>• ii&rv- MISCHMNI&=== a3BS2SSK£3&- tare* on ST^feJstrlnterenm* w«*»» m mg&sm. BK McGOWA*. ;, M ’imn PPBI.IC. 1 BOUT fwi WJ* ri ”'s **T* ,n jS2kK BSfS aad wbicqcently name or T*U<. hßlft i f^ 2S3T&J i-ffi m^" l it o »°iS?sw>: ?ja?!Ws&s?srtssS£ prowesticm of tbo*fi*JP* 1 SSawstfS^KsaKfiisja SSB^sS&spSKr^ 3 ® 1 ' WX'KS il 1 s^*?£tffissa ■ f roteeu tie ’ ) ®°T' re «. BO orcombuitlon; ‘^S'SeTLerery «WiM4 * p tf e4 Js,2 o ToS?topms S5-l**toald 2 «tm%b or; iUeoreryt nu.Urln time and nso ■ow bo reaoacraied-for *nun mcy. The gorernment, ’ rtl fc?iJ£ , rirtt 10 manafac «Sto *OB Letter* Parent i^hemnnafaemre 1W Cow-iuo. o. *«.- WM.BU.KF. WE, a. lUd>U;?t*»t BuuOT.lillirw*be*t IS gttteßSßtofMr. and _ ni . of UlO jtate* (UUy.eoneet, a* w »me,th*t B*" 1 * tborain eoolalnedi and wa oatcnt more W,4oHOlliMlbt«it*n»tre'2 de«rre«lp f ' BoaeAlT «nd ÜbotloMly e:wnMi « the ® olt <S» »• f“* tt 'siSS?fS?SS‘^“' ,r * B ' n «'' fenea Uulitheie °i I .S,,^2rehKeMiM 1 “' for i .Sjsssassasgffisxla. “* ss,“^Su“s , <“ v^r 0 ' »^i^CT^T.- M L T CW* IP ' 2ILEN HOWE, Trearerer. ’ ,i»SSS?^SSssS SS&US K&--*S . sgsiffiysr!f™. , 3Ss»s,io^sJs .. «s“ii'Sc «, ■SSsps&wSia-uSaaflssS! ■ »MffAaff-fSsfftas-se I woold agreo le lelthem go on ana «soni tUctu iSSSwißJ «H 7 <b“t «• <*“> P^bc ' ’lWaproootaiontbeT'wonianor acccd 6 ido no*, de- Sf**lidttT,«rf«T patML l ‘jJKSS^SdwoghUaw ycttrtOMhriy aocnmy ««£'■“*?£?;* Emitted U l® ‘ SLSSnksfe** “%*SiSt f^sS, e S^ . id* “ * \ 3f • JS<KSaBS??SS«}&^«*. ,ii££,S !o°, 7»n»; ;n -«, fc ” k^ ..-SniKßfa-r^S^S S£l cSS«cne» IMU »> 1" •E*’"'it? 5C B XS. i ®at',o,^.it,isii' there w* ««n rec ifi,” whM jiuPiS.ui'S.Api. i* *rei7Partlealai. J '* M NosWoodii acnSJ’&jta - i EXCELSIOR! E. H. EATON & . go. 49 Foutb Btre«t» Plttaßwrgb j Ewe bow in Siere ihcir full BMortmrat of Trhnminn. Slaves, Uoiierj nnd Lite Coodi . tiAPTED to tha wanu of every ela*» of £2s?£fcs .51 SSSta a--lllint. TheimoekcouuulnpinM l " fca “ n,i ” r ' DRESS trimmings. SS&ixr' LACE GOODS. . - i . rijt jui t » rt «nd Jtailin Cap**, Chtuuiott**, | . suss s;<2i UOIfZfET TRIMMINGS. yrn) GLOVES. •a hand. i HOSIERY. , W#olH*lfiW GLO VES. ; ; WOOLEN GOODS, I ■' (Ufi M L*difi*’ and Children 1 * U&od*. ChMna* anfis!& csss * u °' tac Catfcmere Seartk, for I^uie*. !. LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. •» «_ _i TiMitrr Wonted*. Cann** Pattern* p&Sd^s*fi^ Drhwl wd Pert'd BouJ*. ? . per Ftower Material*, L«np Mau, * Woldered Work. AUfr-Wte*’3'lk ood Moma v M *n4Dt»w«r«;EmbTot<ier6dBMk»HMlFlaanei»,yr en( Werk&dC*peaft4Waiwforlnfant*;ttadSw<'ji}* TltaMltgt GENTLEMES >g WE/ J_ • ' • Jiishliu,Ci..»t.jnJ Oollmi gjn n i ..iii.dm ,s&oo!< “««™i * B -"Kd lfcun-IMI ; Glore* and Hotiery. *“ COMES, BRUSHES B p ES j ruMEB re B.r.kCo. Bnflklo V «w»n Side and L° nr Combi; ,l“ m »”*«'*">S tol..ryCon •with «a d- > fj wi | anATeelt. Hratbm. I - " VARIETT GOODS. , '**' «< iSteel B**a and Parte* ‘ r •*««*» IBerta Wire Uarteu, fatten* **td&l*fl. lp^ e Roiewood Dc«ki #S» T«!“ *■£ JSKI F-»=r Work U«.k. • SSmajfrP f^lpoitfoho*, Vapieme* aaU Corf Ladle*’ Stauooaiy, fSjSA»»? n p r JtS! U; lltlkfcS^L-mbr i ’ ■sSS*.- 5 ••- SS» to,#men iSe SHar«ert a**oitnteorini •■S^ssiwasw , a lafM*s»drtm«t» Ibc^S*-f olk -,i -' “r“ I “Si* »««»- foiftyt«» rcceiT»d. .l nff _ a 0 r ' .-.■ w* k»« b * eft /VS3B^23fe3s& SSfersSo3f&e«M^ ,:: TiSSkS*.* l ” l "? 1 SSSSfiS!M«ff»i MISOBIMKOO^ By Hie President of the I Tnrnmuanee«fUWi ItZi.CIIAEV A W)^ ereb | 1 idem of the C«* d Bl “'tele* **» >« . declare and make known, thatjj n Stale , held at the undermentioned Land of lOWA. .1 lio prioi. oc 1 At the Land Oißee at Monday, theaeveoth dayor J under* povalot the Public Land* wtualea mentioned :own»hip», to wit: • ■ • . I I North efths U*a Hit* aTtd vMstpfuufifth jtrvnapal ' mtndurtu Township ninety-eight,of raog« ltree * . Township* ninety-six, nioetyrseven, and nine* tfrfiaht. of range four* Townships ninety-five, ninety-six, mneiy-eev* ] ed, ninety-eight, end Biaetynine,- of range five. TowMfilpt ninety-three,. mnetyfbtu, mnety five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, ot range aix. At the SAME PLACE, commencing on Mon day. the twentv-first' day of January next, tor tne 4iipo«iil or the PublicXAndswtlhfn Use ccilcrnicn. .tioned'iownshipa, vir ■ iVort/t oflht base tin*, aad tevt of the ffth principal meridian. ' Township's ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ond ninety-nine, ninety-tour, ninety-dee, ninety six, ninety-aeren, end ninety-eight, of 8 "Township ninety-five, township nihely-eil, («’ cept tho southwest qOutter.of “f e»,tha southeast qu«tnr <f sscO°»i/etafiS end sections thirty-three end thirty-ton*, the Indian agency,) and townships ninety aad ninety eight, of range oine. I Townships ninety-two and ninety-four,o «t Township ninety-one, range Townships ninety-one. and ninety-two, ui |-‘"2£ Lend Otfieo--PAfflOTg. '” ,,h ‘ 1 , •, I Townships sixty-seven, «ixty»eight, a 0 Btl "*££?£ S“»ven, aixt, -eight, , ; I "Townships aixty-cigbt and nixty-nine, of range ! 1 sixty-eight and ainty-tii.e, of range "TowMl.ips silty-eight and siny-nine, ol range tW To«nani> siaty-eigM andeixlysnine, ol tango i tW, l£wnahip aeventy-one, of range vwr'.'.y'rfa' Townships sevcnly and acrrenty-one, ol range [ seventy and sevenly-one, of range lw sr&oto « lOWA an, commiie mendxan. Township wventy-six, of range lwanly-«vtn. K».JIy-*™-“ d rcy military, or other purposes, will be exc» bo commenced on l *! e d *Y * pp advertised, with in the order tn whiphthev are bUa n have all convenient despatch, jQSe d ; but no aisrsa sz o, Ssstfsaggsas tkonumd eicM t™*'* l “ a 101 taVLOR- I By ihe President: u - J - B S^S«or t heG,^ ra .L»naO ffi cc. NOTICETOPRE.EMrrimCLAIMANTS^ « lhd Coßßteioß* ofte GcnenJ Ibkl offic ''' POSTPOSBHENT Of tbe PmUH. »» *® o ‘ l ' id pot it npin P*J*SSITM NOTICE i* hfteLV *P ven v llia V!w. inside V' o! the 1350, lobe held at the Ol h ‘V* aar7> j. WO, are hundred and forty-tune. By the President: '■SESKSft. c«™iu-» del” nuwts. "ilTcla F Ain I. ““““Jl.ini Alexander a da>., corner pubUc Market iireet. nouf ? mndwiit- Um iter have received 'ierr i - oc 'j rnnnu ( ft .rturerB GoJIW, direct and Mil wcuotna: the ««■«.. * ®„ jtrnne a=tr*c faskionable Good* «* lerre, an P • goida and .ion* to porch*.****-. In I Good* of “SrIiSS £?* s*** low in a^gS'ifoODS. N.w njl” Bn>ebn S,nl Cntelte guio,; CoM nniOI.C S.n;> ionites SSo d . C S “«rCteS"“"; te oolnbrted. HS* manufacture. . . ...... .... warranted not to jt' &-•«< »“*“'*• ’“•r -' a ” n Sou. Do Cbono.lhc bood.ote»< s 's^ r .s.'£X sii> i, -“” * r " l r “ “'"*' * '*sha w'S'AND SCARFS'. Brock. Sqeore SkcrrU. of Ike ten 1“ Bonn Bf iawl*, of tho newest design' !Sw aav&fSm beVfeed.in re *1 French Cmw««m. new »t7> icitii Ciwime te*i *°K nfr,wr ? ?IYT HS 1 LaJ JLES CLOAKING CLUTHa. Fttoth « i Mfian Blaek andol«v. Clolbh tar La diet' Clonk* BLANKETS'- A *pleD(J Id aiMjruncnt of American iu>- Blaakeu,*' 4 remarkablyi? c^ r l < u»'jj? onnitV DOVJE3TIC AND STAPE’e. QOUto. A large, uid compi-b 5 Mftor’jaer.i no WC i Many «/ r . P rc « n V a l?ttKr»rre riott*wlbBprc»ei bougut fro m iho mamifneturen p " *u«k o France us pricr*. A vaTMW*J*n* ™ A aufee .ass?, Jkk? j£j" --* ..» TTr IUtV OliOUBl “ S O"*," a- I Mallet «». *^ d °* n of[ tr inducement, tta *' S i “tit. Hi. '■l SmEff BK.ES3 GOODS k ' tV. .f French Metintw.CaMimere., . very fall, 1 .Set Printed I ’' <: ' , ' l ’ c "m Lyonemi UcU .0 ’than they ea«M mere., at P n ?s*i. ufe .“area. Ilie.toek of he boasM «“‘T SHAWLS many of the bcauufu *tyie» 1, large, and eoibnj p k j m j n «tmite, Philul a. ooi on’exhlbjuon RIBBONS, vew.» Of aew- eud ,ery _ _ “‘ ne, '* C - SACK®* embroidered 01 earioua fyl« ‘iSf WerEed <*“»' Blank Bilk L“"*J Kent Flower., Cetfand l '» u,c ‘' "handsome diiesS a <er ** STAPLE : AND HOTO* DlJemcn ,, department “sejgiSaß ™ *«■* • SL.S, _ TO yy.sw •apply fa* buyer* rare >- | A VERMIFUGE Pm, Sept. *.««»• , Maw boule’of you* R E. Seller**. Dear air, ' <lnrr nitui* place, Vermifuge ai ibe iron City F id ou ’ t here* won- MdUhus performed whul we con he had derfal ewn.cn one of my boy. e*w > - lfaall had been an well for *ome yearn, ijuJvi.ed by «>»« J ec Vermifuge-- af mr neighbor, w iry » „ f .. f vine (le.ircd ..i ™l '“"“■“ii; Your.; eery fe.peclfully, tveir le above. 1 ju Ulack I irnin»fAi atineUAJ*. -,o», black jnnctßib* Mourning m-pftpared «n* wld by R. K.SELLKRS* 57 'Vo«J .Jeitj *°Ul by Doikkum itenerally • ilic*. fTkXbi »k»o I-3ELLKRS-. COUUII «r ; U RUV-From 'V. 11. IM«, Era-. Clt.« of ■ M» tt.K *elleT« Hu, Sora« in afflicted with * .c«re an ”ftaoniw of !»■", a Uottle fro® **. r. lnmai» I ,nd / immediate re,. •on-Jo»n*ro hccn rclicvod in »ercrr e* jSSfiKS- £«*■ ■■* k. ,« ' deft ' . ___ serrate* *'™ h Fr •hot >9 - -—rT-TtNa—vv. 1L i S-S^5S£?Sf?.lS» ; Wholwtie Boom* «P HAHNDEN tc. CO’» ‘ and Eenlttwe* HANKDEK fc CO. continue to bnng T>er*ona t ■ffUftom any pin of England, Inland. Bcoilandor jttß&Walc*. upon the mott liberal term*, with their usual punctuality and attebucm to the want* undcom fort otemmigranu WedonotaUowourpu^enst® bdtobbed by Uto »wicdling *eunp» that infertge aea ports, os wo take charge of them the moment they re port theuuelve*, nnd »ee to their .hioa.— Isnateh themwiuiout any b /«f 0 na£a* NVeaaythUfeaileuly, « wedeff «neofo«pa»g gets to tbow ihat they were deuined« now byn» m Liverpool. whilst thousands of era^at» months, until they could be coffin*. chSp raife, wli eh too frequently proved weir couu-- * We intend to 2^ •rtcn iv »iuwl ii«>J ‘g”SSf tor uiy ram (ram £1 lo i»»a, 3cotl t“ d ROBINSON, European and General Agent, ; - k.tSSl«■ bxpbbsb fast PA Baaj T^n’ . -awPIlWk m ROAD, BALTIMORE. 'T H F J E. rfSiSS” tho puKsgcr. to lto lm I the 1« of c, ntra i Rail Koad from Lew will ho earned fiy_* Md thence (o Fhilndel* i«towTito iTSEboni and Columbia Bail Roada.- moil »referable now d . L 3 R f l p°“g tw Dollars. For information OPP 1 ? » d&>«. b.r , %v SUTCH, MonoDjahcla llouso. Ar ,4 nr D to LEECH fc CQ.Canal Baaia. ro„»g.iow» .»a»;w o BUS . , jiaRKAWAY, Cant Downing, will | Heeling win**• m °rZ?jJ’°* h Smolder, k»'- The*pacicl* are fitted up m co»i» gbipptn ing pint tap*** may roly on more. “ reut£A . lEanhaabetnre b«n m Proprietor*. i £s&. 1849. jgsgm, of the above Packets JSStmSKf« (J (Sunday* excepted) and amve oeno»* r(>r barren, when »bey ofihewpdaee* Akron and I c,e i* la *fjJbmSwu leave Warren dally *?? ss^fss™« ■*"'»'**' ““ b uSmNOwILL t CO, P „. ME TAYLORj ol|N , A CABOHEY, Ajcjl, comer Water an dßtmth “ eld * u - ___ kj>i3 ~—• — it | i 84 - jßi UNION LINE, \ 7^;;, miUSLloe will bo I’JfJSj “S? vuS««t< (tom CLEvWnB.'" -I “■tSESSI.'SK u-2 vssSStSSS& - A “ m —?.;«sSfwix. v~np»«"- <>“»■ M B Tnylw. Warren, Cyrus Prenti**, RaTenn** Wheeler Co. Akron, u j O * Cr»wfortfcCtanbert»,® “ * 1 9 ”” 1 ‘■’jgSij 1 a.c AUGIIEY. Agobi, o«c eo , , tua bS«i - mub.i«b. ;'h2l:iy I rkaVER PACK.KT9. ‘”XSMS r X“?» BTC commenced u ’^tween SLIZ& «r£v!!Sr r,Snl«lT i*** U* ««°*>« ri*£S?S& I s®. mcbii . _1 J&5& 1549. tt PIITSDDR6H AND CLEV KbAND IJHIB I ON THE rIKSSVIVANIA -Illir. l’rojmelon of uu ° Oral el*** C* l ** l 1 Ooau, nvxVER AND CALEB I ion rai.h. He M“» b °“rfwSiq«.lle4 f.clliue. for I COPE, Aio enabled to oner uj w on I she transportation of freifht on .f“ lnU R o ntt©Penn- Jpernnc oYConal *****»%,* c \ffiand the Ukeo. *»'l Ohio “ 4 J C», Cle*g**i- J). VP. C. BUJWUii j. c. pU’Wci.L' Bearer. -k«k| ioou Brarcr inJ ,«b.l»nll.l W»“ r 1 '“''ojjfh.l, r.cftu, km Boat jo*t U J„ f „ W-te.hoasc, the mart wapl® jSmcS.tiOT.tor pittsbouqh * ku kiue N 1849. ONTHES^HrHC»I — '" o, *“ e lrr mm T.d with despatch- )ltl lhe lle ua boaU Thi» Ltne.nxn* m cot bctwccn Pittsburgh BKAVKR ‘" .ffi'JSt ol .ttfuaboiuind w •“^V/tikS^S OmTroy end Michigan Uke »^'g e i;.Ti^6“» E w'. Ert - ■•*• llidwr.il & Peaeeager oatCM^OSg'^VM iiS“K»i j EteiLii, Wert OtccnTiltc, •« »c«» Buffalo; UarncY. <»ibbs A pknnsvi. vania eabapau. n.QA°«’ 1849. 11 KXI'KF-MB FAST-I'AIIKET UNK, r*ui*Tgh U ruSSS^j* (KiolaNvely tot l ;J., 0i„ U„. mtlEpul.licurr ic'P”* l ',, Monday, WtA March. X wiU commence rnnnms 1 , u n.n.ir clarr, with jssas? <w ° n “ nucnied in call *n<» CXl £S“*i P ,*e the landing, o;>- ' wnr 'W''ig!s', C SE OOI.LABA TIIIIOUOII. I ■ !R, SrJ'lS ,!^..,M.oon«Al»l» F«lrt»™* u "' l '*. l is' ? L KVXIiA o.Onalßaim. halldiM “ \“?ulicßon Willi lb. F;im'rl; oil OT-«o«u»JM' 1 *• . . . OWII Ul l<biladel|*liie. At " crv ""“‘"‘"'“C r' 1&V 'express 1849. SSB®= moiara r-nj'' ■ ■'■_ & CO’H MS** l PITTyBUR< i,I » nd tl * * le,n, *l r V* , rri!K C iU«n»b[ru i< -“ ],,»« no connection I re ,pectfiiU> l!' & ' (ltt ‘ u J‘ v muA are now pro «lh any °8"" V’.'ioKAliW. Mr.IiCIIANDIBK.Ac.. a«raawf«'»"''" vol* FUlladtlhhia ana llalumorc, l.*n *«>■ «»•«- » WtobunlkMt^S'iMMaK.*«»■■*• - „ . dmatY oipcdiuah ........tnJ wilt. na I>T. W. 8. Al luuhsaia JJ,,,, yr a» .nrerlntcndcm »< Wcwa.ia*. wl ‘° “nv,„RiU Ilona Om[inny; llaw AID. i lire Uaiumor* an. Ohio i principal confidential : kSsi.hb*, VMU f«"ffi:J3Y...VV P C.«, of ! ««t of lho 1 u,l T ?? r « nt irrocit will gite nersoual I iTrownen >«, ?* J’jV.Sni Baltimore to Piusberjh .mnalMmUA lW Un. (»» ““ „ RE F. Dally El From Philadelphia w |, llwb u«i» respectively in -press Jp»«/ o? 5 Two Ddy Una wl 1 Vito, Tlitro “ d /® u /.?*nri uc ip*«lT Intended for inti ,^pn T %;o. Vnrrr.x In F.n<tand S»iih the well known fre«t lorworm w heuna of Me«r* CiurLW A »lo»a, and In Pnat* *»» We »h*U »par» no e*pen»o nr exertion lo froodx ihroujrh wiihihouimoulde»polcli, nndc '' to(tOTtl»ta tUo potlho wuh are«lly wrn .*? nJa . e , l Spi^ r _ feM Small p«iccl»auipuckagr» will beearried by ■"VSSS I “filKKi *r-Un« ai« mpertWlJ lo particularly order ihnr correipoadcnt* lo condiLe«d«* 11,i,eu 7 *>J Waurctieet. BovlMlm sd icaported ilnlTewrujeougl »Kl> Syrup, lyiui i, of llruißr.walu TRANSPORTATION, -j 1R43- SJSUHrt* Izpnn PM»tt UU* B *“ In. o, PARKS* Benuer* Proprietor. ■*■ * JHHotaui; “ ?£uZir. ?:=ss:sS”“aS ss te r^!^^s, ikig£frsfitas^ Ticket! throtutlL to Elio aod til Loke pett*i con b® by M GEORGE KECK,, under tba St Choriee How _ 1849. jfeff§§ *ll lntemedi*x _ nnd . raatMSS.'S :. U <S‘ T ™S. of S?ul k 8 m f gtgg^&s^s lB4B. HRITER AND CLEVELAND LINE,TO WABBEN. fc-«?S£Sjr,s ”‘SSS-Sr£l¥™Swi^w«™, m B TAYIiOBt dpivkb AND ET»TB PACKET UNB. "S.-SSU ~«f> I '*s ke ‘-SSEJ£°*’ J f® s * \“ : ■ K commenced ronnln* iteMon—one bo«l ciS»^^sSaas > 3!s 1 s , J«STsw« IsBHSI-SSfe-- 33 '” » ,he P ropn< B A Co,Be»Ter. joHN A - C Htniwa. Boffilo, N T. ' C M Reed, Ene, Pe. g*yi A Plumb, aharpibnrfa, re, WCW*}*a,BK*ro3,Pe: S?Jfe'?. e in r„, .1. ■> “"jgSStt.M&jSt,« W«J «. °! ■;* j : ? : : a. For »alo tor °*' fa Wt *°* i *— rtWTBBtr^jSSSfgSS® 1 asa ■a■*£■- j?ws?a « gchool.of Violin P'“*' n j-Lj w lil* ; jSftSs,wdiitaphh- p.p>u »T «<»' of• Delicate N«=«wUJ l**TP «W“ %£ »jfts»f ;r y S xU °' “ 7 S“‘»|SSh i «^S e s fess^sr I tn D Buck n, isn- M,. R. k ■inble C° B * h 3 ,r^.* I wifobM bwa §e**»i S?,TrrOTrabtu 1» ibaA oTcoild “PJ.f WBr Coaih SyrnPi and b.tut; I xaUtot A “ "f ? apart of one b °^“ cn^t^ afiiewd, who had. to ■jonnwyaeii eongh eaadT » “ r.wr&°p2VjU^. s tt *• '“*» u been a* f ood e* TrtmßO'* 4 - „nn B. KnW. Yoon, re*p«cif“pyi _ - SELLERS, P Wood r n VEAa F , gicW<D h Pt pomb, sSJ^?u’um j4sS^gjr^tes«i Un* good* froto Una. 1“ !*• ®f SSi of artie «, to {J £id’'low fot eajh « to f“P ° r 3 fe c d &• GOU J •’" l^, ' “ Bmhe», Comb* ** d putolt, Cloct*, |Uk * c ßSK^£%*3S&a.u».«*- =-KSggggfc canuim Thor* »r» »«*» no lon got » miUlcr f „?nttfStwWcl»,if known, thin** m iho fSSS@SS3& P We <i* n»* Wl * h that the mßdlclnoc*n*o«® •"aw’" w »«„rs“«uBowo CONBUM Wi3n (l» lu "Vu^K SSS^SS^S&VSiSfx s3sjjps®S?Kiss farssi^^sssaw® lucre used nnd eereml !&«>• HS iiio'X :@n“ p'-p^- w»a... -“- <aa, buV^cu^ ACTOB v. I'INK * ND ‘ wirtSlliid Finl“'*“ M * ,l ““' *>•' ”"2X3B “«-j-sf S-ta.l; .*»•■ ri , a®' !Sii, a ass W*ibTnbi, U»nelCburn*i Htlf Uu»baU> ‘ _„ k> HaihloM. peck* end llelf ?•**», Wooden »««• Bound UeckoU, W*ih Bo*rd«, Towel Roller*. Clolh** P*c«» Hfjgd Roller*. Wooden Udic*, Market lluket*. * «., kt Cimbe* Bukeu. «aMOVU; KBOfc»p». LOGAN WILSON & CO*. **bn"o“w i tf«aeb%H«» *» &h For nl* b 7 *tJ.W.Wo^«W». dolt '» jc.r-cdtoKF^ "KV f«; Ut, ooe Tin frequently 2fim» «om ntro ehildui 1 1 .n *K£S?SS* J£?tf "* iX "n’ l “" ) it*te U»»t I in my *ecuon of the | roar nie4jaate» h »”.^ e mu tbit they *re iA» country• llJSSdftlSd ■» X»*tined » h»Tc * very I medicine* ot tno n»y. y ourt ,roe..etUttl!jj I extensive W* 1 *” 17 19 ' v,.II.TOsai. 1 , i i i-Jia.No*7 Wood rov3l I aj iJVkkOtflffEßKE by he foEPnamsop \ , br cosing only Ohio c«Qiy, Va. ) J SBo * l '' ji»reh*6oi,l94». ) Mr. R. E- S s ' l * lll h?c a irmer» ll Tf“'‘ l * l " 1 h>Tr w 7o o {Q to been afflicted wi* J formed and broke, tune, and ao badly us nate. Harinr heard of which left ma in ..JJ pjiu being for e 2« by A R c:St3£: f ScuJwSF COLEMAN. •oi-™ jaLßJsa-4 i msaf ta^T&™BUO.-Th e .^^J“f“ d d £ v ”; JffiJs I'm. « wsariS or e«ch hi. nun. on tho cuuido wwpei-*B box, and hi* w *^Kf,” or hue imitation*. -jihera are coanicrfcii*, ° R ggi.T.KRa. Proprle*- i? ftl»r CI «S T been«J^cieddaringihep«»‘ The underexfjted hftftioi ctcrnkeh. wateunie* P l ®" •ia«r eu“r twelve hour* daelnkgre«P» in J® tried venoc* iitfcoatinierfii/’«yg*wftndSS *W> * b , oUl ® t en»die*vntlv' < * e . c .V..t£j.km: ThUheuiedee otD* DJey^o’eC. ■{‘JjflSJid: iaV m<iftblJ' tbjtthi* eorfin* »the dlwet.<*?»““ ri. a ; n three or four min n;ei, irol in fifteen ort >1 Tfae IQet iicine »•■ ei- ISiik.ni™«ena™iTq“ l ''S“^ j J“„,uio opproeehol , SrSrif need »*«»££!uSSSrTwe. vhereby pteeent ; y to sVe e o P '"".""edf. i morm«» Bnfleiet «utellev .K*lthwM*o<hrte»U>Ttd,tb»iw pnin> From ex i«d Cron »terfe emonrit of oppre Jenlly recom me«d U j ford^oneeeoflheltomncfi Wlejhen-.e,^ | For.nl. pi , ,u ‘"‘w oi- tnfi “.'SSSft iKS&Sg^S&SwiSn 5^ ' OVARD. CONSUMPTIVE, GOVOOn BKEIIP OPWILD CDBBEY. Tin en*Tetgn _ Blo ., chluSl Lie* Bre.ih- SfSreut i‘*l““" •• inn, Min in ife ““ ““ c „™ Broken Con- TU Heurl, 'SjiwnnNenoe* DebUi mnuion.SoreTn^Sof ike Tbro.l, , j the ,l)^^ 1 di ’ £U ' 1 D-&* 8 "A» wild Chtrryl I 1 nfflftr » SwS im “ l * *" d °Tmu“vt : 55,ftfSS enJ *£*2 °faeu, ceew»o llW a 1 0t K prove* con &f£ffi£!to »« ÜB *H&7uiffiweoM «Uef It »f -5r 8 1 « Sb« oPiffi. difltt * e,i 1 JaoOy for Ox * ffl ‘ C «E«BsMßEK cl ,„ tio „ 1 ynvgj men, »ctiitl £ •« the truth of ft thing* or #HS|gSSS : :S^Sg%ggaE^- igSSFgSaS&fcS* i other «4iclne- peaad */«»« eouth, th* sSBHi#i&S3?3 l T thu {nend* » ( mo *i hap* toy ns , eo «?Hb\a mtxljcuic: ld*“ .v. Sect to leo*enibe xsss^lsssais^^fas: SfN^fSssavrssSsiSi™ yrmiefd Can<f ? f *»• i^Ssr-^rSs'iSsss&t? rW of .J".amekedwltk cold *?“ d a diitreMing vioUßtlyjaccomp»^^. * Ter y eonridem- Sffi.^^Sa^'iKSlKS tion. XF* . or *P*^.*~°] nnrt During lhi#i T** i Vi«d tiied **no« the time woi»e. ,Ju*t Umß , lh Tftlief-« TOwin * bY a dear friend tn but fep^iaSedwi of Wild Cher- BSsSTgasssSsSss^saffi* gkSsj^jss#- ”3®— NC - I B r”-"ij a i r&,r. u A>p- ttißiet Mine p»rt> , wild Cherry. h» ve Wmwmm fSSSuofWUwm !•«“ to’pomui o( Dr. li t k ® -*««• ud >• (nrti» e . r *•*•”7' 'to na to diiUngnuh tlgniwre* ... i. •• : t vtt noi (or «* «-*“b-v^SnelSo o^ timmm SSssg®sSSaws%| Tj which, after Pre»i uin b aa been aatUfaewnly en-1 ? - ««J uiod aiperieneet ““ __ bfl ullicied with üblffid. To ,a» *°® e “ womb, he recommend* hi* ’*■!& for w«Si Uiu¥i«*ttr sss:;aa-tfa'sss-,'^ > DrJSargeni rw r e «««• >■;!; ,SS?WtSK», “ d “ M c^ n '" A ‘&" CUT _ _ article whicb U .ro- OF m b wbo^lo me, noumbiiiK H. pldly coming »n .* _ pleuuu nod P* l : :jaj^a^«ragjr: ruu^k.___-—-' nI . R 000D3 _J„, ! cow; IS pn Pm^| C"”? l £IaMM; Bool.; is ffihm.. j l3p«lr» n*'* «nd'l 1 inllona each; W ennweno, 4 ■ebSt . ■PICIiS-i'ai »P fcr Saniiaaa, • Sjgjj J 10 ®!!’ for nil at tea new Spleel an® U 'S£?£»T«*«' * *j IOH l 0HN IL‘i?i -ifeSSSSS AjksKw"* 4 gisfasoW). >w— WJ& -* e - =!UtlillH!ifliS i! hi? if l ■ It Itm r . % o ftlsiaS‘S^s*B;.s 2 5 a I® 37-1 15 lIS iifipl-llillliiyii if.ill; «■* 1 ■-* it l||| 1 eg e P 5 . it s -2 sit fiiliiiSißppi m h- \z |sa t-jiusft?#?Miiffeil *;■.. «< . % I*■ ||l=s li| Ifllii i lit ill IHI fs li S - - IllillflfSlillllcllf|2|tlls- ii, ►-Is -. <. a^nnm* • t ?ttP i s - s■§£ § isjlt! S J * jt f?I . LL 5 3 « o j *“sssl.S- a -<>3 v «• W°£ Bertas.l2ll||||.l,g-sl|g , Jill | § rl^’ __ “ S tf'if £** = 2 i 2,6 rfat * s-s .-S'* Jl.' 3^o*2—>*2 S C'i.SSi-c-t« lC MJ* p fsi _t = s.flEEsi-I * t!“! B "ace ESiXS-s-sSg 3 .2 "£‘3s s i"“l s:»-=ssVg go »a ► ,I|4Siia*lsl*f:-||««<£*£.:» £ tsrtj’asiigsSrfjissjSkstssiEßSs'' art* • =“. = SE-r^l 2 s|=|- 1 s Tr§lsl3“' s sS'!!lt .itl'-ga-i'* g-. 1 ”, l JiiiS” —-t !t :'' “ ; “ EXCH^I^BROKERS- I MT? OES,OOLD,aii.vr. E. NOTE B ,DRAFTS ; ,ACCraTAN „ j'on.c.rf.n L ».« I Tavorable/tcrauL v’ork Philadelphia and Bal* *&>«— “ d Sjdff Sf 2SSS.oSi -1 b °“' l “ *o®°e!fk. » M..«« .••'«>. »'”"«» M r« ,lk ’ urf'mWn'E ’ B •» the CMTjn»J*gJ ow conntrie»i «W®r- ta £fe-'{SBsfSsaB: wilhoaldeduction °* dl^, nt W n r oflice Sih *v ona 80N> Eoropean and General Ag eni > °*“ octlgtt doorwoatof wood. . jowaiuTiaU* feSEaStef^gt '^gfitmseßVvWS» :: VV Ohio, * * Indiana. Kentaokji "“53;n..« Pirchuta .111*. JKvMESt SONS, . W ‘ 35 Market g*»reeL_ ■gvutiiointxotasev^^Ai-^ \\ . , _ mi HOLMES *■ SONS. Conttt|iUy for tala by N * 11 35 Market »i. BOOK TRADE- /rfrtTjUi* «w** EVEH AND Ca v»«lu> ihe CtiandKin ~ rs . an<s at I. Illuitraled P r ££i"?Ui*v»•«- proauneni «nm- TS& *“ hM *«“ ,wd fOT - ycat». M —Curiftl- l»Q rt r Nineveh an^Si^syaS"-^- lp«! - *KiZ&S»!rS on exeavauon*. “ u “ *‘“ de *'X 1 aceaniey, now lifting it* g»R»ntlc hM* “ u ionUhed K!;, ”viuh,". D -»ni«( 0 L, t.. 1. U u.tf ”-!»• I dependent. For t&lo by 1 | novlfl JAMES tt • S«w Boolt*« . ' l rpHV. \YU\iKN°f N e * ol | 1 Edited by t- U J^ pf p ,.u.w tnWtfd ensravins*; «•"«» ° f '»*•** An“u -*lfjSlJuil nook of n» Htaw of *>“• 1 ?SiT«cnAtn«» "“SftSfeSJSSI, 1 »«-' use or^aft«dier»,Sb»pjrn<^'VJ l rtiian3 s ! , el , er »ity: , Lorobermeu, B i u ?J* n J* JfxieauM on Mensurn 6BrSSK*^''‘'w': - v**- 1 ; U u»'.o™«kC.»c.rto«. I ”iw‘ ciMstcal Joj 1 , o i. 8«o. n ““ M,T, SS«>-' ‘ ”>• *»■ 'b.™-. N*» «* Eff.SU- »»->• 3 * nl 2 l.oL Ll.* ‘'SJSJ ISS&w iffr*- 1 «*- 3, °- <eWt ’ Allflrt Bronouiicu* Bible. Hoter’i V’foncb Dictionary- COTIJ XT t'.W BI JUST Kl'XraVBD -Jb. w<.r k . b O N Monuip* rfijX JJ •»> SS , i l dßll.lj<*Wj“* 1 J'gSShif.'or, tie MoU*« Theory and Practice ? Q«i,nol.KeeDinjr« by David Si« M J?Sup^>“»^ ot,l “ **“ N ° rmi^3ch °° 1 ’ and Bri»*b Brovin k STOCKTON, ' Vts tl l “ J c^eiT^rdandNMkel.eu. no™ -— — — Nj-h* Olden Time* n LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, n mwiSiotei, has for sale a Jew copies com- No. M Wood street, a . of IU , valuable pleu-, iiho «®>H“ d h cr prewnration of DocuraeuU, anil work, devoted to th®** lganf w the early ex other anihenuo ‘nforomuo country ■? “• c ”“‘- EK. ” f Pi'wM'S ll ' 3 vol ‘ 8 ?' D LOCKWOOD. novlO * ~ ~ “loCKWoXd, Bo«»^l»r« n J j 4.um s' Importer, C 3 \\ ood it nov -\v, .. r. .fflf iTitJ ITALYi authorized edition, f lSu J 73 MRS FANNY KEMUUW VKArY £>*S2tg%**> book has impressed us with a nnlnion of Us author than wo lied binned ? md> n«m.meheTolher writing*. Udiiplaysudecper from P® r ulute d to more pure womanly grate of ?“nn»ihan miy other production of the-female mutd fee I log than aiiy acquainted.'’—Use. Mirror, with 7»hich we !U0 och leadai) | e book, writteuln sss.» g h v.™'. EiujoirM* >racieriftic book. We have read U from •Avery . un abated interest. A vi “id luSSrfonlfe mßome. In all re.pecu eminently IocKWOOD, Fo^t*5 e bY Bookseller A Importer,« Wood «t TiibM»pbte KiUbl«m«a*at DniwinJ»i d p r j atc d m color*, OoM, Bronic ”*£&?** »>«»nnablßPnce». .-_- „ »■ - - A CAllfi. GRATEFUL (oi tie vrey Hl*™ l cuumrigcnunl 1 l \r.n received lot re. loony Jen, -I hove dole!- ,* ,re|,rfe my l>n*ines» considerably. Haring SUSidSoSSlFoieaiw, 1 will be cabled “» order* prompt* and do Uic wotk l, ‘ our , u,uftt fill aU °ni P r price*,*and a*k the attention of mer ,tyle and at ”ur » lajße ilock of ui'UOLUTH rVUOODS U.d lied., JUttrjMM and Bedding, Cur , Dam ask* and Moreen*, Cornice*. Fnn* »*« K Sl Sii. Split and Roller llW«, and 6 et * U .« ieleunally kept man rstabluluncnt of the kind* Order* respectfully solicited and promptly at- : N. C aiu -TtVttQttßßt VENITIAM BLIND, Al ‘ l ' anu dauinct WA.EROOII. A. DROWN would reepcfll ’ inform tho public, that ht ;ia on hand at nl« aland on UK a tideol the Diamond, Aile ny city, a complete aasort ut of Venltiau Liiindt; alto Vc ian Shutter* are made to or ‘ii the best atyle, warranted il to any IntheUnited Staia*. Blinds can bo removed with* the aid of a tcrew driver, vlng purchased tb e *toea, )ls, and wood ofthecabinetes ’ishment of Ramsay & M Clel r I am prepared to furnwh jj old customer*. aaweil at svery thing in their line. *** V '" u ' ,v st DROWN... aNCl^- 1 J‘ui U ?J*w^rk! li fVlladeh- P from the manufacturer* in Ncw * °‘ olcd E-nlof.U n» con- Un, glued and common rArfe* ]• 10,000 P w Hall and Col"fv-Wber aad o£ea 'vs#-* JINS“U® T°uSS&ff55SSS»d «..=«» -** *- ttended b. "cS&OMSiSJ,,, u,. w«. » i^vrSc r snrK-i«.'«*!»“> «““*'" r^sss-^ leitroyer, *.saSS^swissna I will bo fannd In■‘“CSSfISSdU» centoel*. of ■fifefiS# *#r " , leci from li ' DEf(Mj3 OF THE BAT, kU »« h.». eiSiM “'SSo'Sito e“tltnr> SSff-lffljC- , - Jb t.cr Med _ , perfect CUBE KF l?nr .mirtoheeitoot Wbp twort t* OT T , ton, need tojffiiclri tojirtd. Sp^-feSSE?* 5 ATCIS FKOM Tim OB ATE. I pul lbs v fifty ceiti, . over the west, who are p Proprietor, Mien relative to it. Bfoadway, Cmcmnati, OiAo. . MCALLISTER’S m the ctmon danger and * e ’K t l^ tn l one ra*e lias it fflufSS, *. rsEEh i ‘'TSZiSi,.*™ £«»s£ *J ESm! i h»»o mini»ters of the j f Tf e higfaeit emdinen, i sraJssß ■sffe.'iaisa^sJ Srf“!SBlS, VOUR OINTMENT : »ggssRWM-« ,-«* j£g.?ssa@: th^*SS w %SSn ioldtt9beb»d*tw“J B 5 S*lSr 7 m , T bEeNS-Ili. .11MEMI*P“*' TOW "” rp- Around the b “*^^ r Jl. 4r cwtpte*n*> «T r tP** CHnD7uni/or Seri if«- loi, CAtihhtirv, i*att**. i>J»* Som Thre^^ro f Wfljfi£w£ E&r g*f» £um»; Certu, oU 0““*“ limh*, Scm. Pta *IJ, fjtcw, wS?2 *'»lm Bnut, ISM* s^i’jfui>» tA« p«in in the Oieit loleieoUftM- KS£f„>£,o cold fool- ’ Pe°p”E« 'l oetei usassssss^ 5 - 45, “ *-* *• ° Vo'S“r i»y A S »» i» •“ “» P'*”' 1 ' 1 * 1 “ townslo too Uow-d .-ms Slc/LLLI!TEIt, idelptua. .._. RIIOI’KiNS, tnildinc*. Fourth Bt —isssSSSs'sa SJr.HSSS#;! ... jih ward; »m- 60ia , ~• in AtlecbeoT e * l 7 R 7 ", 3d daor frv'tn r‘ ucon ‘* H , q gmith. Blr &htam nuJ J 'Kowfand, Me. , mingham; I* c I-. v «ton, Mowongabela City* N Spore J BrownooiUeJ Jolui S “JiTSim “« ore retold | febCT-de** ll ? .. I„ '“Sr‘m|lCTOR. DJtlBrS IMDIOiI PUS IJ ' l - Mi - * w " CISCURUTIt ?«**• ‘ S„: A «»» •W—S S£S2 W' k ‘ to Dailey’* i‘wn for Uieir obieit sinister cr? and all uonttums bovine fiT)jn the “King of lootive*-— but j® ced To tender yoa lM« cerui- I’nn KiUen”~l am inaae j n my practice, and cave. 1 bavo used U HI ■"*? f *rTjJ.Vfol effects tliat could S all the happy and won “8“j. bms*, M.®. . «■*“ P“““ ° f Un ’‘‘" ’ ur "" uu ' The followP'S oa ooi W«Min milUi t 6 BW « f S.vor*hl, »»»”«1 »** “ ****'’ U wbo«!««' To Henry vio' ent »nfl»“»ati>or merly l**o 10n ?, 4 r lcl „ »o firmly seated as to Rheumotisra, wUieh *P* ,car ” lay the severe pain defy all ordinary J“®J ottr Magical Pain Sending U, l almost by « B «* Extractor, and it having *“® c . » appearances iramediate rc icj and w « ne . & enure auo P« ftc i'fi ic Kpain.eaased by “of others may be odhetea wi» I > decking; anv kind of inflammation, t®7 , £,r..tß*lexpeoence that in my oplnio*hfaun most valuable dts* I flammation. „. in ,.nces formed by vlw ‘* uw^B^^ssyscs; i&jfs^ss^-s^ou j (I omtruln iJ" h, ' 1 P„ 0 t , w'=A r “ ” e ”' o |tothcndUccofb«fncim. c^ \ Extract of a letter, K y. Nov. t 3, 1&U... 1 ~, vaal Pain Bxtraotor in I Mr. 1!. D *“ ey: o«m faw»Tt wh ich »t relieved I •p-" ' to ” Ssassf l-'^'r»«^-s p a^4 I 'id“sfs lltciii. »«PV®”’ ‘ , JU y U,!?»itvondelllil pmperliu lUmimiuip. P.'.'T*,isJi, iW Bui, in lie m» pio of Up. “f 'jUrn recelvo bonolil fton Beojioo, “i»)"O J Pf ,U “ * h^ r ““ » f H o “jß?SfitSS'unte und »pplr oolp.lo lip iPranoi, 3 « irr » sis Broadway,New\ork t -Ol to hi* au-' [ H D*u*t, «* Bro “ 3 JOUND MORGAN, I thonxed>i«cu • General Depot, Pittsburgh, 1 1 it >nrr Y Schwarts, Allegheny, Agent; J. Baker, 1 wSr Vs: James-W Johnston, Jdayoville, 2 mSw wcaSer, Cincinnati, 0., GeaenJ Depot. F w l B-In U* « vc,cn Btt/ns f«W» 4 extracts , w a few minnics—it never falls 1 jul* * "" ”a! B- Uoll, N. V. oOy a fcKnMKott, JPitt«bMxh. , W til* CUj *1 rituE cademgaed *™ exteniiTely' ln tie I ■ whoieinle PntK-bariaaw at No. W Joiu ftreet, is ua eitv of Nc» Yak; A are piewred to nppij Dnitfiaia* aad e*aaaflteckaß»wSDni«vP«““i 01- We w ©“ l11 B|M, I !<“• tod hearmir »t 5. Trimble,of Bridr>w“". . assa^Ssw^sr leuhny. fUOUIiUn UWUJJOU.P***** T.00K3 WLU orz.'f;sS ? ‘“* l °”’ Pe °° ■ QEOROII abhoe, merchant. T*! lor ’ 1 80. 16 tartat itntt, ! TTAvmcp«T^“«aßS^ [ ter* bin “f lf ia l^o.cWnOT, - i lotted w examine Tor aBMQBw ; > o. W. UlDblUi tt«wg igfflSgb BEMOVEDloanewiliT«« i »n'W» :9Smss^^S^gsß^ or'MP l^ 1 *T>SS| o i^cwdVrllh litUe *r no pain- . sis3^ B -3ffißSffissafa , s : don. la Are »iSS» “ even Initantlv *CDRK FOtt WORMS. • ■ B. A. FHISK»TOOK' B TEElllSirai"' 'jsMs^^?ssfigsaj& ■nd Uio eiccßUoo elaborate. »«*«« “5S uv****- portrait are “ osl P?? m ,‘£s2i *5 finely ea wgs&m Hs^sgSu-aj ss£?«^^.sca?s? iValfernearly all ibe ordinary preparation* jw)fr la<S«iiaa;P»™ “f u “f'sS igggai^^sSs^as t y most deticate - ••. • only. Wttdianfc . —aro*t jcm»u»n ium«ay. . i ssg l^^Bt^iSSssf.isiass K““ «d »^a». j. StaSmSSm I S»w>e»l’f 5.e tom ‘■roohiUj, . i “LKaSSS? ;^l ** T '* t ga*!? h ,u “' lT '“* ,b • 0b fy * Co.Mmero «.»w»iaiki*ctty Ss ?SSja@SSS!SfK i ■ i THE CHEAP Soffi BoSM ta » 4 ' Of madoto 0 r de ro ftS ureinTited » etfl and Conniry Mcreb.au !3SSSi b .'. » '^wholesale purehaaera. A U'SSTERVKLT aais«gssSiS» a wcenUj smpMw»«®J - fa toe ff ef very great in dlcry, '^rpen«f. itern jjJjtiantt* u in aißUien to . duceaients to h«dhy oar produce t*or», (Mea th* «“»/“i’Kl.'gff J we hire greatly lnerea*ed our all our good* -from first hand* "“•ffiiwSriSwßSof the firnrdftvdta theirwW« and feeling confident cfncing ■«- .*• 1 SSn, respectfully solicit a call from oU wtetnay^ pro- Yuitilm market. _.*?■ ' lUc mnßfiil't'S CHKMIOAJi WRiyfiO I • FXfVIO* iIinBERTS SUPERIOR RED INK. . „ hibuertl MACHINE COPY INK. . .. ALL these differ from ordinary Ink. nB lheT are aj A el»ero»c*r«olution* containing no ™ cl f ;r~ freetv from any kind of pen—the color d*«P> bright an/duranle. It there have boon l»ucr armies Sffle, t hare neither »«cn nor heard ofibura.aao olaUiUlea can be rhtaiued gram, byiheinerekwm jTiverUly, from U. A. PahaMtock A Co., lleOT^ §«hwanx,AUeshenT, or of the-manufacturer. THUS. ir ItItIBKKT. Drnggut andCbemUt, eorner of u M V and smilhfield eireeu, Pituburgh, P*. V. don *N.lhr-Any bottle not gtvmj complete satiwaetl i . tan be returned and the price will be refunded. . jolbidfim . — =- TUB RTAaOFVDEWBSV 4 VENTTIAN BUNDMANUVACTOR' V ifl pm tide of the Diamond, where Veaium* uwL BUuds of ail iho different sixes amlewH* kept on hand or made to croet an# • thelateßtandmMtapproTedK*amrnf*u« Hjn*,aUho thorles; notice and on the »oi * C *cbe«p Boston roll or tpW Blind reneyund Paper (Curtain* of all the different »j**» pauenta. tin hand and for sate low fore«»U._ ( u.n Blind. rui'Wd ««' ;?ilSnntiajtfrSvij paymentfor new' - R M WESThRVia.i, f* N. B—All ww done with workmanship, and warranted to picaae y^giy idraba. . —• 'Allegheny city .Aog.lO.tP-^ - ATUESjEDS SHOOS, .gjr. ASTO BHIHIHO I . bnnrb and TicuutTj u,al ■* .L'M* ~,a aUoTe eiUl)U»hniehu wliere fa^^yi. paid u» ifae comfort of thoicwho I . loia-ntv . . SAUL.E yuyg— rxTtn. ££!!Tiri*i .ptaidid •‘•-“f'Sftfi caaam «fS c, j*’*K^Sp«' ra te£!SS W^S’SSfc'*«j«-SiSW(totoiT w ion *ad B*niel anw* - KnlUiog lo «iie tie mucniloo of p* l mating « gyt HSS? ™™^siiBBp%& 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers