BY MAGNETIC ''RA REPORTED ar, TELiconAPIIEO fOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE Private Correspondence of the Plitsbergh G.ette. RECoNCILIATION OF PARTIES AT WASH WASHINGTON, Dec. 20,—P.M. Both panics held csuccesea lan night, in refer. enoe to tha election of Speaker. Committees of conference Were appointed, corn pond of P..s mem bers cui each side. Mr. Vinton, of Ohio, la chair inn tithe Whig Committee, and Mr. Stanton, of Kontuelly,ehalonae of - the Democrat. Ceminutee. A onattpromisa is expected; and a Speaker and clerk will probably 'be chores a Saturday. In the Dem< emtie ennens,..mucti debate and excitement prevailed, upon the ant ject of idavcry. A proposition WAS introduced by Mr. Gerry, of Maine, to consult with the Free Sailer., bet it Wan not adapted. • PHOCEEDII GS AT COLUMBUS. c,,c enen. Dec. `4. . The Ohio Senate a making no progess in the Weal= of Speaker. CINCINNATI MARKET. Cmcuexem, Dec. 20 rfogr—The warm w,ather caec/ei.l operatic,na to day, but towards eight a grew e.rlder, eat: meg- Wel kite were sold at t 2 50(ei.3 00 per 100. Mew Pork—Sales 500 brie Cr SS 50 per brl. Whiskey—Sales at 201 c per gall. Other articles are generally without chaage. The riser has then four and a half feet. Goa- Adorable rata fell last night. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Nan , QIILIJOIS, Der. 19. Masi Pork has dec:incd to $3 50 per hrl. Cotton—Nothing hos been doom In Cotton since the rocelpt of the Ilbernia's helve. NEW YORK 'MARKET Ncw You, Dec. O. "Gott:in—Owing to Mt inclement weather, but-i -nept has beau dull to day, and prices reciano eta. tiontej, Orleans and 10- bil:4101; 'fair do. do, 1012101; fully fair do. do, 106104 Flarida uilard,loelel 'Fleitr—The deoatid Is sootily contiaed to the .bcce trade. Bales of good western at SI 'Mal hl Oft 93, and ol'atrtlight brands at 65i15 06 per rti.. Crude4o change to notice io the mute', fa. soy • deseiiptione. Previous quotations 'coy be reenand.. Provisitsosr-The gunrket exhibits no change. Lard pi selling regularly at 8! for br:r, and 6so6* for ieis. ' - Whiskey—There Is to .w teutnrc to notice in the market. I'llees arc vochanged. the market generally Is without aog marked change . 7 INH. H. JOHNSTON, --- FORWARDING R CO , IMISSIOV MERCHANT, No. 112 fk.r..ocd orert, PHl•burgh. dell john ... ... —.Joseph Claorch. DlLwoara 8 CO. Wholesole Grocers. end J: Agentsfor Ihntscd Powder Co, :so. 27 Woad sr, Pittsburgh. defy Mt. 21.11ALZI• ./01r1 IL m. 0.,. W. a WOODWA.IO .1-1111U41..1.2.T. W'/M. 1110ALEY & CO, Whokoala (ironer, 18 add =Wood stroct POtsbur2h. nov27 W. e. C 0.417- W. H. WOODWARD BAGALEY. WOODWARD & Co_ Wholesale , Oro. ears, No. VI Mazket nov£7 TrFA BUTTER. Dry Apples wad Peaches, mei. JP. log arid for sale by dell R Dkl ZELL k CO. Libeler at View of POilaburigh VIEW will la published to es slion a time fill,. a possible; and I can ,e•aaw wy sobseribet i s i and the public Kenerally, that it shall be so sates— both In fidelity rf detail end beauty of execution-10 way other whatever. Let those win doubt, well a (kw weeks and see. F_ Ntil7'Et'lk:LD. Now You:, Dee. SN, 1540.—Ye1l ; 113:—A good usortmcnt of .TOYS, Including 1.0--4.1..5' -4 . 1 ..s' Ebooy, Koreorood, and Alubogany WORK 11 jut reel by dal _ ' KF:NNEDY & SAWYER ICY LEJYS'OF igROUND;YO 0 by 64 each, :m.o. 41orelyin manor Dirclpleg CI aren, on Bank Lane, A Keay, for male on ocean:..4.ring trrcas. Py _loll Sob.. Setif) YF R, 1 lo Second it 'DEANS-50 bbl whim, in store and for ale JUDI by dell STUART O. SILL II PAID FOR WHEAT by dell STUART A SILL, Ile Wood igt C°4% Ba°°MsJtilriVlTTf";"N'itl'.nY CiIE&SE--10 cuts pnme Gothen; 213 bates W. 1?-; fur wale by dell JOHN VER SEED—P, ae nese, far sale by doll JuIWATT le CO D Nos ro au. SraekWeli SOW DWI. 20 casks Coellatt; far aide dell JulIN WATT -TD—Cife3 AV IR We by - - OLASS—SCO boxen assoned Tor dcll JOHN 1% ATT & CO .po d ll9lE-30 cask. lanZing eu,d !of .aleby JANES DALZEI.I., 21 Watt, et HIED PEACHES-300 Lt in store and fn...l< JANE'S ZELL JOINERS' 01L-40 bble Sued We by dui F-5 1)A 1.ZE1.1. WINDOW fiLASK-2 . 4 E.. 0.130 do to Idll1; %Moo 9x12 - .../d . Kennen a fo's urEux4!.. soperior , artiele, for .ale by dell JAMES DAL ZELL, '2l Water st . Q IL MOLASSES—Id bblt to store and for tale low to clan oonobtoment, by dell 1:01EL I/ALM:ILI IS/2--30 hf bb. No 3 AloekCT.; 20 " No 2 `. 23 .• 123 t•tin.. inrpertion 2 tor sale by . dell I AMES DALZELL (AJAR & MOLARS ti=ls hbdt "''P) N. O. 0 add :b Radar; etide by 73( bbls (new coop) N. 0. Botet,e, (et,. ree'd doll BURBRIDGE.AVIIRON it CO. Wafer rt DITEWILEPLES-1.3 «Ins just teed and loran. by dell J U eANFJELD CRAB CIDER-4 bids superior Stberiee far tale by dell .1 11 CAN HELD BVEIBLY MILLS PASIWFLOVR—t26 bbls of II s orlebrzarl band of Extra Fran3lv Floor, art r6old tad for ale by L WATERAIAN, del° Noll Waur, mod 62 Front ru FINE FLOUR - 73 bbisjam rec'd And for We, by &lb L 9 WATERMAN ..01 Mae b: I. to day e'.l N.Eal for S WATERMAN NDOW SASH—Aniutrent In Ma unre .d for Wago dclo COPE & BREITOULE WiNDOW GLA.B-20 bz. aged. In siorc...nd for sale by del° Co E & HUEY FOGI,!: EEOROE 11. ELLERV. or New Yer - k, and ss . RI BR PLUAILp, of Philadelphia, have Ml* dap yes, eteti as partners an oar Levine., which IN I b condnued ander the tame firm as heretofore, al r 0.27 Church alley, Philadelphia, and he. id Keel age Plane, Naar York. K ht. DAVIS A CO. Philadelphia, Dee.l, OillogaPostrasylwania Railroad °amply. EOTIOICaaa•Tbe Stockholders of the Olith and Penury/laugh Railroad Compady are hereby noa. that the Annual Sleeting of Stockhoittera, nod Election of Directors, will be belt at the Company's Omer, is Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 10th of Jsnuary , 1b39, between the boars of MA. M. and 3 r. M. . . By Order of the Board of Director,. Rata, 0., Nov. 34,1.349. J.J. BROOKES Nom—Extract from the 7111 bection of the Art Incorporating the (Dori and Penosymania Railroad Company:— "After the firat election of Directors, t o pe ri on all all "vote on any share on which any inol(21112t nt is doe and "anpald." lilliotte H£ ll P—taCalea Dew RottidKrotarlry Ilemp, rco an malignment and for .it by ornSgbelp . A GORDMN bar in cloth., low recd of the motley and.C.hcosc Dcpot,tand for moo 1.1/ dela - 1 11 CANFIELD DER SONS InteAdini to become momborx a ma In. J. tensatiooal An Lolon, will p/oo,e notice that lie Look. for this Teat will 'not be open It:offer than 11Oth December. , JOlO,l J. GI LLEAN b: & CO. dolt -01w ~ Reersta i tses. W.OOO let "lei' ' :;A ° V.IF. ' ; ' A d I/xia,7. wap—el.l boles hitrtottiiliitTllTltetli - lb . M.Ol, lot AlliC by doll JA:VII,S A 11131CIIIRCIN Ii CO BOLCatitTP:I7.7-13 Ws uric. joit reed nod trr ola b, der.: BM lIVN & lil /IRP ATRICK !Altai Aor ---- dolt BROWNn 1, ,nr kale - & KIRKPATRICK -- PPLL16....2. &rem. rre:d nO for •ale by & y dell 11 6 01NALA KIRKPATRICK bo 1611 reed and for sale by del° 1 n cAvrirt,r, "'lilt:ESE-100u bx• Cm. just rce• I nnd tot CA Salo by deli) J /I CAAFIV:L.O la.d tor c 4 RAID . MaimmiammmJ -.• I , I6BIIAIERE SILAWIde-4 Canons Ihreepuing Su pent:a Loup lend and Square ( nestire:und Mod. IgkawLs reed per erprese and now operdny dee • A. A. MASON & PA AND!, _ , t • cd an 01,11.1 by s k Iv II A 1111,114 in b h i fF ypU& c 5 t. E. T . D a yie Sann , dna, bn,ttrnnd, and D 7 olclo sTUA CT in "ALL • 4. •- W E ` SPONGEr SPONGE , — . dcl4 'et d ar.d RI tin cr. cn . c ittroBARD noar—wr.n. for aalc 137 dal{ J KII/D tk co PELIT° 11": !reed and fereele LT Kf In! & Co •—• LIQGORIC dell " Calabria (nr hale by J RIDD 1 CO„fri NVO,I or 'INDIA RUBBF.IIPACKIN—Ju•Ir,r'.I,trr, pr,,nd. / Prraing.for Stertin Ex r .Tinr, ge.l.lvrbo'egAtu are , LLD, al the India Rubber .p. r; W , No. ~d.t rittr4-. J. er. FL 1.11111.1.11'5. LOUR—ILObbIi la store and far.eale by . FII 10/IN . .3PJ `4, 111 Ser,ad rt C NIoNs- - at bbla reed and 1 , , ,i•1i . . IT JOHN STO N .daI{ _ - , l' .. riATOES-247 )12•0, • delmip• artier!. in . litre inat for .ale bf 'ifii.---21------- it -li,Nl - PM - X . ....A. deI{ QOTTON:44I - oiip t da1,1141. jffietsToN rre a uupTqr Ami. by CA COl.l3l , :cilTON, • don Pio 141Likay a • PITTISBUKCin BOARD OF TILADK ksti Ktscwurro tiCIUNO. CM/Mir/SE FOR DECEMBER. JOCASTA 11/1../. ! Wt.171:1 Atri.oll2lltYll or TIC. CCIUSD SIMOIZIOL —Daring the winter months the atc.ler• Composing the Canard Line will sail from New York, Boston and Liverpool, as follows: Cambria, front Liverpool, for Homan. Dee. 15, 11349. Canada. " for New York, to, 8 for Boston. 1.. 12, 4800. u ,lon New York, 1,15, o for Homan, Feb. it,. •• o 8 for New York. 8 21; • for Boston. March 9, o 8 for New York, 23, for 11 , s8in. April :0, Canada,• front New York, for Liverpool, Dee. 12,1849. FArtma, from linAton. for Hibernia, Cm New York, for • 19 Cambria. f'm Boston. for Cumila, from New York, for Dam Boston. for (min New York. for from Boston, (or from New York, for " from ltoston, (or " from New York, for from Boston, for Pittsburgh Stocks. bud Money Market Par val. Or. Ask- Bank or Pittsburgh—Capital. 81,200,000; ew. fed. ed Ihvidend. (May and Nov.) 4 p r e.,t• • • Exchange !lank —Capital.ral .000.0 , A, Di, tdend. (2/ay and Nov.) 4 p cent— 51ereharite and Nlanuraciurera . Hank Cannel. utioo.olA Dividend, )Slay and Norl 44 4 iant SO 50 51 Pittation t Ix Gail Co.—Dividend, (Jon. And Julyl 4 il. nl- • 50 51 . Allegheny Bridge Company ' 25 Sa 31' Monongahela - t. 22 Id le /land Street .'.. ..-__ al N. Liberuea a a 50 Western Insurance C0..._..: 50 Ohio A Permay l vanin Railroad, $l5 paid 50 ' PennstlVante Railroad , 50 • Pittsburgh City loaa• • ..... .-- • ....... 10d 101 Ul Allegheny County loon 100 90 91 Allegheny City loan ...... ...... ........ Dm 04 ~ E 5 PI Itlblirg b .P , 1301100 Copper Mining. Co.. 20 105 Ltd North American . a 10 VI '25 Plusburgh &Isle Royal " a (Isla sale, Rl2 00) Piusborgh, Cincinnati tr. Louisville Tel. lltaPh Co--CaplinL7l72,onlAlAmdend. luutz9, Ayril, Joly and October; /tat. 4 P cent; ah mica Ski . Atlantic tr..o)ltto Tele . graph Co—Capltal. lik9htlanbrildend.loo p share foil., nary, Amin, and October, shares, 1150; Isles, sr Ormck, Pirraanaon Gaunt, Feld.. Morning December 21,1519. Yesterday was another day of continuo. hard rains nnd, consconently (me of extreme dullness an the star kers. Noling of conmquenee war done, and so faros quotation, are concerned, me discovered no change in Me general marker_ Fiona—The _arrivals by weer continua very befit. emilthe receipts by wagon have been malenully check ed by the bad state of the roadv leading to this market The market maintains its naval QUIGUIC., end vales ara confined to .smell lots from store to the regular home trade, ai ra,68ai.6124,6.1, according to quality and brand. The melee from first' hands have ranged from $4,45 to t 34,50 f Era Fuma—Very lutle s ta..eotrang forward, and tap- OM. are light. Salm la small lots from store, at 1/3,75 @997 Ifs Rd Bectienear Fwea—Salei of beat qualm, hulled, at .12,15(32.25 P JOU. Lower grades serge from 111,5,G. 8201,12 p no. Coin !disk—Supplies are an light, at barely to ad mit of correct quotanons. Wo may quote nominally from wore; at 50055 c V Dn. Geocesus—The market is steady, with regular !Omi tted arcs as follostrao-N 0 Sugar, 50116 r, cash and Line. N 0 filialasscs in oak pkgs. tfac, and. firm S 11, 40a 6 0, - Loaf Sugar, 5010 C. Rio C0tire,121.31:24, and Rice at .51e Paurestoas--We have no iteration in figures.. With alight boainesa, flacon Shoulder. may be quoted at 4f, Sides se, and bagged Hama at 71fitne V lb. Sale. of Lard to Ibis and kegs; at 5131.11.6 e. Buller continue. in AO . request: at 14015 e for pollee W. R. roll in clot. a, 111913 for an artirla a little below prime, and fit for good keg. Dried Beef is selling at Pe p Cisamia—We note Wei of good W D m GOO}, of cream at el. and of Goshen at 71c p to Gam Arrtaistiales from store at prices raeging from V 1.75 to 8 . 151.3> bbl, . l 0 quatity. Posarors—Sales of the better qualities, at, 3 1. 37 f• bbl. cei Beans—Sales of 2 bills white beano, at 72370 e V babel Fun—We nouee a firm market., alai vales Salmon at eke e bbl; of No 1 Mae karat al 1 0 12, of No 2 do at 610,20, and of No 3 it 57,50 6• bbl, best Herring, 60.20 —lower grades 65,50 bbl. Lake Flab may be quot. ed 5 , 42,36 50 nk OW, and Catfish al 64,73 is dram. From Vrtros.—The fine hale pscllct stew:nes Re. vedge, Canna!) Stone, srraved yesterday, front Gal. liapolis, bringing to this aurrkei her renal supplies of choice Veltman ii 11153. W, would advise the lovers of this toesstimatde table ivory, always to look out for the arrival of the Reveille, as she to sure tablas. ..plenty more of the same sort " Spirit or the Domestic Markets. Bo moor, Doc. 17 Cattle-11e Merings at tbe scales to day reached IMP hea.4 bt haven, or whiet, 103 were sold to eine bateltere and packet, 194 were left aver unsold, and 413 were doves to PluladoOphia Priers mooedlmin 9.2 to 390 no the hoof, equal tn. 5406,75 net, and aye, ra.ia6 1,75 awn hors—The very settee remand column.. and one. lotions have advonred. We quote from 51.50 to 4,79 on tbe hoof }:our— e. not, .1.11 . 1. on Saturday of CT MA+ II S Flour. nt l 4 M. To day the mark, was quar du:l, ba)era Mantfeaa ,, a , notmpo.itlon mope.e. The enar• Iret pare Sales of Cay 51[11. Hour were made an Surma! y and, at 51,75 Some bolder% are unnallina • - ell Mr Iraq than 81,71. Gram—There i. a lathe Iretter fr hog in I, Whenl market. but par.. have not advanced :4'l, of rood Or'm^ red.. day, at W3OlOl, of wrote at 103.010, and of family dour Whit.., at I wall., Corn Is far good supply, Sale. of new, in good ah:ppine md,, at 1.0 4fle for while, and . 4Vifile for ycaow. Oa. ate yelling it Wane. Prormon.--The transactions in old Me/. Fork have been large. Sole. 1400 bbla were mode .t PIO :Ad:PI Since thane moles were mode, novice. from New lora, ohnerine an allean, e in priers. have bad a tendency to etrenalten quotations herr, and It is row held at 112 Or to Ell. There hoe been lbw a briaiddetnand (or llama (or the Caltfornia :owl., with comnderobie .ales.— Side.. ' , boulders, and atnerantelea under thl. head are aerie); in email quantities at former quotauenr. Wrilirey—Salot• to day of Uhl. at 2.c, and of hit& at 22e. There tea very good demnndi and holders, in some mote., sok 2)c for thht, hot we hear of no trat.sactloca at that pnee. Dsc. Is. There is ac theresied demand for Pour, and prtees are finer. A .ale of SOU bbk was made early m the daY bbl, but subsequently MO once eras refused for wrens/ parcels, and hoMers are now fine at .04,071 for our doro rlypoing brands. - . Rye Pieta continues Join - otter] requem; • vile of ne 100 nblr od 112.871 ' There io little or no inquiry for Corn nleol—we nu at 02,75 41. • Grath—Tbs Tempts of all de•erintions of grain con sinne exceedingly •112.11. VIC supplies by canal has now ceased, and the wind bits been unfavorable for lb . arrival 01 vessels derma the le a three d a y .. s The stnek of Meat in store is quite moderate ror the sel1•1111 bale. of 2550 be• sture—red ar 107,, end white ra lila/114e le be, but nitnedrally at 111 Corn is sraree. we quote old 590, and new al 50031 e bu. There ore very few Oats offerina. and prleCe nee firm, There has been a _good demand for Cloeredrou Dark; end about inn WO No I sold or p ton Whiakey in hbfr is scarce, and has advaneeddo doe. Lards elowly at Ve. So. Louts, Dec. H. 1019, Henan—The most lismortant sale lesa a lot of 01.5 We prone dew rotted from etore,on Thursday, at SIPS; two arnall'lrite, fair, sold from the levee, •t siutaellS. Hold. ruin store ask ask from 8113812.3 as In quality, and are been at thorn rotes. ;Received by the river 350 ales Lead—Wo have not a sale to notice fnr tie put three dell. Strodblou would well for the Ohio river et 33.3.14. but the most. If not all, now on the market, to held at higher prices. Fleur—To daytthe weather was too unfavorable for operatioes, and op to the elope we were advised of no gound lots selling: 1741 country, without Inspection or uarantee, sold ref 54,05, and DO este. In two low. Si Skl-434f3, ordinary and good brand. guaranteed, we quote 54,6031.70; choice and extra 04,703.1 S. LC evy et 144,6434.75;F. B. at 01.4713.440. Wheat—Sides lit the Exchange on Thumday were 3,151 sacks, or 0,300 butte!. Orin Onto It3c. YeeterdeY 33 , 0 sack., or 0.17 e 100., Irmo 74.0 13,1c00 day;,34lsks, or 1.5130 has, from Kt to Sae. The demand is settee for all &emotion., and the lower grades have advauced very materially Harley and Rye—A few 111,111 ii lots7of prima Harley have been sold from store at 10001. but most holders oak POOlOB for choice. Rye sells at 530530 tr be, site included. ' Provisions—Receipts continue liberal, but a. her , ' t eforc a very light business has been done in pm k ei! i i lard 0 Thursday ST bbl . _prime Doti geld 111*n-50,6T bbls rec. el 157 'id. Yesterday 247 bbl. —prone at P 41,40; me ss al 1.50, and 217 bbls on privatn term.. To lay we coal learn of no transactions. The demand ieej ideftly b tier. and the news from New Orleans moat hone a v Ty decided ugh. upon price., and buyer. will have to a Tanen titem kart.. or the hugest If not thh mbele of arrigaM will go forward. till oaks, .11 forward. lin into store. lie Is offered for t Mil 111 dry vie for asreet pickled; 11031 for green front i &medal . , .re nor vranted,'•ild we hear of kiacic may be anion es the high,st mica rid pickled in cookie. limns •1 ed or mkt., salt.lll/..1 the b ock. coo scat 2 salted and lur ELODEON,I—A few new style 5 octave Melo. LTA deona, price from PIZ to 11100, weld and for sale by del_ JOHN H AI ELLOR, El Wood si D RIEDFRUIT-15 1 ebseet'sarldppFlt;erh to daye.l reed sod for axle b}' __ L.S WA rEftmeN trrtEit—teo lb. &owned, In store and fot sale by dell) 1 KIDD & CO. 00 Wood at 1) INK S:AUCERS—iigtoss nen we, and f r sale by 1 dell,' I KIDD & C 0,40 Wood . lION LiMIAS SARSAPARILLA ROOT—I bole yenurne, to store nod for sale by ' den ' J KIDD& CO, 50 Wood st /I lIEEN APPLES-4K/ bbin ma reed. for sale oy 7 drib; COPE A DREV POOLE, II:e Second . TURNIPS—Inn Pro to staiiindßTFieli - bl -- d.-I‘ , COPE t IMF:WOOLF, Hil Ferond At 151+ l'ATriels- - 25 - bids pa. reedia - fdr rale 1;i , .L dell) •• COPE & BREYFOGI.F. .. RED t i otet(it , — , -17s - i•4 i,;.iiorTWlidiei rate hi' del., COPE & BP.EliForil,S. _____ entail !Min gat , : and far *an; dclll COPF: LIREV roc:IAT.. F;,,; eillCEBa—Craana and °when slava), nn hand at • Iln Woad ' , trent. del° I=l India Rubber Paste. R ECEIVED thm day, (ton, the Phi Marvin', Factory, IU Kr0..4 R ltl.e of thu atatiablo artieln r.f India Rubber Yalta, for !tools and Shoo, anld whole, lo wail thr & India Depot, Om, Di tho following William Itman Liberty tert Jaelmon Realty l.thrttY R. Dmiautt, w ood s Wiektraham, Wm.! wtrme I %V. 1113ebattetta. Shoe beal,,, inhr, Lamp S mtr,•Fmlthfield are. J o h n db. Dealer, Federal u.. A Ileyher.y. D. M . Corry, irtoggist, ElMo et. dal I.& H. PHILLIPS. I Wood st. Myna—There were 10 (eat 0 inches in tb. channel last evening, and at a stand. ,ARRRIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock•, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City Michigan, Bries, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Fashion, Peebles. Elizabeth. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. • Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, WKeespert. Baltic, Javubs. Brownsville. Louis MeLuna. Connell, Wheeling. Meamocer No 2. Woodward, Cin. Wellsville, Puna Bonds', DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, 'Murdock, Wellsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, .M'Keeritent. Tionqua,Galluvray, Monongahela City Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Bailie, Jambs, Brownsville. Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. Peru, Calhoun, Louisville. Jan. D, IE3O. " Feb. 7: March a 20, , 20, April 3, 17 T. ?hip BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. sad 6 P.M Beaver Pnelrein. 5 A. M. and I P. M. New Orleans—Empire Stew. Loniverne—Kentuelry Wheeling—Louis McLane_ Sun fish—Wellsville. Clnelnunti—Clipper No 2. cama =MEI impottirs tiv KIVYIL 1 - IF.AVER k WELLVVILLF,—Per Caleb Cope—lt b histra,liaar, Pclinact k co; Y W.. dour. J her mnal, 7 do brut. T Atbartle, 5J Gaeta barley, Brown R. Cul. hertron, 40 I.ols thrur. A 31urilact; 1 cookala stave, Charrh k Crrolher%7 rke, Dakar tk Forsyth, NI ntal boobs. L.,isaneston k Raaern, 4.7 balls pupae, Mellor; 13 be• potatoes, tiaoral.on, l hx.1.1 Brawn: 1 .10,1 at yrn, Miller k Mc bbls erinact, J C Badarell, 7 bbla bar cy, at MeSsatertn. • MC/ •ATl—Prr Clapper 9..-43 bis, Vickery; 3 bads ion, lister . lCVorssoh; 3 ice chests, Molt& Molt • lost 92 bass corn, V sty flaxseed. 1 do loosens . , 1 bbl beans, 3 do peaches, 9 hos, 1 IV Boller &. bro. WHEELING—per las Nalpan-19 blots lord, 3 &vs. 1 C Bidwell; 4d bola flour, Brown & Korkpariek; 15 blots vt+Mrs, B Mykonos, sM do do, Eby:stole:JO pea b meat 34 100 lard, IV Bingham: t roll leather, 9 C :9po••••, oonter aboard, 19 begs bubo), 5 boo poolory, 4 blobs do, Harrison SUNFISH—Per Wellmlllo-205 pes balk pork Wm Bingham; t bbd I) Leech A co; 21 Ms lard. W F Collou 22 do to, 1 do batter. 33 do lard, J P Agnew; 3 skit poacher, 510G,1l & Roe. A/ Ws dour. 13 do rye do, IV II Johnston; b bbl. seed. Dyer; I box. 3 oks rag, Armstrong & Center, 9 bbl. flaxseed. 33 kg., Wick & )Ic Candles... 51 Oblo floor Brown& Kirkpatrick; 7d MN nom Ileaselton,ll .k. rms. J H Mellor; 7 buts bat limr, I do bu: c ter.9 bbl. lard, 5 tge do. I Ohl map, 1 do applre, 1 et leathers, Lambert & 31upton.le1 his brm, owner aboard. °ALUM/LlS—Per Reveille-7 S.I. beans, Ido apple'' , I do buckwreal. 31 .ks seed. D Haughey, 13 ti 5 Ws potatoes, D Coleman; IS .ksgrain, ahoy, Matthews & to; IS do do, tl Ws tart, Rnodes& Alcorn. 17 tots eon, Stewart & Stlh 53 hu do. d McDowell; 17 Ibis do, IS pets reason hams. owner aboard. Tins carts.or.:.—we are pleased to See that Copt R D Cochrast's splendid steamer under the above name, ta fully completed. and fitted out, and now hes °prorate the Mot of Wood Street, for the reemcloon of freight for her first oatward.tnp to New Orleans. The ,Kmpire State both in her inward and outward appearance presents ta degree of splendor, whlch must .vie favorably with any steamer upon the western wi sera. The bull, which presents a .plendM model, was bruit at West Illisabeth by McFall, nod Is capable of carrying. berth en of :50 lORI. She 1. propelled by a splendid pair of repot,. coantoactured by Rees, Mar tope & no. The cabin Is from the hand. of M 5114.1 Buono, and the patnting, which is an excellent job, was done by Mr. Coma, of Allegheny City. Iles wenn furnishings are superb, and may by credited. folle we • Forswore, by Theodore Frank and John ItcleFarlmul Carpeting het McClintock; l'onolstery,,Wlllisre Noblet Queens:rare by J. Kerr It co, and the lamps, watch ate splendid article., also furnished by 1. K g co Take Mc Fanner Slam nut .cl out, she Is one of the very best specimen, of Pittsburgh hoot boats; and we hope that she may, under the &opener skill and ma nagement of Captatn Cochran. prove a valuable in. ve•tment to her ewe:ruing owners. The 11 a. will :earn for New orlerm.' poatuvely on 1111110,0-JI GIFT DOOKAI GIFT 121001i — Sre 18501 TIII: Ile:RiflNe;el .F comprtsanr the Prtectpai Fethal. Cheraetere 01 the nays. the Gnat rat. w:th ovv thin) eple.dld lly .'harfes tieleth. I , rawing Room Seep Hook. with twenty Mos. Ii nions. F-dord by Ameba W Lumnre. Charutert•or• or Women, Mo., Porticat ud Ills. toricod; with torialy finis md'ud eolureci ergria. , rut,: Moor m Turkey morocco, ant Alar... By Slrr. Jarnr•on. Itht Leggett of American roemy. rty W Gala. awold ho Pcmance of Nature. or Poeueal Language of Flower, Ilarveot Gleamoas, a llolnlay Book. Dy H. A. Davie, ac Tha Roaelorary. a C lieelz,n of Farre4l.•na Retwoas roatty from Amar,caa and En,Datti . o•4., with-clef/am alustrationa The Ltle of Ctr, By Boa. IL tV:11 Efedaelhab ed with illu•trat,nr.s is 'flat, and ill inattorot from °Kama, drawl. VI i Hata!): of Ita•aelaa, Eslnao of AlY1H111 . 2: The V• avm o: • ecdore, The Pnantains. • Fairy 'Par• by S. Johnison, tIE. Tit Scripturs (Mt Dzok. I.etuiVelly ioeured, The (; of Totem of PrienflOsso. for 1 , 50: The lieepaake or Plitt 444, Eth Imok Cm , 3f5 • The I.itt. or S.mvenir of Priefaiship, itget, The Amaranth. or l'olesn of Rrniembrsnfe, for ISM The Coy Wreath, vrlth hue astral/0., The Genius of hay. being Pkvenes of Itasan LiCei.Literature sad Echelon, by Turobalt, the Poems IT N P %Vans, complete edrinn. r.s.rl and enizned; Chsrntssrs . oyelno,lis of I.;nel.qh Lo.craturm Tie Monuments of Egypt, by r wi,r, numerous • met Odi !Woks of thr a•-••••rt —Jo., rre dan rOr asl , On del/ r 19 Wood Jl.;STr.e . .l at the PR r.:Sftk . r2n.eN POOK ROOM No 79 Woo, .rret, and for .1!e at Ea.ternpnees. tometuns' liebre a , Lev, Tose...endlt rran,ensent of the N cander'. ,'row or toe Canavan Reit- Jo 4 awl .'1”.1 IT hi. Milton's Frew... 0. I,•t,tino trine. 1., oflertcrusla feed.. Rotntison's Greek flomnay or to- do Entomb do do, Ideoa's We. d •ois Roston edition, Parish's Ihnte (raxet9,er. rdkar..t • Gunn and R. Prove Dr. Wood's Lec tures en Swedeetoretad.ns. ((oil's laconory a nee dotes; arid nasny 0 Ler trueresone wOrks, arida-on to ton above. ri!l at aserass axes 'novlet KNGIAL — ki - & CO - : - MZettac.tOrerkof G , een (Rnes Ii .re, No :17 k!arkel str.-ek Pens• kurgn, Pa rrn,tantly an hand and make to or. der a.: kind. of Vials, flottles, kr Porter and Mtne rat WA., itottles, of seperwr qualltr Partteu'ar attrouan pard to Prz.vate Moulds. noteta I y rpnE nAp or PITTSBURGH, ALIA:. I.EOII -.NYAND VICINI 1 Y, wilt he ready for the engraver in IC day... retsona who miry wthh tO havemese. of their cow try meta put nn ;he man can do eo Ly making aunties:ion to the undersigned. ,itev unth before tar :WI Last To defray the expenae of theview- be required in addition to the price of thy ma.nort H L. MeGOWaN M W GOODSI NEW 0000011 BA GAINS' RARGAIYH^ ' NEW FALL AND WIYTEIL DRY GDUDS, 2 AT Tait o between ll and OMR, 62 31arket .t.,l d and Lth, Pittsburgh Wn C. IL lISSELL, No. el Market street. between Third and Fourth, %Len of the bur golden Dee Hive, ha. Hurt commenced receiving and °Wittig the largem, cheapest and most splendid mock of Fall and Winer Dry Goods ever uttered by one hoow la Plus burgh. All of these foreign good. have been purekm. ed of the importer. per the la.: steamers from Furor, and for 'wham. of style and beauty of device are on. .orooked in this or nay other market The domestic and ample department will, 10ao be found complete. and cheaper than at any other house in thi. city. The antiserum, would here resPeetfaCy • eat the one/then of hi. nummou. customers, and .11 wishing to buy new and cheap goals,. to the priers whleh will no doubt itstonthh them, being determined to s ell r beaker than the cheapest. ' Good dark Callen, only 3eenth per yard; Hest quality dark Calico, fast color., 4 to In. /Innah purple Print I. lot color.. 4 to to. Heavy Lkd !Irking, from n to lo mina per yd; Blenched Menlin., good quality, 5 to f 4 per yd; Item quality Bleached Muslins, r to Ili per yd, Heavy yard wide Unbleached q.t., 5 to el; Good real Flannel. from 15 to 25 rents per yd; . Good yellow Flannel, 15 to 25 eta per yd; Good block Alpanea from 15 to 25 per yd; French Gingham. tram In b 14 t-ts per yd; I ash Linens at prices front lo (XS pm Ldi Satinets end Kentucky Jeans from Pi to 50 eta; Ythalincr and Linsey. from Ili th 31 eta Heavy Lameshe Ging/MI. 10 to 12l eta; Crash and Diaper.,all poem and loathe.; LADIES' DRESH GOODS. A splendid assortment of all the newezt Myles. Tothet Cashmere. In high colors, rich good.; LOptn Fre orb Ththet Merinos, the finest imported; Rich Caraelion Silky in all colors and and Clack Armorer, heat quality, plaid and stripe; Black Gros de Rhine, all widtha and qualitime; Lopo's hoc black Borrilthrines, besot.' good.; dd beet French Merino*, black and colored; do do du do in high colors: do fine French de Lathes ; all wool, high color.; [Deb fig'd Carlimeres,beentitul gmcds. very cheap Dotted r'wl2ll Must.; for evening dream.; Droche Thibet Scarf., late importation; Item quality French Kid Gloves, all colors; Mourning Crthlime ree and de Lehi., all priers; Ladies embroidered Nook .plendid goods, Adler; finest quality French linen 11..1kfa; Ping Ribbon•. a fall asiortment; Worked Capra, Collar. and Cutts, in great variety 911,1 colored Crapes, all routine.; trnende Lustre., in at color. and qualities; Mohair Camel... Goma rich rood., Drench Cloakirig•,.uperb goods, high ruler.; Also, black Droned Lace, all width. and oleos; . 111 ark Fro/ es. wide mid heavy, be•t quality. Together with a large stock of white Good., ow". /menet and Mod MOO, Lewd. gayety large and superb ripest of Fall Monet Ribbon of the Herat am !re paration end moat farthionable atylm ., . Many of the above ...ha. loot arrtred per the lea steamer. from Europe, .d are worthy the attention or the la• dice. FIIAWLS! 'IIAWLS!! A splendid siccing:lent of irrlincris: • Succr rs fro. rose French horror ifhowls. insprd Sun, cxtrii 11117 r, LOD( Brach, [mem qu.htyi Sorrerlr q r arc, I oim, Pixrd Shawls, rich colors; qualisy sciricre plaid firm wool Shawl, • • Rich anti he.av) cairn size hi...a silk Shawl. Rarit Sb.ivrls; Super black •nd white, all wool, long Shawls; Super ciao tire Long utitlN'tC Mourning ettnwli l'aris piloted Ca,lireere !lbw:via, In great variety; " 'rerkeri all pricca & gush, Mode embed Thayer " bravy silk fringe, It - ark and made rolnyed hem. y elnth Shawls; IA bite beautilul goods; kb land rd Inns' .d Yq're vrry cheap; Mourning anti +c arfs,in great variety; Altp, a large int of plaid lilankri Shawls, from 75 a to g,9,1,(1. -• Together wall a bill supp:y of Glowe, MIMI and 11.• WWI col clench, nsomtly kf.pi In a Wholetale n d Retail Dry Goads linear—ell of which will be ,rjea-• to defy tompetilion. 1 . 17, - -Iltra•ralber tan rdnrr, No C 2 Market .Ireet. t/e -ern `"Third end 01 00 of um Rio Itax-ILva, her'n burr.. tdidey, that a voting colored lad h.d been drowned ta a pond, In a lot fronting on Franklin Street. We do not know whether 3 to true or not, but give tr sk we got it from one of lb. night pollee TOMATO. —We saw yesterday, • q.t... of.rbat might be called (rah tornattocs is mid winter. They are nicely put up m closely sealed stone jugs, with no other preparation tbao • slight stewing, and enough of salt and pepper to make them palatable. Suffice it to,say, that wo tasted the article, and timed it excellent It a for eale by Wm. IL /comma, tio. 112, Seconds ltb° , . Wood Street. weighing liffylthiee pounds, ben whlch mast haia been •I least seventy round. to amen twtore It was clean ed, armed yesterday by express. In four day, tram Slassanheaena The se. of New England will this be enabled to Nast most aartplaonsly on their / . e.roted son's ((anal Webster's) choicest dailty—cltorwier Leitzi limy Loan.—Three wretched limiting 1011ree Well, brought to tho watch hoe, yesterday. tram a lime kilo up the Monongahela, where they have spent all their time fur some week or two back. They seemed to live on nothing bot orb.. key, which they drank in immente quartettes, see lbea slept cii their debauch near the kiln. They Were furnished with mare comfortable, though scarcely to ware, quarter., in oce of the cells, and will probably be toot to Jail thin morning. Thus the money of the tan norm is wasted in payitg for the board of lazy vagabonds, such" these, In. stead of putting theta to some kind of weal, and motto/ them pay or their maiatimaice. When will we have a moth house' A new spec. ea a! "c4arrtto" bag been rate• dated at New Orleans_ kit Apaper legal, ib paper of watch a manulaetured from the tabu walk. FOURTH WARD, PITTSBURGH. Tto Wh:g. and Aomori. of the 4th Ward will oleo on Saturday evening next, at 51 o'clock, in the Rot Room of the Public &tool House, to eleadelegato to the city convention. By the Committee. SECOND WARD MEETING The Antnnaeunie and Whig citizens or the Yd or Synth Ward. will meet on Saturday neat, the 224 inet , at 3 o'clock. P. N. at the Burnt Lkstrsct Hotel, corner of Suuthneld and Second Streets, tor the porpore of putting in nomination Ward °di. nen, end to ele,t live delegate, to lie convention, In be held at the Common Council Rooms, on Wedne,dey neat, the 211th mat, to nominate a candidate for Mayor. 13 UTTER—ln llexes and Roll.. in store sod Mr tale by dellt RTUART e. SILL I'IORN Mr-AL—Mho old. 111 store and for ..lo by 1...1 &lb STUARTA SILL, lie Wood .t ri PESTRVDRUBSELS CAR/I.:TR—We offer to I.our canoe.. and fnends the Choicest' Tapecry Drovselt Carpet. ever brought tu Mis market, of Me IMest m ot Improved aryl. .ud colors, whiettveo ul, Fri!. low a rau ha purchaser/in the ea.. No. 73 Fourth or. del ' IITCLINTOCIL _ _ Now Pansy alull Variety Gaelic of every art/cle en our ime, to which (with every va riety of I.(H)KING GLASSES, of our own manufac ture] we auk the attentton of W”tern Merchant.. end nth, buyers dell 44ENNESY A SAWYER D Act Est NI DEA— A 1¢1•11 lota c , oice I.lmenn enide• ju4l reed by dclo C 01.1.1 UHEVreELK m A d ß , gt E ELOCES—A ssairtme - n; for by COPE t UREI FOUL WEET rOTATOE.I.-13 bbln in rum and fit;; We CI by dell) CON: & 1110:17WiLE dONIONS-A (aw bal. just rxe'd and far sale L ela WIIITE LEAD—A .upp!y constAntly on ba..d. d,lo__ COPF:11. HREVP,ULF. GIIESNUTS w AsTim-Th. :Paha...mice In Pa , paid fur Cheaidita, dc Ili COPP Pc ft PI EITOG LE, I 04 Sepi,d ltol.l. IIUTTF.R-3 Lela prime fmah rred this day ai, for We by del° TASSEL' k 11P.S1' TALLOW -75 eamks reed and for by dcli N .k. NARITA Will BROOSS-30doa, a good amnia. for sa , e by dclU 8 3 W t i RIED FRUIT -100 cu p P h e , 50 ""''' 4 . pler lot Rale by deltl • BROWN I KIRKPATRICK VliWrorTio- - -160 — bble Plantar/o . n lanr/o . n filorhersea, land- IT Inc from .reamer-Morton, and hor orate by 'lOl JASIRS A lIUTCRISONI h CO CIISI.AR-1.5 Mork prune Omar crop, reed per veaeur 0 er Telegraph Nor I, and for sale by del/ /AMES A /lUTCIIISON ?r. CO_ SU r tntra,:d . r y Tllr/ r N . III ' ,IKENNEDY, doll Honorary Secretary. . _.. VETIIER.S—.IAOI,,,b,., qu ,,, 6, e ,hy a dela STLIA KT tc SILL i /11SERIAL b. INGRAIN CARPETS.—Wa ranch f 1 .".." ' ey r ies and I.e.t‘ ssoriment of Imperial mad Ingrain Carpeis ever bra ght to this market. at Mn rye CI, enraper thrill can found “I any other bows to ib.s city. We Inv. their wshlreg to rurdiels ..teantbnas or Hun... to f a and es•uune our ester, savenoent ',10t.. pur baying elsewhere. Cam< Warehouse—No.l/5 Fourth street. del . W AI . CLINTOCK W ELNII PLAN/ MILS. 1 , V MUI(P11 V bee this morning opened amid, . cr .upply ul these desirable good, warranted not to stirliilt In washing, and vrhich have given intiCh satisfaction to show who have used them. Also, supply at super LAmes.le Fr nn lr, ol an colors. Fins Persian and Wore Flannels, for Infants' weer. NwANsyriVVA FLAN:NEW+, a very .carer and dc 't"b/. —nod Country Made Flannels, barred, white and brown. %V. R. M haveng, 4•lthin • low days. r-plentabcd hi. stook, con afford tonatarner., w Do. gentrailV, sit Peormcni of Goods orris to be tool with at this 02- , Shole..alellootrln up 'O.'' , 4 ITi tots rl' AO i L for .l, , 73 ionnJa stmrl. 4eB DOCTOR %VISTA 11'8 BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. ' TIIE following article we copy with pleasure nun the `Llama Clercusule Journal,. of March, laid, and we hope that If any of oar tender. are mitten:7g from any of the complaints *bleb It is sect to cure, they will speedily avail themecleres of in DR. ttrISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. It was well known many years ago that the wild cherry bark tree of this climate possessed valuable medicinal az/alines. Indeed this fact was known to the ebengints, and decoction. of the leaves or bark of thls tree has ever been regarded by their physicians as one of the moot effectual remedies In many &cues. This fact, several years since, arrested the attention of Dr- Wester, a highly respectable practitioner of Vir ginia Ha lavestigated with cam the healing proper. Um of the wild cherry—testei its effecs when admin istered alone, and when to combination with other re medial aim. Ile found that its natural virtue might be greatly unproved, and by combining it with Ingre dients woos., properties were all well proved and gen erally recogui.ed, a medicine wan produced which constitutes e remedy of great importance In enemas- L iy affections end dis M. of the c en and throat-- disease. which are proverbially pre &lent in our eine. and large town., and often prove I, .welling the ielli of mortality to • much greater extent than Is the ease with most others, we had alenentsed all clue. of &scud. The grouine Wlstaxhham of Wild Cherry hasa he elailla of ho .Ignore of Henry Whew, M. D., Philadelphia, and S.dford and Park on a finely ere- cured noel engraved wrapper. None otter are gen uine We are it it in receipt of the following voluntary tri bute to the nurialve power of Wider's Baboon of Wild Cherry, from E. 1101, M. D, of Pit. Clemens, Meld gem, who lea phyarcled of high standing, mad 0.0 es- Music* druggat: Me. Curren, MIJ. , Oat. giah, 1849. To the ainteted, this may certliy that Mrs. H. Rob ert, of thin village, Mace or four weeks an. confine. went. wies Emulated with a violent cough and great piostration, and seemed !e.t.d., to the grave with fearful raptdity. 1 adsised her to use Wlstar% llalaua of WU Cherry—the did so, and wi th that veduable medicine alone wa• restored to health, and' la now a living proof of the val. of Wistarki Balsam of Wild Merry. E. HALL, Physician and Drugg... Read on and be convinced Bill further of the remar kable virtues of Weatarts Balsam of Wild Chem: blesses fiandrord & Peal Gents, As a matter of Mr- Ike to you, and for the benefit of the public. I would offer the following statement of • sure effected by your dicine, knnwn as Millar', Balsam of Wild Cherry. In me the aprina of 1847 my wife was severely attacked with Panpacomonia, or Pleura., which reeul.l in a deep seated pain in the aide, accompaneed with a.m. sere cough; she was attended by tomeof the best physic.. in Chicago, bat to no purpose; for week. she suffered , without relief, coughing Incesalutily night and day. I came to the conchaenn that all the reme dies [nor.' to the phyaneiyni could not help her and was Induced to to your Wild Cherry. I procar.ooe bottle, and commenced using n according to direc liOnß; before it was all emir—the cough Bopped; the gel;pain in her aide len her, and with the aid of another le she wae restvred to motor In con sideration of the. clecanistan.s, I would recommend it to the putt.. • valuable medicine. Years, respectfully, EL N. GARRATT. tfa.,m Rams, Mich., Oct. 8,1840. tkar following Artiasonee.. 01 .1 Use cures that have Leon recorded, there ere .rtaittly cane equal to the cue Cast suerworted, which plainly shows the ettratdthy of Consumption, esen to imam of it. worst forms: Prix, Late co., Is., .1.10 0,1,1430. • J. U. Park, Dear Sir, A. I have • trap comoniera , boa (or the afflicted: permit me m give you a brief history of my afilletions, and the benefit. derived (to. the of Dr . IVimerts lialsurt of Wild Cherry. peeuly. I whi c hnuked with a fever of •the ty. chasarter, w lefl whiterln a very detolitmed mate, when to the following I was taken with a severe cold, which reduced me to ouch an extent RA to give me the appearance of • confirmed con.amptinn. 11. bored ander • Ite•Oß, CO Ugh — f•f ,,, • , •.•• a Jest.. hd ma. troubled with cold feet and login...seam I also C.N.rntly raised Wood from my lung.. I con. boned to hi. .(ate, gradually waking under the die. ease, mo u t January. 1,17, when was again attacked 'anti fever My friend. despaired of my life. and My physictats thought I could survive 'tot •• •rort tame. Nip estr....mttirs, espectally• my feet, were constantly cold. and atm. lost then (retitle Under My.. hip C11121•141,•11 It may truly be said that I vs. • living stele:on 1 finally deieranned to quantal,/ cards:in, presented by phystrian., and try De. %Voter's Balsam of Wild 6^erey. and from the first week that t com menced takthe th I can date • /retinal recovery. I I need its bee Am Month, al the end of vitochlime I ssas cured. and nave trooped good beatth ever once, and eheet,lly recommend tar lial”in to all those af flicted eilh (ilLeilY of the lung.. and would say to Mose comment re tt• um. net to be dmenumeed If two or there hofOra do not elect e cu,M hat pecan ay I have done, and I have ho hat nine ease. out of (en win b e hteseed swath renewed health .s e t hove [teen. Respectful:), )ours. JOSPH JAC Yta-t it per , n'+ -81.1 Bola,. for 14. KSON. ekt:4b, J. O. ?Atli:. to r‘s,oectd & Part,) room tend Walnat rreetr. Cone/nos, Ohto. General Agent kr the Smsth and West, to whom 811 orAors tota%t addrmed, I. 1,%%.c0.i, Jr, James J Kama Co; B. A P.kneeooek a eo , Yinaball¢ 6 T. Hasaell, Waslt tnpnn, W. IL LeoH , enoz, Flatikall; 1.. H. Ilowle Vraonto•,u; H. Welty, lim.n.bergh, x. Koono,Soeme, W o• 1! (inmate, Bedford, Reed & (.on, don AIF, Orr, liall,devaborg. lindebran I 8 Co. h/l -ate; I A. Wrlght, kt,t{annin,, Evans A Co Brook. tide ; A I.k - di.. A Pon, Wave...burgh, M . Fazi.d /1 Co, Cai:er.der, Bleadvtlle, Dorton A C.., Erie; J. %mole, Mercer James,'Kelly & Co. Boller, S. Stap.b, Dearer, P. Pigromerlan, Warren: F. L.l C. te s .lones, Coniereyrom P. C.rooker, Jr, Browns,. lie. new 11F 4.21r1 PILOCLAJOATION 1I II V` RITZ.: et , preeept on ter the hued* of, lion_ Flee Jo7tin entvin. Jr, Preeta or of the, Coon of Common to and .or the Jet Judie:al Donnet of Pett,” amt Joe lea of toe Court of Over and me,4 Genera/ Jai Le.i.tver, to •. hr rata Detrict, turf ' , lesser! Jane. Wt , ntret Xere *l4 . Eea, ti . nc i i•l. /alter of toe am* coon, In 6144 tor the County t,( A!:oehenv, Jaird toe Mir ay or Soremtier, an the rear of oar Lord one thousande.ght latimln nd forte nine sod to me 41,0,4, mr holding * t• art of te,r . sod Tertruner rad Getint•l Dairen-, at the e,oart Nature, the ' Cny a - ..tuebortgh, on 1. Ith 31,49 , December next at 10 oaloc•. AM. P* l4l < rt.. , to hee' .l .l hire. to nil Jo.ltcr• of the Peare, ...toner sod Ceastot,lee of the County of Atto• rheo• t^at el i.e hen Led there, to et, proper re, ,one, hwe rod, neon', u *wet,. extetanh. um, p other return' , rencee, in tin • L, itivki to trreticta olitin e . an net enrear mbe Crinc—and sta., 'atom test o, pr..s,J .ther e e onnr• , m et nor. kr, Or to., tt< tho Cottn• ty of A taghotty to he Ihea mud there, to procreate *gimlet them vs rha.l heel o,aeh under my Lahti • ?Mahar/eh, On. rah day o Noventher, in die year of our Luott. 1,49, and of M Commonwealth CAR FLU Luirris, r Sherif. t..oaonst.hs, I Orono Coon Unt:ed Stales ' Cast , . Infnarement Ilar. lry's Potent Rtgla for castuig Paolo Soon R Co Ctolled Rollers. Defendant oz.. to @volcano Palent to Joan C Parry for same purpose. t:/11RGE OP COURT. A que.yOn of Infringement t. am, of fact, of which the Ivy) ore the ...lets. The co/unmet/ono( the patent ta forte Cowl. All., reading and comment./ on , be•pecatration of Platnud • p•ttot, the Court observed. In douful case. /t /2 not the custom of the Court to exp,e2s top betsof the fart. of the ease, hat to tWe rage the ,Rets are undisputed and the Cann think It ill proper to state. 04 t he ono.. of Irn tit i.e Judge. on the true P.n• a Plainnd's Palau', that the Defeutlenre Ptent i• a grees and palpable pirmy of the Pitaatin ortdratly Leers obt•ineed nn the ground th• it oral nq improvrmint an PlannlS, went., inven lion, and now seek. to usurp hi. tight, under pr terse. of an improvement —a pre .eneo *hie to pto.ed el 4, to be unfounded per Cohan:: The above decision sive. to We subscriber. sionn the richt to tasnufacture Chilled Rollers, by the r nly process known to produces good article required,re mewed. at heretofore, or furnish ell maces and with the Inset pogrible Orley. mm7,1:1 IittI,I.MANS (4ARRISON 'DEAD I BEAD I..SELLERS' COL ;611 RU —Prom W. K. Roden, Erg ig of th e Court of (teener Session% of Be•ver Coup., Mr. R. t . sellenu Sir, Some time in thewinter my wife was afflicted with a severe and distreltine cough, NA bewail, of your Invaluable rough Syrup. I par. chared • boob, foam S. Tnmh:e, of lindgewrier, and miner Inaing n portion of two or three evening. on going to lied. .he found immediate relief. am tiro severed friends have been relieve/ An are e•mer I am therefore satteLed that is to mall, and valuable me. donne, and would recommend it to thole who may be afflicted w iti severe coughr and eolds. March V. 1n77. W K. BODEN. FrlbiA/ by R F- SEI.I.BRS, 37 Wood creel, and by Druggist. generally Au ice two einem and a/equity. dell KIEV'S LINIC. t c o r. rh . llll:jp . V . l l Road; R 9 a• the water jthrtnith. ROrin KIEIt Jr.. JONES. RELIANCE FIVE DAV LINE, TnL Ct , V4TAttICS Ot MILCILLSOIgg FACSI•II2I, ,1111 neg. JOU/ ce•r•myr,, PIIIL A DELP/11A AND PITTSBURGH. o,lD.:orerardrd by this .Idne are tarried in the mail t , •tn l'hurnhersbargo, and are tonardlata • ‘ , .,ona terry flight day it.raugh to •liurvlL Thr 'tors,. of tho 1.”, a are ...ion,' ev• y whteli inAttrt.l the. prompt delivery nr •od• with n tut, protroved. the Witgon. will ar ettre'nor wohno•o deny, 4 , undays etc. tont.] )Ithip rs ort• at , urrdthnnn MOre good. wit' be Inken elt.thty than can he ouNetuallv eorro.d throcrh Cu, Cann! Baton. Pitt. burgh. • JOHN Al DAVI: , tr. CO, dell 217 .ircet. Pottati•lnton. NOTICE..OII.ZAT OFFER euh6erthers, wirhing tn rear° from the Mere.- j i,tlr I.IIIIIE, int pale their entire stook of Gooat. and every thing connected with their mere.- nin trade. 'FI, commenced tnnlCtiandirlig in this oily in 1 - 39, and have Cnialinted 41 the sane busivinos since Ihni time, ineressing every yeer, unt a iti amount that of any inereasiti to hotwe in the meet. Thetr sTocK vsnety of Shelf Hardware, Iluovy Hardwere, Iron, html.e Nall, end Wass; entry Arsernption of Cook, Mote, and Porter mover, Tutor?. Stork, to Tact, Hoek of anode to isr w, nnoi,ht low, sod well eclertrd for OH market. They hove ro damaged nr unsaleable g.pds itt their siOrir, es they have taken grew care not to allow the like to aecuroulair their bands. The store they now , roccupy ot," Itrick :Role, hulk the pmt summer, a o r,,, t ly for them, and under their dieted., end 11 tbehen arranged !dr iron .tore and the hardware /114•111C•A. of any etoie extant. Conceded with me store Is • TIN SMITHS' SUMP, fa rnsalred cotopthie„with every thing needed to earsy on ths,hosistess prpfitably rind autlieiently large to as coinnlodate teaches or fifteen workmen. Thgrr store is lamed on the earner a hart Water and Iletroti streets,stnd on the liver able. They hase plentl of otheic room. and can receive their goods di rect feenn vessels, and cave a great expense that many mg. subject to Then shire is 33 tees froth by ill Wet i f deep, rte stories high, with a cellar ander the whole: and t locarni, the most desirable in the city If the porch . ser will adhere to the crib at stern they here adept d, mate use of thoarrangetnents - fOr Importing and buying goods at home and abroad, and the term. th , minor, they will melt, he can make a great bargain, siriM a chance fora (sr lane. If desiml by the pureh• .er, the senior pawner Isla leave Magi ill MU blab. new as a camel Pr , rm , lIMIXICT. Hem.. Lott= lireasseu & Co., Plrisbarga, Wet. &MULL'S &CO ~ t , L. J. PAR W ELL A Ce. Idumans, Nor. 10, 1040.-{001.9412* RATES OF DISCOUNT * VF DISCOUNT-COHRIEXITEIIIII a. 1 .101.151.11k5 L SONS, Brokers, No. 65 51artet street- ocarCo. *snky lwanla. Indiana. Bach 0 (Ibisbuthe •--.ics State uranches• • C; Liars Pat.SateSortp . Glcroo 1.10.0. Bank • Par• V Irg l'hibulciplot. - -P.lLAchmge Bk. Va, • f Ulna,* Bans Pw.rtuniera 11Lp( Va---• P.O. of Gcr.n.tutown •par•Ltk. o; the Valle),--- Chestor Coonty• • • •parlith of p s i ossor , Co.. • •paoi IV " Gtontkomery Co.• • po. Jo blorgantown. •• • * Itiontaabetlant• • parl lb. IV. Bans . 3olumbis Bridgc Co.. • par! do ' %s G ellsbutig • -.• • Doolestowo Bonk lwri do Parketsourc•- Farmers' Bk. Tawn casco. Facorrs • Bk. Hocks C0...0060 of Tennecsce• •• • • 5 Farmers 131 klerclen Bk Letneutor Bio•-• • . p.,i Union U. Stalcs ; Missouri . ilroarannllo Pk.• pa B. of alasoun--- I I'Vashington 131 r- ••-• • • j N 01 . 14 Carolina. Bettyaburph 8k..-- . ' l of Cap, Fear I Chambersborg. •• • • 0 lerch's itk o Ncortrent itutquehimno Co. Bk.. - 'State / 2 Lewiston*, • • - South 436•51116.6. 511.13letoorc - 5 ;Cnrolen Bk ..... • •• • • 9 Carltsle !Bk. of Charleston.•• • • 2 Coin Bk. 010 • Llk • •-•-- 2 Farmers' mad Drover.',lllr. of Gemara...rt.-. 2 Bulk, Wayncsburg• • f , /12.0f 13.1210 Urg • •• • 2 lisinstraro • - 0 llderolutts 2 Iloncsdajo..- flutters 6.ldecua ilk. V Lebanon •• • • . • ...... parr Bk. of Soatb Laroltos • • 11 Pottavillo.••-• • • flaryinnd. Wy0ming........... # il3alumore Bk 6 ..... • • •pal York Bk. . !lialtm'e 20 It RSecp •10 IVeat Branch Bk i ,' Cumbirlimd Ilk. of Alle- Relic I No* •••• - • khan ........ •• • • 112 n NI Bk. Pitts do. 15 ;Far. 00. 01 Maryland.. Sarlp-Pittsti. Countllo.Farmera' Glookamc. " Allegbeny, 21 Bk. Frederick rick Co. Bk. -- • 0 State De. snd Branches Ma km-sawn Bk'loon, " ..... .• •• •• - la steo tms.llo.-- ••• • ./ . .stapmeo ilk •--•• • • • • it. Chursvills---.-• • 0 Win lunglot. . 0 Marietta • -•--• •-- . Bk.of*Vestounster •• • • New Lisbct.• • • • • 0 ; • 221. nig... Ccneinu Lank. 0 ;St. of tit. Chur• • • --- Colombo. 4o• 0 111 k. of 51.*ver .11T derlile••••• • • • • ‘l, llalagan Ins. Co• ••• • 5 .-...-- •• :Car. 5* Mech's Ilk 5 —...---- • .. •• .Wisconsin Territiy. GVnoster •--•Co-I.lllarbs ilastullon --• - -Goads. • ndusk/ • • 76 All solventltanks• • • • Gentips• • . .••• • • • :Bank of CaglaudNotes s orsoo .lk ...• ..... 701 • •-• —.14 su. As Spat I•Valnt. . ;Napoleons opo Baotou- 0 1100 .3 .' Y 1.5111 220 ;Eagle, old • ••• • • - 10 GO Fraaklin *lolanda.. 5 .6110. nose •• • • .10 00 ch. 11 .0 0 00 " ; Doublomw,Spaatsh 1000 Lake Plrts• • • - • • ' •l lso.Patriot•--• • - 15 50 Ilamiltha • . •-• • . • -•- • 11 •Frodeneksd'or• add Aare. Coal Lama for B i le, SITUATRIIon the klonongattelariver,allorulGrollea from Plus:arab mid 3 nules above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of blesers.Lyon Stara, and M. John Ilerron'e purchase. Thie Ana body of Coal will be tglil at the low price ofll33per Lere--ona third in hand, balance in five coma nano.] payments, Without itttereyl. Title indisputable. &Had., V