The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 12, 1850, Image 4

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    --™. .-„ Xi]l ,- ■•■ . tr j r - ij. j-T-... .. w . v ,_. ..;.>
' « g goon~3uTig
jf.'.ikf. yffjoliwit CBft«a Ml* tiEwiem price*
•TitoßSH : SMßdn«BisnT!Dnb» CfertaUa BelU
ftoa tad Crneb, MUaart Treatiaoeo-Ceristioa Doe
mod, m>pffwnaiali-ewn% &c-« Bottom’* Greek
BsaMir of titf Gottal* 4e Jsuuik do do* Beoct!s Bi>.
odides Fuisb’a Bible Gczeuocr,
KMUaAQmui rod its Protpe«% Pr.Wood’*Leo
tow oa MintonoryAne
e-4M rod wb, ia addition I
toikoobovOi'ouattumirnna. •• • - nortl ->
fMi Kjj of giWßgnoH; secs-
X LEGHQfY, AKO VICINITY, will be read?
taaaamTeite fdaya, ■Pemnowhotaty wi» to
hsTOVtowieftbdrooantrroesUpsioatbotup eu
dooobyfluklaf aopikatientotbe. tmderslTßed; ,«w
tlao befaotkolSlt To defray toe ®f
tk view* tm* jiU U;ryttred;Jn «!4W9 a
»l>wil»nik«l : iMI!-: K EMeOOWAS
, • l ? N '‘A'‘-r®o THE PUBLIC* - >-*,
fiiww* t «!]«L<IIH a alonlu Uetaiic SUbStanCC.
*Sml£totolh2 not the!UatWem-Heommeßeed
.'• y™ l ** r P B —Ji7# m bclUaj it, and palrer-
t»ngM tnbrtincesj
"S»**J2?f2SweMUeoe« Jhant ere wm •»«!««
irJ**2KEl?mmemln time tad means in the
SiiMi^wn 1 -^—“ d ftomfaat time
Sffijtaw taeadal to noother;burinti«; atttoex
■iiSSn«faboat two yeai*,l finUly
Ejedsdnc it to a fins powder tod with Ua*
aMO-toeo aboat the consistency of thierpawt, and
'. trf w<wy this rgnmoand with a brush, that tail coatlcr
■ nww imoattowouW betomfi A'perfect stone or
aLm' to that (to substance wtoa-ippued was acts ally
alaxo fa a Bold state, tad the lairs amount of allica,
•■ ttßßma»na(oeaa tad black ozms of iron that U eon*
' tatoedf iweiiodli .tcih weather tad fire proof; as the
ioflfir eipoaod) tto'bsfdes and mpre ; permanent it
(tooßatobecoas, tad as tto coiling iafter It turns to
alswj faof itself indestructible by fire, consequently ft
sweats tto wood earered with it from the air, and
wteco ttors U ho air, (tore 1s to; blase or combustion;
therefore tto wood arfll aetsaity char, tofere.the slate
terming will giro way.
“I eoniHerod the dUeoreiy -ef tbo greatest import-'
' she*, asd applied to Gcrentmentfar a patent for my
:ia*Mrfca : or diseorery, fondlyboplng (bat 1 mould;
'anftoremtorated for aU my oatiar in time and min.
toy,'* She gtrcnuacut, without any hesitation, grant
etem Letters Patent for the sole right to meaufw*.
< tart, sell sod ue my lapnrreaaat fa the manufacture;
--of w “Weather end Fire Proof Cospositua or Arti- ;
ialal elate." te fourteen years. {
. . Aaga*tl4,iet». • - ••j WM. BLAKE. .
) WE,ttoichabitantsof gharda.too eadiheabofe |
aUtamont of Ur. Blake, and beUero so be snbstan-1
. tfaßy eeriest,'as we are knowing u>oust of the state*.:
t*ants. therein eonfafae* tod we will farther stale, ttot
..are do not believe that there era was a patent more.
honestly aad laboriously eained,OT more deeerredly,
“ .{tinted; as he pursued to experiments with tto tw*t
mdomlUble perseverance under tto most discouraging
'.aireamstances, as the public ijadoottto least confi
deaae thsi.ttora could be any tlunr valuable nude
ftamthe nhstancc. Hctbertforohadfaeneoumerfor
yean the )mt and eeodb of acarly the whrta comm*
’ n&y.Notwithstanding aU this, to was indefatigable
fa the praeeeatinofma expenmanu, and we do not
tolievettatitort la one man inathousand who would
H have pamvered under all tto entumstaneea But to
• has at last triumphed orer ail obstacles, and we be*
’ Urn there is now bat one opinion in awarding him
the merit of this valeable discovery.: . . . ,
GEO, W. CRANE, 1' : Jaidccs of
HORACE ClßflU -»be
JQHATHANEVFHHftttP,j jtoee- ;
* B.W.UILL, • *
BENJAMIN JONE, 1 Towjahip.
ALIEN Bnwß,|ltoanror.
Have teaettalned ihit there atttndividaais engaged!
nrtfulittar patented article. laavebeente.
ifcooo persona shown them mr patent. They uy i
-ttey doliottateadi* infringe fcr trespan npoa my ;
rifaaj that they have a right in dig, grind, and tell the .
if they can find purchasers; that (her an' net;
-'; Ciritoknowwhattheyart-todowhhuu that It is
no infringement until it is mixed with tbeoil to make ,
' the Bowpoand; and that those who her, mix and tuc U,
mast taie the retpouibUity. Host'of them aj that
they believe that the patent U food against those that
.. mi* and we the compound, andj acme have said that
- whattherwastsdtosaetheyaaealdcertainly pureh*
.no of ate, aether did netlntend to make, themselves
t tUhla btaarwar. Ncrwlfeel myself indutyboundto
-. czMe iUa Mieueedfried epos the public; aa I can
• nUit by aomUder name,'where a man cells and re*
petTM pay ftr an article, the joe ef which he well
■ ncwreatyeets the purehaaßranAßserteeptoaectt*
ries andflae. Some of thoee who are engaged in this
atftrtoas trifle, will unquestionably eonteod to the
- public that my patent will not «taa<4 and that I dare
net prosecute. Row, to tike this argument aww from
,atm»l.weat to acme of those proclaiming
my patent waa ef no valeeV eon made the tallow*
. lagprepetition: that they mightseleetejudje and two
lawyer* who have had ease practice in patent cues,
and wwwoald sahmlt the patent to them, and if they
4*eJdad Aert«im»*tn«»iAiliMihw afaoald stop
aUtathuTpmeedUtgs in ihaWnem; but (fiber
• dtfM*ri l ** t*»™lH nothin Ihelf opinion.hold.
I weald agree to let them go on and tell all they could,
. ;.'Wttheef uylng any to the public about them.
proposition they woßd noC accede to. So far as
~' the validity of my patent la concerned. Ido not do*
v Madentlruyßpeamyownjadgmfint,aith9ughliiare
- ’ many of the Judges, and several of tha moat wninent
•’ -patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided
.'.that fa tfcmr opniea it waa goodj and would protect me
in my discovery. j
" ‘ 1 grind the article, to ai fine power, and pet it up m
benei%the which are marked: “Buns’! Purest tin*
. ass Watm* Pxoev AwareuiSuia.” . . .
J.lbetafere give notice to all who buy and use the
.loovemeationedminenlfer tbepnrpoa* set forth la
•• atypatentwxceptfrcm meor my ambooxed agents.
" Chat l ahail hold them to a strifes accountability, and
< tiiall commence suits at law igaiasitboee whoUus
■ /.-tannage upon my right . fflL BLAKE
- /'■* Baa»OH,Medina . .
: ByT WO TORS ef the: nboVoFire and Weather
-' Proof. Artificial Slate on hands and for sale. ; The
* ahevewe'aaareeomaend, forlwebavebeen.utingu
E. IL EATON & CO ,l 5
. ■#” e» P*mrtli «tP«e't, PlU<bnrfh,
aew i&Bun thair ftiQ aitaortment of
. Mmininp; filoTes, Dpsltiy aid . Lace Goods
. ~ A DAPTED to the -want* of eVcrrelßiiof Marchs nu
': * /%. ypi*ftwwwm : No paisa hare been yparcd *®
' : • ptzMCBX lh» mewtft and roll fashionable Kyle of
. - Good* in iheir line. Heir KoekeoniiiUinpanofUie
‘^ toWi “ F DRESS XRaimKGS.
jMn|pt mi Gimp*, ofentry narietrr new »tylea
• injwOallooaK AfceriiM and Imperial Braids vide
• -ani oarnrw Silk and Warned Embroidering Braid*:
£nrod aad eatYelrel B&boni; plain do dop Corded
- Sasuo ***** plain Bibbosa, for iiimminj} black,
mfclift aaft.c*saradSUk Luo; ie*tt» wide do do, far
t Bosaees witb a faii. ’snoruneoL of Drew Bouoai;
% . ... . LAOS GOODS.
' Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chemisette*,
- HajiringCap* and Half Sleeves, French
WjakedCollan«adCaflk.iapea:*«rietytLa©o Veils,
' ’-IWhcatt nodOpm-Ties; Moajain* Cbomiwtte*, Cow
t-' **■ anlHairflloevcs: Ltnen Lawn Jldkfs,
• nMlikread Lace* and -Edfiam Im. do do; Bobbin,
. jjab'Ltoa Kolia and CMua'Eiiftag* and lasenlnp.
:’’- : BOmrBT\ TBmaUNOS.
\ BleJinaw «tyleßoanetßib>b ns, French FaeeFltrw
•■. , an. Bonnet l*bp, Velvets, Satin* and Fforenee*, Silk
■ V' ’ jftaaa* and Tdjlatoa*, Bonnet Frame* and Tip*-
Bad maaa&cutrt, with moo approved (aliening*,
aadcbeioestcolor*. .Anexteh*iveai*ortmeaialw»:r*
- W-.!:
‘ -tS -5^
Merino, Cotton and fin*
• Wool Half Meat. ‘ ■-.•t.
■ GLOVES. ■ :• ' ■"
jl Mi'anortment for men* women ana.children,
• • -faitJwlSSfSDexbr Shed, PoKwf«_■»£.PJJJ*»
• SMnbbed and plain Caskmfcre; Chamol* Luted Uer-.
'tiaTbauimer*, Merino, Far-linedßeaver, heavy and
- tat Military and LUlo Thread and Cotton.
• • -ta-h M Ladled-and ChOdna’a Hood*, Children'*
; i ''Wootoa' Backajbit Searfr and Boa*, Children** OaU*!
'afy ytU Sttg Mia*.WormedCaflyZnmmg WontoJ* :
‘ and Woolen Yanu, California comforts; alao, fold
fotuimScarfs,farLadies.: -•
‘ - -■> ladies department. .- * ■*
• aadPnwwmEmbTcideredeach* andFlannela, French
r e«p«-Mrf Walcvfor Infanta; and Swnn’odown
; GEt(TI£ I IIE2iB WE AK. v .
Had Shin*; Cravat* and Collar*; Merino, Silk and
Gottorn Wrapper* and Drawer*; Saipeaden, Shojtfder
BraeesandDreoinc Gownd SUk and Linen Hdkfa;
• Clove* and Hosiery. • *‘ f ' .
Tttaah pasanu earred and plain Shell Seek Cdmhs;
Bsfhio"ta4 ba. do; PheU Siae nod Lonf Corabr, to.
do; BafaJarSadneadßooewoodtlalr Brashes; shell,
- Bafkk) and Eaf. Ilora Xhesiior end ftno Ivory Cootbs;
‘ - with an awmmanf or RaU aafTeeu Unuh«a. ;
WotbaitiPa "OoM Modal 0 Berfoaery.
Neadfcq Pins, Tapes, Mteel Ban and Panes,
Betwao and Stool Good*, Berlin Wire Baskets,
Pin* Twist and j ßowfogft ftno Boaewood Desks and
• CoaJßiodiapkOallooai, i FaaeyWork Basket*
. Cloak Cord■ad'TaeselV' Portfolio*, Ptpiextxvs and.
• jffladJtShidd Trimmings, • Ladle*’Stationary,.'
• palaU&Banast Tassels,. Prtneb Cork Botes,- •
. . upaolstenri* Prlcees, -.. BUkfcGlng’m Umbrellas,
BoSUnes. ass’* widths,' PiperMulinsfc Hollands,
. T MkhOUCloth*.'. - OasdsßandsfoWobblnx,
' Lagers.
tnet%Can>ct Waahoes*. No.
£thtraxppl7 of Carpets, hftbo lattstaad most ap
■ • guiyd atyltis,’ to-wnich w» invito the aueuton of
' {trafoboa: maa,'and tho*o wishlnf to famish liosaea,
to call and axaadno the laryoot aasertaeat In the city,
-a<a will onll cheaper than eve* before ottered in
,- ■. weriom market. . novSl ff tPCUMTOCK 1 ■
•'j HomxaJng Loam IbmwU.
- '• *.MURPHYtureedu repplyof the above
' Mr'.lartld*.af.tbeWt'quality} tho, plain UUek
■' JXl?black Bombuiaea. MOnming Al
- Slack-Crtewh^^aeust.
1 ' Bonne; iUb
'trtaQnfT*r «nd * fail assortment of Moanung
-■:.sii®<v ,\:
A,‘»«m*iwh»eßViteltt4tß«»ttwflese* n [f "Me
«*d*upaitofc.ißayuri»rela*:t<d tolo«k at .them, *»
- where i large assort
• amMcClU* Pood* -InvSQ
.: 5 -r’«?«.TaL JAYHE»!ALTERATIVE j
>: *g&SSSfi£3^iSS^gS;
•“ »n<* eaftllatioa ofvurloa*boncfcda
’ * ' 5?-nEtCfcl bone of thoertaram,firorobcAfaorarms,
--KiSfLtifciMiitJtf JW®boihk**»«BdfraaUi«.Jea
fie rightfe4> bcalSi ptlcftl
—' to trrDr.Jayart Alterative.
;r. : -XS«sS®ft , S^S!a.%3Ss^!:
" ss^B&b^s^bss:
r ' • * i£«v«: kji.j,--v>
UT AH the Medielaea adTcrtiaed by W.B-BLOAN
i atwet, cad JOHN P- SCOTT
Th« Beat aad Cbaapaat Bora* BtcOleina
Jilfflß WBLD. -
Had tsnud a gnat nm. P»ifJV3tfi2ifnm, Baft
n,amdn»rwgktuu, SLOAN’S OINTMENT fixe*
And! i* rapidly BJperwdiar all other Ointment* and
linfiaano nawinaie for the enre of the following dia
euea: ,
Fre*h woorid*. gall* of all kind*, »prain*, : hrnlie*
i cricked heel*, ringbone, windbone,wiDdjraJl#, pol
eril, calla*, »patio*, nreeoeTy-fiitßla, aitfact, cumin*
Uswoe**! *and met, toon dared feet, aeraiche* or
gteare mango or bone dulestper. .
lire Pomer will reamta alllnfltamatlon and fctar
parley the blood, looaeh the akin, clean** the water
and itrengthen erery panof the body: andhaaprsTed
a *OTtsT«ifil remedy tor the following diwjueu \ .
Disicapcr,. hide bound, i«w of; appetite, iaware
ttraln, yellow water, inflammation of the eyei,fatigue
from bard exercise; alio. rhenmaUira. (commonly cal*
wd riff complaint.) which proves *ofaial to many vat*
nablo hone* in tUi chantry. Itiselsoasafean’lccr
lain remedy for coaghs ana colds which rent rate u
many .■ -W.B. SLOAN,
Grand Depot, 40 Lake it, Chieago^TiiinoU-
Extruet from thri' “Galena North Wettem GareUe.',
. By the use efSloan’s Ointment’ond Condition Pow
der,-Ihave entirely cured* fistula on toy horse and
otherwise imsroved his.conditionraoro thanSOo pe
-And a cow which
was «o feeble a* to be eojWdered worthless by myself
and neighborhwasrestoreAie good health undslrenvth
by.the oseof tetathan half a package of the powder,
and is now doing better than-any other cowl hare.
Small Pox, May 13,1948. WM. VINCENT.
Thereby certify, that one of my children, whcnna
ked t fall into a large fire of live coals, and was homed
severely from head to feet The best of medical aid
and attention waa given to the child for four or five'
days without any relief—each day’s sufferings increas
ed till his groans coaid be beard at* great distance, at
which critical period one of my neighbors recommen
ded and presented to me a box of Sloan’s Ointment,
and-in leas than fifteen minutes atier the application
of theointmeni to the aggravated sores of the suffering
child,'the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began
to recover. My residence is in-Kelt township, Ver
million county, and State of Indiana.
.Chicago, August 9t, 1843.
April 13, ISI3. Four miles north of Chicago (on the
road to Milwankle,) Cook connty, Illinois.
Ur. Sloan—Dear Sir One of my horses had a large
bony tamer on his breast bone, immediately under the
collar, which tamed him and rendered his service* o{
very .little value. 1 faithfully applied several bottles
of Of. Tnylor 1 * Nerve and Bone Liniment, without the
least benefit. I then procured Wilder’s Celebrated
Horse. Ointment, and used that until! beeame &lly
satisfied that it-would never relieve the Ft*
njdly._4/utained a box ot your truly valuable Oint
ment^ and in less than GO days from toe first applica
tion me tumor entirely disappeared, and the hone was
•'. If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth of an
.article, wo invite the ineredttlou to read at least a few
ofthe many .voluntary certificates that appear in our
columns respecting the great.variety .or remarkable
cures effected by the me cf “Sloan’s Celebrated Oint
meal and'Condition Powders.” -
These remedies no longer remain among those of
doabtftti nUHty, they have passed from the tide of ex
periment, and now stand higher ia'repnution and are
becoming, more extensively used than all other arti
eleg ef the kind.—Mich. City News. .
Fox Rrrxt, June U, ISIS.
Dear Bio an—Sir: Please send by tbe bearer a new
supply of your Hone Medicines. They are the best
ancles of the kind that I have ever used, never hav
ing been disappointed in their effect, As I have been in
the nse of others, even the most celebrated Ointments,
Liniments, Ac, of the day. (like very ooch this fee
tore in theta, viz: that they do ail that is promised, end
upon a thorough trial one Is contracted to add, thai
“half has not been told.**
Respectfully, M. DUDLEY.
The ordinary, ointments and liniments it is well
known-, are severe and partial in their operatiam—
Sloan’s Ointment is wild yet thorough—it reaches and
removes the eanse, hence it gives real and permanent
; relief.. For. purity, mildness, safety, certainty, and
, thorough ness, Sloan's Ointment exeels, and is npidly
rerpereeding. all other Ointments and i.inin»»n*v now
in use. . •
, Bmu't.Giore, TIL, Oct. 21,1819.
Mr. Sloan—Sin I have tested tbe virtue of your
Ointment in the cire of rattlesnake' bites, sore throat,
barns, and many and'in every ease it
has surpassed our'expectation*. As a family Ornt
ment, I nave never seen its equal, oed for beasts vt
can’t get along without it *.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin For a considerable length of
im e I was seriously afflicted with the rheumatic com
plaint and applied freelytbe various liniments, paint
kilierSjAe., without obtaining any relief. Afterwhich
your agent at this place influenced "me to try your
Ointment and within two weeks from the lime T com-'
menced using it the pain ceased,and I waseffeetuatly
cured, and'thall recommend all who are similarly af
flicted with the distressing complaint toproenreyour
excellent ointment without delay.
Resp’r yours. OSCAR F. MOTT.
Priocerille, Peoria eo, May I, ISli
. tCT From the Hon. Il*V. 8. Brooks, Agent ot the
JPimds and Michigan Canal Paeket Boat Company.
Chuaco, Jane U, 1B4»
, . Dr. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the last 30 years I
have had occasion to nse many horses, and have used
thegreml variety cf liniments and ointments in ore,
but have never foand any thing equal to your oint
ment for injuries on herses. Within the last two
months I have applied your ointment to some 60 horses,
for various injuries, andineveryitmaaee it has pro
ved a sovereign remedy. '•
Two mile* tooth of Chicago, Sept. 14,1943.
Dr. Sloan—Sin On the Bth instant my son had a fin
ger tint r entirely oJTby ahorse.- We immediately ap
plied root celebrated {moment, wfcleh relierod’him cf
pain m a few minutes, and prevented the finger from
swelling the least panicle,.and the wound is healing
tepidly. Reap*}* f Dar *> - S- BROCKWAY.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir About three "years
severely injured in one of mylegs by the felling of*
pile of vcod whieh occasioned. large running ulcere.
Nearly every doctoT'ln Galena trlpa to cure tnem; bat
tried in vain, until from sympathy and improper .treat
ment my other leg became as bad as the one original
ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well again—
bat in order that I might neglect no meant within my
teach, I purchased of your agent in Galena some iV
your ointment.and you canjudge of my surprise an I
gratitude better thanleau express it, to find myself
entirely well before 1 had finished using the second b< x
These facts 1 make known that others afflicted may
believe and- not deldy using so valuable nn ointment
as yours has proved to be. Resp’y your grateful fr’d,
Galena, 111., Dec. Iff, ISIS. EVAN DAVIS.
the following order. Messrs. Vanghn & Co.
purchased a targe supply of Sloan’s preparations.
JscxMS, Mien. Feb. 34,1849.
S. E. Hibbard—Dear Sin 1 am out of Sloan’s Condi
-Ikm Homo Ointment. The sale far ex
oeeds my expectation. If you can manage to tend me
4 doaen Ointment, 1 will pay for them the first tim«
that you are here, and presume I shall be able to sell
a large quantity In the conne of the year. It will be
ah objeel to too, as well as to myself to keep me eon
vcrvre.pvr».^ AUGIIN4co
1 >-,'f- r v.r.v '••' St. Loon, Feb.SZ, 1319.
■•Dr.moWH-Bjr: Abouttwo years Ago, while rafting
'Un fl)f.yVfyt»:ppi river, in pasting over toe rapid*, I
wusotunged l"if» Use water, and by the raft dulling
afiCsA'a reek, crushing my lefties and otherwue *«-
noaslyinjnnaf me, *8 mock that 1 lost alt *en«il>ilitv:
When consciousness returned I found myself in at.
Lcmi*, ndtreopded by my weepingfamiiy. Goodnurs
iiis •» tpfedical aid. enabled tne in about two montlu
|ApH»V with the anUtance of scratch. The
wwiodsimly partially hewed, leaving large ranuns
aerfiu .at the knee, which for many months discharged
WoodisßdnatlcroftbeHiastefleßslveehnTucier. My
oam» were inerprenible. at time* ray suffering woe
re great that death'would have received a hearty wel
come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my neighbor*)
advised me to uy your Ointment. I obtained a box
applied It according to direction-the *ores aoon began
» assume a healthy appearance, and in three months
I waa entirely eared, and enabled to do hard labor.
Yoar obedient servant,
We, the undersigned, neighbors of 11. W. Thom a*,
ware acquainted with the cue above stated, and know-
In, th. .itcumuuiw mowebMrf.Uytcmatm uld
statement. REV- J. DOUGLASS,
nomar aratt-mei u JAMES WILSON,
Cmcaoo, Jan. Bth, 1849-
WD. gloati—Sin One ofmybome was hoof bound
and also wounded in the stifle, la which he took eotd,
and became ao crippled that he eouJd scarcely travel.
Br thdireo application of your valuable ointment, U»
ioo&were aoon softened and the atifle permanently
cored I have ala© n*ed the Ointment In the ea»e of
Poll-Evil and on severe falls with equal suece**-
iisesssras: s: "v&sh&sr
Slaan’a Ointment and Condition Powder are ac
beeured by thfawonderful remedy. ThePoWderii
Signed for inward strain*, distemper, hale bound
fatigue from bard exercise, diseased eyes, Ac.—Lake
County Chronicle. •
WicKUXfU] Cook Co. Feb. 13/1843-
Mr.Sloan—Sir lhaveafiaeyoungbore* that waa
taken with .the scratches lut fall. 1 P< u y* , l fc^®“1
three dollars for medicine to cure him, b« bd grew
worn. 1 then bought a box of your ointment at year
office when in Chicago lut, Tatbcr doubtingly, bat I
thought I wonld try h. Jndgeafmy surprise and ray
opinion of lu beneficial qualities, when l found my
horn's legs araeoth and well in t from the t do
I commenced applying iL Yoar obedient.
More than fifteen yeara of unrivalled anccess in the
eare of every varletyaf external diieaaca and injuriea
such sa sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, cutaneous erup
tion*, Mia lips, tore breasts, ehapped hands. c'hlJk
hlains, bile*, utcare, corn*, pains in tne back, aides, or
other parts of th* system, rattlesnake bites, Ac., bears
ample testimony that Sloan’s Ointment is just the thing
for the hoar. Certificates without number have boot
received by the Proprietor from disinterested indsvidu
•ls, giving details of remarkable euros by its use.
GranviUe,Milwinkieeo.Wi*. l Oct in. l*ia
■ Mr. Sloan-Dear Bin Recently my horses ran away
with a log chain attached, which eat end •ihcrwii
iajured them seijoualy, aomaehso thstl eons.d«red
ay team ruined (br business. Fortunately a friend ».
commended the use of your Citument. m Mi),
wuukia and purchased * box. It soon removed the
: (nfltn" , » llrtp i and in a few days the wounds heated
Thfegrtut benefit derived from the use ojfyoarOint-
BeflW'oamylmrscs, inducedTaeto acotxaint yoa with
the believing its publicity would benefit you and
‘And hii become'a common suylng, ihar'Sloa’Y
Ointment and Condition Powder are reptdly sopors
'ding ullether remedies for ill disease* of horses and
eotue The beauty of the medicines eoutma in tfceij.
ourity and safety, towib they may be ItfsedeTerst
freely-without any dungeiof taking cold, or any other
Vniud ltatss,
Id pumtance bflaw, I, ZACfIARYTAYLOR.Pres
ident efthe toiled State* of America,'do Jrereby
}V.®,v d kn ? WB ’. Public Sales will be
I Laud Offices, la the Stale
■ fe’sis
meotioned townships, wit;
North tf the bate tint, andmtc/tltt Jifth principal
Township ninety-eight, ofrange three.
Townshipi ninety-six, nincty»seveo, and nine*
ty-eight, of range four.!
Township! ninety-fiVe, ninety-six, ninety-tev*
efcnlneiy-eighl, aha ninety*nine, of range five.
Townships ninety-three, ninety-four, ninety
five, ninety-six,- ninety-seven, ninety-eight, end
nicety-nine, of range iix.
■' At the SAUS PLACE, oommenoing on Mon*
day, the twenty-first day of Janaary next, for the
disposal of the Public Lands within the andennen
tinned townships, vbe . •
North ofOu bast lint, end wot oftkt Jf/H principal
Townships nmety-fonr, [ninety-five, ninety-six,
ninety-seven, ninety-eight and ninety-nine, of
range seven.
Townships ninety-four, ninety*five, ninety*
six, ninety-seven, and ninety-eight, of range
Township ninety.five, township ninety*six, (ex
cept the southwest quarter of section twenty-sev
en, the southeast quarter cf section twenty-eight,
end sections thirty-three and thirty-four, including
tbn Indian agency,) and townships ninety-seven
and ninety eight, of range nine.
Townships ninety-two and ninety-four, of range
Township ninety-one, of range thirteen.
Townships ninety-one and nicety-two, of range
At the Land Office at FAIR FIELD, commenc
ing cm Slonday, the fourteenth day of January next,
for the disposal of the Public Lands situated with
in the undermentioned townships, to wit:
■Wert h of the base line, and vat of the fifth principal
Townships sixty-seven, and cixly
nine, of range sixteen.
Townships sixty-seven, sixty-eight, and sixty
nine, of range seventeen.
Townships and sixty-nice, .of range
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, of range
nineteen. : “
Billy-eight and sixty nine, of range
twenty. -
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, -of range
Townships sixty«eight and "of rango
Township seventy-one, of range twenty-six.
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
At the Land Office at lOWA CITY, commenc
ing on Monday, twenty-first day of January next,
for the disposal ofthe Public Lands within the fol
lowing townships, vie
North of the baa fins, and tout of thefftkpnnapal
Township seventy-six, of range twenty-seven.
Townships seventy-ox, seventy-seven, and sev
enty-eight, of range twenty-eight.
Townships seventy-seven and of
range twenty-nine.
Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools,
military, or olber'porposes, will be excloded from
the sales.
The offering of the above mentioned lands will
be commenced on the day appointed,and proceed
la tba order in which they are advertised, with
ail convenient despatch, until the whole shall have
been offered, and the sales thus closed; but so
sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks,
and no private eotry of say of the lands will be
admitted until after the expiration of the two
Given under mv hand, at the City of Washington,
this fifteenth day of September, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.
By the President: Z. TAYLOR.
J. Bottxekild,
of the General Land Office.
EveWberaon entitled to the right of pre-emp
tion to any ol the lands within the townships above
enumerated, is required to establish the same to
the satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of the
proper Office, and payment therefor aa
soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and be
fore tho day appointed for . the commencement of
tbo public sale of the lands embracing the trac t
claimed, otherwise such- claim will he forfeited.
Commissioner ofthe General Land Office*
Of the Pablle Land Saloa at D'a BaqMi
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Public Salas of
Lands onlrrcd by proclamation of the President ol the
United State*,-dwed the fifteenth day of September,
1:19, to be betd atlhb LAND OFFICE AT DU UUQUE,
IIIWA, 00 the 7th and ttist days of January, IBiO. are
declared to bo postponed until further notice.
Given under my bud, nt the City of Washington,
this lllb day of Dee- anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred'aml forty-nine. Z. TAYLOR.
By the President: 1
Commissioner ofthe General Land Office.
dclTHawtS. _
A LEXANDB*I*SaY, corner of the DUmond.and
A Market street, notify their Wends and the public
that they have received their stock of Pall arid Win*
ter GOODSi direct from the importers, manufacturers
and auctions at the cast. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods it large, and presents strong attrac
tions to purchasers. In Ladies Dress Good*-and
Shawls, the most splendid and fashionable Goods or
the season are now offered, at remarkably low poees
ff D n®bm^S»DS.
New style Ilrocha fix’d Cameiion Silks: •
Cot’d and Block Saun Du Chenes and Turc Sauna;
ColM Cornelian Groderhinei. of the best qualities:
Iliark glossy Groderiens of the celebraied Eagle
manufacture. ,
The alore named Clack Silks are warranted not to
cut in the wear;' for dresses and mantillas they axe the
best imported- _ , . , i
Neat fig’d Cornelian Satin Du Chene, the handsomest
Silks of me season. . ;
New style Brochaflilk'figured Freneb Mennos, a
new ami splendid article far ladies’ walking dresses.
Silk Embroidered French J>e Laines, for dresses and
socks, an entirely new article.
. Cashmeres, Do Laines, Merinos, AJpaecas and. Tar
meltos, a large assortment . ,
Broeha Long and Square Shawls, of the best quail*
ties. .
Plaid Loni; Shawls, of the newest designii, remark
4t>iplendlS Terkeri Shawl*, at greatly redue ei prieea.
Cimelioa Brocha GgHl Silk Sa&wls, in great variety.
Crane Shawls, white aad colored, m pres t variety,
Best* Sedan real Freneh Twilled Cloths, allpjiee*;
test Sedan real French Cassimeres; new atj !e Amer*
French and Belgian "Black and Olive Cloths, for La
dies’ Cloaks.
splendid assortment of American sad imported
at remarkably low priees.
i litre and complete assortment now oa hand. —
[any of oar preseal stock of Staple Goods were
iught from the manufacturer! prertoßj to thepreseni
ivauce in price*. A principal part of oar stock of
reneb and English roods have been purchased at the
real Auction Sales In Philadelphia, and New '.York,
rhichenables ns to offer decided bargains in almost
rery description of goods in our line of business.
Country Merchant*, Merchant Taliora, •ad'-all
rholesale- 1 and retail buyers, are Invited to an early
lamination of onr stock and prices.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market at,
north west comer of the Diamond.
• fiTßirVb'tM OV iiaY 00008 l
WR. MURPHY, at north eait comer of Fonrih
# Ul( t Market tts, U now receiving fcia second
gnppiy for the scaeon, hail can offer Inducements to
buyer* rarely to be met with. Hie jumtteat of
Is eery fall, consisting of French Merino* Cashmeres,
Cobares, Lyonese Cloths, *nper Printed French Cash,
meres* ** prices considerably lower than they eoald
b » b "' h .“''' , .
is Urre, and embrace* many of the beaatlfnl styles
now on exhibition at Franklin insUtato, Philad’a.
Of new and very Uundeome styles, Veltet Trim
i"l”s''3ACKlNo FLANNELS.
01 rarioai styles and qualities, plain and embroidered
Black Silk Laces.-Needle Worked Cellar* tad Caffs,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers.
Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than nsnal}
and rich changeable Bilk* and Satins, for Mar*illaa,
‘'■‘staple* AND HOU3EKEEPIN QOOD3,
it lowest prices. And in tho gentlemen's department
Black Doeskins, Winter Vcr.tink*, Fancy Cassimere*,
Undershirts nod Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Hand*
are invited o visit tho Wholesale
Booms,Bp stairs. _ • .-* o *? -
Maxcra, Mercer co., Pa., Sept. 2S, 1E49.
R E. Sellers: Dear Sir I bought one bottle of your
Vemiifago «x the Iron City Fumaeettore. atthisplace,
and It ha* performed what we contlderouibere a won
derfut cure on one of my boy* eight year* old; he had
been unwell for tome year-, *o tnneh to that [had giv
•en up all hope* ol hi* recovery. I wai advued by 0.0
of my neighbor* to try • botuo of your Vermifuge—
ud l am SapPT W inform you of U hi«lu the de.irrd
efliretof relieTUig ;my *on. He patted, In the thort
_r u 4 houta, 164 worm*, *o«nc of them mea*ar-
Iwaa much a» 13 und 14 iuche* long, I feel bound in
justice to give you the above •uurroent.toM you may
ffi uny U.-U of my name .bat you think proper.
r '“ , " ,r ““ r io,.T, U ,*S. LT7LX.
m*" Prepared and told by R. E SELLERS, 67 Wood
it£t;wd aold by DruggitU generally In the two
Js i^OteSlwii » MVf n> una di.lwrtnj «|l,
*'K’A'SftaS”* "** w. t Boden.
BELLF..IS, 67 •”>
by Urofslsu emeraSiy in mo two eilie# «¥* TlefoiJT.
dctf -• •■ ’
pKLT, ClAStm 3 cp'
Jut rec’d '
euM Blue- ud T>«J» Fe
and for *alfl by .
SOABLCT MOUft. UK I.AINS—W. fi. Morphy h**-
jn*t rcc’d ft lot of bi*b colored Moot, do Lunt,
lucb u Cherry, Seartei. ate, at iho Jow price ,° r *?£
peryinl. Alto, Pl»ia Dra'b.J}rown, tte, at 12# lo IBf
ceou per yard; usd a large dtsorunent of neat ftylea
figured Moss.' da Lain, at VariotU' price*, together
with a cboic? aaMrtaent of Dreu Good* - generally,
such at Fancy Silk*, French Merino*, Caahaserea,
Cobnrga and Lyoosco Clotba, as the .
N. E. comer of Foutii tad tuotot lta<
Wholesale Soqbu apeuin. ' , unit
uafiai * w.
p “ves;r„“-... n, “ |u **— 0n...
: xyrg HANRDEN A CO. continue to bring persons
; fiffWfom any part of England, Inland. HeotJand or
AMw&Wales, upon tho most liberal terms, with their
1 areal pan email ty and < attention to the wants and com
fort of enunlgranti . Wedonolallewourpesseunrstn
be robbed by the swledling scamp* that Infest the tea
ports, as we cake charge of them tho moment tboy ro
port themselves, and sco to their well being, and de
spatch them without any delerulun by the first ehlps.-
We say this fearlessly, ae we defy one of oar paisen-
Cn to show that they were detained 4a by as in
verpool, whilst;thousands cif others «"Vra detained
months, until they could bo tehl in some *A •'raft, at a
eh 2 p rate, which too frequently proved iheir aofins.
wo tuiena to perform our. chouse u eonersbly, cost
what it may, and not,act as was the ease last season,
with evher.officers,—who eithff performed cot all, dr
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgl; for t»y earn from *1 to
w i,PV*^ ! ®L* l «ro f thopTovfielal Banks In Ira
land, England, Scotland and walas.
. ~ _, EttropearioiAOen»v*l Agent,
Fifth strap t. One doortmWiwWooJ.
1849 -
W.rr.iMia C1.T.1..AF ul . nla r Lla..
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
•• w " —OCEAN. I
f\NB ofthe above Paa uledve Beaver every day
.V (Sundays excepted) . d arrive next morning at:
Warren, when they eon t with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, a ing at each of tbeieplaeee
before night Onnofth ekots leave Warren daily.
aioP.nL, and ; arrive Boater in time to take the
menuagboat for PiUsbn .1
apt" comer Water and Smithficld its
Coawvoin AChaksxxlot, Cleveland,O » _
R. G- Paaxs. Beaver, Pa. J Proppa
Mils. Line will be prepa-ed on the opening of navi
. ration, to transport freight and Ptasenaen from.
TTSItUBGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
the Canal and Lakes.
The faeilitiee of the Line are u usurp used in nomber,
quality and capacity of Boats, experience ot captains,
and efficiency of Agents. \
tine Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland’dally, run
ning In connection wiih.the steamers
Betvfeen Pittsburgh and Beaver, and )e line of first else*
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Asents— R G Parks, Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohiou
. Mjß Taylor, Warren, • *' /
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
wheeler A Co, Akron,
Crawford A Chamberlin, G , 'and, O
Bears A Griffith, Buffalo, N. - .
Office, eor Water and Smithfield sts, Pituoargh.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9 Capt. Gilson.
- LAKE ERIE, u Gordon.
THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, have commenced making their daily tripe to
and from Beaver, and will continue to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
Michigan No. S leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o’clock,
A. M., and Beaver at 1" O'clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily at 8 o'clock, A. kL, and Pittsburgh
at 3 o’eloek, P. M.
These steamers will ran In eouneetlon with
R G Parks’ Express Packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor A LeflingwelPe Warren reckon:
Union i-ino of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight
R G Parks dally New Castle Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver. Agents.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
meh3t cor Water and Btaithficld sts
THE Proprietors of this old established and popular
daily Utto.eoaalstingofSlXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, (.wned by themselves and running *n connec
tion with tho steam boats BEARER AND CALEB
COPE, are onabled ta. offer unequalled facilities for
the transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Canal navigation, to alf points on the Penn
sylvarjaand Ohio and N.YorkeanaJs and the Lakes.
EM. FITCH A Co. Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
J. C. BIDWELL, Agent,
mart Water street, Pittsburgh-
j. c. ainwxLL, n. w. e. aniwsxi,
Pittsburgh. Beaver.
Forwardins ItrehanU,
Agent t for the PittsburghandClewland Ltnt,Pitts
burgh add Ene lans via Erie, and for steam
fools Bearer and Caleb Cep e.
Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf
Boat jait built for the Mocongehela' Packets, hate
with the addition of a.'Warehouse, the most ample ae
eommodations for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their almost attention, promptness and despatch
to eonstgimams to their care, and rely on their friends
for a trial. matS-dly - B.ABRO.
TlisT RECEIVED, ft new ftiwnme««f **£**2?»
J from the of CaicxiftKO, Bo«an,-
fewest *»nil y Ewred PIANO STOOLS
r„.... w.* «.
.... 80-
Meosa klua tuaofc ~
ONE cecoul hud Piuo, 8 oet*Te*,- price *5O.
! “ «' « 9 -
S^nmraiT■» rccomrat.d Hi. -»*,
It marges ©burred thaiSpobr hUuelfjdhore* »>ricilr
to the •r»tcm laid iio»n iu tbe abor© work, and that
A N EMINENT «aJ c™rttnc»i Ptr«iu*a f™*
A. of2o yean itydifly, o ffe n tatrc*l»H cum
ia DeUeius Nature with promptness and •e^rocy.
HUsneoess in B*®do and ether l«*« eitleshas
been proverbial. His ebarfes are moderate, andlWi
enrcsjwraanent. Old eases of Sleet, flmetttrtt, Bero*
; foil, Floor Albas, Bhctmatism. Agae, Syphilis, or any
1 chronic or inveterate eases seueited.
A core warranted, or eharge refunded
! omen, St Clair street, 8 doors from the Bridge.
Teeth Extracted.. Advice to the poor rr*U».
t N. a—Dr. A. sollelu the worst eases or ut “isesss
I in Pmsbatxh.lo eall.
“Tbera ere mote thing* in heaven and earth
Titan are dreampl of Is philosophy.”
THE VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and
the constant application for it, to the proprietor,
haa induced him te have it pul np in bottle* with la*
bela and directions for the benefit of tho pobue.
The PETROLEUM U procured from a well in tbi»
eonnty, at a dep\h of four hundred feet, is a pare ana*
dalteraied article, without any chemleaJ change, tint
iu»t a* flowa from Nature'# Great Labratorr!! That u
contain* propertiea reaching a namber of disease*,.is
no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are many
thing* m the areana of nature, which, if known, might
be of vast usefulness in alleviating suffering, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a ioi
fexer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it ap In borne*, it had a reputation for the euro of ot*-
eise. The eontlut and daily Increasing call* for *h
and several remarkable caret it ha* performed, i* ■
sure Indication of lu fhture popularity and wide
•oread application U the core of disease.
We do sot wlah to make a long parade of eenia
eatca. aa we are eoaseloue that the mediein* can soon
work iu way intoilhe favor of those who suffer and
srish to le healed.' Whilst we do not elalm for it a
universal applicants in every disease, we unbesna*
tiniHy say, that in a number of Chronlo Disease* it w
unrivalled. Amoag these may be enumerated-MI
diseases of the maeou* times, such as CUKUNii.
BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (in iu early stage.
Asthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LJVfc.K
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diaihma, Diseases of
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pains in the Back or Side,
Nervous Diseases, Neuralria, palsy, HheurasuePains,
Goal, Emlpeliu;Teller, Ringworm*, Buro*. Scalds,
Braises, Old Bores, Ac., Ac. In cases of debility re
tailing from exposure, or long and protracted oase* oi
disease, this medicine will bnag.relief. It will ael as
u general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in sueh eases,
imparting tooe and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstruction*, opening the sluggish functions, which
cease disease and a broken constitution, and giving
increased and.renewed energy to all tun organs oi
Ltfel The proprietor knows of several cures or
PILES, that rnri-ted every other treatment, get well
under the use *1 the PETROLEUM for e short tune.
The proof esu be given to any person who desires u.
None genaine without the signature of ihe proprietor.
Sold by the proprietor,> „ ,
S. M. KJKU, Canal Basin, near Seventh si.
Also by It E. SELLERS. 67 Wood si;
corner Wood it. and Virgin alley; who are bis
novU-dly regularly appoinlsd Agents
No. 87, corner Market and Fifth—or 4D Market,
tween Third and Fourth sts.
THE subscriber keeps constantly on bend, whole*
«ale and Tetail, tbe following articles, viz:
Wash Tubs, Stott Churns,
West Tubs, UsrrelCburnt,
Bath Tabs. Half Bushels,
Wooden Bowls, Pecks and Half Pecks,
Wash Boards, liras* Bound Backets,
Clothes Piet, Towel Rollers,
Wooden Ladles. Dread Rollers,
Clothes Basket*, Market Baskets, Ac-, Ac.
novlg No C 3 Diamond alley, Pitubargh
J. Boipratt A*lens' Pstsnt Bod* Ash.
OOfv CASKS Glass and Soap makers’ Soda Ash,
o<Mtr imported direct from the above celebrated
manufacturers, t*9 per cent Amet ican test, arriving and
for sale by novd WA M MITCHELTREE
UiliUß»-17 hf pipes Brandy—Oiajd.'Dupuy, Ac;
7 pipes Holland Gin;
S etxe N E Rom;
gftlbbla Whiskey; for sale by
caakaJaTMaiprmu A
rye. CASKS Muspraa’s Soda Ash, onH lO eatka
< v Bleaching Powder, arrived per ship Oxenbridge,
“ d 00 br
h N. &—They will receive, daring tho winter, jarp
!«appU*«Ti»KtwOrim». nor®
Mcdieioea of the day.” •
' Gas tux's S+TITIO3, Ohio, May ists.
R. K. Sellers: 1 think i: right forthc benefit of others
to state some facts in relation to year excellent Funi*
ly Mnliciass.
• 1 have ua*d your Vermifuge largo? is my own fam
ily, one riai frequently answering for expelling! tee
SuanUtiei (mi y Ito *oo} worms from two ehildtst I
av« also tied your Liver Pills and Cough Syrap m
my family, and they have in every icstece produced
the eflectdssired.
As i ut engaged in merchandising, I am able to
state that 1 (lave yet to hear ef the first failure where
yoor medicines have been used in my section of the
country. In conclusion, I may state that they are tIU
medicines of thejlay, and are destined to have a very
extensive popularity * Ytrara, ret >cctlal!y,
’ iv. 11. Pnom.
Prepared and sold by R. ... i * !KS,No67 Wood
street, and sold by Druggu » tenetally in the two ci-'
ties «ud vieinity. _ ■ mv3l
original, only true, and genaino Liver Pill.
Shokt Pint, Ohio eetaty, Va. I
• Mareh 28th, L 849. i
Mr. R. E. Seller*: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you undto the poblle generally, instate that I have
becnnffiieted with the Liver Complaint for a long
tune, and so badly that Cn abeess formed and broke,
which left me in a very low state. Having heard or
your celebrated Liver Pills being for tala by A R
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. E. Smith, ; I concluded to rive them
a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to
io just what they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes
1 find the disease kaa entirely left me, and 1 am now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours,
W«t Liberty, March 26, ItrlO.
Iceniiy that lam personally acquainted with Mr
Colon: , and can bear testimony to tho troth of the
abr ▼£ . frtifieate. A R SHARP
Ttt* .rtiuine Liver Pitls are prepared and sold by
RES LLERB, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
in tat, '- o Sues.
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen*
nine Liver Pills are prepared by RE Sellers, and have
h:s name stamped in black wax upon the ltd of eneb
box, and his signature on the outside wrapper—all
others are counterfeits, or base imitations.
apld R E SELLERS. Proprietor
* .VROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop
’ ■ '«UnthleihodistChurch
ul«: Clercrmnn 01 the ProteiUnt;
l , c underatfned b.t*tn» been afflicted daring the peat
iiiicrwithadtaeaea o:the itomach,somclunei pro*
sent «reitpjin in the nomaehfor ten or twelve honri
nilioat nieriii »on,and after having triad varioua
emedierwith, - -effectwaatarnished withe bottle
>[DrDJeyne’iCt native QahßTTi: ThUheuedec*
sorting to the dinqi.cne.Bad (band invariably that this
medicine cauedthe pain to abate in three or fonrtnln*
qtee, and in fifteen or twenty minuteieverv uneasy
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine wataf
terwardtoaed yrhenever indteaaonsol the approach of
palnwereperceived, and the pain wa» thereby prevent,
ed. He eontinned tonso the medictae every evening
and sometimes»«; the morning, and in a few week*
health waa ao farresiored, that the sufferer wa* reltev
edfromal«rgeamoumofoppref.«ite pain. From el
parienee, therefore, ae can confidently recommend D
D Jay ue’» Carminative lialsam, a* a salutary medlcin
fordi>sa*cioflhestomaeh and bowel*. A MIiINND
Allegheny chy.jy:;!
For aala In Pittaborih a; t tPEKIN 1 I£A ST<iK
73 Fourth street, nearWo •*. and «Uo at tfjePrug
Store of II P SCHWARTZ. Fr ml meet. APeyr^oy
'VAttoABLfc JiacSvßOT!
: TH* a*XXT ««JfXDT ro*
CotuuapUon, Concha, Cold*, Aathina, firanoUtis, Liv
«r CompUintrßpinmr Blood. Difficulty of Breath*
i» this Bide tad creait,Palpitation ot
foe Heart, Infiuenaa, Croup, Broken Con
•tiration. Bore Throat, Nerron* Debili
ty. and all DUeaaoa of the Throat,
BreastandLnnga; Aoioottef-
Caotual and apeedy cure
•Ter known lor any of
tht mboro disena
flaßMMdiynpo* WUdOhaml , ,
ThU SScImU no longer among thoeo or doobilhl
■tiSr lrhaaßoned away from the Ihmuonda doily
hftmnhed Bponrho lido 01 eiperiment, and now tlanda
h£K Spoulioß, and laheconrlng more exmtmjve-
S««>d than any other preparation of modicum ever
“alrodocedTory generally thtongh the
United Statea ano Kurrre, and there are few towns of
but what eoutaia some remarkable c*i»
STS it will do another a t.aor, ond
tWaelveeno Injure. Bach testimony proves con*
SSSS!!!tat iu wrpflatas«eelleneo f. established
bflulnlrinaicmeriu,andihe nnqneeticnable aulhon
**? “ShT ©pinion. Ae instamaneoo* relief u af-
Zt&SS' the soothing Influence diflused through the
wbota“amebylu tt n most agreeable
“When men! noting from eonseientloua impulses,
Mrinnuuity bew testimony to the troth of a thing, or
testimony,beingeontrory. to lieu
UiteresU snd purposes, coerces conviction of
S??™X. 2fdlemoenJ»l£eirin.„epaelalo | u,ne. to
l^ii 1 l ?l-lt?»iSnee n —O’lJogan’s Moral Maims.
•] *-TTT sicerru** Celt*OF f*tus#:u*T CoroumM:-
ThSSnerarwaJ ai”edy that haabeen e. eorccraful
m desperate eeaea of Consumpuoe, a. Dr. Swcyne's
Comnonnd Syrap of Wild Cherry, ft strengthens the
npienrsto heal ihe ulcers on the lung.,
erSEVoew iSrieh bleed; power possessed by no
other tdicine.
- cnmxs Co- April 25th, le-te.
n* -1. imn Deal Sir. I verily <fccliere your Com-
Wild Cherry ha* beenthe mean* of
a*r£«»yl2b. leanght a severe cold, whieh gradu
rew worse', sttended with a severe cough, that
• '55 «it .v* nunedics which i had recourse to, IUU
iSICJSSeSaWted all the symptom* of
KaJtaKSaailameSetam liMaowilh Urn j3o«t hap.
Stl.Su TCh 6m h “ d »“ ; te f 1 w ll ?? a ■£"
2SK„dS ma io aipmmrare tnclr, “J &X. <&•
would derive the benefit for
case, that o» eT f« the truth of the above
•which lam w p ever Rnih, Grocer, -T> e«:
Itatemeni. * «f« 7« Dn rcbased the medicine
■= :-»^^r f iKfSg|sa«.-
£/bttmbUto«wMny yearaeinco 1 was
rap of Wild CteeTry. S® d inflammation of the
gently with a diwresxing
U«*» head, a very coijudera
eoMh, pain In ihe »«« from the long*, espe
blcuiscuxrgeofoffei««mncua hoWfer lh^L At
eiailv upon chango 01 eon ,ution, bat wai pretty
hrvtl *dSt lw« rapidly going imoeonsump
aoon convineetf . iad at length was searce
tion. I yTcw doi T aboret whisper, such
was the d prescriptions,
time *hxd 3l the time worse. Just
bat found n* tttot-gomtojtw* j e ar ffieilll in
here I wax of WUd Cher
- '■Wilmington wmako^' u '! had been pre;u
-■ rv. I mostoomcM ma a ,<<] i»m «»il agnioxt
: '!?cad against patent m^{&^ einj>er j efi bnl nn d er .
those coming, outof the ban fcMi#a practice ot
itandiag yonr faith in the saying of my
medicine, and ghaw, one of your
friends, I its use. My dis
agents,-! fewJ‘’“““j Sf2oor *5 months’ standing, con
eaxowß»aith»fcU®o rtale d. i foand, however,
■equernly- ft w** Also of the lim four ©r five
tottle*. {SJJJSftrif my increamna aireafih, and
KnpmJ f r '“s,„„ atareli thai had alreijy W
'’‘V'V EfSKwax, douhllei>i my care waa areally
to heel, la this “ T» 0 r ihusTtspruaeni'
1“ en £ttl« before 1 was pc.-
| I had to «*o twatve or h eflioot * muc tf email
i r“rjsfit t would have made me sound, bu_.
namoer ©ttiottu. The Syrup allayed the fevt
' distressing cough, putaai- .
I matter from the longs, aiit gav
. to the discharge, _ good health, (have defe
ted offenn* * )fid the peniuuujucy ol the
of being perfee«v u Veil 1 offer it with
-earn, and now that I feel pene j ? Joans*,
pleasure. _
, Dublin county, n.
hanr»n* Caution — Rtad! JUad!
The« is ffuto. egenuinepreparauonofvrdd Cherry,
j.t .i.iw BvAmi the first ever offered lo the.
which Si bwn sold I«K* I T throughout the
and home part* of torope; and oil pre-
U ~d nunc of Wild Cherry have
KSfpu *oai?b»« b ii*. under cover of some deeepuve
1“ « nrdet io*ivo currency to tie r tales.
■>«*«■»* .k»
° J i.lrLm Ii falie Each bottle of the fen nine »
lt beautiful tteel cngreTinf, with the
Uklnwa ofWUiiam Perm thereon; uUo, Dr. Swuyiie’*
2cnl“«: «d .ifurOter security, the portrait of Dr.
K wS W added herealter. «> « to tfisUnguih
huirePMaUos'wm all elhet*. Now, if It Wm noltor
ihn rreai ciiiutt properties and known virtues of Dr.
Co£«und>yrup of Wild Charry, persona
not br«ndeavo/ing to five currency to the.r
“fictitious no.*-sms” by stealing Iho worn of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the name
0 , «w Hwavne -nd be not deceived.
Principal Ofbss, corner of Eighth and Raee sleeeu,
and retail by OODEN A SNOW*
(£w lilLTWood, and Clh and Wood .u; WM
T1108N,53M-kelill S JONF.S.M JAB
A JONES, coi aland and Pena sta, JOHN ftUrCtl-
KLL, AUegheiL city, aud by all respectable dealer, in
medicine. “9?
■fjjr xVTP. inland's premium Plaster*
DB W. P. INLAND, of tho Medical College bf Phil
adelphia, now offers to tbs public hi. Indian Veg
etanle Premium Plaster, tho qualities of which, after
Lon* and tried experience, has been satwiaciorfly es*
übushed. To ail women who may be afflicted with
Prolapsus Uleria or Fallen Womb, he recommends Ids
nlasler, guaranteeing a sure andspeody cure in the
short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with
earn end rest—discarding all the countless inurnment*
and expensive bandages so long in use. This he feels
conscientious in stating, lnamnueb as he has not foiled
in one ease out of three hundred and fifty-three pa-
for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with pain, there ii nothing to excel tins Plaster
in affording relief or effecting a cure. For sale by
L Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market st
Braun A Reiter, “ Liberty and St. Clair sts
Dr J Sargent “ Federal it and Diamond, Alio*
. gheny city
Jacques A Co, u Denman and Diamond Burning
ham. ‘«- 1
EK xr.l.t.KKB, Druegm, No 07 Wood street.
, Bole Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend's Gen,
nine S.raaparuia, has just received‘Joo dozen of this
Great spring and BumEer Medicine.
Purchasers should recollect that B E Sellers Is sole
*«atfor Pittsburgh, and DM Curry for Allegheny
etty _* ; _. 5? 3
EXTRACT of COFFEE—An article which is ra
pidly coming into use as a wholesome, nourishing
and delicious beverage, bring more pleasant andpal
stable than common Coffee, aud fir cheaper, as asms]!
psper cornu* only ten cents, will go as far as four
Bounds of Coffee. Manufactured by
JOHN b. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa
Bold at wholesale by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
comer of First and Wood and Sixth andftVood streets,
Pittsburgh. «P a * _
California ruuoer goods-just received,
3d Camp Blankets; 30 officer coals; Id prs Fonts;
18 purs nett lined Mining Boots; it! Isthmus Bags; 3
water Tanks, 6 and Iff gallons each; 30 canteens,!
ration each; 1 doz Uocksi.n Money Belts; 1 do oiled
cambric do do. The above goods for sale at the Call*
fomla Outfiting Establishment. No 6 Wood sL
ASSORTED SPICES—Put up for family use, ia tin
sans, enclosed in a sliding lid box, eonlaining
* Mustard, Alsplee,
Cinnamon, Ginger,
Clove*, Pepper,
Warranted para. For sale at the new Spioe. and
Mustaed Factory, comer of Ferry & Liberty sis-
Wronght Iron Anvil*. from the icmpcr
aaeeville works, warranted; will bo constantly
P mull- It B. i ! ;
I ailiflp
S;| t ill4W!lJ!jfe)n!f 1W:;
Za« i-f§ r : a;!.:
3 g s £ f fff ffirPilisliiMlf li Is i
ttL l iS Sa i jills* If 15
> I im ?«t I ferJ yf te
I— h „ I 2'|fe "?;rsl*!SS?^«t!!-= S i??zi! 5J* I|.
I*l i?lfellillMiil!!llf{?Ft
?< H Q &• s-u 12 s«s 5 g>s S - £*>
3 s * nPjslH il .i e
2 ■•WWWHWnfeRWsWgt HsH «SiWtW \ma its*
?sl|||s||3i|liffJs|g?s->- JffiJll»*ll « •' i °tl3Ssl?l!*S3SViSsS ir 5 *' e "' ?.'
ID- D.'mOUGAN, P~itt»bl.rBt; D. M. CPHRT, CUT; A. PATTKRSOV, llirolcgUm____Wf^ -
Btnkir 1 1 Exclunffi Dokiri,
COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes nniceeptancee
payable in any part'of the Union, collect on the most
favorable term*. ... . „ ,
EXCHANGE on New York, Philsdel|a and Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Sau Louis anti
New Orleans, constantly for idle.
BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent jjkaln the
United States discounted at the lowest rott All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Silvenin bought
and sold.
Office No. S 3 Market street, between and 4th,
Pittsburgh, Pa. octtS _
EILLS on England, Irelahd, and Sebtloi bought
any amount of the Curreut Bates oExchange.
Al»o, Drafts pavnbld in any pan of the OtiCountnes,
from £1 to £lOOO, at the rate of S 3 to tb£ Sterling,
wilhoot deduction or discount, by JOSHtk ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, o&etfth st one
door west of wood. octlotf ■
ti.i.sit»V»inra.l [Q3TAED UIDt
Bankers and exchange BBoias,deideM
In Foreign and Domestic BtUk'of Eichuige, Cer
tificates of ocpoiitc, Bank Notes and Or, corner of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite SLQarles Ho
teL nartSdlT
WftdVAJU Vo37i=
pirehued at ths lowest rates, by
n? holmes « sons,
35 Mrket gueeu
Sight iheefcs oa ~
Jj New York,
PhOtdelphlit aad
Constantly for u!« by N> HOLMF? &■ SONS.
•epl3 3SMarket«L
u Chu of tht Mott UtmartaUe Works tfUu Age.'*
"VTINEVEH AND ITS REMAINS; with an account-
Xl of a visit to the Chandrean Chriiliani of Kurdis-
Ur, and the Yeriitls, or Devil*Wcnhipjpn; and aa
Inquiry into the Manners and' An* of the /spicct As
syrians. Uy Austen Henry Layani, Pun, D- C. U
with Introductory Note by Prol. E. Robiwou, I). D-,
LL. D. Illastrated with 13 piste* and maps and 90
wood cuts. U ve!» fivo. c10th,.51,50.
“Tbe book ho* a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pic*
tnresque nartailve "—Tribune.
“The work df Layani is the most proauiicn eontri*
bqlion to the stady of antiquity, that has apptared for
many years."—Christ. inq.
“Not one excels in interest the account of Nineveh
and its Ruins, given by Mr. Laynrd.*’—Washington
Intelligencer. !
“As we follow the diggers with breathless interest
In their exeayatiana, una suddenly fird oersehrea be-,
tore a massive figure carvpd_with minute aceuraey,-
now lifung its gigantic head from the dust of CUIO
yean, we are ready to eft* out with the astonished
Arabs, ‘Wallah, it is wonderful, but it is true:,"-rlu
dependent. - ] i
for sale by JAMIES D. LOCKWO'.ID, 1
novlC j CJ Wood st
New Book*.
I>IIK WOMEN of the Old and New Testament
. Edited by K. B. Sprague, D. I). _ 1 vol. Imp. avo.,
elegantly bound; l@ ciquisitelv finished erKTavings;
with descriptions by celebrated American Clergymen.
POEMS 11 i AMELIA, (Mr*. Welby, of Kj*-J a new
and enlarged edition; illustrated by engravings from
original designs by Wier. 1 voL square trva, elegant
ly bound and gilt. Also— JL variety of splendid Anna;
at* and ftiflilodca—-—-— ■—: -
use of Carpenter*, Shipwrights,'Wheelwrights. Saw
yer*. Lumbermeh. Student*,, and Aniians ecrerally:
Icing atfaoroitglrand practical Treatise on Menturn
tion and tho Sltding Kule. By D. bL La;»er, A. M-
Boise’s Treatise on Greek ('rose Composition.
Obeudorfi's Elementary French Grammar, ily rxoi,
Greene, of Brown University. I voL lSuio.
Roediger's Gesenios’ Hebrew Grammar, by Conant.
• Gesemus’ Hebrew lexicon- ,
Loomis’ Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tobies, l
T °The b Kagliahmnn*s Greek Concordance. I to!, (mus
Anthon’* Classical Senes.
Webster 1 * Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. Svo.
do do unabridged. 1 vol. 410.
llarne’s Note T-and Questions ou New Testament.
Wbntely’i Logic. „ , , a
Moiheira’s Ecclesiastical History. 3 vol*. and S
vol*. (sheep.) i .
Vcsugea of Creation l vol. ISno.
Mornings among the Jesuits at Home, t voL (cloth
where the Tempter ha* Tnumpbed I vol.
(cloth and paper.) . , . . .. ,
Bogoc’s Theological Lectures. I voL Bvo. (cloth.)
Alder’s Pronouncing Bible.
Boyer’s French Dictionary.
Smart's Horace. For sate by R HOI KINS,
n 0, 13 Apollo Buildings Fourth *t
Montaigne. edited by H. Haxliu, cotnpruing hu
Hunya, l*uep, ami Journey through Germany and
Italy, with note* from all the Commentator*, Uiogrepn*
ieal and Bibliographical Notice*, Ae.
Tlieory and FricUcc of Teacaingj <*r, the Mo are*
ami Method* of Good Bchool-Keepmg, by
plage, A. M., Paineipal of tho Slate formal school,
Foreilcr'i Fuh and Fulling af the U. Stale*
no »6 corner Third and Market *l»
Tba Olden Time,
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Booknellcr and Importer,
Mo. 03 Wood meet, haa for tala a lew copie* coio
pieie, (the.remainder of the edition,) of thi* valuable
woik, devoted to the Preservation of Docntnenu, and
other autlicnue talouaauou telaling to the early ex
ploration*. settlement and improvement of the country
around tin- bead of the Ohio. Uy Neville B. Craig,
K*<l.,of I'i.tihurgb, In 9 Tola Bvo.
uovlU __J J. D.LOCKWOOD._
Roman LIBERTY: a History, with a view of the
Liberty of other Ancient Nations. By Samuel
KUioti, I jq. ‘ Illustrated with twelve engravings, exe
cuted at Rome. S tots., Bvo., uniform with Prescott s
Historical Works.
Just published and for sale by
James D. LOCKWOOD, Booktellrian.l
novtO IraporteMN \\ owl «t
ji ANNV" KESfiILE IN ITALY; auihomed cdilk.n,
‘•The rending of thi* bonk has improved us with a
much higher oi>imo.i o( U-. author than we bud f.rmca
from perusing her other wetting*. It display#* deeper
lone of Brought, united to mote pure womanly arnceoi
feeling than tuy other production of the female mind
wiUi which we are acquainted.”—Evo. Mirror.
‘•lt is a very agreeable and readable book, written in
Fanny Kemble’s best style—bold, spirited aud enter
taining. WO recommend it to our reader* as the best
publication of the season.”—Reading Gax.
-It coutamstbe Jdurnal of a travel through Europe,
and residence in Italy; end ia ono of the pleasantest
and most interesting books of the season."—Lour, and
characteristic book. We have read it from
title doto to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi
vid picture of life iu UoiOe. |n all respect* eminently
"?ii“r 1 ‘. l sc"hV L °' Ck ' <1 " Ck j"'MES D LOCKWOOD,
nov!6 Bookseller A Importer, frl oodst
liltHographto Kitabllihment
OF WM. SCHUuHMANN, Third st, opposite tho
Post-Office, Pittsburgh. I —Maps, Lai:dscapci, Bill
head. Showbill., Labels, Architectural and Maelitue
Drawings, Btuinetn and Visiting Cards, Ac, etiemved
or draw non sum*, and printed in colors, Gold, Uronze
or Ulaek, In the most approved style, and at the moil
reasonable price.■ octl&ly
G HATEFUL for tho very liberal encouragement i
bavo received lor so many years, J have deter
mined lo enlarge iny business considerably. Having
engaged a competent Fohcrnan, I will bo enabled io
till ail orders promptly, dad do the work - ui our u*u»l
stylo and at fair prices, and ask the altentiou of mer
chants and citizens to my large stock of UPHOLSTE
RY GOODS aud Beds. alaUrassc* and Bedding, Cur
tain Material*, Damasks and Moreens, Cornices, Frin
ges, Bordering*, Tassels, Split eftd Roller B inds, and
every article usually kept in an establishment of the
kind. Order* respeetiuliy solicited and promptly at
tended to. ...
N. U —Carpeu made ami pat down..
msMi Wil. NonLF.
I ilia Ulißiis con be removed with
out the aid of a screw driver.
Having parchnscd the stock,
toola, and wood of the cabinet es
land, I am prepared to furnish
their old'customert, as well as
the public at large, with every thing in their line.
Ageney, No A Wood street, Pittsburgh.
mchffQ : J. A.
JUST red’d, an elegant plain"RosewoodB oct Piano 1
from-the celebrated manufeetory °f
Clark, N. ofsuperiot tnue.andveiy mpderate
For sale by »
ddff ' at J. \V. WovhwoUs-
W for removibg Tartar, Scurvy, i c ‘ r 's'|!,’f, t o
•obfUacea destructive to the Teeth. It U .w--*
tho taats, cleansing the mouth, healing and strongman*
in* the game, and purifying the breath.
Wu, *h5U*U. mg n „
LUNGS.—The unprecedented success h*»
ttended ihe a»e of Ihe _ „ '
n ell ihe various forms which irritation of the jJtugses*
tomes, has induced the proprietor again to ca%anan*
lion 10 lhil WO j J | )E g FO | 4 PREPARATION!- _
The ehangable weather which marks cur fail and
winter months, it always a fruitful toare# of;
| These, if neglected, are but the precursor! of
idestrojer, COSUMSTION.
| The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyerin
1 the bud? how shill we jet clear of ear coughs and
will be foundln the Ginseng Panacea. InpiwOKW*
we hare from omo to published-the eeruocateaoi
i dozens of oar best known eitiions, who haro exren
,enced its curative powers. TheSajwlth a mass of t**
Ministers of the Gospel, eopioas bo|
ices from the ~ _ A _,
1 we bars embodied in pamphlet form, and may ■* aaa
paus of any of Smm^tg'O^tßy.
throughout the United Statea and-C«ada, and we t»i
. •>
Q which, when taken according to direction*, and be*
fare the lungs had become fatilly VUorgbiosm, It haj
aver failed to
Why, then, need the afflleted hasiJaut Why moil te
the miserable nostrums, gouan upnßun* r own Individ*
■Also Icrtheassumcdnaaiaofsameceebreledphy*
liciaa, and polled into notoriety per*
ions equally unknown! Whilst a medicine ef -1 ■ '
ft to be bad, whose vouchers are n*lgl|
tors, —many of whom it has • ! ..
In order thatuhi* invaluable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well tho rich, we have
DUI the price ut •. I
| lust one half the usual dost of eough medicines. llte
'v evmy-town and village
to jrive fell infoona*
.TER, Proprietor. .
v, Cincinnati, OMo._
aL —lt has power to
uue all EXTERNAL
OUND9 to discharge
lr BBtridTihauen, and
i neals-them.
t Is rightly nennetT
>L • HEALING, for
re is scarcely a dU
i external orlnternal,
. it will not benefit,
wo used itfor tbs last
the chest, involving
.bility, and I declare
_Ainotln one ease has It
nf mortal means. , , . t
1 base bad physicians Isamedm the prontsloa. I
base ministers of tbo gospel, Jadgcs of the
; dernier, lawyers, gentlemen of
1 and multitudes or ibe poor use “ _ l£C --®4StTMErtT
isrey,anatL<rah*sbeen.bSlAo 9T , ■
'r-ftirEUCTATTSIT—It reGSTei almost immediately
tiie inflammation and swelling, when the pun ceases,
i (It the directions around the box.) . .
I•. D-AClBv—The salve has-cnred persons of the
head-ache of twelve yean standing, and who had it
i .iffi'ETO&u&Sftisr
; are aslpedwiiiiJikesttcceaSfc . 1 ..
; SCA&IiEAD-WehaTeeuedeaaeaAatiictoaUT
daficd every thing known, aa well as the ability of fif
! i*eiTo twenty doctors. One man told ns Ke had spent
! on bis children withou any benefit, when a tew
i'tercs'nf Ointment cured them. • ' • ,
I TETTER—There is nothing better for the cure of
! T< BURNB—It is cue of the beitthlngsin th# world for
B JULES—'Thousands are yearly eared by this Cint*
meut. It fatvnt fails in giving relief for the Piles
rry Around the box ate directions for using dTAf-
Oinmunt/or Scrofula, Lmr Complaint, Entire
la*. Tea*. Chilblain, Staid Btad. Son Sga, Q«nnry,
Sen Thrtal, Xtrrous Affront, Paw, Df
last of lie Spina, Htad tubs, £r ockt.
Burnt, C«mt,aß Ditto** of ths Skin, SonUpt,? i»s-
Stalling t/tht Limbi, Bora, RhtKmntvm,
Tilts, told Fut, Croup,SmiladorSnitn Snail, Too tt
arts, >dpu in Vu Fact, ffc se* —r- _
COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain in the. Chest
and Side, falling off eftbe hair,or the other accompa
nies cold feetf (This Ointment is the uue remedy.) It
is n sure sign of disease to have cold feet '
CORNS—OcsasiQjial use of the Ointment will al
ways keep corns' from jpowing. People need never
be troubled with them if they use it frequently.
)>y- This Ointment is good for any part of tho body
or Linlis when iuflftmed. In some eases it should be
No Ointment will be genuine anless the
name of JAMES MCALLISTER is wrinenwith a pen
on every label. „ .
For isle by my Agents in all the principaleities and
! ,B ,hc VrMci au “ james McAllister,
i Sole Proprictorof the above medicine.
I i£7-. Fnueipai Office, No 28 North Third itrest, Phil
.Jdpbc- .
I Aaennin Pinsncsiia—Ursnn A ReiUr, corner of
liberty and St Clair sis; and L Wilcox, Jr, corner oil
Market «t-oiid tho Diamond, also corner efdlh aad I
! SmitUfiel J *u; J 11 Cassel, corner of Walnetand ftsiin
«t* sth ward; and sold at the bookstore in Southfield
st, 3d400r from Second, st in Alleghenycity ;by HP I
Sehwam and J Sargent; by JO Smith, Druggist,
minehsm; D Negley, East Liberty; H Rowland, Mo-
Keesport; J Alexander A Son, MonengaheU City; ;N |
D Bowman A Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John;
BarUoy, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents,
fcbtf-deodly :
Facts for tht Public*
In relation to that unrivalled family Salte,
DALLEY’B sagical pais extractor.
Testimony of a Tcapeotable Physician.—Read
the following, addressed to. my Agent, Mri P. Mer*
rytroaiher, Cincinnati*
CutcactATi, Pe,h. IS, 1843.
Sir: A tense of dory compel* me to giv* my tribal*
to Dailey'* Pstn‘Extractor. Being opposed lt> quack
ery nnd elk nostrum* having for their object sinister I
motives—but realising much good'from the “King of]
Pun Killers’I—l 1 —I utn induced te tender you this eertifi- j
cute. 1 bavo used it in my family, in my practice, and 1
with a!) the happy and wonderful efleets that coyld
possibly be imagined. IL J. BuqblE, ALI).
l)r. Brodie is the senior partner of Brodie A Levi,
Inflammatory Kheumatun.
The following testimonial come* from a source fa]
miliar to masjr of those traveling on our Westers wa*
ten. Mr. Glime, the well and favorably known pro
ririowt of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the
ady whose leuer I annex: .
Pxsxsmcso.Va, April 13,1943. 1
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. Ac.—Bin Having for
merly been lonxsfllicted with violent inflammatory
| Bbeumnium, which appeared so firmly seated as to
.defy alljordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
II attending it, I was induced to try your Magical rain
Extractor; and ithaving efleeted, almost as If by Pts*
gie, ar Immediate relief, and also, to all appearance#
■n entire ano perfect cure, 1 am induced for the bene
fit of others who may bo afflicted with p*ia>ean*ea by
any kind of inflammation, to writs to you, declaring
that n oy opinion, fonuded on actual experjeu®
your Magical Pain Extractor is the most
covery oi the present age for the immediate extras■
of bodily pain. It ia on almost immediate anaspo
Act cure for Burns and scalds, and alfextemal in
formed **£-*gl
at my huslntn>r» hotel in this place, I . 1?^m v
bj your showing these lew Uncs, tt may ,» ,) :
bs of benefit both u> them *ud * oB g£iu**Tß Guise. i
•I rbn hope ihtf Mr.. CUM'
to the notice oi her mends.—ll. Dallxt.j
Ftlon Curea. . o( * IMK'. <l *Sj UWI r, Kr- Nor. ®, IM3.
.. t> n 1..-, ui have tried your Pain Extrafcter in
. "ir «■” i“ u Ti w i“ eh “ r ' llc, “ l
i””-” ln J »x'sr
»mi Sealda, Pile*i Bora Nlpplea, Broken
Kcai., Wound V*nd tills
rt to the wonderful propertiea
iTSillcd family ulve. But, in the fame pro
roJmii th*t y«"» will receive benefit Cron the genuine,
injured by the deletenona effecta of the.
eo r--TrriOV-Be ture and upply only to the inventor,
"t 4 "*? ”%&'$&&& •*’
1110 8 General l>pot,:Rtubttrgh.
H'nry P. Schwaro, Allegheny,- Agent} J. Baker,
WliHimS, Va.s' jamei W Jobation, Maytrille, KT4
u >!irrywcaiher, Cincinnati, O, Geneni .Depot.
N J —ln the aevereit Bursa and Scald* i; extract!
t be ptin in a few rainutet—it never fail*' juU
pT" V -CUT
j_X>*aH*s7od,'l„, A.B.Hbu,N.Y.\.
B. u rASsmoct, jPitubnijh,
o. \V.Faix»»toCjJ
WbiUiUi Oral Itorr la tba City of
B«w Tarlb '
mint andentoed eittmmly earned la the
X WholeaalelJrofbaiiMpeiNadPJoha etreet,in
toe elf of New York, OB an prepared to tepply
Uraeratr aad eodurr Merchant* wiihprajn, Palau,
Wt/Dye-etafe, ferr-jo aad American, Perfumery,
dancer, iff war * Mudert (In ieeli. (of thetrowo
■poriatop) ntf «&atftet astieleaia their lioeof bait*
ien,o(a eweftorqaaUryaa town tfceyeea fcepw
, Baadt Baadt
Cler s'.A (Tout of Quarter of
Besvcr Coo . .
Ur. B. E Selle ■ -*l Boms time in the winttriny
wife twntffiletti true aseverc end distressing eongh,
and hearing jf /ear .nvaluable Cough SyTttp, ! pur*
chased a bottle freei & T. Triable, of Bridgewater,
■nd after, taking a portion of U two or three evening*
on going to bed. the found Innediate relief? aval so
severs'. friends have been relieved in severe etteh I
am therefore satisfied that it U a aofe and valuable
medicine, and woatd recommend it tothete whom*/
be afflicted with severe Cotuba and Colds.
March 29,1843. . W^K.BOBESt.
Prepared and sold by R.R SELLERS, 37 •'Wood s*,
andtoldbydraggUtagenerally,in Pittsburgh and, A)
leghnY. ' Tgjft
The Ohartlen Coat Oompasyi ■
BOOKS will be open for subscription to the stock o! i
“The Cliartier* Coal Company,” on and alter ;
Monday, the sMlh day of September in*L, at ihsoffloa ;
of 2; VV. Remington, Penn et, Pittsburgh. I {
ept2laitf • ,Z. ,W. BEinMOTON- :
mi lTi *" ■**""*" .J
fKZmsMB REMOVED to a new three itory brick
-UirWW%onSmithficldstreet, ono door below
'■n’rsixthstreet. .Teethtnaenedfromone
to an entire set, on the motion principle, with a bdao
dftti representation of thenautral gum—tcstoring tha
original shape of the face.
NTb.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain.-
Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging,
v«ndng the tooth ache, which is much better than en- M :
ring it, though it should be done in .fire minutes, or p*
even instanux». -
emutax or zmanan wurm. 5>
IN order to afford all postible security to the public, .
as well as to themselves, against fraud ami impo- \
■ition from counterfeiting, the proprietors here made —ft
a change In the exterior wrapper or lable oftheirVer*
mifage. The new label, which is a steel engraving of S \
the most exquisite design and workmanship, haateea ,
introduced at a very great expense, and is from iho !
brainofanartisteftnefirsttalent. Tbedesigolsnew, j
and the execution elaborate. Several figure* ahd a •
ponrair-are most prominent, buttbe-wordWxx*!* i
VBox.f prlhiedin white letters on a rod and finely en» J
graved ground, should be particularly examined.— :
When held u? to the lightlne letters, 1 shading, Of-tbe *
leucrs aad every line, however minute, throughout the l
whole efthi* part of the engraving ttateh'as exactly -
asif ibe impresiloQhad been made upouoneplde an* i
ly. although it is aetsaily printed.oa bilh tides, of the
paper. This should in all easea be observed. A la* j
belupoaeueh dozen is also printed la red'upon both' I
aides, and should be examined in the same manner. • ;
This preparation has now stood the test of many *•
yearatnal, and is confidently recommended man safe ; {
and effectual medicine for expelling worms ftba-lhe j
system. The unexampled success that has attended
its odnlinittration in every case where tho patient was
reallyofllicted with worms, certainly .renders it wor*
; thy tael attention of physicians. . .ft . .. . ,
The proprietor has made'it upotnt toasevruln the „
1 result of its uso in' such eases as came within his •
knowledge and observation—and he lovariebly. found
[ it to produce tha mosisalotaryefleet*—notunfrqiaem
, ly suer nearly all the ordinary, preparations reeom*
: mended for worms had been previously resorted to
without any permanent advantage. ..TaUCsfl.iaot
tested by the certifieotes and staiemenu of hundred* -
' of respectable persons In different part*~of the conn*
’ try, and should induce families always to keep* vial
of the preparation in their possession. It U mild in Us
i operation, and may be adniutistcred with perfect safe* -
ty to the most delicate infant - * - ' ’ ;
The only genuine is prepared by-•
sprgy DA FAHNESTOCK. pmsborgh
above disease*, is the llUNGs!2Kforih»cuTeoftha
LIFE, discovered by the eelebraieifTft*£'fcftALi)i?
Londom England, and introduced info the United States
under the Immediate superintcpdopco Ofthe investor.
. The extraordinary-success of this medicine,'in tha
euro of Pulmonary diseases, warrants 'the American *
AgentinaolieitingfoTtreataeaithe-wom poiiiplo oa*
aes that can be found in lh« ■»« tfot ,cek
relief in vain from any of the common tumedlef of tha
day, and havebeengiTenupbytheaoAdUtiuujhed
physietans as confirmed and incurable. ,Thc'Unhguri*
an Balaam has cured, aitdwili cure, the most desperate
of eases. It is no quack nostnom bat a.'standard Eng* •
iish medicine, of known and established efficacy.
Every family in the United Stales should be. supplied
with Buchan's Hungarian *ui—m Of Life, net ©tuy to
eeanteraetihoconsumptive tendencies ofthn-fUojue|
bat to be used as n preventive medicine in’ all leases ol
eolds, coughs, spitting of bloodftpoia ia thd tidsand
ehest, mitatkm and soreness or the
difficulty of bresting, hectic fever, night sweats, esacl*
atinw and «pnwT«l T aathma, lmlii»iwi
eough and croup.' .— —
Sold inlarge bottles, at tl per bottle,with {£l dirss*
tions for the restoration of health. •*, n.-'*
Pamphlets, ftantalnlnga mtsaaf EngHdiana Ameri. .
can certificates, and other evidence, showing the an*
equalled merits of this great English Remedy; may b« -
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously.
For saio by B A FAHNESTOCE It Cd*, eereere
st and 'tVood. and Wood and fith its. |-''*--JufldAwS
and most fashionable Eastern paueraa andeolon. AUo
-or made to order of ail fixe*, and at AllprtSfA*
Coniury Merchants tad others tro invited ip eallaad
examine tie above for ail will bosoia
wholesale or.retail,andalibaraldedxetioa ntda u
wholesale purchasers.
acidly ...... A WRSTEBVEL*.
Earn Ido oftho lMngrorn} f wkctf V«p°m
~ fiiimlm of fcll tha different tic* «fla oolora
JiPin kept on band ermd* » order jute
lift Uteii and raoit approred Ewaern
'"g£B ite« ra »g.r g.ii.aajl-s^?;
Mi o ?', donewith tie beat material and
*V»rSlrs;iiSSri ftiiil to ton to
mUtievn sum,
m toPAU. b«i to inform the inhabitants of Pitts-
T. M bi*h and ficinlijr. thu bp .has- opened the
A* VitabHahiaeoi, where every attention will be
SR of thoie vgho may favor him with
£ «iL Überry street. betwwn Seventh and Wood..
leeGreuu and all other delioaetea of (he seaecta'
__ - ,:i
IOSV jdcbouos o. w,«. F*m,'
Inknadtrsigned,«BCee«aora to Arthurs a Niehoi
•ooi beg leave to inform the eilixcnsoj Pittsburgh
LaadruWicreneraliy.thattheybaro. whflJit the BA*
oUifOUSDBV and are now. in fall operation, and
hare part of tbelrpatternsreadyto tho’market’-
Among® which are Cookiag Goal and Wood
Stoves, with a splendid air-uah! Coal Steve, which if
now superceding la outer cuie*'tho-common resfld
more. Alto, a cheap eoai Cooking Stove, yrell adap
ted foramaU families, with a fall asaoitmeat of earn
tnofl and mantel Grout We would pari calmly in*
rite the attention of persons building to‘tall at Oar
warehotiM before poretuulng, and evniwf aaplesdid
article of enanuneiied Cratea, fnt«>im4 fryarmaryte—
aatirely new in this market. . t.-- > - . .
Warehouse, No. 181 libemut, oppcrflf.Woed *tj
CV EAGER. Importer and Whdlewlti Dealer in .
Situ of tho Gilt Comb, 103 MirkctsUßniharjk.l’a.
Western Merchants, Pedlars, and Other* valtin*
Pittsburgh te purchase Good*, are respeetfttliyisTitea :
to call and eiaaina the cxunicve assortment of Eng-
Ushr American, French and Gdnu an Feney Goods.
AU Koreign Gooda at this eilaMithmcnLere import
ed direct by myselfj and purchasers may rely on get
4ng goods trom dm hands, 1 have the largedAssoii*
ment of article*, in-tho variety- line-in.the tity of
Piits^rgb—all of whlelr will be cold top for etih of
city acceptance!.- The Block consists, la part,of •
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves. Ribbona *; ;■'
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Sewing Sbjf*
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Suspender*, BundnsjPfa#,:***'.
diet and Cntfery. - . • .
Gold and Silver Watebet, Gold Jewelry/aUto*** 1
Brushes, Comba and Raxori. . -• • {j .'•L.w V
Percussion Caps, Revolvers,' Pistols, Cleek* ■"*
Cotton Panes, Spectacles, Steel Pars, hfasts *>»»«-)
Carpet Digs and Baskets. . V
■ Bindings, Findings and Trimmings, l.s , rfo.
Toys and Fancy Goods; together wtih * l*ff* -
I tv ofFtncy and Staple DRYGOODS ■ j. ». n .
C. YEAGER is also agent to tho eeWWf**
caster Comba 3C -
. Norms® LtaalTlj £***7, IM7.
Mr.R. HSeller*—ln joaUeeW
parabio Cough Syrup?! bet 2B«b
'efit of the community, that my **“**SSL .
times afflicted with a mast dtstreotoJS*
chased, in January last, a «»g«S2S W S» J«S
eared a eoogn of two monihsJAto* w „ T ® w
tnaruh.lnce,ibnimb■“•“■’fcS'liSStt" ” tk>
that she eon d hardly move, ftwzSa.,. .~a
bream I sent ■
m »U llfpcoploiia “«»“
b«o a* good as represented. /, r *3. tt ) y ._m_
greSfiSl nit byf Dreggtsm gua*i*UT