)S\ I'lKi?' H'. MISCEMEOPfr: ttioe, Lite of Harmony of the Co ?ffSy p£&s£ ~HIbU> OiaßMr, We,« *oI», Bo»um Dt. Wood’i ■ tare* oa Sweden eidis*a. ,dates and muj - . sa&masssii 1 !^ ■ k BOUiCifoitT daT*“ A. thoßtkw or OlftH ■P^J^f Uft f iaMt»a«. and aoatrtw* wu ay Siand aw«aa Ifl^ 1* .a, .that 1 gate B P "*od from that time prosecution of »t^ao*' . .kss»JSaS£sfesHsaaa ■ sfft'sas&Jsft sbss» stale; ►othaliho‘J^ , *“ d^e^TS i aaoaat of ulic*, •lata In of Ironthmiteop ” es 1 protect* the .wood core. blAje OT eombutioo; eoT*ring will fire way.' #.• _ greatest Import* - .sSSSS^gS^S • ! afcM!¥S2is«^asS ftcial EJaw.” founeea year** WM; BLAKE ° WE,tbelnliablunU;bfebafod.b»T :. '«ttie&« or Mr. orVa.uto. riafly.eorrect. a* we taenia tbeteln conialned; wvl we patetii more we do not Ullere tba mre e»«r de>ertedly honesty andtabOri°°*iXf*!^Vlmem»wUbthe mart jranted; *» heP o7^}^’ 'J^Semortdi*ecari*uiC - adomiub'e perwTcrenee anoer a thf (ess t eond* Srctm.ur.ces H&J**** gff ,ah»ble rew»* drnhelhal there ,?lrefQ 7 reh«dtoencoanwr for from the anbrtance. whole comma* year* the'jeeti “ d ® & jf Xuf ho wa* • nity. Noiwlth»uind|na,aJl U>*» “ nu »,,* wodowj - TuOte pfo.ecetionof.bia «?*L” aasendwbowoa'd Ulicre that B®**' , . hare perrereteiandef at m « ; ,d we bh .t ha*at leal triamnhed oW a . hi* • etfqftMfc i~gr«: r • %LLBX HUWfiTretf«« r v CAUTION JV2LS^»^nn* 1 here aaeertdnedthaj sa»fiSa^^-,--sK £feTdo not intend ». »W«? X “Sg^iS«eUthe n*atS that they hare they are not MwtPer.ir they can find pun-horen, u*t uiei jjoond to.know what thej cal to make i ■olnfrlnyameatanliiltUmUre ini;tEn^Me n i ! the compound} and that thoao who T’.*,.— u * that bub take the rcipoaalbllity. that they beliere that the that mi* and uso the what they warned*? are they ihoauwe^r*^^, m« of me, as they did noUnteo‘ utyboandto , Habla in any way. Nwl » J j ' ■ ■■^^ l aSSE**- s «3ssa : ssaa^^ssjaaswE - ia?s‘ar„tt^K Thia propoaition they woald not aoe . t’doaotde* , SUlidity of my, patent U fh» w pend entirely upon my own “'££2ttftd it u ■h. swass:i-‘«»“-“ rsaaft! metutoned mineral for the purpw agmu, ■ ■ ; :’a'?afssfE:«»s Ka j®-.J •hall coomeneo .uits at law jy.arß. . ■*«.«.»<*■ ‘„ Wc .„ _T W n TONS of the abovo Fire and qL. • ■ . oa -bo,. »■Su, lx »hntu i. Kt fonli »«?gswai^ * _ ■ EXCELSIOR! E. H. EATON & C ■o. «a. Fourth Str.«t. Pltulmxjb, Ibrrt »o» in o,tir full of'.' TrimialiiEs, GloK*. ll"' 1 "? Md tate Good ‘ . f M hioixaWa ttyle of ««* coflUBl * mi,artoftllfl - mwoUf BMSS ra /MiIi;KGS. •?J“SS@SS5ffe ■ad om:iw * f’’, M lb ' f . plain do do; Corded &«?* KwCrim-ln*; btaek , ilintii* i*'“ ?■ . '«4j!> 1 ..h; tint wide do do, t°f Mmlieoa! O foil mort.ueul of D«M B«mon»i 9«»M or Embroidered w ord«r. W • X/ICE G?OOi?S _:~ t-ce au l Mu»lm Cope*, Chemlyetxe*, «PlW?£l RrtfrinK C«.*nd Half81«»e», Fg«£- ii ruff, iuffYftivanftrtL*6o VtlU« work°% . of Silk. Wool, Cttga, Merino and A md Miues; Ta,an Pla.d». and Caahmemr'J th ' r# ,,i e , finer »d jlaifi Child* ES.l'cnuMlM, VitOßin, M.rfao, Co„ »4li> GLO7E S_ . s' a fall aarortment fox men, women andchlldren* SSKSSUSIffiSJffiSS |Si'* ; . WOOLEN GOODS, V& • • i.adici 1 and Gulirro** Hood*, Cailofai’i SdlwJoSn Yarn*, California alw, Cuhmsr* Scarfs, for Ladica- • > LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. - Ssiisasg ■ Tri “ a “''GEtra.EMES’3 WEiH- ' nncHhiru, Crarau and Collar*; Men no, BUi an< Cotton Wra«m and Drawet* baipender*, Sboaidw Brace*anduretaing Uown*; ciik smd lines Hd*» Glore*and Hosiery. : ' ___ COMBS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY- French pattern* carved and plain Shell B*ek Co“°*i Baffalo- and la; n*; Shell Side and Long Comb*; lo do, Buffalo, B*Un and Bntewood Hair Brashes B UtbJo ana Eng; Horn Brewing and fln».lTTyComg»i willi as awortmentof Nail and Teelkßmhg*. ; We'JierUT* ‘‘Gold Modal" Perfamary. - f J • VARIETY GOODS; *_ • Keediet. Pin* Tap«*» Steej.Bwr*andP«m*i f Ranousand Steel fioodi, »qUa Wire Battery' '• PaneTwi*t and Sewwjs. flue Rosewood Pew a»& rn«! ilindißXi & Galloon*, Fancy Work Baskets Tassels, Portfolio*, PapUrtre* «&d BUndiShadaTTUnmlnrh Ladle*' pnioltA Baoccr Tomoloj French OorkSotes,.. t «ffii£rer’»Fri<'ge«, ' 1 SU**Gtafm uSjkUm, RdffUncs ask’d width*, Pope* Manias* HaUaadt, Ssb?"rcSS%- *r . H««io Bondi fcWcUbbf, KSctfirti VRaSat. iCorretand Shoo Law* tiAKFikTil!—Kecauus daj.at W.H 5 - I VrliniDck’i Carpet Warehouse. No. 75 rmfck «,«; flrti«SSSr«f 'Carped'of the Wst and Bottom which we-tottte-fl* attention of s£f£LJoi jwn, and there wishinf to famish Hourei. Bw y i :!;!?r.mi ll « the tanren assortment IrithoeitT,! *#isssB&h ■xrr- 4l“Ssp' »Y fjW.2si7£j* 'g2s . SSL‘SAk fai SsSV ««““« : SILKS,! . .J Aleißo ir.cludirg_ii.fcwjjuj e **'j£^ *i ■nd superior; Burenin Ipriied to ».jt « “«"» ‘ SoAh EmX comer of Foertk “jd M»rkei »u. Wholesale Room* up stairs, fl**o meat of Now Goods has la«’r-bo* n c f , ! , °S^^-”. ‘ DR. 3 AYNCS ALTERATIVE. -■' . • 1 We Uto been iafonsed by ■«assss?SEs&«Sr®^ • 3!ih utecrsttot* end eofoliaiios of Tanon*boee*£** - sf^ssrpji^ssisissp^, ' : ggg@gSg£§ afeert to W““® *‘ Stared. «üb*t the now weighs ikf & S^^ aa,Taami ”^ ftKKCOBXKT ■"■ ‘ '■. _ ! gsa^SSaafgasisS &«ki9f cteftdto A« wtie?- 1 3§§s?P^sgffitr] —«nfeeblexatob«oca«itotAwgthl<«*bTw**» | : '^JS«!SSSgBI3» dferlnwinen**- SSiESf .sss^afe-SS?. (tomi totm M,a4«i &r bewt. *« “'/MILES M. 3QHMON. w procure youf excellent ointment p MOTT.} Pli S!^aUa,H,Tl, < iiS Ul £»3S3£SS3K3 ■”'c'f°! »*“>'"“■ Ted » ooteTtiitt romoJJv , tojtaiS^wfJSSiKriM? gssssg^sssas - &«*“ 1 *VB»ooiw“vr injdiDj;. .Bew’yy®®* l * “■, DOCTORINOINOAtOJA , Mr. Slow*—Dew Sin Alx»ttiree eeretely Injured in rwe of tayJert JV renninjr ulcer*. ONLY*) DAYS. Ji &S^SffSSS»gSf3?sis thaiyu- iraUre, „ TK »«,■:.-ro s^, ttuulj. wppied. Very * CO. ’Dr Slow—8« A»-oßttwoy»rt»f®» satassMffiffi g^a-jissaff noa*lyiwann* >' H A^ ip .ft. 1 When w£*«“3*2Sa«££»*. Gtood nun- i BaSSSKSgsgsa | Year offlfrat w w.THOMAB. tW *"*®* Bl - jSos WILSON, ■ .• ;. rBTEBLAMB-'-4- OOODNCT^,^ and weal 0 eripyeo iay oLnunaot, hi* -By the free ib"rt;*" Mrmtnently to c«*«f jg&J JSmSxm f*U» ; TE3nHa»na, hOs*, nicer* cirna.-pala* in tha bach, tides, ST otter pert* a tte system, ranletaaki bhes, ie.,'.bears •spis uttpaenr ina* glean* Oiataeat b juttit+tiusf tot the hoar. OsrUfiesieswtthen mmber hare beta tMtlred bf the Fmristot ftamdUlntarestod indrrido •ls, fivisf details of remartabU cam by i ta asa. ; . * ’yiwi&ccnttw witness." •*- •Grtsvin** tfUwaalds ©o. WU, Oct IS, U4l 'jgfSfsS^JS&xrsrssssL teluedosa«eftentr« wnehM tteil eeaaidetad mutrntsiMdfcrbuUtta. Ponanaialyafriendra cMßsesded (he asa of/ear Cmtmaai. I west to MU-1 and roebasa* a bo*- lisoea reneradtbe j l, '•■''ijrlj * TOUTtvß.tact, . ->.; ° lift 7 fclr < sayia*« l$U Rfldrt oiSeSodOtodWaiJwjMKUMgOM- y r » ■iiathar nstediea for all it leases .athoTitatbi rJa- The beaarr of the i—dieiw foaito laltefa Byth«pr.u|d»( of th« Ualji«d dflaw, I,ZACHARY TIYLOK* 1 t h7wi of the 'United Siatea of America, -do, sen deeltn ind'mae known, that: PobUe Sale* aril held at the nndameotioaed Load Office*, in the 8 end totkof th* fifth friht ‘ . I wuridmn.' Township ninety-eight, of tinge three. ,• nin-«Y-* i, i and-c no freight, of range ifopr*... - ' TownahipTininety-fi.ve, ninety-tlx, 'e£ ninety-eight, an& mnetyytin* Townahipa[ninety-throe, mnetyfeuij-ninety ive, ninety-siL, ninetJ-seTeq, gtiaeiy-eighl,' and oj iwge,«*. r ! At the SAME PLACE, .commencing on Mon day, the tweiy-firai day of Janotry next, to the disposal of the PublicLanda withiD thewndrfafen*. tfosMlownahips, vte • '"J 1 jfortk tftktlxi* Hne, mnd^eutff pnaapal \ t .. *wiiian. I ■ Wnety.Hye.'towhahip hlnetyalx, (ex oent tS aoothtfreat quarter of aeetUra twentfwsr- • 'sobtheart quarter cf section iwenty-*f«ht, ■ ■nd acdiona and thuty*fonr, inducing the Indian l agency,) and townships ninety-seven. k, «nd ninety eight, of range nine. * i* ninety-two and ninety-four, of range 1 ninety-on*tjfraage.thirteen., ; Townships ninelyone and ot range Office at FAIRFIELD, cbmmehc- Inxoa Monday* the joorteenthdayorJanufrynexi, T fsr\he d&pqaai of the Public Lamia situated with in the tmdertpenUoned . townahipa, to witf ' of tA* fifth • 1 > vUridiarii * ‘ . Towrahifra sixty-seven, aixty*eight, and sixty , nine.'ofrangasixteeot. .V ’• .* ... ' . wt _ * ' 'Townlhifs sixiyeeven, aixly-eight, and aixty , nine, Offroge'seyetiteen. * . - Township*eixty*eighi and stxty-nine, ofrange sixty-eight and aixly-nine, orrango Jjixty-eight and alxiynine, of range aixtycight and. aixty-nine, ol range aixiyyelght and d range a«rrecty-oao. of range tweotynii*. ' '••.•Tqtrnahipstevcoiy and aerenty-one, oi range seventy and seventy-oni,. of range *"£«£& Office at lOWA ' lot on Monday,tweaty-Srsi day of January next, ' to the diapowl ofthe Pnblio Land* within the fek 'lowing townahipa, vie iftrthitf Vu h«* ‘ Township sevqnty-slx,oi range twentj-tevea. Townahipa seventy-seven, and "SKSSS- bjUwforthetm.ol.elmo* miIUKI. or oSet porpoeee, will bo excluded from U ‘tE> offerlo, of flic chore mcnUoooJ UmJjJJ® b. oommeocmi o&* ton ippouuod, r in tho onler in which lh«r •" XJ nil amTecicM drap»tch, qtLlilUo wMo been offered, tflllbe ale. lh«J doled, ho^JO anleihnll bo kept open loopr then twoi ween, SdS!priT.tb enu?oie.,of the SniittoS until niter the ekpirnuon of the two under mY hand,eUl» Ci'T °f liSWeotli day of Set>lember, A-nBO Domtai one itoiaanS ei*M taadred andforty-nlo£ By Urn Proideau Z. TAYLUK- B [}bmsMmer of fit l*ai OBca. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CE&IMiNTS. Ueft^oTto &J?^&’3iE£SZ5S; fore iho *poaß«re»T 1 4.t fjjfljgfig. JW«“T. >“>“• SSSS- 25 "-®®' By fcePretWMU . / del? ItawtS. Kioa A'ss^ssssaagg^- HMS^SS^ vonilsiiiis in %Sbus S • l . Eirfe»as. SoltaDoCtono.lto Spa* | »|fe j*fflcsjs?a?sSb»n A*.*.*. «a p« ““•’•'•ffiAWW AND SCARFS! ; tong «nd Bqa»rt ehawli. of Eio bert ipaU S.m»oo>. cuaw; «•« «ji» k “ fe ffi'l^WAK>M SU cG>T ßSl r Prcci m“ k *» 10U " Cl “ U “''"*'■ di "' C! ’ BLuretrra,, - X wio»«U u«mo>.lu of.Anonoui 004 U»po"» w ess JV,« J nd ,?^A«S''«adcmnofferlndaeßOMUW i^ ,^Kw®Dl^“Soo!^ 0 *; ; L-sSfessss? SsW^S""^ ;rs s E& c^.- fcW ar apW AI?DHOU9EKEEPIN OOODS, ’"HiSSf'SlWir and fancy col-d cloths, *™ Erii»4 A «.U Ko W*23f' p'uue—a ell l ~ Moroof 00, Pt.Eopl.2S, IH>. *>t M 2^“nSVFS“r re “Xs=v. «° B P^ b s^ W tatxT * W?e ofyoaf Vennifage ci tar iMJ*lw»ri to “7 * o ~. Ue desired effect** relmWg SgKjJ wmo of them meo.ur . space Wfciilo**; 1 foetboond m teff *• S iSSititeawat.-tj»« y««*T attiefc::*^.-''- • ' • '■*' *nd htinng of rmf l ”*^”f rlm . J i !! , of llndgowut', SSSSS^WBi^JSSSRc tffllsVMS With ««* eo«*hs *ni c “& BOPEN- U4rehS9.lM3. m ' —Vcb«l nlWo6d»t««, «*. tasss***- “ 4 ■’ ,lt “’- VTtpLT qUITHft-a «B*e* r ** _ -iiirr hioTk. ba Uiaa-* colored M *B&tfir«£ aefc«rCb*Tr7,£ctrlei,fc«-,Utfco peiymrt. 4Uw,-PUa&ra]>, cenu pet. j*rtytf4fc Urs« mongent finnd floa». d* £su,'V*v»rle*» wk h » cboiM uaomunt ®f Drew Good*.l*«Wi R eh u P*o«7 811k*, Prtack Morins*, Ciuwf*») Wtehnligimvarti •"** HASTEN * . v_ •r.hKriV'hT thb svicdUax «e**>|>» tb* l inf**t ■S®SS^fflSS«a , aßSis.^ st d*ttat»a by the 6t*t ilup*.— .s*isgits'^ffSta! On to •hasrthkirttey 4B WBf m tifrpoo!, whiUt , ,jP.JSKK' what U mij. And not eet m*** «e WM “H 0 ?.! I with etfie r office eithor ; -perfntted’6*milr,oi w te , s«tS u S"ft?® w jfiOOO, ambl'd Mdnjtofthe-traatucni H*#k*» l>l,e *i I of tha ibove P«c lc*TO BjsKrc.srydv bßSitej- .saffSr^ssgg «ni*e D««f in line u» uk* ilia •^O^i I L@movCja.L 4 C», Wjma, 1 3BadgSa-'1849. qnimy and capacity of BoaU, expencnce o! captain* “g^Ss'?™KX«l.»lol.«!u4Mll.'n U V ■ J “‘ ‘“ "Stra.F. Between. PiiUbw*h end Bearer, and a Une of tat«lM» wdlVeMeUotttto.Uk**. I Abbd»-R G Parka, Bearer, Pa. ,- ••• f I jeiu Baldwin. Yoanjitown, Ohl o. MB Taylor, Warren, 1 CrmaPTenw, Barenna, Wheeler A Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, C ; and,« , 6.U, * G, A*«»U OOU, COT wn «& SBlthSrtd m, Ptucoorflc; 5 rndwly : r T%*JSSI32SSSS2ii§ , 'J."iT I Sfflyte» '« N £r“sa ns.-as® owe*. s R.i’ini' Expteas Packet Una, for Jsne; - - U&&E 1849. fITfSBOBSD IBD CUSIEUMI LINE, „ Boat»,b*o*9&T lke*«**«* »TvRnjLSD CALEB ■^r 0 • JIL,,. / , • , J!w. i.c.snurev • 1 Bewrtr. iptfiigg ,„ .„, .< •■•"■HEiSft woji *- - floJa 1 Areal for ChU^tenpt* °l. • ' • ": .s WonIB, I l*' Li | «y tilLi—sura*'* MM> 'U°‘ JS TwSi»"* l Sf l ffS!f-'SShrt ‘-ortJSii liVtfWlon, <|>i ~"W°“iKpiTO. o. IIIIP -If Behoof of fTeiuredto rccownifnd 0u» w°rt> any a»n«aenl» tw *eq . fc inue if adhertt ■trieily (torn? be ot * w l J Tr,i!iSt£« So** wort, »od ihai to the «T«te a Um p / proceed « thm MT«i« imp k £' , kb snss? bJSiaSSSii. o^Sltcr.^S^V ■*Sfe^ ‘"-‘‘‘“p^Botir^oVß^CK-o.LT—; "'-Theio «ra mar* W> in hc.Ttn uJ t*nh PCTSOLEOM gfbs&i t>SS f ~ .Viatpthorfoultuiarel(eft *«P “1“ itanriublt c*rti hfcu performed, >»• ;“isUSdoa of iu futots pop*!*** *“* Wldc : ior*«d applicotioß in tho bue-of • .. P W« donoi wish id makOj* lon* p*tad« of certm 1 -Jll owe .re coascioas ihu lie medieir.a cy>»°" i2£SX wmliSSi& ftToroflhOiewW •offer *hd SSSI from cipo»ure,oT lom m:J ?."!?f. ALTESATIVE la *» ch ' Si“S i ■Ik I ',! 1 euee jsfissaassws &**■“■' So " 1 »•« g™.* .1; Alio bJ K. K. HV.r.I.F.RB. 67 Wood s« fc M’DOWELL, CBnrer Wood »L ond Vtogta-oUey; who ftOT»dlT .ictTOr tppomted Agents TUBS IBD CHCIIS*» PINF. AND . No. *T, corner Mwkct anJ FlfUiwir*® Mfcrkei, tween Third and Foajthau. . ' THE anbecriher keepa cooaiantljr on hand, who •»le and retail, UwfoUowinranielea, vi*- w.rii Tubs, Slqff.CUnnt** MeeTTub./ BaihTob*. Hnirß*»hela, t Wooden UcrrrU, P v k a anJL ec **» ' Waih Board*, Braea ttoandßoekeU, I Clothe* Pica, Towel Ho^ ‘ Wooden Ladles, Bread Bwlern . CWkt. IlMk.u, . no.il Non Diamond elley, jrnafpntt «Sou> Patent -325 faaartJrVKpJsssi L- totJOKa—l7 U pipe* Br«4y—oifdj Dap .a pipe* Holland (Jbj 1 ffetUNEßoto? •JXI low iMW «‘T * MHTT&IELTRrE 9 ssr“ a *“ ,ria^“r dUJ-ii*' FAJnLT J «• »* .‘ E.F-M1«S: I U.mk lfnjM wfU fnoliintclnuem uynoronwltent Ruai . Vtndlu« n* ■ s oen^ d wM „ ,Shan‘» ,a j 1 concluded to me item perltcdy wolf Respectfully COLEMAN. * W«t liberty, March 2MS«. Ice-u:y C01e,,; .and canbear leaumony a BUARP al> f vo • nificaw- . prepared and told by, '■s;;^uW^tik.ownayagassfi^fiss oinfl LAvee Fill* 'fKJ.v upon iho Ud of each *vr< arsiiiS.»a?*®?* .r»w* MU other* J> re cogn»:ifelta,'o^b^^nllu^W' proprjetor :be Church js ■ ssw^^MJssstoias 01 Dr II J.fejc cord “* iv 'fA'SK m£“*Sm '” ' h " e " cte«, mul ty The medicine *tUl ~en»*tion oJ lerwerdiMoJ , T h *J e ?*l{Sc?xmwt»ih«ebyprevent- tery elieafa ,j 1 id. Hjcort^w/gJgy I tadjk* * ft* week* and *omeur*eiir. he®d^i\he»oflererwm relief he4UhwMW^* rt!, * to ”»' f . D , e VtlVe pain. FremeJ «d fren ■ Iw Tewmmiina * ntfncDce.therefore. iee da^inwmcdlclr 1 AdUINNB for _^uc*hea? I.r f4.*iL\Plu*b.uH'‘ s 'ind'eUo* «noel>ni| ‘Wteller- - co NS^gM^ V T COHPQCBD SIRUP CUBMI, ■^SSfc&F - 8 tatill Mid IP«5t - «s»' - «wsop-° I oompo“« ' Thismedicine tanp i**** Ui# thooaand* dally ; kbS J l “ p «=‘ 4 M 2T,Kc! I S'tfs^SafiSi-'ssaK# iilJ j a e ? c ss I , ri ■sshs unqueationabteeulhori bvfointrinrte menus*" tartanttneflU » relief u*v ?T of ptblic opi«®£ diflaied throng* the tab, id to , «Jto “gSu. »»< ‘S~* kl » «hol9 fremebr‘“jET’ - . •> ..u • • 1 i .noaeJT for the e j&iEMBKBi, | “When men, uj th° truth of.a ttuof> «T ] Totßawrtly bear being<® BU^Jj2“ 8 i>I o»ruealMO* t » ,ttC eoertea cofirteuan ei, 1 i j*£2£Jar™P^tfhSl'Se’ aleemmijhe tentt , r— t—- ***! °tor ddl'tao jßG&g&B£x&2g& ssssfel^isss. Sf^JSSsSSteyS!® ease, that other SSfai* For die truth of th* *s?™ Bui «:«**"£kf!urß«ah, orooor, Wert a^^r-^-sssa-,'! fe^ o ' i ‘"'' lp^BHlt, 'ij IfeSSfgSESaS SfeSS^S^l KtSSSSSgsaSBSBB^ag dkadragaiMiP* l ®? .wSmdiefempcrie*,' bni ander ffisi!asi^-saKir«Js K«.,i few Handing,coo* !fS w atth>* umo o l found, -howeTer, U wo«.deepJJ ‘^^ o f l be&»tfoprpTfi»e reiief-tomthouw 1 frequently at* . ssS?b« >««Ki i Siv «*&■“ tempted topreaeh wu Mgra thereby ropiure-l tho« . _ cure waa greatly S SS to ihi* of aaS * girded. la •tf^CTSSb*IM IhndtoowtwUTOOf w»e -JJ OO} a machinal/ tfcetlf reatored ••••****& m ■ooad.litt: I pumhex ofhottw* The 3rrtfp allayed the foe* the aboee lndi»crcU«^ e T “stmiing eoogh, p«*«' , udi habit, took M Ty«atte» CK*»tho *ang», and«a» i w *e.d7*ehvM« °£££-SodhMlth. flww.aefc; ! X*ri«jS r 1 SS!s£T*wi£itoi county', N- C. " , isdihatia Dr. **waTßsa, 4 throurtmrt the pahtic. which ■*• b mop«t* of and ailpre ltoiioJs““‘•"‘iJ’SJSlmo of wudcionj taw* natations call* doterof «ota« decepaya u«a pal oat a]M« «Jh **»* ca maey to th«s« aalea. eUtttiaitanee*,‘*otd«W«t awd miatake tba Bjf a little •‘WSET**SX bonie of the geoatno U likbueiaofWilhaia EennJho portrait of Dr. rtgnatare: a»\tVA T is hdreaner, ad a» to diftingdiyh 8«yn« wtill- aWMhwe ow> j, iiwS notlor known -rtnaea of Dn tb# crest euratwepropetue* r* f W j»di Chany, peraona awayne’t Cotn»*onnd By»dp }1 eorfency to their SSi »* “*^*r b 'r«S£?to^“« [ wui Ch C e m°“feSXViw* pa .“i n ““ *“ ; sr;.. s^vL. 1 lJ • J £P^fes p whichj after e table PremiuniP, ”f J’ gmirtactomy, e»- ! loju* “ d . K 21 iwiSi bo afflicted wiU! ; mblUhdd. .7} r js‘ifSsieu Womb, he teebnaoefida hia euro in the ptasier, * l 0 thee week*, if oppUed wiUi coanUei«m*trtmeQt» care and reit— f Thi» he feel* ! and experuiae »o i^ >h uhe hM nol (oiled ! £ n one C °c U a« Sf and ilty-three lienia* - ««.,«* and Weak Brtait orßaeh,ai-;' ; S?“s£s“> “ federal »t Diwnor.fl, All*^ “ Bit*** I*’*™*'* , i l'hm lmittut.-No & Wood atrwtl i Wills of T < nra * en4 ’ , ?.t p : %s?n“ ortfrSSelSi? R E Sdlsn to »li , »* »a ton, to. ; .nl'tewhiebll*.*- T? X T““‘J;; n u a **oto«me, •ootljubk A P being morepleoaaat aud paf ponada ? rc °^“'TgiS l E*J‘ _ . t —bojeealo'by J A FiSINESTOCK, * PJ, s„“ ,«Vn<“ild Wood ud BUto »d Woodwtoto, ritutwtgh. ■ ~ —lTTtrrmNri BUBffRR l £22«Bllnke»i Woffleer coals;. U*T» 38 ilSlnj Boots; 13 lithmurUeg*} \ 3 I# Wisfnir» *ndWgallons e*eh;sQ cetacea* t vniler T»“*> . Money Belts; ,1 do oUld Tie »*»»« goods (of sale dt tie Call* inenSd • ".— —i-a-*- T’acnirfED SPICES— Wt'npfoi family P* gt nn «moii| Ginger,. , WtrulidpS Fer tale. uSe’lttW Spfea} « d fc ,{»*g£d. ■ • : ES2»sS „ rjadurf » Wood zm WS^lailf# Si % Il»ffiriw4 !H “lil Igfelaip m si tiilfcliiftf I, “51 IpipSilll# i fiV 1 SJ'offliys'illMrflpHginKFiSHKS. |iSl|3E4|Sfii»sHsliii!l'l! >■ i^lnJiilsllisiras 1 |ii§S'S < sl;t,- 4 ,?&•" ilafissfryils«ts*gsfmi6jT ESIHAN6E BROKEN ■ 1 ‘ irV * % ° * no™dSapw^ccottai^<>o“H« l^,| “iSiSfiif « ta.«« mo. i*j« “£&** IHtlihttnchJPt. ■ i ~w i ii mil 3£3£&Ssig»- ~ J? S=S 2i — -r-r&wSZUSk pAHcaa »BxcH^gjjtran^.*^ jjssaaassatss' nut of iuuiuwui^.^!i!i«r; J N '" Yo ' k htoU)pu'* !j JJ^ :J -jai»nilyfor«*Ub7 asM*S«iv MPI3 . . . > . BOOK IRABE- “bwrfil*. WMff't'Ap'' I boik'bw a tiro amount of g * a phto l *i*i«iF»* &&&&&&** ''JSp&ttag^ES'' Ulitn»i‘?-l»-< r.^swur— * I notlC i -=■ -r —- §SSgfS^sßaaa&: • - ei» e u'i mSV'nw Do.k°r *• ?'**“•• | I THE«BCnAN!CB css Of C&rpealtrt,aWp»f*^J» i ,r(fiSuSi *e«T»llr ssssSßSSgK»a®:-ra «'•> <«*- U *A®hMi’« diwic*! Ssrie*. . w S“‘ , * u “°^ , ’SlSdirf i ‘« ‘ ■B.™.'. Nolu.nl quoidonioo Now Tuum.nl-. ' > «* «*» ku Trlumplw*- » ™l‘ A 1 *:r. PronoancUtlkk'.*. BoI "’i“fu utabp B HOPBtrty ... eout'.Hoiuo. tOl "£,Sl n^Uint.FoottH« ThMrr» d ff» c^r, «S I !i».^pin e ,.by Parid siJCstwMS?*?®V®-?#*- Albanf.N.Y. .j ,A i.«g.i,i w » if.tkfio. •uite* ( W JQ S^trhifAand Marici ita \ Old*»Tli»fv . IT: | -?I ILLOOgivOOP j®2Mß3SSppi!& rg^a^'Ssffiiaßsssaas fesj^asrss aSsssi^-sSSS-s™. lUld P^.(Sf”E«nt -1» Ul nyj^.yjif,". 1 ?. h. Archfteewrcl cad Saefcm# V, SSSSSffI«4p»- ***-?*’£sSF a fBUODkbIO pt*cc»' -• C‘AaD. I GttA.TEFt/*L.' for A® er T Üb « T * l « ue ®? r **«*“ nl 1 wir«efliTed far M many year*, I h*T* deter- nr basinet*, eorulMrablyv Hating “““iHSESeK*Foreman, I will be enabled. W SVPfi^rdertrronpdr*inddothe work in oar'usaal filffcOorderip » , M fcthe nueniioa of-mer* •ffifjidoSm!*nock Of KPIIOLSTK KYUOOOS ffißedffaiuiuun lolßodaut, Oil a&sjA’SissßSsBa*as p S,KS?3SSmSt kept a Ml endbll.knei.l of He |J£!7 Orte‘,l reipeetfollir oojiclwl out .l- BwlO Mlfl pel daWH. ; “ ‘ ' •* ' jWM. NIIBLK. BUBO, WAIIKROOM. ' . IJi JL HROWN mill fupeet* felly inform 'the public, that be keeps on band at nl« stand on. the vest tide of tie Diamond. Alle gheny city, a: complete'asion neat of Veaitiaa BUnd*;»Uo Va nillin Shatters are -made to or*'l def In the beat style, Oramnted egndl to. any iniha United Sates, llli BUadi ean be removed with*. out tie ,ald~ofo,‘terew driver.' Barm* curcbaied'the stock, tools; and wood Of the cabinet e»- , lablSlhoent of Kimsay h' M*Clel* itandi'l am -prepared to farnisb i their eld ensieaers,' as well m EpPPlilir For tale by. t tv. WoedwaS^. ■ dOB’" ~ - •».• —rrr: mtU-UAMJS’IVORY fE*afcTOOTUI , u'TOKJ] Wfol T.nu, M«T7, ‘gjgSlJ*"* » . >■ ►t •'H N 8 A « P™ i 'isl“*£ HifftfiTEE u writt ia«lth »*». M«nnmltiS >^,^ Trl ,. < . trlrJßTF.il. V , Mukel *b a^ 4 ,4**j^SsrMtn£T'6rW*Jaßf*«lP« na Bringimm. p EM ; _ .Gmioamfiolk Cim : N •fia&S&Mfefe • : 1 rTWC3±EI . , . Cu,cinil * d ':,' "oitaitoi ?•*;**> law., 1 ■ aw- vk.ten*e of dnry compel*.«aa-to giro my tiibotf !3™£3s3^fes tcSfeg^ajii po sr?i&odieivite *ealct partner of. Brodio & Le»4 aiSfigwu.’'. • Tno fallowing ifisthMSWl-come*! .from * woijieUj j yrH | II entertain the hope that » co . re ! publicity 1 letter. of bncgingif, hmnauity aaofiU beljiC y ~ n.txcr.l | totheJucoofherfnend j \ j ; Extract of a letter,' d,^£lL- O W'Ky. No*. S 3, 1&1 3 .' 1 . . Vain Kxutelor in 1 Ur.4l. Dilley:“lba«tn e dys"^ ile h ,t relieved a com of felon, Ui r liha*®, yours ic fil eared in araryebort Ume *" ; * JaTjCVocsa. . jr/"Bart*and Wound*, and alt a-1 Breirt, piopcnle.- flammation, lolrt- Bat, in the *amd. pro of this from the delete non* effect., of *. i*.«rf®«l^”. BOM r ft ~.. > -l ~.r lcghnT- i com w»W ' O <*. w. BIDDM* - 1 ;tfWsA*aa REMOVEDto anewit*«*MC*yWMK .£ asssf --* ‘ 52^VSi5iSfl0fliio (tee. ■■> .--- : ; :?f: . -' ■ i.M.;# or a^nL_‘TivViKattractedtriihRtU*oi «ojMa. . % eToaln__. WORMS. T- '■■ V'* ***?' B. A- FAIIMarrOOKW ‘VBafIOFFaB. - .^; 2i T : P-'aS«S« s^SS! S-"’. aaga^tegSasrfc SS^^^SSgSs f^ssssqgig’y sSsdparJSisS«»tggjfe^i SS pio&cc ihe mo« Mtaw 4 ■ : Scrfrf”f.V2cMii*a ' wlilurntMT penaiaeot ,*ir»ai*f«.- ! •SKSSSSaS?^SnJSfeSgE»«^&:^:- * 'SsSSd*hoSain«JMff nV l aftha pTCpamioa ta thfcii* P°*” a^? a - , ‘.V 11 rr 19 tioniost - : —. ■■ ;:•.v,'t---r- ><.J , I fg^f^&awpfias^X'S II : ' •. owl»VM»RHih^jiia«gy>^ f .r i ,'i t { > ioTo’ffieiKaj* 1J» - ; ’ g&£3Mg&££3S^§93S^i : S3fedMsaa&raag|' s*!s-:agSf e ,ffiSSSsg&g? SSdSS?S!S?ffii^w!sS«&s« SStSeSSS of ttii g*at b/B*??ASffiSTOCtt #1 jag Wood as^^fe vrttvuiw'Ußn. -, . ■ ;: VENmAKBnS»JdANSfA®W; ; Wj4 - EMt die OfU» DiMtoto, '•ton • Blind* bf*aittodltorsnl»M-Mdo®g*^ SSSUH^^^JSSSSS»■ uan Blind* toteteflPTgff^n&rgaVgLT. TKfe jS^r.ss.sfef'. workmsnihip, ; MslWly. idlOO*. ' * ' '•* '' *'“* M -./*<.»•-' r- - / : « * 1 : Aitwheny r«T- Aag - 10 - * Ma, -= — - - : I . n rr inmltii will w 9 above ettiMlrinnwy m*y fcfor bim wfa)i' pils toxlie «uflfon°‘ t T^ S4ft&h«B&TO6od,i f »oaU.- 1 Ice Cxeapu. “!® *“ • ;- • tatfrdW - —“ • ttceenai j| ,to Ankara A NlehflW sa^sgjssß^®aa§'- SSfthTaucmioa afperibaa UUt&njn*;e«U 'omoeHa VTa* - - ,M!CUOXso,t fc PAYNE.' ' piTT9BniGHm.QRTk!I|QIII< GvixfiF.ii. Importer and VCholetalo DoakriB - - • FANCY AND VARIETY OQQ«E- ! Piu»too*2*3£tQb*a parable Coagh 3yrat», l be* eEtof ike •ommanhy, thu mr T_4par* UmMafiUetetl etitaa taoat 35££iaJanaary lan, a cnrcAa conga of two moaiha’»t*n» { |* 4 .*d severe month, alnee, the eonfk jelanufr ike . boefl a> good *a rapjearmad- -, TfT —E-Egra. 7Fiiao' - - ' !.{ VJ | s-\ .1 3 » ' l . • & ’f „i • vf: £> '..U • I