The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 15, 1850, Image 4

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,T ' -•:» rr
sfUSTrec'd »t iheTBESBVTEBJAW §£>£*oo“*
* -K*. 79 Wood ftrMt. and**«»lf «Ey«Bptleec
4eaeais*’ Hebrew LetsWm ToW«og»A3T«mgeßem
of the Bible. Neandert Hi*tcrr of ttw Cbmti*a.R*li.
rionand Clm^eh,•Mnu« , * Treatise on Ccnnun Doc
s£, Hit of Jeremiah I * s? "%SS3flS&S*fi®S
Rnraonv of tbd hT»*U»h dodo, 8000% Bfc
bl<s yoU. Parnh’a BftlihO«»ue«*,-
Me&am’a China tod U. Prwpecu,Wootf-rf Uct
tare* on Swedenbonjiij Um, lloUSMitaiffawy Anee
tfotec ajidJMsyo.ber laiere«iioq- l worfci, In addition
to iheabore, all at **»**■ r*XK. '• tro*2i - -
J.LKCHKNY,'AND.VICINITY, will be Tfcad* for
the ennrarer in 10 day*. I'eraoni who nay, M»h to
hirewwi of tbdi country aeata pat qtuhs than ;cas
do «o by mairiny applieaaonto tlie nederaignta,
time before the Sfihinit To defray;
the aiewi W ~~ * ill., be, required 'fn.addjdpb.
■to ihaprico of. the naa-, noilO B E McOQWAJ* ■ •
ABOUT /oar
the Slate of Ohio^rrhiJe- spendu* afew®*/*"
Bharon, /'discovered.a singalar Memlm *££*"£:
and subseqaently learned that it bad been ~ I ?J^L, m
year*. be of no «•« «r
its uniformity of.tenure and alagal» r Js7!STm?far
! asplyinr tU» eompaand w«h a bruah.lbatlhi* Cutting
in a few months weald bcramo a.peiftet atooe or
s?att; so that the substance when applied wtt MtaaUy
slate in a liquid state, ond-the large amount of silica,
alumna, magnesia and black oxide of tronthatUcon
; lained, rendered it both weather and fire proof; aa the
• longer eliwsed, iheli order and. more permanent tt |
to become, and aa the eo»ting(ofter it tains to 1
■iata) is of itself indestructible b? fire. eoDreqaenuy it
protect* thp wood covered with it from the air, and
where therein no’air, there is to blaze or combustion;
therefore the wood will actoady char, before the slate
eoraring will pive way.) • ■
, 'l considered the discovery of the greatest import*,
asce, and applied to Government for a patent for toy
mwttion or discovery, fondly hoping that 1 ahoald'
now be remanerated for all my outlay in time and mo
ney. The government, without nay hesitation, grant
ee tome Leners'Faieni for the sole right to man after
tare, sell tnd ow my Improvement in the aunafaemre
of a “Weather and Fire Proof Compoaitioa or Arti
ficial Slate.” fsr fourteen yean.
. Angtuf 14,164$
WE, the inhattllaats of Shsronihrv eadtheafaovo
statement of Nr. Blake, ar.d believe 1 •“ b*
tially correct, as we are inowin
rjwii thfcrdn contained; anil we will fanner state,that
We do nox belteTe that there ever was a P* tCTt J"S£
honestly and laboriously earned, or more dewTTrtiy
irantea; 03 be panned hU cxperimetM with tnomnst
etdomituV.c pcneveranee under the
oireumsujices, •** the publle had not the !***( confi
dence Ibat there eould be any thing
ftom the substance. Heihereforebrfweneounlerror
yean the Jeers and scoffs of nearly the wtole commu
nity. Notwithstanding all
io the proeecution of hi* experuatoW, J?* *J“?i
/ believe (hat then la one man in athouiand whowou.d
have persevered under ail the circumstances .Jhuhs
has at Ini triumphed over all obstacles, •*» »* .*£
Uere there ia now but one opinion in awarding him
JONjffuANEWRnAaD, 4 Pc««- ■
_o LEWIS G. C HATFIELD, ..) Train*.;
. R. W. MILL, L 1
'BENJAMIN JONE, . • J Township..
WM. EVERETT, TOwnahip Clerk.
• ALLEN HOWR, Traiam.
I have aacert&ined that there are individuals engaged
aaclvaslusemr patented article. 1 have been'to
tboMipenono and shown them my patenL They say
they donor,lntend to infringe or tmpase apoaimr
rights* that they have aright to dig,grind,and aeUthr
powder, if they can find purchaser*} that G l6 ! are n?}
bound to know what they arc to do with tc that It is
no la&iajttment until it ia mixed with the oil to mass
the compound: and that those who buy, mix and nao It,
must take the responsibility. Most of them say that
they believo that the patent u good against those that
»nif mi me the compound, ana seme navo aata wax
' what they wanted to u«e they ahould certainly pareh
aae of me, utheydid not intend to make themselves
liable in anyway. Now I feel myself in duty bound to
expose this barefaced fraud upon the public} aa I can
call it by ho milder name, where a man-sell* and re*
eeivea pay.'for an article, the use of which ho well
knows- subjects the purchaser andasertoaproaeen*
tioa-and fins. Some of those who are engaged la uus
nefarious traffic, will unquestionably contend to the
public that my patent will not stand, and that I aaro
not prosecute. Now, la take lhti argument away from
mem; I went to some of those who were proclaiming
that my patent was of no value, and mads the follow
ing proposition: that they mlghtselectaludge and two
lawyers who have had some practice in patent ease*,
and we would submit the paten' to thrm, and if they
decided that the patent wMgood.thaiihey should stop
all farther proceedings 4a the basine**; bat u they
ahould decide tba: it would not, in their opinion, hold,
I would agrre to let them go on and oell all they could,
without saying any'tinag to the-public about them.
This'proposition they would not eeeede to. solar as
the validity.of my patent is concerned. Ido not d®.
: pend entirely upon my own judgment, although I have
•'-{he fullest confidence in it; but I have submitted it to
many of ihn Judges, and several of-tho most, eminent
patent lawyers, who have, without.exception, decided
that in ’heir opinion it was good, and would protect me
in my discovery. . ,
' I grind the article to n fine power, a.-td put Uag in
barrels, the 'whioh are marked: Patrsi rtu
'im Wes-run Pnoor Arnncm.StATX. t V~-" * I
l therefore give notice to all who buy and use the |
-.above mew inned minimi for the purpose set faith, in
my patent,' except from me dr my aatboni-d agents,
that 1 shslt hold them to ti Sirici accountability, and
ahull commence suits at ’l»w again*: those who dins
infringe upon ay right. - WIL BLAJtt.
hasaos, Medina Co., 0., Aug. 14,'1849.
of the above Fire end Weather
.. Proof Artificial Slate on hand* and for sale. The
above we can recommend, for we have been using it
fox some 4 rears, and know it to be what it is set forth
ta everyparticolar. J. & 11. PIULLIPS.Agt.
novar-tKlm . No 6 Wood it
F.-ifc-EATON & CO.,
So. 6» Fourth Street, Pittsburgh,
' llayt now In Store their full BMortment of
Trimmiriss, Gloves, Hosiery and Laee Goods
ADAPTED to the wants of every elan of Merchant*
*cd Consumer*. No pains have been spared to
present the newest ntd tniw fashionable style of
Goods in their lint Their *u**k consists in part of the
foUowins; p RBSS xju.tjMWGS.
Fringes and Gimp*. of every variety: new styles
Urtxred Galloons; Alperne and Imperial Braid*: wide
•and narrow Silk and Wonted Embroidering Braid*:
firmed and cut Velvet Ribbon*; ydsii! do do; Corded
' Mantua and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; black,
white and colored tsilic Lace*; extra wide do do, far
flounce*; with a full a-sonmetii of. Dreai Buttons;
Dress?* Finked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. ,
Embroidered Lace and Mailin Capes, Chemisettes,
Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French
Worked Collar* and Cuffsliii great variety; Laee Veil*,
Lappeu. and Opera T!«; Moormrg Chemisettes, Col
lui; Caffs and Half Sleeves; Linen Lawn Hdhft,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do;
veal thread Laees and Edgings; In*, do do; Bobbin,
LUle; Lace Hoslin and Cotton Edgings and Inserting*.
Rleh natr style UonneUUht ona,Freoeli Face Flow
•rs, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Satins and Flbrences, Silk
Illations and Tails tons. Bonnet Frames and lips.
Beit .manaftctore, with most •pproTed ftxtenJny*,
jutd ciolceit color*. An exicaiiro uaoruneot tiwayr
k os band.
A rreftl variety of Silk. Woo!, Cotton, Morin* and
CuhEi», HiWinsd iliswi.; Tuna Pl«Wfc uid
a (all assortment other style* -fancy .and plain CnUa-
Ten’a Hois; neweil style* Infants' Boot* andSocki,
Gents' Gruspian, Vifonia, Merino,' Cotton ana fete
Wool Half llo*o.
A toll nstonment for men, women.ud children,
among which are Derby Bibbed, FoloecUe and plain
BUk; ribbtdand plain Caihroere; Chamou Lined Ber
lin; Cu lime re. Merino, Far-lined. Beaver, heavy and'
fine Buckskin, Military nod Lido Thread and Cotton.
Saehai Ladies’ and Children’* Hood*. Children’*
Woolen Sack*, Knit Scans andßoaa. Children’s Gait*,
era and Loog ftmuj Worsted Caff*. Knitting Worsted*
ud Woolen 'Tars*, California Comforts; also, fine
Cashmere Scarf*, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry Worsteds, Canvass Pattern*,
Plots and Emb’g Silk. Bristol and Perfd Board*, Pa
per PleirerhliteriaU, Lamp Mate, Tidie*, and Em
brbidered.Work. Also—Ladies’SillrandMerino.Ve*u
tad Drawers; Embroidered Sacks andFl&nnels, French
Worked Cap* and Waists for Infante; and Swan’s-down
Fine Shirts, Cravat* and Collars; Merino, Silk and
Gotten Wrappers and Drawer*; Suspenders, Shoulder
Brace* and Dressing Gowns; Silk and Linen Ildkfs;
Glove* and Hosiery.
' French pattern* carved and plain Shell Back Combs;
Buffalo and lm. do; Pheii Bute and Long Combs; Iffl.
do; Buffalo. Satin and Rosewood ijsir Brushes; Shell,
Buffalo and Eng. Horn Dressing and fine ivory Combs;
with an areortment of Nail and Teeth Brush**. '
WetherUTs “Gold Medal” Perfumery.
Needles, Pin*. Tapes,' Steel Us*« and Purses,
Barton* and Steel Goods,. Berlin Wire Baskets;
•PurseTieiataniJ Sewing*. Fine Rosewood Desk* and
Coat Binding* A Galloon*. Fancy Work Basket*
Cloak Card and Tassels; Portfolio*, Papiertre* and
Blind A ShadeTrimmlngs. Ladles’ Stationary,
PslpU A-Buner Tassels, French Cork Holes,
Upholsterer 1 * Fringes, Silk A Glng’a Umbrellas,
- Baif iiaeu, ais’d widths, Paper MuslinsA Holland*,
'BnxH»n*’ll Cloth*. -• Elaaiie Bands A Webbing,
Fig*d Chinu Binding; Shoe Laeeta. ]
W'areboose, No.W fourth it, a
farther supply of Carnet*, of the laieit and mom ap>
proved styles, to which we invite the attention of
(Steamboat men, and those wishing to famish Uoase*,
•to call and examine the largest assortment in the city,
which we will sell cheaper than ever before offered in
Sewestcm market. tlovtll W MCUNTOCK
JKonrulng Long Shawls.
■Tir IL MURPHY ha* rec'da supply of the above
1 W , article, of the ben quality; also, plain Blaek
•Thibet Lon* -Shawls; blark Bombarincs, Mourning Al
’pace**, Persia-i Cloth, black Parmetta*,'.
Cashmeres, Moos de Lain* and French tf ennos, black
Cravats and Mourning Collar*, Moiuotof Bonnet JUb
;bon*) neck do, and a foil assortment of Mourmug
f AJarge aasorunent, including a few piece* very wide
’ and superior. Bayer* urwiuviled to lotk at them, .at
'North East earner of Fourth and Market sts. ,
Wholesale Rooms up, where a targe assort
ment of New Good* ha* lately been lav SO
" - "pa. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. - l
Wo have been informed by Mr*. Kore of. a ear* csr
formedonher byprs Jayne’* AlteraUr**which-
RMVCS it* superior.;? over every'other remedy of the
Col She LM been afflicted for the last sixteen years
wiih nlcemtions and CAfoliftiioo of various bonesidu*
rSxwhich tune ©any pieces have been discharged from
•SSr,rental bone of the cranium, from both her tires,
“t,‘u K hu&.and from teat l S?* 4, L d 222* he ; ! S. , |
and from the right knee,beside* painful;
' o&r pan* of her r/rKrvterichtarr AtOcd
of auajnberof the
•£S aan.ct the have;
fffn ci OTIUIM nnll.dr;>a>»!>i«.- AiOTt Urn, mill!!.
w irrDt.JtJTO’i JllieraUM,
. aanesmtiu-etoia.
-• toAtrarepj.o mn. ■ *
-DJAfi the by W. B. SJM&X
irrioHSC,' aMITH. ■- : ,
B«at«»d Cl»ap«it n°™ Jl«dlclM
•LOAO’E Qnnffijgjg ocoamtion 0 coamtion
‘®^JSnis3£sJiaKuS i s , o§fn^TjS&
* pfcth fwoond*. galleefaß-kina* sprains; brefe*
>t%eked had*, ringbone, winflbone, windfall** p©L
evifceaila*, spavins, sweener, fistula* eftfast, strain*
lamaaea*, aaad:er»ek,,f*yaiiared feet, .sexatebes or
«e**e taangoor borso distemper. *
ptfwder'wUl remttve amaflanmattoa «ad fever
partly the blood, akin, cleanse‘the‘water
and strengthen everypttrt of the body: and haspreved
a Myereurn remoay istte following diseases}
Dt*ten»eT r . hide pound, las* of appetite,. inwaru
•train, yellow wnter,lnflajnm*tioa of the eye* fatigea
from alio, thcutnatbp, (commonly cal
led stiff ooin plaint) wbiea, proves *ofatal totftany val*
sable hotaee In thUewmov. It U alto a safe an-l cer
tainremedy Cat eoughsanieolds-.which generate to
many teal diseases. W.B. SLOAN,, .
; Grand Depot, 40 Lake at, Chicago, Illinois.
; J - i : THE PROOF.
'Extract ftotn the' *Galetii r Nonh Weatern Garette.’,
By thenseof BloraV.Oinnnent and Condition Pow
der, 1 have entirely .aired a fistula os toy horn and
otherwise iasrovea hi* condition more than fiCO' pe'
cent .on the'cost df the-nedieine Andaeowwbtea
was *o feeble ah to be eon tide red worthies* fay myself
and neigbborajwus restored to good health enditrenitb
by the uie of feet than half a package of the powder,
and U now doing better than any other cowl have.
Small Per, Way 13,164°. . - WM. VINCENT. ■
Thereby certify that one of- my children,..when n&
felLinto a large fire of live coal*, asd we* bused
■everely from head to feet. The be*t ofmedioal aid
■and attention was given to the child forlorn or five
day* without nay relief—each day’s snffennrs mere a* 1
ed till hit rtoan* could bo heard at a great distance, at
whlehaiticaljwrlod one of ray neighbors recommen
ded and' presented to me ' a box of Sloan** Ointment,
and in leu rfanw fifteen, minute* after the application
of the ointment to the sores of the refering
child, the ceased entirely,' and he speedily began
to recover. My rerideneo>i*inHelt township, Ver
million senary, and State aflndiana.'
Chicago, AagtatSljTMS.
- Aprtl lft, 1843. Pour miles north of Chicago (on the
toad to Mtlwankio,)Cook county, Illinois.
. Mr. Sosa—Dear Birr One of my horse* had a large
bony armor on hi* breast bone, immediately under toe
collar, which lamed him and rendered his service* of
very little value. I fiuthfttlly applied several bottles
of Dr. Taylor** Nerve and Bone Liniment, wiihoot the
least benefit. I then procured [Wilder's Celebrated
Horse Ointment, and need that nntil 1 became fully
satisfied that it -would never relieve lha animal. Fi
nally obtained.a box. ot your, truly valuable Oint
ment. and in lea* than 00 day* from the fire applies*
donth* tsmor entirely disappeared, and th« horse was
-• If popular opihton u any criterion of the worth of an
ntdele, wo invite the iheredolou to read at least* few
of the many voluntary certificates that appear la our
colanuu'.reipceting the great variety or remarkable
cure* effected toytbe use o! “Sic in’* Celebrated Oint
ment and Condition Powder*-”
‘ These remedies no longer remain among those ol
doubtfei saliry, they have patted from the tide of ex*
perlmeat, and now stand higher la reputation and are
becoming-mare extensively ued than all other arti
olee of tbs klnt—Meh. (Sty News-
Fax Rxtzb, June U, 1848.
Deer 81osa-BinPleaae tend by tbs’ bearers new
fapply of yosr Bone Medicine*. They in the belt
ertteiee.ef .ibe kind tbit I heTe orer eied, Berer kit*
icy betn dinppointed la their effect, aa I Un been is
the tad of ethers, area the aoet eelebreted Oiatmeats,
Llniaiat*, Ac,oftheday. 1 like tott noeh this fca
ton in them, viz: that they do ill Uni li promised, end
open* thoiengh trial one" It eoctrtlned to add, this
*aalf has cot been told. 0
- Bespeetfelly,
ordinary ointments liniments it h wall
known an severe cad partial la their operation.—
Sloans Ointment U mild yet thorough—it reaches and
restores the caste, hence It five* real aad permanent
relief.. For parity, mildness, safety, certainty, and
thoroaghnsss, SLcin’i Ointment excelv and ia rapid];
rarpeteeding all other Ointment* and Liniments now
Bntfi Gaovx, HL, Oct 31, 1643.
Jdr, ffleaa—Sin I hare teatsd the rirtae of year
Ointment in the earn of rattlesnake bites, sere throat,
barns, and many other In and in every ease fi
has wupsssed oar expectations. As a family Out.
meat, I have never seen its equal, and for beasts w*
can’t let alone without it
- Yours, Ae., . MILES M. JOHNSON.
Mr.Sloaa—Dear Sir. For aeontiderable length el
ime I was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com*
E taint, and applied freely the various liniments, paint
iliers, Ac., without obtaining any relief. Afterwhieh
year agent at this place influenced me to try yonr
Ointment, and within twe weeks from the time) com*
in meed using it, the pain ceased, and I waseffeetuallT
cured, and shall recommend 'all who are similarly af
flicted with the distressing-complaint, to procure your
excellent ointment without delay
Resp’y yoars, OSCAR F. MOTT.
. Piinceville, Peons eo., May 1,18(6.
Cr From the Hon. H..Y. SJ Brooks. Agent el the
IPonois and Michigan CaasJ Packet Boat Company.
t Cdca«o, Jane 84,184®
Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sir For the last 3« year* I
bavehad oeeaaien to rue many hones, and have used
the great, yariery of liniments and ointments in us«,
bat have never foand any thing equal to yoar oint
ment for injuries on herses.- Within the last two
months i have applied your oiatmentto some 60 horses,
for various iajunes, and in every instance it has pro*,
red a sovereign remedy.
Two mite* south ofChieago,.Bept M, JS&
Dr. Slow-rSiR 7 Oa the 6th instant my «oo had • fin*
ger Utter entirely offtTaharroA' We immediately ap
pHftdyirar edlebruted oatment, which tottered him of
painuafewmimiea, and-prevented the finger from
awelttnrthe leant psxtiela, and the woundit healing
tepidly. Resp’yyoui*, 9. BROCKWAY.
Mr.Sloan—DearSlr. About three year* uo I wet
severely injured in oae ofmj leva by the Catting ora
pile of wood which occasioned large running- ulcers.
Nearlyevery fleeter in Galena cure uiem; but
tried ia vein, until from sympathy and improper treat*
Bent my other leg became &i baud as the one original*
iy wounded. ‘ 1 despaired of erer being well again—
but in order that I might neglect no means within my
reach, I purchased of your agent In Galena mm U
youLointmeut, and you eanjudga of my surprise an I
gratitude' better than I can express It, to find unreeit
entirely well before I had finished niing the second b< x
Those faeu I make known that others afflicted may
believe and not delay using so valuable an ointment
as yours has proved to be. Resp’y your grateful frM,
Galen* UL, Dec. 19, IMS.' t EVAN DA Via. •
Before the following' order. Messrs. Vaughn A Co.
purchased a large supply of Sloan's preparations.
Jacxsos, Mica, Feb, 31,19 W.
S. K. Hibbard—Dear Bin I am out of Sloan’s Condi
tion Powder and Horse Ointment. The sale far ex*
needs my expectation. If you can manage to send me
4 dozes Ointment, 1 will pay for them tne first timi
that yon are here, and presume I shall be able to *elj
a large quantity in the eoune of the year. It will bfl
an pbjeet to you, as well as to myself, to keep me con*,
auntiy supplied. Very ™njr%fc mms * M
Sr. Lons, Feb. 53,1019. .
Dr. Sloan—Btn About two yean age, while rafting
on the Mlsaimippi river, in patting ovei the rapids,!
wa* plunged into the water, and by thd raft dashing
against a roek, crushing my left leg and otherwise *»•’
notsly injuring «■», so aaeb that I lost kil sensibility.
When eonseiossaeu returned I foond;myselfj hi St
tiai*, surrounded by my weepingtomily. Goodnorw
Inrand medical aid, enabled me In about two months
toaobblo around with the assistance of acruifh. The
wound* only partially beared, leaving large run runt
•ore* at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and matter ofthe moMoffenaive character. My
poms were inexpressible, at times my suffering was
so great that death would have received a hearty .wel ,
come. • Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of any neighbors)
edvited me to try your Ointment I obtained.* bog
applied it according u> direction—the sore* soon began
to assume a healthy appearance, ud in three months
l entirely cured, and enabled to do kprd labor.
Your obedient servant, \
We, th* undersigned, neighbors of IT. W. Thomas,
wire acquainted with the case above stated, and k new
inf the eircumstanc**, most cheerfully confirm said
ft?*—— ■ i asfeggr-
Cmeaeo, Jan. 6th, !849.
W. B. Sloan—Air One of my bone* was hoofbound
sted also wounded in the stifle, in which he took cold,
and became so crippled that he could scarcely travel.
By thflfreo application of your valuable ointment, hia
hoofs were soon softened ud the stifle ■yermaneiuly
cured. I have also used the Ointment In the ease of
Poll-Evil ud on severe gall* with equal suees*.
Blau’s Ointment and Condition Powder ere ac«
knowledged by all who have used them lobe J»e lert
rtmedyjorhotses and cattle that ha* been discovered.
be cured by this wondsrfol remedy. The Powder is
designed fcr Inward strains, distemper, bide bound,
fatigua from hard exercise, diseased eyes, Ap.— lmxe
County Chronicle.
.. Wicxujv*, Cook Co. Feb. 13. ISiS
-1 Mr. Sloan—Sir 1 have a fine young horse that was
taken with the scratches last fall. 1 paid out about
three 1 denar* for-medicine to ears him, but he grew
woree. I then bought.* box of your ointment at your
efiee when, in Chicago last, rather donbtingly, but I
thought 1 would try it. Judge of my surprise udmy
opinion of its beaeletal qualities, when Ifbundmy
hea«% Up smooth and well in toor day* from the tinu
I commenced applying it. Yourobedient,
More thu fifteen yean of unrivalled success in the
cure of eTCTT;van«ty of external diteasea ud injuries
; such as sprains, smses, eote, burnt, eutaneous erap
ttons, mti bps, sere breasts, chapped bands, chill,
blain*, Wc», akers, corns, pains in the back, tides; os
other parts of the *y stem, rattlesnake bites, Ac., bean
ample te«umony that Sloanu Ointment is just the thin*
for the boor. Certificate* without number have (**•£
Grenville, Milwaukle eo. Oct. 13, iu»
' Mr. Blota—Dear Sir. JUeentiy my hortek ran awn
with a log chain attached, which cat ud otherwise
injuredlh*m eeriousiy, so maeh so that l considered
my team ruined forbwsiM**; -Fortunately amend re
commended the ore of your Cumnent. 1 want to Mil.
waskle and puehtred a box. lt soon removed me
lofiammJttifla,*ndln aTewdsysthe wounds,healed
The great benefit derived from the oxc of your Oitrt
nfin*. qi» my homa, tadnead me t* acauaint you with
the fact, beuevinf la pabOeity would-benefit you and
**>*-'■ SSSItpBCOH^
'Aaff hi» : bcggtsc « Common say log, ‘that :5)0u%
Ointment and Condition -Powder are rapidly supertn
ding all other remedies for ill diseases of-bonerand
curie., The beauty of the medicine* consist* iritheii
parirrend eafkty, to win they may be used ever ac
rieulv wiilunu uy danger of taking cold, orany edia
inlxiy resulting from their freq*anfeae» and never ton
■ t
■, " r ~ ”j ■'
; MIS OF ; Li/A#K 0 U S*'<
By tfr«» plcUdenC of lutwi j
1a janßiflce oflrw.l, ZAdHARV TaTLOB; Pit*. I
ideal ,of jho LmictLSuue* of America, do hereby
oecltre badiniko known,, ihii Pnblic Salu.wiU bei :
rMr. BBjenoenuoned Lund Office*, s inthe Sute J
a? Ik »
At the-Land Office at DUBUQUE, commencing on .
Monday, the mtcbUi d*y of January nest, fortbedis* L
P®**™ ft® Pobtic Land* litnated within theonder-'J
.mentioncd towiu ‘ ■ i
*JVorIA oftXs iats tins, and loestoftk*fifth principal
•/' ' ‘ ! msridttnu. * '
Township nioety-eieht, of range three^
_ .Townships ninbty-stx, ninety»seveo, sod oine»
•ty-etgbt, ( of range-four.
-.TowinhJps' ninety-five, ninety-six, nineiy-#ev*
«d, nicfliy-eigbt, sod ninety-nine, of range.ire.
Townships ninety-Hires, ninety-ibor, ntnety 1
five, nioety-aix, ninety-seveo, oinstyeighl, ' sad
ninety-nine,ol .fMgesix. . ,"7 ‘ ,
At tbf SAMBPLACE/oommenctog on Mon
day, tbd twepty-first day of January next, for the
*'-*><«£oftbe PublfeT-"—I—' 1 —' ' '•^dertoeo*
dlspowCoftbe PuWfij Lands withfnihe hbi
•tioncd. ibwnship*, Vir 1
North of the bate line, and wet cflhefflK principal
• Towdsbips ninety-foor, ninety-five, ninety-six,
ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, of
range seven.
Townships ninety-ionr, ninety»five, ninety*',
six, ninety-seven, and. ninety-eight, of range,
eight. ’ . .
TowashipiiineTy.fiVe, totynabip'nln«iy*sir, (ex*
cept Boaihweat quarter of, section -twenty-sev
ea,the [southeast qaarter<f section twenty-vilght,
and sections thirty-three and thfrty*fbur,inchtding
the Indian agency,) and townships ninety-seven
and ninety eight, ofrsnge nine.
Townships ninety-two and ninety-four, of range
ten.. ;
~ Township ninety-one, ofrange thirteen.
, . Towpships ninety-one and ninety-two, of range
•fourteen. ‘
At the Land Office at FAIRFIELD, commenc
ing on Monday, the fourteenth day of January next,
for tho disposal of the Public Lands situated with
in the undermentioned lownahlps/to wit
North of the base wet of the fifth jrrinapol
'■ Townships sixty-seven, «xty»eighl, and sixty-,
nine, ofrange sixteen. ■ ../
Townships sixty* seven, sixty-eight,'and sixty-’
nine, of range seventeen.
Townships aixtyiefgbt and sixty-nine, of range
: Townships alxty-eight and sixty-nine,, ofrange
" Townships sixty-eight and sixty nice, ofrange
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, of range
.Townshipssixty*cight andsixty*aine, ofrange
Township seventy-one, of range twenty-six.
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
twenty-seven. . 7
\ Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
At the Land Office at lOWA CITY, commenc-
ing on Monday, twenty-first day of January next,
Jbrlfce disposal ofthe Public Lands within the fol
lowing townships, vim
North of the beu* line, end tout of the fifth pnnapol
Township *ovecty*six,of rnnfo tweniy-WTea.
To wnshipa seventy*sjc, seventy-eeira, tad te7>
£nty*eifbt, ofranje twenty^lght^
11 Townships seventy-seven and seventyviighl, of
fange twenty-nine. -
Lands appropriated by Law (or the. use of schools,
-* "f other purposes, will be exploded from
military, or othei
The offering of the above mentioned land* will
be commenced on tbe day appointed, and proceed
tn tho order in which they are advertised, with
all convenient despatch, oniil the whole shall have
been offered, and the. salea rims --closed;
,jaJe shall be kept open longer than "two weeks,
.and no private entry of any of tbe lands will be
admitted ontil after the expiration of the two
Given under my band, at the City af Washington,
this fifteenth day of September, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.
By the President: Z. TAYLOR. .
J. Bumaraxo,
Commiaiioner of tbe'Gcneral Land Office.
Every person entitled to the right of pre-emj>
lion to any ol the lands within tbe townships above
enumerated, is required to establish.tho same to
tbe satisfaction of rite Register and Receiver of the
'proper Land'OtSce, nod make payment therefor as
booq as practicable after seeing this notice, and be*
fore the day appointed for-lhe commencement of
the public sale of the laods embracing the tract
claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited.
Commissioner of tbe General Land Office.
Qf, tti* Pabllo Land B*laa at Da Bisque
NOTICE is hereby give*, that tbe FaWi* B*loswf
Lands ordered by proclamation of the President of tha
'Uhited States, dated tbe fifteenth day of September,
1819, to be held at tbe LAN D OFFICE AT DU BUQUE*
low A, on tbe Tib oadWsi dsys'ef Jonaary, IWG, are
declered to be postponed oniil farther notice.
Given anffer niy bond, at the Cay of Washington,
ibis 11th day of Dec- anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred end fony*,ane. Z-TAYLOR.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Once.
dct7lioWtS. . „
ALEXANDER A DAY, comer of the Diamond and
Market street, notify their friend* and the public
that they have received their stock of Fall and Win*
ter GOODS, direct from the importers, manufacturers
arid auctions at the east. Their sihekof new style and
fashionable Goods is large, and presents strong aarae*
-lions to purchasers, fn Ladies Dre»* Goods ana
Shawls, the most splendid and fashionable Good* of
the season are now offered, at remarkably low priees
consisting ia pan of the following
New (trie Brocha fi*’d Cametion Silk*;
Col’d mod Black Satin Da Ckecei and Tu:C Stun*;
Dol’d Castellan Groderhine*. of the beat qnaliticj;
Black jlotay Groderiena of the celebratnd Eagl
aanufactnrc. . :
The above named-Blaek. Silks are warranted not to
cut in the wear, for dresses and mantillas they are the
best imported
Neat fig’d Cornelian Satin Du Chene, the handsomest
Silks of tne seaion.
New style U roc ha Silk figured French Mcnnoa, a
new and splendid article for ladies' walking dresses.
Silk Embroidered French DeLainet, for dresses and
sacks, an entirely new article.
Cashmeres, De Laine*, Merinos, Alpaceas and Par
Seuot. a large assortment _
Brocha Long and Square Shawls. of the be st quail*
ties- , , .
Plaid Lon; Shawls, of the newet! designs, remark
ably efaeap.
SplendidTerkeri Shawls,atgreatljrreduced pnees.
Camelion Brocba fif'd Silk Shawls, in freal variety.
Crape Shawls, whitrud colored, ut (treat variety.
g»,t Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prieesj
Us: Sedan real French Cuthneree; new style Aner*
ic “
French and Belgian Black and Olive Cloths, for L**
dies' Cloaks.
A splendid assortment of American tad imported.
Blanket*, at remarkably low price*.
A larro and complete assortment now on hand.—
Niay of onr present stock of Staple Good* were
booxni from the manufacturers previous to the present
advance in price*. A principal part of onr stock of
French and English goods have been purchased at the
great Aoction Sales tn Philadelphia and New York,
whichcniblcs-osiooffcr decided bargains in almost
very description of goods in oar line of baUnest
Country Merchants,. Merchant Tailors, and all
rholesale and retail buyers; are invited to an early
lamination of our stock and prices.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market st, '
oet2Z ~ north west comer of the Diamond.
"5?, UV I)1LY UOUUSi
WR. MURPHV, ii north cut comer of Fourth
• and Market au, is now roceiTlnr his second
aappty for the Kiwn, and can offer Inducements to
bnyen rarely to be met with. Hi* assortment of
U rerr fall, cocaiatin# of French Merinos. Cashmeres,
Cobores, Lyonese Cloths, aoper Printed French Cash
meres, at prices considerably lower than they could
b * ‘long shawls'”
Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful atylea
now on exhibition lg*btu«, Phllad'a.
Of new and very hasdsomo styles, Velyct Trim'
nunge,*c. SACKIN q FLANNELS.
Of Tarioui atylea and naslilies, plain and embroidered
Black Silk Laces. Needle Worked Collars and Caffs,
Bonnet Satina and Vslret Flowers. Capa and Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than uoil;
and rich ; changeable SlUts ami Baitns,for Mortillu,
at lowcftp rices. And In tho department
Black Doeskins, Winter VraUMS F “ < rSi^KSSSS T
Undershirts and Drawers, bilk Cr*TaU,FoeketHl&o-
are invited o
Rooms, up stairs. ■ • • .--
IT Very' wuSdebful OUtU2-3 Hi,U bHS•
VERMIFUqE, Mereer co > 23,180.
T» e.'Sellers: Dear Sir, 1 bought One bottle of toot
Verml/we at the Iron City Furnace store, at thlspltce,
and It hu performed what we censtderooi here a won*.
Serial cure on one of my ooys eight years old; he had
been tmwellfor tome >ear», io much so that I bad gtv-
airbopei of hia recovery. I was advised by 0.. e
-?«.«n#i»hbora to try a botue ofyonr Vermlfage—
andVam MPPy 50 7°“ n( il tho desired
nr "4 hows. 1M worms, aome of them maosiu*
££ much .. U.»d 14 iuche. lon*. 1 Ae! bound in
liilto 10 gi.e-jou ibo nbove unlr morn, jo„.youm.y
mlkt uny u,o if ray amp* Jon dunk proper.
Yoars, wry respectfully* _ .
1 oare, / r JoIULXHAA 8. LTTLU.
fnwPrenared and sold by R- FI SELLERS, S 7 Wood
aol* by Dreßjlsu ccncraily in n^®6 wr
Sl {L'SESf »T
i boitle from B.T.'Trimble, of Bridgewater,
ud oiler taking a jiortion of,J* SSlSj^tfi^lffiSSo
on goto? to bed, oho foundimmeditt*reUeij Utuo
aovcral friend* bore been reheTrfte
amtherefore iati»fledthat it»•
dietne, ud would rceonuneud 11 10 tho*o who may bo
Jafllicied wrlh aevere cough* aniTcoMi. „ rt^f
March #3,1043. W;K.BODBN.^
oySoldly.E. E. SELLERS, CT'Wood
generally In the two cities and TteinltT.
„, dco :
FKi/r currH&-3 eases 8180 knd Jjtv> Fel
Cloths, just reoU and for sale by „. '
QOTia . •' 48 Wood »t -
SOARUCT MOUa. DK LA.IN3—W. H. Murpßy feu
Jntt ree’4 b tot of high colored &»Laia*,
»ueh as Cherry, Bearlet, Ac-attbe tow pries of £sc.
pwytrd.-. Also, Plain Drab, nrpwn, Ac^AbWitoJ l *
cant# per yard; mad a large ursoniuent of neat styles
CraraaMotts. de:Lains,et various prices, together
wKhm choice assortment of Dress Goods generally,'
sack as Fancy Bilks, French Merinos, Cashmeres,
Cwun and Lyoaese Cloths, at the
I . N. Haotowcf Fourth aafl Hntot tt.
WhdietaloXMßSSp stairs, son*
j .. paiAatir anal Bsndtuau 'OOci.
1 pASHDEN A (JO. continue to bring persons
. from anyjwrt oCErglund, Ireland.’ Scotland or*
l JSlSEwales. npon thd most liberal terms, with their
i atottl punelaaluy and attention to the wants *Jid com?
* fort orefnagranu We do not allow oarpasstngers to
■ be rdbbefl by the nriedliag scamps that infest the sea*,
('ports, as;wa take ebirgeof them the moment they re- ;
I port themselves. and seq to their well being,’'ana <Jd
; spateh them without any .detention by thefiritship'.—
sWe-aay this fearlessly, it we defy, one oC.oor paisea-'
ECS io show that they were detained 43 h'la-s-By us in
verpodl, whilst thousands of others »' tve "'detained
Ijsontbs, umiitbey eonld bq sent in tome td -.raft, sta.
I eh 2 p rale, whleb too frequently proved their coffin*. ‘ *
I we intend to peTform-osr coatraeu aonorohljt, eost
what it miy, and not aef as was the ease last season,-
with ether officers,—who hither performed not all, or
I when it Waited their eonveiienee. i ■ /'
.Droftsj drawn at Pinabargh for any sum from £\ to
£lOOO, payable'at any Banks in Ire-
I land, England, Scotland and wales.
•■* ■ EnropeaneLdGenttal Agent.
I febt. Fifth strest. erw rionf t»strrw WiwL
1849 -
Warren and Cleveland Fansngsr Line-
Canal Packet-SW ALLOW.
/ANB of the above Pac ts leave Beaver every day
jv/ (Sondays excepted) d arrive next mormng at
| Warren} when they eon t with the Mail Stages for
| Akron and Cleveland, a icig ateach of these places
before night Oneofth ekets leave Warren daily
lat 6 F. M. t and arrive Bftsvor ; in time to lake'the
morning boat for Piuibn ',f,
MB TAYLOR, do l™'
;■ • JOHN A CAUOHEY, Agent,
I apt) comer Water and Sauthfield «ti
I Caawroan A COAXmus, Cleveland,O I tj-.-o,
| It. G. Pajulb, Beaver, Pa. f "epris.
THIS Lane will be prepa*ed on the opening of navi
cuion, to transport freight and Passengers from
I PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
[ the Coital and Lukas.
I Tbe facilities of tha Line are unsurpassed in number,
I and eapaeity of Boats, experience ol eaptains,
[ and-'/uciency of Agents. /' ,
Qtiu Boot'leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
sing in connection with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of firstcioss
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Afloat—R G Parks, Beaver, Fa;
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
MD Taylor. Warren, ' “
Cyras Preuuss, Ravenna, •
I wheeler A Co, Akron. '
I Crawford A Chamberlin, C . ‘and, O
I' - .--Scars A Griffith, Buffalo, »V \ .
I office, cor Water and gmithfieid sis, Pinabargh.
I mch2l:iy .
Steamer MICHIGAN No. S-Copt. Gilson.
“ '! LAKE ERIE, u - Gordon.
THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack*.
have commenced making their-daily tripsto
| and from Beaver, and will eontmno to ran between
[ Pittsbdrgh and Beaver regularly daring tho season, as
I follows:—' .
Michigan No. S leaves Piusburgh dady atfl o’clock,
A. fiL, and Beaver at 8 o’clock; P. M. Lake Ene
leaves Beaver daily atS o'clock, A-iL, ind Pittsburgh
atBo’clock, P. M. -
These steamers will rualn connection with
I ’ R g Parks’ Express packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor A LeCingwelPa Warren: Packets:
I Union Lino of Freight Boats for .Cleveland;
Clarke AOa’sPittsburgh and ClevelandLLne Frslght
I RG Park# daily New Castle Packets.
rf-aggK, PARKS fc Co, Beaver. Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
I mfV» cor Water and Smithfield sta^
JgSL is 49 *
LINE, -r
THE Proprietora ofthis old established and popular
dailv lino, eonslstingof SIXTEEN first class Cans!
I Boats, cwned by themselves and running m ronnec-
I Oon with the steam bouts BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and: passengers, on Ihe
opening of Canal navigation, to ajli points on the Penn
svlvanis and Ohio and N. York canals and tbe Lakes.
El M.FITCH & Co.Clevclani
Agents, Beaver.
I J, C. BID'VELL, Agent,
I Hug Water street, Pinabargh.
j. e. ornwaix, »* w. a Btnwau,
HtUburth. _ Beaver.
Forwarding Blcrchants,
Areat* for ikt Pittsburgh andClevthnd Lam, Pitts
burgh anAEru T#*e via Brit , and for sttam
boats Heaver and Caleb Cope. .
Having perebosed the large and aubsucual Whorl
Beat just built for the Motumgabela Pockets, have
with the addition ora Warehouse, the men ample oc
eoamodotioas for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, promptness and
to eansignmeul* to their eare. and rely on their friends
for a trial. mart-dly P* * tiRO - ,
SKW PIANOS. •••••««»
TUST RECEIVED. » new a»»ni»ent oi PIANOS,
J from ibo naacfaiiories of Cmcina*, Bocum,
■wit Titwn it Bitm, ,\>w York.
“sSKAfewdjimly carrcd PIANO STOOLS,
fot imle al nanafactarer 5 * rncea, by
JOHN H. .MKLLOH, gl.Wo&l at
Sole Agent for Chlckenra'* PianM.
degt for Waatein Pciwrlvanla-
second Uud PiaaosT
vKE teeond bead Piuso, 8 octave*, price #5O.
' i *- •> “ 54 “ <5-
“ - “ 4 “ “is-
j .. U “ V “ “SO.
F ?„
rfnO'VlDLiN'pLAVEHA—Sron»'* GiuniTVieu?
I BCHoot, altered and connected from the last Lug
litfc edition, u» cormpond wuh PpoJi^*
Be bool of Violin playrn*, try hi* pupil U. C. Hill
anv arvumenU are required to recommend Uu» wort,
llnttM objerred that gpobr hirnelf adhere* atrietly
to the iretcm laid cowa la the above work, and that
be laa by the tame mode of inainjetion.' prodnerd a
prater number of diatinjnUhed papila than aay other
muter in Earcpo.” , r
A (apply of the above Ja«t ree’d, tpttee •«.) and for
t> U by del? JUMELLOIUSIWoodat _
AN EMINENT and experienced Physician from the
East, of SO years standing, offers to treat all eases
of a Delieate Haters with promptness and secrecy.
nistaeoefs la Beflaloand other.large.cities has
been proverbial. ills charges .are mpdaratc, and bit
cares permanent. Old eases ofGleet, Btrietare, Bcro
fala, Finer Albas, Rhcumatica, Agee, Syphilis, or any.
1 ehronie or inveterate cases aolieited, 1 ‘
A core warranted, or ehsrge refunded.
Orrmxs.BL Clair street, S doors front the Ztridga. .
Teeth Extracted- Adviee to toe poor gratia.
N. B-—Dr. A. solielu the worst eu*ei of nor disease
m Pittsburgh to eall. _ apldtdiy
P£TBOLKtra; dft BdCKfOit.
"There are more things in heaven and earth
Than are drafmpt of In philosophy.”
TUB VIETUES of tins remarkable remedy, and
the constant application/or it, to the proprietor,
has induced him to nave it put up in hottlei with It*
beU and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well in this
eonnty, at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pore unt
dalteraied article, without any ebemieal change, but
juft as flows from Nature’s Great Labtatorv!! That it
contains properties reaching a number of diseases, is
no longer a matter of uueortauiy. There are many
things in the arcana of nature, which, tf known, might
be eTvust usefulness- tn alleviating suffering, and te*
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf*
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it up in hollies, It bad a reputation for the cure of tlis
cdm. The constant and duly increasing culls for it,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, Is a
sere indication of iu fliture popularity and wide
spread application In Ibo cure of disease.
We do not wish' to make a tong parade of eertm*
cates, us we are conscious that the medicine can soon
work Its way into the favor of those who suffer and
with to be healed-' Whilst ws do not claim for ft a
aniversil application in every disease, we unhesita
tingly say, that in a number of Chronie Diseases iris
unrivalled. Among these may bo enumerated—mil
discows of the mucous tissue*. each aa CUUQMU
BROTCHITIB, CONSUMPTION {in iu early stage.)
Asthma, and nil diseases of the air passages, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYBPEPBIA, lWarbosa. Diseases ol
the Bladder and Kidney*, - Pains In the Back or Side,
NervousDUeasca.Neuralcia.Palsy, Rheumatic Puns,
Goat, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Burns, be aids,
Bruises, Old Sores, &c n Ac. In eases of debility re
sulting front exposure, or tong and protracted cases of
disease, this medicine will btiDg relief. It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such coses,
Imparting tone and energy to the wholo frame} remov
ing obstructions, opening the Hoggish functions, which
cause disease and a broken constitution, and giving
ineteased and renewed energy to all the organs of
Lt/el The proprietor.knows, of several cures of
PILES, that resisted every other treatment, get well
under the use oftho PETROLEUM for a short time.
The proof can be riven to any person who desire* it.
None genuine without the signature of ihe proprietor.
Bold by. the proprietor,
8. M. KIER, Canal Basin, near Seventh si.
Also by R. K. SELLERS. 57 Wood si;
corner Wood at. and Virgin alley; who are his
nort-dly regularly appointed Agents
No. 87. corner Market and Fifth—or 48 Market,
, tween Third and Fourth ati.
•''* --- jtljr on hand, wh«
~«5 aubscriber.keeps cooatinlly on ham*
.r ails is 4 mail, the fuilosrinjr articles, via:
‘ Wash Tubs, StOlT Chums,
MeatTubr, HimelChurns,
_BlthToiia. ■ Half Bushels,
Wooden l*owU, Pecks ami Half Pecks
Wash Boards,, i_ Unis Bound Duckets,
.Clothes Pics,' Towel Kollrrr,
Wooden Ladles, Bread Boilers,
Clothes lUsfceu, Msrket Baskets, fco-, 4e.
_hoTll Noo3 Dianyrnd alley, Pittsburgh
J, Bnipnu *• Seat* Patent Soda Aih>
QQA CASKS titan sad Saap maker*' Soda Aab.
O&O Imported direet from lae otiovr celebrated
Dari ofactartra,® per cwtf American V$U arrtvinr and
for tale by dotQ ■ WAM MITCHBLTKKti
iJUUOKS— ltTnipipe* Urandt—Otard. Dupuy, Ac;
j 2 pipe* Holland Gln, J
• - sc»k»PHJßia; «
400 bbli Whirkov; for aalo by
corfl _ wammitoiikltep.e
■fHCEXCHINcT f oWJ)Ek—tri) casts Jai Mnrprau ft
Ii Sena* brand, a taperior article, for male by- .
;■■ .. m\V fc M ftHTCHKL'f-BKfo. ■
CASKS MutpraU’e Soda Aah, dnd lUciuki
/ e/»Bleaehittt t'oerder, arrived per ship Ozenb tidje,
e«m« br .^^ iielthee
N. a— Tier will raoeira, dsrinc tba wintar, laryo
i npplies via It*w Orfanai. trniK
• :V- Kt
i\R» KAiiILY MEDICINES— “liny ire [tk»
f ? Ohio, May *+, i 5«. 1 i
Reiters eSMdnk itrixhlfrfljrc benefit of ethers
Fqxne factiin year exeelienvTinLi
,, fine*. >' ■*'• v ,S? -» *<!.{?;! -I
I ifiv) u«d you Vftmiinjre loTtoypynjrtnfa.faci.
ily,«ji<Via. frequently aiutrerinir tor eipeuinjS igd
ta2oo) i worm*' from ntothildm -1
havt aliii «*cd yofr-Liver Pills and dos|bBynj> in
my family, sndlhey have In every lErtfl&M produced
ibccilc.-.tdeiirea.V '> ~s
An I --Ini.sagageAin merdusdiiins, I,am. able to
nate'tlut Hidee yd to bear ef the firstfailarifwhero :
your aidiQ&tt«» bndi been w*dUo my aecUoa of tho
country! liiccndueon, I maT.siaiethat they.ure «i«
me&cij/e* ol the an?, aua an destined to-’oaTe aTcry
exienii jepspulanty/ Yours,r«
Prepared and sold by R. • l.Ksl,Nos7*Wood
street, uhfl «dd t ejieially,lu?tbe. two .el*
tie? ami-vicinity. > . ' tartl
(x cr.rinsionly true, and genuine Liver PiL.
Snow Cxxzx, Ohio eennty, V*,»
Mareh 2flih» 184#. J
i Mr- K. E. Seller*:.Debt Sir—l think it a duty I owe
io you and to the public genera ly*, to ttute that I have
be«*noi3licted-wtui the r Liver Complaint for m long
ume,.ontljo badly : %bcess formed and broke,
which left me in u very low stato. Having heard of
jfTur celebrated liver Tilla being for tale "by AB
Sharp, in Wen liberty, and recommended to me .by
my phv-s'cian>l>r- E.. Smith, .1 concluded to give them
a fair trial, Ipni , ehased‘ond'box, and found them to
•ejuii wtial they are recommended, THE BEST Ll*
VKRTIM. EVER ÜBED; and tftertuking four boxes
J fh:d'the disease-has entirely left me, and T am bow
pccol, well. Re.e.eUiJl, jegj,
• West Liberty, March 24, iMflr
Ice .r.y that-I am perratully acquainted with Mr
elcloii! and can bear testimony to the trutlr of the
awve > rtificate. A R SHARP 1
Tti= M-.uino Liver Pills «re prepared and sold by
RE 4 i.l,EftS, No 57W00d street, and by drnggku
'intho v-ocsues. . • ,
To r UK PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen
uine Lt vec Tilts are prepared by R E Sellers, and have
tns naiii-. stumped in-blaek wax upon the lid of: each
l-ox, an- his iignatuie on the .couidif wrtppeN-*ll
oUicis r.rc eoonierfeiu, or base imitations.
apt a , . R E SELLERS, Proprietor
1P ROM the Rev ASA SUINH, a well known and pop
1* u'.ai ’ letsiiiur,oithtf'l’rotestmntMethodistChorrh
i a tC-tcrripned bnrinj: teen alflicttiidaring they asi
iiu.uVUh a di.«case oitiie stomach,sometimes pro-
Jiic.m in the swmkch for tenor twelTehoan
withoui itterm r on,aml after having triad various
reireilii- with. effect was furnished with a bonis
oti)r Diluyne’sC . mauve Uaisam: Thtsheused ae
cotdine to the direct f ns, aad found invariably thatthls
• medic idc caused the pain to abate in three or four min*
rues, npd in fifteen or twenty mmutesevery uneasy
senintibn was entirely pitied. The mc'l.cincwasaf
terwatdiused whenever inuicaSionsol the approach of
painwere pereeived,andthepotn was thereby prevent
ed. He continued to ate the medidae every evening
•and s 'Dieumes ir.'he morning, and m a few weeks
health wksso far: sitored, that ihesuflererwasrelleV
edfrom a large amoaniof oppressive pan». Fromcx
Dcrienee, therefore, re can confidently recommend D
For sale In Pittsburgh at 5 1 J?nri?
7i Fourth street, near." o v and also at tbeDreg
Store of 15 P SCftWhRTZ. Ve rralstreet. AttcgSqay
vsi.fisHLtt bIgCOVBBl 1 ! . _
COSfODSD SYBOf oFwiLD Clffißßl.
, TXHM******* ll ** o **, ~1 rt
Coummpuon, Court!, Cold*. R’J'r'nSii*
•r Ccmnlaint Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breath
“SUCKS ScsSte «i>d nteuuPJplutioii ol
lnjntnu, Crtmp, Brolen Oui-
JS.M TkVcl, Neirou Dtblll
tj, and all Di«a*e» of the Throat,
Breast and Lungs; tie nio»te»*
feetaal and tpebdy cu™
' arertaownlorauyof
the abcpo diaeas*
e*. l»
dr. S'V AYWB’B
Jst’ W inf &
HMD the 3de ol experiment,-and oo^atand*
other preparation ofmeduune ever
&, £= sis ssvi
SgSTtffiagood elleet*. For proofoflhe foregoing
andeficacy of thlamedi
•rate meats, an incen a (nr of the many thou
cine, the prnpn whieh havobeen presented to him by
tand reapeciabiUty-«en who hare higher
ntn pi the urat ul( j jnsuee, than to cer
,»w! 0 ‘twilUoanether a farer, and
tlflrtp lacts, occ Such testimony proeea esu- 1
u } e#l,e I l c ?hat It? rorpriii ng excellence ie established!
claai»Tly t thsti *■ unquestionable anthon*
by tuintnnaw ■■«**£ “^taSSuneoa.relief it af.
UrfV end the willing influence diffused through the
» render, U. WM agreeable
remedy for the •&**£ smaiKßi
JW v r „ men.- aetine from conscientious impalre,,
tenth of a thing, or
toiuatanly bear beint contrary to their
eoc&et conviction of
worJlly mtere»«a p* special manner u>
•Wtroth, .“‘J* iCjpiiogan’a Moral Maxima.
KnCc««» PcuaasuwCownunwc--
outer itlieioor Co., April m, IH9.
rw «.-*«e-J>ear Sin Lretily believe yoar Co»-
Cherry has heecthe meansol
P«« a SiaAta severecold,' which grade
saving my luo - * , witv a severe cough, that
l had rocooneto, .till
restated »!• exhibited all the symptoms of.
increasing thing I tried seemed
eJSJSLiuiereaaed so rapid
iy that mend* as well lwaa B recommended to try
™&i s &ssSK y?£ sa.s?Mis; ;
ir hfc
SHfilfctawr •» tor
ran cf a Mokaiut itiaM.
jv cS j debiofgraniada dae
lit ' afflicted generally, to offer
Sfarerof year Compound br
ay h ®?*MVrherrr 'Bom«- three years since 1 was
rt p or W tin inflammation of the
sooneanTmced * u J^/ E was scarce
tkm. •! grew da** such
ty abb to waih « **•»£*. ]„,« During this
we * e / t r r Ud'«riTnJpreparstion» and prescriptions,
t*«e Ik- all »ho tune wore*. Just
but foOr.d BO « i *2rs,d wreuaded by a dear friend in
here l^'traawi«ke4imd .perua i f Cher-
WUningwn to «»J .ovrovor
<7- } lam .Ull ag^st
t 6 * 4 HJElinr oat of'thebaadr'm empeHea, bat imdcr-'
those coming oatot D rofcs»lon and prmetioeof
kSSSt faith In the taying of my
oeUrut*, and Asvwg fl>r Shaw, one of yoar, 1 its use. MydU
arents.afrw l^»ue^anoc
ease was j i,p% Tef)
* eqac i!liJhU mtief fromthc use of the firat four or fire
speaker,l freqaenUy at
«sa &SB&& j^ssaase'Ma
»y cam was greatly
SShsass rjs
tssK.£ sasr*
The Byrap the fire.
£h»£2il took bw the dlstreasmg cough, puia«.
!? rif. of 7 mattet from the Idngk and gar -
to** .Tstemgood health. Ihare <fefoi
£d™ thU* eertfficate S now, for thepurposa
Mrfec-f satis lied with lbs permanency oi the
S?snsr«ft- 'J-5 '££2,2?
pUasnrm • «•
Dublin eouaiy, N. C
Iwiponanf Caution-*Read! Read!
Tlierc S« bali-»eientdnoprepuauanof WldCheror,
>i»i tiiMilo Ur Bw*TKrt, tho fint ever offered to tho
rt ihS US bMBMid Unrely throughout tho
c orations catW by tho name of Wild Cherry have
ESnputout aii-e thi*, wider eover of Mine deceptive
eireupstoßces, -o order jo give ctmeney to their »ale».,
Ur a Mule observation, no Peraon need miatafco .the ;
genSlne from 11, false. bottle of the genome is
enveloped writ nbeoutiftfUteelengraviM,with the
liker.eii efWiUrera Peon thereon; Dr. Swayne’s
•iriiaiore and •» farther scantily, the portrait, of Dr.
Swayue 'will K added hereafter, so asto distinguish
bU Drcpuratioi; *«dm all od»rt. »»*i waa not for
ifce great curative properties ttn At/^ 0 | W A. ,,lUel 0t
Swayne’aConiMoattd »ymp of Wild Cherry, persons
*oafd not bc*ndeavorlng to give currency to their
“fictitious no«i*-Mu" tr •ualini tho name of Wild
(lem, Remember, always bear in mmd tho name
of L>r. Jtwnvne nd be not deceived.
PrinclpiJ Uihif, corner of Phfbth and Race sheets,
ahd retail by OCDKN k SNOW
DUN cor 3d and Wood ats; II A FAHNKBTOCK fc
oTcir in arTVood, and Oth and Wood sts; WM
PllnHN 43 Merkel *tl 8 JONES, IbO Liberty at: JAS
AJUNKSco. Uafid and Penn sis; JOHN MITCH'
|JLL, AUeghen. oily, and by all respoctablo dealers <
'’nine.: __ OCUJ
'Dr.'WiP. inlMd'iPrtmlnntPluur!
DIL W.‘l\ INLAND, of the Medical College bflMiii
adrlphia, now oflera U> tha public his Indian Veg
eioble premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after
loiur and tiled experience, haa bccu satisfactoruy e«-
labTuhod. ,To all women who may be afflicted wiih
Prolapsus Uterla or Fallen Womb, he recommends his
oloster. guaranteeing a sure and speedy care in the
ihort space of from two to thee week*: if applied with
care and rest—discarding all the eoonUew-mstrumems
and expenii»e bandages*o long tnuse. Thie hefoela
eonwiuntiffiis in slating, inasmuch a* tie ha« not failed
in one cole oat of three hundred and fifty-three pa-
Ue Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with pain, there is nothing to excel this Fluster
in affording relief or effecting a core. For sale by
i WtlcoX, comer of Diamond and Market si
Branu A Reiter, u Liberty and 9l Clair su
Ur J Sargent u Federal si and Diamond, Allo-
JacqaesACo, u Denman and Diamond Birm;ug
h«m. • ig.
iT'sjtjLLKKS, Drag gut, »No M Wood Micet,
8oI» Arent (or the *aie of Dr. Town*eud’» Oaa-
TiinoSMM|t^i*.i“l;.* I £“S'? dOTioOT »' >ii*
gnrlnr and SurnEer Medicine.
r pnfcl»i*ef« ihoitlU recollect that R E Seller# I* »ole
ilialforfilbhurgb, and DM Ourry-for Allegheny
city ... * r *’’ —,
EXTRACT oV COFFEE—An article which U rt>
nitllT earning rein um m a wholeeomc, noamhing
and Jdii-loa* hevemcc, being more p!e*«am andpaT-
JoSSd.ofCflc., I^t*SC£E \ P lmb. n[ h,p t
; ftiJ,! .t WholeMde by U A FAHNESTOCK & Co,
Woi.mU.nh and Wood
Phuhereb. ' -1. ! zßt .
I ) a*Oomtr Blankets; SJ officer coal.; UpraPanui
Wp£* L uettUned Mining Df° tr ' u . l *£ I mM »»S* J
wwer Tank*, 6 . and 12 anJlcna each, SO canteen*, 1
„i}” each: Fl dci Uonkf-kiß Jiloney Belli; Ido oiled
cambric Th«« ‘ U * a . Cl
'“"^cuS* 11 ? 8 ' AimuLira.
ASSORTED BPICES-Poi »p »r family use, la da
tans'enclosed m a-sliding lid box. containing ;
Mnunnl, ‘ JAitplep,
GnnaxaoUt iGingcr, .
Cloves, Pepper,.
Warranted i pure. •? '*}* « ’
rfuuacd Factory, comer of Ferry A Libcnysar
myla « • _JOI»N jU*
NvlLS—Wrourtt i'*" *
itfvlLS—Wrought Iran Aa?U», (romt*»'Vuaper*
uncetilla work* wsrrantod; will bo coMUuaijr
'“^“ dnra,W^BS&cSlUN,*W«l
l:r4lHlfiS ' s-' . '., *!iS5-jSf^t|lfiill -If P ViM? ~
irfftpife wmt*s
sallclitsi \h -S-g.i. *•>.
t-'S-Si -ifl|s*3lll° 371
■ - *'l! il- =J s
-2E sca '*& l - g Jf»i|£iig ®fl3 .Isl*!* | * 1 “ =al - - ?a
bi c> £ .«§£ss= P l!§]|_al.S' 3S aaS4 2 t-f I l * PSJS ».«*.us
g *; is- s:s.
wyß [:§ a BE; ;S-slo#fa9»asl- s a?aSifl *“511
stli il!ii||t| J fll?i?«
v o ii 1 3'Kfei tilOf-s||lsfilj t ■:si»l -• jj>i
t ca | ! -•- s‘|r^ -si-Ssl• s 3l?T^3 r lire s j l
,BE ■, B ieiP'J'H -il s ‘B£ 2 "‘fsgl?lSi<;|St| s-s S 3. ;
= lipplS|iiiii|i?ll|llj|ill|il
>■•*§ fi&Sf|n4s£lf«f*£g*3 s|l s? s s<si 51»|.-|'•• ilssl JSlUlijb **tf ? !•:*#«-rf 8 ,?5 v?;
g ■ .• aH^swEs^jirsigj;.-•
' tr*» JACKSON,JOITNP.MOKgAWtPtomrgVP.M^CPHnr/^lefhenTCttyrA.PATTFRSOy, Ptn«>mc»>a». Jrlgjdmg
I. HOIMM. 4 8018, .
Btnkirit Biflhinf•
410 nuiTii |H ___
; ANp BANK NOTES, , • . ..
NoW.« .and AMMtaeM.
payable in anypart of Use Union, cdueeted on the moil
favorable terms. „ .... ._ ,
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore also, Cincinnati,' Louisville, Saint Ixnus ana
New Orleans, constantly for sale. . , ..
BANKNOTES.—No teson all sotvept h«afc*
United Statesdiscoantedatthoiowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and flilverColn bought
and sola.
Office No. 6S Market,street, between 3d and 4th,
Pittsburgh, Pa. 00125
TIILLS on. s^ir<«n>t r Ireland, and Scotland bought
i) any amount at the Current Rates of Exchange.
Also, Drafts pavablo in any part of.tho Old
from *1 teAIOOO, at theme of S 3 w the £ StirUng,
without deduction ox discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
80N, European and Oeneral Agent, dice flth st on*
KE&BSB ft BiHB. . ,
Bankers and etqwangb brokers, ration
to Forrirnand Danustie BUU of Cer
tificate* of Deposito,. Bank Note* andl Coin. eonei of
M and WoodatneMUMfl? oppo«t* Bt-Chute t'B*
nfl'Miim*” »««■■> "' ' " nMrgdlT
M Kaaaeky,
Bank Notts;
puehaaedattfctlowuiTtiot, bT .„L
y ■ ■ : N/ 110LMES k SONS).
35 Market i treat ■
taolu oo
jS New York, • .
; Btldoor*,
Coneuuitfy tor Ml* by ; N. HOLMES * SONS.
•epl3 1 - >' 33 Metket ft
"Oatof th* Matt Bmarleil* Wcris oftktAg *.’»
NINEVEH AND ITB REMAINS^-with u account’
of * Titil to tbe Cbands:an Chnauani of Xurdls*
tan, afid the-Yeiidii, or DevU-W«t*bJpper*i and an-
Inquiry into the Nannm and An*, of the Ancient A*-
•yrian*. Ur Austen UenryLarara, Esq-, D. C.L.
With IntroduetorT.'NoUfhT Prof E. Robinson, D. u,-
LL. D. lUustrated'wlih 13 plate* and map*, and 90
woodcuts. 9 Vola Bro.clotb, - ....
book ha* a rate amount of frapbie, vivid, pie*
tureaque narrative "—Tribune.
“The work of Layard l» the men prominent contri
bution to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for
many3xar*."--ChTi*t. Inq. ..
“Not one excel* in interest the nceounl of Nineveh
and iu Ruins, firm by Mr. Layard. r —Washington |
lateilirenecr. I
“A* we follow the differ* with breathle** mtereslp
in their excavation*, non suddenly, find .ourqelves be
fore a maulvo firure carved with mutute aeearucy,
now lifUitf Ita- fifactie heed from’ the dual of 3000
years, we a'c ready to cry out with the a*tontab«i
Arabs, ‘Wallah, It i» wonderful, but it it irue! 1 "-In- f
__ flOrlß
63 Wood st
THE WOMEN of the Old an* New Tenement.
Edited by & B Bprogue, D.D. 1 vol.lmp.iWo.,
elogatilly bound; Id exquisitely finished en<ntnng*;
with dctenptioui by celebrated Amcnean Clergymen.
POEMSUY AMELIA,(Mrs. Welby, of Ky n > a|new
and enlarged ed»tton; tllonraied by engravings from
original designs by* Wiet. 1 voU ,
tyfoond and gill."Also-A variety oftpietslid Annu
als and Gift Boobs- , _
; Sowell*. Child*. First Book of the History of Rome.
1 ASSISTANT, sdspicd f<« the
use. of Carponam; Shipwrights, WfacyWTtShp»P«W~
yers, Lumbermen, Stuatdts, and Aititsis recetWly.
beifg • thorough and practical Treatise Mensura
tion sad the Sliding Role. By D. M- Kaper, A. SI.
Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. ]
OJlendoifTs Elementary French Grammar. By.rror.
Greene, of Brown University. I toI. ISmo. !
HoetligerisGetcaius’, Hebrew Grammar, by Co nan t-
Gesennu* Hebrew lexicon. _.rr" ,
Loomis* Trisooometry and Logarithmic Tobies, l
vol.(sheep.) . . ,
The Englishmab’a Greek Concordance. 1 roMnres
lia.), • - •
- Anthon's Clssslcsl Series. \ . .
Webster's Dictionary 1 , revised ed. 1 vol. Bvp.
do do : unabridged. •> 1 vol. 4io.
- Barno's Notes and Questions on New Testament.
Whately's Logic. .... «. , . _
hfosbeim’s Ecclesiastical History. 3 vols. and 9
Vols(»hrep.) . • ,
* Vestiges of CrdhflonJ Mol.lBmo. . , , .
Mornings among the Jesuits at Rome. 1 voL (cloth
Rn |eeueswliere.thoTempter has Triumphed. I vol.
'jroeologics! Lectures. I +oL Cvo.(doth.)
Alder's Pronouncing Bible.
Boyer's Frcneh Dictionary. a '
Smart’s Horace. For sale by R HOPKINS,
C qyL) , Apollo Buildings, Fourth ft
Montaigne, edited by !1. Kaslilt, eomprUing hit
E**ays, Letter*, and Joarnev through Germany and
Italy, with note i from all the Commentators, lLograpb*
IC TheoVwid t ?»oSeo!of i Toaching-, or, the Motive*
and • Method* of Good BekooUKc«piaf, by David
i'lage, A. M- Painclpal of the Bute Normal. School,.
Albany, N- Y.
Frank Forester’* Fuh and Fishing 'of the U. State*
and British Province* of North Atnenea, by Henry
nov « cornerThird_and_M*rkel_»i*_
The Olden Time.
JAME 3 D. Bookseller and Importer,
No. 03 Wood street, hta for sale a Jew copiescom
plcte, (the remainder of the edition,) -of tint valuable;
work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents', and
other autheotio. information relating lo tbe.early ex*
nlorßUotia, lettietaeni and Improvement of the country
around the head of the! Ohio. By Neville 8.. Craig,
Esq., o£ Ptiubargh, In » vol* Bvo.
novlO '-,-u • J. D. LOCKWOOD. :
ROMAN LIBERTY} a History, with a view of the
Liberty of other. Ancient Nation*- By Samuel.
KiUfltt. Etu. Illustrated with twelve Migrating*, exe
cuted at Hume . 3vola, BVo., uniform with Preaeou**
-Historical Wurii*.. ■ . . '
Juit published and for sold by
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
aovtO ' °tjr Importer; 63 Wood *t_ •
1 JA.SNV KKHIiXKII S' IfaUY; authorised edition,
OF CONSOLATION! ; ~ . i . . . ...
• iTho reading of thiabook hat impressed uawith a
maeli higher opinion of its author than we had formed
from peraaincner other writings. Itdisplsysadecpcr
lone of thoagui, anited to more pure womanly grace of
'feeling than any other production of‘he Cemalo mmd
' with trhieb we .
u lt ia a very agreeable and readable book, written in
1 Fanny Kemble 1 * best *tyie—bold, spirited aptf enter*.
taming. Wo reepmmeud it lo oar readers as ihe best
publication of the season."— Reading Uax.
“Jt contains the Journal of a travel through Europe,
and residence in Laly; and is one of the pleasantest
and moil interesting boohs of the teasou.”—Cour. and
characteristic book. We have read it from
tide page to Cofojibon with unabated interest A vl-
Tid picture of life in Rolue, In oil respects eminently
noYlb Bo'ikscllerA Importer, M Wood»t_
bithoitraphta kstabiuhmtnt
OF WM. SCHUuHMANN. Third st, opposite the
Post-Office, t’nuburgh^—Maps, Landscapes, Bill
head*, Showbills, Labels, Anhiteetaral and Machine
Drawings, Uasiuow and Visiting Cards, Ac., engraved
or draw n on stone, and printed In color*, Ooid, Uronis
or Black, m the most approved style, and at the most
reasonable prices. octlffily
.r A OAliDr”^^
GRATEFUL for the very liberal encouragement I
Lave received for so natty yean, 1 have deter
min :d to enlarge toy business • considerably. Having
engaged a competent Foreman, I will be enabled to
fill all order* promptly, and do the work m our usual
styl i and at ftu.*-j>uees,'aud ask the attention of mcr
oba its and ciuxens to; my large stock of UPiIOLSTE
HY UOUDS and Beds, ftlaltnuses and Bedding, Cur
tain Materials, Damasks and Moreens, Cornices, Frin
ges Bordering*, Tessets, Split and Roller Xl.lnda. and
eve y article usually kept in an establishment of iUc
kind. Orders respeet/ully solicited and promptly at
tended 10. v
N. B.—Carpel* made ud pat doors.
■w Ml WM. NOULF.
alleghm'TV fell mAS~nfi wdT -
I. A. BROWN would respect
fully inform the public, that he
Ikceps ou baud at oiTßiand on the
west side of the Diamond, Alls
gneoy city, a complete assort
ofVeniUan Blinds; also Ve
nitian. Shutters are made to or*
star is the bast atyle, warranted
equal to any in the United Slaves.
lU* Btlad* can be removed with
otiVthe'aid of a'screw driver.
Having Purchased the stock,
tools,'and wood oflhecabmetes
lablishment of Ramsay A M'Clel
land, I am prepared lo famish
thelr old'OTisiamert, as weU as
°i j.a-Brown;
JU*T rePd, as, elegant plain Uosewoodd oeL'Piano*
from tho , celebrated raonufaetoryof Nuns* A
Clark, H. Y n M«perimtott*,widYetT»cd«Mopiee.
For wle, by ; ktLWI .
VV- I fo* fcmoring Tartar, Bcurvy, Cankw, andail
substancesdastractlvat®thaTaelh. HiadeuMbChto
tha **«♦*, elaaaatog the mouth, healing and strangthaa
- --y'h
LUNGS.—The ’ unpttcedenld waeceao which has
trended thn use of the ’.
; u all the vario&e forms which irttadon ofthalungi as
sumes, fa so induced the propriur-agii&jd’CaU-aiten*
lion to this ' ■ 1 i
The ehangable weather, which kirk* our fkH,tnd
srinter months, la always a fhtitfwaource of
COLD 9 AND COBHS. , w .,„
those, If neglected, aro butlhefcoursorsof ifastfeu
dHtroyer, ooaCMPTIoA
Ths question, then* bow. shall map the de«trpy«T in
the bud? how. shall we-get clearer ohr eougai and
oidi! is of.vitjj importance to the-ffbllc. ,
will bo found in the Ginseng- Panaefc-ln pnwfof this
we have Cota gae to tune pablisbel the ccxtificaie* of
downs of our be« known cltlxaaj who have expert*
oneed.its curative-power*.' 'Tfaeae,Mi&Ataaas.of tas
Uatoav from ill pans of the country—from •
Ministers ®f the Gospil, Ac., togethf with eopioaa co|
ices front the ' ' •
wo,hate embodied in pamphlet fora;'and may as a**
grails of any of - *—
have been uied in this city. V-- * J'-
ihronghoat ifao United Stale* and Cauda; and wot»
lengeanymantopolntcuta •• •- •• •'
n which, when, takcn aceording to dHedons, isd fce*
fore the lenga had becomofitfxuy dUaganusd/l: hu
over failed to r • ~ •
Why, tfaeiuneedthe allletedfassltsitff Why raaort U
the mWruble nostrums, gotten up' by rnt t own Individ*
odsu' ier the uiuxhea name'of some io abetted yfay*
ddan, aiul puffed into notoriety by cerifiesus ci ptN
socs equally unknown? Whilst a mcdalno of ■
U to be hail, whose vouchers are at honeear &iisk|
borsr-oany ofwhottlthas; . ,>j- '
In order that this invaluable modieinernsy bo pltctt
within the reach of the poor t* well tht Tien, We have
oat the priee at '
r only nmosra.'
fust one half the usual editof cough ne(Seine*, ttts
Jot sale by oar agents in nearly evny tcwnandviQaga
over the west, who arc prepared 'to giv)' full infonai'
-ion relative to'lt:' J -T. aALTCT,rrOprteW!Y'’
* . . . Broadway, Cinrianaii, Ohio.
M ' Al rmTr t ’ 8
e wer^m
- ease exte'fttdorLi tern til,
- "-"''l'Vfcave nlSitSr Uiai^U
sixteen years fot tUdlmwi oGitg .lnTolTlns
lie atmort 4anpcrand responsihilltyi attitildeebau
before hcaTen and man, it
to benefit when tbs patient reach
oftnortal meant.-. ... . < , •, • *
• i have had physicians learned in the brpfassioa. 1
hire ministers oflho gospslr
dennea, lawyers, graflemeapf uie higtmt erudition,
and nultUades of thepoor d»o. it merely, variety of
wayyand themhaa been bat one voire ’tf-" *StTSISt
la EimuMATiaa-It Mmon jpneauielr
th« inW«ifrm«llrtn a&d Swelling, WhCatltO jkin CNRt
(B 3 iU>fldlttetlßnjaroa«dt£e>QX.) r .,, f. ..
D-ACHB-Ttd Mire ha» cared pawn* of Uw
head-aehe of, twelve jew Has Sing, sndwholiadtt
rermsT every week in KAR
«** Wipedwilhhke «««*■,, - . ... .
SCALD HEAD—Wc Have eared cues list aetnaUr
daft every thing known, as well as the ability of fir
w«n-o twenty doetora.. One man told as hated spent
f.:«M on bis children witkoa any benefit, wgeaaww
mtn of Ointment cared them.. ; ■ . .
TETTER—-There U nothing better Jor On cure of
TC BUnN&-It is one of Uw best thlnga'ln the world to
Bl pTLES—Thonsandi are yearly eared by this Cint
©eat. •JtjrxYxn'lailt In giving relief to the Wei-
ITT* Around the box are direction* fbr-asisjATAJ
lii&t oiHtawufor Scrofula, Uo» CtmylMi, £ryi/p*-
las, Tour, CUMafar Scald Head, £*“l£"6£»i
Set* T*r*U, BrtmOiW, Noucrw. Aflteww, J?B*s. JHf
nutfO+Spi**, Head adU t JEarghs,.
Baras, Corns, ail Dates* if iks&!pn,.Sft Ufa Tm
pla, k*-, tXs .Laeibs, Sore, itawtfvtnrtn,
55b, old rm.Cnvpi&9&d«T Bnksn Ems^Tootis
adu, mStus »• us Fats, f e. , ■ »
COLO FECT—diver Complaint, naia in tk* Chest
and Bid Or falling offatthe -hair, or the other aeeompa
oiescold feet, mis OifltmenlU.'lhß true remedy.) It
is a sure sign of disease to have cold feet; ■ ", ,
CORNS—Occasional aseor the' Oihtment Wfli aL
ways keep corns from rrowinj. People abed never
be troubled srith them u they use it frequently.
M- This Ointment U good far any part Of tin body
or umbs when inflamed. In some eases U should be
ai CAI7rJON—No Ointment will be genuine unlessthe
name of JAMES McALUSTER U srriuep with a pen
°Vor^ale , by my A'senti in ail the principal cities and
towns fn the PaitcdStates. ~ . .1 ~r , ..
. james McAllister,
Bole Proprietor of the aboTe medicine.' '
Bp* Prtncival Ofice,No SSNorthTOrd street, Phil
•fiTphit pjucE SS CENTS PER BOX. ' \
Aacftsta Pirmraoß—ltruun A Eeiter, comer of
Liberty and SI Clair'suj and L Wilcox, Jr, comer oT
Market »t and the Diamond, also eoraer 01 4th aad-
StaUbfield st*; J 11 Canei, earner of Walnut and Penn
sts, sth ward; and sold at the bookstore in BmithSeld
ttTbd doer from Second *e in Allegheny eityby HP
Schwanx and J Sargent; by J O Smlth.Thurgist.lbr
minKham; D Neeley, East Liberty;.’.ll Rowland, Mc-
Keesport; J Alexander* Son, Monongahela Cny; N
B Bowman A Co, and J T Regers, Brownsrilie; John
Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents.
fehar-deodly. !’ • ■ -;
- Fasts for the PuWle,
In relation la UtatOTriraUed family BalTe, .
ItESTIMOJfY of a respectable Physician.—Read
the following, addressed to my Mei
ry weather,'Cincinnati-
Cntenntt«,?cb, 11,160.
Sin A tciist of doty compels my tribute
to Dailey’s Pun Extractor. Being opposed'toqtifiek
cry and all nostrums having for theirobject sinister:
motives—but realising much food from' the “King of
p«tn sun induced to tender yoa this certifi
cate. I have used U in my family,iamy practice, and
wiih alt the happy tad wouderfal effects that could
possibly be Imagined. iL J. Bxanix, ALC.
Dr. Brodie U iho senior partner of BrtxUe A Leri,
Drnyfiiu. ' . ' ' • ' '
Injumvtatory Rkettmannm • >
The following testimonial come* from a source faj
miliar to many -of those-traveling on oar Western oa*
terv.- Mr.Glime. the well and favorably-known pro-
Erietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to iho
idy'whose letter I annex t 1
Paaxxtutnto,'VaApril 13,16(0'
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. Ac.—Bln Hating for*
merly been long afflicted with violent inflammatory
Rheumatism, which appeared so firmly seated as to
defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pun, I was induced to try your Magical .Pain
Extractor; and it having cflected, almost as ifby ma
gic, ar immediate sodAlao, to all appearances,
an enure anu perfect cure, 1 am induced for the beuer
fit of others who may be a&iiciod with pain, cwsedby
any kind of inflammation, to. write to you, declaring
that in my . opinion, founded, on. actual experience
your Magical Pain Extractor Is the most.valuable dis*
covery -of lie present ago fur the immediate extraction
ofbodiry pain. It -is an almost immediate and a per
feet cure for Burnt and scalds, and all external la*
OammaUon. • t
tlaving many ae<iuaintances formed by the.; visits
at my husband's hotel in this place, I have snpposed
by your * bowing them these tew lines,it may possibly.!
be of benefit both to them and yoarsell. * |
- KuzaasTß Gum*. !
[I entrctoiniho hope ihat Mrs. Glimc will pardon tl»e
publicity 1 ,-ivr to l.rr letter, as wcllonihs -score or
humanity n. nut* being the surest mode of bnugmg it
to the notice of her friend*.—H. DALIST.J
Felon Cured.
Extract of a letter, dated •
80J505T, Ky. Nov. 30, IMS: ;
Mr. H. Dalleyt *•! bavo tried your Pain Extractor in
a case of felon, in my own family, which It relieved
and cured f.i a very short time.” In haste, roan re
spectfully, * Jai.M. rocso. 1 ,;
O" Borns and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipples* Broken
Breast, Eruptions, Soros, Cau, Woondi, and all in
flammation. yield* readily to the wonderful properties
of tin* unrivalled family salve. But, in the same pro
portion that you will receivobenefit from tbs genome,
you will be injured by the deleterious affects of iho
counterfeit salves. ' -
' CACTICI.N—Be sure and apply rtfy to.tho inventor,
H. DatxzT, 41$ Broadway,‘New York, or to tuaaa-
Ihoriird agent*. JOHN D MORGAN,' '
- . , General Depot, Pittsburgh.
Henry. P.Scirwartx, Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker,
Wheeling, Vo.; 'James W Johnston* Mayrville, Ryu
F. Merry Weather,‘Cincinnati, 0., General Depot.-
N. B.—ln the severest Barns gndßcxldrtv extract*
• joBJMCCnotJos : . , w. u. patnc.
fkillE undersigned, euccesiors to Arthurs.*-Niehol* «
I -s«n.'bar>eareto inform iheeiuzcnsorPittsbardt-r :
nd public generally, that they havo rebuilt the’HA#
UMi FOUNDRY and arenow/tn roll operation, and-'*
Imre, pint ef their patterns ready for the market:—
Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal ami Wood
Starts, with aspleudld ait-ught Coal Stpve, whieh'a..
dow superceding in etbef etrteathe common round
Breve. .Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well
tifcd for mail families, with-a. fall assortment ofcQsn-*.
SOB and mantel Grate*;.' Wo. would pat icataily .is* j
rite the attention of persons building to call at ou£\*
warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid—
aniele ofenaninwUed Grates* finished In fine style - f .
entirely new in this market. * . ;
; Warehouse, NO.ISI Übeityst, opnositaWood st '
j , , ; NICHOLSofr A I‘AVyfc
jr\ W EAGER, Import** ajpl.'Who'oiiaJe. Dealer'in'-
JUo'ii . fan£y. anD .Variety tiuons, ~
Sigu of the Gilt Comb,' 1W Market st., Putsbtrn'fcprv*
1 Western .Merchants, Pedlars; rmi o'fcerk visitinS-'
Pittsburgh u pbrehasaCrOodJi, are respectfully inVitol .
; to call and examine ltd extensive a#«orjncnr of Rug-,,
; U*h, American, French and German Fancy Good*?_ '
1 A\l Foreign Goods at this establishment ari idjptfrt'-* •
fed iurer» by myself, and purchasers may rely oii'jfei
ting goods from find hands.' I hare the itfge»i a«<on»*
Inent,of anleles; in the variety tine,' in. ihe'eltr'df
Pittsburgh-all of which will ba sold low forcskb of-,
city, acceptances. The BtDcki;oTui*t*,ln parvof- 1 .
j lAeeGooda,Hosiery,G!ovc»,*Kibi>ort«.-. .
• .-Silk Cravats. Shoe and PatonlThrcods, v
Spool Cotton* Tapes,Suspenders, Humous,
idles and Cailery. .;/!*•
f Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry,
Comb* and. Uaxorv .
• Fexcnwloa Caps, Revalvtrs, ! v i«;o!«. CLsrlsb
.Cotton Parse*, Kpccfncles, Steel Pca-s
Carpet Hags and Baskets. V/V-'T
J 'Bindings. Finding* andTritamlngs.: d '-LJJL
' Toys *nd Fancy’Good*; togctcer with
-ty of Fancy and Staple DRV GOODS. • .. . .;»fVin
C. YKAUKU is also agent for Ine jj
carter Combe.
Nonusa-Lttiin '• ' ' •
PnTflti:xoiuilM*2-*»| acOßb -
- Mr. ft. ft. SePereMn justice » ynoaolJg^^S
_ ■•-. parable Cough Syren, I bcgleave io f^^Svcveral
II A.Fauamocs,! - ' ,A. B. v.City efitof the community, thatmy wife t»W y pwf-
U. U Famnarocs, >PitUhargh. -' \. times afflicted with a most dreuesnegf*"*^^^,
Q. W.VattMmpc.} „i .J - . chMedfiaJanosry iait,aboiUeofyj>« D V£5 Bt . oa4
WhoUaaU-Drwg Stott fathoCitrAf euredaeecgn of two month* 1
... ..i'-iSsWllflU:'- 1 '- 1 • • • : 1 month since, the cough returned,.an* jCL.
rpftß andertlmd O •ztcasTely. engaged la the that ; she could hardly move, fr*"* Gof rb»rupi'iS
1 street, in breastti»ejUforonet>oti3eofjMfP7| avetteoUMlr
i&cityr of-New; VcSTStt anuepared totmoDlr a pan *f. one Nmle i curcd the eoagb
Urutviats* tsd frSa\L to a journeymen who was • cvcr^^^^r'edftdyxK>
ilaiideri WM*«r)MbiiiAwChe]iieals,{ofiKlr'owa cure fill tha’pcdple in Pinsbarjs,
; s^axaß-Karra. ,
aiauroos»e \ jgj “‘ 4 tI Er *‘ rJU iS»
ihapaialnu'evr anigtt»~itptTCf faiU r .'] a M j T
; ..»■
i Read!JO* ad I ■ '
Eh)* Clef tSoort oTQaarur Sewoaa ef i V
Mr.’R.'E.Ber.9 »-51 . gome time in the winlermF ,
wife »«trim*tcTeieanddif!tir«?.m£cooru,- ■
andbearing »f Svrnp, I -y
chased a boiUe B,-T. Trimble, of Hndnewaut»; j.kut
and after taking aponion of it two or Ihreo erealnjra
on ffnjnf to bed, the found immediate relief, as •
serera'. friends have been relieved in ‘severe cases.!*'
am therefore satii&ed that it'U es*fe and vulaaWt '- '’»'
medicine,and maid recommend it to thoso who nwT ! ~' ■
beafflictedwithMTereCoarha-cnd'&iMs. - .
March 88, - W. K. BODES-' >
Prepared andsoldbj-R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood «£, .
aftdsDldb7dnfggists'geseßlU]r,in Pißsbnrghand. XI ?
leghnyv ■•-•■••• . - - •oefrKi-7- . : j ■.
TThs OhartlsriCosl Companf* ■
BOOKB wlUbo open for cnbrenpuon to tie stdcjr s*f
. **Tho Charter* .Coal Company,'* on-ana'after —•**
! Monday, the Mill day of September icsL, at theoffitf*"
ofZ.Ar.RemingtODjl'an.tst.Pitubanrh. , .
epCDdtf ~ 2;\y.m^MlNgTol^: >t »-
■ "'mm . C. W. PIDDLE. P.all.tU
r REMOVED to anew three itory brtek ■ •
,' on Smilhfield rtrccW f ona door below
: ■ 1 * 1, 1.1 r gixth street. Teeth inserted from ona ‘
to on’ entire act, on the ruction principle, with a beau> •- r
tiful representation of the natural pim—restoring ,th* - - V.’
; original shape of the Ifcee.-. :
l N. B<—Teeth extracted wilhiirJaor no pain. -
I D6eayedTeetJipennaneDUT»aTcdbyplßfsinx,i»fri
I Tfpgn'y the tooth ache, which fa much better than oa« -.*•
rinj it, thoo»h hilionldbe dons in fivcjninvtea, of <■
| even • 1 ■ , jtffVrlT'
' ' CURE FOB X oEil3 ' ‘ i
cbaro* or sztnuuL wunu.
IN order to afford all possiblo security to the public,
l a* well a* to themselves. against frond and impo*
tiiion fromconniPrfciung, the proprietors’bavo mado
a change in the exterior wrapper, or table of their Ver*
nufuge. The newiubel, which la a iteel engraving of
the most exquisitedeiign and workman!hip, hot been
introduced at a Tory great expense. and it from the
brain of an artiilofUic first talent. 'rha design it new,
and . the execution elaborate, .Several fignret and. a
'portrait are.' moat prominent, but the word u Vcua* . - ■ Ji
rvoz, n primed in whits letter* to* red and finely on*
graved ground, ahoold be particularly examined.—. v
when the lighttholetters, Thtdinr ,
lettdraand every line, however minute, throng bout the ‘ 1
whole ofihla part of the engraving ntatch.asexaitiy'' • " **
aa il thelmpresaion had been made epon one tide m«
ty, although it la actually printed on bilh aides of the?
paper. T&la chould in all cases be obtenrcd. ‘A'lifi • J
bcl upon each doxeit U al&oprir.ted ln rcd opoa both' .
I aide*, and aboald'be examined in.tbo same manner.
Thu preparation has now stood thc tcsl of stanr \T- '
yean trial, and is confidently recommendedss*auVv;fs
and effectual mrdieine for expelling worm* from-iba.-; ~* *
system. The nnexumpl«liuecc»t that.ho* attended', .
iu adminUtrotioa m every case where the patient vaa c ,-
really afflicted with worm*, certainly' render* it ufor : :-T,T. r '
thytaa attention of phytician*. , - ••it
r lhe proprietor bas made it. a point to tscertalo.ilr? ....
rodlt o( tU'use in sucb cases at canto, within hit " '
knowledge and observatiort—and li s'ifl.vnrlebly'founds,
ittopredncethefaoftra'ntafyeffcoir-noi unfrcquent-'y J
ly alter nearly all the ordinary' preparation* reeon*—* »
medded forwonnibnd bfen'previously resorted-io •'-•'t
without any permacent advantage. This fact 1*
tested by theeettdlcaicinnd aLaiement* of-hxnflrdd*' r"?
of respectable penom in different parte of the coun-»
try J and should intineo- familles always to keep a vial :*
oitle prtpantJoaln their possessions ltl* rotiditfits- -s.
opeyatum, and maybe administered with perfect
ty-to the most delicate infant ’ ■.* ' r •
■ The only genuine is prepared by • • '
- :sptf7 D A FAHNESTOCK. Pntsbargb :
•*■4— —Orn’rK>q^iti^m<Yir~s'- ..
TTipR Coughs; Celdr,A*thmaaniJ Consumption! ,-The. rf .
JJToREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the eiiraeftha - 1 »-
.aEtfre disc**!, is iba,HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF --
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Bueban,**of*
London, England andintrodnoed into tbeUalted Stales (Q
mfcrthe immediate seperintendeaceef the Inventor, O
- Iteekuaotdinary aadedta'of this roedieiaCj Indhc.
carp of Pulmonary diseases,,warrants thaAthericaarT
Agtnt insolicitingforunatmentihn wont possible car a
■csthatcaii befinutdiniheeomß}Ußi!y*rcaac*thatK«k> ,
relief in vain from any of the common remedies' oi
daji, And bavebeen gifen ttp by the most ditdagtiiShcil'M
physicians as confirmed andincoruble.~Tbe ’Hungka- '' L .
. an Ralsamhu cured, and wili care, the most dcspenUS «
of cases.- Hl9 do quaCAnostrum,bm a standard Eoi* §
; lisUmedttine,ofknowiandcaCUJUshedeffieaoy.-V^^
Every family in the Uniled’Biatea should be supplied
f Uuagariaa Balaam of LifitnoLomz tp'<
counteract the coasomptive tendeoeies of the climaif|>' t'l
, be'to be used e*‘a preventivo medicine ig aU casey iof
colds, eoegh*, spitting of blood, peiiv in the side aad,'y.
chest, irritation odd soreness of the lungs, )
diffbultyof breatmg, hbetie fever; eight
ation and general debility, asthma, Inilncaza, waoopicf .
eough ana croap. I •• .. ;.'j i -'j<T
fctold in large bottle*, |at St per bouir, with fttlldiw*»li
’ tiohsfoMherestoratidaof health.
1 Suo'pUetc, amwsof Ko>:!i*luiad AxnptV f"v
out certificates, sod other exitience.slrowiEj thaio*
equalled merits of thifc preat English RrßKdy,tnaT.U*'v~
obbmed of theAjjenwi prarajumMy. " *
TQt. a . «w.
betore—ntdo on the molt approved Ea*templan*—
andmosf fashionable Eastern pattern* and eolort-‘Al4ff |
or made toorderef auslses, and at all priest.
Cocntry Merehtata and others are tnrlted to eaHsai ;
examine the above for themselves,!!! allvtiUbeMl*
wholesale or retul,and a libarat cr laction titad* w
■wholeoaleparehasera. 7>f
aoldir ■■ ■ .. T ■
1 But ride of ihe Diamond,- where VeunUn J .
MlinJa of all itodiffcrent ««* andeoionil-.
- hhpi on hand or. mad* .ta order juw - A
• ■ the laical and moalapprored *“® V^'i
t | 1 i iocs, at ttc atorteaifioacc and on Jbe 09*..,^
TOioy and Paper Ctfnalai tffall ihc dJifereni ■«*» aad S rJ
pattern*, oa hand 4ad for »ale lair farc«iOiil
tika BUniMpkimei oreroad InparT\i
plyoeSfornaw:, KM W&rTEKVELT,Fro-pr. *
tw. B—All *ol.done.wiih -the ban maieWal and ;-
worktaanihip, andwarranted loy.aM^ihemort faa--*
fkllcisbeny city, ACT. M» MM** - '* '• *
;.'"i.V.ifHKIXDIf; ;
=rkl McFALL»,,bcir*J° informiho
I . burrt awTrictuity, thai hs haa opened Jha
ksb*e- cai&blifhmcnU where, errry nueiulon wiU-fce
nhid to the comfort o?i)vo»c who nuy taeor htm-witi I *
SJmU. Liberty attM*. between Serrntb and Weed. V '
•IceCrcama and allotherUclic;»cie« cf ikpreaten.
i lult*tilr . '•' ’ ' • ■• ' * *•'
“KU'vSLT, >'