The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 13, 1849, Image 4

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itt*Eol: l B.
. . ,
ik,?nit Poor t
a of i lja ° wlree l epending ' s few sr t = h- n
; ' dowelled a 'sinvdar Metall° substance.
see eabseuendy learned the it had been known for
rar* and manumit , ' beef ne age or value. bat from
ea walkirmby of tereareland siouPer appearance. I
Wee led Is believe is might be made weal, butter
whi=o Iliad on the least Men I .erannureeeti
ay nasty burrdnglt: bolting it, -and pal vet.
Mgt,' ea compounding ft with vanou substances;
rite , enetti WO InYwnfidence that dere wee venue
'n, that I gnu up my were rims and means it, the
realof those exPetiment• and from that time
thileilli e Intended term o th er bodnum attire.
gantlets of at turn yearn !finally discovered. that,
by rase it to • fine powder and ermine it wi th lin •
esed , 4ll- aboldthe _continency of thick paint, end
Wiling tottmoand with a broth, that this coating
bi -• few Months would become a perfect emu u
der, ameba the substance when opened was usually
glee in a &mid stater, wd,,the Is amoant of silica,
atomme., mammas end black oxide of iron that it eon,
rained, rendensd It boll weather and fire proof, ea Me
langer camed,' the harder end mare parntueni h
teems to become; and as the coming tatter it twos to
&tells of Itself indestructible by fire, cumquat) , a
proteets the wood purred with it from the air, end
athere there is no air, there Is no blaze or combination;
therefore the wood will aurally char, before the date
covering will glee way.
I donsfdered the discovery of the 'greatest imp.,
nue.; end applied to Government for patent for my
tu•elare or thseoury, fondly booing that I should
now be nmonnerated for all my outlay theme and too.
atty. The mmenount, without any hesitation, grant.
ert tome Letters Pate nt for theula i n
ght to mauttrae
tarn, !mil wd ass my improvement in tha manufacture
of a •WlNosther and Piro Proof Composition or . An,
Adel Blain" foe Coarsen yearn
Aeon 14, LAD. Whi.• BLAKE.
WE, the hdisidtants of Sharon. have read the above:
ntessmrof Mr. Blithe, and believe it to be substan•
daily cermet, as we are knowing to most of the lieu,
smuts therein contained; and wa will farther state, that
ws dente believe that there ever was a patent More
bie add laberimmly earned, et mem detertedlY:
as be punned las eaperimenti with the ino,i
P.MeerMarete solder the most discoungini
errentestanees, as the public had not the least cool.
dunewilist then eoald be• any thing valuable made
OrMU the substance. He therefore had to encounter for
yearn their:en and noes of nearly the whole coral - 1.-
.3'4. - Netwillatandinig all this, he eras int/eroticable
lq the prosecation of Ws experiments, and we de not
believe that there le else man in nth...a who would
have persevered under all the circumstanees. But he
haalt/aartrinmphod over ell obataeles, cod we be
lieve there le now but one opinion In awarding him
the Male( thin 'skiable discovery.
Gho. W. CRANE, Snakes of
EV Pea ce:
_taro TRUH ERHARD, Peat.:
Ci El EL Et, e.
L W of
WM. EVERETT, Town. ip Clerk.
ALLEN HOWE, Titmouse,
Than ascertathed that shore ace tedividual• engage
In digginr Krindingg, and preparhth for stale. the ahoy,
aenuoedd hilliatah to be mixed wall oil, and used per
emely as I ape my patented article. I hats been h
•-• those jperiletall and shown then, my patent. They ea,
' r h igu: o ili n at ot th h eyla d ve ' a i ffMl e o
=l " t ' o i ftli k ;t e si s e at t a rer h two .,„u x ra War it i,
they are ':o
no lattinsgesuent omit it is mixed with the nil to Dinar
'the eceopoonth and that thew who buy, mix and me it
feast Mke the responsibility. Moat of them toy that
they believe that the patent is goat against them that
• Inthand use the compound. dud some have said the:
what they wanted to use they should certainly pure h
ue' of me, as they did not intend to mate them setae r
Bahle in any way. Nowl feel myself in tterybonnd to
• :Mr
bythl .sharer r e n d ferl.. r ug e o m n
j ga . bliLi n a . s .n l d e r a e n .
Selves pay for an article, the one •f which he well
knows aubjeem the purchaser and user to a meter,
lion and Inn Some of those who are engaged in non
oat matte, win unquestionab/y contend to the
public that ray potent willnot stand, and that 1 doer
tot prosecute. Now, to take this argument two; front
that, I went to mme of shoe who were proclimung
that my patent was of no valor, and made the fclintri
jog proposition: that theyenight select a edge and to-.
lawyers who have had Same practice in patent ease..
mil we would submit the paten , to them, sad if Wei
decided that the patent wth goal, that they should atop
ail farther proceedings in the initiates; bill if ihry
. should tirade that it would out, in their OPtniott. hold.
.11matici erre* to let them go on and tell all they could.
• Withatt saying any thing to the sable about them.
ptopositton they amid not aceedo to No far :rt.
Am validity of my patent is command. I de not de•
peed etrazirlinort my own judgmentothisough I hair
We fallout coaddeuee in it; bat 1 hare aubmtued it to
raspy a she judges, mta several of the most mince'
patent lawyers, who hove, without exception, decided
in 'heir opinion Wan good, and would protect
to my dithovery.
I Grind the article to a fine power, aud put it up tit
barrels, the which are marked: "Rharebt Parthr
/LIXO Wtalltall Pt./ aniarlCl...t. SLATa "
I therefore glee notice to all who bay and me itic
for the putpone forth in
my patent, except teem Me or my authorized agent..
thou I shall acid them to a strict weonnthbilith l ant
shall aannatOae Baits at law againm these who ntto
roe, my nght. WIL BLAKE-
Sw Medina Co, 0., Aug. 14. 1•19.
s 07 - TWO TONS of We above Km and Wends.
Proor.inniflt Lai Slate on hand. and for utr. TL
above we ea rreonasnend. for we Lave Leen ovine .
for 1141(110 4 Irt AU, 1111,1 klnoW n ID be what it veto.;:
in ever" parienlar. Lot PHILLIPS. A..
nov97-0 n No 5 W. 04 as
No. in POUlrlb tllt act. Pittstau • et
HAY.; slow LaSalle thlut tut: 4.mort.r,. ui
111111111111 p, 6looes, Hosiery aad Lace goods
A DAP TEN lo the No
paintry elate 01 Merchant
1-1. and Col sumer". No paint hate s
heen roared to
. oewest and moat faillionable try In ail
Goods in the., line. Their stock ennoisv to part oi
sii,lFt es, sill Gimps of every variety; new
Galloons; alscrine and In:penal Llmotr; war
and 0.700 Silk and Worsted Fnibroidering
ftWed and r at Velvet Ribbons; plain do do; Cord , .1
Dtantita and plain Satin Ribbons for trimming; blest.
Whita and defined Silk Laces; exim , wide do do, rot
flonneass wi h a.foil assortment of Gloms Baum,
Dresses Staled, Stamped or Embroidered to order.
Embroidered Lace and Muslin Capes, CLesuzente-.
Breakfast nod Reliant( Caps and Half bleeder, l reor ti
Winked Colima and Cars. ingrain vatietyi [Ace Veil..
Lappets 31.13 d Or Iles Mourning CO.-
11114 NS . Half Sleeves; Linen Las, Ildki.,
pialnembmatered and hemstitched do, plain Latent!".
real thread Lases and Edgings; llns. do dm Dobai,.
/ASO Bind, and Cotton Edgings and Inserting..
Rini now Kyle bonnet Ribbons, Franc b Fite e
en y ßonnet Tabs, Velvet', Mains and Florence, villa
illusions and Tarletons Lamer Frames and 'Bps.
Best oisarheinta, with approved it.r.tnt
and choicest colors. An one.. vc :Lk/oatmeal a 1,...)
on hand.
A ;teat variety of Silt Wool, Conan; Memo ac, ,
Cashmere, for Ladles and Moen Tart. Plaida. an•
a fall mortr...l other late* fancy and rlairs anal
ran% No nearest ell. Infants' Boma and doet•
Half 110 Granplon. an, Vignola, Merino, COIIOII and G.. G
A fall as, Granata for men, women and child,
mmutv , trale:, am Darbatred, Foloselle u and d p: ,
Mist:l;l=4 Par•ligil be n a;y:
Sao Daellskio, Military e n
Li sl e
Lisle Threft ' d and' Co
Satil 1 adios' and Cluls rows H ood s, Children'
ppoolest Seeks. Knit Snarls and C Gait
ears and Long Milli, Wellston' Cas e Knitting Wonted
'and Woolen Yarns, califonoa Comdata fo ,
Coamen, Scalia tar Ladle.
Zeithy;sail Tapestry Worsteds. Caui.w Patters,
Rau Bilk, Bristol and Pe ri`d Boards, r,
=w d e r I.lateriala, Lamp Mus s Tidies, and
Work. Al. Ladies ' Bilk and Merino' Vas
• nod Dramas, mtuoidered Sacks and Flannels, Bran
Worked Cap • and Waists Bela/mu; and dwan'sulaa
-• • -..•- - - -
• Vlnel3blitr,CriTSLY mid Collars; Merino, Salk and
Conon Wetmore and o; Dmoret SmPoaden6 Sadsid
‘Brineol and Dressing 'Goer.; aM Limn !Mk i‘;
'Gloms and I foolery.
Frepeh patterns earned andylaln Shell Reek Comb,:
Ballalo and Im. do; Fbell Side and Long Corner; Ire.
din Beale, Sada and Ilmetrond Ilair prude% Shell.
Indralo and gag. Eldrn Dremog and gee Ivory Comb;
milk an aim =ant or Nail and Teeth Washes. •
We/do:tarn .Gold Medal" For Inzaery.•
• •- - - - -•
'Needles, Pins, Tapes, Steel Bsgs and. Parses,
_Bums and Steel Goods, Borba Wire Bassets,
PolosTedsa and Passings Flaa Rosewood Desks and
Coal Bindingsi Galloons, 'nosy Work Baskeu
Cloak Cord and Tassels, Purtfoltos, Paplertres and
Wad k Shad. trtmallap, L.ndle &summed,
• Pulpit &Burner Tassels, French Cork Soles,
UpkelaterePs Fringes, Mk k Ging'm Umbrellas,
.BalLisaa, asitd swifts, Pam Muslims & Hal land
Sogßissau k Webbing,4lColxtut Blain, Corset and nos !stems
' Pulorna,Dunitua 19,1911.
is an article of mat ;ulna to all penons en
gaged In ballding,.or so those who have mined
and am veithoel Undue fastening'. While ;
•perfeetsebuitme fore ilt., and weights
a a WOOS Of 11l 10121= le each Window, it afford
the SeDAt festeaing that hu ever been brothgra in •
The n6lity and aarraanieaee or thla Spring over ail
whom in, that by aaa 'lamb Otte, both easit of the
wittoloor cube mud or loarerett. h requires Daly be lemma to be appreciated.
'MOM vi ye the snick, or no have them
• pat Pap: ewe or -the or lling n t
Onalt“ State, easy apply ri to ght
the subsesenitets or
ibe PERRY 1101:18E, ea the Allegheny they, Paw
• bißibers• J. B. TURNER,
:1' del! aucelaw—ft.a Ma cay,al W ..,
, Glolock's INS . Watshousa, No 76 Foulth st,o
• . fkrlkersopply of . to of Ms /WM sod most s p .
t.. :
_c i r i r em l
. stros, 1 ,4 _ eh sot invite Me dareilruon cf
Lbw reitohy to (smash Nooses.
tOt Mill sad stamiootbe Istgost usortmsat lo tbs city,
, • stasis Tv 1141 soli dumper Mao ever before offered to
- ' im woof= =oast _. tsosi2 ,NV ITCLINTOCK
' • Xfsll3lllllg LOON ihwiwla.
,I • MURPHY ass rec'a lowly of lbe abov e
a wde.le" of tits blot quality . ; also, 'plate Black'
l o an Maar* black gombalines, blooming AJ•
=.Paislaa .1:1c.+14 black Cobs cia Yuman.,
s,Mola 64 Lail/sad Fritsch Mantua, black
,Calve and blooming Gallant, blooming Boottet Rib.
lkoal, mak da, sad 5 lussmneat of Mamma!
Eked, 'inanity. Also:
A lona ustanaten; Inelsgmg • fees pieces very vstelv
, sad sarrlor. Boyers us invited to lot at them, at
Nor/1 cams at Fourth and bfarket cu. •
Illbolesale Haman saws, wilco a lugs ...Se
ams at Maw Goods has lately been meetved. (a, SU
w _ haat bon inferstad bYMia. too of a earls pre.
denost esker by Dal Jame , . Aliseativta, which
• mete ate mrperiority over every otber remedy of the
bat She has boot addicted for the tarn II men years
. wok ideoreslons and eafellatico of Tartan bones, da•
•• •
124 tataab was nosy phteeshave.beeh diacharitedfrom
• • • ~
I bete of Or enualtrm, from both her ,
• lad blade Oad a= both lege, and Goal the 1.11
fawn- beme,a2d from the fight hum betide. Waal
' •
'{'Sara ea outer parts of berporith,OWth have baSted
Weill ed gaziaber of the most eminent phystehuaof
MU of the time her sufferings lowa
• -bolt thastattoreaddeyptortbie. Moat Wee condo
stamaka =dated - to try Dr./ayae's Alterazore
• • . • Whlg o i nu ilte bad ILA astmishtaa4 happy elect apee her;
tt .411 ptis ant att4 aaatuegt. the
• haoh,o, at the samettema Wdaterld hathh.
• berosoreatpleselyreitared,so thss she now weighs
ha the mow don mho to betty she tommeneed the to
od *leanly valsableprepatatea—Vat. Eve: Poat.
Fah authertateratimea, immix"' et Atm Rale, No. LOI
haPittade/Phil ,
• W in mart at du PEKIN TEA MRS,
The meet Wonderful Melee of the age,
1.,500,000 BOTTLES
Maitsets• is pat sip la gam* Thaliki a
mad has eared•auss. than
100430) Como of Cnimalo Dimas,
within dr WA Tea Irlearn—N...A.
=lan' doled by lI.P..TpWASKID.
the Pahlle will learn the mien, or rather wham the
recipe for nuking the ear they cell Old Dr. Jacob
TownsenfP• Harsemoilla cume from—end will be We
to judo whkh %robe and Vie r , mad of the
lli ‘ l=el " Sr Toenuerd:
Town eed wu the erlitoprietor end loranter of
Dr. Townerwre and kW swatch. ham
! t ared e r =al r
. ctl .r em r imd i a r cr urr igeined. ,
and Is IDt
tuard.tor4 " et evaxi bottler per Y dey.
We sue more and Yellow Dock In oar
each 7, then all the other Baremarilla
Manthetarers to world. Principal Oft^ Ind
COOlO4 of Nem-Yerk, ss.
- Armatroog, of tb• mid Cl¢,
nozna, iloth &pm ad my Mid he t• •
sod Chaild. Thai am. Dim In
li prmli ld
Ma or find of Jobm 1944 •mm by th• name
of ..ficob at . 16wm., who that Wm wm • balk awl
ofphlet pwidler. wpoo &poem; at Dm home
Mr. no:wpm% bro. 49 Fludmasermt, whom d•pw
:mot tarded, and rwroated Wawa to wits biro •
tealpe ir.• to al t. a Syrup of eanwowrilla
D• pm fortli•r that be bream wognalotod
mid Toyama!! M th• Mies of Theador•
Pit, Book Pablidwr with trim mid T=
4.W.t. That add Town Wood WWI frequent =warm
Limo with deyoomt nopeetimi the maanhotare of or
article of Bumming to M MS miler the mow of Dr.
J•oob Towmaod.
That odd Townsend embed ho woe gm old man, sad
poor, sea ti not Bt Am hard Itber-read Mead to
auks mew marry, to order to lin try to his old
days, and dealt tanwerilla ander the mine of Town
lend add ea welh and so match snooty Tat made by
it, he weld see no noon why he might net make
weadial „ zout of OM owns beteg Tewnemd,)
a.ghl• person to prep. a
111,-= ft blso. Deponent
converatkms wked Tomato& If MI era related
to Dr. P. Towed/end, to which he replied, that tw
h e Dr. B. P. Tomnand would be down on h. after
he dumb! commence. But that he did not cars tn.
b., as he had formed 00-partnership with own who
amid banal& the nemielts amount of capital-4M era
wall prepared to &food bland( what my sneak
tbst might be =dean him. . •
Demo -era farther eays, that porta.' to lb. requatt
of WA Jacob Towmend, he wrote . otrJpe for lb.
lasnoketare of • By rap of ..d
him.. Mad Totem obearoad that ha wanted to
make • slechnsu to wshildt to hisimrtoers for than
appronl se he wished I. !edify them to enry Mho&
o they fornished WI the capltsi—end Tommand also
'told deponent UM the Doane they were to nee were
to to of Ow same size sad naps as Dr. S P. Town.
.00i .and deponent, at ti.. maul •of said Jacob
Townsend, went to the oMr.• of - Dr. a P. Townsand
and procured one of bit kabala
And deponent farther say; that hs Ws been lame
pi, sad wally battens the Synn of Sarsaparilla sold
as Old Jacob Townsend's, le anis after lb. recipe ens
aided byJamb Townisni, sforeent.
And farther derma matt mt.
Blears to bd.. tor, thla fen day of May, lOC.
Mayor of the S. wpopmxt.,
'City pf Pr. Trak
Hen proof ecatelethe that D. &P. Towneende
eataaperilla is the edema The folteering Z.o
mate of the meet ropectable paper. in this Sat.
02 :12 . =•Mth; d ign . nrpaa r. 14amo ow : mitre meat
w=wam T. and col:Moues to be to c.
toted Ws city. Mot by the Doctor himwalf, end
Setarrlards for throng year. and to the present time.
by CJayp lk Towseaced. present 'impostor*. Sinde
tha pertnarablp waa tanned, tha Doctor haa molded In
New York, where be keeps a stone, aml attend. ta the
taratimm that Iscamisatte at that poinC The mtho.
factory I. In Chia city. and fa annetheted by the jailor
tartar, Mr. Clapp—here all Na medicine la Asuman,
Far of ode canvas have any ides of the amain 01
Duo Medicine that a manufactured and sold. Maas
the Bales ta Shia country, it I. shipped to the Cash',
Went and hands, South Asmeda. mal ere..
.toin imaiderable guatitiev At the mannfecta
they employ a steam agar, bales a large ouconcr
of am 'roma al girls, in the prepannion thv
romlictue, making Was. printing. Isr-, end nia out
may for shipment. over VD dozen par day, or tarty
aOOO bona. This Ma enormous quanlaty
The great vale the medicine as aqmrtd. lou io
Mad t numberof auto get up iciltationot aud the ,e
it at the pant time, other =akin. toe We, that
calla .D.Townireadb Sec* atrilha" CM. to a
ocular started a short time ago in la Tort, is ca lJ e J
Old Doctot Jacob Tosraandb Santsparale,^ and ay
latently with a view, by dint of advertising. and Mc
usual remedies smarted to lo such efforts, to laptops'
ate the tome of Dr. S. P. Townsenrs great remedy,
god tha pin ell Um alcautsgee resulting Dom Mc
malarity of the can whirl a has aquas' for it
of patina ad enpeaso labors. Dr. 9
Toyama formerly of Macity, as is all beau
atm ia the inventor end ori.Pal pmprietor of lb.
macaw kran • Dr. Tommand's Sarsuparillav
and a think those persons who am attesopti., to .41
their article se the imam. shoal be expaseal. •
r takud admitisement insf vertently
*me time mess that did Missiles tis Dr. & f. Tow.
Sarofrd, who Is the orlghed proprietm of the paration
saparilla Imams es Dr. Townsend pre & Other
parties hare within the part bw reoMbs ingsged or
connected themselves with a rose by the same of
Townsend who pat up • medicine and mils d by the
same 11E1044 Tbi.medicine was isiverthied In Tar
Drawer es th e kr- TM. advertisement elso
con Hind matter to the chancier of Dr.
a. r. Townsend mat that of mintintrin We regret
it appeared, ma So :maim to the Dr. mho AM es
Navy Voris Ally lan
Ds. Tommie's extreordinazy dse[tbemeoyw hkh
occupies an satire page of the . nos, will am escape
Lichee. Dr. X. P. Townsend, who 1.3 the °stead pro
prldur of Dr. Townsend's gassapariLls, .ad whose of
nu la outdoor to outs, when he has teen for
al years, Is &Meg an Imam Imama de receives
no Ms than bur besotted dozen of Desseptrilla per
lop, and eun this 011.11306 quantity does not supply
dor derma& Pio medicine um gaud so gnat •
poptibuity ea his prepastion of the klansparill.
edition of Almanscs far , 1849 coot $21,[04 and h.
b. paid lbe New Tart Sox for advershing, in the
last foes yam over IIhOSO, and be schndwimigtm
that it is the cheapest edvertising be has had done
This surdiclne is exported to the Catudas, West
dies, South America and Empe, in tonclderable
quantities, and le coming 11m general saw to thou
aunties, as well sa hero.
Draggles and others the eall gessparilla fur the
genuine and original Da Toweent's aarsawilla
Wit is not signed by IL P. Towered, commie a Duna
and. needles this custainars. Mea that 'milli be
guilty of such us art. ..,ad summit airy other trend
—and re Druggist of ammo. bt Wg.oeabai k.nows
that ow" b the only gernine..
Soma people who era not wall Informed, and have
out read the and not sawn oat ad ratilsenteuts,
lute been led Co suppose, that became these stan
sadist' that, =dr o. • Old Jacob Townsetd;" that it
most, of coons% b. Co. original. • It is len than ono
r= dam they eommoxd to mare their nuadicins
..Fataa ma awn m the sunhat over lan yearn
Okla Oki Jacob Tomaknad.
v r rs entbseval i to . Moir Oa tim Wile as
nylictmear a er N never ettemptad tom. ' gactrht med.
muni them men tared him for the use of bit
rum They aeLtiay do rot Isiah the people to tet•
liars that flask dila le mutt or th e mone—bot
the bettor to deceive public, tie, at the t 0,.. time
emelt that their% to the Old Dr. Towneenftsed the
original; end endeavor to make the people believe
that the stud they romattictore, la the Dr. Tuwraend
Bermplught pm has performed tomum, worderful
CUM for the peat to. yearn and which has gained a
reputation which co other medicine ever enjoyed-,
which is e twee, Allainone. dorddr=fLotto. ,
We hove commented mite apirlllll man for
dungen Waterfall it to be ondentord, Maths old man
in reintion to Dr. Townemod whatever In their !ad
vertisements and cirochoe. they_radah • ...ober oi
gran lainbotate respecting Dr TC■lOlllOll, which we
will sot nate&
Rig I:Lep:art.
Our t,..tte _hare traltabed to the papers, that
Dr. P.rat=d wee deed. The day acrid to that`
FOmit the canary, who report dm we haat,
op begone, &CA. Thu public dwelt be on
eir Feud, and ret*e deceived by these unread
pled mem
Notice of Rearool.—Allar Us. ant of Soptombor,
ISO. Dr. S I% Tolr•sondls Now Yost Me sW Do
La tb• Scatt Baptist Mack Ns tl Norous.strort,
width la coselorgoing • thonsogtschange, and
will be Mod to th o bettor Isokod. of, tho pro
Noftes.- , No• Barsrparilia . is lb.
pontos ossi =feud Dr. TorszsoFsPr eat.
Mos signed Di B. P. Tosrosood,
Ampors.—Rodllog & Co, No. I Staliastreet and
Mn. E. LW.; No. 100 Conetetreet, Roe=; Baniuel
Kidd.; Jr., Lowell; Henry Pratt, Helm • /men B.
Or Worcester ; AMID= & Ofult, doword ;J.
Ranh & So& Proagenee ; end by Druggirts and Mer
ohm pnerally throughout the United States, West
Who no! the Canada!,
Ehraale by li E. SELLERS, Sole Aga... (or Eillo
rgh; La AL CURRY, Allegheny; A. PATTERSON
Blnrsto, ro , I's.. brp5......2, I 22.1
& Deur Sir. 1 bougus Gar bottle of
Vorruifue at the Iron City Furnace store. 224piktC.
and It bps performed w/4at ore conside s out herr* w on
derfill cure oo oor of my boys eiebt'yean , old, be had
beeo uoveellior some year., roc morn so that (Oast
offry mdvisett by o.lf
of my noir bison to try • bus.. 01 vOur Vortnifoge- , .
2.2 1 um I, 4otty to inseam you of It irntu: dar dewed
afretiof scLevmg l rms. lir proved, t o We, shoot
roue of 24 b00m,164 worms root of"them rti
ap as moth a. 4 2 and 14 irku4r• Imo, I feel boon.] to
bolter so wave yo'u the above rourn.ent,ro es you May
o sok u use Hof my name thatyou Ilwat root./
Yourr, very respectfully
07'P , cp.rd g.
urea; sou sold by Diugg",,,, u , ,
Ellice. •
MURPHY, t4nlv7N &
novl3 . Wow la
:Pat ree'd• a Int of high colared Not.. da Lain,
etinh en Chem.Frarlet kn., ntlhe low 1.-be of Wc.
peryard.' Alan, Plnin•Drab, Mourn. kr , nt Ink to tn.
gAU yard; sad large assortment ol'aeat ai d e.
oir•W Mans. de lain, at rannn_ prizet, torethe
with ia chola. usartntent of Met, Goods aaaarally
Csunk u Fatuy. 81k,, Frepah Merinos, Continterea
obalt% and Lrenese Cloths, at the
„ • N. - E. earner Of Fottro and Hunker stn.
Wkoletale Roennattpendra. 00,19
1.41 411)
OIL-13 bblo In tore and for solo b
No 5: Wood Jowl
A korictr, rwcr, eloveNg.,
AA- Lalll o ,`oolto.genetat usormentot 101 . ..0. of.
titooorin and Ploobaterlatill aro •
hand sod for pale by W 6 bIeCLITCHEON,
noolit ISt Libor!, la
-74 BONS—A full worms= rea pat
. 2 i rs. Also, Mugs, Fringem and 01A11430._
A A KABON & 00
AN, 'DEN & CO'
Paa•atlayer soil namalttatrano 'Onions
gffkHA.NRDE-oi tr. CO. Conanoe to bring person.
from my part of England, Ir-land. Scotland of
Wales upon the moo liberal terms. with th ei r
usual punctuality and attention to the wants soul corn
fait ofemmigrotts We do not allow our Pmettecr• to
be robbed by the swiedling ',atop that infest the ace
ports, az we into charge of 0.01 the moment they re.
port theutsolvet, and see to their well being, and dee
*patch them without any detention by the best thips.—
, We any this fearlessly, as we defy one of our politic
gees to show that they were detained Id hours by us in
Loorpool, whilst thousands of others were detained
months, Until they could be sent to wenn old croft, at •
ch:p rate, which too frequently proved their coffin.
We intend to perform our contracts honorably cost
whet it may. nand not oct as was the ease last season,
with ether oitreent,—who either performed not all, or
when it suited their convenience.
Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh fur sdi7 stun trout El to
flak, payable ataxy oldie provincial Banks
i4.otland and Wales.
• European and Quinn.] Agent,
461 I , , nn street.nna dons ~In Wee.)
lE.rellmively for rauengerr,i
T H L'ro bl o i l ' it , e7t . ei n n f t rm er, ' i d tte 'b p ' L o S n :l7 ' elfft t' ll ' y r ' t u tle .
will he carried over the Central Rail Road from Low-
Ilarrieborgh, and from Itlo.l. to Pinhole!.
phie by the Daniaburgh and Cannon.. RAJ Root:D.-
14 new arrennemein pamenger. will go through
in mit PAT L 1.5 than heretolore.
The Parket. or ihoi Line ore new nod of the best
clans. Thu tome for nalety, Freed and comfort, le the
ninon preferable now intim to the Rmilern
Ran Flood, •re all poured in dap light. moe, 3
day, P. re, Teo Dollar. For information apply to
W dDTCH, Monongahela Douse.
oet4 . or D to LERCII & CO,Csnal Mein.
Vie Youghiogheny Wirer.
, U.
eplendai neer and fast fanatic
Awl:. S. Med stgoilLt ti,
A. B. Frl4l, Will full RVRao
• paeltetiSoudaye vs •reeled) betw , en PITTSBURGH
and WEST NEWTON, a upr dng of
Youghiogheny river. Leaves Wes; Newion from the.
upper %%hart Boat, every mormue a: 0 o'elok k. R,
tenting, leaves Pittsburgh from Wharf Dom above
the Monongahela Brudgv. every evriong at o.vicivlt
GOODS received by Agents oh board the Who,
11,D" The Farmer ha., been bb,u foi it,.
Voughicighene ri and the public ini.y rely on het
rernarning permanent ver,
ly to the trade.
Particular attention ',eh: to all way freight and pa,
ritllF packet 'LEAVER, Capt. Stardey, will Inane
j. Beaver regularly pit Monday, Wednesday and
Friday everungs at 6 P. NI., and armee at TounFstonni
neat mount's a S o'clock—rcturnmg, leaves lomtgs.
sown Tuesday, Thurpday and Saturay encamp at 4
P.M, and reach tkaver in time for the morning boat,
n.LLEGIIENV CLIPPER, unruly at Ptusbargh at
12 o'clock.
The packet lIARKAWA.V, Capt. Downing, will
leave Beaver Tuesday, Thursday and Aaturday even.
ings at 0 P. M., returning, leave New Castle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday , evenings at 0 P. U. also con
neetug with the inerning boat fur Pitribirigh.
These cancels arc fitted up in complete order, hair
in,g One accents', tittliOn• for passenger. and ahippers
may rely on inor , punctuality and grouter despatch
than has hem: ~ I ..en obtained on these mutes.
I . M. FITCH A Co, Proprietor.
J. C. Bidwell, Agent, Pittsburgh.
lk Bro., Deaver.
A. Dbs, Youngstown.
R. W. Jaco nitiglimu,“New Castle.
The elegant steamer, ALLEGMENI CS.IPPER, will
leave Beaver, daily at 5 A. M.. and Pittsburgh alb; P.
11„ running in 000nccuun with the above boats._ Juts
aka 1849. Ea=
W mood Cleveland Pausagee Line.
Canal Patket—SWALLOW.
/N 6 alba above Packets leave Beaver every day
)Sunday excepted) and amen next morning at
Warren, when they connect with the Mail Stages far
Akron and Cleveland, anteing at each of theee place.
before me m. one of the packets leave Warren daily
at .5 P M.. and , sane a Beaver In tame to take the
morning boat fur httibureb
C E S LEPFINGWELL A. Cu, Warren, t p ro
BTANI\ OR. do '
.11_4 earner Water and ttrattltheld ate
abSMI 1849 . Akiiii•
eIIAWAALIF 1 . 111 Antlol, Vleveisntl.o t e
R. Lr.ko, "q" •
1111151,4 w nit. Le tha ~,
1414=i:(WIt ' aS ' 1 ! 1.7.4 1 1.:!VO
racillites of the linr are , I sn 'number,
qua:/ty and esp4try of U.., canna.,
.and ettcle A veLt..
terse Baal Inavrr P.ttabtaahstul Clete4a.J da.ll.ltlll.
:Ting en culanrehon with the •teante:rt
1..11:11-: ERIE AN U Allt . lllo AN,
Iletareva Put...tough ',ha Beaver, and a lune of tire' elate
%testae'', Vropearn and Vermaloon the Luca A.r.s-rs—lß 0 Parks. Deaver, l'a
Baidarta, Vaangetnarn,
PAS Taylirr, Warren,
PI rue Yrennea. Ravenna, •
%heel,. a Cu, Akvon.
Crawfa'd A Chstabetlin, anJ 11
110.1.• A i:rirfah, Vudslo. N
Mee enr %Valet and San'Ulheld tO, 1'4.1.44.
. .
Swats, 'tilt:llllJAN No 2 -.7N,t.11.00
Elul, 1:14141044.
sve froAs vcr, and will untoiuO to con ) I,lwre..
van Beater regularly tlic gesso., at
Miehigan No 2 Poi•tosc,rti .I.oly at V olock.
A 21., .4/ Bear., at 2 o'clock, I II
leaves Beaver .1110 •ts o'clock, Al., snit Pittsburgh
113 0 . ..1uck, P N.
Tll,ce steattorg will run in rowaretion with
It 11 Parks' Exprc., Pearl L., tin Km:
Ttylot & L&thingvrell , Warren Packets
Uutuit Ist, of Frr..ght Bost. or Clcvulund;
Clarke &Co's an.ll . lcyclood lan:
• .
1111 Park• duly Neve Castle Par keo.
CLA 11.K1. l'Aitti , l 3. Co, Ileover, Agents.
JOIN A..JALGIIEY, Agent. roolugh,
oclol _ ror Water and tlmtthseld .t.
1849. eat=
I , IIE Propmetors attain old estolltslied and popular
Duly hue, eonalstragof SIXTEEN Wt Cll.& Castel
fiats, ownul by themselves and fowling in minuet.-
..WO with thetteum boats BEAVER AND cAl.r.n
COPE, arc enabled to offer unequalled Mclnnes for
:he transportation of freight and pvengers, on the
limning of Canal noel/moon, to all po m nt. on the Pen o
ey lam s and Ohio and N. York canals and the fakes.
E. U. FITCH a Co Cleveland.
Agents, Beaver.
J. C. lIIDWIU.L, Agent,
marl %Voter street, Piutburgh
Forwarding Merchants,
• . .
Aponte for the Putsburgh andelemleguei lam, Peas.
burgh and Ene Linn via Eroo, and fin steam
boa Beaver and Caleb Cop,
Having purchased the large and substantial Wharf
Boatjust built (or the Monongahela Packets, have
'with the addition of It Warehouse. Mr most ample a,
commodattons (or re viva and romgatdmg, studpledge thou utmost alien uo a, promptness and despatch
signmenta to their case. and rely on their fticiido•
(or a trial. mar-dly It. & ((RU.
1549. a-.
Old Embllshed Llne.
ON Tut: ERIE mx.rmstoN CANAL.
THE Proprietor of 'this well known Line of Canal
Boom la now pi . ..pared to traimpst Passenler•
nJ Fielgto to all points on the I rie Extension, New
York Canals Ewa Lakes, upon We most favorable
nn. and ru n, iespch.
This Lute in eanneetton with the steam boats
and Bearer, C M Weed's Line of soon, and ver b
raison the Lakes, and the Troy and bliohigas Lake
Lisat Line on the New York canal.
C. M. REED, Pwprietor, Erie,
Bidwell A Brother, Agent., Beaver. •
W7' Mather, Agent at Meekinten's Pawenger
Office, Monongahela House, Pittsborgh.
cossioNE,l.Lo.—W C Mal., Sharon; J E te d 11011,
Sharpsbarg; Smith & Downin do; J Plummer,
West Greenville; Wick, Aeon, A CC., do; Wra Henry,
'Hometown; Danis A Sutton, Beal_ ,o• llarney, Gibbs &
Co; 8 .. 4 ."Y; Jo. A A1 , ...0tt1f , Dctrolt; Kirkland k
Newberry, Sheboygan; &I'Clure A Williams &Lima.
- kir• Rasp, Morley A Dutton, Racine; John ii Kitten,
Chicago; A Wheeler & Co, New York.
iikAail 1849. leittlia
PatsSergi. It Philn.ldpkin via 13 , agernera
lbarlualvely Int Passenger. ,
Tbe bast , of thin Lan. nse at a ,Operwr . lass, with
enlarged Lianas, whit it will give areal, e4/1110"
A bort will alo•411 lie in port, and this -ler., trust :
quested to ebil and r Kum.. thew before engaging pia,
sage by other routes 'lnc/ will leave the landing, 0 ,
posite the U earner p -an clever and Can,
every night at V o'clock
Trau.-3I Days
For informaon apply at the us blonongatela
!louse, or to ti D LERCH& 0, Cr. of Mum
N. Dle—Tlie proprietors o f the alio,. 1,10 are n cor
building an additional lone el Packets, to nip us
on or about ittuerst, NIMIVEtIOII with Itin Pennsyl
vania !Load Isom lawastownui Philadelphia. At
dial time apatite,. will leave every marnmg mut even
mg. Time throne., al dltym ineht6
Mb= 1849. issa
tar Me tranvorta via or tereaarnase,
ri00173 carried on his I.lne are not .whiPPsli
ur between Pittsburgh 111/111PtIllaikIPIlla, being ear
ned In four section Portoble ',oat. over lenul and 1..
ter —to stoppers of inerchai di tie requiring careful
bandding, this Is of importance No elarrge made for
receiving to dapping, or for adv.eing charges All
goods forwarded with dispatch, and on as reasonable
terms as by any other Una.
C4llllO into, Penn an. Pittstotegli
/AS M. DAVIS k Co,
marl 217 !darker a fir t orrunerce sf, Phila.
JOHN IIeFADIN a. Co, iorwardinie and COMM.
Man itambaelry Canal Italia Pcnn sy Pineborgh .
71t21.141 - 11DAVASILCo, Planagramacaand
atom Merchants, 937 Al Fact nu,d Af 12011146LNO•/
Era met made by caber alma above 4an Floor,
Wad and Mbar samnardize eonrigutid Lo atom for
dab. soml,
ADAat & 0, ) , 11 LINE.
THE or FIITTSBP RGij And Its vieinity Ale
respectfully inform's] V ,at we have no connection
with any other Western c thew, and are now pre
pared to froward PACK/ 0 JCS, MERCHANDISE, Re.,
from Bane n, New Yon*, Philadelphia and Baltimore,
Pittsburgh and enter • Ar w , thw , Big, w i t h
dinary capcdnion and I
At Baltimore we hay e amaciawd wtth w Dr. R . S.
Wrienone who was or fifteen years superintendent of
the lialumere an Oh oe , seal Road pany; How
Ktvonoc., for many years principal eunfidesual
agent or the Post office; Aral G. W. Cask EN..°I
Bownsville, PA !Phew gentlemen will glee manned
PwvisionLine from Baltimore to Pituburgh.
Erma Philasiellehis we shall run THREE Daily lax
Pow. Lore., Lt ., Wing at Pittaburgh respectively to
own, and Pou Dan.. One Two Day Line will
oto at nod , 8.1•111 principally intended foreman
for rum mi
and valua b lack/
nices/gee. We Mad invariably reempt
We finer' an arrengement with Messrs. Downes.,
bleb we lean forward Packages to, or transact Own-
Mistime it, , Great Britain, Franey, and mein of tLe
Continent' st.Citien Meter. Edwards Hale & Co. nave
in England with the well known great forwarding
house at Beane enema k Hoax, and in France With
the" Mesa Nationalc.o
. khan spare no expertee or eutenton to get our
goods through with the tIMILISt despatch, and endeavor
to furnish the public with a trolly will conducted Ea
prem. banal pared, and peonage. will Le earned bi
us at extremely low mum
Persons wishing to use our Linea are respectfully
requested to particularly order their correapondents to
ship by “A110A5113 In CO'S K.K.PRIB.S.:”
Phdelphia. Nov. 10. .fiDAMS &
The, gency ot the above McNees Line Will te
conducted at Bus city by ./. C. BIDWELL,
noylefftni Winn wrest. _
atitMa 1849. atigOal'-
& wad /arts Repress Pftekes Lime,
ILO. PARKS, Beaver, Propenitor.
9111 E new and elegant Paueriger Packets,
NIAGARA, Carn H H Jeffries;
LAKE ERIE, ° Id Trehy;
QUEEN CITY, J Atonally,
Forming a daily Line between Beaver and Erie, have
commenced running, and will continua dazing the sea
son to make their regular tripe, leaving Beaver after
the arrival of the meaning boat from 011tabergh,
cloak, e ia) and Arrive at Erie in time fort/ assengers
to take the Morning boats to Regale or ap Me Lake.
Tickets through to Eric and all Lake pc_tlx, ens be
had by application to JOHN A CABIN Agt,
earner of Water and Smithfield eft
Tittle under the St Chart. Hotel
. . .
For Blairsville. Johnstown. ollidaysburgb, and
all intermsdia •ilacn.
rirills Line will continue toverry all Way Goods
.11. with their anal despatch, add at fair rate. of
Aaarrts—C. A. BFANULTY tr. Co, Fund:osh.
D B Wakefield, Johnstown.
John Miller. Hollidayahargh.
Rgreancns—Jtunes Jordan, South &Sinclair, Dr F
Rosenberger, R Room John Parker, F Von Dan
boro. A Co, Wm Lehner /a Co Jun ill'lNvitt lc Brea,
Pittsburgh; John ivory, SuctiltNalholln ARV, Jon .
Waif b. Co, Itayst vale. teeh27
Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
OCEAN, Capt. Walters.
9NE of the above Pnketa leave Beaver every day,
iSanday• cieepta) and attire next morning at
...n, where they cement with the Rail Stagea fur
Akron and Cleveland, arriving as nett of these places
oefore night. One ofilie Packets leave Warren daily,
at. sod arrive at Beam in clans to take the
-- ngaft2V-A P oray,k•Wintrt
M 0 TAYLOR, • Propsiln
0610005 TO Ona uu.. In rum HOOLS.
..and Pack er—Proormvartu, C•irk Yen:Kier;
" Tamsourn, Pollock;
Laza kNia. " Trilby;
" Panama, " Drown;
Faktmon, Sayer.
The above new and splendid Purenger Puke:shave
commenced running between LIFATER. AND iEKIE.
and arlf regearly daring Ike season—one boar
leieworg every morning al Er o'clock, and ono !eer
ie! Heaver every evening ; immediately after the ern
vai of Ito atrambou hhetngan mom Pr., o cr.
rt., ore new and toonanabh :11(11:•,... an.
eon: un)hruogb .011 T hoc,. Po.vebeentlo o.
00. • e lAters. or Photo , . Full* wth to. RA.
r• t .• •• • •-• trrn-.1.0.e and expethßoo.
tb.comi . ocrts or. toe Lake procured by
•,1.118 propnetors.
BRED, PARKS& Co, Deaver.
JpHN A. CAI4.7IIKr Apt. Plu..bunpb,
rot. Water ' end So - Attach! •ut.
Pi -Jos C Ilarnoon, [haat°, :St
C M eed., P.
C C "tek,thercnolle,
di'Fa lutti and Nag, lbg Bend, Pa:
lloy•Pborp•burch, Pa,
• C .Ision.Sbezon,
Re otbrwo,Putaski,
•P' R. IV Cuotunchabb, New Cute. Ps RI
~..,..‘,... TLe ISLAND PAC h.L: r . 111 Le ..1.1
'1 al publte atactlon mil, ett) of Wheel
tar, on AIONDLI/ , the ItOlLdai ..1 . De•
eembe r. 1...tt1.
T ..
r it t
4 - 41 .... u... h..o kt the, aoe balazer at I, `...,
and months aril!, tnten,t Approved orrotlable
pa Abe uteri list the deferreO paymenli. Sato
kw.rat o. IL MOOHE. ~.
o :r-1 D. Z &NE
- There are more Bangs in heaven endear.
Than are &canto of u phdosophyto
rpm: VIRTUES rd thia remartanle remedy, and
1 the constant application for it, to the proprietor,
ham induced ban to have it pot up in bottles with la•
bets .d direction. for the besichi of the public.
The PCPROLEU6I Is pr0.m..1 flout a well to dos
rocliot , Yt a depth of fear hundred feet, as • pure ens
clulternted article, without any chemical change, but
i nn as flows team fistula's Street Labraeoryti Theta
ontsun• properties reaching a number of disease,,.
/anger a metier nf uncenauoy. There are m.
things in the arcane of neut.., which, if know, Might
be of vs. literatures. in alleviazing entestog, and re •
storms the bloom of health and vigor to many a Mal
len., .Long before the proprietor thought of potting
it up in bottle., t had a reputation fur the cure of dis
ease. The tonal and daily encreansys calls for it.
and several remarkable cures et hat performed, is •
sure indication of Me furore popularity and wide
spread applacaelon to Jan core of disease.
We de not wish to Make a long parade of certifi
cate, Lot WV are COO9CIOUS that the medicine can soon
work Ds way ento the favor of those who sager and
with to be healed. %Melee we do not claim for et •
unever.l aseptic...ere in ever! diseme, we embers.-
tingly say, that in • number of Chronic Diseases it le
merivalled. Among these may be enumerated—all
deseases of the: mucoas twines, such as CIIRONIC
lIRONCHITIS, coNsumenoN (In it. Early stage,)
Asthma, and all domes. of the air passaggs, LIVER
COMPLAINT, D yarsesie, beas, DIOCOOOI of
the Bladder and 1.1.' linty, Yams in the Back or Side,
Nervous Diseases,l4eralea, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains,
( B " nua ". e? 7 , gr.' Zile': 'AIL.' "IsTe".:km Horn., Noaldh
stilling from
or long and'protracted cases of
ge n e this medicine bun g relief. It will let la
• general TONIC and ALTERATIVE In took cases,
impelling tune and energy to rho whole frame, remov.
mg obstrocumes,opening the Hoggish fonedons, which
cause disease end a b
ed ke consundion, and germs
inereamd and renew energy to all the organs of
Late! The proprietor knows of reveral rates of
PILES, that
of every other treatment, get well
ender the use of the PETROLEUM for a short Woe.
The pool Can Lo ten
thewithout signature of the proprieum
Sold by the ?Kismet°,
B.M. KIER. Canal Basle, near Seventh at.
Also by R E. SELLERS. 67 Wood an
earner Wood eel and Virgin alley, who are hit
regularly appointed Agents
No. BT, corner Market and 6186—0 r AB Market,
...ten Third and Fourth ma.
rIMIE subscriber keeps constantly on hand, whole
1. sale and retell, the following moles, cia
W.h Team ' Mod' Churns,
Meat Tubs, Darrel Churns,
Bath Tobs. • Half Onshels,
Wooden Bowls, Peeks and ILO( Pecks,
Wash Board, Dram Bound Ruche.,
Clothes Pic, Towel Rollers,
Weo,len Ladles, dread Rollers, •
Coate. Ilaskf ts, ' Market Baskets, .An
nos I 4 No El Diamond alley, Plemb ugh
u. • I RI WKI
ARE fatrW REJCEIYINO a large and complete aw
airtime., of HARDWARE, CUTLERS, SAD.
ERY, and CARPENTERS"fOOED, direct from
the manufacturer. in Europa and America, and are
w fully prepared to offer good. at such props as
Cannot fail to pleawk and would particularly request
the intention of Mershants who We in the hang Of
mg Eon, Ewe., as we feel 'eopfideut they will hid, after
thorough egasainatlon, that our pricaa will compare
fvorably with any hon. in Pall;delphis or .New
York. oetl
/Oita 3101.01.6011 • •. W. a. ?AM.
TUE undesigned, saceetsow to Arthurs h
wn, beg leave to Inform the cinema of Pittsburgh
and public generally, that they hove rebuilt the RA
:GLE FOUNDRY and are wog to full operation, and
have poet of their patterns ready for the market:—
Amongst seinen are Cooklohagges,. Coal and Wood
Stoves, witlea splendid air. Coal Stove, which is
now superceding In other Ws • common round
Stave. Also, a eltoll4l coal Clooklng Steve, well adap
tafor small with lAllillatulartment of mn
mon and mantel (trues We moth; patiloularly in.
vita the linemen of penous DaDdioS so cull at our
anrehotse before plimhaslng, rsat=entine a splendid
iele unanamefied Grate*, d m D stYle—
enurely new in this market.
W . a . rcholis u e, No. lel Il l e i ra i N t or p lvAto
WINKS, i.IISUORS, 0110111SILIK.19, Lot ,
Butecritier In tort reesielar his Fall Stotk, ra
j bracing descrwtions of FORNIUN
Wq race, Ci s, he Ile odors inducements
e W gar
In W
holesale and Retail trade, that cannot be ex
celled. Among the mucks for sale, he would enu
merate the following:
69 pkge Rochelle, Bandeaus end Cognise Efrandice,
bf piper, quarters and octaves, all chaise
brands utd vintages;
9 pipes Rolland Olns;
5 do Netv'F.eglmei num,
2 ScotehAnd Inch Whiskey;
If!bide Old Alonungatiela Rye Whiskey;
3lfiee gal deunimt .
at pkga aladesni and Sherry Wines, in hippie:, num:
inn and octaves; .
pkg. Lotion and Tents Ife Wipes, tqu attend
OS gigs Port Wince, in piper, I.l' piped awl quarters;
37 bbls and India bble Sore. tad Lay Malaga %Vince;
21) bble Old Peach Brandy.
lUD cache Nob Leguzyro and Java Coffee;
75 pkg. , T. P Oral Chid. Tote,
60 p i pe pointed Tobacco;
6 ULU and tales Sow's%
IS ale Whim Sugars;
37 bast: fresh Solid Oth
7 g dp etkiun pagne Wine., put .ad in.;
173 cases (I dot) Cleret Wines.
to do Hock or Rhine do;
65 do Sauterne Wines;BO do hlorcep 10 do Black
holy 11..4; 110.0witttponed Cigar., together with
Corthalt,Dentione,.Nte her Flarks,tio etch Ale, Brown
Stant, Arosnanc Wadi Ditties, Bottled Wines end Its
goo:, of the kneel kinds; Ansuseuthanneon A bolult,
ltlesasqtnnoi °Mel; Ceriaes, Hook and Cologne Hot.
dew Atiehoelqe, Svdtsito ; Lobster* to o n. Cap _s..
Onseh RetChtliWr S. S. Chocolate, Codco, Punch HUI.,
pipildlere, Sagas Bore; klashenhand Pitoloingh Man
afOetUrs. Ig.draT• JACOB %VIKA ISRII, Jr.
ciente ecir Halket and Hsu sts
VEACIPZIEL-10 kr bt4o No ii . Nooketok -
jvi. . So , - . No 9 doi
• W. , .111 . No 3 doi
hymns wag and for saki kr
"MranAWXY. I 4 V7Lor at
1E1)1 - CAL
1..7 Medicine , at the day.r•
Gkinkx's SvuitoX, Ohio, May PS,
R E. Sellers: I dunk it right foctlic benefit of others
to stele some facts in relation to liar excellent Fami
ly Medicine.. •
I have 04 ell your VereMinge IftilMY to my own fam
ily, one viol frequently aaswenng for expelling! rge
quentitiev !my Ito VON worms from' two child:at I
have also used your Liver Pill. and tiyaigh Syrup
my Wally. and they have in every inNince pralueed
the effect desired.
As I•em engaged In niecchaadislng, I am able to
state diet I hove yet to hear ef the firm failure whom
cour medicines have been mad in my section of the
ountry. In conclusion, may state lb.ut they eie ' de
medicine. of the day, and are destined :e have n ..try
extensive populanty Soon. re. .c. .
..17. Passau.
Prepared and told by R. • • i lIS.No 57 Wood
street, and sold by Drugs,. - tenet sriy to the two ci
ties and vicinity- mat
J original, only tree, and genuine Liver Pill.
Soo. Cams ,Ohio county, Va. j
MarehVOth, WO. i
Mr. R. K. *ellen: Dear Sir—l think It &duty I owe
to you and to the public ', ly, state that I'have
been afflittei with the Liver nen
Complaint for a long
time, and totality that an abeam formed and broke,
which left me In • very low Mate.: !laving braid of
in Liver Pills being fur sale by A II
Sharp, in We. Liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician. Dr. E. Smith, I ronclauell lo give them
a Mir I
a r e oae two, sod found them to
mat what they are reromutended, TIM: BEST LI
VER PILL EVER USED; and after taking font boxes
I hod the dmeath him entirely left me, and I am now
perfectly well. Respectfully yonra.
West Liberty, March 26,1M0.
I ee lily Nut I ate personally acquainted with Ma
'clan, sad ran bar testimony to the tenth of the
a. re cruficate. A R. BIIARY
Trio ennui.. Liver Pl 7. are prepared and sold by
t;,.‘ I LERS, No 57 Wood street, ad by druggists
to the
To 1 . 111.1 PUBLIC.—TIie original, only tone and gen
uine Liver.rills are prepared by St Egiellero, and have
Lys itain. stamped in black wal upon the lad of each
box, and his signature on the outside wrapper—all
others are counterfeits, or base Imitation.
. split R E SELLERopoillt.Of
VROI.I the Rev ACA SIDNN, a well known and pop et the ProtesUunfdetbodistChereh
roe undors.gneil hosing been alined duringtbe pan
i with e disease ognie eta:oath, sometimes pro
t nu. n great tine in the woman h fOr ten or twelve hour.
without .nterini • on,and after ham" tried various
remedies with effect vas furnished with a bouts
in Dr D./ alenit C mature tjaisno, Thisbeasedae
rordtWtothed,ontroa,udliand ulvariably that this
medicine eatisedthe pain to abff e in three or four min.
ales, and in fifteen footwear} minutesevery uneasy
sensation was entirclyquicted. The medicine Was af
terwardsosed wheoeverindicadonsol the approach ot
palewere perceived, and the pain wu ihereby prevent,
ed, Ile continued to use the medicine every evening'
and 110alatiales If. •be morning, and in a few sweet.
health was so (outstared, that the seder. was relies
d from •• lenge amen mot oppressive pair.. From ea
porienee,therefor, • can confidently recomme
D layne's Carminative bolsarn, as it se' unity medic
for diuues of thenomec li and towels. g A SC IN Nr
Allehenh en). )yli
For tab. in Ptitsbargb at . PERI N I • OTOF
72 Fourth street,. near o • and also • si•
Pietro( fi P senw AR rz • strut. A..-or •
VII al.? =an, toll
COutamplion, Coacha, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liv
er Complaint, Spilling Blood, DOR airy of Breath
ing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of
the pearl, Influent. Croup, Broken Con
sotraion,So.l Throat Nervous Debili
ty, and all Disease. of the Thrstei,
Breut and Lungs: tie rootlet-
Ram und speedy curt
evert nown for any of
the en*. discos- _
a IS
Cleampoluad Syrup of Wild Cherry!
This medicine is nu longer among those of doubtful
Middy. Jr has pasted away from the thousands duly
lannithed upon the tide or erpernileat and now stands
higher in reputation. and ss becoming more exteniutr
ly used than arty other pm/must/on of medicine ever
preoluod far o• teller el summg ma.
Rims been ,strodueed very generally through the
UMW States aim liewpcomol Mere are few towns of
lnaportance but what contain some remarkable evi
dence of its good elects. For proof of the foregm4
stalement. and of the value and efficacy of this meth- I
eino s the proprietor will Moen a few of the inaty Mom
mad testimonials which hue been presented to him by
men of tke first respectability—men who base higher
viewn of morn: resporistibilitp ud justice, than to cep
ary to•facta, Because it will irs anOthert a favor, and
ilersomelves no injustice. Sate sumo) prove. Cole
elusively, that ils surprising excellence it established
by Jr. Intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable authori.
of poblic opinic. The instutanuus re li ef it af
fords,, and the soothing influence dithited through the
whole frame by im mu, renders it • most agreeable
remedy for Me idllicted.
"Men ay. trues from •coucleutions impulses,
voluntarily bear testimony to the truth oia thing, or
pullet/ler ( act, such testimony, betrigcontrary to then
worldly lnietuts •nd purposes, eocreeq CObVICLiOn of
its truth, and einumentla Itself in • special MlLllliet so
u 4 Yiversal cirdence ^—llutan's Moral Maxim,
ST.. Arum. Cu. or Prtatursur Connektr nece—
Flier. never was a remedy War kat been as tueeetetul
in desperate cm. of Consumption. an Dr Swap:We.
C13...1 Syrup of ildrha ‘trengthens tee
.ystert, and appeart Ikea! ter Oren. an lee lung.,
egespi t new and tie). blood; iiusver pat,.. ,o t i ,
older 4.1,.
comuli Co., April Coil,
Di. ffa .Ivuo—teat dirt 1 verily helmet: your eona
Po ival NOVO of Wild CDcrry boa been Me memis 1
saving toy bie. I caught a severe cold, whivh Ludo
wily grewattended with a severe eolith, Mat
reskaul all Me remedies which had recourse to, suitmaims
comi my case ethibited ad the symptoms at
Patmoury Consumption. Flury thing I tn. PUDLI4,I
to line, no edam, sod my complaint increased so raptd
ly that frieudi to well as myself, govt.. up all hopes o f
my recovery. At this time I was recommended to try
you invalaable medicine: 1 did so wide she most sap
py results. 'lit first bottle had the effect to loosen the
cough, tam slog me ID DZI.DIOLILIC freely;
and by the
trtne Itad toed bort/ es,l was entirely well, and am '
now as hearty a in. ti 1 ever wu in my life, and
would bc, hoppy m msy infonuationurpeatlim my
ease, that od,er emu may derive the bencht for
eiliieb I ULU so grsteful For the truth of rte Move
ettatenicto, refer yua et 'Peter Hush, Urocer, Wert
Cheater, pi. of whom I purchased the medicine.
Rea p
yours, Jauxe Mincers
Wonderful Cure of a Alseitodia fifseerge.
Dr. Swlyne---Deat Sat I feel a debt of gratitude dot
Is you—and duty to Ma &dieted generally, to offer
my humble teirdoomy in favor of your Compound Sy•
nip of Wild Cherry. Some dare years sine.: win
tiolently attacked with cold and Intlanimanon of L b, '
Lung& which was accompasiled with a c onsole
tough, pain in the beast and head, every considera
ble disc Urge of offeneive momr trunk the lunge, espe
cially upon change at weather, bow,
hot At
first I felt no alarm ebont my condition, but 1•Ill pretty
won ceovlncedMat I was repidly going into etomonsp.
1.00. 1 grew deity weaker, and at length was scarce
ly able to wadi about, or speak &twee a whisper, men
the conceding weakness of my lungs Dunng, this
time I had toed serious preparations end prescriptions,
but found no relsef—growiag all the time woree. Jut
beta I witead•ud and permaded by a dear friend to
Wilmington to cake trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher
ry. mart DOM.! , that previously I had been prem.,
diced coal i ng patent medicioes , end I am etill against
thou coming DUI Of thre hands of enipierice, bet ' , n ag,.
standing JOU! LO the profeerton mod preeticc of
medicine, and having implicit ADM in the saying of my
Mende, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of foot
agents, a few bottles, and COMIDLOODD ILS LOW. Aly
sue was at Ms, time of Prt Or 25 months' etanding,eons
ocquently it won deeply seated. I fund, however,
considerable read from the use of die host font or hire
hetdes. eac h a public greater, I frequently ai•
tempted to preach with my increuing strength, and
t hoe
ruptured those ',cued , that had already begun
re heal,• In Mu way, doubtless, my cure was greallY
I etarded. In c ate r
or of acting thaeimirtuderit'
I had to use todurelr fifteen bottles before wasim.
( n=e re r i " o t haved 1
' h o g e " mt le n Me wand, hsmall
the above todiscreuon. The Syrup allayed the fee
t o habit, took fray dm distressing cough, put es;
to the disci:are. of matter from the lungs, and gr.
them and the urre system good health. I have dela
rod °Tering this certificate until now, for the herpes
of being pelf,. witted widt the penctenency at do
taro, and now rtat I feel perfectly wed 1 offer ti with
Dublin counti! N. 1 Ray. J. P. J 0...
hap:mind Cautson—Fred' Read!
There is ham e genuine prepantuon of Wnd Cherry,
and Met to Dr. Harernele, the first ever offered to the
public, which ..ea been wild largely throughout the
United Slater and gome parts of Europe; and all pre.
pennons edchy the nem° of Wild Cherry have
been pot out .ha this, alder cover of lame derepur e
eircumsteneic a , order to gpve currency to their talc..
Uy a little obseviration, no perwint need onsuike the
mune from Each bottle of the genuine le
enveloped wit a beautiful dad engraving, with the
likened , of William Penn thereon; aro, Dr. Swayner.
signature: and a furtherneunty, the portrait of Dr.
Swarm will J added bendier, no as to illatingunth
bit Preparatim • tom all ocher. Now, 1,1 it was not lot
Me great caravan propertin and known virtues of Dr.
interne , . Coinctrund Syrup of Wild Cherry, perdu.
Id not be cculeavormg to give currency to their
.6etitione on. ma" by stealing Memune of Wild
Cherry. Remember, damp, bear in mind the name
of Dr. Sway ad be not deceived.
Plummet OLLwa, corner of Peak and Race Meet.,
For min whicesele and retail by OODEN A sNo-
DEN, nor 1. 1 / 4 1 sad Woodsuri B A FAIINESTOr
Co, (tor lot am Aland, and OM end Wood aid ['DOßN, fta Joke di 8 JONES, NO Liberty
A JONES, not eland end Penn sts; RAIN
Alleghen, city, and by all relpeetab'
Dr. W.P. lastaxidt• Promise.
'FIB. W. P. INLAND, of Me Nadi'. Cm.
arielphia, now offers Mthr public ins
otable Premium Plaster, the qualities of which, u._
to and tiled experience, has been satisfactorily ere
tablthed. To all women who may be adlicted with
Prolapses Uteri& or Fallen Womb, he recommends his
plaster, guantnteerng a sure and speedy enter to the
short space of from two to Mee weeks, if applied with
rae atutreal—discerding all the countleca mstmments
and expensive bandages an long In use. Title he fuels
COlitlettlatiOtt• in stating, Inmanah as he ha. not failed
in one ease out of three hundred and fifty-three pa
Alb for Rheumatism and Weak Brea. or Back, at
tended with (sin, there ir nothing to excel thin Slimier
in adotthim relit for effecting a cure. Fur role tir
Wilma, coiner of Diamond and Marten et
Bract armor, liberty and St Clair ma
Dr ghttli g e J Sere nit
Li Federal Ft and lemiturrith Alto-
Jamie. b. Co, e Penman and Diamond Doming
ham. tiff
E. SPILLERS, !vendetta, No 47 Wood street.
8051 Agent for the sale of Or. Tournsond's Men•
sar.parilia, has rust received AR dozen of CU.
Great Spring and Sum Ear Medicine.
P.chasers should re Ilea that R E Sellers is sole
agent for Ptusburgh, and DM Curty for Allegheny
5.01 apd
to re.
and felillotha l beverage , grlus m into uiiiiie e. s
ore pleass;n7nu n d
&tattle than roovoton CorMeoand far cheaper,
paper Colon onlT o. teL f or . t a w b ill go a. t ar tone
I"'"'47.°‘ ".. JUIIN 811LI.Elt o . Plttnbureli, Pa.
Sold alwholesale by Et A FAHNIMTOCK & Co,
cocoa of First sod Wood and Sixth rod Wool nrrrts,
Putsburgi . rll
CIALIFORNIA 11111111 FR 11001)—.1.1 received,
It.) 38 Courtp Illattketai o3lcer coma, pr. Pants,
IS pairs nett Intel! Mining Rupp; gg-hoba„. Dap; a
water T. 1,1,, a and 19gallon. e.h,• eat:darns, I
gallon ..11; don Iluetakin Money (S elo.; ao & led
cambric do do. The above goods for sale at the Calb
forMa thatfiling Faldblitalmcnb No 5 WOO 6 ILL
6106.64 Jd. 11 PIIILLIPS
- -
ASSORTED APICES—Pat op for family use, is en
wino, enclosed an a sliding lid bos. coalmines
&Inward, Alachua,
Cinnamon, Gauger,
Ckmasi - rapper,
Warranted para. For axle at We new Sawa and
Mowed Faetoty,,comer,offermik. Litiany wa.
JAHN at 11$141,
v .i tyTheekt trop Awn* front the Temper
...ea, worn, emeanied; enll be C 01111411114
oh sappiiod to or*, by_
000.a.AN,ES Wood ot
I.ltitalli - Etta,itgt,..ll 1141 1-il Z31.--gl. - t:d = - - r i as..i..-m.,:ztzottA:P ::-.5 z 7 i
itrit.t:...3...3 - I+ .4ElLai..--., 2; m!
..• 9 .4.1 MN 1 413: . 91=L` 1- " '" •••! -I ' l itt,SES ‘ ;"7-:' 1 : 11 % - liEtf- 5 ANTA aft !r, 1 . a
ICC 1 f . . 4 ..i . ifiitsg - rss'4igii itillgrq . 7,Zia rs .1111/I:Yri:mgi a. fat: r 1.141- 1 ' 0
= . ei 1-4b1111::: 18
..11.1:1; . i "410. 7 :1511f, a it .i* .:31E31.3 5
.laNislillt ! - , : , i' 6- :, oi
LI ' 4 4 1geil?.r:, . s t . g. 1,-,ii.s_rmtiv.rilit , ifiTIAIIV:SII.;/•1 g 7,E , ,.. 1; F., .7,
r l. i r.. I_ 22 :r-.:1••••, t..• A irlt -Z 1. 9 .1"1:a 19 '4
L'.% 722 . .4 bill . . . i
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i V = a , os -1.0 , T.
, z- -•- -0 AA' , --" - "''''-' - -^'',, Igi ~.-' fatia1 5 1 53.1 5. ! 2 :9•1 i« L l 9 .1441 . • .
- Fg i ggillrieal'iirßS.itla a ~,, • .
MC > li t .t .
Ei 2g itlg Pi g t?l l li 4 il'i 4 :i . - : 1.1 1
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NC Lil 1,. ....P.l cd t"
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CD w 1 5 3 9 1.-, zpikgil iI , :.E 'i . j 0
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la. 4 CI El 1:1 5 -4 : ....41::Tiet..1.6^:1,.. 0 .., .3 i e .
cc '2l '3' o ' R .. 4, g. 4 7-
GO i t 1 •"Ti-ja 3 '2.: fihr. s lui;:Z......ila - P- §.s 1 . 140-
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W.i , ~,.._.%_.: . l-. 15..0 t 30.•
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ICE i i L. : lE' _74 , ,c... 1 i...39§1,,r,- - 1 , -,..
= - t 3.. Au- 4.-zt tz g e asl...l : ,„ . 0 5 t..._
riez,P4l 3 .:?lire-t,gf:ll:it!Snfii.. lo 4 -
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Lila u . 7....i.t.ii44,.. : 0 - iest °gl -a E,lf---• , c-2-3:...e ...-- E 2 ',- . 3. I , l' =.5'51.1: --- ee, gl - aa:-io 621,..-P , AZ .
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€4 4 .:"'L•e 3 . 4 34 1 '-21.:; .1 . •1 ; ;° '" , :§'P.:E :76 - - -1-..VSIhI-:-40...t , :a
az •...r, a ~.a...29-E.q. , 4M....5., -. 4., . , tr.,j.E.. .7...tE...;2 . ...:2'..t.0':: - .3 LI 1.3
14441dirfitit122 : f i ziC....iis•-,, , '";41; 1 1711.3 cw -,4 tg -•=iltga2 , fa..•°°L.-,•-1'.i1 , :a.. - -',4a , -...7:
CD pliEli''•{3•Ezi:7°F.2l.=:* • ,4° -e.-.--,--......:::: , ,c1 , ..
t;:gt&..,: - LL , -- ' 7 ' . .:'•.::' , '“4,:',“,;
, 5iT.:Zh&.;41114.q. - 1•0.0.11: - Vg ti, , ;AP•:.7.i.- . .11.11 1...1:1 , -3:°.:;Ag.1.5.i-f.z . ;',•:' g I
n - r AGENTIII-Whi. JACKIION, JOITN B. MORBABI, Lituaberglm Li. M. CORBY, Allegheny Wry; A. PAITFLRBON, Birmingham. /Mad
I.IIOLIQgI & 11018,
B•sker Etc him g• Brok•rs,
. .
COLLECTIONEL—Drana, Noma and Acceptances
pamayabea l ble terms.e ih ••ty mot of dm Union,endlected on dm most
. .
EXCIIANCE an New York, Philadelphia tad Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, Louisville, Sum Louis and
New Oilcan., constantly for sale.
BANK NUTEB.—Notee on all solvent banks In the
United kluttavdiscountedut dm lowest rates. Ell kinds
of Foreign and Amend. Bold and Silver Coln bought
and sold.
Office No. OS lavkat meet, between astel
vor - uratax ssouentoz.
BILLS ott England, Ireland, and Scotland bought
ammun at the Current Eater of Elamite.
Aiwa, Drafts parable in any pan of the Old Canute*,
from .£1 to 11000, at the rata of 115 to thn I Starling,
'without deduction. ar &aroma, by JOSHUA B.OI3IN
SON, European and General Agent, Waco oth st ono
door won of mood_ °alga
aural anawak u l uutic 1513WAXI mama
& EtAnn,_
1) o Fore!rn NIA Domestic Mils ,t EXchange, Car
a...a of ikPO4lO, Bank Notas and Colo, comet of
3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. 'Cbarlea Ho-
Wir• -•
• Keutocky,
ith l n atlNotaq
purchased at the lowest rates, by
N. 1101.11133 &SONS,
arpt3 33 Market sweet.
BILLS OP ILlClELAlitilibt Cheeks on
New York,
Philadelphia, end
Constantly for Web) N. 110141111 & eon.
sepl3 =Market
. 4 0as of the Net Remarkable Traria of at Age.'
WrINEVEII AND ITS REMAIN% with an account
of e visit to the Chandelles Chriciens of Kurdis
tan, end the liesidiv, or Dryll.Worshippersi end an
ts/try into the Manners and Arts of the Ancient As
syrian.) Sty Austen Henry Leyard,
With In.doetory Nate by Prot E. Rebussoo, D. D.,
1.1. D. lliestrat+l with itt plates and tunas, end PO
wood eats. 2 vela aro., 5 4,52.
'lTes, book tens rare mount of arsplue r virld, pie.
wrens,' oviststre
-The work of Layard is the moat prominent cowl
button to the study of antiquity, that has appeared for
many yen's" —Ch.i.l log
"I.OoL one CIO!, 40 lutareit - the account of Nineveh
and its R 411111., given by Mr. Layard."—Wadtingtota
° As we follow the diggers with bteaddess tamest
in their excavations, coo suddenly tied ourselves be ,
hat • Intuitive Grate carved with minute an
tom. luting do gigantic head from the duet of Utak
titars, occ me reedy to cry out web the astonished
rgbl, `Wallah, rt a wonderful, but it is truer "--Ixt
11? ' by JAMES O.I.OtEWOOD,
novld C 3 Wood on
/few Hookas
t:dlted by d, H. i Sp L r ' :;l C s:, 4 l3l " .
einganily bound, Id exquisitely. nnished engraving%
win, determines@ by eekbrated American Clergynien.
POEMS ISE AMELIA, (Mr. Welby, of Ky.,) anew
and enlarged edition; illustrated bl are gvngs freer
N dengue by Wier. I vol. squ Ova,e legant
tinned and gill. Also , —A variety of spleadidlisuld
&ls and Gift Maki,.
Servell'n First Booked the History of Rome.
I 01. Nino.
ure 01 Carpenters, Shipwright% Wheelwrights, Saw ,
yors, Lumbennen, Srudents, nod Artisans generally'
being a thorough and prectical Treatise on Merinutar
non and the Sliding Rule. By I) Earn, A. M.'
Boise's Tivatite on Greek Prose Compoamon
tthendoill'a Elementary French Gnusunar. By Prof.
ilicene, of Ilrorini University. I vol. Inroo.
Ruediger's Generous' Hebrew Giantroar, by Conant.
Lo omis' Hebrew Lexicon.
Loomis' Tersonometry.and Logaridinno Tables. I
vol. Irloterld
The Euguiduitasis Greek Concordance. 1 vol (mus
Ands Classical Series.
Webster's Dictionary, remised ed. 1 voll rm.
Jo do unibridged. I vol. Sur
Hamer Notes and Queetiona on New Testamenb
Whately's Logie.
Musherm's Eticleamaisal History. 3 vols. and 2
vols. (sheen)
Vestiges of Creation 1 vol 1 - erso.
Mornings among the Inuits no Rome. I rob feloth
nod P.P..)
Scenes where the Tempter bar Triumphed— I vol.
(cloth and paper )
Rogue's To logical Letterer. I vol. evo.(elath.)
Aldsr's Pronouncing
Royer'. French Dictionary.
Smart'. Horace. For aalu by @ HOPKINS,
. 0 ,13 Apollo Buildings, Fourth n
IN Montaigne, edited by H. Henitte comprieing hi.
Ensure Lerten, and Journey throogh Germany and
littlyth notes from all the Cornmentatore, Itiograpla
!dal and thbhogyaphleal Notices, en.
I Theory and Previa. of Teaching; or, the Nod,.
and Methods of Good Sehool.Keeping, by David
Male, A. ,SL, Painespal of the grate Normal School.
Albany, N. T.
Fran* !Portent's Fish end Falling of the U. States
end Hritish Provinces of North Antenna by Henry
rove comer Third and Market ma
JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Book - miler and Importer,
No. tit Wood street, Mu for sale a tew eoptee mot
ihele, (the remainder of the edition,) of tuts valuable
work. devoted ID the Preservation <1 Documents, and
other allibentle information relating to the testy ex
plumbous, settlement and improvement of the country
around the howl of the Oho:. Dy Neville D. Craig,
Est., of Piashurgh, in 3 cola Svc.
aorta J. D. LOCKWOOD.
I3Oillkle LIBERTY: A History, with. view of the
Lt. bilberry of ether Ancient Num. Bp Samuel
Elliott, Esq. Illustrated with twelve cognate/A vie
cowl at Rome 2 vela, Pro., uniform with Prescott'.
Historical Works.
Just published and for sale by
JAMM D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and .
nov 10 Cdl Rood ai
- . - -- • • • ---
12 12m0. 72 ma. AIRS. FANNY NEMIlLird YEAR
- -
'llloretrimg of lids book has Impressed as wuh •
merth higher opinion of its than we had footed
from perusal her other wattle. 11 displays a deeper
tone ot mought, united to more pose womanly greener
feeling than any ether production of the [tattle mind
anth which we Ile acqualated-v—Eva. Mirror.
"It Is a very •greeable and readable book t written In
Fanny Kettable s nest style—bold, spirited end enter
taming. We recommend it to our readers al the best
publication of the season.”—Readang Gar_
"It contains the Journal of a travel of t
mad reudettee in Italy; and is one or the pleasantest
and most interesting hooks of the season."—Cone. and
"A very characteristic hook. We have read it from,
lode page to Colophon with unabated interest. A vi
vid picture of hie In Rome. InaU respetu eminently'
..•• - • .
novl6 Bookffellor 3 ll:opener, GS Wood Id
adibographla EssabLishment.
OF WM. rieIIUGHMANN,Third at, opposite this
Part-Oboe,l'arsborigh.—Maps, Los,,iseep e ,
beads, trhowbills, Labels, AreLittensral and Machin
ykawsnye, ktusinoss attd Visiting Canis, de, engraved
or dray. o no none, and piloted in colon, Gold, Bronze
or Black, in thei most approved style, and at the most
reasousble pneea. oct!s:ly
Oikllll ='' ''
GftATEFOL Blithe vary liberal encourage:neat I
bare received for no many yearn, I have Macs-.
muted to enlarge my business emulderably. Having
engaged pete comnt Foramen, I will be enabled to
all MI tatrars . ptorapar, and do the work uur meal
style sod at fate prices, and ant Me attennon of mere
chant , and entrant, tu my large Mock of UPHOLSTE
RY laBlD3 rod Bed., Mattrarain and Bedding; Cur
ial. :gateman, Damasks and illoreens,Ce.ien, Form
get, Boideangs, Tassels, Split and Boller litinkand
every article usually kept in an establishment of the
Inn/ Orden respectfully solicited and prommly at.
!ended to.
N. tb---Carpsis made mid put down.
- -
tif4/./Ariflrlka, .
AL".. I ' N U D I PLYINT:ftv A SERUM!. -
J. A. BROWN would respert
,.... I'4l4,ttnll,..,trbii„.
wool Bolts of the /24.1nToMif
-11/.4 thr, a complete arson,
meat of Venthan But oleo yr.
aibao Shone.. ate made to or.
der to Bic two etyle, warranted
eynal tu say in the Gaited - Slams.
Hu IllitolVehn be removed with
out the aid of a atilt, driver.
Harp , i4gt r iclutt or d o lle tin s . ta , r . l .. ,
tatillakment of Ramnk:CAPClel
land, I am prepared
w e ll
their old customer. az' well as .
the public at largo, with evert , thing in their hue.
Apo i cy No 4 Wood Gnat, Pitoborgh.
inch% J. A. lIROITh i
flpi APER HANGDEV-rirstlitiii7rieViiing, - dir e
L' from the manufacturent in New York, 'Philadel
phia and Baltimore, &large and well selected aawni-1
meta of all the latest and most Unproved styles of as-
tin, glared and common- PAPER HANGINGS, con.
giants 6(-
11.1,000 weer of Pastor Otal Freaccg
Hall and Column:
.LOW) ," 'Vining-room, chamber and .odlen .
ital.-which I would particalarlybrriortho Almada*.
of thou havirg_housea to paper, to cail . a e ft . d.r. r. a.,
H IS. P.M Warralo.o of
*V. ire-Ii
LONOS.—The unprecedented mem whien bne
uended the use of Me
. . .
sal the wine forme which Irritation or the loop ar
news, his induced the proprietor Maio to cell suer.
Lion to Ws
The amoral., weather whinh - marks our GO and
tatter months, L alwsyz a Craft' same of
Thou, taeglaa - ted; ate butthe pm ajaaii of that &II
The question, thee, how shall we nip the destroyer=
the beef bow shall se get clear of our <musks and
oldet ia of vital imporunee to the nubile.
will be . mid fn the Gimlet* Panacea. Lttroe
pfor this
we have note to time published the eenkfmatee Of
downs of our ben known eitisons, who haveexperi
enced Its curative powers. -Thew, with a mass of w &may from all routs of the conntry,--from
him/stunt of theDtwpokert,toge.ther with copi ous
ices from the
In hos . embodied in pamphlet Dana nnA may ba Sal
pans of anyMbar o tl i rr
t n throw:M.
Sava Dam wad In ibis elm
thronskont De Muted Sunni
Canada, and an am
law any manta paint out n
. . .
n thick, when ratan according to dlrroctioas, and be.
fore the lungs had become Wolf* disorgantud, It ha.
seer failed to
Why then, mei the altlieted heehaw? Why noon t
the rodemble aoetreate, gotten up byline cern Indlehl
eel, n ler the easemed name of some ea shrewd ply.
del., =availed law notoriety-by certificates. el pa
tau egaally unknown? Veltilet a medicine ,
• -•.
Is to be had, whose annehers aro at honte,-ou WO)
bon,—many of whom Ithas . •
In order that this Washable medicine may be placed
within the reach of the poor as well the rich, wa hen
pat the price at
inst one half the usual cost of enegh medichas.' n
for sale by oar agents in nearly everyman and Wilma
over the west, who are prepared to give-fall informa
tion relative to it T. SALTER, Proprietor,
Broadway, Cincinnatl,Oldo.
~:ii.f•:. , - . .7. 1 —. . ., - I,.. , NERCIIRY,orother Min
....- v- ....., :. ~ eel.—lt —lt bas power to
._, • •_,. v. ,_ ..:„. : calm all EXTERNAL'
'''. . , •-•-• \-, .- SUMO MN i 11.5..
..., ' .. :;...5: 7 1:. -.. 80 11A IL YS,, POISONOUS RO"IUS
. • . •....-- ~.. .,..:: . , WOUNDS to•discharge
. ( ......,.,. • ,
'Wee heal,
h p e,th euid th ttu . ets, and
•I +.:::---- I
'`i IT \ . • ALL- li ll 'i lritra
•,....... ...., there is seawall , a d al ,
, ....••• •,,....„.,, •
~ ease external or internal,
; -.. . • 9,, .
••; that it will 'not hermit.
• I have used It for the Ion)
.lased years for all dieessesof the cheek involving
the atalast,daagat end . eepottethtlitr, ... / deelme
Riled! heaven and man, that nutlet rose casehaflt
o balsam when the patientwas withlothe reach
of atonal mean.' -.
_- •-•-
t I have bad physlciana learned in the Profenion. .1 ;
;have monsters of the gospel, Judges of the bench,*l
- lawyers, gendetnen of the highest erudition,
'and larUtitudes of the
sae It in every variety of
weAtutd. there has been hat one valet—one anlvenal
-Tele. ettritti--"APALLISTER,. YOUR . comma
ISGOODie , • I .
remorse almost Intreadlately
the Ingammation and mains, when the - pain tune
(U the directions around die boa.)
D•ACHE—The ealve lai cared Noma of the
hnlaklehe of twelve- yeah standing, and who had It
relater curs..eel colts% votolung Wok ?tape; FAR
ant Yelped with like seems. •
SCALD HEAD—We have . cured cases that emeally
' dal/00step thing known, ea well as the ability of If.
then ,o twenty w it hal man told as he hadepent
6.40.00 hie childnut any benefit, when • few 1
Sete. of Olnunent cured" them.
TETTER—There Is nothing better for the ewe of
Tatter.. ' . , . , • 1
• IILIUNS—It is one of the healthiest In the world for
PlLES—Thousands Ate yearly cored •bi this WM
mem. It mom falls in giving relief for the• Flies.
Viy• Around the Lot are direetiona.thr ming'.11 , 41.. ,
limes Oinonerafts Screfola, Lim amplaisit, ,Erysty
Mar, your, Chiltdeist,", scald ma., Sess',Rport,liNixtp.,
Sore Tiroab Crandon:is, Neraws Aff talk; Pont., /As-.
coreof the Spins, Head, eitkina,peaNsat. Ear mit,
Blans,.Cents, all Musa sluts Sky.; Sass Lips, Pisa-
Os, 4e., Strolling of 4.4 s Limbs, Sous, itheantation,
Alit, co/4 Fon, Creep, Aratoi or Broin army Teeth
ads, diger in the Foca 44. fe. ' ; . ' •
COLD FEET—Liver Complaint, pale In the Chem
and Side, fallinf l t of the "hair,Or th e other eecompa.
nice cold feet. is Ointment u the true remedy.) It
is a mre sip o disease to have cold feet.
CORNS—Oceasional 'me of the Ointment will al
ways keep eons from pawing. ;; People need never
be troubled with them if they use it frequently.
orTWs bebod
bs era p en i' i u nT ut e is d. g In ood tee
s e? it be
•P ett4l 'ft o e. l4 . —No Ointment will be genuine ant as the
name of /A 11 1 ,73 bIeALLISTER ia vorinen witli ' a pen
on every Wel. •
For cola by-my to in all the principal cider and
towns In the Umted States.
...TA.1111313 hIcALLLITES,
Sofa Proprietor of the above medleme. •
mi liranneipal Ofhee, Noll:Worth Third street, Phil-
&amen. nt Prrnalmon—M•nan & Helfer, _ comer of
Liberty and St Clair au; and L Jr, comer of
Market at slid the Diamond, also comer. of ath and
ginliba.ld .10 „f U Cassel, cornerof•Wallintand Pam
Ma, 6th ward; mid cold •at the imamate ; in Smithfield
nd door from Second an MAllegheny city by If P
Saharans and J Sargent; by J O Smith, /haggis; Big
roingtram; D Nasky, Eau Liberty; Rowland, Me-
KomPorn J Alexander & Son, Monongahela N
It Bowman& Co, and J T Bayern' Smoniarille; John
Barkley, Deaver, Pm ate wholcaale mamma
feb274lcodly_. _• • , :
Facts foe the.Plolle.
. In relation w that unrivalled Nay Sabre,
EUTIMONY of • renpectahle Phleidett.—Read
the following, addressed to iny Agent, hi, F. Met.
rywnather, Cincinnati-
Cracutear, 2hb:l2, Mitt
Sir. A scrum of dutrcorupels ma ro give my tribute
toltallera Poo Egtractor. Hero[ - opposed to quack
my and all nostrums hamng for , their object swims
motives—bat realising mock toed item the “Kieg of
Pain 10.11eran--1 ant indaced to ten* you this card&
tare. I have used it in my family, inlay practice, and
with all the happy and wonderfsd effects that could
!*. Tfr i . b ga s != L aittrlor earul 0f 13 .= 1 1 111,
• - inflammatory Rheaswiroa —
The folfliwing testimonial from . a ammo fal
Wham many alba*. travelineon our West= wa
ters. Ms. Clime, the wetland favorably known pow
Pstator of the Parkmbling Motel,' is husband to tho
whom letter 1 anneg ; .
Prams:smut, Ita , /Lynn s3,llidi
To jlenry pansy, Chemist. to.'—air Hammy Ibr,
.morir been to aellsted With violent inflammatery
Rheumatism, eletieb . appeared to finally meted as us
defy all ordinary appliances to allay tee severe pain
attending it,] was Indaced to try your Magical Pain
Extmeter; fed it having elected, almost as If by ma
gin, an immediate relief; and also, 'to nit appearances
an entire and pecker ewe, I em indoced for the bane ,
fit of °Mari who may be afflicted with pain, cameo by
any kind of Inflammation, to swim to you., , dtvierierf
that in my opinion, founded on actual export.*
your Magical Palo' tattictor I. the meat rot aataa din
covert of the present age for the itoratdastaoattactian
of bodily pain. It'ls an tamest hamediate and a per
fect can- for Rims; and amilds; and all emere"
Herring luny acqealutaricce fumed by their volt.
at my lineament hotel in this pDlace, i hove T. PC'`.?
by your shouting them them few Mies, It mo ' Yeettbrf
be of benefit both to them and yoameltr, or
yr v. , van
entertain the hope that Ars.OLLgqoo yin Penton the
pubbcity I give to her lent, r.a *Wein the store tot
humanity ea of itabolugleanteat mode ofbnnging st
to the notice of ber,,frie faun.]
Mos Cnred.
Eitract of a letter, dated
flemlotte, Ky. Nov: 29,1848. • '
11. Ihtley vl beer tried your Pion Exlyramor in
one of fano, in my own (Emily, which a relieved
and cured in a very 'hart tat hetnerVittire
eiteetfellY, 14. a. AL...Vbersa.
I . Duo.' and . ..reside. Pit a, Sore ?rippler., Broken
Breast,, Sores, Cots, Wounds . and all in.
damnation, yield. middy on, to the wonder - fel propenirs
unrivtiled ferndy lalre. in the stone
yo rheiyou mil receive benefit from the gename,
by me • deleterious eiVrts of the
co.ortfeit calve..
cAvrioN—Se !UN and apply only to the inventor,
rt. psiesr, el. liroedtray, blew York, or to hia
thoti.4 niseet,JOHN D MORGAN, •
' General Depor, Pritabarth, -
Mery l Schwertr, Allegheny, Ag,,,, 4 J . ,
Wheeling, Vt .; semen W forineton, hieyavillo , ify •
F. td,rrywc.Lk , , ciam.4.4 0 .n.r. , Depot.
N. Lt.—ln the ievetest Burn. Ind Senile it algae%
the nun Ina few nainoteeit never (tile , . • hag .
Ls. A. tabs all . A.H. Mu, Pc. i
U. L. Funimmora, riusbortii, , . , .
U. W. FuniAANAA.S.
_Dreg ~,...., hi , 11 . ou,
. •
Tc oroldrair r i r An eXteastraly eiorytog 1. th.
L Wtaldasidi balrelNA ft roil neva, in
as girl Z Nat Oli use pawed
Uroirtste aid Arial Dri, =IL
akt., pieraills,=_, and ANATI.4A A..Yr
itaA.Ntr., XlinorliaLwasiugoldweir ars
impatbi*s) tad all elm usialealiAtALlA• etlow
1= 1 : Zite hlaiit, as kw as Um ibut be Pill.
NawYcrt. ha r "I n
MiiiiiiNikAz it C! Heed!
0 En... Clerk of she Court of Quaner Sessit! . 4
Beaver Ceuntr.•
Mr. R. B. Sellers—Kr, Some time in die 'Plater my
wi% was adUcted with a severe sad distressing cough,
and hearing of your Invaluable Cough Syrup, I pur
chased a bottle from El. T. Trimble, of Bridgewater,
and after takief t :portion of it two or three eveslep
an going be she found , immediate re/W4 samba,
severe. friends ve been relieved in severe oases. I
avt therefine aatisfied that is a safe and hateable
wedicineiSsd would recommend it to those wino nay
be afflicted witheevens Coughs and Cold.,
Mardi 23, MI • - IL wart _
Prepared end sold by R. E. BPI I.a 3, 57 Wood ci s
and sold by dregguitv generally, in
,Piusbnrgh and Al
-The O—EaWl
Lien, Coal Company.
ooxs will be men for aubmapbou tot neck of
nu Mullen Coal Company," on and after
Monday, the 24th day of fleptexaber Mat; at the algae
of Z. W. Remington, Pena et, ?Mahwah:.
sorlteltf Z. W. INEMING7Oft.
0111011011: AIIINOIS.,
N. *Mullet greet,
Er sc VENO parelnued an malefic andearefelly too
breed mock of Spring and - Simms, Goode, we
su ribet respectfully informs his (fiends and the
puha", that be la now myelitis to metre and are.
eats their orders with disPatels, and In the
I ,moo
most sabstunial, and fashionable - manner. 'As be
determinant to do badness on the cush mu m he fill.
tent hinmelf that he wtli be able to do work ea chomp
as It can be done at any establishment In the toteedne,
We rack is varied, cansistineleassbncrenjeled.
cloths, Waling's, &0., which his friends are respecarta‘
ly tanned to examine (or themselves. ' 4
O. W. DIDDs. - De.
• •-•
las a 'an ß Sm OV hfi E e D lds tirtntw t
d Nb hoaw
Sixth street. :Teeth seemed Dom ems
an mire act, on the suction principle, wide( batr
,Itch representation of the oatmeal gunt-qutonot the
edgiest simple( the ace.
N. EL.-Teeth =acted with lade or noyeln.. •
• Decayed Teeth permanently saved bYPIMAStPrr
venting thitaath ache, which Is much better than ea
ring it, though it should be done in bee 13111111., ar
area instantir. •
auntie 0/ trinelnite. WIAMIL -
N order to atford ail possible security tedurpahho,
u well as to themselves, against trawl and *ape:
anion front counterfeiting; the proprietors have made
achange is the exterior wrapper or table of their Yar
=Vase. The new label, which to a steel engrain ig or ,
the moat exquisite design and workmarrabib hoe been,
introduced at • Very great expense, and. as tram the
brain of an aniatofthe first Went- .The and.
' sad the uccation elaborate.. Several flgareflud e
portrait 'are - mut prominerm - lut the -sword eVasrai..
nos? printed to wine letters bo • tutted Aticir en
graved ground, shonld bo piettenlerlrenietenned,—
When held up to the light this letters; apading of An
lettere and um, line, however minute, S p at the
whole of this part of the engraving match tpt exactly
es if the imprenton had boect• made upon orussid• tat
ly, although it is actually printed on hot/trades of the
paper. Telt aboald in all cases be obsertred, A /a
bet upon cacti dozen Is also printed in red Imam both
sides, and whould ba examined in the sums maser...
•This preparation has now stood the test -- 14 men
yearstnal, *ad V confidently reeenaratitted ine a sea
and eXeetast ra , rttebter fee ' warrestrenn the
Uwe. 'the unexampled mean t6at' hes Upended
fat admitditration Mum cue *tare thommam was
realty. afflicted .with worms., certainly .rendoes ft wor
thy the &newton of ohystetana
The proprietor hit made It • point soleeinyoun the
result ol•ha One la suds ewer as , eassa'aruhiu kin
knowledu and obscreation—and he lamielly. &and
it to proftee the mosteslotary eftsets—not surfrequent
ly alter nearly all the =Massy preparationa recom
mended for worms had been previously, vaamted to
without any permanent advantage- Thll feet fa at
tested by the eendisidee and • stausesetatot-handreos
of respectable persons ; by differmat parts Lot the corm.
try, andaboald /edam families always lecke* a vial
of the preparation in their posseuion. It la mild is
operabonond may beadonnratuedwittrporthat safe
ty to the mut delicate infant.
The only
I.'" B i, t p lgtrlVE:4 7 fOCA.' Pine
SEATgOnghWOollAsilints and Consguepthad Tha
AND 0 Y REMEDY fog thicartef
above. diseases, ia the HUIaIIAHLAN Do
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. &wham oh
London, Ertglimd, and introduced into the Eltdthd &Mai
seder the immediate eaperiatendence of the interthra
The extraordinary Imam or this medicine, la de.
earn or khilmonsri diseases, warrants thoniquesican
Ahern in soliciting for treatment the wona.p.,Vl ea.
ries that can be found in the communily—Cupo
relief in vain from any of the <oilmen r or by
tiny, and have been given up by the most dil
physicians as confirmed and Woe:able. The S.
on Balsam has cored, and will cure, thantost
of caw. It is no quash mignon; beta stand=
nib medicine, of known' and established cilloady.
Every fionity in the United States should be moths'
with Eneluktee Ennaloihn Bohm or Ureitirtialyie
coliSkiaelltkeanuazapllve tendencies at thaalimate,
thaw be used tun amendve medicine la idt au* of
“Ids, coughs, spitting of blood, pain the side and
cheat, non l!ad soreness of the Imam breaths,
difficulty or breatmg, heath fever, night armor, erased.
stun aadleneral asthma Induenna,
eon nooreup
d is bars bottle., at Si per both., with * dirge,
dons for the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, eon tahaing a mass of English end Axirth.
can certificates, and ether evidence, showing the an.
equalled memo or this great English EMSOISO, t'AnY b.
obtemed of the Agents, gratuitously. •
For Batapy FAHNESTOLK. '-
at an" ' - ' ' •
'I7II " CH I EAP aor-orrarINILINIIi.on
molds Monter of atzes,and aft Ow*
-. Cavalry Straws and others wa wised to (*llan&
atatime.the abort for themastves,aa 010 be WI .
whaleasla or total!, and a Moat aotaattatt made ,
.ANIT • -
Loam!, wthses & co;
PIPORTEItS and Wholesale Dealers in Pereiciand
Domestic Herdwart, Cutlery, Saddam/se., Rags
Wesedatreet., Pittsburgh are ACM fully paegared with
'a recently imported stock of HarderareiCaticry, Sad
dlery, oupernemi.Twsks,haq rootthrworygroat
duccominalo Western Merchants. at In Amadei% uy
the manyatdrantages had by mar predecessors,
e. Logan & Kennedy, we have greatly Inoreasee,, - ,,,,
and "r Foods fOimnitol hands
on the verry brat teems. _
The larder enertheri a the arm &iota ; melr whole
attennearn salea,and fooling conftdent f Ar..m,
0f,,,,,,„, 4 ,65pectru11y eolith a Doll rprA: wr w h o mo
slit this suarket. . metal
• 11:111111011.1
'w r ap.
ALL the ese differ front ordinary Ink, as ythe are all
chemical solutions containing n held atta
now. freely Do any kind of pcX '"L r,
e ck,rdeep,
briFhi leaner aruelea
r dyde,' neither If
en Tuar ao lfe * ard 'elf the m. dcaamlly, from D. A.
s ' 22ll : tv 'h t" : " g p n i 1 :
41 actiorra.
!!lEHAlttflrler!lff4:l efTn 1"
. . .
• East side of the Diamond; when Iteastian
Blinds of all the differene sixes and colors
A nth .kept La haat Or road* 10 order ado
we latest and most approyed Eastern
0 lou t
UUMIII the shorten =nee anon the mos
Alia, the .eheap Borten snit or 0112111 Ind 'l . `ratisps•
Mel' and Paper Curtains of all the 61 - 01201 MIS tag
pattern, on hand nadfor sale low &roma. Old Vera
'lain Blinds pahltell over and repaired; or taken la PA
pay:nuttier rune ' WEsTERVELT, Proyd• ;
N. B —All wee. done Noilltl the heel malarial in.
liorlintanaldp; and'snrrinfid m pl.inge the moo Ns
Allegheny etty, Aug. 10,3ffia. ' •
natulalititEiciiifitvic*omPk. •
_ . .
, lus.niorn, mans.
Mee at the Riehassge Delifsleirr
REDUCED RATES.—The cherjes luxe Num
eed small Al to or • Rau Delhord.t
i o ,
linton ofrllttrilaa..! j
Sara—The ehssee JO, t.iectr eau.
frotirßahitz' te.w , rituenrith .415 Wino
for the Ent ten sword., etul 3 tem tar esti
Vold.• • .7:1L11,,,,
(re- No clinic is mule for the e•str
Undi thee eth Weetera Lbw of
don of he Se
We patert: fromelemphl4l=l,4,ll,l4,,
rli hIcFALI., begs to urforat Lao iuhahhaala of Pitts
1. burgh and vicinity,- that ha Ma opaasa the
Yuan_ achkblishiazuk hcn ...ry saeoum fill bs.
Irasio-the maths mistk . l. o 9o l " 47 _
a e4t. Ltheny wes, Wives alMs.s.
Stair and slun Sammie; SIX, ism,