.;~- ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PVI3LISIIED BY;' WHITE & CO., iIAZITT2 sulun,os, 11111 D mu:iv, Krzt woe TO nu roar on - xced r x lest.: . , ~,,,. DkilY v paper• ••••• ••• • ....... —lt,oo per alllkilltl. Tre•l , 10,70 ... Weekl, 011 %de nee)---- ••-•1 0,(Xl " Do. u, c.. ,at • reduced rule. --... RATES OF ADVERTIBINO AGREED UPON BY THE PITTEOOROR PLUM One waare, (I 0 lines ofNonpareil or le") out Int, km SP,SO One equate, • ach additional ioserunn••• Da one week '1,75 Do. one mend, itionths•--•-- 7,50 Do. afirec mo. • •••• 9,50 Du ,eur econthe 14 00 uit W. twelve toonths••• • • • 18.00 Standing Curd 13 lines or testy) per annum• 'Up One Square, ch.:useable styl..rune (per ant. 0111111 Of the ,;.pere 5.00 For each width:nal atm.:4 inserted over one month Inc for , eti ad d i ti onal equate Inserted under the sees .ty tabu half par-. Publishers not accountable for legal advaltisementa beyond the amounrcLarged for their publication. Annorincing co:adieu,. tar office, to be charged the saute as other advertincroersa. ••- - • Advertiritrorrar not molted on the cop • fled number of in.criLina, be coniin and papncoriterin 'el accord The pnvilesen of yearty inlvertiners volt rfpidly to their to!: banincia, and nll tisedienu not rencinli.g to their regaled erred for, to t.e r aid extra. All ILdverti—tr.ents for charitable institutions, E._ calnpaniet, ward, normal*, and other public meeting., and nal like, to b., charged halfptice, payable atrictiy In advance. -. . ' fdaniage notice , to be charged 50 cents. Des% notices isserted vrithOutchorge i rodent unreal . palsied by funeral invitation.. c' obituary notic“, and k Oruro Co nem:impaired to ben t for. Regular advert; iers and ell rs tending comma *attune, or regairin, none twittled to roll atteti. Liao tO Fairs Source, dance r any public enter - lainments, where charges arc m for admittance—. all notices of private ariortatodut—rverf notice de :air:A liftecnaoe:rtto" ptfop to e pricers,.d ' ri 11 re ' l7ll, 7an k" o l :: ly be Inserted 'trim We understanding that the acme to tote paid for. 11 intended to be in -ttd in the torn Column, lio stoic will be charged nt the rate of nut lege than 10 ot btper line. Stamp ar Fitt Notice. to be charged triple price. Tavern License Pennons. T 2 each. Legal and :4.1,41 advertisements to be charged at full ptiees. . I 7 Itral EIIIE. fig t3U , and Auction-cent+, Advertiuments not to be classed inder yearly rates, hut to be allowed' amount of thin./ :wee and one third per cent from the amount of bills. Ricca on azaanciaLn Or DAM cams: One Spann, Mee arnrtiOos auxil " • Do. each addißoml ianottion .• • • yr lrhiltueraln - tata WlMT . tnetn.. One *Nate, I 0 lineE,) one ineertann• • • .50 co,. Do. cildnioanl ha...Ron—Ca ••• trinanicat na.cennealcoli to toe pak:in adrucce. :11ITE k CQ., Gazelle. 1 4 e.,!:4 M. • J IFS P. PARR a. CO., Chnaucle. ,TER tr. BROTHER, Dianne', J :a. , .'NOWDEN,Blecnry. J BIDDLE.i American. _ Prirunnon, D- c. I, IRD. BIiNVASS CODS, LEXANDER - Attopley at Iva, Fount, rt. nooll I y DA •41.) O...I7VTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONER FOR PENNSYLVANIA, Sy, Loom, Mo. All tommunicooonx promptly ommered. ARAISTRONti CHOZEtt,COnaI...IOP Merchants and :dealers on Product', Muket street' Putabural. deed JOHN U. RAN KIN, A TTORNEV rod Four...dor at Law, .14 Coon. do - tor (or ttn. State of Peradytvania, dr. Louis, (latc of Pittsturgb., - ltr ono lam, —Fodcburah: Ilea. IN% Forward, 'lamp ton & Millar, I.l.l'.l.ldletn & littClure, Jobo K. Parke, & 'temp!, M'Cord .1! Kiug. smelt:att . . T. 11.11.4110. P BA11: U t aTIGBILEr T, AI7ORIVEY:I .kIND COUNSELLORS Ar LAw Fourth Lcoveta Srunaficid and iirant. Annabursl.4 . l . a. vex. & A TRURNEUS LAW, Founit an‘rt.near Cram. JulGat , A TTORNEY A LAW.—OfEce on Fourth st, tweed Smilecid and Grant st, Pittsburgh. eptltdly Pittsburgh Alkali Works. Brzawr - r, REMO.' 6. CO, Ida ouluesarers of node A. "'leaching Powders, Alti essue and Sulpherie Acids. W•IthOU/e. ate r arra. below Ferry, noirEes.ly 71.1611/1111 31541711, GtOlol=T[l. PllUil A REITER, Wholesale cod boll "'rug. gists, earner of Liberty and St. Clair street., Piss. ugh, • mayl4 • MIX: I IA !WWII 4- CULBERTSON, AVl.lcsain Grseer, D lad Camaimon liercEnnts, No. 145, Libeny Hastardr. lilt A.. VA itNEsTocK a. Co., Wholesale anal Re- Sons_Vassed and Gat au.s. jvl r; , at door .1.1 1 . ScAtir " " VIII " ' o,a - -1-7: - .EirictlaVia, a N 0.193 SPRUCE fiITREE:F, PSULADELPHIA, CIONTLNUES to gave his pm:ocelot anent= lo the k a s ttaatoseet of Diseases et the SKIN, SCROFULA, and Diseases of the THROAT. .151ieet V 1 .d 7 P IL dierc U lLT;io N .2eftl F ZreNt, d ßlntl i rg e :. '"" :;. !'"' A. DyiA.NCLTy Forwarding and Corn • micron Mercbanta, Cool BILKII4 nicaborgh meha gry Wholowilo (Wooer, Communion a . nd Forward bletehmt,No. 41 Western. Kara OlosSoos Bprlnß. Axts.le, Steel mid 1.1.01111 ; Wor C°„I.I2MMIAV faarolfaelantrs , of Spring aad Intoosh Steel, I r r u or Warelwaae . : 7o ' Water and Front streets, Phu burgh. Alms. dealers n 4 Cowls Tremolos. and .11all oc e , al ii is Castings. W. a. astaanitt,l MINGI.ISH BENNEW, finglian, (Al annddigner af l awitl L' it l e „It • :4: LI LY ' d ' et ' ie r li l inTtn:i ' are burgh .nfactates, No.= Wood it., between ed nod . Sdatreett.• . J. ittlanniy and Conneellor at I 6 Cincinnati, Unto. Colleebout wSontlternUto, and In Indiana, and in Kentucky, ptomptly and e tet attended to. Comanationer for the :nate of Penn: klr eking Depottilara, an litiowtedgoonal, .k.e. !Una To—ittEn. Wm. Bell tr. don, Cart* Clintel..* Carothers, Wm. Hays, EN., Wdloei tcßaets. atti , amount w. sena JAldEci vaxxx4. SEIREE W. SMITH k CD, Brewers, Alalsretti ur and Hop Dealers, Yin at, VitmOurgh. dputi GEMlLVakailuoi, 1a0111.5.11111 F0M1L714.12g Alcrelmol, No. 20 Wood street. rotsburch. liO YAGTW Y. litrAilLlA ON STEWART, manufacturer of Hirai Snarls, /Sc., Rebecca eves milt in 1 . Alsegheny.. • nortn-411*1 ITTLIE;AMUCCestor to Alumny G Lee,' Wool Dealt. et and.Comminion Mentally for the:sair of American Wooletta,Ltlict7rl. opposite Bth et. fa lirr • --- croi. --- ,l36ltoccro. ..., I,vcr..nos, J0V,T...0 azaLD, i n i u ,.. : ..106.31X01T. Joint ./.1.11:1, S . NAL') 11. lIIICKNON., Tobscro Comrtuacion Sr c: chant., 41 North tYo.tor so, Co 16 North Whovet, n01010.4t • _ WY. F. 20711:2. WtADY, JOINTS to Co, (ruoccrtors to Atwood, , Puna fr. Co.) Corgamisuork .4:1 Fortrontorg ISlci, c o, Cooler., in l'itd.clen Itlonofacture.4 ticiode, PiUsbturgh,to. _________lncri_ TsAiurilacy a. Co., whaiN.T:iir,;;;,..i l tii= mission hierehama, hod destiir. l'srlu,t;Nyt.L.6 Wader, rod 1117 Fro. attexes, Ptitstiurt.h. )1131M ' 7IOI7IIiIIiASVE 2II . Fi. ftILWUItYiI N. Co, Wholesale (tracers 't tr • duce laud Commission Merchants; and .1.4.10.• ishe Mazer/ Powder Co. of N. V., No. M" Waal st, Pittsbart/h. reel • TUIIN EL - TOWASLitill' Irraggut thporainri `V N. 45 . 31111iket EL, Ihree doors orman Truro M. Itati; Earth, till have coartnutly on nand a 'dentate...ad ni; InITIALCIItof the best and hereto. Mrdleines,wkirs ha `Will sell on the /MIDEI reasonable term, Pitysictuis wading , order., will be promptly attended to, and nap anth'artieles they may rely upon as Eunutner Physicians Premopuoris will be 1.11, rAtely and maatly prepared from the 44t utatcrial., ed any Gam Of h. I w night. Alto fcr sale, a Msg. stook of fresh and and Yerfii: =ay. told, • JT HARRISON at ., ELL, urn," • a Ace on Pound at., above Steuthlteld. n 05.... Ni„ , CANFIEL dae. o Itcart a e n u i at . to , 2) w t l 3=t; aleaLtr ti:l sod Ntate r nt o Ites " ern i 7 nrele, Honor, Poi arid Pled Ash n and Woolen Produce general ly, Waltr arca, Wawa* firattlthr Id and Wood, Idtaborgh. 153 LIN. WATT; (sstettes.; Horan tr. Gelohart,) 'Wholesale titorcr and Cororniasson Merchant, • r in Prodatte and PottLargh Alanorutarca, req. Oar of Li.kmand Rand itreet., Pittehoirlh Pa. la2d' JAXES 'A. lIIITCHISON, a Co.—Sacco/moo lo Laistsilateltixon t lb , Conannstuun Akre:anti, and AgcoO of the SI. Loom :Anent total Rebnert. Hta 43 water and= Irma strata, Fnutturch. iUltra it, MUKHA trieetslestale OnAratet, and deal er in.llyoltudf l'atats, oda, Vandan,, de, No. LC oad Creel, ODe doer Soon of Lomond Alle n haft h. . pit' V TeLatlal Killt la Jr. A. tlo, (successor to JO .. .spit Q. Day..,) Stop Cita:Lena X, Water sone, tsc3l, Antall dealer In Music aud'hloatcsl lus amenu_School ISotno, paper, Plates, Start bens, s'ai'ls, Prism ra• garde, and swko t ary grans i ly,No. 5.1 Weal at., itnut t as E a. _lpa:_tractlnt_ tigliolasketsiotrotds. 00512 JJSCIHAINMAILESIICoTi, Vh TetitliThriagertata, . N 0.14 Wood wrest, Fttnhatch7 1011 N b. DAVIS, Auenoater, corner dtt u Th:%, - : ,.., 4 1' , s ys.ta, Ildtabuigh. f i N To' - end Puper tamtiacturers, No. 44 Alukct et, Pl , ly jet; bun'h• - "fliv.., ~,,,c- , .,. 0i., , .--- , —., .: .I. hlercnanD d Drair , unra ' n c r -t ., rual, 4: ::. " rt= i :. firth ~6,p, ftonttng on Liberty, W.ni ual Gat •StMets. Pittsburgh, Pa. aye isj/.1-ri'--)A1.E.1,, nilesule l.rocer,t% —•• 3,, MO chant, and denler In rrpluer and I .t'll Disnufactures. No. %-1 WatLr ~ Pittsburgh. J„ . .. f - - i:. I — rirsl7l - ,'ITZR, Attorney . La. 7 w,or., ad ia ; l i jj. OppOile 51.. efinrlcs Ilo:cl, Pittsburgh, will ' 0. ,,,,,,i pm:lndy In Collentiimr, In Wasninguni,Pa{ ~i, ,--- .net Omen counties, REFER TO insa,weir, J 3.11 ..t c 0.,. 1 Cbatell & Caw:Akers, rnioura. _ L , lAMB WEAVER, /a, WSolossio mo 4 Re - / Z . lk; LP ler m Forelpi 1Y mes sod Liquors. sedsMll%lonon (Rhein Rye Wlnekcym. corner Ems/ and larifet sta. VS • K lt h l l4 2 : JONES, Formodwg and CO -------- f.etured ancles,'Ll'anial'illas'"din'7neYrd7PO:"O„l"":oh'''a7;l7 RIC2IIII =ILL , Krs o CO., Manufacturef • superior 4-4 Sheeting., Carpet Cllllll4 Ceory Twine and Caning. la.ll.lytton Iron Works. Lswis, DALZEIL.jr. manufacturer. of all si sm Bar, Sheet, Hodor Iron and Nails pf llto nest Warehome, M water and LOS front 1an1.9 Jr WATERId4N, Wholealde Grocer,Forwari bl4!tilut.Cnturnens"ain l'in"nnn`sljnaler 61 Front 15, n P"i±n", "on. " Wn'r 127 1110.3 ILVIILDT , 1. easy s ITirtiIINE,I74 SAWYER, y OOKING GLASS Manufacture. arid tVholesaie 14 dealers in foreign and domestic Variety Goods. Western merchnnti, Pedlars and others are invited to call and casaintiettle prices.d quality,. our stock, as wan our present ...seal facinue• In manufactur ing and puxchuing, we think we can oder as great Mountains. inducements to buyer,. other Louse weal of inc. tn. htl a d L w. PI tteburgh. XXILLES, RICKETSONOVItoIcante Grocers, mid An importers of Brandt., Wines end Sega.. Noe. 172 and L 74, corner of Liberty .d Irwin streets, Plug., b urgh, Pa Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, fee. A.c, .con tuntly on hand. anvil for in Ape. d till forbid _.410 I WWI IrCELL. US. D. Walla- warn UPI cqua...3 et. RUE, WholesOlo toren nod, Commits. /IL our Aterch.4, No. WI Yombargb. g 1.6 EtECMITO FILBONhC - 0 . .; (late lone, MorYlty /VA Co.) Wholesale Dealers An Dry uodf, Vin. 4b Rood street, Pituburgh. norkl N . /1.4111TM Wit:ASO:U. Portrunoild :Mtn:mreo Pule /Xi ter. Room, corner oi Post Office Allle)l and Fourth arrest, entrance on 4th near Market. FITTREORTiIi - ii - TERL WORE: , AND 5YR.11413 AND AXLE FACTORY. 431.1.03 1p1131,, M &WE: j°NB & 4vicia Actuxe o us of opoo , ±7l.- o..gh Olough tviftg:, ' co r ill o mu .le., and dn ' a . i li erni d i Inel irtialrally,'COSTearugme "''""an" Front ere, Pand.arait. 1e1.9 Ai MOL,IMES & SON, No. 55 Market •st, ,tecond 1 , 1 a door fromeemer of Fourth, dealers in Frommt and Domestic Dille of Erehnnae:Cerufmatee of Ito For •,. Honk Notes nod thmele. !Erolleen°. mad on CI the pmemat tales throuehout the Unlton stutes. de t: Aunxan Conthird door above Smithfield, tooth svte. veyancmg of all kinds done with Me grdattat care and flea/ccuracy. Tales t E.StAIe Zr.C. ot • t 30.4y • PROW. HENRY ROHBOOK. PENN STREET, between Wayne and Hand, than resented hisprofera tonal dunes, giving 171-13{1e. loot on the Plano, Gniiar, and in Vocal Monte augltdtf ftWECIN — WW - K — S — T - 1311.1C - -No. 70 Fourth nearWood—All quvitinett of Green land Black Teas, done up in quarter, half, and patkag • parlor or swung room, au they can be opened and that at convenience; and when abut, the bedding is racier:- ed. A great saving m room ti d rent. All the bed. teads when closed torn a beautiful p.ece of furniture for • parlor or sitting room. BOOK CA:EN—A nosy and useful uncle for parlor or drawing room. „ WRITING DkNhir—Per Iwo offices, eountlog rooms, and other °dices; when opened a moat convenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library Mono is isible. All thew articles need no recommendation: the :reality of We whole Is, they are warranted not to got out of repair. It will be for your lettermen to call and ammo .the articles, at the mwufactrwees crew, N°. 93 Third area, Pittsburgh. In addition to the above against Isuga. they a" JAN ES W WOO/WELL. LOWICLI. PLIZTOULIL, ALCOHOL AND PURE , 14111111, Comm Front and Aim Street., MO.. 13 . o. ORDERS from Pettabasich for Alcohol, Pure Ephtts, Hay or Reedited Wtoskey, will be pewit . , W ooded to at lowest market One. Mettly E ad Tabit Covert eat be found at W Waimea% Cum Ware teem, et roamed prleea Call std UAWme before purchasing elembere. na•l2 DRY GOD I &c. ITAY*TTIL PaintlVElr BLAWITACTII, WHITE AND BROWN DOMESTIC. FLANNELS WE o aro nUtes7:l"',.l'sZwlftg% the I m re trinkg'{Lo'r e r than such goods eau be ad el . where , this eery. `We am no sties hs bleaching., Lb; n o t the Roods; oar object being to prodsee sada not for show nly, kit for comfort and durability, .atte sa such they re ceived the t o premium over all other roods .cattibit ed at Ike late ABefflteuy It_soicultural Fur. For sale at the Blanket Depot, No. 56 ?Sestet ot; and at the mare rooms of the Fayette hianafacturing Co.. No. Ile Seconds:. Blankets of oat Mailtaaetare are geld In Allegheny City, by Mr. John "Mae and alao at the .Two—Big Wtsidowg,* Federal g. oetl6 Massless& Woolen:I;oasis& THE subscriber has on hand, (received the presen 1 5c....0 consigned from the thasefacterera the (el towing Geode, whteh he is authorised inclose at price verv(lesrt 30 Pieces Tart wide Barred Monet. 0004nrirs White Bed Mankera, ribbon bound, six oar Js w the parr. 1 use Sapatra Steamboat Blanket., ribbon boned, a ery superior article. 4 eases (WO pairs) Grey Mired Blankets. 50 pair. Dark Gentianella Blue Blankets, a very ea . • or article. !Teases Grey and Blue Blanket Coating. ,40 pieces Tvreed,Blenbenville make; I. cue assort ed plain and barred leans, Blanhavrille rimnorretory. The above goods am all consigned direct from the maker, and Intl be mid very low for cash or approved notes. IxtYll H. LEE, Liberty st, opposite Sth. II W . 000 DB I NEW GOOD 1141 l BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! NEW FALL AHD WHITER DRY GOODS, 'AZ ens ant or au RID eau retn, 651 Market st, between:dad 4th, Pittsburgh. WM. L. RUSSELL, No. ft Market street, between Third ad Fourth, sign of the big golden Bee Hive, h just commenced receiving and genie* d WlStrr Dry ever ollfge l lgy ne II d o Fi'n'allts burgh, All of Mesa fortigtrgoods have been purchae ed of the importera per the last steamer. from Europe, and for echoes& of style ad beauty of design Lae un surpassed In this or any other market. The &made and staple department will also be. found complete, and cheaper than at any other home in this city. The abscriter would here respectfully call the utteauon of his ammoas custrecrin and all wishing to buy new and cheap goods, to th e prices which will no doubt arionish them, being determined to sell cheeper than the cheapest. 'Good dark Calice, only Scants per yard; . Ben quality dark Calico, fast colon, 8 to le, 4-1 Smash purple Pntuk, fast colors, 8 to lit Heavy Bed Ticking, from 6 to 10 eats per Blacked Maslen. geed quality, 5 to 61 per yd, Best quality Bleached !Hahne, I to 10 pa yd. Heavy yard wide Unbleached Haan, 5 to 54; Good red Flannel, from 11 to 25 cents per y'; Good yellow Flannel, 15 to 25 eta per yd: Good black Alpaca Dom 16 to 2.6 per yd,• French Gingham* tram 10 to 15 010 per yd; Irish Linen. at prices from 25 to 1,26 per yd., Ranee ad Kentucky Jeans from 121 to 56 cis; Makings and laseys from 154 to 31 co; Fleecy Domestic Gin h ams 10 to 121 elk Crab and tapers, a ll prices and qualities, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. A g easorion . elo h f i al t ! the newest k etyles. Tibet . Lapin French Thihet Pleri c nos, thefinest impairted• Rick Camelion Slit. , in al l color, and qualiben Bleck Amara, ben quality, plaid and etnri Black Gros de Fame, all widths and quaintest. Lupus's line black Bombazines, beatuund goods; do beat Preach Nermok black and colored; do do do do in high colon; do fine French de Lunn*, all wool, high colors; Rich Gg'd Cashmere* beautiful goods, very cheap Dotted Swiss MmSna , for evening dresses; Broche Thibet Scarfs, lac Importation; Bert quality French Kid Gloves, all colors; Moaraiog Calm:tares and de fall.", all pricer; Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods, Ladies finest amitry French linen Hdicfr, Belting Ribbon., a full assortment; - Worked Capes, Collars and Cuffs, m great wring Black and colored Crapes, all qualities; Brocade Limns, iu all colors and milliner, Mohair Canaan figures, rich grialk French Cloaking., superb goods, high colors; '• Also, black Brunel Luce, all widths and prices;'. Black silk Fringes, wide and heavy, best quality. Together with a large stuck of white Goods, Swum /seam and Mull Mali., besides a very large -and superb stock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the latest Im portation and 010•1 feshionable styles. Many of the save goods have just arrived per the last stestaars Gom Europe, an are worthy the attention of the la- I dies. MEE= _ - A splendid assortment of Shawls:— Super extra size French Long Shawls, best imp'd Super extra sire Long Broche, finest quality, Superb quality Long Pliud Shawls, rich colors; Best qua i t square plaid fine wool Shawls; Bichand heavy extra-axe black silk Banwls; Rich camlion changeable szlk Shawls; ; Super black and whiie all vrool, long Shawls; Super extra sire Lang and Sq`re fifourrung ;Rawls Parts printed Cashmere Bhawlt, in great vanety; Tinted " all prices I crel'a, Mode embed Thibet " heavy silk Irtnge; Black " " Black and mode colored heavy clod. Shawls; Aldo, emb'd Thibet Shawls, beautiful goods; Highland pPd long and mere Shawls, very cheap; Mourning Shawl. and Semis, in gnat 'ninety; Also. a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawls, from 7 to e2,uo. Together with a full supply of Glove?, Mitts and Ho siery, with all articles usually kept to a Wholesale and Reull Dry Goods House—all of widelt will be " 15 Re W me d inic e r ' the st ti o 'i nZ ' No. 62 Market Erna be tween Third and Fourth, also of the Rio 800-lhor: where b a rgain. ean at all numb., had. • optilkdam WILLIAM L. RUSSELL. AILBUTTIINOT has comamncen to receive a Hoods llia"gaebn7eTen7lrocklak7l l oolen =l'6lora:el Tribe; cloth, mous de iaia and blanket Shawls - , en* mere, worsted and woolen Moan; Nape and linen HdkEs4 eihr and satin Crawara and &Wo Gimp. and Fringes; Irish Linen, Table Coven, email, Ribbons,. Lace., bleached bu n t colored Muslins, Tabby Velvets, Pate Thread., neweng Silk, Limon', Gam Sunoco .der., Pins, Pereitsvioil Cap., Almanacs, common and gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock et and table Crummy, and many other goods winch country and city Merchants are respecultlly Invited o examine. spar FAYETTXI MANUFACTURING CO., MANUFATURE and will keep on hand PenniY .- and Steam Boat Blanket.", DOISICA tie Flannels, blue, bmwu and drab Blanket Coating, Satinet" and Woolen Yarn ' which they will sell at Eastern prices. WarehauseNe. 112 Sewed st„ Pittsburgh, Pa.. F 2 2 .2 ,7, New Henna, Payette Cu. Pa. sunk • gEW GOODS E have Mai:received • huge and complete stock of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Goods, smite- We for the fall tr aif which, ith every description of Looking Glaseei ' manufacture w d at Oat own steam power shop in this city, ern mak the attention of West ern Itierehmta and other dealers. KENNEDY & SAWYER, ertMit comer Wood end Fourth ate DRY GOODS MURPHY, WILSON No. 48 WPM Sr., PITTSBOUIS A RE now receiving their usual suppliu of Goods DA for the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibirto their old eustomera, and as many new ones as may feel inclosed to present itieniselvea. Always taking great pains to lay in such goods as are adapted to the wanton( tbe Western mule, which long experience enables them to do, they can say with much confidence, and without eutering into a deadl of their stock, that the Western retail merchant will find with them all that his customers regnire. Those who have formed the nnprefittible habit of repairing oo.khe Eastern rides for thikir stocks of Dry Fiends, weed do well to call, as a candid comparison of pot ces would in many eases result in the conviction that the expense of going farther mopbe tabulated by boy mgin Pittsburgh. sptl3 GOODS. R. MURPHY is now receivaig his first Fall aheadb li a F s i , P o l p Y e * arn s' rtln e p ron 7.l4.°?bl'atd fal styles dm fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; ant neat new style Fall donLeiner, Alpacas and Mohair Learn s; Ramat fled and striped do • Parmatm and Lyonese Cloths; Of the most desirable colors; and a toll supply of bleached and unbleached Mash., lriati Linens Man chester gingham, M., at northeast corner Fo am and Market sl. Bayern are invitedin call and ma- SHAOKLETT & WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 99 WOOD EMMET, - ARE now renetvin r g ;wry Imp, Mack of treat. XL. Goods, of recent penctiase arid important/now/nob they will sell to the um& at each {Meet as cannot fall to give entire aatufaction. City and Coutury :Ambito. we utvited to call and examine our Kock before purchuntg elsews— toga . eImRECEIVED and now open for exami nation, a now and splendid upon. mew o( 7 Octave Pianos frotetChwg enng" Boston, among them a ' full carved Louie XIV. ordered for one of oor citiseos, who has kingly permitted a to remain to my ware room to day (Wedoesasyl for etiolation. Those who mop have a deaire to see aod hear this aplendid spec imen of art, are reapectfutly invited to gall w del at the stare or JOHN It MELLOR,BI Wood at Agent (or Chickering's Pianos for Western Pa. ... BATAILINGI. LilfillT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, or a single Bath for Sateen cents. Ladles Department open from 9 to tl o'clock, A. M., 'and 2 to 3 o . chwk, P.M. Atherneum &noon and Bathing Eatablishment. DIO T. APPALL, Proprietor. ELIJAH EATON'S CEETIFICATE TO LH . JAYNE.—This certifies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, letta, I was taken slek with the Cousumption or Laver Complaint, and veto reduced so leer with the disease, Mat for four year. I was unable to attend to my business, either at-home or abroad, being for tie Moat time confined to my bed. Doling tne.above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o r tiElg a' swa r tiZt ci reTeire d g m any edi° bel'efi w t ttrefrom * !V JUly, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's'lfledi. eines, and have attar them more or lam ever aiIICC, and believe that it area by persevering In their me, that I can nois truli ray that I have completely M., erred my health. believe that Jayne's Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines now in use. I reside in Springfield, Otsego bouncy, N. Y., and entry on a furnace and machine Mop in that piano, and am not interested In any manner in me sale of the above medicines, and make thin certificate Mr the ben efit of 111010 alined. ELIJAJI EATON. Sprirtleitt, N. Y 591.16 164 d . - la 4 AIMRE & CO'S Daly Erprom is now regularly de. Hyena( Can and Shell OYSTERS, winch are of d to dealers and ramifies at the lowest oilcan Quality animated equl to any brought to this mar. kat, Lud for tapirs J.C. BIDWELL, Art, Water Also—At the 'alluring depolu—Rels &Buser, car ner Smithfield sad t3ocond aA F. Heuleton, montli• Mercer & Robinson, Federal at ,Allealwar. wad I' M ri.„llna ofNICTLIN /HAYDEN being dissolved, the undersigned will madam the Forwarding and Business at the NMm beat landing, FRANKLIN, and respeetibliv Worms his Mende that he as gone to the eaperise of a heavy latalum on the warebonee =I contents, for mineral years, and Num he will give entity sansfaathius to ill who may =time him. caul He will metre .tyllrmaaligliakEr. XVII. NO'. 112; TOL. MEDICAL. FILERS' LIVER PILLS WAS' MY DOCTOL.— 511111,196. K Sellers--Dea r loft I feel t l is er a L daty fame the'poblie, as well 'as lathe media ofpp_ Lbws , to suite the aced trilyn• predeeed by tocw1:" mi owil cue. Doriag &entomb of.laneriPddel.lol* newel!. my oppethe felted, and nor Ruh entirely prostrated. with mum peon' PRO' - 4 S , coat told by reedlealineallietMY wu r mutt of liver complalaL lOW= sal boreS of Allan ...Ps Liver Pilla and atiter which I Wee told was' good fer that disease s bat ether all I coat getting worse. I finaily concladed :opium myself under the ewe n physician for belsepor worse; bgLitorttmerely, rut at this Alma [was told by the Re's .I. I , ublock,of th is place, that a Mead had sent him a LOX of Sellers , Laver Pills time Pittabarlithr which had be f l hire very ameh. I fintheruk sent for a box nf your Liver Pills, and by the thee I was done lioulg them, I was wished that Dams yea the medicine that suited my cue. Lunt kir men, and took five or siz boxes; and Mud meolf almost entirely cored; but in March IMO I ea wW • gamma cold, which timight back the disease, and Ina short' time I was as bed as over. I again had_recomm to year Liver Pills, end took them every other Matt for itweeks and occulonally since, and I can noway, that I can now say, that I. feel lime if anynerPlella of the Liver Complaint, and my emend health b " good now an it has been for the last 10 yews. My neighbors ask me who wee my doeha.• 1 tall them that Sellers! Liver Pills was my doctor, and by the blessing of Divine Providence the mums of caring me. I ant confident that when the pa da become at gradated with th e colon of your Laver Pille, the de. mend for them will increase. Many of my nelthbcder to whom I have recommended the pills, can testify to their 'aloe, as well as to the facts above mate& Respectfolly yours, GarnosekUntath. To ens Prente,The Origin 1, only tree and law; nine Liver Pills am prepared' by IL R.'Se &cm and bare Ids mune ramped in black wax upon the ad dr euh box, and his signature on the outside serener. 1D All others are comic rfene, or beselorlustions.' sine: IL lb SELLERS. Proprietor s fa Wood as GAUTTION marnt.a. A me¢ by the name of RUEL CLAPP MY engaged with a young man of the name of B. P.Towmaad,tsad VACS hie name to pm up a nursapmilla,..wideh they call M. Towasend's hat, marilla, a GENUINE, Original, ate. T i na Tolrst d eerl= l tor mid otter Ira., but was formerly a worker 09 rail roads, muds: andthe like. Vet he gamma the tale . of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit for what he is not- - lie is sending out raids headed uTrieks of Quacks,. In which he says, I have .old the ogee( my mune for 47 a week. I ail{ give B. P.Townsend of he will produce, one eln,ele 4ilitar7.4loo( of this.— Th'le teal caution the pobile 001 ID he Materna:44nd parobase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend`, Sveapartila, having cm it the Old Dr.ht likeneas his fatally coot or unwound hisaig , nature eznhse the coat of UM- - JACOB TOWNSEND. Prim cum.' ?tried, ID Nunn R, Now Yariall• OLD piovircia, JACOB : t4 TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL bIE39OVOER.: OP Tax • "' sums TOW MEND SARSAPARILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is new mime 70 Fennel Weekend I has long been known et] the AUTHOR. and DISCO VERED of the GENUINE ORIGINAL"TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA." Belem poor, he .0 00.59.1164 to Iniutlts manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of market, and the Well eiteootznlbed to these only who had prayed tin worth and known its value. This Gem. ago UNIQUIJALI PILMALTION is manufmtured on the largest scale, and is called the throughout Me length and breadth of Ma land., Unlike young le. P:Townsend'e, it improves With age, and IleVdi changes, bat for the boner, Gammen ptepared on scientific prinmpleaby a ooloatife SA. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the Art, have all been brought trap rte. unbutton in the nisiainauture or the Old Dr?. Sanwa; villa. The Sorsottortils root, it to well knowaln med ical men, contains medicinal properties, a ri d some pro perm, which are limn or useless; and othee, which, (retained ui pparing . it for use ,• perdue fermenta tion sod arid, Wh ich tojorina• to the, syoutot: Berne of the proporsteo al SaroapatiLla are ao. volendathal they mutely evaporate and are lost in the prepera non, if they a not preserved by — racimtiete process, known only to re Mom experienced in. its manutactere. kloreover there aololtle principles, which By oCirt va por, or as an exhalation, under heat,' are the very es sential medical properties of the root, which gives to it ail it. value. The • GENUIN OLD DR. JACOB TLISVNSEND'S SARSAEARDA is to prepared; that all the inert properties of the Bar.. .parilla toot are first removed, every Alder b.la ,of becoming arid or ot fermentatinn, exUaete4 end reicuted: then every Particle of metheal virtue is seem ! red in a pure sad concentrated form; andshas it Is rendered Incapable of losing any of its valuable healing properties. Prepared in -this way, it is taws the molt powerful eq,ent in the . • • : CURE OF INNUSIERABLE DISEARRE. • Bence the reason why we hest iMootendatiotut on every side in its favor be men, woman and ehlhlren. We find it doing wonders in the care of Consumption, Dyspepea, and Liver ComplninL and t ents lthetunsilara," Scrotal, and Piles, Comiveneer, till neow Erar. nova, Pimples. Bloffib., and al/ affections urine. (rem - IMPURITY OF. THE BLOOD. it possesses e marvellous e ffi cacy In all. complaints arising from Indiriltion, Horn Acidity of the Stomach; from magma circu l ation, deterudnarion of bk./ to th e head, palpitation of the heart, sold feet and eoidihands old chills and hot Meshes over the holly. It hu t h o d Its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration..id gentle perspiration, relating ad,- turn of the irpute, thresh and erely other part Itut In nothing It Its excellence More rnanifi.l), seen and ante/swirl:red •hau in all kinds Mad stages ef COMPLAINTS. It works ighth.tit. in tram of Boar Ilbal Or Whites, Failing of the Stilinemett,orrain ful Menses , Greg - elm sr of iliornenemal pert.* and the like; .d is effome... menthe all/brume* Use /Ed- Uey ins... By imeht:s.,..,,-.ffilractions. and HMI.- the genes*: system; I" tho *hole body, and cure. itl,rog and tNERVOUS DlSEAffilit .sN'p, it MHz/ATI:- hus preventa oi rclicve4 se.ea, or Spinal I nitatirect, , ,,:i; ... * i. ma Dance Swooning, Epileptic Fl, 00, ns Pal r ail uth ank Almon Too FaE4r. tom, ? But r any vi these things be said el send", interior aniele This young nuniffe to be COMPARED WITELTHE OLD hr because of the Grand Fact, 'hat the one tap, t,,...-h... • of Detenoration and NEVER SPOILS, while the".E7 et DOE it mute, ferments, and blows 'the couthining it into fragments; .the sour, said liquid ploding and doinaging other goods! Must not this hen..'",:'-:::C; able compound be poisonous to the .*.tutu! Wk.! put acid thin a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepala but acid! Do we mail knots, that when food soars m our stomachs, what tataehlefi it prods cest—thoulence. heartburn, palpitation, of the bean, lever complaint, diankka, dysentery cha p s end corruption of the blood? What tsßarefulaint an acid humor in the body? 'What pra4utea all the Mumma which bring on Eruptions Of the Skin; &Malls., Sut stheum,Eryilpelas,Whlte Fevardlerea, .d all eleeratibna internal and external? It is nab- Mg under heaven btu an acid which:soars, and thusspoil nil the Maids of the body, more Or less. What cau.oithedmatain bat a sour mid thaid,whkdi • insinuates itself between thejoints and elsewhere, in tooting and inflaming the tender. and &limo tisanes u pon which it acts! So of venous dioceses, of , oy of the blood, of deranged eimulations, and nearly all the ailments which millet ham. muss. Now, In it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite. ly worse to use this SOURING, FERMENTI VIW NG, ACID `COMPOUND" Oa a P. and yet he would fain haVe it . NSEND! derstood' that Old la- • cob 'Pownsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation of his inferior preparation!! licaven forbid that we should deal In Ms .article which would bear the moil distant resemblanoe to S. P. Townsend'. article! and which should bring down • upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and etienthatio. from agents who have sold, mid pur- ' chasms who have aced B. P. Townsend's Fert.tudng • . Compound ' We will it .derstood, because it is Ike absolute tenth, that S. P. Townsend'. article and Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are hucamerido apart, and r. infinitely dissemilar; that they are Unlike..., par" titular, basing not one angle -thing in cowman. It is o angst frauds ripen the tinfornumosoo pone • balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope, in the desp,airing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor Into theer.tffid and broken and to banialinfinai ty—that old DR. JACOB TO WNSF.ND has SOUGHT and FOUND the opportunity and means to Ming his Gunn ,UNI VERBAL CONCENTRATED, Bo tY. within the reach, and La the knowledge of ell who need it4that they may learn and know, by joyful ex perience, eta smnackank. row.. ow. For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholesale Agent dir Western Permsylgama J. SMITH, iknalelhasi Dr. J. BA/Hifi:ANT, Allcuberty; CA&SLLL, Villa .i ward, G W. GARDNER'S...nit PitObloah. spry Jay - nest ifixpaotorwats — . D taps thr mill pub li c, to avail myself atria opy porturuty of pinny publicity to the extraordinary effect'. of your Rtpectonant mymlf. Having beenalitieted for its years with a oevere conh, hoc* , fever and its se ...Mani dimes., and merited only doomed to Wiser out a short but miserable , existence, dl the fall of ISN, When, being More amerely,ratmeked and Mislay remitted to all nay former remedies, and Et:epees-- script/0m of two of the most respectable physicians la rho ucishbortmad without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of ourvivlor bdi a few day', at .vmeks fantiest—:when the lan gleanaaf .boye wad about to vanish, I had reeonunestiled to me year Expontorant and blessed by Mot Being who does all thing. In 'du use of the means—sad eontrary r to the •XpeeMitiona of my physicians and friends, I woo in a few days aolsed from ray bed, and war enabled by the naeof• DOILIe, to stread to my buaineas, enjoyirg awed better health than I had for ten ye all previous. . Respectfully your , , &C., JAL W. gang Fourt For alle in Yittsbargh, at the Pekin Ti. Iltore,7lll h Sterol. warn oak,. or the D.1. , ..r..nutual woo aniancs Company. • 1. 1 1 11a1.131111111L; Nov. Sth, LBW. T HE Board of Lamm. have, this day, declared a divideso/ of TENTER CENT, in walla; out of the profits of Me ConapatrY for the year eluting OW. 34 lOW, cenTficalcs for which will be batted on and attar the first day of December next. • Al., a dorsdend of SIX PER CENT_ia math, on tho capital .ruck and scrtp previously issued, potable ma bows. RICHARD S. NEWBOLD, Coa t. novIU • P. A. MADEIRA, Aar, VftbtilE,_ GRKEXWOOD GIAILPIC/11,, • elfirlLL remain open for Villiers until the lst Jump ry,lMei Omura mud otter Refresh Maids soh the 1141/10“ wall tie kept. The OR core. ng a huge collecnon of tare end 'choice Plants, will be open to ranters. Sequels Ann lint up at short nonce throughout the season. An paumbes leaves the Allegheny and or the St. Clair Street lfridg,jer.erstalle ferry boos, the day, teiy latity b shy (tern the Point, landing a shortituanca ab;rtliegiteg. den. wiethimg spend Me ' , MU% will be • accommodaud with a return Omnibus at le rattled, P. Kept on Temperance principles, and closed Sc .0 113 - WiCAIN ==tt 10011 ILlll.lBllo.3l,tjattia. T HF: P4OPRIAR pplir hp the d.) . F Z or w etis 311 hOtlt 6,11 l 001 1110C1100 Iritil ee 74b 1. - lhOreatpo. WANTED—VirbiteLead Ken y . scaoCoroutschik co. • fk.9l3Voast - Now Booki -- Z777 -- 7 - 7 -- --- REZ=i RaFing voymedituam.,N4l,ili., Irmto at K4Alfr all naad,,irilleithAnh...' with Cro ryone —^-,- - Bldanix the floyearnWZ ) . - • . ttItISTOCKTON, • oral aocaulldr . d sad nupa mem . . . . .