The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 10, 1850, Image 4

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. bf feasible.
ctMMdiaWii, Mt^pw^ggSSSoiSi
urine, LUtefJeremiah dfS£Sd?BJ
fflJSto. «>!>.»■■ Srl» gBKeOQIWiMT.
T : TO THE PUBLIC. .:■ ’ -.'i -
ssywsi&ssffla® s £ S ?;
rt* uSfonaMofwxtare and
was led. to btf«v»-b-a(fhtWSM «•££**<”
u il\Si>l™.“"oSS"!»• *?isss*
ptolSeMten ifllw. e ?*'i* , 3tf,SSiSS2S«S!
to this, I have attended to •*/?“ f th?2is2£Si?S
i£e la a Uaaid state, and ike large amount of rilles,
blbwwh, magaema and Mask oxide of Iron that It eon*
tjUiSLrorfered it beih weather and fire proofi as the
toaivr exposed. the harder and more permanent U
seems to become, end s* fee coating (after it turns to
prefect* the . wood eonred wife it from the air, and
when there is no air, than is to blue or combustion;
therefore the wood will actually char, before the slate
eersrisg will give way. ' •
I considered the discovery of the greatest Import-1
aneo, and applied to Government for a patent fee my
»B««a.doa v or discovery, fondly hoping:that I abduid
now be remunerated for all my oaua/ln Use and mo
ney. The government, without any hesitation, grant*
# ed to me Betters Patent for the sole right to masalas*
tare, sell tad tee my Improvement in the manufacture
of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Arti
ficial 81au, n ftr fourteen years.: • ••.••.:
AugusU4,lBo. > : . . WM. BLAKE.
WE. the inhabitants of Sharon, hnv’ aad the above
statement of Mr. Blake, and believe "Bo be Mtbstan*
tlally. eoiToet, as we are knowing to nust of tho state*
scuta therein contained: and sra will farther state, that
wa do not believe that there ever was a patent more
- honestly and laboriously caned, or more deservedly
granted; as ha parsoed hi* experiment* with themost
mdomiuble perseverance under the meat dfeeoangwr
‘circumstances, as the public had not the teast eons
dense thtt-there could be any thing valuable rasde
from the substance. lie therefore baa to encounter tor
yean the Jeers and eeolh of nearly foe whole comma
»riiy. Notwithstanding all tat*, ha waa indefetfeable
lathe prosecution of fib expenmduts, and we do apt
believe that there is one man inathousand who would
have persevered under all theeircamsmneea. Bot h*,
has at last triumphed over all obstacles, nod wo be
lieve there is new but one opinion U awarding,him.
the merit ef this vslnnbls discovery.- ;
GEO. W. CRANE; r yJasttoesof
• K.W.MSLL, . • > of
BENJAMIN JONE, 3 Township..
WM. EVERETT, Township Oerk.. ,
ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. .
. ihave ascertained that there are Individuals engaged
to digging, grinding, and preparing for sale, the above
menuoaea to be with riband used pre
cisely as lose my patented article; I aarebeen to
those persons ,w<l shosnt them my patent. They my
they do-not i Intend to infringe or trespass upoamy
rights; that they have a right to dig, grind, and sell foe
powder, if they ean find purchasers; foot they aw not
bond to know what they are to do with ic that Ilia
no Infringement until it Is mixed with the oil to make
the compound: and that thou who buy,mix andsmlb
mast take the respoaslhUity. Hut« them my that
they believe feat the patent is good against those that
ilt —id nsa the compound, ™ ff»»« have said that
what they wanted to use they should certainly P«reh*'
ass of me, as they did not intend to suite themselves
liable In ur way. Now I feel myself todutyboundto
expose thisbarefaced fraud upon the public: aa l ean
eaU il by bo milder name, where a man sells and re
eeivea pay for aa article, the use of which ha vrelL
knows subjects foe .purchaser andmaertoapjossky*
tioo and fine. Bosa of those who are engaged in fats
traffic, will drift*"* te the
pubUe that my jpatenrwul not tread, and ttail dire
eotprosecute. •Sow,t6tikafeiauigmmeßtaw*jrlrpm
mem, 1 went to some of these who were psoaiamlng
feat my patent was of novalee, and made tha foUctw
ing propositi cm feat they might select sledge and two
lawyers wife have had some pretties in patent cades,
and we would submit the patent to them, end if they
decided that fee patent was good, fees they should stop
all farther proceedings In the buttaesA but if the/
should dedoe that it weald not, in their opinion, hdid,
I would agree to let them go eu usd sell el) they eomd,
with oat saying any thing to fee public about them.
‘ntbpreportioa they would net accede to. Soar as
the validity of my patent ia concerned, I do wide
peod entirely upon my own Judgment, although I have
fee fullest confidence in it; bat I havo submitted ttfe
many of foe judges, and several of the Bust eminent
patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided
that in their opinion jtwai good, and woaidproteet me
in my discovery. . K
I grind the article to a fine power, aad put it apio
barrels, the which are marked: “Blaus’! Eatctt Irma
: arm Wx*nacaP*oorA*TOTCUi. Slat*.” \
1 therefore give notice to all who buy and ese fee
above mentioned mineral for the purpose set. fcninn
ay patent, exespt from me or ay authorized agents,
that 1 shall hold them to a suict aceountablluy, aad
.inti MmiMn.. sails at law against those who than
infringe upon my mht ' - WM. BLAKE. \
Seasoh, Medina Co., Aug. 14,184 A -
CJTWO TONS' of the above Fire and Weather
Proof Artificial Slate oa hands aad for sale. The
above we ean recommend, for we have been using it
far some 1 veare, and know it to-be what it U set fbrtlr
in every particular. J. AIL PHILLIPfLAgt,
nov97*d3ia NoSwoodst’ i
E. H; EATON & CO.,
So. sa vowth BtrMtf pltuboifb*
Hose anw in Store their foil assortment of
ftlmmißgij Clom, Dmitry tni lace Good!
ADAFTlSfr’to tbowmm* ©feTeryelmssofMeTefcmnis
mod Contuwn. No pains bare been spared to
present the newest mod roost fashionable style ef
Goods in their line. Their stock consists to pmnof the ■
' Fringes ud Gimps, of evtnr variem new styles;
SfUMCalloosK Aljjsrioo and Imperial Braids: wida ;
■Twt narrow Stic* and'Worsted-Embroidering Break;;
figured isdniVtlrti Ribbons; plain do’dm Cordad
MVntna «nd pi tin Satin Ribbons, Tor trimming: btack,
while tnAeupredSilk Laces; extra wida.Ho day for'
Soaneoe; .wiih a fell assortment of Dretb Battom;
Breasts flaked, Stamped or Embroidered totordet.
Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, Chmitenw,
BreaUkst and Retiring Caps and Hair Sleeve
Worked Collars tad wmi great variety;!* ce Valla,
Lappets and Opera Tiesr Moaraing Chemise tea, Col
lars, Cads and. Half Sleeves; Lmaa Law i lldhfa,
■ puts embroidered and hemstitched do, P l ** o Jnendo;
ml Ouead (Lanas and Edgings; Im. do da Bobbin,
Lttl#i laeeltalin and Cotton Edging* end L sortings.'
Slehsew style Bonnet Ribbons, Preneh Pa se FI ew
ers. Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Satina and Flora «a, Silk
illations andTanetonj, Bonnet Frame* and 'Spa.
Best sui&a&etare. with most approved fki teabags,
ami eboteesi color*. An extensive asaortmea always
on hand. . [
'si ma and
/lalls, and
?Uii Child*
and Sorts;
m aktd- fine
and plain
inek Ber
in and
A ptu variety of Silk, Wool, Ctuon,Mea
Caahtfcgy, tar IrnjSie* and Miner. Tartan Flail
• rollaaaortaentother ttylea fancy aatplairf
res'* Hoae; newest stylet Infants' Boots and
Gem* Grampian, Yijoai*, Merino, Gouoa r
Wool Half Hoao.«> •
■ A fait assortment .far men, women tod’
. •ttoag which ere Derby Bibbed, Pplaoellean.
80k: ribbed and plain CtahmeretChaiaoit Line*
Un: Caulmere, Med no, Far4iocd Beaver, bear
too Baekskin, Military and Lisle Thread and
Bach it Ladl**' and Children's Hoodi. v—Jren*»
i Woolen £ick>i X&h Bearft and Boa*. Children** Gait*
- era and Lacg &iu*/Womed Cafis. Knitting WotiieCa:
- and: Woolen. Yam, California- Com£m*j alioj tao
Cashmere Bear**, for Ladka. - • I -
Zephyr tad Ttpestrr Worsteds, Cuttui Funenra,
’ Ftoreund Emb’gSUk, Bristol and P*rf4 Boards, Pa*
per Flower Materials, Lamp Huu ‘Edteu.aad Ea-;
_ ittitdcied Work. Also—Laditi , S»«.«»d MerinoVerts
. anADrawcrc Embroidered Sack*undFlaaaels, French
Worked Csps tad Wsists to t Infants; sad SwtitWown
TH "” 1 "‘ , 'oEMTLEMEjrS WEAR. . ■ V■ ,
Fins eUrtdi Cravat* tad Collars; Merino, Bilk ud.
Cotton Wrappers and-OtawerK Suspend* re, Shea der,
Bnees sod Dressing Oowns; SUk and Linen Hi kfo;
" Glares and Ifoateiy. • ... . .:»...• . j
Ftvnek partem* earred and plain Shell Baek Coi tot;
BaaaJo ana Im. da; Shell Biae and Lena Corahs; laJ
do; BtflklOvSatlnand Boeewood Hair Brashes; Bull,!
-Brfatoand Rag. Born DresalcgaadfinelresjrCosh*;
with an atsonaent of Mail tad Teeth Brashes -
WethsrilPs “Gold Modal” Ferfaaer^,
: Fine Twisl and Sowings, Fine Rosewood Baaks ud:
' Cost BlndUAf A Galloons,' Fancy Work BtakeU i
Cloak CordsadTauele, portfolio*, Paptenre* and |
wtind a ShfidoTriaunlax*. ■ Ladle*’ SutUasrr. I
FUplt A Bann*nli«aele, French Cock Boles, i
Hpbolstewfi. Eriogefc SUk A Glaa*» Umbrellas,
tGWTinsfl. us’d sndtns, Paper MasUneA Hollands,
■ English 011 Cloths EleaUa Bands A Wehbln*;
St»d Chilatx Binding, Corset and Shoe Laeeja. ’
VAttPEßJli—«e , attUdar I a»W.MM
V/ Climoek** Carpet Warehouse, N 0.75 Fourth m,
forthwsujraiy of Carpets, of the latest.tad aonap
stored styles, to which wo invito foo anentioa e:
gtesmboat men, and those wishing to famish Mooses
/ to call and exaaine the largest assortment in the city
which we will sell cheaper than erer before offered k
- the western market. nov23 WhPCUNTOCK
—" Bonrmlai lioai Ihawla
1 f W X MURPHY nas reeHfa supply of the above
W a anicla* of the best onality; also, plain Blaek
‘riubeiLoa* Shawls; black flombannes, Meornlag Al>
’ paccaa, Persian Cloth, black Cohere* Parmettaa,
Caahmetes,'Moos do Lai ns and FrenebMerioot, black
Crams and Moarcing Collars,-Moaraing Bonnet Bib*
y rr « 1 ncck dtk and a fhll aasoraaant of Moornug
. S * a,p "®UN*BWCK SILKS, . i
. A Urge aasonmeot, Indadlng Pfewsiccea rery wide
and eaperior. Bayers are Uirited to took at fouas, at
. . Merthbast comer of FoartaaniMarketit*.
Wholesato Roomsup stairs, where a largo assort
mantof Raw Goods has lately been repaired. [nr SO
: W* hare bees lofomed by Mrs. Koeo of aeare per
formed oahU by Dr* Jay*** Altaralkro, which
- nrorea its Mpomrityorererery other remody of the
kind. < She has been afflicted for the last sixteen yean
‘ urifoNECBHSES or WIUTE SWELLINGS, attended
■' mt k oiccratiaas and enfbUattoa ofraricuJ bones, da*
rental bone of the cranium, froa both her anas,
wntts and hand* .and from both legs, and/roa the left
' ftaißru botto. and Bom the right kneo, betidespaiofol
■feer, on outer parts ofherpersos,wluehkaTo baffled
raiaklllof • Bunbor of the Btosteament pbyaieianaof
iS,» «tv—donag most of the time her safferingshore
- SSicfctßi* h»d an moaithln«lyhappy effect apoa her,
Erreoffruwsll pain and sweilingj-and causing the
«<“ paß « Tt * "0“, I
»nuSVMWWOO4 tri
-j ! c6IUMN. .-,
!(ljr AS the Medicines advertised by W.B. SLOAN
ereieMby'''. •'•••’ • > •
feawo. SMITH.
TMe Beat amd Chuptit BorH H«dielß»
; i . POWDKB,
Bait asmtdugrtu mem*. Far Purity, Jfitins*. Sofi»>
fjl.ajid ZVmtffau*, SLOAN’S OINTMENT EreZi
Andie rapidly superseding.all other- Ointment* and
ijtdmanta new ia nse for ihe rare of the following dir
jn4*v: •:■•:-/■ ■
Fkesh wunhds. galls *f ell kind*, sprains, bruise*
etaikod beds, ringbone, wihdbone, windfalls, nd
eri\ csllbs, spavins, cwveney, fistula, sitfest, strun*
Itcamets, sand crack, foundered feel* scratches or
gretse mange or bone distemper. "
TVs FowaetwlU remove all inflammation and fever
pnnfy the blood, leoeenihe skin, cleanse the water
apd strengthen averirpatlofthebody: andhas proved
asorereignTtmedy lor the following diseases:
Urtraper, • hide bound,'lots of appetite* inwaru
■train, ydlow wntoi* Inflammation of the eyes, fatigue
romkara exercise; also, rheumatism, (coaaonlycal
od naff complaint j) which proves 10 (kial to many cel*
nahle borres in this country. It is also a safe and cer
ttidremodyfor coughs and eolda which generate m
mniy fetal diseases. J • W. B. SLOAN.
..•{ j ~ - Grand Depot, €0 Lake «t, Chicago, Illinois.
' t. ’ ; THB PROOF.
Extract from the -“Galena North Western Garotte.',
j By the Use of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow.
der, I have entirely eared a fistula on my horse and
otherwise immured Us condition more than 500 pe
cent, on the .cost of the medieinn And a cow which
was so feeble as to be considered worthless by myself
and nrighbonkwas restored to goodJteal th and strength
' by the use eftere than half a package of the powder,
and is nowdoinf better than any other cow I have.
SmallPox,ldayl3,LB4S. WM. VINCENT.
: I hereby certify of my cbUdren, when na
ked* fell into a largo fire of lire coals, and was burned
Severely from head to feet The best of medical eld
and attention was given to the child for four or five,
dan with oat any relief-each day’s sufferings increas
ed till hia groans could be heard at a great distance, at
which critical period one of my neighbor* recommen
ded and presented to me a box of sleaa’s Ointment
and in ten than fifteen minutes after the application
' of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering
child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began
SB recover. My- residence ia in Hell township, Ver*
million county, and State of Indiana.
April 13,1843. Four miles nonh of Chicago (on the
Totd to Muwuakie,) Cook county, Illinois.
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir. One of my horses had a large
-bony *■■»«» os Us breast bene, immediately under the
t»q»BT. which titrf. Bmt rendered hit services, ol
ytrr little valae. I failhfoliy applied several bottles
of Dr. Taylor's Nerve and Bene liniment, without (he
least, benefit. I then procored Wilder's Celebrated
Horse Ointment, and used that until I beetmofnily
satisfied that It woald never relieve the animal. S>
sally I obtained a box ol year troly valntblo Otnt
mnnt. and in less than 60 days from tie first applies*'
tian the tuner entirety disappeared, and the horse wav
If popular opinion is any criterion of the worth of an
article, we Invite the ineredalous to read at least a' few
of the many voluntary certificates that appear In car
respecting the great variety of remarkable
caret efiaeted by the ore ot “Sloan’s Celebrated Oint
mast and Condition Powders. 0
: TtLQB remedies p* lanirwT wm«ln «mnn, thOM-Ol
doahtlU utility, they have passed from the tide of.ex*
petiment, and cow stand higher in reputation and are
becoming more extensively ared than all other uni*
icles of this City-News.
Fqxßxtu, Jane IS, 1618.
Doer Sloen—Sir Rees* tend by the bearer* new
■apply of year Horae Medicine*. Huy are the beat
■xtulesef the kind that I her* ever aaed, never kav
inf been disappointed in their elect, a* I have been in
the aae of others, even she most celebrated Ointment*,
Lintsunu,fce-ofth*day. I like very natch thli fea*
tare in thaa, vir that they do all that la promiaed, and
non' a thorough trial on* la cos trained to add, that
“half ha* not been told.”
/ Bespeet&Uy,
y|i« ordinary tn< Unimowf it Ii wall
known an aavere and partial totheir operation.—
Sloan’* Ointment is mild yet thorough—lt reaches and
remove* the cause, beaee it gives real and permanent
relief. For parity, mildness, safety. certainty, and
j&oroaghness, Ointment excels, and is rapidly
ell Ointments » n| t Liniments now
inase. • .
WE CANT get along without it.
. . Bzstft Giots, 11L, Oet M, 1543. .
Mr. Sloan—Bin I hare tested the virtue of youi
la the can of rattlesnake bites, sore throat,
bants, and many other in]cries, and in every ease it
has soraueed oar expectations. As e family Oim
not, X here never seen its equal, end for beast* wa
can’t set alone withoat iL
AAVU4jbli VinUIUUU. .
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sin Fora eossiderabie length of
in e I was serioasly afflicted with the rheamatie- com
plaint, and applied freely the rarions liniments, paint
fallen, Ac., withoat obtainingany relief A/terwhich
yoci agent at this place inoaeneed me to try yoor
Ointment, and within twe weeks from the time 1 corn*
meneed osing it, the pain ceased, and I wasefleetsaliy
cored, and shall recommend all who are similarly af
flicted with the distressing complaint, to procare your
excellent ointment with?tit delay.
Besp’f yours. OSCAR F. MOTT.
Priacevilfe, Peons May l, 19M.
' U7* From the Hon. H. V. 9. Brooks, Agent ot the
Illinois and Michigan Canal Paeket Boat Company.
Cmeseo, Jane 9i, ldUl
Dr. W.B. Sloan—Dear Sin For the last 30 year* 1 '
hare had occasion to ase many horses, and hare ased
the great'variety of liniments and ointments in me,
I Vat' nave never (band ahy thing eqoml u» ynar oiou
I'meat'fer injoriea on horses. Within the last two
\months I have applied yoaroimmeat to some 80 hones,
for varioas injuries, and in every instance it Impro
ved a sovereiftt remedy.
• \ Two mile* teeth of Chicago, Bept. 14,1643. i
Dr. Sloao—Siß On the &th insuat mj aoa hid a fin* j
-Vfer Wtler eatlrely.offby aborae. We immediately ap- |
plied ybur celebrated ointment, which relieved him
3»iin in* few "■!"»"», and prevented the finger fram
a welling the leaApaniele,aad the wound la healing
Vapidly. \Eeap’y yoai*, 8. BttOCKWAY.
Mr. Sloan—pear Sin About three yean ago I was
severely injured in one ofmy legs by the falling of*
Site of wood which occasioned lane running uleeri.
[early every doctor In Galea* tried to core them; bat
tried in train, util from sympathy and improper treat*
m*nt toy other leg became as bad as the one original*
ly wounded. I despaired of ever being well again—
: bat in order that I might neglect no means within my
reach, 1 purchased of your agent in Galena some ui
you ointment, and you canjudge of my surprise an I
gratitude better than I can express b, to find myself
entirely weQ before I had finished using the second br-x
■ These facts I m*he known that others afflicted may
believe and not delay using so valuable an ointment
as roars has proved to be. Eetp’y your grateful fr’d,
Galena, HL, Dee. 1», 1948. EVAN DAVIS.
Before the following order. Messrs. Vaughn k Co.
pore based a large supply ofSlosn’s preparations.
Jmxsok, Mich. Feb. 84,18« a
B. K. Hibbard—Desx Sin I am out of Sloan’s Condi*
.tioo Powder end Horae Ointment. The sale tar ex*,
coeds my expectation, if you can manage to send me
4 Mn Ointment, I will pay for them the first timt
that yen ar* here, andymumel shall be able to sell
• lajre quantity la the eourie ef the year. It will be
aa object toyoo, as well as to myself to keep me con*
stamly supplied. Very retp'y youre,
Br.Lovn, Feb. 23,13*9.
Dr. Sloan—6m About two years sgo, while raTUn*
on the Mississippi river, In passing over the rapids, I
was pimsged into the water, and by the raft dashing
against a sock, crashing my left leg and otherwise se
rtouily injuring r 8 * so much that I lost all sensibility.
When eonsetoasness returned I found myrelf la St.
[tools, surrottadedby my weepingfomily.
; Bg and medical aid, enabled me In about two months
tonobblearoond with the assistance of aerateh. Tbe
wtmods only partially heated, leaving largo running
tores at the knee, which for many months discharged
blood and matter of Ute most offensive character. My
pains were Inexpressible, at times ray suffering was
so great that death would have received a hearty wel
come. Fortunately Mr. Wilson, (one of my neighbors}
advised me to try you Ointment. I obtained a box
. applied it according to direction—the sores soon began
to ■—a healthy appearance, and in three months
I was entirely cared, and enabled to do bard labor.
You obedient servant.
Wo, the nndereirned, neighbors of H.W. Thomas,
were tromlntM with the case above stated, and know
in* the cireusutanecs, most cheerfully confirm said
Thomas’ statement. REV. 3. DOUQLABS,
aaomaa JAMES WILSON, ;
. Cecaoo, Jan. 6th, 18*9.
W It. glean—Sir. One of my horses was hoof bound
mid also wounded in the stile, in which ho took eold,
and became so erippled that he could scarcely travel.
Bv the free dPPUcaUonofyonrvalaable ointment, bis
booth were soon eoftenod and the stifle permanently
eared. I have aleo used the Ointment in the easo of
FoU-Eril and on eerero galls with equal seeeess.
iMxssFßg” "i«swiar
(naan’s Ointment'and Condition Powder are ac
knowledged by all who have used them to be the left
remedyurhoraes and tattle that has been discovered.
Jtashwounds, galls,sparins, bruise*, ringbone, poll
evil, and In short every outward disorderor tojury can
becued by this wonderful remedy. The Powder Is
dcrignrd for inward strains, distemper, hide bound,
SSpiafrom hard exorcise, diseased eyes, Ac.—Lake
County Chronicle.
Wicxttxrx, Cook Co. Feb. 13,1818
Mr. gloaa—Sir. I have a fine young horse that was
taken with the aeratehea last fall. I paid out about
three dollars for medieine to cure him, but hs grew
worse. 1 ihen.bottgbl a box of your ointment at your
office when inChleego last, rather doubnngly, btu i
thought 1 would try It. Judge of my surprito and my
opinion of its beneficial qualities, when I found my
horse's legs smooth and well in four days from the time
1 commenced applying it. . .Yourobeuient,
■•**** E. F. COLBY.
More than fifteen years of unrivalled success in the
cure of every variety of external diseases and injuries
snch as sprain* bruises, cots, bums, cutaneous
ttofUj sore Up*, aore breasts, chapped hands, chill-
Wains* biles, ulcere, corns, pains in the baek, iidck, or
other parts of tha nsieo; rattlesnake bite*, Ac, bears
.ample testimony that Sloan’s Ointment is jast ihe.tbinf
forth© hour. Ceruficatea without number have been
received by the Proprietor frea disintereited iadlvidu*
ala, gmog deuula of remark able cures by itsue.
Grenville, Milwankie eo. Wi. Oet 13 iw«
Mr. Sloan—Dear Sir RwentlyiEy bones ran awav
with a tog chain attached, whleh cut and atherwiu
injured them seriously, so much so that I considers©
my team ruined for bonnets. Fortunately « friend re
coasmended the use ofyoui Cratment. 1 went to Mil.
areakta and purebMod a box. It soon removed vhs
Inflammation, and In a few days the wounds healed.
Thogreat benefit derived from the ute of yourOmt
nesu oa my horses, induced mo to acquaint you with
tha fact, believing its publicity would Meefiiyouand
the public. ReipeetfoJly Toon,
. Aud feta bceone a common saying, that Sloan'i
OCnunont and Condition Powder are rapidly tuperao
I dinx all mher remedies for all diseases of horses and
The beauty of tha medicines consists in thglr
parity and safety, to wit; they may bo used ever so
freely without any danger of taking eold, or any other,
lalurr residting from their frequent use, and saver foil I
tbweiflJtoduuedoaaaro foliowad. lyMtwlyffi.
Bjj the Frexl4«at «f th«. United SUiaa.
Id pnrroanco of Uw, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR, p«*.
ident of the .United Stale* of America, do hereby
cedare and make known, that Public Sales will be
aodenoentlotied ! Land Office*, in the State
of U)wA, at tbe period* hereinafter designated, to wit:
A* Office at pUOUQUE, commencing on
Monday, the seventh day of January next, tor the di*-
.pomlol the Public Land* situated within the nndor*
meauaoed townships, to wit:
of tk* hast Knty and vest oj Ou fifth principal
Township ninety-eight, of range three.
Township# ninety-six, wnetysseven, and nine*
ty-dighi, of range foor.
- Townships ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-sev-i
ed.viinety-eight, and ninety-nine, nfrange five.
- Township# ninety-three, ninety-four, nineiy
fivd, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and
ninaiy-nine, oi range six.
At the SAME PLACE, commencing on Mon
•day, the twenty-fint day of January next, for the
disposal oflbe Public Lands within the andennen-
Hoped townships, vie
Nonk of the bate Hne, and tout pfthe fifth jnvttrpal
Townships ninety-four, ninety-Avd, ninety-six,
ninety-seven, ninety-eight, aod 'ninety-nine, of
range aeven. /
Townships ninety-four, ninetysfive,
Six, ninety-seven, and ninety-eight, of range
eight. [! :
Township ninety-five, township ainelyvsix, (ex- 1
cepl tbe southwest quarter of section twenty-sev
ea,the southeast quarter cf section twcoty-eigbt,
and sections thirty-three and thirty-four, including
the Indian agency,}.and townships ninety-seven
and ninety eight, of range nine.
Townships ninety-two aod ninety-four, of range
ten. J.
Township ninety-one/ofrange thirteen- . j.
Township# nicety-one and ninety-two, of range
fourteen. / ,
r At the Land Office at FAIRFIELD, eommenc-
IngonMonday, the fourteenth day of January next,
for the disposal of the Pablic Lands situated with
in the undermentioned townships, to wit:
North cf the bate line,and met of the fiftkprineipal
/ meridian.
■ Townships sixty-seven, aixty*eight, and sixty
nine, of range sixteen.
Townships sixty»seven, sixty-eight, and sixty
nine, o'f range seventeen. |
Townships six ty*eighl and sixty-nice, of.rango
eighteen. !
/Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, oftango
Townships sixty-eight and sixty nine, of range
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, oi range
twenty-one. \
Townships sixty*eight andsixty*mne, of range
Township seventy-ono, of range twen(£rsix. ;
Townships seventy and seventy-one,' oi range
twenty-seven. i
. Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
At the Land Office at lOWA CITY, ooinmeac
ing oh Monday, twenty-first day of January next,
for the disposal of the Public Lands within the fol
lowing townships, vi£ . 1
North of the bate line, and met of theffthphhapal
Township seventy-six, of range twenty-seven.
• .. Townships seventy-sjc, seventy-seven, and sev
enty-eight, of range twenty-eight
Townships seventy-seven and of
range twenty-nine.
Lands appropriated by law for the use of schools,
military, or other purposes,.will be excluded from
the titles
The offering of the above mentionediands will
be commenced on the day appointed, and proceed
•In the order in which they are advertised, with
all. convenient despatch, until the whole shall have
been offered, ana tha sales thus closed; but no
sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks,
'and no private entry of say of the lands wOl be
admitted until alter the expiration of the two
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington,
this fifteenth day of September, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.
' By the President: Z. TAYLOR-
J. BtHTxamxD, ;
Commissioner of the General Land Office. •
Every person entitled to the right of pre-emp
tion to any of the lands within tbe townships above
enumerated, ts required to establish tbe same: to
tbe satisfaction ol the Register aad Receiver oi (be
proper Land Office, and make payment therefor as
soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and be
fore tbe day appointed for the commencement; of
the public sale of the lands embracing the tract
claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited.
Commissioner of tbe Geacra! Land Office.
Of tbs Pabtlo Lead Balsa at Da Bttquti
NOTICE is hereby given, that ihe-Poblie Sales of
Land* ordered by proclamation of ihdPresxienl of the
United States, dated the fifteenth day of September,
1819. to he held at the LAND OFFICE AT DU UUQUF,
lOWA, «>Q the 7lb and 21 si days of January, 1940,rare
declared to be postponed until further notice. .
Given adder my hand, at the City el Washington,
this lllh day of Dec- anno Domini one ihoosaod eight
hundred and fony-nme. Z. TAYLOR.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Land Offiee.
del7 lawtS. .
ALEXANDER A DAY, comer of the Diamond and
Market street, notify their friends and the pabbe
ih«t they have received their stock of Fall and Win
let GOODS, direct from the importers, manufacturers
and auetious aithe east. Their stock Of new style and
fashionable Goods is largo, and presents strong attrac
tions .to purchasers. In Lsdics Drr*» Goods and
Shawls, the most splendid and fashionable Goods of
the season are now offered, at remarkably low prices
consisting in part of the following
Ladies’dress goods. «•
New style Brocha fig’d C&melion Silks;
Ccl’d and Black Saua Du Chones and Tare Saiint;
Coi’d Camelian Groderbine* of the best qualities;
Black gtossy Groderieoa at the celebrated Eagle
. manufacture.
The above oamed Black Silks are warranted not to
eut to the wear; for dresses and mantillas they are the
beat imported. . ,
Neat fig’d Camelian Satin Du Chene, the handsomest
Silks of the season. 1 J -
New style Brocha Silk figured French Mennos, a
new and splendid article for ladies' walking dreaaes.
Silk Embroidered French De Laiaes, lor dresses and
sacks, an entirely new article.
Cashmeres, De Lainet, Merinos, Alpaecas and Far
meuos, a large assortment
Brocha Long and Square Shawls, of the best quali
ties. >
Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark
ably cheap.
Splendid Terkeri Shawls, at greatly reduced pnees.
Came lion Brocha figM Silk Bnawls,in great variety.
Crape Shawls, white and colored, in great variety.
Uist Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices}
best Sedan retd French Cassimeres; new style Amer
ican Casiimeres: auper Satin Vestings.
Freneh and Belgian Blaek and Olive Cloths, for La
dies’ Cloaks. Lll
A splendid assortment of American and imported
Blanket*, at remarkably low price*.
A large and complete assortment now ou hand.—
Many to? our present stock of Staple Good* Were
bought from the manufacturers previous to the present
advLfce in price*. A principal part Of our stock of
French and English goods have been purchased at the
great Auction sales in Philadelphia and New Yoik,
which enables us to offer decided bargains in almost
even' description of goods in our line of busineb*.
Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all
wholesale and retail buyers, are invited to an early
examination of our stock and priees.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market at,
oet22 north west corner of the Diamond.
fffHOYStts or Uui uuuuat
WR. MURPHY, at north east’comer of Fourth
. and Market ets, is now receiving his second
supply for the season, and can offer inducements to
buyers rarely to be met with. His assortment of
Is very full, consisting of Freneh Merino* Cashmeres,
Coburgs,Lyonew Cloths, super Primed French Cash
meres, at priees considerably lower than they eoold
be bought curly In ibe season. His stoek of
Is large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles
now on exhibition at Franklin Institute, Philad’a.
Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim
Of various styles and qualiuo«, plain ana embroidered
Black BUk Lace*. Needle Worked Collars’and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satins and Velvet Flowery Caps and Feather*.
Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than usual;
and rich changeable Silk* and Salins, for Morullas,
lr r ; and a large stoek of
at lowest prices. And in the gentlemen’s department
Blaek Doeskins, Winter Vesting*, Faney Cassimeres,
Undershirt* and Drawer*, Bilk Cravat*, FoekotHand
kerchiefs, Ac. ' . . , ,
flj/-Me reborns are invited o vmt the Wholejale
Rooms, up stairs. ‘
"I - very Wonderful oukfj—selleks*
MxBCER, Mercer co., Pa.,-Sept 83,1849.
R E. Sellers: Dear Sir, 1 bought one bottle of your
Vermifuge at the Iron City Furnace store, at this place,
and it bo* performed what we consider out here a won
derfhl cure on one of my boys eight years old; be bad
been unwefl for some year*, *o much so thatlhod gtv
en UP all hope* of hi* recovery. I wss advised by o.*e
of my neighbors to try a bolUc or your Vermtfuge
und 1 am happy “> in*°m* you of it having the desired
effector relieving ray son. He passed, m Ute short
space of 2* hours, IM worms, some of them roeasur
-Ins a* much as 18 mid 14 ihches tong. I feel bound in
Justice to give you the above •tmrment, so as you may
make any use of my name that you think proper.
Yours, very respectfully.
’. JoHATTLi!t 3. LTTL*.
ITT" Prepared and sold by R. K. SELLERS, 67 Wood
Eireet; and sold by Druggists generally ra lb" two
citlo.. ■ B0 » 1 *..
‘R RUP-fSb W. K- Itoden, Esq, Clrrk of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Beaver County:
mV » V fullerin' Sir, Some time tn the winter my
wZfevwaiffletedwifo a severeand distressingcough,
S'jSS “ k 'Efd! KunS 11-Sd£» •‘I
ftiend. hi.c b.en ''“'’•“'"r/.'.'f.'.hT™
un therefore .etl.Sed tier libl ■»* V'
dieine, end mould reeomrnerrd rt to rhoee mho mey be
•utob wMS"" “ ' W. K. BODEN.
o-sildir B. E. SELLERS, » Wood “ a
generally in-the twqcitiee aud vieimty.
deff -
Felt cIoTHH—3 eaTw Blue and Drab Pel
Cloths, just rec’d and for saleby
no*l3 1 48 Wooast
SCARLET MoUii. DEIaAINB—B. M»'rpby hot
just rec'4 a tot of high colored Mott*- de Lains,
such a* Cherry, Scarlet. Ac- at the low prlee ofSfie.
peryard. AUs, Plain Drab, Brawn, Ac ,ai 18k to lb|
eetui peryard; and a large assortment of neat styles
figured Mobs, de Lain*, at various priees, together
wuh a choice assortment of Dreu Goods generally,
aueh at Fancy Silke, French Merino*, Cashmeres,
Coburg* and Lyoneto Cloths, at the
N. E. eoraer of Fourth and Market *t*.
WholMaioßoqmsupstalr*. nJvIS
t art
Puisigsr maw XUnalttawes OCXs*.
i HArJRDENA Ct). continue to bring persons
JMVfrom any peri of England, Ireland. Scotland or
Wales, upei the Dost liberal terms, with their
usual punctuality us, attention to the want* and com
fort of eomigranu‘[We dp notallow onr paaiengers to
bb robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the sea
port*, as we lake charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, urn see to their wpl! being, ana de
spatch them without any detention by the first ships.—
►Wd *ay this fearlessm as we defy one of onr pasien-
Cn> to show that they Were detained 49 hours by ut in
verpool, whilst thousands of ethers wcre-deinined
momba, until they could be sent in some old craft, at a
chSp rate,-which too frequently proved their coffin*.
We intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost
what it may, and noi act as was the ease last season,
with ether officers, —who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £1 to
£IQOU, payable at any of iheprovineial Banks in Ire
land, England, Scotland and Wales.
European and Gem i«l Agent,
fehl Fifth strescone door below Wood,
jSL j S49.
Warren and CUti lud ptutanr Lla«>
Canal Packet—BV 'ALLOW.
*» M —OC BAN"
|"iNH of the above Packets leave Beater every dixy
vjf (Sundaya excepted) and arrive next morning at
Warren, viiea they com eel with the Marl Stage* for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places
before night. One of the packets leave Warren doily
at 6 Pv-M-y and arrive atlßeaver in time to take the
mdrding boat for Pittsburgh.
C E S LEFFINGWELL A Co, Warren, > Pt „
MB TAYLOR, do } rro ‘
corner Water and Smith field »t»
S&iJEEb 1849.
I Cuwroxo&CBAXBXBLDf, Cleveland,O ) Prnn j.
I H.O. Paul • , Beaver, Pa. \ Propr, ‘
m|US Line will bcprepa-ed on the opening of navi-
J: Ratio'll. lo traniport freight and Patsenger* from
PrrreHUaattanl'CLEvkLANß, «o any point on
(be Canal and Lake*.
The facilities oflho line are unsurpassed in number,
quality and eapaeity of Boats, experience cl captains,
ami efficiency of Arena,
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning In connection with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of first elass
Saunters, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes.
Auxin*— R G Parks, Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
M B Taylor. Wanen, “
Cyrus Prentiss, Ravenna,
wheeler A Co, Akron,
... _ —,
Crawford 4: <?nasit>crUn, C . ‘and, U
B«m & Griffith, ttuffalo,N. v .
Office, cor Water and Smithfield iu, Puuborg b.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 9—Capt- Gilson.
“ LAKE ERIE, “ Gordon.
THE above regular and well knows Leaver Pack
eta, have commenced making their daily trip* to
and from Beaver, and will continue to ion between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, u
Michigan No. 3 ieavei Pituburgh daily at * o’elock,
A- M-, wid Beaver at 2. o’clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily atB o’clock, A.M., and Pituburgh
at 3 o’elock, P. M.
These ateamera will run in connection with
R G Parks' Express packet Line, for Erie;
1 Taylor A LeflUngwell’s Warren Packets;
Union Line of Freight Boau for Cleveland;
Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Fisigut
Parks daily New Cattle Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agenu.
JOHN A- CAUGUEY, Agent, Pittsburgh,
rp>.t.«n eor Water and Smiihfieid *u
milK Proprietors of this old established and popular
I dailv line, consisting of SIXTEEN first class Canal
Boats, twned by themselves and running in connec
tion with the steam boau BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer,unequalled faetliUei for
the transportation of freight and passengers, on the
hpening of Canal navigation, to allpomu on the Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lues.
F.M.FITCH ACo.Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
- J. 0. BIDWELL, Agent,
mar * Water street, Pmsbnrg b
I. e. BIDWILL, »• v - e - UtPWHA,
Pituburgh, Beaver.
Fomnlinß Merchant!,
Agents far the Pituburgh andCiewland latu, Put*-
burgh asidEru hint via Erie, and for steam
boats Beaver and Caleb Copt-
Havingporchased the large and substantial Whan
Boat )o«l built for the Manongahels rackets, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac
commodations for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge4heir utmost attention. promptness and despatch
to consignments to their earc, and rely Uteirmrnd*
for a trial. marS-dly B. A BR». _
TUST RECEIVED, a new assortment of PIANOS,
tl from the -manufactories ol Cmcxaauio, Boston,
and Bscow A Barer, New York. s
ALSO—A few elegantly csrred PIANO STOOL?,
for sale at manufacturer’s prices, by
JOHN H. MKLLOR, si Wood *L
Sole Agent for Chickenng’s Pianos,
jpg! for Western Pennsylvania
Stcoad liaatTPiaaoi.
ONE second band Piano, 6 oetaves, price *4O.
, - “ 5i “ 43.
! - “ *' &l “ “40
J u M “5 “ “ ill).
For sale for cash at the above prior*, by
deltl JOHN H MF.U.OH, t-1 Wood n_
TO' VIOLIN" PLA>KttJt—SfoHa’s' Ou.vp'VioLin
BatooL, altered and connected from the last Png
nsn edition, to correspond with Spohris Original
gehool of Violin playing, bv his pupil U. O. Hill. II
anr arguments are required to recommend this work.
It mar be observed that Ppohr himself adheres stne tly
to the' tTStem laid down in tho above work, and that
be has bv the same mode, of instruction, produced a
greater number of distinguished pupils than any other
master in Fuirope.” .... . ~
A supply of the ahore Just rec’d, (price $7.) and for
u l e i,y del? JII MELLOR. HI ood*t
A N EMINENT and experienced pbyiletu from tha
A East. of.SO years standing, offers to treat alieasei
of a Delicate Nature with promptness and secrecy.
Hissuceeu in. Buffalo and other large,qitieshas
been proverbial. His charges are moderate, and hn
cures permanent. Old eases of Gleet, giricture, Scro
fula, Hnor Albas, Rheumatism, Ague, Syphilis, or any
chronio or inveterate eases solicited.
BUIVIUU Vi um.«r,»w OMOO piiii,im.u.
A cure wkrramed, or chain refunded.
Omcxs, 8t Clair »lreetj 2doors from the Bridge-
Teeth Extracted. Advice toihe poor critis.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicit* the worst eases or oqt disease
in Pittsburgh to call. _ _ >-• apUtdly
“There are more things in heaven ami earth
Than are dreamot of in philosophy.”
It HE VIRTUES oi this remarkable remedy, and
the constant application for it, to the proprietor,
has induced him to have it pm up In bottle* wiih la
bel* and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well io Uni
eoumy, at a depth of fourhundred feet, is a pure una
dulterated article, without any ebemicoi change, but
Just as flows from Nmare'eGreaiLabratoryt! That it
contains properties reaching a number of diseases, is
no longer a matter of uncertainty. Thera aro many
things in the arcana of nature, wDieb,if knowigrnight
be of vast usefulness m alleviating suffering, and re
storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting
it up in boille*, it had a reputation for the cure of dis
ease. The constant and doily increasing calls for H,
and several remarkable cure* It bu performed, U a
sura indication of it* future popularity and wide
spread application in die «.uro of disease.
We do not wish to make a tong parade of certifi
cates, as we are conscious that the medieine can soon
work iia way into the favor of those who suffer and
wish to be healed. Whilst we do hot claim for it a
universal application in every disease, we unhetita--
ungly say. that in a number of Chronic Diseases it i*
anrivallea. Among these may bo euumerated—oil
diseasea of the mueoas tissues, such as CHRONIC
BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (In its early stage,)
Asthma, and ail diseases of the air passages, LIVKII
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Disrhma. Diseases of
the Bladder aqd Kidneys, Pams in the Back or Hide,
Nervous Palsy, Khcuraslic Pains,
Gout, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Burns, Scalds,
Bruises, Old Sore*, Ac., 4®. lu cates of debility re
sulting from erposure,or long and protracted cases of
disease, this medicine will bring relief. It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such eases,
imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opeidng the sluggish functions, which
cause disease and a broken constitution, and giving
increased and renewed energy to all the organs of
Life! The proprietor knows of several cures «f
PILES, that ruined every other treatment, gn well
under urn uhc nl the PETIUH.I’tJ.M for a short time.
The proof can be given to any person who dusirox it.
Noun genuine without the signature of the proprietor.
Hold by.the proprietor,
S. M. KIKR, Canal Batin, near Seventh it.
Also by K E. SELLERS, 67 Wood »ij
corner Wood st. and Virgiu alley; who are his
__ uovtt-dly regularly appointed Agent*
No. 83, corner Market and Fifth—or 40 Market,
tween Third and Fourth its.
rjMIE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole
X sale and retail, the following articles, vu:
Wash Tubs. Slolf Churns,
Meat Tubs. Band Churns,
Bath Tohs, Half Bushels,
Wooden Bowls, Peeks and Half Pecks,
Wash Boards, Brass Bound Buckets,
Clothes Pie*, Towel Roller*,
Wooden Ladles, Bread Rollers, -
Clothes Baskets, Market Baskets, Ac., A<
novli No 63 Diamond alley, Pittsburgh
jrjffuiprtU A Bona* Patent* Soda~Ash,
gne CABKB Glass and Soap makers' Hoda A?h,
imported direct from lira above celebrated
manufacturers, 89 per eent American lest, arriving and
, for *alo by novO W_A M MITCJIELTREK
EIQUORri— 17 hi pipes Brandy—Otard, Dapuy, fce;
2 pipe* U-iUand Gic;
5 csss N E Rum; I
4W bbis Whiskey; for sale by I
novff W A M MirCHl-U.TRP.E
ByPAriIffNG'PuWDER —tw casks Jo* Alusoratt ft
Sons’ brand, a superior article, for sale by
'ryri CABkS' Wuspratt’s Boda Ash. and TO caTTs
it) Bleaching Powder; arrived per ship Oxenbridge,
and now eenung on by canal, for sale by
N B —They will receive, during the winter, large
supplies y»a New Orleans. novOO
. ■■,,>, -y- -■v • -:■
M'- liemes of the day."
1 Gas ham's MATtoir, OhioyMay Pb, 1849.
B K Sellers: I think it right for thciienefitof others
to rial' same facts in relation to year excellent Fautt«
ly Mi>l i jnts.
I have ius»d your Vermifuge largely in my own fam
ily; one -iia; frequently answering for expelling! rtre
quanm-vs lixy 1 to 200) worms from two childrii 6 i
hate aim Died your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup ,n
ray fauiiJT, and they have in every irst&ce produced
As I a in sngaged in merchandising, I am able to'
stol<- I Lave yet to hear ef the fimfailnre where
yobr medicines have been used in my section of the
coantrv. So conclusion, I may state that they are |A<
medicine* ol the day, and are Costtned to bare m Terr
exlennve pspulanty Yours, ret .ecHulfr, *'
. 11. PBsm.
Prepared and sold by R. >■ ' PH8,N057 Wood
street, ami «old by Bruggii . Vi-uetaily in the two ei
der mtil vicinity. mv3l
U ungiftal, only true, apd genaiae Liver Pill.
Snosci Cbzex, Ohio canary, Va.)
March 2Gih.1848. \
Mr. iR- F. Sellers; Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you’isuid to the publie rtnera ly, to state that I have
been ahiicieil with the Liver Complaint for a long
time, u|id so badly that an übcess formed and broke,
which |eft me in a very’ low state. Having heard of
your cvrielicaled Liver Pitta being for sale by A R
Sharp,in Weal Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. K. Smith, I concluded to give them
a fair triuJ. I purchased ono box, and found them to
ns ju«t what they are reeommendod, THE BEST LI
VER I'il/L EVER USED; and after taking four boxes
I find the disease has entirely left- me, and I am now
piTfccliU well. Respectfully yours,
1 West Liberty, March
jee-nty that I am personally acquainted with Mr
Cutout , und can bear testimony to the truth of the
niHvr . rufieate. A R SHARP
Tin ' nuine Liver Pills are prepared and sold l>y.
r E 4 t i.KRS, No 57 Wood street, and by dreggitu
intn-': xvoaiaes.
TO f UK PUBLIC. — onlv true and gen
uine Liver Pills are prepared by RKSellers, and have
b:s nautr stamped in black wax upon the lid of each
box, and his signature on the outside wrapper—all
other* are counterfoils, or base imitations. ,
B|>io RE SELLERS, Proprietor
• y BOM the Rev A-sA SHINN, a well known and pop
i? u!*r UercvmnntMlhe ProtestantMeihodistChurch
i\c undersigned having been afflictedduringthepait
r with > disease ouhe .stomach, aometimea pro
joeir i greatpainin the stomnchfor ten or twelve hours
without.merdu > on,and after having tried varioui
letnedies with. affect was furnished with a bouts
of Dr D J sync’s C, mauve Balsam; This be used ac
cording to the direct <m*,aad found invariably thaiihi*
mbdicine causedthe pain to abate in three or four min
utes, and in fifteen or twenty mmutesevery uneasy
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was af
terwards ased whenever indtcauonsoUhe approach ol
nalnwere perceived, and the pain was thereby prevent-,
ed Ue continued tome the tnedwtae every evening
and sometimes in *he morning, aud in a few weeks
health was so farrestored, that the suflerer was rellev
cd from a large amonnvof oppressive pain. From-es
porieoce,therefore." e canconfidently recommend D
Ondcmliv e ** * "'“‘/f Kti'E,'"
to om«ra«.ch «nd A SUINND
For sale in Pittsburgh a: «‘PKKIN IEA aTUiR
73 Fourth street, near'«u “ ahiTalso at lheDrug
Store of H V SCItxTAKTZ. V- .'.-I Aroel. Afteßt...,
pt„T giauri roi
ramilon. Bore Thro.l, Nn-ou. DtMi
ty, and ali Diseases of the Throat,
BrcastandLungs; themostaf
fsetual and speedy cure
•ver known lor any of
tha diseas-
M£d Hu. »r ">{»' #">B2“°™ m ' ,h " , ‘° ""
l "stta. 4 toa''“^“ 4 ’“7 icuorolij through rhe
impOTlunco hu fuccu. For proof of the fnrrgomg
deftrt of , ofthe 0 fth e value and eflicaey of lhi» modi
,^* tCI ?i iiuert a few of the many ihou
elne, U»c _p P . have been presented to aim by
•*° J re7neltabllity--me:t ; who have higher
Sm (?nonl s»poiwibllity *nd ioatice, than lo cer
!&£el«ti%o mjarth*. Such watlmony proree coo
that itTiorpruing excellence m Miabbafaed
etttKfc.y.Uia rarid the nnqueiuoaabie anlhon
by IU “S The «i ie f u
g_£f £d *2c wothing influence difluaed through the
nte, render* it a do.t agreeable
-When men. acting from eonacienuoua .mpnlaea,
>vnen m • mon w , he t rmh 0 f B thing, or
«acbie»umony, being contrary to their
dlv*niem»«n*lpotpo*s». coorre. conviction of
. W J eommena* iuelf in a epeeial manner 10
ua trulh, and Mofal Muia „.
Ktxl A vrrira Ccat or Pcueosaai
The« nrverWwr a remedy duuJim been a» neeewful
J e J!«S ca«e< of Coh.umptioa, aaDr Swayne'.
Vm2.W«»yttfP Of Wild Cherry, Ii atwngihena ihe
Unaoounn . yioi Ujc the j un? , t
SJS£V»!« »'h ‘■'"‘‘i P° w “ W"'" J bi ""
other liicine
Csxrm Co., April 25th, IM&
_ . «... «ir- l verilT believe yonr Com-
been the mc«n» ot
pouiid 5/ropo . * bt * ,e V ere cold, which gradu
“TXM* Z Y l'?r*r attended with a severe cough, that
allyitrew worse, * . whleh I had recourse to, still
tncreesui* ui.ul ny w_ erT thin* I tried seemed
Pulmonary A , n y coniplaj!iiincrca»cd sorapid
to have no effect, and m> co*b? oil hor „ 0 j
l 7 that tncnd.aawtU
my recover) . A ‘ ‘ l j dld «, with the mott hap
your ~7 a lu* ]i!* ? . bp i^ e had Uic effect to loosen the
py recall*. J£\™7~S>,at* frnely; and by the
touyh. e aasing » . wu entirely well, and am
ante 1 had u*cd six > tnf}
now “* h t'tnB T \rMrive any tnfbrm*uon*eap««ting my
woaW he happy t" St« “^ dehTo for
For the truth of tha above
which l am eo rate™ gush, Uroear, West
ur mt Urful Cure of a JtUWiil MwuUr.
, fec , a of p.tiud. dae
aduty to the afflicted Generally, to offer
wT ? M«7AiimeaT in favor of yonr Compound Sy
'nJ ofWUd^SSry 1 *>»« three year* tinee I was
fopottvuo t.-uei»j . of tho
won weakw. and at length wu searce
lion. I grew dal T r above a whisper, such
,y * b ,h *e weeding wcaknesTof my lungs. Ihirlng this
was e , Prions preparation* and prescriptions,
time lhad tried -anousptcH ume worie j Q(t
standing your r'*‘£*Ujeit faith in the laying of my
medicme, and tmp^ d of Df ShmW| on 6 of yOHf
£*"£»* SwlSfeS, and commenced its ««. My dis
agents, a few ■* 55 months’ standing,con
'd«plv ».led, I found, however,
.eqoenlly II vr» OPT aM of die fir»l four or five
So. Bo°hS« i7* Wl ' ! "“"‘tX 1 '
bottle*- om w*- **» increasing strength, and
th?£br ruptSthoJo vessel* th#l b*? already iegan
“V*H Effi wo? doobUe.., my Coro woo Jroody
Siiriid to fi?.ii«qu?nec of oclio* rhu. imprudent'
I Km’uronSilve or “M" bt! ° n V*” 1 ? - '
I had to use twa» nouuestion, a much small
focUv re.mrud I hovo no qo J „ aa4 bu
nnmtcr xho Syrop olloyod Ibo for,
oKb?bk.° l oo? °wi?Uio di»tre»,inf cough, pui o.i v,
HhbablL too r ftom tho lungs, und gav
l?d“l.rinolbi* ocrl&cutc undl now, for the pbrpoj.
fcaoueniiß «iiified with the permanency 01 the
fori porfooUr^cl.. .to U w.U
Dublin county, N-C.
Important Cautttnr—R&td.’ Rsad!
Thera is but*-* egenuino preparation of WildCheny,
and that is Dr- Bwatart, Uio first ever offered to the
1 , which -as been sold largely throughout the
baited States trial some part* of Lurooe; and ail pro
pamlona cutlet by the name of Wild Cherry have
been rut out ii*e this, under cover of some deceptive
circumstances, .e otdcriogtv* currency to their sales.
By a little observation, no petsou need mtoiake tho
renuine from tb false- Each botllo or the gdnutne is
enveloped wiV a beauUful steel engraving, wuh tho
likeness of William Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne’s
tJcuatura; and -s further »ecurtty, the portrait of Dr.
gwayne will l .'added hereafter, so as to distinguish
his prcpaxsliOK’totn ail others. Now, ii it wua not tor
the great curaUve properties and known virtue* of Dr.
Hwayue’s Com>«uud Syrup of Wild Cherry, person*
would not be andeavoring to give currency to four
“fietiuoua by stealing the name of Wild
Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the name
of I>r. Swnyne nd be net deceived.
Principal, corner of Phgblh and Race sleceu,
‘’fw’ul. «■*“ by OUDEN t SNOW.
DEN, cot •sdan.'l Wood sis; U A FAirNESTOCK A
Co cor Ist an* Wood, and Gth and Wood sis; WM
TlioHN, 63 M"kct m 8 JONES, 180 Ujwrtrav JAB
A JONES,cot riand and Penn iu;
ELI., Alieghen. city, and by all respectable dealers in
medicine. __. oct >3
"Dr. W. P. Inland's Premium Piaster,
Dr. w. p. INLAND, oflhc Medical College bf Phil
adelphia, now offers to Ui* public his Indian Veg
etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, after
long amt tried experience, has been satisfactorily ek
tabnhbe-1. To alt women who may bo afflicted willf
Prolapsus Utrrin or Fallen Womb, ho recommend* bis
plaster, guaranteeing aaure and speedy cure In thef
short -pace of flora two to thee weeks, u applied with
care and rest—discarding ail the counties* instrument*
and expensive bandages so long in use. This he feels
conscientious in stating, inasmuch as he has not failed
in one case out of three hundred and fifty-three pa
Also for Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with pain, there is nothing to excel ibis Plaster
in alfimlini; relief or effecting a care. For sale by
I. Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market st
Braun ft Reiter, “ Liberty and *L Clair its
Dr J Sargent “ Federal stand Diamond, Alle
gheny city
Jacques k Co, u Denman and Diamond Binning
ham. i*3
KE. HELLKKH, Druggist, No 67 Wood strcei,
. Hole Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend’s Gen
uine Banapaniia, has just received !OX> dozen of this
Great Hprlng and HumKcr Medicine.
Purchasers should recollect that K F. Sellers is sole
sgt-M for Pittsburgh, and D M Carry for Allegheny
city _ _
EXTRACT OF COFFEE—AII article winch i* ra
pidly coming into use aa a wholesome, nourishing
and dr-icious beverage, being more pleasant and pal*
atublc than common Coffee, and far cheaper, as a small
paper costing only ten cento, will go as far as four
pounds of Codec. Manufactured by
1 JOHN 8. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sold at wholesale by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood streets,
Pittsburgh ip3t
j as Camp Blankets; *JO officer coats; 13 pra Panto;
to pairs nett Imed Miuiiig Boots; 13 Isthmus Bog*; 3
water Tanks, 0 and 13 gallons c*cli; 50 eanteens, i
gallon each; 1 dni Bucks*,n Money Belts; Ido oiled
cambric do do. 'Hie above good* tor rale at the Cali
fornia Outfiung Establishment. No 5 Wood st.
ASSORTF-D SPICES—Put up for family tin
«*ns, enclosed in a sliding lid box. containing.
Mustard, Aispice,
Cinnamon, Ginger,
Cloves, P'PPcr,
Warranted pure. For sale at the new Hplcoj and
Mustard Factory, corner of Ferry ft Liberty sta. -
A N VlLH—Wrought Irou Aiivtla, from UieTcraiwr
anceville works, warranted; will be coustautiy
on hand and suppfied to order, by
aiySß . GEO COCHRAN,« Wood It
J so miiiliii '»V t:; -*iS#ilSS$!i§?!H513'
T* --fc^4 ts ii?Cfai3isS2!sJ^gs|s rf "3-’|B3:i|aS *g ‘•^«ills«lliisS*ss , B -§*'#**
** Si*JMf£ a s.£* a |3J2|a3i—J*sS gSri3“Sf £. '•' ,; * s lsl*fst^|*ill|*
9 § B«asMB3s fl S SsUSII-ls'i^wiS^'?* s|i.*g 5
« s § ! ...JpgS Sftllllllill 1 l»**i -
3g I5 sic |'il||iii|lJ if 3||a| tl! sj-» I°t § i « !1 315 ff f ■-~ i
2t § m PpKiffi jf*|L 1 8- Hilli”
,«g >p3 a«il«l!ls' •Mlsflsi*- -■=’*•■■ .1 Is ;«if 1 H.e sb|l«3;|iaipit|ff|lfla. tea;l! U-.
ii! Iw|ia|s|l#s
«l £ 111 ffifii «THI tell! i ll’r
"s§. -11 IllhllJJiaifllllllf 4Mr
<±i° lie; fllllifs plilMllffl Si. 1 III" -=■
5?1 IIIIPIPIifIPI life
«x 3 e ~s h i?&l ?: |s!S !|| * „
6c I hi 63 ■• i? *if I £fsS S i i? 5 s| * fill ftd-rfyi
!*“ Z H g a S. ?: s lsslSl = 3ll£2S’jf a ijr «,|,a ■
x <s P ■•? h *= §3it|sy|||§3l?sf a £**-^
..." o s ill®! e||!| *-.l* ° !•.
rig 3j|U%ȣuslteiiri
09 < Si!' 5 ???^!?! 3 ■a¥'=siil
ms OS **l I,*?* W*l 1
H ,2 o3s E b.S m ® *•!
3 2h, *I^^S' a 3‘2'29'ssg'
*4ll'2sl!II I-11-hlill *
tHs!aSS~<S s-3 ra rest s ;
icr* agkstsi—wm. Jackson, john d. w
Binkirii Exektngt B*ok«Hi
AMD DUALSX3 111 .-
COLLECTIONS.—Drafu, Note* and Acceptance*
phyoble in any pan of the Union, collected on the most
favorable tens*. . _ .
l EXCUANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis and
New Orlean*,conatantly for sale.
BANK NOTES—Notes on alt solvent banka In the
United State* discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds
of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought
and soldi
- Office No. S 3 Market itreet, between 3d and 4th',
Pittsburgh, Pa. ociBS •
“ : Foaxioa kxcb&noz:
TRILLS on England. Ireland, and Scotland boagbt
J h any amoont at the Correct Rates of Exchange.
Also, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Conntnes,
Item £1 to £lOOO, at the rata of S 3 to the £ Sterling,
withoat deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
SON, European and General Agent, office Sih st onl r
door west of wood. octlfctl ;
Zllxs iuxakH.] ~ "tinwsin tana i
J 3 in Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Cer
U&eatei of Deposit*, Bank Notes and Coin, eomer o
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite Sl Charles Hew-
Ohio, ,
• Minsouri,
lTank Nous;
purchased at Ihs lowast rates, by
*epl3 33 Market street.
Jts New Ydtk,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for sal* by N. HOLMES k SONS.
sepU , 35Msrketst. "*
u Ont oftk* Mast RatariaiU. Wort* efth* Agtl }
NINEVEH AND ITSiREHAINd; with an aeeount
of a visit u> the Chahdmaa Christians of Kuniis
tan, and the Yetidis, of Devil-Worshipper.*; and an
Inquiry into the Manhersjand Arts of the Ancient As
syrians. IN Austen Henry Layard. E»q, D. C.L.
With Introductory Note by Prof. E. Robinson, D. U-,
LL- D. Illustrated with 13 plates and maps, and 00
wood cats. 0 vols Svo. cloth, 8t JO.
“The book has a rare amount of grspfcie, vivid, pic
turesqae narrative 'Triliuue.
“The work of Layard I* the mem prominent etrntri
bulioa lo the study of antiquity, that ha* appeared for
many year*.”—Christ Inq.
“Not ooe excel* in interest the-seeounl of Nineveh
and iu Hums, given by Mr. Layard.”—Washington
“As we fellow the diggers with breathless interest
in their excavations, and suddenly fird ourselves be
fore a massive figure carved with minute acearaey,
now lifting its gigantic head from the dun of
years, we are ready to cry out with- the astonished
Arabs,'Wallah, it is wonderful, but it is true!’” —In-
novlfl ca\Voo«lsi_
New Book*.
THE women of the Old anil New Testament.
Edited by K H Sprague, D. D. I vol. Imp i*vo.,
elegantly hoped; 13 exqanutely finished engravings;
wifb descriptions by erhebrnted American Clergymen.
POEMS BY AMELIA, (Mr*. Weii.v, a new
and enlarged rduton; tilostraied by i-jigrnvuic* from
original design* by W»er. 1 vol. square Svo , elegant
ly bound and gi t. Also —A variety of splendid Annu
als and Gift Hooks.
Sewell’* Child s First Book of the History of Rome.
I vol ISmo.
use of Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Saw
yers, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans generally:
being a thorough and practical Treatise on Mensura
tion and the Sliding Rule. By D. M. Kaper, A. M.
Boise's Treatise ou Greek Prose Composition.
OUcndotfl's Elementary French Grammar. By Prof.
Greene, of Brown University. 1 vol- Idcno.
Roediger’s Gese.nius* Hebrew Grammar, by Conant.
Gesesuus’ Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis’ Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tables. 1
vol. (sheep.)
The Englishman's Greek Concordance. I vol. (mu*-
Ambon’* Classical Series.
Webster's Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. Svo.
do do unabridged.l vol. 4to.
Barne’s Note* and on Now Testament.
Whately't I-offir-
Moaheim's Eceleataiiical History. 3 vol*. and 2
volt, (sheep.)
' Vestige* of Creation 1 vol. ISmo.
- -Mornings among ike Jetniu at Home. 1 vol. (doth
arid paper.)
Scene* where ibe Tempter ha* Triumphed. 1 vol.
(cloth anil paper.)
Bone'* Theological Lecture*. 1 vol. Svo. (eloln.)
Alder's Pronounciag Bible.
Boyer’* French Dictionary.
Smart's Horace. For tale by R HOPKINS,
novl3 Apollo nuildtng*, Fourth «t
Montaigne, edited by 11. llatlut; comprising bu
Kitay*, Letter*, and Journey through Germany and
Italy, with cote* from all the Commentators, Biograph
ical and Bibliographical Nouee*, Ac.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; nr, the Motive*
and Method* of Wood School-Keeping, by David
Plage, A, of the Stale Normal School,
Forester's Fish and Fi»hing 9_( the U. State*
and Britiih Province* of North America. hr Henry
novO comer Third and Market »u -
Xh* Old*n Time.
JAMES 1). LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer,
No. 03 Wood street. baa for *ale a lew copies com
plete, iihe remainder or the edition,), of this valuable
work, devoted to the Preservation of DocttmenD, and
other ostbeutie Information relating to the early ex
ploration*, *eulcmeol and Improvement of the country
around the head of the Ohio. By Neville B. Craig,
Esq., of I'i.tibargh, in 9 vol* Bvo.
novlu J. D. LOCKWOOD.
ROMAN LIBERTY: a History, With a viow of the .
Liberty of other Ancient' Nations: By Samael
KiUott, Esq. Illustrated with, twelve engraving*, ere*
cuted at Home 9 vol*-, Hvo., uniform with Prescott*
Historical Works. .
Just published and for *a!e by
JAMES D, LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and
nO TtO Importer, 63 Wood et
Kii.MiiLtr IN frXLY; aniltarizetTediiion,
reading of thi« book haa impressed ai with &
mioli higher opinion of its author than we had farmed
from perusing tier other writing*.- It displays udeeper
tone of thought, united to more pure womanly grace of
feeling than any other production of thc female mind
with which we are acquainted. 11 —Eeo. Mirror. ,
<*ll ia a very agreeable and readable book, written In
Fanny Kemble’* be*t atyle—bold, spin ted and enter
taining. We recommend it to onr reader* as the best
publication of the season."—Reading Gas.
-It contatnithe Journal of a travel through Europe,
and residence in Italy; and ia one of tbs pleasantest
and most interesting book* of tbb season."—Cour. and
**»*Avery characteristic book. We have read it from
title pare to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi
vid picture of life in Romo. In all rcapeeu eminently
novld Bookseller A Importer, tIJ Wood «t
" " fijittiograplilo Kitabllitimeni
OF WM- SCIIUCHMANN. Third it, opposite the
Poit-Offlce, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill
beads, Showbills, Labels, Architectural and Machine
Drawing*, Uusinei* and Visiting Cards, Ac, engraved
or dm* n On stand, and printed tn colors,-Gold. Urease
or Black, in the most approved atylc, and at the most
reasonable prices. _ octtfcly _
acaßd. < --
GRATEFUL for the very liberal encouragement 1
have received for so many years, I bate deter
mined to enlarge my business considerably. Having
engaged a competent Foreman, I will bo enabled to
hlfall orders promptly, and do the work in our usual
atvle and at fair prices, and ask the attention of mer
chants and citiaen* to my large slock of UPHOLSTE
RY GOODS and Reds, Maltrassos and Bedding, Cur
tain Materials, Damasks and Moreens,Cornices. Frin
ges, Bordering!, Tassels, Split and Holler Bands, tuid
every article usually kept tn aarStiiubiisbineitt of the
kind. Orders respectfully solicited .end promptly at
tended to. , , * •
N it Carpets made and put down.
•Unit ' WM. NOBLE
IJ. A. BROWN would respect
fully inform the public, that he
keeps on bund at hi* stand on the
west side of the Diahond, Alle
gheny city, a complete assort
ment of Vemiian Blinds; also Ve
nilian Shtiuer* are made to or
der in the best style, warranted
equal to any in ibe United States.
His Blinds can he removed with
out the aid of u screw driver.
Having purchased the slock,
tools, ana wood of the cabinet es
tablishment of Ramsay A M'Clel
land, 1 am prepared* to furnish
their old customers, as wdl as
u» p.b.l;
mrh& N _J.V BROWN.
TCST rec’tfSn elegant pratnßoMwoodOoeL'Piano'
*1 from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns A
S.i”n. Y., of.uperiar tune,and vemnoderatsprlce.
“ J* w lWoeBw&*._
W for remtrring Tartar, Benrry, Ctnkor, and all
substance* destructive to tboTeeth. 11 J?
the taste, cleansing the month, healing and strengthen
ink the gume, and purifying the breath.
.» r j „ Wrod „ - ■
i«:.| S3fsfi|Sll|s*|j gf" g ajp-
I^e!?•i I§l ■s|sft S* ■'*«
i5«-S»2 »sa’sSa&» , s?i:S*2£ ©:gi.Hjr*«rf
i Jii ii!|||*tii: s-s|4i| s g;ii’ r
s 3 1 % tMSS3 ■ s&» sp. ■ 3=-
?; * slfsgtfjtgs jIU; ; * S.B-* .* :
*1353: sit* s^tSi B > a £3,...„
, T 3 t-g 3 J laaS: 53 3a '£ %~? £ : , 3.., io
Pttubargh; IXM. CUBBY, Allegheny City; A.PATTKBSON, Birmingham. ■ ,j
t **= 2 c 5 3 a
|' , iSE^s:sl||' S a
.3|g.ls3j s
>isSi!frl£1 a slil-3'
ie^ - ? “^wi• 1 3S 3
LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which hu
needed the use of the
o all the various form*, which the lungs as*
msec, hu induced the proprietor again to call men*
lion to this _
The changable weather which marks'oar tali ess
winter months, is always e fruitful aooice of-
(These, if neglected, arebnt the precursors of that tell
The question, then, how ehall we ulp the destroyer in
the bud? how shall we get clear of sot twugha end
oldaTU of vital importance to the publie.
will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. In proef of thia
we have from tune to tmm psbliahed the ccrnfroaiet ol
loxen* of onr beat known citfxene, who hare eipari
•need its euratire power*. These, with a max* of tei
titnoar from all puta-Ofth* eosntnr,—from
Ministers of the Gospel,'Ac., together withsopiou OPJ
ices from the • • - •
we heTe embodied in pamphlet torn, end may Mhu
gratis of any of our agents throughout the country.
have been naed in this elty. <.
throughout the United Slate* end Canada, and we eh*
tenge any man topolntout a
n which, when taken according to direction*, and be*
forr the lunge had bseomc fatally dieorgamzed, it has
•ter failed to
Why, then, need'the afflicted heaJtatal Why raaort W
the uuwrable nostrum*, gotten up by uni - own Icdirid
taleu Jcrthe assumed name of soma ee'etnaied >hy*
tician, and puffed into notoriety by certificate* .ci par*
;«oos equally unknown! Whilst a medicine *f.'
It to be bad, whose touchers are at hom*,~4>ir igfc|
ibors,— many of whom it has ■ <■ -
i In order that this invaluable medicine may be placed
Within the reach of the poor as well the rich, wa ter#
bet the price at
lust one half the usual cost of cough medicines. nil
: fir tale by oar agents in nearly every town and tillage
! nfrrr tbe west, who ere prepared to give fall inform**
u'eo relative, iVSALTER* Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
MEECU RY, or otter Mia
eraL —lt liti power to
trail) all - EXTERNAL
WOUNDS to discharge
‘theirpuirid7aauere, and
thea heal* them.
U is rightly termed
there U scarcely a dt»-',l
ease external or interna),
that it will not benefit.
I have used it for the Jail
~*.tcr.n years for *ll diuun of the chest, ioTolTing;
die ctuuxt danger and responsibility, nnu l utciare
Lefcre heaven and nan, ihatnolia oneeaseias H
railed to benefit when ihe patient w*s within the much
of mortal mean*. . . ■ r
I have bad physicians lanced in the profession. i
bare ministers of the pupal, jndgei of-lho beneh, al
dermen, lawyer*, gecueiaenof the bigbeat craaihon.
n«d multitudes ot the poor am it in every variety of
wav, and there ha* been but one ▼oiee—one BmvexMd
IS GOOD;” , - ,
RHEUMATISM—It remove* almo*t Immediately
the inflammaiioa and smelling, wben the Pfin cease*,
ill the direction* around tne box.} V '
• D-ACUFV—The aalva ha* eared penoai of the
head-ache of twelve years standing, and who bad il
re*««*reveTTvreek *o that vomiting tool: place. EAR-
a?a wiped with like success. . -
PCALD HEAD—We have eared case* that eetueUT
dafiad every thing known, as well asjtbe ability or fif*
ututT-o twenty doctor*. One man bold tu he had spent
SIH on his children witboa any benefit, when a few.
Mize* of Ointment cared them. ,
] TETTER—There Is nothing better for the core of
T BURNS—It is one of the best thing* In the world for
B PILES— I Thousands are yearly eared by this Oint
ment. It srxvs* fails In giving relief for the riles
ITT* Around the box are directions for using &TAJ
liiur'i Oinomntfor Scnfula, Liter Complaint, £rptij>t
las, Tttut, CWfclom, Scald Htad, Sort Syu, Quine*,
Sots Tknat, BrimthiW, Sewn Altaians, Paws, Jto
touefUu Spins, Htod Ear gels,
Burn*, Cants, all Distasss if D* Skin, Sort Lip*, Pio*
Ties, 4*e-, Swelling tb» Limbs, Sorts, JUsuioanw*,
pile, cold Pat Croup, Swefisd or Erpfan Bttnst, Tools
cats, dfui in ui Pott,
COLD FEET— Liver Complaint, pain in the .Chew
and Side, falling off of tho hair, or the other accompa
nies cold feet tfVts Ointment Is tho true remedy.) It
is a sure idea of disease to have cold feet : • ,
CORNS—Occasional u» of the Ointment will al
ways keep com* from growing. People need never
be troubled with them if they use it frequently. , ;
flr*» This Ointment is good for any pan of tho body
or limbs when Inflamed. la some cases it should be
No Ointment will be genuine unless the
name of JAMES MeALLISTERi* written with a pen
on every label. . „ . , , . j
For sale by my Agents in ail the principal cities and
town. t» the Un.led ° lalc MeALUSTER, ■
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine,
gy Pnncipal Office, No S 3 North Third itreet,JPhil
mtlelphm. pmcK CENT 3 per BOX : ■
\on.vni.i PiTisocaoH—Braun A Reiter, comer of;
Liberty end St Clair «Dj‘ an* 3 L Wileor, Jr, comer of
Market at nnd the-Diamond, alio comer of4tha«d :
Smith field Jl< Caasel, comerof Walnut.and Penn
sis sth ward: and sold at the bookstore in Southfield 1
■t, 3d door from Second ec In Allegheny city by H P
Schwartz and J Sargent; by 'LG Smith, Druggist, Bir
mWham; D Negley, East Liberty; H Rowfknd, Me-
Keeapottt J Alexander A Son, Monongahela City; N
B Bowman k Co, and J T Rogers, BrownivillcrJjßhn
Barkley, Beaver, Paj are wholesale agents. - ’
febt7-deodly .
Facts for tho Ptiblle,
In relation to that unrivalled family SalVe,
1 TESTIMONY of a respectable. Physician.—Read
the following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. Mer
rywoather, Cincinnati:
’ CnrciiOUti, Feb. 18,18tt. .
- gin A sense of duty compels me to give my tribute
lo Dullcy’s Pam Extractor. • Being opposed to quack
ery-mid all nostrums having for their oblebt sinister
motives— but realising much good from the “King of
Pain Killers 11 —I am induced to tender you this certifi
cate. I have used it in my family, in my practice, and
with all the happy and wonderful effects that could
possibly be imagined. H. J. Bioon, M.D.
Pr. Brodie ia the senior partner of Brodie A Levi,
Druggist*. „ *■'.
inflammatory Rkenvtaiuvu 1
The fallowing testimonial comes from a source faj
miiinf in many of those traveling on onr Western wa
ter*. Mr. Glime. tlte well and favorably known pro
prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband to the
lady whoso letter I annex: . . t • _
Paßimarma, Va, April 13, ISO. '
To Heury Dailey, Chemist. Ac.—-Sir: Having for*
merly been long nfflieted with .‘violent inflammatory
Rheumatism, which appeared so firmly Rated as to
defy all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
attending it, 1 was induced to try your Magical Paiu
Extractor; and it having eflected, almost a* if by ms
gio, ar.tmmedtate relief, and al*o,"rio,all appearances
an enure ano perfect cure, I am induced for the bene
fit of others who may bo afflicted with pain, caused by
any kind oflnflammaiion, to write to yon, declaring
that .it my opinion, founded on .actual experience
your Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis
covery of Ibe present age for the immediate extraction
of bodily pula. Il ls an almost immediate and a per
fect cure for Burns and bcalds, and all external in
Having many acquaintances formed by the.. vi«t»
at my husband's bold m UflTplaec, i have supposed
by your mowing mem these lew bites. It may possibly
be of benefit both to them and yourself
KuzAsrrn Guicx.
[I entertain ;h<» hope that Mrs. Glime will pardon the
publicity I give to her letter, os well on the score of
humanity as of its being tbe surest mode of bringing it
to the notic'd of her friends.—H. Dallkt.J
Felon Cured. ,
Extract of a leaer, dated . ‘ ■
Dauioirt, Ky.lSov.
Mr. 11. Dailey: “I have tried your Palo Extractor id
a cate of felon, in ray own family.'which it relieved,
and cured in a very short time." In i)k*te, yoort ry
sncctiully, _ Jja-hLYoosa.
ir>- Bums and Scalds, File*, Sore Nipples,“Broked
Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cuts, Wounds,- and alt in-,
flammation,yields readily to the wonderful properties
of tin-' unrivalled family solve. But, la the same pro
portion that you will receive benefit from the genuine, 1
you will bo injured by the deleterious effect* of tbe
counterfeit solves. ; . • ” -
CAUTION—Be sure and apply only to the- inventor,
H. Dau.kt, 414 Broadway, New York, or -to his au-
ngeuts. JOHN D MORGAN, .
General Depot, Pitubargh.
Henry P Fehwartx, Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker,
WheoHuc, Vo.; James W Johnston, Ky.;
F. Morry weather, Cincinnati, 0., General Depot.
N. B- In itio severest Burn* and Scalds it extracts
ihe p.iin in a few tnmotes—it never fails 1 . jail ...
U, A. Fannmocx,’ * A. B. litru- N. Y. Ctty
U. L.FAH!fsvroci,
G. W. KaanoToc,J - / ;
WhoUitla Drag Stor« la g|i« City of
fIMIK nndcnJgned are SxieniiTely'' engaged ia tba
X Wholesale Drax btuiaßaatNo,« John street,in
Ibe city of Now YoriL fflS are.prepared ia supply
Uroxriita’.ucd sosaoy Merchants with Drraa Paonta,
l We» Djo stuffs, Fhntn aad Atacrican ftstfuinery,
taio»:AUflQ)ta?«U eUwankloiia bash
saw ’ftsswf
KnrV«rt, F»bl» B-A.riuiXMroOK* Cv I
d ihi
g life]
'3 |*-| :
r tSj]
- Sf*j!
■ ■ * " *"3;
Retdt Bud!
SELLERS’ COUOH SYBUP.-From W.fcßodefl/
Esq., Cler iCoon of Quarter Beuionu of u-.
1 Mr. R. E. sJel’.a ■ -It Some time In the winter ray ’
Wife was afflicted #rtc asovereanddittressißgdanth,-
and hearing af /sor «oraloable Cough Syrup, 1 par;,
chased a bottle I(*jr BTT. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or throe evening* y.
On going to bed. she found immediitar'TelicQ
•avera’. friends have been-relieved In severe casec- r- 1
am therefore satisfied that it is a safe amLvaiaahie
medicine, and would recommend it to those who may
be afflicted with severe Concha and Colds.-
March 53, ISO. - . W. K. BODBTi..
: Prepared and sold ByILR-SELLERS, S 7 Wood '
and sold by druggists generally, in Pituburghand A 1
isasr- «a ■
Vht dunlin Coal Compsayi
? ■
TJOOKS wfU be open for subscription to the stock of
_F>- “The 'Chnnitr* Coal Company,” on end mhtt
Monday, the 2Uh day of September insL. at the office
ofZ. W. Remington, Peon st, Pittsburgh.' '
-sputltdtf ■ Z. W. REhIiyOTON.:
gSKSSSk- O* W. BIDDLE, Psitlltw
-msSS& REMOVED to a new three story brick.
on Bmithfield street. one door botoW'
• -7 1 ‘j* ■ll • Sixth street. • Teeth inserted from oho
to on entire set, oulho suction principle, with* bean-
Ufa! representation of the natural gum—restoring the *
original shape of the face.
; N. E.—Teeth extracted with liule or no pain.
Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plugging pto:‘
venting the tooth ache, which is much better than ea
ring it, though it should be done in five-minutes,'-or
even Inrtamfa, . • if;
cnanoa or sxtmux vnurrau : '
IN order to afford all possible security to the pibbOi*
u well as to themselves. against fraud aml Rope*,
silica from counterfeiting, the proprietor! have iaade~ ,
a change in the exterior wrapper or table of theiiVar--,
mifuge. The new label, which is a cteel engravingof
the most enjuliiti design and workmanship, hasbeen ,
Introduced <it a very great‘eipenhb, _ £n'd is from the X.
brain of an artist of ihofirnttlcot Tltcdesignianew,
arid the executionelaborate. Several Cgareaand a S
portrait are most prominent, bat the ward “Vok
rcox, n printed m wpito ieaen op a red and finely en
graved ground, should bo particularly examined.—.
When hfcldunlo tho light the letters, shading of'tbw
letters and every line, however minute, throughootthe,
whole of this part of the engraving match as exactly
u il the impreasinpdiad been mode upon one aide hsP
ly, although it is actually printed on both aides of the
Ki TnU should in all eases be observed.'.vA la«
>on each dozen is also printed in rp d upon both
sides', andahoald be examined fit the tame manner.
This'preparation has now stood the test of many'
yean Inal, and Is confidently recommended as atau .
and effectual medicine for expelling worms from.'the
system. ,’(he unexampled success that has attended,
its administration in every case where the pattern wa*
< really afflicted, with worms, certainly . relwerait-wor*
1 thy the attention of physicians. .
The proprietor has made it ; a point to aie'ertaliHhi
1 result of us use in such cases as came within his
: knowledge and observation—and he invariably found
it to produce the mostsaluiary efieets—not onfreqaent
ly alter nearly all tho ordinary preparations recom
mended for worms had bean previotaly resorted-to
without any 'permanent advantage. Tula fact ia at
tested by the certificates and statements of tandrdd*
ofrespeetnMe'persons in different ports of Uie.eaan
:rv, and should fnduco families always to keep a vial
oi the preparation in their possession. It Undid id its
- “ be administei'ed with perfect safe*
ieata infant. *•
ue is prepared by
; Kagliib Be'miajri ’
Ft.. —„.. T , u old*, Asthma and Consamption! The
GREAT A.NI) ONLY RHMEOY/or thoenre ofihs
aoove diseases', it the HUNGARIAN OF
LIFE,-discovered by Oh celebrated Dr.- Baehata of
Loudon, England, and introduced into the Uaxtcd'Sutea
ander the immediate superintendence of the inventor.
Tlie cxtraordiodxy success of this medicine, i&Ut,
cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the American
Agent in soliciting {ortrcnunent the front poußtte-M*
ki that can l>e found in the community— case* that seek
relief in vain from day of the common remedies of tho
day, and have t>«en\givennpbyihomosl distinguished
physictsna as confirmed and incurable. The ilungujH
an Balsam has eared,'em! will care, the most desperate
of eases. It is no qnacfc nostrum, but a stondaroEng
lish medicine, of known arui eKabiiahed efficacy. i‘ -•
Every family in tho United States should be supplied
with Buchan's Huagarian Balsam of Life, norenryto
eooaieract the consumptive tendencies: of uio gl&ale,
bo: to be used os a preventive medicine ia oil cases or
i colds, coughs, spitting of bloody paizrin the edeaSd
I chest, irriiationand soreness of the- lungs, hroebitis,
: difiicalty cf brenting, hectic fever, night sweats, emaci
ation and general debility, asthma, buhtenza,WMMiiS|
eongh had croup. • <■ _ _ > v
Sold in large bottles, at flper bottle, with falTdlrua*
.-non* for the restoration of health. ■' •• -.-. v-
Pamphlets, containing a mau of English and JLmerl
ean certiSeatc*, and other evidence, showing the an
equalled merits of this great English Ecmody,may Jn
obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. ... *
Fot sale by B A FAHNESTOCK k CoJ earner o
stand Wood and Wood utddthsu. joSd&wS
THi_ 0 . ——uithiieit;
before—made on the Dost approved Easters plana—
Cotmiry Merchants and other* ere invited to call and.
examine .the above forihemeelves.aS all will b« told
wholesale or retail, and a liberal dedaotlon ra»da Ip
■■wholesaleparehaaera. ••
*>w4i East tide of thopiamond,' where Vemtian
the different ai«» andkolars
■ k< pt on hand or made to order afte
the lai it andtoon approved Eastern fesb*
y. the shortest notice anfftSlflliahos'
reasonable terms.
Also, the cheap toitoa roll or split Blind Transpa
rency and Paper C irtaiss ofall the different sices and
patterns, on hand i adfor sale low for cash. Old Veiu
uan Blinds painted oyer and repaired, or taken inpart
payment for hew- S M WESTER YKLT, PnmT
N. B—AU woi. done with, ihe best materialand
workmanship, and warranted to please the,moktfaa
idtoss. . aagio^ily
i, Allegheny city, 4* - ,J -
•" AftfEHfißH SALOON,
m Me FALL, begs to inform the inhabitant* oJCPitla-
X • burgh trip vicioitr, that he hu opened the
above establishment, •where every attention will be
paid to the comfort erthose who may favor him with
aealL Liberty street, between Seventh and Wood.
.Ice Creams (fed another delicacies of .-tba season.
; ialfHlv ,J . ••••■■
fftilK underdgVied, ra cession to Arthurs A Nletoo!*
X ron, begleave to inform ths cilixensofPiusbnnrh
and public «aeittlly»thaithey have reboilt the'XA*
GLKrOUNDRYInnd are-nrtwin, foil ope ration.-and
have part ofjtbqir patterns ready for fe»-tntfer—
Amongst which aie Cooking Stoves; Coal irntfwood
Blovei,'with a splqndid alr-uvht Coal is
now tapereeding hr other cities the eanunaar'rßnnd
Store! Also, a eMpr eoal Cochin*
ted for small famlUhs.wliha fallatsortmejuiofcom
■non and mantel bnttea, We woald par-ieularlr in.-
vita the attention oflpenons building to caliod ear
warehonso before purchasing, and examine asolendid
article of enammelletfiGraica, finished In tac-srrle—
entirely new in Uus market. . - ‘
Waiebocse, No. lfil\Liberty st. opposite Wood it.
«|g*u- \ WictiolsfiSTi.iivSt..
(1 YKAfiKR* Imported *nd Wbolerala -Dealer in
of the Gill Comb, iW Jltrket *r. fmibunrb. l*«.
\\ r-icrn Merchant*, ftttl otheri Trtuinr
Pittabor-U to pnneliMc tiooft* in tfspect/oU?iatited
to coll and ezsimne the extermive au orlmentof £*> '
ii,h, Frenehusdli'rmei 'womlS*'
AU FtoKijptOood* at thu eMabksbtneat arc Jinrott*
rf diroel b, mr«eH, Md |>. re t "l -
U n| ; go«l» Irom find Isandr. I bite Use braAlumt
gpnt of Oruolcis InfUso variety line, in the cue of
Filuborgb—all ofrtsch will* aol?low for emri or
■PereMhierl Cap*, Revolver*, PUioU, Clock*. Silk *
Carpet *<**&*
Rmdins*.(indln)pi«n4Tfi(ntnlQn,- •'-
. Taj**M J anejr Good*: with «Intfcvano*
tf6f Fkneyxwl Staple DRY * »• • *
'C- 'VKAIiI- R It aleo- ngeni for the celcbnned Lan-
CMterCoaiu* - _ nbil7
» l. "
> U
S J 1
301 It
ei] r
di t
.1 o,
V 21
i vr<
4.1 • f
rev «(
• v " ftrnanm, Mar<*-*? t ’IS47.
licifr-In Justice to
Srrap, I beg leere lo suue, forthe ben
im«n»iy, UiaUßy wifaiuuicctfjeTeml
wittia iaottws(K«nii2‘Ctatk/"iI far*
u*iy latt,« bwile efyoor
\ *f two aojrna* ttuj?lb«r.-*bp«i eQa
jq«»*h retained, and n«t;|na'feve»
) Dinuy mote. from.wetkneaiHn u, e
for rabotde of y«r fcctgti Syrup, anl
Souls cured the eoogh I grre the other
4n who was MeeruTy offlicwtCwho had,
i enbajJrcODah findT to
ieopte in Pi<Uhnigb, n if th^—aJy h,d
ioieoreeoutea.-v v,;,-,::;y<x
wcifalty, • r AumlltW
\ eold by B. E.-BBLLBBS.S7 Wood
by Dni|*iiu generally in the two
Mr. RTE. i.
pnrnblo Cong)
cfitof Um eoi
Umei efflietei)
ehasdcT, id ioi
cored acoagl
month »lace, t
thxt riie ccalJ
breut; I'Mntt
jCjkxrt oToae.t
to are bin own
0070 nU the-p
bcehni good.’
-«£Sf2s ,r
•tieet, nod