The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 27, 1849, Image 2

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    - -
n'''''rHUßSDAY,BiloEtll—"4l3. DEC. ?Sig•
U.remoriiimotas are eaturatiy rmi•Mor tud :
Nor heart before 6 r.' 6" a wil d Y , e .
Makable. Adeertimmeam riot forme_ ordered
ou t ,
184 Uma Win Ineittiably be!cbarla
Adeemislaientsand sabseri lions to the North Amer
ate and United gimes Garotte, Philadelphia, reeemei
• Asd forwarded from thiroiliee.
zi.ongivr EleCtii,eollllEo •
Ths Weal Casommrs ion Maroki -0 r
dm old leans by the proeeedi Sas re tee C Coo. '
Teneou, in soother column, thi t ann. M' cu
rt" Ertl, hos been duly coma- as th ADD.
:61.QPii and Whig canei - Maier or this
city. 'Tbis,raudt eras somewhat .
cexpee d, for
previous to the Ward meetingsags nem
Marcely matt cued, and may cause tome surprise,
bit ire beleve will give general sit "faction tO
the piny. -D3 have et tired so late tuts the fiel be
and gat to havewon the p• a te tuts
mu t
lishly [nudging to Mr. . leNCulebeen, alto shows
tie Figh app t latlon cf the people of fir metal-.
Mr. bl`Catchcooti is the Junior 'member of Vie o
d aid respectable !lonia ol W. Jo R. ISUCtoch.
"mu, wholesale Otecets, on Liberty sued. He i•
• gentleman In the prime it of (sir obit ties,
Stead mum pod .cf &Mod 'Mora character. The
people can ly coufide tiirmficie to his baniis,
and he soured Ons astute:este will suffer tin
der his "dahlia iton.
Having thou mode a nomioatiothitbeboovestb i
Wags to' see that tole candidate is elm 1,11. It
will Rot do io await the emu t with careless rad f
Lamm. if we desire seams, for our opponents
premiss to brig* out sae of their strongest men.
• and to nage desperate exertions to elect biro—
, We ceo elect Mr. ld'Oetr.titioni if we try—but not
Lao.% effon, sad irigoroui offs Ks, too. - , I
The wit certain mode tin - encore success to to
owe= the, different W ards. Immediately. We
have the Tates, tf they can brought to the pod&
Ao active committee is each ward, willing to take
a We trueble, can secant the election, and deft. g
• Cm admit schemes of our Locokco friends, who
Woe been for some weeks qufmly educklusg otter
the Ides sf our defeat.
• Teitr.Cutwas.Bsitioio *The adjourned meet.
tag of Steekaolders in Philadelphia, to which ow
delegates, blesara !lobate and Davie were scut
took pleas last Monday. and we Mall have Lb
. fall promedi•p Moly. From a private tele
•.•„.-jgeatidele ilespetell lb the journal, we learn that •
•!,resolluttoli woo passed, acknowledging the ma
wlth Allegheny County, and that pod
Lille requited that itaterms should be faithfully
citueved,and that at the routiat yraccacall• parted,
the work should be put under contrast a Poise
buestioind progress frum them Eastward to theAl•
leguay mountains.
This Is well enough, as an expression of opin
loa, but may, or may not amount to any thief
praotioally. The 'phrase,' "earliest practimb'e
period,” 11l eel 7 indefinhe, and may mean nexi
spars, or lee years hence. We hope, theretorr,
that the Countg Commiwianers will pettiat to sect
a course ea, will guard the interest, 01 the City
sad County. The amboat of Bnads'a'teady it
sued is moment to insiefy the 13:rectors in
• handiest to falai the conditions of Ilya subscriptieo.
by 'p'acing tha Valera end of the road ands,
comae . , tad one cm sea no lair- reason Es evil
leg for itui enure' Banda weal t cis is done. Th.
Canaminkinera will °femme glecened by thee
sense of duty, but they may :e of assured that thi
people will hold them & moult . ..We fv, the
Lion am large a um ofmoney. If a is meet a
curdle - g to the original terms of the mune', the.
aocauatability cease.,
if the Directorsabale b
permitte.d to spend it in Vie coutxuction cf the
madbasond the limits of the County, and Mal
then dolly the iota, their rest•rowsibilrty —sill be
- heavy one indeed:
• The easiest praricabla period at which thr
toad emit be put under cm imer, from pea,bi,,gh
.Yasterardly, is tenwateauly, as neon as thUlettials
• could be advertised. The locations ace Maio,
made, sad the D.reetors hoes already =mime
Allegheny Cana p Banda, to the Mr aunt of Sit 0,
000. This, with a like sum, vehicle the., urns
• contract to add to it, vat cid clukri Su ill 20,1 •
• which to commence Oitera.i..t.s. 1, • b..
the nut of the Rands could lie Ica • i caspent
ed'ol, which, tegsther web the spent
which the Company cootracied tn sae, and the
gram named auto of 5a20,000, would mak,
- 000, applicable to the Wc.stera end of the
eaed commencing at .P.uaburgh, and preeeed.nv
West. If the Stockholders, worn ready to are
promply and lairly twat ar, why not pus • reso
lution Arecting the road to be pat under contr. ,
imattd:ately, or by the firsts f March, or,Apeill et•
It Is. - they have said only wine they could not bell
• earn, wutecut lying la the face of the contract o
thidements,assid what does not cOmoni them
say ertbey , were oat willing to acknowledge.
• • Itueciar, them may he eomethlag in the ful
• puxwedings more encoureging, end we will swat
for ranker. infvermation, b i mail heals,' to lean
thatthe Directors are ready to faillt their conumi
with the 6401tity.
Earn/mat Ansanantar.—We rear our wade',
theiSepteriniat Aawaswincrit in our loud ial
tnas, which mil be found verynteresting,. r
tatabitlng the pcsAlocresee of porn:dation in
stony Cannty.--an - Marcum which in point of probahly not outlawed by that cr
any Mbar County in the State. We have the plea
gura_too Of &nu itaionr readcra at a dWance, thai
this did, pouring into Ptltabargh
irthellall penman of midi:wiry and respectabday — •
Canals whcila we may well fool prond—confi
4eat thattboy will not disgrace as.
The Put speaks of the Message so fOnOWII: -.-
It it, we may here tay, just such • &Kea - cot
as we expected from toe illustrious author.
short, dignified and noe•committal. Ile
lodated to favor protectiou, and does nee ad
las extension of Slavery. Ile takee,the same
slows of the veto power that Democratic Prest•
dents did. But read Ler yourseivee •
Ws Is mu mean praise, wriang as it is from one
Byer tear to gad factlt, and not very serepolooe
as to • xenon. If suck a sound Whig documeci
leasks the lona:nos DO to And fault with
there is some hope of them .yep
The Mtstott tu of op eeeee .
• Oat correspardent ' , Junius" jives our readets
a pretty 101 l aceunt of the Itoportut proceeding s
In the House, which resulted to the election of
Mr. Cobb, but u malty will be desirous to see the
'ILISCICI on rho anal Tote, we give, from the official
repasts, the r follostiog synopsis of the proceeding ,
Arta a scent or inderuhable waft:mien, in which
M.., Toombs,' of Cleorips, acted a conspicuous
part, the. folluting resole:l on, offered by Mr. F.
p. &woo, wan
. adapt.:4l by a sue ef 113 to
.' • • Baraced, 'That dm Hoare will proceed immedi
illitele in the elect on of a Speaker, vita ante,
and .f atter the tote .hail ha., been ceded twee
t wer, no member shall have rfeelaed a map.
' t f the whole nomber cf voles Vie ro.l shall eat i ,
be celled, and the member who than then receive
• the larva bomber - a f Telco, proinded it be a ma
. j xi y a f a ilnorum, 'ball be declared to be choaeo
lipeaker.• •
The 0 erkthen .roceeded in call th watt rat (A
y roll fir the
ank row my) oallA Cr, a Speaker.
bai,g main :
'Whole ituadtvr of V3ICT, 217.
' Necessary tt a cnolete, 109,
Mr. Crab wolfed 1 95
• . - Wtettrop 1 90
V i not
Morenca • 4
anoB ,
' . Cabell 4
• - P• tt .r 3
Mellaubcy - 2
. .
]too ia
• ..1 1
• -
. , • I 211
No cltilott barrio( been claret I', . f the result
• bad been annonsced, here we restive,: arcs of
• Call the rol,! • "Call the roll!' I
NG' Baker moved se sajouromrtt, ertir.h
-Was not greed t ; hod the Eloise proceeded with
• the alai tdolotTer Str e
ator? bE th e lidlooLrg re.
_ Whole tudther cf vt tal catt '41:1.
Necessary Owe choice, 111.
Mr. Cob , received
lAN t leap . ;92
. 9
• Erlnehead 1 4
• .'.'; :: 5 Fact . ..."..., - . g
biO•tibti t 2
. Atl4-,,,,,•Erp11C02 - 3
, . .
valt_ --.
No eheiee baviog been effected, members an
all *ides demsoded another vote; and the Moore
proceeded Ira the-fr2d benot,:yrith the following,
Whole climber of votes cut ? 221.
Necessary to a choice, 111.
Mr. Winthrop received
Cobb ' .
Wilmot .
r 4
Strong . - . 4
Morehead 3
' . Blvd 3
Cahc •
A IL Stephens I
Emakee ---
' ' • 221
No ehciee having he erected, another ballot
(the lest under the reselot,it adoptd) -eras de
manded from newton f the hall.
iatmr the hell wa• th e Clerk Went an to
call the roll %bribe (13d ballot; one; ofthe tellen an
call the fins-lime. the number voting fo
each member voted fa, tithe [Melee Were record
When the name of Mi. CABII wan rifled ,
gentleman voted f3r Mr, Celia, pas didean l ander s prrtestr red when thnt of Mr. Idartuoa
wee called. he. was understood to remark that
from what' he had heard !t f the congreasinne t
rooms of Mr. COBB !OOP members nerving with
that gentleman, he f-It it to be his dote, in the aim
* t on in which he found himself placed, to vote for
u•t BALLOT.'
nmerier f :assess', 222.
Mr. 1-1 CAW'. received '
A. H. Stephen!. .
Cei , co - it. •
o Purr,
Boy', •
222 -
For Mr. Coblii-Mearta.Albertaon Attie, Avereti,
Flay, Bayly, Beale. Bingham, Bonet, BScrick, ow
don, %who . , Boyd, Albeit G. Brow-, 80.
Brown, Burl Bart, Cable, Gtr , (lo A edCoDarneldwelt,l
Carter, Williamson ft W. Cold . , Colexik,
Dimmlek, .Disney, Dualiam..Edmondson, Ewing,
Felihrenon, Fdeb, Faller, Gerry, Gilmore, One
man, Gieen, Hackett, Hall, litimilt - o'
Haralson, Harlan,Harmansin, ishamO• Harm,
Sampson-W Harris, Thom.L. .Harris, Hubbard,
Hoagland, Holliday, Hamad; Hubbard, loge,
Andrew Johnson, It. W. Johnson, W. Jones,
Kaufman La Sere: Leffler, Littlefield, Jett Mann,
Kaufman, i McDonald, McDowell,
McLanahan, McLane, McMullen' McQueen, Mc
Willie, Meade, Miller, Millson, Morro, More,
Olds, Orr Parker, Peaislee, Potter, Powell, Rich
ardron, Robbins Robinson, Row; Savage, Saw
mile, Frederick ' P. Stanton, Richard H. Stanton,
Stetson, Strong, Sweetaer, Thomas, Jacob Thom
son, James Thompson,LWllllamThtimpson, Vena
ble, Walden, Waldo, Wel.a-e, -Wellborn, Went-.
worth, Whittlewy, Wildreck, and Young:
• For Mr. Wirithrop-Mesars. Alexander, Alston
Anderson, Andrew; L
Ashmun Baker Bennet Bo:
keg, .
Steak. Bnattaißnooks, Borrows
Chester, Butler. Thom. B. Butler, Joseph P'
riaidarell. Calvin,Campbell, Casey; Chandler,'
Clarke. Cleveland . Gleamed, Cole. Gamier, Coo
rad, Corwin, Crowell, Delwrry, Dicker, Dixie,
Doer, Duncan, Alexander Evans .Nathari•Evans,
Fowler, Freedlev, Gdodennar, GOA, Godd
Hallnway, Hamptor, Hoy., klaymond, 'Jenard,
Henry, H. , " int 'longer, Hunter. Jteksor, J L.
Johnson, Kerr, D mini P. ohn K is t. Levi
ge C. Kme,
Jame. 0 Knee, King, JA. King, n, Ho:
ace Mann. Marshall, Matterou, MoGatmliey, Me .
.well.ckt; Meacbrim, Motve; Morenead
Ness, Nee Ot Outlaw,Thocr it, Pt
non, Putnam. Reyeolde, Rockwell, Roe,
t, Shenek, tiontrinerhorn, Seto
crap, Stispherd, Sitve.ter, Skal Stsolv Ste.
•ena Taylor, John B. Toompmn, W Thormar , tuck,
na, West
Underhill. Van Dyke, VIOIOO,
Wiliam., Wilma.
For Mr Wilmot.i—Mearaw. Allen, Booth,
kx,,l:lo,ling.,iloni'. I'. KU', sad Root.
For Mr. Stepheria—Mr.
For Mr. Stroughteatra. Cleveland, Doty, and
For Mr. Coloock—Mr. Holmes. , •
For Mr. Morehead—Messrs. MOtton, Owen,
3.enhena, and Toomb..
For Mr. Durkee-M.. Wilmot.
For M. Potter—Mr Wood. •
F Mr..lliyd—Mr. Woodward.
The Clerk. then pr-pered to declare Howell
Cobh of Gmini t. to ha ve been elected Speaker o
the 3lst Congress, when
Sir Smote). ,offered the Csliowing resolution:
Kr raced, That Howell a,bb,rnresenleliv,
from G,lgis, he declared dolt elected Saclike
-o , the Howie a FLepre•entauves fnve 3lst Con
.anoti_eeared his belief that the reardatt
of the geed-man:from North Carina. Mr. Stn
ler, was unconaldutional, demanded that toe a,
tad nags should Le ealled;.theleopon. Pre
fumol and uoroar. many members calling
.o or
Nr.r der . ;Sohn,* protestef stoma calling the yea
..nd navy, Mr. - Cobb • hiving adr..adv °eon • . eteeted
to^ speaker 3lat Wear - nal. But, oil .1 ^ll
it,fasion, ho_roll.vros csTed on eye'
-'3.tantey'a resolution: and the resole: , owes agreed
to—yeas 149, nape 33.
The Clerk then de^lnreill the' Ho yell n re.
oresentative bum tee Stele of Geom.. ban beer
toly elect.; the Spesher of theC lEhwel' to
snd r•ricested Wicihrop sod Mc
modem him to4he chair: whim duty waY perform.
-d by those gentlemen, eind•profaund ri , tence and
;rent eensation.
%. he Srealier elect then addressed tie House
. r bows:
ara - haero ao Hosro of Repos' =taints..
It woteilbe Useless to disguise. t h e
tact Halt 1
fml deeply 'em s urrassed in takirg the Chair, un.
lee the etrettmatatteea &needles my &mine.
I •mconscout of the fficulties by which' this
I ,itmn I. et pounded at the prevent 100,
Tot Peculiar organtiiti of this b Ay. as ex
litrted i t oar. proceedings since we first met—
hs maitre and criaraoer of the various iMporoin ,
.nd exe , t tot IVlCsactio,Of peblie pulley wh
eh wd
•tittge Our attention donne the pri . sent Seasico
'ungress—minspir.i rev der the dunes f the
pecultaly ernharnassing.oneroos. and ra1100 0 •
1 may, be permitted, the r e , to .n Rd
ranee p , ur Kreetaua nd and •u a rt the
t no•ae firmly, faithfully, and impartially to
I I &oblate Its done.
The county has been loskitg with anxiety to
air to effect an org tots tuon—the proet•
iroll coennue '0 regard wan intense Interma ever,
step we lake In our legislative cour.e Our ;fo
p.. will. be !laborious—our respons great
Let us thee, iq view ; of there considerations, in
oske to the ;discharge c r these duties, a potriotis
Ili broad vial the Union, and as comprehensive as
the nature and character r f her various Interests
- hid institution. Gilded by.thts sport, ui der the
,Is.ssing• of,Heaven; nor actiot will result in the
Convened Prosperity of Our :.daimon mutant.
Accept, itemlemen, my grateful acknotaled
enema, for the honer you have conferred on me,
in selecting me as your presiding of fi cer, donut .
the present Coogrema
Mr. Vinton said that the annual mmrcunication
from the ESeetitiVe had been layed no long as
to render highly important tha d t e it should go forth
to the corintry, to 1111001 10 receive it, without
greater delay lie woold thermore propose, for
the ;torpor of promptly communictfing the fact
of the organisation of the House offitially to the
Senate. that the members be now sworn in.
I A. Member—The Speaker has not been sworn
in himself vet. '
The Clerk then caged Mr. Linn Boyd, the senior
lo the depli; who administered to the
Speaker, the mammaryoath of office. •
Mr. Jacob now
conceived that. by swear
, 'ng in the members now, nottnng was to be gained
in way of getting the message, ace, h e r
.ve the
ontry,ar, before it could be received. by the
I House Worms necmisary. that the fact of orgy ems.
ion sheen/ be announced to the Executive by
pint controlitee from nche of. Cocgresr;
and the , Senate would' s
not be ut eenion again
until Monday morning..
Mr. /noes, with the view to the early trans
mistien of the measege to the House and Senate,
moved that the House do now adjourn ti I ten
on Monthly to that by nOOO on tnat day,
the mernbers befog all aurora in, the Executive
commuOication aught be received. This motion
arse undendood to have been withdrawn, (much
opposition to the early hour hosing been manifest
ed on all aide.)
On motion, the House then adjourned until noon
on Monday. ' -
CortesporelenT, of the Pittsburgh Gazelle.
W.•.111.1.T0N, Dec. 22, 1919
SATUliteeT leolleee
The calicos last •welt certainly did no more
tban it could help doing, and yet I think its pro.
medics, leave strong sewn to hope and expect
that we shall now soon, probably on Monday next.
have emergent...dem of the House of Repreten
tativef. I will bristly suite all that I have learned
of the doings nttbe Democrats last night. It
sterna that the Whigs nil not, as was expecte...,
bold a mecca, and this scents to Me and many
ethers, a rather airgolar matrinee of oefigeoce
on the part of the comet toe, to whom the duty
of calling them togctscr,when requires,
Uta been assigned.
'rho joint committee of Whigs and Democrats
parted yesterday aiternoon Witheet havirg come
to s ay e greemet t, hot net, I think - it mu t be al
lowed, without havtrg made any progress. The
Whig committee Imposed to the Democratic to
recrimmend to the caw:roes of boos parties the
adoption of the .ydettuny rate in the cbcim of
Speaker. The Democratficommittee of 'to wore.
equilty divided upon thikpropassion. Mr. Etta
clitircenn, Mr. James Thoropsoe, cf Penn ,
olyaniat.and Mt:Potter,heing in favor of it, and
Me'earsAloCiemand. Boy ty; and 11 ant ; agatpst it.
its was therekun, not accepted, and
hero the,ictrroeurre betvieen the comrattmacess
ed. Lail t rib! the Derribetalie committee repots
ed: to i t r caucus togs reaubleourof the Wag COM.
nape . , and its own dieekreement upon it. After
a very pfaratted il.rovatton upon the point of.
cans kulluoa ity, In which Bally and the other
Bdiitheta sages uPon eonsutntional law, of wane
aka with hag* tuallana7, oho mow salaam*
--_---- .----
decided the . ....i:it pine of e , eetion einconstitty
tionsl, by a vote of nialut NJ to 30. :
Bat as the Stanton, Thou:manna, and !other-lav
titudintiiians upertonsetntionelconstroction, kept
• tort of Wicked leer to the corners of their jeyes,
that suggested rebellion against this solemn ad-
I jndicathin of the council; it was thoughtonly pru
dent and expedient to • provide against
of the role being proposed, end adopted
by the aid of these very Democrats. ' So it vet
again resolved to go back to the nomination of
Cobb, as it was thought that be would stand about
as good a chance, and.perh•pst a Hula better, of
beating Mr. Winthrop in a competition upon the
plurality. rule, as any other. ,Of course those
-large cooled, independent, and immoveably firm
pillars of Northern Democraey, who have been
felicitating themselves for a fortnight,: in having
killed off the Souteern .cancos candidate, milt
. have telt particularly diminutive and insignificant,
when they fcund ibis identical detested and rem
corded comination egam thrust down their throats-
Bat ao it was; hey submitted and Inanat do them the
ustiee to say tall they have Sensibi , ity and shame
enough left to look asi chastened and in:making as
• cur caught in a atrange buttery. Did I not de
.' i+in their meanness and inthecifity, I should
really pay them for the severity of the discipline
to which their Scuinern owners anbjem them, and
for the plltry figure they n i w cut, to the eyes Di
their eel...theca., and bet ,r, the coOntry. I sup
pose they will, if en uppenunay to afforded them,
now walk up and support Cobb, with the same
tumble compliance as if they had never revolted
fromthe dictation which- brat forced him upon
Tie proceedings in the Houssand•Senate, yes.
terday. were not of the least consequence. Tie
latter body - only remained in Session long enough
to ascertain that there wan not the least likelihood,
of the. flume getting ready for thignittleactionOV
trusi , ose, before Mondey,—adjourned to that day.
The Hours was in en uproar the short time it re.
maimed to Session, mid adjourned to noon, to day
not attempting much, and accomplishing nothing,
at MI.
Sir Henry Lytton Balmer, Minister Plenipoten
tiary, from the British Government, to our own,
arrived lass evening, in the War Steamer Hecate,
et the Arecoal,on the Potomac , . Thin long
t e x -
pected Minister has had a very long passage om
Portsmouth, by the way of Halifax and Bermuda.
The business Avsitin,g his auenuon is of no hula
ern equeres, for the relations between the VeC
es have 05410 become the subject of the
Lppreimasion to ream, loving and re
moat annum
tlecung moo
W•sistriaron, Dec. 2 2. /big
a/lunar avenues
Well, wa have reached the close of the first I
act of the drama. Mr. Ho null Cobb. of Ga., wag'
elected Speaker of the House of Representatives.
at half past five o'clock this af.ernoon. He was
chosen by two votes over Mr. Winthrop, but by
a minority f the votes cut. The fight bas been
very bug and Well contested, but as usual the
Saudi nu fiiuMpt.ed. -The despicable and tau
beetle dought,ceism of the Free States has again
dashed their councils, nod betrayed them to the
adversary. I was a .000,0 of the proceeding.
throogbout the dot, and having seen toe censure
motion of what h. been 'lndustriously preparing
f,r the last two due, 1 came away before toe
delivery if Cobb's isiutstory, which probably was
ip the common vein, an exhortetion to union and
harmony the disser.tions of the put three
to my letter of this moron:ALl described the .
on cf the Democratic caucus, from which k w.
ttipear Mat the events of to day were pretty tel.
aottetpated and provided foi. Toomb., cf Geer
415, the desperate lea .er or a gang c.. 1 open dis
unionists in it. Hons., came into it this Malting
with the inttrilon if to:iliac a !offl' , or be
emoted to seine • f iihfnenda beforehand tha by
would do:. The d !tonicity, sod riandal.rus cola
duet at thw member vas beyond doubt an GIP ,
dent to -promote and fare . / on Cobb'. election,
and I have co doubt that it had that effect. I lath
beiety skeet the ago:dents ul the day.—Mr Inge,
/kkbtalf., moved Mat roe rale prolubiting
debate.V . (a' to Lae eircuun of meted
eL. Hereupon, Toombs took the o,or Lod hm•
gar bolitil ow at tne top of hiss lungs about the wick
edness of that role. S ruse twenty members aim•
almecouslyralled hirit to order, not will Toombs
oomarit, through not one word out of ten
tint he said c aid be di stir platted.
Mr. Root declared that it was tatolerab l e that
oiler the rule had been etif ,reed open him the nth.
-r day, by a formal end adman vote of the Moose,
T.onalra ehotild be sr tiered to go on and out
rage tit codrattc. Os tIC 011000 t f Mr. Van
p l kv, Sow Jew!, the clerk put the question
1.• to Toorn . (s tieing pertained to procecde mod be
tar voted dowu —Stall he connected to roar and
payiaz.not the least ctentton to the deem...
Lac art/sr, nor to the fact that all the it De the
nocttnit•d to call the 113:1 f the yeas and
toy, on Inger votilin no (carat!, nor V
ant the mothers to egarelislOar
ind emilveapt . driwn hit vote.—At length ht
cuspated' ham f, .ire plating out a ballot
4toutot if abuse num the clerk, •na sat down—
greater outrago up ,n the Hoary, up decorum
hd deeen y, won reacr perpetratvil in It.
The lima: refitted or the vote cf 74 to 404, to
Taal the rule.
Tato ,Sottuan proptatid his evolution f r
Moice - of Sneaker, i, a pier day eon., provided
oat none were cho.en toy a majority a 'erre more
nal., and provided that,the highest caudidate on
he Lurch tnsl received not less than • majority
of a quorum. Af er msay intermediary mottoes,
which were all o egatived, this proposluon passed,
ayes 113, noes 105 This was at once perceived
io be the beginntru t f the coo. and whereas, op to
this MantrPt the lione bad worn the appeansoce
c-f a Bedlam 'AM, than cf
0 legislative assembly,
it- suddenly became quiet and orderly —and b
ileppcst silence was preserved throughout the
Chamber. The four votes wore taken with the
following results:
Mr. Winthrop, Whig, 90 92 97 100
'Morehead, " , 4 6 4 0
Cohen , . , 4 4 4 4
M'Gauchey, " 1 0 0 0
Bowie, " 1 0 0 0
Stephens, " 0 0 0 1
Wiliam, F. S. 9 9- 9 11l
Durkee, " 1 1 1 1
Strong, Dem. ds F. S. 4 4 4 3
Cobb, Dom,, 95 95 91 102
I ,
j"3 3 3 2
i Pc t er, ', 3 3 3 1
1 Coleock, " 00 0 1
Sett eclair, 2 4 1 1
-- --..—
211 220 22.3 224
A majority of all the votes on the last trial to
teat was 113, so MIA - Cobb was chosen by ales
n less than a majority cf those present, and by
baleen less than a majority of all the members
who might have been present.
I hove Ate doubt that you wi'l take from the
Globe, which will Ili to your office by the next
malt, the names rf those voting on the last trial,
John W. H Atte, of your Seto, voted for Mr.
Wilrnot,alter having several times supported Mr.
Winthrop. •The;-e Democrats who appeared more
Utterly COplentittible in my eyes, than any other,
were the Onie, Michigan. and Indiana members,
WOO had mace tae largest profess:Con, of firmness
sod Independenx, and tad been roe first to du
sort Cobh, when be began lading from role origi.
Cal Strel g.h. tWo weeks agu• Promtnent among
thme were Potter, Carter, sod Cable, of Ohi
Harbin, of 10du,.... Blughain. of Melogan, 500
'Lam VientWerib, ,f Illmble. 1./yea the whole, I
egi disposed to consider John Wentworth as the
poorest and amibbiet tof the lot. If his constitu.
ems do not new discard this miserable pretender
to free roil principles, and en tridependent porn
tion,A issll be somewhat dtsappoiaed. Let me
/1011 Ce, however, one MINI honorable exception to
this pitiful and harem/sting array of dough face.
tens and tritekbag. It was in the steadfast ad
herence 111 his position of Hort. Amos hi Wood,
of the Ear.dutky District, Onto; he stood out to the
last, and voted for Potter. This vote is au honor
t.., ium,and to Lis Doll/ it,
Dibglititeiltletl the heart sickening scene, I lef.
toe House, the moment the Mink WWI announced.
and as I pamed throng t the door-, I heard the in.
soleot and indcerit e xultation of some of Cobb's
pantash, Justus.
yaws NSW *OAIC•,
dortripoLolcoce of die PitubarghOucan..
Y 04.11, Den.,2o, 1831 •
The inclement westecr of the pant two days hes
given another opocatence la eillont,and alt . the
plcerwte a•e indoor once. A great rash hes beez
'made to the Art Unite., 'jibe the week, and the
hat of .sulWentiem will close full twenty thonsand
strong. The nn4tiet ofpaLatingsto be distwboted
taloa hanthed, e 4 makes the chances Gas La
6fty;wlrlch ie rather a bird lottery. The datucties which
n p c u aw w ,..o b r m oe al o tre oo s i ir
b. c . onn g. ect e 74 ll : i
at an American Indian, prepared for distribution,
are no great prizes, and will not be paraded very it n , P E T P r o ' ll ''' JlroTig i ly ud i ' licTi l le tY d w tO P Per mo7l
prominently by those who receive them. Thefoioject.' a
drawing takes place to morrow night. when en of
fort will be made to change the Board of Man
. ,
An excitement wee created yesterday by the an.
nouncemeni that the British Government had re
inforced 'lnflect on the Nicaragua coast, and that
Lord Palmerston had determined to cente.tour
right to acquire territory for any purpose on this
continent. , Fancy stocks felt the force of the ru
mors, but the sound ores stood firm, for the rumor
to but a rumor alter all. The United States is not
a French Republic, to be blown about by every
Idle mind, led bullied at will by Great Britain. Nor
should we have the farce of Oregon repented in
the Nicaragua question. There our 'rubes were
.dombtful, here without a flaw. Since we settled
the Oregon disputease have conquered an em
pire; we have added millions to our population,
and, to every point that makes a nation powerful,
have advanced with giant strides. We are o on.
don of.noldiers, rod thus, In the rode shock of
arms, we eon give blows to a burly opponent es
wallas receive them. John• Boll dare not fight.—
lie dare not hazard the Canadian question, nor
dare they hazard the lon of the cotton trade, and
the tobacco trade. Still less unlined are obey to
force us to do our own matmfactoring, which we
should do moat cerreinly. Unless the na.ronal
pride should become too much involved by dud°.
raits,before the sensible part of the community in.
terteres, a passage at arms is imrosstble.
Ow:Hungarian visitors are feted with as much
sr mare seal than would have been shown had
they come here no victors The saloons of fash
ion, all places of amusement, nod the quiet howl
4111i0...g'hertie,-,os. opened to them with equal
freedom. A committee of relief for any and al ,
of the... Hungarians who may seek our shores, bar
been mired, and a large fund contributed,the good
work being opened by • donation of five hundred
dullard from W: 8. Wotmore, an eminent and
thy China merchant.
Another of the Sabbath School aerators was
preached on Sunday laat by Dr. Tyog, of Si. Gent
gee, but it iatiot worth a sketch even. It was 'one
of the old humdrum affairs in which the speaker
calmly lookedround and remarked how large the I
attendance was at. Sunday Schools—how happy
the children seemed, and what a charming
tloo it to. Unlike Dr. Bethune, he Gnat that tens
of thousand. of poor children perambulate the
greets unclad, except to rags, tad untaught , ex
cept by. the vicions and depraved examples of
their amputates, older in crime Tens cf thoniquids
do not expren the number even in New York who
would las benefitied by Sunday Schools. At a
meeting of the City Tract Society, held last ti.tht.
it was stated that two hundred thomsad peope .to
not attend divine worship, and this Is • fact not to
be disputed.
The law effixre knee taken ho'd of the " Drury
Case," with which you a e familiar. lie boa abun
dance of money, and will soon he at I.llje, ready
t, blow up his opponents with a torpedo--sa
the'm out of their money by conaterletts, or in any
of the venous modes made secure trout puulah: '
mint by the posmasjou of funds.
Macey has grown rather more difficult a obta.n
and rates are rather higher. Stocks are "tier
drooping. and people rather shy of rn•king
tracia upul al er the holydsys.
In markets there is some activity. Some 5000
luleauf cotton have been takedat Val cent r..•
the market closing firm, and all the purchanen f
Great Britain. In Four,• good trade, with n Opt,.
ulative demand f..r some qualities. Q , 18011120 ,
caneot be varied Mace Moedal. Corn is firm, and
the ma bet rather tends upwards. Whi.key
heavy at 27 cents; Pork is heavy and in moderate
mg rest; Mess, Sit 7500 ; No cut
meats selling. ILued hogs, NO' t; Rover. in
good demand ; Lard to heavy at 6i6r
have sold at 50e. cub; Lead to firmer, vtiihou t
sales ; Reimer base men to St 75 tut hunch ; St 40
tor halves, and 75 ko qrs.' Teas are in deinand
very full prices ; S utsr and dual,
Cafes is held higher. Alto„ ether,
are, in a healthy position.
Now You Dec 21, 160.
The city Is buried to dukneu to ntr. and at
non, in mast positions, whits is Irepoutble with
out the old of artificial light. The nun pours ir.
torrents, and altogether every this)} beam n n. 051
dtsconsolate appesrance. The drawing of the
Art Union Lottery, last night, was attended by the
largest oudieue that could be contained in Nes o's
Thest 55. Not a nook ba. had its ttoont. The
hook. closed with 0,960 übscribers, ytelihng o
revenue of 191,500, sil whlch
bss 15.. en
expended In prison ot various kind, Areohe the
guttunate ones, the peop , e of your region tiers no'
been forgotten. as the lollowing Int wit o ho,—
Harold to the House of H Ida the•el. w ile s
CO E. Hhi "T•--"illIda then proceedd. l a
tint and aktll:tal hie, la examine the wound 4 t
her pouter. Slacepeped toe tante, el•-tictl us.)
blekla Row four gaping too
on the bre..
and oh iuldeng sod as she d.d ao, uttered I
lout cry, and, feting on her hares, bowen hr
head over the drooping hand, sod tossed it won
segl.og mot sous, of which, perbar, grairlbt )u)
was the atrosgeati for over toe trail of Garet.:
mu punctured, after the fashion of Ile boo .ny, a
devices-wed that del.:. Iran lbeike It el teiruat . ,
led is Atte centre of the knot was groeen the word
`Edttb.'—a...u, .A. ha .1 tAo 50... Ktvg.
Book VI, Chapter 2. Drawn by 11 T Moue
Morning, (16 by 12): F. E. Church.—" Upon :
likes tall in the foreground Is a cottage. In•tbe
sidle distance a quiet &Imam. Beyond are hills
'lnch the mosto are nsuag." G. M. Han,
The Intercepted Letter, (21 by 290.1. B Fleet.
—"An old gentleman, seated beside a ta , ,le, on
which his spectacles and booka are lyaae, hands en
open letter to a young lady in white, who stands
before him picking a Moe to pieces, and very touch
petaled to know what to say. A greyhound neat
her feet." Samuel Kerr, Pittsburgh.
Here are the first class ,mate, and the pictures
that will grace most generic. ,
Another sale of cashmeres was made yesterday
by, Messrs. Stewart. the proceeds of which reach.
ed only twenty thon..d dollars. The richest
shawl sold fir $9OO, which is alma half the val.
of some in the private stock of the house. O,
course great bargains were made—the wrong way.
The contest tor some time seemed to be between
adieu and gentlemen, but when the bids were
about closed, they generally remained in the hond•
of the fair portion of the company. List
the all do
give good prime when competing with others, nod
let their admiration of a "charming shawl'
outrun the real value of the commodity.
fashionable , are all "'bawled," ahrt.the ranks
the "upper ten" dosed fir the seasoli. a cashmere '
being the only card of admission honored at sight.
The result of the contest fee Speaker at '
legion, chutes no remark nowcand the wrangling
is locked upon as a matter cf course. hen the
south talks of separation, people to be elli W e sneer,
and bid them proceed, cot indifference is the
general' policy. DiltUntOn Is the merest bugbear
that ever was shaken before the north, winch has
nothing to do bra do notiring. While the south
tomes we gain strength. While we do nothing,
we win so many Sensible men to our aide, In the
that aeparturue cart
. never get even south; , rn
motetton. If the south want eleven, the y must hold
I oa to the north, and be protected no now, and not
own 1.11 into agitators. The compromise of thi
i:onstuut,on rc . lucre that we should out intern:re.
Remove the Courtutnuon, and we are Oct tu net
tate. and we should do so in a manner that would
levee the slaWts, free as air. We Would make
them insecure as property, and valueleaa.
In finances there is nothing new. Fur presents
there tea greet demand far club; but not far other .
pupa's.. Money is very abundant, sod nice the
holidays, will be hard to get rid of at legal interest.
In improved property 00 movement in seen, thoueti
tat. iced of invcdmeet yields lull ten per cent.
We ace now pretty well htult op, as far as twenty
second street, but 1013 are SOW as high as one
aundredth street, at Me-prig:coo( down town.
Upon the eubieet of enlarging the Battery there
is a violent 44e...ta10n, and it will hardly summed.
A suggesi,on hke the following has been made,
end, could It be adopted, the Battery might gas nod
welcome. It is wact trade, and me sooner
the better, far it Is as indisperodule, as the levee
of Pittsburgh to Its fleet of bows:—
" rho only condition on which consent can be
given to toe enlargement, u , tote, that the territory
added shall • be sold .tor ins benefit of the City
Tteninan, gran suitable ream:hens a.. to the 1.,
puree to Armen it shah be applied. If the Harlem
Kell Road, by war of Spruce sod South etre. t , ,
or some other stied?, and the Redeem River - Wel
BOA by way of Greenwich or West street, could
be aside to meet on the added territory, and a
reeguificeat business depot erected there for their
jointaccuraluddgice, end that of other nil road.
Tne brow, Centre, Mira. Wurre..—Letia.m_
ceived in Sr. Innis from Santa Fe to the 30th of
October, stole. according to the Republican, that
the commanding ofEher, Col. Wuhington, had re
lased to exchange five Apache Indian priaoners
for Mr-. While and her little girls, lately captured
and taken offily the Indians murdering Mr. I
White, Mr. Galway and others. We hope there
is mistake about this—We can scarcely sup.
gone that Col. W. hr any American officer, could
he guilty of so much inburnanity,and moat watt for
explantition, Thd father of Mr.. White, ',brides
in Virginia, and re said to be wealthy.
Wiriays! t\onvol—A great many learned Vetli.el
have bee tt written, expUitning the origin of, and class
fying • the Worms generated in the human system
Scarce any topic of medical Yrience lias elicited Ilion
ocute profound reseamli, and ye
ph) sici.a are very much divided in opinion ou tht
oubject. It must he admitted, however. that after aIL.
made of expelling there worms, and •purify leg the
body from their presence, it of more valve than the
wisest disquouitonn v. to the origin. The expelling
egret has at misfit been found—and in offering to the
pubhp Sl'l.aon`• Ve mnituge, the PlOpTlooea are moth
deet that it will only require - to be used, to prove itself
51111,101" 10 mip ante 111 use.
For isle by J. DI/ /a CO, N 0.69, carrier of Fourth
and Woad Pinshurgh. Ide22-d&WIwS
A Curs and Certificate at Ham.
ljr Haub wior iS SAID OF 501 P ao hap 11.—
hereby certify that about two west. ago I use S• 11-
,1 rvul, n vooeto atosek nt gerniring and purging Choi
rs Illorbtl, with very - droyernoos Pun. in
eJ bowel.. which :fro completely relieved by two
carpoonful doses of Puipleurtt, taken In. little Iva.
ten After having taken the first dose, I dept soundly
and comfortably for three hours. [Signed]
On board the steam boat Aliadaa.
Pittsburgh, Dec. EP, 1141.
I am C•porto of Mt Azisatint, a d was a Win:1.110
the iminto.mmi &Co of the Petroleum, in the case of
Fleury NV ho I. ono of the him& on the boat.
Fhtt•Lotth. Ire. Ilth,
trit.en general advertssermint In another column
pa. D. TIDBIT.
"1 " 4 " 1 " D en in Er DX C 'c tle," r e; bn
licakcl an , / FerrV .I.tect
BILL 111 ADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS,, , , Paw LeMing, Calumets, Late /yard",
f rvw
Primed tie .horle.l notice. nt low prices, a: the
IlLx cm , . I ,r Tut.. rang=
Improvements In Dentistry. '
DH.G 0 ... , TrARNS, letr df Borden. II prepared td
manufacture . nod art IP-ors Terre in whale and
"t e"
.raeol. aeon etucuon or Atrno.phonr Suounn
I,nr In •.va 4,11'11, whore then erve
•xpow . d. Vlllerertal.
arid roradence pelt deor to the May
or'. pet,- Fount. s treet.Pdtehurgh.
Rat.. re—.l it NlTaildon. f II Hsu,.
Clllsane Candidate ter Alder Map.
r.V 1 , 1 IN rrrrwerlalty givra nouce
th- LIZZIO the First tVard. that be wilt be • ear,.
d3date for ta...r.etton for Ahirrll.ll, at the ensa , ee
r,ervti Ni . c rill
end it,1.3,10V to th e Fkrot ,Yard , Fourth rireet,
ntrl NN pod dr:7 6t
fin Tocnlni n.l half past II o'clock,
Nlct':lllot,kl, in I'm irtti rm. of
11 , 1 (morel la.. plate from la• latr nude bc•
r.. n o tho, motntog at lOo'clock. The (mud
of Ow .rtly so•ttrd to
drL it•
o votoo, Inn. beivreon .11•11
1 .e Ea.,,•••• ii••• 1. • Om, *Woolf TO7AZ
“1111C.1.t.T1 r orr%fin leronn; it at No Jewelry
Store of II 1110.ordson, Markot ttreet, or3ll Ilpor
l'Oo•urtlo.1 an
P torah Water Wort..
Wvrl., th, tOd Court iioll4,
`PI , It A 1.4,1,1,4: C1.1.111,---11,etved of r.
open,or—lU Nee, of the tntl,t
P-rs Ann V. 1... Cloth',
AAhl A r-t A t.;!l_ CO „Nlo4 . ltrt .t
A 11t. I. AIN,—A _ e
enor,lt.uhvrteres god De
Of thr nAtia• n} lea Mt- ("gym°, at •
dr .1 A NA ke..o‘ A tr.'S
• - -
A .1, AAn Dat.-3SI-;-d—}lnevyrn Per PZ•
/p, IA de- t A A.ce .4 the Lat. F retlia.tylen
C 1 44, e a • Ann Ihraw,
kat MASON a CO'S
.os,,r. C 0i1 , •
:I;t—Nos• nr—lag cn A A MA
/ ,A-0: C. No dd. AlArltct rtnA. • NW , In
Al int 'A en•or. d ,-t.k And Venrel Want
"I n•no,l .I‘c .tc•t sad Aup, nkAtnonalde styles.
0 , 7
hl' I . ..I.ll‘ Ft ANN Are,,*
ltrovrii n a. Drava,. flhtrt,
..., It AA, D 0 ,0 0( the 1 - 4,ette Slanufse
-1.001,, 14i Martel Atror
`111;T ""
bb %. l fl r b l 'b r,i. ' ;i et
, y_
Tibli-7.111.71(1. 1b 4V:7 7.4311 ;ery,
l'llf 1, .1 PO-I,‘
lb; I S Ev, - tc. w 2 .." S.F II , II
sKt.t.r.rts NicuE.s
„1.111.74 p`, II UP-1Y Ida. lauding per ayeame
q Adam., a.dl Idr ,pdlc by
de:7 JAMI'd3 DAI ZF.L.
Ste•mbom Q.ulltt .11Counlerpantts.
Tut•l r
1 t: U *l
' „ " ane
th• ye .11tookrotoutot4 Cotopmt
,pr Y+^, oto !ow to tictilrrn itraiLtK.
ta-17 I,F.F.klllllll4.Thil,F.,lt9Scr.otid•l
- •
13 c yr. land I Idd do day red d add f
..y ord/ COPE b. !MEV F 4
'''.'''—'dc . „'.lE`..l.lllVFOGl.E
o roe d and for 0010 .
, ' ,l l ,T7 —' 00w.
ell nIG 61(INISE,I1
R-110 +tore audlor
un.trit: ~`KINNER
L 4 • Small Wtate, fer sale
yrivcrt Rt.& tu amr• mild ha sale by
;CRAIG h t:qt.INNF:R
---- ---
(All --2 •ects in slore,and for sale
II r FI.UUR-IUO • for • ale by
NIONS- 7 -1u •:;;;Cc7.leald for rale by
- rlorrt .-d rnarG bLSKINNER
t and for role by
In • to •n c
L A .I I e l PD. CRAIG .k.t•KINtiER
. .
KVFN yr tx9-73 Loblean more and for by
rlr ,tlll.l M 2
11A , t n
c .tr i irr and o
i- ;: ‘ c TV" f t ? iirt e k ky
I'll Wa vIV CAA li-6 Ws la day rra , d. for sale oy
dr.l7 moisritoso a CROZER
t il l :rrilr ' a E ja7alra; to dal
iced, for
A :; .1 „":,`.ltr,T .2. 7 .
dre• , J 11 ' 1'1111.1.11'g, do S'Wood
IR PARLOR 15ALLS--luft teed a rew de
dsd, , IA 111,, 11,pkuthil article:told arhl
aad mtnil at : , e) 5 Wood
1e ' 17197,7 &. " CO
•.•••,1 Nna..,um ree'd. and far male b
.• • 7 JAMES A ionciosoN & co
_ .
rr t;11—t0 ebb§ N. C . (or role by
1, , EATIIKRS— SIC In, prime Kv. . mit reed nd f,
, e k e I,r dra JAMEtt A 1MT...111190N kCO
. _
!J ?l entllL for eo l e
PEI•II.S 0 , Enhrth Wata Pal.lir. Seim,ls,
J 'so] perfo-nt9ItATAIRIo of the FESTIVAL
OP THE it. , sr, tbo .pleuthd Room t 4 their house
tin Venn Imre,
On Evening, Dec. 21, 18 4 9.
• Vont.
fla 4141 --
thc Nlay .
FAin lt,rn•••••
F‘orot ...... • —• ........ • •
try m,.. I. 2101.2.2, laced 10 fear.
lilt i. 11111,0 FCIT, port task
0 1l F: IIInGGAG Phan° Fprle,in p
LroGr. °pro at 0 o'clock; perlonnaue
Menu. al 7
o:,—Ticeta 25 cents—To hi, had at the
Nragr.r. a n d at th e Door. Chtldrett half pr
Gc7s-1‘ _
.-.-- NOT(CIG
T"lre I..„7„ftirr'4 n i t! roG h o.. ;Ito - e erl " ra t l ' le b
Iltu name and &Intel of out
Dol. Co," as In..
mute Agouti.. thin have token the Office In the Wool
11.11. on tlie hr,t 11,0/r, tuagaeille in the fea u
tun Tel.:graph tinny, where tr.cyiwill be happy to r te
d elve innmax,r o( ;muds anti public ueacrally, o
auJ alter the brat u( Januall
P.ttJsratt, Dee 22, 1310.--1,1c.23 1o;
l; a De:citing Itou)o, on
m eII)• with • II•TR• )otS.
PotAo.e•roto veto. 4. OW I. Of ejoil
t, 1---,veret MA. allti Wheel to Potsbergh,
neer the Post ten,. 1.1 I). CittiZZANI.
dcl) Othce, 'Thad .t, over the Post(111toe.
(Post and Memory plicoo copy.)
to agid italaseee of Depesitas
13.LNICPrITSBURGD, ol the mom%
; a Dollars, and enceeding which. within the
preceding the date ot . this statement, hare
!men increased or dindinehril,oh the mune
pomitors. the dates when such d, renres were
;_ii_une n ees encrued • and the amount thereof:—
W rs,M. PA. ewe
1E43, Noe. S 7. Salsa
Dap • I ,
three #e
not eitit.l
of theld,'
tondo !o
• Denit - Ehmir, Jr• •
sCoatt f Com. Plena
of .411 ii keny Co. • • • le2l, Mar 7. 123?
.1 .‘ ,1 :& ko•. Cnorai.. 1814. Mara 55 23
•Ibutlel Curtin 1411, IN7 11. 35 to
avi an . 1913, Jam. 15.. 15 mi
*JoII3 Mime Speyer... •IniG. June 9. 10_ r.: ..„,
• Helen Footk 4 .....• 1t,13. June n 93 ,
Ft. i
hint owl,' lc Co• • . 1014. Sep. V . . , 471 3.5 44 ,
itmnilieu. -• • • PD6, 013 3 11 50
4 .Thoini e • Hamilton • • Aterm's 10.11.29, Dee G . 17+5
norti n Kearnes •• • • 1916 Aar JG• 1501 14
•Jar Painter 1814, %la, 6. Pt ler.
•Nath' Plummer, lr_ 1 4 17, Sept. 19. 50 25
sJolin airtime •-- 12410, Feb. 19. 10 Mt
.J.-4 1 . 109 7 leanalar) 4034, J. 6. 50 00
*Fred' rienerer.alial
Fie k Sehrnedey . 1956, July 9 35 no
Willi• T. Smilh• • • Pine eree2.1 ,44, M. , 9 4 ' 444
John . tewart• 146, Jan. 23 iti .
Artba Thomme •• • • ; 1812, Nov. 10. im (a
•Ir 11. Warfi41.4.....01ii0.--1.31, lil o 9 1 3 . 1. .. 0 ,
eehkirl s Wilkins• • • ' 191., Mar 7. 2 9 1 4
•Ilibil h Williains.• 1342, Nov. 25. inf. 4 4 .0
Gnarl ue Reitman • •
1845, Tiny I leo et
`Joh ues .2,1=164.. 1944, Dee. 7. 130 J 60
1.211131LNL11. • 110. 0/ NUJ • 6
5 400
*Char •• Funk 19 800
•1.. II skim 2 180
•Spe• men. Say&Co 6 480
••Dnoi.l Shute 9 640
•111 t ane ...... -•—• 2 300
•Jnlin Osborne 4 6 40
•ticor e Huey •----- 20 16 On
•Cleor Murray •• • • 10 14 On
•Jnhn Wallace• .• • • • , 2 1 3°
!Paul loreow 2 120
...I a. .J. Robbins. • 14 43 20
•fileor e Scharaa•'• - 14 00
.lam a Nichnlaon• • 1 4
0 50 00
•}Ven Maclean BettlrEl. 0 740
Ma ,•• ret Shipnen • •I't eadville. 0 63
IA;IC mmal an• •••••sMystown. 3 9/a
It e_rtify that the foregoing appeal , to he balances
end ittrdend• due the steraons named, and having re.
113111, cd to Hank emit unchanged fot three
m r.. -- ,
i t; 0 to end yobaertbegjVii:zi 2:,,,!4•11.711....nif,,1/J..h,c.r. ,
hut. Wano6, AK
, r N , 21‘ —Those names that have • attaohed, have nnw
bee publialied three times, and unleat the butane
tire ailed lor within the year, the name win 'caches.
to the Commonwealth. , Idets-28164ttarTI J.S.
Bracelet Loet.
A Tiialopc'b:'lreeN ED
rl Vl' irocAleaand cl7ETte'radn'ele
'Rura lly FU ' Untl or hiarket Wear The Bader will In
'Rurally rewarded. by !caving it fo the JewelrY eateh
hshment of H. Richardson, on Mallet street.
dectl.rt (Mercer!, copy.l
N F.LECTION for Nine Directors of the Pinabnorh
ANavigation and Fire Inruranee Company. win
he held at the Ulsce, Market • reel., on Mooday.
January 7th, A. U. I-su, beIIIICCII t.e hour% of II and
tY o'clock. A. M. ROBERT FINNEY.
dreAtd Secretary.
13oltda7 Presents.
SOMR of the fluent strueles tor Boldly Preamos
may he found at the Ilrug Irtore of
dm4 R E SELLERS, 57 %Vold at
Ond'l4c '"'"'" '3""""71,%`,,',V,`AD
sale by
_ _ _
BUTTER- 6 bbli, ID boxes. and 12 keg& Roll. lest
teed and for sale by deli llt CANFIELD
FtRENT..The STORK formerly occupied by
r K llaxeltori. and at present by Kroeuen. on the
oast i.i.le nt the DiasnonA—froni Ist Aprti next.
E. quire of JAMES P lIANNA.
Second street.
dc.:l-1‘ •
SC,UeI2TI.IINGS-6e.ask a nose landing sli i l , fli i r t a x a r. l 4 .. r by
,E.T~i` ._ n3[y~
-;••=.7 tva ;
JUST RECEIVED. tk new a..nontest or
Rom the mane:tonne* Clll-7,
ItArr., New York
A few e!egensly carved PIANO STOOLS
usnnufneturer• prteeo,
3011 N II MELIA R. CI Wood It.
Sole Agent tor Chtekenng •• lane,
(or W•stert/ •nroyleania.
!-I.Ul.L'S k 'l.ltAnTl.;.lo IVoll. Kl', : Vdlnlu f
11,7leaz.!7:.ita7dIino..sP2t;1ouni ,-
V rivet, tadt, Mnroero. nod Compom ,silt
nfan, in imitation
of the Midd . v A for—lllttm• a o d pr., , , 1, 04 ,k.. 1,,,,,,
Molly bound in Velvet and fdoremcn.magnMeently or
naMented and Illutninatrid,..,m,,r;;l .ialn
,1, .:4 w00n,
i Flook tenet & Impotto , 01 %Venal t.I.
- ; P , a. to arnvo 0. i Rinevold
fey S "" ""—''
•T':l TA. 11 A 111 , .;;T
'1;--_5-7-. —____. . • • ,
p t rglill-1.0 esalta inentretotifln s fl,7Vl . 3 ol . xt .
NV Ifi DO - f:V GLASSSS—MaI boiera Pall%
15, 11‘1;.;
100 •• 10 14; in more and
MI , •ftle by dc!( TA ., .... VA H ~.R. T •
A DDING— 10 b•lcs
by 17 , 1 4 .01 , 60.0 newt .
11 L;t100 DB ACKLL a w
v.) .1 0
WiIjITICWADDING-3 trams ,t0110pr , .. 1 17- 7
I bales medium end 4ri.
LT dei24
11011 RO`i PLAIDS—I hale Woe st..d hlo,k
11. Woolen 6'r
_ . 1.411!,1LR1L1TLAr.2',..7.11TA:
T 1 RA I) V KLY ET—:j ill.l, od Drab Cottou Vol
t 1 vei..4l. rcc dby r pre , . by I
13RtM N IoIiITATINtiiIIS Lyle+ Wary. jocc rr c'd Ly
I) dell toincKter:r..., WHITE
B n
L . IIC •&.,, ORANGE PRINT•S-1 csurs new eityler
d L Oa colors, opened by
deal ,LOI ACK,
fAAS ‘1,81.1,R1.1,-11 tam., F.:e
l_.l Mat I- opened and lor by)
dc2l :MACK
VI AiIiFIREL No / in bbls and , '
VI dc.l 1 NT.
- ---------
f in.ORING WINFS {L BRANDI d:—Of all dr.crlp.
V iron, for *a eby Med& l ACSIB WRA VER. Jr
I nil I fiIINCIPF.4:I6/11.4,—0f mo.t
I enlntee, lor •eele
LUV.VAJV urabl. .r
/ADM Ve . ta v
.U.IP,TV.RS—R eau-9 II dos,' arseArA) prim< P. le
• ac."..tib"".• bY
ALAD OIL -40 baskets "Kenn OIL fresh imports.
non, for sale by dar J ACOLI Ell, Jr
fl -For arda by
II deli
Naar and Kleine; Oft Plooind
Q/LeeR.F.,l,,/,BC,,ELS, D CII AR MITERS; by T.
° Yoe " gusdrma
Illoutuusiod Gene of Sacred Potty, malt tax illustru
sinus engraved on mat, by
Just received by Joll.4otl*Mt'uttllTOCKTON,
dell/ sumer Thad and Market ma
OIT—Two Ranch. and true Keg BUI rha,
.4 (Marked t•Jrs Barclay k J 1.., Jr &Co ,rt so th
31 lost., from steamer Mtehteat:s 1t:1:nf.
Any ,n
them mill .utylq Jr.
a co.
• ---
SUOA it A. MU:.Asses-43 bb,N, N 0 Sugar,
H bbls Molasses; landing'
per Colombian. and for sale tout by
detl2 JANKtt DA LJIELI.,
_et Water et
HIED PLACHI Pactlißnqing andt as sale
D bL___L___ dell JAMLS DALZLIA,
UUAII-luttbdaN 9, reed peVitary Aon . for rAle
M °- 41'681:: "'.
14 .1giti t eiif;:N:l : r
QOAP-30 1 1 boles Paleet-IttHtt and (or sale by
1°111;3"rrE"- "I'A'ar&irl ';,`E.ttkkl.7-ri,
GIFT .800/3.9 AND ANNUALS for 18501
rrit E GEN OF T c r:SFA , r ,,,,,.. z;11: , .—.... ,
Tb...„1•,,c-rbm...d.l.d,ta' Gift tor all Season-4 by H
The Floral Recpsake,lbilatfrA, beautt
ful colored ongtovingt adtted by J: elm. • • .tetesse.
Lea flout of Aleatory, an Illunmatcd Annual forlBs o .
Gems of Beauty, or Literati Ulu for let% by E.
_ ,
The Opal, Pura GM for WeTiljuPooT.Lby NL A
Harvel.t blearkings,—a H
Gut i.G6TC. of Ancoriem Floe
editad by R. W.
The Romance of Nature, 00 Poetical Language of
Flower.; by Thames Miller.
The Forgel.ble•Nohlorlhsth by
Mr.. P. P. him E. S. Smith. .
The hlor. Ro.e, "
•• by Steward
The :Snow Flake, bauttfully illustrated.
he hat4et of Literary Grum, wt
th colored engro.
• ..
v Ttle Horne Offering, or Gliingter of Home Life by
r-The eEmbrif"aFrienditcpc,uso
O T , o r o w f , Ftior . o k affirsneo.
nri2 ' l7sriCii'' d 1. ' 16' B
A•phri'leG:iii'licild in VICE". Of by B.
Flora's Orin, or the !toque* Ins all Seasons; with
auttful emhellishmsnts
The DISWI4IK e Do" ,
1.110110 f WOW!, by Mrs. Jameson.
Thn lICVOI.IIof retakspestre. tenth finny five cepa
two. trorn ovety style of binding
B•hles end P.M , '
P."'h7E`[..iorr ENLIsu,
No. V) 'Wood stmet nwet , Fourth
and Latunend el
. ,1111.111TVIAS PRESENTst
rilt:shbscriber rer.peckfully informs bin 111101 Mans
ttraTt rn [z 54 the publle rgeneally, list bra Toy s
nit k : AN :1 1:10015, ere no.' open and rot rale iodic.
large err. c tome up ktmrs, 105 Market meet, where
en., r... te .ik Ore rawest and 11104, OlitgnOcent ct 11150.1.
titei.t rte. offer. 1.4 tile .11 , this city. Pertee. with
11.0 to bu cheap will ple.Aws call, as 555,0 geode were
"nra"'' ''''
YEAGER,IO3 Market •1
:11"4. .
tolt. NIOLAt,SES-18 bblopstore snit for sa'e low
LI •
clone eo.llllllllllet4 by
b.L 0.1..1...ZLL,24 W.A.. n
Well J Ahtt
and «•am.
Ilnv. ‘llElvrutn. Sneer,
Wif.aril. and Dzeia
Nov .
" Gecliou
'""' hr K
fads N - 0
Molasses; just
yugui 76 ads tows , eropl .
te.O'd my for *ale blymmvinsos
Co. Woter
deft ISUxUN_
. ..i+ettl; .•olg• Floor.;
au-Cii-NDIT-6-'—.4."Ranca'n. SIDIC and !or PO uy .
CircV7l,c----trre.!;tyo, 3,
----;1•Ed and oale by
n ' d
ti ~rou al~u m~ oa r~ s csozEa p
A 7.4 17
MOOS OF NO GIL AHD aid? for tale
1 it. rept}, is the cay of Pittsburgh, shouted
me Coiner of:lst-Clair street and Dingueene Way, have
MK 154 feet St. Clair street, 211 leeg_on Duquesne
W 'gis n' pro d rt";„(ToralUns'Oc.;',FtrlTili ACRE of vane
able ground, es suseeoublo of a subdivision which
..°21., Prove highly prefilable nii one erisbing to re-sell
in building 'ems of the osuld size, or to I mmove. A
plan of the suletivision eau be seen stills . office of the
tin the properly are erected bye substantial Mick
Buildings oe Clair street, (including the tavern
tun°, as the itted Won 1 number o , smaller build.
inns MyucAue W.I . °rid Ilarker's alley wanly oc
cupied hy ownsend, Aer & Col and the stables a,
Lax tied in the tavern.
1 he rental is !%"+'a Per annum, and the property but
one third tingseved
APO, to
Blew Cloaks Just, Arrayed.
11. aclly, original designs by Ihtrley.
Tlth thetha. nod Prose Writings of IL 11. Dun&
and Pelle., or a Practical View of the
Nimbi 1.1,r, Relations and Interests of the Medica
.. l
e..•E•cl the Communiiy; by W. Hooker, 11. D
he His Daughler by J. IL Paulding,
author et ow Dutchmen , Vitheide.
I ori or on Inside View of Mexico and Cal
der., w 0 ,V,lndrrinve in Pera, Chili tied Polynesia;
by Lis M ten Far sale by
.cic9l ELLIOTT & ENGLISH. 79 Wood el
&IMES, IVIIRE HASKETS —The laryeet and,
ga finest ors.runcot ever brought to this city, rood
irect from Poris, amyl for ssde low he
dc2l C VIIAGLIft, I ,9 &Sweet et
MERICAN Toys—A large atmrtmeut of Ameri
can Manufactured 'foys, the bmt and 'most sub
modal made in dte world. Call and Fee them ut
&di C VEAGER`. 4 , ins Market
-WONT'S FOR 1 R. Ilduarul melt. the .t.
tendou of
borer to hot euFortment of PRINTS,
rodaneing the newest nod bandAomesi etyles, and we r .
rented test col.. Alwo—Euglish China., of new
and handoome plater.; Rod large uooraneutofnea ,
hgured hula PrMlil and Chula., for Wax..
:101)11 ASII—D3 'cults Steers celebrated tatted, to
role by WM BAGALEY it CO,
le and al Wood et
Cll.l - Pks(ll/11 NVIS-17X-ENDIIFUS6
50 cases Stem Wine, lila;
5 ce.ks 4i rape Was:Ay;
qr cks " just reed on ion!si pole En,
for sale b- Ac2l
JOHN4TON Iln Second st
FLOUR --34, bbl. P Aneloges even toundy l
ode by donl 1 S DILWORTH a COL
, OAP—Yu boxes Ciaciunai,NZVarro d CO
C A d d 7 :1 1' 1
'-rIC Iti/fCO',7OT,I7X at
_ ---_--
W11(1011:0G,I4JE-1110dll superior, rilif;;czid
li!tliir Ills P. reed ;id for sp i t b r r o &
1;rod nod for loan&
ILMUII-15 bnl
15 hi
1210 LL
', ll !' 4 CROZER
r e
• ' e,21. ARM
, 41 nr. 4 k".
- 1 i.."eeROZE“
k ,r,or.go
ibAhl ILV PLO;
JU bratcd brmn,
Merl • I
oath u r .1
for mai2..byl
L' I,OIIR-1 00
!or ale by
B L b C Itt4l Fd".
O rot male b)
Rogoels ,, ,
R ode i ~
9 orod A , ;
oung ;
LI l I • al
~,,,0 with e
S'.lk Ly
1849..80 1
D'dtikelal and lar stile lay
HI rif
GLOW ER SEED-10 bbls en store r and der sal! i by
l rat eRN lit-ROOSIS—WO dos in stored - nil tor sale by
Ile I'PER—In Lags in store and far sale by
1 , A , Ilk:R:3-3V. lb§ prone, to store, for sa/e by
allor. vai
ri & Will 2L.
IOFFE&—Ia 'mall lot tat wale by
IIaOIIAGCO--n Las S'a and foy,a'r
LAUD - 3
"'" da fsr sale ". 1 , 11:3 kCO
i c ,o RIMY. 31A
f or talc I.
By .lotax D. Ds.• Isl. A
250 GILK.3 ssererior Wino. Drarnito aad Lwow",
This al - Irmo I, Thurda
y, Me DM innr, at 2i:inland;
at N. 29 Mats fiftel, betll,ll Front and Second
Wiett., will lit <o:d, WlthOlarc.anc,.by order of As
dexnsehewes me•t superior first elms Wines, Braniities
sod Liqcor., t.r ,be lies, brands and vinlagr. rand n .
ing of—Mawza...P. Al rale, brown
and noblen ri rrinsi•, enoineot brand, Black.
Lune.. •ti.l .1 I , c:ordon's I..endilin Donk bladrino Ont.
don's;SMincinn's, lions'. and
. oinr prime brand. of
Sernidl .
and Niadetras Damao
ny's, Danis' and Symmington's Pure Juice and Fruity
Old Porn lirtiodssy and (Hard, .Dapay CO..)Crog,s.c
13rardies, Mtn fr. Son's (orb ParlimmendWtils•
key. de!? JOIIN D Aunt
11. 11. WILKINS.
Attorney .t
American Cayeun i
Extra Darts , brand;
•Is " •
r;operfsbe, best b TUA ra nds;Tbo in morn and
UR--ZAf lot& Farmer & I'rk's rel.
C,in Garr and for Gar by
'pry-2 0 sack , to day ree'd and for
ACRE —n lot of roma, to a.r tvc
_ • __
oarioas brand, just roomed nod
G tor wee by
I . —l'
;(';`, ; :4'TVAL V; zEa
g •flt •n ,
6747:1.- if:::itZliliiatvnne,t
..f Memory; Lady'. fitii:l 7,
e :?..euone; Items of ILIUM;
Th.ft of Prinndsbin; Flulli , Keepsake;
. f Nature; Hyrtemch; dniA , . Keepsake;
Blussonts,• Gtft Leaves of Am. Poetry
Pneedship's Offenna; Poet's Orlenng
male Poets of AlriGiierti
Proverbral Ptalosophy, ill.;
noels; &lame.of Ftien Gleanings.
e Keepsake dstdp;
dry'. Orf emir;
. Prayer Honk, bound to velvet and 3110.
up.. Reeeivrd by
orner Market end - Third sin
No 11.4 World eta
7:r y.
t7 h .ZIIT
W bbl. c‘fdorl3-r-6y
i. 5131.1• In enre and for spi , by
CRAIC a SKINNER. 29 Al lrtrl n
"' by
STUART & 2 16 '
I lER,E—tIIO bin lust reed and foe sale by
A in blare nyn run KT by
DEAN , -.11 DM, %%five , fore ale hy CO
lE.ACIIES—Iris be eld crop;
"A' be
Ar low by
ki Ai CO
ALLOW-31 bbla for talc by
-ate lbs in store and far Girl!, by
I . 3UTTER—In Legs, Gbh and bow eii [o i l i to: s %i ii,
I)OWDER-13/). kegs Blasfins. pot artlrr
V sale by deg. J S DILWORTH kCO
D OLL BUTTER-2 bbis fresh. in sloths, just reed
Lk by de s° J S DILWORTH &CO
RY' PEACHES-1 50 bu in store and for sale by
W it, for safe loss by •
TS.MC'sts.lAs''Z'yES-4:ebgti* S " j
TD"I'LTOVII7. &f)."
frAR— Ws :‘; C, store .d fur sa, by
j ark ,
‘l l / - ARS— fu n' pon fai7p n. losh.• in store, foT wile by
. .•
VOGS-3 bb Egg. , I . ° J ; l'l2
for ado be
eecond .trect.
ROOKS—OO dos to store and for solo by
B UCKW HEAT FLOUR-50 vac!. intom avil for
kula by deko "OPE k lIKEVFOGLE
EG BUT kElt--IG kegs Frorh. to arrive thy. day.
D. dot/ COPE & 1311EYFOGIrk; IU tbecond
• • - •
UPpI:R I.VATRER—e ti=l:2l,
deJu ”“ 6. —
L EM , HEIt SCRAPS-2 tzii„,,.rnitafx,sie,.:e by,
A'1`43.1 Au lauding and for solo hy
dc 20 C II URANT
PPLEI4.--I bbl Dricd, for
de.29 C GRAtfr
E.K1):3.-4 bap blimAcett;
blit 'Timothy tired, Mt' to by
: debt
AIID—SO btals receiving and fur elde by
`UDAR—tu Itlikfig -0 , •
10 bOls ReiripMo l 7 . l by
Al.9,llCilVaati et
Nl OLASSF:S—g i M r t i P:r u ta x. tio r
10 " Golden Syron; for sale by
""4m;,mh D' for Nob)
1. 10 ,1 N . EN — 7 .:0 - 1, - irs N We Comb fir eie byy
U LACK IVA— . .10 bf chests Chain nnd 0410111 f, (Ur
J) *III. 09 dc2o ♦ D WILLIAAIA
77 - 7 - ;
axes r"d
/I,msnycrior Corn. en ,nn.mnrnrn4.
I- by act.4l J DAVILLIAIIs
INC WASH HOARDS-2 dos Holm. k Co 4, fol
hale. by 04.110 J 1/ WILLIAMS
iIANULF"..2.--3 . ll>txre Steariur:
•-1 2
DRIED FRUIT—C. eer.ks And 4, ctii• reaches,
ilialcri) prime =NV CrOpi
i 2.5 Lu Applm received cad for
ter and dl Front at
_ •
Was, jr,avull.ab,sßllbitieAst4ol
11 wle by drll
I[3 , R 00 , AL-4-1114/ i It'on:reoltlLlolust;utd,:red,:aib -
F:.!.-1014.1.,..C0rn reai f.',lsn=:OrtalCin
. - kegn, packed, in "time
Of. r .ur riappirtg, for Bale by r
Vl' sot rmoving, Team', ?!curry, Conk., tad
substances destructive to the Toed,. It is dolsomus to
Mc tome, cloalislng" the mouth, hooding and strengthen-
Mg the stows, rood patifysng the breath.
For sale, wholesMc nod by
d ,. 2 0 E.SELI.EFL4..S7 Wood al
Prromy zoo, March
Mr. R-EPellers—ln jortieo to r tor and lour Wrong
P.I.LL -, witht3M bey kayo. e for thet.t.
rfil of the touseau . ,4 , wife L „ b, u n sev<l..
times afointed ari to n 'mom MstrrsLany corrh. LEA
chased, m Jol. n , r u st, o'brrule of pm r trrobLr wh ,
of two ntontbs•
se you:11 'roomed, uml was
ild buttlly moor. from weak 6 r l f
Arruti ..or for one booM of roof Cooyb
apart one boat- cured throe eh'
p6•Prefich'Emck yak VI. 10_0 afro wipt nlCOmmli,7Z .o
V',"CztitgSrtroYLlLve4 per orPromb .1 1 Rio omo mord , - L'amo e...r,l,r.L.rca,dy had
loot Ji A MASON L he Imoy'e PoL.Lomyb. L. L.
• • O.' as good on, rens-mon:mt.
j 111SliSIERE1 tr. DE,_LitINS- 41 eases super tie. r ou „ . y"..mmu.Rs,lL -
10 stile Cashmeres and .Por Lain., mith very tiigh Prepared rind sold by R
ColoApree'd bow opening
and mid bY Lrugimis general Mar.-
ONO SOINWLS—IIee'd per express, and this day
1.4 opening - at A. 6. N soon 's, No. CO Market
,_, cases superior Lang and :Roue Eqswls, and
Onsene,on. • ' dens()
Pewter.. Salt lEightI Eight Valuable Batiidin•Lgotr.
On Thursdai . January 3i, Into, will hr soh!, ort
premises, the bLilowing very valuable Real F.state,t*
sale of width was postionc , l from Leo 11th
Al 10 o'clock, A. hf.,
Those five very desirable lots of ground, situate oa
Penn street, Ictween !Barbary and Water streets,
each having ^ 'font of 20 feet nn Penn street, and ex
tending boos 110 feet to Brewery alley.
AL 3 o'clock. P. AL,,
Three large and valuable lots, situate on the south
ide of Seventh street. between Smithfield aud Grant,
having each a front of 20 fect,,and extending bark 010
feet t Strawberry alley. Terms, cash par funds.
c2l JOHN D DAVIS, Auct
g'i AM
lllSwdi kno wet line of splendid passenger SteLm
rYers is now 'composed of the burst, swiftest, bee
shed and furrialied, and most powerful bouts on the
waters of o n %Vest. Every occommalation and
forrthm money east procure,
I v
been provided for pas• '
Bangers. Gm brie has been In operabort for Eve y s ern
to carried a ;Milian of people without the lelintl6ol
- to the.' persotta. The boats will be at the loot of
Wood street the day previous to starting, teethe steep
'bon of freight and Me entry' of pawen gem On the rsTIS .
ILI. In all <Mt s the passage money must be paid la
T *. AAC NEWTON, Captain Hemphill, vr/I.
Mave Pitsbargh every Sunday morning at IC o'clock;
IY heelingry Sunday evening at tit tr. •
htay 0417. .
KM 'l' •
The MONONGAHELA, Capr.Svonc; ail! leave Pitts
burgh every Monday mommg o clenkr.Whealing
every Monday evening et 10 r.
Ttng DAN frg
The HIBERNIA NO. ; Capt. J.
leave Pittsburgh every Tuelday morning su.lo o'cloOki
Wheeling every Tuerday evening at IO T.
w.w.nStills,ty PACKET.
• The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Capt. S. Ca pi will
leave Plltlbllrgli every NVednesdny ammo rat .11
eclockr Witeetilg every Wednesday evening s , lO t Is
The BRILLIANT, Capt. (Disc; will lent. Pitts
burgh every Thursday morning art° o'clock; Wheeling
every Thorriluy cyclone, ot 10 F. M.
r The CLIPPER N 0...!, Capt. Pars DSVAI, Will leave
i Pitti.lnirgh every' Friday morning at Itio'clock; Whoa
,yriv ...Armor at 10 r. in. •
The lino etenmer • .
/amen, thaster, onll Irters tor _
port on Torras) , the lath tkrt,
o'clock k...• ,i n boord, or to
For freiskt or P737k.k n plv
F. or
E:4 71'e "l' l r itGn " N,
Ca p. Cope, soil leave far the above
' ll mul alj interMelhale porta this day
4 o'cloct. P. M. Loard
For freight e ; ; v it .
hn" ;rSVZNY I r :
Koontz, master. arill leave for Ike
the above and alt intermediate pone
tide don at 10 o'clock, A.lll.
For fielkld and p...Ka apply board. deist;
~..,..: The fine Cramer _
'r.... ocha rnlxter.wil
to or alma •
sod intermediate porta on a lma
the 4ith Mtn. at 4 o'clock, P. M.
For freight or pamage apply on board or to
a.. The fine new light draught stem s .
hc. 2a p .
Maeleant matter, will leave Tor I.
above and nil inimmeidlate porta o ,
It i, day. the 214 irn, et 4 e'clock. P.M • I
.., For freight or t iowitte apply on hoard. d
"--,t'uti.--1:.&N. WIIVANITCIKELIPOLI.I4. • 1
The splendid rant tanning Stella,
::•..,... 44 , REYEII3.F.,
nimm, matter, will learn for a. • •
end all intermeMate porta on Sit
d?-14.?;taiVI'e'irViat Vt'faki'es P.M.orate, • • •..
For might or powagei-epply on board, eir to •
, •
_ i _ v tlo TT lnzt .r,c; _ kita .' •,
~ ,,rv%7.,, P I r ii _:r a., r dl t EL, G f iti i
~. %G ,..v ___, : p iAncgKa2 aAr ri l
5aki1.2 . 1.; , ! , N l T b * i t , i g E , , ~,z . 5 .. C10 4
=.77V,XL:=I; - ;=.
rid Wheeling, leaving l'intborgh every Mot,
Wearicialay and Friday mornings, at 9 o'clock- '
lemeht sr pmmec apply on hoard, or to ,
droll • ARMSTRONG & CROZER, Age..
Christina& and 19cw Approat. pg.
.re elm for the coming holidays, at LOCK WOO
by W.O.blonioson, Emil, 410, elegantly bo d to.
dark morocco. gilt edges, antique style; Sit
eSenne the. ho pleat effamous of it otr.
know. Llama, 11 Mil., Whituee, Ilalleek, Bp gun,
Data, lam Sigoutney, and Mrs. F obury, amen
ore, etch the volumr."—(Watchman
'These to minted most delicately stud perfect y, in
lithographic German Text, on Modal board, mob age
being (tamer tit' a etch illuesunaust arabesque bel , rder, '- •
in gold, siteer,and colors" with vtgaens wrong t ix. - • ,
e tmeders."--(Counteretal. '
'ate first illuminated volume that has been atteept.
cd on Oda side of the-Adanne—und arta mooed the
beauty of dellgem, and the execution of iliont.
said to nerd, if nor surpaas, any dung of the kind in '
KUM. o
"Lovett Requiem? by Cherms Fenno Roffman; l.Thile
Mother of Moses.' by Met. Osgood; he
Land of ,
Itreum'," by Win. I. Roane; . 'lLees in the alp of
LIP.? by Mn'. G (tome; —The Night Comea"
Mrs. retettury; "T he TM:W[IVMM% at ACTO,. by ii.
llcreterti "Greenwood; by dlr. uNkoeihip,o
by Mess Bayard: "The Miattion." by Mr* Ens ,
bury,—Staall lobe, illunonated in the most anitatilt.
mutter by al apleson, with border s mud vignettes,
riMed in gold, silver, nod colons; bound Sil SOO 000,
in a mosiiyo style. Conning the, most elegant d
ckelelte boot of the kind ever produced in this owes
try. : Voce, En For vale by
dolt 8001rseller and Imposer, s 3 Won
---ai ricolifLatif"-
Tim WAR Walt MIMCO, by R. S. Rir
Elements of Rhatoric; comprising au Aullyi
tbr Lows of ;Komi Emdence too
of Perm.. t
Ritionl Whamly, D. D.
army on Chrottan Baptism; by Unfurl Wr.
~ The Ogilvie', a Novel. • _
Fury tales. from all Natl..: by Anthon yy Moo"
talba; "rob 01 Slustratiuns by Doyle.
Jun reed by 30117:1YON & STIR:KT r
dell comer 'Third Rol llaiket• eels
T;YEATIIBIS=4-1 aiiiii-fiLllitOl i 'mar
J.:' Fort Pm, and for sale by
z , d
NiTTlf _ ,'..a.- 7 - 1,--
Cs. BEEP . AND laftslll PELTS
1., tem:2l 2 ll4r so aby dell_
S 0 Eb: P SKIN et--DramcdTror d
by dell _ ISA ,
/11171'0N-6 Miles, landing I
kd y dell
L , ISt
ARD-41 lad" and 1 berm
Fort Pott,aud Mr mole by
_1111711,44.1.01 DI
LA & TALLOII-Mto "et
Ho blo,
16 " Ta
and for gale by . dell, SELLS).
51.RT1.8.-0."1 Mot a porn.. :sear Seger;
1... 7'. fair dm in • and der
vale by dell SELLERS &':N COLS
11 \RICO I.IREF.-.5.5 soda la
d, brean's . 'gar Ca-
I/ red Beef Roonds, la store and for saM 1
_ 6c11.1 dEIL.ERS It wills
WZT • ltol' . l LARD 1.111,-1,O;h1/1s truant' No% , .
for 'sae by' '''''..7, tirdaLERS & lima ‘':.
M 1.1."4 - S
PORK-111/ bblsrast rea' .1.. rt.. y , .16;4.......,,,,,,,
dellPV-LFR3 &141 COLS " .'''''"•
QUGAR-43-Ithd "pi ----- tore 140, (oldropjfiFt7do - C - ItAl , " • •
11 dell ..I_, RILEY, atArcif Emirs .t co -,.,
Enc.- . 2 1 -.-to Fso-rtal,-4, far ht--. -„
~ chit R HEY, NIA rrtIEWS & CC".
EIT.-11111•Sitaili,P-ii-Cyditil.:olllila; f o ,i ;bite-147, '
42 odr--ho taxeslendraLlecont steamer Nery d
e. er
0 and for salt, tackler; comagnotont, hy i ‘. -:
Jell - JONIFS' DAY 2.1,111 •
14.4SBONIYTIONOS -1 good :doveiiiag, • •
0 0 .1 roma, iu excellent order, wodOthr pedals,
tome, Slot.
Ido beet.,lo good n01.47,41:0. For "gte b ;
.1 , 19, KLEREIL - •
. _
EsTter ro 'd,oelegantppeonltiimewowl o liet. Piano . '
J, fb,., hr c eel/Ent:EVE ronnurnototy or Nunn, ft:
clod', N. .r,'M tope tint tt - iijo, and sort• irodernte priee
goo .216 by ~i . .... _ 11. KOPIIIEK,
.dolPst J. W. Woodwolla ::.
-- ":7 - 14171F1Pia11.1 - rgirlie t 1 ^_ -
res h l ' o ' fl b tn7lLUl t o ili o o n s• b er4 t ::s e eel • STl 4 FW,l g rl!
he Is uow odeting very low. Thom' Who swim. now ' ert .
Moe soma do well to rail rind egolltillo hi hi...SW.lOy - i
fits HAT AND CAP STORE,ftuths.l meet, attar
Poi/ Ith. dele.vm JAMES WI I.SirtisL
11..W-.3M 1 n atoms firt iiireirt :
Li dole SA. AV-IldslillAljtir., '..,
VS jl7 .‘
re %
, t!1 . 1 . 1
i _c omtr r1i, .. , , t ,,..., % ., , r ..ii :. +
vet' Wstches,le c onets Eke carts, whteh tso ' • „ 17 : .
. love me thirty and Onrty five dollard, weds vso" "''
f a rmed to
keep good Mlle. . .
4 Also-A splendid amino:lon or' „,, v ~,
prising the various and latest slylits.eing •.•••• '• _ -„--
W. M'. WILSON, Waltham/tee IV
.4 0 , 0 c 0 .., 10 `, •••,,.''''''
do F IS eons, Illooket awl'. F ., - ,,,,
,:i c ; t.e. : I
'LI ~ATHEIOS-17 hags 1.1444 P ------ :1
F ItsmAnt,, and for rid by • ' .. i ••cl•mv ' ''''',-
V ~
.. .. /
s-dwoark t 3 .. ,
~.0,. ___.... . , lAM l2tDtl2____FLL ' I
- - 1 - .cevl, si..l for wee ht
del9 .
.1 ANN.: , DALZELI4 I,
SELLERS' INlParseirLlit '- . : -S - . - ---- TAI , A - I
N„,„,„1,..,, tl RU-