The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 03, 1850, Image 1
1 | VijbljsiieuV Aft/H IT E & fliygirg El ILDIMiS. TPIBP ,T * gT> THX POtT UTTICr.^ „__*7,oo per anno®- D*ily fapfr-- •Jn-Wrcklr- •••""•*' .. UHTBB OF ADVEnTIBJSO sssss. I SC' iwowk;--";;;;;;;;.. <,» to inw*^ 1 5.0“ .. i-*-i> month v ... y,uu I* JOOU ■ UJ ".;.v li" lv , ► month* ... jrf.oo gUrfolfo Cord fo »' lca . UM) forr « n * °ssva2»* |.nln, k.lfpn“- for foj.l »J«rUfomorn* »»“«J oi ,rra' Ad**tti«nieni* tl0 , l ”e. will be continued ull foibld, , J*?m«iKJ»r-.r.l*«“^ Ue ru» c ri l will »* «« l£iu^ Th« pnv»Jrp=« »' * „ >m j all other »•!*«£ tigidlT w ucir VcguUr burnt.., u Mr «*l U>r, to b« **-»“ charitable tnuimuon*, fire All •d»ciU*eßf'«»*“ r J c ”J l omcT public meeting*, C W w.rit•“JjJJfj - te lf p ricc,,»Y*l>l« «■“*•> *nd **«•» b* e . lo u In mflranceJ «»l,arced 50 cent*. 5Si?« “ ltari rrrJln, ocmnfo jsss -oS-rfev 1 " I '." sai’-s 5o„» b»*S2Sui. ft foi»»'>“'r .11 .diet. of “fo rnv.te roien-rno fo 0» 1 loaffo *l l''“ re ?> sfss t “o”«‘ “K^'^t^V.Vor.fofn-f -'‘SS? rVK'Sor. fo S2 J «»?■**- SSSSSSSSS 232. —■ «..*■ unobotofbilU. _„, tT t-i naiLT ?*«**• vtnit o* TB-vrsntT ct gi so 31 ? >nvx«iv'S>»asT* ia w *« rt , on ... .so ct*- au i SSIsS-f , BgsSfiss«r |& 3 AM® W. BIDDLE, American. » Pwrumaon, Dec. 1, »&**• wiSINKSS OAB^ s i =TTSISSS> FBASiKUN. A-£2!l‘ , - I>S ylu^*o®rtgg;insaoNEU AH eo.c»»untc*“»”’ pra»|iUj_.»^S!_— — Algid .Bouton i“ l’redoce, No. - “*■ dcc s_ FiUitnirtfl*- -_, T -rr. JOHN U ‘„d Cotono" **' , %SS!S233^^*!jHttSS t on&Miller, «**?»*- diwll* * *c«pl^i±2L d fnU ftr. A^SSp^ nmbu»t,l‘-.i ?-_ ' • ■; ’f wmic.r***!* 0 - jean *- u ¥*r Q Ei* FUIBH D » . „ 0 jalC if JABBA f-KE ;LU ’ U 1 --—' .TTViohs ■• cooouvg vm. baoaixt*-*** --n»»n *aoaa*t. w. B- 5 ?,'? J i??mvARD & Co-, >Vboie«l« On BENNBrr, UKHKt &CO, Mttn *ul|>bcnc Aog^wSSi notriKHy . aw*s* **"**- VIXDIB Cl ivkAidinte |nrl Retail Drug* *”'* Sl - ““ '“"moTlT burgh, ■ — • h, »T**owk. ‘ctiui'iwos. „,. Dlsn? j Wboiewle Grocer*, BROW11 * cuU ITO?-,£ N 0.145, Überiy •>-, . f„d CbbubUhop Mercn*i> , dcj’Uy- Pimbntub. P>: : .- v -,d- r --,“—wh o k«ile''»nd H*-- V> A. I’AUNESTOCS_* v^d an dCUt *u». )T l . JK # uii J>mgS>« l ', corner '> Thud »», NAYLOH, A“° rn > uovli am ( , I.) door above jjnuth&eld. ...._. «j . ” C2^¥%ss$ i * ua ' Eff r.»; »■ **■ ... amss**- tj Heiciuit* N" “ M i.^-B Com 'V.K^O. . "jijii* I. «***”• '- r Wm*** Tdttreeu. coow*i lor W ft? w ’ * iTfNRY. Auon>*7 wi ® in Southern OU»«> ■»*£** iot Ctoiph fc | T»-H0“-« m i .^.;\v.uocVi <^si ----S(B.'«- _ - ,OIISS ' rOI ‘v’,KRCH VNT, B^uiS."“A‘“'3-G —- JMD ,»., M i;S ffifegNsegsp* »*-\S6g£ g^£S®#"-““- ffitaesakgs Mr. ~Wk. r. ; Jos» *“*• -— — -»a»w ——— jwli l ® gnibujk, ——'^S»» lC «’ , ( J l!! . * IHUBWCMT, Wholwnle aT ? COT^-Qi.56 TBAIAH DICKEY * is rroduc*,?^ J # Agenu (or kWtard 1 owder \*> % d.4-T. i yi2 l,;rB>_;_l m iraVw«» T p »: <1 . .■••ttSßßSii * Co, WJKS “SSHSi J dnee »rd Ccmnir»mn ...«rf ! QI ”. 0 d el> *ho llfciwd I'owdet Co. of N- »n ■ TTOUW I *L*TSSWHSknd, i» u^^^K C pi"3 J°l*? JW« .u, three TOuelccted u£ SJJ will KMeeona»nilTCßhand R7J*” **| icb he •"J&nloWw hen end freshen i«u»» •-Tin on the men reasonable WI P/'. ,*■ L. 4 rU p* will eeu ®5 ~ -y, K. ntonpily ulteudcd to, ft* * .pared from the benoetenaU, etany ; ««* »' - “'■ T Vco ouK»nli .1-, .tac SmhhM. ~0.0-ly W-S- u-rANfIEUM&M oTwimiCOhio,) J “iiSninlForwaicinf M«rch«cL *n,l •r • V_ -TL’-gvcm fteserve Cheese, llntier, P'* ** u dealer in vVesteru Prodnce generally, At,r , r P * M, bS5”« * IK| l v 'H Vi'.i/hetnh^ 1 -» *fS5-*2!v«ri\'tsucce«*or ig Kwau fc Ge'>l'Wt» 3°lckJ*sal« Grocei end Commission Merchant . W -?n Produce end Pittsburgh e' de»l' , *^“,,_%i Y “ otl sttivts. Puts berth.Pe. A. Co-Sae* J l^ wl * af die I*"* tlc V a ' . t*»U- m h||. , l «•,, i.|iL'"C»«<fU)Ji«"p!iO Sag-KEKIL Jr, * {&„ «**. .«3I 1 OllN'n* WK [’i^.IraJ 1 raJ la.uunienu, *elwo» .1 in M** ,ea |Vn», yullU. I’niitrr.- CanJ., SLJ.W?' Sl V V -sS Vl Wood *U P*vn>».urg». SgSUir <?“' fr „; K.rut. ; »..«*»«• . Jj I'oUNg 1 *? NoM M " *2 tl and l »l* r SI >■*_'•* w^vtfcsrs3 &H2S&“ ! UMT ’" •* CAIU)S 1 gJSSSSii No. s* W*icr Cfa*rle» Hold, Wtiibnrgh, will ai»o «udp£2pU 7 wCollection*, ia Wuhinflon,Fayette «J Crcei. eoufluc, ni«ek*io*k| B*sl C®-* 1„ _ Cbnreh * Carother*, VPnuboret, p, T. Morgan, J - xrtER4 JONES, Forwarding andConuniMioa Net* K Tkanu, Dealer* in Produce and Pittsburgh tn»»u ‘tciurecl article*, near 7lh su ___ <WL -—pESJI £IILL. PITTaBOIi-pil, PA. tr ENNKDY, CHILDS A CO., Mannfactnrers otr K superior 4*4 Sheeting*, Carpet Chain, Co*Vy r*ine <u>d Bnltinr IsJMjUna ' VeinTiaa Iron Work*. LEWIS, PALZKLL ac Co., manufacturers of all si ze* Bar, Sheet, Boiler Iron and Nails of the !.<»< ■utility. Warehouse,' tt water and I(6 front si- janttf . t . . L — ' S WATERMAN, Wholesale lirocer, Forward -4' ins ami Commission Merchant, Dealer tu rilta burgh .Manufactures and Produce, Nos. U 1 Water *t snd 11-i Front st. . 1 TUOttA* *• KKSMKDY * SAWYER. lOOKINU GLASS Manufacturer*, and WholrMJe i dealer* in foreign mid domestic Vnner> Western merchant*, i*cdlar« and oiber* *** 1 k 10 eill and examine,the price* and quality Ol o “j ’ U With our pre.cnt mcTea.ed facibue* '“ ****/*£'{ tne and purcha*ing, -we ibiak wo “ fllle inducement* to buyer* as any other Uou»e Mountains. _ , ‘ wm) Mitxaa, PhUada. c. w. uietvaoy,} jt rgS. | ILLK.K A HSI^T? 0 and*Scgars,W fft importer* of llruiidic*, \\iue* a * S ■ j. Jtu , 1M and I?;, corner ofUberty and Irwin strueu. in* burgh, Pa Iron, Ntuls Cotton ’k »rn*. J u tlatnly on band. • - c ■ffl^^swass iUn. Ml' GCKMI,, J^ w •FonflUitijet, entnurre cm 4tb near »4*cio!m, , OKKB O.UIGG,' ■»*-ANUFACTUREBS of spniiß bllfl " teaerally,comer otßo»* 411(1 tr - le i'Q T..M ilLv V aft Market *u, second SSfesr« u, Da»k N°k« bi.J Specie tnr Collections mud on nil P r,u l throughout the 'Uidted_&iete». .- - XT' UIJCKMASTKK, N _ ihlrU door ab«Te Simlhbeld, w>u.b «<«. • Ootivcyanciug of all kinds done wiih the *«» c.r-i and U*al accnracy. TiUcs ujteftl E«i»W eiamuird, Ac. |Xa ilupk TeM, done Bp 4n qnnn«T,_ hn*f. nnd EBSffirS'S^SS- M»nn( ftclul ' c *- UTttM. BA s*l- »-- _ :KSE^7rs?£S‘H£ §fiiy=?Hi? J. t_ UIK*. .V.,„ M S'oc“V\'°i r 'Sa“ kub., B h ind Chloride of Lime. ' |) „ n , gll for cour |an£ i ry rairt. Oji"'" of W_nn *n<l_lrwi:» •»- ■iiv'U Lil't-rtv - __________ — JU»»- *• WUIT*. »• o. WIIITF Wliolrfiali* Dealer* In Cj'UACKLim *• Ull ~rr , n!.a« No ¥3 Wood «t- Foreign and Doroe*ue I>T *» frblTi/ . >icr«?luu»u. Dealer* £» it tt.-UARUAinui and Forwarding a ssssfif s—? «• “■"“• ffeE£2^rrS^£ Wood »t, Ptusborgh. . A&fifS&ElSi Sffi.a,v ~wx. TTTSI n U-U?' W K“ S i ™ ■ «'“?.» 18 ind 3> Wood *uccl I'llisliurgb. JA.COB WEAVER* jl[l ;V,>bvi(;N 4SL, Spp— ram ... . , | itt- %iitl nonri Fuflush* ■w*tv W. WALLACti fliui » near thr W . ins establishment, No. 344 Liberty si-, ne . canal wr~ nrteUjPit eonmi of Mailml * n| i * ?our^*l , „, c „ t ,J?M T “oUNG * Co-D**’*" l» l'**" ' VV..I«L'M?Iii M „r»'ccc.™a- W . >«• l ” Prod 0"; 1M Übcnl «, Pill burgh Manufactures generally, i*fc f \Jrci repaired. eoM'Jei, I’»' IAIxKT «- \ j ni “'""‘"'i 7 - -i 1 ? ET TiQn.s;w * c°-.’ r 9 <r # « p *4«TKAM BOAT AObNrs hotels - ' yoUBTAIS BOTSlt; - • t iOUT STREET BALTIMORE rooo AJTO THDBBTOX, raorßiaroM THlS r«»«htUhment long uid wiiely Eg T £L* one tact f o«»od»u. mAe * £O. Baltimore, hu teeeaUy “ , , * tu ”u, «i« alteration* and improvement*. . • v«. been added, containing numetoui r .pVrtS»««., ud ro department ha* *l«> ** cn *' .*fSSST-7 K.m» "Sf l i.vTffi ,, Sils.?”»5 r P i~-- i &fSSK^j^<^g^*S3^ cltalleofe c ““P*''*;” , be aipitbetl »■•>■ «~n ' T “?','Sl the ota'^taJota.^rteJ at?l«! -“Je ' te —' ’ they w»H , nOl ** Ur it 10 •»?. that nothing )n co V C i ji,n' on thdr part, and on the part of their Vill left ntutoP Hotrl worthy the continued to render l» public generally. P'SSSS l.nrn t-durrl to U, bl! i®."&.jy; •*g'*’ , '* T - CenUracn’a • y „ llou*c will at m jj.—Tbe Beggag £ l.aii<Ui'S*, may* be fottntl “ ft” m aob l™= Om Hotel He will convey baggage mayVil I ; of charge. *" 4 '""" -V-»' j oc»t4-<Hy HATS, CAPS AND BONNER a (Pi* Cornrr of Wood and t j Tfßlle PARTICULAR attention pw>*their !U«J tieuUemen eeti rely op®"B IU TKUAI' nod Capi from our eaublitbmeniefUj* W ffßt VOKIXARSUir, of UIC UtTJSinTTLVj tuns. ~- wholesale, urn Coautry Merchant*, pafehMinß * » sw*'. ** (eipeetfiiUy Irmtcd u» emit and . CAIJ n we ew-fij with confidence th»* * T ri * „ w ub auy will not luffertu a eomJ>nr»*° n fe j,|7 bonne In Philadelphia. m®» «*»*<** ,n ? ?1 ■! mi •J\ l«*h Kamnr 1 baaa Cocoa abe'**_*** deelS .«! » 0»e Pekin Tea Store, 7U Fourth *tr«L .J*?2Z pOTJBIMbbU, T™“Ti’s£oW?DiEBS pittsi: Life r fmnpany THE Mutual Ufc t r(J by the URHtature of Philadelphia. l nf ,* , *, il Vj Charier perpetua. of Pennsylvania, Narrb, i- TK** Paxusti.- Capital. SIOO.OW Raj® * f ceuU lower then the vu5U Coxi-xst, and / M t he following com nsoal rate* of Life Inturanc ~ w q| . ,j, e o 1 rai i„. paruon will »howt Th a r .. in Girard S2JlV *“« r u > Equitable, Vew York lafe, **■*. At- SiW; New England. S'-**. |, llt i a( j c|riua,BUl - *V*. Life ««*‘ n onick. Charles D. Ha l. \\ IW , «KTOB*.-Samjiel O.omc p , |aye ,. M \\. F.Bcone, Robert 1 K,n f« i, Ciia*. O 15 ■* amrt.ell, Ualdwin. M. M. Reeve. lv H Gutter, Edwin Vice Pres.- R. Cope- p «' ,^ n BlackUanw. deni—Robt. P. Matt every information \ppl.eaUouKWillboreeei F . [IN K*;ToCh. Act. given by -‘commcrcml Roomv eornerof . °® ee ’wood and Thjd «s Pu^b-rgh 1 (1 s Oil A « c K . P^NK.N‘uK' F ~«a.M?A. ■batawfe < loc k, and Surplus Fund. Annual Premium?* LapAU *-t« ’ *1,000,000. company couliaue* to Is- Tbit old and reeponstl •« TyJ,. t^m , on Dwelling sue policies ou the »°*j [ <torcs. Stock* oWiood*. HouVe*. Hotueholdburonu • Manu faeumes, Warehouse. OR DAMAGE BY FIRE . Ac. Ac., again? l LOSS OK v Mcrf ,h» n d,i.-. jagaum u *is jj. BiJ r n Cargo., of S«a v e*»el*. l>a vill S- ln ll,; The Proi.cno.l '"“'“"ijoM Parian. o> U*.r - la.l SB jeerr, r»|l *“* * n,. C all. J Siaiee anrl He several agencies . a just reputation llniish Frovmce*, ua%o challenges com for solvency and dc ‘ l ‘^ rarl « company, on the pari*on wiili any oth nexed extrucl lrora nu conuneiit of America. , r . “* ancc Companies, taken "York Day ««*" exhibit* briefly tbe standing and policy °^ f c .,^ > a gc“rnt and always pro*- -Tbe ‘“oaet ed mey fRw *0 - t.een nerous city of Hartfotti, nu , he curc , a d-c return, famou. Ibroaghoar lire Uru u winch they rigid bone.iy, arii of! llri. de have or lnrunince Company aenpuon. No H ttr “® ra ** r-mbarnes have inr more ha* ever failed! Th f « ti.kalin neat than a whole C e J lc J“ u< J? llil . n hive n.ivyrifailed to Hey hand r.,«.nd «iii'£.» ariiltrg open paiicic SffjUSS •ipr.d, will ciernnar,, O- V hr,. SSSra”- General Cincinnati, for the payment of 'oases- Apply to i. liui bur-b, and for Allegheny Agmi lor the euy of» m*t»ur s u, «V t C°inp*#y .SSHISSS ssr;=-- s?jb&ss? \fKST £UNIN S 0 iIiNCK COMPANY •mnssssr;,,^ , LL ,„„„ yimL liboroily M,«KJ uid P'°“P“ s ' p,o-.«clloniolio>o Tjjj'ft , nit, 1 W llulrt. «!*’Strr, W a U HolSoN C. IM0«™. W P». Holmf«i Jf j , . t,» Lipmitcou, »*• j*rt»on, NbSStTbo*. . a . cbcu *e oi &!>»"« o»nc*,No.J» W-*w r »we*, < ,uWly * *■-- mSS&U*. • INSI , T"lt»NOB coi*S&*V 1 13 No«h o< O' anmncc bv flrr ai the tnwtr \Y**cl«. Cat 9£&iES& open - ipmat pelicie*. ■* ‘be w- urc n« . ,„rrcban- J„c trauspotipi by « «■«'» «* a Ukr ., 0 « Uw Boats ttiiJ cafn 0041 1l - 1 taot-' liberal trims. „ . t'JraimJ A. SoudeT. W DIRECTOR* 5 —Joseph H. Sainu urooti, iteiiry Sponcor Mcllvaiii, d.ot.f. K««>. J 111 ' j,. » ■■■• ■'“>«“• Wni' liojoioy, nSSI MAIITIS, I’reuclont. 1 Vws Wjo-Agj'jf «3 j^irapsn* ptriv In ihis citT wiJ Tbe pro,>«*riifcsoJ C«Mi, R'’ er »> “ k i!il UvSiwL or.J ftirnuh cui at•*»- ; 1 pcrson * <*««« » be m y** ttS***-“SSL' '■'"' J " ,; - iLSI^rJ 1 J.““« JSSsaSSSf** WST* “"“■ puUi.hod »j™c*W> 3 •” *“• °< IrIUiW.VU: \ ijl.l>t'7,4> 4» Mortgage* j . 1 m,7-jl zZ IL-al E'Uie- yfi oui s 5 Temporary Loan* • •• 25 StiOCS* • •*■) 35.51 H 37 i.'BSll, k. C. • I ft,:rJ3,wa 71 . Since licit i. ; cQrpcTnnon, c|,t:.c.l^ p.^srste i3ioi'iii , iii ,,; -'' , '‘'i ; '"' i"' ; "'l-°"'^ &?^3kSsSS:“! N. U.-TI.C sacct.i of p * with lbc promrt liulnnent of the in 1U ) , aj>on llicra «*« and liberality X the agent in for lo»» has been “U u,l f ,'‘“^ nof . e of ht» friendr and irmung the pain>“$ a , Vl ire M. S. Uuu the community at large W■ aJliiuolia i udvantapci ranee Company, w,ul ' , l t J‘ Qounshing in Phrlaoel a* an ins tutiou tunonc the tnust p w!ucb by the phia-ni havuiß an ample P ‘ MHn \, y lllcre aMiiß t -a* opensuoa of. its charter tiu due share of jhe yielding toeach P«*>« u.m in any profit* of Uie company i therefore a* possessing responsibility whatever, every obnoxious fra- wahium; k commission T»!tri. * MU. A J. BICAEI- |>ruilu''« »«d Couir STUART A SIU., Grocers, * \vouJ st. Pittsburgh I oUuou 9' rel '““’n°;,, Ucalei*lnfrn>tcr> p< 'f*°“ r ’ . . C i ir e.ej Closer Mur cy, I*otK, lUcon. “utic , Cla>», Ac. Ac Titaoitiy anti H»* 1 '' , 0 I Wcstcrr *.c. P-iruculur lljC Produce. • & Hunter, Rolit. D- 1 IUrWANCCs—.; *y Mintlt A l. Mil A Co., M U i *‘*^loo,l,cull. I'ittsuurilli. e ' l " James May, King • y y ufn> oii t t-Mp, \x M’MilUu, Mastilon. Jt»». »- »p;-Ai:ty „," S .. ‘■“7“. ( \ KNKRAI- Al>bV si, filUbur#h. l*a (jf Mercbuiiu. No. ,'l it.ti suK iry-Vtoiupl n'lenl l ” l * 6*’ cn ’ «>< ■:! Wuul* *>( Pr ' ,d ,v C ' u * C"., Murpliy, WiUon Jt fo Kt:»n»»'*— A “ u * llul/ Maliiou Alnrun, K«.ou«U, l-x 4 JJ--‘ ro t„‘i*‘ j,.., 'in'* W.;iifcVilJc ; o.. Jol “ S|JlJ .,, a „ & lio., £»res'h* Co.. I'luln-Jelpusai U- - sk r jj„„. C. I). ».ofbi> i w-uy | rtiri.Clev-l»»»«t O. OEOIItiB COCIIIIAN. Co ,.»a Forw.rA.n, a, »'»■>■ -ion 1....- .run Mauuiariuri'* J '"I to til* cure. As AficiH (or«.inln>fl <M » 1 ctin ,uuiily »ui*|>lud wiili , Otc .Miuiuiaciurr*. I‘C .MaiHiiueim* m lt>e thcpiuiclpul ultlckh('( NW’^ U cn lowest wUolr»nir Urdrri j«>7 | ar-- rr-jM-cliully »nheUe«l. n.irbW'oiki for S*i*« bl«»m Brick'V aTKA.M UltlOK IMJK.i,ut.»rribprortrr» • , lle ,-oiupnsuig u 1 WutlKS, above M t. k.*— - .£ > n»y. luaiiofucluniip 1, W ilh Hurts aerrs ol laKru I iota Hi*- ball*.) !*<• >;' 1( an - 4 kiln* mid, liiikl 011 the 'Allegheny fIV , W |,crl!> irtQWn truck*, il,. .1., and r.ay ,-om •l.uvrm/ »j»aUc», A.C-, r price, inAjUmu 1UL...-C uperuui.n* ul an M a . 01 u, patent ruhl lo utt " luM> S. S-VUVI |-'of payment muai* <!«*> • " 11 °UKNK\ MKKKI IT. addio* >su>l , ollK4 iiclu hou-r. "'’nKLL AMD UltAS>6» FOtaTDIIY. « A KUI.TON, ami 1 ““"f/*’.,* M . ltl j. 4V*rri and Inentl*. • , in | ( Church,btninbout.ami Uc.i* al e _ os ,’ u| , pri ,v to !«,«« pound*.call tn.w P* 1 * r 1 j I|r<l in!tVrni ,i«. edtu<Hiel», ami warranted lo l'<- • • Mineral Water l»uiMpa,t«uuWi».g*»r; ther with every variety of Uia*i l •* ""k > * liier »i'» ,ir-isr» 1 m;titncr. "ll'Sfcil propfiriut "I W'j;; K UT r « s; »i,a' S'“"hS ."tm"... •KkINTINO I’APEK-dW»u team* of ‘ ,nu , l ’j g , 1'” “ h 5 A °’ 'mi'll »°« - • ’M»nDDßahtia tlYtrf blahi»* . eoiikkt 11. .fATTKBSUN rylottcW IURSD CO-PARTNERSHIPS. By MUTUAL , If “JsHFIELD f f«>Te exHtin; unJrr the T •.. . leader set!* I.HADKR, bu '■'«« *>••■»•*}» H, lWill. All inc hi* emir* t:itere»l in *aid fit iin»lifielil £ Levi liu.ine.. Mangled ">!». *«who arc er will lie sciileA b >' cnllecuon. ami a<buii all g»»" w * “^'bil-shfieldaleader. C lV.'tVborgh, Oct- *J?. I^9. ■“SSSSffiSSS w.!L t.e picked U> h»« lhrlr cU>U,me *.lUu£z*»ine their fcU^ k £ f guguRKU) * CO._ rpiF. pi n ™£Sf“ l 'v” bV srsratt fcvsa b virs,cr.r 0 "-' vni - U» ; . lcJ AC„ .. S.A >» “?,*«?! BAUAUOT, Rm.butsll.Ocl. a, ’W. J_SAAC R. SMITH. cia’cd will* bim ' Vra ~ { ,_^?< ^a tai e y of Pittsburgh, k a bObSiky. WOODWARD * CO.. 1-K^_ I “'*Dtliiolnt*o“ of ■" rplIK«£“&"£=‘gjjji''A CulMrt •on, wo* duootved on the l« »»«• J UROWN, 1 A.‘ CULBERTSON. rawbargli, Oct. S, The subscriber wilt continue tbeoW a.culukr^ ;iM» ATKIttOS. * ATKIHSOK. P.« 3». jrrwici Worn' «» M£“, K " of'coprEit; C'Sn an£SuTS&ffiS WABi V0 A1.., m.o*. I *railh Work. . Steam Boat* built to order. __.v Special attention pi’cn to itesm Brasl llare on hand.aCne fitoTefj ; Kettle*, Tin V are, &r. »c. stea™ convenient or- I Portable Forpc*, or rail road | ticle for BteatnboaU, California enuftat i Ditrriiftniil* elsewhere. -rj •• Dl.Volutlon °* £”V*HANnSn fc CO., rpHE copnrtncTsliip °' Wimli>» **%&?"** hJ ibe Withdrawal of Mr b _ the undersigned, 1 rsroTnpsHAwfos,»~- t i*s: | home No. 1W Second^ ippliea of superior V* 11ANNKN, HENRY lIANNEN, HUOH ROBERTSON, 07,»». trisNRY UMSTHAD- THUlmrcli. Ai Cop*rta«rsUlp* jyi3 - ‘'S.-UOV u. —A. Brimat La» to« KrJuu»-■v*'- Second *treelv \U» No. }• 1 \\ BfeUoutc from No. 1M Q- con j nrraV, '0 tie Wond «r»t between Fiijt and Scco.w.i fce warehouse lately oceupicd yO. A Mforonen t of ' DUialuUoßi .^U^ l^l^^ tea#s§i3£s ccm, for witch purpose ijjejr we p o^a j^uLU, name of the concern. gjJuxDBUBKB. THOMAS BARNKS. <n ll.e nnine of ’ V »«U Door*. 4c rrr3‘?^ THOMAS BARNfcS In tar. It, in- .f wuh Mn. rrr public. : i.-;r^ l , X 1 ' ,,,,1 “'Xt-uW CONSTABLE. IrtilJ-dlf , . miscellaneous T r«.«a?aa^ss^'“* < - 1 -?r TI tmi and woollen njochincjy, Aiictfjer.y ** cruiion. 1 cry inky lire, **eN «* willow*, Jrn T‘ ,l fn U f t,!f country; worjr, I ft. Co.. Kliiß. —caa. REMOVAL. I B.METgaB'CHOKK ] Commmwan bW* N»-« bMW, “.S miiJ •'•nitl.riflJ •trrr>*. v • »-h h„vr »omc PCMt'S, made on an unproyd V\ h n!a.i »o a* no! lo freeze m llw eoldeal weatbpr. a#mov*i. , •» •» okkUT A CUNNINGHAM l»a» reiaovcil .0 No 0 gfes^JKSSMSg* and lonnrr cu«too>cra. TOPBIHTKUS. XUUN 11. M'CRBARV, I'iinlm! 1*?! .1 Vfl. ftll ami £K)Bliulon *tre«t, Nb*» »°*IK LK ", J ”«Tn:ci-Wo.idc*lllH« tttiention o! Im. "ml 0.t0., .. m. Mp-uw pj«y E.™ 6'» ':“ ri "g, n°2ld 3■» p« lb. C»« , . . . 075 “ l l<» F»n* Goo* Jn- _ 040 « {1 SO “ C Morgan * Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morton A Gnawould, Lonuyiljc, hy. JAMES W. WOODWEJjLi Modern and. Anliqnc FnrnUnre, 63, Tuuld Street. fHSßfc ,H, ...iial.ln for Steamboats, and private dweU • ‘ h T,T.T“”““"'“ ltuffci Kiaiieie; &rsr cto "' MJJ with Flush mud llumloU 50 Mahogany Rocking Chair*; 40 do* Factor 3D 11 Fancy °o 23 centre Tables; 20 pair Divan*; 4 pair P'« rabies, 15 marble top Dressing bureaus; , g-Wardrobes; S Secretaries and Book eases, 20 marble top wash Stand*; \ puir Ottoman*; A verT^arg^a'^ri® 6ol of 00 " imfm chlllr * andoii.ef eborte*. no. r , ~ don the mo»i reasonable term*. niaohr»K» Viltir, for l»ydr»»t Watar. Dl«.pnr»ff“ this u to certify tbal I bare apj fiL pointed Liviugsion, Itog«n *■*£»« iCfIBW Sole Agent* for the sale of * Patent Dmpraiiam MUer. for tbe u| tie* of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. -H JOHN tilliSON, Agent, for Walter M liibson, 349 Hrondwar X N *Oet 10. tr*4H ••• , r.-p,i one o( the above article* at Uia e f ti.e Novelty Work* for three month*, «n tna , Ik.,°!pu'lS .iu.tol lbu. „ i. . al „ we lake pleasure in recommending tUn t‘ « iruele to ail who love purr water. N *■ » uuu.fu.y |f v ?S'SiTnS K<K..IV.N * .V rater. The ctot.rn water it "• *®'“ - SAte as-.....» rir.ffr.-si; o> t:n: »nle Agent, * Poorth and Market *>* T'K“K b .M.S hum £ srshr^l££es.W gliETslU. sir—. **f!®S¥ »_KNOX._ BUifW'd'f _____ • A.C. Chor.olat«i Prrpa. \V Huker’a American and ■ 1 ‘ cocoa Shell*. Ac. C.l I-.-SO., Cocoa Fa-te, would purchase r|to merchant* and «° r n ; ™ * free from adulteration, 1 11,c beat product* or Cocoa, f quality unaur tnorc nutritious than lea or con - al , o v«r article*, „a*« d. the subscriber rceoimuon , UIJ MB , e . •manufactured by himself, ami »t § eiirttlt ., palatable. Mi* Broina and Cocoa 1 * *? 1(1 . convalescent*, and {ad salutary drink* fa ‘ lva^ of \ cm incnt physician* other*, are pronounced »*»*■“ ||u mounfacturci HjfdJhor to any oiher prepartu n,e moit rr- on sale, hi any *{“ n c s e *, and br thou ..wciablc grocer* * n j» b ® **c t |io,t©ii! 0 ,t©ii! Janie* M Banco *.W »‘* e 'l® n 7£ Wray. New York; for kale by a*f3l UAUA CORNING. JANTJAR' MISCELLANEOUS nsfc jscssr ffijssff’~-*- "S B«, k .n.. C d smntiollyHloelMU} munl * o r ?^ o £j£in gittleueM. ffirsis™ -.*ra;.“» « Prices,low., At,"* 'g^BliTpoKlnssto»«C , 0 l£Sd Churct, ABSHALL, WA-Uy\CEi g° jVI corner Liberty ? n jL"Sl r Scales, and offer for saie PUliormi Floo 3loTCg f or wo<xi tribe mo*improved ud colli" EM Slav f,* °VSS LJtc. Tbw •*“ common Graves, Hollow are, riven such nuuittfaemie ihe Kiichen Bante, wwen a 6 j general satisfaction 10 f 'Un «c, #f itich they would ™ : the ciiiieas and the public generally. 1 Jcalcra beiue con-ignmaiu tii "" pr lS‘i bu R W Crcnihaw 5.1 70 | “ James Madison jjl | 5* Lamanine “*■ 33 i « Mirabean "i -j | 5- petram fs and U, is I “ Robeiu & Sisson s*i 8 i u Oscar Bnrl &*» « i ii Johns * Lewis l»i j| “ Warwick.sopr J*» .„»««• ,3, * H.rryiW. L J\i‘A^MAN feb/1 " Pitt Bochino Work! mnd Foundry. N WRIGHT lo build Couon J™a WoKuctmtiT « X CKrtoJ “““CfwS'fS. WW.Vsp^ and tool* of all Kin made to order for furrash'-doaabort mm*' *T Steam Pipe for heat- Mill Gearing,jKh £ 4 fancy Ca»- I ing Pncwne*, Caat Warebouae ofJ. psfm‘r'”S, ÜbX «*“ U*«pß.mpfl>o«- C. I /■ IL Warner, Steubenville. i_- SB.W COACH FACTORY, . xu-xanzxr. . „ . , _ Ma WHITE* CO., would retpeetfuUy mform A iiie public llt« licy e«cied a »hop on slsg^lgflss ggSSSfSiSS .KSSSSSsS^sfe^ hisrSsSSss l^ mo« reosouAL-lc »enn«. ■■■■...unpiP-rn nv» 'ciyitun AND WOOLEN MANUFACTU i‘ ef * P iI» C 13uiu?unche», Wrencbea, Sirippiue Curd* s«A‘ -Haaßs^ssssra * *mr AC taa.wpo meet. FttUtmrsh. Webber fc Forremwr, ISJ4; £ ss uculmr Peru Itonu * jye mil celebrm- S 5 S/itaiSa, S d »«I* b.u -*.>*• I talc or retail mt tbe Wmo Su> j^ cou WEAVER, Jr. I PIASOBI ' milt’ mbmcnber offer* for male m large mnd IfeisiisSf I Ea*l Copr tbuve *»b N. 8.-Ciif sc'iip »" “«» “f" (a ' “p'u °' 1 Ur- above annortineiiL _J?> ** we roidMeully believe they will »a»e their «!*"«* I octi ... KsSiSwi'SSS |#?;isSS'Ss"s,S i^isss* «»bi. “»p«e . - - ft tow Ksan; » V- I ‘ between South mud Omy. TJMKSSKSW gL.S^‘S‘2 ji *i =!y *3S!iif uiJiir *»s ... a* by «o <iol, '* t “* > fl . 11 ., would incur by coming erff-.^as^sjßr” Address, * A No W Second iUeel, tnvzirdlf hM Or. of Dr. J£l. Ell mS U>e amount may appear ssSS^^^s;r±s ££ JESSUr - &l » ‘^“SsSay. iw« Crook, enrol CO, Tooo, Bn ». I»M. .!•!». ■ BENNETT ‘6 BROTHER, ”^?slco D »Ußilr keep on hand ayootf won; iSßmSioi Wen; Of oar own manufacture, and &S eurwrior analoty • Wholesale and eentury Mer* W rE» are resjecifully mv.tedto call and ex *** a. we are determined t 9 wll XSS.fd.lS.hi.....:Ur. b«. .trail. *• P*>" USj. order* sent b / wia, accompanied by the euh ot ! and Bullion, for embroidering an< { o iherpr niuuenuil work. AU»nrold ond «i!ver fwacls, Fringe. lU '? LtffO of ihe iatlii f»ibioiv», ia greal variety W.UibJ. of -opoifo' vf 11 '! “‘{ V W \v!lsOn"“’’ •»" *■ E 1“ T uE««lia DATUIBU KT^DLiaH \ MENT Open from 11 P- M. - UI G w. *>«».. sp“r“ 'SItaWM i= "““""S'- B ' C '‘' ,Ch ' Proprietor. - * - -VHIC AfittOMKiTlill. mHE attention of ti»e public u refpeeunliy c*UcU U) I Uar following certificate*: „,;, w „rr o id A m« a E*«ni— Having letted a Quantity of Gold wwgUeil by your Areometer. I find ,e Vt vour lu.immenicorrect; anti recommend to Uio»e aouij to CiMiTorma, u tho bett molbod for ob [“if .So rmti I'itubarj’b, March U, le4B. Pmaitaoif, March 7, lht'J. j Mu FUaw—i**'Sit: Having examined Uie u Aiecw j ne.u '• manufactured at your rooms, Ido not beii-aie « S eoouwemJ itjo Um use of those about removing to Culuonua tn search of Go.W. Ii eives a close aiiproiimation to the apocfac gmvi i , y l ol P uH!i»la,wMl«aftcrTiMal7 euaofa ihe . »sr “ rwasuo* ■ N'm \ 111'UllHR CLOTHING—J u»l received foi the (Tan. Elu.ic Clothlns, .t pne for .suit of coaL<|mnt* and hat. For sale at me |„u!TbuU«-. d-pm. JJI, 'o! A UDLE. EWNN 'nti?N?A^E>*W , S l P MAN ttiEgSKar £££ eTcl 1 of £ow,frai!it mlseui-slldk-., !!«•■ ] , Z T~Mh* Whips, alt tof which he will warrant to be made of the best material and by nines m Allegheny county. Being dele rpunsdw-j t hi.’manufactures something lower than be £“ , ‘ ' ’ tniorc sold oy any uinilu establishment u» *he r. ' l > » i,_ a-onid nivi'.e pewous tn need of the above u. - teaol” lo Ja warehouse. No. liberty street, u, l"* i Luo Seventh. Also; bands made to order forma, him ocuw-iy ~: >h KUV I' , niiiT ainl short time BILLS OF KXCIIANGIi, nay •O üble m CincmnaU, LcuisvHle mid dt. Lco»». pur ! ir “• . UtifKIVKD THIS DAY. at tlic ImimKttlibe IK~ iKii’-l ca-e Woincu * Metallic Rubber Sandal*, ,Krt \7. •• •• •• Suppers, ; .. “ “ Buism*; 'l •• “ *• 'o i •• Mni>« >• “ Overahoea, * } a >. “ “ SandaL; ,•• - Ir.iUrT ioleJ u o»cr»licw«; *l, „l wlnoh Will l.r »oul, wholc.itle or reijil. 'uwcf „„, y in me ciy. » ’ .»•UK vr FLOUR—IIIO Hack! (of&OfMinswre » I,J W ior.«ieL.y. ™>'n „.»rp*!Er*S“^. , ,i,ii> .i.*i ti» Cincinnati,|U»l iccM.for »alf >*y S liinM IUIKV, _ liSSKNTIAL 011.3-1 cai.Oil Uunfamm; f. 1 *• « Lavender, J l *• ** peppermint; 1 - “ gassairasj "££"* P “ C,f °' "“V&I.OONMAWB A™ . \ | oLAnSfc*—W bbls Plantation, lauding f«om Vl A™ L“«r'“ p,t ’ <r ! aco ■ / IOKFKB—ItW bag* Rio, tecelving from canal, ana ~ .'“.ir 1 " by JAMKSAiUrrcmSONACO d'sif [jUTASII-ia cuki ree’a llil. ■‘K'lSev 1 ! lfkST IT novd „ L- E a H.U —& leg* Ko 1, fur iale novO „ / k TIA)VK* AtflTfioSlKft’ It Maaon k tVs, 30U dox ' kind* and qualities. MISCELLANEOUS. nTSnS«;ia.»t of «U« Untted »t»M* .“S il i. Lond OEM .. JACKSON, ssssssssfeg: SSi «». «<w ** ■** J ”“ ,p SSSSSSS fc “'. fa h A'S!rSx°U“S! u,--»bip •’»•»"- ty-iwo, of range six. . , anil 7 Fractional towliship* uxtt® n ““ township twenty-two, of range scren. - htcen , Fractional township, B^.. and twenty-one, townships twenty w (lllcen to three; and Action. thirty-two twenty-one inclusivet and }"*?'* Jfnajß eight inclusive. in township of ug^ Township nineteeu t (exeepUraeuonni sec . . five one, thirty-two. thirty-three, totty-fiMT, tmn> and thirty.tlx.) fractional townahip twei one , lional township twenty-one, (exc: r - r twenty twelve, thirteen, twenty-three, five, ttreuty-aix, twenty-seven, thirty-four, uim> and thirty-six,) of range nine. , . •„ , nw nshlp The northwest fraction of section *>Xi f nineteen, arm fractional township twenty, oi tionXtf tA#tJUfcu«l»a*,4»tdu , a/ if *** Af& P™ 16 *?* meridian. ... Townships twentr-ihree, twenty-four, twenty • g and twcity-nine, of range eight. twenty-five, Townships twenty-three, tvrentyfourt twenty u t S^&S^^'SZSSSL* townships and fractional townships, vu. K,«i e/u, i«» u«, «~f»«« if “* ■#“ “* ■* riiiw*. n „7 y r,,,nd,=w ul up..,n. m F?«S “ .SS* twemyw jSem^fo’S’' twenty-three and iwoniy-foßr. of ranxe memy Fractional lownship twenty-one, of r S fire and twentT-stx. ri.INTON. commencing or ed townships, to win . . North if tStbaMliiu, and west if tht fifth pnnttf ridtan. ;Towp,kipiUn)--s«,f '“i'' ' 1 5] 1 “"; of SchooK Land, appropriated by low lor , xc iudod from military, and other purpose,, will **■ - xcl “ offe.iue of the obovo tueuuoued food, mill b. ,2,Si.i days-unpointed. order in wbieh *"r “ h*« feet. offered, SftSSMS LttiLS' e^'S'f ration of the two weeks. , , Washington, this uStS - “-““ j eleht 'z. TAYLOR- J - “gSd, General Loud omee. NOTICE TO HRE-K-MPTinN CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled KsAhe right ®( pre ' u porta of any of the lands within Ue townsbtpa anil ° “in!Lir.l»re en.oter.fed .. “J,“S the same to the snU.fuciioii ol the R '& ,, l!fi±"„/{here ,cr of the proper £»<“' ■“ , l otherwise sach claim will b« WFIEL p, Commissioner of the General Land Office. oetadUwWlW Qooia »n*l Stsoea. . •» SPLENDID assortment just received, souat.le lor kkN'S WAIIE, of every vancty and xtyle, and gi« «•»c«» *» J clßTOi,ie ,or TROTii* scorr, octlT corner Fourth and SmithUU •!*- lE7”Dnm torrei the place. SAM’L. GRAY, merchant tailor, exciia-nos nnuHJiG*, ST. CLAIB STlllfC'f, rITTSBOBOH, BAS JUST KTTCB.HD 7EOX NF.W %0 R K AND PHILADELPHIA And t. now reeeioinS " 6"' uHortmeot of CLOTHS, CASSIHBBKS IKD VESTISCS, OF TIIF. UFST tIUALITY AND. LATEST ST, LES. Tvtuch he i* prepared to make to onla IN THE BEST MANNER ! And in the l.te.t Fa. Lion.. PWTSDURG.IFKMXI/E^INiT.TUTK WK LADV.'SIU ~ >*» SSSiSSsiS IiSsSiSSSsS | education- YOU HU LADIKB MHUKOt IUX<!UUT. . miiv ACTUMN SESWION of thislnsuvnuon XmTo"'Si” Roi“ al .&>• 3rHtt«E=?sfe ! ,rnlfinm» \Vnlimr, English Gramracr, Rneto p^ySi^&«&voS»s»itio" “* d criUcisra * °, eo * ™\£ P lfi.tSrAriSmouc and the higher branches S'ffi.l*S2mW•U&.rwJS. " ■ ttSSSSSSSri, oi ui. 4*oSy Lanju*?**' eaeh * SlO 00 Frcnea, 816 00 Tte^SuMv' oowpeteit leathers are secured for swTalftre instruction in Frcoeh and German, and .L Dmwinf Painting and Music, Thai pupils enter at the comm*ace- UsSHiSs the Principal. dl / Allegheny^Aog. PITTBBUBOH FBMAJ*E ISSTITUTIu academicyw.-ai«•««“•■ ft # Sen} V ! during the winter, Modem parunenu of V Painting, will each be under Language*, Drawing p - 6 u y close attention gS«^3S=SS?S. Ippiy» ***** ptommii, So'pV 10, IMP. ar^asrassa:—- >— ■asgffls-.« For »lc, lojetb.r will. H.bhcrO. Rd Ink. chiu. C<, Pl, l . l !*' h '^y ti C,^ ; , amt "hv - the manufacturer, “r" 1 ’ co '” r ot .Sr ly uml Siuithficlil au. l'ltuhuryh. IYY-IKraSfr'CHANUBBROKISE*, anil ir.leia 14*JpS'/nnd Dn» Erchan*., <l»;Rhr-“J S'KSX^ei^lo-SiS 111 Oheck. 'o>r .nle, aarf - ! SKlKTimle outicarly aS the principal ptnal* m ‘"ThSS!."““■^""'l’' l4 r °' A “' ri '“ I “"France. oaJ. onconrisnurnu of Prodrcr, .hip- | h-ju » on liberal terms. - p I ri*K AT INVIWnuN'.-VALUAULK HtKHJVWU • °* K Sscvsan Jajtcabt l*t- I^ J -, pmtrr| etM*k** r TalUs, So/oj, bum , r^-fITKsSs i" SauMoS’S lH g c ptirat, intillc, r.m parlor or ffiCui "»“l£“”i,t £n beifdt.u .. rnrlo.- rmtrrinrnr., nod wtan . All On bed rl“ rTfonu a beautiful piece of fu.lul.r. 10 MscaseTa *“ r, “ * nirl ” f °' p "‘° r “^o^M^m^KKH-Fotlawoffice^coantingTOOins, WRirtNG eno r,ened a moitconTcuicnlbed- SlvJUn rS=d i Petrel D '“ *“*. b, * ,y is 'risible- . , npr d no recommendations the . A, L^rm e whore,Vhey are warranted not to get ■ eou 7 |, w i» be for your interests to call and jut o( r «r“ ir ‘ t l ‘ al manufacturer’* store* No. .«“uA“nrh. In addition U> the aboso siw^g' 11161 aIC pr °JAJ^a > W a^OOPWELL. XiOWBI'I' FLMCHKa, K4SnrAcnnua or ALGOaBL &HD PDEB SPIRITS* Comer Front and Vino meets, ClfleinnaU.O. from Fimborrit for Alcohol, Faro Spirit*, Rawor Rectified Whi»iey,Will bo promptly at ended to at lowent mathctpnce. mclilVdly TtMBOSSKti' FIAMT^NITT AULfc CSVrJiO-A Pi laifo »»»onaetit of Embowd Funo *ndT»ble , cover* cut bo foand ad W iFC)uttock‘* Carpet Were £££ .1 icJcced price.. OU | parchVmseUcvrlKro. . ' k '"?A S BBV ty-No\* opeiui UIDY«I » 0 ' ’ w r-'\ ■! - ■■ lll^'Ji&r DRY roods; &c- FAYKTTK PIUEHMJB « WHITE AND BROWN DOJISSTIC -\TTE are row reeling from the fteWtT * W W fopply of theae good*, whieh \ra ■» ■* *s* e «»- i er than inch good* eortbehtd elsewhere § j We use no acid* In bleaching, that injures Bho our objcel being u> produce good* not *£°J!L Y -L but for comfort end durability, and a* * a€ “-*rr7ii,i«. ceiTed the fim premium OTcr all other good* exluo ed at the l»e Allegheny* Agricultural Fair. • . i. Fo* »ale at the Blanket Depot, No. £6 Baikal ct, *O4. at the ware rooms of the Fayette Manufaetanag wj-t No. U3Becondat. ,i f ." . f_ Blanket* of our Manufacture are told in AUCgneny City, bV Mr.'Joba Dean, and al*o at the “Two *&& Windows,” Federal at. .ocU5. . . Amirlean Woolen Ooodtt THE Bubacriber has on hand, (reeeiTed the Kiason,) consigned from the manufacturer*, them* lowing Good*, which he i» authorised to elote at prices V 3O nieces yai*l wide Barred Flannel. - , j. 250 pairs White Bed Blanket*, nbbon bound, 111 "fcSSSwGW Mixed Blinker*. SO pair* DarE Genttanella Bine Blanket*, a very .re* Grey and Bine Blanket Coatins “Sc® 1 * •»fLEgu^/°y.“opp°^V_ Thiber, elsib,;u>b«doUgn «ga bta^ts mere, wonted and a-Ste Gimp*,and Fringe*; Ineb Unen,Table Lace*, b.etrhcd bndeolored Mauls*, Srripen rment Tbreod*, sewn* att, o. '^^ on^,a dere, Pint FcreanlonCjOT. iKHXJcij*, gold Jewelry, gold “ 4 . , “y'”~Kf t jSS, wbeh el end table Cnllery, end jnAod coantry end city Merchant* aro o examine. M end sSaO i“.l BlailkeU, O 0“«”» MgS Woolen Yarn, which Ihoy will eeU at tweion y Warehonee No. ltd Second it, Pitubnnh, raj Now H.aen.Faaoltoee-Pa- HBW GOODS* i v -IY7-E hove hut received a large and completo e(oelc KdarKfarS en,Menih«n,..=d=li..r&»l. S)Y)tBAWYE J «nu» corner Wood and Foatth ORY GOODS. nDBFBIi WXHOB « COf I No. 48 Wood St., Pitssbcms, ••> j I > nc nnw reeeLTiur thelt vntl supplio* of Good* I SiSSSfe ,O cull, S’SSS.ffi DRY GOODS JOBBERS* OnY W WOOD STREET, 1 mr° . 1 —— r=^r *,SB£3SILTS!StS22-»**- ■ ' norsu-ir •. BATUISG. . . , ■nreirr BATtIS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or temgl' indie's fromfl w>llo’elocl, A.M. oyiuni ujraiarai . . ~T ,B'ssas?.^ I fcn-d to dealers and families at the lowe f,HP r Quality warranted equal to any brought to Uil« kt , a „a r.r '*>« »r , c mmV Kt.l, aa wi» AI w— At the foHowins depowr-Rei* A ««« ner and Xecoud »Ui li.Jleaaletoti, ! rrt .pr ,t Uoliin»on. K>iltrsln -Al'etoan-- BOTICB. , rpHE firm of NICKUN & BRYDEN bc.ogdj I The underfired will continue licForw] t b r 7t m*s s£- I iS.”to\rtU gi». ante .totoUte lofi>toW, C3SE him - LIFE INSURANCE! Teuton Mnlaal me Iwnrante Cimpam HATES OF FEEMIUM EB>OCD> 25 FEE COT. C.pltAl, 8180,000. ; JAMES DURNO & CO., Agents at Piiutuxjb, Pt. T IKETTO3, Kiw i wxt. Joseph C. Peta, Pres’L 0. A-PerOicahe, V. P. Kli Monis, S< creiary. : r, Treasurer. lEES rniLinxi>siA- 1 Hon. Jame* Camphell. David H. White. 4 Alexander Cantwwn. • wfj. P. While, P- M. »vr juut. «!fS»SKw. ISSw^'g-g -| MEDICAL EXAMINERS- I .. i A - Bi Wr* D Y. rH-tV™'*- , nnum m charged ny 0^ r e /J^ pamc, ‘ j A m.n3oy««.of «c,l»UnSEroli=ToflE»l*=« ; for One Thousand Dollar*— I T °z f °' p * ri r I'lh- 1 " 7 ' 1 Ami A. J£s3«£o -T .S »P - «*»- P tL° t» "Uac»4 of bo Ootluod .0 U«- assured on the l*t January, 1850. h i.. a r tale*s n I nFTR E N IN '>ittihar|h> ROARS OT riRtCTIOtI, AT Jltlllrl llov Jr. I Henjamin ri*h. ] Join A. Wean. ' I Jonaihan Fill Xiw tots. # Comptroilerof New York. Oe»rge Wood. John r. Maekie. David Dudley Field. ■. Joseph Hoxie. v UKALTn IKSCRANCB, aiPlttabarfc The SDiiug Garden Health Ininiante Co*» OF PHILADELPHIA JWOOO. TNSURES &2S, b? mtiinc.r of awarding tpe «eK anowsn , eipltiiued by the Ageat-^^^ KE - For wo tss “ “ J " For three *• I f'£s’ a u 6 “ For fi>ur “ JJ-’ Ote sun of *IMO paid , r»&“"' th V l ,nbi«t of k CO, Agents, ‘ ; I • d< „4<» BwsiliWSsst-l TBOBTEK’B SALE- I tract of land, lying 1 *• ffW n£V inSleelo ftuto of n "?\ v “M J ' rrn .loor of the Court Home of St Lotus, Mo., lie above described *eßestate, w the big ictlbidder, foreasb, between the hour* of nine, tn tod iotenpon and five in the afternojn urthnt day; and upon inch «aiew»H J“- liver a deed in fee simple of the property tol4 to toe P "“‘ ta? TUMfrioANtT jESSStL XT OTIC J£ OILKS A BROTHERS, Propnetom of l\ ibo t'enn’a'State Directory,have opened an office iabo eoraer-of Sto A Smitofieldfaa,. for toe punxaeoi receiving toe name, location, apd hauno*»,' of every, i firm ana business manin this eptmty. -They have reg ular agent* in attend to too reCepuon of information Bt, Philadelphia. ' j XCBj ELU All EATON’S CERTIFICATE TO J>* M jAYNE.—' This certifies, [that immediately hnvTnr attended my brother, who died of caasumptiim u Kto 184± Twaa taken slci with toe Consuanuon traced lew m& toe ißkw, to.jr*“* * fr.bSf b 34 to ite 3Ll[slSMiSi«!fu. “sjgfeKuiSv 3300, jwitooal rcceiving anfL Jayne’s Medi- JaJy, ; lnds, I commenced- mjong ur Je4t^w *ince, ctos] uul to'reU.,ento“'»°™",| nJ j n atoiuc,' »“* fr VMUci r T to carry on a / arn i®,-a « n any htannermtoeaalooftoe SJ-TJ3SS&-*- -f fISSSBSSET 'sS£KS*: w* ■;., ■ v IL xvn. NO - ME OELLKHS’IiYERI . Mr. R- E- SeUeta—D to the public, as well Pill*, to state the good * my own cue. itarlDf' : terr unwell, my«PP*t aaSiETssw waaaserertattaekof ral boxes. of MJaart '■ which I was told wwfjp all I was getting Wo»_ myself ondertao caret ; o SS£Si 7 ' by the Rot. t NjwoeK' Kothiaaboxof Befle which had benefited, ■eat for * box; of yottf was done axing them* I die medicine, that OT and took fire or sfxr entirely eared; hot ■ cold, whieh brought time I was as had' year lArcx Pills, a ■lx weeks, and oc< that 1 can now say of the liver CcmpL » good now aa It hu be tto»)hitt^Sr» , LtrwfM«wJt the blesring of Divine Providence the f - 1 \ me. .1 aa eooftdest that when th® l anointed with thevelaeof Toot Liver mend for them will indents. Mnnycf WjflgzzsrSi mwham: 1 haveTeermtriirndfdthepUl*»MftWP>roWl *,%*!;/••>..' the»r Taine, u well nets the Cacti ■JJSJSiKSBABiiM Beipectfally yoare, ' OJJ ““ Toth* Prxuc.—The Original,i'Hj nine Uver Pill* 2LtSh®S» •< have hie name etaaped tablaekw»xjßw4ggglgP *< \jt -vii 1 each Bor, and hu ngnataro on the -rfc, r± i ,: r :£jL IO*All other* are counter*'' s tontjijtriea • *u. H., iptS7 ‘R. B- BP'* ** ■<** j ijj*- -7- “ ©XB*i A by the name; with ayoony man oft axes bit osne to pel t call Dr. Townsend’s GENUINE, On*inal,< lor and carer was. bat roads, canals, and the of Dr, for tie purpose' not.. ho' Is aendisf . Qouks, ri Id which fie wm« ford 7 a week. *. if ha will prodaoeone. Tils Is to eaatlontboi partiaso docs bat the Dr. Jacob Townsend’s J Old Dr.’s likeness, his f natnre across the ewtt» TFHsciptl OJEoty 1( I «*»•=• ; o: THE ORIGUUI* ItejS or TBS towsuchd Old Dr.-Towniend la c has long been known * VEBEK of the GENUIN SARSAPARILLA.** Be j to limit its n*"" ftl ‘ tßT *i I kept eat of market, ar those only who bad f value. This Quito « manufactured off the throughout the length a Unute young, 9- P. • agejand never changes, ia prepared bo selentifio, Tholughest knowledge diaeoverie* of the Ar» ouiiitisnin the menu., nil*. The Sanapartlli leal men, cootaina med perties which are Inert If retained in prepanw tion and aeid, which' propcrtie* ot they entirely cnpoi ucn, ifitey trtnoxp known lho«o 1 Moreoyer tae*a »oi*t por, or w m sential medienl ptgpe it til ia vtloo. T» OLD DR. JACOB.* ii to prepared; thai aapaalta root are t ofbecoming aeido rejected; then etor. lied in a pare and rendered incapable Lhealins propertier. I the matt poTrerfal | CURB OP l ' every aide in ita ft Webndildoinf* Qyjtwptla, and Li) Scrofula oiul Pile* -itcoiieuei ft w trmflg from Indigr* from unequal ciret head] palpitation oi i cold cbiUt and bat b»<i its equal in eon 1 expectoration, and: two of the lunja* t’ Bat in nothing u »- It worlu wondc Falling of the W fal Meases, lirei i the like? tad is > 1 oey Diseases. 1 ting the general the whole body. NERVOt Swooffi*. EpikpOe PilicogiitoajFjgj. beou»of U>» o, *3'V&S^lilfp^?lktoSS»PSiW. of Deterioration and NEVER pet acidmtO a lyitmalready What eaa*e»D/spepsia,t>Hi ac _ t «*t*X thatwhen food sows in caratfflttttftMW^■w'K'*!? &A it nrodaccat—flatulence,, heanbnta, z £ *w</,. rj heart, liver complaint, | Vjf « comDtfajfi of the blooof What a. &UM4l* Sgßg*}jC. ~v.311 hnmor in the bodyt What arnwii\*n?h vhieh bring on Eropuon* of tho.flfctafcgdWoß^g>j2Z^3gjfc€j» What causes Rhrnma ri f m bat a eoarylathWjiWwa^j? WI SB^sass^a™»f;.- ( - .&] VlfJ*i upon the Old Dr. ««eh a moenuin taaJbofWiMaw* . jVt| trpS that 8. P. Townsend’* ?"< within the reach, and to the -- If , t,* 1 Jf need it, that they nay learna^h»o^jrT'WFHSh l , W*- / Western' Reruisylvaaiii. J. SMITIL \ | k f ‘ . JS w?\V l <5 7*^/r 1 ~~ Jaynes* -f* Jf> *>' fj* I Sanit, Col nnbiaaa eO n lMtC\ ,« ,* for aeTeraTrear# with a _ ~v-t* *■ and. iu concomitant dJae&se*, and *oC*fofiSSlt49|Hl** . .f -to linger oat a ahonbot .miserable exUteacejttstUQte £li 0f.1839, When, being-mere **«*«?#£»&£* >*vfeiA: * ssritsSsf .% - m fanheit—when the la»t gleam- 3er.lttBq.wn tM* -v. >}gstlrs vanish, I had recommended, to *wyw Erpeetonn*?- /• JW * and bletsed by that Being who Aeafill thing*-la 4* j,i *'§& a* im o( the means—aad contrary. my pbytielaha and fricnds.l waa tes'tHirflljsgat* >fi from my bed. and wasenabjed ~ -Cv^# - attend to myWiheta, enjoying I bad for ten yean pievtan*-* s - ~*s> • »?3?glSlS&«-;«^Sa» Fotutitstreet. . , . ~ -5^ OfflwofUtiD»l»wmß«»M|JftS|lft* f>|V aaraaoa Cetttffc&y* - .. .., V, ' lB*>. _ _ >" , )- t tniE 1 1 '} |^!HBl‘ short pouce-throeghoat. p ~ . ,. 1 . ■ ■»iH«V. ,. .- . AI . .•tMhwMWnarjtifa-g&P’-' The proprietor u “"^rcSKSt^iSS! VoJtoTo.w**. ;; , , '.t «pw i *r* ' - . jitw'Bw l !*:, -, 2 ■ TJEDBOEN: JEfFimVoymieibrllamVJKeiiTnJ* 'isxgsr~ -<isawjBSris» «a4 . ■- • • ■» V ;»j. t *e