Tilt. , : tiA'4ETCE ,ellTTellt Vaunt WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 19, 150. att regaeuM ay r YAM ."' brre'br. et, and 7 as eery inl2 day ro . Meglab 1 s e=l for:s peti . artll I= rc ordmdcu _ _ ILIULADLLPIIIA. nult.Tll Advertsconntx and sabsedinions to the Neill Limey is and United States Gazette, Pailadelphia, - reeeivad afnd forarartkd from tida , :airtee. , numbs assdl Malik . C ilea, 11:r1. 4:07r1 'g of' r2rlC Y C hi it z eN ' "?n i l ' L li. a "- ...1 , until Chamber, or7aurdajevening, the tpth i..t, li• Sullerwing rearda a was adopted: , Reaelved, Toot th Wino and Anu.tdotaolo of the i - ArNtY yr PittahUrgh, • requested to meet s at dm Ronal • ;duets; in' the love Ward xno Santdy next, the ni Inn, *olWeon • hours of a and 7P. M. fur the PUl* l e of uleedurr tee Doteuates trod ouch Ward. -lo meet In . Convex n, on. , Wednesday,' the 16at inn. al 10 okloc k. A. 11 to nominee • esodidato for 1119 r - CNN to be supported ; y the party at the Col6illif unmet 1.1.1 eke , QllB . . - ' . M. hicrANDLES.I, Chairman.. 1:6 .13 :. 1 NEXT PAW: FOR LOCAL MATTERS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, to Tzt Ciiemax. Rau. Roan.—We undendand this an canal application rso made yesterday, Ito the Onunty Commusiioners, for the remainder of the Beads to make op tbesum of one million of dollars aubscrthed to the stock of the Penosylva. ' afi Fal4 Road. by the comity, and the demand wso ramped. The stoned on which tha Commlis Masers have taken this step, is that the Directors bait, not fulfilled the conditions on which the Monk wag subscribed, and hay; shown a dispos sitioass their !ate report to neglect orie; of • Impel , taubl allispether. The Comm...tuners have ac. tea In this setter as the faithful guardiam of-the hitereatit Of the county; and will be sustained by. shitorst, If not alicigeher,•the l entire voice of the. people. We entertain the pleasing hope, however, that 110 natsunderstening will be et but isherrildration.: The delegation despatched to. Philadelphia 'by the :COMmtialoners, Mesita: Deride and Roberta, we feel sawed will be able to centricces the et ock , Adders and officers of that Company that Pius, lnirgh ask, brit sheer Msued. mu that we cannot ;Unta they will be willing to grant. We - hope great things of rho niceties of .lock holden, to talon place next Monday. More mature consideration, together with the dt.rarsione which hive taken place, we trust will bring all concerned to the decision, that it is the decided, the vital in lereet of Philadelphia, rant the Ccidral Road should all be pot cedar contract without delay. Tine is alike the interest of the etockholdera, nod of the - people of the whole Btu. To the mad at this 'crisis, when Baltimore and New York are hoth . puiting forth herculean efforts to outstrip ea in the race for the trade of the west, is worse than It- Is ata,dness. If the stock cannot be sub: wirthed, let the Company throw her bonds Into the market, and raise the motley at once, cad carry en this magnificent work with the energy Which its importance requires. As the Company • 'pays interest on its stock, it will . not make finch t difference in what war the money Ls raised, as there can be no question that The reed, when — flint:mil, will pay large diihdoads on its CHUM Cott, and the holden of the bands may eventually be 'lead to take stock for them. The'S'ar Factory ie attil idle, on account of lb Teasel of the girls to Vol I. in violeton of ttte,apini of ihe Ten flour Law.—Post. This announcement by the Post, will nettprise 'those who tecoltect that Mr. Harper tiled to point teieunphantly to the Star Factory ess evidence in favor or the T. 33 HoUt 3. He trequ ently a.t.erted that the Stir Factory could make es ranch in too hours se to twelve- and htehli complimented the ,eareer oa ach,cytog soon a victory over time and Common sena,. Now he is ready to denounce the same Factory for a %notation of the en hour kaw. There, isjust es much truth in the line, 'statement. we presume, an in the former. We Steirer believed the first statement, and we are stiongly inclined to doubt the laver. on each no. therity. Jr the laborers in the Star Factory were ietinterrered with by ench dit , organiScrs as the editor of.the Poet, it would he mach betterfr•r all • :net:teed. Far Os Pauburgh Gazette. Pstion Whiskey •,- Me % .F.terps—in tee repo. of the prices cur in the 44 of New ~ Y ork,- pa big4ed a teF ''.daytelna in your paper, soarcorrespendent; men the rive of FRAM you be load eueugh to enquire of him =hat be alesnettry pFition wbiekeyl Are the twirl.). of New . Yerk Whlett, aro filled op by the bet:ofi fhee,cs . of th, vile arrig t devoted to to matt faetery Can,,such Alai be suffered in the . ecFghtened end ibbria: thin State of New York! Three ei4hCaot to be ass: any bilk.of Prune Referee, if rush be the rase. Perlsepsjourearrespondwat can enlighten us in thin Matter. • A FRIEND OF PRISON REFORM: Dea.:17,1819. For the Gaud,. ; •MF. Warta—The time is rapidly approaching • whet' the Whig party must make a, choice of a • eandidate for the Mayorlty. ...• If the Whig party expect to elect a candidate , thin year, they mist not leo: to nacre personal pop. 'lslatitytis a harbinger of success. They most •, •• with - this requisite, the many other gualiOcri . trona necessary to fid this reastouiiiie • • Wemnet have a caedida et who is well orquitial. Pith the'. altira of the city, and who will cher . fah and the dignity and honor of tie Ulric e, and discharge duties firmly and impartially. - We would respecilbily nit inmate John B Bell . 'En, of the first Ward, a gentleman who. kactin to be a Arm and consistent Wnig, who hat long been In the Cm:moils of our city, is Intimately as giaainted with,tie laws and resources, nod, who, if eieatedowoold discharge his ditties with honor to bbeeelfand to hie native city. FIRST. WARD. For L 4 Pitt.p.l'LirgA 417.17BONVILLE RAIL 'Ma:E.Drun—As aU 1111.14 eeknowlatgo the im portiFoxi, to Pitteborgbiof opepieg up, ev;iy pos. stbli,avenue to the wear, forato eprep4 or our Merchatidise mid our at a:macs:trey, I think no ~ • , apology I s due for once more Calling dm +=atm ••••••••. Year reader. to the dohs o of our neighbors ttltreogliout the central revolt of Ohio_ A letter *oar the Birsidcat of the Board of Corporatore of digelilterthenville end lcdianu Roll lloud,'lnforms Wye that theirtailmad is prog'res3ing:— . t.We shall have the half sualiso .inscribed • 'shortly, (Met ellp, betty; ref - lured by law before etanchetunng operatione) when we will drganite As company and At to work. We dad that satin' .seripuous are Gacd, to make the road ItottiColttm tin% env, to about 15 tulle" thfa tilde of Newark, Ott our bee, having bet nhont 100 mike of rood to . _ Make to this oleo-, (Steubenville.) You rnoy rdt • upon It. that thin 13 the Moll important eel two , - tletal work, for your city, that Due eVer been origi • tutted .itt the west. It Win mate a direct and alarost a stn.& lute ;rum Philadelphia, through Pirfalargh to Golumtiun, and thence toil:. fuels— thence to Caltiornia. 8:c. Ice • ' That company having permed ha own aims *Li energy and snows., making the conetruction tid their toad independent of our whkes or assent, • althabigh we are, ever/ Moro interested ih it than • they, what come racy row bent become a wine imesigthi on the - port oleo, - citizens! Steubenville . la within' 23 tees of WhcoUcg,the Sled terminus Of the BAltroore cal Unto ltnil Row], end by a • rail road route, 40 tru , es from 1' maburgo. A. abort stem boat presage to A , nee lthg. which to newest, ever I:valuta:Ale, or is tail road for the name dia.. taade, may rob 00 , --uur wale Works, our .phila &qr.' la neighbors, end ourselves—of that trade -which we coax now pr,..egr, ea well no the vast ,i c iumaustion that will be induced by increased Piththursh end Allegheny county have done vial towards the central rood, they have stitatcribed, in proportion to their triterui:t la the Work, more liberally than rice Philo delphis. A' titalf million more is sougot Croat this community towards the throe entorprige. R.croold bo folly • to grant it, bat the expenditure of a like nom on a read to etetibermile would be Wi edom indeed, for that may now he looked upon as a work vireo of • self preservatioo, as well as of Mat. .• We all remember thy horror but recently • pervaded every bOBOll3 at the ilea of permit - hog the Baltimore and Obio Rat Rood to reach the altyof.Whaehog; the ?ISA of way througaa porn that of otti territory was ntrimucialy withheld, and thelcatt profit...to mamma ca foretold, wall solemn 63w, r,eviii thus would follow so create can • !away. Bat now, that the reabathoo ;of these • • - .Cede H most immir.eat,'ead whihian effort worthy of Patiburet miry still AMP theta, oerlndifferelAs . 'A as Woodefful.as our kroner ifercOvere great. . With that Connozina secured, and Penesits • warns and Ohio and Central Rail BoadScompleted, witr pesidoa would list true llama' thy world. Labor and capital wool) Bowfin apori IA end eaten and caterpriseyould add to om weal* peel the end of thee. • . • , A Cauca as Prrnumpg. . Fw tb Pittobtrirk Camas. OZINTILAL RAIL 110.1111-Asia. MR: Eirroi—An article, published in the +Um ette of the 11th intitant, urged the importanhe of on extminagen into the past conduct and present 41olley of the Philadelphia Directors of the Perm' 'pintas R.ail Road Company, a portion of the To lman:a being addressed particularly to Messrs. Wilkins and Shoenberger, the Allegheny Dates tors, in that Compasy—whose' .position" demandi thin they at least should "interim" in the affairs 'of said. Company; when the rights of this county ens dime:guided, and the general interests 'of the Stockkieldefs seem to be made subordinate to the aapirmions of speculators in land, or of eastern ntanufaetatera Oflottomollves and rail road iron. Satisfied that the Philadelphia Dtremors bad violated their contract with this meaty, and adopt. .ed a policy injurious to the Stockholder., nod the public at large, as et Cuiste, I weight to induce others, better informed than myself, to enter on the investigation, and, at the mime time, I aimed to draw eat the peculiar champions of the Phila delphia Directory. The columns of the Journal, of the following day, and of the Gazette two day. allow that both thew objects have been gained. The former paper contains an ofli. riot or setniefficial epistle ,from a gentleman, who any his "position,. ea President of the Ohio and Penrurylvania Ball Road Company ahoold `•shield him from the 'imputation of interfering at the af fairs. of the Philadelphia Company, rte:, ate.— As imputation, by the way, that never was made, and an intarierence which that gentleman, while disavowing, inadvertently undertakes. This ciao. anent is ushered in by two editorial articleeona of them pennundly abusive, and wanting In gentle manly deeerum. In reply. to Gen. Robinson, - the Gezatte pub ,liehes, then, an excellent article, slgned"Obaervert - Which 4amoilatratea the- alleged violation of con tract, and scatters to the wind the attempts of the Journal sad its correspondent Co justify the policy of the Ptchtdelphia Company. In the hands 8( that ebb and practiced writer, it chords me plea. Rue to leave the subject Investigation hav ing been commenced, the apprehenaton-thet Phil adelphia az-hemes for dragooning Pittsburgh ism surrender of her rights or intoreata, tend no longer be entertained. I might, however, amuse myself and mulet, some of your reader, by re plying Co the imputations cut on toy motives by the editor of the Journal, who met an honest 'en quiry allir the truth with a personal assrt!, bat trTmotives of publio interest I forbear. . A CITIZEN, PROM WASHINGTON Cimespooderiee or the Pittebmgh Gaze:te. lAultincrron, Dec.ls, 113.49 Tin Contest tar Speaker--Southern enrsats—.l3ll2lealty sattleth—Mr. Clay's Spoach. The second week and the twelfth day of the setilon hare paneelway, and still we appear to ben remote from an organiaatioa of the House as we did on the first morning of a,xrubling.— Three additional trials were made to day to choose a Speaker, but without any renal, or any ap proach to one. These, added to Gartner el;nriive efforts, make the respectable total of lolly worse trials. More ior the purer of preservmg the continuity of the record, than because any particu lar Interest attaches to the names and figures in their present connection, I append • table showing tie state of the retinae: Me. Stanley, Whig, 55 61 , 68 IS=:IMI 34. Winthrop, M. T. 9:evens, •• 24 23 27 Mr. Mombeed, 00 00 4 Mt Boyd, 'Democrat, 62 65 57 EMMI 3 5 2 1 3 3 M.r.Surong, Mr. arney, 8:=INI 226 726 223 The Free Soil men merged their votes' a fth the friends. of Stevens sod Potter, but without any Impose of ceasing their eceoyeration to the end . of an eleotion piscine roan wh.. - ...t0 portion Is .at tsfact.ity to them upon the slavery question, Tte votes given to Mr. Strong consume an - 1-xcept ien tome remark. Mr. Preston Etre a,ked leave ; notwithstanding the rule prctuti:ing debate, to stale, forth." Information of Democrats Itally de— ar/octant a speedy organization, that he had. no aoulit that, if they chose to CO6Ccntililo the, votes trpori - Mr. Strong, be would be elected, and by way of ."hawing his own willingness, he and Mr. Wilmot voted through the day for that gen tleman. It is seen that we make no proves. Tee meta of the Whigs have tram:dm:Ted their support from Mr. Winthrop, the only man tel. !ram the begin ning, bad may