The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 18, 1849, Image 2
Tffl' PITTSBURGH °GAZETTE. VITTIBBDROM TUESDAY. MORNING, DEC. 18, 1819 .e r tn n garldias aro um:wady reascated to hand m CC, ticahle , b dd=tentro=tricYdirf'othr :d a l r dma will Jared/o,lj ba charged =la order 041 PAII.ADRLPBIA 80828 AIIBBIOAD4 Adteelischents and subseriptio. In the North/met tan and triaital States Gazette, Philadelphia, received seul korweried Gram tam office. Aatt.lll;Wide sad Whig Convent's:a . . . MrAt i meedm of the Whit and Anti•Masonie Conturnee of CerasPenden e, held in the Common Connell Chamber on Sato y even*, the lath inst., the following resolution so adopted: Resolved, That the Wh' and Anti.blasons of the City of Firebomb, be nested to meet it the usual plaeee, I. Ma several Wards, on Saturday nest, the kid lost, betaromathe boors of b and 7 P. M.. Ward, pa of electing Fin. Delegate. from each blatant in Convention, on Wednesday, the itath Met., R 10 o'clock, A. M. to nominate • candidate for ht!ittr aklo be suPPorteo by the party at the coming ammo. pal efeeron. delft WIC ItIeCANDLICin, Chairman lEEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL NATTERS TELEORLPHIC NEWS, "A Mises of Piusborele has teem 'waived, I Mr. and Wall have an early heuing. Manna ar WANIMereS.--011r reader. ere I kept fully ported up iti relation to the exciting senses 'mew at Washington, by our very relia ble and intelligent correspondent. To his letters we ram diem with confidence, and will merely 'wank noe;, that we have not the *lightest fears of a dissolnilon of the Union. Southern men who blaster in dila arty only r' •is , their own weakness, and the folly to which even men of good acme will soutenues descend , when their minds are blinded with passion. There is no doubt that a firw leinlicu spirits in the Smith contemplate such en untie movement, but there is not the slightest danger that any thing more than bluster will rowan of it. Let the subject he once grappled' hi ell Its stern realities, and difficulties of such fearful magnitude will stan forth, that these hot. spurs will baths very flint to aielils in the time of trial. The dignified coolness with ,which the arboleffierth views thew threats, Ratan the esti. msnoti In Which they are held. If the South is ripe leasVUtnitUi—tut these fiery spirita,would- fais ,have ttahadiive, but which we most thoroughly doubt—tbe North is net, and will ?not consent to and our Southern brethren will find that we like them and . the Union too well to let them.nif so easily. Bath our regular and pri" vete correspondents auure us that Pounded Taylor is all right on the Unam qUestioe If dtd not need their aasurance, however,. to epnvince ua of that. We think It hirtunate.. for the country the just such a man 4 0id Z id^ Ells the Presidential chair at Or. erls! as, and dal kie,is sive from the South. , LM the; least,oVert act of treason he committed; and the honest • ticirted , tad soldier, who has sprat his whole ;de undee . the folds of Ile American nag, and far IM!ltisoor and dehisce, will chow team Walolustai,ntlemen that there to a point beyond which It would have beta wisdom not to have pas. • TfiN MAYORAL ri O.TIE MORE. Wu aro .D.3ll3whill (0AI:ill Chit our views upon the subject of the t13112i116600 01 Mayor have not begat* Clearly understood as we would wish to have them. No oae, will (01r000 lacteal, oar devotion to Whig praleioles, MOT suppose thai we do sot desire to hove /sus municipal odters, as well to all whern, Writg, if possible. Bat:knowing that &good deal of frehog exists among our friends upon the subject oi Mayor, and dreading the monifiwition of defeat, shouldn't:Nooks an unhappy selection our object has been to urge the Whip to great circnompec their choice of a candidate, in order that We might be enabled to bring out the undivided strength of tie pasty. With a good man, our worthy and competent to discharge the duties of that station—the importance of which, we regret to say, has been too much overlooked—we are owtaln of success. The chief magistrate of • city like outs should be a man woo, in point of char acter and capacity, could, command the re-ject and confidence of the enure cocruntnitylle should. moreover, be possessed of unquestioned energy. prompt to see the laws executed, and determined to discharge the duties confided to Mtn, with—. fear or favor fmm any. In other cities, gi ease is taken to the selection of this Mils none hat the best and mast reliable esti:. ehosem We—see no / mason why this should not ' tie the cue in Oda/city—and we feel confident . Mature have, i - nrowo puny, many, who are ‘ in . arm ,weatlty-o f ,the pc,:tren: 0.1: object .. "roz er tiorefore to urge upon cur litends the neettrly ' Of tag prudence in their selection of a eon . did' lithe) , desire to succeed. Tact there are which every man owes, who values the of the community in which he Nees, and fi:trnia a part; which rtse scpcnor to party dictates no fiancee for a moment question, and If the in. lament of the community ere disregarded, In our 'choice of a candilate, and we make a selection ,withmit having any other object than that of de feating our opponent., we may thereby drive a way from oar. Ewan, a large aninbirr of • friend., who may deem the quahfications of the., man, 'of math more importance than the mere het of his being a Whip. It us the intention of the Dernoc4m, to nominate one of their beet cod most popular men,--and they are already boast ing of their intention to defeat us. It therefore becomes us, to use great circontspectiou in our choice. Success is certain, if we choose right, If not, defeat is not at all improbable, as tee hove beard a great many of our moat reopeetalk and • influential Whigs declareoltat they would vote for no man, that they did not deem entirely competent and deserving of the office.. Loomlater Raugoag hie.;totmer.—We under. stand that a meeting of the committee, which was appointed by the county convention, to consult with the commiesienera, in relation to the cub . ocription of the county to the Central Railroad . held a meeting yesterday afternoon, and recom mended that n committee be deputed to attend the adjourned meeting of stockholders, in Phila. -dolphin, on Monday next, the 24th Met.; and that Meatus. Geo. Dania, and Solomon W: Roberta, Dab were appointed the delegates to the siiie`fi• holders meeung. Po.rrre.-:- In the I:et of patents granted during the iteck ending on the I ltb of December, we no tle• the following: 'l.lsan Menden, of Aregheny City. Penn.—For improvements in otaeLinery for preparing Hob. for /lam. Na1i , P1567 0/lICS —it nem office has been ea µbb.eed n Jacalfille, Butler Do., F. B. C. inch, rag, Pau nil ..To..LTT TUOU. J. BIGIUMI2. Yam WAitrWnrEL we milt' mil:dose yeyr dews WIWI respect to the eleelion of a competent tndl tidied, by the Wen party. we fed and lroom that there are many Whip it VIM city, whose ch•rscii ter and abilities would Ml the met-ore of your wishes, and amooget otters we would suggest the sum orrbo, J. Bigham, for that office, who will, we onderatand, accept the nomination, it confer led upon biro. Mane VOTTIM Ms. Warm—We are now within two or three weeks of the Idayer's Election, •nd yet I see no movement on the put ortheWhige to brie gout their cendldate. To pot the ball in motion, I would re. spectrally origami the name of Charge Sieger, of the South Ward, Mr. S. has always been a WWII. sad 'whin/ dn. He filled the office of conned man from our ward tor several year*: with much etedlii la &gentleman of respectable talents, and ot Irreproachable moral character. Should the name of Mr. Singer be acceptable to the party, immediate gteps should be taken to bring him bebne the lONIC, provided he will consent to become a cm didate. SOUTH WAIS.D. Tais Lsoun.arass or Omoon, October II th, !adjust closed its session of fifty five days. They kayo adopted a code of laws, mostly taken from Ow lowa statue One, however, is the prohitti, #oa of .Negros and Mulattoes" from settling in arpawing through the temtory. This, a letter writer says he is convinced, is contrary to the ins •elistariatiof the people., The massage of Dover' Aar' Yam, the same writer-Acorns, he had no right to deliver and this fun he was not *wee of sta after the Legislature had been in wagon some days. • The Baftiamrs dwririents, of Saturday, sayr. siWs loin from Washington that the difficulty. Which =ended lathe Haase of Representatives on Tharsday last, between Mr. Means, of Yogis* gad Mr. DOU, of New York, and which, it was Wed MOOmight e b ve ul n inog • ko bteawnaWaura &Ow polio.hy - ...; . YUAN IWASIIIIIIERTOM. ; Cerrespadance of the Iltuatqta Gantt*. Debate es the Dissolution se tae Ma/an Taylors opiates. Wasmoneoe,Friday morning, Dee. The elate of feeling last evening in respect to the oesturenoes of the day, was not nearly so' w=etted, as might have been expected. Perhaps there was more anxiety eaceming the mane of the very serious penonal alteration between Minim. Doer and Meade, than is regnad to any other transaction of the day. The rumor is, that • challenge was sent from Mr. blonde to Idw Doer, before • the adjournment. As to the important point, whether Mr. Doer accepted or not, there is not even • rumor. Mr. Morse, of Louisiana, is a per. Weal friend and associate of both gentlemen. and understood bas promptly and zealously later pined his good wham between them, with the design of bringing about • reconciliation. It is dear.e to be hoped that his elan will prove succeasful. Mutual apologies ought to be made, attar whir+ there i 5 .130 reason why a perfect rec. ormilistiou should not be brought about. Although to be eclipsed in a duel is in our day, far a northern public man, certain political death. It is mid that Kr. bluer is indifferent to these pursuits, and by education and temperament is disposed towards the mode of adjustment sought by Mr. Meade.—l, lithie be eo, there ocrtainly to serious danger of a fight. This personal tont. Map is a !specimen of but one class of the evil. and dangers resulting from our present state of disorgarnsattOn. The question of the peooe and harmony of the Republic M infi nitely more important than the private reline. betweentbe honorable members of the Haat , — Mow much more sense than even this painful ' alteration is thei"fact that forty Southern gentle .men so far forgot the respect due to the place, to 'gay nothing of their patriotism, as to vociferously applaud direct and anqualified threats of &tarlatan,. . 1 . was done repeatedly yesterday afternoon. I here that I was compelled to omit from the summary I forwarded by the lest mail, any allusion to the most extraordinary declaration made by Mr. Colcock, 01 South Carolina, relative to the part he and his; state were ready to bear an the work Ilfoubver. ling For ittoriona Republic. t• In Colonel Beker's eloquent protest against these oftrepeated menacei "against the Unseat, be had said most pointedly, bat not tauntingly, that the 1 North did not behove that the South, either through her people or representatives was aerieus in mak lag them His constituents did not believe they would ever be carried. out, nor that any attempt to carry them out would be made. He argraed with them. It could not be in the harts of South-1 ern or Northern men to meditate dieloyalty to the Union. Here tare were trice from many mare tens, "we will show you." But bow, tuna Colonel Baker, witl you show O 2 The reply was reedy and vehement Pass the proviso to abolish alt., very here, and we will show yOe .. ! Mr. Wallace, of South Carolina, took np the re. from and declared that he spoke for the whole, Booth, and - wculd say, that the South would have her rights molts of Me North. A voice .awer ed, why not 'with the !Amiens of the North! • Bqt one Mr. Colcock : wail particularly explicit end chividrous. He handed the sincerity of the South, and particularly that of South Carolina, and as a guarantee at it. and by way of convincing the North. he would now pledge himself to bring pi a reseletion providiog fed the immediate dneolution• of the Union, the moment that the Wilmot Proviso should be passed by the' House, or whenever a bill should paw fdr the abolitihn of slavery in the District. Here was • bunt ofapplaaae from the Southern members, and from the galleries. Colonel Baker mod, very well, iatroduoe it, and that will be the end of it. Mr. Cobsock—No at will be the beginning of a movement that will not end but with the end of the Union. Mr. Baker said ha was well aware that South Carolina began her movements far die:rotation of the Cairn tlfteen yearn ago. Now. can this be called • farce, utterly without meaning end design. It Mum not an ap pear so 'to me. I rather, on the contrary, thick that attempts againet the Unbolt will be made, and they not insignificant one.. Still, will the North yield? ought abe so yield in her toilet for freedom? No, no! meet these enemies of the Union with argument, kindness, and forbearance, and when all elre fails, commit them to the execu tive power'. Earnest tnqulrien have leen lately made, ea to General Taylor's viewer in the'prmant or any threatened oriole,. sod the result is, that in any and all contiegenciee, he Is for the Union , with all the powers and fonetions vested to Weal by slit Cloareiniten for tri:own dap.. and CO. forcemeat thatinion orlia eneoriee mail,e on , the, bEi.L: of a dark and deep chasm; If so, it will be the care of the .President that the Colon shall be saved, let what will be the fete of its foes. You Kill notice there was another trial to elect • Speaker yesterday. Mr. Winthrop received the highest number of votes, 59 . Mr. Cobb rah highest oa the Democratic, receiving 40. Lynn Boyd had 28, and Potter, 24. Wm. J. Brown did not get any. Junttra. Waanarotrron, Doe. 15t6„1919. In describing and commenting upon the proceed ings of the RUllen, to day,l shall begin at the end, and aol out, fat the information of your readers, the revolt of the forty cocond,forty third, and forty fourth trials, to elect a Streaker of that assombty, and (or that purpose present the following table • Stanley. Whig, ...... .......... ,30 40 49 Winthrop, do 38 25 27 Morehead, do • • ..... • • ... 9 10 Stevens, do ll 13 11 MeGanehey, do. 3 1 1 Doer, d 0... • • ............. 5 5 0 Wilmot, Free ....... B 8 Johan, do - - ......... 2 2 2 Moot, do, Boyd, Dem.. at Potter, do :obtr, do McLane, do Saatering • It appear. from the above that both parties com menced voting to dey without the slightest precon carted orraartement of their strength. Mr. Stocky, on the Whig side, nod Mr. Boyd, on that of the Democrats, gradually led out from among their competitors, and hecame the chief candidain of their respective parties. How it has happened that the Whigs, who, from the beginning of this remarkable contest, have, with Worthier @cadres', nem, adhered to Mr. Winthrop, should now rue a majority of its votes for Southern gentlemen, I em not able to explain. In the caucus of the Whip, two weeks ago, the Southern members !reel and unreservedly said, we shall go for Mr Winthrophecause we heeler and respect hie drafty and impartiality, as a presiding officer, and because, also, it is due to him an a Northern Whig. a leading representative of the Feat Ml j:4lly of the party here, and a distiagstothed sop. I porter of a Southern Whig President. It In not lor me to read leotard, to Whig member as to the C.SUIDC expected a' them by their piny and their pos,Mtucals, but I Cannot help expressing the hope that this change, from a Northam to a Southern Whig, has not been determined on is a Mimes of conciliating and recalling . to their duly the ate Whig deserters, who went off upon Mr. Gentry_ on the first vote. Fortunately for the Whig party, Hr. Toombs developed to the country, In the furi ous diatribe be yesterday delivered, his reasons for separation. Were any party to edbpt the creed he hat embraced, it would at once dertationalige itself, and sink to Braaten" of a petty.gad contemp tible faction. . „ The Democrats, ats, In like manner, have changed their attitude. • It is just one week since the de test of Mr. Cobb, the regular nominee, emu dad cutely aseenaleed apd submitted to. Since that time, the party has, arith few exceptions, been vot ing for Northern candidates, coming within two votes,. at 000 humor electing use rather famous Mr, D r own Since. the inglorious fight' from the held of that illustrious leader, not • Southern vote n ee been given fa , a Northern candidate, and we now find two thirdnof the Northern Touts conceal. voted upon a Southern member, certainly moro objectionable, by reason of his position elm the slavery question, than Cobb wan. I hope to see, some time before the holydays, a Speaker elected, bet I will any, with perfect confidence, that Mg. Stanley cannot procure as many Whig vote% as Mr. Winthrop did, and that the election of .B. i ryn can only be eroded by the aid of f3oultern Whigs. That be should receive the sopport of Mose who reftuied It to Kr. Winthrop, would tee !wand, wed it probable. • ThaTlOnse Wes to motraw. though a vtgarods attiropt we' madato adjourn our had Moadar The votes above =eluded to day's pm• au/amp, bat the oily troputaat tneideat , at dews which occupied the !Omer rut of the day, wes . dut 00. propane& I believes .. r. Butler, of Pennsylvaniel that DO debate ahouldte in order until the choice of a Speaker This will have a tendency to ebot• en t h e pending *male, for it stops - babble. As to* babbling, Mr. A.Johnsob, and come others, eon : named a couple of hours of this day's sitting in . I ikat amusement, to so other purpose in the world thaw that of Making themselves ridieulous. The surplus est:WARP of members having cooled off with the passage between Mr. Doer nod Mr. Meade. There is a very interesting suggestion connected with this peracmal scene. It is said, by some, that a • general row. wu laid down by cattalo of the disunion gentry, La a part of yesterday's perform• arm in the House, she finale of which was to bo the :hegira of the Southern members from the 'House, in a body. The arrangement was alto gether disturbed by the fortuitous and almost pro,. idential designation of 'Meade, on the Boor of the House, u orte of these slut conspirators again-It the Union, and by the scene which followed. The plot, if any existed, dwindled from that moment, and finally ended in the frothy proposition al a parlor knight of South Carolina, to dtssolve the Union by resolution. Junius. Prl•lta Cortespondeneo of the Pittsburgh Oaxamo Hot. Or ltzzarrrxrivia,k WWII7I9TON Dec. 13. D. N. Warr; EsQ,-- Dear Sir—Before this reaches you by the slow progress of the mails, you will have learned by telegraphic , despatch, the proceedings of thie day. Scenes, alike disgraceful to the Americau people, and deeply mortifying to the feelinp of every American heart, were enacted in the House to day. twill not attempt a description—that you will doubtless receive from your regular aims- pondenL You know I am no alarostai, but 1 assure 4 , tt, from a most careful and thorough ex amination of the Cate of feeling at the South, there is mischief brewing—there te trouble abead—a deep loud scheme to dissolve the Union—and the effort now made to prevent the organisation of the Floury, 35 I I designed to be the inmate. If that shall tau, other means will be resorted to, such se secession I , fpm the House, and resistance to the execution of the laws passed by Congress. Or, in other words, the enactment of the farce of nulhficstion, with the tragedy after it. Bat you may rest as• tiered, the north, without any blustering or bravado, will stand firmly together in the great contest,— ' forgetting, for the moment, all former party hoes,' they will all, Whig. and Danceram, rally rot.od the standard of our glorious Union, and offer up, if need be, their lives on theircountry's altar. The proceedings of to day have done mach to drily us to a net tone! :organisation. This result is greatly to be deprecated, if possible to be winded; hot if the alternative Is forced opoo as either to have such an organisstion or 000 e at for one, who never voted for a Locals." In my hfti, am '' l prepared for the issue. Yesterday sod. to day, we have scattered our I votes among many candidates, or rather, among many good end true Whigs north and south; many of en tram the north voting for some of those noble spiny at the iamb, by way of lemming the compliment, for their loog and faithful aifference to Mr. Winthrop. • It is utterly Impossible to form any conception of the 'future. We know not what a day may bring forth. We are now, slier ten days of fruit. lean efEirts, apparently as far nom an organisation as when we drat met. Do not misapprehend me: the Union stall rug be dissolved, though blood maybe shed. I rejoice to , be able to say to you usialuestarivsly, that General . Taylor bus his eye on these feilowa, watthing all. their movements as narrowly as he did More of ' Santa Anna at Buena Vista, and th.dr fate wilt be no better than his, it they dare to lift their paricidal hand against this glor.Oin It in now late at night, and 1 have written ynu rerrenti, after the esciung scenes of the day, being much exhausted with continued labor and anxiety. I very much fear a duel will grow out of the 1 difficulty between Doer and Meade, in the House to day. I learn this evening, that a mutual torrid of these gentlemen called on Doer to know if he would not retract. Has reply *sax that he would fight him, if he desired it, but would not retract one word he had raid. Next time I write, I hope to have better tidings to Oattliatlairate. IMOD/ 'ILIA" TOILS. Correapondsnos of the Pinanorgit Gazinte-. tint , 1(ons. Dec- 13,18/9- The continued failure of Congru.s to organise confuses pohticiatis here, and male, people gin i trolly willing to hear of the election of any re spectable man. One last news here is, that Mr. Winthrop has declined, and that Mr. Brown Issa run within one vote of en election, and abandon ed the field, disgusted with lexofocoistn. Another rush to the ' 4 4p." has taken place, to day, in the U. S. Mail Ship Ohio, the Cherokee, end the Crescent City. Passenger, are here from all ports of the country. Not the refuse of our citizens, but those who at home hold poste of hon• or and profit. Much no hes been said shout Cali. fonds emigration, and the influx of people at California, few are aware of the real state of things. Thu gold fever has now raged about one year, and the departures from the Atlantic coast reach the sum of seven hundred and thirty sad, made of o tollows: 215 ships, II etearnaluria, 210 barks, 152 brigs, and 120 achoonere, baring on baud fall cony thousand souls; only one third of them vessels have arrived out, showing to the careful observer, that those who come lag must be salter:led with small profits. •• • A good deal of wand mercantile hasinese doing for California. Merchants ram. thue. Mere are thousands of poor emigrants, who are unable to leave. The country has no agricultural or canufactoring resource/4*ml moat depend up on us on the atlantic coast, for all things. They mast dig gold for one dollar a day, or starve. Fsto ins may stare them in the face, es it did the poor Irish,—and our chance of profit is as good In one 51 88 82 2,4 24 22 18 8 1 21 17 17 as in the other cafe. In the way of novelty. in town, there is nothing, or next to it. The open, the concerts, and the pmonanas of all pans of chrtnendom, and the theatre. are crowded nightly, and we need not. go to Paris for gayety. At the Broadway , the ht ue Mines gatemen, aged four and seven, have been delighting the town as Richard orßichmond, and similar characters. They are tree actors, and not the usual parrotty affair, such juvenile prodi gies are woo to be. Niblo has closed for a week, to get op • novelty, which has set curiosity strong ly at work. In Stocks there in a good deal of speculation, end though the market in &lightly depressed, just now, there are abundance of operators, for an ad vance upon short contracts. The prospect of • considerable loan on account of the United States, does not affect operators, nor should It. The money the Government wants goes at once into circulation, and it is mere change of hands. , Our two rail roads competing with the lludson 225 225 223 and East Rivers, are doing an enormous The NeveHaven has an elegant depot on Broad way, and - lands Its passengers within a few rods of the hotels. ho large has the traffic become on the Hodson River Road, that a second train Is to be laid at once, and the iron already contracted for. Forty miles an hour has proved too fast a gait for the twenty two mile an hour steam boats. The iron masters of Clinton county, and New York generally, are to hold a Convention at Al bany soon, in order to bring the disadvantages under which the iron interest labors, more clearly bekre Congress. if the iron mmters of Pittsburgh can Wass their spirit into this Convention, New York ind.Thlladelphia will make an appeal to Congress not to be refused. • Major Brown, the distinguished Engineer •sent for by Czar Nieboles4to overlook the great rail road from Bt. Petersburg!' to Moscow, left for Russia in the Canada, on Wednesday. This en gineer Is one of the most accomplished to the country. His educating' was obtained at West Point. and his reputation established by the mam moth work upon the Erie Road. Cotton—The market continues quiet, but with out change. Flour to somewhat firmer, but with. out marked change in the rates. The sales are 2200 brlu moatly kr the cast and city trade. In Bouthent, there were sales of Georgetown, prime quality, at g 5 25. Rye flour and meal dull. Gmht—Tha market is dull and hasty for wheat. and t h e sales not worth remixes. Rye Is firmer, and sales of 1000 bu. were made at 60e. Osis are doll, with a downward tendency i s Prince T he demand for corn ut fair, and quotations better. solos 25,000 bushels southern white, from store. at 000 63q 2200 be. new northern yellow, 550 550, and 1500 bo. anthem yellow, 561 c. Pro. Aatainnar-lanntatanto are Ina kr pork at 11110620 ga. In beef hums than ware gala of 100 brie, at $l2 75. f.siLl at 6ic for very puma; MO be.. sold. Butter Is witbout change. Whi.hey—There is but hula uffericsband the market . firm st27►o. Exec/mum na CaTuoi Comm.—Considerable 'rfacdtement prevailed in Cayuga county/on ar. count of the murder of a pedlar named Alder, who la supposed to have been murdered by two wood a farmer earned Balm, revding in the north part °ldle county. Alder was a German pedlar, of choice dry goals and jewelry, and maul at Haim'. house the .night before he disappeared. Hie tailing to meet hut brothel, who is also a ped- Ir. at Auburn, at an appointed iimek excited sus. ptclou, and scarab war made for 0. Re was traced to Banns house, and the two'sons were nr• rented. It wan ascertained that they hid been to possesniun of an unueual 'mount of jewelry and other goods similar to those carried by Alder. The body el Alder wet fohnd buried .bout ■ mile from Baim's hooka. Hie Skull w. Mond broken, and the Auburn Advertiser thinks tan mrcumstatters are strong against the young Bsims, who me roil under MCC. Sours Camomile —A meeting niche members a the Legniature:was held at Columbia on thelth inst to decide relative to a representation et the woe in the Southern convention, to be bold at Nash villa on the first Monday in June nay, on the re commendation of Missiesipol. Resolutions were adopted telly approving 0 that conventi o n, and in favor of the appointment o delegates to represent the atate theta in. Tim Cossrrrukton or Itrumrr.—The Conan ration of this .o State is published in lull, sad is like that of many of our State. We have bef , re referred to as principal feature.. It commences with setting forth the boundaries claimed for the new State. The organization is temporary --so be rereffirmed or modified, when Con gress atiall provide tor the goverotocnilot the territory. It bears all the ineignis of true ropith Pb. Brothers Plontesoitou and to. Ho laidua at Bt. Louts The deplorable and almost incomprchenoihle event which produced ao much sensatiocbin the public mind at St. Loins a few weeks ay4 K 6nd much griel In several flirrilllCS, morns to have err ted equal sensation and greif in Froncee The last Hearne, brings nut from Mr Rives, ouriMin kite at Pans, n letter of his own to Senator Beam, with many letter* and official doenniento in himself and other. to Senator Benton, Senator Coss, and the lion. Mr. Winthrop on the subject of 'thin mina melancholy occurence. There letters make known the fact that the tither hf these young gentlemen (the late Count Moritesquiotn labored under ins,lin ity, and destroyed his own life two yesee ego. and that their elder brother is now insane in Paris; and hence raise the irrenatible inference thaeinheritrd insanity most have broken out in the two hinders at St. 1,5019. All the letters speak of them in the same terms, as being remarkable for the;animiloy of their characters and their ' mild nod inoffensive manners;" thnt thew come to the Unned.Sioie• f ir information and recreation, and especially in eve the western country, and with ample; means and credit. They descend born • family in Fran., not only of the great historic sawn, but distinguished for unsaid menses. • The celebrated Duke {de la Itnehefrumsold Lt •neourt, author of the .Maims." Is their mood lather on the mother's side; the present Doke de l• RerehrOU , Slllo writes in tried behalf mt.:mph. , The General Ondloot, Duke of Remo, mot Gen eral Amen. Doke of Padua sl.o hetr es relations The Count Munn:Noma himself he longra to the Matinkutahed and mulatte fainhy that name. Many Americans in Par* anions them Mr. Win. H Aspinwall, rot New York al, Write, and 'with ail the- deep (retina wlsten the rims of the steamed condition of the unhappy mother and retanon• Co motorail,' nospormo. unit ktters and °friend miestattors are all torworded to St. Loots, to lave their effect in ekrlaintror 2 transaction witteh',seented to be ittemoprelomi..- hie. We believe the,trial has not yet taken plsee 81 Louie. Thesis - 150er. mill shear ti to be adr plorande case of inherited 'insanity, tireak - Ms on In • grange fund, and leading ton most (edam , moo event. A calm and uuorrtudawd trial is ae' eared by the eharscter of our population and hr the partleular conduct 14-the iabstrtanta 01 lit Louis at the t me If the dreadful occu recce, arid where the even tartan," term lk e e• Two smiNble rung filen others wounded, all el their own rout, by stranger, lea , trisect, cud between atom ar d Itiettifictst, rio , even a look had ever licrta est:henget; tar crowd ea hotel sad the neighberhortyi raised by the loud report of the fire arms, end malted to the Itb.ttit' lemur; yet the arrests ware htiade without violent , the unhappy imagers emiducted toprtson urghout Deem, and upon rotor tear of an attempt on the conducted to thie:milltary barracks fifteen miles distance, and t bore ill, guarded and prctected. This was honorable to the population, and to the character niche hotel. Itarnum's. one ei the wog respectable In America, and whom propretee yap the uncle atone of the voting men killrtd.T=a cosse.nartideration !sad recent .intetieltetal.! at the tuti.nrit or tie catastrophe gives assumes. el an unprejudiced trial rat the rite, it :hall take place and that these unfertimata value acut l eman will be dealt with precisely as tl they were our own nitwits. trr ran AcicH •anruoc. Caen-am , — Although loc. known soverette remedy for chrome case. of Iteparie 4erangement thr propriehow of Pr hl•Lanea 'Aver l'lts were not prepared for the follows:hi grattfyin, weld nce or their capacity azid curative powers in Artie and Fever, sod BIM,. COI, ht.1,0,11.C.1. Nor MIDI: 'Mum. Kuhl At f About one year ago I re. Da boring under a very ',err attach at Ague and Fever. but by the use n( Al'Lunn , * I.lvet I•tlle I who • ~,,, tc' coved to pure., health. br hove them to ba an, bc•t aedtuue (or Adlou• entupthons that Pis tort beeg , of fered for ut:e In .5 aoetlon °l i the enuutry .. • . . . ...JAMES SHARP!' For gale by J. KIDD h. CO, No. m, corner of Fourth and Wood gr., I.stratruegta (dell dteralwa A Care and Certifies. at Iles.. 117 RnD 1411.0 u a. i bUT rut I' /t T NOLA I hereby certify that abasit two Week • ago I was 'el, ed with a violent attack oit rAni,ina and P W(O4 Ct . cra Morbus, won very doltrrantris In the and bowels, which was completely relseyed by tarn teaspoonful doses of Fri 4:lleum, taken in a mile art.• ter. After Laving taken Le firm dose, I alerii Goo and comfortably for thre • boars. ti!”gnedi On trostr , the steam t,Olll owns Pittsburgh, Ogg. I Oh, I to lam captsun at We A riadoe, a. a w•• •Vltht votn do: aslorughlng effects of , hr Perokon., to lbc cage 01 Henry Wise, who ts one of the hands on the hew (Signrd) 741 M HOD (..11.111E.1.1. Pmsbargh, Dee. 11th, 1040. • Irr See general advert,etneht In leyother c damn dell JOU PUIHIITING. HILL 111:AD , , CARDS, CIRCULA I,witag, Contracts, Lae 11.1ucgaT1101,1,-*, &V. &c• , Printed at the stionr•At now,. ~r.e", 4 1 0 4 deS9 Drexel.. Ti:t•it ernuir. V/lIMICH LsmM ruaaa --Prepared by 1 W belly Inratt. N V., and (Cr malt. by A. /ay,. No 7U Fount, .trcet Thin mill lee int a dellaboul nru. gin of bevcra.ce to (medic, and pur s urularly lot .irk (001,13111. Banal n improved Chocolate peeper, um., being a comhtuattou of Cocoa ,rut; ;water.. ,11- •,,nranno and palatable, highly recomoinaledl.aric ularly for Invalid.. Prepared by W ler, Maas., and for sale by A. JAN ..ES, al the I.cit to Lon Store. No. 7.. Foam mcal4 - _ lanpinvaanents In Dentistry. DR. P.O. ATFIA RNA, Isle of Homo, to manufacture and eel 111.o0t Tvrrn t wh01c..,.,1 nava a( Feta, upon lacuna or A1mt,,1 , -mc 1.11,t1.011 TOOTI.eIf vuum , in 71s 01007$', where a11...ed. OM, and re..den...• pert door to tn. ,1111. or'. Mitre, Fourth atm, Pi...burr', RI,. TO—) 11.4Prailden. F 11. Eaton it lu • 1 frn.t. Cnrnct and Mound, acme.. add -11 VI" Market and Ferry st,etd The DI 111. The name of Alderman A. 0 REINHART submitted. 1.7 his (mends to the eonsiderollon of the opnreachleg Whig Convention, as a suitor Iccandnlate tor the bloyeralty of Pittsburgh. ' novo. QT Wna:Algeo wad b a candidate for to \lay eu.oeet to toe nomination of the NVlvit Coon , loon. ocO . - MP—Henry Wlllle*eole will be n carehdele fut the M h ayoralt,, eubject to the hototnnon of thn Wittg Convention. noel 117-Jonathav Mash, Esq., tee plc.+, !slay er o, Allegheny, will be n eacebtlete for re elerune, subject to the tooninnbon of the Allegheny tV,tue COll QTWe are outhoured to none. nee thnt C S.k W • SPA will be eandidete for the.hlayorolty, bier tto the loottOnau on of %he Whig Convention. nov22-te• Ul7 C. L. MACE!: affil he • ettinlhistr fivr thr office nfldoyor of the City of l'alsburgh, pubject to the de. ci•100 of the Whig Convention. uvv,vi Mayoralty. The Ondersomed most do:moody magest he name of THOMAS DAFT. DR., of the Eighth Ward. Pitts burgh. as a worthy candidate for Mayor, to the costa mg election. submet to the decision of n Whm and An tintasonte Content/on, and would add. if uniform rood health, an hottest heart, and t sound head, furnish the highest claims to public favor, Men ought our candi date to be sucermfuL nard7-le MANY EIGHTH WARD VOTERS. - - NOTICIC. WARMERS' /1k MECHANICS' TURNPIRE ROAD X COMPANY.—An'Election for Priwideut. 'Crow arow, and Sit Managers of the above Cowpony, will be held at I o'clock, P. of klowlsy, the Will day of new, at the know of H. Aker. Periloylviwitt Avenue. WM. EICIIDAUhI, Prvideot. delltditicorloaT 1110IFFISII /FEE euhroriber ham on hand every choice and good assortment of Ladles and hliwes , MUFFS, whisk he Is now orating very low Those who wish a good Muff would do well to call and examine his assortment, at his HAT AND CAP STORE, Smithfield street, near Fourth• &WA. JAMES WILSON MT ."' " "'" IARBAUGH Brit./MI • LOTS IN THU 9th WARD 'OO5 SAL'- 07 Lot. on the'north side of Penn at, L having achti feet front by-176 feel deep to Mut bcsi'y alley. s hus—l7 Of pneile the above, having each 24 fee front, col Fenn street, by Btu tea deep to Bomar arley. I, Th , ' , 'al" , 'a a very desirable locauon, being ad jacent to thelnrucosed Depot of the Central Railroad. For Isom bop, tn CHAS B. taiI:ULLA% ARts Burke's Budding. Fourth so. WATINIIRG I I--CIiEdtPER THAN EVER ! Y. Jost re, .41, an invoice of full Jewelled patent le er %Yawl's, le marts ant, caws, which nan .." . 4 low as thirty and thirty five dollars, and warranted to trey good num Aloo—ft quern:id awortmcnt of .Ik;WELIIV, cont prisam the canvas and latest style., and bests R. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and JeWeinr, dela cooler Marko mid Fourth morn 1* ' I period' of prudent and temperate .1.1 tianits, lueith 6 {mall rash capital to invest to a very profitable businese, will do well by vddresning e note (past paint) to . .fil 11. v" Pittsburgh Pest Office. It vrtl retsnee bi• undeetded attenuon to business. delt4.ltol -- - / l'°P.sfe.. YT —ri'et'7oT.l,R.F.;,.`79rt:V.% VLD.2. Possesmon se. on the let of Apnl 00 , 10. Also--Sev rill ROOMS and OFFICES. Possesttor given nutty ttrly. F. It GAZZAM. dela t/diee ever hot - -... VAETIIEHL 4 -17 boqrs land! r Hamad, end for talc by delti • - SNCNkI IRON--5 ca,k• ree. I3orAToKs-6.5 bbl. lu.m , (1,1. CRAIG A S JI \NIIKA JcIS D R ,j,T2 P EAC" ES-42 " j' aTlG h /::E i ltgi;3l' ' .ll. l'y 1 j ICKORV N UTS-50 Int to store and for salt by La. dcl.4 CRAIG A SKINNER SUNDRIES- , sack T{l{lolilT Seed; 5 sacks Rags; Sale DeLeon; in .orn and for mix, by del, CRAIG &SKIN__ - NR _. .. E DEANS. -14 Mos "F.lOl Mow, Ins sale by IJ/ ddl4 CRAIG /k SKINNER 1)17 , ./ i i , TOE-S Ala ha In morn c n i tal i f , a , r a.K nriet i l l y iNEß W(e by !f . a n l ' a —n nl'urn 11: 1 6 1 1. n .ZI:r A SKINNER for rale I.y g A d ß alt- in k'" ' 'nnn a nd CRAIG & ,K INNER g'l V.EN A 1.11.. E- -NS We in alum end to: main by J. dal, CRAIG & SKINNER 0 bbl,ran and ion .ale bjSKIN raCK 0 A '" I ``lir b d CRAIG SKINNER duz in e ,: t o A re ß 7n: ,fxarra,al,74l„.4 FL. OUR .501.1,is Extra FI1111111). i•operftne. Fro, rn store and for ..le by &IA CRAIG a SKINNER RAN CIDER-90 bhl* 911 J 3hi lohls, 4 fine article, I..j'int *al, by kW RI3RIOIiF, WI LSIIN k CO. dr, Water et • rEg _ 1, Roll, Oil. day trc . d and for I) 1•1 CHOZER ILIII.4 , VILLI , 1.011.:-11K11.1.1 , Fmnb,,u.t ' , ed. for .le .Ir 1, • A ItIISTRON6 It CROZER p ltLLD y t . ALE.Iy raIII !lr% (ti '• in papers, Forsele I.y h IcC 1 "" r "' 'LED'4 'l' Lro —" r l 7l(7 " n u l T7"'Z;r=" Lot it—lon tra .up,rlOr nrhele, 1' rer I.) tic ok W ~ 1 r p, r 1 ....n i , 1 , 1 :1; I L. It pn , ole 4 r tV ZU , 3 1 1, ,, r= ;L i nd 1M111”1.1 reed, for by . tin W HARLIN:OII • PEAI PLA , III I del- +l' I'. 1(11W Ot.SSS--~.' I , f, f%'J reed .nJ h (Y tLAIIB VUGII -- g ill..kilt• BeidetUtCoodnoet nob reed and tor rale by l , dt:ls n & W lIARBAUGII Christmas awl !rev fear's Approaching! L1.1 , , ,, iN r AND tiIIISTAN fIAL. lit sOK:d, bi-, nn tor coining htondayt at LUCNWOOD'Yit PEARL, toe AMERICA:, t °Ent Y. Illuminated It't 'I . M' 6 Map esa, Edo . 80. ele&ant:y =bound In Jerk iro-., do. cot age. /unique style; Olt 01 UM I,loppa , effti•ote• of 11011diaa. Lon, tellove Br, ant, \\'f /•, Wlttuter, Itatircl, Sprague. , Ben Mr. ynenurn , and Mot Etebury, among oth. er • h the st•oter m o ts .Th— •re by'tnted moat deaceiely and perfeetly, in Lebo, ears , German fold be B mot board. each page bet, (raped Y., a rirl, itiatoineted artibe,que border, I, t,011.1 .1 coo art.l cle:lors. wilti •IKnella arobbithl in the Ittddes• - -',Copneerctal br fist volume th -• r at ban been •tterapt. ' rd no thla ante of the AB anue-e-and watt 'eased to tee henna of dc..en• and the exatedl ion of theirs. may t.• •0..1 Ito r, cat Ifnet yarba, any third( or b tti . kd in 1.•1S t IF THE WESTERN Mot)ll.D.-Caawin -. (doe, • Rclattbo " by Fent, androan. - rh. Mower o •od..rt. - by. It•cood. • "the Land of Ihrlin , ,.. by Win 1 Bry Mt ant, "Leo. to the Cup of I.tb, by Mr.. , ' 0. Babe, -The s.ght Cometh,. by Mt. I tot. 0 ''l he Tournament at Acre," by H. W Herbert. lirecttyr.ontl: by Mr. Blitdar; -Wnrahip," by Mb.. Rd yet , l. 'dile rile. NI,••Ino." by Mr. ELI - t,u, -,entit nth I . o.tninal , l 1, Or mo. surrtrto Itnfnr,Fr I , ) .11,1,..0n. wlth (Am,. awl vi,ncllts rt."'n't...:.:':.ff.';.,.'1.,'.-77i,%":1:.J7:.;41,',71' ejlr',':,"T":l'''' c ' at n rcht .lt c:1 rile kntit elror . produeed io n tills ' ,otTa ' .. I•,,er, 1 ze FYI 41l4: by I AMES D. ItOCKW(1111), del, Bobtleller and It . dB Wo.. od m. • __. Lic LUPE:MLA!. COULIII SYRUP—T.Ims aar - 510w 1,7" Na It . P,rayredir, March 27. IN: Mr It F: Ju•to:e to you, and your tuccon- P, i to a lone, to state, for the ben rht of the ere.ll Alit) .21t 11C..w1l fino 'seen urree lath poo-t couch pur. e'naard.l uo It, cur of your elrup, orbtch cured a couch 'ot two ~,,, nth. -talultna About ono ouolN elece. the eougn retitrool. Winn SO %ever< that eho eou:d n4rol) move ,r‘ou weekoree breaet., I tent for o•te I'Ll:Ve y.tir Cough Syrup. and a part of on,. 50111 orad the eor eh I Kase th e otnrr to journe, man a h was ..yerel, ',Meted. who had. to nee tor nee. wook. "e.ten annular. roouh candy to eure tie p to Put•thtogh," LI th e r•ody bad been howl repreeroied. a-ek our, r..prra,:y, ALraro 11. Kamm Prepared nod by It. F. SF:IAA:RS.S7 Wood strart. 1,111 d' Ity I/ruggte. gel:ere Ity in the two I • rs LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life Insoranec Company elotulz, 1111=PitN" , Agent at l'imburgle, i 10,51,• .1 - 11.. NVIV ‘11..1 J'' 4. • Pf , rli: 1,1011., 6ccrewl -,111.. ,4 0...1 Ttemsure, 1, It • 11, Ji 11 , m • 1 Inuit 1 ,`, • REF1.F.1... •••tv To It .1, Ir)111.,..1.1,111• Crupt.r .., 1, ~. V oTli I Ihm Jaturm Cunop,P 1,...ret , tJr.d• P.ytd 11 W 1... i.llll F Nint.L,A ittandt, CUTITIIIIN• DaTl.l Duollo F. 1.1 1W 1 P Whae, PM. IfigrN3, 1./o/.• AW, I.ov II F.2 E I Ft, Vrm,m It I. Daymi, I S m M C W S I m. A Nawml. C F.2.l'mv It Divermn /14. Hamilton. tI ENCAL 1.5., MINERS _ A +Otte) M 11l I.erherti, M 11. It! SAttst. a, .1, N 31 , 1 ICttihttt .t.1•1181ht The AgenCrot I. 04,4:nth to Pittsburgh,,. mutt, ntkre.l to mite • v<ry fir.l efts. tt,1.11. Itrofie• epee) revery ftts re vett Item . the utttel retell al pre. tmuth Bte eit•rged tty other Compahiet , 1 11 1 11 'O l yeas , 0: age, 11.11111 1 11 Paltry or Ineur•rsee 1 , ., Oar Tl„tonssid Ibtissre— F.ton or one nr, pa, • nal) 611,0 110 ,00 . 11 •• •• Pllla.--1111J1111.1 1 y . 110 1.1,11111 V. 1. S. Ili KS Aso! at tras •11i0. 100,10“0 1 / 1 tor .Y PUM uft So C... s.or Is s. the extent taken on an) stoe life Tts, roosts.) en...shoed operntschos on ate let Oct , I-ie. soot an toortthtt box 11, 1 10 1110 ars t. oar e a prog r • rer.lmg that au) °the r Life Cent ras The „a hot „ la v.dersst prolsts tatil he declared It. the assessred on 'los itt haounry. 1.11 Isnosplllet• .he ...If yodels of rote tad .11 thss nee/son:try 0.14110141/011 011 the „Isparta,. 4,ltssesst or Idtts •s , urnorts nil Ise to Insahrd ml stools e Atom so JAM KS lINO. Aston, \ del) h ttlassottartheta Howse IlnllE 'MEN I ON AII:TUAL LIVE AND FIRE SI, KANO , CONI I' ANY e..e. Nitro,. of Itt ogavoi Lo.* DA .0 *u I iltx. upon Dwell to, 11. , ,1 Furpoturr,4tnr n. 6001.1.1. S. . Ar. . on ap1.12 den 11:11E. RNO, HEALTH ISSURAN6.3-,Plttsburg6 The spriug Garden Ilealth lusonthee Co, PIIILMJELPFIIA—CA PITA L 0100 000, 1 INSURI.'II 71,1 e. god Pronalw agwo• t swot i.ore wooetoned liy gLekne• or Arr nfeut, Ily WI ned., ntinweere of from 1310 717 per work, la.t no r. two, ihree, nr lane. The a dllltn.l of effieting °or Ineuronce, owl the thr nark ollowswo, will he fully ,•xplialord $ the AKCII! A peter° farrore agoiwt l•ookttose nr Arrident whiell will dean, him Onna hi, °tallowy hoWnete, tra , Inlorwt, v t Ito. °nit r by tray tokl3 anal receive, gal f wee k. Ittot two • • Lei, ' 4 .. i„ g , Or, tor a a et ',to , wot yew, Ole 0.1 OI 114 4 1, pool orrolly, re , per week while writ jr.or ty ea.', or toforleoloto will Or ittlarrird Oil the Lolorot °I lot Yr C pole tol,y, I , y AMEtI I/URNO, Agent, Monongahela House FOIL SA LE ...A,. IronFoutihrg. kamith and ,hry, wah Engine nl 15 horn powm good Pio of tool-. innelisiwry, pattern., fisiks, ladle., (ursine, mid oyes, nil now its and prod tanning order Sao' lite mile+ bare 150 fret front tiv 1/0 deep, with prsystrge of an adjoining Ir t t. - WI feet one of the and twat ,tands in the City of einetanstii, with a law eal patronage Apply ,„ PA VI II sINTf IN. Cowin,' nit. 0 BALE. } , \T v rit to the underelgned the one tiodly:ded .10111 porto 'r rn tract of land, lying. in An county of Allegheny. and Mole of Penn.qty ants, being L,ot No. In, rn s,„l, Sttoptch , plan of lota Rs recorded by ham Adentotmlrator In book U, page 1,1" the 4dttce of the Recorder in Al legheny county, e0111•Intlie SEVEN AckLy A ND N LT Y AND ON FellA I.F PERCH, togettirr Wllh appuMna.ncen. Occult In •th F,S o.,..T a m onhe payment of n certain note in maid deed deverthed; and where... maid note In In arrest', and unpaid, therefore. purenatace of .aid deed o(bust, the umktsig...l wili,on the TENTH DAYOF J A N.,1&10,5e1l at the west ern door of tt,e. Court (Wave or VI Linn, 'lto.. the above described teal estate. ,to the [nem., h n td c ,.. hrtereen the hour. 01 . nine 111 the forenoon and five in te afternoon of that day; and upon such male mil de .ere deed In fee snook of the , property mold to the purehamer or parch/v.'s thereon, e TllOO 'l' tiANTT,TellmiAec irCENVI-IF:.1111.0U11—.50 rtankno in More and for do 7 COPE i EIHEYFOFI.E. LOUR- 54 lit. n;rt ree d nud far sale by .1' dell COPE &HUE\ FTKILF. t6rUr ..rand for We c i COP E DRElAtax e WOLfp COPE TEES--: dos in retie and for pale by ' pEARLASII-10. coo" Adams', in store and for od COPE +. BREVFOOLE by 3 k ft rzonk DPEACH.E4-10 sacks in store and for Kele by del: Itaundgbareb_l3edlding.: . dnl7 ' COPE tr. DREYFOGLE El 0T1.91-1-10 rank% pure, in store and for sale try • 11717—Dne and fOr Pale by i. dell .1 fa It FLOYD - _— COPES BREYFOCLE, 3 DLL BUTPEILL —.P. bbls (rash, . 109 Sociind siren-L. I t go, ..I for sale by tietk ... , _ -- CHEEISZ-o , i brs Cream, no .rove end for .ale by dein 1 all FLOID Second Hand piano. ( ) NE eecond tz.nd Piano, 0 occurci., prieriVo. Foe mil e foi ..e.!, nt the ..:1.,••• pric,o by dely JOHN 11 MELLOIt.”I Wood in. Ef=lll=3 SCOAR 0., for sale by del, C GRANT 1111 E-230 bbl. Louisville lomo for ma br C URANT deli O Ala E3-1W • bls • last • JD '• • • .re,) lor sole by dcl7 CII GRANT ANNEM DEACIIFS-200 tacks Cried, ter mile by del'? C II GRANT • . • VLOCR-80 tibia extra Family, jual received a n d U (or Slide by del] ARMSTRONG & CROfilt CAREEN APPLES-20 0 ree`tand for male by del? ILRMSISONO & CROZER UTTER—do kers reed and for tale by deli ARMSTRONG b. CROZER LARD -35 by keg% sta , '! ARMSTRONG CROZER 0.17 W Le an s time r a v V I Motet ' ll ° l o P et ° ll 4 l ' l ° .Vre i n t ° • ° • ‘ 7:c err and the pubitc senerally, that tt shell be sniatato. --- both at fittettly of demi andntttt,hnulb, beauty of esetttion—to any other whatever. Let those who doubt. watt • fete warts nod .e E WHITEFIELD. Now too sth, le4a—{dell t St —A torah umencuent of TON:4, includleg La i dies Ebony, Rosewood, and Mahogany WORK DOLL BUTTER-6 bbl, Fresh, for role by pLtyl7 WICK & ItIcCANDLL_ ij°lThl dei l l ' loot teed by KENNEDY & SAWYER Q CORCIIED SALTS—A for Oft reed and for rely by den ARMSTRONG & CROZER FEATHERS —2 sacks to day reed and for role by del? ARMSTRONG & CROZER GMEESE-, Leo prime IV R.. for .ale by del? WICK & MeCANDLFS BEANS—Iu 661. Small Waite,for Oslo b• doll WICK & MeCANDLraIS OTASII-1/ ILL.,• prune article, for sale by P del7 _ WICK & IIIeCANDLE.:S3S LLACID—]J kegs No 1, lot pale by dcl7 WICK ft MeCANDLESS flINSKiiiiG-4 bags Clarified. for aala by ilel7 WICK & hfcCANDI.F733 raft;""iu .-- w—"•ivrafrzZ,„l , p_i..s K`t,r l7l. R --- k'S' V r A ' Cr l ; VeCANULESS F L OUR --,0 bbla Fermi y Poor, for sale by . , kl 7 WICK & Mei:ANL/I.LO MUT ruN lIAMS-4 Kbln for ..le by . del] 1 li WINFIELD .__ _ TA 6 bbl. 10 bY cANvirj,D BUTTER-1U ELl.Fresh Hull, anti Ems I I boxes for (Emily use, fol cee by Jell J 13 CAP:FIELD To VIOLIN — I'I. VION 1.141 KISS —Sro.roie GuruVibhin Solna 1., anerea and connected from the hob edition, to correspond with Spohes Orions! School 01 Violin playing, by Ina pupil U Hill •if any arguments are required td recommend ibis work, It may he observed that Spahr hinimelr adhereA etrtellY CO the eyatem laid • own in the aboee work, arid that he ban by the same triode of instructio, produced • IMAM' number of distinguished pupil. than any ndin master ni Europa A •upply of the above loot reeld, (price t7,i and for male by 8.17 lip II AIELLOR, fl Wood to . -- VIM RAISINS and Cori. Shell..-50 qr boxes 11 fresh Rah., 0 boos Cocoa shells reed and for sale at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth .trod deels FRE:SIIFRUIT- s d. eons fresh Peaches, 5 bottles do. 5 " Pine Apples: • 3 Chemes; Strawberries; 3 Tornatres, 3 half real bottles Pickles, quart do. 3 ianey do. Reed and for sale at the Pekin Tea Steve, Founh street, • ("MOT BROOMS-45 dot corn brooms, NO rev iy. d end for Yale by COPE tr. BREA FI 'OLE. lot ,! al 41, 4 11 FAMILY FLAWII-50 barrrie C'd r day and for tale bi CUM& BREVFOGI.F., decls 10- , Second st if—l/LASSES--.Della N 0 Mole". landulg 6g7xi 1 aty flux., t ea by drels lAIE IFS DALZELL. 9t WM. fa CIRANI3ERRIES-3 11 bids Cranbrrriss in prune or kj der, just reed and fin )ale bY derl.l G B. hIG.TENHERGF:II, IV, 4th sr. YirrifirD — PKACIIES —125 bushels very ni;alFied Li Peach. )1131 fee d and for sal• by deel3 5 tr. W. 14AIIHACtill 11. D SeGAR-40 rihds. old 0. in MOO, ar,df r or / sale by (decd S] 41.1 W fI.aIII3AUGH, (111EEsEiL0 boxes Western React. Cbeene ru • more end for sale by 0 & NV 11A KLIAEGII. Eimm - urtn. eutri — iTiZor torit. - rWd 11. for ewe by [declsl S. & NV, HARBAUGII. • N d a OL&N-100nd for Dale by boxea prime mould &utiles juai-re 1..." e' deciS N & NV HARR-11AM. 0 P-36 boors soap 10.1 received M. 11.1 for sale by CI &ml 5 0 & IV. 11A RBAUGH 01.0VERNEED—!00 tualtels rec'd sale • by ldeclsl N. & W. HAFLI3A.UIiH. trtlYE , APPLE-9-100 bu oese aped a;pley 10,1 received and for sale by deci.l N tr NV ILARBAUGII. LOUISVILLE LdlfE-10 hy Llme l. reeven t% 6 %V lIARBAUGII. R O u L p I I. I3:ZT „. b . n,, ,, p , rt: . :1; . 4 , 1h10 Butter, put .1,15 4 A. W 3:11. lIARBAI ==2 0.'11 , 1ED:1110 day, frora the Philltrovt:le . rYetaq). IX g roas Bottle% of Mat nee to Netts I•dem, Err !loots and Shot, sold whol,ale oF.d 101011 ai the India Demo; al.o, at the tollowing plaees, Braun & Rester, Drugmvs. Liberty ereet. Wriliato !sawn, Shoo Dealer, When,. erect FL E. ` Heat, Draggle. Woodr, darer, S N. Wickersham, Draggle. Wood erect. W Schaller. Shoe D.J. Southfield erect. John Devereoz. Lamp Molt, street. John Parker, Shoe Dealer, Federal sr , , Allegheny . D. M Curry, Draggle, Ohio as . Allagima y. del J.& IL 1.1111.1.1P5. Wood at. WEL JOILIISTON, ARO-L . -Ml , lgs No I just teed and for sate by dcs. • BROWN & KIRKPATRICK ETIF•t.-80iltis Green, Just reed and for gate by BROWN & RRP?iTRICRI FLOOR—Y° bbl. Farmer & Ettles extra, just ree'd and Mr sal. by dal S & 'IV /I ARLIAUGH rr dALe s v, W--1.11 bbl, reedaetoLszi t e ß bz u „ ii RWA & COMMISSION MERCHANT, _ No. Second meet, Patsbut3b, dcja I 1.)H1- ... ±.4 7 - - . I.OW Sheep Pelts 818 reed and for oalo I . '8 & W HARBAUGH DRIE.I) DERV—on for login Lv del.l NELLF:RS NICOLS LA"'..aIIASK-16 tittle in •nr•_ anal for rtle by LE IS Ll.rlV. •It bb furl reed mud for salo liy I deli . A RD 41L—15 eel. CA, k llng`e Na I. Wirt.. Stevan nl.lll stare and fur sale tor dell SELL EILS d NICOLS IN,ELD bble in store and los *aim deli NICOLS TURPENTINE--IS Ln ',rve oeder, LI in stare and for emir by SICULS _ F LOUR --94i big. Rreupvt&f ?litn,v.vrorttabi 4uve WO Ll . do. tor by de.l4 SELLERS & ILS Finir 6 '"NE-4' I )lil , 11A111 , 111/01 . La lb. for dale by It, J KIDD . • - - I /EN CVIAS ISARK —7 ths 'coo rred ItilJ tof in. by I dell J KIDD S. CO LNL'ORIC k,--041 lb. Swily I.l4aortee, 1110 - ealatqls - tor ••le Ly dell J KIOD S CO CIO Wood et INDIA RC PACKINII—Jurt reed, 'AM ,ounds I Pac .5, for Straw Ent ine...uld Alk.lrnAlc and te• I/11. al tLe 11,3. a flubter Dap. No Li Woo 4 4,j1 J A 141111..1.11'S "" " ZjlT ' F . ; 1 :1 ) 011NsTos U Jell t E a s i; tl 7 a fi ' 4 a arliVZ'il'i=vq,;`,:i" • icrri.,,N_ !nu L.,lcs prune, now Crop,Ple by Ac I 4 .101111 Q 1261111-12 bha. lad Id 1 C AewC cruld, e IT e S d OaNd •or 13 Sht by .1:11 No 14 5 I.ll.crly RI A ItiLAtV,E..?-111TbITN (i . , new crop rec'd by . IVI deli CA CI/I.IIEIt'NON - .. 4...ttiNDRIE,-,lltate• Cotton. 46 blots N. 44 buts Feather*. I tter.te 13 racks Wt..l. 341. lamb Skin, with wool. 3ha Shen' , Sktittt, • :1 do/ 't .Irettutl, arrttat on strutter Fort Pitt, xnd tor sa, Ity tht I 4 19A lAii DI K I. }'.4 CO now at FIRE BRICK .. 111.E-;A larar as,riment 4....... ~, ki , i i . ISAIAH I,,CKEY A 1,1 t Ili/e M Kl'Al,- 00 Inn, nuituble for Found,' 6 , e, ,u , I tor s3le Vi dil.l HARDY, JONVII A. CO 01 - 111 N 5 t.r. ,m ust reed and kit , ale by k../ dell BARDY. JONEt , A CO ( IED.AII' CEDAR'—.AltTol73edar Log, cowiKned 1 / to I. Co inn or Croaet, Wlil be •old to pay rhargea I. not caged for 14 , 0001110 days Alcl4 .1 , .1, II MILTENBERGER, ,7 noon et _— I iAL1C01,...--4 eases, fast colored, at life.t yard , kJ now ope rimy at A A NIA,O.NI A CO pe ', , , deli No 50 :gasket it IL.ANNELS—X7 ea , ca and bale, Red, White and Verina F.unn!l., turludtna a large lot of Mown Bum( and ‘Valle Country Flannels, nnw open:. at do l 4 A A MASON & COPS i 'MEM' MOPS. DE 1..A1N. , 3 caw, gond M . 0., (not colored At. de Lain, at the. extremely low prier 0( lie dr lard • A A MASON A. CO, det4 No fin Alniact Christmas and Navy v•ar Approachingt ELEt4ANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, In illagnificria Aatgq. Binding , for rho lolulays. I ANIES D I..OOKWOOD, BOOIE/Tiler nod Importer, .3 Wood strect, relrtved • beautiful collection 0: Miaowed Book bound in the tenon nplentlid mn bcst L. 011,1011 and Aturricun litmie no—among OrTu ma) be Input!: l'eart• tif American Poetry, tuagnsticeut:y alumina- • r.. Lai Lave of lite Western NVorld; ilinmittaled in gold and colors. Wordevrettlia richly 1114airalesl. Ibe Preacher, illunanated by Urn !once, and 'woad in carved wood. The Sobs . of :soap, illuminated by J... Flowers and their Kindred Tboughls;thumlnated by .butra. Heroin.. of Shrikapeare , illustrated. Mrs. Jwlnextin, CharmJANIES I) LOCKWOterm.* or Women; illustra , ird For tale byOD , ba-Woosl street t CPO Hi.NKF:rs—l'ersour wanting - to c) I nenoeiato with • supers°, quoin, of Bed n ,„„„ ,„„,k. yet); fine wood, will hod them at Me y oond. ot W It AIURPIIY, North Pam roroer of Fourth and Market es jr„,r - A t only of Drown, White and Stared. 11051 E M Pl.• NNELS—AIoo, White Dommuchttosey, nod for tote low. rr tVkow•ale ItYOllll Op wait., do 13 if tiotisgid()t. , st% 9 d GALDEN SYRUP. 0-. 5 6 Lout , Refinery S II Syrup Molatwej noldrn syrup; for .ate 1,3 YA SIRS & 1111TCHISttN & CO,. 'watt kw St LOUIS Memo Refiner, •, rlg* Galena Lead: I '''. !;:o !Us Um - Lead; in store and for sale by JAMES A HUTCHIQWN & CO (N M I cgs tog& 01 dumber, Psi sale by - t r JAMES A HUTCHISON ACO lIECKFICS I L ed toi Aledical Colleges, Hospitals, si - tid Phyal On, a, the blot *Hideo( diet now known for lova. aint Children, superior to Arr0w . ..31, Sago. Taps or i. de. Fet sole, wholesale and retail, by R F. SELLERS, 57 Wood st T01364.'0 1,-15 kegs r.:O I, 6 tenet, landlog Irma income 60008, and for sale b) doll JAAIF-9 DMZELL Rm.-a. 'J ..-. won and for_ sale bk AMES N CO h, reed this day by • R FLOYDwa ELODEON I—A f — ele ew style al eve Me e lo Ademo,peefons7ston reedandWnalob y dere 3011 N II PIELLtif , _ LARD -40 k-ga in core and for wale by . dell R DALZKIA. & CO. Liberty st V F. 6 BUTTER, Dry Apple, and Peaches, teeeir ,P.. mg and for $3 le by deli R. DALZELS.S Co. I.dbro, Vl•r of PittO-bargh - - ÜBSCRIPTIHNS to the "A 1 .113.11 AYT thfloX" 0 ree'd at Kennetty A Sa TH wyer's, by OMAS KENNEDY, dell Honorary Secretary, r Iwo rs oßouNo. it. by 60 anal, Una. die ely to rear of Diecipcs' Church, on u.k leen• Allegheny, for ecle on accommodating tonne, by dell SOL. SCHOYER,IIO Second at . _ DEANS -50 lAD dell Small Mate, in more And tonal I) by taTDART A SILL CIASII PAID FUR WHEAT by %./ dell STUART d SILL, ItS wood .t ( j ° d ßi t Ba°"S— ingill ' i j r ` T Z:',:,' LL,,,,,, IHEESE- lu euet• prune li ostien i : %.1 10 boxes NV. it.; `u / deli JOUN WATT V. CO (LOVER SEED—Pilule osso, for sole . y dell /01 IN WAN & CO FIRII-120 bbl. NO. Ls. and 3 Mookorol; JO hi hM No 2 alsaskY Codfish; far sale by . .1011W WATT & CO dell . ,011.;t1(,6b%).V i d S c rkk , boiri;irrziareifacti4 ADTASIL-Su e•aks landing and for eale by IL' dell J AMES DALZ ELL., 21 Water st _ by CRIED YEACIIES..-300 bu to store , and for .0)e jJ 4rll JAMES DALZEIL TANNERS' 011—:10 bbls Strnat's, is atom and In .ale by dell _JAMES DALZELL IVINDOW 41.LASS.—V01.ze 0.10; ISO ddlOal'A S 0 V , n DULL 1S do 0012, NVEennan A G's brand, suvrior article, lot sale by doll JAMES DALZELL, 21 Water 11 11. MOLASSEII—Id bbly o ow° am/ for yale low w close conyomment, by Y A SILL ISALZELL. M Water et_ I,dlSll-30 61,1 s No 3 Mackerel; r 20 N. 2 • 't No '• Mass inspection,tor salt: by dell JAMES DALZELL . LUA R & MOLASSES-15 - hltds (neer crop) N. 0. C'd ute ',Ws (bear cropl N O. Molasses; indt rec. tl lot ru:e by oc t IIIiRLIRIDGE, WILSON & CO. Water at OilEtt A ITLES--15 bbls lost reed and tor silk by alu .l II CANFIELD /IRAK CIDER.--4 LW. anpertor Siberian, tor sale , by t 400 J R CANFIELD E ERLY MILLS PASTRY FLOUR—IO3 obisnf 11,30 celebrated brand of Extra Fat:lllf Flour, lust reed and for Sate by L 9 WATER N dein No 31 Water, .d G 2 Front 'to VINF. FLOUR-73 bids Just reed and for sale by ' dcio LS WATERAIAN D UTTER-16 [Ado Fresh Roll, to day reed and tor LI sale by deli L WATERAIA , ----- COFFEE -1511 bags sUpertor Rut, In stare and for rale by (1.3 J S DILWORTH & CO yEk ARANIATFAS & LYONFSE CLOTH:X-2On I choicest shades Foramens's and Lyanese sloths, re etkt,eßr; Atll SON dr C , C , / , crost;. of . tbe'ch'oiseesl aottdULLst'dieNsi-rt:- 'd per exprs. at bit p d . e ' 'r ooo,"' It A MASON CO, Go Market st HEE9I:.--.50.1 boxes in *tors and for talc by C de? . 19A1AH ,BIN-T DICKEY E..d A es CO. Front at 1D DR UUO! • ILLlL9—llosio • Copal Varnt..h• (or talc hr de, ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, Front at non, et I ' f; 3ICX Y LY a. co, ri"—" rto„t rlltl rp.:Aciall—ua 641 sand seks told anal us _LI 111 atorr soif for vele I.y cfr7 ARMSTRONG A. CROZER. NIURNING LONG SHAWLS--; carton. super Mourning Long Shawls, reed per exorreso, dol A A AIASON k CO, CO Murk. „ ---- _, S .GAN — W ilk& N ~ 91st reel.: and tor Bala by deb 9 & NV lIARBABIiII • WANTED --300. b.. Barley. and :WO biegye, fo wick the Idebeet marked 1., ;a ev.h will b. paid by deo 8 & W lABBAUOII l' - fIASHMERE SHAWLS-4 Hatmegais penny [Avg a. and Square CullalcNand Broth Shawl. recd per clptesa and now opening by d o g A. A. MASON &CO. D EASON:: ihterelin, to heroine member+ or the lrn L ternationat An Uniou, atll Cleve nonce that the for thin }car Will not he open longer than December. JOHN J. OiLLI , SCIF...t. CO. dell.rityr _ " . ITKATIEERS—t: .acke, prune. quaaty rrbTcl owl i. Yale by Jel9 61 , 0MCIIRAN 10.(A)0 F.1.R. 1 ,1 °RICK '" .r..171V-1 d 1i ' 11 '. .V ., .t. 11 H 11511.-40 babts Missoury DcRo t ted; 11 - blemilln; for del?. IA mrs A lIPTCHNON A. CO I) UIOMS-1U del •1,, and 'or +le Ly JJdl2 i'Ol'F:a IIH~I Prl(iL DUCiiIVISEA I FLOUR-50 Earl. in more and tor 13 aids b) , 'OPF. d BREVFOGLF: BEEti bbls rcr, nod tor sale by kJ del:, COPE ft UREVFOOLE riottirufFt3t—to Jay. deli CORR& BREI:FOriI.F.,IO - rrero4d it , A 11 - OLO bbbs and :rd ictra—No I, for solo by • deld BROIVNk IZIRKPAIRICK Lida Green. pat reed and for i.;11% by deßt BROWN .4 1, , XY4 FANItl.r FLOURI—Iit nibbla, 11 , 1 , 1 leoit: .tautly on bold mud In' ode by dell- BROWN & KIRK I'ATIICK • lia, Ftrif - I~ " APO. , by BROWN S KIRRPATRIOK - • OLASSEI 4 -10 1 I.ble Ploonsuon 111.1 mg from counernod' •ule by JAMES HIITCHIPON CO -15 Idl. prime (mw crop) reed per s.e.o ...21Cr Tolrif mph No mod lor •Ai< hq: dt JAMES A 111:1 HISON & CO oiol for .0101,y defl _:l3 \\HA O.RAIIGII I It1lE.1) YEA( IiES-10utm Susi dtiml, In SIATII . / tut .We dci W HARBAUG AND (111.-- . A, bbts Cortihug', br el Wimer I I 111, In eLore littd lot' vale by Inn SEI-1.1 , 12A S NICOLA &CON c.. 11“ tir erove tot !ale ) .0 . SELLERS tr. NWOLS • - Ills : 0 -11 , 0 ha. Cream. a stlpctior article; 100 K , reed and tor Sale by d. 0 W HAIM/WWI D RIED FRUIf-11 1.:. u , trld rp P w es . le , t o ee d , ,,y rem lot sale by deRI L. S WATF.RALAN BS—ltsu am assorted,tn store and for sate by delo J KIDD tc CO, 00 Wood et D INK SAUCERS -2 gloss pm ree`o and for sale. by delit J KIDD A CO, BD %V..." 0 _T ONDURAS SARSAPARILLA ROOT •1 Life gromne, store and tyr bale by deltt J KIDD k CO, CO Wood st REEN APPLEI , -Ibl blis• iu rt recd, for Jr Jett , — CO''Ea BREVE:N3LE, r+ccooki ri TURNIES--15 , tol tr. mar osol for rule by CA-PE & lIHEYP.GLE, Ecoond sr I DOTATOE-i- .:r Ltd, jaq rend und for wan Ly dell , COPE & lIREIFOGLE TIED PDT AT , t.,.. , 174 La in .tore nod for rain by n dell) COPE & BREITOGLE / MEESE-, ',Lan lot in More and for naln-ley tj dell, COPE ,t 1111E1-F01:IX Lag• reed g r lTA ' a i lAUCthl - Now Fauey wind Varlets Oood~ auppl' of r film eu4 t 7 A1.?. n 1 . ;:10W, s nt.r nos. to whirls iwith every sn• ct, 1,11t.11U: , t•I.SSSF,S, of our own 'ennuis , . ...IL the .ttention Western Merelmota so I ono WENNI'.I,I ~ P 1 y DAL.UN HIDE —A 11{4•II iGt CblllCe bacon !Jule 111 ourr rce Old CcAPE & lIREVFOI.LE Irk &EINE LLUPSCE- riiiee .cowmen! f&r sale b deVl COVE & IiftEVFOOLE wEET POTATOrzt —l5 We ILi store and for so , 01 by dr to WICK & ONIONS — A few bbl. ,u4trer'd nod for male by del° CO l' F. Y. II HEN Fth LE WIIITE LEAD -4 iApplx conalanlly band. 1010 - i'IIIESNUTS WANTI- . .ll—The hetet, p r iietiee ‘,./ paid Or Chesnut., by f del° COPE & OHM H1G1.3... 1W ..ker./..±41 I OLL kIUTTIR- 4 3 bets prime frcsh.rrbas d. lL and for salt: by delu TASSE 44 4 111;;IT TALLOW -4a casks Toed 4snd ( or sale 7 • I. doff d NV lIARBAUGITI 'MOMS—:WIIoz, a aced article, tot sale by Axle yR W lIAARAUf gU y LD CAN d D y, L 6 s E-- L_rL ~ ta bat Cin k F Loojty_ , a V t s t kla u tst; ly, Davin rand 2O bbl. S dela petline, best bras( i s . for sale La • FM E,ATHEIS-3-1,5 00 lbs, beat auatt ty k r .4 by N /\llßFsli—Cream and 9tatb"sa always on hatt4 at dcln BUTTER—In Box. awl P.plih, , z , , to , ~, inr..i, by dell) STUART tr. PILL Cow; nEa..—loobr. ow. 4,,,,,,,,,,ii ado EJTVART e SILL, LI 9 Wood 0 VE AM BO A T CINCI 'NATI 6 PITTNUI'R•;II wiwitis DAILY PACKET LINE well known line of splendid pas-ennw Wm ea. is now comp:wed of the Imo,m sillest,Ews nisbed end furnished, and illOtt THIPTriIV bolts ou the I•af.trg Pt the West. Every mccommodciiiii. and et ow fort thus rootlet eon procure, has been pioel,lsit ft..pas sengers. I.tne has boon in oporauon for lee 7 . ears —has Cllll,l a mutton of people vti , tuntl lastiniti ry to their pennon The twang will be I, fopt at Wood street the dais previous to warn:tr.-sot .he rteep boo of fretcht unit the entry of pa. mirk - en. the resits to . to all rue, the passage money Inas: he raid in • SIMIDAY PACIUGT. T AAt , NRWT(IN Cap:aim-11am ady leave Pittsburgh -my gangly morning at In D'eli;alt: Whergiag e Suattay cvc, al IV May J, Itrt7. torietrET. The hIONONUAIIELA, Capt. t?rout, sent ~ • Ten, t ra, • burgh ever y Monday morning 0 elo..k,lVbee.oa Seery Monday evening at 11) Tußgralt reintEV. Tee ItIVERNIA N. Capt. J. lesre Pauthotgil every Tuesthrraarrnioe o'clock; Wheeling every Tue../lay eventag +t IO r. W gEteg The NEW ENGLAND N. 2, Ceps. +. 2. o, silt eve Pittabarth every Wednesday t,ar.:ta ,ay It 'clock; Wheetu, eter7 Wednesday eeeai:•t a la r SlitritaliVirtrACEl4 P. The MULL/ANT Capt. tiaavv. w. O - have Piu► burgh every Thur./ay morninp. al 10 We,: Vne,lho e every... Thursday evening ur 10 P. M. kittinlrerettkr. • The CLIPPER allo. th Copt Pon It - .vat, will Inavo Pittesorgh every Friday rooming at 10 •Iti Whoa ito every Friday evenme at 10 r. 9. . ---- FOR NEW ORLEANS . The fine steamer' 14a Efil.Pllll4 STATE,, rimittetvoll Dave tor above and intermediate ports on Thartday , the *Patina., at 4 o'clock, P. AI. For Weight or rasssage apply board or to' dell PETTIGREW t CO, Aalt REGULAR PACKET FOR NIARIEPTA AND ZANESVILLE. , Joe The 8518801 a m he l euht .R & s, _ A Cox, muter, will leave for Me above and all intermediate pmts, 0,11113 diay, the Sib vim. at geolelock, P. M. For freight or purr', ' apply lyo ß n l b vii oar o d EL . or to Air, Belli .; • lirei ST. LOUIS. • -- Vv fi'' V RAIO plte,•enge : r simmer Koontz, 'einem', vn.ll leave for the m thorn and All mtertoollazo porta this dey:at 10 o'clock, A. M - For freight and pottage apply on hose . deol3 PITP3DURGII AND WHEELING PAOKET. The splendid Out rat:dung steamer giatbLOUIS MeLANE, W S Connell, master, Gtaviog undergone a ahoy leash repair,) will ran hereafter to a regal. pocket hcwre, Pinskstrirb and Wheeling• leaving. ntellurgh every Moriddis Wednesday and Friday momngrat 0 o'clock. For freight Cr passage apply on b aud, or to devil ARMSTRONG tr. CROZER, Agencs. BOOKIE BOOKS! . . TI ftT t , e'd ot the PRE S BYTERIAN BOOK, ROO!d, LI No 7" , Wood street, nod for sale at Eastern pleas: erin:or• Hebrew Lexters . , Townsend's Artangement of st toe ira,!., Neander': Ihotory of the Christian itch - - port nod t'hurch, Ahlton's,Trentise oa enli:au Doc trine, Lift' of Jetinush Evart.,Esn., Robiooon'a Greek Hut:nook of' the Gospels, do k.ntsirsh do do, Stott's W -14,6 vois, Boston Pnrtsh's Bible Gok,strzwr, kledhurst's China and Lee . P,rotneots, Dt Wood'e Lec ture, on Swelkohordial, Molt's hlwitonary Anne ond ninny niter tate estind works, in addition to the above, all at osokint raters. nov2l I.lF(ice.LenGtigit;s7fiEaLt No. 9 7 O niaNrt t'trt, itt‘ burgh, Pa, keep constantly on.hand and teal% t r oor. der all Irma. of Vials, Potties, &e. Porter and Mine rap Water Iloulcs of superior qualitY. Parucalar attention paid to Private Moulds. nooM-ly NAP OW PITTSBURGH, .64L8, L LEfittENY,"7O4O vicuery, will he remit, for the eneraver in 10 day. Yereet• who :any wish to have amen , of Nets . coantry vents pet on the amp east do so by wanly application to the tindervignal, lime bittern Itz Ath inst. To defray the expense of the view.... 11l be recuiret additren to the price of 11.1. uoviu 8 £ NeGOWAN - . GIFT BOOKS! GIFT BOOKS! for 1850I rpm: IiBROINES OF SHABSPEASIF., comprising 1 e e l' rotemal over Cnrecint. in the Plays or the Bret Poet. With thirty splendid engrayuage. By ChMles Iles,. Thelhowlim Boom Scrnp Book, with twenty aloe- F.ancit by Amelia W Lenience. tr Characterises...of Women, hlnral, Pommel and Hiss toitcal; with tw,cive highly finished and solotedenicr Mess: bonen Turkey morocco, ...Noe. By Jamemn, leave: American Poetry. By ter iGtostut : of Nature, in Pumice: Ls . A, gggg , of Flowers. liarves Glenotoga; a Holiday Book g y n, A. Denghs. The. Roseruer,, o Coliseum: of ;tack g g gait Religlota Poetry from and Fug/ P a wit elcgun ra itiostuotiu 'lle Life of Chrito. By Roy Egg bai.b. e o tl ng w i :: a h l i d li . o a s . T r i K io . im to Tint, at .g horn iltstory of itaetles, Abge s ials; The Vi sion of 'rhdore; The Pim Ag i ng , g yairg Tale, by S. Jobiuma, Rh; The , 10 1 4 ,¢• , r Gift - Book..beanufully lustrated; Thr Garland, or Token of Priendskip, (or 1550; The Weer•Ao of Friendship, 04 book far IOW; The /Attics , Gill. or Sttioveitir of Friendebip, for I MO ; Tim emartonli. or Token of_Remembrance, for IMO; 'Me Ivy Wremh, st' nb fine altos:rations; The Genius of Rey,. being Sket Mee of Italian Life; Literature and I Religion, by R. I :Um/boll; The Poen. of N. P. WHIM, complete editie 0, revieed and enlarged; ebemberst Cyclopedia of English Litersuirci,Tne Monuments of -Egypt, by F t L. Hawks; wi th ,Aop4il , ll BOoks of Mc mama-10M recite am; forstale_by,.. • dela siLLIOTT / wee/ in BROOM -4-75 dou in More and for mashy deb_ BROWNde KIRKPATRICK .EA-10 eheati dgnkins & Pre; Philadelphia parked TH Tau, pa. reed and for solo by deS /3RowN & KiimexnucK bb reed end (or .10 by dcs x tV RA ItHAUGH NIONS-z.p, eel, received wee for stain by Q dc7 ARAISTRONIi CROZER., POTATO}-75 bbla ta stare'and for .ale ny / da7 ARKSTRONG - k. CIROZER TEAMBOAT COUNTERPANI3—A. A. M..= 1 O Co. have just recd on courtanment, Mum tta man ufacturers, 4 cases SteamboatCountmlines. Also— Faintly Cowtterpaneers wtda. dee UCKETS-100 dal, Beaver manufacture, for ills VI by ,eG IS. DILWORTH CO WAS—A large lord fine agaortmearin siege and for sale low by der)'l S DILWORTH kCO ',TEO S ROLL BUTTER—In wore and for side low to close conwounwolL by • dna. J DILWORTH it CO HY lEACiiE —1504 u expectad d• 1 by Jed J my:ocm &co S . U. &. N . O. :ROWSE'S—For erdh hy ' J S DILWORTH & CO N. 0 SUOAR— loluspenor, jam rte'd on . conognrneot and for aalo cr dott • V E , N ai l e T t ir , rti RED d l r Fanalialm—aaatika i rl and for 10PAL VARNISH- It pure amide, for eels kJ by BRAUN A REITER TAPAN VARNIr3H—I reed and :or gals bt_ drti DRAWN: & REITER_ F LOUR -20 reed Andio mle by BUR BRIDGE, 1.1711.50 N & CO, deb Wwer LIONEY GLIB hlrs...oort Honey, for rale by clod BURBRIDGE, WIL,LON AL CO QULIAR hhde NO. hrw crc.r. jute rte'd and for 0 enly Ly BROWN .1. BIM:PATRICK, No 1.14 LiLoo' su,"o ;torn and for sale by deb CRAIG A . SKINNER DRIM./ A PPI.--25 Su in more- and fat kale b?. #.ll CRAM A SURVIVAL r1011:4: COLIiARS-4 doz we'd told tor or,b b r da7 ARMSTRONG & C Y jLojER, fIIDEIt V I N EGA R —IU MR. reed and r or we b, %...L dr: A RAISTRONLIL cRozEtL D UCKW HEAT FLOUR—SO*Be," (as t rata and for aalo by . A.RAIS , :III./NR RCROZER (TORN 1111.01.01:3--Aldtra ,red and for by dal A.RMSTRONG & CROZE% • - 71{ ONIE.(l--i•OFITE FIONIk ' P—~I doz. ue'd -also 11l a a plead.] r Men( o( Calf (tad blo fora. POCKET IIOoKS, not rre'd b eiprero, and to .ale lora by C l'EntiEß 104 Mark t • ciiso NVA . ,_on and Cotton. OW VES, • oo eoporr-article. jol o lt reed and for role des,Ci.EACEll.l.oo_ll_l2,kni VNrnart NLIND TRIMMINfY-,%31 to W.,,, ..<1 flindlag, and o.o grcps NVome.l ("l or d, ~,,,,, P. gig, %Vyailatai, and for rlle low by d c .. • - , C YEAGI-11 111 - . M.,,ka., DLACKINIi.-4 blils Maxon ,aperin , Bi., k i n ., „ 1./ bu:d and fat lain by dc• C v „,,,, E , .. ( 1 4 " . ;1 1 :1" 1 ` 4:- ' 1 ZigiVg`iL i jiTA",;= ~, „ i- c . l--„ .., , , b _• p o in i , n . s u r i, i- b i y o rusks 1. , 0rh and 4 e n ,b, ~r ,ek,o4. LEfAN'iIE,I..D UTTI-;11-6 and 1u bo),, j_) Iro.os taaly utt., for ante tr : de) J " .tNiFIELD . ,wEvr purATt - m.A-11.0 t s w , le, tierces ren'd and for Pl 9. by IN'tliP eCITA'IIIkIS--:6 0 tad fog sclt by 4;go 11 SIILTY .KBI-111(11-1 , 4,yb,,, I. 'T"-14 k„. ‘ „,.. tobkl do, ju., rte ., awl , - del 11111:1111 utur 01 , NiOP.- PATItICH, LklateY Hop,. 1e. , 49, Jur, med. and in' • - HL•II{VP , b. K 1 111:PAT/IRK EL 1 8 LINE. WEWILL 13 d g ipLi, .ml. tomopt for ft igld to Philo ,h6 Alum°. mod :New Vc.k, al long . delivo lnrooy ,- 1,111111 0 11 ' 31 . ice, o.lld op:wanton to 4 1 )-3-0 , tpecna contr." tre mode.. fIiTITTOTYYI:I ONEIB. rcW' .1Y1,111.11)--ifilinle prinil,ltc Timonl7 &Oa 1 11. A g y a, sod for nolo by DROV,'NS KIRKPATIIICg .READS—ieVO doneditpooi thread, 1000 5 pin Is potent " 50 podods ob. " • • - 13 eases skelo 1 1 .- received pet .Lip Wyoming. nod for mol. Lf del C YEAGER, I. 174.300 t • DEDLACk.:--500 an .uperlor Led Iwe 000 sters teed and fat sale lum b$ del C VF,Ati A.C . PLE,i- -16 bbl; del TAlkkinr d: T` pOTATOp4-1. W.t. reed ocomae. atent.a.d for tale by ide4l MSS forksii=e, et. In .tore and Coi — ii)..bY' de4 l'Aff,Kl'l, VEST • ITlKt:'ss 7 3ssßTerfTifliV ^r k". VI•le style, and eleratdirimmlari •''" N a" "" N it co. ' aaatot 14.1 PD & CO. dcs 8 L ii:R= . 17 - de9 ARM: 4 rit44l) STUART SILT, --- BUCKWI (EAT Ac.recha and for bv ags ARNERIZONG CROZZIL yI MILLER., & RI OK V.T.S.ON