The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 25, 1849, Image 1
ESTAB SHED IN 1786 0 • s , KITT DOOII TO -17,00 per alma= • 6,C0. • 2 0 ,0 " teVN y, O ;I: Wit&ln a? Da to Di 6MM= Ors &pure, (It ...onpercil or We) one • 10. 00 Bqattre, each additional insertion. • 04 our Da. two apo Do• tame week.- •• -- • • ..... 4,t 10 Do. two months.-- —• • 7,00 00 Do. soar months 10,00 Do. ' eta annals. •• ' MOO Do. Do. twelve month ) ••• • •—•-• • • 18,00 Ihrtadlng Oust tit twee or less per =mot • 10,00 Co. Spare, chenacable topless. , (per are! NIS) exciustee of the paper-- ....... . 8. 00 Tot each additiort el equate, Insured over on e month, ass for each additional square inserted coder the year -4 rate., half price. Publishers oot accountable for legal adverthiercurats =tri amount charged for their publication. clog candidates for Ace, to be charged the Sena S. other advertisement.. Advertisements not marked on the cepy fora epee-l ied camber of (gm slims, wall be ordinaned 1111 forbid, sal psymentesacted accord: - The privilege. of yearly advertisers *ill be confined rigidly to their regal ar business, and ell other %dyer. clagaseata poi pernmuitig to theta Molar bast/leas, as agreed kr, um be paid es tea. All advertisement. for charitable methadon., fire eampanifir, ward, um neap sod other pub , to meetings, sad sari Me, to be caused half price, payable strictly In dvance. . Marriage notices In be charged CO cent. Death notices boasted letthoritcharge., miles. accom panied by funeral lenience. or obimety notices, end *hes ge accompritued to be paid for. Ressler advernacie end all others sending comm.. abiiii , es or rseuinng notices duigned to call anon des to Yalta, Souses, Canaan% or any public enter tainer:A where claws are made for aderduance— all sodas of Ovine assoelations—every notice de. *reisad to call attention to private enterprise. valcel. et blended to promote todividual interest, an ly be Welted with the anderstarallag that the ammo is to ha paid for. If intended to be inserted In idle lora sebum4 the game svili be Charged al the rate if not leas ass 10 et la per Line. ti airy sr Rat Noise e ,lo be oltarged triple. pride. Tana License Fetid . each. Legal and Medical adVardarlatats to be charged at hill prima. lea Mall Agents and Allatietteelle Advertisements ace Se be aimed under yearly rams, Om tu be allowed dUlturaut of thirty duce arid one thin per oast: Cum da amnion of bill. Wriatavta 111 IatILT wan - Ono Square, three =enlace.— 11,60 Do. each additlonsl lasortion••• • :7 iter[l.lll3=llllll l PrAl li. Ons Boum, lie hoel,) one insertion. —6O cts. Do. each addstional insertion—a RH transient adrestisemects to be paid lm serum. WillTß & CO.. Ossata I..IIhRPEAY ROB? HIDOt.K, Jazzael JAMES P. NARY I CO., Chronicle. eusTER I BROTHER, Neagh. JOB. SNOWDEN, Mercer/. JAMES W. BIDDLE, Aseaticen. Prersichoo, BUSINESS CARDS. gLICIANDLII FRANMLIN, Attorae7 u Law, Fauna at • novllly - -DAVID O. TV T'PLE• kTTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, SI. Loan, Mo. oasamanleatloas prompuy aaswilerad. ItIdSTRONGACINIZVIL,ComedotioII Atoranots and uler" lin Produce, No. 23 makes meet' ' dad! ' JOHN H. BAJORIN, . . •ii.TTORNEY and Counsellor at Lavr,..ll. Comm dolor for the Yule of Pennsytowns, an. Loots, (lata of Pittsburgh.) Ramsxon—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Ramp Um t Mier hVihtodless & Wparo, John E. Parke, laantlit Sisapte, APCord & • . . -' saitgaily z'' II , 13AI £ 1111%17.11ZTT, A TIORNEXIi AND COUNSELLORS Ar LAW, .0, Ebertlt street, between Saltalad aid Omar, Artdrargh PA IL LAZA um.. Ana. SIMI 1,&111.053 & 11. A TTOitNEYS AT LAW, Foluth street, ne lißcar Great • tr • - ginFial ATrOliNsY AT LAW-016ee an 'Fourth n., t;. Mena 13011.4 field antil Grant st, Pluabargh. . Pittsburgh Alkali Work.. BEKNEIT, DERKY k CO, Ma not.eturen of EMI . AA. BIWA./ Plonk., kto dude and /6 olpheria 414144. Woret,ou. —VY act saw, below lorry. -'1011047 01:0163 MM. p •1/.l l )i i k .IJ •• •- . • I - II • seater of LS:wry mad St Cleir.trees, • mayl4: •'MUCK I Co, holootto and tad $ !• • comer Wood sod Mk A U.Stel veld. 12E53Y41 ••a . . NO. MS SPRUCE STELEEK, PEULADELPIILS, to give his pastiest...esti. to st, - • te C =l - Ihseases of the SKIN, SCROFULA Vial Dleniisa of the THROAT. 11110.11Crorr 9 A. ML, 3 P. /4-... 4 7 P. If- an A. CALM N. A Sal... Pro & egniNEE, Forwarding and Conwsiesion areksets No. 26 Market w, Patsbarak. L apin /11 . Co.,trwardig ub ateila . =WA Stl•a.~;Yf~" l.x7R*n.~ et a „-.-.,~.....~...~....,.d~•r•'J ~' __ ihoesooso IllpoliogoAzio, II tool and Iron orks. C OLMILN" d rAAA.MAH t mszate w torolo of =azoilPlonk eet 21.4 Pittst Iro rafgh.n, &a. Warehouse on' arid Fnosi str; Also, &alas 4Gauh Td and Molleabl• coin ......, &Jan & BENNETT, au. ILU a•l2xlacr l[areLaais~ and deafen Inugh afistuusa, No. 37 Ward at, between 211 and Si arum oLL EJ. HENRY, Actorney sad Commllor u Us, Cineinismi, Wlo. Collostiom in Southern Ohio, I Indisss, and in Komodo., motion) . and miss. tolly osesdod to. Commissioass for the Stain of Peso. Woos* Lot taking Depositions, ackmmimigmeniy do& lko. Rims Hos Wm. Del & Eon, Carlis, Chard, °modem, Wm. MTh F.O.1 14111 .e& & .2' '17d1:0101CO., Br sra .A.T an d lop Dollen, Put at. Paubara ;;Idataintssh. arSB IX/CURAN, Comm/mon and For. IGteant; No. Wood areal. Pinata/T=l - - - - - - - - - - . , attohllll LIT.A6IVIL.RACTOMIIre 1+ I._ AMILION STEWAountafactater of Matta InkliOilat ChOcha, ihc., Itabeeca erect, city at cur: • n071341r0 LEE, (macular to Morph y It 144,7 Wool 'Mai er and Caniattitalon Merchant, for du oak of an Woolens, Libeler, opponta nth at. WO WIL 1-7"—Wa"s;tialiaite. .4 I. 1614[1.02; XSTALID TOLUX, / ma n. IMO Wa1312, z ' 7 " . .11MLNort, Tobacco Othandssion Her- Olaela, 41 Nona Water s; a 16 North Wharves, nov,ISMI 'MIL ../Mm DY, 30=1 & Co., (rooms= to Atwood, jam I Co.) Cop= b •• on and Fo • • Many - . tu • • • • • oats, =ULU DICII2I6_ 00. 1 doss% LaLIAB DICKEY 4 yra gerolkddis, and deal= In Prod=io:6B , and IP/.Front wee Vaud ,_ novd 101113 •. =Montt. l. DILWORTH t Co, Wholesale Grocers; Pro e * does end Conualssion Merchants, and Access As Retard Powder CO. or N. Y., No. 27 Wood at, Plasb—"' era TWIN H. TOWNSEND, Driggist and Apeti.tary SIP No. 4111Lartet throe doom above Thud et. Yui.4 bent, will have cionsuustly on hand a well selected ao. mown' a( the best and irahest Dledielnes,which he NS sell cm the moat reuolizble teams. 'nazism= Mem =dere, will be promptly attended to, and sup- Ilted with ic arueles they may tely epee hem iiriY be =ma as geode ma . and • Physcip. a ians nuc bosta=mrials, at ary Wpm . of '111"6e •WV sloth of in= end goad Pen: 1013 ;IMMO UV MA., Croon eallor at Law.—Uf• •Me an Marta et., above Bantb.M.M. novb•W B. onto dommt• sloe and Fonvardna Merchant, and •thoin.4. In Wattern Macrae Chaco, ismer, rot .00 hurl AA, end Weann ?rodeo° irenarallY. between eadddleld and Wood, Pittsburgh. _ap3 7311 N —WATT, (inceessor to ElMit & Ciebbart,) Wanlents Motet and Cot=lndult Merchant. In Produce and Fineman alanullatarey eor '4berty and Hand wants, Manure , P.- /06 A. HUTCHISON, & CA-Baceotsort to V Let& Ilatoldsoa It CA, Cootordosion Merchants, AV Amu of OA !A Louis Stout Su. &Soon , kwon AV 92 Croat Amu, Pitub ate, iourt ILUKUAN W °lewd*Dreg.r r d rt et la Dreßedre, rale* Oilz, Vend e, d, eod one door South ef Dleedond pau _ jaw Jr., Co m? room, JoieAU. %lolanda and Retail dealer i i•• War Mule arid Magical r, Sla Meal Pe Went., School Pam, ru, tes, Printer.' Cud., and inatianar7 merely, No. bl ond at., Pittsburgh. Irr Rags bought or taken ia trade. • .013 BCIIOO/IMAKYJd L c 0.,. Wholesale preepets, la • • Na. 94 Wood street. 1 , 11 h. WIN 0 DAVll3,llactsarkeer, earner rah .4 ood Marts. Pittetarreb. oetEo OrniftlsM kSTOCgIVN, llookaellere, Ynntere sad Paper Maaafaetama, No. 44 Market at., Pitts. jeri Jame k. PWYD, Wholesale Grocers; Coomolsalon Mareamds, sad Dealers In Produce&amid tmt e. Fleabag!, P DaDdloes, fronting ou Liberty, Wood' d eth mso 0 AXES WILZELL, . • Aleiebaat, aad &Wel in Produce end Pitulargh • 140.111. Water L. Ptitaborgd janlo J-.& BWIOTZER, Attorney at L.., o.Oenil Et, opprwitebt. Cherie, Hetet, Fittentiren, will also Wand promptly to Collections, in Weritingtoe,Felett• a. 14 Organ mann% N. REFER TO Bleehteelt, Dell & oe, QM! icamakeye, }pntsbaret. D. TJLiqtra, THE PI CARDS. ratos IsMAYER, Wholesele and Retail Dea tP ler sn Foreign Wo com e ringers. eud old Morton (*lel& Rye Whiskeys,Flat and Mattes au a, lER JONES , For wa rding and Commission Mes chants, Dealers in riodoce and Pittsburgh wants• featured arucles, Canal Hada, near7lh st. dYt .P113411/1 SILL PIT T 884114.0 li, PA. K i rNEDY, C CO., blanufacmrom of, ..operior 4-4 Shoeungs, Carpel Qum, Co ery Tyr nod Booing. A-10.1),mm Ve•nvin• liOn,Works. y BWIS, DALZELL & Co, Menefee rarer, of . aea Bar, Bkeel, Boller Iron od Nails of the- nest lushly. Warehouse, 64 water and 105 horn a. hula WAT MAN, olosale Okocer, Forward- Ins4htfra le' cluzes . anr Ptlut " :l!io l) : . l r NlPate i r .l' at sad of Front 127 t ittAtiga', COKING GLASSblanufacturera and iVtiolessle It.l dealers in foreign arid domestic Variety Ganda. erient merchants, Pedlars and others are invited to owq and examine the prices and quality of our Mack, as whit our prevent increased facilities in manufactur. '.and purchasing, we think we can offer as great Inatteements to buyers as any other house west of the wa. struita, - Pailada. c. w. mcarraon, Pittsburgh. VIILLE.III &KETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and 111. importers of Brandies, Wines and &gam Noe. ; 1711 and 174, earner of Liberty and lreria meets, Pius. 'burgh, Pa hots, Nails., Cotton Varna, eon : stoutly on baud. angle loll} WOCI.L. • lAA D. YVELZ- WA.. C. Roll. M /GILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and Coturni. •4 0 11 /archer:its, No. 194 Liborty st., Pittsburgh • MURPHY, WILSON & CO., (late Jones, Murphy S c..) Wholesale Dealers an Dry Goods, No. 48 Wood street; Pittsburgh. noett 1V1: ter. Rooms,, corner of Post Office &Rey and Fourth street, entrance on 4th notable/km _ dec6-dtf. PITTSBUIMMI STEEL • . WOIrKB AND SPRING Mi=fs= JO AK. javicia.,7" 7 . QOl7 • ALNUFACTUILEILS or spring and blister meal, AlLlplongh steel, Meel plough minim coach and clip, epnnes, hammered iron aziiincd•deelere in mai eablo minims, fire engine lame ars.d coach trim Age v .erally, corner of Rom rit . = ar. INJ . • 1 . 101211111 & SON, No. OS Market at., second .ad VOlfatro 49altfhaa Po g u e nh ee d n e t. " ..rgt i‘, Bonk Note sand Spade. • EU-Collections mad oa all 'the prinelpalqles de SUCKMASTEK, Afinfinfitan--011ee, Pooh Nthird dm. above Smithfield, south tido. tbeveyaneing of all tin& done with the greatest eare and legal accuracy. Tides to Heal Enate examined, /r.e. • PROF. MINIM 11.01180C11, N STREET, between Wayne and Hand, has A, hymned ku prOfeuional dunes,k Instnter nous ou the Puna Guitar, and in Vocal givel Alma aulgellf TraintringriTintir,--No. Vonnh st.,heas.Wterd—All quentines of Omen wad Black Teas, done up in quarter, half, end one pound packages, feeng from GO era per pound 100._ 174 A. NES, Agt. Pekin Ike Co. 011160 N, Wrrt & CU., No. un Lthert7 army PiUsbargh, Wholesale Grocers, Produce end Coaarduloa Merahants ; add dealers to Piusbargh histrialeaturrs. /77 IMIT.1.1.1•0. TOO. WIT.. YYLI. Sollball. V) VU MOORE, — Wholesale Ortiner, , Reetifying ph! Distiller, dealer in Pnidace, Pinsbargh Manufac ture°, and all kinds of Foreign and Dantean° Wines andl.lqaors, No.ll Merry street On hand a 'very rge stock of saperiOT old gonadial:oda whiskey, which will lie sold low for cash. _ .• • • L) MIT:OLDS &SHIM, Forwarding and Ceadralsaio •Llad Meeetrults, far tan Allighany Rivet Truk., deal tra Gmeenna Produce, Pittabargh Manafactu tnd:Chloridn Of Adam The higheaptieei, In cash, paid at all times foe sane, A coda. earner of Penn and Irwin au, landl3 CIGHERT .DALZELL k Co., Wholesale Grocer., R Cemmissieo and Persordiog Merebuts, dealer. Prodisre and Pittsburgh Moor Mauofaemres, Liberty Piusbanrh, Pa. - tebßt tirD3 T. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholeule Grocer, no Dealer io Prodeee and Pittsburgh hiudleustes 144 Lilxriv 1712 6 1t.161.13.6 1.1161,6 o . ltAcKLerr a WHITE, Mols/de Dealers In Q.Foreiyaksuld Domestic pry Goods. No. as Wciod c9915a0190- febraf s;" -- x - vv. HANBAUGU, Wool Dioramas Dealers o Deni. g m Floor and Produce generally, and Forwarding rad Commirsiam Mares.Ma, No. dad Water al-,Pita. Mira!, S } VON tIONNHOILST. &G, Wholesale Gorr Deitera to tl,M q od" — lcrrm.tmw.V,,, - PrO.'' Oct, core rem:tarred° their new trareboascAold stand) No. 3s, corner of Front st sod Chancery LIMB. BEST'. Wholesale Grocers sod Commis. east Merchants, arldolealers t Produce. No. 31 ood at. Pinsbargis. JIL-, IiIIrIGLESALE GROCER, ImporterOf FOREIGN • WIN, LIQUORS and CIGARS, dealer in Od Monongahela l*S Rye Whiskey and Pinabargh Man al-snares, comelier! Market and Pint Its. Superior articles supplied at market rates. oct2tl. M5ll W. & Di. laITCHYLTRYS. . lI T °L ft kr % R ana rticQrultl'ALKl: ANTS. Alao—am;nere of Soda dab and Illeaening Powder, No. 100 Lawny st, (oppoette Pi z& st. 4 bra b. eet2/ ' Mil D. WICIL. imam wasassass vincic wcerwazss, louses:moss to L. it J. 11 IVY Wicki) Wholesale Grocers, Formardise and Commission M.:imam:Ms, dealers in Iron, isils, 'Gm. Yarns, and Pinsbargh htanufactares generally, comer of Wood and Water ..mtess, Pinsbunch. W. WALLACE, bin none and Mid Funush . tug ertehllahmen;No.,944 Liberty st, nen the canal. mars .W— .WDAtON, Watches, Jewelry, Stiver Wir — e, a - td MilitaryGoodi, corner of Market and 4th Mreem Pittsburgh, P i N. B.—Watches and (Mocks eallfaly replairL. dee4 Iran' BOWMN—Conmaatoa and Forwarding 3!erchan . No. 00 Front st. between Wood and k4,t d . uL fob WrttEYDIWd, Ruud dealerin . . amigo end Domestic Dry Goods, mrth eau corner of Market and Fourth no. WM • v"'.PF" ° _ , , . • .l.°: a. roan. W-14-3ii):**o Oy -I."Tf 1. Dee.. in all.. U. actrrcuneo• . SOM. IeCOTOLIMII -11A7 k R WOUTCEIEONi Wholesale Orme», dea. lera in:Produce, Iron, Nlikalus, and - Pius burgh Manchurians pi:wally, Liberty sti Pius bu,gh- jdeug w ta zoN o r l7:t h 3 r n r v tv,4,, . 1 0. v7i. t , nn , • t. AI: • ATTORNEY AT LAW, • , H Bathe, Pa also extend to colleedoes and all other best -7.lFita eel:Gated told. In Butler and Armstrong eciantlaa, Pa. Refer to LAB. FUG* LlbertY el. WI W. Wallace, do /atm Karehall do Plttabarah. diy Koy aZo., Wood a. J 1.7 • • PETT102122121 41 CO, • STEAM BOAT AGENTS 07721:3 IMTVI M. Ruse & Co, 0e231 No. 42 Water Fowl- HOTELS POIINTALII HOTEL. LIGHT !STREET BALTIMORE IMO Ale TIMILMIS, nommen= , j2T11113 establishment long and wllialy haunt so being ode of the must commodious in the city of • Bultunoia, hie recently undergone very exten sive thermions and isoprovementa. An enure new .wing has heed added, containing numerous and airy eleeplog aparements, and extensive bathing rooms. The Lasll.l department has also been completely rearganiseli sod fitted up In a me funkiest and bead thl style. In fact the whole arrangement of the Hone has lama remodeled, with a single eye on the part of tha proprieteri, towards the comfort and pleasure of their Guests; and• which• they confidmitly assort will Challenge comparison with any hotel the Union. Their table wW always be supplied with every sot. Wanial and Maury which the market afford* served up to a soperum style; while in the way of Wines, he., they will not be mapassed. - In eenclusion Ale proprietors beau) ea that no th ing. will be loft under' out/ ef t par*ead on t he parlor their assistant* to render this Hotel worthy the confirmed patronage of their friends and the pubfia, generally. The prune for beard hue also been reduced to the ~~~, N. B.—Tha Danzig, Wagon 1 al. way, be lavad at the Car aad Staaaboas Lanchngo, wklat rormery bagipga aad from ibis liatel, free debug. raaritr • LAIIAILTI2IIIO 110USAC, comma 07 sworn AND mum mows, nromenten. jahe r b i ls E ng b . - , - ,z bL new lad ezeello,a Hotel , for the sothounodation of travelers, boarders, lad the nubile generally. The house end furniture are entirely new, and no pains or expense have bees spared to render hone of the most comfortable old plewant Hotel. in the thy. The subscriber le dentronned to deserve, and there. fore to:girlie, a Ware of public patronage. ectl4-dly I JACOB HOUGH, Proprietor. BATS, CAPS AND BONNETS • ,conD rs hr& & KiCO., (SuccessoCord ng) Iriesitslsasabits a C ot oma of Mod and' FiJtA &nets. relreArt as ll t e o ra f ie nl i , T il ' an d % Caps ( G root oar estab as lislustent of the non e tAea y i W,; ) arentaxatenete, of the LW= TIES, and at the ;owes. • nue= Country Notehants, parehasing by wholesale, are se.Pettfully (milted to *all end examine oar atoek; as we ean Lay With' coal:lance that aa regard. grams, and rams, it Will EEO(' oder in a comparison owl any hosed in Philadelphia.febl7 §PRINO BOPINETaiaLIONS, &e.—W a Murphy h 11.• and haw 1101• Pen a supply asps/hi BelmetjObens, o new :Isom ss. Also, new style lie Netts;' d Netts; • Lisle Lace. and Edg ings; bison Menus; Victoria do; plaid Muslin. and Jaconets, embraidered Sinn nualms, beaides A large usonment of Spring Geed* genteelly, at north east corner CO and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms UP suit.. • LOST OH MISLAID-1 trunk Shoes,n. , lbe marknd 'J.& IR. Dick, Meadville, reg.*" abillt tie nth ntal October lest. Aloo-2 ehesta Tea, marked rT B." They may bare been rttlssent to maw comailswoe holm or atearotoat. A liberal reivard will be given for all or either of lb• Pwskakaw, on iheir recovery., by_ 118•12 JOILDI MePADYIS Au CO 1:111:1111 I I • , ---- ~ _ _ r i l ..;,,....._— -,---z-,i.:•-.7:1:- - • '- - - ,i••:-,•.e.:••1. 1 - •• _ ,-_, _ , • • ,- .„L.....:___, • -„,...,„-,•,,,,,..,---_a_......... , -., i --,:::. •:"1--.-- . .--•••,- ••••• • ••2„22 -„,•• 254 • . . _ _ ill TsBUIRGB - Di_ Y . . _1.,... llNlJltiall • end Health TMutual Life and Health Danovnee Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, ISIS. Charter perwmat. Canitsl 1111110,003. Rs". Low. Min arm 1 . 111:611.- vont Crimean, and fall 90 per cent. lower than the 005.1 rates of Life Insurance es the [Mirroring com parisonwill show Thus, a pens. of ftosage 0f 30 In suring for /100 for life, must pay In the Opard 12,25 Pennsylvmda, efl 36, Penn Nratiel, 82,76; Equitable, 61.01; New England, 1,2,30; New Yore Life, 12,76; Al bion, 152,1 a Life and Health, Philadelphla,ll.ol. Dtaecross—Samuel D. Orrick, Charles W. F. Beene, Robert P. King, Charles P. Msg., M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. D., Chas. O. If Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Booker, E.ll. Bailer, Edwin R. Cope. President—Parnual D. Orrick; Vie, Preal. dent—Robs. P. King; Seeretary—Franca,Blaekberne. applications mill be rereivedd every information given by f3AM.L. FA ,an ILNESTIJC'IL Alt, Offwe, Commercial Flown, corner of . ocll7-dly Wood and Third sta. Pittsburgh 1118ORANCE - . V it t, A; PROTECTION FIRE AND Id/LRINEINSURANCECOSIPA -4, NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. nacomoman 4n 1825. ' Annual Premium; Capital Stock, and Surplus pond, sloooo,ooo. This hid and responsible Company continues to Is. sue policies on the most favorable toll= on Irnehiog . Meese', Household Furniture, Stores, Steche of Goods, Warehouses and contentz, Mills and Mumfactories, An kc., against LOSS Oft DAMAGE BY FIRE. Also, on Goods, Warns and Ildernhuidise, egainet the hazards of Mune Traxaroaranon, and upon the Cargo. of Sea Vessels. The Protection humane° Company having, in the last 25 years, paid BURT 1111.1.101.1 or DOLLY. at their several sgenele• throughout the United Sta reputa tio nth Brineit Provinces, have established a lust forsolveney and fair dealing, which challenges core. pinion with any , other, iustirence company on the continent of America. The annexed extract from an article on the cabled of Insurance Companies, taken lima the "New York Day Hook," exhibit, lined, the ..ding and policy of the Company. “The'reoneyed men' of the ancient and always pros perous city of Hartford, have for half a century been famous throsiglioat the Union for the care, discretion, rind honesty, and tomarying success with which they have formedd managed ns eorpbratlo of this de. .ription. No Hartford Bank or Insunnee Cor ;say has ever failed! The. Con:maples have for more than a whole generation .attered their risks in near ly every . State of the Union, and hove never failed to pay the innumerable losses which they have loaned against." All Hosea arising upon policies issuedjiy ohs .der.. signed, will be promptly adjusted and p d at the Den cr. Agency °Dee, located at Cincinnati, 0. A large portion of the funds of the Company, lincluding all premiums received at the Western agepci.,) is de posited with the -General Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, for the payment of Western and Southern *MC. Apply to PAYETIR BROWN, Agent for the city of Piushurgh, and for Allegheny county. octflid.lnt The Pestsu7l.eala Cospeasy Fos laua.acs os Urn uso Guarino Artnerrtzu tHE bat Lice Lasarance Campanili in the U. Suttee. Incorporated March to, tebl—chat ter perpetual. Capitol poo,WP—all paid to. Having antbortsed the undersigned to receive appli cations for insurance, on which policies sell, be nutted, according to their proposals and elute, which trill be made known to applicants at hi. No. VA Wood tree.. LL G ' COCHRAN. Inilffir I 11TX ,folllllila OF PiTTSBURGH UNTIL 1100,1)01). J. FINNZT, Jr., Seel. I R- Mama, Presk. Will Insure against all Mirada of Wats, • FIRE AND MARIN ALL tomes WEI be liberally solos E 4sl and promptly • paid. A home inntinltinfe-tannsged by Dlseeters who are well known in the community, us who am determin ed by promptneu and liberality to maintain Ms etas enter which they have assumed, se offering the best Protection to those who desire to be Insured. Drawsees—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Mack, J. W. Bali, kl N. Holme . s, Jr., Wm. H. Holmee, C. Ihmsen, Goo. W. Jackson, trot. M. L.yors, Jas. Lippineen, no.. K. Litch, James b.P.Auley, Alex. Pilauck, Thos. Scen t:Wm; Net MI Water street, (warehouse of Sputa A Co., itpstalrs,)Plustnagh. tutrlly insuzumoz; THR DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INPU RANCE COMPANY.—OtIiee, Piprth Room of the Exchange, Third street, PhiloAelpluu Flax lesoimsca—lhaddings, Merekomdise and other property in SOWN and neural, insured against lon Or damage by fire at the lowest rate of preauum. Mamas Inamonce.—They also blame Vessel. Car goes and Freight., foreigner coasmost,:under opener special po i mies, m the maimed may desire. IntenleTherenVerallen.—They also Insure mere d i transported by tyagens, Railroad Curs, Canal Boats and Steam llama, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal tonna. DIRECTORS--Joseph R. Seal, Edmond A. Seeder, John C Dans, Rolicrt Bruton, Jobs R Penmee, dame REdwards, Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlirguat, Isaac R Davis, NY libust Falwell, John Newlin, Dr R M Hus ain, James C Used, Theophilue Paulding, El Joliet Biooke, Henry Sloan, Ilugh Craig, °cargo Perrin, Spencer Mciliretn, Cherie. Kelly, J G Johnson, Wti, aim Slay, Drft Thomas, John Sellers, Wm. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT Pirrsuunuu—D,. T. Morgan, Wm. Heasley, J no. T. Linen. WILLIAM MARTIN, President ttolione S. N swan., Secretary. . 11.). Udee uf d.c Company. No. 43. Water street, Pittsburgh. MlX:dr( P. A. MA.DEIRA, Agent. 6.llik — AND THE INSURANCE W. ol North Ammon will mote petatulint and limited !moron. on pro- E . erty in tbis city and vicinity, and ro ditilortc.t• /diYord, LOAM and by doa. Tie Nos et WAL P. 0111119, Ageu 41 Wate The Fnzailix Fkr• inrstransc Ca of Pkiladelph... io. TIIRECTOR.3.—Charks N. Ilaucker, Thomas - Nan, JJ Tobias Wagaes, Samuel Gram, Jacob Smith, W Richard', Mordecai D. Loaria Adolpeo E. lame, idond s Irroorn, /darns Yeoman. - Laaaiss N. BAJECtItS, PITIVILLit Charles G. Danker, Secretary. Continue 10 make insurance, perpetual or Waned, •Is •ery deaenpuou of property In town or country, rotes as low as am eousiMent with seeafiry. To Company have rammed •large contingent Fund, Web WWI their Capital and Premiums, safely umeal d, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets of the company, on January 1e42, as •01,Lislied agreeably to an set of Asmmay, were as ellowe, 310Mgadvs, 91,017,438 41 Real Emate 94,724 83 Teniporary Loans 98,121 83 Smets • SI,MM 23 Cash, ha. 32,9/4 37 51&M,499 71 &nee their Incorporation, a period of 19 yenra they have paid upwards of one titian= four hundred thou ! uddollars, losses by fire, thereby affenling evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and dispoution to meet with promptmiss all liabilities. J. (JARDINE& COFFIN, Agent, tuarl4l7 Mee N E corner Wood and Id au DELAWARE. MUTUAL INSURANCE 00. A- MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh far the Dela. P ware MuntalSafety Insurance Company of Phial edelphis. Fire &ialts upon buildup and merchandise of every description . and hlarine Risks upon hulls or cargo. of newels, Lk. upon the most favorable terms.Dr7 • _ Office in the Warehouse of W. D. Ilohnes Dm., N 0.37 Water, near Market strut, Pittsburgh. N. B.—ne oraceess of thla Companysince the estab lishment of the Agency in this city, with the prompt nos. and liberality with which every claim aeon them for loss has been- adjusted, tally warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage Of Ms friends and the umwartity at large to the Delaware RA In.- ranee Company, while& has the additional adrantnarn as u institution among the most flourishing in Mimic!. phin—.s having an ample pai d•in capital, winch . by the operation of its charter isr oonstutly ittereasms, as yielding to each person moored his due share of the profits of the compuy, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious Ma rian and us its most attractive form. nevi FORWARDING & COMMISSION . . S TUART kr. BILL, Grocers, and Ptoduce and Com -116b1./0111 Merchants, No. WI Ward at. Pittsburgh. Dealera In 1:110.5iit., Flour, Wheat, Rye, thus, Corn, Barley, Pork, Bacon, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Clover, Timothy and Plan Seed., Iron, Nall., (Rasa, &n. &o. &n. Particular attention paid to the Sale of Western Produce. Ravainercsa—blessts. Myers & Hunter, Raba LW oolt Co., & Roe, tilialpum, IStrinti & Co., James Mn Kul aa le 'Moorhead,Pittsburgh. Fenner & kV:11111m, Massillon. Jos. B. Mormon, E.q., Bt. Lout.. span:lT tuns a. cues late of N. Lisbon 0. w. • scram 45uszo & ---t G/INERAL eI+LINICY, Coutudalea and Forward -L Ins Metchuda, No. WlMatket at., /Wabash, Pa. irrrrompt anemiasgli3O[llo the 'nacho. acid &are of all kind. of Produce. Kvo zo—John Watt & Co., Murphy, Wilataii &Ca. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lavraon & tWI Mahlon Huhn, Wellsvitio,-04 Jobs H. Brown & Ca.; On & Co, Philadelphia; B. W. Bnodgras• & Co., Gregg, Nato, New Lisboa, 04 Fr. Bickner, Hon. O.L. Cotten, Cincinnati; I. P. Keller, Younhodown, 0.; W. L. Stan. dart, Cleveland. O. GEORGIC COCHRAN. 111,73 par day 1,60 Command os& and Forwarding Blerohant. no. VA atom ar., Irrinditutt, . CNTINUP.73 to trmsact a general Commission tan nen, especially to the purchase . sale of Anen t. hlmufactures sod Pradme, end in receiving and forwardim Goods consigned is his care. As Agent for the Maninctuna, he will be consumtly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh hlenn lactate at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments arEelpfully solicited. 1117 Steam Brick Works Car Bala. BE onscrlber offers (or nla, the EITEAN lIRICX T WUHAN, above Lawrenceville, comprning a Slaam E •g r oc , Borten, 6 Mould Machine,. capable of manufacturing w,6.0 Pruned bricks lout of dry etity, as ukeu from dm bank,l per day; with three serve of Iron on the Allegheny river, on which area tains and duds, machine and clay sheds, whenfiterrowa , troche, noses, aped.. he., Beery. ne eiperauuns at an hours nuns. rrice, In punt right to use said rolutunc.,s7lll. or paymen nine reuy. Without the lend, VA,Olio. F or particulars address HEARN angeklif No in bionongunera Mouse. OWLS. AND if VO V NDILIi. -- 7 A FULTON, Bell sod Bran Emmen ; has re. • null and commenced Lawless at his Gu a no; where ho will he planed tone hie old . era and friends. Chureb,dteasubosd,and pa tter nevery sin, (rom to II) ; oon pound., east from Mtn most Nip.... ed models, and warranted to be of the best materials. Mineral Water Pesope,Cosetsre , Reding, ke., toge ther vrah every varlet) , dine. Canoga, It required, torned and (milked in the nate. manner. A. F. is the sole proprietor of Bassres kler.Arrio num Maral..oso Justly celebrated for the reduction at friction In MaChlnery. The Bouts and , :Annpool I hOn can be hula( him at allure.. NINfINU PAYEK —WOO roams of Pruning and X Book Paper, a superior arude. /Wooed Linea on hand. Any ace tondo toordor at shortest nonce own C HILL, b 7 Wood pg " kla ROLIEXTV PAgrfil.b:ON opened ~p-% the lapse stable Ott /MOL. rig tuttug thro f !gh a p,a, ' to tkcood st, between Wood w , d hawk ts.,n the rear of the Monongahela 'lease, W an entirely eel...melt of Horses and Corwafreh of the be and latest stylen Horses kep:At4re. ry Me bow maim.. :I ' : , TUESDAY MORNING, DE, MBER 25,; 1849 COTARTNERSHIP& Otagolllation of Partnorottly. DV:MUTUAL CONSENT this day, the firm hereto- II Mrs existmg under the style of BUSIIFIELD & LEADER, has been dissolved by Fleury Leader Bell ing his !Mil. interest in said fit= to John McGill All business connected with the arm of Bushfield & Lead er mill be settled by S. B. Bushfield & Co., who are duly authorised to make all collections and adiust all Muni. BUSIIFIELD h. LEADER. Pittsburgh, Om. 27, ISO. • N. B.—S. B. BUSIIFIELD & CO. will continue Oe wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery Moine., at the &datum room, No. 2.3. , Liberty at. where they' will be pleased to have thew Oiende and customers call and examine their Week of goods. cc= P. EL.BUSIIFIELD fa CO. Dlsmolnalon. TE partnership fMe undersigned, under the firm of Bagaley Smhb, was &noised by mums' consent on 29th September, W. Bumsley purchasing the interest of f. B. Smith, who reurest.a_no business of the firm will be settled by their successors, Wm. Employ & Co„ at Nos. 10 and 20 Wood st. WILLIAM BAGALEV, Pittsburgh, Oct ti, '42. ISAAC R. SMITE!. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—Wm Ilagaler having eiued arith hho Wm. H. Woodward of Phliadelpeta, John S. Cementite and Ralph Bunny of Pittzburgh, mill continue thelWholesale Grocery Huainan, at Not. LN and Ni Wood •ti,, ander the firm of WM. BAGAI.F.Y & CO, Pittsburgh; Lad BAUALEY, WOODWARD & CO., Philad'A oettl — Dtis — Olatton or Co-Partnership. T H • E sb=r, " Zi p er b t e l=y o re :tro n frn be ra r la th n e • son, was dissahsed on the Ist cost. rattagnsent. A. CULBERTRON. The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Grone r? and Commission Business., as heremfom. at the old stand, HS Liberty in. oeis A. CULBERTSON. 71 . 0AIRE & I.s• rrriN ar 'UE to oran W olVturo all kind. too ' of CODDER2 %.1 TIN AND SHEET IRON WAHL.' Also, Black utak Work. Steam Wets built to order. . . . . Special mention given to steam boat work. limo on hands a finemaortment of Copper and Bran Kettles, Tin Waxe,&c.&e. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Ponable Forges, various sizes—• very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrant.. or rail road companies. We would respectfully Invite mom boat men and others to call and see ou r articles and priers Odom Dluolmtfoa o! rpm copannenhip of HENRY HANNEN & CO-, 1. formerly Harmer, Muller it Co., in the Window a d Colored Glass business, is this day dissolved b 7 the withdrawal of Mr. Frederick Haller. The business will be continued by the ondemigued, under the firm of HENRY lIANNEN & -Ware house No. ICH Second st, where we will tam ectni-7. - mpplies of superior Window Glasa. JOHN LIANNEN, HENRY HANNEN 11110 H ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. Ac.. 27, '4O. HENRY..EhISTEAD. orylsish. I.LLE enderailent= day modeled with them 1. boalnem JACOB L.SCHWA RTZ, and will eon dlllOO the business no heretofore. under the him of D. A. FAIINESTOCK IL CO. July Y. IBM 11,13 partnershlp beret:dem eximbig under the flan of A. b. C. BR.ADLEY,,is tbasolved by the docent, o r. 0. Sculley. The busmen emit be carried l at e A. Bradley, who will sfule the business of the REMOVAL—A. Bum= has removed hts Foundry Warehouse from No. llt Second street, to N 0.12 Wood street, between Ftrst and Second motets, A the *Archon. lately °teamed by G. A. Berry, where be will keep constantly on-band • general assortment of Castings. Orates, Stoves: Cooking Stoves, A. yyl3 Di oiduoa. • • T . . . . EIE co-partnershp heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the name of Constable. Bork° & C0.,.t this day dissolved by mutual .11412:- MGM. Burke h Barnes Inn settle the business of the con cern, for which purpose the an aashortscd to are the name of the concerts. NDMHUATANIEL CONSTABLE, END THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day ax•ociatedthesurelch• In the name or BURKE & BARNES, for ah PurPocc of manufleturing Fire Proof SaltaVault Doors, hc R e, at the at and of the late lino S if Conatab!t, Harke R. Co., where they rill be pleased to receive the pa tronage or the customer" orthat hour and their frtends IF-DhIUND BURKE. THOMAS iIARIVM. In reurtng from the Imo of Coomenle, Mate I win aim., pleasure ?ottoman./ Messes. Burke Bosom to the tooltdenee of my friends and theblic. Feb_ 9,1e49. NATHANIEL CONSTAB LE. febVS.M.f MISCELLANEOUS. Penn PI aktilaia H. The alwre works being now an rail .elsa ' neemaraL op. eration, I am prepued to artiste attars W. dirpeek for 101 kinds of machinery to as Lt., mach picker.. spreaden, ear., risk.' rsed.% railer a, drawing frames, speeders, thmascla oms, woolen aards, double of male, for merchant o reoantr7 week, realea,jaeke, gageslide and Mind lathes and tools wari r.,,•. ...r. • 11",/ ALMS REMOVAL. Marco a. nuTnsULQOYH S. B. Forwarding and Cosarnacon Mew ob.; has removed to No. o 7 Front, bnwcen Wood and Smithfield awe.. •no %ATE. have wino PUMPS, moddi - on .an unproved pl• aa not to (mere In Um eoldaa4reathr. Persons wurung soca articles, are invited Wean and Bev them at • tVCAIFIi ATKINSON'S, rk OREST A. CUNNINGHAM has removed to No 6 D a Commerctat Row, house formerly oceppied by Mori. Ctnam, where be will be bappy to see his friends and forme, customers. octdo TO PiXIN TEALS. t J OHN D. ArCREARV, Printing Ink Mandfactarer, Not. 531 and XoStuatin street, NEW YORK—De. pot N 0.3 Spruce street—Would call the attention of Printers to hos improved Printing Inks oP various kinds and Orders, at the foiiouring prices : Extra fine Jet Black, for Card and Wood Cos - • - and l Cd per lb. Floe Book Ink 0 75 " 1 00 " 800. rk - 0 40 0 050 News Ink '.• • 0 IS 0 " 0 ffi" Floe Red Ink The I CO 50 3 OU Blue, 'Yellow, Green and White (Se 1 00 1 30 " Gold out a , . 1141 per Ib, and Bronze .0 50, 75 eta and 11 Per 0. A specimen of News Ink can be aeon on thts paper. For sale by JOHNSTON& STOCKTON, Pittsburgh, P. C. Morgan & Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Bhutan & Griraroald, Louisville, Ky. ot tihrldm JAMES W. WOODWIYLL, Inodern wad Antiute Furniture 3,?man Bract", splendid Prnszelep. 2IE Large and urtment of Furniture, suitable Mr ffteamboats, Hotels and private dwelf. Utica, constantly on hand and made to order. Tbe present stock on hand cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. 'semen. wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, ail am determined my prices shall plane. Part al the aufek.covists in— Defer Etagele• Lords XIV Chairs; Queen liiiirsbith chairs; Te lertolgieal Fruit Tables; Louis XV Commoder; Preach Mahogany Bedsteads; Piano Stools; bB sofas with Plush and flaipaloth gam; • 41. Mahogany Hocking Chairs; 40 dos Parlor do 20 " Fancy 26 centre Tables; 40 20 m arb leans; 4 pair pier Tables; 15 top Dressing Bureaur, 8 Wardrobes; B flmeremries and Book claw; • 00 marble top Wash Stands; 1 pair Cittomanst Omar fumy Work Stands; A very large assortment of common chairs and otht furniture too numerous to mention. . . ._ . IV-. Steam &so furnished on the shortest notice, aid - on the most reasonable terms. •- drel.s DligiEsWesi - Hlliierj los Llyetramt, Water. 4 THIS is to certify that I have apj CI: Ago ed U nth n rre ' sre of.len ggon tineg?: Patent Disprahgm Filter, far the elf ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIBSON, Agent, for Wailes H Gibson, AD Broailway N. I% Oct to, lOU. We have been using one of the above articles at the °Hee of the Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly satisfied that It is a useful invention, and we take pleasure In recommending them as a use, fel article to all who love pore water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. Dela I.IVINGSTON. HOGGEN A Go IL•Weretble ITllterliaig Cook, FOR PURIFYING WATER, Wh ;.,.. re m i ll " ; ZIT t : ' V d s ' ittrito ' TY , ?. ° l 0 ...I n The crown ureter in N. Yok. W ' ' . 1 1vVnl h t ' p l es " s ' etron dr r% ' r ' lti7li ' lli ' s i' kdtering cock, shows a large ..c Tile impure satiltiners, worm., he. is the ease morn or leiur with all hydrant water. The Reversible Pilferer I. neat and durable, and not attended with the mconventence incident to oti.rf rillorews, as it re cleansed without being detached Rot. the water pipe, by merely turning the key or bane', from one ride to the other. By thle easy cum prote.s, tl.: oursee water Is changed, and all eoulations in impure substances ere dnoen off almost Instantiv. without unscrourtng the Filler. It also possesses thii advantager being a step cock, and as suck in man, cases will b eery convenient and econoical. It cut be artaehed where - there is any pre...* high or low to • cask, tank, orb. tr.c. with es.. To be had of the sole Agent. 'A, W. WILSON, oett7 corner of Fourth and Market ate Wrought and Cart Iron itaillog. THE subscribers be leave to Inform the public 'Sat they have obtained from dm East all the late arid Isaluonsble designs for Iron Ra il ing, both for houses and cemeterise • Persons anshieg Antwo re !tand em. pattern. Snit Please call end examine, and judge for themselves Railing will he furnished at the sho en notice, •in the beet manner, at the corner o f Craig and fle ea elects, Allegheny city. snratit-dif _ A. LAMONT fr. KNOX. C • oe ..... Corway &e. W. Baker's A near, and French Chocolate, Preps, ed Cocoa, C C. ea Paste, Dooms, Cocoa Mbella, frO meets.. and consumers, who would purchase the best products of Cocoa, free from adal.ratton, more nutritious than tea or coffee, - arid in quality snot - . passed, the subeenber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself, and stuoped with hi. name His Thema and Cocoa Pasta, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drink. for Invalids, convalescents, and other., ere p r ,, e ,,,,,,,eed by the most eminent physicians aupestor to any other preparauons. flu manufaetur. are always on sale, in .7 eas quantity, by the most ree spareable crocus thetern eines, and by Banco theft ar e nes . ilavree,C,!•ai •!. to., of llosbtin; jail.. hi New York ' mediae., Bali Ww , riel and Kellett's mane°, Cincinnati, Ohio. %VAL CPR BAKER, Dorchester Kurt. Pot sale by aagal SAGALEY h. SMITH, Aga W. & J. °LENA. Book Aladara.; IATE are Mill engaged in the endue business, corner TT of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh,. where we are prepared to do any work in our Line with der i patch. We attend to oar work petsonally, and seta faction will be ercil to regard to its neatness and du. rabdity. Munk Books ruled to any imam en stantially. Books in members Oroldboo rally or repaired. Names put ea books Those that have work in our line am Prite• low. Scales, Cooking Spilvo!, Gr . M AitS orn t , "A r t ,, h rt WA . LL d AV..! u tif u e re h, and ofer for We PLforns,lFloor s tm hnd °unto , Seamen of dm mostitopro•edqualitr Coating Shorn., foramen and coal; Egg Stores a l r ens, Pallor and craw:non Orates, Hollow Warn, kr.. the, They niso manufacture the Kitchen Range, vihiett has given such general sansfaction to there having it in use, to all of hich they would respectffilly inane the attention of • the citizens and the public generally. oet27-dlf 51ANUFACTURED TOBACCO--The %abet tiller In would call the attenuon of gm city trade and dealers gencrallyoo the following; brood. Tobaccos, tu store and io arrere, which bout g consigurdents di rect from manufacturers, he IS enabled to sell at eget . ern paces: 139 I bra RAY Crenshaw : Ss; zu I James Madam, , Ss: tit I ° • Lamartine • 31. 33 I " /threw. • ssl 13 I " Putnam • Se and Is; 13 " ;Roberts & Sisson Sat f " Oscar Burl • 1301 " Johns & Lewis 3S. u Warwict, cope ls; • 48 0 Henry Jr. Junes • 54, Is and 8a; febtl L WATERMAN =EM!UiGiaI Tom witicarric Co, are prepared un build Vetted eJ and Woolen Machinery of every descripti such as Coding Machines, Spinning , Frame*, Spee on, der', Drawing Frames, Hallway Head* Warners, Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, COM Grinders, &a. Wrought Iron Shaftilig ,netted; all air", of Cut Iron, Pates sod Hangers of the latest pullet., slide uttl band Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Mill Denoog, Iron Railing, &o. Steam Pipe for heat ing Factories, Cast Iran Window Bash and fanny Cu. Wigs generally. Orders left at the Warehouse aft. Palmer & CO., Liberty street, will have prompt &Oen- IiOIL Refer to Blaekatoek, Bell & OV, J. K. Maorehead & Co, G. E. Warner, John Irwin & Sons, Pataburgh t O. C. & 1. IL Warner, Steubenville.' lanl9 ~--. A. WHITE. 6 - 0., - ;o . uld respeetfally Inform 1111.• public that they hare erected a shop Ou Lacoek, between Federal 'sad Sariduky streets They are now making and lire prepared to receive orders foe every description of vehicles, Coaches, CharioN, Has touches, Haggles, Minton', le., Ico., which from their lontesperience in the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities Urey have, thcy feciconfident they ye enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms With these wanting arnelealn HIGH line. Paying parucuLer attention to the selection of Male. rials, and having none hot competent workmen, they have no hesitation in Warr r i ng their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. B. Reptuntng done in the best manner, and an the most reasonable terms. Jailfttl TO COTTON AND WOOLEN hIANUFACTU RERS.—Having made anahgementil for a eon want wapply FACTORY FINDINGS, we will tell at low miew Calf and Shoop Roler Skins, Late Lea ther, Pickers, Reed& Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadles' N 0.3 to IS Belt Panchen, Wrenches, StrippiruL Carda • to to lb Peters Drew, Brushes Weavers' Binsh• • die. &a. LOGAN, ;WILSON & CO., ; ray! Dra Wro amok Pitiaberali. L)ORT Webber & Fonewer, ISH; r Pare rich and 07, Gould, Campbell & Co.' old dry 1638 Osbourn's IS:14, Pare H 4. Para Joie. par ticular Port, Barns & Sons, Pare Jame, Hirable, does els and .roils. Grupe& These 'wines ere all eclat... tea for their medical properties, and can be had whole sole or retail at the Wine St ore or JACOB WEAVER, Jr. rime. mbsenber °Mem for sale a large and xplendul assortment of roitiOrood and mahogany gem.' no, non Planes, with aniF smile!. ',Coleman's celebrated stlonanjittachtnont - :iibe above in•lnialapts are wu utted ti be equal In any manufamared th is coon uy, and will be sold lower than any brought from the Enst. ' IILUMIK, lIR mood at, 221 thmr above 3111 I3.—Clty Sent , will be laical at pee fore few above mAaortznent_ mYf F. U. Hardware... Cheaper thew Ever! T°CAN, Wit ...0N tr. Co, importers and Wholesale i Dealers in Hardware, cutlery and Saddlery, No Cr, Wood ono, tatotto Fu h l bare now in wont • vary .beep and well selected stock of Hardware, imported mace the d,Ciii:lC of Vices to Eltrope, and winch they Ire determined to wit correspetahngly law. Northants who bate been in the habit of going East, are panic. tarty rettacated to can ad look through our stork, 0.11 we confidently believe they will sate their ezpentes nett _ _ WANTkID, ' I'AAILY at the BALTIMORE., PIIILADELPINA, jJ NEW YOWL DOS YON AND NEW ORLEANS tiENERAL. AGENCY AND CODAIISSION OFFICE num{ AIEN in wholesale and retail mores, and sato rrapecmlim in:one's, to act Bock-teepere, gale/ meu, Porter., Dar-keepere, Waiters, Farmers, Coach men, Car Agc Book and Map Agents, Collectors, blberlennsbi all branches of licitness, de. AVo have at all Macs a large number of goad situations on bend, width pay from SOO to 112,006 pet annum. Those to want of situations of any klnd:would do well to give a collo. or? Imre rzctedii*PaM,.' acqumntance ait4lAS C alm'o ovidZehaiii.; which we tram will enable nt to pre enure 'Mater • lion to all whamay lacer as 'wilt a call. TAYLOR B TAYMAN, Na SO Second it s ' between South and Gay. MAl—Persia. living in oily part of the U. Stares. and nothing to °Lawn Ramapo. in Baltimore, or eti thee of the above calm. will ;have then wants imme diately attended to by •ddressing ea a hoe, -paid) as by go dolliy, Ibby will canna both trouble and el. pence, which they otherwise would incur by Comilla to the coy, and eceking erurlOYment aor themselves Address, TAY I RA TAY MAN, No.sslSecond areet, Alain:eery, bid ===U=2l M== Dr. 11SoLatao an. Toast 1315 ia «rufy that I rehear...down mai of Dt. 1 Ito Lane's Worm Spemfie, loom two months ago sod rare to a son of mane, some seven ream MA, two at sod although He amount may appear arm tat I bore no doubt but there was opwanh of two mammon woe= pmaal from him, =amusing tom ono imams of an inch to two niches loom O W HOLLIDAY. Roue. Creek, Carrel co. Tenn.. Dee 27. ISO. 1.24 BEN N ETT 4 BROTHER, gFEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS. - gleaslisghnsa,jastax Pittelemeigh s ) Pa. Warehouse, No. 137, Wood otrza, Piitsburg/6. WILL amistantly keep on hand a good anon, resat of Warei of 001 oton menefectsun, And ..pcflOrlitiality." Wholesale end coacury Igen. chants are respectfully invited te etelland isS amine for themselves, as w$ are-determined-to eel ehesper thin has ever bears .4eon aresed to the pee itc. Ordcra sent by mall, aeaompanted by the oath et nb reiCrebon `bill be lennapily anmded to, er rllo .( T g i o lt: d L a t d DgS— vn ..last a .m tn i ll e u . r d name ; Spangles and Brillion, for embroidering and licher of ammonia! work. Alma, gold eon silver Tarsals, Fringe, uld Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashions, in great variety. Watches of uopertor quality and beautiful patterns, and far We at Eastern prices. W W WILSON, and .comer ; Market and Fourth Wu THBNIIEVAI BATHING IiTAHLIBII.• ,11.. MEN (—Open from It P. M. Smyth Bath Yd centa, or 6 for I Dolls. Ladies department open from 9 toll A. M. and from It tod P. M. The Refreshment Saloons. am unequalled in style attendance. Recherche lee Creams! austS T, APPALL, Proprietor. rrIlE Wender, of the yublici is respect:dully Galled to I the following certificate.: Al. H. lisnuts—.llsving finned a qiututity of Gold weighed by your Areometer, I find the result proves your insinunent cornet; and. recommend the use of it to those going to California. fa the best method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Hasp. your. J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold Beater. Pittsburgh, March 9, lA. nrtas March 7, Ma FLarroa—Datr 8111 flayin totaa,g antalned th e "1812.Area toc te.7," otanufsetared at your rooms, Ida not Mutate to commend it to the arts of those gentleman who an abbot removing io California In searcher' Gold. It give* a close approrionatiOn to the specific grad ty of metals, and willcernunt enable me ettecatores to ascertain when Lb, platter I. Welding Gold. wets Your., re .Ir. IRI APCLINTOet. INDIA RU BliEit CLAJTIIING—Just ;conical 'rattle A. Conforms Lopmnuon, a complete assortment of Dam Elwin CloMmg, at prices raV from sap it 11/11,61.1 for sun of coat , r n n. and h or Dole at the Imna Bother Depot, No Wood ot. SFr re .51611 PIIILLIP'3 tiItICAT ADDLE, DARNESS, TRUNK AND WHIP MAN UFACtivillL rho subscriber takes dna mond S of anforming hl. friends and llte puldie in general that he has the largest stock of Din loll...ring named ant. ctn. of his own manufacture in t*. city—Daddies, Dat uras, 'franks and Pimp, all& which he wtll warrant to he inwin oldie best incenal and by the belt omen. wiies in Allegheny county.: tieing dennadned to sell his riurinfautures somntlung lower than has been het* otiorn sold by any stmilat estahhohmtut In the eity, Et would lIIVILC finnan. tit n'and of The shove mord rucie. lo hie warehouse, No ..44 Liberty woe: win hlovenin. Also, bandy undo to order for coaeloon oetntly_ u. KERRY. and short tune UV EXCI(AISIGII, p I, abler in Clnrionan, Lot:W.llle and St. lonia. p ,aaacd on dm Ino.L lavorabm ta mg. ACHJVHD THIS DAV, at Utz India Rabb, Lk. pet—l cute %Vmata's Heulllc Ralibernanaalt; I•ippers; " Matis; " Sllppata, Ovaratioas sandals; 1 " leather oled " O•hrahoe All or which Will be so.d,arholesale or retail, low. thea haute to the ally. J & 111'1111.1.11'8, aorta No 6 Wood street VI lEALFtOUf—iuplkeks (oAlol:mi or.y novJ2i - QoAp-1.4 bbrietnbin owl, jou nbe'd, for rain by 10 ~ ..1 , Kii4Y, :deTTHEWS & CO E :,,: ,, ,,,,, AL uiL:,-f o r 0 ,! I t . o7l=‘cnae,!, • Frc•l and one, tur sale IPS , flou'jl J SCHUONMAYEII & CO cioIIASSE.S-60 obit Ylinution, — lavd If am Wr IVA memo!' Mobong&bela; and for .ale by rrov3l J A Ilu 'rut i soN A CO giL-12.511pi t s Galena, (ut 41.1Yby J A HUTCHISON & CO I iIIFFEE - 11TU — bags reenring ironxea , +.l7. , n , for Iwo by .y."l JAMES A HUTCIIISON & CO GIthIN — ATTLTS- - ZariXe ree'd IcaWICZ by nova •eoi•H & BRE V FOGLE DoTeSir—so 1. novo 'TA BEY tr. :!YT LA 1 , --S5 kegs 01, for al ...di HUSIVI.V —Now opening at A. A. ~11 Manna Co's, WA dos Gloves and Hosiory. ad ad lunds and quantumasve 40 ,,, "," ~uj au 44. . 1 • bound sub. • boun4 ear. In pit leant. ..vied tt, I mY2Crti maw COACH FACTORY, ALtratIZSI. - Trlto e7#llbeliar~ri. MK= • ?au. 1 M.'s Peppermint, Plumate., MTE= MISCELLANEOUS. —— . By las Prioldoot of tko•VoltoO !ROW IN parnalsee of law, I, ZACHARY TAYLOR, President ado, Vetted Clam of Atnerlea,l do hereby declare and =Om twat', that public Wes *lll be held at the andenaeattorted - Land Vices to the Stale of MISSOURI, at the patio& hatdmder &Rammed, to wit: At the Lead °flee at JACKSON. ereanceeeltal oa Honday, the seventh dap of holm! mit; fee the dle. posal the palate Wade, situated wittda the ander assationed toartualps, and pare of toweshlps, s Hardt of tea ben live, and wed of du AMA priiciPa Township twenty-two , (eicept sections wen se rtmtem, eighteenosineasen, twenty, twenry-nina'shir ty, thlny one, .41MM-twat of range four. Township twenry•two, of range Ewe. Praetional usenwhip to twenty ty-two, of range siz Freettorwl umbahlys sixteen and seventeen, and tovnwhip twenty-two, of range seven. Frial011•1 townships sixteen, savenspen, eightnta and nireatywinetrownshipe twenty.two end twenty. atria . and waken throe to too.inqloolvs, deo.n to twenry-Orte inehniva and _twenty-nine- thrttf-two inclusive, in township twentywia of nor eight. Towtiship ninetsen,(exceptltnetiorwl section* thirty. one, thirty-two thhly-ttine, thirry-fonr,thirty - ftve, .d thirty-slx4 (matinee t township noway, Am frac nous! township nrontywne (except stellate one; twelve, thine. twenty- t h e e, twenty/ ?r I".utr , five, twenry•six, twentYwonnt WM 40 . 4 w 1.7-11 ' e. and thirty-slat of nage nine. 'The mermen fawn. of section six, in tosenthiP nineteen, and framional township twenty,' of rands ten. . North of see the hue lies, end tows d dJVastinoillw estridiene. Tow:whine twenty-three, renuttploos,.tiontl-oight and met ty-nlne, of made eight. Towitatips tyrenty-ilree, twenty•four, twenty-Ivo, dwentpetr, and terentrenpd, of range Mau • • Townships twenty-one, orresteptwo,.tweatltthrnet twenty-ionr, torimtpleo, end rerantruM, of mete mu At the Land Ogee at SPIIINGIM.LD, emman ( nelog en Meeday, the fourteunthtlay af Janstarrnunt, Or the 'dispose" of the nubile lands within the undermentioned tontruhipn and fractional townships, vim Meth of the bow, mad was V Mb principal en frames. • Fru:eland township meaty-ow, and townthiCh twenty-Ave and tweropelx, of range eleven. Fractional township twanty-one, of ranges twelve, thineen, fanneen, Moo, sovanusen, dean,' nineteen, twenty, and tetenty-one. Fractional township twenty-one, and orwaship twen ty-foot, of range twenty-two. Fractional township twenty•one, and unnlahlps twenty.three end twenty-foar of range twenty•threc. Fractimal townaldp twenty-one, and townshipo twenty-duee and tw enty- one , mr. rerenty-four4 Ftaedonal of ranges twenl7- Ave and twenty.sis. At the Land Moo an CLINTON, coutmedetng on Monday, the twenty-first day of January next, the the disposal of the public raids within the following nut ad township*, to win Nonk,/ Warns Una, and westV iksJYth prisapol As. ' ands arfprtZtaelebyorit=r_`T. use of Scheele, military, and other perpmes, will be excluded from the We. The offering of the above mentioned lends will be commenced OB the days appoir ... =mulli proceed in the order in which they an ad with all convert'. ern despatch, noel the whole shall have been ofteted, end the Woe that closed; bet no sale deli be kept wen In than two weeks, end no private entry ef any of the lands will be admitted lentil after the eXpl. ration of the two wadi. • • Olen ander ray hander the Motet . Washington, tide lifteenth day of September, Atom Domini ono thirmand eight headraland fonyteine. president: Y., TAYLOR • Ocumniedener of de Genend Land OfFica NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAJM,S.NTS.; E". , 7 Stereo entitled to the right of ptek mynas to any of j am lands within the townships and pens Of townships above enumerated, Is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the Register anddlocei yes of the prayer Lasdalfise, andeoake ',same= there for as icon ae practicable after seeing this Rodeo, and beam the day eppointal for the Coonneneemont of the public oda onkel lands embraerog the tract elailood, otherwise each claim will be forfeited. • J. EItrITERFIELD, Commissioner of the Cioneral t land Mee. oeildlawintW Boots and Alums. SPLENDID amortmetralast mizeived,enitsth le far 4the Fall and Winter Trade, consisting lo pen of EN'S, WOMEN'S, BOYS'. MISSES' AND MILD-. BEN'S WARE, of otory variety nod MI., MA at once* to .art the doles. Those writhing to purchase, wholesale or retail, will Sid It to thetr advantage to give in • call and aia.121128 for themselves. TRATE it SODTT, ocil7 corner Rou th and Smithfield sta. ISJlhtnt forget the place. SA WL. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, , NNNN F somptee•, ST. CLAM STEUART. PITTSBURG/B. IM= NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And is now receiving fine isssonsticat of CLOTHS, CASEDIBB6B AND VISTINBB, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Which he is prepared te make Mora ord Tii - Th — eripirrnhifT idea : oei tri • PITTSBUELfiII WEINALIff ILINIT/TUTE MILES Daum., under the cam of Hey. J. AL 00S. HORN AND LADY, mill r a .... hLonday, the PM of Septet..., au am mt. too., No. 21 Liberty tm. Haring limited the number of their pupils, the /tnneipals hope to merit a continuation of that: liberal patronage they ha f re hiqterto enjoyed. Palliate may feet emu,. that every _ad . lrh . o , nt r eri c II be affonled o . h r i gnl e ent education. ariglihdtf I r oo2lo LA.OllOlf sr.numimar, 11 L , E om dr en l3 . lll4 .. SF SIGN 11 8 . 1C , IN m. of da dd y slitlite p tion be arill Rooms on Federal aunt. in .Caltmade How,” gel Len from the bridv. Rama or Tomos re, mama es ma Motets English Department. includieg Residing, Orthicon. play and Defining, Waling, English Grammer, &mu. rie, Logic, English Composition ead Criticism, Gee graptry, History, Anatol. , " sad the higher breaches of Idethemetics, Natural Philerophy, Chammny, As tronomy, Botany, Phyriology, aWegy, thtellectual mid Moral Science, and all other branch= regulate to Unleash English Edseadon - • 00 Classical Depantnem,lturiuding the Latin and Greek Languages, each • • - - • 6MI Freach, StO German, 1116 no The services of competent teachers are •theared for each as desire instroctionin French and German, and also in Drat, Painthig and Made. Ulu deal that pepda enter at the consume.. meal of a wariest, pat that' are reeeived at any time, sail are charged at the 'above rotes from the time of entrance. Igo deduction. are made for absences, ex• cegiAc . imof protrac . ted y ems. toldathed, and &polka dons made by calling Atone the Prinelpal, at his rooms on Federal street, or at his Imigiago to "'twig's Row • Liberty 21.1901, Pittsburgh, be= 3d ma et t . street ' s; r b i r e add . 4 L adag, throadh , th eialeglear l y,Auf l ,l_Bl.9. dU iITTS — BI7I3OII PIINALII lIIIITITUTE riIHE Second Session of Oda Inatitudon, ender the 1. care Of Mr. and Mrs. Gagnon, for the_present academic you, wldl Colltele6CB-011 the find of Febehs ry next, in the same buildings, No. Merry street Arrangements have boon mode by which they will be able to health young Indigo facilities equal to any la the West, for obtaining a thorough Etighsh, at eel, and Ornamental edeution. A fall coons of Phu. lisoyhical and Chemical 'Lectures wild he delivered drums the winter, illustrated by apparent. The do partmerds of Vocal and Insimmental Mimic, Modern Lansaw. Drawing and Planting, will each be ander the care el a competent Professor. By slew attention to the moral and latellectual improvement of their mg. pd. the Principals hope to merit a continuedon of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals ___Ja2Cl•dtf Prnatrosos, Sept. ISM MR. THOS. K. HIBBERT:—Daar Sir Your WEI TING FLUID we have now been using more than year, and on looking - over the ent ri es made by it, we End the color • bright blue blase. It is pleasant to write with, dews free, and does not clog the pen like the ordinary inks in use. Wishing Ton the ready sale Its merits demand, we me, yours respectfelly, SIMPSON a CO. For .e1.!2. 'M a r: 7‘Viikle," Red e Ink, and Chth*Copi 1 4.`" . "'i. °ll `l,=, 3 Zldch... 4 <oruer the of T. Mb rt, Liber ty and Elsalthaeld ONIK tAL44III. /OWL WC.. WIC r. HAS? nezwarA. da 00.. (Successors to Ihicsay, Hanna & Co.) ANICERS, EXCHANGE WIDNES% and dealers B in Foreign and Domestic Etchanm Certifteates of Deposit., Bang Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bea a( Pittrftrgh. Current ouv• eo e lle y receiv ctlonsemad d an deposito—Sigit Meeks for sale, and e an neatly a/I the principal point. in tuo United State& The highest presentim paid for Foreign and Lozertean Advanoes made on consignments of Produce, ship- I 1:6411 en liberal %arms. ap2 t:REAT INVENTIONt—VALUABLE pIsOOVRRY! Pence? Bscoo..l.lmro las, 1610. - ram! oxisgremr aiwuioß Zak, Sofia, Rums., Cu.., Wntiug DIU*. • • LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON: 9111 E TABLES far mirPitsaing every other verdion &the kind now extant. They eon be ex tended from ten to twenty-Eve feet, and when closed the I are all contained Mode; they are ..made to all sixes and shapes, and are admindily adapted for. Steamboats, Hotels, and large p ri vate faralllea, Jinn ins_when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AND BUREAUS—Thew ardelm ate particularly to thaw who wish to mono iniat. room, and Convertdraping v ane:tem Imo a parlor or aiming room, m they pened and abut et eonvenleme, and when shot, t heca be. o bedding is endow ed. A great wring in room and rent All the bed steads when aimed form a beantiful piece of fumitare for • parlor or riming room. • BOOR ogiggg—A mu and Olofo.l ankle for ;LOW or dressing room. WILITLNOD64II3—For lawoffices,eonnting roam. ; and other offices; wbe . need a moat...lent bed tetbwetten closed • pe rk et Desk and Library alone AU thew' trucks need m recommendation: the beatsty of the whole is, they err warranted real 10 get not of epair. It will be for poor Interests to call and amine the articles, as the in store, No. ri Third toed, Plushergh. in addituun to the above "‘"Lnm2r. they J I :S , = II W I TOODW . ELL. I.OWZLL IfLFIT9HSB, ALCODOL AND MB 81 1 11111, Comer From and Vlna Wretta, Cioeinaad, O. rkaDERR from Putakaak for Aleatiotintrarta, 10 Raw or Itoottawl will prow at. ended to at lowest market prime ' . r - EinßrrN3RO I'IA.NO AND TAMA?, OlVtirw—a W p asawiment of Embossed Phao.and Tablo Gavots ego be !mud at W Irellawak% Carpal Ware aowo .d.ww4 DROOL Oa ozwama Dm fora pwehlawg alarwiww. aoWD DRY. GOO tc - TPAYSITTIC PAMBPII7III OLLIAIMMTII,I MOOTS AND BROWN DOMESTIC FLANNEL:9 WE are now receiving from the faetorar i a latke or thruPani=ntwareets'emhere we ate rs nS :itS;. We use no acids in bleaeldo that Wares th enmd . ; on, object being tortoise+ , Foods not for 'show only, but for fi r m and uability, and .as such they .re, oared MO firm presets= over all ether goods Qahlhit• ed at the late Allegheny Apiculteral Fur. For sale at the Blanket Depot, No. SY Market st, and . t x. thirra o me , r t r: , o Of (ho Fayette . Mannflenuing Co.,t Blankets of oar blunt( we am sold In AllegbenT City, by Mr. John Dean, ' Lld also at the t r.. 8..' Wtadows," Federal st. Amiteleas Woolen Cioodsi THE subscriber has on bend, Deceived the Fir usec,) erredipted (roadie otarmfactarcrs, the le z i , st i g Geod., winch he Is antherisedlo close atoll/err 30 places yard wide Barred Flannel. zSticalra White Bed Blankets, ribbon bound, 011 pounds to the pale. et 60 part Stecuribern Blanket., ribbon bowl a vary . perior article. 4tamer (BM pairs) Grey Mixed Blankets. 60 paws Dark Gentler:tells Blue Blanker, a vary im peder article. S caws Gory and Blue Blanket Coating. 40 pieces Tweed.Bieubenville make; I cam assirt ad plat and barred /mum; Steebenville manafacteiry. The above geeda are allconaigned direct from the maker, and will be , sold rely low for cub or approved notes. wile H. LEE, Liberty st, apposite Stlt. a s ha. commenced to raceme a Inky. astortment of Woolen Comfort. ind Buskin, Berlin. buckskin andwoolen,Gleves; Thibet, cloth, mow do lain and blanket BtrWls; erten mem, wormed and woolen Bose;-Pongee . and linen lidlrfa.4 silt sad cello Cravats and Scarfs Gimps and Fringes; Iriab Linen, Table Corers, Crapets,BilriuMe, Lamm, bleaelted had coloord Kuhns, Tabby Velvet., FateniThreada, norm Bilk, Battens, Gom Sanwa,. dow• Fins, Bercruation Caps. Almanacs, common arid gold Jewelry, gold and outer Watches, Comb., poet .l and table" Cutlery, and many Mbar goods which country and city Merchants are reermetfally ' Invited q exam.. gotta I WAYBITTII NABOVAOTIIHIBIG 004 • MANUFACTURE. and will keep OP hand Family and Swam Boat Blanke Domestic Flannels, blue, brown and drab Blanket ' Satineu Woolen Yarn, which they will sell at m prices. Warehouse No LU Second st, Piusbuntr, Pe Factory, New Haven. Fayette co. Pa. spot I NEW GOODA: TUE have lust received a large end complete stock Ty of CLOCKS,Ier,. and Fancy Goods, salla— blo (or the fall trade, to which, with-errery description of Lookirig Glasses manefactmed at our won steam' power shop la this city, we ask the at:sedan of West ern Merchants and other dealers. KENNEDY & SAWYER, j spelt t corm Wood and Fourth its DRY GOODS MORPHS° WILSON & 00.,! N. 48 Waco Ifir.,Termthiam ARE now receiving their meal supplies of Gads for the Pall season, which they will be happy to tellear old customers, and as many new mu as my aat Inelwad to present themselves. Always taking great pains to lay in melt goods no are adapted to the wants of the Western tondo, which long experience enables them to de, (hey ears say with mach .antlidence, and without entering into a adult of their stock, that the Western retail merchant Will , find with them all that his customers reqaire. Thom who have !owned the anpmfitable habit of repairing to the Fasten: eines for their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to call, sea candid campanula of pri ma would in many oases result in the ea:Motion that tha expens b e of going further may be obviated by Imp snatatOivrr or. warns., DRY 30008 81 JOBBER A S" 1 MI OD, RE now receiv W in O g a very large stock of fresh Goods,of reeerd prur.hase and unportedon,whick they will sell to the trade at each price. en calumet fail W lSVoi al gorntry . hut ted in call and d.tioune our week before ptselYLing eisets).. -- , out 0111083CIIINSPI PI&RO3. 111M1111RECEIVED and now open for anvil nation, a new and splendid assort ment or/ Octave Pianoafroto"Chiek . ming" Beaton, among them a full Carved Loafs Eli, entered forces of mu citizens, who nu kindly permitted um mule in my ware. room: to day 4 Wednesday) for exhibition Those who may have hdeaire to sec and heat this splendid apecimen of art, %re respectiolly invited to call to day at the atom ot JOHN II DIELWR.,6I Wood st ~_ Met for Chickering's Pianos for Westom Ph • Oy rOrneyst URRE & COM Daily Express is now regularly de livering Can and Snell OYDTER.S, which are of fered to dealers and families at the lowest prim, quality warranted equal to any brought to this mar. tet, and for sale by J. C. BIDWELL, Agt, Water at, Also-7At the following depous—Reis ADc me; ear ner Souildle/d and Second sts; E. Ilealleton, Dioniondi Mereer & Robinson. Federal .‘l6 I.IE fine of NICKLIN I.I3WEDEN being dissolved the undersigned will confinas the Forwarding and Coasmnpion Dasiness at the steam boat landing, FRANKLIN, and respeetfalleittforms his friends that he has gone to the expense of a heavy insurance on the warehouse and content., for several yeas, and mars be will give entire uttifaetten to ell 'who ratty smudge him. Ile will receive freight so the Lower vent ' /AMES DRYDEN irEBRMMFaiii Soto!Moor Loa's Evil . , Rheas:m.4.m, Obstinate Cuta neous Empuons, Punples or Postale. on the Pace, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sons Bye., Blot Wore. or Tenter, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain o the Bonesrand Joints, Stubborn 'Ulcers, Syphilde Sysemons, Sciatica or Lantbanor-and' diseases arising from an Woo:tidous eso of Mercury, eel tiles or Dropsy, Exposure or Implode:nos in Life; Also—Chronic Constitutional Disonlers, to. In this preparation are wrongly concentrated all the bletheinal properties of Sarsaparilla, combined with the most effectual Mds, the most salutary production the most potent simples of the vegetable lungdom,• and IL ha. been no folly tested, not only by patients them 'selves, bat also by physicians, that It hen received their maquilified recommendation. and the approba• den of the publiev and has established, on to own merits, a reputation for vain and contact , far gape nor to tha cations compemds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla. Diseases have been mired, tech as are not furnished in the records of time past; and what it has already done for the thousend. who have used it i.upable of doing far the millions...ill suffering and struggling with &sena It purities. cleanses, and strengthen. the Commie spring. of life, nod ileum new vigor throughout th e - whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURS OPSCROFUL.A.. The (dawnng striking, and—aa will be seen—per• 0112111121 cue of en laments can of Scrolbla coma mends Itself to all almileeiy afffieted, Sonxneema Conn, Jan. 1, IBM blear. Sand= Gentlemen, Sympathy for the allheb ed me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sampan-LILL in the one of my wife. She was severely &finned with the &reale on differ. eel parr of the body; the gluds of the seek were greatly enlarged, and, toe limbs much malice. After ender*r Orel a year; and andln manlier from the remedies mad, the aware snacked one leg, and be low the knee seppurated.. Her physician advised it should be laid op., which wrts done, but Without any ponasneet benefit In this situation we heard of, and were lndueed to ow, Sands' Sarsaperilla.l The first bottle produced a decided and favorable effect, roller. hut her more than., prescript!. she h. ever taken; .d before she used ea boules—co the astonishment • and delight of her (deride—ahe fogad her health onto restored. It la now over • year sigee the ears was of• fantod, and her health returns goad, showing that the diseasewas 'thoroughly eradicated hem the eyrem. Out [wield:err are all knowing tothere facts,and *lnk very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla Yours with .speet, JULIUS PIKE. Extract Gem a leper received from My. N. W. Hen ris, a gentlaman well known in Louisiana co., Va t “Geotlerneo. I have cured • negro boy of Mini with your Sarsaparilla who was attack. with Scrofula, and of a scrofulous family. • o•' - ^ , t. only, .I . l;tri. l / 1 1i1, unederick. Bill, Va., July 17,184e.'" veys' aunaPaucu.a.—lt aerlau almoatua DOCt.6 • • • • ry to direct attention to •0 artiCki too well known and so dew dl popular,_ as this p teparetionbut often who wish to use the extract of Sarsapaella, are logo. d to try worthless compose...tog the name, bat containing little or no. of tbe virtue of this valu able rook .d we think ere cannot center a greater benefit co our readers than to directing their attention to the advertises. tof ,he Mann. bends In another Column. The bottle has recently been enlarged 'to held a quart, and thop who wish a really good wale Will find cencentreted Im this all the Medi , hal value of the root, The expectance ofattires.. boa proved its etheacy. curing the natio. diseases for which It ts recommended, and at the present thon mole than any piker, perhaps , is this medicine' omelet in prep.. ring Sept. the system ISM for a change of pp as. Jo Joe. net, Premed and sold, wholeaale,nod retell. by A. B. & D. SANDS, Druggurt and Cherilet, 160 Fulton street, corner of Willi.; New York: sold oleo by Dig. dim generally throughout the IlidtedThates nut Caw. ode. Price II per bottle: ail bodies 11,1'115. Per E D W AR DWICOX, Jr., U. A. PAILNESTOCK andO. PENDERICH, Pipaturst. Al a., by Br. B. Man. Bridgwater. idelb.deadite•T I\SIL ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFIDATETO DR /IL //tYNE.—This teddies, that Immedeately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption he /Such, IBIS, I was taken alek with the Conumption of Liver Complaint, and was esdneed en low with the diseau, that for fear yeah I was astable to attend to my baseness, either at home or thread; being for the most time confined to my bed. Daring the above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance e molar Physicians and modicums. to the SIIIOII.IIIO, MIA wetheen receiving any benefit therefrom. In 845, 1 Commenced taking Do. Jaytte's No& j etn ii es,' ' and have taken them more or l as ever since, and believe th at it was by perseveri:g In Motivate, that I can now wily say that I have completely rico, erred my health. I behave that Jayne's Susan Pine and Expectorant are the best family toodminta now in fte 'ad i reside In Springgeld 04001 . 0 noun*, carry on a fu rn ace . 4madam shop In and am not Intsrasted In any mannar In sib idiot the above medicines, and mate thin enniteata fordo ban. sit of arca* abated.EATON. . epringdald, N. Y, Sept. U wax , 1 Jut • • • tiL:r•%••,‘ • VOL. XVII. NO, liffr • LEDLCII IstiLEß.Tuvia PILLSTFAfi.gaMit . ~ . .. - sonar n., M. U. F- Ste lters-Deat. Sim 1 icelilk, to um pahlic,_as well eta tot=ie l ar r e., : , ... MI,. to state the goodtdeva , ;. `.,,, my own •ase , Daring thernonlitatirs „, • ~.,..,,,' very unwell, etY aPPettbsTailed,Stad___-- entirely prostrated, with severe 1mm , ,.... 0 .wwar ' . '.. shudders. I was told by Inedicalmett vraa a mum astaak of liver _. ~ • 7.- 4 - , ...W. ral boxes of Arlartnit Liver Pills. •• , ' .",. 44 ! .; , r which Ivrea told .was good for ME • , • . • , All I was getting wane. I tufty.. - ~ . . - • - myself. under the cam of ar phydelswitiMCWlllll. , . worm buy fortunately, Jam at data • ~..k , , , by the Rm.!. Nibloek, of this glue, ..... Al', sent hint a box of Sellers' Liver ' MS •*.'••• ' ,t;;;17,, , which tad of eAted him vet • ,„, - •IP tent fora box you liver PM: lot* . • • , wu done aging them, I WIN =USA ..,. , the Medicine - that gaited Ill7Tad.fla : 1 ,2 .....,' : ... , WK . ud took Ave er six boxes,' ass, . ~,...., ...a ~,,, entirely cared; bat in March teat II , , -... .; .1 '„ cold, which broubt back th e `diet* i11i111A1igt.,14,, , ,: .. c . ;. 7 ., time IWu at bad as ever. UftklttAltie PINICIAO 4 r. t -,t , 4 7.i. , '.t" hoar Liver Pia, • mid wok - do:Meng" -. 41116 1 1 . 1-1 , ,, , •77".. , ' -7.71,' six weeks, =I occalionally aina i :.., •: „ ,4,...,....' ‘ , .1 ~...;,; 7-, . that I can now say,tst I feel .tr•_,„: a„..5.„•,, , 1 , t a . .,: 7. of the Liver Cotop . - e S , h& t i s ' ' "' , ''' good now as it b•A My neighbor' s them that **ere I the blessing of Dis me... I.ant confide go...toted. with niandfor them w to whom Lhave n. their value, u_unell Etaxpeetfelly •r- Tom Prang eine Liver Pill here lie name r eich UTAH milers a wer7 R. F. A.msot by the n. with a young anth uses his name to r Call Dr. Townuo GENUINE, on, tar sod cave,' roads, muds, of Dr., for they not. Ho is se. Quaets,” la wh name for 37 a • no will prod!. This ism caulk purchase Lode b Dr. Jacob Town. Old Dr. , s likertes• ustare moron a' Principal Otrit bb6l 4 og . i .s: .'.1"..._ OUP a S: : .:TAI r t riit. 7 4.-. ,.. - - 4; ;.f.' , ....'• - JICUB . ~. 4 1 , 1 1Pir1ik;;J . ,i,..."1,. TIER ORIGINAL ...` -1 1 ; - , ;1nCiAbiti...... „x5,..a.„;r.:. ;... , i 1 . , , : ::,, , , 07 TIM . ' 7:3 itaigiglia7- , ..T4 . -, '''-1 , . TOWNSEND LI! , i .V.,... ......' ~,.. ••,.. _<-• -..:1. .i.. c Old,Dr.Tovresatd fainni • •..t. nrrt7i,.:‘,..4._-.4'1, bu bo g bean known ea the ' ~ .i.k. .r . X-L12.44..: .;.:, , t. PERSIL of the GENOINECV •' • '' ' . ' t5..... , ",.1.' SARSAPARILLA."" admit •• • lialeiNg « ~.; .. '.,. LO 103111 its nnuasfactute, by. . / ~..arit,:...l••• „ ,'F:', " ., a',...f kept . 1 of market, arA . the • ' . ~. ..U.:. ~...-, " -- A thoseeely ,who had proved iot" .0.,,, ....., .--i..-, ,, ,, , - value. This GLUED •7711. , 14:4i •• " ._.,....„...' le,. ,i-. ,' manufactured ort- th e Writ ~ ' fifin.,,,,,,' „r..;:f.,:it",::!' t11=r2(1.4t1=d4..". '".4'.",tilt4;';',.:'.:-. iireneFoCUlTMOlTtft '',140?,,',F. The hist' knowledge or ... ."' S '' ' ' '`ii'l.P., 1 , -- ,Mmoveries of the An, have edlialwe •• '• ' ' ' " ; ',7 , ' ...: t' oli o ill the manamitaYsist, .. t • ' ir .- . ;..: , „. tills. The Sarsartafille req,. - 411.,. - 44, r e ''ti. lima men.contains =Mated Pre' • _,.....j.... • - 8 ,--,:,- penies which ate Wert gr i teeleillr:,... ” ... , „ •, ~_....,)- ... g so . dle i id ,P:t hie h . in br, i -,.. .- - s -o. i -g i *IOW . ' 4 l - t oft o he prop•Mka et eke. an . .'4 l i.y r ; -- ': they ..olsoAr ovowrolo roxs_po i'r g .t i k eon, if they me cot preserv dt e,A4 known only to those expo ler ~....,....., filereover skew volinileyrridelltleatiernelt eltia'far, ..i . ; , -''' por or a. mt cv1 ,,1 • ,,,,, Oahe tmktdoill lo 4 4 " . •,''' 1 1,1 ' * 'mallet medical ra,Apen.... ar Op lom' . ler .: , - :i..' -2- a alt its value. The 0jr. ..... u ,,, , - '-.- T'l i.t.f..,..iT>,: . ..Zi1:...1, 0f,,1) DR. JACOUTOI, VEi'-:'liaillri2" is au prepared; that all the Enema " Actsolla.: ...penile root ara first remon4o,everyi of becoming acid of fermen=i r alytokrai rejected; thee every particle Ifill* ~ .., red M a pure and coneentretef kt rendered ...pow.e or loeocoWgi gokr. '..",' '• 7 ' ...4 ' healing properties. Prepatsd‘ trtawl:,,-k„... wrz e r. the most powerful scent Indgekr.i •liAi - qtr.-, ~,'-,..t,W:, :.. , - CUBE OF INNUN ' ~A , !,..' ' ;,•,,,-.....,.- ~ 7 i, " e h L e a Ttra::::4:74b. L - ' - ..:-•;r: - '-'%: - ' . . , '-'`.3 . : `„-,. 1. ..,s,:iii won.c., if ' , .... ,!..,:i.:„..i4454 . .: ;Dyspeprla, and Liver ContplaUltkefill • . ~. ~ ,_ .icrofoLL and Pike, Casnamuelplk __,..___=":.': 1 (h.., Pimples, llimehes;strul eimius,,,, ~,,,-„, . ...,.. " It posse... • remelt c .. a. . elhf s& l nt.'"''T cooing front Indirefie., ribet'' .. , ww agrod.,l whet .. '.. from unequal eireetaton,le .. , ,.., c ;,, head, palpitation of the hetayeityaK. . Zeds -, . :i l ...: cold elide. and hot dasheagrywr ra. „-. wit......., .... had its mired in coughs _ Ileti out' i l '." . cooccurrence, and oalie` , WYO. .I . tere,of the lam, throat, anti Vat , / - .-,Z.Ni,.. 41 01 nothing is its aseethataldleallell . fillf,',.• l ,_ ~..4 arid acknowleccetltbua Juan hieclaaeastegas Of , ~ • : , It worts ormion ip We likeq Ll efeCUlAblallutinjatem47"." ••••• r • a ma. aay ! 1 a.,. Hy renurnvi - 10 • -be • ' 'di Ntw e"'" os it 'nott”6l4bitanybdr. w iP str if idathe,, ,, , lLi . ly wane to ose. thlsi-, .„., sounixo, FERN .IGM' .-`-', 1 op *.to :...,' t- r ,o , ' mad yet he ' , meld mammon onotooomot nomoialio rb Teurnscoas *Utast _ WWI ' •,,:'.:. mtsuon of Ids info }.". 1 .• , ~` ".. ';' "?.. , llama ['wind to 'lli , edlidlt which would bear ihrieg vs. - -- • pon th P. Towne Old D s sead's ardent! •widtkI,IIDIM=TM , ' . .:, , r Dr. a. it , • ~, and en.... Ereelleetla ..„._, Vrell.=•.;,* , chumh? have C' Sewil..St . tm._w . . r ,t .. :,^ N ' r:s6 . ll anattLlMp aOSIONt ww ~... -17. mt tb, that S. P. Tawasendbistitis /KVI aZ... s'''2:' Townsend's Sanspedllenni 04 rs ul totamly dhoomils. S m ' ' . Al*i ocar saving t ono OL*. ,•• I - , . c..,r-' -.4,,. 111. ocular, armal an • '...' ~ ' .--..l=i:' into'''}i :=l l t r lotamlA4l .. • . ,r. ?.. ty—that t f Id D ltashW e l f , -4 I; „ . 111(tAark•:' :., ra l at . VlLVElirg.. t rPtail. l a .:,l; ' within the mob, 'Wit. `. ~..-p . need no.* they mar • . • .• . XV' '7 , ' I T:rslife t' by t.Thum'gra.t. ' ' '''' '9 ` . 42 l . - i." '-; - Western Penn. SAHGEANT , ' • it. -. , •• - '1:1.., 4 :, Ja rill ) ' ,••• ~.. ~, DE. D. J e Mtr ' • erk illii ........- alp ~. ~,...."%. .1., and the efftleOPPpletlil it 'fit Au 16,, ', ! pert.. of slvittirptasft_ltild.._ P ~,!.;--. of your 2.&ectalwatter...,wel ,'..4 fandor ma u5*,..441.4-p, ~i 7 - Z .- 2, ~, IlloteroUtrg kik bat masero:* full or Iwo, wus, boblosionersoi am 'Ol :..I. t ! harms. resorted Will lay ,„...... ,N,,- , mmuons of meal. so, ~..' -,4,1-, the amghborhood Allow listj.alha :." CW1.131104 0r11114,11 ir. farthest—when 4114. SIT v.. 4416.1 ..,. and m blessed by thssashvilbte tdeswidi 11,04 . ‘,...7 ~ el the tucestess.M *Mrs= light t iV4*:. 'l7 , my physic's. est4AutZt W. lallAt ..: flllOl toy bed, a. m. lett bLt/tc _..._,..,,...5. a....",.1„." ~1 utteud to m Dub:leis, iielrf,"„ 7,,7 `. ~ I. I had a's lersrePterki. ...,<:".... w 2-6,r..,, -'-...-' V "P = hi P=Cs - li tike - XZW ciustOe• -.., k. "'" . 4•o ° , '-1 ~._ ... , - 1,.}0.-o -* •.2 .i'it..;;... P,.., °Mem or th• T 8b 406, Bmrd of , Diefttata l lgaidarsi ritaidend wserwav , ' d.- ' preLla of We Coilll4lo. tans. yAlpis 1r: . a 49, cethficates 60akblelitrn the [int day of De.CMMii•lieil... Ake, a therdemd'ofßlS ward stock watt* eV , abaaa. 156 1• N • : . • e- • 00.23(11111/101111044,WMIS ' : STILL remataepealtsviatlesaaaallailutl • • ' T ry,Cleartamillitet fella cd to the season oral. ketT'lbd rrlrge . oZelo t ToLßOTAriZ is "; - abarMoUn/Oatkear 4 . 12 . 1 a. leave. tsa A.u•stray med. at _vaairAilanst.c. , • Drake, every halt haavoladflB 1 1 1 1 7aMlualllloths sad the -6=7 tKis, Pat! irilke r nas from the Point, isralfil siar, ilasanam Gat. den Patherrau.rulawpdgm"..nOkir, vllll4 • aceoemaoagye with a roam 011ssfbali. luso. sippesueis ViardilMtszMall ' M=Z=;== rIIHE PROPRIETWVWPM pipitred No* vp waisatpdlitqlgs2yaccLaA!pedstikrtibiloardbe! by the 4.7.9,r 2 , 7 „: - VOITALL A _ . ViTEliraftiss- • $ 11,3 ,a00 4 9 4 4 4 . • rbs l -14 R ytH z , nufsia a r ...marn ..aKll46 4 aofd2.m Pi, jP l6 * , ::: 17 27 ' , „ 11001eM15X44: 11 10 ,30471 14 -:.1:. 't . Elial MESE