The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 27, 1849, Image 1
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Oa Bode, DO Imes of Nonpareil or land ono Ow Square, each additional insernon••• 0,g5 DO. one week 1,75 e areeb• 3,00 Do. three weeks-- ...... anti Da eye month— ..... Lim Do. too months----- 7,00 Do. three Do. roar months —• 10,00 ,Do. slot Do: twelve months• •• • • • MOO Blanding Card lines or task) per annum• 10,00 Onegqsare,chaneenble. dpleasere (per an mod exelosme of e-papas 5,00 it For each additional square, msened over one mon th , ma fee each additional square inserted ender the year- No ly rotes, half peke. wes Petillehers not accounted° for legal ailvenisements r beyond th e =Oast Charged for theft pablicatk. Anommelog candidates for office, to be charged the same as other advesusementa Advertisements not loathed on the eepy for sped fa dumber of insertions, will be continued till forbid, and paymentexectei accord. 'The privileges of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly to that molar be and all critter adver• decants not pertaining to their regular tidiness, as Weed ibr, to be paid extra. All mtherthrements for charitable institutions, fire ampullae, ward, towneldp and there üblic meetings, and moth like, to be charged half price, payable etrietiy, le 'dead. Marriage boilers to be charged 50 cents. Death modem inserted erithout charge, unless %doom -7.60197 Nand thrimoons or obituary notices. sad whoa so accompanied to be paid for. deg=advertisers end all other. sending-comma or requiring notices designed to cell atten tion to rainy Sauces, Concerts, or any public Mao, taionbants where charges are wide for admit:tepee— all notices of private associatione—•every notice de arcall attention to private enterpnses ea lade l ns intended to promote individual Interest, man on ly ha !mend with the undemanding that the some is tobapeld (hr. If intended to be inserted in tho Into colaren,the same will be charged tithe rata of not less than 10 es to per line. Bishop orLi FletNetlees to s, be charged drip:tine. hymn cense Petition Wit each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be chanted at fall diem Beal Emote Agent. and Auction sr Advertlae Meant 101 to be classed under yearly rate, but to ho allowed diemend of thirty three and one third per to from the Lomat of bills WI/31LI oat 111.1.W111313 to Dana 3•3123 One Square, three ineenimes•—• Do. each additiond insertion- • • • anvartSnerdere eit 11113133 mg. One Egnore, Tiirtrra,)on; rne71410W. 7 :00 CU. Do, each addrlonal (amnion—WS ALI madam advenimmenta W be *On advance. W HITE & CO, Gusne.- L.. HARPESPoO, awns.. MDDLE, „Towne'. JAMES P. HARR & CO, Case elele. FOSTER & BROTHER, /Smack JOS. SNOWDEN,DIereary. JAMES W. BIDDLE, /mane m. PIITUIISSE, Dec. 1,1819. BU6INESS CARD& A LEXANDER FRANKLIN, Auoiory at Law, Fourth at. DIgTO RNE Y AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Br. Loon, Mo. oortuaumleationo prompUy answered. 11.111 STRONG a CROZER, Commission Norehan • aadDeotexo In Produce, No. 21 Market WOO% doe 9 JOHN IL RANKIN, &nor for the. Stew of Ponagylennia, Lem* Kati Of Pitlablint.) RZnfayam,—Pluaburgta lion. W. roma r‘tiliontp 100 t Miller, hiVandlege & ACClnre, Jobo F. nark', &Mao & Nnorae,M'Cord. & King. engtloigy . Nl. NUM . •'• • . A. BAIRD A. STZELELICTT. lIIIIINEYS AND COUNSELLORS A[ LAW, Fourth meet, between Scableld and Gam; •nusbungh, Pa. iIIIS 70EII 21. mann. Ir. c. rAcenn. LARSON & PRIUND, A TTORNSYI3 AT LAW, Foam, street, I:m=6.AL jutflat A WORMY AT LAW.-01fine on Fourth et., be mrenn Smithfield and Gmun al, Piusbuzgh. Pittalburgb Nit Works. BERN. n!ut i c c uLxis of ad Acids. Warehouse Na. ' kr% belaVV= n0A10.17 • irlisT.ilnct =aim_ ~ , .. • aeon & REYTYMT, Wholesaler atal Retail Rms.! inner of Liberty and SI. Clair suretr, Fin. tayl4. , • CSIMMIO , , =1 .it COLIERInsu• ' N, Wholesale . GILICIIII, WI Commisstan gareharits, No. 143, liberty et,' . . Pa. dollly. nA.VALISPITOCK & Co., Wholesale and ii.e.' e kadrner Wood and Ilia ats. i7l • f't k./3 NA AtdeloY ttli - r7r l drdi. , V Ist door above keld. =nib-1m -----_ 0. r N 0.193 SPRUCE STREET,PHILADEEPULA , flONnfanDs to rye ate partway auention to the uestaseet bf Diseases et the SKIN, SCROFULA, awl Manes of the THROAT. Oaks boom 9 A. IL, 1 P. N., end 7 P. N. . • ,_ , 0/1:143. 1. --------- ---. JOU A. 11110. M. 1 11.1.11. CRMO & SKlNNER,_Forwardins aid Comnossion Ka. arCia. No. t 6 f luter s!, Pittaburgh 913_ 0 A.. lataNULTY&67Forararding •aci C 09 ., • Million Merchants, Canal Elgin, Pitiabargh t Pa mat , tiRANT, WONesala Orme., Cornaturaen aoAl Porwani.g Iderrimmt, No. 41 Water at 4u12 j _ -..--- - Its.wasona liprist arks. r Ailo, MAW and Irart COLEIStiN,r !Psi moni It Ca, monolhostroto if Coach on& =loin aping% Itotosnetal Axle% =and Plankk Steel, _lron, ke. Wanshense Oh sad Front urceu, Pittsburg:h. 1 .. ••....^^'•• • TNGLIBId DENNETT, OM. Ettglis?; , wantlacrehar=l dealers C u . t ' m Prothro ar - Tdpini- Witt afactures, N 0.37 Wood st., between od arid oe I "Ei J. HENRY, Aidamey and Connoellor at Lair, EX/. Clacimmtl, Collections bombe. , Ohio, In Indlettn, and In Kentucky, promptly and esti. 11117 waded in. Conannuinner for the IState of Penn sylvania. tot taking Depomuons, acknowledgments, Km. Its. -—Hon. Wen & Son, Cards, Clturehl& Carotben, Wm. Hay Earl & Daus. •711 1001142 A. MTEL GEORGE W. tit e lFH . 4 C. CO., Brewers, Mahar. G AGE Deal ,VI raIIOOLI h. Po tined tamausna kletettant, HO "C'Orilf • AMMON STEWART, manefactirer of Heavy • eatirtin" Che c ks, rtabecca art a city of ▪ Lll, ltteutet y • et and Conunislon tact.; for the at Alljk.Xl W.X.lo!l!Lit.n/i opp.lee /Rh et. febt7 WM. 11:1iAliES Bilqateta A. I. =MN =WI= 'MIX, i phu .„.. iFIL . I:llrMNOßt'Atseeo Conseshraloa hies. Win, 41 Nonk 'Wales In, k 0 North Marne', . • nov3o - LIM 9X. F. JONI. Er JON & Co, h sae oesson to Atwood, /ones t Co.) Cononasson and F dudets. LI Pitt.bargil tdanaf=reattoodsr4"; Pinabargha C CI, t. _--------------. INCIDEY lialall DITII,___ .16 IMO" DIGLIT ILIUM Co., Wholesale Grocers:Com widen gerehants, and dealers in Prodane,Necid eler, and 167 Prom .k‘treet.i, avt soaatmwoara. B.•DILWORTII d Cg Wholesale CirDeLfS, Pro- dace and Commismon rebants, sad agettk nts L ie llama Powder Co. of N. Y., No. IN Wood it, Plitsbazitt.. istd TWIN TOWNISEN Drawn sad dpotbasq V 14.3 Market . 1 0 , ...""" W A I ! - Piw• bargb,vUl bare constantly on tumid a web mmsed eratmint of tlie bow and Gahm bledsoldeb which ka will wal on Me most reasonable terms. Medians man orders, will be promptly attended to, and •ap. plied with ankles they may rely upon as maims. 447Mb:tam Pmetipuons wiL be acenraiely and P.Vared from the best materials, at any beer of be or WN. gee ler ale, alas", stook of freak and gad Pedal inl3 BON g ay, Conn Miler ni LAIC-0 • Ito en lona et, above Smithfield. etev64i Li- in CAN Mi t (1'" W t""4 ( Vertu= mks sad Po grain Iste radar, Weverditerervc Cheese, Maur . , Pot and Pearl dad, sad Wedeln Produce genera/ I Y, W. , e , between asithield uld Wood, ?nubs:dd. apd in Prcdace sad Pitrabursh disnafastarce, tor asi of 1.1. nod Hand sued Pitteb .b Pa. ANS jAMES A. HUTCHISON, & Ca—Stemmas in Levis llatehLoa & Commioion Merchants, sad &Sem of a& 8% . Urals Swam Saw Semen, ste. Gilmer .AIM treat sucas, riusburth. Isat . HN D. *ORGAN Wbe!tule Inmgyst, and do • gr Dye Sada, Pura% Oils, Varrdshir, are.,l N 0.93 odd street, ono door Saab of lhanwnd AnCy, PAL -021 L i thry,:pwt„`,M"-, "Tr' J repro, Slaw, Steel Pens, COS* Primus , Cards, a s ji gweetry gestetalli.NO. %Wood or, loott.bwo. no. Bop bels!!!ltrtaken introtie. . e ino Co., Warrtselilitttipots, N o . 94 VVoed street, Pirtsborett. Way D. DAVIS, Asztapar., comer MI " ood p re euirittanu b t . ocvB P*Pc*ti. 7 . 6 .. l ..n. 4 ko .44l .V.lst U p il t h 6 J ona Fuun • = WM LO FLOyD, Virholosals Gruen, Conneaut. klerenants, and Dealers in Praia. itounn Mating. fronting on Libony. Wood and Gin runs, Plasburniet P. rnyS • • - aINS. boleeLLe Cain:nisei usu P h dealer in Prodoen and Pittsburgh "• gd Water et., Pittsburgh. innl.4 a swr,ITZEI-----Auor.ey .r. Law, as,.. at . t ., e i. "poi et. _l4l..rjes,itell trultrgt 4i = mama Prm 4ll = 4 " . spa Omen am° ApE377.0 volley Co, } p.b.... .. ova & ""`"" ocIAUT I. pAr. 00104 - . CARPS. U.ADDB wEAVEit, iiholcsale and Retail Der. . ler to Foreign Wines and Liquors; and old Morton pinta Rye - Whiskeys, cornet Pint and Market us. thai & JORRl,Fontardtne and Commiamon . Ma. clans, Dealers in Produce aniPhtsburgh exulted uncles, Canal Basin, hear 71h at. d2I — p ALL A ll URDU, PA. KENNEDY, GUILDS & Co., Manufacturer. of • • superior 44 Shemin., Carpet Chain, Geary rartne and Badng. ' I ton wits? Sheet, Bo . tenlr . , en% IStins o l t he 4 t,ett Warehouse, &I water and 10.21r00t at. *ILO 11 II WATERMAN, Wholemde Groaer, Forward -14 tag end Commission Merchant, Denier In Pule- Ite2Nlldnuataterares and Produce, Nos. 31 Water et, In Froutc-1 • j 27 felo/MLIEZZIZZT /OEM >L SAW WaNaRDIt a 14137YZ11., • LOOtING Manofaetarers, and Wholesale dealer. In! foreign ind domestie•Varlety Goods- Westeni merchants, Pedlars and others are invited. io andexakraine the pricesmd . kualliy of our snick, sa with Our pre.sentlsoweased Catalinaes in manufactur ies and pureluSaing, we think we earl otlerr. great idueements tokuayera as any other house /rest atilt. j¢5.11 , , Pinlads. c. w. Ramanon, Plusbnign. ILLER & alcu - Ersoni . , uniponeri of Brandies, Winee•and &gars, Nos. A Wholesale Ctaecr., and l and 174, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pius I , uratt, Pa. BON Nails, Cotton Yarns, an. &n- con stantly on nand. nue! ram- rLL D. 'OULU Wal.S. C. LOS etilLl,l3 4 ROE, Wholesale Groceisued Coestois in. skin Met chants, No. th 3 Liberty st, Possbursh. OLG tiRPSY, WILSON tr. CO., (late Jones, bY WA Co.) WhOlesore, Dealers in .Dry Goods, No. 48 Wood moot, Pittsburgh. nova co rn *l :rir;Vel(ll:ti and Fourth Arcot, cannot on gth norm Market deorgthL tM=M=l JONES & Q,ITIOG, ANUFAcTUREAS of spsnog and Milo er ,tee, J.ll, plough cool, stool plough s nn•otr, nd eLaa n dt , reWe ' costioirs, og., k fir c e r e d os ' iTe lomps, , andconch trimaangs R terally, comer of floss and Front stn., l'itsst i k euah, I\l HOMES & HON, No. SS Market st., second door from earner of Fourth, dealer. 1.13 Forego end Domestics Hills of Exchange, CeraLeatesof Depen d, Hank Nouns and Spette.. ED . Collettiollll mad on en the prinetpal cake hroughout the United thaw. dost 7 N HUCK.M..&STEEt t Akezawka.—Ofhee a Fourth at-, apor above Smithfield, meth ode. Conveyancing of all kind. dam -with the sraialMl are mid legal IlJnitrUlT. Titles to Heal Emma examined, /cm PRIM HENRY acmutooK, P ENN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, 2u resumed kn, profeasional - dauea, route, LOA MAC. turns on the Primo, Guitar, and in Vocal Maine. audit:chi at, near Wood—All quantities of Green and Black Teat, done up In quarter, half, and aao Pena Pnckn6no.from roD eta. 'per p ound PAL jyl A. JAYNES, Arrt. for Pekin Tea .P.o. r' —Astir, La-11x fr. Co., Nojii — gb.ny reet, a 4 Pittsburgh, Wholesale Cinema, Produee Commission Merchants, and dealers in Pinsbairgh `• ' =OZ. LITILS. WEL S. BMW° ■. DOH hItTIMOORA Motorola Grocer, Rocca Ping Dhaillet, dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh Manufie into, Lull all kinds of Foreign and Domestic %V trios Ind Liquors, No.ll Libarry stroce On hand a try wrga anxki of superior old Monongahela whiskey, winch will tic sold low for cash. anlidy t. o.Varreouis, .1. L. MUM ElilliolllY3 & 7311:11P., Forward/nu Imd Contmissksi Afirchents, far the Allegheny htlecuTrade, deal ere in Groceries, Produce, Pittsburgh Manufacturer rod Chloride of !Jae,. Tne higheit pries, In cash, paid at ann.. for tom.. ry to Corner orPenn and Irwin sta. lax= DOSEICT DALZELL & Wirdeasla Genres, R Comrainian and Forwarduzy Merchants, dealers Prodace and Putsbargh Mannfuntres, Libertyat. Yinsbanta. Pa. feb27 `WIT. • DB4. UNNINGHAM, Who! sal Gram /k. C ealer, in Produce and klusbosgh * MaLannuel ‘,...11.11 , 1,11Arre we irl.2 Ci Tao. 1117.4 0 1LAGFLETT & WHITE, Wholesale.Dealere In Fareign and Domestic Dry Geeide. N 0.99 Wood et. Khaimah. felornf 0.11. W.. HARBAUGH; Woot Merchants, Dealers in Flour and Prodace generally, =ld Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. &I Water et, Pius. I. bt_s_qA, and.lWl.errrestraost. iosM`menots, OELLERB & NICOLS : Produce and General Com adastan Merchants, No. 17 Liberty rt-, Piusbergh. "oeinlilineeed and Lard Oils. BONNIIORST, & Co., Wholesale I.:m ears, 'Forwarding and_ Commission Merchants, Do in Pittsburgh Manufacture. and Wesearn Eno &me, have removed to their new srarehouse,(Old amid) No. Skeomer of Front st and Chancery Lam norS , TAod SSEE & REIM Wholesale Grocers antoommis dop Nerchantsond Osiers in Produce. No. 3$ al-. Pittsburgh. W. MR. PPROTH iILE3CO7T, Wholesale and Remit ?len in. Rope, Shoes, Treat, Carpet Raga, W. comer of lth and Smithfield Ms, ?indium& Pa. ia3 ;TA.tfdlr'Rrlrklnef4 — jrt, OLENALE GROCER, of FOREIGN Llquoßs and CIGARS, dealer in MaMmsdahela Rte Whiskey and Pittsburgh tu M an ufacros,.comer of Market and Fret sr& Super}... articles supplied at market rues. act= & Et; lIIITCHELTREE, WIOLISALE GROCERS, REG FIFT I :6 DIS TILLERS, and WINE and LIQUOR MERCH ANTS.: Also—lospextert of Soda Ash and Bleaeinng Powder, No. 160 Libertysn, topposite Sixth sx.l Pm. boo h . - oentl • toss D: DAVID XL NI.. WCANDLESS, (successors to &J. D. yy Grocers, Forwarding aa Commission Membsors, dealers in Iron, Nails, Glass, Gottisil Yana, and Pinabargti Idannfractares generally, corner o r, and Water rtrects, PissnrinlS Mj ge.w=gl"...,!. . s p - IZI rZt; TIT — W. WILSON, Watthes,Jewelry,S , yv tad lklilitaryGoods, corner of Marketand 4th .tree t% Paul:wet, Pa. N. B. Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. deck WIL-BOWEN—CwwwWwa and Foreestdinti hasa, No. Se From at. between oddWo and Market anew. 2 . ur. mrn<r of ~apgrimda,vvlio-im Wi. Tons -• • Ilpridi YOUNG & Co.... 7 :l:Sesless in leashes hides, &a. 10 Liberty st 'UV & iI.III,CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocerslca - Porgh.AlLL'alltgene":l4,Nuls Glw, and tn. bugh. • dee2 W WILSON, Dealer la Warelles cet t. , Silver Were, Military Good., &a., No. 57 Mar nov7 - • ••,AILD ATTORNZT F. LAW. Batkr, WMalso attend to collection. and all other heal .. entrasted to tam in Bader and Armstrong etiaitic.,Pc. &eta to & St. W a lla c eyrry st. W. W. Wae, do James Marshall do / Pittsburgh. dly gay It Co., Wood st. • ) jan7 PIATTIO2WAI TEA Al BO V . AG WS ocCII No. 42 Water street. HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT 13THEST:BALTINORE. sow Ann emmirrms, 10tonim0la STAB mtabllahmern long sad widely known as being outs of this most toms andante in the coy of Baltimore, has recently undergone very extem siva alterations and - improvementa. .An enure new wing hut been added, containing ammo. and Rill ni Stilsrles n' er ' ."1 n'iMnit:tobtenng e ' rerr fen been 17 reorganisrl sad final up In a me annique and beno fat 010. In fact the whole arnuagement of the House Am been reasodeled, with•a single eye on the pan of the prripriemn, towards the totnfon 11.11 d pleasure of their °sesta, and which they confidently assert will challenge comparison with any Hotel in the Union. That Was will always be =pulled with everrattli• and luxury which the market affonisoterved op in a aperintstylm while Mlle tray of Wines, tie, they will not be surmised. In nclusion the proprietors beg to say, that =Was will ho left undone On thelr per, end on the part of thew asamants, to render th is Hotel wor th y the continued ' patronag e of their friends and the public generally. The prices for board have 51•0 been reduced to the following raw: Wits` Ordinary, 111,75 per day. • Citadel:Ren t s " 1,50 W. /L-. The Baggage Wagon tke Hoer will al we_ ys he 'foot at the Car and Inaasaboat Landin o s,„ - . which oral edam baggage to and Awn do Hotel, free *khans. mayinf • VA.V — TINIL [IOU/IN COMA 07 1.11.11 510.0 mums, ernmrsen. , THE • open er respentlally mumunces that has now opened his near and excellent Hotel r the accommodation of travelers, boarders, the public generally. The house and furniture aye e sad ntirely new, end DO pal. Of expense Imre been gram , limonderiltlieneio4.l.lse mast comfortable and The ratimriber is determined aro deserve, and Were nine solicits, a share of public patrormge. fxtladly JACOB HOUGH, Propnetor. BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS ROGOW , & CO., is (Steamers to td'Cord & King} 111111 6 dill Vs.ohlossablo 11.ti.•••.4 Corner "[Wood and YIP: Strode. PARTICULAR Mention paid to ear Retail Trade. Gentleman can rely upon getting their Hem and Caps from oar establishment of the seer nem..arlarl and iraILIMMELP, of the In STU., and at the Lo MSS. Coantry Merchants, porehasing by wholosak, net respeetfalty invited to nail 111.11 d sm ar ut. o Stock; sot We eon gay with ensilages that as regards ,assuog MI noes, it will not saga In 'a comparison withbl7 soy konsts in Philadelphia QQPdsno fr 11 his now open a supplY of spring Bonnet Ribbons, ? new and handsome Myles. Also, new style fig'd Nous; Wale Lite• and Eds. Ittds;•lrisen Edgings; Vittoria do; plaid N ashua and • I.°?stsoottbroidereil Swiss lam &ea besides arse assortment of Spring Goods generally', at north east earner 4th sod Market streets. Wholesale Roams up stairs. OST tronctiZoes, ;am en?: ,Th•huarked &J. iL Dick, blesdwis, stoat the 111 h or 511. t October Isom Also—l Itf ab eau ~,Tsai tttu \ ed .T !LH!' They may base been n'ti/ .en m Wme enoordsmon home or steamboat. A Ilbend.remard will be evert for all of either I .f lb 171 1 1 1 alm.fas 114+ ecoovery, b_ 10111 . 1 IIreFADEN AI CO EMI! poi mii4 _ Life awl Ilsaltiansaraace. THE Mensal' Life skid jlearth Insurance Company of Philadelphia, litcorpormed by the Legislature e Permaybrama, Match, LOB. Chance perpetual. 8100,001 Rains Lows* run ART Possanr. 'VAAL Cotvaer, and Bill lid per cent. lower than the usual rates of Life I liner, as the following com perison wtU abeam 'MO, a person of the age of 30 in sluing for 8110 for lifrosnust pay in the Girard 64,86 Pennsylvania; 6230. Peno 119,36; Equitable, 52,111; New Englund, Igi,"New York Life, V,A SIM, Life and Health, Philadelphia, $1,91. IneAl acrous—Samnel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert P ging, Charles P.Heyes, M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Hervey , ht D. Chao 0.11 Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rod nuker, E. Butler, Edwin R. Cope. President-44 man =nel D. Orri H. ck; Vice Presi dent—Roht. P. IG Seeretery—Francis illackburne. Applications wind ng; s received, and every (demotion given by. WU. PAHNESTOCK, Orace, Commercial Goma, comer of Wood and Th,ed sta. Pittsburgh . • ^ • • - , • I Iffinri CI. • . vfiv4 , t , PROTECTION FERE ATE Al ARINE INSURANCE COMPA -4*-: NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. • Annual Pzemiums, Ca ' Sal Stock ' , anr Surplus Fund, 1//sOOO,OOO. This old nod responsib e.' Company condones to Is. the polielth on the moat favorable teems on Dwelling Honses, Household I" non Store., Steels of Goods, Warchoescs and conten, Mills and Manufactorice, he. ie., agnium LOSS a DAMAGE HY FIRE. Also, on Goods, Ws and Merchandise, against the hasmrde of. i1e...50 1.1770117.10 N, and upon the Cemoes of **Vessels. The Protection luau ee Company having, in the last E years, paid 701.11031 07 DOW. , at their severalegeneles throng tit the United States and the British Provinces, hare eltabliabed a Plat reputation for solvency and fair d ling, which challenges nom. poison with any o th insurance company on the continent of America he annexed extract from an article on the subject lesurance Companies, taken fro, the "Sew York y Book." exhibits booty the standing an pokey of e Company. "The . mo ted men. f the ancient and always pros ,.., perms city I Hanle here for half a center) . been lemma the bout the Union for the can, diseretiun rigid honest ,and env Valances. with which they have form and m corporations of this de scription.. o Hartfoßatik or Insurance Company has ever f 'lad! The Companies have for moth than a whet generstio scattered their Saks in near ly every 'St to of the nion, and have never failed to pay th e inn aerobic I sus 'ditch they have insured memo." All losses arising e n pt.. hetes issued by the under signed, wall eiirompil adjusted and paid at the Gen. end Agent office lon led at Cincinnati, 0. A large portion of e faiths o the Company, (including all premiums stew ed at e Western agencies,) is de puttied tel dm Gen cal Agent of the Company at themanami for Ike pay ens of Western and Southern losses. Apply to • FAYETIE BROWN. Agent 11 the city o Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county. • • octrodthe IMIE=I - , T P.camsylvaalaCostpatey Foal I:wassail Lana ra in Gararcto A annum. friliE Ars Life Insausee Company in the U. States. ./. 1000 . • tend n I 0,18111--chni ter perpetual. Capita) i Xoo—all aid in. Having utharced tb undersigned to rescue appla cations far -once, o nce, o which policies will be issued, according their pro and rates, which will be made boo uto &poll la at his ogee, No. So Wood Street- srl ' GED COCHRAN. li BlT.ik A 1 ii 111 fitirC - 011PINT ^ F PI TSBURGH. • reIPIT L $lOO,OOO. ti FUMY,r' Seel). I R filuux, Jr., Neel. W l'lcare Waal .11 Mods of mks, . , FIRE ND MARINE_ ALL.... ..ill be liberallY .dusted and promptly pod. Al'umo tancto managed by Dtrectors who are well boo • in the usury, and who are deurrum ed by press t hey err 11beertilty tO Maintain S. char acter which had usumed, as offerang the best protection no thou w o duce t o be lucre. Drascrox&—R, Miller, Jr.. Geo. Black, .1 W. Butler, N. Holm, Jr, Wm B. Brame, C. tram. Orai W. Jackson, Wat. M. L.yort, its. Isppineott, Thos. K. Latch, 1 • AVAuley, Alex. Plinuck, Thos. Scott. Oren. ...V Water street, (warehouse of Slung A Co., up • ) Pittsburgh. auk:illy . • ' /INSURANCE. - rpltE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU .I. RANCE. COMPANY.—GaIee, North Room of the Exchange,.rd ravel, Philadelplna. Fax loi —Buildings, hlerchudise and other property I sown and cor ra ls, moored agaanst lose or damage b Are at the lowest ram of premium. Mar. 1001111-leele—Ther also insure Vessel., Cdr. goes and ighu, foreign or coastwise, under open or apecial macs, eta the assured muy desire. haulm rorustots—They also insure merchan dise um roiled by Wagons, Railroad Can, Canal Beau a Steam Boats, on men and lake, on the most Übe terms. DIRE 'ORS—JosepAH. dud, Edmund A. Sonde, John C rat, Robert Ildnou, John It Penrose, Same Cl Edwards, (lo 0 [Alper Edward Darlington, lease R Davis, NI alham Fotwoll, John Newltn, Dr II M Rua ton, James C Hand, Tticephalas Paulding, li Jones , Brooks, Henry Sloan, Jllugh Craig, George Sernll, I Spencer blellywn, Charles Kelly, J 0 Johnson, Wit bean ILay'llr S Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PIITS)3URUII—D. T. Morgan, I Wm. Sue W ty, Jno. T. Logra. ILLIAM MARTIN, Pierldett 8.1.1010 S. rintrllo.,decreletp. la . Office of the Company. No. 42 Water greet, Piuburgb tulS•dtf P. A. bIADEIBA, Agent WIRE AND RAMAN INSURANCE. , PIIE INSURANCE C el Normwill J. ke permanent an d lualcd Lltellrellee on pro perty tothis city and Vieirlier, and co shipment. by Caul, Ravers, w ell k,and by .I.a. The properties trot- tits Company are invested, and (smash an avail able (bud for We ample indemniry of all pecans who desire to be protected by insomniac. _myth WhL P. JONM, Agem. 44 Water st. ißlftrinilletrir ----- Th.• Franklin Fore insurance Co. of Philadelphia. IRECTOtts.—Cbartme N. Handcar Thomas Hart, if Tabula Wagner, Samuel Grant, Jacob R. South, Brieltards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolph° 0. Pond S. Brown, Monis Paneason. Caul.. N. Bellrelte, Pee.llderil. Charles G. Clincher, Secretary. Con 1000 to make insurance, perpetu al or limited, on every descrapuon of propeny in wn or century, at rates as low Le are erautent with conic. To Company have reserved a large contingent Food, which with their p Capital and Preleteres, safely invest W - Tee •aoW rd WI. 0 ame roteettort to the saluted. pll the company, on January Ist, 1541, r aublashed agreeably to an act of AuemblYi were illows,&a: 4440Mek .._ ' Real Estate Tertlpoeolll Loons Cash, Ise. • SIA.M,OriI 71 Since their incorporation, a period of LIS years, they have paid upwards of one million four hundred ihoul. d dollars, losses by Ore, thereby affording evidence tithe advantages of insurance, as wall as am and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GAUDIN Elk COFFIN, Agent, marl.dlj Obice N E corner Wood and 3d sit LDELAWAREPIOTUAL iNBIIPLANOEICIOs PA. gIADEIRA,Agem at Pittsburgh for the Dela. ware Mutual Safely Insurance Company ofFhial adelphla. Fire Rinks upon buildings and merchandise of every dracriptlon, and Marino Risks upon hulls or cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable Lerma. Offide n the Warchoase of W. 11.11olmes & Bro., N 0.37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N. B.—The LilCCO• 11 of this Company since the estab lishment of the Agent 7 In this city, with the Prompt ness and liberality with which curry elaim upon them for loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the spent in inviting the confidence and patronage of his friends and the community at large to the Delaware N. B.ltom ranee Comp.y, while it has the addiaonal allvantagea as milt:in:moon among the um. flourishing in Phrladel phia—m having en ample paid-inwhich by the operation of its charter is conatandy inereasimg, RS Twirling to each person insured his due share rd the profits of thu company, without involving lota in any responalbility whatever, and therefore as pocw•nona the Mound principle divested of every obnoxious let. and 'in its moot ...meow , form coat FORWARDING & COMMISSION. •• • - J. crow. rut. QTUART & SILL, Grote., and Produro and Coin 1..7 minion Merchant', No. Wood .1. Pittsburgh Dealer. la i/to , e se& Flour, Wheiv, Hy& Oes,Porn Harley, Pork, Bacon , Boner, lAN, 1..:b5u.0, Clore? Timothy and Flax Seeds; Irou, Masa, 00 Ito Or. Pssicular al:motion paid to the selo uf Piaster PToduce . bal liaraimacas-211e..r.. .11yers & Hunter, Hum :en & Co., Midis & Hoc, Hampton, Smith & WA. Nay, King & Alourlisad, Pitmuurgh. Ico Co ns 0 Maassllon. Jos. S. Murtmon,l y HLoam. apla& . . _ . NUM A. ClAI• lota of N. lasbon, mr.Alo a. Islees sou, GlNEftitiL AULNCY, tdentonseinn mud Forward. ing Alereltants,'No. S Market Et Vitisburgb, Pa ID...Prompt attention gigot; to ttia podiums and sale of LI kinds of Product. ROZA ao—John Watt I Co., Morons, Wllson Jr. Co. Pittsburgh, l's- Lawson b. Hitt, rilahlon Murtin, WallsOnte, 04 John drown Co , phi." di Co., PhiJadelptila; W Snodgrass k. (trams h. Naze, New Ltsboo, 0.; Pr. Slitionar, Chain, btineinnau; 1 . P. Kellar, Youligstusru, 0., W. L. do., dart. Cleveland ; 0. .10414 _ GEOUGE COMMILAX. Commlszton and Yaravardlns Id•rabant. • via Zwu.S7., stn...a, n0...-riNuEs to traturct • Arne wil 15.5n1.11•14.0111 bidi , V new, especially in the percheme loml stile of Afflety• can Dianafatdores and Promisee, mod In 1...i.. 0 51 end forwardomg Ormods consigned le its ewe A. AAc.ilslt the Alanefartmors, be will 15e emnwoolUy Sapp 1 the ynnetpal snicks et l'Otaherdh Mainamsliam mt uw lowest wholesale vices. Unix. 004 G 41.4.1 1 41.4 n, respectfully •01.11.4. Pir /an. Brack iNaina tar *Ala. THE od e s. far cots, the OTI.:AhI UttllsA WOlllO5, shwa lAwreerernis, emneMnanig htsans Engine, 2 15wiems, • 11..m14 , all%/*A.1•11:. ,1144•11 fit La weensfarturong WOW Ytesomd Ililelms (Ann do .Im, ...ken how the twelejj,*, deli wino Wtma me.. a land on the AD:Owl fins!, On Waal ice 4 lalsa 4.4 i * sht4sll3lllthl. SW] slasys4./N, wLswiLssrm , ss, iisslt, shore., spades, ie., sr., 51.5 ss,a.i. ./11. 0C1.0151,1 as L.. 4 , .. ' fit, Lle patent right lf., at. sms4 a.... 10, 0 ..7 ssi payment moss cs. WS.. , Ls 15, ,, 0, • . 1 .6. , Vet perneulass, widotem 111,1144 11 , thiltfl 17 . _Auct7..lf lid Ile Alimmommixlit #1..55 — if ialL A id D 011.Aiiii vutniniiir • Ili,A VI:I.IVM, 15011554 Wu. Paw:it i , L. ss- Walt end rusuussoss4lll.aia. si Lia vi , l mlehd, whew: he Wilt i.e yltoas4 14 .4 14// Wass:lsm. sts .sal Ids 04s: 05arelt,W0weteemt,./A Odle acmes) , siMe. (lOW la to 10,1011 inowls,t •al 11.1,1rOkfria of ilm 4 , 004 ed model. , •n 4 w ***** 0..1 co Lic sof gta Leal ISsistAls blinessl Was. i'vtllio.ll,oll.." OWN."( . Lc , L.,4.- they with .....ry T4tal tor OP••• Gissisgis, is scL44{.4, turned and Famlllen in has 0.01/{al .4144 r. A. V. 14 ilo• col[ prowls.., of Hosts. 42..1“11. - 111. Mlati.,lo isauy estsios.4 Is. sLs ii4uos. isl frotuen in marAlhery. IS. 'IW.. ssd , owys..s can I.eballot tam atoll L. , .. j4?-!, uiretiiiii 0.01 , 44 .:"."014 5 . 5.0511 of VOLugg OSA enHonk Ymptr, • mmtwriot snide Atiml s . 4 Sims. hand Any nice ;Irbil. 44 Wu, OA 84%4. , usniss Ord/ 6 II 1110. o', P.. 4 . ----0, - riiiiiiiigrals•lis - Mv•ii #lO 4 ,P 8, ~ as.ouoiv.w U. PAT/ a.Mat . :" ; 1 gr•i i i the large matte art k eo , w "4,, ,w 4 ~.•,, ,, r w tWoww .1; iS• 1141 irVo.l OA . ..1 4 4.2.. ills.,ln the ever al at. thralralltt+t,tfr! • . N with an auttvety new stork of /10/..e IV . veal:27 .. 7: tin it %slant) , aadlatatat etylao. 101 1.91, f;. try in do out rcuArusl. GH, T PITTSB CO TART ERSHIPS. Dlaaolotion of Porto...Mts.. - BY MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm keret. ' fine exisung under the style of BUSHFIELD k LEADER, has been dissolved by Henry Leader sell. tog hia enure Interest in said firm to John MeGilL All busmen connected arlduthe firm of Stithfield &Lead or bo settled by 13. It. SushfieJd & Co, swim are duly authorised to make BUSHF all eoIIIELD k LEADEN.. ecuons and adtort all d amn Pittsburgh, OoL 27, LSI9. N. IL—S. B. BUSHFIELD tr. CO. will cantina. {be wholesale and remil Dry Goods and Gmcory butinen, or the old store room, No. :DM Liberty at, where they will be pleased to bass their friends and customers call and etramine their mock of goods. oot3t / ._;._ S. D. IBUSSFIELD CO. 1.-7. 1,, DIMIOI - 111.1011, THEP ...oi the undersigned, under the firm of aley k Smi th , ono dissolved by man.] theois Mt September, W. Ripley purchasing the intereitof J. R. Smith, who retires. The bovine. or the 6rm will be willed by their STICCeS•OIII, Wm. Segall* Wee., at Nos. IS W and 20 Wood st. ILLIAM BAGALEY, Pittsburgh, Oct. ti, in. ISAAC IL SMITH.. CO-PARTNERSIIIP.—Wm. Depict , &mien mutt. elated with hlm Wm 111. Woodward of Philadelphia, John 9 Coserave and Itailph Baaslet of Pitobioph, will continue the Wholesale Grocery Idarinem,at lit and PO Wood at. under the firm of • WP•L'itAGALEY & CO, Pidthurlthi and BAGALEY, 'WOODWARD & CO., Philad'. oedi of o.Parsaaernhlp. TtLEbctgar.ZuhiTeriThrslyre of Dro wn b' ;. " dralL th „ ' : son, was dissolved on the tot nut by mutual consent. M. B. DROWN, A. CULBERTSON. Pimburgb, Oct 5, 1545. The subscriber will continue the Wholesaht Groce ry and Commiesion Butiness, as heretofore. at the old wand. 147 Lliwriy or. oetS A. CULBERTSON.. • SOAIPE & ATKINSON, TA am errors., Ntioon too Man., Prrimenruu, gIeiNTINUE to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, 11 TIN AND S.IIF.ET IRON WARE Also, Black smith Work. Steam Hosts Malt to order. • Speeial ...111011 glee. to stem boat work. Have on hands sine asrortment of Copper and Brass Kettles, Ti,, Were, Ae. An Steamboat Crakitg Storm, Portable Forges, various sixes—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, ot rail rm./ companies We would respectfully innte.mists Sal men and others to call and ace our articles ant, priers before pHiMatin• elmschema. 15 .17 DGaola THE copartnership of HENRY HANNEN A. CO., ..J. forrnerly Helmer, Muller Co., in the Woidow • d Colored Glass business, is this day dissolved by the withdrawal of Mr. Fredenek The business will be continued by the undersigned. under the firm of HENRY HANNEN A CO. Ware ' !mime No. IR' Second at, where we will Ore. vilmtv , suppttes of superior Window Glass. JOHN HANNEN, HENRY HANNEN. HUGH ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. Aug. IT, '4O. HENRY UMSTEATS CopaStas , sretslp. T li kn E L ' lL " ::=llL th ZlA -117 = 7.11`ZT !Moe the besincsa as hereofotre. under the firm of B. A. FAIINESTOCK la CO. July 2.1t4X. D'EJ NOTICE. MBE pannerslap heretofore exulting ender the firm of A. lc C. BRADLEY, is dissoleed by the decease of Me. C. Bradley. The bouts raa Intl be earned on by A. Bradley, erhoasill settle the bmaneas of the late Unst. REMOVAL—A. lltonne has removed to Foundry Warehouse from No. 112 Second street, to N 0.12 Wood street, between Eno end Second once.,the warenneure lately ...pled by G. A. Gerry, whets be will beep constantly on band a general assortment of Castings. Grates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, /re. lylk Dinatalsitlotts • ''''k' e7=l b e ' ,73:l;e th7 k Co., Is tics day oissol e n, fn :m1 by ' mutual column. Means Berke b. Barnes Intl Sttlia rhr baszneas of the eone corn, for sinett purpose May are autkortned to use the nunerof the concert. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, • r EDMUND BURRS, • THOMAS BARNES. • The undarstgned hearth. day associated thethaelves to the uaroe of BURKE rs BARNES, for the purpose of anufacturing lAre Proof 'safe, Vault Doors, he. he., m at the stood of the lath firm of Constable, Burke & CO. where they real be pleased to,recei se th e pa tronage of the customers of thaELMt rum. an NDd their Mends U BURKE, TIIOIIIAS BARNES. In retuning from the firm of Constaple, Dark. & Co, I with sincere pleasure recoatronn..ldearrs.ltarke & Dames to the confidence of my _friends and the publte. retg. 9, NATUANIEL CONSTABLE. febl3-da I ~~f.lN~lA~,l~lxllil.`~ P• 012 n•Chillt• ibtlp• 10r WIGHTILIAN--tdogargustargoolj bads Meet; ton and woollen mosattnery, Alla coy agog, The shoo work. being now In fall pacorgotal op craw. I am proposed to 02111010910. Yeti dopotth for all kinds of machinery In say Lose,tuh as willows, pokers, 'pouters, card., grin ritorayo. 4WA.Ming ftantric.:llpoßar,S, 11.1.i*-44111500, warden cords, double or ougle, for merchant or country argot, mulos,joekfro.; slide and hand lathes and goals to gen eral. All kinds of ahgdliag made to order or photo gly. en for goosing (aeon. or mills at rear noble charge. Roos to—Kennedy. Co Blackstock, Bell & CA.. King, Pennock b,Co. J.. A. GMT. _ ____________ ViaREMOVAL. OEO B. MIL TENBELIO Ell S.' R. AIiENT, Forwarding and Communion Mar chant,haa removed to No. 87 Front, between Wood and Smithfield Wee.. unfi IJUK have come PUMPS, made on an tmproved V V plan. so as not to freers in the coldest leeches , Persons wanting such snicks, um invited to cull and see them at SCAIFK & ATKINSON'S, meta lac berwiern Wes , Nliir_ms_ lloactowali RSERT A. CUNNINtiIIA&I has removed to No Co Commercial Row, house formerly incepted by hlorric Orem, where be will be happy in we his Inends and former customers . _ — 'FU rani - ticks. ' ortlo $1,047,4:111 41 94,794 Ea 95,001 ES 41,M2 2 OM 37 JOON D. 11.PCREA11V, Printing Ink Muntfactures, Nos. 111 and 133 Stanton street, NEW YORK—De pot N 0.3 Spruce .trees—Woold call the ausnuon of Printers to him improved Printing Inks of various kinds and orders, at the following prise.: Extra fine JA Black, for Card and Wood Cote $3 00. d 3 Myer tb. Fine Book Ink • - 073 1 0.1 •• Ilona rk • - • 0 0 050 " News Ink - 0 18 t/ " 0 25 Fine Red Ink • 71n ICO 150 Or " Bloc, Yellow, Green and White 750 lOn 150 " Gold .100 at $3 per lb, and Bronze at 50, 73 .ti and SI per oz. A specimen ofliews Ink eon be seen on Om P.oper. For ode by JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON, Pitoburgh, Pa. C. Morgan k Co. Cloonan.. Ohio. Morton to Go•wnold, Lowaville, Ky. JAMES-W. wooDweia.,---- Modern and Antique Furnitur (0, Tu. STILS.:PITTSIMII9LI 2r. A large .d spiendtd ~, g—... atsonment of Furut are, .‘ . • --.. Halle for Steamboats, - .--...-.:- l' Houle and onyx. dwel lings, constantly on hand and made to order. Tim present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by arty mantra... In the western to Persons onelong to pure's.. would do well to pre me a roll, as lam detemu.d my prices shall plena. Part of the stockrum... tn - Tete a Tete, Buffet Lucie., Teats XIV Chairs, Queen B.llsabeth chairs, Tea Pope; bruit Tables, Toilet Tables, Louts X V Cokomoder, French slabogany Bedsteads, Plano Stool., 50 sofas with Plush and 11nm-cloth rovers, 50 Mahogany Rocking Chain, 40 dor Parlor do 30 " Fancy do `XS centre Tables, JO parr thrum,. 4 pam pee Tables, 15 marble top Dresung Bureaus, 8 Wardrobes, 8 Secretanee and Book cases 00 marble top Wash Stands, 4 pa. Ottomans, 8 fancy Work Stands; A ver y a. large assortment of chnonon chat.. and other fund..., too numerous to mention so'Finltee';'„,:lo„a::„."'n^:,!,'"d:mosthe "o - ' - ""' decls Diaphragm IT l. l T l . t it r i r ds , mi t: , o r . 1, 1 1 7. uo yf t : , , Rogge..thau t 1 Water. brie at e e ...; 4. Kole Agents for the sale of Jenrung's Patent thaprabgro biller, for the of nes of Pittsburgh .d Allegheny /011N (lIIPION, Agult, for Walter Id Ultimo, 348 ltroadwaY N.Y; Oct. 10,15113. We have been mingone of the above entries at Ma Mt. of the Novelty Works for three month., on trial, arid feel perfectly uusfied that it Is it useful lIIVE.OII, and we lake. pleasure In recommending them. a um. NI article to all who love pore water. Orders will he Ma...illy received and promptly excoated. moll. LIVING.TON ROGGEN a Co - Itevertibt. 'Mitering_ Ooak, FOR PURIFYING WATER, Which readers turbid rams re by a A 71.1.7 1 AIT:g . tr c' t: 1 : '71 M:. 1 :o; 1 1Qp ,„. a lt hough oleo .d panto the aye, yet k . h if • when It passes . hour through thJs filtering cock, *bows a largo deposit Impure substances, worms, &o. 'hat II the at. mace or less with all hydr.t water. 'lto Reversible Filler. Is neat and durable, and Is lotattended with the Inoonvenience incident tc. other t 01..... as It le °loused ...oat being . detulted Ron Me water pipe , by merely Meant the key or handl. flout 011.1 61e to the other. By this <en pr..'ttt, the C.f. 51 9,01111 Is eh.ged, and all asetunulatione Ic impure salient.. to dnven Mr almost lulantly, ths Wit.. upsarawing the Filter It also pouesses tJ MIMI. of Lolng a stop cock, and as such in my will be very convenient rid economical II can I.• attached when there . any pressure MO or low to • east, tank, tab, Se with ease. Yo be had of ilte rola Agent, 'A, %V WILSON, 1)0117 comer of Fourth .d Market 105_ W vault ht •sta Oast Iron Ratting. TIIS oubtumeg• hox lease to Inform the public that 11 =1 born obtained from the East both e late and dame. for Iron Railing, for houses sod Pars.. wishing to procure hand ..i.i.e poitsr. with... call and examine, and mdge fur the...lves. Hulling will be funushed at the short- L. ., an d 49111. sod tu the Len ma B . timer, al . f .. " .e ltatherca street, Ally hen ? ca suguto dif A. LAMON a & KNOX 0 onstage, Cocoas £O. Ye baker's Atomised and French Chocolate, Prepar cd Hams, Stumm l'ame, aroma, Cocoa IMO ..01011111, mid consumers, who would purchase I 4.8 tinel products of Cocoa, free from adetterauan, aorta quit-dines than tea or eotee, and in quality num r• esesd, the subscriber recommends the above articles, 11..faelotad by hiumelf and stamped with his name. Ills Wows end Cocoa Paste, em delicate, palatable, sad salutary drinks for invalids, convalescents, an d mhcrs, sin pronounced by 0..00 eminent wyefluf to any other preparation.. Ilts manufacture. ere always on sale, In any quantly, by the molt rn ayeelable groom in the eastern • ues, and by the 4 01.44 Ilasses,Oray ea., of llo.ton; James hi Bence k se, Coon; Hussey k hlarray, New Yorlf, Went Mons, Philadelphia: Thor..." V 11 .nmald., end Kellogg gs Dennett,Culetnnau, Ohio. WALTER BAKER, Dorcheiner Maas. War sok by nag'3l 1110ALEV k SMITH, Ago; RNING.• DECEM SPAY MISCELLANEOUS J. GLENN, Book Welders. are anti a in the oboe tetainea, owner of Wood and ild streets,,Pittaborgh where we an prepared to do any wart ha oar li ne with des. 'patch. We attend to oor work petranalti end • • faction anal be giv. to nerd m.ita ne.toesa and de nbility Hlmt lkokirtded,to anY'rot,an bound stannatly. Book. Nu t meat bers orold books bound folly or repaired. ut on WA, in gilt le • • Those that have work 100 ar llneare Waled to - Prices low. raT2Olf — Sealer Cookla to ra dlce AttARSHILI^ WAIIIC3I:I%°, Re tain C.... 0 corner Liben_y Wood umu, =luau an offer for ale Platform, Floor and Counter Seal • of the most improved guality; Cooking Stove for and coati Egg Stara of various ead% Parlor common Grates, Hollow Ware, traa. nay al • manufacture the Kitchen Range, which ku given • • • general satisfaction to those laving it in nal. 1 ... 11 ° which they ',toed reapectfWlfinvite the attention o the titianu and the public gelmrally. 4,27.113. MANUFACTURED TOBACCO—The inbserlba would call the attention of the city trade and deaters generally, to the renewing. broods Tobaccos, to store and to arrive, which being consignments wet from manufacturers, be is enabled to aellot out. ern prices: . 139 1 busß W Crenshaw 70 I " James Madwou as; 841 " Lamartine ss; - 33 • Mirabcao t 3 v Putnam Is and lit; 16 1 " Roberts & Sisson aw, a 1 " Oscar Burl 6s; 9 " Johns it Lewis la; 3 " Warwick, atter Is; " Henry &Juno. ss, Is and Bw, feb2l L S WATERMAN letuarmio, ri. TOILI WRIGHT& C 0.., ste prepared to brilld Conan and Woolen Machinery . plasm deseriptlus, such Drawing,rB.;infina,P=a, fredieer: Incasing Frames, Looms, Cud Uri/Meta, Wrought Win Shafting turned; all else. of Cast Iron, Ponies and . Hangers of the latest patterns, slide and hand Lathe., and mole Mall kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short on line. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron /so. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iron %%iodate Sash and faney Cas tings generelly. Orden left at the Warehouee of J. Palmer es Co., Liberty meet, will have prompt amen- JA: - .141:11 - •InUON. Uon. Refer to 131aekolock, Bo & J. K. Moorehead b. Co., G. E. Warner, Job n Irmo & Sono, Pinaborgh ; G. & C. J. 11. Warner, Steobeoville. 1.19 NEW COACEI FACTORY, ALLIteILIAT. ts. WHITE & CO, rroald rerpectfully inform . the public that they have erected a shop on Lacock,laerween Federal as& Sandnaky mem. They am now making and ate prepared to receive orders far every desenpuon of vehicles, Coaches, Cheriothit Ha. touches, Buggies, Pharons, /cc., he., which fromtheir long experience an the manufacture of the stove work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they we enabled to do work on the most muotiablirterms with these wanting tinkle. in their Paying particular attention to the seleental of cam. nail, and having moo out competent workmen, they have no hesitation In warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N.H. Repairing demi in the beat manner,: end on the most reasonable term, jarOrtf T . O COTTON AND' WOOLEN NANUFACTII- HER:S.—Hastily made arrangement.'toe a coat sCant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell at low prices Calf and Sheep Roles Shilits, Lae* Lew Met. Pickets, Reeds, Shuttle., Hemp Tau. Treadle.' Nu 3 to IS Belt Punches, Wrenches, lambing Cards, 10 in 13 in; Patent Dresser Bombes, W ' [truth s Sc &e LOGAN, WILSON & CO., rept Inn Wee, street, Finsbury/h. I)ORT WINES-01111dT, Webhai & Forrester, ism; r Pure rich and dry, Gould, Campbell h Co.' old dry 1,13. tabours's 1631; Pure Ineth Pore Juicapar 'nestles Port, Harris & Sou, Pure Luca threblo, doa ble and angle Grape. 'Thew wines are all celebra itt for their medical propertma, and can hi had whole sale or retail at the Wine Store of I py , JACOB WEAVER, Jr. . • Pfmiost rime subscriber offers for sale a large ana wt..d‘d rmsonment of rowarood and mahogany grand AC -1 non Pianos, with and without Coleman'. celebrated .Eolian Attachment. The above instransents ere war ! ranted Cr be equal to any nuntufactered this coun try, and swill be sold lower thar any brought from the East F. liLUfd.F., No 1.11 wood in, td door above 3th N. a—City Scrip will be taken at par for a few of be above asebninent myll F. 11. Ilardwa...—Cbaapar than Crari ' r (JOAN, WILSON & Importers and Wholesale 1..• Dealers in Ilvderve, Cullen' end SeddlerYi No Phi Wood street, abuse F/fllLhave now latore• very cheap and well selected anckof Hardware, Imported the decline of pnces in Duey* and winch they arc determined to sell correspondingly low. Merchants who have been in the habit of going East, ant particu larly requested los call and look through acie stock, aa au nit co dently bellere they will save their expences note . W AQTYD, riAILYat the DALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, I/ NEW YORK. DOS PON AND NEW ORLEANS OENEHAL AIifrLSCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE Voang MEN In wholesale and retail cares, and odar respectable honoree, to act as Book-krepers, dales. awn, Porters, Ilarßeepera, Walters, Farmers, Coach. tura Car Agents, Rook arid Map Agents, Collusion, thettseen4 to all braustres of badness, he. We have at all ticus a large number of good situations on hand, atuch pay from ..101t to SLOW per enders. These in want of situations of any Iliad weeld do well to give as a call, as we have agents In each-of the above el. tics, which will citable u to place everyapetcaei to • suitable aituation at the shortest notice. .We have • weball who may ig! acquaintance In OS the above named ed lieri to hi we trust end fairer us with gi a COIL sire enable us to ve vie satisfac- TAYLOR & H., TAYM bet Ai, No. SP Second I ween South and 0.7. N. ll —Persons limns to any pariof the U. States, and welshing to obtain a aituatton llaltlasore, or et. War of the above mutts, will have thmr.wants imme diately attended to by addreasing o. a line, lyoallud) as by so louse they erg! eurtall troth troable and as. pence, 'stitch they otherwise wotld incur by corning to the city, and ...lung employment for themselves. Addreu, TAILOR & TA VaI.A.N, N 0.59 Second street, m Baltimore, hid IleLana In Traumas.. HIS la to comfy that I parch.. one vial of Dr. T Molina's Worm Specific, .on two months ago and gave. to a ma-amine, some mime Verde old, two clam.. WI, and although the amount may appear axle, la I have oo doubt hat there was opera,. of moo Toocueo woo. p.sed from him, Am no quarter of ealoch to two melee to. w noLuniv. lioaers (took. Carrell co. Tenn. Meat. MD. MA BENNETT & BROTHER' IhEEP:NU %V ARE MANUFACTURERS, giratiaghases, [num Pittsburgh.] Pa. Warehouse, bro. 137, Wood aired, PittaborgA. iiiW ILL constantly keep on hand 4 good .oOn. ~,, at War.; of oat own manalactchr, _ N and ~,r , ,,,,,,act . Wholesale and co/inn ov eChants ate respectfully Ln•ltedl.o call and ea cheapero themselver before beeves, as ere are deuirrnined to eell than has en otferedto the pale LOrders sent by tnetlonacompamad by theesah tv renrenoe. wtll Is promptly atter.dvl b!._.anylG 10 THE LADIES—Just ronetvod, a full assornino of gold and silver Thread, Cord and Braid; als• Spangles and Bullion, for etediroidaring and other o narnenud work. Also, gold ond stlverfassels, Fring and Lane. Jentelry of the Stoat fashion., to great variety. Watches of superior quality and ItaaUSSS!_p_altuots, d for sale at Eastent prices. W W WILSON, nog: center Market and Fourth gm ATHEN/CUM BATHING 63TABLIIIII MENT--Open from 6A. M. to ll P. M. Sangl Bath 23 cents, or 6 for I minim' Ladles depattme. open troth IP to 11 A. M. and from Ylod P.M. , The Refreshment Saloons are unequalled in .tyl attendance. Recherche Ice Creams' saw T. hPYALti. Proprietor. Alt - A4MCCR/VE - .11 - ; -- Tilt; attention of ,ha public I. respecuany dulled to the following certificates: Al. K. Plumete—llnving tested • uantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, I find theresole proves your inatrnment correct; and recommend tba nee of it to Mom going to California,tho burl method Mr ob. mining the real value of Gold. Beep. youn, J. D. DUNLVVY; Gold Beam. Musburgb, March 9, I big. Prrnesumu, Match 7, lalla Mn- caret —Dear Etc Having examined the"Areo on manufactured at your room., Ido not hamtate commend it to the um of thong guntlemon who ma about mmoviug 43 California in search of Gold. It giver a clom approximation to the apeelfte groat ty ol metals, and wdl corimuly enablo the advenntrar to amertato when Ida placer as Yielduti Gold. mono ' Four., resp'v. J.O. hiICLINTOCK. y N DI A - IttltiltElt CLOTHING—Just received for the 1 California CamictlitiOn, n -comp leteamr meal of Gam Kinetic Clothlng, at price. ming from 115.50 to all.= for mutt of coat, panto and hat. For wile u the Indio for Limmt, No 5 Wood si devil; J & 11 PHILLIPS olier,s2r wmiTgazo SADDLE, HAHNLMS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN UFACTuRF.—The subscriber takes ltd. method a informing his friends and the public, in genoral that he tomthe 'amain woe Jr of the following named nrti. ess, Trunks and Whips, all oewidett'he will warrant o be made of the best material and by the best mech. antes in Allegheny county, Being determined to sell his manufactures something lower than has been here tofore soil by any similar establishment in the city, he would invite persons in need of the above named atonic. to his warehouse, No. 244 Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine. ry ,ocably 0. KERUY. sitita . B end shoo umILLS OF EICHANE y- E, pa able in Cincinnati, Lonisville and St. Loom, pot. Mourn on the most favorable terms.. Seth N. HOLAIFBR SONS. 11,po " t 1V Ir . Ic! ' in D X . Al ' e n talli: l i t ' uttr i lan " tral! )." r • 3 u " " " BM hoi 1 " Woes' " u Slippers; I " Men`s " " Overshoes; 1 " " 2 , ; " Sandals . I " " leather sorod " Ore sho e.; All of which will be .old, erholesals or yowl, lower than at any house in Out city, ti ''.l tr. H PHILLIS, nosell o 3 Wood street . VVHEAT FLOUR-100 sacks (0(60 RS in store and for sale by novIS STUART tc SILL OAP-123 bx. Cumin.ll, last reed. 10r..J by nov2l RUM , MATTHEWS & E SSENTIAL OILS-1 ono 011 kinrgamo4 " " lAvondori rapport:an!: • • " Bassafram; !Yeah and p.m, for ado by rural J SCLIOONUAKER 3 CO A OCASSI...W-60 bbl. Plantation, landing ham du Mb simmer Manangabeln, ialorltabs by novIS J A HUZCHISON & CO LEAO-1150 f i tt , v 0.21 eIOFFEE-100 bags Rio, lebblyility in" %,./ for sale by oil /AMEBA HUTCHISON & CO p O t T ov. c re, YS tep No I t for yak bY noviS 'roam& BEST Musa! AA WEB.II - -Now openipg A.A. Co's, BB dos Qom and UodorY, of . 11 dead quallUes. sire& 27, 1849 AKINDIRIEVIDDIIiq Ity the President tar the United St.'s, IN versales. of law, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR, President of the United SW.; of America, do hereby deelaie tnad rendre known, that public ules will be held at the andeanantioned Land Offices in the State or briawu,a,r, at the reeds hereinafter designated, to wit: . Al ttin 1.1211 Ogee at JACKSON, coonnencitis on Mendel, the seventh day of January next, for the dis pel of the publie Ittit, sinned within the [lOW =alma toirnstiplt, and parts of townships, we Ittioh PI as baulks, and anal A. AM% principslen• " ridian. • n~a Tothip twentrtwo, (except tensions seven, oe• venteell, inghteen, nineteen, twenty, terearl-nins4 mt . ty, thirty one, and -ttnti,) of range four. l awn hip twenty.two, of range Ilva. Frsedonal township ditsen, end township twenty nixteeti and seventeen, and Praceinial Itlis=pfsfs=,usevtv'entnen, eighteen, and twnistponer lownships twenty.two and twenty three; and sections three to ten inclusive, sixteen to twentpone inclusive, And twenty-nine to tholy-two includes', in township twenty-six, of range eight. Township nineteen,( except tractional seetionathinp on e , thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-fear, thirty-five tlond , and thitty-sixy ) fractional township twanty, and frac. . f slAti , oris t.m • on nw e ! bee, twenty-viz, twenty twelve s thirteen, -seven, th irty-four, ustriy.fise, and tiorthwest (medals of section six, in wnship nlnetnery and (motional townshiptownship twenty, to of range tea North of the tAs hare Una and war ras pvirodpe assridien. Townships twenty-three, twenty.four, twenty-eight and Pep ty.nine, of rasp eight. wnships twenty.tkree, twenty-four twenty-bye, and twenty-eight, of range nine. Townships ' twenty-two, twenty.thrne, twenty-eno, twenty-five, and twenty-mg of range ten. At tlw Land office at SPRINGFIELD; commencing en idesday, the fnaticenth day of J ano ary next, fin the toof the ptiblio lands within the undermentioned ps and fractional townships, vin• Mad efts bass lies, and Wal qf the Atta.principat ens Fractional township twenty-one, and township. twenty-five and twenty-Az, of range eleven. Fractional township twenty-one, of range. twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. Fractional township twenty-one, and township tweu. ty-four, of range twenty-two. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-the. and twenty-four, of range twenty-three. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and twenty-four. of range twenty-foat. Fractional township twenty-our, of ranges twenty five and twenty-six. At the Land Office at CLINTON, commenclug on Monday, the twenty-Ant day of Januarynegg, for the disposal of the pablie lands within the following yarn ed townships, to wit: Mona of SU aawfins, and wen . ths AA4 no.pniots raids ' Township thirty-fire ,of range eurhmen. Lands appropnateff by law for the use of School., mlitary, and Mier porous., swill be excluded from the sales. The offering of the alMve mentioned lands will be commenced on the days appolmed, and proceed to the order in which they are adiertised, with all conveni ent dapatch, until the whole shall have been offered, and the titles thou elated; bat no sale shall be kefir open longer Maoism week., and no Private entry of any of the lands will be adm it ted until after the expi ration of the two week. Glum ender my band at the city of Washington, this fifteenth day of September, Arno Domini ono tisand eight hundred end form-nine. By the President: Z. TAYLOR. J. BUTTERFIELD, Commimioner of the General Land OM.. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. .Ev y a o 7ll,lo . nrix ,i t n ot,h w e .right od to f townships above enumerated, is repaired to eitablialt the same to the satisfaction of the Register and Recei ver of the proper Laud Mee and make payment there for as swami pracdeable Wier sewing this notice, and belon the day appriimed for the commencement of the paid. sale of the lands embracing the tract claimed, otherwise Bach claim will be forfeited. J. BUTTERFIELD, Commissioner of the General Land Office. oethellawl3.W Bwu mad Shoes. SPLENDID assonance% lltht mom...L=o.lls for the Fall and WthrerTrade, conidaSnE_itt pan of N'S, WOMEDP.OIfS', MISSES ' AN D CHILD REN'S WARE, o very variety and style, and at prices to suit the times. Those wishing to eureka., wholesale or retail, will And it la thew advantage to give us a call and examine fee themaelves. ss . . . ectl7 corner Fourth and Smithfield cis. v.Dean forget the Ph.. SAM' . L. GRAY, HERCHBT TAILOR, MEI= IT. Emus STILLST, PITTSBURGH NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And is now meting a line saiioraneat of CIATBS, CAI6IIIE6E4 AND TBISTINGS, OF THE HEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Which ha is prepared to snake to olds ' IN TITS BOIT MANNER And to th• * latis•t r•shions.. Oet PITTSBURGH PERALIC INSTITUTE plus Invfifinv, under th e care of See. J. hL HOS. J. HORN AND LADY, will reopen on Ilenday, the 17th of September, In the same TOO No. 62 Liberty urea. Having limited the number of their pnpile, the Principals hope ta merit a confirmation of that liberal pmronage they have hitherto etuoyed. Perm. worded theiras Gm every edvantage will be afforded their duskier', Irptseed ender their charge, ob• tabling a thorough Englieh, Clamical, and Ornamental education. augthhdtf - -` •=IIIIBIARY, ra-mamr, TC com E AUence TUMN o OV , SION Ws Institution will mn the ant Monday In SapLember.— Roam on Federal atmot.M "Colonado Row," MI door , • • • . from the bride , . Rants or Tol7loll PIZ 6141071 OT RYE Men.. English Department, including Reading, Orthogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Crammer, Rveto- Logl,e EugU.& Composition. d and higher Criticism, o hes Geo c tummy, Solon!, Physiology, Geology, Intelleetual and Moral Science, and all Other branches requisite to • thorough English Elaceuen • • -La au Olassital Dep.tment,lnclo dins the Laun and Greek LaFges, each - - • d ch no on Ste 00 The services of competent teachers are secured for such as desire instroction lit French and Germ., and also is Drawing, Painting and Music. It is desirable that popiis enter at the commence ment of a session, yet they 'are reeeivo4 ar any, ume,. and acecharged at the above rates from the time of entrance. No deductions are made for abseneds, ex t cps is eases of protracted illness. Farther information may be obtained, and implica tions made by calling up the Principal, et his rooms ou Federal meet, or at his lodgings in "Irwin's Row," Liberty street, Pilltburgh,,boliTten 3a arni 4th swear, or by srldressir4, through the Pittsburgh Post Grace, the Principal. N. %V. Allegheny, Aug. 7, Ifito. dtf • —• PITTIBUUGU IFIBMIA.LZ INITITUTIC j fr HE Second Session of this Imtlitsalon under the cam of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.., for ' the present academic year, will commenre on the OM of Fe.ea ry next, In the same Mailings, N 0.82 Libetlyetreet.... Anantrentems have been made by which they will Le able to furnish yoneg ladles facilities equal to any in the West, for ebtauung a thorough Englishveleset: eel, and Ornamental education. A full coarse of Pb,. limphical and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during din winter, illusuwed by apparel.. The de. parimentsof Vocal and Instrumental Music Modern Languages, Draw. and Punting, will oath ' . under the care ofa competent Professor_ By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pa. Hs, the Principals hope to mesti &continuation of the liberal ronage they have bitto P rinci pa ls. For tenon,See m elretliOT or apply to the il lo -dd . Prrnountan, Sept. to, 1849. 1k511... TILOS. X. HIBBERTt—Dser Pie Tour WRI- J.V.I. TING FLUID We have now been using more than et year, and on looking over the entries made by it, we find the color • bright blue blocs. It is pleasant to mute with, thews (roe, and dnes not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in tise. Wishing coo the ready wile iu menu "'e el' we are, your. re Srd e fU l A r' le CO. Poe sale, together with Bibb.. Red Ink, and Ma chine Copy Ink, by B. A. Fahtirctock H. P Schwa., Allegheny City, and by the miumfacturer T. K. Hibbert, Druggist and Chemist, comer of Latter ty and Smithfield Ms, Pi...burgh. 00113 ereilemee rsuria rearms amnia .Neril. sum FAMISH, HANNA is CO., (Successors to Ramey, Hanna tCo.) MhANXERB, EXCHANGE RROXERS, and denten JOI in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, °tonneaus of Deposita, Belk Notes, arid Specie—Fourth meet, neatly oppealta the Rank of Pittsburgh. Car rent mo ney monad en dap:WU—Sight Cheeks for sale, end eolleetions made art nearly a/1 the principal point. in the United States. The highest promlampald mr Foreign and Angelic. Gold Advance. made on consignments of Produce, ship ped Eau ort liberal terms. apx GREAT IN VENTIONt—VALUABLE IrISCOVERIO Purer Sacra= /strum 11EnsHamra,9. Patna rms./toe =Swim nabla, cu, Hamra, Book Cana Wetting LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON. ICFIE TABLES far mousing every other in caution albs kind now extant. They.esa be en vied t, m tweigyliee , teet,end *me e!oeed laded imam ten to meta., - the leaves am all containedWeide...the are Made to ill and shapes, and are etinikabr i p aapted for gkambosta, Hotels, sad large private amines, fens kg when closed • complete centre table. DOPAS AND BUREAUS—These ankles are Inval uable, pardealarly to three who wish to keno. Wee room, and convert • sleeping apartment into a parlor or strung reran, LS they .11 bLi Gpa d and abut eauvenknea, and when shot, the bedding is ed. Agreat. umitag In moot and ram. All the bed= meadawbou elated form • beartilhil pike of Straiten, fo llteffil l YAll,lta g mat ' and ;meal article (or peeler or drawing room. WEITINGIDESIES—Per law cakes, manning rooms; arid other teems when vaned ameaconvenient bed. stead, veltencloaed• perfect Desk and Librarl: alone viskba. All these ankles need ao recomatendationt the beam) of the whole is,thcr are warranted ant to get Our of repair. It will be for Tour intereita to call and meek. the ankles, at the matutfactarers store No. b 3 Tbkd street, Pumburgh. In addition to the ed.'s . . " =L L pr taltr #Tooiwitu.. li a iVkllßON !CO ALCOHOL LID:PORK BOIRIVI, Corner Front and Vino streets. Clatinnati. O. ORDERS rims Prnsbafor AleabaliPure BOWL% Raw or Rtabletd Fanstey, will be promptly at. ended to at warbet price. =chill:ear mihrBORRED .PIANO AND TABUS eueb an—e Jr 4 large anorovent oPF.mhaesed Plano and Table Coven out be Toad u W IFCtircoek% Carpet Warw hope. at redwood pin& Cali sad anima Wore . purchasing Owyhee. AI. tut treAttsii COPE b. V FOGLE Ty, or We' ASSEY 6 • FAY/CT - TM PILDRIIIIIM BLAMKETB• WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC PLANNED WE one now receiving from the futory a Taiga V supply of these goals, _which we are selling low. er than such good. can be lied elsewhere in this city. We ase no aetds in bleaching, the , bier" g" "; mu object being toprodoce goods not for .how only, but for comfort and durability, and es such they re ceived the first premium over all other goods exhibit ed at the late Allegheny Agolcultual Fair. , For sale at the Blanket Depot, No. dd Market et, end at the mate rooms of the Fayette Maagactaxing Co, ' No. ILI Second at. Blankets of our Manufaeture are sold In Allegkul City, by Mr. John Dean, and also at the , Big Windows,” Federal m. oetllS THE subscriber has on hand, (received the present season, consigned from the manufacturers, the fol lovring Goo d., winch be is authorised meta,, atprices very tom 30 pieces yard wide Barred Flannel. 250 elite Whim Bed Hie/Mete, ribbon bound, rig pounds: to the pair. I ease /50 pairs Steamboat Blankets, ribbon bound, a. very siiperlor article. 4 cams leler pairs) Grey bilged Blankets. perior • be prs Dark ai Gentianella Blue Blankets, a very su trticle. 8 eases Grey and 13lue Blanket Coating: 40 pieces Tweed, Br... Manville make; t case .11•0 fl edpelalli and barred Jeans, Steubenville maratfectory, The ebove goods am all consigned direct Gore the maker, and will be sold very low for cash orapprombd notes.. °cep H. LEE, Liberty sr, opposite Mb. ,d ililllll7Tilliti - has commencen tote m:so a J. ; large assortment of Woolen Comfortand Baskin, Berlin, buckekin and +woolen Glares; Thibe . l . nloth,',lnous de lain and blanket Bliawlk; cash mere,' orstod and woolen Hose; Pongee and Jinni, Ildkr silk and satin Cravats and Scarfs; Gimps and Fringes; Irist Linen, Table Covers, Crapes, Ribbons, lace4blea hod' Muslim, Tabby Patent Thr chedeads,,newcol ored ing Bilk, Banana, Gum Sam WW e.- 1., dem, Pins, Percussion Cam. Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Wittches, Combs, pock. et and table Cutlery, 'and many other goods whtcb country and eity . lderchants are respectlely invirnd o esassunrn , . ppluit BIANCIVACTIIRING CO., ASANUFACTFRF. an will keep on hull Family JY.I. and Steam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flammla blue, 'gown and drab Blanket Coating, Satinets and Woolen Yarn, whirl, they will sell as Eastern pikes. Warehenwe'Ne 1113 theeend at, Pittsburgh, Pe Factory, New Haven, Fayette co. Pa. sorri • • • • min have Milt received a lupe tad complete .toclt VT of CLACKS, Variety and Fttac Gdods toita ble lot the fall trade, TO which , with elm dem' maim, of. Looking Glamesmanufactured at oar own meant power-Mop this shy, We ask MO attention of West ern hietchants and other &Wont. KENNEDY h. SAWYER. • aptlo comer Wood and Fourth ata ARE now recetviit,g their usual mpplies of Goods for the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to their old cavemen, and as many now ones as may fool inelmed to present themselves. /slivers taking great pains to lay in such goods-as are adopted to the wants of the Western Dade, which long esperieme enables them to do, they can my with muck confidence, and without entering into o detail of their mock, stunt the Wmtern retail tneenhnnt wtil find with them all that his customers requite. Thom who ham formed the unprofitable habit of repricing to the IF:mum cities for their stocks of Dry (Mods, woot l do wall to mil, as a candid comparison of o vn ces ould in many cases malt in tie conviction that the egpmme ofgoing further may be °Waned by tug ingArntsburgh. Todd 1 SHISOKLIDDT 1. WHIT/C., DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 WWI) STREET, EE now receiving • very large, meet of fres/ Goods, of recent purchase and importation,which they . 'mill sell to the trade at such prices as cannot fail to ger., entire satisfaction. City and Count/ Men:b pu rchasing arc invited to call end examine our meek before urchasing elsete/ 675 00 -. t CIIIICIECEBING , II PIANOS. RECEIVED and now open for exami nation,• new and splendid assort mein of 7 Octave Pianos Insia.Chick. erinr Bonne, among them a full carved Louis XIV. entered foram of our chimes, who has tindly pe rm itted tl to remain in my ware room to day Wednesday} b ea rt:um These who may have • de 're to me and this splendid specimen of an, are iespec Cully invited to call te day Mike store o I 70IIN II 31ELLOR.81 Wood st Agent for Chickering's Pianos for Western Pa. octl: -- 0 y Oysters! EIRRIsTa &CO'S Daily Express Is now regularly de /101ivering Cm and Shell OYSTERS, winch we of fered to dealers and Willies at the lowest prices. Quality warranted equal to any brought to this mars tet and for sale by J. C. INDWELL, Sy, Water at Also—At the following depowt—Reisrger, cor ner Smithfield and Second sts; E. Heatleton, Diamond; Metier is Robinson. Federal st .Alleshrwr. .oetls iIE fart of NICKLIN &DRYDEN being dissolved the undersigned vrill enatinuethe Fomenting and Commission Business at the steam boat...landing, FRANKLIN, and respecenllv informs his friends that he has gone to the expense of a heavy thaitance on the'vearehousa and aohtents : for several Teams and traits he mill give entire a...action to all who may rammise him. lie vnD reedy. freight at the Lower Landing. oetl2 JAIIFA DRYDEN. LpWnLL vz.zwonna, DRY GOODS, Za ===l==l DEW GOODS DRY GOODS; nUILPHY, WILSON & CO, 1:121031 TOO 000 MOVAL 4.10 rosurrevr cum 0/ .1.01113050 4.111,0 WWI ST MM. 1111,TS 07 TOe IMMO ' OE mart IL 111111171.1,1 r. Scrofula er King's Evil, Rheumatism, °bedtime Cum. neou. &moons, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Giles, Chronic SOP , Eyes, Rios S Worn' or Truer, Scald Head, Enlargement md Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubbern Ulcers ' Syphilde Symmons, - Selatica or Lumbago,—cu d disease. aflame from an injudicions use of Mercury, Act toes or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, a.c. In this preparntion areatroriely concentreted all the Medicinal properties of Sanapantla, combined with the most effectual olds, the moot .1110L17 production., the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and 'lt has been so fully tested, not only by patients them selves, but al.. by physicians, that It has received their mqualified recommended°na and the approbar don of the public; and has established, on its own merits, a reputation for amen mad orrice. far rope. riot to the •arlons compounds bearing the name of ' Sarsaparilla. Di.lll.llell hove been cured, tech no ire not furnished in the records of time-pan; and whet It has already done for the thousands who have used It, It Is capable of doing for the million. will suffering sod struggling with disease, It purifies, cleanse% and strengthens the fountain springs of life, and Infuses new vigor throurrhorit the whole animal frame. ANOTIOR CURE OF SCROFULA. The foLowing striking. and—m will be seen—per manent mire of so Invetenue case of Scrofula, COl2l. .mends itself to all similarly afflicted 'Souserroxv, Conn,/ ari. 1,1818. ?deem. Sands: Gentlemen, Sympathy for the Met. ed induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarmtparille, lu tho ease of my wife. She wos severely aillicted with the Scrofula on differ ent parts of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her Mobs much swollen. Alter naming over a year, and finding no relief from tho remedies used, the disease attacked one leg, and be low the tree suppurated.' Her physician advised it Mould be hid ohich was done, but without any pen, w perament benefit. la this ululation we beard of, and were Induced to me, Sands' Barsaparill% The first bottle prodnced a decided and favorable effect, reliev ing her mere than my prewription she had ever taken; and before she need bottles—ta the astonishment and delight of her friends—she found hey health quite restored. Il e s now over a year sinerstWestra wen ef. Mated, and hr health remains good, showing thit the &acme was thoroughly eradicated from Me systere• Our neighbors are all knowing lathes. fects,and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. Tours with respect, JULIUS PiRE. Extract from a letter received form Mr. N. W. Her o i s. L °.g.` u er.;°aY:rith y o ur Ssrnapseillu, who was snacked with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. °Your% truly, uPredericks Hull, Tee July 17,11345 N. . W " HARBI6. SANDS' 13...1,11.1,—1L SeGittli almostumnecena ry to direct attention to en article so well known, and so deservedly poptilar,nethls pteummionlbutpatterm lon who wish to use the extract of Sarsaparilla, are Induced to try worthltsu compounds bearing Menem% but containing little or mum of the virtue of ibis valu able root and we thick we Cannot confer a greater benefit on our leaders than to directing these attention to the adveresenter tof the Messrs. Bands, In =other column. The bottle has recently been enlarged to hold a quart, and those whawish greatly good amide will Ind concentrated In this all the medicinal value of the root, The experience of 'thousands Ms proved Its efficacy he cuing the varlom diseases for which it is recommended; and at the present Wee more thut any. other, pertain% Ls this medicine thsefithfn Orepa. ' sing the ;quoin for a charms of searunt.willems soar: nal, Sept.ISIS. Pfepared and sold, wholesale anCrirtaili. by A4ll. & D. SANDS, IBMS* gad Chemise, led Fallon street, corner ofWilliam, New York. Bohr alio by Drug ' gists generally throughout the Uniteddillates and. Cane ads.. Priest SI per bottle; di bonlesfor Fer sale byL.WILCOJL B. A: FAHNDIFTOCRC & CO, end EDWARD FENDERICEL Pittsbakoh. Ale so, by Dr.II:I3IdITH, Brldriernier. idellldedullkwT 14R. ELILLII EATON'S CERTIIICA.TE TO DR 13. JAYN—ThIa cendes, that immediately atm hay ng attended my brother, who died of commotion In Iffarch b. llllB,llnts taken Welt with the Commotion or Laver lam, and wan reduced so low with the Dwane, tins 7 or four yearn t waa linable to attend to my bum.s, either at home or .broad, beied for the most time coplauci to my hed. Dories the above ear ,— od of time, I had ermaed for medical anandanoe o regular Physicians and medium, to the amount of gsttq anthout receiving any benefit therefrom. In /an IBA I conanenceW MI! Dr: dense. hlettl dine% and have taken them mo or Mes ever _move, mud believe that It was by persevertny In thelr use, that I can tow wall say that I Itave com=l vtYiW yrees-. sexed my health. I belIG test dene'tt and Expectorant am the family nrwEeince tow In ase.. I reside In Sprtojilold, Otsego may, N. Y., and only on v. (mace end mutate , gap in Mat plate, and VI Zia Interested 10 any exanner_te Me Welles shove esetholoss, wad make mine i Viekte i tor 14 21. eta of Rem maimed. . o f mesa, N. y, 1.612. 1.4 MEE •-if igili r ,t it 4 ;Iry :,-.-.: ,i ,, i'.4 We. . .. We. Sal... SEJ ' riI!VI•EMR, ?iy,tiLltri , DOCTOR,. '...,„ ..... ~.• ... s. riorpt *mi . sitars, il. ....t• .-., Alr, IL E.l4ellems—Deareirf k ik r t.,.....n.,,,„.,,.... Witte pablicr, as well as ..fribe prodil . „ =WWI ,•,.. -co - ' , pill to state the &id elects praltlen Ilts kit kr.if my Own true. Darin thstwoultstg 15.141 vemtmseell, mY gram i fl a , %t Mida. - !•‘ .2 r' ' entirely. pros Will Pi . shouldem I was tobf byibuldtbalsdinlkalailako 6 .. : .• wawa severe attack orilydrentalghlem , ltoollrola ,-, ,. - ral boxes of Nixie's Lisldinleslusli l /015= 0 ~•. •••:. which I um willow soul On 1 43 al I wes muting versa I Ansa/ ,dji =a l C 7- Pai 1 1" ) ...." 1 .. ', Worse; under the mall.,sf. fy ....61iT:. Worse; bat, forateately, lan as ith lg ui SissZttinia_ : . by, the Rey. L ?aloof, if thia pisehthat*Ml=mlsti . sent him • box of Same Liyerlills Lima .. ~,,.....,•;. Which hid benelned it Welt lima: .I'' ~L . ., , , P i.1:. . . sent for a box of - unu• Unrest) litittal, k1:11,V744 40tht" .• , '.. wu door using liana wail Unnee tux. . - . • - . ~. Me medldbie that • sane' 4 iny rise .' lafth , 1fi ,, ,1r.1 . ~. and look Ire or six bans, sad lassaldrt=l" " Az . ."S : i• entirely eared; but in /Welt Int I sf• .. , .. I cold; whieh read bank the' MAMA t illelishOrtituri 111. tit.tti wet us bed u our. I. ala#Lbld,,,eM a ...2lL'ilytni..l ' •:.• '• your Liver PK% end took llt,.,'"e*/°`........"7 ..'. - . .." six weeks, audnecaslonallysisue,lent IOW; oiniallYs?li.: lin ... , that / unser say. that I. teal 1111/8 /I. ~PaLt r gla•r..e, TO .... i• of the Liver Complaint, -L aud rafgensm • . ..,. good now as ft has barn for ilinissill yang cvla t:t...t..0 -, fdy nelightnas ask Ma-who wu UM dfc-•.. Vat, ••• .., ii... them that Kellese' 'Boe r Pills - was try f ded . Lid ' 10 , t' - ' , ', :.- itts blessing of DiYineProvidencatheislestal=ina,.. l ',, zi . .:3,, , am. I ant confident thMerhen tbe_Pahle b A 6".. ~-. '.‘." .!.%- quainted With the :Lahore yeast Liver EllbrOhil•da . •••• , Y. mend Err them wf , l inetalS.l. , bbbarettATlOM i;I:s IZCS , ; ' to whom , I recommended the plla un ~,, • • ' their value, as well as In the factsuboyetteMeLl" , , 4 .- ' ..." 4 " Respectfully yount, . i .e ..4. 1 =U0.P.7. ,V.1t43 - .1 .6 To vim PratsciL-The OTXInal, Saes. W gese._, , i' 17,11 '. 3 .:,:f . sfts. Wes:Pills are lor i e . peld,llY . FeMsd a ,... o . ? c,...5. - .•,1 - . •.:, , have hp raga mampea bl lb , mime each lox, and Ins tagnatereoti Om eatsalerlMAPern tic'. 004 .. . 1.7• All others are counterfens,nr,assoWur__%, il 12'.J • ''. spt27 R. E SELI,ERS, Proprietof; ST 000 •"l ~ - , ii . !: • IIfkILITYCIN MSETII.6. - • ' ~a f fit ". ... j /Wan by thd name of ILI/Mawr mtt,.... , ......0,7.,,, , With n . o min of the name of S. P.Towneen uses hi name to pat up t •Satveparills,.whlskr.they 10'1...,. .... cell llr.%To.rasend , •. sataapanua,,ro.7”o^VrAdlit..,4% t ...., , GENUINE, °aerial,. etc.. This Townsend is no . Mria. ,, 7 ~.._. toyand never w as; web formerly a ertaktranMbtaia:;. ... reeds canals, and the iika,..Tet Ito assume ths ti11e,..../ bra l .., of Dr.; for the propose of gaining credit for witaftels .. - ....., nos lie Is sending oat card, lseaded , ...Triclat M1,...:4.17 ' •:• Quacks," in which he says, I hero sold the use 0fmry,..,,.,:._;,,: . - name for Si a week. I wi l l gate K. Thernsenilla; ,—. •'!!"- Ulm will probate one single sollatyprolled MM.,. L ,i.r.,i; .:- . ',.5, Thlr is to emotion the pablie not to beLdeeutvedr. oitll p hase none but .Me GENIIINE'OHIGINALI O - ~,,V 1 ~.. Dr. Jacob Taionnona's Sarcaparillai havbi1t,. 4 . 4 ...„ .; • - ••sil Old Dr.'s likeness, his family.coat of Ripy4SS) , S ,,, is - . .-. nature ace ass the coat of elms.: • - ••.,.,--- ....-• eel • ~ • • 1 : % JACOBIONY.DSM Pr.,1!..i11;1'1 .' :::: rib,' cipal Ottlea, imt piton at, Near I oft CAT. •- . OLD . r , Dourort ~,....: ~,, i. ....',... JiCOB .., 4, ; 1 ,AIMBIBEti THE ORIGINAL :--:-. -- - ..DlROO!iilirk :' . , 'OD TER TOWNSEND INANSAP.SE.Daai Old Dr. Townsend Is new about :0 yeamo(eaimtd: has ling beco hemwn as the AUTHOR and DISCO , s , VEBER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL°TO'9 e O3END . .. SARSAPARILLA.. Being peer. heamis ti Incht its manufacture, by which meara b. bent kept ou t of market, and . *Gee' eitevenseribed • thmeord., who bail proved its words andliTiown its . value. This Gloom .11:1 UmmusumiPaarissatert ' • mantifarrared on the largest' Neale, malls cella for tbr i c .. ?:=ar y l o be g lernat . e . brelt d h L of I t:us age, And lICTISZ ch ueg anges, bat for the hatter; : tte becanacit itfi o rrip g ar:d . on amenufie principles by a emanation:an, h t knowledge of Chemistry, 'and the latest' P diseciveries of the Art, have all been brought inso • quisilion the manufacture of .the Old Dr.'s damp.. 'ilia., The Sarsaparilla root, It la well knoarn tO mati teal omen, contains medicinal propertics,and some VDT, Perims which are inert or useless, and others, which; if retained inpreparing it_ for use, produce 'formable- , don and acid, which is inurious to the symem. :Soma • of th properties of Sarsaparilla are a* volatile thgv • • they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepaa- • non, if they are not preserved by scientiba proems, „ known only. to those experienced in its manufacture." - Moreover these volarile prineiples, which fly olln va per, or us an exhalatiognuder beat, are lie very es- . ended medical properties of the root, which gives to ' - • - - GIGNITINSL • • • . OLD DR. JACOB TO Wti;vEli D'S SARSAPARILLA' is so prepared; that all the inert ptopertieg of the mipstrUls root are first removed, every thing capable' , of becoming acid or of Ormentation,,s extraetel me 0=1; then every panicle of meeal. virtue is wow , red ion pure and concentrated form; tad thee it is rendered incapable of losing snj of its oalnable uut heeling properties. Prepared in ads way, it is Meet*, the most perwerfol agent in the CURE OF INNUMERABLEVISEASES. Irene Memnon why we hen ennuneadation on every side in its favor by man women and children. We . find it doingwonden in die rare of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and - Lint Complaint, and in Rhermathine, Scrofula and Piles, Costiveness all Cutaneous Drop rh"tt'Sitlfh!!' TA,V:!F!,l 6 .°T,.. fi ' m g f'"a IMPURITY 'OF THE BLOOD. lapossesses a marvellous efficacy in all complattim arising from Indigestion, from_Amdity at the Stomach; from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of tbe heart, cold feet and col hands cold chills and hot flashes surer the body. it hen reit• had its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expecburation. and gentle perspiration, relaxing ada ptor oldie longs, threat, and every other past. . But in nothing is its nacelle.. more manifestly seen and acknowledaed than in all kinds and images of , ypIVA r.g COMPLAINTS • • It works wonders in eases of fluor alba% or whites, Falling of the Womb,Obstructol, &topsail:l.4er Pain-. • .(al Menses. Irregularity of the menstrual penoda and the like; and Is effectual in easing all forms of the Ed ney Diseases. By removing obitructions,anA regale- -• tin the general system, it gives tone and strength .. • the whole hair, md cures all forms of - NERVOUS DISEASILZ AND DEELLITY; aml thus pre vents or relieves a great variety of other diseases Spinal Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vima - Donee., swooning, Epileptic Flta,Constilitons, he. la tiof this, then, eraalaucins Ton PAliEirmarrbe Neu Out can any of these things be said of S. P.•Tewn' ••• scoria anterior article Thu yeang mares lied is not to he • COMPARED WITH THE OLD D because of the Grand Pact, that thevale le incapable of Detencusnon and NEVER SPOILS, while the . e DOES; it sours, ferments, and blows the bottles containing a into fragments; the anus, • aeid liquid eg- - ;•• ploding and demist:3g other goods! Meat oath'. fall° conspound be poisonousto the argent! What! Whatacid Into • system already diseased with acid! What elitism Dyspepsia but acid! Do we not all know Mat when food sours m our stomachs, what mischief s"' it'producasl -flandenee, haul/tam, palpitation, of the _; bean, liver complaint, Maritima, dysentery, cholicAnd corruption of the blood ! What is &row. but an acid - homer in the body! What produces all the humeri' j which bring on Eruptions of the Stitt, Scald Head s • Salt lihmumEryaipelas,White Swellings, FeaeoSonw, and all uleerenont internal and =email- It Mina, n. tog under heaven but an acid substance, which sense, and thus spoils all the fluids of the kelp, more esteem.' What causes litheumatiaus but a non, acid fluid, which insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir 'Rating arid tuflaming the milder and delicate, tissues luxin which it ems! no of/serum. disesseei, of impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and . nearly ill the ailments width afflict hula. imam ' • • Now, Is it not horrible to make and sell, and Mardi. . ty worse to one this SOURING, FERMENTING, ACID "COMPOUND"' OF S. P. TOWNSEND! end 7.1 he woald fain have it understood that Old J. ' cob Townsendis Genuine Origami flanaparilla, Is art Imitation of by inferior preparatioe /leaven forbid - at we ahould deal In no Mile% • which would bear the most dimwit resemblance to S. P Towheend's article. and which should bring down upon the Old Dr, each a =untrue load' of etimplalnte ' nd ere:Mentions from ageno who have sold, andnim, chasers who have aced S. P. Townsend's Fermenting Compound ! tVe wish it understood, because it as the. allergen,. truth, that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jicitd, - Towage ad's Sarsaparilla areheavetbwide every nod. infinitely dissimilar; that Melt-are unlike in every par. , denim, taring not one single thing in common. It is to soma treads upon • the unfortunaid," to year balm into wounded humanity ' 'to , kuulle hope In the despairing bosom, to reatoreliealth and bloom and vi. ger into the crushed and blinker, and . tol In ardshfibral ty—that old DR: JACOISTOW.NSEND ha. SOUGITT hod FOUND the opportanity and means hi liting his Gaunt UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY. Within the intr., and to the knowledge of all who , need it, that they may leant and know, by joyfelek-, perienec, its otantsmanzli POWIT TO 111. LL Foe sale by J. KIDD & CO.. Wholesale Agent , the Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Bitmingbann Dr, J. SARGENNT,AIIetbeny; Dr. J. CASSELL; Firth t • heard, G. W. GARDNER: eith vgard,Pittsbargh.s9 Jaynes , Expatteatressati ^ • Samoa : Colambisaus c0.,0., Apr, Sly JAM, TAR. D. JAYNb.S: Ilan feel. bound to yea J 1 11.111 i 1 the. afflicted puha., to avail myself of this op. ;portunliy et giving gmbllcityna thecatraordhini - y abet' of your Erpeetorant on myeelf. Ilzklbeen for - several years with n savereloug - hiliDeTever and its emmornitant diseues, and only doomed to linger oat a short but miserable existence, mail the fall of 1510, when being More namely netted, Mu' baring resorted to my. formegremediea, and the ma ecripnoui of two of the mast respectable physicians= the neighborhood without &aims any beneiti. er , llo consolatictri of turirbring hat a few: dayit.or,ltreeks lo bitshestorhen - the lt.t &tin ' of hope was itboul mulish, hed recommended. to me your Et-peewit/11.- and blessed by that Being who, dons all tineliv o me oldie mean= 'contrary to fhe expecte:lmM or my phyaiciana and friends,' was In a few daynralied foam my bed, and was 'enabled by the ase of a WISH, a , attend tO my !Maine., cab:lying Once better healMithah I had for ten years previous. Respeetklly yews, kc., Jan W. EMU: :Per mile lea Pittsburgh at the Pain Tea ittere,7ll Fourth street. Ofttoo of the Dalawavii Mutual Rarity Rats; ••• anivantia'Costspassis ••• • • .'. • . ' ' PeltHnsnite,Noi. dtbll3o2 ‘. TBoard of Direetors hove, ibis day, oressoli' a ..L . ' dividend of TEN PER CHNT. in tempi oottif IM profits of the Company foram year ending OetobeteßlS 184.0, certificates for which will be Loaned on k snd a ft er the first dal of,Dceeniher next. '' ' • AlsO, a dividend of BIX PER CENT. ineash; on Die eit.iu stock and scny previonely kruidLpatahle SH above. • . RICHARD& MA N D B. NEW BOLD, Beig'st., • movie, P. EIRA, AV, Pa. • • GIIZZAWOOD °mum" I LL 12. open for visitirs mall thee Ist - F llll ry, 1950. 01 awn and other Halvah:menu e to the season Intl be kept. The 'greenhouse, roe.. alining a large collecuon of rue end choke Motor be open to either,. Galante neatly pat op at short notice throughout the reason- •An Or:imbue leaves the Allegheny end of the-St cleft . Street_.- Bridge, every half hour during the deli rennin; to the Garden; and the forty beat, Captain Walker, runs. • from the Point, landing • short dieumee abeve the Gar den. Pamcs wishing to spend the -hoping, Ell be aCcommodated with return Onutibas .st t 0 Webs& 10, M.y. Kept on Temper o43 ance prinelples and closed on suds MALN. Atiaamovost Saloon wad neastpaßS ll . o . • pat: PROPt a RIE bow., TOR Is 1301 , . POW.. ••••• up meals all in amp aaatanytittita by the day ay weak. .T,IPT•su. spa% WANTED—Whits .1.1017,V;i0" ED130101: Malts' V • • • erage e s engrad tacitrill4 . Ali author of .Typecyn "thawe _ „___ dime,. of KingAlfredorEoglaad,l7 , Ab BidCwEa tha S°" IIVSTOrt ISTOOVIter. nov2l we= Third 104 1 - . ... - - . ,-...-- ...L . . k,-;.'' . '.:k.;.''. ---•-•-kg•' vr , l ? , ,:k.t.::1,:t 7, 14. .4:_;: - :' '-.; ~: ',, - ;. ~_ . `~~' "IViT .1 ?'.755,1t,;.„ . . ..,; ;