By &IMPORTED OR THE PITTSH Tii.LEGIELAPEIED I. 6H DAILY GAZETTE conronr,ssionAL. SPEAKER. ELECTED. Wasenfo-roit, Dec. 22. The Senate to not In Stn.:inn to day, levies ad journed until Monday. Rouen—The House, is day, presented' views of great wain. to. Nualorou, reaolutloos and propc"ltiona were pretauteJ,and finally' laid on the table. ' • Mr. Stanton, of Tennessee, offered the follow• I Intl resolution: Bagdad, That the Ileum prooeed to the ales' Lion ofSpeaker—thai if, oboe calling the roll three times, no member abetl have received a ein'ority or all the trotes,the roll shall again be calla; and any member receiving the largest number of votes, provided there be a majority of a quorum, shall be Speaker. The 1,..:1100!I was adopted— yeas 113o:spited. Several ameritleneetawere proposed, but voted down. • Th e roll ser + tip, called, and three bal• bet were had, without tnr•Ces, On the fourth bitht, (erg the 133 d) the vote stood—forVinthrop, 100; Coir, IOU; Wilmot, ft; Tad Stevens, I; Moore-ad, 4; Durkee. 1; Stmag. .3i Bald, 3; Colcock, I. One of the tellers now antioutowd Howell Cobb, of Oeorgta, duly elected Speaker u: the Hen... Upon this announcement, great excitement, and clapping of hands Net/ailed m the gallery. Mr. Stanley offered a resolution, that Mr. Cobb be declared Speaker of the Haute, which w. adopted. The Clerk appointed Mr. Winthrop and Mr. McDowell a eitarn , ttse to conduct Mr. Cobb to the Chair; which, bele; done, Mr. Cobb made a neat and appropriate speech, thacking. the Dense for the honor conferred upon him; and took Ohs mat, amid laud applause. Mr. Vinton then toured that the members be sworn in, upon, Whicla Mt. B:yd, senior member of the House, administered the oath of °dice to the Speaker. • On motley, the Hlltll ,, adjourned, at d o'clokk, mot IS SEW YORK N. You, Dec. 22 .116 re brera.ont yes..erdsy, which destroyed. Wonting 64 Co',s . Sugar Refinery, 011 Seventh Stmet.—hoss cstimatsl et half a million dollars. The property-was only partially .inured. 4do hands were thrown out of employment by the die aster. _ CHARGE TO NAPLES PULtaDrattlA, Dec. V. Ederard 1. Mew, ci Philadelphia. has been ippotated Charge to :gaptot., vice , Powers, pa- Cried. • ARRIVAL OF TUC BRITISH MINISTER. Pnaawnlizata, Dee- W. Sir Henry L . Awer the new British Mini arrived at Washinatnn et 4 o'clock thir of ern */ , " , KET. COCINBATI, Dec. 21 Hog-a—Salo were hmited, but the market con tinued firm, at S 2 ti 2 3 per . 100. Bale° 200,000 lb* bal. in plkrkle at Ste per lb. Whiskeyh a dech 1:1 ed, the market closing heavy at 2lte. No charge, in other -nick!. The river haa fallen 15 incher. The weather -told. • PHILADELPHIA MARKET. D. $2. The disagreeeble wenther cheated outdoor ape sallow. to day:. and we notim eo 6.41, NEW YORK MARKET Nzw You; Dec. 22 Flour—Tkie market has been doll to day, owing to the stormy 'Weather, but there is no change in - prices. t Grain-1n Whys', nothing doing worth report ing. 1 • Corn—There in a goad shipping Invent, but prices renMinateady. Provenns—There is not much movement in the marke . Pork--Sales werediatited. , Mew, el 311 75011 87 per lid ; Prime, 58 97. Regular vale oiLsid;llll. - ega, vex,. - ---- - - --• t -- - .--1 .1 Grocen s--There is no new (muse in Coffee, - unless it, be an inc eared demand. For Saar and h 1. 4 .4, previous quotations may he re. mimed. i Tobacco has been In active demand throughout the week. Prices have been steadily improving, with sales of Kentucky at 61Er51c ; Virmsta, at srirect Whiskey is less Orin. Prices tend downwards. Money Market—Our Commercial and Money relations are easy and tranquil. Toe cake at the Stock Board were moderate, at steady pricer.— There Ii no particular change in monetary affairs, the Banks aro . &mounting to • fair talent i • large amount of Bias of foreign Exchange are in the market, and rates ore somewhat unsettled. Sales a first. class Sterling Bila hays been made at 01081; higher rates ore demanded by some Government Seourtuer, and State Stocks were Aria to day, a ith moderate transaction. The fancies were in fair request at improving rater. W 11. 11. JOIIIIISTON, ORWARDING & COIIMIBBIOI MERCHANT• lt4t4econd creel, Pfilsbargh. del{ John 8. Dilworth• —• • —Joseph Dilworth. T S. D d. ILWORTH CO, Mole.le Groeirr, sod Ascots for Hrs.rd Powder Co, N0..7 Wood at., Pluaburgh deiy DMUS.= Mal COSaIIAY. Bp era WOODWAnD fr. Co, Vi'holesale G eera No.= Market mem, Philadelphia wall ------- • WW. 11aG41.1., 201111 IL 03•01.11. W. IL WOODW4. 10.1.7/11.6/11... WM IL:ORLEY & CO, Wholeak , Grocer., 16 and DJ Wand street Pittiburg6. novl7 - ' TO VIOLIN VIOLIN PLAYP-.llS.—Sairten GILL. ial.lll SCIIOOI., anered •nd connected from the In. Ear .li edition, to correspond ith Spehr's original School of Violin playing, by hi. pupil U. C. 1011. "If any t I:Frrese"%tr',i'• "et*l requited t1f.....7.7i,d.:.hi:.,tuki f.. the astern bid corm in the a nocedNaa, and ,d,,,•, .be bit ay the aline mods of latmalon. pranced • greater 111.1n1kr 41 rnials thno any ed.. ,master in Europa. ° A apply of the above lest r,eglilrAce.,B"..efid for 4"..1- 1j Zlyirlfildkces.—h-li"--.11..--681 reed AA fresh Salsas: g Lags Cocoa sails reed and ter ale as the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth wee. dean Vitall-I,liUPf:-.5 dna tea fresh Peaches, 5 t• bogies Pin Apples; 6 ° - 3 o - Chariest 3 " rtrarriariesti 5 " ° Tolosa& 2 " ball gal. baler Pickles; 3 0 quart do. 3 " lacy • do. Ritt'd ad for sale at the Pekin Tea Sere, 70 Foarth •s trect, dean last ,; 01,',''''11S-4:1--`dor. t. o br. l--- i --- r!t r ,_trF-ved `la . for anle by COrk. k bit ( I ,B l=Fi ,i . , A dj* 'l , , N I L -6 " I. '"'dt. wn ' , lr* _r oal and For Le by COVE tr. Dan FOGILL, DM Socond at. A-E.0.71. -11:81.1i- inbl.T.l%----. o.llltrfaiire s landinTir 7 . M.D.., s.flr oak by .. ___ .,c, . _drols .I.OIES DALZGLI,,d.,IIV Pie ~,_. C1Rii&Dk111111.19 nrnla ' b . rrl Na der„. roe 'd and for sal? . d",., O. D. MILTI..I.ITEROF.R, 7,111 tr IIitifED,FACiIDS-Intr bnrbelr very nice D ied Peados Jul reed .d furs n by darl6 W. ISADDAUD II . ----.-' 7.d for 0 .. -. '--- — da old sag. 111,10 (0 . . IV AIL la 1 4 . y. kY W. I, VE - - - - - '' ". - 0 hi* rg . TA I bores Wean: Tu Renee. Morn sodlor rale 1.1 S. , " r 1111:}13 -- Fete:1 - 1VeteinReee ,2; 4,1 a n for rale by 14. & 117. IIARBAU9II. - -PLfCCVLOtilt—tit. PflitTrivit ree-Q ye and for cafe by Ed e .l3l V. II ARBAIIq II , CAMt;lithCre pane Mould eenenne fuel Ye vilptl p W-25 bblz rot We by J D-CANFIELD 13 - 64AJR-I.9Frost, Roil, for Way use, for rale by del? J II CANFIELD EO ILUTTEII,Dry hypes and Peaches, recei• "g "r "-t' s) dept 11DALZ1iLL /a CO. Lihert • rt ilex, el Pittsburgh. Al V VIZI& will be . pehlislied to me abort time ! yorritdr.; end I can assure my rabserilrerer the public ee.rally, that it shall be tondoe— bath In fidelity r(d.t.l a n d Leanly of titentl9 ,,, K , any ether whoever. !std.aa who doubt, ••••il a few week. ynd yee. New yoge, Dee. SW, 1140 —lacll 1/1K:11111 1 - -A good misortment of TOYS, LaeledirTgl: l ; dirid Ilarewood, and Mahogany. WORK IROCK . 3. jut toed by bopll KENNEDY & SAWYER ffilgt) 1.01 s (IF (aLOIJNI, 7- 1 CLW6Ocaiti, imme 1 dianny in nn oflnecip!nr Chil/Cb, on Bank L.< All bony, for sale on acconorodnung terms, by doll bOf. SCHUVER. eroLui r EARS-siWe Small White y is store lied for tale Ceti STUART & 1120 , H PAID FOIL WHEAT , IL/ dell STUAILT & 81LL,1.1.9 Woad .2 - - - CORN IICOOMS..-476 dos new, for salc by dcl I 10 kin WA'CT Ir. CO. Line ny st CHEESE -c 0 cam. prime Gosban; 30 Nan W. Hi far sale by deli JOHN WATT A. CO f - V:OVdra` ,P..o::rniriiiiii; for 141.3 Vhy .i? IJ deli -3011 N WATT ACO - 1 9H—,gr f t bi :10 1 4,t..a . w - ,g HI cwt. Coallth; lone. by,` _A—z. - r. CO - dell JoHN r , ;::lIIINDOW GL d a l N. ' o bui, ar•ope.l eixi, .61. w Iv see by dal JOHN " 41.7_t• .C 9-. , rrair-2) "ski, lavang analorule 4 ., Mu JAZiligi DALIELLAI am a - to . Eiic,co PITTSBURGH MARV OU TILADIC K113.01.4134'S COMAITTER FOR DECEMUER. • ...mi.., •• . t ... mAr. tiara AMM.IMIXerra or rue Ceram. Etramentaa. —Daring the Minter mantis We steamers eoMprmlng the Ciinanil Line will sail from New Verb, Beam> and 'Liverpool, as collates: Cambria, froth Live mmol, Carmen- " " for Heir ork, , Moiton, Feb. 9, " " for New York.. " " for ponon. klatch 0, " " for New York, " " Bolton, April d, Canada, from New York, for Liverool, Lilo. kik 1249. Europa born No w'( vion. for " 19, Hibernia, Pm ork, for " 20, Combris, &Moo, for " 9,1620. Cm.* from New York, for " 23, from Maxon : for. " Feb. 0, (0002 Now 1 oh, for " 20, froni Bosun for March 6, " Ma from New 1 ork, for o 20, • " from Swoon, for " Apnl 3, froni New York, for " o 2 2 . " from Bovt PlttalbM2l2lk Stooks 7 Dlszkot. Far 021.131. Ask rm. fed. cd. Dank of Pittsburgh-Capital. slsoo.oNr. Dividend. (Nay and Nov.) 4 P 0 , :0 , ••• .50 50 51 ExelisiirDank-Capital.(6 l . ooo , o c o pOor . aderia, (May and Non. ) 4 14 , fl, Merchants' and Mmiurveinreta l dank- Capital, %MOOR, DAtidend, Slay and Novl 4 prru t - 50 50 61 Pittsbureth q. Co.-Dividend, Pan. and July)4 fs eent . ••I , 00 al • Allegheny Midge. ComEany• - - 52 35 37 Monongahela •• 25 1 6 it? Hand timer) ti " •- - ...... 60 N. Liberties " " •--. i i .. 50 Western Insurance C0.,-- 50 Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad, $l6 paid 60 Pennsylvania Railroad•i-- ....... ••• .• SO Pittsburgh City loan 100 90 91 Allegheny County loan. i 100 90 91 Allegheny City loan • t 100 "1 -5 Piusburgn A Boston Contra Mining Co. 20 105 110 North American 25 Pittsburgh& isle Royal , " '" Out sate, $l2 00) 2 Pittsburgh, Cincinnati A Louisville Tel egraph Co-Caplial.lsl7sooo,Dividemi, January, April, July said October, lam, 4 f cent; shares. 1.50• 't• . OU Atlantic A Ohio Telegraph Co-Capital, 11700,Wiel5ividend,Wa 41. abate brim:- vary, Apnl, and Oetebet; snares. 7* ules, $l7 - ..• . _ Ont. Pertassutut Ga. LeTIX., • Monday Mottling, De 24, 1519. In conocoeuee of she extreme itIEICIOCIIey of the weather throughout thp whole day.. on Saturday, the market was completely at a stand, and scarcely any thing wo• done worthy of notice. • Fut.—The rectal. consated only of o. few small lets, with soles of bOubbla, from the steamer Iludron, at 54,50 Saleeirom store exhiblt no clang , ' in figuzes—stiy for best brands, to dray load dots, 81,75, lower grades. 54,053163 • bbl. bra Fut. woe .01a in small lots from more, at 5117 • bbl. In consequence of the limited stipples In store. priers are sell oustained. BCCK•Illtli FLOUR COlllitttiti In fats 'retstest Kt • range of 81,75 to 1215 f 110, en In quelaty GRUCYLIKA—Wah email operations, we continue oar quoutio. as follevis—N 0 Sugar MOM, Motion. In oak bbl, ltne; Rio Coffee, 124011ic—other Om elet. no change. notlee regular Inaitedsales al best roll and print at Ile, uni of keg at Or. LARD—Ie rather doll, at 54.10 c for bbls and kegs . Coorxi—Sales of Cliff Mane ingots, et 111020, Sheathing at 98c, and of Old copper at 1eD192 f 6. r ov is 1 on Bastnes• of the West . The Poet:mad Remade, of the 18th says :- ,,, There were addittanal sales yesterday, of 1085 head. at 82,15 to 2,95. To day x 0 bead eiv T.= ht, dt 82,22: &" ay gm t 9 ts, at f 2,95; 700 Ide av wt 231 hr at i 8995, and 812 pre.; no Wo av wt 00.0 s, at 81,2 0 . Toe ...s -hot is Rio a 1 82,1r2,22 for good Hogs. Oslo, MVO pes Green Ilams in I ts •101m..281/0 do al So; 300 & No 1 Lard, at Mel 50 bets soft m sl,e4 00 do do, et $2,061. Cattle--Sales of 23 head fight, at and 30 do do, at 81. The Louisville 'papers of Manday, repsesent the mar ket as lese rum for hogs, which were arriving freely, and selling at 84882.7.5, and as having • downward tandene% in amel pork, which was seliteg at 83,258 8,771. in. er 5575, "Lard is firm, will sslcs of (80 nereca Poskhouse, m516-tte; 101 tcaat fife; (aU WA. at 54,10 e, and 278 keg. at Mo. Al Madison tolSauselay last, the toml number of hogs shim& was so,qa—an excess of 11,232 aver the arra. vats Intl seasonrto came data—the mles of Saturday 'reached only IRA head, at 81,65. &ISt. Loofa the 13th ion, the average rate of begs was quoted at 80,11. The sales reported were at ti Lange or 8202 1 .50. The Rising PP n Whig, of Saturday, quotes good hogs at 122,83,223,72. 1 the Inner heavy—and save that the number whiehlorill he parked at teat place this season will greedy exceed any previous year. The Q./JILT OIL) Whig, of 111 b inn, sup the packing business continum very active there, but moons • de. cline in price. Whop, the heaviest lob bringtng omy SEW GOODS! I? iaMt OOODfill 4... 4 . ! BARtsAINS! DAR! , AIN: , . NEW PALL AND WINTER DR S GOODS, lip•, rot• or re sod sax .tvx, 02 Market o it... x utivacca nt 34 tool 41,, Pdtshorgh. M. ft. RTS SI-11.1.. No. ho Market street. bete,. w Third ,Lid Foot., stgn of the tog golden Dee Hive, hr+ oust room:sal - zee! reeetvlng end among the later., ebeeproot md roost .plenthd sone. of Fall and Who, Dry Uomol. ever offer.. by one house on Nue burg.. Alt el them tont.. goods have Mtn porch... ed of doc importers per the ta.t steamer. from 'Nun, and for ...nee. or tole and hc..y of deagn are son surpmeed Md.. or any other market The domes:. kid ample department w.ll also be (Pond complete. stud cheap., the., at my mime boo.< in 1n0...1. The ',mood here respectfully end the eloennon oi In:. ottn:r.,,nu:Zloiner,,,. and 00 ' 5i ,', 7 ,', ' Thl'O'n"or‘,7l.:,'”ltic',':;o7 si%11 ... 01 ' 1;1 : : Mr., tii . l : alel ' etti o Ln c. C 7 l ...,.', . yi - gel! chout•or than Inc coo•pa , '.. ,flood ,lor. Coln,e, not, 3 cont. Pcr lON, ' Dent quAllty dark Ca'oen, fast colors, ato 10, !.smarm 0...-We Goldin Me C.c.... Price Cartoon , to. Me. purple Prioto, fast color , . hto In. rote interesting ...sties to reference :0 the mann,- ; Heavy {hod *1 lekone, from eto lit cents per Id; lure or Li 100 In the Wet. itleaehes roloodoo. rood quality, 010 in M per yd, • Ite•t ottala} Ltlesched , uslone, d. to Per rd. It ~..' h _ . 01 :' Wool :. the. .r""`.....11.—f... olteavy yard wide Cohloached Muldoon sto r 4, Clitctrnitu, t h e r e at Moron, one at Pion., one at Zsoes• • Good vol 110:001. 11..0, 15 to' ...5 cot. per yd, Ville, one at Springfield, one at St. Locus, and ohe at 1. , . Yell , . Fisene,,i,,..os eta per yd, Madison, la: , ions! black A Waif .110111 15 to -a per yd; ; Trent. Glooreatn. nom to to IS roo per yl; The autuallpflodoetion of them mills, ...previously ; Ito. Linens at poxes from 23 to 1,00 per Id; intimated, fail. contithrubly Short of their capacity for , S , , onett and Kora..o , .1. ,,, from I . o i 10 ••0 cis; gosh., lona Linsey from 121. li eto , , ...'! ..6 1' ,. Tt.C.....U.d1".n..'""i"' Heavy faloooestle Gingham. l 0 to .1 Moro the laztYCili . J3,ooo bug of lend, and produced ltaihotflo I . C,...h a nd Diaper, O tt price...A g y.litiell, gallon. of oil, and '3,oooloas of cage. Them mil,. • LADIX3I3' DR MSS (. 0(113 A v01.:v..1 esmortment of all tn. newnr. atyle. have Me ear:i.e.) , for prersong 347,atra has of seed per i ~, c .,,,,,,,,,. ~, ~.., ~.,,, goo d., year, which ~ Pr °old prodeee about 600,0100 gallons of ad. , L a p., Manch e ft„ et Merinos, the fine... Toned; The three toollmn Dayl.oll, consumed lest year 110,h00 . Koch At M i r .11., on all color. told quest o, Black At Mir,. beet o entity, plaid n.l n - or, bas of seed.lprOdneed2oo,ooo gall. of oil, md 2.0 tons . Black titres du fthone,.. , ll width. and qualities; of oil cake. These miII• are pose capable of ern.boog . Lg. , . fine block Dotrot.rtne• , torsutdol rods, .31.14X(.1 bon of seed, manually, and producing from 373,- , :l i o o hx,rit,,Freynh alednolooatolon4lrbaoo.l.7siored; 111.11 to 400.u00 gallon. of oil, .0d 4000 tons of rate. i do fine. French de Leine., sod wool, bora motors, The mill it Springfield, Ohio, commened, &sting the I ;Koch fired CIUbMCIT 11, b e woutol . goodot, very ch.. year,ll,o3o us of seed, and made V 2 0 ,0 Wls of sal. , Dotoed,r...-ff,a.ac3l.aslo.., (or c . ve p no ., old . re n eses, The E 11.1.30.. null crashes 2sjoool. ot mod, and pro- o t 7 .-.-,„; i 1...., ,, ;-, , , m, , ,,, c ...„ „,,,,, dared 411,1101 , galls of od. M 00... Cashmeres mod Oa lAilteS, all ;i.e., . The Mill. to Zanesville, hiaLisna,•oll l'onaa. are I Lad.. embroodered Neck Toroh , .. :1 , 111 , 7 . ..1 , 4 goody, small, and ao not contame together, over o val. O ' , l.'s' , luti‘lt,!fiECl4:,"il'if,l,'„%ge,'''',.',;:esot, . year The issessercial gives to tabular form, a teen- o Worked Capes, Collar. and Cuff., in great varoetr pitodabon of the prOduatoon of the several .1:1. III , c's mud reamed Crape., all quainter, liort.Smol Ga 00l r ,' . , Brocade Lustre., on all color. and qualities; , Cinema.. fo . .... •• • 9.1,t90 1t56.000 3° , 0 , i Mohair C.Arnenon !Issues, net+ iSh , !lei 32 ,,,,, , rrenri. Mooting', supcil.. goooa, VIRD 0010 ti, e Brumel lace, all widths and price.; ttpruagilell .......... limy, ~,,,,,J, L . 4 , 11 it g " :.... l. :;ll k Frino. ea, ide:sold heevy, he. , tonality. SI- 1.ouno• •Z a me s e,ole yd g dynp & 2.4" 46 ' ' '' '''' ' .....' Together woolo a large nook of wilt. Goods, ' , gel. Kit , /sem , and Mood Muslin., besides a very I•ree mod P.qua• .1. • ....... 30,tAM rat,frou ofloperlo FLOC 0( Vela 'Sonnet 11i... , of doe latest im. porintoon and most fashionable styles. Are tar thse goods have pit arrived per the In,. oteame (root Europe, and ere worthy the eaenuon of . dies. up_. . . The Indiana tolls Sentinel.ef the 14.1itish., quotes the current .to. ef hogs at The Terre 14aute (la l COurier say in that plaeghterink and peeking id that place, era's in full opera:sou an the 15th last 'Ateiat 2UOO hogs per day have been slaught• cad at the ddrereat houses daring the present week— end the pens Constantly supplied. It is said that 73 um) how wall be plinked an Terre Mew this seiwin rnees supreasat ranee follows : "°s' 77,14"' Isn to g5l: " above kik. Total i Plttudu 21,2 W 5,093 1 The produ l Linn of the torrent year, Garton to • defimen - cy of me , :gill fall coninleratily sbon of the .Love ..70111 li I r.-. -4 that the prop:ctn. of one of the 1.1151 p It ynin, do:no. expect to get over one half the amount ot seed consumed lasi year. The consequence Mae pritee of areal and oil arc now higher diso lait year, ul must so continue until the nest emp of reed reaches market Tbe average pewee( seed so Gluten, nab, Int ear, was Ittle r ho; thir year a vial average lee. T d avenge price of oil loot year, was Wee IP gall; thinycarst led/ be CSC. ; • /plait Of the D0E3.111.10 MlLlrkBtll. our 17. • Cofeev-itcsall ital. of ion have been made at lUD lit iv 27- segott?;;—%lTsageltrOt i?ltaf 11;1 gr.`l"77onr.' Ili e r,ta, on tune Floued. bleak-The Flour market Is rather firmer; a sale of 114Ebkla common brandy were made no Sail, r d day at 10,73 ♦ 10U:tub's einee, good gram:. ad ntt i e l lj o i r i ' lll 4 .gf i t y a e s i 11 " u ' r n fe i :l 4 d e b n r t ' st " ; .mall sales at Sab.7i. Corn Meal I. held at 02.72, but Molasses reported • Molasses has been very quiet, ard tba onto .010. 7 v . pottedj • ls • small lot of N 0 on 1301, rom Psionv—Holders of fork babe pat their prices ntaand now demand 1112012.:0 4,1,11 formaw, mad 00,5001017 for prime. Baena Is In limited dematid; sales of Ilans. at 111•7212 c; Sides, 3103 f, and Should ett at ti1i474./. IP' lb. litce—Lamited:so es at Ne Y lb. . . From Bering, Brother fc Co.'s Circular . Foielipa narketa. 1 I.l.vEnpoqt. PROVISION MARKET. Moll: Them hail been wither more doing to Beef! I lowerp rice* having be•n ruhmitterl to by L„,,,,, o f ordinate demriptiono Bacon ha. been taken to la Mir re ti, .t barely previour rates, holders are very press. tog tti clear out their stank., and buyer, 11l (..,- ~.C,, operate on favorable terms. Lord.; again Into. er di IP cwt, and the reducoon has not Improved the denmd, the tales barely mcong 80 tons A: tee auler 1 on Tuerday, Chem. , gave way I. In 2. ip Owl, ru h re o guentjy the mallet became rather firmer. l II Cara trade La depresited by the large itreirsll of I fotelgn wheat. bone, l'arle.Y_, and 001, and Pr ref or va." "' .P""*E3'll,. 'D''sthckb,"2l:2,olh:',7dy."r,', II dour ha Delliag from Sp Corn alone la cheaper. NoSnor wer,,,,, logelndian Core, welch m held nommally et (1,,,,,c0 I rates Dr gs—Sides of 116 bbl. 'awe, at f• ,f.• 15, h r . Mg Maier dearer; 4fAr bags cinch at 167 Shellac dull, :JO cares good lively orange; sold Sr Pled p ~,,, IlreadstaL6--The Grain trade is v ry mine, and hol!1! .ors oroald willingly accept reduced prices fur moil of the leading articles. Al presall, ter t i . elft b i ,.w Flour rells l e n l'i!Vill'n' Cornn i s 1 1 Tate rr i. guest. ' Art 16r to 'l' . 7l er ll ' d for verge, add iris Dd to 27a far yellow. • I. LONDON IRON MARKET. and4i Dee. I.—Brltish Iron Is goer, ltogether theariatket L. assumed a be t t er foeli n og. ISw dish Iron so without change. The mortal hat \become much firmer [ for Scotch Pig Iron, and more business n p ue Dern done than Mr Dome time past. Na I has been aid with Os fid to Gils Garthsher DU bd to 470, awl mixed nombers 44s 61 to 45.5. nett rie slush Sales have been mode also for delivery in J•nuury at MI tinged numbers flails are steady ut La, and We ah Dresser held wihh more firmacre, at id it the s, with a fair buoncsa done I uveni•ooVlßoN MARKET. Dec.l.--Donng the last few day. the Iron market v, been very active. and heavy miler, btrli o d lig & ad Iton, have bet.befftettid Tbete la no dema War., arl Ordinary, Other tor consuitipitun or expatriation; tea dlopowllon boa been abowo to purchase (or stork icettenent. T ' he Ir. Mutters have cow told all they eon pro nee during the present year, and are mdispormd toes- Rillacit'ain at the preens pries ?meat Oslo. S. & NV. BARB/a:MI tnottierpool—Plevebaht bar, LS Llsld; Best Bulled, £7: How. £7 lb, Sires. SA' Fig Tries gash/ D•r Wales. £i rrearch rtg, in Glasgow, 41vs, do No 1 Girtsberrie, 100. LIVERPOOL :BONTION TOBACCO 31AElliET. The soles of dim month are 2174 bhda We have sawn to report a good busi.sit, and the market has been firm throughout. We had the manufacturers hive at length held invetings, at which they agreed to tame their prices to more renrancmhng tares. issa, 1819. Tobacco in Liverpool, Mat Ott hl,ds• • • .16,ibl IAUIt Imported in November •-- • . .... I,v2a 1,112 New Vork, 2 9 , 11,,,wn Jan. I% 1940. PORT OF PITTSBURGH Rive=TlTeirrs 7 erel3 feet O inches in the •hettnel lam evening, and felting• ARBRIVED. Caleb Cope„Murdock, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongohela City Michigan, Brine, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Fanhton, Peebles, Elisabeth. Adant,„ Park insane. Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Deadrielacia, killiersport. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Mononsiinela, Stone, Comilinati. Loins McLane, Coned, Wheeling. Hudson, Poo, liedgepor. Lase Newton, Itemptidl, Cincinnab- J J Crittenden. HUIChIPOII St Loma DEPARTED. DEPARTED. CZ= Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, IVl'Keetioort. Virogua,ualloway, Mononsahela City Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Balite, Jaw', Brownsville. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Messenger No 2. Woodward, Cm. James Nelsen, Moore, Wheeling. Some. Galhooch.. Hodson, McMillan, Bridgeport. ...... BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownaville Packers,and 6 P.M Beaver Peet:ern, 8 A. M. end 4 P. M. New Orleans --Empire Brat, Wattling—LOW* McLane. ' clrleiDllali—Monougrahela. .. 119i4111.TH BY RIVER BEAVER & WELLSVILLEPer Caleb Copo.— . Isks d applos, ado .1 peaeher., 1 1.61 bakseed. 9 & W.l Harbaugb; 2 bblo butitr, Craig & Sktnner; 6 661. door, 11nrbutga; 41 do do, Cnpt filurdiAk: I rocking chair, .Armstroog 5. Crozet; 12 bp purambes, owner; 140 bags bran, ti A Noble; 2 bo porrmes, Gamble: 10 6610 flour. litbb; 2 baa poultry, 4 Ws butler, 2 kg. do: 02 611 bk a g100..,2i1 ago oat, 1 C 111dw.,11. NASHYILI,E—Per Kupttrateo —1 ra.k. Rakowell . ..5. Iran: 116 6610 pork, neller• & Liteols: 36 bg• Gabbers, I rad, a, e o ; 4u d o do, ,1 W Ratter fr. lain 6 6 ein.. pp, Allen Cordell; 25 1.611 apple., 1..0.e J.. Cie u m st• loran, Jou 11 Perry, 3 Wl* Iron. Brown, P ileum & Co: 5 Obts potatoes, .1 Stuetdale, 1.5 do do, J B SI Cab boon. WHEF:LING—Per Jet. Neloon-13.5 661. dnur, Ba ker & Eor.1111; 49 do do, S I.lndsay, 4 66;1 pork, 0 kg:4 I. rd, D Aline, 1 pkg. Wm Ilagaley & co. URI DOEPORT—Per Dodsn-141 6610 now, Ft Hill: 94 do to, 1 41 Tbomp•oni Id do do, Patterson: 10 h 6.10 lob, lel pro moot, 10 kg. lard. 13(024.211 2 602662 belt baray, 5( 11 Drown: 13 61.1 s flour, I J Anderoon; DIO bdls pnprr. Reynaldo & Sbre; 2 60., 1 Stela: t do, C Yeager, 40 dos bran... Courch&Carortera 2661. bul let, 1 du flattino.l. D A liner, 11/4 bg• boo by , 11 A Campbell BF:AVER—Per Lake One—:l bgepouum”, 110 6 •• floor. W & R.slcCuletteod, .1 rko p , 506, Church& Co When.; II 064. paper, Jolrodon & Stockton, 6 6611 oroteltine, C II Urant, 52 .k. d pencbes. 06' If Ho me., 25 bpi ebee•e. 11 Wool, I •tara & fate re. I' A Nobb., 6 empty 661. 11 W Smatn 1 esk were, 111oluany & 1.g.1. he; 1 trub.k.J A Cnughey; 05 610 0 I meal. I . Porl.l2ln; IP bx• eacc.e. R A Con...neham, 4 cok• p 10. 1 00:- eel', 1 o• annul; 0 61 141.24011. 47 bis Cbccoe. Wt 24 2. . 00ee022 1 202 . - .. . FOIL SALE ..At, iron For.naj. D..< mitt, and 51.xclatue Soa,.. with St:am 1,g.0r e 4 •IS norre paver, goo./ .to7k 5' W.* rN patt,u.. a•gg. lia.d..e., frnace.,lld Said 1111 FtOW pi ....., •n.I in good run.. ord , r. Said prem. , lave cGO feet lair Iby lad ilae,p, v.P.11 privtlege of on adjotnirg I. a 17 by PO feat litiz.g •••• hti I. o:dc.: sad bec.tan..l. to ye t Clty of Cinctnonts. •11/k • liberal patto,tru App o del: DAVID ?LINTON, Civeinnim. 0 • ' - 111 T LIE.RFAS, A, • .stred bearing date on the Uld dry.' V of `.la9. IJ-, W 0411119 14i11 , •011 toot wife convey' ed to tie nueirri.vr.pol the one uhtlitrt Poi 'ath part of a tract of land. lysisc in the county of Al,clieny. and State of Peoro.ylvaua, htllng NO 1 , 4 Sl , Cie Scruple , plan 1014 t ae tr.-v. , . toy hi. Annont•traior In toot r. L,. par.C. \ the sce of she Record •r so Al county, SEVEN ACKFS AND ANIMNE-1101.5' getaer ertsts Pte •pPurtenaaceo. to ...cure rh. ma! Tunton to payment of a eertatn note In or_ feed tle.ent.ed: and where., Feld note 511 e.q.ear, and unr.a.:2l. therefore in nura.Jeoce •nl.i deed of trust toe andersarred 0011.o:a the TEN DAIOF J A N..1,50\e1t at the weet• ern ouor of the Coart ItOtt/e of St Low •. tlso above decer.o.d real r.tetc, to Lim htetest fodder. for club. bet the ween the boor* of MCC Inn the op noon and hot o. ult"Tn° ,tt of tar; whtt upon such stir tle• beret 4 do , 0. cr, *slop.. the property told to the petrene , o• or thereof de ii-dts .r. LOCALATTERS. Tin Mint, GII Wt.' •OLZE,IIt 17,112 17,1173 t 400 1 , 4 2 15,945 19,301 TRUSTEE' S SALE SHAWLS: SHAWLS!! A splendid usortmrnt of„huvr.ll, • Super extra nze FrencLona Shawls, best irrip'd Super extra sere laimg !troche, linrot nunlity; Superb Loop Shawls, rich color, Hest quaitty square plaid fine wool Shawl, ilich mid heavy extra Neck ShaWle; Such earrilion changeable silk Shawls: Super black and wit., all wool, long Shawls, Super extra. sue Long 111t1 Sy' re Mournlng Shawls Pans printed Cashmere Shawls, in great variety, .11 pneea & gull's. Mode embed Thibet " h.`"Y silk fr ' ^ g`' Black Black . and an wle colored heavy cloth Shawls; White emlikt Tbibet bertutilal goods; ". Highland pt . .l long and sy're Shawl , eery cheap, !doorman Shrivels and Searfe,in great vanetyi Alt. a large lot of plaid Llianket Shawls, from 75 eta to 15/,00. Together it a full supply of 1110000, hit. and Ho merry, 11111 nil articles uktially kept in n Wholesale and Retail Dry (foods Mouse—all of which will he 'r-J-010tetomedmellyiecrTife'Tit'oUrr7No G 2 Market street lc, tween Third and Fourth, sign of Ina Ulu 1300-11,ea whera bargains Can at all "moo l,e had. Val./AA:li F 1, 4: SPONUE—'2OIi lb. lust ree d and kir sale by dela JKI LSO k Gil WINAS 1) 11.V,AILLI ROOT-10L lks for hluntcn Pt 141:7VIAN ILs l ull rrc' J J & K u i d i f i} orlt• o by deli _ I.tgaor . a . ce; woo, J 7: lAA BUDDER l'A C I tit 7-Ja-ri wholly reueltde I rev:le og, ("r Steam 1:n,ne...01.1 wholeirtle and re. tail, a' we India Rubber lichot. No 5 Wood in. • d ..i J. & 11. PHILLIPS. 1 f ' LOUR-150 Im W l M. m H m . ore l I h `4s d r fo o r Nra,lnl aby ..encd at Jell 2 O N d i e ( ir —'""''"""\';; urn ".`I i iiIIINSTON - r1,011&"101.:0—.247 jug , • del.., article, t! ri 1. ..0,4c. 1. and Mr rale by „ e,l WM II JOINS • KfthtlTNS irTichd7t i l i : 0 i,;:come mewherit of Me In. Pierronomal An Luton, will piest..e name that the hook , for thia year anti h. , 1 he open loneel Wan lll , de bor,.l.ber JOHN J. GILLESPIL & CO. dc1,11,... fh,r.r.,rtaa. , _ ill If i Filth tittle ii to ,00te nod tor )010 tiy 10,1_11 lIJ derd . ythIKS LIA L LZ_If.LI. -ffENIP-40 halCa hlt,onriDe Dew 1 44;4a, ,Irl I 11. " '''''''' in 'l'llat/S & C„ .1.&&1t.5&11.,,...c,„a ne R°.',1'.... - i:ti'.;',...i.4{ - '5„t:,:',4 . 7 . ...i i . . , , ,, nic ,,- . Ad - Hr l Ll'"'""'l., - ,.,;,3°.''..1 . a , kr - A . F. , c. - Z - 1.`4.47.4:--. 1 t 1., 4 :`,... jus rectand for I.ale Ty . .11,.. 6.i.. . .ipiow ti 1 KIfIKpATIOCK _. - Nl ' te " u n g, "'N''— ir A 1 . 1 'f 5 . " 51717 ,07 rd 'a000417070:100b1'; dr.ll r''''' Jc/O ' N 5 11 hIELLOEL, El Weod M • . ..... T I RIED FRUIT-15 ha Pared Peseben 1-/ dell4 rack, Aptle s si N'V.:T"Eil"hlll,l'''_d CIII2 , IIIPTION3 to the "Areetcatt Air limo; 0 toed et Kennelly l Sayryetts, by TDOStA3 KENNEDY. Jell Ilanotstry Dettrotatl HTBATHS' Full ONE DOLLAR, of • • ' • • 1 10114 ❑ fOr fiftevn cep. I t allics . Deportmcnt npcn from 9 to tl o'clock, A. and 2 to 3 o'clock, Y. Al. tithe:mum t'altxtn laud Bottom: Fittablichntek t. Oa T !PFAU: Pro newt. b • rea l / 4 1.• for rale by A. dolt Wm a JOHNSTON Pont Onicz A.I.I.NOCUL.NO.—TIe Pot, Office wall be elated en to atorralw, CPI i l ancs day, at 10 o'clock, A. 11. • _ _ . BAn..—The several Banle of toe city Cl' borgh willbe closed tr, morrow. Tqa Waao Irirxrinas or Prrrenostriu.—The meetings cf the Whig citizens of ,Puteburah, hold on Saturday night, to nominate candidates for the Mayoralty, far the Councils, and for Ward Officers, resulted as follows . Few Word—At a meeting of the W4ig closers of the First Ward, held at Mr.. Lisle's tavern, the following gentlemen were elected delegates, in stmated to support Wm. Algeo, ~ Ertiv, as the Whig candidate for the Mayoralty at* the coming ConVeti tion : H. L. itingwalt, Samuel Barnes, John B. Bell, John Patton. The cuididine. for Council cd Ward officer. tti6 Ward, have been alma y published lo t hi Gazette. Second Warsl.—This meeting was organised by calling M. Swart:welder to the Char, and ap potoung John H. M'Fadden Secretary. The re sult cude marking was as lallowe• Sawyer, 142; Magee, 75; Wilkie., 10. Alderman—Thomas Steel. School Ihr . ectom— James M. Christy, John F. Quip. Judge—Col. John RD.. Inspector—Joseph KJOI. Assessor —John M'Kee. Constable—B.6'r. liagito• Se loot Councd—Jameitt. Murray. Common CJun oil—Arcb. McFarland, A. Garrison, Geo: Wilson Ward Officers nominated without opposition. On zo,t on. it was resolved, that the proceeding he published in all the Whig papers in the city. On motion, the inre•ine adjourned. M. SWARTZWELDER, Chairman. Jona H. M'Fannim, Secretary- Third Word.—The Whigs of the Third Ward met DO Saturday afternoon, the 22d intl.. and OF smured by calling John M'Queurac, Esq., to the Omar, and appoint ng Samuel Palmer and J. D. &taboo, Jr., &rcpt., Secretaries. The (,Ilowingl delegates were elected and sweated to hopped Wr B. C. Sawyer, the ea &dot, for the Mayoralty Mew, Thomas M'S Wm. W. Splane, S. M'Sherry,l Horner, and R. Smith. •• •• The fAlowlng aimed persona were nomirated rleet e.t.a—John Shloon, Erg, Imam- • - mously. Common Conocil—John Hoek, Wl llrao M'Ece, Simpoon Horner, Edward C•mphell, Rob art J. Smith', 13.obtrt M`Kain. On Mai., the, meeting adjourned. JOHN M. QUE WAN, Procaord. lono U. Monroe, Je.,t coteries. d 40.1.33. ral..lllni, 5 Fourth Word—The Whip of the Fourth Ward et on Saturday evening, December 22, .t bait past five o'clock, to ebocue delegates to attend the City Cowman., to nomtnate a candidate for the office of Mayor. F Lorenz urns called to the Chair, and A. C. Ranhart and C. B. M. Bath Were uppoitited Secretaries. Aix; the ononiutton of the meeting. My.Rein hart wore and requested that . delegates pledged to his Lmina= for the Mayoralty should not be far by the meeting. On tnonoo, it was Re-oml, That when thus machos adjourns, it adjourns to meet is the Publw School UOUPO, on Monday L' evening, Decemberat half past sin elook, to nominate eandolates for the Ward OrEke.ra. The meettog then prodeedad to mark ihr gates to the Cdy Convention. The marking La tog clamed, and it appear. rig that the delegat• favorable in the nanonat.on of Mr. Robert M. Coieheott. as tea Watt; candida•c Mayor. Metter. laste HLII. Israel Wiggler, B. E. Me. Goa eo, J. C. B:att, sad Was MeCsndiear, had reemved the greatert number r f marks, they declared duly elected delegates. On motion, adpurned, to meet on Monday halt pu.t F. LoH.E.Nz, Chai A. G. EIG3llllitT, „ con C. B. NI. 6.10,3,5 Ftfrir trard.—ln pursuance of the rah of th • Coutsnittre of Correspondence, the Wings of tb. Frith Ward met to the WainuiStteetr3chool House ME= Ghetto:rev, and Ram IWOdowneY a 9 klecrolkrY, when, on melon, ❑ was reaOlinn tint . the weet une'proreed to mark for delegotea to represent the Ward in the Gdy Conventran, which !vaulted in the election of the following gentlemen FL. W. M'Cleiland, Robert Wright, lames Getty, W in. G M'Cartney,and John M. Witty, who were roe, ed to support It. M'Ciitche., for the Mayoralty. It wax also reanlved that candidate. be eelccter for the different °dicers in the Ward, whir b result ad to the sisctiat of the following rectlemen Select Csiotico—J. H. Holstria Common Council—Joseph Kay. Wm. G !di, Cartaey, R. W. Welelland, John Rankin, lames Crawford, Ale:Soder Bradisy, George Holgrove. Judge—Win..faek. Inspector—Thames Mechlin. Aldertnati—Edigia T. Adger, Wilson B'ealtney School Dam:tore—Wm. Day, Samuel Moore. Constable—Myers Barker. Oa =intim:L, it wan resolved that the meeting ad HUGH RICH RDS.ON, President. Roam - NV h,LDO AIMY, ,eert.fl'. Su:th Worii.—Toe meeting lo the Bath Ward ems organized by appeinolm James Christy,Pres , dent, and R. P. Mackey, Secretary. Delegates favorable to the election of William •Igoit Esq., ria the Whig candidate fir the ?slayer. shy, were ele,ted. 6cleCt C01.13.1- - Cliplllll Daeon. Common Council—K.A. Coulombs., D. Arm .trong. —Lamborn , School Lbrecturt—Wm.Sn.ulo, Addrow Ul•ek lunge of Elecnon—Andrev Wo, . mppenin, Wolt &malt Ward. —Wllimn M. Ariburs, 11,1 a poihted President of th- Whig meet op m the Si , troth Ward, arid G. Friendiiecretary, Delegated trottructed to rupport C. Magee, Wing candolate (or the Mayoralty, were el Select Counetl—Robert Galimber. Curnmon Council—R4ert School Directors—Willinur MeCutcht . o , Assessur—William M. Arthur. .1 Constable—Hugh McMaster. Judge or Election—Hubert Arthur,. Wend.—The Whig mecuiag la the Eighth Ward was called to order by appointtng Flannels Morrow Preatdent, and G. Mayer Secretary.— Delegates were then elected favorable to the own. inahon of Thom. Daft, Eq., for the Mayoralty. Select Eouncll--Joseph Masks. Gellman Gouncll—Joseph Wanes, WM. EMI , Constable—James T. Jones. Ni,s4 IVard.—Hugh Hammond woe appointed President of the Whig meeting in the Ninth Ward and Thames Simpson Secretary.. The fallow lug delegates were elected, instructed to support R. MoCutcheon as the candidate forth° Mayoralty. Samuel Paisley, Robert Hill, Willie. , Black, Hugh Hammond, nod Pinup Drum. Select Council—lt.. Hill.Thomns Simpson. Common Council—P. Drum. School Tract-tura—John Herron, Thomas Slat!. sou, Thomas H. Howell. a AnsessurLinmer , Nicune. Constable—J. S. iiortnate. Inspector—James toot. Tug Pulaski'Tjblectuuss or Ammons-vv. — The Whig zed Akillllllll.ll,. Pnmary Meettegs ul Al legheny, held in the usual 'Moms ou last Sam. dafnight,rosultedgeradow , Fara /Yard—Too elec . .; of the Wing au• zees of the First Ward, was called to order by ttl'P.lhttag W. A. Irwin, President, sod Hugh Wallace, Secretary. Delegate* favorable to the election of flush S. Flawing, to the Mayoralty, tr ere elected. lra Counca.-1). C.Stockt3n. Col.llolt Cour.l.—Willtam Elliot,Georgel)reh rot, A. M. Morriliall. Schout Dirraors.—Johu Porker, .1 Schigtoroalt ALlermen.—A. Hays, Wm. M. Edgar. A.Sttpf.—Wm. Wdsae• C.."l4.—Michsel Krebs. Judgeof Elecaun.—W. A. [rale. bupdaor pf Steamer--Andrear Smith. 13.00.0 W..ll3.—John Gebhart, Esq., eras itp.- pointed Chairman of the meeting of the cameras of the 84coad Ward, and Er. A. Elite% Secro. tray. Fore delegates were clecud, Instructed 13 sup port H. 8. Fleming, as the Wnig Ca:tadsiAt. to the Mayoralty. Scl;cs Council.—.lohn Gehhert -- Cotbn. Coffman Grn•a. W. R.trr. W Johwon, and Wrn.leY., Schwa 11 ire.", Bonin. II A. . Asossor. —Jame- ltato.ny. Coastals.—J. A. Brown, Jragoff ElectiotE — D. C. Wakefield. Inapator of Eteason.—S. Melville. Teton Warzi—On motion, W.. MOM) , woo celled to the: chair, and Wm. Brown. and Win. Murdochpappontcd Secretaries. DelegateAwcro then elected, instructed to rap. port H. 5. Fleming. as the Wig and Antimosopie Candidate fn. the Mayoralty. Fromm Warw.—At a meeting of the Whig eitiser. of Cie Fourth War:, Allegheny, G. E. Warner, was clamed chairman, and Joseph Craig. and Jolla Keown, Secretarien. The deleintes who were elected, were directed to support H. S. Fleming, before the coming con vention, a• the Whig candidate fir the Mayoralty Selea Coo Itoil.ll. Daleen. Common Counell•—John Lindsay, Joseph Craig Wm. Wel'evr, and Abraham Patterson. &hoot DinworP.—Josiah King, Ray. Mr. Preis ton, J. H. Smith. Conedlle.—Archibald Montgomery. ALlipmatt.--Jemee,Reynolde. Azeeudr.—Ebenezer Derby. /edge rf Eiection.—Jamen Tenney. rf .liketun.—Ales „Cameral: The proecriptiou of Col. Bcnon, by ion own patty. for bn upright and manly course on the Free Soil question, will uct injure him any bitlere the people of the United Stater. ••Old Bullion" will have Ina revenge for this intentional insult, in gond time. The country and the party will bear from him It Ore the session . is over. SICUSOR Hoorn's, of Tex.., stopped at Mont gomery, Ala., no his way a Waalngt . n, and by perminaton of the lotoolatare, delivered, ih the capitol, • epeech iu vindication of his course with regard in slavery. From we Loamy,Lie Joornol kiorrohlao and Shadow. R. J. R. BUM., • :The sunshine hith a shadow, Anet,he starlight bath a shade, Tbere'enutype in art like nature But an antitype bath wad, nky may be ell azure With it. canopy mere., But n cloud will come unbidden On the glory al the scene. MEE lie moon ma Awl the atm of golden light; Ow a speck will ihm their beauty, In the quiet, tidy Wahl, And out liven ere chimers% ever, Lke the earring tune of tt year Esnuesiwet all in April sunshine, Then wilt 'ins dark aud dryer. We h•veour •Ircams of ideletire. Aud otts,motoeute ((sued watt pale; 'rte day may dewu ail lovely, Thell 1 , 1*.0 ilt gloom again; We have Oardreams of rapture-- - Vidal?. Was none else may !eel, But the 101011iLial hue of sorrow. O'er the lighten brow will steal. • —. We have our dreams Or gladherrs— We "nave %venni; dreams cf care There are hours or inndly vetting, Theo again no Joy to abarr. • Soo:et:mutt lag is all a ...too:, Sumotme. att in gloomy Oule; There. nu type in art I:te maim: Bat oLataitype hate mad, Me have ihouahts thw war car upward in a Ate horn, gtor.oue air; Wd have epirils liaat as (antler, To edmmuce wan atgels there; Son,tiraen udes efhater foeheg, O'er the Inmost writ roar, s'va urinal wane ware e (rapture. • Urania sewn the shadowed lout When the heart is ;meet. lighieio, I.the a lord on summer t wing— W nen the bint:s in &doe.. Teen it Nerll with guineas Nog; Worn upon the brow re summer, Angry gonna and tempeahn rise, Thou anon infries the rainbow, And Appear tee soi I t g .kies. DOCTOR 1N MA R'E BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. TIlr: faUursols article orr ropy muth pleasure , from dm .Itomurn Moreasaile Journal," of March, 1539, and sro Pope Oily If any of oar readers are suffering from any of dm comp's.. which tt Is .sd MOWN .•villapeedlly avail thelonelves a iR WIbTA WS LIALSANI OF WILD CIFLItRY. was svell kcovra many year. &so that the wild "kern tibk true of ahi. ebalab. po..seel voidable medic /...1 qualities. Indeed this fnet Was Ir.oven to the ale/seine.. and &co.:dot:sof the kaveV or bark 01 11,0 0..0 has rye , been res.rtted by lbeir physician• . one n . the toont eSectasd renlediva In many th.eases Thl. .everal year• linee,strreatsd theattentton of D. n otebly respectable pracuudner of Itn. .nna Ifs tetth care the heahint Inbeel• 11== • tswwd too , ssd when in e.nabinatioa with other re wedt.. ar.nw lie loand that Is nature, rime might Vel.ll, improved, and 1.7 etnotptotng tt seals Mgr, di,nts ...we proper,' were a:I well polled and gen res', wwoguar.l. a 11o1.eine ws pr eluted which vql.wou'e• n remedy of great ttepor a tantr in pulmons• re nd. own. RN , Ai. apes of the chew and throat— dtw ste Prov•rtnally t•ravaient toper clues awl largr town% and °flea prove Istal, , esse/Itn; the toll .1 ...mains to • ttineh Weirr extent than in the cab, emit raw; °then, we had almost said all classes of dveasr no ecotone Wi.das Balsam of lirtld Cherry has far , sdotic of Mc istnntare Bsnry Wistar, phdr.delphia, and Sandford and 6,4 on s finely etc cmcd sm. , engraved wrapper stone other ere pen woe W. ore lust receipt of the folholin ' volwatuy bate to di: curative powerdWistaf'. Italsiro of Wild ry, from F. Huh. M. fk, of Mt. Cocoons, MJ " 000. woo is s pliyoicisn of lugh stand:Ng, and druggist: hlr. Cray..., Mitts teat 20th,leatg. Ti the t itivated, this may cert.'. thAt MT. Id. Rob rts, th. alllagt; three or ft." week• eller confine ment.. ws r aitaatt d atoll a violaut cough and great posers..., und vetted hnstenine to Ise grave with (corlyl rapulity. I witvismi her to trie Witter's Balsam of Witd Cherry —sec dal en and selthilust rateable ntedtaine niout en. restore" to health, ghat is nose a tout proof of th e ..log of Wistarts Itilth.ou of Wnd Cherry E. HALL, • Physic.. end Lhaaggist. It-aeon end beeonvinced still further of the rem.- tenet veleta of Watues Balsam of Wild Cherry: as. staidford & Park: Gents, At a matter °fina nce to )ou, and tar the benefit of the I would oder the off ;own. stmementol • cure effected by you t mettiatec. X.116 , •11 as tts' ...Ps Balsam of Wild Cherry. the spring of 1'47 my wife or. severely nuncktd with Periptitannonia. or Pleurisy, length resulted in a derp touted ain in •Ide, accompamed with ate. vtrr r ut war intended by some el the best pli).1r 1 .11. in Chicago, hut to no purpote; for week. rho suffered, without relief. coughing incestantly night and dtt). came to the tonetuston that ell th e remr , dies anowulto the physirinot could not help her, and Wlll Illthlted 16 try your Wild Cherry., I procuted one hon., and cotnmerted aging it accordlng to ditto. - 1101111, before it war ri ll cone—the cough stopped. the pain to her tide left her, and with the eid of 'teethe! bottle she wet restored to roarer 101... , 11. In con side...nett there CITCI2IIII.IICGS, I would reef/mate. it to the public RR a T.llllOlO medicine. Viourv, it.pcetfully, It. N. emelt. • (Juan Racal. htiola, Oct. 8, PAY. Read the folloanng Tratonortinla. 1/f ell the cures that here ken recorded, there at certattoymone equal to the one first mentioned, which plainly then , th e curability of Consumption, even in cone of its worst (min, Carnes Pec,, , Lake co., Is., Lane 1. 1 , 1540 . J. 0 Park: 'Dear Sir, A. 1 have a deep commmet no . for theafflicted, permit me to give yen a hr of myallictione, and the bona. derived fee the nee of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. In July, 1514,1 was attacked with a lever of the to. phad chativh,r, which len me in • very debilitated 1.10, when at the fdllowing waiter Ewes taken with • severe cold, which reduced me to such an extent as to It ve. me the appearance of • confirited consumption. d e al, lred limier IA severe couelt—eahectore lcd • Illolel da lid oval troubled with cold leo and night sweat. I also trequ•ntly raNed blood (rem MY Imr. I eon. tweed in ibis suite, gradually analog under the the. raw. deal January. 1547, when 1 we. again attacked with lever. My Ittends despaired of my life, and my physicians iliocria 1 could eurvivo but a roost ume. My es t0 ,1 m.... cepectally my feet, wore constantly coal, ,w shoos. In•t their treling. Crider these ell. cud, ~cces' a inny truly ho soul fret Iw. • hying sk .r , i 11 fOlnityyietermlnatl to quit taking medicine thewcr,hed X y pI4SN ie.. and try Dr. Wlstfte• Balsam of Wad Cllerry,fland item the lint week thall come caul tang iill month dire a the reco7ery. 1 coni,med to use sta. m, at end of which nolo I was cured, ninl.frave enjoyed good health ever core., and cheerfully recommend the Balsam to all those af. Meted wall disease. of We lunge, and would say to those commencing as 1.0. not to be duicouraged if two nr three bottle. do not elect it cuici but persevere . I have done, end I have ha doubt hut nine canes out o ten WILi be sested with renewed health as 1 hart been. Respectfully, yours, JOSEPH JACKSON. 1 . .. , CI IN', lode—St: Bottles for Si. Sold by J. D. PARK, (successor to Sandford &Pars, Fourth and \Valeta street. Cincinnati, Ohio, Geneve Agent Mr the South and West, to whom all Order illi.l be addressed. L Wilcox, J r. Jam. A. Jones; J. Kidd & Co; WA. Fahneetuek & Co, Pittsburgh. ' L. 1. Russell, Wash ington; At'. .11. Istanli.ton, FrankiLn; L. D. BO.iol UPJOIIIOCIIIOI. Welty, Oreenshorgh; 5. Kounm,Somer re.t, Sc on & Gilmore, Bedford; Reed /c Son, 115 . 666 ' non. Mrs. Orr, Hollidaysburg; Hildebran 1 1 Co, Lodi. anal J K. Wright, Kittanning; Evans w. Co, Brook ville, A. Wilson & Son, Waynerhurght M'Farland k. Co, N. Callender, Meadville; Illttrton es Co, Eno; J. Magoffin, Mercer; James, Kelly &Co, Boller, S. Smith, Boaveq J. D. Surnmerton, March; F. L.& C. S. Joni,. Condemporr, P. Croaker, Jr, iltorlO' in. novln.d&wlylisi l i — and7 - Ri G.g.viv.t,,E!PPAY,s47,f:l,°v;',.. day b ore ruldithed as partners 114 Our bolter., which wtil be ennlined under the same firm all heretofore, at No. V Church aliey: Philadelphia, and No. 16 Exahugo Illsec, Now Yolk. If. IM DAVIS & CO. Philadelphia, Dee. 1, tE , 40.--047.1. . _- .. afjl . 41.11P--4.lbisieliDeii Ronal ICm‘natiZadqh eon 1116..o=rnent and rot gals by A ooKoore .. . GREENE CO'S EXPRESS ~~ - - -- ~, AA:INTIEB. AB.R.ANGEBI ENT. Imorau urns molt ALL .an or Tllll •ASS 0 AI, TIE old es - abashed line•of Guam is Co. having earned offices In the Eaitern Cities, beg leave to cher to the public facilitte• Unequalled by any other Line Having largely increased our stock on the Nation al Road. our goods are now transported over the Mountaine with mail speed, and no more goods will be received in the East man we can forward through without delay. Satisfaction as regards time and rates will to guaranteed. Through receipts grill be given fur all goods for price through, and for time to Pittsburgh. No paint or expense will be spared to make this the mom reliable and bencondumed Express in the United States, Co it is now the most extensive, connecung 01l pans of the Ent with the extreme West and South. We connect at New York with Messrs. Hamden l Co.', unrivalled Express to BOitoll. and all goods from Poston to come by one Line must be delivered at their office, N 0.2 Court street. The colleethft of all note., 11, drafts. ike,„ he., promptly attended to. Orden for goods will be snot free, and goods returned with de• apateh. Custom House business attended to. Order goods marked "Greene ls Co..'. Express," and Merchants will picue to be partieular to instruct thorn cortespoodet ts to take our through recespu for their goods, thereby Insuring better sausfactlon to all con e. e Goods for the East taken at very low nits, and will he called for in Ea t de l ive r ed icity, free of charge.-- Goods from this Without charge for de livery.. Express for the Ent leaves daily ve l a o'clock, F.. M. West " " Packages forwarded to Cincinnati, Lotusville, Linn and New Orleans. • • ”1.11,1. L. 0.11C.1. Gaamm & Co., N 0.7 Wallatrect, New )(mt. do b 7 Chmmui suwm„ fhltadelph , & do t 975 Baltimore w stree Flo t. Baltimore. lammim & Co, No. 9 Coat% eal, ston. 11. G. VICKERY, Agent, deli Office St. Charles Ilutel Buddin Wood ot - EEZE= figfita 1849. THItOUGH 121 FIVE.DAYS! SHE subscribers are preriared to receive ODOnpounda J. Freight daily. after Monday, 10th iost., to forward to or from Philadelphia and .Pittsburgh, by Wagon, through tn Five Days. Rates as low mby any other conveyanee u tine war on of the year JOHN McFACEN & CO, Cmoll Basin, I.l2xborpcb. JAMES M DAVIS 2r. bO do 2 No 227 Market It. Phtladelphlt -11101i111.11LICOUTIG. WM_4l4, Only 13 1111•• St•glny. • Via Brownsville and Comberland to Bidumord and BE looming boat leave* the wharf, &lave the Tbridge, daily, at d o'clock prae.ely. Time , to Baltimore, hours; time to Philadelphia, 49 Theeniug boat leaves daily, (exc by ept Sunday evi euingsj ve at it o'clock. Passeegera leamag On UM ft twat., still cross the moustllns In wages pert de; and thus avoid night travel. Demure your tickets at the Office, blononsahel Mose, or M. Charles Hotel. I 3-1 d bIPACIII EN, Age Steamboat Agency. The of:dent/tied, very Fateful yper their friend, beg leave to say that they art determined to devote their flare nted attention to this branch of their buslnees. They hope, from nineteen year.' experiene and by their never falling fade airy and strict &Minh a, to &ern patronage. J. c. BUCKLES & CO, 0c7.111 Pearl a ace% Louisville, iCy WINTER ARRAIVIESIENT. 1849. ft/44 k. EXPELEsS WAGON LINE— ! THELOUGH IN TIIEFIVE DAYS anbserthers, having suspended their canal op erant,. until the opening of the Spring Naviga tion. have established an Pspress Due by FL•illond and Wagon between Philadelphia and Pittsburrt, by winch they an prepared to forward 6000 pounds rad, d and receipt for the delivery of the same in 5 day.. They beg leave to assure their friends and the pub, a ndt their arrsmirementi regardtne tate. all nspatch, cannot fail to give satisfacuou to all who favor them with their coutinanil•. TA b PPE & O'CONNOR, CORM( Penn and Wayne eta, Pitt•hurgh. • TH001413 BERM DOI, der R 7, Market street. PhiLideinlini. _ GEE. WO! GEL. WCT! wiarTan ARILANGEIIgriT. leaa 1849. fag HERZ cosies rex OLD CONZITOO4. _- BINGHAM'S EXPRESS WAGON LINE, TO A:0 TION Pittsburgh and' Philadelphia. AS the basin., on the canal G about batnst clonedd for the ee.on. ore inform the i ore bays again how.. the Conclooga Wagon. nito qui..., and will be preperrd to forward tlttO pounds daily. (commencing on,Munday, tie tn.) AC. Ptaladetphin daily by the mail train for Qum ber..bura, end the Wmona traveling clay and .0 , , en... the de:irery of Goods In day, APPIY WM HINGHAM. Pntsburgn. RINGIIAAI &DOCK, No. to I Mar. stre et, Patladkrlo eautAtiOiGatiair. intia 1849, iNi t .EXPRESS WAGON LINE •ND PITTSBURGIi AND PHILADELPHIA. 'Tim. Five Days. (Kundays excepted] maniac Pay and Nicht T! , public i. respectfully infririned 'hat tht• Ltre. smelt has Leen in successful operation hlan p Maters, !seam commence t ongrunn on Dl.Ocalay, the adth of November. A Car trill leave Philadelphia and Dhambetatourat dany naeh way the Mail Train, and from Chant hetsburah alto relays a horse. running day and We arc prenaredF forward &000 lba :Tried daily by the acme Line. prly to D LKECH tc ell ' Pinaburgh, or to—HA RRIP LEE CH. No 10 doutn Third street, Philadelphia. onstil.dif yummy for eel , by ant°. STUARTdo SILL Hl_ Stls—Pal as.eited. in wore and for iiate t.y dais J KIDD tr. Ca LW . God in ly IN I.: NAUCKR4 limos urea and lel —. I tint. J KILW &CO, ati Wood et LTONIDUR AS SARSAPARILLA ROUT—I lan eesuailr in tame .41 for sale I.y ,111 ,4 1)(11)1 , AP O.OA Woad BOOKS! 800 T UST reed at the PRFJ-OYTERIAN 1100 K ILIJO3I, id No. 79 Wood street. .std for .01e at Eastern priers: rrearroue Hebrew oionaerors AfrortgemeLt of the 11 We, Neandrea Ila oof Inn Chostioe Oen. Rion nod 'hureb, Milton's Treatire on Grri.timt D of Jeremiah Near. Kok . Robinson's Greek tt llormony of the trospels, do Erreirah do do, Fmott's ble vois, Roston editioir, Parish'. ihirle ti aaaa leer, kledburMo China raid lte Proaxcte Dr. Wood's Lec tures au Beredenhorgiaoiona, klirsomeary Myer dote*. rand atop niter iniereatine aorta, in addition io Mr above. Sib ....61t101 PILICGA met WG1.1,371r."0.. Mimufaeturers a [A, Green Cites , Ware, No. T 1 Market street, Pots. burgh, Pa., keep constantly on hand and make to or. dor al( kind. of V 31116, %/de*. So. Porter and Mite out Wirier Bottles, of superior quality. Particular atteiloon paid to Prsvate Mould. nornly T t LaniF.Ny, AND viciNtry, will be rent' tor r tTe t naraver in 10 day. Perm. who may wish to have min of their entry sews pat on We map en do so by making aopfiestion to the undersigned, ace nine before tin Oak lath To defray the elPeese of the view. .111 be required in addition to the pate ths ana. novIU Rto liIeGOITAN CIOAI I -iifiU bons son lust rereived and for sal. by deels SA W. HARBAUCII. for role C,L b O y 'l ER SP i y. e iliitsli . t e , ls k jri4 . 7 - f A 'il a a j f A ii APPLES.—Esi tai. - oeW dried - apples tow 1, , received and for sale 14 der 15 S. & W. lIARBACCIP iiIIISTILLE' LIME-1® We. Louisville Lim. 1- , lost reeeived and for sale by deels X. A WIIAFBAUGII._ DOLL I.IL - TTEet—Sia bbis prime litho Satter, po up in cloths, in store and for sale by drels S A W. lIARBAUGH. F LOUR-ZZL6I. R riot Pawry Flour; 1® bids Superfine dr, for sale by deli SELLERS k NICOLS A RD-40 kegsin store antrTiale by Li doll R UAI.ZFLI.I. CO Liberty at - - Ludt. Rubber Pesaro. RMEDVED this day, from th e Plittlipsville Factory, 10 gross Willies of that valuable article of India Robber Past, for 800. ..I , rhoma sold wholesale .d retatl at the India Vepob also, at the following places: iTTOUII ft Reiter, Drums.. Llboty street William Jackson, Shoe Dr • It orty .tram. R. K Italian. Drum.. A N. Wickersham. Druell , , V OO,l rtret W. F. Soho:writ. Shoe Dealer, Smithfield street. John Dever., Lamp Store, Smithfield creel. John Porker, Ohne Dealer Federal si., Allegheny. D. M Cum, lomat:lst, Ohio st hileghe dot J. & 11. PHILLIPS. 5 Wood .1. Mon Panty and Virleti Goodi. W firm --- E are now receivine, from one of our rt. , . our arcond supply of FALt.l:ool`rb cOnnisons of every article in our tune , IO which. DT ITTI ever , no. nets , of LOOKING (a.AmmEs of nor own mann. , turej we ask the attenuon of V Won Merchants PO .1 lrrers. • dell KENNEDY 1, ;ea rtryt,R PIEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICI , No. 63, DIAMOND ALLEN, glik few doors below Weed street. wards market. DR. nnown, hoeing ce regalarly educated to the lamb. profession. end been for nome ' n general mance, now confine , ' \or attention In the treatment • "' • loan pnynte and delicate cm • ~r, plaints for which his upportu.kins and experience peculiarly mink y him. 14 years nnsidunuely decon d to study at treatment of there complainmldurum with h time he hit had more practice and her cur. more pa tents thalt , lver fall to the let of any prim. pr. titioner) a re ly p.a. him to offer assurances speedy, pe ent, and satisfactory cure to nlienbc' with doacala &nue., and all dose.. arising oh' from. Dr. Brown, would inform those affncted with pre._ which have become chrome by tulle cr lg. araand by the ara of any of me common nostrums of the day, that their complaints can be radically .10 or mighty cored; he haring *yen his careful attention to the treatment of such eases, and •ueeeeded to humirrds of Maunaea in curing pennon] , of tneammation of .he [mot from the bladderounikindree diseases which abee result m those coin where others ltve consigned them to hopeless &sprit. lie partmularly invites el eh a.hay e been long and unitieceasfally treated by eibers to consult him, when every oausfactioniwill be pren thein,and their 01111 r. 'mated to te carefulftherough and intelliga rid ent menuer, pointed no by a loop experience, toncs ugarn , ,w , ht , c o httrigeztai . bl i e . fort hose engaged in genera p I o f 4 ono clam or Mae IMO. Crii !Mill or Septum—Dr. Stbwn alkolnylles par. anal- aiftiatad with Item& call, MI he bit paid panda. co Skin diseases; a . o lso s, Daley, etc., quaky naiad Chnrges very low: N.M.—Patella. of either sex llsixigat i illitaac a, ty pisitniNg their dace. in writing, glung all the aymy• tom.' eare obtain media:um with dried°. for Iva, by a dremeng, T. BROWN, bl. 7bat paid, and maim. fill f er NO. {4 Dian and ea], awboalts tb.4 Waverly Haute. ItaNbotatum—Dr.l3man's newly diroovered rex.. dy rot Hartmatism is a speedy and turtain re .3.edy fa: thatpaudal trouble. It never !lila. ofiaa aid Prisms Cousubing Rooms, No 45 Dim. mead allay, Pldabafgh, F.. Tao Dater la savour al boss 117 1 .1 W fire s, tug. Err . ; tmorrions AIM Sun DAILLIAL,JONES% MI • F0G.5.MR,K0517,A,5T0.,01,4:::1T1 :t m ted a l i p ;4211 tax chemical t+oaptauses a free perspiration, and • poseasten even on am 10 of Aim' non. . the I.l[llo [MOS mohLes, sakes and whiten. the akin Also—Saveral MONIS and OFFICE? , Pevvactin _.• . . E.. D. ~..A z z.,,,,. von. a the penmen and keenly et entedellee , .--- . ..i.,..,....,.„.,_,..... gion Immediately. lictravv, Sass Resew AND Sotot t lare soon not only , -"-,-,,-. del9 Offlee over the Port Orlice,Thnd at. -- itovd?d, but cured by its use, as al Out seven P hest-- ' -- FORILIGLIT.—The WAREHOUSE at pre. ciao in New York; know. who use it Is Fisch CZ... • , orl,l occupied by Moors Haney, Proven fr. Co., . a n d. find it oefrotin—lts also in n Water direct, from into( Am ..,c,Tie CO eau . .rtipc.l/Lenoten. !emus, or Tonto OM :lir' . -- • -..-- - mn D owd l' A/ " —j- , ---•— --- 2 : '- - . pned!edls e Vt. ' ..t r on " e trial w eaeu d ill th p ‘ na t eer rcou '' lVe ' tra i • :• , , Olt El A 1.• E.—A good two bore. PEDLARS i temente at eot 91, persons cared of • ; ,• r ..- ~ 4We/11.)N—for wile low—may be eon at the Ila• 5 0 ... Dree, seem im. oso so. p0.0.....8. 0, . _ . . ..... t uy er y ;stable of Rody Patterson, Fourth . tree ....a ~e it, and the reader is again assured 9 area • ' infwven Wood and t3iStltt t run cnielly fell It fur the above unless I knew bye be run , ,- .all I slate. Those who am liable to A WELL FINISHED ROOM. sultab,e fora Cain., C.61r71,. (Isar. Euint, will Led this • Variety or Gentlemen's Furnhihing Ron Al- one. i Any one al:ln:tea with soy ord. s ill Om. 50—Several rooms ennoble for oiled or An . Her dneases, will find this all and even more (adrelnsh. rue's moves. ED . GAZZAM. ble in: its propenteel than I elate. octlnf . (Kee Third street. over Post Office. ; En, tender, the ',toren arc Hooded veldt logl.l/01., 11. T. , 0P — .. ,-- e8 ,,,,y 0. : r.b , ,, r,. .. i.. .." i . ADesh ,, I , . ' So .,.. a a s t' o l .. jo ' o rd I ° I.I7 ' HVL fo J r A j CI N S ES ON 'S ., e l e h'l L ' rberty Cbe'd etr:4 1 City,latelyneetroird by IL W. Poindexter, and I ..f_'",.!'- r .g. :2...___ natrecdfrANT , posree•lon men immedtstely. For Lerma apply at this office, or to W. %V. WEL i SON. Market e; t. cmth —_,--_- F° " RENT—The nottodor Itotn, two , occupied by Mt. Atwood. situated at Oakland, With ntt acre.. of artntua attached. That boo. ...... 00 d co.oniet, and tho mood well no proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES &0.. VI . 'Water 41 FORS- 1 7.1:1A — ilrfek — ilituue, - (b. one Y.O lontt,) and Lot t on Robin.. .trees. Allechetty., Id Urbino. Price low andten. easy.-- .21 IA ..3CIIOYFIII., llO Second et • Inm VOA 'Mt:T.—Tee three Mary Utica Datemba !louse, au Liberty between tiny and Marburg streets. tow occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession y,iven immediately. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at the Doolrithr . L ‘ JOHNSTON d. STOCKTON, corner Market and Third stream Two Lots for Bats THE sulmenber• will sell at p . nvuto sale, MO.. Me valuable Lois of Ground, satioted on Tomato st., in the 'Med We'd of Allegheny Ciiy, each havtug a front Cf.lo feet, running hack 109 feet id depth to • ...St feet alley, upon which Is built a atone wall, 25 by 102 feet, which contains stone enough to build cellars for two comforadde dwelling houses, and in front there are three shade trees, ofo years growth, end the side want is paved with brick, all of which will be mld at Pitteborgb and Allegheny. or County Scrip, win be taken In payment. J fl PHILLIPS, No 5 Woad. , • or to W . BENSON, intmedtatelY oPPosn etyt,V FU K ltit A ^ i ttTu k e7l . l=r2f " erru blY ted on De.. street, numbered F . Hausman'. pl. 75,70, 80, 81 and to—Lot No 75 fOnllng 11/ feet. Ala n, Karrerrect , 70 feet deep; theother lour 20 feet front ea., by 00 feet deep. Ternss—Greaur part of porthole money may rel LOLitl for six year., secured by mOnf i nz ii() b - or Partici olarr :, 5111/C of g 010 seeond at C - oe.l Lazed liens SITUA T from %curEiton ;he ottoniplesthelariver,abaut ird mile. er,* a M nd 3 mi above th Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of AlessrrLyon A Shrub, end Mr. John tenon'. purchase. This fine body of Coal will be mold at the low price of =per acre—ons third in lumd, balance in five equal umenl payments, without Mare. rale iudinputable. Location rep good—eennot be surpassed. For further portico:ors enquire of P. RALSLEY, who has IL Ora. of pro perty. Residence 2dit,ifelow Ferri, hlr. Adams' Raw. N. B. There to another seam of coal on this tract, &boot enfeet above the lower, of excellent quality. - irmidtf 11. -- Varaißlii - Iffdlziall Lots for I. o.tAM THE subserihers are authorized to rifler at prthona sole, and upon Melly &vocable p risin g num.: of very valuable Budding Lou, co a large portion of the Lots numbered 07, 62 end 70, in Woods' General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, awe ' ted at the south eararardly corner of Print end Wayne meets, fronting V4O feet . the former ,and extending along the Inner about two feet to the Allegheny nver, and being a port of the Roil Estiate of the late James B. SICVCILIWII. Esq.. deceased. A plan or subdivision of the obove Lou, in confor mity with which it is proposed to sell, may be then at the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, betweee Mari, tot and Ferry tits.' & KUHN. "ITALLIRNLE REAL ESTATE ON PE:C.:STREET V FOR SP.LE--,5. Lot of Ground situate on l'cru street. between Ibty and Martntry meets. adiolotos the !tonne and lot now occupied by Richard Rdwartic, having • front ors'. (7 ;6 and In depth 150 feet, will be 'ld on favorable tew +. Title uexceptie. Env -• C. ( . L0.03119, n 40 et. nearonabl IVod. Or aft Oe A DESIRABLE Building Lot in Allegheny city, fa vorably Ineniril. in rite abaci half . acre. and alll be roll nn necornmodaiing term}. Inquire of frhn J Il WILLIAMs, itO wond at Ota Tx Books )111 . : 4 ICIAN AND PATIENT: or a Praetieal View of um. raunial dune, relations and Interests attic eatieai l•rnn,scu n and the Community; by Worth- ite to 31. D. TyrWork% tif 31.1eJtael De 31notainne; compooug his ihisays, Lend., fly Wm. Hazlett. Nineveh and its Remains DT /Lumen Henry Loy and. . D. C. L Gininoes of Spam; or Notes of an Unfunched Tour Lt 1,17 By S. T Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, sew edition, dlus- Hated. 1.1 reevored by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, novbl corner Market and Third streets "Norway Plaine' , Blanket. W NI BHP 111 - . at Nonli East corner of Focrth Market arket streets. hes lately received P - Ply eupshor make of Blankets, and ni nnies these in web , of the WI WI,. io look at them de baflne. ile has afro on hand Heise 31adc Man . • podo heavy noteie, whichneh he is selling low.ors I do— Home Mode FLANNELS, brown, bar red and ha, .1 a vdoertor /as s‘-uio FI.AMI ELd, m odbeh he avent.oo Layers. A lame supply of (.coda recently °peva in the • Rooms, Up atoll, maker assortment .nd worthy the a:million of dealers. ''''' . 1,......,,,,,, t;:r-t-10..„ - - , -;;;;_,"': . 7. - -r 4 '",;_.-Afj."* ""lt '' - iii... i 7 !--- - rs,:g.tni - TIIA sTomur- !:.„4.;...-11(VINt(1..„v, II -, ~ rpii , i.suornhch. mitt received al OM Pfi1t . i , n.7 , 11,, , s..) i ''''''' ~: '.. ' I . ' ' '', U h... ....„,,. ," „„4":„.„ , 5. .7 ' , i s - tt,:i ° :‘`a ',:l' i lV'MA`r:lT:aftl. — Alvalfi," 1 ~.. '.-,:•_- ...:;.:',...6,';',...".••, -1 ,, - -,- - - ),,..1; - .a.i_ r ti-,..„-tiews 1 froniNew ti,it, all of which has been Icceivedistabin. .. ~ rt.. f....-,,r, * di , . 1-,.. ' .?....4,111VS " ...-, 7 --- , ' eenv at y ...Q. We first of February! , cousterMg at -'-'-' - e . .-f-sitbe.:, - ..... te. ' re- all tee didereat grades crown in the Celestial Emgern; t. ~ ifirAtii:34,,,,Zgattgtig ' ° I, '"p"ltbn'o.Trs::•,l.%hia'beVr"=ks= .:I ' l= - L-4,,......, ..;„ 1i5t....1 - •,,,.e55e........s „.„..,--.;_, _ 1 tio ' usTui c Um elly.. ivy mite retail mean, to mil and ' - ''.. '2 2 : --T ''''' - ' 7 • - ••••' ' ' ......- ''7l -- i *- s% emoted.. oar stork and prices. They ewn have Rive. A N VAIINENT r ist .apertencel Pays:man from the • ; e " 1 t i t ? i i• a"' t . t ° 1,',7... , ..., , n,. 5 ,: t . , ,, tt , h e h...1h., or by ..1. bia , t Piro ie.. , rtantintg 001,4 te. treat acr e. . 3 g:;..71!. , d‘.',.„.' " .., v ::, t ' o . l. ' Aqtiol . l, 'Mack Tala Gam ore Deusate Nsmre web promptness lind secret. y. I 5 ,, ~,.. 1 ,,, ir,' , l . , ~.,,. ~.,f; ~,,,, v0 .,;,',,,,,,,,,,,, , , c , Ilia gatec..." .n lidloo end other lame Ellice hem ~, , , , ,n _ i, 50, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ur ,,, kra ,,, ~,,, y 0... 11 ,.....„ been or:mental% 110 , , barges arc moderate, and lug 0... wider , u , , , ~, ,, ,,,,, , ,.n . ..„, ~,,,,.. 51 3 0 p , M , , "''''"- Cu - " 0 ` " I. 4; '''''' '''"`""' ';';`"' Fealties are remo•sd to send and gal samples Of ' Wl ' 11 ' . '-'''' Ri ''''''''' '‘ , "'' S 'P h ' l '"' 00 007 ' o' otr Tem, mid try them beMre. purehmag. • Chronic or inveterate eases ~::card ', met tutfitstrS- A JAYNES. 7U Fourth street A core warranted, or ebstf e refunded. --- °"'"' '' 'S e''''''' ' '''''"'-'" " Br'd" ' ' NEW GOODS AT DOUBT'S. • • Teeth Fairected advice to ibe poor g r ans. . A 0 its A solicits We emir: coded of any disease ,Iv 1,11.0 r woad hereby in f orm tog friends 11014 u. Itiaturah to cell s pitalig ,7 s , outtomerf, end the public an general, that be RICO PALL GOODSt h. tu f t' rear rd hat full supply of lull goods, cheap .. LEXANDER & DAV. rioter of Me Diamond and h h,1%....2 c h ,„,,' IT b lock ~,,,,, colored French , ~..,„.2.1., t Markel street. met , their treads and the politic ~,,,,r 4 ,• ,, ,,, . r.h. „, 0 ,. of ~,, ....,,,. ....... We` they have mem. , t he stack a not and Win- „,,,,,,„,•,,,,,,,,. and fancy , incy 6 z,,,,,, , ,,,,,. ~ u, Mont front the importrs, ntann(aetardrd 3 0 n o tt e en, 1.1,,ngn., ninny of which Can only be • • and incl.. at the cant if heir itockof Otto style atid ~,,, J.,, _.._,,, ~......„, tattuoneble (foods is terms, and presents strong aurae .... , Z, , ,• ,,, t.,."•:, , ,:',7,:` . , - , ; , ,--", -,„7,,';',, , ,,,, 00 , e, .. 0 eth .. ith • ions to prcsvers. in Limb. Dm. Goals an 11 ,,, , ,,, r ,.. Shawls, the most .olertilid and fashionable Goods o the .eanon are I.ow offered, at reined:Mil) law prices 0h•:',.(rE,..;:dp:‘,,'L1„,.:1"'ih,,,,'‘,04.,f.,..,C......ii .//k Handle • consisting sa part of t, e folloartnF AMES' DRESS 6001)S. A large lot effete end common white ShirM. Also on hand, Dit drab, blue and black felt and Kan- New style Witch , . fic'd Canmhon Ni ke ~ ,• act Over 2.0.1., from 92,5 n to 812,(0. Col . d anti thrice sotto Ott Chmies end +ore Simms; 400 dress, frock, boo and seek C 0.!., Dorn 113 tin 590. Co" C •''' ' '' ' "r" ' of th ` (`" "''''''' f"t A large stock of fine and cowman 1'.15, frame! ba ttlaek F lossy Lirodcrtens ef the celebrated Cagle ~,,,,, ~,,, mamifacture. OM Vema,of Varlet. materials, from 75 eta to WA ` li, &bole arena, Black Salk. are warranted not to , ~.., _______ of h,d, , , ..,,,, (0 . 010 .„., Cloak . , out in the wear, for dres s es end rumulles they meths 1 .1 ; . •"7, 3 , - ;7zr,i7 ,, ‘ Imported 0 N. 11.-Custoework will recnve particular Clan. Neel flail Carsick,. Satin Du Chene, the handsome. deo. Ileinthavne garments end goad tits warranted. Silks of Me ...on. . New style Ilrechn Silk figured French :Ilene., a their A n s tare P . ^:i.. ;, _ , .1 . , T 11:. L.,;.!,,farii:1i:73..228.11,Lth.rry.,5,:d: , - new and •pleudal angle for mitres' walking dresses. Mk Vmbromered French De Lames, for dreamland oetlditu sacks, en roue . new etude . o.hmeres, Lk , Leine, %lemma, Alpocces and Per PITTSBIII9OI.I IMPORTATIONS. Mello., a large .•01,inent , , . , el , ~,Afittlit, Importer and Wholesale Ocala? IS • .11Avv]...t.s. AND st.,Altl.& _ '.; 1„,. ' PA NC% AND VARTRTV GOODS:. • •i Med. Lent and S'lhate hhhtvhs of the hest tOhtl• lase ~, Comb, 110. Market sL, Plusbergh, PA.,. ocs . 0 .,.,,,,,,, N1,,reh,,0t.,, Pedlem, and others villtagl.' Yield Long Sbanis, of the newest desist., remark- hdabaran ID purchase Goods, are respeetfelly Inaba' ally cheap. . to coil and can. Fee the extensive assortment of nag ,ltiettmd Verkert Shetviit at any c. l, cd Vt.'. • nth. Amerman. French and German F.ey &mats. , Cemeltoo Lime.. hod 0 0tk Snewls,mgmet vertmo. , All Forage Goods at dna estahlwhottent ar e invert- Crape ohawis. WksEld and colored, in rent vartety. yd ,b,,,, by self, ne tt porch _ ongy re ly o pt. (;LOTH:!, CA.S.5OlEitEti AND VESTINGS! n o , gona, trout firm hands. I have the Inrsesteasoet. - 'seat Peden real French Twilled Cloths, all pones; ,11 , 11 t of artiles, ui tlia variety line, 10 the all 01 best :Arden reel French titt•SIIIIGIVS, new style Amer- Pittston - all-MI of wtieh wall be sold lOw for casA or; • peso etteatinmeN no , l*tlut Vest... Co'y PCCCI , I2IIEriI. The Stock consists, In part, Of LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTH•Ii! ; Lace Goads, Hosiery, Gdoves, Ribber.. French and Delp. Black end Ohre Clo ht., fur La- ' SO , ccoravos•r,h'ph:,hastt:nprcledh4Th.u...:7thg..., N 81111.:, diet` Cooks BLANKETS! , ' dl ,. and Cutlery, ' ' Dont and Saver Watches, Goldlewelry, all bade Of A splendid assortment a and inverted Ur ,,,,., c 0,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,..,,,,„5 . Illuldwns, et trawl, ably low once.. Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Cloelts, Silk& - DOXESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS: Cotton PuT.e.,..peetaeles, Rtael Pens, Marne-Ragas A large and complete assortment now on nand.- , ~,,,,,,,, yy, ~,,,,, harken. ,. MoitY of oat P.... "tee , of 81 .0. 6...1., were, , 1 finiings, Ftndusge and Trimmlop. 'hug" tom We ...a... fit Ote •tchth h. t he 'fi.' hh ' Toys and Fancy Goody; together with a large ails. ..evao,. in price s. A prineipat part of our mock of ,ry a Fancy end Staple DRY GOODS. • - ' French and tlnetish goods have been pumbesesi at the C TRAGER is also agent for the celebrated Lane . great :Simone Sales ut rhtledelphte end New Tort, • c ,,, , , , ,. c 0.,: noirl7 tebtel. enables as to odor decoded bantam. tn. rdmoat TO DUVEIIIB OP DILYGOISD 07 . 7. -- CVory dC•ftif.lloll of goals to our hue of business. .. . Count', 51erchants, Nlcrch.t Tailors. mad all All• IL 51VIIPILT, at mink east corner of.Foutls witole.ale end retail buyers, ere invited to ea early yy „ and Slot Let st,, . now reeelvlet los eeeole4 eihautudllo pot our sank and Poled*. StlpriY for the eason, node. offer indtutementar ALEX.AN DER aDAO, 75 Market st, buyers rarely t a le met with. R. assortment of ~. peal north west minter of tbc Diamond.- -LADLES. DRESS GOODS --, .- ~,.. • iisry.S.-.70 e 'ai•loi- - L - Madetre, Sherry end Sweet Is very full, ennsisd, of French MetiticS CalhalMeals 1%; 51;t age Wlnee, tor sale by the ceek or m guan- Cohurgs,Lyenme Sloths, gaper Printed rreitel Cub it.olt ,to . purchasers, by mere.. 05 prieed COttSilleMbly lower Menthe, calla to ANI 5111VIIETLREF., be bought curly 111 the season. His stock of . .. nova No tow Liberty et LONG SHAWLS • i,,,, • - ritti.lll-5 hod. to arrive on steamer ittesitoid„for Is large, end embraces many of - the beautifu l axial CY sale by novs ISAIAH DICILEI &CO cow on rxhilTtrin at Franklin Intallate, Milled's." tog E - I bags rime Rio. osmium end tor gala BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, (j - ,,,. '. '; ' - r i .: ( ne r wA 51 MITCRELTRV.F. Of new .d very n.dsCoari styles, Velvet Tibia __ - LW bd,ll' r . A.....--Impertnl, Dutiposstdir and TS ntoun da(o, drd . SACKING FLiNNELS, I. r 11,.., le., of ruperlor qualkly, i n h i chests, 1- 01 various styles .d qualities, plain ml ebroldstrad ' and a pound las, ni.t reic•o and for sale 1 , 7 tlu,4 W h5l 5111VRELTRV.F. . Btaa Silk Laces, Needle Worked Collars mil Cent -- l - j OLASSES- 15 0 title prime Otantation .tioleates, Bonnet Sanas and Velvet Flow_cra, CaDanad nutters :lL to oak hole and good order, rot hale low by -HANDSOME MESS SILKS,. %V &NI AUTCIIKLTREIi, o(..the newest styles, and at lower prices tken Lanni% novil lOU Idbernt at ' and rich changeable Salk. and Satin., for 51d 0141 " , Patent billii - iilli 5.c.• odd a large stook of jR l Z .Pr s . "l ' I Te s . on f So makers' Soda AM . , ' ' STAPLE AND lIOUSEKEEPIN GOODS: ).' ../ ‘col4ookr..d6o:;ec:Lofram the above celebrated at lowest prices. Ard in the gentlemenbl department angfecturers,Es pot cent A mimics. tem, arnvumand ' will be Wand frees, AND . ~ . sale by .IIOTO •%%,' & I'll 511TCHELTREE ` FRENCH 111,Alis N FANCY COLI/CL012 1 4 ' - - • •-•- -•-- ' Muck Doesklns, Pinner Vestmgv, Fancy Casianteteas Undershirts and Dravren, Silk Cravats, Pocket EWA kerehieta, A.c ' brrUere'lants nee moiled to visit. the' Wholesel• Rooms,!t,r_ 4 itc lot eeir ny 103 . e.fmnd .t flliaii&--17:1141p;1Lraada-0 lard, opuy, II eel. bi F. Itunr, 400 bolo Wtnacr, for sale by . • W tc hi I•IITeII.FLTILRE Olose 011114c•1gati0n...... . . , - • • . 0 UR friends and the public are respectfully inform .l teat the Reliance Line will cease to hip Grants via Canal from Pittsburgh on the MA, audio:nu Pei allelphia on the lith lest We 44.111 continue to carry goods by volroad and and:pans Patina tender. .nt JOHN Ile - PADEN A. CO PuWI)P.II - - - K:l;ks Ate Plossitea Pone' btond,n_repotins article, for Mae by. , nowt , NIITC/0:/sTRI.:F. isTperilieS/r.llFrtts:lyreloilis Ark / Illenehiny Powder, wind per o.4plia*pridge, aria now coming on by cSnat, fur WLc NIIIVfIiEI.I.NRO r M N. il.—, d.rutr. lbe supplier eta New/ Writes. DRIVAtt I' EACIIE4 h. Are .1.:7 , —,t0 b. dried Pevthhea httd apples, Pat ree d . and tor sale ht.. tle.l • , th W If hIIIIAUGII BR p t: , B , 7t h E . L . 3 ceitrors.—w svo uNt .ci:;:drrr. - ; c sere a large and lotodsotue assertnter“ of the meet approved patterns of Brattlels Car. , chcapei than ever before °acted in this market Pill 1410 aininlne. Oar slack brinrn purehaaang e..evirbere. dot W :',I.CI.INTOCK, 7h Foarth IL IjKLV — Er NIX —We c. dd . ; do hanautru , st if Velvet PILO Curp,:la siar Linported. as 1... can ba purchased to .y of rue e wti arn etvs We Otvtle those vrventsig to went. L4t<Sonttual.or 11..5, to ctee us a Cull he' re parchosit4 sew.. a. Carpet Warehouse, Foot. ?Intel W M'CLINTOCK ' deb ' '' C ' l F ; ! Vlltigq lll.• 7.1; ri nor ~0}:R.1gg1 111 .• C e~ 111 WA •nd for Nato by dog C YEACkat MIE Dr ALL arab urrizens are nonorably enured that the following are the netaal qualities of a 3. bottle of Jortni's Coral Ilea Restorstive. If they duals oat word, they cannot there highly respectable etthens , who have med it Mr, Geo. Becket, 41 Elm st, New York. Mi. Matilda Reeves, hlvrtie a, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkins. PI King at, New York. mr. Titn.../ack eon, :Boomers Island, new Pittsburgh IL :F.:Cullen, late barber - Steamboat S. America. And itteree. that ' than tt a wi hu ll ndred others state, though this must suffic form, the hair to grow on the' head or fare, Stop It falling MT, strengthen the tiring roots,, rering scurf and dar.drutT from the roots, Milking light; red, or gray heir arsume a fine dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or lairs' hair moist, soft, clean and beautiful a.very, very long time. Sold by the Agent, NVSI, JACKSON, 83 IMAM so, Pittipurgh. Prise 37i, cents, and ono dollar. atedditrieT - IjfitiL.oll EitilliiMiliTtTPlONED Aunt/vet U. SING COMMON PREPARED CHALK. They arc not aware how fnglitfolly injorions to the akin'. how coarse, how rough, bow italv lOW, yellow, aed unhealthy the skin op. pears after using prepared chalk! • Der . aides it ts injurious, containins - large quanifiv-, • Wo here prepared which we call JONES' Inmeim erfeetly innocer oug i. lines; 11101 thy/ alabaster, clear, acllng BS a cosmetic ot smooth. Sold by the lig arty al. Pitt. cf. Tea nal, or A Itive than a bud, putrid ed teeth. If persona hat they eau, for two shill: make thrar breath pure It cures throttle, of tit and for the Teeth it is or listening the teStlt hr %alum an the snow of at Such. reader. are thr h what our al rue moot wapecnible cod ocitatific not', Mr. It. Fad. of New Yore, says -Lt hoot 'twin used and awaited thin beantlfalandba• palpable wricle, ( ionea` Amber Tooth Paste ' ) and eturrecommend tt as pepor.ning all the tpralitieselaint ed. for Reader, wt. tan say no more Id convince, only that ti pu try Ints caw, you will be went:dew& li I. pot up to beautiful Englith China PlAttr (WAS cents. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 59 Una tv moot, Pima/wet. augthd&wtT wew un I: uw a u s on. si, SIGN OF TUE PLANE AND SAW, No. 714 Wood maraca, Pittsbaggh. LT MIER AND L....LIFMAN, Imparters amt dealers Bla in Fortngu std Dtoneenc is dl no 'cadmic+, are now prepared to .11 as tow Land on as rea.nahle terms em cart be purchneedelsewbore. We solicir our friend+,d rho iniblie generally, to call and examine our mock en . hhies consists ro panel KNIVES and PORK'S, racKgr cod rEN KNIVES,.. SCISOORS.SIIIRS, RAZOR - el, Ileum Tyhomlngs i , tech as Leeks, Lmrhes, !tinges sod Screws, togsthes Weesery erne. usc.llly kept in Hardware Sores. We Inv Ito the atom's. , of Carnenters and Mechanics generally to our ...Mom , of TrwiA, which .leered with great ertre i which ere ere deferreu. ed to .11 ro an to lire gatirfacurm. epartkarT Property t 47.1egr.dtu; CIZy tax galas TBE nut... Usu. oder tor.ate a unzaberof abo et Lou, curate in doe f;enund froutins on lb& Common ground. on easy terms.. Inquire or NV. KOPINSON, Any or Law, at alar or of JAS P.OBINtdOti. en ILVDICZLIM. ------- TO PRINTERS. ro}i. hag: t2ii Dear of Cases; 41 roan. Fnuey Letter, didarcrighitts; rye, Newspuper Cats; ib. Lend.. cut In order; Compostne Sticks; 100 tern Proud. News Ink: Brues ttniley, Column Rules, Brass Rules Or el descriptions, Rc. • A..TA.YNES, Palau Ten Flora, 70 Fourth st N —Orders received for neve Type. nultkikarld GYM. W. SMITE' i CO.s =" TNFOFLNI ;heir friends and the public thattbey hen I no longer any connection with their late eethbllek Thew In l'ion street, known as the Pittsburgh flreww , hoeing comooed their entlie business to the ronv: •rt 1 .71.1 , a. PMESBYTEIII6N BOOIKROON2I NO. 7U WOOD STREET, • Ice would fo k r . s . alAn .e a ti r . :rtzner at val in a sense of atiout - FOUR TIUNDRF.D different pub e which emalogues can be had on applies- Ruh) embracing niany'standard works in Tbeekrgyi Moe sanity. .s e. as . selected and published b 77 the n•rian 17 —id m Villitication in Philadelphia; anA urdl atinplr .:or Sanhahh Schools COntreffeDunals bitaist-r , Pritn.te Libranes, •Scrions to purchase inch books, sax invi ted to entl 141 , 1 c Lalntne the n_sseriment. • 'The Droodiory of Ott Pennsylvania Bible Society is kept at these 1.001.11 f.. ocaultsteure3 2 Pj 6 h'i 3 ,V ) ,?.? f,l6, 602& Roadie. dart MI polo; viategeo of '36, 40b and 40. .t". ' . II br pipes Leger Prete'. Extra Rubella . &nano polo. •intogge of ”JG. '4O ; 47. ' 6 hf ptpoo Nem Comillon t Ooti-C . Ognatt, dolt, end pale.; yodalteo of '42.'43, 47. ' '-' . 5 hf pipes Anchor Cognaeoale.(EL Iblrop 47 . x do June. Hennessy, Oagyme; p 'd e VI. ; ti do Charmer Bordeaux, pale .14 . got 87. 12 de J J Dopey, do do, 0 doi I 1 do ("mutton, do • do , 41. i ' d ° ,, 1 4'7` . ." ° .T.V,C.k. . ' adr cask , °tort, Dopey &Co, OM, lit 41. Io .lo Mattory Comme.,.degg„ • d0..11. 7. do Old 1 V 'I . .to Peticvnlain. • . 1 ; ' , '' n f?C:?; " P% . e e• ' am itiMAL., l'acater• do do ' : 'tr' eo ' 'Lea um .... ; Cot cas t s Limed Vineyard Proptieloat d o Of ".'"" 1 Flo ttayet do do do do gs. t do Clutatomme Cognae. s ;A bbLs 014 Peach Jim:Lay. )- . Ido Chen, Brandy. - . a . -,:,__—_,: 100 Orm Ftrat .46.1 Cognaeg, by the an in id0g0.0... - Tb , . olo,ic at bigo proof choice lima.. no bon seeeted. by we mownher and eatmolamett, Pf4 4l W Mc - 4.1 . .att 160 art 604 r oSered to the trade lime more mayooahle mum La= heretofore. Con ud .14 amine twill I o par...ling elsewhere. ' .. • math JAMB WS& • Freight to Phtiodolplltk. , ,; rwill maim far two or throe Otte boat loads elight for l'hilaxPlobia, (at advaerted reao.) if ere rya VI A.,14.6.10L TYt .: Wad , • :~-~. ~~a.<.-: 1 , .. - 0 f , -I i , : : Vt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers