The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 15, 1850, Image 1

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    i.;; ' ' ’_• - ; */' \'. ‘\'<' : ■' - ; -V. .' >*•- \
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BV Til® PlTTßHinaeß PM*»* 1
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• iC: ' twowtek*.-—Jg;;'
ilo . . rtrce week*- ** f 2:
i’«i. t.r.< month*** —••••—*•*•• o«w :
i ;' u _ two months-**—?•••—••■•-IS .
i>/ «hteoinon»n*-*** *M® j ■
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' j:.. v • nitnonth*--** *’*'"*JSS V
!*,. 1 • torclTomoiuht****— —— ** :
Standing CsrditS Unci orle»*,)per innwa-lOi®
(perno* ,
Bum) excmsiveo! the paper— •-■••*-
ino.foTiMcl* additional sqnare inserted under thfl yea|*
*- for their pubUeatioa. ■ .
candidates for office, to be charged Ibc
> aatne as oilier advertisements.^
AdvrflivrocDts not marked tut the copy, for aspect.
fied of in» e rtJuns,*nll be continued uU forbid,
nsidi/»"M »refaf biliie-, and all other adverr
. liKntVi* not oerudniog to their .ffgaUr. bpaineae,: «u
U M*niaro‘noUcei lobe ebaiged » eentt. ! ..
Dtiui roucci inserted wilhoaUhajge, unless accoo
nenkd ! >• funeral inrtuttJonior obltaary na»icea, ; and
when vo accompanied to be paid for,
fopii)ar-*.dn:nL*craand aftolhertscndiji* comma
nie*nui«,-tit tenaidng notices dettgned to eall atiao*
tionutlaJlSr Soirees, Coneerta,‘or any.pabUe enter
tainment* whore charge* are-made laj admittaaca—
alt nolkti of prorate associations—every nolle* .de*.
gi« ur a to call attention to private enterpmei calcula
ted oriutrnded to promote indivldael interest, can on
ly U iowr.ed with the undemanding that the aamt la
IoW-caldfor. Ifiotcnded to be inserted in the foea
eolpuus,the'iane wiU beeharged anie rate of not leas
fhaplocv taper lfoe; ~ , V i
Biahnp jrristNcticea to be charged triple pnee, ,
Teeeiu License-Petitions, 13 each.' • • ■ ; ‘
Legal and Medical adveruscsieiUi to be charged at
Adi prices. ’ <■’!-,*
H«*a! rrinte Agents and Auctioneers’ Advertisements
not u« l/t: classed onderyeartt rates, bntto be allowed
due«a;it v.r thirty three and one third per cent oomtae
UDou’.t nf liilli. • _ j‘-
•• (wsrstr on tovinu B paav raw*.
;One Siuare, three insertions.-***••♦».-•
Do. eaelt additioneiinsertioo.*** 37; -'
v~ it>viams»*aiani vnaatTrar**.. • ;-|C‘,
‘ r. i; > llO lines,) one inicnum-. * •» ctt.■
iHi. each additionallnsOruoQ.dP •
AH t'«h«i?ni advertisement! to bcp*W,W advance.
WlUTKfcCOjGaxeoe.. - • | .
ROOTKLkJmi&S, JoarnaL i
JAMES P. BARR foOO, Chronicle.
PtrreEbtan, Dee. 1, IMP.
Business cards.
VLLXANDER FHANKUN, Attorney 'at• W»i
A . Fourth at. . noTlXly
daYiu c7^l!TT£fe, a v ',
All cuntmouicalloiu prbapUy anaweroc.
ARMSTRONG * CROZER, Conuniuton Merchant*
.ftjul itealeri *ia Ppdnee,No. B M»rtct «trect
— —joHSHTaAiilLl**. ' '
ATTORNEY at La»,ian4 Comau**
'aitner forth© Bute of PennijriTarua, ft. Low*
, Hir*iUNCKS. : -PUubnrgh:Hofl.W.l : otw«d l H»»P.
toa A Muter* M'Caodlcu'A hfClure, John K Parke,
•i A M’Cord k. King. apt**”*? .
hiiuU. t : -1 i. r hUIDT
' " UMBD * ITBttttKTT, _ . :
A . Foonh ureet, between SrnlUiheW uad Chant,
nifiharMt. Pa. _i»«i
t/iimtt i.ncr ' _ •• W. C. BIBJ<
° UASLOSi * PaiKHD, C -«
Attorney at law.—occe on b«-
: tween Salthfield and Grant at, PttttbWgh. ,
-aptffcdly • • ‘ " '- :r -V
vx. r --»oHa *. coaontra- _
; a*<ut*T^
N' Market meet, Philadelphia- fIOV - 7 _
rntilroiga Alhall Worfca* ■
, AcMt. -AVaryhooae Na‘— diw,'**'** Di(T*
••• VndygHT l -- -■•'!•■ • :■ ■; ;- >•*
SETTEE,^Vkolentoaalßetail nn*t
I* - rul>, I ■ tner oMJberty Kid Bt. CUlr ePtcti, g>n*«
-bariM** •-'•-•• ■*■/•- ••■••■■ •'
O A. i AHN&WCK * Co, WholMle es* jie*
‘ n', tail .DraitgUa.corner Wood, tod Cfr»*»■,• ,jy L *
/ AAYtAJH, AUoronr«
1/ Ip door aboTe BniUHkM. noTtS-aa j
•ocisdart* • • • - ——
■ w.HOJOBSa.
V/Wfrrfeaau as_M*rkem. Pittibatgh. »pS_y
Ci~X McANULTY »4 C«a
/.Tmittion Merchant*,Canal Xtula, f *
—"'‘nTußA-NT, Whoietala Uraeo, connmrnanW
# Forw«nliPffMereh»ct l No.<l l W«*«t«L «■!»
B, V I “f*
COLKMAN, • HAILMAN A Co, IBUlilimrjnl '*
Coacli uul EUpUc lUmmereA Alltl,
»n,lor „nd Piewk Sfcid, Iron, Ac. , Wnttodie <J>
Wctex tad From »tieeu, Piiubttrg.h-
AUOj m| Cwcb Trimag* *ad
, •. jiko i. muA 1
K ■*■ Co.l Wholesale Proem, Cc£»U»m» *ad*®£
wiudLg Merchanu, and dealer* la
Wanufactarfc*! K«« 3T Wood at, t*|ween.ltfwd
3d*irtcuL ■ ' - ' ?? = yL
~T: 4IV-N»tv. Aaorner *ndC©aaceltor«l*w>
< Cincinnati. Ohio. Collection* ia BoalhereOWb»
In Indiana, and In Kentncky, promptly and «aro*
fuliy winded to. - CdeuaftSKmer lortbaoft«a&-
for lakiui iUepoaidoo*,-' aeknpwtodgmenU,;
‘'i™ to- lion. Wa. Hell 4 Son, C«n!^Ch.rei*
1 2 —WllTli. JOttiBTOBf t
; No. ««<Seeoad->tfaat r __ -
Mm>' JiMTI D. tmp<
w. SMITH *.TO., Bxewersi M«lnaj«
flopPealerj,Pill«t»Pitubttfufc. l
CcamiM«Q ■aaronwdiarf
-r i »silL/ruN BTKVVABT, namfitum «f Ueirt
H®sS^ ck " k ’' K * bce “iSSSiiV- r
Aiiyjrl.vnr._ ~ _
•ft; «s^g33X*SsaaSgl]SSffS
4iertr*n Wwlcns, ifbertT.OPPoaitttmi »t Cell ff ;
; TSSfSSs, )•« ' !•
TgtjSSt.,4l Non* WuetM.fcWHMfcWta'p,
f HAVE usocilrf 1. B. M.VAY .wili M l» *•
' ‘ WIIXU»tS.
-SVia. 11. *=*l
:• WM. 11. WU.UAII* » s?‘'
i J\ OR> *“» ' yMi ’“‘El&Sr*-
t«*ua ticm,
1 mini on Merdiiim, uid detlcrf inrTpdnet,*'^® 0
Water, »ad IC7 FnmUttcen- »9l'
.Jotn a. Ixiwonh- 1 »Si
, |, .8. DILWORTUfc<», Wkok«deC^lV““
V tlazird Powder Co., HA. 8?
;jq'ijm «■ tauSbxt'n: ' • lourtt #a*K*rju :
| i*. DILWORTH fc Co, Wholeiale Gweer*, 1
pj • dace uid Ccnmi»*ion jlerctaou, ,
for lli& Uftzaii frrwd«r Co. of N. Yi No. 37 WflC?***
"•iIIN 1L
No. 45 Market il, three door* above Third it- Piltq
will have coniieaUy oa a well» elected a»5
eoraaentoflbe bed end frethest Medicine*.whlcb be
will tell oa the mod reasonable term*. Phyiieuna
■radios erdetft,wtU be promptly attendedlo> eod »np
plied with article* they nay rely epoa as (enalse< :
*7rnr i'hyticiiuis Presetbuoni will be accurately and
aeauy p> -pored iron the beet materials, at any lieer of
. he day or oifta- -
• 1 Also tor ale, alarj* tuoek of fteelt and joed Petra,
- mery. • _ ' ‘ )>H .
'- SEiVeLL, Onmadloi u Ot-
V* bee OP Foaub >t ? above Bmithfteld. no vfrly
• ir i*. QANFiiXD,lla««f.Warwß,Ohi<kl Comal*-
lJ , ilea and t'otwerclnc M«rtbaw, aoa whfileeala
’ deelrria Western Reserve Cheese, Hauer, Pot tad
Pearl Aah, and Wetiem Produce generally,Wairr
treeii between finUhfieldaad Weed, PjttJtn»r*h- epg
JOHN. WATT, (foecctaor 19 Kwiit A ©tbbtnj
Wbotcfftla Grocer *nd CommjMtoa Merchant,
\ n predate end I’iut'jurgh Muirnfaetam, eor
'~txr or’W*»tr and Hunt tirecu. Pitubmxli Pe. fca ,
■1 Lrwiß Uot«Rii*pa * Co., ComaiwloA iUtehtau,'
•-*adAa«>« of the St. Lotus Blew Baw **&n«or.
.< front ■trec&.PlUiberflb. t ••
■’ I*cl
Von* *>• MOHGaw,
DyaHalTsPilnMiWi, VMBtoKfc4tc,N«.»
W<s o« door SovU of D»w»od Alley^Pra*.
TSi.ETKiaui.Jr, * CO, ImcMwor»JnepMJ.
; ■ q.Ju.llrr.,M W.ter.tgrt, »<>cll
■ . t', u:Vti*Xk;.U)S', v/hcieitle ud. BetaU d<»lei
r ■ -- —*P>*
tj ttt, wtoioiW Pngnai
j WnA.l .IMCL RUtMffKh. •
mi: ri
Snfgfc'• •• ' itß .
-jean Vlotiv HtcmiPFLoynu
• '/£-To YLOYt), Wholesale Grocers, Commission
Jl Herehtini, ’»6d Dealers In Prodacc.- fionnd
rtmrr<h tf&ildjcgs, fronting oa Liberty, Wood tad Cth
ttrteta, Pimbarth. Fa. _l , -_i _• • nyB ,
Wholesale Grocer, Ccmmuuoa
: JrjSiehant,and' Abater in '.Produce and Pittsburgh
M«n»factare*;' Wo. 84 Water at, Pittsburgh, . •
jj u.. «*»«?• :
itczT soom [to
JB, BWUXZEB, Attorney :at Law, office 04 it,
- opposite Si Charlesi Hotel, Pittsburgh, will also
fn»nii promptly to Collections; Lit Washington, Fayette
and Green counties,' Pfc "V •- ■
refer to •
• Baekitoch, Bell'd; Co., *) '
■ Chareh ft-Carathen, . 'VPittibttrgfc.
i D.JlMorgaap , f ,: } .. > p^iMly
;1/ IBKh JONES, Forwarding and Comaiisston Met*
chanty Dealers inProdcce-andPiusbuish manu-
Seared atudeayCaaal Basis, nearTth »L dii
• PBNS fIXLLr PltTgßV&Ull, PA* -
iffcNNEDY, CHlLtet CO., Manufacturers ofr '
Af irc P«*» r 'H Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Co*ry
Twineandßatting..- J - frrfrmytton
»- nnm IfOtt WOffta.
r EWffl, DALZELL ft Ci, manufacturers of all al
ii/16* Ear, Sheet,-Boiler iron aad Nails of the best
• Vraluy. Warehouse,M water and 105 front su
v jatKW.-n
L: 8 WATCtMAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forward*
a iny anil < tewnriaeion Merchant, Dealer in Pitts*
drann Mastuacures and Prodree, Noa 31 Water ski
,««C4Front«k - .127 .
; wW. KUO-u, ThUada. c. w. aicseiaut»rPia»barßb7
Tfal ILLKK ft- KiCKErrsON, Wholesale Grocers, niid
iU. importen of Brandies, wines and Segan,No*.
; 15SI snd.l74, corner of Liberty and Irwin stieets,.Pttu
hurgb, P*. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, Ac. Ac. con
sthaUyon'band. I •' augM
iduawatu- «*. n. afttu- waLmc. aui-
IMcUILLSftRUE, Wholesale Grown and Commit
jlXJL sion Merchants, No. u* Liberty it.-, Pittsburgh.
- - ltd!,i .
. \d IJRPHY, WILSON A 00- (l*te Jones, Morphy ft
-iVi Ca) Wholesdle Dealers m Dry Goods, No. 4s
Wood street, Pittsburgh. ’. • v
.IVX thr." Soothe, corner of Post Office Allay and
Fourth street, entrance on {th bear Market.
i t decd-dtf/: • • ' •_
tsaso lunni. . jonn r. opua.
R/TANUFACTURIiBS. of spring anil blister steeij
ill; plough steel,steel plough wings, coach and clip,
Ue springs, hammered iron tales, and dealers iu mal
leable castings, fire engine lamptand coach trimmings
comer of Rosa and-Front <n., Pianburghj
:M- tHILMKS A SON, No. &> Market *u, second
door from comer of Fourth, dealers its Foreign
and Domestic BilU of Kicbadge, Ccrtilicateaof Depos
it; Hank Notes and Specie.*
Tt7» Collections' mad on alt tito principal .cities
throughout the United States. • dcc!7
XT iiUCKMASTHB,- AtPt»mn Ufiice. FoozUt »L,
a third door shove Sfflilhield,*ouUi side.
- OooveTtocing-ofmll kind* done wuh Uie greitevl
esra and lenl secursc*, '
. • T»Uo» te Real Eiutc examined, Ac,
nENM BTREKT, lxtween Wojrne and Hand, lias
AT mooted to profeuiooal dour*, living lasime*
uoßi oa tie Plano, polur,'and ia'Voc J Muiie.
881 Wood—All.quaatitiea'of Greeo and
-Sock . Tea*, dose ap id quarter, lialT, and
enepoond packages, ranging (ram 50 cu. *per pound
9U& . jri ArjAVNߣ%tt. for Pekin Tea Co.
IOOUJON, I*UTL»K t. CO., No. 1M Lujeny *treeu
& PiOitarKb, Whole *»ie Giocen, Produce asa
Hnminion i MerehiiEU, tad deaden it Piasbargh
lanafWture#."!’ • iy7
EUUEETMOuEE. tfhoiesale Uroeer, Rectifying
Distiller, dealer in Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac
tures, and all kind* of Foreign and Domestic Wine*
and Liquors,'No. iU Libert; street On band a very
large stock of-snperior.oid Monengahela whiskey,
which will bo eold low for cash.
'■ u tu'Mxrnbios, .j: x. rax*.
REVNOLD3 A SHEEpFbrw ardlng and Catnmissftm
Merchants, for the Allieheny River Trade, deal
in in'-Groceries, Produce,. Pittsburgh Manufactures
tndChlorida ofLime. • ' " ,
■ Ttehighestprices, cask, paid at all lime*for conn'-
y rags. • Corner of Penn ana Irwin at*. _ . _ianS3
ROBERT DALZELL A Ccl, Wholesale Grocer*,
Commission and Forwarding Merchants, dealer*
a Prodace and Pittsburgh Marntaetures, Liberty at.
Pittsburgh, Pa. ;. feKM
ROUT. a. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer,
Dealer in Produce and'Pittsburgfa Manufactures
T-ll t ' ~ ' IYIH'
*. >*«n uu*
S“ lIACKLKTT A Wlim? Wholesale Dealer* In
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. $» Wood at
Piusi.untE*.. ' fcb.i-tf.
£r~£T\V. fMttHAtir;H~~\Vool~ Me'rehimu/itealent,
Oa “ Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding
Bad tfcmmlsrica Merchants, No. a 3 Water
bufOiu • . •. ,
w- sxtnzxn rrmsoaaiL rota jcchols, scssTtasD.
CtaZEBS A NICJOLS. Produce and General Com-
O toiastoit'Merchanu,Ko. 17 Liberty *t, Pittsburgh,
gpenn, Unaeedand Lard Oils.
« cers,' Forwarding and Merchants,
Heaters in Pittsbangh MannQscurea'and Western Pro
duce, harp removed to their new ware ho userid stand)
Ht-XT, WhalesaleGroerrs and Commit-
I aioa Merchants, and dealer* in Produce. No. 35
wood »U Piasbargh, ' •. pad 3
WKa muni' •.••••IMS iucgwurt
W. K WOOOW4JLB*• • • ••■ ■ JUljn »iB*t*T. .
WM.BJ.QALEY * Groctni, 19
.tad SO WoodKrettPUUbmfgh. mt 27 _
ANTS. Al»—lßJpcner* of Soda A»h mad Bleaching
Powder, No. lCoUbenr it-, (oppotite 6inh it,) Pin*-
bartb. . , -
team: p._wk»v r
TETICK * M’CANDl*ES&.<*Bece»«u*lol*.ai J.D.
YV Wick.) Wholesale Grocer*, .Forwwdja* and
Co&nlaiiaa'Metehaßi*,-dealers in Iron, Nails,Glue,
Um»n Yarns, and Pimbargh Man ufae tares generally,
n,ryr' of Wood and Water treets. Piusbarrh.
fIY w. WAU-A.CE, &IUI crass cad MHI Furoith.
W # ln«cit»b»»fci*rnX,«o. 9tt liberty n, Martha
etaat J7 -^ : - • • marts .
W“ W. WilLaoNTto niche*. Jewelry.
i aadilUitary Good*,«ornrr of Market and 4lh
ttrprULPitabugb, K N;B.-Wa lebet JurfOpckr
careftfry Tty aired. - . u- dee4 ;
\»rIEBT BOWEr^—Cotammlo*- tad Forwarding.
W “ilerehanU-No. 00 Front tube tween Wood tad
Mirtflcntu. / ’■ '- - .
try,. <L-kOkku'¥rWkot(Mleßnd Mcttd dealerio.
vVaFocdgn nadcboucftic Dry Goode, north ean
earner ot Market and Fourth m.
< ' IRO. X. K’CUKX.
ITTiL YOUSO * Oo.—Onll'n in lealher hides, &*.
XTT- A E.M'CCTCUEON, VVholeitle Groce
W ,*-i6CT Itt Proface, Iron, andPau,
tsnAfaMifMtarea generally,l32 laterty »t, Pitts*
tonnk. •?-, :v-.- •■■:■■:•■' :_•;■■ • ***?—
4ir !V 'W' : *rif« f> r*i Dc*l*> in Wtlehe*, Jewelry
■ WV«w»-Wire, ikliliury- Good., tc H No. S 7 Mar
.tel »t - ■ ... . / . n °j?
■; • _ p “"— iwh/timbuNj . _
: AVTOBBEt at law»
• —£utfer t 'Pa
•*wwrtlA*- ala® attend to collection* end all other.bnw*
W mwoentmtedtolußtin Butler end Araetrong
-"‘-■TKBEiiMM ;
• : s'VT. W.-Wallace, do I
Jnr~F«TTis&gw a cot a
u UlmbßV | > OmcxAwnM.Aiuoi&Co,
,vBBmBb oeta =. ;No. 43 Walergrecl
Toda *m> wnnttoy, rxomtroa.
BTlflSeetabliilunenl longaad wideifcknown as
caw lif the moat eemmodieus-tn the cut.**
i Baltimore, has recently undergone very exten
ds alterations and Improvement*. An.enure new
'win# has < been. : added, containing numerous and airy
bleeping apartments, tad extensive bathing room*. ■
Tue i*die»' department has alto been completely
reergsaixo'l and fttledap ia amo r*niqae and beano
fni wyle, fa fact the whole arrangement of the lionsr
baa bee* remodeled, with a tingle eye on the part of
the proprietor*, towards (he comfort and pleasure of
their Guests, and which they-* confidently aaaert will
challengecompariM with-any llotelin the Union. -
. Their table will alvfaysbeuuppfied with every sub*
atanial and tazpry which’ the market affords, served
sp in a superior style? while In the way of Wines, Ac
they will not bo *erp*ueed. !
1 hi coneJcsion the proprietor* beg to aay, that nothing
will be left undone oetbeir part, and on the part of thetf
aailstants, to render this Betel worthy the continued
pammnge of their friends and the pablie generally.
• ■The price* for board have also been redueedtotbe
- ' f 1,73 per day.
Gentlemen’s - tfiCt
Jf. a-The Baggage Wagon of the Hone will aJ-
Trayebe found at the Car and Steamboat Lending*,
which will convey beggage to and from the Hotel, free
•f charge. mayatf
eessn er mini *.sn aim nun, nro»o*o«-
l-i , THE rubecriber ropeetlally announce* ib»i
4P» be bu now opened hie new and excellent Hotel
JUktthß accommodation of Warden, hoarder*,
■nd ibo pabUe generally. The hoiueanil'funuiaie
bare bocu
mredto reader It oae of the rood comfortable and
aJSSallolcUteaetUT. ' ■"•"■ '
determined to deierre, and there*
muE wbicriber eflet* tot aale,. the STEAM BRICK
&&W3&&33S or
f* 2*“,WiSaStJ? wr, ©a which are 4 kiln* and
land «o th® Aue*®* ,h^ f wheelbarrow*, track*,
ri»<U, > tttaehi«a^cl»yw«^“^ lliUw '| o
* b P«1 eevJPrie*. Inctodin*
the patent ti*ht wTM« wiSwnt the J*ad> «.«»• For
p.TneirttßadneaV-, MEBUITT,
addraw N&1J y Mfloocykela How
P)m*4 ■>»* *«rf«w in tha neatest taanflgr. . < , .
non Uktal,wJwUyeekhtated <br l \Sf^~.j t » oa
fttotoa Utaadunerr. The Boxee and
<tAb© had of ten at alulae*. tagftiy.
AtIMMUt taloeii wad BiUil»I ******
• * liKmaaf.
rflBE moWIEIOB U now pwpared, “ «"•
•?X' «**!*»» *Uho»rs l mecßßeatioßWuhlwy«H , f
TTSBIIRfiH fflllil amwm
( -t*
Trenton Hutnal Lire Jnsnrante Company*
BATxa ot ruxwx kzDcjsD'2s m ecu..
CaptUl, »100,000,
JAHES DUBNO A CO, A|ohu ,t i’ll!. bar,b, Fa
Joseph C Potts, Pres’t.
G. A. Perdicaris, V. P. ■
. Wi Morris, Secretary. •
!, Treasurer.
Junes Hoy,'Jr. |
Benjamin Fl|h- •
John A. Wean. I
, Jonathan Flat
. poiLisiLrnu.
lion. James Campbell.
David U. White.
George Wood. ■ • ) '
John F. Maekie.
David Dudley Field. /
Alexander Coxtn&mri.
W.J. P. \Vhiie,P. M.'
I Ex-Gov. Vroofn.
Isaac WUdrick.M.C. -
Wia. A, Newell, M. C.
llcil S. E. Hamilton. >
W.W. Gerhard, M. D.
■JCI Walnm st_ I’tiil’i
11. R. BeU, M.Dq . . -
AJlegbeoy city, P*
Hit Etc. Got. liaises.
W. L Dayton, U. S. Sen.
G. D. Wa(l,Ex-U. S Ben.
• Ex-Got. M; Diekenon.
A. Sidney Doane, M. D
3a Warren sc, N. Y.
Wm. M’E. Morgan, M. D.,
George M’Cook, M.D, ..
.Pittsburgh, Pa.
The Agents of this Compa
orixed retake erery.first el
tion tfnftntffi es per sst ii
mina as ehargod oj other l
any, at Pilliburgh, are auth<
•lass risk onLue at a rcduc
troru the usual rates uf pre-
Companies. •
A man 30 years of ace, taking a Poliey of Insurance
for One Thousand Dollar*—
To run for one year, pay* only t&J**.
do seven “ u “ ‘ Sl(ynt—annually,
-do Lifetime, “ -
And in the aante proportion for any sura op to Sttuo,
which i* the extent taken oh any one lift. •
ThUeompanydottnatbeed operation* otitho Ist Or L,
1846, aiul its monthly busiuesa up to the Ist Oct., tsto,
shows-* progress txutding that of any.oilier LifoCmu
pany on record. '
The "first dividend of profit!will be declared to the
asuuredon the Jst January,lBso. , . .
Pumphleta contaifiihg the various tables of raiei,
and ail the necessary information dmbe ImponaM
subject of Life Assurance wBl be furnished on np;<li
cation to . JAMES DUHNQ A CO- Accnu, .
de!7 * ;• .Qdsoa BtuiJings,
SUUANCE COMPANY Will issue Polities of In
surance against Loss on Daxiok by Firk, upou Dwell
ings andFuiniuire,Sioros.Goods,Ac., on appli
cation u> JAMES DURNO A CO, Agents, .
dc!7 ; • Odcon Buildings.
HKALTB XHBUBABCK, »t Pllt*b«rgto.
Tbc Spring Garden Health lninfanee t)o ; ,
INSURES Males and Female* against the Expeiiao'
and Lots occasioned br Sieknes or,Accident, by*
an immediate allowance of from KJ to's3 per week,
for one, two, three, or four year*.
The-method, of-effecting thisi Insurance. and the
manner of awarding the lick allowance, will be fully
explained by the Agent, j
. —XXixPLS.
A person eanininre agaioat Birkneaa or’Acddenl
which will detain him from hU ordinary tallness, ss
follow*, vis: 1 '
For one year, by paying BVM, and receive $3 F: week.
For two “ “ 1 0,*°, “ “ 4 "
For three “ “ .?■»£, “ “ 5 •
Forfoer “ •« ; ' IQ£S* - *■< B «
Or, for a period of foar year*, the lum of 814,40 paid'
annually, will aeoare S 3 pet week while •ich.
• Every necenaryinformatien will be afforded on the
aoWec; oTlnsnranee generally, by
JAMES DURNO fe CO, Areata,
dc!T«dto ’ t_ _ ;_Odeon IhUldJng*.
Ufa and th lanrasMi-•
Tito Mutual Life and Health Inaorauee Company
of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania,.March,[lMS. .Charter.perpetual.
Capital,Bloo,ooo.. Raras.unra tiu:i artT Pkt.vstl
rucx CoatfaxT, and'folf U 0 per cent, lower than the
trail rales of Life InioVance, as the followingc*om
parison will show: The*, Si person of the igeotGO In-
Bering for 8100 for Ufe.tauat pay in the Girard 824 M! —
Pennsylvania, 83,00, Peon Mutual, 8&3S; Eouitdble,
S2,wTn'cw England. 83p$ New York Life, BA3(J;i Al
bion, 82,43; Li/o and Health, Phtladelpbi*,Bl,fll. 1
- JhitxCToaa.—Samuel D, Cmiek, Charier P. HatliW.
F;Boone. Robert P. King. Chute* P. Hare*, M]W.
Baldwin; M. SL Reete, St D, Chav O. B.
LewU Cooper, I. Rodman Barter, E. 11. Butler, EdWm
R. Cope. President—-Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi
dent—Robii p. Knp Secretary—Francis Blaektatne.
. Applications wilt be received, and every information
given by • • SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt.l
Office, Commercial Rooms,corner of
Wood and *Rurd «u, Pittsburgh
j» uroouMinS 01825.
Annual FremUms,CupitalBtoek,andBurpliisFluid,
Thisola and respooiible 'Coinpany eoauuuea to i*>
toe policies on the rnott favorable teras on Dwelling
Hours, Uoesebdd Furniture, Kioto, Stocks of Goods,
Wareboasea and contents* Mill* .and Manufactories,
Ac. Ac., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. ,
. AUo, on Hoods, Warea and McrehanJtxe, against
the hazards of Jjoaxd T»asffcntrA.nos, and upon the
Cargoes of Sea Veaseisj ...
The - Frolic lion Insurance Companyhiving,- in tho
lasrssyears, 'paid aujtT tanxions or souaii at their
several agencies throughout tbe United. States and the
British Provinces, haw established a itut reputation
for eblYrncrand-iairddalißf.twhieb challenge* coon
porisoo with any other Insaxaned company'oa the
eomiaentof America. The annrtrd extract .from an
anteto-oa-iho sahkrt ,nf Jc«utubca Comptnlea, jafcca
fro* the **New York Day
■madia* and polky of the Company. f-: o
“The ’moneyed mcn'oftbd ancient and always pros
perous city of Hartford, hsTe-forhslf' a century been
fimmii throoghoai the Union for the care, discretion,
rigid bonestyvand unvarying success, wiihwhwk they
Jiave formed and managed -of this do* ;
seriotioo. Mo Hartford Bank or Insurance Company ;
haa eyer failed! These Companies bare for more
than a whole ge deration scattered their risks iu near
ly every State of the Union, and hare never foiled to'
pay the innumerable losses which they have iosared,
"aU losses srising upon policies issued by the under-,
signed, will bepromptly adjusted and paid at the Gen
eral Agenby office, loeated ax Cincinnati, O. .. A Urge.,
poruon of lbs fandt of the Company, (loehiding ait
premiums received at the Westers agencies,) is de
posited with U» General Agent of the Company et
Cincinnati, for the payment of Western and Southern
losses. Apply to ••• FA\ LTTE BROWN,
Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny,
county. ' • .. , • oetfedtha- ■
, •
RANCR COMPANY/—Office, North, Room of the
Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. • i
Fnot ftßCUascm—Buildings, Merchandise ana other
property in rows and covsxxr, insured against lota oi
damage by fire at the lowest race of preuinun.-
'H*ey alio initte Veseels, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, open ot
special policies, as the assured may destre. ■■ ' •
l3iaKDT**Jt*ro«iaT»».—They alsolnsnia merahan
disc transported by Wagons, Railroad Cars, Canal
Boats and Bteam Bogis, on ’risers and fakes, ©irlbe
most liberal terms.' 1 ’ _ ; ? - '• I
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. tMal, Edmund A. Bonder,
John ODavis.'Robertj)srum,'Jolth It Penrose, tJama
el Edwards, GeO G Leipcr, Edward DuUirrton, lsaa*
R Daria, William FolwelL John Newha, Dr It U Hu*-
ton, Janes' C Hand,’ ffbeophllas Paulding, H .Jones
IfrookK Henry. Sloan, H*gh‘Cralg, George-SettUl,
Spencer Mellvain, Chines Kelly; J G Johnroa, Wti
tiam Hay, Dr 9 Thomas, John Sellers, Win. Kyra, St.
W ra .lU S^,,ta..Ti l m MARTIN, Fhjililent i
Rtrtuus S. Nxwbols, Secretary. * :
“ ID" Office of tbe Company, No. street,
Pittsburgh. - Jolffidtf 'P. A. MADPRAi Aghot ■
THE INSURANCE ca.ob North America ..will
make permanent and limited lasanwee on pro
perty in thiaeity and • vicinity. and on shipments by
Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by tea- Tho'propcruef ot
this Company are.well invested,' and fanuah an Avaß-.
able fohfforthe ample indemnity or;all peroon* who
doaimloboproteetedbyinssrance. ■ -i
mrl» WM. P. JONES. Agent. 44 Water at.;
■ ISDRStSITT* ‘ ' , :
J7tt FranlHn Fttt lajurarue C* of Fkuaoelphia^
DIBKCTOBS.—CharIft* N.Baaeker, 'RwraolUh,
ToHaa Wagner, Samuel Grant, jmeob B. fliaift,
Uca. W Bicfcaidi, MordectU J). Lewu, AdflJpao E.
Charles G. Baaeker, Secretary-. ' ,
Continue to make insurance, perpetual « Uam«di
on every description of property in town or country t
nt rate* u low u aro eonaiiteat with
To Company have reserved ajnrge contingent nittd,
which with their Cspiul nod Premium*, *»Jelr intelt
cd,aflbfd maple protection to the asloWd.- _ .
The a»*et* or tad eompaay, on idoßuryltt, !«*,,**
mblisbed agreeably-to wt net of Assembly,'were a*
■MneSua ••!•■■■ a®®-
■ • • • ags.
Cash,Ac. 71 ■
’ 41^89 l 4W7lj
Since their incorporation, a'pertbd of 10 years, they,
bayepaidupwanisefone mllGcn four hundred thoM
aad dollars, louse* by fire, thereby *3o*llll crl&etto
tf the advantages of UuuTance, u wella* themuH
“d d,flK, “ u “ w.;
marl-dly • Office N K cor£cr_Wood and 3d »U
The Peaaiylvui* cettpyty .
Fob f hsmabc* on tiv»
oailoaifor iSlaranae, on which poheie* wilt Us *““ e A»
according to their proposal* and
made known to applicant* W*
•smart. • . :<ptl. GAO. OOLUKAIt.
of. every description, and Mnnne,Ri*k* upon balJ» or
cargoes of vessel*, taijen .upon the molt favorable
ISW in the Warehoasoof W, B. Holme* A Bro.,
NSi:r7 Water, near Market stVeet, I'rtuburgb.
N. IWllus success of thi* Ctfmpany stnee the c«l*fr
lUbmentof the Agency iii thi* the prompt
nstt and liberality with which every claim upon them
for loss ha* been adjoined, Arily warrant the agenUn
inviting the conj&deuce of hie ujeod* anu
the community at large to the M. 8. p»*
ranee Company, while it baa the odditionai
a* an institution among the most flourishing in PhH*de*-
phia—a* having an ample paid-in capital, which by the
operation of it* charter » constantly increasing, *A
yielding to each person insured hi* due share of the
profits of tho company, without involving him. In any
responsibility whatever, and therefore a* possessing
the Jtlutnal principle divested of every obnoxicul >«*-
sare, and in Us most attraclive/onn- . . MTt •
n - S*CQIU> A' COh
MB (Successors to fiTCord A King)
Vaihlenibli Battirjii
Comer}q/‘ Wood and Fijth Strext*.
PABTICDLAB fileotioi'paid to oar Bdsil Trade.
■ Qcßtiemca. c<fr -yely span getting their Bats and
Cap*farm oar estgMiihmetft of (bo bxst aiTgut* and
wauKUsmri'ef iatsr nno, and at the i^wai
fJ Cmiuitry Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, art
reßpeetfluly iavlted to call abd examine oar Stock; as
run eta cay with eoaSdenea that asreganU %caur*
a«d web. u will sot wffsiin a coeiaartson with ‘any
, : f;U7
-- < IBuolstieu of Partiifribtp.
t>Y MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto-
JtV fore exiimg onder. the style cirBUSHFIELD A
LEADER, Ms been dissolved by Henry Leader aell*
InghisentirelntercKlnaaidfimtoJohnMcGilL AU
basinets connectedwith tbe firm of Buhfietd A Lea<l
er vgiu be sealed by B.* B- Bushflnld fc.Co, who are,
duly an the rised to aakt'Ml eolleetioos ana ad lust all
, RctibuTgb;oct.Br > iii#/- - r - j :
N: 8.—9. B. EUSHFIELD A CO. will continue
whalesalo and rpfoUDry GoodsandGroeery business,
at the old store room, No. 230 Libertyjt, where they
will be pleased to have thelT friends customers
call and examine their stock of roods. -
pannenhip of the nadenigned, under the firm
X of Bagaley k Smith, wsa dissolved by mutuu
coate&t on 25th September 1 , W. Bagftleyjiurebasing
theinterestofJ. R. Smith, who retires.' Iffiebusiness
of tho firm will be settled by their successors, Wn
Begaley A Co., gt Nos. 18 and 20 Wood tu
Pittsburgh, Oet. fi, - ISAAC R. SMITH.
CO-PARTNERSHIP,—Wm- Bagaley hsvin* asso-.
dated whh him Wm. D-Woodwmrd of Philadelphia,
John S- Cosgrave and Ralph Bpgaley of Pittsburgh,
will continue tbe Wholesale Grocery Business, at Nos.
Id and 20 Wood st, under the firm of
WM. BAGALEY A CO , Piusburgh;
oei® '
” Dfsiolotlaa or Co-Pnrtnanbip.
TUG co-pertnerihip heretofore cxiniog between the
•nburibere,'under the etrlo of Brown &Cttlbert«
ion, wns diwotred on the tiuoit. brmuinni consent
Pittsburgh, Ocl ISU.
The subscriber.will continue the Wholesale Groce*
rT and Commission Business, u heretofore. at the old
stand, t<3Liberty lit. -wH A.ftILBISRTBON.
so&miA&TKnsosi -
P.ivni urwin Wood aid Blaaxrr, rtrmvasH,
/SONTiNUE to manufacture alt kind* of COPPER,
smith Work.
Steam Boatrtptitl to order.
Bpecial aifentifiliigiven to steam boat work. .
Hare on bandaaime aaMTimaat of Copper and Brail
Keulos. TiaWartCAe. Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stoves,
Portable sites—a Tory convenient nr*;
Ueie for steamboats, California emigrant*, orr«l| road'
1 companies. J
We would respectfully invito ateam boat men and
-others to call ana see oar tartieles and priee* before,
parohaatne elsewhere. .• • , ltd" j
rpHE^opluSefius , of^l^mY , |*ljsiN& * CO.,
X formerly 'Hansen. Mailer A Co., in the Window;
a d Cotoreo Glass business, U thlsday dissolved bp
lie withdrawal «r Mr. Frederick Mailer. j
. Use business will be continued by the jutdemgned,
antler the firm of HENRY lIANNEN A CO. Water
hoase No. 109 Second et, where we wDI fct?« essrf&S!
supplies oftnperior Window Glass. i
" r - * mt™ IIiMMVN
Pittsburgh. Aug. 27, M1. . HENRY UMCTRAP
npUE underaigrled ffiEiSs dayaSoclated with then
X In business JACOB L. BCHWART2, and win coa
tinae the buiinea* a* herdb&re, inder the firm of *<
lti3 . . ;
“ NOTICB. - ; m±
rrUE partnership heretofore existing under the firm
I of A. AC. BFLADLEV, is diwolvedby the decease
c TMr. 0. Bradley. The botinest will be canted on by
A. Bradley, who will settle th* boiines* of the late
• REMO V AU—-.A- BasniXT ha* removed his Poundry
Warehouse from. No- U 3 Second streevio No.lfi
Wood street, between Fire} and Speond streets, to the
ware house lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where ee
will keep conoumly on hand a general aasonawntof
Caatlgg* > Grates.3toTea I CookinKBtove*.hc. JyU
’ • Dlueiatlea* • s •
THE eo*pmxtnenhip heretofore etidnjf batweenoe
subscribers, in too name of Constable, Bark# A
Co., i* this day dissolved bymstual eoneent, Medan.
Burke A Barnes wttj' settlo-the business of the M»
cere, for whieh pa rpere thereto otthoriied to oak tt#
name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTA ÜbE,'
’ The undersigned have thia day associated ihemseltee
in the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the pnrpooo
ofmaoefactaring Fire Proof Safes, -Vault Doer*, ‘Ae.
Ac- at, the stand of the late firm of Coustable.BkTse
A where they will be pleased to receive the ‘.pa
tronage of the easterners ofthat house and their friends.
. ; 1 ; . ■ THOMAS BARNES.
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Birka
I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Baron A
Barnes to tbo confidence of my friends-and the'rlrolie.
feblidtf , ....
L • . CABD. i.'
! L. i. rritvt. tao*. x bl®. '
STUAfiT A BILL, OrofcefX PtoJcm »
is last os Jffarckmau, No, U 3 Wood »u PittißMgfr,
Ocoler>taQtoeeTie«,FLoc^sVlie»( > MKiO»u^ors t .
Barley, Pork, Bocoa, Bauer, .I Mb' QH»*e«
TimoibT tad Flax Seedii NHI% hx.r
ic.' Particular attention paid to'tte afle/M VS ijaiefn
Bmuscß-Uetm. Biycr* A finale r, ,fiob£ pal*
tell A Co., U’CUlr It 800, UMUKBOpfiAtaIJL
•Hum Mut L-WWucr'
MutUTon. Jot, S, AESmdßrwJ^^
jobs*. *. ui*su j
General ageno**, c®mmu*i#aaod Forward-.
Inr Merchant*, •No. 3» Market. tL, Pituburgh, i’a.
(fy Prompt attention fiven to the parch a*o aod **le.
Ol «Jj kind* of Produce. ;
Reeks to—John Watt A Co, Mbrpby, Wilacn & Co.,
Pittsburgh, ’Pad Lawxon A Hill, Alablon MerlinJ
WtUrrillc, O.jJohn 11. Brown A Co., Grieg, Elliott &•
Co„ Philadelphia; a \V. Bnodgra** A Co, Grew M
.Nace. New Llrboo, O.; k't. Skinner, Hon. C. O. Coffin,
Ciueidnau; J. P. Ke!l«r, Young*towu, O.; W. L. Slan«
dart, Cloedlaad, O. «*|H .
CemmtMioa tad Forwardinf Birehiaf
no. 'j& wood rmanaE,.
CONTINUES to transact a general Conuaiskion busi
ness , especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufactures anti Produce, and in receiving andC
forwarding Good* consignor! t* his earc. As Agent fur
the Manufacture*; be will be constantly supplied with
the principal article* of Pittsburgh Mauufac(nre at the
lowest Wholesale poecs. Orders and consignments
sru respectfully soueited. ■ ’ I* 7
Peas BaeUsslhep.:
HWIGHTMAN— Man afar tursr ofsll kinds of eot»
• toe and woollen muctiaajj. Allegheny eitr. Pa.
The above works being now In full and auecestfal o?~
eruUon,iampr*pa>ed toexetau otfsrs with dispatch
Tor* fell kinds of machinery InSty lire, rich as willow*,
pickers, spreaders, cards; grinding ataglinea, railway?,
drawing franca, speeders, UuassiU* looms, woolen 1
cards, aquble or single, for merdunlor country work,
mules, Jacks, he.; sjloo and hand Uthesand tools in gen
era). AU kuidaof shafUng made id order, or plans giv
en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge.
;Ru>n tt>—Kennedy,Chilli* t Hell
fc Co., KiWTf PemweJciCa, Jas,A.Oruy. ,
. TOTPlUarfg&B: ~
iOIIN D. M’CREARY, Printing Ink Manufacturer,
ll Nosr 331 tod 333 Stanton street, NEW YOKK-De
porK«.3ftpraee-cueci—Would call-tbe .attention of
Printers to hL»‘lmproved Printing Ink# of vsrious
kinds and orders, hi the following prices:
Extra fine dot Black, for Card and wood
Cot* - £3 00 and 3 00 per lb.
Finn Book Ink - - 07« “ 1 W -
Book nk ' - , - 040 “ 090 u
Ncwalok - 0 19 020 “ 025 “
Fine Red Ink - «e. 100 140 “ suit “•
itlse, Yellow, Oreen and White 79c l W 190. “ .
Oold size at •'■! per lb, and Uronze at 40,74 eta aitd
01 perez.!
A specimen of Neva Ink can be tern on this paper.
" Pittsburgh, Pa.
C. Morgan A Co. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Morton A Qriawould, LobUtUlb, £p.
' j&BB8 Wi*WOODWKLI.| " f
floderji nad, AitTqne Furnitnrp,
*" gL Tbud graxxr. girmcica. ' -j,
M«l i'A large and: splendid
usonmeniof Furniture, anyUlßglJMr
tar Steamboats,
BBHB Hotel* and private dwel*
linn, constantly on band and made to order..
.The present flock on band cannot to exceeded by
any taaßßinclory in the western country. Persons
wtohlng to purchase would do well to five me a cM>
ail am. determined mjr price* shall pleas*. fart oi
the stock eenstota ia- »
TeteaTete; |. , Buffet Etaiqcto;
Louia XIV Ghairr, ttueen Elisabeth chairs;
TwPqyce: ?. Fruit Tables;
Toilet Table*; Louis XVCommoder;
French Mahogutry Bedsteads Piano Stool*;
• ' 3D sofks wtthrmsh and lialr-clotb covert;
’ WMahocanf Rocking Cbair*-,
fOdox.Farior do
. 30, M Fancy do
S 3 centre Table*; . -
SO pair Divan*: 4 pair pier Tabler,
13 marble top Dressing Bureaus;
8 Wardrobes: 8 Secretaries and Book eossii;
SO marble lop Wash Stand*; ~
4 pair Ottomans;
8 pair fancy Work Stands;
- A very large assortment of common chair* and other,
furniture too numerous to mention.
[p~ Steam Uoat* famished on tlie aborteat notice,
auTontbeaiostreasojiable term*. declb
PUpbragm Ptltir, for” RydfaarWatiri
THIS i* to certify that Ihtvoap}
-Hfc. pointed Livingston, Roggen A Co.
Sole Agent* for the aala of Jennlng**"-
WW Patent Dioprahgm Filter, for the ct|
ff ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny.
fcrWatlerMGibsen,3tS> Broadway,
I N«Yj
A Oct 10,1813.
We have been using orto of the above article* at tba
office of tboNovelty-„Work* for three months, on trial,
and feel perfectly tausfied’thoUtto a useful, tnventioo,
and we take pleasure in recommending them a* a umj
tat artiele to all who loro pure water. Orders will bo
thankfully received and promptly executed.
Bmrf tbl. Vlluriagr Cook.
i - Jf ... Which render* turbid waterpureby
1 removing all substances not solnblo in
/ffHfgßh ■water. r Theerctoawuter in N. York,
ByffiHnnw*tJl |h "ug h clear and pare to the eye, yet
passes an hour through ml*
filtering cock, show* a large deposit
. iatmn substances, worm*, Ac. Thig
* U ihe eafolaor»orle«*wi'h oil hydrant water.
ThoßovetaibleFUlerer to neat and durable, and to
not attended whhlhei inconvenience incident to other
FUtcTTTT.a* it to cleansed without beingdeteehsd from
tteSSSnli*, by merely "M; 1
from one aide to the other. By into ea*y prodeao, the
Sswoft«erl*ebwd,«f g
impure substance** or* .dnveh off almost instantly,
ulniiun of b.I»J »■“>? “ T
■mtaKfSSS, un». ■*. *•<
Agenl ’ Mntrot Foarti «ad btorket it,'
afEw usnuNa and Cocoa ahell*.—3o cr boie*
JRJJfJSH!: Bug* Coeoa slwltatoe* and tat
Farnk OCIL dnU
'!■■•' .1 • '
:!?'inscEliiANEOtfS" ,V".
1 W.* J. BESETS, BooK Bladen.'
TTTB are toll enneldta tea eborelnilinea, corner
W of Wood end Third •tteoa, PHUbnijh, aborg
w* are prepared to do any work in our Irne withAe**
K'eh. ■: w« attend to ourwork personally,! apd w»*
tioa,willbO;giveu in regard in its neatness and du
rability.' '
Blank Books rulcdtd any panero and bound tun?
atutiallXo. Bookiin,numbeT*4>roldt>ooksbound care
fully or repaired. Naaeapatohbodka-in giltlcuert.
Those that hare work-in oar line are iayiiedjo
Pricesjow. . ■ . . . - ~ PY*™
■j Beaiiit Cooking Btow«*,'Grnta«»ifce# -
UFARSUALL, WAIXaCE A CO,- Bound Chare hi
JIL owner,Liberty and Wood streets, J»ano{aeTOro.
unoolTer for aale Puifonot Floor and Counter Scales.
oftheßoatiaprcrredqualitn CocAmrStotesynrwooa
afld coal; Egg Bto*es.o/Tarious Pnrlor
cmAmon Crated, HoUowWar*,- Ae. Ae. * They also
manuffceare the Shehen Binge, which has given sueh
general satisfaction to those Earing it In use, to all of
xrnieh they would respectfully Invite the attentiotl of
and the,pnnllo generally. • pcflMtf .
Manufactured TOBACco-Tbesnb«nb«*
would call the attention of the city trade and
:r» generally, to the following brands Tobaccos,
In store and to arrive,'which being consignments di
rocvCrotamanafacwrers, he is enabled to sell at east
ernprices: „ , _
■ 13» | bztRW Crenshaw fr»;
* m i 11 James Nadtion 5»;
fit | « Lamartine Is; .
33 | “> Mirabeaa *»> w
• <3l M PaUtanl 5s and Is;
, 15 | “ Bobertd & Sisson ss;
8 f “ Osear Burl s*l
< | “ Johns A-Lewis Is; ,
3|“ Warwick, supr' Is;
- 48 1 “ Henry A James sa. Is and •
‘ febdt . LgWATKRMAN
” v i PHt BMblas Works and Foundry.
; r 1 rrrrsßuaoH, ra.
JOHN WEIGHT ACo, arepreparnl (o build Cotton
and-Woolen Machinery otevenr description, such
as Canlitut Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeder*,
Drawing Frames, -RailwayHeada, Warpexs,Spooler»,
Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, Ac. Wrought
'Uon Shafting anted; allsizesofCust Iron, Pulliesand,
, ilangersofthe latest patterns,slide and band Lathes,;
sod tools of all kinds. Castings of. every description
fnriiished on short notice. Patterns made to order for
; Min Gearing, Iron Bailing. Ac. Steam Pipe for heat*
tag Factories, Cast Iron window Sash and fancy Cas
tings generally. Order* left at the Warehouse of J.
Palmer Liberty street, will have prompt atten
' Reform Blackftoek, Bell A Co* J. S.'Moorehead A
Co, G. E. Warner. Johnlrwin A 8o ns. Pittsburgh ;G.
C. AJ. U. Warner, Steubenville. ianlO '
hew coach factory,
MA. WHITE A CO,-.' would respectfully inform
• the public that they have erected a shop on
ick, between Federal aid Sandusky streets. They
are now making and are prepared to receive orders for
Ovcry description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ua-‘
touehes, Doggies, Phwtoas, Ae., Ac., whieh from their
long experience in the manufac tore of the above work,
arid the facilities they have,they feeleonfident they
enabled to do work on the soil reasonable terms with ,
th*aa wanting ankles in their line.
Paying particular attention to the selection of mate
tiala, and having none but competent workmen, (hey.
have no hesiutioa in warranting their work. »«
therefore ask the aUenUos of the public to this matter.
.. N.3L Repairing dono in the best manner, and on the
most reasonable terms. . ju3o:o_
THE subscriber offers for sale a targe and splendid
assortment of rosewood .and mahogany grand Ac
tion Pianos, with without Coleman's celebrated
jEOUan Attachment T%e above Insuumanta are war
ranted ic he equal to any manufactured i.n this c.pun*
tn'.and will be aold lower than any brought from the
East . F. DLUUE,NoU*woodaL
door above sth
N- B—City Senp'wil! be taken at par for * few of
ire afcOTC awomng'M. _ary? -
**' WiffTED)" i
Daily *i ito Baltimore, Philadelphia,
Young min in wholesale and retail stores, and other
respectable badness, to act a* Book-keeper*, Sales
man, Panon, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers. Coach
men, Car AgMts,B»k-aad Map .Agents, Collectors,
; Overseers la all branches of baunesi, Ac. We nave
*3 *U rimes • largo number of good silaatioas oahrnd,
* which pay. from JUO to per annum. Those iu
wist or situations of any kind would da well to sire
Ssacallf as wo have agents in edebof the above ci*
ea,.which will enable as to place every applicant In
asaiiablesirs alien atth*shortest noiice. Wehavea
Urn aecuaiauneo in-alMhe-abovo aimed cities,
which wo trust will enable as togiveemirfraatufae
lion to all whoouiy favor as with aeaJL -t’
i. TAYLOR A TAYMAN, No. 39 Second at*
i between Booth and (Jay.
N. B—Person living in nay part of the C. States,
and wishing to obtain a sitaanon in Baltimore, or eU
ther of (he above cities, will have'their wants imara
diaulf attended to by addressing us a line, (post-paid)
as br so dom*.they will curtail both troublo-and ex
pense, which they otherwise woiW incur by coming
to thaeitv. and see kin* employnwni for themselres
Address/ A TAYM AJf, .
No! SP Second stftet.
. . Baltimore, hid
• BltmimsbAiajl***' Pm»V»*ch,]P«,
''ffrarAavse, Ac. I]l7, VtoodMtrea, i itlthuf-gh.-
WILL constantly ktep'os hand a good assort- j
Ju3i/meat oi own manoiacnjrcr and-
Wholesale aud country Mtr
‘(V chant* are respectfully invited to call and ci-i
«w.fna ftr tbernaeJves, as we are dehymined to sell
! cheaper than has ever before been offered to dhs pub*;
tie,- 1 • • .
Ortei**rM by mail,accompanied by thsesshor
—— aucadcdta. tnyld '
"HioTUB ioo« .
I.' of fold and aitrer Thread. Cord and BraHfaW?
Spangles and Batlion, for emMoideriicr asdothrror
oamenlal work. 'Also, (old ond silver Yassel»,Friagc •
and Lae*. *, '
Jewelry oftbe latest fashions, l» great variety.
-Watches of superior quality and oeaatifol patterns
and br tale at Casters prices. W W WILSON,
corner Market and Fourth »i*
A MENT—Open from « 11 P. .V. Single
UaUi S»crn«,orfi (brt dollar. Ladies department
«mb from 9 to 11 A.-M. and from 2 to i I*. M.
•fho Befreshment Saloons am ontq«slied In style
suendaiure. Recherche Ice Creams 1
lull T. M’PALL, Proprietor.
■“ THif ARlidrifiVEar '
rflilßatteaiinn-ofibepabUo it respcctratty called u
.J.' the following cenincaict: • .
AU- S- Eauas— Having tented a qonJlty of flow
weighed by your Areometer. l&nd uo retail proves
rottr inalmraeDl c-orrceii and recommend Um Qie of it
lo thou going to CHifbrnUv'a* the best method for oi»
Uinioc the real value of Gold. Beta. yoo»y
J. B. DU.NLKV V,Gold U«tier.
Pittsburgh, March A, 191#.,' •
Pirmtraon, March ", 191 U.
Ma. ExXQ»—tiearSin Hating examined the ‘Otree*
buvlZ,' 0 manufactured at yoar room*, i do not hesitate
to eonuneod it to thense of those gentlemen who aie
sbottt removing to California ill March of Gold. '
•> it gives a dose approximation la the *wd!ic gravf
ty ormel&l*, and will certainly enable ’the adven’.orsr
.tonteertainwhenUiaptheerieyleldmjGOhL: ,
marW. Yoar»,reipt.. .J. iIAPCLINTOCK. .
KUBLIIIB CLOTHING—Jun received lux the
California a complete 1 assortment of
tiatn dastiewotking, at prices ranging from to
AILhU for soil of coat, hat por sale at the
India Bobber Depot, No'S Wood sl
decSSJ » , . J A 11 PHILLIPS
“ UoaoairaSiota Llwyiiubtot
,a ROBERT 11. PATTERSON has opened
■ TWffNUie large stablooa Pimit,running through
/' MV toSecondst, between Wood and Southfield
with an entirely new stock of Horae* and Carriage* of.
the beat quality and to leal styles. Horse* kept at live
ry jn tbc best tnanuer. lyMly
THE Beeond Session of Uit Institution, under tbe
care of. Mi. and Mrs. Goanoas, tar «hc present
academic year, will commence on the first of Fcbrua
;ry next, in the fame buildings, No. Liberty street.
Arrangement* have been made by which they will
be able to faroith young ladie* facilities equal u any
in the West, tar obtaining a thorough English, Clusi ,
eal, and Ornamental education. A fol couVse of Pu:»
liaopblcal 'and Chemical Lecture* will be delivered
during the winter, Illustrated by appMutu*
partmenl* of Vocal and Inatrameatal Music, Modern
Languages, DruurtogundPuiating, will each bounder
theeureofacompetent Profeasor.'By clo** attention
to<he.moral and intellectual improvement of their to*
plla lho Principals hope to merit acoutinuationof the
liberal patronage they have, hitheno enjoyed. For
term*, *ee circular or apply to the Principal*
jaxo-du » ’ ■ : .:■ '■. N v • ■
" “ : T l»iTmofton l 'Be|>t. lbl9.
MR. TIIOS. Kr HIUBERT:—De*r Sir. \«ur WEI
TWO PI.HID we haTe no# been awn* more than
a year, ftnd on. looking oref ibe entries nude by it, ire
.find lift color,a bright blue blacc Itlspleasanlio
write with, flows free, and dock not cidg-the pen like
lb o ordinary inks id use. Wishing yoauaite*dy sale
its merils demand, we jrours
For sale, together with Uibben’e Bed Ink, and Ma
chine Spy Ink, by U A.' Fahnestock 4 Co, H. P.
Schwarts, Allegheny City, and by the nunttfactarer,
T« K. Ulbboft, Druggist and Chemist, corner of Liter
ty and Smilhfield su, Pittsburgh. «tt3
puisbiii KiAnarA**.co.»
(Soceeuon to llniaey. Haraift * Co.) , .
n in Foreirn and Ddmeatie Exchange,. Ccruhcaie*
ofX)ciK»iie, Bank Notes, and Specie*—Fourth fired,
ncvlyopposito the Bank of Fiiuburgh',' Current mo
ney received on depo«ito—Sight Chock* for aalr, and
collection* made on nearly all the principal point* in
the United SWo*. ~ , _ . , , . „
Thd higheit prcmloin.paid for Foreign and Amen ran
made on eotuigiuuem* of Prodace, flip
ped Kal,i on litoral tenna. _ ap2
J’atKTT BacvaxD JaniAST lit, ISIS.
J\aieni ao&ievtT txlemion Tahiti, Iwfas, JUntaut,
Jiooi Caui, Wrume Dtxkt,
mUB TABLKB far surpassing every other m-
X veniion oflhe kind riow extant. They can bo ex*
(ended Ironi ten to twenty-five feel, ami when doted
Ibo leave* arc all contained inside; they are made to
all sixes and shapes, and are admirably adapted for
glfaftihnau, Hotels, and large private families, farm*
in# when closed a complete centre table.
§OFAS AND BUREAUS—These article# nre inval
, aable, particularly to thore who with to econo
mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shat
at convenience, and when shat, tbs beading is enclos
ed. A great savior la room and rent All the bed
steads wien closed form a beautiful piece of famitaro
for a parlor or silting room. -
BOOK CASES—A nett and useful article for parlor
or drawing room.
WRITINO DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms,
and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed'
stead j when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
All these articles need no recommendation!. the
beautvoftho whole D, they are warranted cot to get
oat of repair. It will be for your interests to call ana
examine the artleles. at the manufacturer's store, N<a
63 Third'street, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above
- • uawMt'w*"
Comer Front and Vine streets. Cincinnati, O.
ORDERS from PtUthnnh far Alsohol, f**»2Rfjgr
Raw or Bee tided Whiskey, wUI Do maM
eufl*d to a tlewert : market pnea. *aas»~r
I; : DRY.
y. yA’yga'TK 'gjttgatiVat BLAgKE'rsj -
ei AjUTtaabtoodt cut te had elsewhere urtl)i*<it7.
,We bio BO t3d* ift bleaching, that trjnrci the J?oodsi
'dtu dbjeclbeint topfDdiieeWw* o«. »tow only,
buflb* dontfortaii doraWttry, and .aa tuch lbeT rf
edited the fintprealwaoretaQ oihergoode ernilJit
edatdieTite Afierteny AjriemtertJw. •■
.. Far aale at He Blanket &povNo«» »»4
at the ware room* of.the Fayette Manalactnring Co-,
NtfUSSectradetl' wiit''
City, by Mr. John Dean, and, ala* St thft
Wtod«t*,»» Federal r ******
■: ' 1 American Woolw Oood» "•
THE subscriber lul od hud, (received ihc
lesson,l eontireud from tjla tnszuifsbtnren.thc iol
lowing Goods, wueblie is aulhonsedwelose at price*
very low: ’ * r ‘ 1
. 30 pieces yard. wide Barred Flannel. - ■ .
SWrairs While “Bel Blanket*, ribbon bottnd, «ut
pounds to the pair. , - ••
1 cue 60 rain Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bouno, a
▼err superior article.
4 cues (204 pain) Grey Mired Blankets. '
60 pain Bark Gentianella Bine Blanket*, a very lß *
periOr article. •
8 eases Grey and Blue Blanket Coaling. •
40 pieces Tweed, Steubenville make; l ease assort*
>d plain and barred Jeoni, Steubenville manufactory.
- The above reoda are all consigned direel-irotn ine
Baker, and will be sold very loir for cub ordpproved
notes. octSO _ H.LEK. liberty*!, opposite
A eoßmeneea vo receive a
V/« large usonraent of Woolen Comforts and
Hoods,' llsskln, Berlin* buekskin and woolen Gloves;
Thibet, cloth,moo*detain and blanket Shawls: cash
ns ere, worsted and woolen Hose; 'Pongee and linen
Hdku.; ailfc and satin Cravats ahd Seans; Gimps and
Fringes Irish Linen, Table Coven, Crapes, Ribbons,
Laces, bleached hnd colored Muslins, Tabby Velvets,
Patent Threads, Uewing Silk, Buttons, Gam Suspen
ders, Pins, Percussion Cape. Almanacs, common ana
gold Jewetry, goliand silver Watches,Combs, pock
et! and table Cutlery, oml.many other roods which
coantry aadeily Merehanuare respectfully invited
0 examine/' *ptU>' ■
Tt/fANUPACTUER anil will keep on hand Family
iVi and Steam Boat Blanket*; Domestic Flannel*,
bine, brown and drab Blanket Coating. Satinet* and
Woolen Yam, which they wfll nell at fcAitern price*.
-Warehoute'No. U 9 Second «t,,Pituborgh, Pa.
Factory. New Haven. Fayette eo. Fa. . >ptl3
-T-~ nKvraoob*. —~
XtrV. bate iu*t received a lame and complete stock
: ff of CLOCKS. Fancy Good*, saita
bio for the fall trade, to which, with every detention
of Looking Glasses manufactured atioarown
power shop in this city, we ask the attention of West
ern Merchants and other dealers.
• sfttSO corner Wood and Fonrth sts
No. <8 Woos Sr., Pmssrxon,
, A RE cow receiving their ostial supplies of Good*
t\ lorlbeFairseason, which they will bo ’happy to
exhibit to their old customers, and u many new ones
w may feel inclined to present themselves.
Always taking greatyains to lay lh taeh good* an
ate adapted to t&e wants of the Western trade, which
long experience enables them to do, they can any with
ranch confidence, and withoat'emering Into a detail
of their nock, that the Western retail merchant will
find with them all that his customer* require. Those
who bare' formed the unprofitable habit of repairing
lo the Eastern cities lor their stocks of Dry Goods,
would do wall lo call, aa a candid comparison of nri
ces would in many eases result in the conviction that
lha expense of going farther may obviated by.bay
ingin Pittsburgh. »Ptl3
AEE now receiving a very large stock of fresh
Goods, of weent purchase and i rape runon,which
they Will sell to the trade at inch prices as cannot fall
to rive entire satisfaction.
City and Country Merchants are invited to call ana
examine oar sock before purchasing clsew>>- •
my 3 . ' :
RHSINGER, WELLS A CO-, Manufacturer* of
Green Glass Wore, No. S 7 Market street, Pitts
burgh, keep constantly on hand and make to or
der ail kinds of Vials, Houles, Ac. Porter and Mine
ral Water Bottles, of superior quality.
Particular atlemioapaid to Private Moulds.
novdO-ly .
"Wronght wad Ctst Iron naiihif. -
rrtHE subscribers Wt leave to infornrihVpablic that
I they have obtained from the East all the late and
fashionable designs far Iron Railing, both for homes
ana-cemeteries. Persona wishing to procure- hand
some patterns witj please call and examine, and judge
for themselves. Railing will be famished at the short
est notice, and In the best manner, at the comer of
Craig and Rcbeeea streets, Allegheny city.
aagfiMif* , A. LAMONT ft KNOX.
Oysters! Oyilsni
BDRKH b CO a Daily Express Is now regularly de
livering Can and Snell OYSTERS, Which are of
fered to dealers and familial at the lowest prices,
(ioajiry warranted pqnal to any brought to this mar
ket, and for sale by
• J. C. Agt, Wafer si.
Also—At the following depots:—Reis A Ikrnr, cor
ner Pmhkfield and Second its; K. Hfcaxleton, Diamond;
Mercer A Robinson, Federal »t-Allegheny. oetlS
—~gk3oesWoq firtncfism
TTf ILL remain open for visitera nnnl the Ist Janos-
Vf ry, IfciU. Oysters and othep Refreshments salt
e»i So the season will bekept.; The Greenhouse, con
taining n Large collection of rare and choico Plants,
will be open to visiter*. Boqucls neatly-, pat np at
.short notice throughout the season. An Omnibus
leaves the Allegheny ecd of the dt. Clair Street
Bridge, every half hoar dnriog the day, running lo the
Garden; and the. ferry boat/ Captain Walter, runs
from the Point, landing a short distant 3 above the Gat
dcig,,rPosies.wiifling. totp^nJthe .-evening, will be
aecwi&modatod wt IhaTetunt* (RUiiibiw at- Ui o'clock'
p. «., Kept on Temperance principles, and closed oa'
unuuj 4 . spU3 ' ’ J. M’KAIN.
" IMB *^® fc ™"Pßrwardin’g and Commission Mer
chant, has removed to No. triuPronl, between Wood
and SphbTirtld streets. . en»
W* K hare some PUMPS, mode on an Improved
plan, so as not to freeze in the coldest weather.
Persons wanting sach articles, are ihvited to call and
see them at &CAIFE A ATKINSON'S, .
myttf Ist, between Wood Market in
ur ma axMovxx. airs'rxsitaxxvT coax or all ntsxxsm
auues Flos a* octcbi ni* of the blood
oaiuMTor THtßmei, ro: <
or Kins’* Bril, Rheumatism,Obttinato Cota
m-oa* Erupuen*,iHjaplesorl‘ustnte*nnil» Pace, >
Blotches, Biles, Chronlc.Soro Eyes, Rios Worn i
nr Tetter, Bcald Head, Rfflarrement and Pain of
the Bone* and Jo&U, 9mbj»om Ulcer*, SrphilUo I
Symplon*, Qdaiicfo -or Lombapo,—and disooscs *
arliins from an injndieioo* otc of Mercury, Acl- {
• tries or Dropsy, Exposure oi impnfflencejn Life; '
Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, At. <
Ih tiii* preparation aravtrongly concentrated all tha- i
Mcjiqillß properties Combined -with •'
Uie mpil'cueitpil aid*, the most salutary production*, i
the mbit potent simple* of the vegetable Kingdom; and ]
it ha* been *o folly lei'td, not only by patients them
*e|vh*, but also by physicians, that it bns recrivod. ■
their unqualified .recommendation* and the approba- •
tion of the public; and ha* etiablithed, on its oprn ’
merits, a reputation for valsx eod zme*ct far supe
rior t tribe various eomponml* bearing the name of
Sarsaparilla. Diseases hare been eured, inch os are -
not furnished in the fccord* of timo past; and what it
ha* already done for the thousand* who have used It, ,
it i* eapsbia ef dolnjf for the million* still suffering and J
•Hurtling with diseased It purifies, cleanses, and .
atrengthensthe fonnjain springs oflife, and infuses ,
new’Vtror tbronchont the whole animal frame. . ,
I -another cuke of scrofula.
The following striking, and—as will be *een—per* ]
manentcure inveterate ease of Scrofula, «o»- ,
mends itself to ail tlmiiatly afflicted: ,
SoDTSroaT, Conn., dan. 1,1548.‘ ■
- idessru.' Sands:'Gentlemen/ Sympathy for the afflict- i
«d induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure .-
effected by your Sarsaparilla, In the case of my wife. '{
She wo* severely afflicted with the Semfbla on differ- i
enc parts of the body; the glaqda of the neck wen i
rrtraiiy enlarged, and her limbs tnueh syrollen. After i
iiaifering over a year, and-findlng no relief from the ,
remedies used, Uio disease attacked one leg, and be
linvlhekrer ruppuraieiL' Her physician advised It
aliould Jw laid open, which wu done, but without any
pcnniufcni benefit. In this situation wo hcardof, and
w-ve inilucrdln u-e, Sands* Sarsspanlla.-The ttrat
bettte produced a decided and favorable effect, reUhv
j„, her ir.oro than any prescription she had ever taten;
• fid before she used sir bottles—to tbo astonishment
ami delight cf her friends-sho found her health unite
reiiored. It is now over a year rincothe cure wa* ef
fected, and her health remains good, showing that-the
tlitraip was thoroughly eradicated from the •) 8 '* ln -
OdiNeighbor* are afi kSewin* to there facta, on* think
very highly of Sands’ Sarsaparilla. ■
Your* with respect, JUUuS HES.
and of a serofaloaa family. w HARRIS.
jdllo C root; Si?i£ iffiS
la another
ha* recently been enlarge* to
Tbo » p-ally good afcld*
this all the medicinal V»l«e
’"r ilSmol TDieWrperienee of thousands has pAyod
® f in cmiog the rtrioas disease* for which it
i at the prerent time more Hum
« n ?ofoer7pefh»P»> u m “ lclno «“%
S the ay**" tor a change of fear
; B, k2££e!fond sold, wholesale ind retail. by A- JJ. ft
n sand*. Oraggist and Chetwii,,lW FnltottatAet,
SSf!ofWdESa,; New York.. &ld also by Drug-,
riiu ceoeraUy throughoot the United State* and. Caa-
*l per bottle; sir bottle* forts. - -
*,Co, and EDWARD FENDERICH, Pittsburgh. Ai
«o, by Dr.3.BMlTll,Brldgwueg. (delMeodftwT
S' iGHT UANGE,'p* J I*
able in Cineinnari, Loairriile aad StLoui*, par*
■ chased on the Best favothbto terms/
#ptfl N. HOLMSS ft SONS.
~v [ . ' - ;
; i! " ,
- Ijjs
tali.public, of rearUnr
n-U. to tte .trod effect! fr-itteoi tyudf uoifi
ny owahoae. > During the #f Jane, ISIS* I.took
ay. appeiM failed, end wr stmagßi a*
J wwwodp with, wetslwa in my wo and
yH*wyw.enaeli ot nvereompHint.- Itookkere
,3?; af hFLaaeWIATurFIll*, and MOMsyiraps,
.Which J waa toldwt* gsodfiw that dim are, bat after
•*j* ■ was getting worse. I.fiaaßy conctadod,to place
myself under the ears af a physician for better'or
fortunately, lastafihlsrtiato, TWaa told
by the Ber. L Kibldck; of this place; that a (Wend bad
ajnt him ctac M BeW liver F!& ferns Pittsburgh,
which- hadt teaefi&ed him wry mash. 1. fonhvnS
•4nt.fcrabog you Uw? Pula,; and by the lime T
wax done nsiqrriwrt, I wu aatisfied;ibaiTPWu Just
Irte‘medicine tbaf suited my ease.’ Tsenvfot more,
aactook fire br' six betes, and found myself almost
bat In March lam I etagnl a ware
. cold, whlah brought back ifce, disease, and ia a then
time I wa* as bad as ever. I again nod. reeectse to
Sax liver PHI*.- and took them every other night for
t weeks; and gßraatnaailpdftca. and 1 eannow my,
that I can now. say, that I teeUinio .if .any symptoms
of the. Liver Complaint, and my general health is as
good now asti has beeo-fcr tbeUn 10yeaya.
My neighbors ask me wfao.sraa my doctor. 1 tell
themihatSellers’liiTerPlDrarasmy doctor, and by
the blessing ofDtvine Providcnoe the meant of coring
me. lam confident thst when the public become ac
quainted with the value of yoirUvcr Pills,, the a*r
a and for them will increase. Many oFjay.neighbonb
to whom I hare recommended the pills, ean testify to
thpir value, as well as to the'facts abote staMd.
Hespeelfolly.yours, GaopgxMmMs..
' Toth» Pmut—Tha Original. o»ry tree and ge'ha*
Qiao Llrer Pill* an prepared by R. E- Seller*. «nu
have hi* nomo nampea In block way opon lie lul of
each Box, and bia oa ttc ooiude wrapper.
others are'eounterftnsror hue Imitations.
tjnS?: R. B. - o*"* 0 *"* T KRB. Proprietor, St -Wood n, :
\OTT 'VjflC
A min by the name of KCEIi CLAFP has encased
sitfa a young man of the namoofS, P. Townsena,xhd
aseshianameto pot op a BonaparilUi.which they
call. Or. Townsend's SarsspaijJls, 'denominatingV l
GENUINE, Original, etc. This Town*end is no doe*
tef and never was. hot was formerly * workerd* rail*
roads, coals, and tbs like. Yet he assume* tb» title
of Dt, tor the.purpose of gaining erpdit for what hp is
not, (He is sending oat cards headed of
Quicks,” in wUchae says, I hire sold the nse of my
name for *7 a week. I willgive 8. P. Townsend *5OB
If be will prodnbe on* single sditaxy proof -of this.—
“Hdi is ta eaetioa the public not to bo deceived, and
purchase nous but thevGENUINEOBiUINALOLD
Hr. Jacob Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, having on’il the'
Old Dr.’s likeness, his family coat of arms, and his aig>
natare across the coat of arms.
Priaeipal Office, IQS Nosxn st, New,York City.—-
Old Dr. Townsend U nohr about TOvearfdf age, tad
ku long been known. u the AUTiIQR end DISCO*
SARSAPARILLA.” Being,poor, hawaa compeiied
to limit its' mapnfiictare,- by which mcaru Uhu been
kept out ofmarkef>and the' sales eirctnxncribed to
those only who had proved its worth end known'in
veitte. IUktiAUD AHBUaxqoALixsPxzrAXinotiii.
manufactured on the largest scale,-and Is called lor
throughout the length end breadth of the land.
•Unlike young B.P.Townsend's,' it'impfowi•\»Uh
«ge,end sever changes, bat for.the bettenibceanae it
u prepared on scienuEe principles by e scientific
Thohighest know!edge or Cbeialsiry.Tand-The latest
discoveries of the Art, hare all been brought into ns*
quiotian in the manufactured tha*old Dr.H fimapn
nlla. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is'wrll known to med-'
leal men, contains medicinal properties, and some pro
perues which arc inert oruaelessj and others, which,
If retained in preparing it tor ese, . produce ferateata
lion and acta, waxen uiajnriotu to.tho system.* Some
of the properties -of Sarsaparilla are' so- volhtilf that
they entirety evaporate and are lost in :tho prepara
tion, if they, are not preserved by a scientific process
;known only to those experienced'in iu maunfaeture
Moreover these TolaUto principles, which Ay offin va
por, or as an exhalation, under hefit, arc the very es
sential medical properties of the root, which rives to
it all its value. Ton '•• ;
u to prepared; that all the Inert properties of the Sar
kapanlla root are first removed, every Iking camsble
« beecmingeeidorofformentnUna, is extracted and
rejected; then every particle of medical virtue inwu
red in a jmro and concentrated form; and tflus it if
rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable aM
hcalmj prvperues. Prepared in this way, it is mane
the jBMt powerful agent in the >
IMficelhe reason why we hear -comiVDdatioiu on
ererr sole tails favor by men,' wofaen and children.
We find U doing wondejaia ihe'curoof Coniemptiofl,
Dyspepsia,fcnd Ltver Complaint,' and in Rheumatism
Bctofala and Pdea, Ooadteness, ail Cutaneous Erup-
Uona, Puaplea, Bioichss, and all sdeciioru arising from-
Impurity of the blood.
Il)iosujm a tnarrelloua effleaey In all complaints
ao»tng from Indigestion, from Aeidiry of the Stomach;
from unequal circulation, determination of blood to LSe
Lead, ntljxtatiOn of the heart, cold feet and cold tends
cold chtUs and hot flashes oyer tho body. It Aat not
had its equal-ta coughs and Colds; and promotes easy
expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relaxing stric
ture of the longs, threat, and every tthdr pert '
Bat iu codling lain excellence more manifestly seen
and acknowledged than in allklndi and Blares of'
ll waikawoederaiscasea of fluor albas or whites,
Failing ofthe Womb,Ob»tnieted,Suppressed,dr Pain
fol Mease a, Irregularity of the menstrual-periods, and
the like; and is efiectaalwcunagal! forms ofthe Kid-,
ney Discs sea.- By removing obstructions, and resort- 1
4ta*itonp«ral,crwjnsUgreeattbc and eirength to 1
the whole body, niiTdam - 5 '
ana thus prevents or relieves agreu variety mother
diseases, as Spinal Irritation. Neuralgia, »u Vnc* :
Ddnce, Swooning. Epileptic Fits, Convuliwns, Ac. la
not this, then, ran Manicure too Pai-hhcsxan.T Naeot'
But can any of these things l>e said of S. P. Town- 1
.sand’s interior article? -This young man’s liquid is not
because of tic,Grand Foct,ihat Iho oneislEcanable
of iDctenoraifejp.and NEVER SPOLLS,-wbile tho oth
er DUES; it sours, ferment*, and blows the bottles
•containing iunto fragment*; the sour, acid' liquid ex
ploding aiul damaging other goods! , Mustnottha hor
rible compound be poisonous to the system? What!
pm acid into a system already diseased with aeid!
\> hatcausea Dyspepslaßut held? DOWe notall know,
that when rood soon la Oar stomachs, what mischiefs
u produce*!— palpitation ofthe
heart, liver complaint, diarrhtea, dysentery, cholic and
corruption ofthe blood? What u Serofalabatua-neid
fautoor in the body? .Whet produces all the hmuori
which bnngon Eruptions of the Skin, Scald Head!
Salt Rheum,Ejy*ipelas,White Swellings, Fever-Sores!
and all ulcerations internal and external? It is noth,
ing under heaven but an'acid'substance, which sours,
and thus spoils all tho fluids of the body, more or let*.
What causes Rheumatism but a soar acid fluid, winch
insinuates itself between the Jdnxa and elsewhere, iri
mating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissues
upon which it acts? So of nervous diseases, of impu
rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly
all the ailments which afflict nature.
Now, Is It not horrible to raakcand sell, and infinite
ly worse to ase this
and yet he would fain have ft anderetood that Old is
cob-Townseod’s Genuine Original Sorsapanll*. is an
Imitation ofhis Inferior preparation:!'
Uearen forbid that we uoold deal in an article
which would bear the most distant resemblance to 3.
P Townsend's artiels!. and which should bring down
upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints
aud criminations from agents who have sold, and pur
chaser* who have tied 3. P. Townsend'* Fomenting
We wish it understood, because it is the‘absolute
truth, that 9.1*. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend's Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apdh, abd
infinitely dissimilar; that they are tmlike hi every par
ticular, having not one single thing in common.
Uis to arrest frauds upon the unfonanote, to pour
balm into woonded-liumanltY,-' to kindle hope la the
dcspairieg bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi
gor into too crushed and broken and to banish infirmi
and FOUND the opportunity and mean* to-bring-hit
-within tho reach, and to ike knowledge of all-who
need it, that they may learn and know, by joyful eg.
perience, its Tisrtscsrocir rowxa to hell*!
For sale by J.KIDDftCO^-WholesaleAgent:for'
Western Pennsylvattia; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr.
J.BARQEANT, Allegheny; Dr. i. CASSELL, Fifth
ward, G. W. GARDNER. ttth.ward,Pltt»bnrgh. sptl
Sajlxm, Columbiana e0.,0., Apr.dl, IS4I,
DR. D, JAYMS: DEsji Sn.*—l feel bound to yoa
and the afflicted public, to avail myself of tlus op*,
portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary effects
of your Ezpeetorant ontayself. Uavino been afflicted
for aeverol.yean with a severe cough, hectic fever
■ml its concomitant diseases, and seemca only doomed
to Huger out a short but miserable tha
fall of 1839, when, being more severely attacked, ar.d
having resorted to all my formerremedie*, and theprt.
scrionons of two of the most respectable physicians in
the neighborhood without deriving miy benefit, orthe
eonSatioa ofsurVlvinr hata few day* or wcekdtrj
farthest—when' the ls,i gleam of hopo;was about to
vanish. 1 had recommended to me your Expectorailt—
andblesscd by that BMhg who the
I had for leu years previous. i,u w
Fourth street. taardk.
jj^YNtL—Thi* cciuhc*,’ that immediately after
bavin* attended my. brother, who died of eons'umpfion
fo Mtucb, lrti I was taken sick: with:the Coasumpuon
or Liver ComplabU, and tga* reduced so low.wun.tho
disease, that for four years I was unable to attend ur
mv business, either at hdme -or abroad, being for. the.
most timo confined to my bed. During die above peri,
od of tune, l had expended for medical attendance o
. recolarThyvielana and. oedietnea, to the'amount of
KWOrWithent receiving any - bencßt therefrom. 1 In
Joly, Ibis, I commenced taking Dr.' Jayne’s Medi*
elnes, and have taken them more dr lesa eve? since,
and believe that it,was by persevering ifTthcir&se,
that I can now truly say that I have completely rCco*.
vered my health. I bekeve that Jaync’s tianauve Fill*
and Expectorant are the best family medidne* now in
use. '• ' *''' ' > ' ' :
I reside in Springfield; Otsego county, N. 'and
canyon a furnace and machine shop in that place,
and am not interested in any manner is Ihe skle of the
abort medicine a, an'dmakpthis certificate lefr the ben
efit ofthose afflicted. ELIJAH EATON.'.
Bprlngfletd;N. flept IB IWA , I*4 j
«»lfa>way P&uu" Riankitg f
W : R. MURPHY, at North East comer of Fourth
* andlUrkct sireeis, has lately received a'sop
ptyoflho aboye cuperierxnake.of Blankets, and in
vites those in want of the aniele t to look at them be
fore buying. He has also onTiand lloae Madeßlan
keH, a good heavy arUda, whieh be is selling low.
. Also—Home Made FLANNELS, brosniibattedand
,l4th h.
in to
Wholesale Rooms, .up *tairs, make* hi* assortment
very full and worffly the aUemioa of dealers. .
novl? , . -i-
TYRUSSELS CAIU'ETa.—W. M’Clitxoc* oOhra to
K petehaserealargo and handsome assortment of
v-s'sgsm ssi aatr;
j. ■ :
■ ■• ■ ■ ■■•■;. r u,:. n <V ' ;
V* w " A - , V-J»^'
!#,. ~ -.-4
.TOLiyi. N0.}135:
Bo kmd to thy frthtr-—lbor whos thOt wirt
-! VVbq ioredtheeso fondly u he? ..
He canght the ’fiat accents thntieli’ £rc*
_ * .thy.tongue,- •
■ ; And'joiiedinWne innocent: glee; 5 ' ,r ~
So kind to'thy fiuhe>-4or now he
His locks intermingled withgwy r , 5.
His footsteps are feeble^-oaoe fearless and
■I M**, 77 :
: Thy father is pasting away- " *
• t*i ;-y .•: . <.'2 f.zi''
-Behind to tb :
mother—for low on berhrow
0 _
May trace*.ofsorrowfcosoaa/v . J *' "~ 4
G, woEimy'ct them cherish aadaomfort bar
i&w; ' ;
‘ Pdrjlsting tod Jtiiid hath slid been. ~
Itemembet thy aothsr—for tfcae Will aha
Pf®T» ' . , .-;o
As long as God gireth hsffirealh—
With ;ac66ats •( kredness thpa ehssr to
loss wsy,
fi’en to the dirk'valley of death. J ,
Ba kind to thy brother—-his hgayt wUlhave
' • vdtaitii,' .’' . ' * . _
. If tfr&smiJe of thyjoy bo withdrawn;
The flowkrsof feeling will fade at their birth, j
If the der^
Be kind, to 1
An drnamei
. Than ]>ur)
Be kind to .*
• ■ The depth
The wealth y
.-The surface
Thy kindheag >
An<l blesai
Affection shall
■ • V*>- ' • -
Mere precious .than wealth or renown, o
... .J'-.i',. ■ mm ,
'j. : IT minuflimtW. :
Gira too, O, God, the power and will >
To do to others as I elill
; . Would they should do to mo, ..’ ,
Giro ma a conscience free fromguila,* ..
Teach meroa earthly things; to smiley
- ;■ -And trim my heart'to thee.
Where I hare erred, O Lord, forgive,
Where I’ve been right,,grant while I lire, •" z -
J.?. I in thht path may stay. *
And'O, whenever worldly. pride ...
Would lure my. wandering steps aside, ,' L,
|Do thou direct my.way. •• ■. •-, I■,
Tri Gypain.—The Gypsies, whosohisto
ry and social conditions were so
itetl! a few years ago by Barrow,, in Jus
“2mcaini and (f ßible in Spain,” have maini
tamed for'several centuries an existence
eomowhat corresponding to that of the Jews.'
They are to be found in almost all the coun
tries of Europe, everywhere keeping them*
selves distinct from die people anting whom
they mingle, and preserve .the identity4ff
their race-end-manners.—SUll-tbeircase is
by do means so remarkable-as that the
Jews, for the Gypsies,' atleast in their pro*
seatmode of lite, are comparatively a mod
em people. According tho best accounts,
they Bret appeared in Korops during thel4lh
century, haying come thither, from; the East.
They seem to have been afragmerit of .an
oriental race, broken off. from the main "bo
dy by some, internal convulsions, .arid'ml
afloit 'to find a ne wresting place. : The
Gypnes are said to have made their appear
ance in Bohemia at the time above mention;
ed, whence they spread themrelves through
the countries,of Europe, roaming in,little
bands from place to place, and .everywhere
guarding themselves iri the strictest manner"
I'rcuo-a Hal I i yicesvyi th the surrounding peo-
BcoUiNUa OP THX Yxia ih various lii*. .
tions. — The Cimldean’s and Egyptian/* ye«r
was dated from tha anttunnal eqoinox. Tho '
ecclesiastical year of the Jews began in : the ;
spfingj'bnt in civil affairs they retain the
epochof-tho Egyptian year. The ancient.
Chinese reckoned from the Sew moon near
est the middle of Afaarins.. The year ,of
Romulus commenced in March,'and thatnf
Numa in January. The Turks add Anns
dateltheiryearJram the 16th of, July., Dremsr
child, or Genschiidj King of Persia, observed
on the day of his public entry into Persepo- .
list, that the sun-entered into Ariesj' rind in
commemoration of this fortunate 'event, he
ordained tho beginning of tho year to be re
moved from the auommaltothe vernal equi
nox. 1 The Brachmun begin their ye&rrwith
the hew moon in April. Tho Mexicans
in February, when the leaves bean to grow'
green. Their year consists of eighteen
months, having twenty dayk in eachy the
last five are.spent in mirth, and ho business
is suffered to be done, nor even any'service
in the temples.’ '
The Abysainians;have fiveidledaysatthe
end] of their year, which commences on the
26tft, of August. The American Indiana
reckfm from the first appearance of hip stpon
at the vernal equinox. The Mohamuiiwffina
begin their year the minute in which'the son
en>era Aries. The Venetians, Florentine*,
and!-the PUaits in Raly, begia theyefi£ at
the!vernal eqoinoxi The French year, du
ring the reign of the Merovingian raoe, t»*
gan. on the day on which, the troopi we|e re
. viewed, which was the first of March. .-.Un
der the Carlovingiahs, it began on Christinas
dayT'aniunder the Capetiana on Easfer-dhy..
The ecclesiastical begins on die first
in Advent. ..Charles appointed, in. 1564,
.that for-the. furare the civu.year should com- ‘
mence on the first of January, v .:t
The Jaliah calendar, which ia so. called
from Julius Cesar, and is the oldaccdunt of
the year, whs performed by Popb'Gregory
in 1582, which plan was suggestedly Lew
is Lilia j a Calabnan astronomer. TheDulch,
and tife Protestants in Germany, introduced
the new style in 1700. The ancient clergy
reckoned-from tho 25th of March; a&dttne
method, was observed in Bihamfindlthe in
troduction of the nevrstyle, A. 1752 j, af
ter which onr year commenced on the first
of Januidy. - '- ' ' ' ' .
*He that you uurk for your Mend/ let him
be ;a Virtuoua"'person; for'an 111 zhimcan
neither longlove, or be long beloved. 'He
friendships of wicked men are rather te be
ooUed eosspiraeiea than friendship*.
JlippHriss.—lt is not happiness, that jxen
zied, feverish excitement that canfor a ihort,
time shade the son Land oppress theflxeart with
its own ecstacy. Hut there ia a itslmhA—
that sometimes steals mysteriously upon the
calmness that no words can- dei
scribe oi define, and which defies all snaly
'«s.j' That is happiness—the happiness of an
gelsj .the'pOace thktpasseth .au .understand-,
‘“s- V: V: ’ .... a .
‘ A 'PihxsT’s Dcstax roa ms
And'ohthat .thrirnghont eTcoy stage of my
life! 1 cooldtake my family along with;me:
they will share in my.temporal.hajfcairia,
and if *o be, ih. my (empruraj halarhnp»g—
Oh jthet I hungered and thinted more. after
lightebuiiess, and. that. they aharaC Ip ,
spiritual longmg for grace.hmejvxd-gfofy
hereafier.lpray, 0 God, for of
them, expraiklyandpaxuculariy—■myden
wife, Anna, Eliza, Grace, MaxgareLvkeler
andj Fanny, and last of all, fat my only*
grandchild, dear little Tommy; ‘ Harms tM
remainder of my pilgrimage, 1 would nay.
ex cease to pray for tnernand to watch over
therm May each and &U of be tran^
latedirbm me waUt of mghl'io of ••
faith, and henceforth may t&ay be my fellow
in Zion; andwe, thepawni walk
ing, together ah heukpl tlja graearof life,
may, betho ChrisUaniied&mily^-CAaisun.
’ /How much hs jtsiew of the human heart
who.fim called Godour father.