. . . . ._ ~ .., ok .• .._ , ) . ~....i.....-‘,.4 , ‘,. . ...„..r__•... .. ....„,..,:..,..: - 7 :1 -, * — :.:: tV::::.!_ti• ;7:: .1;,c, -,,,,,h -r.; , 22. , .."r"-.7'''' , 7 - ` , ( .1 . - ! . - If •• 7" IT - _ - a;',,- . T.....:,... - p- i. --: •-.' :. -- - ---... . , '_72 . .;: , f-- -- -' :' ~-- -', -- ".4- - :, -,-- , ' v ,----;-:-'- - r" --- ' — l. - tw' ',-, -- • "'- " ...6• ;--- •"''' ' ; ''' -::: ';''' : -'':: ''' '''''''''';''''''-4--"—'—';'-' '-:-.- '' C ''' :... ''" "'''.''''—'7 : •:''',.,-- . , • ~:.,. - , BtIiAGMTIC TELFARAPH._ ESPORTIED •Titistauiruso OR THE PIITBBUROB DAILY GAZETTE 7 13030/loam. 13030 SIONAL. asaucrrori,Der, v. Congress adjourned o er from Monday until Friday. No cleric is e yet. , Wasunsereg Dec 27. - ' Honig '-‘The resolingoffered by Mr. Boyd on Monday, for adopting the Roles of the last Hume, with the enrol n of i - he lith, and ap pointing a committee of five =mhos, on Ruler, wu then called up, and was mollified by increas ing the number to pine, and continuing the old rules MI January. The resolution 'readopted L. modified, Mr. lreaudila offered a resolution, asking the President to inform Congress whether, since the lag session, any etvil or military Governor had been appointed In Califunda or New Mexico; whether any stem bad been taken towards Rum Mg Goyim:neon In said Territories. The rem. brim was laid over. The resolution ordering 15,000 copies of the Mirage and accompanying documents to be primed, was kdopted. . • Mr. Bart - reoved, the Speaker to appoint staid• jog committee.. Mr. Sackett moved ao amendment to the moo . Lotion, by appointing the committees by ballot Mr. Poet opposed the amendment, and said that the present Speaker had been elected by • forger majority thou any of his predecessors, and. CM adoptinnof draley's resolution declaring the guru of Mr. Cobb, was the best ale to honor— Ma S raker could then be trusted with the op prolntmentol Committees. Mr. Gidditip named the reeolution of Mr . ~ Put, and offered the plurality rule. He would ask that Northern Whigs be taken up. Mr. Matinee remarked that Mr. Giddiess had represented him all against the North, and he had mesa statements, under Mr. Giddings signature, accusing hire of speaking in favor of the war, He said the statement was encomia. He had been . charged with appointing men that would preserve end proem slavery in the District of Columbia. - He would observe that the Committee appointed by him reported the bill en the slave trade Inge District of Columbia, and but three of that Illommiltee bad voted to lay the bill on the 'ta ble. -; Mr. Giddings pronounced the assertion that the bill was to abolish elle alive trade in the District, , as unfounded and unqualified.• The bill only prohibited the bringing of slaves here, but did not touch the aline trade Is the District of Columbia. Mr. Winthrop said that the bill did not probably in a! fir ai it ought to have gone, but the free earl member thought it a great improvement Mr. Schnook vindicated Mr. Winthrop, and scorned Mr. Giddinga'. bargllning for pledges beano voting for Speaker. He declared himself • Conserve Unionist —a northern Imo, and partook of northern opinions. He was not so ultra as some, and would not cut off inhere be• rinse they did not come to hie standard. Mr. Holmes said that it was apparent that Northern nun had opposed the rights of the South; the South 'had been long asleep; but it was now aroused, and Warned of anger. Let gentlemen beware Mit the Bouthero men wished to restrict the Northern from the Commtnee on Territories. After some further discussion, Oily._ Giddings continued. In a lengthened speech, and hoped that' the Spesker would do better than his predecessor. He ermined the Whip for en alleged isironant. cony in Voting fur a elave.holder for President of the lUnsou, while they favored Free Soil. He • said he would not vote for a man who degraded • his fellour.tun by holding- him in elavery. It there was any crime be would punish by death, it was that of trafficking , o human flesh ! . • The question then bents taken on the reser. gone, u amended,--;that the House elect theiCom. tnittee•-.the original motion that the Speaker ap point the Committees, was carried. Pending the resolution that the House adjourn to the third of January, and respeetios the elec. - lion of Clerk and other °Seen, the House adjourn. • ad over till Monday nez'. to the Senate, nothing of impertance wan done. • Two c , orsages were received from the Presiding one inviting Immediate attention to so much of the Secretary of the Treunry's Report, as related to • 1 Ing appropriation required for the expenses of . • oOlecting Me revenue, for the mimed halt of the current fiscal year. CINCINNATI meaxEr. Commmart, Dee. 91. Ykeir—The market is without ebsEge. Whiikey—Sales at 3010201 e per gylon. limii—Tbe market is film, at $2 9003 per 100, Larde—Dales 10,000 MD steam Laid at 31e per lb. Kean Peek is held at $9. .'The: sleet hu fallen ten inches issthe last 24 Doers. ' The weather is pleasant, teethe season. NEW YOFtE MARKET • Nur You, Deo• 71 I=l • - Ecim—The market Is without change, either in prima or demand. Grain—Wheat is without movement. A good deal is doing in Corn. and holders are firm. Peoilsions—Pork is in good dersand,with sales all* at MI. 152112 pet MI. Ortreries—We male a demand for Coffee, and Forme? prices are fullysastaized. tScigar has been quiet; and sales are limited: The mattet.generalli is without change. Vas stesmei: is expected to arrive to night. NEW YORK MARKET. New You, ec. 27,1849. Flcsr—We have no improvement to notice to the market. The demand is mostly limited to the wants or the city trade. Sales of good western and stated brands at S 4 93085, S 5 06E5j9t • ' per barrel. g r ai n .—Wheat is without inquiry, but prices are sumbanged. No movement incorn.. Provisions—Vie market -is steady, but with Out any sakes of consequence. Lard is quiet, with Sigelhq salmi of keg at Cl, ud barrel at 6104. Ontlhe—There is s good feeling In the market, vtth Wes of Rl° at 111, and of St. Domingo it 9, - Whiskey is encrbanged. • Co ton le generally bola at advanced rates: but sales are limited. The weather is pleasant. The steamer is over due, and is momentarily • ' XiTarlton. AIELECTION for Niue Dimatore of tie PitMbomb Navipation and Fite layuyanee Company, Intl be al tb. Once. No. 21 Marta% mem, on Neotay, irea - i.Air: . i -" -- ra Arra& - 1 / 80eittity. Ilattdity Present& 01101 of the In ankles tar Holiday. rMeritl SbaNaiad attlia Dm; Mare of 44 • E SELLERS, diWo•ai ri "It - . IL-411661s Linseed, just reel uurcltrArilaD: 001.1iCiNDLES:40 boxes for lamp iefl JILS oUTfEIt-4 bbby kus Ron, ree'd Ws by .30----iAIIFIEELD_ SCORCIIIN ---- -------"---- -uu landinS an 4 Gnat. 'I ielli C II GRANT SLIM SANK 01r.gioLANDolfers PTcrsala 1 ita StoPerrf la the city of Pittsburgh, titaited at corner of St. Clair street and Dacron vil•t• IT.: w i. ar4r4 .,c . , : i i r,. = on teet On P7saano ;Zia pnwty.atain. ovER orif: AMT. of yea , abla alle ragit, ts susceptible of a Babdlvisturt andel enrol PFova Malay prolbabla to one ',;shim to re.osil - ,-, - - --,,..i, r brdlattar low of the anal size, or to mproe. A " mabdiyislon can be seen at Ow *Moe ditto rallevalfa- •-. • on tho 00 0 0 - ^- • Sue substantial Brick i 43,,Dalsurs on St—Clals - ittitincluding tie tavern .11......• the 'lled Linn a auntifereelstuallar band ,.w. oo Mooney= Way and Cot)rs allypr4_oe ,,,,tpl by Townsend, Can A and-the salrlart‘ , ...' I mew& to dr anent. 1 Tbe natal is 114340 per annuos, and the property bat Appird improve& .. , 11. 11. WILKINS, ATIOMT al Lass. Youth street. v'UNT 1 4 - e - from th: sad SO" eeimnsly tarred PIANO HMIS, Wo'44 bi wood • 0. I .loBri H LOH. for Chicken= s. 9°l° r tßvhf. rt. S gala • , Tessvr Hit,LOIHX/TH WHITEi Zaßile NO PO Wood st COMMERCIAL RECORD. errrssuatin Bosun OW' Tam= Aro =mores iii. 1111 .6 1. COMMITTEE. ME DECEMBER. =23 Anvils *sal D•partures Fulani Mall, via lisiladelphia, deo 3a. u eh:mean a- Weuitt pavtrinan and .I..saisvilie, dae r. u., closes 3 a. - Bouth,via Baninwre aad Washington, dae Br. clo ses 60.14 NonWeatern,via leveland, doe 10 it aloyea 9a as Erie and Weiserti Nev York, doe r. skis. C o. u. Xiturininir, doe 7a. °loin 3r. r. • Maros AariamioxiOrrs or raw Cauca Busman —Daring the winter Months the steamoritaarposing the Collard Line will still from New YOrk, Boston and Liverpool, as follows: Cumbria, from Liverpool, for Binton, Dec.l6, 1919. Canada, " • far New York, . 20, " for Bostor, J. 12,4850. . for New York, . 93, " for 80111011, Feb. 9,, " foe New York, " 36, " for Boston, - March 0, . for New York, forßoaton, , April 6, • Canada, from New York, (or Liverpool, D 00.12, 1849. Europa, (rhos Damon: for " 19, Hibernia, f'm New York, (or . 26, Cambria' Fro Boston, for . Jan. 9,1616. Canada, from New York, for " 93, Bism Boman, for " Feb. 6, from New York, for `. 110, -• from Boston, for . March 6, from New lark, for 90. from Boston, for April 3, " front New York, fof 17, from Boston, for . Mal Orrlca, Ptmaaaoa GAZNITM, Friday Atomics December 28, DAS S The weather yesterday was clear and cold, and the tee during flia . fortneonmin quite thick bathe Allegheny, though tow of aufficient weight as to elms any my fetioll• impediment to steamboats on the Ohio, be• low the juncture of thO two rivers. Should the sevens weather continue, however, we may soon etitieipate Worm difficulty from the sawing tee, as the river re sdes. ; In the cation branches of trade, yesterday, a gear• gelatins prevailed, and nothing unwired ebowing ny malted change in co 011110319-.1•IC. were confined • liminal transeetions to the nrgalar city wale. A ule flit tons Awls Ash at ate, time• cryptic. of Ills wiele are extremely light. P1 . 0•11.1121X 116/1321131, of the Went. lo CO: miens., ea the Slit lett, the sales of bogs were at 119,1011120, and for very snootier lets, S 3 On Sat. Imlay, the range was 53,9502,3 5 . The Siring Son Whig, of the tied, qui:ocea3: 7 .s as the rating tato there, an/ say. that 10,000 bead of hogs will be packed io that town this season—an excess of one third beyond the business of any presioes seuort The indianapoho Sentinel, of the Wth, reports sales to a considerable extent, at 111411 02,45 . At Lafayette, Innate 19th, 59,60 eras the enrrmt puce The COVIIer enrolees the opinion that 40,090 head of hoe will be Carla that oily this year. Ile' pork packers of Warren Co., Ohio, were ILO week paying 1t,150 for the best hogs. At St. Lon* 17th hot , the average roe of hog. was etas—extremes, 131,02,30. At Alton, on the 14th, bogs were galli r in, dividing on gtia rood hogs "J/0 at Madison, on the 924 inm, the market fors , . sr. grm,nt111,290129, 92 The Louisville Comfier, of Me CA ism, quotes bogs tolerably five, at 122, 25 , • The Higley (Ohio) Bee, of the 214 says - man/ tontinues steady, and last week'. prices . Maintained with • sUght advance. 'The sales dun. the last meek have mired at $2,75, 52,10, 9,252152, 22 2 , the latter pries for extra good lots. The whole number not bete this season, is about 1210,025 head. 5 b 9 -411 : IV"' DOW G 1; 5 3u •111.14 . in more and T . ABSgY fr " B r uN: ne'd ri des . mcdirurdcKfine Teilore Canvas, , & WHITE DOH ROY PLAIDS—I bale 6-4 blue and black. Wool. Plable.jaat reed per same., for ode by, ,dais piltAß VELVET—An tarok< of Drab Cotton Veb AY eeL,Jast reed by express by . iefel . . SHACKLETT & WHITE • DROWN DRILLINES , - 3 balis heavy,past reed by .I_, deli • SHACKLE? r & WHITE --p--.7- t ORANOE PRINTS —4 cues new sty e "& WHITE . d@l CIAMIMERES-4 ease* FonCy and Wool Dyed C Bzet, opened .4 for nolo by _—BIiACKLETY r.olr~~i~ w~!R .n~5,.,R.,~, v., n ..~~ y ~ ws~ - . COLCZNI,VaNbFI; tOrAlihDclaTZMinrii do rtaipEClGAiGkot this most do do2s lo sIMIASIEf Mom. co r t Irsy T OBSTERE3 cases ado:jars cm!) prime pickled Lobrters, for sale by dent Jecoa IVEAVEg, I r *LAD 01L-30 broker. ' , Moo n Oil. fresh briparia turn, for Isle' by &SA JACOB WEAVF.B,Jr Plir" PEßs—F° ' " mcoavvE__ d. 24 S Matt hiU;48.41i23-6 hada N u Nagar, ft We Manua; laniana per alauntaan, an J for We lovr b y dal li23lait_ HIED PEACHE 7II saeks Dby " • landinand for set M66.4889::''" V. 40111511 k iferetsrr SOAP—p 7 bozen Palm, in were and " EN for Ws by ii LLNETT LOLL BUTTER- 3 bbli store and for eale b j 1 ,xNouau & BENNEIT• ST. IlibitlES-1 seek TLIZIOter Seed; 5 s tete Rap; Side Steen; in store and for sale by &IA C5L5.10 & !MCINNES • ..no . e tea vatieile—ijat de r" l7 .4 '2'l6 "I* bIinifITRONO k CROZER ER-40 top reed and for sale by PUTT !1y.17 Alti al3NG "I")ZER It a ti or7 D-36 kegs in maLR n Rland for solo STRONO &by CROZER zee • and for rAp_by SAL. AILOUITRONG & WW I Ay ES , 0 At r ad A Anest moment aver brought to ale reel direet „ from Taxis, amt fov wale low bv C YEAGEII.,I O B Make etll. Aft= litafge assonmaut of MlCA moilul made in the w a olf2 l4 2rod= d ide Ti"'" IfEdooloB. "PRINTS FOR 1111 e.—W. &Maar= Invites the at- ! Etenders of buyers to hlieassolunent at PRINTS, embraelng Me Newest and handsomest style., and war•• ranted fast , color. Also—Faglith Chintzes, of new and handsome panerrol; and a large assettment of neat Awed light Mout a t Chlemes, for trifatna • • W R hIURpIIY • - bOD ---- A ASO— Steel% celebrated rand, tor 0 ode by '"" BAOALEY k CO, • deal ld and 20 Wood at 00 eases them' Mae, ,leati 6 " 3 `tr " t reed on crag meet, 5 _7 4' e" . j'IIELLERS3. NALS_ !- D9 I Z deil WM N JOEt a EITO Tl, LOllll-3 , 1 bbls C P AnahoWs y_or sale by _ten 8 SOAP - 90 Wx"C""4lfloat.Voll.Tlitz CO Odllll-19. as and y m . • °N— JKIDD & CO ,CO WOW d WinTE r, r We by reed WO J link) k. CO ILAWJELR- 4 2 balm cat hand Ind for ale by p k PEPPER -4:50 los Americas Calms. D O Sd for b co • F LOIIII-Z bble ExtneFicaly, Davis' brawl; 18 Yf bb • iSo bblsSixpedste, bat btsodr; store and 'IT sae by deli/ STUART & BILL TEltrt few bbla Palle Roll. lust newnew and for Irredo by dell &lIILITPONO k CRUXES r.--17di60 - k vas Plo I, liliriei'd — arsd - ar Lsale by' deal . ARXSTIONG & CRUZES , . LlibilYTTO-11,d0 Ibis Farmer & Ittra's tele- X betted bnutd, in store and for We by den MULSTRONG & CROZEIL EATtlfllls-17 bass landing Iron! sirens, Lays( Hannah, .d for ula by data JAMES DALZELLIIIII lrirliOrdN PLAYERS...4Imo% Oman Wotan !Smoot, altered and connected from the last Fal edition, to correspond wok Spobes • Original reboot Of Violin playing, by his popil U. C. any argaments ere requir to recommend this work, It nay be °honeyed that Spahr himself adberes striedY to the System laid doeininthe obit. work, .and he has by theoarats usple , of instruction. produced a greaterinuober of dlr. sashed popils than any ether master A sepAyktrtre:boott it reehl, (Price VA end for sae by !la/ 1 CI il"E____L" W LoWood or BATHING. .-1-31GHT BATHS KM ONE DOLLAR, single rjuLirk..othylmpafirriturolrorr".o from 9 to 11 &picot, A. Bt. " rape woeom Ratlaog Establishmont. "wn T. }MALL. Proprietor A. . 9. pain by FiNdogl4 ILIDD4.1:0019:Wood 109 WIWI; ROOT- Irk dol4 b ree'd awl for sale by • • Wal H JOHNSTON ROOT—NO lbs for a 1 Ja DD aCO end for ee/e OT dell .1 KIDD k CO - 011:fri dell c. 19116. Yor sea by gpp-J KIDD co. obWood Yi — war ILIIBBSIit PACKING—Jest reed, iwo 1 Petting, for Sown Engine.. sold wholesale and re. ull, et the liebber Depot, No. n Woota ips. i FUIL-1.10 bbla tamers sad for sale. I Oa{ . Cr' 1.11 JOHNSTON,PILI 71i1..-Ylat• .4, 111 b , bblitved gni for sala SJ (WU Wat II JOHNSTON .4 for sale b y T 4 J°MIM.)2I. axt ree , d. far sale by P EkLE° IE4CI ' IV2.-4 b ILW HARBAUGH W/8117UVV. u AS —awoa aWa uses, noo'd sod fox solo by glel9 8 t W'HARBAUGB VIIGAI.B-11:8,00liteaeozoosi)joat reed avd fol h 7 &LB t 8 t W HARBLUGH , CBp6-10 sacks in marew moo Di d lr 7 PEA QUWol.—to ' dal? PORT OF PITTSBURGH lithe elm fauxi wsle 7 . feet 0 laeltol ..ARRIVED... . m Cnivb Cot. Nierdinek, Beaver. Beam, Gordon, We ie, Clam eit=le. Vlror w as, Gelloerzy, Monongahela Coy. nekton, Peebles, Atlantic, Perlowni, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, finiernoille. Camden, Henshickeon, McKeesport. Louis McLane. Connel, Wheeling. Clipper No.l, Dowd, Cincinnati. Hessen's. No %Woodward, Quell:Mau CopeDEPARTED. DEPARTED. Caleb blerdock, BCZWGI , Lake Erie, Clark, Beave. .Betvor, Gordon, ellsville. llskiten, Brice Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, blimongsliele CUT • Camden, Hendrickson, McKeesport Pukka reebles, Elisabeth Bele.,Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkuuov, Brovnisville Once Cinennati James Nelsi r, Room 'wobrig. Lnproxs, Cox Zanesville BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. RROEENS.VILLE PACKETS, at S and e BEAVER PACKETS, 0 4 e. wa.t.sva.te pAANEts, 8 A.. CINCINNATII-CLippor N 0.8,70 WHEF.LING—Lovis McLane, 9 a.... IRIPOSTIII D I ILlVEcitt CINCINNATI dl, Cllper 6-0 ais beaus,6o sta corn, pips brandy, CB pes pork , I bbl lard, 160 don broom., bbls alga corner& bag, I pkg, 1 bbd. cob, Raker & Forsyth; I bbl lard, I kg, I grain bower, W McKee; IS bp co dries, bip wax, Wallingford k. co; tbAs eaches, 9 d ' h flassead, Ido feathers, 1 do wool, rant; 6 bbl., sk.s poaches, Rheyblatiliows & WHEELING—Per .110.11 Nelson-1 0 bas & aseisp6d, Maki P. 91102041011 j 17 bbls lard; Leer; I pkg, Baker Forsyth, 100 bbls tow, B kfcClarkwi & go; ite do do, 10 Irgi lard,Mason, 10 bble apple*, Rood; 15 has can MP, 25 doe brooms; Wick k McCandless; w 20 own bhls Sour, 6 east iron stands, 7 McCully; 7 bxs md, er aboard. AUCTION SALES. IBr John D. Davis. Auctioneer Safe Parsec s ' Eight Valuta!, Badldiot Lgaft. • CPOTOnroday, tannery 3.1,1830, will be sold, on Or premises, the following very valuable Real Mule, the • sale Of which was postponed from the 14th mac, ems At 10 o'clock, A. ILL, These five very desirable lots of round, situate on Penn , street, between blarbury and Water streets, •sels having • front of PIO feet on Penn street, and 01- tending beet 110 feet to Brewer! alloy. At 3 o'clock, P. M., Three large and valuable lots, altuste on the south sole of Seventh street, between ematifickl and (7 rant, havityjr mob a (root of 27 feet, and emen back YO I feet to Strawbefry Tezigre nar ding v f i ends. BR 8, Lent D R I F T j l e -2° "" NYa. " 45 _ " R EALED PEACHES—A lqi al pun., to day reed, for sale by dell AHAISTRUNH rr. CSOZES anc I bUlt—/AJJ bbls various bi.d. hr by dot! ANId37 jou reteaved Z F.fl -11-CT—C.WaIGe EAT ARMSTRONGFLOed.) for rife 1.1 b 1 deer CROZER -------__ tor sale fiRAB CIDER—tS bbl.-01 i "sgeo&c! , o , Caws ACON-30 pieces just reed snd for sale by I drat__ AIL:MATIZER QtX/RCTIISU SALTS—IU bbl s on ocaorpment sod S foe dale by ISAIAH DICKEN er.CO, dell P ANISEI CIGARS-O,OW prima, real ree'd and for Stale by . STUART h SILL, 21_,? . lIS Wood or m store sod (or We by de2o STUAKT & SILL 101122:i\ able stet Teed and — l7o . see by dGv STUART & SILL PardeAISTC4ELAbita&MIN'N"ER,6". 21 " L b r y tel st CIWILEAT FLOUR—Idd .ls reed, for sale by B' dee CRAIG SI6INNER DEM PEM.lll6.—an buln a aAng & SKINNER lrenld andlor sale y. .... "" dell CG k NU NN Ed HICKORY den /ii .OVER GEED -10 bbla in otare and for aale i by k., net/ 81IP2_______. CORN BROOMS - 1 dos in 5t0 4 7 13, aiVr . stla2 dellO ' ViliEPEE—lll bags in atom and:rrusllierp DILL i i deZl ------ VRATHERS-7000 Ma - prime, In store, for tale by 1: de93 STUART s SILL StRANS-20-Ql• .or Wl by RT k s_ ..." 1°" " %UAW k Cca HILL T PdHoteCCO—.lO s`• and tr., Z . ' tra i t & mi. T'" `huufor.'J bT STUART t SLLI dap CE MSE—ECO Du Exit. %LT= :11.2 , 4 deZ) 111COUCKE19-100 doa in tone and for sale ßT by ...!TRO *VIA. L egg bblo No I Leaf; 30 to is 0 M ; ook bY . lEN, MATTIV. KAN 8-31 bblsfo i r r, • ale BHE . BIATT kt lIEWS h. CO de4o P gic , "3l : MI . co TALLOW -34 bbla _for ule by _ co dc.A RIIEY.MAIMIE‘__vs 01 . 3-4/WO lba lu t^re agforobkru co 010 Urrr-R—ln Yes, Rao Ara bo 2 v r tfo i l i aa k lar t.T, drya Biasunr. arravkna P‘'XID• dc•tuo kCU ROLL BUTTER-9 Lids freeb in cloths p lc CO it ree , EL 1.7 &RI J --- y PEACHES -15U bu Mom itul for Lee by dee° S DILWORTH te CO Cl7O. E -4 "" w it''l'aigt , y&Tii& co birLASSES-40 bble S 11, St Janoee' Refinery, f. sale by deR/ J 8 DILWORTH &CO TAdßao-80 bbla N C, In same and far we . J 9 MAWR tnARs 30 OW Common; P‘ rsitTgliPki :10 " dee) EGGS -3 bbli Ecips m •0;1 fittA LE, .103 Second c.T., B gooldS-60 do: in •tore ap an tE folial eg e E bll •600 LE &at , • . UCCWHEAT FLOUR-50 stets in store a nd f o ß r sale dcs) COPE & HREYFOLE TTEG BUTIER—I6 kegs Fresh. to arrive tbia &Y - ~D . dell) COPE h lIKEYFOGLE, 168 Useantl st UPS LEANHER—Ei admits sutra and for twisty COPE Is BILEYFOOL_E T RATHER SCRAPS-2 sks In stare and Car sa by R.) del_ BREYFOGLE rata9-451 bn landing and for sale by • O C 11.045 NT PPLFII-1 Ude Dned, for sale by _ N GRANT deg) S GRANT dal for c LARD —A bbla retetoAl" r GRANT &VG N 0, SUGAR RIVIVIWZMILIU Woad at • OM WLASSES-24 bbl. Fla34llliapi • hr tail. Sugar !foam,. for y.k " 0.1 d" .7/DIViLLIAMEI • rtHEESE-1 00 Naos erm by " " E" wiLiums HorrEY--ao bola!' K him Comb, C n or w at' u l'a b IDLACK TEA-20 lJ eh fl.are by lic2U AIHINS—S O boxes is and rs, far Well RS 1000US-12 5 dos suponor Corn j !n .. /altrAnt, for srad 'INC WASH BOARDS—ID dos Hols Hai l / gala by &SO 1 WILLB. CANDLER -30a suo i'lf.aPeni.?l:4°;ll3,47mtAAms DRIED FRUIT-25d sank. and 49 bbl. Paschen, (hatv.)pruna maw crop; I - t 3 b. Applesitreaelved and for VATERMAN, Noa 3l' Water and d 1 Front at GMEMN APPLI.ML4I S bbla, yasialys qualiare, r Yale by dela , L 8 WATERMAN BROOMS -2 0 arm Faaeilililt Handld; D 7 23 dos rood Comma; for male L 0 WATERMAN • I:AL-49 bb1..1. Corn Meal, ree'd s en W d Cm !ale tip . MATERMAN a° tillTT7l-13 bbl. and RI kegs, Tacked, in prime AR f" b Z 8 WATERM A N • • .•••• VEATOF.IitS_4I auks novo tittacirit nom atom, ',Fort riti,..d for . y !kW I;Alt b oICKEY k. CO, Front re_ WOCIL,- - -fillNCik• [UM anoints and i(r-0f,..?1e-tri CO drib _ ISl_llitH DI IN S• w u, SHEEP ANlarldrat PICUFFI—O ;latgek, Co wool in Ir -1 17, - 'V., dringiliNT—oc.; forside My . -I. °Ki r - WO ." YBAIMI UICSKY ic CO iIOTTON-6 Lidos, lartdanig frootFortlnhsnr_ortio WU k Iy~lAl i "1 ''''F.'''- “"'n"Alill—tabblaandlueteeriol, r. LFort rat. sad for sale 4Y k co „ on , dela TALLiila=7— ,---:i. -- okmi - s „,. r4"1"1.41,,,d; 5 "`" I , • 16 “ Tallo0; iust teed tad fow sale by act! IYELLERS A. NICDI.9 S UGAR-109 7 IV mre'N6 o , o 8916 9 1......., ~,r Sala by day • 5 &TOW , 10 rlicoLs 'DKr= i t 'R tniVa i ll " 45 ::. - :,: • 0619 NE44.FXII k. NICOLAS = WiYetkirr..9l7-16-1-I.;tqlsc9o9llo,- ''' i__ . I:ol_,,l.l_l±y_. A.,^ d=l9 SELLERS L N HAAR day -1 _oistrec and for y UdGg 31E6- ii,7,rnia.roS.E.l4 ICO LS BUSY ' d nC I T -,,c_4GY 30 " uatinifdi.lea, s ILA IdLITAWS & b°4diZt",==:"'_Ze t'w 4 " 1 ue C2 W T —3 Da 2n " "irHAUG II 8 • reed P ile [,HAP S7e COPE LE "" c iosaicr LOCAL WORT= TOZ PTITIMUZGIN MILT EIZZITTEI The aickneas of the local editor will L. taken as a sufficient apology • for the great of the usual :variety of BM. in his column. Clilseste CasaWale tat Alderman. mr °WAGS WILTSON Manectiolly aim notice ID the chicane of the Finn Ward, that he wall he mien. didue for re-election for Alderman, at die caching election. Office and residence in the OM Ward Fourth outer, de27.00 near Wood. A Cure and Cortidaata at Hemp. I Itsao WHAT at son cm nrs P ZT nesse/x. - 1 hereby certify that about two Meeks ago I cc.. Ki n'' s est with a violent stuck of coositing nnd purriall Ch 4 Moans, with very distressing pains Mlle stomach and bowels, which veto completely relieved by two telopoonfol doses which PCllOi.l6l, taken in a little wa ter. Aber having taken the first dose, I slept ummlly and comfortably for Moe boo , . OKNRY WIPE, Jr, On bdard the steely best Al nettle. Pittsburgh, Dee. OM, lea.' I ton Captain of the Anadne, old was witness to he astottiahulg effects of the iPetrolsom, in the ease of llont7 Wise, lobo Is one of the looods Off the boat. [Stalled) tiIhIROD GRABEI.I. Pittsburgh, Dee. 11th, 1519. 1 11:7-se general advertisement to another column dcl3 DIL• D. HUNT. ik1111•1. Cornet of rOurth land Meatus, between -- octl,dlylo M=SM JOH PRINTING. BILL HEADS, CARPS, CIRCULARS,. Manifest., &lit Lading, Contracts, /..sto Bisr,4 11.10 1./111., CILINICATIVO, rourwa, le. An , Printed et am shotteet none, at low prices, at W Owen GAZirrit %M. Improvenients 111 Dentistry. DR. G 0. sTrAittis, 1.0 of Boston, nt preened t Otanutacture and vet BLoca Tenn el whole and P.O of seta, upon 'Suction or Atmospheric Suetnon Flaws. - TOOSIL•Cita CUM, In MO nitiorts, where the net Ire exposed. Offee wad residence neat door to the Ma of' , office, Fourth Street, Pittsburgh. Rheas do—J. B. M' Fadden. F. H. Exton tale tatnatuat Linnon Sous.a.—Prepared by .1 V: Kelly Villbarta street, N. V:, .tid for sale by A Jaynes, No. TU Fourth went. Th.. null, be, round a JeltaLtdol ant. ele of beietaye in famines, nud panteularly for stet MOM. Bamea Bastua.—An unproved Chocolate prepara bettur • eolobtuanos Cocoat nut, umocent, to att !tumble, bhibl i y ‘ l n e i r n , ri Zt n t " a " nd for . sa r le " b P y " ;t d .11 • 1 NES, at ‘ the Motu, lea Store N 0.70 Fourth • inebl4 _ . AS SPLENDID A ORTMENT OF GIFT BOOK, AND N NU ALM for 1650 i TllE4:2:noF:Tered/1.. r4og,lz:Vateen olimot The Socrest Annual, a ' 'di rot all Seasons.; lsy II NVeld. The Floral Keepolre. for lei°, Yvllls lorry 511 Locals far colored enstroesodS edhCsi by J. Meese. Incl. or hleolory. ars Monts:Wed Annual for IcNtl. Um. of !Seamy, or Ldlrrury Gas for 15111, lsy E. Pomel. The m Opel, •• Pore s) rot the !101l D, Weauings,-A -La M. A. ...eaeceof Amencan' Poetry; edam.; b3i R. W. Grupo The Romance of Nature, or POOllO2l 1...0501ge 01 Flowers; hp 'Mamas aliPet The Forget-hte.Nohlar lao , J, by Nlrs. S. Stroth The Mow How, " by Nlta• P, 'lnward. The Snow Flake, " Lesuttfully illustrated. The Chaplet wf LOCUM Cams, volt colored copra. The Home Offering, or Glimpea of Goole Life; 13 E. C. Embuty. • The Gill of Fnendehi, a Token of R e rarie The Hyacinth, or Affe p ction , CAR, for memb The Gem, for issa, edified by Father Frank Apples-of Cold in Pk lttr• of S. Oveg, by E. . Fs lowa. Flora's Gerri t or the ItOquet for all *loom with beastirat embellishment.. The :hawing Room Seniy Hook, with nevem liin.S.. Intim.. of rho Charsetenmen of Women: by Mtn Jarnewn. ryalleromes of Shah wet with forty bee cora yips', from drawing* hY . 2.4. '" ' ." ''' '' .l o f binding Bibles and ?Myer Mb to atter) re) e to salt w e tante of purehmem. , , , For wee by , KLIA(Yrr &.11,N41.18 11 , No. :V Wood swam, between Fourth end Diamond obey. Now and Elegant 01ft Dooltsl ACRED BCFNES El` CIMRACTF.RS; by J. T. Headley. mug cloven onanial dcogns chard 11 y S b Parley s T . Poems and Prom N Hung*, by Ri. Musa; sole_, muslin. Illsminaled Herat o Sacred Poely, with n[ illnera. 11 . 111 eugraved on s 1 2 bY lust received by JuaiNs , dell! . • earner llard and NI set et tm lw Yee t es dpproathiu L'hrhtma>i and 11c, ieq's uS PEARLS OF ABlTC.B.lClif..lrtl•-4I111.; 111111,111;. by T W. G. Mnplesor, Esq., 4to, elegantly bound dad morocco,gilt edge., wimple. style; Std. • "Some of the baktptest effusion. of Iltiffmaii. Lung• fellow, Bryant, %%WO, Whither fralleek, Sprague, Dana, Mrs. Sigourney, and %lot Lsiburg, sarong oth. enrich the volue."--( ers.Wateltei. nt "These are whited nidt deheately anti {.winoly. to lithogiaphle Getman Test. on /gond boned. cash peke hong framed by a rich illuminated arabecque border, in gold, sliver, and colon, *nth algae. wrought in the borders "--.[Covireeteist 'The first illuminated volume ;hellat been attempt ed en this side of the folantie-- , ond with trgatd to the beautyof design% and the enenattott of them. may be said to rival, tf not surpass, any thing of the hod to noope" LAYS OF THE WERTERNIWORLD.—Coatenn "Love's Requiem," by Ch•gtes Penne Hoffman; nd "The Mother of Moses," by Mrs. Osgood; -The bo of Dream.;' hy Wm. C. Dryad; "Lees in the Cup of Life," by Mo. S. ILL Ilown; "The Night Cometh," by Mrs. Etabury; "The freatuament at Aere," by 11. W Herbert; "tireenwond,'• by Mot Potato; "Werthth,t" by MM. R•Ymdi "Tim Chtld's Mission." Mts. km. ttury.—Small illontotatedi in the most superb maned by klepleson, with minters and vignettes lllto gold, Over, and colorai bound 111 morocco, 111 a 'comae style.—fornung the most elegant rind re• chetehe book of the kind ever pioduced 111 this coun try Ct. For role by JAIIEd D. LOCKWOOD , delft Rookseller and Detainer, 61 Wood et. SW.W BO KM rr lIF, WAR WITH NEXT ,by R. S. Ripley; 'I mils Rhatene; don rising an Analyst- Elemeato of Nu.-- . Me Lamm of Nora) T.oriOleuce Fsad of Foots.- Richard Matey, D. D. Essay on Chrimmo Baptism; by Dopum W. Nocl, The Oaths., a Novel. Flury Tales, from all Nallolll , , by Anthony R. N. telba; woh 31 Illustrations by Doyle. • Just moll by , OHNSTON & STOCTON, dela , c J omer Thied .11 Karats street MOVITSX MIOBPIIII oLe:zbe . r t. hag h sinlz hive x, amen now offering very low . Those who with a good Muff would do well to cyllmad examine his low:avocet, at bts HAT AND CAP SPORE, thattlifichl streetomar Fourth. &Mg* /AMES WILSON. CHRISTMAS' PRICSENTM T"eEtutolslbs";!Ord trep_PSlTglienientlVin Intrgtt' and FANCY ...I.iODS now openium W a r t sale in the large ware room up waits, LOS Market Mem, where can he men the largest and Most magnificent awn mem ever offered for sale In this chi. Perseus wish ing to hey cheap Will pleue call, as these goods were imported ihreet tip m)mlf. • degl C YEAGER, LOS Market It OCKWOOD'S ILLUSTRATED WORKS—UM. L=naiad . Dookr—Books in richly ca ved bindin g ' illuminated sod illortrated—ltooas.vaper'ltly bound II Velvet, Silk, Morocco, and Composition, In irofiatio or the Middle Ages—Ditties and prayer Mutts, bean tifully bound in Velvet And Moroceo,inagniticently or namented and illuminated. For sale by • • • JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, deW Itooksellor A Importer, d 7 Wood at. AKINUALSI *ANUALIII LEAFLETS of Memory; Lady's Gtft; Gans of the Seasons; Gems of Beauty; • asselas; G of if Nature; t of Friend Ilyacinesl o;P; b; Floral Eevp sske; omanee Child's Keepsake; Christmas Blossoms; Gift Leaven of Am. Poev; Golden Gift; Friendship's Offering; Poet'sOdenng; Heade'. Female Poets of America; The Bailing Proverbial Philosophy, ill.; Sacred Annuals; Harvest Glearungs; Snow Flake; Keepsake of Friendship; Young Lady's lidenuir; Bibles and Prayer Books, bound is velvet and m 00000, with clasps. Received by JOHNSTON k . . corner Motet and Third ots. ckmi.,ll_jAclE.i!N Mawr /3001111 Arilit—Parrlvods Deadly, with orig Q Acmes) iiCENES AND CIIARACTDRS, by I. T. • S inal defigna by Daley. The Poeta; and PION* Writing. of R. 11. Dana. Physician and Patent, or a Practical View of the 1 1 1 t o ot Alit eat dRtua:01.11,1,7117',;,.°610,`Z1V. The Parilan and Ili. Danghter; by J. IC. Paulding, author ot the Dutch/amen Fumble. ncos, or an Inside View of Mexico and Cal. iromier v i va NVanderings in Pens,Chill and Polypi/an; by LieuL Wise. For tale by Wit ELIJOTT-A,WifiLifill, 79 Wood nt (ZECIfianIAND.P A lifi.—E rre nob Piano in excellent orday, - -with three pedals, price, film , I don arb, in teal order, ASO. For vale i n u 4 ;I iD T ree'd, an • tP from the ecielbnitedPinUnufactorY of rqun..• & Cl N. Y., uf superior time, and very moderate pone. For rate by 11. KLEIIFAI, at J. do 19 L W. Wrrodwei HAN t l ( e._ - vet Waretins, In care Juel reed, co i t. line easel/o+4Mb I Cali n low as thirty and tarty five dollart, and ararranial t keep good time. Also—A splendid amortment of JEWELRY, ucru coin : " irl. corner klarkeLaniforivilijilaln:_ ILLIA ICS' IVORY PEARL 'MOTU POWDER. Wkir removing Tutor, Seamy, Canker, nnJ all substances destructive to the Tooth. It is dellciour the taste, cleausing the mouth, healing and etre ngtheit nl,ot h r e .di zt, li a o n i tt . p . Lrirzt , t .t na r..,„ tit ud n .i hr b e r ath . dr j'A.l-°—L'." Wm:Oat T ONG SIIAW-1.13----Flee',llwr "T .Cd r.nk ao. acv YIZEITES--1 cases super French ßleck Silk Vb genes, extra trimmings, rerdApAratATA,i, deg° tEigalaThit4 • Altaillol ii*vner, Nirrmau,laaa Meech 07, LT . ... Mr. . E. Stilets—inliOn , "“o=lro, t h e b g u. `ert ' o b t f i lh e eTit h eon S i=j, t re s t rtrw ' ife umea afflicted with a most dunreer cough. hkh•hai K eo ug h JftnarY last, a bottle of your Stmt. , which cured eoh of two menthe standing. About one that e ut o b n. she .1 she; etac ould , i f eh e el f u ole,yc bodeore m a ne. woahmts :}va_qtr a part of one bade cored the eciefitatirat::hoeha, to e w r nn . V cough clad f , to' , to toe his owe words, "eaten .gg cure all the people m Pitwhargh , ,If the eas4 Lees no good on renresentail. Preplred ' Z ' eold lY tiy R. E. fillagLEES,rf Wood street, end sold h Wawa. geunrally to a do two ' ores ' CINCINNATI !A PITTVICEIGII • m4riati lag& DAIL,/ PACKET LINE,. IDS well known line or splendid p.m...alms scam Lcm 1.1 nom composed of the taxgest, swiflat, !Jell ed land famished, and most payment boats on th pas of fbe West. Every accommodation and et M. one.; can riff/CUM has been provided fra The Uric Las' been in operation Car five yew , tied a million of people without the least tale. permns. The boats mill he at the foot o eel lac day previous to nesting, far the trot Meld and the entry of passen cers on Ike IVgir the passage money most ho paid r SUNDAY PACKET. T Aire NEWTON, Captain Ravili, II ye l'astui,gh every Sunday numbing SI ill n'elatit healing every Sunday evening at C. Nay ItA !MONDAY PACKET.. The SIONONGAIIELA,Cata. tt.horte, will leave Vitte• hurelt every Monday eaortutte at ID ...elect, Whet lint every hloottay evening at 10 P... ru2sriAlt VAL , rilt , f. • The HIBERNIA No.:, Capt. J. KLINIIPZI.T., 1•11 Ittavr ritutbaneh every Taerday matinee at 10 teetotal Wheeling •••••11 Teettlay event,. et le V. IC EDNlatAiri c Kelcitm. The NFAN ENGLAND No. 2. Cupt. S LV 0, vrth ve l'sit-barett every Wedtte..lloo teortatt t at It , el; Wlo.elitic every Wodtteaaav events!. s ler yr Traltitifillri r reßV T. ~ .I.VANT. Capt. littera, soil leave Nitlo. Thitmlay at at 10 oiler!; Wheelie. my raceme at in O. at Plearginariei t. The CLII•Ph:Ii No.tt, Capt. Yarn Huy., wal leave INtotburett every Fraley retu ip ning at loo`rlot:k, Wcte• Int lNtAttv 00catoe T etll burgh rvrry FOR CINCINNATI , 1 The oplendid Rennie rz' RINGOOLD =,..'....- Capt Cope r %nil leave fa the above - ' . ...1 - ...- ~. .:,..oa all intercuedlaLc pt!. Oa* day in'elo..k. I . 'I ...tee. apply on' hoard I Annyn_ . ForfrelOq •'_p...tee. . - poit - sT. LI I M• lat The line pv r :lVavy Kornai, anastry, will have Ihr the the above and all alleFan Rate poct. t Ill'o'rloalt, A. M. ;In and pa • aaa a apply on board. deetA .„._.— 7 7 0 The Eplee j l . d&tvggi i maete!,l•lll . boveand hatermedotte Illerlock. A M. For freight pagsame •pplLootgemoll FOR ST. LOUIS The -111544 g Roger, master, • Anil Intermediate ports Ft, ill In , A M For freothl or pomp. apply on IM•rd REDUIA R P.II•KE 1,0 11T FOR CINCINN ISVILI.E. • The fine foil frivolo, Mtollllii fllonpkratovr, will). •d .1111 , Irrosethste I n he gosh inrs, at 1110 1 S For frewhs or pl,rage ophlV der:'.Whl II WHET FOR hg-NrSACIIA AND GAL] ...„ 41 The splen,ll.ll:a,t s 111..N1.11.1 and jgralLStoseil mu.trr. wilt I taterossthste u 1 ticluet, 1 1 . hl !, 21-IW, 1.. 12 rn,Ler lir or 1.1441.11., •Pplreitboi /21 PF:ITIllag Ts‘tillhitrll AND W111151..1 11-9:e:'. lAA', prite i; l l, 7 , l l , 4l . fa! L AN,- """" trigs .;11: ..k. tar sal. WICK az j ille Kr klut rca--33 Imp , far .ixl4j ,kl 7 • WIC': /Li e F 1112, 0 numily,VN, MUTTIIN bbl;for;9< j ss ,lIE AVNII/U.27DE.T.AINS--3. caatio ...-/ tax: colored M. de Letn4, at' the 4: price of I:, per yard. A A M. 1,4 drt4 Ho .V - TFAV it A0,1: , :.4ii - iT.I Cocoa t:Iiello.- LI frrll. Itai.m.: 2 ag•Coenai , be l T mile at the I , lml ea Store-, 7t: r o pnb , FirLAii I , tillit- 7 -sdo. ea. fte.h PI 5 .. .I,ottlcs : dal 5 " - . fine / 3 .. .` tttrar J •• AO!, 3 quart frincs ott3 tor •nir •t the Prigi, o 1T arts am _'t:mueta rt Jett - • ••_ Byeb. Prealdept el the , Vetted State To perwtsnee of law, I, ZACIIA:RI" TAYLOR, _Pres , Went of the United :hates of.Arnenee, Jo hereby declare nail male known. that Tubb c Sale. will Jo. held at thy uadenaaraiontal tam( Offices, in the ;tine of lOWA, at the erertods hereinafter demanaled, to wit._ At the Lend Mee at Milli - NUE, commencing on Monday, the seventh day a/January nest. f,n the ills penal or the realm !Ands attested within the under. nrentinoe,la,wit.loph, to Nanh of the haw line, end retainf (4.. fifth yrrs males' mernhan., ToullshliNny-eigtn. .31 range three. Tuunolutan ety-ail, nsnety.aeyeti, and roue. ty.e.ght, at range‘totir Toarbettipti ninety-Aye, mart% :el. ed,:ninety,aght, and toncly-dine, of range bye. Toumahtpla ninety-three, jiittelplour, ninety five, ninety-rda, ninety-seveo,,inety-elght, and ninety nine, of range an. ; At the SA ME.PLACT.,edortieneing on Mon day. the tutestly.firat day of January tent, for the dieponal atilt( Public 'Ands Within the andermen. boned toterahipa, air North bare I.ne, and teeit„of ths FT-Initial ineridnnt. Townehno, ninety lour; ninety-tine, ninety-six, ninety-seven; ninety-eight, 'and ninetyenine, Cl range ECIMO. Townehne. ninety-tour. ninety.tive, nowt} , ninety - AP Ten, and ninety-4.411i, ot range eight. Township ninetyetlye, toWnehip ninetrea, (Cr cent Or enothwosi quarter Of toaiou twentreov. en, the enotheast quafier ct:eenhon twenty-eight, and selling,+ thitty-threr rat 4 thfripiour, Including the litthan agency) end townethlpa ninety -.even and ninoty eight, of range nine. Towtedth.la ninety-iwo and nineiy.fnur, at range tol rt. Township ninetp•ene, nfrnnge thirteen. Townstope ninetrune tantt ninotrttro, of rang ourteen. At the Lund OfGre et FAIRFIELD, Cu iogou Mo n duy, the tourteeinh dayooenoery nest, for the dilipoiol of the Pitt& Lands nitusird with in the undrrinentioned townehipis 1,3 wit: :North arils , lase he. e, of the fifth rind,. eneridian. 1 i *1.401 Townships simiseven,laixtpright, and sixty in e, of range sixteen. . • Toiornehip* sixtpaevert, sixty-eight, and sixty iue, pl rungo seventeem.i 'Todrnehips sixtrieight and sixty-nine, of range ighttien. ; • ; Townihips sisiyieight and of range • ineteelt. Township* sixty-e ight and silty 3 OC, of range wanly. i • , Township* sigty•eight anti ettlyznine, nags Mrtaltrolle. Townships siely.eight And stxtrnine, 01 range twenty-two. Township seventy.onej of loose twenty-sis. Townships ' , evenly &Ad seerity-one, ol range larenty•seven. Townships eeventy seventy-one, of range twenyi.eight. At l the Lana Office at lOWA CITY, commenc ing 5 . Monday, twentv-art day of January next, fgYle disposal of the Puldia Lands within the fu:.• low, g townships, vis Nardi of rI,o dare lino,one west of thefifthpranctra thertiliart. Township tevenlyelX, arrange twenty-semen. Townsh.ps'peventy.att, scietity-seven, and sev. entveiglit. el range tw4aly.cight. Thwnalnns seeenty•neVen and rwventreight, of range .twe ety•nine. Lands enrooprinted lawfor the nee oischralr, mibiary, or other purpoties, will be excluded from the sales The onering of the aboveinentioned lauds will beesinin•uced on the day appaleted, and proceed to the order in which they aro advertised, with conven:eut despatch, until the whale shall have been oller , d. and the , salee thus eloted;"but no to shall is, kept open longer then two week., pd no welsh, entry of any or the lands will he dutitted until utter the expiration of the tam weeks. Given under toy hand,it the City of Washington, this fifteenth day of September, Anon ()andel one thonsand erght hundred and forty-nine. Silty the President : L. TAYLOR. Bux-elowtst.n, • • C.ommissioner of the General band Office. ORWARDING & COMMISSION 11LEILCHANT, F niftoond Piemborgh. det4 .1.4 m B. Dilworth • --. • --: . • • --tooeph pii worth .T.B:,„T.V,Tirli...t7O;rdWber 161[7"57/.::19.a. Pile bunda da-Y • . • •- MSAUALRY. WOODWARD & Co., Wholesale Ons. eels, Market meet, Philadelphia. store lAH. WOODW.D I. 13.1GALEY tr. CO., Whiteside Grocers, IS and2o Wood street Pittsburgh. novo7 oa BALEiw•An Iron Foundry, Ernßlacknd F Machine Shop, with Steam Engine of power, good stock or tools. machinery, pattern, &As, ladle., furnaces and oven, all now in sae nod goo d miming order. Said premises have 5a rent by by au 'deep, with privilege of an adjoining lot 27 by to feet. Being ono of the oldest and best stands in the City of Cincinnati, with a libersl patronme. Apply to del7 DAVID SINTON, Cincinnati, CV LIFE INSURANCE! Tretlion Mutual Life Inorance Company orres or ralorMl RltocciD 2s in ova. Capital, $160,0011. /ARES DURNO Jr. CO, Ageo• at Da BoA. or OllF.CitOri, 1t faMOA... WO/ /M.. us , I ?/"AP.Y.','7:I:II,I;,PV. Y. Eli Morrill, SecretsgY uhn A. Wear. Jonathan Fl., Treastirer. ezw Toss. Comptroller al Nev York. I teorge Weal. John F %tackle. David Dudley held J.001.11.1e His Tine Gov. Dames W. L Dayton, U Sen. GD. Wall, )::+ll Sea. Ea-Gov. M. Dickerson MEDICAL 1. A.Aidney Doane. M. D 119 Warren at., N I Wen.Alli.hlorgart, hi. D, licorgo M'C ntaboak, 1). Purch, Pa The Agent/ al ILlAC...tipsily, at Pittsburgh. are um is to take every first claws mak on Idie at rocli Itemlwfies per ono. loon the usual rates Of 9 , mium as charged hy other Coto irsanetw A Malta) roars of age, lams a Potter of littOrtar fin o ne Thousand Dollar.— To run for ono year, pare only 119,E0. do seven SlO,ol—annually. do I.ifetime, 517,01 And in the same prbportion for any Sum up lo f 5040, Which tho et nein taken on any hfe. comosny commeuced opera9ous thCist Oct IStn, find nil monthlybutane. op to the lin 001,150 u, show' s rcroefing that Wny other Life Coot Duty on record The hrst dcAdend of profits wili 3 Off deabreil to the amured on th e Ist /amt.), 1 ,5 d. ""o Pamphlet+ rontaming the various titles of rates, and all dor necessary information on the troponsui subject of 1410 Assurunee will he furnished on apph , 00001110 1.11119_. DURNO .t A4sinfii, 0.10011 CO, .Art . A 0.10• 1111 am, at. Canwrit, one a O,or. Lre aa ria.buro rr Monday data Fur TLe splendid fan LOUIS McLANK,' . uh tua,t kr, chavlng ovah rrpai , ,) will 6 T rgtOar pa , . Fru aao apply on board. di -*ARM:MK/NO /k. CU! ME= I good Lyl, ptreently s 4 &I ket It kW yr huxee k reed and JOT tees tteels NOTICE TO PRE.BMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every person entitled to the right of prmentp. tiuu to any (tithe landa within the townships above enumerated, Is required to eetiblish the same to the sallidection sal the Register andlteceiver of the proper Land Office; and make payment therefor as peon es practicable il[er aceiag this notice, and be• fore the Jay oppointml for .the commencement or the public rale of the! lands embracing the tract claimed, othertri,Le each' claim will bo forfeited. ; 3:BUTTERFIELD, rommicsioner of the Oenernt Lnad 12:=211=1 -Ottbst PublllO Laud Italia at Da Dugout NOTIOL - 11 hereby jilvent,lhat the Potties eaten of Land. ordered by moo lunation or the Preaideut of the ' Gritted Stales, dated the fifteenth day of Fepteualmr, lallt,tehe held at the DANDOFFICE AT DU BUQUE. lOWA, on the 7111 and Sart days of January, MOO, ore declared to pestparted had (inner notice. Given under toy band, er the "CT of WaabielYtaut llth day of Lee n lona Domini one thousaaMetaht hundred and..fony-runiv Z By the Presideo, 7.IIIOITERFIELP, Commimioner of the General Land Oder. dell DavnB. 8215T01 ,or B. COMSAT.- BE 11011. Junes C., , mP b., David 11. W hate. Alesander Curllol.llll6. W. /. P. W hir .,l' Pd U:l2Wo'ildrlN M C. Woo A Newell, M C. Hort. S. R Hamilton :YAMMERS. W. W. Gerillad, M. D. I MI Walton at., 818 R. R Bell, M. D., Allettheel err)", E ' FIRE I MIURA NOV.• 111 r TREN'rON MOTVAI. LIVE,AND FIRE. IN ' , URA NCI.: CLOIM ANY c. 611 ton< Pultetcs of In aron, lit l:1.11.0g... DA...LI En... upon Uwcll ono and I u Store, Goods, dr. , 0...0n spoil cilion to J ANIL'S DURSO & CO, Aga., Oneou Bonding. HEALTH 11115UHANCIIL at PSH•barigh. The Spring Garden &anti Insurance Co., OF PHILADELPHIA--,CAPITAL 1100000, r Ulll' 7ilalnh rind Finn.len agar:sat the Expense I end Loss ...awned by trlnkneg or Accident, by &flagrance of franl El to SI nor went, for one, twr, ilirre, or faqir year.. - 'fin. method of effecting thit Inv urance, and the mininer of swardkng the mirk alloWance, writ be folly explained by the Agent. A person can tnturr again. Sickneaa or. Aceident which will detain him front hi, ordinary baelnels. follow., vim Far one year, by paying SLIM, ind receive Or For two " 6,0 i, " 4 `- For three " 7,95, " " 5 For four " 10,25, n Or, fora period of four years, the sun of 1114,40 paid anually, will secure per week while sick. nrc aaaaa y information will be affonled on the ourrince Eenerally, JAMES DURNO Cc CO, Agents, Odeon Ilaildings TRI7STILIVB SALE. WIIERSJIS. by si deed hearing date on th e day of Nay, 10th, Witham Gibson and wife convey ed to the undersigned the one undivided math part of a tract of land, lying in the county of Allegheny, and State of Pronsylvithea, being lot N. in Steele Somple's r , lau of lota as recorded hy h o Athintrustrator in book U, page I, in the office of the R ecor ds in Ali legheny scanty, contatning SEVEN ACRES AND NINETY AND ONICeILkLF PERCHES, together with the appurtenances. to secure to Thomas Canton the payment of a certain note in soul deed described; and hereas said note is to armor, and unpaid; therefore, in pursuance of raid deed of trust, the undersigned svill.ou th Tr. , all DAYOF JAN.,IESU,seII at the west— ern door oe f the Court Douse of St Loois, • Mo., the above described Mal estate. to the highest bidder, for cash, betwen the hour. of nine in the Forenoon and five in the aft e rno o n of that day; and upon melt vale will de liver • deed in fee simple of the property sold to the or purchasers thereof. THUS. T. GANTT, Trustee.. w eb d 17-“. • NOTICE-ARE ler OFFER. 1 , 11 F , : subsenribers,77oi:es;:treettil;rottir. Itl,:rean liont.V.T.r,Z; t o hin e g c t onneeterl with en their i ' net ' L L, : f . tile trade They commenced merchant/ming in this city in It , . and bare continued in the same Lasater... OntO that iiinr, inerra.tne deer)' year, Until It equal* iu alarmed ,hat or Oil soetcantila Ileum in the went. 'their s'ltiCK consists of ever? verteiy_ 01 'Stet , Hardware; heavy Ilardware, Iron, Steel, :Valls, and tilers; every description of Cook, Plate, and rsniOf Stoats' 'llitribt , F:art. lee. Their .tack nf pawl, to new, l ' olrht low, end well selected tOr this market Thee Its,le no damaged or unsaleable goats to Shctr creek, ii. they have takentgreat earn not to allow the like to aluenolat Bric k hen hands The store they now occupy 1 a stew State, bath Me plat summer, riPmaill tor there, and cooler thent draection, and ta. the beat rirratiged tar an Iron ti re an Vie hardware, basilica, or env rwrtr . extant Cuoneeted with the .inre ta a TIN sstrnis• sum., furnished voinplcte, with every thing needed m carry on Um hasmers .ee , tat'tt, and lintfictently large to tar. ruintiwalaw Barter , I ]dean corner t tie is Its rte.] on'the corner ot Fast Ws. end Detroit streets...ad nn the liver eble. they have plenty of sect mum. and on vectve theta ~iiisls di. rect from ye:m.1,140 pave a great a [prose that miter are cancel to Their •Ibre la In loot bona by lir irwl Jeep, three stories high, with s cellar under the Whole, P ar the loratton the molt the to the coy. If the Paretiaser will adhere to the each syweiu they hove adopted, male use or the arrangements for importing and buying goods at home and &Woad, and the term. 1 on whirls they wall sell, he can make • groat Latgato h with a cbit ace Car a fortune If desired by the parc seer OW senior partner will leave capital in the hoop nest too wren.' panne. IMIKILL,O.F klrairs Loaur...Srailibtast 0 Co., riltaturgh, tt War.lll , Catak Er Co I. J SARWML & Co. kluvritnike„ Nor. 10, tisitt—t.h.tv new 801.3.301. & WOO; COort nile Welt ' Cue fop [OPP,. went of Her ley's Patent Ittobt. for eastirg Pallor, *err .k. Co. I Chilled Rolle, Urlatidant gave evacuee Patent to John C Puny for Name purpose. Cti ARLIE uF COURT. A que.tain of tofFlagegriaal 14 one 14 tau, of winch the tuty are theutdgeo The eunortettenut the patent 14 for the Court. Alice trading, and commenting ail Ho ape ifieation of Platnlida astral, the Coon obverted: In duatitlut rues it tgliOl th e coyote of the Court to CZ revs any pinion of the Oat of aa case; but tu tho cue the O facts are llntlispyled, and die Court think it is p roperr ote, as tin-Opinion 01 both the Judges too Hier construction of Platnutra Patent, that tha I !cadent'. Patent to o you and palpable iiimey of the lemon ....nue lenity been oloarneJ an the g "I'''. eant en Plaintlfre paten adtile! Pl:lllino:l":srmntreki to usurp toe rights unde , Lra j te . n i e , KY improvement — a pretence witch . p be nanonnded. Per Om•• R- C. 'BIER. / ,---- The shove dnession givens. the subaeril cr. .._ too right to manufacture Chilled Rollers, by the only proress known to produce • good article. They are prepared, as heretofore, to fauna ell steel required, Iwiththel --- "' r 0r77: Zla---'dl—i i s — qt—., A t - M B —. IS O M . 114-?'—itVl.L' s F CI rklof 1 1 Fr S et; Court of gunner S in t of Horror Count 1 Mr. R. kt. sellers: Sir, Soma time in the inter my wife wits *filleted with • smivere and Bede ng rough, anJ &strong of your Invaluable Cough Sy up, I par chased • bottle from S. T. Trimble, of Br dgc•rator, and after tubing • portion of it two or Sae evenings on goine to trod, she found immee pet' .1; .B! oleo several friends hams heen pottered eve/ thatn *eve caws. I s eine, rofore satisfied that iris a safe and va treble Me /L and would recommend n to those o may be afflicted with severe coughs and curd , March 1 , 3 1. 111. F q V.'. g 't :SVC bytiKt"eilliagetierlilyELLEUt4ii.orrineo ails v ' t ‘ c:lnlt n e d . dog _.-------,--. 11403,1g41.--o,:q, 4,,,L,l;Allimarecll‘.lll,.:, le:4i: . P n r i ineurt o z at at the corner nn' & Smithfield am, for P & ' r . i . ;Pose ' f receiving the name, Broaden, and boalnea of evrr i ° 1 firm on,. business man In thie county. The have reg. elm. sments In attend to the reception of t !erratum , reirolsuc tu ...trey out this great undertaking Gild: & IIIBPS, fro & Smithfield, and I I Chesnut St, et., Ph Indelphia. -------7-- L _ —_. Ohio & Vanneylvania Railroad .oarry. ATOTIVICiasTne Ntockholders of the Ohio and lA' Pen I ,lvonia Railroad Company orehfrehy noti• Ammal Ideating of Stookh Wept, and Illection of Directors, will be hold at the Colnpany's Office, ill Perstnga, an Thursday, the laula January, DAN teitseen the hours of 10 A. Pl. and 3 P. M. I t. ly order, 01 the tlonril of Directors. , 0., NO , 30, lAL d. J. ROOKER. Nota..—Extiart•from the 7th Section of thn Act Incorporating the Ohio and Pennayle la Railroad Coinpuo: "After Par first cicelloriof Directorsin • en due l "sow en any share on which any muslin • nt i s Cf7Mandaritureri Eki Wren (311.11 WILT!, No. 117 Market Surat, Pi burgh, l'a, keep conatantly on hand and make to der all kinds of Vllll4, 110111(.., Ike. ?oriel and Ni rat Water Bottles, of superior quality. 1.211141611 a 1111.11.100 paid to Putnam *Bind.. 0111.20.4 ---- hrlnettaan mad New Tear Appromohtmst ELEGANT AND SUESTANTIAL BOOKS, In Nagnifinna Antivn• Binding, for th• Holidays. T AMES S. 1.000%430D, Bookseller aod tannins, t/ 63 Wood street, Las received a beautiful collection of Inuar.ta 'Woks, hound in this most splenthd man. Na by the best London nod anieseanbindars—amons them may be Mood: roans of Anicriciln Poetry; inlignifiZanllP 111 , 11n1n4 Wed. Lays of We Western World; illuminated in gold and colors. Wordssroc The Prem. 60tind in can The Song Sowers at. Jones Her Mr.. oines of stoo.pear.; illustrated... Alnc.iin, ennflinefilititS el WOMen; illtuhr For sale by JAME. D LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood street rib's ur,•erei =l:lniZlVaanbsitti4l7:Mln'atidby TIMED APPLE-i—tr, bbls Bso tco'd awl for sve - by jj SeIo'CANFIELD RAH CIDER—.I bbla Bopenirt by,„,,b, b y %,„/ del9 J f:ANFIELD ;404015E5-57 Id 1,1, h 8 ti, 9c Ji ma l'orive bi.11.1.1L BiIEY,NATTHEWEI i CO --ffer3ICWILEAT FLOW-30 Mk. ul gar, eod see by ad 7 COPE & DREYFOFLE " • - • -•- - re rpnvigniKST ior nio.by GORDON 1404 1 P • - - - 11IANDALFITM DA V LINZ, Mt..tai 1849. Ails Vol tilt COT Ita ' aim s es Cisll at asUalih , r iWll rn=ccah, eatlM PHILADELPHIA AND PITTAIPIRGIL , fi_OODS forwarded' by this 'innate earned in the Ur man train ts Chambersbanya,Moi are imediate- ' p loaded in Wagons going' Meat and day through to Pittaintrgb. The horses or this lane are ai stipend ev ery IS miler, which insures the 'prompt delivery of goods within the time promised. %Vegeta will or warehouse daily, ift.a.Y. b"..1 4.4.) Sh i p' - ..shred that he more geed' wall be taken ean be el:mutually earned through, JOHN APPADEN tr. 00, Canal Basin. Pittsburgh. StalEBlll. DAVIS Is C 0,... WI Market street, Philadelphia. pen lIIS MI each Jay 1h JOHN MrFADBN & CO., FOIN.ADISO h Ono.- us, 511,..nwaii, Canal Basin, Penn street, Pittsburgh: JANII,Maa M. DAVIS A. CO., nova Parrots asp Con• muam, MI7 Masker, and 54 Commerce vanes...made by eidicr of be aboceridd d inner mcrebandino, consigned us_em for ildeed GREENE GO , S EXPRESS. liaftia WINTRU ABItANGEZIES.T. ittocon uox nor Au. ram or not eAn In Ate Val. OF TM .1, ' Var. old ,rublished Lino of Garmii../c Co_ having @poled offices tit the Eamtrnt beg Irstve her to ,b 0 onryonlled I.r ~,y one [Wirth largely increased our stock tan the Nation al Road, oar goods are . note transported over the Noontime with mail 'peed, and no more. orals will Le received in the gat than we ran forward through with delay. Satisfaction la regard. num and rates will beguerantred. Through temp,. mill be given fur all gnosis for price throUgh, Slid Mr erne to Sin' burgh. No penis or expense will spored to lattice We nisS MOM reliable and beet conducted Emorese in the limned Slales, &a a to now the noun ellell9lVe, eoll,,eling all parts of the East with the extreme West end Sunni Wc connect at Now York with Mess. Masotti, h. Co.'. unrivalled Express in Ilethin. arid all goods from Bostou to come by our Lille Mail he delivered Mamie °Ace, No. 2 , Cours e . , street. The COlieelivn of all nntes, Lilts. drafts, ic„ de., promptly attended to. Orders for goods will tie Sent free, and seats templed with de: vetch Custom Rouse hummers attended to. Order goods Mar ketlNtreeste CcesExpres.,. tual Merchants will plcue to he liartirular to imams their correspondents to take our through rec'elpta fon theist goods, thereby insuring:Ammer letialaction to all con: rned. co Goods for the East taken at very ow Taira, and will be called for iu any part of the eitY l . free of ehaxge. — tioods from the Earl deliVeled wnLeut Charge for Ile. Emory for the Eaw leave+ tinily a 4 oirrock, P. M. Writ • . A. f. Package. forwarilei/ to Cineinoalt Lenictitlle, Lou,. and New Orleans. raimatrat. & CO., N 0.7 Wall aired, Near Vora. do Chawito aurei, Philadelphia. du' = Baltimore rural, llyitouore. & CO., N. orireet, 00440. MM. VICKERY, Aarni. del3 Office SyChatlon Ifotol , EXPILIMS WAGON LINK. 1849. THEO.UGII IN FIVE DAYS! subscribe.are prepared b receive ashpoutals Freight dully, alter Monday, Id. to forward la Of Own Philadelphia and rats:meld Ly Wasan, through in EVV. Days. R. 1.10 low as by tut)' other convey tow< id this seasoo of the yeily JOHN McFADEN GO, Caned Da-ta, Pittsburgh JAME , * M DAVIS & deb Not el. Market st. Yhdadelphil. MODIONOIIIIEILA Only 73 Dill•• Staging• Vi Bre ornaville and coollmtland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. `the wharf, nbove tlu ,'°.?c°l.`" k Balttmorr, hours; time to Philadelphia, 4U howl , The eveniag boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ev coingsJ at 4 o'clock. Paa , engers by Icatonc oa evening loft, will cross the esourtsier 31..7 . C11 flex day, and thar avoid night otTl. Serlire your nett'," at c Office, lffonongith el House, or ht. Char:es Hotel. la 1 , LI'S ly NIFeithIMEN. Armen AILINTSPL NU ifektrelllTs slfrt .1.7 .7 -4 ffi — l t ' ' 1849 10.1tia EXPRE , S WAGON L NE—TdROUGII IN FIVE 1.) YS! true aubaerthets, /intets a vended theta twist _ept i erallollS 11. • 1l11 the opanin of the Spear Naomi tie% hare eatablit mien Ils ere Lint by li 40 ri , ..il and Pla Wagon between tladele a and Pittsburgh. by which they ate pttpued to inward Guth pounds tuck day, and receipt for dm deb ry of the same lab days They Leg Mare to aware heir (Mends and the pub he Mat their arrstagrosotis r gardnut rites, regularity and despatch, c annot (MI tog re ‹attsfactrar to all la ar ty Amor VIM wail Ilea comma de •re. VET. & 0 CONNOR, Comer Penn and Warne ate, Pntetionsh TI ObIAS nrAtnirx.t.• da: 27i Mattel Meet l .toladelo h e GET: WO. 11E. WO! WINTER ARR MOSCSIENTs MAtia 1 -19. *kirgigg „.. SIM . /AIN, ~ •• .'- ..... B IN I:II A NI ' S EXPR '''... WAGON LINE, en any rang Pittsburgh and Philadelphia A fl o t r iot ,,, lfu , ll7 ,o l,4 n n in th ~e w e . ell f tet r. boul e brgy , r , r i t ~ ;: o d , we lace Immo hosught th e dog ...toga Waldo. to tit se atheition, one mil I e prep IT ti 16 fornard (1.00 paw Os dAti ,h. otencomenm cm Molt al, the 06. h hot) A t r at lea‘ing rtoladrtplo sha I) h toe mutt train !or elno hmehato util On II mho. ro an ls; day foal main., ensm es thr deltres y.O 4. a free Jai a. pis h o 0) it DI be Potahusgo lIINti lin . 0 A 'MINI No ie I ritittletintett norMt Ph il a., • , p , o 1 WiAii liat A lilt r'NtilidiliolVi. sig* - 1 km). EXPRESS 11" AIR ON I. liVii TO ANTI W 1 PITTSBITH.GI I AND PHI LA DF:LP ill A. Tana Five Lblyo, p:otolnyoee , pled,)runotog OOT I 011 d Ni .11t. PHF. public ir tospeetlully titfornied , Itst 11, Idne, I which hos been P. .acbosetul openitiou the two. prevtous Mlol[l, wil l go ii cotosio , nee to: 111. g. Monday, the WNw ith of oa, ,er. t . A est will trove Minded his end Chithttorehwith <I ndy good, way with the hl '1 Train,. sod Flout Chun her sbo telt with teluye 0: Liu sets winning dirand bight., We sr e preparud to torevet Rhil lb. trcheit doily by the ehnh , • Ldne. Apply to Lb I..Keeli A Ca. Pin burgh, ' 4 ARRIS .t. I.F.Setl • .....• ND 15 Soul. Thud _ .. . Vit•notbaart Agency. ..,`' 2' th . e r i h r ' iri . rlT;Tpr:; " :;versr:VTect :' : , 1., ere rtmeron . ned to d,vol, thrir unre- Irma ottermoo to lin. hpinelt oi;tlrtar burine.o.. They hope. from ganetern yearn' .ssikenenne anJ by their never failing mall airy and en icr attv 1111011, ILI merit potronsta. J. C.131;CK1.V... 4 a. CO, nel.dlns Pearl e Oert.l..nnirvine, Ily. . . EtIROR 11.1:1,1.8RY,.0f Now York, and It. 1111s11 VI PLM U'S, of ilhiludelphis, have Mk duerlreeti admitted as partners 111 our Mariners, which will i.e eantinued ander the tam taut at hedetOtorr, at No.:: Church alley, Philadelphia and No. IA Exclimme Place, New York. RdliL DAVI.; X Pi i. Philadelphia, Dee. I, Inti.--Idc7rlto X/11-161 CAP DP - PITTBIRDAttIis 41 - 17 a- j. 1,113111.1.1 V ' AND VICINITY, will be ready ion the ensmver in to days. Permits who may wish in barn views of their country emits put on the Itmp can do ye by making application to the underaigiont, any wee be/ore the Oh hut. To defray the expense of the view. w. rill be required in addiiion to the price of th• rasa .R 11leGOWAN 111001t.i11 DOK II K "'UST ree'd at the PRKSIIYTERIAN ROOK ROOM, SI No. Ni Wood street. and for sale at limiest prises: lieseniuslllebrew Lexicon, Townsend's Armaments in of the Bible, Neanderra Ihmory of the Christian Hell. giOn and Church, Milton's Tleillte on CeliitiM Does Dine, Life of le es mish Roans, F.sq., Ruhlason's Omsk Benanav of the therpele, do Refits', do do,Scott's It ble, vols. Roston edition; Parish's Bible Gazetteer, Ittediturst's China and its Prospects, Dr. rVriett's (Aw nless 011 Sweslenhorgimilsm, mm Misory Anne, dotm; and mmy saber interestiuu watts, in addition ' to the above all at TANIIII.7IPtICSL. CEM:iI V VIEW will be published In on short n Orn M an possible; and I con tomcat Vny subscribe' tuld the public generally, the It shnll be torkluon both in fidelity of detail and beauty of execution—t any other whatever. Let those who doubt. fe' weeks and sea AVIIITEFIELD. IVcw Yams, 1>c,fith,11.49.--Idell qaw Fasser sad Varlet, Goods. Ur II are now receiving, front one of our fern tart, T our tecond supply of FAL) . GOODS, eonsisunir of every mach, in our line, to which Veldt weer To net,' of LOOKING GLAS.4ES. of our two umuulaa. Mel ore ask the attention of Western !Merchants and other burera dell ItENNEIDT 8 SAWVER • - INED/CAL AND SULLGIDA&OFFII3,IE, tie. CI.N,JIIAMOND ALLEY, a fmr Coop • below Wend attech to ocatda ri•attet. . •DID 150.01NNa totauxi t Grll I_ regularly educata to the locilical . profession. and bOon for mme Or :v in °II ft•ral practice, now etcliiner. . AMa attention to Me tn.:dont Cl Moire ptcrate and &Oilcan- coin plain. for Which. his oppotiltatolica and experiencepsculintiy quality II 131111a406.1iy dell•rttli to study & treatment of those colmslitinta,fdarmontintob time he has bad more pracuro Oil 11811 cared morn ga• . ts than can Vier fall to t h e lot of any prima., yens , Uu o ctncr) amply qualifies silo to ?dbl. anourancitt of permanent. and xf,•Mon 001011/ all ardistad and, deficits illmanai and all ditettoca arming -Met& from • Dr. mown weed inform thole ,stlitetesl Waturvate diseases which have tweome ettroettl by time• Or ng. a:neaten by the Oct of any of the common 110itrarle of N. do., that their eoteplaintf eon he rothenfly.rafd °uglily cured; he having toren hm made! ratestiOn•to the treatment °reach elms; and se ededsuccd in hundred. of wmncee in Perrone of inaon of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often malt ero thorn eases where others have consigned them to h hopeless despair. Ile portieularly !owes sack as have been lane and norkeeesafollydreated hyoihms to consult him, when evert ralisfainioa thee, and their canoe trotted in a - carofuh,thotoiali and i=eihreot moaner, pointed oat tos a long ell, fence, study, and insestigauen,whlelt It ientipooolilc ft, there engaged In Metal practice of soodietoo tees to One el.* of disco.. • llTllemia or Itoptura—Dr. Brawn affn 1:1•11.4 por tions leaned with Hernia to call,. be has paid partic ular attention to this diZtase. CA MIF:O.S also coral Shin diseases; also if teal, ore., speedily ruled Charge* eery low. N. 71.-44Olents of either sea Mona at atm...mem; stating 'their Aiwase to wrist., a wing ~..I:heirenrt toms,ean ebtam mediestle4 mon duet Lora r tddreP•lng T. ItIIOWN, AL petit. to .fee: Diu:toed iller, Oin.frlf • noose, • --.. . 6A1W00,115.Y...-11,11rorott, , twiv ,Itu wrc , 47 COI.RIieLII.I.II. to rt ~.,-,N n. 4 v. ; tr... relr. l ,-J V ;,71 Ittitt pnin'al totrobln. It pov , lA , . O, and Private er.A.0111.4; it. 0.10., NO.- 44 Iti' 1n0134.11ey, Pktitkargh. I, Tlto 110-ret, s• .rivr °"'• 111 home. trr No tons no nor. .. 'B, uithadtng La- Elja DOXE9,, osL rzc'd KENsitiwir. sAvrout RMS, ke, F°.l2,tcas.rizitrait, -gzisr.l-114/ Possession given on the list of April next. Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICag.. Possession . given isentrAbstelif E. D. GAZZAhI, delS I Otnee over oho Pesti:Mee Third st: • ORIET-7e WAREHOUSE at pre. sent occapiod by Won, Bailey, Brown on Water street, from first of Apnl her,. • • • 60r25 • • • JAMES A HUTCHISON &CO. "V W A GON Li 'good taro bone PER . • .. F sale love.-nial be sun at the Saar Liver,' Statdo of Rody Pettelson, Furth stray . ben ne B. end Smithfield. nostie A WELL FINISHED ROOM. naltakdo for a AVaHoty or Gentlemen's EutolokHHl Store. Al. F.—Seeetal MO= onitoblo for odor or An pol`o rooms. ooHelfOdee'pWrd oeet Pool.COIC: For 21 •or t si• • ' ' i jot cep desirable residence - in AllegbettY C ft City, lately occupied by .IP. Poindexter, and possession given immediately. 'or teems, apply at this eke, or to PP.AV: Wrie. SON. Market st. A. WOK MCATThe tr..,,h...e oow, , occupied by htro. Arwood, aitnated atilakland, with andcme of groond attached. The house - lospaciotto an convenient, end th e ground well im.. - proved. ' Apply to_ MARIA!". JONES to 00, nualll Water st . ." lk)ti SALK—A Briei IloolreTtbal ooe Year igiktni.4 nod Lot, no Robinson street, 111.1egliniy, ienr old'Findgc. Price low and terms cdoiy..... IhilellVLir 13 0 21_ i l i tv , a ' t Flon. R Z on .I.T.r.";iv! iretween'filaß•dn'iiil Maritgy. vireo!, sine occupied by I W. Grahlini, ' J r. POsilefAioo ell inuneAliately Enquire of Wry. Uraham, or al tlw. llookviere of 101INSTON to STOCKTON, eoiner Market and Third etroot.' Two Lot• for Gala. THE irsurhe rs will sell et roseate oh", those tae Lrn le / 1 / 4 lan- co Rutted, situated on Tomato at, in the Th rd 0,1.'1 of Allegheny Cary, 'each belong a thent niter fret, curinrog back 100 teet to depth tOsith r-rt elle), upon whirl , is built a •tone br 1 stro h eon.. •linie enough to build cellars t ot insroooortable Ain riling houses, and in front there Nu learn pthwthr and the" , p• psehrl with Corea, all ores - bleb will be sold at set. Pot-berth and Allegheny, Of r`ounty Scrap s ,ear be to ken in prytneur 11 YII.III.IYS, Ns 3 Woad... or to I:51. RI:N9ON, rnonedtately opium• lots n - rimeed tr. seat. jibing of of Ilartantham Cite Intl are Dina• red on Demean strr et, numbereit Ls 1 PRI.IIII.'II :5, 79,0. el met e2-1..01 No 75 (molar? feel on Nat ty Atr. ctreet,7l , feet deep, the other trot 5t (eat (rent eels by an fret deep 'ferny/ —ttreater part of purchase tanner any oil for u: year. eecornl by reonsaae For attic - lane., Inmate ot ,131(11 .1 1 r' 110 neon at ii6tl Acres Coal Laud for Bal.ll. I [VAMP on the Mononenbela rust About Ittentlea /.,7 frontclub aral 3 macs nture data Lock, In b-I Inttoedt roe nem/It/tabor/4 of At cum leTort t/hOrb. 1.1 "I /obi Herron's purchase Mk Erne body • will he cold at tat low price or at per acre--etas .1•1[11.1 itande,balenee in Eve erten/ ennua/ payments, stthot.l !surest. Tale indisputable.. LoGCSISOII very ood —eartad be au/Tamed For farther parr:telex. • .4e/re of,.RAI-9LEY, who has s draft °teak/ pro /clip Reddened:a et, bolos , Ferry,3lr Adann , Row. IS ruere to another cram of coal on this tarot, r he IA al. ,, rt.r: shorn h, lower, aterecllent quality. u—s -- t/ •17lete. Itrailding heels for LgFJ of „e; treortorot lathe rwrnon ot the 1,010 nuatherei 07. I':•. GO and 11 , , m. tVoulc't.rnerl flan of La cite or t • Isburgh, shear led el rt • south cnotwardl, con et l'egurthd Way na streets Wontrw 210 (eht nn the forte. r, und valerulmg along de t o about MC Rut to o Vlthetreny hthrig a pert 0( 100 Rua Fat- , n ( We late Junes tdeveoson, Tan ‘ dettased A pins or cabatviclon of the. at CA, Lento, in eeptera m row prop with which ro propcsed to cell. my he Ken at the rr ce of the unacrsup ed, nn I'nur - th, between Mari ter e oth , Corry tts. • WILLI khles tr. KV 11N ncyl ATAL—CABLERRAL, YRNNSTREET V FOR Lot 01 Ground :Rance on Penn. Infect, butweenllay and Ztlarbury streets, adjoinim tb e hoot , and lot now occupied by Richard Rdwatas,, It nein!! a front of ti feet, and in depth LSI/ feel, atoll ha 'old on favorelilulemo. Title unexceptionable. En— quire of C. O. LOUMIS, 4111 It. near Wood. : . _ ' , Ble — W - • /aloe .. . A DESIRABL E Ler in Allegheny city, rt..- numbly located, in sigo nbout limit an agen t and. will be eold on accommating regma Irlgniall ni . ' . felii ' .1 11 od WILLIAMS. 110woodier' ----- -*= vi• . t • LEI , . . of.g, o&n to lieu tilleases 111 art Nature with promptnese find secrecy.. Ifir inert., in. Santo and other large cities has _ been proverbial. Ills charger .twe. moderate, mad hie eurca latrroancia. • ,Old cases of Gloec Stricture, Sera fain, F.t. or Allots. Rheumatism, Agoe,Syphilis, eir any chronic or inveterate carte solicited. • A car: warranted, or chorea refunded. Orr c ea, St. Clair street,:( doors from the Bridge. Tema bleireetcd. Advice to the poor guile. ti • 11. -Dr. A. Follett.. the worst case. of any dlecAra in Poirburgh to DucToa wistAIVS— BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. eery with pleaminr from the -.Stettin Mercantile Samford" of March, and holm that ti any dl car i<wief , lie suffering from any of we complaint , which it in avid torn !. they will speedily avail thenvelves of It:t it • . tVIST-att'S BALSAM fri• ViILD CLIERR.S. It rya. t ,awn many your! ago nthwall cherry hart; tree 'of this . climate possessed voluble medic:rat quaStica. indeed this fort was knomrn to tmo alotnricer, not decoction:l of the kayos or bark . of ihl+tr.. has era, teen regarded bv datirphYviefarte aa.• of lama effectual remedies in many diacritics. • Tht• wet ears fir; ft, lltrrstnd the attention of IT, r.Y ~no .1 hi., II)) respr rtli.l,lo • practitioner of Vir go.. tic Inne-itgated with care Me healing proper; rice or l to wild ;.gated le :led or edema when gamin- Iss,cr.l skin, and when in combloation.with other re tamitol atoms. tie tonna that tie natural vitt. might :. ' ;ready intpromia, uml by combining it with lops . dimes whose properties were •It welt proved and gen erally imarguired, a medicine was produced which • nonvoter. a remedy of great =penance to pulraonav sofectron• ...- awri of the chest mad throat Miceli, which are proverbially prevalent in eareltlea_ antYlaree rowdy, :and often prove fatal, swelling the bill of mortalityto much greater extent than is the lirr • caw rah mow fos, .we had olamaniaid daises . or di. , .e The ;termini , Wi,torb 134.11•111 of Wild Cherry has% • far :mote to the rig aillare of (leery AVOW. Ig. Plot...de:plow and wandlord and Park on a finely . cured atcri engraved wrapper. None other am gen, We are Art it receipt of the following volantary ter Ltur to !b. curative power of %Vit.' , Ilaleitra of Wild rherry, tract E. Null, rd. I), or tilt. Clemens, Mehl- got, v.: n Li a phystmen of high rueoliog, . unmet' !meet., • MT. CLIMIIS; Mich o 1 %kb, • To the nthmted, the , may eettity that blel. Rob- • trot, of this village, three or four weeks alter „ moot,' rotneked with a violent cough clod great proompcn, end veenied Itesuming MMe kik , e with wilful rapidity. I :plotted her to use Wirier 1101mr• ef Wild worn" so, and with Mos tretuablet . vittateine alone wag restored to Wealth. and is nolo a s locing proof of Mc value of Wistor's Dalai= of Wild Client]. - l'hysiehm and Draggtst. • . Read on rind be convinced still further elite velhatt• knble values lit tVistar'a Bohan of Wild Chews - ctn.:landlord Cu Park: tied., Ac. matter °film, flee to you, and foe the bencht of the public, I trued • offer tho following statement of a Cu reelfeeted Lyrics medieme,.known or Wletar l et Dolman] of Wild Chatty. In the spring of 1:47 my wife teasseverely atta c ln ked a' with Penpnemootua or Pleurisy, which resulted deep sealed Non m ' tho side, accompanied with a se vere couch, she was attended by some al the best" PhYucians to Chicoso, but to no putposei fur weeks • . she suffered, without relief, coughirg Incetintedr high out def. I come to this conclusion that all the mate. Js stoical(' the physicians couldnot hely her, woe Induced to try your Wild Cherry. I procured one bottle, cod commereed using a uecordeis to dim:l ooms liefor has Oil gono—the foo,glit pain to her tide left her,ond with the aid r o soothed: bottle ehe wart restored to rititiliCt 11.... la CO ridczation el' these etiolate...mm.l would reCOlittaolid it la the public oar viduable sumbeinc. R. N. CUMBA'I7.. Yours, re•peerfttliy, flarnts, Niche Oat 15,1919. j Road th foUrvusg TestignoniegY. Of all the mires diet hate been recorded, there ere ".; certainly none equal ta the one Lest MentlOnedywkielt. ' pluraly thaws the curability of Consumption, even to -- wee of lIP asorat Moms: ' , , ; - .. - • t Curers Yam; Lake co., Iz., lone 15, lEilta; J. 1/ Pork: Deer Sir, As I luta a deep cometilted - • tion for the a/Vic-Cid, pennit ma to pie e yea a blier: history array eidittion; and the benches delis/self:Mu the ase of Dr. Witter's Baleen of Wild peony. - . . le July, l'utd, I wee attacked with a (seer el the te- yhod chatecter, which left me in 'a Inn dr,bilitated - mate, when on the following winter 1 was token mite it rancor cold, Yeakil reduced rue to each an as to give ...e the appearance of ii, tortfuscmi concUmptioM i . I labored under a severe county—expectorated agree. ucol,r and ions troubled with eilld («r end orcht serum. I I oleo fret/trolly mired blood from' my lank. I ca.` 111111114 in this min; gradually ankle; nodes tea din- - ease, until Imeary, 1e.17, when I wail .12,witit atinoked rlllt Titer.My friends diiinaired of ley lofa, and my' yaysitimn Mooed I could survive bet a marl Mem -- ,kly eXtremince. esp.-el:01y ray fact, were constantlY told, nod almost lost-Meir Melina. 'Under Mesa eke encortantes it may Icily be said Mkt 1 was a kaiak' skeleton. 1 finally detennined to gun taking medicine proscribed by ?hyaena:eh and try Ur. Wistaesitchara of Wild 'Cherry, and from the first srecli atoll cos =need taking it, I can dare a graderal rceoeetli I. continue& it 4 coo all. months, at the end of atlakh WPC. i U . :Lamina. and nose eilloyeul .......14 health ever nee; ' std chectiolly tcrommend the. 3almen mall Mow of -dieted with dieruse of the lungs, sad weald.m.,.l to 'Mw o cOmnioncury IHum. ltat, al he drecwaragen it asse or three banks do not carnet a corm hat perseeeye MI - have doer, and I More ho Ouobt bat nine Carla cal , al ten wall be blwoul with renewed health 0.1 1 knye been. . licsrectfully, roam - ,-. , • ' JO:a-Tit JACKbON. •• Petri "Si per itiegir —nix Wades toe 23. -b... yield by J It. l'Allg, isuccrssor tanondford &CM. Foutil, an.l tValtwe .erera, Cieiriuimm Ohio dement Anent air rho la nub 'o a'tt'est, to-whom atl,Orden ' rousri r briiiterxd. - -' ' L. t': tins, Jr: Jam,.• d /11/IC.; .1, Kidd & Co; IL A. l'iel,nr.rock k t'r lb. .bur,W. I. 'F. Russell, Wash ,. tv. II liiiiils-nuii, d'iunkiin; L. 11. lameab Inn; ,morn, il, Melte , Green/burgh; 8.11a4111450.M . srii ir-ou I. falwarr, lb-dim - di Reed A Son, Henning. ,ni,,, le. eire. il.Oli.l.iyatuagi Ildilebran-t &Co, lade ,, J R. ISeight, ketwoulne; Rona, 0., Co, Bodes e. ' vat, .1. tt .t.,,d ..t. non, Wayerehurgh; 31 . Ferlond t Co. n. Celle edsr, Meadville; Dorton P. Co, rude; S. Ai w ohn, Myr, r, 11.r.^. KAIY &- Co. Butler, R'M ith ' denser, J to. twohnerlon, Wa. sea; F. 1,. tc.1"1.9..1011e./ . , Ir,”)4erf poll; I'. Cront.-r, it, LiTOITACTiIit. • ' • , aoVl2.3.llfly(ifjr - ..., a • FA p „vv.; B:M ata Twilled Cartitm 2 - Lno. i ne r na l eau** Foink ten% hlrilket nit. • , • •-• • *at MEMO =MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers