoodst"- <
L" "kal>— ®0 pig*Galena,;a*lrec’dper»ieaiaer>r7.
Crittenden, and for sale by ;
xrrasuHrss IB3i it
WILKINS, No. 181 Liberty at, head of
Head Stones, Ae.
•.MantelpieceijCeatraaad Pier Tops alwaysoahand
asd ■ i*»da to order. Ji-R—A choice selection of
>J)zaviac»oak*?d. «£3L’jrtyS ? ;
r. ¥. now*.. w*. UUP.
Par val- Of-Aak-
Bank of Pittabnryh—Capii.i Be ' et *‘
Wnd«nd,(iUy 6O 60 - 0
•' «*«
Merchanta’ and Mannfscturera' Btnk—
. Capital, 9GCC.UOO; Dividend, (Mi; and
- Not) 4* cent
Pittobarjh Gu Co.-Dirideod, (Jan. and
. JaW)4rcent.~— 7l—. _ » «a
Allegheny Bridge. Company SS as 57
Honongahela 05 <* 10
HaadStreei •“ • “ 50
N. libefllea go
Weitera — so u
Ohi«».*:pennsyhran|i Railroad. SIS paid - 60
Petmaylvanl* Railroad* - • .... ••50
PiOabarghCiiyloan*—- * 100 .90 91
Allegheny County loan* •- ioo‘ 90 91
Allegheny City loan ■— ... 100 64 : 69
Pmaburgb k Boaton Copper Mining Co. so 10S 110
North American > - “ lOaalea.lsl
Piuabnrgb k lile Royal - “ * *
(last cals, Sl3 00) |
PUtibmyh, Cincinnati k Loulirille Tel
egraph Co— Dividend,
J annary, April, J*ly and October; lost,
4 1 cent; shares, *5O; sale*, #5O so
Atlantic k Ohio Telegraph Co—Capital,
I 000,000; Dividend, ufc 4F chare lor Jan
uary, April, and October; abarea, #80:
I tale*. SIS 07
Office, PrmBCRUH Cumi, i
Fndsy Morniuj, Janaary ig, 1-50. J
The general tone of the marset ysnerday, presented
bat little change from the pterions days quotation*.—
The wealher was mild and open, with strong indica
tions cl rain.
, FLOUR ANP GRAIN—The flour and crain markets
hare of Interest—receipts continue
rery light, and we notice no ehange in priees. Sale o r
ISO bbts flour on the wharf, at 94,60 0 bbl. The regu
lar rales ftwn. stoto are—si;63, 94,6604,75 0. bbl.—
Small sales of Barley at 65a, of Corn at 45, and of Oat
at 34035 e 0 B>,
GROCERIES—Sugar is oo the decline, with sales by
the small lot, in hhds,'4| to 5Je 0 ft, for new and old-
Rio Coflee is odnnelng steadily, and may now be quo*
ted at 14015 c, for a prime article; we report a ftale of
50 ska inferior Rio Coffee', at 13c, 4 mos. Sales N O
Molasses, atBBlo97* r gab; o? 8 B at 40049 c 0 galL
CHEESE—Tha market is quiet,' ahd sales light, bat
priees remain unchanged, at ourlastquotedrates—say,
for good eom. WR, «0«; for Cream'«|, and for Gosh
eh 7|e 0 B.
CRACKERS—A tegular business is dn|nj ih e f o |.
lowingjqooted rates:
Water Crackers, per bbl ——•—*3,7s
Butter do -,- u “ gjy
teSA 2 : M
Sngar Crashers, per lb "
FISH—'TT»e market continues quite firm st last
week’s quotations. Sales of Salmon, 919 for bbls,’
and 9*7 for tlerees. Mackerel No 1915; No 8. 910,50;
arid No 3, $7,50 0 bbl. Sales of Labrador Herring, at
•6,50, and. cbm. Eastern at 95,50 0 bbl. Lake Fish
may be quoted at 96,50 0 bbl; Cod Fish at 94,7 S 0
SPlCES—Cinnamon, 30c; Clouet 88c, and Nutmegs
at 9LBOOI,SS 0 lb.
• • WHlSKEY—Themaikei is fully supplied, with sales,
of Rectihed at 230340 0 gall.
Kaatarn Stock Mwtket,
Ptoladxutiu, Jan. 10.
Sales * I W)0 Allegheny co o’s, 85, at S 3; 91000 Cin
cinuati 6's, 1865, PS; 94090 IfS ft, W, lllf; 91500 U 8
i’Sj’O, lOOf; 91000 Penna s’s,sds and int, B?|;96ooeity
5V63,8£; SOW) city, ’76,103; 13 .h Enh Bk Pittsburgh,
rae lire r is r«i!, a-d :.o falli ar„ a,ain na»rsa
lte!?cUresl‘“ b " ,k "* 1 '«*U ulo .1
.<s“°” ;• £ ™ *1 loaiojc far Alabama, .in, .
of el bale*—lenn* not tranapired. Bernier sales of
a.»jwd Ifc for the Sorted «£b^
fcKh«« at esa*9c, and « «d e of com-
h * * 1 5" ie, ~ WB eoatinne to qnbte rood
In lot* from store*, retail ailes at so
OM for choice. Inferior floor la,soiling u W,0701t
‘*j“ ‘ Jec ? nd > with light receipt*. Wo quote
S£.i stSiS rnat " tlo: < a * »'“« -i-or
Lituetd Oil is now limited, at 830 Ktt u
(uT T^ aMt ' “»<> Kio Coffee aeoree,
U E? , ’o t,Mc - Solttoi dObhls of old, «Sw£.:
•,Th? P .? n ? ,oa ""**1 J * qoiet, tbooth rather firm,
with light sales of mess pork, at ip. k,7l
Wofbusbls£ cols.«i£
ehteflr of long middles, eat for the Eoriiif market, on
priTete term*. A tale ol 2,000 greenjSSJV?f£' e &ffi
Soiej of green ahcnlders, atS|o2l.
5* 1 ?* {f 3 ™*-cre*Ucfo l ahoalderi. 4e for sides udU
( . k ..£ n V Et MfHciphae laid K
SiSLfsSflfr We see it .tmed thst
packed litis season at Ctoeinna-i, folia abort of
lmscn*on. nearly 55.000 hesd-Journal.
T his i. a™
1 fwa b hate,. ofg'iSS'JUS*™ \"s;
bull, tod «« without.window fcfteainf. WTiil® £
fnraiihei a perfect rabttituie tor pulilea ud wefrku!
« a ming ot at lean *3 to eaeh it SJ&
Omniar Ibal bai rc,
p« Pc M^X“»^oW^, o j f “tes
toe° Pfc R rVhO USf’ “W'r, to *• «*»<nla!r/u
HOUSE,™ *.
525®-* C.P.IJAYO.
,J*°\ ®»> DIAMOND ALLEY, a
Wxi *'■"••-. <*■
Mmm. (,«■>
«lttlarlyed«catcd Gie medical
profession. and been for tome time
general practice, cow confines
■KHKaw/ftf l attention to the treatment of
“«« private and delicate com
piyi^.for,whld * •“* dpportCnitiea
InWißtll a?*l experience peeoliiuly qnaltfy
* watts* i him. 14 yean aaaidooaaly devoted
tested? A treatment ofthoso eomplaintsJdoriajfwhleb
tune be ha* had mere practice and has cored more pa*
tents than can ever fall to the lot of any private! prac
titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances of
speedy, permanent, and satisfactory enre to all eiliieted
witt delicate disease*, and all diseases arising there*
Dr. Brown would inform those oflheted with private
aieetsee which have become chronie by time or as.
gravated by the ua of any oftte common noatntmaof
the day, ttslttcir complaints ean beradicaily and thor*
ooghly cared; he haroigg i venMa careful attention to
the treatment of seek eases, and succeeded in hundred#
of {rtstaneesiacinag persona of inflammation of the
bidder,and kindred disease* which often
resalt from those eases where otters have consigned
them to hopeless despair. lidpartieaiarlyinvitessoeh
as have been longand unsuccessfully treated by otters
to consult him, when every satisfactioa will li bven
ttea,and their ease* treated la a careffcl,thorough and
intelligent manner, pouted oat by a ton* emS-i-T.
ran,,'.*! l..»,ti„ti„„,wbjcl, 111?™^,'Si5K3SS5
angered In ftneral practice of medicine to slysio
one class ofoiseasa. c—" 0
olsr attention to tiusdiseas*. ' p»rue
CANCERS also eared. - , j
Skin diseases; also I! •«., speedily sued
Charres very low. VS? 7,nM
N. Ih—Patlenu of either sex living at a distant*. tw
stating their disease in writing, giving allttearajJ
uma, can obtain medieines with direction*for i,
addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, soil mtlel'
lag a fee.
OJSea No. AS Diamond alley,opposite tts Waverlv
House. . ’
JLrxmttT®*-—Dr. Brown’s newly discovered rerec
dytorfibeumatism Isa speedy and certain remedy lot
that painful trouble. It never mis.
Often and Private Consulting Roonu, No. 85 Dls
mend alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doeioris alwayi at
grNo cart no pay. » .8.1*49,
TWILLED BAGS-G.doxin sure and for sale by
'IRE UKiCK & TJi-i>-A Unto auortmem for «aj«
by dcM rg-ftIAUDICKEY fc CQ
PIG UCTAL—» taot, raiuhlo (or Ptfsndjr ui*, j tt
fec’d (or ulo by • '
iea jost reCd *axfibr sale br
1 iKDAB! CEDAR2—A lot of Cedar i*f*?»gnsiffne<i
\J to L: Cohen or Crozer, will he told to p»y.«h*rje*
if not called for within 39 day*
deli QEO B MILTKNBEBGER, 67 Front «t 1
IM4CO£ft—| eases, fast colored, at tfjc. par yard,'
* now opening at A A MASON A CO’S,
-dell , . No 60 Market st
UAaJ'INELb~'i7 cues and batei Had, n*M
d _y?“Q^Fl>nneli t , including a large lot of. Brown
N*npl autd Wfcile Country Flannel*, row opening al
T^SR** 73 *» * or wlJa ®y ' ’ *
GOUiia, SYKL/P_lTbbU.
OAdiau, «Mtf tor mJe * jr
BSh^ 1 ® 1 bbl to day rac'd «nd for
Ajaaiegy dcg7 COPEfc DREYBOOLB
Nterc* :ix>bbUreeMand for Hie tir
V lima* co
There were 8 feel, 8 Inehc* in the channel
last evening. and faiTi nr
m- v. Murdock, Bearer.
Michigan, Briea, Bearer.
Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver.
Bearer,fiCJordon, Wellmlle.
Viroqum, Galloway, Menongahelm City.
Fashion, PeebUa, Mixabetk.
Atlantic, Parkisen, Brownsville.
BtlUc, Jteobs, Brownsville.
'Lamden. Hendrickson,' McKeesport.
Louis NcLane. Connel, Wheeling. -
Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati.
George W, Nonas, New Orleans.
Caleb Cope, Murdock, Bearer.
Lake Erie, Clark, Bearer.
Bearer, Gordon, Wellarille.
Michigan, Brie#, Bearer.
> troqua, Galloway, Monongahela Citr.
Camden, Hendrickson, McKeeipon.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth.
Bailie, Jaeoba, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parktnaon, Brownarille.
JamesiNeUoo, Moore, Wheeling.
Oriental, Wwiihj 8L Loola.
Boats leaving Tins dav.
BEAVER PACKETS, B a. x". and 4. r. m
CINCINNATI—RinggoId, 10 a. x.
NEW ORLEANS—Geo. W. Kendall, 10 a. x.
WHEELING—Lonia McLane, 0 a. X.
„ Fea New OilbaSs.—The cplendid a learner Geo. W
Kendall arrired on yeilerday morning—haring nude
her first retarn trip from the aanny south. She will
again depart for New Orleans this morning, at ten
o'clock, aadoffm a aplendil opportunity to all who
may wiihto make a through trip on a aplendid boat.
WHEELING—Pet Jamei. Nelson—l 33 pork hams,
Clark A Thaw, l pkf, Baker A Forayth, 13 bbla flour,
S MeCiurkan A cop 0 do do, W R Hill; 4 bbli. 0 kgt
•UpdvW B Holmes A bro; 10 empty ale A Camp
belliJlO bbls apples, Bond; 16do flour,? bn eioreraeed,
Cfi bllsflaur.M J Morrow; 31 do:do. Aulcnn; 15 bdla
ptpy|’A.~dvw}atc, 33 do do,, JII Mellon 30 do do, Lake
NEW G W Kecdill-30 bbla no
lasia*, 38 hbdj algar, Hutebtson A eo; 83 do do, W B
Holmes A eo; 9 ill ropes, J Irwin A son; US bbls no
lasses; Wm Holmes A eo; 5 bbla aleohol, J Dereieux;
SbU cotton, llarbaugb, 60 bbls whiskey, WoLehmes;
IS esopkgt, 39 bxs apt cie*( 822,000) Baker A TbrafdU’
90 bdla hog skins, Clark AThaw; lo bxs sugar? 60 Bfa
Rhodes; 4 es)£i bacon, 9 bdla peJtnes, J 3
» ie 51
JNO. A. CAUGUEV, Agent for tha luke Erie and
Michigan lane to Bearer and the Lakes.—Ofllce
on the corner of Water and Smithfield ats. Jan 4
ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street,
aboro Smithfield—Lowrie's Buildings—op stain.
jaap-y e r
1. C. Breyfogle. -A. H. Clarke..
Forwarding and commission merch
ants, and dealer* in Window Glass, White
Lead, Ae. No. 103 Second it. jan»-y
J. Fnnm. Jr, SccJ. | B. Main, Jr., Pot.
Will injure against all kinds of risks,
ALL losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly
'A home fnstirutioo—managed by Direcion who are
well known in the community, and who are detannin*
•d by promptness and liberality to maintain the char*
acter which they hare assumed, as offering the best
protection to those who desire to be Injured.
Diaxcroas—B. Miller, Jr, Geo. Black, J. W. Butler,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Bunsen, Geo. W.
Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Lipplneott, Thoa. K.
Liteb, James M'Auiey, Alex. Nimick, Thoa. Scott.
Orncx, No. 39 Water street, (warehouse of Spang
A Co„ up naira,) Pittsburgh. jaltdly
On Third Street, Philadelphia.
THE following statement of the affairs of the Com
pany, is published in conformity with a provision
*bf its charter.
Premiuvu remind during tha fear ending Otso- '■
her 31#, 1849,
On Marine and Inland Risks, *161.174 97
On Fire Risks, 74,679 09
Earned Prrmuou during 'the year ending at
adore, —
On Marine and inland Risks, f 185,369 60
On Fire Rlska, OA&3U 96
‘ —; *261,090 1C
Interest, Salvage, and other Profits, 13,919 74
! Lasses, Expennt, fc., during mi time, —
Marine ard Inlaud Navigation Losses, *190,946 21
Fire Loises, - 46
„ *199,168 71
Return Prenuonu, 9,944 47
Re-insurances, 14,766 61
Agency charges, 9471 fed
Expenses, Rent, Salaries, Stationery, Ac., 9,096 63
. Tha A nets c/the Company art as fallow,
Bondi, Mortgages and Ground rents, *29,714 33
luted Stales bikpercenllmafli'-V.... o*
•ennjylvanla, - do do ■ i&QDO CO
En»-Kct«vcne; J — -•v— -
79 Share* Stock Union of Tennes
see, 3,169 00
60 do do Merchants Matufao
turers Bank, Pittsburga, %SM 00
UO Shares Stock American Mutual Insur
ance Company. |«g qq
5 Shares Slock Philadelphia and Havre do
Grace Steam Tow-boat Company, suu 00
SO Shares Stock Delaware Mutual larar*
aheo Company, joq u,
2 Shares Stock Philadelphia Exchange
Company, 73 00
100 Share*Stock Pennsylvania Rad-road
Company, . 6,000 00
Cash on hand, <L9I4 44
Scrip of Mutual Insurance Companies, 3,048 70
Balaneesinihe hands of Agents, and Pre
miums on Marine Policies, recently is*
sufld, • m
Interest due, uo
Subscription notes, 100,000 00
_ „ ■, „ ~ Norms** dm, IMP.
The Board of Director* .hare this day declared a
dividend of .SIX PER CENT, in cash, on the Capital
Stock and Scrip of the Company, payable on and of*
t»r December Ist, IMB. Also, a dividend of TEN
PER CENT, in Scrip, on the Capital Stock, and earn
ed Premiums, certificate* for wtueh will be tssned as
Joseph H. Sell, H. Jane* Brooke,
Edmund A. Bonder, Henry Biota,
JohnC.DavtsJ Hugh Craig, '
Robert Barton, George Serrlll,
John B- Penrose, Wo. Eyre. Jr.,
Samuel Edward*, ’Charles Kelly,
George G. Ldper, J.O. Johnson,
Edward Darlington, William Hay.
liaac B. Davis, Dr.S. Thoms*.
WUliaa Folwell, John Sellers,
John S. Newiia, Spencer Mclivain,
Dr. R. M. Huston, J.T. Logan, Pittsburgh.
Janet C. Hud. D.T. Morgan, do
TTjeophilna FasJding, Wen. Bagaloy, do
GEORGE SERRILL, Vice President.
By the Act incorporating thu Company, tbe parties
Insuring property therein, are entitled to a sntaaef
tbe profile or the tamitotioo, witboat subjecting than-
Klees to any liability beyond the premium pain.
Tbe Capita! Stock and SobaenpUon Note* are
pledged by the Charter for the payment of losses j »nrf
the> profits of the Company are directed tv be invested
and remaiaia the-posserttoo of the'Corporation, as a
fund tor the farther Keenly of the assured, ibis fond
will be represented by Scrip, bearing an interest of tix
per cent, divided among the Insured and Stockhold
er*, pro rata, open the amount of earned Premium*
and Capital Rtoek. Jaaidtf
Fuyctie Manufacturing Company hare remo-
X red their Wholesale business to the store recently
occupied by Messrs. M. H. Brown A Brother*. No. I*7
ood itreet . iaa*-4w
XXJ It MURPHY continues to keep ea hand a foil
r * • assortment of the Welsh Unshrinkable Flan
nels, and has recently received a supply of the finer
qualities. Also Bwan*down Flannels, a scares arti
cle and well adapted lor the wear of invalids, and
others wanting something warmer than unnl. Also,
Fenian .and uause Flannel* far Infant* wear; to
gether wuh a fall supply of American manufactured
»nnsU. of different qualities. Also, SHROUDING
FLANNELS, of all the different widths, at lha North
East corner of 4(h and Market sta
,flT Wholesale Room* up stairs, where dealer* will
always find a good assortment of new stylo goods .
TALLOW--23 bbls prime tallow hut landing from
the steamboat Louis MeLane and for sale by
J*o3 _ S. A W. HARBAUOH.
lending and for aalo by
ii“ 3 B.ft W. HARBAUQIL
pLouß—xo bMT
* and for uie by
lIH3AJ&-10 tobda, now landing from ilcamsr Hun*
► borr, for tale bj ISAIAITDIUCEY k CO..
J“L__ Profit at.
tHEESE-Mo boxes in iloreaad for aafoby
►PTATOEB—O bbl*Ne»bannoek*,for**le by
)SIEO APPLES— O aecka new, lor sale by
ncw crop, landing from tteamer
Hibernia No. 3, and for tale by
erce * prime, now landing fro* iteancr
XL Hibernia No, g, and for tale by
VTOLASSES—97 bblt Plantation, now crop, ree'd
iU. per Btcamer Pari*, and for tale by
-« No i 5 Water n
NO. BL'OAH~IW) Uidc prime, new crop, jut r»*
• caving uid for i&io by .
Npe SO Wom it
VAttNIBH—On coatljniaent
X»Tor mJ« It . ISAlAl! DICKEY & CO.,
-./**»■ Frost it
lOrlvN—4aiiaje**ood TtiUfmt, far «UST>t~
*“3L_ IBAIAH DICKEY A CO., Frost «t
T A f b rNo.l f7r«mlcbr
AJ J*b3 • ItfAiAH DICKEY k CO.
~sJoslßff Ontteu of Blanket* AVliaadi.
A . *** lo r their retail trade oa.Mar-
P drJm, *» and apleadid, dock o!
« pnee* heretofore anknown
la thie cinr, at the BLANKET DEPOT,
No SC Mine! «t
NO. 81GAK—w hhdt okr.yood article, for Bale by
tending per »teamer"s.
pUO T ABS-6q,(TO(CoMoB) j«t rac’d oodfer Bale by
VJ!®*: 8 fc W HARBAUQ U'
EJjQuK—39 bbUExiro, jnd reeM *od7or ado by -
. * tOTATOES—I?3 La Stdt'is ftoraojul for «*>* by
BDUC FOSK*'UMOQ>«tUidtTne*dud A?uli
cipmi 1100,000.
. ■ «£B,7H U
"No l Sheep pelu, Jo*
extra tad 8. K floor, m etora
fok rni Mrwrwa nan,? sxrrrrx.
I Hoaorablo Benjamin, Pattoo, ftwidant
J °o|e, and Samuel Jones, Asaociata JaJse
IW. B. Roae— sworn—Live IffMsncbetler. ind
"* io Allegheny Oily, InJdy Usl, liter the tre
broke 001. Wkea Lamved al Mr. Elekbaom's
vooodiy, the Wuhtoglqn was si work in the
yard. Kero wss some huia among the hands,
hot I coold’nt recogaixj (hem. The hows were
c»l While I was trying ijfjaka ihem op stain. I
“* “otrison Knoithan". He Memed to have,
power among the crowd, Heoßihim cute the*
ke had-® devil of a fracas VTlth Mr. Eichboam,
•od if he did get the engine tjwork,it did him no
good, for we soon got the bo*o*cnt. Did not bear
bio M y who cm the hoee. Morrison appeared
to enjoy himself at the retail of the fire, and told
Ifthe Councils bod given the appropriation, there
wonld not have been more than one or. two hon-
Ue« burnt. The engine vu taken away be tore
I tbe Church took fire. Baw the Muybfttft en
gine on the Commons, behind the Penitentiary.
The bote I held were cat on both aides of me,
about five or six feet Grom mr. Saw the Wash
ington playing on the little frame buildings need
for pattern shops, belonging to Mr. Etohbaom,
which were on fire at the time. Did’nt see any
of these defendants who are present, there. Did
not see the Washington after it was taken away*
Saw several men in firemen 1 ! dress, going round '■
with spokes of wheels in their hands. They were
waving them about like and swore
that the Aristocracy at the city would now know
the valae of £4OO. Don’t recognise any of these
men as doing so. Dld’nt see Curry there—he'
might have been. Here a wagon spoke I vu
shown, which he recognised oi being rimiiirto
those used by tip men in firemen’* dresses. Did’nt
hear, the ftremdn say they hod area without bon-'
i dwvoad wished handles for them.
Oom Examined—Did'nt hearthat scomber of,
firemen’s dresses had been stolen from a paiati
shop, in Piuabargtu The dresses seemed to be'
io good condition. There were a great many
more persona without firemen's dresses on, than
with them.
James Criswell—a worn—Live in Allegheny,
and tea# a fireman m May 1649. Was present
at one meeting, between-ths [committee of Coon*
oils, and the firemen's Association. Mr. Carry
seemed very anxioas to get the $4OO, for the fire*
men. Thera was a great deal aaid, and I can re
collect but Uule of it, thocgh I think I heard him
say that they had an arrangement with the fire*
men of Pittsburgh, that they woald not throw wa
ter ifa fire broke oat in Allegheny. Was a fire
warden of the Washington. It was on the ground*
Cross Examined*—The members of the Aasoei
alion were itnving to get the $4OO. AH were try*
icg- I do’nt know whether 9150 a year was
enough, bat I had to pay money oat ol my pocket,
(or repairs. 1 never got any compensation for my
services. Tho company said they were in debt
A bill for repairs was haaded in, by Mr. Elch>
baum, since the fire.
Examination resumed—Do*at know (or what re’
pairs- tho bill was banded In, or how long It hid
been doe. Recollect that Mr. Carry said what' I
have stated, becanse I did cot then know him,
and asked hit name, when he cat down. He said
that they either had an arrangement,or an under*
standing with the Pittsburgh firemen, that they
would not throw water on a fire, or act as fire
By Col. Black—Did Dot tee who wrack tie
, Sheris'! but think that tome boys were throwing
•t a marten box, which waa boreiof, and tome of
(he alone*, I think, auuak the Sheriff, orbit bone.
Did not aeo Woefendale then rt*»n,
Charles Whlstoo" 1 sworn—Live in Allegheny.
Was member or lie Washington at the time of
the fire. Waa present at a meeting between the
committee of Councils and the Association. Heard
Carry speak. He waa urging on the committee,
the necessity of an amicable arrangement between
the firemen and Cooncfis. The Waahington Com*
pany held a meeting, and resolved (hat if a fire
aboold break oat, they would go to ilj and if the
house belonged to a fireman, or a subscribing
member, they would throw water on it, if not,
they would act the gmilman and loot an.
f Croat Examined—The firemen wanted an ap.
prapriatioa of*4oo to each engine. Have begjfa
fireman 14 years, and thlfiir *<oo was ttTW
■mum kiwfurtiiiiihii NQt tir
a handled per cent, more expenrivw.tb kcep tip'
an engine! in Allegheny than in Pittsburgh, owing
to the condition of the streets, and the aheenoe of
light and wateri Meatra. McMillan, Cony, and
Blakely, spoke. Heard Carry apeak of an arrange
ment by which the Pittsburgh firemen would not
come over to fires, but be the remark that we
would not aland stiU. There waa nothing In the
tone of Mr. Carry's remarks bnt what was calc a.
lated to prodnoe the Impression that they woaM
work well ifthe appropriations were made.
Examination resumed—Did not hear what Mr.
McMillan aald.
Matthew McKerahan sworn.—Was al the fire
;in Allegheny, oa the 16th of Jely. Got tberejasl i
! after the fire broke out. The boee were cut in
Sample's Alley. The Waahington was then play
ing. A company of men, 30 or 40, came in, and
the foremost one bad an axe on hie shoulder.—
They cried out, cat the hoee, and the man with
the axe out them just where they went through
the window. - He' had not a fireman’s dress on.
Ho looked like this man, Btevick. The watafrwas
going through the boae to some frame buildings
.which were on fire. The Washington was play
ing on the fire. Saw Steviak afterwards In the
Mayor’s Office. Then I thought be looked like
tbu man that cut the hose. There were five or
six marks of an axe on the window sill where the
hose had been eat-
Crota Examined.—Could not positively swear
that Stevick wax the man who cut the boae. The
r mao who col the boeo had oo fireman's clothes on.
Doctor George 8. Hap sworn.—Was part of
the time at the fire la Allegheny city, Uat Jaly.
Saw Mr. WolGsndaie there. He waa at the
of some young men going op liberty street, and I
thought it: lingular that the Allegheny firemen
•booid be over in Pittsburgh when a Are waa rag.
iog in their own town. I afterwards understood
that they had come to meet a PittsburghOqmpany
returning from Philadelphia. -Saw him afterwards
at the lire, and be waa not trying to arrest the
flames. Tbe Manchester.eagine stood at
distance from the fire, surrounded by its members,
apparently; and I ashed them why they did not
throw. They said they were afraid of being
abased, ff they did. Saw a great many men with
spokes—some 23 or 30 with spokes in th?lr hands
•round Knox. Noticed Wolfendale particular!?
because he is a rather alngolnrtoekihgyoangaaD,
and I thooght it singular he should be over in Pitts*
burgh parading when a fire was raging in AUegbo*
ny. There was to engine on tbe grennd when 1
was there except the Manchester one.
Cross examined—Heard that tbe carriage shop
of Mr. Booth was burned. Cant tell whether ho
bad a stick or bora (n his hand as he was going
up Liberty street, but think it was a horn. Saw
K£ox on the ground that day, about vary
triumphantly before his mother's‘’door, t»Hpg ■
ttifT, doing nothfsg, and saying that he woold let
oo other one do any thlsg.
QGeorge R. Riddle, sworn—Uve in Allegheny,
and was then at the fire. It bad been burning
about an boor when I got over, and tbe back
bondings ofiUie booses were about g*y»htsg fire.
Saw Mr. Wolfendale and Mr. Carry there. Saw
WdCsndsle with a Urge crowd oa Ohio street
twenty or thirty, or may be less—with (ticks in
ibtir hands, and those with him and himself were
scattering the crowd; and every now and then
when' they got scattered, be woold pot his bore
to his mouth and make a noise, then they woold
oome back to him. 1 remarked that be should be
arrested, but no one would help me. Tbe crowd,
mostly women, were carrying goods from the
burning bouses, when these men jostled amongst
tbe crowd, and their disposition seemed to be to
prevent other people from working. Ssw Carry
on tbe pavement. Didn't see any of tbs Allegheny
engines on the ground. Thooght tint if the en*
fines had been on the grennd and worked, a great
deal of property mi ght have been saved.
' Crass examined—The fire, I judged, had been
burning an :faoor when I was there. 1 saw Mr.
WoUendale ou the Diamond. Am certain it was
Wolfendale. He bad his born either in his hand,
or hung round his neck. He had a fireman's hat j
oa, bat am pot sore that be bad a cape oa—think I
he had. Was at the time coder tbe impreaaioa
that both/he and those with him were coder the
iafloenco of liquor. Have said ont of doors that
I thought no men except they were under the in*
Anepce of Uquor would act as they did. -.Saw Mr.
Woltedale in the crowd around thoShsrif's
houee. Never said that I saw Wolfenoale ftrike
the hose, examination before the
Mayor, that I had been told he did to. Never
aaw him carrying thing* out of bouses, i hunted
up some ofthe witnesses, and saw that they were
anbpoenaed. - i
> John SbuflT, recalled—Know William Woken*
dale; saw him at the fire; be was in front ofthe
crowd that cot the hose; he hid a born in bis
Cross examined—There were one or two dozen
in the crowd. They came at once into the alley.
Never had any difficulty with him. Never tried
to marry his wile. Wolfondale was one of those
that shook me and pushed me against the wall.
Stovick had a fireman’s hat and cape on. *Satd
Wolfendale was the only man I knew at «itn*
that laid hand* on me. Tollman Stevick I never
saw tinoe, till I saw him in court yesterday.
A diagram'of the ground was here exhibited to
the jury.
George B> Riddle, recalled—By Captain Naylor
—4t was reported In some of the city papers, ths I
I said Jat the town meeting, the day after the lire ‘
that a warrant whs out for Curry's arrest. Di l
not do so. '
* j tHirm*n Be haven, sworn—Saw Km** ceeping,
a great fuss, and harugoing the crowd. I went
up and spoke to him, and showed him that we
were in grpat danger of being boned up, and he
said “barn up and be damned, why don’t they
make appropriations for the engine*” Saw the
hose after they were cut Sample’s long room is'
near, and is occupied by the United Sons of A
mericaj Curry is a member.
Oro*» examined—When the Washington fire
engine was taken awayfroa that place, the fire
then was pretty much over.
Samuel Oaborae, swore—Was at the fire in
Allegheny, tat July. Saw Knox, Cony, and
Wolfendale at,the fire, r Kpqt was *>—<*>"g * mob,
and said here they were, alluding as I thought, to
the men at the Washington, sad ordered the crowd
fwith him to rid them onb Saw him strike Messrs.
Lockhart and Skyies. Curry, when ! saw him,
-was at woik at the hose. Wolfendale was stand,
leg peteeablwjrben I saw him.. The hose were
cut when I Wl^there.
Cross assisted me with the
hose. This wah»jU!fjßrt-Knox and.his crowd-bad
left, tits amine J-jacc in reeling up the hose, and
sard beht try and get t&e engine to go and prevent
the fireitont'cfoesinf'BoaverntreejL He seemed
to bare been working.
Examination resumed—l understood that*re>
solution had been passed to protect members! pro*
perty. Curry’s Cither in law’s property wss situ
ated about a square on the other side of Ohio
street Didn't think when I saw Wolfendale that
be bad been drinking.
Wm. P. Eiohhaam, sworn—Was at the fire in
Jaly lam, but don’t remember seeing any or there
defendants there. Saw the Washington there,
it was in my yard, near the oQ mil). lam a^mem
ber of the Washington. As a member, I heard
that it has money deposited st interest That
engine was about an boor on the ground.
Cross examined—These engines, alt of them,
were indebted to me at the time'of the fire, for
repairs done, in the turn of bet ween >5 and 1600.
I charged it to the different companies* The
Washington owed me the largest amount —be-
tween S 3 and S3oo* The bills are in the
the CoancUs,wbo have auumed the debts and
taken the engines since the fire. The treasurer
of the Washington generally paid me for repairs.
1 would not think that 1 SISO per annum would be
enough to repair an engine, end keep it in proper
order. When the Washington was at work in
my yard it wu oi use to the whole neighborhood.
Never took an active part as member ofthe Wash,
Examination resumed-—The city had paid me
for building the President. Did not expect to be
paid for repairs by the city. The Uncle and
Washington, 1 understood, were independent com*
George K. Riddle, recalled—Was a member Of
the Washington. The members went round
among the citizens, and collected money which
they paid to Mr.LUch for bnitding it. There was
s balance of between S 3 and SIOO dno, and I and
others were sued'fork; another gentlemen and
myself got tb*}. Conn cila tb pay the bilL
Mr. Wfaistou, recalled—-The Washington had
no money oat at internet that 1 knew oC
, CoL Bltckicfo ataied that, otafair held some years
Cyfoskitapony rolsodtw tween three end four hen-
od building a hoase, »o
Cron examined—<toy wiu a memEefonK'Wiu--
Inpon when it was built. They were to pay for
it Aibitiuter* afterwords deelded that we should psy
•1,900 for it We bad more than that subscribed, bm
could not eoUeci b ell. I was one of those ;tued, as
were Carry and other*.
Jonathan ftotb, vworo.—Wa* at the Art in Alleghe
ny, on July lasi; don’t recollect of aeciDg any of iho
de&nd anu there; taw a company, some o( than with
Wa. Penn hats on, going a best and making iport.
When I went to the Are, I found it had spread to Ilea*
ver street; saw the engine in the yard; the fight was
over thee; some persons told mo (one of them was Mr
0. T. C. Hnrgu)lhat tho Piluburg h engines had been
stopped in Federal street, and if I went Jown I might
get them ap; I went down and saw the e'rawd, bat be
fore I got there the companies gare a hurrah and turn*
ed back; I went again to the fire, and tried to gel the
Manchester engine to worh, bat coaid not, aa they said
it would be broken ap, and they dragged It away, I
called on a crowd to go with me to the President en>
fine house, to bring it ap; only six went with me; 1
loud the deer closed, and fastened, bnt broke it open
with an axe; we took the engine, and broaght it up to
the fire; Ur. Morgan got ap on it; alihoagh threats
were made that ha would be knocked off, and I lan of
ficer Scott to gaard thoao who were working it, and
went away; 1 west to the Wax I*enn home to get the
engine, but U was not in the anginahome;! then went
to.bring the Washington ap, bnt Ur. Hugh Cany said
(bat it wha aa maeh Injured aa to be perfectly
•ad t thooght there was ao aso u bringing It oat; I
then want to the Cncls Sfinr engine hense, and saw
two man xtandleg at the door, which was locked; I
told then to open the doer, and they refiued, and said
1 should not teak it span; I was preparing to do so,
when three eat of the six who were with me refused
to pull her If I wdald break It open; I then want back
to the fire, and taw a line formed with bnekeia, to car
ry water to the Are; a crowd of man, with Wo. Penn
hats on, brake the line; I called on them to work, and
they refined—aayixg that ihecitiraa* might work; some
l in the erawd cried oat—gtoo or let her ban; and
another said—if the CeunaUa were not satisfied, they
could give them some more; then I taw tho Birming
ham engine broaght upon the ground, end it was pre
paring to work, when the crowd rushed in and took it
to the commons, near -the Manchester angina, with
foul kanaka.
James ManhaU sworn—l was at the fire and
was desired to endeavorto get oat one of the en
gines. Went to the engine house of tho Washing
ton, Mr. Coleman and other* were with me. Bcr.
era! pereoas were at the door who eaidibal the
engines should not go out till the Councils should
lira them $4OO. A great deal of damage was
done after that If the engines had been on the
ground eren at that time property would have
been aaved,. The church was not on Are when 1
was at the engine house. The fire was not tub*
deed till dark. The President wss working when
I was on the ground. . ,
John Magraw sworn— the firo in Aliev
gtieay.on lfith of July last Saw \ym. Blakely
at the fire. He was in the yard, in the rear of
the oil mill, fetching Skyles out of a crowd where
they were quarreling, and was trying to pxdfy him-.
They afterwards. squared off at each' other,and i
Stiles said be would to do with him.
Saw a man named Graham, wlii| a’repbin bis
hand, and Blakaly said “ are yon a fireman 1" and
Graham said yes, he was a fire warden. Blaio*
ly said, “ Graham, .your'e a mean man to work
here.” Then they seemed about to quarrel, acA
were eeparated, saying that they would' mee 1
again In the evening. Jack Gordon was one of
those who separated Graham and Blakely-
Cross Examined—He cald Graham wss a mean
man to do this thing. Then Graham scared off
at him. Blakely said that he bod a forefinger.
Graham took offhiscosttofighl. They met again
in the Alley, and Graham squared off again, bnt
Blakely seemed not disposod to fight if he could
Oliver P. Skile*—sworn—Wax at the fire in Al
legheny, in July last. Saw Mr. Blakely there:
Saw him in the yard at tho ocmnzencemenl of the
fins. I was strack then. Blakely- said there was
nouse to try there, as w 0 oould get no sight I
told him J thought we oould, and he'ran *t me a*
U to strike me. pld’nt ace him wvrktbg. The
hoee were cut when 1 was there: 8 aw something
of the disturbance between Gnham '*rii : Blafcefy.
but do’ot recollect moth about it. The 'Washing
ton, was, I know, taken to tho engine house.
Goss Examined— lcppfff»jfln xt time oi the
diftenlty between! Blakely and me. Fefgeseo*
the polfae officer, took hold of me. Wanted to
'retahale. Blalceiy attempted to strike me without
my, having touched him. He said there wss no
sight then. ' He jumped In a passion, and swore
by ——that he oould lick ms. I saldifray
broUier William were there I ooold whl* uxf one
onihb ground.
Dfl Presaly—Was al'thh fits in Allegheny in Jo
iy iaaL and wilted laextinguish it. Bf.wonoen
gineda the ground, which I boliero vju braaght
therejby the Mayor. I twisted in sending water
toft in buckets, according to the old eryta of ex*
Unguishioff fire, It wai worked by lU‘ti TBn< j
noticeda number of firemen, who fiithered to.
getter in knots, and seemed to enjoy themselves
greatly. They attempted to break thehine ofciti-
sen£ and very abusive language was used, for the
pttjpose of pror&ring sn encounter.
•i" CapL John Birmingham, sworn—Recollect the
fire which occurred In Allegheny,ln Jaly last The
ire was banting when I got there. I saw Carry
and heard him have some conversation with Ur.
CoUnaa. Coimatf - asked him. to assist in’ potting
oot the fire. Cany said be knew nothing about
the difficulty between the Councils and firemen,
and he had better go home and attend to his own
basinets, that his own house might been fire soon*
Caiman wished him to pat oot (be fire first, and
than settle the diffirnlties afterwards; bat Carry
said that he’d be damned if he would throw a
drop, or a backet—l am not certain which—if the
whole City of Allegheny were burnt. He spoke
in an excited manner, and there was a crowd
oronml him. At this time the Church was pretty
well baraed down.
Cross examined—Colmaa was rather excited,
and towards the last, exhibited as much excite*
memos Carry. Carry did not appear to have been
working. There were ten or a doxen men, most*
iy firemen, oroaad. 1 There were others, citizens,
near, doing nothing. Caiman condemned them,
bat did not ase any oaths.
\ Thomas Graham, sworn—Was at the fire in
Allegheny, in Jnly last 1 was going op an alley
when a man on the top of a house called to me,
and sold, if I would send him some water he
rd save some property. I said Fd soon do
and I tried to ‘ form a line to bring water; I
threw ap a rope to him, and Blakely came ap and
asked me if I was not a fireman! I told him be
knew I was, and a fire warden too. Well, he
said, yoafo a damned mean man or yon would
not be working here. I said I thought It was
meaner not to work, and ho said he would catch
me again. I said he might as well do it now. We
both got excited, and the crowd separated os.
Cross .examined—He attacked me near the Hand
Street Bridge that evening; he aald he had a tore fin*
ger; some one had bitten it; whea we met afterwards,
he ran la on me and threw me; we have spoken ainee;
Ttave no Cl feelings towards him; don’t rgpiember'say*
Ing—l had bluffed him off thefrdsitd; said I dfdnt »hinir
that be coahTCrow over any one.
James K. Kennedy, sworn—'Was at the fire in July
last; worked on the Washington engine; asststedto
drag that engine away, believing that they were tak-
Ing it to another pan of the fire; when the persons
drawing it turned down Federal street, I ahoated t>i «t
that was not the way, and wished them to tarn up; I
then at listed in bringing the President up, and worked
on her at toon at she got in position, till ail danger in
that quarter was over.
The case closed here oa the part oT the Common*
realth, and the defence was opened by Col. Black,
nth his accustomed ability and eloquenee.
Joseph 11. Scott, sworn.—Was a police officer in Al-
legheny at the time of the fire in July last; saw Curry
there, in Samples alley, carrying goods out of Sam
ple's lory row; other* were a'so at work; I saw him
again carrying goods oot, on to the Diamond; didn’t
see him afterwards; saw WolfesdaJe that day in Gay
alley, pulling down a shed to save e brick house; I
taw him again trying to get a rope .round the front of
a house, to pull an old wall down,and keep it from
falling on any one; know Mr. Wolfehdale, and have
heard his character spoken well off; bare known Mr.
Curry ever since 1940; his character has been good;
he Is a ltuie exeliablo some times; when I arrested
Steriek he behaved like a gent’enun; Blakely, 1 think,
came to the office himself.
Cross examined—The secondtime i saw Carry, he
was carrying goods out, on to the pavement; the first
goods he carried out were those belonging to the Na
tive Hall; saw several disposed to behave riotously,
some dressed in firemen's clothes.
A. W. Barclay, sworn.—Was at the fire In Alleghe
ny, in July last; met Curry on the lower flight of stairs
In Sample’s long row, he had a load.of goods with
him; taw him off and on for about aqhour; he was
uyiog to save property; taw { him denying: goods in
different places. ». .. » *>r
Cross examined.—Some of (hegoods might have been
oat of the Native American Hall; be ia a member of
that body; so am 1; 1 heiped him to carry goods out of
the Native American Halt; we went to his ahtre to
gether, and 1 took siek, and we both took a lime spir
its; he said we had better go dowifc*) the fire andhelp,
he want down, but I was too aiek*
Henry Cassiday, sworn—Was at the fire on the Ifflb
July; saw Carry there; he was helping to carp* a apfs,
1 think, along Ohio street; be spoke to e crowd netr
gat to wotk and save tome
mostly looking at the fire, aaaVc«fcimera J ' J wrtra
few firemen scattered among thent. '
8- i- N. Smith, swofa.—Wk* at tie fin ia Jily list;
mw Cun' H»«»» the first tine I mr him I was oaths
roof of Simple* loo* row; he told no to eomo down,
u the fire would cot off my eieipe; ho wucirrying
goods, bod clones, Ae.; some boys bid got into the
third story, iad were breeding oat the windewi; be
slid—“My God, boys, If yon cm uro property don’t
destroy snyj’Wron nji experience is n fi rein in, I
•Uoald hive pieced the Washington where it wu; I
hive known Steviek ever since JSto; ho was, wheal
knew him on the ather'side of the mountains, in. effi
eient fireman; Steriek, on fhit diy, shook >■«»<<« wWI
me, end said there was little encoorigetnent.lo save
property, when the wealthy citizens were standing by,
doing nothing.
Cross eraraincd.—Am a United San of America.
The Coen adjourned on til this morning, at 8 o’clock.
Siot At.—A eolored man, who bad juel got
oat of the Penitentiary, where he had been confin
ed, on a charge of bigamy, went to the residence
of hi* second wife, on Federal Street,- on Wed
nesday afternoon, and drawing a pistol, deliber
ately fired at her. Foriaoaiely, the bill did
not take effect. We are sorry to say that the
ruffian escaped.
’ Fkn l^ero**.—Mr. Charles a Boylo will do
liver a free lectare.oa “ Biology," this evening,
at the Apollo Hall. ’
Business was rsUter dnll yesterday, at the Ma
yor 1 * office. Three or four casei of disorderly Con
duct were disposed of la the usual manner, and
two persons, Wm. Jones and Louis Eb inchart;
were fined lor keeping gambling houses.
is * song,
•atejj of omcoui
Kiclraaje )Jrckeri la No. Bl
P«JlU|rlV«tUr I
UaokofPitulmrfh~ ~*»Par
Exchange Bank v**Pai
Ucrch. ft Man. Bank *Par
Girard Beak"* »pir
Buik of Germantown •«par
“ ChcaierCoamjr*"par
** Delaware Cb<* ••par
“ Montgomery Co,--par
" Northumberland'<par
ColunblaUridre 00.-»- par
Doyleauwa Bank- *par
I 'armera* Bk. Readlnfpar
I ’amer*’ Bk. Buck* Co. par
Farmer* B'k Laacaa’r.pai
Laneaiter Go. Bk. par
Lancaster Bk.'-—'— par
U. State* Bank' '■■——3o
iitowniTille Bk--"****par
Washington Bk."—— "
Gettyibttrtbßk.—~ • |
Chambersonrg"'—• '
Buaq#ebaitaa Co. Bk.-
Lewi*towS>r—• ——
IK Market meet, next; 4Ui
Bute!Tk fcßranohei>« I
S'ate&crip ..... “
Exchangeßk. of Vat*. ft
Farmer* Bk.afVa—. «
Bk. cfthe Valley,—«
Bk.of Virginia...- ••
M. M. Bk., Wheel mg *
do Morgantown- —ft
N. W.liuft Vo-—-- 2
do WelCtberg-—•> 2
do Parkerfberg— **
„ TiUMim,
Bk.of Tenne**ee.— • s
Far. * IdercVa Bk—»- “
Planter*’ Uk.—• *•
\ ttluoarlt ;
StateßkefMiuoari I
Sorilk Carolia*<
Bk.of Cape Fear 9
Mercb’a Bk.,Newbera. 9
State Bank" 9
• fontii Caroll**.
Caadea Bk 9
BkofChaileston-.- .. 9
Commercial Bk—.— 9
Ok. ofCeoncetovn—•• 3
Cwilllc •»•'.» '«
Lrif-Bk-” —■ 010
’tmcr*’ tod proven*
. Bank, Wayne*b»r|.. #
HkrmbttfikV~»« «
Lebanon .pai
r«taviUe>~—•• "
Bk.of ilaabarg.9
. Merchant* a
Plaatera fcMecna'eUk. 9
rßk. of Sooth Carolina.' 9
Baltimore oka. par
Balun’e&O RBSerip >lO
Cumberland Ok. of Alle*
ghany. I
Far.Ok^efMaryland-- “
Faraera** Moehiniea “
Bk. Frederick "
Frederick Co. Bk.*—- M
laremovnßk--..**- "
Mineral Bk——— |
PaiapacoUk*— (
VVailungtonUk—— “
Bk.ofWutminiier •
%Ve>t Branch Bk.»**»*.
Belief Note*
MftM Hk. Pitu^o*
Bcrip—l’itub. 1: County l
•* Allegheny, o 80
■&J OW*
htueDk.aadJhanchea I
NtoontFleaannt***»**»* ‘‘
H. ClainviUe—•••■—• •
daneua —-
VewLiaboa* •
' JinolnriaUßaiik*—•••
Ok.of St. Clair——
Bk.of River Baiaea—■
Michigan In*. Co* • • • S
Far.&Mech’aßk—•• 5
Wlieeaila Terrify.
ftUr.&FJreln.CoMilw’e •
Colombo* do-
Alleolventßank* 5
Bank of EnglandNote*
—— iinf_£ttx.
Napoleon*—* 360
Dncati— .*9 150 9 80
Bandnak/ • •»»*
Oeufi L
Norwalk—* J
Cleveland' *
XeaJ „
Wettern “
Friaklin B»k Colaabsa “
ChlUieotfce ■ I,
Be iota
Uoetfltt. "T", 1 :
Granville*** •-••••«
Fann»r« B’k Canton —»
0 rbana ♦ •••••• *••
SMtMkFf ,
Bk of Kentackr I
Bl.of LoaiarilTe *
Korfaern Ok. Kent* 1 !
jE*flo|Old« 10 80
Eagle, sew 10 00
iDosblooiu, Spanish. 10 00
iDo.Purim'——»• 1880
Soeerelgas 4 83
Qaicees 8 00.
(Fredericksd , on~—-87 60
Tea Thalers 7 60
'•a Gulden
£?«”•; «St
, . • Kxifctk|« ( •
i<wYdrk •»,.«, ftpm
NW. tamer JPk»-*»
■•w Tort-Ciir-
jP o ** 3- * l * -A GORDON
(TATIONEfI’S (JUM-A. wrap*'
\ MlsttttcßsbtwrSepeCbr
10)5KSi£-*8 4rut os~fccai aad'for ini* by ““
F.°4A , g.^fgK
Oakland. Possession eaa berpvsn on the first of
Apnl next flint) HARDY. JONES k CO.
THE Back Part of the Warehoes# nowoceepled by
X myself, and fronting on Front street
—C. If. GRANT, 41 Water if *
For Boat.
A STORE In Market street, sear Liberty.
Überty streets StOTO 08 corner of Market and.
.Dwelling and Store on Penn street near
oj Poasestion given on the Ist April next
AUo-A Briek Yard ia ift Eighth-Ward.! v
JarfMm* DAVID GREBE,'Pena it,
■ 3 doors from a: B. comer Hayst -f
A ? S? 0 T WELLINa hodse
—iHZ JAMES> Water at
_ VoX«t*
Aoood three story,brick dwelling
,nT' “« aifeof S. BCHOYKH,
j “ 7 - - 110 SecondVt,
yotMnlon siren on the i« of **rti 6 7
ALSO—Sever*! Booms and Offlees in Pin*ho*«»,
near the Po« CWee. \
dcBS Once, Third it, crerthe Ppwoffigg.: j
F u .A lron Fonndrr, j
Machine Shop, with Steaurßigino'of 15 hone 1
power, cood atockef tool*, machlnety, pattern*, fla»h*,
ladles, furnaces and oven*, all now in aso and in good !
running order. Said premiseshaseiaOfeetfrOTtbyW
deep, with privilege of an adjoining lot ST by 90 feet.
Being one of the oldest and best stands ia the City of;
Cincinnati, with a liberal patronage. Apply to -
dcl7 DAVID Sorrow, Cincinnati. O.
r?OB}BK2rT—A STORE, well fitted up for Dry
1. Good#, on Market 01, between Third end Fourth,
Fowtuun given on the lot of April next %
Abo-Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Pouenbn
given Immediately. B.D.GAZZAM,
dc!B OlSce over the Pott Office, Third it.
Apt FOB, ZUBMT.— Tho WAREHOUSE at pre-
JttSH aent occupied bjr Mesare. Bailey, Brown A Co„
on Water street, from Am of April next.
nova jambs a hotchison a co
M A WELL FINISHED ROOM, tunable for a
BT Variety or Gentlaznen 1 * Furnishing Store. AV-
Several rooms suitable for olßeea erAr*
dii'i rooms. ED OAZZAHL
oettStf Ofliee Third street, over Post Ogee.
a_a THE very desirable, residence in Allegheny
Bag City, lately occupied by R. W. FoiadaxMr, and
given immediately.
For terms, apply at thlaoflco, or to W. Vf. WIL
SON, Market st. • . opts
M FOR HJBMTWn... immii'w ««w
N occupied by Mrs. Atwood, situated at Oakland,
■■aiwidt UO acres of ground attached. The Musa
uspauousand convenient, and the ground ifell lm«
Proved. Apply to HARDT, JONES A 00,
*°gM Water n
ihi FOR BALE—A Brick House. fbnt one year
Kgbnlit,}and Lot, on Bobtnson’Streetr'AUaghcny.
near old Bridge. • Prieo lo# mad terms
Inquire of -r jy3» ,8 80H0YEB. liO Becopfj a
17 OR fi£?T.—The dire* storr Brick l>wclks7
JC Hoosey'otiiLiberm'between hot and Marbnry
atreeu, nomroceopied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession
pren uuaediamly. Enanire of Wbl Graham. or aj
the Bookstore of
' 7 1
comer Mortal and Third rtrect
IQR BALE—Fiw lota eligibly situated in the iua>
uUn* town of Birmingham. The lota aresitua*
ted on Denman afreet, numbered ia F Bausman’s plan
75,79,80,81 and 83—Lot No 75 fronting SO feet on Ma
ry Aan afreet, 70 feet deep; the other four SD feet front
each, by 60 /eet deep.
Terms—Greater part of pirohaae money may re?
mam for tix-yean, secured by mortgage. Ferpartiel
alara, Inauire of SSCHOYEB, '
mylo ..llOieeonaat
r FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Pehn
afreet, between Hay and Marbury streets,- adjoining
the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
h V? n * , L &oa,cfBsfcct » “dindepth 150feet,will be
aoldontaTorableterma. Titlendeideptionable.'-En»
qmiro of C. O. LOOM&.mat, near Wood.
OCtSLdlf . V .
THE following article wo copy with plenum from
(be “Bosion Mercantile Journal,” of March, 1849,
and wo hope that if any of oar reader* are ioffering
from any of the complaints which it is said to'core,
they will speedily anil themselves of 1c .*.*>
It w» well known many years.agi'ihatthe Wfli
cherry bark lit# of this cliinate*possessed valuable
otdleitui qualities. Indeed ibis*fui was known id
ibe aborigines, and deeoelions of lbe leaves or bark of
ibis tree bas ever been regarded by i lheirpkyaieiais as
one of the, moat edectna] remedies ‘in many
Tltis fact, serermlyeara since, arrested the attention of
Dr. Wlstar, a highly respectable practitioner of .Vir
ginia. Bo inrr.itigated with care the healing proper*
ties of Use wCJ cherry—tested its effects when edmin
tstcred alone, and when in combination with other re*
medial events. He frond that its natural .virtue night
be greatly improved, and by combining it with ingre
dient* whoso properties were all well proved and gen
erally rwroptlxed, a medicine _was prodnced which
consumes a remedy of great Lx pulmona
ry affections and die asesiof the>ehfc*tand ‘throat—
diseases which arc proverbially prevalent inovrcltlci
-*ad large towns, and often prove frUli'-swoOlag the
bill of mortality to a maob greater- is the
“case w(th most others, we had all elies&*
of disease/ ■ ■ .
Tim r Bahofco^W(ld Cherry has a
fie tlmila tftAo ■tsnumn-af'BMirr Wliur, RJ/D-,
>tt^iiVfiiTiiii , ai'a»fi>i ;fl 'iiiTiiii , iii'A^itß.>.
. We are jut in receipt of ibe following voluntary tri*
bote to the cumivepowerof Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry, from E. Wall, M. D, at Mi. Clemens, Mwld~
gaa, who U a physician of high standing, and aa ea>
tensive druggist;
_ • &Iz- Cuaass, Oct. squl 1&9.
afflicted, this may certify ahat MtaTk ioU
efts, of tail ail!ace,.. three or four weeks after confine*
■ent, was attacked with a violent Mach and neat
prostration, and seemed hastening to the grave with
** to wi£s£lfcE2
of Wld Cherry£*he did sew and wiUmhat valnaVte
taedieiaa alone was restated to health, and la sow a
U»ln* proof of the value of Wistaftf&alsani of Wild
Cherry. B.HALL,-
Physician and Druggxse
Bead on and be convinced will further of the romar
kable rirtae* of Wiitar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry:
Means. Sandfbrd A Parki Gents. As a msUerofiua
ttee to too, and for U# benefit of the public, I would
oferthe followingstatementofaenre effected byyour
medicine, known as Wuurt Balsam of Wild Cherry.
In thespnng of 1647 my wife wu severely snacked
with rtnpneumooia, or Pleurisy, which resnltedin a
deep Baled pain in the side, accompanied with a se*
vere eongh: she was attended by some of the best
physician* in Chicago, but to- no panes* far weeks
she suffe red, without relief; coughing taeeasantly eight
and day. I esmo to tho conclusion that ail tho remo*
dies a Down no the physicians could not help hor. and
wps induced to try year Wild Cheny. I procured one
bottle, and commenced using it according to dirw
unu: before it was all gone—-tho cough stopped, the
pain in her side left her, and with the aid ofanother
bottle she wfcs rostered to mnet exalts. In con*
sideraUon of these circumstances, i would reoetxuae&d
it to the pnbilo as a vahiahlc medicine
_YeuM respeetfhlly, «- E.N. GARRATT.
QmaKd Barn*, Mich* Oct 6,imj.
Etad t&4 foUowxag TtstvnoniaU.
Of all the eures that have been recorded, t
certainly: none equal to the one first mentioned, which
plainly shows the curability of Consumption, even in
seme of iu worst forms: <&.
tios for the afflicted, permit me to dye you a brief
hlamry of my afflictions, and the benefits derived from
the use of Dr. Writer’sUals an of Wild Cherry.
In July, ISM, 1 was attacked with a fever of the ty*
phod character, which left me in a yery debilitated
state, when in the fallowing wisterl waa taknn with a
severe cold, which reduced me to each an axtenfas to
fve me thwappearuM of a confirmed consumption.
Idwred under a sovero eougb—expecumeda great
deal, end was troubled with cold feet and oighlsweats.
I also frequently raised blood from my lungs. I con
tinued in this stale; gradually iWitW under the dU*
ease, until January, ISO, when I was again'attacked
with fever. My friends despaired of myufe, and my
physicians- thought I could survive bats short time.
Mr extremities, especially my feet, were eodstastiy
cold, and almost lost their feeling. Under these eir*
camstaacts it may truly be said that I waa a living,
skeleton. I finally determined to quit taking medicine
prescribed by physicians,'and try Or. Wistar’s Balsam
of Wild'Cherry, and from the first week that I com
menced, I can date a gradual recovery. I
continued its use six months, at the end of which time
1 was cured, and have enjoyed good health ever slice,
and cheerfully reeommendue Balsam to all those af
flicted with.disease of'the.lungs, and would sty u
those commencing iu use, none be discouraged if two
or three bottles do not effect a'cure; but persevere as 1
have done, and I have ho doubt but nine eases out of
tsn will be-blessed with renewed health eslhave-
Pates 91 per Bottle—Bix Betties for •*.
Sold by J. B. PARK, (successor to Ssadford A Par*,)
Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General
Agent for the South and West, to Whoa all orders
Blast be addressed.
I* Wilcox, JnVemes A. Jons* J. Kidd k Co; B. A.
Fahnestock A CO, Pittsburgh. L- T. .• Russell,. Wash
ington; W. 11. Laaberton, Ftankiint I* B. Bowie,
Umoniown£H. Welty,Greeasburgb B. KottatsdSowcr*
set: Bceu k Oil mo re, Bedford; Reed A Son, Hunting*
don; Mrs. Orr, UoUldarsburg; UUdebran I A Co, lml*.
ana; J. K. Wright, Kfuanning; Evans A Co, Brook*
ville; A. Wilson k Son, Waynesbergh; M'Fariand A
Co, N. Caileader, MeadvUl* BurtonA Co, fiie’j..
Magoffin, Mercer: James, KtOyACo, Butler 8. Smith.
Beaver, J. D.Sammerton, Warren; F.L.AC.>. Jonea.
Condersport; P. Crooktr, Jr, BrowisvUle. •
titles to suit purchasers,!)/ *
-OUGAR—3 hhds to arrivo on steamer Rlnrrold, for
o sale by oovfi * IBALUJ DICKEY ACO
/WFEB-ISO btgs prime Rio, arrivtngSd forsalc
\j by novd W A M MITCHELTREE
T7\REBH ‘TEAS—lmpenaJ, Guopowder aaLYoun'
JC Hyson. Thaa, of superior quaftty, in hfehen*!
and# pound bxs, Jut rceM and lor «aia by “
Jj'IAJUB— W §bls Superfine; - r~' ’ ■
. . - i JM “'tafilOhf bbis Risheria Bxtrajfor,
T)EACHES—49O bushels'driod peaches, best quality
X halves, in store and far sale by
fop* rhey, maltoewi aco^:
ItUMAItIKS— 9H7 Jqga, a deliciots artclerin store
and for sale by del* WM g JOHNSTON
I?1NK SPONGE—BOO lbs Just rec*d and for sale by
J del* 7 -J IuDD A CO. fiO Wood st
rpHE MERCy SEATsThought* Suggested by the-
X Prayer,' by Gardiner Spring, JhD. Jam
pabllsbed and received by express, for cate at the
upstairs, t
Also—the Attraction* of tho Cross; by the Rev. Dr.
Spring. ■ - lent
A No 1 Bard; • —'
andtoaatebidaMitßßOWM^iaKPA^^ 18
I ITTiIEBEwiU b«£m?to**iJe an aaaefoaMtof >
TV rateable religioaa Books mil TUflfi coapriaed ;
|p a aeriea of abom FOUR HUNDRED dUßncst pab - ;
ueasiess. (of which eaialogsea cajibe had oo appuea* <
uoo,) embracing many atandaid'works iaTheelorTi
BiogTmbhy, hc.ic-,.«eleciad asd pahUahad-bruta -
Pre.bjrtcnta Board of PabHeatioa'io Philadelphia;.
ss.fis i s i ;°Lfiiss l s !, “ 1 ’ c ** T * t " ja *’
..■gaaasLff* rm^sjjstsf^.
X -
bw oa btnd«nd for ssle, uAiut
of L. JeJuuion touoW;
SSpsirofCues; ' .
45 rooms Ffcsey Letter, dlfifereuMac
WONewspsper Cnt«} »•• .
. SOOIbf. Leads, cut to oiderj
IfKCbmpatinjr Sticks;
• lOOjkegs Prom* News Ink; ,
llßrsuGallsj, Column Rnlet. Brut Rales el til -
dcacrijtionsj&c. A. JAYNES,
■ , : Pekin Tea Smre, 70 Fourth ri
N —Order* reeelTed fornewType. talOdJtwS
TOHEsabscriber baa jost received it the Pskia Te* *
X'- Bure, 70 Fourth street.- a very lam ud veil *e-‘ * -•
Iran New Torlr. all of whiek hi| been received ia this
first of February last, eonsiatingof
all the different grades frown la tie Celestial Bntfre. • ‘
twiteekbeinf among the largreitin the Wert, we tie : v
Prepared to wholesale, on better terns that* an? ether *
boosew the city. We inTite retail grocers to call and ' •
2^?V I^ oar _f«?ck*wJp r ice». Tkeyeaahaveitpaok»' V -
f?,? Mj lll3 IS packages, 5 6 tin eanaiitera, or by- '
udfcheut. to nit their eonveiuence. • • -
m??^«. ! £f iceJ .T ,, y.C oT Oolong, Black Teas ftota • -
y Cta. tO fll,So per lb.; • Ning Vanny ftiwotinny • tfl f tl.
«* Bagitali
°Kpf. aad i? from 35 perlb!
ei are teqeested to send and ret -«"»£» ct *!'.£•
»b« beferepShffi*™** **£ -
mnikdkwß A. JAYNES. rOFoankstreat •'
GBO. W. UIXTB * CO*t /
Kgf^ss^sass'ssiaa' -t
Fe “ «*«*>» known, as the. Pittsbarek Brewer*
Sam, are soon return]* .
as at least seven Phy*£
ouaißNewUnk fcßOw.whoase>itiasaakcasee
and find it nafaiHtig f f in . *
Pmra, Bxotoixs, Fkxcxia, or mar other akin dia r
***£- The reader la assured that tins is.nownlato
puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. leoald ean.
merate at least 60 persons eared of • .
Boi*Htap,Bos* Lxesaxn «*»»» ftnyir ’ -
and use and the reader is again assured I-wow -
not cruelly sell it for.the above onless I knew it to be
all I state. Those who are liable to
■ Ceatxd, Cisaum, ox CnarcsFusu, will Ind this a
care. Anyone afflicted with any of the above, ersi».
Bar diseases, will ind this all and oven more iadmire
ble in Its properties) than I state. ,
Bat, reader, the stores are flooded with bsUatfeu.
and bo sura you ark for JONESPB Italian ChmL&u •:
WM - JACKBOW - •Sag*
IllJ'' An. cool, caaM «ra honorably tMtf.’ V.
top following are the aetaal caalitfe« or a Ba. boulepr •'/
woS V 3 " lUir Ee4torm^Te - jf sfaq&dgB>t~oP ■/ •
whohavetried ic—fW "• fliliwai..•
Mr.Oeorßeeket.vUElmitt.NewToTk. ' - / r:.
M™- ar, BroeUya.
, And non than ,■* handred other* -state, toeruth this
; Boatsufflee,thatit willforce theliair togrowentoa' '
h.iJ or rue, tlop li/*mn»or, ttreojtboi tke roon,
removing acnrf and dandxiffftoa ton roots,
; ugat* red, or gray hair anune a fine dark lookianl
; f dry, harsh or wiry hair soi*L eoft,' clean ant .
! beaatinu, a yery, verylong time. . • *
_So!d by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 89 LEbeny *V
Pidabat^fau^Pnce 37), SO cents, *nii one dollar.
X»y arc not aware how frightfaQy inJarimltEla
, to tie alinLhow coarse, how rocrh, how «iiT
low,y4llow,.atid nnhealthy tife akinao- '
. pearrafteraaingpreparedehalkl Bo* ' . -y.
•idea'it uinjunoas, containing, a r ■ • -
iargp caamitf of Lead 1
We hare prepared a. beaotiftU Vegetable artieiaL •
which we call JUNES’ SPANISH
it u perfectly innocent, being purified of all daleen
ona qaalitiei; and It Imparu to the okih a natraUheaK
toy, alabaster, clear, living white; at toeaiunetiine»
aeung as a epametie on the akin, making It *oft and >
aaioouu.Sold by toe Agent, WM. JACKSON, 09Lib- J
my at,fm*bnrgh. Price 3S cents;-r.- aagMAwT
-dJjtß'tV " ’
, the plane and saw,- ■/■s:■
! / ■ W 6« T 8 Wood'itniL ritflTiliiftii
vLJUffia AND LAUFMAN.JaiPonaraantßSalet*
; JLA ia Foreign vzuTDonesne HjURDWARSL in
wl ua Tanetie*, arc now prepared to cell aoloiraad
oa rcuonabieterma escsnbeporebuedelaevhere.
We aoUcu.oar and thopahUegeneralJr,u>-
?-T-onritock, which eoaautsinparted
SCISSORS) SHEARS, • RAZORS, Home Trinaaiae*,
weh u Lock*, Latches, Hinge* and Screw*, together
with oTeiy article ascaUrkejrt in: Hardware Store*,
we Invite the attention or Carpenter* aad Jdeehaaica
generally,to on? MtonaentcrTcoU, which bare been
aeJccled with great care, which we are deiaraio
ed tatell to ontagivcatfnsfiicilon. • ■^^Vf
, HjT Tux sinni ova tile Hurra* u not non repal
live than x hid, potritf breaib, or dark, yellow dlgwat
ed teeilL. ii'penoas base theae U is their own (nil—
taev can, for two shillinga. buy an article ibat will
waxetheir breath pure tad sweet astl* SfiefJtot
Itcarea.diteaxeaofthe Gums, spongyor ttleentoO,
end' tor the Teeth it is cc-cxjaaDcJ. restovlu the tyr***!
fastening the teeth'ln the gvnu, esii.eleta *><**■ «t
white as the twm <4 tkf/mtit Ntnk;..
_Boeh, reader, are the properties or Joses 1 ! Aches
-tooth Paste,BOil,withjoMpraising. it oomirei hear
whatopoot oar cost respectable and sdeatilaDea*
palpaLlc article,, fJones* Amh f r jw th pj'^,
Property In AUs E hhmycityffox BaiwT* "
/JMffi shbsenbcra offer sale a namLer»r!!v '
X Lots, situate in the Second
Common ground, on easy terms. Oll ***
direct From Font, oat! for *a!elow £*“*
—jg. l - cmiiafia..^'
embracing tiw aeweit aad baad*ome«i *#i. ,TTl£®>»
1 ranted fast colon. aIkwKmUA
- d - e . s i- -_ - WRarb P „ y
SODA ASH—i2O «ub bujTTll
Mleby • . WMBAGALEYATr •
deal, . ■ ’.. - 19 iadtC \V<yj
jTitl£sSE—lQtfboXM CfoMßi ' •♦ • •. k • V -1 '
v . .• ' “3 M EaxkibDvrTj for alo W,
deflP. - - . J^Wl^UA^'
JL rsTnu reeM a fattier rapplr of plain Scarietil
TmUed Curtain. CUiuxe% at tin JiftrUt EattcomgA
Fourth and Market a&' . •
/TOFFEE—A uniil iotta uioby • .
\J dc2o - \ -<■ STgABT A ATI .T** \
PRODUCE— 4 bblsClover Seed; . \:
8 'f' BhelledCoynj ' A.
a: * -Rye; -jastree’d and for aulaby \
de* ■ *• V - .-Weier street v-
T>LACK PARMKTTOS.—tV. R Mpmht. M North
X> East comer of Fourth and Market. streets.' haa V
fall-eirartment of the above scarce roods.,- 4 *lso^-
BJeek Fteoeh Merino*. Bombasine fiaishyktoaecas for
Monnuaf. Canton Cloths for Monrninr, and a sasplv
of Mnarninf Goods generally. icO
SUG AR»33 hhda prime (near crop) arrirtnr and/or
. dcaa • . , ■ NoHi LibertysC
mOBACCO-W boxes W. H. Grant's
J. • 33 “ Daniel's . 6%
30 - “ WjL Ronald’sff'^
. 30 kegs Gedger*s dtwistr".
For rale by deflj CROWN * KIERPATRICt
T? LOUR—3S bblsjasi reoM and for sale
Jr deg? ; • . COPE A BRE
SHOT— 13 ken su’d, jdit reeVi and for sale bv
defl? A CULBERTSON. WUbgg w
LEAD-100 pinlu»i rccHi and (er sale by - / ’
*le27 A CULBERTSON. st
dcBB : - v -J* HPHir.r.iPa
BBOOMs —U2O daJlnitere and for sale by
V* 6 * 9 " ' * ‘ • BTPABTIc'MiJ.
—jjAisa a. hiitchison t. ca r
jaaa • ■ JAMEa A.HUTcniSQN A CO.
/'‘j bfal« .
V Aj»ple«; a prime ante ihLi*«iore and fet «aic,
J* 0 , ' BMCT, WriTTHEwaTc
C°)St S 7?
B-end bright colow, opened by:’ ncw
/TABaiMKItE3~3 7 coaci Fancy end 7 -
V Blech, opened and for uric br - ’
deal BHACfrr.rrr4WHiTE
pHEB3E-4CO b*xe»priao W.H., for ulebT- *>
V»J*a7 . W fc B afoCtJTCftmw
BUTTEE— 3 bbb Eall. reoM mud for ule i
Linseed oiir~M tbii in iton us tot ii]* bv
jta7 HOM3QN,LTPTtE*&:
Fees ii rolit bittieß' Auibtiutncu tnd aw
ttleby jan7 ' BOBI3QN, UTTLIsFan
)«n? gOßlao.s.ulTLg^nrt
PIO I-KA.l>—i»o pig* Soft Qalbbk. la itOTVnul few
l,lB fry im HHEY.tiAftHEwafcm*
TiiSrgntrfgvei l * Chart* BniMing. : .>■
Xj far • < <■««;■..,. •
B H^br W i^ tt **** fi n«»'VMwe tStor
JJntoby _i«aa -
Atj/5? ,vM2^ # , , y**tide'of
““V £* ioKol ' 6o *-' ' WRMUEPHY, ••'
/-' r a ~r- ycenterFpcrAaodMirhuii ;