THE fIITBBUHiiH MZEl'TE '■= .feulmmmial.awl, mJ W» n|^; dwadolUn • je«r 6* *f™sf2’le« torn" <“ - pay. .Itmurad thowtndpcopto u*jnoa»»_ toseU, botgndfwtoaiSoiS of extending ike stain knowtW “, HWUU , a {M**- PITTsBPRqa. IWKDNifIBDAY MOBNIHG, JAN. lBs oc *'DT’Amniai McuoeKir T«4«estadtotsail In BKStoi MM .Kit, «.>•* Mily.lnH»d«TM ItiitigiUa. neo* leg to* wfil fanrariaMy be started until ordered oat PBZLiimPBU SOKTA ÜBBIOAK Adrettisemtsta aadfabsenpaons to the North Amer tiadPtlirt States OmtCe, Phllsdrtphls, tsJAirad adibfWßdedftaatfcb cflce. ■- Igacr PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTERS ' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, A«. • CTTor MTcnlsAidah see.lnt page* PovnATnnbv Fimnus **» Pmt*»n«u, —Tie »«JkilMrie» bM bM» eiICTI.IIDTH to rapid *»ng oenkon, rail roads will bo in active progress. A bright day ia dawning open Pittsburgh, idd lier one hundred thousand inhabi tants. w ‘' TbomTa an aitm«ivB tc «trikc.” as it is called, at presoat existing is this city, among tho Pnddlers md BoOors of: our Boiling Mills. It seems the proprietors wish to reduce the wmgos of these operatives, to.the Tariff of *46 standard, and urge ts a reason, the low price of iron. They eay they dnaot aflbrd to giro the former wtges. The wmfcmea'stottly resist, and have made arrange* manta to support those who are unable to hold oat. They also talk of associating their. capital together, and starting a manufactory for them*, selves. We.likeihisUtterides, and hope U may' some to something. The general manufacturing 4«w, passed last winter,' affords great' fteiliiies tor •ooh tffasMoiaUon. * To Crrt Afivxxxtsxas.—-Batfew of oar city Erieods seem to be aware of the iriehas afforded eoßtsanicating with their customers in the • country, by our Wtdlg paper. Wo now circa* lata between throe and lonr thousand coplea of : the Weekly Gasette, the most of which are ukeo to the region around Pittsburgh, audio the eastern Counties ofOhio..- This affords a direct means of /' reaching.that vast and enterprising population : whieh do business directly .with this city. As the '••• flidutsofitUer communication increase, the direct busfaeuoT the people of the sorronndlng region withthe city incnmsesjnad no means ofscctmog this presents toeffeotive a mode us adveris* lag.' Oar retailers are as much interested in this us our wholesale dealers, and all . will'find it to their aoooont to make use of the Weekly Gazette. It Is a general Impreaaion that ihe trade of theeomlng Spring will by far exceed that of any previous teuoo. The great plethora in the mo ney market, whfeh is constantly augmented by the vast amount of .capital flowing in from Europe, and our Pacific Possessions, all seeking invests* pent la calculated to prodaeo a state of extraordi- Btry activity and prosperity in every branch of harness. We cannot expect, however, that bos* - toes* will come tom, without we make an effort ttobUin It.-and .this we think isonlyto bedone through the newspaper*.. of other - fifties,, fitr remote from ns, are endeayoringby ad* vettlaing in l onr Oily and Country Papers— to .carry off a trade that properly belongs tons, and v..:. which we can retain, if wejonjy point oat to our CouhtryMercbantiandotherathoadvaniagetwe p - .1 can tSer them, to purchase their goods nlgher ir.’ home.—Wo venture to affirm that oar merchants generally have as large and general assortments of Goods? u> can to found ta tbe Eastern Cities, and can afford them on better , terms • than they can be purchased at, either in Philadelphia, Baltimore! Hew York, or Boston; and it is only necessary to m*ir» this tact known, to indace purchasers to come to Pittsburgh, 'instead of seeking those more distant msrkets. Wo commend to all who wish to increase their business, the following remsirks of that shrewd thinker, Horan Girteky, and invito them .to make free use both of onr Daily and . WeeWy'lasnoa:— HMsißina-ffs have often remarked that advertising la one of the means by which the reform In trade la to be accomplished. .The two classes,, bayers and seller*; have a common interest in finding each other that is to say, it is -• tha interest cfhim who can supply a certain want eheaply, to have every bover aware of the fact; audit Is the loterdstofthe buyer no leas. Aa ex* pmaditsre of $5O may be too ouch, one of 95000 BMbetoo little, for that purpose.:!/; for example, somebody has discovered, (as we see titrated fa a • paper.!a'substance, or chemical com* V pound, which will dispense with tho lab6r now're* • qSrediu washing clothes, or the half, at a >erysmalleost,Uieowner»oftlu»palentmsy^- -: pcpd $50,000 a year In advertising, and then not upend enough. There are inventions'within our ' bnndredaofthouaaAdnlf thepau jtnew how, and bad the enterprise, to bring ,tl mfamo to the knowledge ofafflntcrestsedi these ftWar.ihev will never realise $20,000. Whoever can wppJy this city chfspnt with almost any art rfole to jKßttal me*.Of.cheaplTformah ■■ gßocrao-—ThoCoontf «f Adun. CoSQlyi. ™ ****** bl ißiam.u.ll^ 1 —“ foI “ fc bopli«lMt their lire. WhenwfllPeonijlremU proriiiim br her xubanuu la-i sane! The Morgantown Minor tsys that wsgon : loads dsQy pass that plsce far tolihs of the Baltimore and Ohio reSoad,where some thou sands of laborers are now toployed. Large qaan. Utiesof flour hare'beea tikea &om Washington, Fayette, and Greene counties, and bacon trem Pitts burgh, to feed* to Üborerson to road. Much money will be spent la this. region for rail retd' purposes to ensuing ;season, and we msrchanlf, and prorisioa desl*. era on .to prospect of a_ good year for business. THx Paxaxsr Ytix.—A german newspaper bu recently published a prophecy by a 'Benedictine monk, who died in 1847, to purport of which fa thnl the present year 1850 will be one of unusual prosperity. . The different sects cf Christianity wfl in that year accord., The Bnltan wiQ be poison* ed (Aboul Medjfl -had better taka care) and his empire will become ehrfatiu. RureiawiU sufler much from a war like nation cf to eafL A (ret man prince wfflfound an eastern empire.- Grain, fruit, lentils and other regitables will,be so pknti falthst to bares sHll be unable to contain tom. The disease of to sweet poUtoe will ereiy where cease, and old men will not remember such a yetr offruitfalness. • The winoof this year wiQ sui that oitoywcf theicooet. . PBOK WASBiaOTOB. Correspondence ©r tho Pittsburgh Garett*. Wsssootos, Jin. 11, 1860. Mr. Campbell was elected derk oftheHoaie to day, on the twentieth.trial, by the rolecf 112 agaioat 109 Car all other competitors. -Thia rtanU «u unexpected, after all that had taken place aince the- assembling cf this CoogTeaa.- At ike first Whig etacai, Mr. Winlfarop was nominated by a unanimous rote. He was detested solely through the desertion of Soalfcera members cf the party. In dtie coone of time, Mr. Campbell .was broaghl forward for clerk, tfiaa.aMe and worthy officer of a previous Congress;though not regular ly nominated, and was faithfully supported by the body .of the Wbfc party, frequently receiving a higher vote than had been giten for Mr. Win thropV. • At length' the impomibilay of electing htm by Whigvotes ■ being seeo, Mr. Foote was brought forward, and would hare been elect* ed with the aid of (bar Free Sail members occa pying' en independent potiiion, bat who were on ly waiting the opportunity to vole for him with effect, but for the defection of three Southern WhigSj Who, et'the critical moment, left him tor a' candidate of whoao election" there wasco thoaght nor' hope. Bat' Mr. Foote was with* draws, andlast night a cancaawaa held, at which, altera long discussion, an informal agreemenfcwas arrived at,* to rote for Mr. Campbell to dsyy.snd then to make atrial of Mr. PrindelL The oppcr* tanity to ap Mr. P. was not afforded,'for, on the third trial to day, the following Southern Bern* ocraU came op to the assistance of Mr. Campbell, namely, Messrs. Coicock, McQueen,' Qrr, Wal> lace, and Woodward, of South Carolina, -Tettahle, of Nona Carolina, Hnbbard, of Alabama, and 1 Ewing, of Tennessee—and secured his election by two majority over all competitor. It is hardly necessary for me to say that I think. thai, amder the existing Mr. Camp bell should not have been voted for by Northern Whigs. Thfitjtnie. course traa to adopt in res pect to this indaH other offices of the House, the rale of a and to adhere to Mr. Foot.— Bat I trill not enlarge this point. Ur. Camp bell u'a good officer, and a sound Whig, and trill of coarse retain all the Whig clerks, whose places depead upon his choice. The Northern Democrats are, of course, highly incensed at the treachery of their Southern cola borer*, burl have taken great paies V> assure them that their indignation is. quite superfluous, that this is a aort oi thing not at all uncommon here, in fact; that good ftlUi in, the their party relattebs, upon tee part of tee Southern poll itotiißs Is-rather the exception thin the rale.: 1 traa much emuaod with the symptoms of vexation manifested by aame oftee green ones, when they saw that tho desertion ot Forney by the Scmth Carolinians was to result in tie success of a-Whig candidate* Some half a dosen rose, and changed their votes from French to Forney, aupjmaing, in the innocent timpUty of their hearts, that by so doing they could effect Campbell’s majority. Many of .them declare, however,’ that they havo given their last vide for . any Southern man or mea sure, which means that they will be Independent till again required to be snbservient Some two hours wen con tamed in the attempt to chooso a Sergeant at Arms, which only availed so for aa.To show that Lass could obtain about three fourths of the Democratic votet, and that Mr. Giddisgt, of Hew York, will probably be support ed by the Whigs pretty generally—Wen some of the Southern Whig* ihouH vote for Lane, who belongs to Kentucky, Giddinga will elected. •' It fa understood that the answer of the PresU dent to the: resolatioa calling for the correspon dence and intercourse relative to CM establish meat of a Civil Government in since the war, will be communicated to the House in. the eitrly part of the following week. ;lt will prove that the original instruction! upon which mUita authorities acted, in the matteri’referred to in the enquiry, were ’given by the predecessor of Geo. Taylor. Bat tho present administration bu had agenti 'tn the Territory'acting under Its directions, who have exercised an Important influence in the formation of a Sate Government.•• I have ascertained that'tho rumor towiiahlhave referred, that a Senatorial caucus was held to tike into consideration the means-beat adapted to the removal of the present officers of the Senate) is not correct. Justus. FftOß HARRiaBPBOH* . Correipondenrc of UiePidsborgh Gazette. - HanxiaßUXOß, Jan« IS, 1850. The annual statement 'of the aeoonnta of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company were [pre* VffUfd to day,in both, Houses. This; statement allows tho affairs of the Company'to be in a,most prosperous condition! They have divided six teen per centtbe put year, carrying to the aarplnafonnd above one .hundred thousand dollars. It Is tho most prosperous Internal Tm provemenl Company in thoTJnlled States. Thoy divided one year, thirty four per cent. Io the Senate to day, Mr. Crabb presented two memorials from'the w .Merebanta and Traders pf Pittsburgh for a general Banking Law. This pro ject is more favorably received hero this; year, it ever has been‘before; and. .were it not for aomo wealthy parties in Philadelphia, whose wealth is comparatively increased by every ap* preach to the hard money alandtrd, there would be no difficulty in securing a law similar .to that which has so greatly advanced the prosperiiy of the stale'of New York. Mr. Paeker, who is a practical printer, has fere rated oot the font, that the decisions of the Su preme Court, as published by .‘Mr* Bur, : th elate Kepcner, do hot contain as many lines and words in a page, as did the reports-of Messrs. Watts and Sargeaot, whieh the law requires, as well as five hundred and fifty pages In eaehvolnme. Ho of* •ftred a resolution initiatory to additional Legfalet Uon,to enforce a compliance on the part of Jto£e> perforand Publisher, blsimpomabld that a law book offive hundred and fifty pages, containing aa . much matter as the. old reports wellbonad, can be isold for foov dollars, and so limited a number of copies odd, as of the reporti.and at all reoompense'tbe Reporter. J • : (Jin the House of Representatives, Mr. Porter in* trodneed a bill in placo, to establish a department of education. Tie morning business, otherwise, was trivial. The order of the day was the sub*' jetfofflbgginglnlbeNavyjaqdMetsira. Cbreyn and flakier, each£spofco at length, and with great eloquence end ability, in reply to same old .Federal dytrfwea. advanced yreterdsy, by Mr. Pmtcr of HoTthamptou,os the sdljeeief the right of iutreoliosu;- ,Wl«i'ti»y /h*d- eottoluded, ilr. WAwy, e»n pA |hajjgyitms querifenj • for the . pure ofpreremieg too great a torrem of Bhotorioopbn the ntseeft’ The call was: eus« talned l ahd tho re»olntloaa passed wtih no One in opposition,’with the exception of Mr. Porter, whoeojclittion'voice was heard ringing out a iUT In hlsusnal empbatio riyle. 3b tJu Jlonoritili tktJu>* gMtJb Ceurtef Quer ur Seuimutf tfiePtwet for\\t CesntyrfAUt^ -—....... /A The Grand Invest of DecenierTerm,lB49, quiring in and for the County of Allegheny, haVv ing closed their labor*, make tie following report. number of cases "brought bifcre us this teori have been fewer than the' preceding Inquest- Aiarge psrtionoflhese had their origin in tipling or drinking houses. This Inquest’wish to enter iheirpf otest against the present system of granting Licenses to retail spirituous liqnort, and would res pectfully request the Court to withhold their license in ail cases when not/iftfjr aatjified that the tetnu ‘.of the community at large require it. The great increase of beer and small tipling, houses, whs do not presume to aak for license, bot desl put spiritous liquor, in violation [of all law,' is to bo greatly regretted. Notwithstanding woe of the constables have retareed many of thase nuisancea situated in their respective wards and townships, others have returned very few, whilo from some of thejownahips there are no ret urns. Of tho ag gregate of these nnisances,in the city and county* we think not more than one in ten have been re* turned. The inmates ol the Jail, under the excellent ad ministration of Sheriff appear to be ren dered as comfortsblo as is conHsteni with the pun ishment of crime, and the badiy ventilated apart' meats will permit. We would recommend to this Ccmmisrioners of the County'an enlargement of the windows, or an additional opening on the in side of each apartment, opposite the ootaido wia« dow*,-especially of the tier ot cells. Also, tho erection, in the Jail yard, of a email building for a wash room and bath house. IjAlthough a greater degree ol cleanlineta prevails throughout the Jail than we expectod to witness, yet a small house or shed, for the above purpose, would ‘ contribute largely to the meena of cleanlineta wo essentially, necessary to the health’ of the prisoner*. 'The locks on the cell door* ere represented to ns as being ineecnre.. The hinges of the lids of the wa ter doaets are mostly eorroded and rotted off, pnd replaced with new ones. The system of “ prison labor " has many advso. tages, with suitable work shops, in which nil the prisoners might be constantly and-profitably em ployed. The prisoner aright be thus made to oon mbote largely toward, if not wholly to pay the ex penses of the Jai> r while the voluntary request sod peityJsil offeucer, for. recommitment, would be fewer.- As the choioe ot labor within the. Jail, or. in the open air, would iodoce a preference for the Utter, we would respectfully ask the attention of the Commissioners to this subject as one worthy of their earnest attention. WILLIS BOOTH, Foreman. JOHN VANCE, JOHN WILSON, JOHN 140HTNEB, WM. GARNER, GEORGE-McCLELLAND, H. CRIDER, JNO. FULLERTON, WM. W. kcGREGOR, ROBT. J. BEATTY, 8. H. GAMBLE, , WM. SEEELMAN. JOHN-MOBANGE, G. Y. COULTER, 1 MILTON ;McCLELLAND, - JAMES SAM'L. MELVILLE. The New York Courier and Enquirer has the following comments on e subject which has late ly excited considerable attention. Discussion is rife on tha question, did the ae* cond halfof the. Nineteenth Century commence January 1,1550, or not? To understand the ques tion and decide it correctly, we oust go back to the beginning. It is taken for granted that the Centuries of the Era began atl2 delock ante me* ridian, or 12 hoars before noon, of Ju. Ist in the year 1. when it began, no timo oFihe Era had elapsed:—the next minute after the date of its be ginning, wnalhe frit nunutc, of tho fru year of thejfrrt Century:—the next minute after that, was the ftcond minute of the first year of the first Cen tury, £e. : Twenty four boon from the beginning of the' Era, exhausted the first day, I —and then, vix at 12 o’clock ante meridian,(or 12 hours before the! meredianjof Jan. 2, commenced the reread day of the Jint year of the first Century, dec. , flag yg*r from the beginning of the Bra, via, at 12o’clock, ante meridian, on Jan. 1. lathe year 2, the fint year ended, and ofeoursethe reread year commenced.- in the tnigie way ii be comes pvHentlhsff co.years from the beginning, the sroearf year ended, and ibe year 3 mnmenc* ed:—that nwafy yeais from tbe beginning, tha twaovtk year ended, and of ooorse tho 21st year commenced;—*nd that forty mas years from the beginning, Uta forty math year ended, and of course the SOtb year, (or tho year 30th,) commenc ed. And the 60th yeer was not finished,r-rthat Is, SO years from tho beginning of the Ers had not been completed, until tho fftyfrtt year com-' menced,—which was at 12 o*eloek ante meted!- aa —or lShcmrs before the meredlan oT Jan. Ist. In tho year SI. IJow a century is 100 complete years—neither more nor Ipsa—sod half a century, is tho half of 100, or fifty, complete years—neither more nor less. To determine,'then, whan the' first half of ihefint century ended, and tho second half coo* menced, ills only necessary to determine when 50 complete years of that century ended, when they become complete—and that as wo have seen above, was not until 13 hours before noon on the lstcf January of year 51. That day was tbe'fim day of the second ball of the first century. One hundred years from (hat day. which was January Ist 51, was the first day oftho second half of tha second century. And so slab, eighteen ; hundred years from that day, vie Jan. 1,1851, was or will be, the first day of the second half oftho nineteenth century. We cannot see any particular difficulty in com ing to this conclusion, or any flaw in the process ofreasoningby which it U. reached. If correct, it/ollows of course that last New YbrfuUy was cot the first day of the second half of the nine* toenth century—but only the first day ofj the last year of the firit btif theroof-iad that' all the. touching, sentimental, and beatifaUrpoetio edito rials—our own inelnded.—which .were written on the oppoiite hypothesis, most be kept until next New sear's day, to be timely and appropriate.— Our readers will take, notice, therefore, that our own will probably challenge their attention and ad mi ratios agate, when tho year 1851 oomes round.; ~ J ' Atvaiss m or on! CxAagx. —A dispatch from Weshloglon to the Expreo, files that the recall of Mr. Sqoier, oor charge to Nicaragua, hsa been detsmined upon by the Gov> ernment, and adds: *‘l have,moreover, all but official authority for fating that it. if more than probable the British Government will deal similarly with its accredi* ted agent, Mr. Frederick ChatfielA His return home, indeed, may have already been’determlncd apoa. 9 . DtaoovxtT ov Gold Miw os tux Irbxus or Panama Echo, received by the. steamer Alabama at New. Orleans, says it is a pos itive foot that a gold mine has been discovered in the province of Veragnas, on the Isthmus. Some Americanshadresolved to go and dig there in stead of proceeding to California. In its number of the 14th all the Echo asys: “It is. no longer a matter of donbt that gold can be procured,in the mines on the Isthmus, within a day’s travel of Panama. Judge Shattnck, of Mis sissippi, a gentleman of high character and stand ing', md Dr. Callen,a gentleman acquainted with the mining operateoa fn California, have been pros pecting, and gave as'tbeir opinion that, the “dost 9 exists In particles sufficiently large, and ofa quality to jnstily extended operations. We t - have seen tomo of the dost p roc* red by thes gentlemen, and,, have no hesitation ia arsertiag it to be the. real 1 staff. Jeweleraanddealeisidthepremoasmetals pronounoe it fnliy eqoai to the produdionsofCAl 4fomia. A - ‘ i ■ • • J 1 Telegraphic 'despatches trom Washington to the Hew York Expresa,costaia the following items:- * I learn, on tlie most npdoubted enthority, thar the recall of Mr.Squfer U resolved upon—on what grounds you have been heretofore-made perfectly well aware. This yon may consider a fixed fret. I have, moreover, ell but official .authority for stating that it ia-giore than probable the British Government will deal similarly with it* accredited taeot, Mr. Frederick Cbatfield. His return home, Sdeed, may bave already beea determined upon. Thai, you will tee; both power* mantirat the moss disporitiflO tow«nl» by their mutual disavowals, which cannot bat lead to a eatiifectory, termination of tho mstter in dis- at longth auoccedcd in gettinr at the Jthrf” e* Sff show that the Vouchere-rdednetea, there is n gov ernment btlanco.dueirom Mr. Welßwe of «ie hundred and aovatty thousand dollan* Thista correct. 1 • • ■■ : ," ' , Nxw Conrrzarerr/--We were yerierday ahown a new two conntetfoit note on tbs Farmers* Bank' oi Harrisburg, doled May 25,18d1, and aigned ILP. than with a milking pad and two cows. Engrav* fog very poor, paper ;thleky and .npC, calculated to deceive. • : '■ Ji ~ We are happy to announce fo.anr readers that theHouidbf Rcpreeeatttivaa has at length; dona Itaelf judlee by makißg chofoeofa Ciok»-and that the choice has fatten on so estimable a gentle* man and excellent an officer aa Thomas J. Camp bell, of Tennessee, who officiated aa Clerk to the last House, and who had tbasftr acted aa Clerk to the present . _ .-. Fluor Latsnu.—The Bex R-IL Gurley has re turned from Liberia, in the Decatur, and arrived In Waafaingtoa -a few days since.- He comet eharged with “glad tidings of great joy" from that distant colony. He arrived at Monrovia on the 18th of September last, and was received with open arms. ' On tha Min of September he addres sed a large meeting of the people, not of Monrovia alone but of Montaorado county. His addms,ln which he warmly congratulated them on the rapid growth of Liberia since he apoke to them on the same metnoreblehill, was rrinved with - tins. Resolutions were offered by President erta. whieh were unuimooaly adopted. Mr. Gurley describes, in animated terms, the proreeriryoftiie people. They occupy about three hundred mfles on the coast, and penetrate fifty or sixty miles into the interior, embneing about 6000 colonists, and a large multitude of the natives of the country. . They are enjoying uninterrupted prace with; the abongioe*; and the morel force which their superior improvement enables them to exert is insenribly inflating an improving spirit among the natives, and counteracting, in some 1 degree, the range oftho slave trade. The new constitution of Liberia is in operation, .with a President, two bouses of the. Legislature, and a judiciary department Great Britain has' formed a treaty of oommereo with-the colony. Every day is' enlarging the are tides of her trade. Mr. Gurley brings with him various specimens oftho productions of Liberia— her coffee, which tome suppose equal to the Java, blocks of her most precious woods, cotton stufis, Ate. &c. These curiosities will be exhibited by Mr. Gurley, to' gratify tha publio curiosity. We are ourselves indebted to an officer of the navy, forabesutitol stick oftho red camwood. - We understand that Mr. Gurley is preparing a regular report of his discoveries for tho Govern cent—Washington Union. : Tax Hazaxds of Mnccmu Lnrx—The follow ing statement gives a melancholy picture olthe bar srds and flactuailonsof mercaatiiollife. The changes ot fortune are, ind&ad, extraordinary. Only a few days ainre we saw, in the streets of Philadelphia, two old, badly dressed, and apparently indigent in dividuals who,twenty yean ago,vere considered as among onr first merchants, who carried da a very extensive shipping trade, .and ‘exercised a gras l influence. Bollhey felled, and became bankrupts, and scarcely raved enough flout the wreck to keep ihem’from the almshouse. The article we copy is from the Merchants' Magazine: “It it asserted that but one eminent merchant, (and hia death is still recent and'lamentodj haa ever continued in active business in Ihe cUy cf New York, to the cloae of a tong life, without un dergoing bankruptcy, or suspension of payments., in tome one of the various crises through which the country bu necessarily passed. I have no of determining the truth o! this assertion, but it mutt baveaome foundation, and I think it would be difficult for either of us to add to the number. ■ “Iris also asserted, by reliable authority, from records kept during periods of twenty to forty years that, ofeverv 100 personswhocommeace business in Boston, 95, at least,die poor; tbit .of the same number, ic New York, nottwo ultimately acquire wealth, after pairing through the intermediate pie ce** of bankruptcy; while,' in Philadelphia, the proportion instill smaller. A meeting of gas consumer* was held in the city of New York, on Tnesday night, to take meas ures for obtaining supplies ofgaa at cheaper rales. —Among the proceedings, reported in the Tribune, we observe the following; Professor Gassy explained a plan by which the City could bo'Jighted at a five thousandth part pf the expense now incurred. This light JJ o| his own discovery, and the principal ingredient U nitrate ofaods, which can be had in inexhaustible quantities in Booth America. The residuum of tha soda, after being used, would bo more valua ble than the article in its crude state. One of those lights placed inßraadway .corner of Canal afreet on the top oft bouse, would- enable a person lb read throughout the whole of that street sad neighborhood. He has one of them teuaeoathe locomotive “Rough and Ready," on the FhiladeU Railrod line. By it the engteeeer can see' three>qaartere of a mile ahead, and is enabled to : observe the switch-pole for half a mile. The ex* pease of that light for four nights was ooly 25 cents. A committee of [three were, appointed 10 ex amine Ups pew discovery and report upon it* Stitts to Get. Jicxsqh at Wanuarrox.—A Washington letter states, that daring the present month the equestrian statue oT General Jaekapa*. fh bronxe, will be completed and placed on a' granite pedestal in Lafayette Square, opposite the President’* house. The proportions of this status are represented as colossal, and the figure is said to be thrown into a very striking attitude. It differ*, says the letter, from other eqaestnan ttv toes in the particular of rite horse being self poised. In that of Peter the Great the borso is supported In his position by ftsteuing the tail to the pedestal. This statue la the first of bronxe ever made in this cqtxatiT,anditUaaid,will reflect great credit on Mr.Q&Mins.-- ?bb'Srorirw*» ordered &ottiv Democratic Aasoaatioft, of Washington.—Jfalef men Amenta- ? . A. WdcPVau.—ANewYorktetxer f isth*Fho - North American, date, of (he Bth instant,reya; ' “There is a curious dun in preparation by one of our sharp practical ionyma, which invuveaa Urge amount of money. It appears that the books and other aineisofa bankrupt canal company were •old amne»»«» since at auction, under execution. They have come into certain hands, who,- upon diligent search, arc believed to contain evidence of tee Urge Indebtedness of certain wealthy par* ties, covered by fraadnlent entries. The amount involved ii said to be: neyly a million of dolian.” lan tanaurc*.—This mode of providing los the want* of a helpless family, in the event' of the death of its head, U becoming vary popular. The £dlowmg extract shows some of its advan tages: - ■ x y—- Ifa man of 35 can lay by $2O a year, for the fu* tore support of himseii or Cimily, and depostta ft In a Saving’s Bank, ahoald he lire 20 years, mix amottalto $5OO. If he deposits it in a log’s Bank, he wffl seeuratohls family a policy forslooo ahould dfetheneft dayl Should he lire a doxtn yearg, U la: expected no more pay* meets will be required: tho*, for $230, paid la In* attlment* of $2O a year, or ss.a qaaiter t he se cure* a paid bond for $lOOO, and his life insured gratis! which!*l the safesi and most prufilabte Saving’s tiankf. Who will neglect to provide fof the future support of his Gunilj, when these means are offered himl J There ere now jin Europe and America more than ISO life Insurance Companies; the fint one having been established in France, 180 yean ago; the remarksblo'foct should be considered by (boee who wish to make a safe investment, that daring the whole period of ISO years, there hu never been known a single instance of an ex datively life InsunnceCoopany faffing to pay its. liabilii tiea! Can the same with trothbo laid of onyoth* er monied ioatUotlofif' Dc. WißsTxa.—This individoal re cently made several complaints that hi* rest was disturbed at night by .prisoners in the adjoining cells shooting oat to him and mtering thy most opprobrious epiibets, such as manthei cat op Dr. Farkman, 9 “yon’re • murderer,"you’re a blood thirsty scoundrel, 9 Sec. Tho head ,keep?t stationed two man In the pareage to listen^und a» certain tftiiUwas t!m ue&.: They declared that all waa silent daring the night, but next morning Dr. Webster complained as before. The condos sien drawn Iromtitis, is that be has become so absorbed in the lerrible affair In which bo is in> plicated, that he isactuslly a monomanutf. Macauxat’s Hwtost or Esouxn.—lnqoiriei are often made respecting the conunoatiou of this work with special reference to' the probable time oTSe appearance of the next volume We con* versed with a gentleman, last, evening, who bn& recently seen Mr.; Mac*day, who said be was laboring hard every day, but that he did net ex* Kt to have the third volame ready for tho press ses ffcan a year.jand that it might not be ready in leu than fifteen or eighteen monihi—iWw York Covtmetttei. I; Dixt* or t» R*7* £zex Hzalt.—We regret to announce the sadden death of the Rot. Kzr* Kealy, of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, which erent took place about four o’clock onlheVmorn log of Thursday, the 37th nit., under the follow iig“cir?um«taneea. : The-bouse of Mr- Daniel Faulkner,'in the Bth concetti on of Elizabethtown, .was discovered atom 4 ©’clock, to be oh Are. Mr. ilealy started from his own premises, to go and assist in extiagniahiog the dames, bat had not (proceeded far along the road, when he fell and ! immediately expired. Mr. He&ly waaoso of the I oldeat and moat usefol ministers of the Method!* Church, and his death will be regretted by (boot : und* all over Telegraph. .SrtiNsnxis a«moit.— An unusual activity pro rails at the Government Armory, at .Springfield Mats., and the number of men employed there ia greater than ever before known. Muskets are bo tag manufactured at the rale ol 1500-per month, and the operation of danging the flint lock man kets, la the arsenals, to perenufon locks, is rapidly progressing. - Claris Picayont », Jan. 11,1850. Tux .run itm New Otmiu.—Tbe New Orleans -.'ictytmeof the Stb last aays: "By 4 gentleman toon the scene oftbedlsaster at Boost Cam f w* leant that the crevasse it now twenty eight axpeoit in width. . The butioett of grinding is almost entirely at a stop, oa the neighboring plantations, and several planter* cipioo Urn opfn ton that cot only wiDit .be impossible 16 prevent the entrance of-the water until a greatfiw in the nrer takes place, bat also that they will be enable to plant tor the ensuing season. The water has oome down as Curas Ur. Bonlaft plantation, nets the : Eost,& Kenner plantations. fr nothing dec& aire-be done to amat »V« inroad.« the rirer, ths bjeribw may soon be expected net* thqMetsrießifre. . * .. t j OU> BiniL-Ht la said that too oddest living nxwapaper' in EagUad is too lincolp Mercnm arttcS v»i4«tppHM«edift.l©3.' Tits oldest Lb Itfsdo&ia tb*Sf< J«ae**i Chronicle, flat pnblitkr ediai'Wl. TbsicJdttt la Beotlaad U ttoEdio* in 17W •Tie oldest, to Ifeludf too.Bal&a Hews Letter, Am iamed 1737. .'. ‘ -1 ' *.••*■*• Tn Wninw m m Faun Cm-Faty tvo vtoteaeee have bees tnamnnod to ettesd be* fof toe Grand Jury, on Tuesday wx*s to Msti/y ta r BIRD, Yesterdar sfaruooa, uj o’clock, Wrt. Ltrrnooit,- tTyears." • Bit feneroi will tike (dice on to morrow, (tbs 17U4 1 from lot Into rcnds&ee on tbs Foarth Street Road, nnd proceed to the Allegheny Cemetery. The firieade ef tie 'family ore rerouted to attend jwUho'ci further no? tijee. Asm&Mjt ttWUWM Hell. [TT'Wo ere reqiteeted to'seytietfentiessen wish in* to subscribe to the Ball U ‘‘Wilkins HsU,” on lie , 17th Inst, css procure tickets on eppUcelioo to eny of | the Menifers. j*nlo-2t*, WILKINS HALL. THE ORIGINAL AND JUSTLY CELEBRATED WASHINGTON KQTEBPBAIIt Respectfully a&noeneb ibu they win give their LAST ehaste and inimitable VOCAL AND INSTRUM KNTAL. ENTERTAINMENT, at the above •pleadid n?w HniJ, THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Jaaaanr lGih. / . particular *o° Programme.* janjg Oeutry EMldtaet Aen Ar Rant, E FROM the first of April next—My Mansion la the cny District and the ground and itabUsg occupied therewith. ALSO—The Orchard Hill,.Garden, Ac., adjoining George Breed. Esq. Janl6-3t . JAMES 8. CRAFT. Brisk Yard for Kant. A LOT OF GROUND, satiable fork Brick Yard, J\- and simated near the city line, in the vicinity or Bobo Bridge, wfli be rented for a term of years. Ap ply to ✓ E. D. OAZZAM, Third street, jaalQ Office over the Port Office. (Pott and Mercury copy.) Hidiosl lotiei. THE partnership between Drs. Ban A Moiois was ditaolTed, by mataal consent on the lit Inst Dr. SPEER will be band at his old office on Peon street 1 Dr. MORGAN will be found at hla office on Liberty street, a few doors below Pitt, , jsnlWt - A Presemt ror loar Family. MORRIS A WILLIS’ BOMB JOURNAL* Prautmp Wkult—S3 rxa \tavu. “The best paper in the Union.” [EveniagStar. “Rather get in coal than go without it-" [Boston Post. Now subscribers can be sepplied from Jan. 1,1650, if immediate application be made < either perwaallr or by lettcf)ntiheOfficeof PabltcaUoB.Al Woodat . jante | ’ J. PTLOCKWOOD. WariheuM for Beat. rftO LET, from the Ist day of April next that.Ware* X hoase at the cornel of Liberty and Hand streets, at present occupied by. John Wau A CO. as a Whole sale Grocery. Apply to - i J. P. KERR, Attorney, Potmh itreet, Jy>lG-3t i bct*a Bml infield and Grant jPeißcnti A ROOM on the; second itory oi the Warehouse No.» Wood street ■ JanlC Pcrßinb A LARGE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Eighteen Acres of ground in a good state of cul tivation, together with goed stabling, Ac-, situated 3ft milea from Pittsburgh, near the Greenabanh turnpike, and adjoining the Allegheny Cemetery.. There u an exeellentsariagneArthedweiUng. Possession given oo the Ist April. ALSO—A throe story Briek Dwelling House, on liberty street, between O’Hara and Walnut streets, Fifth Ward,'at present oecapied by the aabseriber. Poaaeaakin riven on the Ist ApriL Enquire of JanlO-U ' WM. .YOUNG, lid Liberty at. ■VTEW NEGRO SONG, byS. C. Focraa.—“Oh,Lem- Xl v uel. go down to de Cotton Field.**—» new Ethio pian Melody, jut rac'd and (or sale by janls j J HMKLLQR, SI Wood st_ TANNERS' OlL—£o bbla Strait’s Oil,'for iale by . tanltt . JAMES DALZELL, *4 SOLE LEATHER—SDO sides Spanish, for tale low J>y JAMESDALZELL H ‘HEATHERS—IOOOIba prime, for laleby J? JanlC . JAMES DAT.XCT.T. NAILS— dOO kegs OUphant’t brand, for iale by janlQ JAMES DALZELL New bacon-hams, sides a shoulders— -30,000 lbs in Smoke Home, for sale by KJER A JONES, Canal Basin, janlO near Seventh itreet FLOUR— 123 bbls in store and for sale by JanlC CRAiO A SKINNER, 88 Market it OATS— 250 ha in sldre and lor sole by |anld\ CRAIG A SKINNER ONIOiNS— 10 bbla rac'd and Cor iale by - - _ janlO i ' CRAIG A SKINNER LARD— 8 kegs, ia stare and for sale by janlO CRAIG A SKINNER BUTTER— 10 bbls Froth Roli,inckrthi,lo day rac'd and for sale by janlO CRAIG A SKINNER BEANS— 13 bbls Small White, fbrsela by janlO' ' CRAIOASKINNER T\RJED PEACHES—S ba jest rac'd and lor saleby JJ janlO ! CRAIG A SKINNER HICKORY N UTS-40 fahl* in Store and for sale by JanlC \ . CRAIG A SKINNER GREEN APPLEB-SS bbls in store and lor sale by jatilfl 1 CRAIG A SKINNER -100 bbls in Horn and for sale by ... CRAIG A BONNER, W Market «t POTATO! janlO T) UTTER—SbbIi (Plaingrove) Fresh Roll, j cat rac'd Jj and for sale by jatlO JARFLOVD LARD— 20 kjri N6l; on hand and for sate by janlO , JARFLOVD P KARLAS B—3? bbla Adams’, on hand and £oi sale by janlO JARFLOVD FJTASU— il casks tit store and for kale by ' - icaid : ■ -rT^liyuxtJS /IHBS3E—» bxs WR, on hand and for sale by \ Vj Jaald^ 77 ' - r * JAB FLOYD SALKRATU8 —30 bbla Adams*, ia store and for sale by janld JARFLOVD \TOTICE U hereby firea' to toe Members of too HI Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Company, of Dickinson township, Cumberland county, Pa-, toai an aneinnent of tlx per cent hat thlt day been laid ia toe premium note* of said Company, by toe Board; which acctcaju it directed to bo paid to-toe Treasurer of aald Compaay,aee6rding to toe charter and by-law*. By order of toe Board- A. G.j-MILLER,* J ' JanHWt* • •. Secretary- Aonßuia&TOß's Konev. it hereby given that Letters of Adwinis- Xa tration for the Estate of BenjamlnP. HarrU, late of toe Borough of Birmingham, have been granted to too undersigned. AU persona indebted to said Ha tale are requested to make payment; and ail persons hav ing claims against toe tame are requested -tp present •them, duly aatoentleated,for settlement, to toe aabaeri* bert, ia tiumingham.r ' • • . SARAH*HARRIS, Adm’x, janlG-wOT . JOHN MeKBB, Aaa'f. LIVES COMPLAINT.—Another enre performed by using the original, only true and genuine liver Pill. Ataman, Brown O., March SO, 1647. Mr. R. E. Seller*—tn April laitmywlfewasattack ed wi;b liver Complaints and had toe advice of two physicians, who tried various remedies without pro ducing any good effect. Baring heard of yoor cele brated liver Pills, I concluded to give them a fair trial I purchased o*o box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen, andgave them according to toe directions, by . which she was greatly relieve a. 1 procured- a second box, which entirely cured her, and she now enjoys excel lent health- I have used them myself, and pronounce them toe best family medicine I ever tried. Yours, Ac., - Hasan Buslt. Prepared and sold bfß-E. SELLERS. 67 Wood at; •bid also by prugglsli gene rally ia too two cities. Jcnl6 ■ " • J O'CONNOR retires from cur firm from this date, • gnine into toe bousesof Atkins, 'O'Connor'A Co., PhUsdelpala, and O’Connor, Atkins A Co- Pittsburgh. The “ficneral Commission and Forwarding Business. n as welt as toe “Pittsburgh Transportation Line Agen cy,” will be continued by us at our Depot, 70 North street, Baltimore. -We return our toankatoonr friends and the friends of toe Liao tor past favors, and hope to merit nod receive a eontinsance and Increase of tu iMCiI. -UU IVVM.W m VWU.iI-1-PWfc- ——- toe same. , O'CONNORS A GO. Baltimore, January lit, 1960. PITTSBURGH TRANSPORTATION LINE. ATKINS, O’CONNOR a CONot. SfO A SSI Mar ket street, Philadelphia; O'CONNOR, ATKINS A CO., Canal Batin, Liberty an, Pittsburgh; O’CON* jIORS A CO., 70 North street, BaliitporeV Tliis old established LINE, having Changed lu firms and agents as above, and extended its arrangements, begs leave to inform'itsfriends and toepnbUe that u anil he prepared, on toe opening or toe Pennsylvania Canals in toe springof 1960,' to give all freights un equalled despatch and care, at very tow rates. . Jsalo*6t ' , IHanhal’i Sale- - Inraap, GsnllA Co. ") 1 aaalnst' >fn Chancerv. p * Steamboat Telegraph No. l,Ae. 3 And toe aame 1 against >ln Chancery. BUnmboat Telegraph No. 7, Ac. 3 BY VIRTUE of an Order ot toe Loniirlllff-Chan cery* Court, made in the above canses, wo, toe undersigned, or one of us, on Monday,, the XSto day of January, 1960, sell to the highest bidder or bid ders, at public auction, oft board or sale beau, at toe wharf in toe city of Louisville, toe whole oftoegte&m boat Telegraph No. 1, her engines, taekle, Ac.; and, also, three founds of toe steamboat Telegraph No. 9, enxines, tackle, Ac. The terms of sale to be—one foanh cash in hand, toe remainder on credits of 4,9, end 12 months for equal parts. ' ’ Purchaser or purchasers will be required to give bond", with approved security, bearing interest from toe day or aale until paid. Sals to take place abeat 11 o'clock, A. M., of said dey. JOHN A. CRITTENDEN, M. L. C. C. CHARLES J. MENC, Deputy, jsniu-diot Dividend. Omci or Prmsctoii Css C 0.,) ' Janaary 14, 1860, j. milE Trustees of the Pittsburgh Gas Company have X this day declared a dividend of four per cent, out of to* profits of the last six months, os too Capital Stoclrpaid in; payable to toe stockholders oMhetr le gal representatives, forthwith, at toe Office of the Company. JAMES M. CHRISTY, jaalo*tl3tAwliT _ Treasurer. WINTER LARD OIL-16 bbla pure, (will stand freezing point,) jait rec’d and lor aale by; •janld BELLKRg A NICOLB ' CLOVER SEED—4OO bn in more and for sale by jaott JAMES A HUTOHUON A CO BEROKR * AITKfiO, GKNERAL OOMMISSION MERCHANTS, frj* Liberal advances made on consignments. fILOVEB SEED—3 bb&jusireoM and/or sale by \j )snl4 RHEY, MATTIIEWB A CO WINDOW GLASS-dW boxes saPd sizes, Prank- VV Un,andSmlto A Herron's Brands, in stare and tor aale by lanll BHEY. MATTItEWfI ACO "rjtLOUß— ®3 bbla Extra Family and Superfine; 7 “ 'prim* Ryeiin atoJo and for tala by , L S WATERMAN, )an!4 . i 31 Water and 63 Front st MEAL— Iflbbls Corn Meal, Is store and for safe by Jaal4 , . ' L B WATERMAN LARD-30 bbU No ILaaf; "TT “T - 199 kegs do ' tor tile by ianl4 • LBWATEGMAN PltUharfb SavlgaUM aadlvm last* ■ waaegCcmpmay.l; A MEETING of toe StoekWhtan or toe Pitabargh A Navigation' aadlfc® Intamnoe Company; ami beheld at toe Office, No. SI Market street, on Bator day, toe Mto day or January, 1860, at t o'clock, P, M. Jtnia-td R. FINNEY, Bee*. ~[>EACH£S— 170 neks l>ntd Peseta**; . ! V; ' ‘OVr'lilfiTTUU' i' * the XVJ** to the iSthof Jthnary, 1819. P*r»ons-eaU. tag fi*r than will please **r they-an advertised. Ladi«V Lilt* ~ -.W; - A '' -Adams Aon Eliza AgnewEiix’h Appleby EHx% AdaaaAanie S Anri*f«Qrt Acta Arthurs Sarah Adams Hn»»nn«K Andertcri Marg’i Bailey Miry A Beany tfn Mary Rnuee Mary E Bailey Mary L Ber»et*An^X»D*y“ tl >aara Be alley E Berry J 8 A Sank*DrucillrL Bey«M»Barali-.BaneiLeonora Billings Loaiia'Bjßoyle Ughnah • f Burgess-Mr* BUliogsMaryF BorierEmelie l - Barrf*»>MaryA Bingham Alin BMzletffrry _Baiier nenriena Kafr Mary Bradley Mr* HH.But'erC M B Blaka Eliilj F BrigjrKamei'. BrigfasmAnnE Caldwell Mia* Christy Martha J.ColwinMreS Caning Isabella Chumiida Eoa*a ' Cord Charlotte Campbell Mary -Clark Mary ' Craig Hannah ■ Campbell Margt Clark Mary Ann Creaeraft DeUlah Canaan Lydia 8 Cleary Mary CunuaerfbrJßoae .Carr Maria L CUoum Leutiu 1 Cetmingham S Cheiholm LonJia Collins ‘Ann Bayidaaa Nancy Delany Cii’h - Donovan Mary JavisAbigail Denrnck Margt Donrberty Grace Sane Sarah H ” Dickson Eliza Driakell Margt < Deem Agnet Doak Catherine Dttane Susannah Donnelly Cath'e " • ■ Ebberte dace - EliictlJane P, , Engird Jo* Mrs Edwards Ellen . Hworthy.Mary' EwaUßebecea' Egar Margaret EmigSnian FeallyAaa Framptoa Mary J Friend Mis* C Raley Mrs Wm Freeman Mary ' Galbraatb Sarah Gibb* Sarah Cosier Delilah Gallagher Cath'e OUdersleove L ' Gouther Lueindt Gallagher Mary ' Glue Eliza' Grant Emilia Carver Catherine Glass Margt Green Susanß OeahartAnn. Gleeion Cath'e Grim Elizabeth Geib 118 Goff Mary Ann Gagan Emily George Sarah J Grey Alice QrahamOlivexritU •Gerving Mary A .Haley Jane UenaganNaney Hopper Margt : llagerly Mary W HemotMary Hnhcnbaek Mary Hail Sarah Hill Clara Holmes Ann C llann Carolina UiudmanßcbceeaHolme* Jane Haalett Margt 0 HodgeAJieiaS Hashes Marat Hay Jane E Hedge Charlotte Hnghes Hannah • J. s Irvin Sarah Irvin Martha Jackson Jane Jones Mary '. Jobsson Mrs Jones Ann MC Johns VD Keefae Caroline LReUay Mary - i Keer Eliza Keller Catherine - Kerr Martha B Issdnn Mary Lering Fanny Longßebeeea- AmboumeL. Ligbtrap-Mary A Lodwlek llenrieta Latshaw Harriet Lompree Lydia Lyons Jane Leonard 118 . Long Jana > Mary Cath'e J MetzLueinda Morton Mary E" Marshall AC Mitchell Martha MowryEG Meanan Nancy Mieehael Mary Moliofc Nanny - Means Jane Miller Elizabeth -Alandon Jane Ann MebardJar.e MonellyMary Mnrdock Sarah Morgan Jlary MnmyNaney Murphy MrtM -. Meilleor 41‘meL .i He * j MeCaslin PerciUa McGinley Emily MeLanghlin 9 C MeGolgin Angelo McUntdy RoaanaUeMnrray Marg'e MeGray Isabella Melniosh Isab’aCMePhertooßaeb'l MeDolle Betty McLaren Usry ' McQulf anMaryA McGill Martha A MeLain Lucfitda Naylor Hath Neely Ann NoU Susan .Oibera Boreelia O’Hara Mrs /as Owens Catharine : ■*! -. I' -Parler Margaret Peaker FJlen 1 Poston EUihbeth Pauley Maty J- Peters Bath.' Price Ann Patterson Mary Piper SarahH • Price Margaret J Peace Mrs Han*h Pinkerton Eliza j Bay Mary Header Elizabeth Bobb Joseph Heed Isabella Renton Jane. Roberts EUz’lh Read Mary Reynolds Elix’ih Rhoads Jare . Reed Rebecca Riehey Helen Rhoads Rachel HI Rogers Josey RodgersonE | S - j Santxy Margaret Shore Mary Stoyiek Jane Seott Mary Smith Dorcas Sutlon'Etisa Seott Margaret Bnodfta»s Polly .Sommer* Phebe Seadder Sarah Snyder Loranta Sammerr tile Mary BhaffrElisa . Stave* Imcmda Sweeny Cath'ne Shane-Jane . Stein Mary , Stewari Anne Shannon Annaß.Still Manerei Stephens Agnsta Shoop SarafiTJ Stockingßophi* V. ■ ? :V-V Thompson LueHlaThornbarg Mary Tyler Atm TfaoHip«nnM»ryJT ~ ; Brady Jo&s - ,Bailey J 8 Biaekford AM Urasen Bernard' '• Bally, June* - ' Bisbee Laden - Brower Watson* Baker Wri U BiU Samuel , Co . SakerSC Bigby Henry BragdenSamlC-i Bpilcy Jothma BlaekibidAMßeyßriegeJG Bark Fredk W Bicham Wnt . Bryce Wm tvo Btmop BTC Urady James W Bartlett Tho* U Blacken James Jlraid Robert Barr James Black John 'Brisker Roiii G : Barry John llltek Matthew oßraeken Juaea • Barnett Joseph 0 Boyd John Brnnie Jamea Baughman Wm Boyle Quarles Brobet iienry Barnett Jacob Bollis Henry. Bryan Jeremiah Bell Dr ■ Bold Franelt .Bailer GW Berry Wm Bo reman Sam Barke hlichael Bennett M Boyd Alex Bnttsltaao Breedel Daniel J-Bitmen Geo C n Bark Edward Belton Hugh Begs James Burke Sabi BenrGeoTfeW Boyle John . Burton George Beddow Wm Bezier James Besik,lease ' Beale ChanuM Brawn Joseph Butter E S Berwick George Brawn J W * CoHamn Sami Bert George Brown Char M Barnes Gev W Berry Mathew Brown John Calhoun George Chariton Win C , Cook Henry Calhinn Robt Christy.Thos O ' Cone A.G Cavanagh John Chianoek C . Connelly Martin CalUaJoha Clark John, Conner Q A Canrigbaaias Cluk Albert W Conner Cornelius Carroll June* Clark Daniel Connell Sami L Casey John-- I—Clark Ter Corwynß Canon Rote Clark plenty H Cowl John Carney Bonn G Clopper Dii Coyle Henry Canevrn Thai ClayUhdJD Coughlin Tboi Carroll Richard Coleman Isaac Cox Geonre R Carlisle Louis II ColiissWW ConleU Jean Carrell Matthew Coleman Thos Covert Joseph CmkhanDYßevColemin John CreyWm CukeyAlexC Coilrna Thoa 4 Crawford Wm Cannon Chaa . Coato Wm i Criily Robt Cnrrewßichard Cole Wm Crone Motet Cortot DC Cofiee Mom* Gaison&a Campbell Jot P Coles LII ! Curley IVbt Campbell Copt Cochran Tho* Cutting Thos S Camel Henry Camel John \ Coouun* Patrick Chldetter wC Conway That 1 CuronoThos Chillu Robt Conner L L Rev P. I Dans Wm Dean John I Dobson JA — Daly Dennis Dean Wm B . DouglauJohnW Daly Tho* Delany James , i Donnelly Nell Dorragh'Ju Devlin PcterD Downs Kdwd DalbeG'R Deanail Henry Jofca Dsvlf John F. -Decme Reuben, Driscoll John David Virdil J 1 Dixon C Dammit Henry J Davis Dottis Ditty Thos Duvall David P Chas ' Dickey Wm Daminir James Davis David M Dougherty lines DuminAodw Eavis Thos O i: Dougherty Miehl Datum C , Davis Daniel F Dougherty John John Dawrcse Chit, Dobbins Stephen Duncan Robt DensniprcET Douglass J Dunn George Dewait Adorn Dobler Martin Dunn Francis Donnghy Joseph Earpa Henry Eiehard John Eodem Joachim Edward Jos • Ellfott Dr Thos English Chas Edwards Geo EUsberryChas Emtn M’Phcrao Edgarton Geo M Emerson Dr Eyster Christian Earle John EliU Colvin A EWiug A W Edmond Afcx ' England WnO Evans Geo M Eaton BC Finer Thoa Faher Nicholas Ford Wot c PaneeU Robt Fisher John Fowler John Ferguson Dose FUiehsr L Rev Franks 3oml Fenerty Martin Fluu Robt Frtehman John : Finn John FldUnd Jot M French Jicob Feister John N . Four Joseph C Falkesoti W 8 Fife Wm li Fuse C*pt Wm Fuller M C FStziimona Edwd Forge y James Fulton Eluha M Fields Wm For Richard Fish J A . e> t» Geaibart C M Gilmore Arehd Griffith Edwd J Uernon Thos ’ Gilmore Chas • Grow Jas K OeuyAndw* Gibson Robt - Urom Me Gallagher Wm C ullicstue Baml N Grove Geo W Gallagher Mtcbl GrityWmU Graham Jas P GallagherSbsuo Ulooson Saral A Uraham.Ucn Gallagher JU Gleason Wm U GrahomACulbei Gallagher Jas Glecsou Pan! ron Gsnneke Jacob Ooasar Henry Gray Alex Gtrea Wm tircer Sami GodgenJasG Gartner CW Orcsg Eliss C Gayer Jacob - Grlffiin H A Griffith John Griffin Wm . UaiiJsi C Hams John D Uolmes Enoch Hall Washington Harris Wm Holmes Chas Hall James C ■ Harris Zaahanas Hour Abram Haggerty Thos • HaydeuTbosJ Hooey Fhiletai Haines Lewis . HoslenJUU Hoops J.-tf- ' Hollorou Micbl UamhoraThos |lnr>»lii;-r Hannah David Haas Cool* Hawardllenry llamtneraley Dr, Hays Julius Udwanl Johnson Hansen Wm M ifajs iEubt Howard II Hansen Edwd HooreJolmJ 1 Issey James Helishib Geo House Ucv John Hanlon Fhelist UenheyJno Hart John Hanlon Alex Uandsrion II H Hunter lusloy HartJran Jos UeneryWm Hesrey F Harm* Ratal . Herring Henry J«hti ilarUmsGoo' . litggin Joseph . Hutton Daiah Haffbu JaoTho>Hui A F HogbesMlclu iiarmingtonOL HsJtopleJohn Hughes Jos - Horton Anthony. Uolondboek Wm Hoghss Christ’r Uan> Anthony - Holmes J P Hull R Hart* John Uolmes Robt.. Honiimp ( Irwin A T Irwin Arthur . lograaMr Irwin S . . f ; Jackson EB‘ Johnson Geo Jonas HineC Jaektoa UenTy . Johnson Fredk JonesPrsakA . JohnsWm C ' JotmiOQ Baal R Jones Mornn Jordan Wm ' Johnson Bornt- JtraesJno Joseph JeraeJJoha Jonas Isaiah ■ Jones Jonah Jolliff across '*• ■' Jones Wm Johnson Hn;h ■ . j K_~-, -v; Keepy FleldtagllEcliy Pierce : »Kinkersj' ( Jacob . . KeCyJa* A FruhilCag Charles , KefpXhb* - ' : Kerr Ju iKingJohn • Kenan Francis FHtxThed ■ - -Kramer VYm • KeyanL«wif ' ■ Kfine G,W Kirflc.-Dml H Kuazn Henry ..Kepoerli Adam KeUorDaal KeiaerJcfcn Keller Wm*" KcaraThos .. ; Klagfla-ijnoWKeUyMichaal Kelso Kev Ju KififJu - .KeUytdwM " -- ••••* ‘ls. •; LsbnuJA Lewis Snaneet . "■. Loman Lewis Ledley Francis A Long John Loabettino MrsALswis Henry W • Lord Cbu Larina Thos Lcdley Francis A Logon John 8 sr B Joc - LsaThamis r : ,XJnly Gro • Mmdr High Looeh M L :- >Lhtle Js* LnB«? MWnelsuL Floyd Abel , . MsfletJos MiQer Lewi| C Motion JG MtUey Jno O Mueheii Wm Morrell Wallace ' Martin U A Sept Miller Jw U Morgan Abraham Martin. Geo MitehcUTho* : Moatt Robt Maftin John '' MUtet-Alex Morgma Gco -v,» , Miller Robt I-7?MowryJaa Wash'o Miller John H Mocm John MathemJosß Mooney That ■ 'Mnllen W MouOru , : Marraygliehl -. NamypteanU: . J s®f* Morgans .WmCk Murray John ; J Mazer Leri Murphy‘John - - MnndCeo ~ . .MarphySrlTCtter , M?mSL , T 0 \ 8 a - • “organ Gee C r Henry ■, - ffiife?/!? 0 . Mooney Wm. ';Marphy Peter .«• Milter John Mobberly BenJ • ‘ Murphy John W Me ®°V David ' MsgnireAßano - M2tw2!i? h . l . ,d ? l8C o7 Jomph 'McCtesChriztiaa 'si^affraj^ssrsssffla' McClimon Nath?! MeEUaaer j2S ? - McCsffery/ihoa BIcGUI HsamßaMMSl^™.. McClure Jona’u AhfngUl John Mefen^w^? 6 * McCartney John MeGrawllogh MeLSSfcJr§..-r McCarty John, MeGsrrJssff- MoCormiekJohnTMcSioeker/i MmMilinn John MeNolan H • . .McMillanWm ' -- .T* w r ,u Nenghmsn Wm fiielW.. Niekolson Oiesr Nobel J C .Nieljeho, ; NleSujohn Naih EC Nelson Jas NmrUJu NielThos , : .Noon Pat Niel James Notan Matthew. - 0 ' ' -- V; ' Obey Johno«rora Jas Owns Patk Owens Edward '‘O’SulliTiinThoi Oiden A Gibran O'Neil Jas O'Connor John - O’Kslly JohnCaot O’Brien * O’Connor, AtkiuOrnsa John O’HaraHng!i Aeo ' OwenJds Parry Len ■ Pettigrew A Co , Pope J W Perkinson W B J>«nny Dr J B -Powell Riahd Paitrrson Wm PeroeyJohn Powalißabt ' Patterson The U Peck Ckerle* Porter UleheM Pgturson Theo’e Peacock R 8 ' Putnam Glenn ' .Pstteson Robt A Pike'Rob; Jr.' Preron Henry : Son Piektes G ’ ’ Price Allen M Parker Jes PhilliprJ Bowel Perndl Cha* - .PeaseS - Phillips AB - Perryja - r v : ' RsmreyJss Higdon Wm v - Hoof Sami RtsueyAbdal RterdonJas - Robb Isale' ; Ray John RihelGeo - Rowland Wm Ray Hamlltoe Riuenbease Jas Rowland J V Uy Hazel RiiherLcvi Routy Armstrong Ray PeosingtcQ. Rinke Geo v Roney John &■ - i Ramatey J Risdon A D Roweri NstU Ramalev Jlt D Biter Geo Rawley Tho* RaantalUenr,; Riehardson Hugh Rowley Geo W Ready Michael Rlrhsrdi>p / p , ' RUleyOwen .- ..Robinson AlexC Renton \VL . RUJey Stephen; Robinson Alfes Reeaond Y Rilley Uagh • Robinson J C Rsed John - Rilley Jos Robinson Rev J - Rees Alexander Biddle Wat ' . Robinson Wm . ’Rewterael Riddle JB ' 'Bsdwr* C»pt • Reading Distil . Richard* Dm F Rodger* Geo W Reynolds David Riehardson Jas Rodger* High • HidgerdWm Rostbomogfc C’Rm R H • Botrell Patk Roberta Geo W Bnim Wa'= ' Saioman Cha* E Shell Jos _ Singleton Ed Sayre Jos T Shyer Abraham Snuhea Fleldeb Baonderanev N Peiueld* Wm . Sn7derSimon Sail Rev 8 ' Stoss Jas " Sprout John Sampson F W -Sinaman Sami Jr Spears Ja* '■■ ■ BeoUJotM . Sills John • Speelmsn Roul J SehuttePA ‘ .Sloan CieoL ‘ Bartml JG Scott Thos SloanThos • ■ SterettSamt U • Scou AJex Smith ChasH - Starkey Isaac 0 ScottJaa - SmhhWmL' BteariiagJs*' Scott A V -Smith Andw D - Stafford, tleary Seott Wm Smith Adam Stewart Cha* Seamtn John D Smith Sami Stewart Geo SecseGeo Smith Alex :.- Strickland Wm Shaediac Jacob Smith Alfred Stiftt Michael Sharp Jas Smith Jos H Straw Robt Sharky Henry .SmiikGeo W.' Still Robt Shader Emanuel Smith Geo. - - Strahsburg' Shannon Jas T Smith A Johnson Stoop* Capl Shannon John SintonWm. Sheila Jan H Sheppard Iron Sinnet Ricbd Sumner Thos - Sheppard M* Simpson A G Sykss DrCJ • Shivlen Miehi' SuspionWm 'SneplsrJohn T Tapking Ernst Thompson Ja* Toncey Miehi' Taylor Leri . Thompionß Totnlinsoa John TaognySomlL ThompsonC W Tweddeil John . Thomas John Thompson Ji 1 Turner Geo W ' Thomas Isaso Titu* Martin' . Turner Sami Thompson L UpthegraftO. —i • - - ‘ ••••,' VHllott JH. Van Fleck U Vsnghan Patk Vena Henry , . VrutdsaThos . VaaNto ;'" \r "r ■' WalserGeo ; Wills WmLL . Wingert Henry • WalsbThoe Weaver AJ : .WUuetbarn P Wal*h Patk • MTerner John G V Wtttnsn Aathoay. Walters Jas White D P Wiener Br G W. Walters Jos . ... WhtteL A Will Sami : -Waller* W,- .- Whim UriahK Wileox'Samusl Walters Wo .• .Wiliiams H . . Winter Thos r Watson John William* ILrvey Wriey Fredk E .WaUcn-TUclblJ . Wllliamj Mr WliktngChasJ WsaCoeJohn. .WUUnmsWaltdr WUiiamonGeo -WauSC WilliamsJaiL WliDantaon'Ja* WarilDr laaiah ' WilliamtS IS •• WMslsr Je»han •Was* John- ' .-''WtUbn deo '' .WoitsOtt JM- ’ Waugh Wm WilsonJP WotheralGW Wsrnmutnn WmWiliqa Thos ' ■ Wolf WUiis- '■ Welch wm F Wilscm Fraaeit ’ Woodwird Besj Welte Wm - Witson Franei* • Wijght'Arehd - West'A Joses ' Wilson Robt - Winn Modge 7“ WtlwnWmJr ■ ■ ■ Initials* ' '\ "Wesleyan Methodist Mutia&fi 1 • :Pitubnr|hCbnneil, N 049 v ;'! American Division, No 90) . 1 . Yooflf Men’s Hope Division, No*9* ' l ■ iltUGrove Lodge:. : . ' Captain steamer Zachary Taylof • CipuinateatnerAUcaheny Clipper ' ■' - Minuter or Elders of the Cborch of Scotland' SAhl’i. KOaEBURG, P.M. Pjrtsstaoß; Jannary 15, iSSO. - • (LOVER SEED—If hbla extra prime, iast. rac’d t and for tala by « Jtnl4 JOHN WATT ACO ; DRIED REEF—c casks Bngar Cared, 1 josi recM and for sale by janH SAW HARBAPOH ; GLOVER SEED—too,b« in store aod for sale by _ janH 18 A W-MABBAUQH COTTON-4 boles, for sale*on wharf by -- JanU • "SAWHABBACOH SDGAR->39hhds NO, In store and for tale by ~ janU . SAW HARBAvGH FIRE BRICK—I2,OOO rec'd and for tale by * • janU 'vB4W HARUAUGU DRIED PEACHES A APPLES— hundred bu rec'd and for sale by- ' jaxai . SAWHABBAUGH : LOUISVILLE LIME—IOO bbls in atom end for salo by Janld SAWHARBAUGH; iTuTTER— H bbls Roll- part la eloihi: JL> w.« Poeiedi •/ • . SO kegs for tab by . janU 1 LB WA pEAT|IEBfI-g tack* prune I] ..jiooU, for tale b* 1.8 WATERMAN BEANS— 'JdbMaandSateka'Whlxa.lorsaleby , ' jaats LS WATERMAN SEED— JtO bo prime now .Clover Seed;. 60 bu strictly primeTimclhr Seed; In More end for tale by, janU h 9 WATERMAN , *‘Soa\^ri^)nai^BLANajL¥ar~ THESE aoperior Btaokeit,made of the ■often' and finest Wool, can always bo found »l Dry Good* Home erf WR MURPHY, )isl9 N E comer Fourth and Market ata' : C'IOUrVfKkPANES. —Colored and White'CoaatcT / pane*, of handsome patterns and Isrgrmra flu tale Inw by . janU WBMUBPHY • CiOLOUED COrfON VELVETS.—Mazarine blast ' firnt bleo, scarlet, maroon, garnet, hrowzu.rteen and black Cotton Velvet*; an assortment aJwiysheni ianU , : W B MURPHY EniBOIBEBIKI. aaaertment of Freneh Wrought Capes, Collars, and Calls, may be found, very cbeas 'at ' J»nl- A A MABOK* ■ SHAWI^S.— A very ehoiee erticla of Moumiaz Lena- Shawls, at low prices, at i >ntJ A A MASON ACO~a CDUHAG CLOTHS are sellingTeijeheap(somo» low ea 2j eeou per yard) al - ' ; “ -fo l - AAMA9aNACO>ft Lampblack— 30 bbi*‘a »bhv ianl> T KIDD A.CQ.6O ,i GUM ElNii-25 Iba (Tree) jrut we’d an I for aalo by l aßla ■ - . JIfIDDACO flilN FOIE-15 Iha iut reeVland lorala br - ' X ** aU ' J KIDD A CO THE DASEMFJO-; edniir of. thei Diamond 'and Cnlonttreet*. well adapted to ear public basinets, .i nai been occupied as a Ccfibe, or KaW Establish* meu, for.ajiamber of*yeara. | . |. and Artist's Booms, well «?£« »' tWaaee from the .Diamond, over the ”° r * of ‘he subscribers, north west corner of tbs DU. mood and Market street.. Apply to _Jtula • .- fi > ALEXANDER A DAY. BKLbIHO OPF AT BEDVCIip PBICESt ALEXANDER ADAY, corner of the Diamond and ihlarkct street, are now selling cdL at reduced pnoca, stock or Winter Goods, consisting* of atjff Ladles' Dress Goods, in great variety. Alsu—DNukcti tuid Flannels, Cloth*, Casaimea, Satin et!*,.and a toll a-sortment of heavy Cotton Gcwte. that better bargain* eanuht bp had el*a. wiiere, wv invite the attention of buyeta.' Alexander a day, ’ . Tg.Matkct atr/ai HKW BOOBfSI BBWBOOKS^ f|MII4 Constitution -and Standard of ibo Atskeiata L Rcforiacd Church In North America: gvo, bound in alieep. - r ' The Other Sid*, or Holes for the IliMowoftfae w„ between Mexico and thq fitatevwritten Mexico, and translated from the Spanish, wnh nrfuT.-' By A. C. Basttcy- r—wiu note*: oopjm.raei.UodM. . . » mfe Memoir* of David Hale,- late editor aVwi... _v Commerce, with aeleetionr from hia wLSn?* 1 Wriuoga: By Her. J. p. Thompson*^ . The Puritan and Ilia Danghteyvliv J v tt. ~ij isssasnasi SyWm. A- AlconT ; Gaid* F g” L!r *2uj*wi^«oLnjH. TABD-10gkefaaadl»bbisLea5,|at«*leiiy .AJ janll " SAW IIARBAUQH *. BOATS. ! ” > ' FOR CINCINNATI. ■jESKft ..mat pDm Barker, master, wtu leave ■■MSwMthe aierw and «1T latsnmdnt tut any. at to o'clock, A. M. ; Fortrcigbtuadyamgeapply onboard.-1‘ - FOR CINCINNATI. - ,Thfl *ptend*d. smarntr Capu Cope, will leave for the above ■maSßud all intermediate porti on Wcdncs. 4ar,thsl#thin*u; at 10 A.M.' • i ; go* freightorpassage apply on board. . J ,v; fob gallipolis.- ./ >R£c>cb* iv The splendid ftst runninr steams ' f REVEILLE- •* c “ s ' Stose T master, wfll leave for absvs MBBSaflMand ail intermediate porta on thi* day.the idUtxnstt,at4otelocfe,'P.U.-• ~ - rForttvightorpa**age,-spplyonboard,oTto . i . . Janie :: PETTIQREWACO,Agtt V prrrSBURGHANII wiikeuno packet. (. - - - - r " c, Jtt6 splendid -fast'turning stnamar LOUW MeLANE, wTsTconweli, • tfWBBw master, (having undergone a thor- MMaaCTg»cogh repair;) will .ran hereafter as «‘ tegular packet betsraea. Pitubwjrh leaving. Fiusbstgfa every Hoaday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at. 9 o'clock. For freight cr pukiage apply on board, or to . ]k*4 7 - W. 11. WUEELKB, Agent CINOINNATI APITTSBORSn O A I L. V PA CKET LINE. HHB well knownUne of splendid passenger Steam* ,xi .an I* Eowoomposed ofthe lmg«sttawino*t,bei' utehbd arid and most powerful troats ou thd. r.. Waters of the West. Every accommodation ani| cemy fort that money eaa procure, has been providedfnr pa*. •. •ragers. The Line has been in operation for live yew* , —ha* tamed a milUoa of people witbohl the least Uu*«':: * •to their person*.. Tha boils wtlibe at the fool of food street the day previous to martbig, fijr the recep*' f 1 ’ freight and the entry of passengers on the reru«~. • monny maitb«paia« - J • ■ , . JWDAT PACKET. ' * i«ViL^ AC u NBWTON » Capwin HempMf, ' V^Sf2Sl3?ii OT *f r Sand »y looming ai 10 o'eloot ; ' 'mU?*?,lH 1 ? 78naday eTcmn S«tor.». - ..^ —L 'A HoiSdaV ■. ' •. bwThCTerr f Mnni^ HELA, P a?ll ' Sw, *» wllilB * TC Piß ** * - • --wßDififigircrlfczWrv * , TUe NEW KNOLAND-NouS. fi.Sr«-- _.n - Ua V e yimhanii * , • »■* . .•* 3«. 111. Ha ■ VttSiaem&SF* " ; ’ The CLirPEnNM,cTp^2^v iI * J " ' idtctu, to clwtoapinußftßtjfrtfrtfrWy;.**' , v ;_^_S TUAKT*BUa7 v: : .LASS-rM bxa 7xfl, in no re and forealaW*-"''~. , v ; . - STUART ft STLL * -■+ IHEEBE—SCO bxs in store and for sals by - > ImH ' : STUART *: ROLL BUTTER—B bbU anna Vrethl >sn»ix4su andfortafttoy jantt - TaRSKV^BEST* EO BUTTER—B keg* in store and for sale by ' . j«nll - . TAgagy BEST : keg* and 1 bbl on hand and for tale by ' TASSEY A BEST SCORCUED SALT3>4bbla ) tprißn.'iitle!t, rac'd _aad foraaleby . janll. - TASSEYABEST •; aLERATCS—-tTlibls and £0 boxes initHaud fir Q-tato byt:;.cy•••- ». .-•TARSEY4iBE3T:. SODA A3&SJ3.easksonhapdan4"foraaiaby . jiall ■ -f ’ -TABSBY,br laall . TASSEY R BEST rpiMOTHY §EED-3bt>la fbiaaleby. vJ . . .** A;j>Hr: r. TASSEYABE3T T>X-ACK^OLIaU A) fetmdatthfrpryGoodsUenteof ‘? L • - WHMBRPIIY, : * j jaall. n E center Foerth andMsrtel-sli •. ,-TENN y. LIND amiFaner Velvet Trimmings. efJ3i‘ |F e«ler#,'tobo fean4hllhastoreof --r •v'« 1 -imiu... 1 wR MURPHY y~ BLACE>£IUt LACES, incladiß(C r A fan pkCM ot extra width, t» be found, at law prices. afstoraKK. . i*nu IY.R MURPHTJ« TPVENTNS Dft A.'HCm'k tsa,tfHafc.. will ihlsday. open ajunherlarrels-'/ voice of those French Embroidered Evening Fit■lll • very dciirabio.article for Ifariijj, Soirees,**.’ ~ TALLOW— 7 bblxprfac, reeM and far sale br< janll . . • ' aA W HABMAUQtf ■ ' T) UTTER—3 bids Fresh. Roll, jast ree’dsmd for'aale AJ bT janll ROBISON.'MTILU A.CO New Empty jjacon Cuti,' ' 1. ,r JOHN WcFADKN.t CO,, . JanlO Carat Batin,♦Papniuaat •. T7LoCR—sMbhl* Extra Ftmily/loraAld by "V .L J JtnlU HTOARTRSILLiIIgWaaty* 1 V j)KAORKS—auobu, 19 • rtLOVEEgBHO-tw laal «od ar ulyizfSi,-', r • ‘ Lot of atMpiy .r^j £\Ntte evening ol Monday laitTfib \J die* amU?. bars of Iron, (marked W.MtOkCol frea the wharf; above the Monongaheia Brides.' -lay Information that will result ta\Ute reenterrbfS above namul Iron, will bßtewngleJ bjealljjj^on^ JanlO ' , ; Flmttieet,hePo\y|ojTwrtfrtil Psaldlart Partus arid Hi* j Dr. Hooker's PhyriWwn M d Fatten!: {£»»:'- - • . Mrs. Killa’Resrossd Homes: 8?o.i ; , Netnder’j'Llfe-of Chrin; Bro..- I '' + " Amertcia ' ' . i , JAMES ©.'LOCXWOCir' JsalO . Bookseller k. Importer, O tABDon<-li bbl* No lj hut reo’d '■std’teliuo K t jsaia. < . RHKV. MATTHKga fc^C __j«alO. . .-.■•■••■•: • / 106Sgcao, nma BRBtFOULK » ftjuiM CjTEAM BOAT cmi-Ta-n™..— O PftßtLin'tloreuulfor tale by‘•'•■ Jtnl»., : • . Jb rr.acKHt fii(2AB3~4ojjQU> ' WHqjQgNSTON UKATIIERS-aW —————— lV]«nlO- ; - Ibi i* ttora to) roruie by.* argAar^«tL ' • Dinoitnm. ' ' C»-Partijef»liipberei*&h»axJrtiflfr.ondef the* byAatual eonatm. 2h7^i»isoe«' ; sbllba abided trr JL v< Bteyfof[®,»i iheirtJ-iiuatJjNo. Ift^&ecootfairect. ■•:’•■ jfcflg • J C. BREYhpr.r.p co-PAQTaEiuQiPt ;; . Y> C. BEEYFOOLE, Urlny auuia&l .T*lU[ kia Ji •A. H. CLABJCB. forth® paipowof tj**»**etin* tbe Forwarding ui) ContHmxoo bv*mt**,wilj eon* linaetb»tLttii»eM«tibeoii«ianJ of 4 *Qop«'fc Bnr* fogle," and mpeetfnliy trti a continuance of u«*. teenoa and U»opublic caner* ally. ! T&o btuiaeu will bo conducted under tko *»«»«« and«tyle'ef.fiacrrMLSfcCL*sxjb Jo.miKyFoaLE, A. |L cj*AßlUt Finabag:h.Jan,7,lS*ft—[jang, ~ ,-• . -^*n.- CkPEBi CLOTHS * EVENLNU DRKaSF^ST. f ceired per expre»i, at A. A. M«ox'A; ''JSTkL' eu Marketitreer, inothorlargetnYaicocf ?.• JIT ed Opera'Ckuiumd French Embrel<*, fc ' I li*yL®? l tel. Orttiea • ■Etealnf' v • jang 'ruSBMERESJb ORIGINS-* . !pSSS^S)SMS^^ iIS- BKLLK& * *uwb 7 * bekp norms— .. n its * S’" ll * »»l*rior ri^UfOmtl laumtitibiutkbj. , SfX!.KRS* KTCOt*. 1 :- •: ABAiarrßoNnirrßo»f?R T l IJia u ' s *~ #3baLu, '* orc ' v'' 1 ARMSTRONG A.‘CBngKtt —• ARMSTRONG jfc'CKagym iab»Trt»b,/ael©U*. iottons ta4for«j,ijy - -.-» . f -.-Tv • / ■•■-■•■■•BttwaaftictiMtJ -.• aoticß? ; ■ • pi^asaasssa-g^sssfff p* c *s*.«f.i*«es Cronia, TU* tnuincMW **£•£ J*®»g*brttenb«eiibe*, who witt scuta ibe kM*®* of UteJateinß,. - 'aOHNM’D.CEO®** — W :?• MOUSSES—3sotbt. n^ircnf,fW a ' i,nl SH. MOLASBE2—ICO bbl» • todfotmlabr iinH- WMDA^ftF**^ >OLL BUTTER—iS bbli in tooietii UjtaS ■♦■•• iWAIBAGJt rrgo^cLAss-^b^ggff"^ [OOLD “^r w&w jan7 . ■ fertha n«.<» w