MISCELIANEOUS , _ . TO TOE :PIIMLIO. " &BOOT four - year mace, I was traveling through ( the State of Ohio; while rpending strew days in . rerl . o &louvered-a *instal. Menthe eebel,rtee i' " a atibeeilumetly learned that It had been known for TM,. and euppmed to be of CO asp or 'Mao, but from sts aniformityaf texture and 'Meals sppearance. I Ina led to believe It the le a de naefal. bat for - what lOrpose 1.4 not the lean Ide s. I commenced IN eaPertmenta by bertat il rlt. boi It, and palter 'mina It, and compounding st. with va ng ne. sobstances;, and so /Meg was pay PPoidertee that a ere woe value b it, that I g., p, my .Pre time and means in the Prowention of ,b nos and from that tints rw 10 Oda, / lave attended use, other butanese; at the ex. pigation of *bent two le I finally disco err& that. . .a/ reducing It to a arm poWder and tut •' It with li t . • seed oil to about She consistency of Mit paint, and anlying Mil compound with a brnsh,Mat [bismuth. . Is a few most. limed, become a et none or Male; so that the !tribesmen when atilt ed actually slate In • liquid state, and the large moo . of silica, &Mauna, oratMems and black oxide of t n that It eam sande red it both weather and fire prod: edi Me '‘. . pined, exposed, the harder and mom -permanent it ' . awatato Immu n e. and tithe costing loam it turas to , slite) is of itself Indestructible , by art, consegnit ' . proteins the d 'covered with It hem the u r e a . where there i sm air, Mere is no blase or combution; • - therefore the wood will attunity char, before the slate •• ', ..tovaring will give way. , . • . ' . . ft I cormiderrA the diecovery of tbe•rremest Huron ..' - r imee, end applied to,Government for a patent for my 7 Mewl= or diecorery, fondly ketone that I steak! / • sow be remunerated for MI my outlay La time Lad mo. on y. The gay emment, Without any limitation , gtar en to me Letters Patent Mr the sote right to name e. • , r sell and use my =um rnment in the laisenalketore . ' er.:'"WeatLer andiPire; Primf Composition or /kni t fetal Elate* fir founeen years. mi. BLAKE. ' - Auguat 14, VAL . ---- .. - - I WE, the inhabitants of,Sharna ba y. teed the above statement of Dlr. lilac, and be.ietre it to be abates rially coned, as we are knowing to mom of the lame • menu thereto costudsed; nod are will masher state, that we do not believe that teem tune Wan A patent more honestly and laboriously 'earned, Or more deservedly • panted; as be permed his experiments with the most ; indomitaree perweverance under the most diseouregthe • , eiremmsoincea, m the Public had not the lean emi made ' derma that tocre•could be any thing valuable , . from the rubmance. Ile there fore had to encounter for pun the Jeers and mode of neatly the whole eommu . •'. MI. Notwithstanding all Shia, he erasindefatigable ' . •. ia the prosemnion of his" experiment., and we do not believe that there Isone man Ina thousand who would have persevered under all th e circumstances. Bathe • -_ ` . '.,....11.es idlest triumphed over all Obstacles, and we be . r y • have there ls now bet erne opinion in awarding him , 'Y . ' the merit of this 'rideable discovery. • CILA. W. CRANE, Justices of ' . , ' HOBACEGIBB, the ' . JONATHANEVERHABD, Pelle. • LIMPS C. CHATFIELD, Trastecs ... . • It. W. MIL, of • . . ' - ' ' HENIabIIN JONI:, Townahip. ' ... •• ' ' WM. EVERETT', Town 1p Club. 'ALL.V.IHOWE,TreIaeIer.. • 'nwenew CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. • • (him <nw wined that there cre in dividuals engaged • -- * ' ." in dialog, grading, mid preparing for Kale, the above ' Mentweed hlineral, to be mixed with oil, and med pre ' Gutty ail I m° my planted a rt icle. I have been to those persons and thown them my patent nett say • they do not Intend t i Infringe or tre•pass and upon rev lime', e that they baye right to die, grind, se • powder, If they can find patchsactm that they are not bond to knew what they are to do with it; that it is .fte infringement =tit It Is mixed with the oil to make • the camp=ad; and that those who buy, mix endear it, . , • meet take the responsibility. Most of them coy that . , I they believe that the paean is good against those that . , mix and use the , and some have mid the what they wanted moos they should certainly parch. n am of me, as they did not intend to mate themselves liable to anyway. Nowt feel myself In daty boand to L this barefaced tread upon the public; as 1 eau . =by . no talider,neme, where a man sell and re.. selves pay for an articl the use ef vehielt be well arrows subjects th e purc h aser and tact toe pomace , man and bee. Bore of thou who ere wigged in this ; nefarious treed, will ummestionably urnmed to t h e public that my _patent will not stand, and that 1 darn not moment. NOW, to take thin argument away from r . them, ....i to some of those- who warn proclaiming ; , that my patent was of no value, and mode the and • ' lag proporddom that they might select a lodge mid two . • lawyers who hove had some practice in patent caner. and we would esibmli the paten. to them, and if then . . ~ . decided that the patent was good, that they Humid ote, • ..all farther_ proceeding. in the basilicas; bat if thee wo ..• skteu uld agree to l ld decide thatet ittheist woulgo on alai sell alitheY d not, in their opinien.l. l4 . . ' I ...a r-- without saying soy. thing to the pubhe about them • Ttis proposition therwoo Id not “cede to. Bo the a the validity of my Tomcat is concerned. I do not de - peed entirely upon my own Judgment, although I hay , . the fullest confidence In ix; but 1 have nubiratted it li • 1 ' 4 . 1 . y of the lodges, sad several of the moat eminen patent lawyent, who have, without excepdon, decide. that In dune opinion Items good, and would protect ne _ . la say discovery. I - _ I *rind the =lola to a fine power, and Pot it up ir barrels, the which are marked: -.Mazes Paratrynan ' . s Wesel= Plops AWSII=UII. SLATY." 1 therefore give entice to all woo boy and use do , . above mentioned mineral for the.purperae set forth it my patent, except from toe or my authotired ;genre that I LA in bold them to a andel necountabllitY, em • . shell ennalletepee slats at law against those who dor .. Wring e upon my right: ' Mt. BLAKE. BISAIOn, Meddle Co, 0., Aug. 14, OM. tr-rwo TONS of the above Fire and Wtathe Prim( Artificial Slate on hands and for sale. Th above we eon recommend, for we have been using . for some 4 veer., aid know it to be what it is set for . In every minimum . : .1. A IL PHILLIPS, Agt, 110•17.13 m No 5 Wood at EXCE: SIOP►! F. H. - EATON & CO No. O Fourth Strata, Pittsburgh linra now in; :tom their full eusoTtotem or • . Trimmings, Glares, Hosiery and Lace Goods ADAPTE) to the wants of every chase( Merchants Rad Consumer. No pains have been spared CI present the newest end most fashionable style c I Goods in their line. Tonic most consists in part alb,: meow. TRESS TRimmiNGs. - - •- • - - Fringes and Gimps , of _every variety; now styles I figured Gnlloonr, 'Algerine nod impensi Llnadm wiles and sourest , Silk land Worsted Embroidering Braido; llgrted.arzleirfevitit.Ribts;.l,..lnir ,n,i.domdeq.Cord7l, white and colored - Silk Laces; extra 'aide do do, for Dresser, with is ;full assortment of Drees Renew; 1)000000 Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. EmStiddered Lice and Muslin Capes, Chernizettm, Breakfast and Retiring Caps and Ralf Sleeves, Frencit Worked Collar. nod Carr, in great variety; Lace Veils, Lappets. and Opc•Ties; 3lounung Chcadsettes, Ca lera, Cuffs and Ralf Sleeves; Lmon Lawn IldSt - ci plain embroidered and hemstitched do, plain Linen do; real thread Lace. and Edningin len do do; Bobbin, Lisle, Lace Masan and Cotton Edgings end Insemir.ge. BONNET TRIMMINGS. Rich new atyledlonner Ribbons, French Farr Flow ers, Bonnet Tabs, Velvet., Salim and Florentell, Meal., and Tarletons, Bonnet Frame. and Tips. ':KID GLOVES.; • •—•- - - BARS mathafsetire, with mow approved fasterimer shri choicest colon. An cithrisivestisortment essay: on tuna. HOSIERY. • A great *mien. of Silk, Wool, COMM, Merino awl Coalmen, for ladies and Misses; Tartan Plaids. and atoll anortracnt miter styles fancy and elan Child Toni Hose; miner styles lame Soo. and Soak , Genre Grampian, Vigoaia, Merino, Cotton and fir., 'Wool Half Hose. GLOVES. d :Sall assortment for men, women end children, sarong which are Derby Ribbed, Poloselln and Mein SUL ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined lt,r• Ilm Cassimere, Marine, For-lined Beaver' heavy and tine DoekekloOlilluiry and Liebe Thread and Conon. WOOLEN GOODS, Sae* as Ladles , and 'Children , . Hoods Children's Woolen flanksiltnit Rear& and Boas ; Chil dren'. Gan. ere and Lena Mitts, Worsted Cads, hotting Worsteds and •Woolen Tema California Comforts; also, fine Coal:mere Scarfs, for Ladles. LADIES' DEPAILTMENT. Zuilys and Tapestry Worsted., Catreass Potter:l4 Rae and Bosb , g Silk, Bristol and Port'd Board., pe• per Flower Materials, Lamp Mats, Tidies, and En. broideroi Work; Als.—.L.o.dies , B , lt anti Merino Vest s and Prams rr, Embroide red Sark. and Si meets, French Worked Copeland %Valais for Infants; and nwan's-down Trlousilbsa • GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Pb,, Shins Cranes gni Collars; Merino, Silk d Osumi pherpere and Dreamer, Suspenders, Shore and et BrageOand Dressing (tosmir, lallt mid Limn Hdkis: Glows and Hosiery. • • COMBS, BRESHES'AND PERFUMERY. French patteraa carved and plain Shell Back Combs; Baffalo and B a ll do; Shalt Side and Long Comb do; Walsh Balla and Rosewood Hair Broshea Shed, WWI, and Eng. Dorn Mesa* and line leery Come; with an aura:tent of Nail end Teeth Bmahes. W 4081.11 1 ,8 "Gold Medal. rolfilMl7. • VAEIETY GOODS. Needles, Pips, Wet, Steel Bags aid Posses, Boum and easel Goode, Berlin Wire Baskets, Pomo Twist sod Sawing. Fine Rosewood Desks and Coat Binding. & Galloons, Fancy Work. Briskets Cloak Cord and Tends, Portfolios, Peidemunud BUM S Shade Trinunings, Ladle. , Stationary, Pelpit & Selmer Tassels, French Cork Solos, 11pluilnerer I Frineto, Silk & Umbrella., Buff LW., alsrd Widths, (Paper Masdnsd HOUand., Eagan Cloths, Glastic Bands & Webbing, rirt Childs Bolding, Corner and Shoe Lacers. INVEN rlte: GLYNN'S WINDOW LOCH AND SPRING. Pansnai Duane 19,1949. STIS is en Knee of peon vain to all persons en gaged in Solidus', to to those who have already b sad an without window Among. .While finiilee .perfect sobstittua for ponies tad weights, at n,s. ag ores least la to tech window, it affords no Safest fasteniag thu has ever been brongsn into Tim utility nel convenience of this Spring over all ethers, is, that by one Jamb piece, both son of the window can be raised or lowered. It reptdrn only to be known to be appreciated. Parsercuritiaking to boy the ankle, or to have them • pet into thou windows, er the right dl soWne it lot ins PILRHY soolintas in this State, ma bithe sabeanben HOUSE, on yap Allegbeny rivet Pittr J. B. TURNER, bereb, r. • runiOdaidisls9 C. P. MAYO. Cub,"Yr umegisl74Telien-rsn—ltec'd nal• oay, at .W. ay. clieux,le• Carpet Warehouse, No. 75 Fonnltat, fit:Mho:supply of Carpets, of the latest and most ap proved Nita, to welch sea invite the attention of isteaathoin men, and those wishing to famish Houses, to call and examine the largest assortment in the city, whirl we will sell shaper than ever before offered the western market. nortl W hITI.DiTOCK Mourning Lang Shawls. )IdER. MURPHY au reed a supply of the above . article, of the best quality; also, plain Black t Len Shawls; black elombannu, blooming Al. Persian Cloth, black • Coheres, Parmouns, =ores, Mons , do Lain. and Frenchourning b e ll nne os, t Rib. black Cravats sold Masoning Colton, M bons, nook t and fall assortment of Mooring . . s PLAIN, BLACK SILKS, A awe asseirunent, inelad mg a few pieces very wide and surioi. DUCTS are Invited to lolk so them, at forth Fest corner of Fourth and Market Its. Whenntala Rooms up incite, wham a large &Mit .l.lol a NC* , 900 d• hu latey been received. 10. 10 fill JAYNES ALTERAITVE. ' We have been Informed by Mts. Rose of score per. formed other In.Prt Jaynes Alternalvaoshmh 111,10•63 its sopa:entry over every other remedy of the Mad. She Mos been afth mod for the tut 111.1104311 yelat with ft ECtiOnEd or WHITE SW MUNCH, attended with alterations and enfollation of "MMUS bon d esdu ring which tune many pieces hare bee a discharge front 5110 meta bac of the common from both her arms, 'Mum Mid handl ,Ind from both legs,sted We left facers-, bone, sea s ofm the right kn, besides baled s on otter part of her perms, wh ich have baled the skill tf namber of the most eminent physicians of oar cm—demo{ most of the time her salleruig • have been cremator{ and deplorable. About three moth. since ate w pditeed, to try Dr.Jayna's Alteraire, wadi Daa had anastrashinalpapygect upon her; Moe to rell% attgelmwetiltergenemittilit. Dal bertacee completely reurced,so thal she now arefilm IS lbs more Man Ike Ind afore she commenred ata ere of MN trsty +dab Is panatela—V . 3st. Eve. Post. Far Naar latormeitm,icquirs et Kra Rose,No.llB Mat st, Philsdaciate: For ale in ?Macon., at ths PEEN VIA STORE, EMM eir 4 iti3I)ICAL. comporm SA:LEIAPARILLA, lb. mod Yonderthl Illettlelne of the hge, • 000,000 BOTTLES MANINACTIIIISD YEAIII.Ir, Ibto lindletneEs put up La limn pi ct o, imag tad cured sore Oust 100,000 Cow of ,ChroaLo Dims% wi ng. lbe tent. Tan Teutelloane II Genuine auslem .ued.OTL P. TOWNS .MD. EXPOSE'. •' DT READING TAE FOLLOWING AFTID AVIT • the Farm anal learn the origin, or ramwhen th• mire for maklog the stud tlay call Old Dr. Jacob Tout:eaters Itarsepuilla, calm Dom—end will be able to judge which la the patine and omens; and of the ho ty oLtha man who are employed to aelln fl 14 the .almLl Dr. nromendl Baraparttla. Dr. B. T. •Faumead erm the caigAroydetor and harm:nor of Dr. Townsend% Num nod his mend. has gathad a mental/on tha nus other remedy aver pl.& Re manufactured over aae million of boUln loot par, and is manufacturing at present 4000 boat.. per day. W. an more Ilampartlla and. Tallow Dock. ha our estaldJahmant each day, than all the other Earaaparille Mundhaturers In the 'raid. erinutpl Ofaca. Lid Fultawat. ERNI TEE OFnuivrr. Clog net CematiAf Nlllem Arzostrore, of do MI mon . balag duly morn, doth depose ml my that he 11 a precti• cal Draggle MI Market TIM ems bin In the loner pert 0 May, or Antt of km, ISA • manby the name Jacebl6ermod. who at that Ms on. • took and perrphlst poldier, called amok &meat, el the hoar of Mr. Thompson, No 0 Rodemehm when depo nent .waled. end milked dimmed to write biro recipe by wbch to make a- gray ot Hammett. De ?mama S te a dMa bet he soquinted trib wad at the ollioe do do es Porter, Lao. Book Tatham, nib whom mkt Townsend dolt That MIL Towneend bribed frequent T ownsen d time with demised remerilsk the samookcims of 0 Mktg of flumarilL to - ho mid mob, Has name of Dr. Jacob Tamagni. . Ttai mit Townemod aladiel ke erse an old amonal poor, nod me not It to tabor—ond wiehed to esak• sum money., 10 to live seey . to Ida old dap, end that, if Ibreepanlis meter th• mood Town mid sold to well, and io mob money wea made by it, be could er ro roan why be might not mks menthlag oat oft ? . (hie :rune Wag Temneend,) N be eodd get a perry to moms a nem admsmfectore kis. Deponent in one of the coomeatimos mired mit Tommerd tf he on. Weed to Dr. 'll. Y. Tokamak to which be replied, QM be brew Dr. S. P. TORSOMdi irmad be down 0 him dim W Medd nommimm Dat that he 01 not cm be -I,asetke hwi t lbrased oemensrekip with ram Me exmoit of erne wall prepared tr=ktmelf egebet my Oast tam Might be mods os kW. idmJoactrtlowrn M at t r r e ;ne t sommheane of a Syrup of Ilanmenkle, aso pve kb him. kW Introe Mamma that he wmated make t epecimala orkibtt to hie portorm isr their . r mey „widoel lo b pl , ll . L i ra ha envy thing Thed all Ms Townsend rho kid deponent list the le they were to me were to be of ths mama Ms end Wars se Dr. k Y. Town 'ecoVe; and &poem; .a of requeet of Mt Jacob n 1 eno o Tomme, tef kh the Dr. L: . Towswond, aad proeur And ileponeat bother aye, that ho her Dean blam. .d, end mils Mini Meares of nampaskte, soli se Oki Jeooblbernmo, le made attar ths ordps ho Mks& by depreasat, Jacob Tommad. is 00011. And fa lba depose e nett not. • . WILLIAM A.1013191)NO. Prom le tedbre not MS Mb 60 et Mee 160. c. k woishmuu, Meyer of Om City of New York. PROOF!I PROOF!!! Berm 008.0 proof concludre Met Dr. 8. Y. Towneend> obit I. km' magisol. The following le from mooed tie son remotable papas la this am. FROM THE Alhany ilgiatisi;lararreale Dr. Townsend% Sarsaparilla. Them been m .. prr e = ' l= 2 :es y, end muninum to ho mambo. to to i, .e first by the Doctor hintseLL and edemas:ls for went yams soak. lhipresant time, by ChM. le Trownserd, ths present ..prsmktora Pb.. the persoettehin wee kamed the Doctor by nodded in New Tork; - irisems he keep a dom. ere attend. tassiness that actumulates at that .point. The smu factory is.ln Ude city. sod I. °Wonted by the Junior =ser. CispiHrsre ell the medicine is namoch. per of our elem. he.. my id. of the amount of this medicine that to manufectosed and each Deeides Iles oaks to We conntoy, it is chipped to the Canada., Wed Imes Wanda, South Amerks, sad even to Ko. tope to coiaiderabla quantities. At the romulactoiy they employ • stoma engine betide. s Impnumber of me; women and ghis, to the preparation cf the medicine, reeking baste printing s arc s and turn out. reedy for abipment„ war WI dorms per day, or nearly seehoelea Thal le on mormorti quantity. The greet ealle the anakine has acquired, has in. duce& • ornaberof runt* get up imitations. and them to sibs relent thee other reecticines for ode; that am celled Townsend% nerimpsella s Ore to ler ender started • short Sion. ego In liew'Tork. Is milled Old Dater Jamb Townsmen Maresparilla," end op. par only with • view, by dint of ail...thing and the mast remedies morted to In such *north to ePPrOpri. ate the mom of Dr. S. Y. Tolnneurs great roma?, math= gaba•all the adventegee resulting from the of the name eateries ha* required for It. V r yT .rft7 m.r. of mend and axpemire labor. Do. S. Y. ownered. formerly-of this city, as L. well known hem, is the istmodor and retinal proprietor of the we known as • Dr. Townsman flarmiarith." sal we think those perms who are airompung 14.11 their article ea the gartenne, domed be expoW. VMS THE . New York UlDr7 Tribune. 013.- W. pebbled madmotteemera ineimeently room lbw dome that did bah Wet** te W s . B. r. Town moat who is tba mistral poopreetoron of itessaparille known ZS Dr. - V. Other puttee bare th• pest her moutha engaged or connected themselves with • ume by en num ea Towmend who put up otedlcine and call. Why the same cann. ; medicine ens adirertiont b Tie Tritest ea th• Tkle edvertionwei contained mates to the chancier of Dr. et P. Towneend and that of medicine We regret it append, and in Judo. to the Du =ha thle plemskre. FROM THE Nor York 'Pally Sun. Da Toosineo frstinuidivary advertiremerd,which couples an entire page of tho So., ail 110• slope Ono. Dr. S. P. Townoend, who 6 thspew visor of Dr. TownseursSosopuills. and saw. of tiro is next door to outs whom ha has lon for ItelWr dyears, 6 driving an hon.* basineu. 1. litell..ll ICY thus four hi:aired darer of OVUM/1h pet jay, and even 1.16 ominous quantity does not anpply lb. demini. No. medicos OYU . gained so VV.% • poptdontp uhis preparation of.the Sarsaparilla 116 edition of Altovolifis for lad coot grxeoo, and he has pad tia Pio. Pork Soo kw adverUeing, to the Lut fora yura, our $lO,OllO and he acknowledges Dot it IS th• Cbutpest 114•1111.6•1• Ir he has had dome This medicine is .sported to ths Coldly War to. ilea South Morita and Ramps, in onfiderablo gnu:Ones, and 4 soloing I.Uo patrol ma in throe construe, on well u ban. - - Berta!lersi. Druggists sod others that sell Santmels for the tenon= and anginal Dr. Townsead's Sensatets,. [Wt is not signed by 13. P. Townsend. commits a trend, Id swindles the owinsan. Sl= that he guilty of men so act, wadi commit soy oth would er food -end no Druggist of common beallssence but knows that can is thoonly swim Old JIMA Townsend, Dome people who are sot well inhumed and have bet rad the news, mad not seen our dratiarrauts, bare been tod to wpm, _that because these Mb ob =rem their staff as • Old Jacob Townsmada," thd it must, of course, be she oolgfaol It L less than one ye= lees they commencd to mate their medictoe. 66. ow been to the market overt= years Mae Old Jacob Townsend. 1:111 th" 17= Physicist; and near attempted to mandate • m..d. thins, =MI thaw men hind him tor the sea of lea =ma. They ay they do net wish the myth ta tees that their Saraparille Is ours, or the same-but We latter toileral= the public, they at the same time wed that their% is the Old Dr. Townsend's, sad the original { end mdsavor 'to mad tha pimple believe eat the duff they mazdekture, btu Dr. Town . Sarsaparilla the to performed err man 7 orooderkl corn tor the past ten yew& end which has gained • reputation which MO other modistes ever enjoyed which is • base, vinalwas, uminolpled 6/sdocd. We have CoMllolCod wand thew men for dungen We ides lite be orderstadthalthe old m= is no M. le D..Teeratead 'laetrile •An emit of vertisesnads ard daulate. they publish • umber of teloh ropeeting Pr which We will =indica Pelee averts, - cm mamas here ,poklished La the papers, th at Dr. 6. It'Powassed sus OWL This they and 6 their eget= sheet eel:Wan dm report that we have gm= op boot to. &a Ths public should be on their ipard, mod rot be deceived by Wee unpdsm4 pled man Nada of RawureL-Atar ess d September. NA DO `P. Townsend% New To= Otbce will be in the &oath Etadst Church. No. Id 7itsttaittoot, which is now welargoingz= o ththP , end will he tied for theletta of the pre. Odom aul " =ae.• • Take If.eke.-No %aspirin& 6 the ge=7 "ll erg Ira"' • , • - • -- Aaorm—kodikk k Ns. II Stabbbtreet, sad Mn E. nun, No. 11: Coart.MlM..tron &mud =am Jr. WWI; Hoary fret. Mimi Jima B. Orem !We:curs k Concord ; SLIM kink Provideree sa by Drogkinta ml bier cloak generly thrtitighont Oto Volta Segos, Wort a sod-the loteadid . YOmalo by R. E. SELLERS, RA. for Fitt. 614 D. IR. CORRY, Allsgbuy; A. PATTERSON ro.rNato. . . A VERY WONDERFUL CURE—S EL LEAS , Ad. VERMIFUGE: Mac., Mercer no., Pa., Sept. 54,1649. ' R. E. &Herm Doan Sir, I bought onebottle of your Verna fug. at thelitn City Furnace stomas ibis piaze. aad It has performed wfintsge considor out hcre• deribl curse on one of my boys eight years old; he bad been unwell for zoom years, so much Kill's 1 had gin. er r s m op ll , l e htmof w his mew s% 1 wa c e . adviseg i by O nnd remt•PPy - tolal b* yo t u nf o liKaoing i fhe d i e= ye cEect of relieving my sac. Ito passed, the stunt apace of E 4 hosts, lei worms, some of them measur ing as :mit., 12 mild 14 niches long. feel bound in luck. to give you the above staicinent,so so you may make any use of my name ihm you tlarik roper.. yo,,rs, Wry respectfully. Jonamics S. trust. Pr.P.md sold by E. E.SELLER67 Wood omen sail sold by Druggists generally in the taro . norls FELT curries- woes Eine and Drib F. Cloths, Oast reed and for tile by MURPHY, WILSON & CO, nava-7 43 wood. QC.&11.1..GT MOUE. R. Illtwpby hos abut reed a lot of high colored Moos. de LAWS Cherry, Scarlet. tee., at the low 'view of ade. perystrd. Also, Plain Drab, Brown, kr., at 14 to IEI ee rdsje i za s aV; do anti , :t in irczaszt o m u :n p t r cic ., osait wtth a choice assortment of Dress Good. societally, :sneb as Pitney Elias, French Merinos, Caahmetes yonese ClOtbs. at the • ceb . un " ''' A L N. E. corner of Fcattilt Ira Market sta. • Wholesale Rooms an Maim. ria•l2 T ARD 01L-15, bbis in store and for tale ny 'IJ • ENCILLS 4k• BIUiNETT, N 037 Wood wool t Yapper, ores, '¢uness, .11 raw. wih =cal apa rt ment or all farts of Growl. mod Pi k bianarattu UYC red Winks, on band and for sale by ' B—e , anottmeast reed pet Gimps,Fr r spd_ltindlT o • A,lO IrRAYsppRTA - Paisesig.r and Ilezalttano• °Mee. AnkkI.A.NROEN ct, CO. contamc 'to bring persona . from any part atEnglard, Ireland. Ecolland or Wales, span the moat literal term, with their enalyanctaalay mod attention to the wants and com fort ot enin4erants , We do not Anna. our pauengeneo be robbed by the swe,edling teener that Infest the sea ports, la we take chute of. there the moment they re port theinselvek. and ace to their well bring, and de 'patch them without any detention by die fast think.— • We.taY frarrently, ea we defy one of our passen gers to show that arty were detained 4 , 3 boars by err in letverpool, thenicands.of , ethers were detained months, anti: thef , era Id be tent to some old craft, at s ch7 , p rate, which too fraquently, proved Whir man. ilk lateral to perform on, contracts hnantably, east What it May. and natant as was the ante last crown, With ether ollkeirs,—who either performed not all, or when it suited their convenience— Drafts drawn at hachure, for any It arks from 1.1 co 11000, payable - at any of the provineal hulks in Ire land, England. tice,lmrd and Wales. JOSEUn ROBINSON, • liirroperin and General neat. rahl viii t one • , or, hotow MENT NEW ARRANGE SPI:iI,O INCREASED IIiGX.PI3 , ESS PAST PACK KT LINE, alki • (V.xclu.isely for Passenger. 4 VIA THO GREAT thEIIs'TEAL RAIL ROAD, TO .PHILADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE. rtt.: public, are informed that on tool after Saturday , . he Im o( September. the passenger. by this Line mill he earriedpror the Central (toll Road from Lew is: Corm to ISlMlSlnurgly, and from thence to Philadel phia by Me liarrishursh sad Columbla Kiwi Roads.— Dy rt oMO new aailgernent passengers orril go through. in nc ha, x than heretofore. The Packet. ma of this'Llneme new and of the hest ells.. This tours Mr safety . , *peed and comfort, is the most preferable now use In the Eastern cities. Rail Rondo are all Nosed in day light. Tone, 3 days. E. on, Tor . Dollars. For information apply to SIUTOIL Monongahela iioll£ C. oell or D to GRECO er. CO. Lunar Basin ROUTE j TO BALTIMORE Atill PLIILADELPRIA. THE 3IIORTE-ITROI2TE..TwEsI'V-SIX MILES, Tl,e ir s .e l r mini .. nex; ,. nndfamt rennin U. s 5 ng A. E. Fcta, Moiler, will run us a gai ly pannetliitoolnys exceptedi between PITTSNURGII and WEST N nwroN, cu oriel:Me of nevi...mon on Youghloeheny firer. Leaven %Vest New , . nom the upper Wharf Bum, every rumen. nt 9 o'clock Re. =minx, leave* Pittsburgh (tom Wan. Bent above the Monongahla Bridge. every etentog at 4 o'clock GOODS rece e ived by A enr. no loolM the Wbort Boa.. B.Y . The Farmer has brio mint for tie Youghiogheny !river, and the public may rely -on Let remaining permanently m the trade. Particular lactation paid to all way freight and _par aineer• snitAlavntT - - • *."'"""'" 0.1r .. ..71/ .. Gnats sine HE pneket BEAVER. Capt. !Manley, will leave Beaver regularly on Monday, Wednesday and, , morningg Al., end entre leavesgst nem at 9 oclock—remonng, Yoangs town:Parader, Thursday and Saturday everting. at 4 P. AL, and reach Deaver in time for the morning 616 41 ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, anima at Pitteburgh 11 o'clock. The packet !LUCCA:WAY, Capt. Downing, will leave Beaver Tnesday, Thursday and Saturday even- I legs IRO P. IC, retaming, lone Neer Castle, Monday, ednesday and Pride; creakys at 6 P. M. Also eon- analog with tint eternmp boat for Pittsburgh. These iuoie , so, hued up in complete order, hav• log finoaccomitindshons for passenger, and dippen may rely...A' Warr. puncrualny and greater despatch than has Witco been ohtaltied on these route. E. Al. }TIER A Co., Proprietor . I J. C. Indwell, Agent,Plusburgh. & Bro., '• Beaver. . A. D Jacobs.' " Youngstown.' R. W. Cenntrigham,"New H Case.... The elegant Ateamer, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will leave Bearer. drily at `c nod Pinsburgh at 3 Pl running in connection with the above boats. WakelB49. / Et h os leveland Passenger Line. --SWALLOW , —OCEAN. I INB of the above Packets Rare Heaver every day l_f (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at Warren, when they connect will the Mull Shape for Akron and Cie:Timid, arriving at each of there places tfore night. One of the packets leave Warren daily SP. AL, nd arrive at Beaver in time to take the lolooming lo w lier Pcobargh. C E S LEFFINOWELL 1.. Co Warren I AI B TAYLOR- do JOHN A CAUGHEY, Agent, apl3 corner Water Smithfield eta atiefMl 1849. • UNION LINE, . AND 01110 CA8111.13. Cair... A CI.II.IIIMLIN, Cies cland,o Tropes. A O. Pours, Presecr,PA rriitsLane will be prepa - ed on the opening of nos.- . tetraurport freight and Passengers . from PITDSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on the Canal and Lakes.- - The facilities of the Line are norarpassed to norther, quality -and capacity of Hon., experience tot captains, and efleiency of Agent. One Boat leave. Pinsbmcb and Cleeeload daily, cun ning in connection with one rmamem -LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, Between Pit.burgh - and Beaver. and line of tasteless , swanuers, Propellers and Vt,CIS on the Lakes. AaSZITD—R 6 Pori., !leaser, Pa. !cum Rah/win. Youngstown, Ohio. MB Taylor,Warren, Cyrus Prunus., Itagenua, • Wheeler T, Co, 'Aron, Co.. ford h. Chamberlin, C 'and, Bears A Griflith, Iturftilo, IN • . 301 Di A. CAUGHEY, Agent, Otace, cat Weser and Smithfield ens, Pittsburgh. I/CHGN r o. t —capt.Scuser NNC Gilson LAKE ERIE, " Gordon. THE above resultar and well known Beaver Poet. ens, hart commenced making their dolly trips to sod from 11ean..6 mil will continue to roll between Pius and lien's. rogalarly daring the moron, m Mlehigan No. it leaves Pitt.nnirgh daily al 9eVeltuk, A. IH., and Beaver at h. o'clock P.M. Lake Erie Leaves Beaver daily ate o'clock, Z. M., and Piewburgh nrielock, P. 91.. These steamers will ma in conoection with A. G Parks' Express ?onkel Unc, for Erie; Taylor to LeftingwelPs Warren Packetsi Union Line of Frenaht Boats for Cleveland; Clarke& Co's r.ttshargh and Ct.:velar:4l,We Freight Boats. • G Parks daily New Custle CLAYIE, Plkftgli &Ca, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHBV, Agent. Pitwburghs • ___eat Waxer nod graithheld 1849. I mam PITISDUKCII AND CLI3VELAND LINE, ON Tar, PENNI VW/AMA AND OHIO CANALS. THE Proprietors of thin old established and popular daily Roe, consisting of SLXTEE.N first elms Canal Boats, i greed by themselves and runalus ,n eonnee oon with the erteans boats BEAVER ANIEI , CALEB COPE, are enabled to offer nnequalled facilities ler the transimmation of (smelt and possengers.n the opening of Canal nasiginon; to ell points an theoPenn sylvania mid Oran sod E. Al N. York relied, and the Lakes. . FITCH & Co, Clevellnd. BIDWELL & BROTIIER . Agents, Beeves. J. C. BI DWELL, A g ent, Water street, Pittsburgh. 1. C. =MEW Pittsburgh. Waver: • BIDWELL BROTHER. Forwarding Bleinhanta, BEAVER, PA., Ajoar for the Pittsburgh onstameransi Lsne, Pitts. and En Line gin Erie, wid for mom leas Beam and Cobb Cops. Havingpurehased the large and substandal Wharf Boat Rtst built for the hioroniraliels. Reacts, have with the vialtion of a Warehouse, the most ansp:e au corernodarions for receiving and forwarding, and pledge,their uunost emotion, ptness end despatch to consignments to their care, a r id:ely on their friends markdly B. k BRO. pI~IVIMILIIIOII AND MAL atuaa 1849.* Old 'Established Lam. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. HE Proprietor of this well known Line of Canal I. Boats. is riern, prepared to transport Pultsiers and Freightto all pow& on the Erie Extension, New York Canals end the Lakes, upon the most favorable terms and with despatch. Ttus Late runs in commotion with the steam boats BEAVER and CALEB COPE, hetweeo Pittsburgh 'and Bette; C M Reed's Line of steam boats od or. iris on the Lek., end the Troy and Michigan Lake Post Line on the New York mot C. M. REED, Proprietor, Ede, Pa. Bidwell & Broth Agents, Beaver. • , W T Maher, Age er, nt at .1 hleskimen . s PluMierig•r Other. hlonoookela H.a.e. Pittsburgh. CONBIGNEEtiI—W C Malan, Sharon; E & Hull, ' Sharpsburg; Smith A Downing ,do• J B Plummer, West Greenvale; Wick, Aclire Co:dor Wm Henry, Hartmown; Davis to Dutton, Boaklo; Barney, Gibbs & Co; Semdusky; Jet A Arnunrong, Detroit; Kirkland A Newberry, Met/011am allClure A Will lams, :Sateen kie; Kemp, Murky & Damn, Ilmeine, John }I Kinzie; CAieago•A Wheelerw York spa PENNSYLVANIA CANAL Os R. ROADS, itaigai 4849. .Mitta Expßzs FAST PACKET LINE, CROY Pleel6llfgh to J'Ailadajtkia anti Bactiner. Exclosively for Pamerige e r d . i i , ut. TH4rebolcu ate rgcnce7uPgith:g'ilni7troTday, 10th ?larg e :. The boats of this Line are of a superior close, with enlarged cabiru, will give greater comfort to • A boat will Monty. be In port, and traveler. anise. quested to nail and examine them before anew... g Oa. Lange by °the:Teethe They will leave the landing, code the U. S. Hotel, corner Penn street and Can il. entry n i gh t el.LeDielel4lll,lo. LLAPIN THROUGH. Par, bliorMetimsrePPlT et the Meltenhe llelli . House, Oftio D. LEECH & Canal • N. A—The crocheten of the above Line are new building as eddinonal Line of PlLCketa, to ran as above on or aballt Juse lit, in conneetion with the Pernmyl. minis Rail Road from Lewistown w Philadelphia. Al that time a Tweet will leave every morning and even. Mg. Time &rough, hi eel'. ENI.IAN-0110I'AllAT LINN, amok 1849. Ina For the transporuPlou ot innimmixo, • BETWTX.N.PHILMJKLPIILI AND PITTSBURGH. WOGS carried on. this Line are not , traid - between Pittsburgh and Philadelphi being Car ried In four lechers Portable BOLLS over land ilded tert—to shipper. of merchandthe requiring careful humping, dd a ta of importance. No charge made tor reecirriefr or attippla or for Ildelerteiag enahro. All goods forwarded wi thdi gawk, and on le Mae:table toms as by very other Ike. JOHN IFFADEN A Co, Canal Bobts Penn at. Pittsburgh JA.4 MDAVLB fer_e_o, mot 227 Market A M Commerce 112., Paws. JOHN bIeFADEN & Co, Forwarding and Coinnia. Yon Merchant., Canal !Wain, Penn st,Pitubwltt. _ JAMES M DAVIS & CO, Flour Funereal:AC= ol hr don Metchards,E7 Market and Ai Commerce Or.; • on Asasees made by either oblys above °rinser, W ml and Ober mersharielin eonsagned w theta marL7 • MMM2 NEW 131111111 ksiLINGI3IIBIIT. ~ is ava 1 a-'4,---;•- 25 .,.; 1849. • . ADAMS & OW'S LIME. i I !rue citicene of PITTSBURGH and ill vicinity are I. I respectfully Informed that we have no connection 1 wills any ether WtsIVIV EITI:0211. and an now pre- , pared to forward PACKAGES , MERCHANDISE, An., i from Beau n, New 'iork, Philadelphia and Baltimore, , In Pittsburgh and other Westem cities, with extranr- diner; expedition and Itxmonscbt .1/612i. At llaltitoose we bare associated with an Dr. W. S. Woorrina, who was for fifteen yeah saperieleadeet of the Ilialumore audi/hie Rail Road Company; Howe. Kress:he) Rat.. li e many years principal confidential agent of he Foal OReei and G. W. Con, Es q_, of Browneville, Pe Thar gentlemen will gme personal supervision to the Line from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. FR. POlladdiptail we shall tun THREE Daily Ex preys Lanes, arriving at Pittsburgh respectively in Two, Three and Pour Data Oka Two Day Llre will ran at Mail speed, and Is principally Luserided for small and valuable Package. We Mall invariably redript Ihrruse aril raw. •,, We have an 141Tallgtaltra with Mail., E 111.1.4 MLLETRANSATLANTIC EXPRESS. by which we can forward 'laetrile. to, or transaci Com mlssione In. Gram Britain, France' and most of the Conunentel Ode. Messrs. Edwards Hale& Co..nite le Ragland with the weilltitown great furwarding house of Messrs. Cusrun & HO., a nd in France limb the "Messaged s Nationale* We s hell sp no expense or exertion to get oar goods through ith the 011.1.011 despatch, and endeavor tolurntsh the p bile with a really well conducted En' press. Bilotti reels and packiges will be pried by t us et extreme! low rams. • Persons isle dog mane our Limb are respectfully requested to purucularly order their correspondents to • ship by "num.'s A CO'S EX PR.ESS." Philadelphia. Nov. la ADAMS & CO. The AU., of the above Express Line will be conducted at this city by J. C. BIDWELL, novlndilm Water sweet. ifikial 1849 . illi B and Erie Express Pasket Line. B- G. PARKS, Beaver, PrOrnelOt. TIRE new and elegant Pumriger Packets, . NIAGARA, Cant II II Jeffries; PENNSYLVANIA, J II MMus.: LAKE ERIE. " 31 Trilby; QUEEN CITY, " J 11.1cHallyt Forming a daily Line between Beaver and Erie, have commenced miming, and will continue daring the sea son to make their regular trips, leaving Beaver after die Low al of the morning boat from Pariba ft o'- clock. r. st mo rn i n gd rrie at Erie in me for pamengers to take die boats Buffa lo or op the Lake. Ticket. through to Erie and all Lake ports, can ho hril by ipplwauon to JOHN A CAUGHEY,Agt, corner of Water and Smithfield els , as GEORGE KECK, under the Pt Charles Betel 1849 Ek IticacitenTs , WAI :111:1011T LINN. ul For Blainstlle, Johnstowo. !.olladaysburgh, and intermedia rinse. HIS Line wnl continue to carry all Way GaAs with lbw usual despatch. and at fur rates of Aostrrs—C. A. hPAN kca eIdULTY, Johnstow & Co, i n. tustiorg. D Wa ioltaltiLler, Hollidaysburg. Rznuttqtrg—JamesJordon, Sanith & F Shosoltarger, R (Score, John Parker, 5F Von Bonn host e; Co. Wm Lehner & Co, Jo° ltPDesitt & Bray Pittaburgh, John ivory, Basalt, Mulholbut & Du, Jan Gra &c,!,ll.ausaille. mad 7 PAILICS i Ooh. PM:MEM LINZ. - r: .1848. BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LlNE,vra WAMNEN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Warw. NE of the above Paetets leave BC/TOT evatT day, (Eltmdays excepted) and arrive rum meriting at % arm, where they eonneet with the ALB Bulges for Akron andght. Cleveland, arriving at cub of these plates Wore nine onto leave Warr= da, at 6. P. and O arrive at EltAlVttPackets in time to take h 1( ina,,gliles:=Palat,.... • al D TAYLOR, ,9 Tsu ' ?rotten.. • BEAVER AND BRIE PACKET LINK 10.1.00511 TO TUB L.A.33 IS .0.1 noon , %anal Paeket—Proartkvamfa, Capt. Jefrieat' ' Tzkaasars, " Pollock; ' " Lags Dry •• Trebyi ,is .` Pmrresas, . Brown; •I a a Fakemos, . Sayer. • The above new and eplendM Paavenor Packets have eammeneed running between BEAVER ANDtERIE, and will run regawly during the season—one boat leaving Erie every morning at 8 -o'clock, and ono Idov buf Beaver every evening, unreedistely attar the at of steam b oat Michigan from Pl,co , on boat. net new and comfortably umnineo. and gnu an through in lorry bor•. PasseracteW any trot an ine LAIL... or Nagano Palle, will fine toil c •—noo - oone lad expeditious , Tickets tio:00.0 • . c. tone on foe Loire eon be procured by avowing :o 're ProPriewvf REED, PARRS Co, Beaver. JOHN A. CAUGY,Pittsburgh, nor. W HE. ater and Smithfield eta C C id Reed, Die, Pa. Harrison, Buffalo, N I C C Wick, Greenville, I' bl'Farbmd and King, Big Bend, kat flays & Plumb, fibarpsburgh, Pa; 'iv C htedrui,Shaum, Pa; D C Mathews, Pulaski, Pa; R W Cnertlngbam, New Cutla Pa. lyl. -~~ - -- 9tatitiltoo . nt for Salo. 7`,12.Lt.Ncp..P.1 . .C,1T1 , T0' 1 t'llee'ld ing, on AIONDAY, We lOnt day of De. ember, 1:49. Tortna—Una Munk ut band, and the balance at 4,9, and IA months, with untervsk Approved negotiable paper tan l no taken for at deferred payments. Salo powder.. D. MOORE, nec"J D. ZANE. ii.iiioluiiiiia M, OR 8008 OIL. "There one more thmiga in heaven and earth Than are dreampt of in philosophy.. THE VIRTUES of tha remarkable remedy sad i the constant application for it, to the proprietor, 1 has induced him to have it pat up is battles with lay 1 hi-l• and directions for the benefit of the public. • The PETROLEUM I. procured from a well in this coon o . at a depth of four hundred fact, Is a pore ana- dulinia,rdartigib, without any ehemleal„goinge, bet just as flows from Nature's Great Lattratoryli Thal it contain. properties reaching a number of diseases i is no Inciter a matter of uncertainty. There are many things in the hreena of nature, which, if known, might be of vast well:nous nu llBOVllktiOff abilliwingi sod ". Goring the bloom of health and vigor to many' a suf ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of putting it up in bottles, it had a reputation for the tore of dis ease. The constant and daily increasing calls for it, andseveral remarkable urea Rims pritiortned, is • I sure indication et its (Muse populanty and wide spread application in the sere of disease. We do got wish to make a UM( pundetof certifi cates, u we are manse:ohs that the medicine can soon work its way into the favor of thou who 'surer and wish to be healed. Whilst we do not eldim for It a ileum - rid application in even disease, we submits tingly say, that in a slumber of Chronic Diseases' it is annulled- Among thew may Cm enumerated—all diseases of the mucous lasses, such as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (In its arty stage 2 Asthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Divine. Dlseues of the Bladder and Kidneys. Pains in the Rock or Side, Nervous thseues,Nearalgia, Palsy, Blithinsitie Pates, Gout, Erysipelas, Tutu, Ringworms, Runs, Scalds, Bruises, Old Sores, he., he. In ease, of debility re sulting Item chi - mune, or long and protracted cases of diseue. this medicine wilt bring relief. It wit! ant as a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such eases, impuung roue and energy to the whole , frame, ir1.1•• tug obstrucuons, opening de sluggish fahclions,yrkich cure direue and a beaten constitution, and giving_ increased and renewed energy to ad di! organs or Ltie! The propnetor knows of several cures of PILES, that resisted every other treatment, get well under the use of the PETROLEUM for s short time. Tue penal can he given to any person who deur. it. None genuine without the signature of the proprietor. Sold by the proprietor, S. N. hIE Carta! Buie. near Seventh st. Also ay R E SELLERS. 57 Wood sh and—KEYSER & rd'DOWELL, comer Wood sr- and Virgin alloy; who are his novibdly regtharly appointed Agents TUBS AND CHUBS& _ . . PINE AND CEDS.II WARR IIANDFACTORY. No. 57, comer Market sad Pifth—or 119 Markel, - tween Third and Punk au. Tue subeentier keeps constantly on band, what. sale and retail, the following articles, Mar • Wash Tubs, Bro il Chunk Mem TIIDS, Dural CIIIIII., Bath Tabs, Half Bushels, .. Wooden Bowls, Peeks and Ilall Peaks. Wub Boards, Brass Bound Buckets, Clothes Pies, Towel Rollers, Wooden Ladles, Bread Rollers, Clothes Bukew, Msrket Basking, Me, He. SAMUEL KROEFIEN, novl4 No 63 Diamond allay, Pittsburgh LOGAN :WILSON & CO, 199 WOOD STREET, RE NOW RECEIVINGIargo and complete as runent of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SAD- I so I..ERY, and CARPENTERS , TOOLS, direct from the manufactuters in Europe and Ameriea, and are new folly prepared to odor goods at inch prieu as cannot fall to please, and would particalmly request the attention of Merchants who are in th• WORM go ing East, as we fool confiduit they anti find, after a thorough examination, that our prices will compare favorably with any house in Philadelphia or tiew York. onto - MAULS: FOUNDRY HN 111C001-103 LOON undersigned, saecessors to Antn" & beg leave to Inform the enNens of Pittsburgh and pub lic generally L ikat they have rebuilt the EA CIL& FOUNDRY and are rune in operuion, and have part of their patte rn s ready for the market:— Al3lOlllOll which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, with • splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is how supereeding In other cities the common round Stove. Also, • cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for small fusilles, with a fall assortment of tom noon and mantel Gnats We would punenlarly in vite the emotion of persons building to call at oar warehouse before parehesing, and examine a splendad , article of ensasutelled Grates, finished In fine style— entirely nersr thismarket. Warehouse, No.lBl Liheny st, opposite Mod st andSalitt • NICHOLSON & PAYNE. WINKS, x.icivoas, onoorauss, THE subscriber is last receiving his Fall Stock, em.• bracing ull descriptions of FONEION WINES, nova Bromic., Cigars, to. He aims redeem:tents celled. Wholesale and Retail trade, that cannot he es- Monk the articles for aisle, he would dna mesa% the following: do pkgs Rochelle, Bordeaux and Cognac Brandies, in pipes, hf pipes, quarters and °moves, 'all choice brands acid etrdagest, pipes Holland Gins; 2 puncheons Jammed Spirit: . 5 do New England • 2 do Scotch and Irish Wllaktry; bbls Old Monongahela Rye Whisker; 31 five MN p demiion do Mk lAD; 41 pkp adeira and She Wines, in hf pipes, quar ters and octaves; pkgs lAstan and Tenerife Wined, (quettettil 63 pkg. Nirt Wines, inliper, lf Vine and rosamers; 57 bbla and India bbl, Sweet and thy Malaga Wines; bbls Old Fetich Brandy; 100 sackalio, Wenn. and Java CANN ' 75 pkp Y. O.l'. and Chu!. Tear, pkgs assoriedTobacnoi 6 bbls and balm Spicer, 15 hbla White Sum% 37 baskets fresh BOX Oil; 75 do , Chempsgue Wines, pts end 406 172 ctowst (1 dos) Claret Winer, 50 do , Hock or Rhine do; 25 do Sauterne Wine; 20 do Mucat; 10 do Black berg47l7; 110012tPerled together with co • Dernilons ; WinkerFisska,Scotel Ale, Brown Boat, =tie Nt Ito Bitten, Bottled Wilt. and 1.1- %I " r4dno , Ot2dms Quiets, Htk and alcottnsrnto eroon, mebeetes, Banlinee,'Lebsters lets, Cepere, pihu,Emed o N ., 6 - Chtl.oloet Corks, rmet Mug., Muddle., SW, Home,Mashers,mad Paird v gh Man agggarss ponytail. JACOB w et and 0d22 ear gasket and Pion ets MAOYEntelg ad ., bblo 14: dvnoi 9) No 3 do; Roootridd ban thei anal cod too .010 by o NM* ILUZZLI, Si Wouorst -, ,~. w~ _,, _ , Q.ELLERS FAMILY MEDICINESTIIey are :W 1,7 ?dedicatee ot the due Gymnast's erasion. Ohio, May Pb, ISIS. R. P. Sellers I think tt right for thebenefit °fathers to State same farts in reotiOn to ye erextellertt Fend ly I hare et a/ your Vermeer, targety in my corns foal- Sy, one vie. frequentlyanmering for expellinfl Irße quutitiesi.ey Ito 907) worms from two ehildreaL I ban also sled your Liver Pills and Cough Syrian 0 my family. and they have in every inerncee pralased the edeet thaired. As I sin engaged in merchandising, I am able to • stew OW have yet to beu ef the fiat failure where your median. have been used in my section all the country. lit conch:mon, I may state that they are the sueolteinea al the day, and are destined tr. bare a yery extenalvepsptuarthy you. rot. pee nali 36. , Prepared and sold by R_ i OS,PIo 57 PT - ood etreet, and sold by Thum.. / carnally in the rivo si des and vicinity. ins% OMPLAIPPP - 11, k. 7 original, only true, apd gahaine Liver Pill. .t tiumr Cum, Ohioan:my, • Much 75111,1.649. ;S Mr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sis—l are to ourind to the smblie csnera ly think it a duty Ip, to state tha I have bee y n afflicted with the Liver COMplairit for t a -long note, and so bad that an abeese formed and broke, which left me in n very low state. Hering braid of year cele_MatedLterer Pills being fo r ear Liberty, end . mile by ed a ,AbR Sh ylip “ tIIX ma tau purchased ' ono boo, and Menu tnem e v •e i hilst p rib i at E t..h v sl i n s raommandeiXdr,toktng ( H o p e ' t p .. L o - . I had the disease has entirely left me, and I nru'no* perfectly well. Respectfully yours, COLS:ALIN. West LRserti, March 28,16.19.. I co -lily that I cm personally acquainted with Mr Colem and can bear testimony to the Moth of the •eA R SHARP at 'The senotne Liver Pills see prepared .and sold by R LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by dnlggists in the :so TO :ILE pUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver, ore prepared by RESellers, and have ' hth nerds stamped in black wax upon the lid of each tax, and his signature on the collide wrappei—ell others me Counterfeits, O R base imitations. anlll E SELLERS, Proprietor a - D 11.... JAY PilL'at CARMINATIVE BALSAM L't ROM the Rev AnA SHINN, a well known and pop ula- eters , man. the Protestant Alethodut Churls roe undersened tawny been athictmiderang theorist ...in.. mita a &setae .the stomach, sometimes pro ai.il I treat pain m the noirmeh for ten Or [wean bona wubaut.nter n. etyma after barony tried .4 rernedme until ranch wale (=Med with* bottle o• Dr Diane% C mauve Balsam. Thigh , ' need Re cording to the direct ins: and Mond Invariably thattbis modicum csasedthe potato Uwe in three or Mar Mon sites, and Win fifteen or twenty ounutcsevery sensabon was entirely pleted The medicine was e terwardzuseil whenever indleanonsor the appsnechpl patnasere puce sad, and the pain woo thereby prevent. ed. He connived to use the medicine ever evening end eamoumee it.•ne morning, a n d. a fe y w weeks health wee. farrestored, that the ruder. was relir • a from &large manna oppressive pain. From el parienceetherefore, he can confidently . recommeJ Eirj=eCs Oneltiot'acilida'Tn bo n w7l: ' m' A " SrIiAT Allegheny eiry,iyth, For sale In rlttsbargh at ‘PEKIN 1.0 79 Fourth strest„.near W_o .and .ecet. 1,0 also et thefive .. g . AOT CONSUZIIPTIYEB,.I3.6 ATIV Oh E'd YOUR GuARJA DR. StV COMPOUND SIRUP OF WILD 01131111 f rte Consumption, Cough ' s, s Colll., Astha r :Dronohnot , "i2r=itirele=4:2l4l4glic:OP. the Henn, liedluenka, Crony, woken Con raltu rr ue s lto u re TZ..hroaase.. .NfeLoans,Der..btil,l• breast and Lungs. Ike mute r...l and speedy can aver known for any o( theabffro thorny a. is DR. SW A YNEIS Ocnorlatrad Syrup of WHO Chervil This mall.e to no longer among dose of tionbtful utility. It has Pseud away froM the thesauri. daily [sneaked upon the dde of experiment, andnow stands higher to reputed° a and is becoming more extensive. , ly used than any other prepamtbori of produced for the reheard gutieniag man It has bean stroduced vcry generally' thump the Unites' ewes aed Rearm and there are few towns of importance bet whet contain roma remwkable dence of its good effect. For proof of the foregoing ethunnenta, and ow( 7.lllwer :,:ntthe:trueTtrals Which base been presented to tl by men of tie first respeembihry—men who have higher views threw. responsibility and Males, then to cer tify to facts, because it will do enother a favor, and Illanitielires no irdoetiee Bach testimony proem con eleamely,that summing excellence is ensblisked by Its ments, and the unquestionoble each ft , of public opinion The innanteneous relief it af fords, and the soothing Inguenee &gulped through the whole frame by a. use, renders It a most agreeable remedy for the e.t.d. REM EMI3ERJ "When men, sett. from auselentious Lamont., voluntarily beer turirriony to the troth of a dung, or wane iglu fact, such testunony being coo to t conneuen h of eir worldly interne end porposeg, coerces its teeth end commend. itself lo a special unmoor to universiel emdence *-o'llogathe MoralM.o. READ THE HOhlE CERTLFICATES. &MI Anus. Coss etor PritatettheTCOMMnrncer There neirer sans • remedy that hes beim ta lincetittnl in desperate cases of Consumption, as Dr Sw. ne , s Ceervound St rop of Wild Churl, It streng th ens the system, and appears to heal the aleers on the lungs, mem g new mod rich blood, power posseseed by no other r Heine Cavern Ee., Aprd .251 h, INS . Dr. Sit doe—hear Fur - I verily believe the year ° means em at - poria of Wild Cherry hae been saving my life. I caught a severe cold, which cult gradthu ally grew worse, attended with a-severe caughtto, , at relined the ipmedies which I had recourse increasing soul my case exhibited all the symptorris or Pulmonary Consumption Every thing I tried seemed to haven effect, and my complamt increased so tepid ly that friends es well as myself, gave up all hopes of cry recovery. At dale tinto I was recommended to try you invelnablo medicine: h ad so with the mon hap -91 Malts The first bottle the effect loosen the mutt, massing me to expectorate freely; and by the time I bed ...ed six bathes,' ' was entirely well, and on no.y as tenor • ini. , c . o..sg y ev was . • lti n my Ufa, and woUd he happy tsoaVeren may, derive It y r which lam so grate-fah For the trath the above hard th e medium. . moment, I refer yon ['meter Weal re'leiAritilollly yours," Jan. Noma. Dr,Wfierema'yno--friDeCitru"Si'in fe l e ‘L'A''d l a debt W o jlf f g i' re 'Ur titais due to you—and a drily to the afflicted pareLy, to offer r f your Compound Sy !tip b e( Vrifi"jher4.l It?'<orstor thre e years since I or. violently intuited wida cold ailinlitutnenoti of the eLngo. "hilt "1 1 l the bre.."7and Itead,weiveryp d'eenTuiV.. ble abicaufm"of °freest. maims from the lungs, espe. emlly inan change or weather, heseevee alight At ern I feltso alarm about toy cordials, but was pretty soon convinced that I nes rapidly going into coneemp. don. I grew deity weaker, and at length wits scarce ly able to walk about, or speak ribose a whisper, rah was the exceedlng weakness of My la. Dunne egi,, time toe d sanoupreperanou arid pew:moons, bat feud no relief—growmg all the time worse Just' here I was ads Led and persuded by a dear friend Wilation to cutouts] of you Syrup of Wild Cher. ry. I mem come. that previously I had been prem. died whist oaten(' medico:me, and I em gull matron them coming out of the hands of empe ries, bat under nudity a ndyo elemn (implicit protettion and practise or medlesne, nd louring faith in the same of my triends,l forthwith purchased of Dr Rhea , ' one of you agents, • fear lwales, and commenced us tHe My dm- ease was at ths , time of War IS months' sumbrig, con. seqeendy it was deeply seated I fotutd, ever, coualderable rich from rho use of the fint four or five bottles Bat each • public ypeaker, I fieguently at tempted to preach with nil Inethasing strength, and thereby raptured those Vessel* thu had already begun to heal, in t o way, doubhree, my cure was greatly retarded In . Ocean. of tuning thus imprudent , I had to rue waive or fifteen bottles before I was sou featly restored have no situation, a me th amber of.botuis would have made me sound, ha do above inditereum. The Syrup allayed the fey Leh habit, tab ire. the &meaning cough, put •si to the dimberpo of tuner ,fiorn the lunge, end them and the es the system good health have dete red offering this teruffeate until now, for the pup. Of benne /arra e winded with the pernimency ot can, and now inal I Owl perfectly well offer it with pleura. Rev.S.F.Jou. Dublin °cum N. O. hnparsont ColinVint—BAND Raid' Tiara la but. a genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, e end that is Dr elven" the fi rst over offered to th public, which .as been sold largely throughout the United States nod some parts of Foy, and all pre. parattone melee by the name tani of torte Chem deeepove bare been pot Oat slit. UN, ender O eirciiinstannet, order lo love tummy to their pap. By a lithe °Mammon, no person rued numake the genuine from da false. FA. bottle of the germane :a enveloped ant a beautiful steel engraving, with the likeness of Witham Penn thereon; also, Dr. Semes eignetere. and farther eecurity, the ratt y of Dr Somme .11 I.; raided hereafter, so as urdwinganh Ms preparauu•rom all where, Now, it wail not for the greet curative propemes and known virtues of Dr. swayneM Conowend Syrup of Wild Cherry, persons Irma not be endeavoring to give h e to lima "fictitious now. an by stealing the name of n one I Cherry. Remember, always bear in sad the une of Dr. Swayer+ 04 be not deceived. I !mope" Othae, comer of Eighth and Ram Meeets Philadelphia. For sale whosals and retail by IXIDEN k. SNOW. DEN, ear 2d and Wood sts, 15 A FAHNESTOCK Co, cor Wood, end eth and Wood Ste; WM THORN, = hlwkin sq S JONES, ISO Liberty at, JAB A JONM, cm Hood and Penn stet JOHN MITCH. ELL, Alleghen, city, and by all respectable dealers an medicine. Bale Th irr- W. PP..[Strit.rD,do'f"th7 Co aminm Pllerebif"l7..l - adelphoi, now anent to the public has Indian Veg etable Prematim Pinter, the qualities of which after Loirgrd.tritexjrnenwomeeeLtl., afflicted whit Prolapses therm or Fall. Womb, he recommends his plaster, guaranteeing a sare and speedy mire in the short space of from two to thee weeks, if applied with um end rost—thecarding all the °oaths. instruments and ...naive bandages so long In use. This he feels coracle:mons in stating, Wren as he has not failed in one cue oat of three hundred and filty-three tl Also Twi t nne and Weak Breast or Back, la tended path, them is nothing to excel this Pleate(, In affording relief or effecting a cure. For sale - L Wile., corner ot Dimond end Market ", Drama Reiter " Ltberty and Bt. Clair as Dr .1 Sargent Federal n and Dtamaiii, Arne ya g e h r:e r ge c ao, " Denman and Diamond Dininng taut Ica 1: SELLES, Die sit No 57 Wood street, It, Solo Arent for the sale of Dr. Townsend's Gen uine Sanapanlot, has out received SOO dozen of *as Crest Spring end StunEer ?damn. Pnrehasets should recollect that RE Sellers is sole agent for Ptusburgh, and D Can 7 for Allegheny MEM ittitA—CT OF OFTEE—An article which la ra• pimp corning into CM at a wholeaome i nouriabinig and deous beverilq, being more pleasant and pa • amble than continon unfree, and ,far cheaper as g got'd:o'itie:.lll'nfac"te' ill " "'"e four JOHN 8. rd.lll.llyotiriabnigh, Pa. Sold at wholesale by BA F ESTOCK be Co, comer of rust and Wood and Bizet and Waal streets, Pitublrgh. ap2l FORNIA RUBBER GOODs—Jast eeeieee, CALlCamp Blankets; Moibeer coa; 12 prs Pants; 9 in nen lined blnsing Boots; I.2.lstbmas Beam water Tants, and 12 salient each; to mmimentii gallon barb; I dos Backst Money:Belts; Ida oiled cambric do do. Tbe above goods for eats at the Cali fornia Minting Establishmen; No a WoodMeh2l J /CIIPIIILL.IIII A SSOBTED SPICE Pat up for ;family use, ia tln XI, san, enclosectardd lb a sliding Ild hex. conecontainingldu, Clansmon, • elepiee Cloves, Pepper 4 Warranted pure. Far tale at the near Spice 3 and Hamad Factory, comer of Ferry &Liberty sts. He m med JOHN in ITV _ n u t glt Iron Armin, from dm Tempo I- A . —,Wr vi ~u . wor ks ; wanted; w il l ke on.tarly 00tand noll WO , " u. °VA RA , * MID GE , O licaid i.....a : ~.-y.,~.~. i; i , • , , - vi, titi.3E,.-tfiltiitAztl f..ft.13•1- 11.:71`..=V - i 1ii , ,, - 1 '_. t - E ,•• "'" . 4te:ro.gll44:Tk Tr -- ; 4,r - _ - --i._. 21 : - rr , ---- - - -- 11;:.f.t4.4.-.-..E..t1E.1.11: 1; t: '•! 'IX ii4.,.1114:-E:•475311.114*a--1;11."iit-,I _ " 11123ieli4 , 74ijrali Y-. Aitlt -', I,t,,:wilEet 1 4 -t -11 ° -: A tt , . ::iilitilizti-/?.11E-. 1:- ir Is t l • CO 1:i §cl irs .1 * 6: sr2a.f,Ht al t ill = - ft ,71.2`10. 1 . 1 1 r -- -StailAlizili!e:3247: 'l§ h 2 *. § fae.e4,34,0107411411`21,1--,41;FV44 .t-.,-,,Arltir.lllF!,.tgiiil. ti .15- ,- -i 6.4 t EC` ife:re.triagrt-ger3V3i'2l-34_11 .A:' ?.. zilzail..Va 31 11E: ir,g2 is *e, ..; I . E''''. - . '..." rao .70 . .Z.TE 1 g=rB". - -..1 . t R E-..6e. - EA,: g .'s .:113-.-V,.,31 d :1 . 4 1.2 B CC 5: Eg ..1:21141.3-1.s 141 4 551,-- 4 1 , 44 0 :..?. .4 2..4.1...':a.; r, 1 / 4 1.p Al ;113110-gsig _f3°" 5"-< Ms. '1 1 si p.`" Rcd,ti.i iriii igl .21131' . CI VV:I,-III:;•=2:;le-SAtret °, 1 2 7, 2 4.2 0 - t , 2. .. 1 .1 a P t 4.1V-11]-§2.5e.12,e1t5;a:t1.,r; EC. 7,', Y. ..I-..1-'° 3,Sf °"1"' 74 51 .5 - 1. e '.- •-• 53 -Is-4a St 4 11 :ir gall! •EA = c, " ZOo a:CIIE CD ta r 4 ir -.0 :li c k Fs z gRi 1. 74. 5 4. -`1 , 4 4 75:4;:it§.1 1 -a ; aix la. c l . 0 :II !"':,.. ifi E j,,i e !iiiiilf.4lll.l.2l.; l 111 H 8 ~......4.-. 0 - tt-rita.46,s2,`2:.'"g• L 4.,.. :;,.• ..., 1 2 .,.. a'r. ...- •irizErt.3.og...n,P2.-..,..0p.0, , ~,. ig :i 0.,; V? •= 2 : l = at - 3,A - a:ge.,... 2he i,l`e- 1 ~ WIC a l . t " t •'• P I , F:-C 1 1,... g t1E:E 414 °I'l!0.-:f-rill:1 - tal f; CC 4 CS l' C 4 1.1"."17t121. :.:. ti g Ei 4 . 7 .i E.° t 5 Imo 4 P -, 4. T::-.. -. , .2 .- 1 , ., 2.:;.„..n . " 1, .1:1 2 --; E.`' --N-...-2,7-'... !...., .....•• ''' ‘L‘; -`*•/.....3. ..67.fi.•92,2....,„,, ~.. -; ..o 0 7 1 . W 1*- a q". 35 :0 :1.2.-3,1 :-.' ..: i. t:.= .:E :-, riffth' ; ',., -P. 234 0-15?..! g,e, `.4 e . 1 ,•°,f.i.::,.. 5 .:b'52t,t. f, a ,t 1 it LLI s. 2 4- '4;“ : A a", t t,11;.1 % 4 .'.' -.1 -- iL2.4: -- P. t., a:: 2-,41. 1g 8 t..4,- 1 1-31!:-E r4 ,- - t rZe4 . ..l: :''',. Pll 5 u.4*.f.4.,....1-:eif.....4:51.1f4.4.1f1,:g..5`.77Fiii..21.0 •-; S g..1P.3 Ll2 - iii - ZVta- 4 ,E:! z ifar.Z;'l - - - ii-: f, .5 7.i c* (1 E. 1-1 2 : - . 4 .0 i l;!it: ,S ;al .-'l l l,YY s ' 13P -3 f z ; i,..;.ke,.3 , ...'... --' i , zcir , l'it . .z , r,r ,- -. - i - g0itrif! 1 .... , . ).- . 1 ,1crit......,-,figi...±.1.4..;.81'ig-.....ig.1-•t. R 7: 4 :4' ; ' :i"- t 2 ' ,--- ' - 1, ': ~ : i ' A '': t"...",-el iii 4.4:10 .ta . ' !'.g '..?.ini" 4 `...,.... ?..• ` EgE , 76 . 41., , ~ t ~ 4 E4i.." ti ..... lII IC .31 f... 7. - 1 =XI"' " t : , "--'l7-2`l'l'Erq' I ft .-' l ' . Z. ri>=l'.= f .-.. : 4•!:•-,. -- 4::=1=';.; ,-, ..1. t ':.: a , c t z ,3e: ; 11:'1:- . 02,:iV3 e,t.':i g.21."-'37 , . - grs , 5 3 1-IL=f-%!$!fe::;;-,',.::•111 ;... c. ;2--a'i.sE---g.- !..-,z,,,z..7....:,:-^ - -.:,-”-- ,, ...'...c....7.15—.. ---.< - g -- CAI Si4 . l,lii . 'is=viiß3 ..l ' , :i 7-5 r .- '''..-v --z-. '•''''. t `-innali.n-e-2 '''•;"' .1 , z.si e er..v.-3 e .-- tt,...e.' e...- el.eg t . .. to- RGENTED—TML .7 AMMON, JOHN D. MORGAN, Phi.% Irutgb; D. M. CURRY, dalesimny City; A. PATTERSON, 131/1110101111 1)19 &BS EXCHANGE BROKERF. I NEDI C A L. 1 1. HOLMES & 80118, Bank•rr• H=eLauße?Brek•Fr , • ARV uniatus is NOTES,UEAFTS,ACCF.PTANCES , GOLD ,SILVER AND BANX NOTES COLLECTIONS.—Druns, Notes and Aeceptances payable In any pert of ITAlon,hollected °tithe most IIVORMII terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Smut Loom and New °drums, constantly for sale. HANS NOTES.—Notes on all solvent books in the United States discounted at the lowest rates. All kinds of Fore n and Amenean Gold an d Silver Coin botight and sal Orllea, No. 65 Market street, between 34 end (th, Pittsbargh, Pe. . oet23 — VOILICION EXIMAIIGUA. BILLS On England, lreland,.nd Scotland bought any amount at the Cotten Rites of Exchange. Aleo,Drollaparable in any part of the Old Countrtea, Lem to .f. 1 .003,. at the rate of 115 to the Sterlbug, without dednotlon or d e mount, by JOSIMA ROBIN SON; Riropean and General Agent, ofEce Leh at out door went of wood. octletr. . _ . LIZ= 11.1L.11314_ InDnunn nxnx 114A81ZZ1.6 1141 1 / 1 1,_ lANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealer. in Foreign and Domestic, Bills of Exchange, Cer cates of Deposins,,Elank Now and Coin, corner of Id and Wood streets, &teddy °poodle Sh Charles Ho led. , a ,J,Mly VT owe s las_ Kenn /Zak Noun; purchased at the lowest mew ? itikm SONS , septa W. Market meet. rfae - 11 - 03rirralii hTe177--ele New.Yort, Phfledelphlegfd Constantly for seta by N. 110LkWS at BONS. tepl3 Market et. BOOK . TRLDE. .Otis of du Most Rsvistrlable Werke of the Age"' NINEVEEI AND ITE . REMAINS; with an account of a visit to the Cheatham= Christiana of Kurdis tan and the Yeaidla, or Devil-Worshippers; and an hada) into the Manners and Are of the Annient' At- It Austen Henry Lnyard, Reg, D. C. 1.. With IntrOductory Note by Prot. E. Robinson, D. D. Li.. D. Illustrated With 13 plates and mops, and PO wood cuts. 2 vols. 800. cloth, SIAO. "Tee book has a rare amount of graphic, vivid, pic turesque narrative "—Tilbone. "The work of leayard is the most prominent contri bution to the study of antiquity, that bus appeared for sumly years."—Christ. Mg. "Not one excels in interest b e ardent of 'Nineveh and its Ruins, given by MrLay."—Ww.bingten Inmaigennar. "As wefollour the diggers with brentlidesil interest I in their excavations, anti suddenly Ord ourselves be tore 'a rummies, hyure curved wan Ailnuie accurilen now lifting Its gigantic head tram the -dust of .OW' years', we me ready to try ant-with theAuconiehed Arabs. 'Wallah, is wonderful, but it Is tree!"'—in dependent. For sale by novae • JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood fit New Books. • THE. WOMEN of the Old and New Testament Edited by F., B. Sprague, U. D. I vol. Imp. coo., elegantly bound; Id tarsus/m.ly hni+hedeo6 l, LW;3.i with description! by ceicernted American Clergymen. PORdIS HT AMELIA, (Mts. Welny,tof Ky.,) • new I. and enlarged edition, illustrated by engravinan front ; original designs by Wier. I vol. Noma too, elegan ly bound and gilt. Also—A variety of splend,d als and 818 (looks. Sesrell's Child's First Book of the History of [Meat. , 1 vol. limo. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for dri am of Carpraters,l'hipwritint. Wheolamighta, -Sam yet. Lumbermen, Students, and Asuxane generally: I being a duirosgh and practical Thome art kletwurit. lion and the Sliding Rule. By B. dl. Raper, A. M. ,Boisc'eTrestlae on Greek Prose Composition. .01tendord's Elementary French Grammar. By Ford. Gleene of 13rown University. I vol. ldnio. Roedt , ger's Gesenius' Hebrew (hammer, by Cm... Revenant' Hebrew Lexicon. Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithmic Table. 1 vol. (sheep.) The Englishman's Greek Concordance. 1 vol.(min). Hnl Andion's Classical Series. Webster's Dictionary, revive d ed. I vol. Rao. do do usittbndged... 1 vol. 4to. Butte's Notes and Quentions an New Testament Whateie Logc. Motheidt r 's Ece i lemastlcal History. 3 •01, and 2 vol. (cheep.) Vestiges of Crealion i v01.12m0. Mornings larding the Jesuits at Rome. 1 vol. (cloth and paper.) Scenes where the Tempter has Triumphed. I vol. (cloth and paper.) flogue's Theological Ltectures. I vol. two. (cloth.) • Alder's Pronouncing Bible. lloyeen French Dictionary. Ft Smart's l3 lbarank. For sal But e by HOPKINS, nov Apollo leints, Favrth et "VFW BOOKS JUST RFCESVED.—The works o .1.11 Montaigne, mined by li . Wand, co ambling Ina Lousy. Lettere, and Journey through Germany and Italy, with notes from Mints Commentators, litegtaph-, leaf and btotiographical Notices, Ku. Theory and Yractice of Teschlngt or, the Motives and Method. of Good Sehool.Kcepids, by David. Plage, A. M. Painetpal of the Mem Normal Shoot, Albany, N. V. Frank Forester's Fish nod Fishing of the U. Slams and Kmielt Provinces of North Amenes, by Deng llvrkert JULINeTON & tsTuCKTON, nosh corner Third and Market be The Olden Time. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Imparter, No. 63 Wood street, has for sale. Ism eel.. Com- . ,Pi=tt, tam remainder of the edition,' of this vdlusble mk, devoted to the Pra.rvabou lb Documents, and other unthesno imomtation relareg to the early Co• plo rations. liettlell.ol and improvement of the <muddy around the head of the Ohio. by NeviLlo 13 Cruz, E.g., of Pidsourgh, le cols bro. uovlo J. D. LOCKWOOD. DOMAN LIBERTY: A History, w.th n view of the .11.11, of other AOCient boOlons. By Samuel Elliott, Liberty lilustruted with twelve engravings, eke- noted at Romp. 9 vols., Ovo., uniform with Presumes khstorical Works. Jost published and for sale by JASIbM D. LOCKWOUD Im , B cokseller andoad novlh porter, W a autliontededition, ..L' 12100. 75 eta MRS. FANNY KENBLEPS YEAR • OF CONSOLATION. The reading of this book has Impressed as with a meek higher ontnion of its author Roan we had formed from perustug her other writings. It displays deeper tone of thought, united tomato pun Won:IWO, gone of foiling than any other production of the fcmale mind with which wwwppp we acquainted."—Eve. Mirror. "It is ave agreeable and readable book, written In Fanny Kembl 's hest styie—bold, splinted and enter wale& We recommend tt to oar leaden. as the best publication of the season."—Reading Gas , "It coOloans the Journal of IL trove/ through Europe, and residence in Daly; and is one of the pleasantest and most interesting Looks of the sesson"—Coutrand Enquirer. A 0017 ChnOLOOMItIa book. We have read It from Vile page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi vid picture of life to Rome. In all respects eminently reaciable."—Kniekerbocker. For sale by 'VANESCKWOOD, • uovls Book g ee & IM p e te r, 63 Wood st liathographlo litagtablishment eiF Wht. Idt.IIIIJCIII , IA,ViN; Third sr i opposite - Me per,-orbee, putsbertra—bleps, Lubdscapes, Uill heads, Shown(lle, Labels, Architectural and Machin Drawings, tinniness and Visiting Cards, ha, engraved or &tan on gone, and printed to colon, Vold, Won. or Black, in the most approved *tile, and at the mast reasonable pricer. 0nt16:17 _ GlitT,e'L.c.i. for for the e o " fla n " y " y "l e a r 471 "L ti r a " ,ra ' je i mined to enlarge my business considerably. Having engaged • competent Foreman, I will beenabled ;to Il all orders promptly, and da the work in our us ual style and at fair price!, and ask the attention of mem chants and amens to my Inge monk of UrtIOLSTFe Ay GOODS and limbs, :Summed and Iledding, Cur tain Materials, Damasks and Moreera, Cornices, Fein gee, Horderings, Tamale, Split and Radler Blinds and every article usually kept tn an mrts.bllshment the kind. Orders rodpectfully solicited. and promptly no- • ended a. N. B.—Carpets made .nd put dawn. vrt."3l n "A 4 4...,,A,44,aa1aa.4., 1 J. A. BROWN would,pct(re keeps s i' o r = n t d h eat rs b s li ta d on e thy west side of the lhamond, Alle gheny city, a complete &snort moot of Venitlan Mode; also Ve nni. Shutters are made to or. der m the best style, warranted egad to any intim United Stale.- Hu Minds can he removed wait- Old the aid of la *crew driver. Having parchased the stock, tool., and wood oft'he cabinet es tablishment of Ramsay re HT lel land, I ate prepared to furtneb their old customem, as well as the public at large, with every thing in them live. Agm*cntY. No n Wood Street, Vittsuargh. D ROWN. reERILOIGINt - s=-I.un now reeeiving,, direr from the manufacturers in New York, rallatlel. phi. and Baltimore, a large and wed selected faun. meat of all the latest and molt improvedstyles of sa tin, glued and common , PAPER HANGINGS, con sisting of, Itt,ooo Oates of Peeler and FteSta; . 10,000 " Hall and Coleman; _ . ~,,, Fir......l"ati '" Di'i'"FT, chamber r_irtnnln id a.- ‘.-. ...4 l haases d to pg.% t . : to call and exanne; id . ** Paper - Wateltoose of 5. e i= a nia -5 .8 5 094 17.11g1 • SALTICIVS • GENSENG PANACEA! O . THOSE ..SUFFERING WITH DISEASED' 1, LUNGS—The unprecedented success which has Atendedthe use of the GINSENG PANACEA o all the enthrals forthcerhick InSatiott of the lunge 4• seems, has induced the proprietor nein to call item• tient° Jahr WONDERFUL , PREPARATION. The ehertgable weather which math, our fall and rioter months, is elways a fruitful... Tee of COLDS A.ND COUGHS. These, If neglected, are but the vrecareors of that fell lestraper, 005UMFTION. rho. question, then; how Mall we nip the destroyer to the bud?' how shall we get clear of ear coughs and olds! le of vital importance to the retain.. TILE-GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY will be found ln the Ginseng Panama. In proof of art - Hen= of we have from tune to tune published th e c of dogma of oar best known eltisetwoeho Mote ext.ii cooedv Its euradve pu pourer. .The with tryr-Ron • i MEDICAL 0( to sfrom FIRST all ma! dm co EDICAL MEN OF THE FIRST STANDINO. Ministers of the Gavial, ho., together with copious no', , ices from the JOUILNIALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied to pamphlet formomd may be bed Outs pr . LION any of our agents througho norr ut ue thee:ow:mi. - D • have heed, need In this dry. THOUSANDS AND TM 'S OF THOUSANDS throughout the Untied Swim anti Canada, and m aka lenge any man to point cat a SINGLE INSTANCE • a witch, when when icoonling to erection:7ml ha,.. tore the longs bad become fatally dlierlienthati, it ban ever filled to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE Why, then need the aßlicted halite/at Why mart to the mtaerake nominate, gon”.p alas o • ler the assumed mum of tecone oa shrmod phy titian, mad puffed intonntoriely ty . “rdilcates al Fan - UN sons equally anknovral Mild a readlatnolf ' PARALLELED EFFICACY • Lt to be had, who. ooaehoraraie home,—oer neigh] bote,—ran) of whom it has' SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE, In order that this invelnablemettmlne may be we withio the reach of thenom as well the rich, we have pat the once at ONLY DIFTY PERTS, ion: Goo half the won l east of eafigh so-Amines. ft ia for rale py OCT 1114eIIts in nearly every . torn and viilsge over thO troot. V. are prepared to_give fall informs. don tridliZel T. Proximor, I:roadway, Cincinnati, • MIA LLISTER'S 01.NTMENI CONTAINING NO . ‘ -el l '.,a,e, lr , ii .--,-- MERCURY,oro th er Min ... * ~. ~ ll' emL —lt bets 'power to .. .i---t- . .,' v:t • 6. , -..st- effuse all-EXTERNAL ...• .., -A, \` , 4 SORES, SCROFULOUS „_. , .. '. v ' .t. numoßS, SKIN PL5..... ..... ,,er ,: v EASES POISONOUS tilie. . ;- , - 4 7.. - ......„. • ,WOUNIA to dLecharge .1:1 ,ii k : _ - !their putrid - maters, and . tl- ) --. ~. then heals them. ' • . • •• - ' It is rig r_tai termed ,••••,.! . ••• - AL L - lIICALING, for - - .E.E. -,, l ' - --• there I. scarcer a die . ~•ilile-,;.„.._i1'.....,-... J: ease external or lumina], ail' ijj'y'llr.,•••;,,, - • • that , tr. will not benefit j' e. - l• .ev- I tare wed it for the lan :sixth. ye.. ;or all tkiesawie of, ten chest, involving the memos; danger and responnbility, and 1 declare benne heaven and. man, that not in one ease has it ' failed to benefit when the patient was within the meek Dimon:al means. ' . I here had physician,. lamed in the profession , I .hare ministers of.the repel, judges of the !meek, al, dcrenen, lawyers, gent l emen of the highest madmen, mdicaunitedes of ;the .poor,use• it in every vmriery ot way, and there ban been bat one voice-one universal voice stymy--`III,ALL,ISTEJI,,YOMI. OINTMENT IS GO/any , ' RIIEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately the ititiammation,and srerellitgi nj when the resin calms. (B. ' . the dirretio. around Az] 1 ' -D- ACAS The *ais l e; I Tired fetal:fee of the beadldiehe et•tyttive years Mantling, and who had it ' metier every week so thatvomidedetook , place. EAR. ACII V, TOOrIVACIEE,' and AGUE IN TILE FACE,, agrlilrall!VVeeiTtit caned . cvsnathat acteakv ' dafiesievery thing known; ea well as the ability of fd ' men ..o twenty doctors. One man told eta he had spent pats on • his children anthem. any honed, when a few. , s,eivss of OintMent anted them. , TELTER—Then I. nmhing better for _the con of Tatter: _ . I • BURNS—It is one OW:best things In the world for Darn,. ra.E.5-710..ds I ra yeady cored by thia .r .Cint. tnen.,lt novae Mile In gime - relief fee the Piles. „., bur Around the box ate directions. for using jlO4l- , japes Ofennosejhr Serefislet, Lime Cogrotaist, Erprfpo Ms, Tome, Catalans, , Scald Aterod, - &m. Eyes, Quinsy,' , Sas Throat, Bromkions, NownerArsonow; Pon° , IKr- 1 Earn s thiSpins, Heed ache, Oatime,Deisfweet.'Heir mks, Eani Cores, ell Dreamy eras Sl.a., Sore Lips, PM. pie. ite. .Stestling C ro p Ai LOnbs, Sm. Rkstenerfon, 1 Piles cold Fee, Crony, - StesUe4 or-Brake:" Stsusr,lleask adts.:4g4ll in rAn FILM 4.4. ke. : I COLD FECT-Liver Convivial, pain In 'the Cheef and Side, felling oiled the heir, or the o th er accempa.' Mee cold feet (The. Ointment Is the true remedy.) It is a sure tip of disettee to have cold feet. CORNS—Occaslonal um of the Ointment Will al- , amp keep corns from growing.. People need never ' hi troubled mph them tinny we It frequently. .. ,Cy,•• This Ointment us good for any part of the body 'of limbs when indained. In some cases it should he applied often. ' • cAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine imlessthe name of Jllll , McALLISTER is 'mance with a pen on every label. For said by my Agent. in all the principal cities and towns in the United States. - . JAMES IdeALLISTEE, Sole Proprietor of the &Mtn medicine. • 11:7- Prthcip el Once, No t.Ntinith Third street, Phil adelphia PRICE 23 CENTS PER BUT. Aossrs re 1411.11:1tOn—Deans ik Reiter, corner of Liberty and St Clair sir and L Wilcox, Jr, corner of Market st and the Diamond, also comer of 4th and Smithfield sts, 1 II Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn as, nth ward; and sold at the bookstore in Smithfield et, ltd done from Second sr hi Allegheny rill , - brit P Schwartz and .1 Sargent; by J G Smith, Druggist, Bit-' minghata; D Negley, Eau 11 Liberty;Rowland, Me lircrimmi J Alexander re See, Monongahela City; ,'N 5 Bowmen tr. Co, and 1 T Resets, .Drownrville; John Markley, Beaver, Pei are whillesalangents. . fcb27-deodly • • Pacts for thQ PnbUt. - . In relation to Mat anriqled laraily Salve, DALLBY'S EITPACTOIL MESTIMaN't or a respectable Phydeian.--Ettad tbe folloanag, addressed to my F. M. rynamber, Clammed • - • Curcurnam, Zeb.12,1E49. Sin. A sense of duty carpets me to pile my tubule Dalley's Pain Extractor. ileingappOsed to quack ery and all maim.: having for their object Wolter motives—bat realising much good from the .iting of Pain Killers"--1 em indaced•to tender you this carat. , cote. I have used it fn my w family, to my practice, and with ail th imag inee liappy d. and olf:derail edema that could poindbly be • IL J. Dun% AL D. . Dr. Brodie is the - senior partner of Brothel &Lori, Druggists. • infloormatorp ilitintnariaos. The following testimonial comes - from i soakee fal miliar to many Memo traveling on our Western era tem. Mr. Olime, the well and . favorably known pro prietor of th e Parkersburg Dotal: is husband to the Jody whom letter !annex : •. Palinattalta, Va Apr:ll3,lEO: To Henry Dailey. Chemist. &11.—Iitir: Having for merly been long afflicted with violent inflammatory Ithcamtaism,, realnh appeared SO firmly mated as SO defy alt ordinary appliances to allay the severe pain attendina it, I was induced to try your Magic. ) Pt" Extractor, and it having effected, almost as if by ma gic, an immediate relief, old also, to all appearances an enure and perfect 'care I arn induced for the bene fit of others Otto may be rriflicted with pain, caused by any kind'of inflammation, to write to you, declaring that in my opinion, fonnited on actual experience your Id:laical Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis covery of the present age tar the immediate extractiou (bodily paid: It 'la an almost immediate and.* rthr fact core for Burns and tealds, and all external th flornmetion. • Hainan many aegnaintaneer , formed by their viry at my lallsbantra mourn in this phace, haie supposed by your shoWing these Jew Ithes, it taaYPowfbij be of benefit lotm to thorn mid yo urse lf ELosaerra Guts, (I entertain the hope that3lrs. (Dime will pardon publicuy I give in her letter, as well on will c ' nta „ humanity •as of being th e !rarest [node amen, " to the nutlet, Or het friendo—li. 1,11.114 Felon Cured. Extract of • letter, dated ibrISSISr, Ey. NO , V,1943. Mr. H. Dailey: "naive toed your IS. Extractor in II ease of felon, in my own funsily,..hla t a rMixn , sal and cured Ili a very short time. In haws, youn re spectfully, JAS. la. VOSS(i. t.a . Burns and Scalds, Piles, Sore Nipples, 13roacit Breast, Eruptions, Soros, CS., WOUnds.. ISA . 101 in datumation, yields readily in the arondcrfal pTopertiel of this unrivalled funnly saint , . liar, in the Come pro portion that you win rreetve henent irum the genuine, you will he tutored hy the deleterious ell - eels of the nounthratit sense.. cAirrloN-11, sore and apply only to theinventor, H. Ihstaxy„Al 5 BrofLasay. New York, or to his au thorized agents. JOIE , : D hIOROAN, General Depot, Sitothitegb. Gerry I. Sehlgrartr, Altegbeny, Agerin J. Ba t ted at-heeling, Va.;,:smes 01 Johnston, Maysville, Ky., F. hlerrrweather, Cincinnati, 0., Genera' Depot_ S Nlt —ln Cho Cher, Durns and Soall ,is it minor pals igt 11 , 0er rninolo.l-11 nnss, 5.11., A. N. that, N Y Sky N. A. r , • • • • FAEMarcr.a, EPtutourg.. V. W. Fasolsoo..l g Afore •la Ake: O 7 _ of W holesale Den New York. . ITE ardiariied krel Arabian/.troesessel,,in the A Wholesale DV baores UN*. Arlan itreeb to le, err of - Now lost, *MIAs. preparedole surly DrotINW and 01 " . 7 Mirch.a. DrMa 5 - as., Dye-only Farago web AISINICASI Perebe:rf; ihUtellit, Weisser fsilualseselormisalsild their owe oharayoal eat ell abet Wilke ta shear Irk of base. tail, - 01 a Ilaplit3lrMll4-8.1111111/ 11.• Lberoaa be pars Waal le aLs °rely seam Nos York MIA 6LFAIDIYArkkIif Ale .! e2P: eles iirs:4 4 :E. ° 1 1101 4 . 1 :7;alttON2 za e-z? MISCELLANEO Read] liestril ELLERS , COUGH S'ißUP.—Pront W. R. Ro Clerk of the Court of Quarter Session sS Denver County: , • • Mr. R. R. Sellers—Sir, Some time in the winter my mPh was afflicted with • severe and dloiresling eaUth; and hearingof your invaluable Cough Syrups.] you. chased a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and after liking a portion of it two or three eveniore• on going to bml, she found immediate reliek at also sevene.Lfriends nave been relieved in severe C 1.144 I run therefore satisfied that it is n cafe and reliable. medicine, and would recommend it to those who may be titillated with severe Coughs and Colds. . March 29,1143.. W, RODEN. - Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLER 9,47 Wood at. and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and; Al lerhay. moan Coal Complus, [I:IO3OPORATED.I . "DOORS gall be open for inibeerilnion to the nook of LP "The Chantete Coal Company," on and allot Iflonalyotio - 24in day of September mot., at the altos of Z. W. Remington, Pena et, Pintbargh. - a eLdti - Z. W. REMINGTON. - " GEORGIA AILEIO.II, • • MERCHANT TAILOR,• " -• Mo. 46 Market fitful, 11/VINO puthased an extensivennd oarefally sr • looted stook of fiprieg and Summer Goody the subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the' • public, that be is now preparing to receive and aka- • cum their orders with dispatch, and m the neatest, most substantial, and fashionable runner. An hobs determined to do business od the cult system, he gm. tees himself thet ho Intl be able to do work no cheep . as It can be done at any establishment In the equal. Ms stook Is vexed, consisting of Oassimerayßread- . clothe, Vesting% kn., which his friends aro respeettali, 17 invited to er.nralne far themselvea snydrollf GEORGE ARATOP...;! , G. We BIDDLII4 friatirt.. 1- 4-r n REMOVED to a new throe story brick Sixththfield street, one door beloW itreet. Teeth tnuerted from ono to en entire set, on the suction principle, with bean. - tifnl remosentation of thenatmal gum?-reatormg the , ori.Onsa shape of the floe. is. ILL-Teeth extracted with little or no pain. popeyed Teeth permanently saved by plugging, pro,„ veneng the tooth ache, which is much better than cu ring it, though it should be done in five minutes,. or RC!, inexlll4 AVSair-' CURE FOR WORMS. B. IL F.A.FLNESTOCWS cuxndior DIGGLOAL ' lorder to afford all possible security to the pub., as well as to themselves, against fratui nail - imp.. ration from counterfeiting, the proprietors have made • . a change in the exterior wrapper or table of their Ver. ' , miPage. , The new label, which le a steel engraving of the most ennuis. design, and workmanship, hos been • Introduced at very greatespensr„ and Is from the, brain of an artist orate first talent. The design ia new, • end the execution elaborate. Several figarei and. a portrait are most prominent, bat the, word "Twos neon," printed ittarhite Inners on a red .d finely ern• graved 'around, should be particularly examined:— ••, Mee bald to th e light the leuers, shading of the . letters and every thus; however minnite,thranghout the whale of this part of the engntii.' match as eractly, 'es .1 th e impression had been made upon one side Wi ly, although it is actually printed on bath sides of the" pdter. Mai shorad In all cases be observed. A la. bel pooh each dozen is alio printed In red epee both • lisales, and should DC ecaneined in the same reamer. Thu ,prepa radon has DOW SUMO the test of may ,• years tnal, and is confidently recommended . a safe and" efßdtnal medicine for expelling worms tram the system 'the unexampled suedes. that has atmudint Its administration in every case where the patient was really litilictrd with worms, certainly rendersis war- • thydeo attention of abysm... The proprietor h. mule it ' • point to ascertain the recall of it. .ase in such eases': as ear. within 'hia• knowledge and observation—and he lavariebly found into prodace the mon salutary eflecte—not unfrequain; • '• ' ly after nearly ell the ordinary preparations serous madded for v..mf had been previously_ minted to wideouvany pers.envadvaninge. This fact Is at , taxied by the eernagates and statements of beside:as' of respectable persboa is different parts of the mound try; and ahoidd induce Lionillos always to keepavial of (ha preparation in their' powession. It is mild iis Oa' on arab., and 1•47 bnadministered with perfect We. I ty tothe MOO deliciate safe. foe only ger.se is prepared by II A PA lINESTOCK., Pittsburgh Sang MIL Remedy OR Cough', Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The F GREAT AND ONLY RFAIEDY for the cure of tha above diseases, la Ake /11./NOAPJAN DALSAII OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, of London,Englandoind introduced into the United States _ nodes the Immediate superintendence of the inventor. • The enraorlinory succeas of this medicine, in do. cure .Palmonary diseases, warrants the American; • Agein in Soliciting for treatment the worst possible eat ses that eau be found in the cortuntinity—easea thasseek ,- relief in vain from any . of the common remedies of rho day; iud have been given up by the most disti=_ physicians u confirmed and incurable. Toe IN Ilea= bus cured, union!l cure, the moist de U. of cast. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Fop - ash medicine, of known and established <Emmy. 1 3 Every family in the .s.lted States should be supplied ' with Buchan . . liusMan Balsam' of Life, not only in eotultemet the consumptive tendencies of the hot to be Wed as a preventive medicine is all eases . o f colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side ind chest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, bum/ibis. difficulty of breathy, hectic fever, nig`it sweats, emses-. . atioh and general debility, uthres, infinenra, whooping much and croup. Sold In large bottles, at i ttle, with.Ml Orin. for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing a moor of English and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, showing the un equalled manta of this great English Remedy, may b• othioned of the Agerius, gratuitously. For wily by II A FA/INF:37OCH R. Co.„ - cOrrcr at and Wood and Wood and fitk sts. Julidlr.w3 add most tasidorsab re Eaa.r4P.H.i... / " 4 " *. haol VIE CHEAP ROLL, or Busrort BLINDS or made to order or all *,and ar all 'Country Merchants and inhere are Invited r 0 aa aay eiamine the above for thesseelves,as all will be. se wholesale or Teta, med.& Ilbaral'dodsedso wholesale pershasers. A onafrElloF.LlV, • LOGAN, 'WILSON & 00, • • ThIPORTERD and Wholesale Dealers In foreign and A Domestic Hardware Calle?, Sad 6ol,l " , 1 " , Ward street, Pittsburgh: are no ud w Perea.Paredmwis.„„th daSeeently Imported dock or iary, Camerders' Tools, itp, .o ar very grea t) ciaccments to Western Merchants. es-in adayun to the many advantages hod by our predeeesinora, Idea. eta Logan Kennedy, we here inedly ine .fit oar purchase our geode Goth , t ds han oaths very test terms. - i The Jillllol members of the firm devote , these ...to attention to Ides, and feeling confident of snving sat isfaction, rupecnall yiolicit • call from all wit ay den OM mute:. - utch.M 111,13OlgaTtIl CUIRISICAL lrz,taxo.• /1113BERDS SUPERIOR RED lISK. -1-utionswrs.uncuthrE coev INK. ILL them diger from ordinary Ink, as they are ail c y enOe a(eoludons confidants no viscid matter, fiew freely any kind of pen—the colas deep, bright .0 durables If there have been hattaryru c le. made, I have neither seen nor- heard of Mem. Sam b,,,,,,aeoebe obtained gratis, hy tho =reheats fritm B. A. Fehnestock Co.: Meng - P. *tomes, Allegheny, or of the manufactorer, TIIOB. K. lIIBBh.RT , Druggist sad Chemisi,eom, or Lhn. y and Sanitiaeld streets, Pittsbarsh. Pa. . N.D.—Any bonle not giving completes 'satisfaction, ran be reamed and the price will be refunded-1,. i TUN. STAB: 070 Tint WESTi VENITIAN DLLS DAIAN Ojitr. of the lhamend...where emu. l irndt d of all the different aises and Golan on hand or made W. the Weil% .1141 moat appromd tymmiLgA• ions,. the Mort= notice and cm OA are Also, t he terms, he ehnifloston roll as. split Blind ireney and Paper Curtains fall the different aims and Otter., h.d and for este low fore*, OM Wan man Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken in PM payment for new: - It al WE.itflittaT,Pre'Pr. N._ is —2,11 erea.. done with the best material .d workmanship, end warranted' to pfease tee min fat. • AllcgLmy etry. Aug. 10,1849. ..tilikATCOPfklar,Tilialßi—cT3llV/10; socontois, 7117311Ra1l AND W 11132.130. 4 0. WMIIIILN LINE • . 09las at the Exebabge REDUCED RAIT..=.The cleargim baoe, beer 1 . 1..." cur on all Message.; to or from Ittaterwa k burgh or. Whecitayroutd a rorreTontting_r lUeer , t .v ag , te , • Itopita.—The r,hor.. for a teleroph Alma:Wl; from Yittobtaah nod ocahatt, t. 43 " . a t for hr trot too words, m 79 terra tor mob d 0130.. word. AIX No chisige Ulan . de ler tie oddreo. r • &tie Until the completion Male' f. , ootb d e g T pVeTre h an fro l:errigtt T o7ltirti:Z ia.°4s " .'4 Mud.] tor New ' • " "s" • ATIIENZUM -ABED lIATHING ILEITAIO ,I O.7ar I,tOFAIA,b.6t, to inform TL"' trmitt-•nd , Irieaaay, ahat-da.AP who's establishment, where •yed117,.a.. paid to then ab:piano( those wt. _v - • • ealh Liberty wean,. lee Cream maii• otlierdeheu4...i'' MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers