. 42± K , , ~. - ''..4-: ' t ' t • ' i7,: , V.5' , :' , :.'7.,`,:tf , BY MAGNET! ILZPOItTED dr. TELZOILAPiISO 1.01117 E PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZE= The Taking. der, last creole gooney we are - Washington Mr, r• ac UOBBICHX. BOITCCf, Dec. tB. lingli at Wetterly, Rhode Island, Sunday. ei SIS,COO in note' of I J • none. U na thousand dollars le or , trawls:on of the thief. The Bonk eirctilution. The Phan i WU robbed on small denomixt feted tortbe •p j his caned hi iy !_ .---- New Yes, De. 18. arrlved here at 10 o'clock the The Riberh iceenins %V YORK MARKET. Near Your, D. 18. tetul el.engen to Mine in the mu There are het. Flionr--There haa been amnion done yet to in aide the erect of the ;Steamers new. upon the =trite:. Cattle—The I:fferioyn to day emanated to 1500 herd--e portion from the South, and the balsam .Now York Siete. Tao sales comprised 1100 head, at 00 $7 '75 per owl Two hundred head were kilt over. , CINCINNATI MARKET. Ciscuctsm, Deo. lb.. Eknr:—Tbe market I% unchanged . Hop—Sales 2010 heal at V: $2 95, an d Ltrd—Salea3Go bble., at 5} par th. NtoaneT--Sales 221., per Thei shipments of p . raysziono ara heavy, and The liver fit! !Ise!) six fret—the weather fa NEW YORK MARKET. ITLNINGI IMPORT. rim You., D. ig 'Mr—There is, ii anY thing. att increased de• -Maud ta•tba market, at..l pnca■ are a shade bailer. .'• Galas of commas alas land mixed western . at • it 7531 81. Sales or good Weston, and. , stale brattie at SS per brt; favorite brands of western, 'am selling at 55 1235 22 per but. Grain—The 'supplies of wheat have been ex eeedinglp light, which ceases a 'qiiist market. Holders ere asking higher prices. The foreign, nem la regarded es favorable to earn. &lona! ' -western mixed at 592959 c. . . • Provisions—ln cut meals, there is nothing doing • Gales of shoulders at Sr.. of barns at 7c per Ih. Ofemeries—Coffee—A. rood feeling is manifests ad in the coiree marks, and prim, are film. Bu• sprit unchanged. N. U. 7tio!asses is selling at 29 iiil3oe per gallon. r• Satter and Cheese - The market is quiet, and lather heavy. 'Linseed Oil—Salsa at 73a per gallon. e Lead—The market i r dull, and prices nominal at Si 20 cash. Whisketles at 'in per gallon, BALTIMORE - CATTLE MARKET: BAts - neaar Dec. IS. Beeves—M the ita'a , , the &Tering' reached 11300 head--400 own driven to Philadelphia, COO were left over, and tt.e" remainder were cold at 3225 0 $3 50, on the boot.. 0/FT BOOKS! GIFT BOOKS! for 18501 !PUS HEROINF.S OF PILAKSPEARE, comprisinr J. the Principal Fem Characters in the - the ORM Poet, with ovvr oie thirty s'lendid engsaviu Mayen*g• /3 =1;r14:„.... cr„.p Book, with twenty Wok - tranons. Edited be Amelia W.Laurcuee. Characteristic. of Women, Moral, Poetical sod Hia• =tut; with twelve highly finished and colored man. ',ben bound in Turkey morocco, antique. By !dm 7tomaon, 01111mvoa of Mamie. Poetry By R. GM ' mold. The Raman. of Weiner, or Poetical Language of :Tiara/kin -' . Hameln Gleanings; a llohday Bank By M. 1.. .Tbs Rosemary, •Collection of Sacred and Religious '• Wintry from A met-lean hod English Poets, with elegant Elm strailono TO° Lifis of Christ By Rev. H. Weld front,'&Melidaad ari lb IllastmLMg in fiat, and inuniinationa otj ad & o : 1 T . 07lia r s ra ste . Jusl , Prince' of'cl_,•• The Li atop o y'sy . nseoddm,• The Fountaina. A a b Farry Tale, S. ?ohmo 1. 1 4 The Scripture Gift Book, beautifully it. . T.NI Gariand, or Token of Fnendslp, for iest. Th. K., Viake of Friendship, gift book for 1.4.19; 41.,4011401.50uvenir0f Friendallip, far 11130, sh. soy Token of Kentembrame, for of tau . Smith line illustration.; The Genimoi linty R I., oboe of Italian life; Literature and b y &T.. cobalt; the Poems of N. P. Willis, emßJete .faiskd and enlarged i Chanthers l =P'b aj ' y Tvrsinia l lnir ' tre ' r ' ag Boa , orth„ Ten anti for sale' by den madcrrr & Er& . . . nowkal Book. et D w.hk. , ijaouragrs Common Plum 80e5 .. " C" '" O egeg Morel, Religious, F. Tlolotophieal, Ilserical, Poetical and Miscell anew. , eetee" ' re ' e .kut „ The Tianmend and One Night 0, lrohd'o.'" en " ern ray Nod for Family Beading, with explanalos7 notee,' by B. W. L ana Blestrated with six hateired wood eats. by Harvey; and illuminate d tides, by Owen ] Jena The Works of Charles Lomb, wi n th Loh , " " 61 a Sketch of cis Life. By T. N. Tait *oh Ede. , Logs end Queens, or Life in the F el liimodeal Scathes oflemphine,! mwd , A Hamster In Scotland, descriptive of Ito nlocoolTl Commeree, bfentifactures, de. The Biographical and Criucal Mbecllarde c of Ww.l Idricecott, Esq. - I The Complete Works of MarinEslges veldt, in Dl: The %Welshman's - Greek coneordan ce of the , s r.! ow l Towament. tlatakspearels.Dre.Watic Work. and P oems,M2 Dad's Nort h Amelia. Aces Want, embracing el e and Doeble Ilhstry. (Mistimes% Thtmloglcal Insiwites. • ,i Four Years in Great Britain; being tiesedlitive of the I Mostarchiesitusd Aristocratical Instdations efEr.gland, with sketches of the Live. of wane of her rem eini. eat etatesmen, to. Kene's Elements or ItiemistiT, with the most raved discoveries and app li et Worm of the science to fdedi..j A ?mien en Domes lie Economy: . b Miss Beechen A large Monk of Ans, and Masa S 0. Union Baikal Pod sale by , ELLIOTT & ENGLISH, del . . No 79 Wood street 19001 W BOOKS% !YUreed au. P IiEr3BINERIAN BOOK 11.0081 j No. 7B Wood Inn int, and for sale so Eastern prices: tGassMass Hebrew lo atleos, Tavonsend's Arrangemeni of. the Bible, Nomad eta History of at Christian Belli t_ ond Cho rob 97 Dam's Yrs nu on CV kb. Don ,7 m•u hxl e, of , ih Evans. Eta., Robinson's Greer. Harmony of the Co Boris, do do do, Seon's.ln , pia, void, Bosuns 'editing; Psb.'s Bible Goseuser; Jtl arsi's Chau,* *dim Prosper., Dr. Wood's Leo, • tuts on Smodento triaoism, Holes blissionary dolor. sod m6ay 1. , Air Smarting works, in addition todo above. aurs, ramp. • nor. ' I DEMINGEIII,CO., .a.u... - Glom Citsksi kiiram Z. V Kask au a gnu, ram; Inrrith Ps, keep 2 towing& dy on hand and make In ol ds: all kinds of ; 4sW,Fa ttles, An. Pones and hluNi gal Water eowei, of sop e 6 d , V="q - Portlesdkr ilusoAdon pd d o l'swato Moulds. • rIIRMVP (11 — ri ; ITTIFAUFLOH, ALLE, OD V IClNerv, will he ready for, Ss engraver in I dar. rcr.M. who me) , alab . have 'flews of the; y coantri 1011. pet on the meY sal ds as by maims •pplieation to the designed,' any date hem, Pral.. •To defray the tie view!. - t o be reqedred edditiol th '.oPet , e of the mai nova. E MeGOW+INT U.P„ blrE ---- l -- :krekillt,e's ben \butter Lead Ai,* more and for We bT dee BM , ArEltilar. NICOLS ' oY B a er Pi" c""PSETISs and NICOLS • CM:ESE-40i ; a ere am, a ;aperiur aftlele; b.ll W. R ;ea' dam d (corrode • , dell Bdc N% RDALGH VIED VIII 16 ,114 4 ,- tac.r" L 8 WATf.I4NAY ",„t1 J KIDD tr. CO. 60 Wood et reed and for We by delU J KIDD dr. DO ao Wood 01 110grAIA - Iniii Writ•Titll44 dt Amao, in awn MA J 1 1 . 4' 14 Urtar lut recd, • rot atria al. ,r„,„ y n ' w 4.70yE D'REVFOOLK, IGO Second totn . enrrre — o are d l'y. • • COPE Ir.DI3I.IFOr• , por LTOES—RS bblsJoOt reed and for ado ." rib COPE& BREVFOriLE .11 - 1 1 0 °Tia.74-1" COPE City:ME—a mall lot in store end for iitl . yi • dlO CODE re TlllNve—to en. see 7 - ZrZ"Cr axle by Ia fr. w tuipmv 9 H, — New Pane, aidvari.aj now receiving, front one of oor dcm essi, oar .ecohti supply of FAI4. , DOCITD 3 oionvirD O 6 • every_attlele In oar hoe, in whii,:h yo .Vt my of WOKIN1) tit,alDiES, of onr own meOuith:v • ro) we ask the lineation of Western Iderebant. an I • t Wye's) den EENNEItY a SAW YEE_ ODN BIDER--A small lido( choice Dimon NAM Bst tech' by (010 CODE fr.DRETIODLEI 7. 'INE tiLAJeruiPTi tarp , estoortroent forsSe by MM. i 'o COPE it EIREYFOCILF:' POTATOES-15 Obis in More and far eo r 4 ir" _d_2lU OkIYS netmevonix[ mn 9 d and for Pans L COVE*. BREYFOOLIF:I del \11 17'E L1l:+ ""lintrangtil ximm—Tt. biliten Nice In 4,js, 1::! for EYFOOLIi.. IO I=' , e 4 , 4 ,41cr r NA. prime frt.& d Abut de y TABS. CI 0 • e " K t tY lIAHIIwUGH ?ea flee. fur sa:a Ly '209,20 W dalt ' d aid fora.: OULD CANDLE 'S-- 006L HARoAliall ky dela dd' tt e l l .xya - . 11.10 Dbl. Es;etaae, besibra dF in the 0. 4 'fas_ sale , IoWLRECERS-00 lb*, bat giants. 6 ' FT Al innow...cream sad litotbstt •Iway.• CWoottiUse. 41109;, • f.ll - !115 . 114:1161Ai RECORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OW WILLEM COMMITTEE FOB DECEMBER. wires were not in working or , 'mob of 'Pkiladelphis, coaw - boot oar usual despatch. fro. Warr. Auaaaarlln or not Coasan Smarm. —During the winter wombs the meamers composing the Cunard Line will sail from New York; Boston and Liverpool. as follows: Cambria, from-Liverpool, for Boston, Dec. 15,1849. " for New lark, " 29, " for Boston, !mit, i 650. b v for New York, " 4 4 ° for Boma, Feb. 9, for New York, " " " for Baotou. Match 9, for New York, " 83, for Boston, April 6, Canada, from NeMYork, for Liverpool, Dee. 12,1219. Earope, from 00/14)11. 19, Hibernia, Fm New York, for " " Cambria, I'm Boston. • for " Jan. 9,1953. Canada, hem New York, for "" " . from Boston, for " Feb. It, " from Neer York, for " " go, from Boston, for " March fl ; from New York, for " b 93, " from Boston, for " Apnl 3, from New York, for " ' IT, from Boston, for 1. May PETTSBPROII MAILICZTI lei eau win num* nco'n 18,1849. Owing, partly to the inclemency of the weather, but , mainly to the usual dullness of the winter season, bus [nese during the past week has been on a restricted scale, and nothing has transpired showing any =Ate. riot change in general quotation.. • The weather, for the most part, has been mild for the season; we have bad heavy rains, which has earned off the inlow, and raised the river to high tide. -}l'he river hoWaese has been doll, and the receipt. of P visions and 'Breadsturs,fnem the lowermarker. h ve been very light. ASHES--With the execption of Soda Ash, we no deo no material change from last week's 400,10i011/. Tto eupplice of Soda Ash have become very light, and tie coneequenee is, a decidedly improved feeling, and higher figures. In the early part of the week, sales of Soda Ash•were transacted RA follows :•-45 csks at 310 cash, 19 0o at 14,.1 mos.; do cks at a, &nig° and 57 tens ta arrive, at 31031, cash and time. For the light mocks now le tbk , Markin, we are Informed . that 1e is o,Sered, but holders are demanding higher figures.— Wr.h the other descriptions of Ashes, the market I. o.iirly supplied., bat transactions, have been compare lively light, at the following pricesi—Pearl Aah, Ike; Saharan.; 51516 c; Pot Ash, 1105 c; and Scorching. at 403 it ALE-Thee, Lea regular eleady demand for Ale, at firings of 116 m IS, seconding to quality and descrip tion of package. • irPLEd—The receipts of green spplo have fallen tand Orr/Plies 'ara comparatively light. We note ales fro:nab" oftkaticsidescriptione. at $9,430 2,60 Infeitiat 'and common qualities are !old at a range of 71,f1A0 $2.111P Obi BUTTPII-The prices of thp doer qualities of roll and pent W. it. table butter, are fatly sustimThed, with ialea in boxed. Salobbls, al 14010 c. Salo of • fair utility toll butter by the bbl, at 11 /Pak kr !Ethel; utter we notice a slight decline, owing to the advane kdrates of ithipment tot, and tho stream:dation of sup plies in thdi market. The article is whet dull at lin packed barrellrd butter, we bare noticed •21-1 Olio doing, and can only quote nominally at ekeeke i 19. BACON—We hove very Little to notice In the bacon imoket —receipts continue light, and supplies are lim ited. We may quote sales of Sides to a moderate ex tent, at .se, of Shoulders at 44:, and bagged ham. at ti 08: ik • - BELE MEAT—Very lutk has CO= forward as yet, land what ban arrived, was designed for eaten ship - !MC), From the active °pennons in the Pork bwinen of the west, we may soon madcap. , heavy raccoons by neer. At Emeinnan, at the latest date, the number of hop slaughtered from day to day, was immense, and I Wes were eke.] at 11,5092,02 for Wit; t he foo bent', and some aura quality, hotavroat Ti ♦ fah . At Latayeue, Indian, 55,000 head had been slaughter ed,•and *ISO ♦ Igo wee the roheg figure. At Louis. Lille, mess pork roes nlling at 69404 , bbl At debt clothe '_k, 4,5D0 head via sold at a twig° arc 0230,2.5 t) V 100. hu Preble Ca., Ohm, the rate. are 112,2,5ribtAt BROOrvf9—We notice a regular demand or muter.' at w wings of 11130 to 6P,60 Kudos, trom suite in Um eAlots BEANS—SaIr. of . 27 bbl from nate, trk Atacama la at 70975 bt!. BRAN—The'teceiple of Brut have been light; and with small suppiies in Wore, we may quote lSalgda tin, as the fair wiling figures of the market. CRAtiliEßß!P3—Suppliaa are limited, withhooderi ate aided at Sitdoenrd I. b. CORDAQP. — For the vanau.sarlitidil unites due head Weir is a reyalis steady demand at the .fulleignity prices: Marano rop.., by c 01..--• —•lse ? b. do 16c • • Mute Rope, by coil, -- do 100 • Tarred Po', tiy coil,- ---• ..... •Ile " do Packing Nero, fume —• '' Po - " imam= Diandla. ILIPPI I / 3 ,1:05114,00 gs dot do 1p zoil,•• • •15c •• 0. 'Hemp, 151,1b1P2,5011 , 35.5 it doz. do ir.• cou,• •-•10. O. 1 , 1090. um M.A.. It •• • •-•Hemp, 1371 e. IP dog I:yard:ad Cordage is sold regsdorlY .114 5 ir fib COTTON YARNS—For the saltiollll articles odder hiallead, the folloartog is a correct 1141 of prices /DM) TALL . • 18. No. 13 cu per lb..— • • .do 9 14 —do" 15 " 9 . 01 “16 6 ~ ---.mi " 19 •• —do " 20 INII.I. No. om, • no perer '.b 10 No. HA 41.4 perdox - 000, •• •. DO 9 " OM, 6 •• • • . o. 6 No, 6 - el " um, 6 ~ .....d o Coil Chain, —4l Candlewick, ..., HI Coverlet Yarn, —938a1l Filling, do Twin.. 99 1 Balzing,Nos 1 wadi-19,11 So. 3, ct 3 CRACICERS-A regular business is doing at the fol. lowing quoted rates: Water Crackers, per bbl Rutter , WV ' " : " 1 ra lb te 40tr. Crac ker, P rl r 0== . ... - .7.7- DaTIGS-Thafollowlng is • hoe of prices of some or the reo . a prominent articles ander this head : Aloes.Re..thamer • B-• • • 404{ Atom, ' 310.4 Camphor, raf,••-35040 Ato o o rtg lbs• • • ride. Chloride lime •• • 007 mer ••• 42014 I Cochineal, " ,4001,50 A Aqueforna, "' • • 'WOU CoPP OI . , .• • •101 Litharge , " • • 4100 Liquorice root"• •• 7 0 !dodder Urnbtot,list2ol3 " ball". • • 1002, Cuter Oil,bhls• •• Bel Rolla • • 41011 quinine, 0 .....,110,1414,30 Glue, common"- • • 1101 MILT. FRUIT-We moos a good demand in the muter, ( o ily qu oted Web say for new Uop peach es, 1112,M, and for apples .0 11,45 p Lo. The aupplte• of Apples are light. Pealed peaches are esillog all/AO DRIED BEEF -We 00000 the retarpt df dried beef from the Cincinnati mete, bp b....beard of no sales to any extent; It t• held at Se •D. FLOUR-The -dour market has been Briber doll dor , ins the past wick, and oolhing of M.D.. km...air ed. The resettle by river have teen extremely and owing to the bad conthnon of the. roads, very little has arrived by wagon Hales have been confined to limited ;loth from tint hands, at Sign and from store at sioada,ft for good.. 1. brands, and Sr,,S for extra. • gelato! • fair articles. f. were reported to as franatore, at 1,40, which we viewed as being below the make+. RYE FLOUR -Supplie• are light; with small sales et 10,1103S7• bbl • Bocalsaisar-Itackwbeaffinur continue• in (Ur in greet, at 12,1400,75 • Ire, for the finer qualities' of bulled; Mid form 11,75 to earn • lib for common . FISII-We nonce a coronued good demand to the market, with • slight advance on come kinds. The Ml lowtog firmres may be correctly given . -Salmon, 111% Ny.l Mackerel, illfx N 0.2. 10,50, mod N. 3, et 1710 • bblillerrior,lls,no for common eastern, and 1010 for Labrador; Codfish, $4,73:ip drum, and Lake Fish at 1F3,1/08 1 61r bbl. • FRATBF.RB-Tbe market is quiet, watt .ilia m small lots, at 71034 e f B. FRUIT-New eop Raisins are selling at 13 • box Almoodal2oll 7 • 44 Ground ante, iDe • ho; Pan. ~,c4 76 IP lb; Filberts, fin; Cream nets, 70; Zanta comp., eo9ic, Engli. 'Walnuts at Se 41 , 6.: PREIMITS-,-Owing to the scarcity of freight, and the abundance of water on the fiver, the rates of °berg. 64 from lbta polot weer have been altogethernonalual, and we 0111/Iqtuttalionn The wagon lona east to Pluledelphicand Baltimore gave now taken the place of the coal transportelatti, and the rates on freight tut by three luxes tithe from giLooool,ts p iru, for heavy and light fteights. • " IVindoW Glass, at ihe following taws—City Brand.,. .aid al 613,755164; ID by 114.11.4301.56 ♦ boo other slice in proportion. • For noasetry brutal a followtog is • list of prices paid Tor the Dubin* 1117.89 I Bby ps .. . . —PM 11 by 10 by IQ 10 by 15 4,101 It by 17 • .... Ghase.—The following table Rosie. the outside 114. s of.the vamps kinds and qualities 01 fool glass SOA7ufeettned4nd sold la this Mink CI: Mean Tumbler. per doe., 300.43,00 •ISSatild do 8710 1,75 Paned du " 0,009 3,45 do do 001 0, . •" 374 feeble.. r7 ° .4 ‘ 3l ' l ' Charpaigoss, " Vine (Aimee, " 504 80: 10 beatonadoe, 784 0. 4 4 Jelly stands, clad; Decanter., per do!," 50.1 ad* ..1.3a IWO do beery pillared, per pls.,. 9,00110.00 do beery eat dote, each i 764 4,4 4 Idoluses cans, " .50a 6,141 do Bratanla tops. per polo .75e 400 Flower vase., per dos s 4,11 Me ea. , o dd do eat, per pair. 6,14/01160 Jelly Glossed, per d' ,45117,002 fussed esreevedeatdlehes, per doe 46 eh bowls, per psis f17e , 40 • Elortaohnobe and pine, per dos 1.14e51.60 STUART 4. '. EIMEZEEMI 4.50 3,7 Z GLASS—.lull. un activa busman has beenstoing Specie 4s.rs, laelrersd corers,' ddti.X 4 i o , oo grow .1.0. per dos 11.0.108,03 Plated Co!c!jrpej, . 4 . 3,0L1•11,03 'Tinerd t res_ ,lroandrpo*,, ? dos 1,0412,00 .1113101, VOSo44.llach 76p 1070 . ._ GROCRRIES—The Onmel7 market taatautta. lu canal quietnest, with no change in Onotatiena, Trott oar last general review,.with the exception of Molass es. We have heard of nO Leary Malimetion. Wes having been confined to regular limited lots to city and country trade. at the following rater —N. 0. Sam 54, cash, and 5106 e, dole; lasi finger 00100; Moleases has rUffenod materially, owing to the comparatively light aupplies, with miss of 150 bbl.. different lots, at 25c-, gall, Boma Home Is ceiling at 400 ♦ gall. Rio Coffee continue. very fit., at Ili pnk , with vancing tendency. ,filice may be gaoled at Me 1 It, in tierce. GRAIN—The market remain. quiet, with no °bane 111 prim. Sales of SOO bat katlel at Lk, and GPO bus shelled corn, at 400 ♦ Int, from first fuids. Oats are selling on the wharf at 111/320, and from wire at 34111 15c ♦ bu. Of Wheat very little Is offered, ;Lod , we can report no sales. IRON & NAl.l43=Since the opening of the fall trade • good birtiness boatmen doing in the Iron market at the following range of prices—Flu Bar,ll /-As 00, •o• cording to elsei Bound, .6 Sumo Bar, 2 4-2061; Band Iron, 444,93 n Hoop Iron, 1107 e; Sheet 1r0n,4106e. Non-10 m 921, tap f' keg; Ed to 9d, 113,20; ad tO 7tl 4 4, $4 ,53 ; 3d, $3,30 ♦ keg. Seca—Cut 1, 31,4, 41 inch, S 4 flier; 5,2 k and O inch, filnif 1:11.td 7 inch, $2 keg. LEAD—Sales of pig at 41041, and of Bar 54114150. Sheet Leadfis sold by,tho roll at ate CP lb. Lead Pipe at a range of ni to Isle ♦ 1.4 LARD—We notice the script of constderablo Tian uties from the lower make), but have been confined o•tly to limited quantities, at SI for bbls, and 6106 c for kegs, which is • decline from last week's repen. LARD OLL—Sales of No. 2 at;49osoc,and of Not at Me per salt WHALE k SPERM OlL—Sales of bleaohed motor whale, at 8.10000; or crude whole at 40063 e r Hlcaohed winter sperm Is selling at $1,4601,5D, Fall do at BIAS, and nann'il colored do at St IP sail. LINSEED OlL—Sales at 73073 c de gall. MALT.—We note sales from:nom at IEOI4O per lin METAL—The market for P:g Metal is very gates, and no salm worth reporter hate transpired. We host Masks MPS toes blooms, not strictly prima, in two lots, at ISM, a Dot POWDER—Hasardn Me at 113,4 and of Rock at 113,5303,5 d per keg. SOAP./cCANDLES—SaIes of City and Cincinnat inacialacenred rosin soap, at 311i4e per lb. .81/i Can dles are sold at titre; mould tallow at 10Y, and row =dipped at de vet e. EiPlCE—Cosnanion, Sue; Cloves and Nutmegs ai 11.10.1313 TALLOWW—aIes YS Obis, at to ip lb WHISKEY—Tne Unite, ie fully supplied, watt sales of Rectified at P24/23c, cash and time. WOOL—We re Inde dome at metal—the follawrlng ate it al quotaboat ror 9.paup. Pr.< - ---•••••• =2l BEEVES—The ofenngs at Ma yard on Monday amounted to about 400 head, mostly of comm. quality. Some IMO to 300 Limed mere taken by butchery, at a rang. of 53 to 4,50 ♦ 100, net sn., match is a slight re daction on the poorer qualities, from last weak's quo ta.. Hoo2—frales were offacted to a Lamed *mow, at 111.90 to t,OO ♦ 100, as to qualtri. SHEEP—SaIe. of good quality Sheep ware effected at U, and of ordinary at $1,2541/1,60 each. Pittsburgh litoeks, and Blowsy Montt. Par ♦al. Of. Ali a*. fed. ad_ Bank of-Pinahargn—Capstal, 111,200,001 h Dividend, jMay and Navy 4 • ceet• • fat 10 11 Exchange Bank—Capitallll,ooo,lM, Ike- Wend, (May and Noe.) 4 * cent Merchants' and Manufacturers' Rank Capital, sscoAcq Dividend, May and Noel 4 P cent ..... • • ...... • •• .. Patet. h Ga. Co —Dividend, llan. and J. 11) 4 P cent • •-• ..... Allegheny Badly* Conan, ••• - - • Mononfahela ` sees Hand birett •• • —• N Liberties Western Insurance Co. • .. Ohio & Pell/110•111311. Railroad, IDS paid 93 Pennsylvania Railroad ••- • . . So Putaburgh City loan •-• • • li7o en VI Allegheny County loan • • • 100 40 VI Allegheny City loan . •. • 100 414 BS Pauburgb t Bottom Copper Mining Co 00 101 110 North &melte. 10 2I 00 Pittsburgh& Isle Royal - " Oast ante, *lO Obi Pirtsburgh.. Cincinnati & Louisville Tel. egrapit Co—CapitaLlll74oAr, Dierdend, J canary. April, July and 9clober, 4IP cent, aharest, WSW ..... • . •• • • • Atlantic & Ohio Telegraph Co—Capital, 1300,40% Diridend,, , Oc p %hare for Jan nary, April, and October, oiirca, ISO, mes, *l7 The following were the closing games of stoek• is Pkilladelykua, on Friday Doe 14 1114. Aek. -did. Ash. U tl o. 1a.50• • • 100 Im} 13t. Lotus 6's . 09 Of 1141-2• • • ioq lasi Allegheny any Vs 1 071 •• 1507. • • 11l 1113 1. to. r• 0 filf • • 1668• • ttlf Mt Pittsburgh irs• •• • 91/ 92 Tr[l.lll7 Note-•••111/1 1116 Pittsburgh B alt• SO/ 51 PhDs SP•• • •s••• -1 014 Pl 6 Elshsoge k. 43 47 . Po I* 90 Plerrh. 1. ltkunt• SD/ Kentucky trs• • • .103 106 U.S. Olt nazi, •. • a 90 Tennessee Sbi• 554 (61 " shares• • 0 9i Oineiqnsti 6's• 951 96 • Pal= R Ft--••••:•-• 7s PORT OF PITTSBURGH. e l ee—TEere were Is feet 0 metes in the ch.celladcvecing, and Calling. ARBILIVIKD. Caleb Cope, !Burdock, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Bliknonashela City Many., Bries, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth. !atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, IkllKeesent. Baltic, Jacob., Benwmivilla Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. Hodson, Merlin., Bridgeport. Louis McLane, Connell, Wheeling. Kentucky, Marlene, (new) shipyard. DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wellsville. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keernert. Viroqua, thlkmay, Monongabela Cay. Atlantic, Parkinaoq, Brownestlle. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. F . ...him, Peebles. 'Elizabeth. Jaws Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Empress, Gallagher, Zrnesville. Hibernia No. 2, Klinekber,Crn. BOATS LEAVING THIN DAY Brownsville Packets, at A. M. and 6P M Beaver Packets, 8 A.M. and 4 P. M. New Orleans—Empire State. Leuiaville—;-Kentocky. Wheeling—Louis McLane. Cincinnati—Neva England No 2. . , -.Jo.pb'thlvronh. . . JH DILWORTH & CO, Wholesale Grocers, and . Agents for Hazard Powder Co, No. PI Woal Pittsburgh , 4cSy Y . • ... W 001.•••• -- •At.. 78 urn. =DALEY re co., wkolemue Grocers, 16 and 20 Wood wee% . Ponsbnigt. nov27 ff==Vl • v. e. WINIDMIIII... • .... /- DACIA-LEY. WOODWARDWhoIesaIe Oro JUll cm, No. lleD. Market srreet, Philadelphia. aerair/ .NDOW sASH—drn assonmeat MTV and for rule by MO/ COPE k lIREYFOOLE WINDOW GLAI3 , 3-250 b C x O .,ass'd. La more wad fo: bl PE & BREVFOOLE gRiORGE H. ELLERY, or New York, and 13 RUSH P11.1BILY; of Philadelphia, have this day been rained as ,pariners to oar basilica., which will he continued aide( the same arm as heretofore al N 0.27 Church alley, Philadelphia, and No. 16 FAchange Plane, New York. E. M. DAVIS & CO. Philadelphia, Dee. 1, 1642.—12 07- D 2 Otilri 4 Ponaryloarila Railroad Conley. • NOTIOIII...The Stockholders of the Ohio and realism. Railroad Company one hereby non bad that \ 0 Annual Meeting of Siockholders, and Elecoon Directorr, will be held at the Company's Otheeiri Pittsburgh, OP Thursday, the iOth of/unitary, 11'30, etWeeOhe hours or 10 A M. and 3 P N 13 order ofihe Board of Directors SAL., O, Nov. 30, 140. 1 .1 BROOKES Nokia—Exude, from the 7th Section of the Act locoipotaing the Ohio and Penney'vain& Railroad Company— .6lMY the first election of Directors, nu nemon shall "Me no Loy abase on which any inatninumim doe and "unpaid."ldcll-3taseta _•, . _ "ff EM P—l 3 bales Dew Reined Kentucky Hemp, see H Ott coot ignment and fonyale by 00,thos 1p OLL'lltrTß—ar bac gloms, Ina reed al the 1.1, Mit. and ellectic Depct,MNl for by CANFIELD' :del° f;;Ult --I box Just rasa sod Ira seditby 1: dcll J B CANFIELD/1 IHEME—D99I pt.! trud . ree:d mud for ki sal. by dell? J CANFIELD 009 N Ay EAR-1u store urd tor stile y, INNER dt9 VLOUR—IKI taus Flag, MA reed arTd rot' sato by I: deft & SKI NNER CIANWIEFLES AND M. DE LAEME= 4....4 , 4 7 elifloTrenePe4r.gralle.r''ottr 1.11 be j;lso, mkt) , of other new aode,'not to be bad elsewb , ,o', de6 A A MASON & CO .''4.operio7 .- a - rtiele for 1: family t P u leuperfs; ye , bbl? five; ha IlltOfe lend for We by E de BELLI:Rd NIGOLS Dir.P,tv-11,71, 85VIVitAjrNMiss" F TT; 2al Mole S Flour, 60 do extra family do, for sol aL del WN t KIRUTATRIIL y 4 (O C leb:b DEde?-M:CIiE4----iC6-b-" Ala B A d c g r COPE & EIREYS)OLE rtrres-a --- " l ' . 2" do the ts \'. li., ID do ..t , _ _. for 0. p., s moss supeg i or Y. II , now i c afau r N . §-Ij-bylCia.s7:l - bl t slirriac es, (nor orop,) I bbl. McCue., far tab: by SO - C II CHANT riNNECUliCß: 2 Wellitiiii -1 thssOe-f3tsii. V' boss titan to Ism alba of (Assail DIOIss Os , coverim dulls, rl . sh ' , rill ah;p ir Ml7 4 l ,- /aOllBll, 'a PoaM LOCAL MATTERS. ILI:FORM FOY. TEM 1111,1591[1311 DAILY OAZLITZ EZACTION to ALLlGlriti. — iNext Slatlady even' Mg, we underinand, the,43 l /htga of idlegite 6 Y hold their Want Meetings _for the nomination of Ward 'Tickets, ad the akmititinent of delegates to • city Convention to nominate a candidate for Hager. Let all interested take notice. New Enabaso Farsztv t r.t.—We are requeated toy that Item to to her gathering of New gog lenders, et the Monongahela House, at tH o'4rick, on the eye of the 21d, to commemorate the land ing of the Pilgrim Fellers. A limited number ofstripper tickets can be pos• cored at Luke L 3001 4. Book Store, No. 69, Wood Street. DISTRICT — 6 - 131. -- ;.- L BCIMIS Justien Lowrie The ease of Samuel °orally va the Disciple's Church was taken up. This is an astiou el sject menta brought to recover the property on which the Disciples Church stands. The Church claims under a deed from Samuel Church. Now Dmxctoar.—We have received a pros. poetua ofthe proposed new directory of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the serrounding boroughs, to be got up by Samuel Pahnestock, Esq. It will contain a correct Alphabet.' List, of the residents, and those dens busmesstin the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, the Boroughs of the mingham, South ,'Pittsburgh, Manchester, and Duquesne, with parts of Lower St. Qair and Pitt townships, Lawrenceville, Eut Liberty and Sharpsburgh. The Liu will so arranged that under ,a dip tient head the ' of every householder and business man e r with the occupations, places of hostiles!, prime maidences, or boarding houses will be given, so that with a copy of the Mee buy, the name and realdenee of any inhabitant C. 1.11 be found at a single glance. Mr. Falinestock is a gentleman eminently qua died for the test he has undertaken, and we have no doubt that he, arid talented to it. The Directory will he lamed wan alter the first of April. Fins Lsnwoz..a.,—Mr. W. Seuehruaa has laid upon our table a very beautiful lithograph of those distinguished liulagariao leaders, Kossuth, Bern, and Demblaski. We have had Geeneut occasion to notice the superior manner In which this gentleman litho. graphs, and think that Ins:worimso orally, is equal to that of asy Eastern anis*. He certainly deserves credit for thus introdorr a new branch of indo. try halo Pittsbtughi an we hope that our citizens will visit hint with substantial proofs of their ap preciation of his talent. Accenver.—A man slightly mtionicated, was driving a wagon, containing a companion, also drunk, end a lune boy, through Lawrenceville, yesterday, and stopped at a tavern. On getting m again, the mina fell from he bands, and ho got out on the tongue to mush then, when the horses ran off, throwing the other men out, and cutting kis head very severely. The man who had Wien from the tongue, tsrtunately, managed L to grasp it in tailing, and clung to it tightly, while the horses were at fall speed. Several persons endeavored to stop them, bat unanceeneinlly, until police offi. car Barr, and a Ms. Schneck, managed to do so after they bad ran nearly e mile, and released the drunken man from his perilous Nadi.. Its clothes were almost completely gimped from his back, and he was frightfully brewed and mangled. The Utile boy who had all ,the time reanatned in the wagon, escaped unhurt. CE9119 1,,-.-' 66 -61 15 /5 15 25 10 10 Laarreso.—Mr. qv:urge Wateon, Jr , maa last week, iso mob. ofthelloaorable Charles Sea ler, admitted to the Bar - Laacture.--A . young [111.12 awned Lute Witlea was arrested at a ball. de Mondey night, by pollee Officer Hill. He had suceseded 6r borne tune ui eluding the vigilance (tithe pollee, but was nab bed atlast. Hill bad two warrants aganiat °twist isreeny,and one for disorderly conduct.' DIV 'thrYmg—Alderman Steele of .sted yelatinatay; at the. Mayor's Othee, owtug tta the at' Seaton altaintain!Retron. The morales watch rewrite brunets together a =beauteous ase•em blage of basal?, and whom, none, however, ecru sed. oferimea ol mom magnitude than drutikeu Deal 1111 i disorderly .adoet. • BroniilltLitqwo. colcirett inert named George Lyons' aiiii , Enoch litasbY, by . thlecer Hill, charged with knirektig driark yoangran dai.out eighteen years old, to a *ail I . w a t e r greet, and taking a purse containing two dollars and a halt from him. They were eonionOs ted Sao Case—We have rarely beheld • sadder scene then we witnessed yesterday at the Mayor's Office. A man who ban been on a drunken *rime for some weeka had been committed to jail on Sunday, and his wife, fearing that the madden check which his drunkenness would re , eive might prove injurions to him, a. he was .object or it., came to the polies race to beg that they would allow her to acid him in a sic& glass of liquor. She herself is no .drinking woman, and has suffered enough, audio spare from drunken. ness in others, but love was perhaps stronger than reason, and her tear and prayers carried the point. i3orrowtoga Boar's she started off with two tents—all the money she had in the world— to buy some whiskey for her worthless husband. Waster VIGIL= ens TintonLe.—We were much unused yesterday at the indiderence with which a Watchman looked on the loss of what Doctor Cooper, the Mount Airy Bard, used' to call sweet seventy five cents." fie had brought a colored min to the Mayor'. Office, who had not been, nit turned out, very much to blame In au attempt which he had made to mparate a moo and his wife who were lighting. Still he was evidenced to pay the omits, but unfortunately had no money about him. His offence would not warrant hie committal to jail, and he promised . to get the money, if the watchman would go with him. Thie he refused to do, saying would rather let him go free, as It won't pay to go with him. I have registered a vow in Heaven never to go with a colored man to collect a ace. Ilia only time I ever did so, was once when I was aunt to a steam boat to get • fine, which. one of the firemen had been ordered to pay, end whoa I reached the boat, he jumped from boat to boat till he had tired me out, and ended by popping into a boiler which two other colored men were cleaning out. to lees than • -minute he got so ditty that I couldn't tell him from the others, so I had to let him slide, and since then I let the color ed people go, tine or no tine." flame Coune—A colored Outlaws and his wife, made their appearance yesterday, before Al derman Steele arthe Mayor'soifice,ehared with • mutual Assault and Battery do each . other Their heads were covered with scars proceeding from blow. indicted in their num•Ams combat., and they beamed to have learned in perfection the art of agreeing to disagree , . They were taken be fore Alderman Buckmaster where they entered in to recognis.cea to keep the pennon. Fns.—The alarm ad tire hut night originated from the binderkbehind Luke. Loomis' Book Store, taking fire. It wait extinguished before much damage had been - done, and before the ar• !Ma arum engines. Tam Rouse Flee Courser —No Earnue at the timer, Liberty Street did better tierViiie, nor did any taritmaxy work• harder, thou the Rohe. It it the bast baCteld eleteaeLlgifle in WWI!, and the her men saluted it with three cheers as A Caele•AL the ground, for the kept thue, on Monday morning. pursuance tit the call of the last 'ear's delegation, the Whigs and Loti.fdasons of the Elgth Went orsll meet at the Public Saha/111mm, in mid Ward , an !Saturday, inst., between Me Loon of 3 and 7 o'clock, Y. Al, for the parposa of no. !Mincing Mayor Delegates, to meet In Convention on the Wednesday following; and also to imminato can didates for Want 03!Met. • delo-2tv • _ toTER. _l. tf. and Rella,atrl re h z krtulritt IURN MEAL—tOb ba old, to Wont and our sale by t.J dela STUART Ss SILL, Ile Wood at -- TPESTY BSSLS CA,RPETS.—We oder to oar euato ß rners ßU and E fnends the choicest Tapestry BrusselaEarpets ere, brought to this market, of„the latest and wool approved styles and colon. oo which vv. will sell as lows. eon he Ouruininnd 73 Fourth a, dos W hIELINTOCK BiILISBELB EARPETS.—W. IlliCurrroca offers to patehmers a [tole add handsome assortment of the 00114 approtrad pattern.of Brussels Carpets, cheaper than ever befora Mitered in this market. Call and examloo our stock LefOnt porehaving elsewhere. deg W lIVELINTOCK, 73 Fourth at VELVET Cor p We -c. offer the han Velvet Pilcie cverlmported, as low aeon. be purchased In any of the t utern clan. We invlte those wwhlng to font. §letnnlbov.° l / 1 ...+ 10 eve us a call before parcheateg elsewhere. Carpet Waltham., Font. street. de.l3 W M'CLINTOCK DLO ‘.l' gaped. article, Jost reed Mid for sale by .49 C YEA° ' 109 asked et ACIUNG-4 b. •• • '• WMiki ill•Okillf Mad and Au ado by dab C YEAGER ESE DOCTOR,WIBTI6I BALSAM OF WILD OKERRY. THE following article vie copy with pleasure from the "Boston Mercantile deternal," of March, 1819, and we hope that If any of eJ renders are stiffened from aay.of the complaints which It Is said to care, they Will speedily avail thcrisel vas of its DR. wParmis BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY. . It saes well knovrtt 61.102 y TM" LS" that the will cherry bora tree of this eltol■l3 possessed valuable medicinal qualities. Indeed this fact was known to the aborigines, and decoctions of the leaves or hark of this tree has ever been regarded by their physicians as one of the moot effectual remedies In many dLsessa. This fact, several year. since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wistar, a highly retipectabla preetidoner of Vir gent. He investigated with care the healing proper ties of the wild cherry—tested its cleric when wintin astered alone, and when ovcolabinsHoo with olheexe medial arenta. He found that its natural virtue be greatly Improved, rod by cool:I:deg it with ingre dients whose propertiu were all 11 Proved and gee. arally recognized, a medicine was produced whisk consulates a remedy of great importance in pulmona ry affections and dl. ales of the cheat and throat— diseases which are proverbially prevalent in one eines and large towns, - and often prove lath, swelling the bill of mortality to a mach greater extent than to the nese with mostaithers, we bad almost acid all classes of dliteue. The genuine Wiatazta Balsam of Wild Cherry has& fan anode of the alanataro of Hoary Wianar, M. ;D.; Philadelphia; and Sandford and Park on a finely Oa.. cored limel engraved wrapper. Nona other am Vein , ulna. We are juct is receipt aril= follawinig ♦olmtap al bum to the cumin:lsmer of Wistati Balsam of Wild Cherry, from E. Hall, M. If, of Mt. Clemens, Michi gan, win is a physician of high slanging, and an. ag mast" druggian Mr. Omura, Mieho o .•=hi s iStil• To the Billeted, this may cemity th at Me,. B. Rob erts, of this village, three or four weeks afler.coufina mem, woe attacked' with a Nolen email and great prostratiou wd seemed hastening' to Ma pence with. ar feful rapidity. I Walsall:a. to are WiMar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—she did so, end with. Mat valnabie medicine alias was restored to health, and is now *.a living proof of the cake of Wistful Balsam of Wild Cherry. ed Deft, Physician and L Read on and be convinced still farther of the table Times of Wisteria Balsam or Wild Cherry: Messrs. Sandford k: park. Gem., Le a mailer of pm tire to yens, and ler the beeellt of the public, I would offer the folkowing statement of a emu effect/46y your atedleine,kumen as Wistaris Balsam of Wild Cherry. In the spr ing of 1817 my wife wax 'aeverely attacked with Pena:mutton's, or Pleuriay, 'which moulted in a deep .sated pair: In the side, weomparded With a sa mara soaalr ehe was wended by woe: of. Molest physteians in Chicago, but to no pupae; far wails she suffered, without relief, coughing incessantly algid and day. I came to the,owelusion that all the mow dics stutwolio tit.. physical. could mot help her, and was indwed to try year Wild Cherry. I met:redoes bottle, and coo:amerced wing It secoMbrig to dire, outs; babe It was al gone—tbecoagia stepped, are pain her side le ft her, sad with the aid of wager bottle she was resumed to rearms Emma sidoncion of those eicomistatioci. I would tocostradod it to the public un valuable medicine. Ifour;=ctilaly, R. N. GARRATT. wen G Mich, Oct. 6,1949. Rood de following 76ticansidt. Of all Use care. that hne been recorded, there are certainly norm SQUIS to tha see Ant motioned, which plainly shows the taxability of Conomption, eves in mane of its worst form Coos, Dool7, Lake co. In., Jam IS, li4o. J D. Park: Dew Six,* I have a duepfceramiscrm non far the afflicted, pormit me to sl4,e you. brief history army allictionaLand the benefits derived from the oso of Dr.lVistaefo Saloom of Wild Cherry. In Jaly.lBl4, I woo attacked with a fewer. of the tv phnd character, which: Icy me In a very debilitsted state, when In the folloWing winter I was taken wills severe cold, whichiedneed tan to sack on extent as to me the appear...4l Of a confirmed consumpilow I rotated under a severe congli—eXpectorated k Mal deal, sod was trembled with cold amend night sweats. I also freaurady miloadfilecol from my langs. I con. tinned In thisstMe., gradually *Wag ender the dis ease, umfil January, IMP when I wasin attacked with fever. My friends &spared of my l aga ife, and my phystmans thought I Gould survive but • short time. My extremities, arpecrally my feet, were constantly cold, and almost last their fooling. Under these Mr canntoaces it may traiy be said that I was • living skeleton I finally determined to quit taking meentne preacribed by physicians, and try Dr. Motor's Balm. of Wild Chewy, and from the first week that I com menced baking 0, I can dote a gradual recovery. I 10.1 cum sin month., a. the cad of which Lime I woo cored, end have enJoyed good health ever mace, and cheerfully recommend the Nola ant to all those aS flirted watt dioeurm of the blob, and would soy to those comniencfrig its ow, cot to be direettraged tf two or Uwe bottles do not effect • cora, bat persevere so I have dour, and I have ho doubt bat num cases out of will Cr blessed with renewed health so I have been netrwetral. toots. JOREPH JACKSiIN N per ROUles for 0. 24 L; 44 , J. D. PARK, Imeceuor to &mac,. A P...) Fount, e.rul Ws:aut eircem, General .yens (a the .oatti and West. to whoa, urdera mu. tn. uddresred L. W os, Jr, .I.A. A Jones J. 1:140 Jr. Gr, B A. Fabootroek & Cu, Pittsburgh. L. T. Rosoell, W.S.o tngton, W. 11. Idusbertoo. Proakun; L. 11 Borne, Uniontouro,;ll. Welty, Greensburg/A P.Koonis,Soiner. orb. Sc od k Wool re, Bedford; Heed & Bon, Bunting don; Mrs. Orr, llollidoyobarg; !Weldon I & Co, indi um; J K.. Wright, Kittanning; Evans A Co, Broo k . rills; A. Wilson & Son, Waynesburgh; ACForland Co, N. Callender, bleadvillr; Burton & Cu, nisi J. 3lsegAn, nemr, James, ,yt Co, Butler, S. Smith, Bettie c, J. P, Sturuntriou, MONA F. L. & C. B.Jonos, Guiiiimpga,,,Sic.pkCai Enka wrgle. t77'..*1-.ool2kalitiArt. ^•'• ~..;:'•- -• - c •. : liie;o6Lialli.ll. K /08. • pH' TIRTue of a preeept ender the bends of Iron. 11.1 i Poitiatain Patton,. Jr., President of the Colin of Common P 5.0,111 and for the 6th Judicial District of Pennsyvania, aid Justice of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. and General JUG Delivery in and far said District, and Samuel Jones and Whiter. Ken, Fors., Judge* of the same Courts, to and for the County of Allegheny, dated the loth day of November, in the poor of our Lord one titousaad eight hand, d and forty nine. end to me directed, for holding • Coon of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jill Delivery, at the Court llouse, in the City of Pittsbareh, on the 4th Monday in December utzt, at 10 0e10ca,...a. M. Publtn notice is hereby given to all .rionices of the Peace, Coroner mid Constables of the County of - All, 'hens. that they be Men and there, in theirproper lusc ious, with their rolls, records, examine tions a•• 4 .other remembrances, to do Mows things which to their respective others in their behalf appear to be done—and also Mood that will prosecute the pris oners that now arc, or may both the Jail of said Comi ty of Allegheny, to be then and there, to prosecute against them alishall be lost. Given tinder my band at Pittsburgh, this 1.201 day of November, la the year of our Lord, 14411, and of the Commonwealth the 73d. CARTER CURTIS, novl7-dawthT Sheriff. Bowden t Geausaml Circuit Coati United States • Cue for Infriarement of liar ky's Patent Pugin for casting Patna, Sams & Co. I Chilled Rollers. Defendant gave in eudemee Patent to John C. Pam for tame purpose. CHARGE OP COURT. A oncsunu ofnt is one offee' of whit& •' the jury aro did:cages. The construction of the patent Ls tor the COttrt. Atter reading and conainenting - on the specification of Plaintilge patent, the tban observed: In dela:Vol cases it le not the custom Of the Court io exprens any opinion of the fasts of the 'case; but in this ease the facts at, undieputed, and the Coon think it le proper to state, as the opinion of both the Judges on the true construction of Plaintiff , ' Patent, that the Defendant's Patent is • genes and palpable piracy of the Plaluthre invention. It has ttidently been obtained on the ground that It luau an improvement on Psainairs pa coed tn., awl now seeks to usurp his rights under pretence of a n Improvement—a pretence which is proved also to be unfounded Per Cortaro: R. C. GRIEIL The above dectloo pieer to the robaoribete Cone tee right to manufacture Chilled Rollers, by the rally proems known to produce a good article. They are prepared, W. tlo,,totOrt, to funiuti all Med required, and wlthithe least possible delay. nov27.dtf BOLLMANS it GARRISON. "DEED! lIZAD I...SELLER& COUGH 8Y• RUP—Prom W. K. Haden, Esp, Cl's', of the Court of Q6ll.lter &Ulan, of Boner Canary: Mr. R. E Ream: 81r, Sorge time in the winter my wife woe afflicted with...weeders:l distreselngeough, aid hearing of your Invaluable Coogh Syrup, I par based a battle from 8. T. Triafflle, of Hiidgeiwatar. and after taking a portion of It two or three evenings on reins to bed, she found immediate relief, as also neural Glenda have been relieved In severe cwt. I am therefore eariefied that itle • sofa and valuable me dicine, and would recommend It lo those who may be afflicted ivals severe coughs and cold.. March 84,•1013. W. R. RODEN. G7rßold by R. 8 SELLERS, 07 Wood street, and by Prugelets generally in the two cities end TielnltY. dc.t, KINAVO LIIE. yTTE will condone to colt y Freight to Phdadelplita, VT Baltimore and New York, Freig ht Canal and Rail Rocha ao long al the water permit. norito BIER Ea JONER. D.ILLIAECE FIVE DAY LIRE, aoa rut coMP•IICZ OP DIPILCITAIfO6.I UN PaCIUOU WIT. drat, 400 CiMARTI, 1111,1[1:11 PHIL kDELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. GgOlii for warded by this Line ere carried in the awn Mali Clunnbegborgb, and an liumerhate• ly loaded in Wagon. going night and day through to Pittsburnli The horses of this Lino are sigioned ev ery owe, which Ingres the prosout delivery of gond!, word° are time promised. The Wagon. will leave our waychoora Leundaye excepted) Ethip peg 'ire ....awed that no more goals will be taken each der ,l in un be paactually carded through. JOHN BPNADEfi & CO, i ! Canal liglii, Pittsburgh. JOHN Al DAVIS & CO, dcl3 Ydr Market weer, Phibukighla. NOT/CE.-4111XAT OFFER. eflllE subscribers, vitiating to retire from the Marc.- . 1, yle businme, odor for sale their maitre stock of Hoar,and every thing connected with their mercan tile trsde. They commented mernhandlydng In thin oily in OW, and have continued itt the same business' I nite that time, Increasing it every year, until Beatles In amount that of any mereaudie house le the west. Their STOCK centime of every variety of Shell Hardware, Heavy Hardware, Iron, Steel, NW., and Ulan;Ola, eery devenytion of Cook, Plate, and Parlor Stoves, Ttnner's Stock, ac. Them moth of good. is new, bought low, and well selected for this market They here no damaged or ausaleaLle goods in their timime, se they have taken great care not to allow the ke necurnalme on their hands. The store they now oecany is • new Brick Store, bat the put summer, eagremly for them, and noire their amedon, and Is the beet arranged for an Iron more S td the hardware business, of any ware extant Connected with the store Le • TIN SMITHS' PIIOP, famished camel.., with every Mato needed to entry on the hotline. profitably, and sufficiently large to ne aoTheir mmdate metres in Illiesn workmen. Store le tempted on the corner of East Water and Detroit streets, and en the river side. They have plenty of dock room. and eau receive their Goode di rect from mem/atria nave a great sdpettm.a. tasty are subject to. Their more Is $9 tent front by ,1152 feet deer , three ateriee high, with miller under the whole; and the location the most desirable in the Or have parehaser will adhere to the Caah system they wiggled, make use of the anangements for Importing and baying goods at home Sad abroad, and the tonal which they will sell, be can make a great harPjas with a Chance fora renews. If desired by the parch deer, the ender partner will leave capital in the hesi tatn as a emend panzer. • 5.1. Tn• CO., Pale! , UP, - W.M.C.4T FARWELL & Mwmass, Ker. tw-idonttw RATES OF DLS'COUNT , • TCS 'IF 1112CoUNT--t.231111.1,33TEn 1.5 la. 1101.2110111 a 60106, E•gerar , Brokers. No. 06 Dark et ~tree:, near Ca • Pleun•ylvanin. incilaun. !la. of Pituburish --Par mat. Irk a Ltranehcs • • 4 Exchange Dank Purlii-• tenon/. • • • • - Alorch. & Nelal. Dank • Pall Virginia. 8k.,. Pliliadelpbia• -.Pail Es change 11k. of Va.- • i Sward Bank panlnrwer. Ilk. of Va. Bank orliernt.town •pullni. of the Valley,— " " Chester County • • • p•Ailt . of Vim m. - . " Delaware Co. • • • p. l 11 ,1.11.13 F., Wheel' ego " Idonsgoaery Co•• •pas do :dory-in town.... 1 " Nonhualrerland• • par N. W. Bank Vu--•- 4 Columbia Bridge Co.• • pan do Welicburg.- 4 Doylestown Dank part do Parkeisbury•-• Fannerelik. Iteulths • par Tana. Famers'l2k. Bucks Co. par 1. of Tenbasse, • - to Fanners B'l Lenou'r•par Far. ex hlerch'is 8..- " Lancaxtc• Co. Bk.• . • • pas Planters' 8k..-- ... . •• Llttelllter Bk. - par Union L:k.... ---- _ . 4. U. State. Bank - --Si Blissonri . 0,,,,,,,,,,8, 8k... ..... par State ilk of illissoun-. 4 Washington Bk.• ••-• • .4 North Carolina. 9,, 7/ h us , s i,uk,-.• - 4 Bk. or Cape Fe. S ch um /. 4 .1,,,,.. •-. • " Merck, Bk.,Piewoolu• B. Slaqueharues Co. Ilk - 213. Dank ...... •- - X Lcunsiown• ..... -.- South Oarollne: ;Middletown •••• • • - • I C•reeden Bk ...... '• • • 0 Carlisle .• 3.30. of Chariest. ' 2 Eno Bk. ...... • • 010 ; 'Commercial Bit - 2 tumors' and Drover. , ilc.orGeorectowes•-• - • 2 Bank, Wuynesbarg• • 4 Bk.°, liambarg-•••• . ilarrusbaro••-•-•-- 0 Merchants Bk.-• -•••', 2 lionenige.-.........--.1 Planters &Meat slit. Si Lebuwn • •••• ..... •-• • Y..' Sown Carolina • .2 p o gi u ny, - _, - ...- •• laisrh•lnshi. Wyo../ ...... , .... Balt.ore 41ks.••-- ...p. York Ilk. Bahr:l2'ol[o Itltetrip •10 W / symis t yet, ft, ...... Cumberland Bk. of .611c l:elle( Notes' -- 131.07 4 -Ist& 31 Bk. Parado• " Far. Bt.. Maryland -• " p-Pitesb. 1: -• Countylo;Fanners , & ;Buie." " " h dllogorry, 1.% Bk. Frederick a' - --' Ohlo. !Frederick Co. Bk.-•••• " Stale Bk. and Branches 4 1 11 Nrw.i." Bk' s' MaitntPleant••• •• • " 31tnoral Bk. -•----. Stenbensille •a - i •••• • . " Patapsco Bk •-• •• •. • . 4; 1 Btelalrsvills- -•-• • " 'Wv•Vp' s " ilk" - - " Mang= •••—• •- 0 Bk.• esuninster ••. • a New I,lsbon• • ••• - • " Illehignes. Cincinnati Banks" Bk• or So. Cl.r. - • --- Columbus do• " Bk. of River Rouen--- ' Cgclevill••-•• • ..• " lAllehigan I. Co. - • • 5 Zanesville -...,-. - a Var.& Meth's ilk..-•. • 5 ', dn ., ____;,.. o .Wisconsin Territry. 'Wooger -, -- - - 71355..&Fireln•CahlilVe 6 Massilboa --- 1 13••••14••• Bandaskr . • . 70',A1l solron Busks 5 GLAZER •- • • • • • •• • I Ilank of England Nines Cleveland- --- -- 4itiold h Spud. Value. x 4 . o i / .......-. .... . r "Napoleons -• ••- • • 3GO Dayton. --.-.- . " Duc•tx..... ••0 15 0 220 w g ,,,,,, y , 1, g „,,,..._ " 'Eaglo, old • •• • .100 CO Franklin 13 • Colmabsis " , Eagle, now •• • • • 10 On Chillinstbe •-• .- •-. " ,Doubloont,Sp.i. 1630 Lake Erio••• • • • • " 'Do F'atriot•-•- 15 30 Belots•• • .. 0 ,Sekereigns ••• •• 107 Lancaster • —•-•-• -10 iGainels • • ..... --• see Hamilton• • - • • • • • •-•13 ,Predaricksd'orx•-67 30 Uraneille. • • • .. • ..{/ Ten Thelon • • • • 7EO Pareersßl Curve ---111 Teo Dailders ••- . .2 sO Urbana • • ........ -• 11l iI. k , ..1. , r 4. - ••• • ' 4 _ Kentucky, I Exchange. , Uk OrKeritacky • • • • 1 INew York -- /am Blur Lowitrille •• • " IPbtladelphia •• ..- i prof Hort= Bk. Konto'ky • " lbaltnnoso •-• • • • pito Mums Voris-nor 8ank..,.., Inter" , lt's•••-m GREENE a CO'S EXPRESS M-MiAt.l WINTER ARRANGEMENT. , TOOOOB LINZ .01t AIL fits Of S. ISO? IS SD THE rill established Line of GILLILTi /C Co. having opened graces in the Eastern Cities, trot leave to ober to the public (stators onegualled by any other Line fleeing largely increased our stock on the Nation al Emu/. ow goods are now transported over the Kouttdains with mail speed, and no more goods will be gemmed in the East than we can forward through without delay. Satisfaction as regards time and rates will be guaranteed. Through receipts Intl be given for all goods for price through t ond for dare to Pittsburgh. No pains or expense will he spared to make this the LOOM reliable and best cot:domed Exprew in the Ended States, as it is now the most extensive, connecung all parts of the East with the extreme West and Seat, We connect to Nem York with Messrs. goo d , Haden k Co to mrivalled Express to Boston, and .11 d from. Beaton to come by oar Line must be delivorsel their offme. No 2 Court avant. The collemien of all nntet,. draft., d.e,, Pee.. promptly attended to. Orders for, goods will be sent free, and good. returned with do apateh. Custom House buuness attended to Order goods marked - Greene W 'e Experiss: and Merchants will please to he particular 41 /nstr,tltiell correspondents to take oar utrougo receiprs for their gads, th ereby insur i ng better sausfaction In all con cerned Goods 10( the FAA lSketl al very lola rate., and w,ll be railed for in any pan or the any, free of elnerge Good, from tee East denvered yrnbout charge for Ja livery Exprees or the East leaver aanr at 4 o.,!acio I' M. Pacts,;es torruded e11iC11.1.4 1,411.111 e. S c LOWS .0 Near Orleans raucar,- orincu Uauaa & , N 0.7 Wall street, New York du !ft/ Chesnut street, Phil,.lelphtit do Z.Z Baltimore street. Bantu:tore. il•cobc.st& Cu, N 0.5 Court street, Boston li. U. VICKERY, liC Arta, Moe& Charles Hotel !lea,. oud IPHSIIII WAGO LINE. 1849. THIROU(IN IN FIVE . DAYS! gal= nhens are prepared to receive stag pounds Frelglu daily, after MondaT, fnrwnr 4 to or from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, by Wagon, through no Five Days Kale. as low as by any other conveyance at 11111 5t.11.4101 of the year .DOILY 11IcrADEN 61X1, Canal Basin, Pittanugh. JAMES 111 DAVJS & CO, do.o No 2fl Morkel'ot. Philadephin. - XlO5lO MICA .11L- r i.TL.-0--ITTE. MMIAQ, Only 73 3111.. Stafflrtgr• Via Brewasetlle and 9tiroberiand to Baltimore aria Philadelphia. qui a.: momtne boat leaves the. wharf, above the laridee, datly, at 9 o'clock preemely. Time to Halttmore, 22 bourn. time to Pltsladelphia, 40 hours. The cvenuag boat leaven Jelly, (ecept Sunday ev• ening,' at { o'clock. Passengers by Irauttur on the eventng boat, will emoo the mountarne in stages next day, and thus avoid night travel Secure your is at the Office, thfonortmoltel Heaton, rlt Charles Homl. ochttl-ty J. MESKI3IEN. Arent The undersigned, very grateful to their friend, be leave to say that they are determined to devote their nor, lied attention toy branch branch of business. They hope, from nineteen years' esperienet and by their never failing Mcleany and strict attention, to Inert patronage. J. C. BUCKLEF Se CO. dc7..111n Pearl street. Latairritir. MUSTS:II LI3II.II2IOMBIIaST. k -2 ,- 11 P)'Z ., 1849, EXPRESS WAGON LINE—THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS • TH , E ra r ti tt o b n ae , ri . bers he o , hayinpen g ing o susp f Me ended their canal . op. t Spring Nav tion, have established an Expres• Lim by Railroad and Wagon between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. by which they are prepared to forward 6000 pounds each Terto th as e t d reMr of tr 'l tentrai n tPthe d plif: Lie that their arrangements regardnig rules, regolwity and despatch, cannot ill to give antisfacuon to all who favor them with chile command. TA a FFT. & O'CONNOR, .nl. Penn and Wayne ota Pauintrah. THOMAS BERRIDGE:. 27.3 :Wyatt weed. Philndnloina. GEEworGEE,WOT WINTER AILRANGEBIENT. Mllia 1849. Qi COMO 11131 OED canzno.. BINGHAM'S' EXPRESS WAGON LTRY, TO AND TROT Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. A 8 the Intemese 'on the canal ie about being rioted t for the sews, we would inform the public that we kayo eerie brought the Conestoga Wagons into re, quiaition, and will be prepared to forward NCO peunds daily, (commencing on Monday, the ettin inst.) A Car leaving Pttnadelpinadaity by the mall train for Chan, bersburm and the 'Marone rraveling day .4 night, aunties the delivery of fiends in firs daya. Apply to WM. BINGHAM, Pilule:ugh, BINGHAM t: DOCK, No. lei Market crcet. nov2D ---WINTAMMABLUABI,ekIIBI24% Sala 1849. . F XPRESS WAGON LINE TO .1..10 TIIOII PITTSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA: Ttxt 11 v. Der., (Sundays oacepted,) nenaina:Dayi and Night. THEpublic, to respeatfoily ituormed hat Nu Line, which ht• been in rreeca.fal operation the two preview, winter, will again commence pinning on Monday, the 20th of November. A Cu will leave Philadelphia and Chardbenbabgh daily each any with the Mail Train, and frourCham• bersburch with relay. of horses running day and night. Wen prepared to forward 60 00 lb. weight daily by the above line. Apply to , D. LEECH a CO, Pittsburgh; or to—HARRI LEECH, • M;GiU=i= MEDICAL AND SOSO 01i 1 S4IDDS' No. as, DIAMOND ALLEY , • Alli k (eve dour• below Wood erect, Id• Ward. mutat. DU. BROWN, bailee Leon . • . -- I- regularly educated to the tuedical • pr01e..., and heels for .orlar. owe • /) • "" 31 general priatice,buosi coolers • • Nits attention to the ircirttorist ef ••• ,„/ pl aint. te nod iicticam coo, .14 • for which his opportunitel and experience peculiarly qualliy • him. 14 year', araldueurly devoted in study A treatment of the. complaintedilunny which time be has had more practiee and hits,eurcil more p yen,. th an ran an , WI.. the lot of any private pro titioner) amply qualifies him to offer a•rorances .1 verily, permanent, and satisfactory cure to ell arfricurd with dalicate di..., and oil di.eesee arkiny tliera from. Dr. Brown would Inform Lane saileted sena pn•aie diseases which have become ehroole by time Or toe [ranted by the asa of any of the common Immo. of the day, that t h e i r romplarms can be radically and aloe ughly eared; be b a ying pis. W. careful attention to the trealrnent or rattans., and anceeeded in hundreds of bartrinces in caring patrons of indanunatiou of the treat of the bladder, and kind.red discuses which ofien result from them... where others have consigned them to hopelesaderipair. Ile particrilarly invites such as have been long and anaaccearibilly treated by Others to cons. him , wben u e e m on t ar be vvpri i nl a ty A d t ih nirin e6''' ner„ . poinied out by a lorig ' expe " 7l .s mi Ln iee d , stady, and investigaunn,whlcb it is impomb lo for th ore a e n r =i o n r g i e . n e e . ra .. l practice of medicine to give oo IrrHernia or Roptnris — Dr. Brown also Loattell per sons afflicted with hernia to call,. he has p old parbr alas attention to thin disease. GAMMAS Woo cored.— Bai n .. eases; also 1, Palsy, ate., epee., erred Mama very low. N. lb—Patients of either eel living at • dirt..., E T staling their disease in writing, giving ell the ay.. toms, e. obtain randielnea with directions for ow by addrersing T. DROWN, M. D., port pald, and cnc'ias. in flitr . No. IS Diamond alley, opporlia the Waverly Dense. • • Resin.lsoL—Dr. Proton's newly discovered rein, dy toy Illicinninislo is a speedy and certain remedy t o thai_painfal Unable. It never fails. MOD Mid Prima Coniraltlno Room., No. wastdallty, Mind:wire, P... 11. Mawr is always la ham. Crib an no pay. Des. I, MI. duCSES, LOTS, FARMS, sr., Enntssions sap Stn on.—IONCIPIS Valvtabl• VIM= 1830. .t last Chemical . Soap onuses afro wenntration, and at TEAR CANTON, Stark county, Okla, conststing 0 .1 the tut:amanita, anon!, nr l . l dldsts U.* O f. . 1.1 155 ACRES OP LAIC, Ina big\ state of eta giving tt the teXinlro and bonny of an infant's. • 'ration, with a suitable mad to . • EICTIWT, Sala gap= Alt) Sono, are soon not wily abundance of wee cool lrjr ilw orestone. h o o t own by ba use, as at lout own Ph7w- Oof nnaordoo. .tois ttre .. 2thi uphluttl. a s nod clans in New York know, who use It In sunk eases, wheat. and meadow land and Ind I also in The improvements arc a goos...o.DwcltiaE amgo.Puerta Burma" Flanninhwr Brio' , Barn, n lonng *ha? APO. ( helm* ease. The , reader is assured that nut ts no sacker Terms—One fourth in hard, alum Incur t k.“,te peeress , , 4 grafted Rood "P'l7 of r an g Pet ' Vr . , ':• paged nostnantoss trial will prms. =44 ann. ff'yy'Solo Soon !Inn, Boast lass Ana Solo Bisin.-1= r further pantaulars apply . lo E. 44 ' and um it, wed deo Mader is again &salad I Camino; or to the undendsned,of Etteubstorille,l ' miN A NDarmn% T erletly e. V fin .h. t he ab l e i xida . SS 1 knala it to be of Iht Ons c es3 "" :tts ' QUM) F1X124 will and ads • - • ' - • • cur, Any one atlliesed wit/km.4obn abeSts.or tdst illy diseases, will find ana even snore (adsohn. hie in In properties) thatilanata. .. • But, the stolen It*: hoodad with and be sure you ask for 30N,WS Italian Ckemiul Soap. Sold by Pin. JACKWII„ SD 11=seets - Pittsburgh. - -a rualmarrnielar4REWOUSETsi - p - t - e , .J a seal ocqupir.d,by...4eml:.llll.l,3l,l3talnti4 COI on 'piker nara ,E..,Ip.KentaIPTIGW`4OO..6-o°. • beiwetai, acd and A 1 El ti If „g01:01, aua lele fleet irmail oe:34utieditiOr-rarMftlefitore: 4.1.. , eo th4e foot, ' el . 1,... ,1', .: I k, , rf '!4l, 1 1ri,, f . c gi,,, , Z .r 4.. .41111ke actlVlr,:, ,-, , aleievi:oier POrtOkeo.' ~ i 4 illE ' ; erg' t% Ilrearteree' eAliiEttirir M o irroZeir_beesW•Viritandetteriaqt, recsOFtn.: elegy?' - ...,‘. : For tonne, te: tzta.e:F:c., to Isr:•erf . ,..wit, , SON, biteket e ' " ~ 1 - ' , - ~.--••• ectif i .. a Arou..itzwr,_ .14a.gama9.0.4,1*..*.,' ..04copied by N... 64•19011 5tmt.: 1, 4_944.p, ,l e ltit 10 aoyei'aef . ivrndattriah&Lif,,MaNalart I unpack.. sad centianual,aa, dthe aimed ~a ll.,.iralt proved. Apply to . HAZW,, 3 0=3.....k.00t ~-• r . _ ' ' "`-i"..-.. .— ' ',...- ..--...'"" e " r' - 7 - Mr LADIESARE CAUTIONED AGAINST 13.• .. n ----- pym.g.Trnt - -1 .- Diiez , lie.,Aam.nar-lyear L,, _ • BINH COMMON PREPARED CHALK.. ,------ baßt,) end Lot, on Roblmon Ono, Allaalwnyil r.. They ate, =twat.: how fr . ightfatly Fainlnarr . l.l4l near old &Ldp., Price low =Luz= eisy.r. , ..thOtayleliel haw ananhew. y .a.,l , 7 4 , pare of - . iyal 8 SCHOYER,IIOSecond.4I.. .,„ .;,3n t o_sllow,and p nE mp g d.baki as. . • , - G - ' o,— ... T t u 'l th '" ''"lr' ilL7 ka . b ik4,.Ttg.' ,:-'.•" 3 • f... t'is Nmio., coon a ,• A: House, int 'l,lberty,between Ay . ,•. .. ,--, , .•- ,Niel , rh6s. ..,,,,,y .1. Le., ! .• t . r 4 . now ore .Pl. l 1, 1 w.' P mb.: l / 4 1 ',_,.. .!_., 40.. " 44.4 1" - r.W e inetejragare a.• heantlfal , yeretable aria's, ven frame , ll... F. 4.1.• of I v F• Ikr":" . .oT -- rEthlebi pert - - 7 NW SPANISFILILY ura - - tn. sook.tor.".. ' ' • - -"....—..' int , p4k. .' ~.gt. 3 . perfectly inutoannt; balheparlfied of all &leen- i - JOHNSTON teams+ ~, : . an vallues-n It Imparts tb thans:ls nalaufl, heal- - =.... NEta'nindltdrd macro.: • ' q ,, Wabinei cte.6 - livinewiat.s - .1 the E.= dme ' ' In ;m i nAmetle osier iikilg - tniktradt soft and -., amObti.S.old4theArnt, WA: /AC, N, 80 I.R. arty at; Pinola : . a 23 cent+,anenFlr.wT Two Lots for 21111 E subscribers will sell at privaate salL-thb. tow; A. valuable Lots of Oround, sittothedentnirdato ey m the Third Ward. of Allegheny City,. eac h . htvtot' o front 0(20 feet, canning back It* feet in depth to a2O feet alley, upon which IS built a stone watt, PS by 100 feet, which contains stone enough to build cellan for two comfortable dwelling houses, and in flout there are three 'Lode trees, ofki yearn growth, and the side walk is paved wi th brick;all of which will be sold at $lOO. Pittsburgh and Allegheny. or County Scrip, will be taken in payment. & 11 PHILLIPS, No 6 • or to WM. BENSON, immediately _ ittftimed LIS. • —.....e.ti—Five - lois - dirgitrly irking untrit:of Birmingham. The lou axle Woe ai on Dorm. alreet, numbe din F Banernan'gpl. 75, 79,60, el and Eta—iat No 75 fronting ...1) feet:on Mu d"' iutri.etTeet, 70 feet deep; the other four 70 feet front each by PO feet deep. •T erms—punter parr of online monxoitay rrot main for air ➢earn, .0000 1 Ertt:Yr I edamW t =ot r m 110 second at MO. /ter,/ Conl Lutz ter Sails{ • SlTUATfralon thohlonoitgaholariveradroT rotas from PlKslaro and 3 snit,. above third k,fn the irrunedintelmighberhood of hicerraLyon tiMorb, cid Mr, Mtn filerron•s• purchase. This fine frxty of Coal will be sold atthe low price of =per acyc—ons third In hand, balance in lye equal annual payments ; withal interest. Tills: indisputable. Location vary soodannot be surpamed. •For far*. psi:Molars =onus 0(9. BALBLEY, Who taw • draft of sitid - pno,- pony: Ruldeacesl si,beinerFetry,Mr.AdaniaMlow. N. IL Those to another ssien •of toal on this tram, about 60 feei above-Me lower, of excellent quality, iYelnltt ' • 19. B. • Us • r: •I 3 ssig r . IiIIE subscriberi are authorized triciffeilall privet; solo, end upoo hu,rhly f”orable testne, tr'numbe very valuable flub:bug Lot., compritlityra barge portion of the Lola mothered 67, 68;.60, And - Mon Woodall:km.l Plan of the City of Pirtshet*, alma zed at the south enrlvrannyeorner of Pennexid,Weyne U'fro e * tr e'athsf' l r l 'del l 600 ;y d netga pert -i of the Reel Este if the lath leer S. s:evennon, Esq., dveartved. • A flex, or coborvision of Me above Loa, or, cantor miry with which it ia proposed to may seen en the offme ante undercnned, on Fourth, Mari het And Ferry ens. WILLI S. to KUHN. my 3 V- VALUABLE REAL EnATE 0N17431E - E'r FOE SALE.—A Lot of Gromd eitaatoon r meet between Hay and Maybury excels, id l to oxt the haute and ha now occupied by Richard Eiwardh; Oaring a vont of 2.5 feet, and in depth 130 ,(Ye; wylllbo told on favorable ternto. Title nceaceptionable onite of . CO.. LOOM7B,4th ap..il. 7 ,, , , , -- u‘,....., A Isi. , iiiiLiiiLE.Beildsnis Latin AlleAtienyieity,itaii. min lee died, in site sibesitheli ante, And . .oldactll sin secoinanniniing terms., Ingnies (slit D WILLIAMS. 1.10.1Ai d N. Bongoes . i DHYSItIinN AND PATIENT; or a PmenCal View 1 ,TO PHJ-21PX610,35. I oi the manta: dation, relations mid intermits of th e mra .. ; r ,. k.,.. .., the 0,..... y; by, W,,,,. THE. inlminbct h. on hand and for tale, ea .4.1. onion !looker, hi. D. ' i i4.of L. Johnsten.a Co., of Philodelphla'the fellow , 'itte Works of Michael lk Muutatenet comp:tr., : trig. „. , ea pair of Cose, his &ways. Letters do. By Wm. Haslet, ; ; Numeli and its item... By e.t.a Henry Lay- ' 41 10000 r...i i'°‘ ( ' , "; . 14 .(i'm:vscsi I nth Newspaper Cam; °4l lbs. Lcalls, ~..at in order; Glimpses oi Spain; or Notes of an Uninnsfisd Tau in 1E4.. Hy ST. Walla. • : iti Comr.o.sug noels; • , • ' DV .c.gs Print', News ink; . t Topper'. Philosophy, lielf eelbefe illus. - - ,` I Brass Galley, Column Raive,,Breas Salmi of ali tiamd. Joel trimmed by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, I ~ .., ,P ti.r.i., . . ',- d...i.A.TIVES,' Pekin Tea Store,'lliPeurth at', novtf ' corner Think streets Market and : ------- -Orders rervivedfornewTykni.-aulliflikisS tSCTIN, STRIPED DE IsaiNklg—g, l a , s o --';----- - ViT.3 - 4.... 0 black Muni ? s triped do Lathes, ,ofdr I g1i'1 1 .(6,32111'1414(ii PO,. wI , S; , ;; W.. quality, antiln very lOW Viet', DUI Opel., Fti4eie fyikddakniVgtiAhtlYtditulatiV s. i , .. Market street, north west corner of th an north •.. . ALEXANDER 1,5 045...rtciikhet.49 , ...'.4x..Arp0ik..7.'i . : ?FiVettn ,. ..k..!YWA 1 , 1 ,1 1..?........ .. itr s . o.„; ‘ - ' remernd Bien. .h.e it , ithirietrith k 1 . ,: ' . r'llkst,APß , '- r , ;,. ...- .1:: ; :??MEl...-.,,.":_awsi lPkinPFMßliliMlilithallklifizeompuH -:-.; ..-1 . . j 7 NA 711 FR b . INIU be fo s .4 tar sale ebb illeOTLlSLeell Of ' V, ...able religions Books and Tsar.. comprised. In a series of about FOUR HUNDRED atlierent.pub ;Mine., thrwhienentalognea can be had en appnew Until embracing ninny susculant marks InTheology, thocraphy, de. h.e., aelected and pub li shed by the Preabtien. Boird of Pablicmion in Philadelphia;" " and wen adaptrit for Sabbath School, Congregational, idinistcrs' and Prim.. Librarina Persona wiWing to purchase such"books, are lams. ted to nail an d examine the assortment. TP,o Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society is azet aftimme mama xtiddeAmS "Noreiriirtuaisks. Bras. litlltMV,ealklectb 14; wad Market atreeta, has lately r ilei ply of . the above asperlognutleg or 13fingets sites those in want orthe "artiele to - loot at fors beying. • It. tut also on band Nowa _ kus. a good henry article, which be is sellidg lad Also-110mo Mode FLANNELS, brown, barred end white, of a superior gustily. Also—TmEed Searlet FLANNELS, to ,otrieu ar in tbe ntlonsion of buyers. ID" A largo supply of Goods :en...! opened in the Pols:sale Rooms, up shin . . wakes hi . Inwortment nosy foil sielworley the attention of dealerg. noyl7 . - TAN 4 ,11 , ; .-A .1111(titNrSARh. ffliW ,PI-5,1.P.110=:-. A It EMINENT andesipseionced Physician fir the Eau, of 20 years Candice, add to treat at eases of. Delicate Mute with promptness and secrecy. ll:sat:mess in Buffalo and other large jellies has been proverbial. His ch.aram are moderate, and his' cures psrmanent. Old cases of Glee r t Sirictoro, Sem fula, Fluor Mints, Rheumatism Ague, Syphilis, =any chronic or inveierate eases solicited. A cure warranted, or chars re.C.:sled. 0/FTCIS, St Clair streci s f:doors from the Midge. Teeth Extracted. A ddice , to the poor gratis. N. B.—Dr. XL:solicits the worst eases & Orally seam io Pittsburich torah..dl aide FALL D a: ALE:SANDEIt A. DAY, corner of the ilinmond and: Market street, meaty their friends and•the pablle that they here received tkeir stock of FOliand 'Wine ter GmUlke., dire 4t from the importers, rosaufacittr amnions sod at the east_ Thcirstookofnew,style d fashionable Goods is large, and prmeenu steady auras. inns to porch:sem In Ladies Drees Goods Shawls, the meet rpleadld'and Inslunaible coeds a the reason are rim offered, at remarkably law yri,ces consieting in par of the followin4 I LADIES' DRE. 5.3 LOUD. New myle Broths. is'd Castellon Silks I . Cord and Mack Senn Du Cheney and - Talc SUMS; :; Cord Camel= Groderhines, of the best ottani" est. • • Black glossy Groderiens of the celebramd , regier manefaentre. The above named Black Silks are wairsittedlot to- out lathe wear; for dresses and mantillsittreyr4S best iMportod. • Neat fird Carnelian Batia Da Chent,lizehendietatii• Silk. of me season. . .• _ . New style Brodie Silk figured .Preneh Idelmos; , a' now and splendid article for ladlest.arallatialdresaea. Silk Embroidered French Do Lefties;lchdressids seeks, an entirely new ankle. •• . i • Cashmeres, 1/e Lakes, Merinos, AlpancU and Par_ mein., a laxge asso rt ment. SHAWLS AND SOARES!' &oche Long and Square Shawls, of the btiat qu 1I ties. Plaid Long Shawls, of the newest designi, rozfiark ably cheap. Spleudal Terkeri Shawl; argiettly :educed prices., Camelloo Brocha fig'd Sbadrls,in peat variety. Crape shawls, white cadeolored,.in variety : CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND V=TLCIGS! Best sedan real FrosichgvrilledClaths,:rn PricON . best Sedan real FrawliCar:t r ere , e; new sty sti le AMA , French awl and. Olive Cloths, for La th& Cloaks.• a,B LLNIKETS! A splendid easement of Amerman and mtpoited Blankets, at remarkably law prince. DOMESTIC. AND STAPLE .GOODS! A tarp aid complete anartment now 411 hand.— nen, of oar present stock of Maple Udall were tionent frown h e te marmiactarers previous to the present advance in pries. st principal parr Of our stock of Frenett and &tallith pods have bear purchased at the scent Atiction Pelee to Philadelphia and New York, which enableros to offer decided barpinv in ahnon every deleription of goods oar Ise of boitusa Catintry Iderebents, fifemhant Taitori, sod all wholerale Glut retell Calory, Lie invited to an esliy eamminsucn of our stock and pine*. ; ALEXANDER R DAY, 75 Market at, eire.. I north wen corner of the Diamond. I tose• r, nut purohasees, W by &N NITCRETLHEE, No IGO Libetty et SURAR--5 hbdt to arrive on stinatoot Rtoggolec sale by nos ItrALtH DICKEY kW. / COFFEE—LoO bap p moo Rio, arriving lisidlot mkt ‘..,/ nor/ VI tr. 61 lilfrellEtATl4Eß. liunpow.er saal Toon; Ilywn Tau, of superior quality, ishf ehesuc 11 and 600ud pnd boa, ;urn rou'd imd for aolo W. t W • • • Xi 0LA5431.1-160 bbla pnme Insolation Molasses, 311! to oak bbls and good order, for slabs lbw by IV ec 3! MITCIIELTREE, nonl.l 100 Lib... finspratt Bona/ - Patent Int 4.1 CASES G Ist and Soap maker.!maker.! Soda ath, IL•trl imposed dh oti from the abort: celetnatta manufereturyrs,Ogper cent /meta= test, a i ring and• for Colo 1 , 7 nova w 61...1111 . 011 /*SZE, I1Q11011.6:-17 ht pivot handy -4-)1631,441ay, ea; / t;arltatind 11in; OAVN 1.; Rum; i : ion bbla IVbidger for solo by _ 41; W a BI MI Velira.:Vß&E - _ _. _ _— Close' at plimlgsl4..l._.. , ..,.. 0 t ol gartd[hrlaCtiTo"L'Are s ill : ohip . oo4di via Canal from Pionboxvhwo.o sdo.ber.,.."andr: Phi ealclobin. o dd o ad inst. . . ~ ,,b,,,,,. ad nod velotooo VO.n ""TY '''''" by J_Oliti hieFAD N &CO bor,l (51X-&-isiligalTlM, 3C--&:,...kt,tl,l:brau & -, 1) 6..... " ° "' ''''' ''''''' n ' ti P iCll&l.lßEK - • W a II nos. ti s soda Ao& and. to costa. or — "'„, wiriKl4 - 111..Pr.--'- '• a gap Osonbridipc i il Blenching Powder, ornve per . b ~ oral, ror osas v .. ." ''... c "' "4 .'" b T W & M MITdLIFLISEE ... N 13nm .--y recaltre,daring.ll3. .oliflcie,vis Nov Orleant TRIED PEACHES & APPLES-4M baa &Sod Lltwaikes sad anima, All regal aaul Iba dal at w• amuuma bIECELLANEOUS. Aix elan. Grasra ewe .aaaania char the follownur are , the antral Qaalin'eaCt 9. bout. of t.loaa's Coral Hair &amoral.. IrlharY„,drlolt• oat I word, they carnet these highly reepeettela .eltizens who have uied —' t Mr. Geo,.l3eaket, at, New York. • , Mr. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle av, Broektyn: , - • Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 94 King st, Now Mr.Thoa. Jackson, Mammas laland, near Plisabergat 11. F. Mien, late barber steamboat & America: And mare than a Inuldred others star ihmegh Ulu I ranst enface, thatu will toms thehair to grow tra the head or face, stop it falling oti;• atreagthes.thoyeata,.. rtmoving scarf and dandruff from the recasom.king lighHd or gray hale assama a fm datklack, and ‘ke• dry, harsh or wiry hair nada, soft, clout tad ',llia I, a very, vct7 long time. • . Sahib). the Agent. M. JACKSON, 811 Liberty: et, PittsMurgh. 'Price 37e, S o cents, and one &Ur. ' artgalitwT • I • eynot,or...anx that a bad, radd tnaata;diens.. ad meth, if parsoni haveldiada ft' Is tan, awn full.— they can, for too dialling., .bny antes that . will make th eir breath - pure and Intact as eta Spiel, 40 it Arabia. . . It cares diseases of the Gumsc iPttagy,er 'eleerated,,• and for the Teeth it it unequalled, persqyluginnuout fastening the teeth In the game,. sad alcat:Othem - ag white as the saws of As frozen Koala - • Such, reader, are the properties of loimatiolltattlWti . Tooth Paste, and, sailboat praising: it otirsert g _ what one Of our MOM respectablesad . solOMMlol:lllll4. data, Mr. E. Field, or NeWYork, 'says I have both used and tmalisedtlos beamitsdnie/ime palpable ' article, Clones' Amber Tooth Paste,' and can recommend it as possessing &lithe qualities elated.. ed for IV' Header, we can aay no more to convince, only that if you try due our° you will be milptsseed: It is put up to beaetiful English China Pets, bent' cents. Sold by the Agent, WALIACKSQN, fin ibex. ty StSeet;TittSbarßh. WZW H.& ADW ALLA ISTO,B7S. SIGN OF THE PLANE AND SAW, No. 78 Wood street, Pittsburgh. ULMER ANDLAUPMAN, lirt2ort"ts ararn.lers In Foreign and Domestic ItaILDWAILEI. in • ;UM varieties, are new poorer:4 to sell us, low and on as reasonable mousse. Se peruhasedelsairbero. We , solicit 011 j friends, and the i public generally, Us • call and examine .ostr etockowhiehOinonsts i Nt m s,, sf KNIVES and FORKS, POETnn.d.P-K l• SCISSORS, silos RS, RAZORS,:lleuse Wispy - such as Locks , Latches, Hinges atel.Serevis„ , er with every article annals. kept in Haalwara • Web,' Weldon° the nitentioa of Carpenters end - Meehaniea • g6aerally to oar assortment of Teals, which have been sates.] with great rare, and which we aro netmnia. en to sell so as to give sutiehletion.d. itosT. tPzoparty i > oilsghstsy City for auto. THE caLiraribere o9er for iole numbs! of choke ' Leta situate in the Second War; fronting= ilts 131131011 ground, on easy terms. Inunint of . I %V. 13 , 1 i. HOLINSON, Any at Law, St Clair st or of JAS thenrembuta. • torlaalfgrorr • . , Pin Ulla, Tld&uxuxs. - • sol=ribbr has roar received atlas -Pekin: Ton , LA.TZT, ..Pprt h ,,,:ta'W,T4. 4 / 1 11WaVr3; from KeirTOrk,, , sll of whichlias Beetirccelved, tis this country shiftlß6 Sliskorlret !WIT conalstmg all the differeot ging . ;Orman in the Celestial Ereptro. • Oar stOel being arnottg.tholargest Bilk, Wort, _ are prep aredlalcholeseleion tletterterolti than on74oker t ape in theredrx. We toviic retrain-mean to mill and Zia:able obramek end prices:4 They c eh have Mpook. e, andl Irpackages, S an Oallitlistehl6 orb' , half chests, to SOB them canverueec. I .)., ' mall price . .. Na n -for Oolong, Mick leaacionar• a 0 cm: to Pl4O narlll4-2fing Young Soaehodaq , Cortgo - 50, and Breakfast 50, Young,,Hysonr, Banisowder and L o p e 1, from eZotat , tolllPs per Itt , , Farmlei are requested , to . . , seadamittr asonp . ida of our Tess, acd try the= ih=regro4===d , myi .:dawS - roar* . groat NEW GOODS AT DIGIDIM, TAT IMODY would hereby liforuelie , friends and • . yycustomers, and the public Ls general, that ho has just received kis fall tapp)y, offal' clasp ' no piezze black -ak , coltritiol ,F)miehatigokt American Broadcloths, of every goatiryi ;,• 100 pmees black ant et'neresaritrierein , :P`b-';. 300 patterns Vmding,laanteft vitsbNtattctllythia , , had at ttdrestaklfikMenk SO dos. menno,.;lanacirsO4S4;poinit`lon4 A fall and isaMbomoilittabCtatinki3Odli'lDX4ca cloak Sarpenttenk.Glovel,Ao.., • ^ _ A huge Mt o , 0 0 0 common Plili4 b yli A Also on hand:loo drab, blan and b t and blast. ' (tsar Coats; from $2,50 to SIAM GO dress, frock, box and .ask Coats, fromll3 to A large stock of Sao and common Pant/y(lnm Al to - CO per pair. .- 700 Vests, of various materials, front 75 cu to IPA A Los amortmeto of ladies and gandemens , loo always on hand. N. B.—Custom work wiil . receive ' putientax arks" tion. Handsome clamant& and good Ma Wing/MA ; any person 10 want al" analog can balm stated to their emirosansfaction,at- •• 4 =BY'S • • • alsdalOCishelOthing'StetexlSM Marty at -”,:" • TITTSIALWASCAREPORTATIOBIIIs • tJi.l:F.4?.Eß'lMtNV°ZtllWlt°l=l?l'r In • 14 Oil{ COP* 103 Market et., Pittsbargh, Pa. • • Stmts.*: *reliant!, Pedlars, and others vng Fittalteraltgewureliase Goods, an respectfully invited to silltind examine the extenstve assortment of Eng nth, '.h.slcrican, French and German Farm 00,4 e at this amebae, YGePdS'",;,•' toga 4 " 4 .PAMPO. n 7 - • threat by myself, end purclumen notfo u ltes ,doggeods from host hands. 1 have OM sneet,of articles, In the variety .11n4W ;WO:, " tiquiburgll of which arill e - oßd.loratforf chtacceptances. The Stock consistiMporgt,of- Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves,litthture. • Silk Cravats, Shoe and rateetThiettgOimlateg Sas Spool Cotton, Tape., dasperlersibluglagfr,kina, 'di. and Cutlery. • • .• • - Gold and Silver Watelles,Oulijiargrhall kinds f • .Brushes, Combs and Karon, • .Pere Eagan Ceps, Silk Si Cotton Purses, spectacles4Stuel Peas, Melte &nest Carpet Raga andlklikets, • Ihnduags, Findmmt end age • iimicaloodr, together with a large Tarte- ty of Fancy watt:Staple DRV GOODS. • -•• • • C.. , V..640 RR . I. also agent her the celebrated Lan. , eutdeComes. TOTBITCRWriA r birirCISIODSS • WR. MURPHY, at sir* east want Of. Fourth and gasket ats,, is now receiving his seems& supply for tbe, smog and elm offer indsteements to buyers tursly vs be met stith. Hi. essoronentof • LADIES' DRESS GOODS. . ' . Ha very fall, consist* orTrenek larieoa, CaiLDWPOS Cobargs, Lyons@ Cloths, super Fri:nett Fmnok.Cash, metes. at prices considerably lowdelliatt thaFoo l o , ,, - '7- be bought early lathe SeILSOM Ms stoat of . • ' LONG. ENAWLS • Is large, - and embraces man* of the 6eantffo mama now on exhibition at Franklin lasatithiladirt., - • BONNET AND NECK MOONS, •, • • , - Of new and' very bondman , styled,' Van& Tar._ - miwitor. • • SACKING ,FLANNELS, !,••-• IN yarioll, styles and ohslitie,, plain and enibroideratr,•, , C: Black Sint Laces. Needle' Worked Collantid COS, , Bonnet Satins odd Velvet Flowery Capaandfardha* .HANDSOME MUMS qff • 01 Ma iesrest.styles,'and attriveipriOcithiganina4:.. ,4 i and rich chtumcablaStlks;anal SaLin fortku , I .tc • and A, larse meek eV. . .4TAPLE:AIirr VDaEKEEWN-GOOW, t lowest mien, 4." ,LZI ilboagelaleFitn4rtieliarmac . minas faded fare • • • • ENC BLAt`K 'AND 'FANCY OOLVIRA 7 rwor Black Doeskin.. Whoa , ,Ve" , fh. F. V.fir um " . Undershiris and Drawers, Sol ran, kerchiefs, Sc -- ncf-rderchiints are invited .to snas„,.. —l6Wi—snli7Brandleas, • PIPES OLD CUM • • Al - 0 htpipea_Lalsycor., , Ltoo. 00a1 , a24, max. pale; vintages of 'Od, 40. and 4 d• •. • It Of - pipes L o a f P I Idoediello, : daya Ina 7 114 2 1 1g e itil colttOo l . 1c Co'. -Copue,dszt sad . Polo; '44 e - efar; ade..lB. C • of 417 a off ,pao thataa or i i -d ;t' paL do 42: do Charoder ' gr ' reaax, Dole 1. drui, do '47. .t do rd DoPoY, do do, do Mt r d o thuailtan, do do 'O. I do 1t11.2.13, dark. s 7 do Old Coaase, dork. S casks Otard, I.lu pay b. Co pet, 2 do aleatory Comte, dark, • 2 do Old rale Nee tor, • a do Peqevoisia. 4 do I.2ortnat. po Leger Frerei vintages of '27,10,13, 40. s octaves do doi co • IBM and tem. or casks United Vineyard Proprietary, Tint of , 110. p octaves do ' do' .do t do "47: do CbasalisCagnie.- Los Ills Old Poach li e dy, •. . 193 doe Fr= Old Cognac* gp, boa, This moot of high proof oboist. Brandies has been arletted, by dm sulagersbet sett aramolmuss, - . plias to lbe advance, and arn sow - offered so She Snide epee mare reasonable t 0... thuo beromform Call. sst4 amine before mewing elsewhere.. - • novls - 'JACOB WEAVE 2. Jr Pratlittt to Phllautelptnto. T!t . ),(tk . rtt two or thAqi mom . bast load k 44.ra: 14e=lir t a.it y •ci ).