MM=== TtiVeITTSBURGII GAZETTE. TUMMY. KOHN !NG,. DER 93,1849. • Vi i.. as elicar minas ma] 1...... r . - E - 13 - lIMNT'S, .MESSAGE. 'P! titiina Ida' • • 7. ea hares .1 7 • • • • rtiribitvo eis • • blare the establish' mesa of tbldCkrrernment, and e Congress of the United Sabel spin eseembled • legislate Elf an emptie orfneentes. The predi• sof evil prophetailltho kouterly Pretended to • If the downfall of cair temOtatrons, are now • timbered only to be de. Tided, and the United • •es of America, at this moment, promet to the world the meat stable and 11nrigniveniment en ea h. -Bosh Is the mull o the labors of those who have gone befoul no. poe Congress will Cad ; gently :depend the fin • mainutinanee et eau aye. istaiol free governme • and the transudealmt of it unimpaired to pose ty. 'We are SS peace wit all the world, and *eel' to otalutam oar cherished • of amity wab the bf Mukha& • Turing the past year have been bleated by a hind Providence watt an abundant* of the foam of the earth; although the destroying angel, fora time, 'Mika extentsva pintoes of our territory with the 'rang& of a &muffed peatileace, yet the Almighty ; btu at length deigned to stay his hand—to restore ;the inestimable blasting, of general health to a people tarsi have acknowledged hi. power, depre cated his wrath, and implored his merciful Nalco lion. 'While copying the benefits of amiable in . terenurse with foreign nations, we have not been insemrible to the oisizactions which have prevailed •in other quitters., It is a proper theme of thigh*. 'gi ring to him who rule. the destinies of nations, ' that WO have bean able to maintain, amidst all • Iltestrimitests, in Independent and neutral position towards ad belligerent powers. .Chir s e stina toward Great Britain is of the most :.. - Liendly character. In coneequence of the recent • alteration of the British- Navigation Acts, British . trends hem British and other foreign parts, will ... (ander existing laws) slier the first day of January - sslMt, be admitted to enter in our pore, with mopes of the growth, manufacture, or productions •04 . every 'put of the world, on the.same terms ' as .to dales, imposts, end charges, as vessels of the Vatted Blabs, with tteir carpet, and oar vessels ...will be adm.tted to the same advantages in Rm. , lab ports, _ entering thersio, and on the Fame ' terms as enlist vessels, should no order in Caen• dl distosb this Legislative arrangement. The late act of the. British Parliament, by which Great Btitsio Is brought within the MT= proposed by the acts of Congress tithe lst March, 1817, it is hoped Will be productive of benefit to both wan. Ades. . . A slight lit triathlon of diplomatic intercourse , welsh occurred between this govenament end Franc:, I am happy to say, has terminated, and oar catheter there has been received. It is there• fore unnecessary to refer now to the circumstances whist led to that interruption. I treed not ex .prey M you the sincere gantlet:on with which we altaB welcome, the arrival of another covey extraordtnary and Weimer plenipountiery from a slier repehhe, to wheat we have- so long been, A n d. all tentaie, bound by the strongest Ilea of amity.. Shortly ster I had entered upon the dis charge of the executive dutles, I was apprised that a war steamer, belonging to the German Em pire, was !cite AMA in tne harbor of New York, With the aid of some of our navel officers, render ed neder the pennuelon of the lets Secretary of • the Navy. • This permiatton was granted during ea armlir thee between tent Empire and the kingdom of Den mark, womb had been engaged in the tfiettlesww Holstein war., Apprehensive that thut act of !p -tomaine, on our part, might te viewed as a Co. tattoo of oar neutral obligations, incurred by the treaty with Denmark, aed of the provieione of the .aset of Congrets of the 20th of Apnl, IBIS. I direct. ed that he blether aid should be rendered by any attune,/ officer of the navy. and I insuticted the Sews-they or State to aerates the Minister of the Oerinan Empire. accredited to this Gayer: meat, of my determination to execute the law of the Dated Staten and to maintain the faith of treaties . With ail nations. The correscemdenee which ensued between the Department of State and the Minister of the Ger. men E noire is herewith laid before you To. exec:mon date taw, and the observance of the treaty. were deemed by on to be doe to the honor of the ewe ry, as well aa to the several obligations of the Conautution. I shah not fatl to pursue the Fame course, Mould • "leder cam arise with any of the other nations teeing avowed the opinion an taking the oath office. that to disputes between mull Clint fis • .e go governments, u is our interest, not less than our duty, to remain strictly neutral. I stall not abandon rat You will perceive (fore the tones. pondenee subsided to tyre, in emurcrion with the .11qt:et, that the coarse ado,t in this ease has been properly egyded Ly the belligerent powers interested in Ina matter. A.'thongh • Min ister atm Usaed Suttee to the Germeo Empire was appointed by my predecessor, in August lag% and ha. fir n bog time been In lattridanoe at appointed to represent thia-Ltapire, -mu e/emcee and acereditod dere, yet no each boa " that et the German Empire, been del. lately , coustauted. Mr. Donnelson, eta represen tative at Franklin, remained there Several ' months, in the expectation that a imam cf the . ,German Statm, ander one Constitution; or form of ' Oevernment, might at length be orgmized. It ls believed by those well acquainted with the exuded relations between - Freesia end the States 4312/thnsarty, that no such onion can be perm.. • Lenity estabitsbed without her co operation. In the eventofthe formation of each a action, and the organization .r a antral power in Gera:nett'. el which Me should tort, a part, it armed become neeessary-to withdrew oar Minister at Bettie; thus while Proesit exists as an independent kingdom,' mod diplomatio relations are maintained with ber, there can be no necessity foe the continuance of the newton to Frankfort. I have therefore recall , ed Mr. Umatilla:a, and directed the arehle'a of the legation at Frankton to be transferred to the American legation at Betlut. H a ving boon apprised that a considerable num ber of adventurers were engaged in kiting cm a military expeddion, within toe Gaited States, a , ulest a foreign country, Ind believing, Goat the .bait inf.rowlisn that I eoold obtain, that it magi destced to invade the Island of Ceiba I deemed it duet.the f ieldly relations ezetteg between the Mated States and Spain—t^ toe treaty be. ' • tweet the two nstions—to the law, of the Crated States, and above all, to the American honor, to exert the lawful authority of this Government in suppresting the expedulm, and premature the - invitees:L. To thie end. limed • proclamatim, . enjoining it upon the GS era of thet United State-, and military, to use all lawful means within , • their power. A copy of that proclamation is here. With suboa ted. The expeditic has been sop. . pressed. 83 loaf as the Act of Congress of toe • Illtk dent, lain, which owes its existence to the jaw of nations, and to the policy of Weithinguiti . bitusel, shall remain on one matte books. I hold • it to be the dory of the Ezemtive faithfully to obey Its injanallofiv • When this expedition was in progress, I arm , • Informed that a foreigner, who claimed oar pro ' tection, bad been clandestinely, and, as was sup .. posed, forcibly carried off in a vessel from New Stine', to the /stead of Ceiba. I immediately mused such steps to be taken as t thought noes. eery, to ease the information I had received ahead prove reflect, to vindicate the bettor of the come , ter,iand the might of every person seeking an asy - • . lam on eerie:al, to the promMion of our • The Perecti Aliedged to have been Abducted, was • -promptly Marred, and the eiretunionees of the cane are now about to undergo investigation be-, fore a jadiclal tribunal. I world respectfully any . igtral,thint although the crime charged to have been .committed in this ease is held cahoot, as bein's In - cannot with ear opinions on the subject of nu. • clonal sOrefeernty and personal freedom, there is so prohibition of it, or punishment for it, provided is any Am, of Congress. The expediency of sup .•dying this defect, in our ere:teal code, Is, there •-e recommended to your consideration. ' . !have scrupulously avoided any inteiferenee is the wars and contention which have recently ; • distracted ;Europe. Coring the late conflict be. tweet Metre and Hanytry, there seemed to be •• prospect that the hitter might become an lode _ pendant nation. ilowever.filet that prospect at the time appeared, I thought it my May, in accor dance with the general sentiment of the Ameri can people, who deeply sympathised with the . Magyar patriots, to stand prepared open the eon. <latency of the eatablahment by them of a per manent government, to be the first to welcome in. Nalerrendentlicatgary into the f•saily cf mama.. I imeeteded agent, then to E tree, with parer to declare our willingness promptly to recogniz her independence, an the event of her ability, tu • Instate it. Tee pewerlo !intervention el litaula; to theroonteetaatiocutshed the hopes of the straggling .Magyars The United States did not at any tune . • interfere in the Centel% hot the feelings of the Pa tton were strongly enlisted in the cause by these • referents of a brave people. who bad made • gal though unsuccessful effort to le free. Out claims men Porto/al have been, daring , the put year, preemated with renewed vigor, and to has been my object to employ every effort co honorable, diplomacy, to proeure their adjustmeet. Cu law '4:bsrge d'Affaires at Lisbon. the Hon. George W. Hopkins, made able and energe • bet Marneettearel efforts to mute these melees., t • muthre of embovervy, and to obtain indeminty ' fie the 'meets Which were the aohjact of cem• plaiet Our present Charge d' Affaires at that /Jean Will also bring to the proseeution of those • . Mates, Many and zeal. • t • Tao restontueemy and attracted condition of • .Proeugal at nut emu, has been represented as - au dile lerstlag causes of her delay In indemni• filet per eeninteg citizens, but I must now say, It • fit easter or profound regret, that these elem. • have act tacca yet settled. The omission of Por - tagalta 4ojavuee to one American claimants:her „ • new unensed • chestier so grave and serious, , • ant I spell thorny maks It ate sebleCt of • special *neap SO Coalfield, wild • view to sued n 11141045 Acta* as thee wisdom and periatien may tale gut. Wiltt Acid* Austria, Prusaladiluede° 110. 1710/Ik, C 10 . 5 .43, the Netheriaads, sod theltalian Par" err ~.a inefensin our accustomed amicable enenengemeste. Doling the recent !violation In ..: ill. `.pd mai" oar etUirge d'Afaires a Rome es bo. a mmo to must his letter of credence ividek, tsd=eJ, be wag dimmed by my predoce.: OW 0 Wittk'Ai IWO bs should rueful farther or. 4es. glell Wllll6O StAtelled oandit'on of ttilage in Ono fitske, the! Jr Sggilkoated elpeCent hi do gimp los au! lastradtarritO** ,abject of Id. ora4tildird jUI , dltrOloorkiniA yoitb wbfr.b 0 hfri been ilits4bed by aie on. I the 2 pW 3 4 ofJya tee, letted, ik ry .wi ~ • • pa, of lbe want a Ameummicitmidesica. 0414 104!1.10#.114VP1P45,1 4 1,,, ."" .... . erected to Memel. his own dismantle lo present- t hat Polices ceiccatiy to conowienee"ortho iihor. leg himself to the thee canting eoverament , th to lota mommtighif theolhanng the, emee....e.le with yositio th. n wo or the tory ßan a.the dwi tr ch ni l t slas ed sdtas.t.oitokti, theres his ; judgment sufficiently sable, or if not, to await The pose on the p eetto ... farther event.. Since that period Rome by tin- The deripone another revolution and he abides the es- terrace tp tablistatont cf a Governments efficiently penamm Pacidr, th e ere th oos e " our 1..., , , jog ..d b.„ cent to juilify opening diphstanticlintercoarse With -nevolent citixects,wito bave repaired tO that re .tnote quarter, In Ptantinising the natives and With the Republic of Idemobi,itis our tree pot- inducing them to adopt • system of govelament icy*. cultivate the room friendly relation. Sinoe and laws suited to their capacity and wary and t h oreb d ee th„ n o r the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo,.. the nee made by oar numerous whale ships of the e gghter by occurred, of a serimischeracter, to dia. halbert' of the bands, as platen of resort for ob taining reithahments and repair, all combine to terb them. A faithful ober-reit:ice of the 'treaty, and a metre mecca for her righle, cannot fail to render their dating peculiarly interesting to ea. set *. the meting confidence and friendship of It is oar duty to eneoursge the authorities of those that Republic. ,Tut caseate of say predectewor, Wands in their efforts to improve and cleanup the to the (Louse of.Repreietttatace, tithe Illth of Feb. moral Red political condition of the inhabiter., fumy lut, codimonleating, in compliance with a and we should make tameable allowatices fu of- -paper called the difficubies ineeparable from this task. We' revelation of that body, a copy projecird, signed at Queretaro, on the 30th of May,. desire. that' the island. may maintain their ludo 1848, by the Cemmissioraere of the rinited Stow -.prude., end that other nations should owner ad the Minister of Forego Affain of the Menl- with as in this sentiment. We could in no event Can GoTeMirients having been a salient of coffee. be indifferent to their passing under the ticimialen pondence between the Department of State and Many other newer. the Envoy Extraordinaty and blinieter Pleclpo- The muscles.' commereild States have, in Wax tender" of that Republic, accredited to this Gov- common interest, and it Is to be hoped that no one moony a transcript of that correepondence is of them will attempt to interpose obstacle' to the herewith submitted.- independence of the island. , TheCommissueners on the part of the Gaited " The reeelptsinto the Tremor ,for the tenet year 7 end• , 1 Swett,' far multing the boundary between the two tag on the 30th lone last, were, in cab, g1n.M0,09 60, Republics, though delayed to reeding San Dicgo, .d m the Trees.? Notes fended. 5t0,9.13,000: making by untorseen obelisks, arrived at that place with- la..M:f =en , i nii . t.7eit u tisentemit t le s er a n i m r in a short period otter the time required by the Tha t ', N o r,• fended, emetkow, melte( fitt mgr.- treaty, and was there joined by the Commissioners gate of e 57,631,657 ex oh the part of Mexico. . They entered upon the T he secants and estimates, whieh will be submitted duties of their Mike, and, .1 the date of the latest r C.° ,s ' nho 7htal the re ' lllt ° o r th :ty " g • e m i fee 7. T or . iutelligence from that quarter ; sumo p ro gress had ,11,,,, i - b y th e onoen ....fig of ee , e .... o ' d• t r. o o t;. bean made to the survey. -The expenses loci- on the at day of.thly next, of letrAtet 65, ad en the dent to the orgardsatunt oft. o.smalististi , and to Ent day of /sly, tirt. of ettent7,Ont (Ameba; on the its Conveyance to the point where ill operations Leh...4e, syrot2b e he provided tor, of Ste,. Were to begin. have so much rediced the fond ~,,Y t h 'A t i ""i : oe, ". ed e I n ". ..", irgrill o s rn . 1 0 . r . 7.1: appropriated by Chdiffrwssi that a further sum. te, merle°. exceed ID attempt hla * elleit, weedier With rover the charges Which Must be incurred during the Icons heretofore made Corneae ohlects. I tinter°. the fiscal year, will be necemary. reammend that authonty be givento borrow tehmemr The great Length of frontier aloes which. the Yam may be eh...we thee , . that deficit. I reams. mend the obearvauee of outlet economy IA We OM boundary eitende—the nature of the adjacent ter- priallon and expenditure et Me nubile men t o ry rito, and the d Meeks. Of obtaining supplies est• I meammend •gsvolon of ths existing tit,iff, d its writ/from near, the egtremes • of the line, render it • adjustment on abuts Wltielt May augment the W an renn.. also indiepeomble that a- liberal provision should •1 do not doubt the right and duty of Congress to ballade to meet the necessary charge. Miring the encourage domestic industry, which is the great filed year ending on the 30th of June, 1831. lan- - . source of national, as well as individual , wealth cordingly recommend this subject to your uteri -end prosperity. I look to the %Madeira and patriot dot, ' -•. ism of Cortina& for the adoption of a system which in the adjustment or the Maim of American Maws mey place home Ilbor at less: on • attoh and per. on Mes ice, provided for by the late tram,. dOrmeOlol- eminent footing. and, by due cocoursgemeet of meat of emitnel on the part of the Government, may manufactures, give a new and increased stimulus nceome Untautanl , for Ms Pun. of enwttill We to agricollare and promote the de,e'ol , ol3clll 01 'Contmusloners in protecting the hearer. of the United - ' ' • our Vaal tesourcea, and the *remit. o our com ets's:a. I reemzeimend this subject to the early and fa vorable consideration of Congreaa • meow. Believing that la the attainment of those Complelets aye been made in regard au the 'nate. - ends, la well as the necelleary ancheatation of . 1 ,,,, en. of the meas provided by the aoremeneut of the ramme r and the prevention of foods,) the New Waned for trausponing the United at mail- ....m ode of specific duties ' .- a.......4 e pted. I strong. arose the I.tit at of Panama, pursuant to our Postal , system of — - `".... Contention wit s' Mt Repabile, of Meta, 1814. Our ,Y. recommend to Oungreas the adoption .of that Charge Wilia at Bogota, has been direeted la make eVetem, lira the duties at rata high enough to race representation+ to the goternment of hew ere- afford 'ahem atal and Sufficient enceuragement to owl. sown/it In %red, lea m • prompt remiss., of our own industry, and, at the same time, so ad. 'f r ee of comp! nt th Tne sanguinary civil war, with which the ft...public join ed "l° Insure stability. of:Sacral% bat for scene ume past been massed. has Thu Tree:tone( La continuance of the Slab Tree heen brought 10 a elate. Is ila proves. the rights of fury system, IS tespeedully submitted to the wilt mai,. of our meth.. resident, or trading there, have dons of Congr ess. If =visaed, tincortint modill• teen violated. The restoration of order verll added the e th ee „fl it appear to be Indispensable_ Vane:rale. government an opportunity to examine F or f arther . . . a and in', „ e „. oto . toteeo end . thort or longer other amber deeds and views o f theater , . ri d sad which Oar repreverstUv. at Oaracsae have, hsoltsn , connected with , commerce, the 8-. hitherto met:factually lamed upori the attention of that nieces and revenue, I rekr to the report of the government. Secretary of the a TWasury. Treasury. !Gm este:mum of the coal: of the United States on N o a eo n t ot by, hero gives by the general I Me Paved, ad the annatpled rapidity , tub which • • , the akahrtats of California, espeoially, am increasing G ''' .. " . . • ,,• 1 to the improvement of ufrie..3.7.-1 lto numbers, have Imparted 110,....onseitusece boar re- except . oly the expen d iture or =all SOILS Pr the . 1 ' lee*. Will tbn other countries +bora territories tier. Collection end palmation of agricultural statatice.. , der upon thin Ocean. lt la prbed, Maltby interemoso and for some ehenrial analyses, which have Peen 1 betwan those wsuutries, and our hence m will rammer, panicalerty with the Republic of Co will ther far paid for out of the patent fond .! This old ia, i I become extasive,land :nasally advintageas. ta rro- in my opinion, wholly inadequate. To give this portion as California ad Oreeon dna inereme in pop- teethe breech of Amanda industry, the atom. uletion ind wealth fac e r dstreole, therefore, that the agement which It merits, I respectful:l' tecommend Geyer . ..mem aboold do evrt tame mOa nnwer w foe ' the establuthenent of se agncaltural bureau, to be ! tar a" ' t r et n .Y. im "b." . '''''' 'a m ' sitt ' a i "". connected with the department att. Interior. Mat Me mint of arcor baween ua stionid be mortal and cordial To elevate the sonal conoltion of the ingrter& 1 mend th e oor ,. o f t h e one o, ',mime to writhe, rid to Increase his ■ promencr, end to 's ward. all remhe oican Slaws Tea United Mame lead al. Meath of of 10 1210 mney, by mad . the Orem American power, to which b e thcir muniplyirg his source of ingsommion. should be native , ally and fried, they wilt always be dis t... 0 . 1 „v ... foe .., an ...,,..„.,..., ‘o the_ •m study of every ammo., and. the primary ob. Deancf any collision between them and any Faro- let' , ef ceerekilisdatot. pea emoreiti No evil gam - nicest having been provided by As such 'we may Aim kicdly mediatele their CYma rm okr Calif thiattha people 6 r that 'en ri nui?. behalf,. without .taturtiug ourselves is forege impelled p thy neatu ties cf their political con war . , or 0n0 ....., eor. v e „,.. eo . w eee „, .din 0, mantle met in convention for the purpose the Mao door treaties was .y of them shall re- of farming • Ca"Yt'im. and Stith °Oaeothado , quire our I aterfermice, we tourteemmanly inter. ma.b l be 14 wa adnee• Fee as ream to sop goer, poor, has beet, accomphseed; Ind O is believed ' . A convent'. has been meet heed with Steal troy will shortly sooty lair the adMismon of Cali providtair fur the sattafaction i f A Lien-. ma'am ' , we 5 ter the Erns, a a' Sovereign Stew . a that fltyco Intent. ad it will be triboa r ed u Should each be the elan, and should tri. a wenn 1 e „ sloe. tae loot ...t hoo , oo o , c.,,,,,,..,. wools be cotaotcuabte to the requlrot ea* of the me have ceived an Envoy Extrardinary nod Canonisation of the Caved Stuart, I recommend • o ur Pierupotreillary irons that Empire, cite th eir * to the favorable woraititimannio of our rm.°. with a are founded upon the most Coo nu stmicabie underaleoding The people of New Mexico will Moo, It is be Your W5_014113 ts earnestly betel to no amend nosed, m ea: ' , M , diesel pcil,d, present them • meet of our caking laws, reeler to the Afacae selves ms "mi..° ion ohs sane. Net".•".7 th a t Trade; wilts view to Cut eappre.loo of m th e admission of Co th eca end New klexenc, that barbarous tradk. It is net to bs denied, inn the people ct each Will have teirWtt d for then this his trade is Rill In pail corned on by means of •e iee e • raimb:'-'". arm t h illP`""" a 's t at i oa t . seise(' bu in the Voted St et, .d owned or '"nda.°l°. sick Pradisara nod ° "li mthn a b . navigated byy souse of oar citizens. Tb. voir,.. .t s,s 'en. in sack Corm so tie them shat area mom pondea. between to Dtparimcat of State a. tik-ry to edict thee safety and happineem and the Minister itheConsui of tee (Lard :lite, Br a. m , teg omit ninon, M . esessi at Rao de Janeiro, whine bas, tom time to t rue ~"•••• man be etc:idea. Wad emilleame and glad men aid before °entrees, rep: eem to, tort a is a ..i.glim P.w.ed. .eastomery device to evade the Meanie tOl our W.. • view of maratainiag the tummy wad ~b,„.„,„....1/y.j... oto ;d . i n tragatirty 50 dear to all. we should abeam from Consul, thaw! of reuaming to 'the tleutod Et ore. ...el, obarao tar t 'an i on - ltaifo r romierat - ws-w•eva , Mr a sew resister, preccil at once Su the e......,' P.i. Lii •PP•rheesioe. to the Deb. maid, sad I Alias, fm too pi:lroom of oldwirig cargoes a "PY". at e eaten loon , rll of the trot and Mow slaves. Mock addl.:al trfamation of the same mmitmoo a ad my Predecemem. serum `lsrelsb - ,2 character has recently bitten traaschitted to the i ll so y n' t 'O nd r" °au ...wilin g P . 1 1" by if am• tirriplueal dieerMilletten." . Department of State. '• 1 0 has tai b een coornderodi.the „boy of nor A collector bee been applauded MR. Prar.eis- , laws to subjat an American cuisine who, in s for- °°: ceder t h e " 4 ,, ~.f curves* ustoutug tit e run men country, porch.. a venal built in the Col; ... laws over totaatall. tad reassure nen , been ted States to toe inconveateoco of seeding her taken to organise the Comorn Homes st tam tad .... r,.. e ..... reepo w,.. b. f .,. ~,,...., vie* e . the other . po.7. excht . itmeol Tu ta tits e,i t kc aeloa prociwed the mirt.. proceed act avoyageo Any alteration whieh eilayltt :ft Per.* Prionieaom• save a tendency to impede the Gun Imager ix •ert•n a ti r and •d'ama flee . rda ye t twos ' nenni.d • 'VII at San Praseteco. steanwhile It is propelty in vesmis, between nor eitatina, or the of b i - rYt . free ...trow.atho.a, ...... elo b ,,,,.. a „, d.. t r o , eot otadenitood that the Cameos have ellaLlieed t o V 0 parts of the world, when employed in lawful one collected there by office. estate under mug", mar. ; should be well, and cauummly mush:mei' .." .. Y. a' thee ma" dicing the admina mdam bat I troetthim Your wisdom will devise a method of my.medY -Y o d i r. - ' , tan , I 'look. be enradiam by which our general policy in this reaped may be r eet-. ^ .., the ectlee'Oe • 'he. made, and t date , preserveJ, and at the same tone the abase of our ,'.., •„ • • • • 3 c ( d le r such allowance a° °Mira° may In ne n. to setera.) to be expr....eded'erabin the flag by means of ma letters, in the manner theca ierrttory, Of to be paid tote tee a reentry toe the ten t maj be prevented. Having necertained that there is co prospect or Puri. , of meeting •Por`Priations fah dm Wray* , the reunion of the free Sauce a Central America ew ei ot. m river tad Wt."' which formerly "cOmposea the republ.e of oast A Party ereaseed te. the Coat Survey was dee' name, or . bone ..phrotely.oedoototed to mach patched to Oreg. oa January last . According 10 of teem treatiea of amity sad commerce, which the Moat *deo., May had sot at tothforeiti, and wil t b e h o d b./„ . ... t h e s ee , . , threeticins have tan given to them, as won a they mall have fixed on the metes of the two light A cootroet . having been concluded with the 3 ,..,.. , N too , otten. b y a company 00 .„,,, e d o , tousea, and the boar@ anthonted to be ConstlVet• Amen.= cliflcas, (Sr the pun.. of cobstrocong ad and Placed . oretton , to rowed. estbOnt de. a ship canal through the tertiary of that State, In 'ay , ib =eke menthols.... of the man import.' monism:the Atlantic and Panne Oceans, I hove Pao,. oaths coat or ctithstsoh, goo. directed the negoomtan of a treaty with 'Skarn- Yummy sod dm"... bb the sine for light hon . ' go .. „l o d g e, b ot h g0 ",,,,,,,n0 1 . p„., U,,,,,,, ees . that mast, the speedy erection of which Is who abult engageoin, and perfect the work Ali "I"itly don.tdad by oer =Pane humaming Were other nano. are invited by the State of Meant , men" , s u s to enter into the mama treaty stipulation. with t blee tr•e*CerLed the Indian _Allnaela from bpper sfiwort and Council Billair, to ants Fe ter. self the benefits to ' bs derived by each, from and Salt lathe, and have, canard to be epperinted such an arrant meat, will to the protection of Sub Agent. in the valley of the Sacramento, great interomanot CollarnUniCatiun egainst atry •od San Immalm riven. Still emitter 'legal pro. power Which might wen to obstruct a, or to roo- . , _ 'since will be necessary for the Cilantro semen aopolise its advantages. Al Niece entering into such airway will enjorthe vitt of throngh fol ementh. of oar system of knit. istormatrei over the new territories. the canal, or payment of tsame tolls. I recommend the establishment of a Brsech The work of eaustractine, under these guano• tie. will became s bond of peace, tomead of • sob- Mint , no lb will, in iny •Pildeei elretd le:Porta , feet of conteutioa arid Wee, between We caon. of ficithiee to those envied to miulag , as well es to l e. ev il 51 :L ewd ;b e error maritime Stolen o f the Government, In the dared/on Of the Miami Europa coneent is Ore arraegement Iced wa in hae load , - „no reason to suppose that a proposition . fai and I alah recommend th at Yndondia°°ein be °Y honorable will be opposed by .y) the energies of ganaeo by Coogrwor to examine and decide upon them people and nun will co-opentte in promoting the ' .0i el the Pram” "b•itting lend Ode In Califarnia and new Mexico, and that provhion be ' the ittlateSS'of the enterer's°. I Ido oot recommend or , no , r opriotto 60 .' 6 , made far the estahlahilinet of offices of Aurveyet General in New Mexico, Californie, and Geffen. I National Treasury or tins purpose, 00 , do I be tter° that such aslit.r.Oprlolo•l in necesearv• rid briogieg lets the =whet do Public lined.. those torvioner. Those lands, norm° In position Pnvath euterprist, if properly protected, will complete the work, ahould it pro:a to by feasible and d'di ton of uucuuut ought to he duiSme'l 01 00 fee paeties who have procored the charter from terms ilberal to all, and especially favorable to the Niuragas. emits 'construction, deserve no 'Maim- earl emigrehut. I once Goa thus Govern/ant beyorol its protection; In order that the &luaus and ,character of the , and they pollee that bavtne crammed the pro. teittcOfti mineral deposits . Caidoroi . may be accertalned I recommend thet a geological and ' posed Una of curnotunicatinn, they will be ready to , e b ene n.ober 0r ... mineralogical ' I e , lp d iortion be cutnected with the I commence the widertsking It the mineral Muds ha d,- 1 bee should be extended to them. Should there appOLT to be reason on examining the' whole OM- l'iluiti7ll:47:::til. ode or id , aotsinioegleneedoter 1 deuce, In eoterlain ft embus doubt of :be prectica• dis posed of by or I My L. boil of constructing such a cenal,thstdoubt could onmso• 00 °Fiona elle of Proc uring a Fenno...* I 'be, speedily solved by an ectunl e h o er .. o f nett of property In the sot. This Would Melt; to be as loatoruat to the success of mining as cf the route. &mold sucks mark be 000strtioted under the affooeitartel Pore.. ! common protection of ellnattorn. for equal bone. The gre...thenial,neitt:lpw.a.eal.„thdo,,f.Crid„, , a b s , d .. th o e f O a 0 , : fits 10 all, it would lie, neither just nor expedient YaittYli: Y ., __ ______, __ _,.,._. ~.. .... „ ...... ibm any great maritime state should vimmand 7ri,:e•57...;71,`,..'1... 7.7,74.7.:;1:ep0pt:ti...", ~r. the communicallan. The territory through which gtonapf Estero Weis, make It mottle that there will tie canal may be opooed ought to be freed from an e r re., years largo an , d , preafter , oessiote . inanities the. claims of any foreign power. No such power ~.....ayrfa ritregeoma:tnilt.tb.e,,frarsa Luri d m imor . cra gentile occupy a pmitiol that would enab'e It u" ., also. which the nature of Me count , y will adat, eereafter to Camee is w o rl d , an loner... h ome, he opened win the territory of the United Jeer the commerce of the world, or to obstruct San, from the wesin of the Mantle,. Calf of Mes s highway which ought 'to be de(lonted to the ibeyei,ownthwewSac.infig..r.ippLuiao,niorractiutti,i;endtios.o.d eiLitrirati...d. woman owe of mantled.• „„„ seastried et tit Louis and Sleep la, Points to a Railroad Theroutes across the 'isthmus at Te° " "d Y' Y as that which, if preeneable , wiLl bes4areet the - veleta and Faunae, ere also worthy of our Knolls O in- and ~..e o f rno n 0 0,,,,, wearer IM. They did not fall to engage the atom. But senile this, If Micetenfu i r would be a work don of our predeceethr. The neSOttator of the • ~ os great natiboal importance, nod el a value t" " a .Gl•d•j°"' Hidalgo, Ws. 1°" '"' " " t° which it would be &Strait to intimate, ii algal ra nger • very large earn of money for the right of or, to be regarded a, e work of vast •magointde travisit across the isthmus of Tehuantepec: The en d e xpon e e, aid rot which, it-indeed it be peac h:feriae government did not secede to the Fop s -. unable, caaoaa ,,,, la ,„ ,i,f5,,0,5. In It. e o e,,, roe., aeon Inc the . purchase of the right of way, probe- torn and use. .Ttior , fare„ w avoid failure era die. my mamma it had already contracted with private appointment—to enable Coogren to judge %Mash• individuals at the coestruedion of a pangs (tom et in the condition often country throueu avhich It the Gimseaaloo raver to Tehuantepec. , meat pus, th e work be fumble, and if it be Mead • Isbell not renew any proposition to pureness so, watt:aft should be undetjaken as • rational fie money a right which ought to bo equally loco- lreprovement,--tin d to the letter ilharnatire what fed to all nations on the payment of a reasonable aid, deny, ought to be extended to it by the - go ,oil, to the owners of the inairovement, who would L .,...., I e ocommend as 5 Dreltuall ss l me.' t d iOn ba ,:d . lbe be ;Ult. ' e ft ' e:s 'W of t w be i' m h :r t • ' s at tito " tt m stites 2. o l. l re'd.nocir"tocerrublyrc°'s a g ie t' a ° l "cl eor 6 p f s. th e e od .' s 7 e r4 Po l A 1" ... the world, in mean. trestles, be negotiated with i o °::. o r Why of making such a mad, with ideate°, binding her .d them to protect these o --- liare u re c l rho - cost cf its' oonsmuction, and esho should magnum the work,. Such guarantece would do moreto seems? the completion of the 0P- conoected wi th the deaths of the Home communication through the territory of Mexico. ^',„ r, n u.°,7 .n 'po'r.. Fiefarther vleurebif these and other Thad eny other rearonable conaperwation that mold be offered; and as Mexico s he would be c-,.../.7.--moorothiroillemi.e,riayrou to the report of the 8,-. I recommend early appropriations connate( the ihe gr,atest gainer try the opening of this ammo re ar and swum improveMenw Whieh he e e h'• • •1 ' Mouton between the Golfer. the Paedlce Ocean, ready tesun, and &so for the ormatructloo of these for it 13 presumed that she would not hesitate to yield whim% eadmatei have been made, as well a for on ber aid in the oituraer proposed, to accomplish so ... " I ., oo m ' o a , r l oo tt i T o l.l.:,. '" oe, '"'" ? . ., i L ,? . ::::'. improvement so Important to her own just in , • 7.. --- ..i p -- , - .---,, ...- - WWII now climate, and do intaltooll of aentleilaroe, mar We have reason to suppose that-the proposed residuum:cowry railroad across the Isthmus of Panama will be An swinge of tho smotost which con be ad succeinfallynonetructed under the protection of vantageously expended within the emit beat year, the late treaty with New Grenada, ranged and ex. under the direction of the bureau of topographical changed by my predecessorron the 1 5th of June, engineers, accompanies the mimic? the Secrets.; ISIS; which gueraatees the perfect netittality of ry of War, to which Insap.etfulli' invite the Milos Ms Isthmus, and the right of sovereignty and prof. on of Googresa pert, ofNew Grenada, over that territory, with a , hoeevasion of territory made by the late treatypert, view that the free transit from ocean In own with fdeziee as greatly extenfence mo ur ded fficul o exoosed may not be interrupted or embetrassed,dartag the frontiers, and rendere its dere dit, elliterntv ofthe treaty. Ilia our policy beneath. That treaty has alto brought us under obligations Me every pisctieal rotate across the lethmue„lo..fillenio°o° comely with mraobta milithef face which econeets North and South America, - trlttrar 'is rerpolsite. Bat our military esiabllattment Is not by railroad or etas!, which too energy and en: materhdlyelutoged as to Its taleteller, from the ,Ilaprto of oar cake= maylodoce . Ilsom fa en . .coddlthn to e=l , l:keteed befime the 00131020519 e. Wl4llOlllll Said= to 11 Wl/I .... 1 "mega' ii abilvagy apcamo'So • • 'wit of the . ant e ! o . ? ~ >,,. • ~-~~: ,r} t ~^, .. .... :t , Megrim be necessary, and t recommend to the favorable consideration of Ccogreas, an increase of the several corps of the may, at oar distant Western poets, as proposed in the accompanying report of the Secretary of War. Orem embamtaiment has resulted from the erg' fecsupon rank in the army, heretofore given In I brevet and staff commissions. The views of the Secretary of War upon this subject are deemed Important, and If carried into effect will, It is be promote the harmony of service. The plan propoud fur retiring disabled °Meath, and providing an asylum for Etch of the rank and Ale as from age, wounds, and other Ind nettles occasion ed by service, have become unit. to whinn their respective duties, is recommended as a means of increasing the efficiency of the army, and as an actor justice due from a grateful country to the faithful soldier. The acoompanying report of the Secretary of the Navy, presents a full and satisfactoty account of the condition and °perinea' of the naval .ser vice during the past year. Oar citizens engaged In the legitimate pursuits of commeree,Outve en joyed its benefit Where ever our national vessels have gone, they have been received anther-aped. Our °Meets have been treated with kindness and courtesy, and they have on all occasions, Finned a course of strict neutr ality, In accordance with the policy of our government. The naval forte at present in commission is as large as is admissible with the number of men authotlied by Congress to be employed. I levies your athention to the recommendaUon of the Secretary of the Navy on the subject of a reorganisation of the Navy an Its various grades of officers, led the establishment of a retired list, (or such of the dithers u are disqualilled for ac tive service. Should Congress adopt some such measure as has been recommended, tt will greedy increase the efficiency of the Navy, and reduce Its expenditures. I also ash your attention to the views coied by him in referee. to the employment of war s amen, and in regard to the contracts for the transmit adon the treated hums Mail, and the operation of lad eye ins ma the prosperity of the eau. By an act of Constru!Posed erases i1r11,0! titian was made for extending Post OMea and mail aocommalations to California and Geeptitt. ElettlollB have been wade to execute that. law, but the Limited entwine. of the Ace, the Inadequacy of the Means it amhoviree, the ill adaptation of oar Peet Office tun. to the *Auden of colony, and the measure of compensation for services allowed by those leers, eon. rated with the prices of labor and rents in California, tender those exertions lea great degreeineffectual. More particular add efficient pretrial., by law, is re• one. oat this subjeet. The act of ISO, redwing pottage, as now, by Its op• eration during four years, prode.d multi folly thaw ing that Jots Incurs resulting fans tech reduced pun ag• is instilleleta to sewer .the whol• expenes of the service of the Poet Ounce Department, eat iceloding the cost of transported. le the melt swamers on the' line from New York to Chives, or from Panama to Astoria which have me been considered by Coe. gram, as property belonging to the mail service, It is eubured to the wisdom of !Outgrew, whelk to • hotter reduction - of pastarrenould not now be made, mare particularly on the letter correspon dence. This should be relieved hem the adults burden of transporting and deliirerhig the tracking metier of Congress, for which proem= should he made from the Treasury. I eobidently behove that a change-may safely be made reducing all single letter postage to the uniform rate of Are rugs, rowdies* of distance, without thereby lo posrog any greater the so the Treasury thot' I 'could constitute vary modem° oompeoutioe for I this nevi., and I, therefore, reepectesily room. `m abolish such a °Ma alox. Should Ccimrese prefer I aboligh the [rioting privilege entirely, n seems probable that no demand on Ike Treasury would result Preto the propoted nacelles an postage.— Whether any further thenieution should now be made, or the result of the reduction to Ave rent.. which I have rroomaseuded, should to Are teethe, to antunutcd to your decution. Slues the commeneemeet of the last geese of Courage, a postal treaty 'with Chat Britain has been reeemod and roofed, and sods nritretions have been famed by the Poe Office Department. of the two eon:tulle, in penitence of that treaty, as to wry as pmettrioas into hut operation. Tee attempt to extend this same arrangement through Eareed to France has not been equally success* I tut, but the purpose has cot been abesitteced. Per • parneelss stattresseloniseeodutee eft. Post Of ea D. partsseet, and ethers matters etionemed ert ant butt. ofietbde our ci. I reter yea to the moon of the rettalbLir enteral fly art of the SV Idant, a Ward tees costumed at make arrugnatem fee welts :ha bewail Co. ea, *capes. eft)* Peireuty of Sm., the amenuir itetorrat, and the Put Mute illeterat, and a was weds tae dray of cos Bone to prepare and cue to be pert.. um losers sad utvd awe for gotteetatig in nau sea! tatty ender leads, saes tefermsticie as a wawa. •gricsaare, sem ' twee, meteor tarea edscanica, aad etas, Mince. as 'weal Wert slab view of Me pasta, tedutzr, ed. med.- ate reseerens_ The dude* *maned en the Orates Booed the eouteltatud tanurg noon pernewd. it now tens with Congress et eruct • law for earning two effect Ow prow*. el the Cinattlattitia, erns re genera an wean aumereaUtraar propte of the Vat. tor emu* wane ne tooting year. Awn( the deuce aarigetni be thsConaltanort is the Geeersi tionmertsta,4 on of West sad lowied op pittation, tat: en ea taresemen ‘l4 tem eh:intone lai edit to the west essa y Ctistreqs SO the st Cottrre leginarte eat one gasMise of the Denim 01 tlehustia. I tvre re neutered acne lame.. o toy/ nod attest 011. L tie Natl.& lireeners„ qua C , el Wasefeetes men ho as wirer of geneen totem,. rod hended, as 11 ssliti, Itttittv Je save. of tut who itmatron anew I antrej, he Who se tee Gwen tag ran •1 Oneareee presen t eurtinte en. eats tout %Milt WPM.. •1.11-71.9-sts to its pt.. patty out Wire the welitigh M art Cestmits4reei. tiovernimael le es* of d llschod powers, and e. semeesofel wistaislowlett sesimetety bunts, oa no teatannese of emelt cf ea ecoodmine branches 011t1a no ow. appropetate Wise. The Arm mediae el t h e Coostietow ardaten Oat `all kglia,mo meson Mauls gristed, altailhe sewed la a Otampess of the Ulu. Swum, oh/. sludt could of a Seam and Home el ItaprUestabvert v The Emmett** Us astlowity b recaMeneed, eel w themes, movers* to CoUrest !faring pm. I Brined Uml tut,. the Etecnow Dotrawaresi of Udi Glummest easel rightfuty tostrel the tee &Won of Courts' en uy subject of Itgloltioe sett that stamonw shall haw bees tt keeny std. mimed to the Pustdess be epproval. Tb. check I provided by tbe Onnetiundon is the dour mora- l - nag the quitted veto, will Rua beraureised by except ut Ore case toetemplawd by the Pothers o( item Repeal*. I I mew is as ea errs.* ~.stars to be mut ed to, oely is entrotedseary temerswa wham may became itsegosary to defend Gee Ezemitimi against the entroachaseets of the Leila:nova pew• or, et to peommt hasty atnd thoomdetratie, or us. coniattemoul Lernedice. By cantlonsly amts. log 11111 remedy wolon the *phew iprescribed It let the idoetemperanceleetPwliatoi ens af the Cactuude, UM 1.1 ol t putt., le gutraatelv expressed on all sobiects of 4gtolaten uumagh tem, toneesettioaal organs, .the Beaman tad Ftepreseetattnes of UM 1.1% Stater. will Ur. their hut shoed. As Manipulable to the promervatioe fir our suites of wit governetteet the Inthleadehoe of the Reprementativea of Ma Paws and the pimples te gearatated by the Constitution, std they owe eo responothdlay to any.J4andrus power but thee cowhide.. Sy bolding the tawnier ntatives ries spototrio only to lite people, and Weemptite him from all other Laillutoceo, we *boats the names I ter of the constitatal, and quicken kis manse of rwUntbdity to her ecramoy. It le outer thew cirtuommumem may that the I &ems tan feel,thst in the tholes of the law maker be la blamer lutly a computing part cf the lamer. eign power of the Whist Wnb equal care, we aboald reedy to defend the right/lot the Escalator,' Judocial Departeammts, Our Oavertuesst nn citay be preserved la Rs I putty by the suppresaiou and mere elitainmion of awry claim, or mode./ of one co-ordinate branch to encroachment upon another, With the ' strict observance cf this nib, and the other mune. pons of 100 Conettutioc--with a model.. taculs tattoo cf that respect sad love for the Union cf 1110 Blame which our lathers cherished, and exi• pined open their etuldren,mid wlth the aid of that overruling Promtleace which has so bog sod so kindly guarded oar hberties and 11161114110ste, ire may reasdnobly expect to transmit them, with their innumerable bleoungo, to the tempted posterity. But attachment to the union tithe Biotin should bo habtuatly furred in every American heart. For more the, half a century, dangly which, King. doe, . 4 4 Empires have taller, this union has stood unehaken. The patriots who framed it have long.pau descended to the grave, yet Will It re. map mho proadett monument to their memory, and the object of affection and admiration with every one worthy to tour the American name. In my indolent, lts tilmolotlon would be the greatest of calmness end to sun that should be the study of t emp Moeda.. Upon its present.. rut deed oar own happiness, and that of illotintlas geneteas to some. Whatever dangers may Inetaten li, I wall .and by it, and maintain - It btu ietegrity to the fail gaunt of the obligati°na imposed, end the power eon , fe:red open rue by.the Constitution. Z. TAYLOR. Wanueeassa, December 11th, lea. PLUCK ROLM —Ma following ti the plan pto psedby Mr. Coddler, of Roehtmer, which is deemed on improvement upon Mtoeomost In on. After grading the track.properly, In crou ttea of plank, 8 inches wide and I e thick, 63 feet in length. across the track at a distance et from 4 niche. to foot apart, as the nature of the soil may require —roc piece in every ten or Witch fetus to be long enough to resit to the bauks and act sea drain to the water. Upon thew cram ties ate to be placed, lengthwise with the road, planks one inch and a hall thick, and eighteen Inches wide. !gam tense lay planar fourteen Inches wide ■ad from eke and three quarters to two and a haUmche, thick, which are to be two int:bestow than 4 kW open, so u to glee mom fir the heroes to travel between them. Tne spades between the crone Ocean to be Ailed with cobLle memento gat atanc.,which are again to be covered, with gravel or broken 'toiler, so that the centre 'hall rise a hide above the wheel track. Scad•constructed In this way will coat less for building and may ye upheld for much lew than the roads bails a tea ordinary manner. The ob ject:en to the preaent roads, that they stiffen the nom& feet wilt be obviated by this proposed new mode, and also, the unpleasant jar which the un evenness of the track cause. le leaded wagon.— which objections, Mr. Coddiaguyr, are very gen eral, where the plant toads ate la use. Another eouiderutoo is the fact that ten expense of plank must greatly increase,by their extensive use for toads. A Kr. Gatnosa, of New York, hoe applied for a pan:au:Fon improvements In the atratrection of plank nude, which be boa Inflamed. M r . u minino gives 1411 awl farm to his mid; pls ces ta iri g n epers scram unread of lengtirffieM pleas we sawed In strips and laid algewise and lengthwise, and are spiked togetber• This mode of omirtmellon' m►olves %datum,' 4pecae, bat the inventor claims that by esabling . the water to pew off freely from the Enlace, and placing the sleepers so u net to dam the water widarnewli the pla4, domed ho who se kw as those hulk attar the Waal Ow, and may ho kept in re pair (Jr kw than one <lllll.lle, the amount ripen% dad upon others. Womme Woatts!—A great many learned treatises hays been lemma, explaining the origin of, and elm: Hying the Worm. generated in Me .human eystent Scarce any topic of medical ad.. Inas elicimd more acute obmrvation and profostnd research, and ye' physicians ere very couch divided let opinion on the subleet. It man be admitted, however, that alter an, a mode of expelling these wonns i .4 purifying the body from their presence, la of olore' Value than the wisest disquisition... to the origin: The expelling agent has at length been found—and in offering to the public 11PLanels Vermifuge, the Proptietors are confi dent that it will only require to be wed, to prove Itself superior to any now in nee. For ..1 by .I. MDD & CO-, No. CO, Corner of fourth sad Wood et, Yitsoborgh. Ido24.dtmlw9 A Ours mad Carpfcata at Ham. OX Haan wear to .410 or on. Pnr ao Leo n.- 1 hereby certify that about two weeks ago I wets seiz ed with a violent attack of vomiting and purging Chol era Marina, With very distressing pain, in too stomach and bowels, which was completely! relieved by two teasprionflal doses of Petroleum, taken in a little wa ter. After having takm the first dose, .Lslept soundly and comfortably foe three boors. [Signed] HENRY WISE, Jr, On board the steam boat Atiadoe. Pittsburgh, Dee..lttb, 1849. I am Captain of the Adadne, and mu a witness to the amonistung effects of the Petroleum, in the cue of Henry Wise, a. ha is one of the ks.ds on the boat. Iglgnedj NIAIRC/D 011.AUELL Pittsburgh, Dee. 11th, [l7 - 9ee peneral adretutement In another column den -ult. D. DI/NT, Denueb ("4 - weer orrourtb Dater, between aeti-dlye IM=l3:m= JOB PRIATIBO BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Ildanifrors, Villa Lading, Contralto, Litt arnks, ugtto mg" Leatuat, creguncgtge, rouctrs, &e. Sc. Vented itt the shortest notice To m ei prices, .4 th. deg& • Gglrreg Crete., slag.. - PILLIKI.III Luzon s:lo3•ll.—Yre9lllCii by J. W. Kelly William steam, N. Y., and for mile by', A Jaynes, 710. 70 Fourth meet. Tot. will be found a delightful arti• cla of beverage in families, and particularly Mr sick MOM. Ban's auvre.—An Improved chocolate prepare. betn Il g • combinatio• of Cocoa out; tunocenh in. Noteting and palatable, hlghly recommended pante. Wady for InvaLde Prepared by NV ',Baker, Dorche. ter, Shit., and for sale by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin lea Blom. No. :o Fourth et Focht. improvemonc• In DeMitiStry OIL O. 0. STEARNS, late of Sown, is prepared to suoiatarture and set Mee. Tam ttt who!e and paru awe., upon Sacuon or Atmolpherte:Suctiort Plates.— Tot:anat. VOISO IN ll whore to-theete rre 15 •rpoud. Office and modeer ndoor or. ofsre, Fourth 'trees, Poteherrh.: Rarea on--0 r It Eaton WO FLORAL CONCERT! HE PlielLA of the Fourth Watd Pahlie yehocia, will pefforot the (tRATORIO of the FEnIVAL THE FtnitE. at the taleomo Room Id Wait hoe. OPenn ntrrn4 a Tie.lambda, Evening. D.. 11111. 111119 . . t Willranrt scam —— • —• • • • • and Ward tt Hue M Jun, i.)Vl`.! LAMM Yeakeo • • Herakts - • Mts. Ward Fairy Qatca - !La Ul jas. Moralism IL L. Buaama. land 1p laaral tarn Pre wag at 'ha Yuma Fora, ta part One (17BiLati F. L. Uistittsa. Piano Fano, in pan mrr aod L. Dam *pen at a o'clock: perturstiatieti ta cam ateraa at 7 Mi - T)aa•sa 23 reata--To be bad awe more of Us 'hazel. wad at ma Dew Cluidnai half pr.e• THE oat... Yarn rasp, ant 00,0 In the Pub ho that. ita *Lao onl e sa4 tote reef attnero,o oath , ' the name eel mato of - lulus Da!tha L Co," as loot • mot* lea. the? Imee tater/ tee WI, Odeon oo ue• arm anktiltdiian:t to th e teat of Tolepapa 412. ct, warn tees W. too aapr to and ta•• pa:easy fwry acJ pabLic at fatly, o and Wear lA* aloe o rawzeory lust ‘11.,,,‘ DURSO, W 1 8 ITS FeNSON Plreawla. Dee M.—iaeg. NOIL 1/111067•• eva•rnotat Dom ma Ilalve, au Federal sus., Atiegl•aai coy. Salta • large yOrd Paareasaaa ~wen ta• Ist of 00.11 41.....1-44..erral Roma end 1,45,e• Saar WI fast Otte E !D. GA.ZZAM, !CM Oars. Tllnl , ova 11, roar 1 Pon •nd ll.roerr Ve a y e car, I Etl=V3lll A tlilitt IkTi"ll6 I,I3ACKI.Kf, as Ti,olJa, 111.11 at. Vormih rue , rovr.revi 1., way. 11.1 a e %m, ao:Lb kalUlPP,a of II ILetlat4toe. .141111 , 11 IMeaca.r, cox' I=:! I.ltriittittSl,ll7-1:0201,1”1"Pr' . 10.., A •D nt It szfal 11111i.411tN.IL 11.01,11.8 T 4rll TA.c,r,tary Dep./goo ask& SaAaagoOlol . lowest'. :11 THE MANS of t PI Tr9.lEill3H, of ;Do &mom t et Tu. Doltoro, on.l • er g o tgtooit on - Ato Woo roam poncollog e 2.12•1ntf... 221..1E22 begu .1.1•412..4 utottaiOnd, 9.1 noon. of ;to /4204.2,4 y. J. dole. k.. 2, .2 21, 111.11.122 or [......cer toonrool.têm 4 or •12....“ ..).tlr.rr.- .1220.1 oots r, • •ii 11541145 1:11M- 21 1943, Nov 47 11911.3 ti.. 42 2 .1 of Com 4 . .001t A110g 3 4., Ett, 1141. Mot 19 39 • 150. , 012.65 tnl4. Mot 3 fe. 93 t •Dusuel on,. • 1.171 )41, It. 34 •11110. D.. 0 • llt Jan 13 13. ./.Ls Dram, - t . lkolovo -1571 Jong 1 IJ no •14outtro Tool. • I It- A. Juze - n 1 111 0 /snob Vow,/ I Co-M. 71 - Itt , 4. !toot , M 411 13 C Ilatmtn a • .f FIX tong 1 to. .flonotoos 114.2‘11222 , Al*, go 0 , 1.. 1 5- It • 11.211.1 Egon.. 1945 Aug 15 4.7.5 40 I 1. 144 - 4. Punnet • • • 1; 4 4, 11.1 9 .46011 Poulmot. Jr k 4 61.2 It 1013 41 • Mo Komar . -- AV F.b . I J., I 311.* •Pllll4ll •n 1 Omo not I 3.3 Mt T Stnlti •Ttior groot 1 4 414. t tlo 14.• 7.1.61 3.5,1111.31,0 VA /an II 410 Mi Arum ikon.. 11 . 113, Now IS 1140 oo Woognl,ll tatto. --I -3t, 11. P 11. 141.' Oloarlos 1911.I 41• Sl 7 lo 14 •11.5. Witt 6m. mo 1 1 , -41. No. of VS ltd. Custom, Rolm. 11 1 4. 3 . Slat 3 t MOM DINIDEND , UN? AID 030004 IL1.37010: 66 ..4144.314. •41. OW.. Ulart• 0 40 f'f• fitol fa Co. • • aO4l mintsrma Pooh -- ' 1 4no •v. linerkl. • • 1 60 on Co t.' ' 4Mt •Darrel them •-• ••. 04 0 •1I Warn, • .. -.- .'• • 3 . 0 .1000 Otiliorne - • i 640 . 4 (0e010a 11617 •- .'. I 10 16 On Nirorie Marra) • . ' 11 14. 6 3 olin - Wallare•-• - 1 140 •Yatil Morrow 22• •-.. I . 1 lei .I , . 1 T J Itobbtl.• i 11 4310 •Georie 11•• bream, • • • in II on 1 1amee Nichol - ton . 10 0061 1 161.. Pilaelran .• • fleaier • 6 740 litarearet hittippan • •Meailaille, 6 i 3 13 B. 0440404.1. In Sioteleerti. 1 8 ..3 I certify that the forearrte4 4 61.e 4 r 4 to be 61.4 0 r. • .added idend. dee the pefranynanted. end having re main in Bank and anehan(eiti for three hears - !morn to and mbeerthed Mot 04 day of Dneembar, 18113 101111 00VDF.11, Citable, Ciao. Wastax, Ald Nora —Thaw , names thal bait. • attached. hare nose been ['Wished thee. 1...1i and nark.. ten balanrea an called tor within r th:yia., , the tame will escheat tothe Coanonasbalth.. dcl3-2tdalltsrl JB. lIIELIANCID IVO DAY LINK, • 1 8 4 . 9. TOO 734. LLLLL Wei way all,. AND ta141.1111. mwge PHILADELPHIA rND PITTSBURGH. GOOD ed S fnrward by Win S ore earned the mail train to Cbautbersburga, and are iiiiinrdlate ty loaded in Wagon. going night And day through to Pittsborgh. The bones of alit Lire are P•tioned ev ery 15 toiler, which Insures:the prompt 4,41.,n , f goods within the time ',Antrim/. the Wagon. will la.. our warehouse daily, (Condo). excepted Ship pers are ascured that no attire goods will Ire taken each day than can be Cu nctually carried threash JOHN DPEADEN & CO, Citual noun. Pittsburgh. JAMES M DAVIS & CO, defts 2. Market street, Putladelphic JOHN bIeFADEN 4J. CO Folva.notno b t oxlirrs. no, film.sonro, Canal Eosin, P.Wonrc., Pkoburrh. /AMES M. DAVIS A CO .Fnosli Facrou Lem Cos• szadog Altacnesta,ll27 Mytel, and 54 Commerce el , Palladopbia. . . 10 - Advance. made by elder of the above, on Flour, %Veal, end other merchondtho,,conaitthed to them for pale. 025 nothur PP. aut. SOME of the lineal ardente tor Holiday Pram. may i.e found at the Drug Store of It 1: DELIA :R5.67 Wit ul •1 OlL—+7 6nlr United, jott:rec , d and for sale by de94 J ❑ CANIALLI) 110 4 lA, I L) CANDLE,—+-401.1. rirrjA'N'YFlELlo . - 131.ITTElt—n bble, 10 born. ead II hest Roll. just 11 reed and for min by dyt I ',CANFIELD 0114 RglllTooThe ST RE occupied by F E. IlnieDon. and er present by D. Kroesen. on the east Ode oI lhallielnend,—froln let April next. • th quire of ;MMES P. HANNA, daablJ• Second meet. STICLIINGS-6 • nr , map NEW PIANOS. Turr REOFayEO. • sow &momenta!' PIANOS, t) from the monefaMorlei °Leine:2lmA 00.10% nod Btcos P. RAW, New Verb. ALSO—n few elgesaly earOd PIANO STOOL" kr " e at 'NY?? EMI Wood it: Bois Agent for/ Chiekenere PIRCION br:Wwnern Pennsylehnse. =LI OCKWOODR ILLUSTRATED WORKS—Ma id ounAed hooka—Bookii in richly carved binding, illammaled and illustrated—Hones superbly bound in Vaivab RlA,Aloroom, milnlosnpriaition. in nednenon of the bliddA Anea—Lublei had Proper Books, bean. &ally t mud in Velem mdFlor For l i re by gailloemly or namented an4Wmeinased. 'Aims D. LocawooD, dell 81P.r ,1 1 /awns; 61 Wood m. ODA Atitt-48 casks to Moe prt Rnggold, for safe by d 4 TANEIF.Y k IMO POTASH -1D cask. br atom and for We by de24 TASSEY & BEST WINDOW OLA9B-6 03 boxes nal% ia~" l 4 10U " 11414; In more and TASSET Ir. BEST IDLACK WADDING-10 boles large alye and heavy , 1J Jun med by , SHACKLE/ 7 & W HITE, dell{ No 09 Wood et WLUTE tVADDINO—D b.lee l I Ope ed b d 024 SIIACKLETT&WITTE VAS --11 bdea medium and flue Talk.' Canaan, rt 1. reed by deli BIIACKLETT & mar IiOH , ROY PLAIDS-1 bale 0-4 blue and black mice Plaids,jest reed per exprece, for sale by dere SHACKLETT & WHITE DRAB VELVET—An Invoice or Drab Cotton Vol Sazt reed by espro.b9 doll SHACKLETT & WHITE ROW N "MILLINGS- 6 bides hem, jag% reed by B& de24 SHACKLET r WHITE BLUE 6. ORANGE PRINTB-4 cases new MI. and bright colors, opened by do til SHACKLEIT & WHITE PASiDIERFP4-9elms FUMY and Wool Dyod Black, opened and for sale by de2l SHACKLETT re WHITE MAINREL No in bblotlttfoblbst,:valojoby nUOKING WINES & BRANDIES—Of WI &strip V tuna, for •Wa by dal JACOB WEAVER, if • 100 000 PRINCIPE CIGARS, of tbe most de sirable qranils and colors, for sale by dnel JACOB WEAVERLJr elms dos are click) prime pickled dere to, .ale- JACOB WEAVER, Jr _ _ SALAD 011.—;10 baskets "Me se" Oil. fresh Imports , . non, for sole by . deli IACOII WELVIiR Jr HA a N c ir 4 EßS—For ride by JACOB WEAVER, Jr New rind Gift Boot .1 QACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by T. 10 Headley. oath clown original designs by Dailey. Poems itbd, Prose Writings, by Richard 11. Dan.; v 01.., mutlin. lllunalnued Gems of Soared Posiy, vvith sts dhotis tions engrawd on nest, by John Shawn. Jon ".YY. , by ; JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, dott corner TWA and Market no. 011T—Tvro Barrel. and one Keg auTrEa. 1.4 t mark eg "J no. Barclay & J. P., Jr. k, Co ,") on the At Inst., front .reamer httehlgan's landing. Any in • formation ',prating them will be thankfully received by de=.dat J AldE3 PAYLK t Jr. k SUGAR AMO ASSES-6 bad. N G tiopY, 94 bbl. Molasses.; 10ni 1 444 per Colombian, and for rale low by tied JAME. 9 DALZELI., 141Zaier D R b I y ED P EAC , 1 3 1 , 1L5 —7O sseklXi i li s ata A rt z fojail • DU) TER-2 bbl. Fresh Roll, in emits, to . day_ ree'd sed for saie by de29 CRAIG .1 DIONNE/4 ARD-3 bbl. new, to day rrj;tAsire,f‘o;Taglvila LOUR—OIi bblo Earn Family, on connirnment sad lor vole 0 dal CRAIG it ',KANNER UGAII-19 biker N U , reed per Mary Ann, for by ectl ENULIPU & BENNET'. N O, now lanfll don. is Nr4 ..,..„ 9 -301tbbi SOSP-300 tomes Paint, in stare and for lisle by deed ENCHANT b. BLNNETT LiOLL BUTTER-3 abl. in .tone and bar sale by 11. deed ENGLISH t BENNETT SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GIFT BOOKS AND ANNULLII rot 11101 MBE tritiNt OF 1111.1 SEASON, with fifteen elegant eitgiaoNigs, witted by N. P. WINN: The Sacred Anneal, • Gil kw ail Seaway. by H. Weld The Floral [venerate, for IEN); with lony six batten. fat ccioredensteetr.g; edited by J.,lecite. Leratete at Memory. an Illaminalid Annual for 'eau. Onus of Bevan ar Literary 015 for IbiPtb by E. PetetteaL The tree., • Pare tint for the Holy Pay. Hareem tileantrage,--• lionday o.h:et - by IT n- Dtonget riatt Leaves 01 AtIIPrIC. Poetry, edited by li W aritstrold. The Itontance of Neter, or Poetical Windage of Floors; Tremor Mtlier The Forget itle•Not, tor Ittith by Aire E S Smith. The Mow flow, " by hire e P. fawned. The b.. Flake, lwatinfally t:lastrawd. The Chepi et of Literary Gaeta, wink emend eau. nut. Ilia Ilan. 06ettruy or Gloktpsra of Moire Llfa, by E. C E...ey The (ith of Ftrendahtp, a Token of Romenibr.. Tar Hy scrota, or Aeration's Gift, for IBSO l be Grin. for IMO, edited by Father Fr.l Ow. of Gold 14 Fleur. of Purer; by E. B. Fait loos Fton's Geis, or the Iktqaet for all Beeson-; with Letrautal eattreilpraotents lar Lhaaing Room Per. Book, arab seventy Most tea Lava T. Cbstraeorosuca of Women; by M. Jameson- Tee Ham. of .liasktpeate. i n (Orly sya env.- Titan, from drawings by eminent anat. Wale aod Prayet Book. In every style of Wading I. eat Ike tear af parehaeera Fat saws by ELLIOTT ft EN.GLISM, Nu la Wood eafeat. be... Foarkt &At and Las nod elley --- ----- rile. DANK. Of W.NOL•NO e rs foe tale 1 at poverty to the any or Fittetturelt,itsated at .., rt lke fe., tieu Ct.: ........ and Cata•,..a.e . ay. Ima m iel as a .. CIA, 'tree., SG test ea Mottoroir Ws, ant 110 leer on ilertcr• alley. Tote property cOnt.llll OVER tiaiE ACRE of etlo - ground, It ouseepoir. of a subdreltdon okieli 1 .0014 ore Lieb, , prolkante to oar to n-sod on toe aenp•fe errata 1.. aataaandal Wet' Itaradings a at •Cialf Watt, (taeladih illa Inverts k noon . rre 'Bd Uo4, a actesael of teastrboild -1.44 on an: Way saw Darker'. &lie, (partly oo copird by I ownotrid, Carr At Co,) and theatablea at tacked ll e tavern lb. ma al 11l Skit.o per aann. sod dm property hat one 01104 raprotra4 AP , ll t. d;2l 11. a WILMNS, Aucrroar at Law. 'oar. or.. i Ull/STS I / 1 111 riucsr.wrsi /nit si aer.ber respectfolly raMroan hit numerous I ...MO/ MO4 Ate penile gown.), dm ate TOYS sod VANIA GOODS are Dew open sale in the tore ware n em lip sodre, ICS Ma 0 , t, where eso be men the barest awl most magoi rat .1100. OW , r•CI Jeete4 ha sale ea dm err,. Pe wt.. eto bey cheep well please tail. as th go ods were imported duvet by myself. dell _ iC VEAGER, I , 34.trket ot 111••• Books Just, Arrlved. Q . ACRF.I/SCENES AND COARACTSRS, by J. T. m i' 0 It. ed. , with orttr nal dewsins by DONT nee P M. and Prose Wriungs of R. H. Dana rhyme a ard Pontit. Of • etattical View of the Woe; Da ro, keob,. end Interests of ibe Medical Proles.. •rol the Commantly, by W. Hooke, pd D The Pura. and Dos Ossetia, by J. K. Paulding, totter or .e Latchasso i s Sliaside. . inni Orin.. or . laude View of Menieo and Cal. ferns, mull W•DdirrIOVI to Perts,Ctiti arid PO:yDOSIS; by 14•111. Wise. Fur sale by ~ dell ELLIOIT 4 E.NGLISII, DI Wood st ,------ lAIRES , WORK Ilatib:ETcl —The- largest and a finest asecruneut ever broagbt to dos city, reed day. Dom Pans, gad ft, r sale low by doll C YEADF.R... I Markel st ---.-- --- A ?it:RICAN Mir rt--A large as. eat of.Amart. I A. Sri Menofaetered Toys, the best od most tato soinuol suede . the world Call and 0 theca at dell • C YEAtiER'n, tie Market at 1)1ONTY1 FUR 1110...-W. ILlSlcarnito yite• .1. tenitou of buyer. to Li swimmer, of PRINTS, nut brooms de newest and handsomest styles, end war. ranted last colors Ala—Enaltah Chintzes, of new .4 handsome getternA and 'e large .aortmeot of seat blared light Punta and Crania., for Infanta deal W It AIURPHY qiwn.i.u.n CURTAIN CIIINTZE9—W. R. hies. J. rut has reed a further &apply of plain Scarlet end Pied ed Curtain Cbsotwe, at dm North Fast corner of Fourth and Merkel els. dell ‘7, OD k A all--eu out. ateePe celebrated brand, I. U sale by WM IadOLLEY k JO, Id and 20 Wood a‘ 'AIDA WINE AND BRANDY— OUnchcute Sherry Wlne,.lB3li Ik r 4l 'iost reeD on oonsAnnown, "'. dßl hz SELLER. & NIOOLA_ W NI II JOHNSTON, 112 Second ol 1,31A/UR--33 C P Antbsites ant& inHly L sale del 1$ DILWORTH &CO AO A 1.-44 boxes Cineinead, I [ll/11:1VOILTII & CU 1:1 --• 111 1 1 1103--e4/1. Just reed .4 tor sale by VI dett t ' J KIDD It C 0,4 0 W. 4 st IT lull: , SLUE-100 lbss4PeriTh ttlfe k , dao 4 V V uo ltlie by . dell - 'lsll..3ly—it lb. just reed sale by ttell J KIDD lb CO ——— - ILOV ES-2 hand .d for We by J KIUOk. CO lb. American Cayenne• reed and in , etc by (kit d KIDD 14 CO FlA,UR—•itbhtiti.SAya D•Vii.; SS) bbls Superfine, best brand.; In Coro and dell) STUART 1S SILL . . I.II'FER—R fenibbla Extra Roll, lust reed and for aalo by det.l ,A.RIR3IPONR a. UROZER LARD --F bbls and 050 keo_o No 1, Jou to , d airdT own b don ARPOSTRONO 40.1. C c RO I Zlll. 1111 MINI usAssiLy FLOURS-e 0 bbls lalner Karl, Celt r Grated brand, In semi andfor sale by frvl A RSIaTRONG k CROZER DHIED MACHU—VD racks io !lay roc/ and for ima by doll ARMIITRONO & CROZER aIr:ALEI) PKAtIIIES--ra lotairtime, to day tra'd fur sale try deal A Ft!darTlitiNfri CROZER LOZR—SUO b ulno• Imanda sot 'scarred and 4 hy drat ARMSTRONG & OROZER 131;(;10VIIILA 2 1; FL.OTil=cokr:ttih:lld4r,re ( } lllg , CIDER—IS j l ,l lMAd o rp i T . w o v ER Irtr,r -2° Pl'"" 1 IMZ ER SALTS-1O bbt s on cons.gno.nt Slor sale by ISAIAH DICKEY &CO, doll Front Meat • ASI ISOALSI ANNUALLIII -- LEA F 1.1.75 of Memory; Lady'. OLf4 n of the .Cll, Gems or Beauty; dr Friendship; Floral beepeake; :,;„,,,re; Byaeinett; Chl.d , s Keepsake; ntlitions IlloNeoins; Leave. of Am. Poets. t%oltlcn Gill; Frte: , d.hiplo sidenns; l9O lAS'Asi 1 , 4,110'd Frolnle Penis of America; Ll,,jijanq Proverbial Philosophy, oisdied Annuals; Harvest tileense; Ktepslko of FriOndatapi otalq Ofltnutt; and Prayer Books, booed in eels.% aad mo ROCeiTed by JOHNSTON& STOCKTON, dray'corner Market and Third els ,g an or sale ti C HI GRANT C 2 010 ARtiL - iiOAO 0 pair by ,csar 101JR—JaAr bu store and for ll deSJ S TU ART & BILL EARRIS-100 bb sjast reo'd and for sale by P deS. STUART a. SILL E. 14-65 bbl. In stem and (or Jrn by CRAIG & SKINNER,bO • b:kbt .131 , d TVHEAT FLOUR-100 ...ks ree4, for ir4iby CRAM & Pf.ae11E25.—.14 bu fast edc'd and lar ~ C e by 1.1 , 112 CRAIG tr. SKINNER ICKOKY NLITS-50 On In sunc dein CRAIG & SKINNER sries Timotbv Feed; 0 0•et• Hari; Bade Bunn; in store and for ui b CRAW • FEE=EffEEIM PLOVER 9 EV-0 bbl. sten sad kw siledi 1.1 daft STUART 9 I CORN BROOMS 00 &s in cm and for sale y' deto STUART t SILL pEPPER-4.0 bap in store and for Nile by _ flan • • STUART SILL AT HERS—ZOI lb. prime, 1n 5r n1.7; 8 1 1 7 ., dna .B aem fIOFTEE—A moll lot for sale !L . .. NJ de2o 013ACC.0—= bits. and for snae deco STUART & BILL' rrEk-30 kf thew for sale by • de2o STUART & SILL C(111E113E—do0 bis Faun, jut STU ART* and far sea • dal] - SILL ucKurs—loo dor ist core and for sole by JJ de2o STUART & SILL LARD -19 Ude No 1 Le 4 30 kept • do fin oalo by do4o RIMY, MATTHEWS & CO DEANS-31 bbl. White, the eeile by 111 ea° • &HEY, MATTHEWS &CO PEACHEI-12U be old word 100 be now odor, for sale low by dal/ RIMY, MATTHEWS & CO ALLOW-3 bbls for we by dc2O RIMY, bfAITHEWB hCO I HOPS—SOW lb. In Caro and for ludo by dab I 11 DILWOITH & CO TOTTER—In keg., bbhCand bort", for Ws by del° STUART & SILL p•WD • , a • R OLL BUTTER-2 bbl. Rrtth: by d"avoar taoN FAR Y PEACHES-1W be is store iadler sale by J_/ dale IB DILWORTH & CO • REVIE—RI bas R, for sale Lay b Cy y• d J DILWORTH lc CO OLASSES-40 bbls 1 11, St Junes' Refinery f • lllsale by flab DILWORTH & CO T A d R .2. -913 bbl, C, mons j arl D f i nm g etf ia k CO, CIOARS-37,CC0 Common; 10,000 Half Sponia& In acre, for We by deal 1 9 DILWORTH &CO GOS-3 bbl, Eggs in non and for ode by COPE & BEELTOOLE, dee2o 109 Second meet: 'FOOLS UCKWHEAT FLOUR—aI sacks in owe and • We by des) COPE & OREVICKILE CAREEN APPLIES-175 bbls ree'd and kw salel4 de2o COPE & BREVFOOLE IT EG 1111TIER—ltikep Fre.h. to arrive :ht. dity. .1%. den CPE & 1111EYFOG LE, 103 &coed at FLOCH -.o tibia jest reed and for sale by i de2o COPE & BREYPOGLE rr PPER LEATHER-8 slew in store and Resale by L.) de2o COPE ILEYPOOLE EATBER SCRAPS-9 sk. 1n store and for sa:e by devEr COPF, a BiIEYFOOLC ATS-434 bn landing end for sale by C H GRANT A PLES-1 bbls Dried, for rat. try A. d*, C e GRANT sEEDs-4 en. Flweed: bbl Timothy seed; far sale by dao C H GRANT' AHD-4 bbla receiving and (ovule by dab ORAN? s "A 10 totl a a n'" tittto D 'At ilo Wood at MOLA.ISES bbls Plantalloai II hf bbla Sugar House, 10 • Golden Berm for sale dclIU J b Wili.laan CHLESE-100 bozos Cram; " English Deur fat utle by der.) Jbwr,r.ess TTONEV-10 boxes VI hilts.Comb i l.:=H ds den 13 LLCH TEA-10 td chest. OW= and Ocd/g, ,, i i .• mun dna) J D WILT- D AISINS-30 bens es and es, for We by JLI., de2o J D WILLIAIdO B a rait i° "i s°ddijr-2° 4" Rolme~6Co !or C ANDLEB-70 bows Suarirke; too nt.orm; for .ala try arao D W D RIED FRUIT-92 melts =1,49 bble Peaches, (babe.) prime mw cop; I 125 ba Apples: received ana fer L. 9 W-IeTEBALAN, Pros 31 Water utd di Frans s REEK AP PLFS—.2IS able, auk= qualities, sale bT dew L 9 WATERaL&N B ROOMS - do: L Comoro by deA) L WERM AN bbls Corn Mod. LTSRM AN ULVTF3-13 tads and IU beds, pocked, in gripe LIP order for .I:lipping, fer We by dndo L 13 WATIEILKI4 I . W Il f *le m blEe 4 VO!f r l=L TOOT , c /POWDM i iii imiak • ....,.tr a z.k.m.4. it LEZIA to • &AI - ----- — m - E sitißs. 57 woad LLONG 1111.11WL5—Boted per expleoe; nod Ode day opeakei at &..11.. Mum & ooh, No. 60 Market etreet-7 easemeaperfor I.os , aka Etaanaktor4.: l Broths do. demo ATIZIEIr64-11 eases osier Preach Blast Silk 77/ deg extra xtuaattstis, reripegAerszt at CILIIHMEREN h. DE WINS--6 eases super near lJ mta Cashmeres sad Do Liins, with very btalr coley reed al.a now opening as ••A MASON ItCO'S NBW 1100/KE rr HE WAR WITH MEXICO, by H.S. - Ripley; 2 / rola Wean,. of Rhetoric: comprising aa Analyais of me Lams of Moral /Wnn. and of Persusionp by Richard Whately, D. D. Emmy on Chrisunn Baptism; by Baptist W. A. The Ogilvie*, a Novel/ Fairy Tales, from all Nations; by Anthony E. Mon• ulna; era 21 illastradaris by Doyle. Joel reed by JOHNSTON t STOCKTONti dei9 eomer Third and Market meets FEAYIII.:isU 7 k - i — noVr - linding from smaiiir Fort PM, and for gala by dotO ISAIAH DICKEY I CO, Front sr A 11001..-18 sacks nom landing and for sale by de 19 : ISAIAH DICKEY is CO utxr AND fXbiu wool, to, by 11Z1Vicarts—firessd, roidraiii;t;sl:2 4, for sby deill Iseitautucced &co kii 10TYON —3 bales, landing from Fort _gala by dreg ISAIAH DICKEY & CO . . .. .. L&211-49 bbls end tierce No I, landing &oust, Fort Pitt, ud for sale by dole ISAIAH DICKEY & Front at LARD I TALLOW —,700 dep No C CU Lard, j . a N Id " U o w Jon dad SELLERS t NI C OLE UGAIt —WU lilies prime Nev Bmpar, 7 " fair ddi sum add for RIED BEEF-63 bbl. Erna; Swift's Borer D red Beef Rounds, to store and for sale by deli BELLERB t NICOLS VIV INTER L&RD OILI •1, k Noi n t & • - lo BFldel ‘ rt IRP & racoLs - S PORZ-100 b • lost reel *ad let nib by 8EL46118 NICOLB Cie R-43 •• • prone 0. ( • mpg for ule dell) RILEY, MATTHLWEI fr.. 00 ILSen—aiall pigs Son Galena, for sale bT dela fumy, MATTHEWS A. CO OTTON-3a bales, per Lyaritlillins Ta t 171 e-- -t C demo SHEN MAITIiEWS /AC CII OAP-64) boxes lwatlng fromstmcwr iw Enslax, and for side, to close dodndk=d l, l _ dell) DALZELL EECOBBnIDID 11,003.-1 rod Somali lands oct Piano, in odoellont order, with Woe pedal, price, 11100. 1 doe oct, in good order, t5O. For soda by • &dB LL KLEBER. eluer elegant plain Rosewood 6 oct, Piano , • from the celebrated manufactory of Mum & Clark, N. Y., of imparter tune, and eery moderate price. For tale by • H. KLESEIt, dela J, Wooden:lle. HE subtoriber has an band • eor;ohoiu cad pod T smorment of Leal& .14 Mims' hi UFFS, which U. now circling yea O. Thaws whO wish IL good Alla would do wall to call sod gaud. ALB anorkooni, [his HAT AND CAP STORE, SalithAold skeet, mar F.nh. doIAIM JAMES WILSON. BEANS -14 bbl del!! OTATOr ~p 1 on to .pore -rule •y delft CRAIG d SKINNER Jost reed, ut litvolcoof fall jewelled yawns le ver Watches, 113 carets fine cases, which I eon sett as low ea Shiny and thirty five dollars, sodwFT.,t 4 a n o I M l Z u sp rn itulld assort:town of JEWEL IO4 the various and late. , and eanpanema W. W.Jae iasious and ---- • WILSON, %valuator and /ovritor. dote comer Minket and roar* street._ bop landuti Moo steamer LOTal F Hannah acd for Ws by &IS ' JAMES DALZI.I4, `I CRAPIRON-Acas JAbiES DALLZELL IJ Norrons Idea lit Pillakeelb Much 97, k 47. Mr. R. E. Rellent-In lardee to you and your Mem parkle Cough Syrup, I beg leave to mats, for the ben efit of the comma:du, that my wire Ass ken eekral times afflicted with • most durmast pa e*.sh. I 7...- chued, in January Its; • bottle Of your er,IP, walk eared a conga of two mouths' elan4laß ...eel one month lake, the cough reiazneti. ind * vrs eo *evert Mat the kola herd,y suave, freeljekf.Yei 1 7 " Yte brcest; I one he cored J. as year conga I.7gu, • pen of bottle the gherZther to • Journeyman who was severely etticuld, who had, to sae hie own Wo rd., beet= *math trough candy to e all the people to Pittsburgh," if the Minds had been as pod as represented. pl'ours, reskeljallY, _ byyr/WA B. Lim pme end sold by 6 7. Weld amet, sad mid by rwlib r iii. irenentli7 OA two clues. del9 cr - a — g=. Abikli-te bele store end fat as 1.7 toelosee "Ceti ''' , l / 1 7Fr IL in LICELL,III-Watey at flea STUART at SILL, No US Wood of ru-3°hfabbl.Nov laseßetel{ 95 No t Mw: for .1 b " d DAMI, uu44 7,77 . • IZ-11 3 . • tuw crop)' Stiss.r; 73 bbl, (I crop) N. 0. ISOluses; jut med and for salc dolt 130REIRIDO WILSON & CO, Witar DRIED APPLES—LS bbls NC no' , and • rude by del° B CANFIELD d El d Ar g CIDER %NOLA-SSE:3-57 bf bbt.. 6 H, Ett. fame.iAbery, LVI for We by dale EWEN% MATTHEWS& CO nourt—oo a CIT iba r isle by 447 co i lIRZYKILZ AUCTION By John D. Davis. Ametione•r Ponrity qf flight Valuta BaiaAs Lgan. ch„Tk...4". 3d,ISSO, will Iro sad. on Me 0. forioaring very valuable Heal 'altars, Ibis sale er which was roarronerl from the 141 ch Ina, vizi Al 10 . o'clock, A. /SL. . Thee. five very desirable lots of (mond, teat/. es Penn meet,. between Merthyr, and Water stsee , each basing a trent of SO feet en Penn street, and at. leading back lit feet to Brewery alley. At 3 o'clock, P.M., . • • - , •• Three large and valuable lm, altnate an the Omni aide of Seventh areal, between Smithfield and Grant`, each a front of HI feet, and egtending back INIO feet to Strawberry elley. Terms. mob for fund, dcgl JOHN D DAVIS, Awes STEAM BOATS 011101INATI 6 PITTSEIIRGH -at DAILY PAc.KET LINE. rhe'dls well known limit of splendidousenger Stam en now composed of the largest, swiftest, boo and litralshed, and most powered boils ea the water. of The West. Every aesommodation and ern,. fort that money coo procure, has been provided for pee • sengers. The Line has been 1 operanon for five years —has carried a million of people without the lent info. ry to their persons. Thu boat. will be at the foot el Wood street the day previous to stetting, for the rag Non of freight and the entry of passengers on the -• ter' In ell core the passage money ...the Pal lb advance. SONDAY PACE .MT. ' AAC NEWTON, CnOteas MnstPULls leave Pittsburgh e ery Sunday evireing,nt delisehil Meeting every Sande) , evening ntlA , May Y 2, 1847_ nosti):II.I(PACIKIC2'. • • The MONONGAHELA, Rapt- itliovc..ol (rove Phi. bargh every Monday morning et 10 o'clock; Wbdrah IVlta Kotulay cremate et Ilre.. regiliairt r Aritric The HIBERNIA No. 2, Capt. J. Eutrartitysai'llrio leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning ut k 0 o`elook; Meeting every Tuesday weenie,. at 10 1. st. "' WIRIONWEITAirEfAVIEJET. The NEW ENGLAND No. r. CaPt- E. J 1 lh leave. Pittaburgh. every Wetinseday nu . ,eat• te 1• o'clock; Wheeling every Wedneodav evening •a Or. ti TlitrttiitairPXMGt'r. • The BRILLIANT, Capc Oxus, mill leave PIM - - bora every Tharaday morning aalaw l eltwhl W 1 1 .1 1.4 every Thursday evening at to r. ta 7 • - • pArfirirPillgaZit.. - Tha CLIPPER N 0.2, Capt. Pare Da - vat, will km Pittalargla e very Fridy morning at tgo , oloelt; Whew Inv every Friday evening at to r.lll. . FOR LOUISVILLE. . -'- '.', I . ... The Inc clamor. • ..:, • TELEGIL&PR N0..11 • ... A mato. 1da..., master, NOR lenve latex' , pan onTaesilay the 46th Instoß le , o t ec i m. 1. For raisin or pa.g.zr E r ., 2oA, IV. or 0 :0 . • El . • dal OEO a mum&YBERG . .... ... FOR CINCOINATI . The splendhl steamer aapp lUNOOOLD, • WI. leave far Me above and Intermediate port, 12114 447 4 o'elollt P. M. Forlrcight oe passes. an The gee pause._ steamer MT. VERNON Ream, muter, will l=ave for tie the above and all intermediate pens this day all(' o'clock, A. M. For freight and pusote apply on board. decal; FOR NEW ORLEANS. .. . The fine steamer. , ... r. _: .... Ed/FIRS:STATE, Coehran,master,will,leave far above d intermediate ports on Satordsy the fith inc., at 4 o'clock, P.M- For freight or passage apply en board ofett i _ del9. PETTIGREW & t Ails FOR LOOLSTILLK, - _ 1 .. — Mao fine new Haat drannits RailaC KENTUCKY, : „.- hr.etaan, muter, Will :I.lali•tot ilo above and all inGrateid , ma 'partas tb is day, th e 2lrt ins; at 4 &dock, P. if -., ' ' For freight or pony:. app!y on board. - InSelt ARMSTRONG & CROZEtt. FOR KANAWHA Alp CIALLIPOtaR,L The splendel fast mere' g st*at REVEILLE, B uftiT.l=lll l- * day, the hrld in., at 4 o'clock, P )I. The Reveille draws batik/ Iw, es wirer. • • _ For freight ar passage, apoly on Warn, or to nor2l PEITIGREW &CO, . • EITTFIBURGH AND WHEELING PAC/Celt The splendid fast rennin)! alert/ea. makLADS ItIeLANE. W. E. Cor m master, (having undergo= ga t , cosh repair, ) srtil tan hots negoler ;meter. between • Fi a b a o and Wheeling, leavum Pistsbauth <TI mx t day, Wednesday and Friday mornings; u 9 • wa,sk.,.. For freight er passage apply on hosed, or m droll AIINISTEONG ,4'.lDET.2,...6steats. Ciiiirsezeiii;m4 Now Irovrirvoisoivegt ELEGANT AND SUBS - eit NTIAL EDGES, Le Iltagefflenss datiquereedier, for' ties. I'AMEI3 D.LOCKWO47,I), Bookseller artd. Importer, g ea Wood eaeer, hv. reeervad boantifel a: Wearies 1a815r.r . 8. 0 .24,14r001l In the goer splendid mars- -41CLOX Lye or 110 Western World; illeminsted phi and Wordsworth , * Greece; riehly.lattrated: The Preacherhummed by Olsen Jones; and loud in urred ;rood. . The Bong a 0. 4 .4 laminated by Jones, Flowers and anis Kindred Thougntri laminated by lone. Heroines of Shskspeare; illestrated. ' • him. immure's Chsracterisues ot Women; titan red. For sale by JAMES 13 LOCKWOO den 6:lWorirt etteirt CriFiCinu and New IFat's Approaettinir MILEOANT AND . SUBSTANTIAL 1100IL3 star JD Me for the <amok holidays; at LOCKWODQrS. PEARLS OF ASIF.RICAN t OETRY; Ino.uattsit by T. W. G. Mapleson, Eeq., 4mi - elegantly bound ue dark morocco, gilt edges, antique srylejSit. ; "Some of the happiest effete°. of Hoffman. Long. fellow, Bryant, Willi; Whinier, Hallett, Spitague. Dona, Mrs. Smountay, and Una Hinbary,.ameng mb ara enrich the volutoe.n.-4Watchmau. - - `Thew um printed mom delicately and perfaailly, lithographic Orman Terrt,on Minot bi ed rd, each page boloto r,l m ire ed r, b an y Ve i ch a, ll with vignett e s wrotilft le ili the harden"-.[CommereteL • !The erod e uinated volume that has attempt. ed on this si of the Manner-and with regard to the beauty of designs, and the execution of them. Say be old mricol, if Din etuyeas, any thing of thq kind In bisrops" LAYS OF THE WETTERN WOBLlX—ffesintEAtitricia— ',Love% Rtmaient," by. Fenunlie.The Mother of Moms: , by AirsC hnvee. °mood; 'TIM Land a Dramas? by Woo. U. Bryson, - .Lees in the-Cop of by Mn S. O. Howe. •`Tbe Nista Comeau by Mn Esuburyi "The Toonlarnent at tieroir by IL W. lierbevN "Greenwood:' by Me.. Windex; .frigitarikipp . , by Silo Raped: 'The Mild , * Mistion." by hlri. Em bary.—Smali Wm, Illurrunated is the molt comb. manner by Mapleton, with borders • and vignettes. printed In gold, silver, end colors; bound In morocco, ins massive style,—forming the most elegant .and re cherche book of the kind earl produced intialitoot. try. Price, 1111. For awe by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, dela Bookseller Imparter, en .Wodd or. imccE;i:ie co LIFE INSUFLANCEI, Trenton Natant Lite Insurance Ceinpany. zArzo or pm= MIMED 25 psi xrt. ONintal, 5150,000. /AMES DURNO & co., Agents at Pit.barila, SOLED. OP oaxcnon, ST 1111=08. nir man. =es Roy. Jr.. Joseph Boll.linsla rw, C. Ilosii,Trost tr. - A. Pesci:earls, V. P. John A. Woe,. Eli Morrie, PleareWY Jonathan 7 , 'femme. .- , ~ . WM la.. Comptroller of Now York. Gado Wood. .lohni". Mackie.. I:livid Dudley Field. Joseph-fickle. • H. EXC. Gov. Benet -W. L. Dayton. U. 8. Sen. G. D. W , Ez-U. 8 Seta EI-Goofal. Dtokarson. MEDICAL: A.Bidory Doane. M. D 21 Waseca at, N. V. Was.MIL Moro ,n George IPOsok, hi. D... Pittsbnrah. . The AgentsolthisComPenn el MlDDAttsh. a rm eau, yea Ent Man rialt on Um it • ride.- u.O stmeaurflte 1 , 7 soaps& the •anat cam. 0 , pre mil= as charged vy other Companies. "e, Ming • Tedley if eltarance for One Timatend Dollars— To eon Los one Year, Pols Daft ' • 4 0 wren " " sl7 Lad m do Llteume, ho " L em propereort Sbr any ll= 01:1 whleh Ls the esteol tateel ou any ono Tyiaeompan7eiSMlSlLUted opentions aorta Ist Oct., 1948, reenthly haziness op to the Oct., 1919, .h,,,em • progress samesling Mat of 001 otherllfe Cora. P lZ ." first r n rd. rident of Profits bo declared to the amused on the Ist January, Ull+o. Pup - contmaina the VII6OIIS Of (CGS, .rd all the necusary information on the; Dirvortant sultlectof Life Aiaormice will be ferulthon ap cation to DURNO & Cu ., Agent., del7 _ Odeon Heather tore — aid for au • S W g ;w.- FIRE INSIVIZANCIIC.. mitE THEN lON MUTUAL LIFE AN MT: I , SUHANCK COMPANY sill Lao.. topadllll32/ Loss ea Conoco In top and Furniture, Stoma, 0141,11 to JANOMIDUE‘NOd co /Ent., del: rru Olean Ilatlanga 1211101cgAGY A , at Pittsburgh. The Bring 640.4 Realth Insurance Co., OF PtUliAalicq."...ln--cAPITAL:SIOOS,OO, TNBURES Utter and Females sgsbct the EtPont. A. and Lt occasioned by Nietie. or Accident, by 7..tatoallo:rof-ftom 03 to i>9 per week, far thatyt rra wo. ree The method of effeetiss this Irt.orentef and rho meaner of swardiog the sick slogrance, Will be folly explained by the Agent. . [LIM. person ears insure against Sieknont or /teeniest which will detain him from his ordinary rs4s 4 ess. , For ono vim year, by paying IA" iwdrro,ittet3 fr For taro " " 6,20 . 4 " ECM For fool " 5 `. 'a Or, fora period of (0117 years, , the sum of 114. 45 r" annually,beee secure IF per Pees 01.110 Fiat., ten Every saary information will be arant...., natpant of Insurance generany,4 , 7 JAAIF:3 DUILNO Pi . Odron Saddle, SLOTS sad fat We low 01116 i Panalasy/vaatia Haab.* • Stockholdezo of the Oat and Pennaylmda Railroad Comptun are r4"4 that the Annual Keating of Stcet holdn, and Vend. of Directory w,ll be held at the Conleany , a , 01:1“,O rtlabergh,on Thursday. then 182 11 i =o ' fteVag gLre 3L etf.; l . thane, 0., Nov. A, le4o. 1. J. MOORES. Nom—Extract from the 7th ±e•, of the net Incorporming the Ohm oa.l Company: “After the Int do mon of bi,r c mot. , o Pemon ho'i "you oo any abets op which any Irmm,. 04141 .... d " ." "IVO" •Oftt Siberian, Nepal* by CANFIELD MI!!MMTII Flom Jame•Cso2o ll . l David H. Wttll 4 Alexander C . It. E.Y. *Vona. !saneWrik, M. C. Waa A. Nereaktrt C. sAt ttruallton. AAIINERS. W. W. Gerhard, NE. lit 2CI Walnut et, PhWa- Et. Bell, ht, Allegh eity . Cry, Pa.
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