The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 18, 1850, Image 2

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    HyffiSßU ,38 GAZETTE-
htbushed BY WHITE fc 00
FEtDAT MOESMa. YAH. 18, 1850.
i fcsr fevers before flr.m, eadesreadyintbedsyaa
. practteablft.'Advenfseaeasminsetted fora sml
fled time.will tsvarfabty be charged aatfl erieteoomt
POOflpKliFßlfl. lOBTQ UpBBXOAi,
Advert «WU| tad nbeenptMßS i» Ow fferti Baer
M «ad Patted Stora Gazette, PhUadtfrUrta. received
ndfotwgrded from this ©ftce, : - • .■ ..,
•: jiaaojurarc news, ta.
- **tta XUtur fly Bin®
*>ln»» lts lyptinnte yuMdcy. ba«l»
I ufl appeareacearereapeeteUa, sod the flnf ousUr
gived.-avideaee {oTfadaiitry an* filarial, met. Mi.
U*fl flu nfi&eos eUliv asd e*p«rieM« to auk* »
spirited jind readablepayer, sad'we should think be
might find rooraenongfc, la this go ahead and reading
*{*,(**** W**h»j P«p«f r HlbriiPigibtirii is totem*
’ bly w»a sappliod wife daflfpepere »w. We wet.
ease Hr. .to ft i!u» with :the rat of is, and
bopehisliala will he dsiy appreciated by the
pablie... • ■ •'1 r’ '••• ' •'
We diffor tea the editor of the Poet in a great
niaV.lhingai.-aftd most likely weshtll continue to.
difhf, bat we'fesre a right to require of him at
Jeasi Grin urn in his state moot ©four meaning end
©psalms.' In oor notice of the “strike* of the Boil
er* end Puddkrn, we' stated that they of
asifxrfstfof. their eapilal and,staitfegnamonfactory
for themselves, and so expressed oar hope that
they might' succeed, and referred to the
' ofiifld by the General Minafiictarisg Law, for
the formatianofsoch assooiationn The Post copies
;Cufteaark% and says.*—
' -the conservative press cannot resist the
'Profteea which the wnimy men are making.
-'Ten vests ago the present editor of the Gazette
•wools-have, denounced each a more meat as
; Tfliiinotts.*
Ndyir.we deiythe editor of the Rut to point to
one line we have over written, to justify such a
' statement We have always been In (kror of the
association ofcaplul for the purpose of tnanufectur.
. lag,snd hate frequently spoken of the extensive
benefits conferred opon small capitalists by the
manviaetannf law* of Masrechusetts,whieh have,
in a great measure, enriched that Sute. There,
y a* soon as .an iridortriont operative has saved a
• Utile money,-he can purchase one or more shares
' of the stock of tire establishment inwhich hola
' ***.«> that ha may derive a portion of the pro-1
: As, aai well a* receive his vreges. Oar General
Ksaofeetnrtnglaw is Intended ta confer the tame
benefits opaatbesmall ctphnUrt* of this Stale, by
■ .'bringing an the spare capital ofevery one, how
j-erer am all, into active and profitable use. Wo
-Wpuld like lo see lho“Podd!ere,* “Boilers,* “Roll
ere," and othas,.sbbat ail our iron tnHls,intereste4
in the profits of the establishment, by becoming
part' owners- We ehonld hear of no ‘Strikes’
. lf» heartily wish success to the iron operatives
la their scheme of engaging in manntactarihg,bdt
an they will then beeome “propiietore,*'“msno
facto get s, r and “capitdisb,"-we cannot snore
them that they may cosilnuo tobokfor thorep
. port ef the Post. '•'■•.v'"/ '■ -
. Ldobi Bossrsnrx.—Blr Loden Bonaparte
PrinooofOsaiao, is now ti Leyden. Heisocoa.
pied, exdarivsly with Zoological' researches, and,
more pertieulariy oraitbelogy, which ts his favor
ite study, v He passes the greater part efbls time
, Inthe galleriesof ths riehsnd celebrated mosenm
ofastoral history in Leyden. ;
Sjull Nozxs m Vtiootu.— I The Virginia Home
.efDelegatee has, by a vote 0f53 t 045, rejected
the report of the bank committee agafast the issue
cTsmstl note* by the bsoksCofthat State. The
Bpnae will probably now psts a bill .allowing the
banlcs ibiswe them.
,raoM oibiroßnA.
-i . . okee.
The steamer Cherokee, which arrived at New
• 5 Y«k,.00 Sandty, sailed from Chtgrea on the af
'tentooa oftbeSd instant, and from Kingston, Ja>
'4Bafos,«n the morning of the Tth.
. The Cherokee brings the Pacific mails that tr*
tivedja the Tl|ticora, at Panama, on Tuesday,
Jan. did nc« airive at Chagres m
1 timefor the Falcon to connect -with the Ohio, at
..Havana., They came under charge of Mr. Me
Lein.ihft , receotiy eppoliated! mail agent for the
. ’firthtons.
. Wo extras tent (her New Tork Conner and
‘ Enquirer.tialoQowtoglaterariKngitem*:. ' j
We learn itepL-primuV * uaiuua *hsi TTleie M
v 'TUBBS'aa tfering and sickueas-sr ike .mine* tad
;• * ihSm-the wtmt of tbs ’ ficoeasary medical aid and
nirr-wnc* death*. Ol ABACOO*
j fany from Loni tuna, coariitiag originally of fit
> -- - teett; only eight were living last Noveouer, la
;3 ■ the wet diggings, the minces when at work* stand
fcne» deep to wafer, under fe teoUimr sum the
! thcrmomelrr at mid day, gmag up to 100 add or
whiles tbs'nightsare eocridaa to make sever
■l Uanlcris nocaasary. - Rbeamatio afiecticas and
swdling of the joints are very prevalent- It if
conceded that those miners who are sbts to work,
. «od fire withal of the working elass, can average
*a onnea ofrreld a day. Bat against this are to be
set down the rainy season, and ioinrruptioa'by
- • • siekbesa, together reducing the dally product for
• •. .the year, materially below that. Theexpcoseito
, which tkcj are 'objected are; enormous, and we
retd boots aeO for niaety and a hun
dred dollars per pair. A alooched wool bat for
l twelve l 'aßdapmhdof flour from oea and a half
lt will readily bo seen that but lit-
: i .(loess be. left over to the miner, who maybe wo
• >• fvßtaate eitoeeeepe sickness. The regale* 4e
r is «a oanea a ctU, ( with a
charge far medicine or corropoadog exuara
.'eaaoej asfiir instance, e dollar for a dote of aah.
' Thermioy season taring set ia earlier than.anlici
phted.lheamonatof provisions at {bo mines, it i»
fbuhd,ismueh abort of* sufficient eappfy.and
fears are'entertained l£at la addition 10 othercia«
f ■■ aea'oT Sickness, a ‘went" of a proper qaaatitf of
5 ' feftdlstobo coanted rtpoo. Indeed, many antici
• pats deaths in some quarter* from starvation, as
amors horrible retail, theoecesaity of living upon
oath other* There b, daringtbo mining season, a
1 brgeaud-probabiya daily- increasing amooct of
• ' ’ - gold mined, bat it coea not remaio with the miner.
. <battav«*icasw*xa‘geU Into the poekeisef other
- . classes,many of whom are, as if by mafic, im»
.massing fanne*. notwithstanding these things,
•’ *wh’letmthttlbb year's supply of gold is materi*
..tQyJesaltattitwiUbe hereafter, as regular kale*
. iagoftbogoia la piaces ls being prosecuted with
/ rich result*. . -
v'-. ;;laaddition to the amount of ansele consigned,
tkerebitp/escnledtobo about 8100.000 in tbq
..hinds of passenger*
The Qalecrn, by which the passengers reached
"Panama, tad invoiced to that place 81,100,000. ‘
...' Aa'jbdependeat mai] has bees' organised for
~ the various districts of Califoral*
. The Pacific - News reeords a sate of 168 lots,
-• aboottaUTn mOe from lie city, whfeh brooght
,/• 8109905.
y Theseerianofthe California Lcgtoletntc w» (o
' . ctnameaeeoathe 15th of December. Itsprinci*
" pal bestrew wonld probably be toput'tre ma«
‘etoaeryofOorerßSMotlaootlci. TieU.Sutet
Seoitore were tobeetaaeri within fonr days after
•the meeting. : Bt4te taxes were>slsoto be pravid«
. ad.. uj lestaiatnre vu to eoosist of 16 8eoa»
- tort, ltd 3i member* of AMembiy. The rote at
• the jste election was estimated at abontlS##—
modtly riven in the towns, - The *iewt thinks
that U the politic*! organisation had been jhomub,
U would nva ranched 60,000 .
Mi*C*i.iJUti7o*.--The orwent po potation of Cali
ferula, including the oVerUnd emigration, b thn*
; sornmed tip bf the Alu C^ldersiK—Anetickee
63,000: CaiUbralaaa, 13,000; Foreigners, 18A00;
Total, 91,000.
. fyxn’Aprfl 12 to Nov. 23,607 female* arrived m
aa Fkuemcc, and 34,833 aalea.
The IW6a News thoa speaka of the improve*
taepti ia Saa Franrtaoo—
* EFo .ere glad to mo that an the mw bondings
* being erected on Portsmouth square era Urge and
that the fronts are to bedabbed in
an ornament*! manner. The new baUdinc. now
. nearty.llabhed, between the St.Chariea aed Bella |
; ' Haloa, is, lor ■cban'iry, a noble structure; so |
also la the new Miners* Bank.” • ,
NptttFJl- dcdaile vu known- la ragtrd to the
poStietfcooploxioa of (bo State LefiataJore.
Tbo Paetfe Kovia.ofrtbe lstDecea&er,'gfTM
(ho followiaj ot thojlatoK Devs from Stockton aod
:>v :• ttomiaa;
-\Tbetoadshere beta rendered afawlatelyis*
ptnsMn for the tut two week*, IVoib Stockton to
the mines, In conheqeence of the continued rein*.
Tbe toampaieetkni is.nby open again, and the
freiirainof nmleewentop 10 the “ diggins" on
' .■Wodfteefiey. Ba*ine*e f which Jins been very.dull
et Stockton, Jw the put ten days, is now brisk,
’ and overy article of food commands: the highest
• price. Lumber,also,isvaryscarce, andeeUing
.- 1 u Ugh u $9OO to flOOO per thousand feet. Gob*
. ■ monpaekiQg boxes bavebeenbrohea up, end aedd
-et Bt> outs per is perfidsifeot. Trader* are com
light from ell direction* to porebaae .goods, and
t 1 tiny xnvJeTn town bn been Jdred lo take ptori
* etoits to the tninee. et SO eenti wr lbi
•; .Jgyenr.fctSoftood is acHtngit'.tholdlggißirfot
.none io,ni&idpe&Bf e
.v ; . 'Tbm wu e hesiy ftwtf ttgtaflmj
■. ‘lS sp'J'-i •::
i •-'r-- jtotMXtxr-On Sunday, the SSth'of Ocsober,«i
l iSaMne, tar-tbeSiert Mr. WendbHdgf, the liioo.
p. Wxzxzxi to Miss Exilt a Pirn*
* tea, both of Sonoma.'
".Bau&UßZr, Esq,died et OsterriHa, {Bare
sublet TiTsulinwiiUrn the Slit December, lit
the nisetktb yexr cf bis ege, of *cnte inflamma
tion, after a igieksemei two days. Be t*» (be
fclfcer of twelve daughter), tad ons.aoa, Hoa. B>
F. HaQer, of Boston?.’^
Oenwpeodanea «f the Fluabargk
WiSKDBn>, JanJ 12,1650.
The opposition are attempting to gto up an out
cry agiiinw the confirmation of Hem. Abbott lav*
rcnea, Minister to England, This » a great point
withtbem. The President andtheiCabinetare
Id be dreekmsted by the Democratic i majority of
iboSaaste. Rejection most be obtained at any
cprt. Thechaseisopened.tbegameuifiillview,
the pack hot and eager upon the foot. jThoWash*
Ingtoa Union bellows open the scent, and the lea
eer, tfaoogh not meaner curs bay andlyell in the
distance. • The taste of blood is whatlis wanting.
Let hot Mr. Imirrehce be nut down, becsnae he
is a rich man, and a mannfoatnrer, and the work
of vktimintion will have been beznnTaad can bk
coentined indefinitely by which
demanded his destruction. It woaldbe'rtsh to say
that Mr. Lawrence Is in no danger, fof tbe blood*
party are open hit track, and be will
haveko encounter tire btUereeas of sectiosal ani
oositv, as the representstivehf a elass which the
Boat* has tong held as the special foes of its in
terests and rights. Bet the sanae of jostles, and
the fear of retaliation combined, will probably avail
to atvo Mr. Lawrence from his partners, ssit
did, after a long and bitter contest, Edward Ever
ett, eight years'ago, when threatened with asim*
Uar fate for a similar cause. 1.
' I learn that no mare foreign appointments wilt ile
made until it Is seen what tarn affairs will take in
the Senate. The Democrats hftld np Bradbury’s
resolution o! enquiry as to the motives and rek
eons for rentovals as a rod jsf
terror and menace over the administration. It
cannot be forced through tlje Senate, and it would
be wise policy in ihkWhigj Senators to oblige tha
trover ofit to bring ittoavote, and so throwu
out. *
The Home has been busily engaged to day in
Use attempt to dect a Sergeant at Anna. The
Northern Democrats evinced tb&r resentment far
the treacherous diaertion oftbe eight Southerners
on the Clerkship, by signifying their dotermina*
not allow Lane to be elected, and after the
second trial be area withdrawn. Mr. Giddiqgi,
of New York, received 104 votes, one ieaa than
a majority, «ad would doubtless have received
that one on the neat trial with’ Lane as a candU
date. In this alarming atate of\ adjure, the Demo
erata again took water. Boyd, of Kentucky,
withdrew Lane, and than Cobb, of Alabama, nom
inated Jcaae & Dow, “Hemic Age” oftheUnion,
and Mr. Disney, of 6 bo, Wailbridge, of New Jer*
aey. Aa they expected a greater forceon Mon
day, the Democrats, next moved and'tnsiated upon
an adjournment, which was carried.
If the feeling which prevails at Washington
among 'members cf both Houses, aa well aa be
tween viators and citizens, is a type of that exist
ing in the country at Urge, then, I think, fom may
well bo entertained for the harmony of the Union, 1
It would be hard to exaggerate the feeling of bit
teraess in which anoh acenea orignntc, as that
which touk place when Wood, of Ohio, rose yes
terday, immdeittely afler the election of Clerk, to
denounce the recreancy of those of his jinny, who
had abandoned hti favorite candidate, and wheu
hb voice was drowned by cries of order.-—But
in the Senate the evidences of suppressed rage
end hostility are even mom striking; more vio
lent or exdUng speeches were never heard-in
that body than those of Clemens and jeflSreoo
Davis on Thursday last, whan the latter Hotspur
dared to prooood to the length of defying those
who held sentiments on the slavery question op*
posed to his owo, to a personal cooliet with him
on the door of the Senate. lam sot one of those
who believe lb© South means' nothing by her
.threats, any more than I doubt ths deed determi
nation of the North to adhere to the course which
her duty to herselfj and the cause ofjostice, and
civilisation has pointed out for her. irtlie North
drmly.aaiutuias her attitude, and sternly applies
her principles in the important measurers about to
coins up as parts of a great National Policy, as I
trust she will do, then, in my judgment,, the agita-.
tors ef the South will do precisely what they have
threatened to do. They will attempt to divide the
Uolou. They will hold a great Southern Con
vention. . - They will undertaxe to imporlgoods
without the payment of doxies. They will! resut
the enforcement of process fiotxrlhe federal coartr.
Thoy will seek to prevent the collection oidebu
duo Nbtlherndlizea* They will confiscate North
ern property. In abort they will attempt io re
cede from the Union. All thb they say they will
! dp, and I believe them, so far aa (he will! to do
what they threaten m»]
ive dates wonUjots
*ia tbeasveaanL 'Net Maryland, aw TDiiaware,
ootwithstsadinf the fanaticism of the Ifoveioor of
the. Stoker. .. Hot Kentucky, &ot Missouri, sot
Louisians ?‘I should hope not Tennessee, sad
Arkansas from her position, hemmed in by the
Mississippi, between Missouri tnd Louisians.
Lesvi&g oat Texas for the present, we should have
the seven South Eastern States from Virginia to
Miamippif&r the fonnstiun ofu Southern Slave
holding republic, or empire, or whatever Mr.' Cal
houu fthoald decree. From ate feeble ncu, suek a
j government would be eomiemplible; from the el
ement of internal weakness it would contain, in
testine wars of-races and castes might be ex
pected soon to consume it, and from the insolence
of us demeanour towards the nightly coalederacy
that would surround sad bemit in, it would soon
; be attacked, subjugated, and suppressed.
| It Is understood that B. F. Brown, of Ohio', who
: has been for the last six weeks the Democratic can
didate lor Door Keeper of. the Hoase, is ho deeply
Imp&ctted in the cases of fraudulent claims against i
the office cf-Secoad Auditor, that he has been with*
drawn from that position. A commit'ee of hit
J tan oc ratio supporters, of Baltimore,
being tithe hod of it, called'upon the Second-
Auditor to examine into ihejnttter, and reported
that Mr. Brown a candidate. 1
learn that Nagtee, the principal agent has obtain
ed frqm.the go rent meat uo less, than $59,000 on
Caged and altered papers. The fraod. which led
to the detection of his viUiauies was perpetrated
iu a elala on behalf of Captain Naylor, ofPrtu*
burgh. The galliot Cspuinjhad a citing of some
two or three hundred dollars for railing- volun
teers. 'This fellow Naglee, bought it at'a small
'discount, and having obtained ibe proper vouch
ers from Captain Naylor, eo altered the paperi as
:to procure <360 upon them. Suspicions being ex'
! cited, the Captain WAS written to, and imtbediale
jly (Sited the’ease to the Department, and came to
| tka.CtpUol to aid In exposing the swindler.—Nt
, glee has disappeared. Of course, if babe caught,
be w2Pierre Ibegoverament fora decadeofyear*
Iu (he penitentiary. >' Jrates.
Wasnstoros, Jan. 14, 1850.
fjae-isfAia g to (be beat of my information, the rn
mouroftknreetl ofMr.Sqaieris unfounded, or
has so other then dot the - President
ud Secretary bf State ballevd' that be has pro*
ceeded.too hastily and too (aria hi* negotiations
with the government of Central America, respect
ing the cession of torn lory. I eanqot beliCretbat
is to bo recalled for adopting aneoer
getieliae of eondnct in an emergency which re*
qaifed activity and docisioa. It.iisaid, that in
procuring tho oeaaios ofTigre Island,Mr. Squier
exceeded his instructions. No doubt in the world
of that, for amove*
meat neeesary and desirable. Mr. Squier had no?
foliated a treaty, by which many and most im*
portent benefits had been secured to an association
of Americans, as indaseasnts and cocoa rage*
nenuo proceed in the construction of the
great Nicaragua ship canal. It is represented
lhatthe island of Tigre lies appeals the proposed
Paeido terminus of this Canal, and that it possesses
many advanigges far an American Naval Station
in those sen] Jtfr.Sqaicr had, moreover, teamed
that Uia Oriiiah Cotacl, General Cbitfield was
costem pitting the violent leisure of lu !He there*
fore procured a grant of tho Island.” Now, whit,
ever Mias Nancy King and hts twaddling majority
of the Senate committee bf Foreign Relations may
•ay to this proceeding, and however indignant
they may afiectio be in regard to It, if Mr. Squi
«ria to beproscribed for an act indicative oi so
mush enlightened nod well directed seal,' such
promptness, oftergy and ’genius, then the people
will takn care to reveres the judgment and re
move the brind; Ifwehade&wmoresuehre
ppweafativeaabroid] the chandler of American
Alpfoaecy would be more elevated, 1 and American
'rights jbetterrespectnd. Hr.' Squier hu not yet
bees confirmed bytheSeaam/aadcpnsidericg the
power whisk now ruleaibere,' Uis possible be
maybe rejected,' tboagkithfak, the brua in hard*
ly there which would be required for such in act
Tho snare rumor which speak* bf the recall of
Mr.JSquer, asserts that Ur. Chatfield ha* also
bees recalled by the British government, end thst
the withdrew*! of both theta agent* 600 the tbea
tre ofthe bofttreversy) is tiro result at n coaproa*]
sgreed too betimalba United Shore end J
./ ■. ; -
Great Uriiicu. Probably there isnot om wted of
troth in the ttateiseit, os- nqieeu gsniln
nua. The dispute is certainly of a very insignifl
cut character to provoke to blow* two mighty na
tions, brn U would be perfectly safe to deny that
aay neb settlement has bees made or proposed
by either aide.
Hr. Wetmore’a dehkmifou is nov stetod 10 be
1170,030 ]t viQ probably beredooed still farther,
bat there U no doubt whatever, that a large defefe
cation exists, and nobody of common sense be*
ieve* that one cento tit will be recovered.
It is dee lo the friends of the protection of Amer
ican labor, to state. is to be expected
from the voluntary action of the House of Repre
sentatives, as at present organised. Nothin* can
move **»■♦ body but a powerful pressure from
without The Committee of Ways and Means is
composed of fear Soathera Democrats- 'one from
New Hampshire, and Toombs of Georgia, six an*
to three Whig*. .If the; country
expects any thing to be done, it moat be by the
voice of the peoplo, expressed through public
meeting*, to operate apon tho whale Home, and
the majority of the House most thereby, if possible,
be compelled to do its duty, by instructing the
appropriate committees, picked by Mr. Cobb, ao
as toamotherthe voice of the country, to do thelrm
The tables or the Secretary of the Treasury
*ahowlhaUhdimpoittoflBl9 exceed tfaeexports
by two millions of dollars. The imports (of iron,
and manufactures or iron, amounted to 115,058,-
991, for the fiscal year, bat we know that lor tbt
Wmx months, ending December 91st, 1849, a
vast impetns in the introduction of fcrirign {iron
took place, nthat probablyJdttrfng the present fit*
cal year, the importations ofthese artloles will be
vastly increased. It it fer the working men of
Pennsylvania to say whether they will tolerate a
state ofthinga which that saps the sources of their
Industry, and transfers their employments to the
ianda of stranger*. Jmuci.
WasuuioTon, Jan. 15,1850
Since 1 last wrote, I havo ascertained t hat a
corrent rumor of some importance relative lo the
progress of business in the House., which twaa
: inclined at first to reject as altogher improbable'
is true. Mr. Bayly, chairman of the committee of
-Ways and Moans, has hitherto neglected to call
together that most Important of the House com
milteet, although fifteen days have elapsed since
Ua-nppoinimtnt. There is e rule requiring this
-committee to report the five leading tp
propri&iion bills within thirty, day* after its ap
pointment. 1 ahowed.a.dayprtwo since, that
the liberal and impartial Speaker, Cobb, whom Use
Whigs permitted to be elected, had placed on this
committee six anti tariff men to three protec
tionists, and five Southern to four Northern men.
Of course Bayly has absolute control of the com
mute, as hit particular set—dintinguiabedfor noth
ing so much as bigotry and narrow mindedoess
has of the whole House, after Cobb’s exhibition of
his true character. Whatever schemes he may
desire to carry oot tor the benefit of hia party, will
be .attempted, and will be likely lo aucceed. It is
now • point of mneb interest, what is the design
of Bayly and his coadjutors in, that attempting
practically to exclade tho Whig members from
tbe committee of Ways end Meant, or to abolish
the committee itself! It is not to be presumed
that Bayly baa omitted to summon his Democrat
lie fellow laborers on the committee to a confer
ence. Tbe preparation of the appropriatieo bill,
I ao told, is a work which felly oocupiee the - thirty
days allowed by the law, and as fifteen of them
have alredycxpired, there is no reasonable ex
pectation that those bills will be ready at tbe prop
er time.
b has been suggested that Bsyly’e purpose and
that of hi* auxiliaries is to prepare an answer to
Mr.'Meredith’s report, opposing his views upon
IheTuriffsnd the revenue, spring ip
on the committee, and without allowing the mb
‘ nority the time or opportunity to rej'oin by a com
mittee report, iorce Jt tbroogh and report it to the
House. It is very evident that the public business
is to ba deliberately negletted, ao for as it has been
confided to ibis committee, or It is to be transact
ed without ike partiepsbon or tbe knowledge of
the Whig minority upon it- The matter will prob
ably soon come before tbe House, and win shall
then have a pretty fell discussion of Gobbtaa in
-The Senate hit conjoined the day In «bA*lb;
ono of Iho (rest achievtacnli of Iho late K. J.
Walker, for (be little financeer eeeou already de*
fnoct u veil in the
of tho-pairicrio and disinterestod ' anr&mesta of
the last adutiniriratioe, was to get a hill passed
throogh Congress, providing that henceforth the
annual expenses of collectisg tho revenue should
not exceed $! ,560,000, whereas, through that ad
ministration they bad been about $3,100,090 a
year. How ibis saving oi shoot 33 per cent was
<o be effected, when tho erection of many new
districts and the opening at new ports in Texas
and the Pacific territories, required largo addition
al expenditures was never very aatiafoetority ex
plained, but, at any rate, the bill was passed, to
lake effect Jane 30th, 1649, so ts to give tho great
Robsrt J. Walker no trouble nor any uneasiness
to proceeding for so radical a change. In feet
the bill passed on -the last night of his official
The attention of Congress wu called to the
miucr as soon as it assembled, and Mr. Phelps
presented a joint resolution suipecdicg the opera
alion of the proviso notii more ample Dto
vision could be made for regulating the matter.—
But nothing was done, and 10 day, the Republic
appears with a circular addressed to collectors,
stating that for the present the whole revenue
cotter service mutt be suppressed, the officers
and men dismissed, the weighing and gnaging
moat be done at the expense of the merchants,
and expenses of warehousing goods must be also
borne by them. Upon this alarming proceeding
on the part of the Secretary, the Benate took up
Mr. Phelpt’ joint resolution, and even Mr. Dick*
iasoa, the Homan Dickinson, chairman of tbecom
mittee on Finance, was compelled to admit that
the law could not be carried out, and he himself
moved to amend the resolatioa eo is to permit the
same amount to be expended on the collection of
the revenue ns wu done in 1818, that is to
82,100,000 a year. And that amendment Wu
adopted, and by the easting vote of the Viee Pre
sident, a rather curious incident. A bungling law
is passed by a Democratic Congress, it cannot be
executed, the Democratic chairman of the finance
committee is, at the meeting of the next Coegress,
forced to move to repeal the essential part of it;
his party resist, be and the Whig* join forces, and
bis motion to'repair the consequences of his awn
and his friends bungling, is passed by the casting
vote ofthe Whig Vice President—a rare conge*
rie« oT comical errors—wiih a happy itnonwmd.
The Senate received from the President, to dajr c
the papers and correspondence on the Rey abdue
t:on case, which were referred to the committee
on Foreign Affairs and on the Jodieiary. Mr.
Jones wu also confirmed Marshal of one of the
Ohio districts. Jtmro*.
Cdireipeodenca ofthe i’uiihorgh Gssette.
Huausu'so, Jaa. 14,1650.
• In the Senate, to day, Mr. Dartie presented a
petition signed by 116 eiiixtos oi Allegheny Coun
ty for tho repeal ofthe $3OO exemption law ol last
Session; He alio presented two in favor of a Gen*
era! Banking Law. And cne from the Williams*
port Bridge Company for an abridgement of their
Mr. Lawrence, in place, introduced.nhQlto
incorporate a bank at Pottstows, : Montgomery
County. •
Air. Hadet, one to Incorporate tho Pennsylvania
Steamboat Navigation Company.
Ift. Walker, one to limit the lime of bringing tho
second action of ojectmont.. j
Mr. McCulin prereoted-the folloWfag resolu
lion*— . ', ’
Whereas, Bf the tenth a/ticie of the amended
Constitution of Pennsylvania, provision baa been'
made for the amendment of skid CqnstUuupn,
with n provision that no amendment or amend
ment* shall be submitted to lips people/offener
than once in five years. - And wbereas/U i* far*
tber provided-by the aforesaid Instrument, that
when more than one amendment U contemplated,
tbev shall be submitted to the people In such man
net3indferurthsF. vote .baHTaken on each
amendment separately nnd distinctly.. „ :
Therefore, Resolved, Thatthe pending amend,
meat to our Constitution; now on the file* of .the
Senate,No. to, be referred to .the ■Committee on
the Jodieiary, with instructions to divest it of itt
sal s'ary character ud induce ii .to a dingle cUaeft
to provide for the deetloa .of . Judge* by tbepeo*
pie. / ' ; ;
Resolved, That tbo said Committee be farther
instructed to propoee and submit to the Senate *
clause to be incorporated into the Constitutiou,
providing for the meeting of the Legislature bias
olally, or once in two yeara, ud that they bo lim
ited to sixty days.
IResolvod, That the said Committee be farther
instructed to report* clause to bo made n part of]
the Ceutlmtmn, limiting the notion of the Xegis- j
[store to the pasmgo of genarel laws only; end
tut ealj leva be eo fretted te to ■miKat?**
eooit* to supply the deficiency, end confer ell
nghta, powsrv, end privOegef, of a beal chart*
Rewired, Tbit aid Committee be further in*
ttncted to prepare end report a dame to be en
petal in the Conttltutioa, fixing fifteen to be tbs
higher number of Repreaentativee from any one
county, or city and county, with a eorwponding
number of Sena tore.
Resolved, Thai the Bald be farther
inttiucted to prepare and report a danse to be
made a out of tbe Conatitotfon, aa aforesaid, pro*
riding fir the election of a Governor
tbe people, to be cboßen at tba time of the
Which'were read a second time. Upon these
rentotiOßO a to? spirited debate arose, in which
Messrs. McCaalin, Dante, Streeter, Sing, Walker,
and Drum, participated. Tbe debate wan of a
very general character, embracing different top*
Ics,and different propoeed amendment*. Mr. Dar
de. declared himself deddbdly against
•esdons of tbe legislature. Bat on this question
or the election of Judges, he said be should be
gorerqed by what be believed to be the wishes cf
his constituents. The debate bids f*»* to become
somewhat protracted, be lore the final vote is taken.
Bome of tbe ablest members hold that the resolu
tion* paased last winter are crude, and Qly adapt
ed to the object in view. When tampering with
tbe fundamental law is freely allowed, amend
ments become a there is no knowing
bow far it may carry members in their innovating
movements A few yean ago the proposition tr
have our Judges elected by the people would
bave excited alarm in every quarter. Aad many
of tbe most judicious still iWnh that popular sen
timent is sufficiently oppemtive upon the trial of
causes, through (be Jury box.
Just before the Senate adjourned, Mr. King in
troduced a series of resolutions os the subject of
the Tariff" which lie over for the present. They
recommend to Congress additional protection, aad
specific duties.,
This being petition daf; in the House, most of
the time was ocaopitd with the presentation of
A bill was taken up and passed, giving addi
tional compensation to the-Auditor General, an
State Treasurer, -for their services as Commis
sioners of tho sinking sod' internal improvement
foods. It fixes the additional snm of three hoc*
died dollars each. Mr. Porter endeavored to en*
r*ffs new section upon this Bill, to the effect that j
tbe Auditor General and Secretary of tbe Land
Offioe, shall bold their offices for three years, if
they so loog behave themselves well; but that after
the 10th ofMay,ißsl, they should be subject to
removal, by the Governor. The House, by a large
majority, over twenty, voted down the proposi
tion. '
The present AndUor General and Secretary of
the Lend Office, hold their plaees until 1651,
when, under the present lew, Gov. Johnston will
have tbe power of appointment to these place*,
for a term of three years more. The object of
thiajnovement is therefore apparent. It was to
secure, in the eventofibe election of a Locofoco
Governor, Locofoco successors to the .present
Looofoeu incumbents of these offices. Tbe Hsuse,
tboogh containing, as yosr readers are aware, a
large majority of Loeofocos, administered a re
buke to Mr. Porter that be will oot soon forget.
Tbe time has gene by, now, when measures can
be proposed and carried upon suoh disreputable
ground*. COBDEN.
rooa nw yoax.
Carrerpciideaee of tbe PtxrilbsTyk Gasans.
Nxwjfoax, Jan. 14, 1650.
The city is all active with the news to day from
Europe, as well as from the western shore of our
own wide ipresd empire. Tbe remittance from
California reaches foil ooe million of dollar*,
though tbe manifest of the ships set down only
four hundred thoasand dollars. Among tho par
wagers is Mr. Faulkner, of the Pacific New*,
wnoee statements may be considered quite as re
liable si the published account*, which are glow*
lng enough. He it confident that the snppty of
gold will remain undiminisbed tor the next twen
ty years, but says, tt wifi be gathered not by a
rude process, bat upon the' most approved mode
of mining. Labor is getting cheaper, but tbe bant
working sad fearless can yet map a harvest as
abundant as has been relumed thus for.
From the Liverpool cotton market the sews
is not less cheering to a large class ofeiu
Iseas. Cotton had risen eaa half cent parr pound
in two closing firm. Urn news has given
holders berenn,aroq"*»l_nfrnnrtil<~r~ rn~~* —***
i--.I ~ . i —nrequinoowuverpoorigprovpv
tsaal Udemanded. The(dvarpooTfiourmarbu
bolds little hope tt oor breedsraffb tMv-'Jak, lisp
price of fine brands of flour standing at 355, or sfi
oet As prices. rule here no shipments can te
aide, lie political news give room to bops
tbs continent of Europe is ones mors to' pass
through a revolution, the result of which cannot te
doubtful. It is too late to think that republican
principles wifi not triumph, when the riven of
Europe break up, tba patriotism of tbe people will
be aroused to violent action, and a new instil*
mast of liberty be acquired by the masses.
Tbe monetary world, after a weak of panic, com-,
menees with a good deal of buoyancy. All through
the put week tba strongest hoasea were engaged
in breaking the market down, in the first pboa to
enable them to secure the Erie and Hudson rivet
bonds si a low price, aad, in the second place, to
enable them to purchaw a Urge amount oif Stock
•old short some six months ago. Which sell to day
si 63i cash. _• The Erie bonds were obtained at
eighty one per cent with'the accumulated interest,
and the Hudson river bonds st ninety nine witb
an accumulation often per cent interest. Money
is very cheap and abnndaai, and upon call can
be bad at fire per cent, and at mxper cent for
long papers.. Real arista continnes very-active,
and prtoe* are paid for unproductive property that
makes it certain that the purchaser must hold it
long years before he can think of securing hli
money again. '"i
One of oar promiaent Judges, who must be
nameless, had a compliment tendered to him lui
week which demonstrates the purity of the New
York courts of Jaw, of which mention has before
been made. Drary, tho counterfeiter, wbo seems
to know the way, tendered a Judge two hundred
dollars not to Interfere, but. to refrain from inter
ferraee, upon Ike question of bail. The Judge
ptaeed (he letter before the Greed Jury who found
a true bill tor attempting to tamper with justice,
which, if sustained by a jury, wifi consign Drury,
to tbe State Prison for ten yean. The transactions
of Drary, Bennett, ud others, bare created a good
deal of uneasiness among the money lenders—
These rascals have ridden in their coachee, and
•ported elegant country seats for years, without
evident means or livelihood, except their excel
lent penmanship, ud it la rather inierettiog to
know who is to pay for all. They have still funds
at command, add, ilka Polly Bodiae, though con*
i vicled In tbe eye of every man cf common tense,
Wit] go uawhipped of jutiee, to any extent, com
pared with their villainy. '
.The rush of packet ships is unprecedented, no
leu than twelve reporting themselves in tbe four
days ending on tbe 19th. Tbe average arrival of
emigrants, since tbe new yeaVhas been eight
hundred per day, ud the effect (s already shown
m the hills of health. The mortality for the week
has-been SSI, of whioh. only 153 were under ten
yean of age. Diseases of the lungs havo swept
off thirty three per ceal/of the whole, but,’apart
from this class of diseases, tbe city la remarkably
healthy. /
No one need be alarmed lest the Government
should hoard money <in consequence ofthe large
imports. Theteverso of hoarding is nearer the
real state of things. Inconsequence ol the frauds
ol |he Treasury Department, in estimating tho cast
of the revenue largely beiow tbe actual
requirements, ud the neglect of Congress to rem
edy this btuder, the Treasury is at a low ebb,
ud instructions have been received here to out
down e very thing.
The crews of the revenue cutters are to he dis
charge d»aad the vessels laid up. Tbe expense
of weighing, guaging, or measuring merchandise,
as per tariff act of 50th July, 1846, is to be borne
by the owners, agents, or oansjgnee. The ex
pense attending tbe appraisement of merchandise,
such as labor, cartage, storage, must be paid
tjy tbe importers, ud will bo charged en the goods
god oolleeted before delivery. There must be
Withheld • proportion of the compensatioa* cf
oflea* ud others employed In the collection of
tbe revenue.. Thedepemnent mustdispenso with
gnhdijeoueainty not be neceetary
tor the I prompt discharge of. busincre. This'la
fosuauf workjtut Mr, Meredith will be borne’
out fa Mby the people.! If Mr. estimate;
pfthe oost of collccttdh’was honest, he- out Wind
the that will be raised at Mr. Meredith’s
cutting Ms department down to this preenutatA
bid of his predecessor.'
Markets n» not ectivs. Mea perk, $lO 790
I$U; prime,s337SBBo. LsfdU*otiVO,alfl|o6*.
tkouldcrs, pickled, 8054; km, 7074. Bnanle
doll, and nrrthtm quality of State arils at 10018;
Ohio, 7011. Whiskey, 300254. Iron—Buyer*
of SeoicU pig offer $3O 60, cash, and holders wish
fill 59, cash, on the. wharf. 100 tons English ban
brought $42 50;. SO'tons Scotch, $44, six months;
SO toua CoUn-ss Scotch pig, $2l, cash, from ship;
and sho tons Swedes sold on private terms. The
market is quite firm.. Flaxseed his arid at 150,
and closes firm. Clover, 7to7s. In flour there
is no materia) change, and the sales are moderate,
say W 0 to 1000 barrels, principally of the better
grade*; common to riraight brands are $50513|.
Southern flour, rye flour and meal, are as before,
and dull. Grain—Thera is some inquiry for wheat,
but holders are too Arm for boyar*; $137 was said
to bo refused, for a handsome parcel of Genesee.
Osu ere in active request, and firm. Rye con
tinue* dull at 600601 c. Tke supplies of corn
are larger, but the market is firm. For new
southern yellow 60c was offered. C.
Fghebjo. axsvicxa or Da. Mill**.—The funeral
services of the lata Rev. Dr. Miller took pfere
on Thursday afternoon, at the first Presbyterian
Church io Princeton, s largo number of clergy
men aad othere from abroad.beisf in attendance.
The opening prayer was made by the Rev. J. J.
Jaaeway,D.lX;thefaneraldiacoQrsowat preach
ed by the Rev. A. Alexander, D. D. on Hebrews
xL 11 “ These all died in faith, dec." and the list
prayer was made by the Rev. James Carsahsn,
D D.
In 1664 the cold was so ioleose that the
Thames was covered with ice sixty-one inches
thick. Almost all the birdrperitbed.
In 1691 the odd was so excesaive the famished
wolves entered Vienna and. attacked beasts end
even men. Many in Germany were frozen to
death in 1695,and the winters of 1697 and 1699,
were nearly as bad. -In 1709 occurred that fa
mous winter called, by distinction, the cold winter.
AU the riven and lakes were frox'en, end even
the see for several miles from the shore. The
ground was fro sea nine feet deep.' Birds and
beasts were strufck dead in the fields, and men
perished by thousands in their houses. In tbe
south of France the vine plantations were almost
slldestrayed; nor hive they yet reoovered from
that fatal disaster, Tbe Adriaiio sea was frosen,
and even the Mediterranean aboat Genoa, and
tbe citron orange groves suffered extremely
in tbe finest parts ofltaly.
In 1716 the winter was so intense that people
travelled across the straits from Copenhagen te the
province ofSenia, in Sweden.
In 1729, in Scotland, multitudes of eauio and
sheep were buried in the snow.
In 1730 tbe winter was scarcely inferior to that
of 1709. Tbo snow lay teo feet deep ioBpainand
Portugal. The Zuyder Zee was fosen over, and
thousands of people went over iL And the lakes
in England froze.
In 1744 tbe winter was very cold. Snow fell
in Portugal to the depth of S 3 feet on a leveL
1n1754 and 1755 the winters were very revere
and cold, to England the strongest ale. exposed
to tbe sir in a glass, was covered in 15 minutes
with ice one eighth of an Inch thiek.
In 1771 the Elbe was frozen to the bottom.
In 1776 tho Danube bore ice five fret deep be*
low Vienna. Vast number* or the feather* and
innytribes perished.
The winters 0f1764 and *B5 were uncommonly
sevtir. The Little Belt was frozen over
From 1800 to 1812 also, the winters w*ere re
markably cold, particularly the latter, in
which proved so distal no us to the French army.
Da. ATLaxt’s Lira Pius.—The demand for this
(real remedy Is rapidly inereatiog, aad we are every
day receiving orders from a distance for lots, which
we fiod it almost UspotslMe to supply as fast aa re
quired. Tho troth Is, the remedy requires only a trial
to convince tbe most sceptical of It* excellence. We
select, from a file of simitar decement*, tbe following:
“Covueros, Ohio, May 18,1847.
“J. Kidd A Co: Gentlemen, Aa 1 am engaged in sell
ing a few very eboice medicine*,'l do oot consider my
stock complete, unless 1 have asapply of Dr. WLaaeVi
Liver Pills. I obtained a few dosen boxes of there
Pill* from Mitchell A Co., whleh cold very fast, and I
wish a new supply immediately.
For sale by J. KIDD A CO-, No. O, comer of Fourth
and Wood n, Pinsbargh. (jsslS-dAwlwS
A Core aad Osrttteat* at Heaae*
{p* Raan wxax a aats or ro PxtaoLtuo.—
I hereby certify that about two week* ago I was seiz
ed with a violent susek of wsftfsg aad porgseg Chol
era Morbus, with very disucsstaf pains in tho stomach
and bowels, which was completely relieved by two
leaspoonfal dotes of Peuolenm, taken in a little wa
ter. After having taken theirsi dose, I slept soundly
and comfortably for three boors. [Signed)
Ou board the steam boat Aiindaa.
Piusbaigb, Dec. life, 1849.
I am Captaisof the Ariadne, ahd was a witness to
ftostfirgh,ltatiairiata • '[.'.-j
CTSm gensrai advert: semeat is eeethsr'odoms
PkctrvH Zmaoa evaaa.—rrepared njr J. W. Kelly
William auset,N. Y-ind for sals by A-Jaya**, Na.
re Foarth smeL ThL wOi he feud a deligttkl anl
eteonwverage la families, and panleeUrty tor sick
Bassb'< ttiaMA.— an improved Caoeolau prepen*
tlon, heing e eemhinstioe oi Cocos nat; iwmeeat, in
viroransr and palatable, highly recommended perUe
nlarly for invalid*. IVepireu by W. Baker, Dorehce
ter, aud for tale by- A. JAYOIGB, at the Pcbts
j_** more- No. VO Foarth o mehlt
Impreveraeßta in Dintlitry.
DR. G. O. STEARNS, l*u of Boetna, U prepared u>
muuiiueiure and set Block Tsnn in whole and pan*
of seta, epos Section or Aimotpharie Section Platac—
Toothache cttan Et malesct**, where theaarveu
•xpotod. OAee and reauioace next door to the, liay*
ort ofier, Foarth street, PtUsbereh.
Barn to—J- B- hPPaddsn. F, H. Eaton. )al»
fifoiu/urr, Bill* hiiing, CtntrocU, Law Blanli,
rouaxs, Ac. Ae. '
Prtctad at tbe thottest notice, at low price*, ai*lh«
ins CitariE Otrtc*. Titian svseet.
im- mn —PB. o. HCHT,
<T]LS9VKfesfi3/ penlist. Comer efYoenli
itid Decotar, between
■ _ oetl-dlTif
Mark*! usd Fort* sunt*
OrtThuud* y morning, the Meat Colwcll,
wife of Mr. Robert MoKarc, aged 83 year*.
The fsueral will toko place ikii day, from her law
residence on Federal street, abere tbe Diamond, Alle
gheny city. Tha friends of tho family are reipeOfally
laelted it* attend. .
BUTTKU —13 bbla Roil, la cloths; 10 bx» do; Id kgs
parked do; for sale by
J,nia JO CANFIELD, Front *t
T Y -" CAr/ptELD
SCOKCHINOS-O cask* in eioto and lor eaUi b|
tIHEEWE-IKO bxa prime, In store afldfor Mdo &T
t ju,ia JBCANFIKL»
s^P us - 7 ‘ bi “° J ioe "iVcAsr.a.D
CA^^ 0 b “ M ° ,ld '
f "’SSSF °“- a tbl ' •* ft, CANFIELD
- g * f I ?ug - M a b^^ag J K , E l ' 7
hCT-* *■“" sMftassassa T -
J^tHEESE—A email loLtoraate low to close eouign
\L> menu by jsnlg PREVFOPLB * CLARKE
fGOd- 10 bblA good, jut ree'd and for aale by
New BACON—6O,OOO Ibslleg Round, prune, in
imftke house, for sals by - _
SOAP— £0 bxa Palm Soap, jail ree’d per steamer
Zike No #, and lor sale Ljr
WB. MURPHY lot lies the attsmion of burets to
• bis present choice stock of Prints at Igf eeuta
per yard, <u fast eolera and newest styles.
Also—Newest style* English Cainues, from 19ft to
18f cestf.
Alto—A fall assortment of small figured light Print*
andChintxes, buffi blao, pink, laloek, purple, orange,
Ac. 1 jCTWholesale Rooms np stairs. • jsniß
SCORCHED SALTS—4 bbla in store and for sale by
CREAM CHEESE—47 boxes large, in store and for
afloby Janlß lIARDY, JONES A CO
TIOTATOES—HO sacks in store sad for sale by
jffianl* HARDY, JONHS A CO
P"fcA NUTS—ISO sacks lor sals by
A COULD CANDLES—IOO bxs In store and for salo
Bacon HAMS-Citv Cored instore and for sale by
MfllS -STUART A SILL, 119 Wood «1
SHOULDERS— City Cued ta store and for sale by
GUNNY BAGS— SOO jait rec’d and for ealoby
/"'tUEESE—3OO bxa prime, in store and tor sal* bV
By partleaUi reqaeru the Eatsrptani mil ramatn
U the above splendid Hail, for a few nights more,
and eeminaa their cnaent aan ucußTaai.* sanaxau-
Mm ca Friday and Satardsy Era, Jan. l» and IS,
appearing each night ae the EUTERPE—LAWREL*
LAULhNB, alee each night in thair celebrated qui*.
ntn on nn t tor**, rrlihnew tup, Dance, Ae. Ac.
.H3*FoTparticalan tea Programme. JtnlT
OUGAR—SOhhds N O, new crop. J MtrWd and'for
Paalaby - Janl7 McOiLLS A ROE
DRIED PEACHES—IOO b« on hand and tot sale
by lanl7 McOiLLS A ROE
.Bfpn APPLES—A small lot. choice for sale on
r censtg T|W| cnl by jan!7 Me Q ILLS A ROE
H/f OLASBBS-S0 bf tbl*NO,J» iterated for tala
"k&pfHecate 808
ewki for Ula *•»’
e«k«f<ir tttotr.. . • " ~
LARD— tt ken end ft bbU No I, on haod *B* far
luTby jtnl? McGILLS 4 ROE
ftt bUI» Oitb Oder; ,
fj fthfbhl** 4 “ jutm’dtadfemteby
)nir WWwiwot
. : ■"? ■■■'' ' vy " ::; ' ■ I ;
IXOLASSE&-3V bbla N O. M* crop, jutiee'd
ITx and for talc by
\TTUiDOVr GLASS—IWO b«, w'd aitet,tber-
YV bean's make) for tala by;
PEARLASH-6 cukt icc’d and for tala by
GLASS-600 bit tn'd. In turn and for tala by
CLOVER SEED—OOO bn prion new. Car tale by
BUTTRR-# fablt Fretb RnU. for taia bf
jan!7 • JOHN WATT kCo
CHEESE-50 hx» prime W R; ;
so eke Goshen: in etnre and for tale by
-jaal? ■ JOHN WATT k Co
DRIED FRUIT—SO) bn new reaches; _
40 “ 'Applet; for tale by
Wn or PimpuSAß Gat C 0. ,)
January 14,1650. (
fPHE Trustees of the Piusburgh Gat Company bare
A. (kit day declared a diridtnd of four per eent out
JFlhs profiu of tho list fix month*. on lie Capital
Stack paid in; payable to the stockholder* or their le-
Sl ispres* metises,'forthwith, at iho Office of lha
janU-dftAwltT Treaaarer.
Cositvy B*ild*ae« for Hiatt
eft FHOM the fiwl of- April jiext—My Maniton
EH in the C>ty EUtiieu and the ground and itablug.
JE» ocenpied therewith.
ALSO—ThoOrehaitl Hill, Carden, Ac., .adjoining
George Breed, Em.
Brisk Yard for Bant.
A LOT OF GROUND, luiltble for a Brick Yard,
and situated sear the elty line, in the vicinity of
Bobo Bridge, will be rented for a term of yean. Ap
ply u> E. D. GAZZAM, Third rtreet.
Office over the Foil Office,
(Pott and Mercury copy.)_
Hadleal Notice.
THE partnership between Drs. Bixx* A MosqaX
*u dissolved, by mental consent, on the lit insl
Or. SPEER will be found el hi* old office on Penn
Dr, MORGAN will >e found el hi* office on Liberty
street, e few door* br’bwPilt jnnlCSt
A Ptaaent for Year Koßlly. .
Preuasao WaaiLT— BB ru ansttac.
“The be*l piper in the Union." (EveoingSlar.
“Rather get in eoel then go without if” [Boston Poet
New nbaeribera qap be *upplied from Jen. 1,1650,
If immediate application be made (either personally or
by letter) at the Office lof Publication, S 3 Wood »t
Jtalfl ' J. p. LOCKWOOD.
Wuiheun for Bent.
TO LET, from the l*t day of April next that Ware
houee at the corner of liberty and lland etreete,
atpreseni occupied by John Wait A CO. u a Whole
•ala Grocery. Apply io.
. J. P. KERR, Attorney. Fourth street,
ltalo-3t : befn Brumfield and Grant.
For Bent.
A ROOM on the second story oi the Warehetue
Na tfl Wood street ' janlfi
For Bant*
Eighteen Acre* of ground in a good state of cal
•tlyaiion, together with good stabling, kc-, situated
miles from Pittsburgh, near the Greensbnrah tnropike,
and adjoining the Allegheny Cemetery. There is an
excellent spring near the dwelling?- Possession given
on the lit April
ALSO—A three stbry Brick Dwelling i loose, «n
Liberty street between O'Hara and Walnnt streets,
Fifth Ward, at present occupied-hr the subscriber.
Possession given on the Ist April. Enquire of
Jial6-tT WM. YOUNG, lil Liberty »t
NEW NEGRO BONG, by S. C. Font* —'NJh, Lem
uel. go down to de Cotton Field.’’—a new Ethio
pian Melody, jut ree’d and for sale by
Janlfi J n MELLOB, W Wood it
TANNERS’ OIL—M bbls Strait’s Oil, for sale by
lanie JAMES PALZELL, B-Waier st_
SOLE LEATHER—BOO sides Spanish, for sale low
FEATHERS— 1000 lbs prime, for sate by
NAIL 3--600 kep Obphant’s brand, for sale by
New BACON—HAMS, SIDES a shoulders—
80|000 lbs in Smoke Home, for sale by
KIEB A JONES, Canal Basin,
janff near Scren’h street
FIX) UR—l25 bbls in store and for sals by
laali Market st
OATS— 250 ba in stare and (or sale by
ONIONS— 10 bbls rtcM and for tale by
f ARP-8 kegs, in store and for saJ« by
BUI TER—IO bbls Freili 8011, in eloths,to day rac’d
and for sale by jaalß CRAIG A SKINNER
BEANS— 13 bbls Small White, forsale by
DRIED PEACHES—BS bu Just ree*d and for sale by
HICKORY’ NUTS—IO bbla in store and for sale by
GREEN APPLES—23 bbla in store and for sale hr
‘nOTATOES—IOO bbls in store and for sale by
i Janie CRAIG A SPNNER,BS Market st
iUTTER—6 bbla (Plaingroye) Fresh Roll, just rec'd
1 aadfoxsalehy Jarld J A R FLOVD
I ARP—BO kegt No 1, on hand and for sale by
i JaalO JARPfxi’
-TJOTASH— Ucaskatnsiathasadforwdahy 1
r nui Jta.LOYD
/CHEESE—OO bxs W R, oa hand and lor sale by
\j janli JAB FLOYD
TLTOTIOE M hereby given to- iho Metabcti of the
i\ Cumberland ValJe; Mutual Protection Company,
o t wekinson township, Cumberland coast;. Pn., that
u uMOatnt of six per earn, has this da; been laid
tntke premium notes of fold Company, by the Hoard:
whtehaaosatisdirected to be paid to the .Treasurer
ofaaid Coapany,aceurding to the chart*rand by-laws.'
B; order or tits Board. A. Q. MILLER,,
jaalo-3t i • . Secretary-
t l Another cate performed by
Ij utlof tbe ongieal, only true tad genuine Liver
iiwruw. Brown eo ,O n March SO, 1647.
Mr. R. E Seller* In April lattmy wife was attack
ed with Uver CofflpLainuVand bad the advice of two
physicians, who tried various remedies without pro*
dating any good effect. Hiving heard of your ctSe—
brateo Liver Pills, ! concluded to give them a fair
trial. I purchased oao box of Mr. Scott, of Abetdeen,
and gave them according to the directions, by tffbieh
she was greatly relieved. I proeured -a second box,
whleh entirely eared her, and she now enjoys excel
lent health. 1 have ased them myieil, and pronounce
them the best family medicine I ever tffed.
Yours, Ac., Haasix Besslt.
Prepared and sold by H.B 67 Wood at,
sold iW by Brag gists generallyla the two cities.
__ jsnltt
J O'CONNOR retires from our firm from this dale,
• going into the booses nf Atkins. O’Connor A
PhUadelpßls. and o*o©oner, Atkims k Co- Pittsburgh
The “General Commission and Forwarding Soilness, 1 ’
as well as Uta “Pittsburgh Transponaiioo. Line Agen
cy,” will be continued by as at our Depot, to North
meet,Baltimore. . Werctaraourthaakstaourfriends
and the Mends of the Una for past favors, and hope
to mem and receive a continuance and increase of
the same. O’CONNORS k CO.
Baltimore, January lit, 1650.
Atkins, cpconnob k co, No*. a sai Mar*
ket street, Philadelphia; O’CONNOR, ATKINS
A CO., Canal Batin, Liberty si, Pittsburgh; O'CON*
110R8 A 00.,T0 North street, Baltimore.
ThU old established LlNE,having ehangedßs firms
and agents as above,' and extended its arrangements,
bega leave to Inform its friends'and the nubile that it
will be prepared, on the opening of tbe Pennsylvania
Caoala in the apnng Of IWO, to give all freights un
equalled despatch and cure, at very low rates. - .
_JanlMt ; .
;Hanhal r i fait.
Inman. Gault A Co. ">
against Vln Chancery.
Steamboat Telegraph No. 1, Ac. j
And the tamo )
I agmlnit >ln Chancery.
Steamboat Telegraph No. S, Ac. .)
BY VIRTUE of an Order ot t*e LoaUville Chan*
eery Court, made in Use above causes, we, tbe
undersigned, or one of at, will, on Monday, the 9Sth
day of January,lBso, sell u> the highest bidder or bid
ders, at public auction, on board of tain boats, at tbe
whan in tbe city of Louisville, the whole of the steam
boat Telegraph No. t, her«ngines,taekle,Ao: and,
also, three foartba of the steamboat Telegraph No. 2,
eaxlncs, taekle, fte.
Tbo terms of tale to l*e—One fonrib cash in hand, the
remainder on eredita of 4, ft, and 19 months for equal
parts. *■
Purchaser or purchasers will be required to give
bonds, with epproved seearity, bearing intereetuom
tboday ofsalontuilpaid. i
Sale to take plseo about 11 o'clock, A. M, ofaaid
JanlS-dlOt j __ .
WINTER LARD OIL-jdO bids pare, (Will stand
freexinffi clot,) Jast ree’d and for sale by.
junta ' i; bbudebb a nicols
CLOVER BEEft-dUtha ia store and far sale by
jprUberal advances mado on consignments.
lanti-flm : ; '
CLOVER SEED—3bblejuat rec’d and for sate by
IPS—dtp taxes umM «u>:« Frank
v\ tin, and Smith A Herron’s Brands, in store mid
for sale by lanli RlUSff, MATTHfaWd A CIJ
FLOUR— 2«Sbt>l«KJt*a Family aad Supfirfinej ;
to “ Fuif} ! ! •
7 " prime Ryejinstare end forby
jaali 31 Water and c: From tu —.
MEAL-l«bb!» Cora Meal, in »u>k* and for ►ala by ! «jAh>.
JanU . L 8 WATEKMAN oU cbm,
LARD— 3d bIU No 1 Leaf;
IfiOkagi Jo ■ for aalo by
p Uiborgh Bavliatlon and Fire luku- 1
tana* Company. I
j MEETING of llw Stockholder! of the Ptiubargh '
£ l NaTigaiion and Fire lonranes Company, will
boneld at the Office, No SI Market atreet, on saiur
day. the day of Jaoaarjr, 1830, at a o'clock, P. M.
janltMdj - R. FINNEY, flcc’y.
TEjftAfifffeft— t:'o iacka Dried Pane baa;
r Mbbla i*‘ “
9 bn pHtns Pared; for aalo by
SALEBATUB— 30 bbl* Adun»’,la*tore aadforoale ' ~
by |mlB. ; JAR FLOYD j T\RY FHXCHEH-ft bubela pealed paaebca.
CLOVER SKED-W febU extra i.rime,J«‘ rac'd ' J-J, „„.
aodfottatoby janlt; JOHN WATT ACO j »tore and for »aJe by AHMSTBONG A CBOZKR. .
/~UiOVKIt BEEl>—tWlaln«Jore and bruit by I H mabLa KKfcldH LODlgVlCrgmnLu
!_/ laal-ls •-, gfcWHABBAUQH I IUU ondforttUbjr - - “7^T*T lt,lM *
-• i 5 ~ r ~” J“ 4 ARMBTRQXn A: rpf>7i?Tg
jm |
/ tUlTuN—o bales, fertaio on wbarr by
UGAfe-SShhd* flO, ia store and for sale by
A LABOR j X f £S to
A &t n - Ui £SSkSSS'^SiS3A ,, I^
Uy Joha D< Dsytii AntUsaitr, ' r.
' Books axi Pepcr'et AmcOcmi 4
I>n StinnUr evening, the 19U> ituL, tt o'clock, Si
ihc Commercial Safe* Rooms, corner cf.Woodjsd
Filth Mrrcu, will be told-a valuable collection of
Hooka American and Enrtpeau. edition s-tomprisinf
Biography, Travels, IGitory, Theology, Modieiae. Pht*
lo’ophy. Msihemeucs, Ac-Ftmilynad Pocket Bibles,
Prayer Hooka, Letter and CajrPkpef.'
GUd Wateia and Marine CUcb. *2*
At Cc Commercial Salet Room*, corner of Wood
fifta streets, on Saturday evening, at Bo'clock,
will be added to the tale of Hooka. Ac.—l nperior
geld detached lever Watch, talier and ten holeajewel
ed, raby palette a, Adaiaa A Liverpool, No.
r* ,a ® c n» above, Patois* make, fine.engraved cate a;
L Ter T ‘uperjor gecuint Tobias A Col detaehed lever,
k’ wiUl Hnmlnw cate and gold cap, No. SOU,
mi. aadcottiiflOi 4 fine silver cylinder el
rome* t « t % ke ttck ** ; marine silver time pieces, C. Jar
• J “ H JOHN D. PAYI3, AacL
Caiahgu, Sait xf H 3 dtom Futc SWrta.
cSiJUZHivI 854 »»M o'clock, at tho
» r. £. de, J Rot ?? , » of Wood and Filth
rmm, on a credit of K>
"pproved endorsed paper, on cams over 9109
nub PxenchcmbroUered
. jridi to«» neon ud F>en.k .!e,^S ln VorkjSS ■
I" 117 JOHN D. DAVI9, A iet
Flits' lIIUCK—II.OOO rec’d and for tale bv
.i»J« 84 W HAB&AUOH
bn roc’d and for taio by
LOUISVILLE LlME—loo bbla ia stare and for salt
by _ jtnl4 - SAW HARBAUGM*
. I >UTT IHi—l4 bblt 8011, part in elotht;
11 IS “ Packed;
£2O kegi “ for tale by
i^KATIIKES— JM aaekt prime Illinois,- for sals l>r
’ janH _ L 8 WATERMAN
BEANS —S 8 bbls and S aaekt While, for tale by
SEED— illObu prime new Clover Seed;
iu bn tthetly prime Timothy seed; in store
and for sale by Janl4 LS WATERMAN'
fpnESK superior Blankets, made of the aofteat and
A finest Wool, can always ho found at Dry Goods
W E comer Fourth and Martct »U
CIOLN i>;HPXNES'—Colored and White Counter*
/ panes, of handsome palteraa and large nzes—far
ißicW by Janll WR MURPHY
i light Liao, Scarlet, maroon, garnet, brown, green
and Slack Cotton Velvets; an assortment always kept
by janU x WR MURPHY
SHAWLS.— A very choice artieleofMooraisgLong
Show L, at low prices, at ■ ■ ' - •
COBUII'.s CLOTHS are selling very cheap (tone as
low as SS eems per yard) at
janltl . -A A MASON A CO’S
LAMPBI.ACK— 30 bbls in store and for sale by
jania i KIPP A CQ, 60 Wood et
GUM KINO—SS lbs (Trus) jast rce’d an I for sale by;
jaalV i KIPP A CO
CH. PENCILS—SO grow, aw'd, jtm ree’d tod foi
• Mle bj j»nl2 _ J KIDD &CO
Ttaie by
tr'ANCV SOAP—» boxes su’d, for sals by
1 jan!3 J KIDD A CO
Fm Bent,
THE BASEMENT, comer of the Diamond and
Union streets' well adapted to any pnblie bslines*.
It bas been ocenpied at a Coffee, or Kiting Establish*
ment, for a nulsEer of yean. '
ALSO—-Sereral Office# and Aniit's Booms, veil
lighted, with entrance from tbs Diamond, over the
store of the subscribers, north vest comer of l£o Dia*
mond and Market street. Applrto ,
ALEXANDER a DAY, comer of the Diamond and
Market attest, are now selling off; at reduced
prieea, their stack Winter floods, consisting of
Shawls and Ladles’ Dress Goods, in great variety.
Also—Blankets and Flannels, Cloths, Cassittes, Batin*
etts, and-a foil assortment of heavy Cotton Goods.
Confident that better bargains cannot bo had else*
where, wo invite the attention of bnyera. *
jsnia ’ -7S Market street. >
TUE Constitution- and Standard “Of the Associate
Refo’iaed Church In North Ameries; Bvo, booed
tu sheep.
The Other Side, or Notes for the History of the War
between Mexico anil t!.e United States, written in
Mexico, and translated from the Spanish,. with notes:
By A. C. Ramsey.
Sketches of Rcfonnrand Reformers o/Gresi Britain
and Ireland: By 11. B. Stanton.
The Works of President Edwards, in 4 volrj a m*
print of the Worcester edition, with «'<di > t ,v ns 1 and a
cordon* general Index.
The Mouutaint of Egypt, or Egypt a Witness for the
Bible: By K. L, Hawks. D. D, L. L. D. ,
Memoirs of David lisle, - into editor of Joints! of
Commerce, with relcciinns from fats Miscellaneous
Writings: Byßev.J.P.Thompson. ,
The Puritan rod Ili* Daughter; by J. K. Paaldinr,
Los tinngos, or an Inside Flew of Mexico sodCal*
iiorhia: By Lietu. Wise, U. A. Navy. /
Familiar Letters to Yoong Mha.oa-varioutabjecti;'
designed as a Companion to U>i» Ynnn;> Map*# Guide:
: -* - t
; AJWOtqiJt p.
‘-•--Jabl* ~ ■ ___ ~ NoTF Wo tn S’-
T'lHfcfcSß—<S» bxt WR, la store and torsole byT
bxt.&n'd, for m!« tnr~
BULK PORK-OXU lbs roc’d per Caleb Cope. !*or
. salchy jaall 8A WHARBAPOH
LARD—IOO kega and SO bbls Lea*V tor sol* by . i-■
TOilA bx» for *al*,to dose "consignment, by
jaull STUART A 81LL, llawood st
riiHA—to far chests, to close eoadsaißeat. for tale by
Jl Jam _ ~6TgjIBTASILL
ri LASS—&fbx*7x#,- in ttoio and lor sale by
CHKFBIv-3Mbxi In store and for sale by~ i7~.
ROLf. BljffEß—« bbU primefte&Tee’dthiidsy
aud for sale by jaall TASSEYABE3T
KUO ln store and for sale by ..
I aRU— 'JO teas and 1 bbl-on bend and for ante by
SCOKOHKD SALTB-6 tt>U,aprime article, roe'
aad fersslc by Jantt TAB3EVABEBT
SALITftXTUS— fl fabla and’2o bores in store anti far.
saJeby jaall ' . TAB3EY A BEST ' -
OUA ASH—33 casks onhand and for sale bjr:.
- j* Bll ' TAfISBV A BEST
\ j by jaall
r piano ru tt-sasp—a tibls for sale by " ~
± janll ’ •*• TAB SEVA BBT
Black English cra'pß, for. Trimming, to be
tmiuJ at the Dry Goods House of
jantt' N E corner Fenrlh and Martel ias .
‘tENSYTIND and Fancy Velvet Trimm in £*,"cf"an
tl colors, to be (band at the store of
BLACK SILK Laces, inclnding a few pieces.of
extra width, t> bo found, at tow pricca, ax store of-
JanJt • _ WHMURPHT •
T.l VKNIwoWKSsKs—A. A- Mxsoa totfceoMar.
n fact street, will this day open andULfir larfo in
roiro of those French Embroidered Keening Presses,
a very desirable article for Parties, Soirees, Ao.‘-
Jantt ~ • . t '
TALLOW— 7 bbls prime, rec’d and for sale hr '
janll , . SAW HABBAUOH
BUTTER— *hb!» Fresh 8011, jstlree'd and fot sale
1” Kmpty jiacoa Casks; ~ .
jantO_i_ - Canal Basin, Penn street.
FLOOR— 5M4 bbts Extra Family, for sale by r **
jaalO - STUART, A BILL, lift Wood it
THE cltirem and basin ess men of Pittsburgh are
ra»peclfeUy informed that the MorseTeJerraßb
Lines are now to complete operation betarten this City
and Hsltioote/lVashiagton, and other Eastern Cincs,
connecting at Washington City with the Morse line,
the only one Sooth to Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston,
Aogutta, SaTtnnah, Mobile and New Orleans—and
connecting in this city with lines running Wgst' and
North to the principal towns and cities in the valley of
tbe Mlsiisslppi, and on the Lakes. : Theta Lines will
receive :sna- send messages as cheap at any other
Line, and the operators and clerks will be foaad gen*,
tiemanly and aeeoaunodtiiog. ‘
(IGMWiee in the lower itory of the ST. CHARLK3
HUTRI., Wood sirocL -»J*nS-2m
Thomas Pa*ld imob,
iVI Toticcn, Hcu*lii'and larye Rcnwsof all kind*;
Brsis Cauir.y» and generally; Comer
FSm lUeeu..'-
TTIF.» hieiib«r,biTiarp*tehufr(l dw Factor;
J&mca I nierion, feef'* — l —
Tt pectfull’
I that ho i> prep*'
Ltuo>t rts H>n r
feel gr*K ('
nierion, Jr, located it Iho store ii*nd,
pectfally inforahis friend* and the public
prepared to fill •tnror'en m Malm*, on the
enable tens* and with diipaich, and will
fulfor ihefrpatxonojpr-- :
Piittbi rgh, Jaiu 1 r IWO,.
ulvWin dispoced bt'oy .etttbU<hsHUit't9 Ur.
Thoq&a parkinton r I take the ttbevnr 1 to aol«U.
for him ha patronage otmy friend* and lb* public,
feeling c mfidem that BJiyUToractrafemd will be
dalr*npr> eeUied and promptly attended to '
Vrh. Jan. <
I h
Piii»nj ________
Ol CA'-Js .Minimal it BOn’Bßoda Atal ifvstnr*" ami
o 1 f.i, . I’x hr jaiW JSDIt.WORTH&CO
I iROWjN 'n,.\N^F.!>—Jo»l rec'd,""»tT aditionsj
23 »upp y cif Cook'* fuw prrMtd Crown P'onneU.
j:i„V - j QKO COCHRAN, «fl \Vbod el
B*i FKVVjtHAT FIA)UK—fiO «li» ree'd.for wleb jr
j»o- _ CftAIO ± SKINNKB
OOt - 'i »ari* in Horn *mifor*ale by
i*'» 1 _ __ /CBAWJt SKINNER
- klil.C • H- if' lor *nle vcrr lnw,io cioie
* «mncnt by J. S- DtIAVORTU & CO-
' • _ , ' ’
IvRY Vi lACllliS—iftTbuilieU,pnm« qaßityinow:
/ m riorc, on<i fia? •*!# by
j,„4 J. 9. DILWOdTIUtCO.
ttlMUUatoa* Lturatnr* *t book waaAtt
rpHEMERCY SEJkTj byßcv.Dr. Sprinj.; firfl tai
T*i/is of Cbuloue Elix&betb; tfima. •
r Longfellow*! Betride and Kimide: I2aa.
£oee<Jote« of ibe Puritan*; ISmo. •.: -
Woodwortb ft Arthurt Whew Sb**f,ke< »*■«•:
HomtftllUwiyof England; ▼•Lttoijoewadui* l *
Macaulay** England; I voU,l a-hiSi lBmo aadwo.. ,
jaaS Boafc»eiMr and Importer, W«d * L
BU'FTkwI— 7 btiU I’tlsw roil.jujt ieccife3.
j*M| J. B. PI&HOBTHfcCO.
jU.IT tLtcived ud W *»lc S3OO ”
Jand |
aalo t>j
lb* Urimstone by
Mo CD Wood ttrett
1R13—20 barrel! ripiril Ttnpaniaa and far
• -J. KIDD k CO.
Naeo Wnodti
i ie«’N»-l,io new and for nla hr
M obo.w.renoM:
wii il« ..
FOR ST.Umo. " — —
ycnr.jia** flw fglendtd Ke*n»r
Bodgen. matter, .will4<«n' bi-ni
■HEßSßMkbora ud «U iotarmediai»,»»lL , i!
Ihi> dar, »t 10o’clock, A. M, iwrtiaa
i For freight or pfcii*yc'»ppl' '
bn tK»«. ; |„
k ' Hie tpfendid steamer
L ;s ope ’ w i|‘ lcavr*fo ( - Liia tbova
( “ ru - oaTk «-
r For IrenlLlor pnm on : Ixari! .
for OALLlPfir.ra
-The«plendid tut rnnnin* 1H.1..
day, tbe tilth ia»L, at 4 o'clock, P y ** uo
: s, A , u
■mwffßßh «S* «P»ir,)w3l ns SnSiSt
ul.moeliv/ fc»j&
JFcdo e<dajr-andFriday mornings,u 9 o’clock
frwfbt cr passage apply on board, of to
oiaoisvATf * pittsbithgb
■Daily p a c k e't •lr ne 5
iT^ k^,wn ef pasaooger Steam*
Af'V 1 5? w composed ortho luc&ju. twiftcir. »«*.
_*®i* ©C Cbo Weft. Krgry»f«<«i|Bnd«ri«n
adveao*.' .“f.f«on«yaß*iUp*m*
Tib ( n«ffigSffi?aaßa» IT .-
* ***- M
Kt ,
every l®^SR2«&S! :t , Si5-
plK„“.' Pmi Efe 2 ’ <** Pu> dSo, will l»M
n* every Friday
pLOVEK BEKU—Oo hand 104 Cat eats by
‘."i o .: : btuakt t aiLi.
TT 1 * * kot*. BBTrStHn mm rnd
ON lha orcauwol lau 13 boa
dl«« end 376»n of Iron, toa&ed WTmcQ fcCo )
tram the wharf, above the Haaoagshela Brides* Ist
information that will malt in the
ebofo nomad, Iron, will be rewarded by calling oa
1. in .' : „ ’ SCAIFEiATHNSON,--
lanlO Ftm street, bctu Wood Market,
li’lh'E FLOUR—IOS bhla rac'd andfor sale by
D • • ;- a . WhXUJOHNSTON,
—)*?** Hgeccoadtmt
D,s » M . woo ®W“ B »'
Angler** Glide; fall of flja*.
lWdu«N Padua and HU lhogten tfena. ,(1
Or. lJMker’rPhTtifiM and jfinu. ',
Mr*. E-U**Heart*and HomttTsTO. . - •«••
Ifetndep* Lllb of Chdit; 6n>.' . ..i-
Neoader 1 * Hitiary of Cbrittiao fra
Her. Dr. Sprung** Memoir* of fifoi Starrm Bra.
Amcncia rtftm*o,lBaO;BTo; • . J * ■
_■ ■; JAMES.a lOCKWOOD, :
nookteUerA Importer,<o Wood t
LABD OlL—l3 bbla No j. jttft rcts'd ud tor tala by;
C'EATttERS—!«iMki, • primeanicle, (or rtJp by
j imio • . kmuv; Matthews* co
Window glass—2oo boie*, »«’d»!*•*, lastoro
*Bd Cot aale by UttHYFOULS * ULABKE,
jtcla. HSBectradaucct.
pCKNU’S-fiOba braille by '
L--l«nlPj..« i.. ~ '....BKEVTOt
VV aalabr ItalO- BggyroCLtSfcCMWiy
tort tiirfAir
Liberty n
TJE^uJTJeS--75 be new wtot£ts&
Jl fcr «*to by: jJanlP „, ACULBEtTBOgf
;J?-«ataby janlO Xcre?BEBTBOK W
T‘ ± EAb^'79bdJ*Bar,uxttoreYßd l for«alety '. .
■LlitnlO ACULBCTTSON. 145 Libert? «
TKTIHT& blwiferßtWtty’ _• _
¥Y 4*au> ...... . . WM tl JOHNSTON
■TI KEEN APPLES-38 bbla ree’d and forfait by
DRIED FEAGHB9 A APPLES—Io atsrc tad-tor
. tala by janio • WM II JOHNSTON -
1 (LEATHERS—OUW ibs in afore aad lor tale t>y
? J«ntO , . . BTUAHrAftft-T.
THE Co-Ptnamblp heretofore «iiitia» iuai*» the
ctjlaof ‘•Cope A Brayfo*le»" lo ihli day diuetoA
by mattral eonaent. 7ha Dajmr.a fill bo J.
v. Breyfogle, ai tbeir old ctaad.Ko.Kß Booond (tract.
„ 12.8. COPE. "
JC. BREYFOGLE, .haring auoeiated with hint,
• A. 11. COARSE, for iho porno to of txanmetla* *
die Forwarding and Commlwioaberifleii. will con
tinue that btuiaeu at tbo old ftand of “Cope A Bay*
/ogle,” aad recpeeifaUyaaka a cootfaneae*--of -tea
former patronage of hie frieadaandthe pabtforeae/}'
aHy. The fcnulaeia will be ceodoetai under the p«ri
aadityteorutnyoauACLeu*.. \
'• '- -A. *****
• Pitubargb, Jan, 7,lS5O.—QanP ~
[ceired per expreu, at A. A CoST No.
«i Market atreee another large iarbitoor Hifh CoSr-
Gothland Preach.
$ Cut colored, at Mo per
P bo of Rye wasted, for which
**’market Tatca will bo petti* cmih, by
. ;! y SELLERS A NlOiSa:
fo «Bp«ior Fanil? Kajaar
;’la atera and for tale by . > ****
JaaP - - • tgAEMAmCOM
l*nUßNlC&—SObainatproaad forsala by
fo^aaf^" - * bbl prime, in eloihMo day ree’d
1M ■- " 7 ARMOTBOKO * CHOXEa .
ROLL BUTTER—SS bbla and taht Freak, ia elothe.
In (tore and for aala by . .
Co-Fartaenhip heretofore exirtingonder the
X -firm of Jims Claesae A So*, ir d loolrcd by (he
deeetse of Jarata Ccotiou. Tbo bminctawUl ba eca
turned by tberabaeriber. who will wsule-ibo teeeaan
of tbelattfinn.- JOHN U'ii CRO3BAN
Mofloogthelanoaae, Dee. 23,184s,—{deSS-U* •’
N> O. MQLABSES—2SO bbla.aew.crop, Plantation.
• joftreceifiijfaodforaaleCby • . -
_Vlaay- - • - ■ ♦ T W>l BAG ALKY Aftrv V -
S .H. MOLASSES—ISO bUU-be«t brands, ia Auii
« and for tale by Jana WM BAnAf.rkTrR w>
ROLL purrEß-ISfcbU iajrpodoTde» t foT nUbr
_-■■ WMBAQALW^?y r
iSKgaasgst* 1
BM ip*uir» aaotor taicbf
FJ-QUB—uh luki reeM u 4 Sr
jS?** W fc. B McCUTCHBON; :
itn7 iani^Tt T , «t
■("*-*» ‘“teiu, 001 „Übr-
J la7 .■' • T WR UcOtnvilFQN
H’kbkn AiTua:
IT janft . ' .
w ools ta store and (or «at«
T. J«a* .
Dried afj
-» Obis, extra brawLiox sale or
fcs—W bbls fo
... .1 : , •
-lifbbls Fresh tun, in cloths, for *tlc by .
Mib9 1 • . J B CANFIELD.
FBATUEB&— 4 saekli this day recU br. \.~ rt 'o
Jan 3. - AaM3TttQ¥gACROZR«
SUGAR— lihMi prim for
TUtST KKtEIVfcD-ltU lbi AmencM
J«*for.aloby - i , * 'B?2& < & ;x
rmjffiovrcl^wioLoxea BxKMrt**** *l**
W ' SLO doittxl* >i*> 2®
• » *» »xl*
. 1«0 do I tali do
1b nor* and tot sal* bj '
jaa3 . I AA W- HABBAPOH.
I>lR—For sal* by __ ■
1 WPP * CO, No.» Wood st