The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, January 02, 1850, Image 4

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k JJODT riwe, iTOtmelbij through;
, • A ihegwttV ottoj 'wliH# spending a few dayi «a
I ffitrea’ I ilxforttid a vingnlor Metahe substance.
r ««w* mrffrnneadT Icsrned that it had faftea knbwii fir
Teu . oaU «appo« rrl to b« of no use or value, hot from
: in oSfcnnitT of textura and, singular appearance. I
I vii led to peSeve it might ho mads useful, bat fir
'whxtpurpero Ibod nottheleastldeo.. I eommenei-d
mr ejjwnmeht* by burning it, boiling it, and pulver
/ ixi»y is, and compounding it with various;
’ • «ad*o«Ußaf'wa* jnyeonfidenCcthaUl , erewaaTßljio
Is it, «M 1 gave tip my entire time and means in U.e
prosecution of [those experiments; and- from that tune
to this, 1 bare kneaded to no other b asmes f, at the ex
piration of about two year*,! finally discovered.-tbi't,
, by redacing it to sfine powder and mixing it with i"i
-* teed, oil tolaboui. foe consistency of thick paint, at-d
• applying thus compounrl'wiih a brush, that fhi» costing
* in a few npntiulwouhl become a J^^llVfinallv
; slate; soibim the substance when •pr ll * ll "■“* V 5 .,-*
alateinaMald the large ametmtof siliea,
.alumina, mWirn and Maekoiiacof Ironthst £Co>^
I. - • UinedTttoPered it both weather and fire
I ; longer exposed, tho harder and F“*7af{erit cams to
1 , aeems lb become, and as the coating
i ■ - , alaie) is of UjcLflndertrucUble by
. pioteeu the wood .««* V?o bUro °£
—Jnplicd to Government far a patent for my
• flVSteeavery. fondly hoping that* ahould
' all my outiarlntime ind mor
• nor- withoatany bralution, grant
onto me litter# Patent for the sole right to manures
fw- uj) tnd eao my Improvement In themanafaetnra
■ - etf a*“Weatherand. Fire Proof Cemposiuoa er Aru
- '- 1 ' I ....
- ; August 14, 1640. - ~ ' WM» BLAKE.
".' WE, foe inhabitants of Sharon, have read the above
itatementofMr. Blake, and believe it to be aabstan
.tially eoiraet, aa we are knowing to most of the state
'L menu therein contained; and we will farther state, that
.wn. do not believe that there ever was a patent more
honestly uid laboriously earned, or more deservedly
Y granted; as bepunued hi* experiment* with the most
, indomitable perseverance under the most discouraging
..eiremnutanees, as the public had not the leait conh
'deaee that them could be anything valuable made
. . from the substance. Be therefore had to encounter for
[years the jeers and scoffs of nearly the whole commu*
.nity. Notwithstanding all this, be was indefatigable
’ la the prosecution of his experiments, and we do not
be&evethat there isone man inathousandwbowouid
. . have peneveredundecsdl the circumstances. Bathe
hss'at last trlmaphed over all obstacles; and we be.
• lieve there is now but oae opinion in swarding him
} foe merit of this valuable discovery.
GEO. W. CRANE, •> Justices of
! R, WiMILL, J* of
. BENJAMIN JONE, ) .Township.
7 WBL EVERETT, Township Clerk.
• ALLEN HOWE,Treasurer.
i IhaTe ascertained ihallhcTearelndividaalsengsgtd
In digging, grinding, and preparing for sain, foe above
• menuoaed Mineral to bs mixed with eiLand wed pro*
' euely as I aae my patented article. I to
. those persons and shown them my patent They sty.
they do not Intend to infringe or trespass upon my
rights; that they have aright to dig, grind, and sell foe
powder, if they can find purchasers; foot they are not
bound to know what they are to do with .itithat it is
no' infringement until It U mixed with foe oil [to make
the compound; and that those who buy, mix and use It,
; mist take foe responsibility. Mott of them Juy that
• they believe that foe patent is rood against thorn foot
;ntix and use the etmpoand, some have said fost
i what they wanted to use they should certainly porch
: ase of me, as they did not intend to make themselves
•; liable in toy way. Now I feel myself in duty bound to
'expose this barefaced fraudupon the public: as I can
; call It by no miM** name, where a man sells and re*
edves pay for an article, foe use ef which he well
i knows subjects foe purchaser and userto aproseeu
. lion and fins. Some of those who are engaged in this
ae&rioui traffic, will unquestionably, contend to foe
pah lie that myjpatent will not tuna, and that I dare
Aot prosecute. Now, to take this argument away from
uto, X went to aome af those who were- proclaiming
that my patent was of no value, and made the follow
. .ingpreposition; that they might select a lodge and two
. lawyers who have had aome practiee in patent ease.*,
:.and we would submit foe patent to them, and if they
decided that the patent was good, foitfoay should stop
> all farther proceedings in foe basinets; but if they
. ■- should decide that it would not, is their opinion, holu,
. .I.woald agree to let them go on and sell all they could,
■■■•. without saying-any thug to the public about them;
‘ .TSiiapropoiition they would not.accede to.' So far as
; the validity of my patent is I do notde
' pend entirely upon my own judgment, although I have
. 'foe fhllest'coundence in'it; but l have submitted it to
'• many of foojadges,und several of foe most eminent
• patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided
a ' that in their opinion it was good, and would protect me
i la my discovery.
I grind foe article to a fine power, add put U up in
• barrels, foe which are marked: “Biau's Pstctt Fna
in Wxarsxa Paoer itr-rmt. Siatx”
1 therefore give notice to all who buy and use foe
' above mentioned mineral for foe purpose set forth in
my patent, except from me or my anfoorizod agents,
• that I shall hold them to a strict accountability, and
' '. ahall commence suits at law againstfoosoiwimthus
. Jnfnnge right W&l. BLAKE
Snaaos, Medina Co., o.,Ang. 14,1W9.
It At\VO TONS of foe above Fire and [Weather
1 Proof Artificial Sla>e on hands and for sale. The
| above we can recommend, for we have been naing it
; for some 4 yean, and know it to be what it is set forth
. in every particular. J. A 11. PHILLIPS, Agt,
' ' noyg-dam " ' No 0 Wood si
E. H. EATON & CO.,
J. . Ha>. OR FonrtL Street, Pittsburgh,
[j Have now In focir fell nssortmentof
i Trimming, Gloves, Hosiery and Lace Goods
.i A DAPTEDto the wants oTeverydas»of Merchants
A and Consumers. No. pains hare been spared to
present foe newest and moat fashionable style of
Goods id their line. Their stock eonsiststnpanoffoe
following: . • ' •
Fringes and. Gimps, of every variety; new styles
figured Galloons Algerine and Imperial Braids: wido
and _narrow Silk and Worsted Embroidering Braids;
; figured and cut Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Corded
; Mantua and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; black,
j whitaand colored Silk Laees; extra -wide do do, for
with a fall assortment of Oreu Buttons;
i Jkrenev.Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to-order.
- Embroidered Laee auJ lloslui Cape*; Chemisette*,
«. Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Half Sleeves, French
: Worked Collar* and CuSk. In great variety: L*ce Veil*,
: Lappets and Opera Tics; Mourning Chemisettes, Col
! Jars, Colls ~ and Half Sleeves; Linear Lawn Hdkf*,
'■[ plain embroidered and hemstitched do,plain Linen do;
.. real thread Laces and Edgings; Im. op do; Bobbin,
i lisle, Laeo Moaiin and Cotton Edgings and Inserting*.
. Rich new style Bonnet Ribbons French Faee Flow*
-era, Btfnflft Tabs. Velvets, Satina and Florences, Silk
. nialioas and Tazletons, Bonnet Frames [and Tip*.
- Best manafaetnre, with most approved fastenings,
and choicest colors. As extensive assortment always
A great variety of Silk. Wool, Cotton, Merino and
1 Cashmere, for Imdies and Misses; Tartan Plaids, and
• foil assortment other styles fasey and plain Child*
ten's Hose; newest styles Infest*'Boot* and Sock*;
Genu’ Grampian, Yiroais, Merino, Conan and fine
* Wool Half Ho**/
A fell assortment Cor mea, wooea 'tad eluldxtn,
\ among whfeh are Derby Ribbed, T'AetitCe and plain
. !BUk: ribbed and pbu cashmere; Chamma Lined Her*
Üb; CassimeTe, Merino, Fardined Beaver, heavy sni
i .fiaf Military and Lute Thread and Cam.
} Such as Ladies’ and Children's Hoods, Children's
, Woolen Sacks, Knit Sear is and Boas, Children’* Ga.v
- era'and Long Mitts, Wonted Ccfib Kmtsng Wonted*
and Woolen Yams, California Comforts; also, ine
• 'CoMpete Scarfs, for Ladies.
Zephyr And Tapestry Worsteds. Canvass Patterns,
Floss and Emb’g Silk, Bristol and Perfd Board*, Pa*
per Flower ld&tcrials, Lamp Mat*. Tidies, and Em
broidered Work. Also—Ladies’Silk Merino Vests
: and Drawers; Embroidered Sacks a&dFUnnels, Freaeh
Worked Caps and Waists for Infents; end Swan’s-down
Trimmings. '
, Fine Shirt*, CrmU ud Collar*; Merino, Bilk end
Contra Wrappers and Drawers Suspender*, Shoulder
Sraeo* add Dreastag Uowni; Bilk and linen Hdkfr;
Glove* and Hosiery.
•' Freateh patient* carved aodplsinSheilßaekCoabf;
Buffalo and Im. do; Shell Side and Long Combs; Im.'
do; -Baflalo, Batin and Boeewood Hair Brashes; Shell,
Ba&ioand Eng. Horn Dressing and fine Ivery Combs;
with an nmortment of Nail and Teeth Brashes.
Wetberill’s “Gold Medal" Forfornery.
Pin*, Tapes, Steel Ben and Parses,
-Battoa* and Steel Goods, Berlin Wire Baskets,
sparse Twist end Sewings- Rosewood Desks end
Cost Bindings k Galloons, Fancy Work Bosket*
Cloak Cord and Tassels, Portfolios, Psplertres and
Blind A Shade Trimming, Ladies' Stationary,
Palpi! At Banner Tassels, French Cork Solea, -
Upholsterer** Fringes, Silk k Uing’m Umbrellas,'d widths, Paper MotrihsA Hollands,
English OU Cloths, Elastic Bands k Webbing,
Kg*d Ckiata Binding, . Corset and Shoe baceis.
NEW-and valuable invention:
• Pat*st*b, Dxcaaxx is, iwjj.
This is uinUo of great taloo to all persons en
; bidding, otto Homs who have Already
: baitl, and are without window fastening. White it
...■ftamabeaaperfeetiubttuuWtorpuliie* tad weight*,
at a saring of at least 83 to eaeh window, it aflorda
'.-iba aaf#«t fattening that baa,ever been broßjwt into
• : bpo*
i ( -Ha wilier, and coaremence of this Sprint over all
•’ t other*, is, that by one thumb pteee, both sash of the
window can be raised or lowered, li require* only to
be known to be appreciated.
! j Person* witling to boy the article, or:to have them
pot into their window*, or the right (of. selling it tor
• coasttei inthis Stale, may apply to Utfc.subKnbers at is
SePEIUtYHOUSE,on tbo Allegheny riser,' Pitta- - A VERY WONDEKbuL CUKE!—» ELLEKS*
• bank, Pa. . J.&TURNHR, J\ VERMIFUGE! b - , « iaia
.Mv«UltefiilSD C. P. MAYO. Mam**, Stercer co., fa~. Sept. 22, 1849.
itii« Out '-1.,* R K. Seiler*: Dear Hir, I bought one bottle of your
assfe c a?' |g|gsz=,«=.•%£
space of 3t hour*, Ibt worm*, some of them measur
ing as much as Utaud 14 inches long. ( feel bound in
juitiee to giro you the ab<rreuatement,aoas you may
make any use of my name that you think proper.
Your*, tery respectfully,
lETPrepared and sold by R. E.SELL.ERS, 37 Wood
street; and sold by Druggists generally in the two
cities. not 1 5
jararnlnff Van* *U»wl;. ,
• TreT R-MURPHY auree’da supply-of the above '
ff * article, of the best quality; also, plain lilac) ;
TJub«llmßgBn»wU;W*clrJso»barines,'Mcnmiftf Al •
paces*, Persian Cloth, black Cobons, Paracur-j
.Cashmeres, Mo u do Lain* ana*, b) r j :k
CravtU and Moaralng Collar*, Mourning Bonner I tib
boa*, neck do, and a full aaaonnunt'or Mor^hnuf
- a largo assortment, including a few pleeet v.ety .wide
aadsaperior. Bayers are invited to a\ the a, at
North -
’Wholesale Booms up
•tillof Mew Oood»h» y . lately o«en_recrJved. •_ ’[ot2o
/ i ...
Wo hare Cfamed by Mr*- Bose of • ears pafr
formed on fc- Alt*r»U»o,iiiidi
BF “V feaffiffAS
So irofltaJ boCfl'o* jft^Jtothten.aadfrottthoi left
. prfy^fty—damn most . *botji three months
;.‘BSoiha haopyeCectopon her,
&S»«»'^f, l u2dbSre«i« coiomennSsc an
By thaPrssldsnt of ths United Bte(ss<
Tn rmmsnce ofltw.l, ZACIIARV TA^
1 idem of foe United Stales of Americano herehy
declare and make known, that o l f
held at the undermentioned Imad Offices, In foe State
oflOWA; at the period* LereiEaftcr degnated, to nc
At foei.srd Omco at ULBLQLE commenemg ea
: Monday, foe seventh dry of January next, for foe Ai».
posalot foe Pablie Lands nutated within the under
mentioned townships, to win
North efthe lose line; and trot oj the fifth principal
meridian. .
.Township Bißety'eigtit, of range three. [
Township# ninety-sir, nineiysseven, and nine>
ty-eighl, of range four.
Township# ninety-five, ninety-six,.ninely-sor-.
ed, ninety-eight, and niaety-niDe, of range fire.
Township# ninety-ihreo, ninety-fonr, ninety
five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and
ninety-nine, a! range six. *
At the SAME PLACE, commencing on Mon
day, the twenty-first day of January next, for foe
disposal of the PaUio L&iida within the nndermen
tinned townships, vis
North of the bate line, and met of the fft\principal
'Townahipe ninety-four, ninety-five, ninety-six,
ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and ninety-nine, of
range seven. t
Township#' .ninety-four, ninelysfive, ninety
six, ninety-seven, and ninety-eight, of range
Township ninety-five, township ninetyv«x, (ex
cept the southwest quarter of section twenty-sev
en,‘the southeast quarter cf section twenty-eight,
Md sections thirty-three and foirty»four, including
the Indian agency,) and townships ninety-seven
and ninety eight, of range nine.
Townships ninety-two and ninety-four, of range
Township ninety-one, ofrasge thirteen.
Townships ninety-one and ninety-two, ol range
At the l*nd Office at FAIRFIELD, commenc
ing on Monday, foe foarteenthdayofJanuary next,
for the disposal oftbe Pablie Lands situated with
in foeundermenlioned townships, to wit: -
North of the bate line, and west of the fifth principal
Townships sixty-seven, sixtyaeight, and sixty
nine, of range sixteen-
Townships sixty'seven, eixty-eighl. and sixty
nine, of range seventeen.
Townships and sixly-nine, t»f range
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, ofrange
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, of range
Townships sixty-eight and sixty-nine, of range
Townshipssixtyueight andsixty*nine, ofrange
: Township seventy-one, of range twenty-eix.
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
Townships seventy and seventy-one, of range
At foe Land Office at lOWA CITY, commenc
ing on Monday, twenty-first day of January .next,
for foe disposaloftbe Public Lands within foe-fol
lowing townships, vix:
North of the base line , and vest cf the fifth principal
Township seventy-six, ofrange twenty-seven.
Townships aoventy-sj, seventy-seven, and eev
enty-eight, of range twenty-eight
Townships seventy-seven and seventyseight, of:
range twenty-nine.
Lands appropriated by law for foeuse of schools,
military, or other purposes, will be exoluded 'from.
foe sales
* The offering of foe above mentioned lands will
bo commenced on foe day appointed, and proceed
in foe order in which they are advertised, with
all convenient despatch, until the whole fhall have
been offered, and foe sales thus closed; but no
safe shall be kept open longer than two weeks,
and no privato entry of any of foe lands will be
admitted until after foe expiration of foe two
Given under my hand, at foe City of Washington,
lhia,[.fifieenth day of September, Anno Domini one
thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.
By the President Z. TAYLOR.
J. Bunmmo, j
Commissioner of foe General Land Office.
Every person"entitled to the right of pre-emp
tion to axy of ths lands within the ipwnehipa above
enumerated, ts required to establish the- same to
the satisfaction ol foe Register and Receiver of the
proper Land Office, and make payment therefor as
soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and be
fore (he day appointed far the commencement of
the pablie suits of foe lands embracing the tract
claimed, otherwise such claim will be forfeited.
Commissioner of the General'Land Office.
Of ths Public Laud Salta at Du Dttque,
NOTICE it hereby given, that the Publie Sale* of
Lamia ordsred by proclamation of the President of die
United State*, dairnl the fifteenth day of September,
ISIS, to be held at the LAND OFFICE AT DU
lOWA, on the 7th and sftgt day* of January, It-Sn, ore
declared to be postponed until further nntire.
Given under sty hand, at the City of Washington,
thi* 11th day of anno Domini one tiirurn-’d eight
hundred and I'ony-aino. 5i l A'i LOR.
By the President:
Commissioner of the General Laud Office.
ALEXANDER A DAY, eoraerofthe Diamond and
Market street, notify their friends and the pablic
that they hare received their stock of Fall and Win
ter GOODS, direct from the importers manofactnrer*
and auction* at the east. Their stock of new style and
fashionable Goods is large, and presents strong attrac
tions to purchaser*, fn Ladies Dress Goods and
Shawls, tho most splendid and fashionable Goods of
the season axe now offered, at remarkably low prices
consisting in pan of the following
New style Brocha fig’d Gamelion Silks;
Col’d and Black Satin Da Chenei and Tore Satina;
Col’d Ctmeltan Groderhines, of the bestqaalitfet;
Black glossy Groderiens of the celebrated Eagle
The above named Black Silks are warranted not to
ent in the wear; for dresSe* and mantillas they are the
best imported.
Neat fir’d Camelian Satin Do Chene, the handsomest
Silks of the season.
Now styio-Broeha Silk figured French Mennos, a
new and splendid article for ladies’ walking dresses.
Silk Embroidered French De Laines, for dresses and
sacks, an entirely new article.
Cashmeres, De Ijincs, Merinos, Alpnceas and Par
mettos, a large assortment.
Brocha Long and Square Shawls, of the best quali
Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark
ably cheap.
Splendid Terkeri Shawls, at greatly reduced priees.
Camelion Brocha fig'd Silk Shawls, in great variety.
Crape Shawls, while and colored, in great variety.
Best Sedan real French Twilled Cloths, all prices;
best Sedan teal Preach Cassimeres; new style Antr
lean Gasomereit; taper Satin Vestingt.
Preach and Belgian Black and Olive Cloths, for La
dle** Cloth*.
A splendid assortment of American and imported
Blankets, at remarkably low prices.
A large and complete assortment now oa hand.—
Many of oar present stock of Staple Goods were
bought from the mtnufaeisrert previous no the present
1 advance in prices. A principal part'of oar stock of
French and English good* have been purchased at the
great Aaetion Sales m Philadelphia and. New York,
whieh enables as to offer decided bargil ns in almost
every detonation of goods in oar lino of basinets.
Country Merchants, Merchant Tailors, and all
wholesale and retail bayers, are Invited to an early
eiaminatloa of oar stock ana pnees.
ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market it,
oet22 north west corner of tho Diamond.
'xO BCVkrs uf dry goods!
WfL MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth
• and Market sis, is now receiving bts second
snppiy for the season, and can offer i adaceraent* to
buyers rarely to be met with. Hit assortment of
Is very fall, consisting of Freneh Merinos, Cashmeres,
Cobans,Lyoaeso Cloths,soper Prinie l French Cash
meres, at priees considerably lower-than they eoald
I» large, «nd embrace* many of the beautiful ilyle*
now cnexhJbitlon at Franklin Institote.Phllad'a.
Of now and vcrr handoome itylc*, Velrct Trim-
■—* , ’SKSSiSSSBSM" M,ta, ‘
Of the >t>» ■"■l “ 1•«“ «*«“ ,i ’ a •“■‘i
and aieh ■ebanfSaWe Silk* and Soluuj for Uairillaa,
at ).>we»t price*. And in ibo jenUemen'a depanment
Bliick Doeikin*, Winter Vesting*, FanejrCa»*ime»cs
Under»WrU and Dmworn,Silk Cravala, PoekeiHaml
ui ln»it«4 « *“> *•>«>
Rooaa, gp alalrt. { _ - -
SUP —From W. K. Boden, Eao., Clerk of tbe
Court of (loarter Be*iienaof Beaver County:
Mi. R. K. teller*: Bir, Some time in the winter ray
wife WU afflicted with a Mvere and dirtretmngc-oa£li,
•nd hearing of your Invaluable Coogh Syrup, 1
eksaed* bottle from 8. T. Tnmbls, of wiiigewaicr,
T wi ft/ier taking a portion of it two or three evenlfg*
«a roinr to bed, she found Immediate reliefs u a»o
•euertl friends have been relieved in aevere eaaca. l
in therefore aetlafied thatiti* aaafe and valuable me
dieiße,aad would,recommend It to thoeo who may be
«aiclaairtttiejeMci>»|h* | uiil«il*L nrin ,. v
m.mS «« isi’L W. K.DOUEIN.
; feyRE. SELLERS, 67 Wood atteet. ~nd
byj«njj»lita 1° Ut* ,wo e i Ue * ▼ieiotrr.
f* —feLT CtUTiIS-3 «ki .Bloe and Drab F<
: ~»>s ■ ■■ • _ 49 Wood rt
S- 'cAiILET WUUri. bK I-AlNtt-W. H, Wiwpbr ljM
jß*t rceM a lot of high colored Motu- dc UJn*,
«ch iu Chenr, Scarlet. *o*i at the low p' ea
can d, jUjd, p{«ia Dr ah, Brown, &b* *t.l3| to 161
e“Jp« yardj and a larfearaortmem of neat nylet -
frtredMoos. dc Lain*, at caiiooiipileea, together
araih a choice auortaent of Drew Good* generally,
nek'aj Faaey Bilka, French Merino*, Caahmerea,
OobHfff* and Lyoneae Cloth*, at the •
■ 6 N. E. corner or Fonnh and Marketw*.
Wholf|*icßcomi npitaiia. aon3
Hamlttauc# Offlaa.
kgjk HANRDDJ A CO. continue to bring persona
KaSKt? 1 ? ®f England, Ireland. Scotland or
upon tbo moil liberal terms, with their
usual punctuality and attention to the wants and com
fort of emmigrUnu • We do not allow our passengeri to
be robbed by the vwiediing scamps that mfest'lhe aem
port*, ai we take charge of them the moment they re
port Ihemselve*. and see to their well being, and de
"P-rtch them wiffiout any drtentiun by the first ships.—
»Vc say this fearlessly, ns we defy one of our passen
pern to show that they were detained 43 boors by us in
jjverpooi, whilst thousands of others were detained
month*, until they could be sent insome old craft, at a
ch2p rate, which too frequently proved their coffiria.
We intend to perform our contracts’ honorably, cost
; what it may. and not set as was the cue last season,
with ether officer*,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Fitisbargh for any sum from At to
£lotio, payable at any of the provincial Banks in Iro
tarul, England, Scotland and Wales.
European and General Agent,
f«t>, Fifth street, one door below wood.
(Exclusively for Passengers,)
THE publie are informed that on and after Saturdays
the Ist of September, the passengers by this Line
' will be carpodiWPW the Central Rail Road from Lew
istowu to OBfiburgh. and from thence to Phitadet-
Bhia by the Harrisburgh aad Columbia Rail Roads.—
y this new arrangement passrngurs will go through
tn osa DAT less mix than heretofore.
The Packets of this Line are new aad ofthe best
class. This route for safety, speed and comfort, is tho
most preferable now in use to the Easters cities.
Ran Roads are all passed in-day light. Time,'3
day*. Ffrr, Ten Dollars. For infonnauon cpply'lo
W BUTCH, Mocoorahela House,
octl ' or Dto LEECH A CO. Canal Basin.
Tousgitowo and Niw Oaitls Canal
rpHE packet BEAVER, Cfpt. Stanley, will leave
I Beaver regularly on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday evenings at 6 P. and imve at Younntown
next morning at 8 o’clock—retaming, leaves Youngs
town Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening* at 4
P. M~ and reach Beaver in time for the morning boat,
ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arriving at Pittsburgh at
IS o’clock.
Tho packet HARKAWAY. CapL Downing,.will
leave Beaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even
ing* at 8 P. M., returning, leave New Castle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evenings at 8 P. M. also con
necting with the morning boat for Pittsburgh.
Thesopactteis are fiued up in complete order, hav
ing fine accommodations for passengers, and shippers
may rely on more punetaabry and greater despatch
than has before bcenobttined on these routes.
E. M. FITCH A Proprieteri.
J. C.Bidwtll, Agent, Pittsburgh.
. . Bid well A “ Beaver.
A. D. Jacobs, “ Youngstown.
R. W. Ctumlngham, u New Castle.
The elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will
ieavo Beaver, daily atß A. KL, and Pittsburgh at 3 PJ
running in eonneetlon with the above boats, jutfi
jfi , 1849 -
Warrca.'aad'oiivslaßd Piusngsr Lia«*
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
“ u —OCEAN.
/""\NH of the above Packets leave Beaver every day
\J (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at
Warren, when they eonneet *rith the Mall Stagesfor
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these plaees
before nighbr One of the packets leave Warren daily
atffP.M., tuld arrive at Beaver in time to take the
morning boat for Pittsburgh.
MB TAYLOR, do J rr0 *
aj>l3 comer Water and Smlthneld its
Cuwtom A CBAXUBUs,Cleveland, O ) P „_j.
R.G. pAJtxs, Beaver, Po.. \ ‘' ro prti-
It HIS Line will be prepared on tho opening of navi
gation, to transport freight and Passengers from
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any poiaton
the Canal and Lakes.
The facilities of the Line are uasurpassedin number,
quality and capacity of Boats, experience ei eaptaios,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat loaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning in connection with the steamers
Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of fintclasu
Steamers, Propellers and Vessels on,the Lakes.
A sews—R 0 Park*, Beaver, Pa.
Jetsc Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohio.
~' MB Taylor, warren, > "
Cyras Prentiss, Ravenna, •
Wheeler A Co, Akron,
Crawford A Chamberlin, C , ‘and, O
Sears A Griffith. Buffalo, N « .
Office, cor Wale rand Smithfield >ts,-Pittsbargh.
njcb'ilrty _
Steamer MICHIGAN No. #—Capt. Gilson.
„ “ LAKE ERIE, “ Gordon.
THE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, have commenced making their daily trips to
and tram Beaver, and wilt conunue to ran between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the season, as
follows: , .
Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock,
A. M.y and Beaver at 2 o’clock, P. M. Lake Erie
leaves Beaver daily utB o’clock, Pittsburgh
uSo’rlock, P. M.
These steamer* will run in eoaneetien with
K G Parks’ Express Packet Line, for Erie;
Taylor A Leffiingwell’t Warren Paekets;
Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland; ?
. Clarke A Co’s Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lin# Freight
R G Parks daily New Ca*tie Packet*. •
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agent#.
JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent Pittsburgh,
BtehJl cor Water aad Smhhficld sts
y 1349.
THE Proprietor! of this old established end popular
dsilv line, consisting of SIXTEEN first elass Canal
Boats. c*nird by themselves and rnnninjrm eonnee-,
oon with the .steam boats BEAVER AND CALEB
COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled facilities for
lh£ transportation of freight and passengers, on the
opening of Canal navigation, to all points on the Penn
sylvania and Ohio and N. York canals and the Lakes.
E. M. FITCH A Co, Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
I, C. BIDWELL, Agent,
atrS Water street, Pittsburgh.
Pittsburgh. Beaver.
Forwarding Berenanti,
Agents for the Pittsburgh and Cleveland lane. Puts
burgh and Ene Etna via Erie, and for steam
boats Beaver and Caleb Cepe,
Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf
Boat just built for the Monongahela Paefcels, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ac
commodations for receiving and forwarding, and
pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch
to consignments to their care, and rely on their Wanda
for a trial. . mart-dly D- A BRO.
1849. ] ifiail.
Old Established Line.
TIIE Proprietor of this well known Lino of Canal
Boats, is now prepared to transport Passengers
and Freight to all points on the Ene Extension, Now
York Canals and the Lakes, upon the most favorable
lerma and with despatch. .
This Lino runs in connection with the steam boats
BEAVER and CALEB COPE, between Pittsburgh
and Beaver, C ,\I Read’s Line of steam boats and ves
sels on the Lakes, and the Troy sod Michigan Lake
Boat Line on the Now York canal.
C. M. REED, Proprietor, Erin, Pa.
Bldwell A Brother, Agents, Beaver.
W T Mather, Agent at J Meskiaen’s Passenger
Office, Mononvakela Hobs*, Pittsburgh.
CO&^ICNIiHS—'V C Milan, Sharon; J E A S Hull,
Sharoshurg; Smith A Downing, do; l B Plummer,
West Greenville: Wick, Achrc A Co, do; 'Ym Henry,
Hanstown; Davis A Snuon, Buffalo; HsmeTi Gibbs A
Co: Sandusky; Jas A Armstrong, Detroit; Kirkland A
Newberry, Sheboygan; M 'Ol me A Williams, Milwsu
kie; Knap, Murfey A Dutton, Racine; John U Kinxie,
Chicago; A WheelerACo, New York.
Puuburghto Pkilade/pkidtmdßarhmare.
(Exclusively for Passenger*.)
TUF. public are reipeeifu'ly Informed that Ui» Line
will commence running «u Monday, ,10th March.
The boats of this Lmeureof a aaperior elass, with
enlarged cabins, which will give greater eorafort to
A boat will always be in port, and traveler* arqjs
quested to call and examine them before engaging pas
sage by other route*. They will leave ths landing,op
posite the U. i*. Hotel, corner Penn street and Cand.
Time — Days.
For Marmation. apply ai the o> • *, Monongahela
1100*0.9(0 15. LEECH A b, Ci naJ Basin.
N. B.—Tke proprietors of the al«vc Une are now
baUdiflg a« additional Liao of Packets, to ran as above
on or a&eut Juo Ist, in connection with the Pennsyl
vania Rood from LewUtown to Philadelphia. At
that lime apoeJreiwUl lease every morninyond even
UIK citizens of PITTSBURGH and its vicinity are
rcipeclfoily informed that we have no connection
Ah any other Weflern Express, and are now pre
wired to forward PACKAGES, MERCHANDISE, Ae.,
from Bostf n, New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore,
U> Pittsburgh and other Western Cities, with extraor
ilinory expedition and axaaosaatx onaaoß.
At Baltimore we hare aasoctated with ns Dr. W. 8.
WooDstnx, who was for fifteen years superintendent of
the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Rood Company; llowaao
Kmxsta KsOi for many years principal confidential
Ito Jon Officii «nd <5. W. Ciu, ii»j, of
Brownsville, Pa. These gentlemen will give personal
■uDervision to the Line from Baltimore to Pittsburgh.
from Philadelphia we shall run THREE Daily Ex
press Lines, arriving at Pittsburgh respectively in
Two, Three and Pour Days. Oie Two Day Line will
run at mail speed, and is principally intended Ibf small
end valuable Packages. We shall invariably receipt
formißandpaica. _
We have on arrangement with Messrs. Eswaaaa,
which we can forward Package* to, or transact Com
missions in. Great Britain, Prance, and most of the
Continental Cities. Messrs. Edwards Hale A Cooonita
in England with the well known great forwarding
hoase-of Messrs. Ciurua A Hois, snd in France with
the “Messarcrics Nationaie." ■ *
We shall spare no expcn«e or exertion to get our
woods throogh wiih the utmost despatch, and endeavor
U> famish the public with a really well conducted Ex
press. fimalJpareela and packages will be carried by
u*tt extremely low rate*.
'■person* wishing to use our Liaeairp respectfully
nmuested to particularly order their corresnondeotsto
Philadelphia. Nov. 10, ADAMS A CO.
The Axcney ef'tha abova Express Lino will be j
eoadactM at Uusdty by J.C.BIDWBLL,
miiujux w»»t.ani,
21^9 h 1849.
8.-v.r aad *rl. KxpraiapWJkVtLt^?.
T R.G. I'ARES, Beaver, Propnetor.
HL new and elegant Passenger Packet*.
NIAGABA, Capt II H Jrffrir*-
PENNSYIVaMA, toPt J H Iloflman;' 7
I.AKE7IRIE. “ MTrahv-
WUEjpfCiTY, « JMe^ij:
Forming a dady Inne between Beaver ami Erie, have
commenced running, and will continue during the rra
iwn to moke their regular uipa, leaving Beaver after
the arrival of the morning boat from Pittsburgh, (l o’-
clock, r. M.) and arrive at Erie in time for
the mornuig boau to Buffalo or up the Lake,.
Ticket* through to toe and all Lake pens, cun W
hod by,application to JOHN A CAUGHEY. Agt,
corner of Water and Srnitijfie!'] »ls
apulda < under the St Charles Hotel
For Blainville. Johnstown, lloltidaysburglt, aad
mn.c i • *}) lntennediax Maces.
fftHlo Lute wrtl eoounue to carry all Way Goods
freight!* »ketr usual despatch, and at fair rates of
Aexim-C. A. M’ANULTY A Co, Pittsburgh.
DB Wakefield, Johnstown.
John Miller, Uollidaysburgh.
RnnincK^— James Jordon, Smith A Sinclair, Dr F
Shoenberger, R Moore, Jehu Parker, S F Voa Boan
horst A Co, Wm Lehmer A Co, Juo M’Dcvin A Bros,
Pittsburgh; John Ivory, 6ttmlt,MclhoUan A R*y, Jno
GrafTACo, B.ajnville. mcai.7
FZr'm 1848.
Canal Pocket—SWALLOW, Cant. Ford.
** u OCEAN, Capt. Watters,
of the above Packet* leave Beaver every day,
(Sunday# excepted) and arrive next morning ut
warren, where they connect with the Mail Stages for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places
before night. One ofthe Pocket* leave Warren daily,
at 6 P. M 7, and arrive at Beaver in tima to take Ui#
mottling ateamboai for Pittsburgh.
M B TAYLOR, o ’ | Proprifra.
nraouun to tux uu ui xoxtt uouss.
\.tnol Packet—PsanYLVottia, CapL Jeffries;
“ ** TxLxaxarn, Pollock;
“ “ Lsxx Kxrx, “ Trnby;
“ “ PxTTtcoa, u Brows;
“ M Fabcntos, “ gayer.
The above new and iplendid Paasengur Packet* have
commenced running between BEAVER AND (ERIE,
and will run regularly daring the season—one boat
leaving Erie every morning at 8 o’clock, arid one leav
ing Beaver every evening, immediately after the arri
val of the steamboat Michigan from Fttvsi urgu.'
TL«. boat* aye new and comfortably mrutsacu. and
win mn through in forty hunt* Passenger* to any
pom-on lac Lake*, or to Niagara Fall*, will find tnia
r.i'i-c romsonoo.c and expeditious. Ticket#
inroaon n. ail pons on tho Lake cao bo procured by
applying :o the propriefora.
_ REED, PARKS A Co, Beaver.
JOHN A- CAUGHEY, Agt. Pittsburgh,
eor. Water and gndthfiela *ts.
rs.—Jos C Harrison, Buffalo, NT.
CM Reed, Erie, Po.
OC Wick.GreeavillerPa:
M’Farlano and King, Big Bend, Pa;
Hays A Plumb, Shorpaburgb, Pa;
W C Malos,Sharon, Po;
D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pat
R W Cunningham, New Castle, P#- Jyl
TUST RECEIVED, a new assortment of PIANOS,
tl from the manufactorie* of CtucxuTßO, Boston,
and Baoox A Rim, New York.
ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO STOOL',
for sale at manofoetarer’a prices, by
JOHNJI. MEL LOR, fit Wood *L
Sole Agent for Chiekenog’* Pianos,
dc24 for Western Penntylvania.
Ifeeead Hand Planei.
ONE second hand Piano, 8 octaves, price &0.
1 -
I “ « 6( “ '• 4t(.
I u “ 3 “ “ Lit.
For talo fer cash at the above price*, by
del* JOHN il MFJ.LOR, H Wood si
ffltD" VIOLIN "PLAY tori—Spoua’s Giujid V wits
I School, altered and connected from tbe lost Eng
lish edition, to correspond wttb rijiobr’s Original
School of Violin playing, bv his pupil U. U. HilL "ir
any anruments are required to recommend this work,
It may be observed that ripohr himself adheres strictly
lo the system laid down in the above work, and that
be ha* oy the same mode of instruction, produced a
greater number of distinguished pupils than any other
master in Europe.” *
A supply of u>e above Just ree'd. (pnee $7.) and for
»«le by del? J H MKLLOB, PI Wood si
A N EMINENT and cxparieuoed Physician frot; the
Ji East, of SO year* standing, «ffer* to treat ollcores
of a Delicate Nature with promptsen and socreey.
His success in Buffalo aqd other*-large cities hu
been proverbial. HtPeharge* are moderate, and his
cures peraanenL Old eases of Gleet, Stricture, Scro
fula, Huor Albas, Rheamatisa, Ague,Syphilis, ernny
chrooie or inveterate eases solicited.
A cure warranted, or charge refunded.
Omcu, SL Cl&itstreet, 2ooori from the Bridge, '
Teeth Extracted. Advice to the poor gratis.
N. B.—Dr. A. solicits the wont cues of any <Jl*ea*s
in Pittsburgh to call. _apl4.dly_
Notbcw Lux IT!
PnniCMH, March 27, 1r47.
Mr. IL E Sellers—ln Justice to yoa and your lucorn
parable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to state, lor the ben*
efit of the aotamonlty, that my wife has been several
limes aidieted with a most distressing cough. I par*
chased, in January last, a bottle of your Syrup, which
cured a cough of two months' standing. About one
month since, tbe cough returned, and was to revere
that she could hardly move, from weakness in the
breast; I sent for one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and
a part of one bottle cured the cough I gave the otlie r
to a journeyman who waa severely afflicted, who had.
to use his own words, ‘‘eaten enough cough candy io
cure all the people in Pittsburgh,** if the candy had
been as good as represented.
Yours, respectfully, Aurxxn B. Kxxyil.
Prepared and Hid by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood
street, and Hid by Druggists generally in tho two
cities. __ _______ ddB
C - YEAGER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the Gilt Comb, 103 Market st- Pittsburgh, Pa.
Western Merchants, Pedlars, ana others vtstting
Pittsburgh to parohuo Goods, are respectfully invited
to call and examine the extensive assortment of Eng
lish, American, French-and German Fancy Goods.
All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import
ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get
ting goods from first hands. J have the largest assort
meat of article*, In the variety line, in the city of
Pittsburgh—all of .which will be sold low for cash or
thy acceptances." 'Hie Stock consists, In part, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons.
Silk Cravats, Shoe and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk,
Spool Cottom Tapes, Suspdtiden, Buttons, Pius, Nee
dles and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold jewelry, aUkiails of
Brushes, Combs and Razor*.
Percassion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk in
Cotton Purses, Speetaeles, Slsel Pens, Muste Boxes,
Carpet Bags and Baskets.
Bindings. Findings and Trimming*.
Toys ana Fancy Goods; together with a large varie
ty of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS.
C. YEAuER is also agent for the celebrated Lan*
ealter Combs. nov!7
“There are mere things in heaven and earth
Than arc dreamnt of in philosophy."
THE VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and
the constant application (or it, to the proprietor,
has induced him to have it pul up in bottlas with la
bels and directions for the benefit of the public.
The PETROLEUM is procured from a well in this
county, at a depth of four hundred feet, it a pure una
dulterated article, without any chemical change, but
Just as flows from Nature’s Great Labratory!! Thai a
contains properties reaching a number of disease*, i»
no longer a matter of uncertainty. Tbero are many
things m the arcana of nature.which, if kiiowu,imjbt
be or vast usefulness tn alleviating suffering, and re
storing the bloomof health andvlgor to many n suf
ferer. Long beforp the proprietor thought of putting
it up in bottles, it had a reputation fur the cure of dis
ease. The constant and daily increasing calls for it,
and several remarkable cures it has performed, la a
suro indication of its future popularity and wide
spread application in the «.ure of disease.
We do not wish to make £ long parade of corlifi
tales, as we are conscious that the medicine can soon
work its way into tbe favor of those who suffer snd
wish to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it a
universal application in everv disease, ws unhesita
tingly say. that in a number of Chronic Disease* it I*
anrivalleu. Among these may bn enumerated—ail
diseases of the mucous tissues, such os CIIHONIC
Asthma, and all diseases of tbe sir passage*, LIVER
COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Uiarucca. Diseases of
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pains in the Back or Bide,
Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia,Palsy, ItUrumsiic Pains,
Gout, Erysipclu* Teller, Ringworms, Hums, Scalds;
Braises, Old Sores, Ac., fee. Jit rases of debility re
sulting from exposure,or long and protincird of
diaeaec.'tblt medicine will bring relief. It will act as
a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such cases,
imparting lone and energy to the whole frame, remov
ing obstructions, opening the sluggish functions, wliich
cause disease and a broken constitution, and giving
increased and renewed energy to all the organs of
Lite! The proprietor knows of several cures of
PILES, that resisted every other treatment, get welt*
under the use of the PETROLEUM /or a short time.
The proof cun be given to any person who dome* it.
None genuine without tho signature of the proprietor.
Sold byrthe proprietor,
8. M. KJER, Canal Basin, near Seventh it.
Also by R E. SELLERS, 67 Wood it;
corner Wood si. and Virgin alley; who uru his
poVJ-dly regularly appoinicd Agents
No. 87, corner Market and Pifth—-or 49 Market,
tween Third, and Fourth its.
rjIHE subscriber keeps constantly on baud, whole*
X sale and retail, the following articles, viz:
Wash Tubs, Sioti Chums,
Meat Tabs, BarrelChnrns,
UathTohs, Half Bushels,
Wooden Bowls, Pecks and Half Peeks,
Wash Boards,' Brass Bound Buckets,
Clothes Pies, Towel Hollers,
Wooden Ladles, Bread Roller!,
Clothes Baskets, j Market Baskets, Ac., Ac.
. notU No 03 Diamond alley, Pituburgh
"i RE NOW RECEIVING a largo and complete as-
OLERY, and CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, direct from
the manufacturers in Europe and America, and arc,
new fellfTrepared to offer goods at inch prices as
eonnot fall to please, and would particularly rcuueti
tho attention of Merchants who are in the habit of go
ing East, aa we feel confident they will find, after n
tborosgh examination, that our prices wiiL-cpiupare
favorably with any bouse in Philadelphia ot New
York. t
J* ree’d, an elegant plain Rosewood fi oct. Piano 1
from tho celebrated manufactory of Nuors &
Clark, N. Y., of superior tune, and venrnmdenit*: prieo.
F °AS bl,, _ *j.&.wE3S&k
.V'-Jiemes ot the day.”
Go* nail’s riraTtos, Ohio, May Pti, 1849.
R I Sellers: 1 tbiuk it right forthcrbeaefiiof ethers
io svu.t <ome facL* in relation fo year excellent Fami
ly M.d emts. ' '
I in- - u»*d youT Vermifuge largely in my own fam
ily. p--vii«i frequently answering for expelling! rge
nua-.i.f ..{lay t to aw>) worms from twochildtsa I
have : ;o aied your Liver Pills and ifough riyrap >n
my and they have in every instance produced
ij.c (•:!• t dr sired. ~ .
A - - "n sngaged in merchandising, I am able to
statr it I tiuvi* yet to hear ef tbe first failure where
your i>i-die nes have been used in my section of the
country. In couclimon, I may state that they are tAs
medi:. c? ol the day, and are destined'to have a very
exteu*' re pspolarity Yours, res >ei tlullT,
Prepcred and sold by R. *■ ' 1 RB,No S 7 Wood
strer.:. end sold by Druggi' - generally tn the two ci
ne* n-i'l vicinity. __ m Y3I
Final, only true, and genuine Liver Pill.
Suoar Csxxx, Ohio eaunty, Vo.)
March SOth, 1849. )
Mr. R E. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think tt » duty I owe
to you xnd to tho public peneraly, to state that I have
boennii ioied with the Liver Complaint for a tong
time, c-,-1 so budiy that an abceas. formed and broke,
which frft me in u very low stale. Having, heard of
your i-rlebraled Uver Pill* being'for tale by A R
rihnrp, i't We.t Liberty, and recommended to me by
my pby-ician, Dr. K. Smith, I concluded to rave them
a f air Ir iiti. I purrhased one found them to
c lost vvbnt they are recommended, THE BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED, and aftertaklngfour boxes
I bud i!u- disease has entirely left me,' and 1 am now
pcrfec ,: ; well. Respectfully yours^
Weft Liberty, Mareh 96,1849.
Ice-.y that lam personally acquainted with Mr
Colom .and can benr testimony t# the truth of the
a*M ve rtificate. A R BIIARP
' Tin i * nuine Liver Pin* are prepared and sold by
RE- i.ERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists
inii't- «o allies. _
D)*M lE-PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen
uine Liv.x- Pills are prepared by RESellera,andbiTe
b:s niuTie stamped in black wax upon tho -Ud-pf each
box. aim his signature on the eutsUe wrapper—ol)
others are counterfeits, or base ioHaaona. -
npio K E SELLERS, Proprietor
17R0M tho Rev ASA SHINN, a wcHknflvrn aadpop
r ula? ciergvmanoitheProtestantMetbodtsiChßreb
uc'tcrsigned hosing beenofllieieddgnnglhepist
« with a disease oitnh stomach,aometuaes pro
la,-. •;» great pain in the raomachforteaer.twelvehosn
without.ntertni r on,and after havingtiied. variott#
remedies with. ' effect wasforhlttetTwith a botlla
olDr D J-iyne’sti , motive Qairara; Thi*he ntedac
cording to the dirrnt.ons.atd found invariably that tha
medicine caused the pain to abate in three or four min
ute*, and in fifteen or twenty mtnuie*evcry uneosj
sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine was af
terwnrdsused wheneverindlcatiDniof the approach ol
pain were perceived, andthe pain wa* thereby prevent
ed. He continued io u»e the medlctee every evening
and sometimes in the morning, and in a few week*
health w*» so farre*tnred,that the *uffercr was relict
edfrom a large amount of oppreisive pain, rromex
parieiice, therefore. -ie. can confidently, recommend U
b J.vnr'* C.rmio;u. t U.lim,
ford ; ....=.of.t l ,l»m.rt.ndbow.l.
For sale in Pittsburgh a; i«PEKIN TEA tirOlt
79 Fourth street, near Wo «■ and also attheDrug
Store of H P SCHWARTZ, ►e rralstreet. AHegner v
vat.lfAßL.lfi DIBCbVBEYI
CousumpOon, Cou^s, Cold*, A»foaa, BwbcUu^L,*
«r Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breath-
Imr, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpiuuon ot
foe Heart, Influents, Croup, Broken Con
stitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debili
ty, and all Diseases of the Throat,
Breast and Lung*; tie most ef
fectual and speedy cur#
•ver known (or any of
foe ahtsyt* discos- X
e# is -
•DR. 8" AYWK’S
rAmnaußil Syrup of Wild Obiirfl
TW-meSctuo tsnoloniter thoit of JoiibUiil
•oto II has passed away from lie Uumsani. duly
80l upon the tide ot mcperimenl, end no« stands
hijbef in reputation, and is bceominemoioeitynsm
ly'iiVed titan any othei of matltciae eter
produced Tor the rebel 01 auflsMg man. £
*Hb" been .euoduced ye»T generally through the
Unhed Suite* *M Earcpe, and there are few uwn« of
but what contain aomo remarkable eti-
SETof". edccts.'Fo.praofortle fomyoin,
Jtamments. Olid of the anion nnd eOcaey of this modi-
proprietor nrtll inrana few of lltn maay tboa
-3 toatimotiinl. wbieb bate boon presented toilet,by
t!?n of tbo ft ft respectability-men wbo bate tnyher
responsibility and in.llco, than to ear
riffm facts, earan.o ttanil do anolbet a fayot, and
taatnselec. no iniostlta. Soeh testimony prates con-
Starite y.lhat tu .arprtsiay excellence ia e.ubiubrd
bv “s intrinsio merit., and tbe nnqnestionabla nathon
-5 “ public opinion. Tbe last.,iteneoit. relief it of.
tad. and die soolblat inllaenee dtdn.ed tbrotyb tbe
by its use, renders a a men ejreeable
„rnedyf.,.heomiej£ Mi!MBEH ,
“When men. meting from con.eienliou. umulk*,
Tolontanly bear testimony to tho truth of * thing, or
nnrneular tiici. »uch testimony, being contrary u the.r
worldly and purposdv coerce. conricttou «-f
truth, and commends itself in a *P«cia «anner to
,nir.r*kl credence.”—O’ilofi an’. Monti Maxima.
*till AnoTUWtCtntaor PtnJMSAIIT CoSJtxniM:-
THn’enever was * remedy that has boen as niceesifiil
in derperue cases of Consumption, as Dr.Bwayne*
Compound Syrup of Wild Chcm - , It strengthen, the
and appear! to heal the ulcers on the lungs
eroafct g new arid rich blood; power posseaicd by no
otner f-iione.
Ghetto Co., April 236, IMS.
Dr go OToe-Dcer Sir: 1 v ' ,lly ’“'“T T“ r c »”;
I»Md »/5 »f Wild Cherry bo Dot d>e
KSm St lift. 1 esa{ht e tevere cold, which tnda-
XVS-wworre, ouendcd wiih * revere coijh, lh.l
S&mdall the imrdieo whicb 1 hod recoonelo, ■ml'
Smciri *1 utuil ray rose exhumer Ml ihe .rnctom. or
i»T recover) . Altt. Jme I „ on,,
■ Tho K« taoto hod ihe edeel 10 lowed So
Loortai SioeiSviorole freel* odd hr Do
Wnic-ful Cun OJ « MnlinUst Mima*.
■n, Sw™ “ D~r Sir Tfcel * dcbr or t y.uad. fa
, V,*-,', 1 duty to ihotnkuitod genernlly, to ode
2, T KmMr «*&“ in fS»r of yonr Compound By
al Tw i ft'wrrv Sonra tiifrryr.r. tonco I I,u
r “l' r ‘ ,11 niLdkedwith cold und loflammntionof tho
r.r occonpaoicd will . ditto*!
“ die preen on* deed, n,ery eonradcm.
M.'R-Wc of ofiemdcc mocu, from He low, core
e ll v opS 'chtoec ol weedier, howeyer eUght. il
f,™, 1 fXe .. ulerm nboul my dominion, tat w». prr ly
dm. 1 ‘ cll , , ~ was rapidly going into eonsnnp,
Tu e»dellen|l!'w
, i l , L« iv .teocte or spe&i above a whisper, itch
«T2d«S?SS»e» ofmy l«.» Dor* tfta
i had triedu«tou. preparation,andi pre«npim
, ■ . erigiue all the tide worae. Jpt
Lat ndTucd a&4 persuaded by a dear friendln
n"„‘, jom SyraP of. Wild Ch».
fr l mutt con-est that previously I had been preft
patent medicines, and l am suil nguiat;
SoJe etdiiK o«t of the hands of emperlcs, bat undff. ;
mote csnwik . . t^ e profession and practice if
£td3l- T nnd hartag implicit fnilli in the aayia* of up
“a„dl? IfcrJiwiliipurchßScd of Dr. Shew ono ofjrotr
umi, , irw bvillci, and coramcncedlta Bae. M, do
wu ellhendieo eflUor 25 toonlbe' eiendinj.cni.
11 wet deeply tealed. I. found, howevc,
“Kimble teller ftcra the into of toe Cm four or fiTi
bmilr. 11-Jt MSI pnblicepcokrr, 1 frequently el
fl n.ennb willi ioy increatiun atreorth, ent
thereby “pmSShlto Tetiel. that hJf hinttofy beg.,
5 hen? in thie Key, donhllo.i, ray onto wee grrmilj
to “ded to eee.wenee of Bating Urn, imfrndenll'
tld to «,r iweivo or fifteen bottla. before 1 wnapo. •
felSy rettored I.havo no qne.uon, e ranch null..
eirtoiLv oUiottiw* would have made me sound,bu
Sieabove f indl«reti6n. The Syrup allayed the fen , ni .
wh habit, took - way the distressing cough, put art- . T 1»« Oldan Tim*,
o the di»rf»ar*o of matter from the bran, and ray TAMES D. LO€KWOOD,.Book»ellerand Importer,
them and the enure system good health. Ihavedefei U No. 03 Wood itntetj has for talea few copies com
red offering this ecrufieate until now, for the purpose plele, tthe remainder of the edition,) of this valuable
of Lein* nerfee * r sutisfied with the pcnnanencjr ol the work, devoted to the Preservation of Documents, and
-ure and now unit 1 feel perfectly well 1 offer it with other authentic information relating to the early ei
oleasurc Bxv. J. r. Joanax. plorations, settlement andimprevementofthe country
Dublin countv N. C- around the bead of the Ofcio. By NeviUo B. Craig,
GKi of Pittsburgh, In S voia fftro.
novlO " J. D. LOCKWOOD.'
—ivrpanani Cauaon — Bead.' Bead!
'Thf rr is liati-* C genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and dial is Ilr. BwsT***, tho fir.V«ver offered to the
public, which id> boeo.-*old freely through*! the
United Slate# ami ,«om« pens of Luionei emd allpre*
natations ruHcv by the name of Wild Cherry have
been put oot aiuee this, nndcr-cover of noe deceptive
circum.tanccs •« order Jo give currency to their sale*.
Hy • little observation, no person need mistake the
rename front tV b ® tllo of S e "® ,^ ,e l i,
enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving,with tlm
iikenrs* of William Ponn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne’s
• lenntuic: nml -• further security, the portrait of Dr.
swarue willl. added hereafter, w as to distinguish
hit prenarunot Mom all-theta. Now, U il vu not for
the «etii enrauveproperties and known vlrtae*ofDr.
rtwiTynr's i orotund Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons
would not l>e endeavoring to five currency to their
“fictitious no*.-sms” by stealing the name of Wild
Chert)- Remember, always hear in mind the name
of Dr. tiwa\ no nd be not deceived.
Principal Oihie, corner of Eighth and Race itecets,
' win’ l rsa le and retail by OGDEN A SNOW**
DEN. cur tM an 1 Wood si*; D A FAIINKSTOOK A-
Co cor t»t an. Wood, and Cth and Wood its} WM
riioKN.s3 M-svket »t| S JONES, It® Überty strJAS
A JONES, cm -viand and Penn slaj JOHN MITCH*
PXI-, Alleßhca. rity, and by all respectable dealeradn
medicine. _ _
Ur* MTi P. Inland’s Premlnta Plutir,
1 vii, w. J’. INLAND, of Uie Medical College bfPhIJ-
Jl ad'-lphia, now offers to tha public his Indian Veg
ntble Premium Plaster, ihe qualities of .which. after
long ami tried experience, has been es*
tabliahed. To all women who may be afflicted wilh
prolapsus Utorm or Fallen Womb, he recommends Ilia
plaster, guaranteeing n tore and speedy care in the
sliort’spnce of from iwo to thee weeks, if applied with
enro nnd ivjt—discarding all the eoaulJess instruments
and expensive bandages so long in use. This be feels
conscientious in Ktaiiur,liiairmuah u he hoe not failed
in one cam out of three hundred and fißy-thrce pa
Alio fur [Uicnmnlism and Weak lireasl or Rack, at*
tended wiiii pnnt, there i* nothing to creel this Planter
in nir-iTdmg rebefor effecting a cure. For sale by '
1, Wilcox, corner of Diamond awl Market si
fc Heller, u Liberty and 8L Clair, ats
Dr J Sargent “ Federal aland Diamo I'Jl, Alle
gheny city \
Jacques & Co, u Denman and Diamond Binning
barm —i*3 ~
Kli BEi.UEIUI, Druggist, No 07 Wood street,
. bole Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend’s Gen
uine Sarsaparilla, bits just received SIX) dozen,of this
Great Spring and SumEer Medicine. I
Purchaser* ahohld recollect that il E Sellers U sole
agent lor Pittsburgh, and DM Curry" for Allegheny
city _
i EXTRACT OK article whieMi ra
l pblly coming mio use as a wholesome, nourishing
and delicious beverage, being more nleasani and pal
atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper,** aamali
paper coitnig only len cents, will go a* far m four
►ounds of Codec. Manufactured by ,
1 JOHN S. MILLHe, PitUburth, Pa. '
Bold at wholesale by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co,
corner of First and Wood und Sixth and Wood streeu,
Pituburgh • : t ap3t • •
CIALIFOHNIA HUllilEß GOODS—Just received,
i SA Cutup HlnnVeu; 5M officer coat*{ la pra Pamsj
IB pair# licit lined Mining UnuH: Iff IstlimuFDagßS 3
water Tank*,.® - aud I'd gallon* each; *0 ean teen*, i
gallon each; l dot lJudtskia Money Delia; Ido oiled
cambric do da The above goods for sale at UN Cali
fornia Outfithig Establishment. N‘us Wood at.
ASSORTED SpICLS-Fui up for .family um, la tin
sans, enclosed in a eliding lid bog, containing-,
Mustard, AJspico,
dnnmnon, Ginger, -
Cloves, . Pepper,
Warranted part. For sale at the now Spice! and
Mustard Factory, corner ofFerry A Liberty »u. •
mylu* _ ■ - JOHN H URIJ.
ANvltJt— \Viouvht Iron Anvils, from the Temper*
auet’Ville works, wamutted; will ba
on band and supplied to order, by
myt* GEO OOChRAN, SB Wood at ;
JT ra la*33=l gtlt**| s lll£ia§ *g
__ «. «sj «'3*itslsis«(|'S“i32;' S as4SSSSs£“§.|| s |' 1
2 i
2 * iuiir4iM««^! # « i
"*■ < g ‘ H
W G .
tf E
■if _ „
C ■- .. -)C?? r £<> = Ilf!! i
S 8 n:!? mit =^3^ll l3? rtspi! j
zebtß|i Broknif
—Drafts, Notes and Acceptance*
1 of the Union, collected on the most
S. H
DiDk«ri| 1
payable in any pa
favorablo terms.
NewYotk, Philadelphia and Bal*
noti, Louisville, Safat Louis and
antly for sale.
Notes on all solvent banks in the
uited at tbe lowest kinds
mean Gold and Silver Coin bought
limore; alto, Cioeia
New Orleans, coat)
United Stales dlteol
of Foreign and Ami
and soldi
Office No. AS Market street, between 3d and 4lfcj
Piutborgb, Pa. _ oetSS
BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought I
any amoant at the Current Rates of ExchangeJ
Also, Draft* payable in any part of the Old Countries,
from £1 to £fQOO, at the rate of *5 to the £ Sterling,
without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN
BON, European and General Agent, office slh st one
door west of wood. oetlSU
aluqi mml lowm uaa
ginwan * RAHffl,
>» Foreign and Domestic Bill* of Exchange, Cer
tificates of Deposite, Bank Notes and Coin, corner of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho
tel. ■ maygdiy
ijrfkdTffißi vcUdi^
W Ohio,
Kentacky, <
purchased at ths lowest rates, by
n7 holmes a sons,
sej>l3 3$ Market street.
New York.
rhOadalphla, and
Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES A SONS,
sepia -35 Market st
r Remarkable Works of the Agt
b IT9 REMAINS; with an account
po Chandaean Christiana of Knrdia*
idls, or Dcvil-Wora kippers; and »n
latmers and Ana of the Ancient A*-
tea Henry Layard, Erq-» D. C. L.
r Note by Prof E. Robinson, D. D.,
I with 13 plate* and mans, and 00
6vo. cloth, tl^O.
I rare amount of graphic, vivid, pic
a Onsof tha
xi' of a visit to t
tan, and the Yer
Inquiry into the h
eyrient. By Atu
with lotroduetor
LL.D. llluitrate
wood cats', s veil
“Toe book hae • r
lurepqoo narrative "
**Tlie work of L f
bulioit to'the study i
many yeare.”—Ch t
“♦Not one excel* 1
and its Ruins, gi' l
Intel! igeneer.
“A» we follow tl t
in (heir excavation ■
tore n massive Ejn 1
now lifting Us gl; 1
years, we are ret i
Arab-t, ‘Wallah, it I
For salo by
lyard is the matt prominent eontri
of antiquity, that bat appeared for
irt. Inqj
n Interest the icconnt of Nineveh
en by Mr. LijrartL"—Washington
e diggers with breathless interest
uud suddenly find ourselves he
re carved with minute aeetreey.
antic head from the dust of SOW
ly to cry out with the astonished
Is womlerfut, but it is true!’ n —ln-
• 63 Wood st
isw Books*
if the; Old and New Testament,
t • Sprague, D. D. I vol. Imp. f}vo.,
Id exquisitely Enlshed engrayings;
t y celebrated American Clergymen.
X Wiled by K. I
elegantly bound; 1
"wiitrne&er.puoe* t
and enlarged editu
original designs by
ly bound and gill,
ala and Gift Books.
Sevell’a Child’s 1
1 vol. ISfflo.
use of CarpemersJShipwrigbu, Wheelwright*, Saw-
S Lumbermen,(Students, and Artirans generally:
j a thorough and practical Treaute on Hcnsura
lion and the Sliding Rule. By D. M. Kaper, A. M.
Kota’* Treatise on Greek Prose Composition.
' Ollendorff* Elementary French Grammar. Uy Prof
Greene, of Brown University, lvol. ISmo.
RoeJiger’s Geseniu*’ Hebrew Grammar, by Coaant.
Gesemns’ Hebrew Lexicon.
l<oorais’ Trigonometry and Logarithmic Tablet. 1
vol. (sheep.)
The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol. (tans*
Un.) I
Ambon's Classiekl Scries.
Webster’s Dieiic tiary, revised cd. 1 vol. five.
do do unabridged, s 1 vol. 410.
Barne’s Notes and Questions on New Testament
Whatcly’t Logit.
Mos helm's Eccl isiastical History. 3 volt and 3
▼ols. (sheep.)
Vestiges of Crea ion. lvoLiemo.
Mornings among the Jesuits at Borne. 1 rol. (cloth
and paper.) J
Scenes Where the Tempter has Triumphed. 1 vol.
(cloth and paper.)
Borne's Theological Leclare*. 1 vol. Bvo. (cloth.);
Alder’s Proaounclag Bible.
Boyer’s French Dictionary.
Smart's Horace. Pot tale by R HOPKINS,
Sovl3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth ft
ILIA, IMri. Weiby, of Ky.,) a uew
n; Illustrated by engravings from
tVler.' 1 vol. square Bvo.. elegant
(Uso—?A variety of splendid Anna-
ini Book of the History of Borne.
jL'I Montaigne, edited by 11. Hulitt, comprising his
Essays, Letters, and Journey through Germany and
Italy, with notes from all the Commentators, Biograph
ical and Bibliographical Notices, &c.
Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives
and Methods of Good' Bchool-Kceping, by 'Da-rid
Plage, A. U- raineipal of the State Normal School,
Albany,-N. Y. .
Frank Forester's Fish andfiihing of the U. States
and British Provinces of North America, by Henry
nord comer Third and Market sts
ROMAN LIBERTY: A History, Wilh a view of the
Liberty of ether Ancient Nations. By Samuel
illicit, Eaq. Illustrated wilh twelve engravings, exc
elled at Room. 2
listorical Work*. •
Jost pablithed «ad for b&1« by
JAMKS D. LOCKWOOD, Booktdlcr tad
ttotlO . . Imponer.ftJ Wood ct
Tho reading of this book ha* impressed as with a
melt higher opinion of iu author than wo had Canned
frfo penning her other writing*. lldisplaysudeeper
too of thought, united to more pure womanly grace of
fedngfoaa any otherproduetlon of the female mind
wfowhicta we ara acquainted.*—Eve. Mirror.
“t it a very agreeable and readable book, written In
Fsqy Kemble’# best style—bold, spirited and enter*
feiatg. We~recemmen<f (ttoour readers u tbo best
Fabication of tha season. ll —Raiding Gox.
i“1 eontanuthe Journal of a travel through Europe,
and totldence in lialr, and it ono of the pleatanieat
~Md aoit interesting books of the teaton."-—Coor, and
•Avery eharacterUtlcbook. We have read it from
tid» (age to Colophon with nnabalcd interest. A vi*
vUpfciaro of life in Rome. Io ail rctpecu eminently
ncrld . Bookseller 4 Importer, ttj Wood it
bltl>D|r>plUo KiUbllihmiat
OT IVM. tWHUCiHUANN, Third at, opposite tho
P»«t-Ofllce,.Fttuhurgh.—Map*, Landscapes, Bill.
heaiijShowbiUs, Label*. Architectural and Machine
Dramtgn, Butiaeu and Visiting Can!*, Ac., engraved
or <k»vn on stone, aod printed fit color*, GcJdTUf ouzo
or Dai*, In the most approved ityle, and at the roost
rctdjifclo price*. oetl&Iy
T' acaßdT 1 .
GIATEFtTL for the »ery liberal encouragement I
bne received for *o many years, I bave deter,
mined t enlarge my boilne** considerably. HavLir
engageat competent Foreman, I will bo enabled to
fillalf alert promptly, and do tho work in our u«ual
•tylo ati at fair prices, and nik'lbe attenUon of
chant* id citizens to tny large ttock of UFiloimri’K.
11Y OOOS and Bed*,. Mattresses and Beddii,; CoX
tain Mairials, Damasks and Moreen*, Cornice.pi?*
mkcfv.lUA, B^Uudßalto.'SSaJSd
every «jeta uinaUy kept in jut. establishment of the
kind. Glers respeeilkllj solicited and promptly at“
tended if • * * ■*
N. made and pot down.
■ WM. NOlir.K.
alugubkt vSinpiAiTßLiiiti —
K-SSeJ 1 * P“ l,lic .' “■« »<>
“aihU itoad on the
? comiilete uun-;
SsliwS? W * ,,Blil,d, S * l ‘ o Ve.
niUan Stumers are made to or-'
SB ilj-ln, .rnrramcd'
9‘if W in Uie uiiiiol antu.
Hi* Blinds eon be removed with*
oht the aid of a screw driver.
Having purchased the stock,
tools, and wood ofUie caliinetcs
tabltihmcutofttamsay A Jd’CJel
land, I am prepared to faruish
their, old euiinmera, a* well as
the public! Urge,withevery thing in their line.
AgencySo & wood itreet, Pittsburgh.
pchST J. A. BROWN.
PA PEA ANG Ibffi 4—l am now receiving, iiirec
from natsnufaetarcra’in New York, Philadel
phia and iitimore, a Urge and well selected assort
ment of eihe latest and most improved styles of sa
tin,- gUxwfcti common PAPKB HANGINGS, eon
sitting ef—i '
10,000 sees of Paiior and Fresco;
T u Hall and Column;
. IOOPO Dining-room, chaabar - and ofiea
Paper—wfil | would particularly invite the auenttoa
of those haw houses to paper, to call and examine,
; ai the PapeparebouM of t. C. SSr.
h L. _ •. ,
*-9 2»->a.S=?£s‘4*-S<s;:s.3'- ■ ■
«|'*f£s§a®* 2 'l’Ss^-s! < S I* o -52- £ $
j s a9ss~ssS“3S* , -' c 3’"«* - .&* 41 | : '
isliiNf inn?|a§2«’k r st* -
=■ S I? ; i f 1 il infs
US ft nfi®|i|ii pti
I 1 likjfßKSi f§| li lit
I |g fiinHliS i! !l k|3
Ilf siiliafl jfMlisl;te
s 3 C 8 *1c532 5 -9SS|asE^ 1 -fStls«'S , 2^«,ft!2
i*s iliiii Isfepiftiiifir
■ ;is*i lia Si;*’ ?ss i £ s'? ?
: “ISlJsblUSlifSSiMl-f»«;^s
- Allegheny Cltjr; A. PATTERSON, Birmingham. . -Jyiaitts v .
. Cm
tfgfi O
B -mH 9
8 ADTBH'B ' i
I.UNGB-—The unprecedented success which us
Bended the use of the I.
o all the various forms which irritation of the lugs a**
•times, has indieed the proprietor igaio to eaiiatten*
tioa to this ___ ] * *
The ehangabte weather whiehjmarks ear fSU-cad
winter months, is always a fruitful source of
rhese, if neglected, are but the precursors of that foil
destroyer, < i
The question, then, how shall wo niothe doetroytrln
the bud? how shall we get clear ox ear eoughs and
olds? is of vital importance to the publio.
will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. Inproefofthis
we have from tune to time publiikedlhe eertlflcatea.of
dozens of our best known citizens, who have experi
enced its enrativo powers. These, with a mass or tes
limoay from all parts of tha countryF-rfrom
Minimen of the Gospel, fee., together with ecpioss co|
ices from the
wo have embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had
graUs of any of oar agents throughout tha country.:
have been used in this dry.
throughout the United States and Canada, and tre fha
leege any man to point out a :
a which, whentakenafleordihgto directions, tndbe*
fore the lungs had become fatally disorganized, u has
ever failed to , • .
Why, then, need Ute aflieted hesitate? Why resort to
the miserable nostrums, gotten upbyuak i owaindivid
•also ler the assumed camo of some caebrajed phy
sician, and paged into notoriety by. certificates ft perl
sons equally unknown? Whilst a medicine ef ,
U to bo had, whose vouehere are et home,—our
borsf—many of whom it has j
In orderihat this Invaluable medicine way beplteed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, we have
put the price et >
Just one half the asaal eon of cough medioine*. • it u
lor sale by our agents in nearly, every town and village
over the west, who are prepared to rive Call informs*
dun relative to it. T. SALTER, PyoprietorJ
. Droadwtty, Cincinnati, Ohio.
fERCURY, or otherjMia
sr*L It- has power to
aas© all EXTERNAL
JUNDS to; discharge
air pomd,‘maUrrs,i and
e* heal* them.' > -
:lt U rightly termed
k LL- HKALING‘ for
here b aeercely'a> dis
ease external or tauynal,
•at it will not benefit
we iued it for the last,
the chest, invotTiny;
jibnitr, ana 1 declare
__ .netla onexasohes it
railed to benefit when the patient w*s within the retch
of l l the profctaimi. I
hare ministers of the gospel, judge* of the bench, al
dermen, barren, gentlemen of the highest erudition,
aad multitudes of the poor use 1 it in every vaiieiy ol
arty, and there has been but one volee—one universal
voice saying—“M’ALUSTEB, YOU& OINTMENT
ISGOOD!” , . , •
, RHEUMATISM—It remove* almost imnudlhtely
! the inflammation and swelling, when the pain ceases,
i(R the directions around the bog.) . I' —
D-ACHE—The salT*~hu cared persons of the
bea£«cho of twelve yean standing, andwhohadil
renlar every week-sothalTßmilingmokpbee. KAR
are helped with like success. •
SCALD HEAL—We have eared ease* that actually
thing known, as well as the ability pt fix
lean-o twenty doctors. One man told uhe had ipent
*.iM on his children withou any benefit, when a few
yens of Ointment eared them. j
TETTER—There is nothing better, for the enre of
BURNER is 000 of the best things in the world for
Barns, • ' . t
PILES-jThousand* are yearly eared by this Oint
ment. It nvxx fails in giving relief for the Pile!.
Ip* Around the box are directions for using
tutir’s Ointmmtfer Senful&,Lhtr Complains, ErutifO-
Ut, Ttatr, Qalbloin, Staid Bsai. Bon Efts, Quincy,
Seri ThnauEnnekuat, JTirecta Ajftaioiu, Pouul Dw
mttef&t Spvu,Htad aeU,<uiAiKa. Deo/iuxs, EarjacU,
£«nu, Corns, all Dissasss tf U* Shin, Eon -Lips, Pirn
pta,.fe- SmUincqf tin. Limbs, Boro, Hlewntfttw,
pila, eoU Fou. Croup, B\oilltd or Broken Breast, 3W&
ii.t« H| PvT| j :
COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pain In the Chest
and Side, falling oiTef the .hsir, or tho other accompa
nies cold feet {This Ointment, is the true remedy.) It
isn «nre sign of disease to havseoid feet , I .
CORNS—Occasional use of the Ointment will al
ways keep corns from growing. People need hover
be.troubled with ihcmjTtheyaseitfrequently. j
Hits Ointment is good for any part of foelbody
or umbs when inflamed. In some eases it should be
spplied often.. " ;
CAUTION—No Ointment will be gen nine unless the
name of JAMES McALLISTER is written with a pen
onevejylabeL - j -
For sale by my Agents in all the principal cities and
towns in tho (Jutted States. j
Sole Proprietor of the above medicine,
rp*''Principal Office, Na 29 Nbnh Third streeq Phil
adelphia. I
Aerne w Prmxcuon—Brann A Reiter, eor&er of
liberty and St Clair su; and U Wilcox, Jr, eonier of
Market st and the Diamond, also corner of 4lh usd
Smlthfield sts; J if Cossel, eontcr of Walnut and Penn
its, 6th ward; and sold at the bookstore iq fjanhilcld
st, 3d door from Secuod *u in Allegheny city Iflr H P
Schwarts and. J Sargent; by J O Smith, DniggiK, Bir
mingham; DNegiey, East Liberty; H Rowfanfl, Me-
Kecsport; J Alexander A Son, -Monongaheta City; N
B Bowman A Co, and J T Roger*, Brownsville) John
Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agents.’ •
feb27-doo<lly ' ' •• • }
Facta for tho Publle, ’ {
Iu rotation to that unrivalled family Baivei
TESTIMONY of a respectable ‘Phydelaa.ißead
the following, addressed to my Agent, Ur. P. Mer
ry weather, Cincinnati: 1 .
„ , ' , la, k&«.
Sin A sente of duty compels mo ■ to giye my tribute
to Dailey’s Porn Extractor. Befog opposed to fauaek
cry and all nostrums having for their object minister
motives—but realising maeh good from the “King tf
Pain Killers’ l —l am indueed to tender you Ihisfcertifi
eate. I hato used it in my family, in my practice, and
with all the happy arid wonderful effect* that could
poswbly bo imagined. H. J. Ban cm, M. D
Df.Brodie is. the,, senior partner of BrodieALevi,
Druggists. ■ T
- . InfiammUor* EJiououuum.- . i
' Hie following testimonial cornea from a source ft)
miliar to many of those traveling on onr Western
ter*. Mr. G lime, the well andfavorably knoCm pro
prietor of the Parkersburg Hotel, I* bosbanl to the
lady whose letter 1 annex :• [
_ 1 PauxxntJmo, V*, Aprill3,3BW.
To Henry Dailey, Chemist. Ae.—Sin Having for
merly been lortg afflicted with' violent inflammatory
Rheumatiam, which appeared so firmly seatad as to
defy all ordinary appliances to allay tha severe pain
attending it, I was redneckto' try your Magical rain
Extractor; and it having effected, almost as ifjby ma
gic, ar immediate relief, and also, to all appearance* -
an enure auc perfect cure. I am induced for thp bene
fit of ether* who may. be aflUetcd with pain; eagsed by ,
any kind of inflammation, to writs to you,' ddctsriag ;
that In my opinion, founded - on aetoal experience
your Magical Pain Extractor is the most valusplo dis
covery of the present age for the immediate extraction
of bodily pain. ;lt isanalmdit immediate ana a per- .
feci cure for Bums and &ealds L aad all external in- •
flunmatioo. 1 ’ t . J . .
Having many ncauslotsnees formed bythet visits
at ray liotlmnd’fthote! in iblsplsre, 1 have «{ ( >po«<d •
by your shewing tbcm these few bnes,it may
be of benefit both to them and yoarseu. ■
Euzaxunr Gu**.
n, lh.‘hope that Mr.
publicity I glup lo bar leuar. *a waU art; fclore of
Dumanity a. oAu bain* Iha .man unrfa of brinsto, It ,
to the notice ofher frienila—lf. DaUJfT-I* |
Felon Cured. j ,
Eltractof.lcllar, Kt . N „.^ IS46 , J
Mr. 11. Dailey: “I have tried your Pain Extractor fo .
a can of felon, in my own lamtly. which it kelleved 1
and cured Iu a very short time, in haste,- vturs re- ,
■eeetfullY. ' Js*. M. Yonra.' ,
• IO" Burns and iSealds, Piles, Sore Nipplea,|Broken
Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cuts, Wounds, and all in
flammation, yields readily to the.wonderiai properties
of this unrivalled family solve. . Dntj In thn saine pro
portion tiiat you will receive benefit from the Pennine,
yon will be Injured by the deleterious Cffeeis of foe
counterfeit solves. - • I
CAUTION—Be aare and apply onlp to foe Ifavewor, !
ll.Daunv, 415 Broadway, or Id his so- 1
foorixed agents. JOHN D MORdAN.
General Depot, PiuAurrh..
Henry P-achwart*. Allegheny, : A«uti. Ji Baker,
Wheeling, . Jamea/\V Johnston, Maysville, Kv J
F. Merryweather, O, General Depot. y<l
N. It—ln the severest ttura* and Bealdsit*ei: n , ctl
the painiaa few mtnaies—itneve*fails’, ijul4 •
B. A-PansivTOCi, ) : ~a. b. Hull, id v rjre
fIUFOAMWi) >Pittsburgh. r.Uty
G. W. FaHTXjroe. J r ' •* -
WbGuG. " r s; w *^J' k ;* ‘fc- city .1
2ftgf ImPtu ySrliuneiyi
••■•i tow us foeyeaa hepur-
a. A.rXmsnooK*Q
• Hoadl ZUwXI ' t
Eaq, Clerk of. the Coon of Quarter Senioaae?
Seayer County: . .5
ftlr. R. & Seilers—Sir, Some time in the winter my '
wife was afflicted with a-severc and distressing qoigfc,
and hearing of your inyaleable Cough Syrup, |\«uL
chued a bottle from 8. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, ‘
and after taking aportioaofit two Or tires'evening*
on bed, ane fcnftnd immediate relief aialao
several friends hare btfen relieved in severe-cmse*. I
am therefore satisfied that It la a-sa/e and valuable
medicine, and would recommend it to ihoaa who-may
be afflicted with severe Cotteha and ... .
. Hareh 38,1343. - - W.JLBODES.
Prepared and sold by R. B. SELLERS, 57 Wood at,
and aoldby drsggista generally, in Pittsburgh and Al
letimy. :
Tlaa C
lin coat Oompuif*-
BOOKS will be open for snbeeripticm U> the itMk of
“The Cheniers Coal Company,” os and. after
Monday, the 24th day ef September ini L, at ; tbenlßee
of Z. XV. RenUsatos, Fens at, FUtabareh. ■ - . p. ’
TptSlnltf • Z. W. REMINGTON.
f axoßai abiosi 1
Xo. 46 Eorkct ittecl, .
HAVING purchased an extexwveand earefitHye*
leeted stocfcof Spring and Sommer Goods, 1 the
subscriber reipeetfoliy lnurmi his' friends . aan> tha
public, that he is bow preparing to receive and ex*»
cnlo their order* with dispatch, and la the neiucst,
most substantial, and fashionable Banner; '-Asha is
determined to do business co the cash nr stem, he flat*
ten himself that he will be able to do -wtnfc M cheap
as it dan be done at anjr establishment In the ooantryj
Iltsjstoek is varied, consisting of Cessimores, Brood*
'eluthd, Vestings, which hie friends are nepeetfU]
It Invited to examine for themselves.
my34:dtf , __°^9 BQg A IIM O R^
• JBss3fr REMOVED to a new three ueeybrick
UinHPN on Smithfield street,, one’ door below
. fI IJ ” sixth street. Teeth inserted from one
to an entire set, on the taetlen principle, with abeaa>
dial representation of the natural gam—resXtmnf the
original shape of the fisee.
N. It.—Teeth extracted with little or no pain. .
Decayed Teeth permanently saved by p!c£Xtnx, pre
venting the toothache, which is much better n<
Ving it, though it should be done in Are mlnatae, or
even Instanuy* • : agMUi
i ‘ CUBE FOR WQRU&. . "
azAsax omrrxuuL.wiArm..
TN order to a Hard all possible security to tho public,
X. a* well as lo themselves. against fraud and.impo
sition (rota counterfeiting, too proprietor* have mado
a ehtngo in the exterior wrapper or table of their Ver>
mirage. The new label, which la a steel engraving of
tho most exquisite design and'workmanship, ho been
introduced at a very great expense, and uframthe
brain ofan artist ofthe first talent Thedesiynlsncw,
and the execution elaborate. Several figures and a
portrait are most prominent, bat tbc
rocs,” primed m white letters on a" red and finely en
graved groaml, should be particularly etithuhed.—
when held a? (o the light the letters, thadfaxef the
letters and every line, howerer'ntlnme, throtgunlthe
whole of this part of the engraving match aaefcacUy
as il the naprassioa had been made upon one aide on
ly, although it is actually printed on bslh -of the
paper. This shoold in all eases bo observeM A la
bel upon each dozen Is also printed in red upon both
sides, and should be examined In the same manner.
Thia preparation has now stood, the testtof-nutiT
years trial, and iseoniidcntly recommended aan safe
and'effectual medieino /or expelling worms from the
system. Tho nnexamplrd soccers that bu attended
its administration in every ease where the c*heat was
-really :alllieted with worms, certainly, teaadait toot
thy urn atteution of physicians. j-
Tbs proprietor has-made it a point tansearttln the
result o( its use in such eases as cams within hia
knowledge and obserratioa—and he invariably femnd
it toprodueethe most salutary effect*—notunftMasni
ly after nearly all the ordinary preparations recom
mended far worms hud been previously resorted to
without any permanent ad rentage. Thlsfaef is at
tested by the certificates and statements pf hamlrpdi
of respectable persons IndiSereotpans Of/lhdedaa
tty, and should indue families always Lo keen'a rial
of the preparation in their possession. It Is mild ia its
operation, and may be administered with perfect safe,
ty to the most delicato infant. ■ j 71
The only genuine is prepared by
apt*? D A FAIINE3T
Orsst Kn|llih Hsß«dy«;
T7OH Conehs. OoIAi. Asthma and CanranwtlArii <rh«
J? GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for lie cm of tte
above diseases, Is tho HUNGARIAN OP
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Raehsn, of
London, Englandj-and introdneed iamb* UfliiedSutes
ander the immediate snperintendenee ofihe Inventor.
The extraordinary (access of ibis zdedfdsk’iii tic
care of Pulmonary diseases, wamms-tka'Americaa
Agent in soliciting for treatment the wrw «»,'
scs that cut bofoandio tie fmru**—
relief in vain from any of the common reaedioAef the
day, and have been given ap by the mntfdistiniridshed
physicians as confirmed and utcanble.. Tha ifingari
an Balsam has cared, and will core, die most damenm
of cases. It is no qoaek nostrum, bnta stanißdßn*-
Uthtntalieine. of known and established effleacyi
Every family in the United States should bo «3pUcd
with Kachan’sHungarian of LUkdofecny to
eonntericitho Consumptive nfft* be nsed as a preventive medicine ia all iof
eolds, eoeghs, spitting of blood, pain in the aide and
chest,irritation and soreness of iha;laarsubr»chilis,
: difficulty of breatine, beetle fever, nirtt sweanuetasci*
anon and general debility, as thiaa,mfiEeaxt» whooping
coach ana croup, *<. \ 1
Bold in large bottles, at St per bottle, with' AH dir***
uons for the restoration ofhealth. -v. l i->
Pamphlets, containing a mass of. English tui. Ameri*
can eeniEe'ams, and other evidence, showingtbo an*
Tbefore—nude on lie'mont appmwd Euteni piano—
*na mostfahionable EtKernMttexaiandeoyra. Al»
ormadetoonlerof aUiixe*>«ndaiallprle«*.v
Country Merchant* tad euer« tromTuecUaetUud
examine the tboreYortbemielm.uftUwiUbeaold
wholesale or retail,tad a liberal dodueßoo Bade t»
W^dfi“i ’ arC -*“'*- A WJSIEHVEI.T
~~—l,9ns* r tflLaonTt co^«
TUPO&TKRdaad Wholenleßetlera in Foreign and
X Domeatie Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery,
Woodstreet, Pituboryfa, are now fully prepared with
a recently imported atoeli of Hard ware, Cutlery, Sad
dlery. Careenier*’ Tool*, Ac-, to offer Teryrroal ia*
dneemeats to Western Merehanu,-aj iA -addition w
! the many adfantayc* bad by ©arpred«ceno*«,_Meo»
! na. Loyaa A Kennedy, wo have yreatly lac reaped oar
facilities and pnreka** all oar good* fromfirti hand*
on the re ry luret tenna. -
The Junior stembera of the firm deroto. ihilr whols
aiuniioa to tales, aud -feeling confident of eiyinx cat-
UAuiion, reipeeuhlly eo licit a call from all who may
Tuitihl* market. _. ~ pti-hgi -•
jnDBK&‘ ~
■ihbpkrts machine copy ink. ' ’
ALL ihe« differ from oriinuy lak, utter we til
: ehemletl tolnuant conuuiunff Bo »UeH mailer:
Uo»r freely from, any kind of pen—iha eojor deep,
11 lh * r * iave **° a «iw omelet
made,!. \ava neither teca nor heard of tttm. Sam-
snui»vby ttc’jserefcaoa
(renehOly, from C.A. Fahnestock 4, C 0..-, Henry P.
V m 141 Chemist, comer «f Leber
f *uw SnUttfietdstrceu, PuuVorrt, Pa. '
-JV.‘is\!l^2 y bottle not jl»luj. complete 'ndiftetion,
? jBi”dSL da0l! ** prieo reftrtM.
• - gttnuiiqofiha Diamond, whereiVemiiao
or all the difierem ilxea mad aolon
pIOD or made to order aAe
,w uwlateataadiaoitapproMdlweni fh»k»
vi . u3a *> w the ihonen nolieeand oa the mo*
j Also, the cheap Bomou roll or raUtBH^ J Trai»*»'
reaey and Paper Cartains of all the different lixesaad
I P KUs J^ l *> ®a hand and for tale low foreaslt. :OU Veal*
1 o*a Bunds painted orer and ropaired, or takes is p**
payment lor new, E M WKdTEKVEbTj P»>*■.
_ J *t *» rAll wot* • done with the beet bulertsl ***
worttßaaetup, and warranted to plcaie the
idtoos. ' r taglVM
say ciry, A0g.10,1845.
HP McPALL, bey* to inform ibo inhabit*** l **, ,w-
X * borphaadsteinity, that he b*«a!!
above. enablUbtnenL wuero wp*rT anted**,
paid to the comfort of lho»e who nj»^fo. TOf i 5?^ 111
a call. Liberty itreet, between Seventh
tee Cream* and alloiberdoliencie* o/_p** A**OB
latPiilv - —--
4, Xf . t. Txm.
I'HE undenigned, tnccenors to 1 1
end public generally, that they h*W
OLBFOUM)RVind«ren»w:la » Bd J
haue part of their pattern* teilr* '
Amongst whieh ore Cooking « - %
Stove*, with a aplimlidalMujh* C«tI.CU)Te, which i* • ’ ■ ;
B«w ; wpcrcediu* in other cltk* »«"* j
Stove, AUo, a cocao coal Coctiol.SVT 6 * * < i
ted forraall fatntliet, with a fail a**® l !**# ol of coot- ' <
mon and mantel Grate* We would porlenlaily in* i—
vita the attention of. person* building to cull at our . ' 1 ■
warehome before parchailng/and examine a splendid :■
article ofenaamelied Orate*, ftnl*bed tn &ae *tylo— ■
entirely new in tht* market. • • ■ *|K
Wan house. No. 151 liberty st, epnoaiio Woed atj : - R V
aifSfcdrt ■ VL • -W