BY NAGNETti TELEURAPH tIiPOWIILII t TELZOIiAPIttI, EGIL THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE CONCISIONAL. Wod6aTON:Der.. 10, ISM • Havez.—On motiera, the baliotieg for Speaker of the House vas resumed. L, rower arrarrn AND rwrtn LYHTU samara. Winthrop lO2 103 76 77 Wilmot ...... ....... 6 6 g au d ............. • 4 „... ..... a, Richardsoo 1 0 Green 10 12 Gentry.— ............ 5 5 Scattering j 4 12 Al the ckate oft ete ballots, Mr. Levin offend the following moot 'on.— 'Whereat, the precedent kin been established; by which all Mate in the Howie have been &souped of by fetters, that thin Whig party itroceed to place the halite of one mamba, in a box,lbe Democrate in another, the Natives in a third, the Free Sullen to a fourth, and Taylor Derotterat , in a fifth, and that the geatieman drat drawn should Le Speaker of the Haase.* The resointioo was laid on the table. SEVEN MORE UNSUCOMSFULI , BALOT INGS. Wasitiacrtorr, Dec. 11. ' Hona.—The followin ballou were had for Speaker of the House to day :- 311 34th - 35th 35th 39:1 30th 39th Witting, 101 101 101 101 101 100 tot Brown, 0 44 86 97 107 109 109 Wil mo t. 5 5 5 6 • 6 7 Boy4 t -15 12 IS '7 0 0 0 CisaUy, 5 5 0 0 0 u 0 Dicey, 8 '7 4 .0 0 0 0 C o bb, 5 5 5 4 0 0 0 biOtabead, 0 0 5 -5 6 5 5 'lleaneting, 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 Afterthe closing of Ibis ballot, Mr. Winthrop, to a bticl hot chaste speech, untbdrea, hie mute. On motion, the House adjourned, at 4 o'clock. • - • WHIG CAUCUS. - WA.StILN9TOA, Dee The Whig's held a caucus on Tuesday night, with theinipression mat all would mane oti More head, and neither piny be age to elect a condo- sine, without Free &nl votes., The Democrat's had strong hopes of aiag Hrown, to day, and of the President%, being read LATEST FROM. SANTA FE. Sr. LOUIS, Dec. 12. Istseahrestoe har twee received to this city tram Bents Fa to We 30th of ()abet. Tee troops at Vegas had token five Apache prisoners, sad bad olfcred theta in exchange for Mts. White and her daughter. Mr Aubrey also efihred one thousand dollars for their recovery. Thirty_Californin emigrants were recently killed by the Indians, near the Copper Mines. Troops Irons El Pony went out against the euerny. Three Mexicans were killed at El Pasta on rho 10th of October, and seven were lately killed around Santa Fe. The Indiana are committing daily depreda lions. Dates kad bean redetvel from Chihushaa., to the 30th September. The cholera was raging tear fully thers--73 to 100 dying daily. Fort Barkley has been established at Mom . Lieut. Simpson has selm.ted a site for a fort In the Navajo ministry. ARAdiIerEAS & LYONESE CLOTHS—M p p. &dean shades Pam:num. and 14 one. Cloths reaM• r • rasa. b de? AAMASON&CO 2PEILA CLOTHS, CASITMERES IA CUM Al' the eboieeat ealogs and soft deeira pananu, reed per azpresa at 407 A A MASON k CO, 60 Market at : bost• in core and for rile by da7 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO, From id TO DRUGGISTS tr. CABINI.T TlMCERS—thasion Copal Vami.h, for sale br de7 - Bedell DICKEY t CO,Tront et PoT" 0 ks, Ani .ort for ;We by do? oast. DICKEY & CO, wont n arDue L~ dal .. 19/L ' Ali f DICKEY & 00, Front at do•o' to count& d d • do 7 I?AIAH DICKEY & 0 root du Lai bis:rids iiirCieeeifed and ka nada by de7 M=n=l RIED [obi"; and sok. (old and new) D Its irtlln and for sale by dc7 ' Aft51.5.77t0N0 k CROZER MOURNING LONG 9IISW Lys canon. oupettor Maiming re pe expreo. bk. • d? • A M A SONCOCU M•rket LA kegs No I jest reed and far sale by BROWN & KIRKPATRICK . PPLES—N. GLIB Green, lasi reed PATRICK los sale by .111. de6 BROWN & KiRKTATRICK • bbis rumor Kirk's cztra, rosi ree'd and for sale by dos 3 HAMMER/Ilk LOW-4U bbls jet.' tee't , aN iorakabzumi MELTS-1M de p m Pelts Art reed and for .ale Ly de6 ' k W 11ARBAUL111 SIIOAS—M bbd N 0, but &ell and (erode by del S & AV HARBAUGH Sb7 LNTEII-3me bo Barley, end KAO ti. Rye. for Mei the highest meeker pm' , are each will be deb • B& W WAHBALIGH rtHEESE-11:0 bee Cream, a ervtiar ankle; 1W be 4,./ W. R., reed and bustle by dee tIA W HARBAUGH FEAVIEB3-20 bap reed and for We by den 8 : NV HAtIBALIGH LOUR-100 bbls Extra Family, a Poperior article , reed, far 'ale by dc6 S fr. WBARBACUH ----• GREEN APPLES—Er beds Pennoeke, 30 bbls manikee, 20 bbls abode leluad Greens, Rut reed and for role by deo 9 W FIARBAUGII WileDOW GLASS—NO Laal aim, reed and s, analaim, male by deb 8A W HATIBAUGH D R...... nr "i w o" = „ Alivra; ‘," ARD OIL-20 bbl. beat Wait. Lard „LI Oil, is stare and for sale by deb SELLERS k NICOLS AOON rfIDE-1-10. 7 euks tr , arrive and rr we b 1 deb . PELLERS AICCOLS LINSEED 011,40 bbl Gorlarbs'e breed:in store an• for pleb dee SELLERS NICOLS W-8 bbls prime, Jug rent and (.r tale by . Sa.LEBB &NICOLE! ARD—CO ter No I; in gore ind for We by drif SELLERS to NI COLS 110ACON SIDES—A mill lot ln store and caitale by Mlll dee COPE & BREYFOGLE FLOLI ft S-A fresh supply lust ree'd and for sale by de _ ..COPE &lIADYFCCILE _ fla b ß;- , 70 !urge bts . N Tur,reemln G i l aztg , of , 7pe IEAS- 1 2/ hrebests Y. H., lb do do Imp . , eo - diTtIO G. p., 3 .ses operior Y. H , now Istelne and for by _ . deli C II ORA NT 5UN4.11...--“; bags Dried reaaher, Kam c repo 2 " Flalieed, 2 bbls Caesulats, tar rate by C GRANT deli . SHOT-10 - Iregs, ass'd ambers, for rife by de6 C II GRANT A MITY FLOUR-40 tibia of this celebrated brut ..a. for family use, Jest rechl and for sale by doe JOHN bIiFADRN & CO Virribbiii—losl lb, leciii:ioiii on and for ode by del , Jl3 DILWORTH aCO CSKESE-10 bn cream thee... Jun tee' by da s at_ W HARBAUCiR BvIzER-4 , small Crocks, for family use, reed deo "Y for "" by TASS6Y k DST UookJt Makin Books! 1111011THF.Y41 Common Pls. Book, or Choice' pass- O .4.!,/lonti, Religious, Political, PhilorophiesJ, Hl Poetical and Miseelluneona, selected from lua uniting, The Thousand and One Nighlb Icwil.t' d cod cO - for Rustily Reading, on* explentnorY now by 6 W. Lone. lllemraltd with hundred moon tuts. by Harvey; ead illuminated tides ; by Own. The Works of Charles Lomb, with his Leuus and • Eitetehof his Life. BY MN. T .W..d .. Ecq. KMp sad gaunt, or Life in the Palace; eonoissing of Maninicel Sig utiles of Josephine,Mura• Louira,a , e. A Runner m Remixed, ducriptive of us Berner Yi 00161.21,6, MlChlfattllT et. to. i pal2:4l:4Plrdeel sad Critical Miscellanies of Wm. The The C LT11 1 :1111t W 117 k g 'klginaerAorifisr7e*e'o'b? !Vet TootanzeoL akakapesre's Drainsue Works and Poems, in 2 snit.' Dor. North A merle. Acenuntant, embra ante Bin• gin and Doable Entry. ChalettertaTheoloyeal Imitates. Four Yews in (Arctic Britain; being descriptive of the Menarellcal andAristocratlcal Institutions ofFrtgland, with sketches of the Livia at consi — ol her molt ernl• went Btaitirart, Banes Elements of Chen:Carty with th e Moil reeeta diweeerice and applications of Ike science io Binai- .A Truant on Darnerne Economy; hy Beecher. A largertock of Am. and Mere S. S. Enron Boots. F" eato h 7 ELLIOTT a ENGLISH, del No Hi Wood suet' WINTER ARRANGERIIEN T. 1849, Mb- ExpRE--s WAGON LINE—TIIRoIi II IN FIVE DAYS' VllHEandbteollara having onspended attl, op '. erratum& anal the opening of th e Sp mg P an Line by Railroad and wagon betweea Pidadelnlita and Ptsebusth, by vaddll they on , PftPeted to forward OA* Pound. "Ary:ll/Eittr:T.tho delivery fi0th,711".7,17f; attaageatenta Ergardfng roan, fapda , nt nod delpateb, Cam= fail pve sans (sewn. to all who LIM ftaildianth IMO aodunands. TA A FFE: litirLlC Pea and 'Way, Pat•tatrah THOMAS BERUIDGE, biartia suss, Pidlipii/ptua. C.Oilf4Ent,:kki. RECORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE Aro Kratztares siossAltos COM MI:MEE FOR DECEMBER HAS.. 1, a Kranz, •• -• T. OSTICZ PrITSOLI6II G...scrrs, Thursday Monaca, December 13,10 49 Tat wca.... AND scsx...— The weather yesmrd.Y Wit clear, very cord, and unpleasant for outdoor moms. The market generally, was very qwer—esles were confined to homed tranvacuans to the regular home trade, and noth•ng transpired showing any vartelion from the preceding day's general revicor theriver eon inues at tall tide, but business in that (parte, continues dull. fln•r• —By a slip of the types, in the hands of the Compositor, we Were mad. to say yesterday, that the avenge depth or water in the channel for the wick ending on tgatiorday, wag nose feet nine mobile- The correct avenge depth, Was 5 feet STuCKS, NIUNEY.MARKET. TLADI,,'ke , Rranicoile, Dec. 8. SAL. or Se.icho U . -$lOOO giro, 1867, opening. 111... LOU B.R. & Ohio R. Ronda, tee; 940; fl Bonk. 91/ Ll2O eh. Mech. Ilk. 15}:16 oh Bali& Ohio R a, 56;16 do f10...151; 33 do do, 55;19 do Union Manor Co. I 7 .—Amer 1,111.1( Egrores —The following ie the amount to value of Exports from the port ul Linkmen. fur the month of iiiovenitier : Ilomuatic Trodcce. Foreign most, tree Ult!==Ei Total, —l.yfoord Price Current Joweptt DLlworth =IC= CU., \'holeeale lirecer , , and J . A,,,.„ S 1.11 , 1 ,; ~;, )y .,.2 I%(Hfc d Yirtaber , t, 4e5 7 • • . 11. 'IOMODWIL. 1.11.1..111 21.110,..1,1• bt. U:GALEN & CO., Wkokkodo Gower, I W or& :V Wood otreet Pdisborgh. W. H. WOODWARD LLrll ae.o.Ler. D AGALEY, WOODWARD Co., WholrealaGro bere,.No.P.e.l Market saver, Philadelphia riovdr Ic KPKY.IIIB. PACK.ET;grIDI K, • FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Ekclusively for Passenger,. —The floats a thile Lute tease folows, at 8 o'clock st night: Ohio—A C rmg, Saturday,u Dec. 2nd Thompoonallooday 3d. Indisna— P B urkcy,Tuesetuy elth. Bentucky—Copt H Truby, W , ednesday,nth Ohio—Carer A Craig, Thursday, Oh. Loolsiana—J P Thompson , Thursday, 7th. Indemea—P Burke), Saturday, nth. Kentuel - y—Capt H Iluby,Satorday, Seth. Ohio—Cups A Craig, tdooduy, 101 h. Loakialla P Thompson, Tueday, I Ith Ilidions—P Harkey, Wednesday, 12th. Kentucky—H Truhy, Thursday, 131 h. Ohio—A Craig. Friday, 14th. ' I.ottisiena—J P—nompson, Saturday, The travelling p4l ic are respectf u lly Informed. the the abase packet b sts aviU cononue to run as long a the weather will petroit. For petwago apply to NV BUTCH, Monongleel. or II LEECH Co.& Cenal 8113m9 EXPRESS WAGON LINK, g • 184-19 THROUGH E . VE DAYS! Waif: ...hserit.nt are prepared to receive WO pound. Freight daily, after Monday, 11l ten., to forward to or from Philadelphia and Patsburgh, by Wagon. through In Stye Day. Rates G low Gby gay other conveyanee at thla ecuoli of the year /OLIN Me FADEN & CO, Oarol HAMM Pflobargh• JAMES M DAVIS & • 0, den No 2S Market et, Pkiladelphm. 310NOBIGIAMELA ROUTE. liiffthia Oat Only 73 31 I let• Via Brewnsville and Cumberland to Baltimore toe Pluladelphts. THE morning boat leaves Um wharf, above We bridge daily, to u e o'clemt precisely. Time to Baluamrr, Td boors; time to Philadelphia, 40 hews The evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday ev• enings,) at 4 o'clock. Pa.engers by legume or the evening boot, all) cross the moustams m voles nest dal, and dots avoid night travel. Secure your tickets at the Office, ltionongthel• /louse, or St. Chutes lime!. 0ct1317 J. !SESI3IIE.N, Agen. • Etcamboct Agency. The nodersigemd, very grateful to '4 1 .4'. their fiend*, beg leave to say that they. am detrmined - to devote their oar mined attention to hit brunch of their bovines, 'They hope, from nineteen tomes' and by their never failing industry • d vrietarteau.l, to merit patronage. J. C LIUCKI.E• .t CO, ne7...11m Pearl street, Lentsville, Ky 11-7: 7Selie FINE SOAK"— Ansmadine Soap, for chapped hands, Halel Not OS Soap, • Marshmallow Almond Rosescented Mown -windaor • far sale by de3 RE SELLERS. 37 wood in_ ,11-.7.IIIT"TV' - OdU S A. LS—Noor opwling, car expreaa IN/ auphr long 'bawls, of the moat fashionable color*, and of INI qoalkies. ', de3 A A MASON & iN,Y IN STORE-4+oo Garre/Fa Scotch Snuff, and , ancaley by deg .7 KIDD, 60 wood at arl BEEN APPLES-116 bbla dead, leal landiwine Uf canal bow Comet, fce .." bY del S ar. W HARE/AI:NH 101.01.7R-1w LA,Is .upegtletioalree'd 1.4 na , .././e by r del - SA by HARBAUGH STjelr-5 t." No 7 4 ° F i ZN NI II%3 So ta- ' 31.1 . 10 ° R bY - nng d CO LEAI3-53 ado, for sale by ael S F VON BO4SUORST A ely —..-..... ... . . _ .. .. AININ2-3. boxes, 704 r an'd 40 qr bra, new R irop. fox sale by J D WILLIAMS. t. 0.30 110 Wood ‘ane,l tURFLANTS.--3 bbls Zanie, for soda by lJ na - 120 J D WILLIAMS tit RemaN DLIN(.I=O3I3 - pkg,.CLeewe ' r'se ter L, rr naeldt J D WILLIAMS TT EMI"3 bales Deer Ratted Kentucky Hemp, tee L. on conetuisuent and In sale by nom-1119 A OORDON ri..OllR-104 bbls chalet I.rands G tareceß'dozagtfor - E I I . II .I` II7):I4T d ED O9 -100VbTEr p zUtekfor 541.41 11. 11.4 k TnlTEaTscilkl, 145 Liparly st tlc6 DAIRY SAI.T-11:0 sacks reed end for sale by deb A CULBERTSON TAP. -2s bbl. N.C. reedand for eale by deb A CULBERTSON IL4 OLASSF,-.40 Ras N. 0. reed owl for Yale by ALL. deo A CULBERTSON - OIL bIEAL-300 tto Oil Meal, reed and for sato by ROBISON, LITTLE Sc. CO, detl No lin Libeny st LINSEED OIL-15 bble reed and for tale Ly ROBISON I ITTLE & CO 11710 d' 6 N ion. arCreek reedit df so IRON-5O R081E4N,1.9`71.F. ' & g3t" TUNIATA SLIT NAIL RODS-9 tons just Yee'd •nd EP for We by den 9F VON BONNIIORST &CO "EIF.ATIIERS-9000 lb. prime. for Pubs by 8 F VON DONNNORST A CO WHITE for let tußDLumavi,EAT .FLOUR-- - 50 _MI see by dc6 8 F VON BONNHORST & CO_ WINDOW GLASS-1030 2 Psi°, 400 do 10.1 200 do 1021.4, H 1 do 921, for .le by dc6 9 F VON UONNHORST & CO UTTTER-15 bats Fresh Roll, 50d.211 beg of 25 lb• each) foe family use, for sale at deB STUART & SILL'S. 118 Wood st EAD I READ I+SELLEFIS' COCCI! BY. 'D RIJP—From W. K. Roden, Fog- Cl. tit of the Court of quarter Session. of Beaver Colur: _Mr. R. In %eters, Sir, Some time in the winter my wife was aftlwed with a severe and dieresaing cough, and hearing of your In Cough Sirup, I par. <hiked a bottle from S. T. Trimble, of' Bridgewater, and after taking % portion of it two or three evening. on going to Led, ithe foetid immediate relief. as also *semi frier.d+ have been relicval an severe rases. I am therefore antisSed that his a safe and valuable me. Metne, and would recommend it to those who may be and rot.. Elit=s= K RODEN. 51 _7 'h T 'Li E. SELLERS, 67 Wood tare., and by ir th. d d s :L y ge n- nerally In the two allies and rieirdtv. HoAlas as A 6 situps, 1 c. C . ir o o r it i Cxr g Lnite n d i o A r tn . e r s_ TO ley'. Patent Right for salting PlilTs PCOTT A CO. IChilled Rollers. Defendant. gore In evidence Poem to Jobs C. Parry for same purpose. CHARGE OP COURT. A question of Infringsment I. one of feet of which the Jury tee thr/udges. The constrection or the patent is for the Coon. Alter reading and commenting on , he specifieatmn of Plaintilre Potent. the Court observed: to doubtful cages it is not the gum= of the Court to express any opinion of the Deem of the ewe, but to this ease the Mete are undmouted. and the Court think it Is proper so state, as the oninion of both the lodges on the tree construction of Plaintiff la Patent, that the Defendants Patent Is Arose and palpable piracy Of the PlaintlfPs kovontion. It has evidently been obtainedon the ground that It was en improvement on Plaintlegs patented invert- Hon, and now seeks to usurp his rights ender pretence a t no I.I7,IIDVEIIICII{-1111 pretence which Is proved also td be unfounded. Per Carta= The above decision give• to tho subteribero alone me tight to manufacture Chilled Hellen, by the only prOoella known to produce IL prod article. They are prepared, as heretofore, to furnish all saes nqaired, and mith the leapt posoilile delay. noaftl-dtf IItiLLNIA NS & fib RRISOYI. PROOLADIA TION. TYR VIHTLII of a precept undo the bands et Hon. . fku „ penny, Jr., Firth/ern of the Courto r Common Plena, in and for the Sth Judicial Diatrict of Pennsylothia, andJustica of the Coon of Oyer and Terminer , and General Jail Delivery in a. it f.„ sud Dthoict,hnd Sormel Jones and William-Kerr,, A.,,,e10a Sedges of the sane cOllll3, in old for the County of Allegheny, dated the Iffth day of November. in she year of our Lard one thousand eight hunch, d and forty nine. and to me directed, for bolding a Co u ni rt of Oyer add Terminer, and Others! Sall Delivery, the Court Heath, to the City of Pittaturch, on Hie ith Mnaday in December nest, at 10 o'croch, A. M . Pablin nOttho is hereby given to nil Justic of the Peace, Coroner sad Constables of the County of Alit, gbory, that they be then and there, in thew proper po seur, with their rolls, records, inguisitiitha, enamina. dous aed other renienthronces, to do those things , winch to their respective offices in their behalf appear he done—anal also those that will prosecute the priv. m. dint now are, Of roay,be In the /ditto( said Conn orof Allegheuy, to .h e then nod there, to prosecute anonn them an shall be host Cloven under toy band at Pittsburgh, this lath Jay of November, In the year of our Lord, 1040, and of the Counnoroirealth the 73d. CARTER CURTIS, novill-dtswu/T Sheriff FLOUR-1441bbls S F Flour, Glide cal re Ronny do, to atom, and for vala by BROWN A. KIRKPATRIdr D.RIED PEACHEffe-1115 or stare' Unified sile . bY deg TAsser A BEST F ilikr-14bble rim* mad CFI' sitta y .130, POitrl OF PiTTSBLItt;ii. •Rita—There were 7 feet s inches in the hannel limit evening, end falling. ARRILIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Heaver. Viroqua, Galloway, Monongahela Coy Michigan. Brigs, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. Paslion, Peebles, Elizabeth. Mamie, Parkinson. Brownsville. Lake Erie Clark, Beaver. Camden. Hendrickson, MlLeesport Baltic, Jacobs, Brownsville. Boston, Cooly, Louisville. Louis McLane, Connell, Wheeling Hudson, Poe, Bridgeport. Pacific,-Davhs. Cincinnati. - Ohio, Stoops, Louisville. Clipper, No. 2. Duval, Cm DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, WelLiu.ile Beaver, Gordon, Wellsville. . Lake Erie, Clerk, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M'Keevort. Viroqua,Gallovray, Monongahela Coy. Atlantic, Parkinson, Breivnavilln. 8a1i,,, Jacobs, Browner.: e. Tel Graph No. I, JOlllll, L.outsville New Engladd, No 2, Dean, Cin. Fashion, Peebles, Eliathe!, Louis McLane, C0nr...1, %V heeling. Hudson, McMillan, lm. eeeport BOATS LEAVING THIS UAV Browns,'llle Packet, A. M. and 6 P Beane! Phekel., S A. 11 And 4 P. If Cincinnatt—Brilliant. 't Ittoggcld. I=l CINCINNATI—Per Uri 1,61 s whiskey. S Emmett & co; 4 hide inilow. Wilson & Gown.; 50 bids whiskey. Miller & R:okebiciii 30 bge feathers. J. 00,1 lit ruche, Johnston: I do do. Il tire' t co; s pdgs, Baker & Forsyth, 9 do do. II U Vickery, 1 Ltd cobol. It F Sellers; 5 do laral ai.. tVm Lyon.: LOUISVILLE—Per Roston—CO tails molasses a his cotton, 59 tom. 99 bids lard. Jas A Hindu/on, 11.0 litiis Louisville linm, 50 b 0. °and:, 7 bide d beer, 5 sacks wool, S & NV Ilarbaugh; 0.. N kegs lard, 199 bbl, lard grease. Sellers & Nicola; Obis "shakes, 10 Moore; 200 bids 1e00is00:1 lime. S Balsley: 5 Wide tot., 1 boo samples, IV & D Rhinebar6 1 tit leaf toh, I' A :Ibiza no; 10 bbis lard 1,11, E 11110.011016 I do do. R Bruce; 2 1 trunk. 1 side sig.llle, 19 kegs lob, drown & patriot; IS kgs tob, J Dalcell; 11 do do, Meelorkan & co; 2 10. dried beef. 0 lllrmkbam; 60 bbla lime, owner aboard. DEAVER—Per Lake tine-2 sks flax, 2do ra.s., hhls butter, Engbah & lk-nnest; 2 Writ potash, {Vick & McCabe less; 75 his cheese 2 bbl, batter, J U Canfield; 2 bbl. potash. 45 dot brooms, Flobtasonl& Linde, 9 asks, potash, J !Allen le co; 7 WI. sheep pelts, .9 k W lIar• 11.0.2 bit, 2 Mlle apples, 1 do eggs, 2 do potatoes, sti his cheese, J 1 Gtlierpts. • Per C. 11. Grand Tark—Ml boxes obsess - 3i Datrell k no; s 7 do 70, J U Car.field; 4 bola potash. Wick & Mc- Candless; 8 sks wont, I A Caughey; 33 boo cheese, 1 as pooh, I do mdse, owner aboard. Per Ititshutan No 244 trunk, 10 boo starch, J C But well; I OW, 1 keg buttes S P Von Ilannhorst; 2 bssms• lodises, I A Caughcet ii Ohl, pearl es& 1 es ft Floyd: 13 bbls d apples, 10 Ws lard ml, 125 tam cheese, I ask ssleratus, 4 bbls, 1 tog Matter, J B Canfield, 35 blues cheese, S & W Blubaugh; 31 obls c seed. ownrr.2 his 5 ak• rag, J II Alellor; 4 eks poMsh, Church Cnrothers & en; I bx chess. 1 hnx busier, IV &. B 111cCatsbeon, tC slut pearl ash, 43 his cheese, It Dairen & co. VELL44II..I.6—Per ralsb Cope-2 ck• lead ripe. J J II Sher,lt /t co, 10 LW, flour, A Murdock; 1010 lbs Inn; Armetrong & Crox•r; 129 bbl, flour. IlearJe. Ma; IMO tor sundrlec, 000 plough hem., I kg hurter, Tompson. LOIIISVILIX—rer Telear• ph do I —l5 hbds sugar. J A Ilutehr.on & co; 00 dn do. Jno Black & co, lOU bl. conon, 01 sk• leathers,:,: Ws molasses. I liner. 2.k. feather., teeny, !raker & Forsyth: 50 Ir's cotton Child., Kennedy & en. 2 Irtrls borator,.l erkts rope, Bushnell; art empty kg., Ogden & orinwden witrEu NG -Per Jumel - Nehon-1 trunk. 1 box. J Vostok-, 0 Ws potatoca 0 kes I.N. 0 st s nn tone 11 do apple.. 14 boxe. hardware. I ha 4 kegs End, owners 44oard, 15 bbl., ill Ogg lard. Brown & liorkpatrlck, . beeswax, I Ike key & co, 47 kto lard, k A regbaus; 40 bbls dour, 14 sks ohm J 'Savage, 14 reams paper, .5 C Hill, 19 Lbw dour, /RA Young . CINCINNATI—Tor New Kegland No 2-16 nes rice' Sellers & Nicol. 2 las trooks..lll moll o; I d•kl. tae , Ferayth & re; 2 66!. lard 0.1 0:0 Massey, 13 bble hom my, 2 las cocknegs, W Dyer: IY In• I:avaza roar, I lirier;.l3 Ai. wool. 42 Midi hams & shoulders, 5 & W Ilurtsugh. WHEELING—Per Louis 11el.ane-1 bo borness, G W Smith, I ceroon. Dais, & Form& 1N bbl. dour,l.l MeCalll , 22 do do, Drown& Kirkpainck 33 calls paper, esk blesehime 'oh, 11 C 11 H. 1 bbl knobs. Isms:Fro:l & Hogg.' ' I erste ware, Petrel; Go Mrs dour, 44 bags Lorley, 70 do nato, 16 kps boh. 7 sks pooches, 23 do pp- Moe., 2 bbls butter, 1 do eggs, 12 hog.. owner aboard LOUISVILLL—Per 0210-12 Ma cotton, r Mcf.4lr !nick; OW 6100r1a5..2 Devito; 7 hhdo 04b; 1 kg do, 1 Me• Donald, 50 bbly mossy. Jun Mark: II sits wool, 4 do feather, 4 1/14 einsene, Murphy, Wcsou ken; 11 -eks pcsehes, Rbey, Marlowe k 14 .114 peaches. I ~ 1, 1 ginseng. I kg b.....,5y522... C4l Oran, 00 eke Oats. 22 MA/ do, 2 bbl: flag ssrd b 1 bld do. I. 1 Watrrnson; 127 doe brooms. 1 D Willtams; 3 bbll bemos. J do flaxseed. D T MOratri; 222 bbis dour, owner aboard, 1 bld boars. ii W Neal BRIDGEPORT—Per Hudson-5 bbl. lard. 5 LW, ap• plea, II k,,a tap). 14 bul. , dmte,ll9 aka barley,l bg here, bbia flour, zn hog., ovine a nt , n , rl;l , lbbla applr. J 131.e1. ;Si bbl, dour. .1 N7e , 7ully, I. .1. barley, I 1 A Campbell, 15 aka he.. Ta..eyik Raw Ideas beam. ovine aboard. sdu do. Rho" tr. Matllmara., Bryn CurALirea.—As the Eaton, was corning urn the steamboat aiding ghoul o'clock last night, a tow boat, name unknown, beanie a tnie to tow, ran foul of her, atrAing but about tuidahipa. teumg away her nr• per arors• no the ...beard side. fore and all, and ot, king a complete wreck .1 her. Leto,,. lent wake In or 10 bale. of emu," overboard, and one of her En ere, was be.% crushed by the conemsion.—N 0. Tram Delta. Syss.—A ear boat loaded anth POO bbls of dour, and lap, stock ot provisiont, 'Yuma ouUtsyday tsoll sae Maysville. Ky., by cosmos' to colliuost arm the earner Telegraph No I. whtle oo her upwrni TH. Lamataas.—lt .mold seem Irons the testimony taken before Its- t' Now Orleans. Mat toe second ettslneer . Chou,' Smith. sees by explosion at Me Loam, of the Is.nosis..a , last Hop e.. testified Mat he saw 9 ntll by the Lmli-rsat the Lost the instant eiore 412 explosom yak place. und room It may be mid that be Las istlan s victim to los own CriMiltalar Krn.s ositormuce. It bat been toe eton• man report. that be mule him es , sos. from :be boat at the moment of exploston.—St. Louts Rep W KWIC Or rad It.htno.- Attempt. .re ke,og mad,. says the N. O. Plenyarte, of the me tilt., to rue then wreck and cargo of the steamer 1Mn0... the dtwing hall at work, and rt in expected that a grand blow up will take placeln . few days, by whs.,/ meat. a of the properly may yet be caved, nod Oa hail removed. so as not to impede the mooring of steamboats at the wharf No smith. tateinpli Love us yet been made 011 the wreck of the 111 laud Lonialama. bbl. LAnxecd, ha tale by 1 D CANFIELD T ALLOW -V Lb7s to arrive and for sale by arrive dcl J II CANFIELD DIAMOND :WA RES. for GlasscatterF aae-100, of a very saperurr ;lushly, just ree'd• direct from Parrs, se.ecte.l there Ly 'an agrut who Inn keep rue constantly aupplted,•nd at reduced prier.. Dealers are invned to call and examine. del W W WII 'MADLY. BLANK.ETta—A large lot just reed from ll the Factory, for sale very che•p at the Blanket Depot of the Fare. Nlanalaeturnts Lompany, No. (1 Market Street. del-2w YUHITE AND LIHOWN pieces V Y Bleached and Unbleached %line and Loadou proven Flimecla, all mmtufanosred from very fine eicool, for sale at the Blanket Depot of Fayette Manu facturing Company, No. Ni blanket at.dos avr ASIINIERES AND M DE LAINS-10 eases now kj anent the latest designs and most fashtonal,le colors ',per Cashmeres and On Lain, Alan, a area noely of other Lew Goods, not to be had elsewhere. dc3 A A MASON es CO Le L 01; trbi• Pacry - Four. • superior article for family u,e; SO bids superfinei lOU MAN fine; in store and for sale ey des SEI.LERS A NICOLS jDRIHD bbl. Sugar Cared. loot reed and for sale by deS IttELERS . A NICOL,* AMERICAN ALMANAC and Repositery Uss• Knossr,edge, fur the year 1850; contaming toll...benne, and vaned intormatioh concerning he affairs of the Canard and Stile Governments. Thu volense equal to its predecorsora in (ulnae• and ae curacy. end will sit•taln the 'ugh character of the -A me neat, A1211.0. 1 C " as vu.awortby manual for re ference, end • full repository of uselal knuariedge. Jost mold end for sole by JOHNSTON A. STOCKTON, deS corner Third and Market at. earka 1 , ;:r 5 ash cud b j er , .. A : l 4: F rziwg. BUTTER -6 bbl. and . 10 boxer Frrob Roll, nod small boort for faculy ore, (or sale ' .1 it CANFIELD WEFT POTATOL.'I-114 , 1 3 . . . reed and far sole by MILLER & RICEETSON del 62 wErr parATop-4-35 LbL reed pc, Tro'phin, and far tole by del LiE b f b l i U :11lLTEN BERGF.R. Front: t A P. 1 :0;';7,, t f :ITS,'VEIn,,-, • to nnvq 8t Waier olnd ei Front 0 -- )RIEDFILLOT-16.1 o do r d ROO O d d Poacher, (tr (Pa ws,) 4o ) n oare agd , or nolo by nova L 0 WATERMAN ROLL BETTER-4 bids Emil, Oda packed do, 16 . keg , Fresh, for sale try noeN 1, 0 WATERMAN LA L I a I r O d r i.,o l , rl 1i , 1 0 ,14 , a ,, :t v d2eya r, No :oV A . ,,L. r .aga i r A d i jon • • . _ _ tl-10 toperfint, di do extra farmly, fur Ae nI. by 1.0r.t. L S WATER MAN 4.2 t.,:41..11.1E5-100 bn Long Red Potatoes; 8 keg* Butter; 3 kegs Leta an ronstantarat, for %ale CHAR: k SkINNE.II prin. roll butr, :O kepi p t) sultd .te do, just re 'd for 2.0 by prime dc I BROWN P.FC.IRKPATHICK, 144 I..vrty ot. HOVS--10 Imlcs ',V llopo IP-10, lust rec 004 for ulr Idc4) BROWN kIiIIIKPATRWK KIER'S LINE. WE WILL cm - throe to receipt r ;ea to Phi a. dolphin. Baltimore .cl New York, a. long . the canal unobetructud by ice, and will guarantee to delver °trough where .pedal contract. are made 41,.i KIF.R k /ONES flo.Opooloff of BOOki THE BOOKS fore utmenption of the Stork of Ctn. lens , In.: any.ranee Comp will be ',opened In the I artmegn Oltee of H. D. King, Foutth .tree, on Thowday. meth day of Decemberneat, •t 10 .‘" Jock. A M. un"l"7-2.* ItTigl.7l.33o!hy Need hown ElEone VI 14 ICR T HREADS—La. daseit spool thres.l, poutuls patent . 4 pnands shoe " 13 esses skein recco,nl per clap ‘VyusAng, snd for rate I.y dri C,VEnGEK, lW Msrler •i _ • -161EDLPrOb7-5. . aripe nor bed rarrfor upbol rec'd a».3 (01 tale Ab. , by C yEAGER. Ire Mark , rt_ itEEN A P1 . 1.E5 1110;11 for al'. bY I)CrrATULS -1,4. t.6ls Fec'4l oil coosigtunent. nti.l fut. I . sale by oai 449.13::3 as In store and for nla dot TAWEYA MUM LOCAL !L `II ray. *it rrrisarnma - naILY aszrrnt =MU that we almost every day hear of same person having been knocked deans the pt'svams night and robbed. The night police should us< the utmlst vigilance wined highway robbery Is abundantly an the inert,. • UL:r•De. hrl.sum's LW. Pau.—When the proprie tor of this invaluable remedy purchased it of the in• venter, there was no medicine which ilewrved the name, for the cure of Liver and Bilious complaints, notwithstanding the great prey:ex:nee of these discus es in the United Steles. to the South and West par ticularly, where the patient is frequently unable to oh• lath the services of a regular physician, ,oine rem, dY with required, at ooze safe and edeCtual, and whose operation could in uo with prove Preindieja! to Wen constitution. This medicine is eapplied by lies NI , Lane's Lthcr Ihlts, Cr has been proved in cooly tic stance iv which it hashed s ghat Always beneficial not a solitary instance has ever oecursed In which its elects have in,urious The invention of on ed ucated and ilthhoguithed ph) stein, it ha• nothing in common with the quack nostrums imposed upon the pub!. by shallow pretenders to the medical urt Ex perience has nose proved beyond a done:, that p, hl'- Lane'. Pine is the best remedy ever proposed tot the Ids e rCompl mut. Purehuers Inn plcase beware of counterfeir, and invariably at.k ior Dr. 111 . Laue's Calebmted !Aver lit n, and tako none eke, as there arc other pa!, pur. porting to hr liver pill, How before Ile public, For sale by J. KIDD & CO, No to, rot Fourth and Wood to , ideoornea IRsaccu Lnstus nocua—Prcpatryl by J W F,,11 NV hlharty Site Cl. N. V , and for otale by A. Jay oc.y, No. :0 Fourth .trret. Thin wl/1 be Wood a deltghtful wa eta of beve.ra, to (moth., and parucular , y ,or pirtr Ilacuu`s Iluonw.—An tmprunred Chocolate. prepara tion, bean, a cotabtuattom of ('.aeon Rut. twtoccur, at. vigornuu,r, an., palatable, highly re...o.uutended pante ularly for IW/tall/IL Prepared Ly W Raker, (knell,- ter, Mt.., and for rule I.y at the Pelt to Ica Store. 1..,7.11'0unit at ; otel:14 _ Dayrovement• In Dentistry. DR. D. 0. STEARNS, lam of Radon, prepareJ manufacture and Oct 1/LOCt whole and pa rte Of gel, upon Suction or Attnoaphcrie .Suctlon Ina!, Tmen.s.ea¢ pm° In rya sttrurm, where the new, a czposed. Office and rem/le/tee neat door to the May or, other, Fourth street, Pitt.buren. M'Eadden. F. 11. Ewan. ,alO DR. D. UUNT, Dentist Dentist Conterorrourth and Dece,tus, between Sin JOl3 PRINTING. 4ILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifints, Bills Lading, Contraas. 1.41,7 1.41.•[1,..911171 , 4 72, CUD... round. ?cr. Ac., Printei: nt mhortemt allicier prices. at the deg , GaZIRTIOrric.TuI..TSKET. The name or Alderman A. (..RF:INHART wiil be irohnutted, by hie friend, to the consideration or approaching Wh4 Convention. ui ruitahl c can& d ate for the Mayoralty of Pittsburgh. ar.. Mtge* wtll Le a caodidatefar th • Ity• soh ct to the corttinatiou 01 the Whig Cortoen I . ! 10 ) 7 ,:1 7 .übjt c to ik L " : ' h n h e 0../opithals Rush. Es., tho itrcacitt May r of Allealleity, will be a candid q ate for re olento. 'object :o the nomination of the Allogtmny Whor Con WC 1111011 noteln.:l 112= The mune of OLIVER H RIPPEY va.II 1 , 0 wahmst led. by hi. (mend., to the con.ideratron of the ap. c rouchin g WM; Convention, as a auetalle candidate for the neyoralty [,0,10.10 rrtVe •re authorized to announce that B. C SAW- N - ER airnt he a candidate fele the Mayoralty, sutneet to the aoutioauory or the Whig Convention. novV...tes r . C 1..) GEE ertil be a candle; for the office el Mayor of th Ctty of Pittsburgh, aubtect . the de. colon of th• ring Convennon. [ord I /Mayoralty. The underwered gooat accrfolly suggest the name of TJ(OMA DAFT. EN, of the Eighth Ward. Pitt. burgh. a• a worthy candidate for,Mayor, at the c me subner CO the deebdon of a Whig and d•n• tini”onuhContrenbon, and would add. if unworm good health. wrhoucat been, and a sound head, Cumuli the !ughat rlar,o public favor, then ought our corm. date to be n ccre•ful. noug7-r: MANY EIGHTH WAFID VOTEhS FIRS/ WARD PRIMARY MF.d..:TING ofVrat T l e yh y .Zr. 'u :t o t6e "' run F is ir :OrZl n rs i .ln th n 7 . Ile, corner o il;', and Ferry :Street, odt ;Surday Me Drcember. MO at 61 oVock, hi iatn no we candilaira toe 'Alderman and other Ward °Meets for said Went. December. 149 RATE 6 OF' 1.11(;1.1C,IVi, .2v.1.b INcitAtigi IN rOalia. ga41•111:1N•• • :-,zla/ . caninec • • • • 3lcrtt, & •Pari :a •• • , Par.l,rrbAnge 14. of Na I irld.ol Pcri . earrairra.lio.of Ca " •• •• i,tieater • • •parlfil. or ..... •• •• Iklawary Ca, • •pt:NI. & Sl o t.,Wurd,n., # " Co.--pit do Mrgan:no,- - I `• Noukura.,:hutc •• p. Pi. 11. plual. Colainbl• !Inligc CO. • • par do ICe,mioarp,•--- v:opar Putkerabart Famera . , lit. 14,d'igg -par, ramsa • Famss..'l . l, :140, Cu Oarlul. of • , Fu •p,,,,Far r !.Icl., I- IA •• parl.tanter. kit Isamu: t. North Cnrcllua. 1. ISt a Cape, cm, I.lleten .71c.“..:1, Nele •• • • South • th-ttysbtir t. 1.. • • .• CL.LaberodJ u. • - Itavorban., Bt 3:dLetoson • - • •-• •, I 1 1 0, ;ZrOlik •• 7 • m.:ele• • • • • • 11,1.04 Ciots , er:er• • • ,, ..... • Ole !Couoriere.a. 111 Camera` and Shover, ,131. 04 (manse ws . . Book, Wa7cer • lion:0o, • • (1111,11,‘11* •,Mczchanu , (11••- •• . 0 Is o • e e r ial, • I 'll,,tcf3 ..... par Uk. South l and. 0 oryland. ....... •• ,Lostsonere Ilk. • •• • pas 4 fl West Branch !,is CluabCriittlarlll.l,(Arle- Ite .ci Notes 1'• 0 40 1 ' !,13. MCA. I. do. al. Wa. or Mary Lull • Seiip—PMsb. I. Countylo-Fareners' Al•schatrir '' Allegheny, 23 ISk • Frederick .. .. •.4 Ohio. •Fredetick Co Ilk. • State 11k . and Crunches I 00 ' •' • • " Mount Pleasant ....• • • ‘` .1/“sep r sea 13k at rs• • --- • -•• • :Pota ..... • .• I t•CIforrnllo•- —• •- • • 0 I.Vsahtngtoe •---• 240H0 Ness L,oon- • • •-- • • bllotsiges.n. Ca/mrsal. Dance • Ilk. of SL. Cu, a • Col arra... do o !Ilk. of Broer Ets.,tor-- • • " for Co I Zeueo , re •.- -•- Wind. Nleeti's 13Y• .• • • 3 . 0 .SY1•0011•Isa Tietrit , y, We.ster -•- • . 70•Co.A. Ito', I tls, sailas. laodurl.. ••• • • •-. 70 ' 141 solveut • ank II •• • Genes . • • • f ißaok at Ens,'•rod s Norsselic • • • ••• • • ' Y. • ---11-I , :r. f Ifoldit,Specle Vel 11 15 0 Western Reseroe•-- " old • ' 0 " Franklin Celan*" "F..,11e, con •• • • OO Millicothe •—: tfouSloons,Srar..Yr. , . 0 00 Sd•son.•- • - " Sooerc•get Lane.. • —•— 5.03 :O ri m ed 13 Fr . 7 .0 riranedle • •- • ..... 00 7Yn Thaler, • •- ro Farn, , rs 131 Can.n SO Ten r;,oldeto 1 ',strand • L.ou.s.-Pors• • Kentucky. gze hang.. IP: of 10cninct• ,Near York one 130.00 Lootsvilie J40.44E10,1 , ••• • • 7' nn Norhern 11k. Kento'ky • " YraltoLore —• • • •II N. York—Calm Banta, par Inter,. •- r ISSETTS-11. Rich Silt Vtasetts, moot fashions ,' Ile atyles and elegant lfl32lMingkreeil nt deS A. A. MASON k N A llan WOOll-10 !ballas lre antifu'r artle deft s J KIDD A Co ) OLL uurrea-11 bM. prlthr dun re-'d nno for able by deb ARMSTRONG & CROZER. TyUCKWHEAT FLOOR—'S to gu.t reed End fn JI) mile by deg ARMSTRONG b. CAMEL 13E9RTON CODLIVER 014-3 doz. genuine Ms'd and for sale by Jed J. KIID t CO, no 60 wood et. ST . F4II i LIICIT . 111. v r ry li IX-- p. A .... 11 . rg e at lo , Lju i lt fr iZt: Werettetme of the Fayette Manufacturing Cnmaa ay. N., It/ Second at., a •'nin.. dad do. ITAMILY FlLANKOrrt—Another lot ructec'd 0 V W., aplentild O. nod elapet fi ne faintly Won keta, for rola at tho Illsulact Depot of Foyer.. Sono (hewn, Coorpan..No SO Market .t deVAr DEPPRR-20 vage In store l'or .10 fiy tH•S 1:4 DILWORTH h CO Q PTS TU Ft PENTEVE 70 b!rls In very canice or. r, reel and for lute by 0.5 BRAUN REITER CORCH SALT'S —0 Milt puma nrucla for sa, TA.OOE R ISE,T Ltdßcr—.2.3 kn. end 2 bbl. Ul/ hand nor! for -.aro by PASSE} S lIESI' S OYA —ll,O oaks !bed. rook on band or d for salt by [dc4) & 111,Sr 10FTEE— IVO bags now crop ior link by no 4 & r iotrricliC—ail.Es k BROTHER:3, Propnetor. or the l'ean's State Duectory,nave twono..l nn othoe at tbo corm, of nth. & for Inc porno, of roomful( too 00100, lonatlon, curl 1.0,111 c, of cvory firm an.. (menus. mutt In Ws counq, Tney bevy rog uing agent, to attood to the. rocepoo n f 114,1111111nfl tcyllielle to carry out thr. grout Under. eking. & 1114W.3., nth &- enuthficlu,.J 141 Cnennut LATES-.16 ceLscs Nos.G-...rronn tO shots, ree , d peal hip irtchiller, and for sale I.y dd C YEAGER, 11, , Msrket - - ULD PENS—Jast reed a firmt rate lot of prnmium k 1 bold !lat, of the best maker., lu sold and sill,. rase from to 910, and warranted. dc4 IV W WILSON, 4b k merl,t sot PATENT LAMPS--A •Ild hcazaul ..01101,1111(0111Wil..k. On't not iv Polo , . lamps and gal eland reed, end fn ` low by dc4 W WILSON DOTATOL . -`3---15 sect , . salt ler , ived 11114 10t nalr I.y I del 11•IttP. ,A I'II I ) EACILEIII-2 . oars. pr;ine Laivea, ncx crapdr,ed 1 peactics, n. stoic and no <alc .124 1. %VATERM 1N A P oew cro — p drie'dlL7in'st'o ore g and for sal; 3; ll' dc4 L WATERMAN . fiORN 511.1 AL—In MAI :oil, weal In 110(6 and•lor k v , Cale bt IdeJJ Lti w t v . r9ate.N . , kg, ho 1 Lard, I 61.1 Jo du. lust reed and 11 fur sale L 1 [4341 I, ATERMAN u - I )rrEt3-6 M., prime fad 1,6 Lour I; 14 packed, IU kFa do, sus, iru'd and In, .sle 004 L s W ATEILMAN IIERINO-10.Crred, nu) •• 4Mll;76ihf Flel Crlamon, blur, grean, humor purple, Want • .. drabs, connpflung on .1 , 16.11124 pt of WO place.. A • •. CO. =MEE= RICH ANTI SPLENDID NEW GOOD'S - ,SELONG AT LoW PII7,IC:ES A.T NO. 60 111-11,11K101 , STREET, PITTEIBIIROTI. Pa, Hi A. Al nt , ,):i & Ca ; respectfully solicit attention RIBBON —lOO boxes beautiful new .pies of Roe /1 s to the., cornpletc , and extensive assortment o f net Ribbons, do do Cop and Neck do; Plaid Mantua Fine New ynetgn and ss.ple Goodsira large portion and Senn Ribbons, all number and qualities. Also— or w Etch tag been recently goceivn.t per late - Tooke Crapm, Bonnet Velvets, Gimps, Fringes. Feud% Ye ah:pis and ot- ame, and are confideinLy recommended vet Trundling', &e. au being anteing Mu hest and most failuonable ellen in HOSIERY AND GLOVFH.—A full stock. White the country Goods, of every description. ' . SILKS---bno Fro nett chonrable Brocade, figurcd HOUSE KEEPING GOODS.—In dna department of Oro d'A (non, Gro d'Pekin, Giro d'Rhlnc, Oro d'Al- par comblishmetit will always bet nd the moments pets Sarin do Chine, Tine Satin, Tared% Ottoman, plebs stook, comprising In part. Promiumlimh, Whit &o, Ar. ney and Mackinaw Blankets; Linen and Cotton Sheet- SHAWLS —Over one Che r? Shawls, of .very ',fin, Damasks cod Diaper.. Napkins, Towels, Flub 4 osAriPill.'". contPtelng every quaitV 4... style-of . Long on. Semite Wiwi Shay., its ell cabs.. Apo- - ~ Rich I:nehteere and liroehe Shawl% 'Melte% Mantil. IN - CuLsOT._AHS,..O.A„S‘S‘I.M.P4RES stock VII N y p oro tY d FST- Ins. Clint% he FRENCH hIF.RINOS, PARAkIA'STAS AND LV "PALICOES, TICKING% ;ILE ACHED O. BROWN oNESF. 01 OTIISI—More than; five , hundred pieces, I MUSLIMS-4000 pieces Calked% uf al, knds: logi ps the loosest ste& we have e•er <Zebus d, and of every Ticking% ceery width and quality; 3.51:0 Pt Bleached varlets of ...Ai', , Muslin% of every pole; Mel p. Brown Mualins, of ALPALT AS, BOMBAZINES, Sta—ld eases Alpor-1 all prices; to bales Med, White and Yellow Flannels. gas and lienbustnes, Stanton elude and every other Also—Comity Flannels, Br.. Pressed do, Canons , tlCp . C .. rip . l . l:!l:! ... .11)1.1/Tipt Goods. ' _ ~, Goods, Sailor's T ri ndadngs, Milliners Atticles, kr . ' ' The above, with a verygige stock of other Goods. had Watt colored, superior to env bereofor , sabrd. Also-I.lnaligh and French Opera Pt lice nod Pdinouto Cloth. ENIIIRoIDERIFcIi ' EACH, , bang, stook of Pools Einurnicl•ries,Lave and aluvlin Capra, Coilara, Culfa..Neste. BeltAlso--A tall aa• manumit of 11,nees, Edging,. and Inaortmaa. C7EE, WO! GEE, WO , WINTER ARRAINGIADIENT. M*4l 1849. 0000 COY. MR O. COMITOO, BINGHAM'S EXPRESS WAGON Iffe, , AND FIL01( ts Pitburgh and Philadelphia. /i Id the {l2/111.1 on the canal is about being closed (. V.C. — would inform the public that we have euaW brought the,Coneologa Wagons ihle ye ehiellten, and will be prlspared to forward feleet pounds daily, (commencing on Monday. the 26th inst.) A Car: leaving l'hiltidelphin daily' by the Mall train for Cham bersburc. and the Wae traveling day and night s goll envutcs the delivery of Coods in five days. Apply to %%Ir. BiNtainm, rm.b.rgh, DUCK, Na P 1 Morket sweet, novIN Philadelplon. ARRATIORMSNT. lIMAar, 1849. Og_t. EXPRESS IV , AGON LINE PITTSBURGIi ' A A IWYrdADELPRIA Tn.= Fly+, Ds p•. (Sunda).s excepted,) running Day - and Night. T"'public 14 respectfully informed That this Line, which has been in Successful cperadon the two Previous miniers again commence runnineon diid, of Nosemiter. A Cnr wnl lan's Philadelphia mid Charobershargh dILPV • ash way with the Mail Train, and from Cbam berstiurgh with relays of bonus running day and Went, prenared lop:ward WOO lbs freight daily by the ann.,. Line. Apply to LEF.CII A CO, Piltaburgb, or io-11.A.RRIS A. LEECH, No 13 Sown Third Meet, Philadelphia. DOCTOR WIRTAR'S BALSAM OF. WILD CHERRY. TUE following article we copy with {demon, from the .flomon Alemannic Journal,. or Much, 1949. and me hope that if any of our readers avo suffenng from toy of the complaints which, it is said to care, they will speedily avail themselves of in DR. WISTAR . B BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. It wrie,well known many years ago that the wild cherry cork tree of this climate penned valuable qualities. Indeed that for was known to the alienzinr a and decoction* of the knee or bark el this irte has ever been regarded by !heir physicians as one of It, Teat egertuol comedies In many diseases. This fact, eGeer.4l yearn noise, arrested the attention of Dr. Wictar, a bichly respectable practitioner of Yr, icon Ile "wren:rated with care the healing proper. sea of the wild cherry—tested iu erects when admin. toterrd alone, and when to et:cobra:awn with other re- Te.cdral arrow: He hound that its natural canoe might br greedy improved, and by combining It with ingre dient. araose properties were all well 'proved and gen cosily recognised, d medicine - wall produced which concrnatec a remedy of gent importance in pakten, ry atiections anti dir as*, of Ho chest and Pima:— dr...sea which are proverbially prevalent our cities end barge town., and open prove fatal, sarelliog the ion of murrain, to a much create, orient than be the case with most others, we had Cermet said all elneses of dice's. TLo rernoor Wortari DaHain of Wild CLerry 1../711;C a+ mgoo:nrc of Henry %Vista, H D. Homde!pOta., te,dl ,, ltodford end Part on a ftntdy nor cm, a 2 euerated wr:pper None other ore eon I=l me .ur.t t- itv6 ,, sln4 voitintary CUT•IiVe r.cover of, lialsam of %Wild iron E lull M. D. nf Mt. CZemens, %v-a LI • at WO rtaxlmi, and an az. Mon Cuta,alt. Stich., het. Zna.l,llo To the wlffdetod, tar may ,ceonly that Mot. 11. Ron hl iboa Nilnice, three or boor week• after contact lent. wnti •tnon•ti wnh • ,heat eough and great tostronon, and nerd hastening tUllie (Rae with ruhany. I odal.ted her tonsil Wistgia Balsam of Wvdtb,ffy—.lle did so, sod atttli.dliat valant/la medic:on aloha was restored tistheshlt, and I. now • t, proof of too val. Wisnrlatljalsain H of Wdcaed - II ALL, Phyincian and Druggist. Read on sod be convinced Full runner of the rano, table friars or Witter*, Balsam of 'Wild Cherry: hi- .n. ,Inotl',., Into Gents As a matter of pt. nee in 7oh, ono for the beneht of the public, I would oil, al it, noluan a entente," of a core elected by your ale1:1,, known sII .stnes Ral.nio WildWildterrY In theronnv of 1,47 ia) wile Wag eecly clucked w•l`k•refliarrosnotAn Pn-tirt, winch culls! in deep ...anted path ut tatt tole, acroistpanted ith a ae• were cann, the woe attended by Janne u beat phyatento• ilt-taco, but to no purpose, • week. the suirered, wnhoot riltef, coca - twig locos oily night and day. I rain. to the conClainat that all to rente d., snewri-no the ph) stetson could not help wa, unloved ro try yonr Wild Cherty. I procure ' d one bane t.. 1 e omae. eed eznig according to throe. bun.. title.. wns tne gonee cough an:roped. the pain her side lett net. nod 01W the ad of another Louie situ we+ restored at reaSecu In coo. toleration il•ces "'commoners. I would recommend it to Oro i.uhile at auviduaole medicine. tours, respectrohy, R. N. GARRATT 0/14.10 Ranoa, Idioti- Del b. 1619. Read tho following Texienonial,. tl al! the curet that have born recorded, there are curtataly moor equal to the one first mentionod, which plainly shows the curability of Consumption, even In some of no wort: (dim.: • Causra Power, Lake co., la , Jane ifi, 1619. J.O.Put: Dear Sir, As I have a deep commlaera uou ha the agitated. permit we to pre you a brief history of my adhetion', and the benefit. derived from tea o•c of Dr. Witrcer Balsam of Wild Cherry. la July. aria, I was attacked with a fever of the re phod cimralcier, which len me lit a very debilitated race, When in Me ihnowing winter I was taken with a vet cold, winch reduced me to meat an extent as to give rt,c the nape...nee of a confirmed consumption. I labow•I ander a revere rough—expectorated a great tad was troubled with cold feet and night Sweat.. I aim frearreadv raised blood frwm my lulls. I con. mated in tins state. grutrally , lwarktrur under the Mo ra., until January, he I waftw again attacked smlli fever. My friend. deepaired of my life, and my physic"... Thought I could survive but a short urne. c M o l .d. " :l7l m s ' l l in ' o%l 6 lO7t ' i n li ' e l fr t7,7g ,TtL"",`:7- coinst.c. It may:truly be anlo that I was • living skeleton. I finally deterunted to quit taking inNfictile preierib.-dbg physician., and try fir. Wistreoltalsain n( Wild Cherry, and from the brat week that I eon/. nieneed taking it, I can date a gradual recovery. I contmurd its one six mouth, at the entre( which ume I won cured, and have enjoyed good health ever since, rd cheerfully recommend the Balsam to oil More al , flirted e ith disease the lungs, and world say to those cowmen,. io-twv, not to be diecoaraged if two or there bottle. do not efleet a cure; but perse•ere as I ann, and I baud ho doubt bat ma, eases out of ten wit` bewith renewed health I have be , n. fierpectfuliy, your.. JOSEPH JACKSON. rafil per Itnten—ilix Rattler fork:, curio hy J. it. PARK, immencuir to itandfcril S. Para,) Fourth awl Walnut lateen, Cincinnati, Ohio, General Accnt sit: the South and Wee, to whom ell orders m uit tie cddre.,ed I. NV ,Icor, Jr, James A. Jones; J. Kidd & Co; B. A. futinostoek & Co, Pittsburgh. L. 'l' . Russell, Wash. Wood; W. 11. lAtritiorton, Franklin; L. B. Doane, Uniontormic IL Welty. Groensbarsh; Kounta,Souser. ark Seim & lilhnore, Bedford; Reed A Bon, Bunting don. Mis. Orr, Ilidlidayirburg; Ilildstiran I & Co, Indi ana, J. 11.. Wright, Kittanning; Evans Co. Brook. vilis, A. Wilson Sr :on, Waynesburgli; AVFarland Po, N. ilalleoricr, Meadville; Burton & Co, Eng; J. !Magog', :Merger. James, Kelly & Co, Boger; K Smith, Baas, 1 IL Boatmen°, Warren; F. L..}. C. S.Jorme, Conger...ow; P. Croaker, Jr, Brownevlita. no,l , 411,,/ VitsiT DII:DIC AL AND SURGICAL OFFICE, No 66, DIABI(M.11 ALLEY a r clout Wood litre., to wn... tascket / , DR. .1P.01.7 if, ',syn. Leen ri;nlarly educated to the medical and been:or arre tin , :4 ; el hu- pt;• av. tree on.- , irlinnts fur into a. oyportunint • er• peciabiatly quelny 'Van qiui 14 to inimihrounly devonid in .way treatment Of mon romplaintaiduritty which time he toe had more practice and hart cured more pa. tents than can ever fall to tie lot of arty private prat. {lnomtr) atnply qualifies Min to alter oSottremeeo of edy, permanent, and ...factory next to all ulitiened with delmatu disci... end an dory mining there frniu • Di swou.o ii4ticni most %tamed mil prosaic diseases which bays licensee chrome by time or lig flinLe tled tit , thin ',7..."ftl,°:cte Tl'ly"luinToor! oughly cured; he saving givtailits enreful to the treatment a such cases, and succeeded in hundreds of inetattees in canna persons of infloramation of the neck of.the bladder, and kindred discerns which °flea resell from those dares where others have consigned them to hopeless despair. Ile particularly Inv nes each as have been Mug and anuccesaally treated by others to c° ,salt hint. worn evy satisfacturs will be tear them and their canoe treated in a crireflihiborinitb and manner, pointed Ohl by a long elrieriehe•r stddy, end invr surtation,whieh iris Impossible far these engagedni general preen., of medicine to give to one class of theca.. D — Wmta or Itupture.—Dr prom al-O missals, per. sons alibied with Hernia to Cho. har prod pa:Me ant, attention to this &passe 4:ANCEIL. cured. ekan &wafts, ale° 9, Psis(,, •14,1111 owed C rt. ' Ll ' --721C71001 Lobes era Itualr, ^ t i d1a.6.6,1T [lieu disente lit wntlng, riving all the slow. toms, can medicines wilt p ail fat use,ty addreulung T. BROWN, N. B. pail and undo,- i' Uct . T.l.6. as, Distuunslti , ,,,upTdeß. u. ,C.'°"/ tH, Rturnurnac—Or. oi.wly 41:enema for Rheumnaru., L. ti-cx and 4:e,19y1 lot OtaT,palnful troutid nevut fully OZ., and Priv.. Reoultitia Room?, Nu 66 ON ! wad alley, Pinsburgli. :no n 060 1 .10 •Iwavi EMMI A. A. MASON Sz CO'S, ONE PRICE ONLY! • Is pure as one of the reudent partners fl the east, and!cut be arantert at either wholesale or retail, at as tow price. as they can be procured in the east ern chic/, Pare-busts can here have the dune ad vantages, it estent of stork, Choice seleettons and /Mg warlety, that are presented by Totowa Hoax.. New Goods consuuttly arriving. novt4 A. A. MAPON A CO. SUN bales Conran; 43 lib's No I Lord; VI bap Feathers; 3 bap Ginseng; To arrive on steamer Dolphin, and far sale by . novellBAlell ; DICKEY &GO, Front at (COPAL V.OlOllOll-23 blob', 14 itf do, 10 kegs, Boo \/ to manufacture, sartauted good, now lauding from canal, and fur nale by - • VINE DATIIINO SPONUE—For .ale by no•4e 1 SCHOONMAKER to CO ;DERAIULIA ARROW ROOT—Ben garden, for gala 'l2 by nov2s J SCHOONMAKER & CO Dln.sN'tb,urvolcfld and I f fad w G:rti , n y iblea, Nos. from IA nuvrA 'j. J RCIMONMAKER & CO T ROY W WEIGHTS—In HTS —I n ma l l mar;tla by ~25 isct irgl CO PRESTON'S Concentrated tirranus of Leman, Va. mils. Nutmeg, &c., for sate by nor 4 J SCROONMAKER & CO I•ARDdiOogIL-'' 'f' Lard (hl, sdo No do do, .14gnu nov2s 0 .1/211:S y DALZELL, 24 War. vt Q UGAR-70 hhch N 0, ne'd and for vale by lanne= B & W HARBAUG H VI INDOW GLASA-212 boors axed else., In Owe, V far .ale 1., n0r.12 d& AV lIARRAUGH b S. Erb, and lb lutapt r5l-14P°Q.14kb7. & CO [tort VIAXSEED—LAnd lee from ma:genre eben e, Red to o, by ISAIAH DICKEY gr. Co. ' nog2ll Front laurel (Z HOT-10 koro ared, reo'd and for role by b., Dora A CULBERTSON 'Fa AP N THUMB RiTKRIV--1 tans reed and for role Ly hortr . , A CULBERTEON 0.517 E-74 b. ittst scald aad.for sale by Ca novel R ESELLERM, 57 Wood st PI Lor2s°W bblijast reed and Gar sale by • . 1 CANFIELD L ALERATUt-46 bia ands pale by nard3 FLOUR -00 bble Farmer a n d Llek`a brand, to day reed and for anto by nov2l ARMSTRONG k CROZER WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. A. A. a &lON GO ' 'Kra 00 MARKET STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA , .41 offer for male Me most extensive asoortment of Foreign and Sterile Goods that nn Insfound in the Western Country. comprising In pan— to eases Merino, Parunattat and Alpitheits; 01 -do Casloarres and Mous de Lainsn 100 do Calico, best stole.; SO do Bleached Muslin, X 0 bales Brown Muslitirj 73 do Ticking, of all grade., , 30 do Flannel, of all colors; - IS do Blankets, of the best manufacture; 00 cans Cainseres, Continent sod datum 4 piece. Broadclo th s 100 pieces Bre...Yaks; , boxes Bonner and Gap Ribbont,thlntitua do; :WU Shawls. Atm—Scarfs, Cloak.. VAL... Red Linens. White (food., hbllincry do. Taithra` Trimm- Cing*, alto, rilllC. and packages of o th er Goods, in all har variety. New Geode constantly receiving. a 0.231 A A MASON St CO E EA:TV OW PITTSBURGH. ALLE LEGLII VT, AND VICINI tY, viral b ready for the endmver M 10 day. ?urea. who may with to have view. of their imuntyy seats pat an the map eta dose by maim; applleanon to the undersiwned, art ume before Mr 22: 5 .nat. To defray Me edpense of the - -• 111 be required in addition to the pore of the psi no I 9 IIII3IcabWASI T — o - VCS — CMI LINE Bthsl . 3l•7l l .randThrr sp; Seo.loln 1,141 . Lp . Honey do.; Tabitd a,, pincbared .tuparter not or aalt by iC R E SELLEIti, SI Wood 0. A 0 Sleet .V.ll Stnped I.‘ines, of an excellent ry low prices, ,u.topt-ked ea No 75 4ZlE r e i t . 4T r e d et a . t :o ' 'Ana , corner of the D.4mortd. novin • ALEXANDER& DAY "Norway Plains" Blankets. UT IL SIURPiIY, at North Fast corner of Fourth IQawl Market tar es . has lately received a soy of . the atm. supe.tor make or Blankets, and to n awn want of the article to look at them be fore buytne. Re has alio en baud Homo .latle Glut. hots. good heavy asUcla which be is selltug low. . Also—Home Altaic FLANNELS, brown, barred an white, of a superior guatlty. Also—Tortilod Scarlet FLANNELS, to which be .ovate. the attention of buyer. irj - A large rupply of Goods reeentlt opened In the nol7ele Rooms,up stairs, males ni. a•tortment ve7 roll and wor th y the anenunn of dealers. ovl7 Taet s o— bole. Pound Lump, Samuel Myers & co; to. dwiiit 1,1.4 I'L il4l excel do, 5 do IL. do El Dorado: 1 Thom, 10 do do s's Jo Russell & Itobuteortki, 20 do Jo 52, do INtbaness; do .10 '4' • Ju Jon. & 10 do do S's do Freeman', 40 divert do 111 do Cab..., 40 do do fo'k do Maki..., 10,1 received •nd for Rata b) MILLER & RICKETSON, nnol2 Nos 172 and 174 Liberty at N—Chalmers Institutes of Theology. II vol. I. trelog vol Vii. of his Pas-Immo. Works. Con/he's rry skew of Phrenology, with upwards of IW engravings. Jost reed and for sale by • - • " Rt./HOER CLOTHING—Hee'd at the Intl l. itubbe Depot. ito. day-6 pea Panha 6 " Flaphemal Pants. 6 " Sbuted Le66i 5 15; 5 " Long Sold cNo 3 Wood street, by Leggings; noval 41 ii PHILLIPS R ECDTIII3 6AV-36 India Rubber dock Coats; 24 " " Copes, sleeve For vole at the Depot, No 5 Wood nov2l td II -PHILLIPS. Je II ER STEAM PACKING—Just reed ßabbis. Depot, 990 lb. Steam Packing, from 1-16 toy inch in rhicanew For .k bi Hook. 10111VSICIAN AND PATIENT; or • Practical View orb mutual duties, relations and interests of the Medical Profession and the Community; by Worth. inpon Ilooker, M. D. [he Work. or Michael Do Montaigne; comprising his Essay., !sitars Ac. By Wm. Hallett. Nineveh and its Remains By Austen Henry Lay yd. . D sl L. • ' Glimpeet of r.lpein; or Nov. of Unfinished To• it; 1,47. ily S. T. Wallis. Topper', Proverbial nillotophy, new edition; ilia. irawd. Just reccived by rIA°.E.S of Entirely AIM and (untenable Goodr now opening at A. A. MAnON 3 COIL 60 M6l ket tweet. compwatng--300 Long °' Drew, Silk., taper Long Broehe numb Merinos, Parattuttas. A e GERNI AN SLATES, No. male try ov2l REB F LAN N bat-400 noun W r '' ah , c arry Freight to Philadelphi • i1a . 1. 1 .1 c m:l 3j an n' d N ew lark, vt• Canal awl Ral Road., as keg ahthe water pen:ails. mrio KIER JONES 1) FIN/ THIS DAY, from the PHILLIPSVILi.F. Ll Poesory—l afore of that excellent tootle of Rub ber Plum, for remlating Boots and Shoe. soft and im• pervious to woo,. For male at Me Indta Rubber De pot, No. o Wfaal street. novllff JUST rseid 'at the PRESBYTERIAN BOOK ROOM, No. 79 Wood Greet, and formic at F.asmen prices: omens.. Hebrew Lexicon, Townsend's Artaniroorent of the lithle ' Retarder: History of the Christian Reli gion end Mitnreh, Milton's Treatise on end.. Doe vine, Lie of Jeremiah Evarts,Ess., Robinson's Greek Flannany of the Gospels, do English do do, Scion's %- Limn vela Boston edition; Paymhis Bible Gazetteer, kledburde Glom uud its Prospects, Dr. Wood's Lee turrsiOn Swedmborgiardsm, Hollis Missionary Anon dome as.f many olter‘interestim works, in addleort snare. all at ...trill eaten. norzr IT E : SINGRIOVIEUr & CO., Manolecturens of them Gina B are, No. 27 Market street, Pitts bulk!. Pm, keep constantly on band and make to or der all kinds of Vint*, Bottles. A.< Porter and Mica rat Witter octtles, of superior PismoOar use/sows paid to FfIVI.e Moulds. naudd ly 0 ‘I..L WHOM ti.M.Tiff.ONCFHP:-TekeiTouce that lit bberde Cherntent inning Ind will not freeze at ens maul abet. IS dcarees degre esFaureuh mate—tbla fact bee verified, and as that of coil le eel awn nape. kneed ninny store In all• Ono, it sbauld duce thine—in new of he coming sinter-Whn have been annoyed heretofore by their ink froeung to pro cure his, which even 'mahout thin qualtlYi coal De Sound the beat articlears the market. For rale, together with lithbett's Red Ink end Ma. Mann copy in. by B y, Fahneatnek en, H P SCh.nflS. Aregbetty city, and .by tbe manufacturer ThoaK Kibben,Drnegnit and Crienust,eorner allLibarey and Smithfield at. pinabarah. P. }I7)IT 11-11° 1.171 t ?).! GH . pTATOES--37 reed and for .1c by deb BUKURIDUE, WILbON h. CO BurrEß-10 kegs phase, and 1 bbl fresh Rob, Jo rnc'd and far ease by den BURBOIDGF.. WILSON & CO RIKD gry Peaches Ocar;) I lc 3 BRB V U r I ILtINT t'o.,!yr ucer-30 tae snorted nombfra, loodlog from Moo F•coltim. lar vale by dbt J AMEO ♦ HUTCHISON, 6 mmer y DRIED PEACHES & APPLES-400 'bus dried i canhes and apples, just reed sad for We by do :11b W RA/MALIGN UitEni APPLES-111We, embiating hew Town Pippo, 'Romance, Groan Pippin, Ball Flower, Rambo anti other choice nimbi, jolt reed and for sale he ,den COPE & BREYPOOLF., I@3 Second at hturprattht Soda' Aii7 - 7. a' e.k. I.) Bleeching reveler, arrived per ship Oxenbridge, and now cautery an by eared, for rate by , W & ht Me E: reItELTRE Id. o.—They reeelre, durteg the wetter. lure euprhea via New Oriente.. . eaTIO DOTATOLI-0011ba la *tan lind for we bi .L novilk CLAN k MUNN/A Dn. S. &W ES, • base FARMS ke gulags nurse rat .4111. , P.TEAR CANTOIti, Iliask wanly, Me, eaustating ed 12 255 ACRES OP LAND, in thigh Pate of culti vation, with a shltable propotiWof tinter, and abundance of none eosl and Gmeartne; Aboot eqoal proportions of this land ore a re im npiakdt,ottoPtoa to heat, and meadow land to grattk.anoi eons. The doproremonts are a good Angling, Slam Brick . Barn, a young thrift Apple Orchard, Of canine grafted fmiy a rood .ovy of mar Pawl , Tree.,k. Terms—One fourth in hand, balance easy *nod 4-papaeut% Title intßspulable : tt l- For (=her pannier, 4917 to H. Orison, td,_ Km - , ' ~,,,a ... - r t, i&j,k7„;,77kri; 4i..1,7, soolutofforo o _ Carlton; or to the tuldersiped, at Sheaberivillo,y, \not cruelly sell it far o h above unites I law !t. lOUS • SOHN ANDREVVis,. all I state. Those wh are iiable to • '. '. Adotinistratorof the Estero°, Geo. Hall. c a . , c .. c .. 15, .. EI NA.n ., F L . , will ii,i tkb, i . . .. care. Any one ..Meted with any ofthe thows,Otat• - • ! ilirdiaeasea will Ind this all and evert star!tf4lillf! !de ,ita properties) a. , / Mt& _. , Itotreatler, the stares are flooded mita and be care yoa ask for .TONESPS Italia& , Soap. Beld by Wtd. JACKSON, ES i i= wr i a :" l ! Pittotmrob:\ AVOI3. HMI T.- . -The WAREHOUSE at Le scot occupied by Messrs.Barrey, pro.. on Water street, from first of April next. • norm JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO L. 11A S A 11.—A. good two horse PEDLAR'S WAGON—far wale low-gegy hewed at We Rd . cut Livery Stable of Rod y Pagano., Four th at between Wood and Smithfield. norge iiA WELL. FINISHED ROO towable fm. • Varlet,' or Oentbarten , s Fu Lingm Store. Al so-9everst rooms =tulle for Maces or Ar. uses rooms, E D OAZZAM °attar, °See Thud street, enter P.'' ORM. •••• •-•-- • - • - THE very desirable redden., to Alleybuly lately occupied by IL W. Poindexter, and ossession riven innnediately. For terms, app y at this race, or in W. W. SON, Market et end POH ELlONT—The . aint, bor nom ointiniji by gliiArit:Oo — d,slritate7l ..,_eswith Al acres of Around moulted. The Muse aspect.. anal n { end the ground well isn. proved. Apply to HARDY, JONEIi 00, an I_ sl FaitOut one you belly) awl Lot, on Robinson insect, Allegheny, near old Bridge. Price low and Brims cur.— Inquire of HSI S SCHOYER, 110 Second et Velt — kETNt.The three story Brie , ry 'louse, on Liberry, between Hoy and blarbu treets, mow occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Possession givon immedistoly. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at Me Bookstore of ..101.1178T0N cerroorroN, jy27.41.1f comer Market g ad Third stream: I=l THE subscriber* will sell at pnvate sale. those two valuable Lots of Ground, situated on Tomato et, ate Third Ward of Allegheny City, each havutg a front of feet, bs back 100 feet La deth in a2O feet alley, gg upon num which u_bune a atom wall, p IS by 100 feet, which contains stone enough to build .cellare for two comfortable dwelling houses, And In front there are three shade trees,.of 8 yeah growth, antilthe side walk Is pared with brick , all of which will ' be sold at SOW. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County Strip, will be taken in me paynt. itll PIIILLIP* No S Woodal • or to WM. DENSON, ImmedlalelY 0 917 0 . 1 ' . • my2o . . FOR BALE—FIve lots eh* eligibly ai • -• In the tlaw taking town of Buntingkato. The lots are shoa led on Doomao street, nom - bared in F Benantanta plan 75, 7f I, 6D,131 and 62—Lot No 75 fronting 20 &Mon 11a. ry Wan street, 70 feet deep; the other four 20 feet front ewh, by 00 feet deep. Tem.—Greaterpart of purchase money may to' main for sit peen, secured by mortgage. Foreartiel alma, topre of dCHOY ATjana Coat Lead tor n :44 " Z 'll ITUATIth on the hfononmshelativer,about 5.3 from Mist argh and 31roles above third Lock, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs-Lyon & &barb and Mn. John Herron's purchase. This ark, body o Coal will be sold att. Cow price of 11133 per acm—ona third in hand, balance in dye equal anneal payments, without intom This indisputable. Location mop good—cannot be surpassed. For further partleuLan en o(& HAWLEY, who has a draft of said pro. perm. HesidenceSki st,belovsPerry,nr.Adams'How. N. IL 'There is another sewn of coal OD thin tonal, about 60 feet above the lower, of atcellent quality. jyttbdtf . 8. - s just rect , o • . or .1 B C ANFIELD aird or sale by _ J D CANFIELD ao • •• o or S. rrHE subscribeis are anthmized to offer at %meta e l. sale, and upon highly favorable terms, • number of my valuablalinthitng Lots, emaptialug • o,ro portion of the Lots numbered 67, te, 02 and 70, In Woods' General Plan of the Elw of Plttstrtugli, _situa ted at the math eastwardly corner of Pc. and Wayne streets, fronting 240 feet on the fonneroand extending 1.1013 g the latter shout 600 feet to the Allegheny river, and being a part of the Real Estate of the late lames E. Possemen, Esq., deceased. A plan or sabdrrision of the ebove Lou, to center. ratty with ttis propo . aid be men at the Glace ander - • -- - on Fourth, between .21.- ket and F ' Id& 10 " myl VA) baring a float o ( 17 feet, and In gpiiiiioleeionn be sold on favorable rema. Title aneseeptionsble. gold of C. 0. LOOMIS, Lh in, noon Rap& ea.ll.4tf A DESIRABLE 80i14b4 Lot in d t lleAbeny coy, M. vonbly located, Mal= aboat bag= acre, and gill be sold ..eosordalny terms. Inquire of lobe D WII 73 ADS. 110 vrood r HITING—SO bbia in stern and fat sale by den BRAUN & REITER HE sabiertber tron bond t • We, ‘ att .A Le b • e • ~,.. .f 1 .../ . °b....n k. Co., 9 , P 171100 4 1 * the Mi. , : 10 . Bft •• th @ore c for"*.•;o‘ 0. 1 of Ca... e by des BROWN it KIRKPATRICK ... 45 founts Farley Loner, a,fforentN [eh 115IOTRY SEED-50 bushels wit YDS.. ter We " N . w 7 P 4 r C. 3; by nov97 . L S WATERMAN ' RIO Coo , cut 10 omen — . - oriroir—a bbl. Buribare No I, recd k ", S'"°; • and fer tale by 1 0 0 keg. Prom's Kean lab: • novE RREY. merrHEws a CO , 8... G .n ° 7, Column Bob., Br.“ Bob.. 01 011 deaertptions, be. A. JAYNES, PER& CLOTHS—Jut yeelved per eapreas. moth. Pekin Tea Store, 70 north et d..i sati . ,h o . aptecg s Opera olPlaliaae elo r ieNt o t . ol , N___,Ordery received for WY , Tye. aulakerS GEO. W. SMITH 45 430, , TNFORN lbetv Mende and the public that ea cti.„7.,:,. _„ - tkvr . : -. '-'. - .2.4 - :,.....-v... -- '', 7. , 11 no loelyer an connection with their late meth • , till . •-•—: - —r t — . " - e... , ': , =cot to Pem ctr Yet known Ra Pittsb b Brewer 7,....gßxais,o*--1 J ill', inn rer.o:ed ' th • eir entire " blues to the MEV ' f- • 4..,—.2.,... i..... r a . 4 . ;4 . :.,... . URFW..RRY. i.o Pie grant ,yi • ,Ar `.,aktr , ..:, 4 r-. 1 ..:•;,,,,..---..1i.-,,,-,.-:,::-:--,2,-,:;?-i-Al PREIDIrTZDIAD . IIOO2[I2.OOZie ' NO-89 WOOD - ler maim( W " v9tifia bre U re i trgil i gf " Is omp sale . nm'U in • series of about - FOOD IfUNDßED nc iffe ' reni pub (.od beetle., (of which muleses can be hod on mile. N E EMINEIUT and explatienced Physical:l(nm the 11 , e,) eethretng Lanrr:md d ard Tor u k t e m tg a I Tlve , cdon ota D:=11,17 " . = 4 ' °=rd'..>":l7'° • INTZMA-Ho.a of giktol Phundnrphin:T in nuirai. and other large chit.; has `vim adopted Sob...SO."4ogre been proverbial. Hie charges are moderate, and his , c Private Librnr4.. ures permanent. Ohl emus of Oleet, &Howe, Sao- ....N.A., are lav4 isle, Pinar Ath, '1b....a..., 4, e , swim. , to Coll and t.... 130 theuaortmant. :brook or ii — Fsetmate 01.011.01101. ed. The Depository oldie Pennsylvania Hilda Society A or,, armsnoted, or charge refunded. is kept at these rooms. octAarreoree .2 door:strews the arid, °mem, St. cu.— street* oars from the Bridge. Nzior GOODS AT minivs. Teeth F.scrieted. Advice to the poor grans. N. B.—Dr. A. Mllelts the won't of also /Hew W DIGBY would hereby Worm Ms Mends and in Pittsburgh to call v I a customer. and the putHin in geueral, that Ms ' LP ' ,-- I hum. received his fall adept) , of fall goods, cheap 15.1011 FALL GOODS! .d goods usual. ALEXANDER /a DAY, corner of the Ditundud .d . 50 pieces black and colored French, English .4 Market tweet, notify their friend, .d the public Amerman Broadcloths, of every quellty that they have received their Gook of Fall and Win.. DM pieces black .d fancy Camden... ter GOODS, direct from the importers, macadam.. 300 erne.. Vertings, many of which allu ets l 7 b• a. action. at the out. Theiretockpf new style and hod at this crlublichluutn• , - fashionable Goods is Imre, and presents strong aurae 50 dos men., lambswool and cotton Shirts and nor, to purchasers. In Ladies Dress Gouda an Drawe e. ,„ , handsome Shawl., the most splendid and fashionable Geode o A, lutt.... lot of Cravats , silk.. Donahml the season are now offered, at remarkably low prices dome, nusPendele, Gloves, Ac, consiating in part of the rot/owing A Grp lot of fine and c ommo nol LADIES , DRESS GOODS. Also on hand, 400 drab, blue and black felt and bias- New style Brachia tled Cambers Silks; bet Over Coats, from 112,M to 51.7.00. Cord sod Black Saud Du Cheats and Turn Satins; 000 dress, frock, box and rack - Coau, from 61 to BM Cord Camels. Groderrhines, of the b een qualities; A large st o rk dime and common Peals, from 11l to Black glossy Groderierts of the celbrued Eagle 010 per pai . manufacture. ~ 700 Vest., of v arious matedals, from 75 et. to SS. The shove named Black Silks ere warranted not to ' A fine amorunent of ladies and gentlemen,' Cicala, cat in the wear; for dresses and mantillas they are the &W. 1.... ,Mnd hest mooned. N. B.—Custom work will ree4re pardrabli anen- Neat fig'd Csmelien Satin Do Chene,the h.dsumest Hon. Dettanume garments sad good UM ....Md. Silks of the season. Any person In want of clothing; can be be nit. to New style Brodie Silk figured Memos, a their emu. ..00.1..ii.04 .0 ! W. DIGBYR neW and aplendid article far ladles' walking dres.s. , ~ cheap Cash Clothing Stare.l.4s Liberty st . Silk Embroidered French Da Lain., tor dresses and •' sacks, an entirely near article PITTBDURGII 1111PORTATIOHIL enm'r' ' ' ' D° L4'''' ' rd°r'°°‘ ' AlP"°"'” P' .(1 YE&GFAjutportez and Wholesale Dealer In • men., a lance assortment. SHAWLS AND SCARFS! V. . F V ANL, VARIETY GOODIE t., Final:um... Pa. Brooks Long .d Square Shawls, of the best q.l. S lU y f ie ?.: ?,i 1 :,= . 7 4 1,1t n . 4 * 4 ° than, ii. 14,,, He.. ~. Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are respomfallY Invited n41,1,11;74 Shawls, of th e wren d°6lo " , r '''''''' , to eel and examine the Catenate asseruneut of Eng. lisp Amerie.. French .d German Fancy Goods. Splendid Terkeri Shawls, o greatly reduced prices. Ail Forel. Goods at this e tablishmear ens import- Canselion Brocha filed Bilk Sisawl.m great sanely. ' 04 .,b,.,,,., b y „ m e', .„,,a pp,:h.,,,,,, may ply.. pi. C'" Shawl, white " 4 • °°lansd ' m V.'" variety.: tiny goods from first hand. I have the largest assort- CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND YESTINGS! cunt at udder,: in the variety floe, to Dia' elty of Best Bed. real French Twilled Cloths, all prices; Potaburgh—all of which will be sold low for cash or beat Sedan real Fre.h Cassimeres; new style Amer- city acceptance. The Stock consists,. part, of I ice Cami L tisr&saStcroltiiirgastitetreartiv. Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Mime. . &Lk. Cravallb Shoe and Pateut Threads, Panetat Silk. . Tape. &upend.", Battens, Pine, Nee --French and Belgian Black and 01.1. CM., for La- ,1C1 C .2 -no 6 - 0,,, y. dies' Cloak. ' t BLANKETS! Gelded Silver Watches, Gold lemony, all hugest( o en A splendid assortment of Amer.. .d imported &t P u m tus, asslCombsn Cap.. Revol vers; Pistol, Cloelta, Bilk A 8t..% at remukably low prices. Cotton Parket, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Mune Boxes, DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOOIM! ~ Carpet Raga and 'Gage,. A Imp arid COMpleph SMOMMot mow oa Mao.— B„,„4,„ 4 „ p1 4 4,,.. 4 4T r u,,i,„,,, Mao of our present Mock of Staple Goode were Toys arid Falsey goOdit totelber With a Large ma ts. bought from the manufacterers previous to the present ty o f p ine y 44 4i.i m ,;„ pHs poops. advance in price. A principal Put of our mock of ~. c. YEAGER is .1.0 agent fee the celebrated - lens Freuch and English goods have been mushased at the ~,,,,,,,,, c.„,,,b.,n0v17 great Auction Sales to Philadelphia and New Nook, -- 1 , 0 ,,-,„, m - kuroir t- a - - 4 „, :mn ~ retuch ormblo• no to offer decided bargain in almost 'awl' R. MURPHY, at north east corner of POlntit ` s.r, " r . of go." . s our line of 1”"i°".. VI( d m keg ge I. sow reed= moo. Country =haat; •Aleh.t Tailors, a. all • . , . , wholesale and retail buyers, ore maned to se early supply for ,the se, ason, end tea m ? .. . stelteledl of LI IA </rammed.] of oar stock .4 price. boyars rarely to be Met with. ALEXANDER fr. DAY, 73 Market st, LADIES' DRESS GOODS' °MI north west m.ots of the Diamond. 'ls very full, epeeist.. of FrenCh Metino,Cashateree, w C.ebargs, Lye.. Cloths, super Printed Fran. Cask- W I = l — . " ,Z.ltri . ri' aa M ir i;yl,:st r allo so r i d o d e An " ! mere., at prices conaderably lower than they seat Übe, to suit purchaserll k, pa iarrcur ,, E, be bought .. 1 7 hnt! , ....... lint Moak of LOW SHAWLS' , nose No left I:4mM M Is large, .d ant.ces many of the beaatilhl styles Cs Irc,Aft-5 Mils to acme au steamer tuaggoid. for sow on exhibldan at Fe Instal.. Phllatra. , • ' 11 solo by, ea. !SLUM DICKEY Ilt CO BONNET AND NEC% RIBBONS, d' toeFtX-1 50 bags prime Rio, arrtmgd for We Of new and very handsome mks, 'harm Moo Vby nova W& 51 APTCHE an LTREk: cuing. le. 151011 TEAS—lmpenal, Gunpowder end Imo SACKING FLANNELS, ' D p.m Teas, of superior totality, In hf chests, /2 Of carton styles .4 qualitun, plain and embreidsted sod 6 tomod bar, lust red .4 for .ale by Black Silk Laces, Needle Worked Collars and Cue, SIC.T6 WA M IdITCHELTREE Bonnet Salina a. Velvet Fteurers,CaantiFembast. ~ HANDSOME DRESS AIM, Of the newest aryl., and as lower prices thin use 4 .d rich changeable Silks and Salins,torlgantillas, A,—; and a large stook of J. ,y, A. 5 e ,,,,,, ip ~, , ,..k g ,:::4 .A .1,..A .b, „rii..b ST , ft . L na, E fre A sh Nyt_ .. HO u. DHEZElZP r....a.. lll ..dap ooo ....i. DL at LEMMA one.. And L 6 • I 6 s . CASES Guars and Soap 3 ‘,,,, Imparted direct front Me above celebrated • • FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY ODVD MOTHS* anuf.turers, Hi per cent Arnealnan teat, anivinig _ontl BL D a ,,A1 4 ., yr., qt 4 a,,,,y. fa,,,y Comm... sole by nave Wt Al MITCHELTREE Undenhirta and Drain., Silk Cr... Pocket Haab ' , bey, le; kerchiefs, &a . . Op... Merchants. en ballad tol,vi si t the Wbolestilta Rooms,. Mu. R HOPKINS, Apollo Qui',lmp, Faun st 1 Ilr II PIIiLLIPS, 5 Wood .t JOHNSTON k. STOCKTON, corner Market and Third streets eon. rune. CARBUTHNOT L2=l BOOKSI BOOKER M2=== EZllll3=ll =lnM AL/LASSES—LSO Obis prune Plantation Molasses, in oak buls and sold order, for eale low by W XITC,IIELTHES, norl3 ieO Liberst LIQUORS—a ori,peslp—Ount, Dopey, lei pipes ligland Glo; a elks E Rum; lW btds Markey; for wile Ey W Or M IdIrCHELTREE -12 tads Ltoseed Oil; 16 010aBotteri '2 I, pipes Lafayette, Ran Beebe) Wadi& oak 2 legs Batter, 2 casks Peals, ' polo; vintages of de, •nda . 2 obts Wow- 6 Saleroom hf pipes Legor ere's Elltra Itgeholn, dog AXIOM, ChsOIS: 7 bis Baboons; . pale, violate. of *Mr- - Just landing and for sale by biones Nora C n & Ces ctgyipt, dark eel nova .l comma) No.; of 47 : hcoibientr. hf lJ=l,no gr o " mi. C do o cialt, do". *I• A t , 2 do I ostlloJ Dopy, do do, • do 47- %IL n, do •.• ••:' do do Russo; dark. • - do Old on don. or Laskolt ir t, , ) 7 3o I&=Ci # ,. pox do Old Pale - NoCtip, ATI4 do POnfrOidd. - - 6 do • Chatraet. • po • Logoe,Frem vituagos of 17, 484 Vt. rwtoves , 19M sad • qr outs Bolted Vineyard Propristrolgof 3 among d 4 do dO • • ao •••• yp• bbls-Ohl Fault yr ! - ••• i do Cherry Brandy. IGO doz Pun Old Cognacs, by the dos: or sloo bade. Tlds stoat of high proof choke Smordles All bees Wooed, by the sabeeriber and eminonsmus, lOW to the advance, and are now oared to the Wade epee mon reasonable terms *on beratofortA •Coll sad *AI arnintabefore porratosingelseerhara. n g J r mold JACOB WILIVILIL s RICERS K . is sore am far as ny r _ nor2o JA HUTCHISON h. CO Close of Navigation. • OUlt friends and the Faille are respectfally Worrel ad that the Relitusee Line will cease to sine Goods via Canal from Pittabargli - on the 10th, and from Phiadelphia on the Ith but We shalt amainae to earn goods by railroad and wagons dorms winter. nova JOHN bIeFADEN rownza—so auks Jos blupr & 1.1 Some brand, a superior article, for sale by 11046 W MITCHELTREE NrAGON COVERS-4M reold from the rialltyee vine Factory, WS yard. Wagon Cover Oil Cloth. • splendid uncle 12-4 wide, for ads at . Wood st email I li PHILLIPS 0 IL-3D MAI, Fop'. extra T " 'hreedy's brand. 8 F t .1. sale 47 matt JAMES DALZELL GRUCLRIIL . .-. -WO bags prime Idlis Cages; 10 half chests 0 P Tes s 50 °sada der inns•an Indigo; bbla raids Oil, landing filmelpliajs IsT, Ws by uays3 JAM - 121 DALZELL C. 11..1101..A55E19.-10 bbd. 4n.11,4 by siOteber Cab Q. e.lonia.. and far yak by .. ./A&IFN DALT.EI4IIIMIVsIar HLIE MAJIOX & Q 4; 60 har t,/kgt nrwb are aim open* t tuts = De Lain% U owts. per PO. . MISCULANEO , Imarmsairesor Sam Disassa—,IONTSTIS but mass a fres pousdarkisonsi at its same ante monies, mules., and, the *bin, giving it the gams and beauty of aniniSatin Senn, Sala Sim um Senn, are - men not only 'heeled; but cured by its use, as at Mau seven iSitym sluts in hen Soft -know, whia.uss Ma sash eases, and and a untsiling—ss also in Pnornis;Stiormisa, Flucriaa, or say other skin dr ease. The reader: is waled Mu MU rit no wit& paled :pen" as am nisi Mill prom I Wed sari. somas at /east SO 'penal:L. eared of E:=2 /inn, Bon Ism A2cD Btul BIAICI-Atiffillk thfiALL aool,llSaaaa are tienerablp MOMS oloartag itraike amaal qualities at ab. Ocala • loam's Coral Hair Ham If tbs f . dm& oar word, - riey caorakttrase big y respeetabie Ottmere. who have tried ltA Mr. Geo. Beater, 4.l ‘ Elm si, New . .yort; .• Mrs. Matilda Retro, Myrtle ea, Mr. Wm. Tompkins. 91.1Clag at, New Yodr.. Mr..Tbos. JackaoNhforuoara Island, near Plaideaqpik H. E. Callao, late barber meamboat & Amok& And more ibux a hundred 'ldlers Mae, thearei_Oda mum make, Ow awn! force Me hair ea War Oa Oka bad or face, step It hallos oromellgtleem esola. esmoving Farr and dlftotlx , fire rea. making md, , or Fray hai oor o .1= alLfUeet. awl leeepiar dry, hank or wiry ham a011..76eme, led bearni&l, a very,aery_loos \ Bold by th e Alma, whl. JACEBON,s26I um*, iv ?imbue, P.a. S7i, 60 tents, and ouii do ll ar. • asaLiksaT M' LADIES ARE CAUTIONED -AGAINST Fip SING COMMON PREPARED CHALL. • - , They are not aware bow frightfully injarkallAD to the skin! hos:coarse, how smith, hole is \ low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin lg. '. pears arteruslng repined chalk! Be. ... . . sides it Is uries; containing a -,. large enantity of Load! We have prepared a beantlful vegetable • Wien; which we call JONES , SPANISH LILY warm__! It is perfectly Innocent, being periled of alldelessi, ..' ens qualitee; and hi:apart, to nanazeral,hsal• \- thy, alabaster, clear, living whliq wee gnu . • . =tutsa, • connetle on the skin, nia and smooth. Sold by the Agent, WM. JAC - - city at Pitubutsh. • Pnce Weenie. enekkw , T.- , -,----..-N" ' • nun as • • • ts not more sepal. thim a bad, putrid breath, or dart., yaw giew. rid teeth. lf persons hare these It Is theiGewn palh they can, for two gallium buy an ankle dui will make their breath punt and reset as the Elpisy.tire dratie It eater disease. of the Gums, spongy or aleeeer4 and for the Teeth it is unequalled, rumoring the War. fastening the teeth In the VMS, and GUMS O&M IS orbits a. the noise ej she frego. Nora. Seek, reader, writhe meanies of looses. dabee Tooth n one, and, without pribdor ur tt oeelves, Mae what ow of our mon respectable and selenece Deo: tilts, Mr. E. Field, of New York, saps: .1 have both used and Realised this bundhd mai bra, palpable article, (Jones , Amber Tooth • Fasted end ean recommend Was posse...sing all thequeldes chat.. rid for it." Reader, we ean nay no more to carmine., only that if you try tins ones you will be well Owed. It is put up in - bestutilhl English China Pots; feral cents. Bold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, lig Misr. ty street, Pinsbargh. NEW HARDWARE STORE. SION OF TILE PLANE AND SAW; No. TS Wood Pittatiuntai FsiER ANDEAUFMAN, Importers and &alms n Foreign sio Domeiue HA RDWASILIC.. wiettee, aro nowprepared to sell. as low w on as reasonable Mune es can be purchasedelambere. We solicit one friend., and the public genstrallNto call and examine our stock, which comets in of KNIVES and FORKS, POCKET and PEN SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Triallainis, orbs. Looks, Latches, Hinge& end Scram, MO H= wok awry smote nasally kept In. Hardware Blom, We invite the attention of Cmyenters and lifechaales genemlly to oar caganment Of ToOls,Wbfeh immobile% seemed with great ears, and *deli we ats detantiza. ad to sell so as to Rive sadder-don. agehdAssT Property to illegheay City for Isle. • EtrE subscrthern do, for Lola a nanibeiof chows Lots, nitosto La the Second Wart fronting o¢ th e 't .Ut. ' ttlfl3 ‘ l7tl6o, ' L") , an VI ash . et or of JAB ROBINSON. on thollardsos - "; PlieNIN TEL IFSORE.. ~,, • , , TIIE mabscriber ha. An received at the Min Ws atom, 70 Fourth seam, a Very large snivelled.. 'coed mock of pare GREEN AND BLACK TEN/, from New York, all of which has been reeetved Wilde country since the font of February last, consist:ingot all the afferent grades grown In the Celestial Elll4lll. Our Each being umengshe largest La the West, we are prepared to wholesale, on better terms the:rimy ether gawp in the city._ We barite retail ewers to ea and examine oar met and prices. They can have Brack. ed in, I, and I lb packages, 0 Ili du cans:Loam ashy half chests, to snit their convemenee. Our retail price. vary for Oolong, Black Tees from 50 cu. to 51,50 per lb, Mem Yonne Swam& O 0 cur, Congo 50, and English Breakfast Bison, - 2m - T1 .4. Ounpowder and Imperial, from 32 ets. to II per lb. Families are reouemed to send mid gel , yes of of our Top, ' and try them before 'perdu:sin • raY2o:d.k.wS Vs. JAYNES. 70 Fort meet 'nista to Phttagiaplits. {ATE eosu oill tet ibt atio rkil.w . too4 o4l. rOlobt mot Insi mus til li 4L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers