PUBLISHED BY WHiTE:*".C;O - ».*lOim.l _•• •ißtn »uiiBD»o% twii® wmxti To'jbtr ttrtc*' 4 . ■. Tr».w«ektf 7m '' •“ lUTII or *OV*BT»M» 0 - AGREED UPON- . BE TUB rtWBiaOB ***•*• .ddMo«i t2 * . Do. ~ ... 3^o Do. JS - "Dp.- - - lhicowM*e»~»~ t,> * r __ ftp ’ Do. «« *« Do. two pcrnai—~ — 4< pm . D». jiteeioona*"" xo.OO l>s. ; -. mv B>caiJ» '”• it,a> ' ihv . ~~~ i. .. jg,co For each eddM** l cadet the. year aaa foreachedditlenhlayiujaweerm ly rate*,half ptiee. ’ _.._L dolptCT A4*erii»eta*BU e**—?* I *. ahalf -•• fifteen linee, to be cbar*«a ~ j •£v«niMM&U P«btuber* fcOtteeMVjrtww^gp^agjtien. beyond The taogßtcbyyoj" SJbo«b»*s«d the Announcing eand*<rt»iwj««*r . etme Mother fcy aepeei* was"--? 1 *• ■»“ to “ 4 uu ***• »*"•«* toebiriubi® tnitltiioae, fire ss^^^sss£^sa "gSSifSSSnlio ni eSso*f orwoeSftteeiieM deaigned » e*U etteu- S^SiSeSS^^Mth«. WWre charge# mrt made *« ™SS*5r alleoicta of p rtretg aw deuon*— r °°rf? 2Kfe.ToS^‘iS , S , S£“ tIySfSS acme will bo charged attheraie of v®* l *** to be charged tnple price. Tatern License Petitioner W each. . __r ~ ' Legal and Medical adtenbemem* to bcchargedw > Agetfa tad Anctionecn’ Adreiti^iaesu KK.^i^'S'.'L'saS'r^^s •■sanl hi hillt -.<■/. ... - • .If -" —otrLT vivn. mtuumawia w»_ ■ ,?!^SKa= s E^^L.'' . , fajS«P.HAßgfcCa,ffroateler, FOotSk A BROTHER, DUpacb. ' JOS-SNOWDEN.MeitBry.;:: W. RlßDT.K.AweTiffan. r faTtWMKtDeCJIjIMt, , ..- :•. . ••_■ . unsmKss-CABDS. A J LEX&HnBB m +uariif ’- Fourthtt - r*«4.ai4u ■' A. TTOaNCT A AT LAW^D^StosSIO-VE^ 1 i J6U]| H a |uQßlß| ;.. ofwTC.SSve .Urn .1 -.j rd.! 1 r Boa.W.nmA'Bttp tut BrSWltf, *’ ' li r * ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS At- L£W, Powah SmUHficld vA CnaW •vulMikhi V*.' '. ■ .- -• ■ :_.= Jrzz'i _ - w wA C. *■!•** “’^^iSittaßArairafDj A*TOMtEYB AT'LAW’tf'OMUl^W.Bgjg^f ... JABAIF/PWWt Attorney at law.—office cn J, t^f, ' be ' tmr MftfcM* «ad- Omni tf, Kartmrfk* V) >MMI* :’ : • • * • ; —« ■ -IILT" IUtMT- i B^«^l£SSC S— iub Pny .-. • " •--•“• ••• ' 1 "V -1 took & Co, _Wkole*a» Wooda»l»ktU- m IA&UUS mi uu*, Atwtwy at imw ,;TWrt • In door ttoore SnlUiflcM. tadEtoiMS cftb® TUEOAT. ' ■' r .i Oa5l»W« t.A-li., I P. *• aCtfcdlß* • - ! 1 ' . ■ '"' ■» mtnwww. «KassaaßassS®s^-2T2SS juS/Sata* oil Co«X Ttimmap ml f - l J , '' t^: ~r- ; :um j^ouw^^|W> f o»itßa!^. o J!ii^ K^KSSSS.Si'i^S^-^Sia 1 Mcrtea. • ' ; W«I Dell tarn, f^SiiF’^ 4 * T “ • • : WH» H- JOHMgyQBi •• ■ ~ ' _!_• TSOftWAiDINO * COMMISSION MEECHXNT, ■S lutHMAAi^UftAN.iSiaßiniWWP^^Wt ftitfjw££K°- g> 'k , *^*° CTl ' pilu * l "* lL -’ ; - i«to»i>t_fcML (SgKasssss^! ftaibCTh.P«. —■■ T“ TT —":. . . gfoVICK* • ; • T BATE MOd'lM* I; .»“■ • J iSSSB, , W*s- WILUAMB- r Vm. .... B. MaT*r • • Vitim f| t tgw f M*Ml tb vO»» , BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BEO&tgp. ~!*«* .rr jMffitefajasMsi® B Whttt.MdlWFteatitreeti.'Pittibarrfc ■ •' Y ». DiLwamTa4co.» J , Agents fotUaxartPoirder Co* Np'tfWeoiH-i, plmbmnh- •• ~ , • ——2z£a . ■ • _. 1 8. DIUWORTH k‘Co, PW* J _ dae« «sd Ceßaitaiea Merehaou, *£*-^e2 , U? tor The lUzari Pewftef Co. of N. Y., J<o. S 7 WoeiWt ”ttrabe»»h. 1 » y • *• • « ■ ' JoHN'M. TOWNBBND,®rp*fl*l*ad ApoUUjwiT wo. 4i Market at, three teen above ran ejHJW —a. will bare eoananilT on band o well ■electfcCM| of the ben eadfroben Medieloevwlijeb b* ’ Sm tell oo the non mseaabla terms, rkyseiane | oxien,^wttlbtprempCT«tt*adedto,ta4«p* grmared from thaban material*, at soy to a? of *\x>oV)t * Ui|* *t«k of fresh tod good £erfaj ' -»~T7TnniHQN uouacuor J _ . iL* n ifINgtKLP. Uaiecf Warren. OMgJ C<ttwai*» I J .inn f. r A FttfwtwixacMwthaai* *ad'wMlcnl* feSw«aansS2^ , MS I jff’JffaTiti.fieM End WoogPimbarg*- nn '■ *vVl l w“wA' , rrr7ira6W»*of u isw»n a goMhut,) :|gSL£B r bSS?‘S' Offside Jggtow KSSTTBlßciuaotl, * 00-rKujfnM* » Kfe»^”^‘r ro ’ F^ b " t --1 ■' P.A'RDS.' : - •jSSgRM.. ; uemNimmem .■„ / ■ ; /■■ ■ wh-I lunnsie Crapuy; ; ;•’ - .*. cspttaif tubioop*: -i JIME3 DUBNO It CO., Agents u Pitubargb, P*. mass py.snsi^n^iT.tsinrMsyskwnanT.. t>; Jtaiea Hot, Jr, "I iowpkOtP*ttt»-P»«.; Beqlums nih. | O. A. FerdicuU, V. P. John A. Wain. I Eli Mom*, Secreuiy. , Joosihis Htf, Txtuarer. IV/iio. r pic&AMS FurriT ~ J* p f? 5 rLjbYP, > moie**)eGrbe«rs l - Commission . mTIATmI" Mid. flexlrts. jtt Pfodace, Round Coluiai,oaiib«rty,Wo<rt and Wt *{£fiflaSraL-wT^-;_.•' •••••=• «?» • W WhoigtalM-fimgPT. Ommi.tinn J Mejehant. and dealer tnPtodaoexnd Pittsburgh yXtC**'Water n; Pimbarth. jaola J* ?b. ffWEITXER, Attcmty"at Law, office 34 svj J opposite Rh Ouriu Hc»V'msbßrgh, wOl-alao ptoapUyidQo Unction*. U WashingtonjFkyena ■ fiSRSBBJ* Wri*. ■ ■ ’ ! ociSdly 17* 188 fc JONES, Ffttwanflng ted Cocuaiicoa Met* .IV' efcmtsf Daletvia Prods ea *ndPia»buigh mann- Scared Erodes; fiausl iTMdin, cear7lh at di3 . PEnn BUiT*; pi'rTaßuiKQu, pa. ;K»NNBpV,<nflU» A COVAUssfanuen of* J laperior M ‘ Sheeting*, Carpet Chain, Waal Bangui -*■■■• la30»iy««oa ■ j >■ VtinVlM itoa wotto ” f ft*,rianß&ctarer*of all si* Li!*eeßar, Sheet, Boiler Iron. iM Niili of the best msUty. Warehouse, fit water mad 105 front st t -)ahl> • T • • WATERMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Fonrsrd -1 4 fr? aAdOemadefion Merchant Dealer la Pius* bargb Wsnufsbtarasahd Pr©dae»,'Noß. 31 toAMFronts >j- ;;y J 2? .-wis!jou.nrPhilada.c. w.merxriOJ* Piitsbtrgb. "%» lU-EK A BICKETSOfT, Wholesale Grocery and ill. importers of Brandies, Whies end Sogers, riot, iniud of liberty aod Irwinstreets, Pius* b«fch»Pa. lied, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac-.Ac.con* staaUy.oa'hand, 1 , . . ecg!4 loawjreai. : ~t*A». n’unu - - wsira ceoi- Vf cGILLS.4 FtQErWholesale Grocers and Commis*, -'ill. tion Merchants, No. si, Pittsburgh. Jli URPHY. WILBpN A CO^Gate JoiesyMurpb j A Ad Co.) Wholeaale Dealer*, m Dry Goods, wo. 43 Wood street; Pimbargh. - • -J* ' .. .nova 51/4 A’PiitfiW.WjC&ON, portrait AnSlflniataiiPaE Oil tei.', Br-ftps' comer .of poet Ofiea Alley and t Fognh street, enhance on 4tS Market sFßno tatao iohd. JOHH i. OTtea. i] JOItS dt-OGIGOr MANURAC7URER9 of spring and blister steels plough Steel,stael plough wings, eoaeb anddip, iicspnngs, hammered <raq axlea, and dealers In mat fedble -casing*, fire engine lamps, and eoaeb nimminxs |taeraUy,eomer of Boss and Front ft*., Piiubargn, \r iiOIiMKS A SON, No- M Market st, second Xl* dpof from corner of Fonrth, doalers In Foreign and DoateMie' Bills of Exchange, certificates of Itepot iVß*akNotes»nd Specie. 1 - ‘mad -on : ali the principal ddee • ihroucbonttbeTTnltcdState*.' 1 , . deelT" XT BUOKMASTEB, ALnmu»—Office, Foaith st, ltj * third door Above Bmithfield, south side. . ■ CoaveTanunf of *ll kind* done with tho careaodl»il»eCßraoy. . - . . ■i .•’ntleste Bcal octSO-Iy PttOP. HSBTRY BOHBOCK, £KNN STREET, betweetf.Wayne ud Hand, bu routed toa profiroioau dattea, *iTm*.in»truc- B OoitaTiudia'Voeu ilsile. ■ } aa/llaftf " •' •• 'jjty p£UUi Vt>A"#¥tilbJßr-No. 70 Foma 8519 twpear Wood-r Ail Qaantiliea of Green and |HR-pif»K op. La qurter, half, and *-r*lrLls RCOu-N«. »« T “- Z -isur*. uVxiJi * C(i, No. m u&erty meet ptoiMurtj Wh«le*»to Crooei*, ProdßCff. tnd: ”> t Mcrotoau, and.' dealer* in Phubwjk i ij7 ■ V ■ -tao«.x»m». - -b*ki»*.«qbjqs. > UanaCsettre*. • • «OBT- taXOtOU . - . .. UoEEfFlioolErwsasaS^tSerrroi^ri |v DUtillef,' dealer in Produce, Pttubirjh Mannfutf Ere*. ud tU ktsdi of FOttign and' Domestic Wio«f idLionorkNo. 11 LibetTT street. On band a very. | tree ilodr Of’soperior oMUoftoogehela whiskey* W tuck, will b* told lrfw for eaih. aplfcly f Ot.ISSOUXi’ I- I- ■IIMK. . i D ETOOU» * BHEE Forward!** and Cammiaiioa :tt Mewi4at*il®tU« ( JUleAflayEiTeTTr»de 1 de»l- Un in GroceHea, Prodiw, TitUinuth Uanafaetttes !«ui Chloride of Lima. i 'Riffhi<teypricee»jn.ctih l p*M atelltfaacefetcean jirnuc*. Carmanf Pcnnaiialrwuxrta. l*n23 r)OBKB*DAUCE&L fc Co:, Whalenl* GTOoer*, K CrtmjftlriotUnd FoHrwdky MercbeniMonlon a liberty! t. eittobonth. 1*«- ”* RuBT. A. CUNNING&M, Wholesale Grocer, Denier In ProdneeWTOltafrsfc MuuUeeture* \ft. <44 Liberty «. V * ,e. •IUEUSXZt i» . » THOO. |L WHilfc., white/ *? O Foreign andDonwsttio Pry Coodi. No.^*Wooc*t yltnoancß. ; . ’• I Wool Merchants, De^en :©«'in?le*randTrodaee »wjii Conuaiffioß' Merchant*,. No. Q Water ft* riu*. hartV. •; '' '•» • ■ •'■’ • ?. nixnr: rnnmatL rosn irminm, nafriAxa., gryrlrgafi * NICOIjB, Prodwto and, Generai Ccre □ nlwidn Jletefcaat*TNo. ir liberty Fitabaijh. SpctaUUnjoedidid LerdOOf. 1 . ' • ' . 8 t\ .Von itt)NNßoasi\ »<^,''VboiettißGrt^, «acr, karereserrea uuieir fasw warebocwjoM eudl ..Jte^ec^r^^mti^aad.ChaiiceryUM;, ; . nAttfcfe tiweCTi uft® 1 :«to*‘M£reba&u>and-deaiera la Prod ace. No. M rood . ..: . . . • • .P***, •jobs i. cnoun. WM. BAGALEY & CO, ’SYkolettle Grocer*, 19 and fiOWoodttiw;PituUusb. n f”L_- Vi A H.' mitGBXbVBKBt WHOLESALE GROCERS, RE COPYING CIS* TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCIN ANTS. Al»o—lmporter* ol Soda Aib and Bleaehtn* Powder, No. l#o liberty *l, (Oppoute Both e-rlPi^ .antfc ; - JS^. wits. a *- TO> . W 1 KHt fc iPCANDIESa, V«ee*«oj» to U fc 3. D- W»cfcVW*>le*ale Grocer*, ForwjrdiM ftnd cwr «nri<yy»*.fcOT!« l dealer*; in Iron, Nail*, Glus, Lotm Tuu, and Pltabargfc Mannfaetores reneraliy, of Wood and W»ter««ftet». Pinibarahv ■• w toai.i.ack. Mill «oaa and Mill Faniuh- Inf e«»Wi«k»cni,Nft; *4* liberty «t, aeojyhe S&As^-^y^.rssr*’ ?ewkJ , «ss tftrket tortlfc -- _ . . fe - - -mLf r^ r B , iVr • foreign,wd hwctatic Dry <3oo4»,ooni<«*t cornel of MailtetiaJ Pcanh-m- • n<gl TOTt’rofcNOJtCo-IV-'—' VV_l43 Lit- Tnt’v^NOfcCo.—Dealmin SSherhidefc&o lOLtbenyw. IIV <t^M«UTCHEON;Wtoleiale Wf len' in Pzodace, Iron, 'NnilarGUis, and Pitta, bargh Bdanufaetmea gena rally, ialibetty • WilflftSi PraW |H Wtittei. Jewelty W, I7-WM. TIMUMWi . , iTiOBMT AtliW, . : ' Bwtf* ' _ i'.i\ til otter bail •'W'^iSfflSUWffßwW4 «m Atm»trent JS23&S’ ft dW . Kwlfo.WwdU. ) I*°? .A-sfcßT'srasKsst* suits ; FOCBTAI W BOT*L* ' LIOHT STSEET BALT tMOttB. • • __ ■■■■■■■ wiiviiiruu vtt'THIB-tttabUabtteot'loeff fcnd widely known e» IS in the ehyof Bfc sShaoort, haa recently underfro® ■^aspsss^ssKJJ'SSfSShto ‘Sf^^aSiSSSßr'Sfe SSSSSi^irtSSMgK^. their’Gaert*, end which they* confidently. *s*®,°_ wlll chiUeage companion wiih my Hold to toe Union. TfcSrttMowln «lw*T» be supplied with er cry wbr tfjSSrEd toxnry wiuch toe BMkdhfwgtajMTwd. BP tn a sspoxto* ia the way of Wine*, &«•» theywiSsotbeaerpiused. „ SSrt*aS“w reader thic Hotdjwoitoy the continued Bureau* oftoeit friend* and'tie pobuc . h . *Thopriec* lor board here hlso been redneed to toe ""zrsu, ■ ■ Wcftm of ihe.HwaewlU el* waTebo'lbnad-MtocCer end fhentobott landing*, Jffil will eOQTey b***«f*W tad ft* toe Howl, free efeharfe. • " meyru. r 'IW ttOPliSt Hl ni 6i toeftztt a» mots, mtoraeß. reipeetfaUTsaneaflee* ifa»t he has now opened his new and excellent Hotel JBL. «be > teeon&edttlon of travelers, boarders, - A «w nabUe-ceaerallT.' Tho boose and ftantKsfe- tribM’riMrls determined to de*errt, aadthere i»Mn Btteli Woilu W«* m‘ic°bto!. C Sd“/l«y T^ £Si«pm£a»l«wESi the patera rUbt to die said macWue. °f- w " t «^^r, For 'm«rl!s " ■ noilsMononmlxU Itame. ~ ttßUT&ggßgM* rotisattii; ' A ! wS»)»will ib© pfc asod to ice to*Old custom* \BeU« ofereiy totoyOOapoßßdMssifroto.oaUemsofJbeßwstappfo*’ odaodeirudwramed u» be of the be*tn»te n »^- * -UiatraiWsieT Psap»,Cottflwr», iherwahereiTTariety ofUrm*»Casuncsj u reqoi«o» •terßedandfieuhedinUie.ae4tesimssner. - . _. , 'A.XMs the sole ptopnetee of BAarn’o A»tj*Att* ■ tio*flCm*,so tostljr.eeleb/ated for. ltc ,^' sßCllo ° r ,in ■ tripos to aschteerjr. Th« Boxes and Co»po«^ on [4 paa bohsdofhfiaiu.auUrns s. joaodT r.atSMUnUB amA BatfeUS KtutM | • * ■■fft*- 'ii . - ■ • The paasißmoa ; u - »>» nw«t “ sr« apm*i!*axallhe*m,ia *®nnoction with Boarding - s - REFEREES. I ' 1 nnLISXLTBU. Lllon. June* Campbell. Ravid U. Wbite. • Alexander Oommiime. tTXWTOIL- I CcmptroUMofNuwYork. I: •GeorgoWood. • I •JohnF. Mackie. . « David Dudley Held. , Joseph Hoxie. | irr iuui. Hi* Exo. Qoy. Jlaines. I Ei-Got. Vreoa. W. L. Dayton, V. a Ben. I low Wildrick. M. C. Q. D. Wifi, Ex*u; 8 Sett. Wo, A.NfcwolUM. C. Ex»Gov. M. Diekenon. | Hon.*. R. Hamilton. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. ▲.Sidney Deane, &LD- - WTw. Gerhard, M.D. M WunensL, N. Y. ‘ Wl Walnutat.Thll'a. Wa M'S. Morgan, M. D., IL B. Bell, M. D., / George M’Cook, M. D-. * > Allegheny elty, Pa. -, , •. The Are&U e{ thiaCompa ay, at Pittsburgh. are unfit* criaed to take every first class risk On Lite at a ndvfi . Kma «rtwmrftjSt« per ernttrom the asual rates of pm* miam as ebaigod by oihei Cmapanles. , - mMrti , 1 A nan 30 yean of age, taking sTolity of Insurance for One 'Hiouianil Dollars— . " “ , To inn tor ono year, payAohly W,BO. “ ‘ . do seven u *», ‘ * tIo.TO 'annasHy. do ** 44 •/v. 'And in the sane proportion tot any sun ap to SSOw, which is the extent taken on any one life. This company eeoaeoeed operationioa the Ist Ocl, 1848, and its monthly business ap to the lot Qou, 1919, sbewsa progress crorfrag that of anystherLifc Com* pany on record. The first dividend of profits .will be declared to the assured on the Ist January, 1 1650. * ' Pamphlets containing the various üblea of rates, and all the. necessary inform anon on the Important sulijecl ef life Assurance will be font Is hod ;C® eppti* ealiouto JAMES DURNO A «V*genU,- del? ;» Odcon Buildings. n*HUB ISBDBtABOKi i . , THE TRENTON MUTUAL UFE AND .FIBEJN. BU&ANCE COMPANY will itsns Policies of In* ■urance against Lossoa Dtiuoibjr Fix*, eponDwell ings and Fandlnre, Stores, Goods. Rea Jce n on uppu* cation to : JAMESDUBNOACO, Agents, del" ' . . . , , ; - Odeon Buildings.. HEALTH Ia.ORABCEi At PUUbargn, Tht Spring SMdtn.H&lUi lunranee Co, OF PHILADELPHIA- —CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, INSURES Males and Females against the Expeeso and Lees occasioned by Siekaea or Accident, by -an. immediate allowance ef from S 3 to $8 per week, ,tor one* two, three, dr four yean. . • .The-method of effecting this Insurance, and the -Banner of awarding the aicknlloWanee, will be fully explained by thoAgent* , ■ aacasru. A person can Insure against Slek&efS or Aeeident which will detain Matron his ordinary kaitoaas, as For oihs year, by p*yiog%ASDi and reeefvS weak. For two “ “ «A°. “ “Vi “ For three “ . M “ “I M . “ . For tour - u “ “1 • “ .. Or, tor a period of four yehts, the som or 514,i0 paid anmallyt will secure AS per week while sick, ' Every necessary information will be afforded on ths subject of- Insurance generslly, by JAMES DUBNO A CO, Agents, Aciy<dSm ;’■ Odeoa Buildings. ’ Llh sad Hsalt&'lnsaruutt 'rviHE UotaalUfe and Hetith lasuranea Company I of Philadelphia, -Incorporated= by tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, *1949. Charter perpetual. Capital, 5100A00.,. Ram town TKsJf.aJrT Pnjonrn vaoiACnraßT, and toll 90 per cent, lower than the unal ratda of life Insurance, ns the following com parison Will abow: Thai, a person of toe,agerf3oin>s sdrinr for «100 tor life, must pay In the Guard Pennsylvania, Mutual,' VuMMAItS, MMN«» England,tUANaw'York A lbion. *2,48; Utonnd Health, Philadelphia, tlAl. Dia^wa.—SamuelD. Oniek.CTi«les RMW. jeatPßasgssfl^agaa^ dem-lßobl. P. Kbw; BecreQrr—Fra«cl. BiAlhito. Ofltoe, Cotßnerelal Rooms, corner of octg?.dly .. ' Wood and Third its, Pittsburgh i lUi-ti Hi I'lil. Uttman fxlotectios rmx a HO OUUM MARINE INSURANCE COXIFA* ■ W NY OF HARTFORD) CONN. HmKmbß'// jscemtilto nrlB2L' ' , Anaall Proaiim*, Capital Stock, and Harplc* Fand,'* TTu, old and rcHMuibla Company, ecntinnea ip i*-; ne policies on the mO*t favorable term* on DweNinr Bonus, Uooaehold FnmUare, Store*, Stock* of Good*y Warehouse* and content*, Mill* and MjntUacumef, Ae. *e„ against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Al*OrOQ Good*, Wares aadMerehendixe, the hazard* of iKiAßsTuavovasws, and open tha Company haring, in thd laic 2S Tear*.' paid »»w«aniiM o» uouaa* at their •evera/agenerek throoghottuhe United State* and thd British Province*, haw «*tabU*hed a ja*t rcpntaUaa for *oiTency ABdTair dealing, -which cßancgfCKomf p*n*on' wtth-any otkernwaraaea companrcnlh} continent of America. '.The annexed extree* toman artleio cut the astdectof ln*nr*aco Companie*, Ulra exhtOa* fcriedy th* penni*eity ofHartford, hareforhalf a eemurybMß town* throughout the Union fot the care, discretion, rind bone*ty,and unvarying voccest, with whiah they Kve formed and managed corporation* of lbi» d» eerintios. No Hartford Bank ax lnrarnoee Company haaever foiled 1 Theae Companie* hare fcr ,more I then a whole gene ration *eanered their rUka tnaeaf !r every State of the. Union, and hare neyer fhH*d» pay tho ihnnmerable looes which they hare initired arising npon policies i**ued by ti» nndcr tigeed, will be promptly adjwtrdand paid at the Gen eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O. A large portionof the fond* of the Company, (Unlading all premium* received at the Weatern as^cte r,} ■ssasaASss-Sgsss®? A*tnl (otSb o citj of tWmifh, «nR eonmyj ryffpß " "~T7 rrnriJ DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU- T aANCE COSiFANY>—Ofiee, North Room of the property inrowyaid docßTat. faitnwda^dMth*** 0^ '‘'SBKaasaßSKajs^affi; (on. and Frel»bl* foKl*>> <* open 07 •-fflisssaaessSOTt-OM; awßSßJFfffesWflS: S& “IHKECTO»SSo«rt-IT. John c DiTlt Robert fomm JoW R Ponroß, Bean. JSSSS^HSBntSffIBRg SpenecrMcnTain, Vjr ! M ' ARTm , P[ „ ld „„ L fcraainS.NxwnoLn, Secretary, cr Office of tha Company, No. j"£f? FiiubnrctL ' jojaaif. F- L i.inmin nitHilo*. T!SSSSSSS 3 W ,W I, ! x uMsnwij assgi£aSs%SS^&- Be™, Deri! ns™™. Pna|dllll Chiiloi o. Baneker, Bocrt “ I7 ‘ or limited, Cemimw to make *>?•*•? « copntry, ej. .lord emplo prelection to Ore jineirV 111, 180. » The Cion of tee r OTopsny,o at inaery t publlihed ejreeeblT to «n eel of imnair, - Mlm tiß ' •;. *1,047,438 41 aaBK".".:".;"- :: ggfi i r Temporary Loan* MJgatS I gtoea* 38*0437 > | Cash,&e.““» , - •uuMnn • Since tii ail incorporation, »^i^ or^ y as* harm paid apward* of one *UjJ» I JgjggL Odense and dollar*, losses by &»»I 6 - I** 1 ** yrSIM the ability of the ideas tagea ofla»atan«e» "^ f , and diipoailloa to> medt ■ Agent, Fo« Ili«o»»f» os Lirci in lie U. Sutee. nsscvW”" Capital SMaoOO—all ptidln. u appL* Ilartiw anthonaed the fea eatioa*ifor Insurance, °° , n d°r»w»i which will be I DB&AWABB aiVTCAL,* JJ®j£S! Ta A- MADHBAoAgcot** _#» oni wnnynfPhitl» X , ware narchandiae I adelphia. Rreßlik* upons£S££i*k* bullaior lishmentor the Agency in tm* tponthma SfSdUh««Ut» ***l*s^”SLSS?he^««<s I Man in*tltutio»ftJM'nft^ o ’^4si t pjui, Which by the I phia-oa haring I operation of it* chttrter ,H nrt d hi« one ahare of the 1 yielding to each petaoa t“*Jg 4 gj lriog hlmlntray 1 pro&u of the company, pc*w*ring I wponaibility whafcyer, and “s“ obao^mu fcv principle *re«4 - M* I tare, and m it» moat attractiTo »«>««*• bats. r.APS AND BONNETS. J. .BeeSSSSM^Sgs&.lfcL fcMSSStSS!S!SffISSS« - l'SsßSffl»r^ ,, ‘ .rrf W ;6H, WEDNESDAY WS^OTNaS2«uI?Jf y ,;S « ,fiS kerf ytan exirana * SS£?f* s, -*^™sssaswisa?. :r: iiasja's^gssfflai^S CO. ; couest oS*h September, W. Sa«aleT P^« h *' in S tbeiaieiettof J. IL*miQ»ti»fco:ttti*** Htcbnaine* of th*: firm will be waled by £wr Mceewor*, wn*. B *‘* b ** Cl >" Piiubmth, Oct e, ISI ISAAC B. SMITH. ,' ~ CO-PABTNEB3BIP—wit B»«Mer clart-«rMitimWm. aWoodwtidof PMl^olpMf SUn s. Cotfnn »«aa«i»tnsnkiT.or Pmibnrg, witLeoniurm) lhoWboie*»ie Qroeeiy Huiinew,at rvo#. la «ad tt Wood at. under the traof . . - , O0t» • i , i. •• : ■ • . • ~ 'DfiSitutloo of oa-putauauv-'ii' - ut,'vu diwolredon the totlnij^by ' —CULBKBTSON. Ptaibßjjti.OeuS, 1843. The eutacriber will eomlftiw &» Trhole«J« Orooe ryaad Cosunluioa Boaisett, d Bind, W lihtttr rt. '.acfl A; CULBERTSON. tj TTO AND SHEET ISDN WAHE. Al«>, El»ck tmith'Worki •• - ■- •. ' Btea»Boau bui& to order. ...: ■ . Special attention riven to «e*a boai CTorl. Have On hasda aftbeeaaoitiaeotorpgfejf?!®??? EauUa, Tin Ware, de. he. Steamboat Cookfcg Stcvea, Portable Forget,Tailooi*iiea- a very convcnientai- Mle for steamboats, CaUTorsU or rati road nneeifUlT font* eteam boat Often to eaD mi« oar arjidea and pnces bctor* parcbtalng cltewhere. n _ ~ ‘ tie withdrawal ofMr. Frederick Muller. • host* NO. 108 Second at, where wo will ban anssuc: «W"" of ” p ' rt °, Wl “ l0w , Sn*hannen. kenry hannen, . .; HUGH ROBERTSON* P.tUb.nU. A«.n.HB. HENRY UMKTKAD : a^u.b^Mi««to Mg d S » S ta J? r oti - '■OTIOB. ... ..... •; .• . mUEoannenbiobemofore cxitting under the arm* I O fXT* c; BRADLEY, U dimolvedby the deOeaae 1 o?Mr, c. Bradley. Tfco buaiaen wißbatfaniedoa by A. Bradley, who will settle the burinest of the laid .^ngMAvai.-— a. BxxsufThts bit Foundry Warehaaao iron No. ns Second-street, to No. IS ‘Wood street, between Flm eaAßecnrl atreetajo the warehouse lately ©eeupuaP by • O. A. will keep constantly on-Haad a «*?*ral aaaomaentor StOVea. Cooking Stove*, he. JyH - between tta I lubSrrhg", In t&a name of Co«eMiMO,T>Pfce * Cou la thia day dhtaolved hymstual consent. Meam- BTOWIt Barnet will eettle the basinets oC.the oo» eem. for which pnrpoae they an anthemed to w the name of tho concern, THOMAS BARNS. / / ■ The naderatoed have thia day aaaoeiated themadvea ; in thsnaseorBURKEABARNES, (tor the pnrpaoe Ofpipwyftftnrfny Fire-Proof Cafes, Yaalt Doortj'Ao. bi the auaa of the lato £na of Constable, Burke. A&,wM™iber.«iHt,»lei*e.-1» "JtlTO OA-IJ-, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring frost the Inn of- Oontthblo, BarkeACo-t I with • aincere pleasure recommend Mean* Butko * febl&lf - - • • 1 FORWARDER & COMMISSION. •JL j. frtraxx. TSOO. ASB A : STUART A SILL, Groeova, and Produce arid CCJ»»- mission Merchants, ffa US'Wood S* I **^ I *?*' '•Beelers laGioeeries, Flour,Wheat, Rvo,Oau. Cord, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard. Cheeae}' Clover, Timothy and rtax Seeds; Iron, Nalls, Glui,la.gfc Ael Paxtfeulir altention paid to the »ale v >f-Woßtßnt MBsSSaaais*- Messrs. Myers A Untile r» Rofii. B* tali* MKHUi A 800. Hampton*Sauth:AtCdJ Junes May, King,* MoOroeafli * BPMUtam; MaSßlloa. Joa.B. Mormon,-£*<??». Louis. \ . „ JP!**** -a. •' JotCTA.c*i»,la»oy*.LUboßjO. w.«.euSM* 1 . OKAI6 **KXHSBBy ? ... GESEShIi AGENCY, CommUiloaand Ferwartl tay Merchant*, No. 2S Market *t, Pituburyh, I’*. =nyProaipt auentioa p»on to Ike purchase «<J tale erslt kind* of Produce. „ . v-Rxrx*to -John WinfcCo., Mcrphr, Wll»onfcCo. Pittabnreb, Pi*4 i*weon * Jlill* ifehlon MerUm VYellariUo, O 4 John 11. Urownfc Co., anys, ElUott k Co.,PhiladejAila; &W. BnodyrMi Gregr fc Nae* New Lhbcri, CM Ft. «dnn*r, Hon. a D. CoSo, Clneboeii; J. P. KeU*r, Yoenptown, O 4 W.UStan dart-Cicraland, O. >n <** OBOROB COCBSAH* Commission nod Penrirdlai Herekest' . JKk, 20 WOOD Wt n IIIIOUMB, ' /10NTINUES to uenuct a general Conani««lon bnal lj ncu, Mpeeielly In ihepurchaw and wJe crAmnn can Manaftaturt* and Prodace; and in reecrrtng and tsrssa^vist^^isis^ the principal article* of Pitubargh Manalaetaro at the lowest amotesala price*. Order* and , cotuigftinema are retpectfclly iollgitcd. ” MISCELLAKEOUSi J; psna Beehiaa Stop, xr WlGHThlAN—Manffhetum ofill kind* of cal* H. tonand woollen' oachinerj, Allegbenyciry, Pa. Tbo chore work! hein,po*laAl!ttf.«Mu«l »• eratiomlaaprepaied toexeeataorfarawiikdiweb ior alliinda of machinery la my hna, each aa willow*, picker*, aprtadcr*, cud*, grtn drag maihiae*, railways, drawiac wamea, apbeden, thrstiU*, lootaa, woolon ca*dfcaoable or*iagle,<br merehantor country work, maleS'laek*,Ami*liaa and hand lathe* and tool* In gen eral. All kind* of shafting made to order, or plan* gi»* on for gearing faetorie* ormilla al reawntbJe charge. B»m Toh-Kensbdy,Child* Jfe Co n Blackitock, Bell- A fla- tfinr. Ja*. A. Gray. —r, JOITN D. MH3EEABY, Printing Ink Uanafaemrer, flot. Soec NEW YORK-De notNo.3Bpraee «tie*t—Woold call the aacouon of Printer* to U* Improyed Printing Inks of yanen* rinds and order*, at the following once* Extra fine Jet Black, fbr Card and Wood % •Cat* . - ta 00 and 3 00 per lb. Fine Book Ink - - 0 » *‘ll to Boos nk - ..OdO^ofiO** - • OM o*o «• 0 25 “ Pine Bed Ink - • 73e I 00 1 50 u 8 0b 3hn, Yellow, Omen and White 75e 1 00 1® ■ ’ aio at,#* par lb,, and Bronae at 80,79 ot* and **/ip«Smea©fNew» Ink can be xgn on tha pipsr. Foraaioby JOUNCTON A STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, ran C. Mnixan k. Co.Cinclnn*tl, Ohio. • .. Mortoa A Griawoold, Loaisrille, Ky. ootOaidm , •" jXhBS w. woodwell, Hoder'n and AaUqDc-ForßUnre, 63i Thud Bnntt jiiiUPMH. •• Z> A large and splendid «B9fl{ISW uionsiut of Furniture, HHBB9H nibble for Steamboats, Hotels and private , dwel* ' lian, constantly on hand *«1 otmio to Drder. j • The present stock on hand eannot be exceeded by aaT manufactory In the western country. Person* wuhlnxto purchase would dowel! to due me a eaiu as lam determined my prices shall please.' Part of the stock ecnsUtt la— - _ ‘ ' TeteeTele; Buffot Etaqele; Louis XXV Chairs: Queen Elisabeth chairs; TeaPorse; ' Fruit Tables; 1 Toiler Tables; Louis XV Commoder; Preach Habocaay Bedsteads Piano stools; 60 sofluwiih Plnih and Haircloth eovsrs; M Mahogany Booking Chairs; 40 dot Parlor do 30 “ Fancy do S 3 centre Table*; , • SO pair Divans: 4 pair pier Tables; i IS marble top Brewing Bureaus; 8 Wardrobes; 8 Seeretarles and BOOk eases; i to marble top Waah Stands; 4 pair Ottomans; • | 8 pair fancy Work Stands;' '. . . I A uery large assortment ofcoomon chairs ana otner I farnlture toonumaroui to mention. • . ■ pt» g(£im Boats furnished on the shortest noueet anion the most reasonable terms. i 4g. e ML- Dlsphisja to certify that I ban apj . foisted Livingston, Botoen fc Co* - Sole Agents for the Mlawf Jennlnds wEEw Patent Dianrabgm FUtn,-fortbeci) If ties of Pittsburgh anddilegheny. - JOILN GIBSON,* Agent, OH** for Walter M Gibson, 348 Broadway, ■ N. 7 1: " We hare beenuiSrtme of theebovo'artcJeiiatjhji oflee of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, •Sffoel perfectly sstufiod.ihst andhreukepleasurein theniai atise, fol article to all who lore pure water. JWer* will be i . I “** r * I roE*puSn”so Wife*,: • f|-j -.which headers turbid wuterpurtby vdk {s^jgaaaKTSK. ./fiSHiLfoieiXaerficlear *ndpn*» to the eye,vet. puses an houXthrough this ! , «**. atow»» Im*; feegi fiinrsa of water 1* instantly, Imtara aabitiMM poaaeaaaa tit Mart* i mJ f JANUARY : MTSGELLMEOUS " V ! w.*j;ahßra t M?ibA>» Z TTfE are anil etjgngedia the above baainpaa, e«ttr. W of Wood we aiopreparediodoibywork'isotil' ptleh, Weaitendtotnflrworkpcrfonally, mna-nhi'; fafiUaA Will be gfrha ia regnrdtoitt watneMaad dPr Book* nh&i to any \%Xa iSSU: Tlxie ihat hivawork laWtinoaro *P»I* e iL^to^ lU ' Pricbaldw. ~ s:-.--.,-w ii- M copier Wbarty. U 4 ffwl STofcr&tMlorUrfiTO,. Floor mdCottntei3c«l.A tftW^sssj^tSsssKsra •fmrlman Waro,r:Ae. Iwivr Thoy al»: mhaontCtaro tha aiiehen Range, which Ua ff l ”* *5 C A genferal aaUgfaetion to thoao having -itlnluac, to u|.« which they would wpeetAtllJinvu«th«iatttntlMl of ihociilxena aadthe public gem;rally. • 1 • - »otS7-dtf HITANUFACTOKED TOBACOO-ATht KObicrib«'. .M. would eillll;n»iicniioa of Du <«y. uade -tad J£r«t. *enenaly*« ti» in nare utd toamTC, which bdai eotaigomenta m« tect from mjjmfaeturer*, to U enwWl» tell tt «*■ K-wcnotht* ' **J ’ -70 | tF. Jamea-Maduoft ' fiei i 84# ’-4 Ltnomlpe ~ . *»i 33 i •* MirabeaU 9f• . . *3 » *• Pnwmm ' : ftaadlt; IS I ™ ..Robert! IcSiwon «•} • r 8| . u Johiufcl<ewi». .la; ... , . 3I •“ Warwick, aapr Ur"* 1 . _ ■ ■ft IWl<r * *-“• lbVfoOto nan«u>i.vnbuv Jr r- ; i nrwcxon, fa. * .. „ XOHN WplOßT*Ocw,«re Ptcpmred U build<?otu>o •ft Wflaten Machinery of wentdeigripUgiit web u Cardin*- Macninea, Spinning Iron**, Speeoeia,' of'CaitfltoiTPaUMa and, tatear partem*, elide and hand l*the%' tnAwob «f all kind*. Cwttnp or orerr deacription i ftimUbod on abort iwrtic'e. Patternr madfto order for ' MUiaemraWrltoa Bailing;*?. Steam Pipe for heat ila*FaetoSea,CastlrorjWindowgaih arid[aneyCa*- Sun irenirrSlT. Ordert at ihe Wawhoiaeof J. p£Wr fr-Co, Liberty atreet, will ktro prompt aaea* ! U %ftr ti‘ Br&katoeir, Beil * Co. J. K.BlDerahead^ I CoU U. E;Warner, John irwin b Son* Pmabargh: 0. C.tcl. Ll.'Wemer, Btenbctmlla- . laalP_ • WiP fIOACB rACTOBfi . MA-'WIUTBfc OO- woali-mpec^dlr • (to MbUe. that i they tove erected a shop pa ImASSSWSSri ssfSßSarfaßSJttsg^g dbrffi^^^saasasK riuPiKfKrliijiuas bttteomjiflwal. fet htM na la .warranting thrnr wot*. >ve therefoteask rfiftpobUatolhUi^Wr. .N. B. Repairing dona in the tort tttoHaf, ““ ®*S* port reasonable tenet. )aac * FLANOBt •••: • , XSS6SsSwawsasssrt^ uon PUtos, with W wittoet Colmaa’a «Wbr«ad Theaboveinstroiaen' ranted ic be eqeal to any or. and will to sold lower than tor brought .from “* : , F.BWJME,Npll*woe*au ***** 2d door above sth N-B»—Ci*T Scrip win to taken at ■ par f«afijwef be above twotttneM. "• ciy» | ■ ** **• , ~ 1 WAJITBPy ■‘• J -' - GENERAL AGENCY ANDCQMMISSJON OFFICE Yen* MEN in wholesale end retail stores, «td ether respectable badness, to tot as .Book-keepers, Sales* mSTForters, Car-keepers,'Wrtlers, Fannenk.Ccacb* men. Car Agents, OooiTnod Hep Agents, Collectors, Overseers in mllfcrtoctoa of badness, Ac- Wo tow at «U times • large umber of good si toations on bend, wfeehpeyfn»3oot* •*«» P e * I ¥ i s“L,?£? , ij2 wgntoJsitnauons of any kind woald do wellto give os a cal), as we tore agents lb eaebof the »'»»*»* ties, which will enable aa to place every applicant in a suitable alturtion at the shortert nouce. watoye* ,|M«iiii«wj in ail the above, nailed clues, ' which wetrartwUi enable as to give entire itnsfac* Uon to all who may Error as with a call. . : , N.B —Persons living in any part of the C. States, and wishing to obtain a aitoanon utßaldmorej.oreb titer of the above cities, will toTC theii wanU unme aense,which they otherwise world inenr by earning SEs* Aaanu > No. BO Second street, ■ rijtzdd Baltimore, Md : BENNETT 4- BROTHERj T - uPKENBWARE UANUPAWPOJHfIi »mfau«, A'». 137. Wood Itritt, Pittlburgk. BSSSg inr order* **at by by the iwr»teea«e-wJI &* araagUr aoeaded *&- TVkoldSd•UmTftai* Owd.aad and BalUon, for emlroldcrin* B»i oiber or. oanSaUl work. Al«>jkoldond»U»efT«i*elriFriogB and Lace Jewelry of tie talon feolJoiij,in SP™!' ' WnleOee of eopeiiot ooeluj “ftJjKvn i TnesrßOTH nATamo sTAnwau- A-UKNT—opcn-from 4A-M,u»U F.M, StoKj® iSSi aiaworo.fatl doUu. Lnaic. diputatot * , S. , |Ss»SiS»t&Si l ‘SJS^iw.ta«ii milß eaeaion of the mbUe U- fwpccuauy called«e I the following certineates: ' ’ ' ' l i'; 1 'Tiiu S Ea*i»—Having tested aqoaattQr ofG<nd to those going to CilEomn. as the boat method tot oV i»intny the real taloe of Oold-B£*P-ToujT»b ” s . I j. B. DUNLEVY,GoId Beams. Pitlib wgb, Slareb 9,19 - •; ■ ptrtnxmss, l9tf . Mat Euom—DeeiSir UaTlng examined the “Are* mc,> atuaiacntredgiyotUrooms, I dosot batotam to It to thense ©Tthoae gendetted »bo an abost removing to Cafl/orttio in search of Gold. ItgivSaclose,appwiimadottto.Ws epocifio grasi trot metals; ami mQeertaiglr enable the adveanm I~rwL* huub'eb <?*«*» California Expedition, a. complete asotfitmjn-oi unm Elastic Clothing-, at-price* rangtnftoem WO to IU«0 for salt of coen pants and hat -FOT, tale nt the ■j. has* opened *U'ip’-^ : itt *— thk rearof theMonongahelnllottse, with an entirety new tuxk of Hor*e» ana Carriages of ttobSenaUtyanilateatstyles. Hone* jy In thebert manner. .. , ff” 1 * pTTTBBDBGS fBMAItB ÜBTITDTB mug Second flcwlnn rf tii*.‘lnstitßtl«i, •onder Ike r^3s;=, in the Wen, tor obtauSng * • lke ”? S orf* cal,and Ornamental edneatioa... ±.{£! 1 e S2“M£SSa L^, o K4°^p“=4H€ '^^^sffiasssssii»2^ss^ dIU, the Principal* hopo to ment a eonunnatioa of tat Bberal patron*** they have enjoyed. Per or apply to tho Principal*. * .... .-., : • ," ”. pmyapaogf Bopt. IM, Iffi msass;^* write with, flow* free, and doe* not clog the pan like ibo ordinary ink* ut ore. Wishing yon the ready *alo iu anil. duwd, we m,- you m \ 1 For ids,' unetiCT with lllhten'. Rsd Io», ud M.- $ etm “ r °^ul" ißaeeeaaon to Hussey.' Hanna At Co.) T* ANKERsTeXCHANGE BROKERS, anddealer* K In Forcin'and Domestic Exchange, Ocnlhcata SfDepotitCi'cank Note*, and Speda—Poartb street, “eijffopportie tin Bulk of Piiuteijl. dcDcaite—Sirht Cheek* tor *ale, and made an nearlyall' the principal points In tor Foreign and American made an eenslgntgeaf of pedEajs on liberal jenns. • .ap* _ nppaTTNVENTIOyi—VALUABLE PIBCQ.VEBV] j - Parxar Bxcoxxn JairraxT Lit. ISO. Paunrcnttblfrtztentim 7W&,Bcfai, But****, 1 Boot-Caw, WntingDuh. J ' UEVEH OF-WBOCOHT IRON. Tna ¥ABI.RI tor *urpa**lng every other in* ventlon Of tbs fripd pow extant. .They can be ex* tendedtan to • twentj*five feet,' and when cweed tho leave* areall contained ill aixea and shapes, and are admirably, adapted for Sleatoboati, Hotels,and large priyate.famUle*,. torm ina when closed a eontpitta centre table. , . , SOFAS AND BUREAUS—These article* am Inval* nable, partiealarly to those who wish to econo* alto roots; and coavertAsleeping apartment Into a eaxloror sittingroom, aa they canoe opened and»ut u con.uiitaa?,aid.'•''Brtjvikybuffln*fcjadM ed. A great saving in toortnand rent. AU tho bed* when closedform a hehaUtol piece of fumitafe nscfttl artidofor ptrlor OT 1 aw cffiflea, ooon tin* room*/ . *ndother wboncaenednmoreonvcnientWd ' Send.' when cleSed a perfect Desk aad.Libryy do» tteso anidea need. no-. rcccafii£Ddaiionj_ the : iiT sa?‘ to, “ ,,OT s®v^feoß^£. . Aieoaet am fCSEiPfRit*. ;CuniaFrsilkai .&&3gSfig^a& o^rMt?j|^^^«S t »l» > -B >Sf j^J^lfc I Am«Tlo»a -WooHa fivAU lt>UE iatrcriter h«r on jrcetired 'WySSSSS^Srtwl^gtl^fl^S .'., 90 piece* yktflwfde Bencd Flume L;• ■; si.'* 1 < fafoeto-WbUe P«4 .JMwftfr; lie«mN>et®eiikeu, ribbon l«»4> :iV'Sslip%ahT ma *£ Eoi>«iieWt OTOamepißiw^uritotf,*,*;!!®-. BcmmSiswt tad Bbb Rlintt t Co*tio*• :■ «»“££££ ad ri2n.Bnd.llßmS Jeany iSSaS*!!? mmffi. ~ jlta abata foodiare ail toiuSm d-directJWrßfcßß: oibeiyendwiU be toldvery low fare»«fr oT*fP%ls£ eetw. ect» h. W* «**** .%£> Tbibe*, K*** fUtfeita** YtinSr, HUB Liters, TailaOrmrfc Orßfßfr ’Bj'JffiSl *» end übfe'CMierr, end oeay toOrngeodi ,wb«b codftUT o examine. *ptw ■t ~~gAYJt'B’d‘iQ ®"? ll j : Manufacture' and win to» a? tuui_rjaur endSusam Baal S««ts?u»i?““il2?£3 hine, brown end drib Bleok#tvfe*ctUifi*tottorti;jp“. WmlisTus, which they WerebosM No. U 8 Second *t, Pnuborgb, ' rectory, New HiTCtt.PiT«*» o>- P»- b» lit d>a Ml trvla, ta width, i«uk tmr l£W»* i otLookinx Glaeaea iMaß&enied at oarown «team power ahopln thl* eitr,we aakthe attcnttqa cfWeat •mMerehantaamdouiM dealer*. . i .. , * BAWTCT,' - ■pttt : ictneg Wood and foarthata •DRY GOODS. ;; HV&PQTt WlllO> * CO.» Ko.4BWeo®'9**Prnaw*aa,. \ RE now roeehia* their anal «PPli« A for the Fall aeaaoo, whieh they walbe nappy to exSlbit to their oJd'eaatomera, and aamany oew.eae* u may feel inclined to pteaent themaolTC*. c^^sSaSu^'tau.“ T i .uS of their aioek,ih*l tli«We«teai rtuil merchant will a«^sawas»wpft^ to the Eastern eidea tar thalf: •wctaof Dry Good*, SeSM^oraoiffltniWinay.baobTiaietlbykay. DRY a BE bow ro«oi«in» a laryo ® f JP" A Goode, ofTceelaparchnae mud importation,which sey wiUaelUo the trade aancfcprleea aa cannot fell w sty andCtrantry Merchant* hr* tnritad to call and, examino oar *6o* bffore parehajlnf elaewfc—*. yayfl ■ • r :__ —• !sa.wa:rpK nl Watar.Bbtilea»of aapenorQuallry. Partlcalar attention paid to PtiaataMoalSa. . : Wfoaibt and Caat iromßalllny* .■ T’SrtKKSJai&.SiSS’SMI^ (GUoaablo deafona for-Iron JUnlio*, hoth forborne •ad - eemexedes? Person* I w^»? roca ™ ***** gUitroM will pleaae call ud ekamne, and Jmlg for th«naelTe«; Ratlin* wfll be forniafaed at the abort eit notice, andlnthobeaMnannar, at the corner «r <w^‘^“ rau ■ ~ ormnprimi | ~ .1 E^s^JWtgjpssiFiasaft fored to dealer* *** fonriUe* hi the tewe« prieea.. Quality warranted eqial to any brocght t» this mar* k, t ud A'UWK'r*, .. Mercer - ,ocflS_ . . UHWfInvVV 1 «■■■■»»■ ■ - . ' TirltL tmaa open Cor Tiriter* natil the let Jan«* W rr.tSW. • Oyaaera and other. Re&tahme&U »>dt* rdtotbaaeaacßi will be kept - Xbe Gmobeas*; to* talninc a l*rgpc*Ucetioa of rare and cWm PUr** .will be] open to virimn.' BoqnetaßeaOT »‘ abort notice thTotthont the eeaaan. Ah Omuonr learea tbei'Alleghetiy endiof the fit Clair Street Bridge/ eWrytudf hoar dprid* day, ranm«toth« Garden; and the ferry ; boafr Captain. WriterT g°» frpa the Point, laadUt* a abort dinanea abet* the Gar dejw.Partfeswuhlnr toapjrtdlbo - gratia*, will’be accommodated with e retam Oanttma aTTo P.M. Repion Temperance principle*, ;udel<»««J °* ttaday.- 1t- , *PU3 : • J.MTCAIW^ k d IWt ; BEBOKAt. ~ 7 mgjTaaßpiWKii and CommiuionMer ehant, haa removed to NoTef Front, bertreen Wood »tHtoithfl6ld erect*. 1 < <BB f | —‘E hare tome PUMPS, made, on -an taprtfrod' plan,aoaanotto freete in- the coUeat father. Peraont wantiax neb artielea, aninrited toealLud SeXaiT ' • wr£s ~ |*t» between WboiTMaritct «ta--• Vlewr ef pltul Mv YUBW wm be pabliahed in a* abort a time n poaible; and I can, aamre, mf aabaenbora, and the paNio generally, that nihaU boaomiba— boUi in fidclilr W deUil wid »f “'S* ■atfsS£W- u '*rT4ZBZ£t££’ Nrw Ycxx,- Dee', filh, l&tg.—[ddl ; SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 1 OP GlfT BOOK! AID AIVVAiI TUB OEM OP TBS SEASON, wiihiiiieen elejaot. wrtTfcn; edited by NJP.*WWi«. . „ TboSMml Aaotal, * Qifl for aO Seaeoai; by H.' W ThB Floral Keepaaka, forlSB); witbtprty ux beaatl ; * A; or Poetical l«a*a*£eo£ : ■ SS 1 ' * &£&&uSSSBS:- ~ Tbo Chapltf'ofLlierery Gem, with colored «***• Uoaje OScriaVi or GUnpee* of Hone Life; by a Tokea of Bomembraßee. ■ r _ i-‘ Appleror* Gold torieoaca ofSilTor,by & B. Fel l°noraV Gen, eftbe for all Betaor* with. beantifOl wnhellUlmßnt*. ( t nw. The Drawing Boon Sprap Book, with aerenty Ulee* . if Jancioo. Tha efsbSup*"*. wjjjfto** ftTo *“**»* of bindin, ■-^SssSfe, deM ;_,. ftodDaaeaflalley. 1 iwworfijuumu.*! ■ ss»sssasaaEf®ste.i gSXu BlouomkitJifl Le«te» of • GoldeaOsft; Fnambtop'* Offciinr* Poav’oOnennti Bead*’* Fcmalo Poeu or America: tv* Brilliant; Prowtolal Philowpby* UL, Saerad Annual* Oleaniani Snowj Flake; geeyanka of Frieadulp; BlwS bound la tult«i and mo “eo.’jkciu!’*' JOlUOToli^siwamN, ••eomarttutetaad Third ata. •160 bbla in man and forjmla by . - WM U JOHNgrpNTIU nd m CWiitmu aud Hew .l Teart ipjitsthlßi jmffimi am br P “w.a riggnar bound to SmJ «» {«>”* «a.M «“>• IBSSfeS|«?s»s^ swsfesieffi! Motto' STB"®;. § ln tin Cup .of by Wto u Nirbt Comc-A. ,! bf 8 4',Sto»t!l!V‘7 iW; ■assffl^SrafiAr^wsasj. frap^aisSrr , j.m i TwtkMUer *ad Impotter, 63 WoM «t-~ ■miMolk •*2rifc?W&slc «ad:UL9v4re«k cr&£ WWtaiiiavl Adycoare*, ■P&jka.ffftJyk Bwgtaptty,] a* lathe Hotaawrt C^Udjrfllf^OiimpmoffiytiMci"- ■ »o*4 OTOCKrON, ' ieSS -,. -eonta iWrt«odM*Aot«n.-_. &Mtaaatiamfyhnirtmmi Bt-fcoaUr par* H'EDItJ-AL^ ffiiJLftCTAa. my ; totiijpttUe, , kM»ea la.totbaerddl: of toutUtftt •s» | sjs^Sisss^f®r^ ;^^sapdßAlsttsns»ffi*S '■o -lden.,lwmstoUbTa»dlealneathatKy<4s*as^ UTllinf ..Jtooic terfr* •$ £SimsafissMß)a^s»' s tfwSSoSB-pfflmß Mi tS»»fe«t lixarWA* r -«»n4-,bT:<i*e line I •Wi idoaoaxiostMahlvu tuicSed ihsrittua Hitt &i jopfieine ttat uiitea luyeabe^lseitaßrtuiors, «g^gasß&ssg f-Msilpss isk nawhow»»i®iA>e*ft 4 tell ,ih mtfiSuersViirorPiUswy»y. til nHw*WOf Dtvina PfoTidcßee^etasatpofouQng. -a\ «ick<%i2&Tftluof TOUTUre* m*, ue ** -ce tad for iheia idcreksV sflraV ncJjhbcr** ■S wheat I h»V&t«ceossd>de£tJ» pUU, cw> te*u*y to ■ iWflk pnu&r*'Tb4 6n*taaJi Only true aoT-geM; i ’wSSSk&^^S dot. He I* ! «So&r«M:w^ l .tesdsA.“Tn^“ ?l l f Ks:iJi , S2SS:iSlSS,Wfe{^ffi purchase done "but th* OENvUB OlloWi^y{|J{ u *"^"“ ,, JiroaTO*rNSEri D .-' , J pudj«ioao<iiaili«(m»n."'» ro,kCitT - 3 .' ' old -'“ ' wcToa, , !.. JAMB; WMKHDj J -' THB OMOIWAIi Hg«T J»OQYEKE3 . Of . ; has lon* boon" k bow* fls tike AUTHOR aadOISCO : TOS&& efthaCIISVUINE OHIGHIAL ‘fTQWTISHJD ff|BnAP*pif.T.A> Sola# poo vha - w«» competed to iSSterSamftitftia, by wileh meaflpittas moo tajrtrout of rouxkat, and tits ole* dreunseiibdi to thooa only who hud proved • its worth ~uad knowrriti tutus. ‘ TUs GXSJtB ABB UiMfJil*B PMWJttrtO* is luaaajkctarod oa.4hs Unrest scale, und Is es&ed iff throughoutthe length unubre»dthofttoJaad;? <:.-. ■-.■ .4. /Unite young 8. Pi Townasad’*!, it, topToyos/ with sgc,atH!Loeyerchungea,'b»tfertiieb«tMß been new Is prepared on scientific principles by usdsatilii nan. Tta highest knowledge- of. Chemistry, sad the latest discoveries of tits Ait, bive'di been: brought lalo re qolsMss la the ftiadMCavottiu Old Dr/a Satsapa .rtlla. Thp Banapaiiila rooUltU well known to meo-,. .leal men, contain* Uddklnhf properties, end some pro- < pertiesUrileh-ar* inert or useless},and 6lber*, wnicV ifietsinadlnpreparing it for use, produce Cermenta-' , tlon sad aeld/waUh I* Injurious to the eyataat.: florae; I of tbs properties et BtmpsriHa era so rplstilo that; [thty entirely evaporato andare lost la the prepare-! I turn, ifiheyuW nor preserved by Sseiewlfie process,' kuowu inuy to those experlinoM ta Its manufacture. MerooTer iaesa rolatile prtneiplea,whioh fly biTta va por,' ores an ezlnletiea, < uttdet' hrat, sro:tbe very es-; sentialtttediesl properties of tie root, xrhieh gives to; itallUsyalue. Tbe , OLD TO. JACOB TOWNSEND’S SARSAPARILLA U so prepared: that all the inert properties of thb Sar aapaniiarootarefirat removed, eeerjr thingcapable offaecomlngacidor offennentation. is extracted and rejected; then every particle ofmedleal virtue is seen* red is a pare and eeusentratod.fonn; and fonjUls; rendered mcspahlo of losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Prepared in' this way, it is meat: the most powerful agent In foe CURS. OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. ; Hchfte foe reason why we hear rrunmenditinns oc everysideiaitafaTorbyjneiu women and .children. I -We find it doing wonder* in the care ofCoruampiloß,* Dyspepsia, and liver Complaint,- and in Rheumatism, I Acrefuia and Piles, Costiveness, all Cuianeoas Ernp- Pimples, Blotches, andtH offectiotU arising ire to OF TUB BLOOD. : ■- It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arizing from Indigestion, from Aehtity of foe Stomach; from unequal circulation, determination of blood the head, palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold Linda ' eold chills and hot flashes over the body. 1 It has not I had it* equal In,eoogbsandcolds; and promotes eaty j expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing strip tare of the lungs, throat; and every other part. - But is r*twf"r is iu excellence inqre maitifcstly sepn and acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of • ' PEMALECOMPLAINTS.' ; li works wonders incases of flnaralbus or whites, Fcdling faOlcare*,’ Irrcgnlsnry of the menstrual periods, and lha )■»«■? and i| effectual in eating all forms of the Kid* cey Diseases. /By removing obstructions.and regala* ttnr foe general sysoun,li gives tone, and strength] to the whole body, aad earns all forms of , I NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBTETTY,- J and thus prevents or relieves caveat variety orofoei diseases, os Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitos Dance, Swooning, Epileptic-Fits, CeaVukioaz, Ac.■ Is not ffiis, then,TssMistan totr.Ps*>Rscnßm.T Nexs! But can aay of these thing* be slid of S. P. Tourn send’ainleriorartielef -This yoong man's liquid is pot to be . COMPARED WITIITHEOLD Dibs, ■' because of the Grand Facuihat the ouft is incapable pf Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the dfo *r DOES; it soars, ferments, and blows the, bottles containing it into fragments;‘the soar, acid-liquid fex* plodlng and damaging other goodsl' Must not this her* . rible compound bo. poisonous to the system! Wbatl put acid into a system already directed wiih'aeid! Whst causes Dyspepsia but aehu-Do we uotallknpw, that when food sours In our stomachs, what mischiefs it produces?—flatulence, heartburn; palpitation of the haaTt, liver complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, ehoUceuid corruption of the blood? What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body? What produces all the humors which bring-on J&aptions of the Skin, Scald Head, S»l» Rhenmferyalpclaa)White BweQingt,Fever-Sore*, and aB alcerutrans l inteßtal and external? ft is doth* inz under beavan but an acid substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluid* or the body, more or less. Whfct causes Rheumatism but c soor acid fluid, which insinuates itself between tha joints and elsewhere, ir«' ritatieg and Inflaming the tender and delicate tiuoes upon whieh h acts? so of nervous diseases, of impu* nty of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all fon. ailments whieh affilethamsn nature.. No w, is U net hotsible to make and sell, and infinite* It aufrt to.a** this OSURING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND* - ; OFB.P.T9WNSENDI . and yethe would fain have It understood that Old. Ja* I iob Townsend’sGeirtinO Original Sarsaparilla, U an i 1 ailatino of his inferior pTcpora tioall ... Heaven, forbid that we should deal fn~an article which would bear the mast fosmOt S. F Townsend’s «nlela! and which should bring down Bpaalho Old Dr. suoha mountain load of complaints Sind eTimiiations from agents who have told, cud pur chjjors who have ased 8. P. Townsend’s Fermenting C< it understood, became It ir foe absolute treOu foatS. P.-Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and Infinitely dissimilar; that theynre unlike,in every par* tlcular, having not one single thingin common. • it U to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour Wiwlntp wounded humanity, to kindle hope in foe Impairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vt epaffiasa"**? pc^awssss£^>!ss.'A S ». w Western Pennsylvania; J. BmJtß, ■DW^K«SaJS?ff*S®S gsaeasssissajf'Sßflmffl 1 wUß«rmii»«lioribui'nu*cr»i)le etUtTace, turn! the gWtkK when, beto« ®ot* awanjp attacked, and kuiuSd toVu my former remedtea, and thepte. .£E!iroi«o?wro of the nott te*pectable pfcyajetan* ut. S?neSS>orSS o ’ rilllflßl dBriTin * , ? y °i “ e “fiT^S«fmTiTinF lut few days or week* aj SS2SS£mE IZ 9 glc*m of kmwabootS to mo yoar Ezpeetoianv- that Being who doe* all thing* la the I * nd “ow^Si^Li*—**dconuarr to the axpeetaliomo I Sr Slr»l«si»sSJft«niifc?s» in *ion JnpMined I Sli-Uhi^lndw**euMledby the U*ccf*Pottle,to I SuSdw mybSfc**,enjoying»ccebetterhealUithan Ih i2fe£T JuW.Emu; fituoaigh, at the Pekin Teaßwre,sT> I Fonnh ntrten tt » Ma TB*!SSS^ i®s2SßßS flfcjit'.tteiiSd =7 bnlthet, who Wed el wquunpitai gBbffIKSSSSSaSWffIB H^,£;.Torfo& yemlwMM«M..qr«fari M £Vb»3»e**i«Kk«r u tome o»»dn»* betsf»7lbe SiuteScraiiiedloßrbei Donatio its™ peri odofliirm-*lhid txpcnded far Medical nacadtncoo- M*ulirPwr*£elaß» and nedlcinea, urthn amount of iitmttt receiving toy beneflniheipfirom. la TnlT 1545,1 commenced taking Dr. J*yne*aMedi einM, «nd have taken tkem mete or lets evet elnec, JmTSeiieTß that It wmtby petaeveriogid their u**, that I eaneow truly •ayika»linTe eaaipUtelTreeiw -wedmyteahh.; JbcuevethaiJayneVlsa&atfeePUla tod Eapeciorant are the beat family medioiaea sow In - Ireaidc in Springfield, Otaago county* N..Y., and curron afaruico and machine ihep ihithat place, , t&d am not interested In any manner In the tale ofuto above medicine*, indmake thia lor the efitefthowefliieied.' ■ • ■ EMJAII EATON. Sorln*field.N.YwSeptldlMa. i , i . L v i > ')M . i ' ~^7~»<S#irSFsy - PUia» ,, .Bi*airat». '■nr B. MURCIfSV ei North Ea* center orFouTtn ,'-}N :: ±;xni Hurkeretreeu, haaletcly ply ofdw.lboro ta-. ta -; nat»- ••• < •tpyr \SSB2mh~&i£BESSEttiSi& ;l'i .uOf-tlut' mkn fold frm writings thBlo-W*l ® v gooffdeklu!d«fewyewaagoJ Albne** 10 ®:- Ha ittractad no incouiririwiahie.altcitffo?} .*jP7> abiiw4egree;orintcn»i.:; It wasatthat ps* \\ nod of his gyrating career, wheaie.wM|2w^ _ - ling about the doctrineof ihs leS# - * ' 3 pnhlia where ha might -gxdng. By a sort of hbprttf throwii-into the hc»3W-of.tlio ; ffij to.hM>mmzmm9sr < :z: iW oaly hasaincaalbfflhftdto. r> thair o£ seeing what-thing he could : !, »a|r .aiWe afcNroid or .abhorrent to American arALProiettaid e&ri than 1 he hhsehid slfoadyv.- • laieat-fealof the kwl lnte b* of his Review. : Listen to lnin j-p v KtinquesdbaaWy, for the party oforder, , oneofthgarrt'and-mostiimpoitaat meana. ; , a ol self-defence and the preseryari#n.-0* , purty, is to-fostiaja, as m asj possible, the . crfttie preaa cemtdr^ Bftip iwtth hvrior j fmd not for the imbecilityof theptefeSrenderait com* l pjirarively iiafmleis, 'and 1 we havefewano-MV Amen ii few things' 'beef-Und plum? puddings,;;, ,Tbey' much -et -the: <fldL& AugW&Ma charwterjhhS ieWomfoel ai? ' dept jn thipocketbf ftottl3ch.t ti» : 'protdstahtisiA 'bftnftt the intellect* deettoy*, i: . , Confidence in principlea? superindusea. 4j 4 habit’of-stopping midway .Tie. pjeps„tho»* forty hfri ;fitfly otfaer-minence-in£ngUfi4 jnawh' of the.sevdrai- owsf foafo action of eithsr. WMtry, , * . ; , r< vJ Thtngiraßnld fo oa.withflnt the press* ty>rtfriirthw do with ifc. whileit operate u aecut of saiety valre to the superfluous Steam of.demagegues. _ ! “lot on the Comment of- Europe theewe is altogether different Mental culture thstft g ii’of a Superior Order to what iti* in, Great,, : Britain, or in bur own country,, and pfo duycwdt* o 4 tn.&nf&rm£]J* their oien prinapUs*: Thin it j*t bet*-in. the j. ContwtntoL jufisw; vmt '£**&* fesotyun tien in Qrtit una/mu 1 Bntaiflilbaw fo Of,ill dviHzfd wmtriUj ‘stirs •*■*» tkovEht, and it is not by-tfca laws,! bnt by the marmots** and’ custom# w the pebble*' rubjcd*d to, eii tnioltrsMe., Wfdgi. ito, ia man) who, among us, dares publish his bon* md "whs ■dares examine oonvioU cum. contrary to his own with candor and iinparhslity*- J Wb •am.the'freest people in but m rtaltivi proecially in the ihtenorwtßid]| |.fSf grtfTutwt. , • .. j I-.. <••,* rr» : -J r revolutionary'press- cermet -co»exi* • wjtb.pnblid peaoe and*safety.' .-lt is lately heewsary, if order into if revolutiohH arctb be' arrested, audlibeity be consolidated, that the laws should .for strain the license of. thejouroals.” , V v - JAT HEN. - . . There is something cordial in a faf thin* £yeiy body likes hunf hud he'likes«fljry body., .Your'.' lahmaeutes are, : iri i truth,-a bare-boned raci; a lank tribe thsy.uis\aU skeleton and bile.-. Food does a fat mangppd; it clings to him; it fructifies upon. swells nobly out, .and fills a generous spade inlife.. He' is aim?", walking minister of grafitudeto the. bounty of earth,.and.ibeTaU nesa thereof; t an incarnate’ testimony tgairist . the vanities of care; a radiant manifestation t of the wisdom of good humor. - '* A fat man, • '.therefore/ tdmosttia virtue Of being a faim&n, is per st, a popular matt; and tmnimanly-he * deserves his popularity. r 'ln a crowded sve- • hide the fattest man will cver ready to make room. Indeed, he eeems half sorry for hffl size/ lest it barn the way of others; bet others would not haye-him less than he is, for his humanity is. usually commensurate. with his.J)plk.A-fat man has abundance: of rich jumps.,. of his system .are sowell of his being are andßO.trd'goes ms *. way rejoicing.; in full contentmentand ciduy. •,* * A fat man feelsWponfion 1 solid in the world; he knows thathisbeiog I is iognizabUj he knows that bo lUßvaiaark- . ed place in’ the universe, unddhatbemeed , take no extraordinary pains to advertise, mankind that he- is among rthem; fue knpwß he is in no danger ot beingpvefipoked. - Your »h«n man is uncertain, .and.therefore he is uneasy. ■He may vanish. any ;horn in to nothing, already ha is almtfst & and hence it is that he usefrshcb; laborious efforts to convince you of his existence; to that he is. actudly^sogtethijig; that he is morethaaa uonentityjthathe isa positive substance as well as_ ma cmpblent tallow creature. » * It take a deal of wrong to make-onetsaliy i hate' a fat man; and if we are not alwaysiso cordial to a thin man as we ought to be, : Christian- charity should daka into account the - force • of prejudice which we-! have to overcome against his - i/utiruss. . Afidman is thenearestio that mostpoffoct of figures, a mathematical sphere t .a thin madjO that most limited of conceivable, dimensions, a simple line. A fat man is a being of har monious volume, that hbldprelabtmsio foe material *tmiveftfl in everyjdirtcUonjathm man,has nothing but long*; a teman, m fact, Tuaxs oT.Hxnav.'Ginxs.' ■ j ;^ . Th» goodly outsiders excellent, 0 when not falsely assumed, butike -nrorEt tiatural face nature’s journeyman erer left unfinished is better the brarest maak.- "• « 7 * - A wfiV Vinks under‘prosperity at well u under adversity* & wrong and deep mmri has two highest udes—whenthe mom is at the fall* and when thereis no moon. The fI&SK 09 BIGLAHD efleri foraalo iu property in the city of PitUboxyV attained at tas corner of »L<Jl«lr«roeUadD#gWßioW»y, hat inr m feet on 8c CUlr. rtfeeyail Wt cm Duqoeana war. and 240 feetonßanreiH alleV.'-* •*••* T&»property euntaina- OVER ONRACHE of vafc able muiru msccptiblo of a aabdirUion which woald pro re blgUy:proßiabla toons wi*Marftoro-e*ll tn btaSdios lota of the skoal jixe, improve- A pUaot the aubdiviiion can be keen at thooflee ortho andervigncA ■ ■ on die property axo ciectbd fire sabaiantjtl Back on Su Oalr ttreet, {LneTodln# the tavern known as the "Rod Lion,") a number of smaller build in** oaDM«e«ie Way end Barker’a. aHejlpartty oe* copied by Townsend, Con A Co-J and the Viable* at tached to the tavern. • The rental l* S2SOO per tannin, and the property but one third improved. _ i _~ ~-a Apply to ' - *■ IL B. WiLKINS, ■ Attorney ax Law, Fourth street. Sea&l* Annual Bel* of DfJ .Cooil** -ta m oss txssx A. A. MASON *£o., 4 •CTTTLI; commence ott New Yeti’* Pff. ISP, «na VV eoniinea through the numth cf which time tha whale of thdtlnntMo Uaciedinr all their Wholesale eonprlilnr CTcry tion from CLOAK GOOD?- - STmA ft&toSf Sfb. v“ aoSafcupcr •»* ">*>. «*dS° ?5I DeLainventirenewrtylei- Clothe, CBMtaoros, Jeani,<fc**metta, twteitw®elyl«»Pri«**’ V-^.- ... with an immenee tnrietf of other Goode, • «?*& oTthc mo* extenmc 2 So eoan try-ell ot which here bw storked down ei CTHch lowor prieeslhsa their cxtctuire tnnnnl Mto tn J aa early call, u merry ©ftheir choice** GoadsecUtoeoU. . ; .. ■ iii-Thalowest pnc«turnedetfirrt. - •r%lg • 7; fCfc HASPS too,6oMarket*. "■ How. BeokaJuat Arrived. SACBED SCENES AND XUUfiACTEBS, tvJ.T. lfcedfrjWiihoriga^daafoebyDartoy. . Tfc* Foots *ed Pro» U. H. Dana. . ‘Phyticiwj or h VreeUetlYiewof the 1 lie MonlDatics.B£taSieaft«sfrls!ciem«f the JOedfeal frofesthm esd tbs Gosaafiilr) k>7 Vi. ilookn, 2C. IX v ■• *nie PbjUm rad IM^SushxecfMldiw..- 1 •BikoroMbßDßtebnan'afifeiide; . LwCrlnxwkor ealianle Vkv'of tecdte aadtSat' WradeTiagiln Pern. Chili rad PalYm***;- , USX ' ELUOIXABiQUa^WWoediv '- - ,' 1 i-cci •■' v ' " *•• - '•• ■
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers