BY MAGNETIC TELECRAm BXPOBTKP fOR THBHTTSBURQH DAILY GAZETTE COBGIMKS'UOajUL. , ; Wafstsarcii,Jam9. Sauzx—Mr. Washington presented httmeroae PH— ***** and petitions, which were to the appropriate commiaeea, . ; ' Mr. Dickinson presented: a petition &on the Panama Kail Boadj Company, asking the pnmge of aiaw aathoririnfr m cu inpensarion for service* which they may tender 'tie, Geverine&t vhea the mad shall hare beat completed* end Burred Itt reference to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. Yale* moved it* reference to |ee committee on military attain. . |. : Mr.Dtekinsoa uv no connection between the I Hdgeet of the memorial and affairs, as we 1 are atpeaee With alliheworfd. ' „ Me. King sobmltted a jeaolation enquiring into the expediency of establishing fortifications on Sespbiq. bland, in Mobile Bay; which,being eo to extern! the inquiry to Ship bland catheoouUrUio Mississippi, which waa adopted. 1 Mr. Seward submitted the followingreaolotioo, whieh wad bid over:—; Seeolved, That thejconduct cf Austria end 2oMda*in the war which those powers have sab* | jsgsttd the nationality jsnd liberties ef Hangary* hie brf" T" a **d bv a degreo of injustice, oppres* gf fT; uui barbarity, which justly • deserves the of mankind; while we commend the Hungarian people to sympathies of other na. tJmm* end especially of Bepublican States; and Maolred, Out the committee on public lands be d(* to inquire into aid report on the propriety of mCtlng apart a portion of the public domain, to - he granted, free of all chwgea, to the exOea of ' Htmgtry'already arrived, and hereafter to arrive ( 1b the United States, aa well as to exile* fier-ing • foa oppression in other European eoontrie*. i The ««"■*" proceeded teihe election or a Chap* Jala* when Mr. Bntisfwas elected by the casting . "vale of the Vico. Pro*dent. .. ‘,The Senate then adjourned. Hot**—Mri.WlWama withdrew the name of as candidate for ike Clerkship of the | Hpa*o.‘ - i The Hoose proceeded with the balloting*, and oa the eleventh bai!et;the voto stood as followss— Poraey.TOd* Foote, 101; Scattering, 9. ■jhein were three more tansuoeetifal balloting* to dork* afier which the House adjourned. . .... / ' Coumsos,' Jin. 0. • ‘ of iKe Committee os Resolution** C- npcatnd ititolntlmsos Slavery, and the Basks, * totboee of ike Convention of last year— . also in: favor of a homestead exemption, and a s*w.Constitution. ■ ..; * Tba minority report endorsed theWUmot Pro* vfeo, and recommends oar Senators and Bepto* •tstattves in Congress to tecnre Us Application to i . Territories. . ■ I Ihamiowhy report wu rejectod by * «*? of ; rt -.' 174 t 094. The original.resolution ni adopted atoMlttoanlaoiulyi• • AvesofolEeawii offered, approviof Mr. 1 . Ar* \ 1 . . kte terrlces, which via adopted by a larjo V ' iorfty. | \ ‘ Tba eoareniloa then adjoar&ed na* du. h ■ SINKING OP THE DOLPHBf r Corcncun, Jan.;?.-, steamer Dolphin, bonnd troA Nashville Pteteigbi wm Biife *lCinaeUowß, on the.Ohlp liter. Thres liveware «aid to have been tot. No farther ptrttenhre.’ STATE CONVENTION-eDEMOCBATIC no. MINATIONOF GOVERNOR. Coiihacs, Jan. 9. fiesben Wood baa received ihe'nomlaation of lbsCoavoalioauDdinocreUccandidate CjfQov* «nor ot Ohio. -The following U the ballet— Madili,ll3} Lowe,2o. CINCINNATI MARKET. . CracwTun, Jan. .8. Flour—Moderate »ltt are transacted at 84 60 0189 per barrel. -■ Vhiakey—Bale* at2l|o per gaJ. Fork-Sale* 300 brfo. at 83 00 per brL • Hop—Sale* 3dOats3 300340 percwU The Vbde number packed Uua aeaaoa i»-3S0 f «K). Tbs river bu fillan SO inckea. The weather ia dtaegreeable. . ' . '' VJj/'CntcncuTi, Jan. 9. Plonr—JW»B*b«'reported to dhf* V^key—3»J« coniinucat2li perga). Nothing doing; in provisions—price* ate un- NEW YORK MARKET^ _ New You, Jan. 9. boos uroCT. There ia a beat? demand for ilaptneat, and on Mtmlaben, bit prices remain unchanged. Chain— No'chuge in any description. Former •ootaliosa may be jtaumed. pjotuiaaa—Tbe market continue* doll, and wymtain are .ttaaettled* . . Traces—There U a good demand for Kentucky bnl, with aalea at 6iodie. Oviaf to Ike inclemency of the weather, trana« . Stitts generally bare been limited.. Tbe steameris expected to arrive to night. t ' item—‘We bare no improvement to sodea. in Ike market. Good and airtight brand* aotd at $5830537; favorite Western at $5370544 parbrl* Qttia tr without change. , . P<orision»-Salee Mesa Pork at $ll 50, and of, Wmb at $856 08 63 per brl. Salea Lard, in: kegs,at 6|, andi in brie at 6| , HEW ORLEANS MARKET. •••• New Oatum, Jan. 6. ''Cocoa— On Saturday, aalea amoonted to 3*oo tale* at former price#. Sale* twenty bales Sea lataad, at S 3 cent*. The week's aalea amount to 19.000 bales. ; llTiilnwi — f prime, at I9i v ' Sagarhaadeclined '■ : • UNSHBiNKABLEFiANNELS. '■ j «Tr R. UUBPHY conttnoei to keep an band a fail WVaSormentcr Us Wei* Unshrinkable Ru* \S KS Tteeatly nreelred a rappJf of the fi«r •SSa«gr Al»a flwaiudowo FUwieU, a scarce arti; adapted for the wear of invalid*, and *gJSrU5<nV aamctHnr wMMf than ainai. AUo, Flannel* for Infant* wear; to. , XtaiS. (o'lwplr «r. *&®S£**S!£3SBi. •tinratad apod aiaottiaeai of new atrle fooda . - > land •*• i ' --- "|* ;• ... ". .:,... HOTICB. • J rfS CEOS3AN? U TjrSwSiß-ii kWrjrfrswMu“l“V GEOAil—l9 Udi, now lorolM »'rt® tf**®**^*^' IBAUgPICKgY*C OV usiun wfAL 7 . ISAIAH WCfFISS’.L COTTON-ia buea rod »•{•**. larit 1 ISAIAH pICKRYfc COi FrttjjL, lamVnirtP? A CO. rt. _ ; Row \» ihi tin* to BibieriM. /-VPFICK of Sees'* Seprinu of Ihe Four Qaarttr t_F lktcaASUefcwoed; tlOper peer. . . M ._ -Uorris fc WllUe* Hoae JearneJ, published la Now Yorkwaefctri Mptraneam. • • . Dpwoifltf* tlerooalisrallat, xaewhly; 43 p** yt*t. •Xnwlaibl*. : C*ttivtm» meniUy; 41 per aasaai. Tte Afrinltanliit,noaiblrf SI pet mr. TW Dcaoemie Berio*, oomhlji; S 3 per inutß* hmt i~ - Boofcrclkr * laponer, 63 Wood tt OlM)a|0«tltl«tfBluliU * Fltaitl* rraKFAYETTEMANUFACTUEiNO COMPANY, I ißtcndiaftt»TeUnq«iakih«irrcuU u&d* on Mur ket (treet, bow effer their !u|« sudipleadld iteek ei Btaitktt* and Fluisels,' u pneea fctnisbi* mknowa i>Odaeltr,astto . BLANKET DETOTr rtaMMtw :: No 69 Mmrkei tt O i*Bt llOoam-.HBm^gdar^.gr BHESE~tftt br» pt tea BWpp»n* tnd CalUag 5 ■■»!«>> ■”,“j£T* "jBCAMna.P TOfW-n lc ? r“V“\V”,agiilpb„ gffigf IfELTO-JBta UOO SKINS—4 <Jo* BMfiRCIMTMCOKP. PITTfBUBOH BaIEZrOI «U|X V las XXXra*JtT*> . * .COMMITTEE FOB-DECEMBER. lemtfa chssa w. *1 xnfn< irrtvaii aad D**axtmr**«f Mall*. Euin lba. 1U nilbilpUj,*** “A 'Western asd ■l#oaiiTU.c r dwj) r. *•, BaUimore and .Waablflgwai do* 8 els* • aSnb WeSenyria Cleveland, dae 10 a. * »a- *• Erie and WefUrn Neir York, dee 8 r. a. ctoea 8 l.*. Tittacnlay, Ann 7a. I L. eloaeeS f. K. - Worm AiiuMjaikaT* o? ta* — Daring tiro winter months the tittam campotln* tea Canard line will tail from New York, Bcitton «d Uverpool, u follows: „ r Llterpool, ,SU | u « , for Boston, -Jtn.l*,iatn.' «• « “ forNewYoik, * *B, »• “ for-Bostoa, Ptb. 4, “ for New York,- “ *9, u for Boston, March ft, .« ' * *• ' for New York,; ** SS, . u • « «. for Beslan* April fl, - Canada, from New York, for Liverpool,.Dee. 14,188. Esropa, from Boston, for “ tI ]•' C?S #W, k ,k, r ,t “ ' T.n IMO. Cambna, f’n Boston. for • “ v*a.j|, loou. f from New York, tor - '‘ », - from Bomon._ for u Feb. A « from New York, for ** “ *i “ fromßoston,- .for “.. March 8, “ from Net* York, for u . “, W» ■ • « from Boston, for “ A? 1" ®» ** from New York, for “ “ 1L “ from Bootes, lor * l. May ' Ornes, PrrmctoaGaxxrTX, I Thursday Morning, inn. 10. 1330- i A general quietness prevailed in Hi® market yester day! and nothing transpired showing th® slightest vs* ristica in quotations from our last review. The-weather continue* exceedingly mild fo* itttqn The tiver wss do the ri?e during yesterduv, which, li eonneeUon with the eonunued warm weuth* etj will hsTO u tende uey epon to preventiny ©bitnte don by, flouting iee. Bplrltof (h« Doatiio Bukib Buga—Oor quotations ui® u 8, Common 01031. Fair to folly Fair strietly Prim® 4}i94i, Choice 4|OA Ci*nfi*4 and Re th® maket Inquiry.- end the supply bei tx moderate, edW/mprims letluwlih cSeiof«b«t U»bbU. Flour—Extra andChelee brands b*« been inalimitedwey el *3 8303 B*Jrbbl,‘ undforwT favorite murk*® higher figure he® ul®o been oceeeion pi_t market he* continued to present quit® a dal! »Ppe«»" ,, t* ,ld *’ r {S*^ c ! J C £lirMceri 2i*fiSia f "bu.T«i'S«eu” &£*£*uo7 £topw£, r a B«r. to ’TSK'SBSKSS^.^s: ed< 6054 c tor ordinary to Prim® Cmeinnili, and shonld* OT ertTeUeiaiOaic rB- H*w‘here U» mod* eruwdeoind, and we still quote B}ollc * & for plain U ££Ss£SS&*«' —i®* *»« «bsflfwobblt disposed of a* foUow*—» tierces ®t 81,433*161.4(1 el 31, CO do »t 3 6-18,*nd833 bbls end ?il“ of about 600® bees danng lh® P«*t 3 days, at a range of 110UI cents 4T® for good to prime quality. . inMN DIANA.—Sam or 'Da M’Las*’® Vuma* ruu*!!—Among the hundred® of letter®, certifies!*® und orders received by the proprietor® of thi* medi elncqjhcfoUowtng i» ®eleeledt© show its character, ; snd thi effect of its ose in* distent pat of tho West. The Hear*. Colton ere dry goods’ merchants, but ere ■i.n hgenti tor the tele of the choicest medicines. u VVaEURUfInd. Sept. 30,1647. a Messrs. Kras A Co.—We happened to get u lot of M’Luae’e Vermituge lut spring, prepared .by your* So soon us the Veraifoge vrus introduced in ou community, the demand became so gieat tor it that our stock ws® coed exhausted. It has produced the best effeet wherever it .has been need la this see* tion, und U very popolur among people. We are desirous of obtaining the. medicine hereafter direct from yeuriolves, *s it .sell® more rapidly than any other medlrine we keep. Please send a® a gros® i«- awlmtely. ' D. j.'fcJ.W.-COLTON." For sals by J. HDD A CO,, corartof Fourth U&d Wood at, Pittsburgh. • Uagf-dAwlwS Rami Ifituiuai Sale of Dry Goodly 4* tbs ops ruua arots or 1 :a. a. mason a co., TXTIUi commence on New Var’s Day, 1680, and VV continue ihrough the monihof January, during •which lime the whole of their immense establishment, tlacludingsll their Wholesale Room®,) willJbeibroure open for Retail Trade; and their entire Wholesale Stock win be offered at Retail, on this occasion, at follyoirevom*t*«thannsualpnee*. Their 8b awl Saloon contains more than 3000 Shawls, comprising every deaenpuon of Long and Square WoolSbawlSi CashmerUjßroehe,Ac. Also,Vuettes, Cloaks, Mantilla*. Seeks, Ac, at aa immense rede®- CLOAK OtWlg. m ! Their stock comprises more than 1000 pieces Thibet Cloths, Meriaos, Paremetus, AlpaeesJijLyoOTa, Op era ®nd Pelism Cloths, will be sold from 20 to *0 per eent less than usual prices. uirva ~a« : Also—3oo pieces rich plain and fif’d SILKS, redn* 6 80 eityt Cashmeres and De Lain®, entire new styles. Also—While Goods, Mourning do *» f jK* Lues, Bibbon®, Gloves and He»i«T, Trimmings, Ac. SOesaesFlannel*,7ocase® new afrwCaUcoc* «oc®p sr® Blenched Mes ,Blt *i 100 bale® «wa do., 70 bale® Ticking®; Also, Cloths, Casslmerea, Jeans, Cassmetts, *f c~to mausgan a®® of the Ba> * t J2 8 ®* 1 ” So country-all of which have been marked down at ranch lower price* than their extensive annual sale in, f an early call,, a* maay of their choicest floods will be ®o!A . . , I rryThe lowest pnee named uttoL * • AI A.MASON A CO-,00 Markets!. i'r UKE CAKTWBIGUT-l Bu In tyre} ' I i inbiect lo cbintti tor Loire Cwtwnpt.wlilCJi bo fogS-ng Gii MILTENIIKRGER,^, S ODA ABH-7 cuki So*p AUketi’ Art* recM per ff"" r » M ‘ far ““ "'t.mky t BEST y^BCCAB-10 , jUfor.*!. M°ffi 3E5 ~ 25bl ‘“'“' d ,a S!toSsZSt*f- 'k/fOULD IVI dea- New Yoax, Juu S H^OLAB3tg-t‘ og»r-a-ajag‘ i'MaND lin'd for *aie low toclase conitffßneav— -10 Lbl* Eaetish YeniiUn Bedj 10 “ SsfSods: ISO « NoSßo«ifli 3 Chloride lime; 6 boxes Fein Seep; ICO “ BUd«h M’FADEN A CO, le . Csasl Bum, Peon street SWCB#— 1 ea*k watmejr, - ■ % bbla Clare*; 60 B*u Cassia; . . 1 ease Uku lor sale by &e3L J gCUOONMAKBE h. C< p**™**-**'"™' '"■jSi& WATT* CO Cj tl^ E - M °" hC °’ iOHN *CO C onm U - a^ H* EAVY CANTON yLANNIiLS.-Pcnjon* wui; inj a wry heart *nie!e of CwUO“ D «! **“' fcnu Uu lie nor# of • < . W E MURPU * > 4etS> . comer Foanh and M*»ei «u TTORSfci COVKttS—« Oam Klaruc Uotaa CoTerm,ij M yerv hearrandtpteßdid article, jtut ree’d and WMhU,w,«V .nc^bT H F||njL „g CASTOR 01 dc» LCOUOir-lS bbli just roc’d sad. Jot tele tiT _ t . . JKIDPeCU T INSEED OIL-io t>bl« for *ale by jJJe® J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood «l ' 7LOU'£3suek«(M lb»cs<b)|nuiabj < de» BTPART A tULu 'GGS-3 bbl» Fresh, jo»l rec'd sad for sale by J dct9 STUART a sill MACKERBL~Ia bf and v bMfcftri»*>« by. deS9 • STUART A BILL UDERVLNEOAR—2O bt>>< Extra. )sst we’d by JicSO BTUART& BILL Reg BUTTER-A ftw kep on hand, for-Mlo by tea ■ STPART A SILL CORN— 800 ba In *tora and tax MJoby deP : STUART A SILL >t £a“ EB ~ M “ bl, “ emunf* sill CLOVER SEED—I bbl to *iom and for solo b? - BTUART fc SILL flnOffSCCO— Ui boxes W. U. urui't V*\ I 38 u Daniel'* S’*; ' A • 30 “ WJL Ronald’* F*; 30 ken Codcct'a S twin: For **le by dcgd BROWN fc KIRKPATRICK V'hPCElVEDtbi* day, at PHILLIP'S RUBBER Dh* l< POT—IB Gam Elartie Cloak*, die; ■ s fit Gent*’Gloved a anperior arueie; •1 m a Mittens; «olu at No 0 Wood «le» 1 & H PHILLIPS nn«l pppnMft—lflOdoala »mre and tor *ai« by °dc*» BTVART * atu ' .frrrCTß—79 do* fo iwfe •nil [ U j-I» STUART fcflllL wynny WRAT; Thoanhf f»oree»tod by ihc Gardiner 9prl»l, O. B. Jut A.H’?, .vJ'Selred b» cxpren. for ulo ante B>»“ K kOOMS, 7» Wood alroel, Attraction, of the Crou; b, rtojta. D,^ tog, ■ fl lfbl« “ ' ' : Juattc'&vAfofVtoj fIELLE B3ft..NICOLfI_ [ TJBATHEBS-awJ teapS«>Stb' I X ie*® - BIDOTtI. occupied bjr Mes*r*-W-H- Uro o ]*o3^w Wcodttreet. —UivklTrKeO-u BbU. Prime Clofei fcjiJTi" l received MU for.? efo b« MILTENB EKGER. . jJ._I.LJMU. No-JlJ} Prent Btrcgl- I jiMJIIEBS-UO .«*. iFPLES - T:! r^so^^w^^j^iasSoT ; ne*4tndfor nU by "wHARBAUIiU CWg 1 c,,EE3r '- M POOTOFfITTSBBKtiH. Um*-Tun ««« « tot 8 lacit» 1« to tktanel ~ ■ : ARRIVED. . . C®JebCcpe,Modoek,Beaver. Michigun, Brie», Beaver.;. i jVi»Taiie.fllajk, Beaver. Besvcr, Gtmloo, WelUvUle. Vlrequa, Galloway','Mononguhtla uty- Fkshton, Peebles, Elizabeth. t Atiutiije, Fukison, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacob®. Brownsville. Csmdefl, Hendricksoo, McKeesport- Brilliast,'Gr«ce, Cincinnati. OhlOrStoopt, Cioeinaatij, Junes Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. DEPARTED- Cakbflope, Murdock, Beever. Lake Erie, Cld*kjßeuver. Beaver, Oordon/WcUsville- CMdenJ Hendrickson,MeKewP Fashion, reeble*, EUxabjtth-. SSEffi'SSS^&" iUe - . BOATS LEAVING THIS DA' • BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, »* 9 .-*• anj l 0 »■ BBAVEB PACKETS, S A «. r - *' WELLSVILLB PACKETS, ft* WHEELING—Junes IMPORTS BT BIVRR do, 100 peji ■< W^W^> , Tl . iq bbdlsasv,M Leech A son; .unpltAOM W<ra»n, a™ Jf b > u , lud, , tj* seeds, Whumin A Wolff; 1 l skiff, j*» Rlcksrdson; a large !*■«• st£Wl™ uS iW«i», i bbl -» p«»p.» ‘“•j SgKßll, D Ibqkqr. >“1 P»'k, J kSTaSstlf«S£»,. • *»““"• « •>» "H, A Culbertson. BRAVER A WELLSVILLB—Per Bouvet—Afbbls i-St kTdo.Hsrbtngh;BbbUknobs,Uvlngstcrn.Ror iS?v l S loW,Urtey.l teemed, 8 kgs, a bbU but* ra r< ABestTabbfslard, R Dal* Sll Ae«r«*S ,e » l C T BMswU, lotP< “etol, Hamp ion. Smith A co. J4KW ORLEANS—Per De Witt Climon-lskwool. ft A W Harbaugb; 10 hhds saga, 81 bbl* HMriemnSei® broken glut?, W MeCuHy ii c°; 2W bbli'-molesses, 88 hhds sugsr, W Holmes fcco, J 4 ploughs, Hull A Speer; lot anchors, line®, pumps, O Bluekbura. . WHEELING—Per Loui® MeLum—l3 bbls vinegar, j*Sm fcchadson; 116 kgs luAacksbscon.U bbl* fioa/J C Bldwell;« cast wheels, J McCullyi 813 pcs b insail Wmßln«bsmi7Bldo,JF<jrsyth;sU®o dfc Ba ker A Forsyth; 38 kgs lad, W B Holmes; 43 do 40, R A Cunnlngtiijn; 18 uu barley A*Ki r kp s tri e i; 9 obis’, 8 chairs, J Flsckj 5 bbls flour, R Miller, SS bbls bbls apple®, owners; 33 do floor. 115 seks com, U ski oat®, U bbl* flow, 8 hogs,fi bdls leather, owners aboard. • VSITERIi UBOEAHCE COBPAHI OF PITTSBURGH. CAFITAI. 1100,000, J. Fnqorr, Jr, S»eT. I JL Mio»>, Jr., Pre.l. Will insare againit all kinds of risks, FIrFaND MARINE. 4 LL losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly A homo initiation—managed by Directors who are known in the community, und who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to main tain the cha ncier which they havo assnmed, at offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insurea. P dSbcios*-R. Miller,. Jr, Goo. BUek, J. W Butler,, N Holmes, Jr, Wm. B. Holmes, C. Ihmsen, Geo. . nC M. Lyon, Ja®. ldwtoeott, Thoa K. LluthTJune® M’Auley, Alex- Nlmick, Thoa. Seou. Omcu, No. 39 Water street, (woehouso of Spang A Co.rUp Hairs,) juydly * Oinci of Ait*SHXST Bums Co-, ) PmorMß Jin'! lfi, 18W. J THE Preeideniand Manager* of the Cowp«iy for erecting & Bridge oter ihe Allegheny.HiTer, ©ppo utsFiiubttrgfc, lathe Coanty of Allegheny, have tat* £S deeUrtd * Biwdefld of Two Dollar* on each than of the Capital Siook,« lending in the name of In- ESSSffi Ssssssis DBLAWABB BCTC&L a&VBTT IN. BVBASOB COMPANY, OFFICE. IN NORTH ROOM OF EXCHANGE On Third Stria, PhiladeJjAta rviHE following »i*jemeat of ihe aifair* of the Com* X pmny, l* pabuihcd in conformity with apwmtion et is* charier. ' Prmiumt resnvti during if* y*ur ituiing Ucto btr 31*. 1549, On Marine and Inland RJika, Qn Fire BUI*. Earned Pnmtuvu Junng the »«r ending « Oa Marino and inland Bisk*, On Fire Bilk*, - X ltaretr, Salvage, and other f'rokti, ' Louse, Esfontu, he., during tome nm, — Marine and Inland Navigation Ixrne*, , 7? Fire Lowe*, WJII 45 • IM.ICO 71 Retain Preminmj, .Wii !£ Rs-bunraoce*, l Jg* g Sialloaerr, fcc., 9,V90 S 3 Tks Audi rf Uu Company an as follows, Bond*, Mortgages and Groand rents, United Suite* six pet cent Loan, {ftEO ® ***s;“%.£ £ S» Philadelphia City Six per cent. Loin, OO BUI* Receivable, . . B5^7C 51 ■JO. Share* Slack Union Bank of Tennes- M “ e ’do do Merchants and Manslsc tnrei* Bank, Pittsbnrgn, OO 1» Share* Sioek American Mntnal Insor- a and Havre da Grace Steam Tow-boat Company, 500 oo SO Share* Block Delaware Mntnal lniar «neo Company, ' l cw °J S Shares Stock Philadelphia Exchange 1 lOOgharesSinck Pennsylvania Rail-road Company, - °° Gash on hand, BJI4 44 ■gcnp of Mntnal Insurance Companies, 3.W9 «0 Balances in the hands of*Agents, andPre-> mlnma on Marine Policies, reeeauy U- „„ SabacdpUoa notes, • 100»°w 00 boiei for *»le by . TASBKY k, BEST The Board of Director* hare ibia day declared a ditldead of SIX PEE CENT, in ca*h, oa the Capital Stock and Serip of the Company, payable on and*/- \}j December i.t) IMsTAUo, a dividend of TEN PEtt CENT. In Scrip, on the Capital Stock, and earn* ed Premium*, ccrtilicataa for which will be tamed u above. DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, H- Joaw Brooke, fidauini A. Bonder, IlcnxySima, John C. Daria,; c ****’.,. Reben Banon, xEFZSZFu' John R. Penroae, Wm. Eyre. Jr., Samsel Edward*, Charlea Kelly, Geo rye G. Leipcr, Edward Darlingion, Wiliam Hay. Htac R. Darla, Dr.B.Thomaa, - William Fol well, Johnßeller*, John B. Nowlin, »J»oee» Mcllrain, Dr. R- M. Horton, i; X; Ktuborgb. Junea C. Hand, D.T. Morgan, do Thoophiltt* PrSdiny, Wm. Bagaley, do Tpoopouß* WILL1 *> M HABTlNTPreiidem. GEORGE BERRUX, Viee Prealdent. , 84 Wood «t 1 mCHARD 8. NBWBOLD, Secretary. Uy tho Act lncorponUinj this Company, tho rtrue* inuring property therein, are entitled to a isaicf nrofit* of the Institution, withoot subjecting them •elves io any liability beyood the premium paid. TffeCapiul Stock sad Subscription Notes art eledced by the Charter for tho payment of losses ; and {L profits ©f tho Company are directed to be invested and remain In tho potserslon of the Corporauon, as a fond for the farther security of the assured. Hus fund wW be represented by Scrip, bearing an interest of si* divided ihe Insured and Siockhold saag j - ° fc “"‘Jßag- •“"’“““"'“““JSddW “ TECITEE'B Ihliß# inTHESBAS,by a deed bearing date on the S2d day W or mVtTilbm, wrnum oi»“» “ 4 ” f ’ JS. 100 .B&Wril u« one nndlridcd.lllOp.rior. „ , ■ e u-d lyin* in toe connlj of Allegheny, end brio* to. No. 10, ofc 0. ISSltf. pi on o! recorded Or Ob Admlnlnuiuir P4> I, i?lO. offiru of to Bocori« »dj SfSSyJSifbNgSSS iS&alffljySforrtS S. ri ««• “ ■IWESSfiiiSTUnA' I betweanthe hoars of nine in tho lorenoon and hve in I SSSSa sold to, the purchaser or parel dc!7-dxs__ AD AM 8’ EXPREBS! HEE would re.peclfullj caU Ite oncollon of “Mer \V cbonu” and otters lo ite lollowiu* card. Uaoinif noUccd“Memo.Greeno OCai lalo card, in wkiSflter anon liar itey Oder laclliUn unequal -2 if any oiler EXPRESS, wo are, in juiuee 10 •■nor aclfea* and to the “public,” eonitrained to *ay U>«J■ »f ,clTe L.w»m.«t ,n ikfl uii had not rendered ountho HKsT CONDUCTED Sd MOST RELIABLE KX : I*RES3>we Would net hate merited the liberal patron- ] been- unn tailed, and in extending oor Line to all tbe “We item end ttouihcra" Citiea, (baring ipued u> means or exertion lo make ti per^J! e ?iL C dent that the inducement* wbjeb we oS.t to> tbo pub* lie are ‘•uasureasied," andibat wo are fully enabled ,o PERFORJf what wo BAKER A FORSYTH, Ago- . Slt9lJ7« 97 7A,tt« CD THOsTY.' OANTT, Trerttat. B'g- ?<,l " CC " I “ l^'^Bo»'s^°^ZER Scorched salts-« tburo “* O isAUHD^REytro, Spanivq cioar^o; tile by -iTiAii pftmo. in»t rac'd tad to ‘ , Wo 118 Wood at •Vn.hnti’a tiua ItcUly lo jTdilwobth A CO E LOUR—3O bblTcT »mla by dc2l " " ‘ bi In.-.-I yd BUTTER A LAKD-X9 ke« No 1 L*rd» .. STATIONER’S OUM—A Viipply JMtrce’a ,UI “ ' i ' EuW * r Dc "’ 1 ' *' J4U PHILLIPS. -iARBADOES TAH-300 Ib.pnolie, > for ** l "by deO JiPPi>«w OUH—•" •d rad for «ale bT rOPE & BREY7 fcr, coPl. . JREV rS'HO'T-1* kcfi ws’d.iwi tee’d *ad tor tal# bf A CULBERTSON, lid L»b«ny «i_ "ka.IV- 100 pica la*» re«’d tad lot atle hy CULBBBTgoNt M tibcny LOCAL-MATTERS. UPOITTD FOX THE MTriBCJtOIt OAXatTg Mr. Julio H. Rae, of Philadeiphi*. now « lh: * ty, is requested to call at this office. Mirroro 0? Coctcim.—-The Select aiul Com mon Councils met last night, and transacted a great deal of business, the most of winch,however, was of no general ini portanco. The Proprietors cf the Star Candle Factory, (Messrs. Sawyer Sc Co.’s) burnt' in Allegheny* 00 Tuesday night, desire to return their sincere thanks to the firemen, for their exertion* oa that Manchester Election. The following Islho result Jof the election lor Surges*, held in the Borough o( Manchester yes terday. R. M. Parke, (P. S. and Whig,). D. C. Stevenaon, (Dem) J. A. Speer, (Native.) FIRST WARD. SELXCT. Harmar Denny, Whig, George Wilson, Dem., coumox. AUen Cordell, Whig,.. Thomas 'Dav»gc,. "John Wfllock,. John Davidson, Dem., David Fiiz : tnmonv SECOND WARD. aELECT OOUKCIL. J. B. Murray, Whig Calvin Adam*, Dem., COaBIOX C3UXCIL. A. McFarland, Whig,. Geo. Wilson, Whig,... A. Garrison, Whig,-.. A. W. Foster, 1ad.,... J. M. C00per........ Adam Wilson, THIRD WARD. SELECT. JohnShipioa, Whig,.. Wen. M. Edgar, Dem. E. Campbell, Whig, R. McKean, Simpson Horner,... John Beck, Wtn. McKee, R. J. Smith,. O. Ponaton, Dem.,. A. M. Pollock.. - ohn Layt-' John Layton,.. A. McClure, We Paul Richard Reaay, FOURTH WARD. aSLScr. William Rinehart, Whig John Minni'a DavidHolme*, Whig... Robt MoKoight, C. Yeager. W. F. WiUock, Samuel Liodtey, Dem. L. Wilmarth James Verncr, Darid Rinehart, Ind B. T, C. Morgan,... • Amos Wiggana, FIFTH WARD, flcucr- Joo. H. RoUtonj Whig 'Wm. Day, Dem., (elected). cosmos. Joa. Bay, Whig..... Wm. G. McCartney. IL W. McClelland.. Alexander Bradley,. Jno. Rankin, Jaa. Crawford, George Holgrove . . A. Gobble, Dem.,. Saiton..... And. ScdU,;>... Wm. Wiiain,... jno. Ackerman, •A. Hoeveller,.. 51XTH WARD. •ELECT. Wm. Dawaon, W’tug, J. DjlCeßy, Dem.,... s D. A'rroktrong, W htg G/Lamborne B.*A. Cunningham, Jaa. MKenny, Dem., Wm. Shore;. •••••• J. Shidjc, SEVENTH WARD. ■rr.riTT. RobL Gallogher, Whig... John M. McClowry, Dem. Wn». C. Friend, Whig, R. U. King W. W. Irwin, Dem.,. D. Yourgson, EIGHTH WARD. Jos. T Marks', Whig, J. S. Kennedy J. Bane, Whig,. • Wo. Evens,.... D. Seitz.Deoi... • A. W. Pentlaod,. The Fir* w AXLBGUCtX. —We learn th*l th« j Messrs. Sawyer * Co.'s loss, owing to the bum-» teg of their Sleariue Caudle Factory, will bo about , $6OOO, 5000 ol which is covered by Insurance. There were upwardi ol one hundred barrels of Lard in the cellar, which, owing to the exertions ot the firemen, were saved. This is the first time since the New Water Worts have been finished, -thata fire has occurred in Allegheny, and we are happy to say that the supply of water was most ample, far surpassing in this respect, the moat aangnine anticipations of the firemen. The Alle gheny Fire Companies were on the ground, and rendered very efficient aid in subduing the pro gress of the flames. The Pittsburgh Fire Compan* ies also merit the thanks of all persons living m the neighborhood, for their' activity and energy. Phujuuubia Nrw MiHsrr Sranr Barrm Chcecu. —We see by the Philadelphia papers, that on Tuesday evening la*r the session oi the NsvMuket Street Church (Baptist) met, and untbimously voted to extend an invitation to the lUV. Wm. Shadrach, of Pittsburgh, 10 become their Pastor.' He takes the place of' ihe Rev. W.L. Dennis!’ who has been for five years past connected with that Church .and ofwbom ihe Eastern paj»e.-s apeak of in the highest terms. IsFAxricin*.—Coroner Arthurs held an tiqucst, yesterday, on the body of a child, found in S’cou’e board yard, on Barker Alley—Fouith Ward. The child's head was' split'open, apparently by «m« sharp Instrumenl. A verdict of infant-cide was returned. Gratwos.— 'Tho condition of the gratings in various parts of our city, calls lor a speedy reform. They are generally amootb, and tvben wet, be come very slippery. Several accidents, of quite “ ssrioua nature, have already occurred; and wo think that it is the duty of the Councils ta take tho matter promptly In hand, and came tho property holder* to roughen the aurfoco of the gratings, and thus prevent all danger- Cow of Quarter Srisiom.— Present, Hon Benjamin Patton, President Jn-lge, aim Samue Jones, Associate Judge. Commonwealth ve Edward Powvte —li.tltet ment, larceny—Plea, guilty- Commonwealth vb Georgo Johnston indict* ment, aasaull and battery. Tbc jury in lb'* Mrt teturned a verdict of guilty. Commonwealth vs William Ken— hnlicfineM, larceny. Vordlct, not guilty. CommonwcnUli vs Hetty McKee —Indictment, assault and battery. Thia cuvt was not concluded when the Couri adjourned in the afternoon At a meeting of the Voting Menu’ Mercantile Library Awoclntiou, held on Tuesday eveoing, the following gen'Jemrn wen* clectrd rificer* for the ensuing yea r President—John Finney, Jr. Vice Prealdoot—Robert E. SHien. Secretary-—-David W. Bell. Treasurer—Wm. M. Hersh. Director a—Aloir. (Jordon, Edward Wm, P. Totroaend, Jar. M’AolrP, Will, t tJAH, Andiron—(reorgo E. Aroold, John S. Cotsrjrvo, Alexr. Nimick. - j ■ On.\o *hd Penmilvasia Rat l * Boa»- fol lowing gentlemen will bo napported far Directors of.Uio Company,* Wy ibo great body of vcich o dtoMoal Stockholder!, and l>>° ''‘» cs ° r lho m • , i!dere: dtles, and are recommended to W. ROBINSON, Allegheny City. JAS. WOOD, Pit tsbtugh. J. H. SHOENBE RGER, Pittsburgh FICD’K.: LOU.EN Z, PilLburgh. H. GR.I&WOLP, Bunk County, Ohio. JNO. LX'iCWEL! C, \V»yno Co, O. Z. STREET, "001 .nmbinnn Co., 0. .81S .266 .215 .155 .159 TRANSPORTATION. -&BLUSOB PITS DA T LIHB, rbs tss cottttaScx or xnciusstz* akd mcusd, with frsxs ash cnmnmr, Birwm PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS fofrwarded by this Line are carried in the mail train u> Chattbertbnrgfa, and are immediate ly loaded in Wagotta going night and day through, to The Worses axe stationed every 13 miles, which inanrestheprompt delivery of goods within the time P TheWagoas will leave oor warehouse daily, (C-un. days excepted.) at 2 o’clock, P. M .Shippers are aaioted that no more good* taken each day than can be posctuallv carried throogb ■JAMES M DAVIS&CO, 227 Mfctlftt atreet, Puilailelptua. • JOHN M’FADEN A CO, Canal Basin, Piuaburgh. JOHN McFADEN A CO., Foxwaxdcso A Comm»- OR Mxaamts, Canal Buis, Peanttreet, Fitubuxgh. JAMES M. DAVIS A CO, Fwua Factobs *» Com- KBamilSoctusn, 2S7Market,and« Coamorce ft, ,w2£ and other'merchandUe, consigned to J or •ale. t UNION LINE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1850. TSsffissszaassvSS end Philadelphia are prepared to receipt torCOOO lbs freight daily. Each way deliverable through in “* d.T.,8 U ,d. 7 . t1 c C p«d. iENBy aRAFp CO i eanal Basin. Pittsburgh. DUTILLE HUMPHREYS A CO, Jan3:d2m 107 Market st, Phil’s. . KTPpBBB WAGON LIMBS* 1849. EEM. THROUGH IN FIVE WAYS! ritHK *ubieriber» are prepared to receive 6000 pounds Freight daily, after Monday, 10th Insu, to forwent to or from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by Wagon, throogh ut Five Days. Rates as low as by any othor conveyance at this season of the year. 1 JOHN MeFADEN A CO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A CO, dc6 . No 927 Market st. Philadelphia. _ nOBOaOAHBSLA aotfTJC. ■aaa&fla. jgfe Only 13 Bliss BUglag. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. mnE mornlnr boat leaves the wharf, above the bridge, daily, at B o’clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 33 hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 hours. , The evening boat leaves daily, (cieept Sunday ev- rsj at 4 o’clock. Passengers by leaning on the evening boat, will cto»s the mountains in stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. Secure your tickets at tho. Office, Monongahel House,or9UCharles Hotel ocil3-ly J. MESKIMEN, Agent WISTBR ARRASbIiBKHT., MHIi349. mt&k EXPRESS WAGON LINE—THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS 1 , i rrHE subscribers, having suspended their ««»{<£* I aratioes until the opening of the Sprinc Naviga tloo.have eatafclishcd an Elprcsa Uno by Bill road and Wagon between Philadelphia and iSuaburgh, bv which they are prepared to forward «C 0 poumto *f°“ day, and receipt tor the delivery of toe same In 6 day s. •Hey beg leave to assure their fhenda and the'pub lie that their arrangemeau regarding rates, reguluity and despatch, cannot toil to give satisfaction to all who 10 ,cosNOB, comer Penn and Wayne at*, Pittsburgh- THOMAS BERBIDOE, 378 Market ■licet. Pbiladelphia- GK2. WOl GEE, WO’ WIBTBR iRRASOBUBBT. MksAr 1849. unu COMO TUB OLD COSaSTOOA. BINOHAM’S EXPRESS WAGON LINE, TO 1!IB Pioa PltUbstlb and PI»ll«d«lpW»- * 8 the l)U«ne»» on tho cfcn«l U ab<wU>ciDe A lot the icaion. =we would inform tbo public tkat we kin again brought the Coneitoga WiroMtaw qniiiilon, anu will bo pnpunA w *«3sj4®Jf p J*cj! daily, (commencing on Monday, the JOth tnaU A Car leaving Pbiladeiptoadally by the mal! » r » ln <i f^ C S* beriburg, and the Wugona traveling day and mght, eniarea the delivery of Good* In five dnye. • Apply to WM. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, BINGHAM t DOCK, No. atnet, Philadelphia. l “05KSIItllT. figfiS. 1849. EXP-RESS WAGON LINE 'To-anb ran* ... ! PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. - Time Fire Day*, (Sunday* excepted,) running Day and Night. 11HE public 1* respectfully inlomed iba! til* Un«, which ha* been in *ucce**ful epefauou ihc two pterioßi wuilcr*, will again commence running ou Monday, the BCih of November. A Car will leate Philadelphia and Charnberibnrjh dailv each way chith the Mail Train, and from Cbam bendrerth with relay* of hone* running day and night We are (>repared to forward COOO lb* treigni daily by the above ne. Apf ’ l^, CO.^Pituborgb, or io-HA“WUB*i'i-KKC»', " * No 13 Sooth Third atneu I’hUodetphm. lamboat Agency. f The undemgaed, eery grateful to Iheir friend*, begleave to tar that they Ere determined to devote their unre* bitted attention to this branch of their Cope, from nineteen yean' experience br failing iadottry and itrict attention, be. J. lUJUCKLES * COj [ Pearl atreet, LoairriUc, hy. hntinesa. TTiey 1 and by ibair neye to merit paironat ac7-dln | /n KOROF. ID ELLERY, of New \tork, It PLUMLY.Tof PUilftaeJrhia, bare thil diybetn admitted as partner* m our business, which wtll ce continued under the same firm.os fcerctoforejatAio. j/ Clvutch alley, Vhiladetplita, and £O. 18 Exflhaage PI are, New York. E- M- DAVIS A CO. Philadelphia, Dee. I, ISP.—tdc7»lm NEW AND VALUABLE INVENTION! OLJNN'B WINDOW LOCK ISO SPBINO. PITEtTID, Dxccsur* 19, ISP. Tills is an article of (treat value to all person* ep* wed In building, or to those who h ate a ready built, and are without window fastening. While »t furnisbea-a perfect substitute for puliies and weirtts, at ftaaaihgofat'leajtfato each window, it afford* the safest fastening that has ever been brougnt Into The utility ud convenience of thi* Spring over all other*. It, Chat by one thumb piece, both *a*h of the window coo be raised or lowered. It require* only to be known to be appreciated. Person* within* to buy the article, or to hare them pm into their window*, or the right of telling u tor eountie* In thin-fitate, may apply to the subscribers at Ue FERRY HOUSE, on the'Allegbeny river, ftlt*- burgh, Fa. J- 9; WFw» noT>o-d3mlii}Sp O’ P- MA\Q- View of Pltuburgh. MY TXBW will be pubUihed In u short a time u possible; and I can assure my subscribers, and the public generally, that it shall be tcraaioa— both Id fidelity ef detail and beauty of exeeulion-lo any other whatever. Letthote weeks and see. E. WIUTEFILLD. Jirw Yoaa. Pee. Bth, IS49.—^dcll OEDIOAIi ASD SURGICAL OFFICE, «No. 05, DIAMOND ALLEY,- a few doors below Wood street, to wards market. DO. BOOWB, haring ern regularly educated to the medical profession, and been for some tune \n general practice, now eoafines 'sis attention to the treatment of ’those pnrate and delicate com plainu for which hl» opportunities and experience peculiarly quality him. 14 years assiduously devoted ssiss, “ ui "« ,k “- <,O S Brawn wottl. Inform “"»* ■““«<* ™b P n,,le .. * beeome chronic by time or sg <U**“e anr of the common nostrums of Kits? "* ,h r the day, tMt ineir comp . CElt .f u j *ueouon to eases, and sacceeded In hundred* the treatment ofMc Mn- e f infiajnmaUoa of the of instance*jjj^FJ^J^kindreddl*ea»e* which often 'KdEEdltab'tS.S\s3 .uliu,U.oro.,t end .Sd £5 ihlfemti* to ce11,.. h. be. petd pmc *lar attention to thi* disea**. g, 4 SfSSIS"S-«. •■»«. 0( either eox UTtng »t * ilnijej. by •taring their disease in wmfog, giving alUhe syinp tomjucanobtain medicine*with directions for u*e, by Ssdrerring T. BROWN, M. 0., post paid, and enclos ; ln &8ie? No. M Diamond alley,opposite ih* Waverly 11 Ruw*4Tls*.-Dt. Brown'* uowly diicorerwl tee ,Iffor Rheomauwn it a tpeedyaud cor»m remedy t' painful trouble. It never fail*. Once and Privalo Consulting Roorat, * N «JW Dl mondaUey, Piusburgbi Pa- Th. Doctor .■ alway. nr Ho com no p*T- SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP OWT BOOBS AND ANNUALS for >650 rnuE OEM OF TOE SEASON,rntlj .irtoen olenon >f - "mi' n».i iw*»kc, •“ b ““ 1 ' «. A “oISLo.TMof; •*“•> » R W. a 4TiS:»«... «f Flnrcnl W'™ ( o ,isSO; by Mre. R 8. BoilA. Tto Forjn-Mr-Nol, Miaow b > M „ p llol „ rf . The Mow HnWi „ benaufully iUimrnted. SS 3?^ Literary ««»>■. " iUI « I « rea *“P*- jlome Offchng, or Glirnpica of lfomo Life; by F -o- Wicndibip, o Taken of Hemembr*ncol| ffi! V,' ft jLK or AfrSlion’e Oifk for ISO. T£e *‘lsf faTifiSO! edited-by Fiih« U ' Gold hirictorei of BtlTer; by E. pF^ ,o Flora*a Uem, or the Boqset for ill Scuba i widi be Thc f |HMrl^i I RM» n^r,l P B<» k > with wtmW ilin^ U TbeCh*mteruuc» of Women; by Mrs.'Jameson. T>o Heroine* of Sbaktpeare; wilk forty five engra* ,Uim, fro* drawtogsby eminent artist*. - • Bible* *nd Prayerßooks, In every style of blading to «ait tbo taste of purchasers. For sale by ELLIOTT fc SNOLISU, . No. 79 Wood street, between Fotmb drift ; ' ! and Diamond alley. LOUEb-lbObbU Instore and for tile by ' del* _ WM H JOIINSTOJi, Ui Second »v WirthomM U present occupied by John W*tt & Co. *■ * Wn«er tale Grocery.. Apply to . •.: • --j *. ■* .'* jTf. KERB, Attorney, Foartlvtt,. between wjutihfiald tad Gnat. -. For Ron*. THE Back Pan of the Warehouss nowocenpiedby myself, and fronting on Front street., _ , J«n9 C. n. GRANT, «t Water at: * For Bant A STORE in Market street, near liberty.' - • " l - AUo—The Store on the corner of Market and Litany strehta. 4 Also—& Dwelling and Store on Penn meet; near the Canal. Possession given on the Ist April next.. Also—A Briek Yard Sn the Eighth Want Also—a Stone Vuarrv in the Eighth Ward. Poe* •ession given immediately. - Inquire of DAVID GREER, Penn at, i _ iatVMtn* 3 doors from 8. E. coroerHayst- For Rant. A TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE on Bay street. Enquire of ■ > ]an7 JAMES DALZKLL, Si Water eL , A GOOD THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING, on Southfield street, four doors from Seventh, west side. Inquire of 8. 6CHOYEB, jan7 UOSeeondst, Grocery fitand to Hint. lj THE GROCERY STAND, at present oeeu ■gvg pied by Mr. W. Wilson, comer of Second and JBIL Ross su~ can now be rented, and possession had on the Ist of April next. Enquire of :A. JAYNES, ' jnnO Pekin Tea Store, 70 Founh street.. Dwelling House,on I* Federal street, Allegheny city, with alargeyaid.; Possession given on the Ist of Apnl. ALSO—Several Rooms and Offices In Pituborgb, near the Post Office. E. D. GAZZAM, dc3s“ Office, Third it, over the Post Office. _ SAt'K-AHTroii Koiind7, BI«kmlli iina < Mnnhim Shop, with 810 un fcnjin!' power, good slock of tools, machinery,patterns, flaska. ladies, ramaees and ovens, an now ruantnßorder. Said“ emeUu, -a .“^BgaBß.fflaa.a Fwarsaaaa *** d a e!S nCdUla fee« the P%t Office, Thirf»t.__ W ‘- T I'SSt&SsSn * CO Ma wfxlf™bhes'room. ««n.w» to » Variety or Gentlemen’* Furnishing,Store. AJ . .alubl. tor oO^crAr. ‘“Siw"' Office Third tml. <wot PortoW 1 —For tool# or itw. ■WStfStf? SKfiffc - w. BON, Market tl 000 - mFOEL JIBBIT—The BuuQiion bo®*®, 110 ? occupied by Mr*. Atwood, •hutted with i® urn of ground attached. „ ?** itipacioas and conTenienUud too ground weu in pre^,At H; la IIIBDY, J&NE3I QO,^ JMk t'OB Brick House, (bat one year ftSB baitU and Lot, on Boblasoa street, Allegheny, ■■V" nearold Bridge. Price low and te.naa _ Ml' 8 BCHOYER, lIP Second .1 — TOR RENT: —The three itorr Rich r House, on liberty, between Hay and Mertrary ween, now occupied by W. Graham, i r ‘ riven immediately. Enquire of Wo. Graham, or aZ j uie Bookstore of I irP-dtf JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, . comer Market and Third streets. Two Irot* tor S*l*., L THE subscribers will sell at saloable Lots of Ground, situated on Tomato su, in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, ea«h k*™ l / * front of*) feet, running back 100 feet ln ■Jfptb ton 2© feet alley, npon which is bmlt a stow feet, whieh contains stone enough to build cellars tor two comfortable dwelling houses, andut front are tee shade trees, o?S yearn «*d tie »ido walk is rased with bnck, all of which will be sold at SSOO. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, ,U 1 b. .tai. P-/”fj InLUPSi N.» or to WiL BENSON, immediately opposi* i my*> T7OR SALE—Fi*e toU eligibly ataatedin “**T •p uhtnf irum of ßwninitSm- Th« IoU *««»»• tel onDentnan afreet, numbered In F pl« ALTO.», 61 tnd ea—Lot No 75 fronting 20 foe ton Ma ry A*n«tnsct, 70 feci deep; the other four JO feet front p*Tl of purehaae money =i*y re] main for »iz yean, eeeurod by nyr^R*^ » I „ S rr ,c ' • ® B uS2S«, TriT/UIBLK REAC'ESTaTEON“PEJJ!TSTHEET V FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground utuate on Penn »ue«, between Hny and Marbury »freetsj the boc*e and lot now occupied by Richard , haTine a front of *JS feet, and in depth 150 feeL will li# told on faactable terms. Title unexceptionable, t-fl i qi| T 0 or C. O. LOOMIS, 4ih it, near Wood. [ . oet2l-dtf ; -■ BOC'TOE WHTAB’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. THE following article we ccqj with pleasure from tte “Boston Mercantile Jtmmai, n of March, ISI9, u,d we hope that i! any of oar reader* are suffering from any of the complaints which it U said to care, they vnil speedily avail themselves of it: DR. WISTAR’B BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. U was well known many years ago that the wild cherry bark tree of this climate poaaeaaed valuable medicinal qualities. Indeed this fact waa known to the aborigines, and decoctionaof theleaveaorbarkof this tree has ever been regarded by their physicians a« one of the moat remedies In many disease*. This faeC several year* since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wistar, a highly respectable practitioner ofYir ' grids, lie iovestikated with ear* the healing proper ties of the wild eharry—tasted ia'effocu when admin- alone, and when ut combination with other re medial events. Uaioand ihatMnktarel virtsa might be greatly improved, and by eommning It with lngta> dienu whore properties were all well proved and gen erally records*!, a madicine was produced which constitutes a remedy of great importance in pulmona ry affections and dis aee* of the chest and throat— diseases which are proverbially prevalealinourcltiei and targe towns, and often prove fatal, aweilinj tbt bill of mortality to a maeb greater extent than is the case with most others, wa had almost tali all classes of disease. The genuine Wlitar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry has a foe simile of the slgnatnre of Henry Wistar, M. D., Philadelphia, and Sandfttd and Park on a finely oxa i cuted steel engraved wrapper. None other are *ut* We are just in receipt of the following voluntary tri* bate to the curative powerof Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry, from £. Hall, M. D., of Mt Clemen*, Michi gan, who is a physician of high standing, and an ex tensive druggist: Mi. Cukbb, Midu Oet. BDUu.lß{#. . To tho afflicted, this may certify that hire. B. Bob- ! cm, of thi* Tillage, three or four weeka after eoafino-, ment, wa* attacked with a violent eoagh and great pTb it ration, and teemed hastening tothe paw fearful rapidity. I advised her to nse Wiiiar 5 * Balisrn , of Wild cherry—she did to, and.wtth that medtcino alone was restored to health, and Is now• living proof of tho value of Wistaria Bslsmn of Wild Cherry ' Physician j Bead on and be convinced still further of the remar- j kable virtues of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry: t j Mcirra. Bandford A Park: Gents, As tlce to you. and for the benefit of tha pobUc, I would ! offer tho following statement of a cure | medieino, known as Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cheo7- In the spring of 1847 my wife waa j with Peripneumonia, or Pleurisy, whteh resulted ina i deep.seated pain ut the side, accompanied with a sfr vete’coßgh; sho wa# attended by some *s**££l physicians In Chicago, but to no purpose; far wt*k« the suffered, without relief; coughing and day. 1 came to the conclusion that all the reme dies inowa'to the physicians could not help her, and was indeed to try your WUd Cherry. roc , al^f. D ® bottle, and commenced using it according W dura* before II .11 gooj— oain in her side left her, and with the aid of uother boulo she was restored to rtkrxcr •[deration of these circumstances, I would recommend it to the public as a valuable medicine. - Yours, respectfully, B- N- GARHAI r. Gi*xn tuns*, Mick, Oct. B,IMO. RaodtJu follomag TvtwunioU. Of all the cures that have been recorded, there are certainly none equal to the one first mentioned, which plainly shows the curability of Consumption, evea la sand of its worst forms: Cnowa Pour, Lake co., la~ June J. D. Park: Dear Sir, As I huvo a deep commisera tion for the afflicted, permit me to give ypuabrief history of my afflictions, and the e "5 l l ?? l l e !jl^. ftom the use of Dr. Wjitarii Balsam of WUd ChetW. In July, l&H, I was attacked with a fever of the ty phod diameter. wMeb left me JiLaTenrdebUimmd state, when in the following winter I* severe cold, which redact me to such an extent as to I labored urSer a severe cough—expectorated u great desl.pnd was troubled with cold feet and nightsweats. 1 also freauenlly raised blood from my lucgs. I co . n * tiMed JsTfois-stato, graduaUy diking under the dm -SuTuntil January, 15i7, when I wu* again plUtoksd SSforer.l despaired of mylife, nhvrieiißi thooghl I could survive but a short time. sfers oP\Vild* Chci weekthat I com-1 meneed taking it, I can dutea gradual recovery., I continued its ore six months, at the end of which time I was cured, and have enjoyed good health ever since, »ad cheerfully recommend the BaUanrto all those af flicted with disease of the lungs, and woold iay to those commencing its use, not to be discouraged if two or three bottles do not effeel a cure; but persevere art have done, and 1 have ho doubt but nine cases oat of ten will be blessed with renewed health etlhave been. Respectfully, yours, won. ““r* JOSEPH JACKSON. Pjuc* 81 per Bottle—Six Boole s .for S 3. •, Sold by J. D. PARK, (snecetsortoSandfbrd A Pars,V Fourth and Walnut streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Agent for the South and West, to whom til orders must be addressed. , t L. Wilcox, Jr, James A. Jones; J. Kidd & Co;' B. A. Fahnestock A Co, Pittsburgh. L. T, Bussell, Wash ington; W. H. Lamberton, Franklin; L. 8., Bowie, Uniontown£H. Welty.Greensburgh: 8. KouuifcSomer set; peott A Gilmore, Bedfotd; Been A Boa. Huntint don; Mrs.Orr,HoUMuTthurg; UildebranliCoJlndi ana; J. K. Wright, Kmanning; Brans iu Co, Brook ville; A- Wilton A Sou, Wayneabuigb; hPFarland A Co, N. Callcuder, Meadvillc; Burton A Co, Erie: J. Magoffin, Mercer; James, KellyACo, Butler 8. Smith, Beaver; J. D. Bnmmenon, Warren; F.L.AC.S. Jones, Ccndenpoic P.Crooker,Jt, Brownsville, . novl»-dAwiy(UlT n .o, imu LAB.&— 3 bbl» new, to d*y xeeM uul for *aie by AeSfl*_ • CEAIQfcSKINNBB. W" eiii Port, M*4eir», Sherry «ni» »wee» 1 Malls* Wine*, for tale by the cuk or In <ju*a- Me. u nil M HjTCnßjiaEß, . .art ' ' W-MOIM."?"- SIHSdV u t;r" ,,c i S o Ai^oKEreso I ““'JJrt"" 1 1,1,1 ro w* MMfrefo.Ttm PREtBYTKSIAB BOOK BOOBS." : i N a»*>wociD^t«ES^:i;i 1 and Private Libiyea. _. are» " Persons wishing to J2^“, b 0 iakept anhese-rooaa. - I • QCw»* w; * iaa i TO PSUTiuu* : . . T|lE subscriber haa on band and forhal^M v iof IfciJchnsicii A Co n or Philadelphia, ih*&l»w. * tSgj j I . ft Fount* Fancy Letter, dllferentjrftea; 1 i 3TO Newspaper Cuts; . . 300 Ibe. Leans, cut to order; . 1 10 Composing Sticks; i • l °i Column fenlc*', i descriptions, Ac. A., . n . —Orders rccclvodforncwTypc. aulQdfcwß ; PEKIH - : “'r“ t , 0 21fBp“ d k K ZZl***, half chests, to suit their «cnvenienee._ '.^ Our retail prices vary tor Oolong, Black Teeafnaa 50 eu. to 81,50 per lb.; Niag YottngSonchong. Congo SO, and English' Breakfhat 60, Yocng Hjuoa, Gunpowder and Imperial, from W cte. Families are requested to send and gg sample* oi ofour Teas, and tnr them beferopurchmnag. : rayis-.aiws A. JAYNES. TO Fount oeo; w. sniTn * eo., I - TNFORM tliedr, fiieadu uni Ihu publTe thutthur T 5 . . no longer any connection with their late cstabtun • mem In Penn street,known as the Pittsburgh Brewe** having removed their entire business to thePOln- , BKKWERV. In Fir street mTIP:d v> . Tn* root* or * ran Bmu u notmoTO npnl sire than a bad,patiid breaih, oi dark, yellow diseas ed teeth. If persons hare these it Utheirown<fsilt— tier cnU) fox two ihillings. bay aa article that will ' their breath pore sod sweet as tJU Spiff «Scr • . It care* ditenses oftho Gama, spongy or ulcerated,' and for the Teeth it is oneqoalled, remorag the tartar* fcyonlng the teeth In the gams,-and clean theta as white as thesaew Bneh. reader,, are the properties of Jones's Amber - Tooth Paste, and, wilhwii praising rt oarsclres, hear, what one of oar most respectable and saenuhc-Den* palpable article, (Jones* Amber Tooth Pol and can recommeodit as possessing all the qualities elato-, ed for it.” f EcadefT're.esß say no more to, eontiflee, only that if yon try this once yon win be «U pleased. i 1 It Spot op in bcnntifal EngUsh cents, field bTthe Ageax»WJa. JACKBON, SPjJber* | tr atrcet. Pittsbanth. ttg^fcwT ~irr abd Bra pa«tfa<—JOWEg’BJuj is:. bealed, bo; cured by Its at Jjsf einnsin New York know, who in reck coses, and find it unfailing—«mso in Pixmo, BujtCiu*, Phicsisb, or any other okm jus* euaFrUe reader'is assured thatthis poffed nostrum, as one trial wiUprore. I could enu aerate at least 60 persons cared or , Son Hr*P, Son* Lies aim Boas. Baa*»j-;I»t7 ft and use it, and the reader is again n«nred I wonld_ pet cruelly sell It for the shore.unless I knew U to be; all I suie. Those who are llableto .... <' Coarzn, Cbjlcsxxk oi Ciunm Funs, will find thUn care. Any one afflicted with spy of the above, erstev Uar diseases, will find this all and cren more (adnira-! ble in Its properties) than I state- • But. reader, the stores are flooded with imitations, and yon ask for JONES’S Italian Chemical §Sip: sold lr wm. jackson, » Pittsburgh. augftdAwT ir7~Ai£oooi»crazKra«re honorably a«urt(li£»J theHbllowingantheactual qualities' Jcjra'i Com Uaix BeitotauTo. If they doubt owr wort, they cannot these highly respectable eliUena . who nave tried lc— • . - lir. Geo. Bechet, 41 Elm si. New York. ’ Mr*. Matilda Eeeres, Myrtle *t, Brooklyn. 11. E- Cullen, late barber steamboat 8. America. And more than a hundred other* Kate, though thi* • must suffice, that it will force the feS'tJ® bead or face, slop it falling oft *fei*thea the rwu, removing scarf and daadraJTfront the roots, mamn|.. SftffS; S 3 =» uur, «. Pittsburgh. Pnee37j,s9cent*, andcaedollar. n( K.H a ed againOTP* fIU&O&MMON PRKPAJLED CHALK. - They are not aware bow frightfully icjnrioa* Hy* to the *kin! how &w*e, how rough, how e*l« • low, yellow, and onheaitby the skinap peer* after uring prepared ct.alf! Be* side* it isinjuriois, containing a large quantity of Lend! • v .. We have prepared a beautiful vegetable amela, which we call JONES’ SPANISH LI YWHITE^ It U perfectly innocent, being purged of all deleerj ou* no itiuer: and it impart* to the thin n natural, iical* thy, alabaster,"dear, livingwh»u-.;-ar the.««t» actm? a* a cosmetic on the tkia, A *o* Imootn. Sold by the Agent, W i\L J Lib erty tl. Pjtubnrgh. Pnco tS cent-. _ gI W~ HhBDWABII 8 T 011 S 5 SIGN OF TUE PLANK AND SAW, FfoTjs Wood *treet« PUUbwrgE. TTUBEBANDLAUFMAN, H in Foreign mnd-DoaiMOc HAIUJ WAKB, la Situ varieties, era now prepared to sell m “J oa u n»»nitjle lerma utsn be We solicit oar friends, ead tl« JEfSSSX RAZOBS, HouseTrimnkwe, .sassssssa^sifiSW^- "j^ssssSK. < s®a^ss/s^ J l s^yjm«aaiag.7 , sfflar CU Hi : Proputr to *u«gto«ay oi*j for s»l*. «wg SSffiSSSn« SKSfciS Of ofJAS ROBINSON, oa ihopreciMß. con7;dtew;fT : . ■ SEW BOOKS! " • mHE WAR WITH MEXICO, by B.S.Bipleyi 2 Elements of Rhetoric; compri’iing.« v£ ihcLaw* of Moral Evidence and .Sf Pcnutaion, by on'Chrutlan BaptUmi by NocI > M bjA»lionrß-.M“- **£.!* 7 coctw Third and Market rticcf^, Ke W and Elegant Gift Books! • • op«m.tod 0 p«m.tod Si WaliwfbJ El.hmidH.DMUi t ’tfto “S Gem. of Stomd to a«w Book** *ranvmc9AN AND PATIENT? or a Practical Vievr P*sSetnatatil dntie*, relations ‘ Medical Prafeasion and tbo Community, byWorthv '“¥?= w"k"’o?sKck«el D« Motousne; comptUinj "jfia-Jsfgai&fl: \ “cSiFif SWW or Noli, et to UobiMbed Tour i °TTO^T“p™Tc'.buI I piili»op!>7, MW edllioni -Ul««- ’ I j 0“ ""‘'"jOHNSTON ISTOCSTON, 1 I notil corner Market and Tiilidalrcata^ 1840-SOI -LISSSSSWSSEMB 2Sffi2£ ssss^a*'^S ~a R i Sil &s^ uamemed tod '; TWbWHnr a importer. > Wood at- C- YcinrcßEsTt t>B cuti laMtMw itylo C&»hmer«i «wl p® very ttfh COl °S>3 Ce ’ d “‘ d DOW W*M« Ado’S father scraps QAIJ-ptM b» landing u* '» •*>« b J B OBANT 1 " lto M ° a ‘ ‘"" ht,, cn gbamt Seeds—♦ • ■ • , 7AMW> bbtoreetWU* Mdll.r^li^ 6gAira ' ”’ S * o . _ -.lObbli dmoNO, , , v'- .. e&ned: for «ilc bT.‘ . J D UP Wood « , cB - “ “ I' -AUiES* WORK tarewt> j finest araortmeat erer bronghtio thi* city, rec d _i '“"SST 11,11 '°^.l“n E '£ 108 AMERICAN TOYS—a Urge aracrtment • can Manufactured Toys, the best nod »o* aab* lurulal made in the world. Call *nd aee the® at dcSl - p. Martel n _ PRINTS FOB l»|c.-W.B.M<J*rHTUjiu«ft?T& ternioa of buyer* to hi* »«onment ofPRiNW, embracing the aeweat V dh ¥ d, fftsr!SS&rSf ranted fSt colors. Alao-EngU* ChiMWbtfg* 1 and hp"*i»Q«e pauetn»i and a largeuaonmeul o» fl figured light Prinu and ChUuffiforinfanu^ P i|Y COD* mlmo *gj»slBSg} K# O WM iir^MWooJ.l &s» Cftiuin Chiatxea, u me Nona *■". Foarm mi Market ii*. - —= jHOFFEB— A im*u n» n* ,e]6 ‘g rPA BT fc SILL VkOrtOUCß—i bbt* Claret 84«d| . P eo t; ' BUttSIIDUE,WILSONg^ ! _ • deB9__ t. , „ _ (KlirK fc £, br &,“
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers