The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 22, 1849, Image 2

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    PlIrTlll lO / 10/11
ll,rosivarassa. are sareame mammon to nano to
bear favors before ar. awl early to the dal ea
Tattletale. Adverto33,3" oot inserted for • sloe::
lad Mae willtimariable be charged anal ordered t
runduriss.rus• 014.113.T11 /1131313.10 AN.
Advertiderosts and at the North Amer
can and Vatted Mates liatettc, Philadelphia, receivat
*ad forwarded from tars race.
Aratislleamale sad Why. Convention
the Weis and Anti-Masonic
Orrataidee of Conespoodeace, held to the Common
Coarmil Member, on Itsuarday evening, the OM Ma,
taa follmetes reidetten tom adopted:
Samival, That the %%Owe and .ond.rdasom of the
Gtyof Paohargh, ho orgite4it xto meet at the foal
places, to dos enerel Wards:' on Saterday next, the
2111 last., botweon the Mors of 3 and? P. el, for the
venom of Mettle/ Five Deiegate. Door each .
to meet to Convention, on Wednesday, the 93WM-,
at lo &dock. A- 31,,pi neuelne. a candidata for ltley-
O t r a tO be vegetated by the party at the coming mantel.
dole VPr f . iNeCANDLESI,
Wehope our Wets Mends will not neglect to.
vote to day for delegates to the Convention, the:
importance ofvrtdott should not be overlooked.
We surTender our columns to day to the aim.
mualcadon of .obaerver," and our Wa*noon
add New York correspondenoe, all of which will
be knuid highly mterewieg.
In consequence often crowded state of our col
umns, we me compelled to deter ■ portion of the
crunmnalcauon of °barber whieh we sari probe
igy publish on Monday.
PLUMY Purrtve...—The Sone of New
England Celebrate the the Liaise
of their Forefathem at Plymouth Kock, t s night,
%Vibe Monongahela Home. Two hundred nod
twenty sloe years have elapsed
. :eince the May
Plower, with bee gallant compan y, arrived nude
the bleak winter coast of New England. Whet
privations they encountered on their long voyage,
and what di : Mc:Alias and dangers they surmounted,
ater iheyamvived, are matters too tsmilia to out
readers fur us Is dwell upon. Their deeds have
famed the theme of the poet and tie hismilan cf
Europe, as well aim own land, aid will contin
ue tsdo so until the end of time. In the contem
plation of the vendetta! events which Time, in
hi, rapid mottion has brought abets; since mat
memorable peAud, to tie dest:niw of our beloved
country, fie mind become, bewildered and lost.
We crictneeplate her then, as • wild and uninhab
itsd country—except by the savage raro--and we
see her now, with a popaintion of nearly tni ty
mitimm of iutiab tante, scattered over an emect
of icwitory that egret:hes from one ocean to the
Mier, and possessed of every Vetoing tut could
posnbly be deserved or desired. Could A now b,
porces.Utd far the gallant band who firmed tint to'
fact Colony, to peer down upon us tom the Spir t
End, what feelings of arrissemect, joy and gent
tide, would fill their brewt.
We approve moat heart I y the commemora •
ton of tiffs tine honored day. Wherever e
bend at New Englanders can be folnd„ It vnll be
duly celebrAld q and warmly will each besot re.
.one the sett meet—
England, New England !nod of the brava
A Tralurs mane tight on my heart when I am false to
Weer "
We ere glad to lour, by the way, Cost the La•
dies ern to perm i tatt t., tie pea urest ftm even
tog. This is en It should be, and is went ty of ins.
gallantry oft YI3IME st inn. Oar Poe tin Mt 11l
ere shared in tie dangers and primal cf ou•
timers w t tont a murmur—as woman always doe,
—and It is but proper that the descendents of Roe.
23tandish, and others, should partake of the veiny
Manta and blesstngs whin, through their insure
menu I v, and the go Armes cf God, we are M"/
possessing. We are, moreover, tonrmed, the
they will be tie only saucy mart* permit nd
the tattle.
'• ' V 11.031 NEW YOu S.
Catranondanne of the Pit...burgs a
New Yoth., Dec. IS, 1649
Tye =lasi of the Hibernia has created mum
tipple in the dull cermet of affairs here, and thi
city is barren'of all bonne.. news. However,tti
town is Oct dui but full of 1.1. In the first place
Dioadvrty and the toy shops are nil thronged wit
parehasers, aupplying the material with which
Santa Claus fills no many stocking. In the nun'
place, we have the new wonder, the Hongarint
refugees, and that modern Juan of Aro,
Jagella, who has been fought for by the nvid land
lords of the Irving and dear. It seems Colmar
de Stetson, with a londnms highly creditabe, et
ford the Hungarthns, through their friends. fre ,
clearings, but Howard, of that Irving, who to no
wanting in shrewdee. outronnotthred the Astor
and, on Sunda, morning, boarded the ,
and canted .off the female warrior, aod gave he
one of the most splendid banquets, with unman
tied emblematic confectionary etc. He also invi ,
MP the subalterns of the Site; and. on Monday, th.
effete ws•hreity well known, even to the appear
ante of Mad'alle Jszella's Polka coatiee, is whin
Jibe killed the Austrians Colman Stetnon
rill ed, and, with a fi ittnah of trumpets, the pan.
whlerr abandoned Comoro evacuated the Irving
and are now the guestiOf Hie Aidar—the observe
of all
Tee common Inquiry, for a day or two, hisheee,
bait, you seen Frank McLaughlin? and, as he
7 may have letters from California, for tome Pitta
burghers, they may be deeiroos of keelsons vette c
Rte can be found. A party of wage, on Saturday
sent a 'number of toys in all directions, to the
brumes of leading gentlemen, asking if Frank Me
Laughlin had been there to leave letters from tb.
' instructing the boy. to aay.Frank had
letters, and was stopping down town. The ban
took wonderfully, and judges, lawyers, and, in
• feet, thousand., were soon stair for their letters
creating • confusion each as never was known
out of Babel. Like those who paid • shilling tu
see the horse's head where his tail ought to be. ,
the victims joined the plot, and sent •11 emptier.
on a long journey to Frank's lodgings. To night,
at two minor theatres, the famous letter carrier it
1 announced to appear, and, should he have any
letters for you, they shall be forwarded. Such he'
been the amusement of New York. for the pa ,
few der. it u not, to be Imre, ray &Ended, but
it Is New York, for all that.
Freights - for the gold clinics are enormously
hrgh, in fast ship. The Samuel Hostel -is talc..
measurement goods it one dollar and - a half per
. foot, which is above the highest price paid daring
; 1 . the &Mi. 611 sorts of speculations are still on
' • foot for the western coast. One man expects to be
here on the 11l of Jthuary, to taketack an invoice
of one hundred %homed fruit trees, from which he
expects to gather • harvest et golden pippin..
The weather continua very mild, and winter
has hardly commenced yet. The boats ton to Al
bany imautomer prices, but the travel has dwin
dle! to • mere point. end none let those who..
call is froperauve are met afloat. The great men,
of travellers now come by rail, as our English
neightiors call it. The Erie Railroad exteosion t o
Hortellsville was offered for by a very large nom
bet of ammeters, and will he let low, A pony
has been made to build the road to Dunkirk, ad
the Company has concluded to accept their oder.
If the Central HMIs Is not hurried on, Pittaborgb
can oriole to Now York, via the Erie Bond, cheap..
et than through your mutual commercial capital
Oar Merchants' Exchange has become hopeless
ly intolvent, me half of the cost of boodior, It being
Oil athwart. A sale of the builnlog is neaten:low•
ad, but the Company tub for six months delay, by
enrich time they expect to be enabled to satisfy
Haw creditor. should Congress pan • bill au.
thentag a Mint here, it Is proposed. as It is ro•
moral, to owl-the present Cash= House for the
porpdse, and convert the Exchairge into • C6/11/0111
11/010. It bberet adapted furs Foot Wilke, now,
sized needed here. The churcit now use& fof
that purpose is too small, and will have to he &ban . ..k r (
&rued. •
Is matte. there is nothing to say, the steamer
{enters having checked boldness. In financial at.
lairs there little near, Money Is aboodant. though
the detesed ha. Increased in .anticlpation of the
lisoary istiloomot, canal.
. - -
06145 Flo, ample, it Is no cadre sowp.
We fors easy pot at 5.0 rfaaciaa* - frac , a
tad OW metdrials tot bosses, worliAops, ec,;
gleam eagineadatbs, muting mschioes, sod all
Otlodt moctiaety foteuryl is/41 so estooslso boal•
711.1Olitalos, Fut. t Oleaia. so o lasi parst eve or
Ike& 0 ftelevapt• offi , r, Ink:wend a. Hv
100 lett, e,olllooCdiftg the woes, he soot du,
betei Pitiatmfgh, 11.11ato, Clocioaati
t b g I oldhrilki, all ,at Iha otos taiasatl—Phska
Cornmpondeme of the Patsburgh Gasette.
Wunntontm, Dee. I'7, 1849.
The poeinon of thing. is not materially altered
at the Capitol. The House remains unorganised,
ILO I am sort 7 to say there is no clear prcispect of
its arising at any .her COOditioi: Foot more
unineceasful attempts mere made to dry to Choose
a Speaker, With results indicated in the table.
48th 49th Win; 51st
10 "T 2 15 51
18 11 9 6
Morehead, 16 " 22 18 14
64610 D 9 1 0 2
White, 0 1 1 16
O,ttl 2 ,1 2
Boyd, 68 61 87 81
Potter, 17 -14 10 13
4 :
1- 3 5
Bingham,o 0
Dob 4 5 3
Cobb; 1 1 5
0 0 6 10
"1 . 2 - 3 'l2 l id - 1 223.
The fourth ballot exhibited a sudden decline In
Mr. Winthrop's vote.. This diminution was eons.
mil by the diversion of earns twenty votes to other
candidates, but principally to Mr. Hugh White, 01
New York, an able and popular member.
Mr. Stanley who ran the" highest among the
Whigs on Saturday, declined this moraine, a
very handsome manner, saying that North Caro
lina would behave in the
„present crisis as she
had done In 1771, when the news of the butchery I
of American imps at Lexington arrived, and ' I
would make the-cause of 8...01 the ellilllo of all. I
Toe allusion Was to Mr, W.nrerop. This able
and eminent gentleman, appear. atter all, to bo the
general favorite, and it the Whigs elect any boey
in the end, he will be the man. I perceive from
the movements in the House, during the hut few I I
days, that the coin. of those northern gentlemen
who threw their votes for Mr. Stanley, Mr. More
head, end other well known and competent south.,
ern Whip, was dictated by an anxious and pat.
riotie desire to conciliate by an exchange of
pleasing a gentlemanly ooartesy.. and; that it is a
universally admitted fact that Mr. Winthrop -or
Mr. Vinton, or other representative from a free
state is entitled to the honor of the undivided alp
port ofthe Whig party, until the decision of tree
Did I rater in my loot to the rumor which to
generally prevailed on Saturday morning, that if
Mr. Boyd, of Kentucky, ran op to the original
vote of Mr. Cobb, 103, Ma friends felt easureif - of
receiving foam the ranks of the Sottihem Whip
toe additional ten or twelve votes, required for
tds election? Such MILS 11 report which appeared
to command a grentgleal of attention, and indeed
was generally believed out of the Howe, and by
not a few In It.
Aner the close of the voting today, Mr. Thomp
son adored a very important resolution, which
perhaps suggest. the haus upon which this !amens
table and protracted coated is yet in be settled.
Mr. Thompson's propoaition was that the Whig
and Democratic parties should ...Operate In the
'ore:lmmo or a plot committee, to 00 , 1Pial Of WV
en members of each party, whoahould beemPow,
Bred to consider and decide upon the mode of or
sauteing the Home, either •by selecting and pre-
.coting risen to be voted tor, and chosen as itel
°facers, or by reportitg a procurable method of
clectiog them. I was linable to distingeiah the
names of the gendemen propelled in this resolo
non, bat I perceived the they were the most cul
-1 nent members of their respective parties. I
w mid advise you to take the propositioo,ie ateten
so, from souse critic Washington journals. Mr
3 utolel moved to lay it op the table, end the
House did so by the vote of fll to DO, bye beer
majority of one. Tnough it was Meade/crated, it
expected on all sides that it will be :gain pre•
ted to morrow morning, and adopted.-1 1 such
es to Ise the tact, it will probably lead to an
.arty organisation.
The Senate to day received
• mearaye upon
.xecutive boainesa, from. the Prraident, which
sat appropriately referred.—A &calor . Informed
me that it was of hole couseqacoce, es that I cow
der myself entitled to infer that it communicated
either important nominations nor any diplomat.
ta businma d general Interest.
Much regret la expressed on account 'of
continuance of the nalsanderientiding betweei
Mr. Duer and Mende It is understood that tn.
tatter dern.nds an unconditional withdrawal of the
language need by Mr. Doer towards him, a r hiich
that gendeman refuses to make. When I speak
irgeocrial rivet being entertained that the &B
ony remains unadj anted, • I do not by any memo
,dead to intimate that It to the opinion of Mr
Mer's 'needs that be ought to retract, for they
eel that northern representatives have been a
tile ton often the otjeet of southern arrogance in
hit hall, and; that a time has arriv,d when a
and should be made spinet It Mr. Deer applied
a Mr. Meade, when taunted and defied to do it.
se appellation eta diannionia , , but Mr. Meade
iimaelf is understood to have prole need Who and
u have gloried at being a - disunionist, end there
re had no red to tate offence at being on de
vaunted on the Lae of the Houle, at an exmona
den of an exciting debate which he himself had
'nought on, and w which betted given the char•
mitr it had assumed.
The Whigs had a long ernsaludion to caucns
tad have thin moment, hall past ten, mijaurned—
rite only item of the proceedings tbat,ims trans.
prod, i 4 that they will *deem. to Winthrop.
Wasnuetrrom, Dec. 18th.
The four additional attempts to choose a Speak'
or to day, showed that the result of the Whig
caucus last elm bed been to bring theparty back
again .4) the support of Mr. Winthrop, with the
exception of origami recusant Whigs, and
some two or three stragstlerr.who 'love to roam;'
when not required by very particular necessity to
remain at home, in the House of their :fiends.—
Mr. Mellatichey, of, Indiana, the trueness of
wbose•Whigism has been. attested tin many n
hard fought political field, and by the vindieuve•
n ee. 01;fit..tnemtes,. had paired off whit a col•
league, whom an accident bad compelled to re
frain from Viailin the Botwe. There were four
other Whigs In the Haase who chose to scatter
their votes, wht en—certain to support Mr. Win
tamp, whet, their votes can be made evadable to
elect him. .
The Derriocrats,it .11 be perceived, were never
more utterly confounded. Boyd. of Kentucky, ben
been upheld by them with remarkable steadiness
since the dograeefol exporare and explosion a
the Brown intrigue. Bat be Is pow to be Gree
ned, and titi McClernand,
whof Illinois, will ran
Ana some gauntlet and the same success
We have now reached the flPy fifth attempt.—
rots busineas has now occupied the Heave four
teen working days. The espouses of the House
amount to somewhat over truer: thousand dollars
a day. Though members to
comah work is on Sun
days, the public pays t if they
did . The charge upon the Treasury for these
...zeta de's, therefore, is certainly not leas than
Guy fire thousand dollars. The people will be
good enough to remember that every time the roll
a called over and no abortive trial for an election
is had, the process coats them one .7nottiann DM"
Lan We may take somber view. The average
iungth of a day's sitting has, heretofore, this Bee
man, been about three boon Every limes mem
bcr gets up and delivers an booey speech, he aba
areas from the public crib about 61,700. An
drew Johnson, a Tennessee DelliOcrat,on Monday
tat, filched from the strong box, In this way,about
61,000. With obese prefatory remarks, I 'own
the sneezed report of to day', proceeding., sad
. hope that no reader will forget, when Le
scans the monotonnos columns, that he- will he
taxed for • portion of the e.i of the entertain
Teel:Ws to elect a Speaker were as follows:
51d 53t 54th 00th-
Wlothrup, 92 97 . 97 97
Morehead 00 00 0 5
.Stevens, 3 1 2 2
Baker, 1 00 I
Strong, 0 0 4 16
1 3 3
Boyd, 66 59 21 al
•BlcUlanaand, 1318 22 28
Potter, 11 .10 8 0
Cobb, 7 S. 11 10
!McLane, 1 '7 1 0
Kottroton, 2 2 9 2
Begley, 9 9 . 6 4
It fa proper to say, that on eachurial consid
erable number 01 wane:tog votes were given,
which are not set down in the above table- They
Were merely compliment-vs ,
Both, or rather all three pates, ice epha in
and the De
ouzo= to elithe...the Wheel"teoeten to
of acceptiag Mr. Thomp
son'. joint committee of conference and "compro
mise, upon the chances ot their respective parties,
the Free Soden; to match the others.
deliberate nix.
The most interesting of the Mu:miming intrigne+
which . have taken place slam Congress opened,
has been the Senatorial cabal against Old Bullion.
Calhoun and his tad have been lashing Old Tom
moat ferociously, I understand, for three days, and
this afternoon the canoe sad effect thereof made a
simultaneous appearance. Poor Gnomes vindic
tiveness is fully aroused. He cannot forget the
territlecodgelums which has reputatation has suf.
'Erred at Benton's hands during the last three or
four yen, and particularly the exconation ad.
ministered in the Jefferson city speech last sum.
Mr. Atchison, Benton's colleague, also instated
that he should be avenged. It was resolved to
degraoe Mr. Benton from his very honorable and
responsible position, as chairman of the committee
on fireigu relations, and to that end a solemn can.
eus was held on Saturday afternoon, to decide
upon the composition of the atandiag committees
of the 'session. No caucus so consultation requi
red, because the monmiuees were all arranged at
the executive session lain March. Bat Old Bel
. lion was to be caucussed out, and the thing was
done. The Old Senator was invited to decline
bat he resolutely refused, and therefore, idler
three days of manoeuvring, after coaxing, and.
threatening, and whedling in vain, It was tan
night resolved to remodel the committees, and not'
to place Colonel Benton at the head deny of them.
And to day it was dune. The Chairman of the
whole twenty committees being elected, as per
programme, and Mr. W. 8.. King, of Alabama ,
being put in Col Benton's place at the head of the
foreign relations.
Mr. Bayly read;to the House to day a statement
auto the mode in wh ch the personal difficulty be
tweenMesam.Duer and Made had been adjusted
A correepoadence had taken place r Mr. Duer
stated that he meant no personal otren'ee to Made
in calling him a disuainaut. Mr. Made Lad not
applied the term false personally to Mr. Duer, tn
repelling that imputation. And Mr. Duer had fi•
natty, regretted and retracted the retort which
, that denial from Mr. Made had drawn finis
I him.
will be at care seen that the honor of the
parties is thus cleared of any imputation upon
them. The conduct of both these gentlemen,
since the altercauon, has been correct and proper.
Honorable C. M. Conrad, of Louisiana. the
friend of Mr. Doer and Mr. Bayly, acted in that
capacity to Mr. Meade. Junto..
For the Pitteistret Gamete. '
Mesas. Erirroa—Your correspondent `Observ
er," in his :eery innocent attempt to awaken thr
attention of this community to a matter which
concerned them deeply, has been so unfortunate
eon draw up. himself a very whirlwind of in-'
veetive from the Editor at the Journal, This was
not, it seems to hind, exactly fair..Observer'' was
no volunteer. He was merely endeavonrig, In an
humble way, in the default of that Editor himself,
to perform a duty Which belonged more peen.-
larly to has provin c e, as a public 10nrnalist. If that
gentleman, instead of abu,ing.—if the term • not
too harsh, the coofidence to which the conductor
if every respectable newspaper is entitled, by
misleading the community, had advised them of
brie true position and rights,m regard la the crema
tion at rune, your correspondent would have been
saved the trouble of doing it himself He was
constrained, however, to Interfere. The Editor a
the Journal admith that he was right, and conks.
sea the necessity of an immediate abandonment o
the poemon which he had Seen diifending. In
'teed, however, of retreating with the grace of who recognia , , in the true spirit r
kighthood, thevalar, or the skill or the courtesy c
his enemy—instead of even thanking poor cone'
pond.' for the inform.on which he had impart.
cd, he grudgingly denim, to him eVen the hoc his
merit ci a better memory than himself, by affinsa.
ing that he had previously learned the facts fr et
Au own glas—altheirith he had not chosen to dis
etese them—and Upon the pretest of • single hai
ty paragraph, in the course of • long article which
he erigerly seised upon ar his text, he went into •
very irrelevant homily, in which it must be ad'-
. mated, ohe has priced nothing else, that he has
- at least succeeded moat happily in illustrating the
effects of a bad example.
It was inefficient for your correspondeat to he
nehiered, no completely. wed with so little effort,
the very object at which be aimed. in arousing
the public &riv en. n and ccropeihng even the Edi
tor of the Journal to admit Ow, under present err.
eernatancer, the Central Railroad Company had
as further claimuttpon this community.' He was
of crtUrre well content to leave the matter there. It
be., hoirreve•, occurred to hint, open reflection—
that it might not be vats examine alma al the
collateral and auhoraMlles Which that Edi
tor hag so adroitly re re% for the purpose a show.
ing how lade de i cer:tot:tie it hell to win, even
to the line of argument to which he has resorted
for the purpose of eaverog tog retreat.
If your rourrespon dent bait indeed Demented hie.-
Berl totes provoked two ...wearier , from that de
corum which meant alarar to. chstaelerrte the
pull c as wed Pe the privets, Intercom.e of gen
tlemen, he would be the tut man himself to de ,
fend are deviation . We bane always regarded
a lame
auch acs barter its a Very poor•
crutch for
argument, and would nor, its • matter of policy,
when he felt—knew that he was. right, he disposed
to give an ingenmus sentary toe o f s
effecting a divers on to letserrtatiy, by raising a
fa'se mute for that purp ern. If he were, on the
other hand needed in the lame manner himeef,
he would. unlike tee Editor alba. Journal. discus.
the offensive matter in a pmeeeph, instead of sin•
tong an the same ursy,,by retaliating in • Column.
Ir, however, he has an far forgotten binned,
where he might no well afford to keep his temper,
it Seas eerthir ly ant a aloof intention • It
rnot his
Wish or his purport to say any thing rude or his
passage, though not
perhaps altogether happy to its turn of expremion,
was expremly qualdled fur the purpose of avoid.
lag Such a construction.
The editor of the Journal extrema that Iron;
correapandent is not a lawyer. Who said he weal
Surely "Observer" himself did not hint any thing
of the ram and if the eddorls of outman tint it
will help his defence, he Is at perfect liberty to
suppose that be to not. Thera was certainly an
professional p.tention about his article. It rim
quired no professional knosvledge to write it, and
even if be had been a integer, it would have been
mere pedantry to have paraded his learning upon
a simple Iltlf.'lol, of facts, which involved
rte mystery, and required no argument. The as
tumption that he Is, not a lawyer--embtch seems
under the circumstatszes, to be entirely withou
point or meaning, unbar the editor supposes the
no other than a lawyer has a right to be heard r
such • question—it is hoped, therefore, will. c
detract (rem the merit of he article any mare hr
did the caricature of our An,rican Generals nr
the Brmah triage, affect the d gory of our Rev
Linn is the estimators of the honest , hearts ,
who shouted at the top of his lung., "Hur
England—whipped by tailors and shoem ,
Whether the editor of the Journal himself
to the pnvtleaed etas, in a place where they.
abundant its alroolt to overflow into OUr kites
trough% Ido nor ;gofers to know. I run perk.
willing, however, to admit, if be chooses lt, ht
there be any part of your corrempondebt's erti
which he cannot auccessfully defend against
austka of the Journal. ur arty sophorry in
article of the Journal which tie Cannot Da stlcCer
lolly expote, he is either unqualified for the pc
as or if •hould happen in belong to it,
prt.t. as poor lawyer as the editor of the Journi
could desire.
The only namable inference that can be drawl
from the very irrelevant auggeation, or perhaps, I
should rather say, sneer, to which I have just re
(erred, is, that if your catreapondent is not a law.
yet, the editor himself is, or at all events, that co
other than an individual of that profession would
he va lawman worthy of his steeli" and this Infer
ence is sustained by rho fact that, besides indulg
tog in the technicalitie• of the brotherhood, he re
mule to precisely the very tricks and devices of
eat branch of the trade which he chsracteeLes en
pettifoggent, by quibbling upon words and phrases,
ratan g a cloud around him, for the Mine purpose
WI big gothicss mother e xecloptel ibis Trojan hero
inn garment of he some ISIS, and dwelling Open
' the qua at
the motives and other personal
demerits of his adversary, instead of addressing
himself to the merited bin argument. Your cor
respondent can Very sincerely reciprocate the
complumnt of the editor, by R aying that, If he (the
editor) is no lawyer hinsch, be ought to be one s ,
with so many of the attributes which aro as gener
ally credited to the profession.
To above, however, that your correspondent
hie not either ova gated his awa ammo of de-
223 221. 221 22
knee, or improperly characterized the manner of
the editor of the Journal, he will now pet/need,
with your indulgence, to look into kis argument.
The editor of that paper, in the comae of his
controversy with the Gazette, affirmed in sub•
atonic—l do not pretend to quote hie arords—that
the subscription of the County of Allegheny really
amounted to nothing, because she had merely
loaned her credit, without incurring any risk, and
was, moreover, booked by the guaranty of the
Your correspondent WArmed, in reply, that this
watement was not oorrect, and that the County of
Allegheny smell precisely in the same position and
incurred the same risks as the other stockholders.
The Jaunt(' takes toe at the supposed imputa
tion upon its veracity, and asserts, with an air of
triumph and a plentitul infusion of exclamation
points enkitelics, that Tour corresp9pdent contra.
dims, In the very next sentence, 'lds own come
challenge of the veracity of the Immo!, and and•
mits the alleged misrepresentation to be true!"
.. .
The proof of, this is supposed to be found in the
following sentence, which Is extracted from the
article of your correepondenti— s it is admitted that
the company has uadertaken to pay the interest
on the county bond", until thalami asitisisheel.",
. The inference of the Journal is, that the admis.
alon of a temporary guaranty—sad that, too, pep
able out of its own stock—is equivalent to the
concession at a complete and independent in ,
demnity for all time; that the assertion of the Jour
nal, that the county had lent nothing but her credit,
end incurred no risk whatever, Is thereby con.,
'id to be true; and that your correspondent mends
flatly contradicted by himself
"Observer" has always entertained great respect
for the ahi Mies of the editor cf the Journal, but
when he finds him , , resorting to such m inference,
and crowning it with the cool assertion tbat, upon
this "he might well afford to drop 'Observer' as
self cony ict yd." Ha is at a lon ta realise either the
doll - ess or the courage which would enable him to
(me an intelligent community with such an ergo
mett. Dace the editor really suppose, that the
statement of a fact which he could net venture to
Controvert, and which by necessary and inevitable
Implication, at least, wholly and unanswerably
contradicts and (stride. his position, is an ad
miasion of its truth? Ordeal he expect to carry
it by the mere farce of assurance, and• thus nave
his wounded pride in the midst of snob a com
munity as this! It would seem so, indeed.
"Observer" ha ocessiopally beet ; the witness of
the high confidence, the bravado,,tte bloater, and
the swagger with which • Use position or • bad
cause is some times maintatned. He has yet,
however, to meet with:any thiog quite equal to the
coolness , of the editor cf the Journal.
The admission, however, that ben, was even a
temporary guaranty, which'the Editor la an willing
t 9 consider as equivalent to s permanent and per
one, Li followed Immediately by the sug
gestion that it is no more than an engagement to
pay, back, until the road is finished, a ,onion of
the very same money, in the way of interest; and
that, so fax from being peculiarly favored, in this
particular, the County of Allegheny 'atends in no
better position than any other stockholder.
This very important qualification, which is an
essential part of the argument, and was Intended
to show, as it nost legitimately and unqueetimas
hip did, bat even the temporary guaranty already
admitted was to more than moonshine, is, strange
as it may appear, characterized as "an attempt
to mystify and neutralize the knee of the admit
mon by a bit of special pleading not unworthy of e
pettifogger.' The public will Judge whether it had
net momentum enough to blow the little that was
In, of the defence cf the Editor into a thetisand
atom.. Whether it was • Ent cf special pleading,
as the Edit or, who affects the style and phrases of
the prof:woo, although he is denims with one
whom he edit® Oct to be a lawyer—charges your
correspondent. is not, of course, in • madmen to
say. He would, In his Ignorance, have eopposed
It to be only every important stem of seduce in
toe support if a fist plea in her iovo lying a dental
r the Editor's whole ease; admitting him, boo ,
'seer, t, have been tet,teken in mots pertlentm, it
unit be conceded, at all events, that, as a plea,
it went directly to the :eerier, and, not being de- I
tied or denieble, 1 lo far the public to determine
whether it did not make out the position, beyond
all cortroversy, that the statement of the Journal
that the Canty had recurred no tisk, and sub
stantially gout ihmed nothing bat its credit, and
that under the guaranty of the Company, was
clearly, palpably, and indefensibly wrong.
In reply to all this, however, the Editor exclaims I
with his nasal eenfidence,"how light a breath I
will blow away this deluaion." He has accord
legly blown that breath, and a refetence_to bas ar
geirieet sill show bow pr..perly it was characters
irs;d by timmlf as wind.
The snorer is that toe indiridnal St - ekholdere
have pmd cash, while the Count! , has given tooth.
1.1 but hulloed', which are alleged t, be weft!
no mare than eine, ea per cent in the market,
and t , is is asserted t. be the difference between
the County and the other St ockholder, nand s he
evidence th•t the Joernal Was putty cf "
represectin ion' to toe suggestion that the Coact r
bad incurred oo liar, and colt ihutin aubstactasi
ly nit iag. Let os cm:aim ttisargumett, open
gni !ti he seems to rest his ease with so much
se.f complacency, and see wh, thee it is net the
very air-blown bubble which "a breath" could
genet+ . t', *Ma breath destroy.
The Edit,, was a merchant, and has therefore
the double advent ige cf your correspondent, in
b, tog lath a financier and a lawyer—will he be
hind enough to Lfarm up, thersfire, whether the
holders of the Allegheny County Bonds will ex
pect nctitor from the County but the interest on
ninety see dollar:, for every hundred issued, or 1
whether they will be studied with their redemp
tion at maturity oh the same terms? If that be
the understanding, of coon, the County is to that
event at least a favored stockholder. Bolus
it be however, it is net very obnousto your cor
respondent how she ts benefited by the fact that
the Company may have thought proper to sell her
bonds et n &mom% Will the Editor therefore
of rem the public income more sen.faotory way,
how it is that the circumstance of a guaranty out
~f the County's own money, until the road is fin
ished, with an eventual liability for the interest
an d p r incipal, dollar per dollar upon her bond", 1
and in the loco too cf a diminished stock, or a I
cwt augmented by the amount cf interest actually
paid to the stockholder', is to es tsts isti his propo
titian, that the County lends nothing but her
credit, and incur, no risk by her subscription? If
it be mdeeda detestan that we shall have none
the tree to pay became our bonds have to be thus
cold, it is ono which, let me say to the Editor,
wt I require more than bard names and the
breath of • hollow and miserable sophistry a,
blow away.
The suggestion, that the scheme of paying in•
wept on the iestalenents out of the capital stock
was but •-rwenaciment of tne old device of moss
miaing the vane of the stock of the Bank:, by
making dividends out cf the same fund, comes in
next fir it i share of the vituperatiou of the Editor.
Upon this point, however, your correspondent
Is constrained to admit that he cannot exactly
comprehend the argument of the Journal We gill
therefore dismiss It with the remark, that it was
ant intended to-carry out the analogy, as the eon.
test:ineicatel, to the palm of freed, but:usemly to
show that what was alleged to be a guaranty &-
Fatima all nab, on the part of the County, war no ,
more than a shallow took, without even the
merit of novelty to recommend it, contrived only
fir the 'cup, 0 of Inviting subscriptions, but
amounting us effect to nothing, becamse it was on
ly paying back to the stockholders a portion of
their own capital. Your correspondent did not,
however, rate to it sea fraud upon the public,
but merely as • species of humbug, as regards the
Wockloolders themselyee, excused perhaps in some
measure by the new and equitable provisions
which d involece, In thetinguiching between the
,otitrtbutort to the order of their priortty in time.
Wow! Weasel—A great many learned treatises
have been lemma, explaining the origin of, and class
ifying the Worm. generated in the human system.
Scarce any topic of medical ethnics ha. elicited more
acute observation and profound monarch; and ye
physiciwie are yeti, moth divided in opinion ou the
MITjeCT It malt be admitted, however, that alter all
a mode of expelling these worms, and purifying the
body Item their presence, is of MOTO value than the
w ines disquiaittans as to the Palen. The expelling
agent has at length been found—and in offering to the
public bllLeane's Verodfuge, the Proprietor. are confi.
dent that it will only requite to be used, to prove itself
supeelor to any now TO use.
For sale by J. KIDD fr. CO, No. GP, center of Foulth
e . Wood et, Pittsburgh. idert.d&wiesS
Improvement's in Dentistry.
- DE.STESEIOI, Isse or Boston, is prepared to
utanafseture and set Mona Tame in whole and ports
of nets, upon &tenon or Atmosphe r ic akin Plaice—
Towerteens =nen ewe runrrna, where the nerve is
exposed. °Mao and restdenoe next door to the hlne
orl ago, Youth strut, PLttsbarin
Rana ass./. U. lllTaddans P. H. Eason. Jail
A Cure mad Gerritleers a flame.
IQ" Stan wear Is saw or rtta P I
Was on
I hereby certify that about two weelttWeo w
ed witha violent attonk of ourtiormand purging Chol.
era Morton wish very distrenwing point in the momach
and bowel. which wan completely relieved by two'
teaspoonful doors of Petroleum, taken in a little we.
ter. After Mime taken the trot dosc4 I elope soundly
and comfortably 'for three boors. [Signed)
• On board the steamboat
Pittaburgh. Dee. 11th, 1E49.
I am Captiin of the Artadne, aid was a witness ti
the utonishing effects of the P,etroleUrn, In the case o
Henry Wise, who is one of the hands on tne hut,
Pittsburgh, Dee. 11th,149.
gree general edvernatment in weather chi=
el 3
1-1:1:11:4,.' • Dennal , Corner of Pnurth
" and Decatur, between
Kalket and Ferry lillet2ll
Manifittcs, Bat Lading,,Zontracts, Lou
RAND RUIN, rune!,,
sortaxs, Ac. &c.,
Printed at tin , shortest notice, at low prtees, .<<e
(i•nrrito Orrin*. 'Nom ssonst,
rusktura Loana ,061.11—Yrepared hy J. W. Kelly
'Malian, street, N. N.Y and for sale by A. Jaynes , No.
delurth street. This will be found a delichtial s
e beverage in families, and particularly tor sick
UnaM's,BniMs.—An improved Chocotnie prepar
don. being i combination of Cocoa out, innocent. i
mgomting and pelatable, highly meotionviided porn ,
nlasely for invaleda. Prepared by W linker. porcine
ter, blase., and for
au by A. JAY,. ES, at the Pek
Lea Stern, PIA 7il Fauna at mchlet
The RI ..... ley.
The name ol Alderman A. REINHART will
,bmitted, bio friend. to the convldevallon th
ppching Whig CAnvention. as a Milltbie eandLdin
or me Mayoralty of Pattburgo. . novg
113 - Wm. Algeo artil be • candidate for tit • NI
alty, sable. to me nomination of Mc Wltig Co aM nv
don. •
IfiCEl•nry Wllkoson .0 . 1 be candidate foe
the Mayoralt), subject ut the voteinetton ot th n e .r t ., Vhig
[17 -Jonathan Raub. Egg, the preornt May
or of Allegheny, •ill be a earth..te for re-elec
subject in the nomination of the AllegbertynWh. U
ETWe are auttolnred winnow... that 11 C
SPA will be s eandtdele tor the Mayoralty, soirees to
the nomination of the Whig Convention. nova:-tea
fp " 7 C L. MAGEE will be a candidate for the otter
of Mayer of the Coy of Pittsburgh, .object trt the de
cision of the Mos Convention. not4l
The understgned molt eheercully suggest the nnme
of THOMAS DAFT. of the Vagtith Ward Pitts
burgh. es a worthy eand.dete for 'Alayor. at the got.-
mg election, sub.ect to the derision of Whig and An
ureasonte Convention, and 'Arnold odd. if unsorm good
health, alt honest heart, end a soiled heed, turtosh the
!militia claims to public favor, thou ought our coodi..
date to be successful. MANY EIGHTH WARD VOTERS.
rrus auk...ribs, respectfully in`orms le. numerous
Cestcra.. and tbe public Kencl,ly.til•t. TVA
and FteNCY 60055 are nom op e. land 10( side lu I3e
large were room up maim, LOB Market I{l,t, whele
be teen the mrgest and meet maguitheeie aheol.
ment ever offered lor sale in Ibis MM. Vernon' with
Ing to buy cheap will plemk °ail, lbeee goods worn
imported direct by myself.
dell C VKAGER, 103 Market et
On December 3(4,4..0 Hamm ton of T. D. Leans,
Eat; • of Genoa, Ashtabula county, 0, agnd 4 ye.. ,
months, sod 15 days
%On Friday morning, W C. Pura, i¢ the 95th ye
his age.
His friends are reepeetfutly molted to atmnd th
natal, on Saturday, the 2:d Inv , at ig &Moog. fr,
cesidenee of tite fatlier.Ln.lam, John 11. Page. on
enth Street, near Glint . Ceti.
LocKwooas ti.i.usTRATED Wottiot—nt.- 800k...--Hooka in natty carved Innding
tkointoated and illustrated —ttook• .orrbly bound 3
Velvet, 1, , t1k, Morocco, artat Compnamon, m mmo°
of the Midd , Acr•—lliok , and Prater Roots, I,au
``fully bound in Vclvet And Morocco. mognEficetnly or
nacrtcntcd and illuolinstr ,l For •alr by
de2l Flook•riler & lapyrter Woml •t
Nervy mad Elaitastat Gift 800 k.%
QACREI , ACINt',... AND by /I T.
I.j Gemini ant eleven designs by Darley
Poetms al.d i . (00 ltnunta, by It bard 11. Dana,
tot nsu.nn.
Illamintnnl Gems of Sacred Post y, with t!lostra
boos engraved on etell, by John Stria,
Just rece,red by JUIIN, FON a FTI/CKTON,
enruer T,lnl anti Martel st
oT orr—Two Bartell ao,l One 1.1.. q
Ur marled -.ln. A.l Jr &Co ; )1,1,ne
b trust Veatu , r Mich Ean,t or. Any kn
rmauon rraveung =eau rce• Ivrd
by ase2l.n JANIE. P•RL,
S UGAR & MO..A , 6ES- . 43 ,1 t11 , 1:1 , 4 ,
per Cottnbi.n, and for ode , ow by
dr/J JAME 4 DALZEI.A....g Water o
DDRIEDPt:AOII:4-76 sacks lands:, and Tor •aie
. 01 , •:10 • Y''` 'd
1.0 and far tate by dal CH It. mti
---11<•• to day reed and for aale by
I&VA ,
,611a-3 CRAIG it SKINNER
IVA ran - sty. on conernnv , ltand
J.: (or r•Le ,
N 1 L& t
V. "'chi prt NI., Ann inf 1 , 111,
EN.•LA , II k IIk:NNE-1T
• N 1). rna,
50,11; 7 30ci boats Palm. la n od
_ .
()LL 7TER--3 ibl. an 00r stvi for bi
4wa L.N6Lit-11 BF-NSF-IT
_ .
1:1 . 1E GEM OFItIE SEASON, waMt ',urea omrar
engraving. .elloml W
Of: Same Teat. a Gift for a l Sles.olit, by I
The Floral Keep•lte f0r . 1550 lorlY eta braes
ettlnred corr. edord by J IZrt..
1,a(1-1. of Memo , 1. illeloomml Annual for 1550
Gem. of Brom, or Larrail t, by I.
The oral, a Pore Gil f..r the holy 1.411
II kkk eb t t.lealators,—• Ihmlay by M A
Gilt 1...11 of Alitel.itO Poetry, eMied by R. W
The Romancl• of Notore, or Poeheal lotopmee
Plower.; oy 'nooses MID.
The Pow, Me-N.4.1 . 11,A by Mn F. S Smith
The blow. - by Mr. P
The Snow fl Ls. berto , folly lo.t.ated
The Cbapl - 1 Of L.ltetary 011., 'rah Colored coe,ra
e flow Odenng. or lihropi , of Home Life, by
C Floff 1111
The GM of Ptrevelv , P, • Token nl Protembralme.
The Ilyuemill, or nefee•lon , tiAl. for 1.33 u
j The for IttliO. by bethor Fr-enk.
i Apples of GeM to Pleturea of :ptlver, byto I- II Pal
Flora's .Gma. or the lloquet for a.t Sesaans, veal .
heal:Maul eratml t•
The Doman Room Sent , Boot, with arr.:ray a.m..
'rho W CharaMertetme of omen: by Sir. .lameaott
The Heroine% of Suaberesre, w4ta forty nee engra.
me., from drowirora by etledoeol
and Vreyer Sao. to every etyla L.l btrlding
to 'lot the ok.l of purchn4era
For obe by & ENIII.ISII,
tin, :9 Wood etre., .awl 19,4.11
Om Poor II
mond alley
rills: 13A. , K. OF ENGLAND
ht - .
for sole
i its properi • in ihe clay nt Priks , .urel , , •ntorCed .
the ca.rner of I. Cvair street and Duquesne Way, hey.
tne lii feel an mt. Clwr • tre, SDI tea on PutaavSfic
Wry, and 210 feet on Ilokee • alley.
TM. prop< 3 contains I /111.1 t ~:•41-: ACHE of eo:u
oble around.. ...coal , e of a sohd..tan which
would prove i e hly prOteotne. 0 one yvi.hme to re awl
. breldstm loto of me usual sire, or to smprov• , A
plan o f the sohtlivkmon tan ne Berri et the [ace of the
On tbdprnr \env re erected free anksmoiliol Brick
Buildinga on el Clout n«4(1, dud., Iye,„
known as the -lied Lion,“) • nuro. , or 0. &ma l e l.tnid
-1000 on Duquesne Way and Harter a al ey 10a011 oe
y,,,d by I ownyend, Carr A Co,) and Me 91u0. mt.
Lebed to the 10•0111.
11., (Clllll la.± , .'MO per annum, and the property but
ne third improved
It.rney ta Low, FOCI, tzL street
New BTielice Jo. Arrive.
SACnF.D Bei:NE! , AND CDA r.Rs , iy J. T.
11..adiy, wIW orig nal designs by D 'icy
rom• ond Pro, Wrlttorr• of 11. DAnit
ph T etrian Sod Pame.d. or PrActical Vlen of the
Moral Dube, I.elist.ons Icterett. abe NI,
PrOics.lion end C01...0i1y. by W. Ilnokrr, D
The Pilflloll a
I' Datishir 5, by
J. K. rauldirtr,
ItiPhof Of the
Lair Drinvii. ora [arida View of Mexico not ral
tfornta. with Wan& r.nro• ul rcro, Chili and Yo.y..o.Ast,
by Lteut Wiee. For rale by •
dell ELUL/ rr A F.Nr.a.1.1 11, Ili %Vaud .1
WORK BASKI•NrI —The largnxt and
■ AfinleV. aFliorurient ever brought in It . ciiy, reed
4.55, from P.m mid for .41 le low by
• YCADEII. Mark, ‘E
doll _------
A I‘. ERIC AN Tr/I'2.—A lotr3e n..ortroeut of Atom.
0. Manufactured toys, toe ho-t a. 1.1 ,Iriovi
sionliel made in Abe •vr.rl.l nil
dr.,l t: 1II? , Macs,
. .
1.11,1:VN FOlt Val • -•\ It Mewed , ' n.
len.sud of Inv, CP• 10 hie woorone.. NUM'S,
or/law:mg Owa hand...ore ^11.,,,ned war
raided taw olors. A1.0•I 11‘11•11 I
bn„d.,wwei.dd,r..., mid a awed eawirunent or hell
eguted 116111 Prude and Chintlea, for 0.111.
W It Alllll'lls'
TWILLED cutitAis
i bas rec , l a futlher wow) of Oulu cadet
1 wil.ed Chuoues, at the North East come
Fourth sod Markeists.
.. ! c
,Al 9 cm.k,
dc2l. 11 . n ud Wood
1.7 c•sey,beryy Wit 1,011;
emeks Grapy Ilres1).
c 9, j411.l reed cm ennazgnrortit,
6 qr far yyly ft
YR FLOUR-Ll3.blbts Tyy.,l y : ly , b y
Lt., AAR I
, A , 2. ouNsroN • 111 beyond 00
VLOIJR-30 bbl. , s'y exua 149aPy k
OAP-90 boxes Cinclubatb for Yaly by
' 1011 J DILWORTH CO eo
_toolbe )4," reedai;:llor y.le by
J KIDD & CU,. 0 ISoo
CAgit. Mi..
11,017.E.,(.1;yUE-1.00b4 9uperior,,
'MERVLILO lb. Jon read Ivor for fate by
ILOVES-2 bales un hAna .d for sale by
pEPYER-951) lbo Awn.° Cayeabr. n ell lIIId
4aly by ,dYII JKIDDk
FLOUR— I t b h , i .l , . „. E.ay• Fattly. brand,
;), 950 bbiolaortme,ss.l,l474lMr
BETTER—A few bbla Extra Roll, fest reed ...afar
Reed ^To I, jart readand fa
a r
L ARD --8 bbl. . dale by . dee! ARRISTRONG CROZER
VAMILV FLAW id tads Farmer & laribs
brated brand, In Ude and for tale by
deet A I
_S . R Z
.1,1 safe by dal
Wks to diY Rc`d and far
AEU__ ub
ds7 ree'd
de2l - received sod
w 1 ; 9 u R b `d a :27 6 ; , " 4 —'-r
UCKWHEAT FLOUR-uks (hulled,/ s
siffiGNO k en°
bbl (n 1)
by far isle I
C Gif
d f or isle by
I) dr.&
jolzparra and
0 ifor bale by Front_ street
,I, L ady') GIN
I._lT'eFmLs of Stheralsa"roa; 'Gems of se anti;
It'asselat; Gift of Friendatoo; F/" . .' 1 . ',' e lt e . :_ k .A...
Romance of Nature; Hyseinett; Cto r d s - L ts
Christmas Blossoms; Gil Leave. of_ eeve r mee,er.
Golden GUI Fnendahip Offernty 1 . . ts
Resde's Female Poets of
...4 ..
The Brilliant; Proverbin: I . h e d e
.. p g ta .. lii
Beefed Annuls; flutTo.t U . l :4, . t p .
Soo* Flake; Keepsake of Fr tun , ,
1 °nog Lady's Offenfir,
Ibbles and Prayer Books, bo ,, n i o b d in velvet and mo
JOHR:"7.".(TON Zgrociaori,
M kat and Third ets.
de2o _ cr'!' -' —.
. .
Q PAINISII CIGARS-0,000 p;.l.ll3,Alskeed SlLL,and or
sale by No lit Wood st
" "a"
DEACIIES-M bid. just reoM and for men bY
I de2u
_Eyyjillllr. SILL
CILOVEII SEED-10 bide in store and for 36i0 1,
_, dada l_-------Thrr" SIL Lt
C ORY de . BROOMS-lu° do: in stmili ni pi x on i g Li y ,
• • __
YPT.R—Iu bags br core Ancj for talc by
. F E tr ERS-3000 lbs P~e~ to rtorq - r sale
BUTTER—Ia kegs, bbls and boxes, for sea by
JJ dell°_ sTueay
- ;ANs—Z) hbl. "b
IOFFEE—A sm.' lot for sale bj
• --
TOBACCO-20 Sys s'. AO e's, for male b_y
TEA -80 hf cbests for sale by
IIIERS-6110 bys Rattly just reed .d for solo
- - -
-D LICK Er 6-100 don. In core and Inr sale by
LmtD__,o bbla No Leaf;
30 too do; for sole by a _ _
dolt; RtIEY,
bbl. White, rot
do U f sAllrrozws
r°1 bn
'1.;14717; 'lZ•gll4°,;.°l , . co
T ALLOW -34 em. al
s< by
ibe in .arc and for sale bY
)OWDER-130 9 kega Blasting. last arriving and for
sale ay dew DILWORTH /a CO
OIL BUTTER-2 Ws (1..11, la cloth. jaat reed
tt • dc2o J 8 DILWOR+H .4. CO
PEACHES—I3O bo tn store and for salo by
delo J 8 DILWORTIah. CO
bxs WR, for sale low by .
kiucsb I 8 DILWORTH d. CO
OLX9SES-40 bbls 8 11, St James' Rsfivesy,
strie by de DILWORTH tr. CO
rr.l R-40 bbl, N C, In store and for sa.e by
CMARS-tWO 000 Fral r fTpa ni oisb, in store, for sale by
E GGS -3 bb,s Eggs 111 wore and for sale by
Ida Second lama
13u,IT B— "'" '"*"e`ri,'?4"Ztl i ttPtlFOGLE
1 /ECKW HEAT FLOUtt-..50 sae. in stare .cl far
) anle by deed r'OPE & BREVFOOLE
lir EN APPLES —VS bb , . rec'd 1001 far Dale by
deo COPE tr. 1111EYFOGLE
F(i III:TIER-1 4 ker Fresh. to arrive this day
CUPS n LIREYFOGLE.. 10 . 2 Second at
_ .
F - • -
LOUR-40 ntdrjurt reed end for sal, ny
P PER LEATHside, in corn and Curses by
I FATHER SCRAPS-2 sks in store and for sale by
I,kk landing and for sale bj , H
bbl. Dried, for sale by
drisl C H GRANT
SEEDS -4 bags ElsAseed:
,• I bul Timothy seed; for sale by
T AR 9-9 bbls recoring And tor rale by
UGAR —lO bhde primee. N 0,
'7l lubbl. Refined. tnr ..le by
dr,r, ' D WILLIAAIB,IIU Woalul
Nit/LASSES bbls P111.1.1.10ni ._ .
le ttf Lb's Sayer Holm,.
10 - Golden Syrian Int sale by
(11 , 11,1•1 4 11-1. , boxes 'sees=
I's 0 English Dairy; foe sale by
de2o /1 WILLIAMS
11011,:'-20 Lroir. VI kiss Comb, Co r ;rAs br Ams
1))1.A.,c-K,,TEA-20,bcf4hetts Choir
D esa l ttr . lgo
It S d l , Sp —al boxes I's and 2's, for sale
doszlenor C 0..,. ; ; n w erytroaxF
7.Nt. w A: 4 11 BOARDS-20 dos Ifobisys k Co'.. r•
.ale y er2J 11) WILLIAMS
CANDLE 9-30 box. Steanne,
OA '''''
- ''''''''' IIftVILL2AMS
DRIED FRUIT-2M nett and 49 Bela Poacher
Ititi•e•) prtme nevi. crop:
UM Cu Apples. received and lc
4,4 31 Water and 0.1 Freda at
G ll.l:tfi uy A P L 413 bbls, jogizr F alt N for
h 00M14-10 5 do:
y F:r cb tl .b l fl:+7.l . l , eV ey
EAL-19 Labia Corn MaaL re L
W ed and for sale b
GUTTER-13ht,bo und 80 kegs, {melted, m prim
1.1 order tar bhminag, (or 1010 by.
. .
,' V tor reroortog Tartar, I , curvr, Canker, and all
substances tleatrtsett•e to the Teeth. it is &bean, .o
the‘, the mouth, beating and atrenall
leg the gun ' s, and purl(' tog the bream.
Wrest wholesale and retail, by
dentl IVE SELLERS, 37 Wood
SHAMllAs—Ree'd per express, and dos day
A. A Moon no 's, CM Motet
.tem—P cases operior Lang Noon SO•sta, and
Brush% do. -dad
• ---
117. E eases super French Black Silk Vi•
y truanungs, rce'd per erpress, al
de,!) A A MASON I CO'S
lASIIMERE , ADC LANE--S cues super new
ll •t, Cruanneres and: Do Laing, with very high
colors, reed ar.d now opening at
SSW /30022.81
wArt WITII MEXICO, by II S. Ripley; 2
Eleseci,s 4i Rhatorici comprising
Lc I.ants of Aloes! Evidence and of PI
Poniard 'lately, D. D.
Essay on Clo basalt Papaws; by Uspust W Moad, M.
de llarlarns, a Novel. .„
lorry Pale., from all Narlona' rhony IL Mon
a. with nt Am. - anon. by 1141 .
mvi reed ay JOHNSTO, .STOCKTON,
dein corner Third an Marker streets
I;,her,litri,l,lo.7.lfoa,i.e.lriso re landing atcoma
ow " ISAIAH DICKEY tr. CO, From at
- Fow landing d f I
WV . ; -.
' • _ • _:
AND PELTS-9 dnx dream!, wath
Z 1 v. ont, c dell/ I DlCK},}' &CO
S 1 41 N c;;- '''" " .IZL tAlf
Alto—r^ bbl. sod I ticree No 1, lauding 1
sad for sale by
dclio 11sAIA 1I DICKS}_}. CO, F
ARD& TA LLOW-39 .u 6 No d l o Lard,
LLu ßlo Lattl;
16 " Tallow; Iwo re •
.11r I,y_tle!o.
VI.AR hors prune New Suit.;
CI " istr On; store and
11,3. - . E bt,:a Eva. Sager C 1
I'd cf Roungs, In more and Int Rein ATT -
• • in:ll,i D bids
_dc 11 SE&A.I-113 & NICOLS
bblispaL' ilflU lr E el&lli t ..l ... lr
z : 4 1 . 7Z ,
"" I N EV: t ' • 71!:'
. - -- •
,N 1 •a, I)) RtIF.IL!SAITIIE-WS tt.
I •A •It WI EAT }'LOUR—S O tacks to stole and (01
. 1 t.) 14,17 COSI , : tr, BREYEOFLIt
17 um mod for sale by
""S '
p,i.,11 1.... mks pure, in store and for nale
J k It FLO
b b y bi. fr d e:/ ree'dlttailsitflaN7
- I tas Cream, la non, and for sale by
1)1', r,,KL°Lfzi''.4lar °
L"P;4) PIM/LSE-16 bblo I t t s t E Lo i rlndlowg i bi
rrAdle , V
W-14 bblg As% r<o'd and for +alo by
LARD IL-15 bbl. Corklins's No 1, WI oter Strata.
ett, In store and for sale by
INSEED UIL-30 bbir .ire and ior eel. Iky
PIRITS TURPRNTINE-15 bbl., in prime order,
In elan and for sale by
dal{ enizas a NICOL!
pigs Sob Galen. for sale by
COTTON—t 6 bales, per Ladis Coffins, far sale by
dell) Ell EY. MATTHEWS R. CO
SOAP -50 boxes landing from steamer New England
and for .83e, to close consigninent,ll
getml Second bend 0
S riet. Piano, in excellent enter, with three pedals,
prier, Slop.
1. dog oxb, in good order, 450. For rale by
dela 11. KLEBFR
JUST ree'd, .. n elegant plain Roseecoal 6um Piano'
from the celebrated manufactory of Nun. .1k
Clark. N. of superior mon, and ver,mocc . rate mice/
For gala by N. KLEUCH,
dela at J. W. Woodorella.
rIIRE subscriber has on hand it very choice and good
soortment of Ladies' and Misses' MUFFS, wilieh
odelo, very WV Those who swish s, good
Auld do :evil so call end examine his assortment,
[AT AND CAP STORE, SmnbfiAld %see's..
dela :fur JAMES WILSON.
lORN-30(1 tux in mom and for sole by
r delß S fe W HARBAUGII
VV' Jost reed. an invome or fall jewelled patent le
ver Watches, Ie carets fine eases, *hick I can sell as
low as thlny and thirty five dollars, and ararmated to
keep good vine.
Alan— h splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com
prising Me various and latest styles, and best patterns.
W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler,
deib corner Market and Fourth streets.
ILICNT--.A. STORE,' well Erred up for Dry
Gmals, an Market at., between Third and Fourth.
pomeamon given on the In of April neat.
Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Possrasion
given immediatery. E. D. GAZZASI,
dell) Office over the Pam Office,llord si
F ,,LTHlas ,. — nd i7 l. l...zs e , t wdtng from steamer Loy •
__.-- . _ .
SCRAP IRON-6 casks receiving and for sale by
OTATOES-65 bbls ix, wore and far .1.1 by
RIFD PEACHE'A-4: 1 bob.
dell) 9
UNDEUM—I sock Timothy Seed: 3 eteks Rags
Side BaeonLin store and for race by
WANB—I4 bbls,Small IaiNNER
0 T AT° b q t)
TUOOte-2 sacks In store and for sale by
ARD—In kegs, in store and for side by
W d REN APPLES —2W bbls in store and for sine by
We n
(ANIONS -18 bblo rec'd and for tale by •
O A d r 7l-3, '4O bn nom an.
T"' to BEDS —l.O dim
FLOUR -6 0 Obis Extra FA&1111
100 " SoperllA.:
20 " Fine; in mare and for sale by
RAS CIDER-2nartartie r bble and 3ld Able, a floe d
Cfor sale by BURBRIDGE, WILSON & CO,
delB NVater et
ER- 1 2 bbls Fresh Roll, this day reed and far
Bsale by dad ARMSTRONG le CROZKR
LOUlSVlsaleby dLLE
elb A LIME— RMSTRONGIOO bble Fresh, juSCROZER ree'd.for
SALERATUS-12 casks Salerstux;
40 boxes " " in 001 , 0100
For sale by dee WICK & MoCANDLESS
B delEr 74X—l bbt. W7 k 51cCANDLE.SS
E PSOM SALTS-10 bbis4:7oi , gr c atl i fy i l.tlq
LOUR-b® bbl. E:rn Femily wrier article,
GLL BUTTER—d bbl, prime, inn elnt ~ reed and
P E d ii c tED PEACHES-5 bblajtoyee'd. Ibr F Llcby
S e. W HARBAuwi .
ENDOW GLASS bon, agy'd ree'd mnd
(by .ale by acid , W DIADEMUGII
q IS--I'4ACX4E'''''"n" ;:l 7 NqiZ faiOr
Christmas and New Ictu's
blee for the coming holidays, at LOLIKWOOD'Si
by T W. O. Mapieson, Feu., 4to, elegantly bound in
dark more., gilt edges, antique style; SU
"Some of the happiest effusions of Minoan. Lonx•
fellow. Bryant, Wild., Whittier. Ilaileck, riprocue,
Dana, Mr.. eignerney, and Mrs. Ernbury, among oth
ers, enrich the isolume.ii—Matchmen
"Thew are printed mom delicately and perfectly, a
' lithographic German Text, on Mistal board, each pag
being framed by a rich illuminated arabesque border
in gold, triter, and colors, ttirb . TigCeltt winced i
the borders."--(Cominercisl.
"Ito first illuminated volcano amities been attempt
ad on Oils side of the Atlantic—and with regard to th ,
beauty of designs, and the execution of them, way b.
raid to rival, if not swipes*, any thing of the kind
Amok. "
, Love's Requiem," by Climes Fenno Hotfinan• '
Mother of Mi.," by Mn. Osgood; "The L end of
Dreams," by Wm. O. Bryant; "Lees in the Cop of
Llt ,' • by Mrs. B. 0. Home; "The Night Contrib.° bp
Me.. Fmnury; "The Tournament et sere," by 11. "°
Kerber.; "Oreensvood,' Ay Mrs: Pinder; "Worship,'
by Miss Bayard: "The Child'. 1.R.A.."
bury—Small folio, illummated in the most sane •
manner by klapleeort, .talth borders and vignette
primed in gold, silver, and colon; bound in morocco
on. =alive style,—forming-the meet elegant and re
ehercbe book of the kind ever predoted in thin coon
try. Price, BEL For sale by
dole Bookseller and Imoorter, 63 Wow/ it.
Trenton Mutual Life Imam Compan
¢.Tf OF ParXll.ll. 21000 W 25 P. MT.
Capital, 2150.000.
mr JAMES DURNO, Agent at Patabcagb
MM. 01 1,111.10[1, ellerrOet, 011, :mum.
James Ho Jr. I Joseph C. Potts, Pr&
0 A. Perdicaris, V.
Benjamin Fish.
John A. Went, Eli Morrie, eeetetat P.
• Jonathan Fir., Transom,
aesa lo”.
Comptroller oo New York
Geotge Wood.
Jahn F. Mackie.
David Dudley Field.
Joseph Home.
I Es-Gm. Vroom
I Isre Wildrtek MC.
01 P. I Wm. A. Hewed, M. C.
Er.-One. M. Ihekerson. Hon. S. IL Hamilton.
A. Sidney Doane, M. D IW. W. Umber!, AL D.
32 Warren or., Ai. Y. I 301 Walnut et, Phi Pa.
The Agent of this Company, at Pmahurgh. is auth
orised to take every first elate nak ein Ire al o reduc
tion itf newaytAm pit was, from the 451131 sates of pre
return m charged uy other Coropentet.
A man 30 years of age, miring a Polley of Insurance
for One Thousand Dolton—
To min for one year, pays only $9,60.
do seven "
do Llfeume, "
And in the same proportion for any 1E.1121 up to surak,
which In the extent taken on any one life.
This company commenced operation on the 'I st Oca,
10.48, and its monthly Mminesi op to the lit Oct ,
shows apooore.. creeiding that of any other Life -Corn
party on record.
Tbe first dividend of profits will ho - declared to the
armored on the lit January, POI ,
Pamphlet. containing the various tables of rates,
and ill Use necessary information on she Inaccaant
subject of Lire &mummer, will be furnished 011 &mill
cmion to JAMES DURNO, Agent,
del? Alonongabela How's.
SUbLANCE COMPANY 1011 Dean Polick. of In
parance avainn Loss cm DAMAO]. by FnuL upon Dwell
ins! and F. urnnure, Stores, Gnods, dr., tee- on uppl.-
canon to dcl7 JAMES DURNO, Anent.
SEMITE INSURANCE, ma Ptltabscrgh
The gpting Garden Health Insurance Go., •
INSURES Males end Females against the Expense
1 and Loss occasioned by :Meknes or Accident, by
au im mediate allowance of from 93 to 06 per week,
for one, two, three, or font years.
The method of, effeeting this insentnce. and the
manner of awarding Me sick allowahea, will be folly
explained by the Alt...M.
A person can imam against Soto," or Accident
which will detain him from his ordinary bertha., as
relieves, vie,
For one yew . , by mins S4,W,ein3 receive :QV woe ,
For two " " " 4
Or, fur a penod of four yens, La. burn of _
oually, Will seeure $9 per 'r
Wil e lit while Piet .
F:very nece••••ry infortnatiou tbe afford ed
' , abject of Insurance getr i r t a:ll,..bp____ o,
11,3 i DU. , n
del7.46nt Monongahela fletta.
,‘ oCAti:5l , -.20 - ihill - N.4l.,:rhe z . r i
B - i.t Ea el .su by
LYI dela
SUNDRIE...--4 halos Cotton: 08 Vas
44 bags Fesate7; 1 limo
is sactA Wool;
Cam Lamb Skins, with wool;
3 Jos tqxrep skin.,
:' doe " dreA•ed:
'ro arrive on stenine r Fort Pitt.,and f'or oak. I.y
. mt 4 In /ILIAD DICKEY .t Ct 7, Ego..
VIP.E MUCK A TILE—A Imtge RS ortlelq Im snt'e
rdt:rAL--Ivto,,s, suitable for F
. stin ) tt•e,lutl
ree'tl mud for Role by
debt Ilft ROY, JONES .ICO
lust field; and for sale by --
CI deli 6-'
WIMP! CFDAFP—A lot of [Coda: Logs, contigned
• • to'L. Cohen or Cooler, will to sold to pay charge*
if rtot eldled for orithm .19 days
dol4 6E013 atILTENTI3ERGE.II, t 7•7 From et
Lati.if easels, (setcooloreJ ej
. yar d,
Pow °oolong at A A MASON foCCI'S,
No GO larkot
CU. and bale, Htd, Walla and
'tallow Flannel, including a large lot of Brown
Barred and Waite Country Flannel, now oponlog al
rEATLIERS--42 sacks, prune qualtty, reed apirot
sale by deli CEO COCHRAN
AMILY BlaNKM , —Another lot just ccc'd ot
F those splendid 10-4 and 144 superfine family blue
hem, for We at the Illankbt neat or Fayette Menu.
(emeritus Company, No 1.3 Merkel st de.tter
N ° lh T eretitea gta L te Dtee S t i o il ig, Leo oleneiV n trac o e f
at the comer of sth & Solittincld nu, for the pernmo of
receiving the name, locatton, and besineu, of every
trot any balances man In this Coning. Thoy have M
la? wats te attend to thee reception of information
reVulnm ioc any not this B rent undertaking.
tBlitYS., ads 'Smithfield, and 141 Cheroot
pt., Philadelphia.
Second Iland P 114110.4
ONE eeeond hand Pia., el octave., poce
56 ••• - 46
" ••` 6 " • 4",
For solo for cash at the above pier, by
dpy JOIVI ti !CELLO& tt Hood
UT Jollka D. Davis.
- -
Peremptory Dire of Staple and Fasarq Dry Cowie.
On Monday n. prolog, December-441h, at 10 o'clock, at
the Comment. a t
Room*, corner et Wood sal
Fink weer. a dt he told, arithour rererre, for cash
A large sad ,metal sasutUreur of staple and busty
Dry Goods, to dose sundry nourtgrunems bcfcs the
new year.
At :O'clock.
GroSt<flv, (teem:lnward, Furiture— Ic.
6 ball Ow. Y fl Tea, 6 bbt. N o Suttlrt t V' MLA
Am. Brandy. to Md.. Sweet Potatoes, tl Ltd% Whits
Reims In bbl' fresh fine Floor, le bat tarty yariega •
ted Soap, r, ddr. Canal Shovels, 8 dot Coal nod Devoe.
shire Shovels, ho.
A large and r metal 1.6.011626111 mu; out
hand household fartucare, embracing nearly all the vs.
riety wanted by bourekeepere and others; Chinaware,
gl V aasware, num flatware, looting glasses, Mathes beds,
At 6 o'clock,
F”hlonablo coodyntade Clothing, G.A. - ate, fine
tliry, 'hot gunc, patois, gold - and :Lier orittensit,
ey notaries-Ito
Underteri.ter'Y Seas of 15:imaged Confetiolusy,4t.
This efternoo 1, December :Mod, al. 2 o'clock, at the
Commercial Saes Rooms, re
caer of Wad and Fifth
etreess, min be l .sold, without reserve, tar CLik Mr •
reSU y
romssFigs. good yeahtf; quesent - . of Candler.
Rice. and a valiery of tkrueL4 been' tun extensive con •
(Malone° , store, which have slipbtly damaged
by water.
Ales-0 bbls Y. O. Sugar; 10 bbts Sweat Potatoes; •
larg . e and general Weenie:en; of bon • eloldand Mak.
en taToitare. ea. Eave s 3 parlor grate& fee.
Ponttre Safe of Eight VsNab?, Buiddiw Lgvu.
On Tbarsday, January 3J, 14110, will he told, on de
premises, the folowing very valuable Real Fatale, i4ll
sate of which wasepeismoned from the 14th lost, vi=
Al 10 o'clock. -
.nove fore very &viral:de lots of rosins, v jtuircs
Penn street, between Marlw o' and Wow stsesist
each having a Irani of CO feet en Pena street, chd es•
tending back 110-feet to Brewery alley.
' At 3 o'clock. I': n,
"bree large and valuable low. situate on the wait
side or Seventh .trees, between emithfield and Grant,
having each or • hunt or 29 font, and eaten:lino bark Ito
feet to Strabotry alley. Telma, cash par funds.
/OHS D DAVIS, laot
Large So/ erk.l"4
On Friday and Saturday evenings, Den. slat =dna,
at 6 o'clock, at the Commereiul Soler Booms. corner
of Wood and Ftfth streets, skull to sold, without 00.
serve—a large collection of valuable SlDeellancata
Books, embromog Stodird Works In alt the various
departments of Science and therniure.
Pule illustrated Books, in r eh binding; Family apd
Pocket Miles. in grout variety; Prayer Books, plank
Books. Letter and Cap Writing Paper, Cautounrcral
and Pocket Post of snperior (polity, &o.
derni JOHN.D DAVIS. &net .
SI EAM BO A T t'.,
fog sole by
TIIIS well knovrallne of splendid passenger Steam•
ors is now composed of the largest, rem-idlest, bas
ithed anal famished, cod most powerful boats on the
wavers of tee IVeet. fiery accommodation mod cm.
fort that money can procure, has been provided for pas
senriers. The Liao has been in operation for five yew
—his arried'a utillion of people without the least ilia
ry to their persons. The bouts will ho et the foot 0!
'ood -.reel the day previous to standup. far the recep
tion of freight sod the oilil7 of passeurrs on the rests
ter. In all eases the par sass money roast be paid to,
lean I'Ltrourgb every Sunday morning el to Oeicekt
When!nig. tr."' undny eve- in 3
May DJ, 1747. •
The DIUNODIGABELA,Capt. STOrtf Li! leave Pitts
bargh every Monday morning at ID o'clnek; Wheel-in
every Dlonday evening at to r.
The 1110F.11NIA N.. 2, Capt. J. 111.01=1"; 0, 1 ,0
irnvo Pittlburph ,very Tees Jay momi. at 10 otk.ll
wh, c .th.,.. re. ry Tur,lay evotputz nt 10 P.
The NEIV ENGLANTI No. 2, Capt. S. C . : tv, telt,
leave Pittrbero every Wcdpvedny o..pranh
o'r!ork; Wheektv et!rty WeoneoJav evering •
, •
The BRILLIANT, Capt. Gum:, wilt levee Flue.
burgh every Thur.-Ivy rnontine et ICI oVvek; Wittelll , 4
every Thumlny ',prone at ID e. v.
F albn - nibKVT .
The CIATI'EiI So. 2, C.: , era!
,ri mornlntrnt Wir tet.
in, ev 1
0 F.
roa Loulava.L.E.
o;x4i ThEon steamer .
ttown, atetee, will leant; leir Wren
port on Tuesday the PietiD Inn, at ID
clock• A. n.
For freight., pl. wen.° apply on boar& or •d
Thn fan stenroct
manor STATE,
Cochran, nonner,sv il l leave for aboro
nd Intermediate ports on Saints/KT
th- "Nth inch, IV 4 o'clock, P.
For freight at psasago MIPly on board or to
dell) ' Ph; rrwasw k co Acts
The One Uree light drealght mauler
Maeda., mane, vv.. leave for the
above and all inh•rmaidlate parts ha
th II day, the lid inzt, at 4 , cloak, P. M '
For froahVoy paaantre apply an
The splendid fast tannin; steams:
done, master, wilt letttce for aboka
tnd tdl toterraediatc . 00tti 011 Sates
day. the ?:d intt.flt 4 o'clock, l' 111,
The iteTethe Craws Out 1.1.1y.C.-,G.. Tact.
For freight or rotsage,apet7 on hogro, or to
nor2l ,
"'F.{ TIGREW &GO A •
1--oa Sr. LGIL3.
~_• - The fine. pagwnger Steamer '•
...-.. ' T. VEELNON .
Kura; muter. will leave 'for Ric
:the above and all intonnecliate
. pOrta
ling day at 11/ o'clock, IL AL
For freight and plumage apply on board. dull
The splendid fast running siesuites
C blelsisliE, ST. 8. Cosisselli
, 1911SICI"
, (having undergone a thor.
• — t • ouch repair.) wid run hereafter as a
regular pocket bnisicests,Pittshazglis
Wd 11Thecling, leaving. Piitsburgh crag Moods?,
ednesday and Prididi mornings, KIS o'clock. Fn.
freight cr pluinge apply on board, or to
dent AIIAISTRONG do CHUM, Agents.
Hon./tams Campbell
David H. White.
Alexander Cid:amine
W. J. P t White, P. M
Christmas and Near Year Appramihisidi
Autigue Binding, for the ifolidaya
JAMES LOCKWOOD, Ifooksalley d brporter,
d 3 Wand street, has renewed a beautiful collection
of Illuatrawd ltooka, bound in the moot splendid man
ner by the beat London and Ameriewt bindars—among
them may be found: •
Pearls of American Poetry; magnificently Blominta
oted. •
!nays or the Weaterts ‘Yorld, In gold and
Pr o ho Gweeej richly lilostrotter. •
The Preacher, illuminated by °swan — Jones, and
hound In caned wood.
'rhe P er r stcfir ilu r nf d n T nt h ed by Jane..
Flow ad Mo Kind ougns,rharn
iattr Or
Heroines of Shakspeure; illustrated.
Mrs. imoesort's Chararteriaurs at Women: Musa.
led. For mile 'by JAMES D LOCKWOOD,
dell• G 3 Wood sum:
Viqiß BED illiANKETS—Perrous wonting 'to
CI supply thetenrivrs with a anpenor of Bed
Blkers, outdo of very hoc wool. will huddle:a in One
Dry . liondu Hoorn of W It hil/SPLIV ,
North Earl corner of Fourth and 31artet ane
.apply of Brown, White and
51A.1)1: FLANNELS—AIao, While Doniestio Linsey,
'received and for salr, lure.
Wholesale Rooms op airs acl2
S—:A bbls ISt Louis Re fi nery It 97.4 .
t• Golden Sr p ; for eye
Agents :or 9: Losii Steens Refinery
. . .
LEAD—lald No Olden Lood;
,o, K , lb, 8., fend; to .tore and for solo by
_ ____ _._
SHUT—ILI kegs 1.'4, all nam ,,, fa; sale by
n , by ~„,,„, C.,,,,k,e., Illearitale, sul ' d Physi=
mane, at tne lees ankle or diet crow krAarn far lova- •
14'16 tool Chlldrea, susznor I' At ro wroot, Sago, 'Cari
oca he. For wale. wholesale and reial„ by •
a,,, R E SELLERS, 57 liroo , :, at
00Acca...15 text No 1. Glandlog fros,
.watrt , , 1305 t., and tor oole )
1111.1-I.`ll liereen store nod for Pala. .
EOilt,ill.ll-12 coots .Cdisalo, uttnre and for iiC_;.
J D,
d 4 clll Round Church Broo,o,
lJ .utly on bal.o and. fnj .ste Dy
dell BROWS
; 1 / 4 1 , OtTDEN TUBS-7 do s in *A.,.
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1.5 d.. 17 COPE lc twFoaCE
` l'—,ll blult N. U., for sale ay
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. - . Cif GRANT
L 1A , 1F , . ; t,i,.,
Jj tilt: ti e...T.-tVI task.. Duca, far r a I
s' I !MEN bbl, eladen V1151,1[80{1S:
reed awl ldr sale by
LA a l c ig-3:, kegs in itorc and fist,,y
A.11.313'11 . 1.1.rai ... CIIOZER
Scone lii:4M7oDikiJiii, - ... , 7, -, ,; ~-;.5 ?„ - TiiiraV
dcl7 - ARIllh - kIIONG ,
IT- Cif
EATIIEf-.,2 sacks. to daitreNt.n.r._,Sg
f tasESE= t prime. W. tt.: for,„,ms
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der/ • NICE
FE,ti;"Eas—'' ~','fkrre.nDLEss
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LOUR— Is F.naityr
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I'TTON HAS! , -4 ta..
ill ti• I. 4- T o cat , good stile
, fkq ro M I.nsle, et extmatety 1.4
P.e itc yao4. PIASCIPPio CO,
dei4 Pio PO PLANK