The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 17, 1849, Image 2

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    THE irTsßuttiai GAZETTE.
V . Anvarmeass are earnesay. requested lo nand In
lei (antra before 5 r. at., and aa nasty lathe d
ferzedelble. hisertisements hot Inserted foe a;z ay eei-
led date min irmariabl y charged until aide out
Advertisement.. andn mbseriptloos to the North Amer
San sad Called State. Gazette, Philadelphia, received
and form:dad from at. office.
We dimet the editor of the Steubenville Her.
old, and all concerned to that city, to the remarks
of oat Commercial Reporter, In the apprppriale
1101112611. Cheat Injustice is done to our paper birthe
limner in which our markets are kept standing
from day to day, in the Herald, with the date only
altered. We 'will be accountable the oar markets
Os the r day our paper it dated, but not n day after
All concerned :will see, in oar advertising co•
luau, that the sales of Lands in lowa have been
The New York Exprn. pubttsbee a proelama
lion by the Government of Min &fru, in whieh
the oat:ages of Mr. Chatfield, the British agent,
are folly set firth, and protested ag nines. It dim not
give any acts in addition to the letter published
on Saturday, but shows the light in which that
GOTlMlntlent views the British aggression. After
Iglt(agaa account of the seizure of the &risen of
,Truxillo i , and other outrages, committed by the
British agent, with an armed tercel, the proolama
-lion says:
'lint, on our Southern coast, the British have
done 'yet worse.: Oa the pretence of obtaining
eallsfiction by panige measure. on the eleima of
British subjects against Honduras the captain of
the war steamer, the Gorgon, c,rthe lath of the
present month, took pommel:on of the Isle of Ti
gre. landed an armed force and set up the British
Gag over Reigned. The deg of the Republic was,
to effect this purpose, forcibly taken down, and
three discharges ot infantry, twenty one of cannon,
celebrated the mounting of the flag of the Queen
of England. The commandant of the inland, in
the name of the Government and of the Republic
protested against such unheard of violence, and the
English Conan!, es the commandant bar informed
us, althea with him in this protest. On his re-em
barking:, the commandant of the Gorgon'inkems
ed the Governor of the island that If the flag of
Central Ameri. should be reinstated on the is
land, he would return with his war steamer and
restore by force the British flay. The other gov
ernments of the republic, as well es our Commis
er,yharged to treat with the Charge d' Affairs of
the United iStates residing in Nicaragua have been
made acquainted with these events, that they may
take such measures as may seem to them proper,
topeciallOince the island of Tigre has been by
treaty approved of by the President, placed far
mally m deposit in the power of the goverementof
the Northc
This is certainly a very serious matter. A
greswe outrage could hardly have been commit
ted on a weak and defenceless power. 'How far the
U. States are compromitted ¢y Rea aelmare, we
cannot say, but the following concluding para
graph of the Proclamation shows that the Nieme
yer' Government looks to, us for support and
" People of Honduran—Notwithstanding our
own want of means to reaist, with effect, and to
defend the Integrity of our soil, and the dignity of
our government, yet we need not submit to the
unjust and violent conduct which
for the Star Spangled' Banner will be unfurled in
our seas, to assist na to vindicate our rlghte, and
rescue us from insult.. Yes that bright flag, re
splendent with glory, backed by immense power
will be our guaranty in virtue at entente 'treaties,
and, has geoeronety pledged itself to aid us. The
Identity of our principles, and the fact that we are
children of the same continent, is a band of maion
with that great power. Let us then, confide in
her resources, under the bonds which unite our
Interests. Long live republic. goveremente
Long live the illustrious descendants of the im
mortal Washington'
• The Ministry of the Government of Honduras,
at Teguagalpft, October Wet., I 519.''
In commenting on this ontrie-o, the Nei. York
Tribune remelts as
"Were there any Ira 4141 10 suppose that dhin
Consular agent were manna br exidiee direetton
al his Griernincat,- weeLl be occasion to,
biamind Isis ileinign with more lamina atten
d= than we raw/hen:ow upon them. la that
cum lie United - States would hare received an
open insult, end et mon to extrensa immure,
might Ea rovkist the boittida of probable rmossrity.
tiriitipprTi . ig-7 . which ay do 4
not—thlit the
Squier, and the maaion orthe.
iitud,ireie beyond the designs of the adtednietra ,
Lion at Washington, or even beyond otir rights at
• onion, our flog teonZi nonezhe feu hays arfera
a nifflil and inkier/4U. entrage.—But wnhout
more Satisfactory evidence ihao ave bevel yet
way Iwo shall not identify. the Enoch Government
/with the hot bead who represents it in Cenuni
/ deletion. We look accordmily (or n prompt and
satisfactory disavowal of his imprudent •ud uo•
necessary course, and hit recall from R steins
Whoa. digoity he so poorly sustain."
Two weeks have now elapsed, since the meet.
ingot Congress, and no orguMeation of the lower
House has been effected; and from present ap
pearances, there is not much likelihood of inch Co
event taking place, for some time to come. Such
■ state of tholes is much to he deprecated, and
great is the responsibility which will rem upon
those who are thin preventing our natioaal Legis-
Intim, from entering upon Is important duties.
There can hardly be say difference of opinion,
upon what portion of the members this responai
bay nut.. The Free Sellers of both I/Mika un
questionably hold the batsmen of power, and can,
at any time, make the Speaker. It is therefore
wittr„them, that the chief blame hes, nod they me• t
answer for it to the country. ,
At the commencement of the balloting fin Speak
er, twciprominent - Members were taken up by the
two great parties, who now so nearly divide the
Mouse: Mr. Cobb was the Democratic candidate,
Mr. Winthrop the Whig. Mr. Cobb is a southern
man, repress cling one of the strangest Strive States
in the Union, and naturally identified with south
ern intermits. Mr. Winthrop is n northern mm,
balling from a State eminent for her enlarged de
votion to liberty; and upon the subject of human
freedom, the opiniona of this distinguished gentle.
man are as unconcealed 'ea the light of day.
Menus. Wilmot, Giddings az Co., knew that he
was as much opposed to the erten.ion of slavery
as they were, and yet they refused to cast their
votes for him, and thereby nearly permitted a
'anthem slave bolder to be elected. Under such
II state of farts, can any calm renenner tmon,the
subject suppose for one moment, that these men
are governed by any high or patriotic prinmples
itt dm Meuse which they are pursuing r For our
own put, we have been compelled to doubt the
purity of their motives, cud our doubts have been
greatly strengthened by their negotiation with such
• 61. as Win. 1. Brown.
There in, however, some consolation to be de
rived IMM the coarse of these gentleman, which Is,
that it will tome It tendency to bring bang to our
rank. • huge portion of those dtroufeeted Whig.,
who saw fit to eeprotale from us, on our recent
Providential elottlion. They must see too plainly
through the mower which have governed these
men in their recent count; and will, we trust.
seek the Moro life, reliable, and honest looting to
be grund among their old rror.tie..l associates.
SlThtle we thus VA:rodeo:in the mono or the Fre e
Boller i in Congrat!W, we do not forget the highly
reprehensible conduct of shone Southern Whine
who refused to vote by a gentleman who had pm
sided over the deliberatinua of the 101 l Congress,
with so much dignity and itupartudity, or had Mr.
Winthrop. Although their mune, wee an add,
Hoerr meson why the Free iitoilers should hove
supported the Whig candidate, yet we cannot
ate how they can pointy their conduct on any
principle on which a national party is organized.
lithe Wing caucus had taken op a Southern man,
and Mr. Winthrop, ands few other Northern .
Whig., had refuses I to vote for tont, loud eh(
deep would hove been the denunciations of (he
sOntboll2 Wings. Their own detection has left
them without comae, and they will have no Ira:
'onto compltun If the Northern Whirohfollow the
precedent they have set.
As the matter now stand", the duty of the
Northern Whigs is dear. Tnetahould calmly end
'cninststently, and perseveringly support ewes
Northern Whig for Speaker, and d Bentham
Whip and Notthern Free Sailers withhold their
support, on their heads will rest all the conse
'Wu bmoacouiss wire Aurllll4—Petitions are
ha • circulation in New York city calling upon
(brasier to suspend diplomatic intercourse with
Austria, "by reason of its tymnny,"its lisibansue
punishments, its sanguinary 'atrocities and ju.
&alai murders in Hungary, Austria; and Italy."
We have no doubt that a wspensiort of Mplo•
man intercourse with Austria would give general
ealisfacttionio the people of this country. A deep
abhothence Is universally felt at the atrocities
which have been committed, and the moral
-eace of such a autpension might prevent, num.,
tie repetition and shocking bsctontico.
The Washington Risymblie, speaking of the re.
mw of the President's Message having dot 9 4
eapc,""We do hot believe that there Is the least
bandation iwthe massy rumors which have been
Put 14 circulation, to the efeat that the President's
Message and tie Secretary of the Treasury's Re
port; or either of them, have been sent any where
" any shape, from this city. A report of this
character was in cirehhition before either of those
documents were completed. So (at as it is pored
ble for any one not hiving entire control over
these papers, we can assure the public that no
such copies have been forwarded any where; we
feel authort.sed to say that none have been sent
away in any direction."
The overiind jonroey to California toads during
the past season, by no many our fellow Mauna in
one toll of incident and romans, and many a
pleasant evening will be spent at the Intaide,
when future grandfathers will relate to their de
lighted youthful auditors, the stirring .scenes of •
journey over the Rocky Mountains to the land of
enterprize and gold.
The pressure upon eur columns has for some
days prevented us from-giving • letter describing
the overland , journey, by a Pittsburgh emigrant,
T. 3 Follansbee, and we are compelled to content
ourself with au extract.
From the Senescent to Fort Hall, which. was
reached on the 17th of July, the journey was pas.
sell with only the torus' incideate. Sixty miles
from Fort Hall, the party came to the junction of
the Calibrate and Oregon roads, on the 20th of
July. Here they found 30 or 40 Indians, of the
Wallah-Wallah tribe, on their way from Oregon
to Fort Hall, with Fans. They had a large num
ber of hones, and nearly every one of the com
pany obtained (or barter, en Indian pony.. Mr.
Follansbee obtained a fine bay horse which woo of
great written to him on the remainder of the tour
ney. From the Humbolt or Mary's River, the
party left their wagons, and pecked, having 25
head of horses and mules. The future journey is
thus told:—
We travelled down the river about 2.10 miles,
and then lift the main road, taking a north west
course over the maintains, and citing a road
from Oregon to California, about two dies travel
this ride the summit of the Sierra Nevada Moun
tain. Our entrance on this road, about which
nothing definite could be ascertained, was not
done without long consultation. We were corn.
paled, when packing, to sell a great deal et our
provuions, cling but what was suficient to keep
us during the -journey through, which we then
were informed would require but six or eight days
on the road we took. The disadvantages attends
ing the-other road were, an almost entire &with.
Min of areas and water for nearly a hundred miles.,
besides the whole emigration in the advance had
gone that way. Our chief motive, however, Mr
taking the new road inte r n more speedy arrival.
We were warned of the danger of so doing. The.
caw of Graves,. who started with the Pittsburgh
company, as guide, was cited to us, to induce us
to refrain from taking any cut off whatever. Ilia
young Graves, with whom we traveled a long
time, was compelled to make a meal on - his shoe
ratings, and finally, to eat his own parents. We
had not gone many Jaye on the cut off before we
found that the term "cut off" was a misnomer, it
being iu Mot no cut etf at all, but really much
longer that the main road. With the wagons
that had taken this road was a man named Magee,
whohad trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains,
.some years since, and ow whom all depended for
information relative to the road. Traveling with
howeger, or m hie wake, was a slow boei•
eras to as who were packing through, and more•
over, be con:awed that he was only acquainted
with the road, after he ',Ached a camp several
day. ahead. Being now entirely out of mew and
rah, and with a rapidly decreasing Bieck of hard
bread and flour, we were compelled to soul out
ahead on our own hook, a small land of packer.
having done the same thing the day Gofers. Ma
gee told as of the Indians being troublesome, Lava
tog 'gripped him, io company with others, some
years before. That they were troublesome we
knew mom experienae, haring two.os three nights
before had a horse and a mole shot by them With
in a 'tone's throw or the guard. The home died
latreedietalfr JAM the mule Lead, although the
arrow went'elear through the oath and was taken
from the wound ugh adorning. When starting,
we numbered eleven ineu,ruppy of na were poorly
supplied with arms, or with no arum st ell. !with
others wee without a shot, having traded our rides,
ate., for oar harms. Our party betas small brought
cm on guard newly every night, end during day
we found it very difficult to keep the trail—pro.
wmding Mien' many miles without . being able to
Ind any trace of a mad. There was now every
prospect of goinglong without food before arriving
at any acttlemant. . We overtook a meat of
packers. nearly out of food. They were invited
to share of the few days provision. that we had
left, which they did, messing with os afterwards.
We lost the road'and came to a bluff mountain,
over which neither man nor beast could tread.
Others, years before, had been deceived by
making the same mistake.. The place ii called,
vary appropriately the "Pocket," and is surrounded
by impaamlilemounialus. We had to retrace our
steps, going back the same way we came. By
this we lost a day, when every hour emitted with
us. We had now lived two weeks on hard breed
and dough Cake,, baked in the ashes,without salt,
except on one or two occasion., when a hawk and
two or three unmentionabie birds were brought
in, from which we made a soup without salt or
seasoning. On the evening of the 30th we made
a late camp without Water, and went to rest sup
, perks*, without doer enough for a:cake-apiece
the next day. On the Slat we met a company of
men under Captain Warner of U. S. Government,.
exploring, by them cur wants were amply Bop.
plied, eatiefying our hunger by a good meal, and
giving us • lunch which would etmble no to reach
Lawson's Settlement during the next day, which
we did. This government train which we here
met very fortunately, had a day or two beGi
Wood a company Of packers who bad been fl
Jays without food. Two of them &fated no • •
am they tasted what Was given them; but they
Bally recovered, and are now encamped near
-Much aicknete prevallalere, the result ben
ly, I think, of intemperance, undue exposure,
reguleroies,,dre. I have been in the enjoymen
good health, rand tit pntdence hope to keep it. F.
the but two months- are have had nothing ••Iso
us hut the eh!, and of ten ice inch thick ala,
our camps. It . has Mtn far been just* what I
needed, and all I have to fear ;a that I *hall not he
able to sleep even m a church hereafter, 'heal be
eo close and confined.
Corrospoodoooe of the hooborst, Gazette.
W.Lasourront, Deo. 12.
We had great discoveries, real developemente
and great scenes M the House to day. With due
gravity and discretion, 1 will describe them. Yes
terday everting tell the illustrious Wm. J. Brwn,
of Indium, the leader of the Democracy in she
Rouse of Reonssentati.ver—now, behold
The MUM assembled this morning, and there
appeared nothing so clear and sure as Mr. Brown's
elemion; but happily I was one of a select romp..
ay of gentlemen on the floor of the Houstb . about
tan minutes before the opening of proceedings
among whom appeared Mr. J.,E. Holmes, of
South Carolina, who desired them to understand
that he we, the authority for the assertion that
Mr. Brown had given the Hoo. David Wilmot a
written pledge, that, if elected, he would mesh
! tate the three committees respecting which he
and his triends were chiegy solinitous, namely,
_those upon the Judiciary, the Territoree, end the
District, in S. manner that would be satisfactory to
them' Two oi these gentlemen to whom this
very eiguthcaut CIMIIMPiI.IIIOII wumade, were,
the Honorable Moses Hampton, and Col. Baker,
of Illinois. 'Without delay those respected indi
viduals, with more - seal for the niecess of their
pony, than kindness towards Mr. Brown, dissent
' mated this report, on that aide of the House,
while my humble self took ■ Free s o u friend by
the button and into a corner, and gently upbraided
hies for hi, want of confidence in withholding thi n
intelligence from me, end candidly gave him my
opinidu that Mr. Brown was cheating him and his
coadiumm, to *deb ha replied, "impossible," ad.
ding, with Macbeth, that an the game had gone
eo for,
"Retundog were as todioxts ae go der,"
I saw,thereicOe. that !weaken were ahead, and
waited For the "driniurgoet, which, wu eat long
to coating,
One Doom with the 40th since the beginning
of the wiggle, was taken, with the following
-Wm. Duer, Why,—
B.C. Wintl,.
C. S. Morn•,
Homo Mazr, "
T. Stephens, "
Wm. Brown, Dem0crat,..... .....
F. W. Bowden, " ......
Lynn Boyd,
G. W. Johan, Free Boil Democrat
Scattering Vo'higc,
William wanted Just two votes of the requitals ma.
jority. He got of the Free Sodom, Preston King.
Wilmot, Durkee, Giddings, and Allen, but three of
them, Root, Home, and Tuck, he .uld not get;
these went for Johan, and it in known, too, that
they were well advised of the "arrangement"—
Mr. Cobb, of Mebane, who refused to vote for
him yesterday, now came up to the scratch, and
helped Brown along to the pinnacle of his lame.
But Mews. Seddon and Socook, of Virginia,
Wallace of South Carolms, who then voted for
now repudiated him. They had been worked
upon by Holmes' warning.
Mm Stanley submitted a resolution for a cone
(drone., and agreement of ponies in the present
Mr. Carter, of Ohio, lushly moved to lay it on
the table. Mr. Stanley advised him not to be to
a homy. The Union was not going to pieces, but
the Bonne ought to be organized. There were
some few matters that ought to be talked over now
in which the other side was interested. Tan;
was something rotten en the State of Denmark.' tha
Denmark over the way.
Mr. Bally said tbie wax ut insinuation tbat
must be explained, or reoilled.
Mr. Ashman .aid it was not an Malt:motion.—
The rumor on that side of the Houle was clear
and eiplicit—it Wet, that a written engegethrni
had been made by which ooly the Free Soil vote
had been secured.
This enraged Bayly, Mead, Green, of Idiasoun .
and many others more thanrenr, and in moat in
digumit terms, and even with and
tures towards Mr. Aehinun, they demanded the
authority for the,. charger. •
Mr. Ashmuu told them that the authority wit.
common rumor.
Mr. Bally and other., still under uncontrols
table excitentent:denounced common rumor ao a
common liar.
Mr. Ash Mun—but has there not been a corres
My.Bayly—No not with say one on this side
not that 1 know of. [Oh—ah, you don't know.]
Mr. Root look op the cudgels in favor of the
Free toilers, and, hunt his remarks, it became
pretty evident that the insinuations and actual
charges of Stanley and Aldo:nun, a. to Brown's in
trigues, were known . by bun to be true. Hue
speech kept the House in a roar of laughter, trom
beginning to-chit - and he concluded with an anec
dote, the pawl of which, ae an illustration; was,
that the Democrats had ear down with the Free
Soifer. at a game, and, thtnkin`g them green, had
stocked the cards, and commenced cheating by
tucking away the area and honors under their
imat sleeves. But ;greenfly they were constrained
to call out, Why, where a the world are all the
aces , " And ",Free Sod " had occasion to reply,
" Why, we think one of them is tinder the cuff of
your coat, rind we know the other three are in tho
legs of oar booth." The hit was to p alpable o that
the Moose shook with Laughter for ca me minutes.
and around each of the disputant.. Meade seem
ed an the act of springing upon Duer, who on his
part moved not • lamb nor a ususele.but stood mead
rawly, coking to. Outogomet in the eye. Mr.
Meade, boding, it seemed, that there could be no
collision in the HOuse, beckoned Mr. Doer to the
door. The cogent at Arms of the farmer House,
Mr. N. :Sargent unlocked hat Mace and appear.
ed with it in the molat ut the scene of vsolenci
he station. Alter ibis vote, Mr. Wiltnot . had cow- I nod ...Inn'.
Mr. Bayly now row, and begged leave to say
that he was mistaken, there had been • corres
pondence between Mr. Brown sod Mr. Wilmot.
on the subject of appointing the comnatitees. _
Mr. Brown - seas, of course, appealed to, and ti •
reluctantly mar. He Would explaen. Hu Leland
had made tutu a candidate for Spa-alter, and, or
Monday haat, bad glyeu but tiny three votes fa
to him to enquire his views upon slavery. Coo H.
cold him that he concurred in seatimmit with thee.
(moths of the people of the free Striae. sod w
opposed to the estenonn of eavary. Mr. Wilco
:aid the Free . Seder. wanted to' be maimed lb
the Committeen wntll.l be eonxtitnted no that the
optlatenn would not, ae hcrettlinte, be nulled, &e
&e. He replied Mal he would antler them in tin
matter. Mr. Wilmot addremed him a Dote em
bodying the enure llllefrOgfil... He bad replied
to it, promptly and ,eandidly. lie read the reply
k wan very abate but very decided, saying that be
should, in making op the Committees on the Jodi.
entry, the Territories, and the Distitct of Columbia.
obey the wishes expressed by Mr. W , nod that he
was himself in favor of restricting slavery wherev
er the general governmeat bad the power to do it.
He made roma further reenarli, but they were
not regarded. He closed by withdrawing from the
contest. The atatement, of course, produced
tremendoue reflection. Bayly, Burk, Hams, of
Alabama, Meade, Venable, Thompson, of 'Mimi*.
aippi, and a dome °there, tom to Mini the Whigs
for rescuing them from the gulf of p.•rdnton into
which they had been m Lieu plunging, and to
charge Brown with duphcity, treachery, and di.:
honorable conduct. I must Haste by merely say
ing, that after ball an hour had been 'pert to catch
bursts of indignation, on the motion of a Democrat
the House adjourned. . Imoort.
Non sy &ave.—Mr. Brown ie out in the
Union with a Card " of apology, which is the
most "lame and impotent" affair we have ever
read. Never was . man more completely floured,
and never one more deservedly ao. Re would,
no doubt, have played false to the Free Soden,
had he been elected, as he tried to deceive the
Southern Democrats, by obtaining their votes whila
under a pledge to the Free Sailers. In his "Card,.
in order to propitiate his Southern friends, whose
feeling• be had se grossly outraged, he makes the
following humble confessions and conceasions:—
. I bad always been regarded as entertaining
feelings more friendly to the South than a majority
of the Representative' from the Nortti. As • mem
ber of the 28th Congress, I had advocated the ap
plication of the hfiasoun Compromias to the Texas
bill, and had voted afrunist the appliution of the
the ordinance to the Oregon bill, bemiuse it woe
north of that fine.
If I had been elected, I feel confident that I
should have organized these commutees m such
a Manner as no Southern man, Democrat or Whig,
would have complained of I intended to consti
tute them of lair and Impartial men, who would
have thoroughly investigated - and repotied - opiin
all amalitutional questions, withbot regard to sec
tional or party bias I wan interrogated by a num
ber oc . Southern men, to all of whom 1 said that I
had always been uppund to the Wilmot Proviso.
I was a friend sad supporter of °liners' Cau,
and m my can vass for Congress was opposed by a
Wilmot Proviso Whig of the Taylor
. ..Mad. I
was called a Calhoun Southern men . .tdvocated
the doctrines of the Cato Nicholson letter, wilh
the exception of his views oil to the constitutional
power of Congress to legislate for the territories
That power I have never doubted Congress pos.
sensed. But I was in favor of leavtng the question
of the institution of slavery to be Wiled by the
people who might tonsbit the territories. In other
words, l was for nonftarerfaresee."
Alter reading thew confession. of the humble
suppliant for Southern favor, compare theta with
the following eorrespoodenee which produced all
Miami:, and toe how well they will tally with it.—
Dscotsza 10, 1549.
Dual Sot : In the convermlion which I had with
you this eve oion,you wore tree to my that tf cleated
Speaker of the House of Repromotouves you
would couatuute the flomocittica oh Territories,
the Judiciary, and the 1./trawl of Columbia, in a
manner that should Ise aatiatootory to myself and
the friends with whom l hove had the honor to not.
I have conot,orticamil Moo to my friends, and it,
se reply to this note, you ean awe them the .04.5
wweritnea, they will give you a cheerful Rod cor
dial support,
Fk`.rir""Y Y'" D " . Wi !Nor
Baown's reply. -
WAMMINOTON CrIT, Dee. le, 1549.
Dean Sur: lu—apswer to your, of this date, I
will side that, should I be elected Speaker of the
Hooke of Reoreselt ) stives, I will constitute the
Committees on the jewel of nolumbia, on Terri
tortes, and on the Judiciary, in such manner as.
Alan be satisfactory he you/melt-and your friends.
Isms representative from.. free State, and have
always been opposed to the caterwaul of slavery,
and believe that the federal government should be
relieved from the responsibility of slavery where
they have the constitutional power to abolish it.
I am yours, truly,
Hon„liseto WILUOT.
Poor Brown' so loin hes he &lieu, Mei Father
Ritchie, hle hitherto bosom friend, has forsaken
mm, and denounces his course, and says the Dee•
°crane puny, must look somewhere else for ■
On emi/Jay mottling, Inth thee, lutes Yon., FAc.
to the eighty third yen of his age.
The Flamini ertll leave ht. late teen:lance on Sixth
Menet, tins, hlendey manila& at 11 o'clock, and pro
ceed to the Allegheny Cemetery. del: It.
fP AI his residence, nestlarontom. on tisiorday , the
igu a inst , Jsea Was., in the 53 yoar of his ago
Hi/ funoral nil/ leave we reshienee ales eve-le
WALTER BLIT., tOillel Of West end &coed sheets,
Allegheny Co 7, dna afternoon, al te l eleek: Friend.
are MUMPS te anon& 01.17 IP
Wummirron, Dee. 13, 16410.
We have had another day of passion and agita-
non. Derwiattisatiou continues, and I say it with
morrow, there is no provers of its befog terminated I
by a better state of things. I most mks you for
any thou like istsatiafactory sketch of the tumultu
ous •EV:IGIB sod the violent harangues °flits:duos
alums of the Houle of Itepreuntuives. It seemed
during this memorable day, uif the fountains of
mutual hate had been opened, and the waters of
binernesa had brokentforth. To me, who am not
unused to these eccentric manifestations, hostile
andaiolent feelings is our national legislators, the
days of our Onion appea deed to be numbered'
To Mr. Meade, ci Virgi 'l a, who by his course
on many other occasions, , !a earned the repute.
tin of a fanatical.incendiazi in politics, and a die.
3 d er n ,
4 ci
1 y of
If credit
1 cum of
1 for the
/ 0 cou rse,
lulled the
e , of course
• •oncerued
I south, there
1 or Impartial
unionist both in towhee and by avowed opt
belongs the honor et having introduced the
of debate into the discusdone of the day wh
cited the dame Odlecolland a:tho mi.
sectional feeling.
„....1 , )
Mr. Thompson, of ny State, did him
by the spirit in whit ' nsohed the pet
b i tti
member; while as inn IL propositit
choice of • Speaker allot :
Mr. Meade apoDen this, and * .
of a bitterly scriclontpus speech, he ti
course of Mr. Silinthrip as Speekei
Without the pretene oia reason, for f
the limes between iSe north and 3333
could have been no m re honorahl
Mr. awn replied to min one of the wittiest
and most humorous spirthes ever delivered nay
where. Though I propose to give you no sketch
of the day's proceedings as a whole, I cannot
omit a brief description of the scene which now
Mr. Doer of N. Y., a brilliant speaker and high
oned gentleman and politioian, who yesterday
re•-cived the highest Whig vote for Speaker, took
he door, and commenced a beautiful and eloquent.
e, peal to men or all patties, to come foment and
tratruse the House. For himself, he was ready
to vole for o Whig, or Democrat, or Free Soler,
whether from the north, or south, or Meg. He
had yesterday voted, with pleasure, for a gentle-
man from the extreme eolith. Out:he made one
exception, he could not aid to the elevation to
that chair of a disontoulai. Mr. Dues no stand
ing in one of the aisles near the little area beton"
the Speaker's chair. Beton, hsiu in the urea were
a knot of gentlemen, mostly of the Virginia dele.
gattim, and in the central aisle, a leav feet to hi
1011, atood.Mr. Meade, of the same State, surnimid-
oil by a number of southern friends.
Mr. MI:dollen of V.., caked Mr. Duor, ;r be sup
rswed there were any disunionist, In this State.
Mr. Doer—l am very sorry to say that I think
there are a flaw.
Mr. Bayly of Va.—Who are they.
Mr. Lluer—Some of them ore Irom your ow.
Mr. B.—Name them ; point diem out.
Mr. Duer—Welloilr ; them stands one albino
pointing to Mr. Meade of V.
Mr. Mendo—Do you mean mot
Mr. Duel--I do no.
Mr. .Meade.-11 as fate-1i to 1.1.5—1 t is Wee.
Mr. Duar rinatantly, and to a loud, shrill, but
remarkably gum and clear Yoke)—You are a Mu
Quicker than thought, members rushed towards
Quiet WWI at length reatored, and Mr. Deer ex
presses het regret to thr Monte, La the wece that
had oceorred, but added that be bad been obliged
to repel an obwrvation addreased to him by an.
other Inueb and repulsive. Ma intimated, however
that an to the prow:mai matter, it ream toe that did
not concerti this House.
Baker, called aetoss from his scum
that is right, .4,1 a he ruled out of the House.—
But this was inertly d peneual quarrel between
two mambas., grimiag out etrong
lug, but the scene I shall now hastily doserde
was mach more serious, of grt public interest
and more lenient isle.
Mr. Toombs, of Ga.--tbe chief of the httitisquad
of peahens] and seceding Southern Whigs, obtain
ed the floor, and ma - da a, 'peach of each Gamic
violence, both in manner and seattment, that a
foreigner, who happening to he a spectator, with
out knowing either the torn, or the subject under
debate, would at once hate out him down for a
captive escaped from Bedlam. He made a rapid
sod infuriated aummary of the alleged wiretap of
the South, and at the end of elmost every *ea
teries, deelaied f lannel! In this, that, or the other
•veat, reedy to raise the standard of disunion,
hoped that discord woo ever cease, that every
Sazthern mau wouldgel to the death,lino., dec.,
and at every one of thew declarations, the moat
uproarious applause, over the door of the House,
and through fihe generieW, ensued, socompanied,
by the chipping of halide, and the bestiog of dealt.
and the doors with canes, bOOl., and knorklei.—
This you will perceive, was at least a dissolution
of the House of Repreaenteuvea. The hall of le
gislation became at once a Tammany flail, •
"Pewter Mug," or any thing haw place of dgni•
tied debate and gentlemto enurteey.
Mr. Stephens, of Ga., ineoked the curse of Al'
mighty God, upon every son of the South, who,
when NortliSy memoirist brought on a crisis.
should hid to Vend up by her side.
Col. Haker,lot Illinois. made a moat pen/ern:ll
and eloquent speech, deprecating these semi.
meets, and setting forth the bearings and of
the union. His peroration was ■ greed and mag
nificent appeal to the better feelings of his
tort—which woo vehemently applauded.
My limits will not papalt me to extend so f
as I should be inelined to du, this honied and cur
sory referen. to the mom Interesting inotdents of
the day; and I must closet° save the mail.
The Seeretavy of the Tresanry has appointed
Dr. Jobs 1. filyon, of Carnal,: Pa, as Surgeon of
the /dance Hospital, at Pittsburgh. He well en
ter upon the discharge of hie duties next spring.
The Carlisle papers are fond In their praise of the
appointment, as one eminently deterred.
We clip the above pefagrapit—from the Puts.
betel Goutette, of the 5111 inst. Ali/attar notice has
appeared in several other popery of the West, hul
no edictal announcement Of the kind ha. yet ap.
peered to any of the Washington city papers.
From thin tact, we are inclined to think there is
some mistake in the natter. The office referred
to is Dow held by Dr. Thomas INVlC.eanan, a young
gentleman of talents, and Me medical knowledge. the shon,period he has held the office, he
has dacbarged the duties with marked ability and
general sattsfection. Why then should he be all.
periedre To remove Dr. MlCeenan, and ap•
point no e euern eau in his place, would be es•
tremely bad policy for the admioistrstioo, and
would certainly pnxlnce bean awnings, and touch
diestatiefaction iu the Wentera part of our • State.
We knoW nothing cal Dr. Myer. He may be all
that is said of him. Still we think his appointment
aiSurgextrt ef the Narita Hospital at Pittsburgh,
Wider ibenretunstatims, exceedingly dl advised,
and mustresult in bad consegnenees to him, as
well en the appointing power. We shall nut be
lieve that such en impolitic step has been taken,
till we see it announced in a more official man
ner —lVesi. Reporter.
Tea Gatata---neem• to be coming to a tangible
farm at list to Washington City. The omens bode
no good if we read them aright.. But the fluty of
the north la plain. Especially is the duty tit the
whin party tlear, palpabk. The threatened menu
is nun which the Whigs• have had 00 agency 111
bringing on. They would fain have spitted the
country the introduction of the moving cause Cl
all this trouble. Upon those who willed that thee
policy should not prevail, ests the responsibility.
Let the trial. be met la • manly, leaden, patriotic
spirit. We can wall spate the south our taunts, for
sake of softening asperities, now that she is In the
‘l .,
whirl of all, trouble ..he an reelevaly bone ed,with
the aid of the northern doughfaced democr eq. But
away with the thought of coneissionfrom rnmiee
end a hied of tenottorising policy, when deity is ee
plain; when right la so clearly with nai when We ask
only that which the whole world, the geniutiof out
own institutions and generations yet unborn mast
declare to do right. Heaven approv . bly doe,
the Whig prase of the north stag 'up at this time.
No discord, not a dissenting voice. s. heard. Read
the quotations from the Albany Evening Journal,
the Philadelphia North American, the Pi ugh
(Inoue, sod other Whig journals.—Sulam Bus.
On Saturday, the 15th lost, Stu. sitar, Ursa 0, to
the rote.yearof her age.
tier foment will take place this afternoon, at n
clock, from the raaldeoce of her sou, th. lu. Rev (oo
Upfold, on Cliff wen The froarida of the family or
rev caitiff Invited to Mum&•
, NI, Lading, Cerurracu, Luo &Indy,
row::y - 4M. az,
prialal 1 . 12 the 11161141lISOUVI prizes, sties
dm* GrumCrearam
Trenton Ilutuel Life losuranee Cseepany
.tarn or raxiiiot KIDOCICD 25 pall COOT.
Capital, 11110,900.
PULNO, Agent at Pittabargh, Pg.
_ I
.4. or D•Illt,10:1, AT ifICTIVI..U. INNINT.
Jameri iIOY. Jr Joseph C. Pons, Prorl.
.Bernalnin r..h O. A. Pen.hcaris, V t,
John A. Wear. ' Eli Morris, !Secretary.
lion James Campbell
David H. White.
Comptroller co New York
George Wood,
David Dudley Field.
Joseph Hook.
. .
Alexander Curnnunrs.
W.J. Y. Mute, Y. M.
. .
His I. Gov. Rune.. ExiGov. Vroom.
W. L. Daytou, If, 8. Sen. Isaac NVildriek, N.C.
G. D. Wall, Ex-U. 8 Sen. Wm. A. Novroll 7 M. C
Ex-Oov. M. Dickerson. Hon. & R. Hamilton.
A.Bl.Mmey. Duane, M. /3I W. W. Gerhasid,M. D.
MI Warta" in., N. Y.l Xi Waluat at, Phil'..
The Agent of dits Company, at Pittsburgh. to Ruth
orixed to take every first class mak on Life at a Woe
non of newarfin per mot from the tmual rates of pre
moan as charged ay other Companies. .
for man 30ho years of age, taking a Pokey of Insurance
One Tusand
To run for one year, pays only SPAO.
doseven " $10,20 --annually.
do Lifetime, " 517,110
And in the same proportion for any sum op to $51,00,
which Is the extent taken on any one Life.
Till. company commenced operauons on the
16-1;, and Its monthly !liminess up to the Ist Oct, lek4th
shows a progress weeding that of any other Life Com
pany on record.
The first dividend of profits will be declared to the
asautedlin the let Jutuary, 1050.
Pamphlets containing the various tables of rates,
and all th e nr e aaaa ry Information on the important
'Lancet of Life Assurance will be furnished on smolt
to JASIE-S DORN°, Agent.
del7 Monongahela Hent.e.
DURANCE COMPANY will jostle Politica oil.
autan basalt. 1.01 • ca llama,. by Flax, upon Dwell
gng ne
s and Futalton.,§toree, Goods, Ac., A, , on appl,
canon to den' JAM DURNO, Agent.
111161711.43[08., nt Plttabarith
The Spring Barden llealth Insurance CO,
lINSURES Mallo• and•rothele• against the F.Pefht
and Loss overarmed by Steknea or Acrtdent, by
an Immediate allowance Of from E 7 to Ed per week
for one, two, three, or four years.
The method 01 effecting Oita locum., and tb
manner ul nwardma the sick allowance, will be full ,
explained by the Agent.
A moo
ra n can 111POIC agaoAt Sirkiwah or Accident
which will detain hint tram hi. ordinary Loonies., aa
'or one yre r, t y plying $4,20, mold recesve 47 1 week
Or, for a period of Mar years, the sum of 1114,40 paid
annually, will avert. I per Week while .ter
Crary neromary Informattbn viii be afforded on the
subject of Insurer, Generally, by
4,174 nm hlanungehola lieu ...
LIOR BALE ..An Iron Foundry, Blacksmith .nJ
r klacholo Shop, with amain Engine of IS hors ,
power, ood honk of took, cli ins , p acorns, a,
ladles, furnaces and 01/111111, 11011, In um and in knod
Haid prozotas ha re 150 feel front by kV
Joao, with on silege of an wilt:Ovens lot 07 by DU trot
echo olio of the oldest aitil best .ta rola in the City of
eincinnatr, with a liberal patrunacc Apply to
der/ DA VI D BINTItN, Csem non, 0
IM/4/1 , 14 i r ,
.a ;
tV me a
on on .t n e
y d: y
01 to the underslgned the one undivided •11t6 pool de
tract of lona, lytng In the county of Allegheny. and
State of Pennsylvania, being Lot No 10, in Steele
Semple'aplati 4/i tomes recorded by his Administrator
hook IT, page I, in the other of the Recorder in Al
legheny county, containing SEVEN AVREJ3 AND
NINETY AND ONEt HAI.) PERCHES. together with
the apporottimmes accent to Thionos 'Toulon Inc
payment ot . certain note tet cent dated tleser th ed, and
whereas acid note lo 111 •rrear, sod unpaid; therefore.
in pursuance of acid deed of trust. the untlerstgoed
will,on the TENTH DA VOF J AN ,1,...5tkae1l at the wes t .
tin door of Mt-Court House of rit Logi, hto , the shore
described real et..tate, to Lhe hurtlesl bolder, for mob,
between the Inn, oi mite in the forenoon sod One to
the afternoon of that dot'. cod noon *nett tote 0,111 de
liver g deed fee simple ot the property .old to die
parch son or pore hosera thereof.
dcl7-dt. THUS 1' GANyr, Truant,.
geo ?LAVERS --Seonn't 1.:00en Viol
Scnoot., altered and connected from the lam For •
halt edition, to correspond with Spobes Original
School of Vtolin play tug, by Ms pupil LI V Hell -It
any erg ousento me moored to recommend this work.
It may he observed that Spoht himself adhere. omen)
to the system lent down in the above work. and that
he has by themode of Instructlon, ptoduded
pre dumber a thstingtoolted pupils than anrother
maste eter r
in Euro "
A ',apply ot C r th above lost..reed, (price 137.) and for
sale by J MELLOR, gl Wood st
BNV III:AT FLOUR-50 sark• In store and for
eel. by Jell COPE 6 BREVFOFLE
FLOUR. -S,l bltt• jam rood and for .;le bS
dor/ COPE A. LIRE It FOlil.E
UVNN V bAtat- 500 in rime nod for sole I,
‘ IVC:t:I i .;I.:N 111 dot tl . lst . oreand toe .ale In
D EII4? PEAC lIE - an? kw . slog
Etiali: OS; E. - sis — ‘ 7l.l - dS ' l l ain; ivr tale by
deel7 IPS Pecusul street.
UGA R.-20 N U., for .1 , by
1.7 del, CILO&ANT
By the Alhoeheent of the United silk...
«are and•reake known, that Puhlic Sale* will be
held at the undermentioned Laud Otheee, the State
111 lOWA, at the pericalt barometer deuguated, to wit
At the Lend °dice et DUBUQUE, commencing on
Monday, the .I•lventh day of January next, fur the die.
podial. the Public Land mutated wilkin the under-
Mentioned townthme, tcrt,it
North of thett. h., a mil 'treat of a,. fifth prirtespia
Township ninety•eiglo,. or nage three.
Townships nineey..ta, ninelysseven, and nine.
4-i•ight, of range font.
Township. niuoly.five, ninety-six, ninety-rev
ed, ninelywied, and niarly-nine, of range fire.
Township. ninety•three, ninety-taw, ninety
Ave, ninety-ms, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, and
n.notyratne, of rause all.
At the SAME PLACC, mint...rig on Mon
day, the twentyArst day of January nett, fur th
dispowd of Public Lando within the audermen
Honed townships, via
North of the turf H., and WWI of the fifl4 prrocrpo
Mamma ninety lout, inuedy•five, innety-aii
ninety...van, ninety-eight, and nineta.nina,
range wren.
Townships ninety-lour, nnfetysfive, ninety
sis, runety•seven, •nd nalety,right, of rung
Town.lop ninetygfive, loarnahip trinaty.stx, (en
errs the aouthweat quarter of Weiloo torenty-aev.
es, the houtheast quarter (wawa twenty-eight.
and fteetiong (holy-oone and thirty.lour, Including
rho Indian agency,) and towttahtpa runoty-seven
and ninety eight, of range nine.
Towni.laps nthety-twu and ninoty-four, of rang
Towne!, p ninety-one, of tarp, thirteen.
Township,, ninety-ono and ninety-two, of ring
At tne. Land °Mee at FA lELFIELD, common
• , tm Monday, the loorteenth clay of January net
for the dirposal of the Public Lands enlisted with
in the undermentioned townships, to wit:
North of h. lincondtetui al Mr A/L4 primeval
Townships siatyiseven, eiay.eighl, and sixty
nine, of tinge silicon.
Tosonnhio siztrineveii nixty-argid, and list
nine, of mugs nereideru.
Taigniihit.4 in:iv...eight and ninty.inun, of rang
'r .hip, aistringht aml lOW nine, urrang
TOWLllllllll3.e.ty-eight and . 41‘ty nine, of rang
Townships nistyelgbt •nd Putty-nine, of rang.
Townships .lsty.night and Insty.ninn, of rang
iwenty.t wo.
Tow uelup reventy. one, of range twenty-sin.
Towrialrtpn anaeuty and seventy one, of rang
9 0wn•143 seventy an,l .venly-oots, of rang.
At the Lend Office at lOWA CtITV, nommen,
ing ou Monday; tirentir-Gret day nt• January nen
!Urine Anponnl ache Pnbtie Lamle aniline the to
town% leurnetaion,
North of the base litse,and:ewee of the fifth prtniv.
Township seventy six, of range twenty-seven.
Townships wwranty..z, iwmaaly-seven, sad se
anty.wight, 01 maw IWrIJIV-elvfil.
Townships neveley-seren and neventr.eight,
range twenty-nine.
La thleapplapriated by law for the uee of aolehol
=Mary, ur other uurpotere, will be eattititled trot
the rale.
Thu uttering Of On above mentioned Inndn will
tin commenced on the day appointed, and proceed
In thu order in which they aria advertised, with
nil convenient despatch, until limo wholo cloth have
been olfttn•d, nod the males that.; clotted; but no
sate alien he Lent open longer than two weeka,
nd uo private rutty ut any 01 the lands will lor
.11011 , cool until after lie expiration of the two
Given under my bend, at the City of Washingto
tLia fa,,,,un day of September, An no Daun t i un
thoueand einbi hundred and forty-nine.
fly the. Progdenn Z. TA. YLOIL
Gam who roper of the General Land Office.
Every person entitled to the right of pre-clap
bun to ally rattle lands within the township" shove
enumerated., la required to aetabliah the same to
the satisfaction at the Register and Receiver ct the
proper Land Office, sod taake payment therefor . s
auon as practicable alter seeing this notice, and he.
fore the day appointed for the commencement of
the public sale of the lands embracing the Ira
claimed, otherwise each claim will be hweited.
Commishioner of the General Laud Office.
th• Public Lan a d Salsa at Du Hugel
NOTICE to hereby preu, ho the ?Witte !tales of
Lands Genf-Jet/thy pr.thetiation roll the Preeident of the
United Staten.lilated the fifteenth dev of ?teethe:thee,
MY, to be held, et the LAND OFFICE '
lOWA, on thelth and Zit day. of J•noaly, IMO, oe
declared to be poitponed until further notice
Glenn under my hand, at the etti of Waahington,
this II today of Dee.. Kuno Damara oue th ousand eight
hundred and loaf-nice, z TAYLoit
by the Prtahleol.
CWWlLlaltaritr of an GanetelLetul
4117 Itsteo.
L IM-250 Ws Louisville Lime, rot
VIOLASSES—ItaIbbIs PlaloalionAHrown . "CoopeT
a,) for pale by del, C II GRANT
DEACIIES—ttOo racks Drted, for pale by
ilel7 C /I GRAN T
LOUII-30,bb I. extra Flouts', f a•t recevrad and
far sale try
GREEN AYYLES-200 choice variettea, just
ree'd aud tor title by
ijUITER-50 keg. reed and fn. sale by
LA RD-25 keg. In core and for gale by
C.ORGIIED SAL'rs—A lut o.t reed and for ••le by
I[2EATHER9-2 .ask. to day rec`d and for sale by
endEer7BE—' boo
DOLL BUTIT.W-11 bbl. Fresh, for rob, by
B E to tp--0 1,11. Small {While, Cor ba
P OL/TH bbla, a plav n a
c rticr i ll , r e aVa: r4s
LARD -13 No
to, %IVI( 6 .I3IcCANDLE-1.9
"a. C1ark6,7;16, f c c I ' VI:gIaDLPIS
LEATIIERN-Ie sacks pro for sale by
K Ey ci f : 1
UTTER kerrA;or . solo
, by
F L Z T I I--,dobbls Faratlytla for axle
MUTT DADS---4 bbl. for tole by
1 17 . 1 11 CANFIELD
T ALLOW -2.5 bbl. for sato by
BUTTER—IU bbl. Fri.h Roll, land 11/ erra..ll bozo.
for fondly tur, for xalo by
det7 .1 B CANFIELD
. ...hel , ll— . 6o ,„. q a r . bo d i f ei or
sale at the Pekin Ruin .
Rh: r e, 70 Fourth street. deels
FRESH FRUIT-5 don ClL•er frth - 1 5- eiches;
5 a bottles do.
5 " " Pine Apples;
3 a • Choreic.;
3 " " Strawberrleo;
3 " Tomatoes;
2 " half Rai. bottles Pickles;
7 " quart do.
3 " tansy do.
Reed and for sale 11 the Pekin Tea Stem. 7Q Fourth
street. deels
BROONIB-43 dos corn broom., pat received
and fur male by COPRA LIREVFOULE,
6,05 103 Second at.
111.1 S -1 - FAMILY FLOUR-50 barrels r;i7 , this
r day and for ante by COPE ee LIFIETFOULE.
drels too Second st.
fir 111olerses landin from
' C1=1, 1.7 a3T.7 sale b y
iee±s LAM 22112 . 4. LT EL Si3l:ate r at_
/ AN111.:111i11,8-.1P bbla. Cranbernea In prim or.
Jar, lust erred and for isle by
deels U . 0. MILTENBERGER, V 7, 401 M.
ns7e - bilesd
J Penchi:resist ree'd and for sale by
- •
SLWAR--40 hhd... old sugar in store asTlor
sale hr fdselAj_ S.& W lIARLIAV(III._
1111-IESE-3CO boxes Western Reserve ebees;in
V. stars and for sale by S. & W IIARBAU(11.
I:, , XTR.i VCOti R. -1i6 . 156 . 5. eiii ii — Or . lu
nust 'Wed
1,1 . / and fur sale by ideelbj & HARR/a/WI
lANDI.X.S.-- WO looses wary mould mlle, lu.
ll e'd and fur sale. by
deer. P.A IV
011'. SO boxes soap obl tr.-sired and for safe by
OIiWPR AF.P.l&bOa busbela,....i - ree'd and for sale
by iderl3l P A W
APPI.F—... 100 tat now deed apples just
recreved and lot sale by
.1,15 S IV HARHAUG/1
0111SVILLE LIMP. 100 bbl.. Luna
Ls rust reeesred aud tor •ste by
drelb 5 & lIARBAI , 6II.
~,..r , i . d .r l: l ,lr , tt i by l o flutter. put
PAWdecly u. cluW.. Iv
F.CEIVEI) till. day, from the Platilthoville Factory,
US to gross Bottle. or that valuable article, of India
Rubber Paola for hoot. and Shoe., sold wholesale and
IPII a, the India also. al the following place,
Braun k Reiter, Druggists. Liberty ore...
William Jackson, Shoe Dealer, Llberly .treat
R. E idles., Druggi.t. street
S N Wickersham, Druggi.r, Wood
K Schmertz, Shoe Dealer. Smithfield street.
John Devereux, lamp Store. Smithfield sunk.
John Parker. shoe Dealer, Federal el. Allegheny
D. NI Curry, Druggist, Ohio rte Alleshegy.
dcl 1. k It PHILLIPS. .5 Wood"st
1: No. 119 Seeonal sire.. Pinalmtge deli
VkRIED BEEP-10 tierces Sugar Cared, ialo4l . <
ji for sale by dell • SMLERS k
IA - RIO ORE:ASK—Ia bids in stare and to, ,ale by
- 14 bbl met ter 'd and or este by
dell SELLER- , A NIC.L.
A 111, OIL .1[: , bits Conkthig's Strean.
Li ed. in mole mid for sale
f INSE.KD ()IL— 30 Obbi in store and tor sale by
40 POUTS TURi'ENTINE-15 bids, m prime order,
In store and for sale by
deli SELLERS & NicoLN
FLOUR - Du Ibis kinAumoia a Ifulluzgawortlis Imps•
run PasAry Hour;
00 tibia Saparbae do; for aide by
dell St'.l..l.ltitS 1 N1C01.13
relt ! i . k.pFONUE-200 a ac t
1;c;rd1 l , .Olr by
R'`,7lA}lll ROOT— lb. fur
tyYlry , Vl HARK -75 ,unt reed nil for sale by
.1 KIDD a CO
I .I4U°HICP'--4 1 ' ,4.
. tug silo by
. 11014 l H I UD a. CO, 60 Wood et
RUBBNR PAOKINIi—Jusi teed, =I rounds
1 racking, for Steam I,:n pones. sold wbulclale and ro•
at Wu India Rubber Dopot, No 3 Wood at .
del4 1..1r. 11. Pllll.l.ll'S.
I ") :n i tiTl U r 1 :; S le - 4 17
P1 : 1 1 . 4 11S-160 bbls fte'd whi f? ,I r o
sal by
1% liltillNST,.:ll
( .. )./ „ T r tn....-160 boles prima, new cry= mil t ,..y ß
QUO AK- IV tan]. fur N V., two , , rop, rrOLI end :or
b,) vale by t• A CULBKirrsoN,
41(.14 No 1111Lib5rly vl
!kIOLASSE..-20 bbl N. U., em crop, ree'd by
SUNDHIE.S 7 4 ILo g lo . sal . 111 ;.; ILard•
1 0.900
13 tackle Wool;
ado. Lamb Skins, w;o wool;
dor. Sheep +klnr,
• 0 dot thertoJ;
To Arrlvr on melon, Fort NU and for sale by
LIRE BRICK & TILE—A law 444ortnient for .ale
.I;by del4 141A1All DICKEY A. CO
PIO AIFITAL-211 tow', suitalde for Foundy 414, just
teed uid for 41414 by
'IOTrOISI-6 ba`e. jun reed and for sale by
I'IEDA IV CEDAR! —A lot of Cellar Loa., ear/lived
1“.„,h, 0 or crop, ' will be .old to pay charges
if not called for within 09 day.
doll 1/EU U MILTENLIERGk:It, 97 ' , rout lit
\AI.ICO S_4 cn.c.. ro.r colare I, ac+ er snrd
iv t,v(ar A A.IASUY A (MA,
I . , , I.ANNELS—V ca.. and bale. µed. %Wine rind
Ir Yellow flannel., including a large lot of Brown
dwell and Wit. Country Flanniqs, now opening al
del4 LA MASON AL ens
(1111:A1 . MOUS DE LAINS—.I east.. good style,
1../ fast colored M de Late., at ittg exttentely low
prwg of Ile. pm 1 and A A MASON A CU,
Jcit No MI 51twitet
Chri•taa•e and New Year Approaching!
In Illa , nonuust Antique Binding, fur the Ilohday:.
AMES I) LOCK WI KA), llookeeller Sad lowa.,
s) CU Wood street, has received a branutul eel tetlloll
ot Illuetrated Hock, bound to the tuner splendid roan.
ner by the beet Landau and Am...lean bunter. - oolong
them may be loured'
Pearl. ot Atitartetn Poetry; meg mheently alumnae
Lep, of the Western ‘Vorld, thins:Foaled te gold end
Wordnworth's Ureecei nobly hlustrated
The Preacher; illuminated by Owen Jonee, sod
bound on carrell wood.
The Sony at Songs; ilium:flitted by Jones
Flowers and their Kindrad Thoughts; Illuminated by
lon eroine , of Shakepeare, tlluetrated.
1111, Charaetenstire or Women; 111.1.-
led Fur sale by JA1111:$ U LOCK %% 00131,
dell sl Wood meet
ITER ISED I.IItAINIKET- - -Persons wantotgt;
supply thetuoelveu wtitt • supertor tio•ltty of Bed
Blankets, made I.lretry boo wool, '4 , 111101,111mm at the
Ds) (mods Homo of .W KhIURPU V,
North Fast corner of Fourth a n d Murkrt mt•
tA supply of Brown, What. stud Iturrod Ilt iME
Ni FL et niro:44-A.1.0. %Vitt. Dotoestto Lon«,
tertivetl end !or sale low.
‘Vhole.sle Rooms up sure .
I l -.VI I.LI. St I .u.• arttnro rt II Syrup N10tn..1.:
! 4 vrup. far tui
JAMES A If U rcii [SON tr. Co,
4,13 Agents for SI LOlll4 ' , tram 'Reimer,.
f I EAD ri.4.J - 1 6 .1. - . 1 01,1.6417 . r'11•tn — te awl for salrl
I or —4O keg. ansd, lor :ale by
1l 403_
CHB WI • tn. , artacleof dtet now known for 1nva
1id......1a.t....11en.•..i.rtint ArIOIIIMOI, rtsgo, T a pi.
For ,a.k, wbolesale and mall, by
K F. :,E1..1.E11,t, 57 Wool
i t ,r wtst, alltl.‘ low
P • N.L.% vatlis Adegps., n &
Fund tor ,
iJ Round Church Building.=
. _
radio pure, in core and for rale by
titypPFß—e bbl. foal, teed thus day bvila
,, not fur tip! by JA R 14,9_
tlitn.oll - -oto tins Crean], in .tore and for arde by
deth J et. R F7.01D
n ICE at utters in .are and Int sale by
ProskongareThrißrisWiatioa Company.
N Annual Heeling of the Stockholders of the Blo
t). nosigahrla Navigation Company. will be held, in
nose-awe of thc provisions of lie Chatter of hem
porayon, at their Offien on Grant sore*, to the City of
Alt... Burgh, on klorulay, the thventh day of JwinarY.
•iD,1550, at a o'clock, P 01 , rot ttiv althuon of *l
diom for the abasing Year.
gtg,deß•td V. AL BAKEWY,L,L, eebratary.
R6IAININO In the l'itt.burgh Post Office.,fiocithe
1•I to lb , 1316 of Veered.. 1319: Nom.
calling (of 111 cm will pleau. *ay 0,1 , ore othreitien.l.
Ladleo , LIM.
Abel Mgr, Agnew Caine A Anket Nana M
Adam. Ahl Ellebabeth Allen Anne Marla
Barker Man Jannitemler Smear liothner hlprilm A
LBaElamam Amy IlmeMwSlmJno l'armly Marl
Pilamln't Jl3l . gtiT A L Brows F:issobeM
Beatty Mmy Himmel! Sim Brown U. '.V
imelm, filary/BMrk Elitotw th Nay Jule
Bell Man' Black Altruh
Itell.Nmmy Wocketi A•lty
Caglaraleder bleryClueel Rhea lane Cook J•de
(Navas. Ann Chornstac Mrs R Corr. Rebecca
Esrey Elizabeth ItCochran Susan U Co[ Mary
Carr Marie I. Coffin Muni R Crammer Many
Casey Mary cenenean Mary Cl:abbe/le. Pore
Coi4l‘ll.l Agnes Cypher Fleanur Ahab
Day Sarah DOlar [lather., Dumont A F
DavlsSarab Duhtot Ellaalwth LhAtobtay Mon
Dean lla - nal.
Ernest Elisabeth Mikes Martha Ewald UisabeLb
Easter Rata Mbat Caratice
Fusel Elenor Flowers Sarah Freeman Must
Farley Sarah Foray Sr Jane Fraser Mary Sao
Fleming Margt
Gallagher M. Gibb Sarah anthers Attalla
Useable Hannah Whitson Elizabeth Oran Mrs a
Gardner Eliza W Gilchrist M E attuning G A
Geesyn Helenia
llalo.ey Mr.' Hatfield Ellen Eli.
llalbrook Alice L Hays MI. Hold. Harriet C
llWen .
Chrieu Hays M. John Hotibin Rachel J
liuteY Margt !levy Ruth Ann Hull Mary J
Homan Mgt A Hauls Jane •
Jones Oita John. Margaret Johnston Sarah
Jones Isabella W Johnaoealargaret
K •
Kayser F Kinney Annie Kelly Mary A
Kearney Eliza Kirkland Mary I Kelly Margaret
Kearns Rachel Knox Martha Kelly Nancy
Kelly Catharine
LAnings &Ameba Lltlos Hannah d Fb'h
Latehaw Elit'b Little Elizabeth • Lowry Isabella
I.auer Eheis Little hlarearet Loyd 'tenet
Lightner Eeb's F Lonetgan Elie% Lynch Elisabeth
Magnus Sareh Murphy Susan Moloney Ellen
Mason Catherine Marshall Ma 'I Moore A
!Matthews M E Mewhinney M J Moore Swah
Maxwell Eleanor Mills Rachel Mullen Mary
Msy Jane hliller Amelia J
/110 .
McCombs Nanc.y hlctiraw Sarah McKibben Marirl
McConville M A 151e14nsarl.e Mt:glued Nancy
hlcUrea Isabella McKelvey Maria McMaster" Nary
MeFeely Sarah J
Neleon nun Nichol. JoeephmeNobb hlartha
Newell Mary . Nichols Elira Norton Polly
Owen. Sidney R
Palmer Marsh Paul hlaryE Pifer Lney •
Park Earah J Paul E Pomeroy Magi
Parkhill EllsabethPatterson Bell Powers Mary A
Patterson Nary Patterson fl I Prager Hies II
Rake Amanda Rental Rebecca Roese Louisa
Eanmay Rebetea WM:Mouse Reb Rose Elisabeth
Randall Lome. 5 Roan Cath'e hl Rourke C
Reed Retkerea A Robinson Mary
!Rube hlargaret Smith It,. Peter Sproul Alma 5
Ighehert fienrunttalipme [reboil% Staley Adalme
Shrum Ellen Mprowel C Stephens Elena
Sens!, Anne
Talbot Nancy I Tanahneou NannyTrurnan Violet
'fanner Luau• TJwnreFul F Turner Mira
Taylor Jleapluna
Walker FrancalEN{lmaler Williamson A
Wuhlelator Ant`o Wlller'Elizaboth Wilkie:a Mrs
Watt Charlotte Williams C L Wilson Martha A
Whim Ann Mir
Young Balton 8 Young Elizabeth
Aiken Mathew, Anderson Wrn T Anderson Alexr
Edmiston NVen - W - Allien Simon Arthur* Albert
Ainsworth F S Algeo Chas Arthur, des
Addeo• Hum P Allison ROM Arthur. Wm
Adams /as Allen We, Arum John
',Mpg David Allen Lewis Arnold Wm T
Adms, Sam! Alien Edienrd Arney (ho
Adams RU .1t:co for or dole AiamrorJ3 wm
Adams Km AUrn Rob t A4laori lrue - 31
!raters. Wm LI Allen Rind 31 Atlre Wm A Srnr
Gat, qtr.r7 Rtim,re led 8.114/13 /matt
L liratt. 41 R Rrs.towl
ne-eria , r Ws 11a:
Bazse, F X, Se.faa Geo Brat, loSn •
%Law,. e ScanD F Bermint
C 11."..m Wee f r w •
I,e- Bamea.tri Bmarasta lisanee
CKaßzi ely .1. 'um
Be.m, 6.4412.0.4 B Bvee Wm
He, W Boyd!. Ilrisbitt G.ll
Fia;traa Barman 0.4e1 HeY4.ll Sam
Ram. 0. 114.. Tho. Etz. 0.
Beene A B . Booths Brophy Deno.
Baymon Wan Borwrick Chaney Braden Alford
Ram Michael Bothwell John H Bronden_Albert
Italendale Jos Boyle Neal Brooks Quemin
Baum Andrew D Boyle Charles Bark John
Beatty J. II Boyle J.. Boma Geo NV •
Bell Wm Radon Benj Batter Wan Dello
Ball James /Rowe Wm Byrne Joe P •
Bell Andw, li . Brown Jae Baryrwyn IDU
Bell Albert ti Brown Mahan Byrnes Wm
Benneu J ' Brown Mr Work Michael
Bennett Jab, 11 Wadley Bernard Burigem R
Bear Philip Bradley R D Brengel Daral
Scrim 'revere Bradley Joa Bentley Abram
Beek Ch.. W Brooks R O Brewer John
Bender Jacob A
Callow Wm • Chronmer P T Conwell G B
Calhoun Alr Chnsty Thos u Cook Franklin F
Calhoun A Horn- Chem* Martin Conover 011 F
Non Champ Atoned Conners TLos
Carpenter 13 F -- Chodarick Cho. CouttortlustairsoJ
Carpenter Va. II Chapman Faoluel Connor Allah.]
Cirroll DA , Claypool Fell. Car/mall N
Carson John A 11 Clark Jos N Courtney N
Cannon A Clark John Cover:Abysm
Carnal. Wm Clark Saml Corhil
Carte, Jos F ColemooPotk CoOch old S I
Ceirovright Cock Eli Z B Chilthlo Wm CI
CarM Daniel P Coggin. Andes Cnigg Thos
Clanfeld la. Cola Wm Crlbbi John B
Cal/11111,011! Colver Lewis W Craford Jas
Carson Nut P Collins Jos Craig Join ,
Carmialian James Collin. Horatio 0 Crying The.
tlasselberry O N Cochran John r Colberlso_n_Jje_
Campbell Jo. F Connolly Slop:lnt Carrekobert
compbellhllehaelCoik Patriok Corn P
Campbell T Cooker (N Corry JosC
Cornwall Put Cum. Auansms
Dorsey /tuella Dexter Ono Dougherty Chu
Darney Owen Daring Jae El Dolmaslay Thou
Dalton Maid Da Con ttobett Dounagby Jos
yhalfwaynsel Welt Donley Wm
(I It De Wolf Wilk- DorraaJohn
Dartey A arson Dolan,John
Darragh Jos Dillon losl.h Doran Robt
Devitt Alex Dick Don n Jr Dulen John
DaWell Wm INght John Doyle Jar 11
Davis John Dickinson KB' Dry,. Thos
Davis Win J Dixon Jae hi Drayton Jahn
Davie Tins Dixon Jae B Drum Philip
Davis Richard B . Dixon Jae hi Dreher Geo
Davin Wm P Devine Them Dufiery P A Rev
Davie Jos Devine John Dahlia John D
Davis Silas DougluaThos Day Itir
Darla Wm R Dowling. Wm B Dull Edward
Davie Fielding A Dougherty John Darnel Fleury
Davis A hi Dougherty Geo G Dyer James
Um: /entail A Dougherty Stunt Duncan Ran
Devi. C D Davie F A Rev Dolman Thu. hi
Edmond Win Erskine Adam Emory Roht
Edgar John Robert Evans David
Eagon John Essvorthy Nathan Evans Edwd
Eberhatt IVm Ellinton Jacob Evans David .
Edie H Erni Them Evans Edwaid I
Emerson Il II Em my Dant Ewing Haiti
Elliott John A A Emig Ain., Rowe, Dan! .
Etskitio WD Idsworthey Isaac.
Fugate.' D Fatataammo EC Forger J..
Fut. Dent Flatmate.lw Foam Wm
Fans J. fl ' , Aramld J. FordThos
Ferguson tl 11 Elm Edw F Uob • Fulton Joe R
Ferguson T U Ilenung John Faller .19 .•
'Ferguson Reuben Flanues. F C Fury Eton
• G
Gallagher Hugh Glenn Chas U Greenan Peter
Gallagher Shane Giles /awes Greavers H R
aialluther Geo Oiling, Chi Oremln Peler
Gallagher Ti Dr Gilmore Rout Only FAwd
Getty Andrew Gillespie Sena N Grow John D
Getty Dr Gibson J Orilla 311 , •
Ootoway Baml B Goarden 300 Griffith W
Gayland Cr Co oouldthrop Semi Oliver - Franca hl
Ger. Juhn Goa Jcihn Graham 0 11
Gardner Jae Grove John - Gray loot
Gardner Jacob A Green Geo E Gray Geo]
canoe Joe Greer Sarni A. Jo-Chopin War
I havey Jar cob Gurley 0 V
Hazer C Henderson. Hugh Hope Richard
Ila derinen J M J Herring Henry hl Horner John
flannel. JercUlinblicitry Rev R W Howard Mr
Hamner Res J Henry James Howard Johnson
'larger John Hill Saud Ilyalt Herskish
Harvey John V Hill Joseph II Hutchinson W
Harvey dears Hill A F Hutchinson Jilo
Harlon: John Hill (roars Hutchinson Win
Hari Henry hl Hill A Ilumpbray Jaz
'bowfin. Edw.' 'Hinckley H Sighs Phillip
Hawkins Ris 'lonia Joseph thighs Jas
Finch Nail. Al llollsodbact duo Hunter Rah, $
1127'ult Cote 'loon/tool Mich' Huns lames
ils,liasesy Hole. Reuhen Herd Tone
'lore Cll. A Ilulluhon Chas Hewes Haitian W
Hass Hough John Hurst Win A
Hear es, Householder Datilflumble Crisis C
!sett Sarni Irvin l M Ingham /no 11
En vin John IS ' - • -
Jock Henry F 1 Jeniunnon Win Jones Darla
/meson Davnl John Davol ion, limy
Jimens lie., Jeffery Jackson Jones Hey -
James hlar•hal Johasssu ...hurl Jon, Freon
/WIMP Junn /tampon Abram Jones Wrn J.
Jacobs Isaac II Johnson Mr Jones Charles
j r , o b a Henry Johnson Res J Mopes Hea•Eran
Jury Stephen Johnson Henry lona John A
/inking Jahn D Jones /mare tones Jahn T .
Jr florins Yilalund Jane, Sovhen Jane, & Cutter
Kaye lease N Caton I.onrit Eiter He* W
Kele Henry enzinee Juba Nutley nos
Kearns Faked Kelly Janine Kitinaw John
Keely Wo & Co Kelly Michael Kipp /obit .
Kernan F'raileis Kelly Mee Kitteßobt
Kennedy Beni Kelly gas & F Kingsley M G
me...dr Chas Kehy Pstrtek rangeland JohnW
Kennedy John Kerr Fetnek Kara Geo
Kilberry D 9 Kleckner los Kaman Michsel
Lally John Leech French Laker Janwe
Lambert Wee Lenu Jacob Low Gulp
Lana Thee Lam Rota Lundy Noel
Lembenon'Alez' Little John. Law,) Akr
Leith= Notley Little Absalom ',Gelber Hr►n
Larkin James Little Janne Lord Dodd ,
Layshon htewhewLittle Joueph Laurie Johti
Lee The. l Lento John T Loughrey Joseph
Leeper J A Lizhmer John Lel' Henry
Lee Rota Lor.gblort Rev A Lytle Win
Maar" Wall Mitten /alias C Martaw Alex
MJon John D lUD limp a Mamma Juo D
Mundy Joseph hlil{holl.od Jo. Morrison
litarkeyJ Mill. F4.d Idsnahnuer Henry
'Maxim C A Mitchell C Month Jo.
Marts tV.. 31..11 J C Mulligan Mt
Maenad J.: Mitchell Wm Maths. Put
Mothers Jos C hlnehell J. Molten 11 Git •
Marrero Wm Mitchell Snarl I. Mellen Hugh
'Matthews 7 , 11 - 111 Miller John Murry Pout
Mason H Miller Wm Murry John -
Mason Jo. M Mallet Wm
,tdurry Dent
Manholes 3. Minor Jae. :34 Lh yr
trlnnu no. Miller Jobnil Murry J. q
lfill .n W Moore Wm Aturyhy ph.„l.
Miley Jneoli Moore John Murphy Et.
Milling. J. 11
hlcAlact Union 3lcCord Name McHenry %V
Mellurner Rush McCord Peter AlrOulm John
McDade Aruba ItHesty Owen Re Ilwee John
Mcßride Jas McCully Jesse Me !Isom* late..
Mekleth Hemphill MaDowtill RC Alunroy Wm
McCune Wm Dr McDonald Thos Pler/roy Jos M - McClelland Wm McDonald Wen McKeever R
MeCullogli CostonMe Donald Jag Mr Kanter Thais
NoCullogh .I A McDtven Fdard McKnight Wo
McCabe John McFarlane Geo Manaus Hand
McCabe Jerry McFarlane Wm McClain John
.McClurellannlionMeFadden Oro C MaClain AW.
McCluto Jelin II Mettivern /Inn McClain Wm S.
McClure W W Menenry L McLaren Robt
McCloakey Kim McGraw Jo h n Me latughllu M
nleCartneg Fdist McGraw Alla MeMahnte
McCarty John Magill Henry McMullen Henry
MeCanh'y S - McGeorge Mc Noightsu / C
McCall John McGrath John 111/Pike Henry'
McCall Jag C AteCIII Join D McVay John
"McCarthy /as McGill David Melding/ten nail
McCandless JIM
Nelson Janke. Newman Carlton Nsre Wm J
Nelson SKILI "Nolan Stoll
Ot Eleiki II O'llanlon Peer Jam.
Orr Jultleil • o.Doruzel N 0 • oAborne, Nall
Pottle T Mel. Ernst. Po well Jarrett
Partin. Jet Pita Wm C • Powell Wm -
Patterson J F Pleford Frannie Posen Itnreph
Function Th. B Plummet xF j Porter Judah C
Patterson Rote Pinkerton Bobt Preerley Mud..
Parte.. J. W Pinkerton David W
• •• •
. • .
Parker EM Pkel. W. Pa to a P
Perkins Philip Philip. Rob,. Pratt Berymala
Pepper. Edward Poorman To P6,0,1E1.411.4 •
Peek ii M Price M PrtetJaraea.
Qulso Jumes Quinn Arthur
ftlehardlohn Z Reed Thai 'Roberts Ono W
amnion W abodes Geo If I/ebbe-beings/4W
Wray Sentl Rhodes love!, Roberta Mutes
Rsurelly Geo Riddle Jas P Resetterg Casey IP
/layman Chao Ripple Thornton Rose floglo•
Ratclif T Richardson /se Ross Honer '.• ;
Ramsey A glee George ' Rens/oteph -
Rahn /emu I. Rites /or - Rosa James W
Rader A Reilly Francis Robertson SS
Riddlok Jos Rich. Ceo Robinson J
Rinehart Aaron Rowland'JohnV Itoboowo Chas
Reeves Wan R Robens Joseph Robinson 7u
Reld Alex Robe P Rodgers fl
Reed lame, Roos Mr Rosoton lohn Y
Wed AI. Roberta IWsrd Ryan Soto
ilftedhl G . • -=7 _ •
•.. dere Win P Speer flaistio N Sittutto Wm
Sayers E Shaw.T.W Sprowl Vredsh
•Sawyer N P ShallenberierDanSyeents MAN,
Sample I 11l Shields Ashur . ARMS:ft Silts.
Sanderson John Shields Miettael Steam . tJerttes
Sanders Sam' Sheirmalleury A Steen - Allison
Seville John Shill Then Stevens Martin
Seise in. Smith Joshua j• Stake Oao
Severance L Smith Abel StOnin 'Sohn 9
SeLeins Chas Sandi John F - Stephenson BD
Scott John W Smith David J L Grant Si
Scott Junin Smith Win id Srephenson nos
Slider J ames • Smith/antes ' Stewart Wm K
Silcox Janie. Smith Jonathan Sum. Phlhp
Sicaermsn John Smith Henry. SallivanYrueiso
Sill I F Smith Chas A Sweeney John
Stator Wm Smith rhos .Sweerey OH
Skelton Jai Snyder Joanyb Solulill.Tahn
Skinner Wm Snyder Sbariptreln Sweating.. Sang
Shannon Patrick Shafer Isaac It Sweeny Ins
Shannon 0 E
Taylor Belay Townsend Mild iTtrampean Alor
Taylor Jarnee Id Tower Sada Thormrson Ran R
Taylor Oen A Todd J Thompson Rti
Taylor Jahn W Tow Florence Thanaborg JD
Taylor John Tattle David C ThelweU W
Thorn. HeMentinTnudey Imam Trern.F
Thompson Tos . Trowbridge EdwdTritta John
Thompson Geo Trans. Geo W 'Primblelaa
Varner Geo IV VonsdenThom ,Velcderpal her. `
Whey Danl Valletta C A
Wallace John Adam Writs.. IT
Wallace Wor H Wateon Rob, Williams Due
Walker W.
!I H Welsh Patriek NVilson
Walter Wm ' Wendt Geo W Wilson 'rhos W
Wahling — W. Werner Francis AWisler Sand
Walsh Jas Weaver David Wiener Lewis
Wag.. War West, Aaron ILI Wrlkhon Geo -
Walters Jos WetherelllrotbrnaWrchl John
Walton John ' Wesney LI W W Wiggins not
Walters Wm Weyer Abram Wooley I P
walls greedy Wm.. Aval Worthier. 9 G.
Water Francis Wholdon Tbos Woorinnfloseph
Ward Heed , 'Whitaker Swat Wright W,
W. Coo Whim Walter R Wnght David
Ord beefs _ Wtuteßobt Wright Win B
waolno Acti While Andrew Wyk. A B
Warren prrer Whirehill Wm_ WilldniJara.
Woo Liarrd Whitten Sand 0. WarrenPranie
147 a Lld co YcsiHFry
. Yornzh
• •• .
I.ll{lalm. .
Iron Cie). Lange. No. 161.
Iran art Ca/knell, NM 99.
Paul/rch Cowell; N.,. 4k.
Clerk Steuart/oar Anne:arc. . .
" •• Empre/c. . ...
SARI. ROSEBURG, P. 61..' - '
Parana . % December lea Int 9.
0 tir...e!orsd ht./. Piro, s, oeueey priesllll.
" " al • ti-
u 5 •
Far ask ter cash at the above prV, by
arta JOUR MEI WI, ei • Woo.l
ELODEONS!—A lest new style S *stave Melo
-111 divas, psis frossll73 to MVO, reetd awlfa.We b l
dclY JOHN It MOR. Wends
LARD -40 legs in store and (or Jr by
dell R DALZFLL & COLaberty
K F itg E L U Z l o l itift y y Apples . and . Deaelres,
deli It DALZELL CO Liberty lit
XIV If will be pablushed In as short a Uwe
In as pews/tato; and I ban manta my anbactibenh.
,and the battik generally, that It shall be suranunk—
both In fidelity cf dotal{ sad beauty of eirelatiOn-10.
say other orb Were, Lot there who doubv., Walt II law..
week, and ree. Y. R'llll ' liulEJ D.
Mow - Vasa, bet...sth, IP/p.—{dell
rpurel—fr good awonolent of TOYS, Including Lae.
thee' Ebony. Rosewood, mud Sdahugeny IiVORL
ROXER,Rna feed by
dell _ KENNEDY fr. SAWYER.
Q UttEIIIIIPTIWIS la bo terve.. AT Lfgros! ,
ree'd IZeonedy fr. Sawyer* by
Honorary therelary. •
CLIWO (A OF UROUND, Vel ft. by de each, Imam
j diamly In mar of Dimly ler Chorea, on Haat Lana,
Allegheny, for liaM on accommodating term, by
dell ecituvEßilL9 Vocomi
13%A. y 18-40 Whtie, z r tilci . l . lll Altai c •
V CORN UROOMS—j7d dm new fnr rsie by
dell JOHN WA+&CO, YAt nyn
CVERSE-4U talks pram Goshen;
30 boyar W. R 4 for rola by
GLOVER HEED —realm° mew, fm . de br
Fl/211t—le0 bbbeNos I, k and 3 Mackerel;
3U hf bbls No d
tO cask. Codfish; far We by
dell /01IN. WATT ti CO
Sx7INWW liL S— o Laiae ibenad yiie l for
I'Y sale by dell JOHN WAT?kI.O
PVeti B " -3 ° - 4•,==.^lart.7V,T.
- nniiwPEACIIES--300 IA In PLO re mid kn. wan br
rI lAN NERS.• OlL—so bble Stealthy in store and for
‘l l I ' entl V l7; (l l:;titlrit '' ' "" 3° C ll U4 ' i
Iltenowo a s rn
anyerlor article, for rale by
inn snme DA EZELL, Ot
Q H. NI ASSFS--16 iOOl.Olll nod Mr sole law
lo close conusalawo, by
den ]AMEL DALZELL. 24 Water at.
• :15 " No I Nun inspeantin,
tar r.h, by doll •JAAIEDDALZELL
oiidjag 4.7lllitasst..-4-71 , fibus
0 sugar, In LAN (nOW crop) N. C. noluges.; jail
rea'd and for ealn by
doll RURRROIGILyVISONt CO, Water 111
ntat inot feed and (*.sale by
CIDER—I bbls iuyebor Sibeklaniforiale by
teed awl fur We by . . Ls yys•yE s t
' No 31 Wale!, fin .. 404 Front *Li '
F -
INF CLOUR77l.l.lsjl4,L7Le:44;itta.foir.EsamoJe
lIU7I'ER-.15 I:bl. Fret). Roy, to dv reed vuad for
by aciu . L $ NV A ritItALLN
fIOFFFIG-156 boos eupenor. .Hio. .6 . :Die awl tor
vale by deb J :4 DILWORTH& CAk. •
r eIA.. shade. PArnonsuitt and I.yoneee Clothei
e:doer ex woo, by de: A A JHASON &
',PHI A, Cl.O - 111:c CASHMERHO & 1)1: LAITSISS- - .
ol we ehrueett VOIUM ay4 mon doura
-140 pr,o• per elorel. 11
J.: A A MASON. CO, b Tdertres4
C H LIESELTA. L 016.6 In Moto sodtOr dale by
° Co p pl U VV:l:4h . , for sale by • W . aa : •
de7 19.1.A1AH DICKEY & CO, tido: It
TIOOTA9II-10 talks, tot entt, tor role by
dr7--1 ' ISAIAH DICKEY A Cu, From Id
- CAD.rt , 6TX
I = o .r d c 7 IFAIin . IIIIIII3,'EY (43, Front ot
C0101:111,44 ten an hand' and tor ode .
dot DIOKEY a..(AZFrans It
TIMED PEACIIEI—LO Mar nod itch, (old and WO
LI in store and for nide Ly
del -
ARMSTRONO cßozza. •
4 4
. NI . : 3I 7U N BITO:LT4 G BIt S it iI w A IA W Y C ee'd pi ; o7prerr '" rlll t .r..
• • A A !BARON h Co,7l4,llllityillib%
T ARD--,20 kegs No I just seed bud oos &Os by
_ ,
1.1 due ' BROWN & Kt REPATRICR •
PLkOo—tO bbl. Goma, OM reed C 1214 for W. , br.
FLOUR 54bbls Fortner &
and for axle by bled ea. %V~{aRHSUGH•
TALV'W-29 Willi jest reed and foraiqd._y gm s. '
, 8 7,.' !tt_!!lL_. , 1.J.........1_
P ELTS -.1000 inbeep Pelts just reed and for sale biy
_ den 8 & W1LL65.41(1014
SUM AR--:$1 laid. NO, lust reed anJle We by
dell 7 S .1. W agglJAllol_t_
- -
101TANTEIL-IgiOn bu Bailey, ..,32 , 00 La !lie, for
y y isinel, the !deism MA Res psi, In sash will tie
paid by dud A d. W IbilBAUOll
- 1 - /WAir.lY - liitAlVl.-4-1 - i'irblis labb<gbin. Sa
, patios Long and and &piste ilaingintreand Brock.
2. h.lorla ITV.! per adv.& and stow 002 bY
US 7 A A. : 11 & COT