The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 03, 1850, Image 2

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burf^rSfltfefot*«P“‘ I
.rtmplitt Bpnja *»galOA». I
<, , ||,| .[^■n-t-^-ortpton.tatteKonhAoer
,uii|Jl-iwSKaiM.O»seae, Philadelphia, reccire 1
“g££SdeftfrPP^» o£ce - .
*rt*£EniiiErr page for local matter.';
ThaGowroaFa Message b»a crowded oat some
remark* oa the Mayoralty, prepared for this paper
§» M u frfOM from ad»eni*»s, anil other mat
tin. V/a shall hare all right again to morrow,
lad be ablelto, proceed aniaterrnptedly on out
regular coarse. .
■ ’ Tse LxctsiUTtJXt-We have secured the aer
vieu'cf aa able and experienced correspondent, j
■rHarriahurg.w* oar readers will be kept in
• finned of ail matter* oi imereti pawing there dor
; jog tha Melon of the Legiahwre. Oar corees-1
. poodenco h** now become a very valuable feature
: ofittr paper. Though an expensive oneio;U«,
I it U very Interesting and useful to onr reader*, nnl
eae irhich they, doabtlcß*, highly appreciate. 7.
> ' OaUHTT ScSTP. —A telegraphic despatch, iri lh'
column, brings intelligence that a bii
• 'l has pasted ( l>o Senate authorizing theCorami
i oonew af this Connty to borrow mono'y to redecr
' the outstanding Scrip. The promptness wii
has passed tho Senate gives indie
Uo» ; will become a law beforethe week
00L - ;T1» holders of ibis Scrip' nay, tbeiefot
look for! a prompt redemption.
'BxatEsTAT*at Sai.r —This.morning, alt
tfcloekv oar citizens will have an opportunely
procuring some valuable real estate, end preba*
blv realizing some handsome bargains. At thm
how, ihm very valuable bonding lots, on Penr
Streetibetwecn Marbury andWeter Street, be
longing- to Capu Scbealey, will be< auction
Withoal reterve, for whatever they will bring v
Thfa property is very valuable, and w.l
becatre increasingly *6, •* U » In »hc immedM
vidnUf of the Railroad Depot, and the leased pre
perty In that neighborhood will soon come mi
*bo. teases expiring, we believe, nex
o’clock in tho afternoon, some valuable
properly, on the Sooth aide of Seventh Street, be
tween' Smithfield and Grant, belonging to the I
same jgentleman, will ba sold, positively, as we
an anthemed to say.
There has been, of late, a tensiblo rise in the
value cf real estate in this city and vicinity, and
qtiitih speculative feeling is predicted the com
ing Reason. Bo this as it may, there is no dan
ger of porehasing real cslate in' this city, or vi
cinity. There has been a quiet and steady ad
vance for a long series ol year?, at some times
more rapidly than others, bnt there has ocwi
a retrograde movement,as a general thing,
for}he last-twenty five years, and there is now
less likelihood e ver of such an eveot. The
probabilities are that the advent cf railroads
among us will increase the' valae of all the real
estate in the neighborhood, to the full
Taioe of the cost of the roado—certainly to «
grater value than Pittsburgh has subscribed in
- stocks The sales,to day, being positive, and for
cash, will form corns criterion for the rating cf pro
peity in.their vicinity.
We are enabled, through the thoughtful!
politeneraof (Jot.. Johnston, in lay-the an-j
null message, which Wad . rend to the two
fcmues yestnriay, before our readers this!
morning, .without the expense and trouble I
of 'telegraphing it. Copies, sufiicioul to sup- 1
ply tile press of the city, were forwarded by I
mail, to the Post Master, and delivered v
■ the offices on the receipt of a despatch an-j
nouncingitßdeliTeryinHarTiaburgh. What
a world of trouble and anxiety this has
saved -the press 1 Printers every where
will .'.‘appreciate it, and heartily thank ottr
worthy Governor for his considerate kind
tOf tha message itself, we are hapgy to
say, it .is a document honorable to the
State, to its anthor, and to the Whig party. |
But in place of any. strictures of our own,
-.which time scarcely suffices us to prepare
for to-day’s paper, we cordially adopt the
following, from the Harrisbnrgh Tilegraph,
which will be read with general pleasure:
We hazzard nothin- in saying that the
ytinfct message oi Governor Johnston,
which we present to our readers to day, is
the ablest paper that ever issued from the
Executive Department of Pennsylvania.—
It’is a document that will challenge the
highest admiration ot the.people, not only
of . Pennsylvania, but also of our sister
. States.
The eloquent acknowledgment of the
continued mercy of Divine Providence, ‘op
exemplified' in the event*, of the past year,
will tonch a responsive chord iu.the Bosoms
of. ali devout and reverential citizen*. 'The
language of this portion of the Message is,
expressive or the sentiment* of a mind pro
foundly touched with a.sense of the mighty,
obligations wh are under to the “Author
and Guardian of our being, v “whose be
neficence, ” in the earnest language of the
Message, has “ caused all things to work
together for our good; 1 ' arid it cannot fail to
awaken the deepest emotions of gratitude
for the signal immunities and blessings we
have eojoyed.; The fearful ravages of the
pestilence in distant lands, and in other;
partsof our own country, and wars, famine, j
and civil commotions which have blighted i
the hopes, and ruined the industry and pros
parity of the people of Europe, are put in
strong >nd powerful contrast with the health
and happiness of our own State, and-the
peace and prosperity which have been so
eminently enjoyed by the whole American
people. ■{.
The struggles for liberty in the old world
- have not failed to elicit the warmest sym
-7 parities of the'Executive; and he has evident*
■ \j participated, to the fullest extent, in the
feelings wltioh he bo eloquently and truth
fully describes, He has undoubtedly min.
gled his own earnest aspirations upon this,
•ntiject with thesincerest heart-throbs .of the
American people. “It is impossible,” says
' the Message,’“tobehold apeople the subjects |
and oppression;—enlightened by |
. otif'example,' and solicitous for equal enjoy
manta; —ruing j op beneath the burthens
which'centnries have heaped upon theta;
citing aside the reverence for power, and
the pride of regal eplendor,-looking for
ward to the establishment, of hnman rights;
to the elevation of the moral and social con
. ditionof eoeietyy—and placing their bvee
end fortnnee on the hazard of a struggle for
thooe objecta;—without, on our part, an eat
neet, ananriona desire that they may sue
.... detailed discussion of financial affairs is
ie first enbject of local concern which has
engaged tha attention of the Executive, in
SShe ha*presented a comprehensive and
hoM statement of the finabial condit.on of
• the State, exhibiting the wisdom and .sound
policy oftheise measure* pf relief and improv
-rnentTrhiehwore recommended by. him to
the Ust.Legislatiire.' j
The balance in theTi
the'fiscal y|»r 18M, -it
$531,500,00. This, it i*
ire the appropriatiorr of
Ibaa $300,000, in additi
ready appropriated, to
- completion- ofriie North
* xjjo establishment ol
bcflirhighly beneficial in iais’.ng>th 6 price
of the State stocks, • and io increasing the
confidence in file ability of the State to meet
jt, f onpagamenu. The excellence of tbi*
[ institution has been folly and satisfactorily.
demonstrated by its practical workings the
{past year, and its beneficial results cannot
Ibe doubted. The payments from various
sources, to the credit of this fond, during the
t past year, have amounted in the aggregate
i to the sum of S? 71,000. With these means,
for the supply of the sinking fund, together
with such additions as the probable resour-
ces of tbe Treasury, from time to time, may
justify, it is susceptible of easy calculation to
nearly approaches the peri
od when the State taxes may be altogether
repealed, and the burthens of the people re
Several important recommendations are
made in regard to the management of die
public improvements. Tne present system,
it ia alleged, invites unnecessary expendi
tures, and removes ‘ responsibility from the
proner department. It is the opinion of the
Executive that were the number of Cana]
Commissioners increased to five, to be elect
ed hy districts, and these directed to assume,
in addition to the general supervisory duties
now performed, by the Commissioners, the
particular daties of supervisors and super
visors, and the present corps of super
intendents wholly dispensed with, much
practical information of interest to the -'.ate
would be acquired, and a more direct re
.pousibility forthe well-ordered cond.t.on nl
the Public Works, and the economy ot ev
perils secured.
The mamlest wisdom or this proposition,
i will commend il'to the favorable considera
: lion of every unprejudiced mind. At pres-1
ant thereto no guarantee whatever ior the
economical use and satety of the public 1
money. It is pnl into the hands of superin-1
tendetils and supervisors, who are respon
sible for their conduct only to the Canal 1
Commissioners, who, on their part, aFe re
sponsible to no one. The laws bearing upon
this subject, onght to be so amended n» to
place some check upon the personal discre
tion of subordinate officers. Until very re
cently, no account of their expenditures ha*
bean required of supervisors and supenn
tendsnts employed upon the public works.
They have been permitted to draw from the i
Treasury at will, and to apply the monies,
thus drawn as they saw fit, without being,
called upon to render any account. That,
gross and insufferable abuses should be
come inseparable from such a system can
not be wondered at. The whole manage
ment of the'public works has been little'
else than a gigantic scheme *"of fraud and
peculation; and Governor Johnston will have
the unfeigned thanks of every honest citi
zen for thus laying the axe at the root of.
this great evil. Under a continuance ot
Whig rule, these stupendous corruptions
would have been speedily annihilated. As
it ib, however, with a large majority of the
Legislature opposed, in principle, to the Ex
ecutive, the utmost he could do, was to man
ifest a warm desire for the introduction oi
all needful and proper reforms.
Notwithstanding the revision of the las:
Legislature of the laws in relation to com •
raon schools, the system wUi require modi
fication. It does not receive from the citi
zens, says "the message, the favor that a
sound and enlightened system oi education
deserves, and the evil, it is thought, must
exist in tne laws which control us.practicr
important modification? of the la
regard to Bankjmi and Currency, ate pi
posed by the Executive The - n-ner ot
Banking institutions should be restricted to
die real btwiner wauls ol the people; and
it is recommended that uo Bank charter be
renewed until a thorough examination of
the iusitQtion shall have demonstrated itr
entile solvency. The laws intended to pre
vent the circulation ot notes of a less de
nomination dollars, are pracui
disregarded by the citizens, h U therefore
recommended that toe Banks o: the t am
moiiweailh Us authorized :j establish agen
cies or branches, in onset more places, w.u.
permission to issue notes under the denoi
ation of five dollars, to be based upon a t!
ooaite of State Slock in tne hands of the
Treasurer, which are to be at all times liable
lor itietredemplion of tiie notes thus issued.
Tliis is a wholesome and practical modifica
tion ofilho plan we have heretbtora presented
to' our readers through tho coinin'
Telegraph, and will assuredly men: the high
est approbation of the people.
Though ■ almost wholly devoted, as it
should be, to subjects of local interest, there
lls a spirit of cathcdieitv in the Message, as
broad as the Union itself. The patriotic ken
of Governor Johnston, in surveying the broad
expanse of Uniied Stales territory, can no
whero recognize the limit oronc single, ni
ted, homogeneous American sentiment
Standing upon the soil of a State dial is
; bounded by Mason & Dixon’s line, and
holding a position between die two great
extremes of the Union, which may be said
to command them both with equal facility.
ho yet recognizes no political distinction be- j
tween the one and the other. Tho solemn ,
injunction of the Father of his country, ' in- >
dignantly to frown first dawning ,
ol every attempt tu alienate ono portion oi
our country from tho rest, ’’ has impressed
itself with deep and lasting force upon his
enlarged American heart; and die whisper-
I togs of native patriotism have prompted him
to the forcible and eloquent utterance of sim
ilar sentiments. Tne patriotism of Governor
Johnston, as it is here exhibited, is that oi
no sectional school. Us pnre and gushing
waters were imbibed from springs wmch,
welling np in the centre, have bad their
sources in the widest limits of the Republic.
The following quotation, upon this subject,
does equal honor to his head and hoard, and
wilt lain for him a reputation for enlarged
and liberal patriotism, which might well be
covetud by any statesman in ■ the land.
II When, ” says this admirable document’
'■sectional interest; and jealousies contend
for supremacy, apd’sectional rights are to
bo determined; when questions between
States are controverted, and disregard of na
, tional laws is manifested; in peace and
. 1 war, to prosperity and adversity; in foreign
j or domestic difficulties; the citizens of l’eun
sylvania turn with abiding confidence to tho
National Constitution. Neither tho thirst for
power, nor the phrenzy of party; nor the
prostration of their peculiar interests, can
Bhake their allegiance to the National Gov
ernment, or raise with thorn thu traitor cry
of disunion.”
Ta dl» Snow sad Hsusai’/ Rtp> lMS'
-C<mvtonvealtk >f Tf/iniyA''l"l'l
Felmv.^Cinzans—'Tmo Lcgis'auve branch of
the Government, meet* uoilcr circuinsUiHC** cal
cu’aied to produce deep emet-on* o| itrauiudr
The event* of tiie past year cannot f-ui u> fitbrn
a-iurance of tbu couliuued oieroy ol the Almighty
Falter ol the Univcrae, and of lho b.c--o.atta 11,■
hasdirahiM*! lo lire people ' ,rihl * f-tmmon
wcaUht Whflo ■“ olMf !•*•*» of ™ r ” u ",'7' ■*“
io da.tint land,, pesliten. e tree made fearful raair
in on tract the wrelchedcecaof dcnli
l,#U V—tn# the industry. nud ruutmjj lbe prcwjKri
paralysing Urn * Commonwealth, in.
ly Natunul CVmtmi.
OnioniWi-b , . ,i e ;.»ht* Ol peacd, nod her
tion, has -xe'rcUu of industrial parsuits,
«* competence. To
eaaury end of
s 'eatimatcdwtU be^
bought, will author,
a > aarn of HM Ibis
[on’totbo amount al*
i>o;tipended in the
i.Bnnsh csasi- .
g fjrtfeirtg fund has
the •’ntl Guardian of oaf Bains, whose
beDcficc:;t • caused all things to work together for
our good, our reverence and gratitude we espe
clnliv due.
Thn recent efforts for the establishment onio
eral institutions in Europe have excited
in the people of this country, the warmest vym
plhte;. The cooQtct between the oppressor an
the oppressed, whatever may be the incidents or
result*, having for ws object a government capa
ble of prrtect’nc and extending political and
liberty, muet be regarded by tbfc pcopeot *
Uruteu State* with the deepest solicitude. In
enjoyment uf institutions which rceogn.xe e
herenl rights of man, and are founded on■ ” -
knowiedged principle that all political p<»
trust to tw exercised for the benefit oftbs
they caunot w.ti.eM the struggle between de#[>
tiim end freedom, without ardent hope
cere prayers for .he triumph of hbend
larced juusivec. -It is impoas'ble to behold P
pie lorn* the aubjecta «>f tyranny and ,Pf ‘
Jnhghieaed bv our example, «‘“ d | . 9^*, b 0 “" 1 J^
eq..,l er-jovccaU— up benca £
tvliicb |
aside .*•- “ torward to the establish-i
«l«vIUon of U*
i,,".onJil,o» of.oelcly; ood pl.cng
f.none* C*n the hazard ot a strut?*
' ' oMects Without, on onr part, na ear* |
Zxw desire tlm. Cey may succeed.- |
„«j-. baa been uosucces.fcL The arbi- ,
Jijvrmnent-*, in whose midmibe noble band
Utmc* freeled ihw standard, have succeeded
,h h-r mtmeoso fjrm in maiaiaintng tyrunni
i riiibn-i'v and the men who fought for J
redo*i. have either perched under the barharons i
rnc’iMti* uf de«pi*ti'* will, nr they wander in lor, ,
~n* . xi!r* from homes that no longer at-.
ir-l -e.-MirjV*. U i* not the policy of our Nation-
I (Javernroeoi!-* m.dglr in the controversies uf
nitrons, nor i* it desirable that il-should,
L O ,M. -fho*i;iUV !neiid*h'p.break up the com
norm! rdhit.uos which exist (or mutual advan
ngf Imt it i-. n-viTtheles*, no violation nl inter
■ai'onn' Igv? r> enter our ~olemn protest and war
,ne e-uoirt ads of crn.dty nnd barbarism upon
erM . m i. u «,id defeuceless women. It is no
>rnnk . ( o ri onr Government to unite with others,
i the t-xixre.don rf indignation - ngirnst the viola
on n: m-Ud faith and national l*w. involved
, the for wngumiirv purposes, of the
•j\ve human right-.
TU- cnnmJrrfttion <*t* Hie t.<-<i>lnt>ire i* rf*p*c:f»nlY
•« with- fina-wal rou.tmol o«
■nl fiui'tr J J-l-t i« a«
SiOlUWi Si
'ivujoii mi
__l ■3l9,:*' u
* oo
-.MUirtaM’rf. 17V.4WJ1
utiriamiM 4,44- JS
..,.'ri'.firate«ui l*
• V [um‘.-.l l’r r ' U. 30131
" rdWO, 65.101*5
Ll si
Amount oi c ni.lnml *«»**'
n 0 ««i r'<niraci' , J pN or 1° * Jre '
j ( 1-1-, nfi 1 unpaid appropriv
:J«mi*dncM of ihc OttitnonwHi.
Th« »lo'>t on the I *i
Vf In- »h yK) T w;tw si
rnfu4rf .hiiL
Anmuisi of cnnnl. ra>lro*<l
and twit***'power dent,
contracted prior to Ue<*.
rwvr.ftVJ 33
■ amaHTTfl nt
t of pabte 'l-'-t p"»d .Ittrr'R the
■fW*; 1 ,’!"■ y '“ 81114 W »
. payment of public debt, 81 •„
In Uib.-.ioi; the operation* ef ih« Treaaun
• (i; ~, ih- turn of SlSOWtO.borrowed on «*o
ia-\ t n f S ,s ««,ianVr of tcc ScaylkHl Inclined
Pu "t'rd ipc’u'led ui the a.-R'e«nV of the public debt
In Dcimbrr l"W. »l»o«iW be aided to the abnte *t*ted
Tkr Amount nt expenditure* duntift the (NJ
BSr’.nThrTrcAfury on Ur*. 1. JjJJ JgSJ M
■''.iTie’funil !n 'll
iviili wiic'i was pureha»ed oi the tond
■mi tletiu and inferred u the Coin- w
ti;iT-«.'nri! between the indebtcine** °f
on the l«t Dee .Iris, and Uec.
1. lii'W.
at paWic P lld Junn f S - JMU
K.'in.»lc> of recpl. .hoTioo.orr 'dor..., Ike r'
SA» <i« «»
•i'Hoti (v>
Kl.Otf] 00
, , 130.000 in>
itauk Dm.-cn V jwuMi («
« io- - , 1.TK.0-W
«n<l ef»ou»t l-»»*ve, -o ( >00
•' KrU-’rr.MJcr»«es
" |>«^3li>r«’* -
'•• Hrnkrr*' J.:<-*n»r«.
• Tli-K'rr, Cnva«, «n»l
• IJ.iliarJ HoJin-, Bowlinit Saloon?.
IV» t'i,l AI.-'V ?£’
• ■ n .-nirrv im«l Offwcry l„e'-n«-s
lt-M*uranl l.iecuw*.
“ I’*.*,,! Medicine L.MUWS, J ''i? ’
•• I’aoiplilet Laws
;'ei> \Vra», >Vilis Deed*, it.,
•• • c< r:n»K Oflicrs,
*• lnfarriuiice.
al -..,4 Kailroad iVt*.
~tl fu,-i ami >*.* ol M maiena.f,
ir.iuuif <f, Couriers
'CVS m, s
In IV.t-i- l.n.,rv.
lo»,Jrii4» c, TuruptU & bridge
Au. llU;l OoiirtliSM'HlA,
~f .1 i* Oilier*
f.f/«k purfliliril
rrr’ tszzisr »
Vl. „,..-11-'.->. Hulls'
(.V!'-.7»si-s M-1.l l.raiui'f., HI
il?vre!‘"..« C S.X V'-'fi.H-) -'ll
• , a .t -U*xl I*"
l£,r.:£ vv ’ r . <
Uunac'* ”f> I ‘-/.to nu
«'i i • • • ix»
>la.<! I.’ ■ no
IMniwiin'm'-" ISH-.mHJ
M s ,*' !•! Hriiiijf. " '.aßiiFl
Nirlt«»r.!: I -J.OWJ
Kntidi SntdTiu, *.J» ;«
C'JUfl’Cl Ilf* Illl'l CcriMimHiOD“, (B 1
fSh •JT'MMXi M
IneiiiK iIJfM-'Jhu, ,
"'irsSS ‘wJr£
w,L"u-Ml.r a l .|.Fii|.r.«.»>i *■' MO.ilOOlow.rt
1,0.1 of the Western reservoir at Johni
";'l,erei,r..-er m nnHert. 1. «n„M nl-t
• u'.‘ii*r'zc ti <* a'<pf»|’r‘at |on a M,,n nnl el, j t^a '
*Wfl 00:/, ad'.liuuu la Ihc amount uUe.Uy
proprtnled. to bo expended ju Ihe rompletn*
ib» Norli canal.
Tn»j ly—ut iti l\-t author
t!ir re-lfc-iic of tnc relirf notes Wen «i circula
and f.u*iv:adi<t thetr cancellation O three y.
Tnl* Kino.itil of the whole Ksue now
out siaaditu?
The amount ptid »nto tbu Treasury
uiul *opp!iC<J t.y a new usue u 4H.037 00
T |„. abwc bdIMW l'“ been * k “
naeli tlic Trenieiry during the year.
Taent note-, » <.r«l„c!i being am
pW -eared..tad a, lording a ><!« and "aaveaienl
ioLl etifrencv. a«»o the T*. a™'.'.
ttl(s ciuze.v. L: .alhereCtre recommended Hitt au
thority b. «.«n ht ute prepay afl-art totop.hem
in gold condit -on by a Lew io» m ,ieu ol taco
~ , nav i,..,- I( ni- luwiilatcl and <!icfaclcil.
lnadditnalotbe.e W made 10
r.aMalnreoalhe.ul.jecl ol Ibe mooted alTaira
of U,e Stall 1 . u t. denned proper local! your al eti
-1 on 10 It.' 1 la.'-t a ponton of tin. funded deb!
'. over dor.-a pen beam,* lalerem of JM
pef cent. —and. a part UUj doe Ibo yea, lboO,
as fullowv
Tbe amount of five j>er eenL landed
il«bi over dno, eacei>t bank charter
Tlle“nonntof-iJ per cent, fended
over 'bio »«* r , , 1
The ami.tint ol 8™ I" "” l ‘“J' 1 ™
debt Mints doe on or b.-I n- in.
] 1J5.V0, I*. : J.
The' aiitenlti of.tnfo.ldeJ d. .e, i..>.v
Aroo»tU (JowandaWo at the l(|
durit« »he yfW v ' _. ; r
sr^,cr m ,.t r .o i;=^i;:£
en : rotiduifi), would n “J, woa | d a |*o operate
to p*v our just Bioclt, bf compel*
injurton-lytolbe holders of * h * B ;,, ac . tl.n
bug it o pr'C« be JL w(l (, ,h* pres
•unuaUetuanda upon the T . ?' (he pay .
Zn, ZZLJ cI” » t Cf micrc* cot «•
reed,,,.- li-'c'iicr cent. S"-"!' 1 he *i»e«
.„ l“! ....aUaienc »o«en.c,l, to
11... ,n,t m., i .ahul.l ho exempt from I “*4 £ ’“'
„„1c.,c,„c,d0 cc.tmcatn thercia would colic
,cc» 00.1 t.. 1,1,01 a- would let l.ijhly nJyanUgeon,
lo Ihc Crceaury. Juntlee nh.l honesty require that
iociw debt* ntitjuld Ik prom jelly paid* °T arrnngea
lo (b«» tatt-ucuuu ol th<: [eartiee interested, and
any lirovL*ou wluea the Lvcninioro may deem
proper on me subject. will moot the cardial appro*
billon o!tii« Executive. , ~ ..
The estibliahnieal ol the sinking rood, by ine
ftnorociaiM’i of Stale stock*, nud the consequent
increase of confidence id the at.dityof me Stjue to
me- her engagements, with the replacement by
Ol,l»d defaced
Has had ibe salutary effect of enabling the Treat-
ary Department with' slight expense in the ex
change or transmission of means, .to mret the
payment ol interest on the public debt iu par
money, as also tonty other creditors of the State
in gcxnt foods The payment of the publi: ha
bililiej*. in the manner aforesaid, and the adoption
of a svstem to extinguish eventually the public
debt, must bring to their par value, the r>tocfca »f
the tjnmmonwealth. U is estimated that SIV
019,000 of the public stocks are held in Ibis coun
try, and the addition in their value, by these simp****, demanded alike by aound policy and
honexiy. will increase their marketable worth m
the bunds of the citizens 51,950,000. To foe
efficiency of the Stale Treasurer, the Auditor
General, and other officers charged with the col*
lection and disbursement of the publie monies
doring the past year, Is justly attributable in a
high decree these favorable results.
The beneficial results of the sinking fund can
not be doubled. The payments from various
sources to the Commissioner?, during the past
year have been as follows:
From collateral inheritance tax,
" I'remism on charters.
n Killing <md oyster hoases and rcstan*
" Dilitard and bowling saloon* and ten
pin nilcys,
” T'lentre. circus & menagerie license*,
” DisUilery and brewery licenses,
Amount received for the yearcmling Dec.
l.tdW, Q 1
The **siim»ied payments for the *oS>e purpose, for
ihc year ending lv-c. I, I?SU. arr ns fallow*. .
Fmm collateral tnx. Si"o- It!
” Interest on •torU purchased. * I*ool I >
•• Premium* on ci.iimr*, ’ ...
” Theatre, rirru* k inenugerifi license*, i»
•• Distillery and lirewrry lieeiiao*, 1.500 00
M Hilliard and bnwluig shlooiis ami ten
pin alleys,
Failing and oysler hou«f s and restau* ( n
Balance m Treaaury after deducting
tippropriatiorn hereinbefore rerom;,
mended, DJ.SWI ««
The opinion is confidently expressed ‘hal ta<
en'imfilpil receipt* ab .ve staled, will be found t<
npjir Miuiftle the Iruth. should an adherence t.
ihfi paltry pursued by the last Legislature, in re
latum to premiums on charter*, and ftnna
ojul measures be authorized and jfoiitmited.
Should such be thecase, the above rum, at «‘>e
present rates, would extinguish upward" o* war
hundred thousand dollars «f the funded debt, our*
mg the present fiscal year. The sources from
which the sinking fund is supplied most neces
•unly increase. The tax on coUaleralinUentancc,
and on. theatre, circus, oud menagerie ''c® o ***
prior t.> the act creating a sinking land.'^d to
the Treasury aboat the sum of $15,000 arnnally.
By the provisions of that act, these have been in
creased la the sums above staled, and the other
sources of revenue have been created by recom
mendations heretofore made to the Legislature.
With these means lor the supply of the sinking
land together with such additions as the probablu
, resource* of the Treasury from Umc may
justify, it is susceptible of easy calculation to de
-1 nearly approaches the period when
I the State taxes may be repealed, and toe burthens ,
Icf the people removed. So manifestly important
I are these results upon the industrial pursuits ol
the citizens, and the interests and honor of the |
I Slate, it is suggested for consideration whether |
I good policy would not require the transfer ot an
I balances tn the Treasury at the end of each year, '
Ito the Comrmrsioncra cf the said Fund. .♦ ■
I Every consideration that can impose itscif on n 1
I government demands the payment of the public |
debt. The local advaatngcsofourComnionwealib, |
I the salubriur-of oor climate, the vastaers of our j
I minern' dcoohita, the fertility of our soil, and the
i prosperity and happiness of the people, alike re-
I quire the repeal of a system of laws, which com-1
! pci emigration, present tnc settlement of i
i voted lands, drive capital from our borders and
i paralyze the industry i f every class of our citizens.
Should these balances remain in the Treasury
1 unappropriated to tbe said Fund, the history of
, the past will remind u* that prodigal expenditures
will bi made to objects of diminished importance |
' Th- subject of the revision and equalization ol
i the laws for raising revenue, is again earnci'ly
i Dressed upon the attention or the Legislature.
Great injustice arises under existing enactment?,
from the want of adequate means to prevent or to
I punish individuals making false returns r.l prop*
I ettv subject io luxation The conscientious ciu.
zea "crupuloos'y exart in the performance.. f.iw
obligations to society, may well complain of aw»
i which suffer the dishonest to elude with impunity
the payment of an ..jui-able share of the public
burthen- The lax on lands, mortgages, and mo
neys at ’iaterest, i* awesced so unequally, that
great reason for complaint exists ta.-opgbout the
Stale. To remedy to some extent this evil, iv
would be well to require the Protbonot«nes of the
several counties, to collect from the Plaintiffs u»
Judgments the UX thereoo assessed, and if no
ressarv to compel payment by legal process, ab
wing to the officer entrusted with this duly ■
onab e compensation, to be paid, where the
at of the lax is made voluntary, out or the
indby ths. Plaintiff *7ben the paym-m has
bren compelled by legal process. A mmlbf Pm
vision with regard to mortgages, giving the Bo
rders the authority before stated in on
'snuwun «
Judgm'M, would embrace iheie iwo Hem.
tsxayiou, nod would douldlus. uomjwlthe.
ol a brae amount of revenue, now Haudnloolljr
*The law. subjecting to « l»x tbe
~,ued to odieer. nf thi. commonwcnlllt. stand
be extended to embrace commissions to non re-1-
Temr. Tbn justice of mins the o.lieen. of the
5-ate ned of permitting non resident* who bold
commissions under the KOveraraenl, to enjoy Abe
emolomenta.rree from tnxauon, cinnot readily be
mode baa been devi-ed to compel
the agent, of Foreign loeuramre Companies to
make a rnmi annual exhibit of the amount of
mnda employed by ibeir reepoolive companm.
within this Cornmoa wealth. A law having aoe -
lent of this character is b.gnly necessary, an,,
wonld be productive ol decided ndvantage. i n
toe enactment of such a law, II wonld be well to
make the certificate Issued ti ngrnlsof said corn
name*, subject to taxation.
V Incorporated companies, of various km.l. , >1 -
nvme Heir charters elsewhere, have i.-s in
ihe Stale, «u<j transact. busmens thermo, arm yn
...» ocrurate account it taken of the money em
cloved, or ol the value or profits oi tneir ntvesi
menu. Were the proper departments required
taj make a list of these Incorporations, and nnthor.
o,Teen to ascertain the .mount of the mvcW
men.s the rote of dividend, declared, nr the profit,
made and a tax was levied on such dividend*, or
profits, as well nu 00 the capital stock a
lnr«e revenue to the IJorniuonwealUi would be the
While money borrowed by citizens,
4Q «| Incorporated district*, is subject by
Uw*. to laiat im, U m noi pereei red why ru me>
burrowed bv ia»»r|*or«lcdcDO»panes,»h»uld boci
rempi lrum smiil.v assessment To make an cqm
tah’e dutribntmn of iso po!;Jic burthen*, ■houW
tb« s|«c.«l object of the Legislature. au<care
should be taken that no exemption should t«c al
lowed to any cluss ofciiu-na.c.ver another, where
the proj-erty employed is the Htuie. At'entioa U>
the foregoing objects of taxation will not only in
crease the revenue, but it is demanded alike by
justice and sound policy. ... . . . „
Next in ia»poTV»nce to the public dcpt,and th*
equalization of the taxes, n the raanas'cmeul oi
the public improvement*. The vast expenditures
annually made to, r Uie repair and supervision of
lUese works, and the amount of revenue derived
there Irom. so materially affecting tho condition of
the Treasury! reader them objects of iwuliar in
terest- U m believed that an 'ucreaeed amount of
U«u revenue should bo derived irom these work*.
The enormoas appropriations cr the last year, fur
their mainienance in repairs, nod lowardsjth.: pay
meat of debts theretofore* contracted, should have
ulxced them in a sound condition, nnd would au
thorize the couclnsion that a small expenditure
during the present season would he siifiicietit. In
the absence of Ihe-annual reuorl of C«nal
mismocerr, n-> specific amount for these object-,
can be given by the Executive.
The system for the management oflbese improve
menu, invites unnecessary expenditures, and re
moves responsibility from the proper deparaca'..
Were the number of Caaal Commissioners incres
ed to five;— the Sinn* divided into dtaincls for the
election and supervision of each Commissioner,—
the direct and inpediate chargmand control of the
district imposed upon one ot theso officer*, rc
nuiring ol him the performance of the duties now
executed by superintendents and supervisors,in <1
stipulating tor the annual alternation of the «aid
CommiMionem, much practical information of in
terest to the State would be acquired; n direct
responsibility lor the well ordered condition olthe
Public Works, and tho economy ot expenses would
bo scoured; and tho largo discretionary powers
now vested in soperintmdcutj and supervisor.-,
in the adoption of plans and payment of money
fur repairs, would pe placed In officers directly ac
countable to the people. In relation to tfw* subject,
legu'ati'm should be dear and specific, a* ditcrc
uonary power over the money of tbs citizen must
be deprecated BV ftngl imnkiufc* i;yen.
The method adopted io the management of the
Public Works is«vidently defective. Repairs <*n
the canals and rail roads are made in n way la
~r , vebt all competition. .Were the several aervi
cen performed by contract, and nwsrdcd lo the l >w
fla , bidder, giving tne r.qtjyred security, can then
exist a doubt of ftvoraUo tesuUs to the public in
terest. _ ,
4U.W*) CO
«0(HKI Olt
•JliM,o:« I 0
5 010 i’ll
u.ow «j
40.1/.IM 0.1
isuw (m
new om
V,M)M I*l
• :«*! on
.VOjO On
C4.HJ4.500 Oe»
M'/3,164 00
$200,921 0(1
S ir>4,Gl9 10
The Stale does n rl derive an adequate share of
the profit arising Irom the use of tnir Uolouit.iH
Haii Rond. The construction of the road—its
tnaicleoauce and supervision, and the supply of
the Motive Power, involving greßt expense and
risk.domsnd from the profit* <?fihe road a larger
return than finds iJ.» v?ay to the Treasury. An
ovt! so detrimental to'tlu* public fnferes .w calls fi>r
a speedy remedy.
It is suggested that the. Csnnl Comnii»sioners
should be required to invito proposals f-ir lurmsb
4n* the Motive Power on the said rail road, *tipu
latmg in dnlin* liis services to bo performed, ami
the nature ol the seounty u> w ftveo. The object
being to procure competition in tbo supply o* Ifiu
Motive Powey. encouragement should bo given
to individuals, willing to undertake the duty of
roa&iPE one or more locomotives on tho road,
whether belonging p) tae State, or the individual
bidder. Should the lotorswUi'CC s}:loofftrg to the
Siate be furnished to the bidders, tae contract
should stipnlslc (he terms on which they should be
a# The transportation of pamengers' should be doce
bvconuset wllh the lowest bidder. Iu the «*ree
-ni ii would be necessary that the Canal Com'
“Sonert ahontd fit the hind of care,.endlsuch
mb-r details would secure the accotnmodatioa
“aS “ d riU ““"y p“ bl,c
trcmrailliati orbutjco car,, co .rraego
l°. m.ffht well be made with their owner*, by
rantageoth lo bo‘h p*r-
:ijuecces would bs at
C T,.’-= hlianyes ia the prcp-nt ai. u ’ oul<i '
iu, t:.- 1 ~y,d, lamely d„.,i M, <h»
P,--a. ; would
roai’; r rarai»l with prcfiliblc to'
Jay . ton, «,» ««.• -J ' Jr'TL
•on rf .lie ntpnopoly o<* u >•” luc , .
Mo , . Paw* »n the ra. d I pravao. .ha «£"*-
l,„ r- -,-..«ry for Iho p irataw “ r
t vr>; • veto the Slate Ui« immense *_cr ft in
, e „.! -..giner; accommodate the trilling l^bl.c
,' ,|., rata of to. nod would ntonre the
. ab'i- r tcretl by lawmcK .ha nnnnal» and
I.u ,tome from'th. Mid man. .ban
*Lh?cr■ainn'ior.a in .ho tolh on Ike PatrUc Wort.-,
.ptoi ..nrlraw. of oar c, man., by
tem t f .‘-swlrtckn and maximum wtssol lolH.aft
mjMt -ad improto. Thai, tabor Wj
a vnv urn wth others. were incim.»*r««l •" the
•onhin- 'lion oftbe improvements their industry
, i.h iir.v.. (ur vcars nssisted, and continue
"I”:: n.n-Uta"h.J.ndi. difficult to per
uke .. .on who, principle of pobhn whey, « Tar
,lf of ,a I. maintained, dircnminntinn tolu.l
.hair ,r .-nirt. Th- ilelnand, . firada a».»■ «-
„ i. ili.ftb!.' wroim ot llm aliarteiar, while a
rad.,a.,:. ,o. Inita or. ti.a artin'n Ima at
man,a. viol,hi prod,lea „, maroa-o of bn-inaa.
nod nc tho deain-d loraien In,do.
Th- pr.cto of rn„!»a.-t,n S debt-fnr rcpain.,
nr I fir -a purelito af material, bayard »PP>a
, lor too parpnaaa, ►.“’"■d
• «ev • • tie-akif.. NVlhiuc nn *»• more i**M»ur
„f :d1 .no™,,., -.all,lIV.IIV. nr,per In.lnoa
hA'ii'.l. violate-, lha lni.llcoimnillcil lo him,
. I .a b- airtliwnh dtainiaaad fiom the public
“arriaa Debt, ulrendy i nnlriii ied la Up. way
'should ba pnid. lor tl", tabor n, bohn.f of
fiTto„ performed, and waald !»»•« •»
a,mill n't have a knowledge of th
ulrolia M-wilhhnld llliun lha vnliia of hair
.orvia,-- but lininadiatn maannrro, abmild be
adnalad io prav-nt orenrreni-aaol “ llk,! u- ,,m ' ln
fiilurc A limaliacoflbi. Iliad, ni.thopaad m- mo
mcX'iua by aubaoplinl »l'P"P n *“"";'°;L“
ialaluia lor the payment of lha debt. In
rnrta'r iw.inot M '» au.lan.l Iho pa.ipla.nnil
amUrniaa ibn public officer. in Ibair estimate
mid rer >imrendation?.
The large appropriations fir lh<* payment «„
old debts, made et the lasi «««"• <*' the
turi* show tha est-int t» which ihe practice ha»
been rnrr.eJ, and shouLUdnion,sh us to guar.
anln«t ;> recurrence ol the cm!-
In nrividitiff .by legal ctincttnent agamst th.
rnisrlnef Hew aWcd, authority might be ewn i
the Cu:ial CommiasioneM. ihouU illre d« cme.
‘ ,eces9»r\s to meel deficiencies in the t.inds oro*
cidcfl i-’r ntry4inr of improvement-, to draw
, specif.- appropriation for that purpose. re.|tur
nir ftoiti them a detailed and report on the
•übjc't. to the auditing denartment as we 1 a< U>
,h Vb“7rof.S JoT:S,„y,k,ll TnoVned Pljae
nnd the imnnvem-nts connecting with the « o
"mi. nail Phil.ndo-.phim Reilrunl. wbioh nm .»
rapid pr.urrn’i. oi ronstruplion, must materially .0
eranra ,ha bnono.n on .hot pubhr tboronphto,
.nil will render the ralnyintt of n ponion "f thr
Mid road, a work of nhaolu.a naoera.ty. In Ita
prrfomianoa of thn work, abojild lha
anlboriao 5 00. l policy would «• » '.“l Jir ""’
IT an tho inann. of Ilia Tronaurv will perm,,. ,h»,
no track at ioiw,. 'hould ba lat I wtlb • henv,
„„d j, i, worthy of conn,deration whether the
uhlio intercrla would not he prealiy. aubv-rvo'.
an location ortba new truck, no nolo .void the
atitY shert ctirvnlnrca on the eastern end ol sve
end They inbre«»«i the danger to passengers
in d freight: forh.d n despatch aafcly performed on
irtrsigh* line; sad require greater lores than
soil'd l-o necersnry on o direct track wtUi higher
[r ,d -s In the event of the Legislature authori
ng the relaying of the eastern section ofthe said
.& d, and the change ofloc'-tion before mentioned
Jdae regard to the public interests, and the Itmit
rd resources ofthe Treasury would seem to dc
,d that ibe improvement ahould commence nt
’lv dav, and progress from year to year ns
■nuea would warrant, until it ahould be
Portree Railroad. from Pic completion c
our line ol -mprovomcn ts to the prer-nt time, ha
Von . .- nun- obstacle to the lninncs ol Ik.
community. nod Ihe “v*™” •» ,r “ d "
other channel. to the Atlantic markets. Any mode
therefore, of leasonmx tkt« «eil, must meet the
hearts' ciiectirrence of the cinxeos The .um o.
See hundred thousand dollars judicon.y expend
„.i will avoid all Ibo short levels. anil lour of the
tiv’e lncbrcd Piattcs nr, the Western rfmw o*
Allegheny. Tne annual expenvef inaintain'uf
the-,- P ;«««««» nnt le,J * lh " n * en do J‘ nr :
fir each IW, ami i' t > that amount be added
the rr.»l Tne short love!*, and the p«rt»hnl.l< n*
mrr of the materia It connected with tnese work-,
with the ddavi and risk* incident thereto; the r.n amonnt for their main’enanee, cannot he
than on<- hundred thousand dn.lars. Were th .tr
Plane, avoided. a»d th«* on the eastern **.o|h* rl
,he .n ~mU-n n paired, the commerce on the Pub
»ie WorVi would he fae,hinted and im-rmsed. nci
the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company
wcml.tfi-.d It their interest tor many year*, to tine
i, in eorneet-oo with their xwnt improvement.
Djpm the *e.*oo, 'he -caredv o( water on
,h- ttnn-r portion ofthe Western Division ot tne
Pennsylvania Canal materially injured tne char-
Q „... a r t w,. pnhhc Works, and diminished tbe
“«n°e no, ,ca. than S.VUfon.
To ginrd against a recurrence c f this ertl, it 1- r
commef .lrd that the Wctfeni Reaervotr in th--
eon*t*ni t ; on nf which, the «um of mXt* thonaand
dollar? has been expended, be completed. The
estimated am dUnl hr completion ir
do nOO, and would, in me opinion cf the bxccn.
live he indic'oua appropriation.
li’ ha* bmn Buneoste-l that altera'mn In the
caral lee**, by makinx them conform to the shape
ofthe but Min of the boat-. wm»M u«* only Mrenatk
rn th-m h-t would be a savin* cf water. Thi
miaht'le- effected, if deemed nl sufficient import
™ hv the insertion - f wooden bottom, ,n auen
n,at,n-r In t«rn lime the results indicated.
Bv'lh* irtiort* ofthe Auditor General and State
Treasurer. made tinder the dirrrtione ofthe net o*
.L.inhof >«n!. ISI9, it appeared that ef<*r thr
7' cn, "V ,'l.e interest on'the pit,"lie dclit, unil
ihc liouidf linn and payment or other r n:m« .or
whmh appropriations had been made hy the U,n
kture >-r,d retamtnK a reasonable balance in tbe
Treasury tV* -urn ot SlfrO.OftO might With , n f.-tv.
he anrlied tn !hf * completion of the Nor’.h Branch
I final 1 tr-eordinglv cave immediate notice of
,hc r,.' l lotoo C»nil Onmims.nnrn. nnd portion*
! ~r ,he w ork it understood, linv- been placed
under contract. fV.ft«ide'r«i na a part of the Pub
be lmt.r .vetncnl-, nn.l re commenced a« a rev.*
<iur that work should In; fint-hcl tit the
eariie-t J»v the condition of iho Treasury wib
oermi' li -HniiM not Im> fsmorten. that the pre
sent nnfmisW-d condition of the worlr, hy mter
runtinr the free navianbon .1 the river; by the
de*triu t on of roads, nud injury to pnvato property
w.thnueM-rdinF nny convenience to the com
moniiv i.ll i-ta n wrooy which demands iinmedui.c
.rstu-ti. In addition to the sum already *«•-
nrooriait'd* it is confidently twlicved that 5300.000
,7«, H pmpriety.lix Slxuu '<> Inti'™"™'"'
7 thr ,».■£« •Ixl It. Ilw tplloutmu V eor * l muhl he for it. romplutmn
' Whil" it ha® been deemed ndvi*«hle to hrin? ;
,h— .rt.j.u-IS to the notiro ofthe Lexi.lnlnre,
cf potinJ poli.-y, the mte—l'"Ohe henvllf with utl.l.on
nuU the xo n cml welfure cf the Co.muouweulth,
fi.rbid no -ncr-ase of the public deb*.
Tne c Hialization nnd revision ofthe revenue
laws— ,; -e proposed charprn in the manacement
ofthe Public Works, and their tmproyemnni
ind coirc-Vti.-.n,—with a mid inaintamenre ofthe
Smkine Kun'!,and theconseqnentreduction ofthe
nah'icdr'.t would, with the present reeources of
ihe Tn-s'Ury, produce in a few years n condition
offinnn.- al prosper**-, justifying the conviction of
the spec :y relief of our ritiSnns Trom 'he payment
of all tn I -a tor the support ofGoverQment, schools
‘"the Extern and Western Penitentiaries have
l„-en condusted with skill and prudence and in the 1
refdmu.'i'in mid h-cuniy of olTendep sn-ie.y hn.l
Jcnved important advontneea. It is however |
•vnrthy o! *enoua lumsideration, whetner in the 1
adoption of a system of solitary confinement,.the \
« verity ofthe pnoishmemlauthonzed by law does
not injo iiu-ly affeetthe mental and physical viy |
or of th- prisoner. 1
The f-t nuent recommandatinns to the hxecuttve
tor tho perfon of convicts otHrcted with ill-bealtb, J
nnd m'-nia! imbecility, would appear to require a
moditita nn of ihe present lnw». |
ll is «.*.,mostly recommended that In
creu-e ot the nntmal approp-intions h»r made tc
the Hou-e of liefer, nnd the Asylum of the Deaf,
Dumb, iad Blind
Thetd .nst-tutions, long the deserved objects 1 1 1
Stoto uounty, UaVi been increasinj; m usclulnesr,
nnd incurring adi’ilioonl yearly expenses, while
the annual sums ben'owed remuned the
same In the nrowth of population tho demand*;
on ih-ee Asylums mu»l bo augmented, and their
expenditures necessarily enlarged, and the ewm
decree »f bberntiiy awarded on firmer occasion?,
would clnim the appropriate! cl krger nmonnti.
In the ~to;«cUon pfthe w-rk for the Stale Lu
natic Asvlum, the appropriation Ol a ferrur year
has been c*i»:»uMed, and a sum ol live amonnt is
; r ; T „„-.i.i..i >«« ...[..'i' 1
ion of excellent and attenl ve Trustee,, im
buil.iingkn r«|iiJlj Hit.- ■ -x.l. *»'l
roof. The itrueture ta plain, uhstantinland Iwau
ehriUv eiHtaiod m regard to the Cximfort* of
r.r n I,nix!,. h0n..r»1.1..
If theS* •« and It icful to the ooininiimiy. The
nrobabih'v of its nhandunment by the Legtalalur--,
orul a refusal to grant Iho nddifonai sum n-qmr
■ f)f lls voniplction, cannot he entertained by the
Kiecuitv.. Ton long already has public chanty
lixn willihelJ from iho Poor <1 Ilia Sll.l-;
100 long l.iivo to J
SL »“,! ..exnrleJ, iho jexl “I ‘ho ir..,ithllix», on.
l„o'vi<.|,l U 'o(lMpr.,llt»'o, “h.lo ooJ
ihrioluo l,o«vol«oi» clinmed Ur Ihem [.uMlr
It is not, however, protection alone
!i,« ..conlomploled m ih.o A«v„i...- The n T on.
Ir .1.1 ttiftr .ul timiliir uißlilutlons .Ihird Iho
f.'.nc lelehijeoco IW «*•«». •«»
U oinoiv !-r f 1 'l"‘ oni'.hor rlll clcj, .re
raJ c.lly e .rod. In lh‘> vlew »' ' b * eom
hmioa rh.Mor onh ,0010011.10, with roeloroliun 10
heal. 11 a.,.1 roaroo, lao iuJoceoionl. .0 enorfolio
I ". a,,, r ,r uarl cauQi't be overlooked it i-i
fini»mh«l*»t!'bt.g,*n J ftt *' fo ' ,^ e f «cVtioa ot
uatient*, ttud the same ib respccliuliy nnd earnest |
Iv reoomutendetj. ...»
Nr.tMh.-i.oaing ‘ln rovißino, by iho lalo Lo
ai.laiorc, of >ho ra "“«'»“>? afihno"
fchoole, “10 «y»‘o m *1“ mod.Sa.llno Ii
doc. 001 receive (ram ‘he cibzeo. tbe favor, that «
eoood .ail enlightened scheme or e.l.icanoa de
.erves, .n.l Ihe evil um«t exist in ihe law. which
control it. yrvci.eal operalinns. A .erion* defect,
1. the wont of ptoper'y qoallfied 'osohers. Ir 1.
worthy your coneidoralioa whether the eatabliah
mem of Normal SchooU in Ihq counties would no
remove ibis «iL Education m«v wd! be termed dencc, lathe closed dTOr * Kltor
ihcgrec; measure ol the age. In a Republican orthemimifactones; in the'diatreaes_»»_
government ii is the safeguard of liberty, anden- er, and iLegenera! depre*a.oa of ,
lightened stntesoen regarding it in this aspect, try.oflim imperative necottty fjr * ■JJjJ®
will cordially co-opere'e to establish it. Thefo.. laws wt:icb will sustain ngalaat
«eriaie:..leat having bestowed much thought on t:on the employments ofonr cilixens- j wneap
thesuWct will, nt an early day, submit a report, dtnble investments, and ustfjl eapiUfnre buick a
to whirh your attection is invited. down;—when surplus produce finds, *j"f “JjJ'r
The militui law of the last session is imperfect pncesjerd when laboris depressed, sjouuiaaiin
in miwiv or it* details, and requires revision. In oua operatives are thrown oat of employ;
the abo itiou of the mockery of parades incident party ih g mas, nor local interests, nor
to the o a system, nod the establishment of an c!- jealou*i<--, should prevent a united and
fectonl unif.itmed militia, well disciplined and effort in our National Represeat'ativeis_lp'
drilled, it ba% been productive ol general-otility. the gen-val prosperity. .
Slight modification* of its provisions will make it Oa tfc- application for the admission ol new
all that ciq b-* desired. The report ofthe-Adju Slatea iu'o ib«* Union, the subject of the extension
tant Gr rural is well worth your coualderatiou, nml of slavery will claim the attention |of Cangree
is accordingly submitted. , Our Son;Hern brelhero, united by long association
Reports irout the Surveyor General and Auditor and habit with this institution.anddependmg upon
General, exhibiting the condition of their reape.-• it in a i« w degree for their domestic comfort and
live departments, are herewith transmuted to the coaimen-nl advantages, will not willingly allow 01
L-aidsuire and the latter will furnish in detail its exclusion from territories belonging V 5 the
much v iluiible relation to the linan- General Government. No disturbance is <»n
ciol r.,n d.tion ..f the Commonwealth. template.) ol their relations therewith, in
Tn« tl-iiy tf districting the Stele for the election where t now exists. Holding their slaves by
of Reore.entiUves will devolve upon yoo. Re- comprom ms and concession, it wonld involve on
turn* of taxable required to bo made by the dif. our par, a breach of faith, and on interference
ferecl r ,unties have not been transmitted, ns by with the *overeigr.iy of sifter Republics to inter*
law ihey were’directeo; but Ihe officers charged meddle *.th their social policy, orto controvert
with the duties under the law are engaged m tba 'egn'.iy of their domestic relations Whatever
their ure,.annum and they will be laid, at au early injury n ~y be inflicted oa northern interests from
in. Lnn the Legi.l.ture. . «“ i« k <«KI«o> <» <l» of th. in-
Bv re •olutons passed at the last session, the siimtioti and the effort to pru-trate free labor, a
Exectii ve w.n required la transmit to certain sacred r -jird for our pledged f*uh admonishes us
officers c ozen- or untivip of the Stele, resolutions to suffer, raiher than attempt retormstion where
-xnre-'V" of the approbation of the Legislature, our auil...rity will not bn acknowledged. - Tbo
n>rWrd«*tingui*hed services iu the late war wilti extension ol the evtl beyond lu present haute,
Mexico In ijeifjnning this duty, tbe-« renolii- disclose- a very differed feature. ;The consent
nous wiqo transmitted to such ol these officers as, oflbe Free States of the Union to ite further pro
by the report of the Adjutant General ol the United gress, w»>tM evince on ignoramre cf their true m
btste., hr d been breveted for good conduct terests, < f the rights of justice and humanity, and
The .'.Million. Cor the amendment of the Con- an tndifl. ■ enre to the charamernnd dimilyii! their
.litution. hnvinz Ini eel, |iobli.bed aeeortlm, to common i-omniT- Where theae or, implicated,!!
me irrmt will be the dm, of loan «i.a«dnnmeot ol dot,to enmpromiae. So
the Lenialamre U. late auch action on the onl.jeel fully wme the Tienra of the Elaeunve elpreaaed
n> may 1.. 110.1 < on,latent with the wtaheaol Ihe nn Ihe ai.-ject of the Tanll anil the ealenaion of
people. It |« proper In olale, that the appropriation alavery. iu a former menace, thal n reference to
made In defray the expenaca or Ihe publicallon of them her-, no embracing hit prer-ent aennmenta
Uif«o ri— <1 «jt»a)nr», was wholly insufficient fur the thereon, would appear to bo sufficient.
i,un*o-<- KU.J nn additional -uin will l*e required. The di*->imnatiou among the people of Information
In .he mem,, delivered at lb. op«i»S «' * h ”
lute seamon, rc erence was made to the emz.n «haehle«l - i-y no unnecessary exaction*. Togivetoi
soldwr who hud returned to his home alter having ciiitci* ofone secuon of n common coontry, a I
earned lor himself and the State, in the war with forTect knowledge of the wants, the opinion* anil gen-1
Mexico, a reputation for undaunted bravery, pa- erul condiiion of the people of oilier portion* thereof,,
lienl anllenng and heroic virtue j nnd Ibe opinion .heald l» m. oun ol ail »J“!
wa. expressed, lhat It wna due to theae |>UnMe „ nd di.bka., apd tnomilo In senti- ,
cit-zens that the should make a njenU of j iehlM , r j.. kindnesi, every part of this[great
tuitttblu acknowledgement for their illustrious ser- CCB f c j er iicy. Intereoarse, whether .produced by the ,
vice*. No action having been taken upon the ire ney of Rsllronds.orotTelegraplt;by personal or |
suagestiou, l would again call the subject to the written mmnui.ucntinn-, „ . an ageul owren
anelbon of the LegSlature. it ia also proper to 3- b- !
refer to the recommendation thereto made, m re- ernmerU .j, e ofonr citizent,eVeates a bar
latioo 1 1 the death of certain officers of the govern- „ cf , 0 it, r i j-nemination of knowledge, and,asais*ts in
men', and the omission in the consliiuiton lo sup- mtraiißin-: the affections of the\diirerent-powons,of |
ply the vacancy. The subject is deemed of suffi- the RepuM.e. be
cient importance to justify an earne*l hopo that o^dM „ importance,and sonnd.wU
legislative action may not be withheld thereon. woui j n redncUon of present charges.^
Tne practice of postponing the paaaege of ap- | t ouumt fait perceived that the observations
•tiropriolion bill* to the last day of the session,.for* iu relation to pottage, as conuceted with
i, l ,„V„bera.,nn, wei, m «!£££»?•
the Executive, and should hcrealler tx avoided. coum vVhaiever faciliutes free communication
These bills, requiring care and attention to the B reong ih-citizens, strengthen* the Snity of govern
speeiGt- items, and disposing of largo amounts of raent . tvunhrr iroa the character; of the eonntry
the public money,should be deliberately examined and the nature ef it* rerfaee, it is practicable, to eon
befote Ibey obl.l. a. -nnlbion ,- U-b****
van excuse hasty and unadvised legislation, on lai^eil . btU a l(m „ b,: evident that sneh an improve
n subject so important to the public interests. It m^||t won ;j j, e 0 f inestimable value lo every portion
i* confidently anticipated that this Legislature 0 f tho Umon. In addiuon to the |oppprtmntiss it
will adopt a rale of practice more consistent with would »ff-rd of an interchange of boapitaltltes be
i ' ‘l„«t .nond nnlinv tween tlie people of remote sections,lt would nat tail
prndence. economy, and sound policy. to be load-.t with' a trade, a* profitable to th« country,
Tne intimate connection existing between the |( voo j t j be im p or tant to different localities. To
indu«try of the r.iliaen. and the pnrrency ol bis p pn n«ylvunia, its benefits ean scarcely be imagined,
country, demands far lhat question the serious at- The improvements already made nnd those in pro*,
t -ntion of the statcsmaa and lawgiver. In author- gre*« inthi* Sute, coaneciing with the Pubhe Work*
iziog Baaticg or other la«ilollona. a .Ur- ftiuTtVli™ SJJlo°llle Hiula.ippb
renev other ttmn gold and silver, it won dbe uu \y ere this gigantic wortc completed, uo man can esti
loitotul to our wusls to permit them, for want or ma{et i, e fobd cdvautageijwhichtnost en
nroui-r cheeks and guards to allow it to beepme . iU -? to every section of country united therewith.; and
tea* valuable than the com it is intended to repro- in no ilaec.would it*' »a||«anf b «mJ{ te
senU Tho views expressed in the last message ' *-, em jy worthy the rerioo* auenlioL of the Legtila
in favor of the restriclion of the number of these 1 1
iosiuulions, to the real buitaess wants of the peo
ple, and refusing a renewal of Bank charters until
a tnorough examination of their affairs had de
monstrated iheir entire solvency; remain unchang
ed. The tax on Banking capital, exacted by the
last Legislature in the granting of charters, and
applied 10 the payment of the public debt, has re-
Hulled in se-urmg to that object a wm exceeding
one hundred thousand dollars. White this tax
pliould not be increased to an extent which would
cripple the resources of these institutions, the pre
sent amount cannot l>« considered an unfair
equivalent fir ike privileges conferred^ndshould
theref ire continue to be imposed aa a legitimate
source cf revenue.
Thii Uws intended Jo prevent the circulation ot
note* •>! a less denomination than five doll&re, are
practically disregarded by the citisens. In a gov
ernment founded on popular opinion, experience
would tench the impolicy of continuing in foree
statiuorv provisions, which are generally inopera*
live. The violation, with impunity, of laws, how
ever unimportant, will lend to a disregard of oth
ers. mdispensible to the security of society. It is,
indeed, to tw regretted that this circulation has not
been prevented, as much evil has been experi
enced bv the community, from the reception of
itus irresponsible paper. Tne. amount m circula
tion witnm the State, supplied by institutions ot
adjo n ng Stale*, is estimated at not less th in five
mti'ions of dol'ar*. ar.d i* valueless, exo-pt in lc
eolilie* near the Banks by which it ia issued. To
iho exteut ol this circnlauon, tae constitutional cur
rency. nnd the note ofsound specie paying banks
oftbc Cotnmo. wealth are diaplsced. The solven
cy ('fine institutions issuing this paper cannot be
known to tne citizens, nnd it passes from hand to
hand the fcpmsentativ * of n value it may not t>oa
over which our laws can haye no control.
' In endeavouring to eradicate an acknowledged
en'.tbe pranicsl Statesman will frvqaeniiy find
tor yielding to popular Inclination, and
will consult the welfare of his constituents by stri
ving to mitigate what cannot be removed. If,as
i* oiL-ged, the husiues* opperstions of the commu
nity require n circulating medium, other than gold
nnd stver. of a less denomination than five dollars,
a suppiy under the regulations and rotretions ol
our laws would noi be open to the objection* of
the existing method. Were the Banks ofthe Com
raonwealih authorized to establish agencies or
branches m one or more places, and permission
g.ven >U'-h brunches to i**ne said notes, upon n
statement in detail by the parent institution being
made to the Audi'or Genera', satisfactory to the
1 said officer, of the entire solvency of the said Bant;
*« minting it* whole awet* nnd liabilities-designa-
I ting the proportion of .M c«|stal slock to be em
ployed at the said agency*."? branch, which in no
.•as.* should exceed a graduated percentage of the
said oai-iiul M«ek; and should dopcute with the
AuJitor General an nmoont ol Slate.Slocksequal
to the amount of notes to be issued; the Auditor
t'rencrs! thereupon required Jo grant n liebeac lo
*nid Bank lo establish said agency or branch, and
to issue wiid notes, marked by the said officer na
the wue of tho said branch and redeemable at ibe
rmuUer of the parent insiilution a sound con
vertible currency could sooadisplace the present
irresponsible psi>er of foreign institution*, and
would i. (ford security to the citizen, withoula with
drawal ol tho necessary circulation. *
Notes issued under the foregoing restrictions,
having their redemption secured in Ibe manner
herein i-oioted out, would ncresiumly reoeiye the
confidence of the people, from tho fact thalthe
stocks pledged, would, undar every condition of
things .ensure ibeir eventual payments In times
of commercial convulsions the specie might be
drawn from the vaultsoflhe Bank,—Uie means of
siockholdera might fail,— speculative value might
bo affixed to property* shrewd men, watching
ihc Sian, of the times, could relcaso tnemselves
from individual liability;—hut the stocks ofthe
Commonwealth would remain valuable and avail
able tor their certain redemption. Had Ike notes
now m circulation from the bankß of the Slate, a
basis of this character, oven lo a small proportion
41 the capital atoefe of these institutions, the tosses
resulting I’romo failure lo pay their liabilities would
bu largely diminished. , . ,
These views are presented to tho Legislature
for the purpose "f urging upon'the necessity of de
vising means tc prolec.Oi.ur citizens from the los
m;- incurred in the |Vdur« ofßanking Institutions.
In any wc I digested system it will afford me pleas
ure to co-ntmroto, particularly in reference lo tho
security cfthni portion of the currency entering
*o iargely into the business cf the producing and
ial»orir_- dosses of the community.
The *e:i<*ral manufacturing law of the last aca- ,
mon cannot fail to be productive of decided bene
fit to the State and the people. Although the *iag
which has elapsed aince ita poaaare, wen in
sufficient to teat Its "dv;o»aae», ibe erection of
large e*taH|»hw®ai* m‘many place?; which mast
soon nd'ortf employment to a considerable number
ofthe nttsens. Warrania tho belieflbat it* aalntary
'effect* will be fdt r.l no distant day.
Representation* have Ueca made to this depart
ment alleging that by the erection of a bridge over
tho Ohio 1 liver, at or near Wheeling, Vo., greot
obstruction to tho navigation of that highway has
been produced. In times of high water io the
river tho largest class of steam boats are unable
to paw under the bridge, and serious injury to the
commerce of the western pirt of IheJSlate moat
result from ;hia nuisance. Connected aS is the \
Oluo, with the line of Internal Improvements
through Ttinnaylvanfi, and furnishing to our can*
nla and rati road*, a large amount of merchandize
f>r ilm vlantic market, an obstruction of thi* na*
ture will have a direct tendoncy to dimiuinh tie
trade nn o;tr Public Works, to affect tfce eastern
mark i. and uiatcrUtHy to decrease the"revenue of
Hie Stele. Result* of a character so important
warn ihe Legislature that speedy and -en*
. rgeiif action is required, and that measures dic
tated by justice and policy, should be reaorted to
v,jib a view to the removal ofthe evil.
The expression of our opinions on questions
more directly belonging to the National Govern*
tneht. u a r rid nii niglrom the nature ofottr iosti
iiumn'. «mi 'hey sro iuhuiawly connected
v/ituHu* i. ofthe people, boconies a duty
nri mto dc.rpgarded. The representative* in
Omgree* * I Hie Slate, and the citiienn, aware of
ihc tender)-y iff measures on the prosperity of
mtir •• ui-imetis, and knowing the responsibility
oftlicir if i"d pinion, muil regard,with becom
ing luvor.r delibents dcclaiation of pyhho senti
uicnt (him .io 4(1-1': (boy represent. Entertaining 1
the-<" v twand persuadeo thatquestona of vtiai
im-’oiiimci; ’o ihc well being of our beloved Com- i
man <>‘h *i i i-'aim the attention of Congress,'l I
tiavc deriu-d it right, on this occasion, briefly to |
refer iu a fow of those which may be considered of j
greifestconsequeneo to the welfare ofthe people-
The adjustment of the revenue laws for the pro
tection of H e peculiar wteresta of Pentuylvinia,
must be regarded as a measure deeply affecting
all clashes ( f society. In relation lo the polt«s of
ibo National Government on this subject, the man
ufacturer, the artisan, the agriculturalist’, tod toe
Übor«r,foel alike, thetthpir banners and porsmt*
are elevated or protection u» anora
ed or withheld. In the history of the past, they are.
furnished with leaaona for the future. The events
ol thOL-pw* *e*»ott have afforded cowltuiT® *vx
In a faithful adherence lo the National Constitution,
asihn same ha* been expounded by the Sans and
Patriot* of other days the people of Pennsylvania
rely for the perpetuation of their political, social and
religious lilnsny. Although intis ptpvitinns mty be
found the acknowledgement of principle* they do not i» r*teeiaed by them a* the fundamental
law of the country, and they revereiko It a* the eon
summation of wisdom and -patriolieui, devoted to the
general welfare. When *eclion*l interests and jeal
oa*ie* contend for supremacy, antll»ceuon*l ngbl*
arc to be determined ; when questions between State*
are controverted, and disregard of-national laws is
manifested, in peace and war, In prosperity anu ad
versity; in foreign or dome*uc difficulties: the cut-,
zen*of Pennsylvania lorn with abiding confidenceito
iho Natrona! Constitution. Neither the thirst for
pow-r. nor thetphrcniy of party; iprtheprostration
of their peculiar interests, can their allegiance
I to the National Government, or raise with them tae
I tra tor'ery ofdiiunion. The sentiments expressed,
and the language used on ihe subject, by the .father
lof hi* Country, nre %o appropriate to the period in
which we live, ilia J hayc deemed it proper lo call
your aileinion to the following briel curvet from his
farewell addre** : [
“Tue unity of government which constitutes you
“one people, is nl«o dear to you; It is }u«tly *o ;
“for il i* a maiu pillar in the edifice of your real Judo
“pendene.i; toe support of tr onquijity at home ; your
‘•peace abroad; •! your safety; al ?nar prosperityj
“of that very liberty which yon soihighly prixe. Bat
‘asil is easy to loresee, that, from lu/lerent causes and
‘ from different quarter*, much pains will be lastni,
‘•many ari'iiccs emptoyed, to weaken in your minds
‘the conviction of this truth; as ibis is the point ot
‘•your political fortress, against which the batteries ol •
‘•internal and external enemies will be most constant
•*ly and actively (though often eovenly and inudu
••ouslyi directed; —it is of infinite; moment that you
“should properly estimate the immense valao of your
•'hanonaJ union lo your collective and individual
“happiness; thntyou should cherish a cordial, habit
-ual add Immovable attaehmcntjto it, accustoming
“yourselves to tU.nk and speak idjit as the palladium,
“of your political safety and prosperity ; watching for
“its jealous anxiety, ui.*e •untenan
“cin'r wbaterermay suggest even a suspicion thru it
“can, n any event, be nlrandonod; and indignsntly
••frownma upon the lirildawninfiof every attempt lo
• atie.iaie auv portion ol our country from the rcsUor
-10 enfesUe ;iic sacred tics which now link together
•‘the various pan*. ,r j ...
Gentlemen; —In ihe performance of a constitutional
obligatiuu. the measures neeegvary for your
consideration, have been stated aj* concisely at thuir
imrmrsanc'* and nature would permit.
To the representative* of the bcnula. attaches the
duty of enacting «itch law* a* tbs welfare of our eon
-Utaeiitit mav require, and U> ihcif ear" a-id deliberate
action are checr;mly confided the safety, honor, uud
nro*i>rniT of the Commonwealth.
1 1 ' Will. F. JOHNSTON.
IIXCCCTIV.R '.OltiitßEE, 1 1
Hnrrisburgh, January t.lSSfl. ; \
rpilf, ai*ain? term will commence ou Monday, the
J[ T.liinst. Intending to *pate neither pun* or ex-
in order to rendsr oaf school all that a reason
•t-lc public ought to demand, welinvite those wishing
to educate their sous or mbere, to call ami examine
our crtabluhmen: and judge forithemselves
Tetrns of Tutiion per quarter vpry from SC to 810 in
nroD'irtinu totlie pupil’s advaneeaenl.
! , n nA.t;n «KV. J. M. BMmi. Pfineipal.
Orrtck or AllxiZuknt Rxtbou Co., >
IHir. president'and Manager* of ibe Company for
(•reeling a Bride over the Allegheny River, opph-.
sue Pittsburgh, in the County of'.Allegheny, have tbis
day declared a Dividend of Tvro Dollar* on eaijh
share of the Capital Stock, standing in the nams. of in
dividual* on the Book* of the Company, out of the
profit* of tlio lost «ix month*, veil! be paid to
Stockholder* or their legal ratresenteuvea forthwith.
jn&dlQtw'Ji jOIIN iIARPKR. Treasurer.
UGAR-U’.khds front new clip lauding from II
aKainer Brilliant, and for tain l>T
j,na jambs a. mrromsoN H co.
MOLASSKH —JO Mil* Plantation now crop, land
ins from steamer Hamburg for sale by
,»n3 JAMES-A- miTCHjSON. ACO __
kegA tu store and fdrlalebv
3.> MllliS Pttl.'lK NEW CROP N. O. SUGAR—
teeeivcd per steamer jUliiuuii, and for sale
by C. IiIMSKN,
janfhlw ; Second iL
-0«7 and for sale by
lanit Rttf
mALLO.W—23 bbls prime it
J. the •teaiabool Loot* MeLtt
i*n3 8.
;J. 4 U. FLOYD, •
vyi.Church Building.
nijow lust landing fr 3
ill and for aalo by
SHEEP PKf.TS—tS bale*, No 1 Sheep pelts, ;a*l
landing and for sale by !
__ jan3 B.AW. HARPAUGH.
C'i.oiilt -jud bbls extra andjS. F. Flour, in store
r and for talc by S. k W. lIARBAVGH,
jau3 "
WINDOW GLASS—SOO bo.;cz dilßwindow. glati
do 'loxl2 do do
Til" do 7x9 do do
do. 9x12 do da
20 do 102,14 dq da
In stoie and for sale by
Jan 3 S. k UARPAUOIf.
BROOMS-tIO dozen Com Lirloms ta store and foi
tale l.y rang ' H. Sw. HARHAUCH.
NO. SV'GAR— landing Iron
. tieahicr Crittiaui and for Jale by
jan3 . JAMES DALZELL, S 3 Water »t-
.4} UGAR—I» hbds, now landing from steamer Mam
> burg, fur sale by ISAIAH DICKEY AGO.,
]anj ' } v ; Front»t
CtHtESb— iOO lioieirlu *{OM RHii for «ale
jinn ' j - Front .
for Mir ty ISAIAH QICKbY
lan3 Isaiah DICKEY A C»..j^SEL2^
JAKPpV ft.
J J»nJ I
ijL yutWysv * C(> - Ffollt j
IS5O '
riIHF. «Bb-PiiUr-,MW
1 lum'ii l VVat ‘ , " r Vi tor tWO lt»S
"•*“ **
yi+Vkt.Lr. i )7 M«rket tU I’Utl’a.
I to XUBt.
at prniottt ocea*,
{corner of 3eeand and ;
i rained, s/iu posMition
, lii^uiroof
tin Tea Store, TltFounh street.
— —A o> , ~ .tram. iT»Wrll.,
Self. Brprinu iX.UiO Fom Qltolttf
/V* Rißekwood; Sittptf year.
\i Home Journal, New
v«k weekly; *Jpar annum- | __ .
'pownuij* HoruealturaUit, m<?/iiUiyj S 3. per. year.
,n -i“e“cuttt'v*toc. monthly; 9» ricr aonem.
Tie AerirulturaJ'* 1 ' monthlyUSl per year.
The DeojHsnitic Reri'-w, monthly; SJ per annum.
The Uanlcr.’ do • do r‘
BaoVsctlerA Importer, 63 Wood rt
j«n‘t a- « '
: uwrr s**» d
Ap.ll He**'
doling Oat g«I« ot Blaiktti*
I intends to relinquish their retail trade on Mar
ket etreet, ih-w offer taeir large and splendid Dock of
Blanket* and Flannel*, ot prise* Heretofore unknown
in thte eitv, r.i the BLANKET DEPOT,
janl4w ; No td M«tbn u
NO, BUQAB—4O hhdeoldi good article, far aale by
t FATHERS—SO iuli prime, for salAbi
LARD OIL—2O bbis Winter Strained, for safety
R UL ' rrER ~ 5 tH ‘
r*m» i i yi\v— °o bblt jo>t for tmle by •
iy a * w ItARBAUGH
~..r fr>s>n*torc*ndfamiel>T-
S 1 ■ 8* W har °AUOB
y'.npptt APPLES—» bbU in «tore tod for t*J« by
Ml* or Dr T Good.,
TTTTLt. commence on New YettJ.DiTi s®^
E Slt iS .' K«,l, on .ki. «ccui™. «
follv osk rocini uws than usual price*. ■..
f fteii Shawl Saloon eootaini n °”*“^ S A,J f e
comprising every dewnpuon of ”• S V S2S22
Wool Shawl*. Cashmere, Brocbe, Ac. Also, Yiieueu,
aSIiBSSiI.., .. « .mocn»nd.c4
f '«* * DRISs" f ND CLOAK good*. kr :
Their *tock emnprise* more then WOO meees Thibet
rtmlui Merino*. ParameuaSy Alpeeeas, Lyoorio».Op-
St«lrV&ioib*,.willV«U from «> to 40 per
eenL let* than urual brice*. , ~, a ,rtra .Add.
Also—Mi) pieces nch plain and fijd SILKS,
'ai(wl Cashmere* and De p*” l **
Al*o— While Good*. Mourning
>_ ce . Ribbons, Gloves and Uouenr.Tnmmmg*, Ac
•*u eiu>es Flannels, 70 cates new style Calicoes. ® *
S. Mo.l.ns, 1 M bales Brown do, 70 bales
Tickings. Also, Cloth*, Cnsuaerus, Jean«,Catametts,
Ac , aieauemely low prices- ' „<■ -,l»,
Together with an immense varlelT. of other Goods,
nikiiie in assortment one of die mo*t eitemove la
the country—all ot whieh bare been marked down at
raseli lower prices than their extensive amianl sale Is
y TtoFh'itX. u rarly c.U, H nit •* ■>>'"
' Good* will 1m sold. '
. iry*The lowest price named nl first- ~ . .
j,n3 a. A. MASON A CO, GO Market si
TIIR Fayetie Manufacturing Company have re «o
ved their Wholesale butJness to the *U»re reeentiy
oecapied by Messrs. M. 11. Brown A Brother*,No. *J7
Wrod street. ]antMW__,
CH.OVF.II SEED—<J Bbta. Prime CloTer SeoJ, j»»*
1 ';, T B. MII.TENBF.nOEB.
No- 87. Front 3Ueel
Jan. Itt. 15 fid.
I HAVE associated 1. U. MeVAY with »o ifl tie
Exchange and Uauking business. ... .
January Ist, ls6U. WAI. 11. WILLIAMS.
Wm. H. Williams-- -TO- MeVay.
Nortli Ea»i corner of Wood and Third streets,
ianl Pmaacmß.-P*. -
Boat'd of Trade and Hircluatl* ® x *
change. ,
THE member* of the Board of Trade end Uerea
anu’Exchange are hereby notified that an eiao
uon will be held at the Room* ot the HerehanU’ hl«
change, on Thursday evening, 3d, IfeStt. W »
President, two Vice Presidents,Treasurer, Heorttary,
JU.J-wenty »M Mum,£ *JfSS&JSnA*
luiiijr year. SAUIiEb iAHNwTOva,
j*'l . . tfnpenntendant.
To Let for Tbroe
THE very deairable Brick Mansion House
and appurtenances, in-the Sixth Ward, at prevent
occupied by W. R- Crisp, and bounded by Crawforh
and Falum streets, andCenlxeAvenue J h * **“■*?
comprise. Parlor, Drawing, bitun* and DiarngKoamn
and Kitchen, five chamber*.-three 'A 6 **
room, fleets, Ac. Tbo oat hoase* are * *‘® r *
tenant hooae, a wa*h home With
vants, a most room, ac. A large OSden, filled wi»
choice flower* and fruits, tastetully la»d
in perf-et order; A paved street connect* thi* eauto
.=o, ui.™ a, w
•W”S B“g&sgg- *••
""‘sr' 10 ■
(Joanud cogT;t_ ; «z.
Tub mk.rcv 3e\t-, Tbmgbu k»,«.m«i by are
■ Lonl’, Prnyer, by Gbriure. apmX. U- B. toc
pnbtiihed uid by fo ' l **“? -
Attraction* of the Cross; by the X»v. Dr
sp ring. ; ! : 422*
C OLBAR3-» i”
r??iP~^^^° )i " I rw^gaA , ug! , i r ’
J.GGS-4 bb„ En. U. »g*^gjsjiaw
. 103 Second street
FRESH BUTTER—IS tubs, M Mils, and *&ts 801 l
n. cl.tb,, fa, M.. o bV E drctf6olc
FLOUR-ai bb(s]Exira,jnrt rte’d
iaa t - • | COPBkBRKi-FOG.A.
CHEESE— iPOOlixi prune Shipping aadCaUing; •
Buiter-*is bi»i« Fre»b
by jaiil ' J BCArinKLU,;
TALLOW— 30 bt>Uin *U>r*«ad tor ttljlT n
SALERATUS— 40 bxt and 10 caikiforMdr-b J
SCOBCUINGS— 0 cn»b« for ttlfi by _
1 janl y ' NoV< Wood afreet
V ,.NK y» !oomtm t ;
A 1;™ -10 bb " n&HooaMAKßtt.coi
s l a z? iii sF M tra^ M Bagatf r
WRAPPING PAPER—IOOO team), Virion* aitr*
'J\ “ lt!bT . ~J~gCHOONMAKER & CO ■
BROOMS— dUOdoz oo land and for rale by
WINDOW GLASS—4OO bxe, aiaM iiie»,rer«daby
MACKEREL— 100 bill No*. I, *, and 3, on hand
and for sale by janl JOHN WATT 4CO
lUKE CARTWRIGHT—I Carpet Baß.lit Dort;
j aalijeet to charse*. for Luke Cartwright, which M
will please call lor. G B MILTEMIBKfiEBi
J o 3i . • • No H 7 Freni'^t
SODA ASH—7 eaaka Soap Maker*’ A«h, tee’4yer
•teamur Ohio, and for aale by
ilclli _ ’ TASSF.Y 4 REST
NEW SUGAR—loca«k* ree’d and formatehr
deM ! 4 BEST;
MOLASSIS— 3i bblt ree’d per for *ale by
dc3l _ : TaSSKYA BEST
MOULD CANDLES—3S. boXft* for tale by
dc3l . TABBKY 4 BEST •
11. MOLASSES—IO bU*. a prime article, for aali
by I de3l . TABBKV 4 »Esf
OWNERS WAIVED for Two Tarpaulin*, leefl
per Wyoming. O U MILTENBERGBR, -
dc3t No 97 Front at
ON HAND 4od for aale low ia eloaeconaiyaewnl—
-10 bid* KnglUh Veuitinn Fed; ’
10 “ Sal Soda:
ISO “ No 3 Itotlm 1
3 “ Chloride Luae;
S boxes Pahn 3©op; <
100 u Btliiah Laaue. ‘
Oe-H • Canal Ra*in. Penn .
SPICES— l cnak Nutmeg*; ’
‘Jbhl* Clove*;
40 mala Caatia;
1 ca«e Mace; for aa!e by__ , .
dc3l J SCU(>ONMA KKRA CO, 3<J V . <*»_*£,
pEACHF-S-i*. b. co
o«b'» CO
C f S 3 "-'~‘° ' in " C, °° ** K&Pwirft CO
WE would re»peetfaJlf c *j|
eh anti" and ether* * r£> enrd
in whi^theTiuttart l^"**®^^ oicr ftcil ‘ tie * ™>*qttaC.
‘ C L we are. In juitiee to v *oor- '
!£ m m «•»■“ " e ba T®. «s»*fa*4 «u
-faerie* «f Tear*, and eatablithM areputm
tlon mtm*^_ ju »«r_tlio roeedy. cheap arid aafa trana. ‘
mHS2?of*SS and yalaableiof aUdetcriptiona, had
K!!r ZnnfSled, and In extendm* onr Lina loidl the
?*«*v o»«ie*-.pared no;
mean* or exertion to it perfect,) wn feel eon&-
dent that the indeceeaenu which we offer to the pub- .
SSSSSSStfi-'SSSBt” "*.**«'
Inr a vary haary article of Cnmon Flannalwill
fioii It at the ateie of WR MURPHY, '
dag» corner Fourth and Market at»
ORSE COVEK3=<rCB*UaiUB Horae Cover*, a
very heaTT and aplendid article, ]uit rec*d and.
lor tale low, at No. 6 Wood atreet, by •
d*»•. . J 4JI PHILLIPS,
LCOHOL—I3 bb’.a Jut ree’d and for aale-try
- «»c» ; J HJDD4 CO>
T INSEKD OIL—IO bbj* for anle hi ‘ : “
I i dc-.O f J KIM>4 CO. fp Wood »tr
«d«*»7 STUART 4 SILL,
dpa B , • ; ■ No ltd Wood at'
aaeka (50 Jha cadi) far aald by
a deal j STUART 4 SILL
EGGS— a bbla Freab, Jam*oM and for aale by '
d cg STUART 4 SILL ; '
MACKEREL— la hf and or bbla, fbi *aha by
det9 , STUART 4 SILL
etIQBR VINEGAR—2O Lb!» Extra. }att ree'd by
KEG BUTTER—A few has* on hand, for mli-W;
CORN— 200 bn In note and for aale by ..
-dca> - STUARTASIjjL,
PEACHES— «*) bbla luat toe’J and for sale bT r
dc39 STUART 4
CLOVER SEED-1 bbt in atore and ItornltW*’
de» ‘ srUARTAWjgL
itfOXICB. , - lk<a
rpilK Co-P»nnenhip, heretofore «»»*«•* •fh-ih o
1 firm of James Oi.kus ft Sos, u
qcceane of Jeincs Cronin. The basinew
tinned by the satxcnber. who wiU «W e **JLJa » w
of the laic firm. . JOHN Sl-ft C***"*'
Motun|Khcia Home, Oee.iS,!®#.;! 1 ®!!
rrODACCO—MboieaWrii. UiinJ’if*J
I 25 “ Denier# JL
3 u u \r.A.Roß3rtfH
30 ke« GeJeei’a Olt
, For imle by dda DBO tVN &
IkliCElVEDlidsday. »t PIIILLI
X V I*OT—l3 Gum Elutie Cloak*.
14 pair * Pvau;
41- “ Genu' GiOTCf, a
tl *• *■ Miacm; i
IUNt, ' 4eSi S
awrioT article;