MISCELLANEOVS. tty ti'4l-a4.1(al . " . BOUT f ora . p „.,,,a," . . I was traveling tirotub '-' • dm Bette of Ohio; wh il e spending a few day. t o, ni I /Recovered a Scattier Metalte substance. , • NM sabammemitieurted that it had been known for. MU, and supposed to be of no use or value. but tram! ill teilertnity of texture and singular appearance. Ii , Mal led to &Uwe it might be made nonfat. bat tor Vtat purpose I had not the least Ries..l I commended EvellPutiments by burning it.boiling It, and poker h., a nd ...winding it with venous substance.; se strong was my mauSdence thl err was value In it, that 1 gam ep my entire time • d means in the .$ prometalm of thew eipertMentai an from that icon tot 1141 have attended to no other bating.; at times. Station of about two year.. I finally discovered. that, by reducing It to a fine powder and oirmg it with in. seed sail to aboit the condstency of lidc a Paint end apptii.ill this compound wi th a bnash that i his costing la • few months would become • perfect atone or slate; le thal the aohstance when tinned was aetunity slam in a liquid state, and the large amount of silica, alumna, Magnum a d black wide of iron th at it COD, 4 , Mined, rendered it b ii weather fled fire proof, es the Wkora' ellakeed,eha seder meat more perimeent it et= to become, and as ating' faller It tarn. to Mate) Is of Itself indestractibte by fire, conscqe nutty it ratans the weed muted with it trout the air, and . 11 ". Ikere k an tie, than la no Wait or combustion; therstoto tlys wood will ammo , chary before the elate aereariag will give way, , I considered the discovery of dm sreateo .15epert. Snell, ead applied to Government for a patent for no itom...icin at discovery, fondly bepteg that I nraid crow be remunerated (or all my Waist' lo moo and n.o , 1:1Cr The government, will.eat aril beritation. ertml & m ma Learn Ramat for the tam rctlit to in tontine. IWO, Witt cod awl my Improvement lift ha ossnafaciare • - •' - kif a •Werwer and Fire Prow Composition ur Mu, lei°Bl.w." fu k''''''' ' Y"n'' Whl. BLAKE. tt Agurt 14, WM .---. . WE, the Inhabitants ot Sharon, have read the Wove statement of. Mr. Blake, and believe it to be subilm• dolly name.. We are Convene to most of the Stater . i 'menu therein auttailieof. ,, h , .., ll . ,l we do Decbaeselhavuere,tte, a n. • relent morn .. . bessel . Z.abd Mock , ' &Meat ore deservedly .=0,13.,,b,. kepi - bin la with the man , . ... It eralren MI not dunce ra gioi ..lie•-• i_leulltsitte/sriak lii,iltntfilei not the least coal, &nee Met Ode siMbillainkety iing V6111•'21! matte • Sk." 4 ". .... bli*lihr :Betherefeje had to encounter for iyaMOrtnemersitit a tedest= th e whole comma. •nitya:=l .6 rlZl/ thl he n ve . m .. Verata . li o ic , .., 4 ....In., .WMIII. that thettellonelnanto • thousand who 'voted '-" ban tirrettelerniiillhEfOrthe circumstance, Mai be Late tad triumphed over all obstacles, aid we le. llunt Moroi. now hut one opinion in awarding him Mai math of di• amicable discover 7. ling, W. CRANE, Jastieei of HO RACE GIRO, the Ji NATHANE.IIIIARD, Pence LVAVIS C. CIIATIIELD, Tr... R. W •Ml tie, of BENJAMIN lONE, Township. •. WM. EVERE TT, Town; ip Clerk. ALI.EN I t, Mr. ry...mr. . .....s . CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. -Site,' ascertained thambere art individual. engaged is dbrinf. Fending, and ;terraria g for rale. the above =Di wind tillovral, to be nom d with oil. a• d ni,Al pre curly as lam my patentee uncle I have hero In those romans and shown them my niacin. Trier ....C. they do not Intend t i infringe et tie p ms o nn rtr, riii..q 11111 they hese a right to dig, gribil soul toll the powder. if they emlud purchasers; that they are not bound to know what they are to do with ii. that It !. no Infringement until it is mimed with the oil to make tbe comma:4 and that those who buy, miz and it. li mart take the rcaponsibility. Most of them say that they believe that the pascal is good Itgalnot Mow thin mix sad me the compound, and some have and that SW theyiwanted to am they should certainly parch. &Veer MO M they did uot intend to mane Memoir lv t i liable in a ny way. Now I feel myself in duty bound to &poem this Outfaced fraud upon be pundit as I cm ' Salt It byre milder name, where p man sell. and ti mbres pay for an article. the use of which he well knows subjects the purchaser and user m a prosecu tirm end fine, &me of those who are engaged in lino litifariolla Radio will umamtionably contend to th e public that my 'patent will not stand an dthat I dare not presents Now, to take this anrurnent away troth Oscar I went to tome of those who were proclaiming that my patent was of no value, and made the (anew ing proposition: that they talchrncleet sludge and two lawyen.wbo have had some practice In patent carn, and we would mahout the paten to th.m, and if they decided that the patent was good, that they slum d trip an farther proceedings to the boater.., bat if they Akilald decide that II would net, in their opinion. had. • 1 •Mald agree to let them go on and sell all they could. arida:eat saying my thong to the public about them. RIM proposition they would not secede to So far as the validity of my patent is concerned I dn not dc• peed cadrely *Poll my Own jutiginvint, although I have the fattest confidenze in it; cot I have wortutted it to many of , the judges and emeriti of the most corwens poem lawyers, who have, without exception. decided that in 'hem opinion !twos good, and would protect me tn my &surety. I mind the article to • fine power, and put it up in bunk, the which are Marked: *Dilates Paean, Finn fore Waueza Pacer Amman Stara' 1 1110001, give notice to all who buy nod use t in obesereentioned admire' for the purpose yet faint ii my patent, czeept from me or my au housed lanais, cksl 1 Mall hold them to a strict accoutitalilny, wil WWI Commence: uits at law amorist tbose who thui. - lame* op. sety ugh, WO, BLAKE: Slums, Medina Co., G., Aag. 14, ISM. Iji:P.TWO TONS of the above ,Fini anti trencher a Free Artificial Slate on hande and for sale. Tao MOM we can recommend, for we have been said it the same 4 veers, and know it to tomato& it in set forth ' In every panicials, J.& 11. PRILLIIiI, Art. nomillnsiam Nob Wood st EICE I SIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., to. 6sll Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, /41r,Oyff in Sl= their fall azaornneni of oiolrti, Hosiery and Late Gonda ADAPTI:I) litho *ants of every divas cf Meech:lra. and Common: No pains bate been [pared to paint the nearest abd most fashionable .yI el Goods ist hilt Ilse. Their stock conairk in portert ne Allenrinc PRESS TRIMMINGS. 14. P'gts and Gimps. of every' variety; new style. Alger:no nod /taproot Waal.; sio and =MOW MC sod Wonted Embroidering Smut, Synod and cat Velvet Itabonr; plain do do; Contort Mama and plaid. Satin Ittbboor. for imitating; blurt, white and coined Silk Lanes; extra wale do do, tar Ilaancim with' a full amortmeut of Dren Buttotm; Meson Pinked, Stamped or Earbioldered to order. LACE coops. • Embroldated-L•ea and Malin Cap., Chemin:to, Dreakfac and Retiring Caps and ft Slooves, WarlrarCiilara a nd Cads. in great nano's:Lie, V,1% • idappata and plies Moartung Chesnircues, Co. and Half Slrevee; Larsen Lawn 11:11:', fith i n ., n n d , ll s i z i n n e , hzd i, /tf , plan d„ l LIN* ( Lacece Mnatin and Conan Edgusgs and Inactio,. - BONNET TRIMMINGS. • Risk now style Bonnet Ribbons, Frusets Fare Flow era, Mania Tabs, Velvets, Basins and Vorences,,S 4 ok Maim and. Tazlelons, Bonnet Frames smd Tip.: ••• KW OLOVES. Sas_ ounallictale, i b moc approved fastening: aivitledeost MIMS. AIL ailenai•e .110111.11% oa Wad. HOSIERY. Vaal variety or 1331 k, Wool. Cnltop,Alering end Cuba:sere, for Ladtes and Misses; Tartan rind, awl a fiat armament other styles fancy sad Ito n Chid rani How; newest style. Intim. Boom tad Stwk.e Genie , Grempian, .Vnyonls, Merino, Conan end e Wool Lalf - GLOVES. fall urortment• for men, women and =WU While) are Derby Ribbed, Foloseile and 't rlbb,d and plaio Cashmere; Ch.... lanatl Citainorda, nrornto, For•lined Beaver, henry klatkakin, Military and Lade Thread and Co . . WOOLEN GOODS, Snarls . Losbes , sad Clh &. Hood., ClUArun' Woedm Seeks, Knit Scarfs and Boas. claw reu, Galt ors and Long hiltu, Worsted Code, Ifutuing- W. and Woof. Yarns; California Co:eons; al.:, tto • °Winos° Scarfs, for Ladies. - • . LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Sear sod Tapoury Wormed+, Coosa., Putter,' Plor..au unteg mut. EiriMpl sod Pt t•l'dtlicturd4, Pu pet F/YWOt Matcrlals, lams Blatr, Tidws, and 1 brOldclUt Wort; Alsn—Lodses ode sod ..11.11.:V: and Ipawerq Em. soldered dm. and Pi Rauch!. k , x. INtultedCaptuud Waist:li tor lula t utui am! .71wa t tes t r,thrtut • '• • GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Mae Ichbts,Cravata aad Collars; Memo, 9uk and Oeuals Wropand Drawer Suspenders, bbbk , Eased and *GownA ilk and Loa. H ots; Cleves aarlklosiary, 04.B9,'BRU,SEES AND PERFUMERY. 'Annan pundmd tamed and plei" Shell Back caw Milan and dra do;' Shell Side and Lock Cowl's; lei Iloa Haig*. Ballo and Rosewood Hair Bru•hea Sc• Scala sod Fag. Horn Dressieg and tine leery Canoe; link an anoweekent of Nail and Teeth Brushes.. . Wiribeeilrs "Gold Medal" Perfumery. VARIETY GOODS. • Steel Bags and cane•, I Serail %Vivi Cusco, Floe Rosewood Deik• ecd Volley Work adelkE, ?ortfoltos, l'aplenres and Ladles' Stammry, French Cork Soles, dirk & 1/robre. l'apir kluslins i Iloilo..,::, Elmtie Elands .0 wrt tu4gr. Caret and shos I me., lssilds,. rind, N.., • sa & Badam d eel G00d., • Pam Twin awl &wimp Om Badding* a thilloom. Cloak Cord sad Tassels, liUnd k Shads Trimadnigg. Pulpit k Bataan Tandls, Ilphalstarces Fliqcer, Bed Liaiw,iiied EasgMsa d: l/d'd Chintz Dindin , HEW AND. V ALUAdI..k. V E. 111,1: °LISA': Winn LOCH AHD SPRING Percinca, Drx nuLa 19, Ibl a. mans is an ankle of great voice to all pernon• rsa. Daily and Ye l'a v•lgOl or nin * d th ow o l.7 . :. n O l 9 o:. " S ' l)l7lt " , it larzabsi op:cleat t o for palaes It - Nell, 11.1 SaVing Of at least et to each 'outate, It Atiort, Zis Saul fassining that hat Over been Groot:. coo ' The lenity end cOdvottioneo of this Oprmg over ethers, fs, Max by pot 'dumb mem, boar ?ord. of the window eshbe nosed 00 W.W.I. It TeNalfC. OIL ). be Munro to be ep g tpreelate. .ip bibbb‘a betakin to boy Me artlcic, O koive them Ist kw trear windows, or Me nab , o f t bell ng . lot coaqUes thla State, may apply to We aubaerscort at the TERRY HOUSE, on the Allegheny neer, ea. beret, Fa, ia • • . 7 movaixd3ffitgy ' J. S. TURNER, C. P. !JAY(' PZX'S! Masers Carpet Warehouse, N. 75 konnil sh a _diddparaapply of Capete, of the latest and most Mg/- pried whith ,wo Invite the ttention Meow. 11111•11601draisn, and those wielded to tor:ll6hp Meows • Wean angr examine the tamest want:n.l in the city, ••• lifin sell cheaper tnsa ever b,o,< L ocrmtt thannalent market. aarin W AVOLINTOCK ,77 7 -7 ilenarislesi Long * Shawls.' FL MUILPHY ntui toed • supply of the abo;s arnottf the best qua:ityi also, plaon Bieck Long wla; black sotultavines, hloittoli.g Ab COO, black _Coburg., Parmouss. It, Um. de Labs and Ftetteit Ment:os, 'Le it Ctmta Ltd blowouts Cohaps, Mourning Bottum RM. = taxi do, sad a fall alaSOrlalcill of :Mourning gettatalty. Moot -PLAIN BLACK SILKS •• lefts 111•Ortlann, inetadtttg • few pieces Uery wide • - Led illi)er• are invited to to at them, xi Monk Each cornet of }earth and Marta ate • ldrbolesala Booms mop shit, where a faits assort was et bleeds hae late'y been ,ece,e,s. I t ,00 , • . • Dli../A.YrreS ALTER ATIVE, Mg. has . * Wed informed by Mn Bose of tire., ye: - Woad on 'ma by Ara Jayne's Alterative, Iv b,e pretreeZ i v=ri n tlAaymy , :v i i m e . r retheiy et Mt ilyd t t stamen} cart Wilk "CCP/05E6 of W ill re t w omblvalgirldsosse abd• throb att. of •artous b0t.,.. d. gwivehalL Wig MAD) rotes l'ace been d:ae ha rv,tl.i.o, bibb trouts! bone el-the ate. (rem both mum „avian and kends • ine beta both legs, and (roan I, leer: 1/1.47111. WSW end free, the nett I, nee, treavles putnin WOW of inner pare of hoe person, Yebteh have b Ate,. •-t-•-pgridfUet aameba, a the Arent ere; V: pbyttU.Ont Per mar- , dank moat of ik• time het .t kris boo , 4:: Iwo eteratabog and dsplooable Al oat Woe Stotmdm r.•-• puree ehe 11%a ibbgeO le GO' Dr • J•icuest Ahem :tot tad ea saloaitaungly happy eff2et Gooll her, all pain atm *welling, and iTIV.I:I f&pra So k Cal, WildS Mae SCOolieas hOra l korralLel,le b,,,,,,a,soosoptecely seseored, so OE she now arrigt, : Ms pore than she 64 before she mitineheed ;be elf of Witmer vakbablo propatunt.--(S•I Era Ant. ' Foy (ere es Irderroation,ingetra orJYYnt. itr, , s. lb , 1 16 Filbert et, Kaladeiptis- FOS WSPitlaberibib'al rtkin briinlY,,d ft omit awizW 1711 MEDICAL. b • II) "1 1 .P I P:f S..gNa llllll it Ili 1111 l • r - GE ,MANUFACTORY Dr. S. P. TOIVNSENDIS COMPOUND EXTRACT OP SARSAPARILLA, The moil Wonderful Medicine of thelge, 1,800,00 0 BOTTLES- - • !AULNUFARTURF.D YEARLY. • Thu, pfettletn• Is put op ha Quart Eketthai, aldtd bas nand more than 1CK;000 Owes of Chronic. Dhosimi, WfUllin coo foot Ten Rear&—glone Y Clertairle minx signed by IL P. TOWRIIRREI. EkPOSE• BY READING THE FOLLOWING AIITDAVIT • therutdic will learn the origin, or rether,where the recipe for! rolling the Waif ey call Old Dr. Jacob Torrnseno Sermerilla, came th from—end will be able to fudge which is the garrotte...loll4ml,.red of the bonen)e of the men who ere employed in eelling it es the original Dr. Teen:um:Oh geresparille Dr. .& P. Townsend sae theoriginal proprietor end Inventor of Dr..Townaendli .gansperilla, and 010 medicine bah pined • cepotetion thet no other remedy ever gelneil Ile mann teeth red over one mallea al bottler last you, and le merinfactittim et plural 0,D)0 bottle. par day. We nee ham Pmesperilla mod Yellow Dotk to oar artablishatent eech day, than ell theater Elanspitrilla Mannfacharen in the world. Principal Mace, 126 Ifoltonet BEAD THE AFFIDAVIT. errs sad Camay e.f *man Armstrong, of the mid City, being duly doom doth depot* end my that ha is • prectical r a Cbetniet That soma time in the latter pa " Alt nd y, or first of duo., tan, a meth by the more at /mob{ Town:wend. who at that time wee a book sad pm Aid peddler, called upon deponent, at the tome of Mr. Thomism& NO. 42 Iludarnetrrat when dept. mot birdie& tad requested devalued to writs hint n recipe by which to make a Syrup of Bereapsrilla Deponent farther rem that he benzin acquainted with nil Townsend et the oflce of Theodore Fatter, Zaq., flank Pubitther , with whom said Townsend 'dealt That mid rosewood Ind had frequent 000rera them with deponent remnants the *mot sture of en treble of lierespatilta to be told ruder the name of Dr. Jacob Townsend. That laid Towneend sts4l he wait en old ma& mall poor, end wee not fit for bud labor—and wished to make 40444 mousy, In order to lice easy to hie old days, and Hatt( Barn perilla under the Mined Town m sold -W well, tad .o much money was nude by 6h. *ad see no 04602 wiry ha might not make wt./thing oral of it tat (hie 21420 ban Townsend,) it he could get a *amble penon to prows a recipe; sad manufacture It for him.. Deponent to am of the conversations wilted said Tow-mend if he was Mated to Or B P Tow mend, to which be replied, that he knew Or B P Townsend would be drum no h im after he stionia commenter But that he did oar car. for him es be had formed a mmertnerehlp wttir men whit mold furcialt therequatita amount of capitil—end was well p nu repared to Wand himself egaisat any attack that ghthe made on kb& Depcmeot further seys, that purmun to the request of mud 'Jacob Towneend ofhe wrote a recipe me l t. manalatture of a Syrup illerseparills, sod pre tto him. Said •Townemd obeened that he Inaba to make a specimen to +dill& trr hi. weeny kir their • approval, am ha withal to gratify. them to mety Unice, as th ey throbbed all th e capital—told Therneend abo told der mat that the bottles they were to use were to be of the aim rive and dupe es Dr. 6 P. Tow. stadia, and deponent, at tie mama of said Jamb Towner& went to the OM. of Dr. IL 6 Townsend. and pricured one of his label. And Mapco:tent further says: that he km beta Mais ad, del verily believe. the Syrup of Sarnparille, mold es Old Jacob T.romeadh, it made altar On noire for , abhor!: by deposed& to lamb Townintd, u elbremkto And bulkier deponent etith not. WILLLAM LIthiIiTHONO, Sworn to before an, &W. 14th day of May, I/41. C. WOODHULL. Mayor of the City of New York. PROOF!! PR Here 1. proof epoch that O Dr OF!!! . & P. Townsend'. alarespartila is the criginaL The following it Iron .ems of the most respectable paper in We abbe • PllOll THE Albany Evening Jammed. Dr. Towneend's BansapirlDa. There probably - wirer he. into en popular • remedy, or patent med4anla. Dr. Townsendel Serapargla, which man o y, and continue. to be arountfec.- tured in the y, of fait by Ow Doctor himself. and aftoreerils the ...weal years and to the present time, by Clapp It Townsend the present proprietors. Since the pkrusenthip was formed, the Doctor tiss :edited in New!Yorls, where he keep. a wort, and attends bit= business that accumulate. at that print The man. money is in this city. and is conducted by the junior peruser, Sr. Clapp—hen all the medicine is munufar, tared Fers of our cithete hare .any idea of the amount of this medicine that is manufactured and =Li Besides the =l= in flue country, it la shipped to the Caned= laboule, South end eren tet Eu rope," so considerable gum:tit/ea At the manufactory they i•nsploy u steam engine, beside. a large number of men, women and girl, in the preyaration cf the onedmine, making Gone printing, tr., and tuns sMt. randy for thdpment, over 4CM dosen per day, or nearly atop bottles This is = =arm= quantity. Th. great sale the meine be. acquired, has in dur..4t a number of men= gat up imitation', and, hem in the present time, other medicines for tabs, that are " Or. Townsend'. Sarsaparilla^ (Inc in pa deal= =aided .boot time ego to New York, is culled Old Doctor Jacob Townaendi Sarnipard and els prehtly sloth a riots, hy dint Of ad....thing, sod the nnaal ronnedie. resorted to In =eh efforts, eppropri. ate the name of Dr. S. P. Townsend'. great remedy, end tuna gabs all the adrentages resulting from the ropdle r ity of' the name which h• =a acquired for it, by yurz of patient and espensiva labirra. Di g. P. Toerreend, formerly of this city, as is well known bens is the inventne and original proprietor of the nedicine =nen a. "Dr. Townsend% od: ro think aura pensms who are attempting =sail their article= the rannine, should be .:pined. FROM THE New York Daily Trlinane. Op-Wepolollatiad an adreaiaement inadrertantly for= time sin= that did Wasting to D. Ihr. Town send, who iv the original propriator a the pregnant= a D. Townsend . . Otber part= hare within the put fve =oat= engaged or now:weed themaelrea with a man by the nani. a Townsend who pot tip • inadiatne and =LI. it by the =rim names This medieiv 19.• iipartiped iv Tie ••.• • Tea.. as the arising. lks This advertlaament also contained matter demotto tT to the character of Dr. It r..Tosheard and that of his meads., We regret It appeared end In )voce to the Dr. make Ode es plahatlon. FROM THE Rene York Dolly Rim. Du Townassois extraordinary wirertisemerthishith octupice an entire page of the tics, will not eKape noiice. Dr. 8. P. Tnwrisetnt, • kin Is the original pm suletor of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. and whose of ace to neat door to ChM oh..re be boo bee. i9r al years, I. driving an immense business. He renal , . dalow th en four I:oared dozen of per y, and even Om enormous q uantity does tot supply the demeol. No mailman* er gained no great a sopulintv as,. prepares.a of the Sarsaparilla. Rim edition ot Airdathca for Ma not Bito,ooo, nod be has paid the New York Sc. for sarestoing, in the 12.0 four year; over 810,000, and he acknowledges Met it is the chompe.t wisartoing be has hia done Tim medicine is asportod to the Corodas, West la die; South Steams and Enoisma. considemble gtiantitieu aril is coming into record an. la those countries, or well as hare, =l2l . Drtniab and When. that well Warsaw'lla for tb• &none atol ortguod Dr. Toommodl Sarsaparilla, that.l out Wiped by S. P. - Townsend. commit. • fraud, awl ...loaded dm customers. Alan that woold guilty of much.. act, would COrpred my altar fraud and m Drogyst of common melltione• but knows dist ours istha ordy `.ovine. Old Jacob Townsend. . Some people who are not well informed, sad have not nod the papers, and not seen oar advertisements. hitire hewn led to arippree, Mat because these men ad vertise Mien stuff as • OW /mob Tostussuds," that it mush of eours, be the ofiginel II is less than unit wars they commeneed to make y e ars.toodseina leoess.. nasm the corker ores ten ===3l _ me endeavoring to palm of on the pliblic as :a a .rhysiclatt. kc. not a regular edocated Phyeicran, end never attempted to manufacture smelt inina until these men tared him Mr the to. of hla imam. They say they do not with the people to be. Imre that then Semparills u min, or the tame—but the better to deceive the public, they et the emu tiros inert that their. le the Old Dv TowneamDa, and the Otigmel , and endeavor to rake the molt). believe that :be not they ritanufertunals the Dr. Tmensenda Campanile, that ho. performed eo many womierful e¢(6. for ths past ton yam, ms 4 which has pined imputation which no other edicine ever enjoyed- Which 1.. butt, Mllaboona m unprindged bleehood. We have mm mod mite spinet them men for hump. We wleh MIA understood, the old man reletion to Dr. Tow mend whatever in their ed potent, and cliculam th•Y_PublUb . ...a. , a . lalsehoods Impacting Dr Towaaand, which we ill mat calm Fame Report& Our •opponsral ho,. pobilshed In the papers, that ;Dr. & P.Townsend was dead. Thie they cod to their agents .boot the country, who report that we have given up business, kn. kr- The public .honld be on their gnarl, end not be deceived by them tmprioci- ',plat mien. • ! drake rf Dm/val.—After du Ant a September, del& Dr. D. P. Towrouvre Now York 00Ith will be In du Booth Baptist Chore& No. ea Nuathistre which 4 now routergoing a thorough change, .01 'will be &tad for the be anonsoatodation of the 1,19. :photon and the pobfin . TX .. • particular N utto and original Dr. T IL by &P. Townsend - Aeners.—Reddlny Ir. Jr, No. i Btats.streci. sod Dim E. /Udder, No. 100 ColoMstrest,J3orton; Saransl ;Kidder, Jr., Lowell; Henry Fret; &slew ; /awes B. ;Green. IVerreester ; Alllron k U,oU. Cooeord ; J. ! Keck k Ron, Providence; sod by DrOIEIOI and Dler cleats genandly Ram:ghoul the United Moles, Wed birdies ant Ow Caandas For ...tie by R. R. SELLER . S, lion; Ancor for Pal ! 1 ghl D. DI- CURRY. Allegheny; A. PAITEII.I 4 O7V seell7elvt _ _ • • AvEnY WONDERFUL. CUlik SF.L LE VE2SIIF4GTI Metiers, Mercer ro., Sept. Z?, R F f.trller. DuerSir bought one bottle Of yo.. Verruifocc at th.. True City Furnoce store.nt this pinue, I n-d ha, pe , fono,tlwlaat are coorlder out lic,‘ won dorful cumono of my boys eight year* old; be hnd been 1111v:f 1 t for 'am- year an much thnt I bud Kis , !en up till 1..p..4 of ht. recovery. I wan advised by 0.. e lot my :u.sgio.ut.. n boomor your Ver a iniingn— and lam num to torm rut of It haulm. derired effect of reTlPulue my .on. lle pnwd, in the short !max, of w I brans. Int SCOMIN. awn.: of thern meseur- tug mi much •• 12 1,1 It it, la, long I feel boon) J.M.CC to give yeti the above guar - men,. so an you 0 make anf u•e of my 'Arne :hot you think proper. Your, very resp,tfully, S. I.Ttim. t''Prrp.ared .4 Fold Ntiond Atreet; nn6• aokt by D 4444 feu nenern.ly In the two • VELT C LOTHS-3 Blue and Drab F. r Cloths, just reed and fur rale by 311.781 . 111", tt CO. no•I3 IN Wood nt IdOIJ' LAINS—W H hlo•pny hag Htet rec'el a J. of high rolorrd M do I.,giot, each Cuttry, F , grltt. ,a , the ou ps tee of gsc got yard Alto. Plum Dtan, Brawn, he .at 121 to P-1 , enie i.or yanl; and u he sgrtment of neat fuy,les Agar , l„Sloon. dr Loins. at ',Hone prtere, together . , auk eholr, ng.ortment Flrov , Goode ar nr t ally. 111 H, • 1 I `l ll ll, Frgneh Morton,. Cashmeres, 1-lobarg.,nandl,yrtor, CIL - 411 , to um comer of Fourth and Market ate, Wholtsalt Honing ap*Hatre novHl LARD bbf, to core And for sale by k:N01 , 1r 1 11 h 111.1101F:rf, No 37 Wood street A 1:-.1. t tn, rrper., Aistmens, Neetter and rs. 1m tot, ett:b a get.eral enrollment of all vris of thotogies end l'enungh Potaeoreetund artrkee, lisod i,,d for Salo by Wk B hleClirc ettopi, 00010 ISO Liberty oeeonmeni — ne'dper T express, Also, Gimps, Prlnges and WM* • • / 1•80X.A0U TATfuN LINES. - - 1 wad liaralttalsters °Mee. & CO. continue to bring persona from any part of England. Iri-lam4 hvotlrmd or Wide., upon Me mom liberal terms, with their seal purtomalmy and attention to the warns and com fort-of emmigianta - We do not allaWma paseensers to be robbed by the swindling scamps Eliot infest the sea ports, ac we take charge of them the moment they re port themselves., and see to their Well being. and de spatch them without any detention tin the him ship.— We say tins' feerleasly, as we defy one of our Nunn. Kers to show that they were detained 48 hours by as in Liverpool, whilst thousands of - others were detained month...ill they could be sent iii acme old craft, at • eh g p rate, which too frequently proired their coffins. We intend to perform our convents honorably, cost what 'lt may, and not set as was the rue last season, with ether offieera,--who either perforated not all, Or when it salted their convenience. Pratt drassin at Pittsburgh for any nun from Ll /WM payable at may ad. provhantal Banks in Ire. land, England, Gotland and Wyk,„ JO9111;A ItODISSON, • European and Genera/ !quo, I.Onv. NEW ARRANGEMENT. SPEED INCRIIA141) EXPRESS PAST PACKET LINE, I eseturreely for ruse trgere,l VIA TRH IatRAT CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, TO PILILADELPIIIA AND'BALTIMORE. lIH puthq are info:ter.: Rev au and after Stturtley. the in urScrt.erther, , the pa”eegers by Line .. • _ will be eariti ?ger& the Centtal ILO Road from Lew. i.town to R.Moigh, end from thence to Philadel phia by the Darrn.bureh and eolunilaa Rail Roads.— By this now arraneement passengers will go through to ODA DAT TSAI TINA than heretofore. The Packets of this Line are now and of the best elms. This route for safety, speed and onion, is the moot preferable now iu use to the Eastern cities. Rad Ronda tire all passed in day light. Time, 3 days. Ft re, Ten Dollars. For informalou apply to ,UTCH, Monongahela House, nett or D to LEECH. & CO,Caual Dula. - - - TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. THE SHORTEST ROUTE sic TWENTY-six MILE? VI. 'Youghiogheny flavor. The spiendrd new and (*at running rtt U. Bobtail s FA tearn i tret. EH, A." 11 Emu. hin-ter, will run aa a flai. ty packettlays excepted) treth.snn SITFSLIORGiI en Mott d WEST NEM ON, ott pooping of novigntient nu Youghiogheny river. Emig., Wont New ott from Me oppc . r Wheel Boat, even . SOMIIIng Went o'clock. Re , turrung, leaves Piastre:o from lout above We AlonongrAcla Bridge, every evening at 4 r.,Meg GOODS. received by Agents onc bon g the Who, Donis. The Far - Mir been bolt express!) , fur lb* The Farmer her been bolt expressly fur 1. Vouglulgheny river , sedate potato may rely o her rernaming permanently in the trade. Paniealar otmntion paid to all way freight and pah &enter.. sehadvm&T' oungstowris and mew c smoke ittan Packets. • TliE packet BEAVER, Capt. iStariley, will leave Beaver Jeaularly Monday' %Voiniesday and Fnday amanitas at 0 P. N., and anme at Younastown nett =orates' at 8 o'clock—retuning, I eeeee aunts eaten Tuesday, Thum:lay and Batarday eveninp at 4 P.M. and roach Beaver In time for the mamma' boa; ALLFSIDIENY CLIPPER, arriving at Pittsburgh at la &Mock. The packet HARRAWAY, Capt Downing, will leave Beaver Tuesday, Thutsdar and Ratarday even ings at 0 P. N., returrung, leave New Castle, Monday, ednesday and Friday evenings at 6P. also con necting withtho Morning boat for Pittsburgh. Thum pm ,css arc fitted up incomplete order hav ing Rue acooramadations for passengers., and shippers may rely on .nors pmetuality and greater despatch than hat bitter, teen obtained on these tomes. M. 'TECH& Co., Pm:meters. J. C. Bidwell, Agent, Pinsburah. Bidwell a. 1t,.., " Beaver. A. D Jacob., Yount mown. R. VV. Cur ningham,"Piew The elegant steamer, ALLEXIId FINN CLIPPER, will leave Beaver, concoct BA. N., and Piustierah jolt rualun. inion with the abort boon. 1849. Warren and Cleveland Passenger Lane. aunt Packet—SWALLOW. ONEokikte atone Packets leave Bearer every day (Sandal, excepted) and arrive next morning at arren when they connect with the Mail Stara for Akron end Cleveland, arming at each of theta caeca before night. One of the paeketa leave Wan-en daily at 3 l. M., and arrive M Seaver in time to take the morning boat Or Ihtutbargh. C E S LEFFINOWELL a Co, Warren, 11 TAYLOR. do i$ JOHN A CAU011111", Agent, apl3 corner Wan and Scruth4eld ate eleiffM 1849. . UNION LINE, ON Till: PENS , * AND 01110 CANALS. Cluaintsofr. CILLYSZALIA Cleveland,o IL G. Ram. Deaver, Pa. Pr"Pe' ryt HIS Line will be arena ed on the opening of nays Jl. gallon to transtart freight and Paasengera from • arr,Bußcit and CLEVELAND, to any point on the Cana! and Crites. The facilities of ;Ito Line are ansarparmil In number, t unitry and capscity of Roam, expeneitee si captains, and efficiency of Agents. One /Mat lernrea Pinaburgh and Clevelnud daily, run ning in connection with tae rummest LAKE ERIE AND MICRICAN, Between Pin.itinegh and Dcaver,•nd line of firatelass Steamer., Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes. Aoartm-14 G Parka, Beaver, Pa. lialdlinn, lonsganswn. Ohio. , M II Taylor, Warren, Cyrus linen,., Ravenna, wheeler & Co, Akron, Crawford & Chamberlin ; C. 'ant, Sean & Grnifith, Santo, N JOHN A. CAVG I Mr, Agent, Odle ,c nor Water and Smithfield eta, Pittsburgh. rachnily BEA ViGAPAeltratTS. Sta.." MICHIGAN No. I—Capt. Gilson. LAKE. ERIE, " Gordon. TILE above regnlar end well known Denver Pack= CIA Aare commenced canning their daily trips to Ind from Poorer, and will continua to ran between Pittalntrgh and Beaver 'vacantly daring the season, as Klichi NO. leaves Pntsburch NI arc 9 o'clock, hl., a w nd Beaver at 2 &alma, P. hl. Late Erie 'c Beaver d aid o'clock. A. Si, , and Pittsburgh at 3We/tuck, P. AL These steamers will ran in connection with G Parka' Enure" e.t.0.4.3,f0r Erie; Taylor & Lebta g reiP. ww.r. Panketa• Union Line of Frslght Boats:for Cleveland; Clarke & Cog Picaborgb and Cleveland Line French' Boma. R O Putt daily New Cecile Packets. CLAM', PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUCHIEV . , Agent. tmbrugh, mehal --- nor Wis IN er and Smattfield su 1849. amok I'HUB6II An CLEMAND 16131 ON THE PF—NNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANALS. T HE Proprosors of this ol&established and popular dativ Igoe, const s im of BLXTEEN first clouts CaPounce n I goats, owned by thems p elves and running . inn with the steam boso BEAVER AND CALEB :OPE, are tinhled to offer :unequalled loathers for tranoportauon of freight andassengers, on the s pent ng of Canal navigation, to appo i nts on the Peon 'sy Isamu and Ohio and N York E. canals rind the Lakes. Pt. FITCH Co. Cleveland. BIDWELL A BROTHER, Agents, Beaver. J. C. BIDWELL, Agent. mne2 Water strect, Pihthargh. C. siDWILL, C Wa lCWat. YILUIIarR h. Br c. aver. .BIOWELL 4 BROTHER. Forwarding Herrmann, BEAVER, PA., Agents forthe Pittsburgh isnolawaloind Ltra, pLee,. burgA and Eno Lige ono Brii, and for Wes= Iv= Beaver and Caleb Cape. Having parchued the large t and substantial Wharf BOal just built for the Mon gahe Paelets, haw with the addition of a Wareing Be, th e ir.osi ample ac commodations (or reneividg and forwarding, and pledge their nUnost allaniino,prOmpiness yid despatch consignments lo their Cam, and rely on their friends 'or a trial. roardlidig o.a BRti. PITTEMUItaII AND ILIUM LINZ. 1849. Old Established Ltne. ON TIIF. ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. Proprietor of this well known Lam of Canal L Iloato,l. now prepared to thB.llV Oll F . ll, , Clthrek and Ft eight to MI pomp , on the, on Extension, New l'orh Gentle and the Lakes, upon the most toyer:Ml< am. and with de.pateh. rw. Lane ran. in nontmehon with the steam bORI! iIEA VII. and CALEB COPE, between. Pirteborge and 11,31 , T, C 7.1 Reed'. Lind of .team heats and yes all on the lakes, and nic. Troy nod Alietogan Lake Bent Linn on the Now York canal. C. NI REED, Proprimor, Erie, Pa. ISiAwcll A Brothe:. Agin!, Beene, W T Mathes, Agent at J Meskimen's Passenger olee, Monongahela lion, Pittsburgh. , i,ltitif:F.Y—w C NIA., Sharon! J P. it Sham - wham; tr!rnith A Itownbm, do; I It Plummer, We.l Greenville; Wick, Ae Ore A Co, du; Wel liebtli Ilartmown; Davis A !sone!, lin ffaloi Barney, & Co; bar :lanky; Joe A Arrortrong,Betrelt; Kirkland A New berry, Sheboyg Al' lore X Wildest:ls t wan- tie; Knee, Morley & Dutton, n, Ranee! John 11 Kinzie. Chicago. A Wheeler & Co, New. York. epi PENNSYLVANIA CANAGAr. It. Roans, iff i rigta 1849. mi lt ia EXPRESS PAST PACKET LINE, Pktathwrgh to PAthride4kiciarth Ductresera. I blrclueively for Posithiecrs., TlTryhji, respectlialiy informed Not ht. I ins O r011103 , 1f , coming o:Monday, Itith }larch. rile boats 0.1 I.lno ore of 'a superwr class, wain enlarged cabins, white will give greater comfort to pusengrs. A boat will always be in port,and travelers are le quested to call and extant. them hernre engaging pls. sage by other mums. They will leave the lundtrif ,o post. the U.S. Hotel, corner Penn street and can every night at 0 o'clock. FARE—NINE DOLLARS TIROUGH. Tioth--3i Day,. For information, apply at tbe co • hlononatthe. Dense, at to D. LF.ECII & 0, C. nal Baum N. IL—Tbe propnecors of the 'above ,iatie are rciw building on additional Line et Packets, to run Pe above en el about June lot, connecuon with the Pennsyl. vania Roil Road front LASIti3OWII to Philadelphi. At that time a pocket will leave every morning and even. ing. Time through, ei days. ccor,a ascf.alieir. POIGTABLIC BOAT—LINE, 1849, For tne transports vit of Al.:moonlit., PIIILADF.LeItiA AND PI77I3IILTRGII. GDODS carnet on this Line arc not Othahpped between l'inetiurgh and Philadelphta, bung i ear. riciFin four cocoon Portable lanais over land and lea -to ahippone of othreilaiidthe requiring careful handling, Al. is of importance. No charge made for receiving or chipping, or for advancing charge.. Ali goods forwarded with dispatch, andsitsyß . , reasonable as Lerma by ouy other Line. JOIIN JAEN & Co, Canal IlsairnTenn ant,, Pittsburgh 9Att. id DAVIS &Co tool , 917 Market' iklal Commerce at, Phil. JOHN kIeFADEN & Co,' Forwarding and Commie aims Merchants, Canal inlet, Pena at, Mahwah. JAMES M DAVIS A. Co, Floor Factothaad Co..eerd don Dlerehauta,l27 Market and 64 Commerce woe; Philadelphia. maxi agr,ll made by Grille on Flow, de. to for - SPORTATION. RHIN WANGREVE LEL 1849. Mafia ADAMS & COrtil !NINE— ,.. .liE citizen of PITTSRVRG II arid its vicindy me respectful y trifurna st that we bisso no reiter:3oll with any oche Western Espies , . and are now pr.. posed to (mars d PACKAGES, Sit:NCB a,' , DiSE, rte.. from Bosun„ ew York. Pbtrodelorau and ilartimorr, tir Pittsburgh and other Westem Clue, with extraor dinary espedition and IlltAW,lleLit Cilkile.. Al Baltimore we hose ussofated with us Dr. W. S. W 000211,11, whos_war for fifteen years soperimer.dont of the lialtimore rti". Ohio Karl ,toad Company, Bows. Kash., Esq., for many yeas s principal con bdorroul agent of the Post O ffi ce; and G. W. Cass, Esq.. f Bnionwsille. Pa. Th.e gentlemen writ give personal supermeinn to the Line from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. From Philadelphia we shalt rim THREE. Duly ED preas Lines, arnsing at Pittsburgh respectively vi two, Tar, and Four Davy. Or e' wo Day !dye was run at mail speed, and D principally intended fors:null and valunhle Packages. We shall inviolably receipt be mita .d Yams We have an arrangement with blesses. EDW.., .1•11 E & Co's TRANnaTLANTIC bar RblnS, I.y which we eon forward Packages to, or transact cxtri. missions in, Great Britain, Fr.. anti most of the Continental Cities. Macao. Edward ' s Hole S. Cu untie in England yeah the well known great tursvmdme houses ftlewrs. ell&Plan & Jlun, and In France wait the "hlessitgert. We .has spare no eZontrre er &tertian to fret our goods through with the utmost despatch, anti nirrrivoi ID lorrirshjne public with • really well conducted Itlx• pre.. Small parcels aud packages will he carried by 55 extremely low rate. N . M., wishing to ow our Lines ore wtspectfully requested to particalarly order their correspondents to " Felld . cV:ta ' Tiott F""R''''S ;DAMS t CO. The Agency of the alrove k:xpress lane will lc conducted et Chia nip by J. C. BIDWELL, nosl6 , dtrh Water street. itEal 1849. Beaver and Erie Express Packet Line. R. U. PARKS', Beaver. Proprietor. TILE new and elegant Passenger Pnekrte, NI AG A RA, Card 11 11 Je ll e r ; PENNSYLVANIA, " J H Rodman; LAKE ERIE," Trul , y; CH , EEN CITY, " I NlcHallk; Forounga dolly Line between Beaver tool Enn, have couttatuvrti rufgatng, and unit trim/sow during the sea son to make then regular trips; leaving Beaver after the arrival of the 1113Z.111, lost Into Pittsltureb, II o • clock, r. land ante. at Ere to him- for sennei a to take the morning boats to Ilaffam or up the Lake . Tickets through to Eon and all Laic ports. eon re bad by application to JOHN A CAl:lila:Y. Aut, earner of Water and Stnithbeld au vs GEORGE under the et Charles How: natal i S-19 IN Al :azitairr LINIL. For trlotrsrolle..l,ohnoto ME=l ms Line will conunue to earry ail Way Goods with their usual despatelt and at (Mr Mir* 01 Amors—c; a. aI'ANUI.TI 4 I . matatiga. ' I) I) Wiaicfir.l,l John.lown John .fltli. Rxra&aarsto--Jamlos Jordon, South & S!nrla,r Ilr Shoonberger, R Moore, John Parker, P Von Bonn. host & Co, Was Lahmer & Co, /no Nrikria & Bros, Pittsburgh, John trortr, aamb, hiCholian k Ray. Jr.,. Ora & Co, B &what RICEM. P &ATLI £ Ooh. pLow.:N.T war- 1848. REAVER AND CLEVELAND LlNE.vta WARREN Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. " + OCEAN, Capt. Watts., 9NE of the above Packets leave Beaver every day (Smdaya excepted) And arrire next morning a men, where they connect 'nth the Mall Stage+ to Akron and Ciereland, arraying sr each of these parr fore night_ One ord, Packets leave Women dal!) at 4 P. 51, and arrive at Waver In um, to take Ct. n=evnalioe for Pntabtirt. DT ' A dh o I.EF R, FLNGW , T Warn, BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINK T 8109•11 TO SET eats IP TORII 'GOUTS. Pfficket—FlothavLvanta, Cain lerfner, Er n,s Po:lock, Loon a, " Truby, ?MON:A, Brown; P.lOllOll, " Sayer. The above new and splendid Parwenger Pack em have commenced running between lIEAVER eD, EIUE , . and veil run regularly during the Lt.. —One Loral lasting Erie retry morning at e o'clock, red one lenv• bag Waver every evening, ininuedtately after the arm vat Ut the TtetTO:4,lo Mittlltur [TOM boats ale new and rom.ona., tho an through n ,ortv en :•••P1.14, ••• any .o• 1.1•6”. or m Heeded Far. win Ina on. i.e. - 0..0 expedition.. Tlekete Lvourn eri. oi :tie Lake can to prncored &abysm. .n pthpriciera. REED, PARKS & Co, nearer JOIINfiI. CA UiIIIET, Agt Pittsburgh. , nor Water and Srealtheld ma. t. 3 Darner, Ithefalo, N 1 C M Reed, Erie, Pa C Cink, Greenville, I'm SlFarland and King, Big Rend, Pe., Hays & Plumb, Sharrelourgh, W C Malau.Sharon Is Il C Mthbew.,YLElT•io, Ps, II Wthruningham Now Castle. Pa ryl . et•ansboat for Male. Tee ISLAND rnsnsnr wd. ..... .. az 11 Tee in t! , ,.) 1% . a ligaling. on MONDAY, Om 11, y centher,,Es4n. P thumb in bond, and the at . ^ a n d la months, with Wee.. Approved neer nab: paper or taken for the deferred puy meths Poctive 11. MittillE, novUZI UZ sNE pir.TuoLEvat, oft HOCK OIL ===l . _ Than are dthanapt or in philosophy . THE k IRTUFS of this remarkat le retro* y..., and the constant application to it, totkke propronor. has induced him le have n nal up to donlo, with in bele and directions Inc benefit of the patine The PETROLECkI fs procured from a well in this roui..), at a depth of four hundred feet, is a pure atta• Anlterated veithrth. any chemi.m, change, but fro , t as Lana Iran Nature'. Great Lahriltitr,! . Thai tt contains properties mauling a vs.:ober of diseases ts co longer a of uncertainty There inc thgs in the arcane of natuff.Ril;eu. k ow and' be " of deal usefulness in allortating suffering. rt the tonal of health and vigor to many • sin fere,. Long before the proprtetor thought pathno tap botncutt Lad • rePumtion Mr the cute oi ease. Tim constant and daily increasinK calls hlr 11. and several remarkable cures it has performed. la sere indication of lot !mum populanty anti wine spread application th the .ore of disease We do not wish to make a long parade of ger:th orn-a ts arc conscious that the inedtethe rut soon work way i s the favor of ho •udar and wish to be healed. WiliFt we no 11b1 cluin for it a an application to every dsrse. ser unhesita tingly ray. that to • number of Chronic Dittman, 11, is antivalled Among thew may he ennenerated—ali diseases of Ile raucous ussoco, such as CIIiIUNIG BRONCHITIS, i'l/NSCNIPTION tio early a+of , I Asthma, and all diseases of the air pa. . i.ll. COMPLAINT, DVAPEPSIA, Blather. biseases Of tbe Bladder and knitter 5, Pains to the Bark 0 , Ode. Nervous Lltreases, Neuralgia, Pius). Itheonainir Paths. Goat. Erysipelas, T. tier; Ringavorrs, Burns, Scuds. Llthises, fionnt An., to cases of detahly re sulting lona ezposurc, or tong and protracted case.. disease this niedicme hrtng relief It will art a. a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in theft case, imparting lona and etthrgy to the whole r-tuov tag nbstratticou. opening Om sluggish funcuon.. Cause disease and a broken cmistnutian, and and renewed eurrgy mu all the 0116., oi Life! The proprietor know. of several cares of PILES that misted every other treatment, get V., under the one of Übe PEtROLECNI tor • short time The prom euipeso in any person who denote , None genuine WllllOl4 the signature of the propionio. Vold ay tar proprietor, I. M. hi Eat. Calm' Bum, neat Seventh st Alan ay it E. SELLERS. 57 Wood at, and—KEYSER It hi'DOWI.A.L., corner Wood st. and Virgin alloy; who one hot nov•-alv teirtiotrir •pposiited Ag. TUBS ♦ND CHURNS FINK AND CEDAR AR., dl..Nt ' , XT./1Y No. ST, tor.mr —or 49 a 1.4 _t, IfZIMI=M22I . T., F: sabouttbss keeps constantly on bsod, whole sale and retail, the follow,sts nruclet, stv Wash Tubs, Mod CnOrns, . Mew Tub., , Barrel Glturr.e, Itiatll Tous, . II all Bushels, Wooden Bowls, Peck. aud Ilia reeks, Wslb Lbstds, • Eta.. Hound Llutlitts, Clothes rms. Towel Rolled, • Wooden Ladles, Bread Roller., Cabe. Lisskeks, 111•rket 8.A.:, de., de. BANIUEL IiBtI.SEN, n 0414 No 63 Diana .od allay, Plasliorgh LOGAN WILSON & CO., NO. 190 WOOD STREET, AREort„',' ULER and CAILPF-1111:10 , 'ru of lIARIIWA It F:, m,. direct trout tl', MALL tee in to Europe and America eta' are n. w lolly prepared to oder goods at latch ppeeg cannot out to plea... and wroutd p..rttrotarty woo., the aurouota Ichent. who are 111 tha ot the Ea a t. a.. we for , conSdent they wttl thorough exauttnairou, toot our hi add wtti comps,' la•nrably watti any hotote no Philadelphia or NUS./ Vora. nett EM3MM:= )011,1 HE no b e eg! t a ileJ , to a i c li c o e r ss n . the t C o l A a..of s Pl N tsb ir u bo a l b aT{4 • publio gr. that they have rebuilt the Lk; 1-01; NDR and arc u.w it. full opera., nod ban port of their patterns ready for the ,nark A niongst watch ate Cookii.a Ms, Coal and (Sued Slav, with e splendid airiiabt ove Coal Stove. which I. now sup,eeillig in other Oilier the common round Stave. A 1. . ,, asheap coal Cooking ad.,p. led for small families, with ix foil it.aorlinent ni oin. moo and inantri Grates We would per !elderly 11, vile the a.. of persons building to call Cl ot warehonee tm belaro purehortng, and examine a apiendid article of endmmelled Watts, ruitabed to foie alya.— enitrely or , w in this market. War No. lot Liberty at. opposite Wood et aorta:Mt NICIIOi3ON S ('AINE. WI 51.. e, Ltquou.s, £O. rvii %lab, 12 : t recto VIM! Ina Fallem. j. lancing all description+ of EUREIGN Looms, Woe., tr., Cigars, kr. Ile otter. todacrin , tit+ to the Whole•ae and Rein.' trade, unit coin,. he t - eelte.l Autung the articles for sate, he would enu merate the following: va Pkgs Roeheitr, Madman and Cogitne Menthe., t. t t , t a .e n + J. ll . l , pxo ,;t : g e . azilts wind octaves, a.l chew° U pipes Rolland Olin, 2 ponetteone antule• Polr . ith 5 do than, 5 do Scotch and Irish R turkey; 152 hblit 101.1 51....ongshela e \\'h do, 31 five gat denote. do do, gl pkgs Alsdrint end Sherry Moot, in lit popes. quar ter+ sod witty. s, 05 pkgs lama :o 0 O, Wines, (quar: A ? r kg. Pori inm, nn piper, hr plpes and quarter, GM+ and Indio Ohio Sweet and Ury 51alagn Wins sUttbts old Peach U . 1050 seek+Laguayra Jam Coder; 75 pkgs T. 11., G. P. and Chubut Teas; s 33 pkg. assorted Tobacco; tl bbls and holes 15,dees; 15 bbl. White Sager.; 37 bast eui fresh Salid Oil; it do Champagne Winn, pis snit OW in eases (1 cost Claret Wine, 511 do Hoek or Rhine do; 0 do Pam, ne Wines; akin ?deem; do Bl.tel p e rry Brandy. 110.000 Intro Fled earn., .4 00 . , ` , `...: Confials,Denuyon,Wicker Flask, Scow Ate, 11,02... Stool, Aromatic Wine Macro, Bottled Wines and I.i nuors of the finest kinds; Anniscue, CUT. on, A bsyniti by.,,,apaant, Orgesit, Coroms, Hoek nod Cologne Doi des, Anchovies, Stadium, Lobsters in Ai , CoP , ' Olives, Ketchup, S. S. CbdeOtale, Cork, Punch NI 0.1. Muddle., SugarH.S. Hoge, Mashers. Pittsburgh Olson Macttues generally. J ACOLI WEAVER, Jr. °eta eor Market end First so bbla N o ; diaLk!re _Ratamag ham the canal acal for sal. by Dodd /AIM DALIZLI.III Wats. at MEDICAL e ELI ER" , F'AMILV MEDICINES—*They are the O. Medicines cd the day., • a* tuat's set ritirh Ohm, May Lev, It. E. S,llsrs I nook it,rithtior tIo• benefit of other*. to suite sots. , taco in re...hod to yr. n? excellent Farah ty etlicia• I have or your Venmfave Inere‘y in my own fam ily. oat vot frequently anareenns for oxPolhat , !Ft quantities .y Ito dtan worlll.l from two noddies I neva also a your liver Ihtla sold hough Syrup .n toy family. 4 they have it every it:stance produced the tiled dr tied A. 1 ant 'seed in merchandising.y an, able to state Ohl: 1 one, et to hear of the first fanu.e where your medic. wit have been used in my se non of the u „,„ c „,,,das to n.. I may mate Oat tney are a. meJtr „, day, and are destine brae n et r. eitenuor s p t. V C ”' ". Prepared end .Old by R. • ItS,No 57 Wood street, and by Druggi. • ~ t imah'y In the two et nes stint vlet. ity. . royal / - Tit - Erl'lls kt Ot 1.1 VTiti iiSf PLO tiT; by he origionh only true, apd gettable Liver Pill. Sot. Cuts*. Ohio county, Va. / , March 90th. Mr. R. E. :seller*: Dear So-1 think it a ditty I owe to you end to the public gehern ly. to state that I here been (badly ith te Liver Complaint for a lbrokong woe. and so th h at •I 1 abeett formed and e, winch left me toa very low state. !laving beard or your eelehrateu Liver I'.lll being for sale by A R Sharp, to West Liberty, antr,recomniended m me by my physictao. Dr. K. Smith. 'I conducted to give them a fair trial. I purchased CM! box, and found then, to just what they ore. reconitnended. TIIE UE9T LI. VER I'll.l. EVER USED, idid after taking four boxes I hod the do, are her entirely lett me. and I am now pettedly wed. Respeetfuily D H COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 79,1,49. cc •thy that I run phrsonally act/natured with Mr tile., a., can bear testimony to the truth of the 2..• on rtificate. A R SHARP Ton intone Liver Pins are prepared and sold by R 1 1 . • 1.1 RS, No 57 Woad tweet, and by druggist* in tits a. a old,. TO 71Ih: t'tiRLIC-Themtgtnal,oNyweandgeu oe lA.! are prepared by It ESellers, end have u earn , stan,ped m black ix. Upon the ltd of earb ' ox.lns ••totatore.on the cutside wrapper—all 'noels ate coon tt dens, Of be initiations. E SF:I.I.ER , , Protector JA Yla IQ', CAIItiIIINAI'IVIC BALSAM L RUM the itev -4 SHINY, a well allowu and por 1' els- ' lervt man Ott, reutesinnt Methodist Chore. Ise under... Ltd idtv..: !len &Minted during thorn , . with e. thedsse ...le stomach, sometimes ,pro . melt r the morn:Kb tar ten or twelvehoors or en. ries .and alter having tned vv•th t der: reas furnished with bottle IdoJaasn. Tom tte Used as o.domt todhe ebre o •h . 4. asd foustd in secdteror es u Ird:he rain to tun e (hire or tone mm nil tr titter, or twenty minutesevery LlneWty ..rama , inf wltscit:/rtiy quarter,. The medicine WI. It( terseardso•e. erbroeyer mdierdemsoi the art:twitch of pririarere ree red. and thc.a. n "vas ifiesehy prove.. ed Ile cr-mooted to use the niedroine every evenittg and .rtivi•rtol •he morping. and in • few ratekt health was.. mr -.toyed. list the sore,' also net es en from a -o.se , .0( oppressive From c i hreettr•nr.a,refar, • r elf, confidently re comm,al 1. Oda.. CarnulL, • . •• aso Huey idedlet .1 b,rwr , i.i !INN l'eg bcu , r r, i•h• • t • • -dre o (dux MEM V ILL A{ILK l) 1 ;Ciriicii;fi ONSUPIPTI V E.S, RR OD IOUR GUARD. , t%ANIVEI3 CO MM/ SYRUP ON WILD CHEM TIIL WILLI i>VW , /OS or.CLITUC:I, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Dronetutis,L.,• gr Complamt, Hintur.c Illitrod, Difficulty or Breath. tag, Yam tit the S. and firchat. ralmmtion of the Heart. lulluenza,' Croup. Broken Pore Thrdst,Nervonvtroluli ry, and all Dummies of the Throat, Breast and Longo the most cf. factual and :greedy curt aver town m , an, 0: the atm , dwer. R . ‘• v 1: 5 Oompound Syro pOharryl This medscine Is no wig el among mom of .leubtfu:. ruddy It hos srd :tenor front Me thousunds dolly launched upon pas th, 04e c• expe,snent, and now stands higher in reputauor. to more eaten.tve• ly used than any tide prenarmion of medicine ever nrodecad for tt relic, et andertag man. It has hecn ...Word Very generally through the Foiled t.ttares hot pe,and Mem rue fO'n• lOW. et Importance what coniatn iome reruarkable cot dance of its good tkets, ror proof of the fomgoine statements, mill of Mr valve and efficacy of tha niedi eme. the propnetur will Ina.: been pre the mai himou and restarmnials which have presented to l.y mra elate first respectability—men who have higher tit w in of mm. resoousibtlity and Justice, than to ter tif) in facts o . becautw it will do another a favor. and thetrundres iutusucc 'Such testuont, pro•es to elusively.thst surpris/nR "Cedes , ' , s cant..to.i. , by ins intro,. 113(1 . 10, unit Me unquestionable ROM°, I, On rile erosion. .Tlie watt...con. ro.n.f in fwd.. „ t aye soothrng Influence Undated thrns,h {,• who, frarnr bs ds ssn, renders det most agrecal.c remedy far Me ad:lewd REM BEM • - Viten meta *etas; from cen•etrillinas voltvitattly lwar to•umoy tltc truth o! att o• fa•t, arl. t,orrlnty %wing ontrary thrir IllrreOls snd cocreet PoNv§cl“ , " ri•trtaorldlh, atqntg•rluis et•a-lf ti•reial r1:121111, .1,11[1,13, ---I,llng•ti• Moral M. 0.: IL rut.: HOME CERTIFICATI A ••otti 011.01110 f C•;Ma.,,Mam-- nere ~a.n remedy that Mks neer. no.succe•••fuk Lle.c'erMr en.••• of l'tin,lunwlon, Dr Sway”. • Cortu.to, ,ytut• 1 , 1 , I ,4Clicro..rrgth en• 11,1,a1,0 weer. on a.- tr,a4, tl.lll ..too.l, pow, ronsc.e.l Apr:, -4 ll ao : 1 1 s u; .ync—. Peer' Iv, let y 1 e:st th our Coe oi .41 ihcre, him s•e ;n emmtst it ...rem Toed, WELICII rre.du • glly re?! scot., svc, eevere ectio,l rtik which I haat recour. •I 1.. sperm mao els <re <ILLI toe •smo'rrs Isti!trionor, 11110111N,U1,1 Every Mum I sited ...em , to haveetbeet l, my Comilla.. merest..., IT M. I i:c 13.-• a+ ll a. toyer,. Rove up nil Lope. v , my recover, At uor woe 1 eras recommende , to rt: ftsur tovaum,le me<scio< 1 41.1 .0 Wll, lie mo, hurs oy remlm The evt 1.45 , 1110 07001 to 1000 0 0 eougti, 00001 itg me to erisectorair fretly; at, 14 the 11 ae 1 .1 cesi 011 Iroltlew.l or. ToUrely leen, ~.101 me love .• tivsety .< I ever vet. tit my We, imd ..„010 oily u t iormanonrexpecimr . ol} ,tae, s..lser vorterer< may derive metccri. celocis 1 ens er N 0 truth of the , hove ,temect_ t t , ter so., n Pelee Poets. Grocer. Wont tek•re• 1' ss , set.orn 1 Ortrettrivert the re.edirs:.c itesi•ensi.l., yours, , •Irmt 7slou /x; Wonzierfuf Com of to ilfatha ( ast AU/11*M 111, ywiry .. Siri I Mel o deli: of p.m.!. C.,e • you—anil a dull to tlir altllmed eenerally, to ode: Ey humid, - teatime,*in Maur of your Lk/almond , C.. 1 mp W enemy :Mine three yew . ..once I violently attached with toad and oteaerimarlon of the which acciimpaiued with a dteln . ***ll,l ough, pain 1 , Mr hreaatimi/ head. a very cotitdcra 'e echam*. t`otY• 1,•••e ruceue q0(1.1 the lung, ewe eially urn eliange 11l weather, however aligut Al fital. I felt re ...arm alma' 0,1 condition, hut was prat:, co„,‘red )bui liana ruptdly going Into COlOl.l - 1. 100. I .grew veralmr. rind at length waa rer. ) able **milt 41,001.. •penla atame • whierw •vvi• Me wea1,..,...,1nry zonal. During e I bad tried •••rioa. preparations and Pre.enpu , .. foond (Irk Whef - 0001.100 all the tlatwor m 0t T. UM, a.d lard permailei hy endear( need t: Wilmington tom X.ll , trial ot your Syrupl Wild Cher• e) In timt coo or' that I I CI I hail het, pre, Mead m 00, out incilicinea. and IKM *till again , bore 1.,* out in the hand, of empertes, but under arunding you; rl tioa* in Abe and pmeure mediine. and It tame implicit froth 1111..0 ***pima rn, fro.nels, I forthwith norchmed ol *thaw, one ef youi 1.0,1., a tow le dies, and commetieedits aim die. ram a• at nine or afi triondm * raunilina.con. ...our.)lt o.* deeply t ooted I found, how. nor conaOceatiic mi.( trainu*r of mil brit hair or live .wale. Itat Intopantie igmakm. I frequently tit ilord to pr...., witu toy iticreimior •treneth, and :lamb) rimiure tmi•i Veimel• Mat had airemll nee:, way. doutitle*, in) cure wal arraio retarded In c...isimaance rot acting thiminiprodenr • I nod to use or deco„ bou.lee Leib, I was po. 1 (telly rr torr A l 0.100, nn 4uesuml, a mac , *Calla ...Ye 11:114.10 me 10140(1, ha the uhove .TOO )3yrup allum*d My lowa . Olt ote*tee•ma cough. put 0 4 hold' .enare o:*anitter iriou Me lung., and ear arm and .• .0.10 ri*tith I hum dem ed ode,. 1110 cerimi.lir unt.i 110 *, 101 purr.. bring prime ti•lied wan tne prrcurac, and now Gat I Mal pariretly well I ofer it o.li 010.111-0 Run. 1 1 4000,1 11114101 count. 10 0 hiporuser VOrilloar—lieckr Read' There I. holt- e genuine , preparation of 111,:4 Cherry. and that I,'l ~ .tvar.rsj, s , the firarever offered to the public, which aa tweet, ..Id largely tar - pushpin the l'lnted States aotni pert. m Lampe, and all pi', parauotas earl , I by die notate of \VOA Cherry have heen put all 11.-t'it 1111., cover Ot awn, decepuv , nreun,talters. Sank} to gra ,- currency to their sCes tl) o. , ea-vatnati no person, need mutate 4custl 13,1111, :elec.. Each 'bottle of in I. .nreloprd ‘rkt hentstzlni steel MI 'tonna, with tl., ol Ihereort, also, Or etway Fie onitalute. nod • turttlet ecurst), Otattaet II 11, added, her, inner, so to to dtairrigut,i preperanot uno all ota , ,fll NOV!, II W 4411111,, the trot ottlai.or ntopttrtlon and known VIILLICA OrDI ve.11 , 2t . • 0111 Jand of 1% Ild Cherry, per,ent not a•uteavortria u, gl.O am...) to 111,1 'Emotions r.oa 111 a:Ceiling they,name. of 110 , 1 t`iterr) nt lt..rot other, alora)a hear In mid the 11311111 it ,way ne od be tint deceived irtrel qt.s., corner of Eighth and Rage race,' Philadelping Ft, w :sale It by iII:DEN tiNli \V. OEN, e.,, I Wood ate, LI A FAUN ESTOL:Ii O, t, 1.1 not •Voott, and 1411 11t.11 Wand IS . II -Irrt all S /ON F.:3, Ica I.sherty a 4 A 10:5F. , rut I.ind ind rent, In., 101 IN K,„ 2,11, , ,her, city, and by all respectable dealers it. nclIJ Dr. W. P. Inlaud's Premium Ple.ster. 11 %It. I.AN I), of dm Nlrair. Caller,e Irf Phil istlelittem j t erreettttre tout. itte/ette• Ar. Indian vt l'retneffm Plano, Or. olltalliCf Of whirl, ail . , arid trivil caper:core, tin, tie,' viiiiirlactortly tahltahrd. To all aronica who may he atlnetril 1.10111p4111 t . L..r.a or Fain et corionendl tilaster, guitraiiiiirinit %ore and cqrc Mort triim two to twin nrcr na, If applied wti cure arid rant--iiilitenrilliie all :lie thatruturri, alid inniarar rio long 111 are. Ac tart inasmuch me Ac ha, not cart our t of ilircir lturittred and fdry-rimer psi in o u ,„, Al.o for is heum...li and Weak Itroart or Ihtt.h. „.„,n.i % y i d. now. thr . 101111.4 . VlCri Jon ham ndonthie oqrrnon eurn F o r t , y ,‘ l'l.lt.er nt lhamond Enid hlarhni et Moon d Ite-neb, and Sh.Chor IN 1 onrpn, •• Federal ot and Dmmot n, nl nhnn Jarrion• y O. On. " Llonmao and lhamond Tram. 1 Not tttood to li t . Solt, AIVItt tor the tAlr of Dr. Towo.ttitart. lit top. tirtrAnimrtita, Itaojotot tret-tved :Ito dozen of tlt Great Sprltta mod ,ttatEer Metltrine.. Yorchaacr• 1 , 11.0 rt.colltrct that It I, SttIICIAI tt. agent to l'ltt.lturatt, arid ll M Curry or AtlcKLri ear apS jux.nt OF oritclt whtult la 1 , ~,,. !I Wilt/14,0M, 110U/INil,. u ,„„,. t „ lig more pleas:tot and than cm Cotret ,. .o,ol .r eto:aptlr, as LI OM rpit, tansy leoo ,l l go 140 far tot 1.• itoutttl. ot Cotter. Mituttlactured I.y JI PIIN II MILLER. Pat•lturalt, Pa „b c „,„.l,' by II A Fi.iINL'..,ToCK k corn ,,„ W44..1 and 1 .4 .111 nml Wool earet. PitlxlA.,ll .44,11 1A 1.1 FORNIA HillAZ r.. Comp 1,1 olfwer cow, 12 pr. t le pwr. i5lllll, 1.111/IU. Tql:km. d.and 12 g.Lilotm "ach, bU ruz.iceo Gal MI corn, I do; llock.k.o 31..1 I.ellti I do od cembro . do do. The obo're good. for .ale at thc , •a' forma llutflung Eauldrlohmeut. Nio 5 Word cric Fad J AsiLC't''s,lerl'EjelloTlCl'aVa fil ' i ' tfig u° ll ', l ' l o f .t. n . ' i n t Y ,li ° tal or eL:i ° g ° Aft:marl, Aisi•Ler, Ctoonioiln, Oruro, Cloves, Peppci, Warranted purr. For sale .we new •: , 4 , 1•,e soil Named earlOr), COM. t of Ferry 8. Irony era mylo _ li PIUS If CU.!, ght 'roar Annul, Irom me le pe A N : ' ,,,,„ 11 7,,,,t ' , ° ,ic5, warranted; will ha constli; no g wIll o" ? "4 "PPlmd f t. IiVWILfiIAN, la Wood al -, c ---.ir-:;. - z - d;711.1"..ta .“. :-,T r i. - iii.-.-.1 .-: , •-.4 , ---- - z. -;..-.- t.s. :.. .: es.. , i;.ass - -07: - sial Ag ir, , Eits.,74;WE9 ; 4:-... 2 :•... - , A:1 , 21 _. - i ,%15 2 :- 3 1 7 1,9...vi". t f LI: ...I' .6 : .... mi . , 4-7.r, :.5e1 , ,,, ga—.1:,..1:,1 :4: -., 127...earg , z• NM c,i 5 1 2 . . °t4i-v- - =-Ei-e - '•4l , - . 25114it.1117.t.ziLsVotl; Prz (V' ''_,'„ D 0 .-i,'. -..z:=-:_!•:-..4-Eit l'A4 f, :-,: ? .. 5: .. ;15. a . • ,5 la. 441.g - ggiA N-2 ~.21,:E... il';. ,-; Ag ''' a =• 0 'tali - kW ' - ' 4 1 1: - . ° : - iti3t.F;Lge..1.. 1 ti• 2-S T-4=sl•.:1 2 ,splae 1. iji•et2; -... , ..aa,..000...." Q. ?..• a co t, 4 4 :iitri, )3 ? V..4 , -;...P..7r;t:3-. - , , ' -..z=1.2a E. en _, i - c,lei::2B7EK;ttFIS'E Q.; 1 7,- -..- . Ex 3 g .I 4 A.rsggraVii3n2l.: l l*-9r!=.-rS-: ~. >leltl i `i'Vriai. - agt:p l .' ',ll t. 17 , 57 iil 1 t s ;ifil .. "'El,. l :a 2 ne': - -t r="7.:.11.2A=. T g.a;v.t,51., 1 ,-.-h -5 -.2.1,1,.— a - !T:5l 0 4 -,.,,,E,.1-fslA-14.91.-it.;,-.1.E1,---i;:- _,e- ma ;3 q - Livalloei N 4.la-_-_,„:7,1„ e.g. 1 wt.> 5 :1.-- - ..z 9 ° ..0....tk..1f.:-.0... ,,, .. --v. . .Es rn x.• •••. =--......t --:-....': :-;•••---- , =-1 ' -::.. 0 alt,l 3 l l = o t- 4 1- 2 .:. 1 13 11 — § " ,, , tePt 2. 41,i elg 10 ' . Ea 1 4 OG. 1 !$ ti i: 2ilaia!,ll: l2 io, 2 s ;;iii g] i Z 5 cc 4 ... cy itll24.l4Aritl r,f.. isP• 1- 2; IsX ii: .S" Et n= ;;;4 -3 Llesig4lll Ba r. 0 a 13. e .1..,i,g ,-.9.-.... ..4 Kgs - , ow. , r. l la ' tv 0 E,Stni Ibr.oll— Arg. , BA ,: r . er —— - ce g 02 :z, E5 7 1.14 - ,11:0q!e IA g, !!'2 LL. 4 o i l a ~' 122242- 1.41;:iai . , 2 3. 71 t -, Iu az 0 t 4 E p1y.4ig., , a,..,,1.zig. 5 !.p, i a 3 9 .., 0 .....; gS 1g1,Zti1a..n1i.J411,)72 , 1... r: .. 3 , , r., ) :: - . 2 :2. 7 , :V fit. f:g . _li;ii'r,tt .°: 41 C., .i .i 2 - g 3 t a l'lg!:f:'..ie.iigri .t , ?A ,1A ocr, i. t 0,4 s .....m ,2 . Em ••• . 1.1 . ., 43 , h . 14 ~E" 0.5 . t 2 t l' N ‘l. 2 14.. 0 gliA t 'fff../ : , 7- ::ill °Zr CC 4 It r .. 6 2 ca rE.%e.if.' l .:l 2 * . r.'l l `ig•stEol.? -: P. - 2 ›' ;ei"t ' s ' et;; --1 :1' .4 1F41...g::1 2 .; Z. g :,. ! I *: 4 ° - -'5.5 i - E-1 -1 Ls V -' 1 :-.:4 ..4.. , 2 DIC riii:4l. .-.-zmi-z 1 ..t.-Ee..i.• E.-...- , 2.-'' 2 40-14-za. , :gEl-alcazl:f , gr , .4 . . i t . -.;.'-= . .E.• - •-.bft - p.6 i & J 2 ~., -, Piii4 . ,e.EH.0;.!.- . .;.'lial.LiP4:•- 7; 6.-<: : : ~ - .4. E., 0 . - 4E ,3 .1-1 0 . , : - :e:tr. z:= 3 o ; V'''": - ; P. ' V —1 ''' ' 4" : 1 " - '''”• - ! .2.t.t'1.:4- 7 . l 2'' ''` .:-..° ' .`'i • E: -qr . i Z 10:91iziti l '-nieleq-: - f . : l : t . ! c , t r.P. co, a z f 2.l . liiii' r EP2-4.2.:i, -- tiiqiip. 2 lr4 .-„ , 5 8 : 7 ;tait,...12-t.E127a . '22,rie.. , t . :i7; - , .zi:,2, 0 E-I ye l', At:. ;4;3.5 - 6 - z,.V. - 2. - +:- . ..5 - i, J ; B ".qt: .• . 13,,,,, .. 5 ; 4 :' , ./!; 4 r- e: Eli ;E 'giFis""`l DI g e. , , ;; , tx ,2 i .z.5.l ~.E.,;.„.2-r: ...8,, ne _ ).' 4 E i !.; 2 . 4 Alii , ; - !.1r....gtg:,.r...41,1s f . -:-.v zi: . g . . 7 ;iiitFai r ir ol-71 :i 4 i 77 .' - _i- - z''-'" 5 8 E.:`,' occ r .....;z,e -.Q,.' , -:.--....,_,.. ~,..-„ ~.. CO 4 ie:il*.` l l 3 -ttc 3 i'ES.;i'z'o;t - - a. 'is - tii 22 - 2 .11 1 `.4. 1 .-. 11 F 24 . ----7 a - ta , 0 , % :t iiZSr 2: Vil.s .l- I' i f , l ll7 12 -.„,T,;•,..,2.,t- , %-1- c L c , 7,, . -.." "L c ..° i - ; i;' ....2 . - 4 r, -- ,- AGFVT..—WNI J+CRSON !MIND WIRGAN, Plaa +burgh; D. M. CURRY, Allegheny Clty; A. PAYYERSoN, Bironngfin,a lel , ' levl AMMO. EXCHANGE BROK EV. 1 MEDI C A L. I MISCELLANEODS. _ 1111. - fliltldES 41, lONS. :BiehLskire Brok•r•, AND ripAt.sits is NOTE.SI, DRAFTS, ACCEPTANCES. GOLD, sib VER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Drops. Notes and Acceptance , * payable in any part of the Union, Collected on the Tenet favorable terms. EXCHANGE:on New liork, Philadelphia and Bal. Moore; also, Clemlnnen, Louisville, Saint Louis and New Orlrmo, culintently for sale. GANG NOV.:S.—Notes on all ealvent banks In the United :name discounted at the lowest rater All kind. of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Cain bought and *old. Glace No. ICS Market street, between Itt and Id , , PnGlmealt. PR octita or - LE - 161f si,WANtaic AIILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland booed nay amount at the Current Rates of Exchange. , Ikons parable In any part of the Old Codettnes, font it to £lOOO, at the rate of 1.5 to the £ Sterling, without deduction or daemon, by JOSHUA RIiIIIN RON, European and General Afoot, olLee sth et one door west of wood. octl9ll • . A.L.L•7I MittllSiVa ILDWLILD int Anna. 6 66 / 111 J,..... BA . NNE.69 n eLlt d ) r. L.K m e . 11.V121 , 13 , n 7 1 . . b w , ,, ce, dries. onsposits, Bank ° Notes and Coin, twins; of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite BL Charles Ho tel - wir . dl7 16— Bank rim"' purchased et the lowest rstr , t i. , i i i iy oLhas 1 SONS, iierlP .% Market meet, BILL'IrOnn EXCLlARLitLtinyht Cairn on New York, Philadelphia, end Baltimore, .01:4stanUy , or •al• by N. HOLMES t SONS. torn 35 Market at BOOK TRADE, "Ores of I/1e Most Reinariotto Works of Ns Age , NT, 1 NEVEII AND REMAINS. With an ae^naot LI of avolt to the,Chandae. Chr,sHana of Kards. htll. Cot Vestdie. or 1),•il-W,ehlppers and no I o.mr) tow the Moaners and Arlan( the Ancient A.- •`. ~ •n• Ho 11.-nry I.o)ard, Eq., C )Yoh Intro Isse.ory No by Proi C Itotopann D U. 1) li!uatratrd elth 13 o , atra and•lneps, and vu womt ve:s evn ttl r .so. ...rho boot I.wa • rare amount of graphtn, Itt pic lure..que narrative ^—Tr.bune. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 „.., • ' 7. 1-_ . MERCURY,orother Min '.... ''''' v . ,' w v - . eneL -It has power to rs - ....." Z. c i f!, - rause all EXTERNAL t , .... .Z . , MA. -',. .7' SORES SCROFULOUS ~ . e " IfUhltaiS, SKIN fig-' . 41 . ; a- EASES . POISONOUS t .k . , ,,..._ ...-.,,, e WOUNISS to discharge If .tbett-b e.. , •Lt ~ their putrid thattera, - and - .. A ' then herds them. '.'ne It is rightly termed 1p „Ir k , r. ....- , ' -e • ::, AL L •911.:ALING, for there is scarcely a die ,.., 7,75.. ...... ease coherent or Internal, _ 'D r . that it will eat benefit. '•"."-Irili :2", •••- I Lave used it for the last sixteen years for all alaayaa of the chest, involving New Books. d, 0p.., trouser and rwari,onilbility, and I declare . befo e heaven and man, that not in one ease has It 'HE "1"I NN or " e ("j ern ' New Testament. I failed to benefit when th e patent was within the reach Edned by C. II ,pru4ko-, II 11) I eat bop eve., . 0 ,..„,„„, ~,,,,„.„,, e ' e " ll ' l. " " ' lb " euttete l et "" " et ".. """' I have hod phyaielane learned In the' profeasion. I "' d '" . "'""" . " '''''"' ''''''''" C ''' ' '''.." ' ' have mimics. Or theloßpol; losives of the _ bersehotl- MEMS "V k"I ' Ll a. t"m. Wel''' of K Y a I. nee. d nla enbemen of the highest erudiuon ." eet " e" ethttett. " leelre" 4 er 'e meet ' e ' ettt ' `.7.`uid,.ll:7?gthe poor are it in every variety al utt"' 'eetSub bY 'Vie ' I eel. e q uaee " lt ' elbett ' te . wa and there has been but one voice-one universal nisund and gi I. Also-A variety at . p cant) Atmu. y' . --"EPALLLSTXR, YOUR OINTMENT • • , ,d Inf. boolig. . voice. saying Se well's Chint'n First Book of the Ilistory of Rome. : IS GOOD!" RIIEUMATISM-It removes almost immedlanety ,n. 'ethos Tilt'. )IF.CII A NIC'S ASSISTANT, adepted forth. ! th e infi....ian and welling, w hen the p .m . ' eeteee a ot Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelverlghta, saw. ISE the directions around the hoz) D-ACITE-The waive has cured pensoms of the es. Lonnariurn. Students. and Armans geaerally: nnt n ihnrough and practicallTreause on hie head...else of twelve years standing, and who had It aisr every week so that vomiting' tuck plate. FAR- O " ."tt he Sit.mn4 I '' '. MY MM. l '' tee ' " b M. 76H F i Tcxyrn-AcitE, and AGIrE IN 'Fits excr, no..•••• Trrati•e on Greek Proxv. Composition. 1; r r • are helped with like soccer,. iii ' - . ...ii • Liw.`...) 1 " . ""' ""'""'• p " • feS'ALL) IIk:AD-We have cured cases that actually r, in Brown liat,ralts. t vol. train. it mger ,i licsentua' Hebrew Grammar, by Conant. . dafserfl <York' sting Showy', oo well a. the obilof of fif t wino,' Hebrew Lexicon.. won o twenty doctors. One man told us he had spent inns"rr,gonometry and Logarithmic Tablet. 1 5.• i • on of O his children vrithon them. any benefit, when a few r,1 . .• intment cured id ,-crp, Trio Inzishinsii , Greek Concordance. I vel inane- b ,T,,r , ;TTER - Th e i° is nothing better for the cure of It. Antnee's Clwivesl Series ' BURNS-It is one of me beat things in the world for SVebaner's Ihetionary, revised ed. I vol. Svo , Barna do dounabridged. I col. OD ! PILES-Thousand. we yearly eared by this CD,- , Dams'. Notes and questions un New Testament met, It styxa fails in sisals relief for the Piles . Wiwi., ly a Love ID.' Around the box are direct:ow for usint7APAl n imerse Giovanni fin Serofiam Lana Complain; sip. N'''''''.. E''''''.."'" 1 l'""T ' I 'n" ''' . las. Tense, CAilblan, Scold Head, Sere Rya, . inry, al. t•hreo i Vestiges of Creation t vol„ leis°. So i s Taroos. Briviekisor, Novato Afftetions, Pains. ihr : mite a. Spiro, Head Do* arthasa,Drobsois Ear oeSs, Morning. &Meng toe Jesuits at Ruing.' I vol 'cloth D . D D d .,„, skin ~,„ii , „ ~,„. od inifs's ) an r•cene• where the Tempter has Triumphed 1 eni. . Pleb sie , Swaml qf d. , La.b. Sonar 14 . 0 "., 10th sad paper.) I Pike, co!. Foe , Cumin Swale or t Erviins Bons; Tho th ' otio...f.ws m du Mier, ta. Ire. ikl '' ...." `" ' "'''' ' Leet ' l". 1 col. tee , (nib" I i coi.b - FEKr—Liv, Complaint, pain in the Chest Allll r's Pronouns... Obi , Unyer, 1. tench lA-tionary. ., ,d Side. follseg clef the hair, or the other aecompn ritn.rvi Iterate. Fur sale Ily It HOPKINS 1 'ties cold tee' Ireie th...rnt is th_, A ...,,. . remedy) It novl3 , .. „,' ••-• P LP. a Imre opgrp, of disease to have cow met. "ten° Httilete4b... ' .. . b '' ! CoRPLS-Oceastonel ono of the Ginn:sem will al. __ _ ay. keep corns from growing. People need never sr trobbisd with them if they uee it frequently. ; el- lt,n Ointment is good for any part of the body , littois wile:, littiaMed. In SOME ease! it Await/ be sa i nt e ed inten. . A ntsN-No Ointment will be genuine unless the name or 3 AM FS kIeALLISTER ta written with a pea on every abel. For Rale by my Agent. lrl all the principal elder and 00. 1%1 the United States . ' JAMES McALLISTER, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. 0" Panellist Othee,No SrP North Third street, Phil. delphta. •"file o•k I..ava . .rd r. Ow most prort tri hutzoo to the .mny of antiquity. that hat .ppooood for vou.,y more_'•—Chant log `•Not ure 0.1011. in to ere.t tinn account of Nineveh, n• Rums, given by Mr. Layard n—Worllngtou I otrlageoc, "As we 1•313 , the dugen with breath:cgs iutcreut tueir czcaynnotts. !Ina -wltfraly(n purwirr , cc In mas.we twurn curved wits mtnutn •cnuraeY• It!tnq ,Gante. head :rntn tun dust ng uwt) ,url . ue wly lo cry nut wult 11,e stronnan,l Stub, "Wudah, tt vronunriai. hut I.k- tru. " ctuunle.,l r' JAMIIS LOCK'NVIA novla 10 Wood st Nti BOOKS JCST RECKIVL.I). ....a. j Montotene• edited by 11. Itaalttt. co pr • Ina ty, lAand JOO,O CT tbreueli .1 T. with no.e. tiers, trout ail we Com medlonorc, atm ili,noarapitteal Nooee), Se I , .rory and Practice of Teaching; .or, the 510..ve. ited Sleth..d". o Good ,chnol•Kceping, by Dnrnl n SI Paint:mai of the *hate NOM.. H0b0.,, A etny. • l'raisk I,rester's Fish and Fishing of the U. Plate. end Britt,Provo - ter. , of North AIOCt/061, by Bet.ry Wm Herbert. JOILNnTON t , TOCKTON, nova corner Third and Market sts The Olded Time. 1 IMI,"D Web 11.. , k,etler an I Irnp)r , t.r. V :a. dl Wo. d t, b, 301, u cw b...cto.ttodc. 01 the au, lue.l or .li r ec 00 0. 0. o. vou to e Pta .100000 01 DUCLIIIIOOI, 0110 0/111,1.110 . 11x.(00.1006; Icatt n; to the oar:y ca. ,nor...tiona. ;pottier.. and improvement or the et.unt , y mourn] the head of the Oh,o. By Neville B. Craig. Puneurgh, in I vole hvo. cavil J. D. LOCKWOOD. I 1,1.01 L.11.11./81 . r: A /11N:or', wN n •lew Ote I.l:nriy oi tothar Aneivo: P 011.111• By $311311e1 Y..... gay Ilhisvated with twelve rnpavittgs, cvv u,c,l Rome 9 vols treu., otolorm with v.., I% arkv. • Just pabithheu and beagle by .1 AMES D. LOCKWOOD, D.okseller and 1101110 Importer. tgl Wood LTANNY not , orixededni-at. i 2030 75 no. MRS. FANNY KEMillaE'S YEAR OF riEnv ..•I'he reading of dna book has impressed us with a I, loghcr o amt.. of IU author than we OA f tined from petits ire her other wriunga IL Cupplay. det per otte tiloushL, united more pule womanly prune et twit than any alert preddetion of the 4naute mood anti w niett we arc aciptathied P.—E.ti Mirror -It is a yeti agrees , . and tradable book, written in Faits, men,ble•a teat at> id. spirited on. eine , - Earning. We recommend it to our renders .4: the bast uhlt_taton of the season ^lt conts.nsthe Journal of a travel though Europe, ovt th•ide , see in Italy; and is osie of the pleasantest sod 00/11111Cf011illg hooks of the sea:q.t.—Cot, of Enituircr. seer characteristic book. We have read It from ..le page to Colopt.on with unabated ththrem. A vi e,d pivot., 6, Ida in Rowe. 11l alt respects eminently rrs..able."—Kale kerbucher. or sale by JAMES D Lr , CKWOOD, Ilov IL lioakteller & Importer, Or Wood .1 .11.6o,raptitc E•telbii•lament IF 1 , M. asIAIL 1,111,1 g Pi:, Thud oppoolle the Po.t-Orltce, Plitshurgh.—Maps. Laadscapes. Ed, nes., ,pwt..114, LoOCIS, A ',inlet-tared and purloin 11, ...gig, o Hostile.. and t :, . 1/, raVf or roe 1.11 stone, hod ptl.ll. In colors, at lioM, WO.J11: In the moat approved sty le, and at the moat 1C•4411.3.11 , pricer • edtlMly ALARD. G itA 4 T ,, l- . :lU ce Lf:l i th o, o .o vrtz: ; ‘ , l7 l ,,r. 7lotr , :rile , n tr l I 61.1,1 10 point - Kt my 1/11.1.11.• . coneierni.l. c „,,,,,pni Foreman. I will by enabled lo nli,ucw , . promptly, uld do Mc work .11 our pAu.tl •1) le and M Ns. prices, and n.-k huet itcouun no-,- :Amon. and 1 1 11.1.11. 10 my Iniye.tm.l. 0( 1 .1 • 1101...tl Ity Ur.d., ~... Upp.. 31mrt,0,.., Dam:asks and Moroeimllormte,, Fr u, ge, 110, det•Ilgll. TILI/ I clP. Op and Roll., It tnd.. rid cry mmally kept 111. r . 1 .11 1.111.1•01 Ilic kind. llrdcr.i respccaull) Itolicilod und prowyaly iendrd to 11.--Carpelo made .11 put down ••••."'' 11 1,;(1111.3-l. ALLIZOIIENY A fiAIIINKr w A.' ratuom. J. A Hitt , VVN vrnerd , ' :zoom the p ' aceptt on (OM: )""' ""t hr Mr. little r. c 'CUu,m All, }, entooh,, a..., . Mail ale LI, ian best nyle, - a ' rr ‘ .. " ht:tt ego. h. at; to the eillied Ihmtl. a. rernove,:t wltt out the ntd at' a ph:r.Nr Ihtittg of thc.loot', wohn hp. thn ' Tt ' ‘abkoomot.tot Mod, I ant prep. :ea to •ihetr i,tenner.. a. well 00 Lam, with every tiling ht Muth litte. Agency, No Wood 0./Cee, Pittsburgh. mch2o J. A. 1111o1VN. 13A PPR 111ANGINGtfli—ilrsin otorr reretlork,vth, L , tt (Tom the manufactur New J Lattimore, a largr and well .elected meta or all the latemt madam.' =proved tyke of .01. un glazed alt 4 common PAPER lIANGINUP, con. .f— -to,olio pieces of Parlor und Fresco; ludon Hall and Co.lllllj 10.0.0 Dining.room, chamber and office Paper—which 1 erotdd particularly thy.te the allenhop of thaw , having house. to paper, to {lit .4 Claming at the Paper Warelcive of S.. ILL, H 7 moodet SALTEWIF siNSENG PANACEA! 110 SUFFERING NUTS DISEASED LUN.is.—The nopreeedentad macen wdlab Laa ctended no uee or tee . n all the venous form. &mall= of Malang" as. same. has Induced the proprietor again to tall Mt.- bon tn ' this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The ahangable weather which' marks oar fell and onset months, Is always a frdtlul 1/011,00 of COLDS AND COUI/113. The., If neglected, an but the precursors of that fall icemnarl COSUMATION. • • %a question, then, how-shall we nip th e destroyer us .tto bud? how shall we get altar of our coughe and olds? is of mei invariance to the public. THE GRFAT.AND ONLY REMEDY In found in the Ginseng Panacea., In proof Cif this we have from tone to owe published the ceraGosates of toren, of our beet known citizens, who have expand anted its curative powers. These, with • muse Or to Oniony from all parts of the calmu MEDICAL MEN OF THE FlitE 2 STANDING, Ministers of the Gospel, &0., together with coplestruel ices from the - - - - - - - JOURNALS OF THE DAY, aro hare embodied us pamphlet foma, and may ba had gratis of so:y l e i az i n s ts o th i rp i tt Wintry have been used In this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the Vetted States and Canada, and au eta Cole 8-117 M. to point out a SINGLE INSTANCE. winch, when taken aceot4l6s to.dlreadoas, and ba fore the longs had become faUlly dirotgesusad, it has aver failel to v.: . I=l . _ Why, thecioteed the allicted Imitate Why resort to the mi....rabic nostrums, gotten up by. . r own ea. u ter the assumed name of some CO awaked jaw. Oa., end puffed into notoriety by ccrifica. ci pa. 6C., equally unknown? Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED •17.FFICACY is to be Owl, whoso vouchers air . . at hiMisie—mw nshai bon,—many of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE.GRAVE. In order Lint this invaluable mediums may be plated within the reach of the poor as well the rich, wa have pat the net at ONLY FIFTY GENTS t lust one ealf the mind con of cough mcdtetnet. It to for tale by nor agents in nearly every town and village iver the west, who are prepared to gtve full 'donna :en relative to it. T. SALTER, Proprietor G thncinnatßOltio. Aoxaas Pirriscirou-13raan /a Better, corner of • rberty and St Clair WileoX, Jr, corner of n el et the Dranirenl, oleo corner of 4th nail zhuntifield t:a*.ei. corner of Walnut and Penn ward, and •old at the bookstore in iSinithrteld 3d door rat Second sty in Allegheny city by II P achwarra and /Sargent; by .1 U Smith, Draggin, Bir mingham, P Yestry Enat Ltberty; H RoveWtd, Keenan.; .1 Alexander ee 13111, hlonnnpatelaCtt 11 Bowman h Go, nod] T Rogers, Brownsville; Jo hn Barkley, Boater, Pp; are wholesale agents. fel,l7.deedlr • 6 . .. titer the Public. In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, CALM'S MACICH. PAIN EXTRACTOR. iII',TINSCSY or a respectable Physiciarb—Read the Conniving, addressed to my Agent, hir.P. Met yrreaincr, Cincinnati CINCLICIA2I, rob.l , 1849, Sin A sense ofduty compels me to give my tribute Inuit Extractor. !Icing oppoPed to quack, cry and ell nostrums having for their object *mister nflows—out realeung :Much good from the u K rd Pam Killera - -I rot induced to tender sod this cert ing ifi cate. I have used it in my family, in my practice, and with R:1 the bonny. and wonderful affects Ural could possibly oc imagined.., 11. J. Ilmots, Dr. Erode la the scniorpartner of linidie lc Leal, Drogue... bylammatory Rheumatism,. The 6.llw:sing ternmenfal eomes froma soaree fa: • liar many or them traveling on our Western We er.. Mr. lame, the well und7 favorably knovin pro netot of the Parkentharg Hotel, in husband to the any whose letter 1 annex ; PAltllrlt3OTll4l, V. April L 3,1619. To Ilcory Halley, Cormist. he. — Sin Having for. only been long atllietersvith violent inflammatory Ilhcomatiscr. wfuen appeared in firmly seated 1 / 1 to defy ill pedantry appliances to allay the severe pada attenduig 0.1 was induced to try your Magical Pain Extractor; nod it d,or,ng earcted, almost tu If by ma a,an itanwiliatc rehet, and also, to all appearances entire and prrfrrt cure. I am Induced for the bene fit of ethers who ainl, be attitcted with pain, caused by any kind ul Intiammaion, to welts to you, declarin ce g that 113 my opine., founded on actual experien your Magiont Pain Extractor is the most valuable dis. coecry of the preecitt age fittr the immediate extraction of bodily pato. It is en almost immediate and a per fect cure for Boras and Scalds, and all external tro /Internet/on. litoung murky heritotintrareen formed by their visits at my hostor:OfS hotel In this place, 1 here supposed ley ~aur sho,ne 141011 these few luste r it may tro+rslr , Y Le of benefit both to them and yourself. I...loesesrit [I entertain the hope that Mn. Slime will pardon trte rutdieity I give to her letter. as well on t h e SCOI, of humanity ea of itY I,eing the sorest Mode of bringlt!g it to the notice of tier friends.—ll. Dastxtr.l Felon Cored Rctract of a letter, dated Stusaimer, Ky. NOT. 29, ISIS. kr. H. Dalley: - 1 hkve trted pool Pain EXtr inh ector a curie of felon, in toy own family, which it inhered and noted tit a very short time." In haste, pleura re. speenully, Jon. M. VOCNO. Scold, Siles, Sore Nipples, Broken Bream, Eruptionv, borer, Cuts, Wound., and ail in. thininicuoii, yield. readily to the wonderful properties of this unrivalled family •olve. -But, in the eanw pro porno,: that yoa woi receive benefit trona the goroune, you w,l. ou irtfured tip the delcierioca effects of the “lotoriya uelvev. tore and apply owly to the inventor, 11 MI MS Broadway, Near York, or to 111,00. .horta.c.t .1011: 9 1 I) MORGAN, Gen,: rll rfh. Sebwertz. A liaSLeuy, dgvig; J. Better, Wilen:tng, . Jame. a• lle, F rr, wentl,er, tlinc:rizinti, 0, Gencrel D evA epot. .- In the ArVer,ll Burn, sad .ti. 1 ,111 it CIMAtII h - WO. to A fewr Inotutea—ii tit vet loit+' lull A. B. Lyra., N. Y. Cliy 1.. I. Anxcaroca, l'instrftrgh. u. W. Fo.taimoc. Whoteml• Dna* Store La SIIe 0117 of New York. HF underinrued are attentively enlagrA in the 1 15 holesale Woo husloge al No. John oven, lee city of N.. Nork is an are prepared to roper W ee I a. and conetry luau:ft with DrU_gm, Punta, ele, Filteein end AZlOrMari Perfumery, 'lan .et Wee". Mandan. Chandra's, (of th ew own ortebool ell ether artiehta in their line et of a rwurtot.ptality at ow nape, can be per- Omen in ehia or say saga= ale: %ow Yak libUh A.N.10- =Mg* CL • - IM== SLLERS' COUGH 1451tUP.—Prom W. IL &mica, Faq.. Clerk of the Cou rt of gunner &weans el Beaver County: • Mr. B. Fl9ellers-9lr, Some time in the winter lay eri4 WSJ altlieted with animate and distrruing cough, anct hewing of your invaluable Cough Syrup, per chwed a bottle from Pt, I', Trimble, of Bridgewater. and after tellta l e onion of it two or three evenings ou going b gte (Mind immediate relief; as relief; as friends are been relieved in severe oases, therefore sodded that it is a safe and valuable medicine, sod would recommend n to those who sag be emeriti with:Avert Coeghs and March 'IP, 1541 Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 WOW aro and eold by drupelet. generally, to Pleaburgh end Al legbny. . o•oro! The Charger. Coal Company. [INCORPORATED.] • 13 °9 1k 8 SWIte7r CO ' a r l " azt; ‘' , 9,m o. the .r., Monday, the Ath day of Septonkber met., at the ogles of Z. W. Remington, Pam at, Paw: mesh. to tel•du , . Z. W, WaeIINGTORI. 011208.011 ARBIOn t MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Mirka Mut, • AVEYG purchased an ettenslve and order:oly tested stock of flpring and Bummer Lloods, the respectfully informs his Mantis and the public. that he is now preparing he receive and exf onto their orders with dispatch, and mile neatest, most substantial, and fashionable meaner. - As be le determined to do business on the sash system, be fiat. ten himself * that . he will be Ale to do work so cheap as It an be done it any establishment in the coentsy, Ills stook is varied, consisting of Cassimeres,BroW• cloths, Testinvs, he., which his friends are respect:Add IT invited to examine for thaniselves. myttt:dtf GEORGE. ARIVOIL 0. - 71;9.7 - 81.13DLIn s Denslittew • REMOVED te • new time story brick rll as on Smithfield meet, one door below. -- • sixth street. Teeth 'l.:wt.d from one to an entire sot, on the section principle, with a hen- Wel representation of the neutral gate—restoneg the originel shape of the face. • N. 11,--Tomit extracted with little or no pain. Decayed Teeth permanently saved by Neap:tam so nuns the tooth ache, which to much boner Own crt.. ring itohoush It should he done in Ave minems, es even Instantly. s CURE FOR WORMS. . IPAHM - RATOCIVB VEILMIPIIOI7. . ell• Nan OF ILlUntnli • Tri eider la afford all possible aecurity to the litebllos 1 well as to themselves, against fraud and impo sition from counterfeiting, the proprietors have made achange In the exterior ampere or table of their Ws , mifugg. The new label, which le it steel engraving Of the most exquisite design and workmanship, has been introduced at a very great expel.. and it from lila, brain of an artist of the first Wens 71te design is new; and ins eneCenen elaborate. Several figs es and in ?entail are MOSt prominent, bat the word .Vsksu rasa," printed in white letters on a col and finely en erased ground, should be particularly examined.-- When held u to the light tbe Immix. shading of the Tenets and every line, however minute, throughout the wlicleof this part of the engraving' match an comedy us it the ithpreineill had been made upon flee side on ly, aillmtullt n is •Mnelly printed on both sides-of tan paper.' This ahead "in all cases be - obrerved. Lel upon ch dozen-is also printed in red nOrio both sides, and should be esaudited in the same manner. This preparation has now amid the test-el many years trial, and is confide:oY recommended as aver. and effectual m-dlelab for expelling vesetros from the aystrin. Ihe unexampled - Niece.. that his itteadrdt its ddednistration ln every ease sadism the pm iens moo realty allbeted with worms cestainly It mar thythe atmation cf physician.. Me proprietor has made It point to ASCIMinn the teinit of its ace in Nigh C.C. as came within his tt knowledge and obscrvatiox..and he bleu:lady found It to prodece the mostsalutary elec.—am unfrequent ly afmr nearly all the ordnutry preparaUons retest. mended for worms bad been previoasly, resorted' to without any permanent adrantage. This fact Isat tested by the certificates mid statements of handreMr !respectable persons In differeat parts of Menet:it , try, and should Induce families always to keep a vial of the preparation In their frouelhliOn. Ills mild in ing opendion, and may be administered with perfect caro -1 W to the most delicate Infant. . . ?be only geordoe. It prepered . by .P. 17 6 . A FAIINESTOCK, Pritstal , Graaf. IrmaDods Remedy, • FOA tenths, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! Itti GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the career the above diseases, la the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Itschim, rat London, England, and introduced into the United Stole. ander the immediate superintendence of the inventor.' The extraordinary success of this medicine, is OK cam of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the Americus Agent in soliening for treatment the mono possibli es. rethat can he found in the community—easor that seek lief in vein from any of the common remainder the' day, end have Leen given up by the most dimi=l physicians as confirmed and meurabla The an Balsam his eared, and will cure, the most desperate of eases. It is no quack nostrum, but a standard Bug- Rah medicine, or known mai established efficacy. , Every family in the Elated States should - be =pilled • with Dachan's Ilusgurisn Balsam of Life, not only to comiteramthe censumptive tendencies of the climaft, trot to be used a. a preventive medicine in all easel at colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain In the aide end , chest, 'lrritation and soreness of the longs, brechitis difficulty of brewing, hectic fever, night sweats, mimes, anon and general debility, asthma, Militaries, whooping sough tied evicts Rohl in large bonles, at al per beide, with fall ellout. time for the restoration of health. . , Pamphlets, containing a mass of Enghsh arA mood can certificates, and other evidence, abovdiagtthe, equalled merits of this great English Retbodbmay bi obtained of tho Agents. grautitously. For sale by U A FAlesltz IiCK i Eo..oththnr n at and Wood and Wood suthAth et f _ • thOdkorE T"'-- before—made on the most approved Eastern plans— nd most fashionable Eastern patterns end colors. Also VIE CIIEAP ROLL, or DOSION BLIND, on hand or made to order of sises, and at allprleia • Country Merchant. and others are invited tp Gallant examine the above for thentselvea, as all will be aold wholesale qr retail, and a liberal de:lnnen made to wholesale purchasers. toidly A wis7ERVEZAT LOGAN. WILOON & CO.. iMPORTERS rind Wholesale Dealers in Stweign ana Domestic Hardware, tindery, Saddlery, !W., 12% Wood street, Pineb - digh, ttre now Cully pupated with a recently imported cock of hardware, Caticzy, Sad dlery, Carpenters , Tools, he., to offer very great la dacemeols to Western Alerchanm, to in, addition h. the many adventures had by oar prodedessota, bin ary. Logan & Kennedy, we have greedy increased oar Steilinesiand purchase all oar goods from lint hands on the very best tem.. Toe . jutuor members of the firm devote thous whole talcum° to sales, and feeling confident Of fiving sea isfnetton, reapectfully solleit a call Dem al who may visit doe mukch mcherit lIIBBFRDS enzazipea. WRITLIIO . . . FLUID. IILUDERT'S SUPERIOR RED LN R. iliaßErcrs 3I,IeIIINE COPY INK. • ALL Mere direr from ordinary Lig,. as Brij ore aN chemical sohnionv enameling no vise' 'manor; Cove freely from any bled of pea—rho color deep, Onght imd durable. it have boon boner mucks made, I have neither teen nor heard .of them. •Sam ple bottles can betgincd gratis,. tho marehants gmwrally, from N .A.. fatimstock t. Co, Henry P. peitwaru, Allegheny, or of the manufacturer, THOS. K. litusturr, Druyant and Chen:int, corner of fiber y and Botathfield meets,, Patabargh, Pa. N. B —Any bottle not gwing complete satiafaccion. no be returned rand the price will be refunded. jultralimi Ttll STAR OP TIIM 'WEST VE LILINDMANUFACiORY FAA side of the Lhantontf, where Vegniu. tthada of all the difewnt oboe and balers ere kept en head or wade to order aft* the latest end mwt approved Eaatem Witt. ions,. the shortest melee and ea the nun reaaanable tortes. Also, the cheap Ironn roll or spin Blind Trauma , noel and raper Curtahm Qi all t h e different aims and patterns,. hand .d for Nile low for casks Old Yua n= Blinds panned over dad re paimil, or tarn in pen, payment for new R F.:TrERVELT,ProVn• N. B-60, leo.. done with thr best material and wortnninshlp, and warranted to plrose the most .glhaity • Allegheny etty, Aug. 10, anitirieks - TIGOIAPII - 000NP - 0 116 • °Moe int the Exchange, Llialtiosoies ❑ r chorgus More . Loma ..a." unriii or %• ' ' L ltoeti, ' l&, " 7:7 t " ‘ e ' s. r .:7o 6'F"ma arts d. made'. olltelegrophle denim:cif. r ' orlottlt IWO Dal tumor, Wept of Pomburgo, - ,Ramm.—The charge tot n. mO...:rapb .dospetb MOT from Dolts:Coro, Pawbarg.ll and It peeling, m for the firs , sou words, nod 3 cents tat 01 , C.,t word. 0" Nu chair. is made for st.c oddross-M4 •- . tore. ._ Until we compledon of the ?ooh Weateott'Uott Of Telegraph fro nt:don:pais, Tenn., to-New 0 0 .... , 4 . 4. patches eau bc forwarded tti bledtphts by tio.mta, ll wad. waded tor Net. Orleans le __--------.—-"-- ATIII,NEUN BIWA- ASO BATHINO HATA W.lllO- I SENT. I+IeFALL, beg. In Infons,he inhabithhts Pitt.- 1 . bar,sh and vienuty, that he has_ . ._hPhhod Ito above establi.hmezw, where ew , 7 pawl hl the comfon at amt.. who an* W.' i • na. e.ll. Lawry ruse; between Savhsal ha W. ..101= and all ewe delioscle• w low%
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers