m iimsOT pi vtbburoh; 1 TUEBDAYMOBHINO, JAN.15,»849l ..Ip-Aimra* *rce*»e*ty waua* **** in' bHr f«W» before 6t.il, and.ds early inthedarai practicable. • Advertisementsnotinserted fora tpeet* lad toe wiß invariably be cb«***d cntU ordered oat mrrr.angt.pm a. KOSTH* AJ9E&IOA9. Adrertlteißests and rabacnpoonaw the North Aser an and United Stems Gaxette, Philadelphia, received' ' ad forwarded from this office. - ID"Beyefal Icterestinf'articlesmay to fotmd 'gpoa oor irrt page. 1 ' ' : i : ; graopgiar, laTCLuagacE, cahim. ADVICES FROM INDIA—REBELLION IN PLOT AT ST. PETERSBURG^. ffJLOBIBLB BEPAKATIO!* OP OASf -1>& FitOU OOBAT DETAIN. FAVORABLE N S WS. FROM TeaNCE. -Tsuaurn Orncs, H*i.*r*x,> SarniafftltriMg, Jeo. 13 iy ' The Sletmer Canada has just arrived,’after a •hbisteroos passage* . ' At lhe tmsofihe departure of the Liverpool, 1 ' CoJ. Webb and aoUe had arrived,en route fofYi .j cone. Anarprcgfrom.thelodtes.bttd arrived, bring jlafcbeeriof news for the manufacturers; and it was expected, that with the wtameoceoeal of j the Now Year, a Urge speculative business would, ba done. REBELLION IN SEUVIA. A reballlon bad broken out in ScrVia, whlchbul alarmed the 'Austrian Government.- ThAmsur-1 gents numbered over one hundred and the ranks were hourly; awellmg by ifcaertions from Ibttßulilary districts of PeierwHdea and Etsey. It (s (opposed that the Rntp&uare at the bottom ofibe conspiracy, with a/.iew.lo compel Auitria ' and Turkey to on her. 1 The rebellion rf[j probably lead to a rapture between Au>l - ' Vhut —There is anadvance of 2d per 70 lbs. Ploos—Fiba brtDds'Aroerican Hoar are telling , 0! Bfl*J ordinary at 23a 6d. f; ‘ Ccnbr—Prices are ralfcer higher than this day fortnight, with sates of whits at 29 0 30s, and oi yaUow al2Bo 29s per, quarter. .Mornr -am Srocas—Money,.is abradin', and American, stoois in good demand. Ssreatees million pound) bullion , are now, ccniaiced in the Bank of Eagland. ARRITAu OF, THE CHEROKEE FROM CHaORES. • The Steamer Cherokee-arrived yesterday from Chatter, bringing California dates to'the lit. De oeaiber. She" brings abiat 700,000 in gold dusi, tnd 950 passengers. The nevca generally by this Steamer bail been anticipated, Abotitforiy tluastnd persona sill wintexin the .Uiors. - Provisions throughout the gold regfoniwere ve lyxemnt. ' ' Tbo value cf, all ibe Leases ftt . Isvalaed ai $2009,000. - AU tha o’d storiea about the t bandanna of fold, lißd ape eolation** icr., are fall; confirmed. Tba Piacer Tirana talfrs in from cno to two ttMtttd daUarswedkly for job svork. Coinyaai* tar% wage*ara sls per day. CosQai9Bloi Ab. Wasi jsotor, Jan. 14. '•itioc i pres?"*'' Scuts.—Among the presented to da? Was one astrng increased Mail arrangements be. tween the United Slates and dsn Francisco, and One f*r a Railroad fom the Miisonri Rleerto San Francisco. Mr. Pratt, from Marjland, Was qualified and Us scat. Mr. Clemest introduced a joint resolution, pro* possg the • lection cf Scnatcrsby (be people. A jrintresolntion !im:tlrg the.act Lr collecting (!» Revenue, was then token np:and disco teed. Hsusx—A motion was mods by Mr. Kaufman ftft the election cf officers be taitponed,fjrlhe purpose ct coniidering the report of the Commit* too on Sales. \ . . The deb&lo. on the roles continued until (he ad* jownment of the House, but was finally made the order of the day for Monday. \ 'CINCINNATI MARKET. Cuccmart, Jan. 14. • Floor £t pientier, with sales at $4,7501,80 per barrel* .. Whiskey is selling at I9}c per gat. , Provisions—Sales of 300 bbla Prime Pork ST s96oper bbl. Sales sso tegs Lard ats|e. Cep fee—Private despatches Dom the East stato that Coffee it held firm «l 13:. / The river rote ez inches to-day, andthree fit' within the last forty-eight hoars. The water is tip to the enrb at the foot of Maine street. The snow it Of hi inches’do* p, sod freezing. NEW YORK MARKET. Nzw You, Jan. 14. Floor—Some holders os! an advance; bnt sales Wereatiurmer prices. 'Grain—The market is heavy, hot prices are ' irilbout charge.. , Provision*—There is some inquiry fcr pork,but dealers are apart in their views. Cotton—The news has given strength ■ tod (one to the market, and -holders bio asking fc-fber priced Severalsamples have been with* drugs for higher rates. - Money Market—There is no particular change in monetary affairs, ■ Whiskey is without change. Dealers are generally awaiting the receipt of their private letters, and there it no materia! change in thegeneral market MaaaiED, la Allegheny etiy, on tbo 14th insu, by. Her. Wa. Pre-tan, Mr. Narnia- \Vnmao and ill** Hslxsi Huger, daogbicr of Sir*. Ann .Hanison, all of laid • ■ :■• ' " ■'. ■ . Q7»Tovx» Mrfi MaacxanLi Übea*t AwecuTtos. —an adjonratd meeting will be held thia (Tuesday] •fsauig, at the Hall, Fourth iireet, at 7 o’elock. . Jaol3*lt • D. W. BELL, See 5 ?. Hit jn,a*a*a Lira Piua—The demand for ihi» freatreoedj.il rapidly iacre’eing, and we are eTenr day: receifin/ order* from » duuuce for lots winch ve tnd ii almost Impurßle u>iuppiyeifa*ta*ifc. .paired. The iroth if, the Temedy reqaitj*only a tri|al ‘to coutlocc the most iceptlsii of i’* excellence. We aeirctjfrom a file of similar documents the following: —r— ■ * ; Covn«oTO!». Ohio, May 13,"1817. \ wj.Kidd&Co: Ocntlemsu, Aal am engaged in will lag • few Terr eboice medtebcr, I «l© nCtcourider.mjj ttoek complete; unless I baes a arpp'y of Dr M’Lane'J JJrerPifl*. I obtain*! a few dexeo boxetof thesd Pina ft«« Mitchell A Co„ which told tetf fast, and 1 - wlah a newjDPpiy Immediately. JACOB WIDNEB, P. M." lit aale by J. KIDD fc CO, No. C 2, corner of Fourth tiv j VTood at* Pittsburgh. fjaclg dkwlwS ■. ftpira Lraoa s?o*a.-rPrepared by J. W. Kelly William street, N. V- and for aafe by A. Jaynes, No. nFoartb street This will be a delightful artf.. aSeofbcTerage in families, and particularly tor rick ' Jo Sum’a B»ntAv—An improred Chocolate prepara* • tiembesn*acombination ofCoeoa,na« innocent, In • } *SSisw tad paJaubtei highly toepfflwadetfparUe ' ':Prepared by W- Eakoffporelieii • Sffftaaaland for-ale by A. JAYmES, «the Pekta; Mo. . - g°a« tmp»flreiatnti la Derailatrjr*'\; DR. O. oTsTEARN'£, into of Boston, la prepared to BTrnriheutn and set Blocx Tatra la whole am* pans 2fSu, apen Suction or Atmospheric Suction Piatea-- '*Snsasss^ , asrJsSß?- [«* ■■ ‘ fW* Briggt ***** S&ptTJ Qattfow.—The Message of Got. Briggs wah de livered last week.' It lea dhort and able doca ment. Fromthe remarks on the subjectof SU- | ▼erf,- we eeleet tbe following paragraph* i , . me people of Maaaachnieae, come Wha t may, wfll be faithful to the Constitution andJ *e Union. Her patriotic statesmen helped to make that eoa - BtitnUos, and her citizens agreed to and l adorned , iU Bhe would not knowingly.withboldor violate any right'aecnjed by ft to any citizen or section of “ dpcm lha «tjca or.Sl.Ttn, h«ve been known totheworld Com the time-of UteDo daratlan of Independence to lbe present tome. ; A*amemb-r of the Union, afce ia content to icore tiaaery where it la left by thei constitution it, within-the limita cf those Statea where it ex-aU.- While ft la elear that Congresa baa no right to pass over the limita of a Buie to interfere with the iDstitouon of slavery wllbia it, it ia equal ly etetr that no State has a right to path the insu lation beyond iU own limita into and over the ter ritory of tbo Union, where it doea not exist Entertaining oodoubtef tie Coosti'mfona! pow er of Congresa to cxelode - slavery from it* own territories and believirg that asch txduson i* demanded-by the highest principles of morality and justice, the never can constat to iu exten s'oo over ono foot of territory where it oow is cot If the other tree Statea concur with her in this tjg! solution, tho thing will be done, and consequqß*, be left tottemaelvea ” yP* \ This is the correct mode of procee&jjffy, to resist and prevent the extension of with digxUy and firmness, and Itaat centepanct* to themtthes- Theie consequences_we,tiave no fear of. The South will bloater, but ifu her Interest to yield to what cannot be fceJjvE’d, and she wilt make a vinoe of necessity. When Texas was annexed, the Northern &’tea- protested and threatened, bat they tqs* care, very sensibly, to be goihy of.no overj/acL The South, in the last extremity, will ffSiiate their example. The importance of these Roads is very forci bly Illustrated In the following statement, taken from the New York Tribone: “Pune Roads Our Slate is now adding im mensely to her facilities oflnlernal intercourse by means of Plank Roads. Uuca, Oswego,'and pci haps Rome have hitherto taken the lead in ineir coot traction, but they are last becoming all but universal. They are probably not less than One Thousand Miles fa aggregate extent at present, and are being rapidly extended. When wisely located, they pay.liberal dividends to their stock holders, while their advantages to the public may tbosbe elucidated‘. Over the old reads, a teams ter, span of horses and "wagon would, in 'good go* icg,’transport one ton thirty-five miles per day, at a net-average coat of S2»£o. In bad weather the load must be much smaller, or the distance tra versed would bolesv—co a Pbcm, and five or ten miles will not be considered too for to live from tbe city, by men in active bosi ocr?, who are fsnd o! ruial lifc. Till Dxatu cf Gccrqk WasatnaToa La Fat me, ten cf General L., ta announced by icttira from Paris. He accompanied his father in tbe fi nal virt to the United Stater, and deservedly shared the manifestation! and regards of the American people. In all tbe relations of life, be erjoyed tbs warmest esteem in France; he nev< r swerved from bis republican principles and the example of the illustrious parent. His dissolution took place at Legraoge, the family seat, about the Ist cf Dicember. The corps was Interred with in the walls of the ancient convent of Piopu>, where, under a simple tomb, lies General Lafay ette. Ccorge Washington Lafayette was, durftg the stormest days cf the first revolution, & mem ber of the family of Gen. Washington, by whom he was formally adopted. Sacramento city The Washington papers Kite that on Monday lae% tbs Hod. Henry W. Hilliard, cf Alabama, W..F. CalcocV, cf South Carolina, and Grahtm N. F.tcb, of Indiana, were appointed-Regents cf the . Smithsonian Institution, on part of Use House ofßepresentativer. 7HOH SEW TOOK. Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. IVkw Yaaz, Jan. 11,18C0. Business begins to show a liul*-more activity, in consequence of the arrival of a .large fleet oi packet ships, fall of goods, lor the spring trade* Many branches cf trade firel the impetus, bat’ the cottoa trade, la all its branches, is fall of activity. Tae unfavorable news from the planting regicn : gives not only as advance to the price cf the raw I material, hot to the manufactured article, and the average of prints may be quoted now, one and a quarter cents per yard higher than -in Jdly latt. Manufacturers are not in stock, and buyers for immediate ate have to pay Urge prices. The Lowell Manufacturers make six yards from a pound of cotton, a fact which will give an idea of the increased profit on July, 1849. The price of cotton nowatands' at 101, and 131 for inferior, N. O. to.good.ftir uplands, with a good demand from spinners and speculators: There is quite a flurry among rail road bond, holders, in consequence of the late decision, in* validating the trostsof the North American Trust and Banking Company, be made in .favor of the English creditors. The stockholders sustained the -pica of usury, and the question now rises whether j the stockholders of the Hodson Elver sad Erie, | to say nothing of that quicksand for money, the Ee*dii| Road, cannot pnt in thessme protest and i swindle those who sdranccd their money in good ! faith. The question has been mooted, fora day or itwo only, bot this description of seourity has sut. fered already two and three per cent. Eminent Counsel have, at the request of the Erie and Hud* sou river roads, examined the late decision of tbej Court of Appeal, and give es their opinion that the ! sale of Erie end Hudsou river bonds below par,, has not weakened the claims of the holders. The drawingof the International Art Union was larfety attended, last night, and the Iron City," os usual, came in forj a share of the spoils in the i shape of a psinting called the ‘‘Holt at the Cabs* , ret,” awarded to J. M. Elliott. Tbe meeting was I presided over by Win. a 'Bryant, and the Mana gers, Messrs. Oonpil, Vibert fc Co., had no shore in it, “The receipts of the “Union" have been $29,000 from 5,600 subscribers, which exceeds the operations oUtbe American Art Uoton in its eigbtb'year, whenllta members stood at 4457, and its receipts The totalrecefpta have been $29,269, the disbursements leave $13,000 to pay for incidentals The contest between the two “An Uoioar," has rather weakened the popularity of thesntem, and their brightest period, if not passed, is qi Us xenfih. Jstncs A- Bennett, the famous teacher of book* keepingjand a quasi Mormon General, has been arrested for forgery, upon a Lawyer cf this city. An examination into bis case proves that he hs» been connected with the Untrys, bow under the custody ofthe law tje various crimes. Bennett has lived in n gcrod deal of style, ot “Arlington H;use," os Loci Wand, ,ocd by letters at veh* loos times has j made . himself no'.criour, ifi.oi famous. Tho Court Rooms ora thronged, to hear the evidence, and thiao U an impression that some nsw names brought our in.no favorable light." •’.•/ . / ’ Money has grown .ruler easier, but there bat Um upanto in stocks to-day, .end nearly every “Fancy 0 cn tbe list receded from Mo 2 per cent, frbm yesterday’s, .Government/ Stocks continue firm.'' KenCaokyCs receded |:U,B.-6’i .’56, Erie ER Bonds, (oIdJL. Island end Hariem RE each i; Reading EE, and Penn. S's each jjErio'Rlt I Bonds, (now.) I? Farmers Trust, 2f; Erie R. R. 1, and Morris Csnitf*. _ j Fr’QH WASHINGTON* / Corit?i ;..e?«e'ef the Pittsburgh Gaxstte. WasunraTos, Jan. 10,1850. Another dey wasted in the House in the stupid and fruitless contest over the clerkship,and anoth er day of angry, strifo breeding debate in .the Sen ate, over tbo resolutions from Vermont, concern ing the extension, of Slavery. Forney, the Dem ocratic candidate tor clerk, has foilen from 107, his highest number, to 93, which conclusively proves that aa tbe regular caucus candidate, he. has failed, and must be withdrawn, for though the Whiga gave way and allowed tbo Democrats to fill the more important office cf Speaker with tone of their own. men, they have no disposition to repeat an act of generosity and magnanimity which has been so poorly returned. In the attempts-, to elect, to day, there seemed a disposition to form a coalition upon Mr. French, as upon the last trial, he receiv ed eighteen vetjj, of whom 1 believe, twelve were Democrats and six has existed, beyond a dnub* L r’pstoWmMion among tbo dlsif* focted Saurftffri Wnifta to go for Forney, and f om censjfliiadicstio'is to night, i lei.eve that there vtpfoomtiihiag dike so understanding" that some PLANK BOADS. "six or eight «f them should go over yesterday morning and aid in b;s election. Bit nothing ot the kind aciuaUv took placr, whatever might have been privately talked o r . To night a Whig cau cus Wes held, at which it was resolved tago back to Mr. Campbe’l the present acting clerk. He acooriliugly be voted fjr out due process tf discipline, then tAemoM serious difficulty in tit stop r/ rs-ntuien mil it removed.” Qasette, Pittsburgh, Sat. Jan. stb, 1850. The above quotation is to be found in a reply,' from several individuals of the New School party, in our city, to a circular letter published by a committee, appointed by both Old and New School,to communicate with their brethren, con cerning the subject of Christian Union,.on toms of Christian .Equality. The writer acknowledges it to be theynor formldablwobjectioo, at present, in the way of such a union. Tbe only inference that can flirly be drawn is, that tbe writer seemed tofcaraitr-oadssritinaec*, unless .the opposite party woald fxralsh “guarantee*" to tbe contrary, prior to re union. It may be well fir those who are not familiarised.with ‘the character of the di> vuiou in the Presbyterian Church, to direct their attention ton few facts in the. case. Facts are stubborn things. Benjamin Franklin onee asked the Royal .Society of London, why a crocodile bad bo tongue? They thought it was a strange circom- (tsoce, and for a time were unable to answer; but their scientific knowledge being at stake, they fibri eated a eolation to tbe qaeslioo, and gave to the Philosopher what they deemod a satisfactory an* awer. Franklin opened tbe mouth of a crocodile, in their presence, and tkototd dutn that a crocodile had a tongue, at tbe same tlmo remarking, “P* sure tf your facts, gtntUmtnP This, by the way, to illustrate the Importance of truth. In the year 1801, a plan of union was devised, between the Presbyterians and CoDgregalionalisls, "to prevent alienation, and to promote harmony. 8 Under tbe operation of this plan, fonrSynoda grew np, to win the Bynod of.Weslern Reserve, Genesaee, Ge nera, and Utica. 3\ia plan wai Intended to take effect only iathe new settlements, between tbe in dividuab of each denomination. It was merely advisory, having in itself nothing of the force of obligation upon either party, b was not a nnioo ratified between tbe General Presbyterian Church, as a CAureA, and the Coegregstionalists, buiNouly a union between tbe individuals of each-'eycl/in the New Settlements, (bribe purpose of ''render ing morejeffieient support to the Ministry, and. prc* moting kind feelings between those who were considered tbe same in doctrine, though not in dis cipline. Time passed along, and the four Synods above mentioned sprang up under this plan. Er ror in doctrine, as well as errorin discipline, crept into tbe Presbyterian Church, through this very inlet, and disseminated itself widely. It had ta« kenlhold even of some of tbe most laborious and learned Ministers ofjbe same body. The alarm ing taint, already seen, foreshadowed a general corruption. That union, which at first was only designed as s temporary thing, ietwtcn individuals, and not ecclesiastical bodies, gave evidence that, unless cheeked, it would toon be equivalent to a pcr/tci alliane*, in iffcct, between the dtstfnctivt elements of Presbyterianism end Congregations!* | inn. Doctrines end practices, to contend egsicst ; which, bad cost the best Christians their liver, in l I the early centuries, began now to hsacri their to* | thority. What was to be done? The year 1535 had given to the page of history one of the most important doctrinal trials thst ever occurred. The fear Synods above mentioned, were psrticnlariy infected. Was the Presbyterian Church to be torn with trials continuity,and never to be at peace, the etrfil in the meantime rapidly increasing? Bet* ter far, be broken to pieces, than exist in inch a state of perpetual strife. The General Assembly of 1837 met, weighed down with a sense of its re* spontibilitie*. A separation was endeavored to be effected opon amicable terms, each man being allowed to go with that portion of the Church with whom ho sympathised. This faifed to be done. A motiofi was then made to dissolve the “Plan of Uoioo," which was carried affirmatively. Then | that by the operation'of the | abrogation oithe plan of onion of 1801, the Synod ' dftbe Western Reserve is, and is hereby declared | to bo po longer a part of the Presbyterian Church in tie' United States cf America.*'! Also, **Re> I solved, that the Synods cf Utiea, Geneva and I Genesscc, which were formed and attached to thb body, tinder, and in execs km of said "Plan of Union,'' be, sod are hereby declared to be ont oi ihe ecclesiastical connexion of the Presbyterian Coarch tfihe United States cf America, and that they am not in fjrtr, or in fact, an iotrgral par* tion tf ea School, the .other, Old School. j The great question to be considered new | is, wk* the Old Schoolyetri/isifr in sapjvrting the ' rxtision an. Uis acknowledged by them that the movement was mclutienaty in its character, but 1 t he fjture welfare an if parity, nay, the very ms~ t»«# of the Church demanded it It is to be suppo* sad that men of sense would after an endet* vor to separate amicably had failed, subject bosom of their Church to the | enimosit— ier, the perplexities, the strifes of Incces* siva trials? Must the Church be torn bj^appeal afiar appeal, in the eases of nnmerons ministers from Presbyteries to Synods and from Synods >o General Assemblies? Whete, and what would be the end ef these things? Besides, was the Presbyterian Church in Us ecclesiastical capacity united to the Congregational Church by the plan ofUnlon? By no means. There war, therefore, no obligation binding either party to remain in al« liance. When tho object far which the plan of union was 'devised has been consummated where was the necessity for its continuance? In the charge delivered by Judge Rogers oi the Sopreme Court of Pennsylvania, to the jury, du ring the legal process between the Old and Mew School, ho thus speaks, “Whether one party may dissolve it (the plan of union,) without tho consent of the ether, it might be unnecessary to decide.— kt oration u that tbit oak.” (see minutes of Geo. Assembly, p. 43, May 1839.) If the rights of any ministers were sacrificed in this repeal, It was plainly by their voluntarily remaining in con* nection with the infected and the excinded Syn* ods. The New School maintain tboy ought to have had atrial before excision. The Old School assert (hat such a thing, however constitution tl, was, under the circumstance of the case, impossible. In applying this exposition of facts | to the quotation tt the head of ibis article,' the only interpretation weean give ofthat article's meaning l*—“Give us a guarantee to be as hereti cal in doctrine, as intractable in discipline, and as direlect in order as we please, let ns bring in our genera! body,“ail at a go," and when the Church, in consequence, becomes corrupt, don’t pat us all oat at onto, end then the “most serious difficulty ta the way of reunion will be removed.” INVESTIGATOR. For tho Pittsburgh Gaeout Tbe Contractors for grading and paving Penn* tylvania Avenue have already been paid $13,698 69, twenty'per cent on paving retained, until com* pletion of the contract, $1,673 99. The late chair man offered and a reeolotion in Commit* tee to pay Measrs. O'Neill dc Flood in fall for (heir work,but the R. Rl retained the twenty per cent. The Contractors agreed to complete their work by the lot of September, 18(9, lathe satisfaction of the Committee, at the rates, fjr Gradisg 20 cts. per cubic yard,”for Paving, 73k cents per super ficial yard. These Contractors afterwards gusrrauteed the work to a portion cf the Btreet Committee; which guarantee enabled them to get (his $12,000. The City n’eed not trouble its Sabcitcr to inquirej whether such gusrraotee la worthless. i It would bo a good speculation .for tho City to purchase nil ujo grant in thal'Ross lot." The (n the City paiJ twenty perceffl. fir the gravel—this only coat ten, and the dirt thrown in. FREE DIRT. • - Ths Jamas Arlington Bennett Sffi detsundtng Dtvtl-jpmenu >f Fraudin New Tori —Suppotsd Conspiracy to Murder, ft. We yesterday noticed tho arrest of James Ar lington Bennett, at New Tuk, on the charge cf forgery. The New York Tribune gives the fbl. lowing notice cf Bennett* tad summery of the of* fencocharged against him:-* The astounding deveiopemenls ot frond and conspiracy nttw breaking upon the public, have created the mod Inieiw ecdhnettt, «nd one hard- lyknowa bat moat intimate (Heads involved ofjustieefai any moment. The esse of Drary, nothing of which haa yet bran legally developed, stfll lies like an meumbes upon the pubic tuind—that of Joseph C,_Aahley is hard* ly less Important—when another boob exploit at the Tombs, and the smoke clears away, we be hold, to oar otter astonishment, the widely known Mormon General James Arlington Bennett indict* ed by the grand Jury (ora heatf forgery. This man was the proprietor of a fine estate and magnificent mansion, near New Utrecht, L. 1., on the Bath road. • ,HeU an Irishman of ob seero binb, bnt-bsd interjected “Arlington" be tween'bis orijnnal names, and assumed to be of noble blood. 'Ole wls formerly a teacher ofbook keeping in at the time of the Mor mon erode* from this quarter, he took op bis staff and turned bis feet towards the New Canaan at Nanrco. . . . . . James Arlington Bennett remained somcienUy long among the Mormon community to prove hit shrewdness, for he became a General. He return* ed !to this quarter in 1636,,0r thereabouts, covered wilh bis Mormon honors, and pat op the mansion atNew .Uirecbt Noone doubted bia honesty, while, tbs style cfhis living raised him above ins* pection,bv its evidence of the abundance effaia tneanv.' Hu» extravigao'. habits, bowevtr, soon dupoatd oi his aorplasfunds, and he wasifircedto morlgsgcbi-t nropenyio sopbly hi*wants. He pitched upon John Aothoir, a wealthy lawyer,of d. It is some thing to be remembered, toe, ihat thts family c.fMosrwQUiru —to distinguished in the history ofFrance— it also well known for Us ancient and steady friendship towards thf United States; and that it was on that account, and with a view of more intimate ac quaintance with our country and Its institutions, that these young gentlemen directed their unhappy steps hither. f Maiu.—When any one of.'tbe seventeen thousand poalu.aater* in the Union makes a mis take, or any ooe of the many thousand daily mail* foils of arrival, or even when any negligent corres pondent foila,to write,., it furnishes occasion to lonie splrDetie Locofoco editor for an attack'on the Pn*t OSes * Department; and seems now i ihtt even Whig pspCWam ouch inclined:.to pev copyspacowttntuggestijnf,defects, and propo ial* for improvement- in mail routes and service. Now. it oiust.be quite obvious that aneh a coarse is not intended for good, or likely to produce It.— When action by the Department is sincerely de aired, it should bs addressed by letter or petition, thereto «nt or presented. To insert paragraph* in newspapers -p’o soth •objects esn produce to effect but dissatisfaction; and readers should no dersUod test such it their object—not good. They ■re invariably the txptesrim of ibosu who have been'der.iedby the Deparimectsotne rrqay oothing of the Turks. Non-intercourse with Austria—-ha! ha! Why not include thegreat Russian bear in tbe same. category? He, above ail others, is deserving the maledictions of Amei caas. AoUria has proved herself bat a pigmy' lu the recent straggle against liberalism, and had about a* much to do in crashing Hungary, as Father Ritchie hid in electing General Jackson for tho first term. —Boston Herald. \ Mr. A. B. Coxwiax, of the Cincinnati Chronicle, having recently been appointed U. 8. Consul at Panama, publishes bis valedictory in that paper ofthe 7th inetant. He Is now onibit way to New York, and expects to leave that 'city for the field of his duties oo the lSih Instant. ! Dividend. Orno or PimatVoa Gas Ox, I , ' January 1«,i590. 1 THE Trustees of ihe Pittsburgh Gas Company have this dav declared a dividend of Conr per etnt out uf the profits of the last six months, on the Capital Slock paid in; payable to the stockholders nr their le gal representatives, forthwith, at the Office of the Company. - JAMES M. CHRISTY, jaolo-UJUtwUT. Treasurer. WINTER LARD OlL—to bbls rare, (will stand freezing point,) jasi rceM and for sale by: __ jonli J SELLERS fc NICOL 3 CLOVlitt SEED—4OO bo in stare and for sals by j anlt) JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO BERCBR dfc ASTELO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -..murimgli [p-Liberal advances made on consignments. janU-Cm ' / CLOVER BBED—9 bbls Just reeM and for sale by janU RIIEY, MATTHEWS A CO WINDOW Gl.ASB—BCOboxes ass’d sixes, Frank lin, and BmilEA Herron’s Brands, in store and for sale by jantt RIIEY, MATTHEWS ACO FLOUR— 135 bbls Extra Pcmlly and Superfine; W “ Pine; \ 7 M prime Rye;lnstoreand for sale by L 9 WATERMAN, janid • 31 Water and 0j Frontst MEAL— lSbbla Corn Meal, in store and for safe by janU LA WATERMAN LARD-36 bbls No 1 Leaf; ISO kegs do for sale by lanU L 6 WATEGMAN BUTTER— 14 bbls Roll, pan in cloths; 18 “ Packed;' SO kegs b for sale by janld , L 9 WATERMAN FEATHERS— 23 sacks prime Illinois, for sale by jaoU j L 9 WATERMAN BEANS— 28 bbls and & sacks White, for sale by janla LS WATERMAN SEED— 210 I'd prime new Clover Seed; SO bn'slrictly prime Timothy Send; in store and for sate by ; Jani« L 8 WATERMAN PEACHES— DO socks Dried Peaches; (Olibls “ •*' ] >9 ba prime Pared; for sale by , , jaal4 ». ' .L 8 WATERMAN CLOVER SEED—(O bbls extra prime, just rac’d and for sale by janli JOHN WATf ACO DRIED REEF—ocaxksBagarCnrrd,Jim rac’d and Lrtc'ebr » janl* SAWUaRBAUGH CLOVER SEED—IOB bn inrftote and for seta by i, n i4 ■ : gtffHARUAL’OH on Wharf by SAW HARBAUGH t tui'fuN—abslss, \J jail* ... mjoAR -34 bids NO. ia store aiid far tsie by S !«*!* - ' 8A W HARBAUGH ’si wjfjEaSitian |TmT£D At’PLES—A fow. hundred XJ bli ras’d find fog tale by i , ■ j -.janld ' 8A W HARBAEGH 'V I OUiaVJLLE HUE—IO3 bbls in store and for sale ; \ . iX- SAW HARBAUGH piustmrgtx SatigeUim aßd Firs Inin •' r ; . T -v - Company. A"KTEETfNabf the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh Nav'xaJtoif.and Fire Insurance Company, will to held at the Ofiee, No 81 Market street, on Satur day, the StJth dafof. January, iSW. atfi o’clock, P. 4L imlg-td R. FINNEY, Bee’y. “SOttWAY BLASKKrrft. rrHESE superior Blankets, mafle of.tie softest and jifiiy . N B eomer FVtirih and Market sts j^OVNTir.HPANE£—Colored and White Coanrar'. kc^ ortaa W“ m “ 1 -v übt OF L&tTEBS '. v;- - Stj. log .fer Item will pleise-aay they are sdTertiatd. “ Ladlas* liUt* Adams Ana Elisa Agnew HisTi A»l|*2 Xtiz'h Adams Ana!e N Aniarson Ann AmiNBUM Adams Susannah Anderson Marg’t Bailey Mar}' A Bestty MmMw.Bruiei! MajyE Bailey Mary L ' Benret Annie 15 -Bryant L*tu» . BcasftyE Batyr 1H- ; Boekjnthaia S A Banks DruelUaL Boyd Mrs Sarah .Barrel Leonora Bulla ga-Looisa Bjßoyle Hannah A Billings Mary F Bojler Emelin Burgess Mary A Bthrhsm Ann BoJxler Mary * Boiler Henrietta BtaffrHary Bradley MrsJß M Batar C ME lUskaEUrtF Brifgi Barnet ' Brigham Ann E Caldwell Ml» Christy Martha J .Oriwa Mra 8 ’Carrin* Isabella Chcnwide Boat CntdChwloita Campbell Mary Clark Mary £ r “iJiVr£&t.t. Ctmpbell Margt Clark Mary Ann Creacrart Dolllah CanuirLydiav Cleary Mary Cammerftwitßo»o Carr Maris L Clinton Uuus Cunninghams Chesholm Lon'ta Collins Ann - Davidson Nnney Delaay CixTi Davis Abigail Dentnek Margt - Dougherty o«e* Davis garah H Dickson Elisa DnskeUMargt Deem Agnes Desk Catherine Duane Susannah Donnelly Coth*o RiStm Jane FJ'ioil J«nc P ' EunrS Jo. Mri Edwards Mien Klwoithy'Mary Basil Rebecca tgmr Margaret Emig Susan FtallyAnn Frunpton Miry'J Friend Misi C Finley Mrs Wo' Freeman Mary Galbreath Sarah Gibbs Sarah Gesser Delilah Galtather Caih’e «*ilders «ve L - Gouther Lucinda Gallagher Mary Oh* Elisa G*am Erai ia Garver Catherine Glass Marat Geabsrt Ann Gleason Caih’e Gnm Elizabeth Geibilß Goff Mary Ann Gugasi Kmily Georce Sarah J Grey Alice . OrahamOb»ereUi Gervtag Mary A lalerjace Henagan Nancy Hopper Maryt - 'airerly MaryJW Hem'’’ Mary Hnbenback Mary Holmes Ann C HindmnnßebeeeaHnlihee J -ue ann Carolina kvhi uaivmia uuiuiukiiiu.n.fc'-»* • Hasletf Margt C Hodge AJirta 8 Hughrt Margt Hay Jana B Hedge Charlotte Hughes Hannah Irvin Sarah 'train Martha Jackson Jane Jones Mary Join it n Mrs Jones Ann M C Johns V D K Keefee Caroline LReliay Mary Keer flirt Keller Catherine Kerr Martha B t Lainn Mary Lering Fanay Umg Rebeeea Lambonrae L Lightcap Mary A Lodwizk Henrista jaiahaw Harriet Lotaprea Lydia Lyons Jane >onard It B Long Jans K Mary Cath'e J Meu Lnelnda Morton Alary E Marshall A C Mitchell Martha Mowry. K G Meanan Nancy Misehael Mary Moliofc Nancy Means Jsne Miller Elizabeth Mnndon Jane Ana Mebardjone Monelly Mary Murdi ck Sarah Moreau Mary Murray Nancy WnrplyMnM . Mtilleor M'meL i Me MeCaslin FereillsMcGinley Emily MeLaiglilin SC MeGolgin Anrc’le McGradyHosanaMeMt rray Marg'e McCray Isabella Mclntosh Isab’aCMePbersocßscti’l KeDolle Beuy McLaren Mary McQ liganhlaryA MeGUI Martha A McLain Laeinda Bt Naylor Rath Neely Aim Nntt^asan Oibomßoreelia O'Hara Mrs Jas Ovens Calharist O’BrienElieanor * ' p i. Parker Margaret Peaker Ellen Poston Elizabeth Pauley Mary J Peters Raih • Price Ann Patterson Mary piper Sarah II Pries Margaret J Peaee Mrs Haa'h Pinkerton Eliza [ *• , I Ray Mary Beaded Elizabeth Robb'Joseph Reed Isabella Ronton Jfcr.o' Roberts Eliz’th Reed Mary Roy nolds E!U!th BbqadsJuie Reed Rebeeea Riebey Helen Rhoads Rachel M Rogers Joaey RodgersonE Santry Margaret Shore Mary Stoyiek Jane Scott Mary Smith Dorcas Hatton Eliza Scott Margaret Snodgrass Polly Summers Phene Seadder Sarah Snyder Lnrania SommerrilleMary Sbafsr Eliza StaTes Lucinda Sweeny Calh'ne , Shane Jana Stein Mary Stewart Anne Shannon Anno R Sail Margerel Stephens Agusta Bhoop Sarah J Stoekingßophia Thompson Lac'daThornburr Mary Tylef-Ann Thompson Mary JTocus Catharine ; W I Walsh EJis’blh B WilUams EL' Woods Mary Walsh Mary Jane Wilson EUh’ih Wolf Cath’oe .. Watson M A White Margaret Wright Elir’ih Wavel Amelia M White Lizzie Wrigfaj Magy Ann Osatlsmin , i Mit> \ AitkenJohn Adams tlagh Armstrong Join Agaev Daniel Alien Robert Arthars Addison Adams KoasP AJrxander.R Archibald John Aitkin Aieb* Awlrria: Joteph Aahv*y-Tbos B Bimbrick Fdvd .Behan D Brown Thor A Balaley Wa Bee*on Joseph Brower Joseph Bankerd K K -BloorWmF Brady Hugh Bane James Wm Brady John B»iley J 8 BUcktardAM Branen Betnsid Ball? James Biabee Lneien Braver WntsonA Baker Wo H BUI fiashaei . Oo Baker 9 O Bigbjr Henrr Bragden Sami C Bplley Joahaa JUaekfordAMßerßridge J G Uirk Fredk W . Bighorn Wot Bryce Wo ttastain Wa " B shop BTC • Urcay-James W Banlett Thoa H' Bladen James HrgU Robert Barr James - ' BaekJbn Bnnke* Robt G Barry John l l*ek Mauhev Bfatsfo James Barrett Joseph CBoyd Joan Grade James Baughman Wm - Hottc Charles Brobei llrnry Barn«-ti Jacob BMUs llenry Bryan Jeremiah Bell Dr ' BsiO Fianets Bailer G W Berry Wo Bore man Sam Rarke Michael Benneu M Bo>dAlex But* Hina Brcedcl Daniel J BinnenGeo C Bark Edward Belton Ragh Boga James Bane Robt Berry George W Bo)le John B roo George Beddov Wo • Batier -James HenakJ«m:s Bealo Charles M Brosrn Joseph Butler ES Beawiek George BrownJ W&CoUarrenSamt Beat George- Grown Cbss M UarneaoeoW Berry Mathew Brown'John Calhoun George- Charlton WmC Cook Henry Call* tin Bobt • .Christy Tbos G CrtneAG 1 Cavanagh John ' Ohinnock C Connelly Mania CallinJahn Clark John CtlpnerGA CantlgbanJii Clark Albert W Conner Cornelias Carroll James Clark Daniel ' Cnjmell Sami L Casey John Clark Ter ■ Cekwynß Canon «obt Clark H<*nnr H CoWl John Carney SaalG ClopperDß Cohrle Uenrr CanevtnTbos ClajlandJD Coughlin Tbos Carroll Richard Coleman laaae Cox George R Carlisle Louts II CoitiasWW Cordell John Camll Matthew Coleman T&es- Coven Joseph CarnahnnDYßevCoeman John -Cray Wm Caskey Alex C 'CoUmsThos J Crawfoul Wm Cannon Chas Coate Wa Ciiily Robt Carrcw Richard Cole Wm Crane M.tses Carrol DC Coffed Morris Unison Esq Campbell Jaa F Colea l L U ' Corley Itobi Campbell Cap! Cochran Tboa Cauing Too* 8 tieary Camel John Coasuna Patrick Chidester w G Conway Tboa i Corune Thoa ChillasßoU ConroerLLPov Darts Wm Doan John DobsonJ A Paly P-nnl* ' Dean Wm B •/; Dooglass John W DalyThoi Delany James;- Donnelly Nail DarrtgbJos Devlin Peter D Downs Edwd Dalbe G R Deannit Henry' Driimruon John Davis John E Deems Resbea Drncoll Jrhn David VirdilJ Dixon C Dammit Henry J Davie Goals Ditty Tboa Dnvall David P Davia Chaa Dickey Wm Duming James Devil David M Dovyberty Cnea DominAndw Kavia Thoa G Dougherty Miebl DoUon U Davit Daniel F Dougherty John Donne John Dawieae Cbaa Dobotni Stephen Duncan Roht Ucnamcre F. T Douglass J Dunn George Dowalt Adaia DoblerManln Dunn Francis Doaaghy Joseph Earns Henry Eichard John Eadenx Joachi pd ward Jaa Elliott DrTho* English Chas Edwards Geo EUaberry Cbaa ErrelA M’Pber EdcaitonGeoM Emerson Dr Eyater Cbriitia fjJle John Ellia Calvin A Ewin* A W Edmund Alex England WmU KvanaGeoM Eaton BC ParierThoa FUhet Nicholas Ford Wm C Faucet*. Kebl FiaherJohn Fowler John Ferguion Isaac FUleber L Rev Franks Jaml Feneny Martin Rina Bobt Fnehman John Finn John FlellandJasM French Jacob Feisler John N Foeer Joseph C .Fulkeson W 3 Fife Wm H Korae Cspl \\ m .-Puller M C Flt'zslmoua Edwd Forgey James ' Fulton Elisha M Fields Win Fox Richard Fish J A Is Gearhart CM Gilmore Arehd Griffith Edwd J Gernon Thoa uilmore Cbaa Grow Jaa K Oetly Andw Gibson Bobt Grows Mr Gallagher Wm C oilicfpie Sami N Grove Geo W , Gallagher Mich! Urlty Wrnt* Graham Jas P Gallagher Shane Glodton Sami A Graham Geo Gallagher JG Gleason Wm li GrahamACulbe Gallagher Jaa Giocson Danl son Ganueke Jacob Gonor Henry Gray Alex GareaWm Greer Sami QudgonJoiU GarmnerC W UreggEUaaC UoyerJacob Ghffiin H A Griffim John Griffin Wm _ Hall Jaa C Harris John D Hnlmea Enoch Hall Waihlngton Harris Wm Holmes Chita Hall James C Harris Zaebarias Hoar Abram Haggerty Thoa - Uayileu Thoa J Hooey Phrjciut Hames Lewis iiaaleuJeaH UoopaJ N IloUoron MicM Hawthorn Tbo» Hoostioider Hannah David Haas Goals Howard Heurr Uammeraley Dr Hays Julius Howard Jotm.u Human Wm M llaysßobt Howard II llannen Edwd iiavaJChas A House John J Honey Jumet llellanlb Geo House Rev Jo! Hanlon Phelim llcnbey Jno Hart John Hanlon Alex Henderson 1111 Hunter Lislcy Hartigan Jaa llehery Wm Hcwey F liarrop Sami Herring Heury M Huston John llarutue Geo . Higgin Joseph liuiton Isaiah Haights Jqo Tboa Hill A P Hughes Mjchi HaimingtonCL HalsapleJohn Hughe* Jas Uanou Anthony Holaudanck \\ re Hughes Christ’ Hart* Anthony Holmes JP Hull U Hans John Holmes Bobt ltornimp I I Irwin AT ’• Irwin Arthur Ingram Mr Irwin E Jackson EB Johnson Geo Jones RuieC Jackson Henry JohuaonFredk JoneaFrunkA Johns WmC Johnson Uaalß Jones Morgan Jordan Wm Johnson Semi Jones Jno Joseph JeraelJohu J dues Isaiah : Jones Jonah JoUiffAmos Joues Wm Johnson Uogh Recny Fielding UKelly Klnkeriy Jacob Kenedy Thoa : Kelly Ja- ft Fra’uKing Cuarles Kees Tbos ’Kew J-• * _ King John Keraan Hands FKierTi *• Kramer Wm Keyon Lewis KUne t Kintle Danl II KanaguHeury Kimbe. yOV Kupoerta Adam Kciicr Danl ‘ Keiser eftflg Keller Wm KearuThos . Kihgsla U .oWKctly Michael Kelso Kcv Jas KtngJa* Kelly Edw'd Lobaar JA —“ Lewis Spencer Lindsey Wm Lomun Lewis - Ledley Francis A Long"Jdha. EombertincMrtALewis Henry W Lord Chat LavlneThos Ledley Francis A Logan John 9 Layton Morgan Lewis Henry W Long Tbos — Lkmx IA Levake Henry A Leaf Robt Lerdy Mtrtia Lmtair Geo W Ucgaora Jas Lardy Leonard Uddy Michael Loomis Tbaery ZXwisSr Kier Liiingitoti Cha'ryLyoni Gio ■ Lewis Dr Utile Jos B Lora Jo* ■LeoThooaa Unly Geo • Loftjr Hugh ' • Leeeh Ml. - Utile Jas .. LnllH - • LewrielsaL Floyd Abel ( : MaffetJos Miller Lewis P^MortonJG 1 Walley Jno O Mitchell Wta Wallace Martin G A bupt Miller Joa .. Monran Abraham Martin Gen Mitchell Thoa Moffittßobt- Mania John Miller Alex.. Morgan Geo Mason Jar Miller Robt' Mowry Jas Matter W?«H’n Miller Jobn-H Moore John Mather* J«» II Mooney Thos* Mullen w Mays Wm MoaaOrne’ ;; Murray Mtchl. Mason tc Beating Moran Peter • • Murray Dennis Man* Jvars Morgan* WmU- Murray John MetzeAndw J : Mozer Leri Morphy John Mellon Andw Mur.dGeo , Morphy SyHes.er Melior John!: Morgan ; Morphy Henry ; Minicr John Mooney Wi» ;. Morphy Peter. Miller John MobberJy Benjj Mnrphy Jdhn w - He * • I MeAatcer John McCoy Darid ' Maguire A Bane Meßrice Arclii’ld McCoy Joseph* McGee Christian . Mcßride Kd*.’d McCord John ' McGuire Soml - Mctln.-r Jus McCombsMarshalMeGinness Pat MeFeeSawl MeCmkerP McGaierS • Jleßrefiy John MrCunoiganOwnMeGnire James Mcßnde H MeColly Jesio McGregor Wmfl M’AlmreiOwenlMMeGaUy John T. McCrammonMlcl MeCnlloch J M«J McDonouehHaPvMeHngh Michael McColhsh Jn-i MeDoweliFrancfsMcliore Ben}. McCand e»* J>« McDowell Dr K MeilallThos i:n McGer Mr - McKee Anbar McC«Hrry Thus McGill Hamilton McKelry James .MeClareJnsn’nAMaaillJohn McKohnJohn ; McCanncv John McUntwllegh McLonahan Ja»X McCarty John M-Garr Jaa ll McLaagbnrty II Me'to'micUJuhnTMcSiocker Jts McClean Pauiek McMillan John MeNolan II MeCleanCeoC ftlcMiWan Wm Neaghman Wm Niel W Nicholson Oicar NeswtJC NielJshn Nichols John Na*h K C Nelson Jas Norris Jaa Niel Thoa Noon Pat - , Niel James Nolan Matthew Obey John OstromJaa .Owne Pptk. OwcnsEdaard G’SulliTanThos Ojdcn k Gibson U*.\c!]Jks O'Connor John O’Kelly John Cap! O’BrienJoh'i O’Connor, AtlrinsOrneaJohn ■ O’Hara llQ:;li A co Owen Jos Parry Levi Pettiffrrsr ACo Pope j W Parkinton \V U Penny Dr J S Powell Riehd Paueraon Wit Percey John Pdwell Robl PauenorvTh.i U Peck Charle* . Porter Michael Patterson In o’e Peacock It 8 Patnam Glenn Patteson Rol l & PikeßobtJr Preston Henrr ' son pickle* G Prlee Allen M PhiiUpt J Howel Pernell Chaa Phillip* A B Perry J H Ramsey Jo' Higdon Wm Roof final Ramsey AbJul RierdonJas Robb Inaae . Ray John ' RibelGeo Rowland Win Ray Hamilton Rittenhouso Jas Rowland JV Ray llazel RisherLevi Routy Armstrong Ray Pennington Itinke Geo Roney John A Ramaley J Ki»don A D Rowen Nathl Ramaley HD Riter Geo Rawley Thos Rnnunal Her:ry Richardsoallogh Rowley Geo W Ready Michael Richardson laa Robinson AP Ream Cbu Rilley Owen Robinson Alex y Renlon WI. Killey Stephen Robiaaon Alfea ' Reeuiond V KUtey Hugh Robinson JC Reed John Killer Job .Robinson Kev J Bees-Alexander Riddle Wm Robinsou Wa Rees Israel Riddle JB Rodgers Cnpt Reading David Richards D'nF Rodger* Geo W Reynold* David Richardson Jos Rodgers Hugh Ridrerd Win Ilossborrongh C Rnpp R R Rastell Patk Roberts. Geo W Baam Wtn Saloman CbisE ShcllJos Singleton Ed Sayre JasT Shyer Abraham Smihea Fieldeti Saunder* Rev N Pehields Wm Snyder Simon Sale Rev S. -- Slots Jat .PproutJobn SamntouF’W sillamauSamUr Spears Ja* . . Seott Jat M„ Sills John Speelman Robt J Schulte F AT Sloan Geo L SaronlJG Seen Thos • Sloan Thoa - SterettSamlH Seou Alex Smith Chaa II Starkey Isaac O Scott Jaa Smith WnL StearUnxJat . Scott A V Smith AndwD Stafford Henry • Scott Wm Smith Adam Stewart Cha* Seaman John D Smith Sami Stewart Geol SeeteGeo Smith Alex Strickland Wm Shaadler Jacob Smith Alfred Stiftt. Michael Sharp Jat Smith Jot II ' Straw Rob! Shanty Henry Smith Geo-W; Still Robt Shaffer Emanuel Smith Geo r - Strahtbnrg Shannon Jaa T Smith A Johnson Stoops Capl Shannon John Sinton Wm Stickle Jaa B Sheppard Iron Siiroei Rlchd Stonner-Thot Sheppard Mr SimptoH AG- Sykes Dr OJ Shivleu Michl Simpson Wm Shepler John Tapking Ernst Thompson Ja* TonceyMicbl Taylor Levi Thompson 1C Tomlinson John Tanguy Bamt L Thompson C W TweddeU John Thomas John iThomjrson J Tumeruso W Thomas Isaac *l*itus Martin Tamer Sami Thompson 1. Uf-thegrsft G Villlon JII Van Vlcck II Vsbgham Patk Venn Henry V*»Uf*rt«t'FhM Vaa Nte WalcerGna v Wills’ Wni M Winger* Henry Walsh 'rhos Weaver A J Winlerbarn P Walsh Paik • Werner JohnC ,‘WUman Ambonir . Walter* Jn« White DP. *•- -Wiener Dr GW- Waller* J<>* ' While \r- • ’Will Sami l 'Walter* W White Uriah K Wilcox Santupi Walter* 'Yen’ n r T-YlaierTbhT' WnuonJohu Williams Harvey Wriey Fredk K WatsonßicltdJ William* Mr Wi’king Cbaa J Wait Coe John Williams Walter Williamson Gen. Wait SC Williams Jaa L Williamson Jaa Ward Dr Isaiah / WiUlsBM 8 R Wolsler Jo«hua. Wajs John Wilton Geo • WoleotiJM Waugh Wm Wilson JP WolberalGW. WaroiineionTVm Wilson Thoi Wolf Willis .. ? Welch Wm F - Wilson Franetg' Woodward Beni, Well* Win, Wilson Francis Wrighl Archd r Wealto Jrines Wilson Robt WinnModgo.. Wilson Win Jr • v ' • 1 'f initial*. Wetileyin Method *! Mimr.er Pittsburgh Council, No4* American Division, No 301 Yeung Men’s Hope I>.Ti*iot', No lli>i.Ofo3, ISSQ. ~ v CO .ORED COITOM VELVETS— Maxarine bine, lignt blue,*carlor, mutoon, garnet, brown, green u.d black Cotton Velvet*; an mwrtment o)w*T» kept" by >*-tW_ \V ft MURPHY BJBBHOIDBBXSB. 1 A LARGE assortment of Preneh.Wrought.Capeii Cot'.ma.And Cuffs, mav 1« fuund, very cheap, at lanlt A A MASON A CO’d, O Market at SII A W 1.3 A very choice article of Mourning Long Shawls, at low prices, at * iruilf A A MASON A CO'S COBURG CLOTHS are selling vetycheaplsOmoe low as 23 cents per yard) at '' jams A A MASON &-CCPS LAMPBLACK— 30 bbls in store and for salc-by ,aaU J KIDD A CO, CO Wood st GUM KlNu—2slbs (True) just rec’d ant far sale by janltl ' J KIDD A CO CII, PENCILS—to gross, us’d, just ree'd and for • sale by jsnld J KIDD ACO ritl\ FOIL—IS lbs jut recM and (or tale by X janl-J J KIDD A CO FANCV SOAP—SO boxes ass’d, for sale by janl'J J KIDD A CO For Rent* THE BASEMENT, corner of the Diamond and Ur!ou streets, well adapted to auypubllc business. It bu been occupied e* a Coffee, or Eating Establish* mem, for o number o(.years. ALSO—Several Offices and Artist's Rooms, well lighted, with entrance: Iron the Diamocd, over the store of ihe subscribers, north west earner of the Dlt moud and Market *l«eL Apple to jtnl'J i ALEXANDER A DAY. IBLLISO OFF AT BBDI7OED PRIOZBSt ALEX A DAY, corner of tbs Diamond and Market street, are now selling off) at reduced prices, ihcir stock of Winter Goods, consisting of Shawls and Ladies' Dress Goods, in great variety.! Also—Blankets and Flannels, Cloths, cits, and n full assortment of heavy Cotton Goods, CocQdeni that better bargains cannot be Lad else. : where, we invite the attention of buyers. ALEXANDER A DAY, "3 Market street. NSW BOOKS! - NEW BOOKS! fIHIK Constitution and, Standard of the Asincisti X Refo'uied Church in North America: Bva,. bourn iiLSbecp. ?■ ''TSe Other Side, or Notes for the History'of theWa between Mexico and the United States, written ii Mexico, and translated from the Spauivh, wuh notes By A C. Ksmscy. Sketches of Reforms and Re formers of Great Britai i mid Ireland: By 11. D. Stanton. The AVorta of Resident Edwards, In 4 vnls; a ru prciof the Worcester edition, with additions, and h copious general index. ti. Moantain.df K,ipl,«r E,ypt .mtoctorilc litble: By (■.!«. llawks.lJ.Dn I-L. D. Memoir* of David. Hale, late eduor of Journal of Commerce, with selections, from his-Miscellaneous W'ltuie •: By Rev. J. P. Thompson. , The Puri tan wad His Daughter: by J. K. Paulding. 1 Lot Gringos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal ifornia: By Lieut,-Wiee, (J. B. Navy. ; i Familiar Letters to Young Mcu, onVarioss subjects} designed as a Companion!»the Yoiun-Mcn'* Guide: By Wm. A 1 AlcotL -• ’The Poems and Prose Writings of k. A.Dana; s vs. Nineveh and its Remain*: By Layard. For sate by * ELLIOTT A ENGLISH* jmilttNo 79 Wood st CAHRESK— kOO bis •W'R, in store and lor sale by - saw haubauph WINDOW GLA9Si-377 bra, asa’d. for »De by ! lilt!I i SAWHARPAUUH |. BULK PORK—UXW lbs recM per Caleb Cope. *cr jauU SAW HARBAUCIi I 7' ftßli-H*) kegs and ttH>bl« U n', for’ssle by I i limit Si tV HABItAUGII t rOUACCO— lO bxs for sale, to clow consignment, i»y X iniHi _ srnarta. SILL 119 ood-n_: T’&r;" ''““"iiSStj I '■ "~ M - *V.. "" 4 Wanted, . “ J 6 * ’ aua lib*”? «*• 1 door b * tow tfKnd - -rr-rr: nflTTfß—6 kegs in »lore an«i fotMtrby . Klimt-- TASSKV&ttKST ftfMT -TO fc-y and 1 bbi on hand and for sslo by * TASBBV fc BKSt SronrHED SALTS—6 bb!f, a prime article. ler’A a i.r >.lr ». y J»nll TA&*EY fc BEST T —; At hi btili anti aoboxesineiore*r.d~fBEVA BEST B~ LACK fcNULIsII CRAPE, far Trimming, to! be lound at ike Dry Gooea Home of , . . | ' WBMURPOT. jaail N E comer Fourth md Market H» I Velvet Trimminga, ofajl •I-coior»,lo U fuondat ibattoreof'' . • > j*n» w R MURPHY SILK LACES, including 1 few pieces of extra width, t> be found, *ilow prices, at store of. I&4U wr murphy, ; Tj'VENTNG DRESSES—A. A. Masoa A PaAM... -Juliet win thU day open amuher lamia, voice of those French Embroidered Evening Drcua. * very desirable article for Partias, Soiree*, *t. '' jeall,/ 1 TALLOW— 7 bblt prime, recM and for tale bv <• jaalt ? SAW HARBAUQB BUTrER-a bbis Fresh Roll, jan rac'd and tor tala by l. 3 anil ROUI&ON. LITTLE A av* 17OET£ A I**—*"NVw'EmitT Bacon Cuff" T T JOHNMaPADBNkOO, itcib Canal Basin, p*"» FLO^R— SH bbls Extra Fkmilr, tor calc by . | jailti STUART A SILL, US Wood St CILOVEII SEED—On hand and for aalt by j jan lQr STUaBTAMLL Keg a HULL BUTTER—In store and'tor sala by janlO. BTUART A SILL Lost or I tolas, . QN the t vening ol Monday laatyTlh iniL,— iSfetfr* dles'and 17 bars of Iron, (marked W.McO.AOei from the wharf, above the bfonongafceia Bridfo. Any Information that will molt in the recovery of lha above i.amad Iron, will be rewarded by calling oa epAIPEAATKINSuN, - jontO Firsrttrett, bet'n Wood AMatket. FINE b’LOUB—IOS bbU jmVJ ud for t*Jeby WM If JOHNSTON, • -- .mgecooditwi MLSELLANEOra LITERATURE, AT Z.UCK WOOD’S, 69 WOODITRIKT* BROWN'S American Anjlert Guide; fall Of ills* trauma, 12mo. Paulding* Pntiuui and,Hi* Dasgbter; Ifeso. Dr Hooker 5 * Physician and Patient; 18mo. lir». litis* Ueatts tnd Humes; 6«o. Neahder'* Life of Christ; 6»o. ■ - Neauders History of Christian Ctaudt; 3 «oU,Bto. Rev. l>r. ijprini?’* Memoirs of Mix* Unrray, Brs. American Almanac, 1850,8r0. ‘ JAMES D. LOCKWOOD) j aalO Bookseller A Importer, 03 Wood A a Lard oil—is bbls No i, just tee'd and for sale by ijanlP RHKV, MATTHEWS A CO .17BATHERS—IS sacks, a prime article, for sale by RHKV, MATTHEWS A CO WINDOW GLASS—3OO boxes, auMilui, in man and for sale br ÜBEYPOGLK A CLARKS, ! mn . ■!■»! bn for sale by - ' . jsnlv BREVFOOLE A CLARKS WINDOW sash—Assorted sins, in stota and ft* sale l>y jsntO - BRBYFOQLK A CLARKE• BEaVKH BUCKETS—4O do* for sate by janiu BBRVprvai.yA^J.agrg Steam boat QUILTS—POO Steam Boat Cotuitar* panes, umor* and tor sale bjr Jtnld - BREVFOOLE A CLARKE CIGARS— co,000 Common, on and for salt if .JanlO •• A CULBURTSON, 14ft liberty •> VjEACIIIS—73 bttjiew QEioThalTes, i«Mt reoM and. 1 for sale janlO A CULBERTSON I/EATIIBRs—I£iS Is, prune Kr, jam ree’d ana (5 JC sale by janlO X CULBERTSON L BAD—73 ML Bar, ta store and for sale by* _ Jinltf A CULBERTSON, US Libe W HITE bbls for salffbT •' ■ lanlti , WMH JOHNSTON REKN APPLES—3ft bbls reeM and for rale by ' lanlO . - WM II JOHNSTON Dried peaches a apples-Io store and for sale br janlO < WM H JOHNSTON _ ■ FEATitIIKS— 3000 lbs in store and for tale by JanlO . STUART A SILL DISSOLUTION. TUB Co-P«itn*rthlp heretofore exlitiof wider ihi ■• •lyloof ‘ Cope & Breyfoffle," ii ihU dkytiUwlTod.. by mutual content.' 7ho btmoeawUl boaetUedbyJt ’ O. Breyfocle.at their old wood, tfo.loB fceonde&tot. 1 L-S* COPE, J. C.JaEYFOOLE.*- CO-PARTSKRSRIP. / >. J C. BREYFDOLE, having associated with Uflk • A. It. CLARK&.foribepareoeeoriranaaeUpg the Forwarding end Cataaluioo business, will con tinue that boiincmt tbeoUstend of “Cop© & Brnr* fogle," and mpect&llyeiks a continuance of the former patronage oThia' friend* and the pnbtfe genec all}-, The burmeai will be conducted under tha Bama and style of UKTvoiu£A42unu- • -. V I J. c: breyfogUV - s h, Jad, T, 1930^-Qang /\PERA. CLOTHS A EVENING DRESSES—Ro- V ceired per express, at A. A. Maui A Co.V Ne. GU Market street, another large intciceof High Color-', ed Opera Cloths and French Embroidered Evening_ Dresses. • . -; . - Jta> /TASHUERESA cases o! those ebeftp AJ'Cashroeres and~Do Lains, rac’d per esprete, and now opening. janb- A A MASON A 00 T) HINTS -3 cases fast colored, at e*« per fanLfar IT sale by Jan 9 A A MAWN ACO TJ YK WANTED—IOOQ bn of. Bra wanted, tor which JVthe highest market rates will ha paid in ease,by i janO ■ ~ , SELLERS A NICOLB SUGAR CURED IIAHB 4'BEBP ROUNDS— J 60 tierce* Eratu 4 Swift'i laperior Family Hast; I 70 bbia “ ** ' “ • “ - jfctfj la atora and for tale by I jacß . .. BUTTKR—« small kejs primed da? rec’dud fora«le ty _• : janfl • ARMSTRONG A CBORBR HJRNIP3—OO ba in store and for talo by- JarO ARMSTRONG 4 CBOZEK ROLL BUTTER-1 bbl prime, in cio‘Ju,lO (Ur rbnd far sale or , ARMSTRONG kCROZES. ROLL UUTTER-S bbl* and tab* Fteai,lac£id», 4n"ttorearidlbrialeb» - ' • - • » jhnO , BREYFOOLK A CLARIS KEG BUTim-lftkehjMod,ia*«s*BBit‘ftHalr by jtnS BREYFOOLK A CLARKE ■ BROOMS—IOOdox In »lore aodfoTMle by DRKVFOOLE A CLA KRK /■'IREE.N APPLES—2oobbl*is *tora aadfertaJakr HjTjanfl BBETFOCJLB A CLARES 1/AifiLY F£olfE—*3 .bbl*, flier*br*ntL«WMlS&r *: r Jaufl BREYFOGLE _ BUTTER— 13 bbl* Fmh BoU, u cloth*. fmrolaby Jaafl » JBOANFIBLP . Riietlliato—Ht«wimr»itLß i > Homc’i llinory oi England t.Vol Ltofij BeWodxdflO., : MacaaleT** England; ▼cU.t«7d*Ll2mo and ff#, V - ' JAMESrD.LOCKWOOD,- ' i«a9 ~ ~ Boohicllcr and-lmportaf, c 3 Wood tt.: • n^ALLOW— 6o bbl*pnma, for* liebr • ? - X' Jang J • J B CANFIELD •_ Oufun, c , •■■■ . • FEW very fine GUITARS, jut reeNffroeafoe celebrated manufactory of C. F Martin. end'for _by ju>3 J. It MELLOR.BI Wood*. I CASKS Muipratl A ScnYsoda A*h,LastoreCM 1 for wile by. jsn3 i 8 DILWQgTH A OP~ BROWN FLANNELS—Just rac’d,:an additional supply of Cook’s fine pressed Brown FtenneU.- ’ jatiS (jEO COCHRAN,*6 Wood at FLOUR— IS3 bbls in aiora and for aalo by - .r~"‘ _JanS CRAfG A egINKKB »UTTER—IO bbls.Freah Roll, In eloUu.cn day rac'd » and for sate by janS CRAIG A 3BMCT’ ARD—B kegs, In store and for sale by JjanS CRAIG A SKINNER IEAKS—I3 bbis Small White, foraale by I jtr,3 CRAIG A SKINNER IUCKWHKAT FLOUR—6O t&k rac'd, f« ate by I jttnS CRAIG A SKINNER POTATOES— lOOlbbla In atore and far sale byV •' janB CRAIOA BKINNEE,»M«**« DRIED PEACHES—23 bu Jail rac’d and for ate kf jan9 CRAIG A SKINNER iNIONS-S bbla’ rac'd and for sale by - 1 . f janff=_ CRAIO A SKINNER )RY NUTS—S bbte in afore and for ale by . 1 f. • CRAIG A SKINNER WOOtf— S lacks in atore and ter aaJe by- '= : "~t~ ja»B ■ . r CRAIO A SKINNER. IKS—I73 ba-Rcd, in afore and for aatelZ : , T CRAIO A SKINNER. BULK ’pork—12,000 lbs tbU day rao’d by jsnd ARMSTRONG A CBOZER EATll^e POTATOES-, f ) K ! Kf A H.L Ea - s .^» V¥a jg^a zEtt SUGAR— 31 hhdr, new crop, landing freatlcamec mijnd. .•*>- *, tco R~ ICkJS)tierce.prime, oowlutdiej fre» nu> i. l laf t 1 A CO MOLA33EB-K ftattUon, new crop, rac’d ner steamer Perl*, and for ate by pey learner A HUTC HISON A CO, __ jtnB No 46 Water at N ’O?SUGAR—IOO hhda prime, new crop, Juatra • jm 5 Nos 18 and ttl Wood at NO. MOLASSES—KO bbte new crap, Pltmauea . jaat reoeinog and for sale by - tana WM BAGALBYACQ- IL atOLASSEWSO bbte best brands,'in stare and for sale by janB WM BAnAT.Ky ACO ROLL BUTTER—IS bbis In rood order, for aale by Jan* • : . VYM BAQALfeY A on* WINDOW GLASSf-CpObis, eas’d sites, forsate'by i»a3 - WMBAGALEVACO MOULD CANDLKS-ISO bra In ft- -u hw Jaod -WMBACALky ACO B'OSIN soap-250 b*« No l. Cm. brand, feraalaby WM BAQALKY A CO IV ,u* cai'.ESE-ObOsbxain store and for sate by Y_V . Jw?: .•• r-p BAGALHY ACO , BUCKWHEAT sacks reeM and far safeby. W *SR MeCUTCUEUN, . . • ?-?> 152 Liberty it /^vLAHd—iSttCxs9zlV,on band aa? : WA R •JcCUTCHEON BUTTER— 3 bbls Boltj reo’d and far sale by japy : WARMcCUTCHEON LINSEED OIL—I 2 bbls instore and for aale by J»n7‘ - ROmSPN. LITTLE ACO FRESH ROLL BUTTER-SCDlbsionree'daadtef aaleby Jan 7 ROOiSON, LHTLRAOf>__ Buckwheat PLoua-ajooibt, >o bMsaadk«g*> rac’d and for sale by I ' ■ jan7 RODISQN, T.rrrLß ACQ- MACKEREL— CO bb'a No 3 Large; BqrbbT»N*L vi “ :Noft in aioreaodforfbteby - jar>7 -ROBISON, LIfTLEACO^ PIG LKAD-15P0plea HoR Galena,in #W# 8T sale by jan? RIIKY. MATTHEW** I^ BROOMS— 190 doi Corn, in Store and for** l **Ji% ]an7 _ RHEY, MATT” - LAKU-&5 kep cod c CPIs rto 1.1 ‘ ‘tf'J r"~, J ..lehr ■ ]At RHKV .'.TTllßffgm™ OQ icASKS ADAM’S SUP. PKA“tASM“« w ? ZV and for aale by J. A _ . _BoandCMrabße«ldiea ^ i _( tUTTER—IS bbte Freak HoU, ia** w ®£??SSH!** bby lam • • J BCAWTIKLP 0 " firs sfiKwi" ,EBS & NICOLA