The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 27, 1849, Image 3
BY ItAGNEIit: IMPORTED It TELEGRAPHED *Cla THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ADJUYAL OP THE E.IIP/RE CITY. TWO WEEKS LATER INTELLIGENCE FROM CALIFORNIA-THE CALIFORNIA ELECTIONS. Nrw You, December 26. The steamer Empire City arrived yesterday, momisa, bringing • two weake' later from Cslirornia. The steamer Panama had arrived at with 250' parae..gerr, bed half amillioa is gold: These paaseagero, and aver half a milieu more of gold, were brought here by the Empire City. Among the eminence., is Hoff Beaver, who is the beater of Despatches to our Government. The Empire City ti.d not bring the Califon. 1321/11. Gold CObvnues pleii'aful as ever. The election was Itchl in Calfamia out the HIM of November, to milfy or reject the Constitution and elect a Governor. L.reut. Governor, two Rep. vele:datives in Congren., Members of Senate end Hones of Repreuntsii,s of the Stele of Califor nia.. It 'Swain that the Con ft motion ha. been adopted by alMoat &unanimous cot, • It was the general imprenion that Peter IL Burnett would be elect. ed Governor, and John McDougal, formerly of Indianapolis. LieciL G;ive•nor. • The vote in San Francine. and elsewhere, indi. eatesthat Rodman Price slid George W. Wright will be the Kepresentativas to Congress. The whole Democratic ticket has succeeded in San Francisco, Col. Sutton was the \Vhig candidate for Governor,. he won Me on the People's Tiek et. It is now certain that Thomas Butler King will not be elected to the U. S. Senate; and it is also manifest that the Legislature will cantina a large Dernaeratio majority. Chances are aow. strung m favor of the elec. tine of Wm. Mcliendret Given and Chatles .1 Fremont, as U. S Seactzrr. The overland train•, which left the U. States last spring and summer, teresa the 1110UPt4011 bid all arrived sera in CaTornia. Col. Russell, of Missouri, who headed the Van guard, left Independence on the 24th of AMA, and arrived at Sutter's Fort on the Bth ol August. His company broke up before he reached Cali. Jamie. The gallant colonel is no.b at P uebla practising law; and Edward Ilrynnt, formerly editor of the Lex:arca Intelligencer, had realised the snug sum cf 5100,000, by speculating to sln . Frrricisco town lots. He will return in lime next. Carpenter's wages in San Francisco are 416 par day. 'Buildings err gqicg up with atremen. dons nab. San Fmne,co and Sneremento city, were rapidly filling up from the mince, and liv log is getting mare curtly The rainy season Low prevails. Lewis Framble, pnoter, of St. Louie, died of dysentery at San Fronei...e, EXTENS!VE ROBBERY. Pnii.on:LrniA, Dec. 26 A. gentleman, named John Cornell, of Cadiz, Ohio, passenger an On Empire Cie, reached here last night, and took lodgings at Congreas Hell His mink was bn•hcn open and robbed of $4OOO, in gold dust and money. PIIIII4DELMILIL, Dec. 20. Christman, Imre, at Baltimore and New York, passed air quietly. The weather is eseeseively cold and all the Ea . stern marlrcts are generally dull; transactions- are light, with no noticelb!e change in inomtlowl. T NEW'. YORK MARKET. panne IMPORT. Nam Year, Dec. 26, 11319 ; j Flour—Heider. are firm, bet vre do not oleic a that positive advOnee b.‘s talefin place. fiales, (Or the onrietta pad , * at 51 81, 4 93,5 00995 06 per . barrel. OrninTbn debianli tor Corn in much ken than it was, but holdben •Itre firm. Sales of mixed western nt western yellow, at :With. Provisions—The market is a little easier. The sales to day bawl been niodeiate, IS, tacos pork;, ill 50 12 10i' ( F rimy, SS 15 per brl. Lard-7 Regular sales in tress et a 6i, in barrels 61. GTOtelleS — Tbt Markel is VSsy quiet. Prices, we steady. Siegal—The inquiry has been Teti active, bat there has been no perceptible change in prises. Molaases—The market has been pressed. We Lave no sales of imporignee to re port. New °deans, is held at 27e per eeL Cheese......Sales*Obio; at 60100 per lb. Lead—Prices are unchanged. Tobacco—Prima have been ',tenthly improving. Men of !centricity, al siß9f• Whiakey--hlodarlie roles al 27e per gaL LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life Intimate Company MCI or 'MUM! anvc 25 PIS CPC. Capital, 0150,000. 7/ OURNO,tr. Cu., ILgents at Mob Fee, TroOrroN, 3133[1. 6 Jo A . h C. Pocs, Pres•L P , Fdtcarto, V. P. Eli Mums, Pteretary. t, Treasure:. 'OAR! 07 1077000 N, A .3a0177 HOT, Benjamin Yith. John A. Wear, 1 Janina. Hon. James Campbell Damd H. Whne. ITI ToaL COUlptrAler 01 New York George Woad. Joko F. Mackie. Me.mulder Conamiurs. W. J. Y. Whim, Y. M. . . David Dudley Field. Joseph Doric. I . terve ID. Ere. Gov. LlStnes W. L. Moto. VA S. Sen. G. D. Wahl Er•D. tl Fen. Es-Gov. M. Diekerreil. ' MEDICAL I A. SidneDoane. hi 0 32Warren at., N. F. WVr or w .lkit Morga.3i 11T Geo 3 Pitrabareh, FA Tim Agents of Dile Camp wired to lake every Ant c ries efnenarfi. Per e"..t. mil= as charged by other 171t.Gov. Vroom. lonae Wl!Met, M. C. Wm. A. Newell, M. C. lion. S. FL Huainan. .YAM INERS. • W. W. Gerhard, M. U. MI Walnut in, 'PUPIL. IL IL Bell, M. D.,' Allegheny - city, Pa. any, at nt.taturch. • anti :lva risk on Lire at a mime- Irmo the usual rates of pro ' Caapathes.' 'for One .211 ThO usan }TIM d of ege, toning a Policy Or blur.. TO rnn for one year, pay. only Sli r bo, do seven " , Sligo—annually. do' , " "/ 517,00 :And in the Wm proportion for any sum op to Vane, .which is the extent taken on any one life. Tide company commenced operation. on the Ist Oct., 3.848, and its monthly business up to the Ist Oct., chows a progress =coating . that of, way odic r Life Com many on recomb The fire dividend of profits will be declared to the assured.. the Ist liumary,lBso. Panghlete contenting the verbena tables of rates, and ail the necessary information on .the important' 'object of Life Aseurenee will be famished on &poll, 0111011 to - JAMES DURIVO t CO., Agents, del? / Odeon Budding's. FIRIC 1191110.1141.N0N. MBE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN. j SURANCE COMPANY will issue Polities of 1. smote age...l Low so D.Ualt by Put, wen Dwel l .14 Forbitore, StorrhOoods , ter., Ac., oa appu. 41.1.1611 ter JANIES DURNOA CO, Ayrnis, del7 Odoon Building.. lILALTII INSUBANCE, mu Pittsburgh Ike Blain. Garden health Instance Co, OF PRILAPELPIIIA--CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. INSURES Moles and Female* againalthe Expense Infol Istes allo w ancey Sickens or Accident, by an immediatof from $3 to 115 per weeks for one, two, three, or foo r yearn The method of effeetinc this Insaranes, and the •manoccof awarding the sick allowance, will be folly •osplained by the Avon A can in Notion Sicknegg or Accident -which will detain him from hie ordinary bcainest, as 'follow% yie Porevbybi parink 141,20, mid receive SSP efrieS• Yor two • tart - 4 For three„ „ for four 5 ” 4M, fora period or rour years, the sum of et4,4u paid air ncgity, wi4 were sdper week what. pica. Eeet7 nematary Information will be afforded on the *abject of leammine generally. by JAMES DURNO k CO, Agenia, del7mltim Odeon ihri Wing. - - ohm, lc Penneylvaala Itallroad Comp" , *TSO TICE.—•The Sloelholdos of ten Ohio and ?<nosyPortia Rails of Company are hereby don that rho Annual Sleeting of Stockholders, and of Directors, 101 l - Le held at the Conip.y's {Ace, Pittshurgh,on Ttioriday, the link of JunamYi lob°, between the hours of 10 A. N. and 3 P. N. By order of the Board of Director.. 0., Nov. aO, le4o. J.J. BROOKES. Nov.—Entrant from the 7th Pennon of the'Att ' mom ...rung the Ohio and Penneylvania Railroad Catiapafir vAlter tha first election of ['Ostia., no oerion shall ...von, on any there on winch any Instalment is doe and "unpaid.. . Well -Stamina vbrissessalllsd 131Vse Year nPProaehtnQ ELEGANT AND SUILBTANTIAL BOOES, martifrou Antique Pinding, for Mit Ilatidays. AMLFZ D.MLFZ LOCKIV001), Bookseller sod lenpon” Wood street, bits receive, • beautiful sollretiosi T of Illarsrated Books, bound in the num splendid Man; per bi the best London and American bindittS—Voneg i kpm may be found:. ?Ores of American P05try,0,,,,,,,„ . ,,, " r i d :ys of the Western World, illurcimod In gold sad eekos. • w or dy; °rib's Greece*, richly litustrl4rd. p r ,„,b.r;illamonond by Owen Jones, and bc"ifid in n o n g "'d k,nn; illusmua trd by F'{alrely aad their Kindred n. s of .) , elbr,rl anal:Arad by y oo ea. , Heroines or r bar spears; ill oo rood. ta , Chan...mules Di Winne. Mn,.illusira u.d, i r r..7,1, 6T JA H.' e. L O . 1) 0 , "suet HIED just reed and toe rate by J It CANFIFLD >open. tithed CANyIELD., lot sale by J iCtrg CI outesk....- .4 711 10 f . M } . l. F i . r foimes . Refine M ry, f by de FLIIEN..A ifMA Sit CO J371.11LT--3U aietn FicioreaillOr !, pale by del7 OUPE..b.CREIfFOFLE coivrtiERCLIL RECORD. riarrintrucia BOARD OF THADV. 2.201.6{. COMMITTEE FOR DECEMBER. • •' '00I" EDfES...:...w. L MIME, • • — rmas ■AI. Am . lvala and Departare• at Malls. tialetn rdni,,na Philatlelptua, due 2a_ w 00..13 st Western Maul, Cincinnati and L0w..., C. s'r . closes 3.a. Y. troollt, via Baltimore and Washington, due 3 a w , sesSa.w. NorthWest...stria Cleveland, due 10 1,e10.s Sr w. Erie and Western New York, doe tl r. a. closes ti a. a. irtinnaleg, due 7a: Y., closes 5 r * Wm. alarwasocaLan os rug Conan Srauautia —During the winter months the simulacra compotiom the Canard Liao will nail from New York, Beaton and Liverpool, as follows: Cambria, from Liverpool, for Daiwa, Dec. IS, 1849. Canada,`. " for New I ark, " - " for Ilotano, Jan. 12, DM al 0 for New York, a' aX, • • a for &anon, Feb. 9, a a a for New. York. • " for Bowan, March 9, • for New York, . for Down, April 8, Canada, from New York, for Liverpool, Dee. 12,1949. Faiope, from Boston. for " iv . Hibernia, Pro New York, for " Carob,. flan Boston. for Jan. 1420. Canada, New York, for a g 3, from /Javan for y o b. 0, from New I ark. for - go • from Boston, for Mout, 6, , " from New I ork, for from 'Boston. for `a April 3, from New York, for • - from Doman, for Ovrtme Parastmon Oszerra; Thursday Mormon, Dreember27, S Owing to the .presence of Chrisunaa holyday, m c on nectioo with the extremely cold weather, but huts as tnnaplring in the market. Sales ate confined tothe regular home trade, with no important variation in figures. Fauna— A. few mall lots were disposed of ori the a . .x . 1.01,40 bbl i 3.k. from store were confined to, dray rocul.lots, of $1,624351,75 bbl. Retail price, Sl lt ' s=liis bbl field firm in store, .5 1 1 ,505 ' ,67, with light supplies. 1 3 cmcwucta.—For Buckwheat flour from nom priers range According to quAllty, from 51,61 to $2.19 p 0(0 Plevuunks—lii the provision market very little it do; log. Rides may Le quoted al 54, Shoe Went 11, and kig• ged hams 74.26 e P m. Sall of dried beef at Xe IS lb Batter is to fair request, at 1413130 far prima W roll and prior, keg is mid at 90 rm. F.ales of Lord at 54/26e P . th, in ibis and kegs. Garieuatica—We notice no change io Groceries; with regular limited sales, we quote as follows—N 0 Sugar , 54.115/; Sugar, 51/10e; N 0 Molars., tiSe; S ll do, 40e; Rio Coffee, 142 e for prime: Rite at sie 4 , lb Guess—Quite an active busineso Las been doing to Window Glass, at the following rates—City 13rands. 9. by 10, are solder g 3,75064; 10 by 12, 4,2504,50 f box; other alms in proportion. ' For country brands the following m a ilSt of prices paid for the rations tires: by 10 ....._._.._45 11 by 16. IU by 12 •••••- ..... —3,60 II by 17 10 by 14 3,75 IX b y 16 10 by 15 4,50 IX by 17 10 by 16 4.50 IX by It 10 by 17 :14 by 30 1103 MD I , l•l.—Since the opeang of the fall trade a goal basinean has been doing in the Iron market at the following singe of pneest—Flat Bar,: 4-5.351 e, :Ac costing r See; Round 1 Square ;Bar, 24-53a}; Band Iron, I 11006 Iron, 3107 e; Sheet lion,l/Hke. Narett-10 to 20d, 113,25 O keg; Sd b ltd, 63,50; Od to 7d 6t - 56,114=5 ad, 64:50: 9A, 6i,60 p keg. Smea r Cut 9,31,4, gI inch, 54 I. keg; 5121 and 6 inch, 11,5 eland 7 inch, SOP keg. POWDER—Hazard'. Rifle at 155,25, awl of Rook at 53250.7,5 t per keg. (:,SOAP & CANDLad 7 dtalew of Coy and Cincinnati manufactured roan mmip, at df per ID. SW Can dled are sold at trigl23e; mould-tallow. at Of, and carn elian dipped at ge 1:m0h: SPlCES—Cionasuois, 30e; Cloves Se3c, end Nutmeg. aitliAol.2s ill lb. RUEINerr crop Raisin. are selling at Midi V boy; AlitondA Ittiferl7 P b, Grettnd eau, 75: P but Pea 'e tb; Filberta, Be; Cream mt., 7e; Zante Car - anti, 8254 e, And English Wel note at Be P 6 W . oob—We notice ♦ery little doing at following are the nominal quotations: For Coouoo--• f blood• •- ; do ,Blood•—• ---• • =CI We are inflated to Capt. S - rcors, of the flee warner Oltio, for files of nneinnati mere, In rule.eo of the matt. W ii. 11. JIiIINSTON, VORWARDING INININIEMON MERCIIANT, 1: No. 112 Rocood,treet, Prnabo!gh. dcl4 John S. Inknonn•---• • • —JohephlhrOnh y.l S. UWl5'Olllll & CO., Wholesale Greeerr, angi . Anonts for Huard, No. gy WOO 4 h , .• Pinsbureh. den." y /0111 i C.011.4V5, DAGALgY. WOODWARD h. Co., Wholesale Gro LIP eers,No.tat Market street, PhiladelphiA 00027 - asosnat 30101 a Ong •W. tf. tIOODWSZD 1.1-1.41 3.1•15 T: VITAL DA & CO- Wholesale Grocers. l y and HD Wood street Pittsburgh. noun • NOTICE...GREAT. OFFER. THE. subscriber, wishing to retire from the Alere au yo. beninsisa, offer for sate their .clue stock of Goat, and every thing conneemd with their mercan tile trade. They comment-ea merchandietn•. in loin city in led; and have conunued in the same hornless since that time, inereiting it every year Gaol itequals in ansount that of any Mercantile house in the we, Their STUCK eonsists of every vanesy of Shell Hardware, Heavy Hardware Iron, Steel, and Glass; every descuption of 'Cook, elate, and Parlor Stoves; Tinnerla Stock, &b. Teets cock of goods new, bought low, and well selected for tins market. They /lave no damaged or nnudeable ge.l. in their cock, as they have taken great care not to allow the like to accansulate on Mete htutde. The store they now txcupy is a new Brick Store, built the past summer. expressly for thew s ood nude: their disection and it the best uran,ged for an iron store and the animal, huainesa, of any store extaith Connected with the cons' la a TIN SMITHS' SHOP, furnished complete,: with every thing neulad to carry on t h e hnkiners ItmitteldlN end =amenity large to ae commode. twelve or fifteen workmen. ' Their rtore is located an the corner of Emit Water 'and Detroit streeta, and an the riverside. They Lava plenty of dock room...lnd can receive their goods di rect teem vemets, and Save • great expense that many 'are sablect to. 'Their store is to feet front by 134 foci deep, three stories high, with a cellar ander the whole; and the location the'mow detirable in the city. If the • ;purchaser will adhere to the Cash system they bairn iadonted, make are of the arrangement. for. importing and buying goods at home and abroad. and the terms oc which they will sell, be Can make a great bargain, With a chance for a finning. If desired by We purch aser, the senior partner will leave capital in We bust.' nen es a special partner. LORiNZ, 5r...c00 & Co., Piu.Lurgh, Wx..11'0,34.7 & Co.. L. J. FARWELL A. Co. 11144/0-IdeW.dtar Butiasons & Gasielkix,) Circuit Goan United Slate. ' Ca. for Infriogentent Hsi , ley Patent Right for casting Parrs & Co. Chi lled ' Roller.. Defend.t gene in evidence Patent to John C. Pull for sumo purpose. CHARGE OF COURT. . _ A question of infringement is race of feel, of or hirh the Mu are the Judges. The construction o the patent is for the Coors Atter reading And-commenting on the speeiGektion of,Plaintitt's patent, the Court observed: In doubtful' eases it is not the custom of the Coen to express any opiaten of the farts of this ease; but tu this case the facts are undisputed. and the Coun think it is proper to state. es the opinion of both the Judges on the tent construction of Plabitid's Patent, that the Defendant's Patent is a posy and palpable piracy of the Naiad:Ts invention. -- It nem evidently been obtained on the ground ihat It was an improvement on Plaintifl'e rimmed mem, eton, mul now serka to aninrp hi. Wail. under pniteneo of so Improvement—a pretence which in proved giro to be unfounded. Per Curium CII3MMI The aborts decision glees to the subscribers alone the tight to manufacture Chilled Rollers, by the only 'roc.o lino-Wit le "codas, • good aruele. ' 'Myhre prepared, as heretofore, to furnish all aims repaired, and with Om least poesible delay. nalr27.clif BOLLMANS &GA lALED PEACHE3-10 sacks In re end ter site by Jfi k enl7 COPEA to HELEN' FOG I.E LITLInt hEde N. H., tor sale by 17 doll C H GRANT 110 VIOLIN CLANERA—SsoniCs Crum Ninon tlcitooL, altered and 'connected from the last Eng edition, to correspond WON Spohr's Original School of Violin playing, by his pupil U. C. Hill "II shy arguments ate requirog to recommend this work, It may be °humid that gpohr himself adheres strictly to the system laid l`nwn In theabove work, and th at ho by the mine mode of iunructiou, produced a gloater number or thatingmMed pupils then any milts Master In Europe n A supply of the above Mist med,iprice 57.1 and Mr by del7 i H fiIEI.I.IIR. St Wood at NEW 12.AL2INS told (Woe 2helle.-52 , loaea itatrinst 2 Gotta Cuena shells reed and for cafe at the Pekin Tea Bane, 714 Paunh street. &el:, F 8t.55111 Fltlltt doz e b tii , t t e k. reitit ., :eachesi 5 w Plot Apples, 3 • a' Cherries; • 3 r" tstrarruenies; .Tometues; 3 half gal. bottles Pielties; 3 quart 3 tangy do Reed and for Olio at the Foba Tee Mere, 7D Fourth street. --- . &cis E-6 Prime Zlgg i rhlc 'd gi , lM.E•4 . R E, Lt. BOrritai-0 tibia Fcc eh, ior by WICK B. ItlcC• DLESS W 13 .Itri3.-""'7°`'''" INVCILTAIVaADI.F.4B Y(.lTASll—tritl., • piton RttleiC, Or y dcl7 ' WICK as MeCANDI.a•S L ARD--"k T N . I' i VGV/ McCANDL.a I S O_IP:BKKG—I LTO Clarified. for sale by den' WICK it IdeCANDLESS V r ft;"" -4- '' kVA rfrAADL.I:S. FLOUR —e"b;F"." % F { i rrarbreG F A b rlDLESS Nrupdri HA 115--4 Dbls for male by J.B.CANFIELD C I MOCS—DE LAIN 3-3 ease. goal myltrh L E4-P ot Colored Sl:de Lams, at the extremely low price of Ile. Erg , ard. A A MASON & CO, dell No GO Market at —.._._ PEALED bblajast r eed. (or sale by dris lIARBAUGH WNtroWiii:ASS-400 pia, asetl ram reed and for tale by acts S tr. IV 11ARIMI'6II ( 110 / af9— WW lB Wommontiarrtee'd and for sale Irr de18" 4 W EIARBAIVOH PORT OF PrfTSBURCH. jEtrvea—There vrere 8 feet 0 incbes ta the amt.! Inez evening, and falling. MUGU - WED. Caleb Cope, MurdueL, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City Michigan, Boas, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Fa•Mion, Peebles, Elizabeth,. Parkinson, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Ilendrickson, M'Keesporl Balite, Jacobs, Brownsville. Empress, Gallagher. Zanesville. Hudson, McMillen. Bridgeport Telegraph No. 2, Mason, Louisville. Brilliant, Grace. Cincinnati. Jamm,Nelegm, Moore, Wheeling. Louis McLane, Connell, Wheeling. Ohio, SoMpa, C nein natl. Wyoming, Rogers, St. Louie New England, Dean, Cowl:man. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Warewrite. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, bi'Keeswert Viroqua,Gallowny, Monongahela City. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Baltic, Jacaks, Brownsville , Fashion, Peehlai, Elizabeth. Lours Nei:Lune, Contee..l, Wheeling. Hibernia Nu. 2, Klinefetier,Cin. Hudson, Pot, lindgeport. Hamburg, Caldwell, Si. Luis. Dolphin, Haslet:, Nrobville. Empire State, Cochran, New Orleans. BOATS LEAVING THIS I/A Y Btownnvile Packet% at S A. M. and 6 P.M Beaver Packets, 5 A. M. and 4 P. M. Cinetnnan—Bnllinc Wheeling—Jarnes Nelsaa. Zanesville—Ernpres, St. ..ant..—alt Vernon. IMPORTS BY ILIVIGILL CINCINN ATl—Per New Elelaud N0..1—1 1.10 eat, dle mould.. J F Ferry; I ho book., It Hopi... 9 1,1,1. lord ml,Englod, & Bennett; 6 bp leather., !hackman & co; v 4 kW. wkinkey,Eughnb & Daksuelk I bx mdse. J /ord.; 3 do dn, I 61.1 elf,, °worm 42 Ids wnol. Wm Berkey 15 do codon, Kind Pennock & co; II bbli, whiskey, Cockshwit; I Lx. Miler k Rieke:son; 6 cap ;Wes, I trunk, 0 'ibis mdse. Baker cr. Forsyth; 13 head cattle, aS Las lutkcys, owners • Per Brilliant—l Ilessolloo; 20 1,111. It(MinT•G R Massey; I hi, Vickery' bp leathers, Baker & Forsyth; 16 bids wltt•kes. Bo' Leaman & co; 71 do do, Miller &Rickets., bb's tnituw, J& It Flo, 6; soar, S George; St Mots b.coii, Klet k Jones 1 boo,X Hopkins: I refrigerator. C Bidwell; 2 elks wool, Aslsi thamegs, W Holmes & co. LOUR VII.LF:— Yer Tcregraph No 2—t7 empty hhls tl Cl' do, %Vont' & cks old copper, I bx do, U pkga do, J Stsettll & ca, 1474 c. told, 33 ogs Cesubcrs,Jeto liner; 4 hhds lob, 1 bg, J klastitie; 11 bag. leathcrc, :11cCluritan & co; 1 box, rturch. Carottiers & co, 3 nc. trixeratnrs. Holt S. Aln1119; IU VW. eugar, Cctsnv & 51clinight; 3 tonlc bladders. 141.occh & co; 3 boo, God; brl fcctlicrs, 4 do gto.erz. cr Oho , -7 bgs wool. CII Umut; hg. Path..., 6 .undnes, I Orieri bbl. MO. eaagur, ley k tkAt; bre mdse. U Leh k ro; cir• hs• cou, Caron & McKnight; 123 bale., cotton, bleonrily & INulds; 3111.1 N grnerrig, J s.Dilevorth; 10 cask. brindc, Wtolngham', 50 bble C Moron; 3 bole beam,' do wheat, Cl doe brooms, 1: A rduron. • WHEELING-I'er Louie Mel-raw-Ibl coon. 'ignore, A N I'rlce; 01,01, door, Crown & kirkpatriele, 21 I,ola flour, Id bogs. 0 11“. barley, 4 do rye, Y boots, owners [aloud. =MOM -...--.175 -- 5.50 I.,OlJlS—Per R'yorttiag-5 Al. castor r tl t J Kidd A. co; UV pigs lea bla heuip..l Schoollmak, Aco; 2to dAuk, Wrtt louda & co: i G pi:. lead. A ltreiets; lbs lug .metal, J A Iluteh,o, u too. do., II Childs A. co. hhd• .oh, U Leech At en; :leculann hams, Litany, 2 tarpoult., C. Per J Q hhJs wL, Alelkenel,lls4ll.l.l. key, P C Martin, v Lla count, l'or.yth l 1,1,1% %). nap, Deleell, hosier beads, 7 b,ll. iron, pe• do. I Mhl do, Ceromer,& co. eOl canon. Kennedy, Mid+ , her; 4 41,1 s scrap tom. & J IlBhoeuberger; iV We, p mew, 11 Chad. & to. ZANF4 4 VILLE—Per Ernpres.-501,b1, dour, Sellers &. :Vivo's, 6 do p a. 6, Robinwn & Reppert: 1 bi mdse,l bid butter, W. lineal,- & IN tots d Irmti R A co; 3 has na qJ Fl4ck, 1,1• elay, Afclice & co, 3 bble butter. fi-Lbus ruoneco,l64 md.e., 4 bbislurd, 1 als wool. D Leech s co; 75 rtu,. paper,li A Derry, 15 hbls erh,skey, 11 A Sa,. p,on; 47 64,1,14141,3 du tallow, 5,1 do prune 00,1, 41 dome.. b4ef, GO ttbfa 64044, 20 do b-er 9 du .pose rib., 00.144 p, I. pork, I' Ileurclioo; 4 9 dor broduts, J 4 . 0 e., 10 btrls dour, WM Ii Johnston; 3-9 bu ats, E Radcliff I bk. Al Leech & uon, 49 bu rrsts. 11 o Ilohc Or as oats. 9 N Coo, 215 bu outs„ 70 do coon. 454 do eked, 134 bo nbtoritud, 131.61, dour. Rhode. & Akarb, obbl.dseed, co; 27 turkeys, Wm Rowland; 4 bble'dressed tour:., owner. It -Per 161,400-'26 bo, dour, I b: geugrer, J Y Perry - , 511,01, 11 or. Nick & Alcealube, tg. lard,/ F. ts, lb; 3 06,1, .1,13 •ks icatite , S; l b , butter. clay. .6 bluer., 1, barley. R A Cuutpbell, 214 i 61,1 s Hoar. 1 Alc , Cittly, Kt do Or, L S ontoms, o.ks oat, IIa,•. 4964.1,r:1,61 taw, thou', ourto er,4l/ hots dour, 0 bids 4 . teune. CI do dour, owners, 119 kg. lord, r n 1 blots butter, S II 111 J. 43 .13EA Vt.:a—Per C. 14, 11 Ilaro,a--.51 blots door, Arrn .00..4 a Jo. Curna. , 4,• Sour:, i 1 do do, t,:ope A lirrytoglo t, do do. 15.14 rd. 0,110 mote, I'6o egg, 3 .10 010 3.0 o td,,s app,,,. 110 u tb. .0...- Stung, b1,,10ra., 7a du , Itslba I,hrle, I. W.lllllm, , 145 ot, • ...e-41 Met;tork•4. & co OK SALK...," Dna F'nupdry, Jinn,rtral'a a , dl P Aldeinor , redi; Enpor ol In hden• power, p.m! ••-o••k •o n,re r, patt-re, rlt•nr, ladiet, raa." and o‘• o- •nsw rDe and gnrel runnine order Sate ••rd sn,r, ha, •DO deep, .111 r pnrile,- of an ddionninj i.d 4' toy PO Dot Delon ona nt ate ,o.dee. and ter. Danda to tnr CD, of (Adeinnali, with linel•I perrona, App4 in Cer: , DAVID Duren:natl. 0 WiiEREAS, by • d•ed Waringclaw on t,e• . M.l day of May, k 4-. %Valiant lit,on and anfe convey ed to thn undcrolued thr one undkvi , ted Math R• 11 of a •Irand al /and, E log in the county 01 All.Moy, and State of IN:unory•ota. balsa Lot NO 10, to Stec.le Semple'a Man to In., as recd.. by W./ElmoNuator in book L, pogo. 1, I. 11, °thee of .be Record, to Al legheny ecenty, cnatt• SEVEN ACRES AND NINETY AND ONE- ouou HALFu,ct mitt, Rpponuurot, r mom.. Fll,lOll r payment ut s 1,1.1 mt tl-e.114 , .. Cra.'14, nod wheren-,ktd 11. anal nnpald, autriore, to porson-ce Loni ut.2.1cr, , g0 , t1 lortll,on the 'EF-VIIII.).iIUFJAN-1-.,..0Aci: at the weer • ern door of the ,tetrt 110e...0f I.trat., Ma, dm urerve described les, c.ittie Wtterhe•t 14.1der, id, cash, tetweett the ttettrt a: t te the .ortAttetn bre. the sr:erre., 01 met day; 044 upoo s rt oul, pale tviii de liver a dced 1 , , tee tentole of the prooe, gold to the purchater or rurrutreert trettetti. • . do 17,1. Tut's. FVINE juot mei! and tor paie dcl4 J KIDD tr., Cu, do IVoo.l Ft R 11 0 L c 1 : 1 4j ARIS RUOT—IV, for Ataieb6 D, k Co DEFIVVIAN lbe loci rec../ and torswlebV J_ dcl4 J KIDD h. CO - LIQUURICE—? , O by del4 J KIDD & CO, SO Wood .1 PIMA 11.121181:11. Packing, for Sienna Eadine4, 'old wholesale and re• 11, at the India Rubber Lie;di., No. i Wood sl.• del4 ULOUR—I'j) bol+ in more and (or !ale by dcl.4 \V 11 II /WINS FON, 112 ,ccon.l Ft ONIONS-31bbla re'd and (r mid by doll W:11 II JOHNSTON iag e , n, d 4 \V.II Ii JOII\STUN YtiLSOYS docnding In Gem., members. of Ina Ju tern...lona' Art Union, Will ince, nolice Mal We Hooke for Ilia yeAr crtll odt bn open boater !nen 2cth December. JOHN J GILLIISINE a. CO. dc12 , 4.11w S<creinrtca. 10.000 ricRIVAI" to .tore and for s.le ity belt, Miwun Dew 11.1Atud, 11 •• plnuinn; for sale by dcI2;JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO . 'DULL HUITER-15 Lbls nom, lust rrc EL sate by deft intoWN & liIRKPATITICK j A d fl o r;-15 bblr And 3-ilfiplexv,N,. I' F ' :I7IK . VA7 T II C A PYI.L.S. - --25 bblt Gre , n. stet rec'd and for Attie by A dc1:1 & KIRKPATRICK newsty7 .1111 d i erni p s, E p U ri N ec ' iro — nt JOHN 11 MELLOR, el Wood Fa HIED FRUIT-15 be Pared Priebe.: too „do by. d.,, tracks Apple, to day reed and I. S IVATERMAN QliiiSulflrrli,NS toihe .Antaatcan Ant ,Grocr" reed at Kennedy & Sawyer'e, 1.5 TIU KCNNIADI Jell Hallorary Secretary. IGHT RATIN NUR ONE 1X.1.1.A11, or o E Both !or Glicdo rent. Ladte• Department op, from 9 tu II o'clock, A. NI., sod 2.05 o'clock, I' NI. and HaHung F..tablishonen YIN T Prosnoinr. A PPLASS.--1601.1 , 11 we'd aw Ly I few .Aals deli %VIIII dfIIINLTIyN . e 111 1' , ( 1 ' k li of IZa- Court Of gamier Sca.ion• of ilmer Coanis. Mr, E. Sellers: Sir, Sumo Uwe in Ole mow, niy wife was unlisted with a se vr is imdilita ere/Is/cough, and bearina of your invalaaldo ough Syrup, I par sbuod t boillo (mw S. T. Trirri,de,• With:straw , . and alter Clams a Naomi of IL tars or ghrnr sveranss on Rom in bed. alio found imp:Adds redid., at awo several (sands .hare born re1, .1 la sevqn cu... I • ita thorrforo no.thErmil Wm hos a Rafe and veto Mao me theta, and would rconolmr.n4 a no itoone who may he alihrOtol mat .eves cough.; awl colds. March 1 , 41 W K 110 DEN rSotd ny SELLERS. 57 Wood street, and DroasiSs g tho two came and v Inas IVOTICE=iii LES h. IMO 1:111:1IS l'nmuninr• of Ore Penn'a llnnenny, twee °pencil au 141 al the corner of :4. 24 Smillibel.l ere. for Ine purple.. etl ..001•111r. II.E .1.. 1.0000, 00.1 010111. S. 0/ C.. firm •na. I.u•mee• mnu 1 / 1 0 1 enlinIt Tlsey have r. g • nine !rent. ro Minn.' In roe reception ill naninnotem regunirn tn cartyirn Krent Innlernaking. .3.1, h snaMfield,•ml 111 Chem.. SI, tqnlmlernlnu. Second Hind Plano. O NE .mood Lend elm., r 9rtuere. 1 'lce Pin. For for Ca,L al the ole, prime, by JOHN II MELLOR, Woo.' k•, prime qua , ity G 5,1 tor sale by tb.l3 01:0 CIW.IIIIAN 13LANIEF:fee-A..teher lot 0 ,0 1 ree'll ttio.e splenth.l It.•I and 1,4 seperlior fnm,.y Llen kel., tor sale iti the Wont., Der,.; of Psyche Mertu• (1151taina . N.: 5G NI krl .1 G LT d I ' 7 " s ''''"'7,;i7A`7lAML4: F LOUR -501.1.1. C 0.,.. ramtly, 103 Sap,rfinc, Floe, 1.1 tore and for role by dole Ili AIG 9KINNER (MAR CIT/ Let Ohio and ohi 01.1 s. lifine for sole by Illtatigux:F., wit.sON a cta deli Woler 50 MOLAS9EZI , hhln N (1., new etop. 7 rced by ' • t: A 131/11,1*:IFP(ON 7ir7:ATP-43 , T•Tiri Deer Rnlte4 grotueiy (temp. Fro jj. , ont itniartg smi for sole by nave:34lp.. A (iOIIDUN Vial. of Prtiabri4ll — viwokv w , ll Le nublzAhed In ui short urnsslid 1 can u.gire my subeenbur, end the public generally, that it he, •II hoq in fidelity el detail and In t roit . of giecullon-•10 any other whatever. Lit:hote who doubt, won n few weeks and *et. WIIITEPIDI.D. Now Von: Dee. alb. 1.49—Ne1l I o •vourinTATEiTti'iiiVS:;:riyili ng •• rdl4 — .F,P . o . ny. Rrwood, end Alsaha.,a, %VON.% tit/IES, tee'd by " it : KF—NNELIY h tIA{YYEH LOCAL MATTERS, 10.. TIEr. PITT *Vitali DAILT GIAZPITE Waco CONVENTION The delegates to the Whig Convention. appoint. ed for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the Mayoralty, to be supported by the Wing and , onion...lmin party at the coining election, as-em• bird yesterday morning at ten o'clock, in the Com mon Council Chamber ot the Old Court Hone. The meeting was brought to order by calling William McCandless, Esq. to the chair, isnt! ap pointing R.- P. Mackey and. John J. Roggen, Sot rein rim The delegates from the Various Wards banded their , creartitiala to the Secretaries, and the Chair man niounced that the Congention waserganked, and ready to proceed to business. The foiMming gentlemen were nominated ns eandidatei for the Mayoralty McCotelleoo• B. Sawyer, William Algeo; Tannins L)st and C, On motion, the nominations were dose? It was resolved • that the Convention proceed to ark far a candidate," nail fifteen ballots were befare a candidate warnomittated, as will been by the fallowing table: 1234 5 6 7 LcCola:icon, 15 15 15 12 19 I'S 16 Sawyer, 10 10 12 14 12 12 13 Mee., 10 a 8 2 o',lo 10 5555 5 5 6 . Magee, 5 7 5 b S 9 10 11 12 13 14. 15 IL IrCuicheon.l9 12 20 20 19 19 20 22 B. %Sawyer, 12 12 10 11 15 15 IS 15 Mato, 10 10 10 9 12 11 10 5 The& DA, 0 5 5 5 At the end of the fourth ballot, the name of C. L. Magee was withdrawn and Mr. Then. Mies name was likewise withdrawn at the end of the eleventh ballot. • Mr. Robert McCutcheon having received a plu rality of votes, was declared duly nominated, amidoi t loud applanic Imm the citizens who filled the lob. by. ia which the delegate. joined. [t reps moved, and carried unanimously, that all present pledge themselves to rampart Mr. Rob. art McCutcheon, as the Whig candidate for the Mayoralty." Oa motion, Wet. McCandless, H. L. Ringwalt and R. P. Mackey were appointed a committee to wait on Mr. Mt:enlacen and apprize him eh., nominauon. On mutton, the Convention adjonened CoIon:4roNDINCL 6.ELATIVZ To THE MATelet.ll. —The fof ovine ie the correspondence whieti tool: place bet eel/ the entorothee appeinte loe that purpose, and our worthy candidate for the Mayor- Prerrentan, December 28,1819. Mt Raft, MeCovuunore Dun leeia—The underiigned were appointed by the %Virg and Antianasonte Convention, which sawnabled to day, a committee to inform you of your nommenun art the candidate of the Whig and, Antirnamonic party, for the office of Mayor of die' City al PI ti burgh to perionning the duty *mimed an by the Cam- Oration, permit wi to add our gratification at the room, and congreinlate the pany, that the chat, e ham fallen upon a gentleman ao well qualified for that dedintmothed Mation. Very rearteeflully, your obedaent servante, WM. MeCANDLESS, ROBERT J. MACKEY H. I. RINGWALT. Ptrrnuaou, December 26, IM9. Om.IVICY.—Your nett., tofe,rming me of my norninatioii by the Whig nod Antiroaseme Cone ventton, to the Mayoralty, ia nom before Me. In reply, have only to lay, that t accept the norms nation; and it le-comes ine, at the same arse, to lender to the members of that body my hearty •elroowleileements of the honor itort.ritd upon You are kiwi enough to cottony thor Denounce went in flattering terms. Hut while lam aware your tndulgeoce euggesto the co./oriole you tr, enyn hOon my gualtfinouono, tem quite certain that I chap, if elected, bring to the thtcherge . the dotter of alio office sat earnest Purport In 111-1 :awn tatrly and firmly, with an rte ootle to tt e reps., people 1,1 ittool!urgh 11...pectlully, your fellow cit•ocn,__ itoßEter 151,CLITCHEOVI. Itif ,".e, Woo filaCandltno, It Anti P. Marko, cud 11 L. littigarolt, Committee. WOND.I. or Tlir TrLIC/rArtf . —Our readers are already aware that, through the pi:intone,. ul tile opt rstors in Ike O'Reilly Telegraph line, theg and furnished with the IF . ..indent's Message, on Tuesday—as acceptable a parrot as they could have received—but few know that the eibathlantit of eighteen other towns and cites to the West, on the slew doy, received the steer chitin - nos ant Into the sans. euurce. The iv-rater, keaied in the Telegraph nth., at liain,n•,, 'eat the Messer': to oil the iolkrwing mire sin Harrisburg'', Carlisle, l'inw burgh, Guntuly , tinsidion, Clevelauil,Erie, Buffalo Sandusky, Toledo, Beata, Steubenville, Wheel. ing, Zonenville,'iloluinbiia, Dayton, 0;1Ni-snail mid Innis,lle, and if the w acme, the Ohio river intd not been liroken, would, ld, with eipial have rent it,tti Si. Lowe; and the other towns on that line. It moot not hu forgotten that the points me ntionedabove erethoso where the press received m for there 'were ensue roan other point. at which the operators of the satin. Wt.'s renewed it kir their own tirivree inf.rmation. Thin wan, perhaps, the greatest teiegraph,c test ever performed,either in thin, or any other country ; there WWI not single mistake made by the opera tons, nor had tlie Baltimore office ever to rept,: a ningle word. The line wan in fine order, and the gentleman who officiated in Baltimore, proved him wit" to ho a "diamond of the field water" in his tirofernioq. Our thinks are due to all connected with the Pittsburgh Officefor the obaging manner in which they attended to tee wants of the press. Septennial F:namerotton of the number nt taxable', in the rouuty or Allegheny, returned by the a...sera several dtstricts of mid County, for the year 1949. 1•1 Ward. Pittsburgh - 13S1 2rl 3k! " Int Ward, Allegheny - JUI 401 •• - Borough Binningloan To Piuslough •• • . • • • IN Borough McKeesport Borough West Blisaneth •. . • .... • • IV Bast liirtsprighuso Borough Nis:sixth. • • • .. • •.!:n Borough LIIVIVCIICCVIire • •• • • tin iknoughtlharpsburgh. • ....... Borough ANAehester 41r, Borough Tirentuus • • • • • 1,21 Borough thiqursos • Pitt township • .... , . 7 75 Psel.les lnwntlalp •• • • • • • • 73•1 town.ll, • • •• • • • • • • 67. I , ont township •• • • • • •• • 010 townsh/p ,Elisubstli township . • • • . • •• • 714 Jedershn township • • . 222 i. Baldwin township ...... • • •• • .... • • I+ll owilso township Upper St Clair township •• .. ••• • • . 111 1 1 Lower 71.1:lair tournohtp• • • • 1229 South Payette township • • • •• • 271 loyrnrhipr• • • • • •' • •• • 122 Rohl.. township • •• • • . Ito 'township .• • •• • . fry fikwn township• •• • • • • Ohio Illwn.hip • • • •• • • • 1 I , rnolir I. township Rod. isirnartip •• . ..... . 1111 hi 101 l townsh.p... • 1.1 toornsion • • • • • ••• tovroill, • • • • • lown•htp 627 Shales' inwn.l.ll. •• • • • • 3-7 FOURTH WALLA VftlMaaV Mrtyrtna. — At an luta plarnrd alerting of tho Whlgn rd the Fourth Want held on Monday evrning, Dtretither 24, at th. Pahlte tie/Joni [lnane, the following lx rsiarArerre onnanattal tor Ward °Mar.:— rarlret Conned—Win Rrinhart. Common Cuartrd—Robt. McKnight, C. Yeager, and W. F. Walock. School D.remora—A 0. Reutdoc and C. II M. Smite. In, —MiltonMcClelland. Inspector—imam. Patton. Alderman-Imnd Wimp. Alice,:r—ltichard Conamb Randolph. On manna, adjourned. JOS. PENNOCK, Chairman. C. IS. Al. riMrifi, A. O. Reisnarcr, WWI, CONVENT,. IN A hhenaterti—The Whig and Antimasonie Convention meth Allegheny, yesterday, whimplr. Hugh S. Fleming was poen imously chow,c na the Wing eandidata for the Mayoralty, at the corning election. 1.:0ut . ...a. Al oortho—The ratten , ofPlitslatrolt and Allerfthny, on tovetott to nnend tneetthg, to. be •beld on rroley u , Kurn, et 7 o'clock, at the FoonA Ward School How, on Pent. atreri, finr the perpo.e of appotnung Doles - moo to the Stain &lunation Con - vontion, no be held at Ilsrrisbeire, :on the third Wed. nesdny in J.nory nest. It :.'e,rtlettly hoped ill,. 1i friends of eduenUon will addnd. 1' Ito:, NI. 11 11 on Thnol,,od, J. J :L J Reledmri. {lnnen )1 Riddle, A II Lemeeton, 11. Emit., W 1: enpel.d, ;C. Alelire, hniall Km, :Ft M. Kerr, 11 S fate 11:1,1;t UF' 0161:ut'A 14 N. 1t01.21E,S C SUhfi. Mtr•et /1414 41.0 PCI I / 1 1111 4,144/1.• Illlilalllll. 1.1.10...,:e•••••,,,, •• •-•l•4er ..SEa•4 13'S A. 1 , ./,..;•ts • • . l•AtIsa•••, I. es er , •;:e•at{Ner,p • . ... Mehl, .1 '.14,. Bank •i•dr, , Vliglula. Ilks.ol I . •••adelpn/a. -.P.lE...tutus,' M.. ui V•. • t 6,nd 1L",.. i •r:Furtper• U. 0i Va. • " r...ut 0, n%-r , .. ue.o•r• •Parila. ht the V alley,—'• .• C•rce• musty, . • par , Bl6. 4, V.F."""• •" " " Detrsw..., 00.• • •par1,•1.1i.:11.1.4. • wo C. t 11( i Mpj,,,,Ontel y %Al.. • 1 1 3 ri 1.1,.• Lune •• • 1 utt,ktea , •rlaa.l••par N. N. mot ',, .-- I 1 ) , C•reml••• Ut•dge Co.. • par ,If. Wellsburg-- • - 1 Dover.towe !lank I. do: Pd - e••"" , ...5••• - • - Fame/. Itl.. Reatl,•••pu , I T.:ln:teases. Fasner,e , m it,,,i, Co. p• r , ills. al Teni,er.bee• • • . V Fume" 'CI, !..aacaro•p e l l'ar. A Merelit• Ilk— " Lauemme] •••• fig.• • • •p•rii`lal4ers'ilk.•-- ••• 1,..,,,,,,,,,, in ..... —' parliwn• IDE.--.. V ..4rntes lia/ s-- —eJo . : 1111.souri . ltitivrgisv...e . pm , olitta la of • • .-- • ..Ij NOrLit Caroitua. IlVa 11k..-... • •11k Cope l'llialabernilurg• • • • II •Alcvtl.'• bk., Neck I.c ....... • • . 1 te no %I 4 let 9 I MMEMI t. La. • • • • 010 'Cousifiler...lllsY • •-•• , I'mmeri. i thnvers' licur,tonn.•-• t%..oe.berg•• I lUk.Ol 11./bmg•••• •, " • • !Pre qk • '2 I.,Ltivin •• • • •••• • • • • pari Bt. of 2ooU Caro: —•••••.— Slarylisad. - f 11k1.••••• -par • jUR . .r , crtro Punnet llk. iun ICbcrlaud U.. of Ile- Rebel Now, ••• •• • / • glittly ........ • •. • I M M Ilk. P.. do. " Far. N. of Maryland. ••' CountyllkFurracre' & Sixhnnice " AJlrlukeny,}Uri Fredmck Ohio. 'Frederick Co Ilk .... Ilk. and k lll.kg6'storrn ..... ..... •• " Uk .---- • --. ilea Lenvtllc--••-.• Ilk Ctairev4llo---. ..... askoiron artemn . • -- c.,n,lef • • • • • .. • " it !ilk. 0.! VL Clar; Ilk. of Ki vet Cincia.niulli Ink. flolune..A .1.3 • KIMMIUM DMZ= MEM ME= MUM I • $1111d.1.! i L. 7 0. All ttilvenitlAnts• •• •• • 5 licaua3• . • • • . - • • 1 flanti elf E•Tuomml Nov,. =EOM= b i~xnoi~„n. WeatArn Itetene• Fraltll". B't Co!mnab4. ,DoL;bioono.t•peintsb in Lu Lmke Krtc.• • • • .. • IL .10 t t eign Lanz•oltr • •—•---• .Guir.tx, OU than .... . , FrcdlinclEs , Port•— . .•• • . • ir,s Thaler. •• • • 7 . . Earn, "11, Onside's r Su Urtsine. • .• ..... —• X. '1.4,1,..1.nr5• • • • 4 St• flesstnekr, lirotcbt.,4•. ilk n/ Krettdoky . • I 14 ~41.0,“111t. • • rmirinh:s ~4 ,4 414 I;nn, AV • —• • - I , En Now, V nrl-47.1, Panks war Wk., • . vivv. DAY LINK. -Mita - tom. Tun ol,vocir tr.rx vrtraiktiita AND ,•CEL•O22I, WITII ;W.. AND AND PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH I olar. IntwardeLl I,y tht. lit , ore earned on the mill IIXIIIIO Chant,nruho ..11.1 aro lIIITOrdta , ly 10,t1e4 in Waennot goon, melt and An, through to Pnt..burgh The. bon,. of in, nine are .Intion,ler• cry 15 switteh tn-uro. thrl ;mow deltrery of goo-Is valth.” the tor* pfornt..ed ahe Wagon. aril , kave nor wrarrthonso,dntiv.l , unlay• , gcono ,l l per. are that no too, good , wut l.r taten each day than can IA puacto•ly,cm,4ll7oo4l, JOHN ll'eA DEN le CO. nn l'aa Baton. rot.burgh JAMVSINI DAVIS* ell, 4,5 en NlarLet Are, Yloladrlptaa. 2. , 11N 31cFADEN A CO. Folov•at"...: A. .1)(1, no, )icaritom ratmll fistain, J,MF.+N. DAVIS 8 VltTrtnia rArTna,•xl...• vls.tos slaart, ,4 ';lrr Ao,s nee made Ay o thr above, on Roof . Au • other merrtotnEbse, c naigncd then, for . . • Ce GREENE CO' S! EXPRESS. mi=ol% 1L11.4 NCIKM NT. 'lna... IJyY 2/It., rnErrAlc, . , T 11144 nOl 4.14 ,4.4444i4t. 4 , 44 i 444 e,ivi04 44, 44 .4 4 4 44 + 4 ~ I 441E.4444 mil.. 14..04 , 11 4 1t4 4 -44 44, ti, 4 4,44 La nhei 04. i , 441,4444 1444...4 ~,r • 444.4-1,4444144441 t 4,4 4,4 F a 1,1 Ir, • I.4rge, 4442mtied .144, iitiort oil it, N 4444.4, wvitt ood.. ew4- row 04,44.-wt,ro iver rw Motintn. with Apre,J, 4.44 ni , 1414444- F owls lir r44,4l w yril ti• E.4.1141 4 irtni,rw44,41 ihr0144 4 4 ~,,, , li.r ri,rvirini w 4,3 rain% will 144+,131,111'1,4. • Throot ,TOl grltrro it, ell F.,•.1.1 lot tom; atrour 11, and tar low. in N..nprn.e vnl trc ookrrtlto ink.. :ht. ter moat no •r tal.l” am! 14, cotolorted P.rpris.tio !he Crotr.t ottr•. at• o 16 now tb, ntoet <non cone el part. of the FA.. Vle.i and :votilh. W.• renr.rr; et N.,' V ..rk MF.lrs llctrodrr. led Exp... to flo.a...c.ttntl nll qorwlifrom liout ,, o to come I.y Mir Liu, muatt ,l o arr , thcqr eve. No 2i: ou rt Astre•rt The en 11.4% of promptly nt, rat,. god. xo 1., nod g0,..1t er(urt, a •p31...1% iniarked r{j , 1. 4 44, . 4 11 d Mrs, rrirrii•pticiiiri t. ate 1114, rtioripi,ur tii Good. ani wicn nI vs./. low nay,. n. 1.1 .11. . n..... 1 for s.. nny ciy. (fen or - lens, ;row tuss I.lant lin!ivered wnhout ennrg., Ins .I.• fra. the F:n•I /rev, dl,tlk at 4 o roek, 1' M. fnromttltil 113 COM/1;11111S. hod, Nrw rautcreat. omt - r. • G111.21a & Co. N. Wall strtlet, Ncw York I'llll.lelph. .• 11.111poont .Trot. I,l..hunotr• I la rm. 1 , 1 h. Co., No. X Court Air,t, 11. G. VaMERY, tlrl 1 r ht., St Char!, II 40 lluJJin. . W.. 1 • t EXPRESS WAGON LINE. IgitAte_ 1849. fircitg. THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! 91DE mr..serrbere umprroartd 10;NCVIVe.1.;11, , Opoy„.4 dot Frer tau,,lpth tn forward to or from l'hilu.lelphia and I'lltilturgh, by Wag ,, ,,, through IN Fero Dayn 11/11CA .low by ;my utt,r Conyvyarrre at Wit firllarla.ll nI the *L.. JOHN AI.II , AIHiN 1 CO,. (Nona! httslturgh, . JAMES !ki DAVIS 10, dt-11 No Mnrkri at. noladelphia. •. dI.I.INONCIA I.IEL I.lolPrk.. r `"°" ^~~~~~ Only 73 Mlles Slinking. Via BlT,rlll,lilr ank , :ntic p r i ! i lnd to Ilalumps ann 'VHF niortim bust .Ic.tvc• the, wharf, alioue the briilae, dully, ut ti o'clock pteciiiely Time to Baltimore, J 1 hours. time to Philadelphia, 40 bourn The evettiuri bout leaves doily, Vzrept NwiJay av • eitin ni alt,l is 4 ohilock. Tuuneogristliy leauing a, the eveng boa, will ercufigie inoortaing to *Nue. liral day. and alai avoid, it.ithEITIVIVi. i.h.i.ure lour tickca at Ow 1 Hike, Moliouguhel flow, ot Charles wet 0 , 113.1, 22 I. )11±.10 , 611.:N, .4t,t11 `/111.11.A 01 u.katlklNT. rfT 18-19. StAltilk EX ['M.:3 WAGON LINE-4.1111101RM IN FIVE UAYS I i•ltte suartett:lml their canal I 1.111(4111, WOO OM opot,ing 1 the • loon, hrirar.teLlkhr,l on I:iprve. 14411111 , y Ilat , roetl nad WnKtot ty •.vcrv. 11411 r 1111.11 1 .01. hr whtch 1,, tarn rad ateal , ach der, R.Fif ~ . /1,1 not th. dr It ,err tot : flint ',nor, 511 a J. ho !oat, thrir Men& aatt rt.. /IC 11,41 Illill artangeino”ts a 0 arkitite 1210•, rvaularit, ot' tto,,lt I etottoll Intl to rt. , . 1 , C. , h lwrot Ittoot itomotorttl* TA ,f tIscoNNOll wit.: Venn nod M 11, • THOM/1A 1.4:121111Nik. s1”, 'e41.4 ti tia 18.19. t. tylm 01. i. • INtl II M lliEs W.11;0:4 OW.; I.lll.bnr six .. "11. ~Gortet tt,r that •111.4, Wl,ll. r..• pouti.l• thi :tlth tr.• , C3r 1., tlp a;r Cl.m• • Iny c;J. 1••• ••• tr Ag.iy co 111N4111A NI. 1 . ...11g1e. 111 `.l/11.01 DtiCh. No iqlNtarl,..t.,ret, iq 1 N'T aft. A iLii AM o l'. -- I.l4lgiiia MNIME= PITTsBURtiII AND I.IIILADELpiIiA, 4 •Yoiptt.l.l touning Night T ill: 1.14. 'rap:v.ollly “thPinle.l An: OP , Line. whlel, L..c t.c.•11 KiIIVV e nee roLtnong A - 10 11.1•1,11A1011 the Lawn vrrvlno. ,14 voulu Mond Kv ,th 01 e e Ithd CAne.t.etrlourgh dm rr ', tii” %lad Trn4L, and Irmu l. , •rmborith WWI of I,nr-en rusthing .1.. y and eLAh:. loroeCr,! WIC 11.. by the et.eve I.m. Apply in LEEell I`ll.lsergh, ot in —IIA ItRIS & I.L South Third .trtel, Pluletlelphin novvo . _ Steamboat Aire bey. The urlerniamail, very grotelai to ,hoir liluv., cti that y • 111.1 t determined In cl , tnrlr an.e• tiled attention Id tins I.ratte!; VI in., ha.ineea. They hope, erain itiorteeli year: experti.nee and by their never failing iaddstryland awe. atteenon. 41 Mena p11111301C15. J. I:. & CO, P•arl strrt. hou.svitie, hy. EORUP: of NewNort, and It num] PLUMB, of Philadelphia. vu thin day Peen admitted tie partner, in our lio•the.“, votrit e eontinned wider the ramie firm a. Lii.rool o re ail N., 17 Church alley. Philadelpbb, tad jNo. EIdrIMAC Piece, New Vert., Ai DAVIS & CO. Philadelphia, Deo. 1, lO4ll.—{de7-11a. DOCTOR WIATAKI BALSAM CL - WILD CHERRY. THY: following acid e we copy with a1e... , ih ... if, ' Boston Atercan of Journm," of March, lerll6 ~k sod we hope thal al • y on readers are .slangll.4ll any of the con. ante watch st la said rotors;eel snit speedily air I themselves of in • D ft. WISTAR'S LI LRAM 01 , WILD CHERRY. It was well knew many year. ago that th e wild sierra bark tree of 's climate possessed valuable is i . trAtetnal qoultites. ode.' this Isst was known to the aborigines, end de .tions of the leases or Lark 01 Ills Yee has ever been reveled by their physicians as OM, of the room eat etual remelt.* 111 natty itt•cases. Thu fact, several years since, arres.dtte attcutlon or Di Water, a highly reapectable practitioner of Vic gime. He irireatigetcd with care the Lesions proper ties of the wild cherry—bested its elects when adonis istered alone, and when et combination wait other re medial scents Ile band that its natural delay might Ise greatly unproved, and by combining a with Ingre-' dews whose properties 'were all well proved and gen really recognized, a medicine was produced Which CO/1.1011G4 a moiety of great importance in pennons, ry affections nod tn. ane of the chest and throat— ily... which am pm... Wally precalculate.. citic• raid large towns, and often prove fatal, swelling the bill of mortality to a much greater extant than is the case web most other*, we had almost raid all classes DI dime.. The geom. Wimar's BoHata of Wild thy has lac .mule d the oignantre of Henry NVistar, M. D. Philadelphia, and enadford and huh on a Gael/ 000 ekand coci engraved wnspper. None other women MOO. We .8, jurt to receipt of the following volamary Lute to the curative power of ‘Vistaen Balsam of Wild Cherry, from E. Ilan, M. D., of Mt. Clemons, Mettl e., who is a phywetan of high ounding, and an ego mauve druggist: - Mr. Chiusano, Mich., OctOth, 1 819. To the afflicted, tide may ceruty that Mrs. B. Rob ofthis village, three or four week, after confine ment, was attacked wit h a violent cough and :great feustular'', sod scented hastening to the grave with arful rapidity. I adviud her m use Wistar. Balsam of Wild Cherry—she did so, sod with that valuable medicine alone was reshored to health, and is now a living proof of the vela. of Wistar's Hamm of Wald Cherry. E. HALL, Physician and Druggist.. Read on and be convinced will farther of the ream, table :mutes of Miter's Balsam of Wild Cherry: Mesas. Sandford & Park: Canto, Am a mai:Mier)... tire to you, and for the benefit of the public, I would offer the following statement of • cure effected by your medicine, known e. Wise..'. Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the spring of 1047 my wife wall severely attacked with Penpneumunia, or Pleusy, which resulted in a deep seated pain in tri he side, accompanied with a se vere cough, she was attended by come of the heat phywcians in Chicago, bat to no purpose; for weeks he suffered, wnhout relief, congaing incessantly sight and day. I came to the conclusion that all the reme dies [newels, the phywcians could not help her, end was induced to try your Wild Cherry. I groomed ens bottle, and commenced sling it according to dine semi before it was all gone—the cough stopped, the pain in her side left her, and with the aid of another bottle she was festered m raanrr trashes. lit con sideration of these circumeteneca I would recommend n to the public asAivaluable medicine. Tours. respecWally, R. N. GARRATT. Ounen Banns, Mich, 00t.. 0,1840. Rood dm following Tastienoniar. Of all the cures not have been recorded, there are certainly none elect to the one lint mentioned, which pninly shows the curability of Consumption, even in some of iu worst forms Causes PUINT, Lake no., la-, Jane 15,1b1h. J D Pork: Dear Mir, Au I have a deep comuusera no.. for the •Iflected, permit me to give you • brief history of my addictions, and the benefits derived from the 111.! of It, ‘Vlstar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. In July, 1041, I was attacked with a fever of the IDr. plied character, which left me in a very debilitated tate, when ill the fallowing{ winter I was taken RIM severe cold, wlach reduced me to garb an extent as to give me the lrpC/TllllCe Of a confirmed consumption. I labored under a seven. etrugb—expectorated • great dud, end WI. troubled wok cold feet and night sweats. I also frequently raised 'amid from my lax •. I eon nnued in this state, graduallyalbk.od end. , the die . cue, until January. 1E47, when I was again attacked with fevrr. y friends despaired of my life, and my physielatm thought I could survive bat a short time. My extremities, espt , erally my feet, were constantly Cold, and moa t lout their feeling. Under the.e nit , curnsmneet it may truly be said that I Yeas • living skeleton. I finally determined 4 to glan taking medicine presrnbed by physicians, and try Dr. Wtatar• 8411..0 at lVild and trout or tint week that I com menced taking it. I can duo • gradual recovery. I continued it, ime six months, at the end of which tame I woo rarr.t, and nave enjoyed good health ever amee, and eheerfully recommend the Rale= to all Mose af fliewd with disease of the longs, and would say to those cominenetng im use, not la be discouraged if two, or three L 011.• In not effect a care; but persevere as! bare duce. a:td I Its:, he doubt but nitre cases out of ten will to Ineva4l with renewed heal th .1 have aces. Respectfully, moon, JOSEPH JACKSON Plsre Si per Ron ~ —Six Houle, for SS. . gala by PARK, Isocessetor to .l andlord & Part,? Fourth and Walnut meet.. etncinwsu, Ohio, Genend &cola for tho (south and West, to whom all orders mutt I.e addreal,tl Jr. .1:111,Ch A Jonc, 3. Kidd tt Co; H. A. Fahor.toca h Co. I . :ll.burgb. L T_,Ru.ell, Wo&h m,n, W II ' Lamb,rtou, Fraukiin, I. II 14. Welly, Ureviithargt, S. Kount%,Somer. o, t4f o:t Gtlruorr, Booflora, P.:.-11A bon, Hunting.. Idebr. ! a. Cu. loth. J Silittanntng; H.• 1110• a CO, Wont !.V.'too & r.n, W”,nexnarrb: k. Co. •il. aver, Alen.J•l , le. Ramon & Co. Erir, J. Abagoa:L tlrreer. Junes, Boil)' & Co. Butler.: , .slnitb, Haver. J H 4w n. Warren: & C . tl.Joneh Conder.poru Crooke, Jr. 8r0wn,•111.3 • onrlG dA .Iv,/•,T Le.; . ovally, fur sale by C Arle • STUART& SILL j - Ef. ..-• DV n,rta .lore .04 sale Icy J KIDD & CO, ir , dWood 1 )INR SA - sur;47,Ost reed wid 10f side Oy dell) J RIDS & CO, 60 Wood st ONDUIZAS SARSA I'A RILLJV JJ, serou,,r, fn store rod for sale by J UDE, & CO, Gu Wood st :t1:1 :•1 rcc d, oy kj COCC& BRE I Meal-E, 107 Sepand rt BOOK BOOK,. - - • - - r , gr 'a at the PR EStII*TERI AN 11041 K ROOM, vl No 79 Wood rte - a, and foi .de at Eastern tutees: Gesriu, I lehmer heater., Tow end's Arrangement of the 11.41,, Newder's Illatory of the tlirisuaa Nab enin and ourch, Milton's Treat..., on Cc...stout Doe- I/111,1,...- .4 Jan-final. Evart, Pay., Robinson's Greek Il,rmoov of the Gorrwi,, do I.:nOish do do. Seutt's RF f.., th,ston edinoir, Parish's Ittble liarettear, Medhur-t, Chtn• sod its Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lec tures un Sverdennergiainsin, Ilolt , s Missionary Anec dotes; or. I many n.ltec toter ening works, in addinou al lila at.ove, all at ...TY. I eter.i. nov22 WEL.L.S A filitouraeiureiv . of Warn No. 2? Market street, PiUa lturghAVa, keepeoustantly , and make to or der all km). of Vta's, Houle, a,. Porter and Mine ral Water Bottles, of superior quality. Particular attention pat) to Prtvate Mouhis. rfllll6 PUTTullintaii, ALL& LEER AND VICINITY, will be ready for the encl., or in 10 day. Person* who mayitnah to have view. of their country want pot on the map caa do au by marine application to the underaigned, any nine befdro the tath Inst. To defray the eepanae of the view- - . - ill be required in addition -in th e price of ma. novl9 R E hicOONVAN O.III . —ZX bodes map toot 'acacia and for male - by trl) bell & W. IIARBAUtiII.. GLOVER SEED—NY/ budiele paw for *sale by &cid) S. A IV. HARRAVOIL - aria - apples juii doe Id & W. lIARRAUGII. .1 LIAIF,IOO •bbla. Loniamlla Lime . Li jun reuraved and for sale by decti S . & W. BARBAUGII. I. l . o ., L r L m ll c t i r o lZEß . — . l4 w ox r, ... bla n i f f r rtne , y , h y titoiloTtre droll S & W. BARBA UGH. F LOUR-LO MA, Beaumont Er. troilingsvrorth•F aupe: rim Pantry Floor; 180 bids Superfine do; for .ale by del SELERS fr. nacots. A lied, in store and tor .ate by dell R DA LZFLL k CO. Liberty st Indl. Rubber Put. ECF.I VEO thin day, from the Phillip.,lle Factory., uonk.n of that valuable article of Indth Rubber Pagte. for Boots and Shoe.; sold wholesale and retell at the loth* Depot; also, at the following placer Itrzun A. 'Doc, DrugßH., Liberty street. loon Juelthon, Shoe Dealer, Liberty street II E Seithre, Druggi.t., Wood Street. S N. Wiekertham, Drumm, Wood street. W. E. Schmertz. Shoe fleider, Smithfield street. John Lamp Store, Smithfield street. John Parker, ;thee Dealer, Federal or , Allegheny. 0. 0 Curry, Wriggle, 111,10.1.. Allegheny. J. A. 11. PHILLIPS. a Wood it. briar Fasiejand W of every Vol lunch- to our 1111, 10 ..vey a riety of I.OOEIND DLASSES. of t.tit 001. Mara.- tore at, n.k the attention of Wenern Merchants and other dell KENNEDY A SAWYER RI R:DICAL AND 111711010 AL OFFICE, No 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a A few doom below Wood street, to ast& market. „ g p uf l a;ly n etrat Vl oil "to' been S i I profession, WA been for ototi[l ' LL , II general practice, now co nfines N.:l attention to the treatment Of .4„ • • Mose pnvate and &then. •nont -1 f. l lL L l ' l ' scrfin: h pet ' ula7=l3 tom lit )etars assiduously devoted to sta. , attar.° o/ thorr. eraaplatoub(duorstr whteb tione 1... hod 111.0 r, province end has cured more pas 1 , • ever fall to the lot of any private prse noon/il) amyl, qua: diva torn to °Ter assurances of armed, satmlactory curt to all a:Hinted with dr ila,tll.teav es and all disease arising triers item Dr hr. sr I vrould ,Ilona Woe. afflicted vac private th•car, s %Mt hate become. chronic by time or ag gravated 5) me of any of the common nostrums of the de), that taw complaints can be radically and thor nochly cured, tie gmen easeul attention to tbe treatment of ouch t axses, and . s uccee ded In hundred. eusin rr poraona of indarrunation of the t t ores ehe bladder, and kindred discase . ,,erhich often tr e,Ot inn, those. rase, where others have conaigned these titimpedes. despaw. He particulariltuvites such an hue, been Inca and unnieressfally treated by others eitaiult him, when every ...lemma will to giver. then, and ileir case s treated carent lit borough and it em, ot manner, pointed out by lune experience, Ind inverugatton.wbia, troposaade tor :bode t n eenera l practiee of medic.. give to oar • tae of antra". 11y - 11r:rota or Raptors —LIT Brown also Invites per ens- stfltetssi Ilemta to call, at he has par.l palings ate. attention to this tliveago. v• g 1:04.7.1tr3 also ared. situ, dinvases, Paley, . Speedily emed Onsrve. very lova • • N. II —Patients of rattler sex living at • distiace, by Metier their disenvai in *vines, gtathe till the synip eaS, obtain mediettie• with die, nues farove by addressing T. into OWN, M. U., past paid, and wailer- N. ay 11, • mond alloy, apponote the Waved) , Boas , RACX•Ticir —Dr !grown , * newly diseoverest mate dy for Me innatisn, s speedy and certain remedy lOr thatpint , o l tinitvle It never fail, Wire and I...vste Consulting Rooms, No. 0.3 mond alley, lolutherth, Ps. The Deane la elan)* at tier. No core en pay I] sgo• - • • )—it LOIN Fresh Roll, tblis Jai r, , ,e,; Ir o: 1) rule by dole ARAISTRONG k. CROZET( T - t vIaVIbLR IJAH.I-100 bras Pmh, jut reed. for ItAlr l.y drle 'ARMFITRONO dr CROZER 71 frilASSETC:lobilu i , iliwgiu n o, coo uge,) f.or rale by dr.l7 - ,-"C H GRANT LIME 250bbLs Looirrillaliros, for my by r. 17 c GRANT 1O1!SE8, LOTS, FARMS, *0 aa~ G nc jill est i n Market nrOonlilund a 3,ll l).7 Posielaton given on Mr lot of April nost. ! I "th. • Ahoo—Seyeral ROOMS and OFFICDS. PoSteasion eyr_n immediately. E. D. GAT.ZOId, dein Odiee oyet the Poln Otlee.Thoni FOR lialtWT.—Tbe WAREHOUSE itpre 9 sent occupied by Messrs. Bailer. &Co. en Water street, from first or April nett. I nno JA3IFSA HUTCHISON d CO VOll. ti A 1.-E.—A good two ho . PEDLAR 7 B WM:WV—for We low—may ho 11e61.1 dot Ha tater Livery Su:Moor Rod y PaUemon, Fourth Aram, beivreen Wood end Smithfield • • • •_ A. WELL FINISHED -ROOM, miablo for a Varitly orGemlemen'a Familhing More), Al. rooms imitable for offices or Ar. timt's rooms. octlbli • OfEee Thud stiveL OTST FOS/ 016 •r: •or f M. LTIIE thy desirable traldenee is Alleg•eny City, lately or copied by It. W. INstattater,l and ssetsion given tatmediatrlY. _.L .' r terpa, apply at this otter, or to W. W. Wile BON, Markets ougt .' -- 4 — rail ItLICST—The menu. heave pow occupied by Mrs. Atwood, situated at Otk'slid, with e 0 wise of ground attached. . The Mine window, and eotiverdent, and the ground well I fm. pnweil. Apply to itAllitY, JONM a. 00,;. &total . Wider* AN , A , FOR SALE—A Bnek armee, (but one Ye. Zaburil,/ end Log on Rotator. SIIVA4 AlleabetlY• new ohl Bridge. Price low and terms cut.— Inquirowf jr,l4 8 BCI - 10YER, Ile Sewed at FOR RENT.—The three story Mick Daryl/nag Haute, on Liberty, between 14Y and Marbary els, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Pouesden mann immßookst ore ediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or l a 4 the of JOIINSTON a STOCETON, Jy27.(1:1 corner Market mallard streets: Two Lora for Bala. 11111 E Aubsenbers will sell at pnvale sale, those ma sL valuable Lots of Ground, situated on Tomato at., t the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having a front °IVO fiet, running back 100 feet in depth to o 9 feet alley, opoo which is built a atone wall, SS by 100 feet, whtch contains slime enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front the,, ate three shade tn., of i 3 years growth, and the side walk is pared with brick, all of which will be sold at VW. Pit:atm : rah and Allegheny, or County Scrip, will he taken It payment. & H PHILLIPS, No AWoculst or to WhL BENSON, immediately °ppm. LIM ots eligibly situate• fn the 24.5 r• idling town of Blzmlngfiron. The lots sia sites, tad on Denman street, numbered Iri F Elausman's plan 75, 79,121, 81 and 89--Lot NC 78 fronting 20 RIM. Ida; ry Asa serve; 70 feet deep; the other four 20 feet &oat each, by 80 feet deep. Terms—Greater part of purchase money maj fel main for sin years, secured by mortricarj . artiel Wars, inquire of ' ntylit 110 se-coMst ' • area i • as • /or I, I. TUATalon the Mouongahelariver,aboal Ideates from Pitecturith and 3 miles above third Loot, to the immediate mughborhood htetort.Lyon & Shorbi and Mr. Johnslerron , c purchase. Thin Hue body O Coal will ba Cold at the low mien of =Spey acre—onc: third in handy balsams In five equal annual putouts, without Interest Title Indisputable. Loudon very good—cannot be caroused. For further particulars squire or B. BALIBLEY who has a droll of said pro peryr. Recideneeld s,tielowFeray,hlr.Adatu'Row. N. B. Them ts another seam of coal on this tract; about 00 feet above the lower, of excellent quality. n=eed - - Valuable bledlellug Leta toil sra77 -- rinfp..abseribeasm anthorised to offer at private sale, end upon highly favorable terms, n number of very Valuables Butlehng Lcitit; comsing • large portion of the Lots numbered 07, pri CO and 70, to Woods' General Han of the City of Pittsburgh, slut. ted at the math enema:illy muter of Fenn end Wite streets, fronting 240 feet on the Coiner and ezteo dmg aloud the latter about WO feet to too Allegheny river, nod being • pariof the Real Eaters of the late James S Stevenson, Eas., deceased. A plan or stduhvision of the above LOW, in ,contoiv miry with which his proposed to sell, may beatien ai the °Hee of the undersigned, on Poor* between Midi kid and Ferry sta.: WILLI AM S A KUHN. nikll • VLUABLE REAL ESTATE ON PENN STRS:n FOR SALE—A Lot of Ground Mown on Paso etre., between Hay end Merborreveem, adiolning the Lott. .0 lotnoset occupied by Richard Edwards, having • from of 23 feet, and in depth 150 feet, will be sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En. quire of C. 9. LOOliiii, 4tl at, Muir Wood. 0ct21.4.1tf . . A DESIRABLE Buil ding Lot in Allegheny city, ral. vorably located, In size about bait an acre, and will be sold on accommodating team inquire of fold I 11) WILLIAM, 110 wood st. • New Besot.." -_ PVSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Practical View of the mutual dada., relation and internists( the Modic.l Psofeassion and the Commurdry; by Worth ington linker, M. D. The Works of Michael De kontalune; cOmprDinfl his FAsays, Loins, AA. By Wm. Hulett. Nincreh and to Rennin.. fly Amon Henry Lay , ant, E-q.. D. aL. GlialpfirS of Spain; or Note. of an Unfinished Tour In Int. By S. T.tWallia trateToppeJusPt reror. vceive erbial by phy, new edition; Illus d. d Philoso JOILNSTON k STOCItTON, corner Marta end Thi etl streets "Norway P/abas" irR. MILIEVIIY, at North East corner of Fourth and Market sWeets, h. lately redelved a sup ply of . tha rt,ove superior make of Dl.kets, and Ins in. !base' te'rvant of the article to look at them be fore buys.. Ile has also on hind Home Made Ellaol lets, a good heavy ankle, witteh he is selling low. Also—Home Made FLANNELS, bros., batted and whit,. el a superior quet'ity. Al•e-7ls;lbd Se let FLANNELS, to which he manes dte Sims:ion of buyers. F,J-A tares sopply of Goods recently opeiledin the Wholesale Roam, up Matra males his assortment very full and worthy the attention of dealers. noel, 2 75. 1 . IN :4 • A NEMINENT and axperieneed Payeicraa from Ma ffa I. :t! 74174.",:ir1; Ms mercers fir Befrako P a ' rf:r . L " " 176 beea proverbial. Ma ebargea are mode; ' , l an% Ire elms permanent Old cans of Glom, Stneture, Sera. fulo, Fluor Albite, Etheumanam ; Ague,Syph il is, or any chrome or tumor:tie ems salmon _.._-.. . A cure warranted, or charge refunded. -i, -- Orman, St Clair street, 2doora from the Snags. PITTSBURGH LISPOILTATIONIII Teeth Extracted Advice to the poor grads. N B —Dr. A. solicits We wont eases of m 7 dine's I YEAGER,' Importer and Wholesale Deal ° r in n, Ihnelmrsh to call. aplafilly I ll * FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: 1 1 , 'Signer the GM Comb, 103 Market at., Pittsburg Pa. 11 latt ith PALL A LEXANDER & AY, corner of the Diamond and p tahbeto . pa . haht t att ,a h, . 0 . hp , c ,... 14 . tete/ .11. Market street, notify then friends and the public to h, and thahabe the eaten „ hat ... of • . that the y hone thentned theta stock of Ftthl, , We ' ILA, American. /emelt and Gentian Fancy ter GOODS, from the =WM. , laklta•aattthee. All Forma (Wale alibis establishment an in. - and carbons at the earl. Their Meter new style and , direr. b y ~„ „,, „ A pu,h„„„ stay 1 , 1 , , ir „, to.hto neble Goods fistula, sad presem strolig anne I tle it. geode (Mon to surname. In Lathes Dress Goods an meat , h , ,,i th z h ib t %ha „ b a tty b„ , . the b i t . o f Shrials, the moat splendid and Cenumble Goods o p,,,,,..0...,if ,„,h,a, , n ri 1 e ...W1., fl,, ~ ..,1 . , the sen,•on are now offered, at remarkably low prices ttty eceeplhette , IfTheStetekbe,lete, in pan, of. cannon( In pan of the following , Lug Ocala, Rbatity; Glottis ; Ribbons. II LAMER , DRESS GOODS . I Silk CraMs,ShoesandPatentllanda,Sewinekk. New style limbs figki Cameboo Silks; Soool Conon, Tapes, Suspender; Button, Pins, a c s Colkl,xnd Black Satin Da Chem and Tura Seam: • dfog era mod neT , , Cad eAmfiese ABsdeetaefist or the b..1.P.A....... 1 Gold atsd StirealVeitehes, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of Black glossy Grodenens of the celebrated le ' , 8.,..b,.. , ,c,,,,,,b,.. Rhyath tominfacture. I PeressanaGfipsfißovalsers. Putols, Cloche, Silk The algae named Black Silks me warranted not to c . a . p..„,11.0,...4 Steel Pent, Masts 80x„,4 . fit the wear; for dresses and mantillas they an the Carpet Lbw " hh a p ee k ath. best =pone& Du Ch fig'd Came Ne i Bendolga Findings and Trunmistga. Si at hn Satin ute, the handsomest. Tore ~,„i F ,,,,,, Good.; bh. Cher with a large t.n.. Silts of the season. ty of Fancy and Staple DRYGOODS. New style Brocha Silk Egared L eh Ifennos, • , C. YF.AGER it, also agent for the celebrated Lao. nem and splenthd article for laden , walking dresses. 0 ...Lc...A L , nosl7 Silk Embroidered French DeLathea for arum and . mks, n mainly new m ale . TO BUY RES OP DRY GOODIII u 6 :. CAnmetl, De Ulm... Merino/ A1P....d P. vcr R. ItlVlllt l ilY, at . oh east earner of Fourth mean, a large naoortMenL SHAWLS AND SCARFS! , il V„, and Illarkln an, now receiving kit aesond ' supply for the /a 1 ;17, and eon nder iudueements to Brocha Long and Square Shawls , of the beat quail. buyers rarely to- e met with. MB am e ns ant of !ten . LAD DRESS GOODS Piled Long Shawls, of the newest designs, remark- is very fall, eonsisung of French Mermos, Cashmeres, ably cheap. , Coburga, Lyonese Cloths, caper Pruned they Cads. ably Terkers Shawls, a greatly reduced prim. e ra s , at prsen constderably lower than they mud& Camehon Broeha bg'd Silk Shawlibm great canny. be bought early In the season. His stook of Crape Shawls, white and colored, to great variety. gING SHAWLS CLOTHS, OASSINIERES AND VESTINGS! I . ~..g . ,, had t . btttt mbby a th e b tbb o d m i. Best Sedan real French Twilled Clothe, all prices; Low on exhniti nat FrankLus leuitManyhiltura... beat Sedan real Preach Rummer.; new style Amer- ' BONNET AND NECK RIMUNS, - man Cessimeree/ ...p.• Satin vmmtp . LADIES' CLOAKING cLorrHs! Of new and my handsome aryles, Velvet Yrime maga, le a ' French and Belgian Black and Once Cloths, for La- SAEKING FLANNEAS West Cloaks. I BLANKETS! • Of xenon sty/es and quallues, plainand unbrolderod A splendid Black Silk Laces, Needle Worked Callan and Cuffs, Bunter, neortmfillt of Amfiria•A awl imported Bonnet ileum Velvet Flowen,Oapaand Feathers. lankets, at remarkably low prior.. HANDSORE MOMS SLLBS, DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! , Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than asnli A lerfie sad complete ...resent now el. loans. — and rich changeable Silks and Satins, for Marfillas, Many ot our present sunk of Staple Goode were s e ., and a large stock of, bought from the manalicturen previous to the present STAPLE AND HOUSEKEEPLN GOODS,I entrance la titian. A principal part of our stock of . bet.. prices. An, in the ge ettehtete, department French and En li mb goods have been punned at the h b wlll Int rOund flub lew7Vta.te,:r,:.-bh Sales odor bi d tt i nd a hth . b4e t sl,7 ..... 1.-n- ' s F i llr k r,...CH .IktmLALC,KtroZDZA....xNVFI3O.4Dc.CLOT.i...,IO, every dewnpnon of goods In our Una of hennas. Country Merchants, Merchant I Talton, and all ke rchief / Ac. nth..., Bilk . Cettn ai t h hl/4tehethluai wholesale and retail Layers, are invited to us early u ligir t . tte , . 0 tahe , a .rite[ the m . t . eie ciClLLlnalioll of our stock and pneea. a •••t ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 !dukes et, ,Rooms, ltP autos *ea) nun north west comer of the Diamond, hon--. • Pro:mak Mamodtmh. - lA7l:7oesks Port, hbuleara,b herryan d e. 0 PIPFS OLU coccg ' VI , Malaga Wines, (or sale by the ea.k or au goon- Go 21 hf pipes Lafayette, Rata Rochelle, dark:aka tities to goo parclimiers, by pale; vintages of '36, 40, and 46.. Wa, m amFolyggyan, . 11 bf pipes Leger Frerebilirm Redudle r dark ad _20,0 , No NO Libonyt o , polo, vintages ol ' 32.42 1,'46. QUI/AR-5 hluts to arrive on steamer Itinggot for 6 61. 1.0'-" 6.6 %C. 2 i.° 6 kr Go'. C. lPlllili dub mli 0. .olc by itovs 1.0A121.1iD1011411 rh. pale; mut.. of 4h, '45, 41, iIOFFEC-150 bogs Prime Rao, arrivrng and for .ale . 5 a popes Anchor Cogotreap•le.( Ovint of 47. 4„, by novel wa Al blilrulibualtEli 2 do i" . " li f il.. " 7 . o oßmiel PAIN do 42- Holl TEAS—lmpatiel, liunpaardor end Voiotia. . 6 , d d . ° . C j h j '&74 lk : d . d o ,l . l . 7 k• , 4?Oh, do N 7. '4 ,4 7 7. • /lye. Teas, of superior quality,' In hf ohettailo Ido Cotillion, do do '47. Spoarel bte,jurr rec'd and for rob. by . 00.4 Woo hl MITCHM.TiIEE dark. 4 deft. Oldr 4 banac, dark. OLAbblid—lou tails prone Pltalouon MOltoara, 0 fir carts fkard, Cuddy to Co, pole, I. to oak bbls and good order, for sale low by 2. do Moglory Cognac, dark, IV IAI MITCHELTREE, 9- do Old Pale Nector, • l•otrl 0 100 lAberst M 2 do Pellevoisin. Motorola a Rona' Pentane Sada.' Asia. 4 do Cliateneh );.•-, C.l,lirl Was. and Soap . ..kers' boda Ash, 0 po Adm. Fiala; ann./gee Of '27.'3%73, 40. .....J mbar:ad doom from the alone cclebrareal , 2 octaves . do; do 1805 .d 1t2.10. ~„,-,,,,,, ea per American ten, aniving and tqr cuts United Vincyerd Prop dews, vim- if '4O. r0 t e ..,,,, b, now; NV 151 Mar:lll.:LT/It:1i 3ocurves do do do do '47. i Malloltb-17 la lopes irrondy—lhard a Lupuy , ho• . ' page Cognac. La pmes Itillani Oin; ' ' • 21 bids Old Peach randy. 0,,40Nas NII Rum; ' 6do Cherry Brandy. 40.11rble M'hirkoyi for ante bf 150 do. Fuie OM Cognacs, by the don or e.g. bottle. _nova IV re IR litypelinTmmm Tlos_ hock or high proof choir.° Wands has bean —4O /.."ia ei rmy o - lgIltImM• - .leock le by the subtenber nod connoWara, pd. to ' ' ili, advance, .d are now Geared - to the wade upon fultß friends nod me pub. arc respectfully Inf.. 1...1 od that the Florian. Line win Cann to ship ' m . Q.....e ,, re b axt , i c al p il . n ro te:ra . l2/14 ,.r n k . or h e e i , o . tbro, Call .d . Goods via Canal from Pinsbargh on thb 10th, andfrom ' babru JACOB CYRAVRR. Jr Pni.ndelptria on the 12. Inst. We ithall continue te '- ,airy good, by realrood anll o ll74ll . .tati Winter. i Prolght to Phll■Motptalas. airy AD.N k CO E will rceekin for two or Or. more boat loots .8 1 .KiefilNkr Jar Mitepratl k 1 T VIEr freight for Philadelphia. (nt adv... ralsokLM' Boas' brood, • superior article, for sale by offered soon. 00. 4.II.NULTV lc al, _Cvnal. Male, nova • W ft M MiTCIIS2,TRER not2l Ultgoll TRA6-4mporrb Uunpoordor Yoang ,12 /boon of ropenor b hf ottani, IY and 6 poorol Gtr, reed mu/ for rob by • utora M MITCHKLTREE OLASSI.:S--lou tails pilaw Plantation MOluseti, lo oak bbl. and good order, fOr salty low br IV k ?d MITCHELTREE, 140 lAbkrat st J. Met•strats 6 Sone Penton.. Sod& ' Astts . 2 b , ' ll l µ . .f:•,l l ll ' rec ' in s lL c g ittilt'l t - t 9 per cent Ame tic. test, arriving:and for *sir bt 0016 V & mac Ill.:LT/It:1i Tan Bleaching hlbsyrbuh, Soda Ayb y ;km la b y,,g g Cy — trigiluao.._,,, bate. COIIO6, ah bbla No FL ard Bleaching Powder, arrived per snlp Ozenbritlgi, ,3 41 1,444 Fel/hers; 1 new, slid now COl7llllllOll by canal, for sale by Is sacks Wool; f W& hl MITeIIELTHER .. Oda. Lamb !Mar, wan vrpol; N. B.—They wail receive, during aho winter, large V dor Sleep skins. r . r Ploys vor New Orleans. Paha) 2 or “ " dressed; To am le on Ines:arr . Fort Pas, and ( or yy l y b y deli IS ni ell DICKEY & CO, F4ont in DDRIED PEACHES, & oo bus Uric. pettbes and uppicu, Ant rea4l and for sale b • lakaussELS ceerers.—w. Itt'Manteca O. to .11 putehasers a large and handsome assortment oc.: -- . ,-- We most approved patterns of Brussels Camels, 1:11W Wh - r-W.o—D 3 mast 'nimbi. for Found) , asa,Saat. 114RDY, - .1020LS &CO eheaper then ever before odered In this market . CYR , r me'd and for rn:.b)± . , dela and examine our stock before parehssing elsewhere. . deb W M'CLINTOCK, 75 Fourth ot ire . VET PILE--:Wc - n;riOicr the Gritlooniest , Nrivnt Pile Ca r ever imported, CA lOW .C. I ME CEDAR:—A let of Cedar Lop, coodiried be purchased in arr of the eastern sides We invite : CT, C o hen or Crater, will .._ __,.. those retelling to famish ritmattioats or limes, to sirs . if ~,„,, cwiog for or ig do as d o '',Zi''` "". `. P./ affilied-', us a call before purchasing elati whore. '; deli GEO 13-111 LTFABERGE11,87 - Pyorri G Gullet Warehouse., Fourth street deb w arrcupgmeg I CIALICOE:4-4 cues, fast colared,'at Ille,po and ar_--ii.bwk-i,:iieiihi..l.7,iia-coii.. GLOVES a 1 ../ 0 1..4 ol; Al. MASON4ribik. - , i del{ ' ' • l_l superior article, just reed cod for sale by ' MGM Kitten is des C YEAGER ‘ IO9 NOGG et BLAciflfftt-4 Gls by asenfa eaperiofiGgirine God audios' gas by NOS , 0 WAG' MISCELLANEOUS. • tr. Tel auto or rya* Rama a miasma sepal. wK than a bad s putrid breath, or dart, yello* dime. ed teeth. If persons have those it is their awn halt— they ean, kr twoshillings, b.r.. ankle that aid make their breath pure and meet as du Spry Lir • Vatic It cores diseases of the Gams 'mangy or aleenntel, and for the Teeth it is nneettallid,-resnoving the tartar, famening the teeth to the gums, mad' clean them as white es the maw of Ow/rasa Nardi Such, 'ceder, are tho properties of Jonah, Amber Tooth Paste, and, without praising nourvolves, hear what nor at oar most respectable and seleaddo Ren ame, bar n b ot h eld, of New York, .1 bar used and antlised th is beat:HAl and is palpeble article, (Jones , Amber Thoth Paste,) and eon recommend ft as preuteming all the eualitieselaimr . al for it." Reader, we can say no more to convince, only that if Son trill.. Orme Son will be well pleased. It is go l dp In beautiful English China Pats. for II emus. by the Agent, WM-JAC/030N, SD labes , ty stmet, Pinsbursit haerriosa ans. Rua lhavareaJOßt Edit Its] lea Chemieal Soap amtses a free yet, and a the same tow mollies, so ft ens, and vs hens the akin giving n the tautre and beauty of an Scorn, Baur Ratner son &ma, are soon not only healed, bat clued by as use, as at lout se m. Physi ala. In New Tort kilo's, who use it in smell cues, and fled it unfailing--as a/o in , Primes, ilosnetts, Fureass, or any Other akin dia. ea.. The reader ts mond that this is no minis pored doetnun, as one trial will prase. I coald OMa monde a least BO persona eared of Sad lissn, Sou Loos AND Sou Itrain.-11 . 7; end use it, and the reader is again amazed I not smelly sell it for the above =le. I knew it to ho I state. Those who am liable to Cearar; CsactaNin Owen Puna, will And tr. s care. Any one afflicted with any of the above, or size. Llar diseases, will find this ell and even more (admin. tole in its properties) then I Mate."' But, reader, the mom en flooded milli leatatines, end bo sare you ask for JONES'S 'ltalian anneal Soap. Sold by WM. JACKSON, Liberty. sweet. Pittsburgh. andolawT lAu., soot. crntrmn are honorably awned that theTllowteg are the anima goo-Utica of it 31. bottle of Joan', Coral Hair Restored,. If the doubt oatwho word b a t h e v i ed W— cum* these highly respectable • citheas Air. Geo. Becket, 41 Elm ant,, New York. Mrs. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle as Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, IS King ot, New York.' Mr. Thos. Jackson, Iffonurers stear=uo H. E. Millen, late basher steamboat S. And more than a hundred others roam, though this most Bailee, that It will force the hair to 001 , 06 the head orTace, stop h falling off, otrengthen theLorts, removit scurf end dandruff from the mots, or gray hair untrue a fine dark WO, al k rul d 7 'vjgyr:fre*ry_' wiry htltre.7thr4"n' cle and Sold by the Agent, whL g JACILSO,N, elk. liberty a y l4ll.= ; l:riee 34,30 center and one do (13 - 1.4.un ARE CAUTIONED AGLAINSi SING COMMON PREPARED ChLLLIP 0. They are not nevem how frightfully injarionolAgto to the skin! how coarse, how rough, bow .)tt. • low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin at/ peon Mier using prepared chalk! Be. aides it is injector, containing large enmity of Lead! We have prepued a beautiful vegetable article, which we call JONEA , SPANISH. LILY WRITE. - It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all &deed. on. outlines; soul it imparts to the arm a nattsral., heal. thy, alabaster, dear, Limo white; at the same WOO atone as a COMlletie on the Ale, making h wft end smooth. Sold by the Apnt, Whl. JAMION, SO eny at, Pittsburgh. Prue 23 rents. miefaik.wT TO PRINTERY finis Bubseribei has cut hand and tor sale, aa *got f Joh n ston .2 Co, of Philadelphia, the ikarow. tug 2S pair of Cases; 0 founts Fancy Letter, diSerent;eites; 300 Newspaper Cutw 500 lbs. LeaO, cut to order; 10 Compoalug Sticks; 100 kegs Front's News Ink; 1 Brass Galley, Colusui Rates, Brass Sales of 01 descriptions, Ac. A. //LYNES, N —Orders receivedPekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth st ' for hew Tore. aal(kll2*3 GEO. w. CRIME( i CO., INFORM their friends and thesublie that they have no longer any connection Not their !ale eautbllei meat In Penn street, known as the Pittsburgh Brewer. having restored their entire business to the POI V' iIRF! ,,, RRV. in Pit etrapt mrl/1•11 i vt PHEIBYTICHIAN BOOK ROHIRS e NO. 70 WOOD STREET, arts.) IRIERE will be fu n d for sale an assortment of VP valuable religious Books and Tracts. cotaritined in a series of about FOUR HUNDRED different pub heaths., (of which catalogues c. be Ind on Konica tion,) embracing many standard work. in Theology, Biography, ftc. he, selected. and publinhed by the Presbyterian Board of Publicatiqn Philadelphia) and well adapted for Sabbath School, Cengresational ' Ministers' end Private Libraries.. Persons wishing to purehme finch books, andhinste tad to call mad unntine the assortment: The Depository of the Pen.ylvenin • Bible iety in kept at these moms. ontidt PiCKIN TEA STORY. f • subscriber has just received at the Pekin Tea 171 HE Store, 71/ Fearth street,a very bore and on I ea leered Seta of pert G R EEN AND BLACK Til l .", from New York all of which has been received Mu country since the fi rst of February last, consist), of all dm different grades grown in the Celestial Phnom gunstock being among the largest in the West, arle nee prepared to wholesale, on better terms than say better house in the city tVe invite retail grocers to call and examine our fink and prices, They can time It pack ed in f, j, end 1 13 package., C lb tin cennisters, entry half chests ) to suit their couventeme. Our retail priers vary for Oolong, Blank Tea.{ore SO ctn. to Slid per Ihd Prins Young Solicitous, ma, Congo Hi, and English Breaking, SG, Young . 1.1 Gunpowder cad InaperiG, from .45 et, to 1 , 1,Z Ott , . Funnlies are tequeofed to .od and fry surep4s of of our Tens, std try them before Purchasing. InylbubtwS A. JAYN. 70 Pone o _ Hill W HAItDWARL S T OILa STUN OF. THE PLANE AND SAW, No. TS Wood Drool, Pittsburgh.' CHER AND LAINMAN, Importers Dddea era Forcignaud Domestic HARDWARE in atts varieties, Do now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonabllterms Dean be pureimmedeisewhere. We solicit our blends, lilt" the pablie generalHoo calfand <gamin oar stock, which caimans m DAD 41:HIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN lIIHER'S. SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS. House Trlinudets, marh so Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws, tote with every arucle Danny kept iu Hardware Buds. We Invite the attention of Carpemera and Heckmana generally to our assortment of Tools, which hasebead selected win , g nat care, and which we an dewed.. ed to sell so im to give satisfaction. apiLviterT Property is Allegnemy City for Sale. _ _ Till;..e.u.b,.rrb‘7th the oLtr m an , ur i n . bo n r4 a o tif Coromoo ground, on easy terms. Ingo!. or W. OIL ROBESISON, Any at Law, fit Clair kt • ' or of JAS ROBINSON, on thaprera. letalY,d&lnfßll VIRE BRICE & TlLL—Alarge aaaonmert for sale b doll ISAIAH DICKEY &CO CaTIVN--6 balm jut rzed and for We by debt HARDY,IONICi44. CO at. SVELS-4".." "al" Yel.utiowwFita.anstee.ll,;_t_,,..Zscar4.4.,.,,,,: