_8y.11LA(:1 ., 1ri!...•: , '. - :. , Ei;tZ..l'.N:, HICPOR ED:t TZLEO/SAPIIED FOR THE P ThittURGR DAILY-GAZE" I JNORMSIONAL. • --- 7--- . ... . WAsstinoron,Dea. 15. Sisore—Mr. Screen offered la resolution for the ippoilat • ..t of .• Committee to inform the . Presi dent of he organisation of the Senate, and Of its reediowas for any exeisattive minuniCsitin, Idx. Ma l y spoke in favor of th e re-solution. lie had only been restrained fro unties something id to the same effect, froninn unwillingtens to ob. Wide himself 011 the &Dolt The comMencement otallOW adZlLLittrlllnkl wet always attended by a preen of bethiess--e w important Mat the Senate should Oct upon a ch matters as kaki.. mutely pertained to it. it WWI an ancient cuss tom, and whilst all regrette the elate of things in the Howe, imposed upon he Senate mid the ex ecutive, • function, wino in no wise interfered with, or depended, on other departments, he hoped the. resolution cloold pass forthwith. The resolution was adopted. The committee appointed, waned upon the President, who Informed them that he would send ill!, cortunualcatioor to tlirrSenitte on Monday. The Senate then adjourned. —House—ln the Hoene tho balloting for Speaker posited of very quietly, to day. Forty Filth Ballot—Winthrop, 20 --Study, sft Thad. &arena, 24—Boyd, .82—Pot's}, 22—Scat tering,12. Forty Sixth Ballot—Winthrop,l4—Stanley, 62 Tina. Stevens, 23—Boyd, hs—Poiter, 17—Scat wring, 1 4 . Farr! Seventh. Bakol—Winthrop, 10—Boyd• Bg—Sterrens, 27-Potter, 16—Stanley, 60—Scab . . . . Alter falling In the choca of S r, the 'Louse adjourned. . • New ,--, 7( , Dec. 15• . .. The,,yelegraikhie aces ore worl:L.V to Halifax, but have co iniellizeocc of the arrival of an, CASE OF PROFESSOR WEBSTER. WI Bain:et, Dec. 15 .4 ' Coraaei's leineet, over the body of D. o Parbaaa, rendered a ver e 4ict on TM/Today alahb chiargiogMtchater with ibc murder. . DISTRESSING SUICIDE. CINCLN.I3, Dee, l l 5 The Rev. Mt:Perkins, Pastor of the Unitarian Church, of this city, committed suicide last night by BE:aping Sum the Ferry Bost into the riven. • • while craning—leaving hie cloak, hat, sail =random book on board. lie wee doubtler: tea boring under insanity. He we, mach eateemeir by all who knew him aid heaves en intereinaz Grady tomourn hie lo „ 7. , CI CINCINNATI MARKET. Cnscinnan, Dec. 15. Ploy—Nothing of is terest has transpired in the Mow market. Whiskey—Sales at 2.20 per gall. Hogs—Sales GI 20D0 at $2,7002„55—with no improved feeling. Maas Pori[—Safe: at 58,37 pr bbl. The de. and is speinlatiae. • , The Snow Is etallomay, Lit thy River remains" , 1 stationary. NEW YORK MARKET': Ntw Yoga, Dec. 15 Elour--The mothet ie dell , but hoiden. are arm at premien:la qaotatiOrtp. Saler, of common to good brands, $4 bb, 4 93 06 per bbl ; favorite breads, $5 2505 50. Grain—Wheat la without movement. The muket.vdre the buyer. Corn is in moderate re quest--baldere are endeavoring to get up the mar ket. ProvitsiMas—The market for pork is rim, sod prices have advanced, with aidea of mesa at $l2. Yrhme 8 6.1 sates of dear mess for Calitornia at 113. 'Lard--There is net mach doiag in lard. Primo ate tinchauged. Beef is dull. - Groceriet—The market is unchanged. Helnp Is doll, with at SI 85435th20 per too. Lead—Market dull; prices nominal, at 54 20. Tobacco—Prices are well Vuenined. Whiskey—Sales at 28c per gallon. AUCTION SALES. • EXTRA SALRL-Sugar, F7unr, aed Eardrum On Monday afternoon. Dee. 17, at 2 o'eoCk AI the Commercial Slew Baolll3, corner of Woad nod Fifth stream, wilt sold, without react-ye, far cash canon ay, on account of whom it may concern—. bbla prime New Orleans Sugar, • 20 good (real. Flour, 3 auks of Hardware and tolled, enthracing Illaridthous athortment from an extensive retail store. deli • JOHN D DAVIS, Auct Mourn Pat.Lerger of Seasonate Dry Curd: CM Monday looming ,Doeconber 17th, at to o`Uoeq at Die Commercial 9alea Rome, corner of Wood sod Fifth streets, will . bc sold, without reserve, for cosh marreney -13 packages of seasonable Weide end fancy foreiyn and domeeti, Dry Good's, embracing the ;Souk ei • bletehust from em widoining comity, hotsw declining basinen. The stock can be ex.:mod proormas to the sale. • ' . At 2 o'ckrek. Queensware, Furniture, be. A largebnd general aracrrunent of new end weental Land household fumbure, glassanre, queensarbre, At B o'clock, Fashionab}a ready made Clothing, boom and eine., bats, caps, ie whips, umbrella., trsellseg tranks, curet bags, :fine cutlery,' ohm gun., unroll, mid and Meer watches, musical Instruments, fancy uncles portable writing b eats, be. delta JOHN D DAVIS. AlSel ERSONlYintendinim buome members of the 10. P te.atinna.l Ari Union, will please notice that the Beaks for this yeas anti not be open loaner than ftith Dettentbes. • JOHN J. GILLESPIE & CO. --- a - THIEF.9—N sacks, prima read and for saleb del3 GEO y, read .10.000 r de ß l l 3 °RICK TAVI,V2II.. EMP-40 bales tdosouri Dow Hamad; H - 11 : Manilla: for able by dalS . JAM FS A HUTCHISON ta CO R:gms—,o dot In .tore ose d eukI?FoGLE. BVC/MI - TEAT FLOUR-50 Narks in nom and for sale by dela COPE & BREYFOOLE CIRFSIK APPLES-64 bbls reed and toisale by . • 'Ur dell ' COPE BRETFOOLE . R L.,.. . girriE.: bbl. ? -mes, _,„ to artive this day. dal , COPk. A HiIhIPOOLE, 10d Domed st WO - 12DOWER- - - - -irias on me, 'fir XL, sale by dale DROWN & KIIIVistATRICK • . IL ARD-4 JJ ken 5 bile end No I, lorslda by. - .... . dale . BROWN & FlRbPATrupc App,LEil._ys bile (),Cll. j 1.1•1 fecod Igo d for sib, by dale , BROWN a KIRKPATRICK Errita Esilifik•Y-FLOUR — In - iirbiai - , qr;l7 .--- ni- Lis tlY ...'"/ B and fft'OatZKIRKPATRICK DRFED FRUIT-lIR be Pr le p oLlI c r ei dale : BROWN & ZIRKPATRICK MOLASSES—IOO bbta PhutHaloslaslc.,land 1 4 from steamer Ittooon, end for Pak by deli t /AMES A HUTCHISON A. CO Sl.lC r idll-15 bhdiprime (new crop) reel per mei.- Wearop No I, onO for oak or JAMES A itureinsori S co ~BTree'daothe PRVBOI(TERFAN BOOR ROOM, No.A Wood BliCol, and for tale at FARM= price,: eieeenios` Har ro w Leneca, of Aran of the Bible, Boulder': History of the Ch ri stian Bell. 1°4444 Church, /Milan's Treatise oo Cerisrian Doe trine,Lile of Jeremiah Evans, Fig.i B -414444 "' Greek ibliamony of the Gospels, do Enylt! do do, Scott's 18-11.VateleiBooton.:gliti.onr.; 1 1 . V a t eleiBooton . :gl i ti . on r .; Parish's 1 1 : 14hl; ,, Gale . ttz:: : =es Phreaeaborgianista,nl e ft'allssionary Asie, ro dote and saanyodur interesting works, lin 4444,44 the all at pluros. rl 4 Ca WELL to CO., Manutactuiiir r if Vil l t fl ea N allass Ware, No. V Market greet, Pine- IWO ? PS, keep constualy on hand and make to of. , der MM. of Vials, Bottles, 0,, PPM.' and Mum. sal Water Bottle; el superior quality. ?ardent" attention paid to Private Moulds. noelltly 11116 NAP. Or PITVRBIIDLGIII, LLF.- LEGIV-41r,-0141) VICLIITY, veal be wady for eenrayer is 10daya rerunts who may with to MIS 'WWI of their Snotty 11.1. put on the mop tail de wby mating appllewiort go the gederelynegl, awe 't *before the Itti Lat. To defray the raped, of gg-g- in be reggae,' additionplitft_o( PIMA melt RE MeOCIWAN FLOUR -141 blole see'd, lel *Os bylettl Ba. W . HA 110 II • -/;PC..S-btli-PeitsTretS,-.11/-171.1silitt: footraa..S7tyW b b l . Bb Weed reens, test ree'd Gh j1e;_66._,.1.!1:4, fos sale Sy dell 8 W HA:I.EMIGAnd BLED rEnCUES-100 ba Sun4ried, uk sre and tor air vy des9 k. W HAItRAUGH bbls Castling% best WM, 014 in store taut lor sale by dc6 YELLERS & NI 41LOUNI rILIES ealtka to unve an• dee _ gELLF.FIS NICOLS ficymegre—lDU bls err lai• • ooperbst article; NO be. W. R., feed and for sale by deb & IV ithannuoil tlinED FRUIT—IS bu Pared Peaeben;' 4 packs April.; to day rot/ and for aala by 41 fATEFL11.11 , 4 6—lto lb* orioned, in store and for ask by _ J KIDD k CO, no 11104 iCSAUCE4Itic—t goose ioc reeki arid fora.le by del° J KIDD Wood at. T"CONVURAS SARS4P.IIIILbuk ItOrYV-4" in mom and for skin by J KIDD & VI. IA Wood PI R ypi,Es—t bbl. lust reed. for esh, oy &M 1 tbl'E6 BILEVFOCILE, riebourat -URNIPS=I6fiEiC by dew con to F:YrOGLE, 10? needed at bbls ivat reed and We sale by COPE &ORES EMU: - dello ED •. ED POTATO oto mom sod (or role by 'dab COPE& LIRHYPOOLE CELEME.-A mall lot Moore end for saletey doll) • COPE tc lIREVFOOf P tisq reel .4 at try. Z.. V ar. {V HARB.ll;gia - T. .cpuroljc.i.4 . l. RECORD. pixrgiBor4an ROAPD 011 TRADZ :1105#miciLeTni msascr... taM/41217.}: FOR DECENRER. Oct, 'Almanac Ilre,teria—We ore pleued to see oar market reliorts adopteciby the Steubenville Retard, for Wd information atha.etn that city and a salty, to the lushitef abiding our city with:their produce,—md it shall be our constantl.B9n to Make eve business their i'dericit by Communicating such commercial informo -001111. anll mid to keep op a healthy trade, and ear , between iheproilucer and the consumer. But what we dedigned tithe outset is this. We often see the Gasette , s Martel Reports, urninded fmm day to day, without alteration of figures. For Minuet, in tie Herald of the dith Mgt we End onel!darket Report of Safunlay, Dee. 1, published ender dite of Dee, 10! Afeny!of themost important articles incur market have materially changed since that ume—Me Malec., Rio Coffee; which won then quoted, at 11} 0 11{, is no*, sod him been kw the put tea dam firm 'at to Idk. We tainald urge friend Allison to be more earefol, and see that Mr are properly represented before his read• erg, for the sake of lilt own interest, u wd4 as the in , tereit Of ourselves, and oar commercial friends of this city- Fa far as oar labors ore concerned, as Comater eteißeporter of the Gazette, we will render every sot- Wadden hi oar power;--oli we ask is, that our reports if extracted at all, be given as fresh from our hands an the uatuunlaston by mail will allow. • omen Ptrthoothst Gazerrh ) hionday Morning: Doe. 17: mitt The:Weather on Sintedaykad moderated considerably, and alighing had become rather a dragging amuse ment. Should there be rain, with the heavy amount of snow now open the ground in this vieintiy, we may anticipate high tide in the nth,. Business was generally ',mond, er.dwothing ore Tad showing any important van snow from former q • Pfirmi—Pone was oireied on the wharf, and only on or Iwo, wall iots,werW;brought in, on coniignroons From store wo nolice no Osage, mid with looted sal "" 0 00 ntiarto our OWtetioits, at $4,62214,72 fie bbl. Rya AND BCCIIWIIFAS FLoco—The miltes of fly Flour emaintre very light, and the article to firm at th ly rplowil rams—sap for best .Rstality, commo 3,751e!bb1. The soppllesof Boelnarheat Flour are .• pie, and regular sales from more, in moderate low, • et:reeled at 2,00 tar common, and 2100223 100 0 for beat polled.• Son.nn a Mblonssass—We nom sales of . N 0 Sugar, to lot. of sto to bbd,, di, 011abe, accordi n g to quality initOne of sale. biol.a. steady at last quoistintsv—sny,fOr Orleans . ian .:Gie,remains sod for Sugar I.lottref...lloe Iv Kell. , Ptrolestms- i There as very Lille movement In bacon . 101 WWI Iglit!suppliss, we may quote nmonally at 41 tor 1 ' erii., , , , ,ie for min e . and 71 to On for bagged Lama— ' wt . is in tnpi?rnle demand. at ef to S, an tills and kegs': Borsch--We eTheollo theLge in the snszkeh There is a tali demand for iholco roll bolter. in cloths. a(140 150, and for keE at gig.to ai . enAkre—Sales of 130 AaCoollo.3n W 8., at 0,10 31, 3d0f Creasaht 6137 e ,41:atc•—Tbe norket conldmis steady, with gales of Rode Aal at 3403 L of Salcratus at 510110 c; of Pearl Ash at 011101,s; of Potash at . 50, and of Scogehtogs at a. g 3kP m. Fem—We e.t.a a liter market, wifit regular sales li te to MO', and emrtury trade,. at th e following re a:— Balaton. 5134 ithi;:tlackaml No. 1814, No 2„Z.2 'NA& and No i i ;p7,..,..,37,... 11l "{erring ta !A t s,eoatam, for common to best quality Faamrkr—Paler at 3311345 f 0, with a quiet mar . km. . Gro2, A roLta-50es of 100 bbln from store, ot 2,00 bbl. Best qualities roof 4from 2,:51 to 2,50 61131 La.o—We quota tag 4404 and Dor or 'Who 4' b. Ono.-45ales of No 1 LOO, at 53f)55 e, and of No 2 at 410545 P gall. Lursood is held at 73375 e Y gilt. . ====ll2M . . The cumber of Hogs packed in this City lil the pre s. rot time, .10 abbot HOW hdad. The thi*.tont lapd here, ring< from g 2,0 to -. AA accorifi weld, with occasional sales of very /opener lo fict3. Al the dlffere at packing points in Indiana, 6phi - silicas ace nnteually_tictive: The ftledlson Hannet,t or Moen da, say! , .—M c heard of revers. sales on 4 AAA ay, al prices yawing from *3,63 to 264. Lam of Hiturdity afternoon, a lot sold at 22,71', for se many of We horn as would average 210 Inslculd the remainder, large and smell, it . 82,62.0.160. kw" At Lafayette, on the Alb, large droves of Loge were constantly ermined. The Journal says, ...avert are now' paying .12......4a2;50" , l- The Terre Haute Sisprese uf Wednesday last, quiges at 82 to P 1!.%, and says lb.. there Is a tendency to ad. Ocher rather Oats Bimini h, The Rising run Whig, 1 of:Saturday. repo , . • 're - M .. 100 henry hogs, al *3,00. The glooth !tend Register notes opening pnees to fol. lowe,gls; •12 ft 100 tor ti lb hog, 21"4 for .•1511 Iff Jo, 2,60 for lAnt tb .to . . . • llosteeta COPiIIIIIO6 2.1 < in Louisville. The Conner . of Monday says t—leThip Hs are all full of kgs, and the elaughteritic continue unaboted. Weimar of pales of PAS. head, $.5267837 het; end for st vette entering 1 end selected Inc tt..4 , 1 was alibied " The itasschntle (Cy.) Herald, ai &shiest. +yr —......tince our tart lune, thin nettle ban goprovete once. During the past week. we lesta that Lay er s Rum Hudall, havele-en in our county. end parch ed a large comber of hoe at 2415 p 10. Ms net, alb • and. deb vered a. Neateetnt." TIAVSL. Lou! , Republic 1, of lth Mit. , has th e follow. t '''' — gr n abvtlinsAres t e ' 4 u ir=ll.l4==e eMpreyleue isnenclons, 2 Othae2.sa. • I . 9laughtering and pattkink have been pred • Kmiec during the punt week, and between n end go . bend hove been cut We quote ei fallow, dividtnd on 161. mud leo IDA 202,12 k. On =and ".110 kis, 2,050 ..for, ipirit of the D:::= _ B.LTIMOIit, Dec. 12 F10ca , ..-Wo We attic. , eatarday of WO bld• Howard 0. flour, 7.1,7f.,,' and IV /kis very eho're brand, at To dav holdera • ate offering. to sell at 04,75, but boyar, not Lemg •ry eager to parellaw, Ware went uo tr./art/ma of ay molten!, City null. fhur has declined a shade —au of HO' , Lliat were mode to• day tal $1.75, GralM--Th..apply of hest to dal , isms quite limit ed. Saletof good tn ;min trds, at 950102 e, and whim at 1090IOtle. ' , mil,. floe :whim is quoted at Mall* Palen of new Corn, at 4.t% 49e for white. and 4M:150e for yellear:Thme la very Mlle old corn offering. We quote white at 540.15 e, and yellow et 3,,VC0r... are selling 3,032 e. Pornoinsts , We rote tales of 190 lihls clear mess Park, at 513,,g1;1(0 bf bide mess do. at f 47; 100 bids No 1 Reef, Itt SI% on time; 40 hbds old Bacon sides, ;tuber infelior: 30; 79 bids shoulders at 41c; and 203 t enn aimed /fen. at 90 Small sates of near city smoked Videt at 64c4 Shooldent 'at 4040. end of Hannan 11c. Also of old West= Sider, 'tibia:44c. Sales of 000 kge orw Laid, not .I:icily grime, at 70 Clth, and 310 cans, a niserior article, at Pie. Vitiate - y -31 a demand continues good, and etrlca of Data ate Making at Pe, =ado( bins at rie.—Amer. Palganteusins, Tomas% Dec.l2. Coffee—The market ts very firm; a maroon( 14.10 bais Rio IT.. arrived, bat I. nor yet landed. Standl sales at 111015, Ih; on time. Feathers are in limited request, We quote Western at 310320 fhb Cattod—There hiss been very nide inquiry - , - end the market is doll—sale. of 150 or IGO Gls, principally Up load. at'll}SPllle t lb, an time: Flour'and al—Therenaa been rather more inquiry for Flour during the pas few days, and S to CM tibia standard Drones, sold at g 4,75 bbl. Some holders, however, will rut aecept this price. For city 1/le, mod erate sales at F 4,81105 for common end choice brands, and 8.5.12/03,0 for extra. Rye ROW is held at ea, nut so transactions have been reported. Corn Meal is in inactive; we quota remaylvarda at gc1,75, and Brandy wine.at tf2,liTh da t e -The receipts of Wheat have been natal, bur the demand Ishii - med. Sales of 3260X1 bus fair red at Rt and prime at 1590105, including seine inferior, at see t ha. Corn arrive* slowly, sales of yellow at dap 59,and new at ISSISIc IF ha. Garare soarer: we quote Southern at 310 . 32 c, and Pennsylvania at 3.5 e hu. Gieseng—The Mat sale. of crude were made .1310 Stet lb. ==l Spints of Turpentine is scarce, and has advanced to 380.71ei , ' Linseed Oil in lots, atigricr3e. . Frenhions—The demand for pork is limited, bat pn• esti are Ann. Sales of mess at 510,73011 p hbl, rash and time, In User no change. Bledts cello dawlr Hams at Tell Sides, 6113 I; and Shoulders so 41011 c ♦ Es. lustd—Furthet Baler no 33061 c p th; lads and kegs. In . Easter and Cheese no change—Hire is in (ladled demand or 3/630. Eked.—Sales of Clover oced at 61.5007,341 (or good quality; Timothy in molls S:@ 5O; Flax Void I. in de mand al 51,45 br . 'Fa'. Loco, December We Jima bar bp . o,loiollll nolo in produce. Re. cubits of flour said goon hocisdligly light, and nothing of R 0019.11 dose in provisions Weasher pleasant_ ?legit:seeding. Freights to New Chlorins steady: Tottico, Hemp and Lead—hlarkst quist,imd no sales of tithes revalued. • ..• • • . noon—Sale. last than, di. bbl, US, good country brand it INA, and littera! Await lot, of choice and no. tra brands, att1.711134,75--idemand not nary action, and pricy. rather' drooping. NVltera —Slier tho pa Lange of yon can, or 3,030 boo, from 700 to 161 V ha, oxylarive of cricks. Cant itnil Oato -No Corn In the market. Sale yenta. 'day of es rankt ova, at ton, and 137 Os to day, at 36t, eke Intl.led Choate -54 , M M 1151... Gdr Ohm, from the Lavca at 51c. wipekey—Sole of 33 able raw, et 210,50 bbls at 21i fettall.; Fleeseed—s.le. of prime et 81,14 Feathene—Pale of 10 eacks ave. at 27c. • Uneit Fruit -,slas eevertl 31.110 lOW of apple. and posehef from the landing—pntne apple. at ii,wai,3ll. Peaches 11,75e11,t - 0 Orseapie.,No of .agar; Ii thin pnwe al elf 1 0 ale of 10 ske pure T. 1 .all, or . IG,V,r.ll . llnlr.t, (all Weight, at 111,05.—Itep I==== 0taiir.v.....4. .I`.omEno:l Plane Bonk, or Choir. Pasa. rye:; Morn:, Religious, Political, Philosophical, Maui:Mal, Poetical and Idiseellanemis, 'sleeted from hr. writings. Tb' 'Phousand and One Nights, translated and ar• ranged fouFamily Reading, with cuplanatory notes, by E Lane. IllaSinitell with boadred wood cult, hy flarvey; end Jlumuwed nue., by Owe. /onto. _ Tbe 'orbs of Charles lamb, with tut Lester. mid • Sketch of his Life. By T. N. 'Niihau!, Eri, Kh,gi ~,d4cena, or I.ife or the PaMeei vOnsollog Of Iliatnricad Si etches Of Jesephine,Maria Louiaa, c . Summer In Scotland, dencriptire of At Scenery, Comeneree,Manufnetures; dm. The Biographical and Critical el!Onict of Wot Pr aeon, El 'Cite&: . ; Works I 711t In lit 1 ! 17 lat g:o, New Testament. Stialispeare's Dramatic S'Cor 4s end Puemr, till: rola Dad's North AttwiiCall Accountant, rintleciag sle and Double Entry. Chetmefs Theological Institute,. ' Pour"Yiara to Great Within; beiog dns , TlP'lve or the mon.reia.a sad Ari.sorlaugulinstltadousfiEvglanil , with aketobes of the Livis of "corms of her mow mil -1 nem. SWilesthril, to. Eienwpae of chemiwy, with the moat reient dissoveries and applications 01 the science_ to cue. A Tremimori Domenic F.mmomr: by Miss I3eecheT. Ala irm!it of Am... 1 .14 Mara S. Gni*? Ihml -"" . No 79 Wood armlet --- Air MIA!: --FiINURAIN CAR PETA.--We nut af. foram lamest and beet ansartmera of Imperial and Carpamaver snored to this market, at ten Dm Mat ebearoerthan can be femora in any other house an this city, We tavola those winking Monlab illiamanam oar Comas sr call arid einlllllle 0111 raja oarswoman% berare polebaeiNg eltewhere. iltrphtiearoberaes—No, in Potions comet. N WCLIN I'OCK dcs ...p o rt, FLA-tett-40 bbls rely re far we by .. ' . ' e a WIRARISAMILt PORT ..OV-PtITSBRO.IIP. Elmira—There wen- 6 feet.--6 ute.hes In the channel Lest evening,l and nein& Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela City Nlichigan, Beaver.. • Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Fashion, Peebles Elisabeth. Atlantic-, ForktorMl, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark; Beaver. Camden, Hendrichon, IWEecsport Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville Isaac Newton, Hemphill, CinciSk. Monongahela, &One, Cincinustr: Telegraph No. 2,lMaaon,Lonisville. Pennsylvania, Grecidee, Empress, Gallagher, Zanesville. Pilot No. 2, Shun k, Hockingport. Wellsville, Fotts,,Sontleh. • Citizen, GormleY,; St. Louis. Mama Vertion,Eounts, St. Louis. .. DEPARTED. • Caleb Cope, Muidock, Wellsville. - Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville.. Lake Erie; Clark, Beaver. • Camden, Hendrickson, MKeestrod. Viroque,Golklwayi Monongahela City &bugle, Perkinson; Brownsville. Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville.. Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth . : Messeneer No 2; loodwud, Cin. Isaac Newton, He plan, Cincinnati. Genesee, Moore, Lords. Reveille, Stone, Gallispolis. 011ie, Stoops, C.nclunsti. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Brownsville Packets, at 9 A. M. and 6 P.M Beaver Packets, 8 A.lll. and 4 P: M. Cincinnati—Monongahela. . Sunfish—We Zanesvllle—Empress. 'Wheeling—Louis McLane. • IMPORTS IST RIVZIt BEAVER—Per Michigan No 2--8 doe broom. 40 aka meals oata, t bbl hatter, owner, 6 lot printing pa per, R hi Riddle. Per C Cope —S bbla apples , owners; 5 bra !acct.{ bbl, c aced, 14 bills flour, owner, 14 slea potatoea, I Black; tett kgs butter, Arms/tang & Crater, 1 be. lob. English & Hamlett; 1 Bu, . 010 Lunar, 1 kg lord, liag, Pe cock & co; 1 bbl, 7 sts feathers, Aretatrong & Crertn74 bbls, 1 do hotter, 4 hubs, 2 bbl,, 9 bza, owner; 10 ;bbls pole. toes, 102 aka bran,tovener. CINCINNATI—Per 'mac Newton—ls bbls alum, 8 do alcohol, 7 boa atedictue, I }add & co; 31 boo Hardy, Jones & co; 100 do soap, T Duncan; 43 bbls Wow, John Crier; 108 tibia wtuskey, John Packer, 50 do do, 3 Bryan; 73 dodo, Parker. BRIDGEPORT—Pm Hudson. l 49 bbls door, J Golly; .51 kgs lard, 4 bbds lob, 55 kos Isrd,4 hbl. butter, Iludrom 1112 pcs hulk pork, Wes Bingham; GI bga barley, ILA-Campbell: 73 sks cora. 3 do oral, 2 do pm-. toes, 2 bids apples, IV II Hays. ST LOCl:3,l'er Citizen-1G LI. hemp, I A Hutchi , kwn J B Bayardi2 bk. mdae, D Lceelt & co;-2 ale tar, GroZW So , 107 bbls whiskey, B %Vamp; 9 bblaoll, Sellers & Meals; V bbls 11111113111111. Dulrell, I bk. J McKee Ire co; Si bbls °tubber:ie., CI B Slilteulteryer; 2 boxes md.e, Stout & 5a4 4 do do, 'Tsars & O'Connor; 4S bales broom corn, I C , John S. alwarth•- —•• • • - —Joseph Dilworrh. - 1" 8 DILWORTH & CO, Wholesale Grocers, and 0• Agents (or Ilazvd Powder Co., hio.P7 Wood IL, FauberFh. deSy 111, DA IiALET ion 4 eaI.DIR W. R. WOCIDWOM BLEALEY It CO, Wkoresole Grocers, 1.13 and 20 Wood Greet Putsburgh. tor• 47 JO= L fOll43•Ti. r?4ri4; — ;l 7BolZi.7Markeoi.==a" ees, NZ, n2l i,stee!, Philadelphia, .0,29 Wl:4ix) w SASH—An anyoronent In store and for 410 by del° L COPE It BREYPOGLE ... WL:4 l ?N r r GLVig7 2 A tl4.nditigArte , GEORGE 11.E.I,LERV of New York, and fl. RUSH . PIXIVILY, of Phil clphin, have sliiii day heed admitted an 'partners in ar nawnew, which will he. coon/lard andernbe same firm as heretofore, at No. ft Chnreh alley, •Philadelphia, and No. 16 Ranliarign, Mare, New York. EEL DAVIS tr. CO . Philadelphia, Dee. I, 1542.L4de7-Lm Oldo t Ponn•ytvanta RaLlromi OTICE.-.The Stockholders of the Ohio god' N Penotylvanic Railroad Company are hereby non-, Bed that the Annual hireling of Stockholders, ands, Elecuon of Directors, oil be held kilt. Company'. . Office, in Pittsburgh, on Thursday, the 10th of Jonnary,• between the hours of 10 A. 51. and 3 1 . 111 .By order of the Board of Directors .9.0. kg, 0., Nor 30, usu. None—Extruel from the 7115 Section of the Act Incorporantig the Ohio and Yennsylemta Reamed 'Company—. "Atter the hot election of Almelo., no permo Omit "roto,ouuu y ahaic on which any metalmantte due and utipaid., " [dell-Navels ' latitlP-43 bales Dew Rotted Kentucky Hemp, 'roe XL on rout tgoment and fur sale by 0000141 p A GORDON ,PHILADELPHIA AND ATLANTIC STEAM NIAV • lOATION CONIPANY'S LINE. ift. 0 Mail Steamship PillliiiDCLPHl/L, e. FOR HAVANA, Nib CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH. • THE new shit splendid \ t i ts i . p . XIIIL.S , D c F.L . -- 4 00i* , 31 / 4 . - V- pdt.trrt7lY, • tag. N . I VAN' ' Au ' o=a% seklan= .•—• • .f- Havana, un TUEDAY, December 1,, at lu o'- clock, A. Pt, from the Company'. Wharf, Piot of Lom bard street. The Philadelphia has accommodations unsurpassed by coy steamer yet built, and having double side lever marine engnm., of great hooch and power, full deli only may be placed upon hoe for safety, .peed and Passeners for New Orleens, can take the steamer of Havens, or take be land emote at Charleston or Sa aniab, nnd proewn directly on. OT FA. TO OOVALICL. Ladies` Saloon end State Home Berth lientletnen's Saloon and State Room Herth• •• • IM Steerage Berths, Board found .......... ••• • • • 30 .Tlll OF TITS TO CILLOLZOTON O.TO !VAN.. Cabin Pawnee, Stare Ram, to Savannab••••kki Steen:we Pasmire, to Savannah, and found.— • iu Cabin Pwitage to Charleston— •-• • • • • Vicomte Passage and found • 10 All Tickets Most be procured at the Office of the Comphdy, N 0.107 South Wharves, foot of Lombard st. A. W. THOMPSON, Presidenk Jana 1.. Limos, Treloarer.--idottaitlikh Now Panay and Variety Goads. o-WE are now reemmog, from one of cur firm easy our tecand supply of FALL GOODS, comdming very article in our lane, to which (with every va riety of LOOKING GLASSFS, of our own manufac ture) we art the attention of De agent Merchants an I mire buyers. doll KENNEDY ts SAWYER - "JACO?: SIDES—A mall lot of choice 'Won :±idelt, join reed by deli COPE & BEETFOOLE AEINE eLGOKS—A. lar 24 , 10rUnent (1 - 374W.Vy deli Pi CO ge PE & BRF:V POOLE WEE? POTATOES-15 hbl. in more and for sale CV by dell) pm% tz. LIKEYFOULE NIONS--A few bbls,ust ree'd and far sale by O dell) COPE h BREITOGLE 111TELP-11)—A supply conatamly en hand. , dell) COPE &LIKEYFEOLE fIIIE9NETS WANTED—TI tughest price In euh kJ pod for Chums; by dud COPE N. BREITOOLE. tP7 Eccend .1 1-t U . L, fo U r tj u l Te E b ß y -2 delo TAUJEY d. HEST TAL , I i r ezeka reed ji i , f . aw. i t; , l2r d BAtic;if Lp . ROOMS—:W do:, • good article, for cc le D ,Icto e tr. W HARD/WWI M OULD CANDLES. —:4o' bzs Cin. recd and for sale deb) S & W lIARBAUU/1 F IAAJR-... 1 4 5 141;t i. Ex !p t Family, Davis' bruid; bbirSoperfinc, Dear braudp; rn more and fut ra:e del° STUART & Frt:jlEß44-4,500 lb*, best qua4ip t i tA lr ri le: l L L ( .... ni. 4, tr i Y , "- , - ,,, U oo re d an* ., x , d Ombra always on halod a: delo- ijo UTTER—In Razes and Rolls, in core nod (or We by dell/ STUART & SILL Ok MEAL-IQ LIQ 1 1:117 : o al e deIO 052.:1v0d; OLL BUTTER-1M hie, la cloths, just reed at the J ib Butter and Cheese Depot,tadd for eale by delo J If CANFIELD Uft—l bon Judi reed and for lola by r dclo J B CANFIELDa irDIEESE—IG4O bn. pnrne Cream, ostrae'd and for rale by delo J. 13 CANFIELD DOTATOES—IDO bbl. lu stare and for sale by J_ dee CRAIG A SKINNER, SO /darkat ft HIZORY NUTI3.=7S m myra end for .IC by CRAIG i RKINNER rIORN IN EAR—In more and for .ate by db , l CRAIG & SKINNER RSEI PEACIIES—Ia bujasefd tvvlb yDL , eilorgiA 31 ,, d C ; l e i WHEAT FLOUR—CtvI VLOUII-165 Ficsts, pm reed and lot salt by jit des CRAIG it SKINNER IASHSIERCS AND AL DE LAINS-10 east .1 110 , 0 .../ opens.. 01 tbo I west designs audio°. fasbionable color. toper Cashmere.. and De Lai.. Also, • :arge yaw. other new Goods, no: CO be had elsewhere. deb A A MASON A. CO 11, , LOU It —s4Tbk 1 7 elfsilite,or, a iopasior aruele tor j' family ale; 50 bide superfine; IW bbls Goe: to store and tor.. by deb SELLERS A NICOLS li I to ' r :D ett V b E y " FI C ZAVA rat I 'd giu.ollß—lgio bbl. S Floor, re, extra family do, r 111 on., end for sale by 001 BROWN A KIRKPATRICK illtaTEAl-111 - 105 boein ;tbxe l arid tor.le by dei • TABSEY itiretThi SD..--A small lot Ili store add for sale by Utt CuPEA kIitHYFOULF; OMIJR- -.1. 2m - A supply tau rre'd and - rtir safelri .1.: dut COPE it BREITOGILE ((GAIL. lsrart Lltls it. - iT. - TariiCctring ud for sale L 4 ._ . deo ' C H GRANT - - I ILEAT4:4O hi chem. Y. H., iu do do Imp , 20 do do 1 li. Y , 5 obwm oup.nor Y. 11., now landing and (or sato by ,10 C II GRANT L liN lAir-4--ou Lag i GrJed Yoaolum, (new empj O. 2 '. Floymed, . • 2 lobls Cinstuuu, for Bale b 7 de6 II (MANE aliqr -71-61- eirinTiiiaiii.ite by Al lied C II GRANT A'(' • F .0 It— 0 Mils or Itua cele Irate band fdr furdlY du, jut reed and for said by Jed. JOHN id'PADEN &O 0 TBAcco—lod suUleTl lb,liCidetadiTTO rUtre and fur rale by ' drs - J 8 DILWORTH &CO rIREAMCIIO bad cream — oilnua — Fee'd and for ease by des St tY HAS,HAUOII, isrryst.L.s MVO Crooks, for ried tida day BIM for We by • deb • TASSEY lb PEST Lri4rgiTiD I L-40 bb I Galatia% brand, in store and for solo by dna SELLERS! NiCOLS rgIALI,OW-044is prime fun orr'd g l ikdA .t c i oy .1 Oci3 Attll—SSSty!!io I, is strolg t o4rAz u, . 1 0 d O l •- LOC9L - MAITERttI --- f' 4 morrrn roa Tux nrrsayica *urns Ift!hasairs.—We direct sueotion to the adver tisemeatof the Trenton Life and Mutual hum. ration Company. Life Insurance is becomequite ■ favorite mode of providing Gm' the wants of a helpless family, in the event dale death of rte h,eid and supporter, ita the eastern cities, and ought to attract more attention here. MICIDIO or ens Crrtzets or vll6 Fun WARD. —The meeting of the citizen. of the Foot Ward, held at Mr. Little's tavern, on Saturday night, for the purpose of nominating Ward Officers, was allied to order by appointing Allen Cordell Chair man, and William Gorman Secretary. The following persons then received the nomin• ation as the candidates of the Whig patty, at the coming elecliool— Aldermen—D S Scully, Alexander Hay. School Directory—Thom . . IVleFeddee, John B Bell, Cyrus Black. Judge of the Election—W4 Gorman. Inspector of the Election-4coh Myers. Amgen—Charles Craig. Constable—James Sharp. Oa motion, Captain Hay, Is,* Myna and Thos. McFadden were appointed s committee to pro• core tickets On motion, the meeting adjourned, to meet no Thursday evening next, to nominate candidates the the City Councils. (WRIO PAPE= rime oorr.) WlllO AND ANTISIADOXIC DXL/GATI3 TO Tilt CONVINTIOR OF 180, POl NOMINATING ♦ a•PrOISULTZ POl Molfol.—Tbe 001014001 of the above Conven- Con met on Saturday evening in the Corn. Council Chamber, and the meeting mu organized by call ing William MeCandleas, E.g. to the Chair. . Mew. W. S. Thompson and J. B. Motley act ed as Secretariat. The bellowing gentlemen were present. let. Werd—Adams Getty; William Gorman, Mr. Ringwalt. 2nd. Ward—James B. Murray, Henry Woods. 3d. Ward. 4th Ward—Rees Thomas, Wm. McCandless. sth Ward. 6th Ward—W. G. Thompson, Mama. LBW homes. Scott and Young. 7th Ward—Wm. C. Fraud Bth Ward—George Seitz. tiller a long and animated diacusaion, in which many of the Speakers declared 41 the previous Method of fielding the primary meetioge at night, did not meet with the approbation of the Wing party, the following revolution was adopted. Rmoloed, That the Whigs of the City of Pitts burgh, be mutinied to meet in their several Wards on Saturday next, the 22nd Met, Vetween the hours of 3 and '7 o'clock., 'P. AL, for the per. peas of electing five delegaten . to meet in Convert. non on Wedneinfity the 26th ~net, at 10 o'clock A. to 'nominate - a Candidate (or Mayor, to be op. pointed by the party, at thq coming municipal election. 011.caollon the theating •(kiciume.i Whig P.M , ' copy, R ZOO =MIX —We - are glad to ace that Mr Quiz , bert of the Despatch, who received a severe and 'painful injury some time ago, which has confined him to his house ever since, has so far recover ed to be able to return to his business. Las CCOMVIT understand that 'Me Relief Fire Company has been adulated .nto , the Firemen's Amaxiation. Ifci FOOND —A key was .b and by one or tio night police, ant week, in the door at a wore Market creel. The door wasopen, and an it w • late nt night, the watchman 'coked 11, and took tb. key to the Mayor's Office, where the owner wit find it. /117i;onbi ;ga ;•-; I` •.tle. Reported weekly fer the Ptiiaborgh Gazette, sad Tor the Smithsonian Inatome, %Vashington City !MOUT 07 TUB 21 4 / 8 1101MILli. Fr.,. the Sth to Ma I 414 -of Me "now h Date Sun me. 9 94 3i, 9. w. DaAlr me. Dec. 8 32 32 41. 40 36 9 45 42 4;6 41 41 111 34 3! '34 30 33 It 21 26 . 22 24 24 12 - 22 30 22 24 13 12 22 22 30 25 14 22 34 35 34 33 "Cominno."—This New Englsod amusement was enjoyed oa Friday_ and Saturday in lot per. tedion, by the juvenile portion of our cod...slimy. lifih, Satli,'imd Seventh atmets were an smooth and as slippery as glass, and a score of sleds lad. en with :young scions of the rising generation were conatandyua coming down the hill." Though fun to them, it was anything else to those who were knocked down by the sleds. A little more care on their parts would be ad viale, nod would Lot interfere with their suinsentent. FISK —•Jusi a. we were going to press last night, a tint broke out in the third story of Mr. Thomas Brown's tin and copper emir, on Liberty Street, which quickly spread to Mr. %V.v.. Young's leather store. The conflagration, en we write, is raging furiovuy, end we fear that neither of these buildings will be raved, though the flames will pro- Wilily be prevented from epreadmg Maher. QJ Fmra A.. Ana, AND Bitione Couirkinve.— Although long known n a auvereign remedy for chronic ruin of Hepatic derangement, the proprietont of Dr. A•Lam'c Liver Pill. were not prepared for the following gratifying evidence of their capacity and curative powers in Agate and Fever, and Bilious corn. alantsoirela, Nov. 50,1547. ... 'Weans. Kidd fr. Co About ones year ago I was In k boring under • very severe 'attack u Ague and Fever, but by, the use of Pl'Lane's Liver P . & I was soon re stored to perfect health. I believ e . m nate the best medicine for Bilious complain. that as ever been of fered for sale in this section of the elluntry. "JAMES SHARPE." For sale by J. KIDD& CO., N0,.69, corner of Fourth .d Wood et, Putsburgh. [del4.dAwrlvrS A Cure and Certitidete at tiem•. D. Reap wart n son or rim Penlol,o)l. I hereby certify that about two week. ago I was sets ed with a tolent attack el tomiiing and purging Chol era Mochas, with very distressing pains to the stomach and bowel., wftirb rag completely relieved by two isupoonfol doses of Yelfoleoin, taken in • little wa ter. After having taken the first dose, I slept soundly and comfOrtenly for three boors. ISigtiedj NVISE, Jr Un board the' steate boat At tedne Pittsburgh, Dec llth,, IPSO I am Captain of the Ariadne, and was • vnineee to the agtontetung edema of the Petroleum, the case of Henry Wore, who to one of the hands to the boat [Signed] NIMROD ORADELL Pombulgh, Dec. 11th, 1419. 1U 5.e general adverasernent 1 . 11 amultar c. lumu del3 Ei==M The name of Aldermen A. G. REINHART will be submitted, by Ms friends, to tho eo.idotalion of the appro.tung Whig Convention, • stiitablocandithn• tor the Meyerslig of Pittsburgh. novg•te erg : .sectAlpot ot itteno .'4i t o d:n t tl a g:k% •`' :, ? l " c ' o ' n ' L a l: Lion. 00130 plirrilAnry Wllk.sala will Lc a candidate (as tha AtaliornitY, watijcci to the nomination of Ito Wing Convention. nnv2 V - Joisathan Itrub, Ea • . or Allegheny, wdl be a card entnegt to the nomutation al the All venuon e ptesent My• • .tol re.eleehock, Etteny Whig, Cm, 0.10 11 of y, •uhleel to the nomination of the WhigCooveoltou novvl-ic.. 117 - C. L. MAGEE oral be • canfloillie for the hthce of Mayor of the City of Plitaborgthlflo,ll,l. It. J. moon of the Wing Convention. otiet4 CZ= The undenogneil mon rbeerfully, ewe.i the bath, of TitusLvillrArr. E.q tml the ILcbtli lb lilt, burgh. worthy candidate fur Mayor, tlin atoo nig election. rubmet so tho deetinoti ot a Whig and Ati dutawhiite Cooreolion, and would and. it uottono good health, an lionnal Lean, and around bead, furtilfh the highest elan:lotto public ntior, otorht our can), date to be PyrCelialLal nowa7-re MANY EIGHTH AHD VIJTEFIS lotastade I.turon ,eue.a.—Pre • •i i i ,, , , z J. W Kell) , Willtuu street , NV, rota fur p, . Jaynes, NO. 70 Fourth meet Tim will be o, de M lightful U: ale of beverkge in familtas, and . .• Ocularly fur sick Haul thence.—An improve!! b.elete inciters uen, Leto/ a eantlertertue or' - ---- '- tuemetit, ut• Itgarauell and paletable, ended parte• Warty (a taalule. Prep. et, ()wettes t... Mae., KA for sale lt) at the Pelttn lea Ptore. N 0.70 Fourth mettle tatprovernetatt DR. 6. O. STEARNS, It manufacture and pot Owe. of tons, upon Suction or Atmt T.0710.1.11Z CUM, ma te ••pored. Office and result or'. °dice, Fourth Weal, Pitunhaigh. Kl7Ol to—J. Itl'Fadden. F. R. Etton. -4" 1 41113 I . . ' C o u . ut c i f t tU r il Vo T tl: th and Decatur, Itcturecia Ittat ket and Ferry etteete. OTEEL GOODS-0 dor Steel i t Pinar; 1.7 4 . Crow 12 " Steel A " F.kr.i..; 10 . Crotchet " Reid by erprear and for sal. br,,r, dco C YEAO___T,I 2 . r‘__ nOTATOIN-37 lAN km rec'd afsdiori!ahl by _V, de.° BUROMOO 41 11.qOto .0 CO bid OA Rod, jcst DUTIVR-I0 keg. pone, and JID reed sad for sale bv dci BOUM/DOE, onL 9 9N & co 1. - - : • BALSAM OF MOLO,CHERRY. THE following article me sileneerni Rom the "Boston hlertaistile Journal? of- &area, 1649, acid are hope that it Imre( oitel reeedere are sail - erica from any of the complaints irldelt it' is Bald tecure, they will speedily eyail dmiseelirea et". lit DR. I , IST.kR'S BALSAM OF . N 141,4 CHERRY.. It sus well known many years 46, Mat the wild cherry bark tree of this climate so:messed valuable medicinal qualities. Indeed this Mavis.* known to the aborigines, and deioctiou of the iele• or bark of this tree has user been regarded by theirphjaicians as one of the most effectual remedies in many dissuce. 'lltie feet, several , years since, arrested the attention of Dr. Wig.; a highly respectable practitioner of Irie giuta. U. investigated with care the healing proper• ties ofr the wild cherry--tested its effects when admin. entered alone, and when to Unthination with other re medial seats. Ile found that its mutual virtue might • ~,d be greedy unproved, tied by combining it art ingre dients whose properties were &Dwell proved gen erally recognized, a medicine was poudou which constitutes a remedy, of great importance in pulmorta. ry errata,no and die sees of the chest and thmed— diseases 'al are proverbially prevalentin ouroltles and large sow s, and Olen prove faiali awaiting the bill of mormlit • to • conch grower extent than is the cued with Most others, we bad .alsout said all classes of di...... The genuine Ilistar's Balsam of Wild . Cherry hea • fee simile of the .ignenr• of Fleury Wisher, M. A, Philadelphia, and Sandford and Park on,t finely exe cuted steel engraved wrapper. None ether an gen• Wears JIM iP receipt of Ilte following voluntary tri bute to the curative power of Wistars Billlll.l of Wild Cherry, from E. Ha, M. D, of Mt. Clusena, Michi gan, who ie • phytician of high standing, and art az• tensive druggist . , Mc. pLIZE Minh., O ct, NU. To the afflicted, Lbw may CII, artily thak kt Bl3th ra B. Rob erta of this village, three or four weeks after confine ment, avus attackedwith a violent meth and great ploetration, and seemed hastening to the grave with fearful rsindity. I advised her to use Wistaria Balsas. of Wild Cherry—she did so cod with that valuable medicine alone es resonate health, and le now a living proof of the value of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. B. lIALL, Physician and Drawn. Read on and he convinced all further of I/nib-mar oiF table clinic. of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cho . hi,..,,. Sandford &Park, Gents, Al a nkatt fin. dee to you, and far th e benefit of the public wgiidd offer the following Illlire-01111l of a cure ere hy 'oor medicine, known en Whiter'. Balsam of % d Cherry. In the spring of 1817 my wife was severelyanacka with Pertpoeumonia, or Pleurisy, which resulted in it deep sated pain in the eide, anastpanied with ate very conshi ahe wee encoded hy come of the heat pityacina in Chicago, bet tono . purposei fur week. the suffered, as - latent relief; cooghing incessantly night end day. I came to the conclusion that all the reme dies Knownjto the physicians could not help her, and was induced to icy your Wild Cherry. I procured ope bottle, and connueiced using it accenting lii direc tions; before it was all gone-ahecough mopped, the poin In her aide left her , with the aid a alsop.ar bottle re: we. restored to county nuance, LA .2011. sidevallon of the. circumstances, I would recommend it to the public ere valuable medosiste. Yours, respectfully, B. N. - GARRATS. Olt,. Harms, Md., Oct. 8,1840. Rend th• folicruiing nstimonislo. O( 1.11 the cures Clint hare been recorded, theca ma camas& rriona mond to the ono hug mentioned, which ',hinny Monts the eambilicia ednaumption, aeon in some of do worst forms: C.a. Rant, Lake to, la, Sane Ita L^4/. I D. Park: Dear Slr, As I have • deep eon:demure our for theafiiicted, mama me to pre yen a brief historyMaly afflictions, and the knelt. devived from the PM of Dr. Wilder's Balsam of Wild Chewy. In July, led 4, I was attacked with a fever of the ty. paled very character whack lett me in • debilitated slam, when to t in e following motor wan taken witl• severe cold, which redneck ate to such as aateal an to gym see the appearance of a confirmed consunapßep. labeled under I &evere cough—expectontted gmm deal, Anal was troattled with cold 'hatted night sweats. I Mae frequently raided blood from my langs. I coo tiered in this •state, gradually Matting andet the dis ease, anal dammly, ISIS, when. I was attain attacked with fever. My friends despaired of my life; and my physicians thought I could survive bet • atom time. My extremaies, especially my feet, were coustaulty cold, arid almost lost their (editor. Under these car enmetattes at may truly be meld that I arm a hying skeleton. I finally determined to qua taking medicine prematbeil by paystrians, and try Dr. Waster's Balsam. of Wild Cherry, and front the first week that !com menced taking 1 ceo dale a fantail recovery. I continued its use eta months, a; the end oft whack uses I was cured, red brie entoyedgood health ever since, nod ehernally recommend the Balsam to all those et Sacred emth disease Cl the lungs, and would say to those comenemoing as use, not to he dtecoursged if two 01 three Emile* do oat client noire.. but persevere as /. have told, and I have ttb doubt bat nine eases ant at 4 ten 'will4l,e blessed swath renewed health as I haik been. Respectfully, years JOSEPH JAC/11111 Paws !I per nettle—Saar Rendes (or galv. Sold he J. it PARK. tauccessor m Sandfard Parir,) Fourth sad Walnut stra em,C . /amanita, Cade, General Agent :dr the South and West, to whom all orders ea at be add reputed I, %%'z Icor, . Jr, James A. Anne.; J. Kidd & Ca; B A. Fatotegloak A Co, Potaburgh L T. Russell, Wash :o W. lasob - erton, Fs=tan; L Bovric, Cowls. ao,lll. Green,,toargh, 3. Kouns,Sosact• A thtmorr, Ballard; Bed A ion. Hondas ,,, Orr , 1101 .d.Y.burg; Itilarbrav I A Co, ladL aria, J K. Wrldlo, Kmanoin,; Ewa. a, Ca, Brook & Son, Wayorebuteb; SlTarla.a.l o, N. Callemlcr, 51eadvalc; Boson & Co, I.:riei J. 111.1go•Sa, Merver,./uaes, Kelly d. Co, Bader; S. Smith, Beaver. J. D. Salsoortan, y's.rNo2; F. L. & C. S.Junas, eatlC7Zon: P. Craok7i, —a.ovl9.4&wly(l,oT PHOOL &NATION. .1)R VIDTDP, of Is precept under the bonds of lion. f ) biennium Patton, Jr., President of the Court of I:OPIUM Pleas, is and for the 511 Judicial District Of Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court of Oyer and Tenetner, sind General Jail Delivery in' and foe mid Drum% and Samuel Jones and William Kerr, Olson.. A ~..<l,lO Judaea of the Bar. Count, iu rind for the County of Allegheny, dated the Ith day of November, to to me year of our Lord one thousand etl;liandrsd and tors: nine , and me directed, for ha a Conn of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail De nervy, at the Court Home, in the City of Pittsburgh, on 'the 4th Monday in December non; at to et'eJoce, A. M. Pablo. notice D hereby green to all lustier. of the Peer, Coroner and Constables of the County of Allis. glieny . teat they be 'ben and Were, in their proper pert tow, with their rolla, record., inquisitions, examma ni d other remembrances, to do those things which in their respective aims in their behalf appear to he done—and also thow that will prthiecate the pets otters War now are, or may he in the Jail of alia Coun ty of Allegheny, to be then and there, to ;Demesne against them as shall be Litt • Given anger my hood al Pittsboratt, this lath day of November, in Ma year of our Lord. 1649, and of the Commonwealth the 73.1. CARTER CURTS, nottlf-dAtetdr Shenti - Bossiness & Csansox,l Circuit Coon united Slates Case for In fringe:nem of Har es le's Right Pearl, ECM', a. CO. I Cydtille dPatent Roller,. for casting Defendant gave in evidence Patent to John C. Parry. for MOO, purpose. .-- • . A question of infringement le one 'of Wee, of which the jury We ar e urt Um iudvs. The construction of the patent is for Alter realm', and commenting on ths specification if PI moil's patent, the Court observed: In doubtful ases it m not the custom of the Court to expresa uty ! pinion of the dact, of thu case; inn in dill case the arts are undisputed, and the Court think It Is proper o state. it I the opinion of both the Judges on the W. onstrueuou of Plunull's Patent,. that the Defendant's 'atentis gnus and palpable wany of the Pluntitr's • Velltlo4 It ha evidently been obtained on the ground that IVII.I ail improvement on Plaintiff'' , patented levee. on, ant now arekJ to weep his right', ender pretence •f au itnproerterin —et pretence which Is proved also. be unfounded. Per Cutiann • The above dee.on give. to the aubserthem alone the right to manufacture Chilled &Mem by the only pox.: known to produce IL goat article. They are pteparod, no heretofore, to foretell all use. required. sod .o t! the least possible delay. NOLLhIANS h OANRISON. URADI FLEADI..SELLEHS' COUGH SY• B r SUP—From W. if, Roden , Emu, Clerk of the Con of Quarter Sefl.l/0. of Beaver County: Slr ta. Sellers: Sir, Some time n the winter my ware wan afflicted with a severe and distressing cough, aad bearing of your invaluable Cough Syrup, I pst chimed a botUe from S. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater, and anci inking a portion of it two or three evenings on spins in bed. the found immediate relief; as oleo wveral friend. have been relieved in severe moss. I am therefore eariafied that atm Isaac and valuable ros• dime, and would recommend it to those who maybe afflicted with centre coughs and cold.. March fra Iff43. W . K BODES. by fi r; %To KIEII'M LINZ. W%711 ' i i i nfaT:4l , 7:3:l7o F k "'g l i" " Ph al l t e d 9 ltt Rm. , * nw long as ma water 44011: nov2o KIER & JONES. SILIANCE FIVE DAY LINE, • Txa 031/RVICS nr arcrn•+mn •im rAcc•aq .ran AND 0111,Orrf, eriVrit.l( PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH. ra Mori tor yarded by Wog Lino me calmed in abe mall .01 10 Chombersbaffith and aro inametbaw • Wagon, going night and day throogit to Piliabisrab Tice home, of Wm nem are otioned ev• eft , 15 nt intarek Me prompt delivery of rood -, ale nine premised. The Wagano wall bine, not wawkok ., daily, (Sunday. ekeeptedy pee• ow ~en that no mote gouda will'be taken evch puretually minima tbrouali 1101 IN APFADEN & CO, atonal 81.1.11, Pllllbargh. JOHN Al DAVIS & CO, if I fral Nukes meet, Ptidoilelpbra. . ' --•-- NOTICE.AIRICAT OFFER rrilE Veber nbers, lashing to retire frout the blereen• gle business, oder for sale their entire stock of 11.0,791 and every thine connected with their maroon tile trade l'bey convneneed merchandising in this int) or lm, and byre connoted in the wee Somme. since that time, inereasiug it every yisar,wnil Beata. in amount thin of any si mercantile arum in thietye west. Hav Thar STOCK cou of eve varh nd lf e ilerdware, ey Mada ns ms Iran, ry Steel, Nailof Sa s Bless; every dsecnption of Coah,..Plate,- and Baler Stoves Tinner's Stock, de. Th ar stock of goods Is neer, bought low, and well releCted for this inert.. They ham no damaged or unsaleable good. In their .toot[, en they have taken great cans not to allow the like to accumulate on their bonds. The store they now wavy is a new Brick Store, bath the past summer, etyma's' . for them, end under their direction, and is the best arranged for on iron store and the hardware bsers, of any smote sates Connected mai the store is a TIN SMITHS , SHOP, famished complete, with every thing needed to carry on the hefflooo , rthfilthiy,e.thi ce . Collllllo,lllte [Wolfe Of Gell workmen. Their store Is vented an the. cortir a i de , Ea Water nod Detroit streets, aid on the river side; They have plenty of dock room. and can receive their goods di rect from vessels end sere • greet vaporish Oat many are 'abject to Their store le di leet front by tad feel "deep, three stories high, with it ceilar midertheWhola ind the location the nom desirable in the city: If the gurehluer will-adhere to the Cash system they More adapted, math ass of the arrangement for imparted .. . a nt, buying goads at home and abroad, hod the anus whyd i they Intl sell, he can metegrealbargan, with a chance for • fortune. If deslredipy thtfpefett• tore, the senior muter will thlete C•roltki 10 the busi er, se a 'spinet Penner. 10:112MCIC :StewsLoad, Smut.. h. Co., Pittsburg., Wm. hi'Cottor k L. J. EARWELL k CO. batsvemars, Nor. prepared to ale and parte nn Plate the iirr s is In the Ala, ~ ...1 i - grRALBOATS. CINOINNATIF4 PITTSBI:TRGH DAILY PACKET LINE Tins well known line of splendid panseimer Smut en is now composed of the laegem,swifteet, bes finished and famished, and most powerful boats on the widen of the Week Every acconunodauun mud crin fort [kat money em procure, tins been provided for pas. mug.. The Line has been in operetion for five pram —hart carried a million of people without the lean r y MI their persons. The bouts will he at the foot o'. Wood t Weet the day prey to nutting, for the rect.', lion of freight and the entry of pastengcni on the mein. ter. In all cases the passage money most be paid advance. T AAC NEWTON, Captain flemphin, wd learte Pittsburgh every Put dvy morning at le o'clock Wheeling every Sunday evening at pt r. x hlay 85, 1847. Tao MONONGAHELA, Ow. Stoma, ardlicaTe Pm burgh every 'Monday morning at 10 o'clock; t% braid; every Monday evening vt. 10 v. M. The HIBERNIA No. R Capt. J. Kmnasatass, leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday morning at la n'enck Wheeling every Tuesday evernme at 10 0. a. WIEDItkiIb—ATEreiCIBT. . . . . - The NEW ENGLAND No. 3, Copt. o. Da s. leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday MOM.' int It o'clock; Wlteehtse- Wednatdavevening • 10r Titbit - way bit - way pAortzr. The BRILLIANT, Capt. Goes, trill lease Pitts burgh every Thursday morning at 10 c'elock; Wheeling every Thursday cveri • . • - - The CLIPPER N 0.2, Capt. Pices Devon, wilt Pithshergh every Friday mnnving et I0o'cion; Whee inr every Friday evening et In r. n. I• ' FOR LOUISVILLE. The enlendid penvenger packet TELEGRAPH No. 2, 1.,...'.1. .... ' Mason muter, will leave for Lonlrvine on this day, the 17th 'net at For freight or 'towage cooly to deel7 , GEO B—MILTENBERGER. Attu REGULAR PACKET FOR MARIETTA AND ZANESVLLLE. in t ia The splendid steamer EhIPREBS, Cog, cad all inte master, y rme rill diate leave for tb• above day, the nth task, at 4 o'clock, P.M. ports, on this Poo freight or passage, apply on hoard, or bs dell W B WHEELER Ay PITPRIUH AND WIIEELINO PACKET. The eplendid fast muting steamer iiirst LOUIS AIcLANE, W. S. Conwell, master,Jhawing undergone a tier ough repair,) wRI run hereafter us a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 0 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board, or to droll ARMSTRONG h CROZER, Agents. GREENE ar,CO'S EXPRESS .-=:..._ WINTER MULAIiGirddICNT. 1111011011 Lin lITU •LL r•m OP PDX lasr a 513 VASCIL OF TIM 1.11- pus old eiceblistied Lane of Gestalt& Co. having ripened offices to the Eastern Cities, beg leave to oher to the public feciltuer unequalled by any other Line • Baying largely incensed our mock pa th e Nino, Boad, one goods are now transported over the Mountains with mail speed, and no more goods will be received lona - East than we can forward thtouch without delay, Bansfacuon as relearn urn and moths will be gosnuateed.. Through receipts will be gthen for all goods for price thenngb, ndfor time to Pinsbargh. , No Pena df expense will ba spared to make this the moan reliable and benconducted Express in the United States, as It it now the molt extensive, connecung all ping of the East with the extreme West and South. We connect as New York with Messrs. Hamden h. C..ht ahrivalkd Express to Boston, and all goods from Boma to come by oar Line mast be delivered at their office, No. 2 Conn men The collecuun uf all non., We drafts, ke n ho., promptly attended to. Orders for goods will be not free, and goods enamel with de. snatch. custom House businees attended to Order roads marked "Greene le Go.'s Exprees," nod Merchants will please to be pankuler to instruct their correspondeim to take our through receipts (or their gpids, thereby inearkg better sausfaCtlon to all con ceMed. . GRods for the East taken at ' , cry low noes. and will be called for in any part at the city, free of charge Ow& from the East delivered without charge for so- 1 l tf4 Y thha for the East leacce daily at 4 o'clock, P M, io'igackages forwarded to Ciumitnati, Loatavilte, St 4,9ali,and New Orleans. Aranacierd. 0171.C1, .t Co , N0..7 iyall shoot, Mew York , • do Chesnut otref, Philadelphia do 22 Baltimore Brea:, Baltimore. Mims, & Cc , do El Boort are., Bustoo. H. G. VICKERY. AS en SI Charier Hotel 13.311thg o Wf.:l , EXPRESS WAGOi LIIIE. - Ogg, , 1849. fegla THROUGH IN FIVE DAYS! lIIE aoh.rt.re are pepared to receive eta.Opoundtt Freight daily, afterManday,ltatt neat. to rt., and to or fru. Ptuladelptua and Pattatturgh. by WILJOY. through in nye Day. Rats as low .by any o:ttcr ...e.t.a at thmteaton the year. JOkiN MenktlEN a. CO. rait.tatet .1 . 1111;t4 M DAVIS d CD, dot No 217 Market et. Philatlelpttla IIIoNp!mAIIELA ROUTE MMAQ!, Only 79 11111•• Staging. Yin Ore wnavttle End Cumberland to klaidenore and ritEis morning bCrat leaves the wharf, above me j bridge daily, at I o'clock prt.oliidly Tune to Baltimore, bouts; tirde to Philadelphia. 40 bouts. The everting' bout eaves datbk, itscept Solidity eve at 4 o'clock. Passengers by leaning on the Eirelllllff boat, will risen the immunities to wages nem day, and thus avoid ,dglO travel. Secant your uckets at Um Olive, Monongshel llou oe w, or St. Charles lloml. - tTady. I. NIFSKIMEN, Agent Steamboat 4iinoy. 1. • ~. The undetuened, very gratefal tret their friend., be leave to any that they are determined - 10 &en. their nue ittril attention to this branch ofthca buinces. voile, from nineteen yetrit experience and by them never falling indaury and strict attention, to merit plitronage, J. E BUCKLE. 9 fr. CO t de7ellm ' Pearl street, lAntiaviile. ky. WINTER AREULNGEMENT. 1849. jaltlia EXPRESS WAGON LINE-THROUGH IN ' 'FIVE DAYS! _ rrtlE subacrihera baring suspended their canal op. Cratienn uodl dm opening of the Sprang Nuviga. non, have established on Express Line by Railroad and Wagon between Philudelrhia and Pnwburca by watch they are prepared to forward COCKI pounds each dap and d b r e c x e forJ . si n t ce wthe manureo! v ‘ e p rl i, of .ri th , la me n nd thod e irig lit that thew arrangements regarding rates, regularity and despatch. cannot fall to give ...faction to all who favor them with their commend.. TA AFFE O'CONNOR, earner Penn and Warne TIIONIAS BERRIDGE, de) • 2:3ll.tertet steeet, Plnlntlelph GEE, WO! GEE, WO! _ WINTICH ARILANGIGIBIENT. Mia 1849. 110 M 11.1 l mac, THE OLD ccomwroo, BING II AM ' S EXPRESS WAGON Cffre; Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. A B the business on the canal Is about being closed for the season, wo would inform the public that we bone mono brought the Conestoga Wagons into re nuisition, and will he prepared to forward &eel putt ode (eommentnne on Monday, the 111th lust) A Car leaving Philadelphisitaily by the mall train for Chun, beraburg, and the Wagons traveling Jay and night, ensures the delivery of Goods In diva days. Apply to WM. BINGHAM, Pittsburgh, BINGHAM & DOCK, No. Idt nnv2o - Wl , ' TER ALLILLAINGIrfiIIt.NT. 11 1 1163 k 1849. #64 EXPRESS WAGON LINE TO TOD MIN PrI'TSBURGH AND PHILADELPHIA. ?non Five Days, lEundey. ex eepledd runntne Day and Nibit. TIE smith° is respectfully informed that OOP Late, witieb Ma been in aueeeaalla operation the two previohe winter., will again commence Fanning od onday, the Mt of November. • . . . A Car will lea. Philadelphia .d Chambershurgb daily each way with the Mail/Train, and from C.. berliburgit with ralay•of horse. running day and night tTe Itto prepared to f orward 6000 lb. irelzht daily by the ahcvn Liao. Apply to H. LEECH a. CO, Pittsburgh, or to—HARRIS A. LEECH, No 13 South Third etreeL Philadelphia. snag UlalalCal. OFFICE, No. 65, DIAMOND ALLEY, a Mk law doors lielaw Wriad stress, to - w•rds market. Dl5. pguiwz, having heen , • tegularlyeductOwl to the medical rotession i and Leon tor sane tine • general pumice, attention to the Resolvent'• Lhasa ;invent and delicate con.- plaints furor which hin oPtioltom.." arid eaperience pteulierly gustily 14 yetyr. arulatiOusly &weird to study & treamient !of those complaino.ldnringiertitch time he tom hail more pmenee and hum ired store pa dents out ever WI to the lot of anprivate pine intoner) amply qaallfies him to odor avityraner• al openly, permanent, and satisfactory cure to all altheted With 4011C.21/6111■Si., and all Omegas sriiing them front. - Dr. Brown would rm those afflicted w.th private Soteases which have become chronic by Lime or tag— graveled by the au of any of the common iioA.an• 01 4 e day„ that their complaints can be radically and Mot. oughly cured; he having given his careful attention to iurtreatment Much eases, and unneeded in hundreds o Usious in eating persons of infiemmation of the k of the bladder, and kindred diseases winch often I' It from thoee Clitlf where mbere have consigned ens to hopeless despair. . tie particularly tunes snob have been long and unsucceutally treated by when to consult him, when every satisfaction will be green the and their cues treated to a cueful,thorough and 'outfights manner, pointed , out by • long experience, seedy and investiganon,which if is impossible for Rote engaged in general praotie• of medicine to give to one Mau of otioeue. _. llrrllemia or Rtipture.—W. Brown also Invites par. sons afflicred with Hernia to call, at he has paid partic ular attention to this 41i1.0050. CANCERS also cured. Shin Cusses; •lso I! s, Palsy, ate., Speedily sited Charges very 10. • N. D.—Patients er either sex living at a distance, by suiting their discue in writing, giving 4114.7 M well, can obtain medicines with directions for tun, b y addressing T. BROWN, N. D., post paid, ad nada.- il A g f rNo, es, Diamond sllq, opposite the IVexaly Heusi, RAITITKATIOL-Dr. Brown's newly discovered reme dy Mr Ittmematism is • speedy and certain remedy tor ISesipstnfel trouble It never Whs. Lance mat Private Consulting Rooms, No. ed Nie mand alley, Plusbergh. Ti. The Doctor is airways et beam I Wile our a. pay. DK IP, IS VICKEAT PACKET MONDAY PACKET VALUABLE REAL E'R'EATEO7 , II'ENIVR• MUT FOR SALE_—A Lot of Ground moan on l'ann street, between Ray and Martatry streets, adioinirg thr linage and lot now ocougood I,y Richard. Edward, haying a trout of 25 tent, and a. depth 1.5,1 feet, Tull be sold on fa:uvulae tern's. Tale arlegoepaorsisse. En. quire of C. 0 LOONISh, ith ef. noon Wood oriel Off . . A De,, , iILkBLE BuildinK Lot m Allezneny eity, to oratly located, in etze tot( will Le wild mi litrommoilatmg term, of fetid J D ILL kynG.l it PHTSICIAN AND PATIENT, or a Penekb,al View of lII< ruum J dour; ' rrlanona and thirreWa of the Slcalwal Profeation and the Coununx,y; by Worth 01/1011 UGGLC, SI D. Works of 31Whael De Slonthagne; conierisang hi, Et sap,. By Wm. Hazlett • Ntheveb and on Rental,. Dy Aug.. Henry Lay afth EN , Iy C. L Glnp+es or Sporn or Nome nr stn Unt,o.,lic4 Tau .n 1.347 S f. Wall 6 Tupper, ‘ l'toverkpl to PoCapi,Ly, new l!lu tr rtenved JUIINSTON & STOCICTON, novalcorner Market and Third etrems ,4A'rIN, STRIPED DE LAINRS—A /Cot of +uproot yy lßlack Satin Striped.de Leine', ul •n excellent ;surto AL/IRANI/tat A. DAY tilterrway Bianlneys. • k J ' Z ' A I R O I: I recta, hex North I r at ti..re"e er " eft r : n ' a " p h ply ol . t.ha whose superior make of Blankets sod in vites those to grunt of the article .o loot it ' them Earn buying. Re hug also rat band Home 717ade Blan kets. a good heavy argent. widen he selling low. Al a Mad, FLANNELS, brawn, barred and white. .tf a superior gua , lty. Also—Twilled Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he turtles the attenuon of buyers. ILTA lame supply of Goods recently °paced in the ll'helesele Rooms, up stairs, makes hit. assortment eery full and worthy the attention of deniers. novl7 I. .„. 1 m----,? 4 .441 i-" 040..,1, --.., '•?-,-1- 0 4-, -,.71 • -7 I. - -I ' l ' w I'9' •••• awra 116."4 -''' '' , • ----':-.-.::. zir.407-" , -.; • - .., A l MUNE:NT end czperieneod Phyaicuta from tha Rao. of 20 years standing, offers to treat allot.. of a Delicate Nature with promptness and seemey. lit. •aecess Datralo and other large cities hart been tinoreridal. ilia charges are modem., and his Cares permanent. Old cases of Glect, titrientre,Rote. Dale. Peer Allms, Rheumatism, t . igne,SyphilJs, or arty chronic or inveterate caries rolietted. A cure warranted, or charge relandetL Orrlces, SL Clair street a doors front the finds.. Teeth Extracted. Advice. to the poor Friars. N.O.—Dr. A. solicits the worst caeca of may thecau n l`ttLebargh to call. RICH FALL GOODSS A LEX AN DER & DAY, corner of the Diamond and hlarket ahreet, notify their friends and th e pitliiie that they have received the stock of Fall n o d Win ter 1100DS, direct from the n mrtrs, manufacturers ands uctions at the east. ram, Mock of um style amd fakittonnble Goods is lain*, and presents strong Mune none to parchakers. In ladies Dress Goods an shawls, the most kolendid and fintlininable Goods o the se amti are L now adored, at remarkably low prices consisting to pan of the tollowina ADIES' DRL93 GOODS. -- • , • . • N.w style Mocha ISF'd Came/too Cord and Mack ma to DJ Chaim. and Turd Satin.; Cord Came Groderloons, of We beat go:Little.; !tact alosay Ur.!Mona of We calcbratcd Eagle nofocnire. The above usuirtllack Silks no warranted not to cut in the wear, for dregses and meitalliaz they are the br.l. imported. Neat hg'd Cionelr an Satin Du Chen; rite b a odbomeat Silk. of tee aeason. • . 4 ., Near style Woeha Silk figured French hettrio; new and splendid &tittle for Indite prod drebsen Silk Endrroidered French Dv Larne; for arena. and rack; art ondrety non ardolt Croltrarrce, De Lamas, Merino; Mote.. and Par RICIIOa, a large aurortatem. SHAWLS AND SCARFS! IM=l=l Plaid Long Shawls. of the nowcai deaurna, remark ably che.ap Splendid Terkeri Shavele, at aready redoced Camelia° Brachia fig'd Shaarla.in great ariety. Crape Shawl. white and colored, in Aett vatiely. CLOTHS, CAS:WHERE:S . AND, V ES TINGS! hest Vegan real Frunch Twilled Cloths, all prices; belt Sedan real French Carrimereri new style Amer man Caarimerels super Satin Vesting. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS.' French said lielklao Black sod Okse Cloths, for La dice' Cloaks. sidendld assortment 'or Amerman and Imported Indaketa, at remarkably lop prices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and complete awortment now on hand.— Many or oar present stock of !maple Goods were bought from the manufacturer. previous to the present 4111.11 Me In since.. A principal pan of our nook' of French awl English goods base been purchased et the great Auction Sales in Philadelphia and New York, which entblea us to offer decided bargains in almost over) description of goods In our line of !metrics, Country Merchants, Merchant Talton, and all wholesale and retail buyenr,are invited to ars early exioninanoir of our stock xnJ mem. ALEXANDER Al', IS Market Si, • Ocat north west earner of the Draninid. g INE-71icakiiNiTril ierra, :Merry end `Swum V il.g. 'Wines, 100 solo thweask or At . guarn to suit purchasers, by & m fiIYIOIII . :I'LREE, NO 1)0 Liberty al i:3117.aR--5 !ids ro ariare PJ steamer &logolJ, tor 0 ex le by novj ISALIsIi DICKEY S. CO IOFFEK—ISSI bags pritoe , Hao,artivlntauJ lot sale VI by novb P. 4 hl 'DITCH ELI'REE j' REJS/1 TEAS---linparfal f fthinpo.willaff Dyson Teas, of superior quality, hf elsetts,l2 ainl 6 pound bas, past reek' 11114.f0r role by W K.lll ITCRELTZEE - N f' 6 il'LA SS ES Ps° bbl_ ----. t lon Patent 325 flt 11nnt c ' Vas . r j t ' tt s c h l manufsctutent,bitpet cent !melte. test, ntriyitsg . and far sale by env6 V&. bllTClinritt.m u I4UURy IT 61 vlpe~ y,Hin;llai7.l,DupTiiTiCe; etas DI Ill : Rum; atal bbl&Wtaskeyl tot nalc by nor 6 -W & MINIIELTRF.V. • lull friends and the public are respetfu clly adonis ei that the itelimme Line mill c to ohm Good. via ,Coal from Patabargh oh the 10th, ond (mai Philadelphia on the Idth tam. We shall continuo to carry gouda by railroad and smusona glochac smote, noni JOHN ateI , MDEN Got ThEtcHiNniMiiklt-tIo onsPs Jaantusprint Sons' brand, a mama,' snide. for sate nown ' W • Ii hirretioaiiaLE •= 7 .- Auda AA: led to - • lb&SCigu•thran'• Soda &thr..od le — etae f Bleaching Powder, arrived per thip thr.entlidr, and now coming on ay canal, for sal. bl & M MITOIF-LTRIM N. 8.--Toor loot receive, Jana` the ersothr, large sops/Lea •11‘ New Orleans. ththall IRIED PEACHEI i APPLES---luu to. dried J_lpeschcs and opple., Past rOe'd and tor sale d.O bk. W HAMBAAJOII HORSES, lfirS, FAIAI6, WEAR CANTON, Stott ettanty, Ohlo,,conostirLo of 111 555 ACRES OF LAND,. a high ante of culti vation, with o saitahlo proporli. of timber, and as or atom coal and linnottaroL About °goal proportions of Wit land are rolling upland, adapted to heat. and meadow land adapted to grata and nom: The improvements nre a good Frame Brick Barn, a yaang thrifty Apple Orchard, of choice grafted !rum o rood .apply of young Peg. Tool, te. Terna7—Une font. i hand, balance to easy tontual payincubt. Tule indisputable. Ear farthrr partlaillars apply to H. Griswold, E., Canton, or :0 :he LLadersigned, at Steubenville, 0. JOHN ANDREWS, Aanuatstratar of the E.. of Creo. Halt nov o—ditatt la& FUR ELEBT.—The WAREHOUSE at pre '4I•"" ?by'i T l4 l ` l "k Co. oa=str from fires mr. 4 JAAIa4 A HUTCratatON A CO FOlt El A L IC.—A good two horse PEDLAR'S WAEufr —for sale low—may be seen at the Da uer Lyre, Stable of Rod Patterson, Fourth'erect, between Wood mid Smithfield. mov2:l A WELL, FINISHED ROOM, sanahlo for a Variety or Genttemen'i Furnishing Store. Al. so--Several rooms snitable for Rees or Ar• MOMS. ' E D GAZZAM. oetietf Orßee Third street, over Po,dodlea, ' . •or Ite Cityvery desirable redid lat. eney in Allegbeny City, lately oceupied by EL W. Poirideamr, atml saatiloo. divert immediately.. dor Tyrme, apply tit this office, or to W. W. WIL SON, Market el. octS FORBENT-The nsion enure now o ma ccupied by Mn. Atwood, abutted at Oakland, with 03 acres of ground attached. The Muse oispacious and convenient, and the around well im proved_ Apply to /CARRY, JONES A 00, .431 Water in jaFOR PALP puill,) and Lot, an Robinson Street, Alle gheny, near old Endge. Price Tow and terms easy.— Inquire of jyibl 9 :30110VT.R, lit Second xt VORRENT—The three story Brick Dwelring .1,2 Rouse, on Liberty, between Clay and Marbery streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession given immediately. Enquire of Won. Gieham, or al the Clookstore of JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON, comer Markel and Third Manna TIIE subscribern will sell at entente sale.MO. tore valuable Lots of Ground, Moored on Tomato at., in the Thud Ward of Allegheny City, ouch havmg a front of 90 feet, running back 100 feet in depth•to a2O feet alley, upon which. is built a mine moll, 25 by 100 feet, which contains stone enough to build rill on (or two eamfonaltle dwelling homes, and in front there are three shade trees, of el years growth, and the side walk is payed with brick, all of which will be sold al 690.1. "......urgh end Allegheny, or County Scrip, ye taken in payment J& II PHILLIPS, No 3 Woettl.• . or to WOl. BENSON, immediately oppose nay•Xt • FO - Ti SALE—FIST lots eTilibly sansuicrin toe it.:al• tovenoilthrinlngiirt. The lots me situa ted on Dettm. Street, numbere Hanasnan's pn 70,79, 00, 01 and 61,—.L0t No 75f r on t ing NI feet on A la_ry Ann street, 70 feet deep; the other four 60 feet front ' each, by 60 feet deep. Terms--Greater part of purchase money may re main for six years, recnred by mortgage. For pante' Mare, ta q ulre of ._ SCRIM - EH, n1)111 110 seee_tetsL A 6 6 - Aa Q ITUATELIou the hleuortgahele titter, about 16 miles, LN from Flew etch and 3 enles above third Leek, In' the =mediam nemitborhued of Messrs. Lyon & Short, and Mr. John Ileadridurehate. Thin Gee body of Coal will be sold at the few prise 0f1513 per acre—one thud in Land, ledanim in One equal annual peymentn, without interest. Tide indisputable. Location very good--estgoaot sat - Reseed. ror further partistulma enquue of 8. LIALSLIFX, who barn 0,-,f; said pre. pony- fleaideme 3d et..1.077r Feri . y.,NlLAdamu'Rew. N.B. mere 'Cheraw douche: seam of coal on tali tract, ab e ,oo feet abase thelower, of excellent quality. /TtNallf ca — tibfilitiUldlutic Lots for Omit. THE entueribers are authorised metier at privets, sale, and upon highly favorable tenets, a number of very valtmule Building Lots, comps/tut; a large potion of the Lou numbered 67, Cd, 00 and 70, in Woole' General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, sit.. ted et the mom eastwahlly comer of Pe. ax.l Wayae streets, homing 910 &Mon the former, and extending along the latter about 0.71 fest to Ole AllegEmny river, and bei g e a part of the ItealEmate of the late lama, S. Stevenson, Eng., deceased. A pl or subdoision of the above Lots, le enter mity meta which it in proposed to sell, may be man at the sifter of the undersigned, un Fruntit, between blari km and Ferry stt WILLIAMS & ME= 131:12223 13MBE la proberlomation Nolooses, oak blrls mod good tfralea., for sale low by W at AI MITC4ELTRbIg, `' f ' `:`~ y .c f , ~ ^ l9C.OJ~/~RYLii11i!)~~: z 5..r~._ ~.. 1...7 . Envenom , asn Ste. Zbllliala. , 4oNElM lot . . no Clmoneal Soap canoes a flea pet=2 4. atidstr. the same limn mottles, softents, 2.1 _obi, giving n the tartars and beolly Of..= MOW. ,_ .- . • Seem, Save Resew AM/ Somali are won nut aly healed, but - cored by its use, as at loan wren. Pith... mans lo New York know who nite it La Sack eases; a nd find it unfolLinz—as alai in . pram., inotranei. Fuca" or uty other akin dis.. I care. fie • -ender IA awned' that this a no aselesi putted nostrum, as one trial will Mee. I amid 'atm manna at least ...0 persons cared of - • Balm Hsan, So. Leao UM Sou Busa.—BaY 14 ...1. , i 4 wid Ma reader Is again maimed I woold • not entelly sell it for the above =den I beets it to be, an I sone. Thole who are liable to .. ' "' ' - •:, 'ilirfran, CnAcrorn, on Canto Pam, will find this a 00,0. Any one afflicted with any of the above, or Wm- Mir discuses, will find this all and arm mom (admin. ble at its propetnes) thou I stale. • ' But, reader, the stares are goaded with imitations, and be. sore you ark for JONIS'S Italian' Mendel! Soap. Sold by Witl. JACKSON, es InatZ MAW, Pittsbargh. • tim&-Au. 000 r. e are honorably • mated that bsynng are the aemal kualltles of a 3a bottle of Joena's Coral /lair Restorative. If they dcahl oar word, they cannot these hlkhly respectable elt/sena ',behave uied it— Mr. Geo. Beeke/, 'Elm st, Nee/ York. Mr,. Matilda Reeves, Myrtle as., Brooklyn.' Kung Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 94 st, N ew York. . U.l.Jackson, Marmara Island , N near Pittshatkh 11. Callen, lam barber steamboat B. America And more than a .hundrcd others state, though this must suffice, that it force Mohair to glow 06 the head or face, stop it falling or, strengthen the - routs, removing scurf and dandruff from the roots, matte red. or gray hair assume a fine dark look, and keeping dry, harsh or twits hair molt; soft, clean .and henunfith a vary, vet ylong time. Sold by the Agent. Whl. JAMISON, 80 liberty . st y ' Pittsburgh. Piing 37k, .50 cents, and ono dollar. • aratslhosT CT LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST U. PING COMMON PREPARED CILALL •• They are not aware Ithor frightfully Injurisies ea lathe nth! how coarse, how rOsigh, h og .1. low, yellow, end unhealthy the abbey pears allerus . ingprepered chalk! Se. , side, it is injurious, containing a. • _ ' large quantity of Lead! .. . • - . We hire prepared a, beitthifal vegetable allitie, which we cat! JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE.. It is perfectly innocent, being puriged ail delved. . Goa qualities; and Rimy... to the elan a stataxal, hod. , thy, clabasser, clear, living White; as the tams tleth _ acting . a cosmetic - on the ek in, making it soli and '. Smooth.' Sold by the Alyenl, WE. JACKSON, 89 Law errs G. Pittsburgh.- Brice 25 cents. ang7.7l,kwy - tdr - 12so emu or • vuoiltiiiiists nocminat !viol.. ales elms a bad, putrid breath, or dar r, yellow & , - ed teeth. If pgraorts have these it is thew.. full— • ;I% et e i krt :ir fo b r ,, t a w 6 o , p shillin ars . 71 . hz t on ..e alt . ieler Runt a? : straits, • ' •., It cares divas. of the GUMS, springy or ulcerated,. end for the Teeth it is unequalled, sunning the tenet footeninz,tho teeth in the guru and clean- them ad' White as tha mew qf Oaf Airrk. , ' ' ~. , SO.; reader, arc the properties of. Jonees • limber. I Tooth Pinto, and,Avithout pruning •it ourselves, hear what ono of ottr moot respectable and- scientific Den tists, Mr. E. Field, of New York, says i “I have both used and analned tbn bientifid and in,: palpable article' Lioneol Amber Tooth Peste,l nod Can re.Callunclld lt Its poosething all the qualitiettethins , ed for it." Reader, we eon say no more to convince,' . only that if yet try dna ones you, will be well pleased,' It is put up In beautiful English Chi. Puts, for 95 CMS. „Sold by the Agent, WM. JAMON,. 89 /abet.: , ty greet. Pinithunti. , sugfedlrsorT ' .1 , NEW - SIGN OF TEE PLANE AND SAW, ' ' , Na. 78 Wood stress, PI ttstrunlrhi'_ El ' ir i s tort ER Va D vad Lneli '\ iC ITVl r t ‘ .oW z' d Al ..' all its oar-icon, arc now prepared to toll as' low - and ' on as renottable term, no eau be p ,-, lmedelstwberu.' We oolieff otir filen., end inc. yob. genendly, to ' ' call cad examine One stock, wlllea e,r1.14a 14 pAvt eit:: KNIVES and-27)FIRS, POCRTIT and PEN K„NWW... SCISIPIRS, SHEARS, RAZORS, Heath Trintatinp, wen . Logko,Lutebee, Hinges' and Screws, logeMinr ' Weevery' article usunlly kept is Hardware Stares- -. We - Invite the attention or Corpsmen and Mechanise :, generally to Oar nanOrtni,at of Toe!, which neve be. seieeted ith great yore, and which We are determln. ed to sell moot,give notisficticit. - ii.pfhdia.T- '. Praperty in Alleglkaar City Ilbr . Sala, r: LT,:r.rl'w.Aul‘,b,,e.r!r ; Commoe y•soved. on easy terms. Inlene ot on 6a: W. (Eli. RuIIINSON, Arty et Lair CU& Ir. or ofJASllo2Dit'Otti. en the inCrelses. orrl7,l4certrit ' • Pkata toTOUlia. T ill: sab.riber hais jogs mectved aathe Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth enact,a very large and well to. lreted stock of pine Cliklahl AND ELACK'TEttfIe..,. from New York, allot which has been received in enuntry lUttg Mc Era of February 14.51. f 011.41441 3. of all the Mdcrent grade. grnwo in the, Celestial FcaPne.. our stack being among the largest in the West, we are '. prepared to wlitio•ulc, on better term. than . ..lly cote. hour. In the city. utvo. roan grocers to call and, examine our enc .111 i /CC They can Imre itpack ed inS, gral l parke.get, 5 b tin °monsters, or by half chests, to woo thesr euriventenee. Oar a:tart prices very for Oolong, Bleck Teaalrem 50 ere t 081,50 per lb., Nies; Young lloachang, Conic 14, unit LOorlish Brealtasel 50, Young lkyriort,' a/cap...dor end /Mperial,'lrom .15 ea. to 151,15 .oe. Families are requelded to -cud mod get samples of of our Teas, and try them bettor parch... mg. toy lted.wis A. J A NEM, 70 Fourth trout T 1 To PRI NI TX.II/56 Tr. 1.5 ono . of Ganef. 95 lout., reeey Let, r, dlfferen4e/mi • Newsparrr Out.; NIX Ihx Len+, eta to onler, to Compono, sneke; - teue Prom', Nen, In, : I Hr. , . C 01..... kutes, Cruse &lei of LW, ‘• derrriptions, Au A. J.1. , 011.• Mtn Tea sure, 7t/ Fourth as N - Order. reveived for nru• I re Po. uutOdk , r s ' I • • Giza.. vv. Is vr cp.. "•-• INFORM their friend+ and the public thatthey Lava ' ito tr.iteer tt.t ir coma...nate with their late establuit , mantle. k atm a at the rttlehtle.alt Vrelaat • 1"...nt'1 4 bizaicazt: to the k•Olt% att..° • ' ettEssiiiiifaer NO. 79 WOOD STREET, F JijIIF: RF. will be (cr. s - rsas.! ale Tract.. ' o n m ' r i tif in s sem" o ed f about FOL'D. EUNDREV ditrerent pub licatiens. (of which catalogues can be had on applica- Vrnbracit,g runny standard works in TheutugY; lliovaphy, :Lc., selected and published hr tea' Prssbyterino Board of Publication in Philadelphia; and well adurinsl for e h School, Congregational, Mlinslers' and Privat Libra Persons wishing to kraus° seek books, are inst. ted to ' , all and czaralne the assorkoment. The Depositary allies Pennsylvania Bible .Soeiety. is kept at these rooms. oal.s.l.kwato.S NEW GOODS AT DIGET'S. W1)1(111nl""l"Ytoir hie ( lead. amt . aTiso n,d,,igepete • has just received Us fall supply of fan good, cheepa and good as usual. Go posers block end colored French, English and Amen /tan Broadcloths. of every quality. _lOO recta black and fancy Cnotailuerta. tlbepatturni Vesting . , many of which eta only be had at this estriblislasent. W.: menu, lorrsew.l and cotton Shirts and . Drawers, A toll and handsome lot of Gravels, silk Maned cEmfe, Saspendees, Glover, Au. A lune lot of Ism sued conaton white shiny.. Also on hand, 400 drab, blue and black felt and blabs ket river Coats, from 52,50 to 312.00. _ 400 drum. frock., boX and k Coota,from 155 to $97. A largo Crock of Inn and common Purls, from SI to 3ID per tn.. 71011 Vest, of varioos materials. from 75 els to 'lB. A fine meorament of 'edit s ant gentles:nem' Cloak; •• alwayls on hand. N. 11.—G lom work will receive partieular atten- ' lion. Ilandsome garments said good At, warranted. Any person in want of clothing min he be salted to • , their entire sumfaction, m. DlGDrif ebony Cash Clothing Store. Pro Liberty at oat :Mini PITTSDIDLOH IDIPOETATIONS. Yakaim. Importer at. Wholesale Dealer in FANCV AND VARIETY GOODSI- • Sign of the Gilt Comb, 100 Alert. at. Pittsburgh, Pa. Western 51crelutm, Pollee,, and.others-auttiox / Putsbc rah to purchase Goods, aro respeenfully . 't to call and examine the extenstve amorban.of.Eng.r It-h, American. French nod rterthrm Fancy Goods;. ;. . All I" tirrign Goads at this establishment are lippOrt, ed dtrem by my.., and parehtmers mity - relyria get ting goods from first hands. I hove thelargestassorte, out of sands., it lye variety. line, an the xity.ol, Pittsburgh—a:l of which will be sold /ow for eash'ur. sat) . acceptances. The Stock 'consists, In part, of Leer Goals, Ste Dry, Gloyo., Ribbons. • .. . Silk Oravam, Shoe and Patent Threada,Sewing Sdk. .;pord Colton, , rpiree, Suspenders, Banana, Pubs, Nee- Jai and Catlery. • -• Gold ond Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all hada at• Brushes, Corahe and Rarer, t- • • . Portussioncaps, Revolvers, Pierols, Clocks, Silk 4k• Cotton Purses, upeciaelcs, Slued Pens, Matto Baru,: Carpet Rags scut Baskets. Binding, Fiodurg• and Trinamiiiga Toys and Taney Gue.ls; together nab a large vas*, ty of Fancy end Simple Dlt \ GOODS. C. TRAGIC: is also ascot for the celebrated Lart....;, , curer Cryan.. - "PO 101 TV artiirDPeliet • MURPHY, at north east Comer of Pernik • W y . and Market see, Is now roteiging second- . -• • suppl (or the Thson, and nun offer mdneeinents to • •."' buyers rareiv to be met with HI. assortment of LADLES' DRESS GOODS ' - ' " • Is very full, consisting of French lifcrines,Cashmaresii Coburg., Lyonoss Clerks, super Feinted FrenebCash-: wirer, or prices considembly Inver Matt they ••'" he bought early Indio season. Ills stock of LONG SHAWLS Fs large, and embraces Marry of the beatillfill styles • na:v sea eshlhilion at Franklin Instrture, Pt:alert's.' BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, ' ' ' • Of acne and very handsome style. - Velvet Tans ming', be SACKING FLANNELS; ur 1/I.ollllslylcs and qualifier, plain and emyroidws. Black Silk Lace., Needle Worked Wises and !Xenon; Satins and %relent Flowers, Cattriand Feathant - HANDSOME DRESS SU. Of the neweseeryle., and at tower price* than astral; and Hch changcatila Silks and Santo, for A.c.• ' and a inr , gc striek of • STAPL. AND - HOUSEKEEPLN at lat*ot price,- And in the gentlemen's depannual , ttill bo`tnund.frerh . FRENCH BLACK, AND FANCY COLD CLOTHS* , Black Don't:inn, Wuner Venting., Fancy Cuuntania. . • Underief.t. ditr and Drawer., Silk Craiats, ho rest Hand- • kereh • 'Ol3-Morchaots. are iovaed to visit itio.Wholosals ROM*. up tremolo nomadism. • • 0 PI PM 01.1) cock!, hf pqm I.l.faybite; Eitrn•Rmlitelle, duff and pule, rintsges of 26,40,' and It hf pipes Leger there's Kura Rochelle, dark nod 7 . PlTril7"4X`a at ce. 4Pd. • . . P o ' hf le; tangos of '42, 33, 41. p ipes Andhur Coring. psis, &C gvint.orn: Yido !mei Hennessy, Comas; psis, do "Of • • 6 do Chalons, Bordesuo, polo .t dui . , do '475 "- "L. do .13 Dopey, 1., do, • 'do 47. I do Castiltuti, do '47, I do linstenu, dark. 7 do f day , 2 qr corks (mini, Dopey & Co, pale, M do dieglory Cunene, dock, 2 do Old Pale Nestor, I do Pellemisin do Cf.:genet. • 6 Po Prere; riatitges of..!21,10,111:`10. octaves doi Mg and 1520. 41 cask. United Vineyard Pioprietork rink at 2 oitsvc. do do -do do 'V. •-;', I do Champagne Comrinc, Yr • d o Old Nash llrmsdy. • r Cherry Orton's. 050 dor. Pine Old Commits, I.fatidng or single WHIM_ This stock of high proof Moire grandma Pas bossy-, sleeted, by tse sub.crther nod eennoingsnrs prior to the advance, and ore min offeted toynedrs, the t rade upon 11100 C reasonable tenniiitan knentfore. Calf and .4 Wine helots pifinnartumstamtrhen. „' norl6 4110011, Yrsll 'AA to N'SLIA4A . A. PicA,PWIITYW 4:- AATIA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers