firi7BBURGH GAZETTE. IMIED:=22 THURSDAY MORNING, DEC. 13,1549. are earnestly requested to hand to r favors be fore .5 r. x., and as early in the day an Itrandeable. Adveninereenta not inserted for a aped bad time till Invariably be charged until ordered oat PIEIII•ADICLPHIA NOILTII /1.211C11.10 , 111 , drlverdscalenta and subscriptions to the North Amer can and United States Gazette, Philadelphia, received and forwarded from this ofhee. id-tuT., NEXT PAOF. FOR LOCAL MATTERS =CI Tis CC1113141, RAnaoAD.—Two articles in the Jonimila t of yesterday—one editorial, oral the rah. er signed by Gen.ltesurson, the President dale 'Ohio Mad Pennzyltranla Railroad Company, con. vey the impressital that this paper is inimical to the interest. of the Central Railroad, and is par suing a policy calculated to do injury to the wet. Ore of the city, ao far as they are affected by that work. We have heretofore disclaimed any such luau:ion, ma we now beg leave to reiterate oar disclaimer. We (eel conadent that our matey (or the speedy completion of that; great work is. equal to that of any of the gentlemen who are now urging is further subscription to it by the seas of Pittsburgh. If our earnest zeal (or the Western road has bartmithe appearance of oppo aWon le the 'Eastern, it has originated from as • inskitunate mode of ezpresaion, while it has been sebolly . dielated by a moat deep and abiding con . linden . ha to the hoe policy of Pittsburgh. While we lumens= earnestly mad perseveringly &dye _ Wed tire ipeedy construction of both roads—be -teeing cock to be the true policy of both Pitts. burgh and PlailadelPhli—we have been met with the ronestion,by the Inends of the Central road . in Pittsburgh, that the ie.upossment of the . We stern sold, for • few you., would work no injury to coo interests; arid by the President of the Cen tral Railroad it has been hinted that it might be thebOstpolicry or' the Company to postpone the Work, a few yeare,terminating it on or near do Turnpike, in Westmoreland Coo nay. To such soldde policy, in regard to both roads, we ullorly and Irreconcilably opposed, and in combat ting ft, ore engage and motives have been cot. undaratood;—lft almost despair of making our Views known; We admit the force of every at.' gement in favor of Malin the Central road to this city, with the least possible delay, only con. Wading that the Western rood—eat object of still ••• more importance to Plttsburgh—shall not be post ' poled, or delayed, or tendangered (or each n pur- When the subscription of one million of dollars, by Allegheny county, to the pastern rood, woo pending before the people, we advocated it to the lnee of several old and respected !subscribers, and •• we have since freely offered ow columns for the as of the Company, which its agenu have fres quently embraced, for the 'promulgation of inform. . abbe and the suggestion of particular courses of • policy. We advocated the very great privileges Which the Company received from the city, in the matter of the right at way down Liberty lame!, sad the Depot at the Point; and here again we alai into =lies with several old friends and • nelheanbere. It was only when we were asked an do what oar judgement and appreciation of the tine policy of Pittsburgh, alike condemned, that .we have been forced to take a position which make inconsiderate friends of that grew, sod truly sickle undertaking, have conetrued into an op. froeitiou to Its succenful and speedy Completion. C.Aurovers.--We give to day a very excel lent synopsis of the Constitution of California, for which we ar.s indebted to the New York Courier and Enquirer. The Gulden and remarkable growth of th.s State, on the Pacific, in a conntry almost wholly unknown, but a few years ago, is one atheism:, striking events which take Yam hold an the public mind, and will form an Mteresting chapter Seethe future historian. The CoMnintion is mainly a good • Washimttett letter it we Nev. Yolk Courier Itays—The Sim:me Coots ul (he Matadi States ss - naW in season, and the rule rertrierng emoted to two hours iv the dehvery of their aommenta, la befog euformid for the first timer The effect dl the rule will be to elevate the standard, of legal 'attelomeot and logic, to save the time mud spare the patienceiii the Court, diminish the number ist psactising attorneys in the Court, and enalde the Court to clear the accumulated docket Mar or Pirrammuu.—Mr. McGoar,'s beau map of l'ittsburgh and its environs, in now 1 ready for the hand of the engraver, sod will be fin lad in a feu , weeks. We bare had the pins. Wed examining it carefully, and can truly state that both in artistic excellence and fidelityCif detail It will fully camparSwith any map of the kind we have ever seen. Mr.Mcflowan has expended avast amount Or labor upon 0, err Which be not only deserves the thanks of our citizens, but aleo their fibers! patronage. The tides at which the map we understand, will be adoriled (S 3) Is so exceed ngly low IS to render it available to almost every 'Family in dm city, and we trust to see Mr. Mc- Glynn =pi/ remunerated for his paint. Clam & Co.'s Ezra., AG.CT. --We call attention to tile advertisement of due enterprising firm, Which will he found under the Adveniaing head, This [Rouse has extensive and responsible agencies in etsary part of the Union, and aro folly premed to transport, in the safest cud speetlimi manner, all articles confided to their charge. TMX 87ZAIKESIII , —An editorial article in the New York Courier, referring it, the repeated bill, Wags for • Fpriaker of the House of Nepresenta lives,asys— .We are gird to nee that the Whim adhere to Winthrop- We hope they will do ao to the Zed, no clatter bow far oil that end may be. The re sponatlity of :delaying public Imaineas will not reel upon their beads Mr. Winthrop. above all other teen In Compeer, ought to be elected Speak. • ST. Ilia ability, his pre-eminent qualifications to ducharge well the dunce of the place, and above all, the manly. Independent, patriotic NATIONALITY Of his ponition,mako tt of paramount imporumee that the Wligs should adhere steadily and un linc.bingly to him as their candidate.. Marcel Cousin LAMM—The pobhe "Id of these lands Is postponed, awe understand, till the Ifist w i s• in 24Isreb - nest mon WASUINOTON Corrupt%lento of t h e Pituborgh Gozetta Wasumorron, Ike. B, 1849. In the postscript to lest night's letter, I comma: Matted the fees of the reconsideration and revot testion by the Democrats of their nomination kir Speaker made on Saturday night lardtio that this, Saturday morning found them, precisely where they were on the preceding one—withont'a can. didate, with no ground for believing that they could agree upon one. I think I need make no apology (or continuing to !thin:mine upon the subject of the organization oram House, and the position of men end pal - ties With mud to it. into now, this la the point open whit:llle whole politico of the °annoy inn. To motile the straggle may appear a mere wrangle ibont men-ra'confliot of personal prefe,„c,e,,. la, upon the; contrary, but another phana of the des. palate rivalry of two great divisions of our Union, which circumstances have put in uppoanton to one soother. Bat I must not infltet a 'mama and wit red= to the farm about the eao eue. The Democracy appear to have had • hard time. There waa, too, some hard talking. It was the old wag, sad the horde n was the same. The North and the South—how came they divided; bow can they be united—Mr. Inge, of Al a bama, who, "Lae St. Peter, bas hitherto beet known Per ma 'itupomoue Saint—," befog the same who on the night of the 3,1 of Nosh, 1849, broke the thick head of Mr. Partin, of Dane* and that, too, in the beat of feelings, personalty, and only in the quarrel, as he suppo sed, of his own dear Sault', took op the cudgels on presets) oquorion against the Wilmot Proviso he termed Spero, Mantling that Mr. pc ,,:aination should be adhered to, "to the kaa a lt not Ulf his sect i on. He spoke for South , and a eons to the point, would insorm wither , pid1 . 6 . 0 Oot the Smith would support no wee for Speaker or .."4/ other MSc° who was lot mooed to the Wilmet . T 'M at a a • Graeleed, of Connecticut, ra • at length, plied cadh ha ratd quite doored Mr, Ingv. wect aver , the higory of the Democratic party,. showing orteteatly and despotically, it had bees governed by Ihibeoeth, show* that the North had palm ly yielded to her, that she bad had nearly all the 7g* dents, and ill the Speakers, for the last forty yes" but throe, lie said the north had bad but ale Speaker far a term of thirty four years, namely Mee to 1845. During the thirty nine leaflike pug, tbolloatb had told itioSpookorship thirty two yens, the North •even years. It was now annoturdsd that the Smith would vets hues , man who did not 'wee with them on the slavery question.' Well, that was the next thing to • Poilt' . ice! separation. the certainly he and his northern u•oriates must take • defensive position, sad must refuse 40 vote the my Southern man who did not subscribe to Bonbons opinions open that subject. . For himself he bed voted for Mr Potter •nd Mr. Thompson, of Pennsylvania, but not bemuse they were. Proviso men. He did not know what were their opinions to reference thereto. Mr. Cleveland's speech vu received with pea favor, even by Southern men, who disavowed loge's remarks, as being declaratory of the views of the whole South. This discussion took place on • resolution of by Mr. McLane, of Baltimore, to -the effect OM Mr. Cobb's nomination be reminded. st sob stitnte had been proposed. afflrmlng 'that he could be, and ought to be, elected. The substitute re coined but nineteen votes, and the resolution was adopted. It was understood that the other Rom e:mums should stand so before. Mr. Potter did not go to this =CUL He was generally looked to as the candidate who would be settled upon by common consent, alter the voting in the House should recommence. Seven ballots, or trials, have been had to day, withal:4o general results: Mr. Winthrop received the same vote, 102, on all the units but the last, when one Whig was accidentally absent. Mr. Gentry received 6ve--total Whig v0k,107. Judge Potter rose from 18, yesterday, to 76, on the last trial to day. -Mr. Cobb tell to four votes, and him. sell - voted for Mr. Potter, on the five last trials Richardson, of Illinoirt 9511 from 26 to 4, and Mr. Boyd had, at the , cloie, 14 votes. The F 1•611 Soil vote proper was given to Mr. Wilmot, and Mr. Booth, and amounted to 9. This vote would probe ably all go :to Potter, if it could elect him. The following ts a recapitulation of the votes on the seven Winthrop, Whig, 102 102 102 102 102 102 101 Gentry, " 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 Potter, Denawnlit, 20 40 48 61 00 70 '76 Miller, " • 5 8 8 6 5 5 3 Lyon Boyd," 3 14 22 22 17 14 14 Richardson " 23 16 12 6 5 4 4 Cobb, " 31 16 9 7 6 5 6 Bagly, " 2 3 2 2 2 2 - 2 McDowell, " 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 Strong, " 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 Wilmot, Free Sod, 7 8 7 7 7 7 Booth, " 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 Scattering, Dem., 14 11 '7 6 5 .6 6 225 •725 223 225 225 225 224 I have placed to the account of 'scattering' some six or eight votes on each ballot. They were all Democratic, and were cast by members whose minds are not telly made up as to whom they shall finally vote be Suck is the state of affairs at the end of the first week. The adjournment, to day, was moved by Mr. Holmes, and would, probably, have been refused, by the Democrats and Free Sellers, but for fear of him. They wished to ait It out, in or der to take advantage of the flood tide In Potter's favor. I think that ou Monday next, Mr. Winthrop or Judge Potter, will be cbcetin Speaker. Mr. Gentry may be hero on Monday, and, if he do arrive, Neill assuredly forbid the further use of tits name by the five seceders. Mr. Kink, of Geergia, now in Callfoeuia, has re signed The report is, that the evidence of that fact was received in town this morning. His non arrival, whether the report of his restgnation tie true or not, Makes at' important difference - in the position of the Whip, in the House. He, Fobs. bly, feels pretty ware of au election to the Sen . ate, in California. The new State vnit be along in he Jmuary or Febmary game. Mr. Chester Butler, of y•ur Bute, midi, a capi- tal hit, to day, to reply to Mr. Thompson, of Mis sissippi. Mr. B. had moved a resolution that Mr. Winthrop be declared Speaker of the House, the pumpa of which would have been, of amuse, bat soother mode of electing him, and, in speaking of the importance Of patting an end to the present mate of things, Wormed-the Home that the Gov eminent wee daily mdijseted to a very heavy es. prate by keeping in a state of preparation the expresses that had bees imaged to convey the President s Meanie -to the different Vies, for so king ri time. bir.thorepion eked bow much of thie expense would be ftwored CR expressing the Postmaster Gametes report. . "Alt, said Mt. Butler, upon that point, the gen. thustan most enquire of a member of his own ply." A general buret& laughter proved that the alto• sion was undessicaul, and that the House held in proper estimation ihn scurry imposture by which Grand had obtained that document for pub lication. We have a In tovrrohle morning, that the .President'e Message has been vtulen, ud appear ed prin t , today, in one of the Philadelphia Sunday papers. I simply disbelieve it, yet them certainly is a postibility, that by one of those acci dents !Mu the greatest care and vigilance atmeot guard against, the Message may have got Into the clutches of some graneless Jacket of the press, and have been thus eurreptitionsly laid before the country, before, the proper time of Its delivery. The necessary delay in the authnrised.appear mice of the Message, and singular cause of it, carries back the recollection of politicians to the era of Mr. Van Bores, at the opening of the last Congress it was his lot to address. The com. mencement of the first session of the Late Con• grim, was characterized by the most remarkable contest, concerning the qualification of members, recorded In the parliamentary history of oar own, or perhaps of any ...nary. It was then that the nbrosd seal" quesunn came up, and owing to the protraction of the contest over the claims of two rival delegation. of member, from New Jersey; no choloe of Speaker could be effected MI the 11th day after the assemblage of the House. The newton opened on the 2d of December, IL• M. T. Hunter was chosen Speaker -on the eleventh lot, on the 16th of that month, and on the 22d, the organization of the House was mo far completed by the election of a sleek, that the President's Mesange was on that day received and read. For more dun three weeks, a hundred Mims. and copiushf the document hod kin he the Globe Printing Office, awaltiegthe diction of the House; and during that time, numerems attempts were made to procure one for ;publication. The re. spectable:fillCMUl of the Union 00Ice,at this time, um then employed in the same capacity in the Globe Office, end upon him rested the responsis tot, of the custody oral'. Important paper. I believe It is the general impression that the compositors employed in setting up the Message of the Prod dent are swore to the observance of eecracy. Such is not the bet, they are pit upon their honor to keep silence u to its coaterits, but lay themselves under no more formal obligation. I suppose your readers inwardly pray, in taking up the Gazette, thou your correspondent will not' bore them with soy more calculations, specula tions, or annotation. upon the matter of an elu tion ole Speaker of the present House of Repro.- SerattiVe. They are reinested to consider that while that questiou is pending, seething else is in order for either discussion or decfsiolt. I hope to be able to =IMMO.> by telegraph, be fore this communication can reach you, that s Speaker has been chosen. lam haat 10 expec tation of that molt to morrow, though the majority of thou who protege to be "posted up,. as to the chances of candidates, uy that there Is no probe batty of evonclulion of the difficulty until Wed nesday neat At present, thous look very rev.'" able. for Potter. it to said that the latter hat been to day united of Um support of all the Southern membere but two, M, -Woodward and Me. Holmes, of South Carolina. If these enpecu[iou be Coln ed, it to •eticipatedlthat a notion. end Interesting scene will be presented. Mr. Potter cannot be elesedwitbout the vote. oil Mr. Giddings and Mr. Tuck. They are ready to give him their sup port, without pledgee, relying on his m a... Hut it ie perfectly well known, that there are several Southern men who would not, and in him dare not be seen voting In compuy. Wltti these gentlemen; and Ir; when it is perceived not tdr. Power lacks but then votes to give him the om majoruy rerinired overeh others, they rile to give them, there is hardly a doubt, but that • oumber of these Hotspur* will indurnently cheap their votes: The contingency is apprehended, and It will or emuse (ramie . a prodigious trensallon, if it don a ver' It will in tact tuturly preclude every ohiLkoo oroo zeing • Democrat, and, for that mat• or , wou ld orr oir;': lead to the election Winthrop. For no repents the upon either part (v ow sow mu g the opposing divisions eras de mocracy together again, au ,:,l the only m ai. alterustilre for ths Orgalgal4ol2 . would be the , t ire Crt a considerable deo =lmam of northern Demonists upon the Who% All the gentlemen who have been prominent-IT or serionsty brought forward for ibis high honor have behaved themselves with singular prudence, dignity, end good temper, not excepting Mr. Cobb, whose hopes, once higher than those of any com petitor, have been so dashed by the contumacy of those whose fidelity It would hive been, a few Years ego, treason to doubt. But, better than .11,1 the ordei, and gentlemanly metric:sty which should ever prevail, in this assemblage of national representatives, has never been for one moment forgotten, since the contest began, and I have strong hopes that they will prevail to the end of it. During the twenty eight ballots that have taken place, Mr. Wilmot , being most of the time a Carr didate himself, has made the circuit of his small party several times, in throwing his vote. Holmes, with the laudable purpose of obliging the greatest possible number of Me associates, has voted for twenty eight different Southern Demo. axis, and, as it is coartdered only fair that all whom be votes for shall lame time return the compliment, it. to expected that on the one hun. died and fifteenth ballot, the one hundred sad fourteen previously eomplimented Democratannd Free Boilers, will unite lit their aciaowledirtmentsi and elect him. If Forney in laid out, as there u no reasonable doubt that he will be, there will very probably be a union of Whip and Democrats upon some • • exoeptionable candidate for Clerk. The Washington Claim' is eharaoteristically e• played in the effort to show that the huge deficit recently brought to light has been caused by the extravagance and corruption of the present Ad. ministration. This is the old game of the pick. pocket raising the hue and cry. The certainty of thin deficiency was foretold more than 000 year ego ; by the Democratic Solicitor of the Tresoury, Hon. Mr. Gillett, and the half haslaot yet beets told, The financial memoirs of the late administration hive yet to be written, and, when they are, will farm a chapter of history only less amusing and interesting than the development of the Ritchie and Burke's intrigues, to be made public printers again, would be. Junius. TROEI NEW YORK. earrespoadriima of dm rinsbarsa Oaseue. Nam Yoax., Dee. 8, 1849. The news from California received yesterday occupies the gtontioa p 1 people generally, and no one seems at all displeased ails character. Those who looked for a continuation of the liege gold stories are folly content. Those who am watch ing the progress of the new State of Califoraia, have little to wish for more. The State mud mime in free, with tie probable anomaly of two ' Senators from slave holding Stales—King and Fremont. They, however, will represent the kit ing, of their comtitaents, and give their voices for the death of slavery In the new territory. ; Theireather for business is very favorable now, but our foriMrdere, except upon the southern mutes, have gone into winter quarters. Still the trade of the city is large between importers and jobbers. A feeling Is prevalent and increasing that dry goods are to be dearer next spring. A speculation has commenced In some ogles, and will extend. A rise in dry goods will help oar home producers, and set many spindles is motion• In the money muter them is no change. Money Who hover so plenty, or the elements of an easy winter more abundant. Very low rates of interest ' em accepted, but n temporary advance may be looked for mail the new year. After tall, timid no foreign news or fears of don:tette agitation spring up, we may look for a year of speculation in fancy articles• We have pinched foe • cog& of years to get out of debt,and low dad ourselves rich and ready to milke boldly. The continued failure to elect a Speaker is the cause of much conversation. The better opinion is, that could the ballot be seem the "free .odj people' would vole for R. C. Winthrop as well as the Southern Whip. The hope is, that he will. he kept in nomination by the Whip, sod atindare ed only for the support of an equally honorable ;MLA on the slavery simile. The medical isouyy ars in • ewe of *upended - animation, from barrio at the debut of Dr. Elaugh• ton, the bygalnle practitioner and lecturer. Some wags sent the profusion the Dames flee ticket; asst the M. D.'s soon guide • rim. The mums. quash* 'rut, • fall house, and a lamars of pith too. !The topic, the "lona* •f Maims. Dr. Houghton arguing that this pestilence is of the same chvao• ter as ship fever and typhus. He showed, by • history of the cholisre, that climate and seam. were nothing, and that so far as • people were temperate and cleanly, re far were they avoided by choler. It wu atmosperic, but we need not look for osone or electricity to demonstrate this position. It eru the product of "fungus," but we need not take • microscope to find theta. For atranspherio causes we should look in 11l yen- Weisel roonsg in the reeking stench from all the accumulated mammal of the city; for 'longue," look at the rotting heaps Is hone and dog kilns and boiling shops. Immunity from cholas, he argued, was to be produced by cleanly cities. and tbe close observance of nature's lases, and the opinion of the audience wu fully with the speaker. The secession of DeForbes, of St. Luke's Church. has been followed by others, who received their educauon at the Eptsoopel Seminary. Last Soo day, Dr. Forbes was admitted to the Catholic Church, to the presence of • !arils audience. A defectien like this strikes Protestants with great unplememtness; but we must remember ttat any socials of the Evangelical - Churches in winning converts from Catholicism causes equal regret elsewhere. The Portuguese exiles, who kA this city for the west, some weeks since, have all lately reached Springfield and Jacksonville, Illinois. Their re ception was earnest and affectionate. About fifty of them yet remain In this city, who were unfitted. either by age or sickness, to go westward. Some of them are mechanics, and others good seams- In "court circles" it Is mid Mr. dm Neubock, • Russian gentlemen, now In this country on • mire, Mon from the Char, has recently formed a mat* , monial alftanae with • grand dieghter of John Jamb Agin, and that the happy pair are now at Washington, on thee way to the South. The delay in receiving the news of the 1111111IICT checks trannutions on 'Change. Asher—The Market I. better for pots, with seas of 60 banes at $8 021018 6& Peron are quoted $6 21108 37. Cotten—Them Es nothing of moment doing. peal. era continue to await the steamer. Flour—Th• market exhibits no special change. The sales are moistly for the east end city trade, and embrace 2,000 barrels. Canadian ia held at M 62010 72. Southern is doll and henry. Rye Floor is $2 87 02 CM. GreinThere m a better feeling to wheel, and the atlas are 2000 bushels Genesee, from store, at. it 25ii afloat, it can be picked up at 81 23. Rye Is 576r4c., end quiet. Oats steady, at 470i71. In corn, the operations are 6,000 bushels, moody Jersey yellow, new, as 51le; mixed is quoted at 57e0580. Proyisions—Ohio Pork Is quoteel $OO wain for mesa, and 18 Gllt for prime. Its beef nothing transpired: leurl le Juliet 8106i0 for good to prime parcels. Butter and cheese es before. Whiskey—Thero Is a steady demand, and the market without variation; about. 260_btAs Ohio nod Prison told at 281027 c, the former price for inferior barrels. C. Th. CoustituttOst of Callformla. Governor Riley has Mooed hi. proclamation calling upon the People to vote the or against the • adoption of the Constitution which hu beta fixated by their delegates assembled in Convention.— The places for holding the polls are to be designa ted by the Protect. in their respective disuicm— The Proclamation closes than:— "The people ern now called upon to form a goveroment for themselves, and to designate such (lacers as they desire to mike and empanel the laws. That their choice may be wise ma ly and that the Government no organised y severe the the permanent welfare and happiness pie of the new Bram, Is the iiMocre and da le wish of the piesecti Emscotiva, yam, lithe Cont. nation be ratified, will, with pleurae, auvender his powers to whomsoever the people may designate as his soecessor." The Constitution does not differ essentially from that of the Butte of New York. open which in rut most essential particulars, d hat been evidently mottled. The following synopsis gives all ha provtaione of atiy hapartaheee— • AZTICIJI 1.--D2CLOUTIOSI OP Starts. 41. All men are by nature Gee end indefetul. ent--and base certain inalienable Wahl". 2. AU political power is Inherent le the peopisi government is for their benefit, and they bays a right to change It at will The tight of Wel by Jeri" shall bar Secured to all forever, but ajar% trial may be waived by this ponies is aU civil OWL 4. The free a>7cetdae d oetigwas worship shall be forever enowed—end no religious Wet shall be repaired brddl privileiree.. . 5. The writ of Laws swim shall not be stw weeded union rum:wary is ewes of rebealol3 or inveshm. 6. Eseenoinebanhall not botnc.r. l or unusnal puniahment he inlieted 7. All perio L as shall be bailable except for capital offences. & No retnion shall be held to answer for ■ ups tal or Infamous crime except an presentment by grand jury—artr be put twice in jeopardy for the same offence, nor be compelled Co:be wittiest., wiled Wawa B. No kw shall be passed to abridge kite free dom of speech or the rem In trials for if the matter charged be true and published with good motives and jutglable endrotte party Mull be aegulUed, andatie jut' , ahalidetermine both the law and the foci. 0. The people Mall hove the right to meet free iy, Initract their representatives, and petition th Legislature. 11. All general laws .hall have a uniform opera tion. 12. The military dial be subordinate to the civil power—no standing army shall be kept is time of peace, nor in time of war shall appropriations for Ma army be made for more than two year. 13. No soldier shall be quartered in any home without the consent of the owner, or as prescribed by law. le. Rapreee-taatives &bell be apportioried'ecord lag to populatroo. 15. No person shall be imprisoned for debt, no. less for fraud; and no pence shall be imprisoned 53r a militia doe to time ofpeaee. 18. No billot ansinder,se per fame law, or law impairing the obligations of contracts, shall ever be paned. 17. Foreigner, bra fide maidents of this State, hall enjoy the same rights in reaped to property, wive born citizens. 18. Neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude unleu For the puniahment of crimes, stall ever I, tolerated in this bUtte. 19. The light of the people to be maitre' in their persons, houses, papers, and eireeisoursinst unraerionehle Seizures and watches, shall not be violated. 20. Treason against the State shell consist only la levyinf was warm it, adhering to tto enemies, or giros them aid and comfbrt. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the evidence of two witnesses to the Milne overt act, or confession in open court. 21. This enomentuon of rights shall not be coo. 'trued to invade. or deny others retained by the ImPl/6 A1T1C1*,..11.-RIGIET OP StIMUPL 1. Every white male citizen of the.kleited States and every white male citizen of Mexico, who shall have elected to become a citieca of the Uni ted Stan* under the Treaty of peace exchanged and retitled et Quertuo, on the 30th day of May, 1848, offhe age of twenty nue years who shall have been • resident of the State six months next pre. ceding the election, and the °minty or district in which be claim his vote thirty :days, shall be entitled to vote at ell elections which st al are now, or herealler may be atitbori.ed by law,— Provided that nothing herein contained shall be constracted to prevent the Legislature, by a two thirds concerrent vote, from admitting to the right of suffrage, Indians or the deem:ideals of Indians, in such special cues as nab a proportion ml the Legislative body may dertn jest and proper. 3. Electors are privileged from crest—and me. not obliged to perfrom militia dory on election days. Amax IIL The powers of the Govisiumeet are divided:int Lepet•tive, Executive, and Judioi•l—end tt..y • to b• kept •epuale., AIM= IV.—Lsouu.avuzz The Lewislative power Ls to be rested in a t;rn• ate and Assembly. The psalm 'shall commence on the first Mon day in January. Members of Assembly are to be chafes annual ly on the Ana Monday in November. fiensturs are to be asses for two peen. Their mast teem tube Wt than anewkird, ace more than onestialf, that of Assembly: A majority of each House conatittues e. quomm. Neither shall adjourn for more than three days without ailment of the caber. The °ova.r may veto any bill, but It may be made a law nevertheless, by a two•, thirds vote. No divorce shall be granted, or lot tery established, by the Legislature. Every law enacted by the Legislature shall COl - bat one object, Ind shall be exprassal is the title; and no law ghat be revisal or amended by Serenaee to lm title. The census shall be taken in 1812, 1853, and every tea years thereafter. The numbers of A. sembly shall not be under 24, nor over 36, until the population la 100,000 i and after that it obeli not be under 30, nor over 80. Ben 31. Corporations may be formed under general laws; but shall not be, created by special set, except for municipal purpose. All general taws and special acts-pared pursuant to this see lion. may be altered from time to time, or re pealed. See. 32. Does from corporations Mini) be *emir• eel by such individual liability of the oorporators, and other means, ea may be preseribed by law. Sec. 31. The term corporatioes, as used in ads snicks, shall be construed to lackd. all associa tions and joint stock companiee, harbig any of the powers or privileges of eorporatloun not pow seemed by individuals or partnenthips. —And all corporations Mull have Me right to sue, and shall be to be sued, in all courts, in like rue. as peruses. Be.. 34. The Legislature shall have no power to pus any act granting any chatter for banking purposes; but =octagons may be formed under general laws, for the depoeite of gold and elver; but no itch &maned= !shall make, issue or put in ciroUlatiOn, any bill, cheek, ticket, cer tificate, promissory note, or other paper. or the paper ofl angok, to circulate as money, 13. The Legislature of the State shall pro hibit, law, any person or persona, anociation, company, or corporation, from exercising the privileges of banking, or create paper to circulate as money. Sec. 36. Each Mockholder of • corporation, or joint mock ummiation shall be Individually and personally !table for his proportion of all Its debts and liatillities. Sec. 37. It shall be the duty of the Legislature to provide t oe the orgaeisation of cities and in corporatefi.a, and to restrict their power of 111.111.1on,$ent., borrowing money, contract. tog debts,land loaning their credit, so as to pre vent abuses In asaesameats, and in contracting debts by such municipal corporations. Awning V.—Exemmvs. The Governor la to be the Chief Executive of. goer—he is to hold co. two yews. He Mint be 26 year@ old, and • ambient of the State taller the first election) two years. He must not be en abler of the U. States. Hie duties, as well as thole of Lieutenant Goren:pm see similar to dime of the mine cancer (natter States.' The Secretary of State is to be appointed by the Governor and Senate. The Comptroller, Tnautirer, Attorney General, and Surveyor Goners); shall be; chosen by joint vote of the two Houses of the Leirlslature, at their Int eamion, and thereafter shall be elected by the Mids. • 1 =;E=ll The Judicial power afthe State is to be vested In • Supreme Coact, In District Cone, in County Courts, and to instice• of the Palm. The Supreme POOH shall, consult of a Chief itunoe and Iwo Associate Justices, coy two of , whom shall mandate a quorum. The Enicees of the Supreme Court shall be elected by the people, add hold office for sin years; the &Mar Justice in commimdon to be Chief Justice. The powers of the &mems Court dare defined; and provision mule for dividing the State late districts, from etch of which District /edges are to be elected to, bold office for sin yeses. • County Judge., Clerks, Sheath nod nil °lber sawn veto be elected by the people. The imam. of the Supreme Court and District Judges shall be Inellgible to any other office, dors tug the term (or which they shall have been elected. Tribunals kw conciliation m►y be eetaldisbed, hit they WO to have no power to render rude neat obligatory, except with consent of parties. Asylum VII, provides for organising the mill daticui Vlll.—firm.Dcrt. The Legigallire Shan not In any Manner Mali, say debt or debts, liability or liabilities, which shill doily or in thewimple, with any previous debts or liabilities, exceed sem of dime hun dred thousand dollars, except to case of war, to repel Land" gaPPflos Ineurrectien, unless the arcs shell be authorised by moo law kir some single object or work, to be distinctly specified L y r ae, which law Shall provide ways and means, exclusive of law, for tbe payment of the Interne of snob debt at UsUlityies it (elle doe, and also Fay and dlenhaw the principal Cl ouch debt or U. "Wily wale twenty yews bum the tinnier the contreedell thereof, and shall be Imputable until =lend Wens thereon Stall es paid and ; bat no etch law shall take effect os ta, si a giosestelsotios,it shall airs been Ways. red to the people. and shall have received a Ink. iCifity of all the vat east or and against ft at mach elemoni and all money raised by arthority of such law, shall be applied only to the specilic ob ject therein gated, or to the payment of the debt thereby crested i .d an. Law guilt be published in at least one oewepeperin each judicial district, Vona be published therein, throughout the State, ler three months next preceding the election at which it is submitted to the people• Awricu IX—ERucanort. Provision it to be made for electing a Soperin. tendem of Public Instruction, to hold dace thee years; and a perpetual fund is created fmm nil lands that may be granted by the United Sours, the 500,000 greened in ls4l, all estates of persons dying without heirs or wills, tte-, for the support of cam:Masotti:Kits. • A school is to be kept up in each district three .rovided for the support of IM21201:1 AITICLZ X. Provides fur amending the Cionstitntion,—by passing the proposed amendment by • ou t ority in each branch of the Legkalamre for two lISICCINIIiVe Sends., and then submitting it to the people. CM the recommendetion of two thirds of the Senate oaJ Assembly the question of calling a Convention to amend or revise the Constuntiou shall be übs mined to the people. Aaric. XL Contains inineellaneens provisions. San Joan Is tiabe the Capital. Duelling is to be Forbidden. The decal year in to commence on the .first of July. The State amid in not to be loaned. TaIILLI , is to be equal- nod uoilorm. All property of the wda, owned balore marriage and Lind arqulre.l alteraraida, shall be bar sopa nta propert y. Laws shall also be passed providing fur the reg. istration of the wik'steparale property. The Legislature shall protect by late, from for ced sale, a certain portion or the homesteasl and other propety or all heads el ' Azrze.Xll Bomantly. The booidary of the State of California shall be as follows: Commencing at the point of intersection of the 42d degree of North latitude with the Roth degree of longitude West from Greenwich, and running South on the line of said 120th degree of Went longitude until it intersects the 39th degree of North latitude, thence running in a straight line is a South easterly direction to the River Colorado, at a point where it intersects the 35th degree of North latitude, thence down the middle of the Id river, to th• boundary line between the Ut tad dialect and Mexico, as eatablished by the trea ty of May 3fhh, 1848; thence running West tend along wed boundary line to:the Pacific Ocean, and extending therein three English utiles; thence run ning in a North mosterhrditection, and following the direction of the Pacific Coast to the 42d de. gree of North latitude, t 4 nee on the floe of wed 42d degree of North latitude to the place of begin. sting. Mao ell the Islands. Harbors and Bays, along and ajacent to the Pacific Coast. A schedule appended eontrins a variety of pro isions of temporary mid minor interest. For ths Pittsburgh Gasses I=lol Thaw Sir—Can you inform me what has be come of our New England society, the 22d is jast at hand, and I law no note of preparation. My attention is called to thin matter, more partieultue ly at this moment, on account of receiving a note, from a worthy eon of New England from a neigh boring County, asking the privilege, for himself and some of his friends, to participate with us, in the pleasures cif the evening of that day; A NEW ENGLANDER. =NM A Cure wad Certificate at MM.. r Rasp wur w lUD or Hu P •ar.— I hereby ceru(y that about Iwo weeks ago I wu with . violent attack of sionieou and purging Chol era Molt., with lieu distressrog pupa to the stournaeh and bowels, whieb was completely reirdYna by Iwb teaspoonful duvet of Pcuuleurn, taken in a hole wa ter Atter having taken the first dose, I slept soualy anti comfortably lor three bimrs, (Signed) HENRY WISE, Jr., Un board Me Mom boat Austin Ptuabargb, Dee 1D5,18411 I ant eeptant of the Antoine, a. 4 eras a wane,. to the anotustung effects of the Petroleum, to the case of Henry Wise, who to one of the hand. on the boas. Meat PiIMIXOD CiRABELL Patsburgh, Dec. 11th, le .9. tG'Sea general etelrestieentent to smother maims. dell On Monday and i Dr moting last. at 7 Ann Ed ri o'clock ngton, aped , War C. Ern mitosent, son Dr : K. 'eosin months, and 3day, The (anent will proceed to the Centauri, Com his father's residence, dtia morning, at 10 ololock. The friends of the fancily are respectfully tootled to wand. ltoblaseiVe °Farewell Hose= IRTILL take plane at ilia THEATRE, on Flemmy VT E.mao. Dee..llth. Tba pieces .elected Wm THE YANKEE WATCHMANAMIattinuo addle, M. Robinson. MY SISTER LA TE.Tam Chad M r Robin.. with Song, "Low Rs. Cu" mnl "Sonld Solo , Rol°l JIMMY TWITCHER IN FRANCE,. Ron. tar OTnaw°, Jimmy Twitch., Mr. R0h1... .• EJZI-blr. POPE and M. J. BULFINCII have valan wered to Sow. Mr.. ROBINSON erlll nuke her we lted appearance. SAM MAGEE, liavMg arrived to town, will appear. Cootie Songs by AIL Robinson, with other ntertain ment', which will be exprewed in the bills of the day, snaking it positively The Night of the Sema. llosl3ook now open.. .licll, T:(7CTETTuir&if ,7.,°.".iI:LDE:hT 'l.itir and several letters addressed to C. w .aratd;:re, Ch.. ty's,—on the Sirernabutgh Turnpike, near East Liber. ty, or on Thini street, between Wood and Smithfield. The finder will be handsomely rewarded by leaving it t thts odic.. det9-I.t• 0010 310.31310T11 GIRL. T' young Lady, the greaten Wonder of the World, is now exhibiting herself in Plusbir4h, the DIAMOND DOUSE , in die, Diamond Market Sqare, where a spacioni flail ihas been splendidly fitted up for the occasion. She is only 11 years of ago, yei has attained the Id.ost superhuman weight Af 430 rotund. She may be visited for three days and nights, Der. lalt, MA and 15th. Ma - Adaattiance, itly:Lrents. ElnTrlstzns. and Blew Tear Approaching! ELEGANT AND SUEgTANTIAL HOOKS, In Aragnifiezra datirrue Binding, for Ma lialidays. TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, ig 63 cqd street, has received is besunifal collection of Illustrated Books, bound to the most splendid man ner by the best London and American binders—among them may be found: Pearls of Amenean Poetry; magnificently illumine nand. Lays of the Western World; illuminated in gold and colon. Wordsworth's Ureece; richly Illustrated. The Preacher; illuminated by Owen Jones, and hound in carved wood. • The Song of Songs; illuminated by Jones. Flowers and their Kindred Thonghtsillnaduated by Jones. Heroines of Shakspcure,• illustrated. Mrs. Jameson's Clunacteristics et Women led. For sale by JAMES II LOCKWOOD, _del3 63 Wood street ✓ SUPER BED BLANKETS—Pennon wanting to supply themselves with a superior quality of Bed Blankets, made of very fine wool. will Bedtimes attire Dry Goods Houle of W MURPHY,. North East corner of Fourth and Market Ma r Ba-its supply of Broom, W h ue and Barred HOME MADE PL krilkELS—Also, White Demuth. Llomy, received and for sale low. Whole ale Rooms up maim dcl3 fi2UOAR HOUSE MOLASSES A, °OLDEN SYRUP. 0--ei6 Ws St 1404. admen S R Syrup Molausez,• Golden Snap; for sale JAMES A HUTCHISON& CO, Agents for fit Lends Stews Refinery L EAD -1260 ply Galena Laub. 1 lb. Bar Lead; In •tore and for .ale by dcl3 JAMES A HUTCHISON & CO SHOT -11 0 kepi seed, ill numbers. far sale b JA3I . EWA HUTCHISON HECKER'S PREPARED FARlNA—Recommend ed by Al edicol Colleges, Hospitals, and Physl as the best article of diet now known for Inca. Lids a nd Children, superior in Arrowroot, Sop, Tapi• ono, ty. For sale, slooleitale and retail, by dots 4 H E SELLERS, 07 Wood et GREENE & CO'S EXPRESS WINTICA ARBANGENUICINT luntarau LINII •LL FLITS 01 ,. rua - - "ilea or TIM 1144.1.. pia: old esibbitihed Line or tialpent& C.). having I applied °Di,. in the Etv.thro Caber, beg leave to offer to the public (*Mime thieve/led by any other Lt. Having largely iiicreased oar mock on the Natron a! Road, our goals are now transported over the Mammon arab mail speed, sad no more goods will be received to the Elio than we can forward through without delay. Satistantion as regards time .d rates will be guaranteed. Through recnipo will be given for all goods for price through, and fora to ritubargh. No palne or exse wdl be ensued to make Oda the 0100 reliable and bent gond/acted ER...trio the Bolted States, Nit is taw the most extensive, conneenng all parts of the Eweextreme West and South. We connect at New York with Memo Harodes tr. Cry'anori.lled Expels. to Rouen, and all goods from Boston to come by 000 Linemen be delivered office, No. 2 Court street. The collection of allnoes, bills, drafts, dc;, &c..promptly attended o. Orders for gaols will be sent free, and good. returned with de• thatch. _Custom Henan business attended to. Order goods marked "Greene & Express,. and Merchantswill plea. to be particular to instruct their eorresponds its to take oar through receipts for their goods,. thereby "wattle better !satisfaction to all con cerned. Hoods for the East taken at very low raw., an d will be called for in any pen of the nay, free of charge.— Goods from the Bast delivered wthom charge for de- Viress for the Bast leaves daily at 4 o'clock, P. M. West " " ILO .h. hi. par_kages forwarded to Cinclonatt, Leturrille, St. Lean and New Orlcraeltens. Faal. - - 6. ge gg d Co., No. 7 Wall street, New York. a . 89 Chesnut lam, Pollachdpki day 25 Baltimore strait, &dem , moxo., 4 CO , No. e Coon sweet, HOMO. H. G. VICKI &Y Agent, • cl 3 °Mee Sr Charles Hotel BolldM4 Wood 4. TOBACCO -1 0 top No I,a Milt: loading Muticf Boson, and Corin doU /WM hi y 4, PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH: GODDS forwarded by this Wave carried la the mail Iran Ctusabenbanta*ld bmwedlato• l i k . tt g ed h. io Wat . rs iro o lp=d e ep A oylS ogre., wfueb Lanni the prompt delnen of winbe tin time yrorgael- The Wagon will oar aratehease daffy, (Cundays excepted.) ship- Pen are waxed that no more goods will be taken each day than can b• pnactnally earrledthmak, JOHN WPADEN & 00 1 CanalSuin, Pinabanth. -JOHN Id DAVIS at 00, del] • &V Market linnet, Phtladelptua. EATHEIS- - 22 — meks, prime quality ree'd and la .12 sale b da 13 GEO 'COCHRAN 10.000 - Friri—"-T=l)=F - pEARLASH —II tasks Adasai' in mom and for sale daisl b • aa. MAYA Itoand Chunk Badding... • • OTANI—Io casks pore r in gore nod for We by dole I k Rnoyp inibilliN2ELb!priff i ,, Trrr7W Hi6BE-60 bap _Cream, In more and for vale • dcl3 .1 k IIFLO IDEESONS Lotenaing w become members of the In. thmattheal Unlon, ecill rode. tho Broke for this year willnot be om_len,thl• th. Stlth December. JOHN 1. CIMIMPIE CO, dela-diet Secretaries. UTANTED WAYRCASE ~41 good wood h.. T T ROCKA Apply to "D. H.^ at lAD OffW • PARTNER WANTED—A gentleman hosing cam mission badness in Pittsburgh, worth from 113.000 $3,000 per annum, and which can be ineressed, wishes to associate himself with a ymmg man, respect ably connected, of good address, and having a getter- alt 1 c quin Mace to the city. Camas. NOT V outer, but business qualifications and turlet 'attention thereto usntsrassaasa. Address- 0 8.M D." Poet (Meet Witi des,-u• GIFT BOOKS' GIFT 11008112 for 11150! YlkllE HEROINES OF ISHALRSPEARE, emnpaing .1. th e Principal Female Characters the Plays or the Great Poet, with over thirty splendid engravings. By Charles Heath. The Drawing Room Scrap Book, with twenty illoa nations. Edited by Amelia W.l.w ...ine. Characteristics or Women, Moral, Poetical and HI. MAW; with twelve highly !Walled and colmad ra vings; bound in Tarksy morocco, unique. By Mn. /ammo, Rd. Gilt Leaves or ASIIIIIina Roeiry. By R. W. this weld. The Romance of Naomi, are Prank.' Lotlinal• of Flowers. Hareem likening% a Holiday Book. By. M. A. Dwight. The Rosemary, a Collection of Sacred end Religions Weeny from Amerman and &pith Poets, with elegant iueaLLota The Life of Christ. By Roe. H. Weld. Embelllah. ed mth illustratiotut in lint, and Illotainatlons kora or Wis ' oa al ry d' orill g s . selas,.Pritic of Abyssinia; The Tii sloe of Theodore; The.Fomlos. a Fairy Tate, by 8. Johnson i The Bedouin 01k Rook, beautifully lostrated; The Clarladd, or Token of Priendakip, for leak The Keepsake of Friendship, gift book for IWO; The Wl.' Gin, or Bonyenir of Priendehip, for I 850; The Amaranth, or Token of Remembrmes, for IMO; The Ivy Wmeth.with of illustration% The/3011/U of abeing Sketchei of Italian LIN; Literature and loe,Rel by R. Tomball; The Poems of H. P. Willis, complete edition, revised and enlarged; Chambers. Cyclopedia of English Literature; The Monuments of t, by F. L. Hawkm with numero ther ChA t E lo gi ofts of the season —Just chl and for nob by deal ELLIOTT k r. ENGLIBIII, 70 Wood in OTICEIGIILEAT 01/111113. MBE subscribers, wishing to retire from the hgereu -1 tile business, °dieter We their um* ateels,nr Goods, mid every thing commeted with their merennV tile trade. They eartrusused merchandising in tee thy in lea, and have continued In the same business since that mme, increasing It every yearutll it equls In amount Sal of any mercantile honse ' in the west, Their STOCK consists of every variety of Shelf Hardware, Heavy Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nags, and Glass every description of Cock, Plata, and Parlor Stover amok, &a. Tamar met of goods is now, bought tow,and well udeeted for this market They have no, dmaged or unsaleable goods In their stock, a. they have taken g ree t w are not to Idiom the like to menmelate on their hands The store they now occupy I. a new Brick duns, bitilt the put summer, expressly for them, and under the, disretion and is the ben arranged for an boo more and the hirdwani business, of soy stare OItSOL Connected with the store U a TIN WHITEN SHOP. famished complete, with every thing needed or elm en the badness prolitsbly, am( sawfolly large to se cortoodate twelve or Sheen workmen. Their store Is looted on the corner of Hut Water and Detroit sweets, Radon the river side. They have plenty of desk roam. and cot receive Mar goods di. reel keen teasels, sad save a gnu expense that many are enbject to. Their note is 39 feet front by WI feet d arthi th s r l:c * a=s h iruinVtti g nil e a l e i t led" 0 7 th e. wlrtt purchaser will adhere to the Cash i s they have adopted, make use of the artarorements for imPonled - herrn gook at home and abroad, and the terms wB ich they -will sell, he can make • bargain, oh chance for■know. If desired the earth en, the senior winner will leave uni in the bol us roe a Tent partner. lISKLIZICL bleats. Loan., 81131.00 & CO., PlUttittiti, Wrt WCCLIT & CO., L. J.FAJIWELL k Co. 18111.—{dc1.11.4tw r==r HEMP -14 beim Illesoart Da. Roma; das u ii.; for ..l. by . /AXES A HUTCHISON & 00 ROOMS-40 dna in mare and for sale by deft -- COPE & EIREYFOGLE BVCIWILEAT FLOOR—SD sacks in siare cad for War • dal COPE 4, BREVFOGLIC aEert APPLES 61 etas Ivo' azeor al* 01 Ur dell COPE k BILEYFOGLE ~ t , . : , .:,:a" Rtf; 1'93--"/IVAINtikPVIIVICt" AHD-15 bbt sad Zlkeo No 1, lor We by dolt BROW' & KIRKPATRICK PPLEZ--25 bble Green. J reel and for We by dele GILOWN dAGRKPATHICE • XTRA FAMILY FLOUR—In kf Ws, kept :coo study ottland .al 10l Wt by defy BROWN k. KIRKPATRICK HIED FRUIT-100bn rime Peutiesi dell " BROWN dlitirlfralla 'LrOLABSES-100 bb Plantation Holum", land 1.11 Ina from staamar Bones , and for oalo by delft JAMES A HUTCHISON A CO Q UGAII-46 talks prime Otor clop) ssed per ste • • er Telegraph No I, sod tar Welty 6012 /AXES A HIMCHHION k CO ICE— tierces Com Ltd for ode by 1.6. del* ,-- JAMES • HUTCHISON kCO -- lege= • • • maim O NS eta Rene,o octaves, price M. t " " " 6 " " For nit for each al the above prices, by del2 ,JOHN H AW.LLOH, 01 Wood I VI ew new style 5 octave 3 . . deons, rico from !Mtn IR_ and for sale by de.l2 JOHN H 111 F nn, 81 Weed st ARD-40 krt. In nom and (Or Bala by 1.4 doll R DALZFLL & CO, Liberty al - - - gEG SUITED, Dry A p ples and Doubts, ramie for and for rale by debt_ _ It DALZELL &CO, Liberty at __ law — o - 2 Pittsburgh. Y VINO, Mill be pabliged ahon a time powlbie; and I cm wan my autweribers, and the public generally, that it Mall be aurairoa— both in Adam of detail and beauty of execution—to any other whatever. Let those who &nab; walla few weeks andme. WHITEXIELD. Now Yom, De. dth,1049.--Idell Ohio i Pommytoasts Railroad Conner. OTICIE..draa Stockholders of the Ohio and Penerylrania Railroad of are hereby natl. Pi that the Annual Meeting of Ineckhedders, and Eleatioe of Director', will be hold lithe Compeers °Mee, in Pittsberyk,onThanday the lthl of /estuary, tedo, between the hours o(10 A. &t. and 3 P. ht. By order of the Board of Directors. . ashen, 0., Nov. 30,1341. J. 3. BBOOICES. Noca—Extrem from the Itl Section of the Act Ineoutorating the Ohio end Pantsryhmnia Railroad Company:— Atter the first election of Diftttolll.l3o person WWI "tote on any share on which any instalment is dne and "unpaid!, instalme nt - Sew Vaskey mond 'Variety Goods. )1/IE are nooreaciving, from ono of oar drat east, oar second supply or FALL GOODS, cansisuna vory smelt in oar . llne, to which (with ev e ry sa• Joy ol LOOSING 01 VISA of oar own mouth. ens) we earths attention of Wcatern Merchants and • thee buyers. dell KENNEDY & SAWYER 181—A 1 • assortment • TOYS, Wel • roan. dies' Ebony. Rosewood, and Mahogany WORK =MMM2MI SUBSCRIPTIONS uo the "Aarawcan Axe Um." ne4l at Kennedy & law THOMAS KENNEDY, dclt Honorary &me TWO LOrs OP GROUND, letiß. by en ,aele (thusly to rent of Disciple.' Cbanten on Bank Lane, Allegheny, for sale on nottoomodeting tering, by 401.1 BOL. BCHOYEGL 110 Penland et B E b A y riS-60 bbl d ajlf CII I I PAID POD BART I y SILL, lld Wood at u""slar4rPrVet°l7b..,., CHEESE -1 z „ .. e x tr . vet i e L; Grh br b yy dell • JOHN leTr t CO "LOVED SEED—Prune new, ter sale by dell JOHN WATT CO L - 11911-100 bbl. No. 1,2 ovil 3 31”korel; bfbbia No 2 20 cuts Codldb for sale by doll JOHN WATT & CO •39-440 bore. .onad est ior ‘47 sale by • dal JOHN WATT eo SLED PEACHES 300 b lo more and tor We by dell JAMES DALZELL p A NNERs , 011.-50 bbl. fitralt%_la Eon and for 1 dell • 71ND0W 0t.003-110Crla, Oil% 120 doled; 67 • v ro 10,04; as do Uzi% AMU.. &CV. broad, • ruyealur ankle, Oa sea by dell /ANDES DAUM!, 14 Water st 4.2 IL MOL aflMl3-16 I:ddstn non and for ash law A 7, v. ""trala FisH--30hr bias No 3 llaekeiel; " No dell " Mu. tabooed. JAIIEsDALZF.LL . el MAR a iiiOLeSSES—IS MA; Melo crap) N. (I 17 .4,goe; bbt (be. erop) N. 0. Malabo -- VI " ' 11 " lail AXIS, WILSON & CO 3 v , DRIEdel D b I 40 / 1135-115 bbl.A. I.' B C 4 mad tANFIELD by kjCIRAD CIDEL-.410b1. nivel= &dom CANFICL., tor toolo b dela B WILSON Ir. CO, Water et B ars *eat MIL T PAST and om y t a ILol.lllltg I toed and for We by La WATK deto llliAbl, No3l W.ter, andel Frosts M=2=;tm BUl='46 "I:.,*(r.k ftlit;diVAo,'lLZlN ciornts-ta tar ..par!.....ak?,2.l..m i tt o ter slaty •jlllfiD !Li .4iials by WO '"VS WATERMAN _ 61B&-1001M assorted. Is store sad (or sale by dab I,o Wood -x for sale by -- DIRICSAUCERS poss Jan rech —. . del° 1 KIDD k CO, SO Wood -- • _ }IONDUILAS BAILSZePAPILLA ROO2-1 bale genuine, In store and for isle by deto JKIDDA, BEEN /Lena-n-4es bblojust reed. for role by Vr drip COPE t BREITOGLE, 103 Second la MINIPS—Itibm lc ittrire-and forrale by der° - COPS & BREYFOOLE, ...and rit. pOTATOLN-15 Obis jog reed and for wad by dolo COPE k BILFYFOOLE BUCKIVILLEAT FLONII-75 acct / In Ewe .4 for sale by de. COPRF.IFF(.) LE . RED POTATOI 3 -173 bu in store and for sale by dada COPE & EEEYFICKSLE HEESE—A =ILE lot in store sad &fish! by dell COPE & BREYFOGLE DOW fIADH—An arriortimira in .to r e mid for aeto COPE it DREYFOOLD_ WiNDOW GLAI3B-9SO &to lured. lo Coro end for sole by delo COPE & lIREYFOGIAL 811.00113-75 dux In note and lb, bble by da • BROWN & KIRKPATRICK EA—lo ekes. Jenkins a Co•sPhiladeipbla peeked T Y H Tea, ima ree , d, alai for We by deb BROWN & KIRKPATRICK APP ONIONEC-70 stk. received and for we by del . ARMSTRONG k GROZRR POTATOES Ws - 73 1n store ned for We by de? ARMSTRONG t CROZRR EpiORGE H. ELLERY, of New Yorkjazol FLUSH andLy, of Philadelphia, have (his day been d as partners to our Dames*, which will he cautioned under the same dm as heretofore, at No. 27 Church alley, Philadelphia, Lod No. 16 Ezell e Pl ace, NeurVork. E. id. DAVIS k C l a g Philadelphia,,Deo.l,l6l2.--(del•lni _ . TEAMBOAT COUNTERPANES - A. A. Muos & 0 Co. have jest feted on consignment, hart the se.- afaeumers 4 eases Steamboat Counterpanas. Algo— -1 oases Firm] Ceauterpanes, 19 qrs wale. deb, DUCE:En—MI du, Beaver munfaetaye, fa co. JP by de • J DILWORT k TEAS -A large ud Iburdnortment non ud for side low by del 5 DILWORTH &CO "V EC) & ROLL BUITERLEI cote bad ay nib le jlh. to duo boasti by dee • I DILWORTH kCO lIL I PEACHES-10 b. wgrialitTrlia. H. tr, N. O. MOLASSES—For We by dell • / Et DILWORTH & CO 111 O. BUGAR—a. mall lot sounor, jut teed oa consignment sad lot sale be See JB DILWORTH & CO RED (Raglishj— B l. RA o cooksUN & R reosi EITER uld for doe COPAL VARNISH -0 bbbt, pure ardele, for sale by dc6 BRAUN & REITER • TepAN vearium-I bbl reel and for We Le dee BRAUN FLOUR—SI bble Praah, reed.ard ter sale by BOP BBIDOE, WILSON CO, dee Water meat HONEY—I, bblo Mis. Hone , for sole by deS BUEBIUDO • WILSON CO QUOAR-101tbds N O, nom ctop,jvct reed and for 'A7 ado by BROWN tr- KIRKP4TRICIL, do(' No 144 LltoNty sEreet 'BACON SIDIZ , -A mail lota cboicoßaeou lost rec'd by dclo COPE t BREYPOOLE GIINNY ILLOS—OCCI3 in more and far sale by delo - COPE BHEYFOGLE Bi°d l 2 E a 4 " 3- A `X,'OlV' WEFT POTATOPS-15 bbls in store end for We C",l by dolo CAPE do BILEYFOCILE OCEON3-4 eels just reed and for nabs by dela COPE& BREYFOGLE 'a rrE eto LEj ‘ D—° ' " Pvi cx)"P"r& Bu=tE. fIEESNUTS WANTED—The highest price le cash f. for CYemcb,P.l Rm MITER-3 !Ads prime fresh, reel Ws day end for We by del° TASSEY & BEST rreu.olvm cuuska red ind foj dal° 8 & .l e AAB/01011 1100)15-3U dot, a good article, tot sale by delo St W tIMIBaUOII,I ~~l~l~~lN.\~l9~> ^r~Y•7"r7`~~rRTd(•C~TI4RT~~ FLOUR I I S Vida:ll 4 ra Fatal, Davis! brand; bblaSaperana, boat brands; In nom and for sale b • dead STUART it SILL, pEATEIEIIB-1300 lbs, besz quality, far rile by dell) . STUART /h. SILL NMI 'BUTTER—InI3ms and Rene, In more and for sale JUI by dela STUART zr, BILL CHN O MEAL-100 ba old, In stare and for Ws by del° STUART t BILL, 1.19 Wood st 'DOLL BUTTER-10 boo, in cloths, jag ree'd u all • .11, , Battor and Meese Dopoyand for We by , now&ad for sale , tr cANE i viD F WO' /SHE E-1000 hzs prism Cream, jaai reel and for a. o r satabi. D CANFIELD `■,l , <./.i'~~Wn~4FiTrl't COLT IN f""-1""""' Falti 'd e e t ELPINER M? "'APSES-60 bajnbt teard and air sale by D CRAIN & SKINNER . BUCILIVREAT FLOOR - 4 13 mks reed, for sale by dal CRAIG* SKINNER FLOUR -IGI bbl. Ruh, Jim:treed and toi aslo,by ar.2 CRAIG & bKINNER GGREENAPPLES-1956b41n store awl for eite by Asti CRAIG I SKINNER TIMED PEACHES-30 be Is stare Rad far rte by deß CRAIG& (GUNNER MED APPLEI-23bn instate and for sale by del CRAM ds BEINNEIL OTATOEIB-730 bu In afore and far We D) deb CILLIG t EIKUINF.II 'B dcs S-10 bblm Small WhllicitmalzgaNtios. S UNDItU I3I7: k Th rt=n 4 d i at il TZ dcB - CRAIG &15KINNEK COL.-Imb. lb rum and for rah by dal CRAIG k SKINNER % d? VN ARMSTRO N G & CROZ SbEy LARD—Z 3 kegs k store sad for nib by da7 ARMSTRONG & CROZ ER UTTER-1Z kegs ree'd and for wOo by deg ARMSTRONG Ir. CROZER GREEN APPLES-870 bblz, reed and for see by del ARMSTRONG ASROZER OTICHWRFAT FLOUR-150 sacks Nut reed and 6r El cab dc7 ARMSTRONG & CROZER CORN BROOMS-30d. reed arid fotiala by de ARMSTRONG &CROZER ONIES—FORTE MONIES—Ride:, .118'4. aleq roeeo •Ittil e26l o, jut re " Algy r xpre r sr, and for Sail! by doB C TEAG ' ER, lad Market - LOVES-1 ease - Woolen and Cotton GLOVES, a . OperillT article, jest med sad for sale bp• doS C VEAGE 108 Market et - ErENITIAN BLIND TRIMMINGS-000 ps Wont ed Binding,- and 150 Emu Wonted Cord, reed yet en Wyoming, and for eele low by • C YEAGER, 108 Market et BLACKING -4 bbl. Mason's superior Blacking on hand and for sale by 'den .0 YEAGER STEM; GOODS-4 dn Steel Bead Purses; 4 Crotchet " 12 Steel " Reticules; 10 " Crotchet " ' . • Rett'd by express and_ for Ule by deeYEAGER,IOO3 Merkel st a ! 4 'T ! R. MURPHY Os Ude k on j n=e mad *nods . ar supply of these desirable 1, warnuned net to aluink waildng, and w eh have given so mach winaraellon to those who have used then. Also, • supply or anger Demesne Flannels, of oil colons. Flee Fenian end Gauze Flannels, for Infants' weer. SWANSDOWN FLANNELS, a very scarce' and de , !arable artlele—and Cowry Made Thumb, baned, white and brown. W. S. M. laving, within a few days, replenished aced „, ~, , btf /101:11 - 4 - Call .4 {0 oedemas; end buyers generally, an assortment of Goode rarely to be met Ina at Ma mum. fli%Vbelesale Hamm op . etmn. • deS more ad for ale ART tr. BILL. ThIPERIAL as INGRAIN CARPETS.—We can of fer the lama sad but Iwinlmvatorlaaperhtl and, tupelo Carpets ever Omagh% to this mutat, +t rsa prrorni. cheaper than eon to found buy other house Ist Otis city. We Invite those wishing. to furnish etsamboals or Houses to eel sad - exam. oar eyes. sire assor.tment betote parChating elsewhere. Cam .Warebouss—No-.lFounh street. dee -. • W At,CLINTOCK T Rai NG & RAG CARPErd—Always en hand and LI for gala ...t W ArCliatoek,a Carpet Wareltoate, 73 FOarta street. BIEBURGIS —We write Steel attentia oflites• • V boat Men to oor large Stool of Lowell Drina, / covering decks, whtcb we tell cheap. .Comet War • house, 73 Fawn. el. den W bPCLINTOCK V E V L elyet PE!LCErityie—Vital'a L.? 'aTeV be pi:yawed in any of the eastern clam. Vlfe Invite Mesa wishing to daridab Steamboat. or Houses, to give as a call bebre par:lumber" . ' Carnet Wareimase„Foash @tres W s. bI'CLINTOCI deß TAPESTRY. a faiSSELS cngrEis.—:Wa offer to out cuss:town and friends-the choicist Tapestry Brussels Carpets ever brought to this marker, of the latest and most approved styles and coloss i which wo will sell as low as can to purchased to t ethe east. MS 73 Fourth st. W CINTOCHt. 'l3l RUSSELS CARPET/I.—W. hl , Cultioca cress to jj purchasers e larire and handsome assonment of the most approved patterns Brae o . l. Caro, ehesper than ever beforeroftered to this Market. Call sada:amens our stock before poselmaing elsewhere. dee W hi , CLINSOCK, 75 Foy* et • =EI xr 0. 5UOAft-9 1 bhds (new c ro p) N. 0. &lg.,' .04 . insueed on comirannni snd to , We by • deB.3t• A 'GORDON TIOLLIDAY PREPARATIONS-3m( rec'd; o 6. e • ILL moment of am Good. to LT litolFia Wateboo, Welk .firmlry, Faze, 000 W. 40 . dc.l3 conker Fourth andVEICL. ' , OLD PENS—Of ;adult:II:1i riskesi-md • Yen mp , r i oe Pea nuusiftatedla a Otd•t•ir• W. W wdedd, Jere; W. W Wi•lidh. medium; for sale by des • . - %VW WILSON VESIICII OPERA TRESSES—N., 6peutoß. der jr Ammo MLA EalmAdered Fnincti uper. Dre. woo entre new ante. at dell AA. Mama Ca. 60 morket at . IDO kip Not, stare =flu % % ILAN -11-WA. Ity. John D. Davis. homaiDomeor On S. nluy erunnit, Dee. lath, at 4 el.:leek, at tie Commercial !kilts Room, corner of Wool arid Fine will be seld, • law collection of val . eable sweet. laneaus Books, by entalosae, compriang Ptilloeopby. Vcrykyes and Travels, Ana and Selene, ' TheellogYi Ri.14,7, /Date!. Poetry, Eb*raphy, ks many of Anon rlegintly ithmtrated mum and lates; also, sanoly bibles, prayer books, blank book*, leiter and rap writing paper, ke - Catalogue. ready for delivery. del3 Assagares Safsof. a Choroit4 Sr' ons,arbi 124 *MS On Friday morning, the Ilth inst, at in o'clock, at the. Commercial Sale. Rooms, earner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold, by orderer 14.0. Leslie, Eno., Assignee oi Rhodes 6 Lowry—the entire mock of Clothing - ,Fine Shirts.TailoraiTrimuninmbEte., eon. a'ring of limier White Shirts, with wide and narrow plaits; leper White Shins, French embroidered; yolk Mill and Euellon Inn, Cloth Shine, .711% French nieces and yoke neck: Open Weak mod Fancy Shim.. Linen Shirt Collars: Check Shim Merino and Red Flannel Shins and Lirawerr; super Cloth. Casaimers aid' Tweed Mania and Ross'. Dress, ProskiSaok and Damptp Coals; black and fancy Cloth. CassunereBa. linen, Tweed. Cottonade and Drill Pants; Satin, ' Silk, Cashmere, Cloth, Valencia end P.n.' Vestal ~green and blue Jackets: Linen Coats and Rpandaboot.; French and English . Cloths and Cassimeres: Muslims, Flannela, super Vestibro Silk and Satin Cravats and Snicks Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, .tianbrel , las, Walking Canes, Caps, Catalogues will be ready, and the goods can be at ,..mined on Wednesday. Terms—YU days' credit for approved endorsed note. on 11%11111 over MOO. doll Adatratarrotor's-Strli of lionsokold Frarettare, On iirednealler morning; Dee.. 11% at 10 o'clock, so the late residence of Richard Gray, drie',T, in the City of Allegheny, on the East Common, will be solo the entire macho( Household and Kit t. Furniture, tre., belonging to that estate, among *hick are Mahogany Secretary and Boot Case, Sideboard, Centre Table, Theta and Breakfast Tables, Bodateads,, Mahogany Sofa, Wardrobes, Chairs, Looking Classes, Eiabt Day Clock, Feather Dads, Mattrasses, Bedding, Qoaans ware, o.ass.rare, Carpeting, Window ke. Also-1 One Boron Fatally Carriage and Harms, t MdchCow. Terms at axle- . del° JOHN D DATL%Anet STEAM BOATS FOR CINCINNATI s ea. The apleedid steamer RINGGOLD, . Capt-Cope, anll leave faith. above and W intermediat-pens a thi day at 4 ehtlock, P. AL: Per freight e , passage, apply err board ' &oath - FOR NEW ORLEANS. - - w ag s. " • • Ile 6. steamer 5. Tvrui EMPIRES bo .C.l.2,ausicrwill leave _ot o s ..., d Lutemedikla P.M 0 . 7 nd the 13th inet.,;el 4 o'clock,?- I M. o board for fr6shl or P°mr' 7i.4;taaEw & CO A. de! errrsaugua AND WHEELING PACKET. • The._ splendid fast mining steamer I LOUIS btelsablE, W. &•.Conwell, master, (having _undergone a eon. : re repair,)) Intl ma hereafter ea a - reviler packet rte viler tend Wheeling, leaving Pittsburgh aw r y Wednesday and Frldercombigs, at 9 o'clock. For freight er passage em -on board, or to • d, c rt ARSIST NO COCKER, Menu/. FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. The sgoadld new steamer TELE'ORAPII No. Janea,marter, wilt leave for above intermediate port on dd. day, the Ith Met, at 10 o'clock a n. For (relight or passage apply onboard, or to BAKER & FORSYTH, ar eels GEO B MILTENBERGER, Agt. The fine passenger Steamer - VERMONT, Flatlets, master, Will leave for the above and all Intermediate 'porta this dey next at 10 Wallach . , A. M. • Trerfrelght and passage !apply onboard. - 'deal! FOR ST. LOUIS. : The vplendid fiat steamer Z. TAYLOR, .Luny, ?Samar WI lure for the bova i and all atertnadltua . ports pp Oda day, the Mb ant., at 4 &pipet., F.M. For {wen . a apply on board. - -daell MEMO FOR CINCINNATI, . The splendid A tirotekai- memos s..f . stsatiti Q. Balled IC; talltrlT, (or above and all isatttneimsto Faris oa this day, [9h it lO o'clock, 4V.111. - For fselen oy outage .ly on board.oitd ded s . st• s . t. REGULAR PAS T FOR MARIETTA AND ESVILLE. - 7,- • The splendid simper . .. - __.. EMPRES,r . Cox,master,'lsill-leorc tar go above end all anterrondlent pcoth , ..ors Rana. der, the Bth toss, at 2 o'clock, P.M. _. ~.. .. Forereight cr passage, apply on boardA _ _r to d ' ~. 11 , B W/LEFLIDR,n AV FOR LODISVILLF: . '".' .T . te,keloodigag l as i. er 'puke Allmon muter, WI% re for Looisirillo tOrday, the m a t= ar . , • - • : FOr fretght ra posaage GEO D. Di lnp i lz to dee7 TEM:MAGER, AAA. - FOR. ST. LOMA. • The eplendld fast pusedger packet •iIItiLAGALA, 141„A, Cot muter, or lesda for , above li as and allaarenotakr pores ea Wednesday, the Id o'clock, A. For octant or paasage, apply oo board, or to. ocalo . = G a MILTENBERGER , • The splendid steamer , . 1161IBURG, Caldwell, master, will Leave for the se and all 'intermediate ports be Tuesday, the 4th inst., - at 10 Weloek, - 6. hi. • For.freight or Interest apply on board, or to no 90 • ILhIILTENDM.• JAF . - itE.VIS - LihA iriTnikr - roa - C - 517a1v, Ts Loutsvuze.' The fine fur naming Steamer "Steeps master, alllieoverorthe ober. Mat•nd Inteimedisda !Italia/11bl. day, • 3,1 at I Voce., P.. 21. F " r ' i t " P""4" iArli d i dee..l STiLsR peckzr FOR RettietWliAlllVEß. The fast - running Re mar' jamW. PHILLIPS, Newton; master, will • leave for Gal ' lipolia and Kana wha river;on Friday, , so 4 Web:mt. Fotigtt or l'a pl on board,oioloo ANSTcOTO d caozEß. FOR alt4Fo/1-8.-WIMELINO7 . . The fine steamer NVELLSVILIA `. - :W; X" Capt. Higgina; km fitvallals neer) Mon , -..—..• • • . y and yebevnnn. every Pnday at I, P. M. act.l9 - ARMSTRONG avitozr-ri-- do: reed uld for Web/ ARMSTRONG A CROZER FOR ILiNAWHA ANIS GALLIPOLLS. ~,,,,,..„.. The splendid fun Tanning steas9? REVEILLE, .- Stone, master, will leave, for abase and ail mtensiedlate • pots on Batas "Ar.v.".,lZLlira"w4sfo`ttilg,s..;:,. • For freight or passage, apply on boiled, -oka r10P.20 P=IOREW & CO, Ago PITTBBI7IICH ihat DALLY PAC . KET - LI.NE.. I.rsls 1418'..0 known line of splendid piuseuger Sumter O now composed of the torrid, irsriftestsb. hed and furnished, end men p.werrob... no tea Watch of die West. Every accomuudstihn and ern.. ~. fort at money can procure, has been provided fnrpar. smog re. The Line has been in 0,0111.104 for five years —h carried a million of people vaitlessashe laiut iniu- ry_to heir person, The bone will. tie or th e t oo, "_ Woo street the dal previous to suiting - , fi: . te . 7 , .!1if .r I t i ;r * . * tf h e t and th * e * ; n ' tle r rTeroo Otlotl. PH 37; edema e. .. . SUNDAY PACISEY, • ' T AAC NEWTON, Captain' Hemphill, _erit ; lam itsburgb every Eandityniortdrialt le oiclool., Wheal every Sudsy evening Sill! P . ~,. May • ' 1517.• , _...- 1110 DAY . The Id NONOAHELA,Caphiiirore,will Leave hue. ~.1.,", Monday gurning at 10 o'clock; Wheelies' every Monday erenutcnt 10 rs. . ..•, IYIIVIIThiIrPACtiVa I / 4 . The 11113ERNIA Na 2, Car. J. Er.hivresvon, w in leave Pittalioryre every TiosibY ...jut -10 g at 10.o'cloct . Wheeling overyTersilsy evening al,c --- WgDfrgafrirßlCOZZT. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Copt. S. 111. I, W4l ! lease Pittsburgh every 'Wed:legal ion ii Welick; Wbeeimit ..'' .. 05 . ' ...d g e"bbe • tor.," THILIDSDAY-VACsiilT. THILIDSDAY - V2LbehiiTs The maiLuAls - r, .Caps. Guts, will, lee,. tr,.,. burgh every Tburgay morning ol IC o'cioci; Wheehii, - every ThmTltir evemng 010 P. r.,, _ ir f t fit rr i rV re i ti i t c ' The CLIPPER No. 2, CO4. Pam Deist, IsillieSva, Pittsburgh every Friday morning at 10 o'elrice; When, n, i,,,, every riday evening at 10 I, m. ~ • --__...L.. PHILADELPHIA ANDATL ANYIC STEAM I7A .„ V. !DATION "compiays LINE. D.B nail Gt.oavvoldp I . IIILADZI. SUS: FOR. •HAVANA,..‘ . ::•,. \ %HA Cad KLEHTtiN, AND 9A.V.A.. Alf. .. ' ... ' THHooniand epiendia. v ... 4 ` . `c ..o.` \- ] Stsanithip , PHIL Atibli.. ......ic,f . ..... . 1 t. Plll4, 3, , Cioll%gtar,Fo,' Illis;L:- ik inandet( 9.111 novlnve i ti ; i: ' 'i M I )9,A ... ;.1 1 1 1 a f Tfi L o P n, t 1 'd vienn 'lPb ith 1 . _ . • , T 1116 b ei . oe ,d h . i A.....bL i‘. flan, We ti: Edina p / aft * ':'; ' ,Nratrioo " ted ' Locl ° °-• The Philadelphia hat N otaractiallaw. unaorpatted by any ileum get boll ti d bang d noble aide laser =Tine topics, of gtea s ennth and poait, folLteit• anee ion be planed /boon het for safety, 'peed sod comfort. Pomona.* fo . a k ‘w Orleans. coo take the titaT at Havana, or t the land rootaat Charleston or 'imolai, and ptoneed dlreetly on.' ' an tor ran TO IlaviTA . ~ Ladies'Sal and Mato Room Beni, ••• •• - Gentleme Saloon and State Boom Derth••• •• Pteeragn ertlis, Dowd found • • • ....... ' '2.,,,„ . e : ...or Naas To entautorol Mtn 0 0 , 57:7 - 4 011 '-' Cat.l4'essage, State 800/21, to Sayan. , • .•. i s Stec Pusogo, toSavanoidt, and foto.' .. ... • - C•hin imago to Charleaton••••••• -7 -- ,-.... io Stieme Pawns' " : and fond9",:a„ o f ipi, II Tiekete Mint ha proeured ~, %.... ~ , ,,,O.rd el. Orlipapy, N. 97 :South Witarrea i fnat , t ,„_...,,,, i , A. NV. THOMPSIaNir".. — Joan , L; Luton, Tretuurer.—ldn'l L e 4 4'l-- 1 , I.' - ir"? , 1•I 4 - la - lgavigToiiiiit - comp nta i . - • NOTICE TO STOOKEIOLO.ERS:,. _... - AN Annual Mordos of Ms Vtookliol , AT f'L 11 . _ , .../, , _ .0.d.b.1. NT , TVTUOU COOrTiZA 0i 7.1.7 . pitman. of the DrONITICeII* of o 1., ~,,, the ,ci iy , potation, at We i r (Mee on Grant Ftr ,l l, , .1...... i, Invelrrh, on olondav, the vivo+ _ ,L„,,„, , sc . A. It. 1890, in Vii`elock, P,bl , lot t in 6,..,2 tor the toning yeas, . . , ilea to Whl .ItAXENVEL• , - • ..i t •" •" ` rtialigEßElDTAl7l3=l" `'; I._, petiat Long and alio Boyar. Caiamene:an 13 coo lanairls reenl pet capon*. and nor =4/ m tIcV --- A. =ECM iouv D DAVIS, Auet if ATAIRDAY. PAC , 03rjaet li v o t ; T A F e d e d p .. t y l a. ..l . 7 4 ne g w ee l i elinK every FrAny trill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers