The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 03, 1850, Image 4

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A 800T 1 four yea»-Maee, I was travel^
A the State of Ohio; while **"«*?“
SS«m t rditcovered • “**£!
and subsequently learned thatithsd J®* 1 ! imifreo
- MM*«t3Wp<irt u. It of M “ ”,S“S
’ ill onifomliy of Him. ood
wi* led ■ w Oolieoo il n;r>' »
what purpose 1 had not the l f* , ,*Jf iinr . . n dnniTM.
m oipoitoom. by 3.CL
toj s It, «nd oro ni
th«t^ir?Bp r iny omirc lime ind moon. in the
fffioerirocnU; and from that urae
mthu *°oootherbuameit;atthee
r of Ihou“wofcari,l finally dJscoreral.tbat,
. BSSJem* Ji to • fine pother and mixing it with I to
aeedciii to aboat the contiatrnry of thiet p«at, and
anohinr ifiia compound with a bra»h,thattbla coating
in a few months would become a perfect atone or
■late; so that the aabstance when apptie-J wm tetonily
alate In a liqoid ataie, and the large arnonnt or atltra,
alumina, magamaand black oxide of iron that it con
tained, rendered it bom weather and fire proof, as'lie
longer exposed ,the harder and more permanent it
see mi to become, and at the coaling {after it *®
•late) ia of iuelfindestrueiible by fire, eotiseqbenu) it
protects .the woed covered with it from the air, and
where theje ia no air, there la no bfaxoor cprawistJon,
therelore the wood will actnaJy char, before the aute
eoviring will rive way. . . ,
1 1 considered the discovery < r
aace, and applied to Government for a pate-t tor my
s™-lon or discovery, fondly hoping *«j l •$»“«
now be remunerated for all my outlay w time t*n£n*>:
ney. The government, without any
ed to me Letters Patent for the «®te nght to
tore, i'll and nte my improvement in themanafacture
of a “Weather and Fire Proof Composition or Aril
fictal Slate.” fir fourteen years.
Asgntt 14, lt!9,
WE, lie inhabitants of fchoron, the shove.
iUieaem of Mr. Make, a:d believe uto bo snbstan
tiallr correct, a* we knowing to must of the tinted
menu therein contained; and wc will farther slate,Hat
we d<rno( believe that there ever was a patent more
honestly sad laboriously earned. nr more deservedly
granted; as be pursued bU experiments with the most
fndomiiab’e perseverance under the most discourngj ng
circumstances, as the'public had not the leant confi
dence that there could be any thine valuable made
from thesubtionee. He therefore baa to encounter for
years the jeers and scoffs of nearly the whole commu
nity. Notwithstanding alt this, be was indefatigable
iu the prosecution of bis.experiments, and We do not
believe that there is innihousond who would
have persevered under all the circumstances.'. i‘Uut he
has at last triumphed over all obstacles, aad.jwe te
- lave there is now but one opinion in awarding hitq
the merit of this volonblo discovery. - ~ .
GEO.W.CRANB, •> Justices of
R. W. MILL, J. or
UENJAMIN JONE, > Township.
WM. EVEIIETT, Township Clerk.
' • ALLEN HOWR, Treasurer.
I have ascertained that there arc individuals engaged
In digging, grinding, and preparing for sale, the above
mentioned Mineral, to be mixed with oil, and used pre
cisely an I use my puteuted article. I “have :been to.
those persons und shown them myipatent. They ray
they do not intend t> infringe crjtretpust upon nr
rights; that they have a right to dig) grind, and sell (he
powder, if they can find purchasers; that they are not
bound tr> knew what they are in do] with it; that it is
no infringement iindt it is mixed with the oil to make
the compound; and that those who l?ay, mix and use it,
must take the responsibility. Most of them lay dial
they believe tha; the patent is rood against ih'oic that
mix and use the compound, ana wine have said that
what they wanted to use they should certainly porch
use of me, as they did not intend to {make themselves
liable in any. way. Now I feel myself in duty bound to,
expose this barefaced frauc upon thh public; as I' eon
call it by no milder name, where a) man sells'and re for on article, the uro ofwhichihe woU
knows: subjects the purchaser an<J nser to a prosecu
tion and line. gome of those who ore cugagtd in this
nefarious traffic,-will unquestionably contend to the
public .that my.patent will not stahd, and that I dsre
not prosecute. Now, to take this argument away from
them, I went to some of those wholwere proclaiming
that ray patent was of no value, ana made the: follow
ing proposition: that they might select ajudge and two
lawyers who have had some practice in patent cares,
sod we would submit the patent to {them, and if they
decided thpl the patent was good, tbsllhcy should stop
all farther proceedings in tbs Imsiness; but' if they
should decide that it would not, in their opinion, hold,
I would agree to let them go on and;sell all they could,
without saying ‘any thine to the public about there.
This proposition they would not accede to. So far as
the validity of my patent i« concerned, l do' not de
pend entirely upon my own judgment, although I have
the fullest confidence in it; but 1 have submitted it to
many of ihe Judges, and several of iko most eminent
Patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided
that in sheir opinion it was good, and would protect me
in my discovery.
1 grind tha article to a fine power, and pat it op in
barrels, the which arc marked: Poixsr h iss
O-VD tVianix* Psoor Abtixicul Sura- 1 ’
I therefore give notice to all who bay and aae the
above mentioned mineral for the purpose act fottfi in
my patent, except from me or my authorized agent*,
that 1 thall bold them to a mrict accountability, and
shall commence suit* at-law against those who thus
infringe up"- - - ? ht •
.rinse upon my nchL
tSILUo.v, Median Co-, 0., Ac;. 14, ISIS.
IL/-TVVO TONS of the above. Fire and Wealhei
Proof Artificial Stole on hands and for salt*. The
above we can recommend, for we have been nsng ii
for tome 4 vears, and know it to i>e what it io set forth
in every particular. J.&IL PHILLIPS. Aft,
PQVg7«d3n No 9 Wood st
3?. H. EATON & CO.,
So. 03 Fourth gtrc«t, Pittsburgh,
Hsvo now in St*re their fall assortment of
Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Laee Goods
ADAPTED to Uie wtnm ofevcryclaMof Merchants
and Consumers. No pains bsvo been spared td
pretent; the. newest and man fashionable atyle of
Goods in their line. Their stock consists is part of the
Fringes and Gimps, of every variety; new styles
figured Galloons: Algenne and Imperial Braids; wide
and narrow Silk and Wonted Embroidering Braids:
Mured and ent Velvet Ribbons;-plain do doj.Cordco
Mamaa and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming: block,
white and colored Silk Laces; extra wide do-do, fjr
flounces,' with a fall assortment 'Of Dreas Buttons;
Dresses Finked, Stamped or* Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and .Muslin Cop**, Chemixettes,
Breakfast and Retiring Capa and Half Sleeves, French
Worked Collars and Cutfs. In great variety; L«cc Veils,
Lappeu and Opera Ties: Mourning Chemisettes, Col*
lars, Cuff* - and. Half Sleeve*; l .men Lawn Hdeft,
plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do;
real thread Laces and Edgings; Im. do do; Bobbin,
Lisle, Loco Muslin and Cotton Edgings and Inserting*.
Rich new atyle Bonnet Ribbon*. French Fare Flow
ers, Bonnet Tabs. Velvets, Satin* and Florences, Silk
Illusions and Turletons, Bonnet Frames and Tips.
Best manufacture, with most approved fastenings,
and choicest colors. An extensive assortment always
on hand.
A great variety of Silk. Wool, Cotton, Merino and
Cashmere, for Lubes and Mines; Tartcsi Plaids, anil
a foil assortment other styles fancy and plain Child
ren's Hose; newe*t stylet Infants'Boots and Sorks;
Gents' Grampian, Vigooia, Merino, Cotton and Ace
Wool Half ifosc.
A' full assortment for men, women and children,
among which are Derby Ribbed, Foloseile and plain
Silk; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Ber
lin; Caisimere, Merino, Far-lined lieaver. beairy and
fine Buckskin, Military and Lisle Thread and Cotton.
Such a* Ladies' and Children’s Hood*. Children's
Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarf* and Boas, Children'* liait
era and Long Mitts, Wormed Cuff*. Knitting WorsieJ*
and Woolen Yarns, California Comforts; also, fine
Cashmere Scurfs, for Ladies.
Zephyr and Tapestry’Worsted*. Canvass Pattern*,
Floss and Erob’g Silk, Bristol and Pcrfd Boards, Pa
fer Flower Material*, Lama Mat* Tidies, **>«-«•
roldered Work. Also—Ludte*’:s'U, - id .MeratoTe«t*
and Drawers; Embroidered Sack* andFtanneU, French
Wotked Caps and Waist* lorliilimt'; andSw:m’»-dowu
Ftne Shirts, Cravats and Collars; Merino, Silk and
Cotton Wrappers and Drawers; Smpenders. Shoe der
Braces and Dressing Gowns; s-lk and lenen Jldkft;
Gloves and Hosiery.
French patterns carved and plain Shell Back Combs;
Buffalo and Iml: do; Bfcoll Hide and Long Combs; Ira.
do; Buffalo, Batin and Rosewood Hair Brushes;, Shell,
Buffalo ana Eng. Horn Dressing and line I vary Combs;
with an ft<sortment of Noil and Teeth Brushes.
Waken!!’* “Gold Modal 1
Needles, Pins. Tapes,
Button* and Steel Good*,
Pone Twist and Sowing*
Coat Binding* k Galloons.
Cloak Cord and Tassel*,
Blind & Shade Trimmings.
Pulpit.Aßancet T*s*els,
UpliOlslertT’a Pringen,
Buff Linen, a*sM widlnt,
English i Hi Cloths,
Pig'd Chin is Bindings
” Perfumery,
Steel Rags and Purses,
Berlin \V|ro Boskets,
Fine Rosewood Desks and
Fancy Work Baskets
Portfolios, Papiertre's and
Ladies' Stationary,
French Cork Soles,.
Silk'A (iflng'n Umbrellas,
PapirMustinsA Hollands,
Elastic Bands A Webbing,
Cnrvt and ShosLafei*.
Pateitcb, Dxenmt* w, 19-jfl. •
Tms is on an>cle of great value it, ail persons en
gaged in building, dr to thoie who have already
built, apd without window fustening. While it
furnishes aperfeet substitute lor puliics and weights
at a anting of atleast to each window, it affords
the safest fastening that hu ever been broagupinuj
The utility and convenience of this Spring over all
others, ts, one thumb piece, both sash of the
window eon be raised or lowered. It requires only to
bo known lo be appreciated. ■ "
Persons yrlshing to buy the article, or to have them
pot into; their windows, or the right of selling it (or
eoanties in this State, may apply to the subscribers oi
the PERKY HOUSE, on the Allegheny river. Pitts
burgh,PiL J. S. TURNER, '
C. P. MaYO.
7TaKVTStP3: dAkFLTS!:—Kec'd this day, at \V.AI'.
V/. Clintoek’s Carpet Warehouse, No. 75 Fourth si, a
further sopply of Carreu, of the latest and most ap
proved styles, to which we invite the attention of
Steam boat men, and those wishing to famish Houses,
to call and examine the largest assortment in thecitr;
wbiehwe will oeil cheaper than ever before offered in
tbo western market nortl W W CLLNTOCK
. JHoomlUß Long Shawls.
\kr It AIUIIPHY uutrec'aa supply of the above
yV •• article, of the best quality; itiso; plain Ulack
Thibet Long Shawls; block Bombarines, Mourning A!-
paecas, Persian Cloth, block Coburgs, •pantcua*,
Cashmere*, Mous de Loins and French Merinos, black
Cravats and Moo mi eg Collars, Mourning Bonnet Rib
bons, neck do, and a fall assortment of Mourning
Goons generally.' Also:
A largo assortment,, including a few pieces very wide
and superior. IJuyers axe invited to lo.ik at them, at
North Kan corner of Fourth and Market sis. *
Wholesale Rooms up stairs, where a large assort
ment of New Goods has lately been received. _ (ar2Q
We Lave been informed by Mn. Rom of * cue per*
• formed enher by Dr* .>ajrD.e»* Alterative, which
prove* Its snperiorityeverevery other remedy of ibe
kind, She has been afflicted for the last sixteen rear*
with SWELLINGS, attended
wtth ulceration* and en foliation of varlouibone*,da*
nni which time many pieces have been discharged from
the • uKmtal bone of the craniara, from both her arms,
' ' 'smats and haodv.and from both feci, and from the left
'-' feirioSu bone, and from the right knee, beaideapainfnl
V ’.teers on otcer pans of berperwa, which have bofled
the u:iM of a number of the moil eminentphysidaniof
our cjU-rdaTing most of thcLime her suffering* have
and deplorable. About three months
SSe she w»a tndnecd m try Dr.-Tamo's Alter.are,
■ wMch'bat had an oetoaiihingly happy effect open ber,
• br removing all pain and ■welling*, and earning the
ofeera to hetJ, while at tbesame tone Mrgaieral heaJth
ho* bccoaetoffiplrtely reitored, so that ehc cow weighs
BS lbs more than ahe <Ud bcS?re she commenced the ase
oi this trtly.voJoobkprepaueit-tsifct. Eve. Port-. . •
per farther inform of Jsn. Rose, No. I*9l
F Ffr»"l taPiS«nS. *» o« ram tea stoku, |
7pFo*rthobM*rWoed. , J>*
Pr *>»• Prssldsat of tliA. -United States.
In pursuance of law, I r ZACHARY TAYLOR, Pres*
idem of the Unite-d Stale* of America, tdo hereby
declare and make known, /that Pat-lie Sale* will be
held at tic undermentioned; Laud Offices, in the State
of lOWA, at the periods herci/i trier designated, n wil
At the Land Offiee tt DUBUQUE, commmctrg cn
Monday, the seventh day of January next, for th« dis
posal ol ilio Faolic Lands situated within the under*
mentioned townships, to wit:
Tfffrtk of the base line, andtctsioj tht fifth principal
Township ninety-eight, of range three.
Townships oiowy-sii, niaeiy»*eveii, and nines,
ly-eighl, of range fear. . '
Townships nmety*five, ninety-six, niDely-ev'
ed. ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, of range five.
Townships ntnety-three, ninety-four, ninety
ninety-nine, oftaege six.
. At the SAMS PLACE, commencing on Mon
day, the twenty-first day of January next, for the
disposal oftbo Public Lands within the andermen
tinned townships, viz:
MmA cflhe last Imt, anJtctaafOuffAyrinapsl
Townships nioetyfour, ninety-five, | ninety-six,'
nmety-eeven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, of
range seven. j •• •
Townships ninety-fpnr, ninety*five, nincty
e^ l hL ,UllC^*MTen ’ oiohty-eightj of range
Township ninety-five, township nineiy>six, (ex
cept the southwest quarter of nection-iwcniy-vev
ea, the aootbieait quarter cf section twenty-debt,
and sections thirty-three and thirty-four, including
the Indian agency,) and townships ninety-seven
end ninety eight, of range nine. 1
Townships ninety-two and ninety-fobr,of range
ten. .
Township.ninety-one, efraege thirteen-
Townships ninety-one and of range
fourteen. |
At t&e Land Office at FAIRFIELD,] commenc
ing on Monday, the fourteenth dayofjannarynext,
for the disposal of the Public Landß situated with
in tho undermentioned townships, to Wit:
North of the last line,and t oat of the fifth principal
meridian. ['
Townships sixty-seven, sixty»eighl,lond sixty
nine, of range sixteen. !
Townships sixty-seven, and sixty
nine, ol range seventeen. >
Townships eixty*e:ghl and sixty-uir h, of range
eighteen. ' •
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nme, of range
Townships sixty-eight and sixty nine, Of range
r Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, of range
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, ol range
Township seventy* one, of range twenty-six..
Townships seventy and seventy-one, ol range
twenty-seven. j
. -Townshipsrteventy and seventy-one, of range
twenty>eight I
At the Land Office at lOWA CITY, commenc
ing on Monday, twenty-first day of January next,
for the disposal of the Publio Lands within the fol
lowing townships, viz: ,
Norik of the base line, and treat of the fifth principal
meridian. \
Township seventy-six,of r&nge-twenty-seven.
Townships seventy-ax, seventy-sevien, and aCv
enty-eighl, of range twenty-eight 1
Townships seventy-seven and eeventy'cigbt, of
range twenty-nine.
Lands appropriated by law for the use of school*,
military, or other purposes; wf!l be excluded from
the sales-
The offering of the above mentioned lands will
be commenced on the day appointed, and proceed
In the order in which they ere advertised, with
all convenient despatch, ontil the whole shall have
been offered, and the sales thus closed; but no
sole shall be kept open longer than-two weeks,
and no private entiry of nay of the lands will be
admitted until after the expiration of the two
Given under my hand, at the City of Washington,
this fifteenth, day of September, Anuo Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.
. Jly the President: Z. TAYLOR.
1 J. BtrrrzxFiKU);
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Every person'entitled to the" right of pre-emp
tion to any ot the lands vr.thin the townshipsjtbove
enumerated, is required to 'establish the same to
tbe satisfaction of the Register and Receiver of tbu
proper Land Office, and make payment therefor ns
toon as practicable after seeing this notice, and be
fore the day appointed for the commencement of
the public sale of the lands embracing the tract
claimed, otherwise such claim will he forfeited.
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Ot tlia Public Land Sales at Da Bnqae,
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Pablio Sales of
Lands ord 'KiitiLprociaiaitioQ cf the President ot the
-United States, dated tbe fifteenth day of September,
1819, to be held at the LAND OFFICE AT DU BUQUE,
lOWA, on tbe 7th and dirt day* of January, l SOU, arc
.declared to be postponed until <arthcr notice.
Given under my Hand, at the City of Washington,
this lllh day Of Dem, aano Domini one rhauruntietghi
hundred and forty-nine. 7 .TAYLOR.
By the. President;
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
dcl7 limwtS.
Iffc H V ALtr OOOD8T"
ALEXANDER A DAY, cocnerof the Diamond and
Market street, noufy their friends and the public
that they have received their stock of Fall and Win
ter GOODS, direct from tbe importers, manufacturers
and auction* at tbe east. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods is large, and preseui* strong acrae
•ions to purchasers. In Ladies Dre-s Goods and-
Shawlr, the most splendid and fashionable Goods of
the season are now offered, at remarkably low prices
consisting in part of the following
New style Brocha Dg'd Come lion Silks;
Co I’d and Black Satin Du Cbenes and Tare Satinr,
* Col’d,Cornelian Grnderhines, of the best quaiitfr*;
Black glossy Groderiens of the celebrated Eagle
The above named Black Silk* are warranted out to
cat ui the wear, for dresses and mantillas they are the
ben imported.. H
Neat Df'd'Caraclian Satin Da Cbene, the handsomest
Silk* of ibe momu,
New style Broeha Silk figured French Merino*, a
now and splendid article for ladies’ walking dresses.
Silk Embroiaerrd French De Lames. for areste* and
tacks, an entirely new article. • ,
Cas nine res, De Laines, Merinos, AJpaceis and Far
mettos, a lorn assortment
Brocha Loop and Square ghnwis. of the Leit quail
tie*. >
Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest derigni, remark
ably cheap.
Splendid T< rkeri Shawls, at gTeatly reduced priees.
Caraetiou llrocha fig’d Silk Shawl*, in great variety.
Crape Shawl*, white and colored, in great variety.
Be*t Sedai real' French Twilled Cloths, all prices;
best Sedan real French Cas*imcre*; new sty le Amer
ican Casume «*; super Satin Vc*ung*.
ladies’ cloaking cloths:
French and Belgian Black and Ultvc Cloths, for La
dies’ Cloaks.
A splendid assortment of American and imported
Blanket*, at r taarkably low price*.
domestic and staple goods:
A large an l complete assortment now on hand.—-
Many n? our present slack of Staple Gooils were
bougnt from tb; manufacturer* previous to (hepresent
advance in pri:c*. A principal part of our stock of
French anil Fir gluli good* have been purchased at the
great Auction rales in Philadelphia and New York,
which enable* us in offer decided bargains in almost
every descript an of good* in our line of business.
Country Merchants,- Merchant Tailors, and all
wholesale an 4 retail buyer*, are invited to an early
examination of our slock ana prices.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market it,
oetffJ north west comer of the Diamond.
wTßUkftti»WiiiiT(K>uußi *
WH MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth
• and Market sUk is now receiving hi* second
supply for the *ea*on/,nnd can offer inducements to
buyers rarely lo be met with. Uis u-Mortmenl of
Is very fall, ednsistiuy of French Merino*, Cashmeres,
Coburgs, Lyonese Cloth*, mper Printed French Casit-
Bierea, at pnees considerably lower than they could
be boachi early In the season. Hi* stock of
Is large, and Icmbrace* many of the beautiful styles
cow on exhibition,at Franklin ln»uiale, Philad’a..
Of new and (very handsome styles, Velvet Trim
mines, Ac.
Of various styles and qualities, plain and embroidered
Black bilk Lahee> Needle Worked Collars and Cuffs,
Bonnet Satina unu Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers.
Of the newestlstylea, and at lower prices than usual;
and rich changeable Silk* aud Saties, for Mar-Jllas,
Ao • and a larps stock of
at lowest prices. And in the gentlemen’s department
will be. found fresh _ .
Dlmck Doeskin*, Winter Vestings, Fancy Cassimerc*,
Under*hirts and Drawers, Silk Cravats, Pocket Hand*
kerchiefs, Ac. ' ... . ,
Kp-Mercharits are invited o visit the Wholesale
Rooms, up staira. pcW
Mcacxa, Mercer co., Pa., Kept. 29, JH9.
R E. Sellers: Dear Sir. I bought one bottle oTvour
Vcrmifoge at [the Iron City Furnace store, nttliisjuace,
; ar.d it has performed wbat we connider out here n won
derful cure of my boys eight years old; he had
been unwell fpr tome years, *o much so that! bad glv
en up all hope* of his recovery. I was advised Iryo. e
of mv neighbors to try a bottle of your Vermifuge—
and J str nappy to inform you of it saving the desired
effeclof relieving my son. He passed, in the
space of 21 hams, 16t worm*,koine of them measur
ing as much as IS and 14 inches long, i /cel boaml m
justice to give! you ibo above statement, so u* y.m may
make nny u«<aof my name ihnt you ihink projmr.
Your 4, very re»ptciiutly,
1 Jonsm&v S. l,nu.
Unprepared and mid by R. FI SELLERS, 57 Wood
rreet; and.sold by Druggists generally in the two
eijies. ’ novIS ,
Rkad i rkaxTi—Sellers’ cough j»v“
BUP—From W. K. Bodnu, Clnk of the
Court i f Quarter Seamus of Beiver County:
Mr. tt. L Hellers: Sir, Some time in the winter ray
wife «u uifl Sc ted wiiha severe and distressing mag lu
and hearing of your invaluable Cough Syrup. I pur
chased a bottle from 8. T. .Trimble, of Bridgewater,
and after taking a portion of it two or three evening*
on goias to bed, she foupd immediate relief; u» alro
several friends have been rehi-vou in severe cam s. I
am therefore satisfied that it is a safe aud valuable me*
dicine, and would recommend it to those, who may be
afflicted with severe coughs and eolds.
: Marth 29,1043. W. K. BODKN.
ffVtjold by R- E. SELLERS, 37 Wood street, and
by Drugfiits generally in the two cities and viejain.
dcß . '
FJiLT CLOTHS—3 eases Blue, and Drab ~F«l
Clotlis, just red’d and for eaie by -
no via <9 Wood st
jast ree'il a lot of high colored Mous. doLsins,
such as Cherry, Scarlet?Ac,ax the low ptieelof 25c.
per yard. Alio,Piain Drab/Brown, Ac, at 12J to..lfi|
cents per yard; -and a large assortment of neaj styles.
figsredjMous. de.Lains, at various prices, together
with a Choice assortment of Dress Goods generally,
such *| Fancy Silks, MeflAoi, Ca&iwtercs,
Coburgs and Lyonese Cloths, at the ' b
N. E. comer of Fourth and Market su.
Wholesale Booms up stairs. . i norlff
be mhVwJ t.Sk*' 1 * 'TS not B^ow our passengers to
,caR P* *** infe« the Tea
non c barge of them the moment they re
snaiehihmTilrttCMd Mc J® Uieir w e“ being, andde
, without any detemiun by the Em ships—
*er« trf I^ 1 * as we defy one of our passen
f"*i°* b . ow they were detained 43 hours by us is
*• thousands of others were detained
mouths, anul they could be sent in some old craft, at a
cn » P rate, wlucb too frequently proved tlietr coffins.
AVe intend to perform our contracts honorably, cost
what it may. and not act as wi* the case last season,
with ether officers,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from £\ to
■xIOUO, payable at any ofthe provincial Banks in Ire
land. England. Scotland and Wales.
European and General Agent,
‘b’ Fifth street.on# rlimr hsln* Waqil
msrnm J»&si
(Exclusively for Passencers,)
rpJIF. public are informed ihiu on and after Saturday l
X tho J«: of September, the passengers by this Line
will be enrriod flfer the Central Rail Road fromLcw
istowu »o HMoburgh. and from Ibeuce to Phtlndel-
Shin by the Hnrrieburgh and Columbia Rail Roads.—
y thi* now arrangement passengers will go through
in omz pat l&s time than heretofore.
Toe Packets of this Line are new and of the best
c!a*s. This route for safety, speed and comfort, is the
moM preferable now in use to the Eastern cities.
Kail Ilnads nre all pax-x-d in day light. Time, a
days. F re. Ten Dollars. For information apply to
W SBTCH, Monoocahela House
octt or D to LEECH A CO. £anal Basin.
Vonngitowa and Naw Castle Canal
l Packets.
JHK packet BEAVER, Cnpt. Stanley, will leave
Beaver regularly on Monday. Wednesday and
rnday evening# at U P. M. T und arrive at Youngstown
next morning al J- o'clock— reiumitu:, leaves Youngs
town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings at 4
P. M n and reach Beaver ui lime U<t the morning boat,
ALLEGHENY CLIPi’ER, arriving si Pittsburgh al
It! o'clock.
The pccket HARKaWaY. Cspt. Downing, will
leave Beaver Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday even
ings at 0 P. M-. returning, leave New Castle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evenings at C P. M. a,m con
necting with the morning boat for Pittsburgh.
These pac-cis nrefitted tip in rouipletc order, hav
ing fine tic eomiuodatiiui* for piu-crtgcrs, and shippers
may fitly n'n m.rrc punctuuliiy and greater despatch
than has before been obtained on these routes.
K. M. FITCH A Co, Proprietors.
J. C. Bidwell, Agent, Pituburgh.
Bidwcil A Bro., " Beaver.
A. D. Jacobi, “ Youngßlown.
R. w. Curninehojn,“New Castle.
The elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will
leave Beaver, daily at 8 A. M-, and Firubargh m 3 Pi
M., running to connection with the above boats. julS
Jiiii, lyl!l - I
Warren ud Clsvclaad Pssisngsr Lina*
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
ONH of the above Packets leave Beaver every day
(Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning al
Warren, whrn they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving nt each of these place*
before night. One of the packets leave Warren daily
at 5 P.M., and arrive at Beaver in lime to take tho
Doming bom fnrPitthfiurgb.
MB TAYLOR, do f Pro '
aplC _ comer Water and Southfield «U
ON tub: PEHN'A asp ouio canals.
Cxswrusn A CusXsSEUX, Cleveland,6 )
R. G. Paxks. Beaver, Pa. | rmpf*.
THIS Line wiirbe preps'ed on tbe opening of navi
gation. to transport freisht and Passengers from
i'rrt’SlIFRGH nml CLEVELAND, to any- point on
the Canal and Lakes.
Tbe faciliucs of the IJneare unturpaned in number,
quality and capacity of~Boatn, expenence cl eapmins,
and cifiricucy of Ageuts.
One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning in conncctiou'wiih the strainers 1
Between Pittsburgh amTßeavcr. and n line of first elm
Steamers, ProjK-Urrs and Vessels on the Lakes.
Beaver, Pa.
Ajtin# —R (, park-
Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Otuo.
M B Taylor f Warren, “
Cyrus PrcriUM, Ruveitna,
AS'liceierjA Co, Akron,
OrawfnrJ A Clianiberlin, C 'and, 0
Sears A Griffith. Buffalo, • ■
: JOHN A.CAUaHpY.Agent,
Office, cor Water and SmithJield sis, Pittsburgh.
mch-I:ly _ __
Steamer MICHIGAN No. S—Cant Gilion.
LAKE ERIK, •• Gordon.
IMIE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
. ei-s have comm-.cced making their daily trips to
and from Beaver,"rivl will Ronunue to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the icaion, u
Michigan No. S leaves Pittsburgh doily at 9 o'clock,
A. Al., and Braver at 5 e’cb’ck, P. M 4 Lake Ene
leaves Heaver dnily at s o’clock, A-ld-sod Pittsburgh
at 3 o’clock, PM.
Ttic<4 steamers will run in coanccuen with
E G Parks’ Express FacketLina, for Erie;
Taylor A Leffiingwetl’c Warren Packets;
Lai or. Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight
to at*.
R G Paris dolly New C*:*2? Packets.
CLARKE, PARKS A Beaver, Agents.
JOHN A. CALGHEY, Agetu. Putniurrh.
mchDl cor Water nnd Smithlielg *u
T HP. Proprietor* of this old established and popular
daily line. of SIXTEEN first rla« Canal
Boats, cv/ned by tbeouuiivc* and running in eonnee
uon with ihr steam Iki&u biIIVKR AND CAI.EB
COPE, or? enabled lo bffer uuequailsd Utilities for
the transportation of freight and pns'engen. on the
opening of Cana! nangutinn, lo all (voidls nn the Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N. York canal* and the Lakes.
K. M. FITCH & Co, Cleveland.
Agent*, Beaver.
J. C. BtOV/pLL, Agent,
ms.’S Water Mscf, nttsburgh.
i. c. ntnwriA,
Forwarding Merchants,
Agents for the PittihurghaiulCleveland LtnA Pitts
burgh arulEne Lint via Jsrrit, and far tltsm
boats Beaver atui Caleb Cope.
Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf
Bout jest built for the Monqngahela Packets, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, th<- moil ample or
eommodatioa* for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, proraptne** and despatch
to consignment* to their care, ar.d rely on their friend*
for a trial. rnart-dly 11. A URO.
1549. .1
Old I'.taf-liaJic-i-I.inr..
It]lK Proprietor of this well known Lute of Canal
Boats, is now prepared to transport Passengers
and Freight to all points on the Eric Extension, New
Yqrk Canal* and the Lakes, upon the most favorable
term* and with despatch.
This Line runs in connection with the i iteaiu boats
BKAVKR and CALEB COPE, betwren Pittsburgh
and Beaver, C M Reed’s Line of steam boats and ve*
«el« or. the l-akes. and the Troy and Michigan Lske
Dost Line on the New York canal.
i'. M. REED, Proprietor, Krio, Pa.’
Bidwell 4 Brother, Agorits, Braver.
W T Mather. Agent at J Metkimen’s Passenger
Office, Monongtthe/a l/ouec, Pituburrh.
CONrfIGNEF»—W C Xlu:ait, Shnrmi; J K-ASHall,
Sharps!.erg; omith A Downing, do; J B Plummer,
West Greenville; Wick, Achre & Co, do; Wm Henry,
Hartsmwn; D JV| s A Sullon, Buffalo; liarnev, Gibb* A
Co; Sandusky; Jos A Armstrong, Detroit; Kirkland A
Newberry. Sheboygan; M’i'lurc A Wililum*. Milwou
kiehKnup, Murfey A Dutton, Rsciitc, John II Kmtie,
Chicago; A Wheeler A Co. New York. np3
Pittsburgh to Phiiaikbphia and Jlattimort,
(Exclusively for Pnsscngcrs.i
THE pabbe nre ropectfa'ly informed that this Line
will commence running on Monday, 19th March.
The boat* of this Lin/i are of n superior class, with
enlurgol cabins, which will give greater comfort lo
A boui will always be in pun, and travelers
quested to eall anil examine them before engagingpa- .
sage by other routes. They will leave the landing, <V>
potitc Uie U. 8. Hou-], corner Pcuq street and Can.
every right atbo’clock. t
2kot*-—3} Days,
For Mforuiauon, apply at the o■> • <. Monongahela
House, 3rjn 1). LKI'I.'II A <», C: 114! Basil*..
N. 8.-The proprietors of tin- above are now
building n* additional Loir oi Packets, lo run os above
on or aliaui Jaje I*t, in rnniveiion with the Pennsyl
vania Bud Roud from Lewi, own to Philadelphia. Ai
that lime a psebcl will leav-- ,-vrry morning and even
ing. Time Ifrougfc, 21 day*. mchlfl
mi (FI cili/en* of PITTSBURGH and ns vicinity nro
I respceifotly inforin-d that ivc have nn coniicmion
with any cither Wrriern Express, and arc now pre
parrd to lotward PACKAGFJ*. M EKCHANDISF; Ac.,
from B'»-,u n, New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore,
Vi Pitutiurgh and other Westorti Cnie«, witli rxtruor
dinur/ expeditinn and aa**o?utiLKcji*aotii.
At Bnhimore we have n**<,riated with u* Dr. W 3.
Woohftiix, who wm for
ihe Baltimore, and "luo RniTffiind Company; Howsao
Kkvviu.t, I>q , for mtiny yearn principal eonfidcniial
apo/d »f ’he Poll Office, ami G. VV. Cash, of
Erownsvllto, Pa. The*e gentlemen will give personal
tuprrvi'ion to the Line from Baltimore to Pittsburgh.
From Philadelphia wc shall run THREE Daily Ex
prese l.incs, arriving nt Pittsburgh respectively in
Two, Three and Four Dm-s. Oi o 'IWo Day Line will
run siinnil speed, and is prinefpallvinwrdodforsmall
and valuable Packages. We eiia.ll invariably receipt
for miit ami riacs.
•Wo ’iittvo on arrangement with Messrs. Edwabus,
which we can forward Package* to, or transact Com
mlsiions in. Great Britsin, Ersnre, and most of the
-Continent!*! Cities. Messrs. Edwards Hale A Co.unite
in England with the well known great forwarding
bouse of Messrs. Ciiavux A Hoax, und in France with
the "Mossagerie* Natlonale.” ,
We shall spare no expense or exertion to get onr
goods through with the utmost despatch, and endeavor
. tofnrnuh the public with k really well conducted Ex
press. Small parcels and packages will be carried by
ns aCfxtrcmely low rates. . *
Persona wishing to use our Lines are respectfully
requested lo particularly order their'eorrespondents to
■hipJiy, 4< ADAMs ACO’3 EXPBESB.’’
PhUaqqlpliift,NoT. 10. ADAMS A CO. *
ThdAgency of the ahovo Express-Line vnll be
eonductodatthiseUy by J. C. BIDWELL,
oovld-dlxa Water street.-
giggiiX 1849.
Besvor-«ad Kjrle Etpreii Packet JLlne.
mu.. ' P- PARK.S, Beaver. Propnemr.
T H, L^.T.*'U 1 Passenger Packet#.
X*- NIAGARA, CaSt HII Jeffr-C#
' * Pennsylvania, «j »
LAKE ERIE. “ M Tnthy-
QUEEN CITY, - JMellaliy;
Fornuug a daily Line between Beaver ami Erie Uvr
commenced running, and will continue the »er»-
wn to make iheirreontar uips. leaving IU-nvrr o-i-r
the arrival of the morning boat from Piltsburclu (1 o'-
clock, r. m ) and arrive at Erie m lime for tiasscrtrer*
to take the morning bonu to Buffalo or u-» the I-Akr '
Tickets through to Knc and ail Lakepiru. ran be
had I.) application to JOHN A CAUGHKY, Ar.t
corner of Water and Sniitblicl.i -h
■ ovgkorge KECK.
under the St Clinrl-- l»,nrj
For Blairavilla, Joltnstowii. ollidaysburgh, and
all intermedin » nlocei.
fI’IIIS Line will continue to . arry all Way Goods
i With thexr usual despatch, and at fair rates of
Aac.TTT—C. A. hrANULTY A Co, Pittsbarrh.
D B Wakefield,
John Miller, Holiidaycourgh.
Rxrrxxxcxs—J antes Jordon. Smith i Sinclair, I>r F
Shoenborger, R Mr-ore, Johu Parker. S F Von ltoirn
horn A Co, Wm Lehmer A Co, Jno M'DcvUt A Bro»,
ritubureh; John Ivory, Snmu, Molhollaii A Kqy, Jno
Graff ACo, U-nir*vilie. m( .|, u <7
Canal i'acke;—SWALLOW, Oapt. Ford.
** “ OCEAN,Capi. Wtuiera.
/"YNEof the above Packeu leave Beaver every day,
y (Sundays excepted) and arrive next inurntug at
warren, whrre they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these (dneer
before night. One of die Packets leave Warrrn daily,
at i P. M., and arrive at Beaver in time to lake the
mo.rung steamboat for Piurburcb.
al B TAYLOR, “ Propnl r*.
snal Packet—Pknnstlvasu, Cnpt Jeffrie*;
u “ Tklmkspd, •• Pollock;
“ “ Laek Kais, “ Trnby;
*' “ Pbttonu, “ Brown;
“ “ Falcuio.v. “ Soycr.
Tbe above new and splendid Passenger Pockets have
commenced rutitling between BEAVER ANDjKIUK,
and wdl run reguiurly during die season—ono boat
leaving Erie every morning atB o'clock, und one leav
ing ileaver every evening, immediately nftcr the arri
val ut the steamboat Mieoigun trom I*-v. • „ , i.
Tbv boat* arc new and comtorta.My tun.i- -.n„. ano
wm tun through -n ninvnot.-, to aur
~n t,ir !.«;<•► or :o Niacnre P‘nl;». win ILnu uh*
r ' 1 1 - 1 in «-*.u, .r atn! expcuitioos. Tickets'
tii.-ousit • r ions or. :ne can be procured by
a,.piy<ng :o ihe propnotor*.
RKKD, PARKS A Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAUGHKY, Agt. Pittsbureh,
cor. Water and SiruUfidiF si*.
r&:—Jos C Harrison, Buffalo, N V
C M Reed, Erie, Pa.
CC Wiek.Greeuville, Pa;
M’Farland aud King, Big Bend, Pa;
Uays A Plumb, Sharpsburgb, i’a;
W C Maion,Sharon, Pa;
D C Mathews. Pulaski. Pa;
R W Cunningham, Ngw Castle, Pa. jyl
JUST RECEIVED, a new assortment of PIANOS,
from the manufactories of Cntcxra:jco, Doro-u,
and Bscox A Rsvxn, New York.
ALSO—A few.elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS,
for sale ut manufacturer’s prices, by
Sole Agent for Cbiekenrg’s Pianos,
o'*2* for Western PpnnsylvHiiia.
second Ilud pianos.'
ONE second hand Piado, oesuves, price S-’hi.
1 *' M ' r ~S) - •* 4i
For sale for cash at the above pric> i, by
dcl'J JOHN II MELLOK>I Wood »t
170’ VIOLIN PLaW.KS—sVoiiu’s' "«iuvti Violin
School, altered and conmcted from the la»t Ihig
li«h edition, to correspond with Spoiir's Original
School of Violin playing, bv bis pupil U. 0. Hill “If
any arguments nrr required to recommend this work.
It may be observed that Spofar himself adueres**uicily
lo i«e system laid ■ own 1n the atiove work, nnd that
he has by the same of instruction, pro.lucrd a
greater numbet of ilisungutshed pupils than sny o:hrr
master in Europe "
A supply of the al ove >um reeM, (price 1p7.) and foi
sale bv ile 7 J II MEH.OR.»BI Wood si
* N EhHNENT and experienced Physician from t).»
aOL ilazu cfW years standing,offers to treat oil caret
tfa Delirttto Nature Vjßt fromplness and secrecy.
“Hissneers. In Buffalo and qtiisr isrgu aliici ket
been proverbial. Hiychargcs are coderaia, and hi*
Old coses ofGleet. Stricture, Hero
fala, Fluor Albas, RhenmaUtm, Ague,Syphilis, or an*
chronic or inveterate cose* solicited.
A cure warranted, or chatre refunded.
Orncts, 8l Clair street, 9 doors from the Bpdyi.
Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
Nifib— Of. A. elicits the wont caoc* oi any disea«*
in Pittsburgh \o e«dJ. ppMidly
Ntnuuw Luk It*
March f?. 1 —IT
• Xtr. R. K. Hellera—ln justice fo you and your nicom
faraofe Cough Syruo, I beg leave in state, f <r the ben-
Oi oj* tbe community, that my wif- ha* been several
Uine* afflicted w;th « uUvft di*irr*slng couch I par
rh**ed. In January law, n bottle of )nur Hyruv. whieh
cured a coujn of two monibs’ •landing. Aboat <-ue
»icee, the coach returned, arid w»* *o <*v-re
thst'.kbe could hardly move, front; weakne.c m u>c.
br--a*t; I sent for one bottle of ysut Cough Syrup, and
j pap of one buul - cured the cojgff \ gave in- ntiier
to a jocrneyinsa who was who had,
louse hi* own words, -“esien enouch randy 10
cure all the people in if the candy hud
been a* good si represented.
Your*, respectfully, Alvxxli B. Ks*»:l
Prepared and told by R. H. SELLERS, &7 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally ui the ism
cities. dr]-
Cl VEALiilff. Importer anil . Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the Gill Comb, IP? Marked »l, Pa..
Western Merchant*. Pedlar*, land oilier* vmting
Pmahorgh. to purchase Good*, are.rrspectfully invited
to call and examine the exieii.ive ; «Mort7nr.m of Eng
tlfh, American, French and i-crmon Fancy Good*
4-li Foreign Good* ai thi* estahU.hmi-tii ure import-,
ed direui Ij/ rny*Hf. and purciiav-r* may rrly on gel
ling goods Irom firs; b-.-.J*. I have the large*: a*«on
mem of article*, in -the vanci, line, in the city o<
PiUiburub—oil of which wii) be *o!d low rur i’*.b ur
ciiy acceptances. The Miock comiiu, lu part, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery,.Glove*, Ribbon*.
Silk Cravais, Shoe and Patent Thread*. Silk,
Spool Coitoin Tapes, Suspenders, Uurtons, Pmr, Nee
djos rind Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, ail kinds of
Brcsbes.’Combs sud Razors.
Prrcu*aion Csp*, Revolver*, Futjl.t, C’ockt, A
Colton Purses, Spectacles, Steel .pen*, Uurio lljxr*,
Carpet Bog* and Basket*
Binding*. Flailing* and Trimming*.
Toy* and Fancy Good*; togeiher with t large varie
ty of Fancy and Siaplo DnY GIKJBs.
G. YFIAGEK i» bJ«o ageut for the celebrated
ea«ier Combs. novlT
•There arc more thing* in heaven and earth
Than ate dreamnt of. in philosophy
rpilK VIRTUES oi this rcruarkaidc remedy, and
A Uie cpnsianl appiicaiiou ror it, u> the proprietor,
ha* induced fi'ia to L*ro ,i pgi r.p in bottle* wiin la
bel* and direction* for ihr hencniof the j-übna.
The PETROLEUM i* procured from a'wcli m th■«
rouuiy. at a depth of four hundred feet, u u p u[ .
dulteruied article, without any ehenu’'al chaorr, t-ui
ju*t ■* flow* from Nature s Great l.abraiory!! 'J’hut it
eontaJns properuc* reaching n number of di*cn»r«, li
no longer a mailer «f uncertainly, 'lliere an- m'suiy
tiling* in the a'cana of nuiure, wLicn. if k.,own. imc'it
be ci vsst u«cfulne»* m allsvimuig luffcnuz, un-1 ic
storing the blwotu of healih and vigor to many a <jf
ferer. Long before the proprietor thought or puttine
it up in bottle*, if liad u repnution for the cure'c/ di«-
esro. The conaUht and daily increnaing calls for it.
and several remarkable curt* ii has perforuiol, L a
sure indication of it* fuiure Popularity and wide
spread application in the ijfe of disease.
IVo do noi wish >ii» make a long parade of certifi
cates, at we ere conscious that the medicine can soon
, work It* way imo til" of those who suffer und
wi*h to bo healod. Whilst we uo no; claim fur it s
universal applicauun In everv disease, we uiihesita
ungly *ay. that in a number of Chronic* i> i*
anrivalled. Among the-o may be enumerated—nil
diseases of the' mucous iiasuee, such a* CHKONIC
BRONCIHTJS. CONSUMPTION |iu it* enm .u,g«.)
Asthma, and uli diseases of me air sanaxPK l IVF It
CpMfLAiNT, BVSPEPSIA, Diarhmo, Disease, of
ihe Bla4der and Kidneys. Pains in Hie Mark,or Side.
Nervous Diseases, Palsy, Rheumatic Hums.
Goat, Erysipelas, Tetter, Kingvorra-, UnriMt S.-ald*.
Bruises. IHd Sores, Ac., Ac. In ease* of doullnv re
sulting Iroiq exposure, or long and protruded cases uf
disease. Uni medicine will bring relief it will act a*
agetterol TONIC and ALTERATIVE m sjch ca-.-*
imparting tone and energy to the whuk fminr remov •
ing obstruction*, opening the sluggish fanoul.n*, winch
uuase diaessn and a broken constitution, and giving
increased and ,-mewed energy to all ihe organ- of
Life! Tha proprietor kr.ovs of several cure* of
PILEH.Rbat rciuted every other trenuucul -et wrli
under tno use «t ihe PETRULEUM for a ebon tuu-
Tb» pioof can be given to any pereon who desire* u
Non- genuine without ibe signature of the i.roim-ior
Sold by Ihe Dioprictor, •
S. M. KIER, Canal Basin, near Seventh »■
Al*o by R FI KELLERS, 37 Wood si;
corner v\ ood *t. and Virm n aUry; who ar>* h.*
.. regularly appomie.i Agdit*
No. 87, corner Market and F'ifth—or 49 Market
T.,*- u ‘^''^'fffandFoarth.ts.
HE sub*enlier keeps constantly on hand, whoi.
f.“'° ? n i^ luU ’ lh<l nnicies, mi
VV tub Tub.*. -Ktoff Churn.,
MeuiTubs, BarrelCiiuri.n.
BathTobs Half Bu-hels.
Wooden Bowls, p eck# „ nir
A, L h nrB “ Uowm Burkett
Clothes Pics,. Towel Rollers,
Wooden Ladles, Bread Roller*,
Clothes Baskets, Market Bu.kcta, Ac ,Ac
DoV *y No C 3 Diamnnd alley, Pittsburgh
A RE N°'y a Jargc and complete n»-
A sortment of HARDWARE, tJUTI.KRY, HAD
DLERY, and CAUPENTEKS’ ’toOLS, dir«. .rom
the manufacturers in UroHeand America, und ore
new fully prepared to offer goods at such prirr* us
cannot fail to pieaae, oml wobM particularly rrqurst
the attention of Merchants who are in the ri«hli of go.
ing East, as we feel confident they will find, after a
thorough examination, that our prices wIU compare
favorably with Any house in Philadelphia or New
York. n ,. tl
JUST ree’d, an elegant plain Rosewoodfi oct- Piano 1
from the celebratrd manufactory of Nunns *
Clark, N> Y., of superior tone, and vent mode rata price
‘For sale by ft. KLKBEH,
ddO at J. W. Wood wells.
S: : LRR-* FAMILY MEDICINES—“They are the
- "-themes oi the day."’ f
Gusham's STATiON/Chin, May Sb, IS4D.
I« .'.S"l!er«: J Think it right forth.’ benefit of btherv
in •: Mm e facts in relation to year excellent Fami-
l ur.-d year Vcnnt(it?e.-liwge»y to my own fam
ily. .m-i vis; frequent!)’unswrring for expelling! rge
qut'ii lies (> sy Ito IT*!) worm, from two ohildtec ]
iiitv.' i’lso urd your Liver Pills and Cough Syrup ,n
my m niv. and tuey have iu every instance produced
th-.-L’-cub str«--i.
Ait tin titgaged m merchaß.lifing, I am able to
still - mm 1 itivr >cl to lienr ef tliv fir»tfai!ute where
yoi; • i-.ciiic ncs have been used in my section of the
ccfi i'.. In cunrluMoa, I may state that iney are <A«
mdiiin.iie- ri the day, and are destine* ■>, have a very
rx/ten-ve pjpuiamy Yours, rp «nlul?--,
•• . 11. i’lsstrLL.
I’f' t'iucd anJ sold by R I i;S.NoS7 Wood
strn i. uid *ot*l by Druggt- »e:inn:)y m Die two ci
lie* n:i! victmty. _ mvOl
< i:gtnal, ouly true, and genuine Liver Pill.
Siioxr Ckxkk, Ohio rsuuty, Va. >
Mnrch 2dih, 1849. i
_ Mr. IL F.. Seller#: Dear Sir—l Uiink It a duty | owe
lo you 'ind to the public g-nera ly, to stale that 1 have
been n'ibcied with the Liver ComnlHUit for a long
umc. i.iul so imdly that an abees, formed and broke,
wlur.’i eft me tn a very low stale. Hsving bran! of
your • •.•lebraifd tuvi-r Pills being for sale by A R
Sbarn. .ti W.j-%1 Liberty, ant! rerommended lo me by
my piii <ieian. I)r. E. Smith, I courluded to give Uiem
uforrmal. 1 purchased orve box, amt found them to
•■a jii'i-.vbHt they nrc reeommomlml, THE BEST LI
VEK I'lLI. EVER USED; and idler taking four boxes
I hud c..e d»«ea«e bin entirely lelt me, und I uin now
I'orie- 1 y well. Respectfully yours,
W«*l Liberty, March «}, IMS.
lor ::y that Ism prnouaily acquainted with Mr
oiei .nnd can bear testimony to Uip truth of the
in- v.- ftuicate. All SHARP
mime Liver l\o* sre preparnl and sold hy
1.l KS, No 67 Wood street, and by druggist*
Tt» •- IE PUBLIC.—The original,only true nnd gen
uine 1 -vnr I’ll it arc prepared by R KScllpra,'nnd have
1> ► tin ,i stauq-ed in black wax upon the lid ni cacti
I-ox. aril- ht« siKiiAiure on the (,-uuide wrapper—all
p[h-:i« '(’c counirrlcils, or hose imitations.
bi-mi R E SELLERS, Proprietor
I.’ ft< i.V’ the Rev A'.-A)SHINN, a we.llknown and pop
J 1 ui-.r' ler^vmsQo:the ProtextantMethodistClmrfL
N'..r undersigned having lieenafilictedduringthepatr
- >. v : with t disea.-.e mine stomach, sometimes pro- ;
die i . great p -r> >n the esomachfor tenor twelve hours
w<nioir nter n> - t.n,nnj after havieg tried var-nus
rcnicd'e-with tffect was furnished with a lio-.U*
o’ D.- i. l J sync's C mauve Balsam. This he used \e
eorduii; to the rirre-.t • ns. a*i! sound invariably lliAtthit
medieiiM- caunedthe pain in ai.u e in three or four min
ute*. nnd in fifteen or twenty cimuteseyery uueasv
sehsaMe‘Kwa*e>turcl)'<]uieied. Ihtmrdictne was si
terwai l-used whenever indipa..:>nroJ the appionch ol
paii: wnc perec veil, and the |>a.*> was thereby prevent
ed Jte exminued to use Uie medteiae every evening
and sometime* .. he morning, and in a few ivc> ki
health wax -o lar r --’.orrU, that the saficrer wm r. l.rv
edfi-om alfirge Krai»’!i..of oppressive r*” l - From -I
perienee, therefore, e run conS'Jenily reconimci; I
DJ» y::e v Carminative ;'aidant, a* a s.vumry medn ir
for i’.ssa*ct of the stoma.-;, and bowels A SiiiNNl-
Al-eehenv pity ; >..l
For rate in PiiUburgn a. .‘PKKINIFA ST< R
7i Fmirtn street, near 'Vo • and *Do «tt:n-l)teg
Store .if |l I'SCIIWaRPZ t- AlVgn. -i
Coughs, Colds, Asftimn, Bronebuis, Liv
er Ccmplaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Bremh
lua, I'oiu iu the Side and Breast, PaJpiutitm or
tuc Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Con
tiiimioi), Sore Throat, Nervous Debili
ty, and all D.sease* of the Throat,
Dre».“l and Luutfs: the most cl
fcctual and speedy cur*
ever known tor suy of
the above ducas
es tn
DR. S Vi A Y N E» S
Ccmpeaid Byrnp ot Wild CharryJ
This medicine i« no (enter among loose of doubtful
UDliiv. Jt ha* passed away trnm the thousands da,ly
launched upon the tide of experiment, and now stands
hisii-r m rcpalation. and '» Mceoming more exteusiTC
’ly used Lian sny otner preparauon of medicine ever
produced for it e TelietjM'utleang man.
It ha* been ititiniiccd very generally through llie
Unit-jd Vt-ates mo Kur pc, and there oxc few towns of
lmporF>n''<’ but what contain some remarkable evi
dence ol it* rood clicet*. Fi r proof of the forepoing
ttatemeii's and «< th p value and efficacy of this inedi
eme tl-e proprietor will insert a few of tbe many thou
sand testimonials which hnve been presented to him by
K*-n ot tue uru rtipceinbiUty—lacu who have highrr
views of tnorj. responsibility and justice, than to eer
ttfy u> fact#, because it will do another a favor, and
themselves no injustice. SucU testimony proves con
ciusitelv. that it* surprising excellence is established
by it* I’ltn.’isic merits, and the unquestionable authori
ty ot public opinion. The instantaneous relief ii j„-
ford- nnd the soothing uiflur.nee diffused through the
who.e irnine oy it* use. fmdrre it a most agreeable
remedy i-w the ntflificd
*• Whrii difti, acting irtun conscientious impulrrr
Totunnrily tear testimony to the truth of* thing, or
nurtioLlar fuel. ruch t.-*uinouy, being contrary to thrir
Word ' .nto/esv« and purpose*. coerces conviction ol
IL , , ral ;' and comment)* iwctf in a special manner m
O'Hoffft!'’* Moral Maxim*.
r.K.ti> thk uoMKCKHTifiCA-riii.
Stu- •*»«>• »sr. Otar or I‘ruoiiijf Cu»cnmM:-
TheirTicvrr a remedy that ha* been a* »ucge».ful
in dck-iemir case* of Consumption, a* Dx. Swaynv 1 *
Syrup of W.M Cl.-rry, ll nrenotou. Ite
tuJ appear* to Imul t»ie nicer* on the lunc*.
erra:;i \ new and rich blood; power po«*e«*ed by no
CiisAica Co , April Lstl*. I"4 i >
Ur y » jy- l>*r ?:r- 1 vctily believe vour Com
pound nip oi W.ld Cherry ta« t>ce» the nean* *1
Urine,my life. l«nfWi revere cold, which gradn
ally crc'w wome.aiwnded with b wtvcrc cough, that
rniKnl at 1 the remedies which l had ""’I
umiil my fw rxkit’WMl all the symptom* or
Pulrnt' mit Coii.umpimn h.vcry ilimg I tried reem-d
10 ha*i no'rlrru amt my cotcplaiui increased «o rapid
ly ibai rriP..Uf m» well u* mydl. *"▼«• “P •»‘•“P” o(
... a ,-.-r juritu uinrlw"* recommended in try
your i> valuable medicine: I did eo with ice most hap
-5V rem lt» The find bottle had the elect to looren the
-ouchVauMiw ir.eweipecteniic freely; and by the
dine I inti n*ed <nl bniUe*. 1 *w entirely well, aad ma
now et hr-rty a am »'» l errr was in B3T ° ,IJ
would be happy u» give information re*pectw< icy
c ., e i-miolL«T raffererr wsy denre the t>«nost Stir
which 1 *ni .o rrntetal- V‘*r ’he troth of th« above
!,* I ”f/ f you to Peter Rt*h. Grocer, W.»i
CbUmr. Pjl, ofwnaa I pii«ai**ed the medicine.
lU«peSiii!ly year*, Jatrt* idnaaen.
r/jK.frr/i;/ L'nrr cf a AZ-iAoJul Mimsttr.
• Itr L Dear Mr; 1 feel a dc.M of grauiada due
■a v«.'u-wiJ a duty if Ibe alltieted generally, lo offer
j-y t.ii-nble testimony m favor of yonrCompoundKy-
t’lirrry. Home three yean- «ineo i wi.
v AititsseJ with cold mol lpflammutiohof ihe
\v't ich wa» nceompuiurd-wttU a distressing
U -1 ua ii nt" -be iireaai m-u head, a very esnsideru
bleu '«• hKfs e of offensive luacu- fraw Urn lang*. e»;<-
cully . pr,t Change of weather, however flight At
res! • -it -O alarm about my condiuon, '-ot wa« prcity
A,,.. ‘ Mv.nced titut I wa* rnp.d.y going into coasamp.-
hou I *r*w dai.V wvakf *. ‘W*®;
tv ill , -ii walk about, or -peak above a whfrper, such
wa* *i -’exeeed-ir weanim** of tny lung*. Dunng this
urn,- t i.B.* mod various proparnuon* and prefcnpuoits,
but found m relief-growing nil ihe ume worse. Jusi
hen- I v*-i«lV4.od and pemusdnd by a friend in
Wil'ii.-rton to jitakr trial of your XOp nf Wild Cher
rv 1 I mu*” eon e-* thiu Prev.oLily l. bad been. pre;u
-d red f.gamst patent mcd.cim-*, and l aw .till agranat
.. ( „ V [ of Oie bni:d» nt emperu-*, but aud<-r
- u> the profession and practice of
utcdri'-V i.i:.J n triug -iupl.en LtiUj m taolayingof my
fheD-l- I forthwith p’utebww.d of Dr. Khavr.oneofyour
-,. w u-ule*. oml commenoed it* use. My ili»-
e«e 'ii ui th». time of SO«*r ‘X month.- *Undlcg,ron
srourr-It itTfV* deeply 1 »fatcd. J Icmitil, however,
' j r ß*--,e relief from Utc c-e of the first four or five
boil. • Eti being * |mj>Jie speaker, I frequently m-
IrmpU’ ' (if preach with uiy increasing strength, and
Uerc t rg-i-M-e.i it-n«c e«**rl* that had already uegun
to heaf minis way. (loui-ti-’-*. my cure was arcatiy ,
ri-tar-Ii 1 In e-neequcnce of acting ihu* imprudent
I hnd l. iivr-wvivc or hllceii b«*Ule* before I was pc.-
feet!-.- • -*f>'cd I liavt no question-,- a ujucbsmai'
nutnbv'- ol J.otUw. would have made me .ound.htt
tins B-fto re indiscretion The Hyrup allnyed the lev
1-hb'lt I too* .way til" di*trci.«ng cough, pulasi
to Il>, l.v harr« of >«»««•* ani
their ad 'V ire svsxein good heallh. 1 have defe.
rej oft-"-.:.g th'i» certfftcuw until now, for the puruos,
m beiii • n.-f'cc - r ■uti*in-d witli Uie ;M-ruancncy ol the
• ure o ui 'no« ins'. I f-el perteeily well I offer u with
iV - 1 ** JocbAh
Dubi n coun|v N. C
tmj‘orMiU Cautuin — Head.' Read.'
Thcr i> nuii «-iH{flutmic preparaitou of Wild Cherry,
and th. t:< Dr KWsiH*.'*, the first over offered to the
nubln- Aiiicti .ns been *«!d largely throughout the
Unit'-J -t.-iie* and some, pam of F.urone; and aJI t>re
namiiu •• c»riv by the name of Wild Cherry huve
L—ii .t nit fiuce itn«, under cover of *ome deceptive
eircuu- •maces, -<i oftler lo give currency to their sales.
By a 'i tic obMscvauou, uo nerstm need mistuke me
genui'. from ib false. Each bottle of the genuine i»
wu u buauuful steel engraving, with the (if WniismiPcnn thereon, nl*o, Dr Hwayne’a,
-icnoii r<- and •further security, Uie portrait of Dr.
Swayi will I . added brrrntier. so a* to distinguish
p, v . ; ,r;uioi rnin nil others. Now, U u was nol mr
ibe *gr< >t euraunc (-roperucs and known virtues ol Dr.
riwa'i *s i om -uuud Hyrup oi Wild Cherry, person*
would no. t-i w.uuavoimg to five cßHohcy to
-ficUiK j* nos - im*' 1 by stealing the nuinr. of \\ lid
Cberrv Kemiitnbrr. always bear in mmd ihe asme
of Dr. r w:\)ne i.d be not deceived.
Pnn- ip'-I i.»!l*it, corner of Eighth and Race stee-rts,
1 “por'i ft nd retail by OGDEN A SNOW
DEN. • of !iil aul Wood *i.h; II A FAIIN K5-T OCK A
j‘o en- Ut cm ,Vood, and Cth and Wood *ts; WJI
nioir/.aJ M-»t*: Hi SJONFS, 'to Übeny »t; JAS
i JON':-l>, coi .land and Penn *ts, JOHN MITOH
KI.U Atlegbcn. city, and l>i'all tcspcetablo dealer* in
ruedici e ..... ocll -l
' |) r . VV- P. lnioud’s Prsmlum Plosttr.
1 VJ{ v\ I*. INLAND, of the. Medical College bf I'ml-
I ) a . r jpn,!i, now oilers lo lb* i-iii-iic Urn Indian Veg.
eolble Premium Pla.<ter, the quniiiic* ol winch, nlmr
long Ri d tried (TXiictienee, ha* beeu sunslaciunly es
iblilislj. d. To oil women who may bo afflicted with
Prolaj- a* fieri a «r Fallen Womb, be recommend* hi*
i,luster guaraiitefftiig * *u»« and »pt-cdy cure in the
short ». ace of Irom two lo iliee weeks, if nppUcd with
care ni I re*l— discarding all Ihe rduntless HistfUinnils
and e> tensive bandage* *o lung in use. This he fuel*
ron«cu ntii.u* in staling, inasmuch as lie lia* not failed
m one ease oat of three hundred and tifty-three pa-
UC Al*r, for Kheumatisin and Weak Breast or Back, al
ien-led with pain, there i* nothing to excel tin* Piaster
imuffoi linrf u-i.iTnr effrcliii,t a cure. For talc by
I. \\ 1.-. ix. coMii-; of Diamond und Markt-t si
lirsn" A llriter, - Libetty and 31. Clatr -L*
Ur J •ursctil • " Federal si and Dtamoi -i, Aiie
rle-ny city
Jac>| lesACo, u Denman and Diamond Binntr.g
ham. g 1
L> f. HFiI.I.KRH, Uruggiet, No W Wood streei,
1 t>l j Agent for the snip of |lr. ToWli*ci;d •Ui 11-
uuie f-rsnprmlia, hit* just received VWi doicn of llus
Great spring and HumKcr Medicine.
pur' - in*er* should recoiled timt B K is sale
agent l->r Pittsburgh, nnd D M Curry lor Allegheny
city “P 5 __
flAfT OF I.'UFFEIv-An-aruele which is ra
[j iu- l; coming imo U*e a wholrsome, nounstiing
and <je ,cions 1..-vera|-e., l-elng mole plrnsnm und paf
ulohle man o'niitioii Coffee, and mr ehenper, ns a small
paper instmg only len rent*, wilt go ««fer ai four,
niiuiiili of Colire Mntiufuctun-d by
* JOHN Si MILLER, Puisburgh, Pa.
Hold ni wholr.soie by II A F.-.HNE>TOCK A Co,
corner -'f Fir»t aud Wood and fiiih mid Wood sUtfet*,
Pitisbu-gh . n .P‘- >t
/‘IALjFOHNIA JIUUHKK (.OOUS—Ju«t received,
IN Camp Blanket.*; 20 officer coats; 12 pri Tauts;
Impair- ucit lined .Milling Bool*; 12 Islhiuu* Bags; a
wutrr Tanks, 0 and W gallon* rnc.h; 50 canteen*, *
citiiou -jch; 1 dux Hucksk.a Money Beils; I flooded
canihri -do dn.' The above goods for oalo at tho Cali
fornia t mtfiOng E*mblishtuent. No S Wood tl. •
ASSORTED KPICF2I-Pot Up (or fumily use, in till
**M*, enclosed in a sliding lid box. containing
Mustard, . AI spice,
Oinnomon, Ginger, •
Cloves, t Pepper,
Wananted pure: For sale at the now Spice, and
Mustard F'actoo’i corner of F’erry A t J^berty | *|*-
ANv U^b^Wroiighiiron Anvils, froruthd Temper*
ai-ueviik works, warranted; will be' constantly
on baud and supplied to order, by ‘
ayfft GEO COCHRAN, 93 Wood st
"= V S 5 S.'3 k"S «f ® "Z t £ !;? - -i * *»g : 2'id.j .- «
„ «?!i!*>iUisgi*jKi Pt. |3f=|iS|Sf
S Ifili iH«!Uiils!Sl|! }• 'HSlWliisiM. Is!
s liaiitifißiifilf i .yteitallp |t|s
a 5 1 siiKiiilirliMisSf i iiiifi
= i i i. J a,»:|||!lliisii ir=ll,
Z 5 a I'sl'f sf||||^ 13-1 il- s tfi
« a l |jsfs yi|®?l|Hjljfj i I*-*:s*
S f ! 11*25 ifitelAli! IfM
s i |l?*f llfiil pif® BJf
»- h"! 11 Ss s SilHifsilt:?| 31 ■tg; 11
«Z W Jff F2* © fr* s «• flsaj» 3 R ° *•
« < g 0 | © --ot zS 2g
“ii fi 1 1 « III!
y 5 >» S a S S* • 3ai 05 sj'Jt'S? s £*a *s*sss J*“£.a~ h m t—-
X a. § j J.f;ll s 2fS?"! ijf sf-
IU £ 111 -s s «s : si“ i tsß'3 6i ' = s■£'‘3ui-z'aZz=Z e -gi« -;P 5-1 -J l"lj:Jso“P s3 = ;: 53S's E^|r ¥ 5 “S £3
CO < = HSKB|:i'stil=al|hF4 1 o i| s
£ * i jlHislilJlfi inf 11 > itpii sin 1 il!il§l|ii^ilfisiipiiillSgll'
S ■’rlfiiteliliHiUiJilljWMf HcjMl »f ffl iffilitj’
Itlliilili r? ; iHiilsl if 8 ■ "tttl&iii&ftif iris*;* £ a
AGEHTgi—WM. JACKSON, JOHN I>. MORGAN, FVUfburgh; D. M. CURRY, AHefhenjr City; A. PATTERSON, BlrminghamT iyie^me
Banker*| Exchange Broker*!
COLLECTIONS.—Draft*, Note* and Acceptances
payable m any pan of the Union, collected on the most
favorable terms.
• EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Saint Louis and
New Orleans, constantly for sale.
BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent banka in the
United Mate* discounted at the lowest rales. All kinds
of Foreign and Amen can Gold and Silver Coin bought
and soliT
Office No. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th,
Pittsburgh, Pa. oetsa
ILJJJ on Engl and, Ireland, and Scotland bought
amount at the Current Rales of Exchange.
Also, Drafts payable In any pan of the Old Countries,
from £1 to £lOOO, at the rale of 15 to the £ Sterling,
without deduction or ducoant, by JOSHUA RODIN*
SON, European and Geuoral Agent, office sth st out
door west of wood. octlSU '
ahun mtm.l iuTuic
B„ eraser a rars.
in Foreign and Domeatle Bills of Exchange, Cer
tificate* of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin, corner of
«*d and Wood streets, directly opposite 8l Charles llo
**i;_ maydSdly
Bank Notes;
purchased at the lowest rates, by
35 Market street.
Bills op fcxciiAfiroifi^&gktChecSs©o“
New York,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for tala by N. HOLMES ft SONS.
. >e P» 35Market#!.
“ Oiu of tits Most RemariabL
Nineveh and its rem/
o( a vL'il (o the Chnadwan
Lin, and ihe YextdU, or Deri
Inquiry into the Manner* and A
• W'anv By Ausleu floury Ll
'V»h Introductory Note by Pm
LL D. IlWlrstrd wjtb |3 pb
wood eon. a vela >*to. cloth, t !
“rise book hat n rare arooaut i
tnre*que narrative "—Tribune.
“ I*bc woik o( Laynrd i< the r
bulioa tr» lh» aturty of nnmjuity,
many years.”—Chrwt. Inq
“•No! ore excel* in mirteat tin
a&d it« Koine, given by Mr. L
!< IVorit of t/u Age ' 1
l .INS; with an account
i Christiana of Knrdis*
i -Worshipper*) and an
l rts of the Ancient As
. ayanl, Emj.. I). C. L.
< ( K. Holnufon. 1). !).,
lea ami maps, and Vti
. o( graphic, vivid, pie*
io*t prominent oonlri
tbat has appeared for
Account of Nineveh
tyard n — Washington
“A* we foJlf)w ihe digger* wi I
m iheir excavatloni, and ruddct I
tore a iDßiiire figure canted wi
now lifting u« gtgauhr bead ji
year*. we a*e ready lo cry nol
Ari*b<, 'Wallah, it h wonderful
For vale by JAMES
h breathless intern!
ly fil'd ourselves be
(ilh minute accuracy,
from the dust of DUX)
ill with the astonished
I but it is true!’ "—ln*
O3 Wood it
N«w Book
THE WOMEN of U.o Oid ■
Edited tiy >•'. li Spraßnr, D.
cif({*ml) hound, le cjnuisiielr
WHIi description* l>y celebrated i
»*«»EM-S BV AMELIA, (Mrs. V
• lid enlarged (‘Union, illutirased
oriental design* by Wirr. 1 vol.
iy bound and gvt. Also—A van
•al* and Gift liooks.
Sewell’s Child's Fir»t Book of
1 vol. IStno.
use of Carpenters, Shipwright*, 1
yer>. Lumbermen, Student*, ant
being a thorough »ud practical T '
Uou and the Sliding Rule. Bjr Dr
Boise's Treatise ou Greek Frc i
Oliendutll'* Elementary Frend
Urerne, of Brown University. [
Roediger s Gesemus’ Hebrew .
Gesemus’ Hebrew leiicon.
I^docm*'Trigonometry and L< |
The Englishmans Greek Con;
id New Tr«iament.
5. 1 vol. Imp. syo.,
huished ci,(e;acin'g«i
.mencui Clergymen,
'ciby, of Ky.,) n new
by engraving* fiom
bjuarc avo. elegant
ly of splendid Anno-
ho Ihsiory of Rome
'4NT, Adapted for the
Wheelwrights, Saw*
Artisans generally:
'realise ou Alensura
% M. Kaper, A. M.
K Composition.
h Urammar. By Prof.
1 vol. Ibmo.
Jrammar, LyConant.
gamhmte Tablet- 1
:J*uce. t vol (rags-
I Ai:thon'« Classical
! \VetMer - a.l>.e;iouary, revped •
t do * do • unabridj
I Uarnc's Note* auJ Questions c :
( Wbat-iy’s Logic.
Monheiui’s KerlruafUral IliSI;
vn!s tshcep.j
Vcsiigr* of Creation I vol. I‘
Morning* among the Jctuiti at
Scene* where u»e Trropter bu
(cloth nnJ paper.)
Ungues Theological Lectures.
Aldt r l * Pronouncing Bible.
Boyer's French Dictionary.
Smart's Horace.. For talc by R HOPKINS,
novl.'l Apollo Euildmg«, Fourth at
.Montaigne, edited by il. Ha elm, comprising bu
Kssnys, Letters, and Journey through Germany aud
Italy, wuh note* from ait tue Co mm euia tors, Biograph
ical and Bibliographical .Notices, die.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; nr, the Motives
ami ""Methods of Good School-Keeping, by David
1 Plage, A. M- Paincipai of the Ktalo Normal School,
Albany, N. V.
—Frank Forester's Full and Fishing of the U. States
anil British Provinces of North America, hv Henry
novfl corner Third and Market sts
Tb« Olden Time*
J Alins D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Impjnes,
No. C 3 Wood street, has for »4ie a tew copies com
plete, (the retoamdrr of the odiubu,f of ibis valuable
vrork. devoted to the Preiervatioh of Iterutnents, and
other authentic tntonntton relating m the early ex
plorations, settlement ami improvement oi the counuy
afouiid the heitd of the Ohio. By Neville B- Craig,
jfh'l-, of Pittsburgh, tu V vols tjvoi
- - J
XV Liberty of uthe; Ancient N
1 Elliott, Flat;. Illustrated with twej
ruied nt Rome •<! vola, Bvo., anil
• llisionuai Works. I
Just published and for sale by /
noviu lit)
Fanny RkMCll in ital”
I Vino. 73 cts. MRS. FANN' ’
"The readiug ot this book ha impressed us wiih a
roach higher opinion of iti aulbo r than we had formed
from perusing her other writings It displays a deeper
tone uf thought, untied 10 more p ire womamy grace of
feeling than any other produciiot of the tcmalo tnind
with which we are acquainted.”--Eve. Mirror.
"It is a very agreeable and readable hook, written in
Fanny Kemble’s best style—bold spirited and enter
taining. Wo recommend il to oi r readers as the best
publication of the season.''—Kea ling Gaz.
"It contains the Journal of a tr vel through Europe,
and reiidence in Italy; and is or e oi the n’cttsamesl
and most interesting Looks of the season.’ - —Cour. and
Enquirer. ' i
“A very characteristic book. We have read it from
title page to Colophon with nnabkud lutcrest. A vi
vid picture of life in Rome. In all respects eminently
readable. - ’—Knickerbocker.
For sate by JAMES J
novlfi Bookseller A. im|
:d. ] vol. s>«o.
ed. I vol. 410.
ii New Testament.
»ry. .1 volt and '2
Rone, l vol. (cloib
Triumphed. 1 vol.
1 vul *vo. (elulh.)
L W-lh a view of the
SUons. By HamuH
vc engravings, cxr
orm wuh Fresco,i s
, Booksellrr and
porter, fid Wood st
'i authorised edition,
nporter, Ud Wood «t
lillhoiraphlo KiUbliihmtm
OF WM. SUHUcHMANN. Third it, opposite the
Post-Office, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Bill
heads, Label*. Architectural and Machine
Drawing*, Uuaineis anti Visiting Cards, 4c , engraved
or Uni* n on (tone, and printed in colors, Gold, Drouxe
or Black, in the moil approved style, and at Lite tno*t
reasonable price*. octl&ly
G HATEFUL for the very libera] encouragement I
have received for so many year*, ] have deter*
nnued to enlarge my bunuicaa considerably. Having
engaged a competent Foreman, I will be enabled 10
hll all order* protnpdr, the work in our u»ual
style and at fnw prices uud ask the aneniion of mer*
Ciiunts uud ctuzrns lo uiy large (lock ul I.'pJIUI.STF*
K\ OOUDS uud Beds. .Moltratsei and Brdjim-* Cut
tain M.lierials. Damask* and Moreens Cornices” Frin
B«‘», Bordering*, Tiwseli, Split and Holler Baud’*. and
every nrucie usually kern man establishment of Ute
kind. Orders rcspectlully solicited aud prumpily a|.
N. U-—Carpets made and pul down.
Hie public at largo, with every thin* hi their line!* 11 °*
Agency, No a Wood street, Pittsburgh.
mctt'dO J. A. DROWN.
PAPER HaNWNGS—I am how receiving, direc
from the manufacturers in New York, Philadel
phia nr<l Baltimore, a large and well rejected assort
ment of all the latest and most Improved styles of su
lin,'gla.*rd and common PAPER HANGINGS, eon*,
sutinx cf—
- itfjxiO pieces of Parlor and Fresco;
tttyxO “ Hall and Column;
“ Dining-room, chamber and office
Peper^-which I would particularly invite the attention
of those having houses to paper, to csll and examine,
ai the Paper Warehouse of 9. C. HILL,
apS 67 wood st
LUNGS.—The unprecedented success which has
Uended the use of the
a all the various forms which irritation of the lungs as
sume*, has induced the proprietor again to call attaa
tion to this ,
The ehangable weather which .marks our fail and
winter months, is always a fruitful source of
These, if neglected, are but the precursors of that fall
destroyer, ,
The question, then, how shall we nip the destroyer in
the bud? how shall we get clear 01 ear eoughl and
olds? i.* of vital importance to the public.
will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. Is proof of this
we have from time to time published the certificates of
dozen* of our beet known citizens, who have export*
aneed its curative power*.- These, with a man or tee
limoor from all partu of the country—from
Minister* of the Goipel, together with copious no)
ices from the
we have embodied in pamphlet fbnn,acq map ha had
gratit of any of oor agents throughout the country.
have been used in this city. -
throughout the Untied States and Canada, and we ehi
lenge any man to point out a *"
o which, when taken according to directions, and be*
fore the lung* had become fatally disorganized, it has
ever failed to *7*
why. then, need the afflicted hazilau! Whyjaeort u
the mlwrable nostrum, gooen upbyunit 1 o«enindlvid-
Kieo let the assumed name of some ee-'dbratad iu.
sldan, and puffed into notoriety by eerdficKa* ciso*
eons equally uaknownT Whilst a medlelna ef
is to be had, whose vouchers are at hrmer wr naiWhi
bera, —many of whom it has V 1 * J
In order that this invaluable madi-in- r»« T
within the reach of the poor as well the den, wa have
pet the price at • '
0111,1 FIFTY OEIT*
lest oue half the usual cos; of eough modlcinea. ttis
for -tale by our agents in nearly every town and village
Tver the wen, who are prepared to give fall informs*
icn 10 ii -f. BALTER, Profiinor.
Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.
0 MERCURY, or other Min
cauw all EXTERNAL
WOUNW pol |pN°US
i sixteen years for all of the chest, involving
[ the utmost danger and responsibility, and i declare
[before and man, ta&t not In :one case has it
failed to benefit when the patient wms Wilhinihe reach
of mortal means.
| 1 have had physicians learned in the profession. -I
j have ministers of the gospel, judges of the
dermen. lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition.
1 and multitudes of the poor use it in every variety oi
i way, and there has been hut one voico—one universal
is good:” - •
RHEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately 1
the inflammation anffrwellicg, when the pain ceases.
(R the directions around the box)
D-ACllE—The salve has eared persons of the
be*4*ehe of jwelve yean standing, and who had it
1 renter every week so that vomlticgtook place. RAP.
; are aaiped with like cueeeas.
HCALD HEAD—We have-cured eases that actually
Jeflaclevery thing known, as well as the ability of fif
; iaen 0 twenty doctors. Oae man told us he ud spent
qq fajs children withou any benefit, when a few
soys* of (hntment cured'them.
TETTKR—There u nothing better for tha rare ol
best things In the world for
BURNS—It is one of the
}"•' PlLES—Thousands are yearly cared by this Oteu-
I mcnt. It Ravza fails in giving relief for the Pile*.
10* Around the box are direction* for niinjr iif'Af-
Utur't Ointment for Scrofula, Livir Complaint,Frnitt
: laj, Tam, CkilbLain, Scald ffsad, Son £m Qvwn.,
| Sort Throatrßronskttas, Nervous hfftaions, Pains* V «•
| mu of ihs Spins, Head ocJU, aKiw,i>*a/>u», Bar neks,
i Burnt, Corns, oil Distata of (A* SJetn, Son tip*, PiW>
ties, 4-c,, StrrfJusg of (A* Limbs, Bcr«s, JUrtjqyuini,
Pita, told FtO. Croup, Smiled or Broken Ertatl, Tooth
aeht, Jitxu* «n us Foes, t[s ~
COLD FECT—Liver Complaint, pain in the Chen
and Side, fallinroifeftbe hair,orlhaolheruceompa
nias cold feet (This Ointment is the tine remedy.) It
is a sore sign of disease to.have cold feet.
CORNS—-Occasional ose of the Ointment' will al
ways keep corns from growing. People need never
he troubled with them if they use it frequently. ' ,
This Ointment is good for any part of the body
or limbs when indamed. In some cast* it should be
applied often. ' , •
CAUTION—-No Ointment will be genuine unless the
name of JAMES Me ALU ST EK is written with a pen
an every labeL '
For site by my Agents in all the principal cities and
towns in the United States. •
James McAllister, .
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine.
IT7“ Principal Office,No’JBNbnkTUrd streettFhil
adelphia. _
Aaxstmi A Reiter, comer of
Liberty end Hi Clair si*i and L Wilcox, Jr, oorner of
Market tt and the Diamond, also comer of 4th and
Smithfccld its; J H Cossel, oorner of Walnut and Penn
its, &th ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smilhfietd
it, 3d door from Second st: in Allegheny eity by HP
Schwarts and J Sargent; by J Gf-Smith, Dninist, Bir
mingham; D Negtey. East Liberty; , H Rowland, Me*
Kcc'poru. J Alexander & Son t Monongaheia Cityc N
B DowmatrA Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsville; John
Barkley, Bearer, Pa; are wholesale agents,
Facts for the Pablie,
In relation to that unrivalled family Salvo,
fPEBTIMONY of a respectable ?hX*ieian.—Read
J. the following, addressed to ay Agent, Mr. F. Mer
ry weather, Cineincuti:
CiacuctAti, Feb. IS, IB4S.
Sir: A sense of duty compels mo to give my tribute
lo Dailey's Paia Extractor. Being opposed to quack*
eryaud all nostrums having for their jcbieet Sinister
motive*—out realising much good from the “King oj
Paia Killers”—l am induced to tender youUusceriU*
earn. I have used it in my family, in my practice, and
with all the happy and wonderful effects that couM
possibly be imagined. H. J. Bionic, M. D.
Dr. Brodie is the senior partner of BrodTeALevL
Druggists. M
ftyiamwiateiy RJmtvuuism.
The following testimonial comes from a source fM
miliar to many of those traveling on onr Western wa
ters. Mr. Glime. the well and favorably known oro*
nnetor of the Parkersburg Hotel, is husband lo the
lady whose letter I annex:
PsJuuuHatrao, Va, April 13, IMP.
To Ilenry Dailey, Chemist. Ac.—Sri: Having for
merly been,long.afflicted wili violent inflammatory
Rheairnnism,£whtch appeared so firmly seated as to
dety all ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain
attendingttj 1 was induced to uy vonrMaeieal Pain
Extractor, and it having efleeted, almost as if by ma
gic, at iiamediste relief, and also, to ail appearances
an enure auc perfect cure, I am induced for the bene
fit of otners who may be afflicted with pain; caused by
any kind of inflammation, to write to yoa, ; declaring
that mi my opinion, founded on actual experience
your Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis
c?uC7,u* “® P«»enl age tot the immedialejexuraetion tsanalmotl immediate and a per
fect cote; for Burns and scalds, and ail external in
Having many acquaintances formed by the!: visits
at ray hatband's hotel in this place, ( have supposed
by your showing them these few tines, it may possibly '
be of b, r>‘lii both to then and yonreeli.
Euzsaant Gum.
[I emenain the hope that Mrs. Glune will. pardon the
publicum I give to her letter, as well on the score of
humanity as of iis being the surest mode of bringing it
to the notice of her friends.—ll. Dalut.]
( Fthm Cured,
Extract of a letter, dated
RauinirT, Ky. N0v.,25,1918,
Mr. 11l Dailey; “( have tried your Pain Extractor in
a case iif (Vlon, in mv own family, which relieved
and cut jd ui a very short time. 1 ' In haste, yours re*
•pcctfully, . Jss. M.
ID“ (turns and Bcalds, Pilet, Bore Nipples,- Broken
Breast. Eruptions, Bores, Cuts, Wannus, and all In*
ttammniiou, yields readily lo the wonderful properties
of ihu unrivalled family salve. Bui, in the same pro
portion lliat you will rt-eeive benefit from the genuine,
you wi'l he injured by the deleterious efleers of
counieifeit salves. '■
CAI fln.N—Re sure and apply only to the inventor.
H. Dsi iler. 416 Broadway, New York, or to his an*
thorite J agents. JOHN D MORGAN.
| General Depot, Pittsburgh
Henry P. Agent: i J;, Baker
Whreliftg, Va; JStaes)\V Johnston, Maysviile. r. 2
F .Mrirywcaiher, uiuefnaati, 0., General Denot. ...
N U -In the severest Burns and Scalds ifextraet.
lue psm in a lew mmuies—it never fails' }, Jatfi •
1J A. Fkosaroci.t T'u, IIoLUN V
U. L. Fkaaisruis, > Pittsburgh. .1
U. \V. iraasoroc, J - * • .1.
Whot-gRI. U.. Cl, r «,
Vn, V«t. StU c
__ Rsadl Bead!
O Esq., Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions cl
Beaver County: /
Mr. R. K. Sc'llfirt—Sir, Some time in the winter my
wire was afflicted with a severe and distracting cough,
and hearing of your invaluable Cough Syrup. 1 nr,
a bottle from 8. T. Trimble, or Uridgesrater.
and after taxing • portion of it two or three evsalngo
ongoing.m bed,, she found immediate relief) as also
severa. inetuls baye been relieved in severe eases. I
am faerefore satisfied that it is a safe and valuable
medicine, and would recommend it to ihoso who may *
be afflicted.wuh severe Coughs and Colds, ‘
March 29,1843. W. fc BODEN.
Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood st.
and iold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and AT
teg** l **- ooflQ
Th7oh»rtlsrs Coal OompimyA "
BOOKS Will be open for subscription to the stock of
“The Chanters Coal Company," on and after
ft i^ u f»?‘S ,Bs t llhd>7 , ofSe P lembef «««t* at the office
of Z. W. Remington, l’enn st, Pittsburgh
MERCHANT tailor.
So. 16 fliutet street,
HAVING purchased an extensive and carefhliy re*
leeted stock of Spring and Summer Goods, tha
subscriber respectfully informs hu friends and tha
public, that no is now preparing to receive and exa*
cute their orders with dispatch, and m the <rrt_
most substantial,and fashionable manner. Asbehs
determined to-do business on the cash system, he flea*
ters himseinhot be will bo aide to do work as chsaw
as it can be done at any establishment in the country:
His stock is varied, consisting of Oassimerea, Stead,
cloths, Vestings, A&, which his friends araxcsaoctfaU
ly invued to examine for themselves.
or\V. BIUDLJd. I>amu&
flißiiK • new lhree «*«T brick
on Bmuh£eld street, one door be tore
1 ' r Sixth street. Teeth msenod from ono
to an enure set, on the suction principle, with a beau
tiful representation of the natural gum—restoring tha
original shape of the face.
N. D.—Teeth extracted with little or nd t**in
. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by flagging, pr 7
venting tho tooth aeho. which is much better than ou
ting- it, though it should be done in fire 1 minutes, or
eroa nn!Mtiy '
huso* or bxtzuul' murm.
IN order to Afford all possible security to the pobbc
ap welt as to themselves, against fraud —*
, atuoa from counterfeiting, the proprietor* have aide
a change in the exterior wrapper or table of M Ver
; mifuge. The new label, which ii a rteel enaravia* o£
the most exquisite design and workmanship? has been,
i introduced at a verv great expeiuo, and is from the
, biainofanertiitefthefinttalenL The design is'iinw
I and the execution elaborate. Several figures and a
, portrait are stoat prominent, bat the word “Vaasa- '
| nros, tt printed in white leuert on a red and finely en~l'
?• P*nicul.,ly tnniHd— .
[ When held up to the light the letters, shading of tho !
. letters and every limt, however minute, throngboat tbo i
whole ofthi* part of the engraving match as exactly i
ai il the Lntpresuon had been nudo upon one aide on
• ly, although .t is actually printed on both aidea of ibo •'
, paper. Tins should la all eases be observed. Ala* <
bcl opon each dozen is also printed in red upon both *
aides: and should be examined in the same manner '•
This preparation has now stood the test of man? ;
years mat, and is confidently recommended as a safe
and effectual tardleine for expelling worms from the •
system. .;4he unexampled suecess that, has atteadeJ
<l . r ‘J loa - V a eTcrjr ea “ whcre PntientWM
really-afflicted with worms, certainly renders it wor-^
thr the attention of physicians.
• rha proprietor has made It a-point to ascertain the ,
result of iu mo-In such cases as eama within his
knowledge and observation—and be Invariably found
it u> producethe mrtt salutary efleeu—not unfrequoat-'
ly after nearly alltho ordinary preparations recom
mended for worms had been previously resorted to '
.without any permanent advantage. This faet U at
tested by the certificates and statement* of handred*.
of respectable personsia different parts of the coon,
tre, and should iaduee families always to keep a vial
of the pre para boa in their possession. -Ills mild to iu<
operation, and nay be administered with perfect safe » :
ty to the most delicate infant. - -
Th* only genuine iapreptred by
«PCfr O A ’
OrsatKagUilißiasay, -j ; '
London, England, ami Imroducc&iaio the f&jL
on&r the immcdiato sapexintowknee of the Inveamr
exu-aordmary sucems ofthu tkt
enre of Pulmonary disease*, warrants the American
Agent for treatment the worstS
,e fw at etta ,%^® the community—-cases that lack..
S^ e Vn«i 1r h 1 »V r » minjr - <,f remediea of tbo
dsy t and [ have been given up by lheioo«sdi.iw«i.wt .
phw.eians as confirmed andmcarable.
an Balsam has cared, and will core, the meat *
of ease*. It uno quack nostrum, btu ■
with Bochin’S lluagarian Balsam of IAIomoSvS
eotmieroctthe consumptive tendencies of the eUmabu -
buito biased as a preventive medicine ii
SkS* “?*?» ,pil £* ofblo «kpaht in thos!feu£ ;
f®** • orBae *» « the lungs, brechiti*.
dilfictUty of breaUng,beetle fever, nig*.taweaufenfflefr
’ itt ‘ M ■“«-
Bamphlets, containing a mans of Engilih and Amerf
can fcmficatcs, end-other evidene£showingtheuE -L
equalled merits of this great English Remedy.
obtained of the Agents, ~»«»r.«*y,l»a
For rxJa by J-AinyESTOOK k Co„ *-
befi»rei-mad? calh« suit approved EarorapUß*
Ti?i?/n}£ 1 5%i®55j ) . 1e Eaetcrn pane rnaud colon. Aim
01 to order of tiloixei. and »i •llprieoi.
Herehanu and oioajaaie invited to eillui
ft **®* n ctue above for tbpa-Mlvea.uallwiUbeaoM
wholesale • or' retail, and a liberal dadsotten Bade t»
wholesale porehaaer*. ,
’ iQQAs, wiLtiM * ck; : -
TMPORTkKS and Wholesale Dealer* in Foreign and)
•A Domewie Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, ke.lBl,
Wood stieekPiaibnrgh, are now faUy prepared with
a recently,imported stock of HardwarerCaUciy,Sad
dlery, Carpenters’ Tool*, Ae., 10 otfer vary neat in
doeeraents to Western Merchants, a* in addition.!*
the many advantages had by. oar predecessors, Mes
srs, Logan A Kennedy, we have greatly taereawd oak
facilities, and parehase all our goods from first handu
on the very beitterms. 1 '-r _i .
The junior member* of the firm devote their whelm
attention to sale*, and feeling confident of giving aafc>
isfaction, recpcetnilly solicit a call from oil who mow 1
viiit tfcU market. , ttebSSi
ALL tbsse differ from'ordinary Ink, as they are all
chemical «olnuon» eoniainlag no viscid mailer:
ttow freely from .any kind-of pen-tie color doepl
bright and durable. II there have been better artieiea
made, : ‘tave neuher asen nor heard of thorn. Sum*
pie bottle* can bo «trtaiMd gratis, by the merchant*
generally, fton.A-A. Fahnestock k*Co, Henry
ttchwsru, Allegheny, or of the manufacturer Tut**
K. HIUOEKT, Druggist And Chems ‘Sof l\w
y and Southfield street*, Pittsburgh, Pa. - 1 <*"•*"-
N. B.—Any betUe not giving complete sati^r—<C.- *
Sl °i b *° d the priee wiU “ refatu} !td! Mdonj>
, SSir#-
reasonable terms. notice and on the jbqs
patterns, on Sod and Cor uU •
uan lUi6” c ash. -Old Veal*
!*“ MlvEaTKn\Sf ( c p^p? n
wariwmi'd , lbe ! H:M and
idtoiu.. V • ?* ar " UUod ** pleasetbe mostfao-
Allegbeny c jty.-Aa?.'lo. IBS*. “* ltW A r . •
. - -iTIUtSfiUS SHOOK, -S
J s**? V> »afonu the inhabitants of Fite*-.
zkrZ* vle,nit 7. ihM he has opened art
s£dSirc?£i? , V aea b r“ ere ever y action
o# those -vrho may favor himwub'
?—between Seventh and Wcod
i?!Lwrc.,5 ni *. J ll1 * 4 *di ether delicacies of the «»*•*■
wlNlr. ■ . . .r
, rotat wimoiao.v -■ Q . w. & wn*. ?.■
rPUE undersigned, successors to Arthurs *. N«hO£'-^ /
A, »«n, beg leave to inform the citizen* ofpituWtgn
aaO-pabllc generally, that they have- rebuilt the-EA
GLE FOUNDRY and ore rvow In falfoperatiotlV *nd
have, part of their patterns ready tor wnrrek’*
Amongst which are Cooking Stores, Coal asd wood
Staves, with a *ptendid.air*tjglu Coal StoWi w *~* “ ,
now superceding in other ernes the cc*** 05 *™? 041 —
Stove. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove,
ted for small families, with a full assortment iof?op
non and mantel Grates W«-would partieuariy. in
vito the. person* building to euR ;** 00
warehonse befereparchnsing, and ezaßins aaptaadid
article of enanuaeQcd Grates, finished in fine style—
entirely new la this market . | • •
Warehouse, No, 181 liberty utA opaorito Wgg* «*J
m«B»U .