The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 17, 1849, Image 4
RnMM1011& TO .rna POOLIV. A:7 font years .loci. reel! travellee thrs.dit Ma State of Mice while spending a few dap ut / glimmered a emptier Metaliganhatance. MI subunlnently learned that It had been hewn for 7..,tianllapposed to he of no one or value, ten (rem U. wreemity of testers and singe:or appearance I Was led to believe it might be made useful, bet for what purpose I had not the beast idea. I: eommeceed _ 1210 , 7±..2112 by banned it. boiling lc . and ;ether. sm.; it. and compounding 11 with canons sabstancei; .../. SW airing was my confidence Maul ere was rake . Its that I gays up my emits time and means in the Inesmatiou of those experiment and from that time no AM, I hove amerlat to no other business; lathe ex. V11.. t. of about two years, I finally discovered, that, I ' sr ' lodes it to hoe powder and sidling it widt Lin seed Ml .ho_ the =sista cy of thick paint, end this and with a braah, that thmeeethag -1 . 41 CM :Mina become a perfect stone Of .1.15; .4. that , sabstanee when applied waseemally elate in a tiosid , and the large amount of sates, alonuna, Magnet. and black oxide of iron that it coo- Usteed, rendered it both weather and Ore proof soda law elposed, the harder and more permanent it seems to become,' and as the coating Meer it teens 10 stools of Itself indestrnetible by fire, consequently It protrets tha wood urrered with it front the air, and where there is no eir.there is no blase etecenbastion; tbarehsra the woad snit usually char, before the date asmoing will give way. . • • I comidered the ditnevery of the greatest import ' mute, and •*llO4 te GOVerfteetell for • patent for my mnowista Or dieeeeley, foal] hoping Om I aroeld war be rethebeened thy all my canny in time end mom my. The goVennetcmi cravat may hesitation, van, ea to ate Looters Pelted for the sole sight to manatee- ULM sell end use ray tropurverwat in tbamanefachtre of a ' , Wend er and Fire Proof Contracition• or Aro leis! Blew. far fourteen years. Asyut 14, Iflo. . WM. BLAKE - WE, the It /abloom of e115r011,6174 read th e above statement of Mg. Mate, • • and belle., it to be substan tially correct, as we are t mowing to most of the ewe th.yd,, metalled; and we will farther elate,that am do not bells. that there ever Witvatent mmn hone end laboriously earned, or more deservedly •S he permed his ea - portcullis with U most m Mo niiis i •1411.3•611121.00/1flet the most diacoaraging atroMastances, as the public had not the least confi dence that there could be any thing atloobfe made Eon IIiSIat•CILOCO. Rellierefore had to eneonater for you Melee" and aeon of nearly th e whole commit nlty, NorstinistambinK all this, bs warindefailsable It the Mmecnstiort of his exponeacats, and we do col bells. that then Is one man an •theasand who Would have passim red coder all the circomstences. But he has at last triumphed over all obstacles; and we be line there 1.41101, but one oploioo la stermdLog Wm the meat of ills valuable, discovery. " 01.0. W. CRANE, Inuire• of HORACEGI the JONATEAM E RHARD, Peace. • JEW'S C. CHATFIELD, Trastees ILIF. MILL, of 11E14/AMIN /ONE, • Tow ashio W7d.EVEllEre, TOwlt•hip Clerk. • ALLEN HOWE, 'risme ter. ••••••• CAUTION TO TUE PUBLIC. I haveeseertakhed that there are Individual. engaged la= tratilia, and preparing for sale, the abort- Mine ,to be mixed with oll,;and need pte• easel? as Ime ery patented article. I have been id those pumas and shown them my patent They say they do Let Intend to infringe or trespass open my sights; that they have a right to dig, grind, utd sell the = r eek 1 1 .:21: %t i e ra b us " 7,; ' 1 1 41: Ittr - rilfet,n7,' infitogement until it la mixed with the oil to make the e pmneood, and that those who bay, mix and use IF, mart a the numortallilhty.. Most of them say that they believe that the Roam ts good against those that mil and am the to use and some hate toed that whet they wanted to ase they ehoald eatainly parch tue of me, as they did not leafed to mate themtelve. liable la any' Wry. Now I feel myself in ditty bound to Mirthlehantfaned fetal open the pantie; as I eau by co randsr some, where • ratan acne and re .lllollMa p . trZen article. the es 3 of which he well knew.earl hoe; Some w the prank ho h n' o are ofteig . e7lrt c lil aistiulass Mao, will uNeestionably contend ' tome public that m y pa that will net Stand, and that I dare amt pnwerste. Now, to take this argument away him them, I went to smite of them who were proclaiming that my patent... of no vale, and made the follow ing propesithmt that:hey calgthelect Kludge and two Lawyers who have lad some practice in patent cases, mug we would Wean the was to them, and if they decided that the patent was good, that they should mop all farther_ proceedings In the business; but if they eh .ld decide that it would not, in their opinion. hold, I weald arm to let them go on and sell .11 they conid, without saying any dung to the pubbe about them. TM. proposition they would mu accede to. So far as the validity Of my patent le concerned; I do not de • peed entirely open my own jedgetent, although I have the Meet emMersee in it; bat I have submitted it Amy of dialudges,aad several of the most eminent patent lawyer", who have, without exception, decided that kg thelrepieton Items good, and would protect see ta my discoiery. I grind the article to a inc power, and put it up it barrels, the which are marked: "Bassi* Parma bias Aso Wstvena Peon Amu.. Stsval therefore give notice to all who boy and ure tLe about. mentioned =blend for the pummel font. 10 my patent, except from me or my mtherired agents, I shall told them loa land aceouemblliry, and akall eanamenao mita at law against slime who ttn. • ‘,lAfrtrtga upon my rtgbL Whl. BLAICF.. Samoa, Co, 0., Aug. IC t 019.: • III:P•TWO TONS of t h e above rue and Weather Proof AniAcial Slate on hands and for sale. The ahem we esui recommend, for we base /teen um; a for Nome 4 years, and knew st 10 be wiles .t in rot forth In every pan.colar. J. A. IL PIIILLIYS, - Agt, tu0y17.43.4 NO 5 Wood at EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO., Is. 41 Pitactl, t».t, Piti•bargh, Have 110,r 111 Slate th•ir of Trimmings, Worts, Reck . ruand Lace Goode ADAPTED to the wants of every class of Merchants Rad Csonsoners. No pants have been spared to , presant the newest anti most ruhionable atyla at Goode In their line. Their stock conslats'in part at the finkr•inr DRESS TREKMINGS. " A m= i o n f . o . l c erf m a pe attr br z. orgy , . nanow and Wonted Embroidering ihn r it; gained and cat Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Cordril /Imam and plain Hein Ribbono, for trimming; black, . white and notated Silk Laces; extra wide do do, for floannow with'. fall o r of Dress Btllloo9i Drowns Pinked, Stamped or Embroidered to order. • LACE GOODS. • Embroidensd Lace nod Mullin Capes, Cliemissites. Ilreakfms and Retiring Cap. and Half Sleeves, Prone ..,..Worked Colima nodCaffs, Ingram variety; Lose Veil., Lippoto and Opera Tles,• Mourning Chen:memo, Col- Cols and Half Sleeves . Linen Lawn Hdkft, plain antbreitlimad and hemontehed do, plain Linen dot Lance and Edgings; Int. do din Bobbin, Usk), Lam Aladin nod Cotton Edgings mil Mooning.. BONNET TM/SIM/NOS. Mai now aryl* Bonnet Ilibbons, FoenehFaceFlow eni,BannetTabo,Vehieni Ellin. and Florences, Silk Illnsbu and_Twletorw, Sonnet Frames and Tips. KID GLOVES. Bad manufacture, with moat approved fattening:, and choicest coon.. An extensive assorticant &Iwo, on hand. 7 • . . 13X322 A peat variety *Lank Wool, (uum,Merinn and Cashmere, for Ladies and mllfoeoi Tinan Plaid, and a fall assortment Other 01740 fancy and slue Cl,ild• ma's Hose; nearest styles Infants' Boots and Sort.; Gems' Omar.lan, V!goals, Merino, Ution and firs Wool Half Rosa. GLOVES. A an worriment for men, wonMn and children, asattir which are Derby Ribbed, Pulsatile and plain 111.11",_ ribbed and plain Cashmere; Chamois Lined Bei ha; CusiMere, Marino, Far-lined Beaver, heavy *fie 6,4 !keratin, J4Cdßary and Lisle Threurand COIIOII. WOOLEN GOODS, Sul of Wit* and Children's Hoods, Children , i Warden Backs, Yell Scarfs and Boas, Children , . Cam ara and Long Mins, Wormed CMG!, kniolog Wormed. sad WOoka Yams, California Comforts; also, hoe Csaloaare Beads, for Ladies. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Zephyr and Tapestry'Wonrn Canvass Patterns, Moo and Don't Bilk, Brawl Peri'd gouda, l's. =Tr hlarenais, Lamp Mali, yldOis, and E.o.- •nos' k and Merino VOA% amilDraorarmSmbroidored Baas mainlands, French Worked and Walsm for Irifanng tad thran's.loo Trimming. GENTLEMEN'S WRAR. ;toe Shins, Cmints and Caner, &ern., Silk •nd Coma Wrappers and Dnkerenr; Seelfeinlein, Shoulder Waage aaill Dressing Ulm.; Silk end Linen Mtn; Oben and Hosiery. COMBS, , DRUSIIES AND PERFUMERY. ih=l'Pur.. ..nrd...4o..inhell Dna Combs; and sm. d o; Shell Sidi nod Long Combs; Ins. Ban* PoWn and Rosewood fish Washes; Shell, Rotolo owl Eng. Rota Dressing and tine Ivory Combs; WILL I. osmium= of Nail suol Teeth Brushes. NiroMmilPs .bold Modal' , Perfumery. - VARIETY GOODS. 1 Nestles, Pins, Tapes, BIM I.lsgs and. Purses, Banos, and Steel Goodk• Bertirl %VIM Bitekets, Pane Twist and !loveless, Pins Desks Coal Pleidiess Ar. Galkotelk Pansy ßosewood Work Basketsskeia and Cloak Cord add Tassel', ?onfollon Pglinrun* nod BUM k Slade Trimmings,' • Lou..'l Stationary, Miv oil Beaver Tussle, French Cork Soles, Uphelstereei Telexes, i si. k Ling* Umbrellas, I Cloth s Balr these!, seed dth., Papal. elesunak lloll a ebb n le ds, Sneak M . glares floods t %Ps Photo chou, Sindlng. Corset and Shen taro's. ==:== GLIMI'S WINDOW. LOCK HD . SPRING, Pantarco, Decanstra 19,1819 L bI.YEriS L. article of nitnal'indao to altpersoos en rated in bwildlog, or to those who hare arriad) and ono wawa window fuslening. Wlplo a &parent sabstittan tor pubis. and orGglits at a laying of at least Sit to each window, it afoul Ow safest (Melting that has evir been broassit int. ' • Th. it and eanvenienee of fide Spring oSer sl ed.., la, that by OM thamtepiecv; both sash of lb • . window casaba =toad or lowered; regaires only t be known Id be appreciated. Pantos wisidna lo buy the atuele; or fn have the,. pat Luta than morrows, or the 'rngat of .selling it lo in this State, may apply - to tbs aabscnidra a raf ig AJAY HOUSE,. the Allegheny liver, Pit J. B. TURNER, • anso.l3mCuPP C. P. MA Yo. LUCKNEN! CARrkto!!—Keed mu nay,. W.f.. • cmasoer. (Nic , Warehease, N. 75 Felicia st, WWI! applyt( ta, of the latest and most ap pend Strew, So vs Leh syse invite the atteation of Ilimmbede nen, and those wishin g to funush Homes. ,to tall see examine tie largest assortment In the city, *hid we Will nail O n ager then ever before offered to W mutat Market. . aml3 W WCLINTOCX , . Kau=Oafs Leas Shawls, Ell MURPHY MO reeds limply of ibe .trove . antelet,ef th e best soot il y; oleo, pls. Black Long Shawls; black ilombarlueo Mourning Ai. =ram Cloth, block Coboris; Paramus, Moss de Lalos sad French Aterinor, block Craws and Mowalng Collars, Mourning Bonnet = Rib- Es s. 4l , l T t Mil and s assortment of Mourning y._ Also: PLAIN BLACK SUB, • Imp smogumnt, including a feat pleoef eery wide sal agerior. Buyers are invited to lot.k, at them, at MIA Eon corner of Fourth and A 2 trketuto Wlitgesalt2 atmms up stain, where a law apart. /I of.•tu GAu h latety boon received. tut, 20 =i=ll . - . We Iptirs been inferred In Mr, Moe of a carp pee fonnsittalsr be Dr. Jainel• Alterativeorloch Noche is sepetionty over everyother remedy of the bad. to him been inflicted for the lan year . with 211=0 3 1: 15 or WILME SWELLINGS, etternd wash ateeralions and ',enfoliatloo of vanoop bones, de sag vrideltinno lawn' pleceshave Leen diacharged from an Mate bone of the erertimo, from both her *riot, lima sad head' And from both ht kgs, end from the len limns. Wu. sad haul the rig knebetides Mate' * wools meet pans of herkereort, w hi ch have bellied OM skill of A amber of the mon Minent phyaielans of per gdy—dartrig .10.41 41 the dam her 'agencies have b o o h immum and &planate. Mani throe =rah. m ati ,jko .ants lanced in try Dr.Jante's Alterative, width tat Aid Anasteeithlngly happy effect WA ..ket, Emanil4==lll:l, g...rAdir4llXllg:: berpora W nnapaletallrelloredoe that mho now weiglts wMM outs likao eke OA bakes she commenced the are. at Me mott.rablikblo rns pipi solzs r f M .l plalegialpkta.=,4 ors be,No.l . 93 e finsbargh, at the P=Nl7.4 VIVRA near Woed. _ Ue MEDICAL. Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S CON:POEM EXTRACT OH SARSAPARILLAI The rood Wooderitl !faking of the Age l 1,500,000 BOTTLES PdANIRPACTORED YEARLY. Eadtetna la pot. up la %au% Battik and W owed war than . 10%000 0.201 of Clino*, son% 'MOW Me last Men Thinrs.-:11 Oetnedna =am signed by P. TOW • EXPOSE. .. Dr. READING THE FOLLO WINO AITIDNFIT the Public will learn the origin, or orther where the recipe ihr tasking the stuff they coil Old Dr. Jeixit. Townsend% Sansperlile. maw frotn—end will be able to joke whielt ls the genuine and Menet and of the honesty of the man who ere employed la silloed the Dr. Tow:nears dessaparills. Dr. S. P. Townsend was th e arlglnsi wed inventor of Dr. Teenstandet and his media. tole g _I.Nod. reptrutias mother remedy ever shad. He smunthestned corer one millkss at bele lest year. awl Is noutersoteent 000 bottle. per day. We me mere euapnfLL and 'Fellow Dols In au Fal wdebilslonent. eenb 7, Own all the other Sanspaillhs ldenoteetnotts le the woad Principal Offloe. lot b:eel ' BEAD THE AFFIDAVIT. Orly end Caddy of Ifew-Firk.o.. drasatrcanr, of the odd City, helm duly Monk do& derma end say that he le • ad Chemin. That am* Ow tgfard pe lM a l r/Idat or Or at lane, 1648, a noat by the rums of .Imb Trowneend, who el that thee nee book eat pata_phlart paddler, called apart depaesat, at the hood at Mr. Thompork Fa 41 If ortarroetreet, whets depo. tandlessdert. end regarded deponent to errite bine radye by 'which to Ink* a tfyrap of Sarreperale Depannat krther says, tint he became or ad tritb did Towseend et the also of Theodore Fpner Veg.; Beak Publithem, with wt.. old Troanesni ead Trorneerod had had frequent martens time a with the to eadsotareq' to dded b " = I under the Demo Dr. .... . . .. That i.M Towammi etatsd ha war at old mark and poor, and was cot lit for hard taber—and wished to . stake awns money, to y order to lire allay to old asp, awl *et, if haratrina railer the nuncio( Nerd NM ao.well, and to much money was mad by it, he could see no moon why he might not eormsatingtrat of I , l? . (ids name Wog T a if he amid get a person to prepare • and matonfeettire it . him Deponent in ova of consenatglos asked said Townsend if h• .1. Pt to DrAt. Pi - Townsend, to which hereplied, that he Imam Dr. O. P. Townson!' would he down cm him after he shoal commemos. Dot that he did not MO for tdm, as he bad formed a co.perbuirehlp with mem who could tarot& the requisite monad copitsl—end wee wall prepared to defend Memoir spinet any Meech that might be made on lift Deponent thrth=thet porsuent to Me raven dead Jacob T of El . :mt. • izi , fe for t llt t : Ids. Enid of obeerreeiV " at he to make a Apemen to inhibit to Ida platoon en their • es he whaled to panty them in every thin& to •• . all h D .apital—said Tormend also told deponent that the onis. they were to use went to be of the was dm and dupe es Dr. & P. Town end% cod deponent, at the requart dull Jacob Townwod, went to the oetnek of Dr. & P. Townie:et and prteomed one of his !AWL Lad deponent Rutter or., ant he ho. twen infono at sad verily bellevew the Amp of ilareeperillei mkt as Old Jecoh Tattooing% le made after the Jew* far Odra by &weak to Jacob Tom:went sigma/A And fartherdepomout mith wnitem eamsnuiNo. beltem me, this 14th day of May Itto. C. A. May Ii Mayor of the City of Now York. PROOF!! PROOF!!! Hero la proof marolsmins that Dr. B. P. Townsend'. amosporilla is the *Mena Tim following la from some Walla Bout orpectable mars Lu this State !Lawry FROM TEL Evening Jostznal. Dr. Torrosend's 13a.rsaparIlla. Then ht newer bee been so popolara remedy, or md" ee Dr. Tossnsendee Barsaimilla w ens and contlmiet to b nrenotsce Wired to Ws city. .t Ent by the Doctor hissieth and Ostrow& for several years. end to the prssetatima by Clapp lk Townsend, the present'propnetora. Since the yertherattip was formed, the Doctor has resided in New York. when he keep. a stone. and attends to the Mathew that eocatrodatee st that point. The wan. lhetop b to this city, WA is conducted by the junior Farther, Mr. Clapp—here all the nadir-the is wanes, tured. F. of our citizens have any idea of the amount 'of this medicine that la cormsratured axed sold.. Buhl. the do in this country, it is Aimed to the Camadm. W• 11 India Wands, South Amen., and Coon to 10 MIA in considerable quantities At the eraufactoty they employ a stem engine, besides • large number of min, women and girm, in the pleparation rL tar to lirmseonskleg base; printing, ks_ and turn mat, ready for shipment.. SCO death per day, or neatly •000 DWI.. This Is an enormous quantity. The - great eels the medirlas haa acqutred, has in. Arad • =abet of men to get up Imitations, VA there Is the present ran other medicines for mils bust anteaDAS• tir.Townnind's Paresparilln" flue ie par Limbs started rahort time age le New York. as callr.! "Old Doctor Jacob Townsend'. frataparille." and o. patently with a view, by dint of advertising, and the usual remedies snorted to in thaetfons, appropm ate th e name of Dr. b. P. Tow ad's great remedy. and theta gabs all the Ids's:Magee resulting form the r=ty• of the name which b. has aequitvd fee it. y of patient and erpthsive Iran. Dr. A P Torasesak formerly _of and city, as is well known he is the inrentor and original pnprieter of the radicles koora 'DP Townsandk Parstparilla," mod w• think into. pencies who are rassaprmg to sell that =tide is the garmina, Should be exposid. FROM TRE Now York Dalig Trlimns: pii- W. poldiahad .o edratlawaant inadvarantly tinia WIG that did lojrwrica to Dr. S. P. Town. and. who is the original proprietor of di. preparation a . Busy:arm. known as Dr. Towraandb. Other patios hays withini.tho pat few month. emerged or contacted theawlree with a tan by ,tha some of Townsend who_pitt rip. milk,. and calls it by Oa MOO 11816. 1:1111diCiDO VIM airsensed in The Tribal. aW. dm. Thin advertisemant • p p. matter to thie cbaracter of Dr. S. P. Trarnsital and that of easelleine.. cos mend it appealed, and Pads* to the Da mak* Oda en planation. FROM THE Navy York VW.llly Stn Da.'Tewasoso's extrannhostry advernaemenbwltlel occupies an entire page m the Bcn, will Oct escape notice. Dr. H. P. Townsend, who it the origami pro !wham . of Or. Towroenda Sarsaparilla, ahl whose of flee ist ' ext door to ounr, when he has been for never,never, al years is drielog an 1.2.1130 hennas. Ile recetweir no less than four 'snared door of haruparilla per day, and even this enormous quantity does ma supply the demand. No reediethe e'er gained so great . yoperlinlyu his prepaistion of the narcsontilla. Hu ednron a Miasmas for 1819 can STOW,. cud be has paid the New York Son for adnatiting, in the last loot years, over $10,090, and be acknnuiledges that il Is the cheapen odnulising he du had doze This medial. is crayoned to the Condos, Wan In dies, booth Lawns and Europa, in - istaißlarable quantities, Rai is corelog into plant Was lo those wands, as well es here. livrtedlers. , Druggists and othen that sell gareeperillt for the that giondo• and original Dr. Tow narnadSSarsaparilla, 6 set aignedhy 8. P. Townsend, commits frand, and nrindlee tto cratomen. hlan that mond he gully- of such an act, would coonnii alai other !nod —sod no Dzoggirt of common hnelltgerhe bet Snows /bat Nan le the only pooh. Ofel Jamb Townsend. Soma people who are ren nen infontiost end Law not mad the pagn, minor wen our advertisement, hare been led to mow; that browse them men ad. 'edit., their stud as " Old Jacob Townsergla," that it mod, of cows; be the original. It I. 1... then our werdwa they commenced to make their roalicira {is AEI wens in the market ore. ten years . . endlearimbitto palm or on the public ce di old Physician, km e tot • regular educated Physician del odd attempted to manufacture a med. Mine, mall thane men hired blm fee the de of his name. They say they do not wiala the people to be. lied that their dosaparilla oun, or the mane—but the better to deceive the public, they it the same time melt that theirs is the Old Dr. Towdenda, and the 12111 i d . , ! ,lr :ul th e:d.antr= flaraparills, that perform•d so ntan ' y ful card for Me rspalalo at tanjzzland .hick has gaine:g • We had commends! said naiad Died men for damages. WO VIA it kob• usoderstood,thaf the old rad is to Malkin to Dr. Towiesard arhatsrer in theiraid rerthannente ittat circulars, they . publish • number of gnaw Islaehoohi reapecting Dr rili•111404 which e will not Wk.. Pair reports. Or•oyewourns have publlahed tbe papers, tint Dr. D. Towneand ares dead. Tbb they eani to their won about the barony, who meet Abet we hare canny. bather, kn. ha The public. aheald be OD their your& and not be deceived by these noprincl. Wed man • N. Reweeal.—Alter the first of September, ISA Dr. IL t. Towneezd's New Yen* !Mine will b. fn the South Deptist Church, Na an I Nassamstreet, which k row underpin' • tboroogh chat*, and will be Med lbw the tedtsw sw.mmodattoo of the pro. plans and the public. eh par drke.—No Sanal ; parilla is the otd D. Telnnaudv Baumpurilla, uu M m illtwd by F. Townwond. 1 AOLOTMB•ddiall & CO, No. a Stitegtrist. and Mrs. E. [kids. No. 100 Cogurtotroit, Sri; Samuel [Wet Jr., Lowell Henry Frntt, Sid m ; .. Jarneu D. Green, Wareatsr • Allison k. Gault, Concord J. Daluk & Son. Proshesnce and by Drug ills ,ma bier gloats merely throughout the Unite 110.1.3, West WU. •nd th• Cusdirs For stile by IL E. SELLI-111.3, Sole A nem for r gig' D. M. CURRY, Allegheny; A. 'XITNRSON sungbare. ~117:110 A VERY WONDERFUL CUILL:!-S ELL EU. A VERNIFUOE! • - Mamas, Mercer ed., Pa.. Sept. 2..,1 , 19. Me. riellern. War ellr, I bought el ,- honln va" Vannifage at the Iron City Purn 0., eau,. at Ode glare, audit Ims performed want we eon .filer out here. V• 011- derful earn on one of my bora nett Year' 1"; he hod been unwell lot some years, to omen to that I led riv en up all leap...Mho, n.cosery. I was ntlyieed hi one aty neighbors to try a bottlent ynor Verratfone-- and I am nappy to intorm you n 1 it havote IL, dee, end effect of n app y my non. Ile pn....r01, in the eb.trt space of 21 /LOW, MI worm., Katie nt than menet, log amen as II and 14 torbes lon, I 1,1 bound 11, jultiee to pre you the abov , etatement,eU u, you may 'mate any toe of tuy name that you dunk proper. Your, very respectfully. . .10,011 . 1(AS S. 11711." S R in 5 , 4W ‘ clllcf.. nov FELT CLOTHS. .3 ca.e4 131, . n d tuo, F Clnths,lum rec'd end for •4le _ MURPHY,711..7.0475i„ CARLIT 11101JYt. Murphy has 10 just lef'd a lot of hies colored ,Lou.. do Layne sock ea Chetry,SottYlet, Sc , at n,:, low pm, per yard. Also, Plain Drab, lima, dp at Nita 1 11 with a choice assortment or Dress Goads centrally curb 00 nutty 11.ttttuts, Cobargs and Ityoncao Md., at the N. Ilromer of Fourth and Market 111. Wile Roorad stsitk, noels L AID on.; --13 bbl iti .: = l ;n4 1 . 4 .B 7 h l7 r Z yT, No % Wood fn.. A LiarWE, Sniper, cloves, Pfunciaider a/ A Indigo, with a general assortment of all WHIP Mimetic. and /Imbue, Manufactured uncles, • Insod and for sale by McCUTCLIEON, suit.:..• • 162 Liberty it . TVET EBBONS—A hill Neor=ent rec4l pmTeXprers. rear& Also, Oimphyriates sod arling& Boyle ' A'A MASON k. CO TRAPPORTATION LINE& l r iksl & CCP s Paaaangcr and Itaaalttanaa• Mee. SVCR.DEN /c CO. cositumo to bring perm= from any port of England, G-land. Scotland or Wales, upon the most liberal terms, with their and ponemalith and intention to the wants sod com fort rot emmiassats We do not &Haworth passengen to be robbed by the swindling stamps that infest the sem. lions, as we take charge of them the moment an d s y pan themselves, and see to their well being, spsteh diem without any detention by the lint We say this fearlessly, as-we defy one of our muse.- gers to show that they were downed 49 hours by as in Liverpool, whilst thousands of others were de months, mitt they could be sent in some old e c re, tea ' l l ; 7 : t t e ;nl7 l l " o c p h c?filnt 'q atTe U e l m l : my t e s d l. th ononiblMen what it may, and not set is the tsar last «email, with ether odiecriy—wlio either performed not MI, Or when It rusted their eortormenee. . . Brain drawn at retaberab for any sum from to .11011 e. pareditc at any el lie provincial Banks in Ire land, Ilcyrand, Scotland and Wake. JOBB UA ROBINSON, Furopean and Genenal Agent, fai.l P1(15 street ono doss hslns• W ml. ARRANGEMENT SPEED INCREASED. EXPRESS PAST PACKET LINE, ,trtmoo.:. traclusively for Pwilengerad ' VtA TOE GREAT CbINTRAL RAIL ROAD, TO PIIILADELPMA AND BALTIMORE. riDIE public are informed that on and niter SatordaYit the Ist of September, the [waiving., by. dd. Una wall be carried over tho Cenral Rail Road from Lew istown w Harrwhorgh; and from itteuee LO Pluladol phot by the Ilarnsburgh and Colombia Rad Roada— B r s ad, p as , arraegentent passengers will go through a n t ea. TINE th an icretofore.r . au The Pak of lane are uew and mane btu This tome for safety. speed and comfort, in th mow preaernl.l ,. now 111 use to the &intern eines. Hail Roads are all pawed in day light. lime, days. I': re. Tc,, Dollar.. Poe Leformatlon apply tO LEE CH, Monongahela Bongo. mid or D LEECH & CO, Canal Basin. W W I UOTY TO DALTIMODE AND PHILADELPHIA. TIU SIIORTESTROUTEer TWENTY-SLX MILES VI. Youghiogheny. River. The Pplendt4 new utd fat riming U. S.:11.1 stoma park., FARMER, A. It Punk, Matter, run as dal. I y pun ockettSdays excepted) between PITTSBURAM end WE-ST NEWTON, en opening of nnvigauonon Youghtottheny river. Leaver West Newton trout the upper Whee l Haat, every mortoug at d o'clock. Ite• turoine t ten. , Ihu.thuttrh from \Wart Boat above the 111anougabeht lindge cvery on ling al 4 o'clock 6001)8 /crewed by Agent. oat board 111 NVhar The Farmer bat ta,u hula expreasly fur RI Toughiayliciia river and th e pub.,' may rely on La remaritm na g perauen , ly in Ihr trade Particular aorauot paa! .411 way freight and p Selle Gr. onINIMMT ._1 ' owe gstow.h stud N•wr tlnsti• Ganar - Patketa. rpHE sacker BEAVER, Capt. Stanley; ',rill leave Reaves regular Monday, .WeansAlay And Friday evenings Zll PAM , an/Arrive at TOuggstown next morning at d o'clock—ran/riling, loaves Tot/no mmen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings IRA P. AL, nod reach Heaver rume (or the morning .boao, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arriving at Pittsburgh it It o'clock. . . The packet lIARKAWAY, Copt. Downing, wi 1 Irene Beaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday eve 4 insaat 6 P. M., returning, leaie New Castle, Mood ednesday and Friday evenings al 6 P. M. also eon necung with the morning bp.d for Pittsburgh. These pad tote are fitted .cip in complete ceder, hav ing fine accommodations for passengers, and skipper. may rely on wore punctuabty and greater despatch than hes before been obtained on these routes. 11TC:1k Co., Proprietors. J. C. Bidwell, Agent, Pitmburgla Bidwell tr. Bro., “ Beaver. A. D :acerb., Youngnown. B. W. Cenkinicham,"New Castle. The elegant .teenier, ALLEO.IIOII - CLIPPER, will leave Beaver, daily at 8 A. M., and Pittsburgh at 3 in running in connection with the above boats. 8116 1849. Emma Warren and Cleveland Paamenffer Lino: Canal racket—SWALLOW. —OCEAN. 0 t Zo n Stlz , a r l x i lJ n e:Le r m a o ir n eZ r d Warren, when they connect with the Marl Binges (or or Akron unil Cleveland, arrrona at each or these hefore nht. One Male packets leave Warren a•Ily st 5 P. IL, and arrive at Beaver in time to take the munling bilat Pattstiurgh. E Et Eli, Co, Warren, Pro. Ll ht TA V LOIL, , as JOIN A CAUlairli, Agent, spilt corner Water and am ii&i=l 1849. m ai. UNION LINE, ON TOE PENN'A AND 01110 CANALS. C.orroot. A. •V.o eouti, elr•rtontl, t I rror t. , It. Heaver, Pa. tvlll Lr prepia-ed on the opent ing of nava l. iran•port ireight and Pm.serojers from Prrrs Hi! itt •n 4 CLEVELAND. to any point on ,be cniial and Lake. we lAtie are uarurpa ran, uomher, yeality4o experience4llrnplotOo• 01 , lit," Irlt I • 1 . 1,4 , 1110 and 01,elan.1 daily,run • ~,,, roe .trounir. LAKE LRIE AND 1111CIIII:AN, Between andlkaver , and a Its, of east elaiif itte,ttotts, Vlore:lvy! rid Vecaals ori the Lake• A...ors• - R It,, Beaver. P, Vouna.own, Ohio. NI II 'I Warren, ..7ytv. Ravenna, • Wheettr A. Co, Akron, Crawford &Chntaberhn, 'and, 0 CriAillt, Buffalo N JOHNAgent, Offiee. roe Water and StnithSeld.sto, Pittvlittrel. BAIA V kit P.ilerGlCl . l3. Sleamer MICIIIBAN No. 2 Coot (111.1 i. LAKE EILIE, Donlon. nhove want." And well known Ll. , aver rack- J. et, Lore ovittra!noto.l waking ,neon doily top, to Lid Iron, Li • rid a,ll Vuolmac to ton 4ottovrott Pittf rial snit flea ter y dorm( thr season, to Alitinienn :care' hit...l.Jrsh at 9 olock. A. 111., and dt 1 , 1 Lake leave. Heaver daily a i A NI., 1111.:Ltirgn at :tree:vet, P. e 111 Thertc P..esturni will ran in enunriition flit I, eiirket Ltac, for Erie; T0,!..r A Leglingwell , Warren Plariket.: th.ion v! nrotlit Mat. for Cleveland; ClArke A Ct.'. snit Ct. volondl,int!rrtiliht tioktf • t. Pdar daily Ni. iliriftle Parket. CLAiLIiE, sv A Co, Braver, Agentz. DAD', A. CALI:BEY, Agent, Pittatiarfh, maL: , l nor A r Vtalvr and Noittifield eta 1849. gam AND CUM MAID ON 11117 PENNSYLVANIA ANDO/111/CANALS. THE Of opravtew u(tL:• old enuthlixhini and {m afar daily tw i, e,e,,,d.ting StATEE.N fait elaaac anal B ,oat i . rained 1., DlN:wives andrunning in entiner• Inn wan, boats BEAVER AND CALEB P'IIPE, d to ntfer unerineJ:eil facilities Tor cretsn: paweilger., I/1 up•ione➢ 1.1/•101•011, in Sal ;MLitt, on the Penn viv mil int .1..1 Lind N. York C• 1.614 and the Lakes. & Cleveland. BED Vr ELL tr. filluTll Agent., Beaver. 1. C. !HOWELL, Agent, 2 %Val., went, Pittsburgh. W. C. ato'vatA, BIDWELL & BROTHER. romardiag Iltrchants, BE:API:A, PA, Agents firrrju Pit,lnr•gitandarveLva Pat, 1,1,0,and Era Lms pm Erin, 411,4 l f nos: Brzirr u;iel Cara Gap, 0,. mg porrhs.ed the large nml subctattt4lWh I.ltmt pot hut, lor the Moncongsthelo Packet, ha 111 C IP( it Wurrhouse, the must exttple a oiinodanor., :cr rrreiving end far andarardidgand plntlge their I.onni. sitmOlon, proniptne. and denipatch on,igninei to to thdlr nett, and rely on their fnenda for , • rtnl. mnt2-dly IL E nito. rtu"rsuta:usi ft •• 1849. Old Established Line. ONTO]: ERIE EXTENSION GANAL. min.:Propr t. ietor of .4 wyll known Line of Canal j no t.l w prepared to transport Passengers and neigh , to all poinu 011 111, Erie Elle/mon, Now York Cllllll l O and the Lakes, upon the most favorable term.; and u-uh devateh. nor Lint. 00110 In conneettan with the *team boot. lII:AVER and CALEB COPE, 1.-turren Pittsburgh and !kneel . , C Iteed'a Line of ammo boats atui•von ',lion tun hale, and tho Troy and :Michigan Lake noel Line 0 11 the New York 0 30161. C. REED, Proprietor, Edo, Pa. Bidwell h Brother, &Rent., leaver. T Mather, Agent at/ Aleakintennl Paarroger Office. Mnoonl;abela 800., Pittsburg b. CONNIGNIX-s—W C Alalan,Sll.l,ollj J &BINH, t u. if ' ire ' o r t! v i " Wick, 9 ;:e w h n r i c " l. C i n U W " . 1 17,T,W Ilartstown: D.111;1 1 & Potion, Buffalo; Barney, 11Ibb. Co; Soularkyi Jur Arrontroug, Detroit; istralinid Newberry, Sliel.yrian; APOluc - r A kin; 11001, Marley & Dutton, Racine; Joon II Binate, Chicago, N WheaUcr & Co, Nov. York. api • PIiNNSYLVANIA & IL. 1849. intitia. EX PIMSS FAST PACKET LIEF, • PLuiturgli fa Phi/414411M and Hartman. 11...xeluelvely for Potocogrrel T'w;Stt::::ir"r'..!7:li:t'lito'oryi: l? ” 1 le L r ' e n b ' . The bgels ut tins ore of Pawnor elan enlarged enhino, winch will give green, ,„,„(„„ „ onAirogerA. A Ooet wtil ill ivlys be in 11011, anti .1..11,F...ran. cluer.lo.l enii .111.1 r 4/ amine thorn belore engaging" 4nge by male,. loop will leave thelonding,o,l pow.: the :1. Howl, varier ntreet sod Con .• o Vol y Foal. on C. for L. • FA RI, • NINE DOLLARS TIIILOVGII. Tian---:ti Dopo. Fur in:omen°, apply at the r, hionOngehete I Itio , r, o r a, 1,14:4:11 'h, kraal iturnt. N. IL— Die proprietor" of ibe alwce Lane are new building Oil tottlitsunat how Poritelt,to run m above 11We Roil Rune nom lewsatown to Plalattelphia. At that nine • pneket will leave every taoirtisig and even. nip. Time through, 0,1 tray•. ItKLIAIYCiC PORTARLIG BerA - 1 1— LIBIL, agag2llB49; 0 1 ,0.1111 For the trattrporru 311 qt Abirentantline n • rigrwEp.s - AND rr 000 A rewire on than Line ate not transhipped Ur between Paratiurgh and Philadelphia, being ear. foo t teehou Portable Routs over land and wa er: —to 'Minim. Cl titerehlthdare requiring careful h aa irting, this Is illinifronanue. No eliargu made for in meet rg or shipping, or (or advancing changes. An good. forwarded whit dispatch, and ort m resatinable terms as by any otbef Line. JOHN h. Co, Chink! Basin Penn at, Pittsburgh • JArl GI DAVIS& Co, marl :7J blurrier & hi Commerce at, Phi la. JOHN AlerAfrEN & Co, Forwarding and Commis- Coo Merchant:, Canal Ilwitn, Penn at, Pittsburgh. JAMES 31 DAVIS & Co, /loth Factors and Commis -Mon Merchants, W Market and SI Commerce street, Philadelphia. ' ' man I,Wr—Adesnees rinds, by caber of the aboTe on flair, Vreel and other nterehanerre connived to theneke• TRANSPORTATION. 8611 -RIPEN S ENIENSILIST. 1849. Abaft. s 00 , 111 LUNE. rvuE einziette of PITTSBURGH and its vicinity me 4, rem:tem:Dilly informed Mu we have no connection 'th any miter Wmtern Earess. and are now me wed to forward FACKAGLS, hUGICHNDiSE, from Beads, New York, Philadelphia end to Pittsburghand other Western Mos, with 'CITIVOT. dinar, expedition and maw... mason. At Baltimore we have emaciated with us Dr. W. S. toomme, who was for fifteen years euperimendent of BMW.. and Ohio Rail Road Company; Howe. !WIN.; Rao., for many years principal confidential agent ofthe Post (Mee; and G. W. Can, Esq., of Biewnsvilla Pa. These gentlemen will give parsousl superviaioa to the Line bum Baltimore to Pittsburgh. Prom PhEsstelphia we Wall no. THREE Daily Es, prase Lion, arriving to Pittsburgh respectively in Two, Three and Pour Days. One Two Day Lee will MP a: marl imam!. and Is principally irestaded Wyman and valnable Panne. We Mall invariably receipt for mts and nu.. We havea an_aement with Messrs. &weans, Ilats k Co. , W.A.ATLAIVPICI EXPRESS, by which we can forward Packages to, or transact OM. mission. ln, Great Britain, France, and moat of the Continental Ch.M. Messrs, Venni. Hale & Co..unne in England with the well known great form house of Mews. Cl/11.11 HO., and In Frame with • the "Moen genes Nationale." We. thrall spare no expense or exertion to get our goods through with the utmost despatch, and endeavor to furnish the public with • malty well conducted Eo press. Small parcels and package. will be tarried by um at extremely low rates. Perkins wishing to are our Lines are respectfully requested to particularly order th eir correspondents to aloe by "ADAMS &ICU'S EXPRESS." Philadelphia, Nov'. 10. ADAMS tr. CO. The Agency of the above Express Line will be conducted at this city by J. C. BIDWELL, naval-dim Water street. 1849. aMwEla I I Beaveignad xi* Mxpress Packet t P = a's'er' M.,tEnVd Pasergeekrt. I u ' NIAGARA, Cern H R Jeffries; PENNSYLVANIA, " !II Ham.; LAKE:ERIE, " hl Trobr, QUEEN CITY, " J Mallally; Fanning a daily Line between Heaver and Erie, have commenced running, and will continue daring the sea son to make their regular trips, leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morning been from fintsbargh, (I 0% clock, r. r) and arrive at Erie in time the passengers to take the coo Domini Buffalo or np the Lake. Tickets through Erie and all Lake porta, can be N Ind by applimakpli ens 'JO . I3.N rw. A C r tU d illEY ch , s Agt, ed at. • c- as GEORGE taME, antkin '' 4 ander the St Charles Hotel 4i,i ailliaa .'1849. MICILCHAATIVIAAI sr aIRIGIIT 1 his For Illairsville, Johnstown. Lollidayeburgh, and all lotormedias nieces. MIIIS Line NOD emit/nee to carry all Way Goods .I. with their usual deapatch, and at fair rates of freight. Aran—C. A. WANIJLTY A Co, Pittsburgh. D II Wakefield, Johnstown John Miller Hallidayeburilt. liskimanco—James Jordan Smith A Sinclair, Dr F ghoenberger. abloom, John Parker, _S F Von Bonn horst I Co. Wm Latimer lb Co, Jno APDevili ik Urns, Pittsburgh; John Ivory, Suntit,Blolhollan dlty th lne Grail:AC, Ltagmnllet m PLUM. i Co.& PAVKICT LIME • 1848. - 1 HEAVER ANACLVELAND LINE, Ma WARREN. Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. OCEAN, Capt. Waiters. PPiga( the gave Packets law. Beaver everyday, (Sundays excepted) and arrive next morning at arren, where they connect with the hall litiges for Akron and Cleveland arriving at each adieu, place, before night. One the Packets lease Warren daily, all P. M., and arrive at Beaver in time tp take the sam o Vi&es i mbor; for I ( i . Mii. w. id B TAYLOR, r'n'tProprit'sa DEAVER AND •ERIE PACKET LINE. pan to Till Lacs Lts irony goose. Anna! Packet—Pmcarkvants, Capt. Joffrim; " Tionexwed " Pollock; Lame Eft, Trabm " Brood; " Fractirom Bayer. The above new and splendid Passenger Packets have cotanumeed running between BEAKER ANDIERIE, and will run regularly during the season—one boat leaving Erie every morning at o'clock, sod arm leav ve Beaver every evemm, tommsliately after th e arri al or the steamboat Michigan from Pr.,,,en. boats are new and connermtily rites.-ea Kos tem tun through ,r lofty bow • Pusepasis In auT awn' on toe Lakes. or to :Simons Falls. wilt fine this ril. ''• co, e, us:n - lante eipettlnous. 'rickets (trona. cons on the Lake can, be procured by Rooming ie •the proprietors. REED PARKS k 00, De..e. D It at A. cAlAili:l, t, lt,itsbut A. , nor Wa t er and via arrlimn, Iradalo, N C II Reed. Erie, Pa . C C Wick,Arreenville, AlTarimul and 4ug, wg Bend, Pa, lisps& Plawri, Pliatbargti, Pa, W C Maladlibaron, li.; tI C Mathews, Pulwki, Pa; W Cumungliam, New Caw!, Pa. 1)1 Eneiniaboat - raj . El Ile ISLAND Y 1:17. I' will be •01.1 at public annul ntbe ray of Wheel• ing, on MON DA it, loin day olstte ceosiber, LS4V. Terms.-One Worth in band. aI.J tb bala - see at ,a,l It month., with tntstest .Approved ueotottaltle paper Will Isa mken. Mir the deterred pay men.. Sale postuv. H. MAKSRE, novid D. Z ANE inwritoLictin, on ROCK OIL “Thin, •te mare Mar In heaven and mush Thin are &tempt of an philosophy.. ?TIRE VIRTUFa of this researtahle remshly , and j the eonstmt application for it, to the propnetor, has indoced low to harp it pat up itLb . o . ttles with Ia • and d direcuons for the benefit of the public. The PETROLEUM is procured f • wall in this • • • county ,at • depth w it ho ut hundred feet, 11l • pore ens dulterated arttele, any chewiest change, but rust o flows from Nixon'. Gnat Latrratory!! Thato contains properties reaching a number of.diaeasea,,ts no longer a matter of uncertanny. There •re many things in the art.& of noure,whicht i(knowu. might be of cost urefulneo in Cicerones thirsting, and re. storing the, bloom of health and vigor to many a sot. Wow. Long before the propoetor thought of putting it up in bottles, It bad a reputation for the core of dis ease. The constant and duly incremung calls for It, and several remarkable eines it has performed, is a sure indication of rut future popularity and iids spread application in the Lure of disease. We do cot wish to make a long panda of certifi cates, as we ere cetwelons that the medicine can soon work its way Imo the favor of those who coffer and tooh to be healed. Whilst we do not claim for it • universal application in evert - disease, we übbesita tingly say, Not in • number of Chronic Distues it to rthrtvalled. Among these may be enumerated—all disc•ses of the mucous tortes, sash as CHRONIC URONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION Ito Its early e. g.,/ Aattueit, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Diarbeen, Disease. of the Madder and 'Eldroyn Pains in the Utak or Sole, Nervous Diseases, Neuralgia, Palsy, Mermen. Paths, Gout. Eiyeipeith, Tenet, Rlngwoves, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, old Sores, !re., the. Ni easel of debility re sting from exposete, or long and protracted eases of dwelt.. Um medicine will bong relief. It will set as a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In such ewes, important tone and energy to the whole Dome, remov ing obstrucumor, opening the sluggish fnoctions, which cause disease and a broken constitutionand giving interned and renewed energy to all the aria. of Llfe! proprietor knows of several mirth of PILES, that resisted ever other troutmeoli get well under toe we of the PETROLEUhI for • short time. ,The proof can be given to any person who desires it. None geoulne ',about the Signature of the proprietor. Soldhy.the proprietor, S. 51,KIER. Coal Basin, near B..end, n. '• Also ray R F. SELLERS. fly Wood su and—KEYSER t M'DOWELL, corner Wood el. and Virgin alley; who are his noon-ally regularly appointed Agents TUBB AND CHURNS PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY No. 91, comer Markel and Finh—or 49 Morita. . • . • , . - . oaken Third and Fourth sta. f VIIE ustisontior keepsconstantly . on hand, whole ," rule and retail, the following uncles ria , WV ash Tubs, Hood Chants, Meat Tubs, ' Barrel goons Both Tubs Half Bushels, Wooden Bowls , , Pecks and Ralf Preis Wash Boards, ' Bouts Bound Buckeur, Cloilies Pica, Towel Rollers Wooden I.adirs, Brawl Rollers, Clothes Basket., Market Baskets be., be BARBEL ICROBSEN, norl4 No 63 Diamond allay, Piusburgh LOGANWILSON & CO., NO. 1519 WOOD ISTDEBT. 6,.t.RE NOW REX:RIVING a. large and colopiste as sorunent of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, SAO. Lr.tty, Lod CARPENTERS TOOLS, direct from one manufacturers Xn Europe and America, and are rirt. (OW prePitred lo offer goods at such prow as cannot rail to please, and would particularly craned the atteption of Merchants who are in the habit of go ing MX, os we Nei confident rimy will find, after a thorough examination, that our prices will compare favorunly with any bodge lit'Philltddlphlis or New York. oats ABLE FOUNDRY )011,11110101.1101 , 1 liE undersigned successors , successo to A nt son, beg leave to Inform the citizen, and public generally, that they have reh (N.F. h OILIN URI' end arc VOW la fullo have part of their pattetne ready for A...aura which ere Cooking Stoves, Stoves, with a splendid almight Coal 13 now sopereeding In other eines the Suer. Alto, a cheap coal COoking eta led for smell Wallies, with a full am Mon and mantel Grates We would gui vile the audition of per... ..chop. before pareb.iag, and OZIII3 aftkie of eneininelled timbre, Emlshed entirely new in this market Warehouse, No. Liberty in, Op 1.010:6111 NIC/101..SUN WINIdB, 1.161,E01661, 61100 E Lulus... so mfr...., Piga., ke. Ilewslesl tilq iIO{CNIG soul Smut trade, that celled.ttiOlU, the articles tor sole, lu .ale the 11 followcne: Co pkgie Boatel], Mindeaur and Pogue, Mandeen f d vintaq uellets and 00151 Mande ges; 0 pipes Vahan d tims; puneheons Jameson SPlrissi do New England Rang 2 J. & etch and Irish Masker, 161 bids Old Almunteshels Rye Wlnikcy; 3L five gal desuunn on du; 1037; Al pkgs Madeira and Sherry Wow., m ht pipe., 6..4 min and octaves; 06 pkg. Lisbon and Teem& Wines, OPteriersil ha gyp Post Wines, us piper, hi pipes and quarters; 67 Obis and Md. Obis Sweat and Dry itlalaga Wine.; 90 bbls Old Peach Brandy.. lfeluseka Illo,Lagelayse and Java Coffee; 71 pkgs Y. IL, b. P. and Chid. Teas; 30pitge stunted Tobacco; SON and hales Spice% 13 bola White Spa . ! 37 baskets fresh tland,OLll l 75 g o Champagne', Wine', pas and cps; 174 ease.(l dos) Claret Wines; 60 do Slack of Elthier do; 23 do Sauterne Wider, dohluscat; 15doBlaek berty 111321 . 1 1 , M7= k et . gate, tfl i teL , w ow litt . Stout, Atothatic Ana kbards, Bottled Wines ' and Li quors of Meths.. lam* 44;Juselie y eam=014 Absynth, hierasouno. Ofgeat,lettaes y liook and can. tk.t. ds, Aneboviese Pladmes, Lobster. In jets, C.Ms, Morita, Ketchops, P.:Chocolate, Corks, Punch !Jags, Muddlers, Seger &tape, hlashen,and Pinsitcgh Kam 5 / 555)r ga generally. 'JACOB IiVENV Jr. mei? cos gasket and It me MACYEtEL,-10 60 kf bbld NNo' 2 1 klockamd; o do; so No 3 .y; ~,ILecavidm from tbdo 4221 so for 2210 .22 , 41 • JAXIIIIDALK6I.424 Whit a MEDICAL. QSLLEIRS' FAMILY MEDICINES—' T hey are ths IJ Idedietnes 01 the da OutrarCa y!, STAMOS, OhloLlflay !..,1969. E.Sellers: I think it right for therbenat of others to mate some facts in telanon to Yner eneelient Feat. ly Medicines. I have ased your Ventage Jeremy in my from fam ily, One vial frequently mustering far eiPellnli quantities Outy Ito POW worms from rem childna I rse hue also Used your Liver Pills aadjltfb BTrap en my fmnily, and they have in every ceprodoced the elect desired. As I am hov eredeng In merehandiving, I am able to state dim I yto h 0.., ef the. find failure where your medicines have been - used in my radon of the Country. 10 COUchtalon. I May state that they are tha medicines of the dry, and are destined .0 have a Very ejtermiye populism) , Your., ree.,ecuuty, uma, . • Prepared and cold by R. t I 1,103., No 57 tVnod stems, and sold by Druggo enerally in the two el- Ilea and ViCillitY. v3l (I MEAT OHRE OF LIVER COSIPLAIRT, biTe 13" original, only atleird:e Liver Pill. Sena L Ohio county, Va./ eh 461 h, ISO. Mr. R. E. Helier.: Dear Str—l think it a duty I owe to you and to the public gmera ly, smut that I have been abated with the Liver Cataplatat for a long ume, and .0 badly: that an ahem formed and broke; which left me in p Very low ate. Having • beard of your celebrated Liver Pills 4ring for sOe by A R :bShop in Wpm Liberty, and recommended to me by y phymeimi, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to mve them a fats trial. 1 purchased ene box, and found them to, Mot what they are recommended, THE HE S T LI VER PILL EVER USED, and after taking four beocti find the dieutase ha. entirely le ft me, and tam now ,pertmtly well. Respectfolly yours, • . West Liberty, March 26, Me. cently that I maa personally segardated with Mr Coteau •, ,uld can bear testimony to th 6 truth of the sheove .oertilicate. - A H SHARP The ;roams Liver Pltls are prepared andnold by Hto I..LERS, No 67 Wood street, and by 'druggists in um wt. sides. TO:161 ruBLIC.—The original, only true and gen. nine Liver Pills are . imposed by R Et:tellers, and have bin name matured m black Ina Ape the lid of each box, and his signatere on the outside wrapper—au others are comterfens, or hue imitations. spin R E SELLERS, Proprietor CAIUNINATIVZ BALSAM 129011 the Rev ABA SHINN, a wellknown sad pop alto Clergymen olthe Protestant Methodist Church • floe andandgeed hearing been afflicted during the put sinter with a disease orate stomach, sometimes pre teens great pain in the tomach for tenor twelve hours withent inter et ' , emoted. after having tried venous remedies with effect was furnished with a bottle ot Dr DJayeesiC Imam< 212bann This he used ac cording to the dire. ortes, arid go nod invariably that Oils medicine caused the man to abate in three at four mitt. ales, and in fifteen armrest =antes ever* uncut , sensation was entirely quieted. The medicine woe af. terwardaessal whenever indicatiormot the approach Cl pale wereperrealved, andthe prom was thereby preVent. ed. He contironed to sae the mediate every evening and SOMPlinitt , on •he morning, and in a few weeks health 1/10so arrastored, that the sufferer was relies cd from a large SIZIOLIntof oppressive pato. From en patience, thereto., ot e ran confidently recorraneood D Jaynes Cuminalnve nalsam, as a salutary medlcir fir tissues Mate stomach and barrels. A SIIINND Als ci hens ty,Do' Palma. In Pittsburgh at 't sPE l l e fl N la STOR 72 Fourth street, near We c. and also at grelhoug Btoreorll P SCHWARTZ. Ire •ral street. /amine, V/kLOAAIL .INCOVICELVI CONSUMPTIVES, BE ON YOUR GUARD. DR. 'DWAYNE'S COMPOUND BYRUP OF WILD CHERRY, TIM MM. Marna lot Coanurption, Coach., Coble, Anthem, Bronchitis, Liv er Co m plaint, Spirting Bleed, Difficulty or Breath ing,Pain lu the Bide and Beraal, Palpitation of Hie Heart, Bitumen, Clomp, Broken COS otimtiek lßste Throat, Herron.: Debili ty , and all Disguise of the Throat , Breast antLusigs: the :tweet?- factual and speedy cure ever known for any of the abr . thamte- Dlt. Stt AYNEIS' Cesapourad Syrup of Wild Cherry! This medne is no longer among Moat of doubtful odllty. It has pmsed aunty from the thousands deily lannalted upon the de at edlgletimenh end nmeatands higher leputation.abd la becoming more extensive ly need then any ashes preparation ef medicine ever prodaced for the relict 01 autlealep mart. /t hae been iamoduced very gerundly through the BMW States uld likespo, ,said theft., of Importance but *hat c on tain some rematkable evi deem of its good edema For proof of the foregoing ineMenents,m2 of the value and efficacy of dos med. ' chub the proprietor will imett a low of the many thou• mad testimonials which have been presented to him liy ma alike first respectability—men who have higher wising ( stionp responsibility end Justice, than lily babel', teem. it will do another • (mob aud gummelves ttO injustlea Such temlniony prove. con clusively, that im *expelling excellence m established pp Ito inmacie merit; and the unquestionable authori ty of public opinion The lastant.ros. relirt it of. fort* and Me soothing influence disused thump nie **oh, frame by its use, senders It • moat no Iresalds ortamly ft.. the inducted. REMEMBER! m trine., ttWhea mmi, acting from ronseiontiow volmtarily bear testimony to the truth to •• Sr pa/limier Cam, such testimony, being contrary to Melt woth11) !Merrill.% and purposec, reef,* cOnsiatern nt 11. , troth, end commend. • special manner tu %Mier/nal ere4enre."--O'llogat'es Moral Meth.. RII.AIe TUE HOME rERTIFICATFA. Srm. Am:mina Cuai or Pc Laturale ColoVSlsllosr- There Ile , er woo a remedy Mat ba• been as surttectlo, tn desperate caws 01 Con4eruption. as Dr Swarm, I.loispOuel ~ y rup of Will cherry, It carengibms. the sycleri. andupprOto to heal Me nice" on the lung, enfant t nw and etch blood, pt.wer iolwesosi 1.)• other On e to, Caws; I oApril tMth, Ica ac ttc-- 0.-sr i I vralv s•lte, four Com , mund Sirup to Wtlil cheery hat been die w rist rating my his. eauglit a tt‘cf t raid, wbich grade ally grew worm, attended with a Imre. cough, Mat' re You'd oil Ile remedies whieh I had /KOUT.' to, eon Inexessing mall my else eskihtted all the •yrupniene yelomarythetutoptiou. Every thins I uudeseftwo tO Fare no e i tse I, and my eceeplawe .d so-rapid ly Rut (Men as *ell as my•elt, save up atlihopm of dy tecovery. At thls time I wan teeonmended to try your invaluable medicine: dpi so with the most hap py results. The farm bottle bui the elect to loosen the Weigh, catmint urn to expectorate freely; •nd by the time had usM boules 2 l was entirely well, and sin owe as heady • mmt as ever leas in My itht, and would be happy to give my infonnanotoreemeting Y ease, that ; other to even may derive the benefit for Which Ia so gement'. For the truth of the Mame inetement, I refer e ns rmer Roth, eraser, Wad% Metter, ph. of wheat I norcbaud Ma medicine. Regret...lly you, /axis tdosase. I Wonderful Cnris ftierkauf Minutee. D r . ft•rayne—Dear :in I I, ei a debt of gratitude dee 'a you—and • duly tu the Cinema genera ll y, to oder My humble testimony Id favor of pout 'Compound Sy rup of Wild Cherry. donw. Utter jean Melee I Was Violently attached mon cold amt nation of the Lungs, which sum accompanied wit h a dam-sung cough, pain ut the breast sod bead, • very considere• tie discharge et one:love mucus from the longs, e s p e . listi nt li a ta pe:soothing° of weather, however slight. At It alarm shout ray condition, Lot wag pretty than Convinced that !Waif rapidlni l es scarce. yp o . gr ew dads weaker, andength was scarce ly able to welt about, or speak shore • whisper, such. Was the tried weakness array lungs. During tale gale I had tried venting preparations and preala notion; hotfound no reftef—growing all the ulna worse. Joel here (was to and persuaded by a dear friend in WilminglOn to make ins! of Your Drop of Wild Cher. ry. I thaneirew that previously I hat heed preps diced mantel patent medicines, and fain stillagalust those coming out of the hands of en/perks, hut Linde, standing your Oath t to the prOfessiao Mid of medicine, and Weenie faith in UM saying of my friends, I fortliwtth purebthed of Dr. thaw, one of yunr agents, &low bode., and commenced its lath r fay o ss . cue was KIWI.. uhse of :Nor %months' standing, con sequently it wax deeply rented. found, however, sionMderable relief from the nth o(the first four or five bottles. Dot being public speaker, I frequently at tempted to each with toy increasing strength, and thereby rupture.l those vessels that had already begun to heal; in this way, doubtless, toy earn was {ready icuirdcd. In consequence of acting thus imprudent , I had to use twelve or fifteen bottles before I mini, fcctly mitered I hare no question, • much sma ll number of.bottlos would have suede me sound, ha the above trubserenon. The dyftth allayed the fea tab habit, tools -way the distressing cough, put •st to the discharge of matter from the lungs, and so them and the can system good health. I have delis red offering this geruficate until now, for she puep sos . of being satisfied with the permanency of the nom and now .hat I feel perfectly well I offer it with pleasate. Roy. J. D. Jottnao Dublin county. N. C. /mponswll antrum—Rea& Read' There lv butt.. a !ermine preparation of wiaCherry, d that is Dv tiwevetabb the first over littered to the pobitc, which wee been mid largely throughoutthe V Ualed States and Ha. porno of Europe; and all pre- Wan exations canoe by the name of WilCherry have put Ma, and. cover of ou ter deceptive circumstances, .o order to gave currency to their sales. Ely a little obeismauou, no pence need mistake the germ/rut from tl l false. Each bottle of the genuine is enveloped wit s twantiful steel engraving, with the likenesa of Witham Penn thereon; also, Dr. Swayne's signature: and .s further security, the portrait of Dr. Swayee will L.' added herealter, so as to distinguish Ws preparation. 'soon all ethers. Now, It it was not for the great curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Swayne's Conewund by of Wild Cherry, persons would not be nsideenortng to give currency to their now. ems"' by weldin the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, eleven boo r 113.1.1 the name of Dr. Swayer .nd be not deceived. Principal Ofisse, corner of Eighth and Race menu, Plandelphie. For see Wht.l.lo! and retail by OGDEN ix SNOW DM, nor MI and Wood as; Li A FARM/STOCK 0 0 ,,c0r tot am. Wood, and eth mad Wood en; Will riloaN,ta Marko 411 SR/NE/s,lbn Liberty et; /AS A JUNES, CO3 vim/ . and Penn sts; /011 N MITCH. ELI., Afirighem city, and by all respectable dealers in medicine. 00113 W Inland.* Premix.= Pleater R. W. P. INLAND, erne Meshed College bf Phil mielphia, now opento the public his Indian Veg etable Premium Plaster, the qualities of wpich after ION( and tried experience, her beep maisfacuinii en. tablUbcd. rt e e women vnin,may be &Meth with VIVIMptIIII M or Felten Womb,Jie recommends his plater, gueraineeing sure end speedy cure In the Mori mince of from two to thee week., if applied with care and reetwelimerding all the counties mann:icon no d e xpensivnbandeges so long in use. This feels conscientioue at eteting, inasmuch a. lie has not failed in one - cute out of three hundred and fifty-three pa. Unit. Weak UR ell or Hack, at w,,d.d with pain there is nothing tu excel Um Piaster in affording f or affirming • cure. For sale by corner of Diashond and Market at Braun Reiter, " Liberty and St. Oen sts rgcn Federal et and Inenuund. Atte. itirny city Jerque. t Co, tt Denman and Diamond Lilnutogi 0 ?AVM ra IYleha 1 of Plltsbargh W 0 ration, and .0 market.— •al sod Wood .vo, which Is cocoon round wall adap. Itlll ofonl r In. call at our WO a rpleadul hoc style— ! . Wool st i& PAY NI, II ICs, &co II ,t. k, em. iN %VIM , — , anduccluents ... ann: u i l, b i e , e ns“ 11rwal es, la -• Fe SELLERS, Omega, No OS Wood ea.. Sole Agent for the Mart of Dr. Tosatiandtic. trStaaparilia, Jon received Ml: dozen ot this tiros Spring and Saar bledictue. Putchasern should recollect that R alters in ale agent for Pittsburgh, ad It di Curry a Allegheny mod_ urriiiilf OF COFFEE—An prate which le ra .r coming into one a a ',lmamate, nounalng and delicious eeeee being more pleasent ad pal. stable than common Coda, and for cheapen. as aamatl papercosting only lea cents, will gm iv far as four pounds of Rce. blaustactured by JOHN S. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold at wholesale hit A FAILIESTOCK Co, corner of Fast ad Woolad &rub ad Woodutrectit, Plit.abure. .P 1 . • CALIFCALIFORNIA ORNIA RUBBER 0000 .- Jolt received, 39 Camp Blankets; tel oilers coats; pro Pants; lapinr Teas ned ?dialog Boots; la seater Tanks, 6 and 11 gallons each; 150 canteens, galloneacti;' I dos Dachau Money Belts; I do oiled cambric do do. The otiose goods tor sale 51 the Cali. fonds Mating Eatstilishment , No 6 Wood st. mch94 J fr. II PHILLIPS AIiISORTED SPICES—Pot up fa, tinnily use, 11. fin sans, enclosed In a sliding A lld boy, containing ?dastard, lsolee, Cinnanion. Glaser, Oda, Pepper, Warranted yam: For sale at Oaf nal, Spice, and Manned Factory, corner of Ferry & Liberty am miry JOHN H HELL Ali to triLs—Wnght arca Anvils, aacasiLls watts,war/IMA will be constantly oa Mad and saPPlisti order Aw, salll • ( 1510 C ' SO Wood st - • ••• .ca di20%.4 .... .i.ra . . i 48..e.A...11.1ea.:•.2 ,z, ~ . , lie t El ll23.2 e =?..: ..1.-s - -a et / -2.9.1....e-,z, ... ... 4 ~ t zt : :ggrilPt.l..2 1= Ci3 . N , 284' .. d .I •l2L A SE .z ia4gr.lgg ti 1: 1 . ! • , A;d 2 ;40327 - 1 ' d.'''' ' mo o -A.C3,l3Ea.i. E E .r. ~..., • ,.gat, . ,1,,kif.41111:14.2- 1 1 ' ". • 47-2 " 11 iiiii t if•ii:Elf lg gl a tA; Al 4 1 1 4 ":;. =l3 Ir.t. rill ie11.,.. 2 11,T,A.i..f.i5 , a ;a:Stir. S- I'lialaprilsiqt(iq 4,10 .5 a mad ri ! : 4.12..,11:45 , : -2, 05•-s-- c q. la itl 3 " . 3.1 - f. 2., 'eV rcj= . • CZ w i i Ail Sitra l igiti;: a lVi,: . 2.4l2aE. 01 • iii•ViliglilEg;o El F.' ..z.4 - ... ..; Qa @, ..1 t :fp...0..1 4 4 _1,21.-,0.ict.1.5 , 3: ... V 2. vw4l'll a riit g ., • ' 3 l 1 7 1 7 .; ill ma (5 ciitill..".ll 2 itr! - ElV.! 4 7'fflll•: s 4 ' 1 P i lilla l l ,1 6 1" • 24 4. 1 .1= spy a- gge 5 fllir"PialiNz'tr.;:g2i::•si:•zil ?, 4,—i v .vaL,1 41 1.-5 , -v. , ..4,-gs gis.l I le:. • . 4P 111..X81r 1-6---- ' --' -' t .. ••-.o l :4lailt,t 1ie:1 2 ' 1 ' 4 % 4 ',.. = .... ggcauctf ' C m !rbili E Sl* 2 0";.1 1 Titil ;!: :IN 1 -4 ,- "•3941.14.....'8"-°•si: a ° .- I . 1 0 s irOgai?..4ig.rgla PI Z.,1 .1.r7. Za gq ai. ce, ° s ? 0 3 1 411 a .R 2- gsE re ' ;7:-, 2;1 OX la E g la. gp. 4 ...-itgl - 0442. 4 1" •S• 0 P. - Sa" '2 C., , N lA. 1 g co . z ES 1 ` z 3 rof ar:32;zzlti 1.6 g a 2 cf S a e . - v i 2 kai .4 . -41-,icts,l-1:- . 4 f..-1 r z a.. 40 , EP- .ile i te.U.PM,l ,l, Etira 3 3 e l: ,?... ...- .4 ..3‘)-.2.0:.... 1 .r.i• :: aRi .5 ra..-9 ~. -0 - p ... I, i n u f a ' cod ‘..;1.A1f.7.1: 41 %.: erh u illTe.- 1 -Velineq < d' 14,4 0 432 . 7 2 1 1 4 1;;:1ii NC .4 FiAiitl,2llllN:-Lii Ca cc; f:1% 2 ETA r. AxacriTsi—mt JACKSON, JOHN MOI KkeIiANGE BROKEM. I..IIIOLEMB i 80TH. rin e Rzehan'BS. Brok•re, - RAFTS, ACCEPTANCaI,OOI.D,SILVER AND BANK NOTES. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes and Acceptance. payable it - any part of th e Onion, Collected (bathe roost favorable ten 9.. EXCiI NON on New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore; al 10, Cmciimini, Louisville,: Saint Louis and New Orleans, eonstantly forsale. BANK ROTS:S.—Nouns on all solvent banks in the United Stlitell diaconnted at the lowest rams. All kind. of Foreign and Amertcan Gold and Silver Cain bought and .old. _Office No. ad Market street, between 11and 41h, Pittsburgh, Pa. roc*.s 11081GICUS IEXOLLAN BILLS 'on England, Ireland, and Scotland boot imy amount at Me Current Rams of F.cellanga. o, Anita payable In wry part of the Old,Conntrms, from At to 11000, at tho rue of SS to the S Staling, without deduction or rhacount,,by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, amen= and General Agent, a:R.6'sth at one door wept of wood. octant W.LIII ciixtk kimumn jp 9 / I .ID war 4 FLAE, LAggREES AND EXCHANGE UROKERS, dealer. In Foreign and Doioraesio . Bill. of Exchange,Cer ies Of Drposite, Bonk Note. and Coin, comer of Al and Woad zireeis i directly oppoeita St. Mork. Dn. ~ ,s- ONo rthervall, Ifamk Noun, purchased at am lowan rstes, by N. HOLMES de SONS, repl3 Y. Market wash 1.) iD New York, iplaleand um' ore, Constantly for sale by N. HOLM/0 •4k SONS. sepl3 35 Marketer.. BOOK TRADE. "Owe of the Most Revaartadle Won(' . ufth.e Age. , XTINEVEIi AND ITS 11.EbLUNS; with on occonni /I of S visit to the Chanewwft elates.. of Kuidne two, an& the Yelidll, or Ewan-Worshippers, and an Inquiry into the hlonnets nod Arts of the Ancient An werians He AIISICII Henry Lerma, Ee.q. Wen Introdoctor.s. NOD, tty Prot. E. Rohm:ton, D. 1)., I.L. D Illtatnned with 13 plow+ sod insps and itt) wool eat, vols. two. cloth. 5134. .• . • .Tlae boat boa a rare amount of Kraph•ic, v$ urckyue van' •11VP ••The Work ul Layard i. the mom prominent comp, bunon to the study of an:Nutty. Wet uppeered fur teeny —Chrirt. leg. .•Not eve oAcels to teletext th e account of Nineveh and a• Rua,. it,ern by Mr. l.syerd "—Wu.htes-tou Inielitersteer foliovw tn< dteurrs with 9.renitocsa Interest n rhea clenvution, and nuddenly tad ott“elve• tc• orr=tura tuturs calved ne it. latala. accuracy, liftrug gsgauttc bead Irani tue dust of Z.V.K , -ear*, sr,. rad . air out neat!, !hen stonodsed 'tut, , :tVl!talt, air wrondritul. but It to .ter.•^—let lepr u„ lid Waal. Sow Books. riPIIF. WOMEN of Inc old ad New Teniamtent. I 121ted by PI LI elpraotoo ILL) 1 vol. Imp. 000.. "A..* l wwu J t .44.1411i14 . 21. ..cograving, J• 111,1,114.• by ea,. A55.........0ge0nm0u_ FORMS UV AMELIAAMra. Welby, of icy 4 a now and enlarged cduloo; alnatraued by engnseinfa from oricitialpestgoo by ram 1 vol. square Sys, elegant. ty hound nod gilt. Also—A vanely of splendid Annu m!. nod Gitt Boas. Se . I d Child's Most Book of }he Iltstory of Rome. I vol. t TILL MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, adapted for the age of Carpeatera, Shipwrights, Wlicolvenshts. Saw yers, Lambertuen. Stadonu, and Artisans generally: being a ottoroesol, and practicel TOatue on Monsoon. non and th e t•lnting Rule. By D. fd. Koper, A.M. Bare, *lh r Anse on Greek Prone Compoti.n. Mendota' , Elementury French Grammar. By Prof. tiracne, Mown Uraversity. 1 vol. (oeitlenet t.ereniun' Heboaw Glamour, by Conant:, Geom..' I lebrew ItSJCOII. Truatimuctry nod Loganttootte Titbleg. I vol.(shoopd The Fneltaltuun's Greek Concordance. I vol. (MY, ) Anthotes Classie•l Rene. • %Rohner's Lhenouary, (.31/1.4 GL 1 VOLn'O. do do mahoolged. I se! ito. Harries Not and Qoestious ua New Trountent Whotelrir Logic. Mosheon'. Feclesoistical History 1 vol.. and irdoecli I Vestogno t Cr.-lotion I vol. Ifuo. hlornolgt moos , the Jena, at Borne. 1 vol. (clod, and paper.) Scene, where the Tempter has 'froumplood. I viol. (cloth and papci.) . Bog wos Theological Lectures. I SU A v e. (elolh , ) Alder's Prottioniciag Dtblo. Royer's French Inctionary. Smart . . Romeo. For solo by It HOPKUCS, novILI Apollo Budding., Fourth st NEW HOOKS JUST ItECEIVELE—The work.. u Montaigne., edited by eionprioong bu E‘flolo. Letters, and Journey through Germany and Italy, will. Loney from all the Commentator.. ItnntkPh ical rind Llibliograpnical NOtICCA, Theory and Practice, of Teaching; or, the Motive, and blediode of (food School-Keeping, by David Plage, A. Al., Paincipal of the State N 01711.1 School, Albany, N. T. Frank Forerun's nib- and Fishing of Ike U. I:tates and Entleh Proyincey of North Moaned, by Henry W., Herbert. JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, nun 6 . owner Third and dlarket aly JA/ kIE 3 D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, No. 10 Wood street, has for sale a rew copies corn t) pore, ( remainder of the eilluen,) of this valuable wort. de tried to the Preservation of Donnuients, and other gut 'erse information relating to the early ex plorstim e , rettlernent arulunprovement of the Cr g, y around t header' the Ohio. By Neville 11. Esq., of •tastngh, in 9 vole 000. noel J. If. LOCKWOOD. 'DOM N LIBERTY: A History, (rah a view of the IX, Lt ny of other Ancient Nouoita. By Samuel Elliott, 1 Illustrated with twelve engravings, exe cuted atme . '2 vole, ave., uniform sub Prescott's Historic Works. Just p tilished and for sale by ABED D. LOCKWOOD, Buokaeller and nov 1) _ _ __Dururrter. 63 Wood st DAND KE Y DBLII IN ITALY; authorized edition, i• 13utio. I'S eta AIRS. FANNY KEMBLE'S YEAR OF (XIIIDIOLAT/ON. . , • --•-• • • - . i•The . readmit of this book has trupreesed us with a mach h ghee Donlon of its author than we had famed from pa noun; her other writtogs. It dlsplays a deeper tone of thought, united to more pure womanly grace of feeling t en en any other production tif the female mind with wl wh we a any a mlnted."—tivo. Mirror. “It m very agreeable and readable book, written to Fanny 'treble'. best style•lld, spirited and enter tsloing. We recommend it to oar readers aS die hest publaa • at of tbe eearon..--Reading 11.. vlt e tei. the Journal of a travel through Europe, end re mace in Italy; and m one of the plea...test and m ot Interval/Ayr books of t he .stson."—Cour. end Knew L A • ry characteristic book. We have reed it from title p eto Colophon with unalaatr.d interest. A vi vid ;set re of life in Rouse. In all respect. eminently reels.' ."--Knickerhoeter. For s le by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, novel Bookseller Cc Imposter, CI Wood at ItHographio stAbllahmetent UF I IM. SCHUCILMANN, Third at, opposite the Po st-Oltee, thimbargb•—filapr. Culdwapett, Bill. Leeds, 1 bowfin's, ',bele, Architectural and Machine Drawings, Husilleis end ViciongCarde, fee., engraved or drnan on stone, and printed in colors, idold, Brooms or Mae 0 in the must approved style, and at the most reasonable once.. octldely - - A - lithitalt. -- - ------ (11LATEFUL for the very liberal enrouragement I %_K Loire received for to many years, I have deter tolin mined collage my boannena vlmeiderebly. flaying engeteet *competent Foremen, I will be enabled to CO ; X. d er . promptly, end do the work an our usual style au at Mir prices, and n th the sine.. of mer chants it citizens to oily large stock of UPIIOI.BI - Fe 1 . It/ MO IIS aud Beds, alattrasreo and Bedding, Car otid Ma rich., Damasks mod Moue..., Comers, IM/i -ces, Bet taring*, Tassel.. Spin and Roller Bilude and every a nele esoally kept m au ertabliAmem of n the kind. i raters respeottally softened nod promptly at tended I . N. 11. `aspens made and put down. awl. I WM. NOME. AL WAIIIIICAY VIAPIliKilt \ AND IitIVIT CABINIZr WAARROOIiI. • ir.-7, . 4 . y t io I3 , R . OIN would reapeel. keeps on hoiden Erslishicaluil'olltth': • west tide ot the Dimond, Alle gheny cit et complete ...orb ment of u tt er s IllInds,• elan o r. de r i n Shutters are mule to r. der in the ben rrylo, warrmued equal to .y in the United State. HD th e eau be ft:moved...W ont the to of a Acrew driver. Having purehrwed the toole,And want of the cabinet es tabhehruent of RancieW A. MiClel- 1.. d, 1 am prepared 0 fami sh then old olasiOnlers, as well a• i t , „,,,,,i, Ins e. with Bee thing In their line. Agency, No a y AVocal etreet, Pstieburgh. mchgat J. A. BROWN. tjAPER /LINGO/BSA am now reoe - Witie -- i; .1. from the ut.ufactureis in New York, Phlladel• phta and Baltimore, a large and Well selectrd• won. went of all the latest end utort• Improved style. of as, Lo, shoed and common PAPER HANGINGS, eons ruling oh-- 10,000 piece. of Parlor and Fresco; 10,000 '. //all and Column; 10.000 . Diniugtroom, chamber and office Paper—which I wield panieularly thane the attention of those htainjyttothase to paper, to call and earmthise, at the Paper Win/heals at IL C. FULL, kill 117 wood Ft .s . :ia;l 4 li=ii 'Thg = :::.- _l3. ,g ~8 a 1.42 zg g'... 8 0 e2g T, >. '.3 . .,:1,1 4 47, ~.9 i 41 1 11:: i 1 . 14 441 ' 2 . ORA-il-7 l } ice , S ; ". g Z- •..2 -. i , 11 .1 .4.f.i. - ;,1 ,- 0;.:47,..E v 5,-,. 4ki i w le:Pal .- itt„lt:zrls., - ' 3 . 4! . 2! E g ', - . Z, " f 25: Eei ' ,l3.2 St'" 1 111;4 1 1Z it , f,V, "' I 1-. 41 2' 2 1 r g 74• = 1 ;°: r gia.::.;iellg':'4 E t L'ri a ,.....,,,,,...i..,..5. 5 , 1 o 'E' ~4 11,...,E:3. - s. - . -•-e.;:...ig t. , E.,.:t.'f,g ~ ,. .ait...ra,sa..g e- sz 4 .7.- E. 0 i5a7...5.:=7"2tr i1.` 12, 0 , 1 7, !2 r: It 's: rP R' . .. . - :gi ° •11h ; E Z , 4 .6 23 r.: 3 Eg i e-t Ege. , ::: - 4.2....7,:- '• ~,.. -8;7 ;-;;;;Neig:sl2 , 0 ;TA zoi l s 7l ...i?l 3 ..izszt-'l4-: --.- - 4,-..: -1 714' ::Vjf;7, , r-tigiSA •,., C ) i::e.!..t . ,IV+kr,:art.,l4:ggf,:iri I t .. . g.:.. , = E` l3 iziq = 1 : a it 1.. 7.' 4 1 1. i.- - '"q^. 9 ° , tz.+ZE:l- 4 .4...._ , :...;.;:. •.' r. :''r! 17- g -5 16 -4 -<ae z • ;1: Vi' 41 4 11.z 1! . E715,iti4 t'l '" - 1tg..._1., ; 1=:•1 e_ .iigsr2;l4ls4-111'' ';1..1.' 12 g ,.. 4' 1. Z.1' 1 .1 r., L AA.. /'yam,a.t.,..:-.27=,7`:,:.0",, I. ' : A.''-'::5 ''..". LI li;nifillii It-E1'it...... 0, -g 1 °, 4 v Tri,....J..,2.4,10 - PlttsbArgh; -D. N. CURRY, Alleghany Oily; A. itiEDICAL. SIAILLTICIV.S GINSENG PANACEA! FllO THOSE SUFFERING wrrn DISEASED LUNGS.—The unprecedented mama which ham needed the use of the GINSENG PANACEA o all the warieree forms wide& Initnion of the lungs sa wn^ has Indoced the preview agate to,null atten tion w this WONDERFUL rarpmuerw*, ,, .._ The changable weather whkh: meek, oar illne.:wd winter months, Is always a fmidtd waren of" COLDS AND CONON& Thew, If neglected, are but the precursors °Ethel feR destroyer, COSIRdFTION, • - . The question, Men, how shell vim nip the destroyer in Me bud l h shah we get clear of ear coughs and ails? La of vital importance to the public. THE giRT AND ONLY BENCEDY will be found In the (ilmierhe Panacea. la peoefof this ire have from into to ume published thg - Tertifiettote of dozens of our best known citizens, who have experi enced hs curative powers. Thew, with a mese of tae Rom all 6.g OF fth T e llS °v" FffeerreNDlNa. mfta , . 1 ...0f Me Gospel, dar es together with eoploat tul loot from the . . . iotatrus OF THE DAY J we have embodied is pamphlet form, ll= =IM 114 endear any oRUNDREWf our ageou OF Itimeot w tt the ermun7. have been used in this oily. THOU SAI AND TENS OF THOVSAriEtS, throughout the leg Sousa and peach, and weal' temp any m point out a SINGLE INSTANCE • which, when takeatmeordiog to direetions, and be fore the lump had herome fatally dlscoganmed, 6 hag ever filled to EFFECT A PERFECT CUSP. . . Wiry, then, need the aimed halms?. why ?meet Up the tulwrella nostrum, gotten up by mak , own Whet& salsa ler the assumed name of sane oewbraledith) , gently and puled into notoriety by catlike:Ms et per mits equally unknown? Whilst a mall/sinset UNPARALLELED ETFIOACY f • la to be had, whew vouchers am at homer-oar neigh.' bora,—many of whom it ken SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. . la order that this invaleablosoodicino stay be plane truitto the reach of the pair as well the rich, we Ima par the price at 01SLIFIPTIf Ole h one half the Cost of tou g h math at ta for sale by our ageo la needy even.. toam and village ver the west. who ore prepared t o_give fall MlMS 'ova relative to IL T. Proprietor, rt. Broadway, Cioclonatl,Oblo. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT .:....c...;[,..„...i. ...1....._ :na CO 3;_ NT oill Al ttai NlN m (i N v O \I;c: :, RI SO EI I: C ES U ,:;0 " :111 5 :: 1 ~—.. 4 k ".. -,- EASES, PO - HUMORS, ShI LSO N Ni n g; 1 4.. ...... (L ------:' the WCl ir UN pntn i n m atte 4i' ra, b4 ;iiil r' 4 ~: _ . --; then beide them. . .. It is rightly termed ~.. -. ALI. - HEALING, for i ' . there Ls !marvel) , a - .c:i .. •t, i_..... , ' ' ease external or internal, ' .-- that it wilt not benefit ,• - I have need Lam. the last careen yenta for all diatoms of the cher*, involving the uteinet danger and responsibtlity, and I declare before heaven end men, that min. one ease has it Wad to benefit when Oa patient wan within she reach °Catena! means. he pityskelane learned to the poifoesisn. i helm minbioneeense gospel, stages er anti resew. k ..t. dermen, lawyer., gentlemen. of the highest erudition, and multitudes of the poor nee It in every 'witty of way, and there has been but one voiso—one anthems! Irtnee saying—“WALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS GO OW RIIEVIIIATLSM—It removes almost immediately the I u ilaufmetiou and melting, when the path edao.. ill ,the directions around the boX.) D.ACHF.—The Wee hes faced lunges of the head:who of twelre•Telps Mandlag, a k rid l who W i lt r ikIIit, " RSTITI-7;1 4 07E, " gr A ' l i llE ' TN &'ITC.I , PECE, are &taped with like success. SCALD READ—We hare eared cues that actually I dig eatlemny thine known, ms well as the Ability of ff• wan r o twenty doctors. One Man old as be had Weld 1 lliiiii on his children evident any heath, when a raw lelaii of tilnunent clued theta. 'FETTER—There is nothing better for the mire of Truer. BURNS—It is one clew betthings in the world for Duras. PlLES—Tbausands are yearly cored by tlils (Rai ment It eons fails in giving relief for the Piles. pa- Amulet the box are direntions for of /CIE Bona Otheelthl for Snot taa, Lithe Cestrydaint, X.rydpt. kw, Taw, Cidiklais, Seald.Head Barr Eye, Quincy, sou • Threat, Brueckner, Enema " Pains, A. gam Of as Spew, Held ticks, orilima k iessfiattlter Atha, Burns, Coma. ail Diseases qf W. Skin San I, Pi n , pia, tr., beetling of Ns Limbs, SMss, Rhocatatirm, Pan, aid Few, emu, , r Zrokas //nail, nosh sat, Jr. in Mg Shea 1.. te. COLD FELT— Li Complaint, pain in the Cheat mid Side, fallin off of the hair, or the other aceompa.' Men cold het This Ointment is the true remedy.) It is a terrain', o disease to have told feet. CORNS—Occasional use of the Climmentl will al ways keep rants from growing. People need payer be troubled with them iLtheY um it fthrleefillY. Opp- Thie Ointment Is goal for any part of the body or Inaba when inflamed. In munacascs it should be applied often. CAUTION-‘No Ointhaeut will be gamine unless the cumin of JAMES McALLISTER is mange with a pea on every label. For We by thy. Agents in all the principal cities and emus in the United Sums. JAMES mciaisrEß, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. plj. Pneripal Office, No North Third street, Phil, adelphia PRICE Itt CENTS PER lIDX.' •--- - - - Agana m Primansen—Braan & Reiter, conk? of Liberty and Sr Clair ing and L Wilcox, Jr, corner. of Market at and Jr Dond, aho earner 'of Ith mid Smithfield au; II Casse iam l, corner of Walmitand Penn sts,fith ward; and sold m the bookstore in Smithfield 'I,W door ffrom Second at; in tillegheey•eity by H P Sebwartsind J Bement; by J HiSadth, Dregglst,llit• mingliam,• 13 Negley, EasbLibertr H Rowland, Pile• Keespork J Alexamler & Son, Monongahela Diry N ÜBowman & Co, and J T Rogers, Brownsvi ll e; John Llerkley, Bearer, Pa; are wboleralo agents. fetnn,leoilly Paolo for this Publles lo relation to Mat am vaned fatally Salve, DILLET'a RADICAL PAIN EITKICTOL rgibIrYINIONY of • respectable Physlcian.— Read j, the following., addressed to my Ageht, 2k. r.bler ryweather, Cinemnati Cnectinunt,Pcb.l2,lB(9. Sin A sense of duty compels me to give my tribute to Dallers Pam Extractor. Being emceed to quack eryand all 124.11111111 and for their object sinister Poven—bot realising mach good from the "King of in Killersc—l em Induced to tender you Mis - certifi.. care. I have used it in my family, immy practice, and with all the happy sod woo/oral erects Mat meld possibly be imagmod. 11. 1 , Sum, MD. i Dr. Brodie s the mnior partner of Brodie &Levi, Dmggista issfnXtmaseratry onstssm. . ••• The following testimonial conies from a souse fa] mills, to many of those traveling on our Western wa ters. Mr. Mime, the well and hyena/ill known pro- Nieto, of the Parkersburg Hotel, Ini-hosband to the lady whose letter I annex: Patummonsa, Apia 13,1E149. To Henry Dailey, Chemist. , ln—Sirr. Having for merly been long enlisted with, violent inflammatory Elicamatiam Watch appeared ,so firmly seated a, to defy nil ordi nary ipplilmees to allay_ the severe pain attending it. I waa induced to try your Magical Pala Extractor, and tt having edeo tad, almost as if by ma gic, an immediate relict, and also, In all appea ra n c es tire and perfect quo / Unlaced Inc the bene• At of others who may be aillicied with paimcansed by any Mud of inflammation, to write to you deelariSS that in my opinienv (minded on utnal eXperamlF.: your Magical Pam Lemma°, is the moat valuable aw overy of the present age for the Immediate extracton o f bodily pain. It Ilan almost immediate and a per fect cure far Horne and •walll, - Land all ante having Sunny acquaintances:formed by their skits nt ray husband's hotel in this thane, 1 have mamma by your showing them Mese few hue., it may poraWly Le of hearth both to them and youwit •Ftttenta Gum. 11 tenant vin hope hiss Mrs. GM. pardon the publicity I give to her letter, is well on the seam of humanity es of being the Rarest Mode of MUMmIS rt to We ounce of her bi=nds.-17. Meer.) , "Frio* Cerra ' Etho=s of n letter, doted fludeuer , RY. Nov. RI, 1 549 . Mr. finality: have tried Palo Iletractar in ease Minion, in my torn handy,. which lt relieved and cured ow a very Mort nom," poets r spretfully, M. tr. bir o. ID - Turns and Sralile, trier, yore Nipples, Motto Breast, Eruptions, Sorer, Cut , , Wounds,. and let in dunnottion, yields readily to Me wonderful properties of a. ...ailed fmuly salve.. But, to the rattan Voir porton that you will receive bizeht from the centime, you will be ',lured by the ileletctioue egrets a( the Counictoit AT110: nip. and apply only to the inventar, if. 11,,,,yra. 415 Broadway, Nem York, or to 1111. Marked ago,. • JMIIN D hIORM,ILN, General Depot, Pittsburgh, - Ildory P. Erebvisns, Allegheny, Aleut; J. Avb, s h.g, Va s ; James IV Johnston,Thymaille,• Ky F, m e merenther, Cincinnati, 0., Geoetal DeMt.' N. 11.- , ln the severest Barns and rails it entracte the psis In a faw [Wainer neve r Se fails. - I.H • taimenvul. ,A. HMI, N. Lek, U. 4 Fazustrum Pift.bunh u. W. Fauxun , c, Wholesale Drag Altars la the Bally of Haw Yoga. . . , . HE matorOV II •Th 126 1.4 4 •9 1 .04 In th e ,T. Wboloooto Oman,' to No Nab John st root, In lay of Now otit= . 2l , amend to = Ourelry sat =M.*. , Waver • MD/Pi ilalmailato, WOW' ain uipormica) sal all tabor Utiles la Wit lice of boot mai& sgraalar oak as Gay sou. be oar. If a4O SIIMPI • oirallota, MIA C PAMMON, MOUS. =ritUl ••• • • • couent sYgue.—From w. K. 80de.,, 4..7 Esq., Clerk of the Corti of quarter Senions Beaver Coarar hint- B. Sellers—Ellr, Soma time in the winter my wife was.aelleted with a genera and dietrepimr cough, and Leering of Year invaltiohle Cough Syrup, 1 pa r• abased a honlo from S. T. Trimble, of BrP/gooraler. and after taking a portion of it two or throe evenings an goings bed, she fond immediate relieC as also severe friends km bear rolieved in severe Ctn. l 1 am therefore satisfied that it is a sofa and valuable Anorlikbse, and word recommend it to those who ma* " afflicted with severe Coegks sad Colds. 1811 W. K. florist& treparcd and sill by R. F1F.L1.!.1 , L9, 57 Wood st, g l i s# by dnissiste generally, m Pittsburgh and Al- -7— Tke ellartiors coal Comp . y. ttricoapcnts.TED.3 - . BOOKS Will be opisn foi sobtetipoon to the gook of nho Cbartlert Coal Company," , ea and glee , Moods Sith day of.Septafeber lon, at the offiee ! of F.. „Rentipirtoti, Y . st, Ensbug b.- - • , lizt . , Z. W,RLICIN r 1., ; . 0 NI 0 B.GII A antoa„, MERCHANT. TAILOR, Ao. 46 Ilarket greet, TmVINO urchased an asteasirCl dlld {Wain) ; DIL J.* Asset of t3pring and Balmer Goods, tles anbsoriber tospecifedly Infonna Ws . friends and this publie,jhat be Irony preparing to TereCi•G RBA IMF eats their orders In* cllspatah, and m the neatest., mot aabstandal, and fashionable manner., As ha Is determined to do boatmen on the cash eyttem, he flab ten himself that be siabilable to do work Ladino., as It can be done at any establlahment In thanovelry: Ills amok Is varied, consisting of Casslmeres, Broad- • • cloths, Veatiogs, kn., which his friends are respeetfoli It' Maned to examlna far themselves. rer4.131 GEORGE MlllO • ' e. is. REMOVED to a nes. thnsomory Wok on Smithfield street, •one door below Sixth street. Teeth inserted trots one wan entire mime. the suction principle, with shwa resresentsainZ the natural gent—restarlag, th , rii,.=°e.rtract:kwill lisle or no DM. Decayed Teeth permanently and by , pr worting Me MOM uho, wide, is mad, better than op , xelit t lhongh shontSbei Slone in five oaltaitto, or I WOW. . . _ CURE FOR WORMS. 8.. A. FAIINESTOCEPR Inicamtruaie. CILLSIOI 01 IITI:MAI WWI... • • TN order to afford all possible ...any to the publac, I as well as to tiemselves, against fraud and impo sition from counterfeiting, the proprieton luso made . a change In the erterioi . wrapper or table of their Ver. mirage. The new label, which is a steel engraving of the most elqUiSita design and workmanship . , hat been . introduced. at a very great aspens., and is from the brain of err artist lithe tint talent. The design Is new, aid tie- akeentioiretztorate. Severn! figures and a ppausenta most proulinent, but tlic 'word ulfaxia. an pruned in widen letters on a fed and finely en.' graved giound, shoiddbe panicularly examined.— 'When held us to the li la the leviers, shading of she tenon and every line, however minute, throughout the I whole of this part of she...engraving match as exactly as It the impression had been mode upon one aide on- ty, althoughit is actually printed rm tolls side. of the t Duper. This ehould oli cues be observed. A la bel upon each dozen is also printed in red upon both sides, and should be eiamined in the same manner. Thu preparation has noF stood the test of many years asst, and is col as a safe and effectual msdich ;rornw .r am the system. The unexal . Las attended, treatrgeNtillr !TV p l o tte N t o b f . t . to ascurtain rt.,' of its use In , we within him knowledge and obsers mutably found it to proft.ce the mosti not unfregramt-• ly after nearly all Me rations recant.' mended for worms ha ty, resorted to • toot ed whout ...X Mids. e nu s fart' hat. t bt, the certifical roof handrads otrespeetable penning E or the eoun. , u 7, and shield Ind.,. 'of the preparationln mild in rte Cp the ermitlll,lW oily i • p erfetTt sate us most helical The only genuine I. - srlba 8... tutsburgh . Usual I ay. _ F& Conchs, Col,. sumptionl VIA ' GRF.AT AND UAL, _t We cute oft. 1 above diseases, is the IliThil 7 ARI. - d.N HALS.A3III.Ig: LIFE,' discovered hy, the cal bested Dr. Buchan, al London, Ragland and Weal. d into the United States under the immediate superim deuce of the inventor. The extraordinary a.m. f thid medicine, in 111 eon-ofdPultrionary diseues, arrant, We American Agent in soliciting fortteannen the worst possible /A -m that can be foiled inihe co unity—eases that sect relief In vain from mayor the c mmon remedies of dm day, and Men been mhen op the moil distinguished physicians. manned stidmonrable The Hange- BIL/3101 has cure.d,and will eitircoli; d WI most dersta f ewes. it is no quack nostrum, hot a standa4 Ecti... iish medicine, of known and established e [Sauey. k' very noutlY in thelinited States should too supplied . with Dischanhillungerian 'Balsam of Llibolot only us emmteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate, ' bat to be used as a, preventive medicine in all eilleS ot golds, coughs,. sawing of bided, pain in the aide cod chest, Irritation and mimed of the Imiga, broettitisi difficulty of bleating; beetle fever, rtilit sweats, etnisei• stun Rod general debility, asthma, in news, whoopmg co Sold up. and cro • 1 . • hi large bottles, skit per bottle, with fall Afire*. dons for the restorWonof health. . renarddem, contaittlag nazis Of English nod Antal eon. eenifirates, and othei , evidenet, showing the un equalled merits of this great English P.eatedy, tnay La obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. For sale by B A FAESTOICE k Co., eorster , at and Wood and Wood and 6th sta. juSkiftwS_ - - befinr.—rmulo on dm roosiiiiirored ErrtoroPir.. — and wit tszttloilable Eastern imams an:deo/rm. Also TILE OiIE6P ROLL, ormSToN 11.1.1 ND, on hami ormadero order of sins, and at all pica. Country Mordants and alum aro write,' to 00.1 examine Om above for dig:twelfth so all will be wtl wholeree'or retail,anda Mire dairtion clad. to whole-salo poschue. • Aaldr7 rs A WESTERVELT ' LOGAN', WILSON As filiOss • • IMPORTERS and Wholesale Deelera La Foreign and 1 Domestic Hardwire, CuthoTrSakg.rfrk., 145, Wood street, Pittsburgh, ere now fully prepared veldt sonntly imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Rad- Meal C.o.:dere,to,loOficr.....7ll,l{,reitt in • discesnents to Western Merchant's -Os m on the aunty advanteges had , by our predecessors, Ahe rn, Logan A Kennedy, we have greatly' Inc reued oar fealties, end porch sae all our alma, from first hands on the very best tea. . The junior nterobers of the fine devote, their whole attendee to sales, end. feeling confident, of giving ,sranuan, peer sullicit a sail from WI who may . viait this smut. 'Mehl] • CHEIDICAIs WRITING DIRBERTS SUPERIOR RF:D ' BIS SERI'S MACHINE cpP y IN , AA Lb these differ from ordinary Ink,' an lacy - lire all . chemical solutions containing no amid maul' hgrig"lidittlydurafi'7l.'"lf tlireintedhoafertrb,,,7:7 deep tame, I have neither seen nor heartitf •tb l e * m. -nuck • pie Wale. eon be obtained grade, by We merchants ggeegeatyr from .11, A. Fehnosniek Co.,•llenry Behwarts. /illegal, or of the manufarturer THOS . liikwkwy, assist and Chemist, corner of LW r .. p r d . 4mAithrtyk.boldn'toutT4t gi ft at u g " co 'g rup k4' le l. t s. e atlisfaCti e no r tut be returned and 100 price Will be re fended. jultedtim _ _ TII/C STAR . OP - TllXWittiT, • ' "..VEMITIA.I4 BLIND MA NUPAtYPOIIY. Fast Bide of the Diamond, where Yeoman tilinde of ail the different sizes 'nod *ohne. are mot. hand or made .order site ' the latest and Mail apprar.d Favern wha tona,althe ahoneet s citit - w.huil on the nuta '- remarkable Maas Mao, the strip Boston mlbr.plit Blind Trmspa ropey inn piper Certainsof all the ditarent KILTS 11.11 patter.. oratand and for sale low forault. nom Minds paiumdpirefaild repaired tit liken In p. 4 paymeot for new Id Arl•TEft VELT;Pro`ps.' in done will, the C.•3l' material mid multmen.Uip, and gruntraad to pl....tue the =tali. I dtgas. ' - • naglildly . Allegheay ruy, Any • aossrstosa, nersanzeu A. 141.1 WYSIIII/110. ‘III.2TERN LINE - • • Oglete at eh* Samisens... Baltimore. D EDUCED HTT..I.;-The charger lave tarn red eed on all lantugee us or from !Salentine, burgh or Wheeling, and a co re allnWonalltelavaphie despatches enwarded Iron, tinseterWest Of Pittsburgh, Ps. Rersarhe charge me a telegraph derpeo../......," . ". , (cr firm Baltimore, Pins aurgnand IN heeling, is • w. the hint tea words, and 3 cents intent h . . word. IG", No dune is made far We I.llrissraed, DU. , Unti le l We oomple non of the tooth iVerteirrae,74,l.l, Te from ?demlus, Tenn., to Nell . : ,,,t ppttnfie be forwa rded to _lj OiSa, MOW for New Orleans., Mtl ITHEAMUM 11,ALOON, ABID,HATIIING 14874ki11 . 1.181111LEIT• • TMcPALJ.., beg! to otions lebahiteavar • bore , no/Airy, am he h. opened' . as: above enobliehmeat, where ev•r7• lo -• • •i a _ wa L." 1.• yea to the eonfort of thaws who =I • , • 1 • c.a. 11 .nretreet, het earpeaWandWttol. VOA =A all other Crib. •