The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 27, 1849, Image 4
itMEIWEOUIi • TO THEM PIIIILIO• gt u OCT You. yeah nittim;letair traveling through the State of Obio; while spectate • few days In r a singeu Menne rubstonee, and salisequently teamed that it hod been known for ream and supposed to be of no ogee- value, but Worn On uniformity of texture and elegem appeatrance. I was led to believe might Le made useful, bot for what mamma I had not the !cut idea. I commer.ced !my export:acute by boning it.boilirlg It, and salver. Meg it, and componoMag area venous substanc seines;e sod ea arena wu my confidence Mune-ere VW and means In the Ia that ripe...pp:ly come eau prowaudon of those experiments; and from thet time to this, I ball e.attebded ou mother basineas; at theca Oration of a beet two years, I finally dlaeorated, that, by reducing nee a fine powder and mune It with reed all to .sbout the twaristeney of thick paint, and applying . that compound with strode:, that this coating in a few mouths walla became a perfect stone or slatm so that the eubstanee whenapplied one actually elute in 'a liquid state; and the large Mount of talcs, alumna, magus:. and Meek oxide of inn that it con tatted, rendered It both weather . and firs proof, that longer expOseriohe harder and mare permanent it Imelda to become, and as the coating latter it tutu to time) is of itself intleavactibt. by fire, consequently It protheM the wood covered with it !tutu the air. where there is no air, there la on blase or totem n; thereon the wood will .nentady char, before the ecenting will give way. ,I considered the discovery of the greatest imp once, _and applied to Government for a putenl:t . . l 7 d stivervion or etseovery, foodlY bctttl.t . sow be remunerated for all mr cet• any. The government. .1 ca to me Letters Potent for the sole rinta to inlin .1... tare, sell end use my iniprovernent in the of a “Weather end Fire Proof Compoption or Arti- Adel or fourteen re demist 14, lee/. smile WE, the inhabitants of Sharon, have read the above Wan t or of :4r. Inane, and belle. it to be sabstan• i ' tinny correct, as wo are' nod to moth of thestate. mews therein contained; and we will farther Eate,that we do not beleve that there ever WY patent mare benea t a w,d labononaty earned; Sr more deservedly gran ;as he pursued es experiments with the moot andOmlintee poineMernnee Under the mot direouraging alreentstanees, ea the public had not the lure conk. duceetat there could be any thing valuable made from lb. substane•. He therefore bU theneouter for you( the het. and ace& of nearly the whole ecannu tory. 'Notwithalanding nil tiny be Ins indefatigable • In the prosecution of bre °Ornaments, and we do not balevarliat there is one man in a beamed who would barn persevered andsall the circumstances- Bubb .his at last trir.mphod over all obstacles, and we be lieve there is now but out opinion la awarding him the merit of this voidable discovery. GM W. CRANE, Justices of IFORACSOIDB, ' the JONATHAN EVETIHAVLD, Peace. L. 10.1.13 C. CHATFIELD, Trov f e. Ft. W. MILL, o lIHNJAMIN lONE, Township. ' WM. HVERINT, l' - ounsh.2 Clerk. ALLEN HOWE, r:C.NICT. CAUTION:I'O THE PUBLIC. I have ascirtalned that there are individuals engaged ht d n i rne g J atreiTtr pro Paring o r il7 l Z:d thn adb*.prge web. tore my. pat.tad article. L bws been to those ;pct. not Intend :a.m. shown them my patent. They say they do infrige Or pass un Orr rights; th at they hav e n right n to dig,tres grind, and s m elt the powder, if they can find purchasers; that they are not baud to know what they are to do with in that It is no infringement antil it is balked with the oil to make the compound; and that those who buy, oa th and ue must take as responeibiluy. Most of them .7 that they believe that the patent to grad against those that math and use the compound; and tame have said that what they wanted to use they should certainly porch es, of me, as they did not intend to make themselves Liable in err way. ' Newt feel myself In duty bound to expose this barefaced (rand upon the public; as I eat cell it by no moulder name, when a man sells and re- IllgTiS pay for an article, the uw. of which ha wsll knows imblects the purchaser and user to a prose.- tido sad fate. Some of those who are envied In this nefarious trade, willanquestienably contend to the public dial my patent will not stand, and that I dare not prosecute. New, to take this argument away from them, I went to some of those who were proclaiming that my patent was of no value, and made the follow ing propatitiont that they mightseleet elude, and two lawyers who hue had some p then. In patent taus, and we would submit the patent to them, and If they decided that the patent ....good, that they should stop all farther proecedinge in the basins, hut if they should decide that It would not, in their opinion, hold, I would won to let them go on and sell all they could, • grithoat rayarth any thing to the pohho aboat them. `This propagation they would 1301, Meade to. So far tba validity of my patent is concerned. I do not de• pond entirely upon nay own judgment, although I have the fattest confidence in it; bat I bate submitted it to many of the:edges, and several of the most eminent patent lawyers, who have, without exception, decided that In their opinion' it was good, and would protect me to my discovery.. I stn. the tinkle to a fine power, and put it ap in barrels, the which are marked: 4, 13.. mis ?ATMS Futa Aga WWII= Czoor AonstLl SIAM" -- I therefore moo notice to all wbo boy and use the above mentioned mineral for the purpose set forth in my patent,except faro WO or my authorized seas, that I shall told them to a swim accountability, and shall commence 'suits at law again.% those who thug infenge upon my neatWU. BLAKE. Sautr, Medina Co . 0., des. 14, 10111. 11j—TWO 'IONS of the above Fire and Weather Proof Artificial Slate on holds and for mile. The above we can recommend, for we ha , e been using tt Lai tome 4 !earn, and know it to be what it to set forth In every penal! tar. J. 11,PIIILLIPS , Alto . • NoS Wood st EXCEF , SIOR! F. H. EATON &CO.; Ego. GS 'fourth 1 , Pittsburgh litre now in Store their fan assortment of L Trimmings, Glom, ilotiery and Lace Goods : I DATED to the went, of every class of Mere-hams 13. and Consumers. No rains hare been spared to ' Present the newest end most fashionable Ityle of Goods In their Iliac: Their stork cenobite in penal the following • PRESS TRLILMI varieNGS. styles Fringes and Gimps, of every ty; new figured Galloons; Algerine and Imperial Braids wide and entree, Silk and - Wonted Fdittiroidering Braids !,. on ' Tna d Velvete ad c pti. n'altnn'i,';‘,`L i r trimming; do;. C'"uelf, him and colbred Bilk Limes; extrii wide do do, bl for minces with a Mil Assortment of Dress Buttons; esses Pinked, Stamped or Erronndered to order. . a LACE GOODS. 'Embroidered Lace and:Nlitslin Capes, Chemiuties, L lDeakfast and Retiring Caps and Ilia Sleeves, French Worked Codsrs and Cuffs, in gr at variety; Lore Veils Lappets and Opera Ties; Mourning Chemusettes, Col taro, CAL and Half Sleeves; Linen Lawn lidkfs, plain embroidered and henistitend do, plain Linen dm real thread Limes and Edgings; lin. do do; Bobbin, Lisle, Lace hlnslin and Cotton Edgings and Insenings. BONNET•TRIMMINGS. Rich new awls , Bonnet Ribbons, Feench Face Flow ers, Bonnet Tabs, Velvets, Satins and Florence*, Silk Illusions and Tariete-s, Bonnet Frames And Tips. - KID GLOVES. Best manufacture with Most approved fastenings, and choicest colors. An extensive assortment always I on band. HOSIERY. A great ;moiety of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Marble , and Cub:acre, for Ladies and Aliases; Tasan Plaids. and • pill assortment other styles fancy and plain Child ren's liose; assist styles Infants Boom and Socks, Gents' Grampian. %%genie, Merino, Conan and fire Wool lialf Bose. GLOVES. . • A fullamortment for men. mow n and children, asnong which are Derby Ribbed ; Dolomite and plain Bilk; ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Dec. IN; Caesium., Merino, Bar-lined Deaver, heavy 00,1 fine Buckskin, Military and Lisle Thread ertd WOOLEN GOODS, . . . .._ • Sorb ar Ladimi and Childre .1.6 11,r , i Children's Woolen Sae., Knit Scarfs sad Boas. • 611.1rell'I Hatt ers tHiii Lon Nil., Worriad Cada, Matting Worsteds and Woolen Yarns, California Comforts; also, fine I Cadatere Scarfs, for Ladles. ; . LADIE:3' DEPARTMENT. . Zephyr and Tapestry W.steds, Canvass Paltar." Flom and linli'd Silk, BriAol end PerPd Boards, Pa- M.117,7W.,T.11'' Lamp Mau, ,dvrsts and Drell Embroidered Sacks andFlormel m s ' , trench Worked CapsandiValsta for Infants; and Swaribvelown Trimmlogs. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Fine Shirts, Cravats and Collars . Merino, Silk and Cotton Wrappers and Marvels; polder.S Shoulder Brno. and braving tiownr, Silk en Mika; Gloves and Hosiery. CO VIA BRUSILDS AND PERFUMERY. , • French patterns carved and plain Shell Bark Combs; I Buffalo and In. do; Shell Side and Long Comb c Im. do; Buffalo, Satin ard Rosewood Hair Brushes; Shell, • Rani* a. Fag. Horn Deeming and fine Ivory Combs; with an assortment of Nail and Teeth Brush.. Wetherill's "Gold Medal^ PClfaMery. VARIETY GOODS. ttririaLlZAceTlP4lds, T1Z1.8a..,:t.7.0.,..: • Pitil:Trriat a. Servings, Finn Rosewood Des. and Comitandings a Halloo., Fancy Work Baskets Cloak Cord a. Tassels, Portfolios, Paplenres and Blind a Shade Trimrolngs, • Ladles' Stationary, Palpit k Banner Tassels, French Cork Soles., Upholsterer's Fringes, silk k Garin Umbrellis, Itaff Linenotre'd widths, Papas Maims tr. Hollandsi English Gil Cloths, Elastic Bands A Webbing, rig'd Chit. Buthni, Corset and h oe Lacers. = '----- NEiIiND VALUABLY. INVENTION! MANN'S ACIADOVi LOCH AND BPRINU. PiTCNITD, DLO-OMM 19, 1849. 1, HIS is an article, of gram value to all persons mi gaged in building, or to those who have already bolt, and are without window fammidng. While it furnishes spot - fest substitute for putties and weights, at a saving of at tram in to each window, it &fords tho safest favicriliqg that has ever been brougut into ear The utility and convenience of Mu Spring over en o thers, le, that !iy - ono thumb piece, both sash of the window can be seised or lowered. It requires only to he known to be appreciated, NOMa wishing ro buy the net or to have them pet into awe windows, or the right of selling to for counties in this Stem, may apply to the mbsenbers at Ma PERRY HOUSE, on the Alleg h e ny TURN river, ERPies , burgltPa. 00TEentori C. P. MAYO. rr.l":7 E=l CAftlETSl—Ree'd this day, at W. to „„) _choir:ma', Camel Wardhooac, No. 75 Bandit st, a proved supply . of carpets, of the latest mul op. proved styles, ,o which we metre the attention of Isteambron men, and those within to tarnish Houma to eall end examine the per assortment in the city, which we will eoll cheaper than ever before Offered in the western market.. non, W ArCLINTOCH Long Shovels. XR. MEANLY non reed,..• supply of the above s artick,, ,, f the best qogiltr; _pieta ,Illaek Long It ImutptestocLki.nakint,Asgt.nce, M7rning Al- Mth".'4tacrietf,Trs Was and Fron:lfi g h * .ferin ' oa r lset Cravats and htourning Collars, Mourning 000001 Rib- Woo, nue do,. and Also: a full assortment of Mourning °00540 t"*00. 1 ': 1 .A IL BLACK SILKS, A large assorm nit, including a kw pieces very wide and eupsrior. lmyers are ihlntad In look at then'. NM* East corner of Fourth and Mork, -- Wholesale Rooms up stain. where • ale= of New IF,pds rim later been meet. 'DP.. sAanrs ALTERATIVE- We hare becnlalonned by M re. Roe* of a cure per /,,,,ardentor Jayne'. Alteratamo, which yreins In sepriorty 41 . 1 KT every ' other remedy of AS kind. Rae Me teen elieted For the last sixteen years with lIECROO4eIer WRITE SWELLINGS, attended With ether-mien, and enfaliation of varmas boom, dn. ter:gothic! , ore., serty.picers have berm dieettarged from the trooml be: in Cl the crmitun, front both her ems, !wrists and he:Al:and from both !emend from the. left kmaora.. bete. old from the right hoes, bcddeipabithl lacers, on other parts of her pence! whkh have baled Mc skill of a number of the time dosimi physith of oar eitre-dartne• roost of the her suleringe have • , been eXenua:m i• and dephyrahte. *boat three months since .be was loduced •tO try Dr. Jayne's' Alterative, which has hod an astonishingly happy effect upon het, by temovig all pain enCiwelhags, an/ canting the 'Sleets to heal, while oldie same tßrebersexteralLealth has bcoodlecor4leinlyrastomd,sothatahe now seviehe .13 lbs more then ahe &.d Mimi:tithe commenced Use ater !of dilaunly•• livable erepenon.—Pat. Eve. Post. 1- For Autter Infurounlon,isgairs of Mrs- Rose, 14...128 Ftlbtri s Bs Pit tsb ielplua. ' For Wurg at the PERIN TEA errosz,i 70 Foarth et. Eta r Wood. Kkinen. Ittai rzto x. s ?al ~ ,„„.. nm AA • " Azusa Dr.S. P. TOWNSEND'S coarooso miraaor SARSA.P.A.BILLA , Ike mat Vozdaltd Eakin If at Lie; 1,600,000 BOTTLES UANOTACTO II7 .D TWILL Oita Mambo le pia up ta gams a mt a... and Mr mond mom liaa 100,000 Curd MiradaVases% wttlete lb* hot Tea Tem—Nais le • my. drawl 117 IL IP. TOWIIIIMID: - • EXPOSE. n =Ammo TEL ronowirio Ain:Warr - the Mao sal Mara the Mils ea rotbeavkan the mit* Ibr main( the MS they eill Old Dr. Jacob Tamoudit Sarmasals cams tmeredd mill be able to pap Ml* le the sembio end misbat sad *the bmedy at ass lems MM. eatployedm Mang es the OE 1 Dr. TownesoaTo tmes*Ea. Dr. S. P. .Towcsend wee the origami MI term* of Dr. Tamemod% and his mild* has "Mad • reputstioa am meaty _ever mdaad. mauelhotared mar em Malmo* SSW WM. laM per yeat • manolletarthd e relat bottles Sly. More sial rite. Dort * Nor Maks* ...Masa* siods y, thrall the other Sumealk msmderatma 4 Os athostml 011 es TSR AFFIDAVIT. CAM eel i t Ifro-lrorkir. Walls* Assetreo* of the add aW, sworn. doat dimam oat my that les le a Mt OM** Mel sami ttme ta IglTetbm M il ian or lb* of Jim ISA a w e by the tame cd Mob Teeroms al the M a book tad mAlet Midler, Galled ma siermt, el the boom of Mr. Those No. CI ftaioodWeet. Mare dapcs. met bou*d e acet mamba doom* te mate *to • reso : Ml* to *As a Syrup of IMammala *Mbar esys that he biome meloaaded Lemma el the WM at Theodase T. = dm. Brok Toloadm, mak vim mhd notseryfrimsamatia Mem* emertm tam at demos* reammaasthe sanaholare sof sa *dole at Samepozaht aid %Mkt tha rate *Da leash Toyama. Thal sail Tammesta Mad be mos Wok/ atom sod pee, and em sot et Iter hod lobar-eadmithel to m 7 emesors odes la the eery to Me OA d mal that, ' odmme nemed Tom mad sold mal, is icds mome . y athe mode by Ihe mid me * rem* hs Wed sat =am san7as z. sel oV i thlo belag Timamod,) ll* a pm* to **pm end M him. :Delmont lams vire anssermtkee mho& all Tesraond If Is mos milatMl to Da L r. Tommel. *MI* >r ambed. that ha lam Dr. U. P. Tumid mold be doe* mi bbe thy be Mold mairlosam. slat mal les gim me l* his se be hid timed a isommtmaktma 'odd forst* tha twalsammamaistm**-esol era mall premed to Med Meat west lay Ma* CDs Made is ldis thatber mryq thet puma to the reqMat of D X= abmsooe, be irrom a rube Ma Ms smaabotare =ma* mod matt to bits add ke mad* * makes maim to MOW to bk rastom Ser thar eyW id eridesd to them la may Otas Sold all lb. Tomei Me Sold OM the may mot to an .an to be Ur am em sod *ape se Dl P. Teens mita sod astonst, se Lee resmet of Mob Tonmend, ta the ISM of Dr. Llt Timm* Sad **mai father essys that be hie Ma loam ed. end isy beamethellyrep et lesem*/* mkt as Old Mob Tosem k made eres Om Not* tar sodoolly demo* * *sob Timrsma, se alensad Asi Mem dermat Mth a* WILIAAN ABISSWIDISO. Mem **bre mee Slth del C. a. woduIITILL, . Mem of the a* al he. Tat. PROOF!! PROOF 111 Ban le prod molishe thaiDr. S. T. Teems* Sarmr d ta iz o ther." alsb . Tba Sega from TUX TELL Sibem7 lanalms Dr. Tairsomr• Simpaills. birst*rms bee Ma so pcsot= or sr Dr. Tommelift • y, ead soolloom to be manute* Musil to tble , AM by the Daator blase*/ mod eftemerde he memo! roma* to th=n l Ma, by CMOS Tom** Om present Moe the tartmereh* Ina losommt, the beater hoe mid* In fie. Toth, Mime he keep • itOIRILIgetI.I3.IO the halm that mosneuhstm ea that pi* The mom. fattory =er,M Co pp- h oe l a / t o h m e e a a e m l e e d th le the Molor mod* Ms et oar elltem Me ray We of the amount of this medicine that is maisodectued mod Md. amides the Moe la ads costasy,ft i thlpped to the . Cmosidea WM *Ma Math} South end en* to Es. roomsoonallessom quanatiss ' At the manalictory they mopky • stam mem beeldeeths = ,,, coomber et mao, .mesas Orb, Is the d the math" ankh* Mesa *Mai, torn ced. needy kr ddramet, 4ao dassoo day, or nrsrly Masboales . This le a memo quantity. The gnat eale ms meactoe ha sequined, Ism ID dad a umber or ma to Ist op *MIMS ad there It tithe pram* elm.. am r medidoes Lor sass, shot are mama . Dr. Townesars Iluatimals" 0* paa Woke stated *bort tlme ago leans Tork, teed " Old Dolor lam* TornewAS Muremsals • and ep. *may MI a My, by Mat al ednestidag. and the esual remsdim morted to la ash effints, to *Fop* me the ram ad Dr. S. P. Toenamain= smisty. *I dose pia ell the ed tram the *6'of the = has acquired r , 7 a =l7 of =Zee well labma pri:6o.l I=the lamina MI oropmeor of the ' Mom os "Dr. Tommemlle Metpulas" ad .e teak them pamme mho are et= se &ell Mir article as the imam shod& be • TEO* ILL Low ?Mk MD* Talaems. 0). We polelthed ea 124. sat In~eldly moo Ma Moe thatW ooseledoru** to Dr. L T. Tom. of Me is the MOM p Dr. alz th 2v.r.. kensamtam esomparate Moms is Other puttee hare rah* the pi* dm meths scotsged or camected theamehes with a ma by the mos ad Tomecd Me pat op a mac*. Ml** It by the same mama Thhi reds emu adman& bo The Tram lean. edverthemmot sho matter to m e chmeder of Dr. IL C. Timm& sod east asedielas We nom a sold la Maw le the Dr. mine this en. 173.0 k 11 nattyTlLL • New Tea Dan. D. TemomY• extmoWtm7ldmut cocuplas sa mann pegs d th. 110.4 sal ran auttP• Wks. Dr. It T. Tatirmaad. mho M Pru• of Dr. Tammatad's samputtha, and wham ot ice la neat door to our. tab.+ he - ht• fu , ••••, al year. la drg ea bump balsam Hs mama co lam than bur lossubed &ono of dereaparlDa par day, sad swan tab enormous usually does mat apply tha dams* No manna um autooll Cr.d a popularity wilds pinwales of the HL edttic:l cd Almanacs far ISO ant mops, sad he lul* paid Una Nem Yadr. Ihna far advertent& In tea bat foci res 0n, 0 4 .. s t=l he tekmdmige. um it dm be km bad dos This weak:tea amportni to the Canada. Wed ha au, dank Amster nad Grope, In oemealderado quantan% asa s °may tdo passel me la Dams courddus, morall es bare. - • , Tortnabas. Dumas end abut tbst v et =alb tbe Cruot= al k PYTatemak camaita fru.. ad iof tbe COACCMIL eta that would be of ruat oft act, would tomb sny abet haul no Droubt damson istatlipm ba know. mat ona b the oaly guano CM Jamb Twarnemd. haft rule whir ere notatill Lamm& cod Me not rad the roma, tad not ma ois: eduribenam, km tam la to euriyarithal berme Cm ma at. abbe their ma • cos Jaceb Tommat . tha it mot, a otam=e i. one saw AIM lbw le =aka Cab baba.. lba Ma W the mad au to yarn Mob obi swab srbrassui mQ fay ii i. l 4 6. rtell gr = Maleb.wad nnerabonsited fonanilman. • tab btu' mail Mb a=a bird kfa them of la mooe. Taw y ao net Ugh Maul. to be. Wm Owl Weir Yeq sr the am-but Ma better to tablia they st the time time teal tagr. Y cb. Did Dr. Tama% eta the ongial I mad cam: to bake its M r = ma the ash' ary armada% 1. Est . eb,ramilla Ural he perbtiad mammy wonderful cum ix thou!' len yem sal "lab as piraa • nuMains whiork .14th 0. abs., We km maenad Ma men for &mg.. w•vbantomminowi.tiothooo... it re blabs bri Dr. Turnad Ushers. In Cab a , vertimamb u 4 etania.. the7Tegkh 1!•=tb•I l e a napanara Do whirl w. wiD oet nabs • ,IPabs Repot. fr mambo . bove iiablithea in afe plum the irme. P.lbufaimm irbi. Tide they mad to their abet the oreadry, wife nut twit bar. Eap Wei" ha Ivo The pale sboula be ou gm& Ind sat bp Mara by thew !mina. Yaks itraeral.—Afta tbe !al of bramber, ISDr. P. Tetanal'. New Yak Rau will b. in tb. Mat luta Canal. No eiam , "*lr Utah haulatairgaing a aback am will be Ora llx a s beta of the Fro bbe lad the ath.. a Tab yeraaM Jratea—hte b the cdchla Dr. Tarninal ti busperMo fro. C at 4ad by IL r. Tentima. Aramrrn.—aoldknit Ca, Ne. IttstesOset , asd bilre , E. laidar, - NA 109 Co Dorton ; BMW Kidder; Jr.,, Lowell; Ssaly TMO, !AIM; Junes H. Orman, Wescott*, ADkon t Gaup, Con: d rd W J. eb k Soo, Prov yOa aUth . "Idene• ; and by _Orft° Misbnot Wirt Ones garnand/mallt Win and tha Sole Agent for Pitt Cando ,Far sale by IL E. S r Frig, s- RI& CURRY, Allegheny; A. PAITERSON AVERY WONDERFUL CURE—S EL LER 9' VERITIFUGE Mamma, Mercer co., Pa.; Sept V., 1E149. 'A E. Seller. tear isle, I bought one book of your Verrolfage at the Imo City Furnace store, at anion's., and Stu performadwhat we consider Oat hems won. delta mos, aeons of my boys eight Years 01d; be b" been unwell for some years,. much edthat I had ell all . kepets of bin recovery. !was advised by eve o ( ..e.;7 7 . t0.t 1 7 a bottle of your Vennlfage— and I arta to worm you of It having the desired elfeetof rellevang my eon. Ile passed, an the short spar. of 94 b 005,104 worms, some of them Maser u =eh as 1.9 and 14 Metes long. I feel boned m u.. es Om you the above Mamma; so as you may make any toe of say oilme that you think proper. YOttn, Very respeetfally. Jonststen B. LYTIM. PrePared and add by R. &SELLERS, eV Wood weep and sold by -Druggists generally in the two h clues. . a _avid • Dr.b Fe ad 0. LOT a'S'4 d N fr. CO ELT Brij " RPNY. 1/4'°4a wfro.i et • CARL= MOUS. DE LAINB.-W. R. Attnphy nu o.77'ui reed a la of high colored Mous. de Lain., such as Cherry, Ecarlei.tec., al the law price per yani...Also, PIMA Drab, Braisrl,lo., at 121 to 161 C.OLIIS3Of and tarp, OMOrttriall Or neat styles Hoes. de Lat., at ',alba prices, together assomaent of Dress Gads getterally such. as Tanel Silks, French Merino*, Cashmeres Cobargs.and Lyettese Cloths. at the N. E. comer Of Fourth gad Matket sts. - Wholesale Rooms up stalrs. , tual2 °II-4 bblz in lira n STlTlNettl i aTr, - ' nowL4 Ido 37 Wood m e Peplkr, tnoreo, Nutmeg% bladder a al. Indlgoorith a general. asiortment at all SWOP O. Chnoark. and Pilule:lh ginefaenuell articled on kind and (or sale by ' W d InicCUTCHEON, Darn 13 lair* at 'I . I 1 TR.OSPORTATION LIN .FS - 15~8.~7itiY - a - av: Pass•taptr and Ratallttan Oboe. alititi MIEN & CO. conttnue to bring pert... Pram any part of England. Irditint llstothind or Wale, upon the most liberal term, with their • untalpunctuality and uteinion to the warm. eind rum. fort of emir: Outs We do not allow mar . parrenee, no I b. robbed by the middling vetunp. that mfr. the I portyas we rte cutup. of them the moment they Ir• port themselves end N.& o their well being, end dr ptiobthen t Sea to Ow thin they , were detained 4; hour. I, in LBrmrpool i . whilot thousands of Gillen were det,u3l,l MOitthit, Ma th ey mould be trot in enter old craft nt 3 ,ch:p rate.which too frequeinly proved their coffin, We Intend to perform out. contract. honorably, ro.i what it may. and not let as wu the cue lain .u.a.o, leithether . OlSeers,—wbo either performed not all oT art= haiku! their convenience. Draft. gtawn at Pituburgh for an, yarn teem II In LlOOO, payable at any of the provincial Ranks in Ire land,England, Scotland and Walr.i. JOSHUA ROBINSON European and General Agent. Fifth street. fo, •Ineir NEW ARRANGEMENT SPEED INCREASED EXPRESS PAST PACKET LINE. X:=2 Mika illsclesively (or YaPertiv”.) VIA THE URKAT CENTRAL RA I I. ROAD, TO PRILADELPIIIA AND BAla'llllol4E. T ' public are informed that ou a nttter Saturdo the Ist of Sepuatnher, the poooengert 1,1, mks lam. will he carn.o.dArpr the Control Rad Iload nom Le te. hal:mum floilltburgh, and from throve to Philadef phia by the Harruburgh and Lolutubla Bad Roade By this new arrangement paosenge is will go through morn MAT LW TOM don herontorr. The Packeni of this Line am Itrw and of the hest ease. This route for tasty, speed mei comfort, to the most preferable now in use to the Eastern roma. Rail Roads are all pasted to day light. Tdor, 3 days. Ft reh Ten Dol ßUTCHlars. For, i blonon nform ahela lloo.c ton apl to W g. oct4 or 'D to LEECH &CO,Canal Basin TO BALTIMORE AND PIIILADELPIIIA. THE StIORTFST ROUTEav TWENTY-SIX MILES Via Youghiogheny River. ~. The spiendtd new and fast moron, DAL Mail Ism *eke , s . FARMTuIIs L. D, RUM, Master, mu run as a Ital. ly packetlB.days excepted) between 917INDURGII and Nerol • NEWTON, on opening of onelgotion or. Yonghlogimuy river. , Leater West Newton from th e upper NTharY Boat, every morning at 9 o'clock. Re tanildg, leaves • Pdtsburgh from Wharf from above the Monongahela Bridge every c +ening at 4 o'clort. GO received by itgents on board the Whorl ErThe Farmer bas been built er prcatty for ite Iroaahinglenv river, nadthe public only rely on her reetanung pertmetenily m the trade. Particular arreadon paid mall way freight and pa. setter.. ann'ttnaliti Yoaagstoesra and clew Csksaler../ Packets. Mg= HE paeket BEAVER, Capt. Stanley, wie leave Beater . rosary on Mond Wednesday and day evenings a t e P. M., and arri ve at Youngstew It nazi morning az o'clock—renaming, leaves mugs. town Tuesday, Thursday and Saihrday evenings at 4 P. Le, mad reach Beaver in time for e mornin boat, ALLIXILIENY CLIPPER, arriving th at Pittsb urgh at LI o'clock. Ti imam HAREAWAY, Capt. Downin, will Beaver Taceday, Thunday . and 6aturday even. rat 6 P. EL, retenung, leave NOW Cade, Monday, edneeday and Friday evenings al 6 P. N. also con necting 'Nth the morang boat fir Plushurgh. .11,maoutsets are gad op in calla. order, hat. inn toe necommodadoui for pusengers, and shippers may rely on more panomalay and greater despateb 'than lea before been obtained en these roues. E. hl. }TIER & Co., Proprietors. J, C. thdwell, Agent, Plumburgh. Bidwell & Bro., v Beaver. A. ES Jacobs, `k Youngman , . R. W. (Tanning hatn,-NeW Castle. Tba elegant steamer, ALLEG HENN CLIPPER, will tear. Beaver, daily at 6A. M., and Pittsburgh at ft F. 6L, running In annoetion moth the above hats. NO ifEIL 1849..1E15fmk Warren and Cleveland passenger Line. Canal Perko—S,—O EAN.WALLOW. C 9NB elite above Parketaleave Beaver every day (Sandaysexcepted)and arrive next morning at arten, when they connect with thq Man Stages ler Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of there places before night., 'One of the packets Leave Warren duly atS !Ail., and arrive la g Beaver , B , time to take the ''''''''Ab*S.LFSlllM4ll. t Co. Warren, Al 13 TAYLOR, I Fro. 101 IN A CAVOIO W, Agent, atkk corner Water and Southfield on , I atigE2 1849. UNION LINE, OE THE DENIM AND 'OlllO CANALS! Cnawrose I CH.M.. Cleveland.° H. G. Pug. Beaver, P. • • T HIS Lane will be preoa - ed on the opeettnx of nay; 414THVitG' cur ! the Canal Lake. The facilities of the Line ate unsurpassed in nuudor, ! needy .nd capacity of Boats, expettence el mildew. and efficiency of Agents. One Boat leaves Pittsburgh and Cleve:Red thew. ran. ning in connecuon with the .teenier LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN', Between Pittsberch and Beaver. and a line of first elass Steamer. Propellers and Seuels on the Lakes . Alan—R G Parks, Beaver, P. Jesse Baldwin, I'ounce:ewe , Ohio hilt Taylor,. Warren, Cyr.PTG.IIII,III. BAlreno A Co, Akron. Crawford lk Chamberlin, C 'and, 0 Beam A Griffith, _Buffalo. N JOHN A. CAIIGHEV, Agent, Offlechtes Water and Smithfield u. Patotiarch. nechnily ip - AbRET a . Steamer MICHIGAN No. :— Copt c LAKE ERIE. c Gorden Tli. above regular and well known Beaver Peck , ell, have eommenced making their daily dip: n; and from Beaver, and wdl contitice to ran between ! Ellnsburch and Beaver secularly dating the mason, Mt follow.--. I Michigan No.) leaves Ptc.eburch daily at 9 &clerk. I A. M., and Beaver az S o'clock, P. if. Lake Eric leaves Beaver daily ud o'clock. A. M.. and Pinebuigh at 3 o'clock, P. M. Tyne MA 111 connection will H 0 Parke Express Yeeket Line, for Erie; Taylor A Letaingifgell's Warren Packets; Croon Line of Preacht Boats for Cleteland; Clarice fr. Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Preto - et Boat. 6 CLAHAF PARKS A Co, Beaver, Agent'. tachl/IJOHN A. CAUGIIEtr, Agent. Pittsburgh. —..,_ roe Water aod Smithfield ats!! - • i iitaL 1849. na§zi PITTSBURGH ANND E CLIIVISIAND LI, • ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND 01110 CANALS. THE Proprietor. of this old established and poplin.. daily line eonalstingofSLlCTElEN fast el.. Canal Boats, awned by theanelves and rantung eonnee. non with the MN= boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, ars enabled to offer unequalled faculties for the aransportation of freight and paspengers, on the opening of Canal nevi/abort, to all points on the Peon syivanot and Ohm FN -PITCH a & al . C o a nCd lev e e land .. ITIDAVELL & BRO . TIVER. Agenu, 1. C. BIDIVE.I.L, Agent. mars Water street. Pitabargh. D.W• c . emwss.n • V irn sbarg h. - lterect BIDWELL Jp BROTHER , Forwarding Merchants, BEAVER, PA, Agenta for the Pittoburgh caCteeebuu L. pia. burgh orsebErro Li. on Eric asf +d! owes bouts Escrow nod Caleb Cop , Having purchased the large and substantial Whorl Rom Just built for the Monongahela Packets, have with the midltion of a Warehouse, the moat ample ac commodations for receiving and forwarding, and pledge thou utmoet anontion, prompt.. and despatch fb conalgumenti to their etre, and rely on Mel, found fore trial. It lIRO PITTILEMIL Id • algal 1849. . Old Haubtithed Line. ON THE ERIE ErricistoN CANAL. ; THE Proprietor of this well known Line of Canal Bond, is now prepared o transport PU.KIIrEFFt YorkFteight to all points on the Erin Exension, How York Canals and dm Lakes, upon the IDOSt favornbin terms Li a de.pateh. Tbm Line runs in connection with 110. edam boat. BEAVER. mtd CALEB COPE, between Podlmrcii and 8.1031, C 111 Reed's Ltne of steam boot. and re. mls on the Lakes arid the Troy and Sic:Ligon Leke Boat Line on do 'Near York ca • C. M. RF.EB, Proprietor, Edo, re. • Kidwell a Brother, Agents, Iknuer. W T Mather, Agent et .1 klestirnen's Itamenger Other,hitibongakela Boum, Plu.burgh. CONSIGNEED—W C Melon, Shmon; J E /GS Bull, Sherpsburg; Smith & Downing, do; / II Pittman., West ireenullle; Wick, Achro to Co. do; Wm Ilenry, l Llartawarn; 1111;711te Sutton, Butledo; Barney, itiblis &I Co; Sandusky,. Jas A Armstrong, De W troit; Kirkland in Newberry, Sheboygan; hl , Clur. , k. ildman+, kin; Hasp, Moral & Dam., [tame; John Kincle.; Chicago; A Wheeler & Co, New York. FIGNASYLViNIA CAIUTITicIi. icon tis,l liagai 1849. nia. EXPRESS FAST rAcKgr Putanorgh to Phibtaciptatt and Battursore ISSeloswely far.Passengew.) TH;29:olie trenclesPoodnagllLlt4oorled, thivultosl The boats of this Line ars of • supernw class, onlatzsd cabins, which will rivo grestst cotrif . _ passengers. A boat will 01.111 be in port, and traaelern am ....!• oared to call and examine theml leav before enganigiing pito: sage blether routes. They 1c tbe 1 . 1 ,,d 1nA:: polite the 17.8. Hotel, corner Penn s nee r o cl ck. eve" 7/hiIIEINDIF. DOLLARS THROUGH glare--3l Do p y pe t : r Morton a la'n ' ap j3. 4 a - 11 Z . 'O, .c„,-, Utast gg o N. proprietors of the above lone are now b ' dloonal Line of Packets, to run as thorn on or Ist, in connection wait the Pconsyi verde from Levris:DWil to Philadelphia At that time IND lesic every morning end even big. Tun e gi days. ...h") 11D - 1 7 . If liTilitlaCitOiiT LINE, NOMA 184(.1. pia For the transports tin ot icredon:lgde R 61,. BETI/MN MILANI:Lett IA AND PI 1 CLOODS earned on dm Line are DWI transhipped Ur between Pittsburgh and ilbilagelphol, bring ear :nest In four section Portable boats once hand nod e l ''''. I'. shiFlrcri of truirchttedate region. caeful windbag, this tool imircsance No charge made tor receiving or shipplog i or for advtrceing charges. Alt gaols forwarded wi th dispatch, and on . reasonable lir= as by any other Lute. /01IN AITADF.N k Co, I earl Canal Bann, Penn sh Pittshurgb /AA M DAVIS te Co. =7 Market 1r.14 Commerce st., Phil. . JOHN McFADEN k Co. Forwarding and Cantons ie Men Merchants, Canal Ruin, Pero st, Pittsburgh JAM DAVIS*. Co, Flour Fan ion and Comma. 033 tricreltraids, Mukrd rind 34 Commerce surer, .... ~ fidleri th p l y m•r made by n. of the above on Floor rod and other isteteStandmo coultrood to them to sib. - .....12 TRANSPORTATI O N. NEW EIPRiiB A 6R.1)1;111 OT. tt .". TV . i l l t ;1 et' , aAi ,i A t: i) , s I. 1 r. r.... = T la! evitota oi rl 11'1,,i,t'f,.•i i<oi ~• ... ~ ... pato oho , ....irie , ol l'asi, u•' 5.‘ 1, 1 1 . ai` il - i a ' .1.0 gamma , a., , t .., It, lien , ~ • ... r. o . 1i0t.... , , , agent o. tbe lbw tin-.c. Rut; i• W t'..... t,u liroistiw,,, r. rt.,. n0 .,,H”..,, ~,,,•...... t .... eprotelt in the la, born Ma. ~,,, ,o i , • ,i.„., From 1 1 1.11a:riot... a tell tan Wit, I i.,.. (tool Dar, arm,. ni linotoirch re•tv...• e•-• a. (Wm . Thee mat tour lie•• ii. e Cs• eDm I ,e• .....i run 11 mai Fr.,. R. , d o• p,,,, •1. nee. , ..,,, and seamier . I net s<es \ a i... 13• ~ ..ea., erne to. e .t mace . ile We hare a. sriaingemeni 0.,..i• • I on saie li•ia .it Co. THAN: , i rt.,. ; TIC I. Aeni • .3 • wins:, we een 1-riserd l'aeiayr• to ai b ..•.i. I, ~ mison o tb. li. it lira,. l. ow, ~..1 0 ., 1 b. Co•on eto. Co• •. Mei- , 1 . A,,,, Ante N . 1 . . t as, I. 111 tdlethll" N a th.. Weh too , ~ <i.e.. ... n, the =Mr. fi1 , ...,-, Ctissis via Ile, ~: as. 1 1 .,, t. 133 the "hi , •,, re rt , n Nut,onal , s We aha , ape, no rap- nac er rIr•Iloki to ,•3 anal, thrtinah Rath the uni,o4 eespnii 1,. am , • s . •i a, to ill ~h 111, public with aisa ly wet e••-.... tve Fr ems,. Small p•icre , ii. il pee ataaa sei , o , sun ,lo ua coo tow ati-. C• tetanal< in a. our low , a., 0 apee,..1,, requ , sted In•, obit 1,. , i: e..,,,, ,, tv t• thlp 11. '',I.IIA.MS I. Ct es LNIIII P.O. Ithilailelpbut. Nov to ADAM , A e . O The ...slow.' o. • the above lain,. l ~,.. , r cocain:tee at Nn. eat I,y - J. 1• 11l 1.,' , J,, novla-dlia ..,-. it I ~ I HL. „.-•.--•,• vi,-1 , ) • • . _ •• • ~......,-,,,,5ak 'lO ME lit. IILIC.-The original, only true asd gnu Beaver and Pale A:apnea. P•ektol !aloe tube I ..siv lb ,art ',revved by R A:Sellers, and have R. G. PAH Et.s. itenver, Cropitetor ' a moo auto oil in black we,. upon the ltd of each ' ol,no. hu ianatare on the mashie wrapper-all frllENniezro,4,eleasat l'aaaenler ibiekeia. Cant II II Jed,. others no , sin attains, or base mitations. PENNSI L.VANIA. - .1 It inallrunit, api,, _ II r E 9 F.1.1.11119R,._y1e501. LAKE FHIP. Plc..) A I ti RI'S CAJAIRCIiAI'IVEDALRATII grEK:s crrr, ”.1 NIc:I.11., ' I,' HOY , Ihr for A• A 9IIININ, a well kneWn and pop F0r...1 • thia/ litle beta est. Lleavei noe l l i t. ,' ha i' ~... . leil :mono , the PrOte.talltltlethOdillC iOlleb commence.; ru nute<, abil All mo t or, aurio< C. ,a. . . on.teißifilviloa9ne tlcv••,,,tvdd•_, _th•PM eon in ntakc lima vule: info. libiv log lies*, s i l os -.. . , with 3 liseaar ii, the Montle°, swam.. pro d, arrival of tne morning lon. finn, Ibt, moan' fro- . , t erh• ,on in the wornachfor tenor tarrlvehours clock, r. 0 ;I.lld IliTIVr 111 Var. In 11111 e tor moo-baits a .letel- not t.u n, Rini aver having tried savanna to take Lim morubiajotas . Italfelo or up tue I, a te , :veil., ea, <Reel wa• furnished with a bottle Tick,: ilirouch ii,Eric mut :01 Lathe oortr can I.e oUr 11/Aye...A, mauve limbo= Thisbe iniedae . had by Optic eau , . to' JOHN A CAW:III.V. Ai,. I rot , . to the no- I 117, Re d food Invariably thalthie coracr et Water and iinott tent et, meamins eau. -nibs pain to alis'e in three Or fear Inin. • lie 110 iltia. AIIK. nuo and in Otero or twenty minntesevery eneilaye, ininno . -10,rnO a.....,,.."1.,1,-1,..•i se/la you entirely canned. The medicine was aPs MA= I 19. tt4:al' r , tern:nuts itie r .i genetics, indicabonsol theAnOrtl•:.b.ol-! 1 ai i were - 1 ed, andthe pa, arlkather y pre I. 1 ; ed . Ile ed.: ored to Wit the medial. oven' evening KIC.I.I.CIIASTIV VP AN • PLEttiLIT LIIC.. i and ',1.e.,* nwini•lf• and i• • (... week., For /Warm' Me . anbustnis. °pies 1 ebufga ~ , ( ; Leahh We* air 371 ...glared, tali the endererava• relics" • all Illt•rwcatv • me, cd from a litrrie iuti:a to nf oppreskive pear. Firm ex 1i will conbaue te en rry v.: 1* ai r od' perience.ibemor, ,e ON ananiently reMinattatid . 1 . , with their e.t.a! deep:act. i::4 at fno Imo of . liJsync i r Cast .tiriai. c.;•alsam, as a satatitry medicin; freight. I fot 4110515 of besioniaah and bowels. AialliiiD; Aemors-C. A. Al I .TY A Co. l'ittabuigh. Alit a ben< Dlt W. Ws< fie te. Jelin:ma v I Alt salt in I ;tnebraikb M , *PEKIN IPA a R 1 John Nlillei. !Pita.* etniren. 111 Fourth et * tea rWe ! and also iii ineDrug i Raxaramico.-Jume• Jorno, . Smithrx'n. S. sbruo an, lir t I ~,, , ,,,f 11l j. it WAN liZ '' . _:„.2 1 2 , Shoenberger. II Nisei, John Carter. 9 F Von goo, ' 1- VA,i. JVirIII;EIDINCOVICIR• , horst A. 0 ~, Win liebnair 1. co. Jno 'Allot, A Din- c ozcs yr IfiV ,I rf I'ES BB Oft YOUR GUAM' Pit.horki , John ivory, Saar., hilar.• 1.3.1 A Alt y. •11/ . I ' WAYNE.% tiralf A Co. Rasatia . Inr.ta; 1 COVIF01.1M) SYRUP OF WILD CllllB2l. 1 CousumPtion CoTeOg7hce.7.oldt, kett=Broneiltis, Lie.; . *" .. " ,Tl ' t 11 ' Ile Ve nailltirtiefithVptr. ' or , 1i . % ik. ~ Influenza, Croup, robot Coro : i . ' t it 1 1 /7 r e: a d : ;ft :11 , i 1:011::nlied:ln7;•;;o ilr my k i i Of m : : ,.. 0: T h e ' r t 5 e D "" :1.. 'b L 1 ' : I 1 the abase; ue.- ea i DR. alit AY-N V,' 9 Oooproood Syrup of Wild Ch•f".7t 1 i This '<mamma is nn :nukes among Mom ofd oobtfal iy. It liat sassed Remy from the thousands dally it u is l n ' ..bed Upon ate lilac tot experiment. and tow. tange ~,,,,,„;„ ; ,,,,.i.,tion. mai .• tacorning moetextesive ly'ireed than bay oil, la,l27l:tren •I meamum oval 7tdriee'"tt•eorenii rastriciitaeare're velgnerally through Ike !.1,,,.1",,,„Uend:fn.'" S" F.o" if‘ni .' n some re few towns s eal! ~ ;.;,;.,-,, ,r. : , , ' :,,,,,;,.::., i i h r a c .. :ll , e , :e ie t ,l n • nu . .F , :i dn i .f p ois r . asz r f f l u. * h orm e d. f . o , rigifi od ! .. sr,;n1,::::sot::,, tto,:br.ce. Itir:h,oicta,,,,,h,,,lN,,,e,„..t.,,dn.ip:e.d.lseri,tedbtetzt,,o h.,:‘Mgcbgb:,... lay a. i rt., a leale•e 1 ,1311 del another la favor, sad Meanie es no nominee. 9nch tesurnony proves non , ettiael . Onsi .• oxrpriaing e xcellence Is estabtuhrd I - av • . a tents and On unqueetionable oath.- " ' ''''. i 1 r To at etantanetine relief tt kt"- \ot 9 I ' llo '' ' l° • A < diflawil through the oral, • .1 air •osition< in acne whole .s.,ntr. Sr Idl lie. tendert it a moat agreeable it -Wei , ineo aeon, from oonscictaieue impels., ''''" 'l"r I' "'" ItIENIIIER I I sountlitty Le.: ‘eitittiony to lOC troth of • tningi or 1 pain , is t root. •re.fitrrornony, tiring convert to their i a oiLe N moo,- maltose*, coerces conviction of 1 , treat, 3..1 eontacials ito If at usail manner, to enlvereaviear Ire "--tillocan's H ordii Mame,. H I.aLrellE lIONIE CLIITI ATER I fir At. A amen • Cuus OF Pcsaitiaaar Conacarrrnak.- INere tot , r oo a a remedy aint.has been Rs succewful o, r-rerroc r• r< re f Consumption, la D. Swayne'• ,lomannail e•yri pni W 6.1 Cherry. II streektbene , itie and ap oar• to heal the at en the j otu cream 7 id ro.Lh blood, power possessed b robe , Alfelorl . , R yyp t VARIED & Co's. PACILMIT 1.1%1E. 1 LS 4S. zial kiisi. BEAM'.AND CLEVELAND LINE, eta tSnitift . lld. Canal Pee Set—SWALLOW, Cep,. Ford. " OCKS.N,Capt Waders. ?NI: of the above Packets leave Ileitit , • crt .tei , (Sundays e.seepted) end nrytve Des , etorieng . 3. erten, where they connect 'mit the Med Stage's tor Akron rind Cleveland. arsteng eash of there place Defore night. one of the Pee Itena tea,. N% yrre iintiv at S P 1 .11 , and arrore Et Beaver En l tnne to take tti • me. rang Plearn) l'autnalkh COTE - - . 4 !.IIFFINti WEI J., NV•rre , II TAYLOR. t I r. 'WAVER AND ERIE I'ACKET: LINE vnaor aw To . 1-halt runt , ana, Par Iret—Parosattavt, Car: Jedr,r.:. earn.' Was V:al. • Trub) • r.Orn, FA.I.CI IIO n, The above new and splendi d Pa.denver 1 ur:eta En an rant.. between REA Vl-.11 d!, I , .11:1 and evil ran scat:tarty dans,. ,eee a.on amg Erm overy morrtlng T ntock,•. nor, me Beaver every eTroolg, msmethately and, tud a • 11l 01 tbe otaambont Mrchlyan dom • tmatv are smw rot,,,orw. • wnl gun tnroug,‘ . or, or •••.:t •.• • N.V.P. •1. - Prr•P”•”^" ri itillS! 1 ‘ - .11.4.11 1 1. A. 1 . 11. cot 1A ••••• —Ja. C 1 C C K0;1,, .• M'Farla_nll and k0,..11, ILrra. 1' a). dr. Pr C t:A Steamboat for Sa.e• .h r ortaln-r. • -.1, yton—o/- 1•k I[ll. ll, I`. ,/1 w•IL. .11,1 r Ow ••••.,..•1 , nr • • 1.,.•$:1• cott2 D PETROL CUM', OIL LLOC K 01 L. ..Tbrte urn more tn.m• le • v• eed earto 'rhur: ore ilreampt o. to p, t'- pt ^ Ht: wilarrs of struor.mie rem . y .PPi•cohoti oir it, 51 :he proof has indoc.J hon to have it cut up .. art: 1101. ano o,:eetton. ror 11. ben etit no 'lie pot•oo The lII.TIIr 11.1-1: t• pre , tram a wen county...l a mp, tom Moored tot , . u pore dattermd arttete. reelipui eenlteet re Qu o boor Dom 5T111111.1.r., r o o.rj . „ T tormino proper,. reoerree. o tote, rit tido u• u :hatter rit /111;• 111 the noon nt nhtor••••on rit tr no t.c aa. 111 , 11k1,411 111 111111 , 1411, 1 • Arra., and re uhf the tOrrenr rd health end r•co - norey a fercr, Miore the yr:Tr:our :tower: ot d p totnef.ll hett rePolotoo: chaa The commnt uml datty r.l , k• tf andperm , rernarkmte run , o na• perior.M. *um tothention at Ita Cutter , : popu.aftly nrci . Tread am:Lennon the .11C of We do Ina 'Si' 10 .iotasn ionepueMe M otes-no am are conor :hr. red.rnie con work Its stroy :niu the tn•nr 11.1.•.- who •tler .1M to be Malrd. Whirat 7are .to ore • e.rii worm+ al applteaum in car ry dtseare I) In • anruher of 11,..e5.5er anitvolted. Anto into Orme fr.:: emor. I•Ied Atscares of the rnocom tirsura. •01q1 .111 1:1111 1 J lIRONCIIITIS, CONSCarrION Ito tt• Antlotta, non ail clixead , of the Ott P 0"... CI.OIPLAINT.I. Inorhroa. Ihe the Bladder mrl Kidney.. Yam• P. the burl o. Nervourtlmemeo.NeornM a. re ere It:woman.. lioul,rdlstpele, Tram, Itlmacomi• !dm, I{llll3/1, trol ttores. ht., he en., mit= irorn exp.e.nre, or long arid joremeted cue .55SS MealUlne wit netng re. , It avill gemral TONIC and AL.T7IRATI VI. in oeet. not:acme tone and energ to the veto, l,o 011.1111 f tiona,opentor ate 51aretrMom:: 00- • . Name :hamar and wet ken [ corodnum.., hoirl mer:axed and renewed energy i. the mato litlet The proprietor knows ol m :erre rote that rettord every m— Ire:one:oh get ontler the ol the r1:711110LF,I, tot a thcrl rbe proor ran be pain to any perd.l t. an desar None connote .1111\011/ the IL[lllll *AA of the.croprtmer, 5 r M. KIER. Canal BIIPI/1. near t•erenth at Also d iiy St,LI,F,II , 57 Wood eh an—Ktllhl - 11tr. SI lot tWELL. comer Wood 51- MA Virgin 01101. who ore hie .05,11 y re.t.marty x 11111111.:. to —. TUBS AND CIIIMNS. .. PINE AND Ct•II)" , : c lt , ~_ i _ c n‘ S A i 1 1. 14 , X1 ., , , ti1 4 L'A ,, C i : , 4 . 1 .. P .., 1 " . No ". r°''' " r . d id ' Fourth.t.. 1•I sale ram'pr...:e'00z7:3,1,,1r1y,;:,.1.11.nv0,d,.: whole• 1 sale and rrtall, thc i Wash In!,, !+ted 1:10114 . , MC1,11T11,411. Itnrrettlitqr,, ink "col, Ban Ikl-111:,, Wooden Save., I . ,rk• and Bra Pet., Wash Boards. Ilra.s I:ound Huckr , •,., Pica. Towel Sold., Clothe, Pi,/ Wundesi C.OIIICS I/ ss r Ilrcml Rondo, Nlarior, h0,,,d. SAML h. , hill hIE.N, 004 No fXI Vfooti Itoodotsigh - LOGAN WILSON CO.,' 1519 WOOD sTic}r.k.:T, RI: NOW RE:CEIVINfr a lorgd toot rogholrOd . IRO.LICI , et lIARDW A RI: CI. If 1R Y, CARPErN MR, oar , . LrooL • tho Llooolneturro to CoLotof o u nd Alortor , , LL. , I rtw loth do- pored 1111 ad, good. dt ror dfronlit full to plc tow, mot wourof ~.LL,,, tO itt.onon of Mt:robot , . who re ,t. to! a• ~,, confide. thdy wog Lot. a Lhotough .111 ow pho-, onit .ao• looorchly won nn) .LiL Phtlarlolfrion or Now York, SLAGLE FOUNIItV._ - ... Mart V. - . 0t.....t0 TIIE undervntoed. nit' en..1 11 T% to Artnur...... ..,,,,,o, ~. !,.., to I:40110th , rtne• t o• .. 1 . . , :,.... F .i. and publ... ,r....r31iv, that ihey huvr. r..1,0. 1 t M. KA - 1.1. F. I: (JI:: , Wll and 01 1 111 PW in lull '•l'^ ~..:1 have p rt nf tl.e.r patt,ttto reorty ..t, Among, w t : lOU dr::: I:A.okm, " - to 0,, .....e.: ago . l , 0.1 Filovi•. with a 41r m.lOl ...t.t.ttht tt..nt ::.1...t... w t... ri l• now gapre, m other en:e. the - VIIIIIIIIU;1 1•n1i...1 NLOPe. AI., a cheap cunt Cook , a ..:1 ...iO,:. ted for unun lanolin, with a fall a-stIR,I,n: o •' . 1r• 11/011 and mantel (rattle, We would ,:a I. 40111,: .• . am ntentini. o r pertnju building Its ttli ::. 01, ~, .i,(M,./. 1,..f0te parelnult.g, :,:d ~I/11/ii• .19.... 1 ,. 1 urtFtle oi l . nun/welled Grate., Imul.ed 0. h... ply, - ..rely n • 'w in thu market. Warr:low , : No. WI Liberty tL. 0ti.1. 0, i , %Vont' , ott.,ttl,:dtt ItIll:11.u.,1, :. l'A - A -,. I w tr. cs, t.igtoirtg, i,.• / ...• L.ll dracciptlon. ni S, "• A, ..1.. • ihr .194. , • a 'clic.' A/W /111,0... In, pal, w 0.0.1 :ler... the following 110rdr . A......1 Cognac 11r.....11 , 2. I,i octma lorni,d.. and 9 0011.4.01 1.11.4, 1.111,1,r0ns haws,' Slt . .. 5 a.. F.l.o,lnnd Ru,o, 2 .1. .tor atol 162 1.01. 0,1 Al,, .0,1... • , i . .11 five Kul• 01.0.. Mud. gra 0.1,1 t, icfn p... 4• 1.00.1 told rl.Ol. Port Wine... 111 }11,,,, 7 1,01 Itll4l 011* /31111 1 1 0 14W1:40111 I 1261: Ilrictoly, gm, 1,0 1.1 ra 71'2 .14 . /1. I. olfer pkgi I I.,'P and 01121.... .144141,0, n 1,l lie4'll,l 9,•lrre; 1%11.1.. Saga, 37 1.0 alt . l. 73 lilt t:nnmp.f I.eKinn., pl. and qt,.. 170 ro c. ittort Clurrl Wine, 50 0.. Hock nr 111.100 11n, do•or W m.... do Mares., 111110 1110 , ~erry arandy, 110,0 90 Imponr . ,l Ile , . [lOO4 Ammo,. 1 M.17 nattrts, 111 r, end giants Of 1.10 41,; AlLmoettr.l4lr,na, 5101 ampilop, Satel.ol ,Cer9o., l...l.ntrt• .., Cll.. Dort C.olagor I tic a. Ant hovlcn, .., S, j ar, 51. Muddler., t4uge attureagenr,vlJ' JAC , N' E.ll Jr. ul ot.V.V OW Marl,. and Pinit .--kAC.KERE.L-10 I.r bide No hb,k„.,; 0 0 " 0./ u 1V4. 1 Iteoctelea from Use canal and for fete by aorta JAId.EO DALIELL,a4 Water MEE 4.; II rAmil.r_lotElliClNFA—"Tbey axe Ow nt ot- it " I 511..1. Olin ; May 1.5.1849. r 'honk to mast tor thr e x cell e nt others nqo• rnletion y‘ el Punt. tr Vt•ttnllng•lnn, In ury ownfarst onny nntantornt for expelllngl; 'go win wono. (tom two childenit ont awl Coln& I:17 , 11p .0 on every tr.idence prottuced ..I In n webnadloing, I am able to ,vi to bear of Mr brat failure where orvo neon used In my *cation Of the 4.1.1•011. I may Walt OW they are Ms plat.and wre d r. igtinbd .s. bear • very int, Tou ror I .n. trolly, I - , 11. Potent. II wild by ...! I . lIS,No 67 WOod ir Putout... .., net hi ly in the two et . mY3I 1-1 iirEivhcamta-Ifir,-111i. y war. end growths Liver NIL 'AM,. allS.114.0:1,1:10,178, jas or. Door sir—l think itst duty I owe . i 1 ,,,,,,1,i, r ti r ie e r r a y o , m to state that r I have II that an Mb,. Forme ' d and broke, o yrry low mate. Having beard of it lover rills being for tale by A kt I.,lwriy; and I`rcommended to me by tr is. Smith, concluded to give them urobased our box, and found them to y ow reeommended, THE BEST LI. ER USED, and after taking foot boxes n ba• entirely len me, sod I am now e• . itpectrull y yo . ur - D Il COLEMAN. West Liberty. March VG, IMO. I am. perionally aequainied. with Mr 1.1 41r tcramouy tothe truth Of the A It 811ARP I..wer Palo are prepared and sold by No 17 Wood otreetowd by droggisth 1.,' nm • r • • 10 • 11 %It K I ` 6 ` 1 II 1 1 il tall II , roil et i. Irisnv I stur . t nri rt tt%. t • pnc•r.,.n•i. Irif. t o , April 25th, Dr. ro. tync— Dcor tete verity beltere year Wm onot.l run cher, bus been the rilearij o galls!, tot tle. I caught cheer TO cont. which grade. .c. wou.....onnited w MTC cough, !Itial, rt....el 101 the rrourdics vsloh.l had recount. , m i . , still :0.n.0.., eon . . mt . caw. n elithited oil the aymptora• of Coa Every thing I tned seemed and of complaint Increased hope; td rit- ar iced rnyuelf, gave up all ho of cry It 010 nate I arms recommended ropy k o mbir sdfdmon: I so WWI the roottliap- Tn. hrt neon. had die effect to loosen the ao. roturine uric o rrectoram (roan nod bi rho an , I I.nai 000l , ry but au war entirely well„ .. and am. tour arum au I ever slur m end would ho tokom los , any tnlarnimuouraapeeti r ig my :oNe. the. olilor tt.icres, May derive the bermlit for I aml g r AtOut. For the truth of the shoe. you In Pore: Ituah, Omega . , West oar. porchved f & 1 Utter" of 6 /Via/tails Afim.r.ei, .... • or.. a.sin I feel a debt of gra/int. darf • : •n ' a .na a cuty to the &Meted generally, to offer no ' holm. trarruony In favor of your Cterytparuld By rn'. of Wtd er - rot Sumo thfr' Yea. aidt . e: T, l o il i l r &Or tly anarl,l wale cold and inn o L . g . •d lk to. accompanied with • distriasing I n 4' , 7e,U ' ll , via oresot and head, a very ersuakkr.. '''L j''.t.''''''''' h " ' P t ":;—w"l'l'lna;, Tomwe'!:rittSgtrPrt ,'"..".., ' ' ' ':..e ' , o o, ;y r norichnort, but yr. Pretty U,"•.••••.lc''.; •.. a l that I was rapidly going I.l3.conanutp ev"' t 1 . t - wound, and at length was sear"- 7";•1 11-ron7d.;l‘eouLor speak above a whir!, an o ch I •~ tae .,•••l nu weal... duly lungs. unfit{ M. em , i had tned .L.TIOISA prep4arhtionna I,i,,,,drp.reoe•OnLlpnuns, 1 ' '''''V n" "'""' rf— ' '''''" " deTl h . a dear frien j g nre , ...1,6 ad.. ed mod persua ) •.• a' of your Bleep of Wild Cher.. I ' 'V I"' ' t.t '1 . reveounly I had boll :PfSin. f '•' '" '''' th';‘,1c, „, ......i , ...n. , '''' ed "" I "' " " ' hurl. den:pude , bel Sndnr ., k., COIIIII, 0% I a to the o oUwan and Fuddle° nil 1 '''."''• Y"' "'" to r' istith in toe saying of my,' I m edeceter. mai I. •vu,R , .. ... _ ._ ... of our !fn. hd.. I tor.. kilt purchanc.l of ~,..7...., T.. 1 arr.. a few I. ale., and c omneen o ce . d . :tan._ 1y ,. ....- , ra ...e.• , It` herie el donor.tted ithi.;ootrri.;evr., 'c'o.,'..'"4 L. " '' ; frrtormYthe u•e of the gm (Doti, or fi.c „.',.;.4.,,r; 7,, ` „, a !whim quaker, I frequently al. ''';:"';''' ' r",'.",,,,1i -2:l,—Lrbv:,"t...-1 1 :eereoy ;:,,•ht,',",...,.., d.burf., my cote MY :greatly .oett''lSl. In r. t.enuenee of acting Roamprudenit I tad l i t a-r two or nt fifteen bottle. before c ay -tckl I Lave no question, a cauchaadull uml,t.7;:f.1••••11. • would Lay u made me sound', ba ' e above ena•-e•etin. The byr9 allayed the fey, ' . ' ‘ '.4 o thh'e'll'-•L'•:nken.. 'on; 'euttedr'f'ooro"trth,..,::l7pgrtte—lah'it::Pi:d.diiir: or- 4” ...' - -"Y"' fund now for the:puma.. `'' '''""'' •''' ".,,,":I'.l:rtwitt the pna.uteney ol the ~.' n r'e7.1417,;w , .. at I timed perf“tly wel i l I r offl o r . O . w . ith ,it.., R•.. J. Y. J'se.¢. • Dulain count', N. t: ---- Leporr.crl Corrtron--Ban& &par Tiorte i s tout ,• e somas prewar - anon of Wild Cherry, .. text . in. r,,,lNg.'n, the first ever offeied to the pub; oc, whoi-to a. been sold largely throuXhrnit the rooted Suites vol some parts of Eurota-L and ad Pre ro ot ed enil... toy the name of Wild Cherry hero been put out no- e no, under cover of ensue deceptive otorrumstoonco• a order io gave currency to their sale'. Ity a lone 0b... V,lOll, . pencil need Mistake the ecotone Iron , tl, lat.e. lath bottle of the Senator, Is enveloped wit a tocautiful steel engratringi with the Loi e 00,..• of SVll.atn Pe 111, thereon, also, Dr. Owayoe'a •:itt.itn re end • Senile , ' necunty, wanrt of Dr. ...ty.... call I . added herehlter,e to rio t ,at. prep,o,oourst eono ell others. Now, It It du not for I doe great curative utopernen and known VOliell 01 Dr. ~ayso.'. MU . 111,1 riyrup of Wild Cherry, persons I .etoulit non lo< - ....evening to sive currency to their 1 drittto, i to.t. tot.' t.y stealing the name of Wpd r' , r i . rry, rio•otoos.,ttlrc4woar„b,eavr,,;.o mind the name inottetTori'i inr'assa, COT.: of P . :loth and Rage Meets, I gloolatielphon I Fur -er wht , :sale and rethil,by OGDEN 't SNOW DEN tor ihl got t Wood' Ws, II A FAIINEtiTOCK & ,‘ „„ i„,..„, iv ood, 0.0 6th and Wood sun Whl Ini=4.' 'ol'...lslllo.4atSnljt?eNtonts"l l i ttrldl t Al S - i A Allegro calf, and by ell respectableilehicre In tu-dle Le.. octl3 Dr• Mt P. 1 land's Premithies Pr y O. tt. I' IN t.. N t. of the Medleal College bf IQ . 1.1 aolroplotu. wow t rs thehos puhlte los [oaten Ve • ctelole Prelnlell/ Planter, qualities of Which, der 1 , 11, 1 0 ..11d 1.. c ap-tient , . has been satisfactorily es , o.,,olosbo•it. To alo women whO may he rattled with • ' l'lonapeus Uteri. or fultra Womb, he reetnnmends hie 1 „,,,,, ,uhratr,,ne a autc and speedy tare in the , t !,npri ~1111.1. ot ~,,,,.,roue. . o to thee week., if applied with 1 ,,, ,„„,„,,_ OH ma monde. instruments • 1 00000 t espen•ve 1.1:11., PO trap In use. Tens he feels eto,,,entoroue 111 +WON, onsoimuch as he lois nor failed t o n au. case our of tiliee hundred and fitly-these ph- Ilbourturin and Weak Bream or Back, at 51...1 with wi•, there is limiting to ezrat this Fluter n o n nbnu reln.l elrecung a euro. Foe We by kV i vox eo. RC, 1.11215n11d d Market It • I.ih ,r 3.111 k Raw erty mod*. Clair Ne.nre ,ly . pt atld Diamottn, Ann •tforr h. CO, • aod Diamond Elimbog .13, ' lea I ) . C. si:i.i.i Titr, Drugs., No 57 Wood arnot, i.,„,, Aer ot for the %aloof 1.4 -Townsend' Gen. ton e n, :li nr.nmnt.,, lour ,ust rrcietved WI dpsen of au. wening 01101 ,I,lOlE[ll NIOI.IIO/110. I.lllolooto ra sllolaa recollect non R E Hell en is wide t for l'ili.l.urcli, nr.d I , 51 Curry fur Allegheny curt . •P'S . A. _ rvrtt.wr OF r'011 1 1,1;--All articld wilichis ra. 1 j ~,,,,, ~ ~,,, ~,,,, 1100 a, a. o ./wholeloino, nourontnit : ,i..., to mon, pleniant awl piLl. orl,le t1,,,11 , oloolon Coll,. niol for cheaper, as &mall ~,, ,•,,,,, Iy leo ent, will go . far as iota 010111114 01 Colles Mmoulnenne4 Op - It. lIN S 5111. LER. Punburgh, Pa. • ,wd nt wl:01,...lo 1.7 It A P.I.NNESTOCK !Q. Co, , ro,,ker l'on 004 (I'loo.l old SIIIII and Wood Streets, 1.1,,,,0rch . : up* i CIdIOIFORNin Pl'lillF.ll GOOD , -Surf rebrlved, .t.„„,,, pi,,,,,,,i, dun 1 0' runic; 1.3 pni Pimtg; li , osnr• ..cit lit,c.l Mitang Poets; It Isthmus UU. 3 wow, Tanks, 1. nml 12 galloosischi lk ,antgerh i znAl.olt each, I don Ilucloa, Money Bin; Ido oded cambric do do 'ill,' .lave good. lor sa eal the Cali -1,0,1101 Llutlnlog FAtnbltilonctslo t..10_ No 5 Wood st. nichpl 1 & *PHILLIPS i• - .A.'":2, 1 ,1 1 :,D,12 c „': . :' -„, T , ‘" , %` ,1 " . i. 1 >M 11 ::::.' ,°„ ” AlllOlllll, fil•Pletl,, Cinnamon, Gloger, Clones, Pepper, W unmated •p um Par vale at the new Sok& and 1410111111tt Factory, corner of.Feny & Up o n, . 0 ,.. 0100 JOHN 13 BEV. & N‘,11,..,--Wroughilror, &nods, from the Trooper- Lt. roleuvills worts, wanantedi will ha constantly on band and mooned to ordnr, A , y _! raylir • OE4) OUuillgAN a Wood ____--- i. , : . , •,.. i .,,..-a a ..l , 1.:.. —7 , 5-21 - ...-i , l o.v..‘eirig7:l;:i! ,, :liz .i. i -..;- 1.:14ti-,1. -. ,i . "...2 IFi. - .. - f,E.i. . vti ?f: 1 :7,.;4....5...5ti . .. 0. tg sI: '. - t1V1 13 :4 - 1 3 :ri Zl.g I lie, l :i l ' 114 14 I ilii:li:O . Z...:4 41 P.N. 7 KI, I'4. ‘ t 13c. . 5 ilia .-:ali:l:_...t: , -.,.,...• -.. : ..2 v ial:* A ge 1-4, 0 .16 a' 1 ,, E . ... • ..1.44.. L e.51.:„•0 s a • , ..a.c•• 1-9'"•.1 •gi-eb.- .ca. ;1. 1 , 3 IS 'Rli 1.: diolig•A3•Alnin-:o' r 2 rei s„..l.'6iat-=`7.221.241 I§ :6 2 a . CZ w 4 1 1411 sitriftisEl'inliiizaikr ig rAE.I.-ili,le.i.tia:iin LI -1,7, ,1..1 Qg@t 4 i xtnetijizai . §:lnealV zt li!; .4 'P-1t.;r."112=7,-141.4i..r.''g ifitt; = wa cc iirtnihit'9grAn!.l77l7.S";;l,e, gFE Ple E.7..istL•B -:.?.1-11:.ii t 74,c i f .45 it 3'l .e r t a iagt.54E1;1:7 ,7 4-4• 4 7311 3 :4:2 ' A 'S A 11.4 c II i .; .a..!.-21:A •- : .9: : :a•.....1,Nt-- ;- a a 4 4.1 0 1 . 'a,..0.1.01: 1 1a;r..1 4 ,; 5 :1- 4 . c 3 0 .11e 37e pa ei.te.-11...spits E 3 r--gi ... 0 r.5 - 44;14 , a , ..a .i.;:... gsiz I . 2 a ii3C 1 C ft .T, c g Li,:gm_s . t!ls , --. 1 11' 3 1 1 . ii , 1,/, D a/ ...C. n• --= oP.P a f , W ! L I s ca .54 i . g ..P1= 4 1•.• :.5 °co 11 1 g 0, 0 z Si!"s .9- 4 j k • ..5 r.iS 4 142 .4 21 gl s- It 0 g -'' :iiisi` 1,0 1 "Etr1.73 2 1 - 1 i. l lit 1g .10_55 , -,..kN.V.ilitai ~.z . 7 „...,,,,.., _,. i4 . :g ..- •- o c) I ...z I. ~ 9. Frg..lilgr ; •Irrt 01%, qtr. I.•. 1- 4° . 0 .,.. - a. 1...... ..0........-...E, • = . .. ~ .—. Ai v-6 71-5...1.1 - 09:=1 1 2 - -1 . 2 a ; c. 2 .i ~. .. 1;-•°f.. -a.....„rg-2,305tl - - .lt o--• ri) fil:e r apr'.,l3=•Ve.2.s` 1.• PIX -1 .ci -0 • eg. : ; g r ..." p• - o v , ~ ''' P..'.;- ...g..t. g 2 ..a.4.. 3 g f a. • ti, 6 ' -.rcgl.o t.:E.O-s - 91t1.5. 2 4 .c CC t 1 -5., 9 .5 . 4v.13.; Irt e i. ,--: :-. ..i.5,..1149.ii3 2,7 ` , ` ° ti te A P.. ..,.._ ~_ Z 2 F' 1- L I IE-4. 1 4E t:l!:itig i!EI gl El al ... LL , ro PrAsigifiVi'%lVilia;ii...;tv.:; f. .4`liii°-- , vci....: 0 *;',1 il _ t a . . 4 . t i ... : . s , 1 ...........a.g . 7. -.:.• E- C.) g ,, , R ...,.., = .:S-;: e ..-I : :Voes.teareg:;. 2 ., ..... 3 u , ,,a...p., = .7„„, _.4...1,,5.,002....,-,.gLil-att.-2.....0.F. . P "0 4 i t . 4 , Iii13111:1'"i.141;11i!i EH3 ti 'f, 8 iq,-,ijvs , t . l ll - 7 , ; l. <aji - arfilr. a g :..e.-geli-.4°E;4EzZ:"I. 7, =I. Mlcb.-4.,:fue:gge4Dye..Y. I. a 4B , 134 ' ;. 5 1 ...gag-i-.21.,2"51i,572.-"?e,..ig.; a - -- ..ear , :.,:i: r.:.i.:,..1: - .1 . ..i=1.,:f1-1i; - 4 i' :3 11 4 ' i '1';11'7.!.154; rraiPil" l i'o',•!,•-:s:'=:i C_'• .-efa,z,`;,:iil;EgE-,=?.=111..,E:Ft1. ta 44 - 10 i °t. : 3 -: - 4.: 3 '. - q° - ':°•V'' -. I._ tii."::-;:"g::::::4::77h7:::-.'-E:11::de. CAA A:iIT,I. . R OY.l,llt.i:Zl:' 2 l Bl- ti g i________ ae,4l/e74:.=:::-r. ;t•,..i.,. -- ..... - ....- 4 . - a 2.1 4.4Z'aIVINI ;ti g - , o -g YViFizsz... ..!1.1t1C'14Z1...5: 21 - :•"?. a 13- Ackwarrs.--Vatt.J4C3DON, owl D. etoRDAN, PRte bur g h; D. M.CtIRRY, Alle g heny Ofty; &PATTERSON, Ehratinghem lilleAme lIMME --,-.----------- ' EXCHANGE BROKERS - 11 lii----"na11.85-11- SONS Bastkor•, Lx•hasg• 8 rrrrr •, AND D 111413131 IN _ __ _lit NkITES,DRAFNCI A E R A ri I ifr E W °L"'MU'V' ',:. r, No.te,..mong....tooe.aptari..ez •Layabli .s o u ag part of lb Ulli. .II . . . "EICHANOton New York, Pidladel bin and Bal. donne; Coo, Cincinnati, Loaisellle, Sa t Louis and Now Orl.mai eanatantly for sale. DANK N S .— Notes. all aolven banks l in, the United &Wes discounted at the lowest r , , Coto o k .it tots , of Foreign and Amens. Gold tad Sill Cot b .d sold Office No. IN Market street, betwoon 2 ,4 Pittabonrh, Pa. Blii U, nIXIMIIA... XLLS on Extetand, Ireland, and Seat and bought any 1411=111u the Current Rams of Elehanoe. Draft. paTanl6ln any part of the Id COPlllita% from Al to ABM, at the rate of lb to a A Btariina, without deduction or dammed, by JA ROBIN SON, European end General Agent, oldee SOL st one door west of woad., _ __ • $ oellßtt LL1.131121.1L1T6, ....., lOWA= SAISM i)6&111 ••_,___ DANKEII3 AND EX.OHANOB BRON.F.u" dooloro In Foreign and Driando Bills of Eli:hood% Co . , omes of Deposit., Beni Noun and 0310, co or f 3d and Wood groats, direoUj opposite St. Chanel Ho tel. Oldo tl outosa m , , liolool purchased at du lowan Mg tr,,rounktms, rpt: BE" Harr 7m ork husup Consmay for We by N. LIOLNaI 6. BONS. aeon Si Markets:. • BOOK TUB& "Cas of tits Afoot Remarkabk Moir of tAs Ago'. NINEVER AND ITS REMAINS,With an account of a vier to the Chandra. Christians of Noodle. tan, end Ms Yesidly, or Devil.Worshipper9 and an Inquiry into dui Mmmers and Arts of the Ancient As. strums By Austen H•nry LaYarla, Ers4v D. C With Introductory Now by Prof E. ant,ison, D. D. LL. D. Illustrated with 13 plates , maps, mrd 90 wood our 11 vole 13vo. clutb, 51,50. "Tee tarot has a rare amount of graphic, plc rerempre oamin "—Tribune. "The work of Layard is the most prominent contri ' button to the study of antirnty, drat has appeared for many years."—Chrim Dor "Not one excels in interest the account of Nineveh and its Rains, given by Mr. Laymdr—Washington littelligencer As we (Massthe diggers swab breathless interrst in their excavations, one suddenly Or d ourselves be fore a massive fiknre carved wan meta MCCUMCT, puns, lifting at. gigantic head tro th e dust of 3WO puns, we are ready to cry out sr th the astonished Arab tWallflit, It is wonderful, b it Is tray" "—ln. dependen For sale t. by JAMES D. OCRWOOD, novie 6 Wood • t Aow Book .l Tm: WOMM of on Old and New Testament. Edised by NB. Sprague, D.A. I vol. Imp bee, •legantly bound; IS exeeimiely &Med e.gravingo; wile demenpdoits by celebrated American Clergymen. POEMS fly AMELIA, (Mrs. by, of 14,1 and enlarged edition: ilhoorated eogravirgto from pm by Wier. I vol. care doe eke.. .Wti ' stid d' istd ipti. Also--A varlet of oplendid Anna. .Js and Gift Books. Sewell's Child's First Book of Maury of Boma 1 vol. 18mo. ads led THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, ted for the p u. of C.p.mra, Shipwrights, Wheelwright, Saw- yen:, Lisabormenjdoidenty, and A..= generally: being's thorough Old pracuoal Treas. on - Idensura- , son and the Sliding Role. By D M. Koper, A N. Sot... Truss. on Greet Pro. Composition. Oliendoth's Elementary PreoctrGrammar. By Prof. Greene, of Brawn University. 1 vol. 19mo. Roediger's Gesenins , Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. Gessoes' Hebrew Lexicon. Lm Trlgonotactry and Logarlthrreie Table. I vol.(sheep.) The Digliahman's Greek Concord.... I vol. =us -110.1 Lisbon's Classical Series. I,Vebstry's I:Letio=ry, mailed ed. I voL frro. do do J =abridged. 1 vol. Mo. Dame's Notes and VELeatlo= on New Testament. Wbately's Logic. hlotheinPa Eccles:2.MM History. 3 vela and I vols. DM...) Vestiges of Creation) voL limo. Mornings among the Jesuits no Rolle 1 vol. (clods and aer.) Sc p en p es where the Tempter has Triumphed. I vol. (cloth and paper.) Llog='. Theological Lectures. 1 vol. Ivo. (cloth.) Alder's Pronouncing Bible. ' Boyer'a Pmts. Dienionan , Smart*. Horace. Par vale by R HOPKINS, novl3_ Apollo Budding., Fourth st NMW , BOOKS JUST DECEIVED.—The works o .Montaigno, edited by 11. Huhn, comprising his Essays, Latterly and Joorney through Gerrnatly and Italy, with notes from all the Commentators, Biograph ical and Bibliographical Notices, 5.0. Theory and tractleo of Teachlor, or, ilia Motives and Methods of Good Sehool•Keeptos, by David Maga, A. gl i yaincipal of the Mate Normal School, 'Albany, N. 1.. Frank Forester's Flab and Fishing of Ow U. States and British Provinces of North Amenta, by Henry Wm Herbert. JOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON, nova corner Third and Market sts Tb. oia . n Tlise JAhIE3 D. LOCKWOOD, Barifieller and Importer, No. 03 Wood street, has for Woe mar eopteseotti. mete, ithe remainder of Ma edition') of dite ork, devoted to the Preservation Of Dmumentei ned other authentic informalton relarrig to the early ex plorations; masa:tent and impreveinent of the country around the head of the Ohio. By Neville D. Craig, INg., of Pillsburgh, La vole Eno. novlo J. D. LOCKWOOD. 13051/tEjEJBERTY: A Watery, w,th a view of the Llp Liberty of other Ancient Nations. By Sam.' Litton, Esq. IRestreted with twelve engravoge, roe coded at Rome 2 vols., 8.., uniform with Frescott's Rican.' Wort& Just prlishairdi.l=3, Bookseller . id .vlO Importer, 63 Wood al authonsededition, MRS. FANNY REMSLE'S YEAR OF CONSOLATION. ~ The reading of this book has impressed as with a mach bleier opUum, of he author than we had Lamed from perasmg her other writings. In displays •deeper tone of thought, united to more pars womanly grace of feeling than any other production of the Lamle mind with which we are acquainted."—Eve. Mirror. "It is a very agreeable and readable book end ten to Fanny Ramble's best Op.—bold, spirited enter taining. We meow:tend It to oar readers as the beat publication of the ieisson."--Reading Cam. conututs the Journal of a travel through Europe, and m o st Italy; and Ls one of the plewaluest and most Interesting looks of the season"—Cour. and Enqirer. "A very char...lane book. We have read It from tale page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi vid petite of life in Rome. In all respects eminently reacable."—Antekerbocker. FOr sale by JAMES aLOCKWOOD, c o Bookseller & Importer, Al Wood st •1 • Nt4ofaa • •le • stalt/laharteht (AP WM. BettIIBBM.ANN, Thad st, oppoalte the Post-Otlace, Pittsburgh—Maps, Laudscapos, beads, hhosrbllls, Labels, _Architectural and Machine DrawinB13•111011. and Vildring Canis, he., engraved or draw non stone, and pealed in colors, (told, Limn* or Stack, In the meet approved style, and at the moat reasonable prices. octlhly . - - iIRATEFUL for the very liberal eneonyagement I NJ have received for SO allay co years., I have dews/ nulled to enlarge my businesa nsiderably. Having engaged a competent Foreman, I will be enabled to hit all orders pramptLy, and do the work to our usual style at at (lit prima and ask the attention of met. chants d unmetns to my large stock of UPIIOLSTE. BC GOODS and. Beds, Mattresses anti Bedding, Cuty Kett, Maienals, Dinnuks and Maroons, Corm., Frit,l - liOrderillp, Tassels, Split and Roller Rin ds and a.m . , smote us la an cstabliament o'f the kind. Order. respectfully solicited and promptly at tended to. N. B.—CIMM• made and put down._ NOBLE. AND CABINEr WA.tEatiOrd. • • J. A. DROWN would reaped - 'ally inform gm public, that he • - seeps on hand at kla deaden the -- wed aide of the Diamond, Alle hentyocity, e%c"rrat7on. cn Shune nntl mde Ve - - olden a a to or --dot In the but style, warranted the- e9,aal to any in the United State,. - lii, Hliada eon he removed with al.d.oialertek:ire d s rive l f.; - ' tools, int? woad alba cabinet.- tabbehment of Eamsay P. WEI.. - land, lam prepared to foeoioh their ,„ old onato i tat h. I:, r as e well as the public at laLse i :t d th . ,e ,c m onty.N. J. A. DROWN. idI'ASERICENDIF rTaceidet d 1 roe from the utinufactercra . u: d Eor i d nrX r‘. l;thin.t.o'ilaPlteTateitLatVmeoat improaedostylelof....: glaf f d_ and comma PAPER HAN ING " 15,07:1 pieces of Pees? and Roca; 104:08 " Bell and Ocdunn; dem Dining•Paelat ehamiter an. pawn—whlelt I wired pnrdcolarly feeds the aaeattw uit Pape Watello6lll Of 37- g rip 1.7.1 st SOS MEDICAL. SALTER , / GINSENG PANACEA! T obUlatiEThSeUunpreeelente W l T Hncc DIS EAS ED Ls ° Mended the use of use, GINSENGwhich PANACEA. a. the various (onus Irritatiouf of ths Wrap 111. LOS, ho. Induced the proprietor again to eall don to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. rho chwurahle weather which marks oar fall and. winter months, is always a (mien] source of COLDB AND COUGHS. these, If neglected, are bat the precursors of that fall destroyer, I at .‘ 10, oedd ' "Sew and des of I e Id II • / COFLIMPTION. The question, then, hoer shall we nip the danroyer the bud! how shall we get aleer or eat coughe and rids" is of vital importance to the peal. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMY I will be found In the ditneeng Panacea , In proof often. we have from one to rune published the certificates of lowns of our beet known citisensosho haw erperi. owed its curative powers. These, with a mese of tee timmay from all parts of the coantryr ..frook ISNJAIDA.L MEN OF TILE FIRST STrimvo. Ministers of the (Pupal; &a., together with copious nog lees from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY, we have embodied In pamphlet form, said may bt hod gentle of anylogyrTiMarni3 uzil.runntroardW. have been need In This dry. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS thraeghout the Caned States end Canada, and we eke lenge any man to Ironic eat a SINGLE INSTANCE a which, when taken sotordirof to direction, and be ' fore the longs had become fatally disorganised, it hat ever failed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why then, need the allele hesitate? Why escort ta the ,ni•eralke nostrums, iron. ap by an< own salsa kr the assumed cameo( tome es cheated py. Celan, and puSed into notoriety by °era:make It, per ' sons equally unknown? Millet a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY ts to be had, whose 'mintier. are at liame,-srar neigh' Witsraatkg of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. In order that tins as medicine may be we within the reach of the poor as well Et. etch, have put the price at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, Ina one half the aural real of cough mainline. It te for sale by our agents in nearly every . town and iilin. Oyer the who are prepared to give fall informat ion relative to T. SALTER, Proprietor Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMho., coNTAIN sar - r, 0 - • MY : MI -1,4 . '7. 453, - • taCROFIEti k HUMORS, SKIN sip!, PORIONOUs Li clUNllad d to discharge I' l , L. - their i me Ec u s lr l i t th mat m iers, and (1." h - HLALING, for there 7s . s ' c ' a rb re tl e Y ly te a rm d ed is- S rat e rw ' i ' ll 'i n * o ' t I have aced life the last sixteen years Mt ell disaaeas of the chest, involvine the utmost and responsibility, end I declare before heaven and an, that not In one ease has it failed to benefit when the patient was wi th in the reach of moral I have had physician. learned in the profeseion. I have minis:ars of the gospel, judges of the bench, al dermen, lawyers. gentlemen of the highest erudinon, and multitude. of the poor use it in every variety ot , wa, and there has been bat one velee—one universal voi y ce saying-"hIIALLMTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD!" RHEUMATISM—It removes almost iormediausly the inflammation wid swelling, when the pain erases. (R the directions around the boXY D-ACIIE—Tbe salve has cored persons of the liedikidirhe of twelve years sdßiing, end,Who . t(t a i l t L! .ratirmlntritt."domfmsg THE FACE, y. aJ Ifillarlgraii=rari. eared eases that antually dafidel every thing known, se well as the ability of fit wen o twenty doctots. Orie man told us he Mid spent on his children withou any benefit, when ••few Wads of Ointment elated them. TRITER—There is nothing hatter for the mare of Tette, I:WRNS—It is one of the best thing. i n the world for iloins. ELLES--Thousands are yearly cored by thin Oint ment. It Nurn foils in dialog relief for the Piles. 1131 . Around the box are directions for niitig OPAI- Snob Ointment firs S‘Tdfula, Lien Coloptainfi Eryripe lasj Maui, CAilbaiw. Scald Head, Sart Ern, Quincy Lhi , Sart Bronekims, Dlwedu. Rstn dins, • of at Spins, Head tubed asblowa, Denburni Ear aelis, Sires, Corns, eat Distaff , of On Skin, Sore Lope, Pea pies, te. Smelling of let Limbs, Sores, RAsumatism,. Pita, mid Fen a. Croup, Swelled or Brake* Beau; Tooth LOttuFtET—tvertintPridult, pain is the Chest and Side, Whirl off of the heir, or the other freeways urn cold feet. This Ointment in the Roe remedy.) 111 lensave Ingo o diseue to have cold feet. ORNS—Oecuional roe of the Obit:dent will al wayi keep corns from growing. People 'need never bo troubled with them it they um it Redeem!) , Bg - This Ointment t.good for any parlof the body or limba when inflantml. In some eases it should be applied Mina CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine andel. the name of JAMF-S MeALLISTER is written with ri pen oil every label. the prineipal epics and !rite U byth „T to e tetr.",..'". J.AMFM MeALLISTER, Bole YrOpriel.of the *hove medicine.ll7 Prmeiptil Office,No dri North Third sircet, Phil adelphia PRICE ZS CENTS PER BOX. Ani.7 l l R. & Reiter, encore of Liberty and St Clan ma; and L Wilcox, Jr, corner of Market et and the Diamond, idea corner of 4th and Smithfield 'me; I Cmcl, the of Walnut and Penn ma, fith ward; as d cold at the bimkstore in Smithfield 3ildeor funs Second vb . in Allegheny city by H P Schwan* and 1 Sorge by 1 0 Sothis, Druggist, Bir mingham; Er Begley, East Liberty; II Rowland, Mc- Keesport; S Alexander ft Son, Monongahela City! N II Bowman fr. Co, and J T Roger,, Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver, Pa; are wholesale edema. feb27-ileodly - Facts tot the Public, In relation to that nnrivalled family Salvo, DILLEY'S RADICAL PAIN EITHACTOIL rrESTINIONY of • respectable Physician.—Reel 1 the following, aildiessed to my Agent, Mr. F. Mer ryercather, Cincinnati • CIitCIICUTI, ?eh. 12,1E49. Bin. A sense of duty compels me to give my tribute to Dailey'. Pain Extrootor. Being opposed to quack- , ory and all nostrums having for their object sinister , motives—bat realising much good foam the "King of Pain Killers"--I am induced to tender you this cortifi- Gate. I have used it in my family, io my practice, and with all the happy and wondeffni of:toots that could I ly msght ' 11.2. Bootee, M.. D. Dr. Brodie it the tenter partner of Brodie to Levi, I Druggists. inflatestnatot), Rheumatism The following testimonial comes from a sourer fa', Minor to many of those troweling on our Western ma ter, Mr. (Rime, the well and favorably known pro prietor of the Parkerthurg Hotel, is husband to the lady whose letter I annex: Poirmoorao, Ya, April 13, IMP. To Henry Dolley, • Chemist. trA—Bir Moving for- imerly been long *Meted with violent inflommatory I Rheumatism, which appeared en firmly tooted as to defy ail ordinary opplioncro to allay the severe pain mending it, I was induced to try your Magical Pohl Extraotor, and it having cdocted, shoos% as if hy ma ' gic, immediate relief, and aloe, to all appearmiceg , sr, entire and perfect cure, I ant induced for the hen, fit of who may be ofilicted with pmn,enuactl by any kind of inflammouon, write to you, declaring that in my opinion, founded on actual egperience your Magical Pain EVIACtOI 0 the most valuable covery of the prment age to the immediate kattaction of bodily pain. It is an almost immediate and a per- feet care for Curtis and ',colds, and all external in. fLotrunation• klaymg many acquaintances formed by their vino , at my husbands hotei in this place, I have topposcd by your showing them the. few 'mei, it may po‘.ibly • he of benefit bold to them and yeareolf. Fatxto.o Gux.x. [I entertain the hope that Mn. (ilime lain pardon the • publicity I give to her letter, ea well on tho score of • hnsaanity so alas being the surest mode of bringing it • to the notice of her fnendk—li. Rims Cara. Extract of a letter, dated lltsitaiorrr, Ky. Nov. A 199. MGR. Dalleyi . *l have tried your Pain Extractor in a ease of felon, to my own family, which it relieved and eared in a very abort thee." In trite, yours re spectfully, .44. M lame. : EDP Burns and Pcidds,Piles, Bore Nippl lles, ikOitell Breast, Eruptions, Sores, Cuts, Wounds, and a in flammation, yields readily to the wonderful properties of Mix unrivalled family salve. But, in We same pro , portion diet you will mentor benefit from the genuine, you will be injured by the deleterious edema of the eonnterreil mdse.. CAU'rION—IIe sure and apply only to the inven IL Det.lXr, 415 flrou.ilway, NOW York, ot to cc. thonsed nerds. JOHN D MORGAN, General PdPoL PißsbarglL Denny P. setorartr, Allegheny, Agent; J. Raker, Wheeling, Va.; James W Johnston, la Ile, F. Merryweather, Cominorai, IL, General Depot. N. IL—ln the severest Burns and Scalds It extracts the pain in •►few min alem--.1 never falls lal4 Is A. hALIOICROCK, A. tl. MLA, N. Y. City IL L. FAtterwon,lPtusbtagh. W.l'Anamos Who,legal* Dreg Store Ilk Um city of New York. . ITEI4 anaar v are raanavaly aimed in la % botanic banana Nd lab .tract, iba tisi of Na. otir, dad ars prepared to apply Dmaciatai.azd Naar, Morahan% onth Dana, Panto, Dle - sta% Patna and .ancaran rarfariory, dander, WWI/ `Landow QILICiCIOI 7 (of Weir can apaoptlaa) toif LI aka nada is thou iina of tal oa% opsdo 14'910 ea law as dicy can lor par. md Ap *bar say 111110 MI aday. illairTadt.Ribn B. A. VAIIiCUIPICICOM C MISCELLANEOUS. Head! Read! SFELLERS` COBB!' SYRUP.—Froso W. IL Feet. Clerk of the Court of Quarter flosal i tM • Beaver County: 1 Mr. R. E. Senate—Sir, Some time in the winter my wife was afflicted Will a severe and disiressifflgeraigh, and bearing of your invaluable Cough Syrup, I Par edas a bottle (rota S.T. Trimble, of Bridgewater. on after taking a portion of it two or three evenings on going to bed, she found Immediate celiell as Lee ' wryer.' friend tinge been relieved in engem cues. 1 am therefore eel:Billed that It le a mire and valuable medicine, and vontild recommend it to those who may. be afflicted with pierce Coughs and Colds. Mardi 1. W. K. SODEN.. Prepared uI V, dold by R. E. SELLERS, 67 Weed els and mad by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al . artier, Co. company. (INCORPORATED.) TDOOKS still ha open Mr sabsertpuon to the stock al D 'Pills Chanters Coal Compaty,” on .and etLr Monday, tho dap of Septerober Inn, at *cam of Z. W. Rentlngton, Penn st, Plttsbwah. srr :du W. RENON t GI MORSE' ARMOR, " MERCHANT TAILOR, • No. 46 Narket strut, HAVENG pesithatteden extensive andeareadtp !coed .took of Spring and Rummer Oced the subscriber respectfully informs his Maids amt the publiti. that he Is nowarring to remise 'Meta. cum their Wars with atok ‘ and ta ate 11.81:1611. moat gubstintial, and o nab manner. As he IS deterromed to do business on the cash system, he aw tars himself that he will ho able to do work u cheep •- as It one be done at any establishment la the l ear=!. Els stock is varied; consisting of Condenses, c ache, Vesting-a he., which his friends are resimatalli ly Invited to examine for themselves. • mytti:dtf . GEORGE ARMIN. , G. W. BIDOLIE, llea REMOVED to a 11131/ three army brlok fla g .... Aril6lld one door below n.l_ Teeth d ( toarenireset,e the ruction principle, with. tem. dfal represent.. of the neutral gale, lbw ort ~ t Y.UL.To r glt ' U ' rac " %t with Hale or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by plaggmg. vaunts the tooth eche, which Is much beam than as. ring it, though •it should be done in five miaow, -or even metentru CURE FOR WORMS. B. A. IrAIINICSITOCWiI 911111111Preitt. MANG. or STYW.4.I.IARLITICIL T N order to efford all poasible security to the pablas, as well as to themselves, against fraud and Lope. anion loom counterfeiting, the proprietor. have- made a change in the exterior wrapper.or table of WO Vet. e l ifege. The new label, which is.• steel engnming of • the most exquisite design and workmanship, has been ntroduced at, a very great expense, and is (ram the brain of an are.t of the first talent. The design tallow, and the execution elaborate. ftheend Bores and • 'portrait are most prominent, but the word “Vasstim• wen." printed in white letters on a red and finely env erased ground, should be particularly emu:nand.— When held al: to the light the letters, shading alba letters and every line, however mutate, throe/host the whole of rife pan of the engraving match as exactly aa it the 'more:won had been made upon one Ods ore ly, although it is •etually printed on bath sides of the • ur d . r p ...T . nu c l h s ‘ t i l z td . 1.11 dw printed e neon bat► rL emirs, and ehoold he examined in the same Manna?. This preparation has now stood the teat of =My year* trial, and is confidently recommended u and effectual neaicine for expelling worms frosa rho aystem.. - I be unexampled eaccass that bss suudsil its administratjon in every case where the pattant Ina I really afflicted with worms, certainly renders It thy the etteetlon of ohyamians. The of has mada It a point to ascertain thn result of its toe in such cam as car. within bin • knopl o mid observatiot,end he Maui:chit felted • it to ace the moats:titulary odecta—alot tattle:lame ly ter nearly all the ordinary preparations More . mended for worms had been previously, tatiOrted tO without any permanent advantage. ' This thet Is tested by the certificate:a and statements of handreda - of roapeclbliii=s e In different perm of the some_ tr oliti mi o p d reparatio . nln their po lli VD:a l lon. D lrls k rild a ie Ito • operation, arid may be administered with perfect eafo..___ ty to the most delicaUs Infant The only kenuine is prepared by -ear B A FAIIP.K, PrtilintrElt cii•itiilngusi. a. .ay. TPOR Cookhe,Colde,_delhata and etresnuoptlon! The Je GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for theettre ef the. above diseases, in the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, diseOvered by the “lebranad Dr. Buchan, of London,Eugland, and introduced into the United Siam ander the thrinitediam superintendence dike inveAter. The extraordinary success of thin inerUclas, In %k cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrant. We hateriewi Agent in soliciting for treatment the worst possible con let that can be found tithe community—eseesthoth sack relief in vain from any, of the common remedies of the day, and Sane been given up by the most dV physicians as confirmed and incurable. The Balsamlitis cured, and will cure, the meat &vents 0( COMA. It is no quark nostrum!, but a standard Eng- • bah medicin of known and establialial elllesay.. • Every fondly in the United Stales should be sopllttd with Buchan's linagarian Balsam of Life,noi fray to countemet the conacmptive tendencies of the climaMi but to be used as a preventive medicine is all cases of colds, emitting, rpiuing of blood, pain to the side mid Them, irritation and toren.s of the longs, breathe, difficulty Of breating, biotic fever, eight awcaft,,,m,i,d. shoe and general debility, asthma, iridarAna, whooping cough and croup. • Sold In large bottles, at tit per bottle, with fall dins ' done for the restoration of health. Paillphitl3, containing a mus of Engllith sod Anima ean certificates, and other evidence, showing the an equallel .merits of this great English Remedy; may be -obtained of the Agents, gratuitooaly. For sale by B A FAIINEOGE L Co" "re" a st and Wood and Wood and sib au. laDilkArS , r i before—made on the moat Mr... wri. A i p and Wait fashionable East= patteroaar __ ~.., TILE CHEAP ROLL, or Bo6tord vApo., 44 4 or made to order of all cars, and at all p per, __„..... COuutry Merchant. and other. are tavitqa4p..ll exarnilie the above for themselves, as WI . 11!:::: wholesale or r call, and a liberal dada.= m ade. wholuialc purchaser.. aoldlv ,• LOGAN, INIL RON & CO., ?SPORT ERS'and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign I Domestic Hordware, Celery, Saddlery, 199, Woodstreet, Pittabargh, are new fully prepared with meanly ;imported mock of Hardware, Celery, sad dlery,Cmpenters, Tools, he.. lOOPer very great ine &memento to Western Jlerchnnts al in' addition to e 01007 th 01007 an had by ottipredecessora ?da ms. Logan tr. Kennedy, we have greatly Increased oar facilinea and purchase all our goods from Ant Lends on the very best terms. The junior members of the firm devote their Whole attention to sales, and feeling confident of giving alt. Wooten, respectfully' solicit q call from all whota may melt 1015 market. mel iIIIBBERTII CHEMI D. CAL lintllTlller FLUI - 1(11311ERrS SUPERIOR RED INK. • II IRRt : R'C'S.SACHINE COPY INE. AL b dieting.' solu r Iran tions o containmg rlO viscid Inattory• dote, freely from any tied of pen—tho robe deep, bright and durable. If there have been better uncles 11.0, I have neither teen oar heard of then Sate ple Manes can ho obtained gratis, by the merchants generaliy, from B. Fahnestoet th. Co., Beery P. t,chworti, Allegheny, or of the manataciarar,THOS. R. lIIIIRERT. Druggist and Chemist., comer of Unar y er.d Em itter . street., Pinatitugh, • PC a—Any bottle not giving complete satisfaction, :an be returned and the Flee oral be veranda. utenl tint ; • , - TIME STAR OF THE I WEST • VENMAN BLIND MANUFACTORY . Eno side of rho Dimond, where Weenier' , * Etna.; of all the ditenutt sixes and eaten too kept on hand or made to order ono the latest and mast approved Eastern ru4 ions,at the !Monad notice and 011 the woe re noble terms. • Also, the cheap Bonin roll or split 131 Ind Transpa rency and Paper Camilla of all the different dm and patters', on hand and for ante low for cash. Old Veni ttait Blind• painted over and repaired, or taken In part P T. fri e ll " 7.l. dO t ne hl w ‘ th 'ES tif: ' lN i st ELT' workmanship, and arstrranted to plena , ' the Moat fa. • anglodlT Allegheny say., Aag.10,1849. 'k3lTir./.1C131R - IWI dna IiPXII%; 15AL1.1111.14 errrane.o AND ‘VIZTERN LINE. Ofilee et the 'Exchange, II altlnietfA L005 i.. .. • R E ZY C oOaII Airmail. le o fo h•L e i r r g eln " ll7l " timony burida or Wheeling,. and a corresponding made on all telegraphic despatches forwanied ninon West of Pihttsburgh, 1•10 ,Rarsa.—The carge for a telegr &sin from Baltimore, Pittsburgh and tt h eeling, e is Air the fot ten wards, and 3 cents (or mirk '0. 0 7 word. • .t* tu lp; No charge is made for tla‘itdderrn end Until the completion of the South . Werde_ml4l.a...*r • , Telegraph fronintempri.T=., to i. Prast_r_,?,=. l ri, pa es canbelorsTar MPL , atatiki ney Or , ATIISNEIJI , ULM ,- • ;:'': itiourr.. , AND HATDLND NllTAEq.lllbicutgo pia..._ T. tti-,--, 6• tri-g.e.... ..... ...2. ~,,,, ..lbar:".7 -`4,. every attoadPztt il lay ' be paid to the Caton at those who MY giTg ""—' -- a ealL Weary ono, between ilino"olINIOIL leek 1.1 all *tor doSeatior 0 OS ......, A ,VESTF:RVEL7