The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 10, 1850, Image 2

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    ■ - >--v-.*"; •-• • ... - .r Q /•/' • .-'; '"'-\ -'•
tt-p a»
aroevnesuy teqoMM ta hud In
*rr£?b«4br£sMti L u
•neUeable. ♦- AdteßtoeaMOMiuiymd tetmei*.
ltd Uae wiß lnrviabfrtaeb&rzeduml ordered oat
FBHi&PfibPßlf B0&7Q ABKBIO4Ii
- AatSttwanatt NonhArter
. ms *ai Oattnd StMOn Guena^TUlndelphit, ttcatved
MrffefMHfcdfraatkU.oSee. ' . ! ■ ’'
i\ Boot** pAADox—TWatTrired. Lut ereainf,
tbs Major elact win, t»4ij,Ve pfetome, bo
■ j tatdj to rebtfvo the edU efkia &i4od>. Hi* Id*
'‘atanattoa idea plaeo oaFriiay.
">OoyatonfflC‘r*lh ooriicilcop* tte.proccaiicg*
V’ itftiifetodkhbltopcflb* Ohio Mid PwuujlTWii*
Company, we aroiftfijnnsd.lha* wie were
ike«oti«a °f Mf*
••-•w»k*t. •' TfePmfdefit refared,; wo learn, to
Mc> Hanna 1 * notion* • e -
TliePptfjinccaunwulßironlie Mayor 3#elec
.ttoo**«y»:,./r-: ' J
i that MfeGalhriQ received 1584
» ‘AnteS»-ia ibo tiae Words, which is about the-suv*
al fimocratir*TtngtS? ,' ,'r
.. -••': whole vote of the city, at this election,may
r itat*d,ia round number*; at . .4100.
■■.f 1 -.,.Gnthno’s ■■ 158*
aniipcmocraiie Tote 2816
;• .\Tkos, tccofdingto the. Post's admisaion, the
. * / compose but a'Euleorer oas third
voters of the dtj! The Pest ato indirectly
*, j, 'admits, laUto same sentence, that “Citizen Guth»
> L t rts” wu considered tz the Xkmocralte Candidate
m<n. <ttwM MaronV Elzctjos.—No, event could ,be
% ts s *nor* iatxmadmg,io aportionotthopahlic, than
' •* thAdecttanof Mr. Barker, while, to another por-
event was anticipated with greater or less
i-uo eerttist?. Varioua/eircaostahees have contribu*
»-• ..led .to this result, any oho of which, alone, would
oothave effected tt.iMr. Bvlar owes'his elec-
prosecution foiiifl street pretehing,and
<> to"a : concatenationof fcrimtona.drenrntfincew at
the election. ....
I' if on the conviction and sentence cf
2 ; r Baricer, great’ indignation was expressed, by a
nnober of citizens, among whom were ms*
v ;;'Bjrbf<Wr most worthy inhabitants, and thedeier*
’ : V 'miaitba eras then expressed lo ran him
-'jo K Za this feeling there was. teas of personal re*
; Y-gsrdJor Barter,thaaof-oppbaitioa to tko 'Catho*
: being, his jpereeentoia,
:-^'«hddl:ladignastaiat ; waat they deemed an in*
of the Hghtpf puhllo speech.j Barker's
• :*;i4Hettdiwere active and zeaipuz, and were early
Bitfield, and it was eyideat, acme wqefca since,
■thathetroaldpoU enlarge vote -In this state of
i .adhia, aii.mcat of the. Barker vote was expected
toiflumofi-oni the Whigs, many of. onr: most pra-
were averse' to .makingareolar
lfwnnrtwg-ifcKt {V3T njw
» -jxmenls, the L«o!beosj would attempt to make
capital from on r divisions. A. Whig candidate war,
•however/laJceaop, tmdnli honorable means esed
• io promote his soeeesa.
• The Democrats, fancying they conld iraeeeed in
* carrying ©nbjof,their men, through the Barker
diversion fttra cm ranis, secured the nomination
<)f Mr, Guthrie, independent candidate, and,
as ho Was supportcjdby a few inconsiderate Whigs,
Ids election, at one time, seemed quite probable.
Theday ofthc election arrived—the Barker
; . OCa were aetive, and c o nfident of success, and it
was soon ’seen that the real contest lay between
/Barker and Guthrie. On this discovery, hundreds
. V cfWhigs, who had intended lo vote far MeCoteb*'
’*•*. ’ode, changed their resolution, and voted Cat Bar*
fcor, to prevent Guthrie's election. This was not
‘ -.frona any personal opposition to Mr, Guthrie, but
. .. fipm a dieinclination tu see a Democratic triumph
• in this Whig city. Tfeverhavo weseehtho Whig
•poliment more strongly er its depih
.fid UrmaesataoreitnkiDgly displayed.
■ |Such uraa the coaceotration of ifokonate dr*
amntaacea which elected Mr. Barker; and at-
• (though the election is not a direct Whig triumph,
-■ x yet the snceestful candidate oweahia ] elec tun to
'!•*'the Whip <>Tthe efcy. Let us hope that he will
. to demean himself in the discharge of; bUimport
v.cst duties, as will show that the oonfideneo re*
. : g«sed in hiq is rat maplaned. He jwiU have a
; golden opportnntty of establishing a character and
- landing for himself, which may reader him mfu*
tttwamsaofaarkinthe community. This we
: aipcerely hope will bo thocaso. Ip the various
in the city, wo hare always
. .understood he made a faithful and energetic offi
- ■ *- <jer.- As Sueet Commit tinner ho received much
, ' poise. &s r Mayor we trust, he will disappoint
ail tus enemies.
../JHfardeeply,sympathize with Mr.,MeCtatcheon
ou dld not proceed from any
r :^.4^»B^cfp«rsoailmerit, to the view of theWfcig
■■ patty, but from uaeontrottibto drcumXtantes.
'ttoighbCT of the “Mercury" labors j hard to
V,t; jfmjtatotbe potion; Outfit is thedatj of thoPeno
► ' tr. r ',• lyhtatoHsii Road Company to purchase Amert*
’ ;. 'jej» ’ Into in preference to English, at however
great disadvantage. This Subject is one to clear
. .. - *’rl '.«ad obvious that to argue ft, is almost; useless.
' ; raff road company stands to the same relation
_ ■,* a> sir individual, and its Directors are to duty
1!'. C ; 'JSqoad- to purchase'' tbeif iron when they can do
■<< J ' W with tha grealest advanitge (o the i stockhblders«
If American iroais really ’cheaper, drsi cheap as
ta its superior quality, and ihe,ctr»
, ,t^rj % «iastaceso£iho eompanywill justif/a larger
;i ,a- : ,s.lflaaediste oqUay fortbesaka ofa prospective
benefit, then.!Amertoiui boh'should and
i - Would kkve the preference. ' But all, these matters
.irtouldbejtfeijtfied witoadiredviewto jcoiijote
> the lateral of jb® stockholders; sad not tor the
cfboUtering up the -iron interest, which
/ 'the Government has left to languish.: tl might be
• *;a.yoy benerolent operation, aadvery ‘patriotic,
. on the part oi the company to expend its resources
its revenues in toe Quixotic effort to
T the Iron interest' wito its : pttnyarm, but its
j-: :r ;, ; ; fiaaadea would be votedeut of the pale of all pro-
-become aJsughisg stock tor their
CM;. .Colly to undertaking the Keren! easy effort of ms*
y ; : ' tailing on interest which nothing-but : the arm </
. r. soppoyt. It was all
’ .i- tor the venerable Bazmtm to wear
* v -'■*”' by way'ef enforcing a great
• * v ‘ principle, but his sound judgment would havore
• > - ■ vphed at aheb an appEctdoa of his example u
‘.■i.-'j oax neighbor attempts.
.f i • .-There U another aspect of the question which
[Should noCbelost iight'oC The Bahiicore Com*
.;posypayfortheir-lrenlaßondi. Thiawuwhit
• wo. ccfgesled .in relation to the PeooiyiTßnia
• ; Company. One of tho great-waste of;thi» court*
tnr, to enable it to proceed with its immenre im-1
{Voveiaeafo, to Tfclii Great Britain has
ila abundance. The Americas iros mairefactarer
: must have cuA, which the company! his not. The
; ! British' aanufocturer will take Bonds, which the
)f . , ,ooop*ny eas ‘supply. In other words, England
;WfU land us'the necessary capltaJ.en condition
;tkaf we take her iron. So important ia this, that
- 1/a Tariff affording adequate protection to iron
. . . iwest into, effort to morrow, large; quantities of
ra3 wad Iron wouldatill come from England.
There la only one aenrihle wayof an staining the
; :. iron interest, which is, by an adequate, specific
■* duty* 'This would make the business flourish. If
thero-wta not a rail made in the United States tor
the next-five years. Give the American mans*
- 'ltetarer the ’ ordinary homo market, and bewfil
• - carehnt liUle fi» tha making of reilsi ahbongh thia
-howaTacccmpUib aia cheaply aa'Great Britain, in
' tiaej but the want of capital wiil be a drawback
- for suae years to oeme.
T**a Bunra«.—A* ah rridencedf tho seenrltT of
' ! .tfaffrteßanking Bystom» founded on'State Stocks,
' the Erie Cenuaerets! instances the Walter Joy Bank,
“ Oiled atßaffslo.. The Bank Itself and
' • represented entirely insolvent, and
~] atfltiito antes of the Bank remain at par—their valca
’ pevet oha farthing, and for thevery best of
that the Gute'hcM ample security tot their
4- ; tedewptien. The only effect of the fsUare was t a
• mtatCbt the place of payment from the counter of the
t »£ahk ta the office of the controller at Albany.. •..
. pn.Ti Fsia Hxprom—Th« Harrisburg Key-,
vr. , ff wnnwftga that the Central Bnilßoad C^utumy
hsra reduced the ikreoathelr re ad, toAssiform rate ; of f cents per mile, for passeng erissai the coni] com.
,£T)-! bare,-® areAhbuiadoptzqgweatttresriq
tedscvthe cktigta between Hanisbsrg jssd thls elty;
m*; " 'Thli wntbh 'done/ unkaa the.
«0»e "Into tie teeasare. Boeh a redaction will/we
have no deabt, prove advantageous to tbo revenas of
the road, and la, we treat, lmt one trap towards farther
redactions, which will draw throegh ear Sma a Urge
proportion of tho* travel between tbe East and the
-■ >• ■ West. '
" WW*. ■WA»ni»o*OB J .
; flU>.
Il [a reported, and, I betlcee, correctly,
Pnrideot jdtaitr <° fl “’ Be °*“,
«Mo man of diplomat and comoUi" 0
- 1. *•
I of tto WOtelmenla md.
meritotio few —oefco iSri mtuoUlOTOMtuto
the Homo wßrluoo prepared mßcb boakeaa, ot
,le*iaUJiToobaractor.loriU attloa. Tha bring
,ha iaptobabtoUialOeß.Caaa’ioaololion, to
tha 1 omprintoi of dlplomalio tatercomao .with
Austria, win reeeiv* little tinny further attention.
Ue.Halo baa the flow oni this resolution, for to
Bonbiwand if it cornea ap lie will.donbtkss, de
liver ■ speech, in : hie usual satirical vein, nominal
lyia iu favor, bat really la opposition. I under
•tend Hale's position to be that of many other piac
tical and sensible men. If we are to take this |
method of expressing oor disapprobation of .ns* |
tional crimes, will we not be obliged; to extend it
to other governments beside that of Austria 1 Ans* j
trta is but the jaekaU that mutilates the slain after |
the battle la over; our contempt for her mutt be j
the greater, butonr detestaiion of Russia cannot■
be leas. Bat tar that scourge of liberty and the I
nations, Hungary would have triumphed, and the j
other afflletedand oppreaaed people of Europe ,
I would have shaken off~ their chains and trampled
I on the neeks of their tyrants. It was the Slavish j
cohorts of the Caar that crashed the patriots of
Hungary. . How can she be exempted from the
condemnation we propose to express. She is not
the executioner .of Freedom’s martyrs, it may be
answered ; she has not, at teast/.mmed hangman
and Trua, but why not? Only be
cause her’ desired victims were beyond the reach
of he> power. Only because the Turk was a bet
ter chnstian than the blood reeking despots who
menace him.' If wo are thus publicly to fix upon
Austria the brand ofcontempt and abhonenoe, can
we, without gross inconsistency, withhold it from
Russia ? from Prussia, who haa been equally cru
et and ruthless, as her southern neighbor, towards
the fallen liberiJi of Baden and Rastadl? from
England, whoed atrocities in India, and only laat
summer, upon the conquered “ rebels " of Cephas
lonia! or, to abort, frem/tny other government
whichdoea not present what Bayly, to his tovec*
tiye over the bier of the deceased Brown, (Wm.
JO called a “fairer record* than what wo.con.
asder that which now. defooea the escutcheon of
Stifl, as the resolution U only one of enquiry, it
wfll, probably, be adopted,and, having been des
patched to the Committee on Foreign Relations,
will be by them, and decently but verv
quietly interred among. Ua moth eaten files. It
will suffer what Macbeth emphatically -esDs e
«4 duty, death.* There will he no report DponiL ■
1 The ff""— wiQ renew its effort to the morning
to elect a Clerk. I think U will succeed. There
does not appear to be any superfluity of seuae, any
more political respectability or. patriotism, to
the present House, but they are, probably, not in-'
to aland fooling and wasting public time
over a matter in which they have so little personal
interest, and which is, lit itself of ao little conse
quence as this;} iForuey, I think, stands the besf
If the Whiga had any dreaded motive
for desiring Ms defeat, there la no question that
they conld elect French on the first triaL But they |
have not, and as a disinterested looker on, I would j
advise them intake no part, bat let thefightgoj
on between the devil end the bear, not caring a i
rush)which whips. There is no doubt, whatever,!
that Cobb ia hostile to Forney, notwithstanding he t
owes his election to his friends. Hii declining to
vote on Mr. Hampton's motion to pospone the j
election, when the Forney men were sure of.theii
game, wu,of course, equal to a vote in its fovor-
They are excessively Indignant, bat the i
on? Cobb is tier, and ho feels it comfortable to j
get the rentorion, who “sayethto this man gc,
and he goeth, and to' another, do this and be doetb
ft.VI believe he would prefer French, for the
reason that he is a man of admitted ability, and a
most able as well as ready; and experienced par-
Umentanon, and, no doubt, better qualified to as
tirt a Speaker in a tight place, than any ether man
who could be selected. j
It is expeeted thatthe President wtti tend to
hUaaswer to the House a resolution esUlog forj
the instructions and correspondence to and with
General Riley, relative to California affair-, tn the
course of the present week. B wfll bo »'most
interesting document.
Though past the time, it will not be amiss to
revert to the constitution of the Standing Commit
To the victors belong the spoflaia an honored
maxim of the Democracy, , and when the South
ern Democracy carry the day they arenever modi
eat in appropriating the finite of success. .Mr.;
Speaker Cobb, to day, announced to the House the .
ffttnjmf Committees for the Congress, and I must
aty his selections do no. discredit to his boldness, |
however they may ‘ speak for the firirness and j
magnaminity of his character. Take the follow*
trig examples cf the chairmen.
‘ Ways and Means.--Bajly, Va.‘
Territories.—Boyd, Ky.' i
Commerce.—McLaho, Md.
District of Cotnmbia.—Brown, Miss. {
Foreign Relation*.—HeQernard, 111. , ,
Military Aflhin.—Bart, S. C.
Every one from a Sieve State. McCfernardii
U true lives on the bank of the Ohio, pppositeto ;
Kentucky, but he is a native of that State, and la
thoroughly Southern toall bis 'feeling*, thoughts,
speeches, and votes, anif be migrated southward
instead of northarard of the line.- i JameaThomp- j
■os, of year state; is placed at the head of the
oommitteeoQ lbe judiciary, and that ia the only :
boon given’ to the fiee atatea. But leslhia asp
jhpylit perchance take too pold a flight, i
the marten haVetakan good care to put a curb
upon them to the shape of a decided majority of j
red mouthed' pro-slavery men, who will see that {
the old laws to their favor are well, guarded,
and new ones, If need be, provide (b—On all the !
Committees above named, by for the moist im
portant of all, there is a majority, of Southern
members,or of thoee where sentiments are known !
to be decidedly wi th them on the great question
of the day. . There is onetideg, however, -to
which lam gratified* .The four Whigs com-I
pottog the minority of the committee ofWay* and |
Means are able and energetic men, and will do I
all that a minority can do, to see that justice shall j
be rendered to the financial policy of the adminis* I
tratioo. It will be perceived that your represes- I
utive, Mr. Hampton, ia'one of the nnmber. His |
industry, application, and thorough -business hab-1
It* cmtoendy&ualify Me for the. responsible and i
Übcrioua duties that foil upon every member of 1
this-leading committee cf the House. Bsyly, the
chairman, la a man of no. inconsiderable ability,
and after bo divests himself of a large ahare of
that pomposity, obtruslveaess> and proclivity to
fiatnleney which now dlstfagnlah him, he will
m.w, * TeuonaUy effldeal party leader on the
floor. • J,nOOT -
BaB« aid Bo«aalsA~ttc Pcgndsd
state of Kosopa the Olovy of
Tho.foilowing eloquent extract la from a letter
from Rome, of Nov. 14th; to the. Nor York Corny
er and Enquirer. The debased condition of the
greatmajotity of the people ofEorope, parties'
Uriy of the Catholic regions, to strikingly depict*
ed, la beyond ail question! owing to Ufa iafluen
the Priesthood of Bomo aadof that ipuri
otm Christianity which they so assiduously props*
Ukoacanknr, U has eat out tbe vitals of
morality and and useful knowledge, and
left afdisfustlng carcass of vice, ignorance, sod
weakness. .01 this. Borne itself is a fit specimen.
After giving reasons why the. Homan. Republic
most have finally Allen, even had nek the French
Interfered, tbe writer proceeds a* follow*
•. “PtoiHy, had every thing else been- favorable,
gtngtra* wooldhave.deatroyed tbeßi public,\be
eanse, In Rome, ineligtoahar cankered every re*
generative germ, and the whole social system is
festerfagwuhoorroptido. The debased character
of the Romans utterly disqualified tbqm for self
government. In the mass, they are the. same lg
ttoranf, ineonstant/ jealous, treacherous, unpri>
dried, pnslUanimons rabbis they wereiin thfe days
oißtcnf.Not a people in Europe are so tboroogb
ly depraved. Tia lnlqoity of the Priesthood has
rnelTed them from Christianity, and wfcbom heed*
isg even Pagan -morality, they have; ia general,
abandoned themselves to all the baser propensi
ties of the human heart’ CUeanery and in trigeo,
doao designs and crooked coanssls, regnlato pnb-
Uc affairs: usd diashanlalion aoddccefi, gnileand
irtad, perridosQ private bU9ine**,'Ud all social
intercourse. ;tteealibQsnessabcmo4t,‘and conjn*
ail Hdrittrlnaithei MX-ihitro.. wfimong tho very
tito ,m«ft a» *tf«d base enough to consent to the
Sani^at*ofaUgradesofsodoty arein oer»
uiunspeete too indecent to be expresred, and bo*
tote, iudfl loct to all real vmoe,and allgesu
inathameT InpnhUe there are certrin oonven
tloul restraints, certiin “forms and vissges of dq«
tv 1 * tluU observance; bat publicity oonsti-1
every immoralact,and the (
?f| ■ j •■■•*4. -
only value littt ta current U m creature «f tnste. a
thins ° f social etiquette. Tis aid ittdefid, bit Vs
true, theta land which la ons of tha folreat the
■an shines upon, and the very richest la trophies
ot genius ana in hereto recollections, is tha very
land where tha human heart has attained its ex*
treme corruption, and where'all of those high
i anilities of the soul, which At men foe liberty end
j forevery noble eaierprine, ere the most complete* :
Ily withered and powerless. ‘ • - -- •*
I We greatly overrate both the amount and the 1
▼tine of the iefloence of oar tosttotions on the I
popolarmind of Europe. Thegieat oajsjof thej
people on. the continent an either totally ignorant
of our natioosl existence, or have the vaguest idea
of, oar geographical position, our history, oof the
racier, and our farm of government. The ra
risian matron who inquired on ®y mention or
Washington, if he wee “that horrid English phy
sician whb poisoned Athenian
who congratulated me that our “king
rich, since he has got so mach'gold to MiTornta,
—the Neapolitan who was aatisned that Anwtca
ia the finest kingdom in Europe," nndwtsßeu me
to tike him there a foot—and the CastodUn,at
Pompeii, who could expound antiquitiesmostad
curably, but had never even ao much as heard of
America—afford (air illustrations of the InteUjgence
generally potsessed on the continent of Europe
respecting oor country. • In truth, how should tt
be otherwise? Nearly half of the pepoto are tut
able to read, and a Urge proportion^the remain
der are both too poor to obtain book* end 100 on*
cultivated to care for information. The educate fl
class entertain the most Inadequate and perverted
ideas concerning us. They know indeed that we
are a Republican! they have no proper coneep*
lion of either the theory or the practical operation
of oer government: they understand that we have j
liberty, but they are ignorant of the moral strength
which controls it, and of the great constitutional
and legal barriers which hedge U in. How ought
we to expect it to be otherwise, when even m
has twenty times the facilities for
information, ninety nine men oat of everyhundred
know so little of our political organisation, as to j
be reedy to reproach Congress 'for not at once
abolishing Slavery throughout the Union.
As half truths are frequently more mischievous
than unqualified errors, or'in other words, as “a i
iitUe knowledge is a dangerous thief," so our im-'
perfectly comprehended example, in its direct and
immediate effects, is productive of more evil than
good. It instigates the Impetuous will, but does
not educate the sober understanding: it excites
passion to overthrow, but does not inspire wisdom
to upbuild.. A single substantial luminous Ameri
can Idea, respecting the reciprocal rights and j
duties of governors and the governed, Irani ported
over the water, would be worth incalculably more
to the benighted, oppressed millions of Europe,
than all the material meant our generosity can
contribute. . . .... *
We are vain enough of our physical greatness,
but we do not adequately realise the immense
disparity between oar moral and intellectual con
dition and that of Europeans generally; and we
are too apt to attribue to them oar modes of reel
ing, and thinking, and acting. Freemen born and
(reemen bred; respiring moral and political truths
every day of mu lives, we have come to believe
that the great principles of government, which it
took ages to discover and elucidate, are quire self
evident. _ a . .
But letlone of us come and; earn «omt be people
here about 'ibese same totuive. truths. I*w, be
finds, instead ot being an authoritative expression
of eternal right, is an arbitrary mandate without
morel sanction. Order,-instead of balng a regula
tion of Heaven and the first nooessity of socrety, is
an ordinance of kingsand an imposition of armies.
Loyal tyjis belpless'submission to tbejstrongert; and
liberty is exemption fcgm all qivil constraintsj and
the'privilege of every man to majre hi# own wnl
prevail if by any moans he can. Morality is a tosh*
ion and religion a ceremony; and both are about,
as much “honored to the breach as in the obser
A serious American or Englishman, cannotttav
pi over this continent and—mark how insensible
the popular meases are to the authority and aanctity
cf duty; how recreant to the rights and dignity of
our race,-and how ignorant of what constitute*
tree natienalgreatscaa and glory, vithptjttbum*
te * a——
As proof* of Holy writ,
tint rpppWie*nism hero, U, u yet, > tnoctary—•
deletion tai p jnare. Ho wfll go bock to bis own
country, sensible ns bo bns Dover been bcfijw, bow
magnificent and bow awful U lb* cause ofSberty:
nad wfll carry a bout swelling with pride, nad
rlowingwith -gmutodeto bis Maker that to wts
bora in s land of rational, christinn Ingam.
Sikjr* Qmrua in AL* lUi— f ioltnt Attim
Prvpostd.—Govts nor Collier, of Alabama, want*
mitted to the Legislature, on the 22dluh., a letter
from Washington signed 'by Senator Ctemen* and
ell the Rcprereaiauvea of that Etc*, except Mr.
Cobb, ealliof the attention of the Goveraario the,
condition of things at .Washington, and the at* |
tempted aggression of the North. Upon Southern
right*, &c. t la the election of a Speaker, conclud
ing as follows i .
vTe think we are well acquainted with the apir
it of the people of Alabama* and wa believe Hut
I it ia their fined purpoee never to submit to the
1 threatened encroachment on their lights; that
I they will never submit to any act of the Oointar
eromeht of the United State* which exclude*
ilavery from tbe territory acquired from Malice,
and which.ia the property or the State* of this
Union; tbai'they will never aubmit to aay act ©t
iho Government abolishing slavery in the Dutrici
of Colombia, and that they will demand that tie
provisions ol the Constitution, ia regard to their
property, shall be fisithfnlly observed. We treat
that no farther aggression will to made Ops the
right* of tbe alaveholding State*, bet we regard
tbe existing stale of affair* a* *o aeriooi that we
cannot forbear from making thl* communication
to you.
Tbp .Governor, in hi* message accompanying
thia letter, aayp , • . . .
The time lor decided action has arrived, and i
recommend to the General Aaesnblf <• nanoonce
the vlttuatmntA Alabama, upon the great ones*
lion which now eonvolaea the Union. It iai one to
onnelvea, a* well as to tbe memory of our fathers,
that we should take the groundwhich aelf reapMt,
honor, end coostitotional eqoahty demand. Osr
position aztee taken, there can be no fooutep*
backward. . ,
The reading of thia message predneed a great
deal of egettement in th» LegUlatnre.: It was
immediately referred to a special committee, who
reported a preamble and wriea of re»lntiona,
which were unaaimooiiy adopted The preamble
reoonnta the threateaed invasion of the righta of
the South, and enoonraxea the membera to resist
the election of a Sneaker, nnlcaa tho candidates
will give some pledged enable them to protect
Southern interest*, concluding with the following
resolution*: , . ,
Resolved, Thai in the event of tho passage of
any law by Congrem, debarring the Southern
States from a joatpartidpation in the poreeaoon
and enjoyment of the territories of the United
States, wo call upon the people of the alavehold
iag gutea to meet os in convention, for the por*
poae of taking «nch action as oar rights may de
mand. , . .
Reiolrci, That in the event of the p*«*S» by
Congress of any act contemplated by the foregoing j
rcaolutiona, tho member* of Oongm* from tWa
State no longer participato in the action of a body
*o regardless of oofconititndtmal jighta.
Om of the committee, a Mr. Hall, .after A*ao
resolution* were read tad adopted, asked rar a
anapenaion of the role* to allow him to offer an
other resolution, reqaeatiag the Executive to jttk
of tho General Government all the ofliiary arms
belonging to the Slate, and to report Immediately
the number of men within tho State liable to oili-
Ur? duty. Bat the Legislature, although very
positive, do not aeem to have been In aa grefo •
I bury to take up arms aa Mr. Hall was.
I We view all this blatter with the mmott tin*
agiaable coolness. Wo are ao habituated to U
that it ha* wholly lost its effect. The idea of dla
tution ia so mtmstroni, so totally iaaan*, «d would
I be ao completely-rolnou* to southern interest*,
1 and of the peculiar institution, that we cannot be,
lieve any men of tenie can -contemplate such a
i thing. Notwithstanding all thi* bravado, tie 2Yrw
Territories trill not be t&uamneted wit* Slaoerf,
■'*_ and then tsill be no disunion,
re of
Frem the t/nrrUbo'rgh Telegraph.
At a Convention of Editors held a Buckler 1 !
Hotel, on Toesdsy the Ist of Jannary, 18S0, the
President. Isaac G. McKinunr and H. A. Mum
Secretaries. Messrs. McClore, Hnnter, and "■
were appointed a Committee to present resoln*
tioos for the action of tho Convention; who pro*
scaled the fallowing, which were unanimously
That tbe Editors In the different coun
ties of the State, be requested to have tbe memo
rials adopted by this Convention, to the Lepisla*
tore of ibis Stato and Congreas of the United
States, circulated and signed, nod forwarded to
the respective bodies for which they are in*
tended. * ~ _
BuqlkJ, Thai (l U tbe opinion.ot this Oonven*
lion that papers should' be allowed to circulate
free of postage within the Congressional Districts,
in wbieb they are respectively published: andjhal
such a law would meet the almost nnstnßUMS
probation of tbe people, and tend to. disremlnate
InteUlgenoe amoagthem. ‘ i 1
Evolved, That we{respectfollyreqne4i.tlw mem*
belief Congress from car Stato to osb.tbsir to*
flnenee forthonasssgeof a lawin coßiqfmity with
the above resotetion.-
Ruoloid, That in States where tbe laws of the
Legislature are published in the panure of the
State, it is found not materially to increase tbe cost
ot their publication, but it most effeetuslly spreads
tbo laws before the whole people, and gives them,
the knowledge thereof of which they otherwise
remain ignorant. ,
Ettolady That in the opinion of this Oonven'
tion, tbo Legislature of PeQMyivania would be
conferriag e great benefit upon the pecple of this
S;sle, by paasteg which would authorise the
publication of general lews in the paper* of tbe
whole Commonwealth, and thoee of local bearing,
in the papemeirealatiaf in: the.dljtrimto which
the law i* intended to apply. . ,*
Bifolvedf That as Igtorancetrf- IfaalgVfohO
excuse against iu vtolatlon,ths Uwmak«n .owe
.It to fro law governed, to I moffieflbo*
tulineans to aSow event Mhoao «e
-qoainted with tbe rules tsld. down for! his pbaeri
' Btnlvtd, In the language of the VoroootEdt*
torial Coavention, “That as Bepresentatives of
the Press of "Pennsylvania “we disapprovenndL
I will 111 nalured pcnootliraAlfe
editorial intercourse; that we dlacern and rrioieel
in a gradual improvement by obeerring ffirisOy ia
I out editorial tUnsionstbe amenities and oonrtesiea
I which should stark the intercourse of gentlemeet
I Bsaolvtd, That we recommend to the Editors of
this State, to refuse to publish advertiameata sent
them by citj Agents upon any other titan regular
I terms.
-Saolttd, That oar State Legislature be rtqoes*
ted-to pas* resolaQons orfing npon. oar Senators
and Representatives in Congress to urge the pas
sage of a bill to carryout the views of this Conven
tion, in relation to tito free elrcnlatioo of newipa*
i pen vithfn eaeh Congressional District.
The following Memorials to the Legislature and
to Congress, adopted "by the ConTeotlon and
the Committee appointed, authorised to affix their
names thereto in behalf of the Contention.
To Uu &noraEs,ths ftnctt and Earns <f.Reprt»
Otramist—The ondersigned, appointed a
Committee by an Editorial Stale Convention, hetd
at Harrisburg on the le,*cf January, 1850, beg
leave, respeelfally to reqnest your attention to the
propriety of publishing all laws of a general char*
aeter, in the English and German papers through*
oat the Commonwealth, at the expense of the
State; and also that of requiring laws of a local
; natnre, to bo published In the newspapers (n the
vicinity interested therein, si the expense of the
Coonty or parties concerned. This is now the
law in several of our sister States, including New
York, New Jersey, and Ohio; and as it is the only
method by which ibe people of the Stale can be
generally informed of the character of our laws,
we would think its adoption judicious and proper.
We are aware that objections may be urged
against this proposition, on the grounds of the ex*
pente that must necessarily attend It. This ob
jection, however, could and we think should be
obviated. A large ram U annually expended in
the publication of our laws and journals in Ger
man—of which few, If any copies are sold in the
year. The amount of money that could be saved
to theStste,by curtailing the German publication*,
■■ ftr as practicable, and some ol the other ex
penses of government that can be done without
detriment to the publto interest.
, Your serious attention is respectfully, but ear
nestly requested to the subject. The laws by
which the people must be governed, should be
universally made known. It is alike due to those
t who govern, and to the governed; and we are fat*
i ly persuaded that If carried Into effect with a pro
i per observance of economy, it will meet the hear*
’ ty approval of your constituents.
[Stgiud Jy ike Committee.)
7b At HanorslU At Senait mnd Hom «f Btprt
tnutivu <f At Urtiud Statst in Cangrtu At*
At * Convention of the Editor* of Pennsylrcnia,
held *i Harrisburg, on the l*t instant, the under
signed were appointed * Commuted to memorialr
ixe jroor honorable bodies, for the passage of an
net permitting the free circulation of newspaper*
wUhia the Congressional District where they ere
printed. The passage of each en act it naked by
the people of every section of the Commonwealth.
Unoer existing lews* taxing newspapers for any
dtaianee, however abort, and allowing the eity pa*
per* to be carried and distributed gratuitously oat*
vde of the mail*, the citizens resident in tha mte«
rjor of the font? are anbjected to an onerous taxa
•tion, and the country press is eerionaly injured.
Booh a clog upon the dissemination of osefal and
general Intelligence thooid not be suffered to exist.
No nxdne advantage should be extended to one
portion of the public press at the expense of so*
other. The general education of the people, being
one of the chief aim* of our institutions, the postage
Law of oar country should be framed upon a liber*
al and enlightened basis, and believing thst this
object cannot be accomplished under existing
laws, apd that the present system of postage is
unjust in the extreme, we retpectfally petition
your honorable body for redress.
The following are the Committee whose names
are spread to the above memorials
W. H. Hatter, Easton Argus
A. R. McClure. Juniata Sentinel.
Josiah Core, Easton Democrat.'
H. J.-Waters, True Democrat, Lewiatown, Pa.
U. Strickland, Republican & Democrat.
8. Nelson Smith, Uogatain, Echo.
T. T. Worth, Lebanon Coundr.
if*** O. McKinley, Dem'e. Union Uirrisburg.
Tbeo, Fean, Penns. Telegraph. Harrisburg.
James Clark, Journal, Huntingdon.
J. R. Bratton, American Volunteer.
H. A. Miah, Franklin Intelhgencer.
Jerome K. Boyer, American Democrat, Carlisle.
M. D. Hdbrook, Lxneasterian, Lancaster, Pa.
J. L. Ringwah, Monroe Democrat.
John CL Seltser, Lebaon Democrat, Leb’n. Ps.
Alexander McKee ver, Upland Union, Del’e. Pa
W. P. Cooper, Juoiau Register.
Jonah P. Heirich, Easton Whig.
E Benny, Herald de Expositor. Carlisle.
George Frysfoter. Lewiatown Gaxette.
H. B.'prana, Village Record
J. M. Cooper, Valley Spirit,’Chsmberabuxg.
Geo. W. Hamm only, Union & Tribune, LascY
Why ta it, uy* lha QncinnUi Commercial Lm,ibi»t
ob* boue soeeeeds in otklns tmlei » rapidly, nod
•my Btonth lacreue* tbe naaber of its cuk eaitom
en’ TboM boswi ndraniu freely; »iaj Uw atm«it
grimily in ibapddm*. Ctmkfßitpm***
and ptblic,) tdyntiMmenta tkro«f b tbe ecoaaerti»l,
BOBStl* paUtießltdallT, weekly, Bad mooihly }o«rcal»,
gnii ■», tn Bte of, to fir# notoriety to—to
keep frtib tn tbe tbMffkta of the people—tbe where-
Bbosu of thorn who make the largest tales, and, u a
sataraltaw of cade, bill to aurw boosl
For tJu Pitubvrgk Gattct.
EDiyoa—Fkaae insert the tollovißg cor
toction of s sssteace to yesterday’s trsgette. re
ifitng to the question of Church Usioa. c In place
of "false and hypocritical divinity,” read “false
and kypcroiticol divinity " N. f*
Stxuixevill*, Nov. 20, 1849.
Yoo will remember that somo time since
I seal yon as account of Moses Walker, «r,
colorod mta in this county, who proposed\
to visit Ltberia b order to bring a fair report
of tho new republic. Ho has, risce his re
trrm iri-i his recowyy from the sickness,
induced hy over oriwtion and the neglect of
necessary precaution while there—been giv
ing bis report, and defending the colony as
the only hope qf tho colqred Tpan, both here
and la Africa.
He embnriu in his advoeney of tha new
republic with e zeal and earnestness that
cannot fail to be impressive. He has for a
long time enjoyed tne name of freedom, bat
never felt the true impart of the term till he
placed his foot on tho soil where sll the po
litical and yyjui barriers by which he bad
been restrained and oppressed at home, were
as bymtne ytmovpd. He could scarcely
believe ma.own eyes when he first reached
thstlssd of promise, and saw the blsek man
in the chair of state, in the legislative halls
in all the lucrative and honorable profes
lions, in all tbe offices connected with courts
of justice, and civil and military affaire, and
the problem for the first time actually solved
upon the eastern continent, that man,
path vm too, is actually capable of self
He gives a very interesting and satisfac
tory account of file appearance and products
of the country; of tne climate, productive
ness of labor; the condition of tne natives;
the civil condition and social habits of the
people; tire state of education, and the pros
pects of the misslaaasy enterprise in that
vast field.
4 very large and intelligent audience in
this town listened withgreat interest during
two evenings, and for more than two hours
at etth meeting, withOQf apparent fatigne,
to his report and rema&s. He addressed
the Synod of Wheeling, id their latesessions
in Steubenville, with |»ch interest, and
much to the gretificatioa of that large and
body of rninltfaiß and laymen.
An abs&aci of his report? amid not pre
tend to give. iThoee who hard him before
the Synod not only passed a complimentary
vote at tha close of the exercise, oat several
of those persona hare sinoe written to him,
sndurgoa him to visit their congregations,
and to make his statements to the commun
ities in which they live. There ia «a original
ity, a force of mind, and aatstivseloquence
about Mr. Walker, that does notifeiltoin
terest and please even the mostrefiaed and
He pledged himself before he weDs> 40
both Aboliuonists and Colonizafionists, that
he would return bearing witness to the whole
truth and nothing but the truth. Tfceee par
ties united in giving him part of thn stfpen
gas of hU voyage, and they bear him, and
ere both silent ted idleaped. The «ly effort
by oneWhd
time apud abdiffon lectnrer. By two ques
tions t% leetnm implied aKieer ata repub
lic whtiir£MQ qpraiytthad power to iegia-
UtefbrfOjOOO natives,aad 7 .where but one
in smnteen enjoyed the right of suffrage.
Another sneer of the same kind was at-
kf ta retenioe tf the apprentice
tyrtn> wherein the native' children, under
oottm ltell reatriedosa. are nlaced' in the
tSSfwUuootaiit,^till WentfHjne y«an
ofm Wilin', •hiiren'vue to triom
phlsl dd oosolnilTs tlut l .nppoto the
able to
jljitinrii the itai point which ha conld
Win hialerat with aflect 'tfthut the well
tarlud, noUa, philxattuopio, and Christian
•efcaSt&of Afiosan colonlaatlom—CoirripoTi'
r;on<r®n :
' How To nuicn HniftzU'—“ I “ea
fmamitu^n|l(* [ )nU*-K«trton)b7 aqnaie
metama; 1 hare no lda* o( the aite of •u>
ble, if ytm only tall mo how long it ia; bnt
if yon alio ay how widt, I can tell iu di
mansion. So whanyon tailine what a man
ia in tha pulpit, yon mnat alao tall mo what
he ia ont of 5, 01 1 will not know hia nu."
. A goad Story i* told by the Belfwt Journal
of a college prolessor, ad follow*;
He wes one of your precite men, who
measured off sentence* a* a detk doe*
choice ribbon*. The good proletsor took it
into his iiead to relie e the monotony ofhis
exisienee by an l aquatio excursion. The
boat was unfortunately capsized near the
shore, and he was put in a fair, way to teat
the virtues of ftiessnitz’a theory. He was
iverao to making any--uncouth and
had gone down twice, without aaying a
word; but just as his occiput was dtopear
lug a third time, he rolled on hi* back, ana
blowing like a porpoise, exclaimed, rather
louder than usual, “It i* anticipated that
some one will extend to me a rope!
Ht an 9—There are habit*, not only of
drinking, swearing, and lying, and of some
other things, which are commonly acknowl
ed to be habits, but of every dodification ot
action, speech and thought. Manisabtm
die of LStsof industry, attention, vigilance,
advertency; of a prompt to th
judgment' occurring, or of yielding, to the
first impulses of passion: of extending our
views to the future, or of resting u l poa the
present: of apprehending, methodia ng, rea
sonihg; of indolence, dilatorineas; of vanity,
self-conceit, melancholy, partiality; of tret
fulness, suspicion, ciptiousness, censorious
ness; of pride, ambition, covetousness; of
overreaching, intriguing,, projecting; m a
word, there is not a quality or function, eith
er of body or mind, which does not feel the
influence of this great law of animated na
tin e.—Paleg.
perfect skeleton of an Indian woman was
found a short time since in the sand*bank
excavation adjoining Niagara river, immedi
ately back of Major Whitney’s new resid
ence. iWe understand that it rested in a
sitting^)ostnre with its face facing the north,
(true Indian style,) about four feet below the
surface. Immediately above grew a large
hickory, two feet in diameter, at least two
indred years old, whose ho**' 'oots encir-
hi red yean old, whose huge roots env.
eled the skeleton on every side. Owing to
the frost in the sand, and the number of
roots to be removed, it was obtained with
great difficulty. Romor says Indian relics
were found with it.— Niagara Falls Iris.
A Fuh Stort.—Here. boys, is ft fifth sto
ry, which was published in ft Maryland pa
per, the Denton Herald. A short time ago,
mine host, Stewart, of the Denton Hotel,
purchased ft rock fish, weighing about sixty
,ponnds. On opening it, ne found in it a
certificate of membersnip of the M. £.
Church, which we read as follows:
rouiiDEo a. d. 1784.
Oar light affliction, which is but for a
ment, worketh for us a far more exceeding
and eternal weight of glory.—2 Cor. |7.
0 what are-all my sufferings here, ( I"*"
If Lord thou copnt me meet, |
With that enraptured host t 1 appear,
And worship at thy feet
Tho paper was of course in a cr.mpled,
and wet condition, but upon exposing it to
the sun, and ironing the kinks out of it, it be
came quite legible.
Powxa or Rxucioh.—That it sacrifices
the soul, that it brings peace to the eon
science, these are, indeed, the grand pre
rogatives of our religion.! rat they are not
its only prerogatives. The gospel of grace
is rich in honor as well as rich in consola
tion. Its high purposes is to recover the sin
ner from his-apostasy, and to signalize him
hereafter among, the sons of God. Rut. in
attaining this purpose, and as incidental to
it, it does alsosigualixe him hero among the
children of men. There is no illumination
so-divine as the illumination ef the spirit;
□or is there any march so truly glorious as
the march through faith and patience to imj
mortality.—Dr. 'Nott.
IsoaniSATE Desires.— To desire anything
inordinately, though we would attain it by
lawfol means, is a fruit of selfishness contra
ry to the law ef contentment, and the letter
.pf Btxry.
Th* Loin M’Lixa. —On Towday evening last, we
received a telegraphic ditpateh from Wheeling, re
qaetbsf b» to adreniM, with an edi'drial nntiee, the
departure of the utantt Farmer from that point to
Cincinnati, open the arrival of the M'Lano from Pitta
bargfe; vhieh adveniiemeai, and notice, woald teem
to convey die idea that the M’Lano ran in eocnoctioa
with the Farmer. Now we woald date, emphatically,
rVn Althing wa> farther from ear view, than a design
to create inch an impretaiaft, and we do not think that
the clerk of the Farmer had any »oeb deiign. The
M’Lare run* on her fowo hook,” as a regular tri
weekly paeket between Piiubnrgh and WheeUng,
and hat no connection with the Farmer, or any other
boat running from Wheeling to Cineinnati; and as a
packet, we woald •ta« that ake stand* deservedly
highinpablic favor,andii bound, from borraperior
accommodation*, and the well known experience,
and gentlemanly bearing of her officers, to render
easy and comfortable alt who may take passage oa
A Cor. and CerttOcaX. at Ham*.
(jj- rxas wsat n aua ot tas PsTSOtnv*.--
I hereby certify that about two week* ago J waa ae<x
«J with ■ wioUtu attack oftxwtffingand ywfm| Choi
arm Morbtu, wiib very dutreaiing pains lathe aUMnaeh
tni bowels, which waa eonpleiely relieved by two
teupooafal dose* of Petiolcuß, taken In a Utile wa
ter. After having taken the first deae, 1 alept ootuully
and eotsfeiUbly for three hoars. [Signed]
On board the stean boat Ariadne.
. Pltubnrab, Dee. tlth, IMS.
- 4 an Capiaia of the Ariadne, asd was a witness to
Ots astooishin* effects of the Petrpleqffl, in the caaeof
llenry ’Wise, who i« one of tbo hands on tha boat
. (Bitubstrgh, Dee. Uth,
in-see general advvutement to another colantn
•2 .
Ineprovenaoßta la DeaUitry.
DR. O. O. STEARNS, late of Uoeurn, U prepared to
taanafhcturesndselllUxxTßTS to whAlo and pans
of ecu, open Sac lion or Atmo*pheiio Saction Plate*.—
‘reoraxcuK ctrau is ms Ktrurms, where the nerve U
.exposed. Office and residence next door to tbo May
or* office, Poarth street, Pittsburgh.
Rim to—J. B. kl'Kaddcn. F. ft. Eaton. Islfl
ftrxica Lsuos en<uu—Prepared by J. W. Kelly
William street, N. Y., and for safe by A.'Jaynes, No.
70 Foorth street. This will ha foono a deUgotfttl art!-
el! of beveroge in families, and partlealarly for sick
Hash's Osoha.—An improved Chocolate prepara
tion, a combination of Cocoa nnq Innocent, to
vigorating and palatable, highly rceomtnended panie
nlarly for invalids - Prepared by W Uaker, Dorehe*-
ter, Mass, and for tale by A.J4YIUSB, at the Pekin
X*» Store. No. 70 Fourth ft mehll 1
MotiiffiU, BiU* Lading, Contract* , Law Blank*,
uasd BtLLa, Lanza, cnnncaTxs, eaxesa,
rouas, Ac. Ac-
PrintoJ at tbe ehortest notice, at low prices, eq'lhe
detld Gascttb Orvrca. Tbisp nxscr.
mxrf DB. D. UOBT,
DeotUl. Comet ofKoßrtb
and Delator, between
•• • oeil-dlym
Market and Perryaueeta..
On Tnciday afternoon, Jan. Bth, at bit reeidencolo
Crti* tireet, Allegheny oity, Doctor Uiair Ccmno,
aged 47 yean, a native of Suffolk, England.
|Ui funeral will takeplaeoatSo’llock,this after
0000. janlO
ijht Stockholder* of thi OlUo 4 Pitas*
lyltraala Ballroad Company
tTfILL MEET, in pursuance of original notice, ani
tV; in compliance with tbo law, attbe COMPANY'S
OFvICE< Thud street, THIS IMY, Thursday, the 10th
tn.t-j nt ill o'clock, A. &L, then and there to organise
the meeting, preparatory lofttuber action,—any notice
to ike fcpntrary notwithatanding.
"3 ■ j. 4- naopKEs.
Secretary and Treitorer 1 _ .
I.oat or Itoltn,
OS the evening ol Monday last, 7th init ,>-19 bun-
Slot aud 17 barn of Iron, (nursed W.MeU.fcCO-l
from Ah* wharf, above the Monong abela Bridge. Any
leforfaution that will result in the recovery of iho
abovSnaraaJ Iron, will be rewarded by calling on
Jan 10 First tireet, bct*n Wood 4 Mark eu _
T ABD OIL—I 9 Iblt No l.iqtt ree'd and for tale by
JQYEHERS—iff tnekt, a prime article, for
I irkNDOW GLASS—*OO boxes, su'd liiet, irfstore
W jind for »OJO by UKKYFOUUS H
jiniO 106 Second iixeeli-C
ips—SO bo fur Mle bf.
)\Y .HASH—Allotted tizex, to itcra ud /or
!R BUCKETS—tOdox for ule br
Stc»a 4 hqaT QUILTS—OOO Steam BaatCniiatai
pane* in etoro and (or tale by
i^UOAKiJ—<iO.WO Common, on bead and (or tale by
Q JeMU '•■ A CULUKBTtHIN, Hi Liberty at
1 )Kactti&—<S Da n»w Unit), haWei, Joit reo’d’anH
X furtalaby - jaftio ACULHKBTBOMI
Si' S'kl-i IlKHK—littJ Itn prone Kr.. Inn and tot
KAD—7S bdla Bar, in tiore and for aala by
l lacltf ■ ‘' A CULBERTSON. 145 Liberty at
yyHITCBE^ 9 -* '“^qhNBTON
Green apples—miiu’
]mtO_ ;
FDoTed PEACHES Jb APPi‘KB-In rt»« «ad Jw
iio iiors end tor ul* br
Fob l AXJC— « New Empty Bueea Cask*
jtnlO ' Canal Basin, Penn ttwi
FLOUR— 244 bbli Extra Famihr. fbrsale by
J) LACHES—3OO bo, to close j
eLQVKtt~fikKD— On hand and for tala by
‘EG VROIJ- BUTTER—In store and for sale by
■*" jmio 119 Second atrect J
TJBOWN’S American Arigleria Guide; full of Ulus
.D tratlons, lSmo. _ „ . . aj _
Pauldinir 1 * Partiaa and Hl» Daughter; 12m*.
Or. Hooker*! Physician and Pauent; 19mo.
Mrs. EilU 1 Hearts and Homes; Byo.
Neandet’s Life of Christ; .Bto.
Neanderia History of Christian Church; 3 you, Bvo.
Rer. Dr. Spring’s Memoirs of Miss Mnrrayi Byo.
jUm V“’ l , B a.S D. LOCKWOOD,
JtnlO Bookseller A Importer, 63 Wood »t-
WHEREAS. Lenars of Administration to iho Es-.
Late of Bamuel Kiddoo, late of
ship, Allegheny eoonty, dee’u, have been granted to
the sutjseriber, all persons Inaebted to said, Estate sre
reqne«ed to make Immediate payment; and those hay
ing claims aninst the same, will present them, duly
aatheaticatod, for settlement, on !“**
Thursday, the 10th and llth or April, 1650, at the late
residence of the deceased, toi' . . ,
Jial&-wtt»S JOS. KIDDOO. Adm’r.
A TTORNKY AT LAW—Office, on Fonrth street,
A dbove 8 mithficld—Lo writ's Buildings—up smirs.
Janfrr -i - .....
J. C. Breyfbgl* -A. H. Clarke.
ANTS, and dealers in Window Glau, White
UadiAe. No. KBBccondat
Ohtf * Ptnnsylyanls
Vr4TICB*~The Stockholders of tbs Ohio snd
J> Pennsylvania Railroad Company aro hereby noti
fied that the Annual Meeting of Stockholder*, and
Election of Directors, will behchmtthe BoardofTrade
Rooms, In I'iilaharah, on Thursdkv. the llth January,
1850, between the hoars of 10 A, M. and 3 r. AL
By order of the Board of Directors.
ft.rVw, n, Noy.X, 154®. J. J. BROOKES.
No«j—Extract from the 7th Seetion of the Aet
Incorporating the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad
Company:— _ , ~
“After tho first election of Directors, do person shall
“toio on any aharo on which any instalment is don and
“unpaid." [dclMtawto
Respectfully announce th« the? win give a
few of their chaste and Inimitable VOCAL AND
above splendid ntw Hall, commencing THIS (Wed
nesday) EVENING, January 9th.
[]Tfot particular* sec Programme. janfl
Motion to Teaehirii
AN examination of applicants for a situation as
Teacher in the Female Department of the Third
Ward Public, will be held at the Public School House,
on Saiuidar, January l*i el to'eloek, JP. M. The se
lection will be made'Trom thotejpplylng at tho time
and place. Salary, B£lS per annum "ft
janP-4t JQ9. W. LEWIS, Sec’y.
AT the Annual Meeting of the Stoekholders.of the
teJd on tho Bth ln*L, the following persons were elect*
ed for the ensuing yean
President, Ws;. A. Hilh Treasurer and Secretary,
John Fleming; Directors, War A Hill, Ira Herseir,
Jamea Turbcu, John Rutherford, Andrew Fleming, Jr.
THE Co-Partnership heretofore existing under the
style of ‘ Cope A Breyfogls," is this day dissolved
oy mutual consent. The business will be settled by J.
0, Breyfogle, at their old stand, No. 10S Second street.
JC. BREYFOGLE, having associated with him
• A. H. CLARICE, for the purpose of trunisciirfg
the Forwarding and Commission business, will eon*
tinue that busiaeas at the old of ‘"Cppe k Brey
£ojle," and reipectfally aiki a eoatinaanee of the
tonaer patronage of hi» friends and the public gener
ally. The butinti* will bo conducted under the name
and style of Baxiroau k Cnsux.
Pittabargh, Jan, 7,
teited per express, Ui A. Muoi A Co.'s. No.
-00 Market street, another large Invoice ef High Color*
ed Opera Cloths and French Embroidered Evening
Dresses. )anO
IASHMERE9 ADE LAINS—4 cases at those cheap
/ Cashmeres and De Lains, rec’d per exprers, and
w opening. janfl A A MASON A CO
PRINTS—3 cases last Colored, at C£o per yard, for
, aalo by ianS A A MASON ACO
l YE WANTED—IOOO ba of Hye-wanted, lor which
h the highest market rates will he paid in cash, by
I 00 Uerees i>tu A Swift’s aaperior Family Haas;
70. bbis “ 1 - “ “ BeefJ
In iton and for talc Ur
I) UTTER—43 email Ittfi prima, for fonUty um, Uus
9 day rec'il and for cale by
lURNIPS—OO bu in store end for sale by
)OLL UUTTER—1 bbl prime, in cloths, to day ree'd
\ andfortalerby
IY.OLL.BUTTER—SS bbU and tubs Fresb, in eloths,
tv In store and for sals by
KEG BUTTER—IB ken rood, in store and for tale
COBS BROOMS—IOO dos in non ud tor eale by
GREEN APPLES—2OO bbla in atore ud /or tala by
F' "AMILY FLOUR—*3 bbla, extra brand, for taleby
DRIED APPLES-13 bbla for tale by
I^UiTER— 13bbla Frcah Roll,iqctofo r«U o^b y
ALLOW—bbi pnme, for a lie by
BiwiUaMotu Lltmtan At boekwoodl
mHE MERCY SEAT; by Her. Dr. Spring. Bro and
1 ISmo.
'life of Charlotte Elisabeth; ISmo.
Longfellow 1 * Seasideaadrimlde; l*mo
Aneedotee of the Puritant; ISmo.
Woodworth A Arthur 1 ! Wheat Sheaf, Ac.; 12mo.
Hone 1 ! History of England: toI.I to 5; new edition.
Ms£taicy*s England; Tola. 1 and R L2mo and 6 to.
Jan 9 Bookieller and lapcrter, O Wood at.
A FEW very fine GUITARS, jut recM from iho
celebrated nußßfheionr of C. P. Martin, and for
aaleby lasS J. H- UELLOR, 61 Wood at.
Seek Keeping, As.
AG. REINHART has resamed hit EVENING
MANSBIP, at the Fourth Ward Pnblle School Boose,
on Penn street, whereafewmorepupUs can be token.
m CASKS Muipratt A Sen's Soda Aib, in store and
fur sale by jtng J 8 DILWORTH ACO
BROWN FLANNELS—Just we'd, an additional
■■PPly of Oook’slne pressed Brown Flannels.
JenS CEO COCHRAN, 88 Wood st
I— lts bbla Is npre aatffor rale by
' - ORA104»I
I UTTER—IO bbla Fresh' 8011, laelotha, to day reo’4
> and for me by )w8 CRAIQ 4 SKINNER
T ARD—B tegs, in store and for sale by
IEANS—I3 bbla Bmall White,for aale by
IUCKWHEAT FLOUR—SO aeka rec’d, for aale by
IOTATOES—IOCTbbIa la Here and' for aale by
iaaS CtCAIO 4 SKINNER, 88 Market at
DRIED PEACHES—SSbuJuat ree'dand for sale by
/'VNIONB—d bbla rec*d and for tala by
riCKOSY NUTS—S bbla In store and for aale by
WOOL— 8 sacks in store and for tale by
POTATOES— 174 bo Bed, in store and for sale by
kULK FORK—IS,OOO Iba tbl* day ree’d and for aale
FEATHERS— 8 sacks this day rac'd by
i UQAR— II hbd« prime N. 0„ for aale by
fIOTATOES—B bbla Neabannoeks, for sale by
■ BIRD APPLES—6 lacks new, for aale by
SUGAR-SI hhds, new crop, landing from steamer
Hibernia No. 9, and forsale by
RICE-® tierces prime, now landing from steamer
Hibernia No.*, and for sale fcy
Mnr.ARBKH— 97 bbls Plantation, newerop, ree’d
per steamer Paris, and for sale by
jan9 __ 1 ‘ > No 13 Water «t
NO. SUGAR—IOO hbda prime, new crop. Just re*
. ceirlog and for tale by i
jand Noe 19 and VO Wood st
NO. MOLASSES—£3O bbla new crop, Planta’ton
, jut recoiling and for astobr
SurSdOLASSES-100 bbla best brands, in stare
. andforsaleby Jana WMBAGALEY ACO
U OLL BUTTER—IB bbla in good order, for sale by
"WINDOW GLASS—6OO bxa. ars'd eises, for sale by
W ) tnB _ * w « BAOALEY ACO
,M°a D
EUSIN SOaP-UO bxt No l.Ctn. brand, for sale by
WE- CHFESE—3OO bx* in atcre and for sale by
BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—I 39 Backs rac'd and for
i|k> by W A R McCUTCUEON,
lmi7. . • 183 Liberty st
AUtgktttf Citp mnd Ptrrymlit PUnJt fiooi.
mHE ftioekhoUen of AUegtesy City i&4 Ptrm-
I Tillo PUnk Retd Cosptsy, arertGsirtdto pay
£V« Dollar*, on etch lUrc of atoek batf by feat. ea
the.lSfe days of Jarmary, February, March and April
oexu • Tho work a sow profnuutf,*«ad fee lam].
/SIIKEaE-400 botta priae W. R., for tale by dcM-wtAprillSfl Trcamrer.
/■% IiASS—UO bn OxtO, on hand tod for tala by
■ale by laa7
BUTTER—* bbla Roll, recM and for tale by
LINSEED OlL—ll bbla la atore and for tale b]
IJRESH ROLL BUTTER—Soolbalostwe'dandfo*
■ ale by Jan 7 ROBISON. LITTLE 4 CO
ee’d end for nlobr
IUCKWHEAT FLOUR—B7OO Iba, in bbla and ba«a,
JD ros'd and for aale by .
jan? Robison, little a co
THE citizen* and basinet* men of Pinabergh era
respectfully informed that the MottaTaluruft
Line* are cowin complete operation between thiseity
and Baltimore, Washingtoo.and etbar Eastern Cities,
connecting at Washington City with the Moras Line,
the only one South to Richmond »Relelgh, Charleston.
Aarosu. Savannah, Mobile and New Orieaa*—and
connecting m this city with lines tannin* Wait and
North to the principal town* and eitiei latte valley of
the Mlsiiesippi, and on the Lakes. Theae Line* will
receive atuLaend mestaces as as any ather
Line, end the operator* and Clerks will be found gen*
ilemadly and accommodating. #,«..*». «i«,
QT>Odice in the lower story of tbo BT. CHARLES
"HOTEL, Wood street.
the Work* known as the “Vulcan Iron Work*,”
sucated in Starr** township, adjotrung the (Sty of Cm*
cinnati,—will offer the name Tor sale, at Publie Aue-
Uon, on THURSDAY, the ®th day of Tebnury next,
if not disposed of previously at prfvamsale. .
The Machinery of the Mill Is new, tad of the most
modern construction, and adapted to prodace annually
five thoound uns of the various kinds of Iron and
Nelli, and being also arranged, Bore partlealany for
economizing fuel, so as to reauee the amount of con
sumption in this article to the ordicarTcostperton,of
Iron produced, to the average of establishments more
favorably located for a supply of foeL • This market
cube tame time, commanding a fair local demand for
hi manufactory—*t remoneratisf rates, makes it a
moat desirable location for prosecuting the huiness
advantageously—lf fostered with capital saffleientto
conduct itproperly. -
The “Forge", machinery consists of a large Engine
of ISO horae power. “BurdenV* patent Squeezer, large
•ire Hammer, five doable Boiling Fur
nace*—three of them complete, with boileis over the
same for generating steam; also, one ecrap or slabbing
Furnace. Connected to this engine there ta anew ana
complete train of Rolls, for rolling Nall Plata Iron,
which train can be adapted readily to the Bolling of
Rail Bosd iron of all descriptions.
“Large Mill” Engine, of came capacity of above
one—to which la attached a “Merchant Bar Mill” com
plete, with all the ordinary sites of Bolls need in th s
mill—also a “Sheet Mill” with lane soft Bolls, and
chilled Boll*, Housings, and connecting machinery of
the most permanent construction—three Bar Mill For-
D tce*, with boilers over each, together with Shears
complete for both Bar And Bhect hull—also Furnaces
for use of Sheet MM/
“Small Mill" Engine four foot atroke, 19 inches di
ameter, with a full train ef null Bolls and necessary
extra Boll*—on Heating Furnace for same, with
boiler for generating steam. Connected with this En
gine are six Nail-Machines which have been in use,
and six new ones ready for use.
ALSO— BUektmith shop, and a new building -in
coarse ,o' erection for a Nail Factory, capable of
holding 30 Nail Machine*.
Persons desirous of purchasing ean, upon applica
tion to iho undersigned, be more fully informed in to
lttion to It, and the terms of sale—which will be made
“ b "“ Bfori “ of Tn, “'i M ,N. SEMPLE,
Cln. Iron Company.
MACKEREL— CO bb!s No 3 Large; oqrbbli No 1;
ao « No fc in store and for sale by
P - IG LEAD-1500 pic* Bofl Galena, ia store andto
«le by jin 7 RHEY, MATTHEWS ACO
BROOMS— 100 doi Corn, la store and far.tale by_
BUTTER— ss ken prime selid, in ■'■ore and ferule
ARD—i5 kexsandSDbbls ln store and for
I tale by |an7 RHEY, MATTHEWS k. CO
The President and Board of Managers of the
Northern Liberties Bndgo Company have de
clared a dividend of one -dollar and fifty cents oa each
■hen of ibe capital stock of said Company; the same
to be paid to the Stockholder! oa or after the 10th Inst.
~ 0. E. WARNER, Treasurer.
Allegheny, Jsu.A,'tBso*-{|tn7-3t»
IVI Tobacco, Hernia and large Serewa of all kinds;
Brass Castings and Brass Works generally. Comer
of Ferry and First streets.
THE subscriber, having purchased the Factory of
James Fattened, Jr., ucaud at the above stand,
would respectfully inform his friends and the pnblia
that he is prepared to fill any of’ers in his line, on the
most reasonable terms ana with dispatch, and will
Pittsburgh, Jan. 1,1850,
HAVING disposed of my establishment to Mr.
Hemes Parkinson, I take the -liberty to solicit
for him tho pstronsga of my friend* tan the publie,
feeling confident that any favors conferred will bo
duly appreciated and promptly attended to
Pittsburgh, Jaa. 1, 1F50.— {j*a7-d3m~.
3 NO. A. CAUGIIEV, Agent forltha Lake Erie and
Michigan Line to Beaver and the Lakes.—OSes
on the comer of Water and Bmlthfield sis. Jant _
SUGAR— Of hbda from new ersp lauding from ito
steamer Brilliant, and forstie br
j«e3 James a. hutchibon a cq.
MOLASSES— 30 bblTpiantatioa on
tar from steamer Hcmbonr for sals
OAi just received per ituntr Brilliant, and for tale
by - ' C. uffISEN,
Jtn3:lw - Secondst_
jiiiJ and for tele by J. fc B. FZXITB, •
Jtr3 Bound Chareh Daildmr.
BUTTER— 15 bbU Fresh Roll, ittitrecM and for tale
by . Jsnl J B CANFIELD
us. >TNtho Orphan*’Co«Jtofsaid County.
WW.)JL; In tho waller of the Administrator* ac*
count of Henry Chelfant, administrator of the estaM
of Jane* MeCr*eken,deeeated, andalsoof the gale
of cald estate of said McCraeken. No 01, March
’Nio, 1849. ’
And now, to wit, Dee. SPth, 1840. On motion ol Al
exander 11. Miller, Esq-, the Court appoint Wm.
Bakewell, Esq., auditor, to distribute the balance in
the hand* of the Administrator, and on the eettloment
«f his administration account and also, to distribute
tho proceeds of the rale of the Real Estate of said
deeedent By tho Court,
AQ persona interested will take noike that 1 will at*
tend to the duties of ay appoiataeot at ay oQce la
Tilrhsan Bait, Grant street, on Satarday the ttfo day
ofFebrniry next, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
jan&wSir WM. BAKE WELL, Asditor.
J i_ t. vfK the Orphan's Coarvof-isidCoanty.
iwvWjtX *ln the .matter of thb-»«4mlßiatraden ae
const et Robert LvUo, inrvivmr administrator of
Nsthsniei Eekeli,' Jsta of Mifflin Town*hip, deeeas
ed. .No L Jane Term, 18tt. - 1 .
Andacwtowlt,Jaaaiiy3rd,USo. On motion of
, Robert Wood*, E*q- exception* hiving been tied,
the Coart appoint Wn. Bakewell, E*q-, audibly to
audit, adjust and settle tho eceonaiaad-distribute the
balance. By the Court,
Ail parties interested will take notice thatl will at*
tend to the duties of my appointment at myo&ee in
Tilghman Hall, Grant Street, Piosburgh,en Sunday
the second dry of February nextatkio’clock 7 M.
i*ns:w3tT WM. BAKEWELL, Auditor.
etK w oooMrtp,!)iaawr —
JUST RECEIVED, an exteasrvo ana varied assort
nicnt of goods, adapted to the present and ap
; preaching season, saeh aa black, brows, and drab
I mixed Palmerston Beaver Cloths, a mperior article
; tor business, frock end overcoats.
I Also, a great variety of Blankets and fittings, em
bracing ail the above mentioned colors; snperine
French black, browruelive. claret and all other desi*
! rab'«~colered Cliche; French, English and American
plain and faney Cauimeret, of entire new patterns
and very desirable colors, to which wo wish panics*
larlyio call the attention ofthoselnwantof a band*
some pair of pants. VESTINGS—The assortment of
Vestings is unusually handsome, comprising the new*
est and most approved style (br ull end winter Ween
< all of which will be made to order, at alum notice and
on reasonable term*.
A few COATS on hand, of entire new. style, te
which we wo old invita the attention of these who do*
tire to cose, elegance, comfiprt and convenience
-.-i. *«nnenlt. To. inch w** - *•* —*' - •
ia tbeir garment*. iV tach we weald pafllcaiariy
recommend there to ihd; notice, since they «oab!tt
all Oie beauty of th? over coat, wiib ibo cooAAaad
convenience of the V
A assortment of READY MADE QLOTS
ING on hand, made la the present Fail *»«>»«—, and
will bo sold wholesale or retail, at the lowest cash
duces. sptlS P. pRi.AVf.
nnHE subscriber offers, at private sale, SIXTY
I ACRES OP LAND, about thirty five q( which is
cleared, and twenty five good boaos\ xsaadotg, tod on
which is erected a Flouring HiD.whieh'ein be mo
either by steam or wa»f power. : Thert is on the said
Firm, TWO DWELLING HOUSES, the necessary
oat houses, and an O RCHARDof bearing Fruit Trees,
The mill fearing is made of east Iron, with three ran
of stones. '
The abore premises an situated a good ft rating
settlement in Hopewell township, Bearer county, three
miles from Economy, qigfat mile* toto.'9e*Ter, on the
so orii side of the Ohio nvec, within three mtie« of Mid
riTer, and twenty miles tnm Pittsburgh. -
Title iaflisputabla.
For farther information and conditions of sale, en*
quire of the subscriber, on the premise*, or of S- Ha*
selton. Grocer, in the Diamond, Pittsburgh. >
nota-wtfglp WALTER JOHNSTON.
E^TSS 8, 191 “"t i
Monuments, Burial Vaults,'Tpahs, Bead Stones, Ate.
Mantel Pieces, Centra and R«r Tops always on ham:
and made to order. If. choice swiping >
Drawings en band. augOtnrlyS
PBWS FOa Illiß. i
fifi PEWS In Temperance Ball,eaBalthAeU street.
UU Also, a PulpU and railing, all In good order,
will be aeld lew for eaah by aoplyutc to
TUOsTuggSTTV WUkbu; Pa:*
ftnlthfiald street, Piitsbargh, Pa
■\rariCE is hereby gircn th*t Latere of Adainla*
J.S (ration bare been granted tame, ofthe roods and
chattel*, rights and credits, which were cl (be lata
James Cresaan, of the city of Pitubargh. daeeased}
and at] persona Indebted to the Estate of said decedent
reQacsted to make ' -• and *'
are requeued to make Immediate payment, asa all
pernoa having claims or demand* against tta Suits
of the**id decedent, are requeued taoakakoovntite
tame to me, without—delay, al tea Mopongahela
Uoue, ia il»e City of Piuibnreh. '. .
TTAbvmß FAan roa balk.
ÜB>sbseiiberoflen at prints «aie bu taluabte
F«rtn, titauod la Allegheny Towa »AiPi
morelatld ;Cobm7i an the ro*d feadin* from Grata*-
burtllo FrecpcrUl ails* fnya i<eeehoerj oath* ren
■yltaoib Cantl arid W fn»» rirabarpb- .
Tbs above Farm in a
valley, Ventalala* 1« «m,of wWeb ibeatMara
cleared and in augfc Kate ci ealtlTatfoo, li acre* #f
neadoTT*,a yoangand thrivlsfapplaawhardcf ael-
M Tbc boiWlnft coniltit of a larpnewlof koueud
kitchen. Alto a lafjo bank bam with (Tuetfca,
An*ln4i*patablc tltla will be fins. •
FtmMWul^w*i* reh *“ ,ro * lddowea
rmta, in Wu
".frKffi."* do “ Jl, ‘ P *' a. C. BOVAgP.
la Pish Eye*, on band and fc
By EDWARD ACKEB, M. D n PhilllM&uf,
lUe ihfi vajm of Be»ter, oatbaQhfe river. Bc*>
Ttrcoanry, P»- ' ‘ raftwiyfl
NOTICE U hereby given, thatleoen of edmlnitn!
uon upon the estate of Bamstl C.'llilL lau ©r
Pittsburgh, deceased. hare been granted this day to
• the undersigned. All penes* having elsima-afeisn
the estate of said deceased, are requested to stake
knows the same, withcnidsliy to the sabseribex. at the
•tore room, No. 87, Wood street- JOSEPH H. HUx,
dMSUlwfcwfct efimsbuttfL*
Thie evening, at.7* o’clock,juihe Commercial Sales
Room, comer of Wood and Fifth streets, will he add*
•d to the sate of Stocks, by order of Executor* of the
late Wm. Smyth, aecM—
-55 abate* Stock in Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh.
StapU and Fancy Dry Gcc£t,
On Thnraday morning, January 10, ai 10 o’clock, at
the Commercial Bales Rooms, corner of Wood and
Fifth streets, will bo sold, without reserve, for aeeoant
of whom a may caneons
A largo and general issonaent of foreign and do
uwstie'suplo ana fancy DRY GOODS, among .whisk
an eapei&ne eloths, eassimersS, tauneus, lanaals,
blanket*, canton flannels, woolen plaids, merino*, ai
pace as, dress silks, blsek satin, ginghams, mp*»
prints, woolen and silk cravats, terser! and woolea
shawls, woolen-hoods, net coats for children,
fancy ndkfs, (sees, sewing silk, spool cotton, needles,
foe., foe.
Thosiu Puklmioa,
AOatnUtiratOT* Notice.
Br John D, Davis, Auctioneer,
jEitTa Sols *f Bant Sleet.
11 half ebests young hyson tea, 7 boxes Virginia
manufactured tobacco, S casks brandy, 10 bbls beaus,
75 bundles itraw wrtpping paper, 6 tioi coal and cs
nal shovels. ? ' “•
A largo pnd general assortment of aesr and second
hand hoarehola furniture, cooking siove, franklin
stoves, kitehen-utensils, feather beds, bedding, looking
elutes, mantel clocks, glus and qtteensware, mantel
lamps, carpeting, foe.
~an9 JOHN D. DAVIS, Auet.
Salt rfßantani City Stod.
OnThunday evening, Jtnukiy IDih. at 7 o’clock, a
the Commercial Sales Rooms, comer Wood and Fifth
streets, will be sold, wHkout reserve,! fbr cash par
foods, by order of J. V. Myers and M. Underwood,
Executors, foe.,-of Wm. Smyth, late of the City of All
egheny, dec’d:'' ' • !
SO shares Stock in tho Bank of Pittsburgh.
10 do do do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh.
0 Certificate* of Lean to the City of Pittsburgh for
•500 each, interest payable half yearly and .rodeema
bio on the 31st of December 1659.
juS JD DAVIS, Auct
' The lino fast running steamer .
JBgfißßuaadalUntermediete landing* oa Sat*
'ho liih instt, at 10 o’clock,. A
M. .
For freight or postage, apply on board; or to
The fosUntuang steamer
Bennett, Master, will leave Wheeling
■HBBBiBBfor Cincinnati, this day, Wednesday,
January oth, on the arrival of tho Louis McLane .‘rum
Pittsburgh. jaefl •
'ThefinenewUchtdraught- steamer
mESKiStgt Mselcaa, matter, 'will leave for tho
BBBSBBlßabovo a "d ail inteimeidiaxo ports on
Thursday, tho l(kh last, at 4 o’clock, P. M.
For freight or pasture apply on board,
janfl. - ARMSTRONG fo CKOZRR. Agtt
. FOR SUNFinU. " • : *
w Urn fine steamer
wSSawSfll Stone, master, will leave for above
■BEBSSBBandAU inlcimediato ports this day. at
1 .I.ImV PH
For freight or passage, apply on board, or to
Jang WMBWnF.F.i.p.n, a
***** k Tho splendid (learner
jgg3aßß« glnncr. matter, will leave for above
oil intermediate ports this, day
at 4 o’clock, P. M. '
Airfreight or passage apply oa board. jarJ
The splendid'fast running eteamer
LOUIS McLANE, W. 8. Conwell,
UHRmy master, (having undergone a thor- -
nHmkoo(h repair,) will run hereafter as a
regular packet between Pittsburgh
and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 0 o’clock. • Fbr
freight cr passage apply on board, or to
jan4 W.B. WHEELER, Agent. «f
f. The splendid fast steamer s
«aUV4it« Marshall, Blaster, will loavo for u* •
BB^BESaSßabove. and all intermediate ports oo '
Saturday, Nov. 8, at 10 o’eloek, A M.
For freight or passage apply on board. jtafl .
St St;St
mHIS well known line of splendid passenger Steam-
JL ore is now boaiposed of tho largest, rwiftexi, bes
finished and (kmishea, and most pewerfhl boats oa the
srafoTV of foe West. -Every aeeoufrnodatlrm and ecm>
fort that money can procure, has bedn provided for pas •
•engers. The Line has been in operation for five yearn
—has earned a minion of people without the least
nr to thdr persons. The beau will be at the fool ei
Wood street the day previous to starting, for thj r ~
tion of freight and the enfry of passengers &a the recir>
ter. -In all eases the passage money muglhopallifo
T ' 10 AAC “NEWTON, Captain wig
leave Pittsburgh every. Sanday morning at ioo'oloehc
Wheeling.every Sunday evening ttHr.x
May SO, 1847. .
The MONONGAHELfo, CapL Stoss, wtß louve Pin*,
every Monday morning at 10 p’oloek; Whselfos \ •
The HIBKRN|A No) 8, Capt J. Kunmirzs, vUi
leave Fiosbargh everyTuesdar morning at 10 o»eloek.
WheeUajrevtrr Toctdav evetunv at to v. v *•
The NEW ENOLAND No. % Capt. S. Bi*m wag.
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday mania ,it ti‘
o'clock; Wheeunr every Wednesday u,» «
TiitmsßX V ,
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gkjucx. t«tL leave - pin*. •
burgh every Thursday morning at lafl?e*wk;Whttto| '
every Thursday evening at 10 y. ic.
«» CLIPPER No. a, Capt Pan Daw, will leava
Pittsburgh every PndnJ morning all#o’eloeks'Whe*
n* erenr Pwday evening at 10 >. m. .. • '
fTAIitOW—O bbli prime taKow'ittji'landlna fruOu ■
X the Steamboat Lome MeLaae and tor aabby . 1
SVEEP PRtTS—TfI bales, No 1 Sheep
landing and for tala by - T. | r w »
lanq_ . S.fc W, HAttttiwmt
*> and tot sale by
extra and S. F. Tioar, in itm
s. a w. harbaugh.
Blue i oaANGE pENtSA W.«wciU
and bright colon, opened by
giASilSAKltEs—» eases Fancy and Wool "by*
\J Black, opened and for sal* by
Sew PabUihtaf in Honthly Pstto
X LITERATURE, AND ABli BysoMßiticaDy Ar-.
ranged by O. Heefc With CQQ quarto steel plates, et
*£®**d by the most distinguished trtisuof. Germany,
no text translated and edited by Spencer P. Baird, A.
Natural Sciences in
The ieonogtaphle Encyclopedia wilTembtace all
the bsaneherof human knowledge, wbieh ean be lb*
, laureled by pictorial representations. Theselilaam
i tiona are arranged In ametly syitemtlio order, ea 88,
largo quarto steel plates, and are accompanied by. lei*
ter press, printed is the finest style, on tho baft paper,
la the most convenient form, of a large, handsome K*
- ,Thn letter press «Q 1 fill fiOOft pages, andwfllhem
thorough manual of the sciences, with etmitaat rafts*
neea to the figures oa the plates. Alpbabedeal iur.
dexea and tablcteJ eomentt will make it ptacUeellß
uosfhlandol way reference. ' . - . ;„\v.
Thu ieonognpue Encyelepmdi* will bprablahodr
in Bit parts, each containing fii) plainsandT» psjfWof
letter press, Issued in a eanveulent-porfiblio, hi which -
subscribers ean keep their copies in perfect ehjer an*
til completed, vrhea they ean seboendT ' .
Ona part Is published every mouth, .at tbe very lour
price cl •L.whlekwiUsnaMeallleversoflnjtrucuoii.,
in the moat beautiful-aad praetioal form, jpwevn
scanty their means, to beeeme rabaeribmtoue wets;.
&F-U. *” LOtfeWoa^
lan?.- Bookseller ft Inform. Q Woods*
/"IRERN APPLES—69 bbls Bomsnlte.and .Pippin,
w Apples, a prime'article, w store anvfor sale by
ITXALUMV—bU* pare Tsyojrin tiara and fcr
J. u]«br “ HiJEV, MATTHEWS* CO.
v i*&* • ~~ • : . ;
talc* Coucro in non ua (or uig bi
FIACUES— tw bailwU,iiri€d pcnciic*, beSt.cnaliiT
tailTt*, la note and (or ulo by-- . -
OribL’ •*UasMf,3ot«ij very lowj to eW ~
JULLgg* (I-**-
copri*Ttinenl by
l*n4 , '•
- la br **to by <Ta»Uiy, bov
Un4 : - Xs. DILWOHTH k. CO- '
TlUTfbH— " V
rtUo<: J. S.DIM»OttTHAfIft
' ytfirr recclrodiad for aalc tOOQlhaßriattpnphy ■
(I --- ~ • AKIDDfcCO*
■ lw* :...... Mo 80 Wood tret _
IN -STORE—SO baneD Spirit TarpnnHnn
oiaby .akiddaox
- ian* • No.eOW<wd«r :
ARJ>—fiOkeji No l,m»ioro endfcr Mle by ”
18ACX HOGS HAIR ibrtiilo by .• i r “
nY PEACHES-fi boikeJi peaJej peiiiS - ” -
V ® <l® la
•tore and for aide by ARJISTRUNQ A CROZER.
lead • • -
IKSt& CIDEIfV]NEGAIt-Fo, «.>* by «
lU).«< AiuugraoNQfc chozer
IDo l Sf^g cbulsv,lx ? Ll « i f u ' ,, “
f tORN BROOMS—2)O doxea Uiia day reeemi'an
-iaad^** 7 * ’ ARMSTRONG A CROIER
OAOUN~€O piMWßew BACoa.
** Ut J ' w to " : I weMaadferaahbr
“ u . 4 .MQ4o CHd WheatKxira,i<tm*e*ai>4fcf
t APPLRS—2O9 bbla in ftota and i
V ABMWftflXfl t Cl
■auri-jai—jot) Wi 801 l Btm*r
Aj( . , t 6okj*priao do do jartroe^J*“
tndfistwlalnr ARMSTRONG A CfiOßE*
• iui • ■. _
FIR-Fbr wile by
v lul J KIDDACOi^
- J«W <>N U A N i>-a».«a-«^«« s&
laa* *•_>• aoWoooß
ITfW' Aaedett“£g""* l »
(I and for cata by ■' J Ka £ wSS .t
. Jaa« yodOWoga 1
, TOX\l»W"eCASS=3droSrSta •»gf w
w. ® »«« r.S &
»do Klf;. :£ 2
SO do l«rt* • •* ®°
I/f^ n tfn A cq.
poa RRST, two pifMW^y
r Dwelling Haueo, with “^okur*,«
Oakland. Poroufcm eaa_be
April our. - UaaSj BA&DY* JONES A CO*