THE WTTBBURGH GAZETTE- PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY MORNING, JAM. 4, IMP. ■ KwiledtohMd in keutnonbebn tr.iL, um «• Mirljitadayo yreetleibU. UnriMemt2unm\BteneatoTt toed- Ud tfw.» wqj laTtriablr beeharged asm ordered oal pnW, tnci.pniA IO&TII ASKBXO&S, Aiventsemems sad sabsertpuona to the Nortk Amei eaa ud D sited flutes Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded ftoa this office, BTOTB NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTERS I TELEGRAPHIC/NEWS, Ac. ! FOR MAYOR OF PITTSBURGH, ROBERT HtOCTOHEOI. FOB. MAYOR OF ALLEGHENY, HUGH I. PLEHI9G THE MAYORALTY. Aj the period for the election of Mayor if now •lose at hand, and the candidates aw in the field, it ia time to giro the question a seriotts examina* tios. ’ The Whig party, according to established cos tom, have pni in nomination a regularly nomine* ted candidate. The gentleman chosen has never been ranch known as a politician, bat is well known u s good Whig, a respectable merchant, and an citizen. He if, in the judgment of those who know him best, tally capable of effi* eienliy discharging the duties of this office, and de- aerrea the confidence and respect of his fellow The Democratic party held a Convention, but did not ven tore to name a standard bearer in the regular form; bat “rscowwritdnf I —that is the new terra in the Locofoco vocabulary—a distinguithe d member of the party, as an "independent" candi date. Thalia, to use the significant language of a member of the party, they made a "aueaktng” noaK fetation. Afraid to take the field under their own distinctive fltg, they rally tinder fah* colors, and endeavor to cheat the people into the rapport of a warm and active Locofoco paniun, nominated —we beg pardon—"recommended” by a Locofoco Convention! One of two things is certain, they are ashamed Ol their flag, or they fear defeat under it The : latter is the charitable, and no doubt the correct conclusion. - Bat what difference will it make to the oommnniiy whether a devoted Democrat is elected under a "recommendation,” instead of a “nomination" of a Locofoco Convention? Will the of tba office be any the less a Lo cofooo one, should Mr. Guthrie, as a ‘-recom mend ee" succeed, rather than a "nominoef” Will any Whigof common sense ay that it will?— We feel sore that no Locofoco expects it. But what is the difference between this “re* oommendatioa” and a regular nomination? A Lo cofoco Convention oomposed of delegates regu larly chosen, assembles, and after the organization is completed, a committee is appointed to report revolutions exprevsive of the sense of the Conveu* lion. After a short absence the committee returns, and reports the following revolution, which, on motion of Colonel S. W. Black, was adopted by acclamation: a ßstoloed ) That we rtemvund John B. Guthrie, Esq., to the people of Pittsburgh, as a suitable can didate for Mayor, and we respectfully invite the in dependent voters ot the city, to give him a cordial support. * What great difference is there between this recommendation and an ordinary nomination? A Democrat is presented to the people of Pittsburgh as a candidate for Mayor, by a Democratic Con vention, and if elected be will all intents and purposes, a Democratic Mayor, the tame as if be was nominated instead of recommended. The whole ia a trick to defeat the Whig nomination, under f «l«* colors, and |o secure the office to the Locofoco party. ' The history of this affair will not, however, be complete without Jhc following correspondence, which is publiahcd'wiib the proceedings of the Locofoco Convention: — Pittsburgh, Dec. 27tb, 1849. Jobs B. Gittbxix, Esq.—Dear Sir:—Knowing '«!*■» the and prosperity of a city is pro moted, whenever its Executive Department is under the guidance nod control or a citizen who unites to high moral worth, calmness ef jndg meotj and energy tn performing the duties of of fice ; and believing that these qualifications are admirably blended in your character, and will be developed by your administration, the undersigned respectfully askiyou"to become a dtisauf eandi* iau for the Mayoralty; and thus, untrammelled by any considerations- of party, .they will pledge to yon their support and influence. ' James M* Cooper, Edward Gregg, John Sim mons, Moms Jones, James Laugh!m, John Har per, Win. S. Lavoty, James A. Hutchison, Wo. Richardson, T. A. Tuttle, James Currea, George R. Massey, George Fortune, Peter 8. Hays, John Comer, Waller F. Jones, Henry CantwelL Charles p. Barr, Samuel M. Fallon, Joseph P. Gazzam, Siim Anderson, Wm. J. T. Morgan, Vn. T. Barr, J. C. Pettigrew, Samuel Herr, Geo. L. Jloodey, Robert Burgess, A. Damgb, John Qtrimlin, -Thompson H. Douglass, James S. Mc- Cord, Ed. S. Blane, Samuel A. Douglass, A. L Leech, E. S. Neel, Thos. R. Johnston, Sunnel Dilworth. /t Pittsburgh, Dec. 31,1819. To James M. Cooper, Thompson H. Douglass, Jo seph P. Gazzam, E. S. Neal, and others. GnttotraYour letter requesting, me to be come a candidate for Mayor was received, and while the was under consideration, a Demo erauo Convention met and determined, with gTeat unanimity, not to make a party nomination. This decision leaves the field open for an independent candidate for Mayor, and relieves me from all em barrassment la secediog to your leanest. Without flattering myself that I deserve the good opinion your partiality dictates, I can say, with all gincerity, that, ifeleeied, pay best energies will be used for the preservation of the peace, and the promotion of the welfare of the entire comma nity. Please accept my thanks for the personal kind ness and estimation evinced towards Your friend and servant, JOHN B. GUTHRIE. A number of gentlemen, composed of a sprink ling of all parties, address Mr. Guthrie on the 97U>, but be take* care not to reply un'il he had sound* ed the pulses of his political brethren, and then, having the sanction of the Locofoco Convention, he yields to the solicitations o( the gentlemen whoso names are appended io the letter. It looks very much as if the whole matter bad been man aged. to saif a certain purpose. The leaders of the party, fearing to bring oat a candi* date under the' Democratic flag, have, doubtless, arranged the whole scheme. The letter signed by Mr. Cooper and others, was, doubtless, a pan of the plan, though unknown to most of the sign* era. Many of them, we think, would scorn to enter Into a Locofoco coalition. It was singular, that they ahould, in "looking"for a citizens’ can* didale, fix upon a well known locofoco parti san, when there was a good Whig in the field, placed Were in accordance with the recognized usages; of the party, but it would be more slngu : . Ur still to suppose that any. bearing the name' of Wnig, should hive entered into a coalition with our enemies to defeat the Whig candidate.; We think better of them than that, although we (ear they have been used to subserve a purpose of the opposition. What Is the doty of the Whig party in this state of affairs ? Undoubtedly, that of a universal rally for the election of Mr. M’Cutcheon. This is due to that gentleman as a matter of good frith- It is due to the party and to party usages—sod is, alaoi a duty to the city, ss good citxeaa. We . have said nothing to the disparagement of the par aonpd merit* of Mr. Guthrie. He is a gentleman witS'whom our intercourse has been pleasant.—• But we hold H to be the duty ofthe Whigs to sus tain Weir own cfiar&ter* - their eelf respect, their fidelitjto thoir principles, and to their party usage*, by electing Mr. which they can easily do, tf they exert themselves, notwithsiandlng the defections of some Vho support Barker, on the one hand, and Guthrie on the other. These Istterj we think, will be very lew and far between. The CkrmicU supports Mr. Guthrie as the “dtiunS candidate.” What part had our ciU letfr/aa such, in his nomination? What righ| has a Convention to nominate a eili* candidate ? If a citizens’candidate is to be supported, it wonldibe but frir to give ail our citizens a voice in the nomination, instead of con fining it to the Locofoco party, and some dozen or so fitimM beside. ! Wnntornpsoe, ycftcnity, preTcnted n> ftotn promptly noticing tie nppeoronce or the Journal Innuwdren. It notr ntitoo n rerytcoep. petttneo, creditable olio to the city end iu pr* £fetor. Wo owgrtl”' oTidcncoo( ooj2e^hbor , f **' i sun’. . l " b«n«»odd.) ,b * d *?'“ O. Vuni SmiU. cuued by gomoilfenliinuU ,P T“*^ Urhler tint to Ho l Spit, hire noir «ll»*d. bowerer, *adU».ub, Sb«.wfllbo w»ludnpon iamwdutdy. Tw* Tinr U. i .Toy da* o»e, >ad felly •qiiil [3 110 OTjywi drtiriflj. A Communication, la reply to an article bead ed Conference," which wo published by request on Saturday lart, In relation to a onion between the two brioches of the Presbyterian Cbnrch, 'termed “Old" and “New" School, hss been received, but is unavoidably postponed un til to morrow. It iseifoed byseveral gentiemen of one of the brioches of the Church concerned. the mesrege of Gov., is now before the community, snd his before ibis . . j Although the excellent re* it copied &»=> HmUbcgb Teiegiepli. tcueel, ecrllitag more ne r to bo MIJ 00 ear P" 1 .19 cennolre- IMn flom expreseieg the great piceinre ud keen 0 f pride which we felt on rending this trniy onobie state paper. Seldom faavewe reae a message, either state or natioqai, more dignified mere happily expressed, mori entirely aatisfac* tory. Its exhibition of the guanoes, and the gen eral concerns of the state, is iohicid, that the readerf eels, when he riaea fromitz perasal, that he has a thorough ncqoainanee with every thing of atate concernment most Important for a citi zen to know;] and that the affairs of the Commonwealth are entreated to able, Intelligent, Ipatriobo, and honest hand.. j It is many yean aince the stale had so able and aonnd a statesman at the head of affair*, and the flattering condition into which he has brought the financial affairs of the Commonwealth, hereto fore a subject ofao much anxiety and paintoevery good citixen, is calculated to afford the greatest present pleasure, and the most cheering confidence in our fainre destiny. Let the system so hap. pQy commenced be carried(jut in the spirit in which it was originated, and In accordance with the recommendations cf this mejmge, and our be loved Old Commonwealth will soon be among the most prosperous, the most free from embarasa meot, as she is among the moat favored io her soil, her minerals, her situation] and her climate, l ofany in the Union. I StJWiriaioH or Dtpixntatio llirrmoouas* with Atwrai*.-—Gen. Casa baa been the first to move in the Senate cf the United States, the suspension < of all diplomatic tntercoarne with Austria. The proposition submitted by Gen.)Cas*, In relation to. this matter, is in the form of a resolution of in struction to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Iris in the following worde: • | Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign Re lations be instructed to inquirejlnto the expedien cy of suspending diplomatic relations with Aus. trfa." I While we folly subscribe to all that has been taid against (he bloody barbarities committed by the Austrian Government, andj which entirely de serve the execrations of the Christian world, we doubt the policy of suspending our diplomatic intercourse. We have very large commercial re lations with Austria, which require watching, and besideatbia. there are a large number cf Ameri cans.reiidiog, either permanently or temporarily, 10 her dominions, who desire to fee! that they have the protection of the flag of their cooatry to resort to, tn time* of trouble. Justice, therefore! to the interests of our own countrymen, it ap pears to os, should indace us to maintain our di plomatic relations. At the same time, it need not restrain us from expressing, in language that may reach the ear of the youthful Emperor, and his Ministry, the feelings of indignation which the policy of his Government, in their recent etro oions courae towards Hungary bas awakened on the Western Continent; and that they deem her unworthy to be recognised among civilised na tions. Frjm tJu Aferrary. The Gazette of Toesday last, contains an arti cle attributing to me personally, motives the most unworthy. In this land where my character is as j at unknown, I am anxious that I should be jndg i d by my conduct. Since my arrival to thirdly, I can safely say that nothing has appeared in my conduct unworthy of a gentleman, and cf one wbs aspires to become a citizen of this republic. If the editor of the Gazette thinks proper to doubt mv veracity, it la not through the columns of a newspaper that I desire to establish it. -It is with extreme pain that I feel compelled thus to obtrude myaelf upon the public; but the course of the Ga zette in substituting personality for argument, letToa me no other alternative. We give the young gentleman of the Nenurg the fall benefit cf his card,l though we do not sec that it is very relevant, or altogether true. With his private character we have not and shall not trouble ourselves, but bis public "conduct" hat not been such as became a gentleman or a person aspir ing to become a citizen. I Vo e riencrj and now entertaining no doubt of ita eni re practicability, end of tu. being susceptible of in expansion ao as to cdlonixe, in reasonable time, jail the colored people of the Uaited States now Me, or who may bo hereafter emancipated, 1 abodld be nv>tt happy to accept your invitation, aodUo .■rid la the endeavor of giving a new and moh> vigorous impulse to the efforts of the Virginia Soci ety. On other accounts it would afford me much personal gratification to re-viut the .capital of my satire Stale. Bui I regret, gentlemen, that my pub ;lio duties do not allow me to leave this city at the time proposed. . . I im. with high raped, ,. disbonqrable iu a merchant. A new kind of telegraph wire is now beiug put up for one of the western companies. It is coated with gutta percha, a sample of which I send yoa. t will be noticed that this wire is completely loc ated, and doea not come in contact with as in urious substance, and cannot be disturbed by :rossiog of wires, as is the case now. Ii can bo $52,547,450 furnished for sixty five dollars per mile, a price which must give it general use. If it is placed $100,547,450 under land or water, it is alike protected fro tho elements, and makes the telegraph a more r liable means of commun.cstion than any olb« known method. At present a despatch of in pottance is almost sure to find the lino do run, i the phraae ia, had uaelra*. Tbe mail by the English ateamer aame by ex press to the city laat aight, and wu delivered ibii morning. by tbe wirea ia ‘confirmed, jd the general appearance of commercial affair* a unchanged. Cotlon le down in Liverpool, in the two week* covered by the mail, Ioir, and holders here are anxious lo realise at a reduction. Ashes are dull at G| for pots, and $6 19 for pearls. In flour there is no movement but'corn, under the foreign now*, is in better demand at biaher rates- In the provision market there ia little ani miuon. Pork ia in moderate inquiry and heavy. Salca 3SoVrts at $ll 750*12, and *9 750*9. In beef there is nothing of important*. -Quotations are as before. Sales 150 brls beef bias at $l3 50 0918. lard iawitbool activity and heavy. _ In cut meals there is nothing doing. Dressed hogs are selling at 505|e. Butter and chcete are in : good demand, and firm, bead is selling at *4 25 for Galena, and Si 15 for Spanish. The imports oflead for the past ten months have been 12,195 tons, equatlo 365,569 American pig*. Scotch pig iron ia nominally *2l 30 per ton. For wool, the market ia very firm, and the stock here does not exceed 1,200,000 pounds. The quotations within the last two montha have advanced 2n per pound >r all grades under 40c.‘ A party largely in esled went to England some time since, to en* deavor to purchase wool for this market, but the late rise there will prevent his operations. The demand here is good. Some wool sold last week In Boston, at 40e, which waa purchased in June last it 241 c. In groceries the movement is net large. Sugar—4oo hhds New Orleans at 406|r; 60 hhds Cuba at 44; 50 hhds prime Fortfc Rico at S|; and 30 boxes while Havana at 74, 4 month*; 163 hhds New Orleans at 3 9404 94 per 100 Ib*. 3 and 4 months. Of tnolssses, the sales include 1,350 brts new crop New Orleans at 26037 c, mostly at 26 and 264, 4 months; 100 new crop Texna on private terms; and two cargoes tart Cuba for distilling,together 642 hhds27tca and 19 brls at 18|c, 6 months The coffee .market con tinues firm, without change in prices. The sales consist of 1,130 bags Brsxil at U|ol2c, usual lime; 80* bags St. Domingo at P|olGc, case. As a general thing all, departments of trade are dull, and until the middle of the coming month, little animation can be looked for. C. Washihgton, Dec. 31, 1649. Mi. EotToa.— Dear 3ta:-l have just seen yoar papers of Thars day and Friday, aod am surprised to find lhat you did not toontr receive the intelligence of the pro ceedings of the Pennsylvania Rail Road meeting held on the 21th lust. As soon as the meeting, adjourned, I wrote to you on (he subject, as you requeued; and Mr. Dsrsic prepared a telegraphs ic despatch containing a copy of the icsolution passed by the Stockholders. He gave the des patch to an Ageol of the telegraphic company, with a reqaest that it shoul 1 be sent to the Pitts burgh press, for tie use of the different papers, in order to avoid the additional cost of repeated messages, these were the directions given by Mr. Darsie/and who is responsible for bis wishes not haviog been carried out, ts more than I can tell. -&> On the 2ffth ioat. the Bjard of Directors oflhe Pennsylvania Rail Road Company passed the fol lowing resolution, by a unanimous vote : “Ruolwd, That the Chief Engineer bo instruct ed to pm under contract, as early in the spring os the weather will permit, the line eastwardly from Pittsburgh as tar as the intersection with the Turnpike, near Turtle Creek, and such heavy sec tions on the whole line as he may deem expedient and to press all the contracts as rapidly as pos-, sible.^, I have obtained a certified copy of the foregoing resolution with the sea! ofthe Company affixed. It is the intention of the Board to carry it out in guod tnitb: and 1 am convinced that Col. Patlereon, the President ofthe Company, will'do every thing in his power to satisfy every reasonable man. 1 have no time to go into details, but I feel sure, lhal what has been done ought to be aatiafactory for Ihe present. Another effort to raise ttock will now be made ; and, at the adjourned meeting ol the Stoosholdorm, lobe held on the lltb of March, it ia intended to deeide Ihe question of the mode of providing for any deficiency of lands that may then be required to be raised to complete the work. I intend to atari on Wednesday morning, and be in PiUsbnrgh.on Saturday next. Respectfully yours, SOLOMON W. ROBERTS, Civil Engineer. Texas and Bata Ft.— Victory or DeatA. —The information from Sant Pe that the Inhabitants had taken preliminary steps to organise a territorial government, baa caused the greatest excitement' at Austin, Texes. Many were for, marching an aftnod force tither and putting down the rebels, ns they are termed. The Austin Gasette advises de lay until the receipt of the President's message, -and-al all events that tbo-Texans should not pre cipitate a crises, or complicate mailers by violence. U still reiterates a determination to have Sonia Fc, and says: “Rather than surrender to the usurpation of the general government one inch of our blood won territory, let every boman habitation in Santa Fe be levelled to the earth, and us, if the necessity oflho case requires it, be buried beneath its nuns. Correspondence sf the Pittsburgh Gaxeltb. Philsdelteia, Dec. 31,1849. Hon. Gaixxtt Dans, who. was a member of the Ute Constitution Reform Convention of Ken* tacky, fcasrefased to sign the amended Instrument, as it hei hern pat forth. He will oppose its adop tion before tbo people. From tho”Loudon Gaxelte. THE QUEEN DOW AGEE'S FUNERAL. Whitehall, Dec. 10. The Queen has been pleased to command that the following direction?, given by her late Mejea ty. Queen Adelaide, for her faneral, (to day, Dec. 13,)-thould he made public. Her Majesty baa desired that these direction*, wbich_aaa worthy a! the exalted piety and un feigned humility of the late Queen, sboald be, as for as possible, carried into effect, and for this purpoe** has been_plen*ed to sanction a departure from the oeremoaies usually observed in the fu neral ol Kings and Qoeens of the realm. (cart.) *«[ die in all homility, knowing well that wo are all alike before the Throne of God, and I request, therefore, that my raoitil remains be conveyed to the grave, without eny pomp or stale. They are to be moved t> St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, where I requetl to have as private and quiet a fo* neral as passible. «I particularly desire not to be laid out in state, and the luneral to take place by daylight, no pro cessor, the coffin to be carried by sailors to the Chapel. : "All those of my friends and relations, to a limit ed number, who wish to attend, may do so. My nephew, Prince Edward, of Saxe Weimar, Lords Howe mid Denbigh, the Hon. William Ashley, Mr. Wood, Sir Andrew Barnard, and Sir D. Da vies, with my dressers, and those of my ladies who may wish to attend. ‘•I die in peace, and wish to be carried to the tomb in peace, and free from the vanities and the pomp of this world. “1 request not to be dissected, nor embilmed; and desire to give as little trouble as possible. ‘•Nov., ISIS. “adeuaim a." The necessary arrangements have been made for carrying the wishes expressed by the late Queea Dowager into effect JD’INDIANA— SaIs of Da M'Lanb's Viam resa ‘ ’—Among the hundred* of letters, certificates and order* received by ihe proprietor* of this medi cine, the following is selected to show us character, and the effect of us use in a distant part of the West The Meur*. Colton are dry goods’ merchants, bat are also agents for the tale of the cbmeest medicines. ** Wcichxstvb, Ind. Sept. 80, IH7. “ Messrs. KtDC ACo —We happened lo gel a lot ot M’Laiie’s Vermifuge last spring, prepared by your selves. So soon a* the Vermifuge was imrodueod in our community, tnn demand became, so great for it that our slock was toon exhausted. It has produced the best effect wherever it has been usedin this sec tion, and i« very popular among our people. We are desirous «»f obtaining the medteine hereafter direct from youiseives, as it sells more rapidly than any other medicine we keep. Plca«e rend us a gross im mediately. D.4.AJ W COLTON.” For sale by J. KIDD A CO., No. to, corner of Fourth and Wood tjau* dAwlwS A Curt and Certificate at Ilome* Uy (two what is sud or tu« Pbtuolium. [ hereby cerufy that about two weeks ago I was tel fd with a violent atiaek ofrexmitag and purging Ch( •r» Morbus, with very distressing pain* in the stomach ind bowels, which was completely relieved by two eatpoon'ul doses of Pctioleum, taken in a little wa er. Aff- 1 having lakeu tlie first dose, I slept soundly ind comfortably for three hours. [Signed] HENRY WISE, Jr, On board the steam boat Auadne. 'Pittsburgh, Dec. lUh, tMB. I in Captain of the Ariadne, arid wai a wtineia the antoniaHing rflecta of tbe Petroleum, in the ease iry Wire, »lio i* one of tfie band* on ibe boat. [Hif-urd] NIMROD OHABKLL Dee llib, t»W. ;rneni! ■d?erti*etnenl in anoiber oi.lui DR. D. RUNT, £Vn!i»i Corner of Kourtb tjtic».Taiat> imanti la DaatUtrf. .RNB, late ol Boston,»* prepared w el Uu>« Tumi in whole ami pan to or Aiauwphcne J’urtion I’laie*.— m rnm miaotv, when* ihe nerve n at) residence nejit tloor u> iho May sirrct, I'iUKbureh. M’Fadden. K. 11. Eaton. I»l* !»ooaa.—Prepared by J. W. KeHy V., and iiir aafe by A. Jarne*, No. Thu wllf be found ■ delightful arti families, anil particularly lor sick Datiw’» Btoju.—An nnproTcJ Chocolate pt«pt lioru beui* a cnmbmatioa of Cocoa out, innocent, Tiitditttinr and palatable, highly recommended part ulnrty formeal'd.. Prepared by W- Baker, Do re he ter, N»ai., and for amlc by A.-JA\ I'lfJ, atllie Peki Xea Stott. No. 7l» Fourth U- Mchu GREF.N APPLES-AOUbls Romanne and. Pippin Amies, a pome article, in More and for sale by ,-nt PP j _R!IkY, MATTHEWS A CO. rriAMldW—sibbla pure Tallow, in Oiote and for 1 sale by RUBY, MATTHEWS A CO. CCJTTON-3C bales Cotton iu Gore aniTfor sain by ,a.,t RIIKV, UATTIIKWB A Ca PEACHES— 400 bethel* dried peaches, best quality halves, iu store and lor sale by JaM RHKV, MATTHEWS A CO. S- It. Molasses, lor'salo very low, to close 30 consignment by J. A DILWORTH A CO. janl _ DHRV bushel*, prime quality, now I in .lore, ami tor vale by janl J S A_CO. _ ITLItIER—7 bbisprlme roll, just received. Jt3 jan4 J. 9. DILWOBTHACO. JUST received and for tale 20UUlbtUrim*’one by i. KIDD A U), jarG 5 Mo 00 Wood atrcct _ I — N STORE—-20 barrel* Spirit Turpentine and lor •ale bv J- KIDD A CO, y • No. on Wood si _ LARII 50 hers No 1, in store and for sale by ia.,l a CKoZKR 18ACK 11009 HAIR for sale by j» n * ARMSTRONG A CROZER. T\RY PEACHES—4 bushels pealed peaches. II go do Common do In ton. and for sale by ARMSTRONG A CROZER. jau4 . I7TuBI.S CIDER viNEUAR—For sale by 1U j >ai ,4 ARMSTRONG A CROZER LIME—In iiorc liJtJ and lor vale by ARMSTRONG A CROZF.R C~iOllN BROOMS—BW» dozen this day received and J for »it!c by ARMSTRONG A CROZER jan4 BACON— Ml pieces new Bacon. jo do do rec'd and for sale by j.nt ARMSTRONG A CROZER FLCH : R— 2oo tibia Fre vh. lf>U do Old Wheat Extra, in aiore and for vale by jan4 i ARMSTRONG A CROZER RKEN APPLES—2OO bblv in .loro and for rale by r janl ARMSTRONG A CROZKR^ BUTTER— 10 bid* Roll Butter Fresh, 50 kgs prime do do jost received tod for *ule by ARMSTRONG A CROZER 6 "DOZEN BALSAM FIR—For vale by janl J Kl UD A CO, No 60 Wood vt JUST ON lds Gum Arabic and lor sale by ' J KIDD A CO, j U n4 CU Wood vt IIST RECEIVED—IfiffThe 'American Arrowroot, and vsle by J KIDD A CO. jant No 50 Wood n UN9HRINKADL.K. PLANNERS. WU MUKPIIY conunuev to keep en band a fell • nuonraenl of the Welvh Unshrinkable Flan nels, a»4 ha.* recently received a supply of the finer (luolitle*. Also Swviudowu Flannels, a scarce am rln and welt adapted for the wear of invalids, and others » anting sometlin* warmer than usual. Also. Persian’and Gause Flauuela fur Infant* wear; in geibcr «ilh ■ full supply of American manufactured Flannel., of different qnaliiie*. Also, 91IROU0ING FLANNELS, of all the ditferent,widths,at the Norih p.a.i corner of 4ih and Market tie. *’ [pT Wholesale Room# up sl tirv, where dealers will always find a good asioumeni of new style goods. jau4 _____ VALUABLE FARSI FOR SALE. Tm; tubscnher ollria at private «ale hi* valuable Pm,a, fiiuaied in Allegheny Township, Wtn- ou the road iradnii; from <«retn»- burg'tn I'reeport.l | mi let from Lrerliburg on the Ten kylvint* Canal and tf* (rom Piiubiiigh 'l*Ue above Farm ie beaotiluily mituated in a fertile valler, containing ICO acres, of which about i)S are cleared and u> a huh elate oi culhvanun, id acre* 01 meadow*, a young and tbnvmg apple orchard of sel ect fiuil. ' . , . . The bmlilingaconatata of a Urge new log house and kitchen A1»0 a largo hank barn with grauerics, sheds, Ac. An in lispetaMe title will be given. I'creom wishing to purchaie would do well local' and examine for tbem«elvea. For term* apply to the subscriber rending in Win ren, Armstrong County, I*a. ia .. cauwtn, ictwim PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GOODS forwarded by this Innc ate earned in Die mail train to Cham L*er*burga,and are iramriw-*- ly loaded us Wagon* going night and day through to PiUaburiih. . ' . J. . Tbe i.or«» are alauniwd every U tulle*. Which uiaarei the prompt delivery «f good* wiUun thejume Wagon* will leave oor warehouse daily,{Ban. day* excepted.) at 2 o'clock, !*• H- ! Shipper* are a.*ured that no more good* will be taken each day than can be punctually cijrned UaoU3, ‘ JAMES M DAVIS A C< . 227 Market etreet, Philadelphia. JOHN M’KADKN A CO, Canal Uaiin, Puubn&h. JOHN McFADEN a CO., Faaw*n>rso A CoAMta tiua MaacuaffT*, Canal Uads, Perm ftreet, Puubjugh. JAMES M. DAVIS A Fu» rß Factox* a« pun sumion M aactuKif, 2*7 Market, and M Cotamciqe ■< Philadelphia. , , . , „ iTTAdvancM made by either of the above,™ Floa wSol, ai d other merchandize, consigned to the hi ft i»i«. : > 2?. SUUAU— 3» hbil* from new erop landing frou) tLc SS"* r U "" i a, , ri'r“'.°T b r , ni W N t cn. la*»— ke«»initojc u>d lor nle by * JAMES A. HUTCHISON A DBtAWA&K BVTIfAL I4FKTT 19. BVBABCS CODPA.ST, OFFICE. IN NORTH ROOM OP EXCHANGE. O* Third Sir tut, Phtladilpkim THE following statement of the affairs of the Com puiy > ts published in conformity with a provision Premium received during ike year ending Ort#- ler 3ltf. 1649, On Marini* and Inland Riikt, On Fire Buka, Earned Prrmiunu during the fear ending sj On Mmrine and Inland Risk*, 8155.5 S CO On Fire Risk*, M,530 56 5251,090 16 Interest, Salvage, and other Profit*, 74 Pi* Losses, during same time, — Marine and Inland Navigation leases, $126,215 33 Fire Losses, 72.811 49 5199.150 71 Return Preniomi, it Reinsurances, ®* Agency charges, . 99 Expenses, Rent, Salaries, Stationery, Ae., 9,080 S 3 The Assets rf the Company are as fallows. Bonds, Mortgages and Oronnd rents, Sis.TU •'Q Untied States Six percent Loan, !3£eti 00 Pennsylvania. do do 10,000 00 Do Five do do 9,900 00 Philadelphia City Six 'per cent. 10.500 00 Bills Receivable, 95,970 51 <0 Shares Stock Union Bank of Tonnes- do Merchants and Manufae- Dank, Piurturgh, ISO Sham Stock American Mutual luiur ence Company, i Sharei Stock Philadelphia and Havre do Grace Steam Company. GUO 00 SO Share! Stork Delaware Mutual Intur- ance Company * Shares Slock Philadelphia Exchange Company, • 100 Share'Slock Pennsylvania Rail-road Company, Oa»h on hand, Scrip of Maiual Insurance Companies, Balancesinthe hands of Axenii, and Pre Hums on Marine Policies, reeemly is 54,336 8S IJ« 00 100,000 00 Imprest doe, Subscription note*, Novkube* sth, I*l9. Tbe Board of Director* tins day declared a dividend of SIX PERCENT in cash, on the Capital Stock and Scrip of tbe' Company, payable on and if* w December lit, imt>. Also, a dividend of TEN PER CENT in Scrip, on tbe Capital Stock, and earn ed Premium*, certificate* for which wiji be issued as above. DIRECTORS. Joseph H. Seal, H. Jones Brooke, John C. Davis. Robert Burton, John R. Pfltirosp, Wij, Eyre, Jr., Samuel Edwards, Charle* Kelly, George G. Leiper, J. G. Johnson, Edward Darlington, William May. Isaac R Davis” Dr.9.Thomas, "Willism Folwell, John Boilers, Johns Newlm. Spencer Mcltvain, Dr K M. Huston, J T. Logan, Pittsburgh. James C. Hand. D.T. Morgan, do Thenphilns Paulding, - Wm. Dagaley, do WILLIAM MARTIN, President. GEORGE SERRILL, Vice President. RICHARD B. NEW HOLD, Secretary. By the Act incorporating this Company, the parties insuring property therein, are entitled to a shirk of the profits of the institution, without subjecting them selves to any liability beyond the premium paid The Capital Stock and Subscription Notes are pledged by the Charter for the payment of losses ; and the profits of tbo Company sro directed to be invested and remain in the possession of the Corporation, as a fund far tbe further security of the assured. This fund will be represented by Senp, bearing an interest of six percent, divided among the Insured and Stockhold ers, pro raUu upon the amount of earned Premium* and Caphat Stock. _ |an4dtf Sheriffs Sal*. BY virtue of o wni of Fieri Facia*, i.ttucd oat of the I District Coari of Allegheny Coanty, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale, it the Coart House in the city of Fittoburgh, on Saturday, the 2«tih day of January. A. D. l*a>, at Ml o'clock, A 61., the follow- | lug described property, vu : , All ibe right, title. interest, and claim of F. L. Snowden.of to and to oil that certain piece or parcel of ground mtuate in Feeble Towiwbip, and bounded and described a* follow*, viz : Beginning on the Monnn gahela river on the line dividing hi* pioperty from Henry \Ton«i*,ikence along laid line 7:1 degree*, east prrmcxsu Jax*r In, 1(C0. J 11 UR Presideoi’and Manager* of the Company for erecting a BnSo over the Allegheny River, ©ppo. Mie Pittsburgh, in Hie County of Allegheny, hare this day declared a Dividend of Two Dollar* on each share of the Capital Siork, standing mtbe name of in dividual* on the Book* of the i-ontpany, oot of the profit! ©flholait six months, which will be paid to Slockholdera or-.tbeir legal representatives lorthwith. linStiHOtwit JOMN_ HARPER, Treasurer. i,A IiHUSI'KIME Sh'W CROP lOT»COAlF- per steamer Brilliant. and for sale C. UIMSEN, Second »L Oft CASKS ADAM’S SUP. PKARLABII—In store 4<7 uid for isle by J.4H FLOYD, ] t n3 Rouad.Cbarcb Baildm*. TALLOW— 23 bbl* prime tallow ia*t tandinx IKm the steamboat Louis McLane and for sale by j*n3 B. AW. HABBAUOH. SHF.K? PKI.TS—IS bale*, N< landing and foe *ale by j tn 3 S.&.W. HARDAUC F“LfVUR— 3uo bbls extra and 8. F. Floor, In i and for axle by S. A W. HARUAUG janU Windo w glass—&>o i>oxe« exio window *laa*. •joo do Wxl* do do . Cl do 7x9 do' do yo do 9iVS do do VU do IOxU do do In «tora and for inleliy . ’ „„. „„„ j ail 3 S, A W. HARBAUGII. B doxeuCorn”Broom* tn note and lor •ale by )an3 J*. AW. HARBaCGH. uTsUUAK—»« htnl* N. u. fnjar landing from . .learner urilliant aud for aale by janX __ JAMES Water »L UGAR—Id hbda, now lariinr from ateamer Him bare, for aale by ISAIAII DICKKY 4 W), jau3 From n CIHEfcSB— MW boxes in .lore and for aale by , ISAIAH DICKEY A CO., Jana Front at. YlO-'TON COPAL VARNISH—On contignment, J 3 for .ale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO., jac3 Frontal. L A Sr Si ; ',^ UNION LINK. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1850. THE •ob«eribfr», now hewing in Mieeeisful opera* Uon an ICxprcM Wa*nn Line between » in«*h and I'bilade’pMa are pre-pwed u» receipt tor wXO Ihs freight daily Each w»v deliverable through in six ta,.,».,d»J«*»“P»'- lESIIv . ORAFI , t COi Eanal Pitiiburgh. DUTILLE HUMPHREYS* 00. 107 Martlet ■!. PhiPfc_ Grocerrl (aDd *° B « nt ' a THE GROCERY STAND, at present oceu med bv Mr W. Wilton, corner 01 Second and howtiM can now be rented, and iiaU <>u the 111 of April next. Enquire °J^. N jinS Pek‘ n Tea Sjore,_7uj;'ourth ttreeu_ fotT>iTli« Uat wlnbieriSt. /OFFICE of Scoil’t Repriuu of the Four Quaiter lil liet and litackwood; SIO per year. MorrisAWthis'Uome Journal, published in New VotkAVeckly; taper ennam. Downing's Horticultural!*!, monthly; 14 por year Invaluable. .. _ The Cultivator, monthly; SI per annum. The Agriculturalist, monthly, $1 per year. The Democratic Review, monthly; SJ pet aunum. T"' “‘•“‘“fiiira dl/SkwlSod. j, n g pootteller AlmpoVtcr, 63 Wood it Closing Oat Bala of * Flannels. rnilE faybttk manufacturingcomfany, 1 inle.idi««tor.liuqai-h their retail trade ou Mar kti itreet, now offer iheu large and splendid stock oi iu Qua city, at the DLANkKr DLFOr, ,au2-lw_ No hO Market tl Vf *~tl SUGAR—4O hbd» old, good article, lor sale l.y . ,»nl _ SAW HAKUAUGIi BemU&nuoal Sol* of Dry Goods, *T tux OR* VHCX VfOh* or A. A. MASON a CO., WILL commence on New Year'* Day, loiO, and continue through Urn mouth ol January, during which time the whole of then immense eiiauitahmrni, (including ollthnr Wholesale RoonaJ will bnhxown open for Retail Trado; and their enure Wholesale Mock uni he lidded at Rcini. on ibis mcat.o.,, hi fully «*« aouatu LW than uaual pneea. Their Shawl Saloon contsiuamore than JwO Shawls, comprising every Ueaenpuott of Lon* uud Square Wool Shawls, Caabmete, Uroche, Ac. Abo, Vuettei, OloakK, Mantillas, Sack*. Ac., at an muaenie rcduc lion (tom usual puce*. . |H DRESS AND CLOAK GOODS Their atock comprises more than tow Pieces Thibet Cloths, Merinos, Duramens*, Alpaceaa, Lyouesc, Op era uud I’clisse Cloths, wilt be sold Irota au to 40 per cent. le»» than usual prices. Also—lH» pb ee* rich piom and fig’d SILKS, redu- C *au c»*iw» Ca»hmeres and De Lain*, entire new styles. Also—W into Goods, Mouxutng do., Embroideries, I.aets, litbbuns. vilo*ca and Hosiery, Trimmings, Ac. •JU cases Flannels, JO caaernewstylo Calicoes, 60 ea se* Dteachcd Mu.lm*, 1«J bale* Drown do., 70 bales Tickings Also, Cloth*, Ouiuaere*, Jeans, Cassinettt, Ac . at clireinely low pnee*. 'lvscliicr with an immense Tandy of other Goods, making an assortment sue of the most extensive in the country—*ll ol which hsvo been marked down at much lower prices than their extaume annual sale to J *rne)*i"* ,le ttn vnflJ et * l « M many of their choicest tJoods Will be sold IL/' l 1.0 lowest price named, at first. ,»n2 A. A. MASON A CO., 00 Market st. go IInVAUD. riUiK Fayette Manufactarin* Comply have remo* X vrd uivir Wholesale business la the »u>re recently occupied by Muirs. M. H. Drown A DroUicu, No. itf? Wood street- jantMw CIJ.OVt-.K sskU—«i ftu&e Clover tsco«, juet i received and fortele by > O. U. MILTENUEHUKR- No. 07, Ktonl 8 Ire el. Jan. 111. IfcSO. I^KATIiERS —it> tuka prune, for sale by < 8 A w lIAUBAUUII / rainy APPLES—TaTbIrtn wore tad foi wait by jig] BkW HtPßaiioH ABn OIL—JO bbls Winter forjatob^ CREAM CHEESE—S° bxs Howe’sexira.foTsaleby 9 * WUAEBAUOH ; R oix otnTEK 5 bbu TALunv-a. bbi, STS n^xa '" im P£\s‘’SwUn lIUVB associated 1. B. MeVAY with me in the Exchange and Banking business- Jußir; tit, leso. WM. H- WILLIAMS. Wm. If. William* • I. B- MeVay. wax. n. WILLIAMS * CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS,: North East eorner of Wood and Third street*, ml • j PirtMPtag, Pa- Board of'Trada aad Borcbanti* **■ THE mrmbers of the Board of Trade and Merch ant*' Exchange an hereby notified that an elec tion wilt Im held at the Rooms ot the Merchant*’ Kl* change, on Thursday evening, Janaary 3d, 1860, for a President, two Viee Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, and twenty one Managers of the Societv, for the on* •ning year. SAMUEL FAHNESTOCK, jant Superintendent; To Lit for Thru Titrii THE very desirable Brick Mansion House Ground* and I'fpartenaneet, >u the Sixth Ward, at present occupied t»y W. RrCriip, and bounded by Crawford and Fulton streets, and Centre Avenue The House !orapri*e«’l'trlnr, DrawingtßiiUng end Dining Room*, ind Kilrlirii, five chamber*, three pan trie*, cloak room, clomu, Ac. The oat haute* are a two ttonr enanl hi.ote, a wub house with two room* for aer rants, a meat room, Ac. A large Garden, filled with :hoice flower* and fraiu, lasleiully laid out and kept n perfect order. A paved street connects thi* estate trith the denter part* of the city. p~7~Jtcm lew. Foasessfoa given on or before the l*t >f April proximo. Appl? to Jotieh King, at Eagle Colton Work*. Al legheny, or to ISAAC M. PENNOCK, jonl No. SS Wood street. THE MERCY SEAT; ThougbU Raggerted by the Lort'r Prayer, by Gardiner Spring, D. D. Juit publifheJ and received by expreaa. for «aJe at the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK hOOMS, 7U Wood (treet, up (lairs. , _ _ Alto—l bo Attraction! of lie Crow; by tbe Rot. Dr. Spring. jml lOLLAHd-i»do* in .lore aad by jial 8 k W HARBAUGH tiOARS--dd,ooo(Conuaon) ju*t ree’dandfor nle by > jui SAW HARBAUGH EGGS—i bbU Egg! ut (tore and for (ale by COPEkBREYFOGLE, janl 109 Second meet FRESH BUTTER—IS tnbi, 14bbl(, and *bi( Roll Bniter, in elotht, for (ale by !_ janl COPE A BREYFOOLE 'LOUR—3H bbli Extra, jart rte’d and for aale if ,anl COPE A BKEVFOOUK Hush Craig. George Serrill, CHKESF. —ICOO bz> prime Shipping ud Catting; Soo u Cretin ** “ imnl JBC*NFIFIiP BUTTk R—ls bbla Freah Rail, |u*l ree’d and for-aale by jmnl J B CANFIELD •ALLOW—3D bbla in atore and lor'aale by jnni jb Canfield SALERATUS— 40 bit and 10 eaake for aa)e by i jaol J B CANFIELD • CORCJIINGS—B car ka for aalaby ) J“"l ____ JBCANFI YIAL CORKS—IS balsa. lona and abort, aw'd, fo tale by J SCHOONMaKER A CO, jtnl No 34 Wood airjeet SPONGE—For aale by \ < jtnt J SCIiOQNMAKF.R A CO ALUM— 10 bbla lot aalaby - | joni J SCHOONMAKER AiCO SPTB. TURPENTINE—3S bbla, In (rood order, for aaleby janl J SCHOONMAKER ACO WRAPPING PAPER—IOOO ream*, T«riou**ixe», for tain by juil i BOOMS—9OO dot on Laud and for ule by ►Jjbul ‘ JOHN WATT ACO W* IN DOW GLASS—dOO bxs, ais'd ■ixec.faruteby JOHN WATTACO MACKEREL— JbO bbU No*. 1, % and 3, cm h*iid ■mt for ul« by jnnl JOHN W AT Tt CO LUKE CARTWRIGHT-1 Carpet Bag In •tore; •abject to charge*, for Luke Cartwright, whictthe will pleanc cull for. O B MILTKNBERGER, Jc3l No 87 Front *t _ SODA ASM—7 cuak* Soap Maker*' A*h, rfcc’d pel •icamcr Ohio, aud for tale by * i deal TAS3EV A BEST NKW 8110411—10 cuki ree’d and foraatejbr dell TASBEY 4UKBT MOLASSHS— 23 U*U rce’d per Ohio.' dc3l . TA* OUI.D OANDLKS—itt boxes. . dr3l Ty SU. MOLASSES—IB UIU. i prune erticle, for ule by deal TAB9KV & BK9T OWNERS WANTED for Two TerpamiJit, rec'd per Wyoming. (i U MILTKNBKttfiER, la Kngliab VcnUlan K«0; 10 “ StlSoda; ISO “ Not Roue; ' •J “ Chlnridfl Lima; 6 boxea Palm Soap; 100 “ lilitlxb Lflttra. JOHN M’FA de3l Cuoml Bati Spices— i c«k Nstmegt; a bbliClnre*; 60 mils Cai*Ja; I cue M«cr; for vale by I r dc3l J SCHOONMAKEtt & CO, 21 PEACHES— 250 btt new, for *tle by i dc3l JOHN WATT fc CO CIIKESK— 00 casks Goshen, for asle by j dc-11 JOHN WATT A CO CODFISH —IS) drums oa hand and for tale by dcM JOHN WATT A CO AD AM 8’ EXP RE $8! Tlfß would respectfully call the attention of ‘'Mer- YV chants" and otben to thefollowing card: Having noticed “Mcasn. Greene A Co.’»7 late card, in which they assert that they offer facilttierunequal ed by any other EXPRESS, we are, In joaiJee to “our selves” and to ure constrained to kay that if our arrangement in the East bad not renderedouta the BEST CONDUCTED and MOST RELIABLE EX PRESS, we weald not have merited the liberal patron* ago we now enjoy—-nor eoold we hare sustained ear* *tclvca for a senes of yean, and established a repala tion inrunto onobtaictd by any other Line. Unless our arrangements lor the speedy, cheap and safe Irani* minion of rood* and valuable* of all descriptions, had been unrivalled, and in oxtending oar Line to all the “Western and Southern" Cities, (having '{spared nd mean* or exertion to make it perfect) we ’{feel confi dent that the inducements which we offer to the pub lic are “unsurpassed," and that we are fully enabled to PERFORM what wo PROMISE. j io 1 Sheep pelu, juii HEAVY* CANTON FLANNELS.—Persons want inr a very heavy article of Canton Flannel wil finu it at the store of WR MURPHY; deal comer Fourth and Market its Vj ORSE CUVKKS—• Gum Elastic Hors* Coven,i n_ very heavy and iptendid article, jttitl ree*d an lor sale low, at No. S Wood street, by ' dr.a J AH PHILLIPS lutnboat dalUi »«4 CottnUrpuuii ' TUB aiidcriigncd L**e jiUt received a coLaigoaoat pi 9 caiea Me am boat (.{uilu and CoonteipatMK I rum the NewKugltniUjmli .ViMiefiri-frWr^fny, which they will m:JI very low to dealers orkleaioboa* ALCOHOL— WbbUjcairee’d and for *nle by l owner*. Cali and examine. -1~ dcVJ : J KIDD kCO | dc¥7 CUPKJtHKKVroaLß,ltiBSecondtl , CIASTtiR OlL—ibbt ; dcW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—too tacks in a loro and tale by STUART Aj.SILL, fc[c2» No Wood a FLOUR— 50 tacks (50 lh« eaeh) for tale ty dcB9 STUART AJ^ILL EGGS —3 bbla Fresh, jail rac'd and for tale by deg STUART A SILL MACKEREL— In hf and qr bbla, for safe by dr.fl STUART A SILL (TIDER VINEGAR—BO bbla Extra, juit'ree’d by j dcg> STUART A SILL KF.G HUTTER—A few kert on band, for aalo bj dcdtf J STUART A SILL CORN— 800 bo in (tore and Tor sale by ! dcSO STUART A SILL PEACHES— 800 bbla jnit rec'd and for tale by dc3Q STUART A BILL ('I LOVER SEED—I bbl tn ttore and forjsaloby J d«a» Sl UARTA SILL rfMIE Co-Pannerabip heretofore existing under Uu X brn of J atari Obusms A Son, ia dissolved by tbt decease of James Croiaan. The btuineas hvill be eon turned by ibe subscriber, who will aetile ibe aeeoanu of the In’c dim. JoILN M'U. CROSSAN. Moan»B'*hela llomc, Pec, ifcf, ISlB.—[rfQ‘JS-lm i |'ODACCO— 40 boxes W. H. Gram's 6’aj X M *' Daniel'* s’«j 3u “ W.A. Rooald'sS's; , 3" kep Gcdgcr’s o iwiuj For aalo by desM LROsVN A JCLRKV Received this day, at Thillip’s rudder de- POT-18 Gum Elastic Cloak*, larnjehe: IV pair “ Fanu; : 84 “ Guts' Gloves, a superior aruete; 84 u " Mittaos; sol JatNo * Wood '"«»• .‘lett J A 11 PHILLIPS CtORN GROOMS—IBO dot In siore auditor sate by / dc*V . MTUARjTA SILL BUCKETS—:* dot iiratore and for aalo by del» STUART A SILL C 1I I EESIi—4WJ boxca Piimo Cream; I J 170 “ Goahen; tn atora land for aalo by deXO STUARTABILL I3KAI HERS—9XK) lbs prime, lecriviniTfo sale by : teat jciuaHTamll iJUOD'JCK— 4 bbl* Clover Seed; 5 - Shelled Coru; ■ . . a *• Uvo: 10*1 rec'd and for aale by DURDRIDUE, WILSUNACO, dr» Water «irrtt 1/LOUU-4U bbla Sopcrfene; ‘ ili “ DarU’fcJUrt; _ t , ...... *o “ »uU lubf i*M» R**b«» t^“l h S o ' tic® BROW fi it, KlttKyATßllK HOI’S* —23 bale*, fcrw aort, growib of l4<», arriving jgg* (or aala by BRQWW KIKKfATRICK Burnell A LARD—S 3 ken No l Lnnlj >a •• Dairy Uatlcn landing .1..W1 UROWN A KIRKPATRICK am) for«ula b] Mil IPI IBM «1 «»«» . STATIONER* OUM-A .apply juitric'd and fo 8,!..,., ■**>■>» j x „ ,i mLUPa iTAirU.VIMJfa'TAB-IWJ lb. gem n for eule by • JcJU rrilK HAWK Of* 8801-ASD oiler, ferule I in property in the city of I Utsburghj mailed u ,17- cQMHTf Of M- Clair street .UiilMuoetfle Way, Hr -154 on Sl Clair street, *U leer dn Dequeue Wav. and 1110 feet on Barker*, alley. : TUu property couiaiu. OVER ONE ACRE of Tala* able around, 1* .uscepUbls of a subdivision which would prove highly profitable to one wlsbutg to re-sell in building lot* of to® MU * l •***» or wrove. a piano! the .übdivluou can be sees atlho|e&c« of the onderrigtied. / . ’ ■ - Un the property era erected five sobifemltl Brick Building, on St- Clair »treet, (including ike tavern knowu a. the "Bed Lion,'’) a number of smaller build iac. on Buqneeno Way and Barker’s alley (partly oc cupied by Townsend, Carr A and tl)e (tables at tuebed k> the tavern. The rental USSM per aanlim, and tha properly Ist one third improved. Apply to H.& WILKINS, 4c33 Attorney at Law, Fpqnh guoat. BtmOTW. STEAM BOATS. PITTSBURGH AND WHEELING PAC lie splendid fast running umm* , LOUIS MeLANK, W. uT&cSI! ««*•.*? IkW, “ dCT *«® * K-; repair,) will no hereafter u a P*'* 6 * between Kttsbargh and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday . Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock, gif freight cr passage apply on board, or to . j«nl W.JJ.WUEELER,Age&L FOR CINCINNATI. [. The splendid steamer tSSttwl Caldwell, fc r ■HBSHitore and all intermediate porta aa thia day at 10 oleloek. A. M. , “ . For freight or passage apply on board, or to jan3 ~ OBMU/TKNHKHUEK, *gt FOIi CINCINNATIA NEW ORLEANS. The splendid fast steamer . SCHUYLKILL, frßWggai Marshall Master, will leave for (ha and all intermediate porta oc ' Saturday, Nov. 8, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ForlreijUior passage apply on board. Jan 3 " FOR NEW ORLEANS. “ k . The splendid steamer isfefettS 1 Sunatl Smiik, w il[ [e.VSTFr WiHHKiH.'.Tiuie above and all intermediate Porta on the “ih ! • For freight or paarage apply on board. jaoJ fe. The splendid summer TORT PITT, M.llcr maateT. will leave lor above ma*o*£im and alt intermediate porta on Wcdaes ■BßmSßßßihe 2d tnst., at 4 o'clock, p M For freight or postage, apply on board. jantl FOR CINCINNATI ‘ srti.Gr' k. The splendid steamer i RINGGOLD, CapL Cope, will leave for the above IffSrTM.' 14 *" I»™ «M to, For freight cr passage, apply on* board )«ng CINCINNATI A PITTIBIIUOII fiAfi DAILY PACKET LINE. : t >lll3 well known tine of splendid passenger Steam* j 1 era Is of the latgeia.Bwifteat,bM . furnished, and most powerful boats on the waters ol (he West. Every accommodation and ectm fort that money can procure, has been provided forpam aengers. The Line has been in operation for Ato yean —has carried a million of people without the least lorn, nr to their persona. The boats will be at the foot «f wood street the day previous to starting, for the reeee* lion of freight and the entry of passengers on the reg» ler. In ail cases the parsage money must bo paid tk advance. 4P * SUNDAY PACKET. T ’’ AAC NEWTON, Captnin Hemphill, wil leave Pittsburgh every Sunday nomine at 10 o'clock! Wheeling every Boaday evening at 10 v k. May 10,1817. MONDAY PACKET. The MONOXGAIIELA, CapL Srcms, will leave Pitta* bargh every Monday morning ai lAo’elock; Wheeling every Monday evening at jo r. m. TTEID AY>A^EU2T; The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. KunvUTn. wiD leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at U* o‘cioekl_ Wheeling every Tuesday evening at It) p. u. WEDaTEBt)ATPA?KET. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt 9. Di.a,«d lave every Wednesday momta rat It 'clock. Wheeling every Wednesday evening a itt M THt7RS»ATrP2CCIBSTc > The BRILLIANT, Cnpt. Übact, will leava Pitts* bargh every Thursday morning at 10o'clock; WhaaQgg every Thursday evening at 10 p. a. PRtt)iCVTPAtlkliT. The CLIPPER No. 2, CapL Pus Duval, will leave Pittsburgh every Friday morningatlOo'clork; Whaa in* every* Friday evening at 10 p. m. Bp John D« Davis, Auctioneer* Ezrca'.or’a Sal* of Banl and City SfceZ. OnTbureday evening, Janiiary-lftth. at ? o’eloek, a, the Commercial dales Roams, corner Wood and Fifth J gCHOONMAKER A CO streets, will be sold, without reserve, fur eask par funds, by order of J. V. Myers and M Underwood, Executors, Ac, of Wm. Smyth, Isio of tbs City of Al* legbeny. dec'd: 20 shares Stock in.the Bank of Pittsburgh. 10 do do do Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh. 0 Certificates of Loanlotho Cityot Pntibargh for ♦5OO each, interest payable half .yearly and redeems* ble oq the 3lst of December 1555. jau2 J D DAVI9, AtH Metallic rubber cixitu—a pieoaa reo'ih this day and for sale at PHILLIPS', de23 No 5 Wood street JUST RKCKIVED-2 groat Wistai’s Balsam Wifi Cherry, for sale by J KIDD A CO, dc2o ■ No 00 Wood street • ONIONS —to hbla rec’d and for sale by * r "” — _de27 " CRAIG A SKINNER OATS— 200 bo in store and for sole by dc27 CRAIG A SKINNER LARD— In kegs, in store and for sate by dc*7 CRAIG A SKINNER, GREEN A PPLKS—7SLI»Is In store and for sale bw dejff ____ CRAIG A SKINNER TWILLED BAGS—2 doz in store and for sale by- ■ tjc 2? CRAJG A SKINNER FEATHERS— 9 sacks to day ree'd and for saishg dc27 ARMSTRONG * CROZEfc ('ODER VINEGAR—O bbls to day ree’d, for sale By j dc~.7 ARMSTRONG A CROZBR f . FLOUR— 42 bbD (.lenn’s Extra,' - 41l u Uamilron’sExtra; today ree’d,for sale by deCT ARMSTRONG A CROKER , AIR CUSHIONS—I*i Air Cushions, aqoaru and. round, different sixes, rec’d and for sale at - ' - _ dc27 J Alt PHILLIPS, No a Wood SI AIR PARLOR BALLS—Jutt ree’d, a few doaan ot diflcrenl sixes; a splendid artiele, sold wholesale* and retail at No 6 Wood sl LKa L>—MO pigs Galena, jusrTee’d per steamer X X Crittenden, and for sole by •• dc*J? JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO - A SYSTEM of Ancient and Mcdirsval Geography, tor the use of School, and College.; by Charias' Ambon. . History of Spanish Literature; by Gto.Tieknor. 3 rols.—Tot, l received. The Whale and bis Captive*, or the Whaleman’s Adventure., and lira Whale’s Biography, as gathoreifi in the Homeward Cruise of the “Commodore Preble?" by Rev: Henry T. Cheevcr. ” Chalmer's Institute* of Tbeolegy; 2 volt. last toc'dl by - JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, dcfl> comer Third and Market sta. Black parmkttos.—w. atNwt* East corner of Fourth andMaikrtiireets, has w lull assortment of (be above seareo rood*. ftfto Blaek French Merinos, Bombazine finish Alpaeea* tor Mourning. Canton Cloths for Mourning, ana a sapply of Mourning Goods generally. dcBB ; SUGAR— tiS lihds prime (new crop) arriving and for - uloby BROWN A KIRKPATRICK, I V dcAa No ll< Libert*; at r ADAMS A CO. BAKER A FORSYTH, Agts. KOLL U UTTER-3 obis in .lore and lor «>.T>TkVi t* dead ENGLISH A BENNETT V GOLDEN SYttUP—IU bids landing par steamer J. Q. Adams, and for sale by dco7 JAMES DALZELL id for sale by J KIPP A CO BUTTER— 10 kegs and 1 bbl to day rec’d and ftr uleby dco7 COPE A URKVPOOLE It for s«le by 1 J KIDD A CO, cq Wood st GREEN APPLES—SSObbI. rec’d and ftrsale by. detft COPE A UHKVFOGLE FLOUR— 35 bbls jut rec’d and ftr .ale by detft COPE A HKKVFOG 1 . BUJTKR— 8 bbl. Freah Roll, la cloths, to dr,. tee's and for aalo by . dc¥7 CKAIG A B*,NNKR LARO— dbbls new. today tec’dand fot.jje by ’ drift CRAIG A SKINNER FLOUR— UO bbl* instore and fat yuis by detft CKAIG AfgINXER Beans —to t>bi» small white, detft .cl IOTATUES—IiiI bu Red, in store and ftr sale by detft ;CRAIC A SKINNKK O HOT—SW ices, a».*d Noi.ju.t rer‘d and tor sale by b Ilc!l7 JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO 71tAK—co ot/U tv C- tor .ale by ' 1 detft JAMESA rIUTCIUSON ACO 1 ttLATiti-.«»--«»’ios prime" Ky.. just re'e’dVnd for J dfc*? JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO i OEAtP ::: idtJol«»D« ,r i lo tbeg; H w “ Mamlla; forsale-by ■ JAMES A HUTCHISON A •'» ICE—Id uerecs prune, lor sale by ~ “ li deW JAMES A llinciUSON fc C^J IiLAS»-S«J lwi«» Bill*; / ■ Ift) “ 10x12; lw TAsaKV iiEaT for Mle bT dc f i i Kuu KOY i^AllW—; kale <£\ bis'e aud Mitt* Woolen I’tsnli,jiul recti perexpie**,fur anlobv deal aiIACKLKTTiI WHITE 1 DRAU VBI«VCT— An invoice of Drab Colton Vel vekjuat reed by ciprea* by <• I | deal ■ SHACKLKTT k. WHITE BKOWN DRILLINGS—£ bale«besvy,jKsirec*dby . SUACKUa^WIIiTK BLUK A ORANGE PRINTS-* new ntfe* and bright colon, opened by I S»ACKI«KIT JuiiiM'4 w«J tat dd?» J H fIANFfKLir MOULu CANDLES— *6 boxei tor *»i« b 7„„, _ . d«» jucanwbi^^ l>UTl'£3 : -« w*ii, io boxc*,“wid J**“ f» tec’d iri far «*!• by dcDI • J O < SCukCHINOS— 0 euii dc*i FOR NASIIVILLK. AUCTION SALES. LA II PHILLIPS Naw Book*. .forwlcby kAIUfcgItINNKR 'OOL—t! tacks in ttere and fax s»lo by’ > dcift CJtAiU A SKINNER! KAL—IO bbls Coro Mi»l. ree’J snJ ftr .ria by dctS) , 1< btv A 1 ERMsNI (Vidfetwtef C a GRANT