BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. REPORTED * TBL.BGOAPBKD ICE THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE / j CONGRESSIONAL. / ; . -WjXHCKJTOK, Dec. 31. r WthaHotjno,Mr. Biker presetted a memorial froo D.P. Miller, of love, contesting the sett of which was rtfmed to the Com mute* oaEfectlou. ' | StasDino Cusettirnxs. ftinding Committees, in the House, were an- Rwnced t» foltowt: Ways and Means— Bsgley, Jacob Thompson, Vinson, Green, Toomfca, Hebert, Oner, Jonee aftd Hampton. District of Columbia—Brown, of Mississippi, luge, Taylor, Faller, Metes, Hammond, Allen, Wiliiaittn,nnd Underhill. JodicUiy—Thompeoo, of Penas., Miller, Ash- Bis, Meed, Mootbeed, Preston, King, Venable, TkaAStevens, end Welbourne. Territories—Boyd, Richardson, Rockwell, Sed den, Otinfmen, KealTaen, Gill, Fiteb, end Gid* dings. Foreign Affairs—McCicruind, McDowell, Win* throp, Howelsoo, HiUis’J, Woodward, Sutton, Baell, end Spalding. The resolution, postponing the election of Clerk end other oficers until Thursday next, wet a doptod. A largenumber cf petitions end memorials were presetted end referred.’ | Mr. Stanton presented e bill, extending the. Creaking privilege to the widow of Presldont'Polb, which wee forthwith paved. Petitions against the employment of Chaplains a the Army end Navy, and in Congress, were presetted and referred to the Jodiclary Commit tee. Several polices o! bills to be presented,-were given, 'after! which the House adjourned , notil. Thursday. ! - ' tXCOKD SOfATCfI. Bx*aTX.—A message in writing wns received Dam the President. • ; . Numerous memorials end petitions were pre •sated*—enioDg them,’ one from eitieens of Ken tucky to be sneceasore of Joe Smith, the Mormon Prophet, Ejecting to the establishment of the Government cf Deseret, and charging the peo ple ef the City of the Sdt Like with treasonable they having taken e secret oath to avenge the death of Joseph Smith upon the nation, end to pursue that design until Ue end of time. Mr. Underwood reed, in connection with the memorial, an, extract from a statement made In the St. LoUia Republican, that the citixens of De «eretwexe! lawlessly trying citixens of Mimonri cn the charge c.f aiding in the expulsion of the from the Stats of Missouri j and that they were exacting duties upon the effects ofCal- Uornis emigrants, in pasting through their city. Mr. Underwood thought the statement gave col cring to the memorial Mr. Douglas had seen the statement* and inter regaled Mr. BabbcU, the Representative from Do •eret, who explained that the cUixens of the Salt Lake, haying formed a Government, found it ne cessary td establish a means of Revenue—and had imposed a duty upon all goods brought into lbs city, whether by Mormons or others; but no doty was levied on property going through. The foemoriiYwas referred to the tiommittce on Terri tories- I The resolution from the House granting the franking privilege to Mr*. Pcflk, was read and adopted*: J.-.-/ After a short lima spanl In/pieoilive Session, the Ben*t* adjourned until Tnortday. j NrwYoai, Dec. 31. ’ Orttonr—There is eomelhiogy rong in the fotetp •cotton market,as communicated by the Cembria. On comparing it with the Hibernians quotations, it appears that prices bavo declined one eighth, in-; •mead of advanced. Owingto the Confusion,transr were cheeked. Quotation*, are, Wpland, III; Orleans, 1210131. \ In consequence of closing of the old year, busi ness generally is dull, and deafen are not inclined go fa-raw* their stock, until after the incoming i««. j ARRIVAL OF THE CAMBRIA. | < P®iL*Dnjrai*, Dec. 31,1849. Tb* steamer CaAbria arrived at Boston, at 13 , o’dockun Saturday, and the mail* arrived berq ml 4 (/dock this afternoon. Tto -Cambria • brought the largest European nail ®w received at Boston. OOTKiK MARKET. | Lnmrootf Dec. 7. Prieea on the 7th declined * for American and Egyptian. On the 14th bo tineas vu done in Amerifan at *of aa advance, though there was hardly a necessity J for disturbing quotations. The CdrerpAd Mail of the Ifch says.'—“Wo renew our qnotatfottsoflhls day week, 1 far American sorts Asking a total decline of I from the big beat point •oa the 13th. | honey MARKET. : j I fjtnatooLt Dec. 15. Pennsylvania S’* are qncrted at 82053- Ohio tfi,lB3oandlß3e,al?o. Mississippi ffs. 60. Tbei chip Caleb drlmsbav, from Liverpool, far N«W York, was biased at Sea, on the 20tb Pr>. Tt*r ,^"r T n ,ndcfgw were saved. Tbs political newt ]* generally uninteresting. Qtmbaldlf U ia itaied|| Is at Tangier*. | Botoh, Die. 30.. The arrest of Anderson at St. Johns, eaoghi in the set of cutting ibefelegrspbielioca, to prevent the transmission of this news to tbo United States pms, Will doubSem toad t# the discovery or par ties wbo have been ingsged in specnUting npon, and fleecing the Mercantile community. • j ■ I ! . FIRE AT AKRON. ! Acton, Dfc. 3i. A ire broke 08l hero on Toeadny ltd, which Octroyed about 18 btoldinjl, ioclodiof tha Baot, —inN. Foal Office bpildiog*. The loaa la enllma- UA at *50,000. | STEAM BOAT ACCIDENT. • | y»v»|tni| Dee. 31. Tba atenmer Aoerica waa run Into, • low.daja rinc. : below Donnldsontdlr, oo the Mlmmrippi, by the ateuser Viola. The Viola aook to a few rilar Iho colllaioo. Twenty ono ol the pahKOfeta of tbo Viola were picked op by the America. ‘ LATE FROM THE PLAINS. St. Loom, Pee* 31* Mr J. H. Kincaid haa arrived from the Sail lake, b, ra g toll that aactlon with twenty due companion., on the Utb of October. •1 They toot no accident by tbe way. The .now ft* jeen oo tbo Phiu - . Tidm., offence bad boa. .Tooted between tbo nUttary at Fort Laramie, and tbo Pawnee A new colony of Mormons baa been •* t distance of2oo mile* from tbo Sooth Salt Uke j City. Twenty fire Mormon preachere came with : Kincaid's party. They go to preaeh Mormonirm I u> all tba world.- •' ’ • KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE. ; LovanLUt, Dec. 31 Tbe Legnlalnie met to day. Tbo Hodse bad font' ballots for Speaker, which resulted in tbo re* •lection of tbo Speaker of tbe last section. Tim Senate organized by tbe reflection of all the bid ofieersoflaat session. ! MARYLAND LEGISLATURE. Balthcou, Deo. 31 Tbe Lefialatnre meets to day. Mach caucus •inf (a going on relative to the successor of Rev* erdy JohoatoDpia tbeUoited Stales Senate. CINCINNATI MARKET. CraaxjuTi, Dec. 31 Floor— Is firm, at $4,600*1,75 ; bbl Whiskey—Statist. Hogs Hare advanced to $3,220*3,33 per 100. Perk la In S3,W for Mess. SSISO per 100 ia offered for Keg Lard. NEW YORK MARKET. floor—Holder* appear firm, and prices have an advancing tendency. Sales of Corn, Stale end mixed Western*! s report. . Corn to bald hljbar, with ulaa of VTcclorßal*?® 610 ' tv.reialona-Fb* ia ira, at pretwna inofw •JT Solo, of Mare al *ll 87 0 *l2. and of • Fri»e»HB?7<9*»»«»l- .^ly COMMERCIAL RECORD. TITTIBUBOH BOARD OF TRADE COMMITTEE FORrDECBMBER. mni um W. i. kcitut* ———mi ■ Arrivals sad Difutnm of Mslla. Eastern Mail, via Philadelphia, doe 3 a. li closes 13 a. Western Mail, Cincinnati ud Louisville, dae 8 f. m., closes 6 a. k.- Sotth, via Baltimore and Washington, dae 8 r. M-, elo-' MI9AL North Westant,vla Cleveland, doe 10 a. jiyelosei 3 a. u. Eda'aad Weotern New York, due 8 r. g: clou* 8 a. k. Ktttannlng , due 7a. clou* Sr.a. Warn Amisimn or tb* Ccbaks Stuhxo —Daring the winter months the steamers composing the Canard Line will tail front New York, Boston and Liverpool, u follows: Cambria, from Liverpool, for Boston, 1 Dec. 15,1813. Canada, 44 for New York. 44 29, ; “ 44 44 for Botton, Jan. it, 1850. “ “ u for New York. 44 20, " 44 M for Boston, Feb. 9, “ 44 for NewYort, “ Ss, ■ u 44 for Botton. March B. ■ 44 « for New York, 44 at, “ “ “ • for Boston, April G, Canada, from New. York, for Liverpool, Dec. IS, 1810. Europo, from Botton, for 44 44 19, Hibernia, Pm New York, for 44 44 88, Cambria, Pm Boston, for 44 Jen. V, 1850. Cauda, from New York,-for 44 ‘ S 3, 44 from Boston, for 44 Feb. 6, “ from Now York, for 44 44 tn, 44 from'Botton, for 44 March A 44 from New York, for 44 ‘•So, , “ from Boston, for 44 April A 44 from New York, for 44 •* 17, 44 from Boston, for n i. Moj- The Nxw YzaO.—We congratulate our commercial readers tpon tho opomng of the new year; and hope that, upon a general rendering and settlement of eceoonu, there may .be nano who may not l* able to look upon the pan year at having been weil and faith fully ipent,’and who may not feel encouraged from past •seectt in business, tn enter with ienewed energy upon the various outlet and callings pertaining to the new year. ; Daring the past year, It has been our object, so fat a* tho narrow limlu.of our department allow, to give such Information touching the commercial interests of our elty, as we conceived useful and interesting to the reader. How far we have succeeded in our desire, it U not far us to say; but, if experience '! not without it* efheacy in the proper discharge of one’s duty, we tbihk we shall enter upon the fa is re with the greater assurance of being able to set well and faiihtully our pan. ' erhnes Ptrtssuaon Cazett*. ? Tuesday Morning, Jan. 1, ISMJ.. i Tho general tone of'tht market presents no varia tion from oar last report ,The weather continues very cold, and transactions are generally limned, being con fined strictly to tha.regular city trade. Fipua— I Tho receipts of flour yesterday wens quite limited, and sales from finl hands were confined to small lots *1 *1,1031,15 From storo we notice oo- change in figures. Sales of 67 bbls In dray load lots, at >1,87, W hbl. Retail or siugle hhi sales alsSoAlB{- Bti Ftccn—With light supplies in the market, wo notice a regular demand at ns in qaality. Bccxwbut Flora—Sole* in bbls at S2F IUO, and iu sacks Bt 34,1*0*48, for the belter qualities. Gum—Of Grain very little iscomiog forward—sup- lies are moderate and prices unchanged. Goocoro—ln the grocery market nothing of inter it is transpiring. In the way of general sales :o eii) and coontrjrirade, we may continue our quotation* a* i follow*N O Sugar, S|os|; Rio Coffee VJ\; N O Mo* i taste* S9e, 8 II do, 4Qe; Rice, &Jc V B>- Baco*—Very little Is doing, tbe market being doll Plain bam* may; be quoted ai-<0?l; tide*,. Sc; and nhpelder* 4Je ft. Brma-Eitra W R Bolter i* selling iff a regular way; at 1401fc; goed roll yi bbli, at ia|e; keg at i»l® 10c ■>, in small lot's. U quiet, at a range of C to 7c 1 for W By ■od7|o3c fot.Oothen. - CIIACEERS—A.ttT'’ lowinf'qnoted rues: Water Crackers, per bbl ' Batter do “ “ • Dyspeptic do “ ** jvj Pilot Bread. “ “ Sugar Crackers, per lb —•••• * Soda. 'do “ 1 7 Firo—With a firm market, we eontinae our quota tions ai follows Salmon, 819 F bbl, snd BJ7 i ? tree Mackarel, No 1,815; No. 2, 810,50; No. 3, 57.50 F bb'- Best Herring, ordinary eastern, 85,50 F bbl. Wbbxst— Sales of'RecUfiod a,2JS23e F gait. AUCTION- SALES. By Job* p. Paris, Auctioneer. PotUu* Salt of Bight Yalucblt BuiUin Lgott. On Thmsday, Janaary 3d, 1650, will bffsold, on the premises, the following Tery saloof which was postponed from the 14th insL, tie At 10o'eloek. A.&L, . Those Stb eery desirable lols of ground, srtcate oa Penn street, between Marbnry *°d Water streets, «aeh hating a front of 30 feet on Penn street, and ex back 110 feei to Brewery alley. At 3 o’clock, P. M.. Three large and winable lots, situate on the south side of Setenth street, between SmuhfieW and Gru* having each a frost of 30 foot, and extending back 340 Golden syrup—u t>t>u iu>< q. *diß), ud for nit by _ . _ .. jS? ’ IAMES_DALZELL StismbMt 4u)lU and CouaUrpaass. THE undersigned Kate just received a consignment of 9 eases Steamboat Quilts and Counterpane*, from tho New England Quilt Alanufacumng Company , yrhieh they wiU sell very low to dealers or steamboat BUTTER— W kegs and 1 bbl to d«T reejd and fc salaby dc%7 COPE A UREV FOGLE GREEN APPLES—3» bbla rec’d a'rid for Sale b» drf? COPE A BBEVFOGLE yLODE-a LM.^FO,.I. t -. b UTTER—B bbls Fresh Roll, in cloths; to day ree’ jef? CRAIG A SKINNER T .*SS~* ttb ° ew ' 10 < “ ? "cha“ j 1° giuSAL "g&O fc&WK,,, 11 bbl, 8-. I &.NNEB pOTATOES-a.... Erf, —“t &INNF.I 'ixe*, a splendid article, cold whole-'- ud retail at No 5 wood at. d<£7 : HAD—MO pig* Gfclea*. JH»t rec faMto W IIUTCIUBON fc CO SHOT— 9ft ken. U« 1 d Nos.,jaXrerM snd for *»le by !S JAMEB A HUTCHISON & CO «. ico • TEMI J —W bales Dew Boiled; ■H “ “ ISS&AmmiiisONJtCO. ft* CO NOTICE. THE tabaeribei* reipeet/nlJy anronnee to the pnb* lie that, haring entered into co-ptrmeratap under the name and aiyle of ■‘Jamei Porno k. Co," ae Inoa* raneo Areal*, they hare taken the Office In the Odeoii Balldiiut* on the firat floor, iDDediately in the rear-ei the Telegraph Office, where they w'lU be happy to re cfcire the patronage of friend* and phblic generally, on •«“ 1110 £m Qf - DUBNO, W. w. STEVENSON. [detMw rhvDcc. 22,1649. T-»OH. RPWT— A convenient Dwelling Hoaw,on r Federal etreel. Al)ej|k»o7 eitr.wiUi » leryc yeri. i» Ihueberab, H.tJSoFMtOffiee. B 0. UAZZAM, M *dc*s office, Third »!-, over the Port Office. INDOW <»;«, “>* |l» u 10x14; iu more and d e gl TAB3KV A BEST t-TTTTTTm T medium *nd Cue ThloiVCiiitm, rffiSib? siiAcm-gi-rt white fffirEoy-pi^UDS- 1 k f l ” IM b! ” K°W»'“ ’ JSI b,1,1 “ DP * WIIITF. V Buck, opened end %^s LErr * WHITE New Yoaz.Dec.3l LOBSTERS-Scaaet (l dot prime.plckle hpbfUf«,for by JACOP wKAVEB, Jr C ALAD OIL—3O baiketa “Nlco* 08. O ooa. fcf *aio b? d«S4 JACOB WEAVER, Jr _ SUGAR A MOLAS3I3-d bbd* N O 8o«n 34 bbl» Molaaip*; landinf parCoUmbl*n,andfw*alelowbT • deg HUM DALZELL t 84 W»>erat PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rtvxx.—There wtre.lS felt 0 laebes la ike channel ist evening, sad falling. I ARRIVED. Caleb .Cope, Murdock, Bearer. Michigan, Dries, Bearer. Lake Erie, Clark, Bearer. Bearer, Gordon, Wellrnlle. Vlroqaa, Galloway. Monongahela City. Fashion, Peebles, Hlrabeth. Atlantic, Parkuon, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobi, Brownsville. Camden, Beadriekson, McKeesport Hibernia, Baehrlor, Ciseinnatt. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. departed. Celeb Cope, Mardoek, Bearer. Lake Erie, Clerk, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Michigan, Briea, Beaver. Viroqaa, Galloway, Monongahela cuy. Camden,.llendriekion, MeKeeiport Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Baltie, Jaeohs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. BROWNSVILLE PACKETS, st 8 s. a- and « r h. BEAVER PACKETS, 8 a. w. and 4. r M. WELLSVILLE PACKETS, Ba.a NASH VILLE—Fort Pitt, 4 r. «• LOUISVILLE—Lydia Collins. CINCINNATI—Hibernia No, 3, 10 a. «. «i Riaggold, 4 p. M- | inPOBTB BI BIVKIL J CINCINNATI—Per Monoogahela-fl cks hariwiire, Cooper A Lively; 5 exp pkg*. II Vickery; 48 bbls hns A beef, 30 bbls linseed oil, Sellers t .£ lc J?‘*’ 3e . xp , pk K?’ Baker A Forsyth; 24 bbls hominy, W Dycrsl do|Ul low, IlarbiQvh: l bx liniment, RoberUon A Beppert; 6 chests, Holt A Mnkby; 15 bis, 1 bhl mdse, Bingham; 1 bx do/Surveyor of Pittsburgh; I.J bbls molasses. Bor bridge, Wilson A co; til hbds bams. 478 pcs sUcaldere, G W Jackson, t bx paper, Miner; 213 dox brooms, Arm- strong A Orcier. WHEELING—Per Lonis McLean—l pkg, Baker A Forsyth, 7 Iks wool, King A llaiding; I pkg, Backoffs; 44krvs. 3 bbl» latd, Waterman; 1 ebeit tea, Bagaley A co; 13 bdla paper, 8 C Hill; *5 ska c«ln, W H Hays; M do do, R A Cunmngbsm; 3 bbls hotter, J Hubert; « Ml* leather, J B Bayard: 31 bbls float, Gilbert A Bieel 6 bbls p ash, JAR Floyd; 2 esks querntware, J Park A co;3do do, U lligby; S bbls flour, Cummlus A Smith; 130 bbls flour, owners, PT LOUIS—Per Nominee—s bbls, Ikg butter, J 8 Dilworth, 10 bbls p ash, Burbridge, Wilson A cot I bx, ■J crates. A A C Bradley; 3 bx*, 2 pes eattinga, MeMtl lan A St>yroek;B bbls whlakey, P C Msjtin; iro bbls pork, Jno Scott A co, IUU hides, J B Bayard; 305 pigs lead, Young, lfimsen A Plunket; 8 bxs cheese, K Hea zelton; lot of furniture, wreck of steam boat Gen Jet* tup. ' >ONNET opening at A-*A. MA ) SON A CO.’S, No CO Market etreet, a large in* voice of soperior high colored Silk and Velvet Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest and most fashionable styles. de*J7 __ HORSE Horse Blankets, for •ale at tbe BLANKET DEPOT, No. fid Market street. de*7-«w DOUBLE MILLED FLANNELS, White, Red, and Brown, a superior article for Drawers and Shirts, for sale at the Blanket Depot of the Fayette Mauufae* luring Company, No- 50 Market it- de3?*2iv SHOT— 12 kegs eas'd, jast ree'd and for sale by dfjj7 A CULBERTSON, 145 Liberty tt EAD-IGQ pigs just ree’d and for sale by - _j deS7 A CULBERTSON, 145 Liberty st New sugar cubkiphams a bef.f— 15tierees “Evans A Swift's” superiors. C. Hams; 2T bbls “ u “ “ Beef, Just ree'd and for sale by detff 3F.H.8R9 A NICOL 3 DRIED PEACHES—7B sacks landing and for sale by dcM JAMES DAI.ZKLL i UGAR—I9 bbda NO, rrc’d per Mary Ana, foraali ) by dciM ENGLISH A BENNETT MOLASSES— M bbla NO, now landing and for sale by dc2i ENGLISH A BENNETT SOAP— 300 boxes Palm, in store and for sale by H cg ENGLISH A BENNETT r OAP—90 boxes Cincianati, for sale by 1 deSl J S DILWORTH A CO CARB IRON—WO lbs just ree’d and tor sale by j C 4l J KIDD A CO, CO Wood st YTTHITE GLUE—IOO lbs superior, just ree'd and W for sale by dcjll J KIDD ACO tMERY—4M) ll* just ree'd and for sale by j deSl J KIDD A CO lar business is doing at the foi CLOVES— a bales on hand and for sale by dea J KIDPACO PEPPER— 25uR»s American Cayenne. rec*d and for sale by deal J KIDD A CO LOUR—3S bbls Extra Family, Davis’ brand; JShfble “ “ 850 bbls Superfine, ben brand*; in store and for sale by delO • STUART A SILL BUTTER— A few bbls Extra Roll, lost rac'd and for salebr dc2l ARMSTRONG A CROZER__ Y aRD—e bbls antTfit) keesNo 1, just ree’3 and for J_l sale by deil ARMSTRONG A CROZER FAMII.Y FLOUR—bo bbls Farmer A Kirk's eele brated brand, in store and for sale by dcil ARMSTRONG A CRQ2ER T-tE a-FhTTBA—I7 bags landing from Loyal r ll&nnab, and for tale by dc!B JAMES DALZELL DRIED PEACHES—au ssek* to day rac’d and for tale by __degl ARMSTRONG A CROZER BALED TEACHES—A loiol prime, to day ree’d, for sale hr dc2l ARMSTRONG A CROZER 'LOUR—aw bbls rations brands, just received end for sale_by dc2l ARMSTRONG A CROZER fYUCKWIIEAT. FLOUR—3D seeks (bulled.) for sale J) by dc»l ARMSTRONG A CROZER IRAB CIDER—IS bbls In store and for sale by ! Hc*l ARMSTRONG A CROZER BACON— 33 pieces jttrt ree’d and for sale by dc2l ARMSTRONG A CROZER S' CORCHED SALTS—4O bbts on consignment and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, ddl Front street aj per tteamei Spanish clga! tale by nFAT***-^*—f* s hbl » ln ator* and for sale by dcl« CRAIG A BKINNER,» Market st B- UCKWHEAT'FLoUK—W *ek» rec’d, for sale by dew CRAIG A SKINNER DRIED FKACHF.J*—42 buju«t rec’d and for sale by dels CRAIG A SKINNER HICKORY NUTS—SO bu In note and for sale by dclM _ * CRAIG A SKINNER PEPPER— W bags in store and for sale by de-JO STUART A SILL tTEANS—2O bbTs White, for sals by -t> STUART A SILL SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GIFT BOOKS AHD AHItOALS for 1850 t THE OEM OP THE SP-ASONj With *ilieen olegant engraving*; edited by N. I*-?Willi*. The Snettu Annual. a Gift /or all 9ea*on*; by H Weld. .... The Floral Krepiake, forthwith forty »ix beaotl fn) colored engraving; edited by J. Kee*e. Leaflet* of Memory. an lllomtnaied AnonaJ for 1«0. Gen* of Beauty, or .Literary Gift for ISSOs by E. PerrivaL „ The Opal, a Pure Gift for the Holy Day*. Ilarrc»l Gleaning*,—a Holiday Book;-by M. A. D G*A Leave* of American Poetry? edited by R. W. Gruwold. ... . The Romance of Nature, or Poetical Language of Flower*; by TUotnaa Miller. „ „ ~ The Forget-Me-Not, for IsSO; by Mr*. R S. Smith. Tbo Mot* Ro*e, “ by Mr*. K. P. Howard. The Snow Flake, " beautifully iliumated. The Chaplet of Literary Gem*, with colored engra* Home Offering, or Glimpse* of Home Life; by e^Gift°o7Fnendihip, a Token of Remembrance. The Hyacinth, or Affection** Gift, for 18itl. The Gem, for leSO; edited by Father Frank. Apple* of Gold in Picture* of Sliver, by E. B. Fat -1oplora'»0plora'» Gem, or the Coquet for *» Bea*on*; with beautiful embelliihmenl*. ‘ .. _... The4>r*wlng Room Scrap Book, with *erenty illua- W Tho a charaeleri*uca of Women; by Sira. Jameion. The Heroine* of Shakapeare; with forty five engra ving*, from drawing* by eminent aru*t». Bible* and Prayer Book*, in overy *tyle of binding to *uit the latte of , 0.. For *a!e by ELLIOTT A RNQLIBII, No. 7» Wood atraet, between tounb j_jj and Diamond alley. Bow and Eligant 0*« Bookal SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTKRSi by J. T. ilendley, with eleven ongmal dcj' i *n» by D*ricy. Poem* and Proae Writing*, by Richard 11. Dan*. * Gem* of Sacred Poety, with *U illuatra corner Third and Market tl*. J A II PHILLIPS Uhristm&i and New Yeai’i Approaching! Elegant and substantial books, *wu- Lle for the comih* holiday*, ai LOCKWOOD'S. P KARLS OP AMERICAN POETRY Illßm ntted byT.W.G. Maple*on f Loutld dark morocco, gilt edges, antique ttylc: Sia. “Some of the banniett effusion* of Hoffman, Lon* (ellow, Bryant, Willi*, Wbittwr, Ilcltaek, Ifcrm™. -Dana.ilr*. Sigournay, and Mr*, Kmbury, among oth er*, enrich the totume.” —['Vatchman , . , “There are priniad mo*t delicately anJ pcrffcelly, «» lithographic German Text, on BrUtol board, ea«hp«|« being framed by a rich lllnramated.armbei| ingold.aiiyer, and color*, with vlffoetla wrought in ■ iUuminalcd volume ed on Lliia aide of the Ailanue-and «** ££** to the beauty of deiigni, and the eiecattoi* of •aid to rivai, tf not *urpa**,-cny thing of the kind in “KUySOFTHE o Lore’s Reaaiem," by Ch* rlc* Fenno Hoffman, The Sr u““by Mr*. 8.0. Ho-', “tIo vJ hr MiM Bayard; “The thud’* Mutton.” by Mr*. Em- K “-Small fo’ho, illuminated in the w manner bv Mmleaon, with border* and rtgneties printed in gold,Tilver, and colon; bo “ B 1 J_“ in a misfire *tyle.—formingjthe mo ** e , !^“i* n . d . u r ® cberche book or the kind eVer produced in thu coun ">■ W".' ll —LOCKWOOD, ,d Importer, 03 Wood st SEW BOOKSI rpiE WAR WITH MEXICO, by R S. Riptoyi J Elcroe'ni. of Rb.lonc! eompminj ■'' b ° f (he Cawa of Moral Evidence and of Ecraaaalon, Dy Richard Wbately, D. !)• w m m i m I jiay on Clifuuari Baptism; by BapUit W. Noel, 01. A. N»'»V '7«• «“■ 'S,^ u “” i ;sfiK d “ u de!9 «.nm»T Third and Wafkel MrceU SItrVFS! fIUFFBU rfIUE snbiehber has on 1 assortment of Ladies’ ind MUFFS, whleh hti. now offering rery low. .Those "hoJWAM"*. Muff would Jo well to call and elbu HAT AND CAP BTOBE, ***£%s£££!% Fourth. ilclS-awj JAMES WIU»Q«-_ cHuiyrßAi pBJBSPWW TUB subscriber respectfully informs his canonicr» and ibe publie generally* tk*l TO and PANCV GOODS are now open and fof, large ware toon up stairs, 109 Market eaii be *een the largest and most magnificent ment ercr offered (or sale In this city. P er *®®? ing to buy cheap will please eall, as these goods were imported direct by myself. f . 1 'CYKACKgi IW Market S' UNUKiEti—l sactTrimothy Seed! **jcks &*£!? Side Bacon; In store and lot **isj2 dels CRAIG A SKINNER pr.b.N- Abbla choice varieties, Jail IT ree'd and lor sale by dot7 ARMSTRONG CROZER =»».»■>- »W * 6y JACOB WEA VEB| Jr -rO.OOO prime, just ree’d and for STUART A SI LU No 118 Wood si de!B ' Bookscl LOCAL MATTERS. rro ros trx piTreßtnsH star uaxtitk Flo xxl, Ccicixt.— Wc neglected to e«y in our notice of the second Floral Concert to bcjgiven to night in the Fourth Ward School House; that the proceeds will be devoted to the benefit of the Orphan's Asylum. Independent of the interest hutching to such n concert* when the performers are all young, the worthy mo tire which actuates ibem, will be sure to draw a crowded house. We are requested to state, that in comequence of an election being held to day in the Fourth Ward Pablic School House, Ladies and Gender men will be'admitted to the Conceit at the left hand, orwcslaro end of the building. Lost bis Air.—Two men left a steam boat which htd just cosue up the river, on Ssiurday afternoon, and went up town to eeek a lodging.— One had no baggage, tbe other a large trunk full ofjdothiug, and containing all'‘’Bis money. The proprietor of the trank left It in chargo of his com panion, at the door of a hotel, while he went in. Or tile purpose of making arrangements to board there, and when he came out, having concluded hits bargain, he found himself minus his trunk. The police are on tbe heels of the rogue wno ok it, and he will doubtless be toon arrested. Ftanran’s Insonaacn Cobxaxt. —We under stand that the Firemen's Association, of this city, have appointed a committee for the purpose of making the preliminary arrangements to organize an Insurance Company, the stock of which is in tended, we believe, to be Owned exdlasiveJy by the Firemen. Assault ako Battdt, witu nrrWr to kill A colored woman ntmed, Rebecca Keelly, wan yesterday committed to jail, by the Msyor, charg ed with committing a violent aassolt and bsilery on a woman named Baptiste, whose head she bad cut with a poker, at the aame-lime threaten ing to shoot her with a pistol, which she held in her band. T.itwwv —* young oolored lad, yclept ‘T*om Bacchus,” was yesterday taken before tbo Mayor, and committed ti jail on a charge of larceny, al legedlohavebeen committed in stealing a pair o pistols. lrquht.—An Inquest was yesterday held by Coroner Arthurs, on the body of Isaac Bell, whosq death by accidental drowning we no* (iced in yesterday’s Gaxetie. A verdict in accord ance with the fceta was rendered. Hatoorologleal Table. Reported weekly for tbe Pittsburgh Gsiette.and for the Smithsonian Institute, Washington City. nntQHT or Tint TBxaaoMxrn. From tht 2!rt to the 2Sth of tke month. Date. Suo rise. 9 a st. 3 r k. 9 r m. Daily mean ec. 22 3G 33 3d 31 36 * ?3 31 2S 2S 30 29 - 24 26 23 32 27 29 23 13 14 16 13 H • 28 10 14 23 30 20 ‘ 27 23 32 31 35 36 23 32 3t 2S 36 35 asm and snow. .0 8-10 inch. .0 1-10 do .0 2-10 do 1 I-tO do Dwocnanc Comvettion. —This body met B the Court House yesterdsy, and recommended the foofte! to rapport Captain John B. Guthrie for lh< Mayoralty. Ala Sptsial Mrtting of the Good Intent Hate Company, held .on Friday Evening, December 2Slb, the following preamble and resolutions, (of fered by the Committee appointed,) were unani mously adopted: Wbessab, The members of ibis Company have beard with feelinga of the deepest and moat heart felt regret, the announcement of the death ofSam» uelC. Hill, Esq, long an intelligent,Energetic, and valuable member of our organisation Therefore Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Hid, this Company, in common with their follow citteas, have sustained an irreparable tors—the warmth of his heart, the generosity of his character, and the urbanity of his manners, which endeared him to us.while living, makes hia separation from us pe culiarly painful and distressing. Resolved, That his disinterested end valuable services rendered on behalf of this from its earliest infancy down to tbe latest period of his life, will long continue inthe recollection ol: his attached and grateful follow ReaolTed, That our most sincere condolence are hereby respectfully tendered to the tjunily of tbo deceased, with the assurance that (although we cannot fill tbe aching void, created in tncir hearts by this melancholy dispensation of Provi dence— their afflictions exaite our warmest rym patby. * j • Resolved,Tnst the metibers of thisl Company will attend tbe funeral of tbe deceased, wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty daVa. Resolved, That our follow Firemen bArequert ed to join procesaiop on this occasion. Resolved, That a*'cOW £l’ these resolnlions l« transmitted to the famliy.-oif the deceased, by the Committee. \ Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published. \ Cap!. T. A. Rowlxt.l T. M. lattlk, > Committee. T. MX^insToa.) W. COLLING WOOD, President. T. M. Littls, Secretary. Cltlaena* Candidate for Alderman* WATSON respectfully girea noliee to ihe citizens of the First Ward, that be will be a can didate for re-elecuon for Alderman, at the eniuiag election. Office and residence in the First Ward, Fourth street, near Wood. dei?-*i dk. d. nuiiT, DeiiUM. Corner ofJ'oQnh ud Dacator, t* tween • • - - oell-dlyin Market tod Ferry uieeu JOB PKIMTiaO. BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifests, Bills Contracts, Lav Blanh mm bills, t »■■»*, cunriciTD,cjiecsb, Printed at ih deal U< Impi DR. u. u. manufacture a of teu, upon Rat TooTiucat CDKXK tzpoced. Office f or'# office, Fourl’ Raru to—J. Pimra Lm Wtlliuo street,' TO Fourth sue ele of beversi rooms. lion, being a ee-. .inoeeni, Tirqrtting ud palais-.., , .-commendedper, nltily for invalid*. Prepared by W. Baker, porch, ter, Mtui., and for aaio by A. JAYrihS, aitheleki xea store. No. 70 Faanh at meull A Car* tad Certificate at float* IP* Rub vriUT n asip or tk* Paraotica- I hereby certify that about two weeks ago 1 wu seiz ed with a riolem attack of ceetftmf and purging Chot ere Morbus, wiihvery distressingpainsmtheuoniscb and bowels, which was completely relieved by two teaspoonful doses of Petiole am, taken in a little wa ter. After bavin* taken the first dose, I slept soumliy and comfortably for three hours. [Signed] HENRY WISE, Jr, On board the steam boat Ariadne. Pittsburgh, Dec. lith, 1319. Tam Captain of the Ariadne, and was a witness to the'astonishing effects of the Pctroleom, in the case of Henry Wise, who is one of tho hands on the boat. (Signed] NIMROD GRABELL. Pittsburgh, Dee. Ilth, IMS. ir7*See general advertisement in another column __ FLORAL CONCERT. BY particular request of • large number of the au dience. on Thursday evening last, and alao at the unreal aoiieiiatlon of many who were unable to gain admittance, the pupil* of t’.e Fourth Ward Public School* will, at the splendid Boom in their!house on Penn street, repeat the CONCERT on TUESDAY EVENING. January I*l, IMO. The proceed*, by or der of the Board of Director*, will be appropriated for the benefit of the Allegheny Orphan*' Asylum. The :performances will coauaence with- UNCLE NK> Be Kind tolhe Imved Onea at Home; O! BwifUy We Go; ISleighing Glee;! Song, by Miss Bingham; Duette. Solo, violin, B. F. Holmes; Grand Oratorio of ihe Festival of the Rose, p -^ Doors open at 0 o’clock; performance to com “frpAckets to be had at the atare of Mr. Yeager, and I at the Door. . _ . TnES BANKT'OF EHQLABiD offers for sale it* property in the city of Pittsburgh, situated at the corner of St. Clair street and Duquesne Way, hav ing 184 feet on Bl Clair itreet, »H feet on Duquesne Way, and alO feet on Barker** alley. , , This property contain* OVER ONE ACRE of valu able ground, i* ausceplibl* of a aabdtvision which would prove highly profitable to one wishing to re-sell in building leu of the usual aim, or to improve. .A plan ol the subdivision can bo *een at the office of the aro erecied’five aubatanUal Brick Buildings on 8L Clair street, (tncludlng-ihe tavern knowaaa the "Red Uen,") a number of smalldr built i£. on Way an'd Barker’a alley (partly o. cupiefi by Townsend, Carr A C 0.,) and the stables a tached to the tavern. ■ The rental is per annum, ana the property bi one third improved. nS? H. B. WIIJONS, Attorney •» Law, Fosrth atreeL LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton fiotoil Life Insurance Company. . tATa or nomn kxoccsd 25 ns cot. Capltalf 8100,000. JAMES PURNO A CO., Agents at Pittsburgh, Pa. soAsn ox oixEcnos, at rawsrov, nv nasrr- James Hoy, Jr. I Joseph C. Patts, FresX Benjamin Fish. I G. A. Perdicaris, V. P. John A. Wear.. | KU Morris, Secretary. Jonathan Fisk, Treasurer. ittnrwTosx. ComptrollerofNewYork. Geoivtj Wood. John r!. Maekie. David (Dudley Field. JosepU Unite. r tv l -- - Hon. James Campbell. David IL While., Alexander Cummings. W. J. P. White, P. M- His Exe. Gov. Haines. W. L. iDayloo. U. 9. Sen. G. D.WalI,Ex-U.S Sen. Ex-Gov. M. Dickeriwui. I Ex -Got. Vrootn. | Isaac. Wildriek, JL C. Wm. Au Newell, M. C. Hon. S. R. Hamilton. MEDICAL K A.Sidney Dome, M. I) 34 Warren *t~ N. Yi Wra.M'K Morgan, M. D., George M*Codk, &L D., PttUborrh, Pa Tbe Agents of this Compa orized to take every first el run per *mt. Ii tnium as charged t>y other < JCAMINER3. W. W. Gerhard, M. D. □L'l Walnut su, Phil’s. 11. R. Belt, U.D, Allegheny eity, Pa. any, at Pittsburgh, are aoih :l«ss risk on Lite ata raiue from the usual rales of pro ’ Companies. A man 30 years of are, taking a Poliey of Insurance for One Thousand Dollar*— s To mn for one year, pays only C9jSO. iio seven u '* “ ' 810,20— annually, do Lifetime, “ u $17,80 “ And in the same proportion for any sum up to $5OOO, which Is the extent taken on any one life. This company commenced operations on the IstOot, 1848, and its monthly business up to the Ist Oct-, 1810, shows a progress exceeding that of aoyothcrLMe Com pany on record. The Gr«t dividend of profits will be declared to the assured on the Ist January, 1930. Pamphlets containing the various tables of rates, and all the necessary information on cue important sabjeet of Life Assurance will be famished on appli cation to ' JAMES DURNO A-CO, Agent*, dc!7 Odeon Buildings. T FIRE INSURANCE. UKTBENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN SUBANCE COMPANY will ii*M Foliriea of In niranee sjpun«i Lou or Daiuor by Dwell- Inn anil Furniture, Store*. Good*, Ac., Ac., on appli cation to JAMES DUKNOA. CO, Amenta, dc!7 ,; OJoon Building!. HEALTH INSURANCE, at FltUbargb. The Spring Garden Health iomranee Co., , OF PHILADELPHIA CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, ' NSURE3 Male* aud Female* against the Hxpente and J.o»» occasioned by Bickne* or Accident, by im immediate allowance of from 13 wBB per week, for one, two, three, or four year*. The method of effecting tki* Jnsaranee, and the manner of awarding the tick allowance, will be fully explained by the Agent. A person can insure against Siekneas or Aeeident rbieh will detain him from his ordinary business, as follow*, tix: For one rear, by paying *4,30, and rceeire CO F week. For two “ 6,30, 4 u For three f* “ “ ** 6 " For four “ “ .10,23, “ “ ® “ Or, for a period of four Tout, the »um of <14,40 paid inually, will eeeure 8S per week while «ck- Keery nenc*R*jy infonnauan will be afforded on the ibject of lufurance freneraliy, by JAMES DURMO A CO, Agent", Odeon Uuildinga. TRUSTEE'S SALE. WHKREAB, by a deed bearing date oiUhc22dday of May,lt*49, William Gibson and wife convey ed,u> the undersigned the one undivided tilth pari of a tract of land, lying in Ihe county of Allegheny, oml tiaio of Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 10, in Hleele Semple'* platsuf lou, as recorded by his Administrator in book U, page 1, in the office of the Recorder in Al legheny eonnty, containing SEVEN' ACRES AND NINETY ANDONE-HALF PKRCUES, together wifc the appnrle.nances, to secure ,to Thomas f onion the payment of a certain note in end deed described; and whereas said note U in srTeor.and unpaid; therefore, in* pursuance of said deed 'of trust, the undersigned the TENTH DA YOP J AN-,lB«VseU at the west ern door of the Court House of Pi Loots, Mo, the above described real estate, loathe highest bidder, for cash, between the hours or bine in the lorcnoea and five in the afternoon of that day; and upon such sale will de liver!* deed in fee simple of the property sold to the narehaser or purchasers thereof. ddJ7-dts _ TIIOS. T. GANTT, Trustees. NOTICE— GILES A BROTHERS, Proprietors of alia Penn’a State Directory, have opened an office abtbe comer of sth A Smithfield sts, for the purpose of receiving Ihe name, location, and business, or every firm anu business man in this county. They have reg ular agents tn attend to the reception of information requisite to carry out this great undertaking. 01LE- A BRG’9, &h A Smithfield, and HI Chesnut St.. Philadelphia. Oblo dk PsnßsylvanlaßaUread Comp’y. NOTICE.— Tne Stockholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company are hereby noti fied that the Annual hireling of Stockholders, and. Election of Directors, will be hold at the Company’s Office, in Pittsburgh,on Thursday, the lfth of January, IsfiO, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. By order of the Board of Director*, 0., Nov. 30,1C49. J. 5. BROOKES. Not*.—Extract from the 7tb Section ef the Act Incorporating the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company:— “After the first election of Directors, no person shall u vote on any share on whieh any instalment is due and u„ ldcli-Stawto hrllotmu and How Tsar Approaching! eLeoant AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, In fllagnijicent Antique Diruling, for the Holidays JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller aod Importer, ;fe I iI E ,.TRKE MOLASSES— -lrti bull prime Plantation Molaaee*, In oak bbl* and *ood order, for *nle low by W i. M MITCIIELTREP, novl* 160'laWr.l it J. HlDipralt db Soai' Pawnt 8od» Aih. .)nc CASKS (le and pan? um Plate*.— the nerre H to tlie May- Inst Arrived. I OUAKACTRRS, by J. T. designs by Darley. ('riunr* of K. H. Dana, nr s Practical View of the __ ... .idloierrsU of the Mrdioal ‘rolcMion and the Community; by W. Hooker, M. II Tho Puriun and UU Daughter; by J. K. Paulding, author ot the Dutchman’* Ptreridfc. Lo* (irinrot, or an Imide View .of Mexico and Cal* ifomia; with Wanderings inPeru,ChiUand Polynesia; by Lieut Wise. For sale by , detll ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, 78 Wood it J. W. Kelly Jayne*, No. ligWul vti* ly for eiek JUST RECEIVED, a n*w aiicrunent of PIANOS, Tram the manufactories of CiacttlUto, Boston, and lUcon A Ravxs, New York. ALSO—A few elegantly carved PIANO STOOLS, for ij'c at manufacturer's price*, by \ JOHN H. MELLOH, 81 Wood at, < Sole Agent for ChiekenDg’s Pianos, | to L. Cohen or Croter, will be void to pay charges if not called for within 39 days ': df 14 GEO U MILTENDEROEB, 87 Front it ALICOB4—4 eases, fail colored, at «*e. per yard, nOw opening at A A MASON A CO’S, dcU __ ; No 60 Market it cues" and bales tb^TVV'hite Yellow Flnnnets, including a large lot of Brown .Uan«l and White Coantrjr Flannelsj^Mw^ienmj^al Second Usad Plaaoi, _ /■\NE second hand Piano, 8 octaves, pnee SSO. °i l l\l: Is For sale for cats at the above prices, by de!3 Jr JOHN H MELLOR, 61 Wood i BKLUIOS FIT* DAT UXI ( •TOiflk 1849. VO* TUX COSVXTaJKM or TtfiftinTTr XXD UCUfißr wna tran ura cxxranrex, lump PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. OOD3 forwarded by tbit line are carried in tbs : \JT mair train tO CblUnheuhnryh, »nil »» K loaded in Wavona going night and day through to tlsburgh. The horses of Otis Line are rationed ea* ery IS miles, wtuch insures the prompt dclleery of rood* within the time promised. Vbc Wagons will fence oor warehouse daily, (Sunday* excepted.) Ship, pen an assured that no more goods will be taken each day than ean be puctnally earned through. ’ JOHN ftTPADEN ACO, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS A CO, de£s SJ7 Market street, Philadelphia. JOHN MePADEN A CO,Foxwa*Dnra A Coxier*, ion Mxxcuastl, Canal Basin, Penn street, Pittsburgh. JAMES M. DAVIS A CO n Fun Facrois aso Coh- Kinio* Mkxcoasi*, Market, and « Commerce st, Philadelphia. _ made by either of theaboae,on Flour, wool, and other merchandise, consigned to them for ««1». iea GREENE CO’S EXPRESS. ÜBbb j m WIBTEB JUiaMKfEfIKBT. it«mms mriin au, ram or ntz cast a ad- VA3CX or TUB MAIL.- • _ , THE old established Line of Guam A Col haaing opened offices tn the Eastern leaae to oher to the pnblie faefline* unequalled Gy any ether line. Haaing largely increased our stock on the Nation* al Bo ad, our roods an now transported oaer the Mountains with mail speed, and no more goods wul be received in the East than we can forward through without deity. Satisfaction as regards time and rales wilt be guaranteed. Through receipts will be giaen for all goods forpnee through, and for Use to Pittsburgh. No pains or expense will be spared to make this the most reliable and best conducted Express in the United State*, as U is npw the most extentiae, connecting all parts of the Etsi with the extreme West and South. We eonneel at New York with Messrs, Hamden A Co.’* unrivalled Express to Boston, and all goods from Boston to come by oor l-»n* most be delivered at their office. No. t Court street. The collection of all notes, bills, drafts, Ac n Ac., promptly attended to. Orders for goods will be sent free, and goods retained with de spatch. Custom House business attended to. <- ‘ Order goods marked “Greene A Co.’s Express," and Merchants will please to be partieolsr to jnslmet their correspondents to take our through receipts for their goods, thereby’ Insuring better satisfaction to all con cerned. / Goods for the East taken at aery low rates, and will be called for in any part ol the city, free of charge.— Goods from the East delivered without charge for de* *err. Express for Uio East leaves daily, at 4 o'clock, P. M. “T West “ “ 10 « A.M. jrvardcd to Cincinnati, Louisville, St jr Orleans. Packages ( Lotus anil Ne> jCo., No. 7 Wall street, New York. | S 3 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. 33d Baltimore street, Baltimore, t No. 8 Coart street, Boston. iI.U. VICKERY, Agent, :e St. Charles Hotel Boilding, Wood at. dclJ, Offi •HESS WAGON LINE, TibtOUGU IN FIVE DAYS! 11IIE snli«£riber»are prepared to reoeive COM pounds . Freigbt/daify, aftet Monda7,loth iciL. to forward to or from Philadelphia ahd Pittsburgh, by Wagon, through in Fire Days. Rales as low as by any other conveyance at this season of the year. \ john McFaden * co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh- JAMES M DAVIS A CO. deC i . No 217 Market SL Philadelphia. oobosoaukLa hoDtk. BSffi' an i £%*& Only JI HUe* Btaglaf. Via Brownsville and Cumberland to Baltimore and \ Philadelphla. THE morning 'boat learn Use wharf,' abore the bridge, daily,\ at 8 o’clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, 33 hoars; time to Philadelphia, 40 heart. The evening boat learn daily, (except Sunday ev eningsj atdo’eloeg. Passengers by leaning on the evening boat, will etoea the moastalna in stage* next day, and thm avoid hight travel. Secure your ticket* at the Ofiee, Manongahel House, or St. Charles Hotel. octiMy WlZfTBa ’ J. MEBKIMEN, Agent ÜBaEOBBTr ‘ m 1849. mm> EXPRESS WAGON LINE—THROUGH IN nVE DAYS! TUE subscribers, having suspended their canal op eration! an til the opening of the Bp nag Naviga tion, hare ecubliakod an Exprett Line by Railroad and Wagon between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by which they are prepared to forward 6000 poands each day. and receipt for the delivery of the tame in A,days. They beg leave to aware their friends and the'pub lie that their arrangement regarding rales, regularity and despatch, cannot fail to give aaliafactlon to all who favor tlieatwlth their commands. -■ TAAFFE A O’CONNOR, comer Penn and Wayae sis, Pittsburgh. THOMAS BEHBIDGbT de7 gs Market street, Philadelphia. GEE, WO! GEE, WO! WISTfiS ABIUBOKHBBT. 1849, asm emm trs old conzTooa. _ 1 " BINGJIAM-’S EXPRESS WAGON LINE, Plttibargh and PtitlndalplMa. AS the business on the eanal is about oelng closed ■ for the season, we would inform the public that we have again brought the Conestoga Wagons into re quisition, and will be prepared to forward WOO pounds daily, (commencing on Monday, the fthh inst) A Car leaving PJulade'phiadaily by the mail train for Cham benbarg, and the Wagons traveling day and night, ensures the delivery or Goods in five dsfi. Apply to WM. BINOHAM, Pittsburgh, BING UA M A DOCK, No. 183 Market street, ■ hovSO Philadelphia. - WIMTACH AIUiA9OK2LKNT. MS i^if. EXPRESS WAGON LINE riTTSBURGU AND PHILADELPHIA. Ti«k Five D»y*. (Sunday excepted,) nmning.Day THE public it rvfpeetfally informed ihsl this Line, which bus been in successful operation the two previous winter*, will again commence running on Monday, the 90 ih of November. A Our will leave Philadelphia and Chambersburgh daily each why with the Mail Train, and from Cham tienburgh with relays of hone* running day and mghu I'Ve are prepared 10 forward 6000 lb« freight daily by the above line. Apply to D. LEECH A CO, Pittsburgh, or to—HARRIS A LEECII, No 13 Sonin Third street, Philadelphia. novOft-d f Steamboat Agency. * w The ondcnifrned, very grateful tn Jl their friend*, beg leave to eay that they I B_ are determined to devote uielr no re- | ■■milted auenttaa to thU branch or their i ey hope^from nineteen year** experience never faiiingiadoetry and rtriet attention, jnage. J. Ct BUCKLES A CO, Pearl-aiieet, LcuUvillc, Ky.. business. T and by their to merit pan oc7-dlm H.ELLKRY.of New York, and a RUUI jY, of Philadelphia, have thl* day beer partnen in our buainesf, which will b< continued u uler the tame firm aa heretofore, at No. 27 Church allty, Philadelphia, and No. 16 Exchange I Place, NcwAork. E. M. DAVIS A CO. Philadelphia, Dee. 1,1P49. —fdc7-lm ' | miiiSTrjtrolT‘imil«EsHritll> l I i.KGUKNY, AND VICINITy, will bo readyfor the engraver in todays. Persons who may wish to have views of their country seal* pot on the man lean do so by making application to the undersigned, {any time before the Stih loot. To defray the expense of the view* —» .• nil be required in addition to the price of the man. novlP B E McGOWAN OSOKgI~I*SUKit j JUSTree’d at the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK ROOM, No. 79 Wood street, and for sals at Eastern price*: Gfisenias’ Hebrew Lexicon, Townsend's Arrangement of the Bible, Neauder’a History of the Christian Reli gion and. Church, -Milton's Treatise cm Ceiistian Doc trine, Lite of Jeteauah Evans. Esq.. Robinson's Greek Harmony of (he G&spclt, do EngfTsn do do, Seott's Bi ble, 0 volt, Boston edition! Parish's Bible Gazetteer, Medbum'a China aud Its Prosneeta, Dr. Wood’s Lec tures on Sweden bo rgianism, Holt’s Missionary Anec dotes! and many other interesting work*, In addition to the abover ail at mrox ruraa. noriM ▼lew orPiUlhurgh. " MY VIEW will be published In aa short a time as possible; and I can assare my subscribers, and the pdblic generally, that it shall be luyxuoK— both in fidelity rf detail and beauty of execution—to any other whatever. Let those who doubt, wait u few weeks and see. E WIHTEPIELD. New Yotx, Dee. fkh, IM9.—(dclt P Now Pansy and Variety Qaeda 'TirEurenow receiving, from ono of our firm cast, ly our aecondsupply of'FALL GOODS, consisting of every article in our line, to whieh (with every va riety of LOOKING GLASSES, of qur own manufac ture! we ask the attention of Western Merchants and other buyers, d-U KENNEDY A SAWYER nEDIO&L AND SDftQIOAL OPHOB, 1 No. 68, DIAMOND ALLEY, a «g A few door* below Wood atreet, to* I words market. ■■h DO* DOOWI, having been 1 regularly edscaled to the medical I profession, and been for some time I general practice, now confines 1 attention to tbo treatment of I those private and delicate'com-1 pluinta for which his opportunities I I and experience peculiarly quality 1 vvSSvi ' him. Is year* assiduously devoted I to stud y & treatment of thoso eomplai*ts,(dunug which time ho ha* had more practice and ha* cured more pa- I tenu than can ever fall to the lot of any private prae- j titioacrl amply qualifies him to offer awunmees of racfSv nemaneat, and satisfactory cure to all afflicted wiihdelTeal* discues,and all diseases arising thers- Brown would inform those afflicted with pnvate diseases whieh have beeome chronic by time or ag* ff silf«t. him when every sausfactioawiil bo given ]? a *n UUimponlble (oiUuio S,l l« P»*W P» eU » °< “ «">•“ nT-ltemiiUr Brown ei.ouiettee per. ens?efflieted with llerrneto all, «• hobeepaidptnte- So? attention to thle direeeo. fjhm'diieS.tieho iT e, relay, eto.,apeediiy ogled either eex Heine et e dletanee, by eutting their direeeo in wrMng, gieing alitheeymp. EJra,ten obtain ntedttineewiUtdireelloiia for bee, by t ,lrirff«« in i X. BROWN, iL D., poatpaid, andjeauoe 63 Diamond allsy,opposite ilia WaTeity l^fUWJKATMt.—Dr.Brown’anewly dlacorernd ran©- 1 dy for Rheumatism u a speedy and eettaln remedy lor |li*t pain Ail trouble. It never fails. I OSes and PriTale Connltisg Rooms. DU [mood alley, Piuibnrjh, Pa. Tba Doctor la always at homo. I ,lje* lo care wo pay.' ffWYS!—Agood MMrtnjftntof TOY£, inelaiitrLa- i . , , [ die»' Ebony. Rosewood, end Mekogen* >Y?JRK Tm.our-30 bbU C P An»h#t*> MtrjiamllT fo» \boXES, jut reaM by ' F\£tobr dc2l JBDILWOCTU*CO | deU KENNEDY * SAWYER * ““ DT HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, fee j FIS MT FOR SALEWA rood two horse PEDLAR’S WAGON—for tale Tew— may bo seen at the Ba uer Livery Stabio ofßody Patterson, Forth street, between Wood and • bot3B 1 M a WELL FINISHED ROOM, unable for * Variety or Gentlemen's FuroiihingLSlote.- Al . , »—Several rooms nitahle for cfiiteaor Ar tist* rooms. • -ED GAZZAM. '’bctlfltf Offiec Third street, over Post ONeo- \ "... If* baia orHaat. •- —- JWwA ‘THE very desirable residence in Allegheny 131 Oty* lately oeeupied by R.W. Poindexter, and dSfcponessloa given immediately. ‘Jfff terms, apply at this office, ©ttoW.W.WIL SON. Market at. pets I M"” yOH RMN^fr—The Bennnn frttgfwfyiwJ occupied by Mrs. Atwood, situated at ftahyn*, 1 with ao acres of gronnd attached. The tomis uapacious and convenient, and the ground well im proved.; Apply to . HARDY, JONES A 00, 'j 1 angJl „ 1 ■ Water st ■ j FOE iJALE-A Uxtefc liome. (but ane tm aea built,) ind Lot, oa Robinson street, Allegheny, “r*ncar old Bridge. Price low arid tanas easy.— if jy« SBCHOYEB,llttBceaadit i T7OR RENT.—The tbtee • «o*T Brick Dwelling I* Rome, on Liberty, between Jiny usd Mnrbary •ireeie, now occupied by W.Grmbun, Jr. Po«*e**ion riven unnedUiely. Enquire of Wbu (irahins, or el use Bookatsraof _J_ . i use joUNSTON & STOCKTON, ; garner Market end Third mecu? • Two Lou nr Salt* ; THE subscribers will tell •» private•tie, tho« two valuable Lou of Ground, situated on Tomato sti, in the Third Ward of Allegheny «ij, eaeh haying a frontofSO feet, tanning back 100 feet in depth toaSO feet alley, upon which isboiti a «tone wall, 25 by IDO feet, which contains stone eaoagh to build cellar* ter two comfortable dwelling houses, and In front there are three ihade ofSyean growth. aad the side walk is'pßved with brick, all of which will be aoM at t9OO. FiUtbargh .and Allegheny, or County Benp, wiil be taken inpayment. - ' 111 H PHILLIPS, No 5 Wood*. » or to WM. BENSON, Immediately oppotr , my» • - —r-'- . FOR BALE—Five lots eligibly aitaated in .the Boas* Uhlng town of Birmingham. The loti insinua ted on Denman street numbered in F Banman’t plan 75,70,80,8 t and 82-Lot No 75 fronting 20 foet on Ma ry Asa street, 70 feel deep; the other foar 20 feet front each, by 60 feet deep. . Terms—Greater part of purchase money may rea p»i»in for aiz years, aecnred by mortgage, rorpartioj nitre,lnqtnreof BbCHOYT&B, j • xaylfl - ■ HO second at • sifllAari»ca*lLa»« forSoio, ~p CrrUATKDen thoMonongmhelariver.aboailffmitoa O from PRtsbarrh and 3nnle« above third Ztoek, in the immediate neighborhood ofMeaan.Lyoa & Sborb. and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This fine body pi Coal will ba sold at the few price of $33 per acre—oad third in hand, balance in five equal annaal payments, withool interest. .Title indiipatable. Location very good be surpassed. For further particulars enquire ofB. BALSLEY, who has a draft ofsaidprfr perty. Residence 2d at, below Ferty, ftlr. Adams’Eow. N. B. There ta anotberteaa ofteoai on this tract, about 60 feet above the lower, of excellent qualilT. ] Jy2fcdtf | ~ . - S.BJ^ j Yaiuabli lluildlag Lata for Bala frtUF. subscribers are authorized to offer at privata X sale, and upon highly favorable term*, a number of very valuable Building-Lots,' bompriamg a large portion of the Lots numbered : 67, 68, 69 and 70, :m Woods'General Flan of the City of Pittsburgh, dm*- ted at the soath eastwardly comer of Penn and Wayne street*, fronting 210 feet on the former, and -extending Along the latter about 600 feet to the Allegheny river, andbelng u part of tho Real Estate of the late James 8. Stevenson, Esq., deceased. I A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, in confor mity with which it is proposed to sell, may be seed at : the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, between Mur! ket and Ferry sta.; WILLIAMS A KUHN. mrC I ■ AI.UABLK BKAL KBTATKON PKNNSTREET FDR SALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn street, between Hay and Marbury streets, adjoining the bouse and lot now occupied by Rieharl Edwards, havings front of 23 feet, and in depth 150 feet, will be •old on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. O. LOOMIS, dih si, near Wood, octtt-dtf < ■ For. Bala* ’ A DESIRABLE Building Lorin Allegheny ciryj fa vorably located,isstxeaboothalfan tere.jtnd will be sold on accommodating terms. Inquire or ] fabs J D WILLIAMS. 110 wood:*i soctoe wisrm | - BALSA VI OF WILD QHgRF^Y. THE&Uoi lag snide we copy with pleasure from the “Boston Mercantile Journal,* of March, 1849, and wohopejthatll any of oar ‘readers are entering from aaxjjf ibe eemplaißla which it is said to cure, they will speedily avail themselves of it: j DR, ,WISTAR'S BAIAAM OF WILD CHEERY. It was Well know* many yean ago that the wild cherry, ban tree of this climate possessed valuable medietas! qualities. Indeed this faet was known to the aborigines, and decoctions of the leaves or bark of this tree has ever been regarded by thgir physicians a» one of the mewt effectual remedies in many diseasca. This fart, several yean stnee, arrested the attention of Dr. Wistax, a highly respectable pnetilioner of |Vir-. ginia. .He investigated with can the healing proper ties ef the wild ewrry—tested its effects when admin istered alone, andvrhen in combination with other re medial agents. Ho fosnd that its natural virtue might' be greatly improved, ahd by combining it with ingre dients whose pro parties were all well proved and'gen erally recognized, a itedieiae was produced which consulates a remedy of great importance in pnlntaaa ry affections and dis a ea of the chest and throat— diseases srtueh are proi erbially prevalent in our cities and large townsman! o Hen prove fatal, swelling the bill of mortality to a mt eh greater extent than is the cose with most others, vc had almost said all classes of disease. , j . The genuine Wi*iar'*ill*l**ni of Wild Cherry Ins a | f»(* simile of the signature of Henry Wiitar, it U-j I Philadelphia, and Sandiord and Park on a finelyieie- ' cutcd sieel engraved Wrapper. None other are yen* ! uioe. j" i - We are jast in receipt if the following voluntary tri*, tote to ihe curative powir of Wi*iar'« Daliam ofWIM Cherry, from E. IlaH, ilf D-, of Ml Clemens, Michi pan, who U a physician of high standing, and an ex* tensive drag gist: ■ . j Mr. Cl txmi Mich., Ocl SOtb, 1&49. To the afflicted, this may certify that Nn. BJRob erts, of this village, thi re or fear weeks after confine ment, was annexed w th a violent cough and greal , proairation, and seenx d hastening u> the gravd with 1 fearful rapidity. 1 advl cd her to use Wistax's Balsam of Wild Cherry—she did ao, and with that valuable j medicine alone was restored to health, and is. now a I .living proof of the value of Wisiar’s Balsam of Wild ‘Cherry. E. ! HfkjiL Physician and-Druggisl Read on and be convinced still farther of the femar kabte virtue* of Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry: Mean*. Sandford fa Paxki Gefitf, As a matter jof ju<-» tire to yon, and for the benefit of tbe public, I would offer the following statement of a cure effected by y Oar medicine, known a* Wimaria Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the spring of 1517 my wife was severely attacked with 1 Peripneumonia or Pleurisy, which resulted is a deep sealed pain in iho aide, accompanied with a se vere eough; she was attended by soma of the -best physicians in Chicago, huf to no purpose; for weeks she suffered, without relief, eoughing incessantly night and day. 1 came to the conclusion that all the reme dies knownlio the physieians coaid not help her, and was induced to try your Wild Cherry. Iprocotedone bottle, and commenced using it according to direc tion*: before it was all gone—the eough stopped, the pain in her side left her, and with the aid of another bottle she was restored to rawer axsira In con sideration of these clreamstanees. I wonld recommend It toithe pnblle as a valuable medicine. j • S’ours.respoetfally, R. N. QARRATT. QainnHarms,Michl,Oct.B,l&tß. ; l Readtht follavmg Tutmomalu | , ; Of all the cures that have been recorded, there are certainly none equal to the one first which plainly show* the curability of Consumption, even in some of its wont forms: j : Caown Pour, Lake l- June 15,16tt. j. D. Park: Dear Bir, As I have a deep commisera tion far iheefflicted, pemit me to give you a brief history of my afflictions, and the benefits derived from the use of Dr. Wistaris Balsam of Wild Chertr. ' . In July, 1544,1 wus altacryd with a fever of the ty* phod character, which leftJho in a very deplhtaied state, when in uto following winter I was taken with a. severe cold, which rednoeo me to such an extent as to rve me the appearance of a confirmed consumption. labored under a severe cough—-expectorated a great deal, and was troubled with eold feet nnd night sweats.- I also frequently raised blood from my lunaki 1 con tinued in this state,'gradually Aking under [the dis ease, until January, 1517, when I wus again pttatied wilh fever. My friends despaired of my life, jnndmy phyiieians thought I ooald snrvive butashotttuse.. My extremities, especially my feet, were constantly eold, and almost lost their feeling. Under these ctr eumstanees it way truly be said that l w*4 a lmnr skeleton. I finally determined to nuSttakiagmedieine prescribed by physicians, and try Dr. WBtnrisßaliam efiWikl Cherry, and ton the first week thkt I com menced taking it, I can date n gradual reedvery. I continued-tu use six months, at the end of whieh tune I was cured, and have enjoyed good health eyer since, »ad cheerfully recommend the Balsam to albthose ai flicted with disease of the lungs, and would say. to , those commeaelng iu use, not to be discouraged if two or three bottles do notefleet a euro; but persevere as 1 have done, and I have ho doubt but nine eases out of ten will be blessed with renewed health as I have been. Respectfully, your*.' • I ■ JOSEPH JACKSON, pmcxfil pet Bottle—Six Bottles far 85. 1 Sold by J. D. PARK, (successor to Bandfci4 fa Park,) Fourth and Walnut streets, Cinelfutari, Ohibj General Ageat for the Booth and West, to wbom jdl orders mast be addressed. L. Wilcox, Jr, June# A. Jones; J.B3dd&:Co; B. A. I Fahnestock A Co, Pittiborgh. L. T. Baud!, Waih* Ingten; W. H. Lrunberton, Fiaakilh; L. B. Bowie, Unioatown£H. Welty, Grecwbnrgh; a.Koaatt^catcr-1 set; Scott A Gilmore, Bedford} Becd A Banting don; Mr*. Orr, Hollidayibnrg; UildebrasdAGe, Indi ana; J. K. Wright, Kluanhing; Erins «e'oo, Brook* I TOTe; A. .Wilton A Son, Wayneibnrgb; iTFarland A | Co, N.'CaJlcader, MendTille; Bttnoa A Co, Erie; J. I Mtgofiin,Mercer, James, KeUyACo,Bat]ei;S.Ssihh, Bearer; J.D.6®iuaenon,Werten;F.L.AC.S.Joac* l Condenport; P. Crbokor, Jr, Brownsriilo. I aorlMAwlj(?s)T. ’ ' Twilled cubtain.chintzes.-w. r-mci* - na has recVl a farther supply of plain pcsrlerand Twilled Curtain Chiracs, at toe Nona Hut comer • Fourth and Market tu. ~ . . j dca COFFEE- A smell lot tor sale by I _ deffl STPABTA BILL TOBACCO-30 bx»y* and B’»i feedstir dcSO BTL'ARXASILL >y BT „ ARTfcsI ,, I , Tea— 30 hr dcao lb * "* ■“"■yg'DILWORTIItCO SUPERIOR WINE AND BRANDY—. 60 cases Sherry Wine, liflli • «SSle “ rec’d on wnilinJißent, B . MM* MISCELLANEOUS. JPSKBB YTKaiAM. BOOK BQOSfr ' .NO. TO WOOD STREEP, ■-.* (rrerAjtaj TIT HERE will be found far ail* an assortment of YY umlaabld religiowa Books and Trents, comprise* in a scries cfabout FOUR HUNDRED different pub Which catalogues can be hod on tppaca tionjew)racing many standard works to.Tl«logy,. BiogTaphy, . Ac- A*“*“**» only that if you try this once you will be well pleased. It is put up b beautiful EaetiA far 9B centa.< Boldby the Agent, Wm. JACESON, WlJbcr ty street, Pittsburgh. • augfadfawT Sta Omum-JONiaw ital iaa Chemical 8oa» eanses afreownroition, und * the same-ume mdlfics, tad wattcftMcnthta. giving it this taxtuTo and beamy of an infant's; Scuarr. Baix Raxcnu am> 8odb» are soon cot only healed, but eared by its use, us ut least sovcn physi cians in New York ksow. wbo use it in anch cases, andfinditunfailing—as also ia / ‘ - Pixtlu, Bunons, Peucild, or any other skin dis ease. The reader is assured that this is no useless puffed nostrum, os one trial wißplOV*. leoald enu merate at leut 89 peraona cured of ' V' r Bosx Hr on, So** Laos inn Sou Buixl—Bsy Is, andusnit, and the reader la,again assured I would not cruelly sell it for the above unless 1 knew St to be ail 1 state. Those who are liable to Cnanm, Csacxvd, ou Cnanm Fuss, will find this u f. Bre :. An y oc o sfßieted wiih oar of the abovN or sim ilar dwease*, will find this sill and even mere (admira ble in its properties) than I state. .. c But, reader, the stores ore flooded with imitations, and be sure you ask for JONES’S Italian Chemical Pittsburgh* ' WM - ,ACKBON > 69 Igif^ffeet, SA xx.eoobcmzxnsare honorably‘amnreathav lowing are the actual quaEliesofa 3*. bottle of Coral. Hair Restorative. If they doubt oar word, they eannattheso highly respectable eltlieaa who have tried it— • Mr. Oeo. Uecket, 41 Elat at,Ncw York. Bf ra. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av,- Brecktyn. '' ' Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 63 King st, New York.’ JUr. Thct. Jackson, hLmtoais Island, near PiunburglT • H. R Cullen, late barber steamboat 8. America. And more tban:a.btmdred.others state, thsugh-thia must suffice; that it will force the hair to grow on the bead or face, aldp-'it'faliing off,_ strengthen the roots, removing scurf and dandruff from the roots, making light rea, or gray hair ersume. si fine dark look; and keeping dry,.harsh or wiry hair moist, writ, clean and beahtiinl, a very, very-long time. • l Bold by the Agent WM. BO. Liberty at, Pittsburgh.;. Price 37J, 60 cents, and one dollar. -' frpLXCiia} akk oaltioned against t- SING COMMON PREPARED CUALKI ‘ • They ore noi aware how frightfally injurious HBi» ■ to the skinl how coarse, how rosgb, how tal low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap- 1 * - ' ■ •, . pears after using prepared chalk! Be- • \ sides it is ih)uriou% contouring a ' 't i large quantity of Lead! ' " _ We have pteporea a beantiful vegetable artiele, which we call JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. - U is perfectly Innocent, being purified of all deleerl ous qualities; and it imparts to the akin a natural, heal*, thy. alabaster, clear, livingwhite; at the aaau time . acting as a eorinttie on the skin; staking it soft and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON,■£& Lib erty at, Pitubcrgh. Pnw 25 eenu. . acg7rdAwT IBRT BAUDWARR STORK SION OF THE PLANE AND SAW, • \ So. 78 Wood strstt, PlUiburglti SURER AND LAUFMAN, Importere anddealeta in Foreign and Domcstio HARPWARffi, la s varieties, are now prepared to sell os low-and on at reasonable tenas as ean be pa rehaMd elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the public generally, to coll and examine our stock, which eonnstf m part of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PE* KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, . such as Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, together . with every article usually kept in Hardware Stores. ; We invite the attention of Carpenter* and Mechanics generally to our assortment of Tools, which bare been , •elected with great care, and which wo are detemi> ed to sell so as to give satisfaction; apatdfawT 'Property la AUsgkiayCUy far Als«' mHE subscribers offer faraaleu numberof qhoica X Lots, airoate in the Second Ward, fro mist on tha Cmntson ground, on easy verms. Inquire ot -r. W.tPH. BOBINSON, Any at Law, 5t Clair tt or ef JAB ROBINSON, on thapremisaa. ■ TO FBISTKIU* miiK robtcriber boa on band and for aale. aa 1 or L. Jokn*ion& Co., offbtlndclphia, u» l SSpairofCasea; 43 fount* Fancy Letter, diffc rented w*;. 3(0 Newspaper Cuts;' 300 Ibc. Leada, ent to order; • 10 Composing Stick*; 100 ken Prom’* New* Ink; _ ■ ./ ~, 1 Brau Galley, Column Buie*, Draw Bulis of all description*, fcc. - 'A. JAYNES, . • Pekin Tea Store, ?0 Fotirtb it N —Order* recalled for ne-y Typo. aulOtiAwS • PKKia TEA STORK. THE subscriberhas justrecelTfcditthaFaiii Store, 70 Fourth street’ a vary lanttf undjp lected stock of pne GREEN AND BLACK? from New York, mil of'which ku been country since ike first of February last ccnuuri ell tbe different grades grows in the Celestial FL_ Our stock;being among the largest in tho West, we prepared to wholesale, on better terms than any a home in the city. Wo invito retail grocers to cell txaatiao oar atoekand prices, They canhavettpal cd in i, A, and l fe'pacSages, $ & tin cannateifr or h^Oar S re3tpri«iS>uyfcr^WaK_Bla ! ck SO eta. to 91,30 per lb.; Nmg Young Souehong, 00 ouj Congo SO, and English Breakfhst SO, Yonngflyson, Gunpowder and Imperial, from 35 eU.’to «M®P«r lb. Families am requested to send and got samples of gT Ca«n ClDEB—2obbls aad 3hf bbls,mfine article, for tale by ODBBR1D0E) WILSON t CO, delB - Water «1 Cashmeres a de lains-5 cu«i supetnew style Cashmeres and Do Lama, with rery high colon, reo'd and now opening at - ', | . A A MASON ACfVS LEATHER SCRAPS—a c !* II KHEy"MAT&Kvfe* cb BEANS— 31 bbls White, for sale db“o . RUBY, MATTHEWS A CO PEACHES— 120 bu old«xop; .... ; 100 bu new crop: for sale low by de«o RHKY, MATTUKWS A CO TALLOW— 31 bbU for eale by ‘ dc2o BIIEY, MATTHEWS A CO BS ;K :'” “*• “ JU SfSifurl e s7LL R°“ ; rwTEACHES-1501)» in *wre and for sale by V JSDILWOSTHtCO /iiIKESE—W b.'iiTV K, forrnie low by . jb DiLWofenr^co OLA^KS—AQ bbla bM. »TJamr.*VKr&ncry,'for 3 3 DILWORTH fc CO :rrVAK-20bblsN Q,mstore■guebr '• „ 1 i . . .. . J 8 JILWORTHtW CiQABS— 3WWO Oorsmoa; -. • • Jbm lo.ow.^rsp^.n^for^by RS W , “’ re In»iln*tteai : -J_ tentiou of buyers w.hUvUsQTtntenfrOf FBi^iTo, embracing thn iewest sod bandsuneautfles, aod wnr*' ranted Cut color*. Also-JingUsh Chmt*e» ( aTPcw and brT >H « ftt "" patterns; arid a large assottmnoKa soot figured light Pnntt am. I OODA AHlt—SO ctiUB»eP* celebratedbiiintl.Tor L-CT tala by - WM BAOALEYA COj r. flem- .. . . . .• • ~ '-tSaadgWoodst Rye FLOUR—'I3 bbt* ree’d and for ealeby. ‘ dc2l WMH3QHWSTOfC.ll3Sftcottd*t rti&ESE-100 hexes Cream; 04t30O 4t30 » ■ TTCT-P-“ >e„ » cso „* T AltD—Gs k«n in store and tor “ AKUSTRONO ACHOAEB_ IW fall . ret Watcfa.lS careu tMtuo, ” u = !l '‘“SJtJ low as thirty and thirty fire doUart, #ad.,wWraatM to splendid assortment of prieint the Tarioui and laieitstylOhM^^*^^"- I V W. W. WILSON, AVatehnaher and jot Wier,. I ddfl . sorter Market anAFWth streets^ I XTITILLIABIH’ IVOKY FRAHI^TtArtHFOWWIttj W for nmoTi.,.T«t«, .9ggfcg?.?.i I *ub*tanees drotnictrre to the Troth. ItUteUawio I ihe taste, cleaailns tha mooth, hrohnf and I in* the gams, and purifying the breath- . - - I n^7 =afrae '- I ciOAl'—so boxes landinglrometoamerfwW England N and for shle, toelosocoasignnientjby • delfl f ’ ■■■ JAMES-BAIfIEMf- (PSP* b “ ‘"'“'l 34-ff i/aBDABOH ' L" ~ONtj 3IIXVVL3-R«e'd (wr expreM, WjtKig!' opening at A. JL M**on & Co.’*, NO-VWJ^ lI ">, »u»t-*3 ea*e* *upenot Long-and Sqoat*BU»»J*i t ST Brocb*do. *' ' ; 1 • fiTi SeCONQUaKI) fiAXua.-i gooA oet. Plano, in oacolleni oricr., wtlh Weo peaaui price, 8100- . ' ’• *1 J'i.'"' Ida*odt.i'lgood otfrr.W f ,r S to &BKt PPKR LKATIIKtHIiidM m« dew ii ? copal iier6*iid fer #*lcbj & PluffiPOQLS lit