SY^AGNETiCTELEGRAPfI. BKPORTKD * TKLKGaiPBKD toil TJIE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE. HAWtUßrcon, January!, ISSO. la Ihß Democratic caucus, J- Porter Browlcy, Crom lbs Crawford end Venango district, wls aomiaatedSpeaKer ofthe Bcaate. ,V. Beal,from Lsxeros and Columbia district, refined to auend tbs caucus. Tbs Whig caucus nominated Augustus K. Cob urn, of;JltuUingdoc, fo; Speaker of the House. The Whig Senate cauroa adjoomtd to meet again. Nrw You, lan. t. It being New Yea»’» day. notbiag is doing in lbs market, w Tbs weather i« cold, and the season gnefer dsightag. _ PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. HaXSisbuxo, Jan. 1. 18^0> Both Honaesofibe LeaiaUture organised to daj* la tbs House, Mr. MeCalmont, the Democratic nominee, was elected Speaker, on the fint brilot,. by a majority of oiueieea votes over Mr. Cornyn, the Whig candidate. In tbs Senatr, Mr. Valentino Best was etected I Speaker, oa the eighth ballot, by a majority of two TOtmorer Mr. Brawley, tbe caucos candidato of; —the Loeofecca. . ' STATIONER'S OUM—A ‘apply just rac'd and for sito at the Rubber Depot. ? jt[[ p|ULL!P3 Metallic rubber Pi«« reed No "S^, JUST BECEIVED-2 Bra.l ' VU \";S l !’n!*?,, W ‘ M ChmT,f°r. K AssgAgk, Butauwra TAB—9-lllb. c .».ineiJ»H tKyuJ (or sale by Ceio i KiPPstoo QS^ 1 rlC ' d •“ 1 C°L"»A y BBU<NKa MO h" *« siora and<9t *ale by {j w CRAIG k SKINNER TT keei, in ‘lore and for sale by li i dea 7 ■ .-T CRAIG A ygNNF.R - e** agpf APPLfeS—73 bbli in tore and tor aale by V CRAIG A SKINNER TmiMJRn ItAOS-U dozia store and for sale by' fcg* CUAIGASKINNIfo T>EATOER3—'S tacks u> day rccM and for tala by J dear.. . AKM3TRONG.ACROZER CiDES VINEGaH-S bbU to day rac'd, for aale by dcT7 • ARMSTRONG ACROZER • . ULOUR—M bbU Glenn's Esub; i*. 40 “ I tiuni Iron's Eitrn; to day rec’djor -Saby- dc37 • A HMBTRONGA CROZER_ a.jR CUSHIONS—I 2 .Mr Cushions, square and t\ roand, tlilerim sizes, rccM ahtl for sale at dc?7 : J A II PIULLI PB, No i Wood st A 18-PARIjOR BALLS'—JaurecM, t few doxen of A different »izus B •j'lrndid article, sold whole »ele aMMitaU'atftoC Wood tfL 4c97 &AI>—SUO pig* Oaicna. juil rec'J per tteuncr J.. Crittenden, a»ul Tor mle by* de*7 JAMia A HUTCUIBOPt A CO O HOT—*# keei.nrx'U No*.,»a»t we'd and tor tale-by Q dc37 1 JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO fttatt—»o iihln N. P. T far #al* by ■ldSr, /amhs a hutchison a co FEATIiKKi 1 —i.rimTKy.. io*t ree’d and foj ule bT dt27 JAMK3 A HirTCHISON ACO HEM I*—4l) bale* l>cw Halted; 1-i - Manilla; for aata by dc27 JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO KICB— 1C tierrea prime, for ante by - .__ dc«7 JAMES A. HUTCHISON A CO WOTICK.~ r ? fIIHE rabaeriber*Tc«peetfally announce to the pnh* I AUethat, havin' catered into ca-partnefahip under 1 tiM same and a Joaca Dnrno ACo," aa Inin nae« AffenU, thrr'haTeiaken the Office in the Odeon Rattrftwy, on lb'? &r»t flopr. immediately In the rear of. thsTelertaph Office, where thoy will be happy to re*, ceivethe patmutycnf friend* and pabiie generally, on ff.**" ?“'* DURNO, >_ . w. W. STEVENSON. Pittsburgh, Dee. 22, ISW.—[de2s lw _• FOttH*SNT—A convenient Dwelling llow, on Federal Mrcet, Allegheny city.vrilh a largo yard. Po««*dn given on U»e Ut of April. _ ; ALSO—Several Room and Uflicea is PitUbarga, near lie Poll OlEec. E I). OAZZAM. de2s; OUce, Hiird it, over the Post Ontec. Window «LAss-»oboxe* e*io; IM . “ 10x18; lUO u 10x14; lu note uid dc2l TAS3EY k. UKST %-gT-JUTK WAUUiNU— aofcienunopepcfl fay W&S*: SHACKLETTfc WHITE V~tANVA«—3 baJe»mediumandtine 'riilon'Canvu, dc*4 aiIACKLETTfcWnrfK ' DOB BUY - L’UUDS—I bale 0-4 b!oe ami blank TfcttAß VELVET—An taToieo of Drab Cotton Vel -33 Tetjsft rec’d by exprese by : snACgLCTT& WHITE . i TQSOWNtraiLUNGS-3 b«l»jti«rjc«tj - > ; 3HACKLEIT* WHITE ' .Vi' .T>Bl*f^Oll^OB _ PIUNTS— OABSIMERES— 1 ea*e« Fancy and Wool -Dyed, „ WHrrE tOOKINO WINE& A BRANDIES-W ; turns, tor aa’ebv defii JACOB WEAVER, Jr IAA ftfm PRINCIPE CIGARS, of the mostde -IUU.UUU tirable brands and colors, forsale by deM JACOB WEAVER, Jr LOBSTER&— 3 cases {l dox Jan each) prime pickled Loziers, for sale by JACOB WEAVER, Jr I st. An OlL—3o baskets “Nico" Oil. fttshimport*- I turn, tor tale by dc3t JAPOBWEAVEB, Jr gUOAK t MOLASSES—-0 N 08.,.,, p., M w. a „, JtconwFJlYaU , BONNET RIBBONS—Now opening at A. a. M A SON A CO.’S, No. 60 Market etreeu • .large In- TOtee of auperior high colored Silk and Velvet Bonnet Bibboea,4ix the latest and most fashionable styles. : de£7 HORSE BLANKETS—IOO pair Horse Blankets, tot ule at the BLANKET DEPOT, No. 56 Market street. • dcff7«ffw . Double MILLED FLANNELS, While, Red, and Brown, a superior artielo for Drawer sand Shirts, lor tala at the Blanket Depot of the Fayette Manafae taring Cc™pairy. No. 66 Market sl de27-8w _ SHOT— 18 kegs oasM, jail ree’d and tot sale by “.or ACULBKRTSON, 145 Liberty «t L** - BAD—100 pigs iuit ree’d and for sale by. A CULBERTSON, t<s Liberty st New SUGAR CURED HAMS A BEEF— • 16 tierees “Eva« A Swift’s" superior S. C. Ilsms; . *7 bbls u • , - “ - “ ’ . B * ef » ’ BKM.KH9 ANICOLS >uren PEACHES—?O sacks landingandtorsale dcBi JAMES DALZELL SnoAtt— Ifl hbda NV, ree’d per Mary- Abb, foriele n * KNdIJgH fcllENNgfT r oL M sE^tM.Na^ 7 u.^ N^. Soty-*" I.OXC. (g55AV—w bozo UUU. lbaiu»t rceVJ awl lot wU« br . lgon gwlp,j j Kipp & C 0,60 Wood it yirev-w» " cM IOT ygffp t co in ■RILOUE—2S bbU Extra FamUri DatU* brand; ■f TDiSfitWCoUß—w E5iVT»m« Vk»irtte3** H brned bMfrj. «CM.ZCT_ UEAf ilthi-17 1 »{• lutaui* irom «tu»i o*>j' kUKD PEACHES-* »Mk« >MI«bT <en ARSIHTIIOMU fc CBOZKR -QEALED PEACII K3--A lot cl pliant l<>£>T«£’'>i Jf fot wla by dc3l ■ AKMSTRuNG &.UEOZKB E£bUK-4U> iair'reeMWd ' »pd , far tki !>r degt AKMgTHONO * UCLWiIKAT FU)UK—3o*Kks<balirt hi detl AttMSTKONO * Cl GRAB bbli la Mara ud for «aJ« by __. deM ARMSTRONG A CBOZEB * T>AS6N~sd piece* jo«t rvcM and lor Mia by ~ _1 ”* : ARM3TRONQ A CBOZEB' CSOO&CHKU SAI.TsAo bbis on aoi J 5 frriale by ISAIAH DICKKY A CO, • »! Aetl * • Front «trret ; SHr«aUAy STUART A SILL, -1 4e» Nona Wood «5E OLS-tt bbU tn non sod for ulo by CRAIO ft BKIWNKB,ao Martct «t rfiSXT Kkaroo’Xfor tale by CRAIO ft HKINNta ’KACliliJ—ii bit jut ree’d wt for rale by - CHAIGA, BONDER •' ■■ J I <*!»■•- »CSOIIY"Nirw— «Mm ba nine laUorMlo by ddB ~ CRAIQABKIKNE& ■ ” ir>EpPFß—iO baga la »totg and ter ■alg'Sy' " ~ STPARTfcBFU/ W"" —lNtd-70 tut ran, tfSSnr&arry *n4 Swaai > Aula** Wine*, for axle by la* euk 07 in qub* f fICTLk^; •»<.»« ' ' NoWUbanyat 'JJUfliilZri bbda loamvaonaifttater'ltrpCToijrfot S'lSdibr i>orS IBAIAISDICKRv fcdo ’ but prime Rio, arriving and for ul< T!w *DOTB WfcMMmiHeLTHHE uiir* tti, ' a . r er v V l O fo **l ‘ * W*WM»TCIIBr»T»gg- bbU tmac riMUlicy. MaUaw, ■BPS^-fs^sassßa--.. im Übmt it . , i| I ITriiiiit r»i<i ,J» Socp mtken’ Bodft : A*b. ‘ QOfi' S££ldSwf&om & *t*nttUbmti b 9 per e«rt Ame»te«i i**t. tnriTißruid W ft M MITcIIELTREK . . . . dlea are told at 22033 c; mould tallow at 104> *° m " moo dipped at Sc per B). . WOOIr-Wenotlee very tlttl® inter 2 *”^** FITTUIIBOH DOIBD or I <a COMMERCIAL RECORD. COMMITTEE FOB PECBIBER-. mn"' "*** Euuni Mul, »U TOlUdphl*, d" »• 8 * I! *£ WaKerit Mail, Cinciim.u lountl.«, a«e o r. So'Xlii Bunion! nl WuU=rt.», due 8 r. !£, <*>- Aimhniß,. dae ?*- n..clo«»d K. . ffmxi Jiujin™ «• i»* Cc»i>» 9m»m —Daring Ibe winter monllu ike .tenner. enmpoiing ll,« Lise will .nil front New Tort, Bonne end Liverpool, a* follow.: g-SST- "r L ‘”. r? “ , 'f"S?w“J'ort,^-L s ’, lMB ' « “ for Bouton, -Jan. IS, 1850. 4t •> “ for New York, “ 28, u •• “ for Bobus, Feb. 8, - a • u , for New York, “j.Js,. u u <> for Boston, March 8. u *4 “ for New York, ** 28, « “ “ for Bonos, • April 8, Canedt, fr«n New York,for Liverpool, Dee. 19,1848. Farop*, from Bonos, for “ . “ 19, Hibernia, Pm New York, for “ “ Cambria, Pm Boston, for. “ Jon. 8, IBS). Canada; from New Yotk, for:- u *• 23, “ from Boston, for: M Feb. 8, “ from New .York; for . *• “ 80, u from Boilers, for “ March 6, “ from New York, for ? “ u 80, “ from Horton, for * « April 3, •* from New York, for • ?■, •“ - « 1?, ** . fromßoston, .for • “ y. Msy RDVIEW OF TOE PITTIDCBQB HABEET, von run wm xhdiso’jos't. 8,1850. Is reviewing the transaction* of the market for the week jest doted, we have nothing new or interesting to notice. The extreme eold wesiher, in connection with the itreseoee ofihe anneal llolydsys, when the at tea ties of oar baaiseti men is so completely absorb* ed Id winding op therbasiness of ibe old, preparatory i to entering opon the-new year,-has- rendered every I thing doll and inanimate. Tie rivet has again nearly approached the high wa er mark, but business in that quarter has been light. Ad the most of par regular packets, as well as the rahiicnt steamers, have been- laid up for the present; ASUES—With the exception of Bcda Ash, the Ashes market has been quiet, and sales confined to limited lots. Soda Ash Is seaice, and wenoucennin created demand, and aa Improrlng tendency in the market. Sales of 20 tons, borne manufacture, at Sc* time, which is the highest price yet obtained for the j article in this market.. Sales of <8 ciks, foreign man- I ufeeture, at 4|e, eash currency, and of 10 cks Steele’s brand, et «*, on tirno. Regular sales of Pearl Ash at 660 L of Salernos at 6|oB, of Pots at sc, and of Scorch fogs nt 3JO3J *6. APPLES—Tho.snpplies of Green Apples are com- I psrslively former quotation* are folly eus- I lame J— say, for best quality, and, for com I non quality, at a range 0r8202,12) f bbl. : I ALE—The regular standing pricea of Ale are SGOS, I according to quality and description of package. ALCOHOL—The regular priee by the bbl, is fiOe 7 gallon. ' BACON—The market continac* dull, and very U'ltle hat I>«en done in the way of sales. We may qnote ■ides at Sc, shonlera at 4), and common ham* at 707|- llUTrEß—Receipts of Bolter during the past week have been limited. With moderate' sales from store, j vie continue our quotations yw follow*Extra W R I ran j a cloths, 14015 c; prime roll in cloths, by the bbl, at isaisic; and keg- at_9|olOe 7 Jb j BCCKETSATUBSL-Wenotien no change in quo tations. With light supplies in-market, wu notice reg ular sure sales, it 92,3002,25 for Buckets, and £3£Oo 9 7 dot for Tubs, according to size and quality. BUOOMS—The receipts of brooms have been foil, I ug the market is amply supplied. Price* range aceor j ding to. quality, from 91,50 to 9%50 V dor. I * BRANS—SaIe* ofprime white at 75c, and 05070 c | for com qualities. JJfcll PHILLIPS BIXtOMS—We hear of no sales of blooms. The At figures are 965070 7 ton. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Owicg to the fall receipts of ibis article, prices have partially declined- For best qnal ity hulled, we quote £2,12}; and for com. quality, 91,0*01,75 7 IOOEi*, as about the ruling figures of the i staiket. BRAN—Very UtUe is arriving, and priees ure most ly nominal. From first hands the attiele is worth 110 lair 7 bn. BULK MEAT—A* yet, receipts from the lowerinsr ket have been modereto, and no sale* to any large ei* tent have taken place in this market. A good article of Cincinnati balk Pork would command 3104 c, bog [round; an ordinary rough.eot article would not comg I maed over 3ftc 7 0- j * CORDAGE—For tho venous articles under this head there is n regular steady demand at the following pricer I Manilla rope, by coil,-— — 15c 7 do cut,- loe, “ “ | White Rope, by-coil,— 1& I do eut,- —— I-* 6 I Tarred Pope,by coil,-—--lie’ I .do- eat,—— •■■ •••WS Packing Yam, fine,-- | do common,*—... '^ainil, r do 7 eoUj**-*lse-'''“ 0; ; L Hemp, 9i;B2Wp®*s ; E*2*! do 7 coil,-•••lOe • rLODDH ,• •• -■ Manilla, Ue«pi Pl* Kyintfed Conlajo i» «oL4 regularly u 12W T fin COTTON YARNS—For the vatina* article* und< Us head, the fqllowiag i» a cotteet liat of price?: i No. 5, eti per lb 16| I •* a « « do I ii 7 »*. « ——do “8, “ 1 u j « 0 .. —do “10, “ “ do “11, •* * 2»» I «.|2, “ “ do No. 600, eu per lb--”-10 “GOO, u “ 9, “ 700, “ “ Bl Carpel Chain, -—S3 , Coverlet Yarn, ~2 Twine, 33 COPPER—CIiff Mine pi 20c;»heet at 230, and old e< DRUGS—The following the most prominent articles Aloes. Bs-. ‘if? 1 ? Alain, |“ •*®i® * Asalcctida, Arrow Eoot,** •• • * Aquafortis, “ —I?2I» LUharje. “.••••Si*®* Madder Vmbro,Bsl2ol3^ CtMor CHl, biiit •- - Qataine, ox* • * ■•1,2551tj00 DRIED FRUIT—The mi ■nehaaffed- Fetchft* are • ftod $1,60 for pealed. Bfclesof prime new crop spp' l at C 1,25-? La, with limited aappUet. ] DRIED BEEP—Cincinnati eared is eoU regularly leafier ft. the Hear market we hare no materia jhanje to notice. Receipt* hare been light during ihi sk, and lh« market baa been quiet. The preae Imj tlore, aw 84,0234,75 in dray Jowl lon, and *535,124 10 85»18 byaingio bbl. Some 500 bbl* have beenxlifpo'ed of from fimhanda, u. 81,4034,46 f bbIJJ9»Je« of good brand* fiom wagon at 81,40 f bbl., Fl3H—Tie matket eonlinaes qnlie firm at former qaotatfon*—»ay, for Salmon 113 r bbl; and 527 Vue ; Maekawl No 1,815; No 2,810,50; and N03,.87,50F bbl ill, for sale by: J 8 CILWOHTIi &. CO Übrador IlcTTiBK* are told atWJO.and common c««i em MfWOrbbL' ' FF-ATIIERB—Tbo regular rnllng fifnre* oftbo mar ket in amtir loii.are 33#Wo V ft. GLASS—A regular baalneai ha» been doing to Window Glare, at the following met— City Brenda, 8 by 10, are told at «3,750*4i 10 by 12, o*fi° * Uox otkrr aizeaia proportion.. For eantrtry brenJa the following »• ■ lljt ° r P r iul for tbe variona alzea: paid for Ui<- _ H by 10 «*S 11 by 16 W.'| 10 by IS 3,00 11 by 17 -T'J’” u by 5 10 by 16 4?0 IS by W ■ “•*<£ 10 by 17 4*o Mby» 7 -°° FRUIT— Newerop JUlaini are •elHflj at $3,13103.23 p bar, Alroftds IS101? * fcjUfontwJ anu, 70<s bn; i'fUenni’fe F ®;FUb«ta,f<c i Cwno na»,?ef«»nM ! Currant*, 808|e, *nd KnylUb-WalnnU *« Se W *>• [ OBOCRRIK3—Wo bate an farther ehsngu* t° nn ' | Wndar tlu* bead. Tha market hu been qelel, and cess—N O Sagaf. #t, warding to qo*l«tjr: Loai Sngarj 8010 c; N 0 Utlm«, «e. Rio Cofco ini. Mi«|ol3»ioroV l 811, <oc; Rise, tie 4P CHAIN—Ia iho grain market nutliiflit 1* doing worth ■ ftoobia*. Sapplies are limited, and price, moiily nom- of the fall trade , ftiH hkrfneas has been doing in ihelPja market at ike following range of price*;—Flat Dar, 51-50510, ae -52. ,«a3c; HOOP Iran. 3HKc;S*«t Iran,«o<* 11. »l,3»; 3J, »=,“> » kr » Pn<B-Cal, ue qoilo foil otpiMOßt, a*lih ■oJ««of nirVi 41c: and of Barnt 4JO4J. t .... pin—Tbepmeatrpojoof priooo«f Le*3 Ptp. batUUlor loot, BiubL«o»-S«1oo UK byiho ikroi, Itld % P« wttan east. MAIiT—We aojc sales from store at 81,1201.18 f batbel. L , LAlD—flalesdiriiiflko week bare beentoafsir extent at 5(051 In bbUj arnl Co for No 1 la kegs. The market maintains iw osaal firm ness for all descriptions. New York sole i.eellins reg olerlyatlMWpe; and Baltimore sols at 91023 P 1 »• 1 Lard Oil is selling at 62053 c and No 9 at at 430500 per fall Linseed Is selling st7so9*c P f» 1! Bleached winter sperm oil, at Fal} do 81/15 > gall; bleached winter whale, at .B309O«: of erode 1 whale at >Ooft3er gall/ - POWDER—Hazard's Rifle att*£S>aadofßoek at 83£303£epar keg. POTATOES—BaIe sof bait Neshaoaoek Rt aad good common or mixed at 814* obbli. j SPlCES—Ctantmoa. 30c, Cl ore. Sdc, and Jfatmegs ttBU9ol£sy tt, . . ; ! WtiioEKY—The mat ketU fall y .nppliod, with sales of Rectified at93oS4e ? gall. SOAP Jt CANDLES—SaIes of (Sty and Cincinnati mamfrcmied raela soapy at 3|P4io per ft. Star Can* ,D«pßy,±*i owing are the nominal quo taboos: For Common- —— BSe 70- “ 1 blood ~ “ « | do -—. .. ' _ “ « do • »c “ « I do , “ « Full Blood- g? u Prime “ •3T»« PORT OF PITTSBURGH. RtvxJL-There wore 10 feet 0 Inches in the channel til evening, and falling. j ARRIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver Michigan, Brie*, Beaver- Lake Erie, Clark-BeaTer. , Beaver, Gotdon, wedUvtlle. Vlrocua, Galloway, Monongahela City- Fashion, Peebles, Eirabelh. Atlantic, Perkuon, Brownsvlße. Bultie, Jacobs. Brownsyille. Camden, Hendrickson. McKeesport Hunbar,. Colwell, Cmcijnlti. Louis M*l-«ne, Connel/WheeUng. departed. Caleb Cope, Murdock; Bearer. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Welleville. Michigan. Bries, Beaver. Viroqu,Galloway, Monongahela City. r>miL>n. Hendrickson, McKeesport Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Bailie, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlanue, Parkinson, Brownsville. \ Lydia Collfos. Hunter, Nashville. Hibernia, Bachelor, Cineinnan. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY.' BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, al 8 a- m. and 8 r. u. BEAVER PACKETS, 8 a. U. and 4. r. *- WELLSVILLE PACKETS, 8 a. *. CINCINNATI—RiaggoId, 4 r. x. BT. LOUlS—Schuylkill, 4 r. st mgg BANK OF ENGLAND offer* for ealo, 1 its property in the city of Pittsburgh, situated at the eomer of Bt Clair street and Daquesne Way, hav-i for IN feet on St Clair street, 3U feet on Duquesne Wav, and MO feet oaßarkerisalley. '■ | This property contains OVER ONE ACRE of vain- 1 able ground, is susceptible of a subdivision which-! Would prove highly profitable to one wishing to re-sell; in building lots of tho usual size, or to improve. A plan ol the subdivision cun be seen ut the often ortho [ undersigned. On the property are ereeted five eabstantial Brick Buildings on St. Clair street, (including the Uvem known as the u ßed Lion,”) a number of smaller build fogs on Duquesne Way and Barker’s alley (partly oc eupied by .Townsend, Carr A C 0.,) and the stables at tached to the tavern. Tho rental is 98500 per annum, and the property but one third improved. Apply to n. B. WILKINS, de2d Attorney at Law, Fourth street SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF [ GIFT BOOKS AND ANNUALS for 18501 THE GEM OF THE SEASON, With sixteen elegan|i .engravin gis edited by N.P. Willis. J The Sacred Annual, a Gift for all Seasons; by H. Weld. . , t . The Floral Keepsake, for 1550; with forty six beauti ful colored engraving; edited by J. Keese. Leaflets of Memory, an Illuminated Annua) for ISSO. Gems of Beauty, or Literary Gift for 1830; by E. Perdval. 1 - The Opal, a Pure Gift for the Holy Bars. Harvest Gleanings,—a Jloliday Boos;—by M; A. Gift Leave's of American Poetry, edited, by R. W. Griswold. , The Romance of Nature, or Poetical Language of Flowers: bv Thomas Miller. < The Forget-Me-Noi, for 1550; by Mtt E S. Smith. ■ The Mosa Rose, “ by Mr*. K I*. Howard. The Snow Flake, u beaulifully illostratod. The Chaplet of Lilerery Gems, with colored engra- The Home Offering, or Glimpses of Home Life; by “"The Gift a Token of Remembrance. The Hyacinth, or Affeetiou’s Gilt, for 1550. • The Gem, for 1550; edited by Father Frank. Apples of Gold in Picture* of Silver, by E. B. Fal- Flora’s Gem, or the. Boquet for all Seasons; with beautiful embellishment*. .The Drawing Room Scrap Book, with seventy illus- muon*. The Characteristics of Women; by Mrs. Jameson. The Heroines of Shakspeare; with forty five engra ings, from drawing* by eminent artitu. Bibles and Prayer Books, in overy style of binding a suit the taste of purchaser*. . . For sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH, No. 78 Wood street, between Fourth geflj and Diamond alley. SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J.T. Headley, with eleven original designs by Darley. poems and Prose Writings, by Riehard 11. Dana; 9 vol» n moslin. .. , ... Illuminated Gems of Sacred Poety, with six illustra tions engraved on steel, by Johnßartain; Just received by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, deW * corner Third and Market ft*. Christmai and New Vtai’i ipproatUdE! Elegant and substantial books, nuts ble for the coming holidays, at LOCKWOOD’S; PEARLS OF AMERICAN fOETRY; Illuminated by T. W. G. Mapleson, Esq., 4io, elegantly bound fo dark morocco, gill edges, antiqne style; BUL “tfome of the happiest effasions of Hoffman, Long fellow, Bryant, Willis, Whittier, Ualleek, Sprague, Dana, Mrs. Sigourney, and Mrs. Embury, among oth ers, enrich the volume. n -7-[Waichman. “These are printed most delicately and perfectly, in lithographic German Text, on Bristol board, eaeh page being framed by a rich illuminated arabesque border, in gold, silver, and colors, wuh vlgnetts wrought la the borders."—(Commercial. -»Xiio £ffi illuminated volume that has been attempt ed on this side of the Atlantic—and with regard to the beauty of designs, and the execution of them, may he said » rival, if xwirupuss, any thing ct the kind fn Jj3sn?OPTn£ WgBTKfIN-^RLDjri^tsiqri-- rMothw.fif vt Dreams,’* by uieAbr Mre.s. a.How« rrU Kitfit MrelEmburyr “Xhe»ra«m^«icre,^Hhyß.'W ; Jlatbert: .“Greenwood/'-- hr Mrs. Bndnr; by Miss Bayard; “The Child’s Mission,” by Mrs. Em bury.—Small folio, iUamineied in the most superb manner by Mapleson, with border* and vignette* primed In go'd, silver, and colors; bound fo morocco, in a massive style^—forming the most elegant and re cherche book of the kind ever produced in this coun try Priee. 812. For sale by try. rnee, tun. JAME 3 f>. LOCKWOOD, dclß Bookseller and Importer, 83 Wood n. to. 13 cu per lb-——•2l U l4 JT « 23 “15 “ “ 23 “16 “ “ ** 17 “ “ 25 •* 18 “ “ 20 “ » “ “•* 2? u so “ aa mew BOOKS! rj»HE WAB WITH MEXICO, by R. 8. Eipley;-f ElemenU of Rhetoric: eompri*ing an Analyst* of the Law* of Moral Evidence and of Persuasion; by Richard Whateljr, D. D. . , .. Eeaay on Chruuan Bapuim; by Bapu»t w. Noel, M. No. SCO, eu perdoz 8 “ MO, “ “ do “1000, “ “ do Condlewiek J • • • —l|B Bax Filling,——••-—do Balling, No* 1 and 2—11.12 A. The O/rilviea, a Novel. „ Fairy Tales, from all Nation*; by|Atuhooy R. Moo talba; with 21 Ulnstrationa-bT Dojrle.^^ Jdii ree'd by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, del# comer Third and Market «tieet« and ingou are told at 100 >pper at 18c P E>. W9BBI HUFFSII THE inbreriber haa on handaveryehoiceand goto . assortment of Ladies’ and Mt»*e»’ MUFFS, wfaiih bail now offering very tow. Thoad who wish agoed MaiT would do well to eall and examine hla aMonmeit, at hi* HAT AND CAP STORE, BmIU‘Si“««SMf r Fourth. delB*2w JAMES WILSON alls: of price* of *ot i under this bead: Brlmatone. 4F fit---' 404) Camphor, ref,*— 35040 Chloride lime,“*-* • 007 Cochineal, ** 1,4001,50 Copperas, “•••1)0 8 Lionorice root"*-- 7 0 0 « ball “••• 20021 Bal Soda “••• '4043 OBBISTBA3 FBKBBSTB! THE subscriber reapectfnlly inform* hi* pnmeitM easterner* and the public generally, that hi* Ttt 8 and FANCY GOODS are now open and for tale lohe large ware room up stairs. 108 Market •treet, wtere can be loan the largest and moat magwfleent asart ment ever offered lor aale In thia city. Person# wsh* ing to boy cheap will pleaae eall, a* iheae good* oere ""'ssa db ““’ l, ° > "cYEAoEß.l<BM^.u. (ilne.ecmmon 0 --- 1101 iket is qnlet, but price* are >l4at at «3£5 for nopealedi Chrlitnua&d Saw Tear App»o*el»tt*l ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL 8008, In Magnificent Antique Binding Joe tie HoMaqt. • 'AMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Jraprter, J B 3 Wood street, has received a beatmfol eelleUW of Illustrated Books, hound in the most tplendldman aer b i the best London and American binder*—anong them mar bo found: .. . ... . Pearls of American Poetry; magwGcentljr lUcaina of the Western World; illnminatodinfild and C °Wordsworth’s Greece: rieblylilnstrated.^ The Pre sober, illuminated by Owen Jon«a, and hound in carved wood. • The Bonj of Bonus! illuminated by Jones. .. Flowers and their Kindred Thoughts; lUumhated by Jones. ... . Heroine* of Shakspeare; illustrated. ... Mrs. Jameson's Characteristics of WonK^rUtastra* ted. For sale b/ JAMES D dell C 3 Worn street OCKWOOB* U.LUSTBATEB wo ®*-nlj- J iniTin'.rl Ifcokc—Book, in richl, i cmm.lcd »»d Hl«lhud-B°°l» VclTot Bilk, Morocco, nod Compociion, ii lai .ilon of IkoWdfo Arcs—Hiblck end lifully bound in VelvetandMoroeeo.mognßoeUlyor ocmemed Mid dew Bookseller A Importer. «Wsod st. ' ASIIUALBJ ASNCAIii; T EAFLETB of Memory; Lady’s Gift; s Gems of the Bessons; Gems of Desayi Rasselas; Gift of Ilomance of Nature; llyacinch Christmas Blossoms; Gift Leave* «fkrtrd«tis Golden Gift; Friendship'* Offering Ibetb Offering; Keado’s Femalo Poets of Ameriear - • The Brilliant; Proverbia. Phl!o*opqr,ut-, Sacred Annuals; Harvest Gleaning; • Snow Flake; Keepsake of Friendsflpr HHde* Aye/SmSs, bound inkavcl and mo rocco, with elerpe. Jm ftf&££WKTON, dp® center Market tnlThird sts SACttED*BCKNES AND CHARA<T*#i by J.T. IK nilly, with original deiljns by '“ft: The Poems and Prose WriUngsof L I. Physician and Patient, or a ftaeieal'ftew of iho Mornl Doties, Relations and Utwen «rfthe M^LeaL .CMOO „d CM. IforaUiwHh Wcodrrin,. inßcrOjCkitn^oljnoiiai b , ugj. w‘“- ELU^^GL «" l SaT2. , SS , ffi N Pennsylvania Railroad Companwj hereby tuft aid that the Animal Meeting of pekholdm, and raeedon of Directors, will be hcldtthe Company’s a r P January, IbSO, betareen ihe hour* of 10 A. M.»d 3 P. H. by order of tn* Boarf of DirecM. S,t~. 0., Nov. 30, ISH>. »J-BROOKES. l»e transpired. Bale* have been con* Igx kerne demand, at (he following prt- Hew and Elegant Gift 800 Ail 1840-901 tit. ■ tr~+r»mt frotn th« 7lh Bdlon of ths Act So ul P.rtlT«U. UM “aKjio Efi election of DireeOT, 00 penon ikoll •w. J 7 -l.*"oo-hieh wloiWi. “nopaid-” [flcii-TUwte gODA^"- a 9 c„J. » isj.;trcCJbr aHAomJfrftWiim^ *mZETTES—2 essrs super Fra* Black BiU j v * ’ "i I'*’““'a's£Sss?ccra 1 '*’““'a'5£S55?ccra S I,HBBIES SS" lB'uck* Wool; a doz Lamb Skins/ith wool; 3 doz Sheep Bkiaf u 3 doz a “ dressed; . To TklO METAL—* 3 font, saitabifor Found jnue,Jasl ■*‘dSi d “ dfor 11101)7 H JONES ACO LOCAL MATTERS. hMtltli tOK EBB-RTTSmUfR ftSILT Elxotob rax W*xd Ofiust - D will bo seen by the retains below, that the Whig ticket, for Ward Officen, has been saccetsTsl in all the with the exception of the Fifth and Sev enth. r '' FIRST WARD. ifjinais. a S. Beohy, Whig, Alex, Hay, Whig, G. Watson, Independent, J. R Bell,' Whig, John White, Whig, Tho*. McFsdden, Whig, Cyra* Black, Whig, H. L Ringwalt, Wm. P. Townsehd, Whig, Alex. MeCammon, Dem., Wm-Gorman, Whig, James Herdmaa, Dem., Jacob Myeif, ThomaeSerr, Dem., John Sharp, Whig, Charles Craig, Whig, SECOND WARD. ■mnm« ' Tho*. Steele, Esq, Whig, R. A. Baosman, Dem., JUDOB Of XLXCTIOX.' U John Ross, Whig, 2*4 John MoWiliiima, Dem., Joseph Knox, Esq., Whig, * Andrew Barite, Dem., k SCHOOL VIMCTOtS. James M. Christy, Whig, John Whig, Calvin Adams, Deim, John C. DaviU, Dool, asszsaox. John McKee, Whig, Alex. Park, Dem., OOHSTASLH- Robert Hague, THIRD WARD. OLDKXIUH. A. McMuier, Whig, M. W. Lewis, Whig, R. B. Roberts, Dem, M. Mcßride, Dem., Asaxssox. Joneph McCallogh, Whig, 8. Baird, Dem., - school mxxcroai.^ Gvbriel Adams, Whig, John McOuky, Whig, T. Hamilton, Dem., 368 T. O. Neal, Deo., 283 The only Democrat elected in this Ward wa* John Fox, who received a plurality of votes for Constable, over David Jewell. foueTh ward. Israel Wiggans, Whig, 110 James Kern, Democrat, 94 school mxxrroas. A Q. Reinhart, Whig, 134 C. B. M. Smith, “ 126 C. A. McAnalty, Democrat, 73 Joseph Watt, “ 6G jvmx or xLicnon. MQloi McClelland, Whig, Oca Edwards, Democrat, I ntsrccTOß or nscno*. James Patton, Jr., Whig, 11S James'S. Craft, Democrat, 04 Richard Hope, Whif, June* Mackey, Democrat, oowrastt. Joseph Randolph, Whig, 123 No opposition. FIFTH WARD. 1 ALSXUUN. Wilson Elrakmey, Whig, 207 Geo. Hamilton—lndependent, 192 Wo. MeCague, Democrat, 233 J. A. Parkinson, “ , 411 . - The whole Democratic tlefcol was elected in this WartVwiUt the cxoeptiea of Myers Bsrkcri Dimctor. 4 v, r V • "-•* ‘‘-v i SIXTH WARD. - A. Hiller, Whig, \ Robert Laird, Democrat, ndTEOTOK or xueno!i. Andrew Wplßwhig,^ John Briibin, Democrat, asxsssoa. £. Ecker, Whig, Wm. Dixon, Democrat, A. W. Black, (mpt’dby W. dc D.) 183 Wm. B. Scaife, Whig, . 109 James Kelly, Democrat, 79 COSOTABLS. Wm. H. Gtoaa, Whig, ’ ’ SEVENTH WARD. R. Arthur*, Whig, 2t> Thompson, Dem^ Wm. Harley, Whig, 8. Snee, Deim, absxssoi. Wm. M. Arthnra, Whig, 56 Wm. Moorehead, Dea., 74 SCHOOL D3XUTOS*. The bemoeralic candidates, Messrs. Joseph Cn«t and John Hoflbr, were elected byabont the same majorities as those above. Hugh McMariers was elected, there being no oppotUipn. EIGHTH WARD. Q.TL. Leepor, Whi j, M. MeGtnn, Democrat, -C. King, Whig, J. D-W. While, Democrat, isaaei. (i. B. Deeper, Whig, Wm. Alexander, Democrat, Fleming Morrow, Whig, 02 John A. Sergeant, “ 0% R. Morrow, Democrat, 40 8- Martin, ** 3q cwmKX laaea T. Jones, 37 NINTH WARD. The whole Whig ticket Is, we understand, elec led, in the Ninth Ward, though we are unable to gNethc precise majorities.. Ovramna Motor ukdxx Fa urn PxxrEicta. — A rather gentlemanly looking man, calling him seirTbomaa Whitaker, waa arretted on Monday, charged, on oathhf George Johnaton, ofMarket gL, withoblainiogmoneyanderlaliepretences. He baa been, we undoratasd, atop ping for some time pT* at several or the beat hotels in town, with out tbe meant to pay for hit boarding. We far* tber learn that be baa been accompanied by a young woman whom he persuaded to elope fiom her husband, at Steubenville, and who ia now left totaly destitute. He waa committed to jail. Mxnrnto or m Coukcil*.—Tbo Select and Common OoaneiU met last night, but little buai« neaa of importance was tranaacted. Tbo follow lag is the bill of tbe Sanitary Committee for ex panses incurred during the Cholera aeaaon. \ The Sanitary Committee would respectfully present the following report of the expenses in curred by them daring tbe year: Expenses of Cholera Hospital, in clad* ing bedding, nursing. See., See., of cholera patients .......... 14 Incidental expenses, including ume, • ; serving notices, &e., «*.,•••• 339 B 7 Medical attendance, including.tbe pay of tbe Port Physician--. lilon Funeral expenaes of cholera patients. - 180 °Q $1702 9S Amount duo by the Guardian* ofthe poor for Lee pice P***®* 11 10 C “° l * era Hospital Total expenaea.•••••••• •• t : The bedding and neceteary f^wtu re for the uae of the Cholera Hospital, J°"“* «d a part of the firat it em ofexpenaa reputed, nr# the property of the City, aubject to ]*• ° T **\ ... Weommfuee would atate that «bo economy haabeen obaerred of *“ puUle fends, oouxstent with pubuo aalety. 0 YEAGER, ) Sanitary Com* ST \ »“*- • ' ! / RATES' OF DISCOUNT. ■Alia oFmsSGi. “ ■ R. HOL.SUt.'v*® 0 ® 8 * _ » ~arke! street, near 1u« Exciu.,= Broker.,.No.»sA InalMlm- Fcsuujrlvanlft. • I BankofPituburgh —Par Rate B i- Exctanee Bank ••••• *P« ®“ 4b Merch. iManlßank-Par . . T*‘ r .& ofVa; .. | Bkwfl’luladelpliia—Par ExehaaW* “y y»~—. u G.rard Bank Par \ vldlet. u Bank ofGennanwwn--par Hk. ofth « “ Cheiter County - • -par Bk. of V. Tg™.* . . r , “ Delaware Co.- --par M. 4 M. 1.1.1 “ Montgomery Co.--par do Mo. • “ Northumberland--par N. W. Ban *. f ColambußridgeCo.--par do Well* burg * Doyleatown Bank par do Parkdrabar* Fananra’Bk. T«n»•»•••• _ Funers'Bk. Backs Co. par Ek. of Tenner £ Farmer* B.'k Laccu'r-par Kar. 4 Merck, t* Bk u Lancaster Co. Bk.--- -,-par Planters’Dk.-* "" ~ Lancaster Bk.-- par Uaionßk. "*j U. States Bank —3O [ * ssssiigfcr-sjßrassssssi SX.-.'» pS&iSsxz-1 Saoqaekann* C0.8k.~ - Suae 3 LsWistown—- * SottOt Middletown • * Bk-----* •*-?• * Ene Bk.- 010. Commercial Bk-— — -* Farmer*’ and Drosers’ of Georgetown-■■ ■: 3 Bank, Wiyaesbarg-- I Bk.of Hamburg » Harrisburg Merchant* Bk—3 Honesdale-——— — ■ ) Planters * Lebanon par Bk. of Soath Caroana- • 9 Ponarille—• *• *— “ ' Rf»rFl»»a* Wyoming * Balumor* Bkfc*—-~-par Yorkßk? j Baltm’e&O/RRSerl^-lO I Cumberland Bk. of Alle* irhany I (Par. Dk.of Maryland* • “ tFarmcr*’ ft Mechanic* “ i Bki Frederick w FredertckCo. Bk.—■ **■ Hagentowoßk - “ Mineral Bk——— #J Pata»»eoßk* I| Waamngtonßk— u Bk-orweitmiaiter Wectßraneh Bk* .. Relief Note# ♦ I MtMßit. | B<rip—Pitub. 1: ConntylOf ■■ 4 %UK*. 1 Buie Bk.and Branch** I MoanjPlenum “ Btenb*n*Ule—-••• ■ “ | BLClaimiUe—“ Marietta—— — NewLiibon- -•••——• Cincinnati Banka Colombo* do* ••••••< CirelevilU— Xeaeiville • —— « Pntnim M Woolter —— - 71 Massillon ■••• £ , 6anda«k/ ji Geanga J| : Norwalk i Cleveland- —* • I fj Xenia-'- **|| Dayton "|! Western Kesarve- "I Franklin U’k Colambta CbiUicotbe —■ ** Lake Erie ••• •*" Sctou “ Lancaster • ■■••-■■ lo Hamilton-- —l* Granville SO Fara*ra B’k Canton—SO Urbane -10 . S«itiekr< BkofKeniaekj I Bi.of Loaitville A Norfcent Bk. Kenra'kr* “ Maw York—Citr Bank) aieUigaai Bk. of flu Clair———— Bk.ofßiaer Raiien—— Michigan In*. Co S Far.fcMeeh’aßk 5 Wlicobilb Terrify* Mar.&Fireln.Co.Milw't i Camadau AUsolTealßaaki* S Bank of EnglandNote* _J|7or X»tr. Gold * Specie Vala* Napoleon* —3 80 Dacat** —***9 150 3 30 Eagle,old* 10fi0 liable,new ■*.*■• 10 00 Doubloon*, Spamib. IB 00 Do. Patrio- ■■ »■ • IS 50 floaereigne 4 63 Gainea* —* SOO Frederiekad’ora— V! 60 TenThalera* *• *• 1 60 TenGuildera***- • 3 00, Loß«*d’or*»--' •••• 4 50 . Kzenaißi- New York—•••— *prm Philadelphia*-*—— Ipnn Baltimore—•*• •ip«« «,par. Interior B’k*— 495 413 353 253 rOS TOT BBUOVAL AXD PKUUOT9T CtHX 0 T ALL RIUID ABIUSO nfiK AH,D4?UX* XTATg Qt TUX BLOOD OB HABIT OX TUX STIXTM, TXZ: gerofula or Ktiw’s 'Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cuta neous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Pace, Blotches, Btlea, CUronio Sore Byes, Ring Worm or Teuer, Seald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcer*, Syphiilic Symplon*, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and diseases arising from an Injudicious use or Mercury, Acl tites or I>rop«y, Exposure or Imprudence in Life} Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, Ac. In this preparation are strongly coocantrated all the Medicinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with the most effectual aids, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and it has been so fully tested, nol only by patient* them ■elves, but also By physicians, that It has received their unqualified recommendations and the npproba tion of the pubUe; and has established, on 1U own merits, a reputation for vautx and xmcAcr far supe rior to the various compounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases hare been cured, such as are fiat famished in the records of time past: and what it has already done for the thousands who have used it. it Is eapabie cf doing for the millions nill suffering and struggling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountain springs of fife, and infuses new vigor thronghout the whole animal frame. 6 ANOTHER CURE OF SCROIULA. The following striking, and—as will be seen—per manent cure of an iaveterata case of Scrofula, com- Bends itself to all similarly afflicted: -- . • gotTgyoTT, JetL-VtSdS. 1 ! i Messrs.Sondu CMtlejaefc flympblhy ferlfcekStot? ed udne« » yep ef the remarkable care ; hy yogr-ftarsanarula. la the oasaof mr wife. ; remedies aicdrffl»<uWO«SSwk«d Wk foj fhysleian advised ft should be laid open, which wax done, bat without any pernuneot benefit. Iff this situation we heard of, and were induced to Sands’ Sarsaparilla. The fim bottle produced a decided, and favorable effect, reliev ing her mere than any preieriptlon the had evfer takes} and before she used ux bottles—to the astonishment and delight of her friend*—she found her health quits restored. It is r.ow over a year slice the cure was ef-. feeted, and her health remains good, showing that the /<)—was thoroughly eradicated from the system. Oar neighbors are uu knowing to these facts, and think very highly of Sands! Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect,; JULIUS PIKE Extract from aletter reeeivod from Mr. N. W. Har ris, a gentleman krell known in Louisiana Vo.: “gentlemen, I have cured a negro boy of mine with your Sortapart!!*, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family, “Yoursitrely, N.W. HARRIS. 1 “Fredericks Hall, Va, July 17,1848.” Sainfe' 9 axaataxilla.— H seems almost untmaeessa ry to dlreet attention to an artielo so well known, and so deservedly popular, as this preparation, but patients often who wish to esetite extract of Sarsaparilla, are lndnetd to try wonhlexs eoapounds bearing the name, bat containing Uule or none of the virtne of this valu able -root; and 'we »h»nfc we eannot confer a greater bcaafltoa our readentban in directing their attention to lbs advertiaemeriof the Measr*. Sands, in another column. Tim boaU has recently been enlarged to held a quart, and,those who wish a really good article will find coaeepjiratdd In this all the medicinal value of the root, Tba experience of thousands has proved Its efficacy in coring the varibas diseases for which it is recommended; ad at the present Umo more tbau any other, perhapa. Is this medicine useful, in prepa ring the system tor a change of soasom— [Home Join ntJtScpL 1843> Prepared and soW*«holesale and retail,. by A. B. A D SANDS. Druggist and Chemist, 100 Fulton street, eornerof Willi*®, New York. Sold also by Drug gists generally throughout the United Buttes and Can id*- Price fit porboaln: six bottle* for S 5. V»»r sale by L. WTTXOX. Jr.. U. A. FAHNESTOCK A 00.. and EDWARD FKNDKRICH, Fltuburgh Al so. by Dr. 8. SMITH. Bridgwater. [dctP-deodAwT ' TTEMV—id bales Dew Rotted Kentucky Hemp, reo ri on eonrixnaentand for tale by aofgHtP A CORDON COTTON— 6 baksjust recM and for sale by dell HARDY. JONfSi A CO S'fEDAB! CEDAHJ—A lot of Cedar Log*, consigned \j u> u. Cohan orCroier, will be *old to pay charge* if not called for within 39 days dcU OBOBMILTENtIEROER, 87 Front »t C"V£LiCOES —I cue*, fut colored, at «Jc. per yard, i now opening at *• A A MASON & CO : 8, j c l4 •>. No 80 Market *l T?q7gfr~frF- l - > *-. y r <•■«*» and bale* K»d. White and “ Yellow Flannel*, including a large lot of Brown •Wjnd .AHP=aEp> 1 ',lor .g K -, MeCAOT , ~ F“ KATHKR9—IS »nck« del? Eli Uim’Kßr-33 ki „ del? ■ ILOUR—BObU» Family Flour, for tale by dcl7 ‘ WICK A McCANDLF^S Mutton iia^s—iubu for *ai« i*y . del? vj| JUCANFILLD nifßA*’ MO*®. cn LAINS—3 ca*e« rood RlTle, 1/ fait colored M. d* Lain«, ati the extremely low one* of lie.per yard. A A MASON A 00, r No 60 Market »t Iflj f;STTYitIflT—Idol. can* fre»h t'eaclu’*, “ I 6 “ bottle* do. 5 “ “ Fine Appier, a u ■* Cherries; 3 u “ mrawlierrie*; 3 “ " Tomatoes; 3 u half gal. bottles rleklei; 3 u quart do. 3 u fancy do. RecM and fortnle at the Fekln Tea Btere, 70 Fotnh iIKCt. ’ 7> APPJjKS—lB3bbl«]u»l rac'd, for »«Je Uy \ T itrlO COPE A BREVFOULK, W Second »t dr 14 EATHEKS-S* neki, prune quality,J*®?. ■® < J or lila by dclS HEOCOCHRAN FAMILY' DLANKEt.-t—Auothc: lot ju*t rcc’d o thoie ntSfidU 10-4 mnd VtA ■operfine family blin ket>, tor tale at tie Blantet Depot of Fayette Manu facurinjt Company, No BTMarkat at. "craw v ■ l gg^y-;,y,y47 K;LB FLOUU-Wbbli Extra Family; ' 100 M Soperfino; 20 * Fioojin More and for »nle by del§ CBAIO A SKINNER ppHes—tOO bbla reo’d and for anto by Jail Wll H JOHNSTON TTubard miar- I Doib. f »,.^. j l £i | D|tco lERUVIAN BAMK—7SID» jaiUee’dnnd foriale by deH J K«Ul* fc c» TTQ'OaBICB—fiOO ibs Sicily Liqaonce; , l/ H 2t» “ Calabria » for aalc by , J KIDD A CO, 60 Wood »t INDIA RUIJBKB PACKING—Jart ree’d,S#»pound* I Packing, Tot Siena Engine*, aold wholesale and rc ui!, mi.R-bb« fip«. x° L S H V tm£iirt. ■ FLOUB— 150 bbli in atom and for aalo by dcH ’ ; WM H JOHNSTON, lli Second «t bbl. rcc* ui <«£. w, wBlp^ EAT.ED PEACHES—3 bbir juet reo'd. 1°; «le by “l» SUVH^RBAUUIt CITINDOW (JLABB-MO bkiWiTjljee, ice'd end \\ for Mid by del 9 ) BA W HABBAUGII » BffITER— 13 bbu and 20 ken. pecked, la prime rtjrte.^piW.fM-l.b•; aELuscE vtn Dmm, 1849. &&&■ QiavtVAaci of nsouxsox *»n ucuon, wtra tfiD aas cxatAzm, umu.i PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. fipODS fcrw»rd«l by this Line are carried in the VT mail train to Chambenbargb, and an immediate - It loaded laJVuom going night antLday through to Pittsburgh. The none* of this Lice an stationed ev ery 15 mile*, which insure* the prompt delivery of good* within the time promised. The Wagons will leave oar warehoaie daily, (Sunday* egeepted) Ship pers are assured that no mon good* will be taken each day than can be puactnallT carried throngh. JOHN &TPADHN ft. CO, JOHN MeFADEN A CO., Foxwajldcio A Cqxxh- Canal Baiin, Pena nreei, Piuibnrgh. JAMES M. DAVIS A CO., Ftorm Facrau a» Cox* nssjoit Manuals, *37 Marker acd S 4 Commerce at, ♦iiiltdclpkU: Philadelpl _ made by either of the ehore, on Flow, wool, asd other merchandize, them for File. . WINTER ARRANGEMENT* tuxocqb has *»- fins-ar tub xass a an* ▼ABUS or VBB KAO. I THE old established line of Gsxus A Co. having opened office* in the Eastern Cities, beg leave to oher to the public facilities unequalled by any other. Line. Haring largely increased our stock on the Nation* al Road, oar goods are now transported orer the Mountains with mail speed, and no more goods will >t received in the East than we ean forward through without delay. Satisfaction u regards tine and rotes will be guaranteed. Through receipts will be given for al! goods for price through,-and for tiae to Pittsburgh. No pains or expense will be ssandto make this the most reliable ana host conducted Express in the United States, as U is now the most extensive, connecting all pans of the East with the extreme West and South. We connect at New York with Messrs. Hamden A Co.’* unrivalled Express to Boston, and all goods from Boston to' come by our Line must be delivered at their offiee, No. 8 Conn street. Thccotjectiun of alt notes, bills. drafta,Ac»Ac.,promßilyatiended to. Orders lor goods will bo sent free, and goods returned with de* , spaleh. I Custom House business attended to.. Order goods marked “Greene AjCo.>s Express,” and Merchants will please to be particular to instruct their correspondents to take our through receipts for their goods, thereby insuring better satisfaction to all con* eerned. Goods for the East taken at very low rates, and will bo called for In any part ot the city, free of Goods from the East delivered withouvcharge for do* livery. Express for the East leaves daDy at 4 o’clock. P. M. “ ** West “ 10 “ A.M. Packages forwarded to Qjwclnwtl, Louisville, St. Louis and New Orleans. Gaxxxx A Co., No. 7 Wall street, New York. do 82 Cbesnut street, Philadelphia, do 833 Baltimore street, Baltimore. 11. G. VICKERY, Agent, dcl3 Office St. Charles Hotel .Building, Wood st EXPRESS WAGON LINE. 1849. THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! It HE subscribers are prepared to receive 0000 pounds . Freight daily, after Monday, 10th last, to forward to or from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by Wagon, through tn Five Days. Rates as low as by any other conveyance at tbU season of the year! John McFaden a co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh- JAMES M DAVIS A CO, deft No 287 Market's!. Philadelphia. nOBOHQAUBLA ROUTE. Hftlß Onjy U Jlllsi Staging. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and , _ Philadelphia. fpilE mofriing boat leaves the wharf, above the X bridge, daily, at 8 o’clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 38 hours; time to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ev ening*,) at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leaning on the evening boat, wiU cross the mountains in stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. Secure your tickets at the Office, Monongahol House, or St. Charles Hotel. octlS-ly 1. MESPMEN, Asant WINTER ARBASQBdBHT. MiH 1849. gfejißL THE subscribers, having suspended their canal op erations anti! the opening of the; Spring Naviga uon r haveeatabliihed an Expreaa Line by Railroad and Wagon between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by whieh they are prepared to forward 6000 pounds each day. and receipt for the delivery of tho tame in f days. They beg leave to asaore their frienda and the pub lic that their arrangements regarding rates, regularity and despatch, cannot fail to give satisfaction to all who favor them with their command!. ‘ TAAFFE A O’CONNOR, comer Peon and Wayne au, Pittsburgh. THOMAS BERBIOOE, do 7 878 Market street, Philadelphia. GEE, WO! GEE. WO! WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1849. bzox coxxs tax ots-coßxsrooa. T" ~~ BINOHAM *8 EXPRESS WAGON LINE, . < - « • " to, arm mo* j , PUUbux**a aad jniUsdduhla. I AS thabusawsevmtheesaal is about being closed. ijjLTfor-iba -season, wc. 'would inform tho poblfo that eSUghttWrConastogaWagoTj* fan* **- be prepared to forward UuOdpvands 'dsilv.lwshmehspi* on Woodsy,■the.'Sffih icst.) A Car daily by ud mail train for Chant* banbuxgi and die Wagons traveling - day and night, enturca tho delivery o? Goods la five data. Apply to WM. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, BINGHAM A DOCK, No. ISJ Market street, noVJO I • JMMIt 1849.^^ EXPBBBS WAGON LINE PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. . Tone Five Days,'{Bundajrsexeepted,) rnnning,oay' THE nnblio is respectfully Informed that this Line, which has been m neeeufnl Operation the two previous winters,, will again -.commence fanning on Monday, the 2Sih of November. A Car will leave Philadelphia and Chambersburgh daily each way with the Mall Train, and tom Cham* beribnrgh with rciaysof horses runningday and night. We are prepared,to forward 6000 lbs freight daily by the above line. "Apply to D. LEECH A CO, Pittsburgh, or to—HARRIS A LEECH, No 13 South Third;street, Philadelphia. '■ • . BuamlMM AftneyC ' ytocw Tha undersigned, very grateful to ■ f;. theirfriend*, begloavolosay that they yJgaßam are determined to'devote tneir nitre* BUttßlßßßUttf d attention to this branch of their burinet*. They hope, from nineteen years’ experience and by their never failing iadu stnr and strict attention, to merit patronage. J. CwBUCKLES A CO. dcT-dlm ' Pearl meet, Loai»viUe,Ky. /"V hURUK !I. KLLKRY, of New York, and a RUSH VT PLUMLV, of Philadelphia, have this' day been admitted as partners in ear business, which will be continued under the same finnai No. 37 Church alley, Philadelphia, and No. 1C Rxehuge Place, New York. ' K. M. DAVIS A CO. l’hitadelphis,l>ec,l,lP43.—{dc7*lm mutf~BlAP ALLE- I I.EGHRNY, AND VICINITY, will be ready for the engrnVer in todays. Persons who may wish to have views of their country seats pm on thomapjeaa .do so by making application to the' undersigned, any time before the9tlhtest. To.defray the expense of the view* ,-fll be required in addition to the price of tha ma novlO It E McGOWAN JCSTrec’d at the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK ROOM, No. 70 Wood street, and for sale aiEeatemprieea; Ueseuius* Hebrew Lexfcoa, Townsend’s Arrangement of the Bible, NeandePi History of the Christian Reli gion and Church, Milton's Treatise on Ceifstiau Doe* uine, Lite of Jeremiah Evans, Esq-. Robinson’s Greek Harmony of the Gospels, do English do do, Scott's tti blr, 8 vnls, Boston edition; Parish's Bible Gazetteer, Mtdhum's China and Us Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lec tures on Swedenborgianlsm, Holt’s Missionary Anec dotes; and many other interesting works, in addition to the above, all at asiraaa rarer*. ~ nov3g MY VIEW will be published in as short a time as possible; and 1 can assure isv subscribers, and the public generally, thst it shall be scrxaiou— both In fidelity of detail and beauty of execution—to any other whatever. Let those who doubt, wait a few weeks and see. K. WIUTEFIELD. New Yona, Dee. dib, ISO.—{dell ; nrine. for Bale by WICK A McCANDLKSS •» for anle by i WICK A McCANDM^P MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE, —No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a Tew door* below Wood street, to wards market:' „ DR. IRoWn, having been regularly educated to tha medical' profession. andbeco for some time general practice, now confines attention to the treatment of private and delicate com vMVnVf plalnla for which his opportunities yßapfpy f and experience peculiarly qualify him. 14 years asaiduoasly devoted to study A treatment ofthose complaint*,(dunng which time lihsahad more practice and has cured more pa* ii\inrrrl amnlv Qualifies him to. oner assurances Of •tvT.-dv permanent. and satisfactory cure to all afflicted ; dlttMS.andail diseases arising ther.- sassra^sssaffigigM them, and their eases treated ’1 intrlfurent manner, pointed out by a lang expertenot, Sidy,"and tav^gaSihwUchnUlTO^bletortoe.e engaged in general practice of medicine to give to ° CT ilendaor Rupmra.-Dt- Brown also Invites par* •oasafflicted with Hernia to call, as ha has paid panic alar attention to this disease. Skin s, Palsy, etc., speedily eared Cl N 1^3., -Psrients’of either sex living at a distance, by !&Xf tTbEOWN, M. D., post paid, and enslov- M Diamond eUsy,oppe«iu the Wavetiy. Dr. Brown's newly discovered remo* Sfor Rheumatism is a speedy and certain remedy lor at painful trouble. It never fails. Office and Private Oouniting Rooms, No, <3 Dl«* mood alley, Pittsburgh, Pi. The Doctor la always at home. . I . irwNo euro ne pay. ~ = P .A lflls. Sundries— i »&&* Tmoihy B«edj a tick* Bin; fliib BißiHj' in itore utd for ult lir • *" CRAIQ fc SPNNKK iiieii'lß ' rec’d and lor ulo br de!7 iaMOTBONQ tCROZER POTASH— 10 ewksla«OTß ud for ttie by deit - 'j*. ! TASSEY A BEST BANS—SObbliWt dc» > •’ . )R lrpaFouadry, Blacksmith Lad Machine 6hbp, with Steam Eaginei bfU hired power, good stock of tools, machinery, patterns, flasks, ladles, furnaces and ovens, dll now muse and m good renting order. SaidpremueShavelSOfectfrtmtby.M deep,‘with privilege of an adjoining lot 87 by 90 fett. BOnr one of the oldest aad'beirt stands in the City of Clnefiinati,with»liberelpam>n**e.. Apply tol .!. dclT DAVID SINTON, Cincinnati, O' T7ORIRENT—A STORE, welllfittcdup fbr Dry P Goods, oa Market »!., between Thirdona Fourth. Possession givea or. the It; of April next.; f, Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES.i Possession given immediately. 'E- D. QAZZ AM, ! ■ dels ' Office over, the Post Office, Third at. M FOR WAREHOUSE *l}r£ £9 sent occupied by Messrs. Bailey, Brawn A Co., - on Water street, from first of April next. - JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A CO, 287 Market street, Philadelphia. E«m A good two horsa PEDLAR’S WAGON— for sale low—may be seen at ihe Da- -A WELL FINISHED ROOM, suitable for a or Gentlemen’s FumishicgiStore. Al* •. »o—Several roonu suitable for offices or Ar» tUfs rooms. ED CArn>r, oetlatf Office Third Street. over Post Q*IW. . co>s EXPRESS For rial* ortlan u ' ' apass THE very desirable' residence, in AUesha&T ffjf City, lately ocespied by R. W. Poindexter, and jEHhpoisesstoa given immediately. For terms, apply at this office, or to W. W. WIL SON, Market st. - • . 1 oct9 . WOH. fUßHfT—' Tha ra«n«n..» | UpW Bwi occupied by Mrs. Atwood, situated at Oakland, JZS&with 20 acres of ground attached.; The Hnasa uspaeioua and convenient, and the ground well im proved. Apply to HARDY. JONES A 00, Xug3l ! Water at .—a FOR HALE—A Briek House, (bat one Tear HV built,) and Lot, on Robinson-street,] Allegheny, • old Bridge. Price low and terms' eaay.— Inquireof jyB4 8 BCHOYEH, UP Second st Y?OR REST.—The three'▼lory Brick lWoUlag A* House, on Liberty, between .Hay and 61artery streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. I Possession girraunmedhuelyl Enquire of Wo. Graham, dr- IS “* Bootaaa of JOHNSTON t SToiKTONI ; JyB7-dtf corner Market und Third streets! Two Lou for »*!#• 1 • THE labseribers will sell at private sals, those! two valaablo Leu of Ground, domed onTomatO sL, tn the Third Ward of AlleghenyGty, each braga front of 90 feet, forming: back 100 feet in depth toja2o fcetalloy, upon which is both a atoneiwaffl, »WIOQ feel, which contain* stone enosgh to baud cellar* tor two comfortable dwelling booses, and in | front tier* are three shade trees, of 5 years growth, -aM the stda walk U pared with brick, all of which will bo sold at •900. Rttsbargh and Allegheny, pr_Ccnnry.£enp,' -.mb.Ukuilnp»rp:ft "3TH PHILLIPS; 4 . -IV M *. {to WM. BENSON, immediately opposi* \ »r» •• • J>~—l i TAOR BALE—Fito lots eliribly.attaated (n tie Soar? X* uhinj town oflflnalnjrnun. The loti era silos im on Denman street, cambered in F Bailsman's plan 73,79,60,81 and 83—Lot No 75 fronting SO! feet on Ma ry Ain street, 70 feel deep; the other fowl 20 feet front eaeh, by 60 feet deep. I . Terms—Greater part of rarehase money may Tel •- - • tfiy" --- 'For^irtief ~*in for six year*, ■eenred olars, laquro of atyio flO> AtwiCoatma tor 84lii QITUATKD ea the Mcnongahelariver, üboo t Mmiltf O from PHubpipband 3 miles above third Lock, is the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon A 9horb, and Mr. John Herron’* purchase. This fine body of Coal will be aold atlhe Tow price of $33 per acre—cn# third ia hand, balance in fire equal annnal payment*, without interest Title indisputable. Location very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particulars enquire of 8. BALSLEY, who has a draft oftaiduo* perty. ReaidetteeSAst,belowFeny,Mr.Adam*’lurw. N. B. There u another team of coal on thia traet, aboutGOfoei above the tower, of excellent qnality. jygfcdtf • ) .j. 8.8.* VtlaaeU finiidtng Lota for Bale* fTVHE sabeeribera are authorized to offqr at private JL sale, and upon highly favorable terms, a number of very valuubla.Butlding Lots, comprising a large portion of the Lots numbered 67, 68,:03and 70,. m. Woods’ General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, sima ted atlhe eoath eastwardlyeorner of Pena and Waynh atreeu. fronting !H0 feel on the former, and extending along the lalier aboutWSOO feel to the Allegheny river, and being a pan ofthe Beal Estate of iho late James S. Stevenson, Esq., deceased. | A plan or subdivision of the above Lets, in eoniof mity with which it is proposed to selL may be seen at the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, between Mart ket and Ferry sis-: WILLIAMS A KUHN. my 3 . ' •i : ' ALUABLB REAL ESTATE ON PKNN STREET FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground sitsnte on Penn street, between Hay and Marbury streets. adjoining the house and lot now occupied by Richard Edward*, having a front of 23 feet, and in depth ISO feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable.. En» quire of C.O.LOOMlS,4ih*t t tiearWeod. . ocriH-dtf ' Vox Sale* . !.' • ■ A DESIRABLE Building Lolin Allegheny etty, ft* J\. vorably located, in size about half an aero* and will be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire of fobs J D •WILLIAMS. UP wood si iGON LINE—THROUGH IN DOCTOR WISMB’&F - ~ BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. THE fallowing article we copy with pleasure from the “Boston Mercantile Journal,*-of March, ISO, and wo hope that U any of our readers [are suffering from any of the complaints which it Is said to ear*, they willspeedlly avail themselves of iti It Was well known many years ago that the wild cherry bark tree, of this climate possessed valuable medicinal qualities. Indeed this faet was known to the aborigine*, and decoellona of the leaves or hirk o! thfoirce has ever been regarded by theirphysieians as one'of the most effectual remedies in many diseases. This fact, several years since, arrested the attention of Dr. Warn, a highly respectable practitioner of Vir ginia. He iitTeaiigaied with cart the healing proper* ties of the wild cherry—tested its wheaaJntirt* titered alone, and wheats cotnbinatlehwitk clher-re* medial Events. Be found that itt‘natural virtue hqrsteatiy *wf»wsari> sahhy dieats wttose properties were all well proved and,g<si erally recognized, a medicine was produced which eonstuotes a remedy of-greal importance ia pulmonic ry affections and dis uses of the chest and throat— whieh are proverbially prevalent in oar cities and large towns, and often prove foul, swelling tho bill of mortality to a much greater extant titan is the case with most others, we had almost said all classes of disease. j - The genuine Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry hu a fie simile of (he signature of lleoiy Wistar, &L D., Philadelphia, and Sondford aad Park on a finely exe cuted steel engraved wrupper. None | other are gen* nine. i • 'View of Pitta! :uUbT . STUABTfcSILL <t "V i.> [OUBES, LOTS. FABHS, fee 110 tegond »t DR. WISTAJPS nATJtAM OF WILD CHERRY. We &ie just in receipt of the following voluntary tri* bate to the curative power of Wistor 1 * Balaam of Wild Cheny, from E. Hall, &L D., of Ml demons, Michi gan, who is a physician of high standing, and an'ex unaive druggist* } Mt. CLuana, hlieh-. OeL SOth, 1519. To the afflicted, this may certify that Mrs. R. Rob erta, of this village, three or foar weeks after confine ment, was attacked with a violent cough aad great prostration, and seemed -hastening to the grave with fearful rapidity, i advised her loose Wismr’s Balsam of Wild Cherry—she did so, and with that valuable medicine alone wu restored to health, and is now a living proof of the value of Wlstar’s llalsam of W aid Cherry. E.HALL, Physician jand DntgguL Read on and be convinced still further of the remit, kable virtaes of WUtar’s Balsam Chenyi Messrs. Bandfnnl A Parta Gents. As a mailer of ji*-' lice to yon. and fsr tho benefit of the public, 1 woald offer tho following sttiertentof a can effected by yflui medicine, known as Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the spring of 1517 my wife was severely. attacked with Peripneumonia, or Pleurisy, which resulted In a deep seated pain in the side; accompanied with a se vere eongh: she was attended by some of the test' physicians in Chicago, bat to no purpose; for weeks' she suffered, without relief, coughing incessantly night and day. 1 came to the conclusion that all the reme dies knownlto the physicians coaid nbthelp her,' and' wu induced to try your Wild Cherry;. Iprocurcdone bottle, and commcceed asing it according to .direc tions: before it was all gone—the cough stopped, the paio in her side left her, and with the aid of .another bottle she wu restored to rxxna ouus. In con sideration of these circumstances, I would recommend it to the pablie. u a valuable nwdwind. Years, respectfully, - R. N. GARRATT. Gaaim Harm. Mich.. Oct. 5.16t9. i , Read (Ju foiloxzing Tutioiamialt. Of all the eurei that have been recorded, there pie certainly none equal to the one firet mentioned, which plain!/ahows the eurshiltiy of Conatunption, even in some of its worst forms: j ' i r * Ctiowß ram, Lake co, lad Juno 16, !9W. J. D. Park: Dear Sir, As 1 have a deep eonrnii*era tio a for the afflicted, permit civs-you'dbrief history of my afflictions, and-lha benefits derived from the use of Dr. WUtart Balaam of Wild Cbenyd-- i InJuly,lB44, l wma attacked with a! fever of the ty phod character, whieh left me in a[ very debilitated state, when in the following winter I wai taken with a severe cold, wjueh reduced me to such an extent as to fve me the appearance of a confirmed consumption. labored under a severe cough—expectorated a great deal, and was troubled with cold feet and night sweat*. I also frequently raised blood from nxy lunge. 1 con tinued in thia state, gradually diking under the di»> ease; until Janoiryvia<7," when I was again attacked, with fever. My friandadespaired of my life, mud my physicians thought I could survive but a ebon lime, lily extremities, erpeeially my feet,'were oonMantly eoid, and almost lost then feeling. (Under these cir cumstances U may truly be said that I warm living skeleton. Ifinallydeteratinedtoeuiltakingmedielna prescribed by phyaietans, and try Balaam of Wild Cherry, and from the im week that 1 Com menced taking it, I can dm a gradual recovery. - I continued |ts uu six months, ut the end of which time 1 was cared, and have enjoyed rood health ever, state, and cheerfully recommend the Sals am to all those ah flictedwith disease of the lungs, and wo aid say to those commencing its use, not to bediscottragedif two or three bottles do not effect a curt; but persevere ul have done, and I have ho doubt but auto eases out of tan will be blessed with renewed!health, ai I here been. —; Respectfully, yours* i • JOSEPH JACKBOIf. PxtcmBl per Bottle—Bixßottlesfergs. . Sold by J.D. PARK, (.raeeeaspTUjßandfbrdAPartj) Fourth and Walnut streets, Cinedaautl, Ohio,-General Agent for; the South and West,- to: whoa aU orders must be addressed. * ’j 1 : !-• - 't-. ' l* Wilcox, Jr; Jamca A. Jones; j| EUd & Co; B. A, Fahnestock A Co, FUtttmrgh. L T. BusseU, Wash ington; W. H. Lamberton; Tkaakfia; L B. Bowie, Welty, Greeaaburglg set; Scoti A Gilmore, Bedford; BeedASon, Hunting dos; Mrs. Orr, HolUdayiburg; HUdibrea 4 A Co, I ndi , ana; J. K. Wright, Eoannlng;' Evans * CcyEriwk. ville; A. Wilaoa A Bon,i Wayneabixgh; M’Fartand A' Co, N. Calleadirri'Mcodvillfe; Burton A Co, Erie; J y Magoffin, Mercer, James, Kelly ACo,Bntlen B.Smith, Beaver, J.D.Bummcrton 7 Warren; F.L AC-S. Jones, Ctadcrepon; P. Crooker, Jr, Brownsvijile.. novlP-dAwlytisjT -- • . - ' ' [' Twilled curtain- chintzes.—>v. il Mn« ; TOT hat rac'd a farther aopply erplaia Scarlet and' Twilled Cwtain Chlntact, at UieNbrui tail comer • FoanhaDdhlarhctei*. i i don COFFEE— A tmaUiotfartaiobV deSO STUART fc SILL mOBACCO-OOVxtS’t and t% fortalobj' r * d c «J ' BTUABT A SILL br STUART A BILL TEA— 50 hf cheat* dcao J a DILWORTH A CO Superiorwinkandbrandy— : - 80 ea»e» Sherry W»Wi WWi ; . 8 eeakt Grape Broody; 1 «o» ek* ** last rce'd oa eoaUramfedt far tale hr dcBt SELLERS fc MCOl* ats*a axtn iasulr (ax DILWOBXH fc CO ELOUR-JO ttU-cr übbjr ’ deSt " PBUBTTIBia lOOKBOOU. ~ TTTHKBRwia-ba Satdforwalq jnrawottaeitafr VV ir«h,«><u reßgions Book* andTiusU cwortsod in a series ofabcotTOURHUNDRED ijauw pah lieatietts,(ofwhich ttttlofoe* can be hadcatpoEea)... Uon,) embracing many ataadaid taTtiMOfr, and w«u adapted for SabbafaSdtecl, Congregational, Mlntaer»»aid Private libraries. •’ ■• • •- , Persons wishing to purchase each boots, V* IBvK ted la call anA wwilmi «>■» ..- _ \ The Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society ia kept at these rooms. - .octfcdAarSmß) ■ • if OT T» sun o» & tu Emu u notmore wpnl'• rive titan a bad, putrid breath, or dark, yellow dlsrww - ed teeth. If persons haTe these it is their own ftalb— (her can, fox two shillinM. bay an trtiela that WIJX stake their breath pare aid sweet as tbs Mnr4fro Arabia. ' It cores diseases of the Gem, spang? or uleentfs and for the Teeth it is unequalled, icmmrlag the tazm% f.«t».winj the teeth In the. gam, aid eleu them at white as the tmam qfshsjVssjw Sink. - ' Such, reader, aiethepropertieaof Jone*VAmh«' Tooth Paste, ana, without prairing it earselrcs, hour whatoneof ownettrespectabb and adeatifloPom l ti«u,Mr. E. Field, o! New York, says: U I have both used sWd n»tiwJ tM« »»ii tmZ palpable artlele, (Jones’Amber Tooth PutoA asi • can recommend It as potsesring allthoqulWi'selelm ed far it.”. Beader, we can say no mere to convince) only that if yon ut this onee yon will bo well pleased. It U pat up hi English Peis, for cents. Sold cy the Agent, WM. JACKSON, ® Libor* ty street, PSttsharghT; ' '- ' • tagfodAwT i VZ baunuunaiß Gan DBum—lONUntnl wTChealeal Boapeanses the same tune whitens Ufa Bkst giving u the texture sad beauty of aniafkatfe. . .. • v Bconinr, Satx Ream AJQ Gobs, ara m orttsuy healed, but eared by Us use, as ax least seven Phyas* °*f“ New York know, whoiise ills such o*m*» * w<t ** rmfsHing ss else in' Pntrus, Buncos, Fiacua,'or any ether skin 4b* ean. The reader is assured tint this ts no useless puffednoshua,asosetrial wfllpmee.- looaM enn* aerate ai least £0 p»*w?tn eared oT Sots Hsas,Sen Laos axb Pm Busm —Buy 1% and use it, and the reader la-again assured! wool* not entelly sell it for the abors unless I knew hie bo ail 1 state. Those who are liable to • wßltndthfaa cure. AnyoneafflfetedwithaaTOfthaaboTe,or«im' uar diseases, will flad this aUa^a*i^«iwt«.^ B f»a. - . - ble Is Us properties) than I state. But, reader, the stores an flooded with *. andbo sure yea ask for JONES’S Dalian : byWM. JACKSON, 89 Lrifanj joest. |n» Aueoobcmzn are tinnnrsritj ■■men tnr theioUowtng are the aetual nslltieaer a fe. battle of Jans* Coni. llair Restorative.* If they doubt ear' word, they cannot these hlghlyroepcctable dtixsas who haTetrjod in— ••*.•••• Mr. Goo. Beeket,4l Bm st. New York, « Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle u, Brooklyn. , Mr. Wn. Tompkins; n King si. New York.' Mr. Tho«.Jaekso% Montour* Island, near Pittsburgh . H. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat B. America. And mom than a hundred other* com, though this matt suffice, that It will force the hair tegrewontba head or face, stop it falling off, strengthen the roots, rcmoTittg tern and dandrgff iron the roots, making light, red, or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, sett, clean -cad beautiful, a very, very long time. ' Sold by the Amt, WM. JACKSON, 69 liberty 0, 3?ti 00cents, and one dollar. ; - LAbIKG ARE dAOfIoiJED AUArNBTtF SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. : They are notawan bow frightfully injurious llgla to the skin! how eoarse, how rough, how ssl* low, yellow, and unhealthy the skinap* pears afterosJagprepandchalk! Be* tides it Is injurious, containing a . . large quantity of Lead! ' We hare prepared a beautiful regetabla Article, which we eali JONGS' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It is perfectly Innocent, being purified of all dsloexi* ons qualities; and It imparts to the skm a natural, heal*, thy, alabaster, clear, living white; at the same time acting as a eeametie on the skin, making it soft, and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 69 Lib* erty at, Pittabnryh. Price 85 eenta. - ahgTalfowT IBV HABOW.ABK ITOBB SIGN OP THE PLANE AND SAW, ” . 90. TB Wood StMlti PltUhVtfh, t EUIIER ANDLAUFMAN, Importers anaaeaka in Foreign and Bomestte HiHIPWABII, la' au iu Tarietiei, are now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonable terms as ean be purchased elsewhere. We Mlieit our and the nubile generally, to call and examine our sfoek, whieneonautamnrief KNIVI'3 and FORKB, POCKET and PEN SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, such as Locks. Latches, Hinges and Screw*, together ' with every article nsuallvkept in: Hardware Store* We invite the attention of Carpenters and Mechanic* generally to oar assortment of Tools, which have beea ‘ selected with great care, and which wo aro determbP ed to soil *o as to give aatiafaetian. apfodtwT Property Im isgluay City for THE suhaenben eflar foraalea number of ehdloa Lots, situate in tit* Second Ward,fnmdsgeatifa Common graond, cm easy tern*. - Inquire at • W. O>H. ROBINSON, Any at Law, St Clair ft or of JASROBINSON, on thsprestisatv -- mrn.-dAwtn .-. ; - TOPBIiraRSt TIIE subscriber has on hand and for sale, asAgeat of L. Johnston A of Philadelphia, the folfow* tags ‘bt . 25 ptirofCases; 45 ibunu Fancy Letter, difleieniJSMi; 300 Newspaper Cuts; 50q lbs. Leads, cut to Older; N . ■' : 10 Composing Sticks; • - - 100 keg* Prout’s New* Ink; 1 Brass Galley, Column Rnlet, Brass Bales of all descriptions, Ac. A, JAYNES, • Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth st N —Orders received for new Type. aalOdfowS PBSUI TBh BTOBJtt. ; ,/ THE subscriber has just reeeived at the Pekin, Tea..-. Store, 70 Fourth street, a very large and well se lected stock of pure GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, from New York, all of whieh has been reeeiywlip thia •. country aince the fim of February laat, cesahrangM • all the different grades grown .in the Celestial Empire. Our stock being among the largest In the West, We are... prepared to wholesale, on than any other . house ia the city. .We iavise retail grocers to call and - exawae prices. ‘ They cankavoupaek* - ' V failfchTaghtortilshair-eonvonifnftA-. .-•- .■Our icfaftS&ccs Vary for Oolong, BlaakTeasnom AWM. ta per Nlng Yoang Souchong, AO eta; . -Congo 50.' nod English Breakfast 50, Young Hyson, . . Gunpowder and Imperial, from S 3 cts- jo 9MB per lb. Famiifesere roquested to sendaadgqs »tmplc*-af .r *-' * •- ’ CRAB CIDER—2O bbl* and fl hf bbls, a fine artTele, for'sale by BURB RIDGE, MOLSONA CO, dele ■ - ' 1 Water st GASUEeRES h DB LAIMM eaaM aaper nev «tyla Cuhmerw utd vUk Tory Ugh olore, rcc’d awl now opening ®t I .*,Am..oA» dcBo AAMASOMtCOB T EAITEERSCRAPS-3 nk* ln«tore an4&r«*JcbT _j dctO ' COPE &BREYFOGXJC 1 ■)AT* r< « 1 ' , .u a ai a ,« i Jf. , u | .bj HGBA^ bbU Dried-for uIA by, g HGBJJTT SEED 3-4 b»r»n«x«*<i • 1 but Timothy toed; (at wla by '. _ dcSO OHORANT Lard-9 bbl» tecelTlng end to nut b; dc2o \ CJ SUGAR— 10 Uid» piiaa ifo, \ -10 Ibis Refined: to •*» bT • • • . deSO J P WILLIAMS, 110 Wool tt . ■ . 10 “ LAKD-1# bbl» No 1 Lemfi . • Beans— si t>t>u wute,for i»icbr ,„- [ ~ * . dgao - RHEY, MATfHBWS A CO PEACHES— 120 boold crop; . « . X. I " t "’SsgauM»OT t l:co- TALLOW— 34 bbUforwleby te»_ - EIIEY. MATTHEWS »CO tarrinnif sod (or tVOHTHfcCO elotiit, m>t rac’d iuu&'CM.lMilAiqr- WOKTHfcCO T&nijkcOi nOWDEß t__«ale_by T>OLL Bt rltr rvav PEM X/i r deao_ /'"UIEE3F QidcMP Mm,A«HKg~4a bbii B H.Bt janea? EefiaeryTtor M j fl DILWQKTHA-CO Ties” tlHrN ~ 8 - Ti ' t co/ CIGARS— 38,000 Coamon; > ■ •*, 'ttKAT FU)UB-*»;|*cju iy deg) COPE fc T/EO BUTi'Eß—idkenOTesb. to arrive tUl'Sty. 'KdcSO ttlPB A BfIBYFOGLB, 108 Bocrofl at ioliart tee*daßdjtof Mis by dffi "1 b rac’d fo, o , && , E b Z .ce n AME>in*,N T° largo mssortmeat of Amen tan MaavTaetued Toy*, dbe bwt tnd moat tab* •outial in iha world. .'• Call aad aeaibejn at drtl ■- •«? • 0 YEAGER’S.IQS Mutet«t RINTS FOR W. CMlWHTiaviteaikeap teatiou of bayera iff Us asaoioacai of FRINTB, embracing the wnrett and taadsonemßTlea,and war ranted fast colon.' Also—EngUoh Cfcmtieihsfnow and handsome patterns: and a large assortment©! neat figured light Prints anaCUaues, r •deal ■; -.■? WB MURPHY ODA A3tl—2o casks bfUdyU •ale by WM BAQjtLET A CO, detr • ; : 18 and an Wood »t Rye FLOUR-13 bbt* tee«d and fin tale by • ; dctl ’ WM H JOHNSTON, m Soeoad at QS^yjsa^tSih BrrPTBR— m tw fw»»A and forsalobr .TT. - dci7 - a c*om_ gdwn lTT&TOBKI I I—CHKAPKH TUAN -.****}?*' Vf Jut rw’i,aainrmeß of fall '^Efi*i* a ß*2ut ter'Watebea, IB cue» fine «tm» wUm le»a *u ■» low a* Hurry and thirty five d&ilm t apa warrantee w owitmeot of JBjjgJjjjgJ' priWnttho various and lajcrtatftw, “s*E£2t“®? ,a ? * \V.W. WILBOr<, Watclimakeratt4£ew*lev dclß earner Malta* tad TotTM mwf. ; IJSTILLIaMs’IVOKY W for KBorias Tartar, gwWPHfeHSIS tabiuncc* dewnifiti*®to UiaTseiL thottttc,eleoj»riJif the masth, heaiip* and atwaftaea* tflff'tha gana and purifying taa ottaa. t 1% SOAP —W bozei Undifif from steamer Wow JSBflu and for *ale,toelo*a co&cgmcat, fry., -~. •. _ '_ del® \ JPALZKLL /"’IORN—3OO tm la *ioi VL dcl _ 9 _• • SCRAP IAON-Ocui delfl r'oNGsHA\VL»—Rccvipcrexpraij, 1 j opcnbit at-A. A--Me*cn A Co.*, n<v »***•} itrcat-O cue* taperior Long tod Bfl*aioBknwU,a#d Srochado. -• ■ • '• • ' *y- J 1 S yctPUao, la excellent ortir, wiU* Us good order, *5O. -jjPra.auiHKE-..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers